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Department of Education

Region III
Division of City of San Fernando (P)
San Fernando North District
School ID 307603
Teacher: John Nathaniel M. Roque Learning Area: Principles of Marketing
Quarter: III Grade level: 11
Date: March 16, 2022 Observation no: 1

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

(Scheduled Classroom Observation)

A. Content Standard:
The learners demonstrate an understanding of marketing principles, goals, and traditional and
contemporary approaches to marketing

B. Performance Standard:
The learners shall be able to plot marketing goals and approaches for product and services.

C. Learning Competencies:
MELC No. 3-4 Discuss the goals of marketing. Identify and explain contemporary marketing

D. Objectives:

1. Define the four Marketing Mix.

2. Understand the importance of Marketing Mix in business.

3. Create brand logo and tagline as part of promotional strategies.

II. CONTENT: Marketing Mix (4 P’s – Product, Price, Place, Promotion)


References: Principles of Marketing, So-Torres (2016), Zarate Z.A 2017 Kotler, Armstrong
Teacher’s Guide pages:
Learner’s Materials pages:
Textbook pages:
Additional materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal:
Other Learning Resources: Slideshares and

A. Presenting new lesson Indicator 5- Maintained learning environment
Let’s play “Like and Dislike” that promote fairness, respect, and care to
encourage learning)
The teacher will show images and learners
will like or dislike the icon, activity, the price Learners will be encouraged to participate on
of product and different promotional the activity and analyze their consumers
strategies. buying behavior.
Indicator 3- Used effective verbal and non-
verbal classroom communication strategies to
 Product – Cake
support learner understanding, participation,
 Services – Salon or Spa
engagement and achievement.
 Price of Halo-Halo
(The learners will also encourage to
 Car with lower Price
participate and will share their answer by
 Vlogging
liking (raising right hand with like sign and
raising the left hand with dislike sign)

Indicator 1- Apply knowledge of content within

and across curriculum teaching areas.
(Discussing of change of demand due to

MELC No4 Applied Economics

The learners analyze market demand and
supply and market equilibrium

B. Establishing a purpose of the lesson Indicator 5- Maintain learning environment

Guide Questions: that promote fairness, respect, and care to
encourage learning)
1. What is your basis on buying the
product? (Encourage the learners to participate and
2. What are your interest? Vlogging? share their ideas to the class and remind the
Social Media? learners that respect the opinion of the

C. Presenting examples/instances of the Indicator 3- Used effective verbal and non-

lesson verbal classroom communication strategies to
support learner understanding, participation,
Marketing mix - What Are the 4 Ps? engagement and achievement.

The four Ps of marketing are the key factors (Acknowledging the opinion of the learners
that are involved in the marketing of a good
and provide positive feedback)
or service. They are the product, price,
place, and promotion of a good or service.
Often referred to as the marketing mix, the Indicator 1- Apply knowledge of content within
four Ps are constrained by internal and and across curriculum teaching areas.
external factors in the overall business (Discussing of MELC No 3&4 Principles of
environment, and they interact significantly Marketing (within learning areas) Explain the
with one another.
value of customers and identify and describe
The 4 Ps are used by companies to identify relationship development strategies)
some key factors for their business,
including what consumers want from them,
how their product or service meets or fails
to meet those needs, how their product or
service is perceived in the world, how they
stand out from their competitors, and how
they interact with their customers.

Product refers to a good or service that a
company offers to customers. Ideally, a
product should fulfill an existing consumer
 A product feature is a specific piece
of functionality that has a
corresponding benefit or set of
benefits for the user.

Many of the most successful products have

been the first in their category. For example,
Apple was the first to create a touchscreen
smartphone that could play music, browse
the Internet, and make phone calls. Apple
reported total sales of the iPhone to be
$71.6 billion in Q1 2022. 3  In 2021, Apple hit
the milestone of selling two billion iPhones.

 Brand Name – Logo applied by a

manufacturer or organization to a
particular product or service. brand
names are most often strategically
thought-out marketing tools geared
toward establishing consumer
awareness and fostering brand

 Packaging means the wrapping or Indicator 1- Apply knowledge of content within

bottling of products to make them and across curriculum teaching areas.
safe from damages during (Discussing of MELC of Araling Panlipunan 9
transportation and storage. It keeps a Week 4 MELC10 Naipaliwanag and
product safe and marketable and
interaksyon ng demand at suplay sa
helps in identifying, describing, and
promoting the product. kalagayan ng presyo at ng pamilihan)

Price is the cost consumers pay for a
product. Marketers must link the price to the Indicator 2 – Use a range of teaching
product's real and perceived value, but they
strategies that enhance learner achievement
also must consider supply costs, seasonal
discounts, and competitors' prices. in literacy and numeracy skills.

Marketers also need to determine when and (Show some computations on pricing
if discounting is appropriate. A discount can strategies on discounting and explaining
sometimes draw in more customers, but it some words that easy to understand or
can also give the impression that the comprehend.)
product is less exclusive or less of a luxury
compared to when it is was priced higher.

Discount Price

Discount pricing is a type of promotional

pricing strategy where the original price for a
product or service is reduced with the aim of
increasing traffic, moving inventory, and
driving sales. People are drawn to lower
prices because consumers love feeling as if
they are scoring a good deal.

Payment Method A payment method is a

way that customers pay for a product or
service (cash, COD, credit card) Credit
D. Discussing new concepts Indicator 3- Used effective verbal and non-
Place  verbal classroom communication strategies to
When a company makes decisions support learner understanding, participation,
regarding place, they are trying to engagement and achievement.
determine where they should sell a product
and how to deliver the product to the (Acknowledging the opinion of the learners
market. The goal of business executives is
and provide positive feedback)
always to get their products in front of the
consumers that are the most likely to buy
them. In some cases, this may refer to
placing a product in certain stores, but it Indicator 5- Maintain learning environment
also refers to the product's placement on a that promote fairness, respect, and care to
specific store's display. encourage learning)

 A distribution channel is a chain of (Encourage the learners to participate and

businesses or intermediaries through share their ideas to the class and remind the
which a good or service passes until learners that respect the opinion of the
it reaches the final buyer or the end others)
consumer. Distribution channels can
include wholesalers, retailers,
distributors, and even the internet.
Indicator 4 – Establish safe and secure
What is warehousing? learning environments to enhance learning
through the consistent implementation of
 Warehousing is the process of storing policies, guidelines and procedures
physical goods or inventory in a (Constant reminding the learners of wearing
warehouse or storage facility before
facemask even on sharing their thoughts )
they are sold or distributed.
Warehouses safely and securely
store and protect products in an
organized way, making it easy to
track an item’s location, when the
items arrived, how long the item has
been there, and the quantity on hand.
 For a small or new business,
warehousing their inventory may be
done from home until they outgrow
the space. At that point, the business
will have to rent storage space, lease
a warehouse, or outsource logistics
to a third-party and store inventory in
their warehousing facilities.

E. Continuation of the discussion of new Indicator 4 – Establish safe and secure

concept learning environments to enhance learning
Promotion through the consistent implementation of
Promotion includes advertising, public policies, guidelines and procedures
relations, and promotional strategy. The (Constant reminding the learners of wearing
goal of promoting a product is to reveal to
facemask even on sharing their thoughts )
consumers why they need it and why they
should pay a certain price for it.

refers to any type of marketing

communication used to inform target
audiences of the relative merits of a product,
service, brand or issue, most of the time
persuasive in nature. It helps marketers to
create a distinctive place in customers'
mind, it can be either a cognitive or
emotional route.
 Advertising is a marketing tactic
involving paying for space to promote
a product, service, or cause. The Indicator 1- Apply knowledge of content within
actual promotional messages are and across curriculum teaching areas.
called advertisements, or ads for MELC Quarter 3 Week 1 of Media Information
short. The goal of advertising is to Literacy- Discuss responsible use of media
reach people most likely to be willing and information.
to pay for a company's products or
services and entice them to buy.
 Personal selling is also known
as face-to-face selling in which one
person who is the salesman tries to
convince the customer in buying a
product. It is a promotional method by
which the salesperson uses his or her
skills and abilities in an attempt to
make a sale.

F. Developing Mastery
Indicator 4 – Establish safe and secure
1. The teacher will present some
learning environments to enhance learning
Company Logo and learners will
through the consistent implementation of
identify them.
policies, guidelines and procedures
2. The teacher will show some products
with prices and identify if EXPENSIVE (Constant reminding the learners of wearing
or CHEAP. facemask even on sharing their thoughts )

Indicator 5- Maintain learning environment

that promote fairness, respect, and care to
encourage learning)
(Encourage the learners to participate and
share their ideas to the class and remind the
learners that respect the opinion of the

G. Finding practical applications of

concepts and skills in daily living

Nowadays, consumers have a lot of choices

as simple foodchain, we have Jollibee and
McDonalds meaning Good Marketing
Strategy will lead the company on TOP.

H. Making generalization and

abstraction of the lesson Indicator 5- Maintain learning environment
that promote fairness, respect, and care to
Learners will share what have they learned encourage learning)
on today’s session. (Encourage the learners to participate and
share their ideas to the class and remind the
Guided Questions:
1. What is the importance of good learners that respect the opinion of the
packaging? others)
2. What is the impact of good pricing

I. Evaluating learning Indicator 3- Used effective verbal and non-

verbal classroom communication strategies to
Think of your business in the future and support learner understanding, participation,
draw or create your LOGO. (Brand Name engagement and achievement.
and Tagline is important in Marketing
Strategy. (Acknowledging the opinion of the learners
and provide positive feedback)
Learners will be assessed using the
attached rubrics.

J. Additional activities for application

and remediation
Indicator 4 – Establish safe and secure
learning environments to enhance learning
Remind the learners on their module for through the consistent implementation of
Week 4 and submit it on Friday. policies, guidelines and procedures
(Constant reminding the learners of wearing
facemask and following the footmarks in
leaving the classroom.)

Prepared by: Noted by:


Master Teacher II Principal III

Reference: DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016 (Policy Guidelines on Daily Lesson Preparation for the K to
12 Basic Educ. Program)

Criteria 5 4 3 Score
Design ❖ Layout is ❖ Generally ❖ Layout could
organized good layout use
and uses ❖ Has minor improvement
consistent inconsistency ❖ Two or more
style or one inconsistent
❖ Color distracting elements
element ❖ Hard to read
scheme has
❖ Color scheme fonts
visual appeal
clashes ❖ Layout
and works
distracts from
with content
❖ Fonts are content
legible and
Clarity ❖ Claim, main ❖ Claim, main ❖ Infographic
idea is idea is made makes a poor
obvious and ❖ Some initial
easy to graphics or impression
understand visuals are ❖ Confusing
❖ No unneeded
graphics or
❖ Infographic
makes a
good initial
Representation ❖ Design ❖ Design ❖ Design and
elements are elements are visuals are at
clearly clearly odds with the
informed by informed by content or
content content claims being
❖ Visuals show ❖ Visualizations made
connection to fit the data
content and and the claim
create a ❖ Visualizations
visual flow does not fit
❖ Visualization the data and
s fit the data the claim
and the claim
Timeliness ❖ The ❖ The ❖ The
infographic infographic infographic
was was was
submitted on submitted on submitted
the 2nd later than all
scheduled scheduled of the
submission submission scheduled
of outputs of outputs submission
of outputs

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