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Complex Analysis, Gamelin, II.4 Problems and Solutions

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Inverse Mappings and the Jacobian

Inverse Mappings and the Jacobian

1. Sketch the gradient vector fields u and v for (a) uiv=e z , (b) uiv =Log z. (a) e z=e xiy =e x e iy=e x cos y i[e x sin y]. Thus, u= e x cos y ,e x sin y and v=e x sin y , e x cos y . Whence, the vector field looks like

(b) Log z=log zi Arg z . Whence, u=1/ 2 log x 2 y 2 and 0 if x=0 and y=0 v= arctan y / x . Thus the vector field looks like if x0 arctan y / x if x0


Inverse Mappings and the Jacobian

2. Let a be a complex number, a0 , and let f z be an analytic branch of z a on ( , 0 ] . Show that f ' z =a f z / z. Without loss of generality, suppose f z =e a Log z e 2 i a m . Then, by the chain rule, we get f ' z =e 2 i a m e a Log za1/ z=a f z / z. 3. Consider the branch f z = z 1z on [0,1] that has positive imaginary part at z = 2. What is f ' z ? Be sure to specify the branch for the expression for f ' z . On the principal branch,
2 1/ 2

2=21/ 2 e i / 2 = 2cos /2isin /2= 2i is positive. Now,

2 1 /2

f ' z = z z =1/ 2 zz

12 z =

12 z . (c.f. Q2.) 2 z 1z

4. Find the derivative of Tan1 z. Find the derivative of tan1 z for any analytic branch of the function defined on a domain D. d Tan1 z = d 1 Log 1iz . Using properties of the principal dz dz 2 i 1iz d 1 1 i i 1 Log 1izLog1iz = = 2 . By the definition of branch,this equals dz 2 i 2 i 1i z 1iz z 1 log, we know that the derivative will be the same for any branch. (As the only difference between any two branches is a constant which vanishes after differentiation.) We would expect that

] ]

5. Suppose g(z) is an analytic branch of cos1 z , defined on a domain D. Find g ' z . Do different branches of cos1 z have the same derivative?
2 1 /2 d cos1 z =i d [ Log z z 212 i m]=i11/2 z 1 2 z = i . Thus, there are 2 dz dz z z 1 z 21 two possible derivatives. (Again, the constant term vanishes after differentiation.)

6. Suppose h(z) is an analytic branch of sin1 z , defined on a domain D. Find h' z . Do different branches of sin1 z have the same derivative? Since sin 1 z :=i log iz 1z 2 , we can see a priori that there will be two different derivatives. 7. Let f (z) be a bounded analytic function, defined on a bounded domain D in the complex plane, and suppose that f (z) is one-to-one. Show that the area of f (D) is given by 2 Area f D=D f ' z dx dy . First, Area f D= f D dx dy . From the change of variable formula, we can compose the constant function with f to obtain

D Det J f dx dy =D f ' z dx dy.

This completes the proof.


Inverse Mappings and the Jacobian

8. Sketch the image of the circle {z 11} under the map w= z 2 . Compute the area of the image. The circle has its center at z = 1 and has radius 1. Under the map, the radius will be squared. However, this image is the very same circle. Thus, the area is . 9. Compute

D f ' z 2 dx dy
for f z =z 2 and D the open unit disk {z1}. Interpret your answer in terms of area. From Q7, the integral is , the area of the circle under the image. 10. Show that if z = f is a one-to-one analytic function from a bounded domain V onto U, then DU g , h=D V g f , h f . By definition, D U g , h=U DU g , h=V
g h g h dx dy. Now, U = f V , so we obtain x x y y g f h f g f h f =D V g f , h f , as desired. x x y y

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