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Repetitive Control and Online Optimization of Catofin Propane Process

Wangyun Won*, Kwang Soon Lee*†, Seokho Lee**, and Chansul Jung**

*Department of Chemical and Biomoleulcar Engineering, Sogang University,Seoul, Korea
(Tel: +82-2-705-8477; e-mail:
**Samgsung Engineering Co., Ltd., Seoul, Korea (e-mail:

Abstract: The Catofin propane process is an emerging industrial process for propylene production
through dehydrogenation of propane. It is composed of multiple adiabatic fixed-bed reactors which
undergo cyclic operations where propane dehydrogenation and catalyst regeneration alternate over
roughly ten minute period for each. One of the major concerns in the operation of the Catofin process is
maintaining the reactor at an optimum condition while overcoming gradual catalyst deactivation.
Addressing this issue, an online optimization of the Catofin process combined with a repetitive control
has been investigated. The optimizer computes optimum initial bed temperatures for dehydrogenation
and optimum air flow rate for regeneration, and the repetitive controller performs cycle-wise feedback
action during regeneration to attain the target bed temperatures at the terminal time of the regeneration
period. Numerical studies have shown that the proposed online optimizing control system performs
satisfactorily coping with the catalyst deactivation and other disturbances.
Keywords: Catofin process, online optimization, repetitive control, adiabatic fixed-bed reactor

bed temperatures and the RG air flow rate under a cyclic
steady state. Both repetitive control and online optimization
Advanced control and online optimization are now accepted were constructed on the basis of a first principle reactor
as an essential process intensification technology that can model reduced to a set of ordinary differential equations
create an additional profit in process industries wherever they (ODE’s) using the cubic spline collocation method (CSCM)
are applicable. During the past two decades or more, there (Yun and Lee, 2007). For the repetitive control, the model is
have been numerous industrial projects for advanced process linearized before the start of each RG cycle around the
control alone or integrated with online optimization as operating trajectories in the previous cycle. The performance
reviewed in Qin and Badgwell (2003). Such projects have of the proposed optimizing control scheme has been
typically proceeded for continuous processes with linear investigated numerically.
MPC only or cascaded by online steady state optimization.
While the continuous process with steady state operation 2. PROCESS DESCRIPTION
represents the majority of the chemical processes, non-
Fig. 1 shows a simplified process flow diagram of the Catofin
continuous processes such as batch, semi-batch, and
propane process. It consists of multiple parallel adiabatic
repetitive processes also take an important part. Such
fixed-bed reactors that contain Cr2O3/Al2O3 catalyst, where
processes are run under unceasing dynamics, which renders
the DH of propane and RG of catalyst are carried out
conventional advanced control and online optimization
alternatively over roughly ten minute period each with short
techniques to show limitations in the performance. In this
periods of purging and evacuation operations in-between.
research, a repetitive process called the Catofin propane
process (ABB, 2008) has been addressed and an advanced
control technique combined with online optimization that
exploits the unique nature of the Catofin process has been
In this study, an on-line optimizing control system for the
Catofin propane process has been proposed and investigated
numerically. The optimizing control system is composed of
two tiers, a repetitive controller cascaded by an online
optimizer. Repetitive control is put into an action during the
regeneration (RG) steering the bed temperatures at two axial
positions to reach the target values at the terminal time of the
RG period. The open-loop operation with only a state
estimation is conducted during the dehydrogenation (DH).
Fig. 1. Process flow diagram of the Catofin propane process.
The optimizer calculates the optimum target values for the
The DH reaction is endothermic and produces a significant feedback control while the DH is carried out in an open loop
amount of coke. The bed temperatures are decreased and the state under a constant propane flow rate. The control
catalyst loses activity by coke deposit and chromium objective during the RG is to steer the bed temperatures at
reduction during this period. The RG reaction is coke burning z=0.2 and 0.4 to the target values provided by the optimizer
by hot air and both the bed temperatures and catalyst activity using the RG air temperature as a manipulating variable
are recovered under the oxidizing condition. The catalyst is (MV). The RG air flow rate was chosen as a decision variable
known to have two years of life time and gradually loses the for the optimizer together with the bed temperature target
activity as the number of active sites is diminished by surface values.
migration and agglomeration of Cr2O3 (Nijhuis, Tinnemans,
Visser, and Weckhuysen, 2004). 3. REACTOR MODELLING
The following apparent reaction kinetics proposed by Kim,
Lee, and Song (1980) for the propane DH and Mickley, 3.1 Mass and Energy Balances
Nestor, and Gould (1965) and Pena, Monzon, and Santamaria
(1993) for the coke combustion were assumed: In an adiabatic fixed-bed reactor, radial distribution of the
concentrations and temperatures can be neglected. Under this
­ r1 X
ZZZ r3 assumption, the component mass and energy balance
°C3 H8 YZZ Z C3 H 6 +H 2 C3 H 6  o 3C+ 3H 2
® r2
(1) equations are written as
° r4
¯ C3 H8 +C3 H 6  o 2CH 4 + C 2 H 6 +2C
wCi § D · w Ci
§ vg · wC § 1- H ·
¨ 2¸ 2 -¨ ¸ i ¨ ¸ Uc ri
C+O 2  o CO 2 (2) wt © L ¹ wz © L ¹ wz © H ¹
wCc (3)
Uc rc
The rate constants are given in Table 1, which were slightly wt
adjusted from the original values (Kim, Lee, and Song, 1980; I.C. : Ci = CiI (z ) at t 0
Mickley, Nestor, and Gould, 1965; Pena, Monzon, and dCi
B.C. : Ci Ci0 (t ) at z 0, 0 at z Lf 5
Santamaria, 1993) to more closely fit the conversion and dz
yield of the real process (ABB, 2008).
wT § k B · w 2T § H · § U g c pg vg · wT § 1 ·
¨¨ 2 ¸
¸ 2 ¨ ¸ ¨¨ ¸¸ -¨
¨c ¸¸ ¦ 'H j rj
Table 1. Parameters and normal operating conditions for wt © Uc c pc L ¹ wz © 1- H ¹ © U c c pc L ¹ wz © pc ¹ j
the Catofin reactor model I.C. : T = To ( z ) at t 0
Bed length = 1.5 (m), Bed diameter = 5.7 (m) dT
B.C. : T = To (t) at z 0, 0 at z Lf 5
Cc = 0.80 (kJ/kg•K), c=8x102 (kg/m3), dz
Cg = 3.71 for DH, 5.66 (kJ/kg•K) for RG where ri and Ci represent the rate of generation (kmol/kg-
Constants D =1.7 for DH, 0.76 (m2/min) for RG catȡmin) and concentration (kmol/m3) of component i , which
kB=1.982 (kJ/min•m•K), refers to C3H8, C3H6, H2, CH4, C2H6 for DH operation, and
R= 8.3462 (kJ/kmol K), DH and RG periods CO2, O2 for RG operation, respectively; rc and Cc represent
= 9min each
the rate of generation (kmol/kg-catȡmin) and concentration
Normal Inlet temp=650Ȕ,
operating (kmol/m3) of coke, respectively; rj referes to the rate of the
Propane flow=56.8(kmol/min),
condition for jth reaction; z denotes the normalized axial distance. Note
DH P=0.5 (atm)
that rc for DH is different from rc for RG. Other parameters
r1= k1[C3H8]RT, k1=3.126*107e(-47100/RT)
Reaction rates and variables in the above model equations are given in Table
(kmol/kg- r2=k2[C3H8][H2]R2T2, k2=9.70*10-3e(-12800/RT) 1.
cat.min) for r3=k3[C3H6]R2T2, k3=8.407*109e(-62900/RT)
DH In the above, the second boundary condition is specified at
r4= k4 [C3H8][C3H6]R2T2,k4=9.498*105e(-47800/RT) z 5 instead of z 1 whereas the spatial domain is
Normal Inlet temp=690Ȕ, z  (0,1] . The reason for this is to more reasonably represent
operating the true phenomenon, dT / dz o 0 as z o f , using a
Air flow=103.4 (kmol/min),
condition for
RG P=2.0 (atm) condition at a distant axial position, which was named as the
far-side boundary condition (Yun and Lee, 2007).
Reaction rate
r5=k5[C][O2]RT, k5=4.129*103e(-25575/RT)
for RG
3.2 ODE Models by Cubic Spline Collocation Method
It is assumed that the bed temperatures are measured at z =
0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0, respectively, and the product gas ODE models for the virtual process and nominal model were
compositions are available as the time average values over derived separately using the CSCM (Yun and Lee, 2007)
the DH and RG periods each with one cycle of measurement using ten and five equally spaced collocation points over
delay. It is also assumed that the RG is conducted under
(0,1] plus an additional point at z 5 , respectively. The to fall, both the propane conversion and propylene yield
resulting ODE models can be concisely written as decrease. If we scrutinize Fig. 4, it can be seen that the front
half of the bed where temperatures are higher than the rear
dxki half contribute more than 78.2% of the propylene production.
f i ( xki , uki ), i DH , RG (5)
dt The propane conversion and propylene selectivity averaged
over a DH period are 51.5% and 86.2%, respectively.
In the above, the subscript k denotes the cycle number; x DH
represents the state for the DH model, that consists of bed
temperatures, concentrations of C3H8, C3H6, H2, CH4, C2H6,
and C at the internal collocation points; x RG is similar to
x DH except that the concerned chemical components are C
and O2; u denotes the MV and represents the air temperature
T air for i=RG and is void for i=DH, respectively.

3.3 Process Behavior under a Cyclic Steady State (a) (b)

Fig. 2 shows the bed temperature trajectories of the virtual Fig. 4. Trajectories of propane and propylene concentrations
process under a cyclic steady state at the nominal operating under a cyclic steady state.
condition. The bed temperatures are initially increased as the
higher bed temperatures in the fore part of the respective 4. OPTIMIZING CONTROL SYSTEM
collocation points recede by the gas flow. After a while,
however, bed temperatures are decreased by the endothermic 4.1 Structure
reactions as the propane DH proceeds and restored again by
the coke combustion during the RG. The amount for the coke The optimizing control system consists of three major parts:
deposit changes during this operation are as shown in Fig. 3. the online cyclic steady state optimizer, the repetitive
The coke generation is larger at the higher temperature controller, and the model estimator. Fig. 5 shows the overall
positions and vice versa. structure of the proposed system.
m air
Online cyclic
’Ĵ ’ 2 Ĵ
steady state optimizer
To nominal
model J target bed temp. T sp
linearized model
Repetitive controller linearization
T air
From optimizer
Nominal Catofin model
From controller
State estimator
model output paramter estimate
bed temp. and product
comp. measurements
Parameter estimator

Regen Dehydro

Catofin process

Fig. 2. Bed temperature trajectories at six axial positions Fig. 5. Structure of the optimizing control system.
under a cyclic steady state.
Fig. 6 illustrates the information flow through the state
estimators along the operational sequence in more detail.
The state estimation continues for the DH as well as RG
periods based on the measurements of the bed temperatures
and average product gas compositions in the previous cycle.
Estimates of the coke deposit and bed temperature at the
collocation points are transferred from the DH to RG and also
from the RG to DH.

Fig. 3. Trajectories of coke deposit at six axial positions

under a cyclic steady state.
The associated propane and propylene concentration
trajectories during propane DH are shown in Fig. 4. Over an
initial period while the bed temperatures are high, almost
complete propane conversion and high propylene yield are Fig. 6. Information flow along the sequence of operations.
obtained at the reactor outlet. As the bed temperatures begin
4.2 Repetitive Control 4.2.2 Control Algorithm for RG Operation

The repetitive control conducts cycle-wise integral control

4.2.1 Discrete-time Nominal Model
action. To facilitate the construction of the control law, it is
convenient to transform (10) to a state space model with
We first describe how the discrete-time nominal model for
the state estimator and controller design is derived. The 'uk (t )  uk (t )  uk 1 (t ) and yk (t ) as the input and output
forward difference approximation applied to (5) results in variables, respectively. Linearization of (10) around the
trajectories of the process variables in the k-1th cycle yields
xki (t  1) g i ( xki (t ), uki (t )), i DH, RG (6)
'xk (t  1) Ak 1 (t )'xk (t )  Bk 1 (t )'uk (t )
The output equation can be written as (12)
yk (t ) yk 1 (t )  Ck 1 (t )'xk (t )
y ki (t ) V i xki (t ),
1 N 1 (7) where 'xk (t )  xk (t )  xk 1 (t ) ;
Ak 1 (t ) represents a
p ki
n 0
xki 1 ( n ), i DH, RG
shorthand notation of Ak 1 (uk 1 (t ), xk 1 (t | t )) , and
where y and p represent the bed temperatures at z=0.2, similarly for Bk 1 (t ) and Ck 1 (t ) . 'uk (t ) is allowed to
0.4,…,1.0 and the average product gas composition measured change P times at t1 ( 0) , t2 , " , t P during the RG period and
at the end of the DH and RG periods with one cycle of
determined at each time moment to satisfy the following
measurement delay, respectively; N denotes the total
quadratic prediction objective:
number of sampling instance during the period of DH (or
RG). V is a matrix that extracts the bed temperatures from ª P
min « Tksp  yˆ k ( N | tm )  ¦ 'uk (tn )
2 2
» , m 1, " , P (13)
the state and H is defined in a similar way for the 'uk ( < )
¬ Q
n m
R (m)
compositions at the bed outlet. Hereafter, let us drop the subject to input constraints
superscript i for notational simplicity wherever there is no
confusion. At other occasions than tm , m 1," , P 'u (t ) 0 . In the
above, yˆ k ( N | tm ) represents a prediction of yˆ k ( N ) , the bed
The composition equation in (7) can be rewritten in the form
of a state space equation. For this, let us define temperatures at z=0.2 and 0.4, on the basis of the information

up to tm at the kth cycle; Tksp denotes the target value of
p k ( t  1) 
¦H x
n 0
k 1 (n) yˆ k ( N ) . yˆ k ( N | tm ) is given by the following form:

w1,k (t )  xk 1 (t ), w2,k (t )  xk 1 (t  1), ", wN ,k (t )  xk (t  1) (8) P

yˆ k ( N | tm ) yˆ k 1 ( N )  Fk 1 (tm )'xkRG (tm | tm )  ¦ Gk 1 (tn )'uk tn (14)
n m

ª w1,k (t ) º ª0 I 0 " 0º ª0 º
« » « » « » It is straightforward to derive (14) from (12). Note that the
« w2,k (t ) » «0 0 I " 0» «0 »
wk (t )  « # » , M  « # # % # # » , J  « # » , J  >I 0 " 0 0@ state estimate xk 1 (t | t ) and 'xkRG (tm | tm ) are needed to
« » « » « »
« wN 1,k (t ) » « 0 0 0 " I» «0» construct (12) (for linearization) and to solve (13) for 'uk (<)
« w (t ) » « » « »
¬ N ,k ¼ ¬ 0 0 0 " 0¼ ¬I ¼
(using (14)), respectively.
Then the associated state transition equations are recast to

xk (t  1) g ( x k (t ), u k (t )) 4.2.3 State Estimator

wk (t  1) J x k (t )  Mwk (t ) (9)
1 The state estimator is constructed separately for DH and RG
p k (t  1) p k (t )  HJ wk ( t )
N in the form of the extended Kalman filter (EKF) for (10) and
The resulting model equation can be rewritten in the is given as
following simplified form:
xk (t  1| t ) g xk (t | t ), uk (t )
x k ( t  1) g ( x k ( t ), u k ( t )) (15)
(10) xk (t | t ) xk (t | t  1)  K k (t ) yk (t )  ck (t ) xk (t | t  1)
y k (t ) c (t ) xk (t )

where The observer gain K k (t ) was obtained according to the EKF

law using the process and measurement noise covariance
ª xk (t ) º matrices as the tuning factors. Using xkRG (tm | tm ) and
xk (t )  «« wk (t ) »» , xkRG1 (tm | tm ) , 'xkRG (tm | tm ) = xkRG (tm | tm ) - xkRG1 (tm | tm ) for
«¬ pk (t ) »¼
(11) (14) was estimated. The state estimator acts as a fixed-lag
y k (t ) y k (t ) and c (t ) >V 0 0@ for t 1," , N  1 smoother at t=N because the average product gas
ª yk ( N ) º ªV 0 0º compositions are measured with one cycle of delay.
yk ( N ) « p ( N ) » and c ( N ) «0
¬ k ¼ ¬ 0 I »¼
Note that (10) and (11) holds for DH and RG separately. 4.2.4 Implementation procedure
Over a DH-RG cycle, the following steps take turns in the In this study, the catalyst deactivation was assumed to be the
repetitive control level: most important process change and the parameter estimator
was designed to update the pre-exponent rate constants by
[Step 1] DH period minimizing the following quadratic objective on the
prediction error:
xkDH (t | t ) is estimated for t 1,", N using (15).
1 k2 1 N m,i
¦ ¦
[Step 2] Transition from DH to RG min Vi yk (t )  yki (t;T i ) , i DH, RG (17)
k2  k1 k k1 t 1 Q

Initialize xkRG (1| 0) by carrying over the coke deposit and bed subject to T min
d T i d T max

temperature estimates in x ( N | N ) to x (1| 0) . Obtain the
k k
linearized model in (12) by linearizing (10) around where ykm , i (t ) and yki (t ;T i ) represent the measurement and
1 (t | t ) and uk 1 (t  1), t
xkRG 1," , N . model prediction of yki (t ) based on T i , respectively.

[Step 3] RG period We devised a three parameter function as in (18), which is to

be multiplied to each of the pre-exponent rate constants.
Perform the state estimation using (15). Compute
'xkRG (t | t ) xkRG (t | t )  xkRG
1 (t | t ) . Determine 'uk (tm ) , ­°a  b 1  sin (S / 2d )( z  d ) (18)
[ ( z) ® , z  [0,1]
m 1," , M according to (13) and (14). Implement °̄ a  2b if 2d d z
Tkair (t ) uk (t ) uk 1 (t )  'uk (t ) to the process.
Since there are four rate constants for the DH, T DH 
[Step 4] Transition from RG to DH > a1 " a4 b1 "b4 d1 " d4 @ . Likewise, T RG  > a5 b5 d5 @ .
Initialize xkDH (1 | 0) by transferring the coke deposit and bed It is true that (18) is only a rough description of the catalysts
temperature estimates in x ( N | N ) to x k k (1 | 0) . activity distribution in the real process. Nonetheless, both the
repetitive controller and the optimizer can achieve highly
precise tracking as well as the true minimum, respectively,
4.3 Online Cyclic Steady State Optimizer overcoming model uncertainties since the controller performs
the cycle-wise integral action and the optimizer searches for
The online optimizer determines T sp and m air , the target bed the minimum on the basis of the process measurements.
temperatures and the combustion air flow rate, respectively,
that minimize the cost function under a cyclic steady state 5. SIMULATION CONDITIONS
whenever the optimizer is invoked.
The sampling period was chosen to be 3 sec resulting in total
min J
T sp , m air

D1m pYcssp  D 2 ¦ c pa m air Tcssair (t )  Tref sampling instants of 360 with t RG t DH 180 over an entire
cycle. The number control moments P was chosen as 3 and t1,
t 1
t2, and t3 were selected as 1, 60, and 120, respectively. The

2 2
 D 3 max(0, Tzsp0.2  500)  s Q , ai ! 0, Q ! 0 following constraints were imposed on the MV movements
subject to (10) for repetitive control:
ª 615 º ª720 º 600 d u (t ) Tair (t ) d 750(o C) (19)
«600 » d T d «690 » (qC)

¬ ¼ ¬ ¼
In the virtual process, the case of catalyst deactivation is
10 d Tzsp0.2  Tzsp0.4 d 30(qC)
represented by multiplying all ki ’s by 1  0.5e 2.4 z .
mmin d m air d mmax


where Tref , m p , and Y p represent the reference temperature, The performance of the optimizing control system has been
investigated for two cases. In the first case, the reactor was
propane mass flow rate, and average propylene yield over a assumed to be initially at an arbitrary open-loop cyclic steady
DH period, respectively and the subscript css means the state and the optimizer steers the reactor to an optimum
cyclic steady state. The summation is taken over the RG condition. In this case, the model parameter estimator was
period. not invoked. In the second case, the optimum operation
condition was assumed to be changed by catalyst deactivation,
The last term in J is to enforce the cyclic steady state and the optimizer seeks for a new optimum condition from
condition, which is slackened by introducing a slack variable the previous operating condition determined in the first case.
s defined the last equation in (16). In the second case, the model parameter estimator plays an
important role for both the repetitive controller and the online
4.4 Model Parameter Estimator optimizer.
The simulation results for the first case are summarized in
Fig. 7. It shows the response of the bed temperatures to their
respective target values sent by the optimizer and the
decrease of the objective function as the online optimization
proceeds. The online optimizer calculates the new optimal
target values once a cyclic steady state is reached on the basis
of the nominal model and process measurements whereas the
repetitive controller maneuvers the air temperature to attain
the target values.

Fig. 8. Results of online optimization after the catalyst

deactivation occurs; (a) bed temperatures and their target
values, (b) combustion air flow rate, (c) objective function.

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