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Focus4 2E Unit Test Vocabulary Grammar UoE Unit5 GroupA

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Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Name: __________________________________ 2 There’s been a steady i____________ in sales

Class: __________________________________ but we need to do better if we want to make a
Total: _________/30 profit.
3 Make sure you focus on your s____________
in the interview. You need to show what you’re
Vocabulary good at.
1 Match the words in A and B to make 4 He’s always lacked p____________ and
collocations. Then complete the sentences. You changes his job at least two or three times a
may need to change the form of the verbs and year.
pronouns. There is one extra word in A.
5 It’s a huge organisation with a w____________
A increase part- find gradual of over five thousand.
apply enter career ___/5
B decline path the job market
timer one’s output one’s niche Grammar

0 My boss has asked me to come up with ways 3 Complete the second sentence so that it has a
our team can increase our output. similar meaning to the first. Use reported speech.

1 It’s difficult to __________________________ 0 'I will be there on time!' Greg told me.
if you don’t have any qualifications. Greg told me that he would be there on time.

2 There’s been a __________________________ 1 'Don’t take another day off!' said my boss.
in the number of students going abroad to My boss warned _______________________
study. ______________________ day off.

3 For a long time I didn’t know what to do but 2 'Why don’t you ask Meg about it?' suggested
eventually I ____________________________ . Dave.
Dave suggested _________________________
4 My sister is a ___________________________ , ___________ about it.
she only works Monday to Wednesday.
3 'I’m not going to accept a poorly-paid job,' said
5 Marketing is a __________________________ Janet.
that I have considered. Janet refused ___________________________
___/5 _______________ job.

2 Complete the sentences with the missing words. 4 'Sue hasn’t applied for any other jobs,' Mark
The first letters are given. told me.
Mark said _____________________________
0 My mother had a vocation. She worked in
any other jobs.
medicine all her life.
5 'Will you be staying with us one more night?'
1 If she’s not careful, she’s going to b__________
he asked.
out. She hasn’t had a holiday in years and she’s
He asked ______________________________
______________ one more night.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 4 SECOND EDITION (B2/B2+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

4 Complete the sentences so that they make 3 I defended my brother when he was having
sense using appropriate forms of the words in problems with bullies. STOOD
brackets. Add any necessary words. Use no more
I _______________________ my brother when
than six words.
he was having problems with bullies.
0 Greg told me to be (tell/I/be) there on time. 4 Have you started checking my homework?
1 I talked to a careers advisor and she _________ ROUND
______________________________________ Have you _____________________________
(recommend/ look for/new job). my homework?
5 I’ve never liked people who think they are
2 During the last conference the owners of the better than me. DOWN
factory ________________________________ I’ve never liked people who _______________
(persuade/workers/sign) the new contracts. __________________ me.
3 The boss _______________________________ ___/5
(beg/she/not/quit) her job but she wouldn’t
listen. 6 Complete the sentences with the missing words.
The number of letters to be used is given in
4 Everyone ______________________________ brackets.
(accuse/he/steal) although no one had any
proof. 0 We all congratulated him on getting a new job.
5 The man _______________________________
(thank/we/complete) the project on time and 1 My parents __________ (5) me to finish school
we appreciated his words. rather than get a job when I was sixteen. They
___/5 really insisted on it.

Use of English 2 Everyone was confused about her return from

holidays. Then she ___________ (9) why she
5 Complete the second sentence so that it has a
came back earlier than she had planned.
similar meaning to the first. Use the word in
capitals. Write up to five words.
3 The boy didn't __________ (5) to doing
0 I’m trying to avoid helping my dad with the anything wrong. He said he hadn't broken the
gardening. GET window.
I’m trying to get out of helping my dad with the
gardening. 4 Hopefully, the prices of houses will __________
(6) constant for the next year or two. We really
1 We faced many problems when we first went
don't want them to increase.
to live abroad. UP
We _________________________ many
5 I can’t believe I __________ (4) up with such a
problems when we first went to live abroad.
great idea when I was just a kid. WOW!
2 She bought me a new phone, which ___/5
compensated for the one she broke. FOR
She bought me a new phone, which _________
_______________________ the one she broke.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 4 SECOND EDITION (B2/B2+)

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