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BCS Software Development Syllabus

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September 2021 v4.0

This is a United Kingdom government regulated qualification
which is administered and approved by one or more of the
following: Ofqual, Qualifications Wales, CCEA Regulation or SQA.

3. Introduction

4. Qualification Suitability and Overview

4. SFIA Levels

6. Learning Outcomes

7. Syllabus

13. Examination Format

13. Question Weighting

14. Recommended Reading

16. Using BCS Books

Encompassing three core modules, the Level 4 Certificate in IT explores the fundamentals of computer and
network technology, processor architecture, operating and information systems, software development, and

Candidates will gain a solid foundation upon which they will be able to build a career pathway into
information technology. Career opportunities include entry-level positions in the rapidly growing fields of
computer science and software development.

Upon successful completion of this qualification, candidates will be equipped with the knowledge and
understanding to enable them to progress on to a broad range of further development areas such as Big
Data management, software engineering and web application development. Candidates will be prepared to
progress onto the BCS Level 5 Diploma in IT, with the ability to customise their learning pathways based on
their areas of special interest.

Software Development Core Module

The Software Development module is one of three core modules that forms part of the Level 4 Certificate
in IT – the first stage within the BCS three-stage Higher Education Qualification programme. Candidates will
develop an understanding of fundamental concepts of the programming process, consider issues related
to the various phases of software development, and will be introduced to different types of programming

Qualification Suitability and
There are no specific entrance requirements for the Certificate in IT. Candidates can study for this certificate
by attending a training course provided by a BCS accredited Training Provider or through self-study,
although it is strongly recommended that all candidates register with an approved centre. Studying with an
approved centre will deliver significant benefits.

Candidates are required to become a member of BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, to sit and be awarded
the qualifications. Candidates may apply for a four-year student membership that will support them
throughout their studies.

The Level 4 Certificate is suitable for candidates new to the profession who are keen to develop industry-
relevant skills and knowledge, as well as professionals wishing to gain a formal IT qualification. Candidates
taking this module may be interested in career opportunities such as games or mobile app development,
database architecture or webmaster roles.

Total Qualification Time Guided Learning Hours Assessment Time

(Certificate) (Module) (Exam)

734 hours 200 hours 2 hours

SFIA Levels
This award provides candidates with the level of knowledge highlighted within the table, enabling
candidates to develop the skills to operate successfully at the levels of responsibility indicated.

Level Levels of Knowledge Levels of Skill and Responsibility (SFIA)

K7 Set strategy, inspire and mobilise
K6 Evaluate Initiate and influence
K5 Synthesise Ensure and advise
K4 Analyse Enable
K3 Apply Apply
K2 Understand Assist
K1 Remember Follow

This syllabus has been linked to the SFIA Designs, codes, verifies, tests, documents, amends
knowledge skills and behaviours required at Level and refactors simple programs/scripts. Applies
4. agreed standards and tools, to achieve a well-
engineered result. Reviews own work.

Assists in the investigation and resolution of issues
relating to applications. Assists with specified Defines test conditions for given requirements.
maintenance procedures. Designs test cases and creates test scripts and
supporting data, working to the specifications
provided. Interprets, executes and records test
cases in accordance with project test plans.
ICPM2 Analyses and reports test activities and results.
Understands technical publication concepts, tools Identifies and reports issues and risks.
and methods and the way in which these are used.
Uses agreed procedures to publish content. Obtains
and analyses usage data and presents it effectively.
Understands, and applies principles of usability and HCEV3
accessibility to published information. Applies tools and methods to design and develop
users’ digital and off-line tasks, interactions
and interfaces to meet agreed usability and
accessibility requirements for selected system,
product or service components. Creates workable
prototypes. Assists, as part of a team, on overall
user experience design. Assists in the evaluation of
design options and trade-offs. Consistently applies
visual design and branding guidelines.

Further detail around the SFIA Levels can be found at

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, candidates will be able to:

• Distinguish between systems software and application software

• Understand the phases of software development
• Be able to develop and understand algorithms
• Be able to develop code from algorithms in a high-level programming language
• Be able to follow high level code and apply modifications to it
• Develop competence in the techniques of systematic problem analysis, program construction and
• Gain an understanding of the basic concepts of good user-interface design
• Understand and develop test strategies
• Understand the need for quality assurance/security in software development and its operation
• Gain an understanding of the principles of multiple module program construction
• Understand the need for compilers, interpreters, code generators
• Develop a knowledge and understanding of a range of fundamental algorithms

1. Fundamental concepts of the Programming Process

Learners will be able to:

1.1 Explain the nature of information.

Indicative content Guidance

a. Differentiate an algorithm An algorithm describes the steps that must be taken to solve a
from a written specification. given problem that has to be translated into computer code. Coders
will generally employ patterns to determine the translation of an
algorithm design into actual code.

1.2 Design algorithms.

Indicative content Guidance

a. Decompose a problem into Candidates should be able to break down a given practical situation
a set of steps which may be into smaller sections and continue to do this until the problem
executed by a computer. can be expressed in terms of the control structures covered
in 1.3. Candidates should create an independent solution in a
programming language.

1.3 Develop code from an algorithm.

Indicative content Guidance

a. Produce code from an Candidates should be able to express sequence, selection, iteration
algorithm developed from in their chosen programming language. For example, they should
the outcome of the process be able to write if statements, case statements, while loops and for
described in 1.2. loops; the way this is done will vary from language to language.

1.4 Utilise pseudocode and flowcharts.

Indicative content Guidance

a. How these are used in the Pseudocode and flowcharts relate to the way in which algorithms
creation of code in the design can be described. Both techniques are ways of representing
phase sequence, selection and iteration: pseudocode is textual, whereas
b. How these can be written in flowcharts are graphical.
different ways
c. Specific symbols for

2. Phase Specific issues of Software Development

Learners will be able to:

2.1 Explain programming paradigms.

Indicative content Guidance

a. For example: Candidates should be aware of various types of programming,

• Modular/structured including modular programming, OOP and functional programming,
programming which are examples of current practices in software development.
• Object oriented Modular programming requires a program to be broken down into
programming individual modules rather than create a monolithic application
• Functional programming (where the smallest component is the whole), several smaller
modules are written separately so when they are composed
together, they construct the executable application program.
OOP associates data structures with the code that operates on it
and seeks to prevent programmers interacting with data other
than through pre-defined interfaces. Functional programming
represents every action as a function call. Most functional
languages use recursion instead of iteration.

2.2 Describe the objectives and principles of testing, derive test cases from a given specification.

Indicative content Guidance

a. Test-case specification Candidates will be expected to demonstrate an appreciation of the

b. Testing and debugging importance of testing in the software development process. They
strategies including: should be able to describe the terms dry-run, white-box testing and
• Dry-running black-box test. Given an algorithm or a piece of code, they should
• White-box be able to dry run the code or develop a set of inputs/outputs
• Black-box suitable for a complete white or black box test.

2.3 Discuss the need for software documentation and the nature of software documentation in a given

Indicative content Guidance

a. Suitability of documentation Candidates must appreciate the need to document code.
for a given context Such documentation will range from user manuals to in-line
b. Content of software comments in the code. They should be able to understand that the
documentation such as documentation should be written with reference to its potential
GUI descriptions and user: an end-user will expect to see documentation which is
maintenance details relevant to their use of the software, whereas a maintenance
programmer will require more technical details.

2.4 Describe mechanisms for assuring software quality and security within the software development

Indicative content Guidance

a. ISO/IEC 25000 Software should be reliable, secure, efficient and maintainable.
b. Quality models for software Candidates should be able to define each of these terms and
product evaluation describe basic mechanisms for achieving each characteristic, as
covered by the ISO/IEC 25000 standard.

2.5 Discuss a range of new or emerging software technologies.

Indicative content Guidance

a. For example: Candidates should be aware of alternatives to traditional software
• Parallel computing development approaches covered elsewhere in this syllabus
• Quantum computing associated with programming languages and programming
techniques. A general appreciation of current trends in software
development might include techniques to improve computation
speed, such as quantum computing or parallel programming.

3. Introduction to Programming concepts

Learners will be able to:

3.1 Discuss the use of data types and type checking in programming languages.

Indicative content Guidance

a. Numeric and non-numeric Candidates should be able to list basic types such as integer,
b. Elementary and derived floating point, character, Boolean and string. They should also be
c. Subtypes able to distinguish between weak typing, strong typing and type
d. Expressions such as: inference. They should also have an elementary understanding
• Assignments of derived types. They should be able to describe the relationship
• Input/output between types and the operations permitted on those types.
• String handling
• Logical operators

3.2 Discuss the use of callable units in the development of code and write code examples which use
callable units.

Indicative content Guidance

a. Subroutines Callable units allow the programmer to refer to blocks of
b. Procedures commonly-used code. Subroutines and procedures are essentially
c. Functions identical, with ‘procedure’ being the more modern name for a
callable unit which does not return a value but may manipulate
global variables. Functions will return a value. Subroutines,
functions and procedures will accept zero or more parameters.
Calls to functions, subroutines and procedures may be call by value
or call by reference. Candidates are expected to be able to discuss
the difference between these two types of calls.

3.3 Explain the concept of a data structure and illustrate the explanation with reference to commonly
used data structures.

Indicative content Guidance

a. Arrays, lists and tuples Arrays, lists and tuples are data structures that are used to store
b. Implementation of queues, related sequences of data items that can be individually selected
stacks and collections using iteration statements. An item in an array and a list can be
c. Concept of data abstraction changed or replaced. Arrays contain data of the same type. Stacks
and queues are also linear data structures with special built in
properties. Stack is a sequence of data that are inserted and
removed according to the last-in first-out (LIFO) principle. Queue
is a list of data items that are inserted and removed using a first-
in first-out (FIFO) principle. Data abstraction is the reduction of a
particular body of data to a simplified representation of the whole.

3.4 Explain the advances in technology and impact of emerging trends in IS.

Indicative content Guidance

a. Comparative effectiveness of These are different techniques for sorting an unordered set of
algorithms re. computation data contained in a list. The efficiency (also known as ‘the big O’) of
and storage, e.g. bubble sort, a particular sorting technique can be measured and depends on
merge sort and quicksort various factors that candidates need to be aware of.

4. Files

Learners will be able to:

4.1 Describe techniques for storing data in secondary storage.

Indicative content Guidance

a. Creating, storing, and/or Data consumed or output by a program needs to be permanently
retrieving the contents of a stored and there are many ways this is achieved. In particular,
file located on a secondary candidates will need to know how to write code to access files
storage device of data held on a connected device (such as a memory card,
b. Sequential, index-sequential external hard drive). It is also important to be aware of how data
and random-access files is structured to facilitate access to individual items of data or to
c. Text files sequentially read the file using iteration.
d. Semi-formatted files, e.g.
Comma Separated Value
(CSV) files

5. Discuss aspects of user interface design.

Learners will be able to:

5.1 Discuss aspects of user interface design.

Indicative content Guidance

a. User requirements and An important part of user interface design is to gather what the
characteristics of user user requires from an application which the user wants developing.
interfaces This is usually manifested in the User interface which is where
b. Principles and techniques of the user is able to interact with the development of an application.
dialogue control, navigation Therefore the design of the user interface needs to accommodate
and selection the needs of users, but most importantly to provide access to
the underlying functionality of the software. Candidates need to
be aware of the basic principles such as Help and appropriate
dialogue control particularly when relaying information. ‘Keep it
simple, stupid’ (KISS) is a design principle stating that design of a UI
should be as simple as possible to guarantee the greatest levels of
user acceptance and interaction.

6. Role and need for system software

Learners will be able to:

6.1 Discuss the nature and the utility of system software.

Indicative content Guidance

a. Fundamental utilities that System software is necessary to support the developer in many
form the bulk of built-in different ways. All software is built on top of an operating system
system software: and programs are built on top of compilers and interpreters linkers
• Editors supporting different programming languages. An understanding
• Debuggers of software utilities that support the development process such
• Compilers as editors debuggers and Integrated development Environments
• Interpreters (IDEs) is important. Candidates are advised to gain this knowledge
• Linkers from practical experience of using the system software
• Loaders environment they use to write programs. More obvious system
b. Programming languages software – such as operating systems or database management
requiring a virtual machine systems, for example – are important, but candidates only need to
environment to run (e.g. Java) be aware of the role they have in supporting software development.

7. Case studies in problem solving/algorithm analysis

Learners will be able to:

7.1 Develop a software solution to a real-world problem.

Indicative content Guidance

a. Examine a software This section is about giving candidates a chance to practise
application examining a case study or a scenario. The case study or scenario
b. Look at a case study or will set out a problem that candidates have not encountered before
scenario that describes the and ask them to give a solution possibly using code or pseudocode,
problem and the functional i.e. a typical software development problem.

Examination Format
This module is assessed through completion of an invigilated written exam.

Type Two questions from Section A and five questions from Section B
Duration Two hours
Supervised Yes
Open Book No (no materials can be taken into the examination room)
Passmark 10/25 (40%)
Delivery Paper format only

Adjustments and/or additional time can be requested in line with the BCS reasonable adjustments policy
for candidates with a disability or other special considerations.

Question Weighting
Section A and Section B each carry equal marks. Candidates are advised to spend about one hour on
Section A (30 minutes per question) and one hour on Section B (12 minutes per question).
Recommended Reading
Primary texts

Title: Grokking Algorithms

Author: A. Bhargava
Publiser: Manning Publications
Publisher Date: 2015
ISBN: 978-1617292231

Title: The Self-Taught Programmer

Author: C. Althoff
Publiser: Self-Taught Media
Publisher Date: 2017
ISBN: 978-0999685907

Additional texts
Java texts

Title: Data Structures & Algorithms in Java (6th edition)

Author: M. Goodrich, R. Tamassia and M. Goldwasser
Publiser: Wiley
Publisher Date: 2014
ISBN: 978-118771334

Title: Java How to Program (11th edition)

Author: H. Deitel and P. Deitel
Publiser: Pearson
Publisher Date: 2018
ISBN: 978-9353062033

C/C++ texts

Title: Problem solving with C++ (10th edition)

Author: W. Savitch
Publiser: Pearson
Publisher Date: 2018
ISBN: 978-1292222820

Title: C How to program (8th edition)

Author: H. Deitel and P. Deitel
Publiser: Pearson
Publisher Date: 2016
ISBN: 978-0133976892

C# texts

Title: Visual C# How to Program (6th edition)

Author: H. Deitel and P. Deitel
Publiser: Pearson
Publisher Date: 2017
ISBN: 978-1292153469

Title: C# in Depth (4th edition)

Author: J. Skeet
Publiser: Manning Publications
Publisher Date: 2019
ISBN: 978-1617294532

Python texts

Title: Introduction to Python for the Computer and Data Sciences

Author: H. Deitel and P. Deitel
Publiser: Pearson
Publisher Date: 2019
ISBN: 978-0135404676

Title: Data Structures and Algorithms in Python
Author: M. Goodrich, R. Tamassia and M. Goldwasser
Publiser: Wiley
Publisher Date: 2016
ISBN: 978-8126562176

Using BCS Books

Accredited Training Organisations may include excerpts from BCS books in the course materials. If you
wish to use excerpts from the books you will need a license from BCS. To request a license, please contact
the Head of Publishing at BCS outlining the material you wish to copy and its intended use.

Document Change History

Any changes made to the syllabus shall be clearly documented with a change history log. This shall include
the latest version number, date of the amendment and changes made. The purpose is to identify quickly
what changes have been made.

Version Number Changes Made

Version 1.0 Document Creation
July 2021

For further information please contact:

The Chartered Institute for IT
3 Newbridge Square

T +44 (0)1793 417 445

© 2021 Reserved. BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT

All rights reserved. No part of this material protected by this copyright may be reproduced or utilised in any form,
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and
retrieval system without prior authorisation and credit to BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT.

Although BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT has used reasonable endeavours in compiling the document it does not
guarantee nor shall it be responsible for reliance upon the contents of the document and shall not be liable for any
false, inaccurate or incomplete information. Any reliance placed upon the contents by the reader is at the reader’s
sole risk and BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT shall not be liable for any consequences of such reliance.

Copyright © BCS 2021

[BCS Level 4 Certificate in IT Software Development] v1.0

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