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Guess Ill Call Everyone

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Guess I’ll Call Everyone Dude and Bro Now

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Fandom: Twisted-Wonderland (Video Game)
Relationship: Cater Diamond & Yuu | Player, Deuce Spade & Yuu | Player, Yuu |
Player (Twisted-Wonderland) & Everyone, Epel Felmier & Yuu | Player,
Ruggie Bucchi & Yuu | Player, Azul Ashengrotto & Yuu | Player, Cater
Diamond & Leona Kingscholar
Character: Yuu | Player (Twisted-Wonderland), Grim (Twisted-Wonderland), Dire
Crowley, Night Raven College Students (Twisted-Wonderland), Ace
Trappola, Deuce Spade, Cater Diamond, Trey Clover, Riddle
Rosehearts, Vil Schoenheit, Epel Felmier, Leona Kingscholar, Ruggie
Bucchi, Original Characters, Azul Ashengrotto, Rook Hunt, Malleus
Draconia, Divus Crewel
Additional Tags: Ouran High School Host Club Shenanigans, No Beta, Fluff, Humor, Fluff
and Humor, Ace Trappola Being Ace Trappola, Other Additional Tags
to Be Added, Comedy, Spoilers, Platonic Hand Holding, Platonic
Relationships, Big Brother Cater, Overblot (Twisted-Wonderland),
Riddle Rosehearts Needs a Hug, Hurt/Comfort, Alternate Universe -
Canon Divergence, Deuce Spade Being an Idiot, Female Yuu | Player
(Twisted-Wonderland), Girlboss Yuu | Player (Twisted-Wonderland),
Angst, Leona Kingscholar Angst, There is no Mickey Mouse,
Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Unrequited Crush, Found Family,
Unrequited Love, Soft Malleus Draconia, Azul Ashengrotto has self-
esteem issues, No Smut, Yuu throws knives, Character study but like
Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Twounderland
Collections: Alternative Universes of Fandoms I enjoy., “Guess I’ll Call Everyone
Dude And Bro Now” Series
Stats: Published: 2022-06-02 Updated: 2022-10-03 Chapters: 99/? Words:

Guess I’ll Call Everyone Dude and Bro Now

by DucksinSuits


Yuu was fine with the situation, honestly. Being brought to a school against her will? At
least they fed her. She was even given a place to stay- in a ramshackle, literally, but she
could manage!

Everything was fine.

Until she was somehow enrolled into Night Raven College. The only problem? She’s a girl.

Aka: Yuu gets mistaken for a boy and is enrolled into Night Raven College. Ouran
Shenanigans ensue.

*The relationship tags are the most prominent*

**rated T mostly for Overblot**


Quick disclaimer! I’m still playing through the game. I personally thinks that adds to the
authenticity of Yuu’s POV but regardless-!

((Also this is literally just a crackfic idea I had when I came to the realization that the game
was not an otome game.))
Prologue - The Problem

The whole affair was beyond bizarre, if you asked Yuu. Surreal, even. It had the makings of a
nightmare, but felt like the best dream. Maybe she was a masochist.

The ambience oozed with elegance. A darkly lit room with floating coffins hovering behind a
giant, illustrious mirror. Arched windows touched the ceiling, hidden bashfully by dark drapery.

She wasn’t alone, either- even outside the strange cat that had followed her even here. Many young
men cloaked in detailed robes chatted amongst themselves, boasting of their Dorm’s strengths. It
was all white noise, however, to the daunting task of greeting the Mirror.


To those at Night Raven College, she soon learned, that was like a curse. Not special. Ordinary.
The Carriage had brought her here, but she couldn’t leave.

“The place they belong is nowhere in this world,” the Mirror bellowed. “It does not exist.”


Yuu had no Magic.

Nothing special to offer.

And that’s exactly why Crowley left her to Ramshackle Dorm. An unused building, torn apart by
time itself.

“But perhaps,” Crowley mused, finger elegantly poised beneath the beak of his mask, “you’d make
a good monster tamer or trainer of some sort.”

And, logically, instead of being enrolled, Yuu was tasked with being a janitor. There are worse
occupations out there, of course, but there was a bitter taste in her mouth. It was their fault for her
being here in the first place, and now she was forced into cleaning up after the others. Fantastic.
Especially with such characters as Ace Trappola running amok and destroying statues. Now that’s
his problem.

She supposed some good came out of it, though. In return for she and Grim’s help, the two found
themselves enrolled into Night Raven College.
“Here is your uniform,” Crowley declared with usual poise. “As for Grim, this bow will suffice.”

Looking down at the elegant attire, Yuu can’t help but notice the odd fittings. Sure, she hadn’t
really prioritized fashion in particular, but it was still a bit bizarre.

“I hope your career here flourishes, Yuu- kun .”

Realization struck her like a spinning wheel needle.

There was one problem with this arrangement.

Yuu was a girl .

Night Crasher
Chapter Summary

“I’m never going back to Hellslabyul again!” Ace adamantly declared, arms crossed
and chest puffed. “Starting today, I’m joining your dorm.”

Yuu stared at the man, feeling a vein in her head bulge. Or her eye twitch. Or both.
She sighed, grabbed a pillow, and tossed it at him. Which promptly hit him in the
face. Turns it, she did have good aim.

Chapter Notes

I should note I’m using more raw Japanese translations coupled with my own flair!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Yuu’s head was pounding. Or maybe it was the door.

Who in their right mind barged into people’s dorms this late at night?

Right. This was Night Raven College. She could count on one hand how many people were ‘in
their right mind’.

“ Nyaaaaah ,” Grim whined, burying his head into the pillow. “I know it’s the middle of the night
but we have a visitor.”

“Maybe they’ll just leave,” Yuu decided in a huff, pulling the blankets over her head and
cocooning herself further.

Grim agreed in a low growl. “Maybe it’s just those ghosts again.”

She ignored the comment, drifting back to sleep.

Until the knocking became tapping on the window. Just a branch , Yuu reasoned.
“It’s Ace! Let me in!”

Yuu shot up out of bed, shooting Ace the worst glare she could muster. The guy couldn’t take a
hint, could he? Begrudgingly, she opened up the pane.

“You better have a good reason for waking me up in the middle of the night,” Yuu seethed.

“What’s with the collar?” Grim asked.

“I’m never going back to Hellslabyul again!” Ace adamantly declared, arms crossed and chest
puffed. “Starting today, I’m joining your dorm.”

Yuu stared at the man, feeling a vein in her head bulge. Or her eye twitch. Or both. She sighed,
grabbed a pillow, and tossed it at him. Which promptly hit him in the face. Turns it, she did have
good aim.

“C’mon, Yuu-kun!” He pleaded.

Yeah that wasn’t going to fly. For multiple reasons. “ No .”

“Nyah?! That’s the same collar that red-haired senior put on me during the entrance ceremony!”
Grim realized at last. “What’s it even doing on you?”

“I ate a tart,” he stated.

“A tart ?” Yuu echoed coupled with an incredulous stare.

“You heard me. Got a little hungry, and saw a whole tart just chilling in the fridge- three actually!
So I took a piece, and Riddle comes in! I, a kindhearted man, even offer her some! And y’know
what he did?” He made a slashing motion across his throat.

“Off with your head?” she offered.


Yuu yawned. “You’re both being idiots. Just talk to each other. If the tarts were his, he may have
been saving them for something.”

“But don’t you think this is a bit much ?” Ace adamantly insisted, pointing to the metal atrocity on
his neck. “I’m a Mage ! This is basically like having my arms and legs all chained up!”

“No magic? I can only imagine.” Yuu gave him a look of false sympathy.

“Oops,” Ace blinked. “Sorry ‘bout that.”

“It’s fine.” She shrugged.

“I’d hate if someone took my cans of tuna,” Grim lamented. “Even if I had a whole palace of them!
You should apologize tomorrow!”

“Fine,” Ace groaned, slouching in defeat. “But you have to come with me.”

“You’re paying for my coffee,” Yuu deadpanned.

“Deal! Anyway! Where should I sleep?”

“You’re serious?” Grim meowed. “All the rooms but ours is a mess. You better get scrubbing!”

“Bleh,” he spat in disgust. “I’m not doing that. C’mon, Yuu! Let me stay in your room! I’m
practically a noodle, so I won’t take up too much space! And you’re tiny !”
To emphasize, he went to wrap his arms around her. She smacked those hands away so fast.

A bright smile stretched across Yuu’s face. A beacon of light in the dismal darkness that was the
dead of night. Grim watched as Ace’s eyes sparkled with hope.
“And to your right,” she said with a beam, “you’ll find a serviceable couch.”

Ace groaned, throwing his head into his hands. “Brutal! Whatever, it’s fine.” He snatched up the
pillow from before. “I’ll go sleep all by my lonesome on the lounge sofa. ‘Night!”

“Good night, Ace-kun,” Yuu yawned. “Sleep well.”

“You, too, Yuu-kun!” And with that, he took his place on the creaky couch.

“You could have kicked him out,” Grim commented with a yawn, making his way to his bed.

“That’d be kinda hypocritical, don’t you think? I mean, Crowley let me stay here, right?”

“Your logic is weird. But whatever.” He stretched before settling in.

Chapter End Notes

Yeah yeah I know you’d use their last names but Yuu doesn’t have a last name and it
keeps everything balanced. The honorifics are still attached until I forget them- but
Grim opts not to use them for Yuu generally.
Pancake Fluff
Chapter Summary

“So you did come here,” an agitated voice commented. There was a pause. “Is that a

“Yuu-kumph mat ‘vem.”

“I have one that needs to be eaten,” Yuu chimed in. “Want it, Deuce-kun?”

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Yuu yawned as she flipped another pancake. Sure, she could go to the cafeteria for breakfast. But
quite honestly, it was too early for that kind of noise. And she just really really wanted pancakes.
Grim had helped her fix the stove (for the price of a salmon omelette- bleh ) a day or two before.
She wasn’t letting Ace off the hook with coffee, though.

Grim meowed as he stretched. “Something smells yummy, Yuu.”

“Good morning, Grim.”

“What’s on the menu?”


“Doesn’t beat tuna, but I’ll take it!”

She gave a nod before stacking two on a plate for him. He gave thanks before chowing down.

“Do we have any milk?” He asked.

“There should be some left. I need to ask Sam-san for more.”

“Thank you, Yuu!” And with that, he poured himself a small glass.

“What’s cooking?” A groggy voice asked. Feet shuffled in. Ace’s hair was already gravity-defying,
so his bed head was… something else.

“Pancakes,” Yuu hummed. “Want some?”

“ You cook?”

“I like not starving,” she quipped back.

“Yeah, ok, but still. We have a cafeteria, y’know? Not that I’m complaining!”

“It’s too early to people. Do you want some or not?”

“That would be awesome, thanks.” He smirked and took a plate. “Wait, there’s something red in
them. Did you cut yourself?!”

“Of course not. They’re strawberries.”

“Huh. Cute.” He took a bite. “They’re delicious!”

“I’m glad you like them.” Yuu beamed with pride.

“I don’t blame ya for skipping now,” he lamented with a blissful smile.

“You’re still buying me coffee, though.”

“Yeah, yeah. I know. Let me enjoy this.”

Yuu sat down across from him, taking her own bite. They were fluffier than usual, and she
complimented her own foresight for cutting down on the sugar for the sake of strawberries.

“I’m getting some water,” she decided. “Do you want any?”

“Are the pipes even like, clean?” Ace asked, offering a skeptical glance.

“Crowley had to fix them. Health codes and all that.”

“Ugh, you’re a rule stickler, too.”

“Eh. Easier to loophole when you know them.”

“Devious! Also, yeah water would be good.”

“The cups don’t match.”

“I’m not eating the cup, Yuu-kun.”

She snorted a laugh, putting down a plastic cup. She didn’t quite trust him with glass.

Something scarlet caught her attention. Not his hair, she might add. But an uncomfortable but
distinguishable mark on his neck.

“Does it hurt?”

“Eh? Oh, the collar.” He shrugged. “I mean, it’s more of an inconvenience than anything. A
serious handicap, y’know?”

“Looks like it’s irritating your skin. Hold on.” She stuffed her face with a pancake before making
her way to the bathroom. Ace followed her with his eyes. She returned shortly after with a small
“What the heck is that?” He grimace, assuming the worst.

“It’s moisturizer. Not everyone can have perfect skin, Ace-kun.”

“Your skin looks pretty smooth to me.”

“I have to work for it.” She dipped her fingers into the opaque cream. “It’s kinda cold. Heads up.”

“I can do it myself- ah!”

He jolted. You weren’t kidding!”

“Hold still.”

Even with the direct command, the ginger squirmed as she lathered the lotion onto his neck. “It
feels gross!”

Grim snickered. “You’re being such a kitten.”

“Easy for you to say! You have fur !”

Yuu sighed, tucking the container into her back pocket. Ace rubbed the lathered liquid, lip quirked
in disgust.

“Does that feel any better?”

He grunted, crossing his arms. “I guess .”

“Then I’m not apologizing.” She smirked and went to put her plate away.
“Huh. Your legs are really smooth,” Ace commented, eyes fixed on the back of her calves. “Do
you shave them?”

Yuu froze, immediately whipping around with her face feeling warmer than usual. She had
completely forgotten she was wearing shorts of all things. Sure, the College offered sleepwear. But
she liked shorts, dang it. And the thermostat wasn’t super reliable, either. Luckily, her sleeping
shirt was looser anyway, draping over her feminine physique like a curtain.

“No need to be embarrassed!” He laughed. “You’re just girlier than I was expecting. I mean, you
faced a monster in the mines and now cooking in shorts for me. You’re kinda weird.”

“Don’t insult your chef,” she quipped, arms crossed.

“I’m not! I’m just making an observation!” His smirk didn’t waver.

She sighed, deciding not to dignify it with a response.

A knock on the door interrupted their quarrel.

“I’ll get it!” Ace volunteered, making his way to the door, a pancake stuffed in his mouth and
dangling out like a dog tongue.

Yuu heard the door creak as he pulled it.

“So you did come here,” an agitated voice commented. There was a pause. “Is that a pancake?”

“Yuu-kumph mat ‘vem.”

“I have one that needs to be eaten,” Yuu chimed in. “Want it, Deuce-kun?”

“Uh, sure?” The boy walked in, completely derailed from his original mission. Success. “Why are
they red?”

“Strawfbirries,” Ace answered, mouth still full.

“Please swallow,” Deuce requested, a disgusted grim contorting his face. It was interrupted by the
plate of pancake. “Um, thanks, Yuu-kun.”

He took a bite, lighting up in surprise. The expression broke through the irritated scowl. “These are
really good!”

“Yuu knows how to cook!” Grim boasted, paws on his waist and tail flicking.

“No kidding,” he breathed, a smile on his face. He shook his head, snapping out of it. “So I heard
what happened from our dorm-mates.” His eyes flicked to the garish collar strapped on Ace’s neck.
“You really did get collared for eating the dorm leader’s tart. You’re a hopeless idiot,” he sighed.

“Oh, eat batter,” he spat back. “I don’t want to hear it.” He paused, shoulders slumping an inch.
“Was he still mad?” He added quieter.

“Not really,” he answered with a shrug. “He looked more irritated about three guys who missed
roll-call. They got collars just like that one.”

Grim winced in sympathy.

“Not really ?” Ace scoffed, arms crossed. “He’s pissed.”

“Just apologize and get it off,” Yuu sighed. “Like it or not, you did technically steal.”

Ace groaned. “Everyone’s against me.”

“Yer beinf a’ ithiot,” Deuce agreed, fluffy batter in his mouth.

“Agreed,” Grim commented.

“No one asked you!” Ace indignantly retorted.

“You’re going to have trouble in class with your Magic sealed,” Yuu reasoned.

The ginger groaned, throwing his head back. “I don’t want to apologize!”

“Then enjoy the collar,” Grim snickered.

He sighed, hunching in defeat. “ Fine .”

“We have some time to kill before class starts,” Deuce observed.

“Oh, could we check out the other dorms?” Yuu requested. “Since we have the extra time. I
haven’t really seen much of the campus.”

Deuce smiled gently. “That sounds like fun. I’m not familiar with most of it, either.”

“I’m in!” Grim cheered.

Yuu beamed brightly, excitement bubbling. “Oh, and Ace?”


“You’re still getting my coffee.”

Ace, instead of protesting like an adult, cursed. Deuce smacked him ‘gently’ the back of his skull.

Chapter End Notes

I really like Deuce.

Painting Petals
Chapter Summary

His vibrant green eyes blinked before a practiced smile tugged at his lip. “Ah! You’re
the prefect! I’ve heard about you- you’re trending!”

“Trending?” Ace scoffed, coming up from behind Yuu.

Ace and Deuce opted to show off their dorm, Heartslabyul. Yuu couldn’t complain. She got her
mocha blend she was dying for. Deuce was just surprised she could handle so much sugar.

Walls of shrubbery towered over in intricate powers accentuated by trimmed, heart-shaped

embellishments. Pops of scarlet burst through the leaves like rubies. In the distance, there were
even more shrubbery stretching into the horizon. The building was like a crimson castle with black
roofing and white turrets. Leading up to the palace was a faded, cobblestone road that clacked
underneath her shoes. The pathway was lined with trees with a similar heart motif. Between the
end of the tree lining and the structure was an elegant fountain.

“This is nothing like our dorm!” Grim declared.

“Ours is a work in progress,” Yuu agreed with a nod.

“You like it?” Ace beamed ear to ear.

She nodded vigorously.

“Crap, I gotta get these roses painted,” a voice sighed in the distance.

“Someone’s here,” Grim observed.

Yuu turned to see a lean man dusting white petals with pigmented paint. His ginger hair was pulled
back into an elegant knot at the back of his head, and two long bangs fell through framing his face.
The rest of his locks were swept back and didn’t so much as graze his shoulders. On his right cheek
was a painted, ruby red diamond. “Leave even a bit of white, and my head is gone. Rip.”
“Um, do you want some help?” Yuu asked, approaching, undaunted by the oddity.

His vibrant green eyes blinked before a practiced smile tugged at his lip. “Ah! You’re the prefect!
I’ve heard about you- you’re trending!”

“Trending?” Ace scoffed, coming up from behind her.

“The whole set! Aren’t you the freshmen that shattered that 10,000,000 Thaumark chandelier?”

“We’re going to hear about that until we graduate,” the red head lamented with a sigh.

“And you’re-“ he pointed to Ace with his pen “-are the one who added to that punishment by
stealing the dorm leader’s tart the same night! I’m so lucky to meet the notorious newcomers first
thing in the morning!” With a single, fluid motion he plucked his phone. “Hey hey! Let’s take a

The man slung his arm around Yuu and brought her into the frame. Deuce blinked, a bit
dumbfounded, while Ace smiled on instinct. Grim leaped into the picture as it took.

“Can I post this on Magicam?” Cater requested, thumbs tapping a mile a minute while his visual
attention fixed on them. “What are your names so I can tag you?”

“Deuce Spade.”



“Oh, uh, Yuu.”

He nodded as he added them each. “Huh, that’s weird. Yuu-kun, you don’t have an account?”
“I don’t have a phone,” she admitted sheepishly.

“Wait seriously?” Ace asked in surprise.

“If I did, it’s wherever I came from.”

“That’s so sad,” the ginger sighed. “Alright! If you help me with these roses, I’ll pay for your
phone! Deal?” He paused. “Huh, weird. I sound like Azul. Talk about imposter syndrome.”

“Seriously?” Yuu blinked. “But I didn’t even ask for anything.”

“Think of it as a gift from your senpai.” He winked. “Oh! By the way, name’s Cater Diamond.
You can call me Cater, or Cay-Cay! Nice to meetcha!”

“Nice to meet you, too,” she returned with a smile.

“Why do the roses need to be painted anyway?” Ace asked, dabbing his fingertip on a dried rose.

“Because they’re the most photogenic?” Cater offered. “I’ve gotta color the flamingos for the
croquet match, so my hands are extra full.”

“Coloring in flamingos?!” Grim echoed. “Your chores are weird.”

“So the tart was for the dorm leader’s birthday,” Deuce deduced. “No wonder he was so mad.”

“Eh, no. That’s not it,” Cater disagreed. “Tomorrow is our dorm’s traditional Unbirthday Party.
The dorm leader chooses a random day every year that isn’t on anyone’s actual birthday, and we
have a tea party. VIP.”

“The heck kinda tradition is that?” Ace blurted.

“Just another part of our dorm’s quirky history! But let’s just worry about the roses. Deuce-kun,
Grim-kun, you can do it with Magic, right? Ace-kun and Yuu-kun, since neither of you can use
Magic, here’s some paint!”

Yuu’s eyes narrowed at the sloppily hand-painted florets. The Magic-infused blossoms were of a
perfect hue, which made the flawed buds more bothersome.

“I’ll be right back.”

“Don’t ditch us!” Ace yelled after her.

“I’m not you!” She called back.

“We can change the color with Magic?” Deuce asked, fiddling with his pen.

“I’ve never done anything so trivial,” Grim agreed. “It’s a waste of my talents!”

“Just relax!” Cater assured with a bright smile. “We’ll figure it out. But we should probably hurry
if we don’t want to lose our heads, right?”

“I’m back!” Yuu declared, panting as she ran back.

“You’re quick,” Deuce commented. “You’d be good at track.”

“I just ran to the main building and stopped an art student. And got this!”

Yuu proudly displayed a metal device with a daunting shape.

“You mugged an art student for a gun?” Ace blurted in shock.

“It’s an airbrush,” Yuu deadpanned.

“Retro!” Cater laughed. “Love a good throwback! Most people just use Magic nowadays.”
“I figured if you’re going for perfection, this would get into the nooks and crannies a bit better.”

“Riddle-san is going to love you,” her senpai decided. “Let’s get to work, boys!”

“This will be a piece of cake!” Grim snickered proudly. “Oh, color, change at my command!”

Instead of a burst of color, the entire bush was set aflame. “Gyah! Fire!”

Deuce drenched it with a Blue Spell, as if that’d compensate for his blue rose bush.

“You are all worse than I thought you’d be,” Cater lamented in a sigh.

Yuu drowned them out with her work. Ace grumbled but did the same, taking some solace in
Deuce’s plight.

Yuu let them suffer in the (now cooled) embers as she continued to paint her petals. Even Ace
looked annoyed as he realized that his roses weren’t painted to perfection.

“I can’t wait to get this collar off,” he groaned.

“Why? Is not having Magic that terrible?”

“Maybe to someone like you.” His warm, amber eyes stayed riveted on his craft. “But to a Mage,
it’s their lifeblood.”

“Sounds kinda shallow,” she decided.

“Shallow?” He echoed in offense.

“I mean, Mage or not, you’re worth more than you Magic.” She moved to the next blossom.
“That’s like saying I’m only as good as my pancakes. There are plenty of other things I’m good at,

“Well, duh. You took care of a monster!”

“And you’re a good painter. I mean, that heart you paint on your eye every day is flawless. I’m
kinda jealous.” She offered a smile. “And your hands are so steady.”

He snorted, turning his head away. Yuu wasn’t sure if it was the pigment or the light, but she could
have sworn she saw pink dusting peppering his cheeks. “Weirdo.”

“Hey, tart thief!” Cater called, popping his head from around the corner. Ace jolted out of his
stupor, falling backward and landing on his rear.

“What do you want?” Ace grumbled from the ground.

“Did you bring a tart as an apology?”

“What? No. I came here first thing- after Yuu’s must needed caffeine kick.”

“Makes sense.” Cater nodded to himself. “But that means you’re going against Laws of the Queen
of Hearts No. 53: ‘one must always return what they steal’.”

“What the-“ he glared. “What’s that about?“

“It means you’re breaking another rule,” Deuce offered plainly. “Can you get your act together

“My act is sparkly clean!” Ace snapped.

“The statue you destroyed, the chandelier, and collar say otherwise,” he deadpanned.
“You really are an energetic kouhai,” Cater chuckled. “But, sorry. If you’re going to be a part of
this dorm, you gotta obey the rules. I’ll be losing my head if I just let you in, and a collar on me
would sabotage the lighting for any selfies! Sorry, but I’ve got to ask you to leave before Riddle-
san notices.”

“You’re serious?! Guys! Help me out here!”

Deuce pointedly ignored him. Yuu shrugged. “Rules are rules.”

He whipped his head back to Cater. “C’mon, I’m begging you! I can’t use Magic right now!”

“Get a tart and come back.” Cater replied with a cheshire grin. “I’ll be waiting, Yuu-kun! Buh-

And with that, he was skipping off.

Deuce sighed. “I guess we better get a tart somehow.”

“Yuu can bake, right?” Grim suggested. “Can’t he just make one?”

“I’ve never made one before,” she confessed.

“We’ll just have to figure it our after class,” Deuce decided. “The bell’s about to ring.”

“You got a sixth sense?” Ace asked bitterly.

He rolled his eyes before turning to Yuu and Grim. “What classes are you in? You’re first years,

“Crowley said 1-A.”

“That means we’re in the same class,” he discovered with a relieved grin. “First period is Potion-
“Sounds like fun!” Grim cheered, tail flicking excitedly.

“At least it’s a Magic-free class,” Ace lamented.

Freshman Classes
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Yuu understood why Grim was so eager to enroll. Night Raven College’s classes were certainly

Crewel-sensei was an eccentric man with an even more out-there fashion sense. He spoke harshly,
but his intentions were for the good of his students.

“What’s a fungi?” Deuce blurted dumbly.

“They’re mushrooms,” Yuu offered. “They can be tasty, but others are poisonous.”

Crewel-sensei smirked, not commenting. His sharp, silver eyes gleamed in the cauldron’s glow.

“Blegh,” Ace groaned. “This is going to suck. My memory’s garbage.”

The professor’s pointer smacked Ace’s skull. He jolted up, hands flying to his head. “What the
heck was that for?!”

“That is why I’m here to teach you pups,” he explained lowly- almost like a growl.

Meanwhile, Professor Trein (as he preferred to be called) was far more stoic than the alchemy
teacher. It suited him, Yuu supposed, with his class. He didn’t have as much outward zeal for his
craft as Crewel-sensei, but he was well informed.

Nonetheless, these efforts were wasted on the likes of Ace, Deuce, and Grim. The ginger had the
gall to fall asleep in class, while the spade-sporting boy was struggling to not follow-suit. Grim,
however, squirmed in his seat.

“Mmgh! I want a more exciting class that lets us use Magic- like BANG!”

“If you don’t understand the history, your experience will be shallow.” Professor Trein towered
over the feline. “Magic is a powerful tool. Do not take it lightly, or for granted. Understanding
where its origins brings forth a respect for it like no other. Take language for an example. You use
words to communicate your thoughts and feelings to another. Without understanding where the
words come from, you are likely to miss the intention and wound someone with them. Or a more
common fallacy- language lacking in emotional integrity and each letter falls short. History
inspires the future. Those who fail to learn from it are doomed to repeat it.”

And on that note, Grim was saved by the bell.

Yuu wasn’t too concerned about the gym uniforms. For one, they weren’t exactly the most
flattering. In her opinion, they looked more like the uniform of the convicted. For caution’s sake,
she did sport a tighter bra. Changing was a bit trickier, but luckily Grim’s artsiness made a good

“Are you good at sports, Yuu-kun?” Deuce asked as she rounded the corner.

“I wish,” she chuckled. “I can’t dribble a ball to save my life. What about you?”

“I’ve got confidence in my stamina,” he shrugged with a smile.

“Who needs exercise when you’re as powerful as I am?” Grim asked, stretching his paws.

Ace tugged at the piece of metal. “I hate this stupid collar. It adds like, five pounds to your

“Five pounds?” Deuce cocked a brow, judgment evident in those cool, blue eyes.

“You try carrying it around all day,” he challenged.

“We should probably get on the field,” Yuu suggested. “I want my death to be swift and painless.”

Deuce’s eyes flung wide in horror. “You’re going to die ?!”

“The sun hates me.” She walked out the door.

Her eyes took a bit to adjust to the blinding light that was the sun, but once she could see, she noted
the vast stretches of turf beneath her shoes.

A man with bulging biceps and a red track suit waited for them. Around his thick neck was a gold
whistle, and his left wrist had a twisted arrow bracelet coiled around it. His face was chiseled with
a cleft chin.

“Name’s Vargas,” he introduced himself. “I’m in charge of training you greenhorns up!” He started
pacing the field, eyeing each of the freshmen. “Becoming a great Mage starts with your body!”

His knees dropped, and the man flexed his arms. Yuu could have sworn she heard something rip.
“Just look at the muscles you can get by eating raw eggs every day!”

Yuu cringed. But the salmonella.

Vargas straightened up and started twirling the whistle around his neck. “You can’t be a Mage if
you don’t have the stamina for it! Start with 20 laps around the track- then a hundred pushups!”

The whistle rung out a tone-deaf note. Deuce took off, several yards ahead of she and Ace. Grim
was at the back of the pack.

“He’s so fast,” Yuu groaned.

“I don’t mind exercise,” Ace lamented, panting as he ran, “but I can’t stand this kind of teacher.”

“I prefer being bored to death than a whistle blown in my ear.”

“What type of Magic do you think he uses?”


“What’s so fun about running around in circles?” Grim hissed from the back. “I’m not a hamster!”
“I can’t wait for lunch,” Ace sighed with a hopeful smile, ever so tainted by the grimace of pain.

“Same,” she heaved.

“I need to return this airbrush,” Yuu realized as she walked into the cafeteria.

“I forgot about that,” Deuce admitted, snatching a plate from the stack. “Who did you take it

“Someone from the art club, but they said they were already borrowing it from someone else.
Feels like a fetch quest.”

“A what?” His brow furrowed in confusion.

“Nevermind. They said that it belonged to someone from film studies. Vil, I think?”

“Vil-senpai?” Deuce echoed. “He’s from Pomefiore, I think.”

“Then I’ll just ask some of the Pomefiore freshmen where he is.”

“Are you not going to eat?” Grim asked, appalled by such an idea.

“We have, like, an hour,” Ace reasoned. “It shouldn’t take too long. Just don’t follow him.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?!”

“You always make a scene when you do,” Deuce explained, nodding his head.
Yuu decided to dodge the bickering and scanned the cafeteria. The lunchroom was floored with
shining tiles buffed regularly. Large chandeliers lit the room with winding arms akin to tree limbs.
Arched windows touched the floor and stretched to the curve of the ceiling. Wooden tables
stretched end to end with gaps for walk room, often featuring a modest centerpiece for good
measure. In the middle of the room, paralleling the wall of windows, was a hearth likely used
during the winter months.

Something Yuu appreciated about the Night Raven uniforms were the color coordination with the
dorms. It spared awkward assumptions, and made it easier to find who you’re looking for. That
convenience was a bit of an inconvenience for Yuu, however, since Ramshackle wasn’t exactly a
normal dorm.

Heartslabyul had a chic crimson; Savanaclaw sported a dusty yellow; Scarabia fashioned a
sophisticated maroon; Pomefiore donned elegant indigo; Diasomnia boasted an electric shade of
lime; Ignihyde preferred a cool blue; Octavinelle tailored a lavender hue. As for Ramshackle, the
uniform’s accent lacked any pigment. It was white. Devoid of personality.

A flash of indigo pulled her out of her thoughts. A boy with long, pale eyelashes brushing over pale
blue eyes sat alone with an intricately carved apple. His light periwinkle hair curled with a natural
elegance Yuu could only dream of. His uniform, of course, was most important. Pomefiore.

“That’s a really cool apple.” Yuu decided.

He blinked, turning his attention to Yuu. “Oh, um, thanks! You’re that freshman from Ramshackle,

“That’d be me. I’m Yuu. What’s yours?”

“I’m Epel Felmier.” He offered a polite smile. “What can I do you for?”

“I was wondering if you could tell me where I could find Vil-senpai. I have his airbrush.”

“You paint?”

“A little. I don’t like my hands getting messy, though.” She chuckled awkwardly. “I needed it for a
Epel nodded, thinking for a moment. “Vil-senpai should be in the restroom, I think. He usually
touches up his makeup between classes.”

“Thank you, Epel-kun. I’ll see you later!”

“See ya!”

And off she went. Her food was going to get cold at this rate, she lamented. But alas, returning the
thing was more important. And time-sensitive.

But why did he have to be in the bathroom ?

Chapter End Notes

I know so little about Vil and Epel so bear with me. I just know I love my country boy.
Chapter Summary

“I like personality,” Deuce cut in. Yuu made a menta note to buy him a latté later. “A
person’s looks can change.” He tugged at a lock of his hair. “But it’s what’s inside
that’s important.”

“But people can change, too,” Ace countered.

“Beauty’s fleeting,” Trey agreed. “But a person’s heart stays always.”

“Or they die,” Grim concluded with the elegance of a beached whale.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Yuu always felt kinda awkward in the restrooms. There was this sense of ‘forbidden’ every time
she entered. She never felt more uncomfortable in her uniform than in the restroom. But alas, a
bladder was a bladder and you just couldn’t argue with the tiny thing.

Focus on the mission.

As Epel had said, standing in front of one of the mirrors and hovering over the sink was a blond
man with faded purple ends. The front fringe was braided backward into an almost rose-shaped
knot, while the rest of his hair cascaded in delicate waves. An intentional blonde piece fell over his
right eye, with an additional strand paralleling it with less presence, framing his feminine face and
drawing attention to his thin lips. Over his eyes was a dark, glossy eyeshadow. Gracing his
fingertips was a deep purple polish, and it was at that point Yuu took notice of the black gloves
tucked into his coat. In his hand was a makeup brush dabbling his cheek for unseen blemishes.
Most importantly, however, was the uniform color he was showcasing.

“Are you Vil-senpai?” She dared to ask.

“That would be I, yes.” He put down the brush in his hand and turned to face her with a practiced
smile. “You must be that Ramshackle prefect I’ve heard about. You made quite the debut, I must
say. And yet, I never caught your name.”

She was a bit startled by his way of speaking. “I’m Yuu.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Yuu-kun. Is there something I can help you with?”

“I have your airbrush.” She plucked it out of her bag. “I didn’t realize it was yours. Someone from
the art club let me borrow it.”

He hummed, taking the metal piece from her hand. “It’s in excellent condition. I wouldn’t have
known anyone borrowed it.”

“I cleaned it. I hope you don’t mind. I just like giving things back in better shape than I found

“It’s absolutely sparkling,” he complimented with a more genuine grace to his lips. “Thank you for

“No problem.” She smiled. A certain guilt crept up on her about dropping it off and leaving.
Especially since this was her senpai.

“By the way, what brand of eyeshadow do you use? It’s not too flashy, but not subtle, either.”

His amethyst eyes sparkled. “You have remarkable taste.”

He bowed closer to her, noses about three inches apart from the other. Yuu’s face lit up with heat,
as she suddenly realized she was playing with fire.

“I think it’d look good on you if the effort were given.”

She shuffled back a foot. “Oh, u-uh, thank you!”

“I know a natural beauty when I see it,” he boasted with a smug smirk. “Thank you for returning
this, Yuu-kun.“

“No problem!”

She skidded out of the stalls before anything else could happen. She still had to finish lunch!
“Hey, Yuu-kun!” Ace called, waving her down. “Over here!”

She made her way across the dining hall and took a seat across Ace and Deuce. “Thanks for
watching my food.”

“Don’t sweat it.” He took a bite out of his chocolate croissant.

Deuce cringed. “How can you eat so much sugar?”

“Sugar is fuel,” Ace shot back evenly.

He sighed, deciding not to waste the effort on arguing. He returned his attention to Yuu, who was
currently eating a sandwich. “I grabbed you a coffee, by the way. You like lattés, right?”

“If it’s got caffeine, I’m sold. Thanks, Deuce-kun.” She picked up the cup. “Cheers.”

A bit confused, he clinked the vessel with his.

“I have the cutest kouhais,” Cater gushed in a sing-song, waltzing over and taking a seat beside
Yuu. She stiffened on reflex before returning to her sandwich.

“Y’r t’e guy fm ‘is morf-ng!” Ace realized, pastry filling his mouth.

Deuce shot him a look, sliding over a glass of water with his fingertips, judgmental gaze
unwavering. Ace glared at him before snatching the cup.

“You tricked us into painting roses!” Grim hissed.

“I did not trick you,” he gasped in faux drama. “You were more than willing!”
“We knew better than to argue with a senpai,” Deuce protested, bitterness glinting in his cold gaze.

“It’s not like I wanted to do it,” Cater insisted, leaning forward and dangling his fork in the air. “I
had no choice. Dorm rules!”

“Grinning all the while.”

“Now, now, Deucy. Those rules are only for when we’re in the dorm. So! For now, I’m just Cay
Cay- your favorite senpai!”

“ Deucy ?!” He parroted, face lighting a deep scarlet in indignation (or embarrassment. jury’s out
on that one)

“Don’t get your panties in a wad, Deucy ,” Ace jeered with a cheshire grin.

“Oh, by the way!” Cater cut in, diffusing the conversation in admirable obliviousness. “This is for
you, Yun-Yun!” He presented a familiar, rectangular device with a see-through case and a
diamond-shaped charm dangling off the end.

“Y-You were serious?” Yuu stammered, carefully taking the phone from his hands.

“I told you I was!” He laughed. “It’s one of my old ones. It still works fine! I just need the best
specs, y’know?” For emphasis, he held out his. “Selfie quality is important. Anyway! My number’s
already in there.”

“Cay Cay,” she read off, a smile tugging at her lip.

“Yep! And you’re in mine as Yun-Yun!”

Fondness warmed her heart as a smile melted on her face. “Thank you, senpai.”
Cater’s green eyes wrinkled with a smile. “No prob!”

“Mind if I join you?” A new voice asked.

Yuu looked up to see a tall man with shamrock green hair, and ironically a clubs painted on his left
cheek. He was a plain looking young man, and his glasses did little to help.

“Hang on,” Ace blurted, “who are you?”

“Oh, my bad. I’m Trey Clover.”

Your parents must hate you , Yuu mentally remarked.

“I’m a third year, like Cater-kun. You’re the new student put in charge of that-“ he cleared his
throat, catching himself “unused dorm, right? I heard from Cater-kun all the trouble they caused

“We’re literally right here, dude,” Ace deadpanned.

“Come on, we’re all in the same dorm!” Cater protested, gesturing to Ace and Deuce respectively.
“In-fighting is so not the drama.”

“So how are you freshmen taking to school?” Trey asked, changing the subject about as smoothly
as wheelies on carpet.

“I want to do more Magic stuff,” Grim complained in a whine. “Who cares about the history?”

“Don’t let Professor Trein catch that,” Cater warned.

Grim growled, slumping forward onto the table. His ears perked up. “Oh! There’s a cute girl over

Yuu snapped her attention to where the cat was pointing, heart picking up speed in her ears. Oh-
“At a boys’ school?!” Deuce gaped, unsubtly looking over.

“Idiot,” Ace scoffed. “You just said it yourself; this is a boys’ school. There wouldn’t be a girl here
under normal circumstances.”

Yuu sneezed. Trey offered her a tissue.

“Hm?” A gentler voice cut in, pale blue eyes now on their table. The unsuspecting lad was
minding his own business clearing his tray.

Yuu waved. “Hey, Epel-kun.”

He relaxed, offering a polite smile. “Hey, again, Yuu-kun. Did you find Vil-senpai?”

“I did, thank you for asking!”

“Good. I’m heading for my next class. See you ‘round!” He left.

Cater’s stifled laughter erupted. Deuce’s face burned in embarrassment while Grim opted for
refuge under the table. Ace revelled in Deuce’s pain with a smug smirk said bluenette wanted to
smack off his face.

“If you’re on the hunt for girls,” Cater chuckled, “you should see Miss Rose, the portrait in the
west building. She’s got real class.” He slid the boys a smirk. “I don’t mind introducing you.
Should I set up a blind date?”

“I’m good!” Ace responded too quickly. “I, uh, don’t doubt that Miss Rose is cute, but.” He made
a curved silhouette with his hands, shaking his head “she’s a little flat.”

“Crude,” Trey commented.

“If you hit it off, who cares how flat she is?” Cater insisted.
“Is that all you care about in women?” Yuu asked. She didn’t mean for the bitterness to grip her

“Can you blame a guy for having a type?” Ace returned, unrepentant.

“What’s your type, Yun-Yun?”

Yuu’s wide eyes met Cater’s deceptively even, emerald gaze. A weight pressed against her chest.
She opened her mouth, but words never came.

“I like personality,” Deuce cut in. Yuu made a menta note to buy him a latté later. “A person’s
looks can change.” He tugged at a lock of his hair. “But it’s what’s inside that’s important.”

“But people can change, too,” Ace countered.

“Beauty’s fleeting,” Trey agreed. “But a person’s heart stays always.”

“Or they die,” Grim concluded with the elegance of a beached whale.

“You’re all crazy,” Ace decided with a huff.

Deuce opened his mouth to protest, but Cater cut him off. “On the topic of crazy, what do you
think of our dorm leader?”

Yuu caught a piece of red moving from the back.

“He has his own type of madness!” Ace decided with a scandalous smirk. “All I did was eat a
single piece of tart-“ he slammed his hand on the metal neckpiece “-and he collared me! His
narrow-mindedness is super crazy.”

“Oh, really?” A voice intervened. “I’m super crazy, am I?” It belonged to a short boy with scarlet
hair and large, silver eyes, sporting a red-accented uniform.

Yuu did not feel pity for Ace.

“Sure are,” said red-head continued undeterred. “Blew right past ‘strict’ and into being a stuck-up

“ Ace ,” Deuce warned with gritted teeth

Velvety eyes blew wide in horror. “Oh crap! The dorm leader!”

“Oh, my, Riddle-san!” Cater beamed. “You’re looking super cute today. Might I take a picture?”

His steely eyes glared daggers at the ginger. “Try, and it’s off with your head.”

“C’mon! Gimme a break,” he sighed with a smile, tucking his phone back into his pocket.

Chapter End Notes

Yeah I hate Cater’s English localization. Too many verbal hashtags. So, I decided to
meet halfway with some lingo here and there but not to the point of stepping on Iida’s
toes. I couldn’t pass up the KP reference.
Riddle Me This
Chapter Summary

“Hook a kouhai up,” Ace begged, head hitting the table in a bow.

“It’s true I have all the seasonings and utensils,” he slowly drawled. “But asking for
my help won’t come cheap.”

“I don’t think he’s very liquid, Trey-kun,” Cater argued with a teasing smirk.

Chapter Notes

1000+ hits??? Ahh??? Thank you so much!! I was so worried about this fic and how
well it would do- especially since I’ve never written any Twisted Wonderland stuff
before this (I’m still on Book 3). I love you all~!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Riddle Rosehearts had a very distinct look about him. He was very short, but had a demanding and
almost regal presence. Yuu recognized him from orientation, but he had a different air to him in the
more casual uniform. His crimson hair was of a similar hue and grace of rose bloom. Two sprigs of
longer hair curled over the rest of his crown alluding to a heart shape. His pale gaze was like a
sparkling sterling with the sharp glint of a dagger.

“You’re the guy who put that weird collar on me during the entrance ceremony!” Grim yowled.

“And you’re the students who caused all that fuss about a possible expulsion yesterday,” he
returned with annoyance laced in his tone. “I must ask you to refrain from calling someone’s
Unique Magic a ‘weird collar’.”

“Unique Magic?” Yuu echoed.

Riddle’s eyes glinted in the light with an odd sense of curiosity. “You’re the sparkless one, if I
remember. I saw you at the entrance ceremony.” He nodded to himself. “Since you lack Magic, I
can understand your cluelessness. A Unique Magic is a spell that is signature to a certain person.
It’s developed subconsciously and instinctual.” He shot a glare at Grim. “So you can imagine how
insulting how something so tactless can come across.”
“So yours is the collar, right? That’s actually kinda cool.”

“Traitor,” Ace muttered under his breath.

“I never did catch your name,” he continued undaunted. “Rule #15 states that the Queen must
know all names of those she addresses. And as Dorm Leader, that would make me Queen.”

“Yuu.” She offered with a smile.

He nodded to himself, satisfied, before moving on to addressing Ace and Deuce. “The headmaster
is far too soft. If you forgive rule-breakers so carelessly, the whole system will collapse.” He
sighed, “All he has to do is lop off the heads of everyone who doesn’t follow the rules.”

“Decapitation isn’t a flattering look,” Cater offered.

“He may look innocent, but the words spilling out of his mouth say otherwise,” Ace agreed with a

“The headmaster may have forgiven you,” Riddle answered, “but make no mistake. The next time
you break the rules, I will certainly not.”

Yuu found the tiny red tyrant strange. He certainly ruled his dorm with an unrelenting iron fist.
And yet, if he was so particular about rules, surely he must follow them all? Was that any way to
live? Trapped in your own castle of cards, to where the slightest breeze could knock them over?

I’m overthinking this.

“Say, Dorm Leader,” Ace drawled, “there’s no way you could, I dunno, remove this collar, is

“I was prepared to do so had you learned your lesson, but judging by the way you were just talking,
that doesn’t sound like the case. Keep it on for a while longer. Don’t worry. As a first year, you’re
primarily learning fundamentals rather than application. If you can’t use your Magic, there’s no
risk of causing another scene like yesterday, either. Isn’t that wonderful?”
Grim grumbled under his breath, still a bit miffed about his previous imprisonment.

“I’d advise you not to sit and chat away,” Riddle continued. “The moment you’ve finished your
lunch, I’d start preparing for your next class. Law of the Queen of Hearts #271: ‘One should leave
their seat within 15 minutes of finishing their lunch’.”

“Aaaand that’s another weird rule to add to the list,” Ace drawled, voice dripping with sarcasm.

“The answer is, ‘Yes, Dorm Leader!’” Riddle sharply corrected.

“Yes, Dorm Leader!” Deuce and Ace repeated in a snap.

“Very good.”

“Don’t worry about them, Riddle-kun,” Trey gently assured. “I’ll look after them, okay?”

“Hmph.” His demeanor was unimpressed, a gloves hand finding his hip. “You’re meant to be Vice
Dorm Leader, so please do. Now, I must go restock our sugar cube supply, in accordance to Law of
Queen of Hearts #339.”

He left.

“That was a close one,” Cater sighed with a smile.

“That guy is so obnoxious,” Grim griped.

“Hey!” Deuce scolded. “That’s rude!”

“I’m sure he has his reasons,” Yuu offered.

“So you’re on his side?” Ace gaped. “The pancakes were a lie!”
“I was never on your side,” she deadpanned.

“So you side with Riddle-senpai?” Deuce questioned.

“I find it better to draw my own conclusions,” she explained. “I’m on no one’s side but my own.”

“I suppose that is reasonable,” Trey decided. “You’re not confined to dorm loyalty.”

“I like free thinkers,” Cater agreed.

“You’re not wrong about Riddle-kun,” the greenette continued. “He can be harsh, but it’s him
trying to make his dorm a better place. He has good intentions.”

“Someone with good attentions doesn’t randomly collar people!” Grim hissed.

“You set the Mirror Chamber on fire , Grim,” Yuu argued flatly.

He grumbled, “but it’s annoying! It just cuts off your Magic!”

“Amen,” Ace agreed in a breath.

“So what I’m hearing is,” Yuu continued, “is that as long as you follow his rules, he’s pretty ok?”

“The rules only apply to inside the dorm,” Cater explained. “But he’s just a bit up-tight because
he’s the Dorm Leader.”

“But Grim’s not in Heartslabyul,” Deuce pointed out.

The ginger beamed. “True, he just hates him!”

“Hey!” the feline yowled.

“But he’s fine with me?” Yuu questioned. “Aren’t I just a living rule-breaker to him?”

Trey was the one who answered, albeit slowly. “You intrigue him. You didn’t simply a break a
rule, but instead became an exception . He does think that the headmaster is too soft, as he said, but
Riddle-san is human. He understands that this wasn’t your fault, unlike Grim.”

“And here I thought he was a robotic tyrant,” Ace chimed in. Deuce refrained from kicking him
under the table.

“An exception, huh?” she echoed to herself. She then spoke louder, “so he’s a good person deep
down, huh? Just strict.”

Trey nodded. “As long as you follow the rules, he isn’t scary at all.”

Every rose has thorns , she mentally lamented.

“So that’s why Cater-senpai won’t let Ace-kun back in,” Deuce realized.

The upperclassman smirked.

“So I just have to buy him a tart?” Ace asked, a relieved smile tugging at his lip.

“Yep!” Cater beamed. “But he probably won’t forgive you unless it’s whole. Riddle-san really
looks forward to the first slice.”

“Aren’t tarts expensive?” Deuce asked.

“You could try making your own,” the ginger upperclassman suggested. “I mean, the one you
snatched was made by Trey-kun. His desserts always get a bunch of likes on Magicam!”
“I barely use that app,” Trey argued sheepishly.

“Can I see?” Yuu asked excitedly.

“Oh? You bake, Yun-Yun?” Cater pulled out his phone.

“I’m not the best at decorating, but I can make something taste good.”

“Those pancakes you made this morning were amazing,” Ace agreed.

Their ginger senpai showed the freshmen Trey’s Magicam page. Each picture melted in the eye of
the beholder. Deuce’s mouth watered.

“Those look amazing !” Yuu gushed. “Your piping skills are incredible. My hands are too shaky!
You’ll have to teach me sometime!”

Trey chuckled. “Thank you, Yuu-kun.”

“Hook a kouhai up,” Ace begged, head hitting the table in a bow.

“It’s true I have all the seasonings and utensils,” he slowly drawled. “But asking for my help won’t
come cheap.”

“I don’t think he’s very liquid, Trey-kun,” Cater argued with a teasing smirk.

“I’m not going around squeezing money out of the new kids,” he assured, seemingly offended by
such an accusation. “If we’re going to be replacing Riddle-kun’s tart, we’re going to need a lot of
chestnuts. Could you get them for me?”

“How many do you need?” Ace asked, peeking out from his bow. Yuu noticed a red mark on his
“To make enough for the Unbirthday Party, we’ll need about,” he hummed as he thought, “two or
three hundred?”

“That many?!” Deuce and Grim exclaimed.

“After that, I’ll need you to roast, peel, and purée them,” Trey continued unfazed. “I can handle the

“I’m out,” Grim decided simply.

“Me, too,” Deuce agreed.

“Traitors!” Ace squawked.

“This is a you problem, Ace-kun,” the bluenette said flatly.

“ Deucy ,” the red-head whined.

“Come on, now!” Cater cut in, beaming ear to ear. “Nothing tastes better than eating food that you
made with your friends! You get to make some fun memories! Who knows? It could spark your
career as a food blogger!”

“No thanks,” Grim huffed. “You’re on your own.”

Trey opened his mouth to argue, but Yuu cut him off. “That’s fine. See ya, later, Grim!”

He waved as he left the cafeteria early.

“We’re short two paws now,” Deuce sighed.

“Trust me. He’ll eat them all.”

“Sneaky,” Ace snickered.

“So where do we find these chestnuts?” Yuu asked.

“There should be plenty of trees behind the botanical garden.”

“We have a botanical garden?” She blinked.

“You haven’t seen it yet?” Cater gawked. “It’s beautiful! The lighting is absolutely perfect! Not to
mention the colors!”

“Then we meet after class in front of it,” Deuce decided.

“Sounds like a plan!” Yuu beamed.

Chapter End Notes

Also yes I wrote Grim out of this part.

Not the Gardener
Chapter Summary

He leaned forward, nose barely grazing her neck. Yuu’s brain blue-screened, her body
tensing. His breath was hot on her skin.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

It turned out, picking up chestnuts with your bear hands was a horrible idea. And thus, Yuu, Ace,
and Deuce retreated to the botanical garden to find anything to prevent any bleeding. Y’know.
Cross contamination and all that.

“It’s beautiful,” she gasped, grinning ear to ear.

The inside was like an elaborate greenhouse, with panels of glass seamlessly lining the grandiose
garden with a silver sheen. Sunlight poured in rays of silk. The top of the building curved into a
dome, rounded like a diamond. The ground was laid with a warmed gray cobblestone in Herrington
formation. A small, crystally stream ran through to her left with a small stone bridge arching over
it. Tall palms reached to the tall ceiling, dwarfing the already short Yuu. The entire garden was
like a sparkling trove of emerald, with even more treasures of different colors.

“Woah,” Ace gaped. “It’s bigger in here than I thought.”

“Given the size, there must be at least one gardener in charge,” Deuce reasoned. “We should split
up and look for someone.”

“I’ll go right,” the ginger decided.

“I’ll head left. Yuu-kun, would you mind checking the back?”

“Works for me,” she answered with a shrug.

Ace reached into his pocket. “Oh! Before I forget!” He dug out his phone. “You have a phone
now, right? So we should trade numbers.”

Yuu cocked a brow, meeting his gaze evenly, devoid of any mirth. “You’re not going to call me at
three in the morning, are you?”

His amber eyes sharpened in offense. “I’m not a jerk!”

“But pounding on my windows is fair game?”

“Ok listen-“

Yuu cut him off with an unimpressed expression.

He sighed in defeat. “I promise I won’t text you passed 10. Unless it’s really important.”

“Here’s my number, too,” Deuce chimed, his phone already in hand.

“I should memorize my number, huh?” Yuu mumbled to herself, tapping in their numbers.

“Probably,” Ace agreed with a shrug.

“Ok, now let’s split up.”

And that they did. Deuce took the left, and Ace ventured right. Slowly, the bursts of vibrant color
became more organic like imported silk.

This must be where they keep the fruit.

Taking the moment alone, she shot Cater a quick text.

Yuu: [Have any embarrassing photos of Ace or Deuce?]

He responded almost immediately.

Cay Cay: [:0 Your brain.]

Cay Cay: [I don’t have any YET. But if you get some hmu. ;D]

Yuu: [bet]

She smiled to herself. She’d need to fill her entire album of only the most unflattering pictures of
her friends. She came to a stop, a root catching her attention. Except, unlike the rest of the garden,
it wasn’t tucked behind the pathway. It seemed beyond out of place in the otherwise flawlessly
manicured greenery. It also looked kinda fuzzy for any fruit tree she knew. So, she lightly tapped it
with her foot.

She stumbled backward as it moved. She paled.


The low sound of a growl filled her ears, sending her heart rate through the roof. Slowly, a figure
climbed to a height Yuu could never attain.

Not a snake.

The man that towered over her had darker skin and even darker long hair messily fashioned in a
natural, elegant mane- with two bits braided down the front. Two animal ears poked out of the mop
of locks, with a matching long tail that stopped at his ankles. His face was chiseled, with sharp
green eyes that pierced her soul. He had cast off his blazer at some point, only sporting the yellow
vest and white button-up shirt- that of which was unbuttoned. Intricately beaded bracelets coiled
around his left wrist. To top off the look, he wore sandals of all things.

“Oi,” the man growled. “You’ve got some nerve waking me from a nap.”

“Oh, uh, sorry about that. I didn’t realize anyone was sleeping here.”
He offered a half-hearted shrug. Yuu stiffened under the man’s scrutinizing stare. “You’re that
herbivore that the Mirror said can’t use Magic.”

“I’m an omnivore, actually?”

He took the fact in stride. In fact, he was striding. In one step. Too close. Too close. He leaned
forward, nose barely grazing her neck. Yuu’s brain blue-screened, her body tensing. His breath was
hot on her skin. She felt him inhale gently.

What felt like a millennia ended as he pulled away. “Interesting. I don’t smell a speck of Magic on

“Weird, right?” She squeaked.

He yawned. She couldn’t help but notice at the pointy canines in his mouth. “It’s not really my
style to take on opponents that can’t defend themselves. I’ll let you off the hook this time.”

“Uh, thanks.”

“Leona!” A voice called.

The tall man’s eye twitched, ear flicking in the direction of the voice.

I guess he’s Leona.

A boyish looking man scampered over. He had dusty blond hair haphazardly chopped around his
face. Large fuzzy ears poked out of the disaster, with a long tuft of a tail. He sported the same
uniform as Leona, but trading his gloves for a blazer. His pants rolled up around his ankles,
showing off his beige shoes.

“The annoying one’s here,” Leona muttered.

“So you’ve been hiding out here, huh?” ‘The annoying one’ sighed. “It’s time for your remedial
classes, y’know?” He groaned. “If you get held back another year, we’re going to end up as

“Oi,” he grumbled. “Lay off already. I don’t need any lectures from you , Ruggie.”

“It’s not like I like nagging you all the time!” His ears flattened, teeth baring in frustration. “Jeez,
it’s not like you’re an idiot. If you just tried , you wouldn’t be in this mess. Whatever, let’s go! It
smells weird over here anyway!”


“Tsk.” Leona clicked, hands tucking into his pockets. “See ya, omnivore.”

The two left, Ruggie ahead of the lazed Leona.

Yuu stared after them, a bit taken aback by what just happened.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket, jerking her out of her stupor.

Ace: [Found a basket and tongs! Meet you at the front!]

At least he had the courtesy to send it on a group chat.

Chapter End Notes

Does Leona know? Does Ruggie know? Take your own bets!

Next up: Deuce and Yuu go shopping!

Taking a Crack At It
Chapter Summary

The first delinquent rose, rubbing his cheek with a palm, annoyance flaring in his
gaze. “What’s this dude’s problem?”

“If you don’t wanna pay back those eggs you broke.” His knuckles cracked in the
tense silence like a whip. “I hope you’re ready to get your face punched in the same

Chapter Notes

Behold my favorite scene from Book 1.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Yuu’s hands cramped from the chestnut shelling. Deuce, at least, had Magic, but she and Ace had
to do so manually. Trey had a nutcracker, yes, but it was a manual. So, when the opportunity came
for a break, Yuu seized it.

“I’ll go, too!” Ace offered.

“This is your mess,” Deuce fought flatly. “I’ll go with him.”

He groaned, knowing a loss. Trey snickered at the two’s banter as she and Deuce headed for Sam’s

“So what’s this place like?” Yuu asked.

Deuce shrugged. “I’ve never been there. I’ve heard it’s got everything. But that has to be an
exaggeration, right?”

“I’ve stopped being surprised at this point.”

He barked a laugh as they came to the building. It was a rather unassuming structure, built with
copper brick and topped with a slanted, black roof. Inside was the opposite.

The first thing to snatch Yuu’s attention was a sickly green glow from the hanging lamp dangling
over a royal purple rug. To the left was an old piano fixed between two tables of merchandise. Yuu
wondered if the instrument was for sale, or just part of the decor. Paralleling the door was the main
counter- of which the fashion and style gave allusion to its old age. Atop of it was a periwinkle
sphere with a mist swirling inside. Behind the counter stood tall shelves that nearly touched the
low ceiling, containing various jars and the occasional book. Eclectic beads, torn tapestries of silk,
and faded pictures decorated the walls to the point that Yuu questioned the original color.

The man behind the counter was the most interesting of all. His dark skin was dabbled with white
paint below his eyes, on his chest, and on his arms- although Yuu wondered if that was part of his
organic body or not. A vibrant purple vest buttoned below a much too short burgundy blazer,
stopping at his rib cage. His trousers were of a similar hue, but hidden under a long black apron
tied around his hips with a striped knot. His hair came out in dreads under a tall purple hat with
thick stitching and a skull ornament fixed onto a blood red ribbon.

“This place is amazing,” Deuce gaped, eyes scanning shoppe. “There’s a crystal skull, grimoires-“
he paused, poking at a stuffed creature atop a glass case. “What kind of taxidermy is this?”

“I dunno. Looks weird.”

“You’re not a fan?”

“Something about it is just super off-putting.” A devious smirk tugged at her lip. “But I wouldn’t
mind seeing Grim like this.”

Deuce paled with horror. “You’re joking right?”

“Am I?”

“Are you?”

Oh he’s being serious.

“Yes, I am.”
He sighed with relief.

“Hey, my lost imps!” The man behind the counter greeted, walking over. His shoes tapped like
bone clack with every step. “How goes it?”

“You must be the shopkeeper,” Yuu commented.

“Good eye! Welcome to Mr. S’s Mystery Shop! What can I do for you today?” He started plucking
his products seemingly from midair. “A charm for uncharted lands? Mummy of an ancient king?
Or how about some cursed tarot cards?”

“Definitely not the tarot,” she blurted, shuffling away from the man.

“Or the mummy,” Deuce agreed. “We’d like the things-“ he pointed, “written here.”

“Some cream and eggs?” Mr. S read off. “What a tantalizing sweet selection! Coming right up!”

Yuu took the time to look at the store’s stock. Clusters of commodities lined the shelves of colorful
compositions. Most of the selection were more quirky or odd items, but there was some merit to
‘it’s got everything’.

Come to think of it, she would have to find somewhere to buy, erm, personal products.

“Sorry ‘bout the wait!” Mr. S apologized, heaving two boxes onto the counter with a grunt.
“They’re a bit heavy! Think you can carry it all? I do have a floating scale for sale. 30% off!”

“And I’ve got two arms for free,” Yuu gibed. “Four if you count his.”

“Okay, okay,” the shopkeeper exulted. “Make sure you come again, little imps! Bye bye now!”

He waved them off with a gloved hand a signature smile. Deuce heaved the box of eggs out the
door, Yuu following with the cream.
“That store was crazy,” Deuce exhaled.

“Yeah, but kinda cool. Reminds me of an antique shop.”

Something caught his blue eyes. “You have those in your world?”

“I think so. I do remember some stuff, y’know.” An unexpected somberness weighted her heart. “I
remember my favorite foods, hobbies, and life skills. I have vague memories of shops or places, but
I don’t have any memories of doing anything at those places. Kinda like dejà vu, but more
specific.” She suddenly found the box in her hands very interesting. “I don’t remember my friends-
if I had them. Or even my family.”

“That sounds lonely,” Deuce lamented soberly.

“Maybe a little.” The smile she offered felt painful somehow. “But I have friends now, at least.
Like you, Deuce-kun!”

He smiled. “That box looks heavy. Want me to take it? There’s a trick to it.”

“I’m good. You seem like a pro, though.”

“Kinda.” A nostalgic softness melted on his features. “My mom always got carried away with
sales, so the bag always end up really heavy. Since I’m the only guy at home, it was always up to
me to be the muscle.” He blinked, jerking suddenly. “Oh, um, my bad! I didn’t mean to talk your
ear off!”

“I like to listen,” Yuu assured softly. “You really care about your mom, huh?”

An unexpected pain contorted Deuce’s visage. “Yeah. But I always…” He jolted forward. “Ow!”

A whole carton of eggs crashed onto the cobble, white and yolk splattered like a crime scene.
“Hey, hey,” a snide voice sneered. “Watch where you’re going.”

Another delinquent smirked. “Do you need glasses or something?”

The first spat. “He got egg all over my blazer!”

“Actually,” Yuu cut in, voice firm. “You’re the ones that jumped out from behind the corner.”

“You ruined an entire carton of eggs!” Deuce sharply agreed.

“Ohoho,” the second snickered sinisterly. “Ballsy.”

“You sayin’ it’s our fault?” The first challenged, prowling closer to Yuu.

Deuce cut him off, wedging himself between the two. “Yes. Please pay for the eggs. And
apologize to the chickens, too.”

“They’re just eggs,” the second delinquent scoffed. “Don’t need to get your knickers in a knot.”

The air cooled into an icy tension. His shoulders laxed into an eerie stillness. Yuu stiffened.

“Excuse me?” Deuce breathed, tone sounding like the whisper of death.

“You can still eat them if you love them so much,” the first one remarked with a cocky smirk even
Yuu wanted to slap off.

“We saved you the trouble of of breaking them!” The second agreed. “You should be thanking us!”

The two broke into a raucous fit of laughter. They sounded like dying crows. Deuce’s arms slowly
tensed, fists curling around the box. Slowly, he lowered the parcel to the ground.

“A laughing matter?” He growled lowly.

“Huh?” The first scoundrel challenged, crooking down to his level. Deuce swung a right hook,
sending him stumbling into the ground.

“I said-“ he snapped, towering over his grounded foe, “this ain’t a laughing matter! You listenin’ to

Deuce’s eyes were sharpened into icy blades, slicing the hearts of any of those brave enough to
look into them. He grabbed the collar of the second punk, snapping him to his level. He threw a
finger toward the running yolks on the ground.

“See those eggs?! They were going to become a delicious tart to make up for not gettin’ to hatch
into chicks! That makin’ sense to your thick skulls or what?” He let go of him.

The first delinquent rose, rubbing his cheek with a palm, annoyance flaring in his gaze. “What’s
this dude’s problem?”

“If you don’t wanna pay back those eggs you broke.” His knuckles cracked in the tense silence like
a whip. “I hope you’re ready to get your face punched in the same way.”

The two staggered backward, eyes wide in horror.

“Square up, cowards,” Deuce challenged in a hiss.

“This guy’s insane,” the second squeaked. “Let’s get out of here!”

“I beg all the chickens for their forgiveness!” The first cried, already running for the hills. The
second followed in a sprint.

“You better be apologizin’ a hundred times over for the next time you eat eggs!” Deuce yelled
after them.

“Deuce-kun?” Yuu prompted gently.

He blinked. “What?” His eyes widened in horror before he threw his face into his hands, fingers
tangled in his hair. “Oh no! I-I screwed up. I vowed that I’d definitely, definitely become an honors
student this time for sure-!”

“An honors student?” She echoed in confusion.

He let out a sigh as he straightened his posture. His hand found the back of his neck. “All I ever did
in middle school was screw around. I ditched classes, got into the wrong crowd, and bleached my
hair to death. Even rode my Blastcycle all over the place.” He sneered darkly to himself. “I was a
terrible person . I even used my Magic to control those who couldn’t use it. People like you .”

Yuu stared at the boy before her. The same young man that put those punks in their place was
haunted by the ghost of the past- the ghost that was his own guilt.

“I never would have guessed,” she admitted slowly.

He chuckled without mirth. “One night, I saw my mom hiding away in tears calling my
grandmother.” His voice grew tight, “‘Did I raise him wrong? Would it be better if his dad was
around?’ She,” he swallowed thickly, “blamed herself. None of it was her fault. It was all me . So
when the Carriage came for me from a prestigious school, for the first time in I don’t even know
when, she was smiling- for me .” A faint smile graced his lips, though Yuu found no relief in it. “I
swore I’d never make her cry again. This time, I’m going to be a diligent student she can be proud
of. And then I do this-“

“Y’know,” Yuu cut him off gently. “That sounds like a lot of pressure.”

He blinked blankly. “Huh?”

“You don’t have to grin and bear everything.” She made a fist. “Hands are pretty neat, y’know?
You can pound people with them-“ she relaxed her palm and took his hand gently, although she
fumbled with the weight of her box in her free arm “-or offer it to someone else. There’s a time and
place for both, right? I think a really honor able student like you knows that.

His blue eyes went wide, mouth slightly open in a gape. The setting sun made the sapphire blues
twinkle like the sea at dusk. After a moment, a relaxed smile rested on his face. “You’re really
something else, Yuu-kun.”
“Eh. Makes up for my lack of Magic.”

He chuckled, a genuine smile reaching ear to ear. “Oh well. May those baby chicks rest in peace.”

“Oh, um,” she felt awkward saying it, but someone needed to educate this poor boy, “those eggs
were unfertilized so they wouldn’t have hatched.”

Deuce’s face lit up a fiery crimson. “Eeeeeeh?! You’ve got to be kidding?!”

Chapter End Notes

*casually adds platonic handholding to the tags*

*also ups the Age Rating for Overblot and this Chapter*
From Your Favorite Senpai
Chapter Summary

“Sleepover at Yun-Yun’s? I’m so jelly! Can I go, too?”

Yuu took a literal step backward. “Um, I guess?”

“Trey-kun, you cool with that?” He asked the vice.

He opened his mouth to protest, but then conceded with a nod. “Fine. Keep an eye on
the kouhais.”

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“Did something happen while you two were out shopping?” Ace asked as the two washed their

“He’s having a crisis.”

“Okayyy then. You do that.” A yawn interrupted his thoughts. “I gotta say, though, baking is

Yuu snorted. It was true, of course- particularly if you put a lot of thought into decor. But as
exhausted as she was, she already claimed her prize: photos. She had taken many pictures of her
two friends, and even some with Trey. Her favorites? Ace covered in powder sugar like he was
dipped in the thing, and Deuce forlornly cracking eggs. She sent those to Cater.

Speaking of, as if on cue, her ginger senpai waltzed in. “Is the tart done?“ Immediately, he
whipped out his phone when he caught glimpse of the dessert. “The decorations are super cute!
Mega Magicammable!”

“Why’d you only come now ?” Ace shot him a glare.

“I wanted to see my kouhais workings hard! You all look exhausted, by the way.” He took a snap
of that, too.
“They’ve been working hard,” Trey agreed. “Things you’re not used to can tire you out. But the
best thing for that?” He turned around, three slices of Mont Blanc laid on a plate. “Sugar.”

“Don’t tell me you came just to eat the tart,” Yuu teased.

“Think of me as the taste-tester,” Cater shot back with a wink.

She opened her mouth to fire back with something, only for a piece of tart to be shoved into her

“Shut up,” Ace teased. “You’ll thank me.”

Yuu rolled the piece in her mouth, tasting as the flavors melted into her mouth. “So good.”

“This is amazing,” Deuce agreed, eyes as wide as a saucer’s. “Tastes like store-bought.”

“You don’t gotta be insultin’,” Yuu jabbed with a smirk.

“Was that offensive?” He blinked.

“It undermines the effort,” Trey explained.

“Oh, I’m sorry!”

“Don’t worry about it.”

“Hey, Trey-kun,” Cater cut in. “Do the thing.”

“The what?” The greenette’s brows furrowed in confusion. “Oh. The thing.”

“The thing?” Ace parroted.

“I feel like my tart’s about to be defiled.” Yuu’s arms hovered over her slice like a vulture. Cater
got evidence.

Trey skipped over Yuu, looking straight at his dorm mates. “What are your favorite foods?”

Deuce thought for a moment. “If I had to pick, omurice.”

“Cherry pie and hamburgers,” Ace answered confidently. Yuu gagged at the idea.

“Mine is grilled lamb with diavlo sauce,” Cater chimed in.

“You like it spicy?” Yuu cut in. “Never would have guessed.”

He giggled in response.

“What’s your favorite, Yuu-kun?” Ace asked.

“ Not hamburgers and cherry pie.”

“ Or. Not and ,” he corrected. “Eck. Now I know why you gagged.”

Yuu contemplated for a moment before deciding: “I don’t have a favorite. There are too many

“Big mood,” Cater sighed with a smile.

“But you like coffee, right?” Deuce offered.

“Yeah. The more chocolatey the better.”

“So what’s the thing?” Ace asked.

“Oh, right, that.” He pushed up his glasses with his finger, a sheen of light hitting his specs. “Paint
the Roses Red.”

A glittery burst fell onto the slices- except for Yuu’s.

“What just happened?” Deuce asked, eyeing his tart curiously.

“Now try another bite,” Trey instructed.

“Hold on.” Cater got into position. “I’m ready.”

Ace scooped another bite into his mouth. His warm eyes widened in surprise. “Hm?” He slowly
chewed it before inhaling another bite. “Mmm! ‘Vis Mon’ B’ln- b’ ‘as’es ‘k ftherty p’!”

“Wanna try that again?” Deuce challenged flatly.

“Isn’t it fun?” Cater laughed. “I bet if you did this while having tea with a girl, she’d be

Deuce finally took a bite, eyes sparkling. “It’s amazing. Is changing the flavor your unique Magic,

“To be more specific,” the senpai answered, “I can overwrite any component. Taste, color, scent,
things like that. It does have a time limit, though.”

“That’s incredible,” Yuu agreed. “But I’m very happy with my Mont Blanc as-is.”

A sad smile graced his face. “It’s nothing compared to the Dorm Leader’s Magic. He’s on another
“I rather have cherry pie flavored anything than this Off-With-Your-Head nonsense,” Ace

Trey barked a laugh. “Anyway! It’s getting late. We can give him the tart tomorrow. It is the
Unbirthday Party, so don’t be late.”

“Cool! Guess I’m crashing with Yuu-kun again!” Ace decided with a smile. “Since my senpais
won’t let me into the dorm.”

“I’m charging you another mocha,” Yuu deadpanned.

“I can come, too, if you want,” Deuce offered. “To keep an eye on him.”

“Sleepover at Yun-Yun’s? I’m so jelly! Can I go, too?”

Yuu took a literal step backward. “Um, I guess?”

“Trey-kun, you cool with that?” He asked the vice.

He opened his mouth to protest, but then conceded with a nod. “Fine. Keep an eye on the kouhais.”

“Guess it is a sleepover,” Yuu sighed.

Come to think of it, what do guys do at this sorta thing?

The twilight sky had long faded into a dusky hue by the time they arrived at Ramshackle. Grim
was undoubtedly asleep, Yuu realized, once she opened the door.

“I can’t wait to get this stupid collar off,” Ace sighed as he waltzed inside.
“I bet,” Cater laughed. “Hey, Yun-Yun, where’s your restroom?”

“Down the hall to your left.”

“Kay kay! Brb!” And off the senpai went.

“You cool with burritos?” Yuu asked, typing an apron around her neck. “I need to use up some

“You’re feeding us?” Deuce asked, a bit stunned by the question.

“I mean, I’m making myself dinner. If you want to starve, go for it.”

“Burritos are cool!” The two chirped.

“Is there anything we can help with?” Deuce offered.

Yuu thought for a moment as she got out the meat. She didn’t trust either of them around knives as
far as she could throw them (which, for the record, wasn’t far)- or even the stove. “I got this. But if
you want to do dishes after, I won’t stop you.”

“I can do that!”

“What about me?” Ace asked.

“Can you shred cheese without cutting yourself?”

“Ouch. Your faith in me hurts.”

“My faith in you is realistic, Collar-kun.”

He muttered under his breath as he rummaged through the cabinets to find the grater.

Cater returned in his uniform pajamas- although the top was unbuttoned to reveal a sleeveless shirt
beneath. His ginger hair was pulled back into a messy bun, his diamond-shaped marking gone.

“Sorry for the wait, Yun-Yun. Ooh! Something smells good! What’s on the menu, m’dudes?”

“Burritos,” Deuce answered, getting out the tortillas for her.

“Sounds good! Can I help at all?”

“Are you good with knives?” Yuu asked, eyes fixed on the stove.

“I know my way around a kitchen,” he answered with a wink.

“Can you chop me some peppers?”

“Yep!” He snatched a blade from the block and got to work.

It was kinda nice cooking together like this, Yuu decided. Ace and Deuce argued with each other
as always, but the exhaustion from the day kept their voices down. It was familiar, in some way.
Maybe she had a big family before this? She wasn’t sure.

The time went by fast before she plated the burritos and served them.

“We’re out of milk, so water for all.” She set down the cups.

“This looks really good, Yun-Yun,” Cater hummed, taking a quick picture.

“I’m glad. Oh, Cater-senpai. Yours is extra spicy.”

“You’re my new favorite kouhai,” he decided as he took a bite.

“Do you have queso?” Ace asked.

“I’d make some, but it’s too late.”

“Eh don’t worry about it.”

“Wasn’t going to.”

“This is really good,” Deuce discovered.

“I know, right?” Cater agreed. “5 stars.”

“They’re just burritos,” she chuckled.

“The best burritos,” the dark-haired boy protested.

“Oh, Ace-kun. How’s your neck?”

“Eh? Oh it’s a bit sore from bending down all day. I’ll get it off tomorrow so who- where are you

“Getting that cream.”

Ace groaned, not wasting any effort arguing.

Yuu ducked into her bathroom with a slight skip as she turned into the room. Everything was as
she left it. If she didn’t know her senpai had used it, she wouldn’t have guessed. She bent down to
the cabinet under the sink.
Beside the familiar round tub was a foreign, plastic parcel. Maybe something of Grim’s?

She pulled it out, eyes widening as she recognized its contents.


These were-

Tampons .

A bright red sticky note caught her attention.

‘From your favorite senpai - ♦️ ’

Chapter End Notes

Who wants a Cater POV? :>

Catered for You
Chapter Summary

Cater, over the years, had become a master of body language. He could fake it, read it,
and more. If he were more serious, he’d guess it was some sort of trauma response.
But it was helpful, at least.

I’m right.

A soft smirk tugged at his lip. He needed to calm her down. “Do you want to talk
outside? The weather’s nice.”

Chapter Notes

All of your responses to the last chapter made me smile so hard!! I love you all!!

((Also, those not in the know, Cater is more laid back when it’s just him. Check Pt2 of
his Ceremonial Robes SR Vignette. So. He’s more serious here.))

See the end of the chapter for more notes

He couldn’t pinpoint exactly when it ‘clicked’. Maybe it was when they met, or when he teasingly
asked Yuu what his type was, but he realized something:

Yuu was a girl .

In a way, she reminded him of his sisters- the better parts at least.

But his sisters were older than him. He was the object of their teasing and borderline abuse. They
didn’t need him.

But Yuu?

“Cool! Guess I’m crashing with Yuu-kun again!” Ace declared with a haughty smile. “Since my
senpais won’t let me into the dorm.”
He had forgotten that they bunked together-

“I’m charging you another mocha,” Yuu deadpanned.

“I can come, too, if you want,” Deuce offered. “To keep an eye on him.”

And there was no way he was letting two boys alone with a girl. Not on his watch.

“Sleepover at Yun-Yun’s?” He piped up. “I’m so jelly! Can I go, too?”

Yuu took a literal step backward. “Um, I guess?”

He spun around to ask the Vice for permission. “Trey-kun, you cool with that?”

He met his gaze, squinting ever so slightly. It was an unsaid plea. A code between the two of them
they had conjured courtesy of Riddle’s rule.

Say yes .

Trey opened his mouth to argue, but then conceded with a nod. “Fine. Keep an eye on the

“Guess it is a sleepover,” Yuu lamented in defeat.


“Yuu-kun,” Ace whined, “can’t I just crash in the bed with you? You’re tiny!”

Cater’s thumbs hovered over the screen.

Not gonna happen-

“Hard pass,” Yuu put flatly.

“You can’t expect me to share with Deuce!”

“Watch me.”

Cater snorted, eyes back to Magicam. So many comments.

Looks like I can stay out of this one.

“Is there somewhere else I can sleep?” Deuce asked.

Yeah no never mind. Spoiler alert: this is going to end badly.

“I’ve got an idea!” Cater chimed in. “Yun-Yun, this is an old dorm building, right? How about we
dust off one of the beds? I can help!”

“Are you sure?”

“I’d rather not be blamed for two grumpy freshmen,” he laughed. “It’d kill the vibe.”

She spared a smile. “Okay.”

“We can do it,” Deuce insisted.

“I guess it’s only fair since we’re here,” Ace conceded in a grunt. “You fed us and everything.”

“There’s one room with two beds,” Yuu suggested. “I just did the laundry before we left this
morning, so the linen’s already in there. Just text me when you two are done.“
“Yeah, yeah.” Ace sighed as he turned down the hall where she pointed. Deuce followed.

That left Cater and Yuu.

Should he bring it up? Is there anything to bring up? Maybe she didn’t even see the package. Or
maybe he was just wrong. If Yuu rejected it, then he could play it off as a joke- that was the plan
at least. It’d be a jerk move, but he’d take the fall if needed.

“Hey, Cater?” Her voice broke him out of his thoughts.

He met her gaze. Her brow furrowed, and her hands rung into her shirt- which dwarfed her in size
like a curtain. Her shoulders scrunched halfway to her ears.

Cater, over the years, had become a master of body language. He could fake it, read it, and more.
If he were more serious, he’d guess it was some sort of trauma response. But it was helpful, at

I’m right.

A soft smirk tugged at his lip. He needed to calm her down. “Do you want to talk outside? The
weather’s nice.”

“Oh, sure.”

He held the door for her before following her out onto the porch. He knew when they walked in,
but the boards were so rickety that they creaked with every step. Maybe the ghost rumors were

Cater was greeted by the gentle breeze of the night air. It nipped at his lungs like the winter crisp,
warming his nose and cheeks with internal heat. His ears and nape of his neck chilled. He never
thought about it before, but the lack of dorm mates and general functionality of Ramshackle meant
the outside world was even dimmer- if it weren’t for the stars.

Cater liked the stars. They were one of the things that his phone camera couldn’t capture the
majesty of. It made the night sky more dazzling, more fleeting.
“It’s beautiful out here,” Cater commented with a breath.

“I like to sit out here sometimes with a cup of coffee and finish my homework,” she smiled
wistfully. “The sunrise is incredible.“

“I can imagine. I’ll have to check it out tomorrow before I head back to Heartslabyul.”

“You have to leave early, right?”

“Yeah, collars kinda clash with my aesthetic.”

She smirked. “Fair enough.”

They were on a time limit. Ace and Deuce’s bickering may regularly slow them down, but he
needed to kill the elephant in the room before they sorted themselves out.

Luckily, he didn’t have to.

“You’re my favorite senpai,” Yuu decided.

So she did see them.

She continued, softer, “how did you know?”

She couldn’t make eye contact, and the hem of her shirt threaded through her fingers. That
wouldn’t work.

“I have two older sisters,” he answered with a smile. “You have a similar vibe.”

“Is it obvious?” Her eyes flashed with panic.

“Oh definitely not,” he hastily assured. “I just have an eye for those kinda things.” He offered her a
mischievous smirk to lighten the mood, “But you should probably steer clear of those Magicam

“I didn’t even think about that,” she groaned.

“It’s kinda hard to use if you’re not taking a selfie.”

She sighed, playing with the tufts of her hair. Cater did wonder why she cut it so short. It was a
similar length to Riddle’s. There were plenty of other guys in the school with long hair- like

“So why are you keeping it a secret?” He had to ask.

She rubbed her arms. “I don’t want to be expelled. I’m already on thin ice.”

“Yeah, it’d be kinda awkward. But Crowley probably knows. He also can’t legally get rid of you.”


“Let’s just say anyone in Heartslabyul could try for law.”

“Ah. Right. Riddle-san.”

“Yep.” He laughed. “But I don’t blame you for keeping it on the down-low. I don’t think you’d
want that kind of popularity. But if you do decide to tell, let me know.”

“You’re not going to tell anyone?” Her genuine shock lowkey offended him.

He managed a softer smirk. “Nah. Your secret’s safe with me.”

The most pure, genuine, smile melted on her lips like butter. Her eyes twinkled in the moonlight.
Fondness warmed his heart in spite of the bite of the air.

She’s cute.

“Thank you, Cater-senpai.”

“No prob, Yuu-chan.” He winked for good measure.

Chapter End Notes

I’ve written this chapter three times. This is the best I can do- sorry guys!
Party Crashers
Chapter Summary

Trey power-walked to the Tea Garden. Cater flanked his left, while Yuu and the other
freshmen followed behind. In the clearing, round white tables grouped together with
various quirky decorative pieces atop. Lights and flags strung branch to branch, and
pink lawn flamingos stuck out of the ground. It looked like someone went shopping at
the dollar store with a blindfold and came out with… this.

But hey whatever works.

Chapter Notes

Hi I never understood why Deuce and Yuu went down with Ace’s sinking ship.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Okay two in a row was weird. Yuu rubbed her eyes, trying to remember her dream. Something

A garden of flowers dripping with red?

And an eccentric woman demanding who committed some sort of crime?

And three men- all wearing masquerade masks. They were not dissimilar to Crowley’s in style, but
they were white with red embellishments. Each mask’s intricate designs differed from the other-
one sporting a heart motif, another a diamond, and lastly a clubs. The figures themselves weren’t
distinguishable, or maybe she couldn’t remember those details.

It ended in a massacre.

“Good morning, Yun-yun!” Cater greeted with a smile, walking in. He was already dressed in his
Dorm uniform, with his hair pulled back in its usual way and a diamond painted on his cheek.

“Mornin’ Cater-kun,” she yawned. “What time is it?” She didn’t see his mouth twitch in a smile.
“Too early,” he laughed. “I need to head out, though to finish preparing for today. Are you

“Is that allowed?”

“I don’t see why not! It’s not against any rules. And even if it was, you can’t use Magic anyway so
it’d be kinda pointless for Riddle-san to-“ he made a slicing motion over his throat. She shuddered.

“I’ll be there,” Yuu decided. “It’d be kind of a waste not to go.”

“I was hoping you’d say that! I wanted to get some pics of you there!”

“Can I get you breakfast before you leave?” She asked, stretching as she stood.

“I’ll get something when I get back.” He smiled with a wink. “Don’t worry.”

“If I find out you skipped it, I’ll ask Riddle-san to behead you.” A playful smirk betrayed her

“RIP,” he snorted. “I’ll see you soon!”

He dipped out with a smile.

Yuu was honestly touched by her senpai’s kindness. She didn’t ask for it, nor did she deserve it, but
he extended it to her all the same. And it was nice having someone she could be more honest with.

“Yuu,” Grim yawned. “What’s for breakfast?”

“I’m working on that now.” She checked the time. “I should have time to get some ingredients. I’m
craving omelettes.”

“Can you get me some tuna?”

“Saves me the trouble of later. Try not to wake Ace and Deuce up until I get back, okay?”

“Sounds like a deal!”

As annoying as Grim could be, she had to admit he could be useful. Help didn’t come cheap, but
tuna was something she could get. She made a mad dash for Mr. S’ before getting to work on

There was something festive in the air at Heartslabyul. Unbirthday or not, it did have the energy of
a party. Ace and Deuce wore their Dorm Uniform, while Yuu was left with her regular one. Cater,
the saint, left them with her to save time. She didn’t have a Dorm Uniform to wear either way, but
she felt underdressed all the same.

Ace, of all people, noticed. “You feelin’ ok, Yuu-kun?”

Like a liar, she lied. “Yeah.”

He hummed for a moment. “Yeah I’m not buying it. What’s up?”

Curse it all.

“I feel kinda underdressed.”

“Oh.” Ace nodded. “Yeah I get that. But you’re not part of Heartslabyul, so Riddle-san won’t

“I’m not worried about that,” she sighed. “I just feel kinda plain standing next to you two.”

“We’ll just have to get you something to wear for next time. Don’t sweat it, though.”
“Next time? You’re planning on breaking even more rules?”

He groaned. “You know what I meant .”

Grim’s nose sniffed the air. “I smell food.”

“It is a party,” Deuce pointed out flatly.

“Is that Cater-senpai?” The cat asked, ears flicking.

Yuu looked on ahead to see the figure finishing the last rose. Did we not finish them?

“Looks like it,” Ace agreed. “Hey! Cater-senpai!”

The aforementioned ginger turned around with a bright smile. “Hey hey! I’ve been waiting!”

“We’re not late, are we?” Deuce asked, paling slightly.

“Nah, you’re not.” He turned away to yell, “hey, me! Our kouhais are here!”

Yuu blinked. Mii?

Coming from the distance, another Cater cantered to them from the dormitory building. “Sorry for
the wait!”

“Th-there are two Caters?” Deuce stuttered, frantically looking between the two gingers.

“You have a twin?” Ace gaped.

Cater laughed. “Nope- I’m the only brother of my fam. This is my Signature Spell: Split Card. I can
use Magic to clone myself. But I’m the real one.”

“There’s gotta be some way to tell them apart,” Yuu muttered, leaning very very close to Cater B.

“Yun-Yun, I know you can’t get enough of me,” B teased with a wink. “But please back up a

She blushed a hot pink. “Oh! Uh! Sorry!”

“They’re clones,” Cater A reminded. “So any clone I make is a human, too. But once I ‘fold’, I can
absorb any memories the clone had.”

“My head’s starting to hurt,” Grim whined.

“That sounds like a dream,” Ace sighed wistfully. “You can just get a clone to do the things you
don’t want to do.”

Yuu shot the Caters a smirk. “I’m suddenly feeling very inspired to host a horror movie night.”

They returned it with their own grins.

Cater A waved his pen, and B disintegrated into a bunch of 4 of Diamonds. As the cards hit the
ground, they erupted into sparkling dust.

“We shouldn’t keep Riddle-san waiting. Come on!”

“Hey, wait,” Ace spoke up.

“‘Sup?” Cater spun on his heel to face him.

He grabbed Yuu’s arm and pulled her a bit to him, making her nearly trip. “Yuu-kun’s feeling
kinda weird about what he’s wearing. Can’t Trey-senpai use his Unique Magic or whatever to
overwrite that kinda thing?”

Yuu’s eyes grew wide. Turns out, Ace can be kind. Tsundere.

A bright smile lit up Cater’s features. “Kk! I’ll go get him!”

“Why’d you do that?” Yuu asked in a mumble.

“I want a fancy outfit, too!” Grim exclaimed in a meow.

“You’ve stuck out your neck for me,” Ace grumbled, looking away, and hand finding his nape. “I
can at least make sure you’re comfortable in your own skin.”

Ok. He could crash on her couch whenever.

“Thank you, Ace-kun.”

“Don’t mention it.”

Lo and behold, Cater returned with a fedora-wearing Trey. “I have two minutes before Riddle-kun
comes. What do you need?”

“Make Yuu-kun handsome!” Cater explained brightly.

“And me!” Grim cut in.

Trey chuckled at the request. “Paint the roses!”

Grim’s bow blossomed with checkered red and black. As for Yuu?

If you asked Cater, she rocked the Heartslabyul uniform. Deuce would willingly agree, but Ace
would deny it.
“Thank you, Trey-senpai!” She beamed, tapping the boot toe on the ground.

“My pleasure. Now come on, we don’t want to be late!”

Trey power-walked to the Tea Garden. Cater flanked his left, while Yuu and the other freshmen
followed behind. In the clearing, round white tables grouped together with various quirky
decorative pieces atop. Lights and flags strung branch to branch, and pink lawn flamingos stuck
out of the ground. It looked like someone went shopping at the dollar store with a blindfold and
came out with… this.

But hey whatever works.

They arrived in the nick of time. As soon as they got in place, the other Heartslabyul students
began to chant:

“Make way for our leader! The Crimson Ruler! Dorm Leader Riddle!”

Out strutted Riddle Rosehearts. His dorm uniform was far more regal than the others’. His coat
flared at the bottom like pulled drapes, trailing into a pseudo-skirt in the rear embroidered with
various shapes. The sleeves of the coat reached halfway to his forearm before being dramatically
collared by crimson. Black gloves bloomed out of the sleeves. Over his left shoulder was a large
black cape with a scarlet underbelly that reached the ground. The front of such a dramatic piece
boasted a white rose dipped with red toward the top. The sash that normally rested on the hip
wrapped around Riddle’s tiny waist tying into a red award-styled ribbon with the letter ‘H’ etched
into it. Across his chest was a checkered band cutting over the two-toned heart. His trousers were
an ivory color that plunged into thigh-high boots. The footwear themselves had metal hearts prying
away mid-thigh. The main body appeared to be made of a black leather, which pointed into flower-
shaped tips. The golden heels added a few extra inches to Riddle’s short stature. To finish the look,
he wore rosy eye shadow, was topped with a small crown.

“The roses are red,” he mused with a satisfied smile, “and the tablecloths are white. A perfect
Unbirthday Party. Very good.” He spared Trey a glance. “You made sure the dormouse is in the
tea pot, correct?”

“Of course.” Trey bowed ever so slightly. “The jam to put on its nose, should the occasion arise, is
also at the ready.”

Yuu made a mental note: Don’t drink the tea.

“Before the croquet match,” Riddle continued, “a toast.” He raised a teacup in the air. The rest of
the dorm mimicked the gesture. “On this day which no one’s birthday lands, I toast to this
Unbirthday party! Cheers!”

“Cheers!” Rang the crowd as the clicked their cups.

Ace visibly gulped as he made his way to the belle of the ball. “Excuse me? Dorm leader?”

Even Yuu admitted the short king was intimidating in this setting. The whole thing looked…

“You’re that first-year that stole my tart. Ace Trappola.”

“I wanted to apologize for that, actually. So I baked a new one!”

“Oh?” Something glinted in Riddle’s silvers. “I’m curious. What kind of tart?”

“It is a Mont Blanc!” He radiated with confidence. “Made with only the freshest chestnuts!”

Slowly, Riddle’s pale visage was painted red with fury. “Unbelievable!”

Ace staggered backward in shock. “W-what?”

Riddle seethed, “Laws of the Queen of Hearts #562: One must never bring a Mont Blanc to an
Unbirthday party! This is a grave violation- downright defilement ! How could you do something
like this? You’ve completely ruined a perfect Unbirthday party!”
“562?” Deuce echoed in a shaky breath. “Just how many rules are there?!”

Riddle’s eyes pierced like an arrow tip through his heart. “There are 810. I have every single one
memorized.” He took a step forward, sending shockwaves down Ace’s spine. “What kind of dorm
leader would I be if I didn’t?”

“Cater-senpai?” Yuu whispered, eyes darting to the ginger.

He paled. “We’re screwed.” His eyes went to his green-haired classmate. “Trey-kun? Did you

“I’ve only committed the first 350 to memory,” he admitted grimly. “I completely underestimated
the severity of these rules.”

Riddle’s wrath blazed. “I cannot simply close my eyes to this matter!” His teeth ground together as
he hissed, “Trey-kun! Cater-kun! Dispose of the tart, and throw this rule breaker out !”

“H-Hey!” Ace stammered. “Aren’t you just making rules up at this point?”

“Yeah!” Grim meowed. “I’ll eat it if you don’t want it!”

Trey bowed deeply, fedora held to his chest in a clenched fist. “My deepest apologies, Dorm
Leader. I was the one who suggested we make a Mont Blanc. The fault is mine.”

Cater took a step forward. “Yeah! We didn’t think there’d be a rule for something like that!”

“The fact that you made it isn’t the problem!” Riddle hissed. “It’s that you brought it here- today!”
He stomped his foot. “Right now!” And again. “That is the issue!”

His face looks painful-

Ace puffed up indignantly. “All I’ve been hearing is you spout are these weird rules! It’s idiotic

Riddle flinched. Ace’s blood ran cold.

“Did you say, idiotic?” He challenged in a breath that sent shivers down Yuu’s spine.

“Cool your jets!” Cater cut in, stepping between Riddle and Ace. “Riddle-san, he’s a new student
that’s still learning the ropes.”

A mirthless smirk tugged at Riddle’s mouth. “You’ve got some nerve talking back to me.” He
turned to the crowd. “Listen well. All of you. Even breaking insignificant rules leads to huge

It sounds personal.

“Throwing out a whole tart because of that rule is idiotic!” Ace hissed.

“ Taboo, ” Cater whispered under his breath.

Riddle responded in an eerie chill. “In the year that I’ve been dorm leader, not one student from
Heartslabyul has gotten held back or expended. Do you know why that is?” He put a hand to his
chest, fingers sprawled. “It is because of my rules! It is because of me who upholds them, and
ensures you do the same! All you have to do is follow my rules without talking back!”

“You’re kidding,” Deuce exhaled in horror.

“I’m not cutting off your heads because I want to,” Riddle insisted earnestly. “It’s because I care
about you.”

Yuu took a step forward. Even if Riddle cut off her head, it wouldn’t matter. She was Magic-less.

She didn’t have much to lose.

“Riddle-san,” she willed her voice to steady. “Wouldn’t it be fair to say that Ace replaced the tart
he took because he cares about you ?”

Riddle’s glare was sharper than a sword’s blade. “The rules are there for a reason.”

“Rules are made to protect people. But as far as I can see?” She flung a hand out, gesturing to the
crowd. “You’re hurting everyone else.”

Chapter End Notes

Sorry, Chenya.
Chapter Summary

What the heck am I doing?

Yeah honestly Yuu had no idea. She had no real reason to butt in, or stake in the
matter. This was none of her business. This was Ace’s fight.

‘Why won’t anyone stop the Queen?’

Chapter Notes

Warning for Violence

See the end of the chapter for more notes

What the heck am I doing?

Yeah honestly Yuu had no idea. She had no real reason to butt in, or stake in the matter. This was
none of her business. This was Ace’s fight.

‘Why won’t anyone stop the Queen?’

No one rose to object. Instead, the queen continued her tyranny unchallenged. The Diamond was
daunted, the Clubs was quiet, the Ace aphonic, and the Spades subjected to silence.

Riddle’s sharp silvers slipped into a slicing scowl. “Everything I do is out of love! Don’t you all
see that?!”

“Love shouldn’t hurt!” Yuu spat.

“It’s for their own good!”

“Are 810 rules going to keep your ‘subjects’ any safer? All I see is a cage! And you’re in the
biggest one!”

“What do you know about me?!” Riddle hissed. “What gives you the right, prefect?! You
shouldn’t even be here!” He whipped his head to Cater and Trey. “Cater-kun! Trey-kun! Why
haven’t you thrown him out?!”

“Riddle-san.” Trey couldn’t meet his eyes. “Calm down.”

“I’ve had enough!” The crimson ruler spat. “Off with your head!”

A demanding weight shackled itself around Yuu’s neck. She staggered forward, the metal menace
strapped like a noose.

“Yuu-kun!” Deuce cried.

A pained smirk twisted her lip. “Hey, Riddle-senpai, I hate to break it to you but-“ something
popped “-that won’t work on me.”

“H-He hit him in the face with a beautiful right hook!” Grim yowled in shock.

“He punched the Dorm Leader?!” The Heartslabyul students barked.

Riddle held his cheek with a gloved hand, eyes wide in horror. Yuu stood tall, undaunted by the
onlookers’ terror.

“You… hit me ?”

“Yuu-kun,” Cater breathed, fists clenching. Trey grabbed his shoulder.

“…. Heh.”
The crowd froze. Riddle’s quiet chuckling crescendoed in a thunderous cackle.

“Riddle-kun!” Trey bawled. “That’s enough!”

“ Enough ?! What gives you the right to make that decision?! Are you trying to overthrow me
now?! “


“I see how it is!” He crowed mirthlessly. “I should have known you would betray me in the end!”

“Do you even here yourself?” Yuu jeered. “You sound crazy!”

“ Crazy ?!” He cackled. “ We’re all mad here !”

Riddle lunged forward, scepter manifesting in-hand. Yuu didn’t flinch, ready for whatever hit her.

“Oh no,” Trey breathed.

Nothing came. Yuu stared at Riddle as he lurched forward, stopping halfway. His chest heaved,
stiffly suspended. His arms dangled forward. His crimson hair hung over his eyes.

He was still.



Black ooze leaked from his mouth. It offended like blood, but looked like ink. The plashet bled to
his boots before the tusche engulfed his body in black magma. The foul stench of burning blood
and melting flesh defiled the air. Yuu gagged on the taste. She found herself jerked backward and
her back met Ace’s chest.

Riddle’s voice cracked and whimpered. The blots mottled his body, melting his gloves and sleeves
like acid. His skin turned ashen white. Roses tainted by the ink ruffled around his hips. His elegant
suit and cape tore like flesh at the ends, tendrils of cards flaring down like an exposed ribcage. Out
of his neck, metal knives sprouted from his neck in an agonizing cry. Branding his throat was a
heart-shaped burn. He threw his face in his hands, a sob wracking his body. The golden crown on
his head melted into his eyes like molten glass. Lastly, his shadow itself warped and took shape
into a phantom creature with cracked, glass face oozing with black blood.

“Everyone! Get out!” Cater cried.

The Heartslabyul students made a mad dash for it. They broke through the hedges with haste
before chunks of the lawn lifted into the air. The roots mangled into themselves.

The ground was unstable. The sky bled red. The clouds breathed billows of smoke.

Everything was disintegrating like petals.

The trees.

The roses.

The tables.

Everything .

Yuu’s blood ran cold.

We’re going to die.

“ Off with your heads !” Riddle shrieked. His voice was like a wheezing banshee.

Steel collars clamped down on Cater’s, Trey’s, Grim’s, and Deuce’s necks. Deuce grunted in pain,
hands flying to it on instinct. Cater wheezed at the weight. Trey grimaced.

“We’re screwed,” Ace decided with a grimace.

“Grim,” Yuu managed. “Get Crowley.”

The feline didn’t need to be told twice to get the heck out of there. Collar or not. Riddle didn’t
bother to pursue, far more invested in the others.

“Paint the Roses!”

The collars on their necks flaked into pieces of paper. Yuu took a deep breath she desperately

“Are these…” Ace looked to the ground. “playing cards?”

“Trey-senpai’s Spell must have overridden Riddle-senpai’s,” Yuu muttered, rubbing her throat.

“That’s a total cheap move,” Cater laughed lightly. “You still have some surprises, eh, Trey-kun?”

“I can’t hold it for long when he’s like this,” Trey wheezed painfully, arms outstretched and tense
like he was holding open a door. “His Magic is too strong.”

“Your Magic surpasses mine?” Riddle hissed.

A painful smirk cracked through Trey’s grimace. “It never will.”

“So now you choose to grow a spine?!” He spat. “Where were you-?! How dare you!”

He plucked a rose tree from the ground before swinging it like a bat at Trey. He braced for impact,
only for nothing to happen. Yuu’s eyes darted to Cater, whose pen pointed to the limb.

“Riddle-san!” he cried out. “We can talk this out! Chill!”

“ Chill ?” He scoffed. “I’ll have your head!”

“Cauldron!” Deuce’s voice broke out.

“Caul-“ a massive metal pot crashed down on Riddle. Yuu snorted a laugh.

Cater couldn’t find the humor. “D-Deucy? What are you doing?”

“All that Magic build up can’t be good,” Ace defended.

“You’re right,” Trey remised. “He’ll kill himself if this continues.”

Steely spade-shaped knives flung out of Riddle’s body.

“This is Overblot, then?” Yuu yelled, ducking behind a tree.

“Overwhat ?” Ace called back.

“Magic mental breakdown! Trein taught about it!”

“We just need to wear him down,” Cater explained hastily, shooting down some diamond-tipped
arrows with a Spell.

“Wouldn’t pissing him off make things worse?!” Deuce protested.

“I’d love to hear any better ideas!” Yuu quipped.

He cringed.

“I’ll lure him out!” she volunteered. “Cater-sanpai, think you can clone yourself a few times? We
can barrage him!”

“I’ll need some cover! Ace-kun, think you can help me?”

“Yeah, yeah!” The red-head leaped over a swinging tree and nearly crashed into Cater.

“What about me?” Deuce fired.

“Just keep shooting!”

That he could do. Icy blasts snowed in on Riddle like a blizzard. It kept him busy, at least. Ace
followed through with fire from afar.

Now what can I do?

The Cater brigade continued in the onslaught. The real one was ducked behind a bush, body
trembling from the exertion. Deuce’s fingertips started to frost, and Ace’s palms were scorched.

But Riddle was slowing down. He was getting tired- even in that state. But exhaustion led to
desperation. Shockwaves rattled the ground in violent tremors. Debris rocketed into the sky.
He needs a target. Surrounding him wasn’t the best idea, huh?

“Hey, Riddle-senpai! Some Unbirthday party this is! I wonder how many rules you’re breaking in
your tantrum?!”


A giant Club came down on her like a gavel. She rolled under a tree. It splintered under the weight
like a toothpick. She rolled. Yuu shrieked in pain as her leg snapped.

“Trey!” Yuu screeched, curling over her knee. “How you feeling about the rose color?”

“I think now would be a good time to paint the roses !” Trey cried back.

Everything stopped.

Everything went white.

Like the petals of a rose garden

“Was I… wrong?” a child’s voice breathed. “That can’t be right… Mother…”

Chapter End Notes

Hi yes I changed Riddle’s dialogue QUITE a bit. Even with my playthrough, and
cross-referencing translations, the “I am the law” mindset never really made sense to
me. So! I decided to tweak it to a warped sense of love. This will be explored a bit
more in a chapter or two!
A Canvas of Color
Chapter Summary

That hour was full of color. If his life was a lifeless campus, every day Trey and
Chenya brought more paint. He looked forward to every day so he could see them
again. He savored it. Every second.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

He was always so lonely. His days were scheduled, number, and a dull gray. But that was ok. His
mother loved him.

He shouldn’t ask for more.

“Happy birthday, Riddle,” his mother had cooed gently. “Your cake this year is low-sugar, made
with almond flour, soy milk, and lecithin to make you smarter.”

“Thank you, Mother.” He had meant it, too. “But, um….” He blurted it out. “I’d like to try a
strawberry tart just once!”

“Riddle, dearest. I don’t think you know what you’re suggesting.” Her tone was sweet as ever, yet
even then it dripped with venom. “Such a mound of sugar is practically poison.” She offered a
smile as slick as a snake. “I’m saying this because I love you, you know that?”

“I love you, too.” His slowly crumbling posture went unnoticed. “What’s for dinner?”

“Tuna sauté with plenty docasahexaconic and eicosapentaenoic acids.” Her smile was like knife.
“At age eight,” she mused to herself, “your ideal caloric intake should be within 600kcl or so. So
don’t eat more than 100 grams, okay?”

His smile felt painful, arguing with his mouth. “Yes, Mother.”

It wasn’t nearly enough.

It never was.

Riddle never asked for more.

“Let’s end your classical Magic studies here for today,” his mother decided. “Make sure to review
the next 50 pages of your philosophy book before tomorrow. For now, use this hour for self-study
before your Alchemy lesson. I have an errand to run, so I’ll be back by then. I love you.”

“I love you, too, Mother.”

That was his life. Routine, clockwork, and grayscales all worked in tandem to create his drab life. It
was lonely, and it was small, but his mother loved him. What more could he ask for?

“Hey, hey! Come play with us!”

Riddle’s still world had cracked. He opened his window, letting the light pour in. “Who are you?”

“I’m Chenya! This is Trey-kun! Let’s play croquet!”

He wanted to. He wanted to.

He shouldn’t want to.

“I-I can’t.” The words burned in his throat like acid. “Now is my self-study time. I have to keep

“Self-study means you get to pick what you study!” Chenya laughed freely. “My grand-paw says
playing is a kind of study, too!”

Was it?
“Will you come down?” Trey asked. “Just for a little while?”

He shouldn’t- “J-just for a bit.”

“Can I ask your name?” The greenette prompted.

“R-Riddle. Riddle Rosehearts.”

That hour was full of color. If his life was a lifeless campus, every day Trey and Chenya brought
more paint. He looked forward to every day so he could see them again. He savored it. Every

He wanted-

The painting fell.

“How could you?!”

Riddle’s eyes went wide. He was probably meeting her gaze, as per the rules, but he couldn’t
remember the face she was making.

All he could recall was the disappointment that radiated from her.

“You deceived me, Riddle! You’ve been using this hour to skip on your valuable studies! I bet
those two troublemakers pressured you!”

They didn’t-

Don’t talk back.

“I shouldn’t have given you so much free time,” she lamented in a sigh. “I need to keep a closer
eye on you.”
She didn’t say it any more after that day. He had almost forgotten what those three words sounded

Why does my chest hurt like this?

Even if it’s just for a day, I want to spend all day playing and eat tarts. I want to make lots and lots
of friends!

Tell me, Mother, what rules do I have to follow to make you love me again?!

Riddle shot up with a start. Labored breaths wracked his frame at a quick pace like the choppy
waves of the rapids.

Where was he?

“Riddle-kun?” Trey’s voice gently pulled.

“Trey-kun?” He blinked a few times. He found him sitting on the edge of the bed. “Where am I?”

“The infirmary.”

Panic rose in his chest. That couldn’t be right. “What did I…”

“There’s no need to worry about that right now. You need to rest.”

“Did I hurt anyone?” He demanded quickly.

Trey’s mouth formed a thin line. “Yeah. Everyone’s okay, though. Cater-kun’s a bit tired from
using Split Card too much, but he’ll be better in the morning. He’s resting in his room. Yuu-kun
got the worst of it.”

“Yuu-kun?” He paled. “The prefect? What happened to him?”

“He broke his leg in the fight,” he put delicately.

“I broke his leg,” he corrected.

Trey swallowed thickly. “Yeah. Yeah you did.”

Shame weighed down on his tiny shoulders. Guilt gripped his heart with its relentless claws. His
fingers curled into the sheets. “I ruined everything . I broke so many rules…” a mirthless chuckle
escaped his lips. “Y’know I wanted to eat that Mont Blanc? A-and the roses were fine white! And
the flamingos look good in pink! I l-like honey in my tea more than sugar, a-and speaking of tea-“
a sob broke through “- I like milk better than l-lemon!”

“Riddle-kun?” Trey breathed.

The boy threw himself into Trey’s chest, fingers curling into his shirt. Labored sobs wracked
Riddle’s entire body with relentless force. Cracks and whines splintered the sounds. Trey was
stunned in silence.

The boy bawled, “I’m so sorry !”

Trey’s hand found Riddle’s back, gently rubbing circles into it. The red-head pressed himself in
further. “I’m sorry, too.”

Riddle peeked up at him, pale eyes gushing with salty tears.

“I saw you were suffering- I knew you were. But I let you suffer alone. I didn’t do anything. You
were right. I don’t have a spine when it comes to you, Riddle-kun.”

“I shouldn’t have said that-“ he hastily protested.

Trey cut him off. “You were right.”

“I-I’m sorry.” Riddle’s voice cracked.

He shook his head, offering a gentle smile. “We both messed up. But y’know something, Riddle-

He blinked up at him.

“I think the others need an apology more than I do.”

Pain shot up her leg. Not the best wake-up alarm, in her opinion. Effective, sure, but she wanted to
snooze that sucker. But banging on a busted kneecap would probably be even worse.

Where even was she?

“Yuu-kun!” Grim yowled. “You’re awake!”

“Did we win?” She yawned.

“Yep! The headmaster was so surprised- and I had nothing to do with it! Grim the Great’s glory
will wait for another day.” He purred to himself.

“So what happened?”

“I got Headmaster Crowley, like you said to. When we got back, everything was a mess! Even
worse than this place! Cater-senpai’s clones were disappearing, and he was losing his lunch behind
a bush. Ace-kun and Deuce-kun were huddled over you like a pair of vultures. The Headmaster
ordered Ace-kun to take Cater-senpai to the infirmary, Trey-senpai took Riddle-senpai, and Deuce-
kun carried you. We moved you and Cater-senpai back to your rooms after so you could rest.”

“But everyone is ok?”

“You were in the worst shape. What else can you expect from someone without Magic?”

“Gee, Grim. Thanks.” She pulled her phone from her pocket before taking a quick selfie.
Yuu: [image attached]

Yuu: [I live]

Cay-Cay: [what were u thinking]

Yuu: [Overthrow the queen]

Yuu: [jk]

Cay-Cay: [lol]

Cay-Cay: [glad ur ok]

She chuckled. He was clearly still worn out. She’d healthily ghost him for now, she decided.

“So where are Ace-kun and Deuce-kun?”

“Oh! Deuce-kun is downstairs! I may be amazing, but there are some things I’m physically limited
in. You humans are too tall.”

She snorted. “Thanks. Think you can get him?”

“I’ll add it to your tuna tab!” Grim bounded off.

Yuu slumped in her bed. If her leg hurt so bad now, how bad did it look? How bad was it before?

Why send Deuce with her? Probably because he was physically stronger than Ace, right?

She didn’t have long to her thoughts before a familiar bluenette stumbled in. He was still in his
Heartslabyul dorm uniform, but the jacket was long gone, leaving a black collared shirt. His spade
marking was rubbed off.

“You’re okay!”
“Yep!” She beamed. “Not fantastic, but I’m alive!”

“That’s good,” he sighed with relief.

“Want to sit?”

“Yes, please,” he breathed.

He slowly lowered himself onto the bed, careful not to touch her.

“You beat me to the punch.”

“Oh, Riddle-senpai?” She smirked. “Are you jealous.”

His eyes flew wide with panic. His shoulders bunched, and his hand raised in surprise. “U-uh,

“You don’t sound too sure,” she teased.

He groaned in defeat. “I wanted to, but then I remembered what you said. About knowing when to
throw a punch.”

“Yeahhhh that probably wasn’t the best timing on my part,” she admitted sheepishly. “I need to
work on my form.”

“Have you taken self defense, Yuu-kun?”

“Can’t say I have. I kinda just snapped for a moment.” She sighed. “I should practice what I

“I could teach you, if you want,” Deuce offered. “A-after your leg is healed, of course!”
“That sounds like fun.” She nodded to herself. “If you don’t mind.”

“Never.” He beamed.

He held out a closed fist. She returned it with a smile. They fist bumped each other lightly before
Yuu put her hand down.

“So what did the nurse put me on bed rest, or?”

He blinked in realization. “I almost forgot. He sent me back with crutches.”

Yuu groaned. “ Yaaaay .”

Deuce snorted, relating to the sentiment. His phone buzzed in his pocket. Based on his look, Yuu
could get who it was.

“Ace-kun asked if you were feeling okay enough for him to stop by.”

“Yeah, that’s fine. Tell him to bring food.”

He nodded. “Okay”


“He asked what kind.”

“Anything works,” Yuu answered.

“But what kind of food do you want?”

She sighed with a smile.

Deuce. You sunshine boy. You are hopeless.

“You pick.”


“That works for me. Tell him I want apple juice.”

“No coffee?” He asked in surprise.

“I want the sugar. I got cheated out of Unbirthday cake.”

Chapter End Notes

Not much to say but who’s excited for Ace?

Ace of Hearts
Chapter Summary

I’ve been an awful friend.

He groaned, sitting up in his bed. He would get nowhere sulking. Even if it was
against the rules (though he wasn’t sure), he doubted that even Riddle would have the
balls to scold him after that Unbirthday party fiasco. He just needed to clear his head.

Yeah and that did not work out. As he opened the door, the red twerp stood in front of
him. He really was tiny without the heels.

Ace arrived in a glory likened to a saint. And by that, Yuu would mean he brought food. And apple

“How are ya holding up?” Ace asked, setting down the to-go box in her lap.

“My leg’s busted. So there’s that.”

“Did the doc give you any painkillers?”

“I think so.”

“According to the school nurse,” Deuce cut in, “Yuu-kun’s supposed to swing by the infirmary
every other day for some extra healing.”

“Sweet. Maybe you’ll be able to walk again soon.” He smirked.

“Or I could cosplay as Crutchie,” Yuu offered.

Deuce blinked. “What’s a Crutchie?”

“You’ve never seen Newsies?”

Deuce scrunched his brows in confusion. “News boys?”

“It’s a musical,” Yuu clarified with a certain seriousness to her voice.

“I’ve heard of it,” Ace offered. “Never seen it, though.”

“A crime against humanity.” She shook her head sadly. “I don’t have a copy of it, though. Maybe
Mr. S does?”

“Sam?” Ace asked. “Maybe?”

“He did have some interesting things in his shop,” Deuce mused.

“I’ll have to ask once I can actually move,” Yuu decided. “Until then-“ she took a bite of her

The three ate in comfortable silence, occasionally making a quick conversation. Grim even joined
in with a grilled cheese Ace grabbed for him.

“Hey, Yuu-kun?” Ace eventually spoke up, voice more hushed than usual.

“Mm?” She hummed through her apple juice.

“Thanks for doing all of that.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I mean that.”

“Don’t worry about it.” She shrugged.

“I shouldn’t have dragged you into it,” he insisted in a sigh.

“It’s fine, Ace. Seriously.”

A pained look dulled his amber eyes. “But your leg-“

“Eh. It’ll heal. I am kinda bummed about it, though. I was about to deep clean this entire place but
I guess that’ll have to wait.”

“By yourself?” Deuce questioned with a blink.

“Well, the last time I was supposed to have help, help bailed.” Ace rolled his eyes at the jab.

“I remember,” he sighed, shooting him a look.

“Way to make a guy feel guilty,” he huffed. Though his tone was light, something less jovial
nipped at his words.

Ace sighed. The hour was late. The day had been long. Riddle had been awfully quiet, despite have
returning to the dorm hours ago with Trey. Exhaustion weighed him down.

And yet, he couldn’t sleep. He felt awful about what had happened. Yuu was only dragged into the
mess because of him. And with the statue, he didn’t exactly help. Even worse, he ditched. And
now? Yuu’s leg was broken because of him. And he kept smiling and joking like it was no big

I’ve been an awful friend.

He groaned, sitting up in his bed. He would get nowhere sulking. Even if it was against the rules
(though he wasn’t sure), he doubted that even Riddle would have the balls to scold him after that
Unbirthday party fiasco. He just needed to clear his head.

Yeah and that did not work out. As he opened the door, the red twerp stood in front of him. He
really was tiny without the heels.

“Oh, hey, Riddle-senpai,” he yawned. “What’s up?”

The boy stiffened before bowing deeply to him. “I am so sorry.”

“About the tart thing?” He shrugged. “I’m over it.”

“For everything.” He straightened slightly. “It is in our dorm’s nature to uphold and apply certain
rules. I firmly believed that that would be my best option of expressing my care and love for my
dorm, too. I suppose even a warm embrace can be suffocating, as the proverb says.”

Ace paused, looking over his Dorm Leader. He shrunk in on his already petite stature. His short
hair ruffled in surprising unkemptness, and his pale eyes were a puffy pink.

He’s trying.

He sighed. “It’s okay. Sorry for eating your tart. Wanna call it even?”

A smile tugged at Riddle’s face, but his words were as formal as ever: “If that is well with you,

“Sounds good.”

Well if he’s trying, guess it’d be a jerk-move not to.

“Is it cool if I take a walk outside?”

He opened his mouth to protest, based on his scowl, but sighed instead, “I suppose there is no harm
in it. Is something bothering you, Ace-kun?”

“Don’t worry about it,” he brushed off.

“May I trouble you with something, Ace-kun?”

He stopped in his steps. “What’s up?”

“I terribly regret my actions.” Earnest weighted his words. “Especially during my Overblot. I have
no excuse for it. I’ve already spoken with the others and you, but there is one person I’ve yet to
talk to.” He paused. “Yuu-kun was seriously injured because of me. How can express to him that I
care in a way he’d understand?”

“A way he understands?”

“My tight grip on the reins has only proven to hurt those I love most. And as Yuu-kun is not in
Heartslabyul in any case, I’d like to…” he met his gaze shakily “express my emotions so he

How he could say that sorta thing with a straight face was beyond him. Even so, an unexpected
feeling rose in Ace’s chest. He wasn’t sure what to name it. Sympathy, maybe? They both wanted
to make up for their actions, right? So maybe…

“There is something you could do.”

Riddle looked up at him. “What is it?”

“Yuu-kun is kinda bummed that he can’t clean Ramshackle. He can’t move around too well with a
bum leg. Think we can do something about that?”

He stared incredulously. “Some spring cleaning?”

“Something like that. I was going to do it anyway, but do you want to help?”

“Yes, please.”

A mischievous smirk tugged at Ace’s lip. “You’ll have to ditch class.”

Riddle paled, stiffening up immediately. Before shrinking as he exhaled. “I suppose if it can’t be
Casting Crisis
Chapter Summary

“I don’t really listen to rumors. Truth gets turned to folktale before long.” He paused.
“But you got hurt, didn’t you?” Epel’s gentle gaze grew even softer with concern.

“Yeah, Riddle-san Overblotted,” she stated bluntly. “But I punched him in the face so
we’re even.”

“You punched him?!” He all but squawked.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Riddle cocked a brow at Ace. Judgment radiated from those sterling silvers. “The fact you know
how to lockpick is concerning.”

The door opened with a click. “You’re the one who insisted we had to use the door. Even though
there’s a dozen broken windows!”

“Laws of the Queen of Hearts #92,” he recited plainly. “One must always enter through the door.”

“But breaking and entering is fair game?” He deadpanned.

Riddle’s pale face flared pink. He stopped in his tracks. “That is not the issue here.”

“Sure.” He smirked. “Whatever make you feel better.”

Yuu, for once in her life, wished she could levitate. Well, maybe she wanted Magic before, it’s not
like she’d remember. What she did know, however, was that crutches were the worst. They rode
into your arm pits and left bruises, they were noisy, and their ‘wingspan’ was everyone’s problem.
She hated being the center of attention, but with the mechanical extensions, she felt like a cyborg at
a farmer’s market. The cast weighed her down, too, just to make things even worse. Bless Deuce’s
soul, he followed her with books in-tow.
“How are you holding up?” Deuce asked.

Yuu stared at him incredulously. She glanced down at her hovering feet. She looked back at him.
“Was that a pun?”

His eyes flared in surprise. “No!”

She snorted, shaking her head with a smile.

“Where do you think Ace-kun went?” Grim asked. “Do you think he ditched?“

“I wouldn’t put it past him,” Yuu lamented.

“He’s going to miss lunch,” the cat sighed.

“I doubt he’s sick,” Deuce offered. “Idiots can’t catch colds.”

Yuu stifled a laugh. He clamped a hand over his mouth a little too late. Grim snickered.

“Well, he can miss if he wants,” she decided. “I, for one, don’t like to starve.”

“Me neither!” Grim agreed with a fanged smile.

Deuce nodded. “Then let’s eat.”

“Think you can get the door for me?” Yuu asked.

He nodded before going ahead to hold it for her. Grim pounced ahead first.

The cafeteria was as crowded as ever. Yuu expected as much. Large as the room may have been, it
was practically wall to wall with students. The more rational part of her brain suggested that it just
felt that way due to her crutches. Either way, Yuu was not the most comfortable.

“If you want to sit down, I can get you something,” Deuce offered.

“That’d be awesome, thanks. Anything with a lot of meat and salt sounds good.”

He gave a nod before making his way to the lunchline. Grim followed suit for whatever crime
against culinary he could conjure. Yuu took the moment to find somewhere she could prop her leg
up in the very back of the cafeteria. The loud chatter of people started dulling into a lull like an
ocean tide- crashing but monotonous. She zoned out to the sound.

“Hey, Yuu-kun.”

She jolted out of her thoughts to see Epel offering a polite smile. “Sorry! Didn’t mean to spook

“It’s fine! You surprised me. What’s up?”

“I, um,” he shifted a bit, “wanted to know if you wanted to sit together?”

I guess it’s too crowded for him, too.

“Sure. Help yourself.” She offered him a smile. Epel elected to sit across from her.

“Are you not hungry?” He asked.

“Deuce-kun is grabbing me something. Kinda hard to move at the moment.”

“That’s nice of him.” His smile was tense. Awkward, even. “So, um, I heard about what happened
at Heartslabyul.”

“Rumor mill?” she offered.

He chuckled lightly. “Nothing’s a secret in these parts. I have ears. People talk.”

“True that,” she laughed.

“I don’t really listen to rumors. Truth gets turned to folktale before long.” He paused. “But you got
hurt, didn’t you?” Epel’s gentle gaze grew even softer with concern.

“Yeah, Riddle-san Overblotted,” she stated bluntly. “But I punched him in the face so we’re even.”

“You punched him?!” He all but squawked.

“Right in the face. Not my finest hour.”

Epel tucked his smile behind a hand. “You’re so cool, Yuu-kun.”

“I lost my temper,” she argued. “Not cool at all.”

“But from what I’ve heard, you only got mixed in because of Ace-san, right?”

“At first, sure, but I chose to stick around. He was turning into a bit of a tyrant, and I got carried

“That’s still really cool,” Epel insisted quietly. “I could never punch Vil-senpai.”

“Yeah, I don’t recommend it.”

Epel laughed nonetheless, although he did his best to hide it.

“What a surprise! I wasn’t expecting to see Epel-kun sitting with Yun-Yun!”

Said boy’s eyes widened at his name. In sauntered Cater in his usual cheery glory. He took a seat
beside Yuu.

“Yun-Yun?” Epel echoed in surprised. “Oh, you mean Yuu-kun?”

“Yep!” Cater beamed. “You can call me Cay-Cay if you want to.”

“Oh, um, no thanks. I just was surprised to hear the nickname.”

“It’s my brand,” he explained with a smirk.

Based on Epel’s expression, he probably didn’t understand. But she admired his attempt to hide it.

“Btw,” Cater continued, “have either of you seen Riddle-san? No one can find him, and Trey-kun’s
going to have a heart attack.”

“No idea,” Yuu answered. “I haven’t seen Ace-kun, either. Maybe they’re just avoiding me ?”

“Ghosted in the real,” he sighed. “Hey, Epel-kun, do you have a marker?”

The boy blinked before plucking a black one out of his bag. “I have this one. Why?”

“What’s the point of having a cast if you don’t have it signed?” Cater chuckled.

“You want to sign my cast?” Yuu asked with surprise.

“If that’s cool with you.”

“M-May I sign it?” Epel requested.

“Have at it.” She knocked on the hardened plaster. “I don’t care. Just leave some room.”

“Kk!” He got to work.

‘ #notwhatimeantbybreakaleg ‘

‘ ♦️ favorite senpai, Cay Cay’

Deuce and Grim arrived as Epel got his turn. His writing was small, etched at the top of the plaster.

‘ Epel Felmier ‘

“What ya doing?” Grim meowed curiously.

“Autographs,” Cater cheekily jested.

“It’s been a while since I’ve signed one of these,” Deuce commented with a nostalgic softness.

Ah, that makes sense. Considering his background.

“Do you want a turn?” Yuu offered.

“Aren’t we too old for this?” Grim protested with a skeptic cock of a ‘brow’.

“Who cares?” Cater laughed. “Makes the whole thing look less gloomy.”

“Oh! I get it!” He meowed. “I heard some freshmen saying my minion started a fight with Riddle-
senpai! So if we sign it, people will see that it’s bogus?”
“So there is a braincell between those ears,” Yuu teased.


“Yuu-kun,” Deuce spoke up. “Can I sign it?”

Yuu smiled brightly. “Sure.”

He took the marker from Epel before thinking to himself for a moment, lips pursed. Yuu found an
amused smile on her lip. He was taking this very seriously.

Looking at his writing, she couldn’t help the fondness in her smile.

Ace knew, even before this whole endeavor, that Ramshackle Dorm was, well, a ramshackle. Dust
powdered the place like sugar; and while Ace wasn’t an interior designer, he was confident that
cob webs make lousy curtains.

The work it took to fix up the dingy place?

Ace wished he could use Split Card. This was exhausting. And they only had two hours left before
Yuu and Grim got here!

Riddle sneezed a dust cloud.

“You good?” Ace asked, peeking behind the corner.

His brow scrunched into an annoyed glare. “I’m appalled that the headmaster let things get so out
of hand. I knew he was lax, but this is absurd.”

“Can’t argue there.” He yawned. “Using all this Magic to fix up the old place is making me tired.
Waking up that early doesn’t help.”
“The alarm was set according to Queen of Hearts law,” Riddle retorted evenly. “I assume you’re
just ill-adjusted to it?”

Ace knew a trap when he saw it. He opted a groan over a verbal response. There was a temperate
silence shared between them before Riddle broke the silence.

“Since you went through the trouble of arranging this, I’ll finish painting the exterior. There’s only
the bathroom left. Can you do that?”

He scoffed. “Yeah, yeah.”

Riddle made his way out the door, pen in hand. If his Magic was stronger than Trey’s and Cater’s,
he was probably going to riff off the Spell Deuce and the ginger senpai used to pain the white roses

Cheater .

But he’d do the same.

Ace sighed, retreating into Yuu’s bathroom. The room itself was fairly small, tiled with broken
basic monochrome tiles. Everything looked to be in functional condition, and the mold was freshly
scrubbed out. He thoughtlessly repaired the broken floor and got to work cleaning the tub and

That left reorganizing toiletries. First came the cabinet hung on the wall. Inside it were an
assortment of various towels. None of them matched. At all. They looked more like fraying rags
than towels.

Lastly, there was the cabinet under the sink. He was expecting a leaky pipe, maybe, or even some

What he found was the lotion she had been using on his neck, as well as several other skincare
ointments. A smirk tugged on his lip.

So girly.
And then, a plastic parcel caught his eye. Tucked behind the cabinet door. He cocked a brow,
leaning in to grab the out-of-place item.

What in the-

It hit the floor with the softest thud.

And Ace blue-screened.

Chapter End Notes

The translations I cross-reference aren’t consistent with the honorifics, so I’m kinda
winging it. As a general rule, all years of the same grade (Ace, Deuce, Yuu) use ‘-kun’
to address each other. Epel, however, feels a sort of distance between him and the
others and is generally more traditional, hence why he calls his fellow classmen -san.
Except for Yuu. He likes Yuu.

As for Ace’s lockpicking abilities, it’s a hint toward his dad’s magician skills!
Rid(dl)e or Die
Chapter Summary

He opened the cabinet. The plastic package shined back at him. His fingers dug into
the parcel before he plucked it out.
Riddle’s brow furrowed with confusion. He, undauntedly, gently took it from Ace’s
hand. He looked it over with a befuddled air.

“What are tampons?” He asked bluntly.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Time was at a standstill. All Ace could think-

Well he couldn’t really think.

His eyes were fixated on the plastic parcel packed with… they’re called tampons, right?

Not that he’d ever used them! He could read. That’s what they said they were. Why would a
package lie?

Yeah, okay, that’s dumb. So why did Yuu have them?

From the shaved legs, pretty face, and general awkwardness around dumb tasks like changing
uniforms? And -

His mind came to a screeching halt. That’s why Yuu didn’t have a type. Well, maybe he did, but
any answer would have trapped him.


And wow he literally asked to sleep with Yuu yikes.

Ace may have been an idiot, but he wasn’t stupid.

He was a she .

“Ace-kun, what could be possibly taking you so long?” Riddle’s feet creaked the floorboard.

Ace chucked the package back into the cabinet before slamming the cabinet shut. Riddle winced at
the crash as he walked between the doorframe.

“What are you doing ?”

“I just finished?” Ace offered. Very unconvincing, even to himself.

Riddle cocked a brow, a hand landing on his hip. “Want to run that by me one more time?”

Should he even tell his Dorm leader? He was a real tyrant with rules, but if he was going to find
out, might as well take advantage of his guilt, right?

Wow that would be a low blow.

Good thing Riddle’s short!

“U-um.” Wow okay relax, dude. “You’re my upperclassman so maybe you can help me out with

He stared at him incredulously. It made his blood boil. “With the bathroom?”

“N-no! Advice!”

He blinked. “Oh. What’s on your mind?”

“So, uh, say you find out something about your friend. Something like, super important. And it
changes the way you look at them. What do you do?”

“Something illegal?”

“Nothing like that! Just, um, yeah?”

“ Yeah ?” He challenged with a quizzical cock of the brow.


“You’re impossible,” Riddle sighed. “Can you just tell me what this is really about?“

For someone who rules a dorm decorating with mazes, Riddle spent no time beating around the

How should he do this?

Oh screw it he’s bringing Riddle down with him. Dude could stand to be knocked down a peg.

He opened the cabinet. The plastic package shined back at him. His fingers dug into the parcel
before he plucked it out.

Riddle’s brow furrowed with confusion. He, undauntedly, gently took it from Ace’s hand. He
looked it over with a befuddled air.

“What are tampons?” He asked bluntly.

“To stop bleeding-“

Horror contorted Riddle’s features. “Does Yuu-kun have a bleeding disorder?”

Ok so no one bothered to educate this guy. He’ll have to hit up Trey with that one later. For now:

“They’re for periods, Riddle-senpai,” Ace deadpanned.

He could practically see the gears turning in his head. Except, this wasn’t 21st century technology.
He heard dial-up processing screeching in this kid’s head. Slowly, realization stretched his eyes.

“ Oh .”

He gently set the package back into the cabinet. His face burned an embarrassed scarlet hue. He
cleared his throat as he stood up stiffly.

“Well, there are a few explanations, surely.”

“Trust me, Yuu- chan’s a girl.” Ace spoke confidently.

“Do you have any proof? Besides the, um,” his eyes darted sideways “tampons.”

He started counting on his fingers with an adamant air. “She froze up when Cater-senpai asked
what her type was, she was pissed off when I answered I liked a girl with big boobs, and she
wouldn’t sleep with me.“

That embarrassed color blazed into rage. “You what ?!”

“I didn’t know!” He all but screeched.

Nothing. And he meant nothing. Could terrify him more than the look Riddle gave him. The gates
of hades had nothing on that.

Riddle groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. “You first years are going to make me go gray.”

“Yeah, cool,” he squeaked much too high. “So what do we do?”

“We do nothing.” He decided.


“Yuu-chan clearly didn’t want anyone else to know. That’s her business. We will respect that.” He
straightened. “In a technical sense, she’s not breaking any rules, either.”

“But this is an all-boy’s school!”

“Yes. But technically, the rules bar application - not enrollment. An outdated oversight.”

“But then why go through all this mess? If it’s not that big of a deal?”

“She probably doesn’t know, for one. For two, it’s not our concern. And even if she let that
information slip, could you imagine the attention she’d get? What would you do if you knew there
was a girl here?”

His mind went to Epel. Okay yeah he had a point.

“Should we tell her we know?”

Riddle paused, before exhaling. “It’s a necessary embarrassment. There may be some necessities
she’ll require.” He paused again, confusion flashing across his features.

“Where did she even get these?”

Yeah that was a good question. He picked up the box again, finding a bright piece of paper stuck to

“Cater-senpai,” he read.

“ Cater -kun knew?” Riddle gaped. “And he didn’t think to mention it?”
“What happened to respecting privacy?” Ace challenged plainly.

He cleared his throat. “Yes, of course.” He blinked in realization. “I suppose that’s why Cater-kun
insisted on accompanying you and Deuce-kun to Ramshackle. Before you ask, Trey-kun told me
about it.”

He cringed. “I suddenly feel the need to apologize to him. And Yuu-chan.” He sighed. “So do we
tell him we know?”

Riddle thought for a moment. “I think that’d keep things less complicated. Otherwise we’d be back
and forth defending a shared secret.”

“Yeah that’d be frustrating.” He sighed. “I’ll text him-“

“You will do no such thing,” Riddle cut off sharply. “Judging by the time, it is their last period.
Texting in class is strictly prohibited. What if his phone gets confiscated?”

“Fine,” he groaned. “Then what do we do?”

“We wait.” Ace wanted to punch that smug smirk off of Riddle’s face. “You can do that, can’t

Chapter End Notes

That makes 3!

Also, I like to think that Riddle never gave him “the talk” aside from a scientific
standpoint due to her strictness.
Break-in News
Chapter Summary

Grim yowled in surprise. “How did this happen? Did we go back in time?”

“I don’t think anyone has a Signature Spell that powerful.” Deuce tested the no longer
squeaky gate. “Except maybe Malleus-senpai.”

Chapter Notes

Finale of the House-Keeping Arc (aside from some aftermath with Cater)!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

It was like the New Year’s countdown. But instead of waiting for a ball to drop, Riddle and Ace
were hovered over a phone watching the minutes tick by.

And at last-


“What now ?” Ace groaned.

“We need to make sure every other clock in this dorm says the same,” Riddle explained
imperatively. “We don’t know which one is most accurate.”

Ace met Riddle’s gaze incredulously. Unwavering. Before hitting send. Riddle’s jaw dropped at
the betrayal. He sang a different tune when the phone buzzed in Ace’s hand.

Cater: [what’s up]

“What should I say?” Ace asked.

Riddle plucked it from his hand and did the job for him.

Ace: [Could we meet before dinner in my room?]

Cater: [kk. Btw, have u seen Riddle-san? Trey-kun’s having a heart attack]

Riddle blinked. “Trey-kun was worried about me?”

“With your short fuse, everyone is,” Ace quipped dryly. “Just take a selfie with me. Easier with

He gave a curt nod before leaning into Ace and snapping a photo.

Cater: [where are u???]

Ace: [Ramshackle]

Cater: [DID U2 CLEAN]

Ace: [yes]

Yuu was ready to get home and take a bath. Her arms were sore from swinging her body + a cast
all day.

“I’m beat,” Grim sighed sorely. “I’m ready to head back to our dorm.”

“Dibs on the bath,” Yuu claimed.

“That’s all you, minion.”

“Do you want me to follow you back?” Deuce asked. “I have your books.”

“Are you sure?”

He nodded with a smile. “I can do my homework at your place.”

“Ah. Twas all a ploy, I see,” she teased. “You want me to tutor you.”

His face glowed a pink. “N-no! But if you don’t mind, I could use some help with Magic history?”

She laughed. “Yeah, I can help. It’s only fair.”

“Thank you, Yuu-kun.” He sighed.

“Can I see your notes, too, minion?” Grim piped up. “Professor Trein’s class is just too boring for
my greatness.”

Yuu smiled sweetly. “Then fail.”

He yowled at the betrayal.

“If you want to pass, you have to work hard,” Deuce expressed. “Think like an honor student.”

“Aren’t you doing the same thing?” he sneered.

“He’s actually trying,” Yuu intervened. “Not cheating.”

Grim grumbled under his breath, ears flattened.

The first thing Yuu noticed was the color. The muted greens worn down by time were now a soft
chartreuse. The dead arms of the trees were replaced, too, with promising saplings. The only grown
tree was a wisteria standing proudly beside the main building. Along the inner part of the fencing
were shrubs blooming with hydrangeas of blue and purple hue. The sickly shade of grass now
boasted a refreshing splash of gentle mint. The shattered windows were freshly replaced with a
humble sheen glistening on the glass. The shambles of the roof were repaired to perfection, but
they were now a cream color. Yuu was awestruck.

Grim yowled in surprise. “How did this happen? Did we go back in time?”

“I don’t think anyone has a Signature Spell that powerful.” Deuce tested the no longer squeaky
gate. “Except maybe Malleus-senpai.”

“Remind me to clone the key,” Yuu managed.

“We should go inside!” Grim insisted with an excited flick of his tail.

“Can’t wait to face-plant on the stairs,” she groaned.

She hobbled up the path with the grace of a newborn giraffe. Meaning none.

Deuce kept a slower pace behind her, books in-hand. Grim leaped on ahead.

“The door’s fixed, too!” Deuce exclaimed in surprise.

“And unlocked,” Yuu commented, twisting the nob.

The inside was in pristine condition. The mangled rug on the carpet was replaced with an official
Night Raven College carpet that stretched beneath the freshly polished mahogany table. The
rocking chair was coated ivory, and offered a pink pillow for the back. The collapsed couch was
back on its legs and hosted a variety of throw pillows- and even a quilt folded on the back. The
hearth was swept out of its stale soot, and the brick was restored to its former glory. A bundle of
fresh firewood was stacked on the side of the structure opposing the door. The elegant window
with frayed curtains was polished and made into a reading nook of sorts, with succulents on the
wall gap between it and the main door.
“Woah,” she breathed.

“This is incredible,” Deuce agreed.

“You think so?” A voice cut in.

Ace turned around the kitchen corner. The boy had seen better days. He wore his PE uniform, and
the shirt was glued to his body with sticky sweat. His swept back hair sagged with sleep. It was
almost like the dilapidated building’s mess was transferred onto-

Oh he’s not that dumb, is he?

“Ace-kun, did you do this?” Deuce asked, wide-eyed.

“I had help,” he chuckled.

He stepped aside, revealing a short schoolmate Yuu’s fist was familiar with. He, too, donned his
gym uniform. But instead of the track-suit jacket sticking to his arm, he had it wrapped around his
waist, thus accentuating his pencil-thin arms.

“Riddle-senpai?” Deuce gasped in shock.

“So this is where you two have been!” Grim meowed with a pleased smile.

Yuu was still processing. Why on earth would they do this? For Ace, it was beyond out of
character. And Riddle? She punched him in the face. With a smile.

“ Why ?” She breathed.

Riddle’s back bent into a bow. “I wanted to apologize to you. For my Overblot, and for breaking
your leg.”
She jolted backward, nearly stumbling on her metal stilts. “You didn’t need to do this ! We’re

“And you got into that whole mess because of me,” Ace added, rubbing the back of his sticky

“But you didn’t need to clean my whole dorm!” Yuu’s voice was higher than she would have liked.

“We wanted to,” Ace insisted. “You were bummed about your dorm, right?”

“Well, yeah, but I could have done it once my leg was healed!”

“True,” Riddle agreed. “But we wanted to do something to express our sincerity.”

Yuu stared at them, wide-eyed. They had done all of this for her . Knowing she couldn’t. If it was
just to make themselves feel better, they probably would have left the scene of the anti-crime. But
instead, they waited to apologize and lighten her load. Because they cared about her .

And this was the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for her- that she could remember at least.

Screw it.

She launched into them, tackling them both into a hug. Her crutches crashed onto the floor behind
her. Ace and Riddle toppled at the weight.

“Thank you,” she laughed. “So much!”

Riddle squirmed in the people-pile before returning the wet embrace, burying his face in Yuu’s

The guy likes touch. Who knew?

“Hey, Riddle-senpai,” Ace laughed. “I think he likes it.”

“ This place is now worthy of my greatness thanks to you two!” Grim decided with a smirk. “Good

“I’m impressed you were able to pull it off without breaking anything, Ace-kun.” Deuce slyly


“Who said he didn’t?” Riddle deadpanned.

Chapter End Notes

headcannon: riddle’s love language is physical touch and he is quite frankly starved.
Partly due to his mother being the emotionally abusive type and just pulling back all
“love” and “affection” if he broke a rule
Club Sandwich
Chapter Summary

“I can’t. But thanks.” His eyes landed on the food tray. He smirked. “You got your
hands on a deluxe menchi katsu sandwich, huh? That’s pretty great.” He slid closer to
her, the smile on his face spreading easily like butter. “I have to get that sandwich no
matter what. Would you be willing to trade for my mini bean paste bread?”

“Yeah, that’s fine.” She slid the platter.

Chapter Notes

I may write Cater’s reaction to Riddle and Ace as a standalone, but for now! They
have a group chat. Cater named it, and Riddle is hardly ever on it.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

It’d been about a week since the Unbirthday party fiasco, and Riddle was still reluctant to re-host
it. He had set a date, according to Cater, but it was right before winter break. It made sense, at
least. As composed as Riddle was, it didn’t take much to figure out he was plagued by the Overblot
incident. Besides, they had other matters to attend to.

Such as-

“Outta my way! All of you!” Grim yowled, squeezing between a hoard of students. “The deluxe
menchi katsu sandwich is mine !”

“Hey, jerk!” A student spat. “No cutting in line!”

“You’ve got some nerve cutting in front of your seniors,” another hissed. “Scram!”

“No matter how much I feed him,” Yuu sighed, “this happens.”

“He loses himself to food too easily,” Deuce empathized.

“I’ll get him.” Ace marched forward and plucked the cat up by the collar.

Grim squirmed and swiped at Ace’s arms, hissing.

“Knock it off already.” He shook his head in disappointment. “Sorry everyone!”

“While I’m up here-“ Ace turned to the lunch lady “I’ll have a roast beef and lettuce panini!”

Deuce’s palm found the back of Ace’s head. “You don’t get to cut in line either.”

“Okay, okay, geez.” The ginger grumbled, setting down Grim. “Mr. Goody Two-Shoes,” he added
in a hush.

“Who cares?” The cat sneered proudly as a tray was delivered to his paws. “The last deluxe menchi
katsu sandwich is mine!”

Yuu swiped it out of his paws. “Oh no you don’t.”

Grim hissed. “What gives?!”

“You can wait like everyone else.” She glared down at him. “But if you want this so bad, I’ll just
toss your tuna casserole. Since you’ve clearly forgotten how much you loved that.”

He squeaked in panic. “No! Don’t do that! You, uh, keep the sandwich!”

Ace smirked. “Nice, Yuu-kun.”

She returned the grin. She supposed she’d eat the sandwich Grim grabbed. If she offered it to the
line, anarchy would probably ensue. So, she took it with her to the lunch table. Grim retreated to
the back of the line, Ace and Deuce following him.
“Ah crap,” a vaguely voice sighed. The wooden table rattled as someone dramatically leaned on it,
propped up by their elbows. “I completely missed the lunchtime free-for-all.”

“Oh, you’re that guy from the greenhouse, right?” she recognized. “Ruggie-san, right?”

His ears twitched in surprise. “You’re that first year.”

“Name’s Yuu. Nice to meet you officially.”

“You too.” He snickered with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “But you can just call me
Ruggie-kun or Ruggie-senpai if you want. Ruggie-san just sounds stuffy.”

“Ruggie-kun, then. Want to take a seat?”

“I can’t. But thanks.” His eyes landed on the food tray. He smirked. “You got your hands on a
deluxe menchi katsu sandwich, huh? That’s pretty great.” He slid closer to her, the smile on his
face spreading easily like butter. “I have to get that sandwich no matter what. Would you be willing
to trade for my mini bean paste bread?”

“Yeah, that’s fine.” She slid the platter.

Ruggie’s eyes slightly widened, ears perking, before a grin tugged at his lip. “Thanks for being so
kind to trade with me, Yuu-kun. The mini bean paste bread is just as good. Thanks! See ya later!”

She waved him off and thoughtlessly started snacking. Grim arrived and almost dropped his tray
on the table.

“What happened to the sandwich?!”

“Traded it with Ruggie-kun.” She shrugged with nonchalance.

“After all that hard work! A waste!” He slumped forward in defeat.

She had no pity. Honestly, she wasn’t a fan of that kind of meal regardless. It was too fatty for her

Soon enough, Ace and Deuce joined her. They both sat across from her, flanking Grim.

“Epel-kun isn’t joining us?” Deuce observed.

“How you became fast friends with the guy is beyond me,” Ace agreed.

“Maybe because of their girly looks?” Grim offered.

“Don’t let Epel-kun hear you say that,” Yuu warned. “I hear he’s stronger than he looks. He is in
the Spelldrive Club.”

“I would’ve never guessed!” Deuce declared with wide eyes.

“Speaking of,” Ace segwayed. “The Interdorm Tournament starts soon, right? Are you excited?”

“I’m not exactly athletic,” Yuu hummed. “And based on what Deuce-kun’s told me, I’d suck at it.”

“Because you don’t have any Magic,” Grim stated bluntly. “But I could join! I’m one of the best
Magic-users in the school!”

Ace did the honors of bursting his bubble. “You have to have a team of seven. Your dorm doesn’t

“Do you want to get scouted, Deuce-kun?” Yuu asked.

“Maybe. But I kinda want to focus my attention on being an honors-student first. Maybe my third

“What are you, a nerd?” Ace teased.

“If I get better grades than both of you, what does that make me?” Yuu fired back.

“You’re the only one of us with a C in PE,” Grim deadpanned. “So that makes you a worse nerd
than Deuce-kun.”

Yuu took a suspiciously long sip from her drink. Ace laughed.

“I think Coach Vargas has ‘DNF’ permanently on your time sheet,” Deuce teased.

“What does that mean?” Grim asked.

“Did not finish.“

“Brutal,” Ace snickered.

“Yeah, yeah,” Yuu relented. “I’m not exactly in a sport club like you two.”

“What club did you join, anyway?” The ginger asked.

“Film studies,” Yuu stated simply.

“Don’t you have to audition for that?” Grim asked in a meow.

“Yeah, I passed. Why?”

“I didn’t know you could act,” Deuce commented.

“I already got the breaking-a-leg thing down.”

He snorted, running a hand through his hair incredulously.

Ace, surprisingly, responded with: “Yeah, I can see it.”

What does that mean?

“What club did you join, Grim-kun?” Deuce asked.

“The going-home club,” he declared with a proud smirk.

“Go figure,” Ace chuckled.

“I’m going to get a refill,” Yuu decided. “I’ll be right back.”

“We’ll save your spot,” Deuce assured.

She waved a thanks before retreating into the seated crowd. Deuce busied himself with his lunch.
Meanwhile, Ace shot a quick message.

[—Yuu-chan Protection Squad—]

Ace Up My Sleeve: [so Yuu-chan’s in film studies club]

Ace Up My Sleeve: [i feel like she’s not even trying]

Cay Cay: [Vil-san probably won’t let her on stage. Pomefiore usually fights for the spotlight.]

Riddle: [she must be good if Vil-san liked her audition. Not many outsiders get in, from what I
Ace Up My Sleeve: [fr?]

Cay Cay: [yup. Btw, have u 2 told her u know?]

Riddle: [not yet]

Ace Up My Sleeve: [haven’t had time]

Cay Cay: [;)]

Riddle: [oh no]

Chapter End Notes

I’m a sucker for stage play subplots (like Cinderella-ish/Sorta Cinderella from Fruits
Basket). Also, you asked for Ouran shenanigans, so have the set-up!
Spell Sleuths Scouted
Chapter Summary

“I can assure you, Grim-kun is innocent,” Crowley insisted. “I’ll get straight to the
point. Recently, there have been an increasing number of students injured in suspicious
accidents. Such as tripping down stairs, spilling boiling water, and various other
things. The amount of infirmary patients have dramatically increased- including a
Heartslabyul student who fell down the stairs today. Everyone injured thus far happen
to be starting line-up players for the upcoming tournament. None of the injuries have
been severe, thank goodness, however…”

“You think it could be foul play?” Yuu offered.

“I have no evidence to prove it,” Crowley sighed, pushing up his mask.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

The rest of the school day played out as normal- as normal as NRC could manage, at least. The
resting hype energy for the Spelldrive Tournament was like an electric undercurrent. There were
some rumors of foul play muttering in the halls after a front lineup player was involved in an
accident, but that alone was too vague to go off of.

Yuu didn’t care too much about the sport itself, but she could tell Deuce and Ace did. She just
nodded and smiled as they revved each other up, despite not being so much as a benchwarmer for
their dorm.

As for her club, they started business after the Spelldrive Tournament. According to the Pomefiore
students, Vil wanted to command their upmost attention without the distraction of the tournament.
Which meant that Yuu had more free time. Until-

“Ah, Yuu-kun and Grim-kun,” a familiar suave voice greeted. “Just the two I wanted to see. May I
speak with you for a moment?”

Yuu shot a cocked brow at Grim. “What did you do now.”

He fluffed up indignantly. “Nothing!”

“I can assure you, Grim-kun is innocent,” Crowley insisted. “I’ll get straight to the point. Recently,
there have been an increasing number of students injured in suspicious accidents. Such as tripping
down stairs, spilling boiling water, and various other things. The amount of infirmary patients have
dramatically increased- including a Heartslabyul student who fell down the stairs today. Everyone
injured thus far happen to be starting line-up players for the upcoming tournament. None of the
injuries have been severe, thank goodness, however…”

“You think it could be foul play?” Yuu offered.

“I have no evidence to prove it,” Crowley sighed, pushing up his mask. “All the victims had their
accidents with plenty of people around, but when questioned, they all had the same thing to say:
‘they looked like they weren’t paying attention’.”

“Sounds like they’re all clumsy,” Grim meowed. “If I were in Spelldrive, I wouldn’t be so

“So what do you want me to do?” Yuu asked. “Find evidence? Then what?”

“What do we get out of it?” the cat blurted.

“If you can shed light on this series of events,” the headmaster continued, “I shall arrange a way for
your dorm to compete.” Yuu could practically hear the smirk behind his mask. “How does that
sound? Aren’t I gracious?”

“We’ll do it!” Grim chirped, springing on his paws excitedly.

“Hold on,” she cut in. “That sounds great for Grimm, but I don’t care about Spelldrive.”

“What would be a reward suitable for you, Yuu-kun?”

“I want my own uniform. Every other dorm has a dorm uniform, and I don’t have one. My basic
uniform also lacks any color. It’s unfair.”

Wow that sounds petty.

The man cocked his head. “A peculiar request. All of the dorms, uniforms included, have been
designed after the Great Seven, so there would be no statute of virtue for Ramshackle to embody.”
“What was it before?” Grim piped up.

Crowley hummed, fingers curled under his mask in contemplation. “I cannot recall.”

“It doesn’t need to be part of the Great Seven,” Yuu insisted. “It doesn’t even need a statue.”

He slowly nodded. “Seeing as that you are the first official Dorm Leader of Ramshackle, the
Mirror will likely match students of your similar qualities come next year.”

“Next year, huh?” Grim drawled, arms crossed. “I wonder if Yuu-kun will still be with us.”

“You make it sound like I’m going to die,” Yuu quipped.

“Nyah?! I meant you going home!”

“Ideally, that would be the case,” Crowley replied. “But it is hard to say as of now.”

Oh. Right. ‘Home’.

Why does that make my chest feel heavy?

“It doesn’t matter,” Yuu verbalized. “Anyway. Do we have a deal?”

Crowley nodded, glowing eyes squinting in delight behind the mask. “I’m counting on you.”

Cater watched Yuu making her way to the door, Grim hot on her heels. The school day had ended
about half an hour ago, so it was strange for those two- Grim especially- to be running late getting

She stopped in her tracks, Grim colliding with her calves. “Meowch!”

“Sorry, Grim.”

“Total fail,” Cater laughed. “Sorry ‘bout that! Anyway~! I wanted to ask you something real

“Go ahead.”

“Can we head to your place? I have this new bean blend I’ve been dying to brew!”

Her mouth twitched at the temptation of caffeine. “Sounds great.”

“Kk! Let’s go!” He spun on ahead, smiling easily.

Getting to Ramshackle was always easy. It was a more humble dorm, so there was this sense of
homeyness on the property. Seeing Ace’s and Riddle’s handiwork up close was a sight to behold,
too. They spared no effort restoring the place. He even snapped a few pictures of the interior and
exterior. What still astounded Cater was that Riddle ditched class just to do it- with a mischievous
first year, no less.

“I’ll get this brewing!” Cater beamed.

“Do you want anything to go with it?“ Yuu had offered.

“I’m good.”

“Okay. Hey, Grim, you might want to get started on homework.”

“I don’t wanna,” the feline whined.

“If we’re investigating tomorrow, I doubt you’ll want to pull an all-nighter to catch up.”

“Why don’t you have any homework?” Grim pouted, ears flat.

“I had extra time since my club doesn’t start until after Spelldrive.”

He groaned, retreating upstairs.

“Just the two of us?” Cater asked with a teasing smirk.

“He’s like a child, and I like to enjoy my coffee in as much peace as I can get.” She watched him
work the maker.

“You and I should check out some cafés.” He winked. “With you, it should be a blast.”

Yuu’s eyes lit up, a genuine smile pulling at her lip. “That sounds fun.”

Cater rested on a fond smile. Yuu wasn’t an unexpressive person, per-say, but she usually kept her
emotions close to her chest. Given the situation, he couldn’t fault her for it. In a way, they were
kindred spirits. It just made moments like these, where she could relax, all the more valuable.

And knowing that she trusted him that much?

“It will be. Promise.”

He added, albeit with reluctant soberness, “while on the topic of cafés, have you heard of the
Mostro Lounge?”

“Yeah. I planned to check it out later. Why?”

“Be careful,” he warned. “The Mostro Lounge is a good restaurant with excellent workers. Five
stars. But the main draw is Azul Ashengrotto, the Dorm Leader.”
“Why him?” She offered a teasing grin. “You think he’ll get more popular than your charms?”

He snorted. “If only. I’ve never met him personally, but I’ve seen many call-out posts on Magicam
and heart-broken people. They say he can make a person’s wish come true, but for a price.”

“What do you mean wish?”

“The impossible. A lover, a passing grade, or even more questionable things.”

“What’s the price, though?”

“It depends. For example, Vil-san’s skin has been looking super flawless on Magicam recently.”
He whipped out his phone for emphasis. “More than any filter can do. Trust me. I’d know. I
wanted to know what he did differently. But I can’t just ask him, y’know? So, the rumor is that he
made some deal with Azul-san to make exclusive moisturizer for some super rare flowers.”

Her brows scrunched. “That doesn’t sound too bad, though?”

“True. But if you can’t fill your end of the bargain? That’s where the trouble begins. It’s usually
rigged. And he takes collateral. But the thing is, it’s technically within contract. Pro tip: always
read terms of service.”

“So he picks which deals to rig?” She paused. “I guess that makes sense. If everyone’s unhappy, no
one will come.”


“So what does he want as collateral?”

“Your Magic. From what Riddle-san’s said, it’s worse than his Signature Spell. He steals it.”
“Azul-san steals Magic?” She asked, wide-eyed.

“Yep. So like, if I made a deal with him, he could use my Split Card until I filled my end of the

She shifted uncomfortably. “So what’s the punishment if the contract is broken?”

Cater paused, biting his lip as he poured the brew. “It depends. Sometimes it’s more like a bet,
where he takes something precious to you like a heirloom. Other times,” he swallowed. “Let’s just
say there have been many kids who had to drop out of Night Raven College from injuries.”

She paled.

“He takes advantage of people’s insecurities and uses them for his own gain.” He felt his brows
narrow into a bitter glare. “He’s the worst type of influencer.”

Yuu slowly nodded, setting down the sugar with a clink.

Oh no. He scared her.

“Sorry to kill the vibe.” He offered a brighter smile. “But since you have no Magic, and nothing to
really offer, you should be safe. I just wanted to warn you.”

“Thanks, Cater-kun,” she exhaled.

“Oh. One more thing. On a lighter note this time, I promise!”

“What’s up?” She stirred.

“We’re officially getting you a cabinet with a lock. Because Ace-kun and Riddle-san found your
tampons while they were flipping this place.”

“ They know?!” She squawked. She then sighed, shaking her head and rubbing her temple. “I can’t
believe Ace-kun knew before Deuce-kun- wait scratch that I can.”

Cater snorted.

She ran her hand through the hem of her shirt. “But what about Riddle-senpai? Is he going to try
and kick me out?”

“Nope. He said you’re not breaking any rules, since you never applied. Besides, I think he likes
you too much to get rid of you.”

“I doubt Riddle-senpai likes me that much.”

“He’s got attachment issues. You say one nice thing to him, and he’s weak.” In one fluid motion,
Cater plucked his phone from his pocket.

“Yuu-chan Protection Squad?” She read.

“I named it,” he boasted. “Ace made it. But Riddle-san’s on here, too. He doesn’t say much, but
when you come up? He always responds.” He offered her a bright smile. “He likes you, Yuu-chan.
Deal with it.”

Chapter End Notes

Do you guys want this to end with an official pairing? Or just platonic/found family?
Because I do have someone in mind! >:D
Riddle and Deuce Join the Battle!
Chapter Summary

“All of them have said basically the same thing as to how. That their bodies moved on
their own. At first, I thought that was the lousiest excuse someone could come up
with. I mean, really?” Yuu smirked at the 100% done look plastered on the man’s

Chapter Notes

I don’t usually add OCs to stories, but NRC needs a nurse. Like. Very badly. So! I
made Nurse Veprl.

He is based off of Mother Gothel. “Gothel” translates into “nurse” or “foster mother”.
“Veprleekunde” means “nurse” in Dutch, hence the last name of Veprl! This alludes to
his occupation and Signature Spell. I think he’s neat.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Yuu had come to know Night Raven College’s infirmary better than she would have liked. She
wasn’t even particularly clumsy, either! But, y’know, getting into a fight was bound to have

She expected the infirmary to have a few more students than usual, but she was unprepared. Nearly
every bed was taken- and that was quite the feat. It wasn’t particularly morbid, as most of the
people there had a sprained ankle or things of that nature. But still, it was a bit surprising. At least
that gave them plenty of options.

“Alright! Who’s the guy who hurt his leg from Heartslabyul?” Grim announced with the grace and
subtlety of a… yeah it wasn’t worth comparing him to anything anymore. This was just Grim.

“You’re those Ramshackle guys from the Unbirthday party,” a student recognized. He had curly
brown hair bunched up at his more pale brown eyes.

Sitting on a chair beside the bed was another young man with ebony hair and purple eyes.

“How’d this happen?” Yuu asked, gesturing to the splinted leg.

“I don’t get it either,” the brown-eyed one sighed. “Him and I were just talking and then gravity
took me.”

“It wasn’t like he stumbled or tripped or anything,” the purple eyed one agreed.

“It was almost like my body just leaned forward… I can’t explain it.”

“I see,” Grim noted with an cocky and (not)understanding to emphasize his false bravado.

“But it wasn’t an impulse or anything?” Yuu asked.

“No,” the brunette sighed. “It was the weirdest thing.”

“Thank you for your time.” She offered a smile. “Get better soon, okay?”

“Thank you, Ramshackle!”

“Onto the next person?” Grim suggested with a flick of his tail.

“Actually. First I want to talk to the nurse,” Yuu decided. “We do still need to talk to the others, but
it saves a trip later.”

“Bleh,” Grim spat. “You do that. I’ll go find the next guy.”

“Fine. Just please try not to get any trouble.”

A look of betrayal contorted the cat’s face as he sauntered off. Yuu dipped around the corner of
one of the curtains to find Nurse Verpl restocking some cotton.

The school nurse kept to himself mostly. He sported dark, curly fashioned into a ponytail that
fluffed like sheep’s wool. His eyes were a pale green, almost blue tucked behind a pair of round
glasses, and thinner lips. He stood about six feet or so, but he usually opted for his chair on wheels.
He wore a labcoat atop his carmine shirt. His trouser were of a beige color, scrunched into tall,
thick, brown boots that added two inches to his height.
“Hey, Nurse Veprl?”

“Is your leg acting up?” He asked, spinning around in his seat.

“No, thanks. I wanted to ask you about the accidents that have been happening around campus.”

“You noticed something strange, too, huh?” He rubbed his stubble in thought. “What do you want
to know?”

“What are the common complaints?”

“All of them have said basically the same thing as to how . That their bodies moved on their own.
At first, I thought that was the lousiest excuse someone could come up with. I mean, really?” Yuu
smirked at the 100% done look plastered on the man’s face.

“But then everyone else here said the same thing. I thought it might be some elaborate prank that
Crowley set up to make sure I’m ready for the Spelldrive injuries I’ll have to treat. Do these kids
not realize that they’re mortal? Anyway. It was too random for that to happen. And you saw the
kids on the beds. They’re all starting line-up for Spelldrive. They’re clearly not happy that they
won’t be able to compete. Oh. And the injuries themselves? They’re too minor for me to use my
Magic on. It would hurt them more than it would help. But they’re just severe enough to make
them a liability on the field.”

“So what are you thinking?”

He sighed. “Someone’s cheating. Foul play’s the word, I think. Well, words. But unless the culprit
is found, all I can do is keep treating these meatheads.”

“Well, good luck.”

“Thanks. I’ll need it.” He took a long sip out of his black coffee. Even Yuu wasn’t that brave to try
it that dark. She had to have loads of sugar and cream in hers.

Yuu smirked. “What cup are you on?”

He met her gaze evenly, undaunted. He didn’t break it as he finished the cup in one go.

Yuu cocked a brow, waiting for an answer.

He placed the mug in her hand.

“Just hand me the carafe.”

She snorted, as she turned to leave, Deuce frantically raced into the infirmary with a familiar
green-haired senpai hunched on his back. “Excuse me!”

“Get me that carafe,” Veprl muttered under his breath. He stood up, walking over to Deuce.
“What’s up?”

“T-Trey-senpai. He fell down a flight of stairs!”

“Sounds kinda dramatic when you put it that way.” Trey offered a light-hearted chuckle. “But yeah
it hurts.”

“Set him down on that bed over there, and I’ll take a look,” the nurse instructed.

“Yes, sir.” Deuce scuttled into the back corner with Trey before easing him down.

Yuu noticed a familiar, short red-haired boy stiffly walking in. His silvery gaze was clouded with
shame, but he kept looking forward blankly.

“Riddle-senpai, are you ok?”

He stopped in his steps. He blinked, clearly not expecting to see her. He gave her a stiff nod. “I’m

“We’re over here, Riddle-senpai,” Deuce called.

The boy gave another curt nod before marching to Trey’s bed. Yuu followed, albeit at a slower
“Thank you for carrying him, Deuce-kun,” Riddle breathed. “Trey-kun, how are you? Do you want
anything to eat or drink?”

Trey’s chest rumbled with laughter. “Didn’t I tell you not to worry about me?”

“But it’s my fault you got hurt,” he insisted with a pained expression.

“What do you mean?” Yuu cut in.

“I had something to take care of,” Riddle explained slowly, “so I went to the third-year classrooms
during lunch. I told Trey-kun I’d be a little late and to start practice without me. And then I started
falling.” His brow scrunched in bewilderment. “I didn’t trip over anything or feel a push from
behind, it was… how should I put this?”

“Like your body moved on its own?” Yuu offered.

He nodded, eyes flashing in surprise before finishing with a guilt-ridden dullness. “Trey-kun went
out of his way to keep me from falling. He got hurt in my stead.”

Veprl let loose an exasperated sigh. “Riddle-kun, you take on way too much for those tiny
shoulders of yours.” The red-head straightened up, as if that would help his case. The nurse
continued. “Stuff like this just happens. Besides, it’s just a sprained ankle. He didn’t die.”

“But I’m assuming I can’t play in the Spelldrive tournament?” Trey asked.

“I mean if you think you can roll down the field, go for it,” Veprl snorted.

Yuu watched Deuce mentally work that out. The visual was admittedly funny.

“Probably not,” Trey sighed, leaning back in the bed.

“I’ll take it from here,” the nurse assured. “You three can get out of here. It’s crowded enough.”

“Still want that coffee?” Yuu offered.

“Once I grow a third arm, yes.”

Yuu smirked before she followed Riddle and Deuce out.

“The infirmary was more full than usual,” Deuce noticed. “Usually, there’s only a student or two
there. Now there’s only one or two beds left.”

“The headmaster thinks someone’s sabotaging the other Spelldrive players,” Yuu explained

“That’s dirty!” he hissed, fists clenched.

“The whole world will be watching,” Riddle mused. “One’s performance in their matches can lead
to a career in the future. It’s not strange that someone will do whatever it takes to stand out.”

“The cameras don’t see backstage,” Yuu added. “We’ll just have to catch the guy and get him to

“We gotta get payback for Trey-kun!” Deuce agreed with a determined glare.

“I’ll assist in the search, too,” Riddle decided. “But in order to catch the culprit, we’ll need to
anticipate their next move.”

“So a stakeout,” she deduced.

“Who do you think will be next?” Deuce asked.

“Maybe Cater-senpai knows something?” Yuu reasoned. “He’s pretty in the know with this sort of
stuff, right?”

“That’s a good idea,” Riddle agreed. “I’ll text him and have him meet us.”

Chapter End Notes

What do you all think of Veprl? ;D

(Also Ace, Grim, and Cater will help, too, dw)

Mystery Incorporated
Chapter Summary

Jack thought for a moment before firmly shaking his head. “I refuse. I’ll figure out
something on my own. There’s no need to protect me.”

Chapter Notes

why is this chapter so l o n g

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Well, now the A-Deuce set is complete,” Cater beamed.

“What’s that?” Ace asked with a cock of a brow.

“It’s because your names both end with -ce, so I put them together!” He explained with a proud

Deuce’s face lit up scarlet. “D-don’t give us a couple name!”

Grim snickered.

“You don’t get to laugh,” Ace griped. “Especially not after I saved you from those second-years.”

“I could have handled it! Grim the Great didn’t need saving!” He protested indignantly.

“Again? Seriously?” Yuu sighed with a shake of the head.

“We’re getting off topic here,” Riddle pointed out evenly.

“Oh, right.” Cater took out his phone. “I’ve marked up Rook Hunt in my ‘Cater Check’. So that
means Pomefiore Dorm’s first!”

Ace leaned over to see his screen. “So a blond bob and a hat, huh?”

“Yep, that’s his brand!”

“Last year, Rook-senpai was a stand out player,” Riddle noted. “But, there’s something off about

“So, Pomefiore it is,” Grim decided with a nod.

Getting there was easy enough. Yuu was always appreciative of the Mirror Room. It made travel
much easier.

Pomefiore’s dorm building had a different sense of grandeur than Heartslabyul’s. It was more
reminiscent of a classic castle with its ivory brick and decorative turrets. There were even small
balconies attached to the tall, elegant windows. The steel beams attached to the stone lining of the
gate bent into vague apple shapes. The corners of each stone pillar boasted a golden apple lantern.
Cobblestone arched branched out from the sides of the main building to meet in the central plaza
containing a fountain. Various shrubbery and flora flourished in the gentle green grass, especially
around the corners of the fence.

Getting in wasn’t much trouble, and they easily found the lounge.

The lounge itself had a unique aesthetic, mostly consisting of golds and royal purples. There were
some crimson accents in the drapery and the decorative flowers seemed to keep that in mind, too.
The room shimmered under the light of the small chandeliers dangling from the ceiling. It smelled
vaguely of tea leaves.

There, sitting at one of the glossy tables, were three young men drinking the specific beverage.

“Non non, petit Epel-kun,” a blond man chastised lightly. “It is not elegant to put your fingers
through the handle when you drink tea.” He pinched the porcelain grip with a pinky extended.
“Comme ceci?”

“Eh…” A familiar lavender-hued boy awkwardly fiddled the cup in his grip. “Ah, alright. Sorry.”
Yuu took the lead. “Good afternoon, Epel-kun!”

The boy almost dropped the cup, but saved it before it could slip out of his grip entirely. “Oh,
hello, Yuu-kun!”

“Ah, it’s the Ramshackle boy,” Vil recognized with a polite smile. “It’s nice to see you again. And
if it isn’t Riddle-san! To what I owe the pleasure?”

“Roi du Poison,” the blond, presumably Rook, leaned over to Vil. “Should I brew some tea for nos

“That won’t be necessary,” Riddle assured. “But I appreciate the hospitality.”

“Could I maybe snap some pics of this place?” Cater asked with a bright smile. “The aesthetic is
just everything.”

Vil smiled politely. “Of course.”

“Sorry to interrupt, senpai,” Deuce apologized, bending at the waist.

“It’s no trouble at all, Monsieur Spade!“

“We were just discussing makeup for the tournament,” Vil assured. “I’m very curious about the
new foundation from Felicite Cosmetics.”

“Makeup?” Grim meowed in disgust. “Why would you need something as girly as that?”

Vil’s gentle eyes glinted in annoyance. “It is important to look the part, wouldn’t you say? The
cameras will get as close as they can to show off how impressive we are. We should do our part to
give them something to look at it.”

“Is Felicite Cosmetics waterproof?” Yuu asked, trying to diffuse the incoming argument. “I’d
imagine it’d run with all that sweat.”
“We don’t sweat, mon cher,” Rook chortled. “We glisten .” He tossed his hair with a flick of the

Ace shook his head, biting his tongue from making a remark. Thankfully.

“Is there something you needed, Yuu-kun?” Epel spoke up.

“Yeah, actually.” She walked a bit closer, away from her group. “There have been a number of
accidents involving front line-up players in Spelldrive. They’re all minor injuries, but it’ll prevent
each of them from playing. We thought that maybe Rook-senpai could be the next target.”

“Oh, you have a beautiful heart,” Vil smiled gently. “But you needn’t worry about us.”

“True,” Rook agreed. “I do appreciate the concern, truly. I’ll be sure to attention à mon pied avant
de perde une flèche.”

She heard Ace bending down to Riddle and asking in a whisper, “what does that mean?”

The Dorm Leader couldn’t answer.

“Yeah, if I was the culprit,” Grim agreed with crossed arms, “I wouldn’t go after him.”

“Still, it wouldn’t hurt to be careful,” Deuce agreed.

“We’ll keep that in mind,” Vil assured. “Thank you for informing us.”

“No problem.” She shrugged. “Maybe I’ll see you all in the tournament? From the sidelines.”

“Definitely!” Epel replied with a bashful but genuine smile. “See you later, Yuu-kun.”

“Let’s go check out the next group,” Ace suggested.

“Octavinelle Dorm is next on the ‘Cater Check’, Cater chimed.

Yuu saw Riddle grimace out of the corner of her eye before they walked out the door. So far, not
helping their reputation.

Once in the courtyard, Grim was the one to ask: “so why Octavinelle? What’s so special about

Deuce was the one to answer. “I watched last year’s Spelldrive. They use combo attacks to wipe
the floor with any player.”

“I think I remember them,” Ace mused. “They were so quick, you barely noticed they were there.”

“Wah!” Grim sprung in surprise. “There’s two dudes with the same face!”

Ace staggered a step backward, eyes wide. “They’re so tall and lanky, they make everyone else
look tiny.”

“You want to mark those two, Cater-senpai?” Deuce asked.

“If I was the culprit,” Riddle chimed, “I’d save those two for last. Floyd, especially, aren’t people I
want to get anywhere near to.”

Why Floyd?

“Ah~” a sickly sing-song voice serenaded. “It’s Goldfish!”

Riddle jumped, before ducking behind Cater with dread-filled eyes. “He found me!”

One of the same-face boys towered over the group. He was heterochromatic, with one golden eye
outshining the dull left one. His hair was of a cyan color, with a single black streak jutting forward
like a harpoon.

“Goldfish, what are you doing~? Hide and seek? Looks like fun.”

“Floyd-san.” Riddle stiffened with a straight spine. “How many times do I have to tell you to stop
calling me that ridiculous nickname?”

“But you’re small and red! Just like a goldfish!” He protested in a slight whine.

“This guy’s a weirdo,” Grim decided with flat ears and an unamused look.

Floyd’s smile stretched ear-to-ear, revealing rows of sharp teeth. Yuu shrunk.

“Wow! A talking cat! Hey, hey! Can I give you a tight squeeze?”

The drawl of the last word sent a shiver down her spine.

“ Squeeze ?” Grim parroted. “No way!”

“What’s this?” A more flat voice cut in. “Heartslabyul is all together. Are you perhaps doing
reconnaissance for the Spelldrive tournament?”

“It’s a really long story,” Cater sighed with a tired smile.

“We cannot simply overlook your attempts at spying, can we?” A smirk tugged at the calmer
twin’s lip. “Could I trouble you to go into detail about your reasons for spying on us?”

Ace shifted his weight, an uncomfortable glint in his amber eyes. “This guy’s attitude says calm,
but his eyes aren’t smiling at all.”

“We weren’t spying,” Yuu spoke up, despite everything screaming in her not to. “There have been
too many incidents lately with Spelldrive players. We’re thinking foul play’s involved. We’re
trying to pin down the next target so no one else gets hurt.”

Jade’s gray eye glinted with a blood chilling curiosity. He offered a kinder smirk, but his teeth did
no favors for it. “What did you say your name was?”

“Yuu. And this is Grim.”

“A pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Yuu-kun.” He turned to his twin, who was being narrowly
dodged by the Heartslabyul Dorm Leader. “Floyd, it’s almost time to get ready at Mostro Lounge.
We’ll have to save playing with them for another time.”

“Fine,” Floyd sighed, retreating to his brother. He offered a bright, sharky smile to Riddle, who
shuddered at the sight. “See ya later, Goldfish!”

The two slithered away.

Ace cocked an annoyed brow, hand on his hip. “What’s their deal?”

Riddle loosed an exasperated sigh. “Don’t ask me. They’ve been that way since last year.”

Deuce’s voice was darker than usual when he spoke. “Those aren’t the guys you want to mess

“Yeah, I’d be afraid of their revenge,” Cater chuckled grimly.

“I wouldn’t be dumb enough to try,” Ace agreed with a nod.

“It’s getting late,” Yuu yawned, stretching her arms. “Do you think we could squeeze in one

Grim shuddered at ‘squeeze’.

“Jack Howl from Savanaclaw,” Cater read off his screen. “First year.”

“It’s late enough he might be already back at his dorm,” Deuce reasoned.
Riddle checked the time before sighing. “It’s already five o’clock. Laws of the Queen of Hearts
#346 states that ‘one must not play croquet in the garden after 5pm. I’m going to return to the
dorm.” He spared a glance at Ace. “There are those who break rules if I take my eyes off them.”

Ace glared. “Hey!”

“I thought you loosened up a bit,” Grim commented. “Guess not.”

Riddle’s face drooped in defeat. “I thought I loosened the rules up a lot.” He paused. “Like a lot.”

“You’re much more lenient than before, yeah,” Cater agreed with a bright smile. “But your
seriousness is one of your good points, Riddle-san!”

“Good night, Riddle-senpai,” Yuu waved tiredly.

He bowed slightly before making his way back.

“Savanaclaw’s next, huh?” Ace recapped, arms bending behind his head. “Let’s get going.”

The trip to the Mirror Room was short as ever, but Yuu was getting more and more tired. Ace’s
amber eyes flicked to her a time or two, but she was too worn down to comment. Even when she
was falling behind.

Ace’s hand wrapped around her palm, and he guided her sleepy body with the group. He didn’t
look back, and Yuu didn’t see the pink tips of his ears.

“What’s got you so tired, anyway?” He asked lowly.

“Happens sometimes,” she yawned.

She didn’t need to see his face to know he was lost on that.

Savanaclaw’s dorm was much less elaborate or grand than any other dorm Yuu had seen so far. It
was like an outstretched, well, savannah. Instead of fencing or shrubbery, the dorm featured an
impressive court. There were the occasional tree for shade. The main building was etched into a

“So this is Savanaclaw?” Deuce asked, looking around.

Grim’s face twisted in disgust. “What animal did that big skeleton come from?”

“It’s so different from Heartslabyul,” Ace commented.

“It’s so rough and tumble,” Cater agreed, “y’know?”

“What does Jack look like?” Yuu yawned.

“Tan skin and silver hair,” the ginger senpai answered. “His wolf ears and tail are his trademarks.”

“Isn’t that him? Running around the yard?” she asked, pointing.

“How big are these guys?” Ace asked, lip quirked in surprise. “First the twins, and now this guy?”

A competitive flare lit up Deuce’s eyes. “He’s probably good at martial arts with those muscles!”

“Guess we should talk to him,” Yuu deduced with a tired shrug.

Cater spun around, a bright smile plastered on his face. “You feeling ok, Yun-Yun?” He winked.
“If he tries to bite, I’ll protect you, ‘kay?”

“I’m just really tired,” she assured with a yawn.

“Do you want me to carry you?” Deuce offered.

She shook her head.

“Hey! Prickly guy!” Grim called, bounding for the first-year. His ears twitched.

Jack slowed to a stop. “Huh?”

Grim’s paws found his hips, and a cocky smirk played his muzzle. “Some bad guys might be
coming after you, so we’ve decided to protect you! Aren’t you happy?”

“What’s your problem?“ he huffed. “Don’t get in the way of my running.”

“Wait a sec, Grim.” Cater scooped up the cat, holding a hand over his mouth as he squirmed.
“Sorry about him, Jack-kun! Think you can listen to us for just a minute?”

Jack’s arms crossed, muscles bulging. “What do you want?”

Deuce did the explaining. “Recently, there have been a large number of accidents around campus
involving Spelldrive players.”

“And we’re looking for the culprit,” Ace added with a smirk.

“What’s that got to do with me?” Jack’s ear flicked.

“You could be next,” Ace answered. “We were thinking of keeping an eye on you and catching the
perp in the act.”

“Think you could help us out?” Cater finished.

Jack thought for a moment before firmly shaking his head. “I refuse. I’ll figure out something on
my own. There’s no need to protect me.”
“Are you sure?” Yuu piped up.

Jack’s eyes landed on her. His head tilted slightly, barely noticeable to the point she questioned if
he did at all. Before he nodded. “I don’t need it. Me being targeted probably won’t happen. See

“And there he goes,” Cater whistled as he continued his run.

“Hey hey hey,” another voice sneered.

Ace turned to see a small pack of Savanaclaw students circling them.

“They reek of Heartslabyul,” another jeered.

“They’re the red brat’s grunts,” a third spat.

“Not again,” Deuce groaned. “This pattern..”

“Did ya really think we’d let ya onto our territory and just let ya leave?” The first snickered darkly.

“We’re leaving!” Ace insisted with a focused scowl. “Sorry for the intrusion!”

“Aw, what’s the hurry?” The second teased. “Come hang with us!”

“Let’s play a game of cat and mouse!” The third cackled. “Y’all will be the mice of course!”

The group pulled Yuu into their huddle. Her eyes flew open and she immediately jerked forward,
only for them to snap her back.
Cater’s smile suddenly had a sinisterness to it. “That’s not cool, ‘kay?”

Deuce’s sea-eyes sparked like a storm. “Let him go.” His knuckles cracked. “Or I’ll neuter you.”

“Ohoho!” One of the students jeered. “So scary!”

“Give him back,” Ace hissed.

“Knock it off,” a familiar, deep voice broke through. The group split, making way for a man Yuu
recognized. His long locks were like a crown- a majestic mane among his pride.

Behind him followed Ruggie, though at a much more lazed slouch.

Yuu fell to the ground, as her head was pushed into a bow.

“Dorm Head Leona!” Her awed captor greeted.

Chapter End Notes

To all of those concerned about my health due to my upload speed, you’re all so
sweet! But I’m alright- don’t worry! I love making things for people to enjoy, I love
writing this, and your comments and support have really been fueling my fire!! <3
Ryuko-san of the Fireflies
Chapter Summary

“I’m not going to tell you. Not knowing is for your own benefit. The moment you hear
it, you’ll feel a frost spread over your skin.”

Chapter Notes

I get why you like Malleus now.

Also, this one’s short! It’s the third one today so cut me some slack haha.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The rest of the pack restrained the rest. Deuce was throwing his restrainers off with his elbows
until they dogpiled on him. Grim was held up by the scruff. Ace was squirming.

“Aren’t you the guy I met in the cafeteria?” Ruggie asked, bending down to Yuu’s level.

Leona’s lips quirked upward into a smile. “You’re the omnivore I met in the botanical garden.”

“I’d say hey, but all I can taste is dirt,” Yuu muttered.

Leona smirked.

“Let the omnivore go,” Leona instructed in a low growl. “What’re you mutts gonna do if your little
fit of violence interferes with the tournament?”

“Y-You’re saying we should just ignore these trespassers?” One of the pack members gawked.

“Who said anything about ignoring them?” Leona scoffed.

The group, albeit confused, loosened their grip on Yuu. She dusted herself off as Ruggie pulled her

“Don’t mention it,” he assured with a lazy look and smirk.

Leona sighed, shaking his head. “We’re going to settle this with a friendly game of Spelldrive.”

“Spelldrive?” Ace parroted.

He smirked, tail flicking with pride. “We can go crazy with Magic without breaking any rules out

Ruggie snickered. “Leona-san, you’re such a bully. These guys don’t look like they could handle
more than one game.”

Deuce groaned as he was released from the pile. “Doesn’t feel like we can refuse and go home.”

“Alright, let’s do this!” Ace beamed, suddenly bursting with energy. “Don’t forget about try-outs!”

Cater sighed, shaking his head. “Seriously? You’re all hopeless. Yun-Yun, do you want to coach?”

She yawned. “I’d be more likely to run you into a pole. Good luck, though.”

“You two.” Leona growled, pointing at two of the pack leaders. They jolted in surprise. “Make
sure the omnivore doesn’t get hit.“

“Yes, sir!” They chirped in unison.

The games were relentless. Deuce, Ace, Cater, and Grim gave it their all, not backing down for a
moment. It made Savanaclaw’s pushback and counterattacks more frustrating to watch. Even more
so when the outnumbered underdogs were unable to score a single point, but Yuu had to admire
them for going down swinging. Especially with their stamina slowing as the sun fell. It made
Yuu’s blood boil, watching her friends be slaughtered while Savanclaw grinned.

“They say,” Cater panted, “that Leona-san is a genius at being a ‘command tower’. We don’t stand
a chance just the five of us.”

“No kidding?” Ace scoffed in a wheeze.

“Oh what’s the matter?” Leona teased, a low growl rumbling in his chest.

“Where’d that bravado from earlier go?” Ruggie teased in a snicker.

“One more game,” the Dorm Leader decided with a purr.

“I think this is getting out of hand,” Yuu cut in. “You outnumber them, for one. And demanding
game after game just to prove a point’s kinda cruel, don’t ya think?”

Ruggie’s ears drooped a bit, but his facial features were as aloof as ever. It made it difficult for
Yuu to guess what he was thinking. Before Leona could protest, Jack jogged over.

“What’re y’all doing?”

“We’re just messing around with some trespassers,” Leona explained in a huff.

“What’s fun about kicking newbies around?” Jack challenged lowly.

“What’s this?” Ruggie teased with a smirk. “Jack-kun is a defender of justice. So cool.”

“I just can’t stand by when something heinous is happening,” the silver-haired man explained in a

“You’re a buzzkill,” Leona snorted irritably. “Whatever. I’m bored. There’s no point in against
going up you guys. Let’s go, Ruggie-kun.”
“Ye~s,” he drawled with an easy smile. He followed Leona off the field.

“Is anyone hurt?” Yuu asked. She looked Ace over for injuries. He swatted her away.

Cater laughed nervously. “I showed you a pretty ugly side of me out there, huh?”

She offered a relieved smile.

Of course that’s what he cares about. Good to know he didn’t take a hit to the head.

“Jack-kun, was it?” Deuce spoke up, eyes shifting to said boy. “You saved us.”

“Not like I was trying to save you.” He shrugged.

“Ugh, I wanna shower,” Ace groaned.

“And I’m starving,” Grim whined.

“Let’s get you guys back to your dorm,” Yuu chuckled lightly. “Thank you again, Jack-kun! Be
careful, okay?”

He paused, staring at her for a moment. Behind him, his gray tail swooshed left to right slowly. He
gave a nod before walking off.

“Hey, Yuu-kun,” Ace piped up, rubbing the back of his neck. “When they grabbed you, did you
get hurt?”

She blinked. “Oh. I’m fine. Don’t worry.”

“You still feeling sleepy?” Grim meowed.

“A little. But anger really helps,” she finished with a smirk.

“Angry?” Deuce blinked.

“Well, yeah. I mean we did trespass, but they were juggling you like a Spelldrive disc.” She glared.
“Makes my blood boil.”

“You have a really strong sense of justice, huh?” Ace chuckled.

“Yeah, yeah,” she sheepishly laughed.

Despite her tiredness, like some cruel joke, her body decided sleep was optional. Or maybe it was
the weird tapping sound coming from outside. Either way. A walk wouldn’t hurt, would it?

She was greeted by the brisk night nip of the air, filling her lungs with a prickling touch. The
figment frost freckled her skin and toyed with her hair.

“Hm? Who are you?” A deep, silky voice greeted.

Yuu slowly turned to see a man with a height that towered over her. The horns, which curled with a
refined intimidation, didn’t help. His green eyes were like tiny lanterns that broke through the
night. Based on his uniform, he was a student from Diasomnia.

Y’know. Stranger things have happened so she didn’t even ask.

“Oh. Good evening.“

“This is a surprise.” His voice tickled with amusement. “You are a child of man.”

“Oh, you mean human?” She then smirked. “Yeah and I’m a lousy one, too. I can’t even use

His eyes widened, the green glow glinting with surprised light. “Do you live here? This building
has been abandoned for a long while. I’ve never seen it in such a condition. I’ve been quite fond of
it as a place I could enjoy solitude.”

“Yep, this is my dorm. I’m Yuu.” She offered a polite bow.

“Yuu?” The name rolled off his tongue easily. “Quite an unusual name.”

“So what’s yours?”

His mouth opened, revealing tiny fangs that poked out of his mouth. Not to the eerie grin of
Floyd’s, but rather a more innocent look like a cat’s. “I’m not going to tell you. Not knowing is for
your own benefit. The moment you hear it, you’ll feel a frost spread over your skin.”

The silky voice was soured by unseen pain.

Yuu was dissatisfied. “I think I’ll manage.”

He hummed in thought, lowly. “My name is not one I’d wish to burden you with, child of man.”

Oh. So it’s a touchy spot for him.

She relented, gaze softening. “Then what can I call you?”

“Whatever you find suitable.”

“Does Ryuko work for you?”

“Ryuko?” His head tilted in confusion, hand finding his chin. “As in willow?”

She chuckled lightly. “No. As in dragon.”

“A dragon?” He stared at her with a hint of bewilderment.

“Yeah. You kinda remind me of one. The horns and fangs, for one. And you’re mysterious. So.

He paused before a vague smile tugged at his lips. “You certainly are a strange one, son of man.”

She shrugged. “Not the first time I’ve heard it. So what are you doing out here, Ryuko-san?”

“I come out here often for my nightly strolls. Seeing as it’s no longer abandoned, I’ll have to find
somewhere else.”

“I don’t mind you coming out here. As long as you don’t wake me up, I don’t care.”

He hummed faintly. “I’ll keep that in mind. Well, for now, I’ll bid you adieu.”

He bowed courteously before dissolving into a burst of Magical fireflies, leaving a romantic

What a strange guy. She paused. What did he mean by burdening me with his name? If he pushes
people away that easily… that’s got to be lonely.

Chapter End Notes

A lot of Yuu’s thoughts here were based on my own during my playthrough. And I
went in with relative blindness (except for Book 3). So, if it sounds a bit too “plot
convenient”, keep that in mind.
The Unobtainable
Chapter Summary

Yuu couldn’t remember what the dream was about. A vague recollection of
something-ness nagged at her mind. All she could recall was a question: why did he
want to be king so badly?

Chapter Notes

Writing Leona was both more difficult but more fun than I thought it’d be! If you like
metaphors, then maybe you’ll catch some in his half of the chapter!

The heat of the day had melted into the chill of night. Savanaclaw may not have been a palace, or
even a fancy dorm like Heartslabyul. He honestly didn’t care either way. A sweet taste of what
wasn’t his would only sour his mouth with bitterness. He didn’t need it. Maybe if he were more of
a romantic, he might admire the clear night sky littered with stars. The moon- the unobtainable - so
clear in view, yet so out of reach.

His ear flicked at the sound of footsteps. Based on the smell, he knew exactly who it was.

“What do you want this late?” Leona asked in a tired growl. “Are you homesick and need a

Ruggie snickered. “I’ll sing one for you.”

Stepping out of the shadows was the white-haired young blood. His narrow, golden eyes were
further scowled in a righteous anger.

“Tell me the reason. Why are you guys doing something like this?”

Leona didn’t owe him anything. He could’ve just ignored him and sent him back to his room. It
would have been well within his right, too. But he quite honestly wouldn’t mind blowing off the
extra steam boiling in his chest.
“I see.” A mirthless smirk tugged at his lip. “You’re looking for a bedtime story. Alright, I’ll tell
you one. For two years in a row, we played against Malleus-san and the Diasomnia Dorm in the
first round. The result?” The bread in his head crunched in his tight grip. “Crushed.” Leona spat in
disgust, “a participation trophy.”

He shook his head, his mouth aching at the grin he was holding. “Savanaclaw has taken down
opponent after opponent, but we were just a bunch of newborn kittens who hadn’t opened our eyes.
The humiliation was broadcasted to the whole world. Do you know what they said?”

Leona stood, ears flat, teeth bared tightly in frustration. “The Dorm Leader was branded as
incompetent . Scouts and sponsors dried up.”

Jack had the gall to growl lowly at him. “That’s because you just weren’t good enough.”

Leona couldn’t help the miserable laugh escaping his mouth. “That’s precisely it.”

Jack’s head tilted in confusion.

“Until last year, we weren’t committed to personal affairs. Having an honest match with that
monster-like opponent without coming up with something- anything - was stupid.” His teeth
clenched. “We knew we’d lose, but we still had nothing. To hear that about Savanaclaw, the dorm
founded on the King of Beasts’ persistence?” He chuckled darkly, shaking his head. “It must have
been quite a shock.”

The young blood snarled, ears flat. “That doesn’t make attacking people any less cowardly! It’s
wrong! Where’s your pride ?!”

“It’s wrong?” Leona scoffed with a flick of his tail. “You know, I’m only thinking of what’s best
for all members of Savanaclaw. If we shoot down Malleus-san, we’ll be avenged, and our pride
you love to rattle on about? The honor ? Restored.”

He met Jack’s gaze with a green glint. “It’s already been decided that if we don’t win this year, the
Lizard will be entered into the hall of fame.” It still tasted bitter on his tongue.

“ This is our last chance. But you want to give it up for your sense of justice ?”

He staggered, eyes flaring in frustration. “T-That’s…”

“Using your head when chasing prey is the basics of hunting. There’s nothing cowardly about it.”
Ruggie laughed from where he was sitting. “This school is survival of the fittest! Goodie two-
shoes can’t survive here.”

Reignited by the insult, Jack whipped his attention back to Leona. “Dorm Head, if you gave it your
all, you would have no problems against Diasomnia! I still remember, three years ago-!”

Leona snapped. “Don’t talk like you know everything! Give it my all?” He scoffed with a twisted
grin warping his face in a tinge of pain. “Utterly foolish. Even if I did?”

The words came easy to him. Words he knew well. “ Nothing would change.”

Getting angry won’t change anything. It’s tiring.

“Leave. If you want to see the morning sun.”

Jack didn’t bark back. He left, ears flat against his head, and shoulders slouched into a pathetic

Ruggie hummed. “Y’know, that guy’s just a liability. Should I get rid of him?”

“Just wait.” Leona sighed. “Even if he goes and tells Crowley, he doesn’t have any evidence. That,
and we need him to crush Malleus-san. Keep a close eye on him for now.”

“Ye~s.” Ruggie bowed out.

That young blood… sounds just like my brother.

And even so, he’d be a fool to say he didn’t need him.

Yuu couldn’t remember what the dream was about. A vague recollection of something-ness
nagged at her mind. All she could recall was a question: why did he want to be king so badly?

“Oh, yeah,” Grim spoke, pulling her out of her thoughts. “Did you go somewhere last night? You
were gone when I woke up for the bathroom.”

“I just went for a stroll outside,” she answered. “Couldn’t sleep.”

He nodded with a satisfied tail flick. “We all have those nights.”

“G’mornin’, Yun-Yun!” Cater greeted from afar. Behind him was Riddle at a more refined pace.

“Morning,” she yawned.

“Your tie is a little off.” Riddle’s hands went to her accessory, fiddling with it with his nimble

“Oh, uh, thanks. I’m awful at tying these stupid things.”

Grim smirked, flaring his bow with his paws. “Grim the Great doesn’t have that problem.”

“It’d be a waste of material to make you a proper uniform,” Riddle deadpanned plainly. “As
monsters aren’t supposed to attend Night Raven in any case.”

Yuu decided to save a fight. And possible blue-hued incineration. “So where are Ace-kun and

“In accordance to the Laws of the Queen of Hearts #249,” the Dorm Leader answered, “they are
dressed in pink feeding the flamingos.”

“So, there was another accident last night,” Cater spoke up.

“Really?!” Grim yowled in shock.

“The portrait who saw the whole thing said it was a second-year from Scarabia,” the ginger
explained. “Jamil Viper. It apparently happened in the kitchen.”

That’s one of the worst places to-

“He didn’t get stabbed, did he?” Yuu bravely asked.

“Nothing like that,” Riddle sighed. “But given the time, they’re probably in the cafeteria for
breakfast. Let’s check.”
A Matter of Pride
Chapter Summary

“Magic to control people,” Grim mused. “If I could do something like that, I’d have a
bunch of minions!”

“Thank goodness you don’t,” Riddle sighed.

Chapter Notes

!! Make sure you read my notes at the end !!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The breakfast rush was slowly ebbing by the time Yuu and crew arrived. She took the opportunity
to seize a chocolate scone and an iced latte. Grim started.

“Yo,” the cat tactlessly greeted. “You’re the guy who got hurt in the kitchen yesterday? Tell us
about it.”

Jamil was an interesting man, to be sure. He had a specific aura about him that Yuu couldn’t quite
pinpoint. His long, black hair was pulled back into a sleek ponytail that hung mid-back, braided at
the top in twists. Several coin-like accessories jangled in his locks. Beneath the blazer was a scarlet
hoodie. The way he had the ensemble fashioned, it looked vaguely like a varsity hoodie.

Beside him, was a man Yuu vaguely recalled from the opening ceremony. He had darker skin,
albeit a bit lighter than Jamil’s. His hair was a noticeable ivory, tied with an ornate white-and-gold
ribbon with some icy blue feathers frilling from the bottom. His uniform was far more unkempt,
with the undershirt untucked at the bottom and the vest unbuttoned. Atop on the uniform was a
cozy looking cardigan that stopped at his knees. His eyes were a cheery cherry color.

“Huh?” Jamil returned. “What do you guys want out of the blue?”

The other boy’s, Kalim, eyes lit up in recognition. He threw a finger at Grim. “This is the raccoon
that set my butt on fire during the entrance ceremony!”

“Grim, quit being so rude,” Yuu sighed. “And stop torching people, too.”
“We’re sorry for bothering you while you’re eating,” Riddle spoke with a polite bow.

Kalim laughed jovially. “The Dorm Head of Heartslabyul and the violent raccoon from the
ceremony! This is a funny combo!”

“I ain’t a raccoon!” Grim hissed. “I’m the Great Grim! And this is my underling.” He gestured to

“I’m not his underling,” she sighed. “I’m Yuu.”

He beamed. “I’m Kalim, the Dorm Head for Scarabia! This is my Vice Dorm Head, Jamil! Nice to
meet you!”

Jamil’s eyes narrowed in skepticism. “Why do you want to know about my injury?”

“We’re thinking someone’s been sabotaging front line-up players for the upcoming tournament,”
Yuu explained.

He hummed. “I don’t see the issue with telling you, then. Last night, at Kalim-san’s request, I was
making agemanju with lamb.”

The Dorm Head cut in excitedly, practically bouncing on his heels. “Jamil-kun’s agemanju is the
best! You guys should try it some time!”

Jamil sighed tiredly. “Kalim-san, don’t get us side-tracked.”

“Ah, my bad my bad.”

He continued. “While I was dicing the ingredients, for some reason my hand slipped and I cut
Kalim’s head shook in confusion, a vacant look of befuddlement clouding his gaze. “Jamil-kun is
always so good with a knife, even the cook was blown away. Were you tired from Spelldrive

“Not so much that my hand would slip like that. However, while I was cooking, for a moment I felt
my consciousness slip away.”

“So disassociated?” Yuu offered.

He nodded. “My guess is that it was someone’s Unique Magic.”

Riddle’s and Cater’s eyes flared in surprise.

Kalim grinned ear to ear with excitement. “Yeah, your Magic is-“ Jamil’s palm went over the
boy’s mouth, causing him to squirm and sputter against it. He eventually spat it off. “Why’d you
cover my mouth?”

“We’re not talking about me right now.” His eyes were sharp. “Anyway, I think they used Magic to
control the movements of others.”

“So that’s why everyone keeps blaming themselves,” Cater concluded.

“Since it’s only for a moment,” Riddle agreed. “When I fell, I didn’t feel as if someone controlled

“Is your hand ok?” Yuu asked.

Jamil was caught off guard by the question but smiled easily. “I’m fine. Don’t worry about me,

“Magic to control people,” Grim mused. “If I could do something like that, I’d have a bunch of
“Thank goodness you don’t,” Riddle sighed.

Magic like that has to have some sort of range…

“Hey, Jamil-senpai?” Yuu piped up. “What time did this happen?”

“Around ten o’clock or so!” Kalim answered.

“That was after…” she paused.


“I’ll be right back.” She took off.

“H-hey! Yun-Yun! Where are you going?”

“Do you think he has an idea of who it could be?” Riddle suggested.

She booked it to the nurse’s office as quickly as she could. Her steps beating against the floors like
the patters of a rainstorm. She caught her breath before blurting, “Nurse Veprl! Do you have a
record of everyone’s Signature Spells?”

The nurse leaned back, sighing. “You know how many times Jack-kun got stuck as a dog?”

“Yes or no?”

“Yes. But it’s classified.”

“Headmaster Crowley asked.”

He shrugged, finding it too much effort to verify. He grabbed a file from his cabinet. “Which


He hummed before handing her some stapled papers.

She skimmed it rapidly, eyes scrambling before stopping at a name.


“T-thank you, Nurse Veprl.”

“Don’t sweat it,” he yawned. “Now get out of my office, kid.”

And that she did. She darted out of the door, dialing a number. “Cater-kun? It’s Yuu.”

“You sound out of breath, Yun-Yun!” His voice came through. “Did you find out who it is?”

“Savanclaw. Rug-“

Yuu’s hand grasped the air.

Where did my-

“Shishishi,” a voice snickered. In his hand, he twirled the phone, the call now ended. “That’s not

“Give me back my phone,” she demanded lowly.

“No can do, sorry.” The phone was stuffed into his pocket. “Hey, do you think you can come with
me? Leona-san would love to see you.”

She glared. “Is this a kidnapping?”

“Nah. That stuff’s kinda messy. But if you want your phone back, come with me to see Leona-

“That’s weird,” Kalim commented. “Did his phone die?”

“Yuu-kun doesn’t strike me as the type to be so careless,” Riddle contemplated.

“He always has a charger with him, too,” Grim agreed. “But I heard him say something about
Savanaclaw’s Rug?”

“That’s not much to go off of,” the red-haired Dorm Leader sighed.

“But we figured out the dorm!” Grim realized.

“ Yuu-kun figured out the dorm,” Jamil corrected with an annoyed glint.

“I have a feeling something happened.” Cater’s voice was low. Serious.

“Whoever Ru-san is,” Kalim chimed, “they must know lots about Spelldrive. Maybe check the
club! Someone may know something!”

“Now that we have a dorm and a name, it’s possible,” Riddle mused under his breath.

“But what about Yun-Yun?” the ginger reminded.

“The culprit is only after Spelldrive players, right?” Jamil pointed out. “So I doubt he’s in any
serious trouble. He’s bound to turn up.”

“Jamil-kun and I will keep an eye out for him!” Kalim assured with a bright smile.

The Savanaclaw lounge was like an oasis. A tower of waterfalls trickled down to the main lobby
below, seemingly glowing with a bright blue shimmer. Aside from herself and Ruggie, it was only
Leona there, strangely. Despite the refreshing atmosphere, Yuu couldn’t allow herself to relax.

“You’ve got some nerve stealing my phone just to bring me here,” she seethed. “This is no better
than a kidnapping.”

“You value your phone over your own life?” Leona scoffed.

“I gave you an option, Yuu-kun,” Ruggie sighed. “You came here on your own two feet.”

“Tsk.” Leona’s green gaze glinted at the hyena-eared boy. “I told you never to leave evidence.”

“I didn’t! She went and found the record of my Signature Spell! Doesn’t take a genius to put two
and two together after that!”

The prince blinked. “Interesting. You’re quite the clever omnivore.”

“Cool thanks so why am I here?”

“I ended the phone call before he could spill too much,” Ruggie informed the Dorm Leader. “All
they know is the dorm.”

“That’s still more than I would have liked.” He groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Whatever. It’s difficult to separate a zebra from the herd.”
Ruggie’s shoulders eased the tension they were holding.

So he was working for him again. He’s loyal, at least.

“That being said, you are a loose end.”

“So you’re trying to keep me quiet?” Yuu scoffed with a cocked brow. “I didn’t think you were the

“I’m not,” Leona huffed. “But I don’t need you squawking like a bird either. I paid a high price to
that nasty octo-punk. I’m not about to have you ruin it.”


“Can’t I just promise not to tell and go home?”

“Yeah, I don’t buy it,” Ruggie chuckled teasingly.

“Worth a shot.” She shrugged.

So what are they going to do with me?

“So what do we do, Leona-san?”

He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “This is all a big pain. You’ll be staying with us,

“So. A kidnapping,” she deadpanned.

“That crap’s too dirty. And illegal,” Leona sighed.

But foul play is fair game?

“But let’s just say, that Savanaclaw is known for its animal instincts.”

The smirk he flashed at her, sharp and grim, made her tense.

“But now that you’re here, if you try to leave, I can’t protect a girl like you from getting hurt.”

“You play dirty,” Yuu hissed.

He scoffed, a forced smile tugging at his lip. “I’ll do what I must for my pride.”

Why did he want to be king so badly?

Chapter End Notes

Hi so Leona. Thought I’d explain the thought process. Yeah, it’s a bit more mean-
spirited, but from what I’ve seen, the boy is manipulative when it comes to protecting
his pride/people (we love a good double meaning). I mean. The Fairy Gala. And he
was the one to tell Ruggie to sabotage.
And honestly, now that Ruggie brought Yuu to the dorm, he wants to keep an eye on
her. Because he knows the hassle it’ll be if everyone knows. Before, there were too
many scents to pick hers out.
Not Like Them
Chapter Summary

“Why are you working so hard for others’ sake?” A gruff voice interrupted.

Ace’s eyes narrowed at Jack. “You should know something, right? Your dorm is full
of jerks like that perp.”

Chapter Notes

Feeling a bit under the weather, so sorry if this one sucks!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Heartslabyul had many rules, in his opinion. Most of them were unorthodox and oddly specific.
Deuce never raised a complaint, however. It’d be disrespectful toward Riddle, for one. And two, an
honor’s student took everything in stride- especially discipline.

Even so, he had to admit feeding the flamingos in such a specific color was a bit time-consuming.
They weren’t even able to meet up with Yuu on time.

“Hey, A-Deuce!” Cater greeted, making his way toward he and Ace in the courtyard. Following
him was his Dorm Leader and Grim.

“Please don’t call us that,” Deuce pleaded in a sigh.


“Have either of you seen Yuu-kun?” Riddle asked.

Ace blinked. “He’s not with you?”

“The call dropped when he was trying to tell us who the culprit is,” Grim grumbled.
“He figured it out?” Deuce gawked in surprise.

The cat smirked with a nod. “Rug-san of Savanaclaw.”

Deuce’s blood ran cold.

Yuu-kun’s been kidnapped?

There was a beat.

By a carpet?

“That’s not his actual name,” Riddle sighed irritably. “It got interrupted.”

“And we still can’t find him,” Cater chimed sadly.

Ace jerked in surprise. “That’s kinda freaky.”


“You don’t think the culprit ‘took out’ Yuu-kun, do you?” Deuce dared to ask.

Cater sighed, rubbing the back of his neck, green eyes on the ground. “It’s hard to say…”

“Why are you working so hard for others’ sake?” A gruff voice interrupted.

Ace’s eyes narrowed at Jack. “You should know something, right? Your dorm is full of jerks like
that perp.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He growled.

Riddle shot Ace a look. “Do tell why you’re being so biased.”

Ace chose life and decided not to do that. No one minded.

“Is there something you wanted, Jack-kun?” Cater asked with a polite smile.

“I understand wanting to get back at this punk,” Jack explained lowly. “But…”

“I was just helping to get a spot on the Spelldrive team,” Ace admitted, rubbing the nape of his
neck. “But things are different now.”

I hadn’t even thought about that!

“Same,” Grim admitted with much too smug of a smirk. “I’m going to be on the big screen!”

Jack scoffed. “So what’s changed?”

“Yuu-kun’s missing.” Ace spoke plainly. Somberly. Almost like a threat.

“Oh, about that!” Cater grinned ear to ear, but it didn’t touch his eyes. His green eyes glinted with
a menacing shine. “You wouldn’t happen to know a Rug-san, would you?”

“Ruggie-senpai?” Jack’s head tilted in confusion.

“So it was Ruggie-senpai,” Deuce breathed lowly.

“So that’s why you knew you wouldn’t be targeted!” Ace realized. “Friendly fire!”
“So if you know him,” Riddle spoke, “you can tell us his motive.”

“I’d be betraying my dorm,” Jack growled.

“Is your loyalty all you care about?!” Deuce hissed. “Yuu-kun’s missing! Who knows what they’re
doing with him?!”

“Woah, cool the delinquent there, Deucey,” Cater cooed with a teasing smile, a hand on the boy’s
shoulder. “Let him talk, ‘kay?”

Jack’s head hung low, ears flat. “I can’t put up with this anymore.” His fists clenched. “I’ve put
myself through the wringer to see how far I could go in this tournament. A fight is supposed to test
your limits against tough opponents- not sickening tricks! There’s no meaning in a victory like that!
I wanted to win using my own power!”

Ace groaned. “Okay cool. So what about Ruggie-senpai?”

“I get that feeling,” Deuce admitted with a competitive flash in the eyes.

“Ruggie-senpai’s Magic is…” he thought how to phrase, “something that makes another person
move exactly like him.”

Riddle’s brow furrowed in concentration. “But if he did something to make someone fall down the
stairs, wouldn’t that be rather suspicious? I doubt the headmaster would enlist Yuu-kun’s help for
something so obvious.”

“He isn’t flying solo,” Jack scoffed. “I bet all of Savanaclaw is in on it. Like you said, Ruggie-
senpai would stand out if he were by himself. I bet the others are acting as meat-shields.”

Ace’s brow shot up in alarm. “A power like that… Cater-senpai, we need to find Yuu-kun!”

“If Ruggie-senpai took Yuu-kun, it’s probably because he found some evidence,” Jack assured in a
huff. “The prize they’ve got their eyes set on is the Dorm Head of Diasomnia, Malleus Draconia.
That guy’s a beast on the battlefield, and led Diasomnia to victory twice in a row. Savanaclaw still
holds a grudge for humiliating them without a single point on the board.”

“Losing without scoring at all,” Deuce empathized. “That’s got to be frustrating for a dorm that’s
usually on top.”

“And the whole world was watching,” Grim sighed.

“So this is all to get to Malleus-san?” Riddle concluded. “I cannot allow anyone to sully our
traditions with underhanded methods regardless of a grudge.”

“So what are you thinking, Riddle-san?” Cater asked.

“We don’t have Yuu-kun’s evidence; and if they’ve put this much thought into it, it’ll be foolish to
accuse without a plan. I have an idea-“

“Wait,” Jack interrupted. “I’ve got no intention of teaming up.”

“Little late for that, huh?” Ace scoffed.

“I’m going to take down my dorm myself,” he decided. “See ya.”

“How well has that been working out for you?” Deuce asked. Jack stopped, ears perked. “Your
chances of winning one versus a whole dorm is slim to none.”

Jack growled. “Fine. But if I don’t like your plan, I’m out.”

“Wait a pain,” Ace groaned.

“You’re just saying that because he’s just as stubborn as you,” Cater teased.
“Hey, Yuu-kun. I got ya something.”

Yuu cocked a brow at Ruggie. “You didn’t steal it did you?”

“So that’s what you think of me.” He feigned hurt.

“I’m not hearing a no.”

He snickered and sat down next to her. He dug out a foil wrapped package and put it in her palm.
Chocolate. “This stuff helps, right?”

Oh right. She’d nearly forgotten. “I’m just PMS’ing. How’d you know I’m a girl, anyway?”

“Leona-san wasn’t lying about animal instincts,” he put plainly. “We can smell you.“

Yeah okay that was a bit unsettling. Or low-key creepy.

“Thanks.” She unwrapped it. “So you’ve been using your Unique Magic to sabotage everyone,

“Yeah, basically. Why?”

“Well, thanks for not killing anyone.”

His ears flattened. “I’m not a murderer.”

“But kidnapping is still fine?” She challenged.

“You have your own room with all the pillows you can want. As far as prison cells go, this one’s
pretty cush.”
She smirked teasingly. “You’re not denying it this time.”

“I know better than to argue with a woman,” he sighed, leaning back on his palms. “So what do
you want me to call you?”

“Yuu-kun is fine. Or Yuu-chan if it’s alone.”

He smirked. “Sounds like a lot of trouble to hide your gender. Why bother?”

“I don’t want a harem, thanks.”

He snorted. “Bet they’d treat you like a queen, though. Imagine all that food!”

She cocked a brow. “Yeah pass.” She took off a chunk of the chocolate bar. “Want any?”

He blinked at the offering. “Are you sure?”

“It’s just chocolate.”

He smirked and took the bite. “You’re not like the girls in the Afterglow Savannah, Yuu-chan.”

“How am I different?”

“Those ladies are scary. Super tough.” He nodded to himself. “But you’re more laid-back.”

“Would you rather me clock you in the face or something?”

His eyes widened. “Wait that was true?!”

“About Riddle-senpai? Yeah.”

He laughed.

“Oh. By the way, can I see your pen?” She pointed to the topaz.

He hummed for a moment. “You can’t use Magic, right?”


He plucked it from his chest-pocket, but didn’t let it leave his hand. Yuu took note of the dark
splotches clouding the gem.

“You should probably take a break from using so much Magic.”

“You worried about me?” He smirked. “Shishishi.”

“I don’t want you to Overblot.”

“Overblot, huh? That’s never happened to me. I think I’ll be fine.”

“I don’t want to have to punch you in the face, too.”

It was a bluff. But she really, really did not want to have to go through that again. It was horrifying
seeing a person mangled by Magic, a shell of themselves and oozing with malice. Watching them
destroy themselves with spite and blood-

Ruggie sighed. “I take it back. You’re a different kind of scary.”

She snorted.

Chapter End Notes

Chapter End Notes

Ruggie’s love language is gifts. You can’t change my mind.

EDIT: if any of you want to write or draw anything for/based off this fic, by all means!
Just like, list it as an inspo or just throw it me via gift! I’d love to see it! If I end up
getting more than I expect (which is 0 lol) I’ll make a collection for them!
The Way to a Man’s Heart
Chapter Summary

So if I try to leave, Leona-senpai won’t call off the others if they try to pull some crap.
I’m not sure how much of that was a bluff, though. So how do I get out of here? Or at
least let the others know I’m not dead.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

It was late evening, and the sun was sinking into the savannah’s soil. The blushing sky of twilight
was pretty here, Yuu decided. The golden silk of the savannah lands glistened in the sun glow.
There was something more raw about Savanaclaw than the other dorms she had seen. There were
no tall turrets looking down on the others or elaborate lawn decor inviting guests in. There wasn’t
even the ever-popular fountain spouting from the ground in the front. It was like an understated

They probably know I’m gone by now.

The room she was in wasn’t too bad, either. It was wall to wall with ornate pillows that were far
more comfortable than they appeared. Flower shaped lamps bloomed from the ceiling, basking it in
a sort of golden gloomy glow. The ceiling was paneled with some thin wood. It was a bit dustier
than she would have liked. If she had to guess, it was some sort of storage closet.

So if I try to leave, Leona-senpai won’t call off the others if they try to pull some crap. I’m not sure
how much of that was a bluff, though. So how do I get out of here?

Ruggie knocked on the wall before entering. “What do you want for dinner? The cafeteria’s going
to close soon.”

Or maybe I’ll give Savanaclaw a reason-

“What’s in the fridge?”

“A bunch of random stuff.”

“I can work with that.” Yuu stood from where she was sitting.

Ruggie blinked. “Woah, hey, where do you think you’re going?”

“The kitchen.” The way she said it made it sound like it should’ve been obvious.

“Leona-san said you need to stay hidden,” he protested.

“He also said you’re in charge of protecting me, right? As long as you’re with me, I’ll be fine.”

And if you turn the blind eye, you’ll be the one in hot water.

Ruggie thought for a moment before sighing. “Fine. Let’s go.”

He led her downstairs to the lounge. Like Heartslabyul, there was a community kitchen. It was
made of stone, and most of the cooking-ware was cast iron. She took a quick peek at the fridge to
discover half-empty containers of… whatever they had. Half-gallons, half-dozens, etc.

“Do you have an apron?” She asked, getting out the eggs.

Ruggie hummed, digging out a cloth bundle from a cabinet. From the looks of it, no one had used
it in a while. He must have guessed what she was thinking.

“Savanaclaw is full of competitive athletes. We usually just grab what we want and keep moving.”

Yuu stared at him incredulously, tying the apron around her. “Don’t you get indigestion?”

He shrugged. “Meh.”

She sighed. Whatever. Easier for me, I guess.

“So what are ya makin’?” Ruggie asked, looking through the ingredients.

“Stir-fry. That ok with you?”

“This isn’t for me,” he chuckled. “I don’t care.”

“You’re eating, too.” Her voice was commanding.

He didn’t have it in him to argue. He yielded with a sigh. “Stir-fry’s fine.”

“Think you can make some rice?”

He gave a nod before getting to work.

“So what’s your favorite food?” She asked while she got to dicing.

“Anything that isn’t moldy,” he put simply. “I can eat anything.”

“You have some low standards,” she teased.

“You learn not to be picky when you’re poor in the slums.” There wasn’t any bitterness or
restfulness in his tone. Even so, he wasn’t looking at her, rather sticking to the task at hand.

Well that escalated quickly.

“But you have to have a favorite food,” she pressed.

Ruggie thought for a moment. His ears flattened a bit in embarrassment. “I like donuts.”

A fond smile tugged at her lip.

How cute.

“So what about you, huh?” Ruggie recovered, pinning it on her. “You’ve got to have a favorite.
Unless you live off of chocolate.”

She turned on the stove. “I like pasta. And sushi. Not together.”

He gagged. “No duh.”

“Hah so you don’t like sushi-pizza either!”

“Congrats, Yuu-chan,” he jested. “You found a combination even I wouldn’t eat.”

“I’ll take that as a win.”

He smirked. “You find victory in the smallest thing, huh?“

“Not all of us are elite Spelldrive players,” she quipped.

“Shishishi.” He snickered. “Fair enough.”

“Something smells good,” a voice happily hummed.

Ruggie’s ears flicked, eyes flaring in mild panic.

Yuu tensed.
“Aren’t you the one with Heartslabyul guys?” Another voice asked.

Ruggie took a deep breath before turning to the slowly growing crowd. “Leona-san invited him.”

“Must be awfully special to get Leona -san’s attention,” another jeered with a smirk.

He had the balls to prowl toward her. Ruggie got between them.

This is my fault.

“He smells like a girl.” Another commented.

“Now that you mention it,” a fourth agreed. “I thought I smelled something weird yesterday.”

But this does give me the chance I wanted.

“Thought that was just Heartslabyul stench…”

A sound like a whip-crack snapped them out of their conversation. They all turned to Yuu, who
was holding the attention with a spatula in hand. Her gaze was sharp. “Ever hear of the phrase,
don’t bite the hand that feeds you?”

They stilled. An eerie silence only caught by the crackle of the stove fell between them. She even
had Ruggie’s attention.

“You’re gonna feed us, huh, babe?” The gutsiest one taunted. “How sweet. Although I’d much


Yuu, in all of her tiny might, pinned him to the wall. Knee caught between his crotch, only a
millimeter off from his valuables. Her hands were on her hips, one hosting a hot, greasy spatula.
He squeaked. Ruggie tucked his smirk behind his bandana.

“ What were you saying, babe?” She challenged.

“N-nothing, m-ma’am,” he whimpered.

She smirked and pat his head. “Good boy. Now sit down and let me cook. And the rest of you-“
she turned to the crowd. “If you want to eat, I suggest you keep all harrassment to yourselves.” She
unsheathed a blade from the block before spinning it skillfully in her palm. “I have quite the
collection of knives at my disposal here.” The blade found a wall, only an inch away from one of
the boys’ faces. “And I have pretty good aim, too.”

Ruggie decided one thing: Yuu is terrifying .

Which is kinda hot, in Savanaclaw’s opinion.

“Y-you’re feeding us?” A smaller boy piped up.

“You all good with stir-fry?” She asked, plucking the knife from the wall.

“Yes, ma’am!” The answered in a unanimous bellow.

“Perfect. Oh. And one more thing.” She smiled sweetly. “If you speak a word to anyone about this
outside the dorm, any of you, I will personally emasculate you.”

All of them jolted at the imagery, taking her smile like a snake’s hiss. “Y-Yes ma’am!”

“Glad we’re in agreement. So. Who wants dessert?”

“Dessert too?!” A Savanaclaw second-year gaped.

“Food angel!” A first-year cheered.

“Ruggie-senpai, can we keep her?”

He blinked at him, before staring at Yuu in bewilderment. She had the cockiest smirk on her face.

Sorry, Leona-senpai, but I won’t need your protection.

Chapter End Notes

Girl-boss Yuu, anyone?

Food Angel
Chapter Summary

“Why do they insist on calling me that?” She asked with an amused chuckle.

“Who knows? But it’s kinda funny.”

She laughed. “I guess there are worse things.”

Savanaclaw had never been happier. Diasomnia was slated to crumble the next day, their Dorm
Leader was in a pretty good mood despite being MIA, and the Food Angel had descended from the
heavens. It was honestly kind of refreshing seeing them like this, in Ruggie’s opinion.

Maybe it was because of his upbringing, but Ruggie loved it when people were smiling around a
table. Food, where he was from, was scarce. Food was everything. It was life, it was an expression,
it was what he knew.

And here was this girl in the dorm kitchen, practically kidnapped (yeah he said it) making the
whole dorm something to eat. No one asked her to, expressed hunger, or anything that would
prompt such generosity. She just… did.

And she was a good cook, too! Ruggie wasn’t ever too picky, but he knew good food when he had
it. And Yuu could cook! All of the dorm knew, too.

Yuu was also intimidating. Despite her kindness, however subtle and casual it may be, she didn’t
hesitate to put the Savanaclaw boys into place. Which had some of them swooning with puppy-
love, but that was Leona’s problem for later.

“Hey, Ruggie-kun?” Yuu’s voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

“What’s up?”

“Mind taste testing this for me?”

He eyed the small bundle in her hand. It was a familiar spherical dessert, with a void center oozing
with a mouthwatering glaze. The cake was golden brown glistening in the light like a desert jewel-
a warm and inviting color that made him practically drool.

“A donut?” He, the idiot, muttered in awe.

“You said you like them, right?“ Yuu responded nonchalantly, despite her growing smile at his
stupid face. “Will you try them for me?”

He took the delightful dessert from her hand, daring to sink his fangs into the flesh. The sweetness
melted into his mouth in a welcoming warmth.

“They’re delicious!” He blissfully hummed.

“Can we have some, Food Angel-san?” One of the other boys asked, ears bowed in bashfulness.

Yuu, in response, set down a whole platter of donuts. They varied in flavor from glazed, chocolate,
and strawberry. Some of them even had sprinkles! Where she found those, he’ll never know.

“Thank you, Food Angel-san!” They all cheered before digging into the platter.

Ruggie stole several from the tray before they could be massacred by the other men. Yuu watched
from afar, a smirk tugging at her lip. She probably took pride in having people enjoy her cooking,
he assumed.

“Why do they insist on calling me that?” She asked with an amused chuckle.

“Who knows? But it’s kinda funny.”

She laughed. “I guess there are worse things.”

Night had long sense fallen by the time Yuu made a move. She didn’t have a clock, but if she had
to guess, no one in their right mind would be awake at that hour. And even if there was, she had all
of Savanaclaw wrapped around her finger.

Except for Leona.

She dipped out of her room on her toes, a specific box in hand. She made her way to destination
one: Ruggie’s room. She had seen him head there personally after their dorm-wide dinner. He was
fast asleep, his fluffy ears barely poking out of the blankets. She couldn’t make out most details in
the dark. If his hearing was as good as his nose, she couldn’t risk rummaging for her phone. So, she
left the box on the table farthest from his bed, before heading to destination 2: the kitchen.

The kitchen was a place that her scent could afford to be tracked down to. She leaned her head out
the window, before tumbling out. She hit the ground with a soft thud. She held her breath, for good

Hopefully Ruggie-kun won’t get into trouble…

But that’s why she left the note and the box, of course. Leona didn’t seem like the type to use
blackmail against her, but he did seem likely to discipline those who failed their task. But murder
wasn’t legal so Ruggie should be fine. And if he was in danger, he could crash at her place for a
bit. No big deal.

She said a prayer anyway.

Making it back to the Mirror was easy from there. The Mirror Chamber was a certain type of
somber. The lingering buzz in the air was like the Christmas Eve excitement. Even with no one
there, the ghosts of anticipation stayed.

Where should I go?

She could return to Ramshackle, sure, but on the off chance Leona sent some people after her?

Cater was fast asleep. Tomorrow was the Spelldrive tournament, after all. With Trey hurt, they
were counting on him.

But honestly? He didn’t care too much. He liked the publicity of it, sure, but his mind was
elsewhere. Hopefully where Yuu was, wherever she-


Cater shot out of his bed, immediately snatching his phone and shining a light. “Who’s there?“
This has to be a dream.

There, on his fluffy carpet, was the petite body he’d come to know well. She looked like a pile of
spaghetti, limbs sprawled awkwardly. She must have climbed through the window-

I’m on the second floor!


She yawned, sitting up. Her eyes were clouded with sleepiness, her hair an absolute mess. “Hey,

He almost tripped out of bed, blankets pulling his feet like a fishnet. He stumbled to the floor,
grabbing her arms and looking her over. His eyes frantically checked her skin for any blemish.
Terror mixed with relief made his heart race to the point of pain in his chest.

I swear if they so much as touched her-

“I’m okay,” she assured with a genuine laugh.

“They didn’t pull anything, did they?” He asked, unconvinced. “Or say anything rude?”

“One did. But I nearly kicked him in the nuts so he shut up real fast.”

He snorted. The breath he was holding loosened from his chest. His arms wrapped around her,
bringing her to his chest. She didn’t tense or recoil, but melted into it and returned it with a tight

“I’m glad you’re alright, Yuu-chan.”

He felt her nuzzle into his shoulder. “Sorry I scared you. They took my phone.”

“Those jerks,” he chuckled lightly, squeezing her tighter. Almost as if she’d be taken from them
again. The terror still lingered in his mind.

“Oh. By the way. The person responsible is Ruggie-kun. Leona-senpai told him to do it, though.”

“ That’s what you’re worried about?” His voice was just as exasperated as he felt.

“Well, that is the reason they brought me to their dorm,” she reasoned matter-of-factly.

He groaned. This girl…

“Hey, Cater-kun?” Her voice was soft. Delicate even.


“Can I stay here tonight?” She paused, adding even softer. “I don’t want to be left alone.”

“Of course you can, Yuu-chan.” He smiled softly.

Cater suddenly found some inspiration for the tournament. A spark that ignited the flame.

Those Savanaclaw punks are going down tomorrow.

Chapter Summary

“You cooked for them?” Ace stared incredulously.

“You threw a knife?!” Deuce gawked.

“I have good aim,” she offered with a nonchalant shrug.

Chapter Notes

this one is so l o n g

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Yuu yawned, stretching her arms as she rose from her sleep. The sun was crawling into the sky as
dawn broke. Cater’s orange-hued room felt more vibrant in the sun’s early light.

Sleeping arrangements were a thing, for sure. Cater did have a small couch seated on the same wall
as the door, so she opted to stay there. She wasn’t about to kick him out of his own bed. She was a
bit miffed about having to sleep in her uniform, but she’d just shower in the morning.

After she ate breakfast. Speaking of, she was starving. Sure, she ate at the Savanaclaw dorm, but
there was hardly any room for seconds.

“Good morning, Yun-Yun,” Cater greeted with a yawn, combing his ginger locks with his fingers.
“How’d you sleep?”

“Fine, thanks. How about you?”

“As good as I could have.” He offered a smile.

“Good. Do you want me to leave so you can get changed?”

“That would be epic, thanks,” he sighed with relief.

She took that as her cue to make it to the kitchen. They had to have cereal or something-

But she smelled actual food. Not to diss on cereal, but that was arguably the most low-effort food
someone could ask for. So who was-

Trey was humming to himself, leaning on his

crutch and scrambling a hash. This man.


On crutches.


“Trey-senpai?” Yuu dared to question.

He didn’t flinch, rather choosing to turn around with a sunny smile. “Good morning, Yuu-kun. I
didn’t hear you come in.”

“I crashed with Cater-senpai last night,” she explained, making her way to the stove.

“How’d you even get in the dorm? Or I suppose I should ask how you got out of Savanaclaw’s.”

“You heard about that?” She blinked.

“It took Ace-kun, Deuce-kun, and Riddle-kun quite some time to fall asleep.” He smiled tiredly.
“They were worried about you.”

All she could offer in response was an “I’m sorry.”

“I’m just glad you’re okay,” he assured with a genuine grin.

She nodded. “So why are you cooking, anyway? Doesn’t your leg hurt?”
“I have my weight shifted as much as I can to my other side,” Trey reassured. “Besides, it’s the
Spelldrive tournament today. I can’t play, so the least I can do for my dorm-mates is cook them a
hardy breakfast.”

Yuu could understand that. It was admirable, honestly. If his role as a player was removed, he’d
simply find another way to support his dorm.

Trey-senpai, I’m sorry I thought you were boring. Your name is fine I take it back.

“You’re really cool, Trey-senpai,” she decided.

He chuckled. “I try.”

She sat down on a barstool, watching him work his magic. She liked the domestic air of it all. It
was refreshing, considering the previous few days. It was a much needed break she didn’t know
she wanted. She allowed herself to breathe and take in the crisping air. The silence was soothing,
only filled by the crackle of the sizzling pan or the occasional turn of the spatula. Trey’s humming
was like a distant melody.

“Yuu-kun?” A voice gently breathed, pulling her out of her thoughts.

She kicked off the bottom of the cabinet to spin to face the newcomer. Or well, she was the guest.
He was the house warden. He was already dressed in his uniform, in as pristine condition as usual.
His silvery eyes sparkled in surprise.

“Oh, hey, Riddle-senpai.”

A relieved smile tugged at his features before he made his way over to her in a formal stride.
“You’re alright.”

“I snuck out last night. I ended up stealing Cater-senpai’s couch.”

“Why not head back to your own dorm?” He questioned.

“I rather Leona-senpai not send anyone after me,” she offered in a nervous laugh.

“Safety in numbers,” Trey agreed.

“I suppose I’ll overlook the rule Cater-senpai broke in housing you,” Riddle decided, “as it was for
your own safety.”

He really is loosening up.

She smiled. “Thanks. So are you excited for the tournament?”

“I’m not particularly the athletic type,” he admitted, “but I can see the value of the tournament. It’s
a perfect scouting opportunity for after graduation.”

A pang pricked her chest.

She nodded. “I suck at sports, too. I do have some decent aim, though, when I throw things.”

“I never said I was awful at it,” he insisted with an indignant pink hue. “I’m just inclined to other

“Like Magic?”

“Like Magic, yes. The more athletic attributes of the sport are what I lack, but my teammates can
make up for my shortcomings.”

“It is kinda unrealistic to be good at everything, huh?”

He paused, staring at her with wide eyes, before he snorted softly with a smile. “I guess so.”

“By the way, did you find out who’s been sabotaging the Spelldrive players?” Trey cut in, serving

“Ruggie-kun,” she answered. “But it was because Leona-senpai asked him to. I’m not sure why,

“We already have a plan in place to thwart their schemes,” Riddle assured. “Jack-kun told us

She sighed with relief. Thank goodness they figured it out on time.

She was then met to a light punch to the shoulder. She turned her head, only to see a familiar red-
head dressed in his uniform on the side he didn’t hit. His amber eyes brimmed with relief. “How’d
you get out?”

“I took a cue from you and went through a window,” she told him plainly.

He snorted, an amused smirk played on his lips. “That was one time.”

Riddle cocked a brow. “You pick locks, too. Are we going to ignore such a specific skill?”

His brows dropped into a betrayed glare. “That was because you told me to!”

“I never told you to defile his door,” Riddle insisted with a scowl.

Ace groaned, knowing this wasn’t going to go anywhere. He could practically feel another collar
clipping to his neck.

“Defilement is a bit extreme,” Cater sighed, walking in and grabbing a plate. “But breaking into
houses isn’t cool. 0/10 would never recommend.”

Ace wasn’t going down without a fight. “I guess that would make Riddle-senpai my alibi?”
The Dorm Leader opened his mouth to protest, only to sigh in an un-fought battle’s defeat. He had
no leg to stand on. He covered his shamed face in his palms. Yuu offered him a light pat on the

“Is Deuce-kun awake?” Trey asked.

“I’m not his babysitter,” he scoffed.

“A-Deuce has been split,” Cater sighed dramatically.

“Don’t call us that!” Ace’s face lit up red.

“Call us what?” A sleepy voice yawned.

Yuu turned to see a fully-dressed, albeit very tired Deuce.

“A-Deuce,” Ace echoed in disgust.

“It’s cute!” Cater protested.

“Keep calling us that, and I will block you.”

He laughed.

Deuce finally noticed Yuu when Ace stepped away to grab some milk. His eyes widened and he
shuffled over. “You’re back.”

“In the flesh.” She smiled. “Miss me?”

“Yes!” He admitted unabashedly. “Did they hurt you? I don’t see any bruises-!”
“I’m fine. I promise.”

“How did you escape?”

“Window.” She gestured vaguely to the nearest one.

“Didn’t they smell you?” Trey realized.

“They did. But I scared the crap out of them, I think.” She spoke a bit too plainly, she realized, as
everyones’ eyes were glued on her.

Okay yeah that’s kinda vague, Yuu.

“I want deets,” Cater decided.

“One of them made some not-so-nice-comments. So I pinned him to a wall and slammed my knee
under his crotch-“ Ace recoiled in phantom pain, and Riddle winced. “Then I threw a knife about
an inch from one of their faces’s. Y’know. To prove a point. Then I made them food.”

“You cooked for them?” Ace stared incredulously.

“You threw a knife?!” Deuce gawked.

“I have good aim,” she offered with a nonchalant shrug.

“I gotta see.”

“Knife-throwing isn’t technically prohibited,” Riddle mumbled under his breath. But everything
about his face indicated he was having a crisis.
“I guess wearing pink to feed flamingos was more important,” Ace quipped with an unapologetic

“Brutal,” Cater mouthed to Trey. He smirked, shaking his head.

“We can use this old cutting board as a target,” Trey offered. “I was about to throw it out anyway.”

The board, in question, looked like a splintering piece of wood. It was like it lost a fight with a box
cutter. If Yuu had to take a guess, it dated back the Pre-Trey era.

“Who’s going to hold it?” Ace scoffed.

“I’ll do it,” Trey decided, hobbling over across the room. “You can’t afford to get hurt until after
the tournament.”

“We’ll never forget you, Trey-senpai,” Ace lamented soberly.

“Don’t say that like he’s going to die!” Deuce scolded.

“Let me get my camera ready!” Cater chimed, digging out and propping up his phone.

Ace brought over the kitchen knives. Riddle stood back, clearly anxious about the whole thing. “
One throw,” he demanded, as if he was actually in control of the situation.

Yuu nodded, picking out her choice blade. She took her aim. The air was quiet. No one moved. It
was tense, but luckily she had a knife to cut through it.


The board splintered in half. The blade wedged between the wood.

Deuce’s jaw dropped.

Ace stared starstruck.

Riddle’s eyes were wide in horror.

Cater was in awe.

Trey stared at the cleaved board.

“Trey-kun,” Riddle spoke with a higher voice than he probably wanted, “do you think it’d be
blasphemous to add another rule to the Laws of the Queen of Hearts?”

“We could add a Dorm rule?” He suggested, digging the blade out of the wooden sheath.

“That will have to do. No throwing knives in the kitchen.” He decided.

“Yuu-kun,” Deuce piped up, staring at the weapon on the counter. “You are something else.”

And terrifying , the rest silently agreed.

Chapter End Notes

We got some call-backs in this one! :D

Chapter Summary

This was… something. A thing that was happening. Yep.

It was hard to consider that these were the same guys sabotaging another dorm for
victory. They were bright-eyed and earnest.
Good boys.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“Welcome to the Night Raven College Inter-Dorm Spelldrive Tournament!” The announcer
boomed. “We apologize for the wait! It is finally time to welcome our competitors to the

There was a pause to allow the audience to cheer.

“First up, last year’s champion! The reigning flash, Dias~omni~a~!”

The crowd’s excitement was enough to burst Yuu’s ear drums. Everyone was in position. She was
the only one without a part to play. She covered her ears. She couldn’t wait to get this over with.
She heard rumbling through her cupped palms.

Is that thunder?

“W-What is that?!” A voice cried out. “There’s a bunch of people running down the street like a

“M-my body!” Another bystander squawked. “Get out of the way! Move!”

“I’m going to be trampled!” Another squeaked.

The screaming crowd could be seen from the other side of the stands. Tents collapsed in the chaos.
Yuu could only watch as the tide washed away a whole lane of the festival.
“Oh no?! What’s happening?! The audience has started running headlong down the street
and sweeping others with them! Calm yourselves, everywhere! The panicked audience is
heading straight for the Diasomnia team! Move, everyone! Move !”

Desperate cries rang out through the crowd. Yuu knew exactly what was happening on the other

Well, she definitely didn’t approve of Savanaclaw’s methods, but she had to admit it was a thought-
out plan. With a mastermind behind it: Leona .

A control tower. A king .

Why does he want to be king so badly?

“Yuu-kun, we should head to the stadium,” Grim meowed. “I don’t want to miss Leona-senpai’s

“That’s a bit extreme,” she chuckled. “But ok.”

He snickered and followed her to the arena. Everyone was getting into position. Ruggie burst
through a small pack of Savanaclaw students to boast of their victory to Leona.

“It’s the Food Angel!” One of the Savanaclaw students recognized.

Grim tilted his head in confusion. “I don’t remember being called that before.”

“Food Angel-san!” Another cheered.

And before she knew it, she gained a small army of men. Grim squeaked as he was pushed aside.

“Have you come to watch us play?” A blond one asked hopefully.

“We’ll crush Diasomnia just for you!” Another chimed with a competitive fire in his eyes.
“When did you get so famous?” Grim grumbled.

Yuu ignored him. This was… something. A thing that was happening. Yep.

It was hard to consider that these were the same guys sabotaging another dorm for victory. They
were bright-eyed and earnest.

Good boys.

“Do your best, guys.” She smiled sweetly.

She meant it, too. She wanted them to win of their own merit- their own strength.

That was like a pat on the head to them. Bright smiles stretched across their faces ear-to-ear. Tails
were wagging. “We will, Food Angel-san!”

“Do any of you know where Leona-senpai is?” Yuu asked.

“He’s over there with Ruggie-senpai!” A first-year chirped.

She nodded her thanks before making her way to the duo. Riddle beat her there.

“We heard everything,” he stated plainly, standing tall on those heels. Behind him was Cater, Ace,
and Deuce. Jack, though, was a surprise.

Well I’m glad you did, because I sure didn’t.

Leona smirked, towering over Riddle with a lazed look. “Well now, if it isn’t Heartslabyul, all
together. And one of our young-bloods as the cherry on top.” A teasing glint shined in his eye.
“Did you transfer into Heartslabyul, pup?”

He met his gaze evenly, shoulders broadening as a challenge. “I can’t stand being at your side right
“Traitor!” Leona snarled, ears flat against his head.

Riddle was undaunted, posing the end of his scepter toward him. “Your actions have sullied one of
our traditions. As the Dorm Head of Heartslabyul, the dorm that values ‘strictness’, I cannot turn a
blind eye.”

“That stick come from your butt?” He taunted with a malicious smirk.

The taunt fell on deaf ears.

“Intentionally coming into our territory with such a small number of people?” Ruggie taunted with
a lazy smile. “You must be outta your minds.”

“Leona-san?” A Savanaclaw third-year piped up. “Should we take them out?”

Leona scoffed, a smirk playing on his lip. “Go have some fun, boys.”

Yuu side-stepped out of the way. The Savanaclaw boys hesitated.

Deuce cracked his knuckles. “Don’t tell me you’re chickening out now? I thought you had some

He’s in delinquent mode.

“All bark and no bite,” Ace sneered.

You’re asking for it, Ace-kun.

That set them off. The Savanclaw boys lunged at them, snarling.

Deuce didn’t even pick up his pen. He jabbed several in the stomach, throwing elbows relentlessly.
She could’ve sworn she heard bones cracking.
Ace favored Magic attacks. He used Wind mostly, using blunt gale blades to beat them into

Jack was more feral, using muscle bulk to overthrow them.

Cater preferred Magic, too, but he didn’t hesitate to sock one of them in the face. She saw a tooth
fly out of the victim’s mouth.

“That’s for kidnapping Yun-Yun!”

Riddle’s Magic use was impressive. Elegant, even. Rose petals functioned as blades to pin down
any opponent. His small frame made him even more agile than his foe. And even if he was

“Off with your head!”

Heart-shaped collars clamped on the necks of the students. They buckled at the weight, gasping.
“He’s strong!”

“You’re nothing worth mentioning,” Riddle decided coolly. “Ace-kun. Deuce-kun. Do you think
you can continue?”

Ace blew off the smoke from his pen. “Good to go.”

Deuce shook off his bloodied fists. “Of course!”

Leona’s ears pressed flat against his head. “These guys don’t stand a chance against Riddle.”

“But even if you beat us here, you’re too late to save Diasomnia!” Ruggie insisted with a smirk.

“Ho hoh?” A silky, deep voice interrupted. “What a fascinating conversation.”

“ Who is too late?” A taller man with sleek, green hair challenged.

“It’s true,” a silver-haired one agreed. “There is not a single injury among the Diasomnia players.”
He gestured formally to Heartslabyul. “Thanks to them.”
“E-eh?! How ?!” Ruggie’s life flashed before his eyes. His ears shot up, and he jolted at the shock.
“I saw you caught in the stampede!”

“Too bad~!” Cater sing-songed. “That was a bunch of me’s in disguise! Thanks to my Signature
Spell- Split Card!”

Leona’s green eyes were far off. “Come again?”

Cater strode to Leona, meeting his gaze evenly with a sweet smile. “I’ve always wanted to try on
the Diasomnia uniform. Have you seen those colors? I guess I got pretty lucky! I can’t wait to post
it on Magicam!”

“Well now,” the smallest Diasomnia member chuckled. “If that’s the case, I would have let you
borrow my uniform any time.”

He spun around to face the petite man. “Lilia, your uniform would be a little tight on me. Thanks,

“Hey, what is this farce?” Leona asked in a low growl.

“We heard about it from Riddle-san,” Lilia explained with a deceptively kind smile. “So we put on
a little performance for you.”

Ruggie smiled thickly. “Th-then… M-Malleus is…”

The green-haired Diasomnia student straightened his posture. “Naturally, he is in good health! And
he safely guided the panicked crowd to the coliseum without injury using Magic. Be grateful your
stunt didn’t cause any damage!”

“That kind of thing is allowed?!” The hyena gaped.

Yuu should have taken comfort that the traitorous dorm was eating their just desserts. Yet all she
could taste was sour. The Savanaclaw boys were crumpled on the ground, collared like dogs,
Diasomnia and Heartslabyul were emphasizing their victory. And Leona?
Those weren’t the eyes of anger. His sharp green eyes were pale with grief . Like he had lost
everything he never earned.

“It’s over,” Leona breathed. “Over.”

Ruggie’s ears slumped, eyes wide in horror. His voice hollowly asked, “Wait, Leona-san? What are
you saying?”

“Idiot,” he scoffed grimly. “If Malleus-san is going to play at top form, there’s no way we can win.
It’s already been decided. I’m dropping out.”

The words stabbed Ruggie through the heart. Pain rimmed his eyes, brows furrowed into a tense
curve. “Wh-What?”

His voice came out a whisper. He reached out a hand, finding no target.

“Malleus-san stuff aside, we took out all the other star players from the other dorms. But if you’re
not even going to try , how do you know?” His voice cracked. “What about our dream?”

“Your nagging is annoying. Let me give you a dose of reality.” Leona’s words came down like a
guillotine. “You’re just a worthless hyena from the slums-“

Ruggie buckled under the worded weight’s blade.

“-and I’m the loathed second prince who will never be king!” He snarled in a cry. “No matter what
we do- what we try! That will never change!”

“Don’t screw with me!” Ruggie barked, voice cracking at the bite. “What kinda crap is that?!
Giving up after we’ve come this far?!”

At this rate he’s going to Overblot!

Leona’s claws grabbed him by the collar, holding him up by the bandana. Ruggie’s legs swung in
the air, wincing.

“You’re such a pain,” he snickered darkly. “Shut up already!”

Blades of sand rippled in waves from under his feet. The particles dug into skin, ripping away the
material. It kicked up into a vortex, capturing the coliseum in a sandstorm.

Ruggie screeched in pain.

“Everything Leona-senpai touches is turning into sand?!” Jack wheezed through the wind

But that means Ruggie-

“This is my Unique Magic, King’s Roar!” Leona laughed, voice bellowing like a roar through the
storm. “Ironic, isn’t it? For a prince of the savannah, that hates droughts above all else! To be born
with this !” He raised his free hand, the shards of sand threading through his fingers before digging
his fingernails into Ruggie’s arm.

“Leona-“ Ruggie gasped in a wheeze. “I-I can’t!”

The flesh began to crack and crumble.

Disintegrating into the storm surrounding.

Cracked cries broke through the whirlwind.

Hot tears evaporated before they hit the ground.

“Leona-senpai, stop it!” Yuu snapped.

He ignored her. His taunts continued. “How’re ya feeling, Ruggie?! I bet it hurts real bad , huh?!”

Yuu grabbed Ruggie and yanked him from Leona’s grip.

The bandana ripped and disintegrated in Leona’s palms.

Ruggie’s cracked arm shattered into sand.

And all Yuu could see?

Was blood.
Chapter End Notes

“Yuu-chan… I don’t feel so good…”

Also: the bandana didn’t disintegrate due to ‘intention’. I like to think that emotions
can drastically change the strength of a spell, thus making Overblot a “meltdown”. He
didn’t mean to hurt Ruggie, but his anger and being on the verge of Overblot? Yeah it
makes things a bit messy.
In a Sea of Stars
Chapter Summary

Blood isn’t supposed to be outside the body.

Why is there so much.
Blood has to be inside the body!
If it’s outside, he can’t-
He’s going to die!

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“That’s so not cool!” Cater hissed.

“R-Ruggie-kun!” Deuce stammered, eyes wide with alarm.

“You’d hurt your own pack?!” Jack snarled.

“Off with your head!” Riddle screeched.

Leona laughed, free of any metal. “Good thing I have good marks in Defense Magic, huh, Riddle-

Riddle cursed in frustration.

It was all white noise.

There was blood. So much blood.

The hot liquid made her stomach churn, waves of nausea burning her throat.

Ruggie writhed in pain, gasping for air.

There was too much.

Blood isn’t supposed to be outside the body.

Why is there so much.

Blood has to be inside the body!

If it’s outside, he can’t-

He’s going to die!

“Jack-kun!” She managed coherently. “Get Ruggie-kun to Veprl-sensei now !”

He opened his mouth to protest before scooping him up and making a mad dash for it. At some
point, he used his Signature Spell to become a wolf. If she was in better spirits, she might have
joked about it.

But nope. Not the time.

If Leona-san is this powerful without being Overblotted, then we’re all screwed!

“Hey, Leona-san!” She barked. “If you have this much power, why are you doing this?!”

“ Why ?” The man scoffed. His hands started to drip with ink. Time was running out. “How’s
knowing the reason going to change anything? Are you going to scold me- or even comfort me?!”
His laugh sounds like the crackle of lightning. “In this world, it doesn’t matter how much talent
and effort someone has- it doesn’t make any difference!”

“Sebek-kun,” the silver-haired blurted hastily, “let’s get the injured out of here.”

“Don’t assume you get to tell me what to do, Silver-senpai!” He hissed.

Nonetheless, the two scuttled off. Leaving Lilia the sole Diasomnia member in the muck.

“Leona-senpai!” Deuce screamed over the whirlwind. “You used to be an amazing Spelldrive
player! What happened to that?!”
He snarled instead of answering. The ink dripped down his legs.

“Leona-san!” Cater called out. “You need to calm down!”

“Preaching on and on,” Leona scoffed. “Just like my brother.”

Lilia was the one to speak, calm and collected. “Men like you are much more suited for a collar
than a crown.”

“Huh?!” The lion spat. His braids whipped out of their binding, leaving an ashen mane in place.

“You appear to be lamenting how you’ll never be king due to order of birth,” Lilia continued
unfazed. “You live slothfully if you aren’t rewarded. And if things don’t go your way, you find
fault in your retainers.” A sad, yet understanding smile pulled at the man’s lip. “You’re no more
than a child throwing a tantrum.”

Why does he want to be king so badly?

“My fur is standing on end!” Grim yowled.

“Everyone, get back!” Cater cried. “It’s getting dangerous.”

Yuu took a step forward. Her eyes burned by the grain of the sand. “Leona-senpai! What’s the big
deal about being a king, huh?! Look around! Is this how a king would act?!”

“I’m not a king! And I never will be!” He seethed. Fabric frayed into a curtain.

“Really?!” She challenged. “Then what do you call all them?!” She gestured to Savanaclaw, who
could only watch in horror as Leona was turning himself into a monster. “They don’t care whether
you’re a jester or royalty- you’re their king! They’re your pride!”
“I’ve been loathed since the day I was born!” Leona cried, blinking back black tears. “No place to
belong and no future in sight!” He threw his face in his palms. “It’s so dark -!” His voice cracked.
“No matter what I try, no matter how hard -! This agony, this despair …!”

He was on the brink of blot.

But even so… he was holding back.

Leona was fighting it. Begging for a chance for light in his dark world. With no end in sight.

“From the moment I was born!” He snarled. “Until the day I die! I will never be seen as greater
than him!”

He wants to be noticed.

“Yuu-kun!” Ace yelled. “Get back!”

She took another step forward.

“Why was I born the second son?!” He cried. “Why must this stone weigh on my head?! Why?!”

There was another shockwave of sand.


His ears flattened.


“How come we always get roped into scary stuff anyway?” Cater offered a nervous laugh for
levity’s sake.

“I won’t mind if you run,” Riddle assured with earnest.

“Trey-kun would have my head if I ghosted you. I’ve got your back!”
“If I can’t overturn the world-!” Leona wheezed. His voice was sounding inhuman. Like something
born from darkness itself.

“You don’t have to!” Yuu snapped. “Leona-senpai, I know it looks dark! Life sucks, and it’s
unfair! And if you turn the world upside down for yourself, you’d only be hurting those sitting on
the top!”

She grabbed his hand. He flinched, eyes wide.

Her skin pricked with cracks.

“Stop burning your eyes looking at the sun!”

She pointed to the dorm- his dorm.

“And start looking at the stars!“

“Y-You’re our control tower, Leona-san!” A Savanaclaw second-year cried.

“We’d be lost without you!” Another agreed.

“You’re our king , Leona-san!” A third sobbed.

Leona froze in Yuu’s grip.

The pain in her palm stopped.

The sandstorm ebbed.

The inky tears melted into water.

Salty, dollops of tears escaped his eyes.

I was never meant to be the sun, brighter than anything in the sky.

I’m the moon. The unobtainable. In a sky full of stars.

Chapter End Notes

And now we come full circle with the sun/moon/stars motif I’ve been using for his
(Because Lion King. Simba is a sun-spot, everything the light touches, etc..)

Ok so real talk. It takes Leona a LOT of time to Overblot. While Riddle gave in pretty
quickly. So, it may be a bit anti-climactic, but I think Leona’s been hurting more than
Riddle. Riddle is more stuck in his ways and not knowing why things aren’t working
for him, but Leona’s desperate for a miracle he can’t make.
I Never Liked the Dark
Chapter Summary

Someone notice me.

Chapter Notes

This one’s really short so you don’t get tonal whiplash in the next chapter!
Also, first segment is 1st POV from Leona, before switching to third in the next!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Since I was born, it’s felt like there’s an immovable stone atop my head.

The servant groaned. “His Highness Falena is so bright and cheerful, but…” she sighed in defeat,
“why is his brother so hard to please?”

“On top of that,” another agreed, “he can turn anything he touches into sand using Magic. It’s

“Could the two of you keep it down?” The eldest servant scolded. “What if someone heard you?”

But I heard them.

Their cruel remarks.

Dismissive phrases.

I felt them.

The scorch of their scorn.

The weight of the world.

The hole in my chest of what will never be mine.

Had I been born first, things would be different.

Blood by birthright drowns out the heart that beats for more.

If Falena’s the sun with a bright light no one can outshine- no one can ignore,

Then I’m nothing but a shadow. A phantom of what isn’t. Darkness.

The darkness cannot swallow the light.

The cold depths of despair can only be set to flame.

No one likes the dark.

No one likes being bitten by the cruel jaws of the cold.

They want to see in the light.

They want to feel its warm kiss.

Everything the light touches is blessed.

No place is darker than the heart of the shadow- the pit of the soul blackened by the sun’s scorch.

No one goes to the shadowy place.

No one saw me.

Someone notice me.

Leona’s legs buckled from beneath him, strangled sobs scratching at his throat. Savanaclaw caught
their king as he collapsed as he dissolved into a mess of tears.

Caught cries clipped his vocal chords.

He spat film. His face morphed in anguish.

His pride wrapped their arms around him, embracing him for what he was.
For who he wasn’t.

For who he didn’t need to be.

And saw him even in his dark.

Chapter End Notes

Hi! So I explained this another fic of mine, but the way I write internal monologues
are full of intentional contradictions or ‘thought fragments’ to emphasize emotion. This
is more so to reflect the way people think and experience emotion. I hope that makes
Does It Count as Second-Hand Trauma if the Other Guy Doesn’t Have an
Chapter Summary

Yuu didn’t know was that Cater got a yellow-card for slamming the Spelldrive disk
into Leona’s face. Or that Riddle turned a blind eye.

Chapter Notes

Btw! For the next arc. Whoever can guess what play that the Film Studies Club will
be performing first will get a shout-out at the reveal!

It’s got a movie and a musical
It WAS on Disney+
It’s ironic considering Yuu’s background
None of the TWST characters are based from it
(ie: not 101 Dalmations bc Crewel)

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Mr. Kingscholar.” Crowley’s voice commanded the king’s attention. “You fell into a rampage.
Do you not remember?”

Guilt tainted Leona’s features. “Yeah. I remember.”

“More importantly!” Grim meowed. “The Spelldrive Tournament is about to begin! If you don’t
confess, I can’t play in the tournament.”

“Is it safe to assume that your dorm caused all the accidents leading up to today?” Crowley

Leona’s head hung low, ears flat. “Yeah. That was us.”

Irritation mixed with disappointment radiated from his glowing golden eyes. “Understood. Then,
first of all, Savanaclaw Dorm is disqualified from this year’s tournament. Further punishment will
be decided after I’ve discussed it with those you injured. Is that clear?”
The words came forced. “Crystal.”

“Headmaster, please wait a moment,” Riddle piped up.

“Mr. Rosehearts?” The headmage hummed curiously.

“I’ve spoken with all of Leona-san’s victims,” he declared proudly. “And I have their signatures to
prove it. But they demand that Savanaclaw participate.” He presented a stack of papers- a petition
for his claim.

“They’re kinda peeved,” Cater laughed lightly. “We’d bring them all here, but some of them are
on crutches. Such as Trey-kun.”

“We want payback,” Deuce added, popping his knuckles with a resounding crack.

“Personal squabbles involving Magic are prohibited on campus,” Riddle spoke. “And while using
our traditions to settle grudges is disrespectful, I’ll turn a blind eye this once.”

Crowley’s hand folded beneath his mask in thought. “I see. If that’s what they’ve decided. Mr.
Bucchi, however, is another matter.”

Jack entered the scene at a steady jog. “Ruggie-senpai’s fine! He’s going to be okay!”

Leona let loose a breath he didn’t know he was holding.

“Did Ruggie-senpai say anything about the tournament?” Grim asked in a meow.

“I asked him what he thought before Veprl-sensei got to work.” He grabbed Leona by the collar,
demanding his attention. “He says you better give it your best effort. Or he’ll never forgive you.”

Leona’s green eyes went wide before an amused smirk tugged on his lip. “Then I guess I have to
try , huh?”

Crowley sighed tiredly. “My goodness. I’m the fool to think you would have some speech
prepared. I’ll allow Savanaclaw to compete. I must say, as headmaster I would like to avoid having
something like this televised in any capacity.” He paused, looking down at the girl on the court.
“Yuu-kun, your hand is injured, yes? Please have the nurse look at it.”

“Yes, sir.” She held her palm tightly. With the adrenaline ebbing, the pain was starting to settle in.

“What about me?” Grim meowed.

The headmage contemplated to himself for a moment. “Since the teams have already been
announced, I cannot have you officially compete. It’s most impossible.”

“Wha?! But you said-!”

“However!” Crowley cut him off coolly. “We could host an exhibition match. It will be like an
opening act before the main show. You’d have no one to share the spotlight with.”

“I’m good as long as I get to show off!” The cat decided excitedly.

“You’ll need more members,” Ace interrupted, stepping forward. “Count me in. I’ll play for
Ramshackle Dorm.”

“I’ll play, too!” Deuce agreed.

“What are you talking about?” Riddle questioned, thoroughly perplexed. “Aren’t you both on team

“There’s no rule saying you can’t join another dorm’s team, actually,” Cater added. “Sounds like

“Don’t even think about it, Cater-kun,” Riddle warned sharply. “You’re one of our regular


“Just cheering from the sidelines would be boring,” Ace decided with a mischievous smirk. “I’ll do
whatever it takes to have a shot!”

Deuce decided not to join the grave he was digging. “I-I’m not like him!” He insisted. “I want to
help out Yuu-kun!”

Yuu smiled softly, albeit pained. “Good luck out there, guys.”

Deuce offered a confident nod. “We’ll do our best.”

“Just go get fixed up!” Ace beamed.

She nodded before making her way out of the stadium alone.

Yuu entered Veprl’s infirmary quietly. The pricking pain in her hand had twisted into outright
stabbing. The flesh on the top was like cracked earth, with blood oozing like hot magma.

No one was there this time. Everyone from before was likely supporting their teams from the
bleachers. There was only herself and-


The dirty blond-haired boy laid sleepily in his bed. His shirt was long gone, exposing his slim,
albeit toned torso. His left arm laid at his side, but his right was gone- a clean stump of flesh
remained. His pale, blue eyes were glassy with exhaustion as they shifted toward her. “Hey, Yuu-

She nearly tackled him in the bed, but managed to hold back and settled next to him on the bed.
“How are you feeling, Ruggie-kun?”
“I’m not dead, so that’s good.”

“Does it hurt?” She stupidly asked.

“Veprl-sensei has me doped on painkillers,” he put nonchalantly. “Whatever it is, it’s-“ he made
the ok symbol with his hand.

She nodded in understanding. “I’m glad you’re alive, Ruggie-kun.“

He smirked. “Me too.” He noticed her hand, taking it in his gently. “He got you, too, huh?”

“Yeah, but it’s not that big of a deal,” she insisted.

“Does it hurt?”

“A little, but I think you have me beat,” she joked.

He managed a laugh. Genuine, maybe, but hollowed in an emptiness she couldn’t understand.

She almost watched someone die.

Someone get killed.

She’s being silly.

He’s fine! He’s right here- stop being dramatic, Yuu!


She blinked water. Oh.

She felt her cheeks, only for them to be touched by brine. Dollops of water ran down her tips.

“W-what’s wrong?” He stammered in a panic.

“I-I…. Don’t know?”

He’s alive. Stop crying!

He stared at her, just as lost as she was. “Yuu?” His voice was a whisper.

It didn’t suit him.

It didn’t sound right.

He didn’t look like himself. No mischief. No sparkled.

He was raw. Exposed.

“C-Can I hug you?” She asked. “Please?”

He stared at her, eyes wide. A gentle smile tugged at his lip. “Yeah. I guess if it’s you, it’s fine.
I’m drugged up anyway, so don’t be mad if I don’t remember.”

She coiled her arms around him, squeezing his torso tight to her. His arm wrapped around her in
return, burying his head into her shoulder. His fluffy ears warmed her nape. His hair tickled her
shoulders. She didn’t care.

He was here.

He was alive.

In mostly one piece.

It was enough- but it shouldn’t have to be.

“Oh, hey, Yuu-kun,” Veprl’s voice interrupted.

Ruggie nearly shoved her away in surprise, cheeks hot in embarrassment.

Yuu turned to face him, eyes still puffy and pink. “Nurse Veprl?”

“You didn’t lose a limb, too, did you?” He groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose.

“No, but Leona-senpai did break my hand.”

She showed him the mangled flesh of her palm.

Veprl took it gently, analyzing it. “It’s mostly external. Let me just clean it up to be safe. An
infection would suck. Other than that, you’re about to have the worst case of eczema in history.”

“There goes my career as a hand model,” she jested.

He scoffed. “Feet make more.”

Ruggie grimaced in disgust.

“Sorry to ruin your little moment, lovebirds,” Veprl hummed. “But mind if I borrow him for a

“We’re not lovebirds, you moron,” Ruggie growled.

“Big talk coming from the guy in the hospital bed,” Veprl retorted in a deadpan. “I have plenty of
needles. You’ve been literally disarmed.”

His jaw slacked at his joke, bold as it was, before snickering in amusement.

“Let’s just go,” Yuu groaned.

He took her to his office, plucking bandages from the shelf on the way out. Yuu sat down on the
chair, waiting for him to get his creams and ointments out. He didn’t say anything, but even despite
his jokes and usual behavior, something was off. He was bothered by something. She could see a
darkness in his eyes.

“He almost died today, y’know,” he put bluntly. “He lost a lot of blood.”

She knew that. She knew that she knew that. But coming from a medical professional?

It added another layer of reality.

“How’d you fix him?” She forced herself to ask.

“Using my Signature Spell. There was no time for anything else. Turns out, I can’t rewind the body
to regenerate limbs.”

“That would be epic,” she offered with a nod.

“That sounds exhausting,” he groaned.

“So what did you need me for, Veprl-sensei?” Yuu asked softly as he cleaned her busted palm.

“You don’t have Magic, Yuu-kun.” He spoke slower than usual. “You’re not even from Twisted
Wonderland. Watching someone Overblot for the first time can be traumatic. I wanted to make
sure you were ok.”

“I wasn’t the one to lose an arm,” she darkly joked.

“I’m not asking about Ruggie-kun. You watched someone you know almost get killed by someone
Overblotted,” he adamantly insisted. “My Unique Magic can do a lot, but I can’t heal the brain or
the heart. Are you okay, Yuu-kun?”

She hesitated. Veprl was an interesting man. He was aloof and laid-back most of the time, with a
sharp tongue and a dark sense of humor. Seeing his green eyes dimmed with genuine worry was

“I’m…” what are words “I’ll be fine, Nurse Veprl.”

He was unconvinced, but he didn’t push. A silence fell between them as he worked.

Yuu didn’t know was that Cater got a yellow-card for slamming the Spelldrive disk into Leona’s
face. Or that Riddle turned a blind eye.

Chapter End Notes

Veprl’s Signature Spell!

It’s called “Make the Clock Reverse”

He can rewind time around an injury. Dumb stuff like scratches can actually be more
harmful than good, since it has the potential to send the rest of the body into shock.
For Yuu’s leg, for example, he rewound bits at a time.
Hopefully that makes sense
Feeling Blue
Chapter Summary

Becoming complacent was her first mistake.

Disaster struck.

It was bound to happen sooner or later, she lamented, digging out a tiny tube from her

Shark week.

Chapter Notes

Last chance to guess the musical they’re doing! Also, to answer the popular theory, it
isn’t Mulan!

TW for this Chapter: Veprl’s dark sense of humor

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Within the following few days, Ruggie was back to normal. Joking around, getting into trouble,
etc.. If anything, he was getting away with more. And he milked it.

Regarding Leona, he had grown fairly distant. Leona didn’t have an apology in his vocabulary, and
Ruggie didn’t want to bring it up, either. An awkward rift grew in place. The hyena acted as care-
free as he could manage, but he did everything to avoid physical contact with him. Not that Yuu
blamed him.

However, as far as Yuu went?

I’m not sure how I got here.

She had amassed an army of Savannahclaw men. Her lunch tables weren’t so lonesome anymore.

And she did not like it.

“How’d you get so popular, Yuu-kun?” Ace asked incredulously, practically smushed into her
thanks to the others.
“They should be bowing to me,” Grim grumbled.

“They insist on calling me their Food Angel,” she sighed, as if that explained everything.

“Food Angel?” Deuce echoed.

“I’m going to run to the restroom,” Yuu decided. “Guard my food.”

Ace saluted, and Deuce nodded.

She shuffled to the bathroom. Over the past few weeks, she had grown more comfortable using it.
It was routine. No one in the stalls questioned anything or started rumors.

Becoming complacent was her first mistake.

Disaster struck.

It was bound to happen sooner or later, she lamented, digging out a tiny tube from her pocket.

Shark week.

Guess I’m starving. There’s no way Savanaclaw won’t smell me.

She sighed, standing up and leaving the empty restroom. She stopped when she saw Ruggie take a
turn down the hall. She, not having anything better to do, followed.

Is this stalking? She asked, about the boy who followed her and stole her phone.

Eh. We’d be even.

He found him in an empty classroom accompanied only by a lunch tray. His ears twitched as she

“Hey, Yuu-kun. What’s up?”

“Mind if I sit with you?”

He shrugged. “I’m not stopping you.”

That wasn’t a no.

So she took a seat beside him.

“You smell weird,” he bluntly pointed out. “Shishishi. It’s blood moon for you, huh?”

“Blood moon- oh. Yeah. Does it bother you?”

“It’s not the best part of the circle of life,” he admitted plainly.

“You don’t say?” She scoffed.

He snickered before taking a bite of his food. Yuu sat in comfortable silence.

Ruggie was ambidextrous, but tended to favor his right side. The right side that wasn’t there. She
watched him fumble with his fork wordlessly.

“So why are you by yourself?” She asked.

“What’s wrong with being alone?” Ruggie shot back. “People are exhausting.”

“I usually see you in the cafeteria, though. Why the change?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” He took another bite.

“You’re getting defensive,” she pointed out evenly. “If you don’t want to answer, just say so.”
He growled to himself, ruffling his own hair in frustration. “It’s nothing, Yuu-kun. It’s just… hard.
People staring at me like I’ll break.” He laughed darkly. “But I guess that did happen, huh? My
arm broke apart.” He glared daggers at his tray, appetite gone. “I don’t want their pity.”

“I don’t pity you, if that helps,” she offered.

And yet her heart betrayed her words.

Pity wasn’t what she was feeling.

Why was she hurting?

How do I make it stop?

“Thanks, Yuu-kun,” he chuckled. “You’re kinda weird.”

“I’ve heard worse.” She smiled.

How do I fix this?

“You may be weird,” Ruggie decided with a smal smile, “but I kinda wish there were more people
like you.”

A wish.

“Yuu-kun, you never came back!” Deuce pointed out as they walked to their next class.

“Sorry, I must have gotten side-tracked,” Yuu chuckled.

“Since when are you so spacey?” Ace scoffed.

“Your food was good,” Grim assured her with a smile.

Good for you, Grim. I’ll just have to get something later.

“Professor Trein’s class is next, right?” Deuce mused.

“Another nap for me,” the ginger laughed.

“Think like an honor student,” his darker haired friend sighed in defeat.

“It’s hard staying awake in Trein’s class,” Grim sympathized. “He’s so boring!”

“Good thing he’s not the one teaching,” Yuu pointed out.

“Huh?” The boys urked in unison.

In Trein’s place, leaning on the desk, was the familiar school nurse. He was busy thumbing
through some papers, not sparing them so much as a glance.

“That’s the school nurse, right?” Ace asked. “What’s his name?”

“Veprl-sensei,” Yuu answered.

“Do you think that old hairball finally kicked the bucket?” Grim suspected.

“Don’t say things like that!” Deuce scolded through gritted teeth.

Yuu decided to avoid a scolding and took her seat. Ace followed.
“So why’d you actually skip lunch?” He asked in a murmur.

“I couldn’t eat with all those Savanaclaw guys there,” she answered simply.

He scoffed. “You’re gonna starve if you pull that kinda crap.”

“There’s always dinner.”

“Uh-huh. Sure.” He slid over a granola bar. “At least eat this.”

She stared at the plastic before unraveling it in her hand. “Thank you.”

Deuce and Grim joined them on the row. The flow of students didn’t stop there, either. More and
more trickled in one by one. She spotted Epel and waved him over.

“Hey, Yuu-kun. I didn’t see you at lunch,” he greeted quietly.

“Sorry about that.” She smiled. “I kinda skipped.”

His eyes widened in surprise. “Oh! Are you hungry?”

“Ace-kun gave me a granola bar. I’m set. Thank you, though.”

He nodded and took his seat.

Ace noticed Jack and Sebek join the class.

“That should be everyone,” Veprl muttered to himself. “I’ll keep this brief. Who can tell me what
the common denominator is of this class?”

Deuce’s hand shot up.

“Spade,” the nurse prompted.

“We’re all first-years.”

I guess he’s right.

“Exactly.” He grabbed a piece of chalk with his hands and started writing on the board. “This is a
seminar I’ve asked Crowley to let me teach. And you know I’m desperate when I ask to teach. I
suck at it.”

A few students stifled laughs. He didn’t seem to mind.

“A lot of you don’t know me, or know me too well.” He spared a glance at Yuu. “I’m Nurse
Ambrose Veprl. You can call me Veprl-sensei, or Nurse Veprl.”

A hand raised from the west.

“Yes?” Veprl cued.

“So why are we here?”

“We’re here to talk about mental health,” he put simply.

A hush fell over the crowd as a tension squeezed the life out of the class.

“And specifically, Overblot. I’m sure some of you have heard rumors of two Dorm Leaders
Overblotting. Who can tell me what causes Overblot?”

Epel’s hand rose.


“Excessive use of Magic.”

“What else?”

“Emotional stress.”

“You got it.” He leaned back on the desk, ankles overlapping easily. “I’m not going to tell you all
not to use Magic. I mean. This is Night Raven College. If you’re going to try out stupid Magic
stuff, do it here. But Magic is like a battery. It’s power. With a proper circuit and outlet, you can
use that power to fuel many appliances and tools. That’s what those pens of yours are for, to
control your output.”

He held up a spare for good measure.

“Stress is like pressure. What happens when pressure around a battery is too much?”

A hand.


“It explodes!” He passionately declared.

The gem on the pen shattered.

A painful silence befell the classroom.

All eyes were on the crystal shards littering the floor.

Veprl’s voice was steady.

“That’s what Overblot is.”

“But that can’t happen to us, right?” A Heartslabyul student insisted out-of-turn.

“And even if we did, you’ll fix it!” A Savanaclaw freshman barked.

“It can happen to anyone with Magic.” Veprl’s voice was deep with a harshness. “And your
teachers won’t always be there to bail you kids out. Our job is to guide you, not bail you out of your
problems. That’s your job.”
“What’s so dangerous about a little extra power?” A Scarabia student asked.

Veprl was silent as he bent over to the shattered pieces on the ground. “You can die. You lose

Deuce’s hand rose.


“So Overblot is… a Blastcycle if the breaks stopped working?”

Veprl nodded heavily. “You lose control, and you will crash. Sometimes bringing other people
down with you.”

Deuce lowered his head, brow furrowed in deep thought.

Yuu dared to raise her hand.


“What can we do to prevent Overblot?”

“Good question coming from the Magicless one,” a Pomefiore student scoffed.

Epel looked embarrassed for his dorm.

“Those with pre-existing mental health conditions are more likely to Overblot,” Veprl answered
evenly, effectively cutting off the remark. “This isn’t a normal health class, kids. This is a matter of
life and death. Unless you want to explode. In which case-“ he jotted a number on the board
“here’s a hotline.”

“So how do we take care of our brains or whatever?” Another Scarabia student asked after
elevating his palm.
Veprl extended a stack of papers. “You’re all going to answer these quizzes honestly. Before
scheduling an appointment with me. It is your responsibility to schedule it. Failure to do so, or
show up, will result in an automatic fail.”

“I’m not a nutcase!” A Savanaclaw student seethed.

“I never said you were,” the nurse replied coolly. “Overblot can happen to all of us. If not for
yourself, think about those you love.”

Ace raised his hand. “Veprl-sensei, you sound like you’re speaking from experience.”

A sad smirk tugged at the professor’s lip. “Because I am, Trappola.”

The room was dark with smooth jazz lulling an undercurrent. A gloomy glow emanated from
behind the glass shield. Pearls of light were like angler’s treasure, drawing her closer in. Black
leather as sleek as an eel sheened in the pearly lights. The pressure was understated, yet assumed.
Yuu felt like she might drown.

“Ah~!” A slick voice greeted. “A little shrimp has come to see us!”

“Welcome to Mostro Lounge,” another voice greeted suavely. A tall, cyan-haired man offer her a
polite, closed-mouth smile. “This is your first time visiting us, yes?”

“Um,” she responded gracefully, “yes.”

“A pleasure to have you, Yuu-san.” He bowed politely. “Please allow me to explain a few pointers
for this establishment. Mostro Lounge is a place for social meeting between gentlemen. Disputes
between dormitories are prohibited. Here, you follow Octavinelle’s rules regardless of native dorm
residency. Please follow our rules with respect, and enjoy your time here.”

“Where can I find Azul-senpai?” She asked.

Jade’s lip tugged into a smirk. “Currently, our boss is finishing with another customer. Can I ask
you to wait for a moment?”

“You should get a drink, Shrimpy-chan!” Floyd snickered.

“Anything with coffee is good for me.” She smiled.

“A surprise, huh?” Floyd hummed. “Mmkay.”

He scuttled off to behind the bar.

So far, so good. Maybe Cater-kun was overreacting.

Then why did she feel like she was swimming with sharks?

“Yuu-san,” Jade’s voice interrupted, “Azul-san will see you now. If it’s well with you, your drink
is in the VIP Room.”

“Thank you.” She stood up. “Can you show me where that is?”

“Certainly.” He guided her to the back room wordlessly.

Seated behind a lavish, dark desk was a man she hadn’t met. Silver locks fell in front of his face in
elegant waves. Adirft on the silver sea was a black fedora with a twisted shell ornament latched
onto the side like an anchor. A tie matching its shade neatly rested at his collar. His thin hands
were gloved with ivory. Draping atop his shoulders was a lavender-gray coat with the sleeves
falling aside to the side like the drape of a waterfall. Cool, calculating eyes peered at her through a
pair of unassuming glasses. His thin lips quirked into a smile that didn’t meet them.

“Please take a seat, Yuu-san.” His voice was just as suave as his appearance.
By all accounts, he seemed like a charming man. And yet, there was something about those eyes
that reminded her of a dagger’s blade. She faced him, finding her cup as she sat down.

At least they make a mean hot chocolate.

“I’m impressed,” she commented. “I thought a place like this would put all of its budget into decor.
But this is really good.”

He smiled. “We do our best to satisfy every customer. I don’t believe we’ve formally met. I’m
Azul Ashengrotto, Dorm Head of Octavinelle, and the boss of the Mostro Lounge. What would
you like to discuss?”

A tightness coiled around her that she couldn’t quite place. “I heard you grant wishes.”

“That is one way to put it.” Something twinkled in his eye. “I make deals.”

“I need something,” she blurted, “for a friend.”

“How selfless of you,” he praised with an sugar-free sweetness. “There is one problem, however.
You do not possess any Magic, nor do you have a beautiful voice or even a title. You’re an
ordinary human. The higher the demand, the steeper the cost. What did you have in mind?”

He definitely knows how to cut through a person.

“An arm.”

He blinked in surprise. “An arm ?”

Okay. Yeah. Again with the vague, Yuu.

“My friend lost an arm. I was hoping you could help me with a prosthetic.”

No loopholes.

“Not just any kind, either. One that he can use as a real arm.”
He hummed to himself, leaning back in his seat a bit. “That is quite the order. Such an interesting
deal. What could you offer to amount to so much?”

“What do you have in mind?” She challenged.

He chuckled. “Truth be told, I am rather curious about you. You must have quite the origin to
confuse the Mirror so. So, tell me something I can use. A secret .”

“A secret?” She echoed faintly.

“A trade secret, if you will,” he insisted sweetly. “A rather benevolent offer, wouldn’t you agree?”

Well. At least I can actually give him something .

She spared a glance at the door. Based on Cater’s description…

“This is for collateral, right?”

“You’ve done your research,” Azul commended.

“So how would a secret work as collateral?”

“Simple. Failure to fulfill your end frees me to do whatever I please with the information. Sell it,
use it, or trade it away.”

Ok that could be a problem.

“So what do you want me to do?”

He smiled sweetly. “Your club has a play coming up, yes? All you have to do is get a lead part.”
“A lead ?”

There goes my plan of being a stagehand. There are so many Pomefiore students wanting the
spotlight- not to mention seniority-

“A lead,” he affirmed. “Whether that be the main character, a love interest, or I’ll even accept an
animal sidekick. Something memorable. What do you say?”

Auditions are in three days. The cast list will be posted the next. So four days…

“Okay. I’ll do it.”

His silvery eyes lit up like sunken treasure as he whipped out a golden scroll illuminating like a
golden doubloon. “Please sign here!”

How he whipped them up so fast, Yuu charted it up to Magic. She skimmed the terms before
signing her name.

“Excellent.” He beamed. “Now about that secret?”

She stood up, taking a sip. If she was going down, she was going down swinging. “I’m a girl, and
I’m on my period.”

She wished she took a picture of Azul’s face.

Chapter End Notes

Ambrose comes from ambrosia, thus hinting at timelessness.

Also! The reason Azul doesn’t gamble for the dorm. He wants to build a trust with her
before he plays with it. Ask for a little before asking for a lot. There’s a sociology
name for it I don’t feel like looking up, but it’s popular in commerce and such.

EDIT: It’s the foot-in-the-door phenomenon! Thank you Intern_Seraph for being my
other braincell.
Pizza My World
Chapter Summary

Yuu: [cater-senpai’s bringing pizza. Want in?]

Ruggie: [free food. Yes.]

Chapter Notes

Congrats to AceinSpace for guessing the play first!! It’s Anastasia!

Thank you all so much for your amazing guesses! You’re all so creative and smart! I
hadn’t even considered most of them!

(Originally was going to have it mentioned in this chapter, but the draft I had started
before I checked the comments left no room for it)

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Epel-kun, you can sing, right?”

Blue eyes stared back at her. “Why do you ask?”

“The play. I need help practicing.”

“I’m not much of a teacher, Yuu-kun,” he admitted bashfully.

“ Any help would help.”

He hummed to himself before slowly nodding. “If you’re sure. Vil-senpai says singing into a well
helps. Somethin’ about resonance?”

“That’s pretty smart.” She nodded.

Epel smiled politely. “Then let’s go. There’s an old well tucked away in the courtyard.”

“Sounds great. Let’s go.”

He nodded before leading the way behind a corner of the building.

Epel tried his hand at small talk. “I thought you were going to be part of the tech crew. What
changed your mind?”

Y’know. Good question.

“Let’s just say I have a bet,” Yuu stated vaguely.

“You’re into that gambling thing?” He asked, wide eyed.

“Oh, uh, no. But I do have something on the line here.”

He nodded slowly. “It must be important.”

“It is.” Her voice was firm, eyes glimmering with conviction.

Epel smiled softly. “You’re really cool, Yuu-kun.”

“I’m really not,” she insisted with a nervous chuckle.

“You are!” He insisted. “I mean, all of Savanaclaw follows you around!”

“Y’know what they say about feeding ducks?” She met his gaze evenly. “They’ll never leave you
alone again.”

He laughed, covering his mouth with his palm. Soon, they were there at the cobblestone well at the
back of the building.
“So what part are you hoping for, Yuu-kun?”

“Anyone that is actually on the playbill.”

“That’s kinda vague,” he pointed out with a sheepish grin.

You have got to work on this.

“You know Vil-senpai. What do you think I’d have the best chance of getting?”

Epel hummed in thought. “Honestly, I don’t know. Rook-senpai knows him better than I do. From
what I’ve heard, Vil-senpai prioritizes the finished product instead of something dumb like
politics. What I mean is, if a senior auditioned, they wouldn’t get the part if someone younger than
them would be better. That’s admirable, I think,” he decided. “You’d think someone like him
would be the type to think the sun comes up just to hear him crow.”

Southernisms are lost on me, sweet Epel .

She just nodded and smiled. “So I guess I’ll try for the lead and see what I get.”

“That’s one way.” He returned the sunny face.

“Hey, minion,” Grim greeted as Yuu walked through the door, “Crowley dropped something off
for you.”

She yawned. “I’ll look at it later.”

“What’s for dinner?” He asked, following her to her room.

“I don’t feel like cooking,” she admitted. “Think you can handle the cafeteria?”

He sighed. “It’s not as good as your cooking, but fine.”

He sulked as he retreated.

Her stomach churned as she face-planted onto her bed. She probably should eat something, she
halfheartedly scolded herself.

Yuu: [is there anywhere that delivers to campus?]

Cay-Cay: [i do. What u want?]

Yuu: [anything. Feeling sick.]

Cay-Cay: [uh oh]

Cay-Cay: [omw w pizza]

Yuu: [ok]

She stared at her phone. Pizza with Cater. That…

We can do better than that.

Yuu: [cater-senpai’s bringing pizza. Want in?]

Ruggie: [free food. Yes.]

And that was enough people for her. She’d ask Ace and Deuce to do something later. For now?
She wanted to keep the people to a minimum.

Yuu: [I invited Ruggie-kun]

Cay-Cay: [kk. Want me 2 get smth else?]

Yuu: [chocolate donuts]

Cay-Cay: [coolio.]

And that was that. If she were feeling any better, she might have roped some others into this…
whatever it was. A hangout? A sleepover? Who’s to say.

But also, people were exhausting. 2 was enough. Grim doesn’t count. He was a leech.

Or maybe an annoying little brother. He was like that rabbit from that cartoon.

I don’t know why I’m so glad he didn’t talk.

Ruggie arrived first. “I’m only here for the food.”

“Fair enough.”

She let him in. “Cater-kun’s not here yet.”

“So when’d you drop ‘senpai’?” He laughed.

“Feels kinda formal with him. I dunno.”

He snickered. “Shishishi. You’re really casual, huh?”

She cocked a brow. “Would you prefer me call you Bucchi-senpai?”

He stuck his tongue out at that. “Ruggie-kun’s fine.”

“That’s what I thought,” she chuckled.

“By the way, does Cater-san know about the whole girl-thing?”

“He figured it out first.”

He blinked. “Wouldn’t have guessed that.”

“He’s smarter than he lets on.”

Ruggie scoffed. “Reminds me of someone else I know.”

Yuu would normally press, but she did not need to open up pandora’s box. She was stressed
enough, thanks.

“Don’t be surprised if he tries to add you to their group-chat. It’s called the Yuu-Protection-Squad,
or something like that?”

Ruggie barked a laugh. “Has he met you? You should be the one protecting them!”

A knock came to the door. Yuu got it.

Lo and behold, the familiar ginger senpai arrived with two pizzas and a box of donuts stacked on

“I bring food!”

Ruggie popped his head in, ears perked. “Anyone who brings food is good with me, shishi.”

“Mood,” he laughed. “Yun-Yun, where do you want me to set this down?”

“Kitchen’s fine. I’ll get plates.”

“Cool-cool!” He beamed.

“I’ll take those.” Ruggie swiped the box on top with his hand.

Yuu lightly smacked his knuckles. “Oh no you don’t. You’re not getting between me and

“But Yuu-kun! They’re donuts!” He protested.

“Did I stutter?” She challenged.

He sighed in defeat. That didn’t stop him from grabbing the first four out of the box.

“So, Ruggie-kun!” Cater greeted cheerily. “I don’t think we’ve really met! I’m Cater Diamond, but
you can call me Cay-Cay.”

Ruggie decided no that wasn’t happening. “Thanks for the food, Cater-senpai.”

Cater groaned. “The betrayal. So cold!”

Yuu laughed at the two, serving the slices onto paper plates.

“So, Yun-Yun. I brought a movie to watch.”

“I’m only here for the food,” Ruggie repeated.

“Ever hear of a dine-in movie theatre?” Cater quipped back easily.

“That isn’t what this is.”

“You two can always crash here if it gets too late,” Yuu offered. “I have way too many extra

“Bet,” Cater chirped.

Ruggie grunted, clearly not thrilled with that idea. “What’s the movie?”

“Scott Pilgrim,” he declared, whipping out of his coat.

“I’ve never seen it,” he admitted.

“Neither have I,” Yuu added.

“All the more reason to watch it!” Cater insisted.

“If I hate it, I’m leaving,” Ruggie scoffed.

“Kk!” He spun to the common room to set it up.

Despite his words and tense shoulders, there was a certain relaxed air to the hyena. There wasn’t
any pity, no one brought up his lost limb in joke or concern, it was all so normal.

Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea after all.

Famous last words.

Engrave them on her tombstone, folks.

She’s lived a good life.

Too bad she was buried between two grown men. Well, growing. She wasn’t sure about Ruggie.
The boy had mostly fallen on top of her toward the end of the flick, while Cater dozed off in her

Y’know that feeling when a cat sits in your lap and you really need to move?

Think that.

Welp. There was worse ways to die, she supposed.

Chapter End Notes

Y’know that scene with Mickey? Yeah we’re not doing that. You get something else
instead. We cool with that?
The Red Rose in the Field of White
Chapter Notes

TW: Implied Abuse

This one’s short! But there’s a lot of hints and allusions to Yuu’s backstory. So! To my
analytics! This one’s for you!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

A mismatched menagerie embellished the walls. Bursts of loud color cracked through the
monochrome. Picture-perfect pieces of furniture, from a catalogue decorated the room with
suspicious perfection.

A photobashed memory.

A pool of her image stared back at her, trapped in the glass ahead. She approached it without
hesitance. Her fingers caressed the cold visage.

The her inside was not the she she knew. She had longer hair. Her eyes were duller. Bruises
mottled her skin in blooms of red and purple, thus marring the monochrome.

The mirror image reached out.

Yuu recoiled.

A hand wrapped around her arm.

Yuu got pulled inside with a crash.

She started drowning in free fall.



Yuu couldn’t breathe-

I need to breathe!

She gasped for air. Disseminated glass shards sewed into the ground like thorns. Blots of crimson
bled onto the floor. Yuu’s frame heaved in agony as she spat out even more hot liquid.

There was no color in this world. The domain was a blinding white, with black oozing like ink on
the paper. It took no form, yet stained the page the same. Thinner strokes swam upward from the
pools of ebony lifeblood before waltzing in sketches. No clear distinction could be made, as they
were formless forms- a shell that eclipsed the soul.


The thought startled her.

The voice was hers- could you call it that? An unplayed tone that in spite rang in her head like a
remembering resonance in the fog of forgetfulness.

Why am I the bad guy?

A figure reflected at her feet. Had it always been there? She reached down, daring to touch the

It swallowed her.

Why is it so dark?


Had she fallen asleep?

She blinked her attention to her classmate. The uniform was reminiscent of a white sailor-suit with
a gentle cardigan overlapping.

“Yuu-chan, you keep dozing off!” Her friend scolded. “C’mon! We’ll be late for next period!”

She didn’t question her. She gave a curt nod before following her to the next room.

The hallways were plain. Lacking any and all decor. The lighting was too bright. It hurt her eyes.
Everything was so gray.

Why am I so sore?

She stopped.

The one decoration in the hall. A single, golden mirror. The frame was thick with many intricate
designs etched into its flesh. They were familiar. Nostalgic, even. But what was in the mirror was
the real picture.

Her lip was cracked and busted from an unseen blunt force. Dark circles drooped under her eyes.
She had covered it up, but there were red markings around her neck.

How did that happen?

Do they not see?

Wait that’s supposed to be there.

What happened.

I ’m not supposed to be here.

What am I forgetting?

A hand reached out from the mirror. A gentle, outstretched palm.

She took it. There was color.

Don’t let me go.

“Yun-Yun! Wake up! You’re having a nightmare!”

She jolted awake for air. Was she suffocating?

“I’ll get her some water,” another voice decided.

“Cater-kun?” She breathed, fingers gently touching her throat.

“I’m right here.” His eyes were a gentle green. A color she’d nearly forgotten in the gray.

She tackled him into a hug, burying her face into his chest.

That wasn’t just a dream.

That was-

Why can’t I remember? Why?

A sharp pain dug into her scalp, penetrating her cranium. She gasped as it split her conscious

I don’t want to remember-

Her grip tightened around Cater.

Don’t let me go.

I’ll be good

“Yuu-chan?” He breathed, rubbing circles in her back. “Are you ok?”

“I almost remembered something.” Her voice was low, cracking in pain.

“From before….?”

She nodded once, not looking at him. “I’m scared… that once I remember. I’ll have to go back.”

Cater’s eyes widened.

He had almost forgotten, too, hadn’t he?

That one day, the fairytale will end. The clock will strike 12, and she’d be gone.

Chapter End Notes

We’re getting rid of Mickey. You get this Mirror Dream Sequence instead. We cool?
Get Your Shovels, Boys
Chapter Summary

Ace Up My Sleeve: [she may be able to pull it off then]

Riddle: [it should be a stage kiss. All boy’s school]

Cay-Cay: [idk. Vil-san’s committed.]

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Yuu didn’t elaborate on her dream to either Cater or Ruggie about her nightmare. Ruggie didn’t
even ask, opting more so to make sure she was hydrated. He wasn’t exactly the feelings-type. As
such, he didn’t know what to do with a friend in need, and left her to the professional- Cater.

“So Headmaster Crowley finally got you your uniform, huh? That’s pretty cool.”

“I haven’t tried it on yet.” Yuu shrugged nonchalantly.

“So I get to see it first?” He gaped. “That’s so cool!”

“I guess I should try it on,” she mused to herself. “Stay out here?”

“Kk!” He beamed.

And just like, she ducked into another room to get changed.

Cater pulled out his phone in the meantime.

He didn’t want to think.

He may not show it, but he was honestly worried for his friend. (Were they friends? He felt closer
than that to her).

Oh look that knife-throwing vid went low-key viral.

First there was Riddle, and then Leona- both Overblotted. She took it in stride. A darker part of
him wondered if she, too, had a part of her hurting she didn’t want others to see.


It was a bit hypocritical to want her to open up to him- not to mention arrogant.

His fingers stopped over Vil’s page. The film studies club was about to do some show, right? That
meant Yuu would be part of it- even if it was just tech crew.

“Hey, Yun-Yun,” he called from the other side. “What part are you going to try for the play?”

“The lead, I think.” Her voice was tense, probably focused on buttons or something.

Anastasia, then. He nodded to himself.

Before a realization dawned on him.

If by some miracle she got the part, he’d have to watch her get kissed. Live. On stage.

Just the thought grossed him out.

The door opened, revealing Yuu- tone-deaf to his internal struggle. The Dorm Uniform Crewel-
sensei had designed fit her flawlessly.

It had a puffy, black coat with holographic embellishments toward the ends of the trim, reaching
mid-waist. The inside of it had similar designs resembling spider webs- or even broken glass.
Beneath that was a white sleeved shirt, and white shorts with more holographic designs similar to
the overcoat. Her legs weren’t bare, however, instead sporting thin black leggings that dipped into
her white boots. The inside leather appeared to have a vague resemblance to Grim’s bow, but the
outside had a larger version of the crystals seen on the pen tops. Being that she was the dorm
prefect, her uniform came with a headpiece, too- albeit small. They looked like broken glass
shards- each a lighter version of each dorm’s signature color, clipping back loose strands of her hair
from her face.

She looked too good. His heart couldn’t take it. He snapped a picture for his funeral.
“How do I look?” She asked shyly.

This girl. The same girl who socked Riddle in the face and challenged Leona was being bashful
over how she looked .

“You’re giving us a run for our money,” he chuckled.

“Heartslabyul’s blazers are iconic,” she teased.

“Diasomnia’s though,” he returned.

“They look like a slime tutorial gone wrong,” she quipped.

“Yun-Yun!” He gasped. “So brutal!”

She laughed. “Ignihyde’s is worse, though.”

“I think Crewel was having a meltdown over that one,” Cater joked.

“They look like goth disco balls with moon boots,” she deadpanned.

“So true!” He barked a laugh. “Oh, by the way! Speaking of costumes. Your club does open
auditions, right? Like, anyone can try out?”

“It was Rook-senpai’s idea, I think. You never know when you’ll find a rose among the thorns, or
something like that? But anyone who doesn’t make the cut is put onto tech crew.”

He nodded to himself. “That’s fair. That way no one can cause drama over it.”

She blinked at him. “Why? Are you wanting to audition?”

“Maybe. I am a good singer!” He smiled. “I’m in the pop music club!”

Something glinted in her eye. “Do you have any tips?”

“Avoid dairy, and drink apple juice when you’re preparing for high notes,” he rattled off easily.
“Do you have any experience singing?”

“I think I used to act before I got here.” Her voice was unsure, but it was more specific than
anything she had mentioned to her previous life.

“Can you sing something for me? We can harmonize!” He smiled.

“Um, okay?”

——-Yuu-chan Protection Squad-——

Cay-Cay: [we got a problem]

Ace Up My Sleeve: [what?]

Cay-Cay: [if Yun-Yun gets the lead, she’s going to be kissed]

Cay-Cay: [i cannot let her get kissed live on stage by vil-san]

Ace Up My Sleeve: [that sounds like a you problem]

Cay-Cay: [>:(]

Riddle: [seeing that she’s gotten quite popular with Savanaclaw, I doubt there will be shortage of

Ace Up My Sleeve: [and they can smell her girl-ness, can’t they]

Ace Up My Sleeve: [i lied. I can’t watch that either]

Riddle: [Cater-kun, is she any good?]

Cay-Cay: [vocals and acting are good. Footwork needs work.]

Ace Up My Sleeve: [she may be able to pull it off then]

Riddle: [it should be a stage kiss.]

Cay-Cay: [idk. Vil-san’s committed.]

Vil was staring at the applicant list blankly. He always had some difficulty managing the aspiring
Pomefiore students’ passion. They fought for the spotlight- and it was honestly refreshing. He
wouldn’t mind stoking those flames.

But these stack of papers? They weren’t from Pomefiore. They were primarily from Savanaclaw-
the most brutish dorm in the school.

“Roi du Poisson,” a sing-song voice chimed. “Vous allez albîmer votre belle peau with all that

He showed him the stack. “I’m about to have the most technically stunning show Night Raven
College has ever seen.”

“Oh mon!” Rook exclaimed. “Are those all outside applicants?”

He nodded. “Savanaclaw mostly. I just don’t know why the sudden interest.”

“Their muscle bulk will be quite useful, non?”

“It still doesn’t answer why, however.”

“Perhaps you’ll find out soon. Un bon chasseur attend le meille prix.”

“So who’s do you think is a good dance teacher?” Yuu asked.

“I’m a great dancer!” Grim proudly exclaimed.

“I hear Jamil-senpai’s good,” Ace answered. “He and I are in the same club. Also, he kinda owes

Yuu rolled her eyes.

“Is this about the play?” Deuce asked.

“Yeah. Cater-senpai says I need to work on my moves.”

“My dancing isn’t any good either,” he admitted sheepishly.

Ace stared at them.

They’re close enough. So maybe…

Okay the thought of Deuce getting a kiss before me pisses me off.

Yuu scanned the hall for any sign of the hoodie-wearing boy. She really did not want to have to
track him down in the cafeteria.

At least he was fairly tall.

“Jamil-senpai!” She called.

He blinked, eyes shifting toward her. “Yuu-san?”

“Hey!” She nearly ran into him in her impulsive ambush. “You’re a good dancer, right?”

“Jamil-kun is a fantastic dancer!” Kalim boasted.

“I’m nothing compared to you, Kalim-san,” Jamil insisted evenly.

“Ok, cool, do you think you can teach me?”

“Kalim-san?” He questioned. “His schedule should allow that.”

“No, I’m asking you ,” she insisted firmly.

He stared in surprise at her for a moment before nodding. “I suppose I can help you. You did do
me a favor for catching Savanaclaw.”

“Heartslabyul socked Leona-san in the face with the disc!” Kalim laughed. “You should have seen

“Cater-san earned a yellow card for it,” Jamil smirked.

Okay she’d have to talk to him about that later.

Chapter End Notes

Chapter End Notes

What do you all think of Yuu’s Dorm Uniform? Lots of hints and symbolism as usual,
but I think I like it? What I’m picturing in my head, at least!
Amber and Opal
Chapter Summary

“Oui. But a grande opportunité! Imagine! Night Raven College’s meillers biioux
studding the crown. This will definitely aide in your reputation come the Culture

“A prelude?” Vil hummed to himself. “I suppose this does work to my advantage!”

“La bouche est plus rapide que le cerveau, Beautiful Vil. Let your talents shine in
cultivating these potatoes of yours.”

Chapter Notes

This one’s short!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Leona’s eyes scanned his near-empty dorm. He was honestly baffled by it. He didn’t keep anyone
in Savanaclaw on a short leash, per say, but he could usually find at least some students loitering in
the lobby. And if not, they were out on the field. Those he did find were muttering to themselves
with a conviction he didn’t understand.

He didn’t blame them for acting so strangely. Leona almost killed Ruggie in front of them. He still
couldn’t find the words to apologize for that. Like, how would you even go about that?

‘Hey sorry for ripping off your arm. Was having an off day. Won’t happen again.’

Yeah, fat chance.

Besides, Ruggie only had two arms.

Now one.

Thanks to him.

‘King’ or not, Leona needed to earn back their trust and loyalty.

“Leona-san,” Ruggie greeted in a deadpan.

“Ruggie-kun,” he returned.

“What’s eating you?” The hyena asked stiffly, leaning away from him.

“I’m not going to apologize,” Leona decided slowly.

He met his gaze evenly. “Okay.”

“How can I fix whatever the crap,” he gestured between them, “this is?”

He hummed to himself, thinking. A smirk tugged at his lip. “You want me to forgive you?
Audition for the film studies play.”

He cocked a brow. “That dumb thing?”

“Yep. And try your best. Prove to the dorm that you can do better.”

Oh. So this was a challenge. Proof that he was willing to try for them .

Ugh. What a pain.

“Your movements are too stiff,” Jamil scolded lightly. “Loosen up a bit. Don’t let the music
control you; let it inspire.”

“Next time I have a speech, I’m playing Beethoven,” she groaned. “That’ll motivate them!”

He rolled his eyes. “Your body language is crucial to portray the emotion you want people to
understand. The eyes and lips can say a lot, but to the people in the far back, they see posture. In
dance, it’s the same way. While the musical numbers relies on melody and lyric, the body
language solidifies conviction. Where words fail, the body compensates.”

Yuu hummed to herself. “I guess that makes sense.”

“Good. Now you try to lead.” He guided her hand to his waist.

He’s just as thin as I thought , she mused to herself.

“Straighten up your shoulders,” he instructed evenly. “You said you have acting experience, right?
How would the character of the Dimitri act?”

“But I’m trying out for Anastasia,” she reminded.

“It never hurts to have a backup plan.”

I guess that’s true. I just need to get any lead.

“So what would Dimitri be thinking?” Jamil prompted.

There was a neutral silence between them before Yuu could answer. “I think he’d be scared. Of
Anya finding out about the con, for one.“

“And?” He pressed.

Her voice was softer than she wanted. “And of getting too close. Even before the massacre, he was
deemed unworthy of breathing the same air as the Romanovs.”

Jamil gave a nod, listening.

“He’s a nobody compared to Anastasia. And he knows that. And even so, he stuck out his neck for
her. He could have been killed for helping Anastasia and her grandmother.”

“Go on.”
“He doesn’t want to lose anyone else. He’s lying to himself to keep himself safe, and to make
things easier for Anya.”

“He sounds rather selfless, putting it like that.”

“Doesn’t he matter, too?”

Her own question startled even herself.

Why do those words hurt me so badly?

“Are you sure this is a good idea, boss?” Floyd asked in his usual drawl.

“We need to ensure that Yuu-san is unable to complete his end of the contract,” Azul insisted

“There’s already audition inflation, if you will,” Jade argued calmly.

“Most of which are from Savanaclaw,” Azul pointed out. “Vil-san won’t let them in so easily. If
anything, Yuu-san’s audition may prove to be a relief to him, thus elevating his strengths in the
group of mediocrity. If I audition and receive a part, that’s one less available role Yuu-san has a
chance to be casted for.”

“But what of the Mostro Lounge?”

“I can easily scout potential VIP clients from behind the scenes in lieu of an additional branch for
now. Rehearsals are always kept to a strict schedule as well. Vil-san knows the importance of

“If you say so, boss!” Floyd laughed.

Vil stared at the added papers on his desk. The stack wasn’t much taller than before, but there were
some interesting entries.

“Rook-kun, would you care to explain why I have the leader of Savanaclaw and Azul-san’s names
on these papers?”

Rook glanced over before bursting into a small fit of laughter. “This will certainly be the most
interesting audition!”

“And long.”

“Oui. But a grande opportunité! Imagine! Night Raven College’s meillers biioux studding the
crown. This will definitely aide in your reputation come the Culture Festival!”

“A prelude?” Vil hummed to himself. “I suppose this does work to my advantage!”

“La bouche est plus rapide que le cerveau, Beautiful Vil. Let your talents shine in cultivating these
potatoes of yours.”

Chapter End Notes

Next up! Auditions!

Also!! Every Dorm Arc has a theme tied to it. Care to guess which theme this one is?
NRC’s Potato Fair
Chapter Summary

Vil stopped at a page. “Heartslabyul now, too?”

“Maybe we should invite Malleus-san,” Rook contemplated. “Nous pourrions les

collector tous, at this rate.”

“Riddle-san’s name isn’t in here,” was all Vil could respond with.

Chapter Notes

Spoilers for Anastasia- obviously!

Also, Yuu is referred to using he/him pronouns in the auditions since that section is
from Vil’s POV.

ALSO! A lot of the exchanges are from memory or a glance at what I can find of the
script. In the actual play they put on, it will not be verbatim or anything (that would be
so so long), and what fun is there in that? You want chaos, you get chaos.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Ruggie was at the very least interested to see how this would play out. Honestly, he didn’t expect
the ever-lazy lion to take the challenge. Playing dress-up wasn’t exactly a hobby of Leona’s,
neither was rehearsing for some play. He didn’t even know if Leona could sing- not that he cared.
Either way, it was bound to be entertaining.

He snickered to himself. This was going to be priceless!

He winced. Now if only he could get his arm to stop hurting so much. Well, lack of arm. He did
his best to hide it, but it hurt something fierce- even with it being ‘healed’.

Where he was from, medical care was a matter of life or death, but with a hefty price tag to boot. It
was crucial for him to learn young how to take care of himself, or go broke trying.

And there was no way he was going to be seen visiting the nurse’s, either. He didn’t want any more
The next day went by too fast, in Yuu’s opinion. Or maybe painfully slow. Either way, she was
nervous. Really nervous.

“Yuu-kun, are you okay?” Ace asked.

“I’m just anxious,” she admitted sheepishly.

“You’ll do great, Yuu-kun,” Deuce insisted.

I hope you’re right. I have too much riding on this.

“Aren’t you trying out, too, Ace-kun?” Grim asked with a curious flick of his tail.

Oh crap. More competition.

“Yeah.” He smirked confidently. “I’m trying for Dimitri.”

“Is it true that there will be a kiss at the end?” Deuce asked.

“It should be staged. Y’know. Hidden by a hat or something,” Yuu replied.

I hope so, at least. Or else that’ll be my first kiss.

“Probably,” Ace agreed.

“I wouldn’t know what to do in that situation,” Deuce sighed.

“What’s the big deal about a smooch?” The cat asked.

“You’re a beast,” the ginger sighed incredulously, “so you wouldn’t get it.”
“I’ll be cheering you on, Yuu-kun,” Deuce decided with a shy smile.

“Thank you, Deuce-kun.” She smiled.

“What about me, Deucy?” Ace pressed with a frown. “You gonna cheer me on?”

He met his gaze evenly.

His voice was deadpan. “No.”

Ace glared at him. Deuce kept walking. Yuu snorted. They entered Professor Crewel’s class
without issue. Yuu strapped on her goggles. The last period of the day.

Alchemy class didn’t rely so heavily on grade, but rather skill level. Crewel-sensei purposefully
paired scientifically stronger students with the weaker ones so that they might both benefit. It
wasn’t a method Professor Trein agreed with, but he couldn’t argue with results.

At least it kept her mind off things. She focused on her work with Deuce, while an explosion of
pink went off behind her.

No matter how skilled Silver was, there was no helping Ace.

Epel entered the room with his usual natural grace, a bundle of papers in hand. They were about
two inches in width, if Vil had to guess.

“These are for you, Vil-senpai,” he stated simply.

Rook was hiding a smirk behind his hand. Vil wasn’t one for violence, but part of him wanted to
smack it off of him. But no, he was a pacifist.

“Is your name in here somewhere, Epel-kun?” He asked, thumbing through them.

“Um, no. It’s not really my thing.”

Vil stopped at a page. “Heartslabyul now, too?”

“Maybe we should invite Malleus-san,” Rook contemplated. “Nous pourrions les collector tous, at
this rate.”

“Riddle-san’s name isn’t in here,” was all Vil could respond with.

“I thought I saw Cater-san’s, though,” Epel hummed.

“How fitting!” Rook chortled. “A diamond!”

Vil added the bundle to his ever growing tower. What’s a few more floors?

“Rook-kun, if you find this so amusing, I invite you to assist in sorting through all these potatoes.”

The blond winked. “Je ne manquerais pour rien au monde.”

The end of the day rolled around quickly. As promised, Rook was right there with Vil. A bit too
chipper, if he might add. Alas, he couldn’t complain too much. He was all he had left of his sanity.

As it turned out as a surprise to no one, most of Savanaclaw came in underprepared- or even over.
The over-acting was atrocious. And the singing? Abysmal. Did a hornbill teach them? They were
but humble spuds. He gave credit for effort, however.

But screeching is more taxing than singing.

The first real gem of the day was Cater Diamond- no pun intended, Rook insisted.

“Hello, Cater-san,” Vil greeted stiffly. “What part will you be auditioning for?”
He hummed to himself before deciding to answer. “Dimitri.”

Aren’t we prepared? He scoffed to himself.

“I’d love to hear your rendition of ‘Paris Holds the Key’!” Rook beamed.

“Dimitri’s verse, of course,” Vil clarified.

He did not need this to take any longer than it needed to.

Rook readied the track. “Êtes-vous prêt?”

Glancing at presumably an auto-translator, Cater nodded. “Yep!”

Even with a heartfelt performance in tone, Cater’s acting was too relaxed. It was on the cusp of
greatness, which made it even more frustrating to watch. However, it was still a breath of fresh air
compared to whatever you could call Savanaclaw. Still, a kazoo is more pleasant than clanging

“Can you read for Dimitri, Monsieur Diamond?” Rook requested. “I’ll read for Vladimir.”

“Kk!” He beamed, cheery as ever.

Rook took a deep breath, getting into character. “That means Anya-chan has found her family. We
have found the heir to the throne. And you…”

Cater smiled sadly. “Will walk out of her life forever.”


“Princesses don’t marry kitchen boys.” His voice was firm.

“Next section,” Vil instructed plainly.

“Ohoh!” Rook guffawed. “An unspoken attraction!”

“Attraction?” Cater scoffed. “To that brat? Have you lost it?”

“I was only asking a simple question, Dimitri-kun,” he scolded lightly.

“Attraction?” He laughed. “Ridiculous.”

Too light of a performance , Vil decided. He’s not fully committing himself to the role. He’s too in
control of himself. Still, he’s not bad.

For good measure, he had Cater try for a few other roles before returning to Dimitri, in hopes that
he was just shaken with pre-stage jitters.

“Thank you, Cater-san. Will you send in the next person?”

“Kk! Thanks for your time! Was fun!” He smiled, leaving as carefree as he entered.

Vil wished he could have savored Cater’s voice a bit longer. The next few attempts were less
painful. Or maybe they seemed that way in comparison? He was losing braincells either way. And
his standards. In entered Yuu.

Vil was more on the positive-neutral end when it came to him. He knew how to return borrowed
items, always expressed interest when he could, and stayed true to himself. Besides, he had a face
that could rival Epel’s in natural innocence.

“Good afternoon, Yuu-san,” he greeted with a polite smile. “What part will you be trying for

“I was hoping for Anastasia or Dimitri,” he answered evenly.

“Il est sage de ne pas cacher tous les lapins dans le même terrier,” Rook hummed to himself.

“Which would you prefer first?” He asked, ignoring his blond comrade.

“Whichever is easiest for you.”

“I have Dimitri’s already prepared. Does that work for you?”

Yuu nodded.

The song sample went over smoothly enough. His singing was a bit softer than expected, which
automatically put him at a disadvantage. Dimitri was a more rugged character, with a cold outside
and a hard-to-reach softer core.

“I’ll read for Vladimir,” Vil decided. “That means Anya-chan has found her family. We have found
the heir to the throne. And you-“

“Will walk out of her life.” Yuu swallowed thickly, brow tensed. “Forever.”

“But Dim-“

“Princesses don’t marry kitchen boys.” His voice was firm, yet devoid of any conviction.

But he can act the part.

“Would you mind reading for Anastasia now?” Vil requested.

Yuu nodded.

He’s still nervous.

He smiled softly, picking up his script. “You start.”

“Dimitri-kun,” Yuu’s voice spoke with an unspoken command, “do you think I’m royalty?”

Vil offered her a smirk. “You know I do.”

Yuu shot him an annoyed glare with a hand on his hip, not even glancing at the script. “Then stop
bossing me around!”

This suits him better.

“I’ll start for Dimitri this time,” Rook declared. “Here. I bought you a dress.”

Yuu stifled giggles behind his script. “You bought me a tent .”

“What are you looking for?”

“The circus- I think it’s still in here,” he jested with a skeptical look.

“One more, if you don’t mind,” Vil requested. “This time, I’ll read for Dimitri.”

Yuu gave a nod, waiting.

“Look,” Vil read, “I think we got off on the wrong foot.”

“I think we did too,” Yuu recited back with a hint of fatigue.

“Okay,” he breathed.
“But I appreciate your apology.”

“Apology?” Vil scoffed. “Who said anything about an apology?”

He left out the rest, seeing how long it’d take Yuu to respond in a natural fashion-

“Don’t have the balls? Or do you need the woman to lead?”

Rook sputtered. Vil smirked. A bit crude, but he could work with it.

“Would you mind singing for me, Yuu-san?” Vil requested.


Rook hummed to set her key before hitting play on the track.

“Far away,” Yuu’s voice boomed, “long ago.” She reached out into the far-off nothing “glowing
dim-“ he closed his palm “as an ember. Things my heart used to know.” His face twisted in pain.
“Things it yearns to remember.”

Rook was the one to dismiss her. A pity, honestly. Because then he started drowning in more
potatoes. He was not a farmer, for Sevens’ sake!

He never was so relieved to see Azul.

“Good afternoon, Roi d’Effort!” Rook greeted.

“It’s nice to see you, too, Rook-san,” he returned with his casual smile.

“What part are you here for?” Vil asked, looking over his applicant sheet.
“Dimitri, if I may.”

If that’s not fitting, I’m not sure what is, Vil thought to himself.

“Qui vous convenient!” Rook exclaimed with a slight chortle. “I’ll read for Anastasia for you!”

He cleared his throat. “But it was your home!”

Azul responded with aloofness. “It was a place I lived in once. The end.”

“Well, then you must plan on making Paris your true home!” Rook adamantly insisted.

“What is with you and homes?” Azul demanded with annoyance.

“Next section,” Vil transitioned coolly. “I’ll read for Empress Marie.”

He straightened out the papers. “And others have come from Timbuktu.”

Azul returned hastily. “No it’s not-“ he took a deep breath. “It’s not what you think.”

Vil threw his script down, slamming his hand onto the table. “How much pain must you inflict on
an old woman for money? Remove him at once!”

“But she is the Grand Duchess!” Azul adamantly appealed, his papers crinkling in his tight
knuckles. “She is Anastasia! I’m telling you! If you only speak to her- you’ll see!”

Rook joined as Anya, his breath no more than a murmur. “It was all a lie, wasn’t it?”

“No.” Azul’s voice shook. He fixed it in the next, “no.”

“You used me?” Rook demanded, voice quaking. “I was just part of your stupid con to get

Azul opened his mouth to respond, but the blond cut him off. “How much was it, Dimitri-kun?
How much am I worth to you?!”

His blue eyes flared in panic. At the ad-lib or for the act, Vil wasn’t sure.

“Look, it may have started like that- but everything’s different now! Because you really are

“Azul-san,” Vil interrupted evenly, “will you sing for me?”

“What song would you like?” He returned, back to his usual demeanor.

“‘Paris Holds the Key’.”

He nodded, and waited for the music to start.

Azul’s performance was far more regal than Cater’s. More controlled, which made his cracks of
emotions more heartbreaking.

Interesting …

The last audition of the day, even with all the interesting and uninteresting applicants was Leona

Vil smiled sweetly, yet he felt the vein in his head practically bulge. “Leona-san, care to explain
why over half your dorm was here today?”

He scoffed. “You think they’ll take over your little play?”

“On the contrary. Most of your shrubs are hopeless.”

“Je ne vois aucun prix dans cette chasse pour vous,” Rook agreed in a sigh.

Vil passively endured Leona’s audition. He wasn’t bad, honestly. And that angered him. His voice
was rugged- seductive, even, with those growly undertones. His line delivery actually had some
semblance of effort behind them, too.

Call Vil spiteful, but he had just the role for him.

Chapter End Notes

I did not forget Ace. He’s a potato.

Cast List
Chapter Notes

This one’s really short- sorry!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Yuu didn’t sleep. Well, couldn’t would be more accurate. Either way, she was a zombie. But
luckily, where she was going? They had coffee.

She swung by the cafeteria. It was Friday. That meant that after the cast list was posted, and if her
name wasn’t there, then Azul had the whole weekend to do whatever he wanted with that secret
she told him.

Honestly? That didn’t help her anxiety.

Caffeine here we go to make things worse!

“Are you ok, Yuu-kun?” Deuce asked.

She had nearly forgotten that he arrived to school early. Ace, meanwhile, opted to sleep in as long
as possible for the heck of it. Breakfast was optional, she supposed.

“Yeah. I’m just nervous about the cast list,” she admitted.

“This may sound um, offensive, but why do you want to get a part so badly?”

“You’re fine,” she assured. “I just have a lot riding on it.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ll tell you after.” She smiled. “I promise.”

He was a bit dissatisfied, but nodded all the same. “How do you think you did?”

“I did my best,” she said as if trying to convince herself. “I can’t hope for much more, right?”

Which makes it even worse if I failed.

“Then you should be fine.” He offered a bright smile. “From what I’ve seen, your best is more than

Her cheeks flared a pink.

Deuce-kun, how can you say those sort of things with a straight face?

He didn’t seem to notice, instead paying more mind to his breakfast. He took the chance to look
over his homework, too, like a good honor’s student should.

“What did you get for that last problem on that math assignment?” Yuu asked.

“That one stumped you, too, huh?” He responded sheepishly.

“Math isn’t my best subject.”

“I got 47. What about you?”


There was a pause.

“One of us is wrong,” Deuce decided.

Cater stared at the sheet in front of him.

There was nothing wrong with it. Nothing at all. Just a white sheet of paper with black lettering.

Nothing off at all, nope.

And yet, for whatever reason, he was really craving takoyaki.

Ruggie saw the cast list before Leona did. Not that he particularly cared about it, honestly, but

Look, seeing his name in big letters, co-starring with him ? Oh he was going to make sure that
theatre was packed. He’d make sure to record it for the kids in the neighborhood, too. They could
use some quality entertainment. He might even sell some copies.

This is going to be priceless .

Azul had seen a lot of pages in his lifetime. His livelihood demanded it, or course. His growing
collection of golden contracts locked in the safe was a testament to that.

And yet, despite his familiarity with it, the words in front of him were foreign.

He heard her voice behind him:

“Hey, Azul-senpai.”

He didn’t even look at her. “Yes, Yuu-san?”

“I want my arm.”

He smiled politely. “A deal’s a deal. Stop by the lounge after school.”

Yuu smugly smirked as she left for class.

He pinched the bridge of his nose. Costarring with Yuu already made a dent in his schedule. But
the rest of the cast?

Main Cast:

Anastasia “Anya” ….. Yuu

Dimitri …… Azul Ashengrotto

Vladimir “Vlad” …… Leona Kingscholar

Rasputin ……. Noé Northwind

Bartok ……. Beau Bendewater

Sophie …… Cater Diamond

Marie Romanov ….. Vil Schoenheit

Rook laughed at the list. “Vil-san, I must ask why you insisted on casting Roi des Lions as
Vladimir instead of Rasputin.”

Vil scrolled through his phone, not even looking at him. “If he thinks he can waste my entire
evening sorting through his unwashed potatoes and get out of it easily, he doesn’t know me at all.
He’ll learn the true value of effort.”

“Des yeux toujours aussi vifs, Roi du Poison.”

“Thanks to Leona-san and Azul-san, I’m having to adjust this script. If they insist on giving me a
migraine, I’m going to at least ensure that it’s worth a watch.”

Chapter End Notes

Chapter End Notes

Also! Noé and Beau aren’t OCs.

Noé is a third year from Pomefiore (look, someone from the actual club had to get a
And Beau is actually Scarabian Student B! “Beau” because beautiful.
Play Stupid Games and Win Stupid Prizes
Chapter Summary

“Don’t say it.”

Jade smirked. “What ever could you mean, Azul-san?”

Chapter Notes

You’ve earned the title.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Ruggie walked into the dorm smelling food. Not burnt food, either. Like. The edible kind. Not that
Ruggie was picky about quality. The weirdest part was that he was the designated chef. Everything
made sense when he waked into the kitchen.

Ah. The Food Angel.

He wasn’t particularly fond of the nickname. It wasn’t bad, per-say but there was nothing angelic
about Yuu. Angels didn’t throw kitchen knives or threaten to use them in a vasectomy. Not that
Ruggie was complaining. It was kinda hot, in a way.

“Hey, Ruggie-kun!” She greeted with a smile. “Sorry. I let myself in.”

“Doesn’t look like they put up much of a fight,” he scoffed, looking at the other boys.

“When you pray for a miracle and you’re sent Yuu-san, you don’t question it,” one of them argued.

He snickered. He had a point.

“Yuu-kun,” Jack spoke. “Why are you, um, doing this?”

That’s what he wanted to know, too.

“Gonna be real. Cooking relaxes me, and you all eat.”

“If it’s not a bother to you,” he sighed.

“Not at all. Trust me. You’d know.”

“Congrats on landing the lead, Food Angel-san!” A second-year beamed.

“Oh, thanks.” She smiled. “I’m still surprised, honestly.”

“Costarring with Azul-senpai must be nerve-wracking,” Jack empathized. “The guy’s good at

“No one’s good at everything,” Ruggie scoffed. “Except maybe Malleus-senpai.”

“Do you think Leona-san will come eat with us?” A third-year asked.

Ruggie sniffed the air. If he had to guess, there was a 30% chance of that happening. All he could
smell was meat. Made sense. There was like, nothing else in the fridge. Even so, Leona always
waited for Ruggie to bring him his food. Spoiled brat.

“If he doesn’t, I’ll take it to him,” he hummed. “If there’s any left. Shishishi.”

Yuu slid a plate in front of him. “Either way, it’s done.”

“It looks good, Yuu-kun,” Jack smiled.

“I try. Let me know if it tastes any good.”

Ruggie met her gaze. “You’re not going to have any? After all the work you put into it?”

“I’ll bring some leftovers back to Ramshackle.”

“If you say so,” Jack hummed, digging in.

Ruggie followed in suit. It wasn’t his fault if Yuu decided to starve. Which she wasn’t. He
wouldn’t let her be that idiotic. She did humor her pack and sat with them, listening to their stories
in a contented silence. She even offered to help with their homework (though she was awful at
math and chemistry).

She’s like their mom , Ruggie decided quietly.

For a moment, Ruggie wondered what a traditional mother was like. He didn’t ever spend much
time thinking of what wasn’t; self-pity was one way to get yourself killed. He only focused on what
he could do about it- even if it meant breaking the law. The law didn’t protect him, so why should
he care?

Dinner was over as quickly as it started. The boys discovered they had manners and tidied up the
dishes for her.

Ruggie was once again pushed out of the way.

Like always. Ever since that day.

There was no room for weakness in the pack.

“Hey, Ruggie-kun, can I talk to you alone?” Yuu asked in a gentle murmur.

“Not like I have much better to do,” he hummed aloofly.

She didn’t take any offense as he led her to his room. She took a detour before heading in after
him. Maybe if he were a more of a gentleman, he’d be embarrassed about bringing a girl to his
personal quarters. But Ruggie was no gentleman.
“What’s up?”

“I have something for you,” she put simply.

She set down the massive black case she had grabbed from… somewhere stashed in Savanclaw.
He could imagine how difficult it’d be to cook with that behemoth of luggage in-hand. Especially
since he had one. Maybe he could master using his feet instead. He’d have to look into it.

“What is that?” He prompted.

She opened the case with a pop. He stared at the contents inside, wide eyed.

It was long, and made of some sort of sleek metal. There was a larger part that looked like it could
fit around his shoulder separated from the main, oblong body. It looked straight out of another
time. It was held together using wires or maybe even magnets? Ruggie wasn’t familiar with that
sort of technology. It was too expensive of a hobby. Speaking of expense-

“How much did this thing cost?” He asked.

“I made a deal with Azul,” she explained simply. “It’s a prosthetic.”

Honestly, he was awestruck. He knew firsthand how tricky Azul Ashengrotto could be, and being
without Magic left him curious as to what she forfeited for the equipment. Maybe not money, but
maybe something more? What could she have offered-

He felt sick.

“Why?” He blurted.

“I know it’s not the same, but I thought it could help? I know you’re self-conscious about what
happened, and I thought it might make things easier or at least make you more comfortable in your
own skin.”

So it was for him? To help him feel better? Not some sort of pity, or even so he ‘looked decent’.
Genuine care?

Why would she stick out her neck for him like that? Didn’t she have any sense of self preservation?

She went through all that for me.

“Thank you,” was all Ruggie could manage. They didn’t feel like enough. Words were nothing to
him, but he didn’t know what else to say.

“Want to try it on?” She offered.

“Uh, sure.”

Not sure how else I’m supposed to strap on this gizmo.

Yuu unstrapped the equipment and got to work. The port almost suctioned onto his stump of flesh.
He nearly toppled at the new weight. He steadied himself quickly before she attached the arm. Pain
shot through his shoulders, splintering into his nerves. He hissed in pain.

“Try moving the fingers,” she suggested.

Through what? ESP? Nonetheless, he humored her.

One by one, the digits moved as he ordered. Just like his real hand. No delay or anything. His eyes
widened. He twisted the wrist, moved it around loosely, and crossed his arms. All flawless.

Almost like he had never lost it.

Just like before.

Yuu asked with a shy smile. “Do you like it?”

“Yuu-chan. You’re so dead.”

There wasn’t any malice behind his words. There couldn’t be. And even if there was, his big goofy
grin gave it away.
“Don’t say it.”

Jade smirked. “What ever could you mean, Azul-san?”

“That my stupid game won me a stupid prize.”

Azul glared daggers at the eel.

“I wasn’t,” he said coolly.

“But I will!” Floyd laughed. “Your stupid game won you a stupid prize!”

Azul ran his hand through his hair with a defeated huff.

“We should review the Mostro schedule,” Jade suggested. “It wouldn’t look good for you to forfeit
the role.”

“I can’t wait to see Shrimpy in a dress!” Floyd snickered.

“I suppose there’s no sympathy for me, then?” Azul sighed.

He smirked ear to ear. “You played yourself, boss.”

“I agree,” Jade deadpanned.

“This is my own error,” Azul lamented. “I’ll just use the opportunity that’s been presented to me to
the best of my ability.”

He paused, leaning back in his chair.

“I wonder how many unfortunate souls will ask for a better voice come tech week.”
Deuce didn’t get it. Like he really didn’t get it. Sure, he may not have been the brightest person-
but dang did he try.
It never bothered him so much not knowing something. And he had no right caring over something
so dumb, either. He had no right, and yet…

Why did his chest hurt? Why was he so angry looking at the cast list? It’s just paper. He should be
happy for Yuu!

But still… what is this feeling?

Chapter End Notes

Iida’s the one who made the prosthetic! He was very inspired by Fullmetal Alchemist.
Vil-senpai’s Assignment
Chapter Summary

“So what part did you get, Ace-kun?” Yuu asked.

His warm eyes suddenly felt cold. “I’d rather not say.”

“You got stuck on tech crew, huh?” Grim meowed tactlessly.

Chapter Notes

Hi! So since this arc is going to be really long. Thought I’d give you all some help!

hint for the theme for this arc is “memory” or even “time”. More on that later!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Welcome to your first rehearsal, everyone,” Vil spoke plainly. “As you can see, only our main cast
is here at the moment. The ensemble has additional practices scattered throughout the week.”

He held their gazes.

“Even if they are nameless, they will be carrying this show. I can replace you, but you cannot
replace them. Understood?”

Don’t diss the supporting cast.

“Yes, Vil-senpai!”

“Good. Any questions before we begin?”

A hand raised.

“Beau-san,” he cued.

“So why are we here today?”

“There are many things a great actor can do,” he replied slowly. “Faking chemistry is one of

He locked eyes with Leona. “Not all of us are great actors.”

Roasted , Yuu’s brain offered in a deadpan.

“This won’t be an ordinary practice,” Vil continued. “This is an assignment. Leona-san, Azul-san,
and Yuu-san, you will be using this weekend to get to know each other. Sleepovers if you fancy,
but not mandatory.

Noé-san and Beau-san, you will be paired as well. Cater-san is with me.”

“Kk!” The ginger beamed.

“Come Tuesday’s rehearsal, I want a full report of discoveries you’ve made, and for you to act out
any scene from the original script. Don’t get too attached, however. Friday I will return the revised
edition to you.”

Well. This was a situation. Azul and Yuu weren’t on the best terms. Not bad, really, but not
positive, either. And Leona? She knew well that he had done his best to resist completely
Overblotting. He knew that just like Riddle, he was an emotionally constipated human-ish being
not knowing how to express said emotions.

That’s how she felt, at least. But there was this weird tension between Azul and Leona she couldn’t
quite place.

“I get to spend the entire weekend with the Octopunk?” Leona grumbled. “ Great .”

“I see no better way to spend the time,” Azul replied suavely. “It is in preparation for our roles, is it

“We could go off campus?” Yuu suggested.

“You haven’t had the pleasure of exploring Twisted Wonderland, have you?” The gentleman
“Not yet.”

“I’m craving sushi,” Leona decided.

A flash of betrayal caught Azul’s feature. He delighted in it, a smirk tugging his lip.

“What do you say, Yuu-kun?”

“Sushi sounds good,” she decided.

Azul smiled politely, as if unfazed by their teasing. “Sushi it is. Shall we meet at the Mirror Hall at

“Works for me,” Yuu hummed.

Hopefully it won’t take too long.

Leona shrugged in response.

“Perfect.” He beamed.

“Vil-san,” Noé interrupted. “Shouldn’t Cater-san and Leona-san also bond?”

“They will in due time,” Vil responded evenly.

“I think Leona-san and I are super close!” Cater protested with his signature, care-free smile.

“You smashed a Spelldrive disc into his face,” Beau reminded in a mutter.

“He low-key deserved it,” the ginger hummed easily.

You’re absolutely brutal, Cater-kun.

“So what part did you get, Ace-kun?” Yuu asked.

His warm eyes suddenly felt cold. “I’d rather not say.”

“You got stuck on tech crew, huh?” Grim meowed tactlessly.

“N-no!” The ginger hissed with an indignant pink.

“Then who’d you get?” Deuce prompted with a cocked brow.

Ace’s lips pursed. He looked away. For once, he chose to shut up.

What role could he possibly be embarrassed about?

“Oh, yeah, Yuu-kun,” Deuce continued. “Why did you want Anastasia-san so badly?”

“I made a deal with Azul-senpai,” she put simply.

“You what ?” Ace blinked.

“Azul-san is the one who grants wishes, right?” Deuce asked. “What sort of deal did you make?”

Grim saw out of the corner of his eye Ace typing something out on his phone. He still didn’t see
the appeal of those gadgets. Magic was cooler.

Yuu found the words harder to say. “Ruggie-kun’s arm. I wanted to get him a prosthetic.”
“That’s so like you,” Deuce sighed with a small smile.

“But what did you gamble?” Ace asked, cocking a brow.

“I told him my best secret,” she worded slowly, “and if I didn’t get a lead, he could’ve done
whatever he wanted with it.”

“A secret?” Deuce echoed.

She nodded.

“All that for Ruggie?” Ace breathed. “You’re crazy.”

“You could’ve gotten so much tuna!” Grim agreed.

“He needed it.” There was no questioning her with that tone.

Deuce stared at her in silence. He really is something else.

——-Yuu-chan Protection Squad——-

Ace Up My Sleeve: [So Yuu-chan made a deal with Azul-senpai]

Riddle: [she did WHAT?]

Cay-Cay: [where is he]

Cay-Cay: [^-^]
Cay-Cay: [I just want to talk]

Riddle: [no one believes you, Cater-kun]

Ace Up My Sleeve: [^]

Cay-Cay: [RIP me]

Chapter End Notes

Also! Ruggie’s not in the group chat since his flip phone would implode.
Pier Pressure
Chapter Summary

Leona shrugged. “Does it matter? How bad can you screw up sushi? It’s rice and fish.”

She leaned over to Azul. “Watch him get food poisoning.”

His lip tugged in a slight smirk. “He won’t have my pity.”

Chapter Notes

Hi I read all of your comments but I’m super awkward so I sometimes just don’t know
how to respond. But I love you all~! And you’re all so so nice. :D

Azul dressed formally even when not in uniform, it turned out. At least the man was consistent, at
least. He wore a white collared button-up not too dissimilar to the one he donned for his dorm
uniform, and black pants that accentuated his thin waist-line. Not feminine, per say, but it did
highlight other rounded features. He wore thin black gloves atop his hands to match, along with
dress shoes of the same color. His silver head looked more windswept without the fedora. If Yuu
had to compare it to anything, it was like waves crashing onto a lighthouse pier.

Leona put considerably less effort into his attire. Ripped, black jeans clothed his legs and was
coupled with a faded graphic tee. His hair, instead of being tamed, was pulled back into a messy
bun. It wasn’t lazy, but was definitely slobbish compared to Azul’s effort.

As for Yuu, her options were limited. She wore shorts overalls, for one, that stopped mid-thigh. As
for a top, she used a salmon-colored tee she had unearthed from lost and found. She humored
herself and allowed some hair clips. Leona and Azul both knew, and quite honestly she missed
indulging in her feminine side.

Would it be so bad if everyone knew?

Upon her arrival, Azul had an incoherent expression. He glanced at Leona, who seemed unfazed
by the accessories, and accepted it rather quickly as ‘normal’. Begrudgingly, albeit.

“It feels kinda weird not being in uniform,” Yuu hummed.

“If we’re leaving campus, it’s better not to boast the school crest,” Azul hummed.

“Idiots will be idiots,” Leona agreed plainly.

I feel like Ace-kun just got called out , Yuu thought to herself, thinking back to the broken statue.

“There’s no reasoning with stupidity,” Azul concurred.

“So do we know where we’re going, exactly?” She asked.

Leona shrugged. “Does it matter? How bad can you screw up sushi? It’s rice and fish.”

She leaned over to Azul. “Watch him get food poisoning.”

His lip tugged in a slight smirk. “He won’t have my pity.”

“I heard that, Octopunk,” Leona growled.

“We should be fine if we stick to the beach, right?” Yuu asked. “Who’s paying?”

“Leona-san is royalty.”

“And you’re a mafia boss,” he returned flatly.

Azul’s blue eyes met his placidly. “I run an honest business.”

“We’re not getting anywhere bickering,” Yuu cut in. “I’ll just pay. Sage Island Pier. Is that any
“I’ve heard good reviews,” the silver-haired man answered.

“It’s as good of a place as any.” Leona shrugged.

She let go of a breath she was holding. At least we got that sorted out.

Leona stepped through the mirror first. Azul bowed slightly like a doorman, waiting for Yuu to
walk through first. She didn’t mention it, slipping through easily. He entered last.

The baby blue sky was beginning to blush with a soft pink, and waters tugged at the sandy shore in
deep breaths. The warmth of the day faded into the coolness of the evening. The building was a
quaint beach shack with a small deck worn away by years’ brine.

“This establishment is technically on the same land piece as Night Raven College and Royal
Sword Academy,” Azul explained.

“Hopefully we don’t run into anyone we know,” the lion grumbled. “What a pain.”

“It’s beautiful,” Yuu breathed, feeling the salty breeze comb through her hair with fingers of air.

Soft blue eyes glanced at her. “Do you like the beach, Yuu-san?”

She hummed. “I think so.”

“Don’t sound too sure?” Leona scoffed.

“I don’t remember anything before coming here.”

The words were easy. They were true.

“Weird. Doesn’t that bug you?” He asked as the host brought them to a table on the deck.
“Not really.”

“I think that’s good,” Azul offered, pulling out her seat. “I wish I were that fortunate.”

“I can give you a good knock on the head if you’re so desperate,” Leona offered with a smug smirk
tucked behind his menu.

“I’m more bothered about not knowing myself,” Yuu admitted in a hum. “Like, I know certain
likes and and dislikes, but specific things are vague. I don’t remember learning how to cook, I just

“Sounds annoying,” Leona huffed.

“Peculiar,” Azul agreed. “But I suppose you were destined to play the part of Anastasia.”

The lion laughed. “Don’t tell me you tried for it.”

“I got the part I was aiming for,” he replied coolly.

“He’s mad he lost a bet,” Yuu offered plainly.

“You made a deal with Octopunk? Why ?” Leona paused before pinching the bridge of his nose.
“That’s where Ruggie-kun got the prosthetic, isn’t it?”

She smirked smugly. “Yep.”

“What in Sevens’ names did you gamble?”

“My gender.”
He sputtered before glaring daggers at Azul. “You’re about to be calamari.”

“Relax,” he sighed irritably. “It was just the existence of it.” He took a sip of his water, not
breaking eye contact. “Also, calamari is squid.”

“He didn’t do anything too sketchy,” Yuu assured with a light chuckle.

Though it is kinda funny seeing you so miffed about it.

“So who all knows about your feminine side anyway?” Azul asked.

Yuu started counting on her fingers. “Ace-kun, Riddle-senpai, Cater-senpai, you, Leona-senpai,
and all of Savanaclaw.”

His drink nearly slipped out of his grip. “All of Savanaclaw?”

“They’ve got noses.”

“And animal instinct,” Azul offered irritably beneath his breath.

“What are you implying?” Leona asked lowly.

His smile lacked any mirth, instead dripping with a sweet venom. “Nothing, Leona-san.”

“Ladies,” Yuu interrupted, “you’re both pretty. Now shut up so I can read the menu.”

They exchanged glares before Leona changed the subject.

“Octopunk got played.”

He buried his face in his palms, groaning.

“Give him a minute,” Yuu told the waitress. “He’s having a crisis.”

Leona barked a laugh. Azul glared at him through his finger-fence. “I’ll have the king crab legs,”
he deadpanned.

“Takoyaki,” Leona deadpanned.

Azul accepted the cruelty of the lion. Yuu decided to just order a poke bowl.

“We should bring back leftovers,” Yuu decided.

“This is why they insist you’re the Food Angel,” Leona scoffed.

Blue eyes blinked at them. “ That’s where that’s from?”

“I fed them once, and they call me an angel.” She made eye contact with Leona. “You need to feed
them more.”

“They have brains. They can feed themselves.”

“Your dorm could burn water,” she deadpanned.

Azul stifled his laughter behind his gloved hand. The other dorm leader shot green daggers at him.

“Yuu-san,” Leona’s voice was unexpected, “why did you make a deal with him? For Ruggie-kun
of all people? You had nothing to gain from it.”

“He needed it,” she put easily.

“Benevolent people do exist,” Azul agreed with a nod.

“You’re not one of them,” Leona snorted.

“I’d say I’m quite benevolent,” he argued. “I provided a high-tech piece of equipment suitable to
replace a limb at the cost of a word.”

“He’s got you there,” Yuu hummed. “But I wouldn’t say you’re benevolent, either.”

“There’s a special kind of word for people like you,” Leona added.

He popped a piece of takoyaki into his mouth. Azul shuddered.

“So you’re an actual octopus?” She bluntly asked.

“I’d rather not talk about that,” he confessed all-too-quickly.

“He uses Magic or something to make him like that,” Leona explained. “The sidepieces, too.”

“ Sidepieces ?” Azul gaped, brows narrowed in indignation.

He does care.

“What animals are they?” Yuu asked, pointedly ignoring him.


Yuu gasped. “They’re tweels.”

Leona barked a laugh, hand banging on the table. “You’re right!”

“I suppose that’s better than sidepieces,” Azul sighed in defeat.

“What does that make Ruggie-kun?” Yuu wondered.

“His mother,” the silver-tongued octopus answered. “Leona-san is lost without them.”

Leona growled. “I am not.”

“I’m with Azul-senpai on this one.”

Azul smirked smugly.

Leona retaliated by taking another bite.

He cracked the crab leg with ease.

Yuu stared between them.

This is going to be one heck of a show.

Take a Picture, It’ll Last Longer
Chapter Summary

“Well, I don’t have any memories, y’know?” She threaded the thin rope through her
fingers. “So I thought, I could hang up some new ones. Ones that I hopefully won’t

Chapter Notes

Starts with Yuu’s POV, then switches to Deuce’s at the very end!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Yuu leaned up to add another to the rope lining. She wasn’t necessarily a sentimental person, as
she had no sentiments to cling to, so may be being impulsive. But there wasn’t any harm in it,

Or maybe she was sentimental, and finally had some to have.

“Minion!” Grim called, mouth full of tuna. “Your friends are here!”

“Can you let them in?”


In walked Ace, Deuce, and Epel. Cater would have come too, of course, if he wasn’t busy with Vil.
Thanks to Azul’s work schedule, she and Leon wouldn’t be meeting him for another several hours.

“Is that your dorm uniform, Yuu-kun?” Epel asked. “It looks really cool!”

“Professor Crewel went all out, huh?” Ace commented.

Deuce nodded in agreement.

“The jacket is really comfy.” Yuu slid it off. “Want to try it?”

Ace was the one to take it. “It’s really soft.”

“The design inside is somethin’ else, too!” Epel noted, eyeing the holographic lining. “I’d want a
dragon on mine.”

“Sounds tacky.”

“Or a tiger!” Deuce offered, pointedly ignoring the ginger.

“Yeah, exactly!” the shorter one agreed excitedly.

“I thought you’d be into girlier stuff, Epel-kun,” Ace mused.

Something akin to annoyance flashed in the boy’s eyes. “I like casual and sporty stuff.”

“Epel-kun’s a man, too, y’know,” Yuu commented.

“What type of stuff are you into, Yuu-kun?” Deuce asked.

She shrugged. “Anything that I can wear.”

“So you have no standards, huh?” Ace quipped dully.

“Not like I’ve had much opportunity to pick.”

“But if you could pick,” Deuce pressed.

Yuu hummed to herself, thinking. “I like pastels, I think. And cutesy things.”

Maybe that’s why I like this uniform so much.

The ginger smirked. “So the complete opposite of these two.”

“It suits you,” Deuce decided. “It’s not my thing, but I think it looks good on you.”

“Y-yeah!” Epel agreed with slight stutter.

Fondness bloomed in her chest and cheeks.

They are too pure.

“So what are you doing anyway?” Ace asked, looking at the paper and string on the walls.

“It’s kinda dumb,” she admitted sheepishly.

“Okay. So what is it?”

“Well, I don’t have any memories, y’know?” She threaded the thin rope through her fingers. “So I
thought, I could hang up some new ones. Ones that I hopefully won’t lose.”

Yuu plucked a photo from the rope. It was of she, Ace, and Deuce after that near-expulsion.

Taking a step back, Ace found himself smiling at some that Cater had taken of them half-drenched
in red paint preparing for the Unbirthday party.

Deuce found a group selfie he and Epel had taken with her after gym.

Epel laughed at some of the shots someone else had clearly taken of her in the Savanaclaw kitchen.

“See? Dumb.” She couldn’t make eye contact.

“I don’t think it’s dumb,” Epel argued. “Memories are precious, y’know? That’s what Gran says.”

“Looks kinda empty,” Ace hummed. “Here. Let me send you some of mine.”

“I have some, too!” Deuce agreed hastily, pulling out his phone.

Yuu smiled softly.

She didn’t want to forget a single moment with them. The good or the bad.

“You’re doing pictures?” Grim asked, poking his head in. “I want to take some, too!”

“That’s a good idea,” Epel decided.

“We can even switch uniforms!” Ace beamed.

“I-Is that allowed?” Deuce stammered.

“As long as we don’t leave the dorm, no one will know!” The ginger insisted proudly.

He wasn’t convinced, brows furrowed in skepticism.

“It’s not technically not not allowed,” Epel offered.

“You just want to try on Yuu-kun’s coat,” Ace teased.

His cheeks flared pink. “N-no!”

“I’ve always wanted to try the Heartslabyul blazer,” Yuu hummed.

“Epel-kun’s kinda short, so I don’t think anyone can try his on but you,” Ace mentioned.

“I’m still growing!” Epel protested.

“I bet the sleeves are fun,” Yuu decided with an excited smile.

“Yuu-kun’s not much taller than him,” Deuce deduced in a musing him.

“I wanna be in them, too!” Grim whined.

“You can be the judge,” Yuu decided.

That’ll keep his ego afloat.

“I can keep on my leggings and shorts. Whoever tries on mine can take my hair clips, boots, and

“You just really want to try on the blazer,” Ace deadpanned.

“I really, really do.”

Epel hid his smile behind a sleeve. “So Yuu-kun can try on mine, I get to try on Ace-san’s, and
Ace-san can wear Yuu-kun’s?”

“Ace-kun is fine, dude,” the ginger corrected. “And yeah, probably. Deucey is kind muscley
underneath it. Comes from his delinquent days.”

Deuce’s cheeks bloomed pink. “Don’t call me Deucey! And that was a long time ago!”
“I’ll go get changed,” Yuu decided, heading to the bathroom. Epel unbuttoned his outer robes,
leaving him in his black undershirt and pants. He looked especially frail without the violet
overgarment, Ace decided, as he undid his blazer. There was a lot more to the outfit than Epel was

Deuce, in the meantime, took Epel’s robes and went to the restroom. He knocked on the door.

“Yuu-kun? I have Epel-kun’s robes.”

Yuu opened the door, now stripped to her undershirt, shorts, and leggings. Her physique really was
tiny. Feminine, even. More so than Epel’s. Her hair had grown almost to the same length of his,
too, over the past few months.

“Thanks, Deuce-kun.”

He took her bundle before relaying it back to Ace.

Ace didn’t know what to do with the multicolored clips. He opted to stick them in his hair like
horns. The boots were way too small, so he skipped those, instead letting Epel use them. The coat,
due to its deliberate oversized nature, reached his waist.

Ace’s blazer dwarfed Epel in size. The golden band rolled off his hip, too. It didn’t look bad- just
awkward. The boy felt awkward in it, too.

Yuu, stepping out, looked elegant in Pomefiore’s robes. She swooshed the cape-like extensions in
her hands, the tassels twirling around her legs. “This one’s fun.”

Deuce took the picture, smiling.

“I’ll try on Epel-kun’s. I just won’t strap it.”

“Then I want your uniform,” Yuu decided, eyeing Deuce.

“And Epel-kun gets Yuu-kun’s fluffy jacket,” Ace finished.

“So who wins this round, Grim?” Deuce asked.

“Yuu-kun,” he meowed. “Epel-kun loses.”

The blue-eyed boy sighed, untying the loose sash.

Deuce loosened his blazer and slowly offered his affects to Yuu. She swapped with him. He wasn’t
watching her change, too focused on desperately trying to spare the seams.

“How do I look?” Yuu asked from behind him.

Deuce turned.

His breath caught in his throat.

Yuu straightened out his blazer.

His heart skipped a beat.

It dwarfed her, but in a cute way.


The thought startled him.

Yuu-kun looks adorable.

Chapter End Notes

Edit: Also?? InternSeraph drew Yuu's uniform? Show them some love~! I'm still in
shock. I failed to hyperlink. I'm inept.

And so did QuarterlifeCrisis on tumblr!! I love this one a lot, too!! I’m just a big fan of
those specific type of shorts. I also dig pencil art.
Advice From Your Senpai
Chapter Summary

“What is this in regard to?” Riddle asked before the bluenette could fall down that
rabbit hole.

“I feel weird around one of my friends.”

“A good or a bad weird?” the dorm leader asked.

“Good, I think.”

Chapter Notes

This one’s short!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Deuce was… well he had been better.

He was alone in his room at Heartslabyul, accompanied only by his phone on the nightstand. It
was only twelve in the afternoon, but it felt like an eternity.

The graphite writing stared back at him.

C’mon, think like an honor’s student , he scolded himself.

He wasn’t getting anywhere. He had already completed Veprl-sensei’s assignment, and was
halfway done with Professor Crewel’s.

Maybe I just need a break. Honor’s students take breaks, too.

It was lunch time, right? He could get a snack and get back to work.

“Good afternoon, Deuce-kun,” Trey greeted. “I’m making myself lunch. Do you want some?”
“If it’s not any trouble, Trey-senpai.”

“Not at all. Just take a seat.”

He did just that, watching him work. It wasn’t anything fancy- just finger sandwiches and a side
salad. Riddle would be arriving soon, if the clock was anything to go by. Sometimes early, but
never late. It was admirable, really.

“Something on your mind, Deuce-kun?” Trey asked.

Was he being abnormally quiet? He wasn’t a super loud person, was he?

But this was an opportunity. Trey was his senpai, after all.

“Can I ask you something, Trey-senpai?”

“I’m all ears.”

“I’ve been feeling-“ what was the word “-weird whenever I’m around someone. Someone specific.
I get heart palpitations, I can’t stop thinking about them, and I can’t stop smiling about-“ oh he was
smiling right now, wasn’t he? “Them.”

Trey’s rhythm screeched to a halt. “What about when you’re away from this person?”

“I want to see them again. Is that weird? Because it feels funny when I’m near them.” He looked
away- despite Trey’s back being to him. “And I get angry when they’re with other guys.”

“That sounds like jealousy.” Turned out, that Riddle was early that day.

“Jealousy?” Deuce echoed.

Riddle nodded, taking a seat beside him. “It’s not the prettiest emotion. It’s more petty.”

“Veprl-sensei was teaching us about this the other day,” Trey chimed. “That most emotions that
are like-anger are likely covering something else. For example, I get angry when people touch my
things without asking. But the reason I’m angry is because I feel devalued.”

That was a lot of information to take in at once for Deuce.

Why was I so angry in middle school?

“What is this in regard to?” Riddle asked before the bluenette could fall down that rabbit hole.

“I feel weird around one of my friends.”

“A good or a bad weird?” the dorm leader asked.

“Good, I think.” His gaze fell to the countertop, but his look couldn’t be further off. “It feels
weirder when I’m not near them.”

“So why are you jealous?” Trey prompted.

Deuce paused, thinking for a moment. He couldn’t exactly put it into words. Why was he so jealous
over the idea of Yuu hanging out with someone else- if jealousy was what he was feeling?

“What’s going on?” Ace asked, picking up a plate.

“Deuce-kun is working through some things,” Trey put gently.

“He looks constipated,” the ginger deadpanned.

“He’s thinking. Give him time.”

“Thinking about what?”

“Jealousy,” Riddle answered.

“Who are you jealous of?” Ace asked, leaning over to meet his unfocused gaze.

“No one,” Deuce answered in a slight huff.

“Then who’s this about?” He pressed, tonedeaf as ever.

Deuce’s brow twitched. “If I tell you, will you promise not to say anything?”

“Breaking promises without a justifiable reason is against the Laws of the Queen of Hearts,”
Riddle recited.

“Justifiable reason?” Ace parroted with a cocked brow.

“Legality, safety, etc..”

“You have my word, Deuce-kun.” Trey’s smile was gentle.

“Yeah, I won’t blab,” Ace sighed.

Deuce’s arms folded over his head, cheek mashed against the cold countertop- a relief from the
growing heat building in his face. “Yuu-kun.”

There was a pause.

A very long
Very uncomfortable pause.

Ace was the first to speak. “Yuu-chan’s a girl.”

Deuce didn’t hear or see the collar clamping down on Ace’s neck, or the choked apologies the
ginger made.

All Deuce could hear was static.

And all Deuce could see was a blue screen.

Deuce.exe has stopped working.

“So Azul-senpai couldn’t make it after all, huh?” Yuu sighed. “Work must keep him busy.”

“Good riddance,” Leona sighed with a shrug. “What do ya wanna do?”

“I’m fine with anything. Do you have anything you want to do?”

He shrugged.

Okay. Not helpful.

“What sort of stuff do you like to do?”

“I’m decent at chess.”

The smirk he offered her raised some red flags about the ‘decent’ part.

“Then how about we just head to Savanaclaw and play a bunch of games?” Yuu offered. “That
way you can relax. And we can still tell Vil-senpai we did something.”
“I like the way you think, omnivore,” he chuckled.

Chapter End Notes

Little did you all know that Veprl is technically the counselor. He has the degree, but
he never wanted to be in charge of the kids’ mental health. Not that he’s unqualified,
but he’s already the school nurse. Caffeine is a requirement.
The Worth of Yuu
Chapter Summary

He put a hand on his hip, looking away from the ginger. “To avoid unwanted
attention, she’s been keeping it a secret. Ace-kun and I discovered by mistake when
we were cleaning Ramshackle.”

“We found her tampons,” Ace added.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“So Yuu-kun’s a girl?” Deuce asked after a moment of long silence. “Trey-senpai, did you know?”

“I can’t say I did,” he answered in a sigh.

“You’re going to be the one to tell Yuu-chan,” Riddle scolded Ace.

“Yeah, yeah,” he sighed. “Sorry.”

He put a hand on his hip, looking away from the ginger. “To avoid unwanted attention, she’s been
keeping it a secret. Ace-kun and I discovered by mistake when we were cleaning Ramshackle.”

“We found her tampons,” Ace added.

“So I should continue to address her as Yuu-kun?” Deuce asked.

“ That’s what you’re worried about?” Ace gaped.

Riddle ignored him. “When in public, yes. Otherwise, she doesn’t mind being called Yuu-chan.”

He nodded slowly. “That… doesn’t explain how I’ve been feeling.”

“Sounds like a crush,” Ace offered.

“A-A crush?” Deuce’s cheeks flared pink.

“Deuce-kun,” the ginger deadpanned. “Don’t tell me you’re a date-virgin.”

Riddle shot a quick but effective glare at him. “Don’t be vulgar.”

“I’m not…” Deuce swallowed. Why was it so hot? “Good with girls.”

“Have you considered calling your mother?” Trey suggested.

A weight settled in his chest. “If she found out that I um, like someone at an all-boys school, girl or
not, it wouldn’t…” he took a deep breath. “I don’t want to hurt her anymore.”

Riddle nodded slowly. “I understand.”

Trey stepped up to the plate. “It does sound like a crush, Deuce-kun. But it’s up to you what you do
with it. You don’t have to tell her or do anything about it if you’re not ready. But knowing is half
the battle, right?”

“Now you sound like a dad,” Ace muttered underneath his breath with an amused smirk.

“That would make Riddle-kun the mom,” Trey shot back evenly.

Riddle’s cheeks flared an embarrassed crimson. “W-what?!”

“You’re about as moody as a girl, too!” Ace laughed.

“Don’t be sexist,” the leader scolded, though his flustered face removed any threat to his words.

“I like Yuu-chan?” Deuce whispered to himself, completely deaf to their quarrel.

Yeah. Yeah that sounded about right.

As usual, Savanaclaw welcomed Yuu into their dorm with open arms.

“Is that your Dorm uniform, Yuu-chan?” A third year asked. “It looks really good on ya!”

“Thank you.” She smiled. She still needed to learn all of their names.

“So what brings you here today, Food Angel-san?” A first year inquired.

“She’s with me,” Leona explained in a slight huff.

“A date?” A second year whined. “No fair.”

“It’s an assignment. Not a date,” Yuu said firmly.

“Oh this is for your theatre thing, huh?” The first year snickered. “ Nice .”

Leona rolled his eyes. “If you need me, find Ruggie-kun.”

The boys nodded before resuming his work. Yuu followed the dorm leader to his room. It made
sense, she reasoned. He didn’t want to be disturbed by the other Savanaclaw members.

“Would you be more comfortable with the door open?” He asked. The question surprised her.
“You can close it. I don’t care.”

He gave a curt nod before shutting it behind them.

Leona’s room was bigger than Ruggie’s, and far more open. Pillars of bronze separated it from a
patio. Despite being far more lavish in design, clothes were sprawled lazily throughout. It was
almost like it was a decorative choice. His ajar wardrobe aided in the slobby aesthetic, as did the
unmade bed.

“So chess, right?” Yuu spoke. “You play?”

“I like most games that are strategic,” Leona explained easily, bringing out a wooden box. “Chess
happens to be one of my favorites.”

“Do you play black or white?”


She nodded, setting up her pieces. Like the box, they were hand-carved pieces of wood. They
weren’t so much monochrome, as much as lighter and darker shades of bark.

“Want to make this more interesting?”

He cocked a brow.

Okay that’s not a no.

“Every time one of us captures a piece, we ask a question. We each get one pass. Deal?”

He shrugged. “If that’s what you want.”

M’guy, can’t you just say yes or no?

She brought out her knight first. He returned with moving out a pawn close to his queen. She
moved her knight again, anticipating his bishop- which moved out of range for the tiny horse.

The first one to land a blow was Leona. He played with the poor pawn with his fingers.

“Do you honestly not remember anything from your past?”

“Nope. Not a thing.”

She was the one to land the next hit, a few turns later. RIP Leona’s left rook, as Cater would put it.

“When’s your birthday?”

“July twenty-seventh,” he answered.

He captured her bishop quickly, leaving him without a question in mind.

“When’s your birthday?”

She checked her phone. “Today’s Sunday, right?”



“That quick, huh?” He mumbled to himself. “November first.”

He snatched another pawn out from her.

“Do you actually use throwing knives?”

“It’s like darts,” she explained nonchalantly. She captured one of his pawns. “What’s your favorite

“Anything with meat. Check.”

She sacrificed her rook.

“Why’d you grab me that day?” Leona’s voice was low, green eyes piercing through her. “At the
Spelldrive tournament.”

“You looked like you needed it.” She answered simply.

“You could have died.” His voice came close to a growl.

His knight conquered a pawn. “Do you have any sense of self preservation?”

“You were more important.”

Why does that sound familiar? Have I said it before?

She captured one of his knights. “Why didn’t you tell me you knew I’m a girl?”

“It didn’t matter,” he easily phrased. “Would’ve been more of a pain to say something.”

Another pawn bit the dust.

“What did you mean?” He pressed lowly.

Her hand froze over her queen.

What do I mean by that? I have an answer, but it feels like I have more than that. Like a drop in the

Her answer felt heavy. “Pass.”

Chapter End Notes

Hi! So I’m going to be busy the next few days, so I’m not sure if I’ll be able to update
this nearly as often. So! I thought about doing a Q&A maybe? Like you can ask my
interpretations of these characters or even me questions relating to this fic! I’ll post it
separately but keep it in a collection. If I don’t get enough, I’ll just respond to it
individually. Just an idea! I’m not abandoning you guys haha. ((I’ll probably remove
this after like, a week))
No One Mourns the Wicked
Chapter Summary

“So what happened with you, sensei? You said you can relate, right?”

Veprl took off his glasses, buffing out a smudge with his handkerchief. “I guess I can
humor you all. Just this once. Are you all listening?”

The class was silent, prompting him to continue.

Chapter Notes

This one’s dark! But you guys do get Veprl’s backstory by popular demand. Also! I’m
not a professional or anything, so take Veprl’s lecture with a pinch of salt. Like. Please
lol. Don’t take this an actual lecture or anything. Going off of what I could find and
my own experience/therapist’s advice. And what I can remember of the DSM-5. It’s
been a hot minute.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Today, we’ll be discussing emotional trauma.”

Wow, Veprl-sensei doesn’t hold back.

“Who can define trauma for me?”

A first year from Pomefiore raised his hand. Veprl nodded his cue.

“It’s a response to to a terrible, or traumatic event.”

He gave a nod. “That’s the boiled down version of it. There are three main types of emotional
trauma we use to categorize it: acute, chronic, and complex. Acute is usually from one relatively-
minor incident; chronic most often stems from multiple or prolonged incidents; and complex is
most often a result of several interpersonal traumas. Of course, the severity and type varies
depending on what happened exactly, or other external factors, but let’s just use this as a baseline.
Traumatic events can occur at any age. Life sucks.”

Veprl leaned back against the table.

“But during your childhood is definitely when it’s the most impactful- especially if something
occurs within the first six years of age.”

A hand went up.


“But why?” Sebek asked. “Kids don’t know what’s going on, right?”

“That’s exactly why.” Veprl’s tone wasn’t malicious. “Children are most vulnerable during that
early age because their brains are still developing. That’s why early education is so heavily
emphasized- because their brains are more absorbent and still growing. Now, with developing
brains, say a traumatic event occurs. Fear and stress hormones are released into the brain, such as
cortisol and adrenaline. Keep in mind, while your brain does its best to maintain homeostasis, it
does have a survival instinct to keep everything as normal as it can. And for a growing brain?
Survival is prioritized over practicality.

“Prolonged activation of these hormones can reduce neural connections, thus limiting cognitive
ability. And because of this prioritization, the part of your brain used for survival is strengthened at
the cost of contemplation. This can make it far more difficult for people later on to adapt to later
traumas, regardless of how minor they are.

“This is opposed to an adult, whose brain is already fully developed. That isn’t to say they aren’t
emotionally scarred, but the brain is more adept to handle it long-term. An advantage, if you will-
but not an immunity.”

Ace’s hand raised. “So what happens when traumatized kids get older?”

“For one, their health can be a mess. Somatic symptoms can spring up since the brain picked
survival over long-term function, and chemical imbalances and thus affecting mood. Ever hear
someone tell you or a friend that they’re ‘mature for your age’, or even ‘an old soul’? It’s because
their brain had to develop so quickly just to survive. Most commonly, however they can develop a
variety of different mental disorders. It’s a bit of an overused word, but that’s due to lack of
variety. Disorders are just that- a thing that should be in order but isn’t. The most common mental
disorder is PTSD. Does anyone know what that means?”

A student from Ignihyde raised his hand. “Post traumatic stress disorder?”

“Exactly.” Veprl wrote it on the board in chalk. “Post-traumatic means after trauma- chronic or
complex. Someone can still have PTSD without being fully out of the traumatic experience-
especially prolonged. It’s just more evident after the fact, and obvious compared to those who
haven’t suffered trauma. Adults can develop it, too- especially after something majorly traumatic
like a war. But let’s ignore that for now. PTSD is the mind’s response to after-the-fact. It sees a
pattern, and reacts accordingly. Who here watches horror flicks?”

A few hands went up.

“They’re pretty formulaic. Not my thing. But let me use that as an example. Because they are
pretty predictable, you can tell when things are about to get bloody. Your adrenaline starts kicking
in. The same chemical used for fear, but it’s a thrill, right? Like a high. That’s what your mind does
when it sees signs of anything resembling previous trauma. And reacts accordingly. It’s a pattern.”

He started marking a bunch of bullet points on the board. “Symptoms can include memory loss or
fragmented memories, avoidance, anxiety disorders, depression disorders, intrusive thoughts,
strong emotional reactions, insomnia, and more. Your brain is still stuck in the past, if you will. It
learned how to survive pain.”

He turned back to the audience. “That’s why people freeze up when they’re around a childhood
abuser. They know that they aren’t in real danger anymore, or at least shouldn’t be, but the inner-
child is still there. That part of your brain is still hurting. And you feel small.“

Deuce raised his hand.


“How do you um, fix it?”

“There’s no real fixing it. Wounds heal, but scars fade. It’s not hopeless, but things are different.
Even if you have mentally coped with and come to terms with certain events, chemical imbalances
are a thing. We can control the symptoms, but not the cause. We can heal, but we cannot be fixed.
Therapy, counseling, and supportive friends are important- as well as other means. All humans are
broken. Some of us more than others. There’s no shame in that. It’s not our fault. That’s why
children must be protected. Because they get robbed of their normal.”

Bitterness dripped from Veprl’s voice, eyes narrowed at the board.

Yuu raised her hand. “You said memory loss is a symptom, right? Then why do we still… feel

“We are emotional creatures. You remember your emotions more so than details. Back to the
movie analogy, have you ever gotten asked why you don’t like a particular film, but can’t
remember? You just remember not liking it. That kinda idea. When it comes to trauma, though,
your brain locks away memories that hurt. It’s a survival instinct. Some can have the opposite
reaction and obsess over moments in flashbacks or nightmares.”

A hand from the back went up. “But what about teenagers? You said adults have an advantage, and
kids are more vulnerable.”

“Let’s just say the human brain doesn’t fully develop until the age of 25 or so,” Veprl stated.
“Those between 6-25 aren’t immune either. They’re still susceptible, but not as fatally vulnerable as
an extremely young child. Does that make sense?”

The student nodded.

“Now back to Overblot. Because untreated PTSD or any mental or emotional disorder can leave
strong reactions, and because Overblot is an accumulation of stress and Magical overuse, it is
important that we accept and understand our weaknesses. Like I said previously, those with anxiety
are more likely to Overblot. PTSD causes anxiety. Surely you all can do the math.”

Ace’s hand went up.


“So what happened with you, sensei? You said you can relate, right?”

Veprl took off his glasses, buffing out a smudge with his handkerchief. “I guess I can humor you
all. Just this once. Are you all listening?”

The class was silent, prompting him to continue.

“I became a medical doctor due to my Signature Spell before I became a psychologist. It wasn’t
from lack of interest, but it is a fairly common degree. I thought the need for psychiatric help
would have died down. I was better suited for more external-work.”

He took a deep breath.

“Back then, Overblot was considered something… far worse. A punishment, if you will. Even if
someone survived Overblot, their lives would be over. And if they attack someone, or even
murder? They were far more concerned with detaining them rather than curing them. We were
more concerned about hiding our flaws than comforting others with our own.”

Like an asylum ?

“I primarily worked with victims of those Overblotted. My Signature Spell has limitations, but the
injuries often left were severe enough for me to use my Magic. I was a first responder.”

He put his glasses back on. They glinted in the light. “But I saw the mangled corpses of those who
succumbed to their own blot. I saw them scorned by their loved ones. The blood. The rot.
Everything. No one mourns the wicked, they say. The same applied to my brother. I watched him
Overblot in front of me. I can still hear his screams, his cries for help. He was terrified . No one
helped him. No one could…”

He took a breath.

“No one could save him. But I wanted to. I wanted to so badly. And all I could do was watch him

Chapter End Notes

The reason this is all in one chapter is so people can skip it if they want! It’s
technically optional to read, but it is here for a reason.
Thawing Ink
Chapter Summary

“Yo, Yuu-kun,” Ruggie’s voice greeted. He opted to stand, leaning with his
mechanical elbow on the table. “Is it your birthday Friday?”

Chapter Notes

Y’know that thing that happens when you’re tired and it’s way too late and you just…
lose your filter? Yeah that.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“So, Ace-kun,” Yuu drawled, sitting down across from him at the lunch table. “Steal another tart?”

The collar sheened in the light. Ace stared at her blankly, unimpressed. “Very clever.”

“He broke a rule,” Deuce answered simply. “Again.”

“Wow, you going for a record?” Grim teased.

He glared at the cat.

“Heya, kouhais!” Cater greeted with a grin, sliding in beside Yuu. “What’s new?”

“Do you know how Ace-kun got that collar?” Yuu asked.

“Who knows? But hey! I picked up a new hobby.” He smiled brightly. “Y’know those serial killer
podcasts? It’s amazing how many of them still have bodies left unfound. Like. Really crazy. How
do you even do that, right? Someone has to notice something off. But nope! And that’s without
mentioning the cold cases!”
Ace suddenly looked pale. Sickly, even.

Yuu was confused.

“Anyway, Yun-Yun! What are ya doing after school?”

“Doing something with Azul-senpai. Oh, how are things with Vil-senpai, anyway?”

“He and I get along great! We’re now Magicam Mutuals. He’s like, my Magicam-senpai.”

“Congratulations?” Deuce offered.

“Thanks! Anyway, I gotta talk to Riddle-san about something. So I’ll see ya guys later! Ciao!” And
off he went, finding Riddle’s table easily.

“He’s acting weirder than usual,” Grim commented, ears flat with annoyance.

“He may be on extrovert high,” Yuu speculated. “He’s been around Vil-senpai a lot lately, right?”

“Extrovert high?” Deuce echoed.

“Like when an extrovert is around people and is just on people-mode after they’ve left them? I
think? I’m an introvert so I wouldn’t know.”

“You? An introvert? Who would’ve guessed,” Ace teased.

“Hopefully that doesn’t change your view of me,” she quipped.

“So you’re hanging out with Azul-senpai now?” Grim asked with an annoyed glance. “Are you
ever going to like, stay at home again?”
“I’ll be free soon,” she chuckled. “The next rehearsal is tomorrow.”

“So you’ll be free again after that?” Ace asked.

“Unless Vil-senpai gives us another crazy assignment.”

“If you keep bringing me back tuna from those dates, I have no complaints!” Grim proudly

When Yuu rolled her eyes to turn her attention back to the A-Deuce duo, she noticed Deuce’s
mouth closed like he had something to say. She didn’t press.

“Yo, Yuu-kun,” Ruggie’s voice greeted. He opted to stand, leaning with his mechanical elbow on
the table. “Is it your birthday Friday?”

“Leona-senpai told you?”

I’m surprised it got brought up. Like. At all.

“Yeah.” He bounced himself off the tabletop. “Sounds like you’ll get plenty of food and presents.”

“Wait, seriously?” Ace asked with a blink. “Your birthday’s this Friday?”

“Minion, why didn’t you say anything?” Grim asked, eyes wide with offense.

“It never came up.” She shrugged.

“You should’ve told us!” Deuce protested.

“Sorry? I’ll tell you next year.”

“That’s not the same!” Grim whined.

“Shishishi,” Ruggie snickered. “Looks like you’ve gotten popular, Yuu-kun. I gotta go make sure
Leona-san doesn’t starve. See ya.”

And off the hyena went as usual.

Just like before , a smile grew on Yuu’s face.

Yuu entered the Mostro Lounge on time. It was Azul who wasn’t punctual. They were supposed to
meet on campus, but he got hung up at work. When she walked in, she could see why. Every seat
hosted a patron. The savory smell of food and drink filled the air. Smooth jazz was overpowered
by cacophonous chatter. Jade and Floyd danced around the busied tables, hands occupied with
stacked trays. Clacking plates made raucous gnashing likened to rubber on a wet floor.

Yuu stared at the mess before heading to the back, grabbing a waist apron, and getting to work
with a notepad.

“Shrimpy’s helping us, huh?” Floyd snickered.

“I’ll inform Azul-san later,” Jade decided. “I’m in no position to argue. Thank you, Yuu-san.”

Where is Azul-senpai anyway? Maybe in the VIP Lounge?

Yuu concentrated on taking orders and relaying to the kitchen. The pieces of papers lined the wire
like tiny soldiers- and just as intimidating, too. Those poor cooks.

No wonder Azul-senpai was running late.

“Jade-senpai, is it always this busy?”

“This is normal around this hour. It should ease up in about fifteen minutes.”

“But it’s fun having you here, Shrimpy!” Floyd sing-songed. “You’re pretty quick on those feet!”

Azul entered from the back, immediately getting to work. His shoulders were stiff, and head was
poised. A gentleman in distress- if you could name the picture he was painting.

He works too hard.

Yuu sighed and continued. After a grueling hour or so, the wave of patrons ebbed like the evening
tide. Probably because they were closed. But hey, it was a win.

“Thank you for your assistance, Yuu-san,” Jade said politely.

“No problem,” she breathed.

“I apologize for my tardiness, Yuu-san,” Azul sighed. “How can I repay you?”

“Repay me?” She cocked a brow.

“You employed yourself to serving Mostro Lounge’s guests. I do not let a debt go unpaid.”

“I didn’t do it to get anything out of you, Azul-senpai. You needed help.”

“But you didn’t have to,” he pressed.

Okay so this is just one of the Azul-things, isn’t it? So what can I ask him to do?

“Well, I did come here to spend some time with you. Y’know. For that film-studies assignment.
Can we do that?”
A soft smile grew on his lips. “I can do that. Jade, Floyd. You may retire.”

“You got it boss!” Floyd practically threw his apron off.

“Have a good evening, Azul-san and Yuu-san,” Jade said with a polite bow.

“Do you want to head to your room?” She asked.

His eyes flared in surprise. “Wouldn’t that seem a bit scandalous?”

“It’s just us here, right?”

His brow quirked slightly in bafflement. How she was so casual about everything, he’d never

Nonetheless, he guided her to his room.

A vague feeling tugged at his heart. It wasn’t that his room had any questionable affects, but rather
the intimacy of the situation. A bedroom was somewhere sacred, seldom meant to be shared. It was
a vulnerable place, and he had everything to hide.

He opened the door.

Yuu marveled at the slick lavender tile spiraled in by dark and white shades. A golden frame
displaying a variety of lost coins hung on the right side, thus her left, side of the wall. On the
opposite side of the bed was a curvy shelf fixture housing sea globes. A box of bottles rested on an
old suitcase atop an elegant wardrobe. A small chandelier with shell-like shambles hung from the
ceiling, providing a nice day glow in the night.

“Your room’s really nice.”

“I try to keep it tidy,” he brushed off easily. “So you wanted to spend some time with me, yes?
What did you have in mind.”
“Well, Leona-senpai and I did something like this when I went to his dorm. We’d ask each other
questions. And you like info, right? Sounded up your alley.”

Interest glinted in his eyes like twilight sunlight off the sea. “That does sound interesting.”

And it’s getting awfully late…

“We each get one pass,” Yuu further elaborated.

“Very well. If you ask anything that breaches confidentiality of my contracts, I’ll have to decline.”

“I wasn’t going to.” She laughed. “I’m just asking about you. By the way, do you have any

“I’ll get it. I am a benevolent host.”

And off he went.

Maybe I should just leave him be. He’s kinda high-strung.

And no sooner did she think that did he arrive with a small container of lotion. “Did you need this
for something specific?”

On second thought.

“You wanted to pay me back, right? Which, by the way, I didn’t want you to. But it makes you feel
better, doesn’t it?”

He shifted his weight in slight discomfort. “What did you have in mind?”

“Trust me. Take off your shirt, okay?”

She paused, realizing how that sounded- hey I’m getting better at this.

“I just want to do one thing. And if you don’t like it, I’ll stop immediately. I promise.”

A darker curiosity settled in his silvery gaze. Skepticism and calculation as opposed to the naive
kind. “Okay.”

He slipped off his overcoat easily, hanging the sweater up. The suit was the next thing to unfurl.
Soon, his torso left bare.

He felt exposed, he realized. It wasn’t his physique he had issue with- not in this form, at least. He
was being ridiculous, wasn’t he?

Yuu sat on the ottoman. “Sit in front of me? Back to me.”

He hesitated, but listened all the same. This was the deal, was it not?

Warm hands found his shoulders, snapping him out of his thoughts.

Yuu felt his tight muscles beneath her palms. She got to work.

“Why are you doing this?” He asked.

“Your shoulders looked really tight. I wanted to help.”

He didn’t respond verbally, willing himself to relax. An honest answer from an honest person.
Blunt and pure.

Which he wasn’t.

“Do you collect coins?” She asked, eyeing the frame.

“I do. They’re fascinating, are they not? They each tell a different story- a different world from
ours. Yet they’re worth the same.”

Poetic , she chuckled to herself.

“Why did you ask for an arm of all things? For Ruggie-san? You could have asked for anything .”

“Ruggie-kun needed it. That’s all there is to it.”

What is so hard to understand about that?

“Can you be a bit more specific?” He asked in an exasperated sigh.

So much about getting better at not being vague.

“He was struggling. It’s not exactly normal to get your arm ripped off and almost die. And
everyone was treating him different. He wasn’t exactly comfortable in his own skin, y’know? I
wanted to help him.”

Azul hummed lowly in response.

“Why’d you start the deal-business anyway?” Yuu asked.

“I’m a benevolent soul,” he drawled with a smile she couldn’t see. “I help the miserable, the lonely,
and depressed- the poor souls with no one else to turn to.”

“But you have something to gain out of it. I wouldn’t call that benevolent.”

“It’s a business,” he explained evenly, before melting in her grip.

She wasn’t satisfied, but continued her work on his shoulders.

They really are awfully knotted. Wow, Azul-senpai. Do you ever take a break?
“What would you have wished for if it weren’t for Ruggie-kun?”

She paused. “I’ve honestly never thought of it.”

A dud from Azul.

“You said you wished you could forget your past. Why?”

Azul’s shoulders tensed under her palms.

“Is it because of your octopus self?”

“That’s two questions.” His voice was quiet and low. Like it was drowned out by the pressure of an
unseen sea.

“You can pass?” She offered.

“My past… is like ink. It’s ugly, black, and blotted. Gets everywhere. And stains. No one likes
spilled ink.”

So being an octopus….

“That’s what you think?” Yuu asked.

He gave a slow nod. Confident, albeit reluctant.

“We all have those sides to us, I think. The ugly parts we don’t want anyone to see. The selfish
parts, the envious parts, the lazy parts. We don’t want anyone to see them because they’re ugly.
But I think… that we forget that since everyone has those parts, we forget that we’re not alone.
We’re like… fire. Y’know? We want people to see how bright we burn, but we don’t want people
to see our shadows. We get burnt out. But I think people forget that shadows are just as beautiful,
too. We’re more focused on burning. Which is painful, by the way.”
Azul couldn’t find the words to press, or ask questions, or even quip back with anything. He leaned
back, blue eyes meeting hers placidly. Her hands slid to the front of his shoulders, fingers touching
his collarbone. Her soft locks dangled in front of her face, crude bangs doing nothing to shield her
eyes from him.

She didn’t say anything. Neither did he.

Maybe, someone as cold-blooded as him, could be warmed in such pure flame.

Chapter End Notes

Anyone else find it really cute but weird how Azul treats the MC after the Overblot
thing in-game? Like dude went from a jerk to a friend real fast. Which I love but I
wanted to be a little more gentle with that friendship. Natural, I guess? This convo is
similar to the ones I have at 3 am with my friends. Bonding in the dead of night. 10/10.
First Rehearsal
Chapter Summary

“Testy, are we? No need to get your panties in a twist.”

He glared. “Attraction? You’re being ridiculous.”

Chapter Notes

Spoilers for Anastasia!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“I hope you’ve all learned something from your time together,” Vil spoke with a refined dignity.

“I know I did,” Cater boasted with a bright grin and a wink.

Vil smirked and resumed. “What did you learn, Beau-kun and Noé-kun?”

“Noé-san has some pipes,” Beau confessed with awe. “And he rocks the cello.”

“And Beau-kun has an eye for detail,” Noé returned. “I tend to look at the bigger picture, so Beau-
kun’s ability to have a finer eye and nimble hands is admirable. We work well together.”

Vil smiled. “That’s good. I’m glad. How about you, Yuu-kun, Azul-san, and Leona-san?”

“Octopunk is a workaholic,” Leona huffed.

“And Leona-san likes to spite me,” Azul returned smoothly.

“He’s a manipulative brat.”

“He’s petty.”



Yuu’s voice broke through the bickering. “Leona-senpai is a gentleman. And Azul-senpai has an
amazing work ethic.”

The dark-haired man choked on air. “W-what?”

“You’re kind, have a righteous sense of anger, and you look out for others,” she reasoned. “You’re
a gentleman.”

His green eyes stared blankly at her. Not sure what to respond with.

“And my work ethic is rather self explanatory,” Azul hummed

“Not just in your job, senpai,” Yuu argued “You try really hard to excel at everything. Even when
you don’t have to. It’s admirable.”

He was stunned speechless. Now there were two silent idiots staring at her. Great.

“You must have a fine eye,” Vil commented.

“Yuu-kun is selfless,” Leona blurted. “But he has no sense of self preservation.” An amused
chuckle rumbled in his chest, “a pain .”

The teasing smirk made her smile.

Azul, not to be outdone, took his turn. “Yuu-san is a good person. Like Leona-san said, he’s
selfless, but for the sake of others.”

His voice was calm, level- not unlike the look in his eyes.

Vil nodded, satisfied. “Good. Now, let’s try line reading. As you can see, the ensemble will give
feedback as well as I. Beau-kun and Noé-kun, would you like to go first?”

The others took their seats on the front row. Yuu seated herself between Leona and Azul, eyes in

“Bartok!” Noé cried out excitedly. “Get me my comb- and find some cologne!” He twirled around,
arms squeezing himself into a hug. “I want to look my absolute best tonight!”

“That m-might take some time-“ Beau replied with a shy stutter, plucking invisible props from the

“Then snap to it! We’re going to a party!”

“A party?” Beau’s eyes lit up. “I-I can teach you all the latest dance moves.” He dropped the
invisi-props and spun across the floor.

“It starts with a woo-“

He cocked his hips, arms out,

“-and then you get all crazy with the hips.”

He smiled brightly. “It’s really fun, sir!”

Noé vaguely mimicked the motion before getting back to work. “We’ll let the Grand Duchess
Anastasia have her moment!”

Beau nodded. “Who cares?”

“And then we’ll kill her!”

Beau sputtered, violet eyes wide in horror. “K-kill her? W-what about the party idea?”
“That’s where I kill her!” Noé boasted, unfazed. “Crush her at the height of her glory!”

“Sir, I am begging you. Please, please get a life and let the girl go.”

“Oh I’ll get a life, Bartok,” Noé returned with a sickeningly serene smile. “ Hers .”

There was a modest applause at their performance as they took a hand-held bow.

“I like the approach you’ve taken with the characters,” Vil hummed. “You’ve made Bartok more
timid, which is a stand-out with the other parts of the cast being so strong in personality. And Noé-
kun, I love your twisted and unsettling rendition of the character. But do keep in mind to have
cracks of insanity.”

The two bowed. “Yes, sir!”

“Does anyone from the ensemble have any feedback?“ Vil asked, barely turning behind him.

No one said a thing.

“Leona-san and Azul-san?” The leader cued.

The two begrudgingly stood, taking the floor.

Leona started. “What have you done to her?” He asked with an annoyed huff, gesturing to the
seated Yuu.

Azul scoffed. “ Me ? It’s her!”

There was a pause for an unsaid line.

“If I didn’t know any better,” Leona spoke lowly, crowing down to him with a cocky smirk, “I’d
say you’re attracted to her.”

Azul’s eyes flew wide in horror. “Attraction? Have you lost your mind?!”

“Testy, are we? No need to get your panties in a twist.”

He glared. “Attraction? You’re being ridiculous.”

End scene.

Ace was the first to say something. “They fight like an old married couple.”

Vil tapped his chin in thought. “But it works. Interesting.”

“It’s actually really entertaining,” Noé offered.

The blond nodded. “Can you perform another exchange?”

Leona sighed. “Why didn’t you tell her about our plan?”

Azul flipped to that part of the script with a flick of the wrist. “All she wants to do is go to Paris.
Why give away a third of the reward money?”

His ears flattened. “You’re an idiot. You’re walking away too soon.”

“I’ve got it under control,” Azul insisted with a straightened spine and side-glance. “Walk a little

He huffed.
“Three,” he counted. “Two. And-“

“Dimitri-san!” Yuu chimed in time.

Leona scoffed. “Lucky guess.”

“Not luck.” He tapped his head with a sly smirk.

“Interesting,” Vil hummed. “Alright. Yuu-kun, could you switch places with Leona-san?”

Leona happily took his seat as Yuu tagged in.


Yuu lightly tapped him in the nose. Azul recoiled, immediately recognizing the scene. “Ow!”

Yuu’s eyes widened in panic. “Sorry! I thought you were-“ her eyes landed on Azul’s face before
an unimpressed look settled on hers. “Oh. It’s just you. Well, it’s okay then.”

A vague look of offense was shaken off by urgency. “We have to go.”

“Where are we going?”

Azul adjusted his glasses. “I think you broke my nose.”

Yuu sighed incredulously. “Men are such babies.”

Leona barked a laugh from where he was.

“The banter needs a few more personal touches,” Vil muttered to himself. “I’ll have to write some
more dialogue suitable for you both.”

An ensemble member chimed, “you’re too stiff, Azul-san!”

He sighed. “I’ll work on it.”

“Try out a more romantic scene,” Vil instructed. “And Azul-san? You can touch Yuu-kun. He
doesn’t bite.”

His cheeks tinted pink as he adjusted his glasses. “Of course.”

Yuu held out her hand. He blinked at her extended palm.

“Dance with me?” Her voice was barely above a whisper.

His eyes illuminated in recognition. He gently took it before putting his hand on her waist.

“That um, dress is beautiful,” he started with purposeful clumsiness.

“Do you think so?” She asked with a small smile.

He nodded once. “It was nice in the window, but it looks even better on you. You should-“ he
averted his gaze “-wear it. More often, I mean. It suits you.”

Yuu blushed a soft pink. “Okay.”

Azul breathed a smile. “Okay.”

Vil smirked at the display. “It needs practice, but it shows promise. Alright, listen, potatoes. I’m
going to be busy this week with adjusting this script. Ensemble, I’ll be working with you every
other day this week between rewrites. As for the main cast. Cater-kun will be paired with Leona-
san this week, while Azul-san stays with Yuu-kun. I want you both to grow in your chemistry.
Beau-kun and Noé-san, the same applies to you.”

“Yes, sir!”

“You are all dismissed. Ensemble, have you heard? Of the rumor in St. Petersburg?”

“So it’s you and me again, huh?” Yuu hummed.

Azul nodded. “Hopefully I’ll be able to extend more time to you.”

“I can always come to you.”

He smiled. “Should I put you on payroll?”

“Pay me in coffee and we’re even.” She smirked.

He chuckled. “It’s a deal.”

“So are you free tomorrow?”

“I should be. It’s midweek, so it’s usually rather slow at the Lounge. Did you have something in

“You haven’t gotten to pick yet,” she pointed out.

He hummed. “I barely know anything about you, Yuu-san. I’d much rather you pick.”
She sighed. “There’s not much to know. I’m kind of a boring person.”

Something akin to indignation flared in his silvery gaze. “I beg to differ.”

She took a moment to think. What did she like to do?

“How about antiquing?” Yuu asked. “We can grab lunch while we’re out.”

“What’s antiquing?”

Yuu’s eyes widened in surprise before a mischievous smile melted on her face.

“You’re going to love it.”

Chapter End Notes

This is one of those in-between chapters that would be way too long if I connected it to
the end of the one before or after. Not filler, but required for a timeline.

Also yeah Yuu’s response to Azul’s kinda weak! She doesn’t know him too well. Bad
first impressions hah. Round 2 will have improvements!
The Sinking Lifeboat
Chapter Summary

Yuu stared at him, a bit dumbfounded, but smiling amusedly. It was a bit patronizing,
in his not-so-humble opinion.
“Azul-senpai, what do you think this place is?”

“An underfunded museum.” Wasn’t it obvious?

Chapter Notes

Ok! Headcannon time!

Azul gets attached easily. Not to a dangerous degree, but it explains his behavior in the
game. One bonding moment and it’s hard to get rid of him. Also, he’s perceptive when
it comes to self-destructive tendencies. I mean. Look at his backstory.

Azul wasn’t sure what to expect when it came to ‘antiquing’. As the name had suggested, it had
something to do with relics, or antiques, if you will. But that description alone was vague. He had
done some research, however, to pick a more specific venue.

“Are you ready to go?” She asked upon her arrival.

She wore jeans and a t-shirt. Simple, but effective. He, as usual, took a more dapper approach.

“I am.” He smiled politely. “I’m afraid I’m not familiar with antiquing, so you’ll have to teach

“Guess I’m your senpai now, huh?” She teased.

He allowed a chuckle to rumble in his chest. “I suppose that would be fitting, Yuu-senpai.”

Her face contorted in disgust. “Ok yeah no never mind. I don’t like the way that sounds. Just call
me Yuu-chan.”
“Isn’t that a bit casual?” He asked, dumbfounded.

“We’re friends, aren’t we?” She shrugged. “Cater-kun calls me Yun-Yun.”

Yun-Yun? He fought back an amused smile.

“I suppose Yuu-chan will do.”

She nodded, satisfied. “Let’s go, Azul-senpai.”

And through the Mirror they went. They quickly met faded cobblestone of a forgotten age. Short
buildings lined the roads with paint pattered by the past. Tall blooms of green palms towered
alongside the stout structures. The sky above was of a baby blue, a young color full of youth, only
partially obscured by ivory sky fluff. Distantly, he could taste the salty air of the ocean. It was like
an allusion of summer, but with the gentle breath of autumn. The waters would be much too cold
for someone to swim in.

“It’s so nice out here,” Yuu drawled with a blissful smile.

“I thought you might like it,” he hummed with a contented nod. “The antique shop should be
over…” he scanned the streets. “There.”

The building in question was a squarish shape made of garden walnut, accented with eggshell
eaves. Large windows took up most of the surface area in order to display knick-knacks, gadgets,
and gizmos aplenty. The door rang with a small bell as they entered.

So antique shops are underfunded museums?

“Look at these, Azul-senpai!” Yuu called from around the corner.

He blinked and rounded the wall. Yuu’s fingers delicately felt the glass concealing a case of coins.
He stared before slowly walking over.
“You’re allowed to touch the displays?” He asked, bewildered by the prospect.

Yuu stared at him, a bit dumbfounded, but smiling amusedly. It was a bit patronizing, in his not-
so-humble opinion.

“Azul-senpai, what do you think this place is?”

“An underfunded museum.” Wasn’t it obvious?

“Antique shops are stores where you can buy old things. Antiques .” She pulled a price tag loosely
tied to the frame for emphasis.

That explains the ‘shop’ part, at least.

Even still, he felt a bit stupid. Ignorant, at the very least.

“So we can buy the merchandise we see?” He asked, to be sure.

“Yeah. So what do you think of this?” She asked, gesturing to the frame.

I’m surprised she remembered something so trivial.

He approached the thin case. He did have all of the coins-

Which was surprising.

Some of these are extremely rare! And they’re for sale?

“What else does this antique shop have?” He wondered aloud.

Yuu smiled. “Let’s find out!”

He followed her around each cubicle? They had a term, yes? Stall? He didn’t find it important
enough to ask her.
The merchandise varied from unimpressive to astounding- with steep price tags to boot.

You get what you pay for, his business-minded brain offered.

“Look at this, senpai!” She presented to him a snow globe.

It wasn’t too unlike the sea globes in his room.

“It’s pretty,” he hummed, gently taking it from her hands. “This must be back when Ramshackle
was a fully functioning dorm.”

“I wonder why it was abandoned,” Yuu mused.

“Something to do with the paranormal, perhaps?” Azul speculated from a vague memory.

“Why do you wear gloves all the time?”

The question had caught him off guard. It wasn’t something he actively thought about, honestly.

“I’m not entirely sure?” He answered honestly. “It’s been a habit of mine for a while.”

“Huh. Okay.” She put the snow globe back.

Is it always so simple with her? He couldn’t help but wonder.

“Hey, Azul-senpai? What’s this?”

The device in question looked to be of Briar Valley heritage- being made of some igneous rock and
old wood splintered by time.

“It looks to be an old relic from Briar Valley.” He gentle pulled it from the shelf. “Lilia-san might
know something about it.”

He nodded. “He’s the vice warden of Diasomnia. You saw him at the Spelldrive tournament,
didn’t you?”

“Maybe? What does he look like?”

“He’s short with black hair and magenta streaks.”

“Oh he’s the one who scolded Leona-senpai,” she recognized.

His eyes widened slightly.

That’s right. She was there that day, wasn’t she?

“If you don’t mind me asking, what exactly happened on that day?” Azul asked slowly. “I saw that
Ruggie-san received quite the injury, but aside from that, only rumors.”

“Digging for info again?” She asked with a taunting smirk.

“I don’t take stock in rumors,” he put simply. “I have no use for that kind of information in any
case. I just dislike not knowing things.”

She hummed, thinking. She sighed and got back to mindlessly going through the stock. “Leona-
senpai almost Overblotted.”

Almost? Azul’s brain stuttered.

“He was trying to fight it. He was trying really hard. And Ruggie-kun’s arm was turned to sand
from his Magic.”

His heart sank to his stomach like an anchor, nausea churning in his stomach like unruly waves.
That sounded horrifying .
Her hands stopped over a ship in a bottle. His fingers brushed over hers. She flinched, and he
recoiled. Yuu met his gaze. Her forehead was wrought with wrinkles. Her eyes unsure. Dubious.
Of something that wasn’t there?

That look doesn’t suit you , he decided.

“What brought him back to his senses?” He asked lowly.

“I grabbed him.” She looked down at her right hand. He had noticed it before, but it was scarred
from unseen wounds. “While his Spell was active. Yelled at him, then he fell into his dormmates. I
think it was cathartic for him.”

“What did you say to him?” Azul asked, voice tight in his throat.

Yuu paused, thinking back. Her words came out slow. “Life sucks, and it’s unfair. And if you turn
the world upside down for yourself, you’d only be hurting those sitting on the top. Stop burning
your eyes looking at the sun- and start looking at the stars.”

His eyes widened.

For someone so ordinary, she does have a way with words.

“I can see how those words might have affected the big house cat,” he sighed. “But why did you
grab him? Knowing full well that you could have lost a hand.”

“He was more important.”

So that’s what he meant.

“What do you mean?”

“He needed someone there to snap him out of it. So, I did.”
Too simple.

“But you could have lost a limb- just like Ruggie-san. Weren’t you scared?”

“Leona-senpai is more important than me.” Her voice was firm, unwavering in its conviction.
“You said it yourself. I don’t have a particular talent, a good voice, or even Magic. I’m expendable.
The least I can do is help those who matter more, right?”

His heart stopped. His blood ran cold.

What wouldn’t she do?

He never wished more that he could erase the ink of his words.

She isn’t some buoy in the water.

“Yuu-chan.” His words felt thick. “You matter, too. You’re not expendable.”

She shook her head, but didn’t give him an argument to rebuttal. Frustrating as it was, it let him
linger in the murky waters she swam in.

If she did have magic, what would I say to her? If she Overblotted, too?

The thought cracked through his conscious like a bolt of lightning in a storm. His mind swirled like
a storm.

If he were a monster- a lowly kraken at the depths of the sea, then she would be a lifeboat; floating
above it all.

How many passengers could she take before she drowned?

Hallow Night
Chapter Summary

“I’m not really into the Halloween thing,” Yuu confessed plainly.

“What, seriously?” Ace gaped. “It’s like, one of the biggest events in the year! Even
Mr. Goody Two-Shoes likes Halloween!”

Chapter Notes

Yeah I forgot about Halloween so have that obligatory chapter. So, Yuu doesn’t care
about it either! This chapter went through 3 different endings that would have been so
angsty. You all deserve a break after the last few chapters. Enjoy it while you can!

Next up is Yuu’s birthday, though!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Are you excited about tonight, Yuu-kun?” Deuce asked in a slow jog.

The autumn air did make the painful run more bearable, at least. Coach Vargas lives another day.

“What for?”

“It’s Halloween!” Ace reminded.

“Oh. I forgot.”

“It’s a pretty big deal in Twisted Wonderland,” Deuce explained.

“I’ve never heard about it,” Grim commented plainly.

“I guess you haven’t bought a pumpkin yet to decorate your room, have you?” The darker haired of
the A-Deuce duo lamented. “There’s a line outside the Mystery Shop. They sell really nice looking
pumpkins, so you have to go early.”
“The hookies get the good ones, eh?” The feline whined.

“I’m not really into the Halloween thing,” Yuu confessed plainly.

“What, seriously?” Ace gaped. “It’s like, one of the biggest events in the year! Even Mr. Goody
Two-Shoes likes Halloween!”

“I-It’s a day where everyone can cut loose!” He protested defensively.

“Then have fun.” She smiled sweetly. “I’ll be cooped up in my dorm.”

“Minion, you can’t possibly be thinking of skipping?”

“You all enjoy it without me. I’ll be okay. I promise.”

“That sounds depressing,” Ace sighed. “C’mon. We’ll keep you company.”

“I’m serious,” she insisted firmly. “I don’t care.”

“Are you sure?” Deuce asked.

“I’m sure. But send me pictures, okay?”

“If ya say so,” the ginger sighed with a shrug.

“I’m going with them!” Grim declared, paws on his hips.

“Have fun. Don’t cause any trouble for them, okay?”

He rolled his eyes at the accusation.

“Leona-san you cannot just avoid the lunchroom,” Cater groaned. “Ruggie-san is not your

“I’m giving him a purpose in life,” Leona scoffed aloofly.

“You’re literal royalty, m’guy. Pay him.”

“Who says I don’t?”

“His thrift shop uniform doesn’t count!” He ran a hand through his hair. “Humor me and come
with me to the cafeteria. M’kay?”

“Why would I do that?” He groaned.

“Because you’re my boyfriend in this play.” Cater smiled sweetly. “And you need to listen to your
girlfriend. Unless Yun-Yun was wrong about that whole gentleman-thing. What could you have
possibly done to convince her of something like that?”

Leona growled in a sigh. “Fine. I’ll go eat lunch with you.”

Cater winked. “It’s a date!”

“But you’re helping me with Savanaclaw tonight.”

“I have my own dorm to flip.”

“Relationships are a give-and-take, babe ,” Leona sneered with a smirk.

“Just make sure I’m home by curfew, honey ,” he returned with just as much sugar-free sweetness.

“Yuu-kun, may I have a word?”

Y’know. There were a lot of oddballs at Night Raven College. So she wasn’t at all surprised when
a familiar black-and-magenta haired man was facing her- albeit upside down.

“Lilia-senpai, right?”

A delighted, fanged smile spread across his face. “That’s me. Yes.”

He seemingly floated off his inverted perch. He was just as short at last time. His vibrant green
blazer was shorter than most, only reaching to his waist where it was intercepted by his black
pants. Draping his shoulders was the default black blazer in a fashion to how Azul preferred his
dorm uniform.

“I’m Lilia Vanrouge,” he introduced himself formally. “And you’re Yuu, the prefect of
Ramshackle Dorm, right?”

“That’s me. What’s up?”

“I was wondering if your dorm would be available for Diasomnia’s use tonight. It would be the
perfect place for some mischievous activities, wouldn’t you say? Fufufu.”

“Sorry, Lilia-senpai. It’s a bit short notice.” She ran her hand through the bottom hem of her blazer.

“I understand. Thank you anyway, Yuu-kun.” He smiled, unfazed by the denial.

“Oh, by the way, Lilia-senpai.”

He stopped in his tracks. “Yes?”

“Do you have someone in your dorm with really tall curved horns? And green eyes?”

Lilia’s scarlet gaze glinted with amused curiosity. “You’ve met someone matching that description,
I’m assuming?”

“He stopped by my dorm one night.” She paused, trying to remember. “Something about gargoyle

A quiet laugh escaped his lips. “He must have had some reason to keep you in the dark about his
names. He’s a bit childish. Would you mind playing his game?”


Yuu contemplated the description. In a way, Ryuko did remind her of a lost child wandering the

Eh. Why not?


“Thank you, Yuu-kun. You’re too kind.” He waved as he left for his lunch table.

But he didn’t deny Ryuko was in Diasomnia’s dorm. She’d just have to wait to meet him.

“Hey, Yuu-kun!” Ace called. “You gonna come sit with us of what?”

“I’m coming, I’m coming.”

She scuttled over to her usual seat with Ace, Deuce, Grim, and Epel- her people.

Chapter End Notes

Fire Emblem Three Hopes is about to take up so much of my time

Without Malice
Chapter Summary

Instead of some hooligan or Grim, she saw a slow trail of multicolored fabric. It was
teal for the base, with crimson and gold accents in intricate designs she couldn’t quite
make out. Coming even further than that was a dark tail-like attachment with a violet
sheen to it.

Chapter Notes

If anyone has some good Azul fics hook me up. I need to quench my thirst for the
octo-man. I love him. I am weak. There’s not enough content. >:(

Ok real talk now: the last chapter was supposed to be it for Halloween, but you all
sounded like you wanted more. Here you go. Yuu’s birthday is next chapter though.
For real this time.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Yuu busied herself with watching old films. She had vague memories of some, though the endings
were much different. Not that she could remember the original ending, but they were different .

Did I like these? She couldn’t help but wonder.

A loud bang jolted her out of her seat. Heart in her ears thrumming away, she slowly made her way
to the door.

Whoever decided to trick or treat here is getting cold spaghetti , she silently swore, hand setting
down the glass bowl.

Opening the door, she found no one.

Very mature.

Armed with nothing but a ladle and her smartphone, she decided to investigate. Maybe it was a cat
for all she knew. Granted, Grim was enough. She would not be having any more kids amen.
Instead of some hooligan or Grim, she saw a slow trail of multicolored fabric. It was teal for the
base, with crimson and gold accents in intricate designs she couldn’t quite make out. Coming even
further than that was a dark tail-like attachment with a violet sheen to it.

“Who’s there?” She demanded.

Yeah, very threatening, Yuu. What are you going to do? Spoon them?

The trail of fabric stopped. “I didn’t mean to startle you, Yuu-kun.”

Oh I know that voice . “Ryuko-san?”

He stepped out of the corner to reveal himself in full. He was costumed with ornate robes with
details reminiscent of old murals or scrolls from a forgotten era. His horns poked out of a scarlet
cap atop his head. His green eyes pierced through the night.

“Is the tail real?” She couldn’t help but ask with an amused smirk.

“That’s what you’re worried about?” An equally entertained grin tugged at his lip. “You’re
certainly interesting, son of man.”

“But is it?”

It flicked for good measure. “Yes.”

“That’s kinda cool.” She smiled. “So why are you out here, anyway?”

“Per Night Raven College tradition, each dorm takes turns to entertain guests throughout the
night,” he explained. “Diasomnia’s time has passed. I wanted to step away from the festivities.”

“So a break?”
“More or less, yes. If I’m bothering you, I can take my leave.”

“Oh you’re no bother at all, Ryuko-san.” She smiled with earnest. “You just surprised me. That’s

“If you insist.”

“But it’s kinda cold out here,” she noted. “Want to come inside? It’s just me tonight.”

“I don’t wish to intrude,” he insisted smoothly.

“It’s not intruding if I’m offering. But if you don’t want to, I’m not offended.”

He considered it for a moment. “If you’re certain.”

“I need someone to help eat my leftovers anyway. You’d think Grim would learn not to be so

She opened the door, leading him inside.

“It’s cleaner than I remember,” he commented.

“Oh, yeah, Lilia-senpai said you usually use this place for Halloween, right?”

He gave a curt nod. “It makes a fine haunted house. At least it did.”

“Maybe next year.” She shrugged. “What are you in the mood for?”

“I’m not known for pickiness.”

“Ok, so what’s your favorite? Unless you really want to try some cold spaghetti.”
A chuckle escaped his lips, low like a growl. “Cold spaghetti is fine. But since you inquired, I like
ice cream.”

She couldn’t help but smile. This awkward horned man liked arguably the childish dessert there
was. It was charming. Cute, even.

“Cold spaghetti and ice cream it is. Make yourself comfortable.”

He nodded stiffly before cautiously lowering himself to the couch. Yuu could still see his horns
poking out from behind it. He was uncomfortable, as expected, but not to the point of discomfort.
More so awkward.

I wonder…

She checked the yellow fruits on the counter. She was going to make it into a bread, but they
would work.

By the time she returned, she found Ryuko’s green eyes fixated on the TV screen. She had almost
forgotten what she was watching: The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

She set down the glass dish in front of him.

“What is this?” He asked curiously, accepting a spoon from her hands.

“A banana split.” She smiled. “Try it.”

He eyed the foreign frozen spheres curiously before testing it with his spoon. His eyes widened at
the sweetness, a small, mysterious smile blooming on his face.

“It’s delicious.”

“Thought you might like it.” A smug smirk tugged at her lip as she sat next to him.
He nodded again, paying particular attention to the strawberry flavor. The two sat in comfortable
silence, eating their sundaes. On the occasion, Ryuko would ask about the film. They were genuine
questions, too.

“What do you think of this character, Quasimodo?” Ryuko asked suddenly.

“What do you mean?” Yuu pressed, splitting the cold spaghetti with him like a box of popcorn-
each armed with a fork.

“Do you think he’s a monster?”

Yuu turned her attention to him. His usual, even green gaze was softened with a deep sympathy.
Pained, even.

Her words came slow, carefully worded. “I think he’s more human than a lot of people. And even
if he wasn’t human, he has more humanity than Frollo. Who is an actual human.”

A vague smile crossed his features. “You’re strange, son of man.”

“Would you rather me say something else?”

“No. I’m just glad you’re strange, human.”

“Thank you?” She replied awkwardly.

Your people skills are worse than mine, Ryuko-san. Congratulations.

He nodded, satisfied with his half-successful compliment.

“What do your horns feel like?” She wondered aloud.

He paused. “You want to touch them?”

“Is that okay?”

He chuckled. “You won’t like what happens if you do.”

“Try me.”

“Bold, are we?” An amused smirk tugged at his lip.

“You’re not saying no.”

He slowly nodded, turning to face her. Her hands gently went to them.

He flinched at the first touch.

They were grooved like a strong seashell, curving in like a spiral tower. He leaned into her touch, a
faint color dusting his cheeks as she got more bold. She didn’t grab them, rather stroking them
gently. She felt every crevice of the twisting horns decorating his skull like a crude crown. A long
limb curled around her ankle as she worked her way up to the points. Her fingertips trailed down to
the base, where his breath hitched in his throat, tail further coiling around her in a squeeze. A low
sound like a purr rumbled in his throat.

“Is this okay, Ryuko-san?” She asked in a breath.

He nodded, leaning into her soft grip. “I never dared to imagine what a human’s touch would feel
like. Everyone is much too frightened of me to get so close. Do I not scare you as well?”

“Not at all.”

“Even if,” his words were in a low, shaky breath, “if I was given a name as cruel as Malleus?”

A warm smile bloomed across her cheeks. “I like that better than Ryuko-san anyway.”

Chapter End Notes

Malleus you touch-starved angel.

Ok fr though! He’s a character that gets attached to the MC insanely fast. Due to his
history, it makes sense. That being said!

There are characters not like this, too, in this fic. Like, Ruggie still avoids physical
touch, Leona respects Yuu but isn’t sure what to make of her as a person, and the
tweels are standoffish. Azul is also still distanced due to specific reasons, too.
Just wanted to clarify so people didn’t think I’m rushing a character for my own sake.
I’m just writing in a way that feels sensible for the character.
A Gift for Yuu
Chapter Summary

“Boss, you’re being ridiculous,” Floyd jabbed. “This is Shrimpy we’re talking about.
Just offer him a freebie.”

Jade, however, had more tact than his twin. “You have been putting a lot of thought
into this. Isn’t a sample satisfactory to Yuu-san?”

Chapter Notes

This one was getting really long so I split it up. It’ll make sense later.

Just a reminder that Q&A is still open!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Yuu stretched in her bed as she woke up. Her hair was undoubtedly a disaster. It was getting long,
huh? It could probably rival Epel’s in length. A bit too girly, wasn’t it?

Maybe she was still feeling somewhat melancholic, but there was a certain bittersweetness to it.
She actually liked girly things- including her long hair. It was a shame she’d have to cut it again.
Oh well.

She focused on getting on her uniform. It was still a rather plain ensemble still- the accent color
being a lacking white.

No sooner did she finish, did her Grim-lin burst through the door.

“Happy birthday, Yuu! For today and today only! I’ll share my tuna cans with you!”

The bright grin stretching ear to ear boasted greatly of his generosity.

“Thank you, Grim.” She ruffled the space between his ears. “But I’m not the biggest fan of tuna.
That’s all on you.”

“Are you sure?” His eyes widened in slight horror.

“I’m sure. But that is a pretty big offer from you. So I appreciate it.”

And she meant it, too. There wasn’t a lot that Grim could feasibly offer her- despite what he’d say
otherwise. Tuna, to him, was a prize. So at the very least, it was the thought that counted.

“If you say so, Yuu-kun.” He sighed, flicking his tail. “More for me, then! So what’s for

“I’m thinking I’ll just try something at the cafeteria. I don’t feel like cooking.”

“Suit yourself. Let’s go, then!”

She nodded, making her way out the door with bag in-tow. Grim followed shortly behind her.
Making it to the main building was easy enough. It was so early, however, that there was barely
anyone there. Grim would have normally slept through the break of dawn, but seemed to be stifling
his yawns for Yuu’s sake.

The kitchen was the busiest place in the building, as expected. Even so, its noise was a dull hum of
idle chatter. The rich aroma of coffee wafted through the air accompanied by morning sugar. The
students there were people she didn’t recognize for the most part. With the exception of a few.
Including Lilia.

“What day is it again?” He hummed to himself with an amused smirk as she joined him on the line.
“Oh! It’s your birthday, isn’t it?”

“How’d you know?” She asked, a bit endeared by his expression.

“Let’s just say a little bat told me,” he snickered. “No wonder Malleus-kun’s been antsy. Speaking
of, are you planning to celebrate?”

Oh it did come up, didn’t it?

“I don’t plan on doing anything.”

But who all was at that table ? She paused. He probably knows anyway.
“But Cater-senpai may be planning something.”

“Cater-kun, hmm?” He mused to himself in a hum.

“If he is, would you mind doing me a favor, Lilia-san?“

“What is it?”

“Would you mind making sure Malleus-senpai gets invited?”

Lilia’s hot pink eyes lit in surprise.

“Malleus-senpai?” Grim echoed in a meow. “Isn’t he a powerful Mage?”

She shrugged. “He’s a friend.”

“I’m sure he’d love that.” Lilia smiled. “I’ll see to it. You really are kind, Yuu-kun.”

“I just don’t want him to be left out,” she put easily.

He nodded and smiled all the same. “I won’t rescind my words. Have a wonderful birthday, Yuu-

“Thanks. See ya around, Lilia-senpai.”

He waved as he turned to leave.

“So why do you want to invite Malleus-senpai, minion?”

“He’s a friend,” she phrased bluntly.

“When did that happen?” Grim asked, wide-eyed.

“Long story.” She poured her cup from the carafe.

He scoffed. “I guess you don’t wanna talk, huh?“


He sighed, choosing not to press. A gift in and of itself. She grabbed herself a biscuit and her
coffee and made her way to a quiet corner in the cafeteria.

“Should we even bother making it a surprise?” Ace sighed. “I’m pretty sure she knows we’ll do
something .”

“We’re not making any effort to hide it from her,” Riddle explained coolly. “We’re just not telling
her about it.”

“What flavor cake does she like?” Trey asked, thumbing through his cook book.

“Think we can just give her a coffee and call it a day?” Ace asked.

Riddle spared a side glance that sent shivers down his spine. “I hope for your sake you’re joking.”

“ Duh .” He straightened his posture. “She likes strawberries.”

“Strawberries, huh?” Trey mimicked. “I can work with that.”

“Oh that’s perfect!” Cater chimed in, fixing his blazer as he popped into the kitchen. “You could
make it look like the emoji!”

“That’s a bit of a lighter profile for November. Does she like chocolate?”

“Oh yeah! She loves mochas!”

“Has anyone seen Deuce-kun?” Ace yawned. “If I have to be up this early, so should he.”

“Spades are harder to doodle than hearts, Ace-kun,” Cater teased, gesturing to his own diamond.
“So let’s talk gifts. It’s cringe to get duplicates. Which is funny since my Signature Spell is literally

Due to Halloween being the day prior, apparently November 1st was a half day. It made sense,
considering Halloween was a pseudo national holiday of sorts. If you weren’t deprived of sleep,
you could take the extra time to study for midterms.

Oh yeah. Those.

Anyway, instead of a lunch break, Yuu started to head back to her dorm. Grim followed close
behind, elated at this development.

“I’m going on ahead, minion!” He decided. “Tuna time~!”

And off the gluttonous Grim scampered.

Which left Yuu alone. Not that she minded. If Grim was out of her hair, she was more than happy.
It wasn’t that she disliked the feline, but he was definitely a handful.

An arrow whizzed by her ear. She stiffened on reflex before whirling around. Out come a familiar
man in a bob cut.

“Bon anniversaire!” He greeted with a bright smile.

“Hey, Rook-senpai.” She turned on her heel to face him properly. “And thanks.”

“Non, non, no thank you is necessary!” He insisted. “Your birthday is a day to commemorate.
After all, this is the day something beautiful was added to this world! It’s a truly wonderful day.”

“I’m not beautiful, senpai,” Yuu chuckled sheepishly. “But thank you.”

“Votre beauté est très discrète et je refuse de rétracter une flèche,” he argued. Sadly, Yuu couldn’t
understand him.

“As Roi du Poison and my gift to you, we’d love to give you a makeover!”

“A… makeover?” She repeated hesitantly.

“Même les meilleurs diamants ont besoin d'être polis de temps en temps!” He boasted. “Come with
me to Pomefiore, and we’ll get to work.”

“Um, okay?”

Not like I got anything else to do.

She found a smile on her face.

And that does sound like a lot of fun.

“Excellent! Let us depart!”

Azul fixed his hair in the vanity one last time. Brow scrunched in concentration and eyes narrowed
for the same cause, he was in deep focus.

“Boss, you’re being ridiculous,” Floyd jabbed. “This is Shrimpy we’re talking about. Just offer
him a freebie.”
Jade, however, had more tact than his twin. “You have been putting a lot of thought into this. Isn’t
a sample satisfactory to Yuu-san?”

“It’s not that,” he sighed. “I’m afraid it’d be too easy.”

“How so? Providing a sample has proven to draw back at least one additional wish by the client.”

“I don’t think it’d be affective,” Azul stated simply.

“Affective?” Floyd parroted with an incredulous look an unamused pout.

“I’ve already asked him what he would want,” he sighed. “But he doesn’t know.”

“Shrimpy only wishes stuff for other people, eh?” Floyd drawled curiously. “We could make a
problem for him to wish to fix!”

“Cunning, but counterproductive,” Jade replied.

“This is too much trouble,” the eel groaned. “I’m leaving.”

Vil continued to dabble on some blush while Rook fussed with her hair.

“Il est moins téméraire que Monsieur Cherry Apple,” Rook hummed to himself.

Whatever he had said, Vil nodded in agreement. “You have a similar appeal to Epel-kun, too.”

“Appeal?” Yuu echoed.

“Epel-kun shows promise.” Vil brushed her chin of excess dust with his thumb. “But he doesn’t
take care of himself.” Irritation nipped at his tone.

“Une pomme meurtrie,” the blond chimed.

“You, however, take care of your appearance.” Vil smiled politely.

“Do you like getting preened?” Rook asked.

Yuu thought for a moment, feeling Rook gently massage her scalp as he awaited an answer.

“I think I do,” she hummed. “But, I never had the opportunity.”

“A shame,” Vil decided. “It suits you.”

“Thank you, Vil-senpai.” She found herself smiling.

“You have your dorm uniform on hand, yes?”

“It’s in my bag.”

“Perfect. Do you mind changing into it before I finish?”

“Sure.” She rose to her feet, dusted the excess powder from her pants, before heading to the
changing room.

“Penez votre temps!” Rook smiled.

Yuu stopped in her tracks. Panic clutched her heart with cold talons

Wait. The language that he speaks…

“Rook-senpai?” Yuu blurted. “Are you by any chance French ?”

His eyed widened in surprise before settling into something unreadable. It nagged at her in

“What’s a French?” Vil asked, brows furrowed slightly in confusion.

“How curious,” Rook mused to himself. “You are quite the Trickster. But non. I am from the
Afterglow Savanna. “Que vous demandez à cause de ma façon de parler, n'est-ce pas?”

Yuu still didn’t understand what he was saying. It chewed at her confidence. “It just sounds like a
language from my world.”

“It’s a language my grandmother used,” Rook explained. “I have no slightest clue on the origin.
But maybe, que vous demandez à cause de ma façon de parler, n'est-ce pas.”

Chapter End Notes

What Rook says at the end is essentially: “maybe you’re not the only stray to have
wandered here”.

I don’t usually translate things, but this one is important so here ya go.
Chapter Summary

“Sounds kinda mushy,” Floyd disagreed in a grumble.

“Fluff is gold for Magicam!” Cater chirped. “I’m in!”

Chapter Notes

There are a lot of parallels and details to watch for!

Starts with Azul’s POV

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Azul mentally stuttered as he saw Yuu walk into the Mirror Chamber. She was in her dorm
uniform- which in and of itself was flattering to her figure. It vaguely reminded him of an outfit of
a video game character, one that Iida played, specifically. What were they called again? Gym
leaders? Something like that.

Her makeup was done with a refined eye. Based on the way things were curved, he could safely
assume it was Vil’s handiwork. Her hair was styled in a similar fashion of Cater’s or Vil’s, but the
way it was tied back gave a vague allusion to a lily- or even a lotus.

“Is the secret out?” Azul wondered aloud.

She blinked back at him. “Oh. No. But even if people found out about it-“

she paused, pursing her lips

“I think it’d be okay.”

“After all the work you put in about hiding it? Why the sudden change?”

Why am I bothered by that?

“The main reason I was hiding it was to avoid unnecessary attention, y’know? But even without
my gender being an issue, I’ve gotten nothing but attention anyway.”
She fiddled with the hem of her coat.

“And it’s a big part of me, y’know? I’m not saying a person’s gender is all someone is, but I’m
tired of hiding myself- the real me - from others. I’ve done it for years, and I want to think- I want
to hope that people will accept me anyway. Girl or not.”

Octopus or not, his mind dared to relate.

“You said years,” Azul phrased bluntly yet a sweet tone. “What do you mean by that?”

Her eyes lit in surprise or perhaps even panic, before mellowing into the same muddled confusion
as they always did.

“I don’t know,” she confessed, voice barely above a whisper.

Azul had come to know this tragic habit of Yuu’s. Her mind was like the sky at sea; puffed and
clouded by dark clouds. The occasional memory would flicker through the dark like heat lightning,
but never make contact with the sea of the present.

But there was always heat lightning before a storm.

He just wondered if the rapids would capsize her lifeboat.

He hummed, a polite smile crossing his features. “You look very nice, Yuu-kun.”

“Thank you, Azul-senpai.” Her tense face melted. Good. “So where are Floyd-senpai and Jade-

“They’ve gone ahead. Floyd mentioned something about squeezing his goldfish.”

“Ahead where?”

Oh right. It is a surprise.

“You’ll see.” He extended an arm to her. “Shall we?”

An amused smirk tugged her lip as she locked arms with him. Together, they stepped through the
Heartslabyul mirror. The roses had long since bloomed, leaving only bushy brambles in their wake.
The outside was plain and understated. Inside, however, was where the festivities were held. White
curtains led to a throne designated for the person of the hour. Colorful balloons of purple hues
floated at the ceiling like pebbles in a fishbowl. An expansive oval table stretched across the room
hosting a variety of snacks and hors d’oeuvres. A certain sweetness lingered in the air.

Yuu spotted Ruggie sneaking snacks from the table. Floyd was chasing Riddle in the corner of the
room before being swept up into his arms. Cater was taking pictures. Epel was helping with the
table. Ace and Deuce were the ones to approach first.

“Happy birthday, Yuu-kun,” Ace greeted with a grin.

“You should have told us sooner,” Deuce scolded lightly with a soft smile. “I like to give my
friends a huge celebration for their birthdays.”

“Sorry about that,” she laughed.

“‘Ey, Yuu-kun!” Ruggie called. “You don’t really need me to give you birthday wishes on top of
all this?” He broke into a fit of snickers. “Shishishi. Kidding! I swear!”

Yuu felt a fondness spread across her cheeks. “Thank you, Ruggie-kun.”

“Trey-senpai made the food,” Ace explained. “He should be finishing the cake right now.”

Riddle finally broke free of Floyd’s death grip. He straightened his crown.

“It seems today won’t be an Unbirthday party. But that’s a good thing. Your birthday comes once a
year.” He smiled boyishly. “So enjoy yourself the best you can.”

They went through all this work for me?

Warmth bloomed in her chest.

“Why am I here again?” Leona sighed, appearing from one of the halls.
Cater smiled innocently. “Because supporting your lover and their friends is important, dear .”

“I want a divorce,” Leona deadpanned.

“If you want to go through all that work,” he hummed. “Paperwork is a chore, babe.”

The lion grimaced. Ruggie didn’t bother to hide his laughter.

Leona redirected his attention to Yuu. “Don’t look at me like that. I came because it’s your
birthday. My gift to you is being here. Even with Octopunk here.”

She snorted. “Thanks.”

Considering the amount of effort that takes from him, that’s pretty good.

“Oh, are we doing gifts now?” Epel spoke up.

“Not yet,” Riddle answered. “We’re still waiting on a few people.”

“But help yourself to the treats, mm’kay?” Cater chimed.

Ruggie’s stuffed face had no guilt as people stole glances of him.

“So what do you want to do to kill time?” Ace asked.

“What do you usually do at these sort of things?” Yuu asked.

“You don’t remember any of your birthdays?” Deuce asked with a baffled expression.

“Not really.” She shrugged. “I just remember feeling kinda down?”

“Well being bummed isn’t allowed,” Ace decided.

“Today’s about you, Yuu-kun,” Deuce agreed.

“The party can officially start!” A nasally voice declared.

In waltzed Grim, followed by Vil and Rook. They were each equipped with small presents.

Leona immediately sighed irritably at the sight of the hunter, running his hand through his hair.

“Hey, Vil-senpai!” Cater waved.

“Nice to see you again, too, Cater-kun.”

“This place is more crowded than I expected,” Grim mused.

Y’know. Same, Yuu silently agreed.

“It’s proper etiquette to ensure all of the guest of honor’s friends are invited,” Riddle assured.

He would’ve said if it was a rule, wouldn’t he?

“Thank you, Riddle-senpai.” She smiled.

“Just doing my part as house warden,” he humbly dismissed.

“But you’re not Yuu-kun’s house warden,” Ace argued in a deadpan.

“Un ami serait plus précis,” Rook agreed.

“You’re a good friend, Riddle-senpai,” Yuu decided.

“You, too,” the red-head agreed with a bashful grin.

“The last person should be here in a sec!” Cater called, holding up his phone- as if that were proof.

“Who’s left?” Vil inquired.

Grim snickered smugly. “You’ll see.”

And in came the last guest, if on cue. Leona started to regret his life choices. Luckily, Cater was
there to comfort him. Sadly, it made things worse.

“M-Malleus-senpai?” Deuce stammered in surprise.

“Hello,” he greeted stiffly.

“Nice to see you again, Malleus-senpai!” Yuu greeted warmly. “Help yourself to some food if you

“Thank you.”

“It seems you can make the time to attend these sort of things,” Riddle commented. “If only you
can do the same for meetings.”

“Time is difficult for me,” Malleus admitted slowly. “And I seldom receive invitation.”

“I never get invited to those things either,” Yuu chuckled.

“How’d you become friends with the Malleus Draconia, anyway?” Ace blurted.
“He likes gargoyles.”

There was silence.

Not again, Yuu. Come on.

“Ramshackle has gargoyles.”

Okay even worse.

“He was looking at them.”

Close enough.

“You’re the one in the gargoyle watching club, yes?” Jade piped up.

“That is me, yes,” Malleus agreed.

He nodded in acknowledgement, a strange smile playing on his lip.

“Shall we do presents now?” Azul asked.

“Actually, um, I have an idea?” Epel hesitantly mentioned.

“What is it?” Riddle prompted.

“Where I’m from,” the boy elaborated, “it’s tradition that before you give a gift, you share a
memory of them you love. Like, for Ma, I usually tell her about that time we almost caught the
house on fire makin’ pies.” A fond smile crossed his face. “And we tell them what we love them
most for.”
Yuu smiled at his earnest, soft smile. “That sounds really sweet, Epel-kun.”

“Sounds kinda mushy,” Floyd disagreed in a grumble.

“Fluff is gold for Magicam!” Cater chirped. “I’m in!”

“I don’t need to be showered with compliments,” Yuu protested sheepishly.

“I think you could use some flattering,” Azul argued calmly.

“Azul-senpai, you traitor,” she sighed.

“C’mon Yun-Yun!” Cater pleaded. “It makes for good photos!”

She relented. “Fine.”

“I want to go first!” Floyd declared.

“Actually,” Riddle chimed. “Leona-san was the one to give him a gift. So he should go first by

“I’m not doing this feelings crap,” Leona growled.

Epel brought Yuu to the seat of honor while Riddle fetched Trey.

“C’mon,” Cater whined. “Don’t do it for them, then! Do it for me!”

“Hard pass,” he growled.

“The house cat’s afraid of feelings,” Azul explained to Yuu.

“I am not afraid!”

“Then share them, kitten ,” Cater taunted.

Leona huffed. “ Fine .”

Vil watched the two bicker with curious fascination. He was an expert alchemist, well-versed in
chemistry. And yet he couldn’t help but be bewildered by the concoction he had crafted.

Leona all but stomped to Yuu. “Thanks for talking some sense into me at the Spelldrive
tournament. What I like about you is that you don’t take crap from anyone.” He plucked a box
from the stack. “And this is from Savanaclaw.”

“Oh yeah,” Ruggie mused to himself. “They did get him something, huh?”

Yuu slowly unwrapped it to reveal a box of custom made knives. Their handles were styled after
the Magic pens the students wielded. She couldn’t help but laugh.

“Savanaclaw gave Shrimpy a weapon?” Floyd snickered. “Scary!”

“Thank you, Leona-senpai,” Yuu beamed. “I really appreciate it.”

“Yeah, yeah,” he huffed. “Just make sure you swing by and use them. Or they will never get off
my tail.”

“Now can I go?” Floyd asked.

“We’re not stopping you,” Grim meowed.

The eel smiled excitedly ear to ear and presented a small cube to her.

“I don’t like mushy stuff, but what I like about you is how small you are! I don’t have any
memories of you yet, though!”

“Um, thanks?”

She got to work on the small present. Inside was a sea globe, not too dissimilar to the ones Azul

“It’s really pretty.”

“Right? Happy birthday, Shrimpy!”

Yuu smiled warmly. “Thank you.”

“Can I go next?” Epel requested.

“I’d like to go after you, if you don’t mind,” Riddle replied.

He nodded before picking up his wrapped crate. He set it at her feet instead of in her hands or lap.

“What I like most about you is how manly you are. You don’t care how somethin’ looks, or if
something’s scary, you do what you think is right. For a long time, I thought manliness is
something like Leona-senpai’s brawn. But when I think of manliness now?” He smiled warmly.
“Anyway, happy birthday.”

The irony of what he was saying made her laugh inside. But she wasn’t about to let him know that
yet. “Thank you, Epel.”

She took off the wrapper of the box. It was a simple plain crate, housing glass mason jars.

“I, um, made some jams outta apples my family sent me!” Epel explained.

“Oh I cannot wait to try these,” Yuu decided. She could already feel her mouth watering. “Thank
you so much!”
Riddle plucked a thinner box from the stack. It was wrapped neatly like one you would see in a
magazine catalogue.

“As ashamed as I am to admit, my fondest memories of you come from my Overblot as well. You
didn’t care of my power; you were far more concerned for your friends. And even after, you didn’t
hesitate to embrace me in spite of my flaws. So for that, I thank you. I’m proud to be your friend.”

A shy smile tugged at his pink face.

Yuu opened the box to find a Heartslabyul blazer. Her eyes widened.

“Cater-kun mentioned how badly you wanted to wear it,” Riddle explained. “And I consider you
part of the Heartslabyul family. It has a few embellishments to distinguish it from an official
uniform for rules’ sake, but I hope you like it nonetheless?”

“This is so thoughtful, Riddle-senpai,” Yuu gasped. “Thank you so much.”

He smiled brightly. “I’m glad you like it.”

“Oh, can I go?” Ace asked, already making his way to her. Strangely enough, he didn’t have a

“So this is cheesy, but my favorite memory about you was when I was collared for stealing a tart.
You didn’t have to stick around, but you did anyway. So I like that about you. You’re really loyal.”

She didn’t realize how badly she wanted to hear that.

“Thank you, Ace-kun.”

“Yeah, no prob. Anyway.” Out of thin air, he sprawled a handful of cards face down. “Pick a

An amused smirk tugged at her lip. She plucked a card from the deck.

Four of diamonds.

But on the rim of the card were intricate designs painted in red. They had hashtags, pixel designs,
and roses. For Cater.

Ace flipped over the rest.

Three of clubs: desserts, spoons, and chestnuts

Two of spades: eggs, Blastcyles, and pencils

Ace of hearts: tarts, chandeliers, and pancakes

Queen of hearts: roses, gavels, and crowns.

“You probably couldn’t play with them,” Ace laughed. “But what do you think?”

“Did you make all of these?” Yuu asked, awestruck by the detail.

“I had a friend from the art club do it. But I did tell him the details.”

She beamed. “These are amazing. Thank you.”

“Glad you like it, Yuu-kun! Happy birthday!”

“Mon tour!” Rook declared. “My favorite memory of you, Trickster, was your audition! You’re
very talented, and j'aime ça chez toi.”

Yuu was confused by him. Wasn’t the makeover his gift? Nonetheless, she found a hat in a round
box. It wasn’t Rook’s style in the least. It was more simple, with various designs underneath the

“Thank you, Rook-senpai.”

The man responded with a wink.

“‘Ey, Yuu-kun!” Ruggie chirped. “My turn!”

He sat a heavy box down on Yuu’s lap.

“If I have to do the memory thing, here. My favorite memory of you is when you cooked in the
dorm. You came back .”

He rubbed the back of his neck bashfully.

“And you got me an arm, too. You’re weird, Yuu-kun. But I like that about you.”

“Thanks, Ruggie-kun.” She offered him her best smile.

He brushed it off. “Yeah, just open it.”

Inside was a weighted blanket. Not a cheap one, either. It was very plush.

“Ruggie-kun, how did you afford this?”

“Picked up a few shifts at Azul-san’s,” he snickered smugly. “Happy birthday.”

“I’ll take my turn,” Jade decided. “Under normal circumstances, I would have preferred you open
this gift in solitude. I don’t have any memories of you yet, Yuu-san. But I appreciate how you
inspired Azul-san.”

And without much grandeur, he opened the crate for her. Inside were various rare mushrooms and
recipes she could try.

“Good riddance,” Floyd muttered under his breath.

“I can’t wait to cook this!” Yuu cheered, holding up the recipe card for risotto.

Jade’s smile was softer. “That one is a favorite of mine as well.”

“This seems like a good place for me,” Trey decided. “My favorite memory of you is when you
stood up to Riddle-kun. You said the things I could never bring myself to. I appreciate that about
you. So thank you.”

The box he offered her was cumbersome in size. She hesitantly opened it to find a variety of

“How’d you know I needed these?” Yuu asked in surprise.

“I figured Headmaster Crowley didn’t give you any new equipment after moving in. I know I’m
picky with my stuff. Is that ok?”

“It’s perfect. Thank you!”

Azul took a step forward. “May I have my turn?”

“You might as well just do it, boss,” Floyd snickered.

He pointedly ignored him. “My favorite memory of you, Yuu-san, was during our trip to an antique
shop. Any question I had regarding your motives was cleared in an instant. I never believed that
there were truly kind people in this world.”

A mirthless smile tempted his lip.

“And I was right. But here you are anyway.”

He offered Yuu a small box. “Happy birthday.”

She stared at him.

I’m not a kind person. Anyone can do the things I can.

She opened the lid. Inside was a globe of sorts. Not a sea globe or a snow globe, but more like a

“It’s infused with Magic,” he explained. “It can show you anything or anyone you desire if you
touch it.”

“That’s really cool. Thank you.” She smiled.

Vil took his turn. “On that note. Yuu-kun, my favorite memory of you is when you brought me my
airbrush. You didn’t have to, and you returned it in pristine condition. I like how thoughtful you

That feels like ages ago.

Inside the box was an assortment of makeup. From the looks of it, it was the same brand Vil used.

Excitement bubbled in her chest. “Thank you, Vil-senpai!”

He winked. “Happy birthday, Yuu-kun.”

“My turn!” Cater declared. “Here, babe, hold this.” He set the phone in Leona’s unwilling hands.

“Yun-Yun! My favorite memory of you was our sleepover with Ace and Deuce!”

He smiled brightly.

“I don’t have a specific reason why. But I can tell you how I love you. You’re like the younger
sibling I never got!”

She broke into heartfelt laughter. “Thanks, Nii-san.”

Cater lit up. “This is for you!”

The box hosted a pair of crocs, each sporting a various jibbetz with nods to the other dorms. Or
even specific memories.

“Because memes,” he declared with a smug smirk. “Also, don’t knock crocs. They’re comfy.”

She laughed. “Thanks, Cater-kun.”

He smiled. “No prob!”

“Um, Yuu-kun?” Deuce cut in shyly. “This is for you. My favorite memory with you was on the
way back from Mr. S’. You showed me that my temper wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. So thank

Yuu opened the box to find a bunch of egg-like orbs made of resin. Inside each was a different

“You’ve been hanging pictures, right?” Deuce explained.

“This is really cute. Thank you.” She smiled.

“That leaves me,” Malleus noted. “Child of man, what I like about you is how accepting you are of
others. Human or not. My favorite memory of you was last night.” A mysterious smile caught
Yuu’s attention. “Thank you.”

The box he presented her contained a mirror. The designs of frame and handle took an ebony thorn

“I’m not familiar with gifts humans like,” Malleus explained slowly. “Magic is where I excel.
Have you heard of the mirror used in the Beast’s tale? It’s a similar relic. It can show you anything
you’d like, but in your mind’s eye. That is to say, unless you will it, you will be the only one to see
the contents.”


“Thank you, Malleus-senpai.” She smiled.

“That’s everyone,” Riddle noted. “Should we do cake now?”

“What are you going to wish for, Yuu-kun?” Epel asked.

“It’s a secret.” She smirked mischievously.

I wish to stay with all of you.

Chapter End Notes

I hate writing large ensemble scenes.

Anyway, Azul’s gift is based off that one part of Ursula’s cauldron. Y’know. The
spying thing.
Pumpkin Carriage
Chapter Notes

As always! Not a psychology expert! I did do research, but please don’t take Veprl’s
advice super seriously.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“So you guys get to try Magic combat today, huh?” Yuu asked between periods.

“It’s for the midterm,” Deuce explained. “It’s so we’re familiar with practicality.”

“That’s stuff I can get behind!” Grim proudly declared.

“At least it’ll be hard to fall asleep,” Ace agreed. “Maybe you’ll be able to summon something
other than a cauldron, Deucy.”

He rolled his eyes. “You’re just mad because you received the end of that spell.”

Grim snickered. “He deserved it, though! For bailing on the windows.”

“Hey! I said I was sorry!“

Yuu smiled. “Did you now?”

“I did ! Don’t you remember?”

She shrugged with a smug smirk.

“Not cool, Yuu-kun,” he grumbled.

“So what are you going to do?” Deuce asked. “You can’t use Magic. Our school can’t expect you
to pass. Um, no offense!”

“None taken,” she assured. “I think Headmaster Crowley wanted to talk to me about it.”

“Maybe it’s like Pomefiore’s midterm?” Epel suggested. “Ours is mostly based on alchemy and
how Magic plays into it.”

“It depends on the dorm?” Yuu asked.

“Sorta. The base test is the same, but there’s a specialized section for the dorm. That’s why when
the mirror matches ya, it has more than just personality in mind. It thinks talent, too. It’s kinda like
sortin’ apples.”

“But it’s mostly personality,” Deuce added. “Shape of soul and all that.”

“Guess mine’s a blob,” Yuu commented.

“You’re my favorite blob, minion!” Grim protested.

“Thanks, Grim.”

“We’ll see ya after class, Yuu-kun!” Epel decided with a sunny smile.

“See you!” She waved them off with a smile of her own. Grim, Deuce, Ace, and Epel made their
ways to the locker room.

Veprl hated Mondays. They were usually more calm, but he much preferred Sundays. He didn’t
have to work Sundays. Saturdays were pretty good, too.
But griping about it wasn’t going to make much of a difference. He had a class to prepare for. This
time, however, it wasn’t the freshman. He had the second years to talk to. Gathering his papers, he
readied himself to the classroom.

Luckily, most second years had largely tamed their rebellious natures. Not to a nonexistence, but to
the point of bearability. Luckily, most were already there. His class included Jamil, Kalim, Jade,
Floyd, Azul, Riddle, Ruggie, and Silver among others.

“Just because this is your first class doesn’t mean you can sleep through it,” Veprl eloquently
started. “Silver-kun, are you on your narcolepsy medicine?”

He yawned. “They’ll take a minute to kick in.”

“Rosehearts, keep him from dozing off. I’ll try to keep this brief so you can use at least half the
period for studying. I know deadlines suck. We cool?”

He heard the various relieved mutters of agreement.

“We’re talking attachment trauma today. Early childhood trauma is more likely to lead to chronic
lifelong stress. Anyone want to guess why?”

Jade’s hand raised.


“Because the foundation is broken. It’s difficult to build on shifting ground.”

“Perfect. Attachment trauma, especially early attachment trauma, is usually associated with
parental repeated neglect. However, early instability in general can have the same effects. And
what have we learned about the trauma sweet spot? Up to six or so. So don’t think it’s just infants
or toddlers getting left behind. Young children. What were you like at six years old? That was
rhetorical, by the way. Complex PTSD and attachment trauma are often interlinked. Basic math
can tell you why, although the first three years are most important when it comes to attachment.
Not to say there’s a safety zone, per say, outside of that.

So what is attachment trauma? Like Jade-kun said, the foundation is broken with childhood trauma.
Attachment trauma is a kind of childhood trauma. It is the incident, not the diagnosis. It can lead to
complicated diagnoses. But in short, it’s caused by repeated verbal abuse or neglect. As you can
imagine, emotional abuse can make things even more complicated to a child who doesn’t
recognized gaslighting- or that adults are flawed.

Children are supposed to trust adults. Young children are codependent that learn independency.
They are their everything. Their connection to the world, their caregivers, etc.. Think of ducks
imprinting. They can understand a mistake or two, but understanding that they’re primary caregiver
is deeply flawed and abusive can be mind-breaking. Which is why those who have endured
abandonment trauma often blame themselves. Self-worth is a foreign concept. Questions and
doubts of ‘Who could ever love me?’, ‘I’m too broken’, things like that are common. Questions so

Kalim raised his hand.


“So those are the symptoms, right? How do people with abandonment trauma go on with life?”

“Relationships are hard to maintain generally speaking. Either one’s self-worth, or lack-thereof,
paralyzes them so they won’t have to endure the pain of rejection again. Other cases can be more
dependent on others and attached easily to fill that gap. Let’s talk attachment styles.

“Secure attachment is the ideal. Insecure ambivalent attachment occurs when the primary caregiver
is inconsistent- whether that be emotionally or literally. This is confusing and stressful. This often
leads to fear of abandonment and strong dependency.

“Insecure avoidant is when a primary caregiver is emotionally unavailable or disengagement. This

leads to self-reliance. While society may deem that as commendable, it’s horrible for the child. Let
them be children. They shouldn’t have to be the adults. As you can imagine, this type struggles
with intimacy.

“Disorganized attachment stems from chaos and abuse. Instead of love and care, terror and assault
was received instead. Tragically, due to a biological drive, children still cling to parents despite
this. Remember what I said about parents essentially being the child’s primary source of well,
everything? Generally speaking, they cannot discern abuse as abuse. They often mimic such
destructive tendencies, or seek romantic partners similar to their caregivers. Are you following me
so far?”


“Taking that as a yes. Anyway, those with abandonment trauma can heal. Earned secure attachment
is the type in which you can discern your flawed upbringing and disassociate that from the present.
This is near impossible to do without good support systems to disprove the reality of which your
childhood was built on. Understanding that you are the adult and no longer the child can be

Ruggie’s hand went up.


“Why are you telling us all this, sensei? We’re fine, aren’t we?”

“Cracks can be hidden and mended. They can also grow in the dark and split you in half. Ignoring
the problem turns off the light. But the second a storm hits and that growth is tested? You will
shatter like glass.”

Riddle flinched.

“And that’s why I’m recommending therapy. And seeing that Crowley’s refusing to listen to me,”
he bitterly added. “I’m offering my services. Patient confidentiality and all that says I can’t tell
anyone what goes on during those sessions. And yes, I’m licensed. Take it or not. As much as you
all drive me crazy, I care about each and every one of you. And I want to help. It’s what I’m here
for. It’s literally my job.”

“Ah, Yuu-kun!” Crowley greeted brightly. “Glad you could make it!”

“Sorry I’m late, Headmaster,” Yuu apologized, approaching him.

The Mirror Chamber was a deathly quiet aside from Crowley’s voice.

“It’s quite alright. I have good news for you! I have found a way for you to return home!”

Her eyes widened. Her blood ran cold. Her stomach churned with unseen sickness. Her brain was

“You didn’t think I was slacking, did you?” He laughed. “I’m very kind, am I not?”

Panic rose like acid. “B-but-“

“No need to thank me!” He smirked behind his mask. “It was a pleasure getting to know you! May
we meet again under better circumstances!”


His palm struck her frame.

She stumbled backward into the Mirror.

She went through.

And the glass shattered.

“Oh dear, what a mess.”

Chapter End Notes

This isn’t over yet don’t worry. ;)

Also yeah the last bit is fast on purpose! This is Crowley after all. He rushes his way
onto people.
Crowley is a Dead Man
Chapter Summary

Wait, glass? In the Mirror Hall?

These Mirrors weren’t supposed to break. They were Magic.

Chapter Notes

Take your guesses now on Yuu’s backstory!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Ace groaned. Studying was never his strong suit, even if it was combat. He usually favored Wind-
which was easily beaten out by most any strategy. Deuce had made some snide remark about the
importance of studying technique, but he was too mad to listen. He did not need Deucey rubbing it
in, thanks.

“Epel-kun, how are you not tired?” Ace groaned.

“Vil-senpai is worse,” he explained coolly.

“He’s a hard worker, isn’t he?” Deuce asked, dabbling his brow.


“Riddle-senpai’s headstrong, too.”

“We both have stubborn dorm heads, huh?”

“I wonder what kinda dorm head Yuu-kun will be,” Ace mused.
Grim was the one to answer. “He and I don’t get along all the time, but he is a good minion.”

“But he’d be overthrown really quickly, right? He can’t use Magic.”

“But if duel rules state that both have to use Magic, maybe there would be some other way?”
Deuce suggested.

“Will Yuu-kun even be around next year?” Grim asked. “I mean, he’s not even from here.”

“Do you think maybe he’ll stay?” Epel wondered.

“Where would he even go on holidays?” Ace hummed.

“We could always take turns,” Deuce offered. “My mom would love him.”

“I think Cater-senpai would beat you to that,” the cat snickered.

“Next period is study hall, right?” Epel asked. “Maybe Yuu-kun will be there. We can ask him!”

“I think he has Professor Trein’s class,” Deuce reminded. “But he should be at lunch.”

“He never skips lunch,” Ace snickered. “If nothing else for the caffeine kick.”

“Hopefully my minion isn’t too lonely without me,” Grim snickered.

Cater yawned. He wasn’t particularly bored by school, but more disinterested. He was far more
interested in club activities and socializing with his dorm than becoming some top student or
whatever. Not that he didn’t see that goal’s merits, but it wasn’t for him. Scholarly was not a cute
look for him.
Midterms were soon approaching. To think, next year would be his last round of them. Part of that
was relieving, but another part of him wanted this dream to last a bit longer. Soon, he’d wake and
be forced to endure his family once more.

He wondered if Yuu would do better than he was come next year. She had such an iconic
presence- beyond attention-grabbing.

Would she be alright without him there?

Of course she would be! Half the school was terrified of her might.

It was endearing. Someone so small could wrap the entire school around her finger. Cute or pretty
as she may have been, it was a sort of popularity neither Vil not Neige could attain: natural. She
never asked to be loved, but she more than deserved and earned it. Cater envied her for that, but
was overjoyed for her all the same. If anyone should be so blessed, it should be her, in his opinion.

Veprl pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. He didn’t have any lectures, thank goodness,
but his ward was more busy than he would have liked. Just kids being klutzy.

I should probably just hire some help out. He felt his brow twitch. Out of my own pocket. Thanks,

He continued to help the gazelle Beastman to the Mirror. He wasn’t particularly heavy, but the
long limbs were a hassle. How he sprained his ankle so badly, he had no idea.

“Think you can make it from here?” Veprl grunted.

“Ye-Yeah,” his patient stammered. “Thank you, sensei.”

“Just try to be more careful and we’ll call it even.”

He nodded before slipping through the Mirror.

Veprl loosed the breath he was holding. One more down.

Something sparkly caught his eyes. Usually he wasn’t much for glitter, but glass shards were a

Wait, glass? In the Mirror Hall?

These Mirrors weren’t supposed to break. They were Magic.

Something dark pooled in his stomach. He was a logical person, but even he knew better than to
discredit his gut instinct. He called Crowley.

“I’m quite busy, Veprl, make it quick,” was the greeting he got.

“What Mirror broke?” He demanded in a low voice.

“I suppose my calibration was off,” Crowley hummed with nonchalance. “I sent Yuu-san home.”

“You did what? ”

“She was quite grateful, too! She kept trying to thank me, but I spared her dignity and simply
tapped her in. I’m quite kind, aren’t I?”

So he’s known but didn’t tell me.

“Crowley, did she even say she wanted to leave?”

“Who wouldn’t want to be reunited with their family? In any case, she never belonged here.”

Veprl seethed. He felt the heat of his rage rising. “The Carriage chose her- like it or not. So yes.
She did belong here. And pushing her through a bloody Mirror ? That classifies as assault!”
He hung up, a scowl aching his face.

Crowley, you are a dead man.

“So Veprl-sensei called you, too, huh?” Ace hummed.

“You were right there when I got that call,” Deuce shot back evenly.

“Hey, A-Deuce!” Cater beamed. “Nurse Veprl called you, too, huh?”

“Please don’t call us that.”

“I think it’s funny,” Grim decided.

“It is quite bizarre for him to summon dorm leaders,” Riddle agreed.

“It is bizarre,” Azul concurred. “He never calls anyone in to begin with.”

The door opened. “Quit chatting in the hall and come inside.”

“Straight to the point as usual, sensei,” Azul complimented with his signature smile.

Veprl did a head count. “I’ll fill Schoenheit and Felmier in later. I’m not going to sugarcoat this.
Yuu-kun’s been sent home.”

Riddle’s eyes widened, face pale.

Azul’s heart sank.

Cater felt sick.

Ace couldn’t believe what they were hearing.

Deuce’s heart broke.

“Yuu-kun wouldn’t want that!” Grim hissed. “He’s my minion!”

“It was against his will, by the sound of it,” Veprl continued. “Crowley doesn’t take no for an

“He does tend to ignore reason,” Riddle muttered.

“Pot meet kettle,” Ace scoffed.

The nurse continued. “The Mirror used was shattered. But sending him home enforces that our
worlds are connected somehow.”

“But what if he wants to stay?” Deuce asked. “Has anyone ever asked him?”

Azul was the one to respond. “From what I can tell, Yuu-san’s past is as blotted as mine- whether
he remembers it or not. We remember the ink; not the pen.”

“I didn’t take you for the poetic type,” Riddle commented.

“I’m a man of many talents, Riddle-san.”

“More like arrogant,” Grim scoffed.

“So what do we do?” Cater asked. “How do we get him back?”

“I’m working on it,” Veprl sighed. “I have a few ideas, but I need to make a few calls.”
“So why call us all out here?” Ace asked.

“I hate the idea of entrusting children in this fiasco,” he groaned. “But like it or not, I don’t have
the offensive Magic you all do. I’m a medic, not a Mage. There’s a chance I’ll need that- and I
don’t trust Crowley to do it.”

“What about Professor Trein or Crewel-sensei?” Deuce asked.

“They’re teachers. I can always write a note and claim you’re on a mission for me.” Veprl leaned
back in his seat. “Which means you’ll pass your midterms automatically.”

“Wait, seriously?!” Grim cried excitedly. “That sounds like a good deal to me!”

“I’m in!” Deuce smirked.

“So we’re supposed to be on standby in the meantime?” Riddle asked.

“Pretty much.” Verpl buffed his glasses with a handkerchief. “Unless you prefer to be blind-sided.”

“But, Veprl-sensei, you’re not the type to employ students lightly,” Azul pointed out. “So what
convinced you?”

“I have my suspicions on his home life,” he phrased cautiously. “And being as it is, I think he’ll
need his closest friends.”

“So why ask Vil-senpai?” Ace asked. “They’re not super close.”

“He knows how to work a Mirror.”

“We should probably tell Ruggie-senpai,” Deuce mumbled.

“I don’t need an entire dorm on my case. Just tell him to keep it on the down-low if you tell him.
Bribe him if you have to.”

“So how long do you think it’ll take before we get some news?” Grim asked.

“Give me twenty-four hours. Oh, and Ashengrotto?”

“Sir?” The octopus chimed.

Veprl slid him a debit card. “Get me a drink.”

Chapter End Notes

You’ll get more of their reactions in the next few chapters! The POV at the time just
didn’t allow it without a constant change chain, and I personally find that jarring.
Boiling Waters
Chapter Summary

Yuu was gone. G-o-n-e. And the headmaster, the one person with the most say in the
school, was to blame. Wasn’t it the teacher’s job to protect their students? Wasn’t that
technically assault? Law is fuzzy with him.

Chapter Notes

Hi I’m currently on vacation hence the shorter updates. You’ll get other reactions
later! But I will say, some will be purposefully delayed until it sets in. Y’know. Like
an emotional delay (like me). But this chapter does set up some things in the
background. See if you can spot them.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Azul wasn’t allowing himself to dwell in the rapids of panic. There were too many things that
could go wrong in such tumultuous tides. Instead, he busied himself with the Mostro Lounge.

Midterms were soon approaching, meaning plenty would flock to him for his aide. Taking
advantage of people’s fears and insecurities was the only way he could get anywhere; lowly as it
may be. There was a sort of thrill to it, though. His Magic was strong, yes, but there were too many
gaps to be filled. Luckily, his contracts left room for a signature and a spell.

“Azul-san,” Jade’s voice smoothly cut in. “You ought to stretch your legs for a bit. Being sealed
off in the VIP Room isn’t going to help.”

“I’m simply working,” Azul insisted coolly. “The reel-in season is coming.”

“So you’re preparing the hooks line-and-sinker?” Floyd snickered. “Guess this place will get real
lively, huh?”

“Although the anemones will be rather garish with the aesthetic,” Jade realized. “Maybe we should
rearrange some things to integrate those better.”

“Aw, c’mon! Remember when Sea Urchin showed up in just his labcoat? It turned out just fine!”
“Rearranging the decor could become expensive,” Azul decided slowly. “Hiding them would also
be as problematic. Maybe I can alter the spell to where there’s a mark somewhere- like a tattoo.”

“You are rather gifted with Magic, Azul-san,” Jade decided with a polite smile. “That would be

“Think you’ll have time?” Floyd asked. “You’re already really busy.”

“I’ll be fine,” Azul assured with a mirthless smile.

Deuce wanted to punch something. Hard.

He kept his cool in Veprl’s office, but now that he was alone? He wanted to hit something.

Yuu was gone. G-o-n-e. And the headmaster, the one person with the most say in the school, was
to blame. Wasn’t it the teacher’s job to protect their students? Wasn’t that technically assault? Law
is fuzzy with him.

“Hey, Deuce-kun,” Ace greeted soberly. “You good?”

“We need to get Yuu-kun back,” he decided lowly.

“Well, yeah. We’re working on that.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “You look like you’re going
to explode.”

“I’m pissed . Crowley-sensei didn’t even ask him if he wanted to stay or go- he decided for Yuu-
kun! That’s not- It isn’t right!”

“Yeah, it was a jerk move,” he sighed. “But we’ll get him back. I swear.”

He offered a smirk and a narrowed gaze, lit with determination. “Yeah. We will.”
Ace bump fists with him, a grin stretching his face.

“I’m livid,” Vil decided with a glare. “Crowley-sensei stole my star.”

“We’ll get Yun-Yun back,” Cater decided. “Or else I’m cancelling that bird.”

He snorted. “Better that than what I’d have in mind.”

“You Pomefiore students are scary, huh?”

“Only when we need to be,” he expressed coolly.

“You’re not going to replace him, are you?”

“I have faith we’ll get him back before we’d need to. But on the off chance that isn’t so, I’m sure
Rook-kun wouldn’t mind another bird to snipe.”

Cater smirked. It was a bit of a relief to have the Dorm Leader of Pomefiore so dead serious about
this. He was angry, yes, but he knew there were enough people to make sure Yuu would come
back into open arms.

“You seem to be hard at work, Ambrose,” Divus noted. “Are the pups giving you trouble again?”

“Not the kids,” Veprl sighed. “This is all Crowley.”

“Crowley-san, hm? Can you elaborate just a bit?”

Crewel slowly lowered a cup to the table. Veprl didn’t even look at the contents before chugging it.
Alcohol. Just what he needed right about now. And Divus made some mean cocktails.

He hesitated. “What do you think of Yuu-kun?”

“The rescue?”

Crewel paused to think.

“I think Yuu-kun is a hard worker. Not the brightest, but more practical. The other pups rely too
much on their Magic instead of practicality. Since Yuu-kun lacks such abilities, it’s refreshing to
see more mundane methods being employed for effectiveness. It’s more plain, yes, but I much
prefer someone using their fangs and claws than Magic extensively. He’s more resourceful.
Reminds me of how things were when I was enrolled.”

“I meant as a person,” Veprl clarified.

“He keeps the other pups in line so I don’t have to pull their leashes. Not in a cruel way, but it is
respectable. I suppose Crowley-san was right about Yuu-kun being a Beast Tamer. He brings
people together, despite how different they are- yet never complains about the given situation. I
designed his Dorm Uniform, as you know. He reminds me of a stained glass window. Broken parts
sewn beautifully together to make a whole piece.”

“You and your metaphors again,” he sighed with a small smile.

“In designing, symbolism is key.” He smirked smugly.

“I still don’t get it.”

“Your work requires different things,” Divus decided coolly. “Yours demands an intrusive brain
and an open heart. Both of which seem to be bothering you. So tell me what’s wrong. Stress isn’t
good on the brain. Surely I don’t need to remind you about the chemical reactions.”

“Crowley shoved Yuu-kun through a Mirror in the sake of returning him home,” Veprl put bluntly,
tone dripping with irritation. “Based on the sound of it, he didn’t want to leave. But you know how
that bird only likes to listen to himself talk.”
“So he’s been a bad boy?” Divus growled. “It’s not out of character for him, but when he bites my
pups, I’ll bite back.”

“I’m trying to find a way to get Yuu-kun back. We can worry about Crowley later.”

“If he was sent through a Mirror once, we can do it again.”

“I don’t want Crowley finding out. His behavior is too erratic. I’m not letting him get in the way.”

“Pull the wool over his eyes.” Divus took a sip of his drink. “But you don’t have to do this alone,
Ambrose. You’ll give yourself wrinkles.”

Veprl cocked a brow. “I think that’s the least of my worries.”

“There is one person we can ask for assistance that Crowley-san won’t have on a leash. Remember
that one from the Royal Sword Academy?”

“There are a lot of ones from Royal Sword. You’re going to need to be specific.”

“Ivory Miraigi,” Divus slowly pronounced. “I’ll get into contact with him. Crowley-san trusts me
enough not to suspect any underhandedness. You keep appearances while I accent your color.”

“Using his own trust against him?” Veprl scoffed with a smirk.

He glared. “He hurt one of my pups.”

“You’re scary when you want to be, huh?” He chuckled.

“I suppose you’re one to talk?” He scoffed.

“I like to think I’m pretty approachable,” Veprl protested lightly.

Crewel pointedly ignored him with a shrewd smirk. Typical Divus.

Chapter End Notes

Let’s if you can figure out who Ivory is >;)

Monochrome in the Gray
Chapter Summary

She was asking for too much. It was best to drown those emotions into the gray.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“You understand, don’t you, Yuu?”

She stared at her mother with placid smile. “Of course.”

“That’s a good girl.” The smile she gave was simple, yet coated with complexity.

And with that, she and her father were gone- just like before.

Just like always.

Don’t leave me.

She was asking for too much. It was best to drown those emotions into the gray.

Riddle had been pouring over Night Raven College’s laws for hours. He had most of them
memorized, but he needed to see if there was any potential for a loophole. A break, if you will, in
the fine line Headmaster Crowley continuously crossed.

He should have gotten involved sooner, he continuously scolded himself. He had known that
Crowley was extremely flippant with the rules, and yet did nothing about them. Based on his
review, Crowley was easy to ignore a law if it contradicted his desires.

If one is to uphold law, they must demonstrate it!

“You okay, Riddle-kun?” Trey asked, leaning into his room.

“I’m just thinking,” he insisted in a defeated sigh.

“Must be a lot. Want some tea?”

“No thank you.”

“Then some company?” He offered.

He paused before relenting with a nod. Trey smiled politely as he took a seat beside his friend.

“Hitting the books?” He started lightly.

“Reviewing the College’s rules,” Riddle answered simply.

“Any reason why?” He hummed, taking a sip from his cup.

He didn’t answer.


“Is this how you felt?” He blurted. “After those years with my mother, knowing you could have
done something- but didn’t? And now you’re just trying to fix it, but feeling like it’s too late?”

Trey choked on the liquid. Riddle’s eyes widened in panic as the man banged his chest to loosen
the cough.

“Are you okay?” The red head asked frantically.

“Fine,” he insisted with a chuckle. “But to answer your question, yes.”

Trey paused.

“This is about Yuu-chan, isn’t it?”

Gray eyes widened in slight surprise. “Veprl-sensei told you?”

“I had a guess,” he offered. “Everyone’s been acting strange, and Yuu-chan is nowhere to be

“You’re rather perceptive when you want to be,” Riddle decided with an affirmed nod.

“You have to know how to see in order to will yourself blind,” Trey put somberly.

Divus was deep in thought. He had miraculously convinced Ivory to meet with them under true
pretenses. Even so, there were other matters plaguing him that didn’t sit quite right.

Crowley had been suspicious as of late, just as Veprl had said. With all the evidence compiled, it
was even harder for Crewel to guess what the man was thinking. He was not present if not
completely aloof to the near two Overblot episodes. It was a bizarre reaction, given their
destructive power on the victims.

Maybe once the Yuu situation was under control, he could employ Trein’s help. He was too old-
fashioned to sneak something past Crowley. That wasn’t to say he couldn’t be shrewd, but he
couldn’t afford the risk with a pup’s life on the line.

But as for Crowley, once the pup was loosed, the cat would come to play.

[“Riddle Rosehearts, Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Cater Diamond, Epel Felmier, Vil
Schoenheit, Ruggie Bucchi, Grim, Malleus Draconia, and Azul Ashengrotto- please head to
the infirmary.”]
There was some feedback.

[“That is way too many people for my office”] Veprl’s voice corrected irritably. [“Meet me in
the field. Change into your Dorm Uniform if possible. Bring your regular with you. I can

Epel never ran so fast. Deuce power-walked through the halls, which Ace quickly beat out. Soon
enough, the group was collectively clustered in the field. Vargas was nowhere to be seen- which
made sense considering the schedule. Instead, Crewel and Veprl stood with an unfamiliar
Beastman between them.

He was on the shorter side- standing about 165 centimeters. His fairly feminine physique didn’t
help his case. He had white hair that sparkled like snow, pulled into a bun with two cowlicks
pulling forward. Large, white rabbit ears poked out from his hair, one flopping over while the other
stood proud. His straw hat had holes just for the big things. His eyes were large like Epel’s, but
with a red color instead of a blue. Shielding his scarlet gaze were round glasses with notches like
gears. He wore a button-up shirt with white floral prints, and large shorts that draped over his
knees. Worn sandals completed the tourist look. Vil was appalled by the tackiness.

“I’m not the late one for once, huh?” The man asked with an amused chuckle.

“Crewel-sensei,” Vil spoke. “Who’s this?”

“This, Vil-kun, is Ivory Miraigi,” the teacher introduced. “He’s one of Royal Sword’s recent
alumni. You can call him Ivory-san.”

“I almost got kicked out,” he laughed. “Notoriously late.”

Malleus nodded with sympathy.

“Your uniforms are fancier than that ol’ place, though!” Ivory decided with a nod, adjusting his
glasses. “Too prim and proper there.”

Vil hid a smirk.

“So what’s he doing here?” Grim asked.

“I heard you lost a friend in another world. Lucky for you, I’m a bit of an expert with inter-
dimensional travel.”

“You can travel across worlds?” Deuce gaped. “That’s incredible!”

“It’s a Signature Spell passed through my family,” he brushed off easily. “Rosehearts-kun could
probably guess how.”

“The White Rabbit,” he assumed with a nod.

He nodded with a proud smile.

“Ashengrotto, did you bring that Magic enhancing elixir?” Veprl asked.

“Wait,” Ruggie blurted. “The same one from the tournament?”

“Since when did you do freebies?” Ace scoffed.

“I’m quite benevolent,” he insisted with his business smile.

Ruggie rolled his eyes. He knew better.

“So we can find Yuu-kun with your Signature Spell?” Epel asked with a hopeful rise to his voice.

“It’s called Down the Rabbit-Hole,” Ivory explained. “I can open portals to places Mirrors can’t
usually see. Usually I can only take myself and whoever can squeeze in after me. But man are they
screwed after.” He laughed. “Anyway. With that elixir, I should be able to hold one open for
twenty four hours.”

“Why not just come with us?” Ace asked.

“I can only open one portal every month or so. Moon phases and all that. But with some extra help,
I can use two as long as I do it within that timeframe.”

“And if Yuu-kun is still missing after a month, he’ll be considered unenrolled,” Veprl stated
bluntly. “Even if he were to return after, he would be considered basically a deserter.”

Riddle’s eyes widened slightly. “But if we go after him and get stuck there, won’t we be given the
same punishment?”

“That’s why you’ll have to return before that,” Crewel answered. “Even if you fail to find the

“We can’t just leave him there!” Epel protested.

“That’s why you’ll have to hurry,” Veprl replied calmly.

“Ivory-san’s Spell is more accurate than a Mirror,” Crewel agreed. “You’ll be taken to roughly the
same location Yuu-kun was brought.”

“So if a Mirror as a map,” Cater mused, “then Ivory-san’s spell is a compass?”

“Kinda!” Ivory chirped. He popped the lid to the elixir.

“So here’s the thing,” Veprl cut in. “Taking all of you would be idiotic. One of you will get lost at
least, and I hate that kind of paperwork. So. Only six of you will go.”

“And Grim’s staying here,” Crewel added firmly. “I don’t trust that cat.”

“Hey!” Grim yowled in offense.

“I think Malleus-san should stay,” Riddle decided. “It’s hard enough to get you to be punctual.”
He nodded once. “I understand.”

“And your Magic could be useful from this side, anyway,” Veprl decided. “Secure connection, if
you will.”

“I suppose that has some possible truth,” the Fae conceded.

“I can’t leave,” Vil sighed. “I have a play to develop.”

“As Dorm head,” Riddle lamented, “I think I’d be better staying.”

“I’d like to go,” Azul volunteered. “Jade and Floyd can handle the lounge without me.”

“I’m in!” Deuce cheered, fist landing in his opposing palm.

“And I’m not leaving Deucey alone,” Ace decided with a smirk.

“Sounds like a good vacation from Leona-san,” Ruggie snickered. “I’m in.”

“M-me too!” Epel volunteered. “I want to save Yuu-kun!”

“I’m not leaving Yun-Yun alone, either!” Cater chimed with a determined look.

“So that’s everyone?” Ivory hummed. “Works for me! Oh! Quick question. When Yuu-kun
arrived, did he have amnesia?”

“Yeah, why?” Ace asked.

“Huh. Because memory’s not always a two way street. So there’s a good chance he won’t
remember you. Just a fair warning.”

Cater choked on air at the nonchalance. Everyone else had a similar reaction. Ruggie went pale.

”So who’s ready for a trip down the rabbit-hole?” Ivory beamed.

Chapter End Notes

Ivory was going to look so dapper originally, but I thought it’d be funny for him to be
a tourist of worlds. Also! The moon cycle thing is a nod to the “rabbit in the moon”
Chapter Summary

“Did you notice a black stone after the Overblot episode faded?” He paused. “Or
maybe dropped by that monster you and the chaos trio fought in the mines?”

Blue eyes widened in alarm. “You know about that?”

“It has been a good while since I’ve been to this world,” Ivory declared with a deep sigh.

“It’s huge,” Ruggie gawked.

Epel couldn’t help but agree. Tall towers sprouted out of the ground like trees, almost scraping the
sky with their height. Vibrant lights of various hues with different writing on each littered the gray
buildings in various colors. Various decorations clustered on the walls and streets, each clamoring
for attention. It reeked of pungent smells vaguely reminiscent of Blastcycle expulsion, in Deuce’s
opinion, but far more pungent.

Cater busied himself with a few selfies.

“This is Osaka,” Ivory introduced. “It’s one of the biggest cities in the country of Japan.”

“You know a lot about this place, huh?” Ace hummed.

“I’m a bit of a traveler, you could say!”

“Everything is so loud ,” Ruggie groaned, holding his ears.

“Yeah you get used to that. You’ll just be yelling for a few hours when you get back.”

“To think Yuu-kun is a city boy,” Epel drawled in awe.

“A place this populated has commercial value,” Azul mused to himself. “I see quite a few shops.”

“Yep!” Ivory chirped. “Osaka is off the coast. It’s a key economical location!”

“How does a tourist know so much?” Ace questioned skeptically.

“Brochures are amazing.”

“Amen!” Cater chimed, holding one up.

“But this city is so big- how are we going to find him?” Deuce asked.

“We should have brought Rook-san, huh?” Cater sighed. “I didn’t even think about that.”

“He would have turned you down, anyway,” Epel assured softly. “He’s busy helping Vil-senpai.”

“Good news is that he’s gotta be close,” Ivory insisted.

“Close is relative,” Ruggie scoffed.

“So do we split up?” Ace asked.

“Your phones still should work to talk to each other,” their guide informed. “But don’t try texting
Yuu-kun. Since he’s not from Wonderland, anything he had on him from there either breaks or
vanishes. It’s super messy, but think of it like a video game. When you hit a certain point of a game
and a unit or an item is locked or taken away, but returned later? That kinda idea.”

“So why do we have our stuff?” Deuce asked.

“It’s one of the perks of traveling via Rabbit-hole. Way more convenient than a Mirror in that
“This is starting to get real confusing,” Ace groaned. “Do we split or not?”

“Sure,” Ivory decided. “Trappola-kun, Spade-kun, and Diamond-kun, you go together. Bucchi-kun,
Felmier-kun, and Ashengrotto-kun will be our other team. I’m pretty quick on my feet and would
probably lose ya anyway. So here’s my number.”

Cater was quick to add it. “Alright, A-Deuce! Let’s get moving!”

“Don’t call us that!” Ace groaned.

Deuce let it slide as the two of them followed the ginger.

“Yuu-san likes the beach,” Azul mused as he entered in the contact. “We can start there.”

“Good of a place as any,” Ruggie agreed with a nonchalant shrug.

Epel nodded. “Fine with me!”

“I’ll head this way, then!” Ivory decided. “Good luck!”

“With all these people, are we actually going to find her?” Ace asked.

“One of us will,” Cater assured. “It’s a good thing we’re not in one big group!”

“Do you think she’ll remember us?” Deuce asked dubiously.

“Even if she doesn’t, we’ll just have to remind her!” Ace decided.
“Plus, we have lots of pics!” Their senpai agreed.

“Think we should tell the others we’re looking for a girl ?” he suggested.

“Do you think Yuu-chan would be okay with that?” Deuce questioned.

“Ace-kun has a point,” Cater sighed. “Let me just send them a text~ and done.”

“What I wouldn’t give to see Epel-kun’s reaction,” Ace laughed.

“Excuse me!” A feminine voice prompted.

Deuce noticed the two girls. They definitely weren’t Yuu- they were taller and more lithe.

“Can we um, take a picture with you guys?” The second asked.

“A picture?” Cater echoed with a smile. “That sounds totes fun!”

“Why, though?” Ace asked with a cocked brow.

“You just have this look to you!” The first smiled enthusiastically, hands fumbling with her pink
phone. “You guys have to be some sort of popstars!”

Cater’s green eyed twinkled with a specific kind of amusement. Deuce wasn’t sure whether to be
scared or relieved at the levity.

“Would you like me to sing something for you?” The green-eyed senpai asked with a wink.

“Oh my gosh, yes!” The second squealed.

Cater did his rendition of the ‘Piece of My World’ chorus, to which the girls squeaked and gawked
at his voice. Deuce felt fairly uncomfortable with his tonedeafness, while Ace was still trying to
figure out how these ladies figured they were celebrities.

“Oh! Real quick!” Ace popped in with his phone. “Have either of you two seen this person?”

They eyed the picture for a moment before shaking their heads. “Sorry! We haven’t.”

“That’s okay, ladies!” Cater chirped. “Now about that picture?”

Epel sputtered at the notification. “Was I the only one who didn’t know?!”

“About Yuu-chan’s gender?” Ruggie asked plainly. “Yeah out of our group probably.”

“She told me as collateral,” Azul explained.

“Y’know the heart attack she nearly gave me with that?” The hyena spat irritably. “She said she
traded her gender .”

Epel snorted. “He- she has never been good at explainin’, huh?”

“You think?” He scoffed.

“I should have asked for something else,” Azul lamented. “Considering the amount of people who
know currently. Not much I could have used that information for.”

“How awful,” Ruggie offered with the sympathy of a brick.

“So you guys picked up on her smell, huh?” Epel concluded.

“Pretty much.”

“Yuu-chan is so cool,” he muttered under his breath with an awed smile.

“She is something,” Azul agreed.

“So what are the odds we’ll see her in a swimsuit?” Ruggie asked, eyeing the shoreline.

“Do you get a rise out of such things?” Azul asked with a skeptic glance.

He inclined not to answer, rubbing his nose instead. “I don’t see her that way.”

That wasn’t any more reassuring for the octopus.

“I’ve never seen a lady in a bathing suit,” Epel realized slowly. “The women in my town are ol’
grannies, and we don’t have a whole lot of water worth swimmin’ in.”

“Just don’t stare,” Ruggie warned. “It’s rude.”

“At least you have some common sense,” Azul lamented.

He shot him a glare. “I’m a guy- not a perv.”

Epel blinked blankly. Dude was short, and this was going over his head. Azul wasn’t too surprised.
A man with his sheltered upbringing probably had limited exposure to specific topics. Speaking of-

“Epel-san, do you know what a bikini is?”

“It’s a type of swimsuit?” He offered plainly.

“Do you know what it looks like?”

“Don’t all girls’ swimsuits look the same?” He tilted his head slightly.

Okay yeah he decided not to ruin this boy. That was someone else’s job, and he had nothing to gain
from it. Maybe if they weren’t under a time limit, he’d indulge.

“Ruggie-san, you have her scent memorized, yes? Can you scan the beach? Epel-san and I will
move inland. Call one of us when you’re done and we’ll meet you.”

“Yeah, fine. Just make sure to grab me something to eat!”

“We only have Thaumarks,” the octopus put simply as he left with Epel.

Curse it all.

“Grim-kun,” Veprl spoke as the cat strolled outside his door. “Come here for just a second.”

The cat didn’t argue, inclining to just listen to the nurse. “Anything on my minion yet?”

“Not yet. They’ve only been gone an hour and a half. They have plenty of time.”

He whined, unsatisfied. “What do you want then, Veprl-sensei?”

The light caught his glasses lens. “You were there during the Overblot incidents, weren’t you?”

“Not for Riddle-senpai’s.”

“Did you notice a black stone after the Overblot episode faded?” He paused. “Or maybe dropped
by that monster you and the chaos trio fought in the mines?”
Blue eyes widened in alarm. “You know about that?”

“Teachers talk,” he offered deadpan. “I know Kingscholar-kun didn’t fully Overblot, but maybe
Yuu-kun mentioned something about Roseheart-kun’s?”

“That monster did drop a black rock!” Grim confirmed with a bright smirk. “They’re delicious !”

“You ate one?”

“You don’t know what you’re missing,” he insisted indignantly.

Veprl sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Don’t eat any more of those. They’re excess Blot.”

The cat blinked. “Eh?”

“When you Overblot, all that blot has to go somewhere. It’s excreted after the Overblot ceases-
assuming they’re still alive. Otherwise, it becomes their heart. All that blot focuses on the organ,
and can solidify into rock. That’s why those Overblotted bleed something like ink.”

Grim gagged.

“Usually, the Headmage is supposed to collect them and dispose of them.”

So why hasn’t he?

“Okay, so what is a furry?” Ruggie demanded as he reunited with the other two.

“Isn’t that an adjective?” Azul questioned.

“Maybe it’s some sorta slang?” Epel offered.

“I hate it either way,” he decided in a huff. “Never had so many people try to touch my ears.”

“I suppose they’re an abnormality in this world,” Azul suggested.

“Yuu-chan never acted weird about it!”

“She’s nice like that,” Epel reminded with a small smile.

“I take it she wasn’t there?” The octopus asked.

“Yeah, no. Sorry.”

“Where should we look next?” Epel wondered.

“We build connections,” Azul decided. “If you are looking for something in as vast as an ocean,
you have to have eyes and ears everywhere.”

“That sounds super sketchy,” Ruggie deadpanned.

“It’s just business,” he quipped with a signature smirk.

A Different Kind
Chapter Summary

“We don’t have to do more pictures,” Deuce shakily spoke, “do we?”

Cater shook his head. “Not unless Yun-Yun’s in it.”

“You better have a smile left for her, lover boy,” Ace teased.

Chapter Notes

Sorry for the hold up! My mental health has taken a bit of a dip. Don’t worry!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Malleus was, in a word, worried. It wasn’t an emotion he was unfamiliar with, per say, but not one
he was particular fond of.

It was rare, however, for his Magic to be insufficient. He was blessed and endowed with such great
power, and yet he couldn’t reach beyond that barrier. He never loathed a Mirror so much. Mirrors
weren’t supposed to be stronger than he was.

“Malleus,” Lilia spoke lightly. “You’re bothered. What’s wrong?”

The words were slow to come out of his mouth.

“What is the purpose of being granted so much power if I cannot save someone I care about with

Lilia thought for a moment, fingers tapping as they often did when he was contemplating. A small
smirk coupled with a warm, pink gaze was extended to the taller Fae. “I think that’s a wonderful
question. Maybe this can be some motivation for you to get even stronger.”

“But you said yourself I have little to gain from my enrollment here.”

The argument wasn’t in frustrated protest. It was more matter-of-fact.

“It’s a different kind of strength,” the shorter of the two clarified. “You’ll learn. I promise.”

Deuce was never one for publicity. Having to smile on command made him look and feel like an
idiot. Plus, it made his cheeks hurt.

So having accidentally drawn a crowd of girls for an imaginary pop group was not the most fun
experience. They couldn’t even budge due to the hoard of ladies.

“But if we play the part, one of them is bound to know something,” Cater suggested.

And Deuce trusted his senpais.

Ace took the opportunity to flirt- which Deuce had no idea how to do. Apparently, the red-head
had some dating experience in middle school? How? Cater unsurprisingly matched his tempo and
did the same, but was more blunt on trying to gain information.

Which Deuce had no aptitude for. His stats were but a humble 4 in charisma. 4/20 wasn’t exactly a
high number.

“Oh I’ve seen that girl!” One of the girls chirped, snapping him out of his thoughts. “I saw her in

“You’re a lifesaver!” Cater sang. “Think you can point me in that direction?”

“Sure thing!” And gesture she did.

“So, um, is she your girlfriend?” A mousey one asked in a shy stutter.

Ace winked with a smirk. “Nah. She’s just our manager.”

“Someone needs to take care of us, y’know?” Cater agreed. “Unless one of you ladies would be
And that earned a roar of fangirlish screams. Deuce winced at the whine. But thanks to the chaos,
the trio managed to slip away.

“Azul-san. You are scary.” Ruggie decided.

“I prefer efficient,” the cephalopod returned.

“I won’t complain about results,” Epel decided.

The trio (mostly Azul) managed to track Yuu down to a shopping center of sorts. It was far more
dense than a jungle filled with advertisements, concrete, and people, and gave way to a walkway
for shoppers to traverse. It was like being at the bottom of a trench, with the tall walls of buildings
surrounding the groups that braved the between. The raucous was even more concentrated than
before, with the walls giving way to an alluded echo with a resonance Ruggie loathed. The stench
of the city was eased, however, by the familiar fragrance of food.

“There are too many people here,” Ruggie grumbled, hands folded slightly over his ears in pain.

“I’d suggest dividing and conquering were it not for that,” Azul lamented.

“It’s like findin’ a needle in a haystack,” Epel drawled.

“Saves us the trouble of searching an entire country at least,” the hyena offered.

“That would be a hassle I don’t want to imagine,” the octopus groaned, running a hand through his

Epel snickered. “A wild goose chase.”

Ruggie sighed. “I can’t smell anything through all this food.”

There was a beat.

“Where did you get that, Ruggie-senpai?” Epel asked softly, eyeing the tiny bundle in his hand.

“Magic still works here,” he answered, as if that answered things.

“Y-you stole it?”

“The guy handed it to me.” Ruggie offered a smug smirk. “And it’s rude to turn down a gift.
Especially food.”

He took a bite out of it. Epel turned a reluctant blind eye.

Azul was far more concerned with the unavoidable images of people plastered on the walls and
signs. They were all so thin- even if the product was the primary subject.

“Hey, pretty lady,” a voice cut in. “You look awfully lost. Maybe I can help you?”

Azul’s gaze swept behind him. Ruggie had drifted to the wayside to admire some merchandise,
while Epel shuffled awkwardly away from an unfamiliar man. He had no distinguishable features,
but was clearly irking a particular country boy. Epel’s shoulders scrunched to his ears, lip quivered
in a bite like a drawn bow string, and brows furrowing into a sharp curve above his large, blue

But Epel wasn’t scared. He was annoyed .

He loosened his tongue like an arrow. “I’m not a girl.”

“Oh, a pretty boy, then?” The man sneered.

“And I’m not interested,” Epel finished sharply.

He spun on his heel and rejoined Azul.

“Is that a common occurrence for you?” Azul asked evenly, reuniting with Ruggie as they
continued down the road.

“You have no idea,” he groaned in irritation.

“We’ve been here for hours,” Ace groaned. “There is no way she’s still here.”

“Never underestimate a girl and the mall,” Cater quipped coolly.

“I don’t think Yuu-chan’s the type.”

“We don’t have to do more pictures,” Deuce shakily spoke, “do we?”

Cater shook his head. “Not unless Yun-Yun’s in it.”

“You better have a smile left for her, lover boy,” Ace teased.

And that caught the senpai’s attention. Green eyes slowly panned to blue.

“ Lover boy?”

Deuce’s blood ran cold. Or hotter. He couldn’t tell. But he did not want to be there. Having the hot
flashes of a lava lamp in front of your senpai was not the way to go.

“Deucy’s got a crush on Yuu-chan,” the traitor explained.

“Do you now?” Cater drawled with an eerily blank face. “That’s totes cool.”

The deadpan made the slang fall flat.

“I’d rate Yun-Yun a 10.”

“Not her chest, though,” Ace bluntly decided. He earned a good whack to the head by his fellow
freshman. Cater didn’t stop him.

“We’ll talk about that later,” the older ginger decided. “We need to find her first.”

“Yuu-chan said that this place has something like Magicam, right?” Ace offered. “Maybe can
search her name up?”

“Do you think she’d use her name as her handle?” Deuce questioned, face still at freezing burn.

“Prob,” Cater hummed. “But we don’t know her last name. Searching through all of ‘em could
take for-freaking-ever. We’ll run out of time. Not cool.”

Deuce held out his phone. “And we can’t download anything here anyway.”

Ace sighed. “Last time I try to be smart.”

“Do you think Azul-senpai and the others have found anything yet?”

“Epel-kun would have at least texted,” Cater assured.

“That doesn’t help,” his fellow ginger groaned.

There was a pause.

“Have we checked any coffee shops?” Deuce asked.

Chapter End Notes

ALSO AHH?? This keeps getting more and more hits, kudos, and bookmarks?? Thank
you so much!! :D
Don’t Leave Me
Chapter Summary

And yet, even with such factors, she wasn’t expecting someone so odd to enter. Or
even know her name.


Chapter Notes

This one is intentionally short. >:)

Also!! Do you all want like an actual description of Yuu? I’ve left it vague so you
could imagine Yuu however you want. So, thoughts?

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The strong, bitter aroma was a familiar welcome. It wasn’t a pungent odor, but a fragrance with the
earthy undertones. No doubt, it would replace her perfume. Dunking into the air was the faintest
taste of dry bread, accented by sweet wafts.

The gentle lull of music wasn’t anything fancy like elaborate jazz, or something so rustic to be
mainly consisting of acoustic guitar. The playlist comprised mostly of unheard-artists local to town
or even across seas. It was fitting for the café, considering their eclectic aesthetic.

Few mugs matched each other, yet complimented awkwardly with the intention of a color swatch.
The silverware wasn’t much better, each varying in size and style. It was a normal abnormally.
One to be expected.

And yet, even with such factors, she wasn’t expecting someone so odd to enter. Or even know her


She knew that voice. She knew that she knew it. Her eyes found stoney blues, tucked behind a thin
veil of dirty blond. They lit up in surprise and recognition.

And how did Yuu feel?

“That’s your name, right?”

She felt hollow.

“What can I get you, sir?” Yuu returned, making her way to the register.

Those stoney eyes washed with sadness- disappointment even. His mouth formed into a thin line.
His ears dropped as his gaze fell. The line tugged into a smirk. “Surprise me.”

Her chest lurched in pain. It was like a hook had her heart.

“Right away.”

The patron didn’t sit down, instead watching her as she moved to the espresso maker. His eyes
were heavy on her.

“Do you have a favorite?” His voice asked easily. “Coffee, I mean.”

“I’m partial to mochas.”

A hollow chuckle rumbled in his chest. “Yeah makes sense.”

“Do you have a favorite type?”

“I’m more of a dessert guy.”

“Oh. Donuts, right?”

Her guest choked on air. Yuu hastily offered him a cup of water.
“Yeah. Yeah, donuts,” he wheezed. “Wrong pipe.” He lowered his head, eyes peering up at her.
“How’d you know?”

“Just a hunch.”

Ruggie couldn’t do anything but stare. Deuce had texted them to check coffee shops, and so they
did. They split up to tackle each coffee-themed storefront they could. Ruggie wasn’t sure if he won
or lost. All he knew was that he felt wrong . This all felt wrong .

Yuu’s eyes didn’t light up in recognition at his arrival, nor did her mouth pull into a teasing smirk.
There were no sarcastic remarks to be had. Not even teasing him for taking so long.

Yuu was a stranger. And he was a stranger to her.

It was wrong. So so wrong.

There was something to be said about being uncomfortable in your own skin. It wasn’t a feeling
Ruggie knew personally, but he’d imagine it feel something akin to this. He didn’t feel fickle in his

He felt sick to his very soul.

He was being ridiculous.

So what?

Yuu was just another person. Just like his mom, or his dad. He was fine without them.

So why did his throat try to strangle him?

Why did his voice die inside it?

Why was his chest burdened with lead?

Why were his eyes burning?

Why was the weigh of it all crashing down now?

He’d be fine! He’ll be okay!

He lived without Yuu before, so he could again!

He choked on his own breath. He swiped at his eyes. His ears pressed against his head, muffling
the outside clamor with ease. His mind was blank. He’d be fine.

It was blank except for one thought. The few words that escaped his broken heart.

“Please don’t leave me.”

Not Yuu, too.

Chapter End Notes

Also!! 1000k+ comments?? Um?? Thank you???

Fake It ‘Til You Make It
Chapter Summary

“It’s weird,” Ruggie confessed under his breath. “We just saw her, like, two days ago.
It doesn’t feel real.”

Chapter Notes

This is split due to major tone differences! Sorry it’s short- but the next one’s already
started! :D

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Azul was the next one to arrive at the shop. Ruggie sat at the counter, silently watching Yuu work
while nibbling on the round of his donut. The tiny bell rang as he walked in. His ear flicker in
acknowledgement, but his blank gaze was fixed onto Yuu.

Ruggie was a face Azul had come to know well with his odd shifts at the Mostro Lounge. His
signature smile was a pleasant one, although lacked the suave discipline the twins or himself
adorned. His was more rough and raw, yet met his eyes with practice. Even with the most mundane
or even stressful situation, there was a light in them like the dawn at sea. Placid, yet consistent.

It was a bit staggering to see Ruggie’s light being drowned out by the water. They weren’t clouded
with any sort of grief. If anything, his gray eyes were blank like an anchor forgotten; collecting rust
and abandoned by the very thing he was designed for. He was hollowed out of or by any
frustration, a shell in his own numbness. No one can hear you at the bottom of the ocean.

“How may I help you?” Yuu asked with a polite smile.

A smirk tugged at Azul’s lip as he removed his hat. Such a simple gesture pained him.

“Whatever you recommend is fine with me, Yuu-san.”

She followed his eyes to her name tag before nodding and getting to work.
“It’s weird,” Ruggie confessed under his breath. “We just saw her, like, two days ago. It doesn’t
feel real.”

“Try as one may, no memories are completely forgotten,” Azul phrased carefully.

As if he believed it himself.

Ruggie was equally unconvinced.

“Did you see Ruggie-senpai’s text?” Deuce asked.

“That they found her?” Ace returned. “Yeah.”

“And doesn’t remember us.” His throat tightened in urgency. “Or anything about Twisted

“We’ll just have to make her remember,” Cater decided firmly.

“Okay, and Plan B?” Ace prompted.

“Well, I guess she decides what to do.” His green eyes clouded with some sort of emotion neither
freshmen could discern. “We know our Yun-Yun would come back, but this Yuu-chan? I dunno.”

“Doesn’t that bother you?” Deuce pleaded.

The ginger nodded. “Yeah, it’d be a bummer.”

“That’s all?” He snapped with a glare. “Don’t you care ?!”

Cater’s green eyes glinted with irritation. “Yeah, I do. Duh.”

“Then act like it!” The dark haired delinquent snarled. His hands fisted themselves into Cater’s
collar. “What about ‘Cater-nii’?!”

“ And he’s flipped again,” Ace sighed.

Green met the blue storm evenly. His mouth formed a line. Neither backed down.

“I don’t need a cool senpai right now,” Deuce growled lowly, grip slacking a mere centimeter.

Cater’s façade faltered. “I’m doing the best I can, Deucy.”

“Then tell us what’s actually going on in that head of yours,” Ace challenged. “You always play it
cool like a picture. But what are you actually thinking?”

His eyes widened in a startle, voice grunting in its flinch. Cater’s mouth opened slightly, before
pressing into a purse.

“My emotions don’t matter here.”

Ace scoffed. “Going to need more than that, dude.”

“It won’t change anything,” he explained painfully slow, “so why bother?”

“Better than acting like you’re immune to pain,” Deuce seethed. “Or better than us.”

Cater smiled sadly. “You want to know how I really feel? Fine.”

He inhaled sharply. Deuce let go.

“I’m terrified, okay?” His voice faltered. “One of my best friends is in a world that clearly doesn’t
treat her right and she doesn’t remember us at all. I’ve lost her.” His breath caught in his throat.
“I’m heartbroken . I’m scared that when I see her again, it’ll be the last time I will. And I won’t get
to say goodbye.”

“You haven’t lost her yet, Cater-senpai,” Ace soberly protested. “She’s just a few blocks down.”
“I want my last memory to be of her smiling,” Cater chuckled mirthlessly, a shaking hand running
through his hair. “Not of a stranger.”

Deuce’s voice was quiet, almost like a breath in and of itself. “That’s selfish, y’know? You need
say goodbye even if she looks her worst.”

“Aren’t you optimistic?” Ace jeered with a cocked brow.

“I get it,” Deuce continued undaunted. “I really do. But you need to see her off with a smile, at
least. Or you’ll never let yourself live that down.”

“What good would that do?” Cater contested. “I’m just a stranger.”

“But you’ll know.” Blue met green. “And that matters, too.”

Chapter End Notes

Also let Cater and Deuce bond over shared trauma. See if you can pick up my hints! ;)
Donut Hole
Chapter Summary

She shrugged nonchalantly, opting not to answer. The air felt thick with questions left
unasked. Implications that went unsaid streamed into a tense murk.

Chapter Notes

Well, it was going to be fluff-ish. How did this happen

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“How did we beat Epel-kun here?” Deuce wondered aloud.

“Apparently it’s a touchy subject for him,” Ace chirped.

“So he gets to bail?” Cater sighed, a hand combing through his hair. “No fair.”

“I’ll track him down, don’t worry,” the fellow ginger assured with a smirk. “Come on, senpai. Be

He took a deep breath, before exhaling it painfully. The signature smile tugged on his face as he
entered the café, the bell ringing behind him as the door caught on Deuce’s expecting palm.

“Heya, Yuu-chan!” He greeted brightly.

Blank eyes stared back at him. “Uh, hey?”

“What do you recommend today? Wait let me guess! A mocha?”

“You’re being creepy,” Ace muttered beneath his breath.

“Ah. Girl must like chocolate,” Yuu deadpanned. “How original.”

There was a beat.

“But am I wrong?”

A suppressed smirk burst burst into laughter. “No.”

“Then hook a brother up!” Cater chuckled.

“Whatever you say, Cater-nii.”

Ruggie’s heart stuttered. “What did you just call him?”

Vacant eyes blinked back at him. “H-huh?”

“His name,” Deuce cut in. “What did you call him?”

“I…” Yuu stared at them blankly before troubling her brow in a slight grimace. “… don’t

Cater’s smile twitched into a frown. “Don’t sweat it.”

Deuce’s mouth formed into a line, teeth digging into his lip. Ace rubbed the back of his neck
awkwardly, warm gaze gaining a chill. Azul wore his poker face like his own skin, and Ruggie
buried his head in his folded arms, ears low.

“Don’t mind them,” Azul insisted slowly, tone easy and light. “You’re of age, yes, Yuu-san? Do
you go to college?”
“Oh, um.” She swallowed thickly. “I mean, I wanted to. But it didn’t work out.”

“You didn’t get in?” Ruggie asked from his arm fortress, muffled by his organic limb.

“No, I did.” Her voice wobbled in her throat. “It just… yeah. I’m needed here is all.”

“I’ve never known of a job to prioritize itself over education,” the cephalopod mused tactfully.
“Particularly one so low in income.”

“Bro, low blow,” Cater hissed under his breath.

Yuu chuckled mirthlessly. “No, you’re right. But I need money to go, y’know? Everything I had
saved, my parents used up.”

“Family emergency?” Deuce asked, treading carefully.

She shook her head, a pained smile warping her features in a way none of them liked.

“No. They’ve been working super hard, and wanted a vacation. The least I can do is support that.
I’m not much use aside from a glorified maid anyway. Not like I’ll get very far even if I went to
school. I’m not the smartest, or the prettiest, or blessed with some innate talent.”

Azul’s mask cracked with a hint of a grimace.

“So they stole from you?” Ruggie asked in a low growl, ears flat.

“It’s okay,” Yuu assured in a shaking breath. “I’m not going anywhere.”

“But you’re not getting any younger, either,” Cater agreed, brow distressed.

She shrugged nonchalantly, opting not to answer. The air felt thick with questions left unasked.
Implications that went unsaid streamed into a tense murk.
“So you owe your parents?” Deuce asked quietly.

“I mean, they put a roof over my head, y’know?” Her voice was off-key. “All I do is cause
problems. Might as well make it up to them somehow. Plus, it’s just me versus them. Two’s more
than one. If someone has to take the fall for people to be happy, I’m glad it’s me.”

“But what about you?” Ruggie demanded, metal hand slamming on the table. His cool eyes lit with
a foreign fire. “Don’t you care about that? Yuu-chan, you’re being used !”

“It’s fine,” she breathed. “I don’t mind.”

“Yuu-chan,” Ace spoke, startling Deuce. “Y’know you’re worth more than what you can do,

Yuu’s wide eyes startled to him, hands clenched at the hem of her apron.

“I-I know,” she stammered, head whipping away.

“But do you believe that?” Ace challenged, taking a heavy step forward.

Azul’s hand gently met Ace’s chest, subtly holding him back from charging in recklessly.

“Don’t worry about me,” Yuu assured with a bright smile.

It wasn’t like the sunlight or moon’s glow. Instead, it illuminated like stained glass; broken and
wrong, assembled into a semblance of beauty in spite of the shattered pieces, yet fragile all the

“You truly are a benevolent soul, Yuu-san,” Azul breathed, a somber smile clumsily gracing his
lip. “But I can’t help but wonder who worries about you?”

“I’m fine, sir.” She offered that same grin. “This one’s on me, guys. My treat. Consider it a trade
for the conversation.“

She retired her apron to the hook.

“Won’t you get fired?” Deuce asked in a slight panic.

She shrugged, facing away from them. Her head hung in a low bow, weighed down by an unseen
force. Her voice came light like air. “It’s okay. It won’t matter much to me, anyway.”

Free food never tasted so sour to Ruggie. It made him sicker than mold and rot, yet ate away at
him all the same.

“I don’t like it,” Cater’s voice grimly remarked. “What she said. That doesn’t sound good.”

“Which part?” Ace scoffed bitterly.

“Let’s not let our emotions get the best of us,” Azul persuaded.

“Not everyone can have the personality of a wall like you can,” Ace grumbled.

His eye twitched.

“Okay, uncalled for,” Cater decided with a light smile. “We’re going to get nowhere with this.”

“Hey,” Epel greeted, waving down from a crowd. “Sorry for the hol’ up!”

“Epel-kun!” Deuce returned. “You’re back!”

“Yup! Sorry ‘bout that.” He caught his breath as he squeezed through the last wall of people. “Not
too fond of people with bad memory. It uh, doesn’t sit right with me. But anyway! I have her

“Woah!” Ruggie gaped. “Seriously? How?”

Epel smirked confidently. “Old folks talk.”

Chapter End Notes

This isn’t all of Yuu’s backstory or anything, but gives you some hints. Y’know when
something is kinda “normalized” and you think of nothing of it despite the red flags it
sends other people? Yeah that.
Shards of a Shadow
Chapter Summary

Glass only let you see beyond itself. Don’t look into it- only though the looking glass.

Chapter Notes


Implied self harm and possibly implied suicidal ideation.

This one’s metaphor heavy. Can be taken many ways. But if it’s too heavy, skip this
one! The next one is more plot relevant. This is for emotional impact.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Wounds always burned with salt. Nothing was more potent than the sharp words of an unknowing

No one ever asked about her. She was to be a shadow on the wall- a picture in the mirror. There,
but insignificant.

She knew that she knew that she was present. She knew that she knew she was needed. A burden,
although heavy, to ease the load of the others. She’d compare herself to glass. Fragile, pointed,
ugly; and could only cut and sever when things broke.

Ugly and plain.

Coming home to a lonely apartment was more common and normal than a busy one. Adults were
busy. She understood that. Her life could wait a little longer.

The silence bore into her ears with a deafening weight. The air felt too thin to breathe, yet to thick
to stomach.

Yuu opted for the fridge, to discover unexpected vacancy. Her parents must have packed

Being a picture or a shadow left a taste for the light; although she knew she wouldn’t exist were it
not for the scorch of a torch. You couldn’t see someone as downcast as her if you didn’t look. You
needed the light to see her darkness. You needed it to make out color.

And her soul was drowning in the monochrome.

A burden at least had the impact of existing. A picture was even worse. Insignificant. Overlooked
in the dark. A semblance of what was or could be, only wanting you to yearn for the real thing.

Glass only let you see beyond itself. Don’t look into it- only though the looking glass.

Yuu filled her cup with water. It would do, she decided.

It could be worse, she knew. The apartment was nice and spacious- plenty of room for someone
like her! It was better than some decrepit ramshackle dorm. She counted her blessings. That’s
probably what college was like anyway, right?

She was cracked, broken, and ugly.

Trouble came and shattered the shards beyond repair. Colored blood dipped in the dark in a faint

She wasn’t worth defending.

Windows are fragile, and walls can talk.

The TV played static instead of sound. It added to the pressure of the room, electrifying the
atmosphere to pins and needles.

Call her a dork, but she liked old movies. Not because they were old, but because they were simple.
Magic painted every cel as the characters moved across a designed background.

They had a place within it- even something as minuscule as a blue caterpillar.
It was a nice escape. She would never dream to be some endearing protagonist printed on
merchandise in a theme park. She would never be the one to root for. She barely compared in the

Storms brewed and rattled the vessel in the dark.

Anxieties swelled in a tempest.

Tears burned as they cascaded down the face.

Hollow and devoid, yet leaking in vain.

Sometimes she fantasized, dark as it may be, that she might feel the pain if she were to shatter.

But even so, she would allow herself just a moment of pretend- a second of folly.

She allowed herself to dream awake- a wish her heart dared to make.

That maybe she, too, would live a story with a good ending. That perhaps she could live her own
life instead of being in the shadow of the day.

That one day her glass would be painted in beauty. Perfection it may not be, but beautiful and
breathtaking. Something for someone to notice.

This was her wonderland, twisted as it may be.

Black ink would stain the page.

She stood at the top.

Over it all.

Her problems looked small from here.


No one would notice if a shadow vanished into smoke.

Or if a chalice shattered in the cupboard.

The lights are beautiful , Yuu mused to her head.

The spheres glowed below, illuminating the dark sky with a golden hue. Bursts of color broke
through shade like a blade.

And she bled black.

Chapter End Notes

Y’know what I said a few chapters ago about my monologue chapters not being
cohesive? Yeah it’s intentional. I try to emulate the feeling of emotion instead of the
cohesion of thought. Think of it like a poem? Kinda.

YUU FANART BY MELINAAI! Yuu looks so cute! ^-^:

Love Like Yuu
Chapter Summary

Ruggie’s grip on the Spell tightened. His lead legs cemented themselves to the ground.
His blood felt cold, yet insatiably hot in his veins. His mouth was arid, and tongue a
stone inside the dry confines.

Chapter Notes

TW: Suicide mention

Very unrelated, but if anyone has any Fire Emblem Three Houses/Hopes fics they
recommend hook me up :)

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Ruggie’s strangled voice cut through the quiet.

“ Laugh with me !”

She staggered in her step, stumbling backward.

Ruggie felt his heart batter in his ears, and pound in his chest. His mind spiraled in a sick cycle he
couldn’t control. He hardly registered the rushed footsteps.

“Y-Yuu-chan?” Epel shakily breathed.

“What are you doing on a roof ?” Azul demanded.

Yuu’s voice died in her throat.

Ruggie’s grip on the Spell tightened. His lead legs cemented themselves to the ground. His blood
felt cold, yet insatiably hot in his veins. His mouth was arid, and tongue a stone inside the dry

“W-what are you all doing here?” Yuu stammered.

“What are you doing on a roof?” Ace hissed.

“This is my apartment c-complex?”

“You hate heights,” Deuce managed numbly.

Panic glinted in her eyes. “How do you know that?”

“The way your legs are shaking,” Azul answered. “Even with Ruggie-san’s Magic.”

“ Magic ?”

“My Signature Spell,” Ruggie explained in a slow lull. “Makes you copy my actions.”

As if to prove it, he waved his hand- a motion she mirrored.

“Yuu-chan,” Cater blurted. “Why are you on the roof?”

A fragile smile found itself on her lips. “The view’s nice, y’know?”

“You hate heights,” Deuce repeated dully.

“It all looks so small-“

“Were you going to jump?” Ruggie barked.

Yuu flinched.

“Well, were you?”

The pause hung heavy in the air. The gentle hum of car engines filled the thick air with a deafening

“No,” her voice insisted firmly. “I-I wasn’t.”

The hyena’s ears laid flat on his head. His pale gaze was cold with doubt, yet burned with an
intensity seldom seen within them: fear.

No one believed her. They couldn’t afford to.

And that, in its own right, was terrifying.

“And even if I was,” Yuu continued with a whisper. “Why do you care?”

“Because you’re our friend!” Epel snapped.

“I don’t even know you!” Yuu spat. “Why do you care ?!”

“This would be so much easier if she could remember,” Ace lamented beneath his breath.

Azul saw a boat tossed by waves in the corners of his mind. An SOS signal dispatched in an empty,
dark ocean with no hope in sight. The clamoring jaws of death gnashing at the hull and dragging
the ship into its deepest despairs.

“You’re Yun-Yun,” Cater spoke, voice cracking in the altitude of the situation. “You’re a master
chef with no sense of aesthetic. You wear crocs because they’re comfy and screw the critics. You
throw kitchenware for fun.”

A heartsick smile tugged at his lip with the bliss of a twisted knife.

“You know what to say. Always. You’re selfless, and never ask for anything in return. You’re a

You gave me a reason to grow outside a picture frame. A reason to be more than cute.

“An amazing actress,” Azul conceded.

You fake what I cannot so well. Kindred souls, poor and unfortunate as we may be.

“Loyal to a stupid degree,” Ace laughed.

I can’t imagine life without you anymore. I think I’d be dead for real.

“See people for who they are,” Epel chimed with a melancholic smile.

You saw me as more than a pretty face. You went after me.

“Kind,” Deuce managed. “Easy to be around.”

I don’t want to lose you.

“Always there,” Ruggie finished, willing his voice even.

Please don’t leave me.

Silver linings brimmed on the rims of Yuu’s eyes. Her brow worried itself on her skin. Her voice
caught on the rip current that was her breath. “W- why ?”

“Why what?” Ace asked.

“Why do you c-care?”

Ruggie felt her knee buckle, and he loosened the Spell.

“How do you know those things? I’m n-not-“

Her voice came out a whine.

“I’m n-not a good person.”

“On the contrary,” Azul protested gently, slowly making his way toward her. “I think otherwise.”

“You must have me mistaken for someone else,” she argued heartlessly.
“I may sport glasses, but I can see the heart of a person more clearly than anything else.” Azul’s
smile came easy, as did his gentle caress of her hand. “You’re just unfortunate.”

That was the wrong thing to say, he realized immediately, as Yuu’s face crumpled. She jerked her
hand away.

“I’m unfortunate, huh?”

“It’s only unfortunate that you have so much weight to bear.”

“You act,” she chuckled sadly, “as if you all know me.”

“We do,” Deuce answered, approaching. “You used to go to school with us.”

“What do you remember about the past few months?” Ruggie supplied.

The confused fog in her eyes seemed to ease in slight. “I, um, don’t know.”

“You were taken from us,” Cater explained sharply, his hand finding hers. “We’ve been working
nonstop trying to find you. To bring you home .”

“B-but why ?” Yuu cried, the thin trails of water lining her cheeks. “I-I’m not worth all that

“You’re worth chasing after!” Ruggie snapped. “And we’re not going to leave you, either.”

The dam broke. Heavy dollops cascaded down her face. Her throat tightened like a noose,
strangling her cries into incomprehensible blubbering. The weight of the world wracked her frame.
Cater wrapped his arms around her. She clung to him like a lifeline.

At first, Ruggie hesitated, despite the others joining in- even Azul. He would only be able to feel
with one arm, as the other was metal and false. And if he touched her, if he got close, she might
disappear beyond his reach- a reality that almost was. His whole body still felt defiled from having
to use his Magic in such a way.
He swallowed thickly before taking heavy steps forward.

If you leave, I’ll follow you .

Chapter End Notes

She’s not like, healed. Think of this as a semi-overblot episode.

Also 3000+ hits?? I am in awe. I have no words. Just… thank you! :’D
Home is Where the Heart Is
Chapter Notes

Next we’re back to the regular length and story!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“So what you’re saying is,” Divus hummed, “is that we need to somehow sever Crowley-san?”

“Not quite,” Veprl sighed. “We need to limit his authority. If we just throw out the headmaster for
assault, this place will be swarming with cops. And I do not want that.”

“You don’t want their noses in it.” He nodded once. “Ivory-san and the pups should be back soon.”

“Do you think they managed to find Yuu?”

“I’m confident in their abilities,” Crewel assured. “We do need to find Yuu-kun a permanent home,
however. We don’t need Crowley-san to use that against us somehow. I wouldn’t put it past him to
fight dirty.”

Veprl groaned. “I can’t just dump his custody onto someone’s parent.”

“Why not you, Ambrose?” Divus suggested. “You’re fantastic with the pups.”

“You want to talk about underhanded?”

“Fair point,” he hummed. “I suppose being a ward of the school is out, too, considering who is at
the top.”

“Thought about that, too,” he sighed. “Let me just think on this…”

“I’m sorry,” Yuu rasped, wiping away her tears.

“Don’t apologize,” Azul assured, dabbing away at her face with a handkerchief.

“Do you remember us, Yuu-chan?” Ace asked. “I know it’s kinda a long shot-“

“Yeah. Y-yeah, I do.” She offered a wobbly smile. “Sorry I forgot.”

Ruggie let loose a breath he was holding. As did Epel.

“You remember!” Cater beamed. “And that’s what matters, ‘kay? But you gave me a good spook!”

“Understatement of the year,” Ace scoffed. “He and Deucey nearly duked it out in the middle of

“ Cater-nii? ” Yuu gawked.

“It was all for character development, promise!” He assured defensively. Yuu was not convinced.

“Hey, Yuu-chan?” Epel piped up, meeting her gaze skeptically. “Do you really believe all that stuff
about yourself?”

She blinked. “Um, yeah. I-I mean I don’t like think about it often. I have it under control, honest!
Just… you caught me on a bad day.”

“On a roof,” Ruggie deadpanned, grip tightening slightly.

“Bad timing,” she offered nonchalantly.

He hummed his dissatisfaction.

“I, for one, have had enough gloominess!” Cater decided. “Let’s go home!”

“Technically, I already am,” Yuu jested with a smirk.

“Nope!” Cater chimed with a popped ‘p’. “Your home is in Twisted Wonderland with us.”

“Oh.” A sweet smile melted on her face like honey butter. “Okay.”

“Yeah, you’re not leaving our sight for a while,” Ace laughed.

“She can take care of herself,” Ruggie groaned, rolling his eyes. No one commented on his hand in
hers, her other being occupied by Cater.

“I don’t doubt that,” Deuce agreed.

Azul hummed under his breath in agreement.

Keep an eye on her, eh?

Chapter End Notes

Planning on making a fic line for the kiddos getting therapy. Originally, this chapter
was going to be that with Yuu! But I couldn’t get it to work cohesively and concisely,
so that’s for later.
I also just wanted to get out of this arc and onto Octavinelle. Speaking of! This is a
major set up for it.

Any guesses for who Yuu will be staying with? ;)

Congrats, You’re Adopted
Chapter Summary

Deuce’s and Epel’s face could have ignited and none would be the wiser. Azul, having
the most composure, pressed up his glasses and waltzed out with gritted teeth. The
willpower was admirable to say the least.

Chapter Notes

To my beloved theorizers:
Keep an eye out.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“So what did you all think of Japan?” Ivory beamed. “Pretty cool, huh?”

“I never want to go back,” Ruggie groaned.

“Me neither,” Ace sighed.

“I’m just glad we made it back in time,” Azul lamented.

“I’m with Azul-senpai,” Deuce confirmed.

Epel hummed in agreement.

“I got a lot of pictures!” Cater beamed. “But deleting ‘em will be a pain.”

“Delete them?” Yuu echoed.

“So many fangirls,” Ace shuddered. “Like, some were cute! But man they were clingy.”
Noticing her confusion, Deuce explained. “They thought we were popstars, I think.”

Realization dawned on her. “Because of the Dorm Uniform?” She sputtered laughter. “That’s

“Pretty dope, huh?” Cater snickered.

“It was a lot,” Deuce disagreed in a heavy sigh.

Epel hid his laughter. Ace shot him a look.

“Thank you for your help, Ivory-san,” Azul interrupted with a polite smile.

“Yikes, you are stuffy,” the man laughed. “But no problem. I should probably head out, though!
The last thing I need is your headmaster on my tail. Ciao~!”

“I highly doubt Veprl-sensei and Crewel-sensei would like that,” the cephalopod deadpanned.

The rabbit groaned.

“He’s a hard one to keep in one place, huh?” Ruggie hummed.

“Maybe it has something to do with the White Rabbit?” Deuce speculated.

“Could be,” Yuu yawned. “But man am I tired.”

“I am right here,” Ivory grumbled.

“So you are,” Azul hummed.

“Shouldn’t you see Veprl-sensei first?” Epel suggested. “You could use a check-up!”

“I’m fine ,” Yuu adamantly insisted.

“You might as well roll with it, or else Cater-kun will lose it,” Ruggie drawled.

“Bro, harsh!” Cater gawked.

He shot him a side glance. “Am I wrong?”

“I’m with Ruggie-senpai on this,” Ace agreed.

“ Betrayal ,” the ginger upper classman bemoaned dramatically.

“If it means that much to you, fine,” Yuu relented. “I’ll let Nurse Veprl give me a look-over.”

“Probably for the best,” Ivory agreed.

And that was that. Soon enough, they found themselves in Veprl’s empty ward after school hours.
He was cleaning up some sort of unseen bloody mess, labcoat tied around his surprisingly slender
hips. His arms were bare and far more toned than Epel thought they were.

“What in the world happened here, Ambie-chan?” Ivory gaped. “Did you kill someone?”

“I don’t murder students,” Veprl deadpanned.

“One of them got into a fight,” Divus explained, retying Veprl’s hair for him. “Looks worse than it

Deuce nodded, practically picturing what that could mean.

“It was just a broken nose,” the nurse explained dully, locking eyes with him. “Those things bleed
like a faucet.”

He nodded with sympathy.

“It’s nice to see you again, Yuu-kun!” Divus greeted with a polite smirk.

“Thank you, Crewel-sensei. Sorry for the trouble.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. You were dog-napped, more or less.”

“I mean,” Ace snorted, “he’s not wrong.”

“Can we get this over with?” Ruggie whined. “I’m tired.”

“Is it even sanitary?” Azul asked. “With all the blood?”

“We already cleaned everything,” Veprl assured. “Let me just change my gloves. Take a seat. Yuu-
kun, do you want ‘em here?”

“I don’t think they’d leave even if I wanted them to,” she teased.

“Fine. But they’re leaving for the last part. I don’t think you want them to see you in a hospital

“Yeah, no.”

“Good call.” He got out a light. “Ever do a concussion screening?”

“I didn’t hit my head?”

“Magic across dimensions aren’t good for the noggin, kiddo,” Ivory explained. “Jostles your brain
around like a bucket of marbles on a train. How’d you think you got amnesia in the first place?”

She nodded and participated in the exam easily. Veprl was quiet. The other students looked on with
vague curiosity.

“Stick this in your mouth,” He instructed, holding out a stick with a gem at the end. It looked like
the Night Raven College Pen’s jewel, but on a thinner rod more akin to a thermometer.

“What’s that for?” Epel asked.

“It measures Blot,” Divus explained as Yuu stuck it in.

Ace protested. “But Yuu-ch-ku…”

“-chan is fine,” she interrupted. Veprl rolled his eyes, having to adjust the tool thanks to the

“Yuu-chan doesn’t have Magic,” he finished.

“You’re right,” the nurse acknowledged. “This is a precaution. Those Mirrors are Magic, and they
don’t break easily at all. Also, between the dimension hopping could leave some Magical affects.
She was stuck in our world for a while, so think of it like residue. Or germs if you want to. Even if
she doesn’t possess Magic, or if she does and can’t access it into a tangible form like you Mages
can, there is the possibility of Blot. And quite frankly, I don’t think any of us need that.”

“I didn’t even think of that!” Ivory gasped.

“Well, yeah,” Ace cut in. “You’re Magic.”

“His body is probably used to that sorta stress, too,” Ruggie noted.

“Yeah, you guys probably shouldn’t do it too often,” the rabbit advised. “Might lose a few screws.
Your atoms don’t get too jazzed about shuffling between worlds. Once or twice doesn’t hurt,

“I don’t even want to think about those side effects,” Azul decided. Deuce shuddered.

Veprl withdrew the Blotometer from Yuu’s lip.

“Alright,” Divus decided. “Be good boys and give her some privacy. Unless you are complete
hopeless dogs.”

Deuce’s and Epel’s face could have ignited and none would be the wiser. Azul, having the most
composure, pressed up his glasses and waltzed out with gritted teeth. The willpower was admirable
to say the least.

“What’s it say?” Yuu asked.

Veprl groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Let’s just say I have a lot of work to do.”

“So she does have some Blot?” Crewel questioned. “How bizarre.”

“It’s not exactly Blot ,” the nurse corrected. “I’ll work it out. Don’t worry.”

Yuu cocked a brow.

“Okay, look you won’t Overblot and you can’t use Magic. And you won’t die from this, either. So
just let me work and I’ll let you know when I have definite answers.”

She shrugged. “I trust you. So do I have to change, or?”

“That won’t be necessary,” Divus assured. “Honestly, we needed to discuss something privately.”

“Ambrose-kun and I have been working together on this. It only makes sense for me to be present.
I’d hate to be out of the loop.”

“ Ambrose ?” Yuu smirked.

“I was named before my Signature Spell developed,” the nurse scoffed. “But yes, Divus is right. It
saves me the trouble of filling him in later. I’ll be quick. Are you listening?”

“All ears.”

“We don’t like the way Crowley’s been running things. And shoving you through a Mirror, which
is assault-“

Yuu flinched.

“-by the way, is just the icing on top of this crap-cake. If he pulls the same stunt and justifies it
with ‘oh but she’s not legally a citizen’, you need to be homed somewhere. You following me so

“Yeah, I’m with you.”

“We can’t get into the specifics, but we’re investigating Crowley. We’d take you in ourselves, but
he’s technically our boss. It could backfire on all of us. And becoming a ward of the school would
be even worse.”

“So I have to stay with a friend?”

“If only it were so simple,” Crewel lamented. “We couldn’t just assign you to anyone. For starters,
we’d hate to impose on someone. Furthermore, if Crowley-san continues this tirade, it’d be
downright barbaric to expel a student by association. We needed to search on who could financially
afford housing you, be willing to do so, and intimidate Crowley enough to avoid being bitten.”

Yuu thought for a moment. “Malleus-senpai?”

“He’s a royal heir,” Veprl sighed, buffing out his specs. “It’d be too scandalous. Al-Asim-kun
would be the same problem, although less drastic since he’s a more complicated line. Viper-kun
would have been a fair choice, but he’s considered expendable. If he gets suspended or expelled,
it’ll only fuel his self-worth issues.”

“Worth issues-“

“We’re not focusing on that,” he chided.

“So I’m basically going into hiding?” Yuu asked. “But in plain sight?”

“Think of it like a collar,” Crewel offered. “The license proves you belong so you won’t be swept
away by the dog catchers. But we need to be strategic about where to home you so Crowley won’t
abuse his power by proxy.”

Yuu slowly nodded. “Okay. So who do you have in mind?”

Veprl responded slowly. “I’ve already talked to him about this, and he’s perfectly fine with it. I just
need your opinion.”

She stared at him. “Ok…ay?”

“Leona Kingscholar,” he delivered heavily.

Yuu was not expecting that one. In all honesty, it left her conflicted. She was still plagued by the
image of Ruggie’s arm being ripped off.

The sand.

The blood -

“Why him?”

“He’s a prince,” Veprl explained. “Albeit not firstborn. His chances of succession are slim,
especially given his healthy nephew. You could blend right into his household. And because he’s a
prince, he provides plenty of funding for the school. And Crowley wouldn’t dare want to cut those

“But what about Leona-senpai’s reputation?”

“He said, and I quote,” Divus responded, “‘my reputation has been raked through the mud anyway.
Might as well make some good come out of it.’”

Well, that was a burden off her conscience.

“What do you think, Yuu-chan?” Veprl asked. “I know your history with him isn’t the best, but it’s
the best solution we could come up with that would keep you and your keeper safe.”

There was a beat.

“So would I be, like, adopted by the royal family or whatever?”

Veprl scoffed. “You’d be sharing an address. If anything, your custody would be with some lord in
the region at best.”

Yuu slowly nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, that’s fine. Can I ask you something, though? Sensei?”

The men both turned their attention to her. There was no judgement behind their expression, only
patience and understanding.

“Would it be so bad if the school knew I was a girl?”

Chapter End Notes

Yay school politics. Any ideas as to what Crowley’s up to? If any? Who knows! We
could have a traitor ;)

Also! Yuu is still living in the dorms. This is mostly for legalities and whatever. Like
if she went “home” for vacation, she’d head back with Leona.
Noble Cause
Chapter Summary

“Well, I don’t smell smoke,” Ruggie noted. “So you’re not the one cooking.”

Chapter Notes

You get some fluff as a treat! >:)

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Lazy green eyes stared back at her plainly. Brown ears proudly stood atop the crown of hair he
boasted. They weren’t flattened in annoyance, or flicking with concern, which made it all the
harder to read him.

“You’re late,” was all he said.

Yuu met his gaze just as evenly. “I was stuck in Japan.”

“What’s a Japan?”

“Exactly.” Yuu brushed past him and made for the kitchen.

“Y’know you don’t have to cook every time you’re here.”

“Gives me something to do.” She shrugged.

“Whatever,” he huffed. “Less work for me.”

“That implies that you cook for yourself,” Yuu jabbed.

“I can cook!” He growled with an offended glare.

“And yet Ruggie-kun does it.”

“You’re insufferable.”

She smirked. “Yeah, I know.”

A slab of meat slammed onto the wooden cutting board in front of her. It was large, even by her
standards. It was already tenderized and marinated. She cocked a brow.

“This does not count. It’s still raw.”

“Not a fan of food poisoning?” He scoffed.

“Yeah, no. Good ab workout, though.”

He rolled his eyes. “Ruggie-kun did it this morning.”

Ah. That explained it. Ruggie had immediately returned to his room upon his return to sleep. He
was too tired to do much of anything. Did inter-dimensional give you jet lag?

Maybe this was Leona’s way of being kind. Making sure his dorm still got fed despite Ruggie’s
sudden departure from the dinner menu.

A rather round-a-bout way, but whatever. Not like she cared.

“So why’d you volunteer?” She asked, getting veggies chopped. “To take me in.”

“It’d be a real hassle if someone hadn’t.” He leaned against the counter, nostrils flared in disgust.
“I’d never hear the end of it.”

There was a pause.


He groaned, running a hand through the wild mane that was his hair. “Look, my entire dorm cares
about you. If the school doesn’t. And.. I kinda owe you.”

“Oh so this is to make up for the whole dusting-Ruggie’s-arm thing?”

‘For your own guilt’ went unsaid.

“I don’t do things for my own conscience,” he spat. “But what kinda guy would I be if I let a
woman hanging? This is something within my power I can do .”

She stared at him, wide eyed. A faint hue painted his flustered features. His ears pressed against his
hair with embarrassment despite his scowl.

Leona-senpai’s emotions are complicated, huh?

“That’s rather kingly of you.”

He all but hissed, face a bright red, “Oh shut it, omnivore!”

Or maybe he just doesn’t know how to word them.

“Hey, Leona-senpai?”

“What?” he grumbled.

“Are you doing this because you care about me?” She asked bluntly. “To protect me?”

He sighed. “Isn’t that what I said?”

No. Actually, no.

“I don’t have a whole lot of authority as a prince.” He rubbed the back of his neck unsuredly.
“Especially with my nephew, Cheka. If anything, I’m a royal pain . Might as well make the most
of it.”

“What about your reputation?”

“They expect nothing from me anyway,” he explained with tasteless, embittered words. “Any time
I do any good, it’s a bloody miracle with ‘em. You won’t drag me down any.”

Yuu gave a firm nod to herself. “I do not like your family.”

He snorted a laugh. “That makes two of us, omnivore.”

“So, am I like your adopted sibling?”

“You’re legally under one of our duke’s custody or something like that.” He shrugged. “He
recently lost his own daughter in a territory dispute or whatever. Helps him fill the void, I guess.
But you definitely won’t get that title. He has a house full of men now. As much as we respect
women, men get the titles. Women are the warriors.”

“Sounds complicated,” she offered.

“You have no idea,” he sighed.

“So they won’t think I’m your fiancé or whatever, right?”

“Neither of us are Marked, so no.”


“You humans usually use wedding rings or something, right? Well, we Beastmen, particular Lions,
Mark each other. They’re kinda like bites. The Lioness is usually the first one to Mark her lover.”
He shrugged. “Way back when, if a king was dethroned, he’d have to remark the wife if she were
beaten in battle. Or kill her if there was already a spouse. Any offspring would be slain to avoid
any future uprising or some crap like that.”

“You know your stuff, huh?”

“I’m a freakin’ prince, duh.” He rolled his eyes. “Have had this stuff drilled into my head since

“That’s a lot to remember, though.”

“Do you humans forget how to propose?” He jeered.

“I mean, I can’t speak from experience.”

“Yeah, I can smell that much.”

She smacked his lower back with a spatula. He jolted in surprise. It didn’t hurt, but it did catch him
off guard.

“Was that necessary?“

“Oh, yes,” Yuu decided. “Definitely.”

Shuffled feet was followed by a yawn. “What’s cooking?”

“Good morning, Ruggie-kun,” Yuu greeted.

“It’s seven at night,” Leona deadpanned.

“Well, I don’t smell smoke,” Ruggie noted. “So you’re not the one cooking.”
The prince let that one slide, moving out of the way. The hyena took his place.

“I’m surprised no one else is here yet,” Yuu noticed. “Usually I have an audience.”

“Leona-san threatened them an inch of their life if they were too loud,” Ruggie yawned.

She nodded, eyes still on the pan.

The three of them sat in silence as Yuu labored over the stove. A domestic comfort settled into the
steam. The hyena slumped in his seat, shoulders relaxed as the fragrance of food wafted through
the air.

“It’s nice to have you back, Yuu-chan,” Ruggie decided with a subtle smile.

“I was gone for like, two days.”

“Just let ‘im have this,” Leona chuckled.

“The fact that two Dorm Leaders Overblotted concerns me,” Riddle presented, hand slamming on
Veprl’s desk. “Myself being one of them. And neither of these cases were reported properly.”

Veprl took the file beneath the ginger’s palm. “It worries me, too. Looks like Kingscholar-kun’s
was more problematic to Crowley. It could have been a coincidence he was there.”

“And what of those Overblot excesses?”

“Never disposed of. I checked with Idia.”

“Do you think we’re being specifically targeted?” Riddle asked. “I can’t imagine why. Crowley-
sensei is a fool, yes, but I’m not sure if he’s so despicable.”

“If that’s the case, we need to consider motive.” Veprl leaned back. “Or how he would even do
something like that. Because both catalysts were completely outside his direct control.”

“Exactly!” Riddle exclaimed, leaning on the tips of his toes. “But he was in control, not even
following any safety after-measures!”

“So you’re saying that he was aware, yet refused to act? The trolley dilemma?”

“Teachers exist so that we have room to fail and grow,” he phrased tactfully. “That is why school
rules are in place. Crowley-sensei treats them as suggested guidelines at best. He may not have
caused specific incidents, but he was aware of them. And did nothing about them during or after.”

“And let’s say this was intentional,” Veprl muttered. “He’d only have until the end of the school
year to act on any sort of plan.”

Riddle’s brow furrowed in confusion.

A darkness settled into his silver pools at the dawning realization.


Chapter End Notes

Also! Veprl didn’t employ Riddle or anything. This is just how he’s handling the
stress and showing he cares. Y’know. In his own way. Veprl’s just rolling with it
because it’ll be more stressful for the guy not to.

Also!! Some food for thought for my lore lovers. As a thank you for all the love:
If you’ve read Veprl’s backstory, how do you think that would relate to Idia? >:)
Ink Like Water
Chapter Notes

This one’s short! I couldn’t get this next part down without it dragging on for a while
and tonal whiplash. So! Yeah!

This almost had a Malleus segment that would have been way too romantically coded
so that got scrapped. It’s still in my files, though.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Do you think she remembers?” Ace asked. “Her past, I mean?”

“You’d have to ask her,” Trey suggested. “But she must be tired after all that.”

“How did Riddle-senpai handle all of that? Dude tends to get carried away.”

“Let’s just say he’s been productive.”

That wasn’t any more reassuring. The two left it at that.

“So, Deucey,” Cater drawled. “You have the hots for my sis, huh? We should have a talk.” The
smile on his face sent chills down his spine.

Deuce’s averted his gaze. “You don’t have to worry about that, senpai.”


Deuce took a deep breath. “After all of that, I think I’d rather be friends? Does that make sense? I
do care about her. I really do. But I rather have a friend, y’know? Than risk ruining that.” His
shoulders slumped a bit. “I haven’t had many friends because of how I acted in middle school. That
means more to me right now.” He paused. “Does that make me a bad person? Is that weird?”
“That’s really mature of you, Deuce-kun,” Trey decided.

“I have the coolest kouhais,” Cater agreed with a fond smile, capturing the moment with his

“Dating is hard,” Ace lamented. “I think it’s smarter to just be buds anyway.”

“You’re just into curves,” Deuce shot back with a pink-hued face.

“So you agree? That Yuu-chan is as flat as a board?”

“Just because you didn’t get a shovel talk doesn’t mean Trey-kun won’t bury you,” Cater warned
with a playful smirk.

The freshmen’s eyes darted to the tall greenette. He shot them a sly smile, light glinting in his

“Don’t be vulgar.”

Ace crossed his heart and prayed for his life.

“Do you think she’ll tell everyone?” Deuce asked, changing the subject. “That she’s a girl?”

“She wants to,” Cater sighed. “But Veprl-sensei said it’s a bad idea right now.”

“I wouldn’t want that kinda attention, either,” Ace agreed.

“It’s not that,” the ginger upper classman clarified. “Yun-Yun said that he wanted to wait until we
had a better idea of Crowley’s intentions, y’know? It could discredit him- which would be cool-
but nothing’s scarier than an injured animal, y’know? So we’re waiting. But she is going to tell Vil-
san and Malleus-san.”

“I understand Vil-senpai,” Deuce admitted, “but why Malleus-senpai?”

“Beats me! But as long as they don’t hurt her, I’m fine with it.”

“Malleus-senpai’s really strong. I rather him be on our side.”

“ Mood .”

“So what do you make of it, Shroud-kun?” Veprl asked in a hum.

“Rare drop, for sure,” he noted.

“That doesn’t help.”

“It’s like Blot,” Idia explained slowly, “but it isn’t. Blot is from extra Magic. Storage isn’t infinite.
Expansion pass unavailable. This is like a free DLC item to patch old bugs. Like an OP character.
Ramshackle dropped this?”

“After he returned from an impromptu trip beyond the Mirror, I found whatever it is.”

“It registered on that Blotometer, right?” Idia sighed. “Same data.”

The small dropper in his fingers had the material. It was thicker than ink and more of a navy color.
When the light hit it just right, it had a semi-holographic sheen likened to an oil spill. Veprl had
extracted it off the Blotometer.

“What’s your head-cannon, sensei?”

“I’m not entirely sure,” he admitted in a defeated sigh. “Blot is, like you said, excess. A
manifestation of Magic and accentuated by stress in physical form. Whatever this is, it has his
DNA infused in it.”
“Maybe Yuu-san’s a hybrid,” he suggested. “He’s not even from a Magic world, right? His DNA’s
gonna get scrambled between that. File not found, y’know?”

“That’s what I’m thinking, but that wouldn’t explain whatever it is. Ortho could scan it.”

A certain bitterness found its way in Veprl’s heart. “I can’t risk an info leak.”

“Got it. This is some puzzle you got, Veprl-sensei. I’m good at them, but usually there’s a boss at
the end. I don’t want to fight anyone.”

Chapter End Notes

I have… plans for Idia.

‘Dressing Things
Chapter Summary

There was a tense moment between the two. Leona never begged.

Chapter Notes

Back to the play! Coming soon, we have Octavinelle! >:)

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“I hope the main cast has enjoyed their break,” Vil mused. “The ensemble has been working their
rears off with choreography. Let’s try not to be shown up too much, got it?”

They straightened their posture, nodding stiffly. Well, Beau and Noé did. Cater just offered a
relaxed grin, and Leona rolled his eyes. Azul offered a smirk and rolling back of the shoulders, and
Yuu nodded along.

“Very good. Cater-kun, Leona-kun. Let’s see what you have.”

“I’m starting,” Leona decided in a huff.

He took a breath before getting into character. Okay, that was a loose way of describing that. The
Leona-brand version of Vladmir.

“Are you impressed with our Anastasia?” Leona asked with a flick of the tail and unsure smirk.

“Surprisingly, yes,” Cater scoffed with a mischievous glint in his eye. “Looks like you can come up
with something good after all.”

His ears flattened at the grin, eyes squinting to prevent a roll. “Will you take her to see Tatiana?”
“I would if I could,” Cater sighed, shifting his weight onto his hip. “Tatiana has refused to see any
more girls.”

He turned to leave. Leona grabbed his wrist. Cater’s eyes widened in surprise, mouth slightly

“Maybe-“ Leona averted his gaze “-you can convince her.”

A bittersweet smile tugged at Cater’s lip, eyes softening. “I can’t-“

“Sophie, please .” His voice came out forceful- a weak and desperate plea.

There was a tense moment between the two. Leona never begged. He wasn’t a soft kitten shrunk
on stage by his own despair, but a desperate man begging his former lover for a favor of which he
had no gain- a truly selfless act.

“Ballet Russe.” Cater’s voice broke the silence. “That’s the Russian ballet. She’ll be there tonight.”

Leona loosed a breath he was holding. “ Thank you.”

“An interesting direction!” Vil smiled contentedly. “It really emphasizes the emotional rift between
the two characters. Well done.”

When did they perfect that? Yuu couldn’t help but wonder. How long has it been since I’ve been
cleared for rehearsal?

A cold dread pooled at the bottom of her stomach. She was falling behind. Everyone was putting
the work in, and she went back to Japan of all places. Against her will, yes, but she couldn’t let her
castmates suffer for that.

She felt a rift between herself and the crew. Guilt poured into her pores.

Brushing fingertips pulled her out of her thoughts. Her eyes darted to the tall, silver haired man.
“You’re getting lost in your head.”

His voice wasn’t accusatory, but rather gentle. It washed her with a subtle comfort.
“Oh, um, sorry, Azul-senpai.”

“Azul-san, Yuu-san,” Vil interrupted. “Come. Cater-kun, exit stage left.”

The ginger winked at their director before taking his seat.


“Dimitri, wait!” Yuu called hastily.

Azul turned, only the corner of his face visible to her. The full expression, sporting a vague smile,
was made clear to the obvious. “You called me?”

“If I don’t-“ Yuu considered her phrasing “-remember who I am, who’s to say I’m not a princess-
or a duchess- or whatever she is. Right?”

“Go on.”

“And if I’m not Anastasia, then the Empress will know right away!” She added, as if convincing
herself. “And it’ll be, y’know, a mistake!”

“Plausible,” Azul commented.

“And if you are the princess,” Leona cut in, “you’ll have your family back.”

“Either way,” the cephalopod added, fully turning to Yuu, “it gets you to Paris.”

“Right.” Yuu straightened her posture proudly, nodding to herself.

A slight chuckle escaped Azul. A hand extended, although bent at the elbow. “May I present, her
royal highness the Grand Duchess Anastasia?”

“Princely as ever,” Vil hummed. “Next scene.”

“I don’t think the Empress is going to like a frozen Anastasia,” Leona scoffed. “The instructions
were vague, but you would be the one to screw that up.”

Azul rolled his eyes. “She can thaw in Paris.”

“The baggage car?” Yuu cocked a brow and offered a sly smirk to Azul. She leaned into his face.
“There wouldn’t happen to be anything wrong with our papers, would there?”

“Of course not,” he lied with his trademarked businessman smile. “I would just absolutely hate to
see you mingle with all those commoners.”


“Yes, princess?”

“I was in an orphanage ,” Yuu deadpanned.

Leona smirked at Azul’s internal embarrassment.

Beau snorted at the trio. “This isn’t anything like the original, but I kinda love it?”

Vil nodded, satisfied. “Azul-san and Yuu-san, you’re still much too stiff. Your assignment until
further notice is to get to know each other better. Be comfortable with each other. I want you to
question whether you’re acting or not.”

“Yes, Vil-senpai,” Yuu returned. Azul merely nodded.

“In the mean time, I’m going to be doing your measurements,” he decided. “I trust you not to set
the auditorium ablaze.” He shot Leona a sideways glance. “In the meantime, practice singing the
opening song together. And I will know if someone’s lip-syncing.”

Based on that tone, no one doubted his sincerity. Yuu took the opportunity to go first, following
him to the back room branching from the auditorium. The future green room, she corrected.

“Before I begin, are you alright with wearing a dress? Cater-kun specifically requested something
less feminine, but I would prefer it given your physique and face.”

“Only if you make me look stunning,” Yuu smirked.

“Have I given you any reason to doubt that?”

“Never,” she chuckled, unbuttoning her blazer. But um, while on the topic. Can I tell you

Okay, Yuu. Now’s your chance. Don’t be stupid again.

“Go ahead.” Vil got to work on her waist.

“I’m a girl.” There! No room for confusion!

Vil’s hands stopped where they were, as if frozen by the proclamation. He wasn’t subtle in his
expressions- probably in no thanks to his theatrical expertise. Wide eyes met hers, mouth open into
a loose ‘o’, before he straightened up.

“Is that how you’d like me to treat you, then?”

“You should have seen Azul-senpai’s face,” she teased.

He smirked. “I would have loved that. But in any case, I’m more frustrated with myself that I
didn’t see it before. I sensed you were different from Epel-kun, despite your feminine features, but
I couldn’t quite pin it. And as a man often on stage, I’ve come across and worked with a variety of
people. I didn’t want to make assumptions.”
A comforting warmth swelled in Yuu’s heart. “Y’know, senpai, you’re really cool.”

“I prefer ‘beautiful’, but I suppose I can accept it this once.” He tucked a loose, blond strand behind
his ear. “Have you been outed as a woman yet?”

Her brow furrowed. “I think Veprl-sensei knows. Ace-kun, Deuce-kun, and whoever else that
found me in Japan knows now, too. Cater-nii definitely does, too. He got me some tampons when
he figured it out.”

“Tampons?” He echoed. “Ah, menstrual products.”

“Aunt Flo is the worst.”

“Is that some sort of slang?” Vil asked in a hum. “I’ve never heard of that one.”

“A-ah! Sorry! Is that too vulgar?” Yuu asked hastily.

“I’ve heard far worse from costars,” he assured calmly. “In any case, are you comfortable with
wearing a dress? I’d hate to overstep any bounds. I can work with a dashing suit if you’re
uncomfortable in a skirt.”

“Oh, no, I definitely want to wear a dress.” She smiled. “I miss that kinda thing.”

“And what about Azul-san?” He asked. “I’ve asked him, and he’s fine with an onstage kiss, but I
refuse to be accused of sexism or sexual harassment.”

Ah. That’s why he’s acting like this.

Not that Vil couldn’t respect people, but he was all for making a good show even if it came at the
expense of others. Cater and Leona were living proof of that.

“I don’t mind. A kiss is just a kiss, right? Use me however you want.”
There was a pause. A dark look crossed Vil’s features that she couldn’t quite describe.

“You shouldn’t say those words lightly, Yuu-san.”

She shrugged nonchalantly.

He sighed. “I’m asking as a professional, but what’s your cup size?”

“32B,” she rattled off, as he stretched the tape across her shoulders. “I just wear kinda tight bras.”

He gave a nod.

“Hey, Vil-senpai?”


“What kind of hair product do you use?”

He offered her a smirk. “I’ll lend you some if you let me try some makeup combinations on you.”

“As long as you lend me your face wash. I’ll break out if not.”

“And we wouldn’t want to sully your natural beauty.”

She snorted. “Yeah that’d suck.”

Chapter End Notes

Ok so Vil is a weird character for me to write. Because he’s poised and such UNTIL
he gets very emotional. Emotionally impulsive, if you will. He’s also worked with a
variety of people, so he doesn’t want to make too light of a situation based on
assumption here. He’ll loosen up and be more Vil-like, but right now he’s on
professional mode!
Don’t Tell Him
Chapter Notes

I’m not dead! Hello everyone! Sorry for the wait.

I ended up kinda writing 3 chapters for this fic simultaneously, which ended up being
a rough outline for- y’know. You’ll see within the next few chapters! >:D

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“I hate this,” the cat whined. “I’m Grim the Great! Why do I need to study?”

“You can fail if you want,” Yuu deadpanned.

His ears flattened, lip out in a pout. “You’re so cruel, minion.”

“I didn’t make the rules. Ace-kun, are you awake?”

“I wish I wasn’t,” he huffed.

“Cool. Thanks,” she quipped back.

Deuce’s lip pursed into a frustrated pout. Unlike the other two slackers, he was struggling. If only
intentions could translate into actual results.

“Can we take a break?” Ace begged.

Yuu sighed, checking the time. “I actually have to leave soon, anyway.”

“Wait, why?” Deuce asked.

“Meeting up with Azul-senpai.”

“For the play again?” Ace sighed. “You’re more screwed than we are.”

“Says the one with a C average.”

He rolled his eyes.

“Minion can’t take most of the exams,” Grim explained. “No magic.”

“That would pose a problem,” Deuce lamented.

“You have no idea.” Yuu chuckled lightly. “I’ll see you guys later, ‘kay?”

“See ya, henchman!” Grim called out as her feet pattered off.

“Man, this sucks,” Ace groaned. “Yuu’s spending so much time with that guy nowadays. But I bet
that bothers you more than anyone, huh, Deuce?”

Grim’s ears flicked with interest.

Deuce shot Ace a glare. “I’m over it.”

“Sure, Deucy.”

“Is this about Yuu-kun?” Grim meowed with a devilish grin.

The two boys paused, eyeing the cat sitting between them.

“ Does he-“
“Oh no,” Ace cut him off with a smug smirk. “We’re not telling him anything.”

Azul was a gorgeous man. Anyone with eyes could see it. And even those without them would be
privy to his smooth, sultry voice. He radiated charm and charisma, his words dripping with half-
sweetened honey. It was a more natural beauty than one Vil boasted. He didn’t need to impress
with glamour, but rather sell his smile.

And he looked worse for wear.

“Rough day?” Yuu prompted.

“Nothing I could not handle.” Azul slid a smile, but the markings beneath his eyes gave way to the

“Would you rather wait for another day?”

“Today is fine,” he assured. “I could use some fresh air, if you’ll indulge me.”

In other words: please get me out of here.

Yuu chuckled at the unkempt silver tangles that was his hair. Instead of placid waves tugging to
his nape, they were more like unruly rapids hardly hidden by the hat tussled in them.

“What’s so funny?” He asked, eyes flashing in offense.

“Your hair’s a mess,” she put bluntly. “Do you run your hand through it a lot?”

“Subconsciously,” he relented a sigh.

That would explain the defiant curl drifting away from the silver locks.

“How about we just head to my place? You need rest, Azul-senpai.”

He opened his mouth to protest, only for Yuu to beat him to the blow.

“Besides, you’d be my guest. No one would think less of you for taking advantage of that kind of

She spoke his language easily. His brow quirked downward in contemplation, lips pursing. “That
does sound enticing.“

“Do we have a deal?” Yuu taunted with a sly smirk and an outstretched hand.

Azul scoffed before taking it. “Very well. Lead the way, Yuu-san.”

Luckily, the way to the Mirrors wasn’t difficult. Azul could probably get there blindfolded. Even
so, he seemed particularly tense around the lobby. He kept a closer eye on Yuu between the
Mirrors, although she wasn’t sure how much of that was coincidence.

“Is Grim-kun here?” He asked, hanging his blazer on the hook.

“He’s studying with Ace-kun and Deuce-kun.” She paused. “Well, he’s pretending to.”

He snorted a laugh. “I’m assuming they’re worried over finals?”

“Deuce-kun definitely is. He works really hard to be the best student he can be.” The smile on her
face was an easy one. “So he gets frustrated when it just doesn’t click. Ace-kun isn’t much of a
studier. He’s more of a hands-on learner. Anything with detail or memorization’s lost on him. Grim
thinks he’s too good for it all.”

He hummed. “Interesting. But they’re still investing quite a bit of time into it, whether results are
produced or not.”

“For Grim’s case, I call it stubborn.”

He smirked. “You’re probably right about that. Still, anything one invests in, whether monetary or
not, must hold some value to a person. Investment is indicative of intent.”
“So why are you hanging out with me?” Yuu blurted. “I mean, you’re investing your time.”

Always her simple bluntness , he fondly lamented to himself. It tended to slice through his façade
like a well-meaning cleaver.

“I have a show to put on. I’m committed to the role, after all.”

She smirked. “And yet Vil-senpai says we still lack chemistry. Leona-senpai and Cater-nii have us

“I am hoping to amend that error,” he put simply.

She laughed. “Yeah, yeah. So what should we do? Just hang around each other?”

“That would result in apparent comfort, yes. However, we’re to to be playing lovers .”

Yuu’s eyes met his ocean plainly. A casual air was shared between them, and yet, her words
rocked the boat.

“So, you want to kiss?”

Chapter End Notes

Next chapter should be really long. I couldn’t resist a cliffhanger here- sorry!
Bottled Ink Wells
Chapter Summary

“Everything ok, Cater-kun?” Trey asked.

“My fingers slipped.”

Chapter Notes

I was wrong about length, but unless you want really long and bad tonal whiplash, this
one is for now! But the next one is mostly written and should end up pretty lengthy.
Unless I rewrite it quite a bit. It’s happened. We’ll see.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Azul knew emotions well. He knew them to be like a tempered liquid: oozing and boiling in
tandem to the heart’s flow. He knew how to contain them in a pot- fitting for a grotesque
cephalopod such as himself. Emotions had no place on an inked page. He had them all in a jar to
the side.

And yet, there was this human who waltzed into the Wonderland carefree. It was as if she didn’t
know any form of glass, or the fragility of it. Or perhaps undaunted by the danger of the contents.

This person- woman - was too kind. A pure kindness even sweeter with how earnest she was. Blunt
remarks, sarcastic quips, but sweetened words flowed from her lips with a natural ease. There was
no practice to it, which is more than what he or perhaps even Vil could say. They weren’t
deflective, either, unlike Leona’s.

So maybe such honesty was what scared him most. There was no mask to be adorned, nor thorns to
be pricked upon- simply her. Pure, flawed, and earnest.

And maybe that’s why the lid was coming loose.

“I beg your-r p-pardon?” He sputtered.

Yuu’s confidence wavered at his tone. Her cheeks warmed with a soft pink. “Well, I um,” she
cringed at her tone, “we have to kiss on stage anyway, right? So, uh, might as well get it out of the
How her voice crept so high was impressive.

“You do have a point,” he managed to concede, his voice shaking at the severity of such naive

“But if you don’t want to- it’s fine!” She hastily backpedalled.

“But I do-“ he stopped himself, haphazardly reworking whatever nonsense his mouth decided to
blurt “- I never said that I didn’t.”

“So you want to?”

His heart felt like a heavy burden pounding in his chest. His ribcage wracked with a rhythmic ache.
His cheeks and ears burned. And yet, despite this, the thrill of such fright was exhilarating. The
fear of the unknown was suffocating, but Azul never needed air. He breathed in the excitement

“I’ve never,” he swallowed thickly, “kissed anyone before.”

Her eyes lit up in a surprise that pricked his heart. “Really? But you’re-“ she gestured to his face,
which tugged with a smirk at her awkwardness.

“Getting personally involved in such a way leads to complications ,” he put tactfully.

“But you’re okay with me?”

Her eyes were wide in honest awe. Flattery, even, for lack of a better word. The pink shade dusting
her cheeks was an adorable look for one so usually composed.

“Am I acceptable to you? Have you had your first?”

Yuu’s eyes flickered off him, shrinking a bit. “N-no.”

Wherever that boldness was had evaporated, leaving a comforting steam between them. Azul’s
brilliant mind blanked at the reasonings he had ready. He could justify and debate in or out of the
situation, he knew. But he wasn’t sure if he wanted to.

A kiss was something fairly intimate between humans, wasn’t it? He had seen and assisted in many
fairytales. It was a romantic gesture, tasting in sweetness that could be seen as well as felt. It could
be sloppy and hasty, sweet and chaste, or even more. In any case, Azul felt naked as the
undercurrent of doubt tugged at his heart.

Stage or not, he wanted to be seen.

He wanted to be felt.

All of him.

Even the ugly parts.

The parts he had bottled up.

And that was terrifying.

The fear of the light gripped his heart like the fangs of an anglerfish. And yet, he was mesmerized
all the same.

He wanted to get closer. He wanted to know such brightness more. He wanted to make it his own.

His fingertips brushed the loose locks framing her face. Her eyes flicked to his, matching their

He must have caught her attention, too- like a hook cast into the water. Her lips slightly parted in a
gentle shape. His unsteady hand sank to the small of her back. Was her waist always so slim? Her
hands didn’t dare move, as if afraid to scare such a shy creature away.

He wanted to be bold in the moment, and yet cherish it for every millisecond. The sands of time
were gentle on the sea floor.

He pressed in, lips meeting hers gently. They were soft, offering a warmth he never knew. She was
smooth, in stark contrast to her sharp tongue. A sweet taste of chocolate lingered upon them,
melting into his mouth.
He wanted more.

He wanted to open the lid, and let her see.

To let her feel.

To let her know.

He wanted his ink, disgusting as he was, to paint her heart, body, and soul.

The ink wells to swell.

He didn’t want to let her go.

And he didn’t want to bottle it up.

Cater’s pencil snapped in his hand.

“Everything ok, Cater-kun?” Trey asked.

“My fingers slipped.”

Chapter End Notes

Who likes symbolism? ;)

Test Tubes
Chapter Summary

Deuce sighed, popping his tight knuckles one by one. “I did everything I could. All
that’s left is to wait for the results.”

“I’m sure you did great, Deuce-kun,” Yuu assured with a soft smile.

“There’s nothing you can do but put the work into studying,” Jack offered.

“The test is over, but my nerves are fried,” Epel sighed, rolling his wrists free of

Chapter Notes

We’re really close to 100k words!!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Are you nervous, Yun-Yun?” Cater asked, a bright smile plastered on his face.

“About finals?” She shrugged. “Not really. Not like I can do most of the practicals.”

“Hopefully you’ll do better than I did,” he laughed. “But I dunno! Lots of freshmen are awfully
chill this year. I wonder if they changed it!”

Yuu hummed. “I wouldn’t know.”

“Well, duh. So, where’s Grim-kun, anyway?”

“He ran ahead of me to get breakfast.”

“No cooking? Good call.”

“I’d like my braincells to actually work by the time I get to the test.”

He snorted. “Big mood. I wish I did that, too!” He sighed dramatically. “Alas, I had leftovers that
were just crying to be put out of their misery.”

Yuu chuckled. “So sad.”

“ Yeah ,” he moaned. “But maybe I can catch ya at lunch? I need to find Lilia-san and go over
some notes.”

“-san?” She parroted.

“Calling him -kun feels kinda whack,” Cater explained simply.

Yeah, okay. She could see that. Despite his appearance, there was this certain air about the Fae. He
was likely much older than he appeared.

Speaking of Fae, she probably should ask how to properly get ahold of Malleus, soon. If Lilia was
the prefect’s keeper in any case, he probably held him to a studying schedule, right?

There were a lot of things Yuu did not understand about Malleus.

“See you soon, Cater-nii.” She smiled.

“Yeah!” He beamed, heading off into another hallway.

Yuu yawned. Truth was, Grim had been muttering little factoids to himself all that night. How he
managed to memorize it all was astounding, honestly. Last she checked, Grim had little capacity to
concentrate, much less remember small details. Heck, she wasn’t sure he remembered everyone’s
names. If he managed to pull off a passing grade (an A would be too much), maybe she’d treat

“Tired?” A voice prompted.

“Mornin’, Ruggie-kun.”
“Yo.” He greeted. “I’m ready to get this over with. What about you?”

“Tech week is right after,” Yuu groaned.

Ruggie snickered. “I heard. I can’t wait to see Leona-san in a frilly costume.”

“It actually looks good on him,” she offered.

His ears flicked with interest, a smirk tugging his lip. “Yeah? Well snap a picture next time. I don’t
think we need me laughing so hard you stop the show.”

“Will do,” she laughed. “But I’m sure Cater-nii has it on his Magicam somewhere.”

“Meh.” He shrugged. “Not into that kinda stuff. Flip phones don’t really do that sorta thing

“We need to get you a better phone,” Yuu decided.

“I don’t really want anything that pricey in my pocket. I much rather have a full stomach, y’know?”

“How about you come to my place tonight? Y’know, to celebrate the end of exams?”

“Would if I could,” he sighed. “But actually, Leona-san asked me to tell you to come over to
Savanaclaw. Somethin’ about training?”

“He wants to do what after tests?” Yuu cocked a brow. It sounded like too much work for the

“To get ready for winter break, I think? You are in a noble house now, right? Like, technically.
Bleh. Royal mumbo-jumbo goes over my head. I have a hard enough time keeping Leona-san
Yuu chuckled. “Okay. I’ll be there. I’ll cook, though. Pizza sound okay?”

He beamed. “Oh yeah. Definitely. I’ll tell the guys their beloved Food Angel is descending from

“Thanks,” she smiled. “Good luck today, Ruggie-kun.”

“You, too, Yuu-kun.”

“Time’s up, puppies,” Crewel’s voice announced. “Put your pencils down and pass your sheets
forward like good, obedient pups. This concludes your final exams.”

“ Finally !” Yuu groaned, stretching her arms over the desk. “I thought it’d never end!”

“We’re done!” Ace cheered. “We’re really done!”

“Sit!” Crewel barked, his pointer smacking the open palm of his hand. “It’s too early to celebrate!
Any bad boys who get low marks should be prepared to spend their winter vacation here for make
up lessons. Dismissed.”

Deuce sighed, popping his tight knuckles one by one. “I did everything I could. All that’s left is to
wait for the results.”

“I’m sure you did great, Deuce-kun,” Yuu assured with a soft smile.

“There’s nothing you can do but put the work into studying,” Jack offered.

“The test is over, but my nerves are fried,” Epel sighed, rolling his wrists free of tension.
Grim snickered. “That test was a piece of cake for me!” His tail flicked with pride, his muzzle
fashioning a cheshire grin.

Ace glanced at him with a cocked brow. “You look awfully confident for a guy who always looks
like the world’s going to end after written exams.”

“This time will be different!” Grim retorted with an indignant hiss. “Get ready to call me Great
Genius Grim-sama! And you’ll be begging, ‘Grim-sama, help me study!’ in no time!”

“You sound kinda cocky,” Jack growled.

“I feel confident, too,” Deuce decided with a smile. “I’m going to win.”

“You made a bet?” Epel questioned.

“Something like that,” Ace brushed off. “But anyway, Deucey, are you sure that’s what a guy like
you should be saying? You always get low marks and cry like a baby about it!”

“I do not !” He interjected with teeth bared.

“This time,” the ginger continued, unfazed, “exams were a breeze for me, so I’m not going to

“So what are you doing after this?” she asked, deflating any further ribbing.

“I better make an appearance in track and field,” Deuce determined after a quick glance to the

The ginger freshman smiled. “I actually feel like basketball for the first time in a while.“

“I just want to sleep,” Epel groaned into his stretch. “But Vil-senpai will probably shoot that
“We should go home, too, minion,” Grim yawned. “I’m pooped after all those easy tests.”

Yuu rolled her eyes, strapping her back to her shoulder. “Can’t. Have to swing by Savanaclaw.”

“What for?” The feline whined.

“Forgot about that,” Jack commented.

“Leona-senpai invited me.” She paused. “Well, technically Ruggie-kun did for him. But hey, if you
pass? I’ll cook you any meal you want.”

Grim’s eyes sparkled like sapphires in wonder, further glinting by blue flare. “Oh! Deal!”

Yuu shot him a thumbs up before heading to Sebek. The green haired boy was hastily
reassembling his bag in a particular order. He always radiated an intense aura that Yuu couldn’t
quite grasp.

“Hey, Sebek-kun. How do you think you did?”

“Regardless of my score, I hope it’ll please Malleus-sama and Lilia-sama,” Sebek decided. “Have
we formally met? I’m Sebek Zigvolt.”

“Yuu. Just Yuu.” She bowed politely. He didn’t question it.

“Ah!” His eyes lit up like a flash of lightning. “You’re the Ramshackle prefect!”

“That’s me. Anyway, do you think you can give this to Malleus-senpai?”

She held out an envelope with her name scrawled on it.

He took it from her, examining the writing with his fingers tracing the ink. “What is this for?”
“Your prefect is kinda hard to get ahold of, y’know? So that’s my number.” She shrugged.

Sebek’s lips melted into a smile. “You’re very thoughtful toward the young master, Yuu-san. I will
perform my duty as his knight-to-be and deliver this parcel to him in utmost haste.”

“Don’t worry about it too much,” she assured sheepishly. “See you later, Sebek-kun!”

He bowed deeply, forehead hovering a mere inch above the desk. If someone were do nudge him
even slightly-

Yuu didn’t want to even think about it.

“Any new ideas, Shroud?”

Veprl’s soft eyes were drooping with exhaustion. Sure, finals were stressful for kids. He knew all
too well cram season came straight from the underworld. Even so, he’d be remiss to minimize the
wear of his work. The second carafe of coffee could attest to it.

“Yeah, actually.” The boy leaned back in his seat. “Named the unknown.png entity.”

“What do you call it?”

“Blight,” he put plainly. “Did some runs with a few kits to see reactions. Stats and whatever. Very
tedious. Makes my fingers cramp at the controller. But anyway, Blot is extra Magic or Magic
residue. Toxic material to balance out how OP it is. It’s not locked to any character- er- person. But
this stuff, Blight, has Yuu-san’s DNA in it.”

He put the last slide of the sample to the microscope.

“Non-Magic entities of Twisted Wonderland have at least the base data to have the capacity for
Magic so the game doesn’t break. Y’know, like how they add certain items in games in case some
hacker tries to make it happen, even though they’re unobtainable. Safety measures. That sorta
thing. But Yuu-san isn’t from Twisted Wonderland. His DNA isn’t the same. He can’t even try to
use Magic because his base programming doesn’t have the base code for it.”
“So what is Blight ?” Veprl pressed, trying to refocus his student.

“He got hit with some Magic by Riddle-san when he Overblotted, yeah? His Magic targets Magic
itself. His Signature Spell literally locks Magic temporarily. But Yuu-san doesn’t have Magic. He’s
immune to it. But he was hurt, right? There was no target. Not to mention that Yuu-san’s atoms are
adapting to this world’s logic. It’s trying to make sense of the base code.”

Veprl nodded, pressing him on.

“So when Yuu-san got thrown back to his hometown, his atoms weren’t too jazzed. It’s like a two-
way glitch, in a way? Like when you have a glitch to get to a scrapped area, but a bug in the game
keeps it from breaking. It’s super cool. But what happens when you get back to the main game?
You’re able to walk through walls or float or whatever because the game’s in shambles.”

“So what are you saying?”

“Yuu-san doesn’t have Magic to attack or Blot,” Idia slowly explained. “But his body is adjusting
to the coding to at least receive that pain in a different way- the essence of it.”

“ Essence ?” Veprl squawked. “So you’re saying that-“ he paused to consider his wording “-his
molecular structure is reconfiguring itself to withstand the Magical strain?”

“And the stress on his body, particularly being so exposed to such a Magic-centric world, has to be
put somewhere. So instead of imploding and killing him outright, its secreting into Blight. But
that’s a theory.”

“But it’s registering as Blot.” Veprl ran a hand through his hair. “I think you’re close. But that
explanation’s too simple. That’s like saying he’s sweating because he’s exposed to heat.”

“Maybe he’s holding onto Magic?” Idia proposed with a shrug.

“Doubtful. I think his body would feel that. Chronic pain.”

He hummed, considering his options. “We need more data. We should try out this character to see
what makes more Blight, and its potency. But yeah, yeah, you want no leaks. We have to be
“I suppose you’re right,” Veprl sighed, pinching his brow. “I was hoping I could keep from risking
him.” He paused to meet Idia’s eyes. “But in any case, a deal’s a deal. You passed your final.”

He shot him a lazy ok sign before slipping the slide into his pocket.

“You’re bothered by this, too, aren’t you?” Veprl asked in a hushed tone.

“I don’t like how it feels. Feels sketchy.” He fumbled with his uniform anxiously, flames of his
hair wavering in doubt. “Gonna need to hack into STYX’s library. I feel like… I should know this

“Don’t worry about it too much, Shroud-kun,” he assured gently. “I’ll just get that data you need.
No need to go into STYX’s archives just yet.”

“I feel like I’m at half health,” he groaned.

He laughed. “I feel that, kid.”

But truthfully, Veprl, too, felt that sense of unease. He had never seen such a phenomenon, but he
did know one thing:

If Blight was anything like Blot-

He didn’t want to see her Overblight.

Chapter End Notes

WE HAVE A NAME! But no cause yet.

Also, yeah Veprl does specialize in Blot, sure, but Idia definitely has better experience
with ‘special cases’. Veprl’s more familiar with Overblot, how to prevent it, and the
Teach Me
Chapter Notes

TW: for suicidal thought implications and alluded abuse.

This one is skippable if you need to do so!!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“How are you so bad at this?” Leona groaned.

“Maybe my teacher just sucks,” Yuu quipped deadpan.

“I’m a great teacher, shut up.”

“I’m with Yuu-chan on this one,” Ruggie commented, leaning back in his seat with his elbows in
the air. “Teaching isn’t your strongsuit.”

“No one asked you,” Leona growled lowly.

He snickered without remorse.

The prince’s frustrated concentration was interrupted by Yuu’s clumsy foot. After weeks of
rehearsals, it was impressive how she had made zero progress in the dancing department- unless it
was a simple waltz. She winced at her own error. “Sorry.”

“I think I figured it out,” Ruggie noted. “You keep trying to lead. Just let Leona-san do the work.”

Yuu cocked a brow at her hyena friend. Leona’s arm squeezed her tighter to his frame. She tensed
up, eyes darting upward to the tall man. His green eyes narrowed in an irritated glare, but his ears
perked out of his crown of hair in spite of his scowl. A playful smirk tugged at his lip as he toyed
with the prey in his arm. Yuu wanted to wipe that smug smile off his cocky face. Before she could
so much as move her arm, Leona led them to the music.
“I’m surprised,” Yuu blurted, struggling to keep tempo.

His ear flicked curiously. “Mm?”

“I thought the women would lead. Y’know. Considering what I’ve heard about your culture.”

He rolled his eyes. “The women don’t just dominate the Beastman world. Men aren’t useless.”

She averted her gaze shyly. “That was kinda thoughtless of me, huh?” She stumbled.

Leona’s sighed graveled with a grumbling growl. “Think of it this way. Women are generally more
of the Type-A personality. Headstrong and stubborn.”

Yuu smirked, a mischievous glint in her eye. “Trying to tell me something, Leona-senpai?”

“Keep it up. I dare you.”

“Don’t you have to do this sorta thing for the play?” Ruggie asked.

“I’d be dead if I were ensemble,” Yuu sighed. “I just have like, two dances where I’m doing

“That song with me and Octopunk doesn’t count, right?” He cocked a brow.

“I don’t count that one.”

“Thought so.” He loosened his grip on her. “I’m getting tired of this dancing crap.”

“What do you want to do now, then?” Yuu asked, brushing through some wrinkles.
“Sleep,” he deadpanned.

“Not happening.”

“Leona-san,” Ruggie sighed, “you can’t just invite someone over and sleep through it.”

“You don’t need to nag me,” he growled.

“If he doesn’t, who will?” she jested.

“Literally everyone else,” the prince scoffed.

“The king is very attentive to his subjects,” Ruggie teased. “When he wants to-“ he paused “- needs
to be.”

“Yeah, I can see that,” Yuu agreed with a curt yet affirming nod. “So what’s next on the

“Food,” the prince huffed.

“You feeling like an audience?” Ruggie asked.

“Maybe once all the pizzas are actually in,” Yuu hummed. “I need the arm room to work out the

“I’ll let ‘em know.” And with that, he was off, effectively leaving Leona and her alone.

Yuu loosed a breath. It was becoming easier for her to be around him. He wasn’t going to hurt her,
but his blunt tongue was a bit unnerving at times.

“Oi,” said voice huffed. “You were missing a few weeks ago.”
Yuu stared at him plainly. “You just realized that?”

He scoffed, but continued undeterred. “I had to ask around to find out what happened. Y’know how
annoying that was? You’re a lot of trouble, omnivore.”

Yuu blinked at him. “I’m sorry?”

He shrugged with a huff, a hand combing through his hair.

He does that when he’s stressed-

“Is it the same for you?”

“Going to need you to be a bit more specific, Leona-senpai.”

“How are you so dense,” he muttered beneath his breath before adding more volume, “do they
treat you right there?”

Oh, he’s worried.

The frown Leona sported seemed to argue that.

“Um, no, if I’m being honest? I won’t bore you with the details.”

“You’re a lot of things, omnivore. Boring isn’t one of them. Try me.”

Abrasive as he might’ve been, he was the only one to even address that day- and he wasn’t even

Ruggie hadn’t mentioned it, only sparing a few extra glances.

Deuce and Ace acted like normal.

Cater was much more physically affectionate.

Azul was… Azul.

Epel was more hesitant and less confident.

Everyone else that she assumed to be in the loop, like Riddle, said nothing but acted… different.

But no one said anything. It was like they were afraid to.

Enter the prince. Abrasive, crude, and blunt, coated with eternal fatigue. The man who could turn
things to dust and gore with a flick of the wrist. He didn’t care for comfort. He was like her-
straight to the point to a fault.

Yuu’s hands found the hem of her shirt anxiously. “Well, I wasn’t super important to them? My
parents, I mean. Honestly, I’m pretty sure I was an accident. My parents only got married because
of me. They weren’t really happy with each other, or me. Lots of screaming. Sometimes it’d get
physical. I’d get caught in the crossfire sometimes. My own fault for butting in. But, I felt like I
owed them, y’know? What they said didn’t help. Things like, ‘the least you can do’, or ‘I went
through seven hours of labor for this’. Sounds kinda dumb saying out loud,” she laughed

“But it gets to you. Nothing you do mattering. It was like living in the existential crisis of ‘nothing
I does matters’. So, when I wanted to go to college, I had everything saved myself. I worked my
butt off at a café night and day for tuition. I wanted to- I wanted to be free. I was selfish. So selfish
. But when the time finally came, they took it. The money. For a vacation. I figured, y’know, they
deserve a treat. I guess I repaid my debt, y’know?”

She swiped at her eyes. “B-But, I dunno h-how or why- but I think part of me broke that day?
Because nothing was ever going to get better. Everything I did was meaningless. My own existence
was just a burden to them. I thought, that maybe, they would be happier without me.”

Leona bit back a remark, persuading her to continue. She didn’t notice the daggers he was glaring,

“I wanted someone to notice me. To see how not okay I was. Even if I had no marks to prove it at
school, or even threats I could repeat. It was all so… it could have been worse. No one saw it. No
one saw how much I was hurting . I was expecting too much. I just wanted someone to save me. So
I decided to save myself, only for that to be taken from me, too. I just wanted to matter… just

Yuu was cut off by a sudden warmth. A steady yet anxious drumming panged in her ears in a
quick rhythm. A wild scent, yet a comforting one, accompanied the warmth. She was still
unfamiliar with Twisted Wonderland’s spices, but it was something akin to cinnamon- dry and
sweet. A single hand cradled the back of her head gently into his chest. Leona wasn’t good with
words, so he didn’t use them. Especially with him so-
Wait, is he angry?

His muscles tensed below her into a vicious vibration.

“I-I’m sorry,” Yuu stammered, putting a hand between them to push off.

“Not mad at you,” he growled. “Pissed at your parents.”

“That makes two of us,” she offered.

Chapter End Notes

I wanted to jot down all of Yuu’s backstory in one place since I was super vague with
it before.
Coiled Contracts
Chapter Summary

“Food Angel-san!” A Savanaclaw student greeted, rushing to her. He was soon flocked
by four others. “He didn’t get you, too, did you?”

“Dude,” one of his dormmates laughed. “He doesn’t even have a whatever-it-is on his

“I’m fine,” Yuu assured. “But are you okay?”

“We got played,” the first one sighed.

Chapter Notes

We finally made it.

Grim pressed through the crowd and mounted onto Yuu’s shoulders. “Is my name on the top
fifty?” He demanded, a paw getting dangerously close to her cheek.

“I’ve gotta be in the top fifty if I got an average of ninety, right?” Ace chirped, leaning in on his tip

“Top ten,” the cat rattled off with squinted eyes, “top twenty-“ his shoulders tensed. “My name’s
not on there at all!”

“M-my name isn’t on there either,” Deuce stammered, mouth forming into an anxious line.

“I don’t care as long as I passed,” Yuu sighed, setting Grim down. “So what’s the big deal about
the top fifty?”

“If I’m not in the top fifty- I’m breaking contract!” the feline blurted, urgently stamping a paw

Cont -
“ Contract ?” Ace parroted. “Grim, did you-“

Deuce’s eyes widened, gears slowly turning. “Ace-kun, that face- did you-?”

The trio was interrupted by pink plumage blooming atop their heads. Except, they weren’t petals-
they were more gelatinous. A small anemone would be a good way to describe it. Come to think of
it, a full one-third of the freshmen sported the strange growth.

“U-um,” Yuu eloquently stammered, “you have something right there.”

I have a bad feeling about this.

“I’ll pull it off right now!” Grim hissed. His claws dug into the flesh, pulling it forcefully to no
avail. “Meowch! I can’t get it off!”

Slow steady footsteps made their way to Yuu’s group. Tall proud ears stood out amongst the sea of
people, easily parting the tides.

“I came over to see what the racket’s about,” Jack mused, “but it’s just you guys. What’re you

“You don’t have one of these things on your head?” Yuu noticed.

“Did you fill your contract?” Ace sputtered in shock. “I didn’t even look for your name-“

The wolf’s brow furrowed. “What are you talking about?”

“I didn’t see your name on that list, Jack-kun,” Yuu cut in. “How did you do?”

“I passed,” he stated simply, rubbing the back of his neck.

“Good to hear.” She smiled. So it has nothing to do with failing.

“Minion!” Grim spat. “Are you blind?! Can’t you see what’s happening?!”

She met his gaze evenly. “I’m afraid to ask.”

Ace stepped forward. “The thing is-“

The anemone on his head lurched forward. Ace tripped on his feet, stumbling himself steady.
“Hey! That hurts!”

Deuce groaned, his anemone pulling painfully in the same direction. “So this is what he meant by
absolute obedience…”

“Nyah!” Grim barked, frantically digging his claws in despite the clearly pulling plumage.
“Minion! Get it off!”

“I, um, don’t know how?”

“How useless are you?!” He spat.

“Hey!” Ace snapped. “That was uncalled for!”

“From the looks of it,” Jack noted, “you’re not the only ones making fools of yourselves.”

“Remember me, Yuu-kun,” Deuce pleaded as he was dragged away.

Ace and Grim were spirited away by the salt-water substances along with the crowd, ripped away
from the group in the rip currents. Yuu could only watch helplessly, mouth a thin line.

Jack scoffed. “They look like a pack of idiots.”

“They made a contract with Azul-senpai,” Yuu’s voice rumbled lowly. Her fists clenched at her

“Huh?” He blinked at her. “How do you know?”

“Know anyone else who makes contracts and has a very clear water theme?” She seethed,
stomping after them.

“Where are you going, Yuu-kun?”

“To get tako su.”

Jack followed her at a steady pace up to the Hall of Mirrors, where a mass of people were gathered.
If not for his sense of smell, he might have lost her in the cluster.

“I totally thought I’d make it into the top fifty this time,” a Heartslabyul second-year groaned.

One of his own classmates hissed under his breath, cheetah-like ears pressed firmly to his head.
“That cheating octopus!”

“This totally ruins my school life!” A Scarabia freshman cried.

Yuu stood rigid, eyes scanning what she could of the mass. Not a sign of Epel, luckily. One less
person to worry about.

“Food Angel-san!” A Savanaclaw student greeted, rushing to her. He was flanked by four others.
“He didn’t get you, too, did you?”

“Dude,” one of his dormmates laughed. “He doesn’t even have a whatever-it-is on his head.”

“I’m fine,” Yuu assured. “But are you okay?”

“We got played ,” the first one sighed.

“I can see that,” she sighed.

“You’re not mad at us,” a jackal asked, head hung low, “are you, Food Angel-san?”

She smiled softly at the boys. “Not at all. If anything-“ she smirked mischievously “-I’m craving

One of them pinched his suddenly bleeding nose. He got a good whack on the head from Jack. Yuu
couldn’t figure out why.

“They’re all heading to the Octavinelle Mirror,” Jack noted, ears perked.

“Then we go, too.” She paused. “Oh, uh. You don’t have to if you don’t want to, Jack-kun.”

He shrugged. “Nah. It’s fine. I’m curious.” A sudden tinge of pink dusted his cheeks. “It’s not for
them at all- don’t get the wrong idea, ya hear?”

She laughed. “I won’t.”

We can both be liars.

Jack squeezed through the mirror to find himself engulfed by the great blue. Luckily, Crowley or
whoever designed it had at least two braincells and made the welcoming bay a glass tube so any
guest may marvel at the vibrant sea life. Tendrils of seaweed curled elegantly from the ocean floor,
vainly reaching for the sunlight pouring in from above. Twists of pastel coral clumped in clusters
giving the seabed visible textures. Petite fish swam about their habitat without a care in the world.

“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Jack gaped. “Night Raven College is amazing!”

Yuu snickered. “Your tail’s wagging.”

He puffed up indignantly, hands flying to his rebellious limb. His cheeks felt scorching despite the
chill tube. He cleared his throat as a futile attempt to regain his composure. But hey, the effort was

“We’re taking a step into enemy territory. Don’t get distracted.”

Yuu nodded, deciding not to tease him on his blunder.

“Want me to show you around? I’ve been here a few times.”

“Huh? Why?”

“I’m his co-star. And he’s busy.”

He offered a curt nod, tailing behind her. The see-through portal lead into a castle-like building
with spiraling towers made of whelks and conchs. Trills of luscious seaweed spiraled like ribbons,
streaming the entire shell palace gateway with a natural flair. Pale coral tentacles coiled around
leaning towers, keeping them from sinking into the unexplored abyss below.

“This place is so complicated,” Jack marveled. “How do you know where anything is?”

“If we’re looking for Azul-senpai, he’ll be in the lounge. Or. Y’know. We follow the school.” She
gestured to the swarm.

“… was that a pun?”

“However you want to see that.” She brushed past a small group.

As she had said, there was a slim set of stairs spiraling down like a conch shell trailing into the
basement. The lobby itself, while impressive, didn’t earn a comment from Jack. Yuu hadn’t spent
much time admiring the chandelier or its other extravagant adornments, either.

“A hundred-“ Jack roughly counted, “-no. Looks closer to two hundred people. What is this place,
anyway? Looks like a café.”
“The Mostro Lounge,” Yuu answered.

Looks like they closed for the day, too.

“Well, well,” a suave voice crooned. “You poor, unfortunate souls who couldn’t make it into the
top fifty.” Azul’s lips spread into a smile. “I welcome you to the Mostro Lounge. I am sure you are
all more than aware of who I am, but allow me to reintroduce myself.”

His arms folded behind his back.

“I am Azul Ashengrotto- head of Octavinelle and the Mostro Lounge. And also, the man who will
be your master from now on.”

“ Master ?” Jack growled lowly.

“You all challenged me and lost,” Azul continued with a pitiless glint in his eyes. “In accordance
with the contract, from now until you graduate, you will be working under me .”

“Hold up!” Ace’s voice interjected. “This is straight up fraud !”

Azul’s mouth twitched into a slight frown, a look of disgust if not blatant irritation accenting his
features. He lifted his glasses with a single finger, readjusting them to get a closer look at the poor
unfortunate soul to insult him so plainly.

“Calling it ‘fraud’ is rather rude. The notebook I gave you as part of my contract should have been
a thorough study guide. If you followed it to the letter, you should have had no problem scoring
over a ninety.”

“Yeah, you’re right! I got a ninety-two!”

A kind smile warmed his cold face. “Wonderful! I’m overjoyed it was of use to you!”

“But I didn’t hear anything about you handing out that notebook to so many people!” Ace spat

“There is no way we could all crack the top fifty with so many people,” Deuce agreed with a
desperate bite to his tone.
He tried the same thing at auditions, didn’t he?

Grim was the next to interject. “If this many people score over a ninety, then scoring eighty-five
doesn’t change my position at all from when I was failing!”

You wouldn’t be failing if you put in an ounce of effort, Grim , Yuu thought unamused.

A smirk tugged at Azul’s lip. “Do you know the concept of ‘duty of confidentiality’?” A golden
scroll shined in his hand. “I even outlined such a detail for you on page one-hundred-twenty-
seven.” His gloved finger pointed to the section without a single glance spared.

Jack heard a student choke on air.

The octopus continued his spiel. “‘I want to easily get a high score’”, he quoted. “‘I don’t want my
grades to drop.’ ‘I want to spend my time until the test having fun .’”

With a flick of the wrist, the sheet furled itself. He clutched it in his hand like a baton. His free
hand rested on his chest, fingers sprawled across his collarbone.

“Everyone who relied on me had their own reasons for doing so; however, those very reasons are
considered an individual’s privacy. I cannot simply go around revealing to others. I am a very
honest man. I am simply upholding my part of the contract.”

Using basic decency as a weapon , Yuu sighed to herself. You’re something else, Azul-senpai.

“T-then what’s going to happen to my fire Magic?” Grim demanded frantically, eyes wide in

Her heart sank. The collateral.

“A-and my water Magic!” A Pomefiore student chimed in. Tears rimmed his eyes.

“Gimme back my Unique Magic!” A Scarabia student pleaded.

“Oh my, oh my,” Azul sang in monotone. “Have you all forgotten the terms of the contract?”

He unfurled the paper once more, reading it aloud:

"’In return for the notebook to counter the final exams you shall entrust an ability you take pride in
to me. If you are able to make it into the top fifty grades, then I will return your ability.
Furthermore, I will personally give you a notebook for every test until you graduate. However, if
you are unable to place in the top fifty, then you will become my absolutely obedient servant until
you graduate.’”

“If it weren’t for the popularity, it wouldn’t have been so bad of a deal,” Jack muttered.

“Which is why he left it out,” Yuu murmured back.

He extended the rerolled scroll outward like a scepter to his audience. “Based on the contract you
signed, your everything- down to the very hairs on your head- belong to me. That means I
determine whether or not to return your abilities.”

“H-how’s that even possible?” Deuce stammered.

“We’re so screwed,” Ace hissed through gritted teeth.

“He can take someone’s Magic?” Yuu mumbled to herself. “Not just block it like Riddle-

Jack rumbled with a murderous growl. “I’ve just been listening, but-“

He marched his way into the crowd, stomping all the way to the front.

“I can’t handle any of these guys!” He snarled, fur bristling with righteous anger.

“J-Jack-kun?!” Deuce blurted in surprise. “Why are you here?”

Azul adjusted his glasses with a single finger. “You don’t have an anemone, do you? We are
currently in the middle of a staff meeting. We apologize for the inconvenience, but could you
please leave?”
“I wanted to study hard to beat a bunch of guys who used their own brains fair and square!” Jack
barked. “Because of you, it was all for nothing !”

“Did you come to help us, Jack-kun?” Grim asked with wide eyes.

“Don’t get the wrong idea,” the wolf growled. “I can’t stand anyone in this room.”

“Hey!” a Savanaclaw student yelled.

“Guys who make greedy deals,” he continued, “those who drag people to their level? They piss me

“We just have to beat him!” Grim declared. “If we just destroy the contracts, they’ll be invalid!”

“When you put it that way,” another Pomefiore student muttered before trailing off.

A Scarabia student offered a determined smile. “We might not have our strongest Magic, but we
have numbers! Let’s do this!”

Yuu cringed, knowing all too well what was about to unfold.

“My, my.” Azul sighed, shaking his head with disappointment. “I don’t really want to get rough
with you. Jade. Floyd. Please play with them for a bit.”

The tweels’ golden eyes gleamed as their forms slinked out from the shadows. Jade walked
uprightly, as poised as a mannequin with the face of a marionette; Floyd waltzed in with a lazy
arched spine and a toothy grin stretching ear-to-ear.

“As you wish,” Jade agreed, tugging lightly on the rolled cuff of his glove.

“I can squeeze all of them?” Floyd sang. “Yay~!”

The One Thing I Know
Chapter Summary

“They’re all weaklings,” Floyd whined. “Nothing to squeeze!”

“It’s like a powerless school of fry,” Azul lamented.

Ace’s body squirmed beneath Deuce, struggling to get even half his body upright.
“Just how many Spells does this guy have? I call foul play.”

For how gruesome and packed with muscle both of them were, not a drop of blood tainted the café
floor. A bloodless massacre littered the ground, faint pained groans uttered from below. Jack
winced, a hand caressing his pained head. He had received a good whack to it after jumping into
the fray. Yuu hid behind the bar, trying to assess the situation. Even though she had quite the
assortment of knives just a stone’s throw away.

“They’re all weaklings,” Floyd whined. “Nothing to squeeze!”

“It’s like a powerless school of fry,” Azul lamented.

Ace’s body squirmed beneath Deuce, struggling to get even half his body upright. “Just how many
Spells does this guy have? I call foul play.”

“Are those contracts repelling your Magic attacks?” Jack questioned, slowly stacking himself to a

Deuce rolled off of Ace. “I didn’t see it before, but I rely too much on the Spells I’m good with.”

“And Grim’s just a cat without his fire,” Ace supplemented.

“You all signed one of my contracts,” Azul explained evenly. “As long as it is valid, it cannot be
annulled by any number of people. Even with Magic. As long as you have an anemone sprouting
from your head, you have no choice but to completely obey my orders. First of all, I’d like you all
to clean up the lounge you’ve destroyed, and then food prep.”
“ We ?!” Ace spat. “You’re the ones who threw us around!”

“Self defense and crowd control is hardly an offense,” the octopus insisted coolly. “If I wanted you
injured, I would have done so.”

Floyd snickered at some sort of mute joke.

“Well then! Get to work!” The boss ordered.

The anemones dragged their hosts to their feet like marionette strings. Sure, they had control of
their limbs, but it was uncomfortable to watch in any capacity. Luckily, Azul’s ‘benevolence’
included basic instruction from Jade and Floyd.

“We need to come up with a plan,” Yuu murmured.

“Yeah,” Jack huffed. “We won’t get anywhere without using our brains.”

She offered a curt nod before slinking up the staircase. Jack followed, body visibly tense. The
formerly extravagant glass tunnel felt ominously empty. The tension suffocated them both to the
point of silence. Once they reached the Hall of Mirrors, the weight eased off of her chest.

“Those guys were tricked into forming a contract, huh?” The wolf drawled. “All they had to do was
crack the top fifty, right? Sounds like Azul-senpai didn’t even think of letting that happen.”

“Not necessarily,” Yuu corrected. “Some people got a perfect score. If everyone lost what would
be an easy bet, Azul-senpai’s reputation would sink. He could afford a few ‘winners’ to take the
top spots, but his employee count would go up either way.”

Assuming they’re even getting paid.

“Either way, there’s no meaning in using someone else’s power to get good grades. Wasting the
chance to show off their true power makes them stupid.”

“You’re thinking too simple,” she admonished. “Some of them were slackers, sure, but they studied
that thing to the best of their ability, too. I know Deuce-kun was tricked, and he was trying his best.
He’s just a bad test taker. Doesn’t mean he’s an idiot. He was just desperate.”

“Doesn’t make it any less idiotic. It’s all worthless if you don’t do it yourself.”

“Would you call what I’m doing idiotic, then?” Yuu challenged. “I mean, I have no Magic. I’m
going to need some help from people who do.”

His ears flattened “That’s different.”

She decided not to press on it. “We could ask Riddle-senpai for help, but I’m worried that Azul-
senpai would catch on. He has eyes and ears everywhere.”

“Guess we could ask Crowley-sensei,” he suggested with a lazy shrug. “Even if he overhears, he
can’t undermine the headmage.”

Yuu’s teeth bore into a grit. Jack was right. Asking Crowley for advice would be the safest option
from a tactical standpoint. She just didn’t trust the man. Maybe, if she stuck close with Jack, she’d
be okay? She was being ridiculous. Her friends’ lives were all but on the line here!

“Uh, you good?” Jack asked with the cadence of a beached whale.

Yuu blinked. “Huh?”

“Your heart’s racing.” His ears flicked for good measure. “Why?”

“I’m, um, just a bit nervous around Crowley-sensei.”

Understatement of the year. I don’t need to give the man a reason to hurl me through another

Jack hummed thoughtfully, but didn’t press for details. “Trein-sensei would be our next best bet,
but he’s so stoic I think he’d make things worse somehow. Crewel-sensei wouldn’t want to get
involved, and I doubt Veprl-sensei knows much. He’d be in the same boat as us.”
Yuu sighed. “There has to be some other person-“ she paused. “Actually. I may have an idea.”

“Let’s hear it.”

“Well, it’s kinda risky. But what if we use his connections against him? It’ll just look like we’re
vaguely interested in him. Well, like I’m vaguely interested. I don’t think they knew I was there.”

“What do you mean?”

“Idia-senpai is in the same club as him, right? I can ask him for something we could use.”

“That is risky,” Jack agreed lowly. “Could blow up in your face. He could rat you out to Azul-

“Not if I say it’s for the play. Vil-senpai still says our chemistry sucks.”

He cocked a brow. “You’re going to lie?”

“Not exactly. With Azul-senpai’s schedule so full of training now, his work will suffer for it. Not
to mention ticket sales will drop.”

He snorted. “You’re a crafty person, aren’t ya? But are you sure you’re not trying to get under his
skin? Asking Riddle-senpai would be safer.”

“Maybe I do have a grudge,” Yuu sighed with a frustrated glare. “They’re my friends , Jack-kun.
And they’re hurting.”

“Rushing in head first will make it worse.” He rubbed the sore spot on his skull. “But you do work
together, right? We don’t have to go asking around. I mean, you’re his fake girlfriend. What do you
Yuu paused. “I don’t know. I mean, I don’t even think I know the real Azul-senpai. He’s always
so… composed. He keeps everyone at an arm’s length. He only shows off what he wants people to
see. He works too hard to make sure his faults don’t show. I don’t know how helpful the things I
know about him would be. I don’t even know if that’s the real Azul Ashengrotto.”

He sighed. “Sounds like a lot of trouble.”

“Yeah. But about those contracts, I did make one with him a while ago. Even sketchy details are
phrased in a way you can’t work around it, but he can. For example, those new recruits of his won’t
be getting paid since that money would be going to contract-breaking fees.”

“He thinks of everything, huh?”

“Feels like it,” she lamented.

“So what should we do?”

Yuu offered a determined smirk. “I beat him once. I’ll beat him again.”

Jack choked on air. “You’re going to make a deal with him?”

“Yep. But I’ll make it so that even if I lose, they’ll be free.”

“But what about you ?”

“I’m just one person.” She shrugged. “If I take the fall, it’s better for everyone, right?”

“They’re paying for their stupid mistake!” Jack barked. “Don’t just sacrifice yourself to bail them

She winced at his volume. “Hey, Jack-kun?”

“What?” He growled.

“There is one thing I know about Azul Ashengrotto.”

“And what’s that?”

She answered soberly, “he wouldn’t hurt me.”

Eel’s Eye
Chapter Summary

Floyd sweetly simpered with excitement. “I’ll be waiting for you, Shrimpy-chan~!”

He waved lazily as he followed his brother to the quagmire of anemones, seating

themselves in unseen murk.

Chapter Notes

Back with another chapter! Oh, by the way! I’ve started making a Collection for
official fics (written by me) relating to this one. They’re not necessarily cannon, but
they’re fun little additions! I just added a Ruggie/Yuu oneshot there! Hopefully I can
do more, too! If anyone starts writing fics off of this one (like, inspired by or gift fics
for it), I’ll put those into a separate collection!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Ace slumped onto the table. Deuce slouched backward. Grim had to be lifted into his seat. Yuu
could only watch as their sore muscles slowly unwound themselves. The anenomes on their heads
bounced garishly with every movement. They looked awkward on their heads, bopping like a limp
limb instead of a headpiece.

It was a dumb question, but Yuu couldn’t help but ask, “Are you okay?”

“My everything hurts,” Ace groaned. “Who knew running a restaurant was so much work?”

“I’m so tired,” Deuce sighed, pressing the butts of his palms into his eyes lightly.

Grim couldn’t even make himself speak. Silence was cherished when it came to the outspoken
feline, but not at the cost of his health.

Two lanky figures slunk from the sea of people. Jade walked proudly, spine erect and his
composed smile ever present on his face. Floyd, in comparison, was far more loose in his
movements. An amused shine gleamed in his eye, making it glint like a golden doubloon amidst
his dark look.
“You appear to be exceedingly distraught by something,” Jade commented, his fangs poking from
his mouth like the cuspid of a serpent.

“Funny you should bring that up,” Ace snapped sarcastically. “A certain someone has been
working us to the bone.”

Floyd snickered. “The contract breaker anemones are saying something!”

His finger flicking the awkward anemone on his skull. Ace squeaked, hands flying to the sore
sprout. His smile simpered slyly into a slick, cheshire grin, warped and twisted like a horned

“Eeek!” Grim scrambled, shrinking further into his fur. “I’m going to get squeezed again!”

Yuu caught him before he shuffled off the seat. Grim clung into her, claws digging into the fabric
of her blazer. She’d never seen him so scared. It was unsettling to see someone so confident
crumble at a smile. It tasted bitter.

“The one I’m talking to isn’t any of these,” Jade interjected coolly, “rather, you, Ramshackle

Yuu met his coy grin with her own. “I’m listening.”

“Brave for a shrimp,” Floyd laughed. “You’re so cute, Shrimpy-chan!”

“I think anyone in school would look small next to you guys,” Deuce muttered under his breath.

“Them being this tall is just unfair,” Ace hissed bitterly.

“You’re already aware of who we are, Yuu-san,” Jade continued.

Oh, look, he called my by name.

“You were scheming with Jack-kun, were you not?”

Her teeth grit in frustration. They have eyes and ears everywhere.

“Is your concern, perhaps, these anemones?” His tone was even and cool like the placid waters.
The surface was deceptively idyllic, yet masked the sinister murk below.

Jack scoffed, thick arms folding into each other. “Look at that smug grin.”

“Who’s this guy?” Floyd asked, spindly fingers pointing to the wolf. “He’s like a spiky urchin.”

“You don’t remember me?!” He spat. “And I’m no sea urchin! I’m a wolf!”

Jade pointedly ignored him. “If the source of your concern is about these anemones, I think it
would be best if you approached Azul-san directly to discuss matters with him.”

Yuu smiled sweetly. “Oh, yeah?”

“As you know, Azul-san is a deeply benevolent person just like the Sea Witch of the Great Seven.
I’m sure he’ll hear you out, Yuu-san.”

“That’s right!” Floyd beamed. “Even if you wish to free those anemones over there!”

His nimble hand stretched to the groups at the other tables. The loud room hushed into silence. All
eyes, tired and forlorn, met hers. They felt like weights on her chest. Yuu’s heart sank to her

They’re pinning me to a corner.

“Of course, ‘free’ is out of the question,” Jade corrected easily.

Ace glared at the tweels. “You just want Yuu-kun to enter a contract with him.”

“Such harsh eyes,” he sighed.

Floyd’s sweet smile made the air feel sickly. “We just told you out of the kindness of our hearts!
Right, Jade?”

He returned a curt nod. “Right, Floyd. We are the kind people who just can’t leave poor,
unfortunate souls.”

Yuu bit the tip of her tongue. The taste of copper offered its metallic tang.

Don’t show them your hand.

“If what we talked about is of any interest to you,” Jade proceeded, “then please come by the
Mostro Lounge after nine o’clock. We will be waiting with delicious tea, or perhaps you might
prefer hot chocolate?”

Her cheeks pricked with pain as she forced a natural looking smile. “That sounds great. Mind
reserving a spot in the VIP room?”

Deuce’s jaw hit the wood of the table. Ace sputtered, eyes flying wide at her cool remark.

“Most certainly.” Jade bowed politely.

Floyd sweetly simpered with excitement. “I’ll be waiting for you, Shrimpy-chan~!”

He waved lazily as he followed his brother to the quagmire of anemones, seating themselves in
unseen murk.

Yuu’s table fell silent. It wasn’t a suffocating kind, where someone like Ace might be desperate to
fill it with small talk, but it wasn’t comfortable, either. These were dangerous waters.

Grim was the first to break the silence. “If you sign a contract with Azul-senpai and beat him-“

“Depending on how it goes,” Ace interrupted, “we could be free?”

Suddenly, Yuu’s table was swarmed by students. If she hadn’t known any better, she might have
suspected they were resurrected from their zombie-like state.

“We’re counting on you, Prefect!” They cheered.

“Please, save us!” Another shouted, tears rimming his eyes with silver.

“Beat Azul-san!” They cried in unison.

Jack pushed them away. “They sure don’t waste any time.”

“Guys that don’t have an anemone on his head wouldn’t understand our pain!” Grim justified.

“It’s your own fault for taking the easy way out,” he adamantly retorted.

“And we’ve learned our lesson,” Ace cut in. “Promise.”

Deuce nodded. “But, Yuu-kun, are you okay with this?”

“Yeah, it’s fine,” Yuu assured with a shrug. “Not like I have much to offer, so this will be

But the way they approached me, were they trying to get something out of me? What could Azul-
senpai want from me?

“I’ll go with you,” Jack decided.

“Wow, Jack-kun,” Ace deadpanned. “You’re so nice.”

“Oh, uh,” Yuu stuttered. “Do you two mind doing me a favor?”

“What’s up?” The ginger asked.

She pleaded, “Don’t tell Cater-nii.”

Ace barked a laugh. “You got it.”

Deuce grimaced. “They’re pulling again.”

And before they knew it, they were swept away by their pulling appendages. They yelled as they
went, but Yuu could only watch.

She sighed, leaning back in her seat. Suddenly, she wasn’t feeling too hungry.

“Those guys never change, huh?” Jack mused. “So we’re going tonight?”

“Looks like it.” She took a sip of water.

“You can call it off now, y’know?”

“I really can’t.” She picked up her tray, standing up out of her seat. “Not after all that. They’re
counting on me.”

Chapter End Notes

Next up, Azul.

Chapter Summary

He extended a palm clothed in satin. “Do we have a deal, Yuu-chan?”

Chapter Notes

We’ve hit 100k words. I didn’t think I’d get here so fast? My chapters are usually
really short, too!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The cool breath of the ocean made its way out of the glass in a hush crispness not dissimilar to a
cocktail’s chilled vessel. Lines of light caressed the corners of the open room from below. The
jellyfish-like fixtures glowed a quiet blue, but did little to illuminate the area. That was just how
the Mostro Lounge looked, Yuu had learned; it was just light enough to see, yet not nearly bright
enough to make out any details.

Yuu was a fairly punctual person. She treated time guidelines with respect, although she wasn’t
above an occasional error. Nine o’clock was when the Lounge’s dinner rush ebbed, instead being
replaced with the occasional crammer or someone unfortunate enough to miss the cafeteria’s
dinner hours. Stepping out of the coiled corridor, she was tailed by an alert Jack. The smooth song
of jazz waned the slight buzz of chatter, only punctuated by the occasional clink of a drink. Even
so, the walking anemones scuttled across the floor with efficient urgency.

“Now we’re really deep into enemy territory,” Jack muttered lowly. “Don’t let your guard down.”

Yuu offered a nod.

A familiar cyan-haired boy swung in from the side, a bright smile plastered on his face. The
ornament on his ear dangled in front of his sharp jaw, catching the light with a flash. The
surrounding beryl glow caressed his sharp jowl, adding extra edge to his face.

“Ah~” he crooned. “It’s Shrimpy-chan! And Urchin-chan came, too!”

“Hello, Floyd-senpai,” she impassively returned.

Jack bristled, lip quirking in irritation. “I told you I’m not a sea urchin.”

Another slithery fellow slunk into view, albeit with a much more eerie composure than his twin.

“Oh my, what’s this now?” His lips twisted into a smile, gloved hand reaching and bowing his hat
to his chest with a poised politeness. “Thank you for coming so soon, Yuu-san. Welcome back to
the Mostro Lounge.” His eyes flicked to Jack. “And this will be your first time staying with us,

The wolf’s hand rubbed the back of his neck, eyes squinting in discomforted skepticism. “I thought
about it earlier, but do you get a kick out of asking questions you already know the answers to or

Jade scoffed with an unfazed smirk. “It’s just to be sure. Yuu-san is already familiar, but allow me
to explain the rules of the establishment, Jack-san. The Mostro Lounge is a place for social
meeting between its patrons. Disputes or grudges between dormitories are strictly forbidden. Here,
you shall abide by the rules of Octavinelle, regardless of which dorm you come from. Please
follow our rules, and do enjoy your time here at the Lounge.”

“So don’t cause trouble?” Jack huffed. “Easy enough.”

“It’s pretty chill,” Floyd snickered. “But also fun. Especially when I get to squeezing!” The man
flung his arms wide and bundled into them tightly as if to prove his point.

“You already know why I’m here,” Yuu managed evenly. “And c’mon. I’ve been here enough
times for you to drop the formalities.”

Jade hummed. “As you wish. Currently, Azul-san is finishing things with another client. I
apologize for the delay. Can I ask you to wait a short while?”

“No problem. Oh, but can I request a server?” Yuu asked.

“Most certainly.”
She pointed to the ginger holding a tray of tea in the back. “That one.”

“Of course, Yuu-san. May I show you your seats?”

She tersely nodded before following him to a booth. Jack paralleled her on the other side. The
tweels returned to their work, as if they had never been there at all.

“How are you holding up?” Jack asked. “You don’t sound nervous.”

“I think I’m too mad to be anxious,” Yuu bluntly confessed.

He snorted. “Yeah, sounds about right.”

A familiar freshman all but stumbled into the scene, a notepad clutched firmly in his hand. He
grunted in pain. “Hey, Yuu-kun. Want to order?”

“How far outside your rotation are you?” she asked.

“Let’s just say I’m going to have to power-walk to my other tables,” he sighed. “But you asked for
me, right? What’s up?”

“Are you getting paid?” she blurted. “I mean, you’re working a full-on job.”

“We get free drinks,” he offered with a shrug. “But no Thaumarks. We can fight it if we want, but
then we’d have to pay thousands just for breaching the stupid piece of paper.”

Thought so .

“So why’d you ask for me ?” He feigned an order onto the notepad. “I mean, I’m not complaining.
This is humiliating, but I can at least relax around you.”
“You’re more blunt. For better or for worse.”

He barked a laugh. “Yeah, okay. So what do you want to order?”

Jack’s eyes flicked to Yuu. “How mad would he be if I ordered a water?”

“Very,” she returned evenly.

“I’ll have water.”

Yuu snorted. “But no lemon.”

Jack’s ears flicked. “He charges for those?”

“If you order just a water, yep,” Ace answered. “No one really checks, but it’s like, pocket change.
Not enough to argue over. What about you, Yuu-kun?”

“Peppermint hot chocolate.”

“You got it.” He scribbled it onto the parchment. “Oh, and Yuu-kun?” He shot her a wink. “Good
luck. We’re counting on you.”

No pressure . Yuu managed a smile. “I’ll try.”

He nodded briefly before heading to through the kitchen to place the order. She leaned back in her
seat, loosening a breath that didn’t know she was holding.

“You were like this too, before, right?” Jack asked. “During the Spelldrive tournament.”

“Ah, right. Before your dorm kidnapped me.”

“Not proud of that. Savanaclaw’s full of meatheads. We’re not known for smarts. Probably why
half our freshman are here, actually.” He picked up the glass before Ace could fully set it down.
“But I do think sometimes. Maybe we could’ve been actual friends if Leona-senpai had balls.”

“Actual friends?” Yuu tilted her head. “Are we not that?”

He shrugged. “I dunno. I feel like your bodyguard.”

“People hire bodyguards. To me, you’re just a worried friend.” She blew the steam rising out of her
ornate mug. “We may not be super close, but I’m grateful you’re my friend.”

“You’re weird,” he stated plainly.

“I get that a lot.” She slurped the smooth cup of comfort.

“Never said it was bad,” he corrected in a frustrated sigh. “But you care too much.”

Yuu discovered she didn’t know how to respond, so she didn’t. Instead, she hid her mouth in hot

Familiar footsteps pattered toward the table. The cool comforting smell of cologne mingled with
the air like the summer breeze. Yuu set down her cup to meet his eyes. Jack bristled, a growl
rumbling in his chest. She was the first to greet with,

“Good evening, Azul-senpai.”

He presented her his business smile. “You as well, Yuu-san. I’m terribly sorry for the wait, but the
VIP room is ready now.”

“This won’t take long, Jack-kun,” Yuu assured, taking Azul’s offered hand and raising herself out
of her seat. “Wait for me?”

“And leave you alone with him?” He snarled.

“I’ll be fine.”

“I assure you, Jack-san,” Azul interrupted sweetly, “there is nothing for you to worry about.”

He opened his mouth to protest, only for Yuu to be led away into the depths of the Lounge. He
begrudgingly stayed seated, waiting for her return.

Azul closed the door behind them, gesturing her to take a seat. She didn’t allow her attention to
lapse even for a moment as he made his way to his desk. His eyes weren’t a comforting blue as
she’d come to know them, but rather a cool, calculating chill. It made her spine shiver.

“What did you want to discuss, Yuu-chan?”

His voice lacked warmth.

“I want you to set all those students free,” she stated plainly.

He chuckled hollowly. “That’s quite the… tyrannical request. You want me to release all two
hundred and twenty-five students? It’d be such a waste of Jade and Floyd’s hard work. In any case,
they all knew the risk and fail to meet their end of their contracts. You’re already too late.”

“How about we make a deal?” Yuu asked. “You already said once before I have nothing to offer
you. But you clearly went through a lot of trouble to get me to bite.”

Something keen sheened in his eye curiously.

“So what do you want?”

Your move, Azul-senpai.

A vague smirk tugged at his lip. “If you want to make such a large demand,”

Back on me.

“you’ll have to come up with quite the collateral.”

“What do you want, Azul?” She repeated firmly.

“Your dorm building.” His words crashed down like a weight, pressuring the gravity of a gavel.

Yuu took a deep breath. “And the conditions?”

“Go to the Atlantica Museum and retrieve a certain photo within three days,” he stated simply.


“I’m sorry, what?”

“If it’s in a museum, or any building, it belongs to someone. Even if it’s not in an official exhibit.
I’m not stealing. I could get arrested- which, by the way, would fall back on you no matter how
you spin it. Also, the Atlantica Museum? That place is underwater. I looked it up when I was
trying to find stuff to do around here. That is literally your element, and you’re not above
meddling. Try again, Azul-senpai.” Her eyes sharpened into a glare, not wavering in the least.

There was a heavy moment of quiet, before he erupted into a cackling laughter. It was a bit
unnerving, if she were being honest.

“You came quite prepared! I’m impressed.” His polite grin spread into a bright smile. “You really
are something, Yuu-san. Very well. I have a different proposition for you.”

“I’m listening,” she offered dubiously.

“Three days.” He displayed three gloved fingers. “You have three days to make me fall for you.”

Yuu sputtered. “ What? ”

“I’m not finished.” He paused. “Think of it this way. Even if you were to fail in such a romantic
capacity, our chemistry would be significantly improved to Vil-san’s liking. If such a thing were to
pass, your friends would still be free.”

“Where would Grim and I live ?” She demanded.

“You’d be under my jurisdiction, given you fail to meet the contract. In short, you’d be part of
Octavinelle.” He simpered sweetly. “And I treat my people well. I’m quite benevolent.”

Yuu’s stomach churned with uncertainty. He was right on all fronts. There was even a ‘worst case
scenario’ laid out for her- which wouldn’t be too bad. And if she wasn’t prefect, than Crowley
would have even less of a reason to target her for whatever-he-is-thinking.

The words came out hollow, uneven in foundation. “And how will I know you’re not lying at the
end? And saying I take this deal, you can’t avoid me. Or do anything to deliberately sabotage me.”

“Jade’s Signature Spell reveals all . And fret not, I won’t do anything to counteract such affects. I
won’t need any reason to take on any extra hours thanks to my new recruits. They’re so efficient,
I’m weeks ahead of schedule.” He extended a palm clothed in satin. “Do we have a deal, Yuu-

Chapter End Notes

Was originally going to have him tell her to kiss him within 3 days (for the play on
parallels with Eric), but then realized that could be loopholed real easily with the

We’ll get Azul’s thought process next chapter. I promise he’s not a creep just hold on

Also one of you guessed this plot line nearly exactly and I just stared in shock. I’m
impressed!!! (No shout-outs because that would spoil things, and also I’m still
hammering out the ending details on this arc)
Lions’ Den
Chapter Summary

Three days.

Three days to pretend. Three days to love. Three days to forget the wretch he was.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“Are you both ready?” Jade asked, leaning into the wall.

“We’re good,” Yuu huffed, lifting the suitcase. “Thanks for waiting on us. Oh, but mind doing me
a favor?”

“You’re not in a position to make demands, but what do you have in mind?”

Yuu smiled sweetly. “Don’t touch my personal bathroom until everything is set in stone, ‘kay?
You won’t like it.”

Floyd cackled with laughter. “Shrimpy-chan’s scary! See you later~!”

And with that, the tweels closed the doors behind them. Yuu took a deep breath. “How’s your

Grim rubbed the sore spot, now vacant of any plant. “Better, thanks. Are you sure about this
minion? I mean, we get a sweet deal either way.”

You get a sweet deal. I’m screwed . She instead nodded. “Yeah. I’m just glad you and the others
are freed.”

“Thanks for the save, minion,” he sighed with a smile. “But are we going to have to sleep in the
“We’ll figure out something .” She lifted the heavy case and made her way down the cobble steps.

“Hey, Yuu-kun! Grim!” Deuce’s voice called. He met the two at the bottom in a steady jogging

“Hey, Deuce-kun,” she returned with a yawn.

“Did you come to help us out?” Grim asked urgently, eyes sparkling with hope.

“Deuce-kun, I’m not fast!” Ace cried out, all but running into his classmate, as if that qualified as a
stop. “But-“ he panted “-let me catch my breath.”

Deuce shook his arm. “Get off of me.”

He peeled himself off of him. “Anyway. If you’re without a place to stay, we’re uh, kinda the
reason, right?” His hand rubbed the back of his neck anxiously. “ Again .”

“Losing my place is a first, actually,” Yuu corrected. “But don’t worry about it. Really.”

“W-we already spoke to Riddle-senpai!” Deuce hastily blurted. “If you’re okay with staying in one
of the four-person joint rooms, you can stay with us!”

“I’m okay, guys. Really,” she insisted. “Don’t worry about it. I actually have somewhere in mind.”


“You do, minion?” Grim meowed.

“Yep. Calling in a favor.” She flashed them her phone for good measure. “But tell Riddle-senpai I
said thank you.”
“Are you sure?” Ace pressed.

“I’m sure. I don’t need a certain something getting out.”

Deuce winced. “Oh, yeah. Forgot about that.”

“Oh, but would you mind watching Grim for the night? I just need to hammer out some details.”

Ace’s dreadful gaze screamed ‘not again’, but his mouth offered a reluctant, “sure.”

“Wait, henchman, where are you going?” Large blue eyes looked up at her. If she didn’t know any
better, she’d think he was worried.

She ruffled the space between his ears, an affection smile tugging at her lip. “Just to see a friend.”

”Yuu-kun,” Ace pouted “Ouch.”

“ Seriously ?” Leona huffed.

“Yep.” Yuu chirped back. “Consider this a reverse kidnapping. I’m forcing myself onto you now.
Although I’m sure you’d know a lot about those.”

“Don’t phrase it like that,” Jack chided, pinching the bridge of his nose irritably.

“We haven’t even cleaned the empty rooms in months,” Leona added evenly. “They’ve become
storage closets. Where am I supposed to put you?”

“We could put her in your room,” Ruggie suggested. “We don’t need anyone making hot eyes at
her now, do we? Not after last time.”

The prince growled lowly. “Last time?”

“I almost neutered one of your residents,” Yuu explained with a shrug.

“He would have deserved it,” the hyena supplemented, arms folding neatly behind his head.

He ran a hand through his hair, mouth formed into an unreadable line. “Fine. Follow me,
omnivore.” He turned and got to walking.

“Jack-kun!” Ruggie chirped. “Mind taking a futon up to Leona-san’s room?”

Jack’s shoulders stiffened like a soldier at the command. “Roger!”

Yuu followed the dark-haired prince to his room. It was exactly as she remembered it, although the
clothes sprawled everywhere were different than last time. Maybe they changed with the seasons.
Even so, the view was spectacular. The night air breathed into the room with a genuine gentleness
that brought a comforted smile on her face.

“What are you smiling about?” He asked lowly.

“The breeze is nice. And you have a great view.” She unfastened her blazer.

“So you gonna tell me what you bet that Octopunk?”

“Oh. Yeah I have to make him fall in love with me in three days. Starts at midnight tonight.”

Something dark shrouded Leona’s face. It wasn’t foreign on his visage, yet made the air thicker
somehow. “You have to seduce the squid?”
“It sounds bad when you put it like that.”

“Because it is bad,” he snarled. “What in Sevens’ name were you thinking ?”

“That my friends needed saving,” Yuu boldly answered. “Two hundred twenty-five. That’s how
many there were.”

“Not all of those were your friends,” he hissed. His ears flattened against his head, pupils dilating
into daggers. “And they dug their own graves. You did not need to bail them out- especially by
making such an idiotic deal with that Octojerk!”

“If I take the fall, that still saves-“

“None of that crap!” He spat. “You matter just as much as they do. They keep pushing you, Yuu!
Harder and harder. How long’s it going to take for you to give in?”

“It won’t go that far!” She insisted sharply.

“Oh yeah?” He challenged, head tilting upward, leering down at her. “What if every student on
campus fell for that moron’s trap, huh? And you had to offer yourself?”

“That would be-“ she stopped. No. He was right. She would totally do something that reckless.

Leona said nothing else. He met her gaze evenly, pupils dilated into daggers. His breathing was
labored with a controlled anger.

He’s worried for me , Yuu realized numbly.

“Thank you,” she managed in awkward tenseness, “for letting me stay here.”

“Just try not to snore,” he sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Also, it’s a pain dealing with
you already. Stop making it even worse by making stupid deals.”
Yuu ran that through her Leona-translator:

‘Hey stop screwing yourself over. It stresses me out.’

Yeah that sounds about right.

A sigh escaped Azul’s lips as he tussled the dampness out of his hair with a towel. He wasn’t
overly fond of late nights, but his mind was busied with rampant thoughts over the day.

Losing such a mass of people was a blow to the Lounge, but it would probably less messy in the
long run- and less expensive by extension.

Making contracts was already quite the gamble. In a sense, there was a bit of an addicting thrill to
it. What was it, a Gacha game? Is that what Idia called it? Each person had something new to offer

Even so, there was little to be gained with Yuu. She was Magic-less, and had fair talent. Talent,
however, wasn’t what Azul was particularly interested in. And yet, all the same, he found himself
enchanted by the Magicless mortal.

She was like a light in the dark abyss of the ocean. Something he might only dream to touch, much
less be caressed by the warmth. Yet a part of him feared he might snuff out such a flame with his

But he wanted to keep such a treasure- worth more than any precious coin or value he had vaulted.

He cherished the way she made him feel. Even if it was all for an elaborate show, or under the
understanding of professionalism, or even if they were gestures out of kindness, he wanted to
pretend, too, that just for a moment, he might be accepted by such warmth instead of scorched by
the light.

Azul was no benevolent soul. The one thing he failed to grasp in all of his experience was a heart
that might bleed through the blot. A grotesque creature like him had no place for such a heart. He
was no better than a bottom feeder, he knew. Even so, there was yet a creature on this planet who
might accept him for it- to see his failures and shortcomings and touch him unyieldingly with a
sweet kiss.

Let it be for show, he dared. He would never experience more than that, he knew. His entire
business ran on such deception. Let him grab onto this feeling, fleeting as though it may be, and
bottle it up, too, along with the ink and blot which blundered.

Allow her failures to scorch even the thickest of blubbers so that he might never dare to dream.

Azul didn’t care. Even if she failed, and she ended up in his residency, she ,too, would be placed in
a bottle- away from his grasp but safe from harm. So that he might never be tempted into biting
such a beautiful apple again, the blood on display in a glass container already on the verge of
breaking. He was a sinner by design, sold to the trade he’d made.

Three days.

Three days to pretend. Three days to love. Three days to forget the wretch he was.

He was drunk on Yuu.

The prince’s foot nudged the creature on the floor. “Oi, Omnivore. Get up. Dunno how you slept
through Ruggie-kun’s nagging. You gotta teach me sometime.”

Yuu rolled over with a groan, furling the blanket into her bundle. “Five more minutes, Leona-nii.”

The lion froze. What did she just call him?

Instead of dwelling on such a benign matter, he took the situation in stride.

He dropped a pillow on her face. “Get up or starve.”

Chapter End Notes

Congrats, Leona.
Chapter Notes

First POV is a flashback more or less!

Legal age of adulthood in Twisted Wonderland is 20! They lowered the age in Japan to
18 this April, but for the sake of simplicity (and other things) we’re keeping it at 20.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Jade knew something was wrong. He had a sense for these things, after all. It was probably a skill
learnt after years of being Floyd’s brother. In any case, it was a useful innate ability to have. Even
so, it was never less unnerving when this vague sense of dread found its way to the pit of his
stomach, but he yet find the source.

Well, that wasn’t entirely true. He had an idea as to why he was uneasy in anxiousness. The new
recruits were gone. Not just missing, but gone. He could no longer reach for the string to reel them
in. And the only person who could possibly release them?

“Azul-san, what happened with the anemones?” Jade had asked, voice pressed in tense monotone.

He hadn’t even spared him a glance, instead buttoning his pajama shirt. “A client made a deal with
me in exchange for their freedom.”

That unnerving dread dug at him with hooked barbs. He remained listless. “He must have had quite
the offer for you to relinquish them. After all, their indentured servitude reduced costs

He combed out the outermost lock. “You could say that, yes. But I am nothing but benevolent, am
I not?”

His lips had narrowed into a line. He bowed politely to hide such a small expression. “You know
as well as I. Do enlighten me, however, what they paid in return.”

Azul’s busied hands stopped. Jade couldn’t make out his expression, only catching the line of his
lips in the mirror’s reflection. The fine line quirked into his plastic smile.
“A wager, if you will. But please, do escort Yuu-san back to Ramshackle. We will be taking it
under our custody. Be sure not to do any irreversible damage until three days have passed from

Jade had cocked a brow curiously. “That location you’ve mentioned? I must say, I am surprised.
Surely, that will remove Yuu-san from campus, however.”

“Nonsense. He and Grim-san will be reassigned to Octavinelle given his failure to meet the

There was his chance. “And what, exactly, is this wager?”

Azul had crossed his arms, finally turning to face him. Those cool blue eyes of him, silver and
precious like the moon itself, were tainted with an impure emotion. Something that made Jade’s
stomach churn at the moon’s pull.

“A service to me, you could say.”

Idia yawned. This was a tough puzzle, he’d have to admit. It felt like one of those quests to
foreshadow a DLC mission with all the answers- frustrating and cheap. Wallets would be crying.

This Blot- er, Blight- was a foreign substance in more ways than one. Not only because that Yuu
guy was the one generating it, but it was like Blot was bugged or something. Yeah, he knew games
and coding like he knew his own face, but that clearly wasn’t enough here. He needed… more.

He didn’t have the required experience to reclass into something or someone smart enough to solve

He sighed, setting down the white slide next to a black jar before leaving for class. He may be a
recluse, but he was no failure, either. He needed the EXP.

“You want to wear a skirt?” Veprl asked with a cocked brow.

“If I have to flirt with Azul-senpai, I rather save us both an additional conversation,” Yuu

“Given where things are with Kingscholar, I personally see no issue,” Crewel offered. “Even if you
jerk Crowley-san’s chain, he’d be all bark and no bite. He’s on a short leash as is.”

Veprl grunted, retying his hair. “I guess it’s fine. But are you sure about this, kid? There’s no going
back, y’know.”

He paused. Wait .

“What do you mean you have to flirt with him?”

Yuu’s confidence cracked. “Oh, uh, a contract I made? With Azul-senpai? I have to make him fall
in love with me in three days, or else by dorm gets confiscated.”

These kids were going to kill him. And he still had to kill Crowley for allowing such a thing to

“You have got to be kidding me.”

He was going to start spiking his morning coffee.

“That counts as sexual harassment.”

Among other things.

“I’m familiar with those contracts,” Crewel mused, already moving the mug away from the nurse.
“They’re officially backed by Crowley himself. Harassment or not, Azul-kun is quite the cunning
fox. He even has that sparrow caught.”

Yuu’s eyes widened. “Which is why minors can sign them.”

Veprl took back his cup. “Of course.”

“I wonder what dirt Azul-kun has on him,” Crewel muttered at a volume only the nurse could hear.
That was for later investigation.

Veprl sighed. “Yuu-chan.” He placed a hand on her shoulder. “I want you to be careful , okay?
Don’t do anything you don’t want to do. And if he pushes you too far, bail. I’ll deal with him.
Crowley will have worse problems than bad paperwork to deal with if you’re used .”

“Azul-senpai wouldn’t hurt me,” Yuu assured. “And what you’re thinking?” A surprising pink
shade dusted her cheeks. “It would break contract immediately.

Wow, Ashengrotto met the bare minimum of human decency. Congratulations.

He pressed on. “Even if he doesn’t, you’ll doubtlessly get some attention from other students.”

“I’ll be okay,” she assured. “But anyway, can I wear a skirt?”

Crewel hummed, pulling out something from his case. It was a pleated skirt designed to match the
blazers worn by students. If Veprl had to guess, it’d reach mid-thigh if not a little lower.

“Why are you doing this?” the nurse asked lowly.

“Because he enslaved over two hundred students. Someone had to help.”

“That someone doesn’t have to be you, Yuu-chan,” Veprl worded lowly.

“Like you?” She paused. Her shoulders were tense- nervous, he corrected. “You had to help, didn’t
you? When people were dying of Overblot left and right? You couldn’t just watch.”

He felt something prick his heart. He struggled to keep his voice at a good volume. “I’m an adult,
and this is different.”

“ Someone had to help, Veprl-sensei!” She all but snapped. “And I saw no volunteers. Like you
said, Azul-senpai has Night Raven around his finger. And in case you haven’t noticed, a large
chunk of the student body are kinda jerks. It has to be me!” Her voice cracked at her own words. “I
don’t even count as a full student, anyway!”

Veprl stared contemplatively. She took the time to duck behind the curtain to fashion her skirt. He
spun his chair to eye the clock instead.
There was no way he could argue with her, based on the facts she was presenting. In terms of
NRC’s legality, she would be in the right. And that was the problem- Crowley and the system he
had strung. This girl was suffering for every law balanced to keep her at his mercy- at his

Not to mention how he’s playing into her hero complex-

He felt a hand on his shoulder. Divus. “You’re thinking too hard again.”

“I hate Crowley,” he growled.

He offered a nod. “We have a lot of work to do, Ambrose-kun.”

“One step at a time,” he breathed.

Ortho’s eye lenses fixed on the glass vessel in his hand.

Message sending…

[Ortho: do you want me to dispose of the empty jar in your room?]

Chapter End Notes

Y’know that “I should have power here but I can do literally nothing because gray area
of the law”? Like this (possible trigger warning here) weird zone of how bad a
situation has to be for a child before being removed from custody? Anyway yeah
that’s Veprl right now.


Chapter Summary

Leona smirked at Azul. “I think we found the perfect girl for you.”

The octopus groaned, a hand running through his hair. “Sweet Seven have mercy.”

Chapter Notes

This chapter took 3-4 attempts. Including a draft very Jade centric! Alas, we needed
some levity in the midst of a questionable situation.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“One. Two. Three. Four,” Vil counted. “One. Two. Three. Four.”

Azul and Yuu moved in tandem to the counting. Dancing in-costume was proving to be fairly
difficult. The long, flowing skirt of the costume graced over her ankles. Blue fabric folded over her
chest, accentuating her no -existent bosom. Vil would toy with extensions later, but she had her hair
pinned back for the time being.

“I almost wore a skirt to class today,” Yuu confessed quietly, keeping up pace.

“Oh?” A smile tugged at his lip. “And why didn’t you?”

“Thought it’d be a good idea to test the waters first.”

Azul spun her. She latched onto his shirt, eyes flung wide.

“That wasn’t part of the choreography.”

He spared her a wink. “A genuine reaction would be best, wouldn’t you say?”


Her knee almost hit his crotch. He staggered back. Her hand grabbed his waist. Her ankle caught
his heel, furthering their dramatic dip. Azul stared up at her, jaw slacked and eyes wide in shock.
An uncomfortable, tense silence filled the air between the two.

“Get a room,” Leona growled.

“I rather keep them where I can see ‘em,” Cater muttered.

The lion rolled his eyes.

“I’ll tolerate it,” Vil decided as the two separated themselves. “But let’s keep the switch out of the
final performance. It’d be too tonally confusing.”

“You got it,” Yuu replied, pressing out the dress.

“First show’s this weekend,” Beau sighed. “Are we ready? I’m nervous!”

“I’m just looking forward to winter break,” one of the stagehands confessed.

Leona groaned. “I don’t even want to think about that.”

“Oh, c’mon!” Yuu teased. “It’ll be our first holiday together, Leona-senpai!”

All eyes went to him. His ears flattened against his head. Some swore his eye twitched. He
wouldn’t allow some omnivore to embarrass him.

“ Senpai ? What happened to ‘Leona-nii’?”

One might think Leona’s specialty was Fire Magic with the way Yuu’s face lit up a burning shade.
The ensemble roared with laughter, a few making a few crude comments beneath the raucous.

“And here I thought I was special, Yun-Yun,” Cater whined. “You had to bring in this lump of
“Who you callin’ a lump of hair?” Leona growled lowly, green eyes narrowed into daggers.

He shot him an innocent wink. “I don’t call anyone else that, kitten .”

“I ought to divorce you, my treasure ,” he all but snarled.

Azul cleared his throat awkwardly.

Vil cut in. “Let’s not get distracted. I understand you all must be nervous about the upcoming
show.” His dainty lavender gaze sharpened into a hardened obsidian stare. “If you let that get the
best of you, I will personally see you blacklisted from every theatre in Twisted Wonderland- film

Beau shuddered, teeth toying with his lip. Noé gave him a slight pat on the back for comfort.

“I’m glad you understand,” the director hummed. “Maybe this will ease your nerves. Leona-san,
Azul-san, let me see that scene with the Anastasia try-out.”

“I’ll get the chairs,” Noé decided, picking up two seats and setting them in front of a long table.

“Octopunk,” Leona muttered under his breath, taking his seat.

“Still using that monicker?” He sighed lowly.

He growled in response. “If you’re pulling what I think you are with Yuu-chan. I will maim you.”

“Whatever are you talking about?” He cocked a brow. “I’m not forcing her into anything
disapproving. You seemed amused earlier.”

“I doubt that. For a guy with three of them, you’re the most heartless bottom feeder I know. And as
far as my behavior, I can diffuse a situation, scumbag.”
Azul didn’t respond, eyes going cold.

“Action!” Vil’s voice barked.

A Pomefiore third-year stepped out in front of them. If the cast didn’t know any better, they’d
assume he was a girl. How Pomefiore managed to attract so many feminine looking guys was a

“Grandmother it’s me, Anastasia,” the actor elegantly declared. “How I’ve missed you so!”

Azul flicked the stacks of paper. “Good. Good. Very good. Thank you. Next?”

“What was wrong with that one?” Leona asked.

“Too old.”

“Please,” he scoffed. “Fine whatever.”

Out stepped a familiar, red-haired first-year. Glittery eyeshadow caked his lids, as well as
prominent crimson lipstick. Copious amounts of powder highlighted and shadowed his cheek
bones with a distinguishable, comical flair. An ornate wig rolled down his shoulders, mimicking
Yuu’s but with fare more elaborate curls forever petrified by an obscene amount of hairspray. To
match the look, he wore an abstract dress and even a false pair of breasts boosted by an intricately
detailed bustier.

“Grand-momma, it’s me.” A hand went to his cocked hip. He shot a wink for good measure.
“Anastas~ia.” His lip tugged with a flirty smirk.

Yuu couldn’t contain her laughter. “ Ace -!”

She leaned on Cater for support. She was in no way going to he able to stand at how much she was
cackling. The ensemble wasn’t any better, roaring with laughter. Cater snapped a picture between
his own fits.
Leona smirked at Azul. “I think we found the perfect girl for you.”

The octopus groaned, a hand running through his hair. “Sweet Seven have mercy.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Ace huffed, crossing his arms. He was probably blushing, but the absurd amount of
bronzer hid any sense of natural flush. “Laugh it up.”

“How have we not seen this until just now?” Noé asked between chuckles.

“He was a bit difficult to fit,” Vil answered. “I had to call in some help.”

“Ah, Rook-san?”


“Hey, Ace-kun,” Yuu teased. “How much hairspray did he use on you?”

“A whole can,” he muttered. “I thought I was going to die.”

Vil shot him a look. “Don’t be so dramatic. At least now your lungs are waterproof.”

Cater barked a laugh. “I’m setting this as your pfp now in my phone.”

“Senpai,” Ace grumbled, “you traitor.”

He fired back a wink and a smirk.

“Want to walk back together, Azul-senpai?” Yuu asked, refastening her uniform’s buttons.
“I see no harm in that.” He straightened his tie. “To the Mirror, then?”

“Yeah, I still have to get Grim from Heartslabyul.” She shrugged. “Riddle-senpai’s already
collared him twice.”

He smirked. “I believe that.”

Yuu smiled back. If only it were only fueled by her amusement. No, that’d be natural. It was
honestly more nervous than anything. Instead, what was running through her head was:

How do you flirt??

“You look really good in-costume,” she offered.

Play it safe. Comment on appearances!

“You’ve seen it before, yes?” He chuckled.

Busted . “Yeah, true. But you pull it off better than I ever could.”

Nice recovery!

“I’m glad I’m appealing to you.”

C’mon, Yuu. Play it smooth . “Even without the costume, I think you’d be pretty attractive. I mean,
I said as much, right?”

“That’s rather flattering coming from a girl as beautiful as you are.” His tone was even. Not a
calculated coolness, but rather an earnest declaration. His smile was of a similar nature.

Yuu’s face burned. Compliments. Her mind knew they weren’t that big of a deal, but apparently
her face didn’t get the memo. Strange, as they were very close locationally.
“Thank you.” She willed her voice steady.

“No need for thanks, I’m simply stating the truth of how I see.”

“You need glasses, Azul-senpai,” she corrected deadpan. ABORT ABORT. Too sarcastic!

He snorted with laughter. “I could be blind, and still see that much.”

Yuu wanted to die. Were these honeyed words or what? Sweet nothings? Did he mean them?

Steel yourself.

“What do you think about me wearing a skirt tomorrow?” She asked, trying desperately to change

“If it is of your comfort, I encourage it.” He adjusted his lenses. “Although, there will be no
undoing that.”

She hummed. “Okay. But I’m stopping by your place first.”

He stopped in his steps, brows furrowed in confusion. “Why?”

An opening - “Because I want you to see first, duh.”

Any composure he had cracked as a heat simmered in his cheeks. He didn’t trust his voice to hold.

Gotcha .

Chapter End Notes

Remember when I said Ace got a role?

Yep this is that one.
On Other Sides of the Kitchen
Chapter Notes

This was going to be more fun with Yuu and Azul, but I really wanted to emphasize so
more emotional layers for Azul. This whole situation is a balance to write to make sure
it’s neither creepy nor trope-y. That’s all to say, parallels time!

Grim bounded through the halls in impressive haste. If only he moved that quickly during track.
Motivation probably had something to do with it.

Yuu plucked him up by the scruff. “Gotcha!”

He flailed his limbs frantically. “I don’t wanna!”

“Grim, you need a bath. Grow up already.”

“Baths are the worst !”

“No one wants a smelly Mage.”

The cat huffed, folding his arms. “Fine. Fine. I’ll take a bath.”

“Good boy.” She sat him down on his fours. “Make sure you clean the drain, or Ruggie-kun will
have even more to worry about.”

“Yeah, yeah,” he sighed, waddling off down the hall.

Yuu dusted the shed fur off of herself. One less thing to worry about. Onto dinner. She had an
entire dorm’s worth of leftovers she needed to repurpose. If Leona was going to house her, she
could at least feed the boys. Ruggie wasn’t going to complain about the extra help.

Speaking of the hyena, he was waiting for her in the kitchen. Along with an audience, apparently.
“Welcome back, Food Angel-san!” One of them greeted.

“Real glad you’re staying with us!” Another chimed. “You’re always welcome here!”

“Well, I’d hope so,” she chuckled. “I feed you people.”

“You guys act like I make you starve,” Ruggie sighed.

“Your cooking’s amazing, senpai,” one of the first-years assured. “But there’s something special
about Yuu-chan’s.”

“Yeah, I get it.” The hyena chuckled. “Can’t say I disagree.”

“You all act as if I make some gourmet meals,” Yuu lamented with a soft smile. “They’re not that

Ruggie scoffed. “Nah, these knuckleheads could burn water.”

No one disagreed. She laughed as she got to work.

“Has anyone seen Jack-kun?” She couldn’t help but wonder.

“He usually goes on a quick run before dinner,” a third-year explained. “Helps him blow off steam,
I think.”

“Ah, right. Forgot. Anyway, did someone move the apron? I don’t feel like fighting Leona-senpai
for his washer.”

“Yeah, here.” Ruggie handed her a folded bundle.

It wasn’t the worn, ratty piece of cloth Yuu had fashioned on herself the many times she had come
over. Instead, it was a light pink of a silkier substance. It was a simple piece, with little details sewn
in. The article was definitely more

“Did you throw a red sock in the wash?” Yuu couldn’t help but tease.

“I’m not an idiot,” the hyena chuckled. “No, we got this for you. Since you practically live here.”

Her eyes widened. Her own apron. For her. For here . She was touched. And it had pockets!

“Thank you,” she breathed.

“It’s just an apron, Food Angel-san,” a second-year assured with a sheepish grin. “Just put it on!”

It would be rude not to use it, she supposed. She humored them and tied it around herself. It clung
to her a bit more than she would have liked, but not to the point of discomfort. She just preferred
looser clothing.

“Lookin’ good!” One of them purred.

“Thanks.” She plucked a knife from the block. Whatever message she was trying to send, they got
it as she ‘decapitated’ a pineapple. Ruggie snorted.

“Is there anyone you fancy, Yuu-chan?” A first-year asked, leaning in to watch her work.

She cocked a brow at him, hands fixed on dicing a red onion. The look she shot him was
incredulous at best. Questioning of sanity at worst. Either were good descriptors.

“I saw her flirting with Azul-san!” One of them volunteered.

“Can vouch!” Another chimed.

Yuu groaned. Curse the Savanaclaw tech crew and their sensitive ears. She started dusting a bowl
with salt. “Part of the act. Good to know I’m good at it.”
“I dunno,” the first one drawled with a shrug. “He was making some eyes at ya. I think he likes

“You’d have a real shot if you tried,” a first-year agreed.

“Haven’t you guys learned anything?” Ruggie cut in. “That guy’s a born liar. It’s part of the act. I
mean, he duped most of you, didn’t he?”

The first grimaced. “Ya got a point, sir.”

He folded his hands behind his head. “Acting is just lying with your life. You don’t want people to
see the person at play. I mean, look at thieves. They want you to think they’re innocent and
harmless only to snoop through your pockets.” He shrugged. “It’s all an act- a lie- to get close.
Azul-san is just one of the best.”

Yuu couldn’t disagree.

But why is he so insistent on playing the part?

“How was rehearsal?” Jade asked politely, hanging Azul’s coat.

“The show will be upon us soon,” he answered simply. “The excitement is evident.”

“We closing shop that weekend?” Floyd asked.

“Concessions are rather profitable,” his twin countered evenly.

“But it’s so much work !”

“The Mostro Lounge will be selling concessions,” Azul decided. “We can always hire a temp if
need be. The projected profit would more than cover the additional cost.”

“Right as always.” Jade bowed politely. “What hors d’oeuvres should we offer?”

“Anything with sugar,” Floyd suggested. “I mean, who buys a salad at a theatre?”

“Floyd’s right,” the octopus agreed. “Something sugary and easy to eat with little mess and noise.”

“So soft treats,” Jade mused. “Brownies and things of the like. If we cut them in half, we can
double our profit.”

“And more brownies!” Floyd cheered. “With them so small, they’ll buy even more, too!”

Azul nodded passively. “Then it’s settled. If that is all, I’m going to clean up for the evening.” And
with that, he turned in.

Floyd hummed to himself. “Is it just me, or has the boss been acting weird?”

“I agree,” his brother confessed.

“You think he’s bummed that he let those anemones go? We get a new branch, so who cares! We
could even make it a bed and breakfast or something cool like that! Makes me wonder what he bet,

The words felt heavy in his mouth. “Who can say?“

“It’s such a pain when the boss is in a mood, though,” he groaned. “Hard to work with.”

“I see no difference in his work ethic.”

“Yikes, that’s cold!” Floyd feigned a shiver. “But for real. He’s just kinda in a funk.”

“Ironic, coming from you,” he jested evenly.

“Right?” He laughed. “He’s just lonelier than normal. Reminds me when we were kids, and he was
stuck in that octopus pot or whatever it’s called.”

Jade stopped in his tracks. He never thought of it like that before. To him, Azul was always a tall
figure standing above both of them- elevating them with his might. His Magical prowess and
intellect were unmatched, and both were deadly weapons for their succession.

How strange that Floyd saw the octopus in a more solitary image. There was no epipelagic to strive
for, but rather a sense of otherness that came from a glass vessel housing the ink away. If it were to
break, the blot may spill.

In recent years, Jade had believed, or maybe wishfully thought, that the distance between Azul and
he was connected by a tethered rope. He was naive. There was no cord to be found, only delicate
walls protecting the equally fragile creature inside.

“You good?” Floyd prompted.

But why now? Why was he slinking back into a drowned well?

What was he so afraid of?

Jade returned a smile to his twin. “I’m just thinking. Don’t worry.”

An arm coiled around him, a sharky grin stretching across his brother’s face. “If you say so! But if
you ever wanna talk, I’ll listen.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

In Rhythm
Chapter Summary

“You’re going down,” Yuu leered.

“This game has little to do with RNG,” Azul countered coolly. “The odds are in my

“Senpai, it’s a rhythm game.”

Chapter Notes

Slight TW for Azul pretty much having an eating disorder. I’m not well-educated on
the topic- as a disclaimer!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“I’m changing numbers,” Leona decided with a huff.

“That sounds like a lot of work,” Cater pointed out. “Imagine that headache of your peeps having to
get that new number. And school files.”

He groaned, running a hand through his mane. “Then I’ll block you.”

“Not until the last show, you aren’t.” He winked with a smirk.

Leona chose not to respond, instead feeling the early morning breeze caress his skin and tussle his
locks. The frost in the air added a slight nip he knew well he had to cherish considering his
homeland’s eternal heat. With winter break fast approaching, the school had become very lax, too.
Most classes were reviews, or self-contained. Low effort. His pace. He liked it.

What he didn’t like was a certain ginger ringing him up before sunrise before running late and
tailing him the entirety of the morning. People were going to start talking if they hadn’t already
started. Not that Leona found it worth the effort to stop them. People could talk all they wanted.
Not like he hadn’t heard slander before.

“So what’s this about?” He asked. “Let me guess, Yuu-chan?”

“You know something,” he spoke plainly. “She could have totally stayed with us Heartslabyul
guys- not that I blame her. It’s cramped already. But she chose you . And calling you Leona- nii ?
That’s my thing!” He crossed his arms. “But anyway. You know something I don’t. So spill.”

He snorted. “I don’t gossip, babe.”

Something akin to annoyance flickered in his eyes. “This isn’t gossip. This is concern about Yun-
Yun. My sister .”

“So why aren’t you bugging her about this?” He asked in a yawn.

“She just says she’s fine and brushes me off! Which is rude, b-t-w.“

“You’re overreacting.”

“You weren’t there, Leona-kun.” His tone was urgent. Something uncharacteristic for him. “On
that rooftop.”

“You’re right. I wasn’t.” He met his gaze evenly. “Don’t you think that if it were something bad,
I’d do something about it?”

“Laziness is your brand,” he countered.

He cocked a brow to challenge him. Over the past several months, the two had begrudgingly gotten
to know each other. It wasn’t something Leona ever cared to do, but it was a bit bizarre to have
someone in the background suddenly become so normal in your life. Especially someone as
different as Cater Diamond was to him.

“Fine,” Cater lamented in a sigh. “You would .”

Leona nodded. “You’re going to just have to trust me.”

He groaned. “Doesn’t mean I have to like it kitten.”

He snorted. “If it makes you feel any better, there is something you can do for me.”

“What does his princeliness want?”

“I need you to try and dig up some dirt on that Octopunk. Fighting isn’t really my style. It’s a mess,
and I rather play the hustle game.”

“Didn’t you just tease me for indulging in the rumor mill?” He jested. “But yeah. I can do that. No
prob. Fair bet to say this is for Yun-Yun?”

“I like having options,” he phrased casually. “Commitment sucks.”

Cater smirked. “Yeah. Okay. Whatever you say, kitty-cat.”

“Call me that again and see what happens, gem.”

Cater would probably take his chances, Leona knew.

“Oh, Leona-kun?“ he smiled softly. “I’m happy it’s you.”

Leona grimaced. Eck. Feelings.

The ginger took a picture of his disgusted face. Leona failed to grab his phone before he could save
it as his lock screen.

“You’re going down ,” Yuu leered.

“This game has little to do with RNG,” Azul countered coolly. “The odds are in my favor.”

“Senpai, it’s a rhythm game.”

“A competitive one,” he rebuttaled.

To prove his point, he slid his tacker pad beat to beat, giving the attack a Oceanic Harmonent. A
marimba drum sound effect was muffled by her character’s pained squeaking.

Yuu countered with a more drag-and-pull motion to counter with a Nature Harmonent. A pan flute
note mixed with another character cry. Azul’s character didn’t like that too much.

“You said you found out about this game from Idia-senpai?”

“You’re trying to disrupt my rhythm, are you not?” He flicked his wrist, a Storm Harmonent firing.
The song came to a close. “But yes, he introduced me.”

“It’s more fun than I expected.”

He offered a nod, going for the Gacha draw. Their series of duels had given both of them a fair
amount of Gems.

“You’re not into luck based games, right?” Yuu asked.

“Chance isn’t a reliable component,” he reasoned. “I even have a specific hand roll for dice to
increase my chances for a desired outcome.”

“You’re either really stubborn, or really dedicated.” She paused. “Maybe both.”

“You’re probably right. Nonetheless, I’d be remiss to ignore the Gacha elements. How else would I
get characters?”

“You got the SSR Jackyll, though. That’s pretty lucky.”

He smirked teasingly. “Are you looking down on me? You managed to get Thimblina’s limited
edition regalia SSR.”

“Don’t they rig these games to give newbies a better chance?”

He blinked. “Do they?”

“Some do, I think. Not sure about this one.”

He hummed to himself. “I’ll have to ask Idia-kun.”

Yuu yawned. “It’s kinda boring not having anything to do between classes, huh?”

“You have me,” he offered.

She snorted. “You know what I mean. Are you hungry?”

“I’m fine, thank you.” As if to protest, his stomach gurgled in a growl.

“Pizza,” she decided. “The cafeteria should still have some.”

“Yuu-chan, I’m quite alright,” he insisted.

“You’re hungry, Azul-senpai.” Her voice was even, indignant. She paused. “When’s the last time
you ate?”

“I fail to see why that’s of any importance- Y-Yuu!” He stammered as her arms wrapped around
his slender figure. Too slender, in her opinion. His face burned at the embrace.
“You know eating crappy food once and a while won’t kill you, right?” She phrased slowly.

“I’m aware.” Something akin to guilt weighed heavy in his heart. Shame, maybe? Yet he couldn’t
find any reason for the blame. “But surely, there’s no harm in minding the caloric intake. If
anything, isn’t such a thing encouraged?”

“Caloric?” She parroted. “Azul-senpai, are you worried about your weight?”

Always straight to the point. Too blunt. Part of that guilt flared into a defensive anger. His teeth
found his lip before he could let the sparks out. He drowned such a biased sensation.

“I prefer a toned figure in regards to myself.” His words were carefully articulated, devoid of any

There was a tense silence. He tried to block out the intensity by focusing on the Gacha pull. Her
arms slowly uncoiled him.

“Azul-senpai,” her voice cut through. “Do you think I’m fat?”

His hastiness blurted with impulse. “Not at all!”

“I weigh more than you. And I’m shorter .” She sighed. “Y’know there’s nothing wrong with being
fat, right? I rather be thicker and happy, than thin and miserable. That’s literally no better than a

“It is a habit from my youth,” he reluctantly admitted. “I was extremely round, as you might say.
Floyd still teased me about it.”

“So, who cares?” She cocked a brow, but her eyes were brimming with concern. It wasn’t a good
look for her, Azul decided.

“My thighs and lower body need more refinement,” he protested, patting his hips with his hands.

She snorted. Laughed at his dilemma. His cheeks scorched in embarrassment.

He should have known.

“W-why are you laughing?” He demanded.

“Azul-senpai, you have a big butt.”

“I-I’m aware.” He felt like shrinking into an octopus pot. And dying.

“That’s a good thing.” She smirked. “A lot of people find that attractive.

“Terrestrials?” He ran a hand through his hair, cheeks still aflame with a magenta color. “You have
odd tastes.”

“Maybe.” She sighed with a smile. “But c’mon. Let’s get lunch. But instead of pizza, how does
fried chicken sound?”

He paused. “Fried chicken?”

“Well, yeah. Jade-senpai said it’s one of your favorites. If you’re going to eat bad food, might as
well enjoy it, right?”

Exploiting a weakness. Well played. “Very well,” he conceded. “My treat.”

“C’mon, senpai,” she chuckled. “You’re a frugal guy, right? I have a food pass. If you want to pay
me back or something, though. You know what I like. You guys have my favorite coffee on

“It’s a deal.” He smirked.

He offered an arm to her. She went to lock hers in his, only for her to lightly smack his rear. He
jolted, eyes wide and glasses almost falling off his face.
And she was so smug about the gesture, too. A smirk tugged her lip, mischief glinting in her eyes.

What was worse? He liked it.

Chapter End Notes

So that game they were playing is something I came up with on the spot.

How it works? Think a Twistune/Rhythmic style game, but depending on how you hit
the combos, you get a specific element effect aka Harmonent (Harmony +
element/component). You can play multiplayer and try to knock out each other’s team
(think like the battles within Twisted Wonderland), with each character having boons
and banes to specific Harmonent types. Each character would be based on some sort of
folklore or fairytale.

Also yes we have 2 music themed events with Azul/Yuu. It’s intentional thanks to The
Little Mermaid’s musical/singing emphasis.
The Tide That (N)ever Changes
Chapter Notes

This one’s short, I think! I just wanted to keep this one from the others for tonal

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Azul woke in a cold sweat. His skin felt frigid to the touch, yet burned an unfamiliar sensation. It
was like a sickness, but he didn’t feel too out of the unordinary. Maybe a nightmare? He couldn’t
recall any gruesome or troublesome details. Or perhaps his body was adjusting to the busy mind
inside and acting accordingly- which meant not cooperating. He’d have to look into that later.
Slowly, he checked the time on his phone with a blurred vision.


This was the last day. Where had the time gone?

A certain eerie heaviness lingered in the room. The dead of night was not an hour unfamiliar to
him, but there was something forbidden all the same. It offered niche comfort coupled with a
depressive blanket that loomed in the air.

A knock tapped on the door. He took a deep breath to compose himself. “Come in.”

In stepped in Jade. He adorned the uniform sleepwear issued by the school, but his fine-combed
hair suggested he had not been awoken by anything, but rather stayed up for some unseen reason.

“Good evening, Azul-san. Or would it be more accurate to say good morning?”

“Good evening, Jade,” he returned with a yawn. He unfolded the glasses on the side table and
adorned them. “Is there something I can assist you with?”

“I wish to discuss something with you. If this is a bad time, I can come at a more reasonable hour.”

“You’re fine,” Azul insisted. “Take a seat.”

The man sat on the edge of the bed. His hands folded in his lap. “Having trouble sleeping?”

“You could say.”

“My sympathy. In any case,” Jade continued, “that deal you made involving Yuu- chan . What was

Any defensive Azul would have provided fell silent. No walls went up, instead a soft tenderness
grew in its place. It was a pitiful thing, really. It made Jade’s heart sway uneasily.

“The deal was,” he spoke slowly, “that she had to make me fall for her within three days, or else
she becomes an Octavinelle student. Her dorm would be under our jurisdiction.”

“Fall for her?” Jade echoed. “Wouldn’t that be something borderlining sexual harassment?”

“She turned down my initial offer.” He leaned back on the headboard. “In any case, by the end of
the day tomorrow, you’ll be using your Signature Spell to reveal the contents of my heart.” An odd
smile tugged at the octopus’ lip. “She was rather specific when it came to details. She’s figured me

Jade’s face remained stoic. Normally, he’d consider such aptitude as a threat. He had hardly been
able to outmaneuver the surprisingly cunning Leona. But instead, he seemed amused rather than
annoyed at being outsmarted.

“If you’re sure you know what you’re doing.”

“I’m not one to let my emotions interfere with my work, Jade,” Azul insisted coolly.

The words would have been reassuring. They should have been, too. Yet they felt weightless,
almost like he was reassuring himself.

“And if you lose?”

“Our chemistry will be better than ever for this play.”

“Or worse,” he argued evenly. “Proximity is a dangerous thing, Azul-san. You can embrace
someone in the same distance as stabbing one in the back.”

“I’m aware.” His tone was curt.

Jade tested the waters. “Are you content at the idea of losing Yuu-chan? Surely, you’ve considered
her being like those indignant clients.”

“Our relationship is strictly professional.” His blue eyes hardened into steely sapphires.

“On paper, yes.” He took the plunge. “This is a matter of the heart. You can’t measure that on ink
and paper and lock it in a vault. I’m not familiar with such things myself, nor will I pretend that I
am some sort of expert. Azul-san, are you sure about this?”

“I see nothing lost even if this does play out in the worst-case-scenario.” His voice was cold. “She
won’t speak to me again, in that outcome. I’ve lived without her before; I’ll be fine without her
after. It’ll be just as they were before the change of the tide. I only see potential of profit.”

“And what of your emotions?” Jade pressed. “What about you? You don’t understand how much
you can lose.“

“Are you referring to me losing her respect? Her time? Her adoration?” Each question felt like a
blow not intended for him. “They were never mine to begin with. They’re simply on loan.”

“Azul-san. This isn’t just about you. What about her? Even if she doesn’t reciprocate, she stands to
lose a close friend. Is that something you’d be willing to take from her?”

There was a pause. Azul’s voice wavered. “I’m not going anywhere. I never have.”

“And you’re okay with that?” Jade spat.

Azul’s eyes widened at the outburst. The eel leaned back on his palms, bringing the boil to a
He loosed a sigh. This man was impossible. Always just beyond his reach.

Azul’s phone buzzed on the nightstand. He plucked it off the surface. “It’s her.”

“What did she say?”

“She can’t sleep. And is sending me-“ he paused. “-memes?”

Jade leaned over to look at the two’s conversation. Sure enough, memes, as they were called. They
were funny enough, albeit short and simple. Between the photos would be quick conversations
shared between them.

But Jade wasn’t looking at the words. He was staring at Azul. The way those steely blues lit up at
the lettering of her name, a gentle smile on his lips.

He didn’t know that look. He didn’t know that feeling. Neither of them did. He wouldn’t claim
otherwise. Even so, Jade knew.

He’s already lost.

Chapter End Notes

Yes, Jade knows. The man is smart, he figured it out after doing some digging.
Skirting Around the Issue
Chapter Notes

Sorry for the delay! I have gotten hooked onto Ensemble Stars. Like, really hooked.
Anyway! This chapter was going to be the Overblot chapter (and thus be super long)
but I thought you were all overdue for an update.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Yuu took a deep breath. Okay. No backing out now.

She pressed the skirt with her hands. No more pants to hide her fuzzy legs. If she were taller,
maybe she would have been mistaken for a Sasquatch. Or maybe Grim’s long lost relative.

This was also the last day of this wager. Come the last bell, she would be back in the dorm. Which
dorm she’d be returning to was still up in the air. Normally, she’d be pretty confident in situations
like these. However, with a man as mysterious and allusive as Azul, it was hard for her to guess
how well she had ‘seduced’ him. This was her last shot- the final push to victory.

She stepped out of the Octavinelle bathroom. True to her word, she had to let the cephalopod see.
Give him an (unneeded) boost to the ego.

“How do I look, senpai?” She gave him a slight twirl for good measure, careful not to let it fly too

As always, a placid smile tugged at his lip. To his credit, his eyes did light up ever so slightly. But
then again glasses. “You look perfect, Yuu-chan. May I have the pleasure of escorting you to

“I don’t really need an escort, but I’d love your company.” She offered a smile.

He offered a laugh, offering an arm to her. Yuu glanced down at it.

Seize every opportunity , she reminded herself.

She grabbed his hand, pulled him down, and pecked his cheek. Before she even pulled back within
that second, she felt the spreading warmth on his face.

She kept their fingers intertwined, shooting him a smug smirk. “Shall we?”

Azul cleared his throat. “Certainly.”

“Where are Jade-senpai and Floyd-senpai?”

His fingers tucked a stray strand behind her ear. He bent down, nearly brushing noses with her.
“They’ve gone ahead.”

Yuu had almost forgotten how much of a tease he could be. She willed herself calm. They’d been
closer than this!

“I don’t want anyone to see you like this quite yet,” his smooth, sultry voice confessed lowly in her

My face is on fire, she dully noticed.

A finger traced her jawline, pulling her attention up with him. “But I must admit, I’m looking
forward to showing you off.”

Yuu decided to distract herself from whatever was happening by imagining Vil. Someone of his
occupation would probably be even more seamlessly flirtatious than he was, right? She could only
imagine those scenarios as she and Azul walked hand-in-hand through the Mirror and into the Hall.

Ironically, any air got sucked out of the room the moment she stepped through. Like he had
mentioned, it was closer to the first period than not, so most students were busying themselves to
their seats or finishing their breakfast. The Mirror Chamber wasn’t particularly full, and yet-

“Yuu-kun!” A stoic voice greeted. Electric green hair made its way through the crowd. “It is nice
to see you this morning. However! I’m very curious- did you lose your pants?”

Ah, Sebek. A large heart, but a skull as thick as a brick. For better or for worse.

“I did not,” she answered calmly. “I just thought it was time that everyone knew I’m a girl? Always
have been.”

The boy stiffened. Poor boy. Yuu broke him.

He nodded. “Thank you for telling me this, Yuu-chan! I apologize for any sort of poor behavior
that could reflect badly on the Young Master! Please do not take my ignorance as a sign of his
judgment- which is in itself quite reliable!”

“I believe it,” she sheepishly assured. “But you can relax.”

“I must inform Malleus-sama of this,” he decided, pointedly ignoring her. “See you in class, Yuu-

And off he went power-walking.

“Sebek-san is quite the loyalist to Malleus-san,” Azul muttered under his breath.

“Stop.” She ordered in a word. “I can smell smoke. Stop.”


“You’re thinking again. Scheming.”

He snorted. “A habit.”

“The Food Angel has finally let down her wings!” A familiar Savanaclaw second-year gaped.

“You look adorable in that skirt, Yuu-sama!” A first-year gushed.

“I’d nearly forgotten about your posse,” Azul chuckled lightly.

Yuu decided to deal with said group. “Thanks, guys.”

She dismissed a few utters of how attractive she looked, but nothing too vulgar aside for maybe
one or two comments. If anything, it was flattering. She wondered if the Twisted Wonderland’s
citizens just had better standards of how to treat a woman. But then again, most of the school
hadn’t seen her yet. That would be a battle at the lunch table.

Azul gave Yuu’s hand a squeeze. “I’ll see you after school, Yuu-chan. Best of luck in your class.”

“I think I figured it out.”

Those were not the words Veprl expected out of Idia so early in the morning. Not that he could
complain. The boy was one of those ‘rage all night’ types, so he was more accustomed to him
running late to early classes. Seeing him nearly stumble into the doorway was a bit surprising,
though his lack of coordination was quickly correlated with the evident exhaustion.

“So, what do you think is it?” the nurse asked.

“Blight absorbs Blot,” Idia explained. “But that power drain has to go somewhere. It doesn’t just,
like, delete the toxins to even out the other characters. Which, the chip damage is usually to
balance out OP characters, right? Anyway.” He tugged at his sleeve. “Instead of basically regen-
ing HP or anything like that, it looks like Yuu-kun’s Blight takes in the Blot itself. But it doesn’t
look like he’s effected by it since his starting Class doesn’t even have Blot capacity in the base
code. But that sounds too easy. A win button.”

“It doesn’t just evaporate.” Veprl leaned back in his seat. “I’ve been looking at some blood
samples. Some I took before his impromptu trip home, and some before and after certain bodily
cycles. I was thinking maybe his body could excrete the toxins if Blight was anything like you
were thinking.”

Idia leaned over to get a peek at his screen tablet. “What’d you pull?”

There was a beat. “If you’re right, then Blight is a stage between some form of Magicless matter
and Blot. His body acts as a filter, but not a fool-proof one. And since his body can’t filter out , it
stays dormant.” He played a video for him. “I’ve been comparing the Blight and Blot samples to
each other, along with the blood to see how they’d react to stress. Blight is more dormant than
Blot, you could say. It’s harmless as is, but once there’s a catalyst?”

The video’s Blot slide burst into black ooze. The other erupted into a white foam that singed the
table like acid.

“L-Like a time-bomb?” Idia suggested shakily. “Scary! Sounds like one of those rare drops that
destroys itself after use. Permadeath sucks, but tools like that are so rare you almost don’t want to
use them.”

Veprl pinched the bridge of his nose, boosting his glasses upward and nearly getting it coiled in the
curls. ‘ Permadeath’. Not a pretty picture.

“Hey, Veprl-sensei? Why’d you give me all this info? Seems like some behind-the-scenes content
stuff. Could definitely leak.”

“I may need you to contact STYX about this,” he reluctantly conceded. “I’m limited in time and
resources.” As much as I’d hate that.

Idia anxiously nipped at the hem of his sleeve. A “Right” came out muffled through the fabric.

Veprl sighed. The question is, did Crowley know? Or does he? If so, then maybe that’s why he’s
been quiet. This could be a ‘cure’ for the ‘actual students’. If something were to happen to Yuu-
chan, then there wouldn’t be much of a paper trail about her. Just hearsay from the students. But
then again, Malleus-kun. What does he have to gain here?

He shifted his attention to the awkwardly shuffling Idia.

And then there’s this kid. No doubt, this brings up some bad memories. But unfortunately, with
something unknown as Blight, I can’t take any chances. Someone could die here. As much as I hate
getting kids involved, I have no choice.

Veprl stood up.

So I should probably keep Idia-kun and Yuu-chan away from each other if possible. If something
were to happen, I don’t need to deal with any extra trauma of emotional attachment.

A hand found its way to Idia’s hair. It was warm, yet didn’t scorch the skin. “You did good, kid.
Take the rest of the day off. Game if you want. This won’t go on your record.”

A relieved smile tugged at his lip. “Free days are cool. Perfect for grinding.”
“I’ll take your word for it.”

Chapter End Notes

Next up: Yuu in a skirt. And everyone knows.

Ink Spill
Chapter Notes

Writer’s block is the worst. But! Have a really long chapter! Sorry for the wait!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

There were more comfortable positions. Being surrounded by people wasn’t one of them. She
couldn’t blame them for staring, uncomfortable as she may have been. Retaliating with some
showy bladework would only add to the novelty. She decided just to let them stare and talk,
knowing it would fizzle out in time.

Now if anyone acted vulgar to her, she would definitely do something about it. Assuming her
brothers didn’t beat her to it.

“You may not have boobs, but you have good legs,” Ace commented.

Deuce gave him a good thwack to the skull.


“I don’t get why people are staring,” Grim lamented. “I mean, it’s just a skirt? How’s it any
different from shorts?”

“Most people don’t have as broad of a mindset,” Vil offered calmly.

Oh right. Vil. Seeing her in a skirt prompted him to get closer. Concern, probably, if nothing else
for the status of the upcoming play. Yuu wasn’t entirely sure where the ‘professional’ concern
ended and personal worry began. He was similar to Azul, she supposed. Speaking of the
cephalopod, she wasn’t exactly encouraged by his sudden absence. Apparently, he had no more
classes and had to return to the Lounge for an early start. Leona and Ruggie were mysteriously
missing, too. Maybe that’s why Vil took it upon himself to join her table.

“Valentine’s Day will be interesting this year,” Ace laughed. “I bet Yuu-chan is going to her fair
share of letters. If you make enough chocolate, I’m sure White Day will be even crazier.”

“Isn’t Christmas more romantic?” Epel offered. “‘M not into the mushy stuff, but Ma gets excited.”
“If they know what’s good for them, they won’t even try!” Cater laughed. “But I dunno- Yun-
Yun’s adorable! Ugh! I’m totally torn!”

Yuu fiddled with the straw. “Not like I’ll be here for that. I’m going to Sunset Savanna for break.”

“People are going to talk,” Ace sighed.

“Okay, and?” Yuu took a long sip of her drink.

“You’re so cool, Yuu-chan,” Epel decided.

“It’s standard,” Vil insisted. “But the maturity exhibited by someone not professional is admirable,
I’ll admit.”

“So how’s that bet with Azul-senpai going, anyway?” Grim asked, ears flicking with curiosity.

“I still don’t know the specifics on that,” Deuce admitted in a sigh.

Cater stabbed a juice box with a straw.

Epel looked between the A-Deuce duo and Yuu. “I feel like I’m missing somethin’.”

“Some thing ,” Vil chided under his breath.

“Don’t worry about it,” Yuu assured. “Everything will be over after school.”

Deuce’s brow furrowed. “That sounds kinda ominous.”

Something heavy weighed in Azul’s chest. He couldn’t quite place it. He wasn’t one to believe in
an arbitrary sixth sense. That would be a variable he couldn’t control. In any case, aside from this
foreboding feeling he was harboring, he was reasonably confident. Soon, Yuu would be wearing
Octavinelle colors. The Mostro Lounge would expand. The play would come and go with success.

He had won. That was all there was to it. No use in sentimentality.

“Hey there, Octopunk.”

Azul snapped out of his trance. Reclining in the seat in front of him was the familiar lion prince.
His boots crossed atop the sleek wooden desk. A cocky smirk tugged at the man’s lip, tail toying in
loose twists.

He staggered in surprise. “Leona Kingscholar,” he returned in a breath between tense teeth.

He snorted, amusement glinting in his aloof, green gaze. Something else, too, a gold color catching
the light hanging on his neck.

What is-

“What’s wrong? You look pretty freaked out for someone usually so in control.”

Did he look so frazzled?

“It’s none of your business. More importantly, why are you here?”

“Why, you ask?” He mocked in a chuckle. His long, gloved fingers entangled themselves into
twine. Sunk on the end of the string was-

my -

“It’s about this key. It’s yours, isn’t it?”

He’s toying with me , he seethed.

“I just happened to pick it off the ground and graciously came to return it to you.”

The smile on the prince’s face was anything but earnest.

Azul failed to will his voice even. “T-That’s-“

His ears flicked. “So it is yours?”

“Give it back.” His eyes narrowed into flint. “Theft is a crime.”

Leona clicked his tongue. His boots came off the desk as he leaned forward. The string snapped off
his neck with a quick tug, the gold piece gripped in his leather palm. He leaned forward, elbows
propped on the lacquer and that cocky smirk never leaving his lips. Azul was still, blue locked onto

“You’re treating me like a thief even though I came to return this to you out of the kindness of my
heart. Tch tch. Are you usually so judgmental? That’s fine. Here.”

The gold key slacked like a hook on fishing line from between his fingers. It met the wood with a
clink. Azul loosed a sigh. It relieved no pressure from the panic simmering in his stomach. He
plucked the piece of the desk and slid it into his coat.

“That’s all I had to do.” Leona rose to a stand, hands loosely tucked into his pockets. “See ya.”

Lazy steps led out of his office. Azul faced forward as he brushed by him. Neither spared a second
glance to the other.

That was anything but normal. Leona-san doesn’t play games like that. So why-

“My contracts.”


“Are they safe?”

The golden vault hosted nothing. The shelves were like the sunken boards of a cargo ship claimed
by carnivorous waves- defiled by pirate pursuit.



“They’re gone.” The realization was an obvious one that came in a breath.

The simmer spiked into a boil of anger.


His nails dug into his palms. He felt exposed.

There was nothing.

I am-

“They’re all gone !”

Azul broke into a sprint. His feet met the floor with a panicked patter.

Curse these human legs! Are they any faster than those eight tentacles?

Outside the entrance of the dorm stood the ever aloof Leona and Ruggie. In the hyena’s hands
were a stack of glittery documents-

His documents.

“I am hunger,” Leona rattled off the outermost page, “I am thirst. I am which steals your

“Stop right there!” Azul snapped.

“Uh oh, here already?” The lion taunted. “Don’t take another step if you care about these stupid
pieces of paper.”

Stupid?! He seethed.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen Azul-san so mad,” Ruggie snickered.

“Give them back,” he hissed. “Please, give them back!”

He felt small. Azul felt so small.

So tiny.

So helpless .

This was just like before. It didn’t matter how far away he was from the ocean, or how many limbs
he had. He couldn’t change his own heart try as he might. He couldn’t change the past. No matter
how many contracts he signed, how many deals he made, he was always going to be that tiny
octopus lurking in a pot. Always lagging behind. Always mocked.
He hated how he sounded. He loathed how he felt.

The pot was getting to small. He felt his tentacles may burst from the ever-tightening container
coiling around him like a noose.

“Woah, woah,” Leona laughed. “At least try to keep up appearances. What happened to your mask
of control?”

He’s mocking me.

“Seeing you like this proves that their hunch was right on the money.”

Something sank from his chest and into the pit of his belly. Azul’s skin felt frigid. “What did you
say?” The question came out quieter than a whisper.

“Cater-kun and I did some digging,” Leona explained. “And he just so happened to pick up that
you’re weirdly territorial about that vault of yours.” He put a hand on Ruggie’s shoulder. “And
your temp hire was happy to say the same thing. But, y’know, you can never be too sure. So Cater-
kun asked that Riddle-kun guy since he’s a stickler for law or whatever. And all signs pointed to
that vault being the answer.”

“Guess your connections weren’t as good as you thought, huh?” Ruggie laughed.

Unraveled. That’s how it felt, yet opposite all the same. Tangled in the same wires he had been

“ Why ?”

Why had all of them-

They were all so different. Part of different worlds. Why did they-

“You messed with Yuu-chan,” Leona stated simply.

“She did this?”

He couldn’t feel that sting of betrayal. She did nothing.

It was them.

All them.

For her.
He couldn’t find a fault in her. No shortcoming.

He was wrong.

“Freeing those anemones didn’t benefit her at all. And I’ve don’t see how this benefits any of you,

“That’s where you’re wrong,” Ruggie cut in, arms folding behind his head. “You screwed with our
friend. Sure, we may not get anything out of this- and you should know how much I value a
Thaumark. But using her as some sort of toy? That’s worse than scummy.”

“I agree with you there.” Leona rested a hand on his hip. “Which brings me to my next point. Let’s
make a deal, Octopunk.”

Azul blinked. “H-huh?”

“If I were to give you these back,” he flicked the stack with his hand, “what would I get in return?”

“Whatever you’d like!” He straightened his body into a distressed stiffness. His posture was like
that of a marionette with clipped strings- scraggily poised into an awkward position. “Test notes,
graduation thesis, altering your attendance records- you’d have quite an easy time graduating,
wouldn’t you say? A free diploma with no effort required!”

Leona barked a laugh. “You sure know what I like! But I won’t be handing these over for anything
like that.”

Time felt stiff. “Eh?”

“Letting you have Ramshackle would ruin my sleep. They’re noisy with her there. ‘Food-Angel’
this and ‘Food-Angel’ that.”

Azul gawked incredulously. “You’re turning me down for sleep ?”

“And a migraine, yeah.” Amusement toyed his lip into a smirk. “You’ve been outmaneuvered,
The papers crinkled in the claw of the lion.

Azul’s heart tripped into a racing rhythm.

“This can’t be real- stop!”

With a bellowing voice, Leona returned with- “King’s Roar!”

Gold paper crumbled into glittering sand. Azul collapsed to his knees as the grains faded into
nothing. He scrambled to the dust, hands desperate to keep what little was left- but there was

Everything he worked for-

Everything he was-


This was the pit of despair, wasn’t it? These fathoms below?

“My golden contracts- all turned to dust…”

Ruggie was deaf to his despair. “Once someone makes a deal with you, they can’t do anything
about it.”

“To think the rumors say they’re invincible,” Leona added with a snicker. “Must’ve put on quite
the show. Cater-kun had to do a lot of digging. And to think, I had no problem turning them into
sand.” He rubbed his fingers together, remaining grains falling to the floor. “The contracts were
nothing more than paper.”

Azul’s voice came out in a rasp. “How… How could you?”

Their banter fell on deaf ears. Mockery. That’s all it was. The victors’ boast over the defeat of their
foe. Total loss. Everything was gone.

Even come the final bell, Yuu, too, would leave. She would crumble to dust just like these papers.

Why must everything he love crumble? Was it all just blots of ink diluted by the tide? Pulled from
him as quickly as it arrived?



Green eyes shifted over to the crumpled mess on the floor, slowly rising to its feet. “Huh?”

Manic laughter erupted from Azul, bursting like erratic bubbles. It was like a cackle of lightning
and echoed like thunder.

“He’s lost it,” Ruggie muttered, taking a step backward.

“It’s all dust in the wind!” He cackled. “What have you done? Without that- I’m back to being a
stupid, clumsy octopus!” He ran a hand through his hair before digging the butts of his palms into
his eye sockets. “I don’t want to go back! Not again!”

Tears didn’t fall.

He had nothing to cry over. Yet everything all the same.

What poured from his face were thick dollops of black ooze.

“H-hey, Azul-san!” Ruggie cut in. “Let’s just calm down, okay?”

“Shut up!” He snapped. “You have no idea how I feel!” Those thick trails lined his cheeks,
dripping from his jawline. “Constantly made fun of as a ‘stupid, clumsy octopus’! You’ll never
understand!” His hands clung to his silver locks, pulling them and fraying some strands. “Oh yeah
! If it’s all gone, I’ll just have to take more !”

Black tendrils bloomed out of Azul’s shadows, taking form and wrapping around Ruggie metal
arm. The water around the dorm darkened into a bleak hue. An assortment of colors flew off the
metal, Ruggie’s eyes wide in horror as he recoiled back.

“M-my magic! Did he just absorb it?”

Leona hissed through grit teeth. “Looks like he can take Magic from someone even without some
stupid contract. My guess is that it acts like a check-and-balance system.”
“That’s freaking terrifying!” He barked back, holding the limp metal in his other hand. He hissed
in pain. “But man, it hurts.”

“Azul!” Jade’s voice cut in. “What are you doing?”

Floyd followed close behind, eyes on the surrounding murk. “Eh~? What is even happening?”

Azul spun around on his heel, a bright smile twisting his face into a disarming grin. “Jade! Floyd!
Ah~ you’ve finally come back to me!” A hand flung in gesture to the Savanaclaw boys. “They
went and destroyed all of my precious contracts!” His arms flung wide in motion for an embrace,
lips curved like a conch shell. “So, please! Give me your strength! Give it to me!”

Jade halted in his tracks. “Stop this instant. You know that you can’t control your Signature Spell
properly without a contract in place- it’s too powerful. If you keep on like this, you know what will
happen. Be reasonable, Azul-san!”

“It’s all gone, you know? Everything !” He openly laughed to his face, clutching his sides and
staggering forward. The ooze on the floor twisted into spirals loosely like the coils of a tentacle.
He didn’t notice Jade glancing at them before snapping his attention back to him. “I don’t want to
go back to the way I was before!”

“Um,” Floyd drawled, “you’re way lamer right now than you were before.”

Jade sighed at his brother, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Them, too? “Ah, is that so?”

Azul felt nothing. “You’re aware that I’m a stupid, clumsy octopus who can’t do anything by

They were just like everyone else. Everything else. “I’m no better than a bottom-feeder.”

His finger hooked into the fabric of his uniform, knotting the material in frantic wrinkles.

“So I’m going to keep taking until I’m the best version of myself I can possibly be! A beautiful
voice, powerful Magic? Everything will belong to me !”

The ooze on the floor boiled into bubbles around him. Azul choked.
Floyd’s lip quirked in disgust. “What is that stuff? Black mud? That’s not ink, right?”

Jade bit his lip, brow furrowed. “He’s going to Overblot at this rate. Floyd, get Yuu-san. And take
Ruggie-san to the infirmary.”

“Got it!” He bolted, brushing past and nearly ripping Ruggie’s mechanical arm out of socket.

“This doesn’t look good,” Leona huffed.

Azul screamed, knees buckling as the bubbles grew into waves. Black blots covered him like a
whirlpool of ink. The tails of the shadow spun in a sickly spiral. Leona’s ear twitched at the
cracking glass tunnel.

Harpoons jutted out of Azul’s skull, webbed like a crown toward the top. Dead coral and barnacles
sprouted from his chest like ice spikes with a black aura floating above in a ring like a collar.
Dipping even lower, his thin legs bloomed into a monstrous eight with a eerie underbelly lined with
suction cups. Belting his waist were spiraling shells twisting into spikes. His arms were barbed
with Blot, gills marring his waist. Painting his face was a web-like design. His eyes glowed like a
spookfish’s dead stare, mouth formed into an ominous line.

“Let’s make a deal!”

Chapter End Notes

Even though we’re only at the end of Book 3, I need to start planning now.

What do you want to see from this fic? Like any lore explorations, character moments,
what-have-you’s (example: exploration on Blot’s toxic elements, or Malleus’ feelings
on humanity) You all have been so supportive and lovely, so I want to listen to what
you have to say!
Broken Bottle
Chapter Summary

“Hey, uh, sensei?”

“What’s up, kid?” He thumbed through the lined cardboard boxes.

“Azul-san. He’s Overblotting. And Yuu-chan, um, yeah they’re getting her to help?”

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Veprl took a deep breath upon returning to his office. It had been calm the past few days. Only a
few minor injuries or a cold to treat. Nothing extraordinary.

At least that was the case until he found Ruggie sitting on the cot with his mechanical arm on the

This is why I can’t have nice things.

“What happened?” He asked in a sigh.

“It wasn’t my fault.” The organic limb waved nonchalantly, the metal limp at his side.

“Not what I asked, but that’s reassuring.” The deadpan wasn’t any more convincing.

Veprl’s nimble hands opened the control panel. This was far from his specialty. He could operate a
smartphone and program a VCR, but he highly doubted that matched Idia’s mind for this stuff.

Ruggie winced at the touch. Ah, right. Nerve attachments.

“Got roughed up, huh? Want some painkillers?” The nurse offered. “I just restocked.”

“I lost,” he chuckled. “But yeah, that’d be nice. Still free?”

He cocked a brow. “Why would I charge you?”

“I’m just asking.” He offered a one-shoulder-shrug.

He shook his head before opening the cabinet.

“Hey, uh, sensei?”

“What’s up, kid?” He thumbed through the lined cardboard boxes.

“Azul-san. He’s Overblotting. And Yuu-chan, um, yeah they’re getting her to help?”

His fingers froze in place.

That’s not good.

He plunged a hand into his pocket.

The Blight.

He slid the screen to find Idia’s contact.

He can fix the arm while I-

“What ever is going on in here?” A sing-song voiced crooned.

Veprl was filled with a sense of ominous dread at the tone-deaf tune.

The crow.

Feather plumage sprouted from his shoulders in black tufts. The wings fell to his ankles like a
curtain, framing his otherwise sickly slender figure. Ivory skin was shrouded by a pointed black
mask. Glowing golden eyes peered from behind like ghostly orbs. Veiling his hands were black
satin gloves tipped with embellished, gold talons. Loose curls fell in front of his pointed ears like
an oil slick. In his right hand was an ornate cane with a toothed ferrule.

“You seem rather frazzled, Veprl-sensei! Is something the matter?”

“Nothing to worry yourself with.” The nurse willed his jaw open despite the pressure Crowley
exuded. He truly was a foreboding person. ”I just have a patient waiting for me in Octavinelle.”

“Oh dear, and neglect poor Bucchi-kun?” The gold talons curled under his chin contemplatively.
“How callous.”

He’s cornering me. If I leave, even with it more urgent, he’ll have that on my record. Which will
leave these kids in even worse shape. I could be fired just because he finds me ‘unreliable’.

“I’m fine, Crowley-sensei,” Ruggie cut in. “I just need some meds.”

“Quite benevolent you are, Bucchi-kun!” The headmaster sang. “But please, let Veprl-sensei do his

He wanted to maim that bloody bird. Even the hyena could feel the suffocating air settled between
them. Veprl spared a glance to him, slipping his phone back in his pocket. It never made it to the

I can’t let someone die just because the bird won’t let me leave.

“You’re right,” he relented. “A~lright, Ruggie-kun.” 1.

“Let’s see what I c-an do.” 3.

“Does it hurt anywher-e?” 5.

Ruggie offered a nod, gesturing to the primary port.

“I’d b-race yourself.” 2.

“I-f I were you.” 9.

“Relax. D-on’t tense up.” 4 .

Crowley hummed, satisfied. Veprl listened for the clicks of his heel colliding in the corridor. He
loosened a breath. “Got that, Ruggie-kun?” He muttered.

“You trust me way too much, sensei,” he snickered. “Crewel-sensei is on his way.”
“Try not to rack up my food bill too high tomorrow.” He took back his phone from the boy’s hands.

A cheeky grin brightened his face. “You got it, teach!”

The shimmery blue waters drowned into a darkness. The lovely turrets of the dorm had twisted
into shadowy coils of a sunken mast. From the fathoms below was a sickly purple glow. The
warmth of the sun was eclipsed by a coldness. The groans of pain echoed from the pressured glass

“You two didn’t have to come, y’know!” Floyd yelled as he sprinted down the hall, hand clutched
over Yuu’s.

“Are you kidding?” Ace scoffed in a wheeze. “Things are getting crazy right now!”

“Azul-senpai’s on a rampage, right?” Deuce asked, far more composed than the ginger.

The eel groaned. “I’ve never seen the boss like this before! He’s usually more whiney and
annoying and totally lame. But this? This is a different type of lame!”

“This is because of Leona-senpai!” Grim hissed. “It’s because he picked a fight!”

Leona’s figure came into view as well as the shadowy form of Azul. His ears flicked in
recognition, lips pulled into a frown. “ My fault?”

“ Nyah !” Grim jumped backward with a yowl. “He’s an octopus where his legs should be!”

Jade rose from the floor. The sleeve of his coat was shredded by what Yuu could only guess to be
one of Azul’s suction cups. Were they barbed, too?

“This is what Azul-san looks like underwater.”

“I gathered,” Yuu quipped under her breath.

Azul didn’t seem to hear her, a slick limb dipping into his mouth. It withdrew from his lip, a string
of black thread following. His ghostly eyes glowed a bit brighter like moon’s light.

“Our priority is to bring him back to his senses,” the lion growled.

“We need to get out of here,” she protested. “The glass is going to break. Not all of us have gills!”

Azul whipped around, the tress of tentacles twirling dramatically. “Don’t worry, Yuu-chan! I won’t
hurt you!”

Jade choked up blood as a stray limb flung him into the glass. No one was sure whether that was
bone or tunnel that made such a deafening crack. His hand flew to his shoulder, face contorted in
ugly pain. Floyd seethed, casting a Spell as he ducked beneath the limb to reach his brother. Azul
shook off the quick cast like it had merely stung.

“You’re being very lame right now, Azul-san!” Floyd spat, lifting his twin to his feet.

One of Jade’s knees buckled with a hiss. “I agree.”

A hand grazed the faded shell on his chest. “Why must everyone bully me? Because I’m a stupid,
clumsy octopus?” It flung out as the tentacles coiled in rage. “I just wanted to be stronger! I wanted
to prove them wrong! I just- I just-“

“How is this any different?” Yuu spat. “You’re making everyone else weaker than you just so you
can look stronger?”

Azul’s lips dipped into a frown. “Does this form frighten you, Yuu-chan? This is how I look deep
down- how I’ve always been.”

“ I’m not scared of you no matter how you look.” Yuu took a heavy step forward. Her heart
thundered in her chest like a caged bird. “But that looks like it hurts.”
“ Hurts ?” He scoffed. A hand ran through his hair. His hands dripped with an ooze down his face
like a painful cry. “You’re too kind !”

Yuu tensed as a tentacle brushed her ankle. It was a different kind of slick with an ooze that clung
to her skin with a sting.

He won’t hurt me.

Those words rung true, yet she clung to them like a lifeline. They frayed in her grip.

“How is this any better than what they did to you?” She kept her eyes on him as she made her way
to the tweels. “Didn’t they beat you up, too? Just to make themselves look bigger.”

The laugh that thundered from the octopus crackled the fractures. Floyd’s eyes darted to the
splintering surface of the tunnel. “‘Ey! We need to get you guys out of here!”

“Floyd’s right!” Jade hissed through grit teeth.

“I’m not scared,” Yuu blurted.

“Nyah?!” Grim yowled. “Minion, you’re crazy! I’m out of here!”

And the ever loyal feline bounded away.

“I knew it,” Azul breathed. “Yuu-chan is the only one who understands.“

Dark tendrils coiled around her frame loosely. She willed her body lax as he gently tugged her to
him. A smile twisted his face like a bruise- pained and colorful. Those glassy eyes of his shined
like broken pieces glittering at the edge of the reef. His delicate fingers traced her jawline with a
gentleness despite his monstrous figure.

“Yuu-chan is special .”

“You’re wrong.”

Yuu’s voice made him flinch.

“Special? Isn’t that the same thing as different ? It’s lonely, isn’t it? Being different?”

Her hand ran across the slick surface of inky tendrils loosely lapped around her legs.

“That’s how they treated you, right? Different?”

That pained smile of Azul’s melted into a sweet one. His pale eyes glowed like moonlight with a
certain softness. “You understand,” he breathed.

Yuu took a deep breath before taking the plunge. “Why do you do that? Label people as different
or special? Aren’t they the same? They just separate people.” Her hand clung to the one tracing her
face. She ignored how it burned under her touch. “The thing about octopus pots is that no one
forces an octopus into one; they choose to even when it’s being brought up. So, why, Azul-senpai,
do you want to stay trapped?”

Those eyes of his narrowed into a glare. “You’re wrong . They’re the ones to put me there. They
bullied me- mocked me!”

“And I’m sure it hurt!” Yuu protested. “I get it. You don’t want to be hurt. That’s why you lock
yourself away right?” Realization dawned on her. “You bottle everything up so they don’t see,
don’t you, senpai? So they can’t hurt you?”

His voice came out a whisper. “ You see me.”

“So why do you keep trying to bottle me up, too? To trap me with you?”

“I would never-“

“You wanted her to join your dorm, didn’t you?” Leona cut in. “Kind of a prick move.”

Leona-senpai, my adopted brother figure, shut up.

What Yuu actually said was, “How can you let anyone in if you keep pushing them out? You’re
not that little boy anymore, Azul-senpai. You never will be.”

Her hands caressed his face, his eyes flinging wide and locking onto hers. His breathing

“It feels that way sometimes, too. Like nothing changes, and you’re just that kid trapped inside. But
senpai, you can’t turn back time. You have to keep moving forward. Learn from your past, but
don’t trap yourself in it.”
“I just want to show them they’re wrong ,” he confessed lowly.

“By doing the same thing to them as they did to you?” Ace scoffed. “Real smart, pal.”

“Senpai,” Deuce interjected. “I get it, too! It sucks feeling weak, and like you can’t control
anything.” His palms clenched into fists at his waist. “But this isn’t right, either! You’re just
hurting others before they can hurt you! Throwing the first punch doesn’t solve anything !”

Yuu spoke gently. “They can see you, too, Azul-senpai, if you let them.”

“Yuu-chan.” He trembled in her hands. Inky tears welled up in his eyes, ready to burst at any
moment. “How will I know? How do I prevent it from happening? How will I know they won’t
hurt me? How can I guarantee that?”

“That’s the hard part,” Yuu laughed in bittersweet softness. “You don’t. That’s part of the gamble,
right? Of making deals.”

“She’s right, Azul-san.” Jade’s voice was calm as he leaned against his brother for support. “There
is no prospect of benefit without an element of risk.”

“And we’ll be here if someone screws with ya!” Floyd snickered. “I’d love to give anyone a
squeeze!” He shot Azul a toothy grin. “You may be un-cool sometimes, but no one is all the time!
That would be freaky!”

“And that’s saying something from this hot-cold basketball bozo,” Ace jabbed.

“We all have something we want to hide,” Yuu continued evenly. “We all have a part of ourselves
we don’t want people to see. It’s easier to just stuff it away so no one knows- and so no one can
tease us for it.” She offered a soft smile. “But that’s the best part, I think. That no one’s different
when it comes to that.”

Azul’s head landed on Yuu’s shoulder silently. His hands sunk from her shoulders to her wrists
loosely. He wouldn’t let them see the oily Blots spilling from his eyes. He wouldn’t let them know
how they burned. That was saved for Yuu. His voice trembled like the tug of the tide.

“I want to open the lid, too.”

Chapter End Notes

Azul’s pretty “chill” largely due to Yuu’s Blight! Also, his Overblot in the game is
really short.

Let’s just say that Jamil’s Overblot will not be like this. >:)
Baby Blue
Chapter Summary

Everything is under my control.

I won’t let them put me back inside.

That is for me to control.

Chapter Notes

Azul kinda dreams in third person, so here’s a quick key:

Left side is “present”

Right side is flashback.

I was only ever meant to be in an octopus pot.

Memories were like bubbles. They rose and burst with time. They were fleeting, pointless, yet
burned like an acid. Nostalgia was like a current that wound into a whirlpool.

“Wow, look!” A merchild cackled as he fanned his palms out like a bloated guppy. His lionfish
prongs blooming from his skin aided in the mockery. “It’s Azululu the ink barffer!”

A daintier merchild, one with elegant curls like seaweed squealed as she tucked into the boy’s side.
“Hurry! Get away! He’s got all those creepy legs!”

Azul never watched them rise to the surface. They were small and insignificant. There was no
room for bubbles in an octopus pot. He didn’t want to look.

So maybe that was why he couldn’t look away.

The small octopus child looked down at the awful things. They were thick and slick, lined with
garish bowls beneath.
Why me? Why was I cursed with these legs?

If only they were two, and I could me man.

If only they were one, and I could be merman.

“K-knock it off.” The baby blue’s voice came cracked, heart even more broken than his tone. “W-
why would you say it?”

It was true, though. I knew even then it was futile to argue with truth.

The merboy squawked dramatically, staggering back with a fanned tail. “Swim away! We’re going
to get inked~!”

The mergirl guffawed as she swam behind the desk. “He’s never going to catch us!”

I never tried to, either.

I could never catch up to them. It was all pointless, anyway. They were above me.

I was different. I wasn’t like them.

I would only pollute them.

I only belonged in an octopus pot.


The the shattered pieces of the octopus’ heart dug themselves into his soul. It bled into rage.

I don’t have a tail to swim as fast as them. I have ten arms and legs! I have five times the ability to
write Tomes than you two armed fools! I can even make my own ink to write Spells any time I
want! Just you wait! Someday I’ll show you!

I didn’t need to be like them. I never would be.

Don’t look at me.

The tiny cephalopod was nestled into a corner long forgotten by his class. Sprawled on the floor
were all sorts of sketches of symbols along with scattered shells. He didn’t even notice a serpent-
like boy poking his head into the small crevice.

“Hey, little octo! Why are you here all alone?”

He didn’t even look behind him. He didn’t want to look. “Shut up. Leave me alone.”

There was another one, too. He was much more keen on the shells scattered on the floor.

“Amazing. All those shells are covered with Spells and Curses.” He started shuffling through a
few. “Magic to shape-shift, the power to steal someone’s voice-“

The twin stayed at a distance, but the octopus felt his eyes on him.

“Have you been using those eight legs to do all of this?”

They saw.

The eight-legged creature snapped his attention to the intruders. He seethed with an ashamed
anger. He smacked the shell out of Jade’s, he’d later learn, hand. Another leg sniped it from the
water before it could sink to the ground.

“Don’t touch them! Do you want to get inked? I’m going to keep studying and become just as
powerful as the Sea Witch- so don’t get in my way! Just go!”

The other twin, Floyd, burst into bubbly laughter. “Jade, that octopus is really funny!”

The other eel’s lip tugged with amusement. “Yes, Floyd, he is interesting.”

I kept studying like that until junior high.

Floyd and Jade had become like remoras. I couldn’t push them away.
“I heard that a kid in another class got super skinny and even got a girlfriend!” Floyd boasted as
they swam down the hall.

“Interestingly,” Jade chimed in, “his beautiful tenor has gone completely silent.”

He felt a certain smugness hidden in his chest.

“Is that so?”

“Someone with frizzy hair suddenly got silky smooth locks, too!” Floyd continued with a bright

“Not as swift as a swimmer, however,” Jade hummed.

“I see,” was all the octopus could offer. His tone was even. He didn’t allow any emotion to leak.

“And, Azul-san!” Floyd got in front of him, effectively stopping him. The gold eye gleamed with
something akin to excitement. “Isn’t this all your doing?”

He impassively met his gaze. “Me? Why?”

Jade brushed by. “I can’t imagine any of those airheaded fish being able to pull off such
impressive spells.”

“You’ve been practicing Magic for so long!” Floyd snickered.

They noticed me.

I hadn’t forgotten what happened. Not for a moment.

Those who made fun of me- the faces of those bullies!

I bid my time, watching from the octopus pot. I never let them see me. I wouldn’t let them see for a
moment the boy inside. I wouldn’t give them another reason to hate me. I’d watch them. I’d learn
their weaknesses and failings. I knew them all.
I knew them.

I couldn’t be where the people are. I could only lurk in the fathoms below.

Everything is under my control.

I won’t let them put me back inside.

That is for me to control.

Light filtered through Azul’s fluttering lashes. His body ached with a soreness he never knew. His
legs endured the worst of the sensation. He was pleased to find only two of them, at least.

“Welcome to the land of the living,” Veprl’s greeted with a soulless deadpan.

“Did I die?” Azul asked with an equally even tone.

“No. Looks like Yuu-chan kept that from happening. You know how much paperwork that would
have been?”

“My apologies.”

“Yeah, yeah. Sure.” He sighed. “What do you remember, kid?”

“I’m not a child.” His tone was hued with indignation.

But he’d deserve that treatment, wouldn’t he? He was as weak and pathetic as an infant. Maybe this
was justice.

“Nothing wrong with being a kid, Ashengrotto.” He leaned back in his seat. “Kids are more
resilient than adults most of the time. But that’s not the point. What do you remember?”

Azul quieted for a moment, fuzzy memories becoming clearer. “I Overblotted.” He paused. “Is
Jade alright?”

“No internal bleeding, but you did dislocate his shoulder. And fracture a rib. Nice going.”

He sighed. “I’ll pay for it.”

“Not worried about that, Ashengrotto.” He took off his glasses and met Azul’s gaze. “You could
have died . And drowned everyone if Yuu-chan wasn’t there. Do you know why you

“It won’t happen again.” He wouldn’t allow it to. He just had to tighten that lid. “I promise. I was
simply upset over the destruction of my contracts. It was irrational. My sincerest apologies.”

He cocked a brow. “Someone tore up your contracts? Ashengrotto-kun, that is a reason to be upset.
I don’t agree with your whole business, but that’s destruction of private property. I don’t even want
to imagine the legal mess.”

“I overreacted.” His voice was colder than the arctic depths. “I was being irrational.”

Veprl pinched the bridge of his nose with a huff. “I’m prescribing you laxatives. Your emotional
constipation has gotten out of hand.”

Azul sputtered. “Emotional what ?”

“Remember what I said about Blot being exasperated by stress?” He drew him a diagram on the
back of a sheet. He had copies. Too many copies. “You weren’t necessarily using a lot of Magic,
but the emotional tension? You finally snapped.”

He insisted passively, “I’ll do better about controlling them, sensei.”

“Emotions aren’t something to control, Ashengrotto-kun.” He started pumping the blood pressure
cuff. “They’re meant to be felt. It’s what you do with them that can be dangerous. But stuffing
them away? You’ll just end up where you are now. Even if you think you’re above emoting.”
“But sensei,” Azul urgently protested, “look what happened! Leona-san saw my weakness and
ruined everything! I was upset and hurt Jade! I nearly drowned the freshmen-“ he took a deep
breath to compose himself. “They’re dangerous to someone like me.”

“Azul-kun.” Veprl’s voice was firm like an anchor. Azul wasn’t sure whether to cling to it like a
lifeline, or let it drag him to the bottom. “You aren’t special. Emotions are what make us human .
Octopi included. Anyone can bleed, but not everyone has a heart.”

I’m not special.

I’m not alone.

“I don’t want them to see,” Azul breathed. It was wracked with a tremor like a rapid current.

“Isolating yourself forever isn’t exactly healthy, kid. You’re only going to feel worse and worse.
It’s a waste of anyone’s life. Even introverts need people, or else they get stuck in their own head.
Eyes face out, not in. That’s why it’s hard to see anything but the darkest parts of ourselves. You
can’t let the light in without opening the lid, Azul-kun.”

He didn’t say anything. His eyes fell. His eyes burned with a saltiness. He knew the ocean’s sting,
but this wasn’t it. He was afraid to let the dam break and allow its flow.

“Here. For you.” Veprl nonchalantly put down the prescription. “Laxatives.”

Azul felt a hollow chuckle escape him as the tears fell. “Therapy, huh?”

“Might as well get it while it’s free.” He shrugged. “Unless you want to be thousands of dollars in
debt later. It’s an investment.”
Gloves Off
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“How are you feeling?”

Jade chuckled lightly from his cot. “I should be asking you that, Yuu-san.”

“I’m not the one with broken bones,” she returned in a deadpan.

“True, but you could have died at any moment. As you put it, you don’t have gills.”

Was she that close to death? Or was he being paranoid?

‘Paranoid’ doesn’t sound like Jade-senpai.

“Not this time at least?” She offered.

He hummed his acknowledgement, leaning back. Professor Crewel had done his part in distributing
painkillers while Veprl took care of Azul. Yuu didn’t need them, but Jade definitely did.

“Think I’ll look good in Octavinelle colors?” she asked awkwardly.

“I’m sure you would.” He hummed. “But I’m afraid I won’t be able to see that.”

Yuu stared at him, mild panic setting in. There was no way Azul blinded him, right? “What do you

“You would have won that wager with Azul-san.” He was blunt and curt, albeit soft in tone.

Jade didn’t know how to sugarcoat. Maybe that was why Yuu felt a bitter weight settling in her
chest. “What do you mean?“
He breathed a lofty sigh. “I only ask you don’t hurt him. Beneath that thick skin, he really is a
fragile thing. I don’t think he knows. Emotions are murky waters to him. If you are worried about
some sort of advance, don’t be. Beneath those eight tentacles and ink, he’s still that small inkling I
met what feels like a lifetime ago. It’s likely those feelings will fade.” A nostalgic shimmer caught
her attention. “But I hope, for his sake, he’ll let those emotions ebb and flow like a wave instead of
sealed away by his walls.”

Yuu nodded slowly. “So act normal. I can do that.” She paused. “But are you sure?”

“I’m confident.” He offered a gentle smile.

Even with the numbing pills, his eyes looked tired. They weren’t like glittering doubloons, but
rather faded coins lost in the bottom of a lake. Feeling the soft silence settle between them, Yuu’s
mind started to drift to earlier.

I passed out, right? I don’t remember getting here . Her brows furrowed. I don’t feel like I fell
asleep. So what happened?

She paused, slowly trying to recall the space between the consciousness.

Bubbles, ink, and a small octopus-mer , she rattled off to herself.

“They noticed me.”

Azul sighed, stepping out of the room. Being discharged was uneventful. He didn’t expect much
grandeur, but it felt too plain in any case. Veprl had other patients to deal with anyway.

What he didn’t expect was a familiar red head standing in the hall with a book in hand. His pale
blue eyes flicked to him before he folded his book and met his gaze.

“How are you feeling, Azul-san?” Riddle asked.

“I’m better now.” He donned his business smile. “You needn’t worry about me.”

Seeing the prefect’s stoic face cock a slow brow was comical, the octopus must admit. He looked
like one of those cat memes Yuu had sent him in the cursed hours of morning. Azul couldn’t laugh.
“I heard they’re closing down the Mostro Lounge for a few days,” the dorm head mused. “They
have to repair that tunnel. Are they digging into your funds to do so?”

Azul felt a twinge of panic. Would they do that to him? That was his money! He worked for it-
they couldn’t just take it without telling him, could they? But then again, he was the one to cause
such damage. It would have been even worse if the tube shattered. “I’m not sure.”

“It won’t be cheap.” His cool eyes hardened into an annoyed glare. “I remember the hefty price of
the chandelier the first-years broke.” He sighed. “But that’s not why I’m here. I wanted to ask you

“By all means.”

“Your wish service in Mostro Lounge,” he put bluntly. “What do you hope to gain? The strengths
of others, or is it the main allure to the Lounge? What is the overall goal of the Lounge’s service, is
what I should ask.”

Azul straightened his striped tie. “We are a business first and foremost.”

“But the wish service doesn’t serve anyone but yourself, right?” The words weren’t an accusation.
Azul knew that, yet the anger tempting at his heart was like a digging hook.

He loosened a sigh to vent the steam. “It benefits the Lounge, but largely me, yes.”

“I have a suggestion, if I may.” Riddle took out a folded piece of paper from his back pocket. “If
Headmage Crowley does intend to use your funds to repair the glass bridge, it will be a major blow
to the Lounge. Budget cuts are inevitable based on the current business model.” He opened the
folded paper parcel. “Which is why I suggest using a point system.”

He blinked. “Can you explain?”

“Having a point system based on the amount spent at your Lounge would entice customers to buy
more items,” Riddle explained, gesturing to the penned chart. “For example, six hundred
Thaumark drink would give you one point. A fifteen-hundred Thaumark combo would give you
three points. Points without reward would be pointless, however. If a customer saved up fifty
points, they could arrange a meeting with you for advice. You’re a hard worker, Azul-san. You
won’t need your Magic for most occasions, I’m sure, if those study packets are anything to go by.
A hundred-fifty points could constitute a free wish-“ he emphasized- “within reason .”

Azul stared blankly at the petite red head. The plan was genius. It would be profitable! He
wouldn’t be in a deep deficit! Business would boom ! It sounded like the perfect solution, yet part
of him clung to before. A free wish, although bought with points, would mean he gained nothing.
Money was worthless. It couldn’t buy relief from the pain inside.

But what did? Did those contracts ever fill the void?

It’s time to move forward. “If we offer options between these tiers, it would encourage early
splurging, if you will, too. Coupons, for example.”

Riddle nodded. “So what do you think?”

Azul smiled- a genuine, hopeful smile. “I think that’s a wonderful idea, Riddle-san.”

“Excellent.” The short boy refolded the piece and sealed it in an envelope. He offered it to Azul,
eye contact never faltering.

Riddle didn’t see Azul. He didn’t see neither the pain nor the past. What Riddle did see- what he
knew- was that guilt of Overblot. He knew well the bruises and scars that no one else could see.
The Heartslabyul head didn’t offer apology or pity; instead, he offered a step forward.

Azul took it.

Yuu yawned. Who knew sitting in a hospital bed all day could be so exhausting? She did
absolutely nothing but lay there for hours. Occasionally, Grim and the others would pop in to
check on her. Cater gave her the biggest hug, while Ruggie stayed at a distance with a box of
chocolate doughnuts. Yuu felt bad for Jade with all the racket, but Floyd’s arrival seemed to relax
him some.

Now, it was long after dark. The streetlights illuminated the paths with a cozy golden glow. The
chill air of early winter settled in a nice comfort. A family of fireflies danced in the gentle breeze.

The Fae man sat on the steps, green eyes glowing with a subtle warmth. “Oh, I see you’ve

“Were you waiting for me?” Yuu took a seat beside him.

“I heard that you got caught in the fray, but I didn’t know where to go. I thought you had to come
back here at some point.”

Yuu couldn’t help but giggle at that. Did he not know where or what an infirmary was?

He didn’t seem to realize the blunder, staring at her like a confused kitten.

“I’m fine,” she assured with a smile. “Just nervous for tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow?” He tilted his head slightly.

“Opening night. You’ll be there, won’t you? At least one of the shows?”

Malleus gave a nod. “Lilia leant me a few of Silver-kun’s alarm clocks. I won’t miss it.”

“You sound prepared.” She yawned.

He only offered another nod. He didn’t flinch when she leaned against him, but she did feel his
slightly widened eyes. Malleus wasn’t sure whether to wrap an arm around her, a wing, or do
anything. So he did nothing. He simply cherished the warmth in the cold.

Chapter End Notes

Next up- the play!

That chapter is going to be huge, so it’ll probably take a while to write!

Left Unsaid
Chapter Notes

I put the whole play in one chapter so those who’d want to skip it could!
Also, for musical numbers, just check out the clips on YouTube!


Like, for real. I had like 3 scripts on-hand while writing this. It’s not verbatim or
anything, but it’s pretty close.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The quiet theatre hummed with anticipation as Vil took the stage. Behind him were the closed,
silken curtains. His purple Pomefiore uniform was replaced with flowing crimson robes vaguely
silhouetting a dress with intricate gold-gilded designs etched into the luxurious fabric. Gold
makeup glittered in the spotlight that followed him to the center. The silver strands of his bun was
thinly shrouded by a veil. Clutched firmly in his hands was a music box. He turned to face the
audience, a nostalgic look on his face.

“There was a time, not very long ago, when we lived in an enchanted world of elegant palaces and
grand parties.”

Behind him were the silhouettes of dancers, a gentle melody being the backing track to his words.

“We were celebrating the three hundredth anniversary of our family’s rule. No star burned brighter
than my youngest granddaughter, Anastasia.”

A small, girlish figure spun behind the curtain, her shadow cast to the audience before dramatically
pleading with the shadow Vil cast behind him. Vil’s face contorted in past pain, his fingers
tightening around the relic.

“She begged me not to return to Paris, so I had a very special gift made for her.”

Vil smiled fondly at the trinket, holding it up for the audience to see. The sweet melody of ‘Once
Upon a December’ accented the orchestra still lulling in the background of the backdrop.

“It plays our lullaby. I gave her the key to make it play, so we might both share in its comfort
whilst apart.”

Vil scoffed sadly. “But we would never be together in Paris.”

A gangly shadowed appeared, surrounding by a sickly green glow, dramatically miming out Vil’s

“A dark shadow by the name of Rasputin swallowed the light that was Romanov. We thought he
was a holy man, but he was a fraud- power hungry and dangerous. He swore that the entire
Romanov line would be destroyed within that joyous night.“
Pursued by shadowy figures, the girlish figure stumbled in a panic. Screams drowned out the
music. A loud ‘clink’ pierced through like a pin bursting a balloon.

“This way!” A boyish voice called from offstage.

“My music box!” The girl cried.

“Come this way- through the servants’ quarters!”

The child ran off stage, quickly pursued by the shadowy soldiers. There was a bloodcurdling
scream, and a deafening thud.

The backlight burnt out. Even the spotlight on Vil dimmed as his face fell.

“So many lives were taken that night. What had always been is now gone forever. And my

Vil’s voice cracked like porcelain. He took a breath to compose himself before finishing somberly,

“I never saw her again.”

The spotlight went out as the curtain pulled back to reveal a bustling town clad in copper hues and
painted with dust and soot. Mutterings of rumors ruminated in the mouth and minds of the common
folk. The opening number had arrived.

Yuu fixed her mic hastily. The ragamuffin look probably masked the haphazardness. It was still
off, thankfully, so she was at least able to breathe freely. She gave herself one last look-over in the

A large, green trench-coat curtained her figure into a boxy frame. Beneath the cumbersome cloth
was an even looser tunic separated by a belt to give allusion to a figure. It was frayed like a worn
dishcloth around the skirt, with buttons thoughtlessly placed around the neck. Patches of mix-
matched cloths colored the excuse for a dress. Ripped leggings plunged into much-too-large boots
tied to her feet with some rags to ensured they stayed in place. Nesting atop her head was a fairly
component hat pinned to her windswept hair. A viridian piece of jewelry hung from her neck
loosely in a gold chain. Her makeup was simple, only defining her natural features for an audience.
Epel sighed from behind her, freed of a now-muted mic. “I still don’t know how Vil-senpai and
Rook-senpai talked me into this.”

“At least he didn’t make you wear a dress?” Yuu offered.

“He couldn’t get it done in time,” he sighed. “I don’t think anyone knows it’s me, though.”

“The benefits of being basically backstage.”

Epel nodded. “And no makeup.“

Azul and Leona sat behind a long wooden table, backs to the audience. The latter propped his
elbows on the surface, head cocked in half-attentiveness, while the former sat straight with hands
folded neatly in front of him. In front of them, an actor in a simple dress and a wig excitedly
boasted ‘her’ talents.

“I look like Princess Anastasia, don’t I?” Before either judge could answer, the actor rambled on.
“We could have been sisters! My friends say she’s my celebrity lookalike!” A photo was hastily
snatched from a pocket while the actor beamed proudly to match the expression. They both had
full sets of teeth, at least.

“I can see the resemblance,” Azul offered with a polite smile. “Next?”

“What was wrong with that one?” Leona demanded in an irritated growl.

“Too old.” He flicked his wrists to loosen the wrinkles in the paper stack.

“ Please ,” he scoffed.

A familiar figure strutted out with clicking heels counting the steps. The intricate wig plastered
onto the head didn’t even move as he walked-unlike the large breasts that were hardly contained in
bustier. Glitter was pasted onto his eyelids accompanied by blaring rouge lipstick. The excessive
amount of highlighters and contour must have added at least two inches of ‘depth’ to the face, yet
shined like a plastic in the spotlights. A hand proudly met a cocked hip, the other caressing his own

“Grand-momma, it’s me.” His voice was like a parrot’s mimicking the wrong tenor with the grace
of a squeaking door. “An~a~ sta ~si~a~”

Azul’s composure cracked as his face fell into his hands. Leona snorted, failing to hide his
laughter. The audience, however, had no mercy. They roared with laughter as Ace stiffly kept the
pose. ‘No flash photography’ meant nothing. Not even the prudent Riddle stopped anyone, stifled
laughter spurting into a boyish laugh. Trey, seeing his friend lose his composure, laughed heartily.
Ruggie had no restraint, cackling thunderously. Deuce lost any pity for his friend, openly laughing
at his expense. Jade snorted behind a hand, while Floyd’s crackling laughter broke through the

Leona’s voice “I think we found the one for you, Dimitri.”

“Sweet Seven have mercy,” Azul breathed, running a hand through his hair with one hand while
the other waved off the applicant.

His companion stretched his arms with a slight groan as cloaked stagehands shuffled the table
offstage. Azul and Leona stood, seemingly walking away from the location.

“That’s it, Dimitri. There’s still no girl to play this Anastasia chick.”

“We’ll find her,” he insisted evenly. “Statistically speaking, at the very least. We just need to find a
good actress.” Azul flashed him a familiar trinket. “One look at this, and the Empress will be
convinced we have the real Anastasia.”

Leona crossed his arms, tilting his head back and a smug smirk tugging his lip. “I’m starting to
think that last one had the right idea. What size dress are you?”

He didn’t humor him, strutting offstage. The lion followed shortly behind.

Ace thrusted his hands into his arms as his butt hit his seat. No one paid him any mind. Vil’s
advice? ‘Let the boy sulk.’
Azul looked himself over in the mirror while Yuu’s solo started. He could afford a bit of shuffling
while his mic was muted.

A faded green button-up, nearly seafoam in color, was tucked neatly into black trousers. The shirt
itself had cuffed sleeves mid forearm. Atop of that was a loosely hung coat not unlike the design of
his dorm uniform, albeit a darker brown with warmer undertones instead of plain black. His silver
hair was almost the same from how he usually fashioned it with the exception of hiding that extra
lock that tended to hook around his jawline. As for his glasses, Vil insisted he wore contacts so the
lights’ reflections wouldn’t blind anyone, so he opted for a temporary Spell instead. To finish the
look, he had dark satin gloves covering his hands.

Leona rolled his eyes. “You look fine.”

“You aren’t the one playing a con-artist,” he quipped. He brushed a piece of hair from his face. “I
need to be convincing even to the audience.”

The irony of his words was not lost on him. The lion chose to save his energy, instead scoffing.

“What are you doing here?” Azul demanded, power-walking in from offstage.

Yuu jerked, spun on her heels, and went for a mad dash. Leona cut her off with a toying tail and a
skeptic look. She took a deep breath as the two men circled her, albeit at a distance.

“Are you Dimitri?” She asked, eyes locked on Leona.

He audibly gagged. “Definitely not. That’d be him.”

Azul smiled politely, bowing ever so. “How might I be of service to you?”

Yuu immediately cocked a brow, unimpressed by the show of chivalry. “My name is Anya. I need
travel papers.”
“So blunt,” the octopus sighed with an amused smirk. “But travel papers, you say?”

“I’d like to go to Paris,” she put simply.

Leona rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly while Azul continued the conversation. “I see. A
question, if I may, Miss Anya. Do you happen to have a last name?”

Her deadpan made the lion’s ear twitch. “Orphans don’t get last names.”

“My sympathies. Do you remember anything before?”

“I was eight when I was found, but before that? Nothing.” Her curt plainness faltered into a softer
tone. “I do have one clue, though: Paris .”

“Paris, you say?” Azul hummed, a hand folding neatly under his chin. “How fortuitous! My
companion and I,” he gestured to Leona, “are about to embark to the city.”

On cue, the lion dug out the pressed envelope, opening them to reveal three tickets. They didn’t
have much detail to them, admittedly, from the audience’s perspective with the exception of a
reflective, golden insignia. Yuu looked between the men before cocking a brow.

“You do know they don’t charge for ghosts, right?”

“Ghosts?” Azul shook his head with an amused grin. “No, Anastasia is alive. In fact, that extra
ticket is for the Grand Duchess. We were hoping to reunite her with her grandmother.”

“You do kinda look like her,” Leona cut in, grabbing her face and peering into her eyes. He
shoulders scrunched up reflexively, but she didn’t pull away with his sharp nails the way they
were. “Same eyes.”

“Nicholas’ smile,” Azul offered with his hands folded neatly behind his back.

Leona’s fingers traced Yuu’s jawline. “Alexandra’s chin.”

Yuu went to lightly smack his wrists before Azul added, “You even have the same hands. Same
age, too.”

She jerked away, stumbling a bit but never falling. She huffed in disbelief with folded arms and a
puffed chest. “Are you trying to say I’m Anastasia?”

Azul hummed. “I’ve seen thousands of girls all over the country, but none looks as much as her as
you do.”

Yuu openly laughed. “Now I know you’re crazy.”

“You don’t remember what happened to you,” he insisted evenly.

“And no one knows what happened to her,” Leona offered with a shrug. “The Grand Duchess’ only
family is in Paris.”

Yuu paused, visibly thinking this over. “If I don’t remember who I am, who’s to say I’m not some
princess or whatever she was- or is . And if I’m not her, the Empress will know instantly.”

“And who wouldn’t want a cush life?” The lion hummed.

Azul rolled his eyes. “It’s plausible and risk-free. If you are the princess, then you’ll know who
you are- your family back.”

“Either way,” he cut in, “it gets you to Paris. Free trip.”

“Okay.” Yuu nodded after a moment. “Yeah, okay. Let’s go to Paris!”

She hooked arms with Azul, who immediately stiffened and loosely brushed her off. Leona rolled
his eyes and took her other arm before following behind the cephalopod offstage.

Beau emerged from the opposite end.

“Anastasia?” He echoed, awkwardly making his way to the center of the stage. “There’s only one
problem there- she’s dead .” He paused, softly adding, “right?”

The glowing green capsule in his hand burst with a greenish glow, ghostly manifestations emerging
and pulled at him. Beau squeaked, but didn’t resist in the least, as he was pulled into the glowing
grave. The prop fell to the floor with a deafening clink as the curtains closed for the next scene.

Leona immediately let go of Yuu as they made it behind the curtain. Vil immediately flocked to
him, dabbing away at the sweat and reapplying his makeup. Yuu took the chance to get some water
with Azul.

Leona’s costume was a simple one, really. It was mostly comprised of a dusty brown tunic that
loosely hung on his figure. A worn, leather belt tied it to its hips to make it more like a fashion
statement instead of a ‘not pajamas’ look. Atop of that was a vest that stopped at his hips, but dark
wool in texture. His pants were a lighter color, as any dye had been washed off by time. Thick,
black boots barely missed his knees. His hair was brushed into its usual unkemptness, but with
more braids intentionally interwoven for some extra detail. Dark eye makeup added extra depth to
those striking green eyes of his, but not to the extent of ceremonial robe protocol. Old copper and
gold jewelry added some extra shine on his fingers.

“How in the Wonderland have you already ruined your eyeshadow?” Vil demanded sharply.

Leona rolled his eyes, earning a frustrated huff from the director. Azul brushed by with his arms
properly fit in the sleeves of his coat. Yuu was fixing the bobby pins in her hair, one caught
between her teeth. Cater was close behind, trying to fix it for her, hands tangled in her locks.

“Yun-Yun, slow down!”

“Cater-nii, I’d love to but I can’t.”

“Coming through,” a Savanaclaw stagehand grunted, hoisting a wooden seat between himself and
his partner.
“Stop fiddling with that,” Azul chided. “And sit up straight. Remember, you’re a grand duchess.”

Yuu scoffed, leaning into the wooden backing instead. “What do you know about what a grand
duchess will and won’t do?”

“I make it my personal mission to know.”

She stared at his pretentious face incredulously. “Dimitri, do you really think I’m royalty?”

He smiled. “You know I do.”

She returned the semisweet smirk. “Then stop bossing me around.”

She returned her attention to the window, the sounds of a traveling train crescendoing into a steady
background noise.

“I like her,” Leona decided with a smug grin.

He shot him a quick glare before loosing a sigh. “Look, Anya, I’m only trying to help.” His voice
was soft, albeit controlled. “I think we started off on the wrong foot.”

“You think?” She didn’t even turn to face him, instead keeping her attention out the window. “But
I appreciate your apology.”

“An apology?” His voice was more keened into curiosity rather than indignant offense.

Leona groaned, knowing full well where this was going. An uncomfortable silence fell between the
three, the clacking of the trekking tracks creating a cozy ambience.

“Do you think you’ll miss it?” Yuu asked barely above a whisper.
“Miss what?” Azul returned with a biteless tone.



“But it was your home , right?” She pressed, watching him through the window’s reflection.

“It was a place I once lived,” he dismissed plainly.

“Then you plan on making Paris your home?”

Azul stared at the back of her head in bewilderment. “What is it with you and homes?”

Yuu finally turned to face him properly. She wasn’t angry by his callous remark, but rather a sense
of urgency was evident in her eyes. “Isn’t it a thing every normal person wants?”

He only stared at her with a loss for words. His open mouth formed into a line with a one-note hum
in return. “I suppose.”

Beau let loose a breath he didn’t know he was holding. The audience still made him nervous.
Maybe the added stress of his house warden’s mood swings made things worse. Maybe.

“You’re doing great,” Noé assured him, reapplying his hairspray.

He jolted. “Oh, uh, you, too! Your singing’s amazing, Noé-kun.”

“Years of practice,” he insisted with a kind smile. “But thank you.”

“Your costume’s so cool, too,” he groaned. “Mine’s just-“ he gestured to himself “-this.”

The costume Beau was referring to was white in color despite a gothic sense of elegance to it. It
had intricate designs woven into it to match the complexity of Noé’s, usually with a batty motif.
Entwined in his dark hair were white little florets with spiky petals and leaves akin to holly with a
lustrous finish. Ivory sheen fabric hung over his arms in a jacket to give an allusion to wings. As
for his eyes, he wore pink contacts with dark eyeshadow and eyeliner to make them pop in a
ghoulish way.

“I could never pull off something like that,” Noé argued. “I’m envious. It looks fit for a gala- or
maybe even the Fairy Gala.”

Beau’s face burned at the flattery. He could only awkwardly squawk in response.

Noé didn’t pay him any mind, giving himself a quick look-over in the mirror.

Instead of playing into the idea of Rasputin being a haggard man withering away from the soul to
the flesh, Rook and Vil decided to make him look more together. Per Vil, to give more allusion to a
possible contrast between Anya and Rasputin- the connecting piece being desperation. Or at the
very least not copy Anya’s patchwork aesthetic. In any case, Noé’s costume was far more elaborate
than intended.

He wore dark purple robes very similar to his usual Pomefiore uniform in terms of overall shape.
There was no scarlet chord or tasseling, however, nor any folded chest area. Out of the elaborate
sleeves were two long, leather-clothed limbs with long talons that appeared to grow out of them.
They looked like Crowley’s hands, but without any golden rings or tips to provide clarity. There
was no curtain-like cape with the sleeves, rather slits that allowed his arms to move freely. An
intricate silver headpiece fastened itself onto his head with angular designs to add extra shape to
Noe’s angular face. His makeup made him look more serpent-like but with an elegant flair- Beau
would compare him to a barn owl.

The stage lit up with spiteful green flames scorching as Noé screeched in anger. Beau jumped with
a squeak before lightly patting the man’s arm.

“T-Take it easy, sir!” The boy stammered. “You should watch your blood pressure.”

Noé’s white knuckles bore down on the glowing glass trinket. “How could they let her escape?”
“You’re right,” Beau sympathetically agreed. “It’s frustrating. Maybe it’s broken?”

He went to touch it, only for Noé to jerk away and glare daggers at him. “Don’t touch it!” He
screeched. “I sold my very soul for this- my existence depends on this!”

Beau flung his palms up in a ‘no-harm’ gesture. “Okay, okay, I’m sorry, sir!”

“What are you doing ?”

Ace jumped, holding his chest before the rubbery breasts could spill out of the bustier. His face
probably would have boasted a scarlet hue were it not for the layers upon layers of caked makeup
covering anything remotely skin-like.

Cater snapped a picture, earning an even more humiliated reaction out of him.

“How do girls wear these things?” Ace asked, shifting the inserts into a more natural position.

“Not like they have much of a choice,” Cater chuckled. “But they’re usually heavier. At least, from
what I hear. Not like I’d know personally.”

“Heavier ?” He sighed. “Now I’m glad Yuu-chan is flat.”

“Don’t talk about her like that.” Cater smiled with a sugar-free sweetness. “I’m sure the makeup
department could cover up any poorly-timed marks you have.”

He audibly gulped, mouth snapping shut. The shock gave way to visible curiosity as his brows
furrowed. “Aren’t you supposed to be wearing some, too?”

“Vil-san just added extra padding. I told him I didn’t want to look super girly, and he was fine with
it.” He added in a laugh, “he said I’d probably steal the show from Yuu-chan with how good I’d
look, so win-win!”
Ace balked. “That was an option ?”

“Not for you,” he replied with innocence. “I’m not the one who pissed him off.”

He grumbled under his breath, shooting him a side glance as he turned away.

Cater’s costume definitely had some liberties taken with it. He had made it clear to Vil how much
he didn’t want to look super feminine or cutesy, which he complied to. Instead, he wore a gentle
and sweet shade of low-rise purple pants akin to boho style with some sequin on the outermost
sheen. The top was something like a blouse, but with more intentional style to it. His ginger hair
was pulled half-back with the tied section being styled into the shape of a lily. His makeup was
simple in concept yet efficient at exaggerating his features- primarily his eyes. Silver earrings
pierced his ears to add some extra sparkle.

Honestly, Ace was still envious of how relaxed the apparel was- at least compared to whatever he
was wearing.

“Do you know who will also be in Paris?” Azul mused.

“Who?” Yuu returned.

A mischievous smirk tugged at his lip. “Sophie.”

Leona choked on air. He immediately pounded his fist to his chest to try and recover his breath.

Azul had no pity for the man and watched him suffer. Yuu, having a heart, pat his back.

“Who’s Sophie?”

“We don’t talk about Sophie,” Leona huffed.

“She’s the first cousin of the Empress,” Azul answered evenly. “ And Vlad’s ex.”
“She was a mistake .” He shot him a glare.

“That’s not how I remember it.” He tilted his head back for those silvery blue eyes to peer down at
him with a haughty shine.

Yuu looked between the two men. “Wait a second. I thought we were seeing the Empress .”

“Nobody can get an audience with the Dowager Empress without Sophie’s approval,” Azul

“ Nothing makes that woman happy,” Leona scoffed with an evident eye-roll, ears flat.

“I can’t lie!” Yuu stopped in her tracks. Sure, I may look the part, but lie ?”

“You don’t know it’s a lie,” Azul reasoned. “It’s just one extra step to finding out who you are.
Wouldn’t you rather be turned down by Sophie than waste the Empress’ time?“

“I don’t know-“

“Hey, Anya.” Leona cut off. “Come here.”

She gave him a skeptical look before slowly making her way to him. He gestured to over the bridge
crossing a small river. “What do you see?”

“A skinny nobody with no past or future,” she deadpanned.

“Or self-esteem,” he quipped just as tonelessly. “I see a young woman with attitude who,
occasionally, can put people in their place with more regality than most dukes and duchesse her
age. And believe me, I’d know. I’ve known my fair share of royalty.”

“You did know her quite well,” Azul offered coolly.

“This is not about her ,” he growled lowly. “I was a member of the Imperial court.”

Yuu whipped her head to him, looking him up and down. “Wait, seriously? You ?”

He cocked a brow and an ear flicked. “Is that so hard to believe?”

She didn’t miss a beat. “Yes.”

He barked a laugh. “That’s the attitude I was talking about!”

Azul stood at Yuu’s other side. “There is nothing left for you back there. Everything is in Paris,

Yuu stared at him before sighing. “Well, then teach me, uh, me.”

An unreadable smile stretched across Azul’s face as he pried himself from the wood railing. “You
were born at a palace by the sea.”

“Rode on horseback when you were three,” Leona added, following his lead. “A white one.”

“You made faces and terrorized the cooks,” the octopus added in a laugh.

“I sound wild,” Yuu chuckled.

The lion’s tail flicked. “You have no idea. But you’d settle right back down once your dad shot you
a look.”

She snorted. “Sounds like me.”

“Does it now?” Azul hummed contentedly.

She paused, voice a murmur. “At least, I think?”

Epel snuck into the audience from the back. He had long since slipped out of the costume Vil had,
and wasn’t required for curtain call- not that he wanted any recognition. Like at all. No, thanks.
Luckily, Deuce saved him a seat.

“Yuu-chan can really sing, huh?” Deuce mumbled.

“So can Leona-san,” Ruggie added.

“When he tries,” Jack agreed with a nod.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve heard Azul-san’s natural voice,” Jade mused softly.

Deuce was far more entranced by Yuu’s sweet voice to disagree. Epel would agree with him,
though. The two were quiet, allowing the melodic tone lull them with the merry beat.

“I bought you a dress.” Azul’s voice was softer than normal. Folded over his arm was a long
flowing fabric piece of a mint color.

Yuu opened the skirt, peeking through. “You bought me a tent.”

His brows furrowed. “What are you looking for?”

“The circus,” she answered without missing a beat. “I think it’s still in here.”

“Just put it on,” Azul sighed.

She stared at him. “ Now ?”

“Real smooth,” Leona chuckled as Azul’s face was set aflame.

“That was not what I meant,” he breathed irritably.

“Go get dressed, kid.”

Yuu nodded before walking offstage. There was an awkward silence between Leona and Azul.

“Don’t say it,” Azul muttered.

“Say what?” He innocently asked.

He shot him a look instead of answering- a look that answered everything.

Yuu stepped out from the wing wearing the simple mint dress, her hair tied back by a white ribbon
into a loose ponytail. The dress itself had a band around the waist to highlight her girlish figure and
slender legs, matched with black two-inch heels.

“Perfect,” Leona decided. “Now you look the part. Can you dance?”

Yuu stared. “ Dance ?” She hesitated. “I’m not, uh, very good.”

“Then we’ll teach you,” Azul decided.

Leona nudged him forward with his shoulder, effectively feeding him to the wolves. “I’ll count.”

Azul didn’t let his surprise show, instead hesitantly putting an arm around Yuu’s waist. The other
hand gently enclasped hers. Steady blue eyes met her wide ones.
“One,” the lion counted. The two took a step.

“Two, three.” He paused again. “One, two, three. Stop.”

Yuu bumped chests with him. He flinched at the contact. His eyes flicked to Leona.

“Anya, let him lead,” Leona instructed.

She looked down at their feet, fixing her grip. Azul only watched as she got herself comfortable.
Leona started counting again.

“That dress looks beautiful,” Azul murmured as they waltzed.

“Really?” She met just as hushed.

“It looked nice on the mannequin, but it looks even better on you.” His smile was gentle and easy,
yet not as plastic as before. “Anya, I-“

His mouth formed into a line, a sadness settling into his eyes. “You’re doing fine.”

“Kinda weird seeing the boss like this,” Floyd commented, finishing a brownie.

“Say, Floyd?” Jade returned. “How long did you know?”

“About what?”

“Azul-san’s withdrawal.”

He hummed to himself, arms folded behind his head as he leaned back. “I dunno. Kinda hard not to
notice, right? Azul-san’s emotions are kinda loud.”

“Yeah, loud. Not sure how else to explain it.”

“Anya, no !”

Azul’s arms wrapped around Yuu, pulling her to his chest and clutching her tight. The panic in
those silver pools of his was like the rushing waves of a stormy sea. His white knuckles told
everyone the fear he harbored. If he let go, she might disappear and plunge herself into the icy
depths below. A heartbreaking sob broke out of Yuu.

“The Romanov Curse-“

“What are you talking about?” Azul’s hands hold her shoulders firm, willing his voice steady to no

“I keep seeing faces,” she broke. “So many faces -“

Azul forced himself to breathe. “It was a nightmare. You’re safe now.”

Yuu’s labored breathing kept up in choppy waves. She desperately searched his face for some sign
that he wasn’t lying- that it wasn’t a con. Azul’s heart broke at the sight. He tugged off his gloves
and held her hands firmly in his grip.

“I’ve got you, okay?”

The lights faded as Noé and Beau replaced them onstage.

“ No !” Noé screamed, reaching for where they were.

Beau grabbed his arm. “Easy, sir! This is no time to lose your head!”
He huffed, running a hand through his hair. “You’re right. I’m calm, I’m heartless -“ he paused.


“I am enlightened !” he snickered deviously. “I’ll have to kill her myself in person!”

“In p-person?” Beau stammered. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

“You know what they say,” he crooned. “If you want something done right, do it yourself!”

“But that means going topside,” he reasoned skeptically.

“So be it.” He spun around with a wickedly blissful grin on his face. “I have fond memories of
Paris! And killing the last Romanov will be the crowning jewel of it all!”

“If you’re sure, sir,” Beau reluctantly relented.

“What do you think of the play so far?” Lilia asked.

“It’s interesting,” Malleus decided with a nod.

“I think Yuu-chan’s doing wonderfully!” He cheerily proclaimed. “And everyone else, too.”

“Silver-kun has fallen asleep,” Sebek pointed out.

“Leave him be,” Lilia insisted. “We can wake him after intermission.”

“This Anya-san character will have to say goodbye to Dimitri-san and Vlad-san once she’s
reunited, yes?” Malleus’ expression, as always, was unreadable. “What will happen at the end?”
A melancholic gentleness rested in his scarlet eyes. “Why don’t we wait and see?”

Yuu stopped in her tracks, her hands fumbling with the other. “What if Sophie doesn’t recognize

“She will,” Azul assured, gently offering a gloved hand. “You’re Anastasia.”

“It’s just that,” she paused to muster up some additional courage, “three days ago I didn’t have any
past - and now I’m trying to remember a whole lifetime .”

Leona’s word of advice?: “Never try booze.”

Azul didn’t dignify the remark with a response, opting to knock on the door. Leona blinked at the
opening panel before pivoting away on his heel.

“Vladimir Vanya Voinitsky Vasilovich.”

Cater’s toneless voice paralyzed Leona.

His ears slowly lowered before he turned to face him properly, a hand on his hip and his head
cocked to the side. “Sophie Stanislovskievna Somorkov-Smirnoff,” he rattled off listlessly.

Cater leaned against the door frame, arms folded and head tilted back to look ‘down’ on the much
taller man. “This is unexpected. And unwelcome.”

“I don’t want to be here any more than you want me here,” he growled.

“Hello, again, Miss Sophie,” Azul greeted with his signature business smile.

The tension was not eased, but Cater was definitely more civil. “Hello, Dimitri.”
“May I present to you the Grand Duchess Anastasia?” He proposed, bowing slightly and elegantly
gesturing to the stiff Yuu.

Cater leaned into her face, looking her dead in the eye. She didn’t flinch, only slowly unfurling at
the weight. “She certainly does look the part.” He stepped aside. “Come in, then. You, too,

“Thank you, treasure ,” Leona sneered back as he followed the other two inside.

“A gentleman would have warned me,” Cater sighed dramatically, caressing his cheek as self-
comfort. “I have no tea.”

“A lady wouldn’t complain,” he shot back.

“That’s quite alright, Miss Sophie,” Azul assured with a sunny smile. “But please, do cross-
examine her.”

“Always so straight to the point.” Cater sat across from Yuu. “Where were you born?”

“At the Peterhoff Palace,” Yuu answered automatically.

“How does Anastasia like her tea?”

“I don’t. I prefer hot water and lemon.”

Amusement sparkled in Cater’s green eyes. “Finally, indulge me for a moment. How did you
escape the siege?”

Leona ran an anxious hand through his hair, lurching forward in his seat. Azul’s eyes snapped
wide, all hope draining from his face. It was over.
Yuu was still and quiet for a moment before speaking. “There was a boy who worked in the

Azul flinched.

“He opened a wall.”

Slow, silver eyes slunk to her with an unreadable expression. The audience hushed to a deafening

Yuu chuckled awkwardly, “Sorry, that’s crazy. Walls opening.”

“Are you impressed with our Anastasia?” Leona asked with a flick of the tail and unsure smirk.

“Surprisingly, yes,” Cater scoffed with a mischievous glint in his eye. “Looks like you can come up
with something good after all.”

His ears flattened at the grin, eyes squinting to prevent a roll. “Will you take her to see the

“I would if I could,” Cater sighed, shifting his weight onto his hip. “She has refused to see any
more girls.”

He turned to leave. Leona grabbed his wrist. Cater’s eyes widened in surprise, mouth slightly

“Maybe-“ Leona averted his gaze “-you can convince her.”

A bittersweet smile tugged at Cater’s lip, eyes softening. “I can’t-“

“Sophie, please .” His voice came out forceful- a weak and desperate plea.

There was a tense moment between the two. Leona never begged. He wasn’t a kitten shrunk on
stage by his own despair, but a desperate man begging the person he had lost the love for.

“Ballet Russe.” Cater’s voice broke the silence. “That’s the Russian ballet. She’ll be there tonight.”
Leona loosed the breath he didn’t know he was holding. “ Thank you.”

“Who knew he could act?” Trey noted.

Ruggie snorted. “Yeah. Who knew?”

His tone was flat with sarcasm.

Jack awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. “Cater-senpai and Leona-senpai have been acting like
this for weeks.”

Riddle offered a sympathetic glance. That sounds insufferable.”

The two shuddered.

The upbeat number boasting of Paris’ romantic liveliness faded into a somber night. Azul sat alone
on a stone bench, a single red rose between his fingers. Leona yawned as he sat beside him. They
said nothing to each other, choosing to process the events of the past few days.

Azul was the one to break the silence. “She’s the princess.” His words were simple, but carried a
heavy burden.

“I know.” He stretched” You don’t have to remind me.”

“You don’t know.” He shook his head soberly, not meeting his gaze in the least. “I was the boy
who opened the wall.” He managed a bittersweet smile, twisted with pain. “She’s the real thing,

There was a beat before Leona could find the words to respond. He desperately searched Azul’s
face for any semblance of a joke. It felt wrong seeing him so blunt and brutal. “I don’t see a
problem here. We found the heir to the throne, and you-“
“Will walk out of her life forever,” he finished. “Princesses don’t marry kitchen boys.” The flower
fell to the ground without a sound as he stood. “We’re going through with this like nothing has

Leona groaned, rising to a stand. “You’re going to regret that. At least tell her-“

“Tell me what?” Yuu’s voice cut in.

The two men shut their mouths immediately. Yuu wore an attractive black dress that clung to her
curves, subtle though they were, and highlighted her smooth, mile-long legs with the slit in the
skirt. Her hair was pulled back into a bun, two butterfly wing-shaped earrings dangling from her
ears matched with a similarly styled choker. Her eyeliner was much more defined into wings,
adding extra pop to her warm eyes. The sequin on the dress wasn’t as plain as Cater’s clothing, but
interwoven into the fabric with intention like intricate patterns toward the end. Painted on her lips
was an alluring rouge lipstick.

Sharp whistles broke through the silence from the audience. What no one knew was that the cast
themselves were seeing this for the first time. Azul’s jaw dropped. Leona’s eyes were wide and
fixed onto her.

“You look-“ Azul cleared his throat. “You look beautiful.”

“Thank you.” Yuu’s sunny smile scorched through him.

“You clean up nice,” Leona agreed with a nod. “Are you nervous?”

She chuckled sheepishly. “Can you tell?”

“Something like that.” He shrugged. “C’mon. Show time.”

He pressed on ahead. Azul hesitated. Yuu stopped him.

“Dimitri, I-“ she paused. “Look, we’ve been through a lot together. I just wanted to thank you.”
Azul’s bittersweet smile burned on his face. “It is my pleasure. Anya I-“ he faltered. “Good luck.”

He let go.

“This play is so sad,” Kalim cried quietly.

“It has a happy ending,” Jamil assured evenly.

“But they belong together now! He can’t let her go!”

He said nothing.

“You sent for me, your grace?”

Vil sat across from the door which Azul entered. He had a sense of refinement about him despite
the old age he was portraying. He aged like a fine wine.

“Ten million roubles, as promised, with my gratitude.”

Azul offered him his business smile. “I accept your gratitude, Your Highness. But I don’t want the

Vil’s fingers curled beneath his chin, curiosity glittering in his eye. “Then what would you like?”

“Nothing that I can have.” He bowed politely before turning to leave.

“You’re that boy.” Vil’s voice stopped him. “The servant boy who saved both me and my
granddaughter. You saved our lives, and returned her to me even after all this time, and yet you
desire nothing?”
“Not anymore.” His voice wasn’t above a whisper.

Azul left without another word, finding Leona outside the door. “You’re making a mistake.” His
bluntness didn’t phase him at all.

“This is the one thing I’m doing right.” The argument was flat, as was his resolve.

“I wonder how the boss feels playing himself,” Floyd commented absentmindedly.

Jade stifled a snicker. “It’s hard to say.”

“Sounds boring. I’d rather go wild, y’know? Like the evil guy.”

“That would have been interesting.”

Yuu caught her breath, desperately clinging onto Azul’s coat. Her makeup was marred by dried
tears. “I thought you were going to St. Petersburg.”

“I was.” He didn’t say anything about his equally tight grip on her shoulders.

“You didn’t take the-“

“I couldn’t.”

“ Why ?” Yuu demanded, desperation evident in her rattling voice. She was gasping for an air only
he could give her.

Azul’s white knuckles fell to her hands. He caressed her skin with his. “Because I couldn’t-“ his
right hand found her jaw. “I couldn’t bear the idea of you becoming just like everything else- a
means to get by.” His mouth opened, then closed. “You’re my Paris, Anya. There’s nothing left for
me anywhere else.”

Yuu’s eyes broke with tears as Azul kissed her. A gentle sweetness was shared between them that
only they could know. He wanted to savor the feeling, so it wouldn’t become a faded memory or
like a forgotten photograph in a museum somewhere at the bottom of the ocean.

For Dimitri, it was his beginning. As for Azul? This was his kiss goodbye.

Chapter End Notes

i am tired. very tired.

This one chapter is over 6.5k words.

i hope you like it

Sticky and Sweet
Chapter Summary

“She’s sick?”

“Wait,” Ace blurted. “Is Azul-senpai sick, too?”

Chapter Notes

TW: mentions of vomit. Nothing graphic, I promise.

“Has anyone seen Yuu-chan today?” Deuce asked.

“She’s probably sleeping in,” Ace reasoned. “She did work her butt off for the show.”

He hummed, taking a sip of his chocolate milk. “I was wanting to see her before winter break.”

He rolled his eyes. “You’ll see her tomorrow, drama queen.”

Without missing a beat, Deuce mercilessly deadpanned, “I wasn’t the one in a dress.”

Ace’s palms slammed on the table as he jolted out of his seat. “That was a one time thing!”

“Three days in a row,” Grim snickered as he entered the cafeteria.

“No one asked you, cat.” Ace whipped his head to glare daggers at the feline.

He snickered, getting a tuna bagel (however he managed to convince any chef to create such an
abomination was a mystery) and sitting down next to Deuce at the table.
“It’s kinda weird having no classes, huh?” the ginger hummed. “I can finally relax!”

“I can’t wait to see Mom again,” Deuce admitted with a small smile.

“Oh yeah, that reminds me. Grim, are you going with Yuu-chan to Sunset Savannah?”

Grim slouched onto the table with a whine. “I don’t know if she’s even going anymore.”

Deuce blinked. “What do you mean?”

His ears flattened sadly. “She couldn’t even get out of bed this morning without puking her guts out
or eat anything.”

“She’s sick?”

“Wait,” Ace blurted. “Is Azul-senpai sick, too?”

There was an uncomfortable pause.

“I’m calling Floyd-senpai.”

And with that, he dialed a number and stepped away from the table.

“Is she, um,” Deuce stumbled gracelessly, “having girl-problems?” He finally managed in a rushed

Grim’s ear flicked in confusion. “Do human girls have that kind of problem?”

Deuce gave up, choosing to sulk with his red face buried in his arms. Ace thankfully returned to his
seat. “Azul-senpai’s fine, so whatever she’s got she probably didn’t get it from him. Does anyone
else know she’s sick?”

His blue eyes narrowed into an irritated glare. “I don’t keep tabs on my minion all the time.”
Ace cocked a brow. “But have you told anyone?”

“Just you guys.”

Deuce stood. “I’m going to tell Veprl-sensei.”

“Hold on a second-“ Ace stuck a bun in his mouth. “‘M comfin’ t’.”

Pain bore into the back of Yuu’s eyes with the relentlessness of a whack-a-mole mallet. Her
stomach boiled with nausea and churned with sickening pain. Her body was too hot, yet too cold
all the same. Even with an emptied stomach, the bucket at the bedside begged to differ. Food.
Common mistake.

“Knock knock!” A cheery whisper greeted.

Yuu only groaned in response as a familiar ginger walked in with a plastic bag hung on his arm.
“Big brother is here to rescue you!”

“Quiet,” she managed in a hushed tone. “Hurts.”

Those bright green eyes warmed with sympathy as he lowered his voice even more. “Oof, I can
imagine. I brought you some stuff. Think you can sit up?”

Yuu groaned as she stacked what felt like a ton upright. She was a fairly lithe person. Why did she
feel so heavy ?

“Drink this.” Cater plucked out a bottle of- she squinted- juice ? “Can’t have you dry up. Not a cute
look. 0/10 would not recommend. Rehydration nation has pulled into the station.”

She offered a twitch of a smile as she took the bottle. Her fingers did not want to unscrew the tiny
plastic lid. Did it not know its sole purpose in not-life was to open ? Bottles were not liquid prisons.
She huffed a pout as Cater snorted and opened it for her. She mumbled a tired thanks before putting
it to her mouth.
“How’s it taste?”

“Like blackberries.” She stared at the dark liquid. Definitely better than anything from her world
could make. Maybe it was kinda like a sports drink?

“So I grabbed the right one? That’s good.” He smiled. “It was right next to the lemon. I was in
such a rush after I got your text, I was worried I got the wrong one.”

She gagged at the thought. “Don’t like sour.”

He chuckled. “Didn’t think so. Bet the tummy feels sour, though.”

She shot him a look. He chuckled lightly as he scanned her head with a thermometer. “Yikes.
You’re hot.”

She shot him a loose pair of finger guns, paired with an exhausted, half-lidded look. Cater stifled
laughter. Noise is bad! Noise is painful! Must distract himself!

“You feeling like food?”

“Don’t want to puke it up again.”

“You’re going to feel worse if you don’t get something on your stomach. If you hurl, I’ll clean it.”

She pulled the blanket up to her chest in a sleepy pout. “But that’s gross .”

He shrugged. “I don’t mind, for reals. If it makes you feel better though, I could always Split

She shook her head rapidly, a hand flying to his. She nearly tumbled out of the bed by the sudden
jerk. Cater’s arms reflexively opened for impact. It never came. Instead, those clammy hands of
hers held onto his with a desperate tightness weakened by her illness. So, in a word, not tight.
“No Magic. Blot is bad.”

Cater stared at her for a moment before rubbing a thumb over the back of her hand with a soft
smile. Right. Trauma sucks. “Okay. No Magic. Can I at least make you soup? Cater-nii’s special

She loosened her already fragile grip. “It’s not spicy, is it?”

He winked. “I’m a jack of all trades. This is sick-soup time.”

She slowly nodded before grimacing. Cater’s heart just broke seeing her in so much pain. He
pulled out another blackberry drink for her bedside table as he walked to the kitchen. “If you need
me, text me, ‘kay?”

“M’kay,” Yuu croaked as she re-cocooned into her blankets.

Poor Yuu. Cater felt a bit conflicted and guilty, but seeing her like this was kinda adorable. She
was like a toddler.

He turned on the stove and got to work.

‘ Adorable ’, he echoed hollowly to himself. The word left a bitter taste in his mouth and made
something in his chest twist. It was an innocent word most would consider flattering. And yet, it
felt like a burden on his heart. It felt insincere with how often it was used, and how it was an
unreachable expectation for him.

But his sisters weren’t like Yuu. Their sweetness was like a sugar-free sensation. The more you ate
it, the more it tastes like plastic. The more you notice how coarse the sandy granules instead of
being a delicate powder. Yuu was more genuine- more pure. She was the perfect definition of cute.

He just hoped that one day he could tell her that without the words tasting so vile.

Cater walked in with a plastic bowl and cup of water. Yuu had long since finished the other
blackberry beverage. Her skin was still a ghostly pale, but at least there was some color in her
cheeks. “I bring soup!”

“Yay,” she offered in tired monotone.

He smiled as he set down the bowl in her lap. He took a hair-tie from the drawer and gently pulled
the crusty hair out of her face and into a loose ponytail. He could still feel the sweat on his

Yuu hummed a thanks before slowly eating the soup. The spoon dropped into the bowl. She stared
with a puffy-cheeked pout.

“Want me to feed you?” He gently offered.

Yuu shook her head, setting the spoon aside before drinking it slowly.

Cater couldn’t help but be amused. Clever .

“Cater-nii,” she whined as she set down the half-empty bowl. “‘M cold.”

“Where do you keep your blankets?”

“Don’t have no more,” she whimpered. “‘Cept Ruggie-kun’s. Don’t want the weight.”

He nodded. “Fair. We need to get you more blankets. Want me to see if Trey-kun can drop some

“No,” she huffed. “Don’t want anyone else to see me like this.”

A sense of pride bloomed warmly in his chest. She trusted him with this. Not anyone else. Just
him. He found himself smiling. “Well, how about body heat? We can snuggle!”

Her eyes lit up with interest, before they dulled with a shake of her head. “You’ll get sick.”

“I’ll live. Do you want to?”

She stared at him before slowly nodding. “If you wanna.”

Oh he very much wanted to. He unbuttoned the blazer before sliding into the blanket bundle with
her. She immediately clung onto him like a baby bat, head burying itself into his chest. He
instinctively wrapped his arms around her.

She felt gross. He wouldn’t lie about it. But he didn’t mind. She didn’t need to be cute for him, and
he didn’t need to be for her.

“Hey, Yuu?” He murmured softly. She like the way his chest hummed in her ear.


“I love you.”

“Sap.” She hummed. “Love you, too, big brother.”

See You Next Year!

“You need a break, Ambrose-kun.” Divus’ voice lacked any bite, yet plain in urgency.

“She’s sick.” He leaned back in his chair. “The Blight’s getting to her. She was able to regurgitate
a portion of it, but it’s still in her system at a dangerous level. She can’t leave like this.”

“I don’t see how that warrants you staying here for winter break.” He combed a hand through his
hair. “You’re getting some more gray in you. You need a break.”

“But she could die .”

“She won’t . With most of the pups gone, there won’t be much Magic anyway. All that buildup
should start dying down, with what you’ve told me.”

“I should still stay here just in case-“

“Would it ease your mind if I stayed instead?”

He sighed. “You love winter break, Divus.”

“And you need this. Ambrose-kun, you matter, too.”

He ran a hand through his fluffy hair. “You’re not going to let me stay behind, are you?”

His lip quirked in a smirk. “I will drag you out on a leash if I must.”

He didn’t doubt that. “Fine. I’ll go. Not like I live too far from campus, anyway.”

“And we have Mirrors,” he agreed. “And she has a phone. If she needs you, I’m sure she’ll call. If
it makes you feel any better, you could have one of the students pup-sit.”
Veprl met his gaze firmly. “I’m not leaving her to the Octavinelle boys. Not after that whole
contract fiasco.”

Divus barked a laugh. “Of course not. From what I understand, the Scarabia pups are staying here,
too, of their own accord.”

His brows furrowed. Okay, but why? Al-asim loves the holidays.

“So you want me to have her stay with them? Won’t that add more to Viper-kun?”

“Here’s my idea. Have Yuu-chan stay with Scarabia. The entire dorm is staying for break, so if
something were to go awry, someone would contact either me or you. You could even leave
medicine with Viper-kun- he is rather meticulous. Ashengrotto-kun is diligent, as well, so you
could give him some just in case. You don’t need to worry about Dire-kun, either, since he’ll be on

“But that’s still giving more responsibility for Viper-kun,” he protested.

“You know how that Al-asim-kun is,” he chuckled lightly. “If we explain the situation, he’ll insist
on prioritizing her. And she’s low maintenance. I think that’s a rather easy load for Viper-kun,
wouldn’t you say?”

There was a pause, before the nurse slowly responded. “I’m not going to explain the Blight thing to
Al-asim. He’s a good kid, but he’s a bit too much of an open book. I don’t need anyone panicking.”

“But Viper-kun is tight-lipped,” Crewel added. “He should be informed.”

He relented in a sigh. “Fine. You win.”

Crewel grinned. “Good boy.”

Ace burst out laughing. “A beach shirt in the summer! He’s totally going south!”
Deuce cringed. “He’s definitely not hiding it, huh.”

“How rude,” the headmaster chided. “This is no vacation for a hard worker such as myself. I’m
expanding my knowledge in the southern regions during this winter break.”

Ace looked him up-and-down slowly with a judgmental cock of a brow. Crowley boasted a floral
button-up and a pair of board shorts. They popped with color unlike the nature of his benevolent
heart. “Sure.”

Grim growled lowly. “Yeah! You look like you’re ready for fun at any time!”

The headmaster gasped dramatically. “What are you implying? This is the fashion in those
regions!“ He hummed contentedly, running his fingers over the rim of the white hat coyly.
“Escaping the winter cold, splashing in the southern seas, drinking coconut juice while relaxing in
a hammock-“ he laughed. “I wasn’t thinking of having such an elegant vacation for myself!”

Deuce stared, dumbfounded. “Why so specific, though?”

“Alright, alright!” Ruggie’s voice cut through the bustling crowd. “Stop standing in the middle of
the road! Outta the way!”

The familiar hyena split through the mass of people with a cooler in-tow and several insulated
bags, matching with that bright and cheeky smile of his.

“R-Ruggie-senpai,” Deuce sputtered. “What’s with all the luggage?”

“You finally quit being Leona-senpai’s babysitter?” Ace teased.

“Shishishi,” he snickered. “All this will be gone in an instant once the neighborhood brats get
ahold of it.” He hoisted one of the bags onto his shoulder. “I have to make sure Granny eats well
during the holidays, y’know?”
“I’m sure they’ll love it,” Yuu chimed in from her blanket shawl.

Ace jumped back. “Yuu-chan? What are you doing here? I thought you were sick!”

“I’m just feeling woozy today,” she assured with a wobbly smile. “Veprl-sensei said I’m not
contagious, don’t worry.”

“Thanks for seeing us off.” Ruggie beamed. “I gotta hit the road before the frozen stuff start to

“See ya next year, Ruggie-kun.” She smiled and offered a quick wave. He high-fived it lightly
before stepping through the Mirror.

“What did he mean by ‘neighborhood brats’?” Deuce muttered.

“I heard there are a lot of poor families around his hometown,” Jack answered, walking into the
room. His hands were occupied with an impressive spread of spiky succulents. “That’s why he
takes the leftover stuff from the kitchen and gives it to the neighborhood kids.”

Ace stared at the platter. “Why’re you carrying all those plants? You trying to be a gardener now?”

He shifted his weight to show off the spread. “They’re cacti I’m raising. They’re tough, but I don’t
want to kill them by not watering them during this long break, y’know?” He picked up a small pot
from the back. “This is for you, Yuu-chan. Happy early Christmas- or whatever you celebrate.”

She blinked at the ribbed green leaves. They smelled really nice- relaxing even. “Peppermint?”

“Heard they’re good for sick.” He shrugged.

Yuu offered a smile. “It’s perfect. Thank you, Jack-kun. I’ll give you your present once you’re
back, ‘kay?”

“You don’t need to give me anything,” he chuckled. “But you’re welcome.”

“Ruggie-senpai’s a cool guy if he’s handing out food to strangers, huh?” Grim commented.

“It’s a custom thing, I think,” the wolf replied. “Giving prey to those weaker than themselves is
hyena policy.”

Leona huffed as he trudged in. “The idea of being surrounded by kids makes me shudder. One
kid’s bad enough.”

Yuu offered a teasing smirk. “You have something you’re not telling us, Leona-senpai?”

He shot her a glare. She burst into giggles, leaning against the nearby Ace for support.

Jack frowned. “You’re not going back to your hometown?”

“I wish.” He sighed. “They’ll just bug me more if I don’t, so I’m going home.”

“Sorry for bailing,” Yuu offered with that wobbly grin.

He rolled his eyes. “Just focused on getting better.”

“You don’t have anything on you,” Ace pointed out. “What are you bringing?”

Genuine confusion crossed his features. “I have my wallet and phone. I got enough stuff at home.”

“This guy’s extreme in his own way, huh?” Grim meowed.

“He’s not even taking homework with him,” Deuce sighed.

The lion snorted. “I’ll do it when I get back. Holidays are for relaxing, remember?” He offered a
two-fingered salute. “See ya omnivores later.” He stepped through the Mirror.

“If only he could put in the effort,” Jack lamented solemnly. “He obviously does well when he
tries. You two don’t slack off, though, ya hear?”

“See you, Jack-kun,” she fist-bumped his full hand.

“There’s Mr. Diligent again,” Ace grumbled. “Sure, sure. See ya next year.”

“I won’t fall behind,” Deuce proudly declared.

Satisfied, the wolf went through the Mirror.

“You feeling okay, Yuu-chan?” The bluenette asked.

“Sleepy,” she yawned.

“Alright, freshies~!” Cater sang. “Be careful not to be like that overgrown kitten, ‘kay?”

Trey followed behind. “Remember that Riddle-kun will have your head if you don’t do your

Cater sighed forlornly, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m a little anxious about going home, too.
I’m sure both of my big sisters will be home. I’m definitely going to be worked to the bone. I
wanna stay here with you, Yun-Yun, or even at Trey-kun’s!”

Trey chuckled lightly. “I don’t mind, but I’ll work you to the bone, too. Winter’s a busy time for a
cake shop.”

He sighed. “Forgot about that. I have nowhere else to run! So sad!”

Yuu felt a gentle tug on her sleeve before she turned her head to see the tiny but might Hearstlabyul
prefect. Deuce stumbled. “Riddle-senpai! I’m sorry for being in the way!”

The petite ginger tilted his head with a hum. “If you’re going to talk, please do so by the walls.”

“You sound bummed,” Ace commented.

“Are you going to be okay, Riddle-senpai?” Yuu asked. “With your mom?”

Riddle stared at her with those pale eyes of his, wide with surprise. “I don’t believe I’ve ever told
you of my home life. Have I?”

Yuu stared right back. “I could’ve sworn-“

‘You deceived me, Riddle !’

“I must have let it slip,” Trey decided with a shrug. “I’m not allowed to visit your house, Riddle-
kun, so I won’t be able to bring you Christmas cake.” He put a firm hand on his shoulder. “But
come and visit the cake shop any time, okay? Chenya’s definitely going to come, too.”

A fond smile and warmth melted in his eyes. “Thank you. I want to try and talk with my mother,
even if it’s just a little, but I’m not sure if she’ll listen.”

His brow furrowed, as if he had more to say. He gave a nod. “Good luck.”

A voice crooned. “What’s this~? Goldfish doesn’t want to go home? Then just don’t! We aren’t
going home either, so you should just stay at school with us!”

Riddle scrambled behind Yuu, who opened one arm and covered him with a blanket-wing. “What
do you want out of the blue? Could you not barge into things you know nothing about? It’s

Jade hummed, following behind his brother in a sling. “He’s right. You shouldn’t be sticking your
neck into others’ business. Let them come to you.”
“ Why ?” Floyd’s lip stuck out in a pout. “Jade, I’m bored of the same ol’ faces we get stuck with
over the holidays! I’m sure Azul-san would let me keep a Goldfishie since he’s so tiny!”

Riddle stepped out with an indignant glare. “Care to repeat what you just said? You sure have some
nerve to say that about the head of Heartslabyul. I’ll have your head!”

“Woah, chill!” Cater cut in.

“Calm down, Riddle,” Trey agreed calmly. “You’re letting him get under your skin again.”

Riddle crossed his arms in a tiny huff.

“You guys aren’t going home because of the ice, right?” Yuu asked.

“You have a good memory,” Jade confirmed with a nod.

“Living under the sea comes with its own troubles, I guess,” Trey lamented.

Riddle stamped his foot to the floor. “I would never spend New Year’s with the likes of you!” He
turned on the firm heel. “I’ll take my leave. I wish you all a happy holidays.”

“You, too, Riddle-senpai,” Yuu returned.

Riddle paused, hugged her, nodded to himself, then went through the Mirror.

Trey sighed. “I see you two are back to normal. I hope you guys don’t forget how to be students
over break. See you.” He waved and went through.

“I guess it’s time for me to leave, too.” Cater whipped out his phone and snapped a picture.
“#finaldayoffallterm #withfreshman #happynewyear #timeflieslol-“ his fingers were faster than
lightning. It was kinda dizzying. He slipped the device into his pocket. “Happy Holidays,
everyone!” He gave Yuu a tight squeeze and left.
Deuce checked the time. “We should probably go, too.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Ace sighed. “Hey, Yuu-chan. Feel free to text us, ‘kay?”

“I don’t want to third wheel your break,” she protested.

“Are you kidding? It wouldn’t be the same without you anyway.” He made a heart gesture with his
hand, cocking his head with a wink. He slipped through the mirror.

“My mom’s probably waiting,” Deuce sighed. He then offered a gentle smile. “But I can’t wait to
tell her about you, Yuu-chan.”

“Tell her I said hi.” She yawned. “And tell her about your discovery on eggs.”

He sheepishly chuckled. “She’ll laugh. See you soon, Yuu-chan.”

She smiled and waved as he slipped through.

Grim sighed. “Never a dull moment with those guys.”

Floyd leaned over. “You’ll be staying here, too, right?”

“Yeah,” she stretched. “But I’ll be staying in Scarabia. I hear it’s warm there.”

“You calling us cold?” He teased.

She deadpanned, “yes.”

Jade smirked. “Do come visit us sometime, though. We serve delicious hot chocolate perfect for
the season.”

Yuu hummed, eyes on his sling. “I’ll swing by.”

“Sounds good!” Floyd cheered. “Well, see ya ‘round, Shrimpy-chan~!” The eel skipped out,
followed by the other.

Yuu watched them leave.

“We should probably look for Jamil-kun, right?” Grim asked.

“Kitchen,” was all Yuu responded with, as she shuffled away. It was only then that Grim noticed
the slippers.
Full-Coarse Meal
Chapter Notes

Yes, the chapter name is a pun.

A toothy grin spread across Grim’s muzzle. His ears perked up and his eyes brightened at the
smell. “I hear the sound of a knife hitting a board and some juicy meat being fried!” His nose
twitched excitedly. “And my nose is picking up something spicy!”

“Probably Jamil-senpai,” Yuu replied, making her way to the kitchen.

He blinked up at her. “You can’t smell it?”

“I smell the spice, but that’s about it.”

“I thought your stomach is messed up, not your nose?”

Yuu sighed. “My body hates me. Everything sucks.”

He offered a suspicious stare. “You said that you were just sleepy.”

She shrugged, and replied with about as sincereness as a falling anvil, “whoops.”

“Start defrosting the meat once the vegetables are roasted,” Jamil’s voice instructed. “Don’t forget
the nuts once the oil is hot enough.”

“Yes, sir!“ a Scarabian student chirped.

“Vice-Prefect,” Yuu recognized Beau’s voice, “will one teaspoon of spice work?”
The vice hummed to himself. “He prefers it a bit spicy. Add one more.”

“Hey, Jamil-senpai,” Yuu greeted as she leaned against the paralleling counter top.

His gray eyes went to the cat peering into some of the pots. He picked him up by the scruff, met
with swinging paws, before setting him down out of the way. “Hello again, Yuu-chan.”

“Wait,” Grim blurted, “you two know each other?”

She shrugged. “He taught me how to dance.”

“It’s always satisfying seeing hard work come to fruition,” he returned passively. “I see you forgot
me, though. It’s Jamil, Jamil Viper. I’m Scarabia’s Vice-Prefect.”

“What are you cooking?” Yuu asked.

“It smells delicious!” Grim beamed. “I’ve never smelled anything like it!”

His tone was even with a vague aloofness. “It’s a traditional dish from the Land of Hot Sands.” He
paused. “Ah, right. Yuu-chan, how do you handle spice?”

“I don’t think I can taste anything even if I wanted to.”

His lip quirked into a smirk and grabbed a nearby spoon. “Try this.”

She tilted her head. “Are you sure?”


Yuu put it into her mouth, and was immediately met with a deep and earthy kind of spice. It had a
sweetness to it that she could get hints of, but she mostly cherished the alluring heat on her tongue.
“This is amazing .”

A sense of pride glittered in his cool gaze. “I’m glad you like it.”

“What’s in this?”

“A spice blend from my homeland.”

“If you ever have any you want to get rid of,” she pointed to him with the clean spoon, “hook me

He chuckled. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

Yuu watched as Jamil ordered the Scarabia students around the kitchen. He didn’t have the
elegance or authority Azul presented, but rather a more subtle supervision. He didn’t let anything
go unnoticed, but didn’t necessarily correct inconsequential errors- unless he imposed a task on
himself. He himself was meticulous on flavor, but not so much presentation. Grim was practically
salivating at the mingling aromas.

Yuu heard something clink in front or her. She didn’t even realize her eyes were closed. Jamil
offered a small smile, naturally dipped inward like a ‘v’. “I’ve heard you drink coffee more than
this, but I thought you’d might like this tea?”

She touched the clay mug with her fingers before glancing down at its chestnut color. It smelled
familiar, though she couldn’t quite place the spice. Lifting it to her lip, she breathed with a soft
smile, “chai.”

“So your old world has this, too,” Jamil mused curiously. “Do you like it?”

“I didn’t know Twisted Wonderland has this stuff.” She practically melted into the tea’s warmth.
“You make it just how I like it, too. Thank you, Jamil-senpai.”

He offered a grin. “My pleasure.”

“Maybe once I’m better, we can exchange recipes?” She offered.

“That would be nice, yes. But let’s prioritize your health. Speaking of, we’re taking all of this back
to Scarabia.”

“Can I carry anything?” She stood.

“Just that cup. As for Grim, could you carry this plate? We can eat once we arrive.”

“Sounds like a yummy deal to me!” The cat cheered, snatching the covered plate from a nearby
student and following the small train of people out.

Yuu was slower to stand. “So why are you all here during the holidays, anyway?”

Jamil’s polite smile faltered with a hint of sadness. His cool, gray eyes were sullied with an ashen
somberness. “It’s a long story, I’m afraid.”

“It’s the prefect’s orders,” Beau interrupted in a sigh. “We can’t go home even if we want to.”

The vice glared daggers at the poor boy, who nearly dropped the platter he was carrying. “ Enough
,” he scolded sharply. “It’s our fault in the first place. The food will get cold with all this gossip.”

“So what’s Scarabia like?” Grim asked.

Jamil loosed a the steamy breath to relieve the unseen pressure that had been building. “It’s always
warm, despite the season. I’ve heard visitors say that it feels like the southern islands.”

“This sounds like paradise, minion! A warm, sunny place with all this food!”

Yuu hummed in response. Maybe, but the people don’t look so happy.
She stepped through the Mirror behind the vice.

Scarabia’s dorm was nothing like she expected. It felt like a world all its own, separated by the
vast, golden sea of sand blanketing the landscape. A bright sky stretched endlessly with only a few
breaths of clouds rippling the blue. Tall, ivory pillars with gold and ruby plating lined the courtyard
of the campus. The main building reminded Yuu of the Taj Mahal but with far more emphasis on
the bulbous shape of the roofs. Accents of periwinkle or a darker shade of faded blue splashed the
bolder hues of the buildings. Foliage was used sparingly, as Yuu only noticed the shrubbery
leading up the fountain in front of the palace.

“So this is what Scarabia looks like!” Grim exclaimed. “It’s so hot!”

“It’s perfect,” Yuu hummed contentedly. Finally. Warmth.

Jamil chuckled. “It warms you up, doesn’t it? It’s not much farther to the lounge. Follow me.”

The room he led them to was far more open than Yuu expected. The style reminded her vaguely of
Leona’s room, but with far more extravagant decor such as the crimson translucent drapery
dangling from the ceiling. The sleek floors were pattered with patterned fabrics and rugs of various
colors, but primarily maroon. Individually unique lanterns were strung from the ceiling. The
summery air was complemented by a fragrant smell like incense.

Jamil clapped his hands. “We have a visitor! Everyone, play music to welcome them!”

Grim smiled delightedly, head tilting back with pride as the twang of instruments greeted them.
“An amazing sorcerer like me could get used to this!”

“Enjoy as much as you want.” He smiled. “There’s plenty to go around.”

He gawked. “As much as I want? I can get used to this!”

Yuu wasn’t feeling particularly hungry, instead opting for her tea. She did grab a golden bun-like
appetizer from the platter. She took her seat next to Grim on the carpet. Endless or not, she did not
want to burden them with her usually bottomless stomach.
The jangly sound of bangles entered the room. “What’s with the ruckus?”

Everyone screeched to a halt. “P-prefect!”

Something somber settled in Jamil’s features. Yuu couldn’t quite place the dark look. There had to
be a word for it, right?

She had met Kalim before, if she was remembering correctly. His dorm uniform suited him far
better than the college’s, in her opinion. Wrapped around his head was a scarlet band tied into a
prominent bow, with blue-tipped macaw pinions sticking out. Fastened atop the band was an
accessory that looked like strung gold coins with ruby gems dividing the string. A thick, gold snake
coiled around his right arm overtop the detailed white design etched on his skin. Even more
jangling golden armlets and accessories fettered his person, including an angular choker-like
adjunct. A silky scarf hung off his neck loosely, though it looked anything but thermal. A similar
band swayed from his hips above his dark pants designed with a dismissible red flame pattern
toward the bottom. His black sandals showcased gilt scarab emblems. A long, sleeveless coat-like
piece silhouetted the entire look, and was finished off with caution-tape like binding screaming the
dorm name.

The house warden beamed. “You’re finally here! Welcome, Yuu-chan and Grim, to Scarabia!
Thanks for coming!” He put a fist to his chest. “I’m Kalim Al-Asim, Scarabia’s prefect! It’s our
first time meeting, right?”

“No, it isn’t.” Jamil sighed incredulously. “Grim set your butt on fire during the ceremony, and
they talked to us about the whole Spelldrive incident.”

He blinked before laughing it off. “Sorry ‘bout that! I’m not really good at remembering people’s
faces-“ he paused before waving his hand nonchalantly, still beaming, “-don’t take that the wrong
way, please! It’s nice to meet you, though! Even for a second time!”

Yuu smiled politely. Too bright.

“Nice to meet you again, too, Kalim-senpai. Thanks for having us.”

“The pleasure is all mine!” He insisted earnestly. He took a seat on the carpet, leaning over a
platter on one of the low tables. “The food looks delicious as usual! Any trouble making it, Jamil?”

“Just the usual.” He sat across from him at an angle. “There’s nothing dangerous on the plates, so
you can rest assured. I’ve checked for poison, too.”

Grim nearly spat out his mouthful. “ Poison?”

Jamil explained with ease. “Kalim is the sole heir to the Asim family of the Land of Hot Sands, so
it’s not unlikely that someone will target his life.”

Yuu’s eyes widened. “Has that happened before?”

“People used to!” Kalim answered cheerily, as if the direness of the scenario didn’t occur to him.
“Jamil started checking my food about four years ago after I fell into that two-week coma!”

She stared. “ Two-weeks ?”

Jamil stared at Kalim passively, devoid of any sort of readable emotion. “You’re safe because we
check the food.”

Is this normal for him?

Kalim met his even gaze with bright scarlet eyes. “And anything you make is safe, too! You’d
never poison me!”

He scoffed with a hint of a smirk, leaning back on his palms. “Why state something so obvious?”
Magic Carpet Ride
Chapter Notes

I never noticed how wonky the pacing in this arc was before. Hindsight is 20/20.
Should have included this bit in the last chapter. Whoops. Writing block is real, folks.
We’re getting to the “fun” part next chapter.

Grim collapsed next to Yuu, pot-belly-up. “I couldn’t eat another bite even if I wanted to.”

“It was delicious, Kalim-senpai,” Yuu agreed. “I’m sorry I couldn’t eat more.”

“I’m just glad you like it.” He assured with sincerity.

“So why are you guys staying for the holidays anyway?” Grim asked.

Kalim’s sunny eyes seemed to cloud a bit, almost in a sleepy sort of way. “Ah, we didn’t place
during exams or Spelldrive, y’know? That’s why I suggested we have extra practice over break.“

He’s more serious than I thought.

Jamil lifted his cup to his mouth. “We’re thinking of holding study sessions and Magic practice
everyday starting at six in the morning during the break.”

The cat all but screeched, “ six ? That doesn’t sound like a break to me! Holidays are for break-
you can always do homework after! That’s what Leona -senpai says!”

“Didn’t he repeat a year?” he shot back.

“You do have a point.” Kalim’s eyes brightened a bit, like candlelight breaking through dense fog.
“My dad does say, ‘Work with all you’ve got, and then play harder!’ Maybe being a little carefree
is a good idea.”
Kalim raised his gold goblet. “I’ve decided, Jamil! Let’s take a break tomorrow like planned. We
can send the students back tomorrow!”

Jamil’s hand stopped midair, cup in hand. His half-lidded eyes widened ever so slightly, lip subtly
quirked into a hint of a frown. “Eh?”

“I’ll tell them all about this decision later at dinner.” He beamed proudly. “Jamil, tell everyone not
to be absent!”

His mouth formed into a line, those cool grays hardened into steel. His tone was uncompromised.
“I’ll do that.”

He’s easily persuaded , Yuu thought to herself with a slightly amused smirk.

“I’ll tour you around Scarabia!” The prefect declared. “I have something I want to show you- so
much actually!”

“That sounds fun, but can I rest first?”

His eyes lit up in understanding before nodding vigorously.

“I’ll manage things here.” Jamil rose to a stand.

“Are you sure you don’t want help?”

“You’re our guest,” he assured with a small, polite smile. “But thank you anyway.”

“I’m ready for a food coma,” Grim meowed.

“Not much is better than a full belly and a good nap for you, huh?” The house warden guffawed. “I
like exercising after, but to each their own!”
Yuu watched as Jamil slunk to what she presumed to be some sort of kitchen, platters and emptied
spreads stacked neatly atop each other. How he managed to carry all of them without dropping a
single dish was impressive. Kalim stood and started guiding Grim down a covered outer pathway.
Yuu, however, stood and followed Jamil.

As she suspected, the back room did house a kitchen. It was smaller than the open concept in Night
Raven College’s main building, which was probably why the dorm made the trip there instead. The
color scheme was more copper than gold, but wasn’t extravagantly paneled unlike the rest of the
campus. The object of importance was the elaborate spice display organized in pantry pull-outs on
either side beneath the stove. Canisters of dry goods were lodged into a built-in shelf of sorts that
could be easily removed for restocking or convenience. Jamil was busying himself by the sink,
scrubbing dishes.

“I thought you were on one of Kalim’s tours,” he commented.

“And leave you to all the work? I can at least help a little bit. I’m feeling better now that I’ve eaten
something.” She smiled cheekily for emphasis. “I’ll catch up with them later.”

He wasn’t convinced, but didn’t protest. He instead kept to the task at hand. “You can dry.”

“You got it.” She grabbed the dishtowel he gestured to. “So why don’t you ask one of the other
Scarabia kids to help you?”

“I have to carefully monitor everything that would come into contact with Kalim.” He passed off a
plate. “There are plenty of people who would benefit from his death.”

“Sounds like a lot to take on by yourself.”

“It’s my job,” he stated plainly.

She shrugged. “Sounds stressful. I wouldn’t want it.”

There was a pause. “It’s an honor.”

Froths of cloud floated below the woven threads of Magic Carpet. The sky was painted a royal
blue with pearls of stars glittering with priceless light through the night. The silver moon was full,
lacking in nothing. Closer to its reach were thinner streaks of ivory tufts, gracing the nocturnal
jewel with feathers. The heat of Scarabia had melted into a chill, only with more grace with the

“We’re up so high- I can barely look down!” Grim meowled.

“It’s like a whole new world,” Yuu hummed, letting the wind toy with her hair. No one paid any
mind to the death grip she had on the Carpet.

“Do you like it?” Kalim giggled.

“Now I know how tall people feel,” she joked.

Grim purred. “It’s nice being looked up to for a change.”

“It’s nice being above it all, huh? It makes me forget even the smallest of troubles.” He leaned
back on his palms. His hair practically glowed like white sand, his warm skin caressed by cold
moonlight. His scarlet eyes had a far-off look to them. “Though Jamil tells me that I worry too
much sometimes. I wish he’d take it a little easy, too.”

She stared. So he’s like Cater-nii? She paused, humming. But if Jamil-senpai’s a servant by blood,
I get why he may want to let Kalim-kun worry less. Defeats his purpose, I guess.

Her eyes flicked to those melancholic rubies.

That doesn’t feel like the right answer, though.

“I think Grim fell asleep,” Kalim laughed, pointing to the cat curled in her lap.

She returned a light chuckle. “Cool breeze and a warm lap? Oh yeah, definitely.”

“I can’t blame him!” He smiled. “Looks like it’s just you and me, then!“
“Hopefully I’m not too boring,” she jested.

“Not at all! You’re super cool.” He nodded firmly to himself. “I saw you in that play, by the way!
You were amazing!”

She blinked. “You saw?”

“I love a good love story!” He declared in a sing-song tune.

“I wouldn’t have taken you for a romantic.”

“I’m full of surprises.” He offered her a cheeky look.

Biting Time
Chapter Notes

Scarabia arc, I love ya, but man that suspension of disbelief

Kalim’s warm palm took Yuu’s as she stepped off the carpet onto the balcony. Or tried to, at least.
She tripped.

Steady arms caught her as she stumbled off, hands landing on her forearms. She quickly noted the
scent of sweet spice- cinnamon and sugar if she had to compare it to something. So he’s shorter
than me.

“That was really fun, Kalim-kun.”

“I’m so glad you liked it.” He beamed. “Too bad Grim fell asleep! He’ll miss dinner.”

“He’ll eat up your leftovers. Don’t worry.”

“I’ll make sure we save him some!”

Footsteps pattered toward the two. The shadow melted off Jamil’s figure as he was cloaked with
the moonlight. He let loose a breath he was holding. “Kalim, you’re finally back.”

He blinked innocently back at him. “Were you looking for me, Jamil?”

“ Yes .” He sighed. “There’s something I want to confirm before dinner. May I speak to you?”

“Yeah, sure! Can I walk Yuu-chan back to the lounge first? This place is easy to get lost in if you
don’t know where you’re going.”

“No need. Beau-kun is just outside the room waiting.”

“You really do think of everything.” He spun on his heel, offering a jolly wave to Yuu. “See you at

“I’ll save you two a seat.” She brushed past the two and quickly found Beau standing outside. Like.
Scarily quickly. She nearly ran straight into him.

His purple eyes lit up. “Hey, Yuu-chan! How was your flight?”

“Relaxing,” she sighed with a smile. “How have you been?”

“Stressed.” He chuckled nervously. “It’s nice seeing Kalim-san in such a good mood, though.”

She blinked. “What do you mean?”

“Jamil-senpai thinks he’s starting to buckle under the pressure.” He shrugged. “He’s super moody.
One minute he’s fine, and the next? He’s super angry at us! For no reason!”

She stared at him in bewilderment.

Kalim-kun? Yeah. No way she could imagine that. “Are we talking about the same guy?”

“Yeah.” He bit his lip, brow tensed in worry and hands anxiously fumbling in place. “It gets kinda

“Sounds stressful.”

He nodded stiffly.

There was a pause. “Do you want a hug?”

His eyes shot wide. “H-huh?”

She shrugged, arms open. “You’re stressed. Hugs help.”

“I-I don’t want to make you uncomfortable!”

Does he think I hate touch or something? “I wouldn’t offer if I didn’t want to.”

An unsure whimper escaped him, clearly wrestling with the idea. He sighed, twisted his eyes shut,
before wrapping his arms around her in an embrace. “Thank you, Yuu-chan.”

She gently rubbed his back. “Any time.” She paused. “Actually, just ask me first.”

“Can do,” he chuckled, releasing her. “You’re probably starving, huh? Let’s get to the lounge.”

Food actually does sound good . She smirked. “Sounds like a plan.”

He chuckled at that gluttonous grin, leading her down to the main centre.

The chill of the summery night was cozied warmly by the steam of fresh entrees and warm drinks.
The tempered tap of spice wafted through the air, complemented with earthier aromas. Metal cups
held dark liquids. Yuu wondered if they were some sort of dark-roasted coffee. It was too late for
that kind of caffeine, she decided. Flat breads suspiciously similar to naan was bundled in open
baskets with types of curry available for individual taste. There were other dishes, too, that caught
her interest. Contained in a copper-colored metallic pot was a similar color thickness strikingly
similar to dal makhani. Scarabia students were bustling on the floor around the low tables, eagerly
waiting for Kalim to arrive. Some had served themselves, but refused to touch it until the prefect
arrived. Yuu played it safe and took a seat beside Beau, empty plate in hand.

“Training today was tough, huh?” One groaned, leaning back

“Tell me about it,” another returned.

“At least the Spelldrive practice wasn’t so bad?” A third offered with a shrug.

A hand landed on his muscular shoulder. “I think you got sorted into the wrong dorm, bucko.”
Yuu snorted as Beau laughed beside her.

“You’re all here, I gather?” Jamil hummed as he walked in. “The housewarden has something to
say before we eat.”

Beau tensed. “Here it comes,” he muttered under his breath.

But it’s good news this time.

Behind Jamil stepped out Kalim. The light from the hall gave way to the shadows of the lounge.
The lit lanterns gleamed in his eyes. His movements were sluggish, jaw sharp and rigid. The most
striking thing of all were his eyes. They weren’t the shiny rubies sparkling in the moonlight. No,
these were vortexes of fire scorching in the sockets.

Magic , Yuu seethed.

“I made the decision that we would be staying in Scarabia and training at six every morning.”
Kalim’s voice was steady, yet came slow. Rehearsed, even. “I realized something.” His brows
dropped like a guillotine, fiery stare blazing with fury. “That is not nearly enough!”

Scarabia sputtered. “ W-what ?”

What kind, though?

Jamil whipped his head to the imposter, eyes wide and slackjawed. Even so, he kept composure.
“Kalim, I thought we’d be sending the students home?”

He puffed out his chest, arms crossing like bonds. “There’s no way we’ll accomplish our goal with
so short of time! We have to exert twice- no, five times the effort if you don’t want to disgrace the
name of this dorm! Starting tomorrow! We will be doing five hours of studying, and then four
hours of training!”
Contempt seeped into the air like poison. No one said a word, likely to prevent venom from

Yuu bit her tongue. Don’t be an idiot. If I act impulsively, I could make things worse for everyone.

“After dinner,” the tyrant continued, “will be defensive Magic training. Eat, and then get ready

“Y-yes, prefect!” They barked back like trained soldiers.

The verbal assault ceased as he silently stuffed his face. No one could find it in them to speak. All
life and air had been effectively sucked out.

If it’s a mind-control situation, there has to be a way to shut it off. If I can snap him out of it, and
keep an eye on him, then the culprit will have to show himself eventually, right? But who would
gain from Kalim-kun being incapacitated?

Her attention flicked to the vice.

There’s no way he hasn’t noticed .

“You’re staring quite intensely,” he commented coolly. “Are you feeling unwell again, Yuu-

“I’m fine. I must have spaced out.” She took a piece off the plate passed.

What does make me feel worse, anyway? Does he know something I don’t?

Pain clutched at her skull as a vague tug of nausea found her belly.

You have time. Don’t rush. You’re still sick.

Snake’s Charm
Chapter Notes

We’re almost to chapter 100 what

Should we do something?

I feel like we should do something.

Any ideas?

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Jamil rubbed the back of his damp neck with the towel as they walked. He was officially dressed
down for the evening, hair loose from the confines of their braids. His water-kissed skin pricked
with bumps from the night’s breath.

“What happened to Kalim-kun?” Yuu asked as they walked.

He sighed with a worried brow. “I’m sure he’s bothered by Scarabia’s poor performance during
the Spelldrive tournament and exams. He probably feels responsible, and thus unstable.”

“Maybe.” She shrugged. “But the exams were rigged, and the whole Spelldrive thing was a
disaster thanks to Savanaclaw’s meddling, too.”

“You’ve seen how hyper-fixated he can be.“ He stopped. Moonlight held his face and glinted sadly
in his eyes. “I’ve known him for a long time, but even this behavior is foreign to me. His speech
and conduct has changed, and he suddenly becomes tyrannous. I can’t keep up.”

So he’s noticed.

He took a deep, shaky breath.

“Everyone’s following him as prefect with no prior issue to this. But right now? They’re at a loss
for what to do. His instability makes is impossible to reason with him. It’s only a matter of time
before the students start complaining. I can hear their grumbling. They’ll grow louder. I just
wonder what will happen once their voices reach his ears.” He exhaled a staggering sigh, face
contorted in dread. “I’ve managed to support him until now, but-“

Yuu put a soft hand on his shoulder. His eyes widened at her, mouth closed into a taut line.
“It’s not all on you, y’know?”

His had a somber timbre to it. “I’m the vice-prefect. This is my burden to shoulder.”

Being his servant probably doesn’t help, either.

“Good thing you have two, huh?” She teased. “Let me help, okay? You’re already working way
too hard.” She squeezed his tricep lightly. “You’re super tense.”

“You’re sick, Yuu-chan,” he protested with a cocked brow.

“And you will be if you don’t learn to relax, senpai. I’m not helpless.”

He said nothing for a moment, lips slightly agape, before thinning into a small smile. “You really
are a diamond in the rough. Thank you .”

“Don’t mention it.” She smiled. “Mind pointing me where my room is? I will get lost. This place is

“Of course,” he chuckled. “Follow me.”

The vice led the way down the hall to a private suite tucked away parallel to the others’ quarters.
She couldn’t complain. Not like Night Raven College was built to be co-ed. The room, though
basked with night’s sleepy gloom, had white walls with shiny gold bordering. A full-sized bed laid
in the top left corner with a wardrobe at the foot. The thin window was guarded by a gold gate. A
European oak desk was awkwardly placed to the side. Grim was already bundled in a smaller bed
laughably similar to a shoebox. How his ego could fit inside was incredible.

“Sleep well, Yuu-chan. Let me know if you need anything.”

“You too, Jamil-senpai.” She yawned as he closed the door. She bellyflopped onto the bed without
much fanfare. She could change tomorrow. Too much work for now.

So Jamil-senpai noticed his moodiness , she recapped to herself. But he didn’t mention Magic. Am I
the only one who sees the glowing eyes thing? She rolled onto her back. Maybe Azul-senpai has
something that can nullify Magic? She cringed. If I just smoke Scarabia out with some sort of
inhibiting gas, that could seriously hurt the others, or backfire and piss off Kalim-kun. I need an
idea of who’s-

She shot up. “Veprl-sensei’s records.”

“Rise and shine, Yuu-chan,” a voice greeted behind the door.

She yawned, stretching in her bed. Add no-sleep to the list. Wait, where’s the sun?

“What time is it?”

“We will march ten kilometers to the East Oasis this morning. Jamil-senpai says you’ll have to
come with us due to your health. You can ride with Kalim-senpai, though!”

“A ride through the desert this early?” Grim whined.

“Jamil-senpai didn’t say anything about him, though,” the resident added.

He shot up out of bed, back arched and fur bristling. “ What ?! You want the illustrious Grim the
Great to walk ten kilometers over hot sand?”

“We’ll be out in a second,” Yuu sighed.

So much for raiding Veprl-sensei’s office. Maybe I should just ask for my own copies.

She heard the boy’s footsteps distance.

“Did you sleep in your clothes?” Grim asked flatly.

“Pajamas are clothes. What’s the difference?”

“Those are made for sleeping! They’re comfier!”

“How would you know? You wear the same bow everyday.”

She slipped on the Night Raven basic uniform. Well, kinda. She tied the blazer around her waist,
and swapped the skirt for her dorm uniform’s shorts. She went ahead and tied up her hair before
stepping out. Grim followed sluggishly behind. Yuu followed the sound of people to the outer

The victims were fastening canteens to their belts or hastily scarfing down a snack. Kalim was
perched atop a very large elephant. Not just a regularly big elephant, no no; this thing could crush
them easily with one misstep. Why they put the irritable Kalim atop the creature was- she sighed.
How did this get approved?

“Would you like some help up?” Jamil offered, stretching his legs.

“This doesn’t hurt it, does it?”

He shook his head. “These elephants are bred to carry human weight.”

She sighed. More heights. “Help would be nice.”

“What about me ?” Grim demanded.

“There won’t be enough room,” he stated simply as the elephant gently hoisted Yuu beside Kalim.

“Now we begin our march to the East Oasis!” Kalim yelled down, fists thrusted on his hips. Those
blazing eyes burned with anger. “Consider this leg day. Anyone who falls behind will be dealt with

“Why does this stuff always happen to me,” the cat groaned.

“Move your legs- not your mouth!” He barked.

Yuu winced at his tone. Jamil ducked his head in shame. I wonder if Riddle-senpai was ever this
bad, but he had his reasons. Kalim-kun doesn’t. He’s being controlled somehow-
She took a quick glance at the pen dangling from the accessories.

There’s not enough Blot, either. And with everyone practicing, they probably all have some.

“You there!” He snapped. “You’re falling behind!”

Grim groaned into a sigh. “Give us a break already!”

“No slacking! Keep marching! If this is as far as you can go, you have no one to blame but

There has to be some way to snap him out of it at least, right? Or a time limit?

Minutes melted into hours. The rising sun started to rear into the sky with a vengence. Yuu could
only wonder what Scarabia did to incur its wrath. She didn’t envy their positions. It may have be
selfish, but she’d probably die in the heat. The housewarden was seemingly unaffected, proudly
standing atop the elephant’s back.

“Hey, Kalim-kun, how much farther, do you think?”

“It doesn’t matter,” he harshly bit. “They should be able to keep at this for as long as needed. Their
weakness is proof of their poor work ethic.”

“N-need… water ,” Grim wheezed. He collapsed silently onto the sand.

The group behind him regrettably shuffled by. Jamil scooped him up by the scruff. “It’s only a bit
further. Hang in there.”

Yuu could make out the wilting silhouettes of palm trees beyond the horizon. Waves of heat
rippled them in place. Upon coming closer, she noticed the pit of sand.

“All stop!” Kalim barked.

“Did we make it?” A Scarabia first-year panted.

“We’ll take a fifteen minute break here before beginning the march back to the dorm,” Jamil
announced as Yuu and Kalim were lowered to the ground by the elephant’s trunk.

“I was told this was an oasis!” Grim hissed. “Where’s the water?”

Kalim’s glare faltered. “Water… water…” he paused, the swirling vortexes of wrath dissipating.
“Do you want water?”

Why’d it suddenly break? Water was brought up earlier, right? So it couldn’t have been some sort
of code word-

“Yeah! My throat is mummified!”

He beamed. “Then I’ll get you some perfectly cool and delicious water to drink!”

Yuu blinked. “In the desert?”

“Watch this!” He put his hands together. “Relaxing on the hot sands, an endless party. Sing!” A
clap. “Dance!” Another. He flung his palms open. “Oasis Maker!”

The bright sky was suddenly shrouded with a veil of gray clouds. Jamil looked up passively,
tightening his hood with one hand. Water poured from the sky, instantly cooling the scorching

“So good~! My whole body feels refreshed!” A third-year sighed blissfully.

Beau took a seat on the sand, letting the droplets soak through his clothes. “I’ve come back to life.”

“Is this your Unique Magic, Kalim-kun?” Yuu asked, feeling the dampness on her palm.

“Yep!” He declared proudly with a jolly laugh. “I can create enough to fill a whole oasis to the
brim! Oasis Maker can let me create a huge amount of tasty water for very little Magic. And less
Magic, less Blot, too.”

“Sounds like a lame Signature Spell to me,” Grim commented. “There’s plenty of mages who can
do the same thing, y’know?”

“Don’t say that,” he chided with a polite smile. “Lots of water for little cost is what makes it
special. Before indoor plumbing was commonplace, my Magic would have been a huge boon to
prevent many unnecessary deaths. I think it’s very valuable, but I’ll admit it’s not useful most of
the time with all the plumbing and stuff.” That smile sparkled in the rain. He twirled around,
almost in dance, arms outstretched. “But I’m confident my water is the most delicious in the

“It does taste pretty good,” Yuu commented, taking a cupful from her palm. “Sweet and refreshing.
Cool, but not freezing.”

He giggled. “I’m glad you like it, Yuu-chan!”

“It’s like fresh spring water!” Grim chimed in. “Easy to guzzle!”

Jamil cocked a brow. “Can monsters even distinguish different kinds of water?”

His ears flattened. “My palate is of the highest grade, thank you!”

“I knew you’d get it!” The prefect laughed. “As a reward, have a cracker!”

He recoiled. “I may be hungry, but no way am I eating something so dry!”

Yuu sighed as she watched Kalim chase him with an unwanted cracker. Jamil was quiet, too,
eyeing the dorm head as he frolicked in the damp sand.

“Hey, Jamil-kun,” Yuu spoke up. “What’s your Signature Spell?”

“Nothing as impressive as Kalim’s,” he dismissed.

“If it’s specific to you, I think it’s pretty cool. Better than what I can do.”

“I didn’t take you to be the type so interested in Magic,” he commented.

“You kinda have to take an interest when you can’t do it at all,” she jested. “Keeps me from

He chuckled. “My apologies. I didn’t even think about that. Kalim! Our fifteen minutes is up. We
have to head back now.”

He skidded to a halt, mouth formed into a frown. “Already? We can let them rest a little while
longer, can’t we?”

“If we laze about here for too long, the sun will get higher and the temperature with it.”

Kalim hummed. “That’s a good point. Alright everyone! Time to get back and get breakfast!”

Chapter End Notes

2000+ kudos??? Ahhh?? You’re all too sweet and amazing! Thank you! I’m in shock!
S.O.S Signal
Chapter Notes

What one-shot do you want to see next? :D

Ruggie’s getting one once Scarabia’s finished.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The afternoon sunlight felt less brutal than earlier. A bit of a paradox, sure, but maybe there was
actual shade at least. Did Scarabia have air conditioning? Maybe that was it.

“The food here is as good as ever!” Grim decided.

“Eat as much as you want,” Kalim laughed, leaning back. “We have blue cheese! Try it with
crackers, ‘kay?”

“Too early for something that rich,” Yuu yawned.

“I’m with my minion on this one.”

“Is it early to you?” Kalim asked. “It’s already early afternoon!”

Ah right. It’s more like a brunch, isn’t it?

“We have ice cream for dessert today, too!”

He continued proudly. “It’s the Kalim-way to put all the flavors in a single line and then use a big
spoon to get one giant scoop!”

“That sounds like it could be a fun game,” she commented. “I’ll have to remember that for this
next leftover purge.”
“Leftover purge?”

“I make too much sometimes, so I invite some people over to help me eat them before they go bad.
We usually just watch movies and stuff our faces. Sometimes, it’s just Ruggie-kun and me. When
that happens, we do this thing where we try to make the craziest thing out of the leftovers.“

“They’re food abominations,” Grim cut in deadpan.

“Cater-nii calls them culinary creations.”

Kalim’s eyes sparkled. “That sounds like a lot of fun! We’ll have to do that some time, Jamil!”

“We’ll never have enough leftovers for that,” the vice muttered.

“I guess you’re right.” He sighed with a frown. “But anyway, ice cream! There’s always room for
dessert, right? I’ll bring some, so wait here!”

Jamil’s eyes widened in slight panic. “Wait, Kalim!” He shot to a stand. “I’ll go prepare it, so sit

“It’s fine! I just have to get it from the freezer, right?”

“Idiot,” he sighed. “What kind of servant makes his master wait on him? I wish you’d be more
aware of your status of Asim family heir. If they find out that I made you do something so trivial as
this, I’ll never hear the end of it from our fathers.”

“You’re too serious, Jamil.” He stood up with a smile. “We’re classmates in the same school right
now, so it should be fine.”

He stared pensively before sighing in defeat. “Let’s compromise. I’ll plate them, so you can help
me with carrying?”

“Sounds good!” He followed Jamil out of the lounge. He stopped at the doorway, shooting the
Scarabians a sunny smile. “We’ll get them ready, so wait for us, okay?” And with that, the two
were off.

“It’s like we’re dealing with two Kalims,” Grim muttered under his breath. “He was acting like a
tyrant earlier, but he’s acting really cheerful now? A bit oblivious, maybe, but not bad.”

“You could say that,” Yuu hummed.

“I’m just glad for the break,” a third-year sighed blissfully. “I will say that food does taste better
after a day’s worth of work.”

“It’s only noon,” Beau reminded, dread evident on his face. “The day’s not over yet.”

“Hey, all of you!” A voice harder than steel sliced through the joy. “How long do you plan on
loitering here? Who do you think you are? The king?”

“There it is,” a first-year muttered.

Consternation churned in Yuu’s stomach. Her heart was set to an anxious rhythm. Her grip
tightened on her plate.

It’s him.

Kalim glared smoldering daggers at the students. Fists dug into his hips.

“Clean this up immediately!” He snapped. “We’ll start training right after!”

“Y-yes, prefect!” They clamored, scuttling frantically.

“H-He’s back to being scary Kalim-kun again!” Grim stammered.

A sharp pointed finger flung to the cat. “You’re not exempted from this, Grim! I’ll make you train
until midnight if I need to! To the garden- now !”
So it’s Jamil-senpai. No doubt about it. The question is: what now? If I confront him, he’ll
probably dodge it like last time. I don’t even know why he’s doing this, either. Can’t exactly ask
him. How can I outplay him?

“W-why me ?” Grim whined, dragging his paws to work with low ears and head hung.

Maybe I don’t have to. There is one person here that is more tricky than Jamil-senpai. And he’s on

“Hey, Kalim-kun,” Yuu spoke up. “Mind if I swing by the Mostro Lounge? Not like I can do
Magic, anyway. I’m craving their mochas.”

The prefect huffed. “Doesn’t matter to me. Less dead weight for me to haul around. If you’re not
back by dinner though, starve.”

Ouch .

The Mostro Lounge was-

Yuu stared up at the daunting doors of the Octavinelle dorm. The purple arches bent and twisted in
a way so natural yet disturbing all the same. Did they always look so off-putting? The coiling ivory
spirals leading the eye in did not help. She’d been here dozens of times. She was being
overdramatic. The glass tunnel leading the way there was mended to perfection. You wouldn’t
even know of the battle that had taken place. She sometimes wondered which was reality and
which was the nightmare.

Deep breaths , she soothed herself. She went in.

The dorm wasn’t as lifeless as Yuu expected. She saw several students relaxing in the public
lounge in their dorm uniforms. Some opted to leave out the hat, but otherwise they were adhering
to the dress code. Much more lax than whatever was going on in Scarabia. Some offered a wave to
her, but otherwise minded their own business. Ironic. She could breathe better in the underwater

She descended down the conch-coiling staircase. Darkness bathed her as she made it to the bottom,
chilled blues soaking her with gentle light. The delicate aroma of coffee welcomed her. Gentle
chatter filled the ears like a distant tide, but was overlapped with the coasting jazz.
“Oh my,” Jade greeted, approaching. She quickly noted the sling. “I was not expecting you to
arrive so suddenly.”

“But you knew I was coming?” She teased.

He smirked at the jest. “If only I had such foresight. Table for one, I presume?”

“Could I actually talk with Azul-senpai?”

His lip tugged into a subtle line. “Are you looking to strike up a deal? I suppose you weren’t
informed. We’ve reworked that system.”

News to me. “It’s not a deal unless he makes it one.”

He hummed, not pressing for details. “He’s not busy, as far as I’m aware. Would you like to
discuss things with him privately?”

She paused. “Actually, could I maybe talk to all three of you? Floyd-senpai, too?”

His eyes widened. “Of course. I’ll have to rearrange some things. Give me a moment. I’ll meet you
in the VIP lounge. I trust you know what it is.”

“Thank you, Jade-senpai.” She slunk down the back hall.

It always had felt like a trench, even before. With a light tap to announce herself, she opened the

Azul sat behind his desk, beautiful blue eyes locking onto her immediately. His lips slightly opened
agape before he composed himself. “Yuu-chan. I was not expecting you. Are you feeling well?”

Why does everyone keep asking that? I’m not dying. “Yeah, I’m fine. I just need to talk to you and
the tweels.”
He sighed, shoulders relaxing. “I never will get used to that nickname.”

“Am I wrong?”

“No. That’s the worst part,” he replied with an amused smirk.

She snorted, taking a seat across from him. She missed this. She had forgotten how much she
enjoyed talking to him, however brief. She wasn’t ashamed to admit her subtle avoidance of him
ever since the play. Heck, even just after the Overblot incident. The form didn’t scare her. No,
what haunted her was the very real possibility that they could have all died. Not just him. Not just
her. Leona, Ruggie, and anyone else in the tunnel.

But she missed this. She missed her friend.

Jade entered. “Apologies for the wait. I had to find someone to cover for me.”

“No worries,” Yuu assured, leaning back. Her eyes flicked to the branded mug balanced in his
palm upon a similarly designed plate. “What’s in your hand?”

That coy smile appeared. “It’s required for all patrons to order at least one thing. You’re fond of
our mochas, if I recall correctly? Please, try our holiday blend.”

“Jade-senpai, you’re a saint,” she decided, taking it gently from his hands.

Azul chuckled warmly. “You’ll have to tell me if you like it.”

“I don’t think you have anything on the menu I hate,” she hummed into her cup. She practically
melted into its sweet, minty cocoa. A hint of late-autumnal spice she couldn’t quite place steamed
the roof of her mouth. “This is my new favorite.”

“That’s good,” Floyd snickered as he waltzed in. “Boss made it just for you.”

The octopus’ face tinted with a pink fire. He cleared his throat. “She has good taste.”
Yuu couldn’t be bothered to deal with the two’s teasing. She was in coffee heaven. She could
almost feel her worries melt away. Almost.

“What’s up, Shrimpy-chan?” the twin crooked down. “Something’s gotta be wrong for you to ask
for all of us.”

She glanced to Azul. “This stays in this room, right?”

“You have my word,” the octopus assured.

She set down the cup. “So, you know how I’ve been staying with Scarabia? Well, Kalim-kun’s
been acting weird. Not just normal-Night-Raven-weird- but Kalim-kun weird. He’ll be totally fine
one minute, but a complete tyrant the next. Worse than Riddle-senpai was. The students aren’t
having the best time. They’re breaking under the pressure of these intense training sessions. I’m
talking long walks in the desert starting at six in the morning, a fifteen minute break, then heading
back, just for Magic training after lunch.”

Azul’s eyes widened. “Scarabia’s prefect is acting like a despot?”

“Otter-chan’s got that kinda personality, too?” Floyd drawled.

“He does not seem like the type,” Floyd commented, a finger curled beneath his chin.

“Because he isn’t,” Yuu finished. “Jamil-senpai’s been using his Magic to hypnotize him. I’m sure
of it. His eyes glow bright red. Any time things get too out of control, Jamil-senpai pulls him aside.
Kalim-kun comes back worse. I just can’t figure out why.”

“Azul-san.” Jade’s attention fixed onto him. “You are in the same class as Jamil-san, are you not?”

He nodded, eyes distant. “We take a lot of classes together, so we see each other plenty. He does
not make many demands; that is to say, he’s rather plain.”
“I’m in the basketball club with him!” Floyd chimed in. “He gives off the impression that he plays

“So what are you wanting us to do specifically, Yuu-chan?” The cephalopod asked bluntly. He
had no scheming edge to his tone, but rather a patient comfort.

“I’m worried what could happen,” she answered urgently. “The Spell doesn’t really affect Kalim-
kun’s Blot levels, but I’m worried that Jamil -senpai will Overblot at this rate. I don’t even know
why he’s doing this-“

“Yuu-chan,” Azul’s voice cut smoothly, hands firmly on her shoulders. His gentle blues met her
gaze, unwavering. She didn’t even notice him get up. “It’s not up to you to prevent him, or anyone
for that matter, from Overblotting.”

“So, to recap,” Jade interrupted calmly, “you’re asking us to help defuse a potential Overblot-
situation? And hopefully reveal Jamil-san’s motives?”

“What are you thinking, Boss?” Floyd crooned.

Azul removed his gloved palms from Yuu with a sigh. “A vacation in the desert sounds like a good
change of pace, wouldn’t you agree?”

That twisted smile warped his face. “Sounds like fun!”

“Thank you, Azul-senpai,” Yuu breathed. “What do I owe you?”

He offered her a teasing smirk. “I’m quite benevolent, Yuu-chan.”

She cocked a brow. “Yeah, I’m not buying that.”

He hummed. “If I have to ask for a price, how about-“ he paused. “My name?”

She blinked with a furrowed brown “Your what?”

Floyd sang tone-deafly. “Aw~! I never thought you’d be so bold~!”

“Not like that !” Azul hissed, eyes like daggers. The eel cackled as he took a seat on the floor.

He composed himself before returning to Yuu. Pink dusted his cheeks. “You call Leona-san
Leona-nii. You still refuse to drift from -senpai or -san with me, even after everything.” He
swallowed thickly. “If it’s not too much to ask, would you just call me by my name?”

Yuu stared at him. She tasted the name on her tongue. “Azul?”

He breathed with a smile- gentle, pure, and sweet. “Yes?”

“You’re blocking my cup.”

Chapter End Notes

Has anyone picked up on the metaphors for this arc? They’ve been really subtle so far!

“Azul, how are you not dying with that jacket?”

“Willpower,” he answered with a stiff nod.

“I agree with Yuu-san,” Jade decided. “Azul-san, the dress code is more lax around the holidays.
Surely, you can discard any unnecessary clothing. I’d hate you to have a heat stroke.”

“Yeah, Boss,” Floyd chimed. “But if you die, dibs on your stuff.”

He rolled his eyes before retreating back to his quarters. “Very well. I’ll ‘dress down’.”

Yuu sighed. How could a man so charismatic and composed as Azul be so childishly stubborn?
Then again, he was pretty emotionally stunted. Speaking of-

“Hey, senpais? Can I ask you something?”

Jade offered a nod. “Most certainly.”

“I’ve been having these weird dreams lately. Except, they don’t feel like dreams. They’re more
like, memories?”

Ok that sounds creepy. Try that again, Yuu.

“But they’re not like-“

How do you even word something like this?

“It’s not like I’m there, either. It’s almost like I’m watching someone else’s memories.”

“Sounds freaky,” Floyd hummed.

Jade was more serious, brow slightly furrowed. Something about the mirthlessness made her
uneasy. “What do you mean?”
She took a deep breath. “I dreamt about Azul after the Overblot. It was really fuzzy, but then it
kept happening- getting clearer and clearer every time.”

It sounds even weirder saying it out loud.

“Sometimes it’s not him, though.”

Even creepier.

“Sometimes it’s Riddle-senpai, or Leona-senpai- but that one’s more rare and short.”

“What do you exactly see in those dreams with Azul-san?”

She sighed, trying to find the words. “People- well, er, merfolk. Kids, specifically, being really
mean to a small octopus-mer. Looked like a small Azul to me.” She chuckled, “he was so cute, too.
Squishy cheeks.”

Floyd laughed. “Sounds like him!”

Jade wasn’t as mused. “Continue.”

“People being mean, poking fun at him, just to swim off saying he’ll spray ink or something.” Her
heart pricked with pain. “He was all alone. So, he started studying really hard. That’s when you
two showed up. He thought you two were going to bully him.” She pointed to Jade. “You were
impressed with the sigils, even though he didn’t want you to touch them.”

His eyes widened in slight alarm. Or surprise? One of the two. His mouth was a thin line. “Where
did that scene take place?”

“At a school underwater. There was a crack in the wall that Azul squeezed into it.”

“Woah, that’s freaky,” Floyd decided, face twisting a bit in repulsion.

“That does sound eerily similar to the events back then,” Jade agreed more subdued. “I had nearly
forgotten them. I wonder if he remembers?”

She stared. “Wait, so that really happened?”

So no Magic, but ESP, apparently.

“Sorry for the wait,” Azul interrupted, arriving in far more casual attire.

He still insisted on pants, although jeans were better than whatever he was wearing before. A plain
button-up matched it. Floyd, in contrast, wore gym shorts and a loose sleeveless shirt. Jade was
between the two in terms of formality. He had a short-sleeved shirt on with cargo shorts. He had
the audacity to wear a fanny pack strapped over his chest.

Ah. Azul usually dressed them, didn’t he? That could be neither confirmed nor denied.

“I shoulda brought mine,” Floyd lamented, eyes on the pack on Jade’s chest.

“We have time for you to get it,” Azul assured easily.

“Nah, it’s fine.”

“Before I forget,” the cephalopod continued, attention now on Yuu, “do you still have those knives
Savanaclaw gave you?”

“They’re at Ramshackle, why?”

“We should get them.” His tone was curt and blunt, like a dulled blade. “As a safety precaution.”

Jade’s eyes widened. “You think that’s necessary?”

Floyd nodded, a twisted smirk tugging at his lip like a hook in the mouth. “I think it’d be better just
to squeeze ‘im if he gets outta hand.”

“We are capable of defending ourselves,” Azul phrased tactfully. “Yuu-chan, your best weapon is
your aim. If Jamil-san gets too rowdy, I want you to use your tools.”

His blue gaze didn’t waver from her. His tone was precise, cool, and carried a weight Yuu couldn’t
describe. His words weren’t what mattered. It’s what went unsaid.
“But I can’t just carry weapons like that around campus,” she protested.

“They’re just as dangerous as Magic,” Jade agreed. “If Headmaster Crowley poses a threat, you
have strength in numbers.”

Her brow furrowed. “I’m just me .”

“Wow, Shrimpy-chan~!” Floyd cackled. “I thought you were smarter! You have all of the school
behind ya. Use ‘em!”

“That sounds bad,” she deadpanned, following with the toneless joke, “I’m not you three.”

“I see,” Jade interrupted, eyes on Azul. “If something so dangerous were to happen, she could
claim self defense. It could look bad on Headmaster Crowley. Even if he dealt with the problem
internally, there’d be too many people rallying against any serious consequence. He wouldn’t want
anything controversial reaching the ears of the board, either.”

“Precisely,” he hummed.

“So what do you want me to do? Yuu gawked. “ Stab him?”

“I want you to do what’s necessary,” Azul corrected with a certain edge to his voice. “You can’t
easily kill anyone in that form, if that’s your concern. I’m asking you to defend yourself if you got
caught in the crossfire.”

She paused. Azul was a smart guy. He had scary intelligence lurking behind those classy glasses
and plastic smile. He knew any risk, and calculated accordingly. If he was so concerned, even with
his arrogant self and tweels?

Why was that so disturbing? She had fought Riddle and talked down Leona just fine! Sure, she
clocked Riddle’s jaw and watch Leona disintegrate Ruggie’s- ok don’t think about that - she even
stopped a group drowning! What was so different about this?

What was he hiding?

“Azul.” Her voice was low, as if stalking him from a difference. “What are you not telling me?”
He sighed, pushing up his glasses with a finger. “You give me too much credit. I don’t know
what’s going on inside that man’s head.”

“Humor me,” she demanded flatly.

His cool gaze was chilling, unwavering like the stilled seas before an unseen storm. His lips were
thin, pensive. “It takes a cunning sea serpent to know a conniving snake.”

“What are you doing here?” Jamil’s eyes were formed into an irritated glare, simmering with an
emotion he had hardly let boil.

“Ah~” Floyd sang, pointedly ignoring him. “It’s like summer here~!”

“It is unfavorable for us to return to our hometown during winter,” Jade put simply.

“That doesn’t answer my question,” he all but hissed.

“What’s going on over here?” A summery voice greeted. Yuu immediately checked his eyes to
find a complete lack of malice.

Normal Kalim-kun. Good Kalim-kun. We like this Kalim-kun.

Jamil fumbled. “Kalim!”

The prefect didn’t seem to notice the blunder. “Hey, Azul. What’re you doing here?”

He returned his smile. “Hello, and how are you today, Kalim-san?” He scanned the horizon, that
business smile sparkling in its pseudo-splendor. “Scarabia is as splendid as ever! Although, outside
is a winter wonderland, you see not a trace of that in the summer heat of Scarabia. This would
make a wonderful location for an in-house resort.”

“Oh?” There was not a glint of understanding behind those round, red eyes. “Not sure I follow, but
thanks for the compliments!”
“Speaking of a staycation, so to speak, I didn’t know all of Scarabia was to spend their holiday
here. I was surprised when Yuu-chan informed me.”

“You guys too, right?” He replied with that unwavering grin.

“That’s right!” He returned with similar enthusiasm. “What a wonderful coincidence! Then should
we not, as prefects, take this opportunity to deepen the bonds between Octavinelle and Scarabia
through a joint training camp?”

Jamil choked on air behind his housewarden.

Kalim beamed. “Sounds great! I’d love for you guys to stay with us!”

The vice muttered into his ear, “I’m against it, Kalim.”

He blinked back at him. “What? Why?”

“We’re giving up our vacation to study in order to catch up to the other dorms,” he explained
evenly. “You want to invite the enemy into our dorm and reveal all our secrets to them?”

Kalim frowned a bit, thin brows furrowed in confusion. “‘Enemy’ is a bit much. Besides! They can
help keep Yuu-chan company for when we’re busy. It’s good to have extra eyes, y’know?”

“That’s what I’m afraid of,” he sighed, voice barely above a whisper.

“Azul is the top Mage at our school,” Kalim insisted excitedly. “Having them stay here will benefit
Scarabia! Turning away a guest that came all this way would sully the Asim name!”

Azul beamed. “You really are a truly kind and warm-hearted person, Kalim-san! Allow me to
teach you what I can, so that both of our dorms may prosper!”
“The two of us will be happy to assist with any cooking or cleaning,” Jade assured.

Floyd chuckled. “Yeah, yeah. We’re pros from the Lounge.”

Kalim’s smile sparkled. “That’d be a great help! Then Jamil will have less work.”

“Don’t worry about me,” the vice assured sharply, only for the chatter to continue. “You’re not
listening, at all.”

“Well then!” The prefect chirped. “I know you just got here, but why don’t we get this practice
started? Leave your things over here!”

The trio followed Kalim down to the sleeping quarters, leaving Yuu and Jamil alone. Great .

“Did you instigate this?” He asked bluntly. His tone lacked malice, but it definitely wasn’t kind.

She dodged the question. “You need to take a break. Extra hands won’t hurt, right? And if you’re
so worried about my health, they can always help me out while you deal with Kalim-kun.”

He sighed. “Fine. Please, just talk to me next time.”

That felt too easy . She blinked. “Sorry. You’re right. I should have.”

He stared back at her, unsure how to exactly accept this apology. He settled with a nod before
following Kalim like a distant shadow.
Under the Table
Chapter Notes

In case you haven’t caught it yet, the metaphor theme for this arc is “shadow” and
“light”! I really wanted to use something that tied into that PV, but Savanaclaw’s got
the celestial body theme. Hopefully this works, too!

They were not welcome. Not at all. He could excuse Yuu and Grim’s presence, but not the
scheming scoundrels of Octavinelle. Azul Ashengrotto was as charismatic as he was cunning, with
added muscle behind him. Jade was always quietly thinking, while Floyd’s unpredictability made
him an unreliable variable. If Jade led with his head, Floyd acted on his flippant heart. The worst
part about it? Kalim welcomed the three fiends into Scarabia as honored guests regardless of
Jamil’s voiced apprehension. Again .

Shadows aren’t heard , he thought bitterly as he slipped on his headphones.

Shadows. Creatures like him, low as they were, could only strive for that. He was bred for such a
purpose- to make sure Kalim shined brighter. And a shadow cannot exist without light. He loathed
it. Resented it with every fiber of his being. He seethed, Does he know how hard I’ve worked for
this? Curse it all.

He barely heard the soft knocking. He sighed, letting the banded cushions fall to his neck. Who
could it be at this hour? “Come in.”

Yuu was the one to walk in fashioned in lax sleepwear. He quickly noted her appearance. No bags
or sign of distress, so that ruled out poor sleep. She probably never went to sleep.

“Hey, Jamil-senpai,” she greeted. “Is now a bad time?”

“I’m simply winding down for the evening,” he assured. “What can I help you with?”

“I couldn’t sleep.” She shrugged. “Probably too much caffeine too late. Mistakes were made.”

That makes sense.

“I can make some chamomile,” he offered.

“It’s fine.” She shrugged. “I was wondering, though, if you knew how to play this game we found?
It’s got a board with holes, and little gems that fit inside. We found it in one of the opening tables.”

He felt his shoulder slowly unwind. Ah. That was simple enough. “That’s mancala. It’s a popular
board game back home.” He paused. “Did you say ‘we’?”

“Floyd-senpai has a hard time sleeping in new places, and Azul couldn’t sleep at all, either. So, we
kinda just hung out in the lounge. Is that okay?”

If they were just in the lounge, it should be fine. If I monitor their every move so vocally, it’ll be
suspicious at best. “It’s fine, just be sure to clean up after.”

“Can do. But you know how to play, right? Will you teach us? Azul can’t figure it out, but it’s
funny watching him try.”

Now that was a funny thought: the octopus struggling to figure out some rocks and wood. “Kalim’s
better at it,” he lied with ease. “He’s asleep at the moment, but he could teach you in the morning.”

She had an amusing dead-stare of no nonsense matched with a slightly lowered brow. “I didn’t ask
for Kalim-kun; I asked for you . If you don’t want to, it’s fine. We can probably look it up or

He sighed. “I understand. I’ll be there shortly.”

“No rush.” She left the room as quickly as she came.

Given the time, and her clothes, I’d assume the others are in pajamas, he decided, loosening his
hair and slipping into something more comfortable: sweatpants and a retired basketball jersey. He
quickly wiped off his eyeshadow before heading to the lounge.

Yuu was reclining at the table beside Azul watching a movie on the mounted television. Floyd was
on the other side of Azul, happily enjoying the pizza. Wait, pizza? When did she have time to make

“Where’d the pizza come from?” he had to ask.

“I had to run by Ramshackle to get something before I came back from Mostro,” Yuu answered. “I
had some leftover pizzas in my freezer, so brought those. I kept them separate from everything,
though, so you shouldn’t get in trouble with Kalim-kun.”

He blinked, not sure really what to say to that.

“She’s trying to fatten the boss up,” Floyd snickered.

“I am at a healthy weight,” Azul insisted adamantly.

“Azul,” Yuu deadpanned, “I can see your ribs.”

To emphasize, she lightly poked him. His face burned a scandalous pink as he wordlessly, although
begrudgingly, took a piece.

Panic pricked at him. We’re missing two. “Where are Jade-san and Grim?”

“Jade’s asleep unless he’s taking a nightly stroll,” the octopus answered.

“Grim’s asleep. I think you killed him.”

He scoffed at the joke, awkwardly finding a seat beside Yuu. Jade’s whereabouts being vague was
more unsettling than it ought to be. He couldn’t watch what he couldn’t see. He’d have to let that
go for now. Kalim was asleep. Anything the eel could try wouldn’t be too fatal, surely.

“Is food important to your culture?” he asked.

“Not as much as yours. I just like food.” She shrugged. “Plus, kinda hard to avoid. Easy way to
hang out with people without having to talk to them. Help yourself.”
He hummed in response, lifting a sloppy slice off the cardboard slab. Definitely not the refined
dining he would prepare, and certainly not anything served in the Asim court.

“Dude, it’s just pizza,” Floyd stated.

“I’m aware,” he sighed irritably, putting it into his mouth.

Ah. Right. Terrible food’s advantage: it tasted really good. A sin, really.

“You’re still trying to figure out mancala, aren’t you?” Yuu asked, leaning over Azul’s shoulder.

Irritation permeated from his frustrated glare. “I’m part of the board game club. This shouldn’t
perplex me to this extent.”

Jamil sighed. “Let me show you.”

Golden light reflected off the impressive stacks of gold. It was almost like a self-supplied sun room
in the lateness of the night. Kalim followed the guest with a sleepy look and a tired yet cheery

Jade gently ran his fingers over the intricately woven piece. “Is this peacock-green fabric?”

“Oh, that’s weaved silk!” Kalim started tracing the images interwoven with the image. “It’s a story
from long, long ago before they reformed the rule of royals only being able to marry other royals.
The princess married a common thief, or ‘street rat’, as he was called, raised in the slums. This is
the color she always wore. It’s pretty popular with boys and girls at home.”

“I never thought you to be a romantic,” he chuckled lightly. “I think I understand, though. The
Mermaid Princess’ desire must have been similar. She, too, collected a myriad of gadgets and
gizmos. Managing all these treasures must take a lot of work.”

“Jamil usually takes care of that, actually. He airs them out sometimes, too.”
“Jamil-san is such a capable aide,” Jade decided with a certain smoothness to his voice. “Azul-san
has spoken highly of him, as well.”

“He is, right? He’s really amazing!” Kalim glowed with pride. “He’s the one who taught me
Magic, and how to study better!” Fondness warmed his features. “He teaches way better than any
tutor I’ve ever had.” A chuckle rumbled his chest. “He’s a really great dancer, too! He just-“ he
shrunk in shyness. “-just doesn’t dance in front of a lot of people.”

Jade offered that signature, lukewarm grin. “You two sound close. You must confide in him, yes?”

He blinked. “Eh?”

He spoke slowly with a slight, loose drawl. “It is a long vacation, and yet the students in the dorm
are being made to train every day. It is something I did not think you would enforce lightly.”

“Ah, thats-“ Kalim’s brow furrowed, eyes shifting uncomfortably away from him. “It’s because we
really needed more training-“ he paused, mouth pursed into a tense line, “I think?”

Jade’s golden eye glinted with interest. “It is your own decision, is it not? Why do you sound so

“I see what you mean,” he confessed. “It’s supposed to be my decision, but-“ he rubbed his
forehead, face twisted in distress. “I feel like I’ve been spacing out a lot lately.”

“How concerning.” He looked subtly him over. “Do you have any idea as to why?”

“Jamil says it’s because of stress,” he sighed. “Duties and all that.”

“Oh?” His expression was unreadable.

“I’ve had a bad streak of dozing off when I’m facing something difficult,” he admitted with a
slight frown. “My home tutors lecture me a lot when that happens.”
Jade folded his fingers under his chin, searching his gaze. “And what difficult things do you mean,
to be exact?”

“Things like the Spelldrive tournament, exams, counter-measures, things like that.” Kalim shrunk,
those brilliant rubies dulling in despair. “I think about them, and I end up spacing out. I’m so
hopeless without Jamil, huh?”

So this isn’t the first time, the eel deduced. That would explain why he doesn’t notice the gaps in
memory. It’s normal, routine, and medically reasonable as dissociative episodes. Jamil-san must
have calculated this. Is he planning something bigger than we initially thought? And why would
Jamil-san be acting now? What are we missing?

“You’re too hard on yourself, Kalim-san,” he assured with that business smile. “It is Jamil-san’s
job to aid you, is it not? We all have our shortcomings- even him.”

“I did it~!” Floyd cheered. “Three wins in a row!”

Jamil chuckled, resetting the board. “You’re very formidable whenever you concentrate, on and off
the court.”

“I am not good at this,” Yuu decided. “Five rounds and not a single win.”

“I am in the board game club,” Azul reasoned. “And Jamil-san stands at two wins and three

The vice shrugged off the fact. “It must be getting rusty since it’s been a while. Kalim used to
make me play long hours until he won. I guess it’s force of habit.”

Azul caught the quick glance Yuu shot him. “So that’s how it is,” he muttered.

“What do you mean by that?” Jamil cocked a brow. “You’re a pretty weird one.”
“Oh, no, I was talking to myself,” he assured. “A habit of mine. You were raised together with
Kalim-san, were you not?”

He sighed. His brows slightly lowered, something akin to irritation. “You seem to know what it’s
like. You and the Leeches are childhood friends, too.”

“You’d think,” Floyd snickered. “We’ve been classmates since elementary school. I only started
caring about Azul when we were in middle school. We don’t have anything special like childhood

“I was a very introverted student,” Azul agreed with a nod. “I preferred not to stand out.”

“You would have never guessed, though,” Yuu chuckled.

Jamil turned to the octopus. “And now you’re their prefect? What a bizarre relationship.”

“Ya think so?” Floyd hummed. “I’m just doing it ‘cause I think Azul’s interesting.”

Azul started putting away the mancala board. “Both Jade and Floyd have no reason to submit
themselves to me. To them, we are just ‘playing around’.”

“Playing master and servant, you mean?” His voice was low, testing the taste of the words before
sinking his fangs into them.

Somberness settled in Azul’s features. Those composed pools calmed with a resigned calmness.
When they decide I’m not worthy to be their leader, and when they start becoming bored of me, the
both of them will leave me and will both try and take my position away. There are plenty of other
fish in the sea, as they say.” He lightened the tone with a smirk. “I have no intentions of losing

“We don’t have any plans of challenging you~” Floyd assured with a laugh. “For now, at least.”

And it’s a mystery why he’s got abandonment issues , Yuu thought flatly.
Jamil’s expression was hard to read. His eyes were vague, mouth lineless without form. “You all
have equal standing right now, then.”

“We’re together with him because he’s interesting,” Floyd replied with that curled smirk. “Once he
starts being boring, it’s bye-bye Azul~ The vice prefect isn’t the prefect’s retainer, y’know? It’s
perfectly normal.”

“Ruggie-kun’s practically Leona-senpai’s mom,” Yuu added, “but he doesn’t have the fancy title
of ‘vice’.”

“ Normal , huh?” The mutter oozed with venom. “I’ve been raised as a retainer to serve his family,
so I can’t really understand. A master is a master, and a servant is a servant.” He didn’t realize his
crescendoing voice. He bit the voice down, sinking into a despondent hush. “Most probably as
long as I’m alive.”

Azul was silent. Yuu recognized that look.

He found something.

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