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Personal Development
| SEM 1 2022

Self Concept
● The organized, consistent set of ● Physical Self
perceptions and beliefs in oneself ○ our body & its parts,
(Carl Rogers) functions & the food that we
● Self perspective intake or eat
● Total outlook of a person towards ○ one of the most important
herself/himself aspect
○ exercising, sleeping,
Components dancing, skincare is a way
● Self Image to develop your physical
○ personal view, how you self
perceive yourself ● Cognitive Self
● Self Esteem ○ ability of our mind, way of
○ opinion about yourself, how absorbing information or
we value and perceive learning healthy activities
ourselves for our brain
● Ideal self ○ intellectual & mental
○ aspiration, dreams in ● Emotional Self
yourself, the person you ○ the way we handle our
want to be emotions, feelings or react
with a certain
IMPORTANT INFO ● Spiritual Self
○ higher being, religious
“Actual self” is the way in which a activities, meditation, and
person sees himself now. “Ideal self” is activities that are good for
the way in which a person would like to our soul
see himself. ● Social Self
○ how we interact to other
people our personality in
Holistic Development front of them & how we
deal with each behavior
● process of self-actualization and
learning that combines an
individual’s mental, physical, Human Development
social, emotional and spiritual ● changes that we undergo as we
growth. grow older that includes our
● we need to consider this ↑ to attain experiences & wisdom, that we
holistic development have learned, developmental task
● it is the wholeness/completeness & expected achievements in each
of a person stage
● Holism - approach to ● Growth - quantitative changes,
understanding the human mind & can measure
behavior that focuses on looking at ● Development - qualitative
things as a whole changes, can’t measure
- when you are missing you ↑ need
to use to feel the completeness

Personal Development
| SEM 1 2022

Cognitive Development Theory Psychosexual Development Theory

● Jean Piaget ● Sigmund Freud
● how can a child understand & cope ○ father of psychoanalysis
up in a environment ○ has a book about the
● cope with different problems & interpretation of dreams
issues and knowing how to ● it gain interest when it was
address it publicize
● think & process of things ● Erogenous Zone
● ability of one’s mind intellectual ○ a sensitive area on the
aspect body
○ must be satisfy through the
Sensorimotor (stage 1) care of parents/caretaker
● Toddler (0-2 y.o) ○ if not cared fixation occurs
● senses are developed
● in order to process/understand the Oral Stage
info gain in their environment ● erogenous zone: mouth
● Object Permanence ● if not satisfy fixation: drinking,
○ describes a child's ability to smoking, or thumb sucking
know that objects continue
to exist even though they Anal Stage
can no longer be seen or ● erogenous zone: bowel & bladder
heard. control
○ familiarity ● fixation: disorganized
● toilet training must be applied
Pre Operational (stage 2)
● Preschooler (2-7 y.o) Phallic Stage
● use symbols to represent a thing ● erogenous zone: genitals
● engaged in pretend play ● begin to discover the difference
● still egocentric between girl/boy
○ thinking only of oneself,
without regard for the Latency Stage
feelings or desires of ● sexual feelings are inactive
others, self-centered, ● calm stage
madamot ● started to develop their social skills
● imaginative (thinking they have & more prone to socialization
superpowers), can do simple tasks
Genital Stage
Concrete Operational (stage 3) ● Maturing sexual/interest
● Elementary Students (8-11 y.o)
● idea of conservation (ex. if may
money ka na isang bente & apat Psychosocial Development Theory
na lima alam nila na parehas yun ● Erik Erikson
but if a preschooler mas pipiliin nila ○ ego psychologist
ang madami) ○ expanded the idea of
● apply logic to concrete examples Freud’s Pyschosexual
Formal Operational (stage 4)
● Teenagers-Adult (12-above y.o) Trust vs. Mistrust (stage 1)
● their logical thinking is level up & ● 18 months
think abstractly ● feeding must be done

Personal Development
| SEM 1 2022

● most fundamental stage in our life

● caretakers must be consistent

Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt (stage 2) Integrity vs. Despair (stage 8)
● 2-3 y.o ● 65 y.o - death
● toilet training must be done ● reflection on life
● starts to gain little independence ● determine whether we lived happily
● develop a sense of control over or full of regrets/despair
their body
Initiative vs. Guilt (stage 3)
● 3-5 y.o Environment influences us in our
● exploration/discover new things Personality & Behavior, but not all of
● begin to assert power & control us we’ll adopt it because development
over the world will come in.
● letting the child ask questions
● Initiative - may pagkukusa na ang

Industry vs. Inferiority (stage 4)

● 6-11 y.o
● school activities, achievements &
interaction with other people
● develop a sense of pride
● cope new social & academic
● Inferiority - nanliliit ka sa sarili mo

Identity & Role Confusion (stage 5)

● 12-18 y.o
● social relationships
● developing sense of identity
● sense of self & personal identity
● things you want to do bilang ikaw

Intimacy & Isolation (stage 6)

● 18-40 y.o
● romantic relationships
● young adults need to form an
intimate, loving relationship with
other people
● young adulthood
● Intimacy - involves commitments,
loving, passionate

Generativity vs. Stagnation (stage 7)

● 40-65 y.o
● work & parenthood
● create or nurture things that will
outlast them

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