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Focus3 2E Unit Test Vocabulary Grammar UoE Unit5 GroupB

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Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Name: Viktor_Novitskiy Grammar

Class: 10-B 3 Complete the sentences with a, an, the or –.
Total: ___ _ /30
0 Like most boys, I wanted to be afirefighter
when I was a child.
1 I'm going to ask you just one question. If you
manage to answer the question correctly,
1 Complete the sentences with the missing you'll pass the exam.
phrasal verbs. Use the definitions in brackets to 2 Is it true that people in the Middle Ages didn't
help you. take baths and that it led to the spread of
many diseases?
0 Our group is made up (consists) of a number of 3 The first European expedition reached ---
experts who are passionate about the Australia in 1606.
environment. 4 I'd like to know if the African elephant is an
1 Experts expect global warming to heat endangered species.
up(warm) the earth by several degrees in the 5 Many people complain that --- public transport
next fifty years. is getting more and more expensive every year.
2 When I heard the bird call I knew I had to
reach for (stretch my arm to get) my
binoculars and try to see them.
3 If we wait a little while, we can see the tide 4 Complete the sentences with relative
begin to come in (rise). pronouns.
4 I went back to search through(look carefully
around) the campsite, but I couldn’t find my watch. 0 We were all surprised when John, who had
5 If they continue to cut down the forests, many never been interested in the environment,
types of animals will die out(disappear suddenly decided to become a Greenpeace
completely) in the near future. activist.
1 If you have any questions about the well-being
of your pet, you can ask Ben Brown,who will
be our guest next week.
2 Complete the sentences with the missing 2 The company has just decided to expand its
words. The first letters are given. headquarters, which will take some two years
to complete.
0 We landed our boat on a remoteisland and 3 The Devil's Mouth, where two big rivers meet,
decided to camp there for a few days. is a beautiful place and a good spot for a short
1 All of our lamps have low-energy bulbs, so we walk.
spend quite a bit less on electricity. 4 It has just turned out that professor
2 Elephants usually live in a group of ten to twenty Wellington, who theories have often been
animals which is called a herd. ignored, is right after all.
3 Be careful, the ocean current is very strong and 5 Most people in Bhutan, which is a very small
it could pull you under the water. country in the Himalayas, are Buddhist.
4 It’s dangerous to hike on that mountain. There /5
is a big risk of a bear encounter.
5 When we stood on the mountain peak, we
could see for miles in every direction.

© Pearson  2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Use of English
5 Complete the sentences with the correct form
of the words in brackets. Do not change the
order of the words. Use up to six words.

0 When I opened the drawer, I (come / old /

book) came across an old book with beautiful
pictures of exotic birds.
1 Students will (get / access / library) get access
to the library after they have filled in this form
and activated their ID cards online.
2 I met Wendy at university, (we / study /
biology) where we studied biology.
3 Recently we have been reminded of the fact
that smog can be (problem / big / city) a
problem in big cities like Beijing or Paris.
4 The World Wide Fund for Nature,
(headquarters / be) ______________________
__________ Switzerland, has over five million
supporters in the world.
5 The capital city is located in (north / country)
the north of the country, some 150 km from
the coast.

6 Complete the sentences with the correct form

of the words in CAPITALS.

0 How many endangered species can be found in

the Polish mountains? DANGER
1 In many ways, football fans are similar to tribal
societies: they are extremely loyal to their
group and they even wear the same clothes.
2 If we use more renewable energy like wind
and solar, there will be much less pollution.
3 Many people in developing countries have no
access to clean water or good medical care.
4 Experts agree that economic growth is an
important factor, but they point out that we
should worry about natural resources, too.
5 By following the course of the winding river we
walked much further than if we had taken the
straight road. WIND

© Pearson  2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

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