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Information Sheet 1 TTL2

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Diffun, 3401 Quirino


MODULE 1: Use ICT to develop 21st Century Skills/ICT in the 21st Century Skills

1. Recent Trends in Use ICT to develop 21st

Teacher Education
2. Different Strategies for
Century Skills:
applying ICT in Teacher • Information, Media
Education and Technology
3. Role of ICT in 21st Skills, Learning and
Century’s Teacher
Innovative Skills,
4. Issues and Discussions Life and Career
on ICT Integration Skills, and Effective
5. Inclusiveness Communication
Considerations Skills

Overview of the Lesson

The use or integration of ICT in the course of teaching and learning is a challenge imposed
by the continuing development in the academic context. As we continue to soar up high to
attain the quality teaching and learning construct, we are heading towards the adherence to
the continuing academic development which includes the integration of ICT.

As we go on with the fast-paced educational developments, the role of ICT is becoming a

basic requirement to all learning fields. The mandate on its inclusion as a basic requirement
creates room for improvement and includes package of updates in relation to the upgrade of
educational competencies.

Recent Trends in Teacher Education

Based on various varying needs of our society nowadays emphasis is also underscored to
the various educational theories and educational practices. These theories and practices are
highly intensified so as to maintain the depth and quality of education.
• It is a natural context that teacher education must include new, appropriate, and
accessible technology to match the needs of the on-going educational revolution.

• Teachers should know the right attitudes and values, besides being proficient in
skills related to teaching—help them acquire the basic skills and competencies of
a good teacher. Teachers should also allow themselves to reflect on their own abilities
where retooling, if possible, is of great help.

• New trends in teacher education are Inter-disciplinary Approach, Correspondence

courses, orientation courses etc. Simulated Teaching, Micro Teaching,
Programmed Instruction, Team Teaching are also used in teacher education.
Webinars, online teaching, modular approach, and other related approaches are
expected to be utilized to fit into the needs both of the teacher and the learner. It is
the flexible learning condition that magnifies the needed approach for the teaching
and learning process.

The leading center for academic and technological excellence Develop competent and morally upright professionals and generate
and prime catalyst for a progressive and sustainable Quirino appropriate knowledge and technologies to meet the needs of Quirino
Province and Southern Cagayan Valley. Province and Southern Cagayan Valley.

“Molding Minds, Shaping Future”

Diffun, 3401 Quirino


• Action Research is implemented in Teacher Education where ICT acts as the

gateway to the world of information that updates teachers. It creates awareness of
innovative trends in instructional methodologies, evaluation mechanism etc. for
professional development. Besides, the main goal of education is the quality
exchange in teaching and learning.
Strategies for ICT Integration in

Providing adequate infrastructure and technical support

Teacher Education

Applying ICT in all subjects

Applying new Pre-service teacher Education curriculum

Using application software, using multimedia, Internet e-

mail, communities, understanding system software

Figure 1.1 Strategies for ICT Integration in Teacher Education

i. Providing adequate infrastructure and technical support

The success of the academic culture in the world of ICT needs the support of the
government specifically on the procurement of appropriate and quality learning
materials. An ICT expert is also an important factor in securing a quality technical
support for the existing ICT development in the academic field.

ii. Applying ICT in all subjects

With the evolving academic culture, the need to retool and update teachers and
learners is a must. The inclusion of ICT across all fields will at least help both teachers
and learners to update their existing knowledge in the course of technology.

iii. Applying new Pre-service teacher Education curriculum

The new Teacher Education curriculum which embodies the new learning culture
(with the infusion of ICT) seeks to introduce a learning set-up which is in accordance
to the evolving academic context. Teachers, on the first place, should seek for
continuous professional development and use this construct to get in sync with the
demands of the modern society.

iv. By using application software, using multimedia, Internet e-mail, communities,

understanding system software
The modern world creates inevitable changes which seeks the evolving academic
field to update and catch up. These modern trends create an avenue for the academic
field to meet and communicate to the demands of the academic world.

The support of the government to the drives on these modalities impose a great help to
augment the present educational stance of the nation. The unison of the state, the school,
and the society in pursuit to quality education is the challenge of ICT integration to the
educational system.

The leading center for academic and technological excellence Develop competent and morally upright professionals and generate
and prime catalyst for a progressive and sustainable Quirino appropriate knowledge and technologies to meet the needs of Quirino
Province and Southern Cagayan Valley. Province and Southern Cagayan Valley.

“Molding Minds, Shaping Future”

Diffun, 3401 Quirino


Role of ICT in 21st Century’s Teacher Education

• ICT helps teachers in both pre-service and in-Service teachers training.

• ICT helps teachers to interact with students.
• It helps them in preparation their teaching, provide feedback.
• ICT also helps teachers to access with institutions and Universities, NCERT, NAAC
NCTE and UGC etc.
• It also helps in effective use of ICT software and hardware for teaching – learning
• It helps in improve Teaching skill, helps in innovative Teaching.
• It helps in effectiveness of classroom.
• It also helps in improving professional Development and Educational management as
well as enhances Active Learning of teacher Trainees.
• It is now replacing the ancient technology. As we know now-a day’s students are
always have competitive mind. So, teacher must have the knowledge of the subject.
This can be done through ICT.
• ICT helps teachers in preparation for teaching. In order to introduce ICT in pre-service
teacher education different methods and strategies are applied. Different tools are
used such as word processing, Database, Spreadsheet etc. Various technology-based
plans are used to help the teachers for their practice teaching.
• ICT prepares teacher for the use of their skills in the real classroom situation and also
make students for their future occupation and social life.
• ICT used as an „assisting tool‟ for example while making assignments,
communicating, collecting data & documentation, and conducting research. Typically,
ICT is used independently from the subject matter.
• ICT as a medium for teaching and learning. It is a tool for teaching and learning itself,
the medium through which teachers can teach and learners can learn. It appears in
many different forms, such as drill and practice exercises, in simulations and
educational networks.
• ICT as a popular tool for organization and management in Institutions.
• Teachers must provide technological support to learn using motion picture,
animation, simulation training which helped student teachers to give model
presentation. If the teacher is highly equipped with technology, the student will also
be equipped with technology. It removes the traditional method of teaching and
prepare teacher to apply modern method of teaching.
• ICT is playing an important role in student evaluation.
• ICT is store house of educational institution because all educational information can
safely store through ICT.
• ICT helps Teacher to communicate properly with their students. So, ICT bridge the
gap between teacher and students.
• ICT helps Teacher to pass information to students within a very little time.
• ICT helps Teacher to design educational environment.
• ICT helps Teacher to identify creative child in educational institute.
• ICT helps Teacher to motivate students and growing interest in learning.
• ICT helps Teacher for organizational preconditions (vision, policy and culture).
• It is also helping Teachers for their personnel support (knowledge, attitude, skills).
• ICT helpful for technical preconditions (infrastructure).
• ICT helpful for designed learning situations which are needed for both vocational
education and the training of future teachers (in the teacher training institutes).
• Teacher training institutes can develop their curriculum using ICT.

With the help of ICT Teacher training institutes can develop communication network.
Teachers learn most from their own networks (learning from others) with the help of ICT.
The leading center for academic and technological excellence Develop competent and morally upright professionals and generate
and prime catalyst for a progressive and sustainable Quirino appropriate knowledge and technologies to meet the needs of Quirino
Province and Southern Cagayan Valley. Province and Southern Cagayan Valley.

“Molding Minds, Shaping Future”

Diffun, 3401 Quirino



Despite the availability of some materials, the government still have lags in providing the
quality equipment/tools/access to suffice the demands and trends of educational process.
Considerations and issues impose a great challenge as to the assessment of quality learning
and the delivery of quality instruction.

Digital culture and ICT and Teacher Ensuring Resource

Digital Literacy Professional benefits of ICT Constrained
•Attitude of an Development Investments Contexts
individual in
welcoming the digital •Retooling teachers and •ICT investment should •Technology should not
age updating them with always look into both only focus on our
these advancements quality and available advance
•Positive response to in technology will quantity. materials—teachers
the calling of digital impose a lift on the should teach their
culture and digital •Its accessibility,
learner’s morale to appropriateness, learners the value of
literacy: One laptop delve into the scene of modification
per child, Tablets, and functionality
ICT comes next.
Interactive White
Boards or Smart
Boards, E-readers,
Flipped classrooms

Figure 1.2 Issues and Considerations in ICT Integration

Moreover, considerations are also underscored to match the capability of the government
in the production of the said contexts into the educational needs. Digital divide, minority
language groups, and the students’ learning styles should also be considered—giving light
to the significance of UNIVERSALITY.


Learners may have their gadgets but not all of them have
the same digital range. They may have internet access but
Digital not all of them have premium access. Institutions need to
devise profiling of learners in relation to digital concerns to
address this.

Equal learning opportunity for learners is the main concern of this

consideration. Due to the present situation, it will be hard enough to
Minority reach out learners from their learning environment. Reaching them
language out (through modules maybe) will be of help especially when we
devise our modules where we leave an area for them to state their
concerns, questions, etc.

Individualized learning activities, collaborative learning

Learning opportunities, inquiry-based learning, and other related
Styles activities help a lot in addressing the varied learning
demands of our learners e.g. self-paced learning
package/module to help augment the learner’s needs.

Figure 1.3 Inclusiveness Considerations

The leading center for academic and technological excellence Develop competent and morally upright professionals and generate
and prime catalyst for a progressive and sustainable Quirino appropriate knowledge and technologies to meet the needs of Quirino
Province and Southern Cagayan Valley. Province and Southern Cagayan Valley.

“Molding Minds, Shaping Future”

Diffun, 3401 Quirino



Role of ICT in 21st Century’s Teacher Education. Retrieved on September 11, 2019 at

The leading center for academic and technological excellence Develop competent and morally upright professionals and generate
and prime catalyst for a progressive and sustainable Quirino appropriate knowledge and technologies to meet the needs of Quirino
Province and Southern Cagayan Valley. Province and Southern Cagayan Valley.

“Molding Minds, Shaping Future”

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