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NCM 106

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PCC PHILOSOPHY : Pines City Colleges believes that education makes a man and that a holistic education brings about the most
desirable changes in an individual’s personal and professional life.

INSTITUTIONAL MISSION: Pines City Colleges commits to provide holistic quality education, transformative interprofessional community
engagement, and evidenced-based clinical practice to compassionate lifelong learners who are responsive
to current and emerging local and global health needs.

INSTITUTIONAL VISION: Pines City Colleges envisions itself as a Center of Excellence in the health professions education co-creating
equitable societal health.

Passion. In every endeavor that we undertake, we do it with enthusiasm, commitment, and dedication.

Integrity. We embrace to do what is ethical, fair and right.

Nurturance. We nurture honesty, openness, and respect necessary for our Professional undertakings. We believe in the nurturance of the stakeholders as
partners for institutional growth and relevance to the society we operate in.

Excellence. We strive for the highest personal and professional achievement in all aspects of life-long learning.

Service. We are responsive to the changing environment and need of the society. We commit ourselves as catalyst of positive change and builders of the

GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES: Professional Competence; Communication Skills; Critical Thinking; Analytical and Leadership Skills: Ethical, Social
and Environmental Responsibility: Productivity

COLLEGE VISION: The College of Nursing envisions itself as a Center of Excellence in nursing education co-creating equitable societal
COLLEGE MISSION: To provide quality education, active Community involvement, and scholarly inquiry to learners with ethico-moral principles responsive to
local and global health needs.

COLLEGE GOAL: To produce competent nurses who are equip with proper attitude, knowledge and skills to occupy first level professional
positions in any health facilities.

Pines City Colleges – College of Nursing aims:
1. To nurture caring, competent, compassionate and culturally sensitive nursing students imbued with ethico-legal and spiritual values.
2. To hone nursing students with leadership and entrepreneurial skills in the delivery of nursing care.
3. To provide nursing students guidance for acquiring knowledge and expertise through the utilization of techno-intelligence care systems and processes in the health
care delivery.
4. To imbue in nursing students the desire and capability to advance knowledge in nursing practice through continuous learning, research and proper utilization of
research findings.
5. To instill principles of partnership and collaboration to improve delivery of nursing health services.

1 Name of Course PHARMACOLOGY

2 Course Number NCM 106
3 Semester and Year Offered First semester, Second Year
4 Credit Units Theory: 3 units
5 Contact Hours Theory: 54 hours
6 Independent Learning
7 Co-requisite/s (if any) NCM 101, NCM 102, NCM 103
8 Course Description This course deals with pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, clinical / therapeutic uses of drugs in health promotion, disease
prevention, restoration and maintenance, and rehabilitation of clients across the lifespan utilizing the nursing process. Emphasis is
given on the nursing responsibilities related to safe drug administration through medication monitoring and client education. It also
includes complementary and alternative therapies. The learners are expected to develop beginning skills in the safe administration
of medication

9 Program At the end of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program, the graduates will be able to:
1. Apply guidelines and principles of evidence-based practice in the delivery of care.
2. Document to include reporting of up-to-date client care accurately and comprehensively
3. Conduct research with an experienced researcher
4. Engage in lifelong learning with a passion to keep current with national and global developments in general, and nursing and
health development in particular.

1. Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural and health sciences and humanities in the practice of nursing.
2. Perform safe, appropriate, and holistic care to individuals, families, population groups, and community utilizing nursing process.
3. Communicate effectively in speaking, writing, and presenting using culturally-appropriate language.
4. Practice beginning management and leadership skills using system approach in the delivery of client care.
5. Apply techno-intelligent care systems and processes in health care delivery.

1. Work effectively in collaboration with inter-, intra-, and multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.
2. Demonstrate responsible citizenship and pride in being a Filipino.
3. Practice nursing in accordance with existing laws, legal, ethical, and moral principles.
4. Adopt a nursing core values in the practice of the profession
5. Personify passion, integrity, nurturance, excellence and service in social and professional undertakings.
10. Level At the end of the second year, given a normal and high-risk mother and newborn, child, family, population group and community in any
Outcomes health care setting. The learners demonstrate safe, appropriate, and holistic care utilizing the nursing process.
11. Course Given Simulated and actual situation in community setting, the level 2 students will be able to
Learning Knowledge:
Outcomes 1. Apply guidelines and principles of evidence-based practice in nursing pharmacology.
2. Document to include reporting up-to-date client care related to drug therapy.
3. Engage in lifelong learning with a passion to keep current with national and global developments in general, and nursing
pharmacology and health developments in particular.
1. Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural and health sciences and humanities in nursing pharmacology
2. Provide safe, appropriate, and holistic care to individuals, families, population group, and community utilizing nursing process as
applied to nursing pharmacology.
3. Communicate effectively in speaking, writing and presenting using culturally-appropriate Language in medication administration.
4. Practice beginning management and leadership skills using systems approach in nursing pharmacology.
5. Apply techno-intelligent care systems and processes in safe medication administration.
6. Apply entrepreneurial skills in nutrition and diet therapy

Attitudes/ Values
1. Work effectively in collaboration with inter-, intra-, and multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams using the basic knowledge of
nursing pharmacology.
2. Adopt the nursing core values in the practice of the profession as applied in safe medication administration.
3. Practice nursing in accordance with existing laws, legal, ethical, and moral principles in the delivery of care to individual, family
4. Advocate for responsible citizenship and pride as a Filipino nurse.
5. Demonstrate passion, integrity, nurturance, excellence and service related to pharmacology

12. Alignment of Course Learning Outcomes with the Pines City Colleges Graduate Attributes
Professional Competence 1. Practice nursing in accordance with existing laws, legal, ethical, and moral principles in the delivery of care to individual, family
2. Apply guidelines and principles of evidence-based practice in nursing pharmacology.
3. Document to include reporting of up-to-date client care accurately and comprehensively

Communication skills 1. Communicate effectively in speaking, writing and presenting using culturally-appropriate Language in medication administration.
2. Work effectively in collaboration with inter-, intra-, and multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams using the basic knowledge of nursing

Critical Thinking 1. Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural and health sciences and humanities in nursing pharmacology
2. Provide safe, appropriate, and holistic care to individuals, families, population group, and community utilizing nursing process as applied
to nursing pharmacology.
Analytical and Leadership Practice beginning management and leadership skills using systems approach in nursing pharmacology.
Ethical and Environmental 1. Demonstrate responsible citizenship and pride of being a Filipino
Responsibilities 2. Adopt the nursing core values in the practice of the profession as applied in safe medication administration.
3. Demonstrate passion, integrity, nurturance, excellence and service related to pharmacology
Productivity 1. Engage in lifelong learning with a passion to keep current with national and global developments in general, and nursing pharmacology and
health developments in particular


Integrate knowledge of physical, social, natural Fundamental Concepts of Pharmacology
and health sciences and humanities in nursing
pharmacology. A. Drug Definitions and Classification Lecture-Discussion 3 Hours Google Form
generated Quiz
Apply appropriate nursing concepts and actions B. Drug Standards and Drug Information and Exam
holistically and comprehensively: Pre-recorded /
- Discuss the pharmacodynamics of C. Pharmacodynamics Synchronous Lecture
specific drugs. 1. Therapeutic Index and Drug Safety Instant
- Explain the pharmacokinetics of given 2. Graded Dose Response Relationship and
drugs. Therapeutic Response
- Analyze the factors affecting responses 3. Potency and Efficacy
to drugs. 4. Cellular Receptors and Drug Action e-module / printed
5. Types of Drug Receptor Interactions Module
D. Pharmacokinetics (LADME)
1. Liberation Flipped Classroom
2. Absorption
3. Distribution Position Paper
Adhere to ethico-legal considerations when 4. Metabolism (Biotransformation)
providing safe, quality, and professional nursing 5. Excretion Rubrics on
care: E. Factors Influencing Responses to Drugs Position paper
- Relate the laws, legal, ethical and moral F. Drug Legislation Controlled Substances, Generic
principles in drug administration to Drugs, Orphan Drugs and Over – the – Counter Drugs
specific cases.
Assess with the client one’s health Nursing Process in Pharmacology
status/competence in relation to drug
administration. A. Assessment Pre-recorded / 3 hours Google Form
1. Drug History Synchronous Lecture generated Quiz
Formulate with the client with reference to the B. Planning and Exam
prescribed medications a plan of care to address C. Intervention Interactive Discussion
the health needs/problems based on priorities. 1. Drug Administration
2. Medication Orders
3. Medication Safety
4. Seven Rights Case Analysis
Determine the specific nursing 5. Dosage Calculation
considerations/precautions in safe drug
administration: D. Client Education
Rubrics for
E. Evaluation
case analysis
- Interpret a medication order accurately. F. Recording and Reporting

Drugs Affecting the Body System Pre-recorded /

- Relate the rights in drug administration Synchronous Lecture
to patent safety. I. Reproductive System 12 Hours
1. Reproductive Hormone
Overview of reproductive Hormone Rubrics for
- Compute accurately the drug dosage for Action instant
a given medication orders. Indications feedback
Overview of Nursing Management
1.1. Estrogen
- Practice correct decision making skills 1.2. Progestins
in safe drug administration 1.3. Oral Contraceptives Group Discussion
1.4. Androgen / Anabolic steroids
1.5. Androgen Inhibitors

General Information
Pharmacodynamics/ Action
Pharmacotherapeutics/ Indications
Provide appropriate health education related to Pharmacokinetics
drug therapy. Contraindications/ Cautions
Group Activity
Drug interaction s
Side/ Adverse Effects
Nursing Management
Common Estrogens , Progestin, Oral Interactive Discussion Rubrics for
Contraceptive/ Androgen steroids, and group activity
Evaluate compliance and response of client to Androgen Inhibitor Instant
the medications prescribed. Feedback
2. Agents Used in Labor, Delivery, and Postpartum
Overview of reproductive Hormone
Use available clinical evidence that can ensure Overview of Nursing Management
safe medication administration. 2.1. Oxytocic Agents
2.2. Tocolytic Agents
General Information
Pharmacodynamics/ Action
Pharmacotherapeutics/ Indications
Document client’s condition/response/ outcomes Contraindications/ Cautions
related to drug therapy. Drug interaction s
Side/ Adverse Effects
Nursing Management
Common Oxytocic and Tocolytic Agents

II. Cardiovascular System

1. Cardiotonic Agents
Manage resources (human, physical, financial, 1.1. Overview of Cardiotonic Agents
time) efficiently and effectively in safe drug Description
administration. Action
Overview of Nursing
Digitalis Glycoside, and Other Cardiotonic
General Information
Pharmacodynamics/ Action
Pharmacotherapeutics/ Indications
Contraindications/ Cautions
Drug interaction s
Side/ Adverse Effects
Nursing Management
Common Cardiotonic Agents

2. Antiarrhythmic Agents
a. Description
b. Action
c. Indications
d. Overview of Nursing Management
2.1. Class I antiarrhythmic Agents
2.2. Class II Anti arrhythmic Agents
2.3. Class III Antiarrhythmic Agents
2.4. Class IV Antiarrhythmic Agents
2.5. Unclassified Antiarrhythmic Agents

General Information
Pharmacodynamics/ Action
Pharmacotherapeutics/ Indications
Contraindications/ Cautions
Drug interaction s
Side/ Adverse Effects
Nursing Management

3. Antihypotensive Agents
Overview of Nursing Management
General Information
Pharmacodynamics/ Action
Pharmacotherapeutics/ Indications
Contraindications/ Cautions
Drug interaction s
Side/ Adverse Effects
Nursing Management
4. Calcium Channel Blockers
Overview of Nursing Management
General Information
Pharmacodynamics/ Action
Pharmacotherapeutics/ Indications
Contraindications/ Cautions
Drug interaction s
Side/ Adverse Effects
Nursing Management
5. Beta Adrenergic Blockers
Overview of Nursing Management
General Information
Pharmacodynamics/ Action
Pharmacotherapeutics/ Indications
Contraindications/ Cautions
Drug interaction s
Side/ Adverse Effects
Nursing Management
6. Nitrates
Overview of Nursing Management
General Information
Pharmacodynamics/ Action
Pharmacotherapeutics/ Indications
Contraindications/ Cautions
Drug interaction s
Side/ Adverse Effects
Nursing Management
7. Angiotensin- Converting Enzyme (ACE)
Overview of Nursing Management
General Information
Pharmacodynamics/ Action
Pharmacotherapeutics/ Indications
Contraindications/ Cautions
Drug interaction s
Side/ Adverse Effects
Nursing Management
8. Cerebral and Peripheral Vasodilating
Overview of Nursing Management
General Information
Pharmacodynamics/ Action
Pharmacotherapeutics/ Indications
Contraindications/ Cautions
Drug interaction s
Side/ Adverse Effects
Nursing Management
9. Diuretics
Overview of Nursing Management
9.1. Carbonic anhydrase (CAH)
9.2. Osmotic Diuretics
9.3. Loop Diuretics
9.4. Thiazide and thiazide-like diuretics
9.5. Potassium Sparing Diuretics
General Information
Pharmacodynamics/ Action
Pharmacotherapeutics/ Indications
Contraindications/ Cautions
Drug interaction s
Side/ Adverse Effects
Nursing Management
10. Lipid -Lowering Agent
Overview of Nursing Management
10.1. Bile Acid-sequestering resins
10.2. HMG- CoA reductase Inhibitors
10.3. Miscellaneous lipid -lowering Agents:
General Information
Pharmacodynamics/ Action
Pharmacotherapeutics/ Indications
Contraindications/ Cautions
Drug interaction s
Side/ Adverse Effects
Nursing Management
11. Anticoagulant, Thrombolytic, and
Hemostatic Agents
Overview of Nursing Management
11.1. Anticoagulant
11.2. Thrombolytic
11.3. Hemostatic
General Information
Pharmacodynamics/ Action
Pharmacotherapeutics/ Indications
Contraindications/ Cautions
Drug interaction s
Side/ Adverse Effects
Nursing Management

III. Respiratory
A. Antihistamines, Decongestants, Antitussive Pre-recorded /
Overview Synchronous Lecture
a. Description Google Form
b. Action generated Quiz
c. Indication 18 Hours and Exam
d. Overview of nursing management Interactive Discussion

B. Antihistamine
C. Decongestant
D. Antitussive
E. Expectorant

General Information
Pharmacodynamics/ Action Flipped Classroom
Pharmacotherapeutics/ Indications
Contraindications/ Cautions
Drug interaction s Instant
Side/ Adverse Effects Feedback
Nursing Management Reporting

IV. Gastro-Intestinal
A. Antiulcer, Antiemetic, and Emetic
Agents Rubrics for
a. Description Reporting
b. Action
c. Indication
d. Overview of nursing management
1. Antacid
2. Gastric Stimulant
3. Histamine-2 receptor antagonist
4. Antiemetic Agents
5. Emetic Agents

General Information
Pharmacodynamics/ Action
Pharmacotherapeutics/ Indications
Contraindications/ Cautions
Drug interaction s
Side/ Adverse Effects
Nursing Management

B. Laxatives and antidiarrheal Agents

a. Description
b. Action
c. Indication
d. Overview of nursing management

1. Bulk-Forming Agents
2. Lubricants
3. Hyperosmotic Agents
4. Stimulants
5. Saline Laxatives
6. Stool Softeners
7. Antidiarrheal Agents

General Information
Pharmacodynamics/ Action
Pharmacotherapeutics/ Indications
Contraindications/ Cautions
Drug interaction s
Side/ Adverse Effects
Nursing Management

V. Endocrine System
A. Pituitary, Thyroid, and Parathyroid
a. Description
b. Action
c. Indication
d. Overview of nursing management
B. Pituitary Hormone: Growth Hormone
C. Pituitary Hormone: Anti diuretic Hormone
D. Pituitary Hormone: Adrenocorticotropin Hormone
E. Thyroid Replacement Hormone
F. Antithyroid agents
G. Parathyroid Agents

General Information
Pharmacodynamics/ Action
Pharmacotherapeutics/ Indications
Contraindications/ Cautions
Drug interaction s
Side/ Adverse Effects
Nursing Management
H. Antidiabetic Agents
a. Description
b. Action
c. Indication
d. Overview of nursing management
1. Insulin
2. Oral Hypoglycemic Agents

General Information
Pharmacodynamics/ Action
Pharmacotherapeutics/ Indications
Contraindications/ Cautions
Drug interaction s
Side/ Adverse Effects
Nursing Management

VI. Renal System

VII. Central Nervous System Autonomic and

Peripheral Nervous System
A. Anesthetic Agents Pre-recorded /
a. Description Synchronous Google Form
b. Action Lecture generated Quiz
c. Indication and Exam
d. Overview of nursing management
General Information
Pharmacodynamics/ Action Interactive 18 Hours
Pharmacotherapeutics/ Indications Discussion
Contraindications/ Cautions
Drug interaction s Rubrics for
Side/ Adverse Effects case analysis
Nursing Management
B. Narcotic Analgesics
a. Description Flipped
b. Action Classroom
c. Indication
d. Overview of nursing management Rubrics for
1. Purified Alkaloids of morphine feedback
2. Semisynthetic Modification of Morphine or
3. Synthetic Narcotics Reporting
General Information
Pharmacodynamics/ Action
Pharmacotherapeutics/ Indications
Pharmacokinetics Rubrics for
Contraindications/ Cautions group activity
Drug interaction s
Side/ Adverse Effects
Nursing Management
C. Drugs Associated with Neurologic and Psychiatric
1. Cholinergic and Adrenergic Agents
a. Description
b. Action
c. Indication
d. Overview of nursing management
1.1. Direct-acting Cholinergic
1.2. Anticholinergic Agents
1.3. Anticholinesterase Agent
1.4. Adrenergic Agent
1.5. Antiadrenergic Agent

General Information
Pharmacodynamics/ Action
Pharmacotherapeutics/ Indications
Contraindications/ Cautions
Drug interaction s
Side/ Adverse Effects
Nursing Management
D. Central Nervous System Stimulants
E. Antiepileptic Agents
F. Antiparkinson Agents

a. Description
b. Action
c. Indication
d. Overview of nursing management

General Information
Pharmacodynamics/ Action
Pharmacotherapeutics/ Indications
Contraindications/ Cautions
Drug interaction s
Side/ Adverse Effects
Nursing Management
G. Antianxiety Agents, Sedatives, Hypnotics
a. Description
b. Action
c. Indication
d. Overview of nursing management
1. Benzodiazepine antianxiety
2. NonBenzodiazepine
3. Barbiturate Sedatives
4. NonBarbiturates antihistamine sedative
5. Hypnotic Agents

General Information
Pharmacodynamics/ Action
Pharmacotherapeutics/ Indications
Contraindications/ Cautions
Drug interaction s
Side/ Adverse Effects
Nursing Management
H. Antidepressant Agents
a. Description
b. Action
c. Indication
d. Overview of nursing management
1. Tricyclic Antidepressant
2. Selective Serotonin reuptake inhibitors
3. Monoamine Oxidate (MAO) inhibitor
4. Antimanic
General Information
Pharmacodynamics/ Action
Pharmacotherapeutics/ Indications
Contraindications/ Cautions
Drug interaction s
Side/ Adverse Effects
Nursing Management
I. Antipsychotic Agents
a. Description
b. Action
c. Indication
d. Overview of nursing management

General Information
Pharmacodynamics/ Action
Pharmacotherapeutics/ Indications
Contraindications/ Cautions
Drug interaction s
Side/ Adverse Effects
Nursing Management
VIII. Other Drugs
1. Chemotherapeutic Agents
a. Description
b. Action
c. Indication
d. Overview of nursing management

A. Alkylating Agents
B. Antimetabolites
C. Antitumor
D. Plant or Vinca Alkaloids (Mitotic Inhibitors)
E. Hormones

General Information
Pharmacodynamics/ Action
Pharmacotherapeutics/ Indications
Contraindications/ Cautions
Drug interaction s
Side/ Adverse Effects
Nursing Management

2. Drugs for Eye and Ear Disorders

3. Drugs Acting on the Immune System
a. Description
b. Action
c. Indication
d. Overview of nursing management

General Information
Pharmacodynamics/ Action
Pharmacotherapeutics/ Indications
Contraindications/ Cautions
Drug interaction s
Side/ Adverse Effects
Nursing Management

4. Dietary Supplements
5. Alternative and Complementary Therapies
 Halamang Gamot
Use appropriate communication / interpersonal Appropriate Communication Techniques on the Interactive Discussion Instant
techniques / strategies to ensure a working Pharmacodynamics / Pharmacokinetics of Specific Drugs Feedback
relationship with the client and/or support Prescribed to Clients
system in medication administration.
Ensure intra-agency, inter-agency, Institutional Policies and Guidelines on Safe Drug Experiential Learning Instant
multidisciplinary and sectoral collaboration in Administration Feedback
medication administration.
Inter-professional Practice Related to Pharmacology
Maintain a harmonious and collegial relationship
among members of the health team for effective,
efficient, and safe client care.

Collaborate with other members of the health

team (prescriber / doctor, pharmacist, nurse, and
client) in the implementation of safe drug

Apply principles of partnership and

collaboration to improve delivery of health
Assume personal responsibility to keep abreast Current Trends and Clinical Alerts in Nursing Pharmacology Journal sharing Rubrics on
with current trends in nursing pharmacology. Reflective
Exemplify love for country in the service of the Filipino Culture, Values, and Practices in Relation to Drug Experiential learning Instant
Filipinos Administration Feedback

Customize nursing interventions based on

Philippine culture and values.
Discuss the various technological advances in New Technologies Related to Drug Administration Interactive Learning Instant
ensuring safe medication administration. Internet Information Feedback
1. Government Sites
2. Nursing and Health care Sites

Manifest professionalism and excellence in Nursing Core Values as Applied in Pharmacology Interactive Discussion Instant
planning for safe medication practice. Feedback
12. Learning Resources:
Laptop, Audio-Visual materials,
Online pharmacologic activities
Journal Articles
Pharmacology Books

14. Final Course Requirement

Intended Learning Outcomes Required Output Due Date
1. Formulate with the client with reference to the prescribed medications a Case Analysis PRELIM
plan of care to address the health needs/problems based on priorities.
2. Determine the specific nursing considerations/precautions in safe drug Reporting Midterm
3. Determine the specific nursing considerations/precautions in safe drug Reporting Final

15. Assessment and Grading System

Computer Generate/ Online Google form quiz/ Exam Computer Generate/ Online Google form quiz/ Exam Computer Generate/ Online Google form quiz/ Exam
Instant Feedback Instant Feedback Rubrics for Reflective Journaling
Rubrics of Position paper Rubrics for Reflective Journaling Rubrics for Oral Presentation/ reporting
Rubrics for Reflective Journaling Rubrics for reporting / Oral Presentation Attendance
Rubrics for Case Analysis Attendance

Grading System:
Prelim Grade (PG) : CS x 2 + Prelims exam/3
Midterm Grade (MG) : CS + Midterm exams/2 + PG/2
Final Grade (FG) : CS + Final Examination/2 + MG/2

16. Course Reference

A.1. Required Readings/Reference Book
Mccuistion E., (2019), Pharmacology, A Patient Centered Nursing Process Approach, 9 th Edition, Singapore: Elsevier.

A.2. Other References

Karch, A. (2017), Focus on Nursing Pharmacology, 7th Edition, Wolters Kluwer.
Adams, m., (2017) Pharmacology for Nurses, A Pathophysiology Approach 5 th Edition, Pearson
Nursing Drug Handbook 2020, Wolters Kluwer
Kozier, B. and Erb, G. (2016). Fundamentals of Nursing; Concepts, Process and practice: Pearson prentice hall
Better Pharmacology, 10th Edition

B. OTHER RESOURCES such as websites, audio-visual learning materials, journals, etc.




-“Adopted from ADPCN Resource Manual & CMO 15, s. 2017, with PCC enhancement


Dean, College of Nursin

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