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Banking Practice and Procedure Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Ancillary Services of a Banker

Learning Objectives: After studying this lesson, students will be able to:

 Explain ancillary services of a banker

 Describe the safe custody and safe deposit
 Explain the merchant banking services

What are ancillary services in banking?

Ancillary services are other services that banks offer to common men along with the
necessary banking services. These ancillary services form a very minuscule of the
services offered by the banks. Some of the ancillary services provided by the banks

a) Funds transfer service: Useful for sending and receiving money from all over the
b) Forex service: You can buy the foreign exchange for any purpose of expenditures
like travel, buying merchandise, etc. and sell the same to the bank when you earn or
receive from abroad.
c) Custodial Service: You can keep your valuables like jewels, documents, etc. Under
this service, this is commonly known as Locker facility (Safe Deposit Vaults).
d) Gold sale: only a few selected branches of banks or banks are allowed to provide
e)  e Banking: also known as Net banking or Internet banking is  the latest and most
convenient facility of the banks .You can get id and password to operate your
account online : for transfer of funds to another account in the same bank or another
bank. You can keep the surplus funds in fixed deposit by using this facility.
8.1 Remittance of funds
Some default funds transfer limits are given to customers based on the type of
account. In case you wish to raise the limits per day), you may give a written
request to your branch.

 Beneficiary Maintenance: You can maintain a “Beneficiary” for whom you

normally wish to transfer funds. You have to give a “Payee ID” for each of the
beneficiary and should attach a valid Account for each of the beneficiary
maintained by you.
 Funds Transfer between your Accounts (Real-time): You can transfer funds to
the extent of “Net available balance” (from one of your accounts – viz. Source
Account) or up to the ‘Per day limit’ fixed by the Bank for you, whichever is less,
to any one of your other accounts.
 Third Party Funds Transfer (Real-time): You can transfer funds to the extent of
“Net available balance” (from one of your accounts viz. Source account) or up to
the “Per day limit” fixed by the Bank for you, whichever is less, to any one of the
Beneficiary Accounts maintained by you. All the Beneficiary Accounts maintained
by you will be available in the pick list and you can select any one of the accounts.
 NEFT online Transfer: You can transfer funds to the extent of “Net available
balance” (from one of your accounts viz. Source account) or upto the “Per day
limit” fixed by the Bank for you, whichever is less, to an account with another
Bank. The funds will be transferred using the NEFT facility provided by RBI and
will be processed in the next available settlement cycle depending on the time of
request. The beneficiary gets the credit on the same day or the next day depending
on the time of settlement.

Term Deposit Options:

 Term Deposit Details: You can view the details of the selected Term Deposit
account such as principal, contracted interest rate, maturity value, tenure, maturity
date, lien (if any) etc. You can also take a print out using the ‘Print’ option.

Loan Options:

 Loan Account Details: You can view the details of the loan account selected and
print these details using “print” option. You can also go to “Account Summary”,
‘Early and Final Settlement” and “Loan Repayment” options from here.

 Loan Account Activity: You can view the details of transactions for the selected
account for any specified period. The details of transactions can be directly printed
using ‘print’ option or can be downloaded and saved as a file using “download”

Standing Instruction (SI) Options:

 Initiate Standing Instructions: You can create a Standing Instruction. The

Standing Instructions are of 3 types viz., Account to Account, Credit to Loan
Account and Banker’s Cheque (BC) Request. Wherever the BC request is selected,
you have to fill up beneficiary details also. The Bank will prepare the BC and mail
it to you. For all the 3 types, the Standing Instructions will be executed on the Day
Begin of the execution day. In case of insufficient balance, no further trials will be
made till the next execution date.
 View SI: You can view the details of the Standing Instructions you had given either
directly at the branch or through Internet Banking.
(For removing Standing instructions, you have to give a request through your branch.)

8.2 Safe custody and safe deposit

The facility of Safe Deposit Lockers is an ancillary service offered by the Bank. The
Bank's branches offering this facility will indicate/display this information.
Secrecy and Confidentiality:
The Bank will ensure utmost secrecy of the Safe Deposit Lockers hired by the
customer and will not divulge any information about hiring of lockers, mode of
operation etc. to anyone, except when the disclosure is required to be made with the
clear consent of the hirer(s) or in compliance of the orders of a competent authority
having statutory powers.
Bank’s lockers will be available to any person, having contractual capacity i.e.
capacity to enter into a contract. Thus locker can be hired by an individual singly
and / or two or more individuals jointly as well as firms, limited Companies,
Societies, Associations, Clubs etc.
Allotment of locker
Allotment of lockers shall be based on the duly (properly) filled in application of the
prospective hirers on the printed format provided by the bank. Lockers will be
allotted by the branches on first come first served basis.
Providing a copy of the agreement:
Branches will give a copy of the agreement to the locker-hirer at the time of
allotment of the locker, if preferred by the customer.
Recovery of rent from hirer(s)
Safe Deposit Locker rent will be payable in advance and in the event of locker rent
remaining unpaid, when due, the Bank will have the right to refuse access to the
locker hirer(s). Locker rent will be recovered on annual basis. The lease period of
one year will start from the date of hiring the locker and will continue till the
preceding day of the corresponding date in the subsequent year.
Operations of Safe Deposit Vaults/Lockers:
Branches will exercise due care and necessary precaution for the protection of the
lockers provided to the customer. The Hirer/s can operate the Safe Deposit Locker
only on the Bank’s working days and during the business hours of the Bank.
Before operating the locker, the hirer/s should sign the attendance register which shall
be kept at the bank.

Death of the hirer:

Notice of knowledge of the death of a hirer or a surviving hirer will be recorded in
the Locker Register with date and source of information under the initials of an
As a further precaution, a slip reading 'hirer deceased' will be pasted on the locker.
Thereafter access to the locker should be allowed on production of legal
Where authority has been given to the survivor or survivors to operate the locker in
writing specifically at the time of lease of the locker, in the case of joint account,
the question of legal representation does not arise unless the survivor also dies.

Surrender of Locker:
Locker can be surrendered by the hirer/s at any time during the contract period
through a written application and handing over of keys to the Bank Officials.
Bank can also request for surrender of locker with due notice.
The major aspects governing the locker services are:
The Bank will hire locker only to properly introduced persons.
Lockers are rented out for a minimum period of one year. Annual rent is payable in

Loss of key should be immediately informed to the branch.

Withstanding instruction, the rent may be paid from the deposit account of the hirer.

8.3 Merchant banking

Merchant banking is called commercial services bank in UK. It is a bank that

provides financial services mainly for companies and large-scale investors.

Merchant banking implies investment management. Companies raise capital by

issuing securities in the market. Merchant bankers act as intermediaries between the
issuers of capital and the investors who purchase these securities.

Merchant banking is the financial intermediation that matches the entities that need
capital and those that have capital for investment.
Services of merchant bankers

The services provided by merchant bankers include management of mutual funds,

public issues, trusts, securities and international funds. It involves dealing with the
corporate clients and advising them on various issues like- mergers, acquisitions,
public issues, etc.

Merchant Banking is a combination of Banking and consultancy services.

Merchant banking

Banking services + Consultancy services

It helps businessmen to start It provides consultancy to its clients for


a business and helps to raise finance marketing, managerial and legal matters

In short, merchant banking provides a wide range of services for starting until running
a business. It acts as Financial Engineer for a business.

Functions of Merchant Banking

Merchant banking primarily involves financial advice and services for large
corporations and wealthy individuals. The important functions of merchant
banking are depicted below.

1. Raising Finance for Clients: Merchant Banking helps its clients to raise
finance through issue of shares, debentures, bank loans, etc. It helps its clients to
raise finance from the domestic and international market. This finance is used for
starting a new business or project or for modernization or expansion of the business.
2. Project Management: Merchant bankers help their clients in the many ways.
For e.g. advising about location of a project, preparing a project report,
conducting feasibility studies, making a plan for financing the project, finding out
sources of finance, advising about concessions and incentives from the
3. Advice on Expansion and Modernization: Merchant bankers give advice for
expansion and modernization of the business units. They give expert advice on
mergers and acquisition, takeovers, diversification of business, foreign
collaborations and joint-ventures, technology up-gradation, etc.
4. Special Assistance to Small Companies and Entrepreneurs: Merchant banks
advise small companies about business opportunities, government policies,
incentives and concessions available. It also helps them to take advantage of these
opportunities, concessions, etc.
5. Services to Public Sector Units: Merchant banks offer many services to
public sector units and public utilities. They help in arranging long-term finance
from term lending institutions, marketing of securities.
6. Revival of Sick Industrial Units: Merchant banks help to revive (cure) sick
industrial units.
7. Portfolio Management: A merchant bank manages the portfolios
(investments) of its clients. This makes investments safe, liquid and profitable for
the client. It offers expert guidance to its clients for taking investment decisions.
8. Money Market Operation : Merchant bankers deal with and underwrite
short-term money market instruments, such as:
i. Government Bonds.
ii. Commercial paper issued by large corporate firms.
iii. Treasury bills issued by the Government

Activity 8.1
Students! Please go to your nearest banks and indentify which services are major and
ancillary to the bank you visited?

Ancillary services are other services that banks offer to common men along with the
necessary banking services. These ancillary services form a very minuscule of the
services offered by the banks.

The facility of Safe Deposit Lockers is an ancillary service offered by the Bank. The
Bank's branches offering this facility will indicate/display information as Secrecy
and Confidentiality, Allotment of locker, Providing a copy of the agreement,
Recovery of rent from hirer(s), Operations of Safe Deposit Vaults/Lockers, and
Surrender of Locker.

Merchant banking is called commercial services bank in UK. It is a bank that

provides financial services mainly for companies and large-scale investors.
Merchant banking is the financial intermediation that matches the entities that need
capital and those that have capital for investment. Merchant banking primarily
involves financial advice and services for large corporations and wealthy

Review Questions

1.Describe the ancillary services provided by banks.

2.Is any difference between safe custody and safe deposit?
3.What is merchant banking?
4.Discuss the functions of merchant banking.

Self check table for students assessment

No. Do students grasp objectives/competencies Yes No.

1 Explain ancillary services of a banker
2 Describe the safe custody and safe deposit
3 Explain the merchant banking services

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