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Chem Unit 5electrchemistry Answers

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The potential difference between a standard hydrogen electrode and the (half-) cell (1) all concentrations measured at 1 mol dm3 and any gases are at 1 atm pressure (1) 2 Fluorine or F2 (1) 1



(i) (ii) (iii)

all/listed (1) iodine and bromine (1) This answer is consequential on part (ii) Mix solution of Cr(II) - blue with the oxidising agent given in (ii) (1) goes green and stays green / but does not go orange (1)

1 1





[Ar]3d6 (1) allow 1s2 etc Zn / Iron (1) not the zinc ion or iron ion more negative potential than -0.28V (1) NB this mark must show evidence of use of the data gives +E for reduction reaction (1) consequential on second mark rate too slow / activation energy too high / kinetically stable / allow oxide layer if metal electrode specified (1) non-standard conditions (1) Co(H2O)62+ (1) Example: Co(H2O)62+ + 4Cl CoCl42 + 6 H2O Any valid equation that shows a ligand exchange but begins with Co(H2O)62+ (1) ligand exchange correctly balanced (1)





(i) (ii)





Use E values for reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+ by Zn (E cell = + 1.53V) (1) and Fe2+ to Fe by Zn (Ecell = +0.32V)(1) They have positive E so are feasible (1) NOT will happen OR ALLOW Zn2+/Zn is more negative than both Fe3+/Fe2+ and Fe2+/Fe (1) so zinc is a stronger reducing agent (1) so zinc reducing both is feasible (1)


Reduction of Fe2+ has high activation energy / kinetically stable Mn O4 + 5Fe2+ + 8H+ Mn2+ + 5Fe3+ + 4H2O Species (1) Balance (1) Any state symbols ignored. purple colour of MnO4 lost (1) end point when yellow / colourless solution (1) becomes (permanently) pink (1)





Amount MnO4 in 1st titration = 0.0182 dm3 0.0200 mol dm3 = 3.64 104 mol (1) Amount Fe2+ in original solution = 5 above value = 1.82 103 mol (1) Amount Fe2+ in 2nd titration = amount of Fe2+ and Fe3+ original solution (1) = 0.0253 dm3 0.0200 mol dm3 5 = 2.53 103 mol Amount of Fe3+ in original solution = 0.00253 0.00182 = 7.10 104 mol (1) Amount zinc needed to reduce Fe3+ = 0.000710 = 0.000355 mol Mass of zinc = 0.000355 mol 65.4 g mol1 = 0.0232 g (1) 2,3 or 4 SF Consequential on their moles iron The marks are for the following processes: Either volume of MnO4 to moles of MnO4 (1) Convert to moles of Fe2+ by multiplying either moles of MnO4 by 5 (1) Realising that 2nd titration measures total number of moles of iron (1)) Subtracting to get original moles Fe3+ (1) Going to moles Zn then mass Zn (1) OR Volume MnO4 for Fe3+, which has been reduced by zinc (1) 3rd point = 25.3 cm3 18.2 cm3 = 0.0253 dm3 0.0182 dm3 = 0.0071 dm3 (1) 4th point Amount of MnO4 = 0.0071 dm3 0.0200 mol dm3 = 1.42 104 mol (1) 1st point Amount Fe3+ reduced by zinc = 5 above value = 7.10 104 mol (1) 2nd point Amount zinc needed = 7.10 104 = 3.55 104 mol mass of zinc needed = 3.55 104 mol 65.4 g mol1 = 0.00232 g (1) 5th point [Fe(H2O)6]2+ + H2O [Fe(H2O)5OH]+ + H3O+



H3O+ in equation (1) other ion in equation (1) (Fe 2+) polarises the OH bond in ligand (1) [Fe(H2O)6]3+ more acidic than [Fe(H2O)6]2+ (1) Fe3+ higher charge density than Fe2+ (1) Fe3+ ion if more polarising (1)






The potential (difference) / e.m.f. (of a halfcell) relative to the standard hydrogen electrode (1) Concentrations (of all ions) 1 mol dm3 and (any gases at) pressure 1 atm (1) Ignore any references to temperature One from: Can only measure a potential difference Or So that comparisons can be made between any half cells 5H2O2 + 2MnO4 + 6H+ 5O2 + 2Mn2+ + 8H2O (2) (1) for species (1) for balancing the correct species E reaction = + 0.84 (V) (1) or if just states 0.84, must mention that this is a positive value Fizzing/bubbles (1) (pink) colour lost / stays colourless (1) (end point) solution remains pink / pale purple (1) 2H2O2 2H2O + O2 (1) O (in H2O2) oxidised from 1 to 0 (in O2) (1) O (in H2O2) reduced from 1 to 2 (in H2O) (1)










Fe [Ar] 3d64s2 or 3d64s2 or 3d64s2 or 4s23d6 (1) Fe2+ [Ar] 3d6 or 3d6 or 3d64s0 (1) Letter d must be lower case Any additional letters of numbers (0)


The mark is for the shape

ALLOW bond to H of H2O (except on left side if OH2 is given) IGNORE charge unless incorrect [Fe(H2O)6]2+ + 2OH [Fe(OH)2(H2O)4] + 2H2O OR [Fe(H2O)6]2+ + 2OH Fe(OH)2 + 6H2O OR equations with 2NaOH as reactant and 2Na + as product IGNORE state symbols



Green precipitate / solid foxy-red / red-brown / brown / orange Both colours and precipitate / solid needed NOT darkens N2 + 3H2 /



OR equation with Cl2 Emf of cell / potential difference of cell containing Fe2+ and Fe (1) and standard hydrogen electrode / half cell NOT SHE OR hydrogen electrode and 1 mol dm3 H+ and 1 atm H2 (1) 1 mol dm3 Fe2+ IGNORE temperature Emf of hydrogen electrode is zero stated or implied (e.g. if calculate Ecell = +0.44(V)) (1) Fe + 2H+ Fe2+ + H2 (1) equation stand alone Potential for the reaction is positive so reaction is feasible (1) OR H+ and ()H2 has a more +ve electrode potential than Fe2+ and Fe (1) H+ will oxidise Fe / H+ is an oxidising agent / Fe is a reducing agent for H+ / other correct redox statement (1) Fe + 2H+ Fe2+ + H2 (1) stand alone





High Ea so slow reaction / reactants are kinetically stable IGNORE any mention of non-standard conditions


2Fe3+ + 2I 2Fe2+ + I2 or words E0 = (+) 0.23V (1) So I would reduce Fe3+ / Fe3+ would oxidise I / E0 positive so reaction L R (1) OR reverse argument (2) OR Fe3+ and Fe2+ has a more positive electrode potential than I2 and I (1) I will reduce Fe3+ / Fe3+ will oxidise I (1)




The emf of a half-cell measured relative to the standard hydrogen electrode (1) all solutions at 1 mol dm3 concentration and gases at 1 atm pressure / 101 kPa and at a stated temperature / 298K (1) Standalone mark ALLOW pressure of 100 kPa


Introducing another metal wire would set up its own p.d. / can only measure a potential difference / need source and sink for electrons / voltmeter requires two connections 2Fe(s) + O2(g) + 2H2O(l) 2Fe2+ (aq) + 4OH(aq) or multiples OR 2Fe(s) + O2(g) + 2H2O(l) 2Fe(OH)2 (s) Species (1) balancing (1) Do not allow species mark if electrons still in equation, but allow balancing mark if 4e on both sides E react = (+) 0.84 (V) (1) Greater than zero therefore feasible (1) Zn oxidises preferentially to Fe / Zinc acts as sacrificial (anode) (1) If Sn used (and damaged), Fe oxidises; preferentially (1) Disallow oxidises more readily E Zn2+ / Zn more negative than for Fe OR E Zn / Zn2+ more positive than for Fe OR Ecell for Zn being oxidised by O2 is more positive than for Fe being oxidised by O2 OR similar E arguments related to preferential oxidation with Sn (1) disallow higher or bigger for more negative or more positive










Forms ions which have partially filled d-orbitals OR Forms ions which have a partially filled d-subshell Scandiurn / Sc and Zinc / Zn

1 1




Fe2+ [Ar] 3d6 Mn2+ [Ar] 3d5 (1) for both correct 1


Fe3+ is 3d5 / half filled d-subshell which is more stable than 3d6 (1) Mn2+ is (already) 3d5 (which is more stable than 3d4) (1) 2


Shape (1) Bonding to correct atoms (1) (4) (4)






2 (d) Two As atoms oxidised from +3 to +5 per mole of As2O3 (loss of 4e) (1) if 5 moles oxidised, total 20e Lost / change in oxidation no. = 20 (1) 4 moles MnO4 reduced, total 20e gained / change in oxidation no. 20 each Mn(VII) gains 5e / change in oxidation no. 5 (1) Mn(ll) / Mn2+ (1) NOT standalone mark VO3 + 2H+ / 2H3O+ VO2+ + H2O / 3H2O No because oxidation no. of V is +5 in VO2+ / Oxidation no. of V unchanged (at +5) First green colour : VO2+ and VO2+ (1) Second green colour : V3+ / [V(H2O)6 ]3+ (1) Violet colour : V2+ / [V(H2O)6 ]2+, (1) 3


(i) (ii) (iii)

1 1



3OCl 2Cl + ClO3 (1) chlorine (in OCl) is (simultaneously) oxidised from +1 to +5 (1) and reduced from +1 to 1 (1) If only oxidation numbers given max 1 (out of 2) If oxidation numbers omitted max 1 (out of 2)

3 1



blue / black to colourless


2 no. moles S 2 O 3 used = 12.5 0. 1 / 1000 = 1. 25 103 (1)

no. moles I2 = 1.25 103 / 2 = 6.25 104 (1) no. moles ClO = no. moles 12 (1) no. moles ClO in original 10 cm3 = 10 6.25 104 = 6.25 103 (1) no. moles ClO in 1 dm3 = 100 6.25 103 (1) = 0.625 (iii) mass Cl2 = 0.625 71 = 44.4 (g) mark consequentially on (ii) must be 3s.f. in final answer 5


Cl2 is the stronger oxidising agent because Cl2 oxidises S from (+)2 to (+)6 (1) but l2 oxidises S from (+)2 to (+)2.50 (1) O2 oxidises KI / iodide to l2. or balanced equation (1) ll2 reacts with starch / paper to give blue / black (1)







EITHER E = (+) 0.15 (V) OR E (MnO4/ Mn2+) more positive or greater than E (Cl2 / Cl); accept reverse argument (1) (so) MnO4 reacts with Cl OR Cl ions form Cl2 OR KMnO4 reacts with HCl (1) OR 2MnO4 + 16H+ + 10Cl 2Mn2+ + 8H2O + 5Cl2 (1) E = (+) 0.15(V) (1)


stated colour change of colourless to (pale) pink NOT purple OR stays (pale) pink OR pink to colourless OR first excess of (coloured) manganate((VII)) IGNORE self-indicating IGNORE references to Mn2+



(Multiply iron half-equation by five to) cancel out electrons OR balance electrons


Moles MnO4 =

0.0200 20.10 1000 = 0.000402 mol MnO4 (1)

= 5 0.000402

Moles Fe2+ per 25.0 cm3 = 0.00201 mol Fe2+ (1) Moles Fe2+ per 200 cm3 = 0.00201

200 mol Fe2+ 25 = 0.01608 mol Fe2+ (1)

Mass of FeSO4 . 7H2O = 0.01608 278 = 4.47g or via concentrations (1) Percentage purity =

4.47 100% 6.00 = 74.5% (1) ALLOW 74.7% / 75%

Correct answer + working (5) ALLOW 2 or more sig figs 6.00 , and final answer is incorrect, candidate can If start by dividing 278 access first three marks only. If third step omitted, answer 9.3% OR 9.33% OR 9.4% E = + 1.46 ( 0.13) = ( + ) 1.59 (V) Correct answer alone (1) 5




[H ( aq) ] not 1 mol dm (1) any of these 2+ 3 [Pb ( aq) ] not 1 mol dm (1) the conditions (in the car battery) are not standard (1) PbSO 4 precipitated (1)
+ 3

temperature non-standard alone or not 1 atm pressure alone does not score





uses E values to find Ereaction = (+) 1.57 (V) (1) Reject 1.57 Zn + 2NO3 + 4H+ Zn2+ + 2NO2 + 2H2O (1) Accept equation with equilibrium sign Rejection equation with Zn on the right 2


Ereaction for the production of hydrogen is (+) 0.76 (V) (1) smaller than reaction in (i) so is less likely (1) OR NO3 being the oxidised form of a redox couple with a more positive E than E H+/ H2 (1) is a stronger oxidising agent than H+ (1) 2


hexaaquacopper(II) (1) 2+ OH 2 H2 O Cu OH 2 H2 O OH 2 OH 2

H2 O H2 O OH 2 OH 2

(1) Both marks stand alone [IGNORE charge] [IGNORE how H2O ligand is bonded to central cation] Accept hexaquacopper(II) Reject formula (iv) ligand exchange/replacement/substitution (1) [Cu(H2O)6]2+ + 4Cl OR [Cu(H2O)6]2+ + 4HCl ALLOW Accept H2CuCl4 + 2H+ for CuCl42 + 4H+ CuCl42 + 6H2O (1) CuCl42 + 4H+ + 6H2O (1)

OH 2 OH 2




E for the reaction is 0.39 (V) (so not feasible) [value is required]. Accept Cu2+ being the oxidised form of the redox couple with the more negative E, will not oxidise I


CuI is a solid (so conditions are not standard) (1) Equilibrium is pulled over/moves to favour the r.h.s. (1) Reject just conditions not standard [Cu(NH3)4]+ OR [Cu(NH3)4(H2O)2]+ Accept [Cu(NH3)2]+ Reject [Cu(NH3)6]+ Reject any 2+ complex 1 2



(atmospheric) oxygen (1) oxidises Cu+ to Cu2+ (1) Reject air for oxygen 2



starch (1) blue-black/blue/black to colourless (1) Reject clear for colourless


(If added too early) insoluble complex/black solid formed, making titre too low OR (If added too early) insoluble complex/black solid formed, removes iodine from solution OR (If added too early) insoluble complex/black solid formed, causes inaccurate titre. OR (If added too early) insoluble complex/black solid formed, not all the iodine is titrated. 1



Amount thiosulphate = 0.01655 dm3 0.1 mol dm3 (1) = amount Cu2+ in 25.0 cm3 = 1.655 103 mol (1) amount of Cu2+ in 250 cm3 = 1.655 103 10 (1) mass of Cu (in sample) = 1.655 102 63.5 (1) = 1.051 g % Cu in brass = 1.051 100/1.5 = 70 % (1) [IGNORE sf] [mass of 1.051g with working scores (4); correct answer with no working scores (3).] Mark consequentially




e.m.f. of a half cell relative/compared to a (standard) hydrogen electrode OR voltage produced from a half cell joined to a hydrogen electrode (1) Accept potential (difference) /voltage for emf Accept emf of a cell with standard hydrogen as the left electrode Accept a description of the half cell e.g. a metal dipping into a solution of its ions Reject SHE (solutions at) 1 mol dm3 concentration, (gases at) 1 atm/100 kPa/ 105Pa/ 1 Bar pressure and stated temperature (1) all 3 conditions needed STAND ALONE Accept 101 kPa Accept 298 K or 25 C If any other temperature is quoted it must be as an example of a stated temperature Reject constant pressure STP Reject room temperature Reject just 273 K 2


Can only measure a potential difference/emf (if a reference electrode is present) OR voltmeter needs 2 connections OR Cannot measure the potential difference between a metal and a solution of its ions Reject just electron source and sink Reject to make comparisons between half cells




1st mark (simultaneous) oxidation and reduction of a (single) species/ substance/ reactant/compound/chemical Reject oxidation and reduction occur at the same time Or the oxidation state/number is both increased and decreased of a (single) species/ substance/ reactant/ compound/chemical Reject oxidation states are Or a (single) species/ substance/ reactant/compound/ chemical both loses and gains electrons (1) 2nd mark For a given type of atom within an ion/ molecule Or Illustrated by a suitable example in which the individual atom is identified (1)


2H2O2 2H2O + O2 (1) Reject 2H+ on both sides of equation Ecell = (+) 1.09 (V) (1) Reject greater than any other stated number Ecell is positive/greater than 0 so the reaction is feasible (1) 3rd mark must be cq on sign of Ecell 3


activation energy of the reaction may be high OR reaction too slow to be observed Reject just Not enough energy to overcome the activation energy Reject conditions are non-standard Reject just kinetically stable




The activation energy for the reaction is high or to ensure that more molecules have E Ea. Accept E > Ea Reject to overcome Ea alone Reject reactants kinetically stable; reactants thermodynamically stable



protonates the alcohol (1) Reject as a catalyst alone providing H2O as the leaving group which is more easily displaced by the bromide ion/is a better leaving group than hydroxide (1) OR reacts with NaBr (1) to give HBr (which is the attacking reagent) (1) 2


H-bonding between water and the alcohol not strong enough to overcome hydrophobic interactions /effect of alkyl group (1) acid and alcohol form ionic species/C4H9OH2+ which is more soluble (1) Accept butyl group 2


Removes acid Accept neutralises HCl /HBr Accept neutralises acid


Removes water Accept absorbs water Accept dries the product


Electric heating mantle or sand bath or oil bath (1) Accept water bath Reject heat under reflux Reject no naked flame Reject fume cupboard because the alcohol/reaction mixture/bromobutane is flammable or because the heating is uniform and less likely to crack the flask (1) This mark is conditional on the first being scored. Reject volatile for flammable



QWC EITHER Intermediate (ion) in SN1 is planar (1) Accept intermediate carbocation is a planar molecule intermediate molecule alone loses this mark equal attack (by hydroxide ions) from either side (1) produces a racemic mixture (1) Reject attack by bromide ions Note: Statement that the SN2 mechanism is consistent with the information cannot score any marks. OR SN2 involves attack from one side (1) so configuration of the product would be inverted (1) leading to retention of optical activity so must be SN1 (1) Accept forms one optical isomer only Statement that the reaction is SN1 alone scores zero. Orange green Cr2O72 + 6e + 14H+ 2Cr3+ + 7H2O (1) (3CH3CH(OH)CH2CH3 3CH3COCH2CH3 + 6H+ + 6e) Cr2O72 + 3CH3CH(OH)CH2CH3 + 8H+ 2Cr3+ + 7H2O + 3CH3COCH2CH3 (1) No consequential marking on incorrect equations. Accept C4H9OH and C4H8O Accept equation having non-cancelled H+ ions Reject equation having non-cancelled electrons The broad peak/absorption/trough around 3400 cm1 due to OH (1) Accept 3230 3550 Reject broad transmission has disappeared in the product to be replaced by C=O at 1700 cm1 (1) Accept 1680 1750 If no reference to both groups responsible for the peaks then max (1) OR If no reference to both wavenumbers responsible for the peaks then max (1) 2 2 3








Addition of barium ions pulls equilibrium to r.h.s. (1) increases [H+] and so lower pH/the pH falls (1) stand-alone mark Reject gets more acidic 2


lower pH/pH falls Reject mixture is more acidic for lower pH











(a) (b)


1 1




Fe[Ar] 3d64s2 in either order, allowing superscripts to be subscripts Fe[Ar] 3d6 or 3d64s0 in either order, allowing superscripts to be subscripts Letter d must be lower case Reject any other letters


OH 2 H2O Fe H2O OH 2 OH 2 OR H2O H2O OR H2O H2O Fe 2+ H2O OH 2 OH 2 Fe 2+ OH 2 OH 2 OH 2

OH 2

OH 2


Instead of dotted line

ALLOW bond to H of H2O (accept on left side if OH2 is given) IGNORE charge unless incorrect [Fe(H2O)6]2+ + 2OH [Fe(OH)2(H2O)4] + 2H2O OR [Fe(H2O)6]2+ + 2OH Fe(OH)2 + 6H2O Green precipitate/solid Foxy-red/red-brown/ brown/orange Both colours and precipitate/solid needed Reject just Darkens (b) (i) QWC Emf of cell/ potential difference of cell containing Fe (1) dipping into a 1 mol dm3 Fe2+ solution (1) And standard hydrogen electrode/half cell OR hydrogen electrode and 1 mol dm3 H+ and 1 atm H2 OR description of standard hydrogen electrode (1) IGNORE temperature RejectSHE





QWC Emf of hydrogen electrode is zero stated or implied e.g. if calculate Ecell = +0.44 V (1) Potential for the reaction is positive so reaction is feasible OR Fe half cell has more negative electrode potential OR H+ and ()H2 has a more positive electrode potential (1)


High Ea so slow reaction / reactants are kinetically stable IGNORE any mention of non-standard conditions



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