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Asanid 101

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M. Saleem Gaibie
First Print 2019
By al-Tanzil Institute of Quranic Sciences
Cape Town
Western Cape
South Africa

Any part of this book may be reproduced for teaching purposes with
condition that no changes are made to it.

‫وأكرث القراء ال علم هلم باألساىيد‬
‚And most of the qurrāʾ, they have no knowledge of
– Ghāyat al-Niḥayah: Vol. 2, 400.

ََ َّ
،‫وال بُد للهقرئ نو أنس ٍة حبال الرجال واألساىيد‬
َّ َ ُ ُْ
،‫ونغف ِلٍا‬ ‫ونت ِق ِيٍا‬ ،‫ وجرحٍا وتعديلٍا‬،‫مؤتلفٍا وخمتلفٍا‬
ِّ ََ
ً‫وٌذا نو أٌم نا حيتاج إيل‬
‚It is necessary for the Qurʾānic teacher to be cognizant of
the position of men and asānīd:
those that are agreed upon, those that are disputed,
those that are criticised, those that are relied upon,
those (teachers) who are accurate
and those who are oblivious;
this is of the most important things required‛
– Munjid al-Muqriʾīn: 57.


Contents 4
Foreword 10
System of transliteration 11
Geographical areas of the asānīd 12
The axes of the asānīd 12
Synoptic diagram of these axes and their geographical areas 13
How to use this book 14

AXIS: Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad al-Mutawallī 16
Links to al-Mutawallī via Hunaydī
Aḥmad ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz al-Zayyāt 22
Students of al-Zayyāt
ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Marṣafī 25
Aḥmad Aḥmad Muṣṭafā Abū Ḥasan 30
ʿAbd al-Rāziq ʿAli ibn Ibrāhīm Mūsā 33
ʿAbd al-Ḥakīm ʿAbd al-Laṭīf 36
Ḥasanayn Jibrīl 38
Sanad of al-Zayyāt to al-Mutawallī and al-ʿUbaydī 42
Links to al-Mutawallī via Khalīl al-Janāyinī
Ibrāhīm al-Samannūdī 43
Sanad of Ibrāhīm al-Samannūdī to al-Mutawallī and al-ʿUbaydī 47

Links to al-Mutawallī via Ḥasan al-Juraysī al-Kabīr
Ḥasan al-Juraysī al-Kabīr 48
Ibrāhīm Saʿd al-Miṣrī 50
ʿUthmān Murād 52
Sanad of al-Juraysī via his direct students 54
ʿĀmir al-Sayyid ʿUthmān 55
ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Qāḍī 59
Sanad of ʿĀmir al-Sayyid ʿUthmān and al-Qāḍī to al-ʿUbaydī 62
Links to al-Mutawallī via Makkī Naṣr al-Juraysī
Muḥammad Makkī Naṣr al-Juraysī 63
Sanad of M. Makkī Naṣr al-Juraysī to al-ʿUbaydī 64
Links to al-Mutawallī via al-Kutbī and al-Khaṭīb
ʿAlī al-Ḍabbāʿ 65
Sanad of al-Ḍabbāʿ to al-Mutawallī and al-ʿUbaydī 69

AXIS: Al-Fāḍilī Abū Laylah 71
Students of al-Fāḍilī Abū Laylah
Zakariyyā ibn ʿAbd al-Salām 73
Miṣbāḥ Widn 75
Muḥammad Yūnus al-Ghalbān 77
Asānīd of the Desouki’s in the Seven and Minor 10 Qirāʾāt 79
Asānīd of the Desouki’s in the Major 10 Qirāʾāt 79

AXIS: Muṣṭafā al-Mīhī 81
Yūsuf ʿAjjūr 83
Sanad of Ibrāhīm al-Samannūdī via Ṭanṭā 85
Sanad of al-Ḍabbāʿ via Ṭanṭā 86
Sanad of Ibrāhīm Mursī Bakr al-Abnāsī via Ṭanṭā 87
Sanad of the Desouki’s via Ṭanṭā 88

AXIS: ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Kuḥayl
Students of ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Kuḥayl
Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Khalījī 90
Nafīsah bint Abī al-ʿIlā 93
Umm al-Saʿd 94
Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Ḥamīd al-Iskandarī 97
Asānīd of the Alexandrians to al-ʿUbaydī and al-Nabtītī 101

AXIS: Aḥmad al-Ḥulwānī al-Kabīr 103
Links to Aḥmad al-Ḥulwānī al-Kabīr via Muḥammad Salīm al-Ḥulwānī
Muḥammad Salīm al-Ḥulwānī 105
Aḥmad al-Ḥulwānī al-Ṣaghīr 107
Maḥmūd Fāʾiz al-Dayrʿaṭānī 108
ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz ʿUyūn al-Sūd 110

Links to Muḥammad Salīm al-Ḥulwānī via al-Dayrʿaṭānī
Muḥammad Ṭāhā Sukkar 114
Abū al-Ḥasan Muḥy al-Dīn al-Kurdī via al-Dayrʿaṭānī 116
Links to Aḥmad al-Ḥulwānī al-Kabīr via M. Salīm al-Ḥulwānī/al-Dayrʿaṭānī
Bakrī al-Ṭarābīshī 119
Links to M. Salīm al-Ḥulwānī via Aḥmad al-Ḥulwānī al-Ṣaghīr/al-Dayrʿaṭānī
Muḥammad Kurayyim Rājiḥ 121
Links to Muḥammad Salīm al-Ḥulwānī via ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz ʿUyūn al-Sūd
Ayman Rushdī Suwayd 123
Muḥammad Tamīm al-Zuʿbī 127
Asānīd of the Syrians to al-ʿUbaydī 130

ʿAbd Allah al-Makkī 132
AXIS: ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Makkī 134
ʿAbd al-Mālik ibn Sheikh Jīwan 140
Ḍiyāʾ al-Dīn 142
Muḥibb al-Dīn 145
ʿAbd Allah al-Thānawī 147
Muḥammad Kāmil 149
Ḥifṭh al-Raḥmān 151
Links to ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Makkī via ʿAbd al-Mālīk Jīwan
Iṭḥ-hār Aḥmad al-Thānawī 153
Muḥammad Sābiq Lucknawī 155
Links to ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Makkī via Ḥifṭḥ al-Raḥmān
Fataḥ Muḥammad al-Pānīpatī 157
Asānīd of the Indo/Pak to al-ʿUbaydī 160

From al-ʿUbaydī/al-Nabtītī to ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Yamanī/al-Faḍālī

Asānīd from ʿUbaydī/Nabtītī to ʿA. al-Yamanī via 3 links 162
Asānīd from ʿUbaydī/Nabtītī to ʿA. al-Yamanī/al-Faḍālī via 4 links 163
Ibrāhīm al-ʿUbaydī 164
ʿAlī al-Badrī 164
ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Ujhūrī 164
Aḥmad al-Baqarī 165
Muḥammad al-Uzbakāwī 165
Aḥmad ibn ʿUmar al-Asqāṭī 165
ʿAlī al-Manṣūrī 166
Aḥmad al-Bannā al-Dimyāṭī 166
Muḥammad al-Baqarī 166
Sulṭān al-Mazzāḥī 167

From ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Yamanī/al-Faḍālī to Ibn al-Jazarī

ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Yamanī to Ibn al-Jazarī via 3 links 169
ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Yamanī/al-Faḍālī to Ibn al-Jazarī via 4 links 170
ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Yamanī 171
Sayf al-Dīn al-Faḍālī 171
ʿAlī Ibn Ghānim al-Maqdisī 171
Ibn Abī al-Ḥaram al-Madanī 172
Aḥmad ibn Aḥmad ibn ʿAbd al-Ḥaqq al-Sunbāṭī 172

From Ibn al-Jazarī to the Prophet  via the Shāṭibiyyah 173

Bibliography 175


This book essentially discusses the lives of those who form part of the
scholarly lineage in the transmission of Qirāʾāt. The nature of the content is
therefore biographical. While this book offers some basic premises upon
which the student may rely on, he/she will need to continuously consult
works dedicated to these biographies – books, journals, articles etc. – to
thrive and flourish.
Bear in mind that the objective of this booklet is to provide the student with
the basics in analyzing various asānīd. That being said, it is concise, and
most certainly not comprehensive. Thus, there would be quite a few asānīd
which do not fall within in the skeletal framework provided here.
The focus of the book is upon contemporary asānīd from the era of Ibrāhīm
al-ʿUbaydī – the 1800’s – until present. From al-ʿUbaydī until Ibn al-Jazarī,
and ultimately, to the Prophet , the asānīd are standard.

System of Transliteration
Nr Arabic English Nr Arabic English
1 ‫أ‬ ʾ 17 ‫ظ‬ ṭḥ
2 ‫ب‬ b 18 ‫ع‬ ʿ
3 ‫ت‬ t 19 ‫غ‬ gh
4 ‫ث‬ th 20 ‫ف‬ f
5 ‫ج‬ j 21 ‫ق‬ q
6 ‫ح‬ ḥ 22 ‫ك‬ k
7 ‫خ‬ kh 23 ‫ل‬ l
8 ‫د‬ d 24 ‫م‬ m
9 ‫ذ‬ dh 25 ‫ن‬ n
10 ‫ر‬ r 26 ‫ه‬ h
11 ‫ز‬ z 27 ‫و‬ w
12 ‫س‬ s 28 ‫ي‬ y
13 ‫ش‬ sh 29 ‫َا‬ ā
14 ‫ص‬ ṣ 30 ‫َي‬ ī
15 ‫ض‬ ḍ 31 ‫َو‬ ū
16 ‫ط‬ ṭ 32 ‫َأي‬ ay
33 ‫َأو‬ ou

N.B. Arabic words are italicised except in 3 instances:

1- When possessing a current English usage.
2- When part of a heading or diagram.
3- When the proper names of humans.

The ‚al‛ of the Arabic lām al-taʿrīf is occasionally omitted to maintain flow
of the English.

Geographical Areas of the Asānīd1
The geographical areas considered in this book are three:
1) Egypt; which has been divided into three locations –
a. Cairo and its surrounding areas
b. Upper Egypt (Ṭanṭā and Desouk)
c. Alexandria
2) Syria
3) Indo-Pak Subcontinent

The Axes of the Asānīd

In each one of the afore-mentioned areas, a key-figure has been identified as
an axis; around whom the asānīd of that area revolves:
1) Egypt –
a. Sheikh Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad al-Mutawallī – he is the axis
of the asānīd in Cairo and its surrounding areas.
b. Muṣṭafā al-Mīhī is the axis in Ṭanṭā and al-Fāḍilī Abū Laylah
is the axis in Desouk.
c. ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Kuḥayl is the axis in Alexandria.
2) Aḥmad al-Ḥulwānī al-Kabīr is the axis in Syria.
3) ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Makkī is the axis in India/Pakistan.

The asānīd of the world are predominantly in these three areas. Else, there are
unique asānīd to Tunisia, Mauritania, Iraq and many other places as well.
Synoptic Diagram of these Axes and their Geographical Areas
Sālim al-Nabtītī Ibrāhīm al-ʿUbaydī

Muṣṭafā al-Mīhī ʿAlī al-Ḥaddādī al-Azharī Aḥmad Salamūnah Aḥmad al-Marzūqī

ʿAlī Ṣaqar al-Jawharī ʿAbd al-ʿAṭḥīm al-Dusūqī Aḥmad al-Durrī al-Tihāmī Aḥmad Ḥulwānī Kabīr

Yūsuf ʿAjjūr ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Kuḥayl M. Aḥmad al-Mutawallī

Sayyid Abū Ḥaṭab Ḥasan al-Juraysī al-Kabīr

Al-Fāḍilī Abū Laylah


How to use the book
There are three steps if one wishes to analyze a sanad:
1) Identify the area of the sanad i.e. Egypt (Cairo, Upper Egypt or
Alexandria), Syria or the Indo-Pak subcontinent.
2) Identify the axis of that area.
3) Calculate the amount of links from an individual to the axis to
determine its strength.
M. Aḥmad al-Mutawallī

Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad Mutawallī2
Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad Ibn al-Ḥasan ibn Sulaymān is the axis of the Egyptian
sanad. Most present his name simply as Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, better
known as al-Mutawallī.3 Some also refer to him as al-Mutawallā instead of al-
Mutawallī. Some of his personal manuscripts suggest that he was also well-
known as al-Ṣadafjī, which is linked to Ṣadafah, a town surrounding al-Usyūṭ,
in Upper Egypt. It is also possible that his forefathers came from this town.
The former – as is mentioned in the first line – is how he presents his name
in his book, Mawārid al-Bararah, as well as in some of the ijāzāt written by
him to his students. He was born in Cairo in 1248/1832. Others suggest that
he was born in 1249/1833 or 1230/1815.
Sheikh Mutawallī was blind. Some say he could see as a child but, due to
sickness, later became blind. He was short, with a prominent chest and was
hunchbacked. One of his most outstanding qualities was humility and piety,
which is clearly discernible in many of his writings. He would wear very
simple clothes. On one occasion, due to a huge gathering, his family made him
wear expensive clothes. This troubled him and he disliked it. He never did it

Al-Imam al-Mutawallī wa Juhūdū fī ʿIlm al-Qirāʾāt by Sheikh Ibrāhīm al-Dawsary.
Hidāyat al-Qārī Vol. 2 pg. 698. Biography of al-Mutawallī by Sheikh Abū al-Jūd. Imtāʿ
al-Fuḍalāʾ Vol. 4 pg. 30.
Al-Ḍabbāʾ is alone in rendering his name as Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad ibn ʾAbd Allah,
by adding ʿAbd Allah. Al-Ḍabbāʿ mentions his name in this manner numerous times. It
is possible that ʿAbd Allah was his great, great, great grandfather. Many later writers
have followed al-Ḍabbāʿ in naming him like this. See Hidāyat al-Qārī Vol. 2 pg. 698.
After memorising the Qurʾān, he joined the Azhar University and studied
many Islamic sciences, concentrating on Qurʾānic studies and Qirāʾāt. He
memorised many books of Qiraʾāt and Rasm (orthography), to the extent that
he surpassed many of his contemporaries, and was nicknamed Ibn al-Jazarī al-
Ṣaghīr (the junior Ibn al-Jazarī). His contemporaries, like Makkī Naṣr al-
Juraysī and Ḥasan al-Juraysī al-Kabīr read to al-Mutawallī after they read to his
teacher, Aḥmad al-Durrī al-Tihāmī. He became the Sheikh al-Qurrāʾ of Egypt
in 1293/1876.
Once, while he was the Sheikh al-Qurrāʾ, he traveled to Ṭanṭā. In the mosque,
he joined the circle of reciters. When it was his turn, he read, and some of the
other qurrāʾ started criticising his recitation. Humbly he obliged every time
they corrected him. On completion they asked him from which area he came.
When he informed them that he came from Cairo, they advised him to recite
to a sheikh there named al-Mutawallī. He then responded that he was Sheikh
Al-Ḍabbāʿ relates that while he was still a young boy memorising the Qurʾān,
he met Sheikh al-Mutawallī who was quite old at the time. Sheikh al-
Mutawallī then told his son-in-law, Ḥasan al-Kutbī, to give all his books to al-
Ḍabbāʿ when he died. It is related that it was as if al-Mutawallī knew that al-
Ḍabbāʿ would become a great scholar of the Qurʾān.

Sheikh al-Mutawallī would sit teaching at the Azhar. A scholar approached

him one day and asked him some difficult questions on Fiqh and Arabic,
hoping to belittle him. Al-Mutawallī listened attentively to the questions and

subsequently he asked asked the man if he wanted him to reply in poem or in
prose. The questioner was dumbfounded. It shows that Sheikh al-Mutawallī
was not only a scholar in Qirāʾāt, but a scholar in the field of Fiqh and the
Arabic language as well. He also wrote on Tafsīr.

Written works:
• Manṭḥūmah al-Āl-āna.
• Fatḥ al-Muʿṭī wa Ghunyat al-Muqrī – written on the narration of
• Fatḥ al-Karīm fī Taḥrīr al-Qurʾān al-Ḥakīm.
• ʿAzw al-Ṭuruq.
• Al-Fawz al-ʿAṭḥīm – a brief commentary on the afore-mentioned Fatḥ
• Al-Rawḍ al-Naḍīr fī Taḥrīr Awjuh al-Kitāb al-Munīr.
• Al-Wujūh al-Musfirah – written on the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Durrah.
• Al-Fawāʾid al-Muʿtabarah fī al-Aḥruf al-Arbaʿah al-Zāʾid ʿalā al-ʿAsharah
– written on the 14 Qirāʾāt.
• Al-Luʾluʾ al-Manṭḥūm fī Dhikr Jumlah min al-Marsūm – written on

• Taḥqīq al-Bayān fī ʿAdd Āy al-Qurʾān – written concerning the ʿAdd al-
Fawāṣil (Verse-counts).4

• Sheikh Yūsuf al-Baramūnī – Sheikh al-Mutawallī read from the first
hizb till the seventh hizb combining all 10 Qirāʾāt via the Shāṭibiyyah
and the Durrah and received ijāzah from this sheikh.5 Sheikh Yūsuf
read the Minor 10 Qirāʾāt to Sheikh Aḥmad Salamūnah.6
• Sheikh Aḥmad al-Durrī a-Tihāmī – Sheikh al-Mutawallī read two
khatms to him combining all 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah, as well as the
Four Shādhdh Qirāʾāt to him. Al-Tihāmī read to Sheikh Aḥmad
Salamūnah, as well as studied many books of Qirāʾāt and Tajwīd by

His link to Ibrāhīm ʿUbaydi has previously been mentioned. The following
lists some of his students:
1) ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ Hunaydī – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah to al-

Verse-ends, known as ʿAdd al-Fawāṣil, is a study of the amount of verses in each Sūrah
as well as the differences of opinions regarding it. Unknown to many, this is science
which has seen continuity from the time of the Prophet  until present-day.
Al-Imām al-Mutawallī, pg. 100; Tuḥfat al-Ikhwān, 245.
Kashkūl Ibn Shaʿbān, pg. 110.
2) Khalīl al-Janāyinī – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah to al-
3) Ḥasan al-Juraysī al-Kabīr – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah to
al-Mutawallī, but also read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Durrah directly to
Aḥmad al-Durrī al-Tihāmī. Some say he only read the Seven Qirāʾāt to
4) Muḥammad Makkī Naṣr al-Juraysī – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the
Ṭayyibah to al-Mutawallī, but also read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Durrah
directly to Aḥmad Durrī al-Tihāmī.8 Some suggest that he only read the
Seven Qirāʾāt via the Shāṭibiyyah to him.9
5) Yaḥyā al-Kutbī – he read the Seven Qirāʾāt via the Shāṭibiyyah to al-
6) ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Khaṭīb – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah to
7) Ḥasan ibn Khalaf al-Ḥusaynī – his nephew, Muḥammad ibn ʿAlī ibn
Khalaf al-Ḥusaynī read the Minor 10 Qirāʾāt to him.
8) ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Kuḥayl – he completed the Four Shādhdh Qirāʾāt by
Sheikh al-Mutawallī, if not more than that.10
9) Ḥusayn Mūsā al-Miṣrī – he learnt the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Durrah from
Sheikh al-Mutawallī. Later, in Syria he learnt the 10 Qirāʾāt via the
Ṭayyibah from Ḥāfiṭḥ Bāshā, a Turk. Through Ḥusayn Mūsā’s student,

Kashkūl Ibn Shaʿbān, pg. 116.
From the apparent text of Tuḥfat al-Ikhwān, pg. 172.
Kashkūl Ibn Shaʿbān, pg. 72.
Kashkūl Ibn Shaʿbān, pg. 187.
ʿAbd Allah al-Munajjid, the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah spread
throughout Syria.
10) Shamrūkh Muḥammad Shamrūkh – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the
Ṭayyibah to Mutawallī. Sheikh ʿAbd al-Bāsiṭ Hāshim is his only known

He died on Thursday, 11 of Rabīʿ al-Awwal, 1313/1 September, 1895, and was

buried in Qarāfah, near Cairo.

Links to Sheikh al-Mutawallī via Hunaydī:
Aḥmad ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz al-Zayyāt11
Aḥmad ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz ibn Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad
al-Zayyāt is better known as ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz al-
Zayyāt. He was of the most well-known scholars of
Qirāʾāt during his time and considered an expert in
the field. In spite of all his knowledge and
worldwide fame, he was a man of utmost piety and
humility. People from around the world travelled to Egypt to recite the Qurʾān
to him.
He was born in Cairo in 1325/1907. From a young age he had weak eyesight,
and at the age of 40, he lost his eyesight completely. He had already
memorised the Qurʾān as a young man. He later studied various aspects of
Islamic studies at the Azhar University, including Qirāʾāt. He was later
appointed as a lecturer of Qirāʾāt at the Azhar University. In 1985, he started
lecturing at the Islamic University of Medina. During this time he was also
assigned to review the audio recordings and prints of the Qurʾān at the King
Fahd Printing Press. In spite of all his duties, he had many students who came
to his house and recited to him.
In Shawwāl, 1420/2000 he returned to Egypt and passed away on 16 Shaʿbān
1424/13 October 2003.

Imtāʿ al-Fuḍalāʾ Vol. 1 pg 20; Hidāyat al-Qāri Vol. 2 pg. 634.
• Khalīl ibn Muḥammad Ghunaym al-Janāyinī – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt
via the Ṭayyibah until Surāt al-Dukhān, verse 21. He never completed
his khatm.
• ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ Hunaydī – he read the entire Qurʾān to him
incorporating the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah.

• ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Marṣafī.
• Aḥmad Aḥmad Muṣṭafā Abū Ḥasan.
• ʿAbd al-Rāziq ʿAli Ibrāhīm Mūsā.
• ʿAbd al-Ḥakīm ʿAbd al-Laṭīf – the previous Sheikh al-Maqāriʾ in Egypt.
• Ḥasanayn Jibrīl.
• Ayman Rushdī Suwayd.
• Muḥammad Tamīm al-Zuʿbī.
• Īhāb Fikrī .
• Ibrāhīm Dawsarī.
• Mishārī Rāshid al-ʿAfāsī.
• Sheikhah Nafīsah bint ʿAbd al-Karīm Zaydān.

Many ijāzāt indicate that Sheikh al-Zayyāt read to both Khalīl al-Janāyinī and
ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ Hunaydī, who both in turn read to Sheikh al-Mutawallī.
However, as clarified above, it may be seen that he did not render a complete
khatm to Khalīl al-Janāyinī. Whether he received ijāzah from Sheikh Khalīl for
the remaining of the Qurʾān or not, is unclear.
Until a few years ago it was rumoured that Sheikh al-Zayyāt had the highest
sanad in the world. The reasons that started these rumors are unknown. It is
probable that these rumors started due to the Sheikh’s reputation and fame
not only in Egypt but across the globe. Initially, writers like ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-
Marṣafī mentioned that Sheikh al-Zayyāt had the highest sanad in Egypt,
while others said he had the highest sanad in the world. This is also probably
one of the reasons that many from all over the world endeavoured to read to
Sheikh al-Zayyāt. Upon the Sheikh’s demise, his students still maintained that
since Sheikh al-Zayyāt had the highest sanad in the world, this honour of
having the highest sanad was passed on to them. However, other qurrāʾ had
sanads of equal strength to al-Zayyāt’s, as will be uncovered in this book.

Students of Sheikh al-Zayyāt:
ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Marṣafī12
ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ ibn al-Sayyid ʿAjmī ibn al-Sayyid
al-Marāṣafī was born in al-Marṣafā, Egypt, on 20
Shawwāl 1341/5 June 1923, and later settled and
studied in Cairo. The humble Sheikh was born
into a family of knowledge; all the members of
his family were scholars of the Qurʾān. His
father, who read the Qirāʾah of Abū ʿAmr al-
Baṣrī, was a renowned teacher of the Qurʾān in
their village and many qualified under his skilled training.
Sheikh ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ was brown-skinned with a long white beard. He was a
person of great character, one who personified the Qurʾān. If anyone sat with
him, he would not tire of the Sheikh’s speech, intellect, knowledge and
wisdom. He was a very jovial person and always smiled with those who met
him. Even when he was in severe pain due to illness, he would joke with his
students. People loved to be with him, and he had an intense love for students
and teachers of the Qurʾān. On the other hand, when he sat to teach the
Qurʾān, he was extremely serious, and exhibited an aura of awe and reverence.
When he discussed matters of Qirāʾat or Ḥadith with scholars, he
demonstrated an in-depth knowledge of these sciences in a manner that

Biography written by his student Aḥmad al-Zuʿbī at the beginning of Hidāyat al-Qārī,
Imtāʿ al-Fuḍalāʾ Vol. 1 pg. 239.
captivated them. Those who argued with him concerning certain matters were
refuted with integrity. He shared an intense love for all his teachers, and never
mentioned a scholar except that he spoke well of him.
He recited the Qurʾān abundantly. In fact, he would perform 11 rakʿahs (units)
of the Witr Prayer in which he recited two juz of the Qurʾān daily. During the
month of Ramaḍān, he would not teach. Instead, he dedicated his time in the
worship of Allah, prayer and recitation of the Qurʾān. He would perform the
Tarāwīḥ prayer in his house, in which he recited five juz every night.
Before the age of 10, he had memorised the Qurʾān at the hands of Sheikh
Zakī Muḥammad ʿAfīfī Naṣr. He learnt Tajwīd from Sheikh Rifāʿī Muḥammad
Aḥmad al-Majūlī. Thereafter, he also recited the Qirāʾah of Ibn Kathīr and
Ḥamzah to Sheikh Rifāʿī. He later studied and read the Qirāʾāt of Abū Jaʿfar,
Yaʿqūb, Khalaf, Ḥamzah, and the narrations of Ḥafṣ and Warsh via al-
Aṣbahānī to Sheikh Ḥāmid ʿAli al-Sayyid al-Ghandūr. He then read all 10
Qirāʾāt to Sheikh Muḥammad Ḥasan al-Anwar Sharīf, as well as the Qirāʾāt
according to the Durrah to Sheikh Muḥammad Jumʿah al-Bāz.
In 1953, Sheikh ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ enrolled at the Faculty of Qirāʾāt of the Azhar
University. Here he studied many of the works which he had previously
mastered. It was no surprise that he achieved one of the top three positions
during each of his years of study at the University. In 1962, he was employed
as a lecturer at the Islamic University of Muḥammad ibn ʿAli al-Sanūsī in
Libya. He remained there for 16 years, during which he corresponded with the
Azhar University and received his licentiate. Many studied under him during

this period. In Libya, he also authored a booklet on the narration of Qālūn
since that was the common reading in Libya.
In 1972, he met with the famous Sheikh al-Zayyāt, to whom he recited the 10
Qirāʾāt twice – first via the Ṭayyibah and thereafter via the Shāṭibiyyah and
the Durrah. In 1977, he was approached by the University of Medina to assist
in the faculty of Qirāʾāt. Here too, many benefited from the Sheikh’s expertise.
It was during this time that he authored his exceptional work in the science of
Tajwīd, Hidāyat al-Qārī ilā Tajwīd Kalām al-Bārī, an extensive two-volume
book which detailed all the intricacies regarding this subject. After perusing
this exceptional work of the Sheikh, and realising his true brilliance, those at
the University of Medina immediately promoted him. Other teachers at the
University also started studying by him.
Sheikh ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ was subsequently also employed to oversee the accurate
printing of the maṣāḥif. His house in Medina was always filled with students
who continuously read to him, even during meals. In spite of his ill health
towards the end of his life, he continued teaching and would never turn away
anyone who wanted to learn. On Wednesday, 26 February, 1986, while a
student was reading to him, he requested that he be allowed to take ablution
for the ʿAṣr Prayer. While taking ablution, he fell ill and requested those
around him to take him to the hospital. He passed away en route. The prayer
for the deceased (ṣalāt al-janāzah) was performed the next day after Fajr, and
he was buried in Baqīʿ, in Medina.

Written works:
• Hidāyat al-Qārī ilā Tajwīd Kalām al-Bārī – an extensive two-volume
work on Tajwīd.
• Commentary on the Durrah.
• Booklet on the narration of Qālūn.

• Sheikh Zakī Muḥammad ʿAfīfī Naṣr – he memorised the Qurʾān by
• Sheikh Rifāʿī Muḥammad al-Majūlī al-Marṣafī – he read various
individual Qirāʾāt to him, including the narration of Ḥafṣ, the Qirāʾāt of
Ibn Kathīr, Ḥamzah and al-Kisāʾī. He also read all seven Qirāʾāt to him
in 96 nights.
• Sheikh Ḥāmid ʿAli al-Sayyid al-Ghandūr – he read the Three Qirāʾāt
according to the Durrah to him. He also read the Qirāʾāt of Yaʿqūb and
Ḥamzah via the Ṭayyibah, as well as the narrations of Ḥafṣ and Warsh
via al-Aṣbahānī to him.
• Sheikh Muḥammad al-Anwar Ḥasan Sharīf, better known as al-Ḥājj
Anwar – he read the Three Qirāʾāt according to the Durrah to him.
• Sheikh Muḥammad Jumʿah al-Bāz – he read the Three Qirāʾāt via the
Durrah to him, but did not complete.

• Sheikh Aḥmad ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz al-Zayyāt – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt to him
twice; first via the Ṭayyibah and thereafter via the Shāṭibiyyah and the

• Muḥammad Tamīm al-Zuʿbī – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt to Sheikh ʿAbd
al-Fattāḥ, as well as many books of Qirāʾāt to the Sheikh: Nāṭḥimat al-
Zuhr and ʿAqīlah, both by Imam al-Shāṭibī, Taḥrīrāt of al-Azmīrī, al-
Rawḍ al-Naḍīr and many other works in this field.
• Aḥmad Mia al-Thānawī – he read the Three Qirāʾāt via the Durrah to
• ʿAbd al-Rāziq ʿAli Ibrāhīm Mūsā – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the
Ṭayyibah to him.
• Muḥammad Idrīs ʿĀṣim (Lahore, Pakistan) – he read the Seven Qirāʾāt
via the Shāṭibiyyah, as well as the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Durrah and the

See his ijāzāt in Shajarat al-Asātidhah fī Asānīd al-Qirāʾāt al-ʿAsharat al-Mutawātirah.
Students of Sheikh al-Zayyāt:
Aḥmad Aḥmad Muṣṭafā Abū Ḥasan14
Aḥmad ibn Aḥmad ibn Muṣṭafā ibn Aḥmad ibn
Muḥammad Abū Ḥasan was born on 3 Rabīʿ al-
Awwal, 1341/23 October 1922 in the province of
Manūfiyyah, in Egypt.
After enrolling at one of the local madrasahs, he
studied the essentials of Islam as well as completing
his memorisation of the Qurʾān by Sheikh ʿAli ibn
ʿAli ʿĪsā Jumʿah at the young age of 10. He subsequently completed his
schooling, and in 1944, enrolled as a student at the Azhar University in the
Faculty of Sharīʿah (Islamic Law). Four years later he graduated, but remained
a student at the Azhar University, now specialising in certain areas of Islamic
studies. This he completed in 1950. He later also studied Qirāʾāt at the
It is said that he lost his eyesight at a young age, and that he had an
exceptional memory. He not only memorised the required texts of Qirāʾāt like
the Shāṭibiyyah, the Durrah and the Ṭayyibah, but also memorised Fatḥ al-
Karīm and ʿAzw al-Ṭuruq of Sheikh al-Mutawallī. Furthermore, he also
memorised texts in Fiqh, as well as the Alfiyyah of Ibn Mālik in Arabic
grammar. In the same manner that a ḥāfiṭḥ of the Qurʾān is able to recall any

Imtāʿ al-Fuḍalāʾ Vol. 2 pg. 63.
verse in the Qurʾān, the Sheikh was able to recall any verse from the
thousands of lines of poetry that he had memorised.
During his studies at the Azhar University he also studied Qirāʾāt off campus
with private tutors. In this manner he completed the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Durrah
and the Ṭayyibah. Initially, he was appointed as a lecturer at the Azhar
University; a position that he held for a few years until 1982 when he took a
position at the Islamic University of Imam Muḥammad ibn Saʿūd in Riyadh,
Saudi Arabia. In 1995, he returned to Egypt and continued teaching until his
demise in Ṣafar 1429/March 2008.
Sheikh Aḥmad was considered one of the senior students of Sheikh Zayyāt, an
expert in the field of Qurʾānic sciences. People from all over the world flocked
to study at the feet of this exceptional scholar. He would indicate to those
reading to him where to stop and continue with his hands, as was the practice
of many of the earlier scholars.

• ʿAli ibn ʿAli ʿĪsā Jumʿah – he memorised the Qurʾān by him.
• Muḥammad Aḥmad Maḥmūd al-Faḥl – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the
Durrah to him.
• Aḥmad ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Zayyāt – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah
to him.

• Īhāb Fikrī – a teacher in the Ḥaram of Medina and author of Taqrīb al-
Shāṭibiyyah, Taqrīb al-Durrah, Taqrīb al-Ṭayyibah, amongst other
works in Qirāʾāt.
• Ibrāhīm Dawsarī – the author of the book, Imam al-Mutawallī.
• Sāmir al-Naṣ – the son-in-law of Sheikh Muḥammad Ṭāhā Sukkar –
the famous scholar of Qurʾān in Syria.
• Aḥmad ibn Ḥāmid ʿAbd al-Ḥafīṭḥ ʿAli Tuʿaymah – he read the 10
Qirāʾāt via the Durrah to the Sheikh.
• Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn ʿĪsā – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah to the

The Sheikh passed away on 22 Ṣafar 1429/29 February 2008.

Students of Sheikh al-Zayyāt:
ʿAbd al-Rāziq ibn ʿAli ibn Ibrāhīm Mūsā15
Sheikh ʿAbd al-Rāziq ʿAli Ibrāhīm Mūsā
was born in the town of Sharānīs, Egypt,
in the year 1335/1917. He memorised the
Qurʾān at a young age. After studying
Tajwīd, he also memorised the Shāṭibiyyah,
as well as reading the Seven Qirāʾāt to
various teachers.
He later enrolled at the Azhar University
and was subsequently employed there in various positions. In 1975, he was
appointed as a lecturer in the Faculty of Qirāʾāt at the Islamic University of
Medina. He was also appointed as an aid and supervisor at the Qurʾānic
Printing Press in Medina. In 1997, he left Medina and returned to Egypt
where he taught Tajwīd and Qirāʾāt.

Literary works:
• Al-Fawāʾid al-Tajwīdiyyah – a commenatry on the Jazariyyah.
• Al-Muḥarrar al-Wajīz fī ʿAdd Āyi al-ʿAzīz – a commentary on Verse-
counts, originally written by Sheikh al-Mutawallī.

Imtāʿ al-Fuḍalāʾ Vol. 1 pg. 208.
• Murshid al-Khullān ilā Maʿrifah ʿadd Āyi al-Qurʾān – a commentary on
Verse-counts; a poem originally written by Sheikh ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-
• Edited the commentary of Sheikh al-Zabīdī on the Durrah.
• Edited the commentary of Riḍwān al-Mukhallalātī on the Nāṭḥimat al-
Zuhr of Imam al-Shāṭibī.
• Edited Fatḥ al-Raḥmānī of Sheikh Sulaymān al-Jamzūrī.
• Edited the commentary on the Shāṭibiyyah by Sheikh al-Fāsī.
• Edited the commenatry on the Durrah by Sheikh Muḥammad
Munayyir al-Samannūdī.

• ʿAli Ibrāhīm Mūsā (his father) – he memorised the Qurʾān by him, as
well as studied Tajwīd and the Seven Qirāʾāt via the Shāṭibiyyah by
• Abū al-Maʿaṭī Sālim – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Durrah to him.
• ʾAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Marṣafī – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah to
• Aḥmad ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Zayyāt – some say Sheikh ʿAbd al-Rāziq merely
received ijāzah from al-Zayyāt, or read a portion of the Qurʾān to him
and got ijāzah in the 10 Qirāʾāt from him based on what he read to his
student, al-Marṣafī. Others say he read the entire Qurʾān to him and
received ijāzah. However, judging from what he writes in the
introduction to his book, Tadrīb al-Ṭalabah, it seems that he did in fact
read a khatm to Sheikh al-Zayyāt. Furthermore, in his editing of the
commentary on the Durrah by Sheikh al-Zabīdī, he clearly states that
he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah to Sheikh Zayyāt. Allah knows

The Sheikh passed away on 23 Dhū al-Ḥijjah 1429/21 December 2008.

Tadrīb al-Ṭalabah pg. 13. Commentary on the Durrah by Sheikh ʿUthmān al-Zabīdī.
Students of Sheikh al-Zayyāt:
ʿAbd al-Ḥakīm ʿAbd al-Laṭīf17
Sheikh ʿAbd al-Ḥakīm ibn ʿAbd al-Laṭīf ibn ʿAbd
Allah ibn Sulaymān was born in Cairo on 2 Rajab
1355/18 September 1936.
After doing intitial Islamic studies at the local
madrasahs, he completed his memorisation of the
Qurʾān at the age of 13. He developed a passion and
love for Qirāʾāt and, in 1950, he enrolled at the Azhar University to further his
studies. Along with his studies at the University he also read to teachers off
After completing his studies he was appointed as a teacher in various institutes
under the auspices of the Azhar University. Eventually in the 1970’s he started
lecturing on Tajwīd and the 10 Qirāʾāt at the Azhar University itself. He later
became the head inspector of the Faculty of Qirāʾāt.
The Sheikh was in charge of the maqraʾ at the Azhar and also served as
inspector of recitals to be aired on the radio and television. He was often
invited as an examiner of Qurʾān competitions around the world.

• Maḥmūd ʿAli Bissah – he read the narration of Ḥafṣ to him while at
the Azhar University.
Imtāʿ al-Fuḍalāʾ Vol. 3 pg. 28.
• Muṣṭafā ibn Manṣūr al-Bājūrī – he read the Tuḥfah, the Jazariyyah, and
the narration of Ḥafṣ to the Sheikh. He also read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the
Durrah to the Sheikh but was unable to complete the last few juz due
to the demise of the Sheikh. He did however receive ijāzah from him.
• Aḥmad ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Zayyāt – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah
to him.
• Ibrāhīm ibn ʿAli Shaḥḥāthah Samannūdī – he read and received ijāzah
from him in the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah.
• Imam ʿAbduh Ḥalāwah – he was a student of Ḥasan al-Juraysī al-
Ṣaghīr, who learnt from his father, Ḥasan Juraysī al-Kabīr.

• Yāsir al-Mazrūʿī – he read the narration of Ḥafṣ to him.
• Aḥmad ʿĪsā Maʿṣarāwī – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah to

The Sheikh passed away on 9 September 2016 at the age of 80 years. His
position as the Sheikh al-Maqāriʾ of Egypt was assumed by his student, Sheikh
Aḥmad ʿĪsā al-Maʿṣarāwī.

Students of Sheikh al-Zayyāt:
Ḥasanayn Ibrāhīm Muḥammad ʿAfīfī Jibrīl18
Sheikh Ḥasanayn was born in one of the districts of
Qalyūbiyyah, Egypt. Before the age of 11 he had already
memorised the entire Qurʾān by Sheikh ʿAbd Rabiḥī ʿAbd al-
Hādī. His father died whilst he was very young and he was
taken into the care of his grandfather. The Sheikh was eager to learn and
enrolled at one of the Azhar Institutes. After a brief examination he was
accepted, but could not continue since his grandfather had also passed away.
Due to the Sheikh’s unfortunate circumstances, he worked for a short time
with his uncles on the farmlands. His desire to further his studies still burned
in his heart and eventually he enrolled a second time in the Faculty of Qirāʾāt.
The Sheikh mentions that he and Sheikh ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Marṣafī, the author
of Hidāyat al-Qārī, enrolled at the same time and thus spent six years together,
passing from one level to the other, until they both graduated at the same
time. However, ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Marṣafī states that when he initially
approached Sheikh al-Zayyāt to recite to him, he already found that Sheikh
Ḥasanayn Jibrīl had beaten him to it and had already started reciting to Sheikh
al-Zayyāt. Al-Marṣafī further states that Sheikh Ḥasanayn was his companion
at the Azhar University and they graduated together from the Faculty of
Qirāʾāt. After graduating from the Faculty of Qirāʾāt, the Sheikh furthered his
studies in Fiqh and received a diploma in Comparative Fiqh.

Hidāyat al-Qāriʾ Vol. 2 pg. 628.
After memorising the Qurʾān, he read the Qirāʾah of Nāfiʿ to Sheikh ʿAbd al-
Majīd Khayr Allah. This he would do after working in the fields with his
uncles. Whilst helping his uncles in the farmlands, he also started studying by
Sheikh ʿAli Aḥmad Ḥasan ʿAli. He would memorise various texts in Qirāʾāt
and recite them to the Sheikh whilst his teacher would correct him. Sheikh
Ḥasanayn explains that he would learn these texts every morning and evening
before working in the fields. On completion of his duties on the farm, he
would walk to Sheikh ʿAli’s village which was four kilometres away from his.
Whilst walking, and on his return, he would recite these texts so that no time
was wasted. At times, before walking, he would draw tables of various subjects
that he was studying to ease his learning and aid in mastering the various
sciences. He would study these on his journey to and from Sheikh ʿAli.
When he started reading to Sheikh al-Zayyāt, he would follow a similar
manner of learning. At this time, however, he did not have his farm duties and
Sheikh al-Zayyāt stayed much further away from his home. He therefore left
his house on foot an hour before the Fajr Prayer in order to perform his prayer
near the Azhar. Immediately after the Fajr Prayer, he would begin reciting to
Sheikh al-Zayyāt until the Sheikh had to leave to lecture at the University. He
would then go with the Sheikh to the University and recite to him whilst
waiting for the students to arrive. In this manner, the Sheikh spent four years
reciting the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah to Sheikh al-Zayyāt. He is considered
one of the senior students of Sheikh al-Zayyāt.
Sheikh Ḥasanayn worked at various institutes. He began work initially at
Damanhūr. Thereafter, he taught at an institute under the auspices of the

Azhar University where he had the good fortune to benefit from the famous
Sheikh ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Qāḍī. Furthermore, he taught Islamic studies, Arabic
and Qirāʾāt at an institute in Bilbīs, later preferring a post at Shabīn al-Qanāṭir
Institute to be closer to his home. He was also an examiner in one of the
smaller Azhar institutes until he was eventually appointed examiner in the
Azhar University itself.

• ʿAli Aḥmad Ḥasan ʿAli – a student of Ḥasan Muḥammad Ḥasan
Budayr al-Juraysī al-Ṣaghīr who read to his father Ḥasan Budayr al-
Juraysī al-Kabīr. Sheikh Ḥasanayn read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the
Shāṭibiyyah and the Durrah to him.
• Aḥmad ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz al-Zayyāt - he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah
to him.

Amongst many –
• Iḥsān Davids (Cape Town, South Africa) – he read to Sheikh
Ḥasanayn with qaṣr al-munfaṣil for the narration of Ḥafṣ. He also
recited a khatm for the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah. He received sanad
and ijāzah on 25 May 2005 for Ḥafṣ and subsequently for the 10

• Abū Bakr Muḥammad Qāsim Ismāʿīl (Cape Town, South Africa) – he
read to him with qaṣr al-munfaṣil for the narration of Ḥafṣ. He received
sanad and ijāzah on 29 May 2005.
• Munīr Satardien (Cape Town, South Africa) – he recited the narration
of Ḥafṣ with qaṣr al-munfaṣil and received sanad and ijāzah from the

The Sheikh is still alive and continues to teach Qirāʾāt.

Sanad of al-Zayyāt to al-Mutawallī and al-ʿUbaydī

Ibrāhīm al-ʿUbaydī

Aḥmad Salamūnah

Aḥmad al-Durrī al-Tihāmī

Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad al-Mutawallī

ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ Hunaydī

Aḥmad ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz al-Zayyāt

A.A. Muṣṭafā ʿAbd al-Rāziq Hasanayn JIbrīl Al-Marṣafī ʿAbd al-Ḥakīm

Links to Sheikh al-Mutawallī via Khalīl al-Janāyinī
(via al-Samannūdī, from Ḥanafī al-Saqqā)
Ibrāhīm ibn ʿAli al-Shaḥātah al-Samannūdī19
Ibrāhīm ibn Shaḥātah ibn ʿAli ibn ʿAli ibn Muḥammad ibn al-ʿAshrī ibn al-
ʿĪsawī ibn Shaḥāthah al-Samannūdī al-Shāfiʿī al-Khalīlī
al-Miṣrī was born in the village of Samannūd on 22
Shaʿbān 1333/5 July 1915. At the age of 10 he had
memorised the entire Qurʾān at the hands of Sheikh ʿAli
Qānūn. Thereafter he studied the science of Tajwīd by
Sheikh Muḥammad Abū Ḥalāwah. During this period,
he recited the Qurʾān from memory to the Sheikh five
times in the narration of Ḥafṣ. Sheikh Ḥalāwah, noticing the brilliance of
Sheikh Samannūdī at such a young and tender age, urged him to memorise
the Shāṭibiyyah. It took him just a year to memorise the Shāṭibiyyah. The
following year he read to Sheikh Ḥalāwah again, according to all Seven Qirāʾāt
contained in the Shāṭibiyyah. After completing the Seven Qirāʾāt, he met
Sheikh Sayyid ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz ʿAbd al-Jawwād. Under his tutelage, he studied the
Three Qirāʾāt mentioned in the Durrah of Ibn al-Jazarī; the Qirāʾāt of Abū
Jaʿfar, Yaʿqūb and Khalaf. Again, he rendered a complete recital of the Qurʾān
to the Sheikh in all 10 Qirāʾāt, as well as reciting the 10 Qirāʾāt via the
Ṭayyibah to him.

Imtāʿ al-Fuḍalāʾ Vol. 2 pg. 311. Biography of Sheikh Samannūdī written by his
student, Dr ʿAbd Allah al-Jār Allah.
Besides mastering the science of Tajwīd and Qirāʾāt, he studied Fiqh and
Islamic Law under Sheikh Muḥammad Abū Rizq, and Arabic grammar under
Sheikh Sayyid Mutawallī al-Qiṭṭ and Sheikh Muḥammad al-Hasanī. At the
hands of Sheikh Abd al-Raḥīm al-Ḥaydarī, he mastered ʿIlm-al-ʿArūḍ
(prosody), the study of Arabic poetry and all its scales and rhyme schemes. It
was because of his brilliance in poetry that many of his written works were in
poetry, rather than prose.
After Sheikh Samannūdī had studied all that he could in the village of
Samannūd, he travelled to Cairo in 1944. On his arrival in Cairo, he was
tested and appointed as a teacher in a maqraʾ (a circle of learning). At about
the same time, the Azhar University announced that it would be holding a
competition in Qirāʾāt and Tajwīd. With the Sheikh’s competence in this field
it was inevitable that he would attain the top position in this competition. One
of the main judges in the competition was the famous Sheikh ʿAli al-Ḍabbāʿ.
He was astounded by al-Samannūdī’s aptitude and talent. Every time he was
asked a question, he answered by quoting directly from the books of Qirāʾāt. It
was clear that he not only studied these books but that he had also memorised
many of them. Sheikh ʿAli al-Ḍabbāʿ referred al-Samannūdī to another book of
Qirāʾāt written by the famous Sheikh al-Mutawallī. Sheikh al-Samannūdī then
memorised this book under Sheikh Ḥanafī al-Saqqā. He also spent another
four years during which he read all 14 Qirāʾāt to Sheikh al-Saqqā. In the
course of this period, he was also appointed as a teacher in the institute of
Qirāʾāt in Cairo.

Amongst his contemporaries were Sheikh ʿĀmir al-Sayyid ʿUthmān and Sheikh
Aḥmad ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz al-Zayyāt. Al-Samannūdī excelled in the fields of Tajwīd
and Qirāʾāt to the extent that he transcended many of the scholars of his time.
The very first book he wrote in the field of Tajwīd, Laʾāliʾ al-Bayān, was
included in the syllabus of the institute of Qirāʾāt in Cairo. After writing an
abridged version of this book, in October 1954, the Azhar University
stipulated that it be taught in all the Islamic institutes throughout Cairo.
He became so well-known throughout the world for his knowledge concerning
the different readings of the Qurʾān that his name has become identified with
the science of Qirāʾāt.
Al-Samannūdī was one of the scholars appointed to ensure that the printing of
the maṣāḥif was done accurately. At the same time he was one of the scholars
chosen to review the recordings of the Qurʾān done by well-known reciters like
Sheikh Muṣṭafā Ismāʿīl, Sheikh al-Minshāwī, and Sheikh Khalīl al-Ḥuṣarī
amongst others. Similarly, Qurʾānic recordings could not be aired over the
radio or sold to the public until it was approved by him. He also played a
major role in checking printed copies of the Qurʾān. This meant that the text
of the Qurʾān would not be printed without his approval.

Of the books that Samannūdī has written consider the following:

• Tanqīḥ Fatḥ al-Karīm.
• Laʾāliʾ al-Bayān.
• Talkhīṣ Laʾāliʾ al-Bayān.
• Tuḥfat al-Samannūdiyyah.
• Bahjat al-Luḥāṭḥ bimā li Ḥafṣ min Rawḍat al-Ḥuffāṭḥ.
• Riyāḍah al-Lisān fī Sharḥ Talkhīṣ Laʾāl al-Bayān.
• Umniyyat al-Walhān.
• ʿAli Qānūn – he memorised the Qurʾān at his hands.
• Muḥammad Abū Ḥalāwah – he learnt Tajwīd from him, as well as the
Seven Qirāʾāt via the Shāṭibiyyah.
• Sayyid ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz ʿAbd al-Jawwād – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via
Durrah and the Ṭayyibah to him.
• Ḥanafī ibn Ibrāhīm al-Saqqā – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah
and the Four Shādhdh Qirāʾāt (non-canonical Readings) to him.
If we consider that Muṣṭafā al-Mīhī’s reading to Sālim al-Nabtītī, then Ibrāhīm
al-Samannūdī’s sanad via Ḥanafī al-Saqqā and ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz al-Jawwād would
be equal in terms of their number of links.

Due to Sheikh Samannūdī’s calibre in this field, many have studied and
qualified under him. They include:
• Ayman Rushdī Suwayd.
• Muḥammad Tamīm al-Zuʿbī.
• ʿAbd al-Ḥakīm ʿAbd al-Laṭīf.
• ʿAbd al-Rāfiʿ ibn Riḍwān ʿAli al-Sharqāwī.
• Saʿīd ibn Ṣāliḥ Zuʿaymah al-Iskandarī

• ʿAbd Allah al-Jār Allah – he was the last person to read and receive
ijāzah from Sheikh al-Samannūdī.

Sanad of al-Samannūdī’s to al-Mutawallī and al-ʿUbaydī

Ibrāhīm al-ʿUbaydī

Aḥmad Salamūnah

Aḥmad al-Durrī al-Tihāmī

Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad al-Mutawallī

Khalīl Muḥammad Ghunaym

Ḥanafī ibn Ibrāhīm al-Saqqā

Ibrāhīm ibn Shaḥāthah al-Samannūdī

ʿAbd al-Rāfiʿ Ayman Suwayd M. Tamīm al-Zuʿbī ʿAbd al-Ḥakīm

Links to Sheikh al-Mutawallī via Ḥasan al-Juraysī al-Kabīr
Ḥasan al-Juraysī al-Kabīr20
He is Ḥasan ibn Muḥammad ibn Budayr, better known as Ḥasan al-Juraysī al-
Kabīr. The term ‚al-Juraysī‛ links his forefathers to a district in Manūfiyyah in
Egypt. However, his family relocated to other areas in Egypt, amongst them
being Cairo, from where the Sheikh himself hailed. He is referred to as ‚al-
Kabīr‛ to distinguish him from his son, Ḥasan al-Juraysī al-Ṣaghīr.
He was born in 1233/1818. Being blind, his forewords to some books, like
Nihāyat al-Qawl al-Mufīd, were dictated by him. Sheikh al-Juraysī was one of
the prominent and well-known reciters at various gatherings (maḥāfil) during
his time.
• Aḥmad al-Durrī al-Tihāmī – he read the Seven Qirāʾāt via the
Shāṭibiyyah to him. Some say he read the Minor 10 Qirāʾāt to him.21
• Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad al-Mutawallī – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the
Ṭayyibah to him.

• Ḥasan al-Juraysī al-Ṣaghīr – he read the Minor 10 Qirāʾāt to his father.
• ʿAlī ibn ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Subayʿ – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the
Ṭayyibah to him.
Kashkūl Ibn Shaʿbān, pg. 115.
Kashkūl Ibn Shaʿbān, pg. 72, 116.
• Ghunaym Muḥammad Ghunaym – he read the Minor 10 Qirāʾāt to
• Ibrāhīm Saʿd al-Miṣrī – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah to him.
• Ḥabīb al-Raḥmān al-Kāṭḥimī – received ijāzah from him in the Minor
10 Qirāʾāt.
• ʿUthmān Murād.
The preponderant view is that he died in 1309/1891.

Links to Sheikh al-Mutawallī via Ḥasan al-Juraysī al-Kabīr:
Ibrāhīm Saʿd ibn ʿAli Saʿd ibn Maḥmūd al-Miṣrī al-Shāfiʿī22
He was an expert in the field of Qirāʾāt, having studied it under the famous
Sheikh Ḥasan al-Juraysī al-Kabīr. Originally from Egypt, he settled in Mecca
around 1290/1873. He subsequently married in Mecca, and would sit in the
Ḥaram of Mecca teaching Qirāʾāt. It is mentioned that many of the students
that learnt from him were from Java and Indonesia. He was later appointed as
a teacher of Tajwīd and Qirāʾāt in Madrasah al-Ṣoulatiyyah, in Mecca.
In many ijāzāt his name is given as Ibrāhīm Saʿd ʿAli al-Miṣrī.23

• Sheikh Ḥasan al-Juraysī al-Kabīr.

• Qāri ʿAbd Allah al-Makkī.
• ʿUthmān Sulaymān Murād – the author of al-Salsabīl al-Shāfī.

He died in Mecca in 1316/1898 being over the age of 70.

It was through him that Qirāʾāt spread through India and Pakistan via Sheikh
ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Makkī.
Aʿlām al-Makkiyyīn Vol.2 pg. 889, Mukhtaṣar Nashr al-Nawr wa al-Zahar pg. 53,
Imtāʿ al-Fuḍalāʾ Vol. 1 pg. 524. This is how his name is given by Sheikh Shaʿbān al-
Warrāqī in his Kashkūl, 29.
See Shajarat al-Asatidhah fī Asānīd al-Qirāʿāt al-ʿAshr al-Mutawātirah pg. 208.
Note that this Ibrāhīm Saʿd should not be confused with Ibrāhīm Saʿīd, the
teacher of ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz ʿAbd al-Jawwād.24 A few scholars have confused the
two of them, including Sheikh Ayman Suwayd and Sheikh Yāsir al-Mazrūʿī.25

Sheikh ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz ʿAbd al-Jawwād was the teacher of Sheikh Ibrāhīm al-Samannūdī.
Refer to Ṣafaḥāt fī Isnād Rijāl al-Qirāʾāt, pg. 55; Kashkūl Ibn Shaʿbān, pg. 30.
Links to Sheikh al-Mutawallī via Ḥasan al-Juraysī al-Kabīr
ʿUthmān ibn Sulaymān Murād26
ʿUthmān ibn Sulaymān Murād ʿAli Aghā was born in
1316/1898. His parents were Turks.
At a young age he had memorised the Qurʾān and
enrolled at the Azhar University. He graduated with an
ʿālimiyyah degree. Thereafter, he taught Tajwīd and
Qirāʾāt in the courtyard of the Azhar, simultaneously
being nominated as the Sheikh (head) of the maqraʾ (circle of learning) at
Masjid al-Sulṭān Abī al-ʿAlāʾ.

Written works:
• Salsabīl al-Shāfī – a poetic masterpiece incorporating all that is
contained in the Jazariyyah and the Tuḥfah of Jamzūrī, as well as many
contemporary matters of importance discussed in the field of Tajwīd.

• Ibrāhīm Saʿd.
• Ḥasan al-Juraysī al-Kabīr.

• ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz ʿAbd al-Ḥafīṭḥ.

Imtāʿ al-Fuḍalāʾ Vol. 3 pg. 400.
• ʿAbd al-Fattāh Madkūr Bayyūmī – he read the narration of Ḥafṣ to
him. He is the last living student of Sheikh ʿUthmān Murād, as well as
the last alive from amongst the students of Sheikh ʿAli al-Ḍabbāʿ.

He died in Shaʿbān 1382/January 1963.

Most mention Ḥasan al-Juraysī al-Kabīr as his student. However, he was born
– pending on the varying dates given – in the same year of al-Juraysī’s death
or after his death. Thus, him reading the Seven or the 10 Qirāʾāt to him could
not have been possible.27
Some have suggested that there is a missing link between ʿUthmān Murād and
al-Juraysī al-Kabīr; and that link is Ibrāhīm Saʿd al-Miṣrī.28 However, when
ʿUthmān Murad was born (1316/1898), Ibrāhīm Saʿd was in Mecca (he settled
in Mecca in 1290/1873).29

Kashkūl Ibn Shaʿbān, pg. 119.
Tuḥfat al-Ikhwān, pg. 163.
Kashkūl Ibn Shaʿbān, pg. 34.
Sanad of al-Juraysī via his direct students

Ibrāhīm al-ʿUbaydī

Aḥmad Salamūnah

Aḥmad al-Durrī al-Tihāmī

Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad al-Mutawallī

Ḥasan al-Juraysī al-Kabīr

Ibrāhīm Saʿd al-Miṣrī ʿUthmān Murad

Links to Sheikh al-Mutawallī via Ḥasan al-Juraysī al-Kabīr:
(via Hammām Quṭb from ʿAlī Subayʿ/
Via Ibrāhīm al-Abnāsī from Ghunaym Muḥammad Ghunaym)
ʿĀmir al-Sayyid ʿUthmān30
He was born in Egypt on 16 Muḥarram 1318/16
of May 1900. From a young age he already
started memorising the Qurʾān in his village at
the hands of Sheikh ʿAṭiyyah Salāmah, which he
completed at the age of nine. Thereafter he left
for Tallīn where he read the narration of Ḥafṣ,
the Seven and 10 Qirāʾāt via the Shāṭibiyyah
and the Durrah to Sheikh Ibrāhīm ibn Mursī
ibn Bakr al-Abnāsī, from whom he received
ijāzah. Sheikh Ibrāhīm was a student of Ghunaym Muḥammad Ghunaym,
who in turn was a student of the famous Ḥasan al-Juraysī al-Kabīr.
Sheikh ʿĀmir later travelled to Cairo where he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the
Ṭayyibah to Sheikh ʿAlī ibn ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Subaiyʿ, a direct student of Ḥasan
al-Juraysī al-Kabīr. However, he was unable to complete his rendition of the
Qurʾān to this Sheikh; on reaching the verse: ‫وقال اركبوا فهيا ِبْس هللا مػجػراها ومرساها‬,
his teacher unexpectedly passed on. He resumed his recitatation of the 10
Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah by Sheikh ʿAlī’s student, Hammām ibn Quṭb ibn ʿAbd
al-Hādī, from whom he eventually also received ijāzah.
Muʿjam Ḥuffāṭḥ al-Qurʾān Vol.1 pg. 334, Imtāʿ al-Fuḍalāʾ Vol. 1 pg. 122, Hidāyat al-
Qāriʾ Vol. 2 pg. 755. ʿIlm al-Qirāʾāt pg. 293.
He received some manuscript copies on Qirāʾāt from the Azhar libraries and
would spend his time reading them and also making notes from them. With
the aid of Sheikh ʿAli al-Ḍabbāʿ, he started editing the manuscripts, increasing
him in his knowledge and scholarship.
Initially, he taught Tajwīd and Qirāʾāt from his house, but was later appointed
as a lecturer in the Faculty of Qirāʾāt at the Azhar University in 1945. He
maintained this position till 1968. He was also appointed as an inspector to the
maqraʾs (circles of learning). In 1980, he received the highest position held by
a reciter in Egypt by becoming the Grand Sheikh of Qurʾānic Affairs in Egypt
(Sheikh Maqāriʾ al-Miṣriyyah).
He became a prominent figure and teacher in the field of Tajwīd and Qirāʾāt.
People travelled from far and wide to recite and study under him, to the extent
that even while walking from one place to the other, students were seen
walking alongside him and reciting.

• Sheikh ʿAṭiyyah Salāmah – Sheikh ʿĀmir memorised the Qurʾān by
• Sheikh Ibrāhīm ibn Mursī ibn Bakr al-Abnāsī – he studied Tajwīd
under him and the narration of Ḥafṣ, receiving ijāzah in it. Thereafter
he read the 10 Qirāʾāt to him via the Ṭarīq of the Durrah.
• Sheikh ʿAlī ibn ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Subayʿ – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the
Ṭayyibah to him, but only reached verse 41 of Sūrah Hūd  when
Sheikh Subayʿ passed away.
• Sheikh Hammām Quṭb – he read the entire Qurʾan to him
incorporating the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah and received ijāzah for it
in 1927. Sheikh Hammām also read the Minor 10 Qirāʾāt to Sheikh
Muḥammad ibn ʿAlī ibn Khalaf al-Ḥusaynī.31

Sheikh ʿĀmir did not complete his rendition of the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah
to Sheikh ʿAlī Subāyʿ, but by a student of his, Hammām Quṭb. Some ijāzāt
generally link Sheikh ʿĀmir to Hammām Quṭb and his teacher, ʿAlī Subāyʿ,
making it seem as if he completed a rendition of the Ṭayyibah to both student
and teacher. It is not certain as to whether he received ijāzah from ʿAlī Subāyʿ
for what he read to him. Allah knows best.
The 10 Qirāʾāt via the Durrah he read to Sheikh Ibrāhīm Mursī Bakr.32

• Maḥmūd Khalīl al-Ḥuṣarī.
• Muṣṭafā Ismāʿīl.
• Kāmil Yūsuf Bahtīmī.
• ʿAbd al-Bāsiṭ ʿAbd al-Ṣamad.

Itḥāf al-Zamān bi Asānīd Ahl al-Qurʾān, pg. 26.
See Salāsil al-Dhahabiyyah pg. 121 and Tibyān of Warrāqī.
• Ayman Rushdī Suwayd – he read Sūrahs al-Fātiḥah and al-Baqarah
incorporating all 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah to Sheikh ʿĀmir and
received ijāzah for it and the entire Qurʾān.
• Muḥammad Tamīm al-Zuʿbī.
• ʿAbd Allah al-Jouharī al-Sayyid.
• Ibrāhīm ibn Ṣāliḥ al-Ḥusaynī al-Najīrī.

Written Works:
• Fatḥ al-Qadīr.
• Naṭḥm Tanqīḥ Fatḥ al-Karīm (this book he wrote together with
Sheikhs Ibrāhīm al-Samannūdī and Aḥmad ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz al-Zayyāt).
• Risālah on the riwāyah of Ruways via the Ṭariq of Ibn Mihrān.
• Editor of Laṭāʾif al-Ishārāt of al-Qasṭallānī.
• Kayfa Yutlā al-Qurʾān al-Karīm.

The Sheikh passed away in 1408/1988 in Medina.33 He was buried in Jannat

al-Baqīʿ, in the city of our beloved Prophet .

Doctor Sālim Muḥaysin mentions his date of demise as 21 May. See Muʿjam Ḥuffāṭḥ
al-Qurʾān Vol. 1 pg. 337.
Links to Sheikh al-Mutawallī via Ḥasan al-Juraysī al-Kabīr;
(via Hammām Quṭb from ʿAlī Subayʿ)
ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Qāḍī34
He is ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ ibn ʿAbd al-Ghanī ibn
Muḥammad al-Qāḍī. Sheikh ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ was born
in Damanhur in Egypt on 25 Shaʿbān 1320/14 October
1907. He excelled not only in the field of Qirāʾāt, but
in many other Islamic sciences.
He memorised the Qurʾān at a very young age in
Damanhur by Sheikh ʿAli ʿAyyāḍ. He later perfected its
recitation with Tajwīd at the hands of Sheikh Maḥmūd Muḥammad Ghazāl
and Sheikh Maḥmūd Muḥammad Naṣr al-Dīn.
His initial studies were completed at an Institute in Alexandria. After
graduating, he travelled to Cairo where he joined the Azhar University and
later completed his doctorate. Subsequent to graduating here, he held many
leading positions: a lecturer at the Azhar University, the Head of Department
of Qirāʾāt in the Arabic Language Department at the Azhar University, the
lead inspector of all Azhar institutions, the head of the Institute of Qirāʾāt in
Cairo, the head of the Azhar Institute in Desouk and in Damanhur, the
authorised representative of all Azhar institutes, the head rector of all its
institutes, head of checking the maṣāḥif at the Azhar, the khaṭīb (lecturer) at
Masjid ʿAbd al-Wahhāb al-Shaʿrānī in Cairo, and the inspector for recitals and

Imtāʿ al-Fuḍalāʾ Vol. 1 pg. 248, Hidāyah al-Qārī Vol. 2 pg. 658.
reciters for the radio station. In 1974, he was appointed the Head of
Department in the Faculty of Qirāʾāt at the Islamic University of Medina. This
was the inception of this Faculty at the university.
His student, the Sheikh al-Qurrāʾ in the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina, Sheikh
Ibrāhīm Akhḍar, fondly recalls that Sheikh ʿAbd al-Fattaḥ was an expert in
many fields. He mentions that if he found anyone more learned than Sheikh
ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ, he would have travelled and benefitted from him.

Sheikh ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ had many excellent written works which include:
• Al-Budūr al-Zāhirah – a book on the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Shāṭibiyyah and
the Durrah.
• Al-Wāfī – a commentary on the Shāṭibiyyah.
• Al-Īḍāḥ – a commentary on the Durrah.
• Al-Qirāʾāt al-Shādhdhah.

• ʿAli ʿAyyāḍ – Sheikh ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ memorised the Qurʾān by him.
• Maḥmūd ibn Muḥammad Ghazāl – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the
Shāṭibiyyah and the Durrāh to him.
• Hammām Quṭb – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Shāṭibiyyah and the
Durrah to him.
• Ḥasan Subḥī – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Shāṭibiyyah and the
Durrah to him.
• Maḥmūd ibn Muḥammad Naṣr al-Dīn – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the
Shāṭibiyyah and the Durrah to him.
• ʿAlī ʿIbādah – he read the narration of Ḥafṣ via the Shāṭibiyyah to him.
The asānīd of the last three teachers are unknown.35

• Ibrāhīm al-Akhḍar, the Sheikh al-Qurrāʾ in the Prophet’s Mosque in
• ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Ḥudhayfī, the previous imam of the Prophet’s
Mosque in Medina.
• ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz al-Qārī – read certain individual Qirāʾāt to him but did
not complete.
• Sayyid Lāshīn Abū al-Farḥ – read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah to
• Maḥmūd Khalīl al-Ḥuṣarī – he received ijāzah from the Sheikh in the
10 Qirāʾāt.

He died in Cairo on 15 Muḥarram 1403/1 November 1982.

Itḥāf al-Zamān bi Asānīd Ahl al-Qurʾān, pg. 12.
Sanad of ʿĀmir al-Sayyid ʿUthmān and ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Qāḍī to al-ʿUbaydī

Ibrāhīm al-ʿUbaydī

Aḥmad Salamūnah

Aḥmad al-Durrī al-Tihāmī

Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad al-Mutawallī

Ḥasan al-Juraysī al-Kabīr

ʿAlī Subayʿ Ghunaym Muḥammad

Hammām Quṭb Ibrāhīm al-Abnāsī

ʿAbd al-Fattāh al-Qāḍī ʿĀmir Sayyid ʿUthmān

Links to Sheikh al-Mutawallī via Makkī Naṣr al-Juraysī
Muḥammad Makkī Naṣr al-Juraysī36
He is Muḥammad Makkī Naṣr al-Juraysī. This brilliant scholar was the imam
of Masjid al-Zāhid in Cairo. He authored one of the most outstanding works
on Tajwīd, Nihāyat al-Qawl al-Mufīd fī ʿIlm al-Tajwīd. It is an exceptional
contribution in the science of Tajwīd and is considered a reference work
amongst the legacies of Tajwīd.

Written works:
• Nihāyat al-Qawl al-Mufīd – this is one of the most outstanding works
written on Tajwīd.

• Aḥmad al-Durrī al-Tihāmī – he read the Seven Qirāʾāt via the
Shāṭibiyyah to him.
• Muḥammad Ibn Aḥmad al-Mutawallī – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the
Ṭayyibah to him.

• Muṣṭafā ibn Manṣūr al-Bājūrī.37 Sheikh Muṣṭafā al-Bājūrī also read to
ʿAlī Subayʿ, the student of Ḥasan al-Juraysī al-Kabīr.
Imtāʿ Fuḍalāʾ Vol. 4 pg. 517; Kashkūl Ibn Shaʿbān, pg. 198.
Sheikh ʿAbd al-Ḥakīm ʿAbd al-Laṭīf and Sheikh Aḥmad al-Bardīsī (as found in the
ijāzah of Sheikhah Nafīsah ʿAbd al-Karīm Zaydān) read to him.
His date of demise is uncertain, though it is mentioned that he was still alive
in 1307/1890. Some view that he died in 1322/1904. Allah knows best.

Sanad of Makkī Naṣr al-Juraysī to Ibrāhīm al-ʿUbaydī

Ibrāhīm al-ʿUbaydī

Aḥmad Salamūnah

Aḥmad al-Durrī al-Tihāmī

Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad al-Mutawallī

M. Makkī Naṣr al-Juraysī

Muṣṭafā al-Bājūrī

ʿAbd al-Ḥakīm ʿAbd al-Laṭīf

It is clear the Sheikh ʿAbd al-Ḥakīm’s sanad – in the Minor 10 Qirāʾāt – to al-
ʿUbaydī via Muṣṭafā al-Bājūrī is shorter than his sanad via al-Zayyāt. Similarly
al-Bājūrī’s sanad via Makkī Naṣr is shorter than his sanad via ʿAlī Subayʿ.

Links to Sheikh al-Mutawallī via al-Kutbī and al-Khaṭīb:
ʿAlī al-Ḍabbāʿ38
He is ʿAlī ibn Muḥammad ibn Ḥasan ibn Ibrāhīm
ibn ʿAbd Allah, better known as ʿAlī al-Ḍabbāʾ. He
was born on 13 Ṣafar 1304/10 November 1886 in al-
Qalʿāh, Cairo.
Sheikh al-Ḍabbāʿ memorised the Qurʾān while still
very young. It was also at this tender age that he
displayed his brilliance in the field of Qirāʾāt. When he met the Sheikh al-
Qurrāʾ of Egypt during that time, Sheikh Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad al-
Mutawallī, he recognised his brilliance and told his son-in-law, Sheikh Ḥasan
ibn Yaḥyā al-Kutbī, to take Sheikh al-Ḍabbāʿ and teach him Qurʾānic sciences,
as well as to forward his entire library to him when he dies. Having this huge
library at his disposal, it was no wonder that Sheikh al-Ḍabbāʿ became one of
the leading figures of Qirāʾāt in recent times. The multitude of books authored
by him clearly displays his brilliance and expertise in the field of Qirāʾāt,
Rasm, Tajwīd, Waqf and many other Qurʾānic disciplines.
He was appointed as the Sheikh al-Qurrāʾ at Masjid al-Sulṭān Ḥasan in Cairo,
Masjid al-Sayyidah Ruqayyah, Masjid al-Sayyidah Zaynab, and eventually in
1949, the Grand Sheikh of Qurʾānic Affairs in Egypt. The previous Grand

Juhūd al-Sheikh ʿAli ibn Muhammad al-Ḍabbāʿ fī ʿIlm al-Qirāʾāt by Dr Muḥammad
ibn Fouzān al-ʿUmar, Al-ʿAllāmah ʿAli Muḥammad al-Ḍabbāʿ by Dr Ashraf Muḥammad
Fuʾād Ṭalʿat, Imtāʿ al-Fuḍalāʾ Vol. 3 pg. 331.
Sheikh, Muḥammad ibn ʿAli ibn Khalaf al-Ḥusaynī, better known as al-
Ḥaddād, also worked hand in hand with Sheikh al-Ḍabbāʿ. He was chosen as
the chief Qurʾānic instructor in Egypt by consensus of many other senior
Qurʾānic scholars. His contemporaries include the famous Sheikh Aḥmad ʿAbd
al-ʿAzīz al-Zayyāt. He was truly and ocean of knowledge concerning Qurʾānic
sciences, as is clearly displayed in all his written works, large or small.
This well-versed teacher exhibited humility and piety; he was an ascetic who
devoted himself to Qurʾānic instruction and the worship of Allah. He played a
pivotal role in correcting the prints of the maṣāḥif so that they were printed
with accuracy according to the rules of Rasm. Initially this duty was given to
the Grand Sheikh alone. Sheikh al-Ḍabbāʿ undertook this monumental task
alone until a board, of which he was also a member, was established to check
the muṣḥaf.

Written works:
• Irshād al-Murīd – a commentary on the Shāṭibiyyah.
• Al-Iḍāʾah – explains the uṣūl for the 10 qurrāʾ via the Shāṭibiyyah and
the Durrah.
• Bulūgh al-Umniyyah – a brief commentary on Itḥāf al-Bariyyah.
• Al-Bahjat al-Marḍiyyah – a commentary on the Durrah.
• Samīr al-Ṭālibīn fī Rasm wa Ḍabt al-Kitāb al-Mubīn – a book on Rasm.
• Ṣarīḥ al-Naṣṣ – the Ṭuruq of Ḥafṣ via the Ṭayyibah.

• Tadhkirat al-Ikhwān – a book on Tajwīd, specifically in the narration
of Ḥafṣ.

• Sheikh Ḥasan ibn Yaḥyā al-Kutbī, well known as ‚ṣihr al-Mutawallī‛
(the son-in-law of Mutawallī) – al-Ḍabbāʿ read the Seven Qirāʾāt via the
Shāṭibiyyah to him.
• Sheikh ʿAbd al-Raḥmān ibn Ḥusayn al-Khaṭīb al-Shaʿ-ʿār – he read the
10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah to him.
• Sheikh Maḥmūd ʿĀmir Murād al-Shabīnī – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via
the Ṭayyibah to him.
• Sheikh Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad ibn Manṣūr al-Sukkarī – he read the
narration of Ḥafṣ to him.39
Via the al-Shabīnī and al-Sukkarī, Sheikh al-Ḍabbāʿ is also linked to the
teachers of Ṭanṭā.

• ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz ʿUyūn al-Sūd – he read the 10 and the 14 Qirāʾāt to him,
as well as many classical works like the Shāṭibiyyah, the Jazariyyah and
so forth.
• Aḥmad ibn Ḥāmid al-Tījī – he read the 10 and the 14 Qirāʾāt to him.

See Tadhkirat al-Ikhwān by ʿAli al-Ḍabbāʿ pg. 48.
• ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ Madkūr Bayyūmī – he read the narration of Ḥafṣ to
him, as well as the Jazariyyah.
• ʿAbd al-Qādir Quwaydir al-ʿArbīnī – he received ijāzah from him.
• Sayyid ʿAbd al-Munʿim – he read the narration of Ḥafṣ to him.
• Maḥmūd Khalīl al-Ḥuṣarī – he received ijāzah from him.

He died on 14 Rajab 1380/2 January 1961.

According to Dr Ayman Suwayd he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah to
both Ḥasan Yaḥyā al-Kutbī and ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Khaṭīb.40 However, he only
read the Seven Qirāʾāt to Ḥasan Yaḥyā al-Kutbī and not all 10.41 This is also
apparent in what he mentions in his work Tadhkirat al-Ikhwān. Allah knows

The author of Imtāʿ al-Fuḍalāʾ, Sheikh Ilyās Barmāwī, has listed Sheikh ʿAbd
al-Qādir Quwaydir as a student of ʿAli Ḍabbāʿ. However, Dr Ayman Suwayd
See Salāsil al-Dhahabiyyah pg. 114.
See Tibyān of Muṣṭafā Warrāqī, Imtāʿ al-Fuḍalāʾ Vol. 3 pg. 331. See also sanad of ʿAbd
al-ʿAzīz al-Qārī from his father who read to Aḥmad al-Tījī, a student of al-Ḍabbāʿ. Al-Tījī
read the ten Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah to Ḍabbāʿ, and he only mentions Ḍabbāʿs reading
to ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Khaṭīb. See Qawāʿid al-Tajwīd by ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz al-Qārī pg. 30.
Furthermore, al-Ḍabbāʿ only mentions his reading to ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Khaṭīb when he
documents his sanad of the 10 Qirāʾāt via theṬayyibah at the beginning of the Nashr
and at the beginning of Itḥāf Fuḍalāʾ al-Bashar of Aḥmad al-Bannā` al-Dimyāṭī. Allah
knows best.
mentions that Sheikh ʿAbd al-Qādir never left Syria to travel to Egypt. He
therefore never met Ḍabbāʿ.42 Others clarify this mentioning that Sheikh
Ḍabbāʿ sent him a written ijāzah on the request of his teacher, Sheikh ʿAbd
Allah al-Munajjid.43 And Allah knows best.

Sanad of al-Ḍabbāʿ to al-Mutawallī and al-ʿUbaydī

Ibrāhīm al-ʿUbaydī

Aḥmad Salamūnah

Aḥmad al-Durrī al-Tihāmī

Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad al-Mutawallī

ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Khaṭīb Yaḥyā al-Kutbī

ʿAlī ibn Muḥammad al-Ḍabbāʿ

See Tukhfah al-Ikhwān.
Tārīkh ʿUlamāʾ Dimashq Vol. 3 pg. 290.

Al-Fāḍilī Abū Laylah

Al-Fāḍilī Abū Laylah44
Sheikh al-Fāḍilī ibn ʿAli Abū Laylah was born in
1869/1290 in Desouk, Kafr Sheikh.45 He first read
the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Shāṭibiyyah and the Durrah
to Sheikh Ismāʿil Ismāʿīl Abū al-Nūr before
reading it to Abū al-Nūr’s teacher, Sheikh ʿAbd al-
ʿAṭḥīm al-Dusūqī. Thus, Sheikh al-Fāḍilī first read
the Ṣughrā to Sheikh Ismāʿīl and thereafter,
directly to Sheikh ʿAbd al-ʿAṭḥīm. After the demise of Sheikh ʿAbd al-ʿAṭḥīm,
he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah to Sheikh Sayyid Aḥmad Abū Ḥaṭab.46
Sheikh al-Fāḍilī taught both taḥfīṭḥ (memorisation of the Qurʾān) and Qirāʾāt
at Masjid Ibrāhīm, Desouk, from 1322/1905 until his demise in 1965/1385 at
the age of 96.

All the biographies of the Qurrāʾ from Desouk are taken from al-Waraqāt fī Tarājim
Shuyūkh Desouk fī al-Qirāʾāt by M. Riyadh Obaray.
There is difference of opinion amongst the direct, as well as the indirect students of
Sheikh al-Fāḍilī regarding the year in which he was born. While some maintain that it is
1870/1286, others opine 1869/1285; the latter being the most accepted. Thus, there
would also be a difference in his age at the time of his death, 96 or 97, depending on the
opinion considered. And Allah knows best.
Both Sheikh Ismāʿīl Abū al-Nūr and Sheikh Sayyid Aḥmad Abū Ḥaṭab were students
of Sheikh ʿAbd al-ʿAṭḥīm al-Dusūqī. Sheikh Ismāʿīl read the Ṣughrā to Sheikh ʿAbd al-
ʿAṭḥīm whereas Sheikh Sayyid Aḥmad read the Kubrā to him. Sheikh Sayyid Abū Ḥaṭab
also has a link via the Qurrāʾ of Ṭanṭā since he read the Kubrā to Shaykh Yūsuf ibn
Muḥāmmad ʿAjjūr, also known as ʿAjjūr al-Kabīr.
1. ‘Abd al-ʿAṭḥīm al-Dusūqī – He read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Shāṭibiyyah
and the Durrah to him.
2. Ismāʿīl Ismāʿīl Abū al-Nūr – He read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Shāṭibiyyah
and Durrah to him. Sheikh Ismāʿīl Abū al-Nūr read to ʿAbd al-ʿAṭḥīm
3. Sayyid Aḥmad Abū Ḥaṭab – He read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah to

• Zakariyyā ibn ʿAbd al-Salām al-Jamājmūnī – He read the 10 Qirāʾāt via
the Ṭayyibah to him.
• Miṣbāḥ Widn – He read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Shāṭibiyyah and Durrah
to him.
• Muḥammad Yūnus al-Ghalbān – He read the Seven Qirāʾāt via the
Shāṭibiyyah to him.
• Salmān ibn ʿAbd al-Salām al-Jamājmūnī – He read the Seven Qirāʾāt
via the Shāṭibiyyah to him.

Links to Fāḍilī Abū Laylah via Zakariyyā ibn ʿAbd al-Salām:
Zakariyyā ibn ʿAbd al-Salām
Sheikh Zakariyyā ibn Muḥammad ibn ʿAli ibn ʿAbd al-
Salām al-Jamājmūnī al-Dusūqī was born in 1927/1345
in a village known as Jamājmūn, Kafr Sheikh. At the
age of six, he memorised the Qurʾān at the hands of
Sheikh al-Fāḍilī Abū Laylah. Sheikh Zakariyyā would
walk the distance of 20 kilometres daily between
Jamājmūn to Desouk, whether it was in the
excruciating heat of summer or the rain of winter. He
commenced his studies of the Tuḥfah, the Jazariyyah, the Shāṭibiyyah, the
Durrah as well as the Ṭayyibah under the tutelage of Sheikh al-Fāḍilī, thus
receiving ijāzah for these texts. Thereafter, he read three individual khatms
(complete renditions of the entire Qurʾān) to the Sheikh. He first combined
the Seven Qirāʾāt via the Shāṭibiyyah, followed by reading the 10 Qirāʾāt via
Shāṭibiyyah and the Durrah and thereafter completed a khatm of the 10
Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah. Sheikh Zakariyyā was the only known student to
have studied the text of the Ṭayyibah and to have subsequently read and
received a sanad and ijāzah from Shaykh al-Fāḍilī for the text as well as the 10
Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah.
From the period of 1957 to 1967, Sheikh Zakariyyā enrolled at the Kulliyat al-
ʿArabiyyah (Faculty of Arabic) in Cairo where he furthered his studies in the
field of Qirāʾāt. In 1958, he received his shahādah (Diploma), followed by his
shahādah al-ʿāliyah (Higher Diploma) in 1963, and thereafter majored and
qualified in a course that was dedicated to the study of the 10 Qirā’āt via the
Ṭayyibah in 1967 (takhaṣṣuṣ). He was appointed as a lecturer at the al-Azhar
University in 1968. In 1973, he was recruited to reside and teach in Saudi
Arabia, where he remained for approximately four years. He returned to
Jamājmūn in 1977. It was only after he left Saudi Arabia that they became
aware of his high sanad. Sheikh Zakariyyā was incessantly requested to return
to Saudi Arabia, but their requests were in vain. Sheikh Zakariyyā spent the
remainder of his life teaching at Maʿhad al-Dīnī and also acted as an imām at
Masjid Sulaym in his hometown, Jamājmūn.
One of the asānīd that Sheikh Zakariyyā received from Sheikh al-Fāḍilī
equated the asānīd of Sheikh Aḥmad ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz al-Zayyāt, Sheikh
Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Ḥamīd ʿAbd Allah al-Sikandarī, Sheikh ʿAṭiyyah
Muḥammad al-Wāṣilī al-Manūfī and Shaykh ʿAbd al-Bāsiṭ Hāshim. They all
had four links between themselves and Ibrāhim al-ʿUbaydī, considered as being
the highest in the world. In fact, considering another link of Sheikh Zakariyyā,
he would have only three intermediaries between himself and Sheikh Ibrāhīm
al-ʿUbaydī; making his sanad the highest/shortest known currently, even
higher/shorter than that of Sheikh al-Zayyāt and those in his ṭabaqah
Sheikh Zakariyyā passed away in 2009 at the age of 82.

Links to Fāḍilī Abū Laylah via Miṣbāḥ Widn:
Miṣbāḥ Widn
Sheikh Miṣbāḥ Ibrāhim Muḥammad al-
Sheikh ʿAli Widn was born in 1943/1361
in Desouk, Kafr Sheikh. In 1958, he
completed the memorisation of the
Qurʾān at the age of 15 under the
tutelage of Sheikh al-Fāḍilī. Before
initiating his studies in Qirāʾāt, he first revised the Qur’ān five times with his
teacher. He then studied and committed to memory the texts of the Tuḥfah,
the Jazariyyah and the Shāṭibiyyah. Subsequent to rendering a khatm in the
Seven Qirāʾāt via the Shāṭibiyyah, he memorised and studied the text of the
Durrah. Thereafter, he rendered the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Durrah. However, due
to being summoned and enlisted by the Egyptian army in 1964, this rendition
was truncated when he reached Sūrah Yāsīn. Sheikh al-Faḍilī did however
issue Shaykh Miṣbāh with an ijāzah for the Three Qirāʾāt via the Durrah.
After serving in the army, he enrolled in the Faculty of Qirāʾāt at the al-Azhar
University. Here he received his Bachelor of Arts degree in 1979 and
subsequently completed his Masters in Qirāʾāt in 1986. In 1980, he started
teaching taḥfīṭḥ at Masjid Nawwār in Desouk. Shortly thereafter, he was
offered a teaching post at the Azhar University. He accepted this post and
taught at the Azhar University until 2003.

After retiring from the Azhar University in 2003, Sheikh Miṣbāḥ resides and
still teaches from his home in Desouk, Kafr Sheikh. Sheikh Miṣbāḥ indicated
that he intends to seize all teaching due to his age.
Previously, Sheikh Miṣbāḥ would only allow students to read for sanad and
ijāzah mushāfahatan i.e. the student had to physically read in the presence of
the Sheikh. Of recent, Sheikh Miṣbāḥ allows a student to read telephonically,
via Skype or any other social network platform. These recitals via social
network platforms are managed by his personal assistant, Aḥmad Sayyid and
Muḥammad Mabrūk.

Links to Fāḍilī Abū Laylah via Yūnus al-Ghalbān:
Muḥammad Yūnus al-Ghalbān
Sheikh Muḥammad Yūnus ibn ʿAbd al-Ghanī ibn
Ibrāhīm al-Ghalbān was born in 1946/1365 in a
village known as Shabbās al-Milḥ in Desouk,
Kafr Sheikh. At the age of 12, he completed the
memorisation of the Qurʾān under the tutelage of
Sheikh ʿUmar al-Nashwān. In 1963, his father
took him to Shaykh al-Fāḍilī Abū Laylah where
he started his studies on Qirāʾāt. He was 17 years old at the time. Two years
later – at 19 – he had memorised the Shāṭibiyyah and rendered a khatm in
the Seven Qirāʾāt according to the Shāṭibiyyah.
Subsequently, Sheikh Yūnus rendered numerous khatms in the Seven Qirāʾāt
–ifrādan (individually) and jamʿan (collectively) to Sheikh al-Fāḍilī. Thereafter,
he received ijāzah of talaqqī from Shaykh al-Fāḍilī for the Seven Qirāʾāt, as
well as the Tuḥfah, the Jazariyyah and the Shāṭibiyyah.
Sheikh Yūnus remained with Shaykh al-Fāḍilī for approximately 18 months
before Shaykh al-Faḍilī passed away in 1965 at the age of 96. At that time,
Sheikh Yūnus was studying the text of the Durrah by him. However, after the
death of Shaykh al-Fāḍilī, Sheikh Yūnus never furthered his studies, nor did he
read to any other teacher.
Due to Sheikh Yūnus’s busy schedule as a public reciter, he only started
teaching and subsequently started issuing sanad and ijāzah to students in 2008,

at the age of 62. Currently, more than one thousand students have read to
him. He allows students to render khatms to him telephonically or via any
social networking platform such as Whatsapp, Skype or IMO with the
prerequisite that the student completes his/her khatm in person. Students are
required to read a minimum of 1-2 ajzāʾ per sitting. Students are allowed to
recite any Riwāyah (transmission), Qirā’ah (Reading), combine selected Qirāʾāt
in a session or even choose to recite the entire Seven Qirāʾāt via the
Shāṭibiyyah. These afore-mentioned options are done at the discretion of the
student. Both of his sons, ʿĀṣim and Hānī, assist their father with the
preparation of the ijāzāt and are usually present for the completion of a
student’s khatm. They also manage the various social networking platforms on
behalf of their father.
Sheikh Yūnus is currently one of the heads of the ḥalaqāt al-iqrāʾ at Masjid al-
Ibrāhīm, Desouk. The Sheikh currently resides and teaches from his home in
Desouk, Kafr Sheikh.

The Asānīd of the Desoukī’s in the Seven and Minor 10 Qirāʾāt

Ibrāhīm al-ʿUbaydī

ʿAlī al-Ḥaddādī alAzharī

ʿAbd al-ʿAṭḥīm al-Dusūqī

Fāḍilī Abū Laylah

M. Yūnus al-Ghalbān Miṣbāḥ Widn

The Asānīd of the Desoukī’s in the Major 10 Qirāʾāt

Ibrāhīm al-ʿUbaydī

ʿAlī al-Ḥaddādī alAzharī

ʿAbd al-ʿAṭḥīm al-Dusūqī

Al-Sayyid Abū Ḥaṭab

Fāḍilī Abū Laylah

Zakariyyā ʿAbd al-Salām


Muṣṭafā al-Mīhī

Muṣṭafā al-Mīhī47
He is Muṣṭafā ibn ʿAlī ibn ʿUmar ibn Ḥamad ibn ʿUmar ibn Nājī ibn Funaysh
al-ʿAwnī al-Mīhī. The attribution of ‚al-Mīhī‛ links this great Qurʾānic scholar
to a district in Manūfiyyah, Egypt. Sheikh Muṣṭafā al-Mīhī was born in circa
1170/1757. He was one of the most outstanding scholars of his time in the
field of Qirāʾāt. His writing bears testimony to this. He is occasionally referred
to as ‚al-Mīhī al-Ṣaghīr‛ while his father is referred to as ‚al-Mīhī al-Kabīr‛.

Written Works:
• Fatḥ al-Karīm al-Raḥmān fī Taḥrīr Awjuh al-Qurʾān.

• ʿAlī al-Mīhī (his father) – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt to his father. His
father explicitly states that he read to Ismāʿīl al-Maḥallī.48 In some later
ijāzāt it is mentioned that Sheikh ʿAlī al-Mīhī also read to Sālim al-
Nabtītī.49 It is rare that a sanad passes via ʿAlī al-Mīhī except that it is
via son, Muṣṭafā al-Mīhī.50
• Sālīm al-Nabtītī – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt to him. Sheikh Sālim was a
contemporary to Sheikh Ibrāhīm al-ʿUbaydī; having read to ʿAlī al-

Hidāyat al-Qārī, Vol. 2, pg. 730.
Sheikh Ismāʿīl al-Maḥallī read to ʿAlī al-Rumaylī, who read to Muḥammad al-Baqarī.
Kashkūl Ibn Shaʿbān, pg. 164.
Kashkūl Ibn Shaʿbān, pg. 165.
• ʿAlī Ṣaqar al-Jawharī – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah to him.
• Sulaymān al-Shahdāwī – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah to
him. His students include Maḥmūd ʿĀmir al-Shabīnī – the teacher of
Sheikh al-Ḍabbāʿ – and ʿAbd al-Munʿim al-Bundārī.

He died in approximately 1235/1820.

Yūsuf ʿAjjūr
He is Yūsuf ibn Muḥammad al-Maḥrūqī, better known as Yūsuf ʿAjjūr. He was
born in 1221/1806 according to the dominant opinion. The attribution ‚al-
Maḥrūqī‛ links the Sheikh to the area of Maḥrūq in Ṭanṭā.
He completed his memorisation of the Qurʾān at a young age. His nurturing
in the science of Qirāʾāt was at the hands of Sheikh ʿAlī Ṣaqar al-Jawharī and
ʿAbd al-Munʿim al-Bundārī. After mastering the science, he taught Qirāʾāt in
Ṭanta. His student, ʿUthmān al-Ḥāfiṭh al-ʿIrāqī, describes him as the Sheikh al-
Qurrāʾ during his era; upon whom all agreed concerning his piety and his
unique relationship with Allah (wilāyah). People travelled from all over Egypt
to study Qirāʾāt by him. It seems that he was renowned beyond the borders of
Egypt as well, since Sheikh ʿUthmān al-ʿIrāqī travelled from Iraq to recite to
Many of the asānīd of Ṭanṭā, amongst other areas – pass via this exceptional

• ʿAlī Ṣaqar al-Jawharī – he read the Major 10 Qirāʾāt to him.
• ʿAbd al-Munʿim al-Bundārī – he read the Minor 10 Qirāʾāt to him.

• Aḥmad Yūsuf ʿAjjūr (his son).
• Sayyid Aḥmad Abū Ḥaṭab.

• ʿUthmān al-Ḥāfiṭh al-ʿIrāqī – he travelled to Sheikh Yūsuf ʿAjjūr in
• Muḥammad Hilālī al-Abyārī.
• Aḥmad Sharaf al-Abyārī.
• Muḥammad Ghazāl.

He died on 4 Rabīʿ al-Awwal 1321/30 May 1903.

Sanad of Ibrāhīm al-Samannūdī via Ṭanṭā

Ibrāhīm al-ʿUbaydī Sālim al-Nabtītī

Aḥmad Salamūnah Muṣṭafā al-Mīhī

Aḥmad al-Durrī al-Tihāmī ʿAlī Ṣaqar al-Jawharī

M. Aḥmad al-Mutawallī Yūsuf ʿAjjūr

Khalīl M. Ghunaym Ibrāhīm Saʿīd

Ḥanafī Ibrāhīm al-Saqqā ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz ʿAbd al-Jawwād

Ibrāhīm ibn Shaḥāthah al-Samannūdī

As may be noticed, Sheikh al-Samannūdī’s sanad in the Major 10 Qirāʾāt from

Ḥanafī al-Saqqā – via Cairo – and ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz ʿAbd al-Jawwād – via Ṭanṭā –
are equal in terms of the amount of links in them.

Sanad of ʿAlī al-Ḍabbāʿ via Ṭanṭā

Ibrāhīm al-ʿUbaydī Sālim al-Nabtītī

Aḥmad Salamūnah Muṣṭafā al-Mīhī

Aḥmad al-Durrī al-Tihāmī Sulaymān al-Shahdāwī

M. Aḥmad al-Mutawallī Maḥmūd ʿĀmir al-Shabīnī

ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Khaṭīb

ʿAlī ibn Muḥammad al-Ḍabbāʿ

The sanad of Sheikh al-Ḍabbāʿ in the Major 10 Qirāʾāt via Ṭanṭā is stronger
than his sanad via Cairo.

The sanads of Ibrāhīm Mursī Bakr al-Abnāsī via Ṭanṭā51

Sālim al-Nabtītī Ibrāhīm al-ʿUbaydī

Muṣṭafā al-Mīhī Aḥmad Salamūnah

ʿAlī Ṣaqar al-Jawharī Aḥmad al-Durrī al-Tihāmī

Yūsuf ʿAjjūr Ḥasan al-Juraysī Kabīr

Aḥmad ʿAjjūr Ghunaym Muḥammad

Ibrāhīm Mursī Bakr al-Abnāsī

Sheikh Ibrāhīm al-Abnāsī’s sanad via Cairo and Ṭanṭā are equal in their
amount of links. If we consider Ḥasan al-Juraysī’s reading to al-Mutawallī,
then the sanad via Cairo will be longer. Bear in mind that Ibrāhīm al-Abnāsī’s
reading to Aḥmad ʿAjjūr is the Major 10 Qirāʾāt while his reading to Ghunaym
Muḥammad Ghunaym is in the Minor 10 Qirāʾāt.

See the ijāzah of Abū Nusaybah to Moulana Riyāḍ Obaray.
The sanads of the Desoukī’s via Ṭanṭā

Sālīm al-Nabtītī

Muṣṭafā al-Mīhī

ʿAlī Ṣaqar al-Jawharī

Yūsuf ʿAjjūr

Al-Sayyid Abū Ḥaṭab

Fāḍilī Abū Laylah

Zakariyyā ʿAbd al-Salām


ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Kuḥayl

Links to ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Kuḥayl via al-Khalījī:
Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Khalījī52
Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd al-Raḥmān ibn Muḥammad ibn ʿUmar ibn Sulaymān
was born on 5 Dhū al-Ḥijjah 1292/ 2 January 1876. He was born to two pious
parents who longed that he be a scholar and memorise the Qurʾān. Allah
answered their prayers, and Sheikh ʿAbd al-Raḥmān memorised the entire
Qurʾān at the tender age of 10. Thereafter, his father presented him to Sheikh
Shaḥḥātah al-Sandarīsī to study Tajwīd. He later enrolled at the Anwar
Institute, studying all the necessary sciences of dīn in a similar manner to the
Azhar University. Under the tutelage of Sheikh Bishbīshī, he studied Ḥanafī
Fiqh, Arabic and its poetry, particularly its different scales and rhymes. He
learnt Arabic grammar and morphology by Sheikh ʿUmar ibn Khalīfah, who
was known as the Sībway of his time. He learned Rhetoric from Sheikh Mūsa
Kullah, Tafsīr and Ḥadīth by the Sheikh of the Shāfiʿī school of law, Sheikh
Ismāʿīl ʿAfīfī. At the hands of Sheikh Muḥammad Bakhīt al-Muṭīʿī, the Qāḍī of
Alexandria, he learnt Manṭiq and Tawḥīd. He studied Uṣūl under the Qāḍī of
Alexandria in 1900, Sheikh Aḥmad Idrīs. Under the supervision of the well-
known scholars and experts, Muḥammad Sābiq al-Iskandarī and ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz
Kuḥayl, who were the leading qurrāʾ in Alexandria at the time, he mastered
the science of Qirāʾāt.

He was appointed as a reciter at the maqraʾ (circle of knowledge) of Umm

Ḥusayn Beck at Masjid Dānyāl, a position he maintained until Sheikh ʿAli al-

Imtāʿ al-Fuḍalāʾ Vol. 4 pg. 243 and Hidāyat al-Qāriʾ Vol. 2 pg 709.
Ḍabbāʿ made him the head of that maqraʾ in 1889. In 1905, he graduated from
the Azhar University with the Shahādah al-Ahliyyah.

Approximately 35 books were written by Sheikh Khalījī in the fields of Fiqh,

Tawḥīd, Naḥw, Ṣarf, ʿIlm al-ʿArūḍ, Qirāʾāt, Tajwīd, Waqf, and Rasm, among
others. Some of his books in the field of Qirā’āt include::
• Taysīr al-Amr li Ḥafṣ min al-Nashr.
• Qurrat al-ʿAyn bi taḥrīr mā bayn al-Sūratayn.
• Ḥall al-Mushkilāt – this book is still used and relied upon by scholars
of Qirāʾāt across the globe, including the scholars of the Azhar.
• Alfiyyat al-Khalījiyyah fī al-Qirāʾāt al-ʿAshriyyah – it consists of 1000
lines of poetry discussing matters concerning the 10 Qirāʾāt.
• Al-Durūs al-Tajwīdiyyah.
• Al-Ihtidāʾ fī al-Waqf wa al-Ibtidāʾ.
• A commentary on the Rāʾiyyah of Imam al-Shāṭibī.
• Tawjīhāt al-Qirāʾāt.

On a number of occasions, Sheikh Khalījī’s father dreamt that he saw the

moon rising and shedding its light from his bedroom window. He interpreted
this to mean that a person from his house would spread knowledge
throughout the world. Exactly as his father interpreted, students bearing
knowledge of Qirāʾāt gained from Sheikh Khalījī or via his students can be
found in all four corners of the world. Many pride themselves in having him

in their sanad, since he held one of the highest sanads of his era in the field of

Teachers in Qirāʾāt:
• ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Kuḥayl – he read the Minor 10 Qirāʾāt to Muḥammad
Sābiq al-Iskandarī and the Major 10 Qirāʾāt to ʿAbd al-ʿAṭḥīm al-
• Muḥamad Sābiq al-Iskandarī – he read the Seven Qirāʾāt to him.53

• Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Ḥamīd al-Iskandarī.

He died in Alexandria on 20 Dhū al-Ḥijjah 1389/26 February 1970. Some say

he died in 1969. And Allah knows best.

Kashkūl Ibn Shaʿbān, pg. 182.
Links to ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Kuḥayl via Nafīsah:
Sheikhah Nafīsah bint Abū al-ʿIlā54
Her name is Nafīsah bint Abū al-ʿIlā ibn Aḥmad ibn Rajab. She was born in
Alexandria in 1294/1874. At a very young age she had memorised the Qurʾān.
Thereafter, she embarked on memorising the Tuḥfah of Jamzūrī, the
Jazariyyah, the Shāṭibiyyah on the Seven Qirāʾāt, the Durrah on the Three
remaining Qirāʾāt, the Ṭayyibah on the 10 Qirāʾāt and many other texts. She
then read all these Qirāʾāt to the Sheikh al-Qurrāʾ of Alexandria during that
time, Sheikh ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz ʿAli Kuḥayl.
She never married and dedicated her life to the teaching of Qurʾān and Qirāʾāt.
She taught from her house, passing on her knowledge of Qirāʾāt to whoever
came to recite to her. In this manner she spent her life until she passed away,
nearing the age of 80 years. She was a contemporary of the Sheikh al-Qurrāʾ of
Alexandria, Sheikh Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Khalījī.

• ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Kuḥayl.

• Umm al-Saʿd.
• Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Ḥamīd al-Iskandarī.
She died in 1374 /1954.
Imtā˘ʿal-Fuḍalāʾ Vol. 5 pg. 132.
Links to ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Kuḥayl via Nafīsah;
from Umm al-Saʿd:
Sheikhah Umm al-Saʿd55
Sheikhah Umm al-Saʿd bint Muḥammad ibn ʿAli ibn Najm was born on
1343/1925 in Manūfiyyah, Egypt. At the age of two she lost her eyesight. Due
to her father’s work, they moved and settled in Alexandria.
She started her memorisation of the Qurʾān at the age of five and completed
when she was 10 years old. At the age of 15, she went to Sheikhah Nafīsah
bint Abū al-ʿIlā to study Qirāʾāt. Sheikhah Nafīsah dedicated her life to the
teaching of Qurʾān and Qirāʾāt. Inspite of the many marriage proposals she
received, she never married and chose to teach Qurʾān instead. She also
became very despondent in that many of her female students upon whom she
had sacrificed much time and effort neglected to teach what they had gained
from her after getting married. Thus, when Sheikhah Umm al-Saʾd came to
her, she agreed to teach her Qirāʾāt on the very unusual condition that she
would not get married. Sheikhah Umm al-Saʿd agreed to this condition. It was
in this manner that she read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Shāṭibiyyah and the Durrah
to Sheikhah Nafīsah. At the age of 23, she completed her study of the 10
Thereafter, she started teaching Qirāʾāt in Alexandria. Because she was blind,
she nothing preoccupied her except the Qurʾān and Qirāʾāt. Her mind was
thus engrossed with none other than the Qurʾān and the texts of Tajwīd and

Imtāʾ Vol. 5 pg. 95.
Qirāʾāt that she had memorised. It was therefore not unusual that she became
an expert in these sciences. All over the world, the name of Umm al-Saʿd was
known, not only for her expertise and proficiency in the science of Qirāʾāt, but
also for her high sanad. Men and women from all over the world travelled to
read Qirāʾāt to her. She would teach women from 8am until 2pm, and the men
from 2pm till 8pm in the evening. They would only break for prayers, eating,
and other necessary duties. In 1999, she spent 10 months in Riyadh where
many read and benefited from her. For 60 years she continued teaching the
Qurʾān in this manner. Towards the end of her life she stated: ‚60 years of
memorising and revising the Qurʾān and its Qirāʾāt has made it such that I
cannot forget anything of it. I know every verse of the Qurʾān, in which sūrah
it appears, which juz it is in, its mutashābihāt (similar verses), and how to read
it in all its different Qirāʾāt. It is as if I know the Qurʾān like my very name. I
do not sense that I would forget or faulter in it because there is nothing else I
know except the Qurʾān and Qirāʾāt.‛
The happiest day in the Sheikhah’s life would be the day a khatm of the
Qurʾān was made, whether in one narration, one Qirāʾāh, or all 10 Qirāʾāt. It
was a day everyone came together and joined in the meals prepared for this
After the demise of her teacher, she received a marriage proposal from one of
the students who had completed the 10 Qirāʾāt by her, Sheikh Muḥammad
Farīd Nuʿmān. He was also blind, like her, and had dedicated his life to
Qurʾān. Though they remained married for 40 years, they had no children.
However, between them, they had countless students. When she was asked

concerning her students, she replied that she could recall every single one of
them, including what they had read to her.

• Nafīsah bint Abū al-ʿIlā – she read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Durrah to her.

• Her husband, Muḥammad Farīd Nuʿmān.
• Aḥmad Naʿīnaʿ.
• ʿAbd Allah ibn Ṣāliḥ al-ʿUbayd.
• ʿAbd al-Ḥamīd Manṣūr.
• Aḥmad Ḥāmid Āli Ṭuʿaymah.

She died on 17 Ramaḍān 1427/9 October 2006.

Links to ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Kuḥayl via Nafīsah and al-Khalījī;
from Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Ḥamīd:
Mauḥmmad ʿAbd al-Ḥamīd ʿAbd Allah
He was well known for having one of the highest
sanads in the world. His sanad equaled the sanad of
Sheikh Aḥmad ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz al-Zayyāt in that both
had four persons between them and Ibrāhīm al-
Sheikh Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Ḥamīd ʿAbd Allah hails
from Alexandria. He was born on a 22 Shawwāl
1344/5 May 1926 in the village of Niqīdī, Egypt. Two years after his birth, his
eye-sight weakened and he became blind. Through the guidance of his father
and uncle, he had completely memorised the Qurʾān at the age of 10. In 1947,
he went to Alexandria and embarked on his studies in the field of Qirāʾāt at
the hands of Sheikhah Nafīsah, daughter of Abū al-ʿIlā. He read the Qurʾān to
her four times in the narration of Ḥafṣ. At her hands, he also memorised
many of the texts of Tajwīd and Qirāʾāt. They include the Tuḥfah of Jamzūrī,
the Muqaddimah of Ibn al-Jazarī, the Shāṭibiyyah, the Durrah and the
Ṭayyibah, amongst others. Thereafter he recited the Seven Qirāʾāt to her, the
first time individually (Ifrādan), and a second time combining all Seven
(Jamʿan). She gave him ijāzah on the 19 March 1951. He immediately
embarked on the reciting the 10 Qirāʾāt to her via the Ṭarīq of the Durrah,
which he completed on 10 February 1953. Sheikh Muḥammad ʿAbd al-
Raḥmān al-Khalījī, the Sheikh al-Qurrāʾ in Alexandria, was witness to the
licensing (issuing of the ijāzah) on both occasions. This was followed by him
reciting the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭarīq of the Ṭayyibah to her. In 1954, after
rendering the Qirāʾāt of Nāfiʿ, Ibn Kathīr and Abū ʿAmr al-Baṣrī to her
individually via the Ṭayyibah, the Sheikhah passed away. He continued
reciting the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah to Sheikh al-Khalījī. On 17 August
1955, he received his ijāzah in these Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah from Sheikh al-
Khalījī. He also recited to one of Sheikh al-Khalījī’s senior students,
Muḥammad al-Sayyid ʿAli who was astounded at the precision and ability of
this reciter. Due to the demise of Sheikh Sayyid in 1974, he was unable to
receive ijāzah from him.
When the institute of Qirāʾāt was initially opened, Sheikh ʿAbd al-Ḥamīd
enrolled. In 1981, and after one year of study in a course which usually takes
two years, he received his ijāzah for the narration of Ḥafṣ from the institute. In
1984, he also received his higher diploma (ʿĀliyah) in Qirāʾāt from the
institute. At that time, no specialisation Faculty dedicated to the study of
Qirāʾāt (Takhaṣṣuṣ) existed. Thus, the degree received by the Sheikh from the
institute was the highest degree that could be achieved in the field of Qirāʾāt
during that time. He married in 1955 and had one son and two daughters.
In 1955, 48 reciters were interviewed to screen them for radio broadcasting.
The Sheikh was amongst them. All 48 reciters were tested and only 12 passed.
The remaining 12 were retested until only five remained. Sheikh ʿAbd al-
Ḥamīd attained the top position of these five. In 1962, a competition was held
to select a reciter to record the entire Qurʾān in the narration of Warsh. The

Sheikh again received first position of the final six reciters. Unfortunately, due
to unforeseen circumstances the recording was never completed.
The Sheikh traveled to Kuwait in 1963. In 1964 and 1966, he also visited
Ghazzah. This was all during Ramaḍān. In 2000, he was invited to the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by Sheikh ʿAbd Allah ibn Ṣāliḥ al-ʿUbayd. He was
accompanied by Umm al-Saʿd who studied with him under the tutelage of
Sheikhah Nafīsah. He was later requested to take up residence in Riyadh. He
stayed there for four years. Many in Riyadh learnt from him during this

• Sheikhah Nafīsah bint Abū al-ʿIlā – he read to her the narration of
Ḥafṣ four times. Thereafter, the Seven Qirāʾāt twice, once individually
and a second time combining all Seven. He followed this by reading the
10 Qirāʾāt to her via the Ṭarīq of the Durrah. Via the Ṭayyibah, he read
to her the Qirāʾāt of Nāfiʿ, Ibn Kathīr and Abū ʿAmr al-Baṣrī. He
received ijāzah in all except what he read via the Ṭayyibah.
• Sheikh Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Khalījī – he read the ʿasharah
kubrā to him, receiving ijāzah and sanad from him.

Via the Ṭayyibah:
• ʿAbd Allah ibn Ṣāliḥ ibn Muḥammad al-ʿUbayd.
• Saʿīd ibn Ṣāliḥ Zuʿaymah.
• Ḥāmid ibn Aḥmad ibn Akram al-Bukhārī.

The Sheikh passed away in 2013.

Asānīd of the Alexandrians to al-ʿUbaydī and Nabtītī

Ibrāhīm al-ʿUbaydī Sālim al-Nabtītī

ʿAlī al-Ḥaddādī Azharī Aḥmad Salamūnah Muṣṭafā al-Mīhī

ʿAbd al-ʿAṭhīm Dusūqī Sulaymān Shahdāwī

ʿAlī al-Ḥuluww Samannūdī

ʿAlī al-Abyārī

Khalīl ʿĀmir al-Muṭawbisī

M. Sābiq al-Iskandarī

ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Kuḥayl

Nafīsah bint Abī al-ʿIlā M. ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Khalījī

Umm al-Saʿd M. ʿAbd al-Ḥamīd al-Iskandarī

Note that the asānīd of the Alexandrians go via the Desoukī’s (ʿAbd al-ʿAṭḥīm
al-Dusūqī), those from Cairo (Aḥmad Salamūnah) and those from Ṭanṭā
(Muṣṭafā al-Mīhī).
ʿAlī al-Ḥuluww al-Samannūdī’s link to Aḥmad Salamūnah is only found in the
ijāzāt of those in upper Egypt.56

Kashkūl Ibn Shaʿbān pg. 111.

Aḥmad al-Ḥulwānī al-Kabīr

Aḥmad Ḥulwāni al-Kabīr57
He is Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad ʿAli ibn Muḥammad Rifāʿī Ḥulwānī, better
known as Aḥmad Ḥulwānī al-Kabīr. He was called Aḥmad Ḥulwānī Kabīr (the
senior Aḥmad Ḥulwānī) to distinguish between him and his grandson who
had the same name. His grandson is referred to as Aḥmad Ḥulwānī al-Ṣaghīr.
Born in 1228/1813, he was raised and educated by his father. He memorised
the Qurʾān at the hands of Sheikh ʿAli Rāḍī. He also read the Qurʾān and
studied by ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Kuzbarī.
In 1837, he travelled to Mecca where he stayed for a few years. During this
time he read to the Sheikh al-Qurrāʾ in Mecca, an Egyptian scholar of Qirāʾāt,
Sheikh Abū al-Fawz Aḥmad ibn Ramaḍān al-Marzūqī. Initially he read the
narration of Ḥafṣ, then the Seven and the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Shāṭibiyyah, the
Durrah, and the Ṭayyibah. He also memorised the Shāṭibiyyah, the Durrah,
the Ṭayyibah, and other texts by Sheikh Aḥmad al-Marzūqī.
In 1841, he returned to Damascus and only remained for a short while when
he was requested to fill the position of his teacher in Mecca who had just
passed away. He then returned to Mecca where he stayed for approximately 13
Thereafter, he returned to Syria where he started teaching the readings of the
Qurʾān according to the Seven and 10 Qirāʾāt. Being the sole teacher of Qirāʾāt
in Damascus during that time, people flocked to learn from him. In this

Tārīkh ʿUlamāʾ Dimashq Vol. 1 pg. 78, Al-Qirāʾāt wa Kibār al-Qurrāʾ fī Dimashq pg
219, Imtāʿ al-Fuḍalāʾ Vol.2 pg. 226.
manner, he propagated the science of Qirāʾāt throughout Syria and its
surrounding areas. He is considered a revivalist of the science of Qirāʾāt in
Syria, as most sanads will go through him.
He was a jovial person and easy to talk to. Sheikh Aḥmad never worried much
about worldy things and people enjoyed his company. He possessed an aura of
piety. The Sheikh spent most of his spare time in the recitation of the Qurʾān.

• Abū al-Fawz Aḥmad ibn Ramaḍān ibn Manṣūr al-Marzūqī.
• ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Kuzbarī.

• His son, Muḥammad Salīm al-Ḥulwānī.
• ʿAbd Allah al-Munajjid.
• Aḥmad Duhmān.
• ʿAbd al-Raḥīm Dibs wa Zayt.
• ʿAbd al-Ghanī al-Bayṭār.

He died on 26 Jamād al-Thānī 1307/16 February 1890.

Links to Aḥmad al-Ḥulwānī al-Kabīr via Muḥammad Salīm:
Muḥammad Salīm al-Ḥulwānī58
Muḥammad Salīm al-Ḥulwānī was the son of Aḥmad
Ḥulwānī al-Kabīr. He furthered his father’s legacy by
propagating the science of Qirāʾāt in Damascus after the
demise of his father.
He was born in 1285/1868. He was brought up, reared
and trained by his father. With his father’s skilful
tuition, he memorised the Qurʾān at the age of 10 and completed the 10
Qirāʾāt at the young age of 14. He read countless khatms to his father in
various narrations. At times, he combined multiple readings in one sitting. At
the hands of his father he also memorised the Shāṭibiyyah and the Durrah.
At the age of 12, he had received permission from his father to teach what he
had learnt of the Qurʾān, thus continuing the legacy of his father. At the
demise of his father, it was obvious that his son, Muḥammad Salīm, would
take his place.

• His father, Aḥmad al-Ḥulwānī al-Kabīr.

Tārīkh ʿUlamāʾ Dimashq Vol. 2 pg. 603, Al-Qirāʾāt wa Kibār al-Qurrāʾ fī Dimashq pg
227, Imtāʿ al-Fuḍalāʾ Vol. 4 pg. 169.
• His son, Aḥmad al-Ḥulwānī al-Ṣaghīr.
• Maḥmūd Fāʾiz al-Dayr ʿaṭānī.
• Ḥasan Ḥasan Dimashqiyyah.
• ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz ʿUyūn al-Sūd.
• Bakrī Ṭarābīshī.
• Yāsīn Juwayjātī.
• Muḥammad Karayyim Rājiḥ – he memorised the Shāṭibiyyah by him.

He died in 1363/1944.

Links to Aḥmad al-Ḥulwānī al-Kabīr via Muḥammad Salīm;
from Aḥmad al-Ḥulwānī al-Ṣaghīr:
Aḥmad Ḥulwānī al-Ṣaghīr59
The son of Muḥammad Salīm al-Ḥulwānī, Aḥmad al-Ḥulwānī al-Ṣaghīr,
continued the legacy of his father and grandfather. To distinguish between
him and his grandfather who were both named Aḥmad, the one was called al-
Kabīr (the senior) and the other al-Ṣaghīr (the junior) or Ḥafīd (the
grandson). He was born in Damascus in 1321/1903 and brought up under the
supervision and careful instruction of his father. It was no surprise then that
he memorised the Qurʾān as well as reading all the 10 Qirāʾāt to his father.
After his father’s demise, he continued the great legacy handed to him by his
father. This great legacy was continued by his contemporary, Sheikh Fāʾiz al-

• His father, Muḥammad Salīm al-Ḥulwānī.

• Muḥammad Karayyim Rājiḥ.

He died in 1384/1963.

Tārīkh ʿUlamāʾ Dimashq Vol. 2 pg. 777, Al-Qirāʾāt wa Kibār al-Qurrāʾ fī Dimashq pg
229, Imtāʿ al-Fuḍalāʾ Vol. 2 pg. 208.
Links to Aḥmad al-Ḥulwānī al-Kabīr via Muḥammad Salīm;
from Maḥmūd Fāʾiz al-Dayrʿaṭānī:
Maḥmūd Fāʾiz al-Dayrʿaṭānī60
Maḥmūd Fāʾiz al-Dayr ʿAṭānī was born in 1312/1894. At a young age he had
already memorised the Qurʾān at the hands of Sheikh Muḥammad Quṭb, an
outstanding student of Sheikh Muḥammad Salīm al-Ḥulwānī. He then
embarked on the memorisation of the Shāṭibiyyah at the hands of this Sheikh,
as well as reading the Seven Qirāʾāt to him. Thereafter, he started reading the
10 Qirāʾāt to him but was unable to complete it due to the demise of the
Sheikh. He then went to Sheikh Muḥammad Salīm al-Ḥulwānī and rendered
the 10 Qirāʾāt to him via the Durrah. Sheikh Maḥmūd subsequently
memorised the Ṭayyibah and read the 10 Qirāʾāt via this Ṭarīq to Sheikh Yāsīn
He had memorised so many books during his lifetime that he was considered
an ocean of knowledge.

• Muḥammad Quṭb – he read the Seven Qirāʾāt to him.
• Muḥammad Salīm al-Ḥulwānī – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Durrah
to him.
• Yāsīn Juwayjātī – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah to him.

Tārīkh ʿUlamāʾ Dimashq Vol. 2 pg. 789, Al-Qirāʾāt wa Kibār al-Qurrāʾ fī Dimashq pg.
230, Imtāʿ al-Fuḍalāʾ Vol. 4 pg. 592.
• Bakrī Ṭarābīshī – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt to him.
• Muḥammad Ṭāhā Sukkar – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt to him.
• Abū al-Ḥasan Muḥy al-Dīn Kurdī.
• Muḥammad Kurayyim Rājiḥ – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt to him.
• ʿAbd al-Razzāq al-Ḥalabī – he read the narration of Ḥafṣ to him

He died in 1385/1965.

Links to Aḥmad al-Ḥulwānī al-Kabīr via Muḥammad Salīm;
from ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz ʿUyūn al-Sūd:
ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz ʿUyūn al-Sūd61
His full name is ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz ibn Muḥammad ʿAli
ibn ʿAbd al-Ghanī ʿUyūn al-Sūd. He was the
Sheikh al-Qurrāʿ of Ḥimṣ, born in 1335/1916. At a
young age he memorised the Qurʾān and read the
Seven Qirāʾāt to an Egyptian, Sheikh Sulaymān al-
Fariskūrī. Thereafter, he memorised the Durrah
and the Ṭayyibah, travelled to Damascus and read
the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Shāṭibiyyah and Durrah to the Sheikh al-Qurrāʾ there,
Muḥammad Salīm al-Ḥulwānī. He also read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah to
Sheikh ʿAbd al-Qādir Quwaydir. After performing ḥajj, he stayed in Mecca for
a while and read to the Sheikh al-Qurrāʾ there, Aḥmad ibn Ḥāmid al-Tījī.
Under the expertise of Sheikh Aḥmad al-Tījī, he also studied the 14 Qirāʾāt
and Fawāʾid al-Muʿtabarah by Sheikh al-Mutawallī. He then travelled to Egypt
to read to the teacher of Sheikh al-Tījī, the illustrious scholar of Qirāʾāt, ʿAli
ibn Muḥammad al-Ḍabbāʿ. At his hands he also studied the Jazariyyah, the
Shāṭibiyyah, the ʿAqīlah, Nāṭḥimat al-Zuhr, and many other works of Qirāʾāt.
Sheikh Muḥammad Tamīm al-Zuʿbī relates that Sheikh ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz cared
little about worldy vanities, he possessed knowledge and acted upon it, he
never spoke ill of anyone, and he spent the time between Maghrib and ʿIshāʾ

Tārīkh ʿUlamāʾ Dimashq Vol. 2 pg. 942, Al-Qirāʾāt wa Kibār al-Qurrāʾ fī Dimashq pg
232, Imtāʿ al-Fuḍalāʾ Vol. 3 pg. 160.
in prayer and supplication of Allah. After the Fajr Prayer, Sheikh ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz
would teach and thereafter answer various fatāwas (legal verdicts) which were
forwarded to him. Sheikh ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz had an excellent memory. It is said
that he had memorised the six famous Ḥadīth books; Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī, Ṣaḥīḥ
Muslim, al-Tirmidhī, Abū Dāwūd, Ibn Mājah and Al-Nāsāʾī. In addition to
having memorised scores of other books in different fields, he had also
memorised the Qurʾān in 28 days. Sheikh Ayman Suwayd relates that he
always respected the muṣḥaf and would place it above any other book, making
sure that nothing else was placed on top of it.
None could compare with him in terms of his character and knowledge. He
loved guests and would honour them in every way when they visited. The
Sheikh specially built a guestroom next to his house to accommodate them.
The Sheikh was not wealthy, and many a time was forced to sell some of his
goods to maintain his guests.
The Sheikh held a special place in his heart for students, held them in high
esteem, and gave much of his time for them. He was a personality loved by all
people. Many vied to constantly remain in his company. Sheikh ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz
did not laugh much, and was always busy with various litanies, recitation of
the Qurʾān and prayer. It is related that he never performed prayer except in
congregation, whether at home or on travel. The Sheikh upheld the night
prayer (tahujjud) and possessed an immense love for the Prophet , exerting
every effort to act upon his Sunnah. He reported seeing the Prophet 
many times in his dreams.

He never partook in meals alone. If there was none to eat with him, he would
instruct his son to stand at the door and call someone to eat with him. After
arriving in Egypt, he knocked on Sheikh ʿAli al-Ḍabbāʿs door and told him
that he wanted to study Qirāʾāt by him. Sheikh al-Ḍabbāʿ immediately agreed
and told him that he saw the Prophet  in a dream, who told him that his
son would be coming to him.62
Sheikh ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz, though being an expert and scholar in many fields, had
the utmost humility towards all; scholars, as well as students. He spoke only
good of other scholars. When in their company, it was clear that the Sheikh’s
knowledge transcended that of his contemporaries. On one occasion, he met
the Sheikh al-Azhar, Dr ʿAbd al-Ḥalīm Maḥmūd, and the Deputy Prime
Minister of the Republic. During their meeting, the discussion centered on the
Day of Resurrection. Sheikh ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz presented a detailed description on
the topic with proofs, as well as scholarly citations. All present were amazed
and stunned by the Sheikh’s knowledge. The Deputy Prime Minister stated
afterwards: ‚He has overwhelmed me!‛

• Muḥammad Salīm al-Ḥulwānī.
• ʿAbd al-Qādir Quwaydir.
• Aḥmad ibn Ḥāmid al-Tījī.
• ʿAli ibn Muḥammad al-Ḍabbāʿ.

Muslim Scholars of the 20th Century pg. 320.
• ʿAbd al-Ghaffār al-Durūbī – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Durrah to
• Saʿīd al-ʿAbd Allah, the Sheikh al-Qurrāʾ of Ḥimāh.
• Muḥy al-Dīn Kurdī – he read the narration of Warsh via Aṣbahānī to
• Muḥammad Tamīm al-Zuʿbī.
• Ayman Rushdī Suwayd.

On 13 Ṣafar 1399/12 January 1979, he stood up for tahajjud as normal, and

passed away in prostration.

Links to Aḥmad al-Ḥulwānī al-Kabīr via Muḥammad Salīm;
from al-Dayrʿaṭānī:
Muḥammad Ṭāhā Sukkar63
He is Muḥammad ibn Ṭāhā ibn ʿAbd al-Qādir ibn
Muṣṭafā ibn Mūsā Sukkar. Lineage links this
illustrious Sheikh to the grandson of the Prophet
, Ḥusayn . He was born in 1341/1922.
His father died when he was five years old. While
still a young boy, he was present in a lesson being
taught from Mishkāt al-Maṣābīḥ, and they were discussing the virtues of one
who reads and memorises the Qurʾān. Being deeply affected by what he heard,
he embarked on the memorisation of the Qurʾān.
During the month of Ramaḍān, he would never miss the Tarāwīḥ Prayers. The
imam at that time was Sheikh Yāsīn Juwayjātī. Sheikh Yāsīn noticed this
youngster that was always present for Tarāwīḥ and one night asked him:
‚Why do you always remain for the entire Ṣalāh of Tarāwīḥ?‛ Sheikh Ṭāhā
replied that he was revising the Qurʾān. Sheikh Yāsīn: ‚How much of the
Qurʾān have you memorised?‛ Sheikh Ṭāhā replied: ‚The entire Qurʾān.‛
Sheikh Yāsīn was amazed by this and further enquired: ‚By who did you
memorise the Qurʾān?‛ Sheikh Ṭāhā answered: ‚By my mother.‛ Sheikh Yāsīn:
‚Who did your mother recite to?‛ Sheikh Ṭāhā said: ‚To noboby, but she is
able to recite fluently.‛ Sheikh Yāsīn: ‚That is not sufficient for one like

Imtāʿ al-Fuḍalāʾ Vol. 4 pg. 211.
yourself. You need to find an expert teacher of the Qurʾān to recite to.‛
Thereafter, Sheikh Ṭāhā enrolled at one of the madrasahs of Sheikh Yāsīn and
memorised many books of Tajwīd and Qirāʾāt, as well as read the 10 Qirāʾāt.

• Fāʾiz al-Dayrʿaṭānī – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt to him.

• Sāmir Mamdūḥ al-Naṣṣ.
• Ṣafwān Dāwūdī.
• Ayman Rushdī Suwayd.

Ayman Suwayd with Ṭāhā Sukkar

The Sheikh died on 11 Shaʿbān 1429/13 August 2008.

Links to Aḥmad al-Ḥulwānī al-Kabīr via Muḥammad Salīm;
from al-Dayrʿaṭānī:
Abū al-Ḥasan Muḥy al-Dīn al-Kurdī64
His full name is Muḥy al-Dīn ibn Ḥasan ibn Marʿī ibn
Ḥasan Āghā ibn ʿAli al-Kurdī al-Dārī. Al-Dāri links the
Sheikh to Dārah, a place in Turkey. The Sheikh was born on
1331/1912 in Damascus, and brought up under the care and
supervision of his parents; specifically his mother, a woman
known for her piety. She would spend her days fasting, and the hours of her
night standing in prayer to her Lord. At the early age of six he had completed
his first rendition of the entire Qurʾān.
Due to circumstances, he was forced to work with his father. However, this
did not hinder the enthusiasm of the Sheikh to memorise the Qurʾān. At the
age of 12 he enrolled at the madrasah of Sheikh ʿIzz al-Dīn ʿIrqsūsī, a student
of Sheikh Aḥmad Duhmān, who read to Aḥmad al-Ḥulwānī al-Kabīr,65 who in
turn read to Ibrāhīm al-ʿUbaydī. He would go with his father to work and,
during the day, he would squeeze in time to memorise whatever he could of
the Qurʾān. After work he would go to Sheikh ʿIzz al-Dīn and present
whatever he had memorised. When he reached Sūrah Ṭāhā, he traveled with
Imtāʿ al-Fuḍalāʾ Vol. 4 pg. 608.
Aḥmad Duhmān read to Aḥmad al-Ḥulwānī al-Kabīr. See Tārīkh ʿUlamāʾ Dimashq
Vol. 1 pg. 406 and ijāzah of Muḥammad Tawfīq Muḥammad Rāghib al-Bābā to Ḥusayn
Aḥmad ʿAsīrān. Sheikh ʿAbd Allah ibn Ṣāliḥ al-ʿUbayd mentions that he read to Aḥmad
al-Marzūqī. See al-Imtāʿ bi Dhikri BaʿḍKutub al-Samāʿ pg. 41. The former seems to be
more correct. Allah knows best.
his father to Amān on business for a period of time. Upon his return to
Damascus, he again presented himself before Sheikh ʿIzz al-Dīn and completed
his memorisation of the Qurʾān at the age of 17.
Due to the Sheikh’s exceptional recitation of the Qurʾān, Sheikh ʿIzz al-Dīn
had a special fondness for Sheikh Abu al-Ḥasan allowing him to read a khatm
in the narration of Ḥafṣ. After receiving ijāzah from Sheikh ʿIzz al-Dīn, he
continued his studies of Qurʾān with him. He recalls that there were days
when he recited 10 juz to Sheikh ʿIzz al-Dīn in one sitting.
When Sheikh Fāʾiz al-Dayrʿaṭānī heard the Sheikh’s recitation, he allowed him
to combine all 10 readings to him. Together with his contemporary, Sheikh
Muḥammad Ṭāhā Sukkar, they rendered the entire Qurʾān in all 10 readings
to Sheikh al-Dayrʿaṭānī. He completed this when he was 30 years of age.

• ʿIzz al-Dīn ʿIrqsūsī – Sheikh Abū al-Ḥasan memorised the Qurʾān by
him and received ijāzah for the narration of Ḥafṣ.
• Maḥmūd Fāʾiz al-Dayrʿaṭāni – he memorised the Jazariyyah, the
Shāṭibiyyah, the Durrah and other books of Qiraʾat by him. He also
read the entire Qurʾān in all 10 Qiraʾat to him.
• ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz ʿUyūn al-Sūd – he read the narration of Warsh via the
Ṭarīq of Aṣbahānī to him.

• Dr Ayman Rushdi Suwayd.
• Muḥammad Tamīm al-Zuʿbī.
• ʿAbd Allah Ṣāliḥ ʿUbayd.

Sheikh Abū al-Ḥasan Muḥy al-Dīn al-Kurdī passed away on Friday night 13
Shaʿbān 1430/7 August 2009.

Links to Aḥmad al-Ḥulwānī al-Kabīr via
Muḥammad Salīm/al-Dayrʿaṭānī;
from Bakrī al-Ṭarābīshī:
Bakrī Ṭarābīshī66
Bakrī ibn ʿAbd al-Majīd ibn Bakrī al-Ṭarābīshī was born
on 18 Rabīʿ al-Awwal 1338/11 December 1919. The Sheikh
was born into an environment of knowledge as his father
was a well known scholar of his time. It was under the
supervision of his father that he gained his initial studies
of dīn.
Sheikh Bakrī Ṭarābīshī was the last living student of Sheikh Muḥammad Salīm
al-Ḥulwānī, and was considered as holding one of the highest sanads in the
world during his time.

• ʿIzz al-Dīn ʿIrqsūsī – he memorised the Qurʾān by him.
• Muḥammad Salīm al-Ḥulwānī – he read the Seven Qirāʾāt to him. He
also received ijāzah from him in the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Durrah.
• Maḥmūd Fāʾiz al-Dayrʿaṭānī – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Durrah to

Imtāʿ al-Fuḍalāʾ Vol. 2 pg. 393.
• Ḥasan Muṣṭafā al-Warrāqī – he read the Qirāʾah of ʿĀṣim to him.
• ʿAbd Allah ibn Ṣāliḥ ibn Muḥammad al-ʿUbayd – he received ijāzah
from him in the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Durrah.

Links to Aḥmad al-Ḥulwānī al-Kabīr via Muḥammad Salīm;
from al-Dayrʿaṭānī and Aḥmad al-Ḥulwānī al-Ṣaghīr:
Muḥammad Kurayyim Rājiḥ67
Muḥammad Kurayyim Rājiḥ ibn Saʿīd, the Sheikh al-
Qurrāʾ of Damascus was born on 1344/1926.
From a very tender age he had already started his
Islamic studies at the madrasahs, including the
recitation of the Qurʾān. With the advice of his mother
he went to a mosque in Maydān to study under its imam, Sheikh Ḥusayn
Khaṭṭāb. At his hands he memorised the Qurʾān, as well as certain books in
Fiqh and Arabic grammar. Noticing the brilliance of Sheikh Kurayyim, Sheikh
Ḥusayn took him to his teacher, Sheikh Ḥasan Ḥabannakah. Here he stayed
in a room of the mosque and studied many sciences with Sheikh Ḥabannakah
until his teacher became old and feeble. Thereafter, he enrolled at the
University of Damascus and received his degree. He subsequently furthered his
studies at the University and later graduated.
He was then appointed as a teacher at madrasahs, as a lecturer at the
universities, an imam of a number of mosques, as well as a mufti. After the
demise of his teacher, Sheikh Ḥusayn Khaṭṭāb, he was chosen as the Sheikh al-
Qurrāʾ of Damascus.
He has a few written works attributed to him in various fields, including Fiqh
and Hadith.
Imtāʿ al-Fuḍalāʾ Vol. 4 pg. 395.
• Ḥusayn Khaṭṭāb – he memorised the Qurʾān by him, as well as other
Islamic sciences.
• Muḥammad Salīm al-Ḥulwānī – he memorised the Shāṭibiyyah with
him, and read a portion of its commentary by Ibn al-Qāṣiḥ.
• Aḥmad Salīm al-Ḥulwānī al-Ṣaghīr – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the
Shāṭibiyyah and the Durrah to him.
• Maḥmūd Fāʾiz al-Dayrʿaṭānī – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the
Shāṭibiyyah and the Durrah to him.
• ʿAbd al-Qādir Quwaydir al-ʿArbīnī – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the
Ṭayyibah to him.

• Muḥammad Fahd Khārūf – he was one of the first to print the Qurʾan
with all 14 Qirāʾāt in the margin.

The Sheikh is still alive and continues teaching as the Sheikh al-Qurrāʾ of

Links to Aḥmad al-Ḥulwānī al-Kabīr via Muḥammad Salīm;
from ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz al-Sūd:
Ayman Rushdi Suwayd68
He is Ayman ibn Rushdī ibn Muḥammad
Amīn Suwayd. He was born in Damascus,
Syria, on 10 Dhū al-Qaʿdah 1374/29 June
He left his engineering studies at the
University of Damascas and dedicated his life
to the study of the Qurʾān. After completing its memorisation, he continued to
study the Seven and the 10 Qirāʾāt. He later continued his studies at the Azhar
University in Egypt.
Towards the end of 1980, he settled in Jeddah where he taught the Qurʾān. He
enrolled at Umm al-Qurā University in Mecca where he later received his
doctorate. He also received his doctorate from the Azhar University in Egypt.
His positions included being a presenter on the Iqraʾ television channel,
presenting the weekly programs, ‚How should we recite the Qurʾān‛ and
‚Correct and sound Qurʾānic recitation‛. Many people across the world benefit
from the knowledge and expertise of this skilled scholar as host of these
programs, which deal with correcting one’s recitation of the Qurʾān as well as
the reciting the Qurʾān in the narration of Warsh. He has also overseen
successful academic projects regarding the Qurʾān in France, America and
Imtāʿ al-Fuḍalāʾ Vol. 1 pg. 513.
other parts of the world. He serves as aid and head of the Academic
Department of the International Organization for the Memorisation of the
Qurʾān, in Jeddah. He has also served on the panel of judges in various
International competions in Jeddah, Bahrain, and Dubai, amongst others.

He has many written works and has edited many books which include:
• Al-Bayān fī Ḥukm Qirāʾah al-Qurʾān bi al-Alḥān.
• A study on Nabr.
• Commentary on Talkhīṣ Ṣarīḥ al-Naṣṣ, originally written by ʿAbd al-
ʿAzīz ʿUyūn al-Sūd.
• Editing of the Tadhkirah by Ṭāhir ibn Ghalbūn.
• Editing of the Jazariyyah.
• Al-Salāsil al-Dhahabiyyah.
• Editing of the Nashr.

The Sheikh has many of his lessons in both audio and visual formats, from
which many people benefit. He has edited many of the books upon which the
Nashr of Ibn al-Jazarī is based, such as the Tadhkirah of Ṭāhir Ibn Ghalbūn.

• Abū al-Ḥasan Muḥy al-Dīn al-Kurdī al-Dimashqī – he read the
narration of Ḥafṣ via the Shāṭibiyyah and the 10 Qirāʾāt via the

Shāṭibiyyah and the Durrah to him. He also studied the Shāṭibiyyah
and the Durrah by this exceptional teacher of the Qurʾān.
• Muḥammad Ṭāhā Sukkar – he read the narration of Ḥafṣ to him via
the Shāṭibiyyah.
• ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz ʿUyūn al-Sūd, the Sheikh al-Qurrāʾ of Ḥims – he read the
narration of Ḥafṣ via the Ṭayyibah and the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah
to him. He also studied many other books with him including the
Jazariyyah, the Shāṭibiyyah, the Durrah, the Ṭayyibah, Al-Fawāʾid al-
Muʿtabarah on the Shādhdh Qirāʾāt, amongst others.
• Aḥmad ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz al-Zayyāt – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the
Ṭayyibah to him. This he did in the very house of Sheikh al-Zayyāt.
His completion was witnessed by Sheikh Aḥmad Aḥmad Muṣṭafā Abū
Ḥasan and Sheikh ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Marṣafī.
• Ibrāhīm ʿAli al-Samannūdī – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah to
him. He also studied the Shāṭibiyyah, the Durrah, the Ṭayyibah, as
well as the Shādhdh Qirāʾāt according to Fawāʾid al-Muʿtabarah by
• Sheikh ʿĀmir al-Sayyid ʿUthmān – he read Sūrat al-Fātiḥah and Sūrat
al-Baqarah incorporating the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah to him,
receiving sanad and ijāzah from the Sheikh. He also studied the
Shāṭibiyyah, the Durrah, and the Ṭayyibah with him.
• Fataḥ Muḥammad al-Pānīpatī – he read the first half of the Ṭayyibah
to him from memory.

• Ḥabīb al-Raḥmān al-Aʿṭḥamī – he read the entire Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī to
• Rashīd Aḥmad ibn Ḥabīb al-Raḥmān al-Aʿṭḥamī – he read the Ṣaḥīḥ
Muslim, the Sunan of Tirmidhī, and Mishkāt al-Maṣābiḥ to him.
• Muḥammad Yāsīn al-Fādānī – he read the entire Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī and
the Sunan of Abū Dāwūd to him. He also read most of Sunan al-Nasāʾī
to him. He received ijāzah ʿāmmah from Sheikh Fādānī.

• Ashraf Fuʾād Ṭalʿat – he read the narration of Ḥafṣ to him.
• His wife, Sheikhah Riḥāb bint Muḥammad Mufīd Shaqaqī.

Links to Aḥmad al-Ḥulwānī al-Kabīr via Muḥammad Salīm;
from ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz al-Sūd:
Muḥammad Tamīm al-Zuʿbī69
He is Muḥammad Tamīm ibn Muṣṭafā
ʿĀṣim al-Zuʿbī al-Ḥasanī al-Ḥimṣī. Sheikh
Muḥammad Tamīm was born in Ḥimṣ,
At a young and tender age, his father
enrolled him at the madrasahs and schools
in Ḥimṣ where he started his early studies of dīn. The Sheikh recalls that when
Egypt established their radio station, many of their recitals were broadcast and
heard in Syria. These melodious recitals encouraged the young Sheikh to
enthusiastically memorise the required verses for his classes. On his own he
memorised the Qurʾān, not revealing it to anyone, including his father. By the
age of 13, he had memorised the Qurʾān, the Muqaddimat al-Jazariyyah, the
Ṭayyibah, and many other texts of Tajwīd and Qirāʾāt. He continued studying
various fields of the Qurʾān like Rasm, the Verse-counts, and so forth, under
the experts of his time, including Sheikh ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz ʿUyūn al-Sūd. It was
this teacher who impacted most in the life and studies of Sheikh Muḥammad
Tamīm. He relates that Sheikh ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz cared little about worldy vanities,
he possessed knowledge and acted upon it, he never spoke ill of anyone, and
he spent the time between Maghrib and ʿIshāʾ in prayer and supplication of
Allah. After Fajr, Sheikh ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz would teach and thereafter answer
Imtāʿ al-Fuḍalāʾ Vol. 1 pg. 367.
various fatwas which were forwarded to him. Sheikh ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz had an
excellent memory. He had memorised countless books in different fields. More
significantly, he had memorised the Qurʾān in 28 days.

This exemplary teacher of the Qurʾān travelled, read and studied with the
choicest teachers of his time. His duties include the revising and verification of
the maṣāif for printing (in Medina), a teacher in the Ḥaram of Medina, as well
as a lecturer in various institutes in Saudi Arabia. He also served as a judge in
many international competitions including Dubai, Sudan, and Saudi Arabia

His written works include:

• The editing of the Shāṭibiyyah.
• The editing of the Durrah.
• The editing of the Ṭayyibah.
• Fatḥ al-Mutaʿālī on the 10 Qirāʾāt.
• The editing of Tanqīḥ Fatḥ al-Karīm.

• ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz ʿUyūn al-Sūd – he read the narration of Ḥafṣ, the
Muqaddimat al-Jazariyyah, and many other texts of Qirāʾāt to the
Sheikh. He also read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah to him.
• Abū al-Ḥasan Muḥy al-Dīn al-Kurdī – he read the narration of Ḥafṣ
and the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Shāṭibiyyah and the Durrah to him.
• ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Marṣafī – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah and
many other books in the field of Qirāʾāt to him.
• Aḥmad ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Zayyāt – he read the Seven Qirāʾāt via the
Shāṭibiyyah and the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah to him. This khatm he
completed to the Sheikh in 25 days in 1981. In the following year he
read the Four Shādhdh Qirāʾāt to him.
• ʿĀmir al-Sayyid ʿUthmān – he read Sūrat al-Fātiḥah and Sūrat al-
Baqarah to him in all 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah. He also received
ijāzah from the Sheikh for all his written works.
• Ibrāhīm al-Samannūdī – he read a portion of the Qurʾān to him in the
14 Qirāʾāt. He also received ijāzah from the Sheikh for all his written
• Fataḥ Muḥammad al-Pānīpatī – he read the Shāṭibiyyah, the Durrah,
the Ṭayyibah, Fawāʾid al-Muʿtabarah, and other texts to him.

• ʿAbd Allah al-Jār Allah.

Asānīd of the Syrians to al-ʿUbaydī

Ibrāhīm al-ʿUbaydī

Abū al-Fawz Aḥmad al-Marzūqī

Aḥmad al-Ḥulwānī al-Kabīr

Muḥammad Salīm al-Ḥulwānī

ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz al-Sūd Aḥmad al-Ḥulwānī al-Ṣaghīr Maḥmūd al-Dayrʿaṭānī Bakrī al-Ṭarābīshī

Kurayyim Rājiḥ Abū al-Ḥasan Kurdī Ṭāhā Sukkar


ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Makkī
ʿAbd Allah al-Makkī70
Due to the oppression of the people in India by the English occupation, Qāri
ʿAbd Allah moved to Mecca with his father Muḥammad Bashīr Khan in
1284/1867. Bashīr Khan had three sons: Muḥammad ʿAbd Allah, Muḥammad
ʿAbd al-Raḥmān and Muḥammad Ḥabīb al-Raḥmān. In Mecca he ensured that
they all received a good education.
He studied various sciences under Moulana Raḥmat Allah al-Kayrānway in the
Ḥaram of Mecca and in Madrasat al-Ṣawlatiyyah. It was his fervent efforts in
the field of Qirāʾāt that resulted in him rendering the Qurʾān according to the
Seven and 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭarīq of the Shāṭibiyyah, the Durrah and the
Ṭayyibah to the Egyptian expert, Sheikh Ibrāhīm Saʿd. After mastering these
sciences he was appointed as teacher of Tajwīd and Qirāʾāt in Madrasat al-
He would practice Qirāʾāt (mashq) for one hour as his daily routine. He would
tell his students: ‚If this (practice) does not become a regular habit (for a
reciter) then he will never control his ability in recitation and pronunciation.
Therefore, every reciter should not neglect his daily practice (mashq).‛
He got married in Mecca and stayed there till the end of his days. He taught
and served the Qurʾān until his last breath. He died in 1337/1919.

Aʿlām al-Makkiyyīn Vol.2 pg. 748. Tadhkiratu Qāriyāne Hind Vol.1 pg. 233.
• Moulana Raḥmat Allah al-Kayrānway – he was an ardent student of
Moulana Kayrānway under whom he studied various sciences of Islam.
• Sheikh Ebrāhīm Saʿd – he read the Seven and 10 Qirāʾāt to him.

• Moulana Ashraf ʿAli al-Thānawī – he received ijāzah from Qāri ʿAbd
Allah in Qirāʾāt and for Qurʾān.71
• Qāri ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Makkī, brother of Qāri ʿAbd Allah – he read
the Seven and 10 Qirāʾāt to him.
• ʿAbd al-Mālik ibn Sheikh Jīwan – he read the narration of Ḥafṣ to him.

See ijāzah of Moulana Muḥammad ʿUbayd Allah, rector of the University of Lahore
from Moulana Ashraf to Moulana ʿAlāʾ al-Dīn al-Afghānī.
ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Makkī72
He is known as the teacher of all teachers in India (‫) ُأس تاذ َأساتذة الػهند‬. It is upon
him that most sanads of Qirāʾāt in India revolve. Qāri ʿAbd al-Raḥmān, the
son of Muḥammad Bashīr Khan, was born in India. Due to the English
colonisation of India and their oppression of the indigenous peoples,
Muḥammad Bashīr Khan felt it best if they settled elsewhere. Through Allah’s
guidance, Bashīr Khan and the remainder of his family settled in the holy land
of Mecca in 1867.
Here he studied under the auspices of many experts. It was in this sacred place
that Qāri ʿAbd al-Raḥmān memorised the Qurʾān with various other texts in
the field of Tajwīd. He embarked on the study of Qirāʾāt after he had
successfully memorised the Shaṭibiyyah, the Durrah and the Ṭayyibah. This he
accomplished under the tutelage of his brother and teacher, Qāri ʿAbd Allah
al-Makkī, to whom he read the Seven and 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭarīq of the
Durrah and the Ṭayyibah. With the council of his seniors, he returned to India
to impart the knowledge he had gained in Mecca.
In 1883, he returned to Kampur, India, where he taught in the madrasah of
Moulana Aḥmad Ḥasan. He later settled in Ilāha-ābād and taught in Madrasah
Iḥyaʾ al-ʿUlūm. Even though he had a fervent aspiration to pass on his
knowledge, the students were lazy and had little desire to learn. Qāri ʿAbd al-
Raḥmān therefore contemplated his return to Mecca and preparations for the
journey were made. The bags were packed and transport arranged; all that
Aʿlām al-Makkiyyīn Vol.2 pg. 748. Tadhkiratu Qāriyāne Hind Vol.1 pg. 233. Imtāʿ al-
Fuḍalāʾ Vol. 2 pg. 312. Ḥusn al-Muḥāḍarāt Vol. 2 pg. 217.
remained was one more night that he would spend in India. That very night
he saw the Messenger of Allah  in his dream who said to him: ‚ʿAbd al-
Raḥmān! Remain in India. We intend to take lots of work from you.‛ Upon
awakening the next morning, bags were unpacked and all preparations for the
journey were cancelled.
With lots of effort by Qāri ʿAbd al-Raḥmān, people slowly became aware of his
expertise and his knowledge, and sent their children to learn from him. Many
scholars also presented themselves as students at the hands of Qāri ʿAbd al-
Raḥmān. People from all over India flocked to study by him, and any effort to
put an exact number to his students would be an impossible task. It was
through his efforts, sincerity and expertise in these fields that the science of
Qirāʾāt spread throughout India.
He had an excellent memory and memorised many texts in the field of Tajwīd
and Qirāʾāt. Details regarding any Qirāʾah, Riwāyah or Ṭarīq were easily
recalled by him when asked. His recitation was simple, abiding by the rules of
Tajwīd. There was no exertion and difficulty by him in any of his
pronunciations, reciting with total ease.
During the month of Ramaḍān, he performed the Tarāwīh Prayers himself.
Notwithstanding that he read at a fast pace, every letter and vowel sign was
clearly heard. It is mentioned on one occasion, as he reached the completion of
the entire rendition of the Qurʾān, he had forgotten to read Sūrat al-Humazah.
After ṣalāh he was reminded that a sūrah had been left out. To this he replied:
‚It is true that the Qurʾān conquers (all). Man has no ability in overpowering
it.‛ He repeated the ṣalāh and added the sūrah he had missed.
He was punctual with many of his supererogatory (nafl) prayers such as
Ishrāq, Ḍuḥā and Tahajjud. It is said that in each of these prayers he would
complete various renditions of the Qurʾān.
After returning to India, through Allah’s grace, he performed ḥajj twice. In his
latter days he yearned to return to Medina, the city of his beloved Prophet
. Towards the end of his life he went to Madrasah ʿĀliyah Furqāniyah in
Lucknow, where he died on the 6 Jamād al-Awwal 1341/25 December 1922.

Written Works:
• Fawāʾid-e Makkiyyah – this is included as part of the curriculam in
most Dār al-ʿUlūms across the globe.
• Afḍal al-Durar – a commentary on the Rāʾiyyah of Imam al-Shāṭibī.

• Qāri ʿAbd Allah al-Makkī to whom he rendered the Seven and the 10
• Muḥammad Ghāzī (1274-1359/1857-1939) – what is certain due to
many ijāzāt from Qāri ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Makkī, is that he did receive
ijāzah in the 10 Qirāʾāt from Sheikh Ghāzī. However, whether he read
the entire Qurʾān or just a portion of it is unclear. Most argue the latter
since it is more probable and if he did read an entire khatm, it would
have been explicitly mentioned. Allah knows best.

• Ḍiyāʾ al-Dīn.
• ʿAbd al-Mālik ibn Sheikh Jīwan.
• Ḥifṭḥ al-Raḥmān Deobandī.
• Muḥibb al-Dīn.

Some argue that Qāri ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Makkī read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the
Durrah to his brother while he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah to
Muḥammad Ghāzī. This is similar to the argument made concerning ʿAbd al-
Raḥmān Yamanī’s recitation to Ibn Ghānim al-Maqdisī. For those who hold
this view, evidence needs to be produced to support it. In fact, biographical
works suggest the contrary – that ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Makkī read both the
Ṣughrā and Kubrā to his brother. The reasons are as follows:
1) In most biographical works only his brother is mentioned as his
teacher, not Muḥammad Ghāzī. If he learnt the Ṭayyibah from
Muḥammad Ghāzī, surely his name would have been mentioned.
2) These works mention that he memorised the Shāṭibiyyah, the Durrah
and the Ṭayyibah while in Mecca. Why would he memorise the
Ṭayyibah if he only studied it by Muḥammad Ghāzī, who is not
mentioned as his teacher in these biographical works?
3) It explicitly states that he studied the 10 Qirāʾāt by his brother, without
any restriction. As long as no evidence exists to indicate otherwise,
there is no reason to restrict it to the Ṣughrā alone.

4) Furthermore, the sanad given in Tadhkirate Qāriyāne Hind mentions
Qāri ʿAbd Allah’s reading to Ibrāhīm Saʿd al-Miṣrī, to Ḥasan al-Juraysī
al-Kabīr, to al-Mutawallī, to Aḥmad al-Durrī al-Tihāmī. As mentioned
previously Ḥasan al-Juraysī read the Kubrā to al-Mutawallī and the
Ṣughrā to Aḥmad al-Durrī al-Tihāmī. If he only did the Ṣughrā, it
would have mentioned al-Jurāysī’s reading direct to Aḥmad al-Durrī al-
5) These and similar findings were concluded by Sheikh Iṭḥ-hār Aḥmad
al-Thānawī and Sheikh Idrīs al-ʿĀṣim, indicating that Qāri ʿAbd al-
Raḥmān Makkī took ijāzah from Sheikh Muḥammad Ghāzī in the 10
Qirāʾāt via the Durrah and the Ṭayyibah after he had completed its
study and recitation to his brother, ʿAbd Allah Makkī. His ijāzah from
Muḥammad Ghāzī was to attain blessing (tabarrukan) and to attain
multiple links in his sanad, which is not an uncommon practice
amongst qurrāʾ.73
6) Ibrāhīm al-Dawsarī concludes that after perusing many ijāzāt from
India and Pakistan, the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah is transmitted by
them via Ibrāhīm Saʿd al-Miṣrī from Ḥasan al-Juraysī al-Kabīr from
Sheikh al-Mutawallī.74

Based on the above, and considering that Abd al-Raḥman Makki spent
approximately 15 years in Mecca, it may be concluded that the 10 Qirāʾāt via
the Durrah and the Ṭayyibah were passed on to ʿAbd Allah Makkī by Ibrāhīm

Shajarah al-Asātidhah fī al-Qirāʾāt al-ʿAshr al-Mutawātirah.
Imām Mutawallī wa Juhūduhū fī ʿIlm al-Qirāʾāt pg. 359.
Saʿd al-Miṣrī who in turn taught it to his brother, ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Makkī. No
reason remains to restrict his reading of the 10 Qirāʾāt to his brother to the
Ṭarīq of the Durrah alone. And Allah knows best.

Links to ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Makkī via ʿAbd al-Mālik:
ʿAbd al-Mālik ibn Sheikh Jīwan75
He was born in 1303/1886 in Alighar, India. His father, Sheikh Jīwan ʿAli,
died before he was born. He was raised by his paternal uncle and his older
brother, Qārī ʿAbd al-Khāliq. At the age of four, he started learning how to
recite the Qurʾān.
In 1896, he performed ḥajj with his mother. He enrolled at Madrasat al-
Ṣawlatiyyah in Mecca to further his studies. In Mecca, he had the good fortune
of memorising the Qurʾān and reading the narration of Ḥafṣ by Qāri ʿAbd
Allah al-Makkī, the brother of Qāri ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Makkī. He also had a
very close relationship with Moulana Ashraf ʿAli al-Thānawi.
In 1920, he returned to India. A huge Qurʾān program was held in which
Sheikh ʿAbd al-Mālik also read. Immediately people took to him, and he was
recognised for his exceptional skill in chanting the Qurʾān. Sheikh ʿAbd al-
Mālik was known for his beautiful manner of recitation and his ability to
easily swap between different chants. The people and students never tired of
listenening to his remarkable recitation. He was later approached to teach at
Madrasah Tajwīd al-Qurʾān in Saharanfur. The subsequent years also saw him
teaching Qurʾān in Thanah Bhawan, Āgra, Bereli, Tonk, Madrasah ʿĀliyah,
and Madrasah Furqāniyyah in Lucknow. He completed the Seven and the 10
Qirāʾāt by Sheikh ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Makkī.

Ḥusn al-Muḥāḍarāt Vol. 2 pg. 249, Tadhkirah Qāriyāne Hind Vol. 3 pg. 2-3.
In approximately 1951, he settled in Pakistan and taught there for a period of
almost 10 years. Because of his exceptionally beautiful recitation, students
flocked to study by him in Pakistan, more specifically Lahore. He is therefore
recognised for playing an important role in passing the knowledge of Qirāʾāt
to the people of Lahore.
He also travelled to Saudi Arabia and Malaysia for the purpose of reciting
Qurʾān. Sheikh ʿAbd al-Mālik wrote brief commentaries on Fawāʾide
Makkiyyah of ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Makkī and on the Shāṭibiyyah.

• ʿAbd Allah al-Makkī – he read the narration of Ḥafṣ to him.
• ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Makkī – he completed the 10 Qirāʾāt by him.

• Muḥammad Sābiq Lucknawī.
• Iṭḥ-hār Aḥmad Thānawī.
• Ḥifṭḥ al-Raḥmān Deobandī.

It is a common misconception that Sheikh ʿAbd al-Mālik Jīwan was a student
of Qāri Ḍiyāʾ al-Dīn.76

Shajarah al-Asātidhah fī Asānīd al-Qirāʾāt al-ʿAshr al-Mutawātirah.
Links to ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Makkī via Ḍiyāʾ al-Dīn:
Ḍiyāʾ al-Dīn77
He was one of the most outstanding students of Qāri ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Makkī,
a master in the field of Qirāʾāt. Despite the brilliance of his personality and his
vast knowledge, he was extremely humble and a man whose very nature
displayed piety and love for his Creator. He had a particular aversion towards
He was born on 29 Jamād al-Awwal 1290/24 July 1873, in Ilāha-ābād, India.
His father’s name was Munshī Sheikh ʿAbd al-Razzāq. He started his basic
teachings of Islam by his uncle, Munīr al-Dīn Aḥmad. He later read the Seven
and 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭarīq of the Durrah and the Ṭayyibah to Qāri ʿAbd al-
Raḥmān al-Makkī.
Initially, he became a teacher at Madrasah Islāmiyyah ʿArabiyyah in Amruh.
Here he also benefited from the traditionist, Moulana Aḥmad Ḥasan, and from
the mufassir, Moulana ʿAbd al-Raḥmān. Because of the outstanding teachers
hosted at this madrasah, students travelled from far and wide to learn at their
feet. This was one of the reasons which made Qāri Ḍiyāʾ al-Dīn well-known all
over India. Another reason which made him a prominent figure in Qirāʾāt
throughout India and Pakistan was that he did not restrict himself to one
particular place, but taught in many institutes. They include: Madrasah Tajwīd
al-Qurʾān in Saharanfur, ʿĀliyah Furqāniyah in Lucknow, Madrasah Qirāʾat al-
Qurʾān in Kampur, Madrasah Fārūqiyyah in Jompur and Madrasah
Tadhkiratu Qāriyāne Hind Vol.3 pg. 355. Imtāʿ al-Fuḍalāʾ Vol.2 pg. 145. Ḥuṣn al-
Muḥāḍarāt Vol. 2 pg. 236.
Subḥāniyah in Ilāha-ābād. Due to him teaching in so many places, his students
extend across the vast expanse of India and Pakistan.

Written Works:
• Ḍiyāʾ al-Qirāʾāt – it is in the Urdu language, completed in 1907.
• Khulāṣat al-Bayān – it is written in Arabic about the essentials of
Tajwīd. Completed in 1902, it has been reprinted numerous times.
• Ḍiyāʾ al-Qurʾān – an Urdu explanation of Khulāṣat al-Bayān. The book
remains incomplete.
• An explanation on the Rāʾiyyah of Imām al-Shāṭibī – this book also
remains incomplete.

• Munīr Aḥmad (the Sheikh’s uncle) – he started some of his initial
studies under his supervision.
• Moulana Aḥmad Ḥasan – he studied Ḥadīth and other sciences by
• Moulana ʿAbd al-Raḥmān – he studied Tafsīr and other teachings of
dīn under him.
• Qāri ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Makkī – he read the Seven, and 10 Qirāʾāt to
him, receiving ijāzah in them all.

• Muḥammad ʿAbd Allah al-Thānawī.
• Muḥibb al-Dīn (his son).
• Muḥammad Sulaymān al-Deobandī.
• Muḥammad Kāmil.

He died on 7 Rabīʿ al-Awwal 1371/6 December 1951 in Ilāha-ābād.

Links to ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Makkī via Muḥibb al-Dīn:
Muḥibb al-Dīn78
Originally from Nārah, Ilāha-ābād, he was born on 5 Ramaḍān 1322/13
November 1904, the son of Qāri Ḍiyāʾ al-Dīn. He memorised the Qurʾān
under the close supervision and watch of his father. Thereafter, he travelled to
Amruh to learn Ḥadīth, Fiqh and other sciences incumbent upon any scholar.
On his return from Amruh, he read the Seven and 10 Qirāʾāt via the Durrah
and the Ṭayyibah to Qāri ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Makkī. On completion, Qāri
ʿAbd al-Raḥmān advised him that out of respect to his father, he should read it
again to his father and request ijāzah from his father. Thus, Qāri Muḥibb al-
Dīn repeated these renditions a second time to his father.
After completing his studies, he occupied the position of teacher at Madrasah
Subḥāniyah in Ilāha-ābād. The brilliance of his father could certainly be noted
in his son, as during the lifetime of his father, Muḥibb al-Dīn had become an
authority on Qirāʾāt and recognised for it. Students from far and wide travelled
to study under him. In this manner, father and son are recorded as
contemporaries of the same teacher.

• Qāri ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Makkī – he read the Seven and 10 Qirāʾāt to
him via the Ṭarīq of the Ṭayyibah and the Durrah.

Tadhkirahtu Qāriyāne Hind Vol. 3 pg. 5, 61. Ḥusn al-Muḥāḍarāt Vol. 2 pg. 290.
• His father, Qāri Ḍiyāʾ al-Dīn – he repeated whatever he read to Qāri
ʿAbd al-Raḥmān to his father.

• Qāri Anīs Aḥmad Khān.

Links to ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Makkī via ʿAbd Allah al-Thānawī:
ʿAbd Allah al-Thānawī79
His father’s name was Jīwan ʿAli. He was a very intelligent individual who
received his initial teachings in dīn at Madrasah Maṭḥāhir al-ʿUlūm in
He studied the Seven and 10 Qirāʾāt under the auspices of Qāri Ḍiyāʾ al-Dīn.
Thereafter, he became a teacher at Madrasah Raḥmāniyah in Murāda-ābād. He
later taught at Madrasah Imdādiyyah and Madrasah Shāhī, both in Murāda-
ābād, as well as being the official Imam at the mosque there.
Due to his strong memory, any matter concerning a particular narration was
easily recalled. He read to Qāri Ḍiyāʾ al-Dīn but also requested ijāzah from
Qāri ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Makkī.
He died in 1368/1949, and was buried in Murāda-ābād. In 1953, due to heavy
rainfalls in Murāda-ābād, many of the graves opened up. One of the graves
was that of Qāri ʿAbd Allah, whose face was attractive and bright, as if buried

Written Works:
• Urdu commentary on Tuḥfat al-Aṭfāl.
• Urdu commentary on the Jazariyyah.
• Sirāj al-Qirāʾāt.

Tadhkirahtu Qāriyāne Hind Vol. 3 pg. 344, Ḥusn al-Muḥāḍarāt Vol. 2 pg. 229
• Al-Maʿālī al-Jalīlah sharḥ ʿAqīlah – a commentary on the Rāʾiyyah of
Imam al-Shāṭibī.
• Commentary on Ṭayyibat al-Nashr.

• Qāri Ḍiyā` al-Dīn – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt to him.
• Qāri ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Makkī – he received ijāzah from him.

• Qarī Muḥammad Kāmil.

Links to ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Makkī via Muḥammad Kāmil:
Muḥammad Kāmil80
He was born in 1326/1908. Qāri Muḥammad Kāmil gained his Islamic studies
in Murāda-ābād, achieving the best results in all his subjects. After completing
the Seven and the 10 Qirāʾāt by Sheikh ʿAbd Allah Thānawī, he travelled to
Qāri ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Makkī and requested ijāzah from him. He was such a
brilliant student, that after his teacher died, the position was filled by him.

Written works:
• Milaḥ al-Qurʿān – written on Tajwīd, Waqf, Rasm, and so on. At the
end of the book he mentions his sanads in Ḥadīth and in Qirāʾāt.
• Bāb al-Hamzah.
• A book on the makhraj of the Ḍād.
• A commentary on the Jazariyyah.

• Qāri ʿAbd Allah Thānawī – he completed the Seven and 10 Qirāʾāt by
• Qāri ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Makkī – he received ijāzah in Qirāʾāt from him.

Ḥusn al-Muḥāḍarāt Vol. 2 pg. 302, Tadhkiratu Qāriyāne Hind Vol. 3 pg. 74.
• Qāri Aḥmad Allah Bahākalpūrī – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Durrah
and Ṭayyibah to him.

Towards the end of his life he became very ill and bed-ridden, eventually
passing away on 15 Dhū al-Qaʿdah 1401/14 September 1981.

Links to ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Makkī via Ḥifṭḥ al-Raḥmān:
Ḥifṭḥ al-Raḥmān Deobandī81
Dār al-ʿUlūm Deoband was looking for an adept and proficient teacher to head
its Faculty of Qirāʾāt. This position was filled by none other than the expert
Qāri Ḥifth al-Raḥmān, one of the most skilled students of Qāri ʿAbd al-
Raḥmān Makkī. He was born in 1317/1899 in Partābgarh, India.
His initial studies were done at Jāmiʿ al-ʿUlūm in Kampur. In 1911, he went to
Āgra and completed the narration of Ḥafṣ by the authority Sheikh ʿAbd al-
Mālik ibn Jīwan. In approximately 1919, he presented himself before Qāri
ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Makkī in Ilāha-ābād, under whose auspices he mastered the
10 Qirāʾāt. After completing his study of the major Qirāʾāt books, like the
Taysīr, al-Shāṭibiyyah, al-Rāʾiyyah, al-Durrah, Wujūh al-Musfirah, and so
forth, he remained a few extra years with his teacher and reread all these
books. In this manner, he memorised the lessons of his teacher, becoming an
expert in the field of Qirāʾāt.
Thereafter he left Ilāha-ābād for Deoband where he furthered his studies, and
eventually headed the Faculty of Qirāʾāt due to his proficiency in that field. He
authored a brief commentary on Jamāl al-Qurʾān of Moulana Ashraf ʿAli

• Qāri ʿAbd al-Mālik ibn Sheikh Jīwan.

Ḥusn al-Muḥāḍarāt Vol. 2 pg. 257, Tadhkiratu Qāriyāne Hind Vol. 3 pg. 3.
• Qāri ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Makkī.

• Qāri Fataḥ Muḥammad al-Pānīpatī – he read the 10 Qirāʾāt to him via
the Durrah.
• Qāri Anīs Aḥmad Khan.

He died on 24 Shawwāl 1388/13 January 1969.

Links to ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Makkī via ʿAbd al-Mālik;
from Iṭḥ-hār Aḥmad al-Thānawī:
Iṭḥ-hār Aḥmad al-Thānawī82
He was born in Thanah Bawan, India, in 1346/1927. This great teacher and
prolific writer memorised the Qurʾān at the hands of his father, Ḥāfiṭḥ Iʿjāz
Aḥmad. His initial studies were completed in his home town at the institute
Imdād al-ʿUlūm. In 1943, he registered for higher studies at Maṭḥāhir al-ʿUlūm
in Saharanfur, and in 1947, he completed his Ḥadīth studies under experts
such as Sheikh al-Ḥadīth Muḥammad Zakariyyā al-Kandehlawī. Due to the
political instability in India, he later traveled to Pakistan.
In 1954, he met the outstanding student of Sheikh ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Makkī,
Sheikh ʿAbd al-Mālik Jīwan. He spent six years under the tutelage and
apprenticeship of this great scholar, mastering the science of Tajwīd and
Qirāʾāt at his hands. In 1959, he completed his study of the 10 Qirāʾāt and
became an Arabic teacher at a Dār al-ʿUlūm in Lahore, Pakistan. His written
works testify to the exceptional brilliance of this expert.

Written works:
• Jawāhir al-Naqiyyah – a commentary on the Jazariyyah.
• Amāniyah – a commentary on the Shāṭibiyyah.
• A commentary on the Durrah.

Ḥusn al-Muḥāḍarāt fī Rijāl al-Qirāʾāt Vol. 2 pg. 286
He also wrote works in other fields.

• Sheikh ʿAbd al-Mālik ibn Sheikh Jīwan.

• Sheikh Aḥmad Mia al-Thānawī – he studied and read the Seven Qirāʾāt
via the Shāṭibiyyah to him.

His date of demise is unknown.

Links to ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Makkī via ʿAbd al-Mālik;
from Muḥammad Sābiq al-Lucknawī:
Muḥammad Sābiq Lucknawī83
He was the son of Ḥāfiṭḥ Mūḥammad Sādiq ibn Ḥāfiṭḥ ʿAbd al-Ṣamad, born
in 1325/1907. He did his initial studies at Madrasah Furqāniyyah in Lucknow,
India. In 1933, he completed his study and recitation of the Seven Qirāʾāt at
the hands of Sheikh ʿAbd al-Mālik ibn Sheikh Jīwan. Ten years later, in 1943,
he completed the 10 Qirāʾāt by the same teacher. He dedicated most of his life
to the teaching of Qurʾān with his illustrious teacher at Madrasah Furqāniyyah
in Lucknow.
He was able to recite in the most beautiful of melodies, and his recitals
inspired many students to dedicate themselves to the study of the Qurʾān and
Qirāʾāt. Sheikh Muḥammad Sābiq had one of the rarest libraries of Qirāʾāt and
Tajwīd in India, which included books printed in India, Pakistan, and even

• ʿAbd al-Mālik ibn Sheikh Jīwan.

• Qāri Anīs Aḥmad Khān – he read the Seven and the 10 Qirāʾāt to him.

Ḥusn al-Muḥāḍarāt Vol. 2 pg. 262, Tadhkirah Qāriyāne Hind Vol. 3 pg. 13-14.
He died in 1386/1966.

Links to ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Makkī via Ḥifṭḥ al-Raḥmān;
from Fataḥ Muḥammad al-Pānīpatī:
Fataḥ Muḥammad al-Pānīpatī84
Sheikh Fataḥ Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad Ismāʿīl al-Pānīpatī was born on 12
Dhū al-Qaʿdah 1322/18 January 1905 in Pānīpat, India. Pānīpat means a
water-hole, or a place where an abundance of water may be found. It was
called this because of the availability of water, the lush vegetation and
At the age of two, he lost his eyesight due to sickness. This did not prevent
him from becoming one of the greatest scholars of Qirāʾāt during his time. His
blindness only hightened his other senses, especially his memory. At five, he
started learning how to recite the Qurʾān. Thereafter, he also studied Ḥadīth,
Fiqh, Tafsīr and many other Islamic sciences. His forte was in Tajwīd and
Qirāʾāt. He memorised many books like the Shāṭibiyyah, the Durrah, the
Ṭayyibah, the ʿAqīlah, the Jazariyyah, the Tuḥfah of Jamzūrī and many other
works. He had a unique memory in which he could recall any verse at any
given time. In fact, his memory was so outstanding, that when he was tested
on the Qurʾān, he was able to recite with complete ease the last few words of
every verse without reading the beginning of the verse. If questioned about a
particular verse, he was able to recite the verses following and preceding that
verse. Similarly, if one read a line from any book that he had memorised, he
would be able to continue and recall the verses before it and after it. At the

Ḥusn al-Muḥāḍarāt Vol. 2 pg. 319, Imtāʿ al-Fuḍalāʾ Vol. 1 pg. 320.
young age of 12, he was already appointed an assistant to the teachers of
Qurʾān. He taught the Qurʾān for the rest of his life until the day he died.
In 1928, he enrolled at Dār al-ʿUlūm Deoband. Here he not only received
ijāzah in Ḥadīth, but in Qirāʾāt as well. He later taught at the very institute. In
1947, he settled in Pakistan, where he taught many. Towards the end of his
life, he became very ill, but that did not hinder him from teaching Qurʾān. In
1972, he travelled to Medina where he remained until his death on Thursday
16 April 1987/17 Shaʿbān 1407. The Prayer for the deceased (ṣalāt al-janāzah)
was performed after the Jumuʿah Prayer and he was buried in Baqīʿ between
Imam Nāfiʿ and Imam Mālik.

Written works:
• ʿInāyāt al-Raḥmānī – this is one of the most extensive commentaries
written on the Shāṭibiyyah.
• Al-Qurrat al-Marḍiyyah sharḥ Al-Durrat al-Muḍiyyah.
• A commentary on Wujūh al-Musfirah of Sheikh Mutawallī on the 10
• Miftāḥ al-Kamāl sharḥ Tuḥfat al-Aṭfāl.
• As-hal al-Mawārid sharḥ ʿAqīlah Atrāb al-Qaṣāʾid.
• Kāshif al-ʿUsr sharḥ Naṭḥimat al-Zuhr.

• Muḥy al-Islām ʿUthmānī.

• Ḥifṭḥ al-Raḥmān Deobandī.

• Raḥīm Bakhsh Pānīpatī.
• Muḥammad Ṭāhir Raḥīmī.
• Aḥmad Mia Thānawī.
• Muḥammad Tamīm Zuʿbī – he read the Shāṭibiyyah, the Durrah, the
Ṭayyibah and other texts to him and received ijāzah for it.
• Yaḥyā Ghawthānī – he received ijāzah ʿāmmah from the Sheikh.

Asānīd of the Indo-Pak to al-ʿUbaydī
Ibrāhīm al-ʿUbaydī
Aḥmad Salamūnah
Aḥmad al-Durrī al-Tihāmī
M. Aḥmad al-Mutawallī
Ḥasan al-Juraysī al-Kabīr
Ibrāhīm Saʿd al-Miṣrī
ʿAbd Allah al-Makkī
ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Makkī

ʿAbd Allah Thānawī M. Kāmil ʿAbd al-Mālīk Jīwan Ḥifṭḥ al-Raḥmān Muḥibb al-Dīn Ḍiyāʾ al-Dīn

Aḥmad Allah Bahākalpūrī Iṭḥār Aḥmad Thānawī M. Sābiq Lucknawī Fataḥ M. Pānīpatī Anīs Aḥmad Khan
ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Yamanī/
Sayf al-Dīn al-Faḍālī
Asānīd from al-ʿUbaydī/al-Nabtītī to ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Yamanī via three links

ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Yamanī

Muḥammad al-Baqarī

Muḥammad al-Uzbakāwī Aḥmad al-Baqarī

ʿAlī al-Badrī ʿAbd al-Raḥman al-Ujhūrī

Sālim al-Nabtītī Ibrāhīm al-ʿUbaydī

Asānīd from al-ʿUbaydī/al-Nabtītī to ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Yamanī/al-Faḍālī via four links

Sayf al-Dīn al-Faḍālī ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Yamanī

Sulṭān al-Mazzāḥī ʿAlī al-Shabrāmallisī Muḥammad al-Baqarī

Ibn Abī al-Nūr Aḥmad al-Bannā ʿAlī al-Manṣūrī Aḥmad al-Baqarī

Aḥmad al-Asqāṭī Yūsuf Afandī ʿAbd Rabbihī al-Sijāʿī

ʿAlī al-Badrī ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Ujhūrī

Sālim al-Nabtītī Ibrāhīm al-ʿUbaydī

Ibrāhīm al-ʿUbaydī86 (still alive in 1237/1822)
He read the Seven and 10 Qirāʾāt via the Shāṭibiyyah, the Durrah and the
Ṭayyibah, as well as the Four Shādhdh Qirāʾāt to ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Ujhūrī
and ʿAlī al-Badrī.87

ʿAlī al-Badrī88 (d. 1199/1785)

In ijāzāt three teachers are mentioned: Aḥmad al-Asqāṭi, Aḥmad al-Baqarī and
Muḥammad al-Uzbakāwī; the former being his primary teacher.
Others mentioned amongst his teachers are Sheikh Maḥfūṭḥ and Yūsuf Afandī

ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Ujhūrī89 (d. 1198/1784)

ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Ujhūrī did not read an entire khatm to Yūsuf Afandī
Zādah. While on travel to perform ḥajj in 1153 A.H./1741 C.E., he read Sūrat
al-Fātiḥah and the first five verses of Sūrat al-Baqarah in the Seven Qirāʾāt via
the Shāṭibiyyah and the Taysīr to him, and received ijāzah from him in the
entire Qurʾān.90
All dates are given according to Dr Ayman Rushdī Suwayd. Dates of subsequent
research by scholars like Dr Muṣṭafā Shaʿbān and others might differ.
Kashkūl Ibn Shaʿbān, pg. 21.
Kashkūl Ibn Shaʿbān, pg. 147, 152.
Kashkūl Ibn Shaʿbān, pg. 150.
Kashkūl Ibn Shaʿbān, pg. 145.
See Muʿjam al-Mukhtaṣṣ of Murtaḍā al-Zabīdī, pg 339.
He read the Seven and 10 Qirāʾāt via the Shāṭibiyyah, the Durrah and the
Ṭayyibah, as well as the Four Shādhdh Qirāʾāt to Aḥmad al-Baqarī.91

Aḥmad al-Baqarī92 (d. 1189/1775)

Aḥmad al-Baqarī read the Seven and 10 Qirāʾāt via the Shāṭibiyyah, the
Durrah and the Ṭayyibah, as well as the Four Shādhdh Qirāʾāt to Muḥammad
Muḥammad al-Baqarī is the sole teacher he mentions in Qirāʾāt.

Muḥammad al-Uzbakāwī94
He read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah to Sheikh Muḥammad al-Baqarī.

Aḥmad al-Asqāṭi95 (d. 1159/1746)

Aḥmad Asqāṭī’s main teacher to whom he read the Seven and 10 Qirāʾāt via
the Shāṭibiyyah, the Durrah and the Ṭayyibah was Abū al-Suʿūd ibn Abī al-
Nūr al-Dimyāṭī. Though he read a complete khatm in the 10 Qirāʾāt via the
Shāṭibiyyah and the Durrah to him, he did not recite the entire Qurʾān via the
Ṭayyibah to Abū al-Suʿūd, but only Sūrat al-Baqarah and Āl ʿImrān, and
received ijāzah for the entire Qurʾān.

Kashkūl Ibn Shaʿbān, pg. 84.
Kashkūl Ibn Shaʿbān, pg. 83.
Kashkūl Ibn Shaʿbān, pg. 83, 174.
Kashkūl Ibn Shaʿbān, pg. 171.
Kashkūl Ibn Shaʿbān, pg. 45.
He did not read the entire Qurʾān to Sheikh Shams al-Dīn al-Manūfī, but only
read the third quarter of the third ḥizb of Sūrat al-Baqarah to him and received
ijāzah for the entire Qurʾān.
He did not read to Sheikh Aḥmad al-Bannā, but that he received ijāzah from
him in the 10 Qirāʾāt without reading to him. He also received ijāzah for al-
Bannā’s book, Itḥāf Fuḍalāʾ al-Bashar, as well as ijāzah ʿāmmah from him.

ʿAlī al-Manṣūrī96 (d. 1134/1722)

He read to many teachers, including Sulṭān al-Mazzāḥī, ʿAlī al-Shabrāmallisī
and Muḥammad al-Baqarī.
He read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah to Muḥammad al-Baqarī.97

Aḥmad al-Bannā98 (d. 1117/1705)

He read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah to ʿAlī al-Shabrāmallisī, as he
mentions in Itḥāf.
He transmits the 14 Qirāʾāt from Sulṭān al-Mazzāḥī.

Muḥammad al-Baqarī99 (d. 1111/1699)

He read the Seven and 10 Qirāʾāt via the Shāṭibiyyah, the Durrah and the
Ṭayyibah, as well as the Four Shādhdh Qirāʾāt to ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Yamanī.
Kashkūl Ibn Shaʿbān, pg. 157.
Kashkūl Ibn Shaʿbān, pg. 175.
Kashkūl Ibn Shaʿbān, pg. 52.
Kashkūl Ibn Shaʿbān, pg. 172.
Sulṭān al-Mazzāḥī (d. 1075/1665)
He read via the Shāṭibiyyah, the Durrah, the Ṭayyibah, as well as the Four
Shādhdh Qirāʾāt to Sayf al-Dīn al-Faḍālī.100

Kashkūl Ibn Shaʿbān, pg. 159.
ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Yamanī/
Sayf al-Dīn al-Faḍālī
Ibn al-Jazarī

ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Yamanī to Ibn al-Jazarī via three links

Al-Imam Ibn al-Jazarī

Aḥmad ibn Asad al-Umyūṭī

Al-Sharaf ʿAbd al-Ḥaqq Sunbāṭī Muḥammad al-Samadīsī

Ibn Ghānim al-Maqdisī Abū al-Ḥaram al-Madanī

ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Yamanī

ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Yamanī/al-Faḍālī to Ibn al-Jazarī via four links

Al-Imam Ibn al-Jazarī

Riḍwān al-ʿUqbī Ṭāhir al-Nuwayrī

Sheikh al-Islām Zakariyyā al-Anṣārī

Al-Jamāl Yūsuf Nāṣir al-Dīn al-Ṭablāwī

Shiḥādhah al-Yamanī

Aḥmad Aḥmad ʿAbd al-Ḥaqq Sunbāṭī

Sayf al-Dīn al-Faḍālī ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Yamanī

ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Yamanī (d. 1050/1640)
He did not complete his khatm of the Seven Qirāʾāt by his father due to his
father’s unexpected demise.
He read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah to both ʿAlī ibn Ghānim al-Maqdisī
and Ibn Abī al-Ḥaram al-Madanī.
He read the Seven and 10 Qirāʾāt via the Shāṭibiyyah, the Durrah and the
Ṭayyibah, as well as the Four Shādhdh Qirāʾāt to Aḥmad ibn Aḥmad ibn ʿAbd
al-Ḥaqq al-Sunbāṭī.101

Sayf al-Dīn al-Faḍālī (d. 1020/1611)

He read the Seven Qirāʾāt via the Shāṭibiyyah to Shiḥādhah al-Yamanī.102
He read the Seven and 10 Qirāʾāt via the Shāṭibiyyah, the Durrah and the
Ṭayyibah, as well as the Four Shādhdh Qirāʾāt to Aḥmad ibn Aḥmad ibn ʿAbd
al-Ḥaqq al-Sunbāṭī.103

ʿAlī ibn Ghānim al-Maqdisī104 (d.1004/1596)

He read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah to both Muḥammad al-Samadīsī and
al-Sharaf ʿAbd al-Ḥaqq al-Sunbāṭī.

Kashkūl Ibn Shaʿbān, pg. 99, 159, 161.
Kashkūl Ibn Shaʿbān, pg. 161.
Kashkūl Ibn Shaʿbān, pg. 99, 159, 161.
Kashkūl Ibn Shaʿbān, pg. 168.
Ibn Abī al-Ḥaram al-Madanī105 (d. 1001/1593)
His name is Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad al-Shāfiʿī.
He read the 10 Qirāʾāt via the Ṭayyibah to Muḥammad al-Samadīsī.

Aḥmad ibn Aḥmad ibn ʿAbd al-Ḥaqq al-Sunbāṭī106 (d.997/1589)

Many confuse him with his father Aḥmad ibn ʿAbd al-Ḥaqq al-Sunbāṭī.
He read the Seven and 10 Qirāʾāt via the Shāṭibiyyah, the Durrah and the
Ṭayyibah, as well as the Four Shādhdh Qirāʾāt to al-Jamāl Yūsuf ibn Sheikh al-
Islām Zakariyyā al-Anṣārī.107
He read the Seven – perhaps the Minor 10 – Qirāʾāt to Shiḥādhah al-

Kashkūl Ibn Shaʿbān, pg. 37.
Kashkūl Ibn Shaʿbān, pg. 99.
Kashkūl Ibn Shaʿbān, pg. 99, 159, 161.
Kashkūl Ibn Shaʿbān, pg. 99.
From Ibn al-Jazarī
The Prophet 

From Ibn al-Jazarī to the Prophet  via the Shāṭibiyyah

The Prophet 

Zayd ibn Thābit  ʿAlī  Ubayy ibn Kaʿb 

ʿAbū ʿAl-Raḥmān al-Sulamī

ʿĀṣim ibn Abī al-Najūd
Ḥafṣ ibn Sulaymān
ʿUbayd ibn al-Ṣabbāḥ
Aḥmad ibn Sahl al-Ushnānī
Abū al-Ḥasan al-Hāshimī
Ṭāhir ibn Ghalbūn
Abū ʿAmr al-Dānī
Sulaymān ibn Najāḥ
ʿAlī ibn Hudhayl al-Balansī
Imam al-Shāṭibī
Al-Kamāl ʿAlī ibn Shujāʿ
Al-Taqī al-Ṣāʾigh

Ibn al-Baghdādī Ibn al-Ṣāʾigh Ibn al-Jundī

Imam Ibn al-Jazarī

- Ahāsin al-Akhbār fī Mahāsin al-Sab˘ah al-Akhyār: ˘Abd al-Wahhāb al-
Mizzī al-Hanafī, Dār ibn Hazm, Beirut, Lebanon, 1st print, 2004.
- Ashraf ˘Ali al-Thānawī: Muhammad Rahmah Allah al-Nadwī, Dār al-
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- A˘lām al-Makkiyyīn: al-Mu˘allimī, ˘Abd Allah ibn ˘Abd al-Rahmān ibn
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- Al-˘Allāmah Ibrāhīm al-Samannūdī: ˘Abd Allah al-Jār Allah, Dār al-
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- Al-˘Anāqīd al-Ghāliyah fī Asānīd al-˘Āliyah: Ilāhī, ˘Āshiq, Maktabah
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- Al-Badr al-Tāli˘: Muhammad ibn ˘Ali al-Shoukānī, Dār al-Kutub al-
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- Al-Dalīl al-Mushīr: al-Habshī, Abū Bakr ibn Ahmad, al-Maktabah al-
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- Al-Dou` al-Lāmi˘: Muhammad ibn ˘Abd al-Rahmān Al-Sakhāwī, Dār al-
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- Al-Fawā`id al-Bahiyyah fī Tarājim al-Hanafiyyah: al-Lucknawī, ˘Abd al-
Hayy, Dār al-Ma˘rifah, Beirut, Lebanon.
- Al-Imām Abū al-Qāsim al-Shātibī, Hamītū, Dr ˘Abd al-Hādī ˘Abd Allah,
Adwā` al-Salaf, Riyadh, 1st print, 2005.

- Al-Imam al-Mutawallī wa Juhūdū fī ˘ilm al-Qirā`āt: Ibrāhīm ibn Sa˘īd ibn
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- Al-Imām al-Shātibī Sayyid al-Qurrā` - Al-Jarmī, Ibrāhīm Muhammad, Dār
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- Al-Imtā˘ bi Dhikr Ba˘d Kutub al-Samā˘: al-˘Ubayd, ˘Abd Allah ibn Sālih,
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