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High Note 4 Cumulative Tests

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–2) | Group A


Name: _____________________ Class: ____

VOCABULARY 3 Complete the definitions with the missing

1 Choose the correct option a–c to complete words. The first letters are given.
the sentences.
0 A natural predator is an animal which eats
0 If I’m bored on the train, I like to ___ up other animals for its food.
a conversation with a fellow passenger. 1 Birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians and fish
a come b strike c hit are v______________ animals – they all have
1 I was ___ when I heard Joan was leaving. It backbones in their bodies.
was very sad news for me. 2 People in Antarctica must work in
a tense b devastated c ecstatic s______________-z______________
2 There is a lot of information to take ___ during temperatures with constant snowy or icy
this workshop. You need to write it down. conditions.
a over b in c to 3 M______________ animals and plants live in
3 My father prefers ___ with a problem the the sea.
moment it appears, instead of waiting until later. 4 If you pay someone a c______________, you
a dealing b facing c addressing say something nice about them.
4 How do you think an alien civilisation might try 5 The amount of water present in the air is its
to ___ contact with us here on Earth? h______________.
a establish b access c deliver ___ / 5
5 Let me know when you figure ___ a solution to
that Maths problem. GRAMMAR
a through b up c out 4 Complete the sentences with the correct
___ / 5 form of the verbs in brackets.

0 You can’t talk to Derek now. He is writing

2 Complete the sentences with the words
(write) an important report.
from the box. There are two extra words.
1 Joan _____________________ (work) very
bring cause come convey give hard lately. I think she needs a holiday.
lead make result 2 I can’t meet you this evening. I _____________
________ (see) my parents because they’re in
0 Freak weather conditions often cause severe
problems and emergency situations.
3 Mick and Tina came back from Tom’s place late
1 It is important to ______________ across well
yesterday because they __________________
at the interview if you want to get a job.
___ (help) him reorganise his flat.
2 A well-written essay should ______________
4 Alan finishes work at about 3 o’clock and he’ll
a clear message about the writer’s opinion.
miss the start of the football match at 3:30
3 Poor marks in tests often ______________
because he _____________________ (drive)
from too little attention that students pay in
home at that time.
5 Andrew _____________________ (finish) his
4 We want to ______________ contact with
homework by 5 o’clock. Why don’t you hang out
young people who feel strongly about global
with him then?
___ / 5
5 Communication problems, more than any
others, ______________ rise to relationship
___ / 5

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–2) | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

5 Choose the correct option a–c to complete USE OF ENGLISH

the sentences. 7 Choose the correct option a–d to complete
the text.
0 I’m here for the extra music lessons. I’m in the
right classroom, ___? A presentation challenge
a don’t I b aren’t I c am I The world 0 ___ dramatically now, especially the
1 I ___ of buying a new car this year, but I’m not environment. In a class discussion, someone 1 ___
sure which one. Any suggestions? out that people in general still don’t know enough
a ’m thinking about this. The teacher agreed: everyone can
b think make things better or worse 2 ___ a consequence
c ’m going to think of his or her own actions. So the teacher
2 Could everyone sit down at the table, please? challenged us: how can we get the message
3 ___ to people that they need to be more
I’m ___ to serve the first course.
a bound b likely c about responsible for their actions?
3 It’s late. Let’s call a taxi, ___? We formed groups in class and each group 4 ___
a shall we b will we c do we one problem area and created a presentation. In
4 The children didn’t see the teacher enter the our group, we explored the various reasons why
room because they ___ hard. some animals and plants are critically 5 ___.
a have worked Sadly, many species 6 ___ extinct. While we 7 ___
b worked on our presentation, one student in our group
c were working quickly stood up and walked away. We weren’t
5 I don’t know what I ___ in twenty years’ time. sure if we had done something to make her angry,
But then who does? but later she told us that – as a nature lover – she
a ’ll do was 8 ___ with the situation itself. I reminded her
b ’ll be doing that our presentation could help 9 ___ an important
c ’m going to do message about helping. She calmed down and we
___ / 5 finished the presentation. The teacher is very
pleased with what we’ve done, and we are 10 ___
6 Complete the mini-dialogues with one or to present our work at the open day at the end of
two words in each gap. the school term.

0 A: Hi, Amanda. I need to talk to you. 0 a has been changing b is changing

B: Do you? What about? c changes d changed
1 A: Have you written a thank-you letter to your 1 a came b spelled
aunt yet? c took d pointed
B: No, but I’m planning ______________ it 2 a to b of
today. c as d with
2 A: Can I borrow the key to the garden gate, 3 a along b down
please? c across d over
B: Sure, but don’t lose it, ______________? 4 a implemented b addressed
We’ve only got one key for that gate. c devised d dealt
3 A: Julian ______________ lying on the beach 5 a scarce b endangered
for about three hours. c dangerous d prevented
B: That’s a long time in this hot sun. I hope he 6 a have already become
put on sun cream before going out. b already became
4 A: Somebody’s eaten the rest of the apples, c already become
______________ they? d have already been becoming
B: No. We threw them away because they’d 7 a were working b worked
gone bad. c had been working d had worked
5 A: Do you know when the Saturn space probe 8 a astonished b livid
finishes its mission? c taken in d bewildered
B: In January next year. It will ______________ 9 a generate b give
travelling for almost five months. c pass d spread
___ / 5 10 a unlikely b bound
c about d due
___ / 10

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–2) | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

8 Complete the sentences with the correct 9 Complete the second sentence using the
words formed from the words in bold. word in bold so that it means the same as
the first one. Do not change the word in
0 I’ve just had a very interesting conversation
bold. Use no more than five words including
(CONVERSE) about why people follow fashion.
the word in bold.
1 Jane made a _____________________
(FAVOUR) impression on the first day of her 0 What are your plans for the long weekend?
job and her new colleagues like her. GOING
2 Our country experienced What are you going to do for the long
_____________________ (TORRENT) rain weekend?
earlier this year, which caused serious 1 I would like to make my basketball team
problems. change their attitude to competing.
3 Employing more teaching assistants is BRING
a _____________________ (WORK) solution I would like ____________________________
to the school’s staffing problem. It has been in my basketball team’s attitude to competing.
successful in other schools. 2 When will the sculpture Imogen is working on
4 Many farmers say that be finished?
_____________________ (CHEMISTRY) HAVE
pesticides are needed to protect their crops. When ____________________________ the
5 We want our city to reduce sculpture she’s working on?
_____________________ (EMIT) so that we 3 A whole species can become extinct because
can have cleaner air. of habitat loss.
___ / 5 WIPE
Habitat loss ____________________________
a whole species.
4 There hasn’t been a phone call for me, has
Nobody has called me on the phone, ________
5 I don’t think your kids will eat all the birthday
cake. It’s enormous.
Your kids ____________________________
all the birthday cake. It’s enormous.
___ / 5

TOTAL ___ / 50

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–2) | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

VOCABULARY 3 Complete the definitions with the missing

1 Choose the correct option a–c to complete words. The first letters are given.
the sentences.
0 A natural predator is an animal which eats
0 If I’m bored on the train, I like to ___ up other animals for its food.
a conversation with a fellow passenger. 1 An i______________ is an animal without
a come b strike c hit a backbone, for example, an insect or a spider.
1 I was ___ after that horror film. I had to sleep 2 If you make a favourable i______________, it
with my light on! means people like the way you look and
a bewildered b terrified c exasperated behave.
2 I could see an animal at the end of the garden, 3 All birds have a b______________, which they
but I couldn’t make ___ what it was exactly use to pick up and eat food.
because it was getting dark. 4 If you find the right answer to a puzzle by
a up b out c through thinking, it means you f______________ it out.
3 It’s bad news for Eric now that his favourite 5 H______________ snow forced the only road to
team have lost. He’s ___ and I don’t know how the mountain village to close.
to cheer him up. ___ / 5
a devastated b astonished c slimy
4 Ann is always forgetting her homework. Her GRAMMAR
mum needs to ___ out to her how important it is. 4 Complete the sentences with the correct
a bring b talk c spell form of the verbs in brackets.
5 You should ___ in touch with Gail. She’s been
0 You can’t talk to Derek now. He is writing
a good friend to you.
(write) an important report.
a stay b lose c maintain
1 I feel very bad. I think I ____________________
___ / 5
(be) sick soon. Maybe I should see a doctor?
2 What _____________________ (Mr Sutton /
2 Complete the sentences with the words
do) at 3 o’clock when I finish school? I want to
from the box. There are two extra words.
phone him about some good news.
bring carry cause come face 3 Trevor is on a round-the-world trip and he
lead make result _____________________ (travel) for half
a year by December this year.
0 Freak weather conditions often cause severe
4 Joan _____________________ (use) weights
problems and emergency situations.
in the gym a lot lately and she’s really strong
1 I’ve lost my sunglasses. Let me know if you
______________ across them.
5 _____________________ (you / finish)
2 The use of mobile phones in this competition
repairing the car by 2 o’clock? We need to go
will ______________ in disqualification.
out in it then.
3 The poster we’re designing for the new music
___ / 5
club needs to ______________ the message
that all ages are welcome.
4 If you don’t go to the dentist now, it will
______________ to more problems with your
teeth later.
5 Mars colonists will ______________ problems
never before experienced when they land there.
___ / 5

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–2) | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

5 Choose the correct option a–c to complete USE OF ENGLISH

the sentences. 7 Choose the correct option a–d to complete
the text.
0 I’m here for the extra music lessons. I’m in the
right classroom, ___? A presentation challenge
a don’t I b aren’t I c am I Our world 0 ___ in dramatic ways, especially
1 I think playing computer games improves my the environment. Just watch the world news
problem-solving skills, but unfortunately my regularly and you can get a bit depressed,
mum ___ it that way, and she has reduced my 1 ___? But do people generally know enough

playing time. about what gives 2 ___ to some of our

a isn’t seeing b doesn’t see c won’t see environmental problems? We ourselves are
2 The school Sports Day is ___ to take place on largely responsible for perhaps the most 3 ___
June 4th, in three days. problem: global heating. For a class project,
a about b due c bound we had to 4 ___ a related problem: how can
3 ___ football when you arrived to pick them up, we 5 ___ the message about global heating
or was the game over? and educate people? While we 6 ___ this, we
a Were the boys playing found out that in the last decade there has
b Did the boys play been more torrential rain, higher temperatures
c Had the boys played and more gale-7 ___ winds than ever before.
4 Somebody has been baking cakes in this These freak weather conditions have brought
kitchen, ___? 8 ___ terrible disasters. And it’s very much

a has she 9 ___ to global heating. All this is in our project,

b hasn’t she which also shows what we can and all must do
c haven’t they to help. We want to get the message 10 ___ to
5 Sometime next year, the town orchestra ___ as many people as possible.
a series of free open-air concerts.
a plays b is playing c is to play 0 a has been changing b is changing
c changes d changed
___ / 5 1 a don’t you b can’t you
c do you d you can
6 Complete the mini-dialogues with one or 2 a start b play
two words in each gap. c cause d rise
0 A: Hi, Amanda. I need to talk to you. 3 a pushing b growing
B: Do you? What about? c pressing d soaring
1 A: ______________ visit the Japanese centre 4 a address b devise
today, shall we? c face d deal
B: That’s a great idea! 5 a grow b spread
2 A: I hope they won’t cancel the garden party c give d bring
because of the weather. 6 a researched b had researched
B: Don’t worry. They’re ______________ do c have been researching d were researching
that. It always takes place in any kind of 7 a force b weight
weather. c type d strength
3 A: You’ll remember to buy milk, 8 a around b in
______________ you? c out d about
B: Of course, I’ve written it on my list. 9 a because b due
4 A: Amanda is ______________ see you at the c consequently d result
party. She’ll be disappointed if you’re not there. 10 a across b along
B: Tell her I’m planning to be there, but I may c on d around
be a little late. ___ / 10
5 A: We got to the restaurant a bit late last night
and they hadn’t kept the table we had reserved.
B: ______________ they? That’s not very nice.
How late were you?
___ / 5

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–2) | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

8 Complete the sentences with the correct 9 Complete the second sentence using the
words formed from the words in bold. word in bold so that it means the same as
the first one. Do not change the word in
0 I’ve just had a very interesting conversation
bold. Use no more than five words including
(CONVERSE) about why people follow fashion.
the word in bold.
1 Have the conference planners found
a ______________ (SOLVE) to the seating 0 What are your plans for the long weekend?
problem yet? GOING
2 Dad was disappointed they didn’t mention air What are you going to do for the long
______________ (HUMID) in the local weather weekend?
forecast. 1 Gerry arrived at the International Space Station
3 You generally feel much better in a new in July and he’s still living there.
workplace when you create a ______________ LIVING
(CONNECT) with some of the other people. Gerry ____________________________ at the
4 My Geography teacher was ______________ International Space Station since July, when he
(ECSTASY) about the high quality of my work arrived there.
last week. 2 You’re late and we’re going to miss the meeting
5 Vehicle ______________ (EMIT) are the main because of that.
cause of air pollution in many large cities. CONSEQUENCE
___ / 5 You’re late and _________________________
_______ that, we’re going to miss the meeting.
3 Jean seems to know everything about space
technology when people talk to her about it.
Jean ____________________________ an
expert on space technology when people talk to
her about it.
4 What’s your idea for getting people’s attention
about noise pollution in the neighbourhood?
How ____________________________ getting
people’s attention about noise pollution in the
5 Our plan is to tackle our space problem in this
office by selling some of the furniture.
We’re going ____________________________
our space problem in this office by selling some
of the furniture.
___ / 5

TOTAL ___ / 50

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–4) | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

VOCABULARY 3 Complete the sentences with the missing

1 Complete the sentences with the words words. The first letters are given.
from the box. There are three extra words.
0 People often want to avoid the sun and stay in
bewildered bigoted capable conceited when it’s scorching hot outside.
defensive passionate poignant 1 When you move to live or work somewhere
solitary tense else, you r______________.
2 A h______________ is an attempt to trick
0 Anyone can see how much Dad loves his
people so that they believe wrong information.
model trains. He’s so passionate when he
3 I’m happy I stayed in t______________ with
talks about them.
my university friends. I like hearing their latest
1 Mr Granger was a(n) ______________ man in
later years. He lived alone and preferred his
4 A m______________ is a kind of animal which
own company.
feeds its young with milk from the mother.
2 When we advised Sue about how to improve
5 Fuels formed underground over millions of
her hair, she was ______________ – our ideas
years are called f______________ fuels.
seemed to irritate rather than help her.
___ / 5
3 The dancing contestants couldn’t relax because
they felt so ______________, waiting to hear
the judges’ decision.
4 Choose the correct option a–c to complete
4 Sharon talks about her own achievements far
the sentences.
too much. She is ______________.
5 Jack was so ______________ when the police 0 Let’s reserve a table at the restaurant, ___?
came to ask him about the fire that he couldn’t a will we
think clearly when they questioned him. b shall we
___ / 5 c can’t we
1 This is the café ___ we often do some work in.
2 Choose the correct option a–c to complete a where
the text. b there
c which
One day, my brother Tim and I were 0 ___ about 2 The kitchen wasn’t ready to cook in because
outside, as we often used to, and we accidentally nobody ___ the washing-up.
broke the neighbour’s fence. He came out and a had been doing
really had a 1 ___ at us. Tim started muttering b had done
angrily and I thought the neighbour was going to c was doing
report the 2 ___ to the police. Fortunately, just 3 More people ___ in ghosts in older times than
then, my mum came out of our house and 3 ___ modern days.
the situation by talking calmly and then asking us a used to believe
to say sorry, which we did. It was good that we b were believing
didn’t say anything to 4 ___ up our neighbour c would believe
some more. My mum’s behaviour 5 ___ a great 4 Mr Evans is ___ to let you hand in your essay
example for us that day, and I’ve always late. He’s very easy-going.
remembered it. a about
0 a going b kicking c messing b hoping
1 a go b fuss c temper c likely
2 a accident b event c incident 5 We were pleased with the weather on holiday –
3 a seized b handled c devised at no time ___.
4 a stress b wind c pick a it was raining
5 a gave b made c set b it rained
___ / 5 c did it rain
___ / 5

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–4) | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

5 Complete the sentences with one word in USE OF ENGLISH

each gap. 7 Choose the correct option a–d to complete
the text.
0 A: We often go camping in our summer holiday.
B: Do you? I’ve never been. Why do you like it? Human photography
1 I’m so annoyed with Tom. He’s The city museum 0 ___ an exhibition featuring the
______________ interrupting me when we’re work of photographer Harry Trenton. I went along
talking with friends. to admire the photographs, all of 1 ___ feature
2 A: How did your family spend Saturday human portraits and figures in various situations.
evenings when you were a child? People are his main 2 ___ matter, but the
B: We ______________ watch TV together and photographer has never explained why. I think it
then talk about some of the programmes we’d is 3 ___ his experience of working with people in
seen. his life before photography. Trenton 4 ___ jobs as
3 Mrs Jackson, to ______________ should I a young man. This often brought him into contact
address this letter? with different people, 5 ___ him with a rich source
4 A: I’m running a marathon next Saturday. of ideas and inspiration for when he later became
B: ______________ you? Good luck! a photographer. The photographs 6 ___ people in
5 A: Oh no! I’ve forgotten the drinks for our picnic! different situations. The lighting and angles in the
B: No problem. I live near here. I photographs were good, but it was the 7 ___ that
______________ go home and get some I admired most. They 8 ___ just the right mood
drinks. Wait here. while, at the same time, suggesting what people
___ / 5 had just done or what they were just 9 ___.
Trenton says he 10 ___ when the exhibition is
6 Complete the sentences with the correct over or soon after that. Let’s hope he changes his
form of the verbs in brackets. mind.
0 Animals don’t like (not / like) loud sudden
0 a has recently opened
noises. People should not use fireworks near
b recently opened
c has recently been opening
1 Why ______________ (you / plan) to invite the
d was recently opening
neighbours to your party next Saturday?
1 a which b them
2 Not only ______________ (Malcolm / visit) the
c whom d that
gallery, but he also bought a painting there.
2 a topic b subject
3 The doctor ______________ (not / send) your
c object d interest
results by Friday. You’ll have to wait until next
3 a a result from b about to
c because d due to
4 This time next week, we ______________
4 a would forever change
(relax) on holiday in the south of Spain.
b forever changed
5 When we finally arrived, our friends
c was forever changing
______________ (wait) for us for almost two
d had forever changed
5 a provided b having provided
___ / 5
c providing d this providing
6 a catch b hold
c capture d contain
7 a poses b figures
c actions d positions
8 a evoked b expressed
c exhausted d exposed
9 a about doing b likely to do
c to do d about to do
10 a ’ll retire b ’ll have retired
c ’s about to d retires
___ / 10

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–4) | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

8 Complete the sentences with the correct 9 Complete the second sentence using the
words formed from the words in bold. word in bold so that it means the same as
the first one. Do not change the word in
0 My sister always makes a favourable
bold. Use no more than five words including
(FAVOUR) impression. Everyone likes her
the word in bold.
1 I think there has been a ______________ 0 Dinosaurs have died out, but the causes of their
(UNDERSTAND). I ordered tomato soup, not disappearance are not fully understood.
garlic mushrooms. EXTINCT
2 Children become ______________ (NOURISH) Dinosaurs have become extinct, but the
if they don’t have all the vitamins they need in causes of their disappearance are not fully
their diet. understood.
3 Many governments try to raise 1 Mary will certainly play well in the badminton
______________ (AWARE) about healthy competition after all her practice.
living for their people. SURE
4 I’m sure we’ll come up with a good Mary ____________________________ well in
______________ (SOLVE) to the planning the badminton competition after all her practice.
problem. Let’s give ourselves more time. 2 This new book helps us understand why
5 This painting is a great ______________ Napoleon was so important historically.
(LIKE) of granddad. It’s almost like a photo. SHEDS
___ / 5 This new book __________________________
why Napoleon was so important historically.
3 Your story will be published in the magazine on
Saturday. You friends can read it then.
The magazine __________________________
your story on Saturday. You friends can read it
4 The moment the school opened an art
competition with an attractive prize, a lot of
students entered.
Scarcely ______________________________
an art competition with an attractive prize when
a lot of students entered.
5 There are new show business talents because
TV talent competitions discover them.
TV talent competitions ___________________
_______ the discovery of new show business
___ / 5

TOTAL ___ / 50

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–4) | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

VOCABULARY 3 Complete the sentences with the missing

1 Complete the sentences with the words words. The first letters are given.
from the box. There are three extra words.
0 People often want to avoid the sun and stay in
astonished bigoted devastated when it’s scorching hot outside.
ecstatic heartwarming passionate 1 All of the bones inside an animal’s body are its
sincere solitary tough s______________.
2 When the soil is blown away or washed away
0 Anyone can see how much Dad loves his
because of the weather, it is called
model trains. He’s so passionate when he
talks about them.
3 When people lie or deceive the organisations
1 Monica was ______________ to see her
they are part of in order to get money, they
friends because she jumped and screamed with
commit f______________.
4 If someone puts you on the s______________,
2 This speech on the radio is ______________ –
it means they ask you a surprise question
it’s attacking foreign people. Let’s listen to
which is hard to answer right then.
a different station.
5 A person who can stop a fight, war or other
3 It was ______________ to see how many
conflict is a p______________.
people offered to help people whose homes
___ / 5
were damaged by the freak weather.
4 I was ______________ that my grandparents
could remember so much about their childhood.
4 Choose the correct option a–c to complete
I couldn’t believe it at first.
the sentences.
5 Please be ______________ about my new
jacket. The truth won’t upset me, even if you 0 Let’s reserve a table at the restaurant, ___?
hate it. a will we b shall we c can’t we
___ / 5 1 The builders still haven’t finished the road. They
___ working on it for a month by the end of this
2 Choose the correct option a–c to complete week.
the text. a are b have been c will have been
2 Under no circumstances ___ try to connect an
In my last year at school, I was having a very external device while the computer system is
0 ___ time with my Science teacher, who thought
starting up.
I had destroyed some laboratory equipment. a must you b you should c can’t you
I knew I hadn’t done anything wrong, but the 3 Look at this timetable, there’s a bus ___ in ten
teacher disagreed and he reported his 1 ___ to minutes. That’s lucky!
the school director. I had to go into school a to leave b left c leaving
especially to 2 ___ the problem. Fortunately, my 4 A: We don’t have enough time to get to the
grandad came with me. He listened very carefully cinema for the start of the film.
to all sides and then calmly 3 ___ out a few facts B: ___? What about if we run?
that nobody had seriously considered. They a Don’t we b Haven’t we c Do we
agreed he was right. Actually, the whole thing 5 Mr Shaw, for ___ all our students have great
was a 4 ___ because the lab technician had put respect, is to take an appointment at another
out the wrong equipment by mistake. My grandad school.
had 5 ___ a great example by listening carefully a who b whom c that
and responding calmly. I’ll always remember it. ___ / 5

0 a hard b heavy c wrong

1 a solution b accusation c incident
2 a address b implement c devise
3 a thought b talked c pointed
4 a row b sensation c misunderstanding
5 a set b did c had
___ / 5

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–4) | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

5 Complete the sentences with one word in USE OF ENGLISH

each gap. 7 Choose the correct option a–d to complete
the text.
0 A: We often go camping in our summer holiday.
B: Do you? I’ve never been. Why do you like it? The red squirrel
1 A: What did you ______________ to watch on The red squirrel 0 ___ from our local area until
TV when you were younger? someone noticed a family of them in a park in
B: Cartoons. These days I hardly watch them at our town and I got a call. Animals are excellent
all. 1 ___ matter for local news. As a photojournalist,

2 A: Have you arranged your holiday I 2 ___ the opportunity to follow this story and
accommodation yet? I was there with my camera the next day. I 3 ___
B: Yes. We ______________ be staying at some great images of the squirrels near the tree.
a cottage near the beach. I wanted to 4 ___ the feeling that the squirrels
3 Hardly ______________ I started riding my were living wild, so back in the studio, I 5 ___ the
bike when the chain broke. images to exclude people in the park.
4 A: Nobody has emptied the washing machine, There 6 ___ a lot of red squirrels at one time, so
______________ they? what has happened to them? Since I published
B: Not yet, but I can do it now. my story, many people 7 ___ that. It turned 8 ___
5 Could you tell me in ______________ drawer I that one of these readers was a scientist: she
can find spare paper? got in touch because she wanted to do some
___ / 5 research on the squirrels and needed a few
more facts from me. No sooner 9 ___ them than
6 Complete the sentences with the correct she went to the park with a group of students
form of the verbs in brackets. and began research on the squirrel. Whatever
happens, we hope it 10 ___ its comeback!
0 Animals don’t like (not / like) loud sudden
noises. People should not use fireworks near
0 a had almost disappeared
b has almost disappeared
1 As a child, I didn’t like staying at my
c almost disappeared
grandparents because they
d was almost disappearing
_____________________ (forever / argue).
1 a topic b interest
2 I didn’t know you were a member of a fitness
c object d subject
club! How long _____________________ (you
2 a found b seized
/ go) there?
c caught d received
3 I love this room because there’s a window
3 a trapped b held
_____________________ (overlook) the
c captured d caught
garden that I can see the trees through.
4 a exhaust b express
4 Go and see the builders now because they
c evoke d expose
_____________________ (go) home by 5
5 a shot b cropped
o’clock and it will be too late to talk to them
c created d reduced
6 a would be b used to be
5 Jill _____________________ (not / talk) to her
c were being d could be
cousin on video phone for very long when the
7 a are asking b asked
connection broke.
c were asking d have been asking
___ / 5
8 a on b into
c out d up
9 a had she got b she had got
c she got d she was getting
10 a is going to continue b will continue
c will be continuing d will have continued
___ / 10

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–4) | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

8 Complete the sentences with the correct 9 Complete the second sentence using the
words formed from the words in bold. word in bold so that it means the same as
the first one. Do not change the word in
0 My sister always makes a favourable
bold. Use no more than five words including
(FAVOUR) impression. Everyone likes her
the word in bold.
1 The panda is a(n) ______________ (DANGER) 0 Dinosaurs have died out, but the causes of their
species. There are very few of them left. disappearance are not fully understood.
2 Did you read that book about the plot to EXTINCT
______________ (ASSASSIN) the president? Dinosaurs have become extinct, but the
3 Lions are ______________ (NATURE) causes of their disappearance are not fully
predators of animals such as gazelles and understood.
zebras. 1 Mrs Collins was angry with us because we had
4 Young children have a shorter entered the classroom without permission.
______________ (ATTEND) span than older TOLD
ones. Mrs Collins ____________________________
5 These days, scientist encourage us to use because we had entered the classroom without
______________ (RENEW) energy such as permission.
wind or solar. 2 The signal from the router is not reaching my
___ / 5 computer.
My computer ___________________________
the signal from the router.
3 I don’t think we’ll lose our way with satellite
We ____________________________ our way
with satellite navigation.
4 We haven’t received an important package
because the post office has made a mistake.
We haven’t received an important package
____________________________ the post
office’s mistake.
5 Sophie surprised us – we didn’t imagine that
she would come to our party.
Sophie surprised us – ____________________
___________ that she would come to our party.
___ / 5

TOTAL ___ / 50

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–6) | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

VOCABULARY 3 Complete the sentences with the missing

1 Choose the correct option a–c to complete words. The first letters are given.
the sentences.
0 Can you slice these vegetables quite thin,
0 Excessive tourism can give ___ to please? There’s a knife next to the sink.
environmental problems. 1 News reporters should verify their
a rise b consequence c result s______________ so that their readers can be
1 When Jacky opened her sweet shop, sure that the facts are accurate.
customers spread the ___ about how good the 2 You have to s______________ the potatoes in
sweets were, and the shop became very the boiling water until they’re cooked.
successful. 3 Mammals like cats have a f______________
a fact b word c clue coat. It helps in various ways, for example, it
2 How can we ___ rid of this unpleasant smell? keeps them warm.
a make b have c get 4 If you f______________ an exam, it’s an
3 A bank loan is a ___ solution to the company’s informal way to say that you took an exam and
financial problems and will help through this failed it.
difficult period. 5 Mrs Carter was l______________ when
a consequent b viable c pressing someone damaged her car. I’ve never seen her
4 Please take a dustpan and ___ up those pieces so angry.
of broken glass from the floor. ___ / 5
a sweep b mop c do
5 The ozone ___ is a very important part of GRAMMAR
Earth’s atmosphere. 4 Choose the correct option a–c to complete
a cover b surface c layer the sentences.
___ / 5
0 Under no circumstances ___ touch the exhibits
in this display.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct
a people should
adjective. There are three extra ones.
b should people
balanced bizarre cramped cuddly c shouldn’t people
dedicated ecstatic poignant 1 Designer clothes shops encourage customers
squishy vast ___ the latest fashions when they buy clothes.
a that they follow
0 I could never live in such a bizarre house as
b following
that one made from an old bus. It’s too strange.
c to follow
1 In his job, Fred is ______________ because he
2 Jacky ___ to her job interview in her mum’s car
works hard and cares about his students’
at this time tomorrow.
a will have driven
2 The small size of this kitchen makes it too
b will drive
______________ to use comfortably.
c will be driving
3 When I was a child, I couldn’t fall asleep without
3 You ___ so healthy now. Have you improved
my ______________ toy rabbit next to me in
your diet?
a look
4 Graham’s garden is ______________. I think
b have looked
you could actually get lost in it.
c are looking
5 The actor’s ______________ announcement
4 My friends would like to spend their summer
that she was retiring surprised and upset many
holiday driving around ___ United Kingdom,
exploring different places.
___ / 5
a the
b an
5 You’ll help Jill with her homework, ___?
a shall you
b can’t you
c won’t you
___ / 5

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–6) | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

5 Complete the sentences with the correct USE OF ENGLISH

form of the words in brackets. 7 Choose the correct option a–d to complete
the text.
0 Politicians usually persuade people to vote
(persuade / people / vote) for them by using Jonathan finally visits me abroad!
various strategies. I 0 ___ here now with my best friend Jonathan in
1 My friend, a fitness fan, says I ____________ the tropical sunshine of Tao ‘Turtle’ Island in
________________ (ought / run) at least 5 km Thailand. In my life spent overseas, Thailand is
every day. the fifth country I 1 ___ in, and I’m planning to
2 My nephew really ______________________ move to another country in a couple of years.
______ (enjoy / play) computer games, so I’m I 2 ___ Jonathan to visit me many times before he
going to get one for his birthday. actually decided to come. Perhaps he agreed
3 ____________________________ (we / 3 ___ here because Thailand has so many

suppose / wear) formal clothes to Michael’s attractions. But when he arrived in the 4 ___
dinner party? populated capital Bangkok, I thought he was
4 Rarely ____________________________ (my going to take 5 ___ next plane home. Being
father / have) the opportunity to talk about his a country boy, he found it very hard to 6 ___ the
work as a scientist these days, so he was huge city, streets, buildings and 7 ___ traffic. So
pleased when the university invited him to give we quickly took a bus to Tao Island where he
a guest lecture. feels a lot more at home because people live
5 Amy still finds her new nursing job difficult. 8 ___ in close proximity to nature. So today we’re

She’s still getting _______________________ enjoying the peace and quiet of island life, but not
_____ (use / work) at nights, for example. for long. By the time you read my next blog post,
___ / 5 we 9 ___ a five-day jungle trip in the north of
Thailand. I hope Jonathan 10 ___ his walking
6 Complete the sentences with one word in boots from England!
each gap.
0 a ‘ve sat b sit
0 My friends had eaten before they arrived at my c ’ll be sitting d ’m sitting
place, so they didn’t want the snacks I offered 1 a ‘ve lived b live
them. c ’m living d lived
1 The Maths exam is ______________ like as 2 a had invited b invited
hard as last year’s. I’m sure I’m going to get c had been inviting d was inviting
a good mark. 3 a me visit b visiting
2 Nobody’s taken the rubbish out to be collected, c to visit d with me visiting
______________ they? 4 a utterly b densely
3 Have you succeeded ______________ finding c significantly d critically
the right present for Joe’s birthday? 5 a– ba
4 In my opinion, there wasn’t enough time c any d the
allowed for the exam and I was 6 a go along with
______________ to finish everything. b come to terms with
5 A: We could get a takeaway pizza tonight or c maintain contact with
buy a few things and cook. What do you think? d make a favourable impression on
B: I’d ______________ get a takeaway pizza. 7 a whizzing b roaring
___ / 5 c humming d crunching
8 a for the day b day after today
c day-to-day d daily
9 a will do b are going to do
c will be doing d will have done
10 a brought b will be bringing
c has brought d has been bringing
___ / 10

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–6) | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

8 Complete the second sentence using the 9 Members of the club needn’t reserve equipment
word in bold so that it means the same as in advance.
the first one. Do not change the word in REQUIRED
bold. Use no more than five words including Members of the club
the word in bold. ____________________________ equipment
in advance.
0 Harry’s regular violin lessons stopped when his
10 What was the reason for the fans’ long wait for
teacher left the country.
autographs when the singer arrived?
Harry had been taking violin lessons regularly
Why ____________________________ so
until his teacher left the country.
long for autographs when the singer arrived?
1 Let’s not hurry the tour. This magnificent
___ / 10
architecture needs time to be appreciated!
TOTAL ___ / 50
Let’s not hurry the tour. We need time
____________________________ this
magnificent architecture.
2 We were never bored when the guide was
explaining the history of the pyramids.
At no time ____________________________
interest when the guide was explaining the
history of the pyramids.
3 When I was a student, I had very little money,
so I bought second-hand clothes to save
When I was a student, I barely ____________
________________, so I bought second-hand
clothes to save money.
4 Our city is much less polluted that it used to be.
Our city ____________________________ as
it used to be.
5 The use of calculators is not allowed for
students in the Maths exam.
Students ____________________________
calculators in the Maths exam.
6 You’ll need to ask the librarian for an extension
of the loan of that book.
You’ll need to put _______________________
________ for an extension of the loan of that
book with the librarian.
7 Do you know who is intended to receive this gift
Do you know ___________________________
___ is intended?
8 Our dog is hard to control and the lady next
door often has a go at us about him.
Our dog is hard to control and the lady next
door often ____________________________
about him.

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–6) | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

VOCABULARY 3 Complete the sentences with the missing

1 Choose the correct option a–c to complete words. The first letters are given.
the sentences.
0 Can you slice these vegetables quite thin,
0 Excessive tourism can give ___ to local please? There’s a knife next to the sink.
environmental problems. 1 Lions need excellent v______________ to see
a rise b consequence c result the animals that they hunt.
1 When food looks strange, it puts many people 2 Please take a d______________ and sweep
___ and they don’t feel like eating it. the broken model pieces into it.
a off b out c down 3 It’s a good idea to remove the
2 Mrs Collins doesn’t put any chemical ___ on s______________ from the skin of a large fish
the vegetables she grows on her farm. before you cook it.
a waste b emissions c pesticides 4 Some people don’t like apple skin and they
3 Humans have a surprisingly ___ sense of prefer to p______________ the fruit before
smell. eating.
a dedicated b immediate c keen 5 I don’t need an office just for myself, so I share
4 Wildlife photographers have to wait for just the a co-working s______________ with two other
right moment to take a good ___ of a moving guys.
animal. ___ / 5
a image b shot c pose
5 Susan is going to study medicine because she GRAMMAR
wants to ___ her ambition of being a doctor. 4 Choose the correct option a–c to complete
a settle b pursue c claim the sentences.
___ / 5
0 Under no circumstances ___ touch the exhibits
in this display.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct
a people should
words from the box. There are three extra
b should people
c shouldn’t people
airy bizarre composed confined 1 Great books deserve ___ slowly and carefully
decent inspirational livid to really understand and benefit from them.
nocturnal vast a having read
b to be read
0 I could never live in such a bizarre house as
c reading
that one made from an old bus. It’s too strange.
2 My parents ___ all the food for the party by the
1 I have a rather ______________ space to
time people start arriving.
study in. I have to keep it tidy and organised or
a will be preparing
there isn’t enough space.
b are going to prepare
2 Politicians should above all be
c will have prepared
______________ people. That is, they should
3 Do you fancy ___ a break soon? We’ve been
behave morally and support moral values.
working hard.
3 Joy was ______________ with Nick for taking
a taking
the car without asking. She still hasn’t forgiven
b to take
c we take
4 The living room is ______________ in such
4 You really ___ practise more if you want to
a way that you can move around it freely.
improve your tennis.
5 My study is nice and ______________ because
a need
I keep the windows open most of the time.
b should
___ / 5
c ought
5 I was planning to walk to work, but it’s raining
now. On second thoughts, I ___ a taxi.
a ’ll take
b ’m going to take
c ’m taking
___ / 5

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–6) | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

5 Complete the sentences with the correct USE OF ENGLISH

form of the words in brackets. 7 Choose the correct option a–d to complete
the text.
0 Politicians usually persuade people to vote
(persuade / people / vote) for them by using Visiting a great friend who chose to spend her
various strategies. life abroad
1 My sister is rather shy and she ____________ I’m sitting here in the tropical sunshine in 0 ___
________________ (avoid / meet) people. restaurant in Bangkok, Thailand, with my best
2 Our rule is that visitors to this exhibition friend Mel. I’m experiencing the 1 ___ of exotic
____________________________ (require / spices coming from the delicious curry I’m about
switch off) their mobile phones. to eat. I’m enjoying the authentic thrill of foreign
3 Richard ____________________________ (try travel now, but I didn’t always. Mel and I were
/ use) a better quality pen to improve his childhood friends. Soon after university, she got
handwriting and it helped. I can read his writing a job in Italy and she 2 ___ abroad ever since. At
more easily now. the time she went to Italy, I 3 ___ my home town
4 When you were a child, what _____________ and I didn’t want to either. But she 4 ___ me
_______________ (you / use / do) when you letters saying things like: ‘Come and taste the
were bored? fabulous pizzas in Italy! 5 ___ the architecture of
5 Yesterday, the government _______________ Florence and Rome!’ Finally, she 6 ___ to
_____________ (promise / give) more support persuade me and I came to visit her in 7 ___
to overseas development projects. populated Singapore. I was 8 ___ by the variety
___ / 5 of pretty much everything: people, food, sights.
But although the effect was powerful, I actually
6 Complete the sentences with one word in started to enjoy it after a while. I had got a taste
each gap. for travel, 9 ___ brings us back to the present
moment. Thailand is now 10___ tenth country I’ve
0 My friends had eaten before they arrived at my
place, so they didn’t want the snacks I offered
them. 0 a the b–
1 Hardly had I arrived the university lecture hall c any da
______________ there was a fire drill and we 1 a stench b aroma
all had to leave. c taste d roar
2 You’re ______________ to find a shop open at 2 a ’s travelled b ’s travelling
this time. It’s too late. c ’s been travelling d ’d been travelling
3 I have an uncle ______________ opinions are 3 a ‘d never left b never left
unusual but interesting, and often original. c ’ve never left d ’d never been leaving
4 Dad is ______________ older of my parents by 4 a forever sent b was forever sending
two years. c had forever sent d used to forever send
5 How are you ______________ of celebrating 5 a Make out b Point out
New Year’s Eve this year? c Take in d Take to
___ / 5 6 a obliged b supposed
c requested d managed
7 a vastly b strongly
c densely d hugely
8 a bigoted b bewildered
c devastated d endangered
9 a what b that
c when d which
10 a – b every
c the da
___ / 10

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–6) | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

8 Complete the second sentence using the 9 Tina has made a few recent visits to a private
word in bold so that it means the same as music teacher to improve her piano skills.
the first one. Do not change the word in SEEING
bold. Use no more than five words including Tina ____________________________
the word in bold. a private music teacher recently to improve her
piano skills.
0 Harry’s regular violin lessons stopped until his
10 When we compare their average temperatures,
teacher left the country.
Mars is much colder than Earth.
Harry had been taking violin lessons regularly
When we compare their average temperatures,
when his teacher left the country.
Earth is ____________________________
1 Has anyone solved our waste disposal
___ / 10
Has anyone ____________________________
TOTAL ___ / 50
a solution to our waste disposal problem?
2 We thought that the hiking up Kilimanjaro would
be easier.
Little ____________________________ hiking
up Kilimanjaro would be so hard.
3 The teacher spoke angrily to us about the mess
we’d left in the classroom.
The teacher ____________________________
about the mess we’d left in the classroom.
4 I found the information I needed online after
a short search.
I ____________________________ for very
long before I found the information I needed
5 This is the patient who had the headache
This is the patient _______________________
__________we found the headache symptoms.
6 The scarcity of facilities at the field station was
hard for us to accept.
We found it hard ________________________
____ the scarcity of facilities at the field station.
7 Entering the lab is not allowed for students after
5 p.m.
Students ____________________________
the lab after 5 p.m.
8 A company’s advertising department looks for
ways to change customers’ attitudes.
A company’s advertising department looks for
ways to ____________________________ in
customers’ attitudes.

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–8) | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

VOCABULARY 3 Complete the sentences with the missing

1 Choose the correct option a–c to complete words. The first letters are given.
the sentences.
0 It can be difficult to separate tangled leads
0 Young children have a short attention ___. from several different electronic devices.
You need to entertain them in different ways. 1 The school has decided to b______________
a length b span c time students from the classrooms during break
1 In the Science lesson, I realised I’d ___ Janice. time – they are not allowed in them.
She knew much more than I thought. 2 Grandma made a big f______________ of me
a misjudged b pursued c exposed when I visited her because she hadn’t seen me
2 Everybody enjoys home ___, such as hot for so long.
meals, warm water and a good entertainment 3 A large piece of house electric equipment, like
system. a washing machine, is called a household
a aromas b belongings c comforts a______________.
3 I think I could ___ the exhibition on mediaeval 4 I want to buy the bike Julia is selling, but I think
art well. I’m very knowledgeable about it. she’s asking from too much money. I’m going to
a adjust b curate c enhance n______________ for a better deal.
4 How much money do you think we can ___ for 5 This Maths problem is very difficult. Don’t tell
charity by singing? me the answer, but please give me
a evade b raise c claim a h______________.
___ / 4 6 Unpopular political decisions can cause
a public o______________, in which many
2 Complete the sentences with the phrasal people complain loudly and openly.
verbs from the box. There are two extra ___ / 6
calm down come up against
4 Choose the correct option a–c to complete
deal with go through make out
the sentences.
show off take to turn out
0 The family I met offered ___ me in return for
0 How are you planning to deal with all these job
English lessons.
applications in a short time?
a that they will feed b to feed c feeding
1 I wouldn’t like to _____________________ the
1 The band let some of the fans ___ them after
uncomfortable experience of travelling on a bus
the performance.
for twelve hours.
a to meet b meet c meeting
2 If you _____________________ a large animal
2 Jimmy told us he ___ swim, but I don’t think he
when you’re out walking, the best advice is to
was telling the truth.
quietly walk away.
a is able to b can c could
3 That building is a long way away, but I can
3 Hardly had I got through the front door ___
_____________________ the writing on its wall
Mum asked me about my Maths test.
because I’ve got good eyes.
a than b when c that
4 I think you’ll _____________________ my
4 I know we’d planned to go out, but I’d prefer
friend Peter when you meet him. He’s very
___ in tonight if that’s OK.
a staying b stay c to stay
5 The mountaineering trip didn’t
5 When criticised for poor standards, hospitals
_____________________ well because the
blamed the government ___ them enough
climbers were unprepared for the bad weather.
___ / 5
a for not helping
b not to help
c that they don’t help
6 I don’t fancy ___ photographed wearing this
silly hat.
a being b to be c be
7 There is a special tourist bus ___ visitors all the
way to the castle – it runs every two hours.
a having taken b taking c takes
___ / 7

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–8) | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

5 Complete the text with the correct form of USE OF ENGLISH

the verbs in brackets. 6 Choose the correct option a–d to complete
the text.
Ancient bridge uncovered during street
work Kay Trimmer – writing the world
Yesterday road workers came across Kay Trimmer 0 ___ her life travelling the world
something surprising near the football stadium, and writing about it in magazines, articles and
where changes 0 are being made (make) at blog posts. Last year she 1 ___ in the country she
present to the road system. They went to the now calls home, Denmark, to write her first book
construction manager and asked him about her experiences. As a young woman, she
1 _____________________ (take) a look. He had visited some countries in Central Africa and
found that they 2 _____________________ wrote about how people there manage to 2 ___
(uncover) what looked like part of a bridge. The with no more than survival necessities. Income
mediaeval old town is indeed believed from this successful reporting allowed 3 ___
3 _____________________ (be) somewhere in travelling and writing. After that, she was always
the area of this construction site. Recalling this, on the 4 ___, searching for interesting people and
the manager contacted a local historian and places to write about. Kay’s descriptions, some
asked her if the bridge 4 _________________ with photos, 5 ___ the situations she lived and
____ (be) likely to be part of the mediaeval worked in very well. Not all those situations were
town. The historian thought that it was, and she easy: one photo shows Kay herself wearing
was very excited because this was the first time poor clothes and looking skinny and 6 ___. The
any such remains 5 _____________________ truth is that she sometimes had terrible money
(find). She pointed out that they problems and no idea if her next piece 7 ___. But
6 _____________________ (probably / be) of she kept 8 ___ and she survived, and now she is
great historical value in the future. Due to this, living comfortably in Copenhagen. I was engaged
the building company has now stopped 9 ___ Kay’s book from start to finish and I have

7 _____________________ (work) in that area. just one unanswered question from it. Has she
The city council is said really put down 10 ___ or will she travel again one
8 _____________________ (consider) a future day?
course of action.
___ / 8 0 a spent b has spent
c has been spending d is spending
1 a picked up b ended up
c settled down d backed up
2 a live on b get by
c get across d shrug off
3 a her to continue b to continue
c continuing d her continue
4 a move b world
c travel d trip
5 a implement b alert
c evoke d embed
6 a cropped b conceited
c topical d malnourished
7 a would sell b will sell
c will have been sold d is selling
8 a herself to write b writing
c to write d having written
9 a in b on
c for d with
10 a sources b origins
c roots d feet
___ / 10

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–8) | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

7 Complete the sentences with the correct 8 Complete the second sentence using the
words formed from the words in bold. word in bold so that it means the same as
the first one. Do not change the word in
0 I don’t always trust sensational (SENSATION)
bold. Use no more than five words including
news stories and I check the sources.
the word in bold.
1 They sell a variety of swimming goggles here
but, ______________ (FORTUNATE), they 0 Writing something down helps you to remember
don’t have the brand you’re looking for. it.
2 The building noise at home is ______________ TO
(DEAF), so I’m going to work at a café. It is helpful to write something down when you
3 New technology these days is want to remember it.
______________ (IMPRESS). It’s amazing 1 I don’t want to live in just one place in my life.
what it can do. I want to be able to move around.
4 The latest security technology can use TIED
______________ (FACE) recognition software I don’t want to be _______________________
to identify people. __________ just one place in my life. I want to
5 This animal has a ______________ be able to move around.
(DECEIVE) appearance: it doesn’t look 2 Anne receives criticism from her teachers
dangerous, but it can attack us. because she doesn’t push herself enough.
___ / 5 PUSHING
Anne’s teachers ________________________
____________ herself enough.
3 Richard shouldn’t have a key to this door.
Please ask him to return it.
Richard _______________________________
a key to this door. Please ask him to return it.
4 Aron wasn’t able to sell his music equipment
using online marketing sites.
Aron _____________________________ his
music equipment using online marketing sites.
5 Private education costs more now that the law
is different.
The price of private education _____________
________________ now that the law is
___ / 5

TOTAL ___ / 50

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–8) | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

VOCABULARY 3 Complete the sentences with the missing

1 Choose the correct option a–c to complete words. The first letters are given.
the sentences.
0 It can be difficult to separate tangled leads
0 Young children have a short attention ___. You from several different electronic devices.
need to entertain them in different ways. 1 People break the law when they do something
a length b span c time i______________.
1 Nobody can see this device ___ in your body, 2 A m______________ animal or plant lives
but it can monitor your health and send data to mainly or exclusively in the sea.
your phone. 3 Detectives are still looking for reliable
a implemented b embedded c maintained c______________ to help them identify who
2 I like to ___ around our local park. It’s a gentle committed fraud in the company.
way to take exercise and calm my thoughts. 4 Equal opportunities for men and women is
a bellow b wander c race called g______________ equality.
3 The government want to ___ the message that 5 Fish usually have several f______________
they care for the environment because they which help direct and move them through the
know many voters feel strongly about this water.
issue. 6 When something is q______________, it is
a convey b carry c pass both unusual and interesting.
4 When I told Marjory I’d decided to move ___ / 6
abroad, she burst ___ tears.
a out b with c into GRAMMAR
___ / 4 4 Choose the correct option a–c to complete
the sentences.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct
0 The family I met offered ___ me in return for
phrasal verbs from the box. There are two
English lessons.
extra verbs.
a that they will feed
bump into deal with eat away end up b to feed
fit in hold down put off show off c feeding
1 The earliest wheels are believed ___ used in
0 How are you planning to deal with all these job
pottery making between 4000 to 6000 BC.
applications in a short time?
a to be
1 How nice to see you! We don’t
b to have been
_____________________ each other very
c that they had been
often these days.
2 My parents praised me ___ my grandparents all
2 When you try to reduce your time on computer
games, it isn’t always easy. The need to play
a that I helped b to help c for helping
can _____________________ at you.
3 A small fire broke out while I was cooking, but I
3 We should leave now or we’ll
___ put it out with a damp dishcloth.
_____________________ missing the last bus
a succeeded in b managed to c could
4 Harry insisted ___ taking lots of photos at my
4 The thought of years of hard study doesn’t
birthday party.
_____________________ Susan. She is sure
a at b for c on
she wants to be a lawyer in the future.
5 In no ___ are we obliged to stay at this
5 It isn’t sunny, but I want to
presentation a moment longer.
_____________________ my new sunglasses
a way b circumstances c account
at the party, so I’m taking them!
6 I never know when Derek ___ at my house. But
___ / 5
I make green tea for him when he does as it’s
his favourite.
a will appear b would appear c appears
7 A: David has changed his mind about the job in
London. He isn’t going to take it after all.
B: ___? Why not?
a Is he b Isn’t he c Has he
___ / 7

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–8) | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

5 Complete the text with the correct form of USE OF ENGLISH

the verbs in brackets. 6 Choose the correct option a–d to complete
the text.
Local artist sells life’s work
High street art gallery ‘Tintagel’ is reported Harold Preece – a reporter’s life
0 to be (be) closing. The gallery’s owner, Dana A new autobiography by the journalist Harry
Montague, is known 1 ______________ (paint) Preece 0 ___ this week. It’s a long book and I
most of the works currently on display. wasn’t engaged 1 ___ all parts of it equally. The
Montague plans 2 ______________ (sell) all most interesting part of the book describes what
the art, which is worth a lot of money. Revenue made him 2 ___ reporting in the first place: a
is expected 3 ______________ (reach) local environmental issue. Preece believed that
somewhere in excess of £400,000. The money a local river 3 ___ by the activity of a local
raised 4 ______________ (give) to various factory, leading to wildlife damage. He and his
charities, according to the artist. Tristan university friends 4 ___ a protest. They took to
Montague has told us that since his mother’s the streets, 5 ___ slogans and they were
decision, he 5 ______________ (try) to arrested. The students were charged and their
persuade her to keep some of the money for accusations against the factory 6 ___. Preece
herself and the rest of the family. ‘We would later wrote a report 7 ___ out against the factory,
rather she 6 ______________ (talk) to her own which actually led to it closing. After that, he
family before taking such important decisions,’ realised that writing news articles 8 ___ a more
he has gone on record for saying. In a rare effective way of spreading the word than waving
interview with us, Dana explained in detail how 9 ___ at a protest. Preece’s book describes

each charity 7 ______________ (be) able to many similar incidents but, they all concentrate
benefit from the money. She was sure about on his own opinions, not those of whom he’s
her plans, so visit the gallery soon if you still campaigning against. He rarely presents both
want to see some paintings. The gallery 10 ___, which every issue has. For me, this is

8 ______________ (sell) all of them by June a weakness of the book.

30th, their closing date.
0 a has published
b has been publishing
___ / 8 c has been published
d was publishing
1 a for b on
c in d with
2 a to choose b that he chose
c choose d choosing
3 a had polluted b was being polluted
c polluted d was polluting
4 a performed b rallied
c lobbied d staged
5 a singing b chanting
c screeching d muttering
6 a were ignoring b were ignored
c ignored d were to ignore
7 a saying b talking
c calling d speaking
8 a would be b will be
c was to be d is going to be
9 a placards b posters
c labels d boards
10 a views of the topic
b hands of the argument
c sides of the story
d opinions of the matter
___ / 10

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–8) | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

7 Complete the sentences with the correct 8 Complete the second sentence using the
words formed from the words in bold. word in bold so that it means the same as
the first one. Do not change the word in
0 I don’t always trust sensational
bold. Use no more than five words including
(SENSATION)s new stories and I check the
the word in bold.
1 Modern household ______________ (APPLY) 0 Writing something down helps you to remember
like fridges or dishwashers use surprisingly little it.
energy. TO
2 Organisations have an obligation to get rid of It is helpful to write something down when you
______________ (INSTITUTE) racism from want to remember it.
within. 1 There has been a slight increase in advertising
3 We have a ______________ (SPACE) revenue this year.
apartment. We can easily fit a lot of people in GROWN
when we have a party. Advertising revenue _____________________
4 It is ______________ (CONSIDER) easier to ________ this year.
pay for things by card than with cash. 2 You probably won’t spend more than fifty
5 Food critics need to have a very dollars a day when you travel around
______________ (SENSE) palate so that they Guatemala.
can detect subtle tastes. GET
___ / 5 You can probably _______________________
________ fifty dollars a day when you travel
around Guatemala.
3 We insist on you wearing a security badge at all
We __________________________________
a security badge at all times.
4 I’ll always remember when I saw my first live
I’ll ____________________________ my first
live concert.
5 The TV documentary team didn’t have any
difficulties getting permission to film inside the
The TV documentary team didn’t ___________
_________________ any difficulties getting
permission to film inside the factory.
___ / 5

TOTAL ___ / 50

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–10) | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

VOCABULARY 3 Complete the sentences with the missing

1 Choose the correct option a–c to complete words. The first letters are given.
the sentences.
0 Eagles are birds with excellent vision. They
0 I ___ the time on my phone and realised I was can see small objects at great distances.
late. 1 This situation isn’t as bad as you say: please
a glanced at b spotted c peered at don’t b______________ things out of
1 Please give a ___ after-dinner speech at Dr proportion.
Phipp’s retirement dinner, which won’t offend 2 There were some c______________ moments
anyone. in that episode which really made me laugh.
a keen b tasteful c mild 3 A b______________ in disguise is a good
2 The Johnsons decided to ___ out and spend thing, but you may not immediately recognise
a lot of money on their son’s wedding. that is good.
a figure b make c splash 4 When people y______________, it means they
3 I was angry with my brother for eating some of shout.
the party food before I’d offered it to the other 5 All the bones inside an animal’s body are called
guests, but he laughed ___ the accusation. its s______________.
a off b out c away ___ / 5
4 Rob is ___ to get into the school football team.
He trains every free moment to get better. GRAMMAR
a pushy b capable c desperate 4 Choose the correct option a–c to complete
5 In most ball games, like tennis or football, the the sentences.
ball is a ___ object.
0 I wish I ___ better at understanding jokes.
a circular b curved c spherical
People often have to explain them to me.
___ / 5
a ’d be
b were
2 Complete the sentences with one word in
c am
each gap.
1 One of the food displays in the shop fell over
0 Foreign travel is an excellent way to educate ___ me drop my shopping.
people about other cultures. a to make
1 The music is too loud. Please turn it down b making
______________ the sake of the neighbours. c having made
2 When it comes to food, cattle and sheep can 2 Scarcely had the party begun ___ my wife
exist ______________ grass. started to feel sick.
3 Getting sunburnt last year has put Jane a than
______________ beach holidays. She doesn’t b when
like them anymore. c and
4 Visitor to the national park aren’t prohibited 3 The boys ___ that present because it wasn’t for
______________ having picnics provided they them.
don’t leave rubbish. a couldn’t open
5 This section of gallery has several recently b shouldn’t open
bought paintings ______________ contrast to c ought not to have opened
the Renaissance section, which only has old 4 I’ve met you and Susan before, but I don’t know
masters. ___ people here.
___ / 5 a the other
b other
c another
5 Gary ___ your friends to his party last weekend
if he didn’t like them.
a wouldn’t invite
b didn’t invite
c wouldn’t have invited
___ / 5

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–10) | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

5 Complete the text with one word in each USE OF ENGLISH

gap. 7 Choose the correct option a–d to complete
the text.
Last year I won quite a lot of money in a lottery
and I 0 had to decide how to spend it. Some An outdoor survival course
years ago, before I began my career, I Kay and Alan Fletcher 0 ___ young people how to
1 ______________ often help out with various survive outdoors in their summer camp for five
charities. Remembering that this work years now. They set up their company because
2 ______________ always given me great they believed young people 1 ___ contact with
satisfaction, I phoned up some of my old nature. The Fletchers wanted to teach them the
contacts. They were delighted to hear from me 2 ___ of being close to nature. They also wanted

and told me all about the projects the charities to teach them how to 3 ___ unexpected problems
3 ______________ currently involved in. In and situations which sometimes happen when
4 ______________ next few days, I made up you explore the great outdoors. You 4 ___ get
my mind: I was going to help out again. lost, for example, or be exposed to bad weather.
5 ______________ made my decision, I hired Occasionally, there is something worse:
an accountant to help me give away half my a disaster is unlikely 5 ___ when you’re out
prize money. enjoying nature, but it could. So 6 ___ addition,
the course prepares young people mentally for
___ / 5
going through 7 ___ like a tsunami, bushfire or
flood. When I visited the camp, some teenagers
6 Complete the sentences with the correct
were trying 8 ___ a fire with just a knife and some
form of the verbs in brackets.
pieces of wood, but they couldn’t. Kay insisted
0 I’ve just sold my bike. I had had (have) it for that they didn’t give up and suggested using
a long time, but I was getting too big for it. much smaller bits of wood. That 9 ___, and the
1 If only you ______________ (tell) me it was youngsters cheered as the fire came to life. Alan
your birthday today! I haven’t got you a present. and Kay keep reminding students that a positive
2 Dr Evans would prefer ______________ attitude 10 ___. It’s the rule they have lived by.
(change) your appointment to 4:15 p.m. if that
is all right. 0 a were teaching b have been teaching
3 The guest speakers on climate change c are teaching d have taught
______________ (not / be) here today if the 1 a were losing b used to lose
principal herself hadn’t invited them. c have been losing d lost
4 My brother ______________ (forever / ask) me 2 a use b value
for help with his homework when we were at c inheritance d likeness
school together. 3 a evade b overwhelm
5 My grandparents enjoyed ______________ c implement d handle
(entertain) by our school performance. 4 a must b should
___ / 5 c will d might
5 a happen b that happens
c to happen d for happening
6 a for b to
c on d in
7 a a problem b an ordeal
c a situation d an incident
8 a to start b starting
c to have started d having started
9 a did the trick b offered the solution
c had the result d delivered the punchline
10 a pays for b comes up
c pays off d comes through
___ / 10

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–10) | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

8 Complete the second sentence using the 9 It’s annoying that Billy doesn’t listen to
word in bold so that it means the same as instructions carefully. I have to repeat them
the first one. Do not change the word in a lot for him.
bold. Use no more than four words WOULD
including the word in bold. If ____________________________ to
instructions more carefully. I have to repeat
0 A police investigation into fraud in fuel
them a lot for him.
companies will start next week.
10 I’m sure Dad is still working on the roof
because all his tools are still here.
Police are due to start investigating fraud in
fuel companies will start next week.
Dad ____________________________ on the
1 Soothing music can help you avoid thinking
roof because all his tools are still here.
about your problems.
___ / 10
Soothing music can help you ______________
TOTAL ___ / 50
_________________ your problems.
2 The pop-up adverts that appear on my
computer are so annoying!
I wish pop-up adverts ____________________
__________ on my computer!
3 ‘I didn’t cancel our cable TV subscription,’ said
Hugh ____________________________ their
cable TV subscription.
4 Fortunately, I’ve been able to save some
money for the summer.
Fortunately, I’ve managed ________________
_______________ some money for the
5 Sarah is finding it easier to ride her new horse
Sarah ____________________________ her
new horse now.
6 You’re playing too much football and it’s hurting
your legs.
All the football you’re playing is ____________
________________ your legs.
7 Mrs Clayton was a member of the gym last
year. Is it necessary for her to complete the
registration form again?
Mrs Clayton was a member of the gym last
year. ____________________________ the
registration form again?
8 Jenny thinks she’s hurt your feelings.
Jenny ____________________________ she’s
hurt your feelings.

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–10) | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

VOCABULARY 3 Complete the sentences with the missing

1 Choose the correct option a–c to complete words. The first letters are given.
the sentences.
0 Eagles are birds with excellent vision. They
0 I ___ the time on my phone and realised I was can see small objects at great distances.
late. 1 Animals which are active at night are called
a glanced at b spotted c peered at n______________ animals.
1 I recommend listening to ___ music when 2 This tree is h______________ – is it safe for
people want to get into a happy mood. the children to go inside it when they play in the
a soulful b brassy c upbeat garden?
2 Joan makes fun of me because she thinks I’m 3 If you make a v______________ attempt, it
bad at chess, but I had the last ___ when I beat means you try to do something, but you don’t
her yesterday! succeed.
a shot b laugh c claim 4 I think Gail should play the l______________ in
3 The thriller I saw last night had me on the ___ our play because she looks similar to the way
of my seat: exciting stuff! the main character is described in the book.
a edge b side c back 5 When you are completely confused by an
4 The detective had to consider her ___ to decide unexpected situation, you are
what to do next. b______________.
a thoughts b options c solutions ___ / 5
5 Spain is ___ warmer than Portugal, but there
isn’t much difference. GRAMMAR
a significantly b marginally c remotely 4 Choose the correct option a–c to complete
___ / 5 the sentences.

0 I wish I ___ better at understanding jokes.

2 Complete the sentences with one word in
People often have to explain them to me.
each gap.
a ’d be
0 Foreign travel is an excellent way to educate b were
people about other cultures. c am
1 Our children are ______________ the 1 I wouldn’t eat fruit if I ___ it was clean.
impression that we’re going to spend a lot on a hadn’t known
their birthday presents. b wouldn’t know
2 Teachers will need time to adjust c didn’t know
______________ the new changes in 2 The children want ___ with candy for their
education. schoolwork, but we haven’t got any.
3 Are you planning to participate a to have rewarded
______________ our New Year celebrations? b to be rewarded
4 During the karaoke evening, Tom was singing c to reward
badly ______________ purpose for some 3 I wish you ___ call me ‘Bob’! I prefer ‘Robert’.
reason. He’s a good singer actually. a wouldn’t
5 What’s bringing ______________ the slow b didn’t
Internet reception we’re experiencing now? It c don’t
should be much faster. 4 The university proposed ___ abroad for part of
___ / 5 my course.
a me studying
b that I should study
c me to study
5 Fiona has just said she’s having a party tonight,
but she ___ have told me earlier! It’s too late
now for me to change my plans and come.
a would
b must
c could
___ / 5

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–10) | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

5 Complete the text with one word in each USE OF ENGLISH

gap. 7 Choose the correct option a–d to complete
the text.
Last year, a job 0 was being offered as
a tourist guide for some of our local historic Summer adventure courses
buildings. No 1 ______________ had I heard Five years ago, John and Jill Hammersmith
about it than I applied and got an interview. At 0 ___ to give up their regular teaching jobs.

the tourist office, they said I 2 _____________ They opened a business 1 ___ adventure
have the job if I agreed to one condition: there courses to young people. John explains: ‘We’ve
were a few books and articles I’d always enjoyed the 2 ___ experiences you often
3 ______________ to read first. They said I get with adventure type holidays. We thought it
was 4 ______________ to have more 3 ___ great if young people could experience

knowledge of the local landmarks before I those feelings too.’ But it hasn’t always been
could start. 5 ______________ completed the easy and the business has had its 4 ___.
reading in less than a week, I eagerly began Setting it up was 5 ___ and they had to borrow
the job. I immediately started to enjoy it and I from the bank and private sources. And the
still am! couple are not exactly well-6 ___ now: they
___ / 5 make less money than they would like because
they keep prices low. This is because they want
6 Complete the sentences with the correct to encourage anyone 7 ___ the course. But they
form of the verbs in brackets. believe the business will do well in the long
8 ___. For now, they get enough satisfaction
0 I’ve just sold my bike. I had had (have) it for from the work itself. Jill: ‘Last month, we had
a long time, but I was getting too big for it. a young man who wouldn’t climb a small hill
1 I haven’t seen our neighbours for a few days. I 9 ___ fear of falling. But with encouragement,
think they ______________ (might / go) on he completed the climb. It’s moments like that
holiday. 10 ___ we enjoy the most.’
2 I’m a bit bored on this train. I wish we
______________ (take) a board game with us. 0 a have decided b have been deciding
3 Two people are thought ______________ c decided d were deciding
(arrest) at last night’s protests about the 1 a having offered b that it offered
hospital closure. c offering d offered
4 Did your parents ______________ (use / help) 2 a exasperating b appalling
you with your homework when you were at c charming d exhilarating
school? 3 a was b would be
5 Your business idea to open a cake shop is c will be d can be
______________ (bound / be) successful: 4 a give or take b there and then
you bake great cakes! c ups and downs d more or less
___ / 5 5 a costly b pushy
c valuable d lucrative
6 a kept b built
c off d done
7 a joining b to join
c joined d can join
8 a run b time
c future d course
9 a on b with
c from d for
10 a for which b in which
c with that d that
___ / 10

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–10) | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

8 Complete the second sentence using the 9 Pam wasn’t upset by criticism of her behaviour
word in bold so that it means the same as at the party.
the first one. Do not change the word in SHRUGGED
bold. Use no more than four words Pam ____________________________ of her
including the word in bold. behaviour at the party.
10 There’s a free tennis court here – what a pity
0 A police investigation into fraud in fuel
you can’t play tennis!
companies will start next week.
There’s a free tennis court here –
Police are due to start investigating fraud in
____________________________ tennis!
fuel companies will start next week.
___ / 10
1 I wouldn’t like it if someone asked me to sing in
front of all these people.
TOTAL ___ / 50
I wouldn’t ____________________________ to
sing in front of all these people.
2 You should check the information you find on
the Internet because it isn’t always accurate.
You shouldn’t __________________________
_______ that all the information you find on the
Internet is accurate.
3 Trevor, I’d like to meet your friend, please.
Trevor, could ___________________________
___________ your friend, please?
4 The newspaper editor has probably thrown
away your protest letter.
The newspaper editor has, ________________
_____________, thrown away your protest
5 I prefer to move around freely in my work.
I prefer not ____________________________
one place in my work.
6 Six or more people in my class have got a first
aid certificate.
There are ____________________________
a first aid certificate in my class.
7 Limes and lemons both taste the same to me.
I ____________________________ limes and
lemons in their taste.
8 It’s possible the magazine used photo editing
software to improve these shots.
The magazine _________________________
______ photo editing software to improve these

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