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Advanced Simulation Techniques For Low Speed Vehicle Impacts

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LS-DYNA Anwenderforum, Frankenthal 2007 Crash I

Advanced Simulation Techniques

for Low Speed Vehicle Impacts

L. Ramon-Villalonga, Th. Enderich

Adam Opel GmbH, Rüsselsheim, Germany


During recent years the development of new vehicles has had to cope with continuously emerging
requirements, implemented by new legislations and consumer tests (e.g. EuroNCAP) to insure
occupant and pedestrian protection as well as new insurance classification tests to improve passenger
car damageability and repairability.

In a low speed vehicle impact performed to assess the insurance classification, the damage to the
structure of the vehicle should be minimal in order to reduce the repair costs and consequently
achieve a lower insurance category. The bumper system is responsible for absorbing the kinetic
energy of the vehicle during a low speed impact, and at the same time no other structural parts should
be damaged. In addition, there is a target conflict between low speed and other vehicle load cases as
well as current styling philosophies so that the bumper system has to satisfy many challenging

The following paper focuses on low speed crash giving an overview of the actual load cases,
describing the requirements that a modern bumper system has to fulfil. Advanced techniques are
presented from the importance of the mesh quality through to detailed modelling of some key parts to
improve the vehicle performance.


Low speed crash, AZT, RCAR, crash box, bumper beam, high speed crash, element size, buckling

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1 Introduction
During recent years, there has been an increasing economic pressure within the automotive industry
to drive virtual development in order to reduce both development time and the number of physical
prototypes. The application of crash simulations is nowadays an integrated part of the vehicle
development process. The continuously emerging number of load cases and variants involve more
challenging performance requirements, which can only be achieved by means of simulation

The passive safety load cases can be divided into: high speed crashes for front, side and rear
impacts, occupant and pedestrian protection and low speed crashes which are mainly performed for
insurance classification purposes. In order to fulfill the new pedestrian protection requirements
significant structural changes of the vehicle front end are necessary. These structural changes affect
adversely the performance of other safety load cases e.g. high and low speed crashes. Hence it is a
challenge to develop a front end structure with an optimal performance for all the load cases.

The performance of low speed impacts is regulated by a number of national and international
standards. There are legal requirements based on certain minimum performances for the vehicle
homologation in barrier and pendulum tests with velocities ranging from 2.4-8 km/h depending on
where the vehicle is marketed (e.g. CMVSS 215 in Canada, 49 CFR 581 in the US, ECE-R42 in
Europe). Besides the demands of legislation, these days insurance classification tests are becoming a
prerequisite. In Europe, the 15 km/h crash repairability test (also known as Danner test or AZT test) is
widely used for insurance rating.

In a low speed impact the vehicle must withstand the crash with minimal damage, so that the repair
costs remain low and a certain insurance classification can be achieved. While the bumper system
must absorb most of the impact energy, the remaining structure of the vehicle should not undergo
plastic deformation. For a bumper system to be designed efficiently, it is essential to have a fine mesh
resolution in certain areas. The influence of the mesh sensitivity is discussed in chapter 4. Some
vehicle design features which enhance low speed crash performance are described in chapter 5.

2 Low Speed Vehicle Impacts

Over the last few years different test configurations for low speed impacts have been developed in
different countries, in order to prevent unnecessary damage to the structure of vehicles. This section
focuses briefly on the most important European load cases for low speed.

In the early 1980s, the ‘Allianz Zentrum für Technik’ (AZT) implemented the structural test at 15 km/h,
a 40% overlap and 0° rigid barrier for front and rear impact in Europe. The general test set-up for left
hand drive is shown schematically in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1 Front and rear impact with 0° rigid barrier (AZT test)

This test has been adopted by the Research Council for Automobile Repairs (RCAR) as a standard for
conducting low speed crash tests. RCAR is an international organization that works towards reducing
insurance costs by improving automotive damageability, repairability, safety, and security.

A few vehicle manufacturers have tended to develop their vehicles to achieve the best results under
this very specific RCAR test condition but the vehicles have not exhibited a good low speed impact

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performance in real world accidents. Minor changes of the impact constellation have resulted in much
higher repair costs. For this reason, in 2006 the RCAR test was revised and changed from 0° to 10°
impact angle, in order to encourage corner protection and to improve the robustness of the vehicle
front end structure as a result of the additional lateral force of the 10° barrier (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 Front and rear impact with 10° rigid barrier (AZT test)

The new configuration can imitate more realistically real world corner impacts, causing more cosmetic
damage (e.g. fenders, headlamps, hood, etc.) while the damage to the mechanical parts (e.g. radiator,
condenser etc.) is reduced. Due to the lower barrier penetration for the 10° impact compared to the 0°
impact the damage to the hood decreases (Fig. 3). Actual trends are to design short hoods, so that the
hood remains completely undamaged in the event of a crash at low speed.

Fig. 3 Front impact with 0° and 10° rigid barrier (AZT test)

In addition to the enhanced AZT test, a new bumper test procedure, which should come closer to the
damage that occurs in real world impacts, has recently been developed by the RCAR working group.
This new test improves the ability of the bumper systems, particularly their capability to prevent the
underride and override. Some of the most costly low speed crash damage occurs when vehicle
bumpers slide under or over each other and damage is caused to vehicle grilles, headlamps, hoods
and fenders. This happens because generally, the bumpers on colliding vehicles do not align. In this
new test configuration the car is crashed into a barrier designed to imitate a real vehicle bumper. The
bumper barrier is composed of a steel body, a plastic absorber, a plastic cover and a back stop (Fig.
4). The back stop reduces the amount of intrusion into the vehicle and is supposed to create more
realistic cosmetic damage. The tests include front and rear full-width impacts at 10 km/h. In North
America front and rear corner impacts at 5 km/h are also being taken into consideration.

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vertical back stop

steel frame

facia simulator
energy absorber

Fig. 4 New RCAR bumper barrier

3 Requirements on Modern Bumper Systems

Favorable insurance categories, sufficient deformable zones for pedestrian protection and conflicting
low speed legislation aspects require an effective design of bumper systems. The modern bumper
system has the function of absorbing the energy of the low speed crash, thus avoiding higher vehicle
damage. The energy absorption capability of the bumper system during a crash is evaluated by the
load-displacement response. The area under the corresponding load-displacement curve is a measure
of the energy absorbed (Fig. 5). During a low speed impact, the bumper system has the function of
preventing damage to the body-in-white (BIW). Hence the maximum impact load transmitted through
the system has to be limited. The maximal displacement is specified by the vehicle design. The ideal
bumper system has a load-displacement response which acts as a step function: the load rapidly
reaches the maximum allowed value and remains there throughout the crash (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5 Force-displacement curve

The modern screwed bumper systems are composed of a bumper beam and two energy absorber
elements (e.g. crash box). In contrast, the old bumper systems were welded to the BIW instead of
being screwed. Fig. 6 shows the differences of the bumper design between the Opel Zafira I and the
new Opel Zafira II. The advantage of the modern bumper system is that it is possible to replace each
part individually in the event of damage, without the necessity to cut or weld. The energy absorbing
crash box is placed behind the bumper beam and attached to the front rail of the vehicle. The crash
box has to crush in a specific way, so that the forces and bending moments transmitted to the front rail
are limited and the rail does not undergo any significant plastic deformation. As a result the rail does
not need to be repaired after a low speed impact. In parallel, both the cosmetic damage (e.g. fenders,
headlamps, hood, etc.) and the damage to the expensive mechanical parts (e.g. radiator, condenser,
etc.) have to be kept as low as possible.

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bumper beam

crash box

side front member

upper front member

massive plate

closing plate

Fig. 6 Front end structure of Zafira I and Zafira II

New bumper systems have some disadvantages: for example not only does the production complexity
increase but also the cost, weight and vehicle front overhang. Firstly the longer vehicle overhang is
caused by the increased distance between the bumper beam and radiator (in order to avoid damage
to this part during a low speed crash). In addition to that, the implementation of deformation elements
in front of the bumper beam increases the required package space. A third factor responsible for the
large front overhang is the stiff interface area (e.g. closing plate and massive plate) between the
energy absorber elements and the front rail. At the same time there is a desire to improve the
compactness of the vehicle for styling reasons and to keep the overhang low, making the energy
management more difficult. Fig. 7 shows the increased front overhang of the Opel Zafira II compared
to the front overhang of the Opel Zafira I.

distance facia and hood 54 mm distance facia and hood 169 mm

distance bumper beam and hood 29 mm distance bumper beam and hood 77 mm

small overhang large front overhang

large distance between bumper beam and radiator

Fig. 7 Front overhang comparison between Opel Zafira I and Opel Zafira II

As already mentioned low speed impacts are regulated by an amount of different legal requirements
and insurance classification tests. It is a challenge to design the most efficient bumper system for all
the existing load cases simultaneously, because the requirements are to some extent contradictory,
above all the requirements between Europe and North America. While the bumper beam and the
crash box should be designed stiff in order to pass the pendulum demands from Canada (CMVSS215)
and USA (49 CFR 581), the crash box has to be able to crush in the Danner Test, without any plastic
deformation of the front rail. To solve this problem one alternative could be to design different bumper
systems for North America and Europe.

Structural changes to the vehicle front end structure to achieve pedestrian protection demands can
affect adversely the low speed performance. In order to ensure the required protection for pedestrians,
the vehicle must absorb the impact energy by means of a deformable soft structure which has
sufficient deformation space. For lower leg protection, an optimized low-density foam in front of the
bumper cross-member can be integrated. This foam reduces the efficiency of the low speed bumper
system, so that the barrier intrusion is higher. Hence, without further measures, the vehicle damage
and the repair costs would increase, which would intensify the insurance classification. In order to

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avoid these effects, several measures have to be implemented. In section 5 some measures are
described which significantly helped to reduce damage repair costs to the Opel Zafira II.

An effective design of the bumper system must also fulfill certain requirements regarding high speed
crashes. During a high speed impact, the crash box should crush first and the front rail should be able
to absorb most of the deformation energy, so that the safety cage does not undergo any relevant
deformation. Due to the RCAR requirements the force level between crash box and front rail is
different and the crash box deformation cannot be efficiently used for high speed crash. For this
reason the transition between front and elongation front rail has to be reinforced and consequently, the
production complexity, weight, as well as the costs increase (Fig. 8).

main path

Fig. 8 Reinforced main load path

4 Mesh Sensitivity of a Crash Box

For full vehicle crash analysis small finite elements are undesired, since they require a small critical
time step for the simulation with an explicit procedure and considerable calculation resource is
necessary. However the characteristics of the underlying mesh have a significant effect on the
numerical simulation results and a compromise between element size and computation time has to be
met. All relevant deforming parts of a finite element model should have a fine resolution mesh and
model coarsening should be applied to all non-deforming parts, while a transition zone should be

A model size study has been carried out to show the potential impact of different mesh sizes on
simulation results. Since in low speed impacts the crash box is the main component which absorbs the
kinetic energy, a total of six different mesh sizes for a crash box were analyzed. The following table
shows exemplarily for three of the six evaluated meshes: the minimum size, average edge length
(AEL), maximum size, total number of elements and percentage of triangular elements (Fig. 9).

Mesh Minimum size Average edge length Maximum size Number of elements Trias
[-] [mm] [mm] [mm] [-] [%]

fine 0.8 1.8 3.5 26263 4.9

medium 2.0 3.4 5.0 10770 7.1
coarse 3.7 5.6 8.6 3560 16.6

Fig. 9 Mesh sizes for a crash box

First of all an evaluation of a crash box for all mesh sizes under axial loading was conducted. A simple
model with a crash box and a rigid wall was modeled. The rigid wall was moved with a constant
velocity to crush the crash box, while the rear wall of the crash box was fully constrained. The internal
energy absorbed by the crash box and the mean reaction force of the rigid wall are illustrated in Fig.
10. The coarse meshes can absorb more energy because they are stiffer than the fine meshes. The
simulation results converge as the discretization of the crash box becomes finer. Similar results are
described in [1]. An element size of 2.5 mm provides mesh independent results whereas a finer mesh
does not increase the accuracy of the results.

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18000 90
17000 85
Internal Energy [J]

Mean Force [kN]

14000 75
13000 70
10000 60
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Average Edge Length [m m ] Average Edge Length [m m ]

Fig. 10 Internal energy and mean force

The following diagram depicts the influence of the element size on the computational time (Fig. 11). It
is obvious that the finer the mesh is, the more calculation resource is needed. For the evaluated crash
box an average element length of 2.5 mm or lower gives almost the same results, but in contrast the
computational time for these meshes increases considerably. The simulation time of the 2.5 mm mesh
is only 32% of the simulation time of the finest mesh evaluated in this study.

Ratio Computational Time [-]





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Average Edge Length [m m ]

Fig. 11 Computational time

Fig. 12 illustrates the influence of the element size on the crash buckling modes. The sensitivity of the
results decreases as the element size becomes lower, allowing a finer mesh to capture higher
curvature buckling modes. Using a sufficient fine mesh, a smooth representation of the deformed
geometry can be achieved. The influence of the mesh resolution on the deformed geometry is shown
in [2].

[mm] 1.3 1.8 2.5 3.4 5.6 6.4

Fig. 12 Buckling modes

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The second step of the study was to evaluate the influence on the mesh of the crash box in a
component model for the AZT load case. The component model was composed of a bumper system
(beam and crash boxes), load cells and a dolly. The dolly, representing the vehicle mass, with the
bumper system impacts against a 0° rigid barrier with a 40% overlap at 15 km/h.

Fig. 13 depicts the simulation results of the meshes in the table above (Fig. 9) compared to the
experimental test data. A reasonable correlation is obtained between the simulation and test data for
the fine mesh with an element size of 1.8 mm. The coarse mesh (AEL 5.6 mm) is not able to represent
the maximum load peak. A comparison between the fine meshes (AEL 1.3, 1.8 and 2.5 mm)
emphasizes that an element size of 2.5 mm is sufficient to obtain realistic results and a finer mesh
does not significantly improve the accuracy (Fig. 14).

Fig. 13 Force-time diagram



Fig. 14 Force-time diagram

At the beginning of the vehicle development process, the bumper system is developed on the basis of
dolly models. However, for the development of an effective bumper system, it is essential to consider
both the package components as well as the vehicle front end structure. This can be achieved by
designing the bumper system within a vehicle model. The last step of the study was to evaluate the
influence on the mesh size of the crash box on a vehicle sub-model for low speed crash. The same
meshes were used as those in the dolly model. The vehicle impacts against a 0° rigid barrier with

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15 km/h and a 40% overlap. Once more the convergence of the results can be observed with
increasing mesh density (Fig. 15).

Fig. 15 Force-time diagram

5 Vehicle Design Features for Friendly Repairability

In this section some vehicle design features are described which significantly helped to reduce
damage repair costs to the Opel Zafira II. For a low insurance classification it is very important that not
only the welded parts remain undamaged but also the damage to the cosmetic parts and to the
expensive mechanical parts such as radiator and condenser is kept to the minimum.

The radiator, due to its specific position behind the bumper beam can be easily damaged during a low
speed collision, if no special vehicle design for friendly repairability is considered. Several measures
were implemented in the Opel Zafira II to reduce the damageability of the radiator. The radiator is
bolted to the vehicle structure by means of upper and lower plastic brackets with load limiters. The
brackets are intended to fail during the impact, so that the radiator can be pushed backwards approx.
40 mm without being damaged (Fig. 16). During the first tests with prototypes some issues appeared
in the radiator module of the Opel Zafira II: instead of the rupture of the bolted plastic bracket with load
limiters, the upper radiator arm broke up causing relevant damage to the radiator (Fig. 17).

1 2 3 4 5
Radiator Bumper beam Radiator arm Upper bracket Crash box

Fig. 16 Radiator with upper bracket Fig. 17 Radiator with broken upper bracket

Two design measures to solve this issue were applied: the first one was to insert a fragile area in the
bracket and the second one was to reinforce the radiator arm. Both the new bracket and the new
radiator arm were developed and optimized by means of detailed CAE modeling and then verified by
different experimental tests. The new bracket was designed on the one side weak with a cut-out profile

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to act as a crush initiator, but at the same time sufficiently stiff to avoid an endurance fracture. The
stiffness of the radiator arm was increased by adding thicker ribs (Fig. 18).


Fig. 18 Bracket with cut-out profile and radiator arm with and without ribs

After various FE iteration loops to achieve the best performance of the bracket, tensile tests were
conducted, where the bracket arm with and without the fragile area were pulled until fractured
(Fig. 19). The fracture force during the experiment was monitored and compared to the simulation

Fig. 19 Experimental and FE tension test

In order to prove the performance of the new developed bracket under fatigue resistance an
endurance test was performed. The radiator module with brackets was constrained and erected with a
vehicle acceleration signal. Both the bracket and the radiator arm withstood the experiment and did
not fail. Several Danner tests were also carried out to confirm the performance of both parts under
crash loading.

To improve the kinematics of the radiator a “pushing bracket” for the lower bumper stiffener was
incorporated, so that the radiator is able to move backwards during the low speed impact, without
canting (Fig. 20).

Not only the package components but also the exterior body parts such as fenders and doors can be
easily damaged during a low speed collision. As an example, the headlamp may rotate outwards into
the fender pushing the fender towards the front door, resulting in both fender and front door paint
damage. In order to limit this vehicle paint damage several measures were implemented in the
headlamp of the Opel Zafira II. The development of the new headlamp was optimized on the basis of
FE analysis. In the new headlamp cage, some fins were integrated and in the upper side member, a
capture bracket was bolted in order to prevent the headlamp being pushed outwards into the fender
(Fig. 20).

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Fig. 20 Capture bracket to avoid fender and front door damage

6 Summary

The different low speed legislations and insurance tests are a new very demanding challenge for the
automotive industry, which requires an effective design of the bumper system. In addition the
optimization of the low speed performance is often in conflict with other crash load cases (e.g.
pedestrian protection and high speed crash) and styling philosophies.

For a bumper system to be designed efficiently, it is essential to have a fine mesh resolution in the
deformation areas in order to achieve accurate results. This paper outlines that an element size of
2.5 mm for a crash box is necessary to obtain realistic results for the internal energy, mean force and
buckling modes.

The paper presents some examples of vehicle design features that optimize the low speed impact
performance and ensure a friendly repairability for the Opel Zafira II, without compromising occupant
safety, crashworthiness and pedestrian protection.

7 Literature

[1] Ratzel, M., Du Bois, P., Fredriksson, L., Schneider, D., A study of mesh sensitivity for crash
simulations: comparison of manually and batch meshed models, 4. LS-Dyna Anwenderforum,
Bamberg, 2004

[2] Du Bois, P., Crashworthiness Engineering with LS-Dyna, H.E.N.V., 2000

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