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First Quarter

Quarter 1 - SLeM 2: Environmental Health
Week 2


Before starting the module, I want you to set aside other tasks that will disturb you while enjoying the
lessons. Read the simple instructions below to successfully enjoy the objectives of this kit. Have fun!
1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated on every page of this module.
2. Write on your notebook or any writing pad the concepts about the lessons. Writing enhances
learning that is important to develop and keep in mind.
3. Write in your notebook the concepts that you learned. Writing enhances learning and helps you
keep in mind what is important
4. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
5. Let your facilitator/ guardian assess your answers using the answer key.
6. Enjoy studying.

Development Team of the SLeM

Writer/ Writers: Jasmin Petilos

Judy Ann Cuya
Fedie Rodrigo
Format Evaluator: Alvic M. Guiyab
Language Evaluator:
Content Evaluator: Jasmin J. Petilos
Angelita Q. Rilles
Reviewer: Bonifacio M. Pedrera


● Expectations - These are what you will learn after completing the lessons in the module.
● Pre-test - This will measure what you already know about the concepts to be mastered
throughout the lesson.
● Looking back to your Lesson - This section will measure what learnings and skills you gained
from the previous lesson.
● Brief Introduction - This section will give you an overview of the lesson.
● Activities - This is a set of activities you will perform.
● Remember - This section summarizes the concepts and applications of the lessons.
● Check your Understanding - It will check what you have learned from the lessons.
● Post-test - This will measure how much you have learned from the entire module.


At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

1. discuss the nature of environmental issues (H9CE-Ib-d-11);
2. Analyze the effects of environmental issues on people’s health; (H9CE-Ib-d-12) and
3. Suggest ways to prevent and manage environmental health issues. H9CE-Ie-f-13

Directions: Read the questions carefully. Choose the letter and the WORD of the correct
answer on a sheet of paper.

1. What is/are the best practices in maintaining a clean and safe environment?
A. clean up drive C. proper waste management
B. proper waste management D. all of the above

2. It is the excessive sound that causes hearing loss, stress, fatigue, irritability, tension,
headaches, and high blood pressure.
A. air pollution C. soil pollution
B. noise pollution D. air pollution

3. The following are the effects of flash flood, EXCEPT __________.

A. loss of life C. contamination of drinking water
B. degraded watershed D. causes water borne diseases

4. The art and science of maintaining, protecting and improving the health of all
members of the community.
A. Community Health C. Health
B. Environmental Health D. Sociological Health

5. Contamination of drinking water is one of the effects of _________.

A. coral reef degradation C. mining
B. flash floods D. oil spill

Directions: Complete the words by filling in the missing letters. Write your
answer on a sheet of paper.

C __ M __ U __ I __ __ 1. It is defined as a sociological group in a large

place sharing one environment.
__ E __ U __ __ 2. are the dump, food waste or discarded
__ O __ M __ N __ T __ 3. a medical practice of taking care of the
H __ A L __ __ health of all the members of the community
through organized and sustained community
__ S H __ __ 4. waste from cooking and heating fires, as well
as on-site incineration.
G __ R B __ __ E 5. waste from food preparation, cooking, and
serving, market wastes, and waste from
product handling, sale, and storage

Today's most serious environmental issues in the Philippines are as follows:

I. DEFORESTATION The destruction of large areas of forest.

• The Philippines is one of the countries that has lost the most forest cover in the globe.
• It is the fourth most endangered forest hotspot on the planet.
• If current deforestation rates of 157,400 hectares per year continue, our remaining
forest cover will be wiped away in less than 40 years.

II. FLASH FLOOD A flash flood is a large-volume flood that occurs suddenly, generally due
to heavy rain. Illegal logging is said to have had a role in the high death toll in Iligan and
Cagayan de Oro during Sendong 2011. Many victims were swept away by massive logs rolling
down the denuded mountains that faced the two cities.

III. ILLEGAL MINING is the process of extracting rich minerals or other geological elements
from an ore body, lode, vein, seam, or reef in the ground. It forms the mineralized package of
economic interest to the miner in the absence of land rights, mining license, exploration or
mineral transportation permit or of any document that could legitimate the on-going operations.

IV. SOIL EROSION Wind, water, and gravity transport soil and rock from one place to another.

Soil Erosion Causes:

● Deforestation
● Building of Roads
● Urbanization
● Mining
● Agriculture
● from water sports
● from oil tankers with equipment faults
● from drilling works carried out in the sea
● from nature and human activities on land

V. CORAL REEF DEGRADATION is a serious issue all around the world. It has been
estimated that 27% of the world's reefs have been damaged. According to Gardener (2003),
11 percent of the land has been entirely gone, and 16 percent has been harmed.

Coral reefs - are complex underwater ecosystems made up of calcium carbonate

produced by corals.

VI. POLLUTION is any change in the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of
water, air, and/or land resources.


1. AIR POLLUTION is any change in the physical, chemical, or biological

properties of atmospheric air.

2. WATER POLLUTION is defined as any change in a body of water's physical,

chemical, biological, or radiological characteristics that compromises its purity or

3. NOISE POLLUTION an excessive amount of noise that causes hearing loss,

stress, fatigue, irritability, tension, headaches, and high blood pressure.

4. SOIL POLLUTION is primarily caused by chemicals in pesticides for example:

poisons that are used to kill agricultural pests like insects and herbicides that are
used to get rid of weeds. Soil pollution results from unhealthy methods of soil
management and harmful irrigation methods.


Environmental EFFECTS
Deforestation Landslides
Greenhouse effect
Soil erosion
Rivers and dams are being silted up
Denuded upland
Degraded watershed
Coral reefs are being destroyed along the shore
Flash Floods Drinking water contamination
Causes of diseases like Cholera and

other water borne diseases
Loss of life
Destruction of Sewage System
Soil Erosion Difficulty in raising livestock
usage of farmland that isn't productive
silting of man-made lakes
loss of soil vegetation resulting to climate change
Oil Spill Changes in the target species' size structure
Disappearing edible reef fish
Degradation of species richness and diversity
Illegal Mining All living organisms in the water are poisoned
Beautiful coral reefs are being destroyed
Land's barrenness

Environmental Law

Pollution Control is concerned with reducing pollution in the Philippines. Here are some
of the relevant legislation pertaining to environmental and health safety:

P.D. 984 – The Pollution Control Law

P.D. 1067 – Water Code of the Philippines

P.D. 825 – Prohibits improper waste disposal.

P.D. 704 – Preservation of optimum productivity of fishery resources through

conservation and protection.

P.D. 1219 – Providing for the protection of coral ecosystems.

R.A. 8749 – Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 - ensures that a thorough air pollution
management policy is implemented.

P.D. 389 (P.D. 705) – The Forestry Reform Code

- Forestry laws in the country are codified, updated, and raised. It emphasizes the use
of forest resources in a sustainable manner.

P.D. 856 – Sanitation Code - puts responsibility for solid waste management in their
region of production on local government units.

P.D. 463 – Amended the Mining Act of 1936. Requires all mining
Lease holders to comply with Pollution Control Laws and regulations and provide for
penalties for noncompliance.

P.D. 1251 – Imposes fines on tailings and mine wastes and the fund generated is used
to pay for the damages to land, agricultural crops, forests products, aquatic resources
and infrastructures caused by pollution for mining operations.


For the sake of community health, many organizations are collaborating. Their
initiatives are likewise focused on long-term community development. For support and
cooperation, community activities and programs must be organized with the organizations
listed below.

DepEd—Department of Education
DND-- Department of National Defense
DPWH—Department of Public Works and Highways
PIA—Philippine Information Agency
PopCom—Population Commission
DA—Department of Agriculture
DBM -Department of Budget and Management
PMA—Philippine of Medical Association
PNRC—Philippine National Red Cross
DILG- Department of Interior and Local Government
NNC- National Nutrition Council
NEDA- National Economic and Development Authority
PHA- Philippine Hospital Association
DOH-Department of Health

Activity A: Poster Slogan Making

Directions: Make a poster - slogan of a family or the community showing ways to prevent
and manage environmental health issues. You can use any medium/coloring materials in
your poster on a bond paper.

Rubrics for Assessment:

Level Poor Fair Good Excellen

2pts 3pts 4pts t
Graphics Poster Graphics are not Some graphics All graphics are All graphics are
has original original or do are original but original and original and
graphics that not relate to many are related to taking related to taking
clearly relate to taking care of borrowed from care of the care of the
taking care of the the the work of environment. environment. The
environment. environment. friends. Not all poster looks
graphics are professional.
clearly related to
taking care of

Slogan The poster does The poster has Slogan on the Slogan is catchy,
Poster has an not send a a slogan but it poster is very memorable,
original slogan message about does not send a memorable and and strongly
that is memorable taking care of very strong does a good job conveys a
and says a the message about of sending a message about
message about environment. taking care of message about taking care of the
taking care of the the taking care of environment.
environment. environment. the
Neatnes Poster is not Poster is not Poster is neat, Poster is very
s neat or very neat or well well organized, neat, well
Poster is neat, organized. Few organized. More and visually organized and
organized, and details are time could be appealing extremely visually
visually included and it spent on details. overall. with many details
appealing. is not visually included.
Message Message is not Messages are Message is Message is
Message is identified or not written on the written on the clearly written on
clearly written on related to the back of the back of the the back of the
the back of the graphics and poster but do poster and poster and makes
poster and clearly slogan. not clearly relate relates well to an excellent
relates to slogan to the graphics the graphics connection to the
and graphics on and slogan. and slogan. graphics and
the poster. slogan on the

Activity B: What’s the Effect?

Directions: Complete the table by giving the effects of environmental issues on people’s
health. Copy and write your answers on a sheet of paper.

Effects of environmental issues on

Environmental Problems
people’s health

Air Pollution

Water Pollution

Flash Flood

Oil Spill

Illegal Mining


There are existing Philippine Laws that will protect our environment from external
factors. To name a few: Philippine Clean Air Act, Philippine Water Act, and Ecological
Solid Waste Management Act. These laws are implemented to protect our environment.

Let us now check how well you understood our lesson. Answer the following
questions on a sheet of paper.

1. What are the environmental problems in the Philippines?

2. Can you give at least two pertinent laws adhering to environmental safety and health
3. As a youth of your community, what do you think is the importance of having a safe
and clean environment?

Directions: Read the questions carefully. Choose the letter and the WORD of the correct
answer on a sheet of paper.

1. What is/are the best practices in maintaining a clean and safe environment?
A. tree planting activities C. clean up drive
B. proper waste management D. all of the above

2. Program of the Department of Health promotes community health.

A. Community Health C. Health
B. Environmental Health D. Primary Health Care

3. It is the excessive sound that causes hearing loss, stress, fatigue, irritability, tension,
headaches, and high blood pressure.
A. air pollution C. soil pollution
B. noise pollution D. air pollution

4. Suffocation of marine mammals is one of the effects of ______________.

A. deforestation C. flash flood
B. coral reef degradation D. oil spill

5. The following are the effects of Flash Flood, EXCEPT __________.

A. causes water borne diseases C. contamination of drinking water
B. degraded watershed D. causes water borne diseases

6. It is the destruction of big areas of forests.
A. oil spill C. deforestation
B. mining D. coral reef degradation

7. The art and science of maintaining, protecting and improving the health of all
members of the community.
A. Health C. Environmental Health
B. Community Health D. Sociological Health

8. It is the Pollution Control Law.

A. P.D. 1067 C. P.D. 856
B. P.D. 984 D. P.D. 825

9. Contamination of drinking water is one of the effects of _________.

A. mining C. flash flood
B. oil spill D. coral reef degradation

10. It is the Water Code of the Philippines.

A. P.D. 1067 C. P.D. 856
B. P.D. 984 D. P.D. 825


Jose P. Doria, Madonna C. Gonzales, Lawrence Jay Sedilla, Janeth

Cagulang, Raffy Mabiling, Johannsen Yap, and Jorie De la Torre.
(2014). Physical Education and Health 9 (Learner’s Material)

Answer Key

9. C
8. B
7. B
6. C
5. B 5. B
4. D 4. A
3. B 3. B
2. D 2. B
1. D 1. D

Post Test Pre Test


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