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Planificare Engleza 0

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Scoala Gimnaziala’Lucian Blaga’, Baia Mare Auxiliar: English for Kids.

Caiet de lucru pentru clasa pregătitoare

PROFESOR: SIPOS DANIELA Autor: Cristina Mircea, Editura Booklet, 2019



ANUL ŞCOLAR 2021-2022
(1 oră/săpt)
Semestrul I

Nr. Unităţi de Conţinuturi Competenţe Nr. Săpt. Observaţii

crt. învăţare specifice ore

1. Greetings: good morning, good afternoon, good 1.1, 1.2 4 S1

evening, good night
2.1, 2.2, 2.3 S2
Colours: green, white, yellow, green, red
Introducing one's self: My name is, My
favourite colour is... S4

Hello Asking questions: What's your name, How old

are you? What's your favourite colour?

The possessive adjective: my, the personal

pronoun I, the verb to be affirmative form
Numbers 1-5

Obeying and giving commands: stand up, sit

down, turn around, jump, run

2. Revision: Unit Hello! 1.1,1.2, 1.3 4 S5

Family members: mother, father, sister, brother, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 S6

grandmother, grandfather, uncle, aunt, cousin
Describing the family: This is my family, my
mother's name is, My father's name is, my 4.1

Family brother's name is, my sister name's is S7 Holiday

Drawing a picture of one's family and
presenting it

The demonstrative adjective: this

Numbers: 6-10

The conjunction: and

3 Revision: Units Hello, Family 1.1,1.2,1.3 4 S10

Types of houses: house, flat 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 S11

Rooms in a house: living-room, bedroom, 3.1 S12

bathroom, kitchen, attic, cellar
House and Rooms 4.1 S13 S14 Merry
in a House Pieces of furniture: bed, lamp, table, chair, Christmas!
Describing one's house: My house has got three
rooms, describing one's room: In my room there
is a

The verb to have got affirmative form singular

The structure: there is

The indefinite article a, an

SEMESTRUL Revision: Units Hello, Family, House and 1.1, 1.2 3

Rooms in a House
AL II - LEA 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 S15
School objects: desk, blackboard, whiteboard,
note-book, coursebook, pencil box, school bag, 3.1 S16

4. School window, door S17

Recognizing objectes: On the table there is,
Under the table there is

Prepositions: on, under

Obeying and giving commands: open the door,

close the window, clean the blackboard, close
your book, show your pen

Asking and answering questions: What's this?

It's a pencil
5. Revision: Units Hello, Family, House and 1.1, 1.2 4 S18
Rooms in a House, School
2.1, 2.2, 2.3 S19
Types of animls: pets (cat, dog, parrot, rabbit,
hamster), animals on a farm (horse, cow, hen, 3.1 S20

Animals chicken, sheep), wild animals ( monkey, 4.1 S21

crocodile, tiger, lion, hippo)

Asking and answering about one's favourite

animal: What's your favourite animal? My
favourite animal is

Drawing one's favourite animal and presenting

S22 Happy Mother's

6. Revision: Units Hello, Family, House and 1.1, 1.2 3 S23

Rooms in a House, School, Animals
2.1, 2.2, 2.3 S24
Types of food: vegetables, fruit, fast-food,
drinks, desserts 3.1 S25

Food Meals of the day: breakfast, lunch, 5 o'clock 4.1 S26 Săptămâna Şcoala
tea, dinner Altfel: Să ştii mai
multe, să fii mai bun!
Asking and answering: What's your favourite
food? My favourite food is

Drawing and presenting one's favourite food

7. Revision: Units Hello, Family, House and 1.1, 1.2 3 S27

Rooms in a House, School, Animals, Weather
2.1, 2.2, 2.3 S28
Seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter
Weather 3.1 S29
Weather forecast: windy, rainy, sunny, cloudy
Temperatures: cold, warm, hot

Describing a season: In winter is cold. Autumn

is windy.

Drawing a weather chart.

8. Revision: Units Hello, Family, House and 1.1, 1.2 3 S30

Rooms in a House, School, Animals, Weather
2.1, 2.2, 2.3 S31
Types of clothes: boy's clothes: shirt, trousers,
Clothes tie, hat and girl's clothes: skirt, blouse, 3.1 S32
handbag, earrings 4.1
Types of clothes for each season

Drawing and presenting one's favourite clothes

9. Units: Units Hello, Family, House and Rooms 1.1, 1.2 1 S33
in a House, School, Animals, Weather, Clothes
Revision 2.1, 2.2, 2..3
LIMBA ENGLEZĂ-planificare anuală
Nr. Unitatea de Conţinuturi Vocabular ore I’ m fine, thank
Crt. învăţare you!
1. Greetings-Hi! Hi, hello, goodbye How are you? 1 10. Poster of Toy car, robot, 1
Hello! I’ m fine, thank November teddy bear, doll
you! 11. Stories Snow White, Little What is your name? 1
2. Classroom Stand up, sit down, Stand up! 1 Mermaid, prince, My name is…..
commands- show, listen, draw, Sit down! witch, Cinderella,
Stand up, please! say, colour, come Say! pirate
here Come here! 12. Persons Boy, girl, man, I am a…. 1
3. Poster of Hello, good bye, 1 women My name is….
September come here, draw, What is your name?
colour How are you?
4. School objects Desk, chair, book, Give me the…. 1 13. It’ s Christmas Santa Clause, bells, Knock, knock…. 1
pen, pencil, pencil time! present, Christmas Merry Christmas!
case, schoolbag tree
5. It’ s Halloween Pumpkin, mask, Pumpkin, 1 14. Farm animals Dog, cat, pig, horse, What is it? 1
time! witch pumpkin… cow It is a……
Happy Halloween! 15. What do animals Woof, meow, moo, Old Mac Donald 1
6. Numbers One, two, three, Count… 1 say? oink had a farm……
four, five, six, seven, One book, two 16. Poster of January Farm, dog, cat, 1
eight, nine, ten books…. horse, pig, cow
Draw….. 17. Evaluation 1
7. Poster of October Desk, book, mask, 1 18. Pets Parrot, fish, dog, cat What is it? 1
ten, pumpkin, It is a ……
pencil, chair, witch 19. Fruits Apple, pear, grapes, What’ s this? 1
8. Toys Doll, robot, toy car, What’ s this? 1 banana, lemon, It’ s a…..
teddy bear, ball A….. orange This is a…….
9. What is your name What is your name? 1 20. Poster of Cat, dog, moo, 1
name? My name is… February banana, orange,
How are you? apple, oink, lemon
21. It’ s my birthday! Present, cake, How old are you? 1 butterfly, tree
ballon, crown, I am……. 29. My body Head, arm, leg, What is it? 1
paper hat, birthday Happy birthday! shoulders, hand, It is a…
card Thank you! foot Show me the….
22. Actions Read, jump, run, Silly sentences: cats 1 My head/ my arm
sleep, wash fly 30. Which words Boy, toy, doll, ball, Boy- toy 1
up ,wake up, rhyme? fly, sky, ten, man,
eat ,fly, take house, mouse
pictures 31. Spot the Boy, girl, cat, dog, How many 1
23. My house Roof, window, door, What’ s this? 1 difference! car, house, balloon, balloons?
floor This is a……. door, window How many
24. Poster of March House, sleep, fly, 1 windows?
paper hat, read, 32. Poster of May Boy, girl, leg, hand, 1
window, cake shoulders
25. The rooms of the Living room, What room is it? 1 33. Bring your toys to Robot, doll, toy car, What is it? 1
house badroom, kitchen, It is the……. school! ball, teddy bear It is a…..
bathroom Go to the…….. Give me the….
26. It’ s Easter time! Egg, Easter, lamb, What is it? 1 34. My Page Name, boy, girl, What is your name? 1
Easter egg, Easter It is a……. fruits, pet, toy, like My name is…
rabbit Bunny, bunny…… How old are you?
Happy Easter! I am..
27. In the park Bench, tree, bike, What is it? 1 What fruits do you
butterfly, slide, It is a…. like?
swing The sun is up…. I like…..
28. Poster of April Bike, Easter, lamb, 1 35. Evaluation 1
Easter egg,

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