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PFI ES 24 Pipe Bending and Tollerances

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PFI Standard ES-24

|Denotes Revision (Revised December 2013)



Prepared by
Pipe Fabrication Institute Engineering Committee

All PFI Standards are advisory only. There is no

agreement to adhere to any PFI Standard and their
use by anyone is entirely voluntary.

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Dedicated to Technical Advancements and Standardization in
the Pipe Fabrication Industry
Since 1913
511 Avenue of America’s, # 601 655, 32nd Avenue, # 201
New York, NY 10011 Lachine, QC H8T 3G6



Copyright Pipe Fabrication Institute

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PFI Standard ES-24
|Denotes Revision (Revised December 2013)

Pipe Bending Methods, Tolerances,

Process and Material Requirement


The conversion of quantities between systems of units involves a determination of the number of significant digits to be retained.
All conversions depend upon the intended precision of the original quantity and are rounded to the appropriate accuracy.
Pipe sizes together with applicable wall thicknesses are not shown with metric equivalents.
The SI (metric) values where included with the customary U.S. values in this Standard are the rounded equivalents of the U.S.
values and are for reference only.
Metric units were derived utilizing the following conversion factor:

Conversion Factor Conversion Factor

Inches to 25.4 Deg. Fahr. to 5/9 (Deg. F.– 32)
Mitlimeters Deg. Cent.
Lb/in2 to 0.0703

1. Scope Dn = Nominal outside diameter of pipe.

tn = Nominal wall thickness of pipes.
1.1 This standard covers methods, process tm = Minimum calculated wall thickness
requirements, tolerances and acceptance criteria for required by the applicable code.
shop fabricated pipe bends. T = Pipe wall thickness (measured or
minimum, in accordance with purchase
1.2 The bending methods described in this standard are specification).
a partial representation of commonly used R = Center line radius of bend.
processes and do not preclude the use of other
3. Bending Methods
2. Terminology 3.1 This standard covers bends formed by both hot and
cold bending methods. For this standard, a
2.1 The symbols and terms defined below are used temperature 100 degrees F below the lower critical
throughout this standard: temperature of the material is defined as being the
boundary between hot and cold bending.
3.2 Unless otherwise specified by the governing code,
the bending procedure, including the
heating/cooling cycle and post bend heat treatment,
EN Dn is determined by the pipe material, diameter, wall
thickness, bend radius and the required properties
after bending. Because of the many variables
involved, the bending procedure should be
determined by the fabricator.


D = Nominal pipe size.


Copyright Pipe Fabrication Institute

Provided by IHS under license with PFI Licensee=Phillips 66-Houston, TX/5987147001, User=Peterson, Matthew
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PFI Standard ES-24
|Denotes Revision (Revised December 2013)

3.3 While the bending equipment used in many of the HEATING DEVICE
methods is generically the same, there may be
differences in bending procedures, material
allowances, hold and pull legs, wall thickness,
etc., between bending fabricators.

3.4 Hot bending methods

In this method, the pipe is firmly packed HYDRAULIC CYLINDER
with sand and then heated in a furnace to a
temperature in the range of 2000 degrees F.
After removing from the furnace, one end of FIGURE 3.4.2
the pipe is retained in a holding device and a INCREMENTAL BENDING
bending moment is applied at the other end.
The radius of the bend is controlled by dies,
The induction bending equipment is
stops or templates as the pipe is bent. For
composed of three basic components
long radius bends and/or heavy wall pipe,
consisting of a bed, a radial arm, which is
the sand filling operation may not be
set at the required radius, and an induction
heating system. The pipe is placed in the
HOLDING SHOES bed and the front tangent is clamped to the
radial arm. The induction heating system

heats a narrow circumferential band around
the pipe to the appropriate bending
temperature. When this temperature is
reached, the pipe is continuously moved
through the heating coil while a bending
moment is applied to the heated area. After
passing through the coil, the pipe may be
RADIUS STOPS either forced or naturally cooled as required
by the appropriate qualified bending




The incremental bending equipment is
composed of an anchor box, a hydraulic
cylinder, and a moveable heating device.
The pipe is clamped in the anchor box and BED
the front tangent is connected to the
hydraulic cylinder. The heating device heats ARM
a narrow circumferential band on the arc to
the proper bending temperature. A force is
then applied by the hydraulic cylinder to
bend the small increment a predetermined FIGURE 3.4.3
amount. The heating device is then moved INDUCTION BENDING
to successive segments where the process is
repeated until the required arc is attained.
After bending each increment, the heated
area is cooled as required by the appropriate
bending procedure.

Copyright Pipe Fabrication Institute

Provided by IHS under license with PFI Licensee=Phillips 66-Houston, TX/5987147001, User=Peterson, Matthew
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 08/11/2015 09:58:38 MDT
PFI Standard ES-24
|Denotes Revision (Revised December 2013)

3.5 Cold bending methods


In this method, the pipe is secured to a
bending die by a clamping die. As the
bending die rotates, it draws the pipe against
the pressure die and, if necessary to prevent
wall collapse, over an internal mandrel. The
pressure die may remain fixed or move with
the pipe.



4. Welds in Bends
4.1 In some instances it is not practical to utilize pipe
ROTATING BEND DIE of sufficient length to satisfy the required arc
length of the bend. When it becomes necessary to
join lengths of pipe resulting in a circumferential
FIGURE 3.5.1
butt weld in the arc of a pipe bend, the following
practices should be considered:
In ram bending, the pipe is held by two 4.1.1 Pipes to be welded should be selected to
supporting dies and a force is applied by provide the best uniformity possible at the
means of a hydraulic ram to a forming shoe mating ends. Pipe wall thickness shall not be
located at the center of the workpiece. The less than the design minimum plus bend
supporting dies rotate on their mounting thinning allowance (see section 7.0).
pins so that they follow the pipe and 4.1.2 End preparation for welding shall be in
maintain external support throughout the accordance with the qualified welding
operation. procedure to be used. Internal counterboring
should be avoided wherever possible. During
fit-up of the joint, the pipes should be rotated
or aligned as necessary to provide the least
amount of I.D. and/or O.D. mismatch and the
best transition across the weld.
4.1.3 The welding procedure must be qualified in
accordance with the governing Code for the
FORMING SHOE thermal exposures, (if any) excepted in
bending and heat treatment.
4.1.4 After completion of the circumferential butt
FIGURE 3.5.2 weld, but before bending, the O.D. and I.D.
RAM BENDING (where accessible) of the weld should be
ground to remove excess weld reinforcement
3.5.3 ROLL BENDING: and blended smoothly into the base metal.
In roll bending, three forming rolls of
approximately the same diameter arranged in 4.1.5 It is good practice to examine the
a pyramid are used. The two fixed rolls circumferential butt weld by radiography
oppose the adjustable center roll. The pipe is prior to and after bending, whether or not
passed through the rolls with the position of such radiography is required by the
the adjustable roll controlling the bend applicable Code.


Copyright Pipe Fabrication Institute

Provided by IHS under license with PFI Licensee=Phillips 66-Houston, TX/5987147001, User=Peterson, Matthew
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PFI Standard ES-24
|Denotes Revision (Revised December 2013)

5. Linear and Angular Tolerances 1

5.1 Bends shall be provided with a total angularity
tolerance of ± .5 degrees as determined by the
intersection of the tangent centerlines measured A
by appropriate equipment.

5.2 When the fabricator is required to provide bends

cut to a specified center-to-end dimension it shall
be to the tolerances specified in PFI ES-3.

5.3 If intermediate portions of the bend profile are FIGURE 6.2

essential, their tolerances shall be a matter of APPLICATION OF PIPE WALL BUCKLING
agreement between the purchaser and the TOLERANCES
Note 1 – Depth of average crest to valley is the sum of the
outside diameters of the two adjoining crests divided by two,
5.4 See fig. 9.3 for an explanation of terminology
minus the outside diameter of the valley.
regarding bend tolerances.
( OD )1  ( OD ) 3
6. Form Tolerances Depth   ( OD ) 2
6.1 The ovality of a pipe bend shall not exceed the Note 2 – Ratio of distance between crests to depth is:
ovality required by the governing code. If there is A 12
no governing code, the difference between the 
maximum and minimum diameters shall not Depth (per Note 1) 1
exceed 8% of the average measured outside
diameter of the straight portion of the pipe unless 6.3 Buckles which exceed the above tolerances will
by mutual agreement between the purchaser and be subjected to corrective action to bring them
the fabricator. Where operating conditions require within tolerance.
less ovality it may be necessary to use larger
radii, heavier pipe walls or a specific bending 6.4 If operating conditions require tighter tolerances
method that will provide a closer control of on buckles, it may be necessary to use larger
ovality. radii, heavier pipe walls or a specific bending
6.2 Since there are occasions when buckles cannot be
avoided, the following restrictions should apply: 6.5 To determine what bends can be produced with a
satisfactory degree of quality, the Pipe
(a) All wave shapes shall blend into the pipe Fabrication Institute has conducted studies on
surface in a gradual manner. carbon steel and low alloy steel hot bends to
(b) The maximum vertical height of any wave, determine minimum recommended bend radii for
measured from the average height of two various ratios of outside diameters to wall
adjoining crests to the valley, shall not thickness. The resulting bending range
exceed 3% of the nominal pipe size. (See determined by these studies for each of the
Figure 6.2, Note 1) bending processes is shown in Figure 6.5.1 and
(c) The minimum ratio of the distance between
crests as compared to the height between
crests and the included valley should be 12

to 1. (See Figure 6.2, Note 2)

Copyright Pipe Fabrication Institute

Provided by IHS under license with PFI Licensee=Phillips 66-Houston, TX/5987147001, User=Peterson, Matthew
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 08/11/2015 09:58:38 MDT
PFI Standard ES-24
|Denotes Revision (Revised December 2013)

(2) Enter 29.1 on the Dn/T axis of Figure 6.5.1

and move vertically to the intersection with
the bending range boundary.
6 (3) Then move horizontally to determine the
5 minimum recommended radius to diameter
ratio which equals approximately 4.5. For
4 practical purposes, bending radii are seldom
expressed in terms of fractional numbers,
but rather in terms of whole integers
2 multiplied by the nominal pipe size. Hence,
the recommended bending radius would be
5 x 12 = 60".
Example B: Determine the minimum
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
permissible wall thickness required
for induction bending 22" O.D.
FIGURE 6.5.1 carbon steel pipe per ASTM A 53-
FURNACE BENDING RANGE Grade B at a 3D bend radius.
(1) Enter 3 on the R/Dn axis of figure 6.5.2 and
move horizontally to the intersection with
the bending range boundary.
(2) Then move verticality to determine the
5 minimum recommended diameter to wall
thickness ratio which equals approximately
4 45. i.e. Dn/tn = 45 or tn = Dn/45 = 22/45 =
6.7 Figure 6.5.1 is based on extensive experience in
furnace bending carbon and low alloy steel pipe.
2 Since stainless and non-ferrous materials have
higher coefficients of expansion than carbon and
1 low alloy steels, a greater reduction in the density
of the sand fill occurs as these materials are being
heated to the bending temperature. As a result,
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 the sand fill does not provide the same rigidity
against flattening and buckling as it does when
FIGURE 6.5.2
carbon or low alloy steel pipe is being bent.
INDUCTION AND INCREMENTAL BENDING RANGE Because of this fundamental difference, special
consideration must be given to the selection of
6.6 Two examples are given for the determination of the minimum bending radius by the design
minimum recommended wall thickness and engineer.
bending radius combinations for a given pipe
size. 6.8 Cold bending ranges can vary significantly with
the process and degree of specialized tool used.
Example A: Determine minimum permissible Figure 6.8.1 can be used to select the type of bend
bending radius required for furnace or the process required.
bending 12"-Extra Strong carbon
steel pipe per ASTM A 106-Grade

(1) Determine the diameter to wall thickness

ratio. 12" X-Stg. is 12.75" O.D. with a .500"
nominal wall. Under ASTM A 106, the
minimum wall is .438". Therefore Dn/T =
12.75/.438 = 29.l.

Copyright Pipe Fabrication Institute

Provided by IHS under license with PFI Licensee=Phillips 66-Houston, TX/5987147001, User=Peterson, Matthew
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 08/11/2015 09:58:38 MDT
PFI Standard ES-24
|Denotes Revision (Revised December 2013)

12 The formula used to calculate the third column is:

11 tm
10 BE
DR DRE (2nd column value) – ( 1  ),
9 RY N t


8 RO ITH EL where t =Nominal pipe wall thickness minus


7 LL M manufacturing tolerance, and tm is derived from


L equation (3) of B31.1, par. 104.1.2. The most
Y DR AW WITH IE conservative values over that range of pipe sizes
RO ROTA ND W and wall thicknesses where used.
1 TABLE 7.2.1
0 25 50 75 100 125 150
Bend Minimum Thickness Factored
FIGURE 6.8.1 Radius Prior to Bending Thickness
6D 1.06 tm 1.03 tm
7. Material Allowances 5D 1.08 tm 1.04 tm
4D 1.14 tm 1.09 tm
7.1 The following recommendations for material 3D 1.25 tm 1.19 tm
allowances will vary with the bending method,
material, pipe size, bend radius and the bend TABLE 7.2.2
fabricator's equipment. It is suggested that the INDUCTION AND INCREMENTAL BENDING
purchaser contact the fabricator for specific
information. Bend Minimum Thickness Factored
Radius Prior to Bending Thickness
7.2 To compensate for wall thinning from bending, the
second column, (“Minimum Thickness Prior to 6Dn 1.06 tm 1.03 tm
Bending”), in Tables 7.2.1, 7.2.2, 7.2.3, and 7.2.4 can 5Dn 1.08 tm 1.04 tm
be used as a guide for ordering pipe for the appropriate 4Dn 1.10 tm 1.05 tm
process. ASME B31.1 Power Piping, equations 3Dn 1.14 tm 1.08 tm
102.4.5(3B, 3C & 3E), and B31.3 Process Piping, 2Dn 1.22 tm 1.13 tm
equation 304.2.1(3c & 3e) define a minimum thickness 1.5Dn 1.30 tm 1.19 tm
at the extrados of the bend that is less than the
minimum thickness required for straight pipe. TABLE 7.2.3
Conversely, the minimum thickness for the intrados of


the bend needs to be proportionally thicker than that
required for straight pipe. The third column, (“Factored Bend Minimum Thickness Factored
Thickness”), of these tables lists the minimum required Radius Prior to Bending Thickness
thickness prior to bending factored for the allowable
thinning at the extrados of the bend. Experience 6Dn 1.09 tm 1.06 tm
indicates that a minimum thickness of straight pipe 5Dn 1.14 tm 1.10 tm
shown in tables should be sufficient to meet the 4Dn 1.20 tm 1.15 tm
minimum thickness requirements after bending. 3Dn 1.28 tm 1.22 tm
Interpolation is permissible for bending to intermediate
radii. TABLE 7.2.4
The code formula for calculating the minimum
thickness required for the bend extrados, as defined in Bend Minimum Thickness Factored
B31.1 2007 is: Radius Prior to Bending Thickness
 R 
4  1  
PDo 6Dn 1.08 tm 1.05 tm
tm   A where I   Do 
 SE   R  5Dn 1.10 tm 1.06 tm
2  Py  4   2 4Dn 1.13 tm 1.08 tm
 I   Do  3Dn 1.17 tm 1.11 tm

Copyright Pipe Fabrication Institute

Provided by IHS under license with PFI Licensee=Phillips 66-Houston, TX/5987147001, User=Peterson, Matthew
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 08/11/2015 09:58:38 MDT
PFI Standard ES-24
|Denotes Revision (Revised December 2013)

7.4 Because induction heated bends are produced

7.3 Since the start of the bend is somewhat dependent on under pressure, a compression of the material takes
factors not completely within the control of the bender, place which results in more footage of straight pipe
some additional length must be added to insure that being required than that determined from the
overall center-to-end dimensions can be met. To developed length. To provide for this compression
compensate for this factor, the purchaser should add 6 the purchaser of induction bends should add 5% to
inches to the total of the required straight tangent the theoretical arc length. The compression of the
lengths. material may leave a hump, or bump, at the
beginning of the bend on the inside radius which is
not detrimental to the bend.

Nominal pipe size 1" thru 2" 2½" thru 3½" 4" thru 48"
Pulling End 6" 8" 2D (10" min)
Holding End 6" 8" 1.5D (10" min)
Tangent Between Bends (Tm) 6" 9" 1D (12" min)*
*Note: 9" min for 4" pipe. 10" min for 5" pipe.

TABLE 7.5.1

7.5 In order to produce a bend properly, minimum

straight tangents are required on both ends of the VARIES
arc for holding and/or pulling purposes.
Characteristic minimum tangent lengths for the

various processes are given in Tables 7.5.1, 7.5.2,
and 7.5.3. Definition of these tangent lengths can

be seen in Figure 7.5.4. Minimum tangent lengths

required for incremental bending should be TM
obtained from the fabricator. Longer tangents
should be utilized wherever possible and should
be considered in the piping design. In cases
where tangents must be kept short, it should be FIGURE 7.5.4
realized that an out-of-round condition may exist TANGENT LENGTHS
at the pipe ends.
8. Material Requirements for Hot Bending
Nominal Pipe Size 2" thru 24" 26" thru 66"
8.1 Pipe to be bent should be protected from the
Front Tangent OD+ 6" OD+ 6"
Rear Tangent 72" 132"
contamination of harmful materials such as the
Tangent Between Bends (Tm) 24" 60" low melting temperature alloys of copper, brass
and lead.
TABLE 7.5.2 8.2 Stainless steel pipe suspected of being
MINIMUM TANGENT LENGTHS contaminated with ferrous metals or other
FOR INDUCTION BENDING harmful materials should be cleaned prior to
bending to remove the contaminants.
Nominal Pipe Size 1" thru 10"
Front Tangent 2XD 8.3 Stainless steel pipe should be furnished in the
Rear Tangent 3XD solution annealed condition.
Tangent Between Bends (Tm) 2XD

TABLE 7.5.3


Copyright Pipe Fabrication Institute

Provided by IHS under license with PFI Licensee=Phillips 66-Houston, TX/5987147001, User=Peterson, Matthew
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 08/11/2015 09:58:38 MDT
PFI Standard ES-24
|Denotes Revision (Revised December 2013)

9. Ordering Information 9.3 Suggested Bending Tolerances:

9.1 The Pipe Bend Order Form, (Form 9.1), provides Radius of Bend --------------- ± 1% of Dim “C”
the recommended information required for the Degree of Bend --------------- 0.5 Degree
purchase pipe bends. Plane of Bend ----------------- 1.0 Degree
9.2 The applicability and acceptance criteria of each Flat Plane of Bend ------------ 1% of Dim “C”
field, as defined by the Pipe Bend Order Form, Linear Dimensions ----------- 1/8”, 12” & under
shall be determined by the applicable codes, 3/16”, over 12”
specifications and fabrication requirements. Ovality in Bent Area --------- 8% of Diameter
after Bend
Ovality at End Prep. ---------- ASME B16.9

9.4 The miscellaneous remarks area and the space

provided at the bottom of the pipe bend order
form can be used to address additional
requirements such as, Piece Marking, Centerline
Scribing, Bend Heat Treatment, Butt Welds in
Linear Bends Area, etc.
Linear Tangent
Dimension Length

Radius of
Bend (Dim C) Plane of Bend
(Angle between
Two Bend Planes)

Plan View End View

Ovality Tolerence :
Minor The difference
Dia. between the major
and minor axis (percent)
Flat Plane iL
tn Nom. Major
of Bend e
g Dia. Dia.
Degree of
(2 x size)
Tangent Line
Figure 9.3


Copyright Pipe Fabrication Institute

Provided by IHS under license with PFI Licensee=Phillips 66-Houston, TX/5987147001, User=Peterson, Matthew
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 08/11/2015 09:58:38 MDT
PFI Standard ES-24
|Denotes Revision (Revised December 2013)


FORM 9.1

Copyright Pipe Fabrication Institute

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Engineering and Design
ES02 R13 Method of Dimensioning Piping Assemblies
ES07 R13 Minimum Length and Spacing for Welded Nozzles
ES16 R13 Access Holes, Bosses, and Plugs for Radiographic Inspection of Pipe Welds
ES26 R13 Welded Load Bearing Attachments to Pressure Retaining Piping Materials
ES36 R13 Branch Reinforcement Work Sheets.
ES36 R13 Branch Reinforcement Work Sheets – ELECTRONIC VERSION
ES40 RA10 Method of Dimensioning Grooved Piping Assemblies
ES44 R13 Drafting Practices Standard
Welding and Fabrication
ES01 R10 Internal Machining and Solid Machined Backing Rings For Circumferential Butt Welds
ES21 R10 Internal Machining and Fit-up of GTAW Root Pass Circumferential Butt Welds
ES24 R13 Pipe Bending Methods, Tolerances, Process and Material Requirements
ES35 RA03 Nonsymmetrical Bevels and Joint Configurations for Butt Welds
ES45 R13 Recommended Practice for Local Post-Weld Heat Treatment
ES47 R13 Welding of Internally Clad Piping
ES49 R13 Guidelines for Installation of Integrally Reinforced Branch Connection Fittings
Cleaning, Painting, and Shipping

ES05 R13 Cleaning of Fabricated Piping

ES29 R06 Internal Abrasive Blast Cleaning of Ferritic Piping Materials
ES31 RA04 Standard for Protection of Ends of Fabricated Piping Assemblies
ES34 R03 Temporary Painting/Coating of Fabricated Piping
ES37 RA10 Standard for Loading and Shipping of Piping Assemblies
Quality Control
ES03 R09 Fabricating Tolerances
ES11 R03 Permanent Marking on Piping Materials
ES22 R13 Recommended Practice for Color Coding of Piping Materials.
ES32 R13 Tool Calibration
ES39 RA10 Fabricating Tolerances for Grooved Piping Systems
ES41 RA03 Standard for Material Control and Traceability of Piping Components
ES43 RA13 Standard for Protection of Austenitic Stainless Steel and Nickel Alloy Materials
Examination and Testing
ES04 R13 Hydrostatic Testing of Fabricated Piping
ES20 R13 Wall Thickness Measurement by Ultrasonic Examination
ES27 R10 "Visual Examination" The Purpose, Meaning and Limitation of the Term
ES42 R05 Standard for Positive Material Identification of Piping Components using Portable X-Ray Emission Type Equipment
ES48 R13 Random Examination

Technical Bulletins
TB1 R13 Pressure - Temperature Ratings of Seamless Pipe Used in Power Plant Piping Systems - ELECTRONIC VERSION
TB3 R13 Guidelines Clarifying Relationships and Design Engineering Responsibilities Between Purchasers’ Engineers and Pipe Fabricator or Pipe
Fabricator or Pipe Fabricator Erector
TB5 R13 Information Required for the Bidding of Pipe Fabrication
TB7 R04 Guidelines for Fabrication and Installation of Stainless Steel High Purity Distribution Systems
TB8 R13 Recommended practice for the fabrication of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) piping
TB9 R13 Customary Fitting, Forging, Plate and Bar Materials used with Pipe

Copyright Pipe Fabrication Institute

Provided by IHS under license with PFI Licensee=Phillips 66-Houston, TX/5987147001, User=Peterson, Matthew
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“1913 – 2013”

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A complete list of PFI members and available membership


Associate and Affiliate member contributors

Walter Sperko Sperko Engineering Services, Inc. Greensboro, NC
Thomas Warrelmann Victaulic Company of America Easton, PA
Sheryl Michalak Welding Outlets, Inc. Houston, TX

PFI Standards and Technical Bulletins are published to serve proven needs of the pipe
fabricating industry at the design level and in actual shop operations. Hence, such needs
are continually considered and reviewed by the Engineering Committee of the Pipe
Fabrication Institute to provide recommended procedures, which have been demonstrated
by collective experiences to fulfill requirements in a manner for Code compliance.
However, as the PFI Standards are for minimum requirements the designer or fabricator
always has the option of specifying supplementary conditions in the form of requirements
beyond the scope of the PFI publications.


Copyright Pipe Fabrication Institute

Provided by IHS under license with PFI Licensee=Phillips 66-Houston, TX/5987147001, User=Peterson, Matthew
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 08/11/2015 09:58:38 MDT

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