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New Cellulose Based pH-Sensitive Hydrogel For High

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New Cellulose based pH-Sensitive Hydrogel for

Highly E cient Dyes Removal in Water Treatment:

Kinetic, Thermodynamic, Theoretical and
Computational Studies
Loubna Jabir 
Universite Mohammed Premier Oujda Faculte Pluridisciplinaire de Nador
Hayat elhammi 
Universite Mohammed Premier Oujda Faculte Pluridisciplinaire de Nador
Mohammed Nor 
Universite Mohammed Premier Oujda Faculte Pluridisciplinaire de Nador
Issam Jilal 
Universite Mohammed Premier Oujda Faculte Pluridisciplinaire de Nador
Abderrahmane El Idrissi 
Universite Mohammed Premier Oujda Faculte des Sciences
Hassan Amhamdi 
Abdelmalek Essaadi University: Universite Abdelmalek Essaadi
Mohamed Abou-Salama 
Universite Mohammed Premier Oujda Faculte Pluridisciplinaire de Nador
Youssef El Ouardi 
Lappeenranta University of Technology: LUT University
Sou an El Barkany  (  )
multidisciplinary faculty of Nador
Katri Laatikainen 
Lappeenranta University of Technology: LUT University

Research Article

Keywords: Carbohydrate, Cellulose adsorbent, pH-sensitive Hydrogel, Dyes Removal, Water Treatment,
Isotherms, Langmuir, Molecular dynamics (MD), Simulations

Posted Date: December 23rd, 2021

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1 New Cellulose based pH-Sensitive Hydrogel for Highly Efficient Dyes Removal in Water
2 Treatment: Kinetic, Thermodynamic, Theoretical and Computational Studies

3 Loubna Jabir*a, Hayat El-Hammia, Nor Mohammedb, Issam Jilala, Abderrahmane El Idrissic, Hassan
4 Amhamdib, Mohamed Abou-Salamaa, Youssef El Ouardid,e, Soufian El Barkany*a, Katri Laatikainene
a Laboratory
5 of Molecular Chemistry, Materials and Environment (LMCME), Department of Chemistry, Faculty
6 Multidisciplinary Nador, Mohamed 1st University, P. B. 300, Nador 62700, Morocco.
b Applied Chemistry Unit, Sciences and Technologies Faculty, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, 32 003 Al Hoceima, Morocco
c Laboratory Applied Chemistry and Environmental (LCAE-URAC18), Faculty of Sciences of Oujda, Mohamed1stUniversity,
9 60000 Oujda, Morocco
dLIMOME Laboratory, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Faculty of Sciences Dhar El Mehraz, Dhar El Mehraz B.P.
11 1796 Atlas, Fes 30000, Morocco
e Lappeenranta University of Technology, Laboratory of Separation Technology, P.O. Box 20, FI- 53851 Lappeenranta,
13 Finland.

14 *Corresponding authors. E-mail addresses: (Soufian El Barkany),

15 (Loubna Jabir)

16 Abstract:

17 In this paper, a new green pH-sensitive cellulose based hydrogel (swelling rate ~ 1005 %)
18 was successfully elaborated. However, the new EDTA crosslinked HEC was investigated as
19 adsorbent materiel, which it showed high removal efficiency (~2000 mg.g-1) to aquatic
20 micropollutants, especially methylene blue as cationic dyes model. The synthesis of HEC-
21 EDTA at high advanced crosslinking degree (up to 92 %) that confirmed using structural
22 analyzes (FTIR and 13C CP/MAS-NMR), was cried out using DAEDT and DMAP as acyl
23 transfer agent, where the lamellar morphology (2D- microstructure) was highly suggested
24 basing on the average functionality of the reaction system. The kinetic study showed that the
25 adsorption process was better described by pseudo-second-order kinetic, where the
26 thermodynamic parameters exhibited a negative effect of temperature indicating a physical
27 adsorption process. In addition, the adsorption capacity was studied according to the
28 experimental conditions (pH, contact time, concentration, etc.), and the Freundlich model
29 revealed a strong correlation to the experimental results indicating an energetic heterogeneity
30 of the surface active sites. In the other hand, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were
31 conducted and optimized using COMPASS II, where the results showed a good agreement
32 with the experiment, and that basing on the intermolecular Non-covalent interaction,
33 molecular structure and cluster configurations.

34 Keywords: Carbohydrate, Cellulose adsorbent, pH-sensitive Hydrogel, Dyes Removal, Water Treatment,
35 Isotherms, Langmuir, Molecular dynamics (MD), Simulations.

36 Introduction:

37 Organic pollutants are molecules defined by their properties of toxicity and persistence in
38 the environment as well as their bioaccumulation; they have a harmful impact on human
39 health and the environment, and they are very difficult to purify by natural biological
40 degradation (Pagga and Brown 1986, Pelalak, Soltani et al. 2021). Depending on their
41 reactivity, hazardous molecules (pesticides, dyes, hydrocarbons, phenol and its derivatives,
42 etc.) accumulate in living tissues and their concentrations increase along the trophic chain.
43 While most dyes are not directly toxic, a significant portion of their metabolites is very
44 harmful (Naidja 2010). Indeed, their mutagenic, teratogenic or carcinogenic effects appear
45 after degradation of the initial molecule into oxidation by-products, e.g. carcinogenic amine
46 for azo (Tsuda, Matsusaka et al. 2000) and leuco derivative for triphenylmethanes (Culp,
47 Beland et al. 2002). These carcinogenic groups (in electrophilic or radical form) attack the
48 pyrimidic bases of DNA and RNA. Therefore, they cause an alteration of the genetic code
49 with mutation and risk of cancer. As an example, azo dyes are characterized by the presence
50 of azo group (–N=N–), where the breaking of the azo bonds leads to the formation of primary
51 amines which cause methemoglobinemia that is characterized by an impediment of transport
52 oxygen in the blood (Greene and Baughman 1996). At this stage, organic dyes that are
53 resulted from anthropogenic activities released into the natural environment is estimated at
54 between 15 and 20% of world production (Salah 2012). The organic dyes are among the
55 pollutants, which pose a great risk to the environment particularly industrial effluents from
56 textile activities, which often present a large pollutant load that is difficult to biodegrade, and
57 which has harmful impacts on the environment and humans (Danel 1999, Rafatullah,
58 Sulaiman et al. 2010, Gobi, Mashitah et al. 2011). However, the discoloration of textile
59 effluents is often carried out on natural adsorbents, in particular activated carbon (Malik
60 2003), clay (Weng and Pan 2007) and phosphates (Barka, Qourzal et al. 2008).

61 Methylene blue (MB) is an intensively used cationic dye (Wilson 1907, Marr, Stewart et
62 al. 1973, Dutta, Mukhopadhyay et al. 2001, Uddin, Islam et al. 2009, Huang, Chen et al.
63 2010, Rafatullah, Sulaiman et al. 2010, Sukumaran and Ramalingam 2011, Sbai, Oukili et al.
64 2016), derived from phenothiazine (Cenens and Schoonheydt 1988, Bolotin, Baranovsky et al.
65 2006), which occurs in several hydrated forms (Beer, Baumann et al. 2006, Rager, Geoffroy
66 et al. 2012). It is commonly used as a model for an organic contaminant due to its stable
67 molecular structure (Huang, Chen et al. 2010). During the last decades, remarkable efforts
68 have been made to eliminate or reduce the polluting load of industrial effluents, including
69 coagulation-fluctuation (Vandevivere, Bianchi et al. 1998, Barclay and Buckley 2000),

70 precipitation (Pan, Wang et al. 2016), Reverse osmosis (Li, Lin et al. 2011), Advanced
71 oxidation processes (POA) (Andreozzi, Caprio et al. 1999, Crini, Badot et al. 2007, Chergui
72 2010), Aerobic (Hitz, Huber et al. 1978, Hu 1996, Cha, Doerge et al. 2001) and anaerobic
73 (Al-Kdasi, Idris et al. 2004) treatments. However, these methods have shown limiting
74 drawbacks and obstacles to their application, in particular the high cost; efficiency
75 dependence to types of dyes i.e. azo, clogging of filters, generation of highly oxidizing radical
76 species and the formation of more toxic intermediate compounds. However, the adsorption of
77 organic dyes on solid supports remains very limited at the surface of the adsorbent, which
78 requires optimum morphology with a large specific surface area. On the other hand, pH-
79 sensitive hydrogels allow the penetration of the contaminated solution that increase the
80 hydrogel-pollutant contact surface, and as a non-destructive technique, a simple modification
81 of pH allows the regeneration of both the organic pollutant and the hydrogel without carrying
82 out expensive subsequent regeneration and post-treatment operations of solid waste (Mckay,
83 Ramprasad et al. 1987).

84 Faced to environmental constraints that impose the friendly environmental aspect of

85 industrial processes, several studies are directed towards the development of materials of
86 natural origin such as chitin (Cao, Pan et al. 2018), chitosan (Melo, Paulino et al. 2018,
87 Kellner-Rogers, Taylor et al. 2019), cellulose (Senna, Novak et al. 2013, Senna, Novack et al.
88 2014, Melo, Paulino et al. 2018), etc. Yet, the thermal degradation of cellulose before its
89 melting temperature limits its treatment by thermal processes, while its insolubility in almost
90 all usual solvents constitutes the major obstacle to chemical modifications by simple reaction
91 routes. However, the introduction of new functionalities into the saccharide structure of
92 cellulose requires complex, expensive and toxic solvation systems (Jilal, El-Barkany et al.
93 2019). In this sense, the use of cellulosic derivatives as intermediate polymers such as
94 cellulose acetate (TABAGHT, EL IDRISSI et al. , Tenorio-Alfonso, Sánchez et al. 2019), ethyl
95 cellulose (Ma, Gong et al. 2018), and carboxymethyl cellulose (Naderi, Lindström et al. 2015,
96 Li, Mei et al. 2016, Hasan, Waibhaw et al. 2018, Rao, Ge et al. 2018), ... has appeared
97 profitable for the development of new families of cellulose adsorbents. Recently,
98 HydroxyethylCellulose (HEC) as nonionic and water-soluble cellulose derivative has received
99 remarkable attention with excellent performance properties as a thickener (Coryell 2017, Luo,
100 Liu et al. 2018), binder (De Guzman and Balela 2019, Hämmer, Gassmann et al. 2019,
101 Younes, El-sharkawy et al. 2019), emulsifier (Wang, He et al. 2020, Yang, Li et al. 2020),
102 cement set retarder (Zhi, Ma et al. 2017, Liu, Wang et al. 2019), flocculent to colloidal

103 turbidity and heavy metals removal (Jilal, El Barkany et al. 2018, Chaouf, El Barkany et al.
104 2019, Jilal, El-Barkany et al. 2019), etc. HEC has a comparable chemical structure to that of
105 cellulose, where the introduction of ethyl groups allows the intercalation of macromolecular
106 chains, decreases the density of hydrogen bonds and increases reactivity via the increase in
107 the density of primary hydroxyls. These structural properties solve the problem of solubility
108 and therefore the feasibility of chemical modification, which has resulted in a wide variety of
109 cellulosic materials based on HEC including heavy metal adsorbents (Choudhury, Majumdar
110 et al. 2018, Jin, Easton et al. 2018) and dyes removal (Huang, Wu et al. 2019, Ning, Zhang et
111 al. 2020).

112 In this paper, the results of structural analyzes (FTIR and 13C CP/MAS NMR) showed that
113 the synthesis of new pH-sensitive hydrogel (HEC-EDTA) was carried out successfully, and
114 applied with good performance as adsorbent of organic micropollutants in aquatic systems. In
115 addition, the mean system functionality around the value 2 (≈ 2/AGU) strongly suggests a 2D-
116 dimensional microstructure of HEC-EDTA, and therefore, sheet morphology is expected with
117 good penetration of pollutant-carrying liquid. The adsorption capacity was studied according
118 to the experimental conditions (pH, contact time, concentration, etc.) in order to optimize the
119 adsorption capacity. In addition, the kinetic study showed pseudo-second-order kinetics, while
120 the thermodynamic behavior showed a negative effect of temperature indicating a physical
121 process of adsorption, with an energetic heterogeneity of the surface active sites that are
122 proven by a strong correlation with the Freundlich model.

123 To our knowledge, the material discussed in this article has never been discussed in the
124 literature, neither in terms of synthesis and characterization nor of application as an adsorbent
125 sensitive to pH, hence the originality of this work. This article is part of a global energy
126 storage study, where this material was used as precursor in the production of cathode
127 compartments of ion batteries, which will be published soon.

128 Materials and methods:

129 Materials:

130 HydroxyethylCellulose (HEC, DS = 1.5) and methylene blue (MB) were obtained from
131 Sigma Aldrich. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), 4-dimethylaminopyridine (DMAP)
132 and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) were purchased from Riedel-de Haë. The other solvents and

133 chemicals are of analytical grade and were received from Sigma Aldrich where they were
134 used without further purification.

135 Methods:

136 FTIR spectra are recorded between 400 and 4000 cm-1 on FTIR-RShimadzu type
137 spectrometer using the pellets method, where 1% w of sample was finely ground with 99% w
138 of spectroscopy grade KBr, 40 scans were performed for each analysis at 2 cm-1 resolution.
139 The absorbance was calculated from Uv-vis spectra performed on Uv-Shimadzu type
140 spectrophotometer using quartz cuvettes at the wavelength of 665 nm. UV-vis spectra were
141 recorded in the wavelength range of 400 to 800 nm. Elemental analyses results were achieved
142 using Perkin Elmer Series II CHNS/O Model 2400 analyzer.13C NMR spectra acquired with
143 Cross-Polarization Magic Angle Spinning (solid-state CP/MAS 13C NMR) spectrum was
144 recorded on a Bruker DRX-400 spectrometer with a frequency of 100 MHz, and 1800 scans
145 were recorded with the 90° pulse time of 4.85 μs at room temperature. The acquisition time
146 and the delay time were 0.032 s and 2 s, respectively. The surface charge of materiel was
147 evaluated using the zeta potential (ζ) against pH (2 – 11) in Milli-Q water at 0.1%, and the
148 results were recorded at 25 ± 0.1 °C using Zetasizer Nano ZS (Malvern Instruments).

149 Preparation of HEC-EDTA:

150 3g (13.16 mmol/AGU) of HEC in 40ml of DMSO were slowly added by an addition funnel
151 to 5g (19.51 mmol) of EDTAD (prepared according to the method described by Capretta et
152 al.(Capretta, Maharajh et al. 1995, Júnior, Gurgel et al. 2009, Senna, Novack et al. 2014)
153 and 0.5g (4 mmol) of DMAP as catalyst (acyl transfer reagent) dissolved in 15 ml of DMSO,
154 and the reaction mixture was stirred for 4h at 60˚C. At the end of the reaction, HEC-EDTA
155 was precipitated in acetone, filtered under vacuum, washed with acetone, thus a white powder
156 was obtained which became gelatinous after washing with a saturated sodium bicarbonate
157 solution of NaHCO3.

158 Measurement of swelling degree:

159 The swelling degree (S %) was determined according to ASTM, 1979 and ASTM1239-
160 55. In short, the gels (0.1 g) were immersed in deionized water and taken out at different
161 consecutive time intervals. After equilibrium, the swollen samples were separated using a
162 100-mesh filter-bag and dried to drain the excess water. Then, the swollen samples were

163 weighed and the swelling degree (S %) of the hydrogel was calculated from the following
164 equation (eq. 1) :

165 𝑆(%) = (𝑊𝑒 − 𝑊𝑖 )⁄𝑊𝑖 (𝑒𝑞. 1)

166 Wi and We are the initial weight of the dried hydrogel (g) and the weight of gel at
167 equilibrium (g).

168 Adsorption experiment:

169 MB adsorption experiments on HEC-EDTA were performed in the range of initial

170 concentrations of 10 to 600 mg.l-1 of aqueous BM solutions. The kinetic study was performed
171 by varying the contact time from 0 to 40 min. The batches were carried out by stirring a
172 quantity of 30 mg of HEC-EDTA gel in 10 ml of BM solution, and the pH was set at a value
173 of 8 for 30 min as a contact time. The effect of pH (2 – 11) and gel dose (0.15 – 0.6 g.L-1) on
174 adsorption capacity were investigated. However, the thermodynamic study was carried out in
175 a temperature range of 20 to 60 ° C. The concentration of BM before and after adsorption was
176 determined by measuring the absorbance of the solution at λmax = 662 nm, while the
177 adsorption capacity per unit mass of HEC-EDTA and the removal rate (R %) were calculated
178 from the equation 2 and 3, respectively.

179 𝑞 = (𝐶0 − 𝐶𝑒 ). 𝑉 ⁄𝑀 (𝐸𝑞. 2)

180 𝑅(%) = 1 − 𝐶𝑒 ⁄𝐶0 (𝐸𝑞. 3)

181 Where, q (mg.g–1) is the equilibrium adsorption capacity at thermodynamic equilibrium, C 0

182 (mg.L–1) and Ce (mg.L–1) are the initial and the equilibrium concentration of the BM solution,
183 respectively. V (L) is the volume of the BM solution and M (g) is the weight of the HEC-
184 EDTA adsorbent.

185 Results and discussions:

186 Synthesis and characterization of HEC-EDTA:

187 The crosslinking of HEC by EDTA was carried out to modify its hydrophilic character and
188 to prevent its solubility in water, where this modification allows HEC-EDTA to be used as an
189 adsorbent for the present micropollutants in aquatic environments (liquid-solid extraction). In
190 this study, the crosslinking was carried out by the creation of ester bridges between the
191 primary hydroxyl groups of HEC and EDTA. However, to increase the reactivity of the
192 carboxylic functions of EDTA, a trans-anhydridation reaction between EDTA and acetic
193 anhydride was carried out. The functionalization of HEC was carried out in DMSO as
194 homogeneous medium in the presence of DMAP as esterification agent, where a notable
195 increase in the viscosity of the reaction medium was noted during the reaction, which
196 indicates the supramolecular crosslinking of the cellulosic chains (Fig. 1a). EDTA crosslinked
197 HEC hydrogel was recovered in its acidic form by precipitation in acetone and frequent
198 washing with the same solvent and deionized water. In addition, to release the carboxylate
199 functions, the treatments of HEC-EDTA powder with a saturated sodium bicarbonate solution
200 (and then by deionized water until the filtrate neutralization) have caused a radical change in
201 the appearance of the product that became, more and more, gelatinous.

202 Fig. lb shows the kinetic study of swelling of the HEC-EDTA hydrogel at 25 °C. The
203 significant swelling rate observed from the first contact with the solvent (H2O) at 40 min can
204 be attributed to the highly hygroscopic character of the sodium EDTA and its instability when
205 exposed to moisture (Gbadamosi, Famuwagun et al. 2018). In addition, the hydrophilic
206 behavior of HEC and its good solubility in the aquatic environment significantly improved the
207 water absorption of the hydrogel, as well as the crosslinking by EDTA prevented the water
208 solubility of HEC which could improve the steric stability to retain more water in the network
209 (Calcagnile, Sibillano et al. 2019), and consequently, the rate of swelling increased gradually
210 with the time of immersion to reach a maximum value of 950 to 1005 % after 35 min. In the
211 case of functional hydrogels, intended for ecological applications including processes for
212 removing the pollutant load from industrial effluents, the high swelling and the hygroscopic
213 nature rate increases the internal surface area for the better penetration, which allows more
214 adsorption sites to be fully exposed to pollutant (Elbedwehy and Atta 2020).


216 Fig. 1: a) HEC-EDTA synthesis reaction scheme and b) Degree of swelling against emersion
217 time of EDTA crosslinked HEC hydrogel

218 Fig. 2a represents the FTIR spectra of untreated (EDTA) and treated EDTA (EDTAD).
219 However, the treatment of EDTA with acetic anhydride showed a remarkable changes in the
220 general vibrational aspect of EDTA, where the appearance, on the EDTAD spectrum, of new

221 absorption bands between 1761 cm-1 and 1809 cm-1 assigned to the anhydride carbonyl (CO)
222 vibrations (symmetric and antisymmetric), indicating that the trans-anhydridation reaction
223 between EDTA and acetic anhydride was carried out successively. Fig. 2b shows the
224 vibrational spectra (FTIR) of unmodified HEC and HEC-EDTA before and after
225 saponification using a saturated sodium bicarbonate solution.


227 Fig. 2. FTIR spectra of (a) acid and anhydride forms of EDTA and (b) HEC-EDTA and
228 saponified HEC-EDTA

229 The spectrum of HEC indicates a strong adsorption band intensity at 3412 cm-1 characteristic
230 of the OH hydroxide group of polysaccharides structures (Pradeep 2009), while a
231 distinguished band around 1355 cm-1 was attributed to the deformation vibrations in the plane
232 of the OH function of the alcohol group (Zafar, Aqil et al. 2007). The absorption band located
233 at 1060 cm-1 corresponds to COC stretching vibration in glucopyranose (Silverstein, Bassler
234 et al. 1991), where that around 1120 cm-1 has been attributed to the asymmetric CO vibration
235 (Zare, Motahari et al. 2018).

236 The spectrum corresponds to HEC-EDTA highlights the esterification reaction via the
237 appearance of new absorption bands characteristic of grafted entities (EDTA). However, the
238 band observed at 1689 cm-1 is attributed to the acid carboxylic carbonyl groups (CO), while
239 the band located at 1630 cm-1 corresponds to the deformation of naturally absorbed water. The
240 appearance of a new absorption band located at 1738 cm-1 corresponds to the carbonyl ester
241 group reveals the successful grafting of EDTA on HEC. After saponification, the shift of the
242 band attributed to the acid carbonyl from 1689 cm-1 to 1589 cm-1, indicating the
243 transformation to the carboxylate form (COO-, Na+) under the action of NaHCO3, is another
244 strong indication of the incorporation of the carboxylic functions on the surface of the
245 cellulosic material (HEC). The creation of the negatively charged character (carboxylate) is an
246 encouragement to consider HEC-EDTA as a candidate to be effective adsorbent for the
247 removal of cationic dyes like BM.

249 Fig. 3. Solid-state CP/MAS 13C-NMR spectrum of HEC-EDTA
250 The solid-state CP/MAS CNMR spectrum of HEC-EDTA (Fig. 3) reflects the various
251 structural modifications of HEC resulting from EDTA crosslinking reaction. The number of
252 Hydroxyethyl groups (DS) in the starting material (HEC) is estimated in our previous papers
253 around DSHEC≃1.5, based on the integrations of proton signals, on the 1H NMR spectra, of
254 C6-methylene cellulose and grafted methylene Hydroxyethyl (Jilal, El Barkany et al. 2018,
255 Chaouf, El Barkany et al. 2019), and this result is exploited in the following steps to calculate
256 the degree of substitution of EDTA in this work (DSEDTA). Signals of broad-ringed cellulose
257 skeletal carbon (HEC) are recorded between 60 and 105 ppm (Jilal, El Barkany et al. 2018).
258 However, the appearance of a new methylene carbon signal at 71.2 ppm (**) is attributed to
259 the chemical shift of typical methylene carbon signals of HEC detected at 61.3 ppm (*), that
260 is a strong signal of the change in the (*) carbon chemical environment, caused by EDTA
261 chemical modification of HEC, where also a positive result of successful grafting reaction is
262 shown. Furthermore, the value of DSEDTA (≃ 0.8) was calculated from 13C NMR spectrum of
263 HEC-EDTA sample shown on Fig. 3, and based on the integrations of the carbonic signals I *
264 (≃ 0.26) and I ** (≃ 0.30), using the following equation (Eq. 4):

𝐼 ∗∗
265 𝐷𝑆𝐸𝐷𝑇𝐴 = 1.5 (𝑒𝑞. 4)
𝐼 ∗∗ + 𝐼 ∗
266 The C solid NMR spectrum (Fig. 3) reveals evidence of grafting and crosslinking
267 reaction by examining the ratio of signal integrations of carbonyl esters binding EDTA
268 entities grafted to HEC chains, which are located at 176.8 ppm (4), and those of free carbonyl
269 acids detected at 179.1 ppm (5). Values close to I4 (0.23) and I5 (0.25) indicate a high
270 crosslinking density. Besides, the degree of crosslinking (Dc %) is estimated to be around 92
271 % using the equation 5 (eq. 5) :

272 𝐷𝐶 (%) = (3 − 4 ) × 100 (𝐸𝑞. 5)
𝐼5 + 𝐼4

273 This trend, corresponding to the high level of crosslinking, is confirmed by the closest
274 values of the integrations of the signals attributed to the methylene carbons of the grafted
275 EDTA at 52.6, 55.6 and 58.6 ppm (Fig. 3) assigned to the EDTA carbons (1) , (2) and (3),
276 respectively. Furthermore, the integration ratio close to the value of 1 between the two typical
277 peaks (2) in α-ester and (3) in α-acid is a strong indication of the predominance of the
278 crosslinked form of the hydrogel.

279 Besides the NMR, spectral results of HEC-EDTA reported in Fig. 3 confirm those obtained
280 by FTIR vibrational spectroscopy (Fig.2a). In addition, the proposed structure of the new
281 hydrogel developed in this paper is confirmed and completed by the study of the elemental
282 profile for a DSEDTA of 0.8, and the results are reported in Table 1. Before getting into the
283 study of the elemental profile, there is a need to note that the elemental composition is very
284 sensitive toward the structure and bonding variability of hydrogel network. However,
285 experimental data from the elemental analysis of hydrogel (HEC-EDTAexp) showed that the
286 EDTA crosslinking reaction of HEC, under homogeneous conditions, slightly decreased the
287 proportion of carbon (from 47.37 to 47.23 %) and hydrogen (from 7.02 to 6.36 %) , where the
288 appearance of higher nitrogen content (3.05 %), compared to the HEC starting material (0.00
289 %), could prove the introduction of EDTA as a crosslinking agent.

Atomic wt. %
HEC 47.37 0.00 7.02 0.00 0.00
HEC-EDTAexp 47.23 3.05 6.36 0.80 92.0
HEC-EDTAth* 47.22 3.39 6.30 0.80 100
HEC-EDTAth0 45.60 5.01 6.08 0.80 0.00
290 exp: Synthesized in this work, th* : Completely crosslinking and th0 : Without crosslinking

291 Table 1. Elemental analysis of HEC (DS0) and EDTA-HEC (DS0.8)

292 On the other hand, the theoretical elemental compositions (HCN) of the hydrogel (HEC-
293 EDTAth) of the extreme values at the level of degree of crosslinking (HEC-EDTAth* for Dc =
294 100 % and HEC-EDTAth0 for Dc = 0 %) have been calculated. Thus, it was noted that the
295 elemental analysis profile for the same degree of substitution (DSEDTA = 0.80), and for a
296 crosslinked polyfunctional samples (as in the case of polysaccharides), is strongly affected by
297 the degree of crosslinking (Dc %). This result can be explained considering the superficial and
298 the core network EDTA distribution in hydrogel materials. Since, in highest degree of
299 crosslinking, the sharing of each EDTA unit between two AGUs is more considered, while in
300 the materials with lower Dc%, each AGU keeps its EDTA unit. In the case of HEC-EDTA, it
301 is acceptable to have a greater values of Nitrogen content (5.01 %) for a free system (without
302 crosslinking) and around half (3.39 %) in the case of a fully crosslinked system, indicating
303 that the EDTA moiety is inversely proportional to the degree of crosslinking. In fact, the
304 elemental analysis experimental data were very close to those theoretical characterizing a
305 fully crosslinked system at a DSEDTA value equal to 0.80. This also confirms the high Dc %
306 value of 92 % characteristic of the gelatinous system in this work. In comparison with the

307 results that are published recently (Zannagui, Amhamdi et al. 2020), drastic differences can be
308 caused, by the variation of the values of DS and Dc %, in terms of physicochemical properties
309 particularly the powder-gel aspect, water solubility, swelling, accessibility, etc.

310 Application of HEC-EDTA to dyes removal in Water Treatment

311 Effect of contact time and kinetic study

312 The adsorption kinetic describes the variation of the concentration of adsorbate in the
313 solution as a function of contact time. In order to determine the mechanism limiting the
314 kinetics of the adsorption process, three models were applied during this study, the pseudo-
315 first order, the pseudo-second order and the interparticle diffusion models. Fig. 4a shows the
316 contact time effect on the evolution of MB adsorption capacity of HEC-EDTA, where the
317 initial concentration of cationic dye (C0) was set at 300 mg. L-1, pH8 and 30 mg of gel-
318 adsorbent. The adsorption kinetic behavior of MB on HEC-EDTA is characterized by a high
319 rate in the initial stage (first 10 min) indicating a high accessibility to the adsorption sites, and
320 then adsorption process progressed with low increasing of the adsorption capacity to reach the
321 equilibrium. The time to equilibrium was 30 min as the optimal contact time, and the
322 maximum adsorption capacity was around 953 mg.g-1.

323 At the kinetic level, in the pseudo first order model, the adsorption rate is proportional to
324 the variation of the adsorption capacity between the equilibrium and at the t time (Eq. 6), k1 is
325 the rate constant (min-1). By integrating and applying the initial conditions (t0=0 → qt=q0=0
326 and t=te → qt=qe) the previous equation takes the linear following form (Eq. 7), k1 and qe are
327 obtained by plotting ln (qe – qt) against time. On the other hand, the pseudo second order
328 model gives the adsorption rate proportionally to the square variation of the adsorption
329 capacity between the equilibrium and at the t time (Eq. 8), k2 is the rate constant (
330 ). However, the linear form (Eq. 9) of the previous equation (eq. 8) was obtained by
331 integrating and applying the initial conditions (t0=0 → qt=q0=0 and t=te → qt=qe), qe and k2
332 are obtained by plotting t/qt = f(t).

333 = 𝑘1( 𝑞𝑒− 𝑞𝑡) (𝑒𝑞. 6)
334 ln(𝑞𝑒− 𝑞𝑡 ) = 𝑙𝑛𝑞𝑒 − 𝑘1 𝑡 (𝑒𝑞. 7)
335 = 𝑘2 (𝑞𝑒 − 𝑞𝑡 )2 (𝑒𝑞. 8)

𝑡 1 1
336 = 2 + .𝑡 (𝑒𝑞. 9)
𝑞𝑡 𝑘2 𝑞𝑒 𝑞𝑒
337 𝑞𝑡 = 𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑡 . 𝑡1/2 + 𝐶 (𝑒𝑞. 10)

338 To investigate the kinetic profile of MB adsorption onto HEC-EDTA gel, the kinetic data
339 were fitted according to the linear form of pseudo-first-order and pseudo-second-order kinetic
340 models, hence the conventional linear regression of the kinetic results for the two kinetic
341 models are shown in Figure 4a. The comparison of the coefficient correlation (R) of the linear
342 regression was carried out to confirm the validity of the kinetic models and to examine
343 absorption kinetic process. Thus, kinetic parameters results of the two models, summarized in
344 table 2, show that the pseudo-second-order kinetic model provided better correlation, with
345 high coefficient of determination value (R2 ~ 0.9998), than that of pseudo-first-order kinetic
346 model (R2 ~ 0.9870). Moreover, the calculated qe value derived from pseudo-second-order
347 (table 2) is consistent well with the experimental value, which indicates that the MB
348 adsorption process kinetic on EDTA crosslinked HEC gel was better described by pseudo-
349 second-order kinetic model.

k qe (mg.g-1) R2
pseudo- first order 0.132 49.15 0.9870
pseudo-second order 6.8 10-3 957.9 0.9998

350 Table 2. Kinetic parameters of pseudo-first-order and pseudo-second-order kinetic models for
351 MB adsorption onto HEC-EDTA gel

352 Meanwhile, the study of intraparticle scattering was performed basing on Weber-Morries
353 intra-particle diffusion model (Mabel, Sundararaman et al. 2019) described by eq. 10, where
354 kint is the rate constant of intraparticle diffusion model (mg.g-1.min-1/2), and C is a constant
355 involved in the thickness of the boundary layer of the intraparticle diffusion model (mg.g−1).
356 Figure 4b shows linear fitted data of intraparticle diffusion kinetic model, where the kinetic
357 parameters (kint and C) were derived from the slope of the linear part of the intraparticle
358 model plots and intersection point at the origin, respectively.

359 According to Weber-Morris intraparticle kinetic model, the adsorption process is

360 strictly controlled by intraparticle diffusion if qt variation against t1/2 is straight line. So, the
361 apparition of three regions of linearity, shown on Fig. 4b, is a strong indication of that the
362 intraparticle diffusion is not the only rate limiting step in the adsorption process. Whereas, the

363 first step (t1/2 between 0 and 1 min1/2) showed an interparticle diffusion behavior,
364 characterized by a steep slope (kint(1) = 832 mg.g-1.min-1/2), and correlated to the diffusion of
365 MB from the bulk solution to the boundary layer surrounding on the external adsorption
366 surface of the adsorbent. During first contact, the low recovery rate and the high density of
367 active accessible sites, on the external surface of HEC-EDTA (that can be occupied by
368 adsorbate), makes this step the fastest process (Han, Wang et al. 2011), and therefore a rate
369 controlling step.


371 Fig. 4: (a) Contact time effect and kinetic models, (b) intraparticle diffusion model and dye
removal, (c) gel dose and C0 effects and (d) pH effect on zeta potential of the gel-adsorbent and on
373 adsorption capacity

374 Whereas, the second linear part (t1/2 between 1 and 2.5 min1/2) indicated by a slight slope
375 (kint(2) = 91 mg.g-1.min-1/2) compared to the previous step, indicates the gradual decrease in the
376 adsorption rate, where the change in adsorption process turns from interparticle diffusion to
377 intraparticle one. Indeed, when the gel external surface adsorption sites (HEC-EDTA) are
378 consumed, the adsorbate molecules (MB) penetrate and anchor into the pore sites via an

379 intraparticle diffusion, and this under the osmotic pressure generated by the different
380 concentration gradients of dye molecules in the solution, which drove the filling and diffusion
381 through additional internal surfaces (Liu, Tian et al. 2019). Although, the last linear part
382 showed a very low slope (kint(2) = 6 mg.g-1.min-1/2) indicating the stability of the capacity
383 adsorption, and that the adsorption system has reached equilibrium.

384 Gel dose, initial concentration and pH effects

385 The adsorbent dose effect is an important parameter to enhance the absorption capacity for
386 dye removal, and to understand the mechanism profile of adsorption process. However, the
387 variation of the adsorption capacity (qe) against gel dose (0.1– 0.6 g.L−1, C0 = 600 mg.L−1
388 and pH = 8.0) was illustrated on Figure 4c. However, it can be seen that the adsorption
389 capacity slightly increased with increasing of gel dose from 0.1 to 0.3 g.L-1, where the
390 adsorption capacity moved from 1902 to 1923 mg.g-1, while the MB removal ratio (R%)
391 increased from 53.88 % to 73.44 % and to 96.15 % for 0.17, 0.23 and 0.3 g.L-1 gel doses,
392 respectively. Then, beyond 0.3 g.L-1, the change in the adsorption capacity of MB was
393 inversely proportional to the gel dose, where the ability to eliminate MB decreased from
394 1923, 1196 and 1142 mg.g-1 to 971 mg.g-1 with increasing gelatinous load from 0.3, 0.41,
395 0.48 to 0.6 g.L-1. In addition, the calculated values of the removal rate (R %), in the adsorbent
396 dose range higher than 0.3 g. L-1, were optimal and greater than 90%.

397 This behavior can be explained by adsorption resistance, which results from resistance to
398 mass transfer between external and internal surface under osmotic pressure, which affecting
399 the value of driving forces. Hence, faced with the high availability of vacant sites, adsorption
400 would easily reach equilibrium, while other more active sites will not be available and this
401 because of their aggregation and the lengthening of the diffusion path, and consequently, the
402 decrease in the total available surface and the reduction in the adsorption capacity of the
403 material. In addition, it is evident that the low rate of recovery of the active sites causes a low
404 adsorption capacity. At light of this phenomenon, figure 4c shows an overview of the
405 influence of gel dose on the elimination capacity of MB, so the dose 0.3 g.L-1 was selected as
406 an optimal value, indicating that the active sites can be used efficiently, leading to a higher
407 adsorption capacity.

408 The initial dye concentration is another significant factor that determines the effectiveness
409 of the adsorption process. However, the effect of the initial concentration of the MB solution

410 on the adsorption ability of HEC-EDTA is shown in Fig. 4c, where the experiments were
411 carried out within the initial concentration range of 50–600 mg L−1 (25 °C, pH8, gel dose : 0.3
412 g L−1). Keeping all the other parameters constant, the results indicate that the adsorption
413 capacity increased linearly over the initial concentration range of 50 – 600 mg L−1, suggesting
414 that the qe values greatly depended on the initial concentration of MB solution. Indeed,
415 increasing the dye initial concentration induce concentration gradient, that generates motrice
416 forces pushing MB towards the adsorbent internal area. On the other hand, more than the
417 difference is large in MB concentration between the solution bulk and the adsorbent area, the
418 migration rate is greater, where increasing the concentration gradient promotes a high
419 probability of collision between MB molecules and active sites on the adsorbent surface.
420 Furthermore, in front of the continuous increase of the adsorption capacity against initial
421 concentration of the organic dye, the formation of the multilayers is strongly suggested. This
422 suggestion can be confirmed by the irrationality of models describing the single-layer
423 adsorption, in particular the Langmuir model (Fig. 5a).

424 The pH of dye solution is an extensive factor that affecting the efficiency of absorption
425 process, where drastically affect both the electrical behavior and the charge density of the
426 adsorbent and the adsorbate, thus governing the adsorbent–adsorbate interaction mechanism.
427 To investigate the pH solution effect on the adsorption efficiency, 0.3 g L-1 gel dose was used
428 to 600 mg. L-1 MB initial concentration solution at room temperature (25 °C), where the pH
429 solution (2 – 11) was adjusted using HCl and NaOH solution. The results in Figure 4d implied
430 that the adsorption capacity is greatly depended on pH value variation, where at low pH
431 values (2 – 4), low qe values were obtained and that were attributed to the protonation surface
432 of the adsorbent, indicating a high effect of protonic competition. Above pH = 4, the
433 adsorption capacity increased progressively with an inflection point at ranges of pH6, where
434 the pKa value of the majority of carboxylic acids, indicating the saponification of the
435 carboxylic acid functions, and therefore the activation of active sites in the form of
436 carboxylate functions. At this point, the maximum qe value was reached and it did not show a
437 significant value change of qe (2000 – 2150 mg.g-1).

438 To confirm the suggestions previously proposed, the zeta potential of swollen gel at
439 different solution pH was investigated. The results, shown in Figure 4c, indicate that HEC-
440 EDTA hydrogel was characterized by PZC corresponding to an isoelectric point of zeta
441 potential at pH = 3.42, where the surface of the adsorbent was neutral and no characteristic

442 adsorption occurred. Considering the typical crosslinking agent and its specificity, EDTA is a
443 hyxaprotonic system representing a distinct proton distribution as a function of pH. The first
444 two acidities of EDTA are anchored to the polymeric chain, which explains its positive
445 behavior of zeta potential, and that is due to the protonation of the amine forms into
446 ammonium. Therefore, the increase in pH initiated the release of the other two acidities that
447 neutralize the ammonium charge to the PZC. Beyond that, the adsorption capacity continues
448 to increase, indicating the activation of the active carboxylic sites, reaching 1653 mg.g-1 and
449 1923 mg.g-1 at pH values of 7 to 8. At this stage of pH values, the contribution of first
450 structural amine (pKa5 = 6.13) of EDTA to the adsorption mechanism is suggested. This zone
451 is characterized by a strong decrease in zeta potential to a value close to -30 mV, which
452 indicates the predominance of electrostatic interactions in the adsorption mechanism, as well
453 as the carriers of the free doublets, in particular the amine and alcohol functions via sharing of
454 their electronic densities. Subsequently, the second structural amine (pKa6 = 10.37) shows
455 practically no activity (weak increase of qe which reaches 2180 mg.g-1 at pH = 11), this is due
456 probably to the high alkalinity of the solution where the competitiveness between hydroxide
457 ions and active sites for MB is widely considered.

458 Adsorption isotherms

459 The modeling of adsorption isotherms were widely explored to elucidate the adsorbate-
460 adsorbent interactions, in particular to the interpretation of the concentration effect on the
461 dyes adsorption efficiency on solid supports in solution. However, Langmuir, Freundlich,
462 Temkin and Elovich are commonly used isotherm models describing the adsorption
463 phenomenon to understand adsorbate-adsorbent interactions. In the Langmuir isothermal
464 model, the adsorbed molecule is located on a well-defined and specific site of the adsorbent
465 material (localized adsorption), and each site is only capable of binding to one adsorbate-
466 molecule. The adsorption energy distribution of all adsorption sites is identical and
467 independent of the adjacent adsorbed molecules (homogeneous surface and no adsorbate-
468 adsorbate interaction) (Langmuir 1918). Equation 11 gives the linear form of the Langmuir
469 isotherm model.

𝐶𝑒 1 𝐶𝑒
470 = + (𝐸𝑞. 11)
𝑞𝑒 𝑘𝑙 𝑞𝑚 𝑞𝑚

471 Ce is the concentration of the MB aqueous solution of at equilibrium (mg.g-1), qe is the
472 adsorption capacity at equilibrium (mg.g-1). kl is the Langmuir equilibrium constant that
473 indicates the interaction level between the adsorbed molecules and the adsorbent surface, and
474 qm is the maximum adsorption efficiency (mg.g-1). The separation factor is a very useful and
475 characteristic factor of the Langmuir model (Rl = 1/(1 + KlC0), the value of Rl> 1 indicates
476 that the adsorption is unfavorable, if 0 <Rl <1 the adsorption is favorable while the zero value
477 of Rl indicates that the adsorption is irreversible.

478 The relationship of classical isothermal Freundlich model is interpreted and proposed first
479 by Saussure, and later popularized by Freundlich (Freundlich 1907). However, the linear form
480 of power function (Eq. 12) describing the Freundlich isotherm model is commonly considered
481 an empirical proposition, which gives an excellent description of the experimental isotherms
482 obtained for solution phase adsorption (Weber Jr, Voice et al. 1983). In order to establish a
483 theoretical basis linking the adsorption capacity and the physicochemical or/and molecular
484 properties of adsorbent–adsorbate system, the Freundlich model has excited several lines of
485 research. While, finding a theoretical description and introducing new concepts made the
486 objective, especially order of fractal reaction (Skopp 2009), multilayer adsorption (Halsey
487 1948) and heterogeneity of the binding energy (Deliyanni, Peleka et al. 2007) and the surface
488 potential (Sips 1948).

489 𝑙𝑛𝑞𝑒 = 𝑙𝑛𝐾𝑓 + 𝑙𝑛𝐶𝑒 (𝑒𝑞. 12)

490 Recently, Na has shown, based on the Gibbsian interpretation of thermodynamics

491 describing the Freundlich isotherm, that the solution phase adsorption is mainly controlled by
492 the capillary effect of surface tension, and therefore the adsorption capacity can be
493 quantitatively related to the molecular properties of adsorbate. In addition, analyzing the
494 experimental values of 1/n (adsorption intensity, indicates the adsorbate affinity towards the
495 adsorbent) and Kf (Freundlich equilibrium constant) reported in the literature (Abe, Hayashi et
496 al. 1982, Xia and Ball 1999), Na demonstrated the linear correlation between the inverse of
497 the Freundlich power, n, and the molecular size of the adsorbate. Hence, the linear correlation
498 between the Freundlich power and the logarithm of the equilibrium constant was discovered,
499 revealing the existence of an isocapacity concentration (ICC) for the adsorption (Na 2020).


501 Fig. 5: (a) The experimental results of adsorption of MB on HEC-EDTA illustrated according
502 to theoretical models (Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin and Elovich), (b) variation of lnK and
503 ∆G against 1 / T and T, (c) Illustration of the regenerability steeps of HEC-EDTA and (d)
504 variation of adsorption and dye removal capacities against regenerability cycle number

505 Temkin assumes that the heat of adsorption of all molecules in the cover layer decreases
506 linearly with the degree of coverage [ref], this variation may be linked to side interactions
507 between adsorbed molecules (adsorbent-adsorbate interactions) [ref]. However, the Temkin
508 adsorption isotherm is characterized by a uniform distribution of surface binding energies
509 (Kavitha and Namasivayam 2007). The Temkin isotherm is expressed by the equation 13,
510 where, qe is the equilibrium adsorption efficiency (mg.g-1), Ce is the equilibrium adsorbate
511 concentration (mg.L-1), R is the universal gas constant (J.mol-1.K-1), T is the temperature (K),
512 b is the adsorption energy dependence constant and Kt is the equilibrium constant (


514 𝑞𝑒 = 𝑙𝑛𝐾𝑡 + 𝑙𝑛𝐶𝑒 (𝑒𝑞. 13)
𝑏 𝑏

515 Elovich model differs from that of Langmuir regarding the evolution of adsorption sites,
516 where the density of available sites varies during adsorption, which implies adsorption in
517 several layers (Hadj Salah 2012). The Elovich isotherm is expressed by the equation 14,
518 where qm (mg.g-1) is the maximum adsorption capacity and Ke is the Elovich constant (mg-1).

𝑞𝑒 𝑞𝑒
519 𝑙𝑛 = + ln(𝑘𝑒 𝑞𝑚 ) (𝑒𝑞. 14)
𝐶𝑒 𝑞𝑚

520 Figure 5a illustrates the experimental isothermal results of MB adsorption on HEC-EDTA,

521 fitted according to the theoretical models of Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin and Elovich.
522 However, a strong correlation was observed for the Freundlich isotherm model, indicating its
523 validity with a high coefficient of determination value (r2 = 0.9976), that is an indication of
524 the reliability of the data and a good degree of reproducibility. This great correlation in a
525 strong indication of the heterogeneity of active surface of material, and the MB adsorption
526 was carried out in multilayer process. This result is in good agreement with the proposed
527 structure where the presence of the different adsorbent sites with heterogenic reactivity in
528 nature. Furthermore, in the crosslinking reaction conditions of HEC by EDTA, especially the
529 value of the average functionality of crosslinking system (f = 1.75), is highly probable to
530 suggest the formation of a two-dimensional network with different suggested active sites. In
531 particular, the carboxylic functions (-COO-), the amines (-N˂) and alcohols (-OH) functions
532 can interact by their free electronic-doublets as negative charges liable to create electrostatic
533 bonds with the MB (Wang, Zhao et al. 2018, Ning, Zhang et al. 2021).

534 The Freundlich constants (Kf = 22.42 mg.g-1) which is a measure of the degree of
535 adsorption and the exponent of non-linearity (1/n =1.44) can be determined from the slope
536 and intercept of the 𝑙𝑛 𝑞𝑒 = 𝑓(𝑙𝑛 𝐶𝑒) plot (linear red curve on Fig. 5a). However, the high
537 value of Kf suggests a high degree of heterogeneity (Somera, Cuazon et al. 2019), where to
538 interpret the value of 1/n found in this work, it is important to highlight some efforts
539 discussing the relationship between this constant and the mechanism of adsorption process.
540 Therefore, the value 1/n derived from the Freundlich equation serves to describe the linearity
541 of adsorption, or alternatively the degree of curvature of the isotherms described in the
542 concentration range tested. In a nonlinear mode, the plot is linear for up to 50% max
543 saturation and then becomes nonlinear. Although the Freundlich equation provides important
544 information regarding sorption of particles, but it has limited by the empirical aspect and its
545 validity only up to a certain concentrations, above which it becomes nonlinear (K.Singh

546 2016). However, the Freundlich model linearity has often been attributed to the unit value of
547 the adsorption intensity (n=1). Whereas, the non-linearity was associated with the
548 hydrophobic behavior and to the hydrophobicity degree of the adsorbate molecules, where the
549 adsorption process is controlled by the solubility level (ref). A unit value of 1/n was assigned
550 to the homogeneous distribution of adsorbent sites, involving a type C isothermal distribution.
551 While, values ranging from 0.7 to 1.0 showed a decrease in adsorption capacity with
552 increasing of the concentration of the adsorbate molecules, which corresponds to the L-type
553 isotherm profile, where much curved isotherms were encountered for 1/n values less than 0.7.

554 Unusually, values greater than 1 (1/n>1) have been the subject of scientific debate with
555 many gray areas about their meaning, several interpretations of which have been surmounted
556 to the surface. Some authors have linked the small value of n to the competitive effect, at low
557 concentrations, between the different constituents of the adsorbate system or to solvent
558 competition. On the light of this, Wu et al. have shown that systems anionic with the law
559 competitive solute concentrations show similar n values to that of the single solute (n = 0.33 ˂
560 1), this finding suggests that the competitive effect is insignificant when are added in low
561 concentrations (Wu, Lo et al. 2000, Wu, Kuo et al. 2002). A comparison study, performed by
562 Wu et al., of the n values in single solute system with that in binary solute system, showed
563 that a more significant competitive effect results in a higher n value but a lower K value (Wu,
564 Kuo et al. 2002). In addition, the same results were observed in the case of competitive
565 adsorption with a Freundlich isotherm or in the case of heavy metals (Park, Ok et al. 2016,
566 Zhang, Wei et al. 2016, Wang, Liu et al. 2018), or organic matter on solid supports (Yu, Wang
567 et al. 2016, Conde-Cid, Ferreira-Coelho et al. 2019, Wang, Wang et al. 2019, Conde-Cid,
568 Fernández-Sanjurjo et al. 2020). Moreover, Dada et al. considered the 1/n Freundlich value
569 as an indicating parameter of the surface heterogeneity degree, where small values of 1/n
570 indicating that a large level of heterogeneity is expected (Dada, Olalekan et al. 2012). Further
571 on, Senthil Kumar et al. linked the value n<1 to the chemical nature of the adsorption process,
572 while n>1 means that a physical process nature of MB dye adsorption onto Sulfuric Acid –
573 Treated Orange Peel (Senthil Kumar, Fernando et al. 2014). However, according to Mohan et
574 al., 1/n above one indicates a cooperative adsorption process (Mohan and Karthikeyan 1997,
575 Dada, Olalekan et al. 2012), and is an adsorption validity index if n is between one and ten
576 (Goldberg 2005). At 1/n < 0.1, the adsorption isotherm approaches irreversible isotherm
577 (Worch 2012, Saadi, Saadi et al. 2015), etc.

578 Faced to this ambiguity and the absence of an interpretation based on acceptable
579 theoretical usefulness of this famous model, almost all of the authors agree that the value of
580 1/n can classify adsorption isotherms as concave (1 / n> 1) and convex (1 / n <1) functions.
581 The first one showed the direct proportionality of sorption energy to the surface
582 concentration, where the convex demonstrated that the adsorption energy is inversely
583 proportional to the surface concentration (Can, Ömür et al. 2016). Therefore, the obtained
584 value for 1/n (1.44), in this work, is greater than unity thus, indicating a heterogonous sorption
585 energy distribution.

586 In addition, S-type adsorption, according to the classification of Giles et al. for solution
587 phase adsorption isotherms (Giles, Smith et al. 1974), is most considered to adsorbing
588 adsorbate containing a polar functional group on adsorbent hydrogels. This was observed
589 even for high values of 1/n, which can reach about ten (between 2 and 12) (Gu and Zhu 1990,
590 Yurdakoç, Seki et al. 2005, Khandelwal, Narayanan et al. 2020). This correspondence can be
591 attributed, at low concentrations, to the difference between the force of diffusion – swelling of
592 solvent versus the force of concentration gradient and mass transfer of solute (Kaşgöz and
593 Durmus 2008, Narayanan, Nethran et al. 2014, Bai, Zhang et al. 2016, Du and Piao 2018,
594 Saraydın, Işıkver et al. 2018).

595 Thermodynamic study and regenerability

596 The effect of temperature on the adsorption capacity was studied within the temperature
597 range between 20 and 60 ˚C (C0 = 300 mg.L-1, contact time = 30 min, pH8 and 0.3 g.L−1).
598 However, the linear curves representing the thermal profiles of the adsorption equilibrium
599 constant (lnK = f (1 / T)) and of the Gibbsian energy variation (∆G = f (T)) are shown on
600 Figure 5b. As can be seen that, increasing temperature was inversely influenced the evolution
601 of LnK, which indicates the increase in the rate constant of the reverse reaction of adsorption,
602 where the adsorption equilibrium moves in the opposite direction. This profile is accompanied
603 by a similar decrease in the adsorption capacity, indicating the physisorption nature of
604 adsorption process, where the stability of the physical adsorbent-adsorbate bonds is low
605 compared to the thermal energy supplied to the system, and consequently, the breakdown and
606 shift of equilibrium towards favoring desorption. Similarly, the increase in the Gibbs energy
607 (∆G) value of the of the adsorption reaction, increasing temperature (Figure 5b), is a strong
608 indication of the physical aspect of the adsorption process. This behavior of free energy
609 confirms the previous result and justifies the changes in the equilibrium constant with

610 temperature. The Gibbs energy change of the adsorption reaction was estimated from
611 Equation 15:

612 ∆𝐺 = −𝑅𝑇 𝑙𝑛𝐾 (𝐸𝑞. 15)

613 Where ΔG is the variation of free energy (KJ. mol-1), R is the universal gas constant. T is the
614 temperature (K) and K is the equilibrium constant. The values of the enthalpy (ΔH) and the
615 entropy (ΔS) can be calculated from the Van’tHoff Equation (Eq. 16):

∆𝐻 ∆𝑆
616 𝑙𝑛𝐾 = − + (𝐸𝑞. 16)

617 The thermodynamic parameters of the adsorption, ΔH and ΔS, can be determined by
618 plotting LnK=f(1/T). The negative values of ∆G confirm the spontaneous behavior of the
619 adsorption process, while negative enthalpy value of ∆H (- 45.58 KJ.mol-1) shows the
620 exothermic nature of the reaction. In addition, the negative entropy value of ∆S (- 120.31
621 J.mol-1.k-1) indicates an increase in the molecular order and a significant decrease in the
622 degree of freedom of the solute molecules (MB), when fleeting from the solution to the
623 adsorbent surface connection. The apparent activation energy value (Ea/R) was estimated
624 from the experimental data, using the modified Arrhenius equation related to the surface
625 coverage () and the sticking probability, that quantifies the potential of an adsorbate to
626 remain on the adsorbent indefinitely (Horsfall Jnr and Spiff 2005, Aljeboree, Alkaim et al.
627 2015, Thabet and Ismaiel 2016, Labidi, Salaberria et al. 2019). However, the surface
628 coverage was calculated according to the following relation: θ = 1- Ce/C0, where C0 and Ce
629 are initial and equilibrium MB concentrations, respectively. Yet, plotting ln (1 – θ) against 1/T
630 gives a linear plot with a slope of Ea/R, which Ea/R value was found to be – 4.7 KJ.g.mol-1.
631 The negative value of Ea confirms that the MB adsorption process is exothermic in nature,
632 and indicates that lower temperatures were favorable for the MB removal by adsorption using
633 HEC-EDTA adsorbent. Therefore, these results complement the previous ones and confirm
634 that the process of sorption of MB is physisorption. In addition, the low values of Ea suggest
635 that adsorption is a diffusion-controlled process.

636 Even with their adsorption efficiency, adsorbents must be inexpensive, regenerated, and
637 present a green approach, which encourages their use at the industrial level. It is therefore
638 desirable to have economically viable methods for removing cationic dyes, in particular by
639 adsorbents based on environmentally and friendly raw materials. In this context, HEC-EDTA
640 hydrogel have an exceptionally high adsorption capacity for MB. The procedure of recovering
641 the organic dyes, during the adsorbent regeneration step, is easily accomplished by eluting the
642 gelatinous mass with adequate 0.1 M aqueous acid solution (Hu, Liang et al. 2018, Wang,
643 Zhang et al. 2020, Ning, Zhang et al. 2021). In this paper, the study of the regenerability and
644 reusability of elaborated HEC based hydrogel, was carried out for 0.5 g of HEC-EDTA-BM
645 (qe ~ 950 mg.g-1) in a 10 mL column, eluted with 0.1 M aqueous HCl solution (Fig. 5c).
646 Figure 5c shows that the upward flow of acid causes discoloration of the adsorbent, while the
647 solution collected at the outlet of the column has become colorless after adding a volume of
648 acid that does not exceed 10 mL. Regeneration results from the release of BM under the
649 action of the acid, which causes the protonation of the carboxylate and amino functions on the
650 surface of the HEC-EDTA adsorbent, and consequently, eliminates the electrostatic
651 interactions between BM and HEC -EDTA.

652 Reusability is one of the important properties of the adsorbent for practical application,
653 especially to dyes removal in wastewater treatment. The adsorption–desorption flow chart and
654 adsorption–desorption cycles are exhibited in Figure 5d. As shown in Fig 5c, after five
655 adsorption–desorption cycles, the adsorption capacity still maintained at around of the
656 original adsorption capacity. Hence, a slight decrease after five consecutive adsorption–
657 desorption cycles (for 6th and 7th cycle), but the dye removal still exceeded 90% to the initial
658 adsorption. High adsorption efficiency and long life cycle of HEC-HEC hydrogel, provides
659 promising material as ecofriendly regenerable adsorbent with high-performance and excellent
660 practical value for industrial applications.

661 Theoretical and Computational Study

662 MD simulations for the analyzed structures were conducted with the Adsorption Locator
663 module imbedded in Materials Studio2017 software (Amrhar, Berisha et al. 2021). Force field
664 parameterizations were calculated and optimized using COMPASS II (Biabangard, Nazari et
665 al. 2021). The considered structures for this work were: i) Periodic HEC-EDTA system
666 consists of HEC oligomers containing 6 monomers grafted by EDTA according to the
667 experimental discussed results above (degree of substitution (DS) and degree, crosslinking
668 (Dc %) and two conjugated bases of carboxylic groups by EDTA, and ii) Cationic MB ions
669 optimized using DFT methods (Pelalak, Soltani et al. 2021). However, the initial charges
670 implemented were Hirshfeld charges. The charge partitioning by Hirshfeld method shows that

671 S atom has a positive charge of 0.1504e, and N has a negative charge of 0.1471 e (Li, Zhang
672 et al. 2018).

673 Adsorption simulation was carried out on two stages, adsorption of 12 MB+ on the surface
674 of HEC – EDTA layer of 6 monomers, followed by MD simulations to achieve the optimal
675 results. MD simulations have been conducted as NPT ensemble giving the experimental
676 conditions (Guo, Zhang et al. 2020). Temperature and pressure were controlled using the
677 Nose-Hoover and Berendsen method respectively, with all simulations performed at 298.15 K
678 and at 1 bar. The motion equations were integrated using the velocity verlet integrator method
679 with a time phase of 1 fs. Lennard-Jones encounters were handled with possible 15 Å cut-offs
680 and Periodic boundary conditions have been applied in all directions, and 10 ps long MD
681 Simulations have been used for the studied systems.


683 Fig. 6: MD Adsorption simulations of MB+ on HEC-EDTA

684 Intermolecular Non-covalent interaction of MB+ and HEC-EDTA

685 The molecular structures of MB+ and HEC-EDTA were examine in terms of
686 intermolecular Non-covalent interactions including Pi-Pi interactions, anion-Pi interactions
687 and electrostatic interactions, and sub-structural molecular clusters. However, MD
688 simulations results showed that the adsorption process was better described by non-covalent
689 interactions between methylene blue and EDTA on the adsorption, especially the electrostatic
690 collisions which given the possibility to create regioselective clusters around EDTA-
691 carboxylates (Stîngă, Băran et al. 2021). At first, the results of MD simulation reveal the
692 tendency of MB+ to be adsorbed on EDTA surface, as expected this is due to electrostatically
693 interaction between cationic MB ions and anionic EDTA-carboxylate groups (Fig. 6).
694 Electrostatically interactions (between MB+ and O-) and Pi-cations (between aromatic rings
695 and MB-) led to the formation of the major molecular clusters. On the other hand, the Pi-Pi
696 interactions (between Phenyl groups themselves and between Phenyl groups and carbonyl
697 oxygen) and the Pi-cation interactions (between delocalized MB+ and carboxylic conjugate
698 groups) sustain sub structural clusters (Fig. 2, 3) (Khalaf, Hamed et al. 2021).

699 Molecular structure and cluster configurations

700 Molecular dynamics simulations indicated the formation of specific configurations of MB-
701 EDTA clusters on specific HEC-EDTA surface areas. The region selectivity of MB+
702 adsorption observed on Fig. 1 is due to non-covalent interactions discussed above, where the
703 repulsive forces between grafted EDTA2- give reason to the apparition of new structural
704 orientations and configurations. These steric arrangement in the new chemical environment
705 induced a new redistribution of bond strengths, where the formation of cavities (Fig. 7a)
706 allowing the MB+ absorption in several geometric possibilities (clusters), which explains the
707 high adsorption capacity of HEC-EDTA material to cationic dyes. Yet, the orientation of
708 MB+ was finding selective (i.e. Phenyl rings toward O- by anion - Pi interaction) (Fig. 7).


710 Fig.7: Submolecular clusters MB-EDTA interactions (Dashed lines: Non-covalent

711 interactions).


713 Fig. 8: Proposal MB adsorption mechanism on HEC-EDTA

714 In addition, the contribution of repulsive forces (i.e. repulsive forces, cation-Pi and Pi-Pi
715 interaction) to the formation of MB + clusters is strongly suggested. However, the Pi-Pi
716 interaction of phenyl rings leads to ring stacking, consequently inducing the formation of MB
717 + aggregates. With regard to the excess repulsive charges, this is compensated by a negative
718 EDTA charge. Thus, the results correlate with experimental evidence and explained them in

719 terms of molecular adsorption, and in good agreement with thus recently published in the
720 literature (Mohammed, Lian et al. 2021) (Fig. 8).

721 Conclusion

722 New EDTA crosslinked cellulose derivative based material was successfully elaborated,
723 and investigated as new green and efficient adsorbent-hydrogel to cationic dyes removal. In
724 this paper, the synthesis of HEC-EDTA at high advanced crosslinking degree (up to 92 %),
725 was cried out using DAEDT and DMAP as acyl transfer agent, where the lamellar
726 morphology (2D-dimensional microstructure) was suggested from the average functionality of
727 the reaction system. The proposal structures were confirmed using structural analyzes (FTIR
728 and 13C CP/MAS NMR). The adsorption process was better described by pseudo-second-
729 order kinetic. However, the study of thermodynamic parameters exhibited a negative effect of
730 temperature indicating a physical adsorption process. In addition, the Freundlich model
731 revealed a strong correlation to the experimental results, which is a solid indication to
732 energetic heterogeneity of the surface active sites. Molecular dynamics simulations were
733 investigated to confirm the experimental results and the good agreement was shown. The high
734 adsorption efficient of HEC-EDTA to cationic dyes was attributed, basing on the MDs results,
735 to the formation of specific configurations of MB-EDTA clusters, where the non-covalent
736 interactions is predominant. In addition, the repulsive forces between MB entities and
737 between MB and grafted EDTA2- give reason to the apparition of new structural orientations
738 and configurations (electrostatic cavities), thus increase the adsorption efficiency.

739 Acknowledgements

740 We thank greatly the anonymous reviewers for their careful review and valuable
741 suggestions on the manuscript. The authors are thankful to the Head of Oujda's chemistry
742 department, Prof. Abdelmonaem TALHAOUI, for providing all the facilities and subsidies
743 necessary to carry out the research work of this article. Our warm thanks are addressed to
744 Prof. Gharibi EL KHADIR, Director of the Solid Mineral Solid Chemistry Laboratory –
745 Oujda, for his sincere and persistent contributions and devoted cooperation.

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