Digestive System
Digestive System
Digestive System
Q.2. Use the words in the box below to label the parts of the digestive system.
• Stomach • Esophagus • Anus • Large intestine
• Pharynx • Mouth • Small intestine
Q.3. Write T or True if the statement is true; write F or False if the statement is false.
_________ 1. The teeth are important structures for chemical digestion.
_________ 2. Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals are major components of
_________ 3. Stomach contains structures called villi that absorb nutrients from food
_________ 4. Foods pass through the pancreas, an accessory organ of the digestive system.
_________ 5. Saliva contains the enzyme amylase that is produced by the salivary glands.
Q.5. Which of the following parts of the digestive system does not produce digestive
a) Stomach b) Small intestine
c) Esophagus d) Mouth
Q.6. What is the name of the enzyme that begins the digestion of proteins in the stomach?
a) Pepsin b) Amylase
c) Lipase d) Maltase
Pancreas Liver
c) d)
Q.8. Which of the following organ absorbs most of the nutrients into the bloodstream?
a) Liver b) Small intestine
c) Stomach d) Mouth
Q.9. ________ is a wavelike muscle movement that pushes food through the digestive tract.
a) Epiglottis b) Cilia
c) Villi d) Peristalsis
Q.10. What is the name of structures that are tiny finger-like extensions in the wall of the
small intestine and increasing the surface area for absorption?
a) Epiglottis b) Cilia
c) Villi d) Peristalsis
Q.11. Which organ absorbs water from the remaining undigested material?
a) Large intestine b) Small intestine
c) Stomach d) Liver
Q.12. Which of the following stages of digestion is defined as the removal of undigested
food material?
a) Secretion b) Movement
c) Absorption d) Elimination