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Answer Key Nat Reviewer

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Read and analyze each item carefully. Blacken or Shade the letter that corresponds with the letter of your

1. Which of the following describes the Circulatory

System? What is the correct path of messages received by the
a. It delivers food, oxygen, and needed body from the environment?
materials to the different cells of the brain3- spinal cord
body. nerves4- sense organ
b. It picks up wastes from the cells of the body.
c. The major organs of the system are a. 1, 2, 3, 4 C. 3, 4, 1, 2
the heart, blood, and blood vessels. b. 2, 4, 1, 3 D. 4, 2, 3, 1
d. All of the above. 8.

2. The blood cells that carries Oxygen to the cells are 9.This is a disease of the nervous system that is
known as: characterized by the inflammation of the coverings
a.Plasma c. White Blood Cells of the brain and spinal cord. It is an infection of the ner-
vous system that is usually caused by bacteria
b. Platelets d. Red Blood Cells
or viruses. What is this disease?
a. Strokeb. Meningitis
c. Alzheimer’s diseased. Encephalitis 9.
3. The protein containing iron that enables the blood
10.It is the first time of Wilhelm to ride in an airplane.
look red is the . He is feeling very nervous. What kind of fatigue is he
a. food color c. homeostatis feeling?
b. hemoglobin d. platelets a. Physical fatigueb. Emotional fatigue
3. c. Mental fatigued. Spiritual fatigue 10.
11. Complete the diagram:
4. What will complete the diagram?

a.lungs c. heart
b. brain d. Kidney

5. Which of the following characterizes a. Organism c. Human body

Arteriosclerosis? b.Creature d. Person
a. It often starts with a sore throat. 11.
b. It is caused by cholesterol deposits in the
arterial walls.
c.A person with Arteriosclerosis has irregular
heartbeats. 12. The following are Abiotic Components, EXCEPT:
d.There is a lack of red blood cells. a. Airb. Water
c. Treed. Soil
5. 12.

6. This is a small part of the brain which controls the

functioning of the heart and stomach,
a.spinal cord b. cerebrum 13. This is a close relationship between two organisms
c. cerebellum d. medulla oblongata in which at least one organism benefits. It is a Greek
6. term which means “living together”
a. Symbiosisb. Predation
7. When you see a snake on your way, which c. Competitiond. Decomposition
neuron receives the information? 13.
a.sensory neuron b. motor neuron
c. inter neuron d. spinal cord

14. A group of farmers killed the snakes on their farm- lands. soaps and
Because liquid
snakes aredetergents
the naturalare examples
predator of: what could
of mice,
a. increaseb. decrease Preservativesc. germicides
c. stay the samed. disappear additived. pesticide 21.
What happens when there is too much 14. carbon dioxide in the ai
People can breathe clean air.
Plants can produce less food.
The ozone layer will become thinner.
Heat will be trapped and the air will become warmer.

Why are plants considered as the Producers? Which of the following illustrations is the model of liquid wate
Because they have their own energy.
Because there are many plants.
Because they have no predators.
Because they can produce their own food.

What is the main source of energy in Earth?

Plantsb. Wind
c. Other organismsd. Sun a. c.

b. . d.
What can you do to prevent eutrophication? 23.
Do not burn leaves and garbage
Do not take a bath and do your laundry in rivers
Plant more trees Which of the following situations possesses radiant energy?
Do not overspray fertilizers and insecticides Waterfalls falling from a reef
17. A windy day
Heat coming from beneath the earth’s surface
Heat of the sun

What is the main cause of acid rain?

Water pollutionc. Soil pollution
Air pollutiond. Warm temperature
Burning a piece of paper is a good example that shows the rele
light and electrical
radiant and chemical
19. This is the layer of gas in the atmosphere heat and light
that protects life from harmful ultraviolet rays fromnuclear
the sun.and mechanical
Stratospherec. CFC
Ozone layerd. Atmosphere

RM is cooking sinigang. She left the spoon on the pot, after a f

20. This is the microscopic organisms that causes red tide.
radiationc. convection
Dinoflagellates conductiond. radiation



27. Which of the following shows transformation To which galaxy does our solar system belong?
of chemical to mechanical energy? Magellanicc. Andromeda
a. burning paper c. a playing radio Oriond. Milky Way
b. moving car d. digestion of food 35.

28. Ace can run a 100-meter distance in 20 seconds.

What is his speed? The union of a sperm cell andegg is called
a. 7 m/s b. 8 m/s c. 5 m/s d. 10 m/s Fertilizationc. Reproduction
Ovulationd. Menstruation
29. Which two objects are related in such a way that
the first object possesses Mechanical energy causing the
second object to move?
a. fire, paper c. television, guitar 37. Which of the following is NOT part of the male reprod
b. toy car, ball d. radio, picture
29. a. Sperm b. Penis c. Ovaries d. Testes
30. Why is it more difficult to stop a fully loaded truck
than an unloaded one?
a.because its mass affects acceleration Which part of the male reproductive organ produc- es the s
b. because it is affected by gravity Testes or Gonadc. Vas deferens
c. because it has less mass than the other Epididymisd. Seminal Vesicles
d. because it is bigger 38.

31. On what layer of the Earth does man live?

a. mantle c. outer core What system of the body is responsible for produc- ing off
b. crust d. inner core Respiratory System b.Urinary System
c. Reproductive System
d. Skeletal System
32. Why do earthquakes occur?
a. Because of shifting crustal plates
b. Because of very strong typhoons
c. Because of volcanic eruptions
d. Because of moving water underground
32. Which part of the male reproductive system cover and hold
Scrotumc. Penis
33. In 1880, Alfred Wegner proposed the existence of a Vas Deferensd. Urethra
huge landmass called .
a. Panthalassa c. Tectonic
b. Moho d. Pangaea
33. End of Science Test
34. Which of the following statements about stars is
TRUE? 5 Total Score:
1. All stars are near the Earth.
2. The hottest stars are color red.
3. The sun is the only star in our solar system. Rating:
4. Stars are small if they are far from the sun.
a. 1 only b. 2 only c. 3 only d. 3 and 4
Read and analyze each item carefully. Shade the letter that corresponds with the letter of your answer.

1. Which of the following is the function of the

uterus? 7. What are the smallest particles of a substance?
a. Reproduce egg cell a. atom c. molecule
b. Houses the developing embryo b. proton d. electron
c. Passageway of the fertilized egg 7.
d. Receive the sperms

8. Elisa places her palm near a lighted bulb for a few
2. What is the function of the reproductive system? minutes. What will happen to her palm?
a. Eliminates liquid wastes from the body a. It will become warm because they
b. Receives, conducts, integrates and interprets absorbed some of the heat that radiates
impulses from the bulb.
c. Takes oxygen from the air and b. It will become warm because heat is
release Carbon dioxide from the body conducted to them from the bulb.
d. Enables living things to produce other living c. The temperature of the palm will remain
organism like themselves the same because convection takes place.
d. The temperature of the palm will remain
2. the same because the palm did not touch
the bulb.
3. Which part catches the fertilized egg and carries it
to the uterus for implantation?
a. Uterus c. Fallopian Tube
b. Ovaries d. Vagina

4.During fertilization, a sperm cell meets the egg cell

and unite to create ovum. Where does the fertilization
takes place?
a. Uterus c. Fallopian Tube
b. Ovaries d. Cervix

5. What is the function of the respiratory system?

a. Eliminates liquid wastes from the body
b. Receives, conducts, integrates and interprets
c. Takes oxygen from the air and
release Carbon dioxide from the
d. Enables living things to produce other living
organism like themselves

6.Where does the air go when a person breathes in?

a. into the heart c. into the lungs
b. into the stomach d. into the kidney

9. One end of the metal rod touches the flame of the

burner. After several minutes, the other end becomes
too hot to hold. How is heat transferred to the end
that is away from the flame?
a. By convection
b. By conduction -direct contact
c. By radiation
d. Both a and b

10. Why do falling objects accelerate when

they become closer to the center of the
a. Their mass increases as they
become closer to the earth.
b. The direction of motion changes as
they come nearer the surface of the
c. Their size increases as they come
closer to the center of the earth.
d. The pull of gravity becomes greater as
they grow closer to the center of the

11. Why is it necessary to read the labels of

materials before buying and using them?
a. To know if they are imported
b. To know how much they cost.
c. To know their composition and
how they should be used.
d. To know where they come from.
change numbering to 12 and onwards..

18. As part of the respiratory system, what is the

function of the alveoli?
a.It allows air to move from trachea to
the lungs
b. It brings the carbon dioxide to all parts
of the body through its blood vessels
c. It allows the exchange of oxygen and
carbon dioxide to take place on
its thin wall
d. It separates the oxygen from carbon
dioxide and contributes to other parts
of the body

19. Which of the following is the function of the lungs?

a. To purify the air we breathe
b. To transport the purified air to the
c. To serve as passageway of air from
the nostril to the chest cavity
d. To prevent the entry of food and water
into the respiratory system

20. What is the little flap on top of the windpipe called?

a. Pharynx c. Epiglottis
b. Bronchi d. Alveoli
explain the formula for speed, velocity, and acceleration
21.Which of this is NOT a part of the circulatory sys-
tem? Nervous System
a.heart c. nerves
b. blood vessels d. blood

22. Each contraction and relaxation of the heart muscle

is called .
a. circulation c. respiration
b. blood pressure d. heartbeat

23. The main and largest artery of the body is .

a. atria c. aorta
b. auricle d. ventricles
change "heart" to BLOOD

24. How does the heart work?

a. It transports food and oxygen.
b. It carries antibodies and hormones to the cell.
c. It regulates body temperature
d. All of the above

25. The red coloring matter of the blood is called ….. Which of these is a voluntary action?
a. plasma c. hemoglobin heartbeatc. jumping.
b. platelets d. leucocytes breathingd. digestion 34.
Axons are wrapped in a fatty substance called .
25. dendritec. nucleus
receptord. myelin 35.
26. How long does it take the blood to complete
main connecting cable between the brain and the body is the …….
body’s circulation? central nervous systemc. spinal cord
a. One second c. one minute peripheral nervous systemd. nerves
b. five minutes d. one hour 36.

27. The fatty substance that may block the blood vessels
is called .
a. nutrients c. carbon monoxide
b. colostrums d. cholesterol

28. What substances help the body make antibodies?

a. oxygen c. antigens 37. Plants that have the hardest woody structures like mang
b. leucocytes d. platelets
a. trees b. vines c. shrubsd. herbs
or white blood cells 28.
29. Which makes the blood become bright red?
a.carbon dioxide c. oxygen
b. nitrogen d. food nutrients 38. A kind of flowering plant that have one
seed leaf like corns and grass.
a. monocot b. dicot c. vine d. shrub
30. All of these are functions of the nervous system ex-
cept one. Which is it?
a. It controls the activities of the body parts. 39. Plants that live on water like water lily and sea
b. It circulates food and oxygen to the body. weeds are called --- air plants
c. It brings in messages from the outside world. terrestial plantsc. arboreal plants
d. It interprets
function of Circulatory Systemand receives messages. aquatic plantsd. flowering plants
land plants 39.

31.The brain plays a vital role because .

a. It pumps blood to the body. It’s the ability of an organism to adjust to the envi- ronmen
b. It ignites muscular movement. habitatc. adaptation
c. It acts as the control center of the body. communityd. location
d. It causes reflex actions. 40.

32.The center of thinking, learning, memory and emo-

tions in the brain. End of Science Test
a. cerebrum c. cerebellum
b. medulla d. hypothalamus
2 Total Score:

23. Which of these controls balance and equilibrium? Rating:

a. cerebrum c. cerebellum
b. medulla d. nerve
change to 33. 33.
Read and analyze each item carefully. BLACKEN the letter that corresponds with the letter of your answer.

1. Animals that eat flesh like lion, vulture and hyena are
classified as: 6. These are also known as the “living things” in an
a. herbivores c. carnivores eco- system. What are these called?
b. omnivores d. none a. Biotic c. Antibiotic
1. b. Abiotic d. Abiosis
2. Animals that eat both flesh and plants like man and
other domestic animals are classified as: 7. Which of the arrows describe the path of inhaled air?
a. herbivores c. carnivores a. Nose ----- trachea------bronchi
b. omnivores d. none b. Nose ----- trachea-----air sacs
2. c. Nose -----trachea------trachea
d. Nose -----trachea------larynx
3. What happens during breathing? 7.
a.The chest rises, the diaphragm curves upward,
air rushes out. The chest moves downward, 8. The Respiratory System is made up of the tra-
the diaphragm flattens, air rushes in. chea, the lungs and the
b.The chest rises, the diaphragm curves upward, a. liver c. bronchi
air rushes in. The chest moves downward, the b. diaphragm d. pancreas
diaphragm flattens, air rushes out.
c. The chest rises, the diaphragm flattens, 8.
and air rushes out. The chest moves
downward, the diaphragm curves upward, 9. When you inhale, your lungs
air rushes in. a. inflate b. deflate c. turn purple d. shiver
d. The chest rises, the diaphragm curves
upward, air rushes in. The chest moves
downward, the diaphragm curves upward,
air rushes out. 10. Your body couldn’t breathe without system. Which
one is it?
3. a. Perspiration System
b. Respiratory System
c. Digestive System
4. Which of the following defines Ecosystem? d. Urinary System
a. Composed of air, soil and water.
b. A group of population that lives in
a particular area.
c.An environment where both living and 11. When you breathe in air, you bring oxygen into your
non-living things lives and interacts with lungs and release _
each other. a. carbon dioxide c. oxygen
d. The relationship between two organisms b. carbon monoxide d. hydrogen
in which at least one organism benefits. 11.
12. The diaphragm below shows the path of air in
the respiratory system. Fill in the missing part to
complete the path of air in the body.
5. Which statement describes how air enters the body?
a. As the mouth opens, air enters the body.
b. As the diaphragm relaxes, air enters the body
through the nose. a. alveoli b. epiglottis c. bronchi d. glottis
c. As the nose inhales air, the diaphragm 12.
contracts to allow the air to enter the
body. 13. What is the name of your tiny air sacs in the lungs?
d. As the diaphragm contracts, air enters the a. bronchioles b. alveoli c. ravioli d. Bronx
body through the nose and mouth.
22. How do desert animals adjust to very high tem-
is not good for your lungs. perature and lack of water in the area?
Exercisingc. Singing a. They shed their skin.
Smokingd. Yelling 14. b. They become active during daytime.
The trachea is also called the c. They lose much water from their bodies.
lungb. windpipec. diaphragm d. bronchi d. They use stored water in their bodies.

23. Poison dart frogs, coral snakes, and wasps have

developed bright colors that make then easily visible
to warn their enemies that they are poisonous. What
kind of protective adaptation is this?
16. Which of the following tiny hairs keep mucus and dirt out of your lungs?
a. Warning coloration c. Toxic coloration
b. Mimicry d. Camouflage
a. hairb. bronchioles c. stubble d. cilia
16. 23.

24. Which of the following is an example of

Mimicry in animals?
17. The voice box is also known as the -.
a. A praying mantis that looks like a leaf.
a. alveolib. trachea c. larynx d. mouth
b. A chameleon can easily change the
color of its skin to blend with the
c. A bumblebee which is not poisonous
Which is the correct pathway for the elimination of the urine? has the same color with wasps that are
kidneys, bladder, ureters, urethra poisonous.
kidneys, urethra, bladders,ureters d. A coral snake has bright red-orange
kidneys, urethra, bladders,ureters and white-black stripes that tell the
kidneys, ureters, bladders,urethra predator that it is harmful.

25. How do spines which are modified leaves of cacti

become adaptive structures?
a. They allow the plant to reduce air intake.
Which of the following adaptation does the Walking stick insects have?
protective mimicryc. warning coloration b. They provide the plant with more water.
protective colorationd. adaptive coloration c. They prevent too much loss of water.
19. d. They help the plant to release oxygen.
or Camouflage
26. How do plants like amorseco adapted for
How do clams, oysters, and snails protect themselves? reproduction?
secreting poison a.It has feathery structures that when carried
means of their spines away by the wind can easily be dispersed.
using their hard shells b. It has hooks that can attach to bodies
making slimy secretions of animals and clothing of humans and
20. help in reproduction.
c. It can be easily dispersed by water.
change Snakes to Rats d. It can reproduce by means of pollination.
Why do snakes dig themselves into the soil?
To hide from the young 27. How do flowers adapt for reproduction?
To change their skin. a. They use their color to attract insects.
To look for food. b. The fragrance helps attract bees and
To keep away from danger. butterfly to help in pollination.
21. c. Wind helps sampaguita in pollination
d. Water aids the plant reproduction.
28. What is the function of the nervous system?
36. Which part of the brain controls the balance and
a. Regulates and coordinates bodily activities.
b. Pumps blood throughout the body.
cerebrumc. medulla
c. Serves as the transport system of the body.
cerebellumd. spinal cord
d. Removes and destroys toxic substances 36.
37. Study the different groups of animals. Which
29. What comprises the nervous system?
set of titles below would best label the two boxes?
a. heart, blood, blood vessels
b. cerebrum, cerebellum, midbrain
c. brain, spinal cord, nerve cell
d. axon, dendrites, cell body
show illustrationBox
of Digestive System
A: Vertebrates : reptiles Box B: Vertebrates: mammals
30. What body system is represented by the Box A: Vertebrates: mammals Box B: Vertebrates: reptile
illustration? Box A: Vertebrates: mammals Box B: Vertebrates: amphibians
a. Circulatory system c. Nervous system Box A: Vertebrates
b. Digestive system d. Respiratory system Box B: Invertebrates
Crabs, sponges, oysters don’t have backbones. What are thes
31. Which part of the Urinary System is a muscular vertebratesc. invertebrates
sac which stores urine before it passes out of arthropodsd. worms 38.
the body? What kind of animals eats flesh?
a. kidneys c. urether carnivoresc. herbivores
b. urinary bladder d. urethra omnivoresd. mammals 39.
The process in which animals produce new off- springs is ca
31. Reproduction
32. What happened to the unwanted substance and water Fertilization
in the body? Adaptation
a. urine b. perspiration c. feces d. body odor 40.

33. In the food web, which group are animal-eating

a. caterpillar, grasshopper, pig
b. grasshopper, chicken, snake
c. man, chicken, snake
d. caterpillar, pig, man

34. The union of egg from female organ and the sperm
from the male organ is known as fertilization. In which
part does the fertilization takes place?
a. fallopian tube c. ovary
b. uterus d. cervix End of Science Test
3 Total Score:
35. Which part of the brain controls the activities of
the body such as thinking, memorizing and decision-
a. cerebrum c. medulla
b. cerebellum d. spinal cord
Read and analyze each item carefully. Blacken the letter that corresponds with the letter of your answer.

1. Why do animals live in a particular environment? Which of the following adaptations are used by animals to prot
a. They like to stay with other animals. Having sharp teeth, horns, or claws
b. They are too lazy to go to a different place. Ability to blend with the environment
c. They can get the food they need. Secretes substances such as foul odor and venom.
d. All of the above All of the above.
These are animals that have backbones.
vertebratesc. invertebrates
2. Which of the following animals uses their long and mammalsd. arthropods 9.
sticky tongue to get food? Which
a. snakes c. monitor lizard
b. frogs d. alligators 10.
2. These are vertebrates that usually have tails, fins, and
gills. What are these?
Reptilesc. Mammals
3. Some animals have teeth. Some have beaks. Others Amphibiansd. Fishes
have mouths with tubes. What does this show? 11.
a. Animals have different sizes.
b. Animals need food in order to grow.
c. Animals live in different environments.
d. Animals have different structures for
eating. 3.

4. What is the straw-like structure used by butterflies,

flies, and mosquitoes to get food?
a. antennae c. thorax 12. These are vertebrates that spend part of their lives
b. sticky tongue d. proboscis in water, and part on land.
Reptilesc. Mammals
4. Amphibiansd. Fishes

5. Which of the following is/are OMNIVORE(S)?

I. chicken II. monkeys III. pigs IV. dogs 13. These vertebrates have bodies that are covered
a. I and II c. I, III, IV with scales and lay their eggs on land.
b. II and IV d. I, II, III, and IV Reptilesc. Mammals
Amphibiansd. Fishes
5. 13.

6. Carabaos, horses, and goats eat only plants. What 14. Which of the following describes a Mammal? a.They n
are these animals called? Their body covering is hair.
a. Herbivores c. Carnivores They have mammary glands.
b. Omnivores d. Insectivores All of the above.
change to 7. 6.
whale sharks are Fishes
47. Primates, apes, and humans are all examples of: Which is NOT a mammal?
a. . Herbivores c. Carnivores Whale Shark c. Koala
b. Omnivores d. Insectivores Dolphins d. Blue whale

Which of the following classification of vertebrates is 24. Which of these animals does not belong to
correctly paired with its example? the group?
reptile – frogc. amphibian – scorpion a. heron c. albatross
mammal – batsd. fish - dolphins b. ostrich d. frog
The duckbill platypus and the Australian anteater are mammals that lay eggs. What are they called?
Monotremesc. Marsupials 25. Ability of an animal to blend to its
Placentald. Developmental surrounding to escape its enemy.
17. a. adaptation c. camouflage
b. habitat d. location

26. In which part of the female reproductive organ

Which of the following is NOT a Placental mammal? does a fertilized egg normally develop into a baby?
skunkc. camel a.Fallopian Tube c. Uterus
whaled. kangaroo 18. b. Vagina d. Cervix
These are are Marsupials
invertebrates that usually have spines in their skin.
Arthropodsc. Echinoderms 26.
Annelidad. Cnidarian 19.
Which of the following is an Insect? 27. Which part of the female reproductive system are
spiderc. millipede the cells formed or produced?
centipeded. mosquito a. Uterus c. Cervix
20. b. Vagina d. Ovaries

28.Which part of the female reproductive system

where fertilization takes place?
a. Fallopian Tube c. Cervix
b. Ovaries d. Uterus

21. Why should people take care of the plants? 29. Which part of the male reproductive system pro-
Plants make their own food. duces the sperm cells and secretes the male sex hor-
Plants attract bees and flowers. mone called TESTOSTERONE?
Plants are living things. a. Testes c. Epididymis
Plants provide food for man and animals. b. Vas deferens d. Urethra

30. Which part of the Female reproductive system

22. A group of vertebrate animals that are lung - breath- produces the egg and secretes the female sex
ing and nourish their young. hormones called ESTROGEN and
amphibiansc. mammals PROGESTERONE?
reptilesd. fish a. Ovaries c. Cervix
22. b. Fallopian Tube d. Uterus

23. The group of vertebrate animals that are covered End of Science Test
with scales to protect the skin surface of their body.
amphibiansc. mammals
reptilesd. fish 4 Total Score:
or 23.

Read and analyze each item carefully. Blacken the letter that corresponds with the letter of your answer.

fallopian tube

cervix/ vagina







Vertebrates are classified into five (5) subgroups as shown Which of the following is TRUE to all planets of the Solar
in the chart. To which group do Bats and Doves belong? All can sustain life.
They both belong to Group 4. All revolve around the sun.
They both belong to Group 5. All have the same speed.
Bats belong to Group 4, while doves belong to Group 5. All have the same atmospheric composition.
Bats belong to Group 5, while doves belong to Group 4. 15.
What makes Planet Earth unique from other planets?
Using the same chart, to which group does this animal belong? It has the longest time of rotation.
It has the longest period of revolution.
It has no magnetic field.
It has oxygen that supports the needs of living things.

Which of the following shows chemical change in matter?


a. Group 1b. Group 2 c. Group 3 d. Group 4


What characteristics of Rose plants protect them from animals?

Having hooks on their leaves.
Having thorns on their stem. fireworks Rusting
Having flowers with foul odor. III.
Having tendrils for climbing.

How does a Cactus plang survive in a hot environment?

It stores food in its huge roots.
It stores water in its large stem. Ripening Oranges
It has a waxy covering on its stem.
It has needle-like hairs on its stem. I and II c. I and III
12. II and III d. I, II, and III
Which process turns water vapor into liquid form in the form of clouds?
distillationc. transpiration
c. evaporationd. condensation 13. Which is the function of the nervous system in our body?
It controls all body systems.
Which of the following physical changes happens during evaporation?
Change from liquid to gas It removes liquid waste materials.
Change from liquid to ice It transports blood and nutrients to all parts of the body.
Change from ice to liquid It carries oxygen to the cells and removes carbon dioxide.
Change from gas to liquid
20 Anything that moves quickly towards our face may caus
Long - Term memory
Reflex reactions
Learned Responses
Short-Term memory

- 24. If all rice plants died, which animal is badly affected?

21. Which illustrations show the Circulatory System and the Nervous System?
a. Snake c. Frog
b. Insect d. Eagle
primary consumer
25. Some chemical sprays containing CFC’s used by
humans have caused the thinning and formation of holes
in the ozone layer resulting to more ultraviolet (UV)
light to reach the Earth. Biologists are alarmed that an
increased UV light will harm marine algae. What would
happen to the marine animals if this continues?
a. Their population would increase.
b. Their population would decrease.
c. They would reproduce fast.
d. They would not be affected.

Study the diagram below and answer item nos. 26 to 28.

Carbon Dioxide

I and II c. I and IV Oxygen
II and III d. III and IV 26. Using the diagram, which is TRUE?
21. a. Plants give off oxygen for
animal’s consumption.
b. Animals release oxygen for plants.
22. Which of the diagrams below show the feeding inter- relationships among the plant and animals listed below?
c. Plants give off oxygen and carbon dioxide
for animals.
d. Animals give off oxygen and carbon
CornSnake Insect FrogEagle dioxide for plants.
a.CornInsectFrog b. 26.

EagleSnake 27. In the cycle, what gas is absorbed by plants that is

released by the animal?
a. Nitrates c. Nitrogen
b. Oxygen d. Carbon Dioxide
c. d.

28. During photosynthesis, from where do plants get

energy to make food?
22. a. Sunlight c. Minerals
b. Animals d. Atmosphere
For items 23 to 24, study this set of living things in a
ricefield ecosystem. 28.

RiceSnakeInsectFrogEagle 29. Preservatives, like sodium nitrate or “salitre”, are

added to meat to make tocino and longaniza.
However, they may have harmful effects. Which is
In a producer-consumer relationship, which of the following is the second-order consumer?
one of them?
Ricec. Frog
a. Sudden loss of appetite
Insectd. Eagle
23. b. Cause of skin problems
c.May cause digestive disorder like colon
d. Potential cause of insomia
35. Imagine yourself sitting on a chair in front of a big
table. As you push the heavy table, your chair moves
Which of the following can have harmful effect on the environment?
backward. Which statement explains this?
II. a. Object in motion tend to remain in motion.
b. Objects at rest tend to remain at rest.
c. For every action, there is an equal and
opposite reaction.
d. Balanced forces acting on an object do not
make the object move.
36. Vanessa found that it was easier to push a cart
barefooted that when she was wearing shoes along the
cemented floor. What caused this difference?
a. Friction is greater between the wheels of the
cart and the shoes.
I only c. I and III
b. Surface of the floor is smooth.
II only d. I and II
c. Mass of the wheelbarrow and the load.
d. Friction between the bare feet and the ground
is greater than with shoes.
Vina observed that after switching on an electric hair dyer, the air becomes warmer. She noticed that the blades inside the
Electrical -- heat -- mechanical
Mechanical -- heat -- electrical
Electrical -- mechanical -- heat 37. We do not feel the movement of the Earth’s crust
but in reality it continually moves. 31. Why is the
earth’s crust in constant motion?
Which statement about energy is TRUE? a. It floats on a mantle of liquid rocks that
Chemical energy enables a whistle to produce sound. constantly heat and move.
Electrical energy enables a TV to turn on. b. It is divided into smaller hot plates.
Radiant energy enables a plane to fly. c. It has big bodies of water like the oceans.
Mechanical energy causes the fruits to rot. d. It has a magnetic field.
Which two objects are related in such a way that first object possessess chemical energy causing the second object to mov
Wind : Kitec. Flat iron : clothes 38. Which of the following is the hottest layer of the
Food : Persond. Door bell : sound earth?
a. Crust c. Inner
33. Core
b. Mantle d. Outer Core
A ball that is dropped on the floor bounces after it hits the floor. Which of the following could affect how high the ball bo
Time of the day when the ball is dropped. 38.
Height from which the ball is dropped. 39. Below are some beliefs of the uses of star groupings
Hardness of surface on which the ball is dropped. we call as constellations. Which of them have scientific
I. It predicts the future.
II. Guide farmers when to plant.
III. It can serve as direction/compass when lost.
IV. It can help in scheduling the lucky dates of
major events like wedding day.
a. I and II b. I and IV c. II and III d. III and IV
change choices to:
A. I, B. II, C. III, D. 39.
40. The Sun is one of the stars. Which characteristic
is TRUE about it?
a. It is the hottest among all stars.
a. I onlyb. III only c. I and II d. II and III b. It is the only yellow stars.
34. c. It is the biggest among all stars.
d. It is the nearest to Earth among all stars.
Read and analyze each item carefully. Blacken the letter that corresponds with the letter of your answer.

What makes up the skeletal system? a.All the bones in the body
This is the point of the Earth that is farthest from the Sun.
All the body organs apogeec. aphelion
All the muscles and tendons perigeed. perihelion 9.
All the bones in the body and the tissues that connects them.How many days does it take for the Earth to complete one revo
1. nearest to the sun

What joins a bone to another bone?

a. 366b. 365 c. 365 ¼ d. 365 ½

a. Cartilageb. Ligament c. Muscle d. Tendon 10.

11. Which of the following illustrations shows the

What does the ribcage protect? correct position of the Earth and the Moon during a Solar Eclip
Liverc. Spinal cord
Braind. Heart and lungs 3.
The muscles of your stomach and heart work even when you are sleeping. What are these muscles called?
Involuntaryc. Smooth a. c.
Lungd. Stomach 4.
In which organ are cardiac muscles found?
Heart b. intestinec. lungd. stomach
5. b. d.
What is the correct sequence of development in a complete metamorphosis?
12. The tiny part of a seed that can you grow into a
new plant is called .
EmbryoC. Ovule
OvaryD. Pistil

13. What supplies food to the developing embryo?

A- AdultB- Larva C- Pupa D- Egg A. CotyledonC. Embryo
A-B-C-D c. D-B-C-A b. EndospermD. Radicle
D-C-B-A d. B-D-C-A 13.
Which of the following plants can grow from a bulb?
What do you call the turning of Earth about its axis? a. Onionb. Potato c. Ginger d. Kangkong
revolutionc. orbit 14.
rotationd. tilt 7.
What causes day and night? Which of these statements is true about mixtures?
The gravity of the Earth. A mixture is a combination of two or more substances
The direction of the Earth’s revolution. A mixture is a combination of two or more substances w/c can
The rotation of the Earth. A mixture consists of one particular substance
The rotation of the moon. A mixture does not form a new substances

Which form a homogenous mixtures? 25. This is the instrument used to measure wind
Water & SoilC. Sugar & Water direction.
Sand & WaterD. Sand & Iron filings a. Barometer c. Wind Vane
16. b. anemometer d. thermometer
How can you make a powdered orange juice dissolve faster? 25.
By stirring
By putting ice cube 26. It is considered as the universal solvent.
By mixing with hot water a. Salt b. Alcohol c. Water d. Vinegar
Both A & B
change to "both A & C" 26.

27. What makes up 78% of our atmosphere?

a. Oxygen c. Nitrogen
b. Carbon dioxide d. Hydrogen
18. Which of the following is NOT a mammal?
a. Whale b. Batc. dolphin d. frog 27.
28. These are plants that only live for one year.
a. Perennial b. Nocturnal c. Annual d. Diurnal
This is the process where the pollen grains are
carried from the anther to the stigma of another flower. 28.
Cross pollinationc. Self-pollination
fertilizationd. stigmatization 19. 29. This is a type of simple machine which consists of a
The process of food-making in plants is called: rope that passes over a grooved wheel.
Photosynthesisc Respiration a. Lever b. Screw c. Wheel and Axle d. Pulley
Transpirationd. Fertilization
30. On the Celcius temperature scale, the freezing point
of water is .
a. 32°C b. 0°C c. 273°C d. 100°C

21. What is the basic unit of life? 30.

a. Cell b. tissue c. organ d. sytem
21. 31. The process where plants, animals, and human
beings produce new organisms or become many is
a. perspiration c. respiration
22. This is the passageway through which food moves b. reproduction d. circulation
into the body.
a. Mouth b. Esophagusc. Trachea 31.
d. intestine
32. Where does fertilization take place?
a. fallopian tube c. cervix
b. ovaries d. uterus
23. This is a type of cloud which form at a high altitude and appears feathery.
a. Cumulus b. Nimbus c. Stratus d. Cirrus
23. 33. These are the sex glands located in the scrotum,
which produces sperms and the hormone testosterone.
a. prostate gland c. epididymis
b. vas deferens d. testes
Electricity at rest is called:
Static electricity c. Dry cell
Kinetic electricity d. Live electricity
24. 34. 7. On the average, boys normally reach puberty dur-
ing the age of:
a. 9-14 years old c. 15-20 years old
b. 10-17 years old d. 21-39 years old

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