Developmental Biology
Developmental Biology
Developmental Biology
generate an organism’s heterogeneous shapes, size, and structural features that arise on the
trajectory from embryo to adult, or more generally throughout a life cycle. It represents an
exemplary area of contemporary experimental biology that focuses on phenomena that have
puzzled natural philosophers and scientists for more than two millennia. Philosophers of
biology have shown interest in developmental biology due to the potential relevance of
development for understanding evolution, the theme of reductionism in genetic explanations,
and via increased attention to the details of particular research programs, such as stem cell
biology. Developmental biology displays a rich array of material and conceptual practices
that can be analyzed to better understand the scientific reasoning exhibited in experimental
life science. This entry briefly reviews some central phenomena of ontogeny and then
explores four domains that represent some of the import and promise of conceptual reflection
on the epistemology of developmental biology.
1. Overview
o 1.1 Historical Considerations
o 1.2 Developmental Phenomena
o 1.3 Developmental Mechanisms
2. The Epistemological Organization of Developmental Biology
o 2.1 No Theory of Development?
o 2.2 Erotetic Organization
3. Explanatory Approaches to Development
o 3.1 Genetics
o 3.2 Physics
o 3.3 Integrating Approaches: Genetics and Physics
4. Model Organisms for the Study of Development
5. Development and Evolution
o 5.1 Functional Homology in Developmental Genetics
o 5.2 Normal Stages and Phenotypic Plasticity
6. Conclusion
o References
o Figure Credits
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Other Internet Resources
Related Entries
1. Overview
1.1 Historical Considerations
Developmental biology is the science that investigates how a variety of interacting processes
generate an organism’s heterogeneous shapes, size, and structural features that arise on the
trajectory from embryo to adult, or more generally throughout a life cycle (Love 2008;
Minelli 2011a). It represents an exemplary area of contemporary experimental biology that
focuses on phenomena that have puzzled natural philosophers and scientists for more than
two millennia. How do the dynamic relations among seemingly homogeneous components in
the early stages of an embryo produce a unified whole organism containing heterogeneous
parts in the appropriate arrangement and with correct interconnections? More succinctly,
how do we explain ontogeny (or, more archaically, generation)? In Generation of Animals,
Aristotle provided the first systematic investigation of developmental phenomena and
recognized key issues about the emergence of and relationships between hierarchically
organized parts (e.g., bone and anatomical features containing bone), as well as the
explanatory difficulty of determining how a morphological form is achieved reliably in
offspring (e.g., the typical shape and structure of appendages in a particular species).
Generation remained a poignant question throughout the early modern period and was
explored by many key figures writing at the time, including William Harvey, René
Descartes, Robert Boyle, Pierre Gassendi, Nicolas Malebranche, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz,
Anne Conway, Immanuel Kant, and others (Smith 2006). Observations of life cycle
transitions, such as metamorphosis, fed into these endeavors and led to striking conclusions,
such as Leibniz’s denial of generation sensu stricto.
Animals and all other organized substances have no beginning … their apparent generation is
only a development, a kind of augmentation … a transformation like any other, for instance
like that of a caterpillar into a butterfly. (Smith 2011: 186–187)
A major theme that crystallized in this history of investigation is the distinction between
epigenesis and preformation (see the entry on theories of biological development).
Proponents of epigenesis claimed that heterogeneous, complex features of form emerge from
homogeneous, less complex embryonic structures through interactive processes. Thus, an
explanation of the ontogeny of these form features requires accounting for how the
interactions occur. Proponents of preformation claimed that complex form preexists in the
embryo and “unfolds” via ordinary growth processes. An adequate explanation involves
detailing how growth occurs. Although preformation has a lighter explanatory burden in
accounting for how form emerges during ontogeny (on the assumption that growth is easier
to explain than process interactions), it also must address how the starting point of the next
generation is formed with the requisite heterogeneous complex features. This was sometimes
accomplished by embedding smaller and smaller miniatures ad infinitum inside the organism
(Figure 1). Epigenetic perspectives were often dependent on forms of teleological reasoning
(see the entry on teleological notions in biology) to account for why interactions among
homogeneous components eventually result in a complex, integrated whole organism.
Though nothing prevents mixing features of these two outlooks in explaining different
aspects of development, polarization into dichotomous positions has occurred frequently
(Rose 1981; Smith 2006).
In the late 19th and early 20th century, the topic of development was salient in controversies
surrounding vitalism, such as the disagreement between Wilhelm Roux and Hans Driesch
over how to explain ontogeny (Maienschein 1991). Roux thought that a fertilized egg
contains inherited elements that represent different organismal characteristics. During the
process of cellular division, these elements become unequally distributed among daughter
cells leading to distinct cell fates. Driesch, in contrast, held that each cell retained its full
potential through division even though differentiation occurred. Although this issue is often
understood in terms of the metaphysics of life (vitalism versus materialism), Driesch’s
interpretation of development and the autonomy of an organism had epistemological
dimensions (Maienschein 2000). The explanatory disagreement involved different
experimental approaches and divergent views on the nature of differentiation in early
ontogeny (e.g., to what degree cells are pre-specified). A familiar philosophical theme
running through these discussions, both epistemological and metaphysical, is the status
of reductionism in biology. Through the middle of the 20th century, embryology—the
scientific discipline studying development—slowly transformed into developmental biology
with a variety of reworked and recalcitrant elements (Berrill 1961). In conjunction with the
issue of reductionism, a key aspect of this history is the molecularization of experimental (as
opposed to comparative) embryology (Fraser and Harland 2000), with a concomitant
emphasis on the explanatory power of genes (see the entry on gene and Section 3.1). This
complex and fascinating history, including interrelations with medicine and reproductive
technology, has been detailed elsewhere (see, e.g., Oppenheimer 1967; Horder et al. 1986;
Hamburger 1988; Hopwood 2019; Maienschein 2014; Maienschein et al. 2005; Gilbert 1991;
Embryo Project in Other Internet Resources).
Developmental biology has increasingly become an area of exploration for philosophy of
biology due to the potential relevance of development for understanding evolution (Love
2015; Section 5), the theme of reductionism in biology and explanations from molecular
genetics (Robert 2004; Rosenberg 2006; Section 3), and via increased attention to the details
of particular research programs, such as stem cell biology (Fagan 2013; Laplane 2016).
However, it should not be forgotten that ontogeny was on the radar of philosophical scholars
in the 20th century, as seen in Ernest Nagel’s treatment of hierarchical organization and
reduction in the development of living systems (Nagel 1961: 432ff). For contemporary
philosophy of science, developmental biology displays a rich array of material and
conceptual practices that can be analyzed to better understand the scientific reasoning
exhibited in experimental life science (see the entry on experiment in biology). After a brief
review of some central phenomena of ontogeny, this entry explores four domains that
represent some of the import and promise of conceptual reflection on the epistemology of
developmental biology.
This anatomy of problems, with explicit epistemological structure derived from different
values for these variables, operates to organize the science of development. Investigators
from different disciplines can be working on the same problem but asking different questions
that require distinct but complementary methodological resources. Knowledge and inquiry in
developmental biology are intricately organized, just not by a central theory or group of
models, and this erotetic organization is epistemologically accessible to the participating
scientists. While theoretical knowledge, especially that drawn from molecular biological
mechanisms (see the entry on molecular biology) and mathematical models (e.g., reaction–
diffusion models) is ubiquitous (theory-informed), the clusters of problems that reappear
across the textbooks and correspond to different types of processes provide the governing
architecture (not theory-directed), which can be characterized explicitly according to the
variables described. Further analysis of this problem anatomy is possible, including how it is
displayed in regular research articles and not just textbooks, as well as other areas of biology
(see, e.g., Brigandt and Love 2012).
3.1 Genetics
Many philosophers have turned to explanations of development over the past two decades in
an effort to esteem or deflate claims about the causal power of genes (Keller 2002;
Neumann-Held and Rehmann-Sutter 2006; Rosenberg 2006; Robert 2004; Waters 2007a).
Genetic explanations touch the philosophical theme of reductionism and appear to
constitute the bulk of empirical success accruing to developmental biology over the past
several decades.[10] Statements from developmental biologists reinforce this perspective:
Developmental biology … deals with the process by which the genes in the fertilized egg
control cell behavior in the embryo and so determine its pattern, its form, and much of its
behavior … differential gene activity controls development. (Wolpert et al. 1998: v, 15)
These types of statements are sometimes amplified in appeals to a genetic program for
[Elements of the genome] contain the sequence-specific code for development; and they
determine the particular outcome of developmental processes, and thus the form of the
animal produced by every embryo. … Development is the execution of the genetic program
for construction of a given species of organism (Davidson 2006: 2, 16). [11]
At other times, statements concentrate on genetics as the primary locus of causation in
ontogeny: “Developmental complexity is the direct output of the spatially specific expression
of particular gene sets and it is at this level that we can address causality in development”
(Davidson and Peter 2015: 2). Whether or not these statements can be substantiated has been
the subject of intense debate.[12] The strongest claims about genetic programs or the genetic
control of development have empirical and conceptual drawbacks that include an inattention
to plasticity and the role of the environment, an ambiguity about the locus of causal agency,
and a reliance on metaphors drawn from computer science (Gilbert and Epel 2009; Keller
2002; Moss 2002; Robert 2004). However, this leaves intact the difference-making principle
of genetic explanation exhibited in molecular genetics (Waters 2007a), which yields more
narrow and precise causal claims under controlled experimental conditions, and is applicable
to diverse molecular entities that play causal roles during development, such as regulatory
RNAs, proteins, and environmental signals. We can observe this briefly by reconsidering the
example of vertebrate cardiogenesis (Section 1.2).
Are there problems with claiming that genes contain all of the information (see the entry
on biological information) to form vertebrate hearts? Is there a genetic program in the DNA
controlling heart development? Are genes the primary supplier and organizer of material
resources for heart development, largely determining the phenotypic outcome? Existing
studies of heart development have identified a role for fluid forces in specifying the internal
form of the heart (Hove et al. 2003) and its left/right asymmetry (Nonaka et al. 2002).
Biochemical gradients of extracellular calcium are responsible for activating the asymmetric
expression of the regulatory gene Nodal (Raya et al. 2004) and inhibition of voltage
gradients scrambles normal asymmetry establishment (Levin et al. 2002). Mechanical cues
such as microenvironmental stiffness are crucial for key transitions from migratory cells into
organized sheets during heart formation (Jackson et al. 2017). A number of genes are clearly
difference makers in these processes (Asp et al. 2019; Srivastava 2006; Brand 2003; Olson
2006), but the conclusion that genes carry all the information needed to generate form
features of the heart seems unwarranted. While it may be warranted empirically in some
cases to privilege DNA sequence differences as causal factors in specific processes of
ontogeny (Waters 2007a), such as hierarchically organized networks of genetic difference
makers explaining tissue specification (Peter and Davidson 2011), the diversity of entities
appealed to in molecular genetics and the extent of their individual and joint roles in
specifying developmental outcomes implies that debates about the meaning, scope, and
power of genetic explanations will continue (Griffiths and Stotz 2013). However, a shift
away from genetic programs and genetic determinism to DNA, RNA, and proteins as
difference makers that operate conjointly suggests that we conceptualize other causal factors
in a similar way.
3.2 Physics
Fluid flow, as a physical force, is also a difference maker during the development of the
heart, and ontogeny more generally, and developmental biologists appeal to physical
difference makers, which are understood as factors in producing the morphological
properties of developmental phenomena (Forgacs and Newman 2005). A physical causation
approach was on display in the late 19th century work of Wilhelm His (Hopwood 1999,
2000; Pearson 2018) and especially visible in the early 20th century work of D’Arcy
Thompson and others (Thompson 1992 [1942]; Keller 2002: ch. 2; Olby 1986). This
occurred in the milieu of increasing attention to the chromosomal theory of inheritance and
attempts to explore developmental phenomena via classical genetic methods (Morgan 1923,
1926, 1934). Thompson appealed to differential rates of growth and the constraints of
geometrical relationships to explain how organismal morphology originates. Visual
representations of abiotic, mechanical analogues provided the plausibility, such as the shape
of liquid splashes or hanging drops for the cup and bell configurations of the free-swimming
sexual stage of jellyfish. If physical forces generated specific morphologies in viscoelastic
materials, then analogous morphologies in living species should be explained in terms of
physical forces operating on the viscoelastic materials of the developing embryo. Yet
morphogenetic processes that produce the shape and structure of morphology have been seen
primarily, if not exclusively, in terms of genetics for the last half-century. Physical
approaches moved into the background as molecular genetics approaches went from strength
to strength (Fraser and Harland 2000).
The molecularization of experimental embryology is one of the most striking success stories
of contemporary biology as genes and genetic interactions (e.g., in transcriptional networks
and signaling pathways; see Section 1.3) were discovered to underlie specific details of
differentiation, morphogenesis, pattern formation, and growth when structure originates
during development. Genetic approaches predominate in contemporary developmental
biology and physical modes of causation are often neglected. The frustration among
researchers interested in physical causation during embryogenesis has been palpable.
To the molecular types, a cause is a molecule or a gene. To explain a phenomenon is to
identify genes and characterize proteins without which the phenomenon will fail or be
abnormal. A molecule is an explanation: a force is a description; to argue otherwise brings
pity, at best (Albert Harris to John Trinkaus, 12 March 1996; Source: Marine Biological
Laboratory Library Archives).
Despite this predominance of genetic explanatory approaches and the frustration among
researchers utilizing other approaches, a groundswell of interest has been building around
physical explanations of development, especially in terms of their integration with genetic
explanations (Miller and Davidson 2013; Newman 2015). Some philosophers have argued
that the biomechanical modeling of physical causal factors constitutes a rejection of certain
forms of reductive explanation in biology (Green and Batterman 2017).
The reference to “organ” in Owen’s definition is indicative of a structure (an entity) found in
an organism that may vary in its shape and composition (form) or what it is for (function) in
the species where it occurs. Translated into an evolutionary context, sameness is cashed out
by reference to common ancestry. Since structures also can be similar by virtue of natural
selection operating in similar environments, homology is contrasted with analogy.
Homologous structures are the same by virtue of descent from a common ancestor,
regardless of what functions these structures are involved in, whereas analogous structures
are similar by virtue of selection processes favoring comparable functional outcomes,
regardless of common descent (Figure 6).
This is what makes similarity of function an especially problematic criterion of homology
(Abouheif et al. 1997). Because functional similarity is the appropriate relation for analogy,
it is not necessary for analogues to have the same function as a consequence of common
ancestry—similarity despite different origins suffices (Ghiselin 2005). Classic cases of
analogy involve taxa that do not share a recent common ancestor that exhibits the structure,
such as the external body morphology of dolphins and tuna (Pabst 2000). Thus, functional
homology seems to be a category error because what a structure does should not enter into an
evaluation of homologue correspondence and similarity of function is often the result of
adaptation via natural selection to common environmental demands, not common ancestry.
Although we might be inclined to simply prohibit the terminology of functional homology,
its widespread use in molecular and developmental biology should at least make us pause.
While it is important to recognize this pervasive practice, some occurrences may be illicit.
Swapping structurally homologous genes between species to rescue mutant or null
phenotypes is not a genuine criterion of functional homology, especially when there is little
or no attention to establishing a phylogenetic context. This makes a number of claims of
functional homology suspect. To not run afoul of the conceptual tension, explicit attention
must be given to the meaning of “function.” Biological practice harbors at least four separate
meanings of function (Wouters 2003, 2005): activity (what something does), causal role
(contribution to a capacity), fitness advantage or viability (value of having something), and
selected effect or etiology (origination and maintenance via natural selection). Debate has
raged about which of them (if any) is most appropriate for different aspects of biological and
psychological reasoning or most general in scope (i.e., what makes them all function
concepts?) (see discussion in Garson 2016). Here the issue is whether we can identify a
legitimate concept of homology of function.
If we are to avoid mixing homology and analogy, then the appropriate notion of function
cannot be based on selection history, which is allied with the concept of analogy and
concerns a particular variety of function. Similarly, viability interpretations concentrate on
features where the variety of function is critical because of conferred survival advantages.
Any interpretation of function that relies on a particular variety of function (because it was
selected or because it confers viability) clashes with the demand that homology concern
something “under every variety of form and function.” A causal role interpretation
emphasizes a systemic capacity to which a function makes a contribution. It too focuses on a
particular variety of function, though in a way different from either selected effect or
viability interpretations. Only an activity interpretation (‘what something does’) accents the
function itself, apart from its specific contribution to a systemic capacity and position in a
larger context. Therefore, the most appropriate meaning to incorporate into homology of
function is “activity-function” because it is at least possible for activity-functions to remain
constant under every variety. An evaluation of sameness due to common ancestry is made
separately from the role the function plays (or its use), whether understood in terms of a
causal role, a fitness advantage, or a history of selection.[19] Activity-functions can be put to
different uses while being shared via common descent (i.e., homologous). More precisely,
homology of function can be defined as the same activity-function in different animals under
every variety of form and use-function (Love 2007). This unambiguously removes the
tension that plagued functional homology.
Careful discussions of regulatory gene function in development and evolution recognize
something akin to the distinction between activity- and use-function (i.e., between what a
gene does and what it is for in some process within the organism).
When studying the molecular evolution of regulatory genes, their biochemical and
developmental function must be considered separately. The biochemical function of PAX-
6 and eyeless are as general transcription factors (which bind and activate downstream
genes), but their developmental function is their specific involvement in eye morphogenesis
(Abouheif 1997: 407).
The biochemical function is the activity-function and the developmental function is the use-
function. This distinction helps to discriminate between divergent evolutionary trajectories.
Biochemical (activity-functions) of genes are often conserved (i.e., homologous), while
simultaneously being available for co-option to make causal role contributions (use-
functions) to distinct developmental processes. The same regulatory genes are evolutionarily
stable in terms of activity-function and evolutionarily labile in terms of use-function. [20] By
implication, claims about use-function homology for genes qua developmental function are
suspect compared to those concerning activity-function homology for genes qua biochemical
function because developmental functions are more likely to have changed as phylogenetic
distance increases.
The distinction between biochemical (activity) function and developmental (use) function is
reinforced by the hierarchical aspects of homology (Hall 1994). A capacity defining the use-
function of a regulatory gene at one level of organization, such as axial patterning, must be
considered as an activity-function itself at another level of organization, such as the
differentiation of serially repeated elements along a body axis. (Note that “level of
organization” need not be compositional and thus the language of “higher” and “lower”
levels may be inappropriate.) The developmental roles of Hox genes in axial patterning may
be conserved by virtue of their biochemical activity-function homologies but Hox genes are
not use-function homologues because of these developmental roles. Instead of focusing on
the activity of a gene component and its causal role in axial patterning, we shift to the
activity of axial patterning and its causal role elsewhere (or elsewhen) in embryonic
Introducing a conceptually legitimate idea of homology of activity-function is not about
keeping the ideas of developmental biology tidy. It assists in the interpretation of evidence
and circumscribes the inferences drawn. For example, NK-2 genes are involved in mesoderm
specification, which underlies muscle morphogenesis. In Drosophila, the expression of a
particular NK-2 gene (tinman) is critical for both cardiac and visceral mesoderm
development. If tinman is knocked out and transgenically replaced with its vertebrate
orthologue, Nkx2-5, only visceral mesoderm specification is rescued; the regulation of
cardiac mesoderm is not (Ranganayakulu et al. 1998). A region of the vertebrate protein near
the 5′ end of the polypeptide differs enough to prevent appropriate regulation in cardiac
morphogenesis. The homeodomains (stretches of sequence that confer DNA binding) for
vertebrate Nkx2-5 and Drosophila tinman are interchangeable. The inability of Nkx2-5 to
rescue cardiac mesoderm specification is not related to the activity-function of differential
DNA binding. One component of the orthologous (homologous) proteins in both species
retains an activity-function homology related to visceral mesoderm specification but another
component (not the homeodomain) has diverged. This homeobox gene does not have a single
use-function (as expected), but it also does not have a single activity-function. Any adequate
evaluation of these cases must recognize a more fine-grained decomposition of genes into
working units to capture genuine activity-function conservation. We can link activity-
function homologues directly to structural motifs within a gene, but there is not necessarily a
single activity-function for an entire open reading frame.
Defusing the conceptual tensions between developmental and evolutionary biology with
respect to homology of function has a direct impact on the causal generalizations and
inferences made from model organisms (Section 4). Activity-function homology directs our
attention to the stability or conservation of activities. This conservation is indicative of when
the study of mechanisms in model organisms will produce robust and stable generalizations
(Section 1.3). The widespread use of functional homology in developmental biology is aimed
at exactly this kind of question, which explains its persistence in experimental biology
despite conceptual ambiguities. Generalizations concerning molecular signaling cascades are
underwritten by the coordinated biochemical activities in view, not the developmental roles
(though sometimes they may coincide). Thus, activity-function details about a signaling
cascade gleaned from a model organism can be generalized via homology to other unstudied
organisms even if the developmental role varies for the activity-function in other species.
6. Conclusion
This entry has only sampled a small portion of work relevant to the import and promise of
conceptual reflection on the epistemology of developmental biology. Much more could be
said about each of the above domains, such as a more fine-grained analysis of how normal
stages operate as types in developmental biology (DiTeresi 2010; Lowe 2016). Additionally,
little has been said about how evidence works in developmental biological experimentation
or differences between confirmatory and exploratory experimentation (Hall 2005; O’Malley
2007; Waters 2007b), nor have I treated the role of metaphors and models that characterize
key practices in developmental biology (Fagan 2013; Keller 2002). The latter have been
perspicuously analyzed via increased attention to the details of particular research programs.
Finally, nothing has been said about the metaphysical implications of developmental
phenomena (a key input for Aristotle’s metaphysics). Concepts of potentiality are very
natural in descriptions of embryological phenomena (e.g., the pluripotency of stem cells or
the potential of a germ layer to yield different kinds of tissue lineages) and some have argued
that empirical advances in developmental biology support a new form of essentialism about
biological natural kinds (Austin 2019). This bears on how we understand dispositions (see
the entry on dispositions) because the triggering conditions are often complex and multiply
realized (including manifestations without a trigger), as well as the fact that cells exhibit
dispositions with multiple possible manifestations (cell types) in specific sequential
orderings (Hüttemann and Kaiser 2018; Laplane 2016). Metaphysical issues also arise in the
context of human developmental biology, such as how to understand the ontology of
pregnancy (Kingma 2018; Sidzinska 2017). Thus, developmental biology displays not only a
rich array of material and conceptual practices that can be analyzed to better understand the
scientific reasoning exhibited in experimental life science, but also points in the direction of
new ideas for metaphysics, especially when that endeavor explicitly considers the input of
empirically successful sciences.