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Activity in Capter 5

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Answer the following:
1. What are teaching models? Of what importance are teaching models in instructions?

 Models of teaching are the specific instructional plans, which are designed according to
the concerned learning theories. It provides a comprehensive blue print for curriculum to
design instructional materials, planning lessons, teacher pupil roles, the most important
long-term outcome of instruction may be the student has increased capabilities to learn
more easily and effectively in the future. Hence, the main aim of models of teaching is to
create powerful learners.

2. What are presentations strategies? How do these strategies enhance the unfolding of the
teaching model?
 Presentations strategies are lectures, roundtable discussions, panel discussions, brainstorming,
role-playing, and sociodrama. These strategies enhance the unfolding of concepts to your
learners on how they cope up with your presentation. Learners understanding to the content of
the presentation and the teacher’s explanation, reasoning and examples to provide to make
learners understand the concept.
3. What are the suggested teaching models that easily lend to integrative teaching and
Suggested teaching models:
a. Discovery Learning d. Cooperative Learning
b. Inquiry Learning e. Decision-making
c. Problem-based Learning f. ACES teaching Approach

4. Discuss in class the following teaching models.

a. Discovery Learning - The ability of learners to enhance their thinking skills because they
discover things, analyze the problem base on their imagination. They are capable to make new
discovery about things.
b. Inquiry Learning – learners learn by doing, this allows them to build knowledge through
exploring, experience and discussion. Learners get the chance to explore more deeply and learn
from their own first-hand experience.
c. Problem-based Learning - is a student-centered approach in which students learn about a
subject by working in groups to solve an open-ended problem. Collaborating with peer
group to create an outcome about their work.
d. Cooperative Learning – The learners must do their activities by small group. It boost their
self- confidence and motivation to collaborate with their group. As a result it can lead to good
outcome of their work.
e. Decision-making – the ability of learners to decide for their action about certain situation.
f. ACES teaching Approach - The ACES teaching approach helps the learners develop an
adequate construct system. How the learners perceives each alternative defends on how
adequate his construct system is. This means that the individual must have the ability to
construe events in different ways, to analyze the event, know the why’s and how’s of a
certain situation. He/she should be able to sharpen his awareness of consequences
following certain decisions such that when faced with a problem, he would have
adequate alternatives to choose from. He/she would then be able to choose
appropriately the alternative that would solve his problems.

5. Differentiate the following presentation strategies/techniques. Tell the class when to use
each one.
a. lecture – a presentation of lesson intended to teach about a particular subject .
b. roundtable discussion -  The great benefit of the roundtable discussion is that it allows
everyone to participate, even those who are more reluctant to speak openly.
c. panel discussion- A panel discussion in the classroom is a technique to teach students to
work as a group. It is also designed to improve skills of research, logical organization of ideas
as well as the ability to present these thoughts clearly and effectively.
d. brainstorming - provide an opportunity for students to share ideas and expand their existing
knowledge by building on each other's contributions.
e. role playing - Role playing is a learning structure that allows students to immediately apply
content as they are put in the role of a decision maker who must make a decision regarding a
policy, resource allocation, or some other outcome. This technique is an excellent tool for
engaging students and allowing them to interact with their peers as they try to complete the
task assigned to them in their specific role. 
f. sociodrama - Sociodrama is a powerful teaching strategy that combines a case study approach with
traditional role-play methodology to illustrate critical issues in end-of-life care. Building on principles of
adult learning and communication skills, the sociodrama method enables the skilled facilitator to draw
on the learner's experiences as resources for teaching and reflective practice.  

6. What are graphic organizers? Or what significance are graphic organizers in instruction?
 Graphic organizer is a teaching and learning tool that is used to organize information
and ideas in a way that is easy to comprehend and internalize. Teachers use graphic
organizer to introduce a topic, activate prior knowledge and limit with new information,
organize content to be presented and a visually summarize the lesson once taught and
assess student comprehension
7. What are the different kinds of graphic organizers? Tell the class to use each one.
Different kinds of graphic organizers:
8. What is assessment? How does it differ from evaluation?
 Are the tools that are used to test if the students had learned something from
the previous lesson while evaluation is the interpretation of the result of

Learning Task 5.2

Identify the following teaching models. Write the answers on the lines before the number.
Inquiry Learning 1. The application of scientific method in teaching.

Inquiry Learning 2. Reflects the higher form of higher-order thinking or critical thinking.

Discovery Learning 3. Helps students discover how knowledge becomes known.

Problem-based Learning 4. Uses authentic and meaningful problem situations to serve as

springboards for investigation.
Cooperative Learning 5. The procedure whereby learners work together in small groups and
are rewarded for their collective accomplishments.
Cooperative Learning 6. Provides benefits to both low-and high-achieving students who work
together in academic tasks.
ACES Teaching Approach 7. Learning experiences in the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor
domains which are embedded simultaneously together in the development of the lesson.
Decision-making 8. The intellectual process that requires students to select the best alternative
ACES Teaching Approach 9. Provides logical presentation of lessons.
Decision-making 10. Requires students to review and describe the issue or the problem to be

Learning Task 5.3

Write on the line before the number the instructional strategy or presentation technique that
can be used in the following:

Brain storming 1. Sharing ideas with the group; accepting all ideas.
Roundtable Discussion 2. A group of students seated on a roundtable discussing a problem,
issue, or event in front of the class.
Lecture 3. Formal and direct presentation of a lesson using a content outline.
Panel Discussion 4. Formal presentation to the class of a small group of students about a
Panel Discussion 5. A well-prepared oral presentation on a given topic by one speaker.
Lecture 6. The class talking about a topic, problem, or issue.
Panel Discussion 7. A group of students discussing an issue or situation in front of the class.
Lecture 8. Uses an outline when discussing an issue or report in front of the class alone.
Role Playing 9. Helps students understand the perspective of others.
Sociodrama 10. Communicates learning experiences through pantomime, skits, and

Learning Task 5.4

Write on the line before the number the graphic organizer that can be used in the following.

Concept Cluster 1. To show the entire coverage of the lesson.

Factstorming Web2. To factstorm subconcepts under a major concept.

Concept Map 3. To define a concept.

Cycle Map 4. To present a series of connected events.

Discussion Web 5. To organize arguments or events.

Bubble Tree Web 6. To present information that are categorized beneath a core or main understanding.

Discussion Web 7. To answer a core question using web strands.

Venn diagram 8. To compare two sets of people, events, or things.

Flow chart 9. To show the flow of ideas on a certain event or procedure.

Bubble Tree Web 10. To categorize information into conceptual blocks.

Learning Task 5.5

Using Word document, design your own graphic organizer. Write below when to use it.

This graphic organizer provides students with step-by-step

directions, and color coding, when dividing 2 digits by 1 digit.

Learning Task 5.6

Compare assessment and evaluation. Write the comparison inside the chart.

Assessment Evaluation
Process Assessment is the systematic Evaluation focuses on grades
process of documenting and and might reflect classroom
using empirical data to components other than course
measure knowledge, skills, content and mastery level. An
evaluation can be used as a final
attitudes and beliefs. By
review to gauge the quality of
taking the assessment,
teachers try to improve the
student's path towards
Examples  Formative assessment  Summative will give you
will give you an the outcome of the
overview of your whole instruction.
students in the  Oral exams or final
beginning of your presentations
instruction  Digital portfolios
 Practice quizzes  Research posters
 Learning logs,  Research papers
reflective journals, or
course blogs
 Self and peer

Learning Task 5.7

Using a lesson of your choice, suggest a teaching model, presentation strategies and graphic
organizers that can be used in planning instruction for the lesson.

Lesson: experiment
Teaching Model Presentation Graphic organizers
Discovery Learning Panel Discussion

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