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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia: 6 Edition

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Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition 2

Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency

6th edition

Volume I


Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa

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Copyright © 2019. Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency

Full or partial reproduction of this work is allowed provided that the source is cited.
The printing, distribution, reproduction of this work for commercial purposes is prohibited without
the prior and express consent of Anvisa.

Available at: <>

William Dib

Alessandra Bastos Soares
Antônio Barra Torres
Fernando Mendes Garcia Neto
Renato Alencar Porto

General Manager of Drugs and Biological Products

Gustavo Mendes Lima Santos

Pharmacopoeia Coordinator
Arthur Leonardo Lopes da Silva

Elaboration and edition:

Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency SIA Ward 5,
Special Area 57, Lot 200
71205-050 Brasília – DF

Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition

Volume 1

1 PREFACE ......................................................................................................................................... 6
2 HISTORY ......................................................................................................................................... 8
3 BRAZILIAN PHARMACOPOEIA.................................................................................................. 9
4 MISCELLANEOUS ....................................................................................................................... 24
5 GENERAL METHODS .................................................................................................................. 23
5.1 METHODS APPLIED TO PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS ...................................... 23
5.2 PHYSICAL AND PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL METHODS ......................................................... 23
5.3 CHEMICAL METHODS ............................................................................................................ 23
5.4 METHODS OF PHARMACOGNOSIS ..................................................................................... 23
5.6 IMMUNOCHEMICAL METHODS ........................................................................................... 92
5.8 GENERAL METHODS APPLIED TO MEDICINAL GASES ................................................ 103
6 CONTAINERS FOR MEDICINES AND CORRELATES ......................................................... 108
6.1 GLASS CONTAINERS ............................................................................................................. 108
6.2 PLASTIC CONTAINERS ......................................................................................................... 115
7 REAGENTS .................................................................................................................................. 157
7.1 INDICATORS AND TEST SOLUTIONS ................................................................................ 157
7.2 REAGENTS AND REAGENT SOLUTIONS .......................................................................... 172
7.3 VOLUMETRIC SOLUTIONS .................................................................................................. 306
7.4 BUFFERS .................................................................................................................................. 315
8 GENERAL INFORMATION ....................................................................................................... 321
8.1 STERILE PRODUCTS .............................................................................................................. 322
8.3 RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS ................................................................................................ 399
8.5 WATER FOR PHARMACEUTICAL USE .............................................................................. 424
8.6 CHEMICAL REFERENCE SUBSTANCES ............................................................................ 436
8.7 COLORING AGENTS .............................................................................................................. 438
8.8 MEDICAL GASES .................................................................................................................... 453
BIOPHARMACEUTICAL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM ..................................................... 461
8.10 ALTERNATIVE MICROBIOLOGICAL ASSAYS ............................................................... 465

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition

ATOMIC MASSES..................................................................................................................... 475

ANNEX B – INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM (SI) UNITS ............................................................... 480
ANNEX C – SOLVENTS FOR CHROMATOGRAPHY .............................................................. 486
ANNEX D – ALCOHOLOMETRY ................................................................................................ 488

Volume 2


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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition PR-00


Brazilian Pharmacopoeia (FB) is the national pharmaceutical compendium that establishes, via
pharmacopoeial texts (chapters, methods and monographs), the minimum requirements for quality,
authenticity and purity of pharmaceutical ingredients, drugs and other products subject to sanitary
regulation. Failure to fully complying with the pharmacopoeial requirements may result in the product
being classified as altered, adulterated or inappropriate for use, under the terms of Law 6.360/76, with
those responsible incurring the sanctions and measures established in Law 6.437/77.

Therefore, FB is in charge of establishing the parameters of acceptability of the products made

available to the Brazilian population, serving as an essential foundation for the achievement of health
control and surveillance actions.

As technical-scientific development, by its very nature, is very dynamic and fast-moving, it is crucial
that we have a pharmacopoeial compendium that fits simultaneously into pharmaceutical innovations.
Since the 5th edition of FB, published on November 23, 2010, the Deliberative Council of the
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia (CDFB) has been working day-to-day in the fulfillment of its mission to
keep FB constantly updated.

The 1st errata of the 5th edition of the FB (RDC 18/2012) was published In 2012 with some specific

In 2016, RDC 59, on February 03, and RDC 101, on August 12th, were published, thus approving
the First Supplement of the FB 5th edition. This supplement comprised 63 pharmacopoeial texts, 8
general texts/methods, 7 of which were unpublished, and 55 monographs, of which 38 were
unpublished. This edition increased the number of FB monographs by about 10%, and covered
monographs on synthetic drugs (16, 6 unpublished), biological drugs (15, being 12 unpublished),
blood components/blood derivatives (7 unpublished) and pharmaceutical ingredients (17, 13 of which
were unpublished). This publication highlights the incorporation of 6 general methods harmonized
within the scope of the Mercosur Pharmacopoeia (Common Market Group).

In 2017, RDC 167 of 24 July was published, which approved the Second Supplement of the FB 5th
edition. This supplement comprised 262 pharmacopoeial texts, 12 chapters and general methods, 8 of
which were unpublished, and 247 monographs, of which 176 were unpublished. This edition raised
the number of FB monographs by about 25%, and covered monographs on medical devices (03
unpublished), medical gases (02 unpublished), radiopharmaceuticals (03 unpublished), blood
components (05 unpublished), synthetic drugs (11 new), biological drugs (18, 5 new), pharmaceutical
ingredients (61, 58 new) and medicinal plants (147, 89 new). It is worth noting that the 58 monographs
on medicinal plants from the 5th edition of the FB were duly revised, and there was also an increase
of about 150% in the number of monographs in this class of products, fostering the development of
products of plant origin and valuing the native flora. Still, in an unprecedented action, this supplement
comprises the two prime monographs, and the respective chapter and general methods, of medical
gases, a drug class not covered by FB yet.

In 2018 there was already content for a new supplementary update, with 15 new monographs of
synthetic drugs (07), medical gases (02), active ingredient (01), medicinal plants (02), biological
product (01) and radiopharmaceuticals (02). The desire to maintain a perennial annual update process
was moderated by the urgent need to review and update the hundreds of pharmacopoeial texts in the
5th edition.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition PR-00

Accordingly, FB Deliberative Council decided to conduct a broad review process, which culminated
in this FB 6th edition. This 6th edition comes with a new and modern visual identity, compatible with
the relevance of this work, combined with a 100% digital publication.

Here, it is vital to praise the outstanding commitment of the Thematic Technical Committees (CTT)
in carrying out such undertaking, which, despite the tight deadline, concluded the mission with

Finally, we highlight Anvisa's support in promoting this work, in particular to the Pharmacopoeia
Coordination (Cofar) team, whose dedication and extreme care were essential.

Varley Dias Sousa

President of CDFB

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition HT-00



Brazil, as a Portuguese domain, used as its official pharmaceutical code the General Pharmacopoeia
of the Kingdom and Domains, published in 1794, and reprinted in 1824. In 1837 the French Codex
Medicamentarius was also accepted in Brazil. On September 29, 1851, the Decree 828 established
the French Codex Medicamentarius as the official compendium of Brazil, in addition to the
recognition of the Portuguese Pharmacopoeia. On January 19, 1882, Decree 8387, and on December
31, 1923, Decree 16,300 reaffirmed the primacy and authority of the French Pharmacopoeia.

The 1st edition of the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia was approved on November 04, 1926, by Decree
17.509. This 1st edition was updated in 1943 – 1st supplement – (Ordinance nr 42, of March 2nd), in
1945 – 2nd supplement – (Ordinance nr 24, of April 14) and in 1950 – 3rd supplement – (Ordinance
nr 39, of June 13).

The 2nd edition of the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia was approved in 1955 (Decree 37,843, of September
1st), and had updates and modifications in 1959 (Decree 45,502, of February 27th), with the
separation of pharmaceutical formulations from the Pharmacopoeia at that time, thus emerging the
National Form.

The 3rd edition of the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia was approved in 1976 (Decree 78,840, of 25

The 4th edition of the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia (Part I) was approved in 1988 (Decree 96,607, of 30
August). Part II was published in fascicles in 1996 (first), 2000 (second), 2002 (third), 2003 (fourth),
2004 (fifth) and 2005 (sixth).

The 5th edition of the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia was approved in 2010 (Resolution of the Collegiate
Board – RDC 49, of November 23). In 2012, the 1st erratum was approved (RDC 18, of March 23).
The 5th edition was further complemented by the 1st Supplement in 2016 (RDC 59/2016 and RDC
101/2016) and by the 2nd Supplement in 2017 (RDC 167/2017).

Without further details, we have here a brief time recap of the evolution of this National Compendium.

Varley Dias Sousa

President of CDFB

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition FB-00




JOÃO GILVAN ROCHA 4th edition - Part I




Universidade Federal de Sergipe - UFS


Instituto Nacional de Controle de Qualidade em Saúde – INCQS/FIOCRUZ


Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa


Universidade Federal de Goiás – UFG


Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares – IPEN


Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS


Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – UFSM


Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – UFMG


Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition FB-00


Universidade Federal do Amapá – UNIFAP


Conselho Federal de Farmácia – CFF


Confederação Nacional da Indústria – CNI


Universidade Federal Fluminense – UFF


Ministério da Saúde – MS


Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE


Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa


Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa


Sindicato da Indústria de Produtos Farmacêuticos no Estado de São Paulo – Sindusfarma


Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovações e Comunicações – MCTIC


Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa


Universidade de São Paulo – USP

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition FB-00



Specialists in Health Regulation and Surveillance



Administrative technician


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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition FB-00




POLICY ON MEDICINAL PLANTS AND Câmara Brasileira de Diagnóstico Laboratorial


Coordinator Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa
Universidade Federal do Amapá – UNIFAP
Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa


Fundação Oswaldo Cruz – FIOCRUZ Instituto Nacional de Controle de Qualidade
Universidade de São Paulo – USP
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – UFSM
Universidade de São Paulo – USP
LUIZ ANTONIO BATISTA DA COSTA Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa
Faculdades Pequeno Príncipe
NILTON LUZ NETTO JÚNIOR Associação da Indústria Farmacêutica de
Secretaria de Estado de Saúde do Distrito Pesquisa – Interfarma
Federal – SES/DF
Ministério da Saúde – MS
IRENE SATIKO KIKUCHI – Universidade de Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa
São Paulo Coordinator – USP
ADRIANA BUGNO Universidade de São Paulo – USP
Instituto Adolfo Lutz – IAL



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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition FB-00

Sindicato da Indústria de Produtos CLÉSIO SOLDATELI PAIM

Farmacêuticos no Estado de São Paulo – Universidade Federal do Pampa – Unipampa
Universidade Estadual Paulista – UNESP
Sindicato da Indústria de Produtos
JACQUELINE DE SOUZA – Coordinator at Farmacêuticos no Estado de São Paulo –
Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto – UFOP Sindusfarma


Universidade de São Paulo – USP Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa


Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro –
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – NADIA MARIA VOLPATO
UFMG Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul –
Instituto de Ciências Farmacêuticas – ICF
Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa PEDRO JOSÉ ROLIM NETO – Coordinator
at Universidade Federal de Pernambuco –
Universidade de São Paulo – USP
TERESA CRISTINA TAVARES DALLA Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul –
Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa


Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – UFSM
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – Associação Brasileira dos Distribuidores e
UFRGS Importadores de Insumos Farmacêuticos –
Ministério da Defesa


Universidade Federal do Pará – UFPA

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition FB-00


Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – Air Products
ALBERTO JOSÉ CAVALHEIRO Universidade Anhanguera
Universidade Estadual Paulista – UNESP


Universidade Federal do Paraná – UFPR HEMODERIVATIVES


Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa at Universidade Federal Fluminense – UFF


Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – Universidade Federal do Paraná – UFPR
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE
LUZIA FRANCO TOSCHI Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa
Associação Brasileira das Empresas do Setor
Ministério da Saúde
Universidade Federal do Amazonas – UFAM MARISA COELHO ADATI
Instituto Nacional de Controle de Qualidade
CRISTIANE RODRIGUES AUGUSTO – Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa
Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Qualidade e SEVERINO BORBA DE ANDRADE
Tecnologia - INMETRO Fundação de Hematologia e Hemoterapia de
Pernambuco – HEMOPE
Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas –


Air Liquide Brasil Coordinator
Universidade Federal Fluminense – UFF
Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition FB-00


Universidade Federal do Ceará – UFC Universidade Federal do Ceará – UFC


Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – SOBESTIANSKY
UFRJ Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa


Farmácia e Laboratório Homeopático Almeida Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul –
Prado Ltda UFRGS


Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de MICROBIOLOGY
Janeiro – UNIRIO
VASCONCELOS Universidade Federal de Goiás – UFG
Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa
MARCELO CAMILO MORERA Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa
Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa
Associação dos Farmacêuticos Proprietários de Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE
Farmácias do Brasil – AFPFB
Biolab Farmacêutica
Universidade Federal de Goiás – UFG
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE BONATTO
Universidade Federal de Sergipe - UFS Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa


Laboratório Central de Saúde Pública de VISUAL IDENTITY
Pernambuco – LACEN/PE
Cristália Produtos Químicos Farmacêuticos Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do
Norte – UFRN
Universidade Federal de Goiás – UFG

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition FB-00

ANTÔNIO BASÍLIO PEREIRA Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro –

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – UFRJ
Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa
GERSON ANTÔNIO PIANETTI Associação Nacional de Farmacêuticos
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – Magistrais – ANFARMAG
Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto – UFOP Faculdades Oswaldo Cruz


Fundação Oswaldo Cruz – FIOCRUZ MENDES
Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa


PRODUCTS Universidade Federal do Paraná – UFPR




Instituto de Tecnologia do Paraná – TECPAR Coordinator
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e
Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa
LILIA RIBEIRO SERÓDIO Institute of Nuclear Engineering – IEN-CNEN
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz – FIOCRUZ
MARCO ANTÔNIO STEPHANO Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio
Universidade de São Paulo – USP Grande do Sul – PUCRS


Eli Lilly do Brasil Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa


Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – BARBOZA
UFRJ Hospital Albert Einstein


COMPOUNDED AND OFFICINAL Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e
PRODUCTS Nucleares – IPEN-retired


Universidade de São Paulo – USP


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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition FB-00


Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – UFSM
Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia MARIA DO CARMO VASQUEZ GARCIA
Nuclear– CDTN Instituto Nacional de Controle de Qualidade


Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro –
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul –

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition FB-00



Universidade Estadual de Campinas – Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais –
Unicamp UFMG


OLIVEIRA Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais –
Universidade Estadual de Campinas – UFMG
Universidade Federal do Ceará – UFC Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul –
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE ANTÔNIO CÉSAR SILVA MALLET
Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa
ALEXSANDRO BRANCO Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE
Universidade Federal da Bahia – UFBA
ALINI DAL CORTIVO LANGE Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul –
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE
Universidade Estadual de Campinas – BERNARDO LUIZ MORAES MOREIRA
Unicamp Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa


Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro –


Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – Universidade Franciscana – UFN
ANA LUCIA ABOY Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul –
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS
ANA MARIA FREIRE TOVAR Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais –
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFMG
ANDREA REZENDE TAKARA Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa
Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition FB-00


Universidade de Brasilia – UnB Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa


PEREIRA Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro –
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – UFRJ
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais –


Universidade de São Paulo – USP Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa


Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais –
Universidade Franciscana – UFN DOUGLAS FERNANDO RAMBO
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul –
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul –
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais –
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE
CÁSSIA VIRGINIA GARCIA Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul –
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS
CATIA INES COSTA Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa
Instituto Nacional de Controle de Qualidade
Faculdade Pernambucana de Saúde – FPS
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – FERNANDA LINS BRANDÃO MÜGGE
UFMG Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais –
Universidade Franciscana – UFN FERNANDA SMIDT LARA RESENDE
Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – FLÁVIA CAROLINA LINS DA SILVA
UFMG Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco –
Universidade Franciscana – UFN

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition FB-00


Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – GONÇALVES
UFMG Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais –
Universidade de São Paulo – USP JAIMARA AZEVEDO OLIVEIRA
Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – JAISON CARLOSSO MACHADO
UFRGS Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul –
Linde Gases Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE


LIBBS Laboratory Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense –
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – JANE MANFRON BUDEL
UFMG Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa –
Universidade Paulista – UNIP JAQUELINE RUBENICK
Universidade Franciscana – UFN
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – JÉSSICA CAMILLE DE ASSIS
UFMG Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais –
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais –


Centro Universitário Unieuro – UNIEURO Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul –
Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa JOÃO CARLOS PALAZZO DE MELLO
Universidade Estadual de Maringá – UEM
Universidade Estadual de Campinas – JOSÉ ÂNGELO SILVEIRA ZUANAZZI
Unicamp Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul –
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais –

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition FB-00


Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – Universidade Franciscana – UFN
Escola Superior de Ciências da Saúde – ESCS Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE


Universidade Federal da Paraiba – UFPB Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa


SOUZA Universidade Franciscana – UFN
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE
JULIA BIJOLDO Universidade de Brasilia – UnB
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul –
Universidade Federal do Pampa –
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais –
Escola Superior de Ciências da Saúde – ESCS
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE MÁRCIA VIGNOLI DA SILVA
Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul –
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE
Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa MARCOS ROBERTO DOS SANTOS
Universidade Franciscana – UFN
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE MARGARETH MIE MATSUDA
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul –
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE
Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa MARIA APARECIDA AFFONSO BOLLER
Instituto Nacional de Controle de Qualidade
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul –
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais –
Universidade de Brasilia – UnB

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition FB-00


AMARAL Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa
Universidade Estadual de Campinas –
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul –
Universidade Católica de Brasília – UCB MIRIAM ANDERS APEL
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul –
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul –
MARIANA SÁ PEREIRA Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro –
Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora – UFJF
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – NÁGILA BARBOSA
UFRGS Universidade Franciscana – UFN


Universidade Estadual de Campinas – Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais –
Unicamp UFMG


Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – Universidade de Brasilia – UnB
MARINA ROCHA Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul –
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – UFRGS
MARTIN STEPPE Johnson & Johnson
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul –
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais –
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul –
Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto – UFOP
Universidade Nacional de Rosario, Argentina NINA VALÉRIA MACHADO CAPILLÉ
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro –
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais –
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina –
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul –

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition FB-00


Associação Brasileira da Indústria Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa
Farmoquímica e de Insumos Farmacêuticos –
PATRÍCIA FERNANDA MONTEIRO Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco –
Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto – UFOP UFRPE


Universidade Franciscana – UFN REZENDE
Universidade Estadual de Campinas –
Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa
PAULA ROCHA CHELLINI Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul –
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – UFRGS
PEDRO HENRIQUE CALVACANTI Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul –
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais –
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais –
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais –
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais –
Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE Universidade Estadual de Campinas –
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – ROSIMAR LEITEMBERG DA SILVEIRA
UFRGS Universidade Franciscana – UFN


Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais –
Laboratório Farmacêutico de Pernambuco –
Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition FB-00


Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa


Universidade do Vale do Itajaí – UNIVALI


Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais –


Universidade Franciscana – UFN


Universidade Federal do Paraná – UFPR


Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais –

Universidade Estadual de Campinas –


Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE


Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition GN-00



The full title of this work is “Pharmacopoeia of the Federative Republic of Brazil, 6th edition”. It may
be called “Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition” or FB 6.


Action, use and doses

The ones contained in the report for registration of the product at the sanitary agency, updated through
a national and international bibliographic review, when applicable.

When indicated in the monographs, the doses represent the amount of medication usually prescribed¸
that has therapeutic efficacy for adult patients. The qualified prescriber, at his discretion and under
his sole responsibility, considering pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic criteria, may vary the
amounts and administration frequency of any medication. However, the prescription of doses much
higher than the usual ones, established in the literature, leads the pharmacist to confirm, with the
prescriber of the prescription, the established doses.

Acidity and alkalinity - quick tests

A solution is considered neutral when it does not change the color of the blue and red litmus papers,
or when the universal indicator paper shows the colors of the neutral scale, or when 1 mL of the same
solution is colored green with a drop of bromothymol blue TS (pH 7.0).

It is considered acidic when the blue litmus paper is stained red or 1 mL is stained yellow by a drop
of phenol red TS (pH 1.0 to 6.6).

It is considered weakly acidic when the blue litmus paper is slightly stained red or 1 mL is stained
orange by a drop of methyl red TS (pH 4.0 to 6.6).

It is considered strongly acidic when the Congo red paper is stained blue or 1 mL is stained red by
the addition of a drop of methyl orange TS (pH 1.0 to 4.0).

It is considered alkaline when the red litmus paper is stained blue or 1 mL is stained blue by a drop
of bromothymol blue TS (pH 7.6 to 13.0).

It is considered weakly alkaline when the red litmus paper is stained blue or 1 mL is stained pink by
a drop of cresol red TS (pH 7.6 to 8.8).

It is considered strongly alkaline when stained blue by a drop of thymolphthalein TS (pH 9.3 to 10.5)
or red by a drop of phenolphthalein TS (pH 10.0 to 13.0).


It is the system designed to produce a systemic effect by diffusing the active principle(s) at a constant
rate/speed for an extended period of time.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition GN-00

Water for Injections

Water for injections is the liquid used in the preparation of drugs for parenteral administration, as a
vehicle, or in the dissolution and dilution of substances or preparations.

Water for pharmaceutical purposes

Water for pharmaceutical purposes is the various types of water used in the synthesis of drugs, in the
formulation and production of drugs, in testing laboratories, diagnostics and other applications related
to the health area, including as a main component in the cleaning of utensils, equipment and systems.

Purified water

Purified water is drinking water that has undergone some type of treatment to remove possible
contaminants and meet the purity requirements established in the monograph.

Ultrapure water

Ultrapure water is purified water that has undergone additional treatment to remove potential
contaminants and meet the purity requirements established in the monograph.

Aromatic waters

They are saturated solutions of essential oils or other aromatic substances in water. They have a
characteristic smell of the substances they are prepared with, also receiving their name.

Water bath and steam bath

It is a boiling water bath, unless the monograph specifies another temperature. The expressions hot
water and very hot water indicate approximate temperatures between 60ºC and 70ºC and between
85ºC and 95ºC, respectively. Steam bath means exposure to flowing steam or another form of heat,
corresponding in temperature to that of flowing steam.


It indicates the speed and extent of absorption of an active ingredient in a dosage form, based on its
concentration/time curve in the systemic circulation or its excretion in the urine.


It consists of proving pharmaceutical equivalence between products presented under the same
pharmaceutical preparation, containing identical qualitative and quantitative composition of active
principle(s), and which have comparable bioavailability, when studied under the same experimental

Tank truck

Vehicle containing a large-sized affixed container for transporting cryogenic liquids.


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It is the solid pharmaceutical preparation in which the active ingredient and excipients are contained
in a hard or soft soluble envelope, of varying shapes and sizes, usually containing a single dose of the
active ingredient. It is usually made of gelatin, but it can also be made of starch or other substances.

Hard capsule

It is the capsule that consists of two prefabricated cylindrical sections (body and cap) that fit together
and whose ends are rounded. It is typically filled with active ingredients and excipients in solid form.
It is usually made of gelatin, but it can also be made of other substances.

Prolonged release hard capsule

It is the capsule that consists of two prefabricated cylindrical sections (body and cap) that fit together
and whose ends are rounded. It is typically filled with active ingredients and excipients in solid form.
It is usually made of gelatin, but it can also be made of other substances. See general definition of
prolonged release.

Delayed release hard capsule

It is the capsule that consists of two prefabricated cylindrical sections (body and cap) that fit together
and whose ends are rounded. It is typically filled with active ingredients and excipients in solid form.
It is usually made of gelatin, but it can also be made of other substances. See general definition of
delayed release.

Soft capsule

It is a capsule made of a gelatin shell, of various shapes, which is more malleable than that of hard
capsules. They are usually filled with liquid or semi-solid contents, but can also be filled with powders
and other dry solids.

Prolonged release soft capsule

It is a capsule made of a gelatin shell, of various shapes, which is more malleable than that of hard
capsules. They are usually filled with liquid or semi-solid contents, but can also be filled with powders
and other dry solids. See general definition of prolonged release.

Delayed release soft capsule

It is a capsule made of a gelatin shell, of various shapes, which is more malleable than that of hard
capsules. They are usually filled with liquid or semi-solid contents, but can also be filled with powders
and other dry solids. See general definition of delayed release.


Chemical Abstract Service.

Medicinal tea

It consists exclusively of herbal drugs intended for oral aqueous preparations by means of decoction,
infusion or maceration. The tea is prepared immediately before use.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition GN-00

Gas cylinder

It is the metallic container, perfectly closed, with resistant walls designed to contain gas under
pressure, closed by an adjustable valve capable of maintaining the gas output at a determined flow

Gas cylinder for medical use

Transportable and pressurized container with a capacity measured in water volume not exceeding 150


Normal temperature and pressure.

Eye drops

It is a liquid pharmaceutical preparation intended for application over the ocular mucosa.

Total lyophilized human prothrombin complex

It is a fraction of plasmatic proteins that mandatorily contains Factors II, VII, IX and X of the human


It is a solid pharmaceutical preparation containing a single dose of one or more active principles, with
or without excipients, obtained by compressing uniform volumes of particles. It can be of a wide
variety of sizes, shapes, have surface markings, and be coated or uncoated.

Modified release tablet

It is the tablet that has a modified release dosage. It should be classified as modified release only
when the classifications “delayed release” and “prolonged release” are not adequate.

Prolonged release tablet

It is the tablet whose excipients are specifically intended to modify the release of the active ingredient
in digestive fluids. See definition of prolonged release.

Effervescent tablet

It is the tablet that contains, in addition to the active ingredients, acidic substances and carbonates or
bicarbonates, which release carbon dioxide when the tablet is dissolved in water. It is intended to be
dissolved or dispersed in water prior to administration.

Chewable tablet

It is the tablet formulated so that it can be chewed, producing a pleasant aftertaste in the oral cavity.

Orodispersible tablet

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It is the tablet that quickly disintegrates or dissolves when placed on the tongue.

Mouthwash tablet

It is the tablet that must be dissolved in water to prepare the mouthwash, which is a liquid for mouth
rinsing that acts on the gums and mucous membranes of the mouth and throat. It must not be

Tablets for dissolution

It is intended to be dissolved in water prior to administration. The preparation produced can be slightly
turbid due to the excipients used in the tablet manufacturing.

Tablets for suspension

It is the tablet that, when in contact with a liquid, quickly produces a homogeneous dispersion
(suspension) and must be dispersed before administration.

Coated tablet

It is the tablet that has one or more thin coating layers, usually polymeric, designed to protect the drug
from air or humidity; for drugs with unpleasant odor and taste; to improve the appearance of the
tablets, or for some other property other than altering the speed or extent of the active ingredient

Prolonged release coated tablet

It is the tablet that has one or more thin coating layers, usually polymeric, designed to modify the
speed or extent of release of the active ingredients. See general definition of prolonged release.

Delayed release coated tablet

It is the tablet that has one or more thin coating layers, usually polymeric, designed to modify the
speed or extent of the release of the active ingredients, presenting a delayed release of the active
ingredient. See definition of delayed release.

Uncoated tablet

It is the tablet in which excipients used are not specifically intended to modify the release of the active
ingredient in digestive fluids.

Quality control

It is the set of measures designed to guarantee, at any time, the production of batches of drugs and
other products that meet the standards of identity, activity, content, purity, efficacy and safety.


They are additional substances to drugs, diet products, cosmetics, perfumes, hygiene products and
similars, household sanitizers and similars, to give them color and, in certain types of cosmetics,
transfer it to the skin surface and skin appendages. For its use, observe the Federal legislation and the
resolutions issued by Anvisa.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition GN-00

Surgical materials

Health product, such as equipment, apparatus, material, article or system for medical, dental or
laboratory use or application, intended for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation or
contraception and which does not use pharmacological, immunological or metabolic means to carry
out its main function in human beings being able, however, to be aided in its functions by such means.


Products for external use; intended for the protection or beautification of different parts of the body,
such as facial powders; body powders; beauty creams; hand cream and similars; face masks; beauty
lotions; milky, creamy and astringent solutions; hand lotions; make-up foundation and cosmetic oils;
blushes; lipsticks; lip balms; sunscreens; tanning lotions; mascaras; eye shadows; eyeliners; hair dyes;
hair bleaching agents; hair curling and straightening preparations; hair fixatives; hairspray; shining
hair gels and similars; hair lotions; depilation and epilation products; nail preparations and others.


It is the semi-solid pharmaceutical preparation that consists of an emulsion, formed by a lipophilic

phase and a hydrophilic phase. It contains one or more active ingredients dissolved or dispersed in an
appropriate base and is normally used for external application to the skin or mucous membranes.

Cryoprecipitates from fresh human plasma

They are constituted by cold-insoluble fractions containing mainly Factors I (140 to 250 mg) and VIII
(70 to 120 IU) of human coagulation per unit of human blood collection. Other coagulation factors
are also found in lower concentrations with cryoprecipitate such as Von Willebrand Factor (40 to
70%) and Factor XIII (20 to 30%).

Brazilian Common Denomination (DCB)

It is the name of the drug or pharmacologically active ingredient approved by the federal agency
responsible for health regulation. it also includes the names of inactive ingredients, hyperimmune
serums and vaccines, radiopharmaceuticals, medicinal plants, homeopathic and biological substances.

International Non-proprietary Names (INN)

It is the name of the drug or pharmacologically active ingredient, recommended by the World Health

Mass density and relative density

Mass density (r) of a substance is the ratio of its mass to its volume at 20°C. The usually adopted
relative density (ρ) is defined as the ratio between the mass of a substance in the air at 20°C and the
mass of an equal volume of water at the same temperature.


Products designed to indiscriminately or selectively destroy microorganisms when applied to

inanimate objects or environments.

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Products designed to dissolve fats; the hygiene of containers and canisters and domestic applications.

Blood Donors

Healthy and carefully selected individuals who, after medical examinations, laboratory blood tests
and study of their medical history, are free of transmissible infectious agents can be accepted and
used to collect their whole blood or their cellular or plasma fractions for prophylactic purposes,
dressings or fractionation.

Sugar coated tablets

Tablets coated with layers consisting of mixtures of different substances, such as natural or synthetic
resins, gums, gelatins, inactive and insoluble materials, sugars, plasticizers, polyols, waxes,
authorized colorants and, sometimes, flavorings and active ingredients.

Drug of natural origin

They are obtained from living beings such as plants, bacteria, algae, fungi, lichens, animals, and
minerals, which contain substances or classes of substances responsible for a therapeutic action and/or
pharmaceutical purpose. The drug is specified by the part used and the scientific name (species,
variety where applicable, and author(s)).

Herbal drugs

Herbal drugs are whole plants or their parts, usually dry, unprocessed, either whole or fragmented.
Exudates such as gums, resins, mucilage, latex and waxes that have not been subject to specific
treatment are also included.


It is a pharmaceutical preparation for oral use, liquid, clear, hydroalcoholic, with a sweet and pleasant
taste. Elixirs are prepared by simple dissolution and must be stored in amber colored flasks and kept
in a cool place protected from light.


It is the wrapping, container or any form of packaging, removable or not, intended to cover, package,
fill, protect or maintain, specifically or not, medicines, drugs, pharmaceutical and related ingredients,
cosmetics, sanitizers and other products.

Primary packaging

It is the one that maintains direct contact with its content. Examples of primary packaging: ampoule,
tube, envelope, case, flacon, glass or plastic flask, ampoule flask, cartridge, can, pot, paper bag,
among others. There must be no interaction whatsoever between the primary packaging material and
its contents capable of altering the concentration, quality or purity of the packaged material.

Secondary packaging

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition GN-00

It is the one that allows total protection of the packaging material under the usual conditions of
transport, storage and distribution. Examples of secondary packaging: cardboard boxes, cardboard
cartridges, wood or plastic material or cardboard case and others.


It is the semi-solid pharmaceutical preparation for external application. It consists of an adhesive base
containing one or more active ingredients distributed in a uniform layer on an appropriate support
made of synthetic or natural material. Intended to keep the active ingredient in contact with the skin
acting as a protector or keratolytic agent.


It is the liquid pharmaceutical preparation of one or more active ingredients that consists of a two-
phase system involving at least two immiscible liquids and in which a liquid is dispersed in the form
of small drops (internal or dispersed phase) through another liquid (external or continuous phase). It
is usually stabilized by means of one or more emulsifying agents.

Aerosol emulsion

It is a pressure-packed emulsion containing a propellant gas and therapeutically active ingredients

that are released upon activation of an appropriate valve system.

Emulsion drops

It is the emulsion intended for administration in the form of drops.

Injectable emulsion

It is the sterile emulsion.

Emulsion for infusion

It is a sterile emulsion with water as the continuous phase normally, isotonic with blood and used
primarily for large volume administration.

Spray emulsion

It is the emulsion administered in the form of a liquid finely divided by a jet of air or steam.

Biological assays

Procedures designed to assess the potency of active ingredients contained in raw materials and
pharmacopoeial preparations, using biological reagents such as microorganisms, animals, fluids and
isolated organs from animals.


It is the alcoholic or hydroalcoholic liquid pharmaceutical preparation, containing aromatic or

medicinal ingredients and classified into simple and compound. Spirits are obtained by dissolving
aromatic substances in ethyl alcohol, usually in the proportion of 5% (w/v).

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition GN-00


Sterility is the absence of viable microorganisms.


Semi-solid or solid liquid preparations, obtained from herbal drugs, using extraction methods and
appropriate solvents. An extract is essentially defined by the quality of the herbal drug, the production
process and its specifications. The material used in the preparation of extracts can undergo
preliminary treatments, such as enzyme inactivation, grinding or degreasing. After extraction,
unwanted materials can be eliminated.

Standardized extracts

Extracts adjusted to a defined content of one or more constituents responsible for the therapeutic
activity. Content adjustment is achieved by adding inert excipients or blending other batches of

Quantified extracts

Extracts adjusted to a content range of one or more active markers. Content range adjustment is
achieved by mixing extract batches.

Other Extracts

Extracts not adjusted to a specific content of constituents. They are essentially defined by the
parameters of their manufacturing process, such as the quality of the herbal drug, selection of the
extraction liquid and extraction condition as well as their specifications. Markers do not necessarily
have established therapeutic activity, being considered analytic markers. The content of the markers
must not be inferior to the minimum value indicated in the monograph.

Fluid extract

It is the liquid preparation obtained by extraction with an appropriate liquid in which, in general, a
part of the extract, by mass or volume, corresponds to a part, by mass, of the dry herbal drug used in
its preparation. Preservatives can also be added. They must present specifications regarding the
content of markers and dry residue. In the case of extracts classified as standardized, the proportion
between the herbal drug and the extract can be modified due to the necessary adjustments to obtain
the specified content of active constituents.

Soft extract

It is the semi-solid consistency preparation obtained by partial evaporation of the used extraction
liquid, and can be used as solvents, solely, ethyl alcohol, water, or mixtures of ethyl alcohol and water
in an adequate proportion. They have not less than 70% (w/w) of dry residue. Preservatives can be
added if necessary.

Native extract (genuine)

Extracts prepared without the addition of excipients (simple or crude extracts). However, for soft
extracts and liquid preparations, the native extract may have variable quantities of extraction liquid.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition GN-00

Dry extract

It is the solid preparation obtained by evaporating the solvent used in the extraction process. They
can be added from suitable inert materials and have specifications as to the content of markers. In
general, they have a desiccation loss of no more than 5% (w/w).


All the operations necessary to obtain health care products.

Distillation range

Distillation range is the temperature range corrected for the pressure of 101.3 kPa (760 mm of Hg),
within which the liquid, or specific fraction of the liquid, fully boils.

Melting range

Melting range of a substance is the temperature range between the start (at which the substance begins
to liquefy) and the end of melting (which is evidenced by the disappearance of the solid phase).


See Active pharmaceutical ingredient.


The expression pharmacopoeial replaces the expressions official and officinal, used in previous
editions, being equivalent to such expressions for all purposes.

Lyophilized human blood coagulation factor VII

It is the protein fraction of plasma that contains Factor VII (a single-chain glycoprotein derivative),
which may also contain small quantities of its activated form (the two-chain derivative or Factor

Lyophilized human blood coagulation factor VIII

It is a protein fraction of plasma that contains a glycoprotein called coagulation factor VIII and,
depending on the purification method, variable quantities of von Willebrand factor. It is prepared
from a mixture of plasma for fractionation obtained from healthy donors.

Lyophilized human fibrinogen

It is the soluble fraction of human plasma, obtained from human Plasma for fractionation, which, by
adding thrombin, is transformed into fibrin. The preparation may contain additives (salts, buffers or
stabilizers) and when reconstituted (addition of diluent) must contain not less than 10 g/L of


Chemicals Information Sheet.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition GN-00

Pharmaceutical preparation

It is the final state of presentation of the active pharmaceutical ingredients after one or more
pharmaceutical operations carried out with the addition or not of appropriate excipients in order to
facilitate their use and obtain the desired therapeutic effect, with characteristics appropriate to a given
route of administration.


Substance or mixture of substances whose vapor pressure is above 300 kPa absolute at 50 °C or
remains in gaseous form at 20 °C at an absolute pressure of 101.3 kPa.

Compressed gas

Any gas or mixture of gases that exerts an absolute pressure greater than or equal to 280 kPa at 20 °C
in the container where the gas is stored.

Excipient gas

Any component gas, which is not an active substance, intentionally added to the formulation of a gas

Liquefied gas

A gas at vapor pressure that remains partially liquefied at temperatures above –50°C.

Medicinal Gas

Gas, or mixture of gases, for treating or preventing disease in humans or administered for medical
diagnosis purposes or to restore; correct; or modify physiological functions.

Cryogenic gas or liquid

Highly cooled gas in phase equilibrium (liquid and its vapor pressure) and boiling point less than or
equal to –150 °C at an absolute pressure of 101.3 kPa.


It is the semi-solid dosage form of one or more active ingredients that contains a gelling agent to
provide firmness to a colloidal solution or dispersion (a system in which particles of colloidal size –
typically between 1 nm and 1 mm – are evenly distributed throughout the liquid) and may contain
suspended particles.

Hydrophobic gel

It is the gel that usually consists of liquid paraffin with polyethylene or fatty oils with colloidal silica
or aluminum or zinc soaps.

Lipophilic gel

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition GN-00

It is the gel resulting from the preparation obtained by the incorporation of gelling agents —
tragacanth, starch, cellulose derivatives, carboxyvinyl polymers and magnesium aluminum double-
chain silicates in water, glycerol or propylene glycol.


It is the solid pharmaceutical preparation that is presented in the form of small spheres made of
sucrose or a mixture of sucrose and lactose. They are impregnated with the desired potency and with
alcohol above 70%

Chewing gum

It is a single-dose solid pharmaceutical preparation containing one or more active ingredients, which
consists of insoluble, sweet and tasty plastic material. When chewed, it releases the active ingredient.


It is a solid pharmaceutical preparation containing a single dose of one or more active ingredients,
with or without excipients. It consists of solid and dry agglomerates of uniform volumes of powder
particles resistant to handling.

Effervescent granules

It is the granule that contains, in addition to the active ingredients, acidic substances and carbonates
or bicarbonates, which release carbon dioxide when the granule is dissolved in water. It is intended
to be dissolved or dispersed in water prior to administration.

Granule for dissolution

It is the granule intended to be dissolved in water prior to administration. The preparation produced
can be slightly turbid due to the excipients used in the granule manufacture.

Granule for suspension

It is the granule that, in contact with a liquid, quickly produces a homogeneous dispersion
(suspension). It is intended to be dispersed prior to administration.

Coated granule

It is the granule that has one or more thin coating layers, usually polymeric, designed to protect the
drug from air or humidity; for drugs with unpleasant odor and taste; to improve the appearance of the
granules, or for some other property other than altering the speed or extent of the active ingredient

Prolonged release coated granule

It is the granule that has one or more thin coating layers, usually polymeric, designed to modify the
speed or extent of releasing the active ingredients. See definition of prolonged release.

Delayed release coated granule

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition GN-00

It is the granule that has one or more thin coating layers, usually polymeric, designed to modify the
speed or extent of releasing the active ingredients, presenting a delayed release of the active
ingredient. See general definition of delayed release.

Anti-hepatitis A human immunoglobulin

It is a sterile, lyophilized or liquid preparation, containing immunoglobulins, mainly G.

Anti-hepatitis B human immunoglobulin

It is a sterile, lyophilized or liquid preparation, containing immunoglobulins, mainly G.

Anti-hepatitis B human immunoglobulin for intravenous administration

It is a sterile, lyophilized or liquid preparation, containing immunoglobulins, mainly G.

Anti-rabies human immunoglobulin

It is a sterile, lyophilized or liquid preparation, containing immunoglobulins, mainly G.

Anti-rubella human immunoglobulin

It is a sterile, lyophilized or liquid preparation, containing immunoglobulins, mainly G.

Anti-varicella human immunoglobulin

It is a sterile, lyophilized or liquid preparation, containing immunoglobulins, mainly G.

Anti-varicella human immunoglobulin for intravenous administration

It is a sterile, lyophilized or liquid preparation, containing immunoglobulins, mainly G.

Anti-D Antigen human immunoglobulin

It is a sterile, lyophilized or liquid preparation, containing immunoglobulins, mainly G.

Anti-measles human immunoglobulin

It is a sterile, lyophilized or liquid preparation, containing immunoglobulins, mainly G.

Anti-tetanus human immunoglobulin

It is a sterile, liquid or lyophilized preparation containing immunoglobulins, especially

immunoglobulin G. It is obtained from plasma containing specific antibodies against the toxin of
Clostridium tetani.

Normal Human Immunoglobulin

It is a sterile, lyophilized of liquid preparation, containing mainly IgG. Other proteins may also be

Normal Human Immunoglobulin for intravenous administration

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition GN-00

It is a sterile, lyophilized or liquid preparation, containing immunoglobulins, mainly G (IgG). Other

proteins may be present. It contains IgG antibodies from normal individuals.

Biological indicator

It is a preparation characterized by a specific microorganism that has defined and stable resistance to
a certain sterilization process.

Refractive index

The refractive index (n) of a substance is the ratio between the speed of light in a vacuum and its
speed inside the substance. For practical purposes refraction is measured with reference to air and
substance and not with reference to vacuum and substance. The refractive index can be defined as the
ratio between the sine of the angle of incidence and the sine of the angle of refraction, that is, n= sin
i / sin r.


It is a sterile preparation intended for parenteral administration. It is presented as a solution,

suspension or emulsion.


Products for external use, intended for the prevention and control of insects, in homes, enclosures and
places of public use and their surroundings.


Insulin is a protein that affects glucose metabolism. It is obtained from the pancreas of healthy cattle
and pigs, or both, used as food by humans.

Human insulin

Human insulin is a protein corresponding to an active principle made in the human pancreas that
affects the metabolism of carbohydrates (particularly glucose), lipids and proteins.

Human isophane insulin suspension

Isophane human insulin suspension is a sterile suspension of human insulin crystals, zinc and
protamine sulfate in buffered water for injection, combined in such a manner that the solid phase of
the suspension is composed of human insulin crystals, protamine and zinc.

Human isophane insulin suspension and human insulin injection

Isophane human insulin suspension and human insulin injection is a sterile buffered suspension of
human insulin, complexed with protamine sulfate, in human insulin solution.

Human Insulin Zinc Suspension

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition GN-00

It is a sterile suspension of human insulin in buffered water for injection, modified by the addition of
a suitable zinc salt so that the solid phase of the suspension is made up of a mixture of crystalline and
amorphous insulin in a ratio of about seven parts of crystals and three parts of amorphous material.

Human Insulin Zinc Extended Suspension

It is a sterile suspension of human insulin in buffered water for injection, modified by the addition of
a suitable zinc salt so that the solid phase of the suspension is predominantly crystalline.

Injectable Insulin

Injectable insulin is a sterile, isotonic insulin solution.

Insulin lispro

It is identical in structure to human insulin, except for the presence of lysine and proline at positions
28 and 29, respectively, of the B chain, while this sequence is inverted in human insulin. Insulin lispro
is produced by microbial synthesis through a recombinant DNA process.

Active pharmaceutical ingredient.

It is an active chemical substance, medicine, drug or raw material that has pharmacological properties
with a medicinal purpose used for diagnosis, relief or treatment, used to modify or explore
physiological systems or pathological states for the benefit of the person to whom it is administered.

When intended for use in drugs, it must meet the requirements set in the individual monographs.


Equipment that employs technology used for a dual purpose, to protect the product from
contamination by the environment and by people during filling and closure and to protect people from
toxic or harmful products that are produced.

Conventional release

It is the type of dosage form release that is not intentionally modified by a special formulation design
and/or manufacturing method.

Parametric release

It is defined as the release of cargo or batches of products subject to terminal sterilization, through
compliance with critical parameters of the sterilization process, without the need to perform a sterility

Prolonged release

It is the type of modified release of pharmaceutical preparations that allows at least a reduction in the
dose frequency when compared to the drug presented in the conventional release form. It is obtained
through a special formulation design and/or manufacturing method.

Delayed release

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition GN-00

It is the type of modified release of pharmaceutical preparations that has a delayed release of the
active ingredient. Delayed release is obtained through a special formulation design and/or
manufacturing method. Gastro-resistant preparations are considered delayed release forms, as they
are designed to resist gastric fluid and release the active ingredient into the intestinal fluid.

Extracting liquid

Solvents or mixture of solvents that are used in the extraction process.


It is an aqueous or hydroalcoholic liquid preparation, with variable viscosity, for application to the
skin, including the scalp. It can be a solution, emulsion or suspension containing one or more active
principles or adjuvants.

Batch or item

It is the quantity of a drug, or other product, that is produced in a manufacturing cycle and whose
essential characteristic is homogeneity.


Chemically defined constituents or groups of constituents, present in drugs, their preparations,

phytotherapics or other drugs based on active ingredients of natural origin, which are used for quality
control purposes, and may or may not have therapeutic activity.

Packaging material

By packaging material is understood the container; wrap; casing; or any other form of protection,
removable or not, used for filling; protect; keep; cover; or wrap, specifically or not, raw materials;
reagents and drugs.


Active or inactive substances used in the manufacture of drugs and other products, both those that
remain unchanged and those subject to modification.

Media fill

It is a test for simulating aseptic operations in which the product is replaced by a culture medium and
serves to ensure that the processes used are capable of producing sterile products.


It is the pharmaceutical product, technically obtained or prepared, which contains one or more drugs
and other substances, with a prophylactic, curative, palliative or diagnostic purpose.

Reference drug

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition GN-00

It is the innovative product registered with the Brazilian federal agency, responsible for sanitary
regulation and traded in the country, whose efficacy, safety and quality were scientifically proven by
the competent federal agency upon registration.

Generic drug

It is the drug similar to a reference or innovative product, intended to be interchangeable with this
product, usually produced after the expiration or waiver of patent protection or other exclusive rights,
proven its efficacy, safety and quality, and designated by the Brazilian Common Nomenclature
(DCB) or, in its absence, by the International Non-Proprietary Names (INN).

Interchangeable drug

It is the therapeutic equivalent of a reference drug, with essentially the same efficacy and safety
effects proven.

Compounded drug

It is any drug whose prescription details the composition, pharmaceutical preparation and dosage. It
is prepared in the pharmacy, by a qualified pharmaceutical professional or under his direct

Pressurized drug

It is a pressure-packed drug containing a propellant gas and therapeutically active ingredients that are
released upon activation of an appropriate valve system.

Similar/Alternative drug

It is one that contains the same active principle(s), has the same concentration, pharmaceutical
preparation, route of administration, dosage and therapeutic indication, and which is equivalent to the
drug registered with the federal agency, responsible for health regulation, and may only differ in
characteristics regarding the size and shape of the product, expiration date, packaging, labeling,
excipients and vehicle, and must always be identified by trade name or brand.

Biological half-life

It is the time required for an organism to remove, by biological elimination, half the quantity of an
administered substance.

Effective half-life

It is the time it takes for a radionuclide in an organism to halve its activity as a combined result of
biological elimination and radioactive decay. The effective half-life is important for calculating the
optimal dose of the radiopharmaceutical to be administered and for monitoring the quantity of
radiation exposure.

Immunochemical methods

These methods are based on selective, reversible and non-covalent binding between antigens and

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition GN-00


The term miscible is used to describe a liquid or gas that produces a homogeneous mixture when
mixed in any proportion with the indicated solvent in the same physical state.

Mixtures of surplus human plasma treated by viral inactivation

Frozen or lyophilized, sterile, pyrogen-free preparation obtained from surplus human plasma from
donors having the same ABO and Rh(Du) blood group. The preparation is thawed or reconstituted
prior to use, in order to obtain an injectable solution. The human plasma used should meet the
requirements of the monograph Human Plasma for Fractionation.

Sterility assurance level

It is the degree of guarantee that the process in question sterilizes a group of items, being expressed
as the probability of a non-sterile item in that population.

Chemical name

It is the name of the pharmacopoeial substance, according to the nomenclature recommended by the
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).

Batch number

Designation printed on the labeling of a drug and other products that allows identifying the batch or
item to which they belong and, if necessary, locating and reviewing all manufacturing and inspection
operations carried out during production.


They are constituent substances of food with nutritional value, including proteins, fats, carbohydrates,
water, mineral elements and vitamins.

Fixed oil

They are non-volatile oils, liquid at room temperature. They are predominantly made up of
triacylglycerols, esterified with different or identical fatty acids.

Volatile Oil

Oils obtained from plants, by physical processes, which evaporate at room temperature without
leaving residue. They are made up of complex mixtures of low molecular weight substances which
determine their odor and taste. They can be presented alone or mixed with each other, rectified,
reduced or concentrated. They can also be called essential oils.


They are semi-solid extracts consisting of a resin in solution in a volatile oil and/or fixed oil and are
obtained by evaporation of the solvent(s) used for their production. This definition applies only to
oleoresins produced by extraction.

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It is a practical form that gives a total measure of the contribution of various solutes in a solution by
the osmotic pressure of the solution. The osmolality unit is osmole per kilogram (osmole/kg), but the
submultiple milliosmole per kilogram (mosmole/kg) is normally used.


It is a solid pharmaceutical preparation, with a single dose, containing one or more active ingredients
dispersed or dissolved in a suitable base which has several shapes, usually ovoid. They melt at body

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia Reference Standards

According to the WHO definition, pharmacopeial reference standards (PRef) are products of
recognized uniformity, intended for use in tests where one or more of their properties will be
compared with those of the substance under examination. They have a degree of purity suitable for
their intended use.

The PRef is established and distributed by pharmacopeial authorities, whose value attributed to one
or more of its properties is accepted without the need for comparison with another standard, intended
for use in specific tests described in pharmacopoeial monographs. They include reference chemical
substances, biological products, plant extracts and powders, radiopharmaceuticals, among others. The
most commonly used related expression is: Pharmacopoeia Reference Chemical Substance.


It is an ointment containing a large quantity of dispersed solids (not less than 25%). It must meet the
established specifications for ointments.


It is a solid pharmaceutical preparation that contains one or more active ingredients, usually in a
sweetened and flavored base. It is used for slow dissolution or disintegration in the mouth. It can be
prepared by molding or by compression.

Hard losenge

Rigid losenge to be dissolved slowly.

Gummy losenge

Flexible and soft losenge of blends containing synthetic or natural polymers.


It is the aromatic composition product obtained from natural or synthetic substances, which, in
appropriate concentrations and vehicles, have as their main purpose scenting people or places,
including extracts, scented waters, creamy perfumes, bath preparations and ambient scents, presented
in liquid, gelled, creamy or solid form.

Atmospheric air gas separation plant (ASU – Air Separation Unit)

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Industrial facility where atmospheric air is captured and, through processes of purification, cleaning,
compression, cooling, liquefaction and distillation, it is fractionated in order to obtain and isolate
oxygen, nitrogen and argon gases.

Fresh frozen plasma

It is the remaining liquid part of a whole blood unit obtained after centrifugation and separation of its
cellular fractions, which must be completely frozen within four hours after collection of the whole
blood that originated it, ensuring the maintenance of the integrity and concentrations of labile
coagulation factors .

Human plasma for fractionation

It is the remaining liquid part of whole blood after separation of blood cell fractions using appropriate
closed collection or centrifugation systems, which contains the labile coagulation factors. It contains
an anticoagulant, conservative and preservative solution and is stored at a temperature of -30°C or
lower. It is intended for the preparation of blood products in compliance with the Good Practices for
Drugs Manufacturing.


It is the solid pharmaceutical preparation containing one or more dry active ingredients and with
reduced particle size, with or without excipients

Aerosol powder

It is the pressure-packed powder containing a propellant gas and therapeutically active ingredients
that are released upon activation of an appropriate valve system.

Effervescent powder

It is the powder that contains, in addition to the active ingredients, acidic substances and carbonates
or bicarbonates, which release carbon dioxide when the powder is dissolved in water. It is intended
to be dissolved or dispersed in water prior to administration.

Lyophilized powder for injectable solution

It is the sterile powder intended for the subsequent addition of liquid to form a solution. Prepared by
lyophilization, a process that involves removing water from products by congealing at extremely low

Lyophilized powder for injectable suspension

It is the sterile powder intended for the subsequent addition of liquid to form a suspension. Prepared
by lyophilization, a process that involves removing water from products by congealing at extremely
low pressures.

Lyophilized powder for prolonged-release injectable suspension

It is the sterile powder intended for the subsequent addition of liquid to form a suspension. Prepared
by lyophilization, a process that involves removing water from products by congealing at extremely
low pressures. See general definition of prolonged release.
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Mouthwash powder

It is the powder that must be dissolved in water to prepare the mouthwash, which is a liquid for mouth
rinsing that acts on the gums and mucous membranes of the mouth and throat. It must not be

Powder for solution

It is the powder intended to be reconstituted to form a solution.

Powder for injectable solution

It is the sterile powder intended for the subsequent addition of liquid to form a solution.

Powder for infusion solution

It is the sterile powder intended for reconstitution to form a solution for use by infusion. It is a sterile
solution, normally isotonic with blood and used primarily for large volume administration.

Powder for suspension

It is the powder intended to be reconstituted to form a suspension.

Powder for injectable suspension

It is the sterile powder intended for the subsequent addition of liquid to form a suspension.

Powder for prolonged-release injectable suspension

It is the sterile powder intended for the subsequent addition of liquid to form a suspension. See
definition of prolonged release.


It is the semi-solid pharmaceutical preparation, for application to the skin or mucous membranes,
which consists of a solution or dispersion of one or more active ingredients in low proportions in a
suitable, usually non-aqueous base.

Expiry date

It is the time during which the product can be used, characterized as a useful life period and based on
specific stability studies. The expiry date must be indicated on the primary and secondary packaging.
When indicating month and year, the last day of that month is understood as the expiry date. The
storage and transport conditions specified by the manufacturer must be maintained.

Topical semi-solid preparation

It is the preparation intended for application to the skin or certain mucous membranes for local action
or percutaneous penetration of drugs, or for its emollient or protective action.

Herbal preparations
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They are homogeneous preparations, obtained from herbal drugs subjected to specific treatments,
such as extraction, distillation, expression, fractionation, purification, concentration or fermentation.
Examples of herbal preparations: extracts, oils, juice capsules, processed exudates and herbal drugs
that have been subject to size reduction for a specific application, for example, chopped herbal drugs
for making medicinal teas or powdered for encapsulation.

Aseptic process

It is designed to prevent the contamination of sterile components by viable microorganisms or even

in the intermediate phase of production.

Hygiene product

It is the product for external use; antiseptic or not; for cleaning or body disinfection, including soap,
shampoo, toothpaste, mouthwash, antiperspirant, deodorant, shaving and after-shave products,
astringent and others.

Dietary product

It is the product technically designed to meet the dietary needs of people with special physiological

Semi-finished product

It is any substance or mixture of substances still under the manufacturing process.


Degree to which a drug, raw material contains other foreign materials.

Off White

The term “almost white” is understood to be slightly grayish or yellowish, with a tendency to white.
It is the translation of the English term “off white”.


It is the preparation intended to combat rats, mice and other rodents, in homes, boats, enclosures and
places of public use, containing active substances, isolated or in association, that do not pose a risk
to life or health of humans and useful warm-blooded animals, when applied in accordance with the
recommendations contained in its presentation.

Chemical identification reactions

They are reactions used to aid in the characterization of a substance. Although specific, they will only
be sufficient to establish or confirm the substance's identity when considered in conjunction with
other tests and specifications contained in the monograph. If the monograph does not specify
otherwise, chemical reactions are carried out in test tubes with approximately 15 mm in internal
diameter. Use 5 mL of the liquid or solution to be examined, adding three drops of reagent or of each
reagent. The examination of the contents of the test tube must be carried out over the entire liquid
layer, observing from top to bottom, in the direction of the longitudinal axis of the tubes, after five
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minutes of standing. Usually, the order of preference of identification tests is presented in the
monograph. When the order does not appear, all identification tests must be carried out.

Drug Extract Ratio (RDE)

It corresponds to the ratio between the amount of drug from natural origin used in the production of
an extract and the final quantity of extract, expressed in weight (w/w) or volume (w/v).

Solvent Drug Ratio (SDR)

It corresponds to the ratio between the amount of herbal drug, expressed in mass, used in the
preparation of an extract, and the amount of the first extraction solvent, expressed in mass (w/w) or
volume (w/v).

Native Extract Drug Ratio (EDRnative)

It corresponds to the ratio between the amount of herbal drug used in the preparation of an extract
and the amount of native extract obtained. Thus, when there is no addition of adjuvants to a native
extract, EDR and EDR native must present the same values. On the other hand, the values observed for
EDR and EDRnative should be different in operations where adjuvants are added to the native extract.
Oleoresins are generally produced without the need for the addition of processing adjuvants, therefore
EDR and EDR native are generally identical. For soft and liquid extracts, for which the presence of
excipients or processing adjuvants is required, EDR and EDR native are identical (for example:
generally 20 to 30% of water in soft extracts and ethyl alcohol in tinctures).


They are substances used in tests, reactions, assays and pharmacopoeial assays, either as such or in

Tightly closed container

It is the one that protects its contents from loss and contamination by foreign solids, under the usual
conditions of handling, storage, distribution and transport.

Hermetic container

It is impermeable to air, or any other gas, under the usual conditions of handling, storage, distribution
and transport.

Opaque container

It is the one that prevents the visualization of the content, comprising all colors. It constitutes a light
protection barrier.

Single dose container

It is the hermetic container that contains a certain quantity of the drug intended to be administered
only once and that, once opened, cannot be closed with a guarantee of sterility.

Multi-dose container

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It is the hermetic container that allows the removal of successive portions of its content, without
modifying the concentration, purity and sterility of the remaining portion.

Perfectly closed container

It protects its contents from losses and contamination by foreign solids, liquids and foreign vapors,
efflorescence, deliquescence or evaporation under the usual conditions of handling, storage,
distribution and transport.

Translucent container

It is the one that allows the partial visualization of the content, comprising all colors except amber.

Transparent container

It is the one that allows the total visualization of the content, comprising all colors except amber.


It is the legal act that recognizes the adequacy of a product to health legislation, and its concession is
granted by Anvisa. It is a control carried out before marketing, being used in the case of products that
may present health risks. Products subject to sanitary regulation that are registered must meet the
criteria established by laws and specific regulations in order to minimize any potential risks that may
be related to the product.

Hydrolytic resistance or alkalinity

It is the test that quantifies the intensity of the chemical reaction between water and the alkali elements
in the glass, especially sodium and potassium. This resistance determines the classification of the
glass type.


It is the printed or lithographed identification, as well as the words painted or engraved with fire,
pressure or self-adhesive, applied directly on containers; casings; wraps; cartridges; or any other
packaging protector, external or internal, which cannot be removed or altered during the use of the
product and during its transportation or storage. Label manufacturing must comply with the
regulations in force by the federal Health Regulation agency.


Room in which the concentration of airborne particles is controlled. It is built and used in such a
manner as to minimize the introduction, generation and retention of particles within the room, in
which other relevant parameters such as temperature, humidity and pressure are controlled as

Household sanitizer

It is the substance or preparation intended for sanitizing; home disinfection or disinfestation; of

collective environments, private or public, in places of common use and in the treatment of water.

Human blood
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It is a living tissue, circulating, connective, of a cellular, plasmatic and/or protein nature, contained
within the cardiovascular system, performing multiple and complex functions that ensure the
maintenance of life to the human body.

Human blood for transfusion

It is human whole blood in vitro from healthy donors collected in storing systems for the collection,
storage and processing of human blood containing anticoagulant and preservative solution.

Oxygen Concentrator System (SCO)

System composed of equipment and tools that filters, retains moisture and concentrates oxygen from
the atmospheric air through the process of molecular adsorption. This system is also known as an
oxygen concentrator plant, Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA).

Closed system

System for administering parenteral solutions that, throughout the preparation and administration,
does not allow the solution to come into contact with the environment.

Bottling systems for the collection, storage and processing of human blood or closed human blood
collection systems

They are containers or plastic bags, containing or not an anticoagulant, conservative and preservative
solution, intended for the collection, storage, fractionation and administration of human blood or
derivatives. They are non-toxic, sterile, non-pyrogenic and disposable, and can be manufactured from
one or several polymers, and depending on the case, from certain additives and are validated by their
respective analytical methods.

Solution - pharmaceutical preparation

It is the liquid pharmaceutical preparation; clear and homogeneous, containing one or more active
ingredients dissolved in a suitable solvent or mixture of miscible solvents.

Colorimetric solution

It is the solution used as a colorimetric standard for comparison purposes. It is called “CS”.

Human albumin solution

Human albumin solution is a proteinaceous, sterile, pyrogen-free solution obtained from human
plasma that meets the requirements of the Human plasma for fractionation monograph.

Molal solution

It is the solution that contains one mole of solute per kilogram of solvent.

Molar solution

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It is the solution that contains one mole of the solute in 1000 mL of the solution. The multiples and
submultiples of the molar solution are also designated by whole numbers or decimal fractions such
as: 2 M; M; 0,5 M; 0,1 M; etc.

Volumetric solution

It is the reagent solution, of known concentration, intended for use in quantitative determinations. In
FB 6 the concentrations of volumetric solutions are expressed in molarity. They are called “VS”.

Human blood-preserving anticoagulant solutions

They are solutions designed for the collection of human blood, aiming not only to make it
incoagulable, but also to ensure the maintenance and morphofunctional and protein integrity of its
cellular and plasmatic constituents.

Test solutions

They are indicator solutions in specific solvents and defined concentrations. They are called “TS”.

Reagent solutions

They are reagent solutions in specific solvents and defined concentrations. They are called “RS”.

Hyperimmune sera for human use

Hyperimmune sera are preparations containing purified immunoglobulins of animal origin that
specifically neutralize bacterial toxins, bacteria, viruses or toxic components of the venom of one or
more species of venomous animals.

Adjuvant substance

It is the specific purpose substance added to injectable preparations. This substance must be selected
to increase the stability of the product; not cause interference with the therapeutic efficacy or with the
active ingredient assay; or cause toxicity in the dose administered to the patient. The adjuvant
substance can be solubilizing; antioxidant; chelating agent; buffer; antibacterial agent; antifungal
agent; antifoaming agent and others, when specified in the individual monograph. The presence of
the adjuvant substance must be clearly indicated on the labels of the primary and secondary
packaging, in which the product is delivered for consumption. If there is no express contraindication,
the air in the containers can be replaced by carbon dioxide or nitrogen. The addition of coloring
substance is not allowed.
The maximum limits for some adjuvants are listed below, if the monograph does not specify
a) for agents containing mercury or cationic surfactant compounds — 0.01%;
b) for chlorobutanol, cresol, and phenol-type agents — 0.5%;
c) for sulfur dioxide, or equivalent quantity of potassium or sodium sulfite, bisulfite or metabisulfite
— 0.2%.

Characterized chemical substance

CRS used in the absence of a Pharmacopeial CRS. This CRS must be characterized by means of
adequate tests and the values obtained must be properly documented.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia Chemical Reference Substance (CRS-BP)

It is established and made available by the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia Commission, following the
WHO principles, and made official by Anvisa, with its use mandatory throughout the national
territory. In the absence of a CRS-FB, the use of a CRS established by other recognized
pharmacopeias is allowed, in accordance with the legislation in force.

Standards for Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry are identified by the name of the metal,
followed by the acronym RSA (Reagent Solution for Atomic Absorption).

In house working standard

It is established by comparison with a Pharmacopoeial CRS , through pharmacopoeial tests, or duly

validated, and registered by the laboratory that will use it. In this situation, analytical records must be
kept and periodic controls carried out, using a Pharmacopoeial CRS.

Unsaponifiable substances

Unsaponifiable substances are those remaining from the saponification reaction, non-volatile at 100 –
105 °C and which were carried in the process of extracting the substance to be tested.


It is a solid pharmaceutical preparation of various sizes and shapes adapted for introduction into the
rectal, vaginal or urethral orifice of the human body, containing one or more active principles
dissolved in a suitable base. They are usually absorbed, melt or dissolve at body temperature.


It is the liquid pharmaceutical preparation that contains solid particles dispersed in a liquid vehicle,
in which the particles are not soluble.

Aerosol suspension

It is a pressure-packed suspension containing a propellant gas and therapeutically active ingredients

that are released upon activation of an appropriate valve system.

Prolonged release suspension

It is the liquid pharmaceutical preparation that contains solid particles dispersed in a liquid vehicle,
in which the particles are not soluble. See definition of prolonged release.

Delayed release suspension

It is the liquid pharmaceutical preparation that contains solid particles dispersed in a liquid vehicle,
in which the particles are not soluble. See definition of delayed release.

Suspension drops

It is the suspension intended for administration in the form of drops.

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Injectable suspension

It is the sterile suspension.

Prolonged-release injectable suspension

It is the sterile suspension. See definition of prolonged release.

Spray Suspension

It is the suspension administered in the form of a liquid finely divided by a jet of air or steam.

Troche tablet

It is the solid pharmaceutical preparation prepared from a mass made with a hydroalcoholic solution,
the active ingredient and lactose, or from the grinding process moistened with a hydroalcoholic
solution. It is molded in tablet presses and is fragile and brittle.


It is the preparation based on salts that are capable of supporting variations in the activity of hydrogen

Fixed cryogenic tank or stationary tank

Container, thermally insulated, suitable for storing medicinal gases in the form of cryogenic liquid.

Mobile cryogenic tank or mobile storage tank

Mobile container, thermally insulated, suitable for storing medicinal gases in the form of cryogenic

Congealing point or temperature

The temperature or congealing point of a liquid or melted solid is the highest temperature at which it
solidifies. For pure substances that melt without decomposition, the liquid congealing point is equal
to its melting point.

Boiling point or temperature

The temperature or boiling point of a liquid is the corrected temperature at which the liquid boils
under a vapor pressure of 101.3 kPa (760 mm of Hg).

Melting point or temperature

The temperature or melting point of a substance is the temperature at which it is completely melted.

Hydrostatic pressure test

Testing performed for safety reasons to ensure cylinders and tanks withstand the pressures for which
they were designed.

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It is the alcoholic or hydroalcoholic preparation resulting from the extraction of herbal drugs or from
the dilution of their extracts. They are obtained by liquid extraction using 1 part by mass of herbal
drug and 10 parts of extraction solvent, or 1 part by mass of herbal drug and 5 parts of extraction
solvent. The ratio can be in w/w or w/v. Alternatively, they can be obtained using either 1 part by
mass of herbal drug and sufficient quantity of extraction solvent to produce 10 parts by mass or
volume of tincture or 1 part by mass of herbal drug and sufficient quantity of extraction solvent to
produce 5 parts, by mass or volume, of tincture. Other proportions of herbal drug and extraction
solvent can be used. It is classified as simple or compound, as prepared with one or more herbal drugs.


Biological products that contain one or more antigenic substances that, when inoculated, are able to
induce specific active immunity and protect against disease caused by the infectious agent that
originated the antigen.

D-value (decimal reduction time)

It is the time, in minutes, required to reduce the microbial population by 90% or a logarithmic cycle.

F-Value o

It is a measure of sterilizing effectiveness, that is, the number of minutes of thermal sterilization by
steam at a given temperature supplied to a container or product unit, at a given Z value.


It is the temperature rise, in degrees, necessary to reduce the D-Value by 90% or to produce a
reduction of a logarithmic cycle in the thermal resistance curve.


Device capable of modifying the pressure or output (flow) of gases, or vacuum, either in the cylinder
or in the centralized gas system.

Check, non-return or one-way valve

Valve that allows the passage of gas or provides vacuum in only one direction.

Routes of Administration

It is the place in the body through which the drug is administered.


It is the expression of the resistance of liquids to flowing, that is, to the displacement of part of their
molecules on neighboring molecules. The viscosity of liquids comes from internal friction, that is,
from the forces of cohesion between molecules relatively close together. As temperature rises, the
average kinetic energy of the molecules increases, the amount of time the molecules spend together
decreases (on average), the intermolecular forces become less effective and the viscosity is lower.

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The dynamic unit, in the CGS System, of viscosity is the poise. The CGS System of Units is a system
of physical measurement units, or dimensional system, of LMT typology (length, mass, time), whose
base units are the centimeter for length, gram for mass, and second for time .


It is an oral solution characterized by high viscosity, conferred by the presence of sucrose or other
sugars or other thickening and sweetening agents in its composition. Syrups usually contain
authorized flavoring and/or coloring agents. When not intended for immediate consumption,
authorized antimicrobial preservatives must be added.



The water mentioned in tests, reactions and tests is purified water. For injectable preparations, water
for injections, described in an individual monograph, should be used. When the use of carbon dioxide-
free water is prescribed, use purified water boiled for at least five minutes and protected from
atmospheric air during cooling and storage.

Volumetric instruments

Volumetric instruments are used to measure volume in tests, assays and pharmacopoeial assays, and
must be calibrated at a temperature of 25°C. If the volumetric instrument has not been calibrated at
25° C, the volume measurements must be carried out at the temperature indicated therein. In volume
measurements, the lower level of the meniscus of the liquid contained in volumetric devices must
touch the upper part of the reference line, with the line of sight in the same plane. In cases of strongly
colored or opaque liquids, the upper edge of the meniscus is used as a reference, in the horizontal
plane of vision. Volumetric devices for transferring liquids (pipettes or burettes), as they have been
gauged with water, will only be able to supply exactly the indicated volume when the liquids to be
measured have approximately the viscosity, surface tension and density of the water.


Pharmacopoeial substances must be preserved under conditions such as to prevent their

contamination or deterioration. The conservation conditions for pharmacopoeial substances are
included in the respective monographs.

Protecting from light means that the substance must be kept in an opaque container or capable of
preventing the action of light.

Protecting from dust means that the substance must be stored in a stoppered flask and wear protective

In the monograph, the temperature conditions under which the substance must be preserved can be
defined, using terms described below.

In the freezer – At a temperature between -20 ºC and 0 ºC.

In the refrigerator – At a temperature between 2 ºC and 8 ºC.

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Cool place – Environment whose temperature remains between 8 ºC and 15 ºC.

Cold place – Environment whose temperature does not exceed 8 ºC.

Room temperature – Temperature normally found in a working environment between 15°C and 30°C.

Hot place – Environment whose temperature remains between 30 ºC and 40 ºC.

Excessive heat – Indicates temperatures above 40 ºC.

When it is necessary to keep a drug in a cool place, it can be kept in a refrigerator, if not indicated
differently in the individual monograph.

When conservation conditions are not specified in the monograph, they include protection against
humidity, congealing and excessive heat.

Substance description

Information relating to the description of a substance is generic and is intended for a preliminary
assessment of its integrity. The description itself is not indicative of purity and should be combined
with other pharmacopoeial tests to ensure that the substance complies with the monograph.

Desiccation to constant weight

This expression means that drying must continue until two consecutive weighing do not differ by
more than 0.50mg per gram of the substance under examination, and the second weighing must be
carried out after an additional hour of drying under the specified conditions.


A desiccator is understood to be a container that can be perfectly closed, of adequate shape and
dimensions that allows maintaining an atmosphere of low humidity rate through desiccant agents
introduced in it, such as: silica gel, calcium chloride, phosphorus pentoxide, sulfuric acid, among

Reduced pressure desiccator is what makes it possible to maintain an atmosphere of low humidity at
a reduced pressure of a maximum of 6.7 kPa (approximately 50mm of mercury), or at the pressure
indicated in the monograph.

Assay and determination of potency

When the result of a test or an assay is expressed in relation to the anhydrous or desiccated substance;
in relation to the substance; or any other specific basis, the determination of the water content or loss
on drying, or of another designated property, is carried out according to the method described in the
monograph of the respective substance, or according to that described on the labeling.

Identification tests

Identification tests make it possible to verify, with an acceptable level of certainty, that the identity
of the material under examination is in accordance with its packaging label. Although specific, they
are not necessarily sufficient to establish absolute proof of identity. However, failure to comply with
the requirements of an identification test can lead to errors in the material labeling. Other tests and
specifications in the monograph contribute to confirming the identity of the article under examination.
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Some identification tests must be considered conclusive, such as: infrared, spectrophotometry with
specific absorption and high performance liquid chromatography coupled to spectrophotometry.
These tests must be carried out in addition to the counter ion test, when applicable.

Structure of monographs

The raw material monographs are identified by their Common Brazilian Denominations (DCB),
written in capital letters and centralized. Moreover, it is also comprised:
• whenever possible, the Latin name proposed by the INN – International Non-proprietary Names –
international generic names of the World Health Organization;
• the substance chemical structure;
• molecular formula followed by molar mass;
• the Common Brazilian Denomination and related number;
• chemical name, according to the ACS – American Chemical Society;
• CAS – Chemical Abstracts Service registration;
• Monograph text

The monographs of pharmaceutical preparations are identified by the name of the corresponding raw
material, followed by the name of the pharmaceutical preparation.

Expression of concentrations

Percent concentrations are expressed as follows.

Percent w/w (weight by weight) or % w/w – Expresses the number of g of a component in 100 g of
Percent w/v (volume weight) or % w/v – Expresses the number of g of a component in 100 mL of
Percent v/v (volume in volume) or % v/v – Expresses the number of mL of a component in 100 mL
of solution.
Percent v/w (volume by weight) or % v/w – Expresses the number of mL of a component in 100 g of
The expression percent, used without further category, means: mixture of solids and semi-solids,
percent w/w; for solutions or suspensions of solids in liquids, percent w/v; for liquid solutions, percent
v/v; for solutions of gases in liquids, percent w/v; to express essential oil content in herbal drugs,
percent v/w.


The tests described in the monographs limit the impurities to quantities that ensure the quality of the
drug. The fact that the trials do not include an infrequent impurity does not mean that it can be

Incineration to constant weight

This expression means that incineration must proceed at 800 ± 25 °C, or at another temperature
indicated in the monograph, until two consecutive weighing do not differ by more than 0.5mg per
gram of the substance under examination, and the second weighing must be carried out after fifteen
minutes of additional incineration.

Interpreting numerical data accuracy and tolerance limits

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The desired precision in tests, reactions and pharmacopoeial assays is indicated by the number of
decimals presented in the text. For example, the numeric value 20 indicates values not lower than
19.5 and no higher than 20.5; the numeric value 2.0 indicates values not lower than 1.95 and not
higher than 2.05; the numeric value 0.20 indicates values not lower than 0.195 and not higher than

Tolerance limits, expressed numerically as a maximum and minimum value, indicate the purity of a
pharmacopoeial substance. These values can be expressed as percentage or absolute numbers.

The variation range must be strictly observed, and values outside the maximum and minimum limits
are not tolerated.

Pressure measurements

The expression pascal (Pa), used for pressure measurements such as arterial, atmospheric or internal
to a device, refers to the use of manometers or barometers calibrated in relation to the pressure exerted
by the force of one Newton uniformly distributed on a flat surface of 1 m 2 of area perpendicular to
the direction of the force; one pascal is equivalent to 7.5 × 10-3 mm of mercury.

Nomenclature on the degree of molecules hydration

When the hydration degree of pharmaceutical ingredients is not mentioned in the nomenclature, it is
an anhydrous substance.


The expressions: odorless; practically odorless; slight characteristic odor; or their variations, are
used by examining the sample after being exposed to air for fifteen minutes, when dealing with
packages of up to 25 g recently opened. In case of larger packages, transfer samples of approximately
25 g to a 100 mL capsule capacity.

The odor characterization is descriptive only and cannot be considered as a standard of purity, except
in cases where a particular, disallowed odor is indicated in the individual monograph.

Preparation of solutions

All solutions used in tests, assays and reactions are prepared with purified water, unless otherwise
indicated in the individual monograph.

The term recently prepared, referring to the preparation of solutions used in tests, assays and
reactions, indicates that the solution must be prepared, maximum, 24 hours before the assay is carried

Reduced pressure

The term reduced pressure means pressure lower than or equal to 6.7 kPa (approximately 50 mm of
mercury), if not otherwise indicated in the monograph. When desiccation under reduced pressure on
desiccant agent is indicated in the monograph, the operation must be carried out under reduced
pressure in a desiccator or other suitable equipment.

Manufacturing processes

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition GN-00

In the manufacture of injectable products, tablets, capsules or other pharmacopoeial preparations, the
use of adjuvant substances, described in the monographs and added for a specific purpose, is allowed.
They must be innocuous and must not have an adverse influence on the therapeutic efficacy of the
active substance contained in the preparation, nor interfere with tests and determinations. Whichever
method is used, the final product must correspond to the specifications included in the Brazilian
Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition.

Blank test

The terms: carry out blank parallel; carry out a blank test; or carry out a blank assay means repeating
the determination under identical conditions and with identical quantities of reagents, omitting only
the substance under examination.

Containers for injectables

Containers for injectable preparations must be made of materials that do not interact with the contents
and have sufficient transparency to allow visual inspection. The lids, when used, cannot influence the
drug composition or conservation, offering a perfect sealing, even after being perforated several
times. Containers for injectable preparations are classified into:
• single dose containers;
• multi-dose containers;
• infusion container.

Single dose containers, ampoules and cartridges for dental use are flasks made of glass or suitable
plastic material; closed by melting glass or with the use of fixed or movable plastic operculum. The
content should only be used in a single dose and cannot be reused.
Multi-dose containers are strong-walled glass flasks which, after being filled with liquid preparations
or with solids to be dissolved or suspended, are sealed with a lid of another material. The content of
these flasks can be removed for single or multiple dose administration.
Infusion containers are flasks with a capacity of more than 50 mL, and may reach 1000 mL, sealed
with a lid made of another material or not, made of glass or plastic. Medicines stored in these types
of containers must be administered in one go, using sterile equipment, and cannot contain bactericidal
or antifungal agents. The use of other types of adjuvants must be considered carefully.


The indicated solubility should not be considered strictly as a physical constant, but as a complement
to other tests, and may have a definitive value when the substance does not present the minimum
solubility required, especially when the solvent is water.
The indications on the solubility to which reference is made are carried out at a temperature of 25 ±
5 ºC. The term parts refers to the number of milliliters of solvent per gram of solid to be dissolved.
The approximate solubilities established in the monographs are designated in descriptive terms,
whose meanings are listed in Table 1:

Table 1 – Descriptive terms of solubility and their meanings.

Approximate volumes of solvent in milliliters per gram
Descriptive term
of substance
Very soluble Lower than 1 part
Freely soluble From 1 to 10 parts
Soluble From 10 to 30 parts

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition GN-00

Sparingly soluble From 30 to 100 parts

Slightly soluble From 100 to 1000 parts
Very slightly soluble From 1000 to 10000 parts
Practically insoluble or insoluble Higher than 10000 parts


All temperatures in FB 6 are expressed on the Celsius scale, and measurements are taken at 25°C,
except for density measurement and if not indicated differently in the individual monograph.

Units of measurement

The units included in the International System of Units (IS) are adopted in this Pharmacopoeia, as
listed in Annex B.

Aqueous vehicles

Water for injections is generally used as a vehicle for aqueous injectables. Sodium chloride solutions
or Ringer‘s solution or other suitable solutions, prepared with water for injections, may be used in
part or in whole rather than just water for injections, if monograph does not otherwise specify.

Non-aqueous vehicles

Non-aqueous vehicles used partially or fully to obtain injectable preparations can be miscible or
immiscible with water. Among water miscible vehicles, the most used are polyalcohols and ethylene
oxide polymers. Among those immiscible with water, the most used are fixed oils of vegetable origin
and mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids.

Fixed oils are odorless or almost odorless and their odor and taste should not resemble rancidity. They
must meet the requirements specified in the monographs and have the characteristics described below.
a) cooling test — transfer a quantity of fixed oil, previously desiccated at 105 ºC for two hours and
cooled at room temperature in a desiccator containing silica gel, to a colorless cylindrical glass
container, with an internal diameter of approximately 25 mm. Close the container and soak for
four hours in water maintained at 10°C. The liquid must remain clear enough so that a 0.5mm
thick black line can easily be seen when held vertically behind the cylinder and against a white
b) Saponification value — between 185 and 200 (;
c) iodine value — between 79 and 128 (;
d) unsaponifiable substances — reflux 10 mL of the oil in water bath with 15 mL of sodium
hydroxide (1:16) and 30 mL of ethyl alcohol, shaking occasionally until the mixture becomes
clear. Transfer the mixture to a porcelain crucible, evaporate the ethyl alcohol in a water bath and
mix the residue with 100 mL of water. Solution must result;
e) free fatty acids — the free fatty acids in 10g of the oil should consume a maximum of 2 mL of
0.02 M sodium hydroxide.

Synthetic mono- or diglycerides of fatty acids must meet the following requirements:
a) they are liquid and remain clear when cooled to 10°C;
b) iodine value — not exceeding 140 (

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition GN-00

Non-aqueous vehicles must be selected with special care, as they cannot be irritating, toxic or
sensitizing and must not interfere with the therapeutic efficacy of the preparation.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.1.1-00




The test applies to solid dosage forms in unit dose (uncoated tablets, coated tablets, lozenges, hard
and soft capsules and suppositories), solid dosage forms packaged in unit dose containers (sterile
powders, lyophilized powders, powders for injectables and powders for reconstitution for oral use)
and to solid and semi-solid pharmaceutical preparations packaged in multi-dose containers
(granulates, powders, gels, creams, ointments and powders for reconstitution).

Weighing must be done on scales of adequate sensitivity.


For unit dose products, the test makes it possible to verify whether the units of the same batch have
uniform weight. To carry out the test, it is necessary to determine, in advance, the average weight of
the units in the batch.

Uncoated or film-coated tablets

Weigh 20 tablets individually and determine the average weight. A maximum of two units can be
tolerated outside the limits specified in Table 1, in relation to the average weight, however, none may
be above or below twice as much as the indicated percentages.

Sugar coated tablets (dragees)

Weigh 20 sugar coated tablets individually and determine the average weight. A maximum of five
units can be tolerated outside the limits specified in Table 1, in relation to the average weight,
however, none can be above or below twice as much as the indicated percentages.

Hard capsules

Weigh 20 units individually, remove the contents of each one, clean properly and weigh again.
Determine the weight of the contents of each capsule by the difference in weight between the filled
and empty capsules. With the values obtained, determine the average weight of the content. Not more
than two units can be tolerated outside the limits specified in Table 1, in relation to the content
average weight, however, none may be above or below twice as much as the indicated percentages.

Soft capsules

Proceed as described for Hard capsules. To determine the average weight of the contents, cut the pre-
weighed capsules and wash them with ethyl ether or other suitable solvent. Place the casings exposed
to air, at room temperature, until the solvent has completely evaporated. Weigh again.

Suppositories and ovules

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.1.1-00

Weigh 20 suppositories or ovules individually and determine the average weight. A maximum of two
units can be tolerated outside the limits specified in Table 1, in relation to the average weight,
however, none may be above or below twice as much as the indicated percentages.

Sterile powders, lyophilized powders and powders for injectables

Carry out the test with 20 units. Remove metal seals in case of ampoule flasks. Remove labels that
could be damaged during testing. If necessary, dry the outer surface of the containers. Weigh the 20
units individually, with their respective lids. Remove the contents and wash the respective containers
using water and then ethyl alcohol. Dry in an oven at 105 ºC, for one hour, or at temperatures lower
than that, depending on the nature of the material, until constant weight. Cool to room temperature,
replace the lid and weigh again. The difference between the two weights represents the content
weight. Determine the average weight of the content of the 20 units. Not more than two units can be
tolerated outside the limits specified in Table 1, in relation to the content average weight, however,
none may be above or below twice as much as the indicated percentages.

Powders or granules for reconstitution (oral use)

Proceed as described for Sterile powders, lyophilized powders and powders for injectables. Not more
than two units can be tolerated outside the limits specified in Table 1, in relation to the content
average weight, however, none may be above or below twice as much as the indicated percentages.

Table 1 – Evaluation criteria for determination of weight for pharmaceutical preparations in unit dose.
Pharmaceutical preparations in unit dose Average weight
Uncoated or film-coated tablets, effervescent 80mg or less more than ± 10.0%
tablets, sublingual tablets, vaginal tablets and 80mg and less than 250mg ± 7.5
lozenges 250mg or more ± 5.0
25 mg or less ± 15.0%
more than 25mg and up to 150mg ± 10.0%
Sugar coated tablets (dragees)
more than 150mg and less than 300mg ± 7.5
300mg or more ± 5.0
less than 300 mg ± 10.0%
Hard and soft capsules, vaginal capsules
300mg or more ± 7.5
Suppositories and ovules Independent of average weight ± 5.0
Sterile powders, lyophilized powders and
more than 40mg* ± 10.0%
powders for injectables
less than 300 mg ± 10.0%
Powders for reconstitution (oral use)
300mg or more ± 7.5%
(*) If the average weight is 40mg or less, submit to the Uniformity test of unit doses (5.1.6).


For products packed in containers for multiple doses, the test allows checking the homogeneity of the

Powders for reconstitution (oral and parenteral use)

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.1.1-00

Weigh 10 units individually. Remove the contents and wash the respective containers using adequate
solvent. Dry, cool to room temperature and weigh again. The difference between the two weights
represents the content weight.

Determine the average weight of the content of the 10 units. Individual values do not differ by ±10%
from the average weight.

Granules, powders, gels, creams and ointments

Note: to carry out the test, it is necessary to know the filling nominal quantity.

Weigh 10 units individually. Remove the contents and wash the respective containers using adequate
solvent. Dry, cool to room temperature and weigh again. The difference between the two weights
represents the content weight.

Determine the average weight of the content of the 10 units. The average weight of the contents is
not inferior to the declared weight and the individual weight of none of the units tested is inferior to
the percentage indicated in Table 2, in relation to the declared weight.

If this requirement is not met, determine the individual weight of the content of 20 additional units.
The average weight of the 30 contents is not inferior to the declared weight and the individual weight
of not more than one unit in 30 is inferior to the percentage indicated in Table 2, in relation to the
declared weight.

Table 2 – Evaluation criteria for determination of weight for pharmaceutical preparations in multi-doses.
Minimum percentage in
Pharmaceutical forms in multi-doses Declared weight relation to the declared
up to 60 g 90.0
Granules, powders, gels, creams and
above 60 g and up to 150 g 92.5
above 150.0 g 95.0

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.1.2-00


The determination of volume test is required for liquid products in multi-dose containers and liquid
products in single-dose containers. The test applies to both liquid preparations and liquid preparations
obtained from powders for reconstitution. The test is not required for liquid products in single-dose
containers when, in the individual monograph, there is an requirement for Uniformity of unit doses


Liquid products in multi-dose containers (except injectables)

Separate 10 units Remove metal seals, when applicable. Remove labels that could be damaged during
testing. Weigh each container with their respective lids individually. Homogenize, remove and
combine the contents and reserve for determination of mass density. Wash containers and lids with
water and then with ethyl alcohol. Dry in an oven at 105 ºC, for one hour, or at a temperature
compatible with the container material, until constant weight. Cool to room temperature, replace the
lid and further corresponding parts and weigh again.

The difference between the two weights represents the content weight. Determine the corresponding
individual volumes (V), in mL, using the expression:


m = content weight, in g;
ρ = mass density of the product, in g/mL, determined at 20 ºC, as described in Determination of mass
density and relative density (5.2.5).

From the values obtained, calculate the average volume of the units tested. The average volume is
not inferior to the declared volume and the individual volume of none of the units tested is inferior to
95.0% of the declared volume.

Liquid products in multi-dose containers obtained from powders for reconstitution (except

Separate 10 units Reconstitute each unit as indicated on the label. Proceed as described in Liquid
products in multi-dose containers (except injectables)

From the values obtained, calculate the average volume of the units tested. The average volume is
not lower than the declared volume and the individual volume of none of the units tested is lower
than 95.0% or greater than 110.0% of the declared volume.

Liquid products in single-dose containers (except injectables)

Separate 10 units Pour, separately, the content of each unit into calibrated dry graduated cylinders
with a capacity that does not exceed 2.5 times the volume to be measured, taking precautions to avoid
the formation of bubbles. Allow the liquid to drain for five seconds, unless otherwise indicated in the
individual monograph. Carry out the measurement.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.1.2-00

From the values obtained, calculate the average volume of the units tested. The average volume is
not lower than the declared volume and the individual volume of none of the units tested is lower
than 95.0% or greater than 110.0% of the declared volume.

Injectable liquid products

The test applies to liquid injectable products packaged in containers such as ampoules, vials, plastic
bags, plastic vials, carpule syringes or pre-filled syringes. The containers are filled with a small excess
of volume, according to the product features, to allow the administration of the declared volume. The
minimum volume excesses recommended in Table 1 are generally sufficient to allow the removal
and administration of the declared volume.

Table 1 – Recommended volume excess for injectable liquid products.

Declared volume Minimum volume excess recommended
(mL) movable (mL) viscous (mL)
0.5 0.10 0.12
1.0 0.10 0.15
2.0 0.15 0.25
3.0 0.20 0.35
4.0 0.25 0.45
5.0 0.30 0.50
10.0 0.50 0.70
20.0 0.60 0.90
30.0 0.80 1.20
50.0 or more 2% 3%

Suspensions and emulsions must be agitated before removing the content and before determination
of density. Oily or highly viscous preparations can be heated, if necessary, as indicated on the label
or to a maximum of 37°C, and shaken vigorously before removing the content. The contents are then
cooled to between 20°C and 25°C before volume measurement.

For injectables in single-dose containers, test six units if the declared volume is equal to or greater
than 10 mL, 10 units if the declared volume is greater than 3mL and less than 10mL, or 12 units if
the declared volume is equal to or less than 3 mL. Remove the total contents of each unit with the aid
of a syringe with a capacity that does not exceed three times the volume to be measured, fitted with
a number 21 needle and not less than 2.5 cm long. Eliminate any bubbles that may exist in the needle
and syringe and transfer the contents of the syringe, without emptying the needle, to a dry, calibrated
measuring cylinder with a capacity not exceeding 2.5 times the volume to be measured. Alternatively,
the contents of the syringe can be transferred to a dry tared graduated beaker, the volume being
calculated by the weight of the liquid, in g, divided by its density. For containers with a declared
volume of 2 mL or less, the contents of the containers can be collected to obtain the volume required
for the assay, using separate dry syringes and needles for each container. The contents of containers
with a declared volume of 10 mL or more can be determined by emptying the contents of each
container directly into calibrated measuring cylinders or tared beakers.

The volume of each container examined is not inferior to the declared volume. In the case of
containers with a declared volume of 2 mL or less, the volume of the collected contents is not inferior
to the sum of the declared volumes of the containers used in the test.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.1.2-00

For injectables in multi-dose containers labeled to contain a specific number of doses of a given
volume, select a unit and proceed as described for injectables in single-dose containers, using the
number of separate syringes and needles equivalent to the number of doses specified on the label .
The volume dispensed by each syringe is not inferior to the declared volume per dose.

For injectables in cartridges or pre-filled syringes, test one unit if the declared volume is equal to or
greater than 10 mL, three units if the declared volume is greater than 3 mL and less than 10 mL, or
five units if the declared volume is equal or less than 3 mL. Adjust the necessary tools to the
containers for their use (needle, plunger, syringe body), when applicable, and transfer the content of
each container, without emptying the needle, to a tared dry graduated beaker, pushing the plunger
slowly and regularly. Calculate the volume, in milliliters, by dividing the liquid weight, in g, by its
density. The volume of each container is not inferior to the declared volume.

For large volume injectable preparations (parenteral infusions), select two units and transfer the
content of each container to calibrated dry measuring cylinders with a capacity that does not exceed
2.5 times the volume to be measured. The volume of each container is not inferior to the declared

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.1.3-00


Mechanical strength tests, such as hardness and friability, are considered official within the legal
context of this Pharmacopoeia, constituting useful elements in evaluating the integral quality of
tablets. These tests aim to demonstrate the tablets' resistance to breakage caused by falls or friction. HARDNESS TEST

The hardness test makes it possible to determine the tablet strength to crushing or breaking under
radial pressure. The hardness of a tablet is proportional to the compression force and inversely
proportional to its porosity.

The test applies mainly to uncoated tablets. The test consists of submitting the tablet to the action of
a device that measures the force, applied diametrically, necessary to crush it. Force is measured in
newtons (N).


Different types of apparatus can be used, which basically differ in the mechanism used to exert
pressure. Force can be exerted manually or mechanically. As the pressure increases, a plunger, plate
or piston applies a certain force on the tablet, supported by a fixed base. The apparatus is calibrated
to a 1 N accuracy.


The test is carried out with 10 tablets, eliminating any surface residue before each determination. The
tablets are individually tested, always following the same orientation (consider the shape, presence
of groove and engraving). Express the result as the average of the values obtained in the
determinations. The test result is informative. FRIABILITY TEST

The friability test makes it possible to determine the tablets strength to abrasion, when subject to the
mechanical action of a specific apparatus. The test applies solely to uncoated tablets.

The test consists of accurately weighing a determined number of tablets, submitting them to the action
of the apparatus and removing after 100 rotations. After removing any powder residue from the
tablets, they are weighed again. The difference between the initial and final weight represents the
friability, measured from the percentage of powder lost.


The apparatus (Figure 1) consists of a rotating cylinder, with (287.0 ± 4.0) mm in diameter and
(38.0 ±2.0) mm in depth, made of transparent synthetic polymer with polished internal faces, of low
static activity, which rotates around its axis at a speed of (25 ± 1) revolutions per minute. One of the
cylinder faces is removable. The tablets are collected at each turn of the cylinder by a curved
projection with an inner radius of (80.5 ± 5.0) mm that extends from the center to the outer wall of
the cylinder, and taken to a height of (156.0 ± 2.0) mm, from which they fall repeatedly.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.1.3-00

10.0 ± 0.1 mm
156.0 ± 2.0 mm diameter
fall height 287.0 ± 4.0 mm
internal diameter

80.5 ± 5.0 mm
internal radius

25.0 ± 0.5 mm

38.0 ± 2.0 mm
Figure 1 - Apparatus for friability test (friabilometer).


For tablets with an average weight equal to or less than 0.65 g, use 20 tablets. For tablets with an
average weight greater than 0.65 g, use 10 tablets. Accurately weigh the tablets and place them in the
apparatus. Set speed to 25 revolutions per minute and test time to four minutes. When time elapsed,
remove any residue of powder from the surface of the tablets and weigh again. No tablet may be
broken, chipped, cracked or split at the end of the test. Tablets with a loss equal to or less than 1.5%
of their weight or the percentage established in the monograph are considered acceptable. If the result
is doubtful or if the loss is greater than the specified limit, repeat the test twice more, considering, in
the evaluation, the average result of the three determinations.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.1.4-00


The disintegration test checks if tablets and capsules disintegrate within the specified time limit, when
six batch units are subject to the action of specific apparatus under described experimental conditions.

The test applies to uncoated, film-coated or sugar-coated tablets (dragees), enteric-coated tablets,
sublingual tablets, soluble tablets, dispersible tablets, hard capsules and soft capsules It can be applied
to chewable tablets; in this case, the conditions and evaluation criteria will appear in the individual
monograph. The test does not apply to losenges and tablets or controlled (prolonged) release capsules.

Disintegration is defined, for the purposes of this test, as the state in which no residue from the tested
units (capsules or tablets) remains on the wire mesh of the disintegration apparatus, except for
insoluble fragments of tablet coatings or capsule shells. Units that turn into a creamy mass during the
test are also considered as disintegrated, as long as they do not present a palpable core.


It consists of a system of baskets and tubes (Figure 1), a suitable container for the immersion liquid
(a graduated beaker with a capacity of 1 liter), a thermostat to keep the liquid at (37 ± 1) °C and a
mechanism to move the basket and tubes in the immersion liquid, with constant frequency and
specific path. The volume of the immersion liquid must be sufficient so that, when reaching the
highest point of the route, the bottom of the basket is at least 25 mm below the surface of the liquid,
and that at the lowest point it is at least 25mm from the bottom of the beaker. Upward and downward
movements should have the same speed and the change in direction of movement should be smooth.

The basket consists of six tubes of clear glass or acrylic, open on both sides. The dimensions of the
tubes are: length (77.5 ± 2.5) mm, internal diameter between 20.7 mm and 23.0 mm, and wall
thickness of approximately 2 mm.

The tubes are kept vertically, adapting at each end of the basket a disk of suitable transparent material,
with a diameter between 88.0 mm and 92.0 mm and thickness between 5.0 mm and 8.5 mm, having
six holes in which the tubes are introduced. The six holes are equidistant from the center of each disc,
being equally spaced. On the external face of the lower disc is a stainless-steel wire mesh (wire
diameter of (0.635 ± 0.030) mm, with an opening between 1.8mm and 2.2mm, attached to the disc
by three screws.

For capsule disintegration testing, a stainless steel wire mesh, similar to the one fitted to the basket
lower disc, or other suitable device can be fitted to the external face of the upper disc to prevent the
capsules from escaping from the tubes during testing.

The parts that constitute the basket are assembled and held firmly together by a central metal axis,
with a diameter of about 5mm. The upper end of the central axis must have a device to attach the
basket to the mechanism that produces the vertical movement of the system.

When indicated, a cylindrical disc of suitable transparent material must be added to each tube of the
basket, with a relative density between 1.18 and 1.20, diameter of (20.70 ± 0.15) mm, and thickness
of (9.50 ± 0.15) mm. Each disc has five holes, each of 2mm in diameter, with one hole on the cylinder
axis and the other four equidistant, arranged on a circle with a radius of 6mm relative to the center of

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.1.4-00

the disc. The lateral surface of the disc has four equidistant dents, with a depth of (2.6 ± 0.1) mm, in
a V shape, which, on the upper side of the disc, measure (9.4 ±0.2) mm of width, and 1.6mm.on the
lower side. All disc surfaces are smooth. Basket design and assembly may vary as long as
specifications for tubes and mesh opening are maintained.

steel wire

Figure 1 – Apparatus for tablet and capsule disintegration test (dimensions in mm).


Uncoated tablets

Use six tablets in the test. Place a tablet in each of the six tubes of the basket, add a disk to each tube
and activate the apparatus, using water maintained at (37 ± 1) °C as immersion liquid, unless another
liquid is specified in the medication monograph. At the end of the specified time range, stop the
movement of the basket and observe the material in each of the tubes. All tablets must be fully
disintegrated. If tablets do not disintegrate due to sticking to the discs, repeat the test with six other
tablets, omitting the discs. All tablets must be fully disintegrated upon test completion. The time limit
established as a general criterion for disintegration of uncoated tablets is 30 minutes, unless otherwise
indicated in the individual monograph.

Sugar coated (dragees) or film-coated tablets

Use six tablets in the test. Place one tablet in each one of the six tubes in the basket. Place a disk in
each tube and activate the apparatus, using water maintained at (37 ± 1) °C as immersion liquid. At
the end of the specified time range, stop the movement of the basket and observe the material in each
of the tubes. If the tablets are not fully disintegrated, test another six tablets using 0.1 M hydrochloric
acid, kept at (37 ± 1) °C, as immersion liquid. At the end of the specified time range, stop the
movement of the basket and observe the material in each of the tubes. All tablets must be fully
disintegrated. If tablets do not disintegrate due to sticking to the discs, repeat the test with six other

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.1.4-00

tablets, omitting the discs. All tablets must be fully disintegrated upon test completion. The time limit
established as a general criterion for disintegration of film-coated tablets is 30 minutes, and for sugar-
coated tablets (dragees), 60 minutes, unless otherwise indicated in the individual monograph.

Enteric coated tablets or capsules (gastroresistant)

Use six units in the test. Place one unit in each one of the six tubes in the basket. Activate the
apparatus, without adding the discs, using 0.1 M hydrochloric acid, kept at (37 ± 1) °C, as immersion
liquid, for 60 minutes or for the time specified in the individual monograph. Cease basket movement
and observe the tablets or capsules. No unit may show any sign of disintegration, cracking or softening
that could allow its content to leak out. Use phosphate buffer solution pH 6.8, kept at (37 ± 1) °C, as
immersion liquid. Place a disk in each tube and turn on the apparatus. After 45 minutes or the time
specified in the monograph, cease basket movement and observe the material in each tube. All tablets
or capsules must be completely disintegrated and only insoluble coating fragments may remain. If the
tablets or capsules do not disintegrate due to sticking to the discs, repeat the test with six other units,
omitting the discs. All tablets or capsules must be fully disintegrated at the end of the test. The test
does not apply to uncoated capsules containing an enteric release preparation.

Sublingual tablets

Carry out the test as described for Uncoated Tablets, omitting the use of discs. All tablets must be
fully disintegrated after five minutes.

Soluble tablets and dispersible tablets

Carry out the test as described for Uncoated Tablets, using water kept between 15°C and 25°C as
immersion liquid. All tablets must be fully disintegrated after three minutes.

Gelatin capsules (hard)

Carry out the test as described for Uncoated Tablets, omitting the use of discs. Use a mesh with an
opening of 1.8 mm to 2.2 mm, made of stainless-steel wire adapted to the external face of the upper
disc, as described in the item Apparatus. Observe capsules after 45 minutes or as specified in the drug
monograph. All capsules must be fully disintegrated, or only insoluble fragments of soft consistency
remain on the mesh.

Soft capsules

Carry out the test as described for Uncoated Tablets, using the discs. Observe capsules after 30
minutes or as specified in the drug monograph. All capsules must be fully disintegrated, or only
insoluble fragments of soft consistency remain on the mesh. If the capsules do not disintegrate due to
sticking to the discs, repeat the test with six other units, omitting the discs. All capsules must be fully
disintegrated at the end of the test. DISINTEGRATION TEST OF SUPPOSITORIES, OVULES AND

This test makes it possible to verify the greater or lesser capacity of these pharmaceutical preparations
to soften or disaggregate in liquid medium, within the prescribed period.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.1.4-00

Complete disintegration is considered when the suppository or ovule presents:

a) full dissolution;
b) complete separation of its components, accumulating melted fatty substances on the liquid
surface, depositing insoluble powders at the bottom of the container and dissolving the soluble
components of the sample, with the distribution of the components occurring in one or more of
the manners described above;
c) softening of the sample, which can be accompanied by a change in shape without complete
separation of its components; the softening must be such that, when pressing the sample softened
with a glass rod, it is not noticed the existence of a harder layer on its surface;
d) rupture of the gelatinous capsule of ovules, allowing the release of its components;
e) absence of residue on the perforated disc or, when present, that has the consistency of a soft mass
that does not offer resistance to the pressure of a glass rod.


The apparatus (Figure 1) consists of a transparent glass or plastic cylinder, with walls of appropriate
thickness, inside which is attached, by three metal hooks, a metallic device consisting of two
perforated stainless steel discs, each containing one 39 orifices of 4 mm in diameter each. The
diameter of each disc is such that it can be inserted into the transparent cylinder, with the discs being
spaced approximately 30 cm apart. The determination is carried out using three devices, each
containing a single sample. Each apparatus is placed inside a beaker of not less than 4 liters of
capacity, containing water at a temperature of 36°C to 37°C, unless otherwise indicated in the
individual monograph. The beaker is equipped with a stirrer that operates at a slow speed and a device
that allows the cylinder to be inverted without removing it from the water.

Figure 1 – Apparatus for disintegration test of suppositories, ovules

and vaginal tablets (dimensions in mm).


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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.1.4-00

Suppositories and ovules

Use three suppositories or ovules. Place each one on the device's lower disk and insert and fix the
disk inside the cylinder. Invert the device every 10 minutes. Examine the samples after the time
prescribed in the monograph has elapsed. The test is considered satisfactory if all samples are
disintegrated. The time limit established as general criteria for disintegration is 30 minutes for
suppositories, ovules and vaginal tablets with a hydrophobic base, and 60 minutes for suppositories
with a hydrophilic base, unless otherwise indicated in the individual monograph.

Vaginal tablets

Use the device described in Disintegration of suppositories and ovules, assembled as shown in Figure
2. Introduce the cylinder into a beaker of a suitable diameter containing water between 36°C and
37°C, which should evenly cover the perforations of the disc. Use three devices, placing a vaginal
tablet on the upper disc in each one. Cover the device with a glass plate to ensure adequate humidity.
Examine each sample after the time prescribed in the monograph has elapsed. The test is considered
satisfactory if all samples are disintegrated.

Figure 2 – Apparatus for disintegration test of

suppositories, ovules and vaginal tablets.

A, glass plate; B, vaginal tablet; C, water surface; D, water; E, bottom of the container.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.1.5-00


The dissolution test makes it possible to determine the quantity of active substance dissolved in the
dissolution medium when the product is subject to the action of a specific apparatus, under described
experimental conditions. The result is expressed as a percentage of the quantity stated on the label.
This test is used to demonstrate whether the product meets the requirements in the drug monograph
in tablets, capsules and other cases where testing is required.


The dissolution apparatus consists of a three-component system, described below.

(1) Open containers in a cylindrical shape and hemispherical bottom (vats), made of boron silicate
glass, plastic or other transparent and inert material, to which an inert material lid can be adapted,
with suitable openings for the stirrer, sample collection and thermometer insert. The tanks can have
the following dimensions and capacities: (185 ± 25) mm in height and (102 ±4) mm in internal
diameter for a nominal capacity of one liter; (290 ± 10) mm in height and (102 ±4) mm in internal
diameter for a nominal capacity of two liters; (290 ± 10) mm high and (150 ± 5) mm inside diameter
for a nominal capacity of four liters.

(2) Stainless steel rods to provide agitation of the medium, which can be presented in two forms:
baskets (Method 1) or paddles (Method 2) (Figures 1 and 2). The rod must be centered in such a
manner that, when activated, its rotation axis does not distance more than 2 mm in relation to the
vertical axis of the container containing the dissolution medium.

(3) A motor that makes it possible to adjust the rotation speed of the rod to that specified in the
individual monograph, keeping it within the limits of ± 4%. The rotation must not pose undesirable
effects on the hydrodynamics of the system.

The tanks are immersed in a thermostatic water bath, of transparent material and adequate size, in
which the temperature is maintained at (37 ± 0.5) °C while carrying out the test. The device must be
free from any source of vibration, including external ones, that could influence the hydrodynamics of
the system. Preferably, the device should allow the visualization of samples and shakers during the

Method 1: Baskets

When specified in the monograph, a stainless-steel rod is used as a stirrer, at the end of which a basket
of the same material is fitted (Figure 1). The standard mesh used in making the basket has a wire
diameter of 0.25 mm and a square mesh opening of (0.40 ±0.04) mm (40 mesh), unless otherwise
specified in the individual monograph. The sample must be placed in the dry basket before starting
the test. During its execution, a distance of (25 ± 2) mm must be maintained between the bottom of
the basket and the inner bottom of the container containing the dissolution medium.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.1.5-00

Rotation axis

Ventilation hole 9.4 to 10.1 mm

2.0 ± 0.5 mm Approximate
location of sample

Basket retaining Dissolving medium level

spring with three
equidistant clips
5.1 ± 0.5 mm
20.2 ± 0.1 mm

Basket Outer Diameter

37.0 ± 3.0 mm

Mesh material: stainless

27.0 ± 1.0 mm
steel, 40 mesh, diameter
0.25 mm and square mesh
opening from 0.36 to 0.44

20.2 ± 1.0 mm 25.0 ± 3.0 mm

Figure 1 - Method 1 (Baskets). The basket and the tank are not in the same size proportion.

Method 2: Paddles

When specified in the monograph, a stainless-steel rod is used as a stirrer, coated or not with inert
material, whose end has the shape of a paddle (Figure 2), capable of rotating smoothly and without
axis deviation for the specified time and speed in the corresponding monograph. The sample should
be added, whenever possible, before starting the test. During its execution, a distance of (25 ± 2) mm
must be maintained between the bottom of the paddles and the inner bottom of the container
containing the dissolution medium.

It is important that samples do not float in the dissolution medium. An appropriate device can be used,
made of spiral steel wire in a few turns and with a sufficient diameter to trap the capsule or tablet
without deforming them or reducing the area of contact with the medium.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.1.5-00

Rotation axis

9.4 mm to 10.1 mm

Dissolving medium

location of
Radius: 41.5 mm

74.0 to 75.0 mm

Figure 2 - Method 2 (Paddles). The paddle and the tank are not in the same size promotion.


Method 3: Alternating Cylinders

The dissolution apparatus for Method 3 consists of a series of flat-bottomed cylindrical vials; a series
of glass cylinders with a closing system made of inert material (stainless steel or other suitable
material) and meshes made of non-adsorbent and non-reactive material, designed to be attached to
the upper and lower parts of the cylinders. A motor and a cylinder fitting device must allow vertical
alternating movement, ascending and descending, of the cylinders in the flasks and, also, providing
horizontal displacement of the cylinder to another flask arranged in a different row.

The vials remain partially immersed in a water bath, of adequate dimensions, which allows
thermostatization at (37 ± 0.5) °C during the test period. The device must be free of any vibration,
internal or external, that could influence the smooth upward and downward movement of the
cylinders. The apparatus must have a device for adjusting the speed of alternating movement, as
recommended in the individual monograph, with a maximum variation of ± 5%.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.1.5-00

Preferably, the device should enable the visualization of the cylinders and samples under analysis
inside. The flasks must have a suitable stopper which must remain fixed during the test. The assembly
components have the dimensions shown in Figure 3, unless there is some differentiate specification
in the monograph.


Flask cap


Perforated mesh

Gas cylinder

Perforated mesh

Glass flask

Figure 3 – Method 3 (Alternate Cylinders). Dimensions shown are in millimeters.


The dissolution medium specified in the product monograph is used, previously degassed by a
convenient procedure, when necessary, to avoid the formation of bubbles that could interfere with the
dissolution speed of the pharmaceutical preparation. When the dissolution medium is a buffer
solution, the pH should be adjusted to ± 0.05 units of the pH value specified in the product

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.1.5-00


When a single time is specified in the product monograph, it represents the maximum time within
which the minimum quantity, in percentage, of active substance established must be dissolved. When
more than one time is specified in the monograph, appropriately measured aliquots must be taken at
the end of each time indicated.


Assemble and check the apparatus according to the specifications previously mentioned in order to
reduce, to a minimum, factors that significantly change the hydrodynamics of the system (axis
deviation, vibration, etc.). Add the measured volume of the Dissolution Medium specified in the
product monograph, suitably degassed, if necessary, to the dissolution apparatus container. Keep the
temperature of the medium at (37 ± 0.5) °C, removing the thermometer before starting to agitate. In
Method 1, place the sample into the dry basket. In Method 2, place the sample into the dissolution
container as described above. In both cases, upon observing the formation of bubbles on the surface
of the samples, when in contact with the dissolution medium, check their influence on the result.
Immediately start agitating, according to the pre-set speed. At the time range(s) specified in the
product monograph, remove an aliquot for analysis of the intermediate region between the surface of
the dissolution medium and the top of the basket or paddles, at least 1 cm from the inner wall of the
container ( Figures 1 and 2). While removing the aliquot, keep shaking. Immediately filter the
samples, if not using filters coupled to the sampling system. The filters used must be inert, not adsorb
a significant portion of the drug and have adequate porosity. As specified in the product monograph,
the sample volume taken may or may not be replaced. If replacement is necessary, the same
dissolution medium heated to 37 °C should be used. If the replacement of the dissolution medium is
not carried out, correct the volume in the calculations. After filtration and dilution (when necessary)
of the aliquot, the drug is quantified using the method indicated in the product monograph. Repeat
the test with additional unit doses as necessary considering the Acceptance Criteria.

Dissolution of capsules: if the result is unsatisfactory, repeat the test as follows: when the dissolution
medium is water or buffer with a pH lower than 6.8, use the same specified dissolution medium with
addition of purified pepsin with activity of not more than 750 000 units/1000 mL.
For dissolution media with a pH equal to or greater than 6.8, add pancreatin with an activity of not
more than 1750 protease units/1000 mL.


Use Method A or Method B or the method indicated in the individual monograph.

Method A

Acid stage: use 750 mL of 0.1 M HCl as Dissolution Medium in the tanks when using Methods 1 and
2. Assemble the dissolution apparatus as described in Apparatus for Methods 1 and 2 and add a test
unit to each tank or basket, as appropriate. Carry out the test at the speed specified in the monograph
for two hours. At the end of this period, remove an aliquot from the Dissolution Medium and
immediately carry out Buffer Stage pH 6.8. Determine the amount of drug dissolved in the sampled
aliquot, using appropriate analytical method.

Buffer stage pH 6.8: carry out the preparation of the buffer stage and pH adjustment in five minutes.
With the dissolution apparatus operating at the speed specified for the product, add 250 mL of 0.20
M sodium phosphate tribasic solution, previously heated to (37 ± 0.5) °C, to the Acid Stage
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.1.5-00

Dissolution Medium. If necessary, adjust pH to (6.8 ± 0.05) with 2 M HCl or 2 M NaOH. Continue
operating the dissolution apparatus for 45 minutes or for the time specified in the monograph. At the
end of this period, remove an aliquot from the Buffer Stage Dissolution Medium pH 6.8 and determine
the amount of drug dissolved, using appropriate analytical method.

Method B

Acid stage: use 1000 mL of 0.1 M HCl as Dissolution Medium in the tanks and assemble the
dissolution device as described in Apparatus for Methods 1 and 2. Add a test unit to each tank or
basket, as appropriate. Carry out the test at the speed specified in the monograph for two hours. Time
elapsed, remove an aliquot of the Dissolution Medium and immediately carry out Buffer Stage pH
6.8. Determine the amount of drug dissolved in the sampled aliquot, using appropriate analytical

Buffer stage pH 6.8: use phosphate buffer pH 6.8, previously heated to (37 ± 0.5) °C. Drain the Acid
Stage dissolution medium from the tanks and add 1000 mL of pH 6.8 phosphate buffer dissolution
medium. Alternatively, each tank with the Acid Stage medium can be removed from the dissolution
apparatus and replaced by another tank with pH 6.8 Stage buffer medium, carefully transferring the
test unit of the drug under test. Continue operating the dissolution apparatus for 45 minutes or for the
time specified in the monograph. At the end of this period, remove an aliquot from the Buffer Stage
pH 6.8 dissolution medium and determine the amount of drug dissolved, using appropriate analytical
method. The pH 6.8 buffer can be prepared by mixing three volumes of 0.1 M HCl and one volume
of 0.20 M sodium phosphate tribasic solution, if necessary adjusting the pH to 6.8 ± 0.05 with 2 M
HCl or 2 M NaOH.


Immediate release dosage forms: using Method 3, add the volume of Dissolution medium specified
in the product monograph to each flask of the device, place the flasks in the bath instrument to
acclimatize to (37 ± 0.5) °C and remove the thermometers before starting the test. Place a sample
dosage unit in each of the six alternating cylinders, avoiding the formation of air bubbles on the
surface of the material, and immediately start operating the device as specified in the individual
product monograph. During the upward and downward movement of the cylinders, the height range
should be between 9.9 and 10.1 cm. At the time range(s) specified in the individual monograph, lift
the cylinders and sample an aliquot of the Dissolution Medium from each vial, from the intermediate
region between the liquid surface and the bottom of the vial. After filtering and diluting (when
necessary) the aliquot, carry out a quantitative analysis of the dissolved drug according to what is
recommended in the individual product monograph. If necessary, repeat the test with additional units
of drug. Replace the volume of sampled medium with an equal volume of freshly prepared
Dissolution Medium maintained at (37 ± 0.5) °C or, in situations where it is proven that it is not
necessary to replace the medium, correct the volume change during the calculations . Keep the vials
covered with their respective caps during the test and periodically check the temperature of the
medium. For the medium and dissolution time, follow the general guidelines indicated in Dissolution
Medium and Dissolution Time.

Prolonged-release dosage forms: using Method 3, perform the procedure as described in Immediate-
release dosage forms and follow the general guidelines indicated in Dissolution Medium and
Dissolution Time . Times are expressed in hours and normally at least 3 time ranges are indicated.
Delayed release dosage forms: using Method 3, based on the procedure indicated in Method B for
Delayed release dosage forms, using a row of vials for the Acid stage and the successive row of vials
for the stage with buffer solution pH 6 .8, adding the volume of medium specified in the monograph

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.1.5-00

(usually 300 mL). Collection times are those specified in the monograph or the general ones indicated
in Method B for Delayed Release Dosage Forms.



The product complies with the test if the results meet the requirements described in Table 1, unless
otherwise specified in the individual monograph.

Table 1 – Acceptance criteria for the dissolution test of immediate release dosage forms.
Number of samples
Stages Acceptance criteria
E1 06 Each unit has a result greater than or equal to Q + 5%.
Average of 12 units (E1 + E2) is equal to or greater than Q and no unit has
E2 06
a result lower than Q – 15%.
Average of 24 units (E1 + E2 + E3) is equal to or greater than Q, at most
E3 12 two units have results less than Q – 15% and no unit has results less than
Q – 25%.

The term Q corresponds to the quantity of dissolved drug, specified in the individual monograph,
expressed as a percentage of the declared quantity. The 5%, 15% and 25% values also represent
percentage of the declared quantity.

In special circumstances, the maximum dissolution percentage must be established experimentally.

In these cases, ensure a value of Q∞ (quantity dissolved in infinite time) checking that two
consecutive dosages do not differ by more than 2% after 10 minutes.

Stage E1
At Stage E 1 six units are tested. If each unit individually presents a result equal to or greater than Q
+ 5%, the product complies with what was specified, and Stage E2is not necessary.

Stage E2
If the criterion for Stage E 1 is not met, repeat the test with another six units. If the average of the
twelve units tested (Stages E 1 and E2) is greater than or equal to Q, and if none of the units tested
presents a result lower than Q – 15%, the product complies with what was specified, and it is not
necessary to perform Stage E 3 .

Stage E3
If the criterion for Stage E 2 is still not met, repeat the test with another 12 units. If the average of the
24 units tested (Stages E 1, E2 and E3) is greater than or equal to Q, at most two units present results
lower than Q – 15% and no unit presents results lower than Q – 25%, the product complies with
specification. If the criterion for Stage E 3 is not yet met, the product is considered unsatisfactory.



The product complies with the test if the results meet the requirements described in Table 2, unless
otherwise specified in the individual monograph. The terms Q1 and Q2 correspond to the minimum

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.1.5-00

and maximum quantity of drug dissolved in each time range specified in the monograph, expressed
as a percentage of the declared quantity. At the last time the specification can only be presented with
a minimum Q value. The terms L 1, L2 and L3 refer to the three possible stages of release evaluation

Table 2 – Acceptance criteria for the dissolution test (release) carried out for extended-release dosage forms.
Number of
Stages Acceptance criteria
units tested
Each individual result fits in the established range (Q1 and Q2) for each given
L1 6
time and no individual result is inferior to the Q of the last time.
The average of 12 units (L 1 + L2 ) fits in the established range (Q1 and Q2) for
each given time and is not inferior to the Q of the last time. No individual unit
L2 6 presents a result that exceeds the limits of Q1 and Q2 by 10% of the declared
quantity, for each given time, and no individual result provides a value lower
than the Q of the last time that exceeds the declared quantity by 10%.
The average of 24 units (L 1 + L2 + L3 ) fits in the established range (Q1 and
Q2) for each given time and is not inferior to the Q of the last time. A
maximum of two units out of the 24 tested present results that exceed Q1 and
Q2 limits by 10% of the declared quantity for each given time, and a
maximum of two units out of the 24 tested present results with a value lower
L3 12
than the Q of the last time that exceeds in 10% the declared quantity in 10%.
No individual unit presents a result that exceeds the limits of Q1 and Q2 by
20% of the declared quantity, for each given time, and no individual result
provides a value lower than the Q of the last time that exceeds the declared
quantity by 20%.


The product complies with the test if the results meet the requirements shown in Table 3 in the Acid
Stage (Methods A or B) and also the requirements indicated in Table 4 in the pH 6.8 buffer Stage
(Methods A or B), unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph. Use the Q value indicated
in the product monograph and, when not specified, use 75% as the Q value in the pH 6.8 Buffer stage.
The terms A1, A2 and A3 refer to the three possible evaluation stages in the Acid Stage (A) and the
terms B1, B2 and B3 refer to the three possible evaluation stages in the Buffer stage pH 6.8 (B).

Table 3 – Acceptance criteria for the Acid stage dissolution test (Methods A or B) carried out for delayed-release
dosage forms.
Number of
Stages Acceptance criteria
units tested
A1 06 No individual unit has a dissolved quantity greater than 10% of the declared.
The average of 12 units (A1 + A2) is not more than 10% of the declared
A2 06 quantity and no individual unit has a dissolved quantity greater than 25% of
the declared quantity.
The average of 24 units (A1 + A2 + A3 ) is, at most, 10% of the declared
A3 12 quantity and no individual unit has a dissolved quantity greater than 25% of
the declared quantity.

Table 4 – Acceptance criteria for the pH 6,8 Buffer stage dissolution test (Methods A or B) carried out for
delayed-release dosage forms.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.1.5-00

Number of
Stages Acceptance criteria
units tested
B1 06 Each unit has a result greater than or equal to Q + 5%.
Average of 12 units (B1 + B2) is equal to or greater than Q and no unit has a
B2 06
result lower than Q – 15%.
Average of 24 units (B1 + B2 + B3) is equal to or greater than Q, at most two
B3 12 units have results less than Q – 15% and no unit has results less than Q –

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.1.6-00


To ensure the administration of correct doses, each unit of a drug batch must contain a quantity of the
active ingredient close to the stated quantity. The unit dose uniformity test evaluates the quantity of
active ingredient in individual units of the batch and verify that such quantity is uniform in the units
tested. The specifications of this test apply to dosage forms with a single drug or with more than one
active ingredient. Unless otherwise indicated in the individual monograph, the test applies
individually to each active ingredient of the product.

The uniformity of unit doses of pharmaceutical preparations can be evaluated by two methods: Weight
variation and content uniformity. The application of each method, considering the pharmaceutical
preparation, dose and proportion of the drug, is shown in Table 1.

Table 1 – Application of the Content Uniformity (CU) or Weight Variation (WV) method
according to the pharmaceutical preparation, dose and proportion of the drug.
Drug dose and proportion
Type Subtype ≥ 25 mg and < 25 mg or
≥ 25% < 25%
Uncoated tablets WV CU
coated film WV CU
others CU CU
Hard capsules WV CU
soft suspensions, emulsions or gels CU CU
solutions WV WV
sole ingredient WV WV
Solids stored in single-
dose containers multiple lyophilized solution in final
ingredients container
others CU CU
Solutions stored in
single-dose containers
Others CU CU

The Content Uniformity method for unit dose preparations is based on the assay for the individual
content of the active ingredient from a number of unit doses to determine whether the individual
content is within specified limits. The Content Uniformity method can be applied in all cases.

The Weight Variation method can be applied to the following dosage forms:

1. Solids packaged in single-dose containers and in soft capsules;

2. solids (including powders, granules and sterile solids) packaged in single-dose containers that do
not contain other added substances, whether active or inactive;

3. solids (including sterile solids) packaged in single-dose containers, containing or not added active
or inactive substances, which have been prepared from homogeneous lyophilized solutions in the
final containers, and are labeled in such a manner as to indicate this mode of preparation;

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.1.6-00

4. hard capsules, uncoated or film-coated tablets, containing 25 mg or more of the active substance,
comprising 25% or more by weight of the unit dose or, in the case of hard capsules, the content of the
capsule. The uniformity of other active substances present in smaller proportions must be
demonstrated by the Content Uniformity method.

The Content Uniformity method is required for all dosage forms that do not meet the specified
conditions for applying the Weight Variation method.


To determine the uniformity of unit doses by the method of content uniformity, separate at least 30
units and proceed as described for the pharmaceutical preparations indicated. When the amount of
active ingredient in a unit dose is different from that specified in the assay, make adjustments to the
dilution of the solutions and/or to the volume of the aliquots to obtain the concentration of active
ingredient in the final solution similar to that in the assay. In case of titration assay, use titrant with
different concentration, if necessary, to consume an adequate volume of titrant. Consider any
modification of dilutions to perform calculations.

When there is a special procedure for the content uniformity test in the individual monograph, make
the necessary correction of the results obtained as described below.

1. Weigh amount of product units sufficient to carry out the assay and the special content uniformity
test procedure presented in the individual monograph. Pulverize tablets to fine powder (or mix
contents of capsules, solutions, suspensions, emulsions, gels or solids in single-dose containers) to
obtain a homogeneous mixture. If obtaining a homogeneous mixture is not possible, use appropriate
solvents or other procedures to obtain a solution containing the drug. Use appropriate aliquots of this
solution for the specified tests.

2. Analyze, separately, portions of the sample, accurately measured, according to the procedure
indicated for the assay (D) and the special procedure indicated for content uniformity (E), described
in the individual monograph.

3. Calculate the amount of drug by average weight using the results obtained by the assay procedure
(D) and the special procedure (E).

4. Calculate the correction factor (F) according to the formula:

F = D/S

D = amount of active ingredient by average weight of the pharmaceutical preparation obtained by the
assay procedure;
E = amount of active ingredient by average weight of the pharmaceutical preparation obtained by the
special procedure. If (100|D – E|)/D is greater than 10, the use of F is not valid.

1. If F is between 0.970 and 1.030, there is no need for correction.

2. The correction will be applied when F value is between 0.900 and 0.970 and between 1.030 and
1.100 and must be carried out by calculating the amount of drug in each unit, multiplying the
quantities obtained in the special procedure by the correction factor F.

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Solid dosage forms

Analyze 10 units individually as indicated in the individual monograph for the assay, unless a special
procedure for content uniformity is described in the monograph. Calculate the Acceptance Value

Liquid dosage forms

Analyze 10 units individually as indicated in the individual monograph for the assay, unless a special
procedure for content uniformity is described in the monograph. Carry out the test, individually, in a
homogeneous quantity of material that is removed from each container under normal conditions of
use. Express the result as quantity dispensed per unit. Calculate the Acceptance Value (AV).

Acceptance Value for Content Uniformity

Calculate the Acceptance Value (AV) as per the formula:

̅ | + 𝑘𝑠
AV = |𝑀 − 𝑋

whose terms are defined in Table 2.


To determine the uniformity of unit doses by the method of weight variation, separate at least 30 units
and proceed as described for the pharmaceutical preparations indicated. The amount of drug per unit
is estimated from the result of the assay and the individual weights, assuming homogeneous
distribution of the active ingredient. Estimated individual quantities ( 𝑥𝑖 ) are calculated according to
the formula:

𝑥𝑖 = 𝑝𝑖 × A/P

𝑝𝑖 = individual weights of units or contents of tested units;
A = amount of active ingredient, expressed as a percentage of the declared quantity, determined in
the assay;
P = average weight of the units used in the assay.

Uncoated or film-coated tablets

Weigh, accurately and individually, 10 tablets. From the assay result and the individual weight of
each tablet, estimate the quantity of active component in each unit and express the individual results
as a percentage of the declared quantity. Calculate the Acceptance Value (AV).

Hard capsules

Weigh, accurately and individually, 10 capsules, preserving the identity of each one. Carefully
remove contents and weigh empty capsules. Calculate the content weight of each capsule and, from
the assay result, estimate the amount of active ingredient in each capsule. The individual result is
expressed as a percentage of the quantity stated. Calculate the Acceptance Value (AV).

Soft capsules

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.1.6-00

Weigh, accurately and individually, 10 capsules, preserving the identity of each one. Cut the capsules
with a slide and remove the contents, washing the shells with a suitable solvent. Place the shells at
room temperature for 30 minutes for the complete evaporation of the solvent, taking precautions to
avoid the addition or loss of humidity. Weigh the empty capsules and calculate the content weight of
each capsule. Estimate the amount of active ingredient in each capsule from the assay result and from
the content weight of each capsule. Calculate the Acceptance Value (AV).

Solid dosage forms (except tablets and capsules)

Proceed as indicated in Hard Capsules. Calculate the Acceptance Value (AV).

Liquid dosage forms

Weigh, accurately and individually, the quantity of liquid that is removed from each of 10 containers
under normal use conditions. If necessary, calculate the equivalent volume of removed content after
density determination. Estimate the amount of active ingredient in each container from the assay
result and from the content weight removed from the individual containers. Calculate the Acceptance
Value (AV).

Acceptance Value for Weight Variation

Calculate the Acceptance Value as described in Acceptance Value for Content Uniformity, except that
the individual active component quantities in the units are replaced by the estimated individual


Apply the following criteria for both Content Uniformity and Weight Variation, unless otherwise
indicated in the individual monograph.

Solid and liquid dosage forms

The product meets the unit dose uniformity test if the calculated Acceptance Value for the first 10
units tested is not greater than L1. If the Acceptance Value is greater than L1, test another 20 units and
calculate the Acceptance Value. The product meets the unit dose uniformity test if the final
Acceptance Value calculated for the 30 units tested is not greater than L1 and the amount of active
ingredient of any single unit is less than (1 – L2 × 0.01)M or greater than (1 + L2 × 0.01)M. Unless
otherwise indicated in the individual monograph, L1 is 15.0 and L2 is 25.0.

Table 2 – Terms and expressions for calculating the Acceptance Value (AV).
Variable Definition Conditions Values
X Average of individual contents
(x1, x2,..., xn), expressed as a
percentage of the declared
x1, x2,..., xn Individual contents of the tested
units, expressed as a percentage
of the declared quantity.
n Number of units tested

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.1.6-00

Variable Definition Conditions Values

k Acceptability constant If n = 10, then k = 2.4
If n = 30, then k = 2.0
s Sample standard deviation 𝑛

∑(𝑥𝑖 − 𝑋̅)2 )
[ ]
M to be used Reference value If 98.5% ≤ 𝑋̅ ≤ 101.5%, M = 𝑋̅ (AV = ks)
when then
T ≤ 101.5
If 𝑋̅ < 98.5%, then M = 98.5%
(case 1)
(AV= 98.5−𝑋̅ + ks)
If 𝑋̅ > 101.5%, then M = 101.5%
(AV−𝑋̅ -101.5 + ks)
M to be used Reference value If 98.5% ≤ 𝑋̅ ≤ T, then M = 𝑋̅ (AV = ks)
If 𝑋̅ < 98.5%, then M = 98.5%
T ≤ 101.5
(AV= 98.5−𝑋̅ + ks)
(case 1)
If 𝑋̅ > T, then M =T (AV= 𝑋̅ −T + ks)
Acceptance General formula:
Value (AV). |M − 𝑋| + ks
The calculations are
specified above for the
different cases.
L1 Maximum value allowed for L1 = 15.0 unless
acceptance value otherwise specified in the
individual monograph
L2 Maximum allowable deviation No individual result is less L2 = 25.0 unless
for each unit tested from the than otherwise specified in the
value of M used in the (1 – L2 × 0.01) M individual monograph
acceptance value calculations. or greater than
(1 + L2 × 0.01)M
T Average of the limits specified T equals 100% unless
in the individual monograph for another value has been
the stated quantity or potency, approved for stability
expressed as a percentage. reasons; in these cases, T is
greater than 100%.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.1.7-00


Particle contamination of injectables is the presence of insoluble, foreign, and mobile materials other
than air bubbles.

The specifications required for pharmaceutical preparations are described in the specific monographs.

Contamination by particles of preparations for parenteral use and of preparations for perfusion
consists of non-soluble and mobile foreign particles, in addition to gas bubbles that are unintentionally
found in these preparations. For the determination of particulate contamination, 2 methods are
specified below: method 1 (Light Obscuration Particle Count Test) and method 2 (Optical Microscopy
Particle Count Test). For the determination of non-visible particles in injectable preparations and in
perfusion preparations, preferably use method 1. In certain preparations, however, it may be necessary
to carry out particle counting tests by light blocking and, later, by optical microscopy in order to be
able to conclude as to the conformity of the obtained results.

Screening for non-visible particles performed using one of these methods, or even both, is not possible
for all injectable preparations. When method 1 is not applicable, for example in the case of
preparations that are not very clear or highly viscous, the test is carried out using method 2 (in the
case of emulsions, colloidal solutions and liposome preparations). Likewise, a particle counting test
by optical microscopy may also be required in the case of products which form air or gas bubbles
when passing through the detector. If the viscosity of the preparation is such that examination by
either method is impossible, a quantitative dilution with an appropriate diluent may be carried out in
order to reduce the viscosity to the degree considered sufficient to permit testing.

The results obtained when examining a unit or a group of units cannot be reliably extrapolated to
other units that have not been analyzed. Consequently, it is advisable to establish statistically valid
sampling plans to draw valid conclusions from the collected data for particulate material
contamination in a large group of units.

The water used in the tests is free from particles. Particle-free water can be obtained by membrane
filtration with a 0.22 μm porosity.



Use particle counter with operation based on the light blocking principle that allows the determination
of the size of particles and their number according to their dimensions.


Calibrate the apparatus with the aid of standard spherical particles with a size between 10 to 25.μm.
These standard particles are dispersed in particle-free water. Avoid aggregation of particles during


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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.1.7-00

Carry out the test under conditions of limited contamination, preferably in a laminar flow hood. Wash
glassware and used filtration apparatus, with the exception of filtering membranes, with a warm
detergent solution and rinse with water until all detergent is removed. Immediately before use, rinse
the apparatus from top to bottom, internally and externally with particle-free water.

Take care not to introduce air bubbles into the sample to be analyzed, especially when sample aliquots
are being transferred to the reading accessory.

To check the suitability of the ambient, the glassware and the water used, count the particles in five
samples of 5mL of particle-free water, according to the method described in this chapter. If the
number of particles larger than 10 μm exceeds 25, for the total volume of 25 mL, the ambient is not
suitable to carry out the test.


Homogenize the sample through 25 consecutive slow, gentle inversions of the container. Remove
bubbles by allowing the sample to stand for two minutes. Transfer four portions not smaller than
5 mL, and determine the number of particles with a size equal to or greater than 10 and 25 μm.
Disregard the result obtained with the first aliquot, and calculate the average number of particles for
the sample under examination.


Use test A, test B or test C, as well as the number of samples, as indicated in the specific monograph
of the pharmaceutical preparation.

Test A – Solutions for injectables in containers, with declared volume, greater than 100 mL. The
sample complies with the test if the average number of particles with a size equal to or greater than
10 μm present in the units tested does not exceed 25 particles per mL and the number of particles
with a size equal to or greater than 25 μm does not exceed three per mL.

Test B – Solutions for injectables in containers, with declared volume, equal to or less than 100 mL.
The sample complies with the test if the average number of particles with a size equal to or greater
than 10 μm present in the units tested does not exceed 6000 particles per container and the number of
particles with a size equal to or greater than 25 μm does not exceed 600 particles per container.

Test C – Powders for injectables in containers, with declared volume, equal to or less than 100 mL.
The sample reconstituted with water or appropriate particulate-free diluent complies with the test if
the average number of particles, with a size equal to or greater than 10 µm present in the units tested,
does not exceed 10.000 particles per container and the number of particles with the same size or
greater than 25 μm does not exceed 1000 particles per container.



Use an appropriate binocular microscope, a filtration device to trap particle contamination and a filter
membrane. The microscope equipped with a calibrated ocular micrometer, with an objective
micrometer, a cross-movement stage capable of maintaining and traversing the entire filtration
surface of the filtering membrane, two appropriate illuminators that allow episcopic illumination and
oblique illumination, adjusted for magnification of 100 ± 10 times.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.1.7-00

The ocular micrometer is a circular reticle and comprises a large circle divided into quadrants, by
crisscross lines, black and transparent reference circles with a diameter of 10µm and 25µm with a
magnification of 100 and a linear graduated scale of 10 by 10µm (Figure 1).

The large circle is called the reticle field of view. Two illuminators are required, an episcopic
illuminator for bright background, internal to the microscope, and an external adjustable auxiliary
illuminator, adjustable to allow oblique illumination reflected at an angle of 10-20°. The filtering
device for retaining the particular contamination comprises a filter holder made of glass or other
suitable material, a vacuum source and a suitable filtering membrane. The filter membrane, of
appropriate dimensions, is black or dark gray in color; is covered or not with a grid and the pore size
is less than or equal to 1.0 μm.

Central crossing

Reference circle

Linear Scale

Figure 1 – Circular reticles.


It is calibrated with an objective micrometer certified by an international or national standardization

organization. A relative error of ±2% for the reticle linear scale is acceptable.

General precautions

Carry out the test under conditions of limited contamination, preferably in a laminar flow hood. Wash
glassware and used filtration apparatus, with the exception of filtering membranes, with a warm
detergent solution and rinse with water until all detergent is removed. Immediately before use, wash
both sides of the filter membrane, thoroughly rinse the apparatus from top to bottom, internally and
externally with particulate-free water.

To check the suitability of the ambient, the glassware and the water used, count the particles in 50
mL of particle-free water, according to the method described in this chapter. If the number of particles
of 10µm or larger exceeds 20, or if more than 5 particles of 25µm or larger are present, the ambient
is not suitable for testing.


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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.1.7-00

Homogenize the sample through 25 consecutive slow, gentle inversions of the container. If necessary,
carefully remove the closing device. Wash the outer surfaces of the vial opening with a jet of
particulate-free water and remove the closure avoiding any contamination of the contents.

For large volume parenteral preparations, carry out the test in separate units. In the case of large-
volume or small-volume parenteral preparations equal to or greater than 25 mL, less than 10 packs
may be sufficient for the test according to an appropriate sampling plan. For small volume parenteral
preparations, less than 25 mL, bring together the content of 10 units or more in a clean container so
as to obtain a minimum volume of 25 mL; in justified and authorized cases, the problem solution can
be prepared by mixing the contents of an appropriate number of vials and making up 25 mL with
particulate-free water or an appropriate particulate-free solvent, when particulate-free water is not
appropriate. Small-volume parenteral preparations, whose volume is greater than or equal to 25 mL,
can be examined individually.

In the case of powders for parenteral use, reconstitute the preparation with particulate-free water or a
suitable solvent free from particle contamination, when particulate-free water is not suitable.

Moisten the inside of the filter holder fitted with the filter membrane with a few milliliters of
particulate-free water. Pour the entire sample (mixture of test contents or the unit under test) onto the
filter and apply vacuum. If necessary, add, little by little, portions of the solution until the total volume
is filtered. After the last addition, start washing the inner walls of the filter holder using a jet of
particulate-free water. Maintain the vacuum until the surface of the filter membrane is free of liquid.

Place the filter in a Petri dish and air dry, leaving the dish slightly open. When the filter is dry, place
the Petri dish on the microscope stage, scan the entire filter membrane over the light reflected from
the illuminator and count the number of particles with a size greater than or equal to 10 μm and the
number of particles of size greater than or equal to 25 μm. It is also possible to carry out partial
counting and determine by calculation the total number of particles retained in the filter. Calculate
the average number of particles present in the sample. To determine the particle size with the aid of
the circular crosshair, transform the image of each particle into a circle and then compare with the
reference circles of the 10μm and 25μm crosshairs. Thus, the particles maintain their initial position
within the reticle field of view and do not overlap the reference circles for comparison purposes. The
inside diameter of the reticle transparent reference circles is used to determine the size of the white
or transparent particles, whereas the dark particle size is determined with the outside diameter of the
black and opaque reticle reference circles. When carrying out a particle counting test under a
microscope, do not attempt to measure or enumerate amorphous, semi-liquid or morphologically
indistinct matters that resemble a stain or discolored area of the filter membrane. These materials may
have a low or no shine and have a gelatinous appearance or a filmy appearance. Assessment
interpretation can be facilitated by carrying out a particle count test by retaining light on a sample of
the solution.


Use the criteria below, according to the volume of samples or as indicated in the specific monograph
of the pharmaceutical preparation.

In preparations arranged in containers with a nominal content greater than 100 mL, the preparation
satisfies the test if the average number of particles present in the units examined is, at most, 12 per
milliliter for particles with a size greater than or equal to 10μm and of , at most, two particles per
milliliter for those with a size greater than or equal to 25 μm.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.1.7-00

In preparations arranged in containers with a nominal content equal to or less than 100 mL, the
preparation satisfies the test if the average number of particles present in the units examined is, at
most, 3000 per container for particles of size greater than or equal to 10μm and not more than 300
per container for particles greater than or equal to 25μm. VISIBLE PARTICLES

Contamination by particles of injectable preparations and of injectable preparations for perfusion
consists of non-soluble and mobile foreign particles, in addition to gas bubbles that are unintentionally
found in these preparations. The purpose of the test is to provide a simple method of visually
evaluating the quality of solutions with respect to visible particles. Other validated methods can be


The apparatus (Figure 1) is composed of an observation post, comprising: a matte black panel, of
appropriate dimensions, placed in a vertical position, a non-glare white panel of appropriate
dimensions, placed in a vertical position next to the black panel, a ramp of adjustable lighting, with a
shielded white light source and a suitable diffuser (a lighting system containing 2 fluorescent lamps
of 13W, with a wavelength of 525 nm each, is appropriate).

The luminous intensity at the observation point is kept between 2000 lux and 3750 lux and a higher
intensity is advisable for colored glass or plastic containers.

Adjustable lighting

Matte white panel
black panel

white panel

Figure 1 – Apparatus for visible particles.


Remove the labels if necessary, wash and dry the outside of the container. Gently shake and invert
each container carefully, avoiding the formation of air bubbles, and observe for approximately five
seconds against the white panel. Repeat this procedure observing the container against the black
panel. Note the presence of any particles.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.1.8-00


The drip test is intended to determine the ratio between the number of drops per milliliter and the
amount of drug per drop in liquid pharmaceutical preparations stored in containers with integrated
measuring device. To carry out the test, it is necessary to know the declared number of drops per
milliliter, or the declared amount of drug in mass per drop.


Determination of the number of drops per milliliter

Dripping must be carried out with the flask inverted in the vertical position or according to the drip
angle declared by the manufacturer, allowing the flow by gravity, at a constant rate, without any type
of additional pressure. Light pressure can be applied to polyethylene flasks.

Separate 30 units Carry out the test using 10 units, in an ambient with a controlled temperature of
(20 ± 2) ºC. For each unit determine the mass relative to the number of drops corresponding to 1 mL,
as declared by the manufacturer. If this ratio is not stated, use 20 drops for the test.

Calculate the number of drops per milliliter for each unit tested (Nt) according to the formula:

(𝑁1 × 𝜌)
𝑁𝑡 =

N1 = number of drops used in the test, which can be the number of drops declared per milliliter (Nd)
or 20 drops;
ρ = mass density of the product, in g/mL, determined at 20 ºC, as described in Determination of
mass density and relative density (5.2.5).
mi = mass, in g, corresponding to the number of drops used in the test.

Determination of the amount of drug per drop

Calculate the amount of drug, in mg/drop, for each unit tested (qt), as per the formula:

𝑞𝑡 =

Q = amount of drug in mg/mL determined in the assay;
Nt = number of drops per milliliter for each unit tested

Calculate the percentage in relation to the declared quantity, for each unit tested (%Qt or %qt), using
one of the formulas below:
𝑞 𝑞
%𝑄𝑖 = (𝑄𝑑 /𝑡𝑁 ) × 100 or %𝑞𝑡 = 𝑞 𝑡 × 100
𝑑 𝑑

qt = drug amount, in mg/drop, calculated for each unit tested;

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.1.8-00

Qd = declared amount of drug, in mg/mL;

Nd = declared number of drops per milliliter;
qd = declared amount of drug, in mg/drop;

̅̅̅̅̅) and the relative standard deviation

Calculate the average of the individual percentage obtained (%𝑄
(RSD) according to the formulas:

∑ %𝑄𝑖
̅̅̅̅̅ =

∑(%𝑄𝑖 − ̅̅̅̅̅
%𝑄 )2

100 × 𝑠

%Qi = percentage in relation to the declared quantity calculated for each unit tested;
s = standard deviation;
n = number of units tested;


The product meets the test requirements if the individual percentage, for each of the 10 units tested,
is between 85.0% and 115.0% of the declared quantity and the relative standard deviation (RSD) is
not greater than 6.0 %.

If a unit is outside the range of 85.0% to 115.0% of the stated quantity, or if the RSD is greater than
6.0%, or if both conditions are met, test another 20 units.

The product meets the test if not more than one unit is outside the range of 85.0% to 115.0% of the
declared quantity, no unit is outside the range of 75.0% to 125.0% and the RSD of the 30 units tested
is not more than 7.8%.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.1-00



In order to carry out the mass measurement, the scales must present capacity and sensitivity according
to the required degree of precision and updated calibration certificate.

For activities that require exact weighing, in the determination of mass equal to or greater than 50mg,
use an analytical balance of 100mg to 200mg capacity and 0.1mg sensitivity. For quantities lower
than 50mg, use an analytical balance of 20g capacity and 0.01mg sensitivity.


The analytical balances to be used in this test must be single-pan, preferably electronic.

Scales must have an adequate device that enables the verification of the applied load, provided they
are periodically calibrated by means of measured reference masses.

Analytical balances must have the following features:

- protection cabinet or box, with appropriate openings to allow operations inside and exclude drafts;

- be installed on a base of compact and resistant material (marble, granite, metal or rubber, for

- level indicator (gravimetric or hydraulic) and device that allows its leveling; – be installed on a
damping system (magnetic, pneumatic or hydraulic, for example) to promptly restore equilibrium;

- system that allows the reading of the mass (through dials and/or optical scale projection, etc.).

They must also support their full load without suffering undue tension that could compromise their
sensitivity in serial weighing under these conditions.

The scale must not be overloaded.

Analytical balance location

The analytical balance must be placed leveled upon a firm and heavy table or shelf, protected by
shock absorbers such as cork mats or rubber sheets, or on a concrete counter, supported by pillars that
are fixed to the floor or connected to the elements of building construction to prevent vibrations. It
must be in an isolated place, which offers safety and stability to the measuring, in an environment
with a relatively dry atmosphere, protected from the attack of acid gases and vapors, away from heat
sources (direct sunlight, ovens, heaters, muffle furnaces, etc.) and of drafts.

Conservation and cleaning

The pan and other parts of the scale, including its enclosure, must remain clean, free of dust and
substances that accidentally fall onto the scale pan or the case floor. Such materials must be removed

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.1-00

The bodies to be weighed must not be placed directly on the pan. For this purpose, papers or
containers suitable for the mass are used, such as beakers, watch glasses, crucibles, porcelain capsules
and weighing bottle with or without a lid.

The moving parts of the scale and weights must not be touched by hand. For this purpose, appropriate
tweezers are used, which must be kept in the weight box.

Desiccant agents such as silica gel or calcium chloride can be placed inside the enclosure to maintain
a relatively dry atmosphere.

When the scale is not in use, its doors must remain closed and locked.

The sensitivity of analytical balances must be periodically inspected and checked by a qualified

Use of Analytical balance

The material to be weighed must be in thermal equilibrium with the air inside the scale protective
enclosure in order to avoid errors due to convection currents, as well as humidity condensation on
cold bodies.

The scale must be leveled at the time of use. The balanced position with or without load should be
checked several times at 10% of full load and with full load. The equilibrium difference found in two
serial determinations made with equal weights must not exceed 0.1 mg for analytical balances
(maximum 200 g) and 0.01 mg for analytical balances (maximum 20 g).

Both the weights and the material to be weighed must be placed in the center of the pan. During
weighing operations, the enclosure doors must be closed.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.2-00


The Temperature or Melting point of a substance is the temperature at which it is completely melted.
It is an intrinsic property of substances, which is used, together with other tests, to confirm their
identity, as well as an indicator of purity. In the case of substances that melt on decomposition, the
temperature or melting point will be the temperature at which melting starts.

The melting range of a substance is defined as the range between the temperature at which the
substance starts to liquefy or form drops on the walls of the capillary tube and the temperature at
which the substance is completely melted.

A melting transition can be instantaneous for a highly pure material, but a gap is generally observed
from the beginning to the end of the process. There are different factors that influence this transition
and they should be standardized when describing the procedure. These factors include: sample
quantity, particle size, heat diffusion performance, and speed of heating, among others.

For pharmacopoeial purposes, the melting point or melting range is reported as the temperature at
which the first liquid phase is observed and the temperature at which there is no more apparent solid
phase, except for those substances that melt with decomposition or specified otherwise in the
individual monograph.


For samples that are easily reduced to powder.

Apparatus I

It consists of a glass container (C) for a transparent liquid bath, a mixing device (D), a thermometer
(A) and a suitable heat source (see Figure 1). According to the required working temperature, the
bath liquid can be one of the following or whatever is appropriate:

• Water for temperatures up to 60 ºC;

• Glycerol for temperatures up to 150 ºC;
• High boiling liquid paraffin for temperatures up to 250 ºC;
• Sesame oil or a silicone oil at suitable grade for temperatures up to 300°C.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.2-00


Figure 1 – Apparatus I for determining the melting point.

The bath liquid must be deep enough to allow the thermometer to immerse at the specified depth so
that the bulb is approximately 2 cm from the bottom of the bath. Heat can be supplied by a flame or
electrically. The capillary tube is approximately 10cm long and between 0.8mm and 1.2mm in
internal diameter, with walls from 0.1mm to 0.3mm thick, and must be closed at one of its ends,
unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph. A stirrer device that guarantees the
homogeneity of the bath temperature must be used.


If not otherwise specified in the individual monograph, proceed as follows:

Reduce the sample to a fine powder and dry it in a vacuum desiccator over a suitable desiccant for 24

Load the dry capillary tube with a sufficient quantity of powder to form a column of 3 mm to 4 mm
in height, after having compressed with moderate strokes on a solid surface. Connect the capillary
tube to the thermometer, both moistened with the bath liquid. Adjust height so that the sample
contained in the capillary is close to the thermometer bulb (B).

Adapt an auxiliary thermometer (E) so that the center of the bulb is as close as possible to the stem
of the main thermometer (A) at a point equidistant from the surface of the bath and from the division
corresponding to the expected melting point.

Heat the bath to a temperature of 10°C below the expected melting point. Insert the thermometer with
the capillary attached and continue heating in such a manner that the temperature rises at a rate of
1°C to 2°C per minute, depending on the stability of the substance.

Record the reading of the auxiliary thermometer at the end of the sample melting and, if necessary,
apply the correction for the emerging column using the following formula:

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.2-00

𝑡𝑐 = 𝑘 × 𝑁(𝑇 − 𝑡)

tc = correction that must be added to the observed melting temperature;
k = correction constant by the coefficient of liquid expansion of the thermometer. In the case of
mercury, the value is 0.00016;
N = number of degrees of the main thermometer column between bath level and the observed melting
T = melting temperature;
t = temperature registered by the auxiliary thermometer.

Carry out the determination at least in triplicate. To do this, allow the bath to cool to 10°C below the
melting point or to a lower temperature and repeat the procedure using new portions of the sample.

Apparatus II

It consists of a metal block that can be heated at a controlled speed, whose temperature can be
monitored by a sensor or thermometer. The block allows the capillary tube containing the test
substance to be inserted in it and to monitor the melting process through visual control or


If not otherwise specified in the individual monograph, proceed as follows:

Reduce the sample to a fine powder and dry it in a vacuum desiccator over a suitable desiccant for 24

Load the dry capillary tube with a sufficient quantity of powder to form a column of 3 mm to 4 mm
in height, after having compressed with moderate strokes on a solid surface.

Heat the bath to a temperature of 10°C below the expected melting point. Insert the capillary into the
block and record the temperature at the beginning and end of melting. Continue heating in such a
manner that the temperature rises at a rate of 1°C to 2°C per minute.

Carry out the determination at least in triplicate. To do this, allow the bath to cool to 10°C below the
melting point or to a lower temperature and repeat the procedure using new portions of the sample.


For samples that are not easily reduced to powder.


Carefully melt the sample at the lowest possible temperature and introduce the melted material into
an capillary open at both ends to form a column about 10mm high. Cool the charged capillary to a
temperature equal to or less than 10°C for approximately 24 hours. Join the capillary to the
thermometer and adjust height so that the sample contained in the capillary is close to the
thermometer bulb. Place in water bath and heat as indicated in Method I, Apparatus I, except that
when it reaches a temperature of approximately 5°C below the expected melting point, the

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.2-00

temperature is increased at a rate of 0.5°C per minute. The temperature at which the sample begins to
rise inside the capillary tube is recorded as the melting point. Carry out the determination at least in
triplicate using different portions of the sample.


For petroleum jelly, fatty substances or others with a creamy consistency (semi-solid).


Melt the sample under agitation until it reaches a temperature between 90C°C and 92°C and allow
the melted substance to cool to a temperature between 8 °C and 10C°C above the expected melting
point. Cool the thermometer bulb to 5°C, dry and, while it is still cold, submerge it in the melted
sample approximately to the middle of the bulb. Remove immediately and keep in an upright position
until the surface of the sample deposited on the bulb solidifies. Place in water bath at a temperature
not exceeding 16°C for approximately five minutes.

Adapt the thermometer inside a test tube by means of a perforated stopper, so that its lower end is
about 15 mm above the bottom of the tube. Suspend the test tube in water bath at a temperature of
16°C and raise the temperature of the bath to 30°C, at a rate of 2°C per minute, and then at a rate of
1°C per minute until the first drop detaches from the thermometer. The temperature at which this
occurs is the melting point. For each determination use a fresh-fused portion of the sample. Carry out
the determination in triplicate. If the maximum difference between the determinations is less than
1°C, determine the average of the obtained values. Otherwise, carry out two other determinations and
calculate the average of the five.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.3-00


The temperature or boiling point of a liquid is the corrected temperature at which the liquid boils
under a vapor pressure of 101.3 kPa (760 mm of Hg).

Distillation range is the temperature range corrected for the pressure of 101.3 kPa (760 mm of Hg),
within which the liquid, or specific fraction of the liquid, fully distills.


Use apparatus as suggested in Figure 1 where A is a distillation flask with a capacity of 100 mL
connected to condenser B. Adapter C is attached to the lower end of B. A 50 mL cylinder graduated
in 0.2 mL is used as a collector. The thermometer must be fitted to the flask so that the temperature
sensor is located in the center of the neck and about 5mm below the level of the side tube. Heating
(via gas, electric or bath) should be selected according to the nature of the substance.

Figure 1 – Apparatus for determining the distillation range (dimensions in mm). A, distillation flask; B,
condenser; C, adapter.


Add approximately 50 mL of the sample to the flask so that it does not leak into the side tube. Add
glass beads or other suitable porous material. Adapt the thermometer to the flask and heat, slowly,
protecting the system from drafts.

Record the temperature at which the first five drops of distillate are collected. Adjust heating to obtain
distillate at a flow rate of 3 mL to 4 mL per minute. Record the temperature at which the last drop
evaporates from the distillation flask or when the specified fraction is collected. Keep the distillate at
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.3-00

the same temperature at which the liquid was originally measured and record the volume of the

Compare the values obtained for the boiling point, distillation range and distillate volume with the
respective specifications of the monographs.

Correct the readings for atmospheric pressure using the formula :

t1 = t2 + k (101.3 – b)


t1 = temperature corrected;
t2 = temperature observed at atmospheric pressure b;
k = conversion factor (Table 1), unless this factor is not considered;
b= atmospheric pressure, expressed in kilopascals, during distillation.

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Table 1 – Correction factors for different distillation temperatures.

Distillation temperature Correction factor k
up to 100 g 0.30
above 100 g and up to 140 g 0.34
above 140 g and up to 190 g 0.38
above 190 g and up to 240 g 0.41
above 240 g 0.45

Note 1: When the liquid is pure, most of it boils at a constant temperature (in a range of 0.5°C). This
temperature is the boiling point of the liquid.

Note 2: liquids that distill below 80°C must be cooled between 10°C and 15°C before measuring the
volume and the cylinder that receives the distillate must be immersed in an ice bath.

Note 3: when the boiling point is above 150 ºC, you can replace the water condenser with air

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The temperature or congealing point of a liquid or melted solid is the highest temperature at which it

For pure substances that melt without decomposition, the liquid congealing point is equal to its
melting point.


The device (Figure 1) consists of a test tube of approximately 25mm in internal diameter and 150mm
in length suspended through a suitable stopper inside a second larger tube, 40mm in internal diameter
and 160mm in length, forming an air jacket that prevents sudden changes in temperature. This system
is fixed by a claw in the center of the beaker with a capacity of 1000 mL containing water or a coolant

The inner tube is sealed with a stopper in order to contain a stirring rod and a thermometer with 0.2°C
divisions. The thermometer temperature sensor should be fixed approximately 15mm from the bottom
of the tube. The stirrer is a glass rod fitted with a ring at its lower end (Figure 1).

Figure 1 – Apparatus for determining

congealing point.


Transfer the sample in sufficient quantity to reach 30 mm in the inner tube. Transfer the coolant
mixture set at 5°C below the expected congealing point to the beaker. When the sample is cooled to
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approximately 5°C above congealing point, move the stirrer vertically between the surface and the
bottom for approximately 20 cycles per minute and record the thermometer temperature every 30
seconds. Stop shaking when the temperature remains constant or shows a slight increase. Record the
temperature every 30 seconds for at least three minutes after the temperature starts to drop again.

Record the maximum on the temperature-time curve, which occurs after the temperature remains
constant, or shows a slight increase, and before the temperature starts to decrease again. Congealing
point is assigned to an average of not less than three consecutive maximum points that fall within a
range of 0.4°C.

Note 1: If the substance is solid at room temperature, melt the substance and heat to a maximum of
20ºC above the expected congealing temperature before transferring to the inner tube.

Note 2: if the substance is liquid at room temperature, use bath at 15°C below the expected
congealing temperature.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.5-00


Mass density (ρ) of a substance is the ratio of its mass to its volume at 20°C. The mass density of the
substance (ρt) at a given temperature (t) is calculated from its relative density (d t ) by the formula:

𝜌𝑡 = 𝑑(á𝑔𝑢𝑎) × 𝑑𝑡𝑡 + 0,0012

expressed in g/mL or kg/L.

When the temperature is, for example, 20°C, the formula is expressed by:
𝜌20 = 0,99820 × 𝑑20 + 0,0012

Table 1 - Density of water from 0 to 40 °C.

Temp. Density Temp. Density Temp. Density Temp. Density
(ºC) (g/mL) (ºC) (g/mL) (ºC) (g/mL) (ºC) (g/mL)
0 0.99984 10 0.99970 20 0.99820 30 0.99565
1 0.99990 11 0.99961 21 0.99799 31 0.99534
2 0.99994 12 0.99950 22 0.99777 32 0.99503
3 0.99996 13 0.99938 23 0.99754 33 0.99470
4 0.99997 14 0.99924 24 0.99730 34 0.99437
5 0.99996 15 0.99910 25 0.99704 35 0.99403
6 0.99994 16 0.99894 26 0.99678 36 0.99368
7 0.99990 17 0.99877 27 0.99651 37 0.99333
8 0,99985 18 0.99860 28 0.99623 38 0.99297
9 0.99978 19 0.99841 29 0.99594 39 0.99259
10 0.99970 20 0.99820 30 0.99565 40 0.99222

The relative density of a substance is the ratio of its mass by the mass of an equal volume of water,
both at 20°C (𝑑20 ) or by the mass of an equal volume of water at 4°C (𝑑420 ):
𝑑420 = 0,998234 × 𝑑20


The relative density of the substance can be determined using a pycnometer, hydrostatic balance or
densimeter. The use of these last two is conditioned to the type of apparatus available.


Use a clean and dry pycnometer, with a capacity of not less than 5 mL that has been previously
calibrated. Calibration consists of determining the mass of the empty pycnometer and the mass of its
contents with fresh-distilled and boiled water at 20°C.

Transfer the sample to the pycnometer. Adjust temperature to 20°C, remove substance excess, if
necessary, and weigh. Obtain the sample weight from the mass difference of the full and empty
pycnometer. Calculate the relative density (𝑑20 ) determining the ratio between the mass of the liquid
sample and the mass of the water, both at 20°C. Use relative density to calculate mass density (ρ).

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.6-00


The refractive index (n) of a substance is the ratio between the speed of light in a vacuum and its
speed inside the substance. When a ray of monochromatic light passes from a transparent medium to
another with a different optical density, it is reflected or refracted, except when it is incident
perpendicular to the interface. The ratio between the sine of the angle of incidence (sin i) and the sine
of the angle of refraction (sin r) is constant. This ratio is equivalent to the refractive index (n).

𝑠𝑒𝑛 𝑖
𝑠𝑒𝑛 𝑟

For practical purposes, refraction is measured with reference to air and substance rather than with
reference to vacuum and substance, as the differences between the values obtained with both
measurements are not significant for pharmacopoeial purposes.

In isotropic substances, the refractive index is a constant feature at a given wavelength, temperature
and pressure. For this reason, this index is useful not only to identify the substance, but also to detect
the presence of impurities. It is used to characterize mainly fats, fatty oils, waxes, sugars and organic
solvents, as well as to identify certain drugs. It is also used to determine the purity of volatile oils.

Generally, the refractive index is determined from the sodium light at a wavelength of 589.3 nm (lane
D) and at (20 ±0.5) ºC. Hence, the value of the refractive index is expressed as 𝑛𝐷20 .


Refractometers commonly used in pharmacopoeial analysis use white light, but are calibrated to
provide the refractive index in terms of wavelength corresponding to that of sodium D-lane light.

The Abbé refractometer measures the range of refractive index values of pharmaceutical substances.
Other refractometers of greater or equal precision can be used.

As the refractive index varies significantly with temperature, during the reading the sample must be
adjusted and kept at 20°C.

The device is calibrated with a standard provided by the manufacturer. To control the temperature
and clean the apparatus, the refractive index of distilled water must be determined, with values of
1.3330 at 20 ºC and of 1.3325 at 25 ºC.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.7-00


Viscosity is the expression of the resistance of liquids to flowing, that is, to the displacement of part
of their molecules to neighboring molecules. The viscosity of liquids derives from internal friction,
that is, from the cohesion forces between molecules relatively close together. As temperature rises,
the average kinetic energy of the molecules increases, the amount of time the molecules spend
together decreases (on average), the intermolecular forces become less effective and the viscosity is

The dynamic unit of viscosity, in the CGS System, is the poise. The CGS System of Units is a system
of physical measurement units, or dimensional system, of LMT typology (length, mass, time), whose
base units are the centimeter for length, gram for mass, and second for time.

The analogous dynamic unit in the International System of Units (SI) is the pascal second. Poise is
often used with the prefix centi; a centipoise (cP) is a millipascal second (mPa·s) in SI units.
CGS Sistema system – poise (P)

1 P = 1 g ∙ 𝑐𝑚−1 ∙ 𝑠 −1

By definition, poise is the force, in dynes, necessary for the displacement of a flat liquid layer, with
an area of 1 cm2, on another identical layer, parallel and distanced from the first by 1 cm, at a speed
of 1 cm/s. Poise is, however, too large for most applications, hence the centipoise, cP, corresponding
to one hundredth of poise. Sometimes it is convenient to use kinematic viscosity, which is the ratio
between dynamic viscosity and density. In this case, in the CGS system, the unit is the stokes. As an
example of what happens with absolute viscosity (measured in poise), it is more convenient to express
kinematic viscosity in centistokes (100 centistokes = 1 stoke) to characterize most liquids usual in
Pharmacy and Chemistry.

International System of Units - pascal second (Pa·s)

1 𝑃𝑎 ∙ 𝑠 = 1 𝑘𝑔 ∙ 𝑚−1 ∙ 𝑠 −1 = 10 𝑃

Pascal second is equivalent to 10 poise, but usually millipascal second (mPa·s) is more commonly
used. Table 1 shows the viscosity of some liquids.

Table 1 - Viscosity of some liquids.

Viscosity (P)a Viscosity Viscosity
CGS Units N s m-2 SI Units cP = mPa.s
Water 0.0101 (298 K) 0.00101 0.890
Acetone 0.00316 0.000316 0.306
Ethanol 0.01200 0.001200 1.074
Glycerin 14.9 1.49 934
a poise (P) = 1 dyne. s. cm-2 = 0.1 N s m-2. cP = centi-poise = mPa.s = milli Pascal times sec.

The determination of viscosity – a test for which the specification of temperature is essential due to
its decisive influence on the result (in general, viscosity is inversely proportional to temperature) – is
performed based on different properties. The most frequent method is based on the flow time of
liquids through capillaries (Ostwald, Ubbelohde, Baumé and Engler viscometers) due to the devices

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simplicity and affordable price. Viscometers whose working principle is the determination of the free
fall time of spheres through tubes containing the liquid under test (Höppler) or the rotation speed of
metallic axes immersed in the liquid (Brookfield, among others) are also used.

Several methodologies that can be used:

• resistance of liquid to flow, time of flow of a liquid through a capillary (Oswald, Ubbelohde, Baumé
and Engler viscometer);
• measure of the falling time of a sphere through tubes containing the liquid under test (Höppler);
• measurement of the resistance to rotational movement of metallic axis when immersed in liquid
(Brookfield rheometer).

Although it is possible to determine the absolute viscosity, based on the exact dimensions of the
viscometer used, it is more frequent to calibrate the device with a liquid of known viscosity, allowing,
by comparison, the relative evaluation of the viscosity of the liquid under test. Thus, using Ostwald
viscometer or similar, the flow times t are determined1and t2of equal volumes of sample and reference
liquids, of density d1 and d2, respectively. If 𝜂2 is the viscosity of the reference liquid, the absolute
viscosity (cP) of the sample liquid can be calculated by the formula:

𝑛1 𝑡1 𝑑1
𝑛2 𝑡2 𝑑2
or yet
𝑡1 𝑑1
𝑛1 = 𝑛2
𝑡2 𝑑2

The quotient η 2/t2.d2 has a constant value, k, for each reference liquid, in the same viscometer. Thus,
once this value is known (usually found in the equipment manual), the formula is simplified:

𝑛 = 𝑘. 𝑡. 𝑑

The value of k can also be determined experimentally by measuring the flow time of a standard pure
liquid and applying the formula:
𝑡. 𝑑

Using water as the standard, usual for the determination of low viscosity liquids, the viscosity values
recorded in Table 2 are adopted, according to the test temperature:

Table 2 – Viscosity values, according to the test temperature.

Temperature (ºC) η (cP)
15 1.140
16 1.110
17 1.082
18 1.055
19 1.029
20 1.004
21 0.980
22 0.957
23 0.936

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.7-00

24 0.915
25 0.895

For highly viscous liquids (glycerin and oils in general), the relative viscosity can be determined by
the method of velocity of falling balls through the liquid, using the Höppler viscometer. This method
is also suitable for determining the absolute viscosity of liquids by applying the formula:

𝜂 = 𝑡(𝑑𝑆 − 𝑑𝐿)𝐾

t = ball falling time (sec).
K = ball-specific cte (mPcm3), supplied by the manufacturer. dS = ball density (g/cm3).
dL = density of the liquid (g/cm3).

The density of the liquid (dL), for a certain temperature, can be obtained from reference books (such
as handbooks), or determined experimentally.

The relative viscosity in the Höppler method can be determined by applying the formula:

𝑛1 (𝑑𝑠 − 𝑑1 )𝑡1
𝑛2 (𝑑𝑠 − 𝑑2 )𝑡2

where η, d and t are, respectively, the coefficient of dynamic viscosity, the density and the flow time
of equal volume of liquids 1 and 2.


The Ostwald viscometer is the simplest and most popular device available. It consists of a U-bent
tube (Figure 1), with one of the branches fitted with an ampoule ending in a capillary. There are two
reference lines, one immediately above the ampoule and the other above the capillary. The other
branch is wide enough to be filled with the liquid under test to a height of about 5mm below the lower
reference line. To enable the determination of viscosities over a wider range, collections of
viscometers with different calibration levels are used. The device indicated for a certain evaluation is
the one that allows the sample to flow in a period of maximum 60 seconds.

For the actual determination, transfer to the chosen viscometer, washed and dry, a sufficient quantity
of liquid to reach a level of 5mm below the lower reference line. Set the device in a thermostat (20 ºC).
After waiting for the liquid inside the device to reach the controlled temperature, aspirate the liquid
through the capillary tube/ampoule (by means of a rubber tube attached to the end) until the liquid
level slightly exceeds the upper reference line. Then release the tube and, at the instant the meniscus
reaches the upper reference line, start the precision timer, relocking it when the meniscus passes
through the lower reference line. Record the time elapsed and repeat the test several times at ranges
of a few minutes until serial times do not differ by more than 0.5 seconds. Determine the density of
the liquid under test (5.2.5), correcting the value for the density relative to water, at 20°C, and
calculate the viscosity of the liquid sample by the formula indicated, using the constant k provided or
determined by a similar procedure.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.7-00

Figure 1 – Ostwald Viscometer (dimensions in mm).


The Höppler measurement system measures the time a solid ball takes to travel a distance between
two reference points within an inclined sample-filled tube. The results obtained are considered as
dynamic viscosity in the measure standardized in the International System (mPa.s). It accurately
determines the viscosity of Newtonian liquids and gases (with a special ball for gases). Among its
applications we cite research, process control and quality control, mainly used for substances with
low viscosity, between 0.6 and 100,000 mPa.s.

The Höppler Viscometer is composed of a glass tube with two marks (A and B) spaced from each
other on the column by 10mm which define the measurement distance. A ball (in glass, nickel alloy
and iron or steel) with a diameter compatible with the gauge of the glass tube is installed on top of its
liquid content. The tube is surrounded by a glass cylinder filled with circulating water under
controlled temperature. The entire set is arranged in a slightly inclined position (10% vertically), and
can be rotated 180o around an axis perpendicular to both tubes, to allow the repetition of the
determinations and the return of the ball to the initial position. The method consists of timing the
falling time (fall) that a sphere (with variable density and diameter with the respective structural
constitution) takes to traverse the space between those two marks (A and B) existing at the ends of
the glass tube. The higher the viscosity, the longer the ball will take to travel through that space. The
type of sphere to be used is chosen depending on the presumptive value of the viscosity of the liquid
under observation. In the case of blood, glass beads are used. The viscosity results of Newtonian
liquids are expressed in international standard absolute units (mPa.s)

For the actual determination, rinse the chosen viscometer, washed and dry, with the liquid used to
determine the viscosity. Adjust the apparatus probe. Choose the appropriate ball for each liquid (water
= glass ball). Completely fill the inner tube of the viscometer with liquid. Record the time for the ball
to fall between marks A and B on the viscometer. Carry out two more determinations to get the best

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.7-00


The viscosity of a pharmaceutical preparation can be determined by a Brookfield viscometer, which

measures viscosity by the force required to turn the spindle in the liquid being tested.

To use this device, proceed as follows:

• add the sample to be analyzed in the device collecting container up to the desired mark;
• set the device, choosing a spindle number and a rotation to be tested, according to the specific
• immerse the spindle in the sample to be analyzed;
• activate the device and, after stabilization of the value, which will appear on the device display,
record the value which will be expressed in centipoise (cP);
If the value does not stabilize, test again using another spindle number or another rotation.


Select the proper orifice. The guideline for orifice selection is to obtain a flow time of the liquid under
test of around 60 seconds. There must be a flow time between 20 and 100 seconds for the sample at

The sample must be perfectly mixed. At the time of testing, the viscometer and the material to be
tested must be at (25 ± 0.1) ºC. Close the orifice with a flat glass slide and fill the sample cup to the
highest level. Pour the sample slowly, avoiding the formation of bubbles. Level the sample in the cup
using a flat glass plate. Remove the slide from the orifice. The sample will be retained in the cup.
Remove the flat glass plate and activate the timer when the sample starts to flow through the orifice.
When the first interruption in the flowing occurs, stop the timer and record the time elapsed in
seconds. Carry out the test at least in triplicate. The viscosity will be the mean of the values obtained,
expressed in mm2/s or Centistokes, with a maximum standard deviation of 3% being allowed. The
conversion from seconds to mm2/s or Centistokes is given in accordance with the manual of the
apparatus used.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.8-00


Optical rotation is the property that some liquid substances or solutes in solution have to rotate the
plane of polarization of the polarized light that falls on them. This property is characteristic of many
substances that have chiral centers, very often made up of carbon atoms with four different
substituents (asymmetric center). The maximum number of possible optical isomers of a molecule is
2n where n is the number of asymmetric centers. Substances that rotate the plane of polarization of
light in a clockwise direction are called dextrorotatory or optical isomers (+); whereas those that rotate
the plane of polarization of light in the opposite direction are called levorotary or optical isomers (-)
(the symbols d- and l- which were previously used to indicate dextro- and levo- isomers, are no longer
used , due to confusion with the symbols D- and L- which refer to configurations related to D-
glyceraldehyde. The symbols R and S, as well as α and β, are also used to indicate the configuration,
that is, the spatial ordering of the atoms or groups of atoms).

Chiral substances whose molecules are not superimposable but are mirror images are called
enantiomers. They have the same physicochemical properties (density, refractive index, dipole-dipole
moment, boiling and melting points), except that they rotate the plane-polarized light at the same
quantity of degrees in opposite directions, and their reactions with other chiral substances have
different characteristics.

Polarimetry is a convenient method to differentiate between optically active isomers by measuring

the optical rotation of a substance; it is also an important criterion of identity and enantiomeric purity
and can be used for quantitative purposes.

Optical rotation varies with temperature, the wavelength of incident light, the solvent used, the nature
of the substance and its concentration. If a solution contains two optically active substances and they
do not react with each other, the deviation angle will be the algebraic sum of the deviation angles of


Polarimeters are devices that detect optical rotation visually (by equaling the intensity of light over
two fields) or through a photoelectric system, the latter being more accurate and precise than those
for visual measurement.

The measurement of optical rotation must be performed using a polarimeter capable of measuring
differences of not less than 0.05°, unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph. As a light
source, sodium, mercury vapor, xenon or halogen-tungsten lamps are used, among others, equipped
with a device that allows transmitting a monochromatic light beam. These last two lamps mentioned
are usually less expensive, in addition to having greater durability and having a wider range of
emission wavelengths compared to traditional light sources. The scale must be controlled using a
polarization reference standard, which consists of certified quartz plates. Scale linearity should be
checked periodically using a solution of standard dextrose and sucrose reference materials.

The use of lower wavelengths, such as the mercury lamp lines at 578nm, 546 nm, 436 nm, 405 nm
and 365 nm in a photoelectric polarimeter, can provide advantages in terms of sensitivity, with a
consequent reduction test substance concentration. In general, the optical rotation observed at 436 nm
is approximately double and that observed at 365 nm is approximately three times greater than that
observed at 589 nm.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.8-00

The reduction in the concentration of the test substance required for measurement can sometimes be
achieved by converting it to another substance that has a significantly higher optical rotation. Optical
rotation is also affected by the solvent used in the measurement and this must be specified in all cases.


The specific optical rotation is a reference value and is calculated from the observed optical rotation
for a sample solution or liquid as specified in the monograph. Optical rotation measurements are
performed at 589.3nm at 25°C, unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph. The
experimental temperature must be maintained at ± 0.5 °C from the specified value.

When using a polarimeter with visual detection, the mean of at least five determinations must be used,
corrected by the reading of the solvent blank, for solutions, and the air, for liquids. When using a
photoelectric polarimeter, carry out a single measurement corrected by the solvent blank, for
solutions, and by the air, for liquids. Use the same polarimeter tube in the same orientation for the
sample and for the blank.

Optical rotation of solutions must be determined within 30 minutes of preparation. In the case of
substances that can undergo racemization or mutarotation, special care must be taken in standardizing
the time between which the solution is prepared and the polarimetric reading is carried out.

Unless otherwise indicated in the corresponding monograph, the specific rotation is calculated on dry
substance when the monograph determines Loss on Desiccation, on anhydrous substance when
specifying Determination of water, or free of solvents when specifying Content of residual solvents.

The accuracy and precision of optical rotation measurements can be enhanced if the following
precautions are taken:

1) The formation of air bubbles must be avoided when filling the polarimeter tube, which is
particularly necessary for micro and semi-micro tubes.

2) Samples of dissolved liquid or solid substances must be homogeneous and clear.

3) The optical elements must be perfectly aligned, as well as the light source in relation to the optical


The specific optical rotation is calculated from the optical rotation observed in the sample solution,
obtained as specified in the corresponding monograph.

Calculate the specific optical rotation using the following formulas:

For liquids: [α]25D= α /ld 25

For substances in solution: [α]25 D=100 α /ld25

α= corrected observed rotation, in degrees, at 25°C;
I= length of the polarimeter tube in decimeters;
d25 = relative density of the liquid at 25°C;
c= concentration of substance in percent weight/volume;
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.8-00

[α]25D= specific optical rotation determined at 25°C and 589.3nm (line D of the sodium light).

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.9-00


This test is intended to determine the amount of volatile substance of any nature eliminated under the
conditions specified in the individual monograph. For substances that have water as the only volatile
constituent, it is appropriate to apply the procedure indicated in Determination of Water (5.2.20). The
result is expressed as a percentage w/w, calculated as follows:

(𝑃𝑢 − 𝑃𝑠)
× 100

Pm = sample weight (g);
Pu = weight of the weighing bottle containing the sample before drying (g);
Ps = weight of the weighing bottle containing the sample after drying (g).


Gravimetric Analysis

If not otherwise specified in the individual monograph, proceed as follows:

If necessary, reduce the substance to a fine powder by grinding quickly. Weigh an approximate
amount between 1 g to 2 g of the substance, in a weighing bottle previously desiccated for 30 minutes,
under the same conditions as used in the sample test, and cooled to room temperature in a desiccator.

Distribute the sample as evenly as possible, gently shaking the weighing bottle so that a layer
approximately 5mm thick is formed and a maximum of 10mm in the case of bulky materials. Place
the uncapped weighing bottle containing the sample together with the cap in the drying chamber. Dry
the sample under the conditions specified in the monograph (Note: the temperature specified in the
monograph must be considered to be within the range of +2 °C). Open the drying chamber, cap the
weighing bottle quickly, remove and allow to reach room temperature in a desiccator before weighing.

When the individual monograph specifies desiccation up to constant weight, drying must continue
until two consecutive weighing determinations do not differ by more than 0.50 mg per gram of
substance weighed, carrying out the second weighing after an additional hour of drying.

If the substance melts at a temperature lower than that specified for the determination of loss on
drying, keep the weighing bottle with its contents for one to two hours at a temperature of 5°C to
10°C lower than the melting temperature and then dry at specified temperature.

For the analysis of capsules, use a portion of the mixed content of at least four units. In the case of
tablets, use the powder of at least four units.

When indicated in the individual monograph:

• drying under reduced pressure, a desiccator, drying oven or other suitable apparatus must be used,
under reduced pressure (vacuum);
• dry, under reduced pressure, in a flask with a cap equipped with capillary perforation, a flask or
tube with a capillary cap of (225 ± 25) µm in diameter must be used and the heating chamber must

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.9-00

be maintained at a pressure of maximum 5mm of mercury. Heating period elapsed, allow dry air
to enter the chamber, remove the flask and, with cap still in place, allow to cool to room
temperature in a desiccator before weighing;
• drying in a desiccator, precautions must be taken to ensure that the desiccant remains active.
Calcium chloride, silica gel and phosphorus pentoxide are among the most frequent desiccant


In the event that the individual monograph specifies that the loss on desiccation must be carried out
by thermogravimetric analysis, proceed as described in Thermal analysis (5.2.27).

Infrared or halogen lamp scale

In the event that the individual monograph specifies that the loss by desiccation must be carried out
on an infrared scale or with a halogen lamp, proceed as follows:
• Remove moisture from the apparatus;
• Weigh quantity of the substance to be analyzed, distribute the material evenly in the sample
collector and place inside the apparatus;
• Set the drying time and temperature as set in the individual monograph. Record the moisture value

This test is intended to determine the amount of substance of any nature volatilized and eliminated
under the conditions specified in the monograph. The procedure is generally not destructive to the
substance under test; however, the substance can be converted to another form, such as an anhydride
or oxide. The result is expressed as a percentage w/w, calculated as follows:

𝑃𝑢 − 𝑃𝑠
× 100

Pm= sample weight (g);
Pu= weight of the crucible containing the sample before ignition (g);
Ps= weight of the crucible containing the sample after ignition (g).


Unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph, proceed as follows:

If necessary, reduce the substance to a fine powder by grinding quickly. Accurately weigh between
1 g and 2 g of the substance without further treatment into a crucible unless preliminary drying at a
lower temperature or other special treatment is specified in the individual monograph. The crucible
(for example: platinum, porcelain, silica, quartz) must be previously calcined at 500°C, cooled in a
desiccator and tared. Distribute the sample as evenly as possible, gently shaking the crucible so that
a layer approximately 5mm thick is formed and a maximum of 10mm in the case of bulky materials.
Place the crucible in a muffle furnace, calibrated to control the temperature, and conduct the ignition
at 500ºC ± 25ºC for a period of time between two and three hours. Open the apparatus, remove the
crucible and allow to reach room temperature in a desiccator before weighing.

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When the individual monograph specifies ignition up to constant weight, ignition must continue until
two consecutive weighing determinations do not differ by more than 0.50 mg per gram of substance
weighed, carrying out the second weighing after an additional hour of ignition.

Check the accuracy of the measurement and the circuit systems of the muffle furnace by controlling
the temperature at different points in the muffle furnace. The temperature variation tolerated is ±
25 °C for each point evaluated.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.10-00


Residue on incineration (sulfated ash) is the non-volatile residue of a sample incinerated in the
presence of sulfuric acid. This test is used to determine the content of inorganic impurities present in
an organic substance. This method is also used for the determination of inorganic components in
mixtures and impurities present in thermolabile inorganic substances.


Accurately weigh between 1 g and 2 g of the sample or the amount specified in the monograph, in an
appropriate crucible (quartz, silica, platinum or porcelain, unless another material is specified in the
individual monograph), previously submitted to incineration at temperature specified for the sample
for 30 minutes, cooled in a desiccator and weighed. Moisten the sample with approximately 1 mL of
sulfuric acid, heat gently to as low a temperature as possible until the sample is carbonized. Cool and
moisten the residue with 1 mL of sulfuric acid, unless otherwise specified in the individual
monograph. Heat gently until no white fumes are released and carbonize immediately. Incinerate at
(600 ± 50) °C for between two and three hours, unless another temperature and/or time is specified
in the individual monograph. Cool in a desiccator, weigh and calculate the residue percentage. Unless
otherwise specified in the individual monograph, if the residue obtained exceeds the specified limit,
add 1 mL of sulfuric acid, heat and incinerate for an additional 30 minutes. Repeat this procedure
until the difference between two consecutive weighing is, at most, 0.5 mg or until the residue meets
the limit established in the individual monograph.

Calculate the percentage of the residue in relation to the substance under analysis using the following
𝑃2 −𝑃1
% residue by incineration (sulfated ash) = × 100

P1 = crucible weight after calcining and cooling (in g);

P2 = crucible weight with the sample after calcining and cooling (in g);
P3 = sample initial weight (in g);
100 = percentage factor.

Carry out this procedure in a fume hood that is well ventilated, but protected from drafts. A muffle
furnace may be employed, if desired, and is recommended for final ignition at (600 ±50) °C.

Check the accuracy of the measurement and the circuit systems of the muffle furnace by controlling
the temperature at different points in the muffle furnace. The temperature variation tolerated is ±
25 °C for each point evaluated.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.11-00


The degree of division or granulometry of powders is expressed by referring to the nominal opening
of the mesh of the sieve used. The sieves used are stainless steel or brass, and wire coating is not

In the description of the powders, the terms below are used:.

Coarse powder – one whose particles entirely pass through the sieve with a nominal mesh opening
of 1.70 mm and, not more than 40% through the sieve with a nominal mesh opening of 355 µm.

Moderately coarse powder - one whose particles entirely pass through the sieve with a nominal mesh
opening of 710 mm and, not more than 40% through the sieve with a nominal mesh opening of 250

Semi-fine powder - the one whose particles pass entirely through the sieve with a nominal mesh
opening of 355 µm and not more than 40% by the sieve with a nominal mesh opening of 180 µm.

Fine powder - one whose particles pass in their entirety through the sieve with a nominal mesh
opening of 180 µm.

Very Fine powder - one whose particles entirely pass through the sieve with a nominal mesh opening
of 125 µm.

The determination of the granulometry of powders is made by the process described below, with the
aid of sieves, whose features are standardized in the attached table.


Granulometry is determined with the aid of sieves operated by a mechanical device. This type of
device reproduces the horizontal and vertical movements of manual operation through uniform
mechanical action. To use this device, proceed as follows:

Separate at least four sieves that are described in Table 1, according to the characteristics of the
sample. Assemble the kit with the larger opening sieve over the smaller opening. Place the set on the
sieve receiver.

Weigh approximately 25 g of the sample (depending on the nature of the material, density of the
powder or granule and the diameter of the sieves to be used). Transfer the sample to the upper sieve,
distributing the powder evenly. Cap the set.

Activate the device for about 15 minutes with adequate vibration. After the end of this time, using a
suitable brush, remove all the sample retained on the upper surface of each mesh onto waterproof
paper, and weigh the powder. Also weigh the powder retained in the collector.

Calculate the percentage retained in each sieve, using the following calculation:

% 𝑅𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑑𝑎 𝑝𝑒𝑙𝑜 𝑡𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑠 = ∙ 100

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P1 = weight of the sample retained in each sieve (in g)

P2 = sum of weights retained in each sieve and in the collector (in g);

Table 1 – Sieves mesh opening.

Sieve number (ABNT/ASTM Sieve orifice
2 9.5 mm
3.5 5.6 mm
4 4.75 mm
8 2.36 mm
10 2 mm
20 850 µm
30 600 µm
40 425 µm
50 300 µm
60 250 µm
70 212 µm
80 180 µm
100 150 µm
120 125 µm
200 75 µm
230 63 µm
270 53 µm
325 45 µm
400 38 µm
500 25 µm
635 20 µm
* The sieve number corresponds to the classification of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards — ABNT
(1984), ISO 3310-1:2000.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.12-00


The evaluation of the color of liquids is performed by comparing the solution under analysis –
prepared according to the instructions in the monograph – with the standard color solutions (SC).

The comparative process, unless otherwise specified, must be carried out in test tubes made of clear
glass and flat bottom, with a diameter of 15mm to 25mm, of the type used in impurity limit testing.
Tubes must be uniform.

For the evaluation, use volumes of 5 mL for both sample preparation and standard preparation,
ensuring an approximate height of 2.5 cm for liquids in the tubes. View the tubes longitudinally
against a white background, under diffused light. It is important to compare solutions under the same
conditions, including temperature (25 °C).

The sample preparation is obtained so as to be similar in color to the specified reference preparation.

A solution is colorless when it has the appearance of water or of its constituent solvent or is less
colored than the standard T color solution.


Color reference solutions (SC) are obtained from three basic solutions to be prepared and stored in
hermetic flasks. From them, prepare the specified solution or solutions for comparison, as
recommended in Table 1, which contains volume indications for the preparation of 20 standard color
solutions (CS), designated with the letters of the alphabet, from A to T. Transfer the indicated volumes
(place the water last) and homogenize directly in the comparison tubes.

Cobalt II chloride base solution

Prepare a solution containing 25 mL of hydrochloric acid and 975 mL of water. Dissolve 65 g of

cobalt(II) chloride (CoCl2.6H2O) in approximately 900 mL of this solution, adjust volume to 1000
mL with the same solvent and homogenize. Transfer, using a pipette, 5 mL of this solution to a 250
mL iodine flask, add 5 ml of hydrogen peroxide RS and 15 mL of 5 M sodium hydroxide. Boil for
ten minutes, cool and add 2 g of potassium iodide and 20 mL of diluted sulfuric acid (1 to 4). Titrate
with 0.1 M sodium thiosulfate VS, adding 3 mL of starch TS as indicator. Correct the volume of
titrant consumed by blank determination. Each mL of 0.1 M sodium thiosulfate VS is equivalent to
23.79 mg of CoCl2.6H2O. Adjust the solution volume by adding enough hydrochloric acid solution
and water to obtain a solution containing exactly 59.5 mg of CoCl2.6H2per mL of solution and

Cupric sulfate base solution

Prepare a solution containing 25 mL of hydrochloric acid and 975 mL of water. Dissolve 65 g of

cupric sulfate(CuSO4.5H2O) in 900 mL of this solution, adjust volume to 1000 mL with the same
solution and homogenize. Transfer, using a pipette, 10 mL of this solution to a 250 mL iodine flask,
add 40 mL of water, 4 mL of glacial acetic acid, 3 mL of potassium iodide and 5 mL of hydrochloric
acid. Titrate the released iodine with 0.1 M sodium thiosulfate VS, adding 3 mL of starch TS as
indicator. Correct the volume of titrant consumed by blank determination. Each mL of 0.1 M sodium
thiosulfate VS is equivalent to 24.97 mg of CuSO4.5H2O. Adjust the solution volume by adding

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enough of a mixture of hydrochloric acid and water to obtain a solution containing exactly 62.4 mg
of CuSO4.5H2O per mL of solution and homogenize.

Ferric chloride base solution

Prepare a solution containing 25 mL of hydrochloric acid and 975 mL of water. Dissolve about 55 g
of ferric chloride(FeCl3.6H2O) in approximately 900 mL of this solution, adjust volume to 1000 mL
with the same solution and homogenize. Protect solution from light and filter if precipitation occurs.
Transfer, using a pipette, 10 mL of this solution to a 250 mL iodine flask, add 15 mL of water, 3 g of
potassium iodide and 5 mL of hydrochloric acid. Allow to stand for 15 minutes. Adjust the solution
volume to 100 mL with water and titrate the released iodine with 0.1 M sodium thiosulfate VS, adding
3 mL of starch TS as indicator. Correct the volume of titrant consumed by blank determination. Each
mL of 0.1 M sodium thiosulfate VS is equivalent to 27.03 mg of FeCl3.6H2O. Adjust the solution
volume by adding enough hydrochloric acid solution and water to obtain a solution containing exactly
45.0 mg of FeCI3.6H2O per mL of solution and homogenize.

Table 1 – Composition of standard color solutions (SC).

Parts of
SC Cobalt II chloride base Ferric chloride base Cupric sulfate base Water, to
solution, in mL solution, in mL solution, in mL complete 5 mL
A 0.1 0.4 0.1 4.4
B 0.3 0.9 0.3 3.5
C 0.1 0.6 0.1 4.2
D 0.3 0.6 0.4 3.7
E 0.4 1.2 0.3 3.1
F 0.3 1.2 0.0 3.5
G 0.5 1.2 0.2 3.1
H 0.2 1.5 0.0 3.3
I 0.4 2.2 0.1 2.3
J 0.4 3.5 0.1 1.0
K 0.5 4.5 0.0 0.0
L 0.8 3.8 0.1 0.3
M 0.1 2.0 0.1 2.8
N 0.0 4.9 0.1 0.0
O 0.1 4.8 0.1 0.0
P 0.2 0.4 0.1 4.3
Q 0.2 0.3 0.1 4.4
R 0.3 0.4 0.2 4.1
S 0.2 0.1 0.0 4.7
T 0.5 0.5 0.4 3.6

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.13-00


Atomic absorption spectrometry is used to determine various elements of the periodic table and
basically consists of four methods: flame atomic absorption, hydride generation, cold vapor
generation and graphite furnace. The methods that use flame and graphite furnace as atomizers allow
the determination of about 70 elements, most of them metals. The hydride generation method allows
the determination of arsenic, antimony, selenium, bismuth, tellurium, lead, indium, tin, germanium
and thallium; whereas the generation of cold vapor is used basically for the determination of mercury.

For the determination of the analyte concentration by atomic absorption, the radiation from a source
of specific wavelength according to the analyzed element falls on the atomic vapor containing free
atoms of this element in the ground state. Radiation attenuation is proportional to the analyte
concentration according to the Lambert-Beer law.

Instrumentation for atomic absorption basically consists of a radiation source, atomizer,

monochromator, detector and data processing system. As light sources, hollow cathode lamps and
electrodeless discharge lamps are used which emit intense radiation of the same wavelength as that
absorbed by the element to be determined. The atomizer can consist of a flame or a graphite furnace.
The monochromator is responsible for separating the desired wavelength. Radiation strikes the
monochromator through a narrow slit; then, it is separated into different wavelengths in a diffraction
grating and, later, directed to the detector. The detector is usually a photomultiplier that transforms
light energy into electrical current, which is amplified and later interpreted by a reading system.


To operate atomic absorption spectrometers, it is recommended to follow the manufacturer’s

instructions. The determinations are made by comparison with reference solutions containing known
concentrations of the analyte. Determinations can be carried out by the Direct Calibration Method
(Method I) or by the Standard Addition Method (Method II). Method I is recommended unless
otherwise specified.

Direct Calibration Method (Method I): Prepare at least four reference solutions of the element to be
determined using the concentration range recommended by the equipment manufacturer for the
analyte. All reagents used in sample preparation must be equally included, at the same concentrations,
in the preparation of reference solutions. After calibrating the apparatus with solvent, introduce each
of the reference solutions into the atomizer three times and, after reading, record the result. Wash the
sample introduction system with water after each operation. Plot the analytical curve for the mean of
the absorbances of the three readings for each reference solution with its concentration. Prepare the
sample as indicated in the monograph, adjusting its concentration so that it falls within the
concentration range of the reference solutions for the analyte. Introduce the sample into the atomizer,
record the reading and rinse the sample introduction system with water. Repeat this sequence twice.
Determine the element concentration from the analytical curve using the average of the three readings.

Standard addition method (Method II): add to at least four volumetric flasks equal volumes of the
solution of the substance to be determined prepared as indicated in the monograph.. To the flasks,
except for one, add determined volumes of the specified reference solution in order to obtain a series
of solutions containing increasing amounts of the analyte. Adjust volume of each flask with water
and homogenize. After calibrating the spectrometer with water, record the readings for each solution

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three times. Plot the analytical curve for the mean of the absorbances of the three readings for each
solution versus the respective amount of analyte added to the solution. Record the amount of analyte
in module in the sample by extrapolating the analytical curve on the abscissa axis. FLAME ATOMIC ABSORPTION SPECTROMETRY

The system consists of a premix chamber, in which the fuel and oxidant are mixed, and of the burner
which receives the fuel-oxidant mixture. The solution is introduced through a pneumatic nebulizer,
in which a fine aerosol is generated and led to the flame. The amount of energy that can be supplied
by the flame for the dissociation and atomization of the sample is proportional to the temperature. If
a low temperature flame is used, the solution may not be converted to neutral atoms. On the other
hand, if a flame with a very high temperature is used, a large amount of ions that do not absorb
radiation from the source can be formed. By modifying the proportion of oxidant and fuel used for
each type of flame, it is possible to significantly change its temperature. The most popularly used
flames are those produced by air-acetylene (2100°C to 2400°C) and acetylene-nitrous oxide (2650°C
to 2850°C). The air-acetylene mixture is used for elements with lower atomization temperatures such
as Na, K, Mg, Cd, Zn, Cu, Mn, Co, etc. The flame generated by acetylene-nitrous oxide is applied to
refractory elements such as Al, V, Ti, Si, U, among others.


Physical Interferences: Using sample preparation with physical properties such as viscosity and
surface tension different from the standard preparation may result in differences in relation to
aspiration and nebulization, leading to incorrect readings. Whenever possible, preparations with the
same physical properties and matrix constituents should be used.

Ionization interference: normally occurs for alkaline and alkaline earth elements that are easily
ionizable. The greater the degree of ionization, the lower the absorbance. To minimize ionization
interference, it is possible to use flames with lower temperatures or use "ionization suppressors",
which are elements such as cesium that ionize more easily than analyte, thus increasing the number
of atoms in the ground state .

Chemical interferences: the formation of thermally stable compounds in the flame, such as the oxides
of some elements (Ca, Ti, Cr, V, Al, etc.), reduces the population of atoms in the ground state. This
can be resolved by increasing the flame temperature, which results in the dissociation of these
compounds. Another possibility is the use of a “suppressor agent” or “release agent” that has greater
affinity for oxygen than the analyte, preventing the formation of oxides. The solution containing
cesium chloride and lanthanum chloride, “Schinkel' solution”, is the most commonly used.

Spectral interferences: occur through the absorption or scattering of selected radiation for the analyte.
Spectral interferences caused by atoms are uncommon and can be resolved by changing the spectral
line used. Interferences caused by molecular species are more severe, but are usually overcome by

Atomic absorption spectrometry with hydride generation is a method used for the determination of
volatile hydride-forming elements, most commonly for As, Se, Sb, Bi, Ge, Sn, Pb and Te. The process
consists of three main steps: hydride generation, transport and atomization. The system can be built
in batch or in flow. The generation of hydrides consists of the reaction of the analyte, usually in an

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.13-00

acidic medium, with a reductant (NaBH4). The transport of the hydrides from the reaction flask to the
quartz cell is done by an inert carrier gas, such as argon or nitrogen. For elements that absorb at a
wavelength lower than 200 nm, before the hydride generation step, a purge must be carried out to
remove atmospheric gases in order to prevent these gases from absorbing the radiation from the
source. Atomization is done in an electrically heated quartz cell or with a burner typical of flame
atomization systems; the internal temperature of the cell is from 850°C to 1000°C. The signal
obtained is normally of the transient type; about 20 seconds are required for full signal integration for
almost all elements.


Influence of the oxidation state: analytes usually have more than one oxidation state. Arsenic and
antimony, for example, have oxidation states III and V, whereas selenium and tellurium have
oxidation states IV and VI, respectively. Higher oxidation states are generally inert for conversion to
volatile hydrides; therefore, pre-reduction is necessary before determination in these cases.

Hydride-forming elements: Mutual interferences can occur between the hydride-forming elements,
such as between arsenic and selenium. In these cases, the volatilization and atomization kinetics are
decisive in the process.

Transition elements: some metallic ions such as Cu2+ and Ni2+, if present in high concentrations, are
reduced, forming precipitates that can adsorb volatile hydrides. ATOMIC ABSORPTION SPECTROMETRY WITH COLD VAPOR


Atomic absorption spectrometry with cold vapor generation is used for the determination of mercury.
The apparatus and reagents are the same used in the hydride generation system, but the quartz cell
does not need to be heated, as the mercury is reduced to metallic mercury, which is volatile at room
temperature. However, water vapor can be transported by the carrier gas and interfere with the
determination. To solve this problem, an infrared lamp is used to heat the quartz cell, preventing the
condensation of water vapor. In this case, it is usually not necessary to carry out the purge, as the
wavelength used for the determination of Hg is 253.7 nm, in which the absorption of radiation by
gases from the atmosphere is rare. GRAPHITE FURNACE ATOMIC ABSORPTION

Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry is a comprehensive method that has high sensitivity.
The furnace consists of a graphite tube 3 to 5cm long and 3 to 8mm in diameter coated with pyrolytic
graphite. The amount of sample injected into the oven ranges from 5 μL to 50 μL and is usually
introduced by an automated system. The furnace is electrically heated by passing a longitudinal or
transverse electric current. Streams of inert gases such as argon are maintained externally and
internally to prevent furnace combustion. In addition, the internal flow expels atmospheric air from
the furnace and also the vapors generated during the drying and pyrolysis steps. A graphite furnace
lasts approximately 300 cycles, depending on the model.

Analysis with the graphite furnace can be divided into the following steps: sample drying, pyrolysis,
atomization and cleaning. The transition from one step to another is marked by the increase in
temperature, therefore, a special heating program must be planned. First, the sample is dried; in this
step the residual solvents and acids are evaporated. After drying, the temperature is risen to remove
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.13-00

the matrix (pyrolysis step). Then, the increase in temperature leads to atomization of the analyte for
further quantification. Finally, the furnace is cleaned at a high temperature (e.g. 2600 °C) for a few
seconds. The temperature and duration of each heating step can be controlled; this is essential for
developing analytical methods.

Atomization and pyrolysis curves are used to optimize temperatures for such processes. The pyrolysis
curve allows determining the maximum temperature at which no loss of analyte occurs. The
atomization curve determines the minimum atomization temperature of the analyte with adequate
sensitivity. It is recommended that pyrolysis and atomization curves are made whenever an unknown
sample is analyzed.

The atomization process in a graphite furnace is complex and depends on many factors, such as the
material of the furnace and platform, the atmosphere inside the tube, the heating rate, the temperature
and nature of the substances. For best results, it is recommended to use the L’Vov platform inside the
tube as well as transversal heating. The signal obtained is of the transient type; a maximum of 12
seconds is required for signal integration.


Spectral Interferences: Interferences caused by overlapping lines between atoms are uncommon. The
attenuation of the species radiation beam generated during the atomization process, deriving from the
matrix, is more frequent. To solve this problem, the matrix must be efficiently eliminated. The use of
a matrix modifier and background correction is essential for the reliability of the results.

Formation of volatile substances: in samples with high levels of halogens (especially Cl) there is the
possibility of formation of volatile substances from the analyte, which may be lost at low
temperatures, causing error in the analysis. In this case, the use of a chemical modifier capable of
forming thermally stable complexes with the analyte minimizes the formation of volatile substances.
Furthermore, when the chemical modifier is combined with the L’vov platform, matrix interference
effects are greatly reduced. It is important to point out that a given chemical modifier can be very
effective for some elements, whilst ineffective for others. ATOMIC EMISSION SPECTROMETRY

Atomic emission spectrometry is the method of determining the concentration of an element in a
sample by measuring the intensity of one of the element emission lines. The determination is made
at the wavelength corresponding to this emission line. Emission sources in atomic emission
spectrometry must have energy to generate neutral atoms and to excite the elements of interest. FLAME PHOTOMETRY

Flame photometry is a method with good sensitivity, being used mainly for the determination of alkali
metals. The apparatus consists of a flame, normally produced by an air-liquid petroleum gas mixture,
a monochromator and a detector. The solvent of choice for preparing the sample solution and
reference solutions should preferably be aqueous. Organic solvents can be used as long as they do not
interfere with flame stability.


The interferences that occur in flame photometry are very similar to those observed in Atomic
Absorption Spectrometry ( However, spectral interferences can occur caused by the

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.13-00

emission of molecular rotation-vibration bands, such as OH (310-330 NHnm), NH (around

340 nm),N2+ (around 390 nm), C2 (around 450 nm), etc.


The solvent must be selected carefully. If there is a significant difference in surface tension or
viscosity between the sample and the reference solution, variations in aspiration and nebulization
rates will occur and, consequently, significant differences in the signals produced. Thus, the solvent
used in the preparation of samples and references must be as similar as possible.


The apparatus must be operated in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and at the
specified wavelength. Adjust zero with the solvent. Then inject the most concentrated reference
solution and adjust to the desired sensitivity. The determinations are made by comparison with
reference solutions containing known concentrations of the analyte. Determinations can be carried
out by the Direct Calibration Method (Method I) or by the Standard Addition Method (Method II).as
described in Atomic Absorption Spectrometry ( OPTICAL EMISSION SPECTROMETRY WITH INDUCTIVELY

Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry is a very comprehensive method that has
high sensitivity and multi-element characteristics. In general, in inductively coupled plasma
spectrometry, the sample aerosol is introduced into a plasma source, where it is evaporated and
dissociated into free atoms and ions, which are excited. The plasma consists of a partially ionized gas
of high temperature (6000°C to 10000°C), electrically neutral and with good electrical conductivity.
Due to the high temperature of the plasma, polychromatic radiation is generated as a result of the
emission of various elements and ions present in the sample. Therefore, it is necessary to use a
monochromator with high resolution capacity to separate the characteristic wavelengths of each
element. Detection of radiation generated by specific wavelengths can be applied for qualitative
analysis and the intensities of these wavelengths can be used for quantitative analysis.


The apparatus used in inductively coupled plasma spectrometry basically consists of the signal
generator and processor. The generator consists of a plasma source and a sample introduction system
(propellant pump and nebulizer). The signal processor is comprised of optical and electronic systems
and data acquisition unit.

Plasma sources: The most common is inductively coupled plasma. The plasma is generated in a torch
that consists of three concentric tubes usually made of quartz. Gas flows, usually argon, are
maintained in the three compartments formed by the concentric tubes. In the outer compartment, the
gas is used to form the plasma. The intermediate compartment carries the auxiliary gas, which is
responsible for keeping the plasma away from the internal compartment and preventing deposition of
carbon and salts from the sample in that compartment. The internal argon flow carries the aerosol
from the sample to the center of the plasma. When a certain power (between 700 W and 1500 W) is
applied by the radio frequency generator to the induction coil, an alternating current is generated in
the coil at a frequency of 27 MHz or 40 MHz. This oscillation in the coil results in an intense
electromagnetic field at the tip of the torch. With argon flowing through the torch, a high-voltage
electrical discharge is applied to the gas generating electrons and argon ions. Electrons are accelerated

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.13-00

by the magnetic field and collide with more argon atoms generating more ions and electrons. The
ionization of argon continues in a chain reaction generating the plasma, which consists of argon
atoms, electrons and argon ions.

Detection system for Optical Emission Spectrometry with Inductively Coupled Plasma: all elements
present in the plasma emit radiation at the same time, therefore it is necessary to use a multi-element
detection system. Spectrometers can be simultaneous or sequential. For inductively coupled plasma
optical emission spectrometry, both sequential and simultaneous spectrometers are widely used. The
most common configuration for sequential spectrometers is the Czerny-Turner. Simultaneous
spectrometers, on the other hand, are basically found with Echelle and Paschen-Runge configurations.


The overlapping of emission lines is one of the main interferences for inductively coupled plasma
optical emission spectrometry. This type of interference can be eliminated using high resolution
spectrometers and background correction procedures. Many spectral interferences are observed in the
200 nm to 400 nm range, in which more than 200.000 atomic emission lines and molecular bands are

The physical interferences are similar to those in Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (


The ideal solvent for inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry interferes as little as
possible in the emission processes. The solvent must be carefully selected. If there is a significant
difference in surface tension or viscosity between the sample and the reference solution, variations in
aspiration and nebulization rates will occur and, consequently, significant differences in the signals
produced. Thus, the solvents used in the preparation of samples and reference solutions should be as
similar as possible.


The apparatus must be operated in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and at the proper
wavelength for each element. The determinations are carried out by comparison with reference
solutions containing known concentrations of the analytes. Determinations can be carried out by the
Direct Calibration Method (Method I) or by the Standard Addition Method (Method II).as described

Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry is used for the determination of several elements with
high sensitivity, in the ppt range (parts per trillion), and with multi-element capability.


Similarly to inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (, inductively

coupled plasma mass spectrometry consists of two main units: the signal generator and the signal
processor. The fundamental difference is that, in inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, the
signal processor comprises an interface, a mass analyzer and a data acquisition unit. The interface is
responsible for sampling and the efficient transport of ions from the plasma at atmospheric pressure

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.13-00

(760 Torr) to the mass separator (10-6 Torr) is done by reducing the pressure through vacuum
application. The interface consists of two metallic cones with very small orifices (of 1 mm in
diameter). After the ions are generated in the plasma, they pass through the first cone (sampling cone)
and then through the second cone (skimmer). After the passage of ions through the skimmer, due to
expansion, there is a need for them to be focused to ensure their arrival at the mass analyzer. The ions
are focused by the action of an ionic lens or set of ionic lenses, which consists of a hollow metal
cylinder (or series of cylinders or perforated plates) subjected to a potential difference (usually in the
range of 2 to 15 V of continuous current). Most of the inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometers
on the market today use the quadrupole as a mass separator. The quadrupole consists of four
cylindrical or hyperbolic metal bars of the same length and diameter. By the combined application of
direct current (dc) and alternating current (ac) to the electrodes (quadrupole), only ions with a given
mass/charge ratio (m/z) are conducted through the quadrupole. The remaining ions collide with the
electrodes or are removed from the interior of the quadrupole. Accordingly, the ions are sequentially
separated by the quadrupole. Various types of detectors can be used to collect the ions at the
quadrupole output and convert them into an electrical signal, but the most popular are discrete
dynodes, Faraday Cup and Chaneltron.


Similar to other spectrometric methods, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry has spectral
and non-spectral interferences. Spectral interferences are species-dependent and can be divided into
four main types: polyatomic, isobaric, double-charged ions and refractory oxide ions. This type of
interference can be corrected by simulating the matrix composition, choosing another isotope (when
possible) or using a reaction and/or collision cell. In some cases, spectral interference can be corrected
using an appropriate computer program.

Non-spectral interferences can arise for several reasons: deposition on the interface cones, presence
of another easily ionizable element, space charge effect, among others. However, most non-spectral
interference can be corrected by using an internal standard. In this case, the internal standard must
have a mass/charge ratio and ionization potential similar to the analyte. Scandium and Rhodium, for
example, are widely used as an internal standard for elements with low and high mass/charge ratios,


The ideal solvent for inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry interferes as little as possible in
the emission processes. The solvent must be carefully selected. If there is a significant difference in
surface tension or viscosity between the sample and the reference solution, variations in aspiration
and nebulization rates will occur and, consequently, significant differences in the signals produced.
Thus, the solvents used in the preparation of samples and reference solutions should be as similar as


The apparatus must be operated in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and at the proper
isotope for each element. Adjust the zero with the solvent injected into the apparatus. The
determinations are carried out by comparison with reference solutions containing known
concentrations of the analytes. Determinations can be carried out by the Direct Calibration Method
(Method I) or by the Standard Addition Method (Method II) or by the Internal Standard Method
(Method III).

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.13-00

Direct Calibration Method (Method I). Prepare at least four reference analyte solutions, covering the
range of concentrations recommended by the equipment manufacturer for the elements under
analysis. All reagents used in the sample solution must be equally included, at the same
concentrations, in the preparation of the reference solutions. After calibrating the apparatus with
solvent, inject each of the reference solutions three times and, after stabilization of the reading, record
the result, washing the system with the solvent after each injection. Plot the analytical curve, plotting
the average of the readings for each group of three, with their respective concentration. Prepare the
solution of the substance to be determined as indicated in the monograph, adjusting its concentration
so that it is within the range of concentrations of the reference solutions. Introduce the sample into
the apparatus, record the reading and wash the system with solvent. Repeat this sequence twice and,
by adopting the average of three measurements, determine the analyte concentration using the
analytical curve.

Standard Addition Method (Method II).. Add to each of four similar volumetric flasks minimum,
equal volumes of prepared solution of the substance to be determined

as indicated in the monograph. Add to all, but one, flasks measured volumes of the specified reference
solution in order to obtain a series of solutions containing increasing amounts of analytes.
Conveniently dilute the volume of each flask with water. After calibrating the spectrometer with
water, as indicated above, record the readings for each solution three times.

Internal Standard Method (Method III). Prepare at least four reference analyte solutions, covering the
range of concentrations recommended by the equipment manufacturer for the analytes. All reagents
used in the sample solution must be equally included, at the same concentrations, in the preparation
of the reference solutions. The internal standard must be added to all solutions (solvent, reference
solutions and samples), with a fixed concentration and in the same order of magnitude as the analytes.
After calibrating the apparatus with solvent, inject each of the reference solutions three times and,
after stabilization of the reading, record the result, washing the system with the solvent after each
injection. Plot the analytical curve, plotting a graph of the ratio between the mean of the reading
intensities of each group of three and the intensity of the internal standard, with the respective
concentration. Prepare the solution of the substance to be determined as indicated in the monograph,
adjusting its concentration so that it is within the range of concentrations of the reference solutions.
Introduce the sample into the apparatus, record the reading and wash the system with solvent. Repeat
this sequence twice and, by adopting the average of three measurements, determine the analyte
concentration using the analytical curve.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.14-00


Spectrophotometric methods are based on the absorption of electromagnetic energy by molecules,
which depends both on the concentration and on their chemical structures. According to the frequency
range of the applied electromagnetic energy, absorption spectrophotometry can be divided into
ultraviolet, visible and infrared, and can be used as a method for identifying and quantifying


Electromagnetic radiation is a form of energy that propagates as waves and can generally be
subdivided into regions of characteristic wavelength. Still, it can also be considered as a flux of
particles called photons (or quanta). Each photon contains a certain energy whose magnitude is
proportional to frequency and inversely proportional to wavelength. The wavelength (l) is usually
specified in nanometers, nm (10-9 m), and in some cases in micrometers, µm (10-6m). In the case of
infrared, electromagnetic radiation can also be described in terms of wave number and expressed in
cm-1. The electromagnetic energy wavelength ranges of interest for spectrophotometry are described
in Table 1.

Table 1 – Wavelength ranges of interest for spectrophotometry.

Region Wavelength range
Ultraviolet (UV) 100 – 380 nm
Visible (VIS) 380 – 780 nm
Near infrared (NIR) 780 – 2500 nm (13300 – 4000 cm-1)
Mid-infrared (MIR) 4 – 25 μm (2500 – 400 cm-1)
Far infrared 25 – 300 μm (400 – 33 cm-1)


The total energy of the molecule involves the energy derived from vibration (vibrational energy, due
to the relative motion of the constituent atoms or groups of atoms in the molecule); from rotation
(rotational energy, due to the molecule rotation around an axis) and, usually, from electronic energy,
generated by the configuration of electrons in the molecule.

Molecules when absorbing energy undergo a transition to a higher energy state or excited state. The
transition to the excited state is not continuous in nature, generally taking place in stages called
transitions. In the ultraviolet and visible region, transitions are electronic and occur in portions of the
molecule called chromophores. These transitions comprise promotions of electrons from occupied
molecular orbitals, usually σ and π bonding and non-bonding, to the next higher energy orbitals, non-
bonding π* and σ*.

In the mid-infrared region (MIR), only vibrational energy transitions occur because the radiation in
this region is insufficiently energetic to promote electronic transitions. Infrared radiation-induced
vibrations comprise stretching and tensioning of inter-atomic bonds and modification of bond angles.

Near infrared (NIR) spectra are characterized by the absorption of radiation by overtones and
combination of fundamental vibrational modes of bonds such as C-H, N-H, O-H and S-H. The bands
of a NIR spectrum are generally weaker than the bands of the MIR spectrum. Chemical and physical
information, with qualitative and quantitative characteristics, can be obtained from the NIR spectrum.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.14-00

However, direct comparison between the spectrum of the sample and the reference chemical is not

NIR spectrophotometry is widely used for physical and chemical analysis, such as: quantification and
identification of active principles and excipients, identification of crystalline and polymorphic forms,
determination of particle size, disintegration pattern and process control.


Spectra can be obtained using different acquisition modes. In the case of UV/VIS spectrophotometry,
the main mode is transmission. In NIR and MIR spectrophotometry the spectra can be acquired using
the transmission and reflection mode. The latter is subdivided into diffuse reflection and attenuated
total reflection. There is also the possibility of combining transmission and reflection modes, called

Transmission: is the measure of the decrease in radiation intensity at certain wavelengths when
radiation passes through the sample. The sample is placed in the optical beam between the source and
the detector. Transmission (T) can be calculated by the formula below:


I0 = incident radiation intensity

I = transmitted radiation intensity

Transmission spectra can be converted to absorbance:

𝐴 = 𝑙𝑜𝑔10 ( )

Diffuse reflection: is the measure ratio of the intensity of the light reflected by the sample and the
light reflected by a reflective reference surface. Unabsorbed radiation is reflected towards the

Attenuated total reflection: infrared radiation propagates inside an element with internal reflection
(high refractive index) through reflections on the walls of this element. The sample is placed in
contact with the wall of this reflection element where it interacts with infrared radiation (evanescent

Transreflectance: This mode is the combination of transmission and reflection modes. In

transreflectance measurement, a mirror or reflective surface is used to reflect the radiation transmitted
through the sample, hitting it a second time to then bend the optical path. Unabsorbed radiation is
reflected towards the detector.


Spectrophotometers used in the ultraviolet and visible regions are fundamentally equipped with a
radiation source; wavelength selector; absorption cells (cuvettes) for inserting sample solutions into
the monochromatic light beam; radiant energy detector and a signal reading and processing unit.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.14-00

The lamps most used as a source of radiation in spectrophotometry in the ultraviolet and visible region
are deuterium and tungsten, which provide radiation between 160 and 380 nm and 320 and 2500 nm,
respectively. Instruments for the UV/VIS regions are usually equipped with one or more devices to
restrict the radiation being measured within a narrow range that is absorbed or emitted by the analyte.
Most devices uses a monochromator or filter to isolate the desired wavelength band, so that only the
band of interest is detected and measured. Monochromators generally have a diffraction grating, while
filters can be interference or absorption filters. Photometers or colorimeters are simpler instruments
that use a filter to select the wavelength and are generally used in the visible region.
Spectrophotometers, in turn, use monochromators for wavelength selection and are used in the
UV/VIS regions.

The compartments used to receive the sample are called cuvettes, which must have windows that are
transparent in the spectral region of interest. For the UV region, quartz cuvettes are required, whereas
for the VIS region, glass or acrylic cuvettes can be used.

The main types of detectors are phototubes, photodiode arrays and charge transfer devices.
Phototubes are the simplest detectors and their answer is based on the photoelectric effect. The diode
array detector allows all wavelengths to be monitored simultaneously. Charge transfer devices have
been increasingly used in spectroscopic instruments.

Spectrophotometers can be found in single-beam, dual-beam, and multi-channel configurations.

Dual-beam instruments have the advantage of compensating for any fluctuations in the radiant power
of the source when compared to single-beam instruments. Multichannel instruments, on the other
hand, are more recent, using diode array detectors and charge transfer devices, allowing the full
spectrum of a sample to be obtained in less than one second. In these instruments, the dispersive
system is a grating spectrograph placed after the sample cell.

Spectrophotometers may have graphic records that allow the acquisition of absorption spectra. This
feature is important for the purpose of characterizing the substance from obtaining the wavelengths
where the highest absorbances are obtained (λmaximum). Currently, most spectrophotometers are
connected to a microcomputer and an appropriate program, which allows obtaining the absorption
spectra of substances in digital media.


The spectrophotometers used to acquire mid and near infrared spectra consist of a light source,
monochromator or interferometer and detector, and allow the acquisition of spectra in the region
between 750 to 2500 nm (13 300 to 4000 cm-1).

Currently, mid-infrared spectrophotometers (4000 to 400 cm-1) use the interferometer instead of the
monochromator and the polychromatic radiation falls on the sample, with the spectra being obtained
in the frequency domain with the aid of the Fourier transform.

Transmission cells, diffuse reflection and attenuated total reflection tools are the most common
accessories for spectra acquisition.

Near infrared spectrophotometry (NIR) is a method that allows the acquisition of spectra in the region
between 13300 and 4000 cm-1 (750 to 2500 nm). The spectrophotometers in the NIR region consist
of an appropriate radiation source, monochromator or interferometer and detector. Conventional
cuvettes, optical fibers, transmittance cells and accessories for diffuse reflectance are the most
common accessories for spectra acquisition.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.14-00


The identification of several pharmaceutical substances can be done using the ultraviolet, visible,
mid-infrared and near-infrared regions.
In general, spectrophotometry in the UV/VIS regions requires solutions with a concentration in the
order of 10 mg mL-1of the substance, while for MIR and NIR, concentrations in the order of
100 mg mL-1 are required. Despite being more sensitive, the spectra obtained in the UV/VIS regions
have less specificity when compared to the spectra in the MIR region. In the case of MIR,
measurements performed using the reflection modes (diffuse and total attenuated) provide spectral
information equivalent to that obtained by the transmission mode. When possible, a comparison of
the obtained spectrum against the spectrum of the reference chemical should be made.

Ultraviolet (UV) and visible (VIS)diffuse and total attenuated

Several monographs include ultraviolet absorption spectra as proof of identification. In these cases,
the scan length, solvent, solution concentration and cuvette thickness (optical path) will be specified.
Some drugs require the use of reference standards. Standard and sample readings are taken
simultaneously and under identical conditions for wavelength, cuvette size, etc.

For characterization using UV/VIS spectrophotometry, the drug is dissolved using appropriate
solvent. Many solvents are suitable, including water, alcohols, ethers and dilute acid and alkaline
solutions. It must be verified if the solvents do not absorb in the spectral region being used.

Mid-infrared (MIR)

The MIR spectrophotometry is an identification test par excellence, being able to differentiate
substances with structural differences. Of the three infrared regions (near, medium and far), the region
between 4000 and 400 cm-1 (mid infrared) is the most used for identification purposes.

The transmission spectra of solid samples are obtained by dispersing them in mineral oil or by
preparing potassium and sodium halide losenges. Sample dispersions are prepared by grinding about
5mg of the substance in a drop of spectroscopic grade mineral oil. The paste obtained is spread
between two windows of potassium bromide or sodium chloride. To prepare the losenges,
approximately 1mg of the sample is ground with approximately 300mg of spectroscopic grade
potassium bromide.

For solid powder samples opaque to the transmission of infrared radiation, the spectrum can also be
acquired by using an accessory for diffuse reflection. In this accessory, infrared radiation is directly
incident on the powdered sample. Part of the radiation is absorbed and then diffusely reflected towards
the detector. In this case, the sample in powder form is mixed with potassium bromide at a
concentration of approximately 5% (w/w) and placed in the diffuse reflection accessory.

Finally, the spectrum of solid powder and creamy samples can be obtained using a total reflection
attenuation accessory. The sample in powder form is placed under the high refractive index crystal
where it comes into contact with infrared radiation, not requiring prior sample preparation.


UV/VIS spectrophotometry

Quantitative spectrophotometric analysis by absorption is based on the direct relation between the
amount of light absorbed and the concentration of the substance, also known as Beer's law.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.14-00

When concentration (c) is expressed in mole. L-1 and the optical path (b) in centimeters, the formula



A = absorbance, logarithm of the inverse transmittance (A = – log T)

ε = molar absorptivity.
T = transmittance

Knowing that transmittance is the quotient between the intensity of the radiation transmitted by the
solution (I) and the intensity of the incident radiation (I0),you have:

log10 (I0/I) = A = ε b c

The intensity of ultraviolet light absorption by chromophore substances is generally expressed as

molar absorptivity under maximum absorption conditions. If the molar mass of the substance is not
known, it is possible to express the absorption intensity by the formula of specific absorptivity – A
(1%, 1 cm):

A (1%, 1 cm) = A / b c

where A(1%, 1 cm) corresponds to the absorbance of the solution at 1% (w/v) of the substance when
the optical path is 1 cm. To avoid possible deviations from Beer's law, one should try to work with
diluted solutions (in the order of 0.01 M), avoiding associations between molecules, and with
monochromatic radiation.

Near infrared spectrophotometry.

Quantification by means of NIR spectrophotometry can be performed using data obtained from a
reference method or from a calibration set with samples of known composition. Spectra can be
obtained using the transmission and reflection modes with the aid of suitable tools. Firstly, the spectral
data are treated through mathematical transformations to reduce sources of unwanted variations
before the calibration step. The calibration process consists of building a mathematical model that
relates the spectrophotometer response to a sample property. There are a number of chemometric
algorithms that can be used for calibration. These algorithms are usually available in software and
available together with the spectrophotometer. The main calibration algorithms are: multiple linear
regression (MLR), partial least squares (PLS) and principal component regression (PCR).

The validation of a method that employs NIR spectrophotometry is similar to that required for any
analytical procedure and is generally based on chemometric methods. The main parameters to be
evaluated are: specificity, linearity, working range, accuracy, precision and robustness.

The extent of specificity is dependent on the procedure used. The demonstration of the specificity of
the NIR methods can be done in the following manners: (i) the wavelengths used in the calibration
models must correspond to the bands of the analyte of interest; (ii) for calibration using PLS the
coefficients must be plotted and the regions with the highest coefficient compared with the analyte
spectrum; (iii) variations in the sample matrix should not significantly affect analyte quantification.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.14-00

Validation of the NIR method linearity involves demonstrating its linear response for samples
distributed over a defined calibration range. The correlation coefficient, r, is not an adequate tool for
checking linearity, but it is the measure of data variation that is properly modeled by the formula. The
best method to demonstrate the linearity of the NIR methods is through the statistical evaluation of
the slope and intercept values obtained for the validation set.

The working range of the reference values for the analyte of the validation set defines the working
range of the NIR method. Controls must be established to ensure that results out of the working range
are not accepted. The validation of a NIR method should generate an anomalous value when a sample
containing the analyte outside the working range is analyzed.

The accuracy of a NIR method is demonstrated by correlating NIR results with the reference method
data. Furthermore, the accuracy can be verified from the proximity of the standard error of prediction
(SEP) with the error of the reference method. Reference method error must be known based on
historical values. Different statistical methods can be used to verify statistical differences between
the results obtained by the NIR method and the reference method.

The precision of a NIR method expresses the agreement between a series of measurements obtained
under predetermined conditions. There are two levels of precision that can be considered:
repeatability and intermediate precision. The precision of a NIR method is typically expressed as a
coefficient of variation.

The robustness of the NIR method can be verified through changes in method parameters, such as:
environmental conditions, sample temperature, sample characteristics and instrumental changes.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.15-00


Some substances can be analyzed with greater sensitivity and specificity using fluorimetric methods
rather than other spectrophotometric methods. Fluorescence spectrophotometry, or
spectrofluorimetry, comprises the measurement of the fluorescence emitted when these substances –
called fluorescent – are exposed to ultraviolet, visible or electromagnetic nature radiation. Such
radiations promote the excitation of the molecule electrons to higher energy levels. After a short stay
in the excited state – about 10-8 to 10-4 seconds – the electrons return to the ground state through a
non-radioactive process, called collision deactivation, combined with a radioactive process called
luminescence (fluorescence or phosphorescence), contrary to most substances in which the return to
a less energetic state does not involve light emission. In collision deactivation, energy is lost as heat
in collisions between molecules. In the radiant process, the excess energy is re-emitted with maximum
intensity at a longer wavelength (around 20 to 30 nm) than that of the absorbed excitatory radiation,
due to the energy loss that occurs in the process. Being fluorescent in nature, the radiation emitted by
the substance ceases when the energy source is removed and this characteristic distinguishes it from
phosphorescence, which continues for some time after the end of excitation.

The intensity of light emitted by a fluorescent solution is, under certain conditions, proportional to
the concentration of the solute and, therefore, used for analytical purposes. Fluorescence intensity
measurement cannot be used directly for the determination of analyte concentration. Therefore, the
determination is made by comparing the fluorescence intensity obtained for a sample solution with
standard solutions, whose concentrations are known. The foundation of spectrofluorescence consists,
therefore, in exciting the substance with radiation at the maximum absorption wavelength and
comparatively measuring the intensity of the fluorescent light emitted against a standard.


Fluorescence intensity: empirical expression of fluorescent activity, in arbitrary units proportional to

the detector response.

Fluorescence excitation spectrum: graphical representation of the activation spectrum, showing the
intensity of the radiation emitted by the activated substance (ordinate) and the wavelength of the
incident excitatory radiation (abscissa).

Fluorescence emission spectrum: graphic representation of the spectral distribution of radiation

emitted by an activated substance, showing the intensity of the emitted radiation as ordinate and the
wavelength as abscissa.


The determination of fluorescence intensity can be carried out in a simple filter fluorimeter
(fluorimeter), in adapted absorption spectrophotometers or in a fluorescence spectrophotometer

The filter fluorimeter comprises light source, primary filter, sample chamber, secondary filter and
detection system. In this type of fluorimeters, the detector is arranged at 90° to the incident light. Such
a right-angle arrangement allows incident light to pass through the sample solution without interfering
with the fluorescent signal captured by the detector. This mechanism does not prevent part of the
scattered light from reaching the detector due to the diffusing properties inherent to the solutions or
due to the presence of suspended solid particles. This residual dispersion is controlled using filters.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.15-00

The primary filter selects the appropriate wavelength radiation to excite the sample whereas the
secondary filter selects the longer wavelength fluorescent radiation, blocking the access of the
scattered radiation to the detector.

Most filter fluorimeter detectors are equipped with photomultiplier valves, although there are
differences between types of apparatus regarding the spectral region of maximum sensitivity. Once
the electric current generated in the photomultiplier is amplified, a corresponding reading is obtained
in an analog or digital instrument.

Fluorescence spectrophotometers, in turn, differ from fluorimeters in that they do not have filters but
rather prism monochromators or diffraction gratings, providing greater wavelength selectivity and

Both fluorimeters and fluorescence spectrophotometers allow the use of different light sources.
Mercury or tungsten lamps, although common, are advantageously replaced by the high-pressure
xenon arc lamp, as it provides, unlike the others, a continuous spectrum from ultraviolet to infrared.
In any case, radiation is very intense and should never be observed with the eyes unprotected, under
the risk of permanent damage.

Monochromators, in turn, have slit width adjustment. Narrow slits provide greater resolution and less
spectral noise while wide slits ensure greater light intensity to the detriment of these characteristics.
The slit width to be adopted depends on the difference between the wavelengths of the incident and
emitted light, as well as the level of sensitivity necessary for the analysis.

The sample chamber generally allows the use of round tubes and square cuvettes, similar to those
employed in absorption spectrophotometry, except for the fact that the four vertical walls must be
polished. Sample volumes of 2 to 3 mL are adequate, although some instruments may have small
cuvettes, with a capacity of 0.1 to 0.3 mL, or even holders for capillaries that require even smaller

Apparatus calibration

Fluorimeters and spectrofluorimeters must be calibrated with stable, fluorophore substances to ensure
reproducible results. Variations are generally due to changes in lamp intensity or sensitivity of the
photomultiplier tube. The fluorophore can be the pure sample of the substance to be analyzed or any
other fluorescent substance that is easily purified, whose wavelengths of absorption and fluorescence
are similar to those of the substance being analyzed. For example, quinine in 0.05 M sulfuric acid is
a suitable standard for blue fluorescence. On the other hand, fluoresce in 0.1 M sodium hydroxide is
suitable for green fluorescence and rhodamine is the fluorophore of choice in red fluorescence. The
fluorescence spectrophotometer wavelength scale also requires periodic calibration.


The choice of solvent used to prepare fluorescent solutions requires precautions. The nature, purity
and pH of the solvent are relevant parameters in the intensity and spectral distribution of fluorescence.
As a result, it is recommended to comply with the volume specified in established methods. Many
substances fluoresce in organic solvents but are practically non-fluorescent when dissolved in water.
Thus, experimentation in various solvents is required to determine the fluorescent property of a

For quantitative purposes, it is essential that the fluorescence intensity maintains a linear relation with
the sample concentration within limits compatible with the method. If the solution is very
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.15-00

concentrated, a significant part of the incident light will be absorbed in the periphery of the cuvette
and the amount of radiation reaching the central region will be lower. This means that the substance
itself will act as an “internal filter”. However, this phenomenon is rare, considering that fluorescence
spectrophotometry is a highly sensitive method, allowing the use of solutions with concentrations in
the order of 10-5 to 10--7 M.

Due to the usually narrow concentration limits in which the fluorescence is proportional to the
concentration of the substance, the rule is to obey the ratio (c-d)/(a-b) = 0.40 to 2.50. In this case, a
is the fluorescence intensity of the reference solution, b is the intensity of the corresponding blank, c
is the intensity of the sample solution, and d is the intensity of the corresponding blank.

Fluorescence determinations are sensitive to the presence of solid particles in the solutions. Such
impurities reduce the intensity of the incident beam, producing false high readings due to multiple
reflections in the cuvette. It is therefore necessary to eliminate these solids by centrifugation or
filtration prior to reading, bearing in mind, however, that some filter papers may contain fluorescent

The presence of dissolved oxygen in the solvent exerts a dampening effect on the fluorescence
intensity and it should be eliminated using, for example, passage of a current of nitrogen, helium or
any inert gas in the solution, prior to the reading.

Temperature control is also important. In some substances, the fluorescence emission can decrease
by 1 to 2% with each temperature increase of 1°C. Accordingly, when maximum precision is required,
the use of thermostatic cuvettes is recommended. However, for routine analysis, there is no need for
this resource as long as the determinations are made quickly enough to avoid heating due to exposure
of the solution to bright light.

Some fluorescent substances are sensitive to light and, when exposed to intense light radiation from
the fluorescence spectrophotometer, they can decompose into more or less fluorescent products. This
effect can be detected by observing the detector's response in relation to time and attenuated by
reducing the incident light intensity using filters.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.16-00


Turbidimetry and nephelometry – variants of spectrophotometry – are intended for the quantitative
evaluation of substances from the turbidity of their suspensions, proportional to their diffraction
power on incident light (Tyndall effect).

In turbidimetry, also known as opacity, the intensity of light transmitted in the same direction as the
incident light is measured. Although there are turbidimeters specifically designed to measure
turbidity, conventional colorimeters and spectrophotometers are satisfactory for measuring
transmitted light as long as they are adjusted to the appropriate wavelength.

Nephelometry (or diffusimetry), in turn, comprises the measurement of the intensity of light scattered
(reflected) by suspended particles, at a right angle to the incident light beam. Once again, in addition
to nephelometers, it is possible to use colorimeters and spectrophotometers in nephelometric
measurements. Therefore, it is necessary to modify them so as to allow the capture perpendicular to
the angle of the incident light, either by transferring the light source or by changing the position of
the detector. Fluorimeters, similar to nephelometers, are used to measure scattered light (positioning
the detector at an angle of 90º in relation to the incident light) and are therefore compatible with


Turbidance (S) in analogy to transmittance (T), defined in UV, Visible and infrared absorption
spectrophotometry (5.2.14) is the official expression of light scattering produced by suspended
particles, determinable by turbidimetry or nephelometry, according to the formula

𝑃0 𝑏𝑑3
𝑠= 𝑘 4
𝑃 𝑑 + 𝜆4


P0 = incident radiation intensity;

P = transmitted radiation intensity;
b = sample thickness (cuvette);
d = particle average diameter;
λ = wavelength;
k = constant of proportionality, depending on the nature of the suspension and the method of

A suspension evaluated in a given instrument, under monochromatic light, presents turbidity that
corresponds to the product of concentration C by a constant of proportionality k, which combines the
other parameters of the formula above. Therefore, S = kC, expression of the Lambert-Beer law,
allowing turbidimetric and nephelometric procedures to be analogous to those adopted in
spectrophotometry. It is, however, relevant to note that proportionality is only true for very dilute
suspensions, as secondary reflections cause excessive linearity deviation when the number of
suspended particles exceeds a certain limit.

Another source of error in turbidimetric and nephelometric measurements is the decanting of

suspended particles. Such occurrence can be minimized by increasing the viscosity, with the

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incorporation of protective colloid – gelatin, gum arabic or starch – in the liquid medium of the

The basic procedure for the use of turbidimetric or nephelometric methods follows the principles of
spectrophotometric methods, comprising the preparation of reference suspensions of known
concentration. In practice, plotting against transmittance values rather than turbidity is allowed.

The steps of the procedure comprise, briefly: (1) adjust the instrument to the wavelength specified in
the monograph (for colorimeters, in the absence of specification, use a filter that provides light in the
blue range); (2) fill the cuvette with the most concentrated suspension and adjust the transmittance
reading to 100% (transmittance offers more linearity than absorbance); (3) measure the transmittance
of the other standard suspensions and plot the calibration curve (using the least squares method) and
(4) measure the transmittance of the sample, determining its concentration using the calibration curve.

Visual comparison

Turbidity measurements can be performed by visual comparison, a method in which the suspension
of the sample is compared with suspension or standard suspensions. To do so, use identical test tubes,
flat-bottomed, with a capacity of 70 mL and approximately 23 mm in internal diameter. Tubes must
be compared horizontally on a dark background, with lateral light incidence.

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It consists of the chromatographic system in which the separation of the components of a mixture
occurs through differential migration over a stationary phase composed of a thin layer of adsorbent
applied on a flat support, which can be made of different materials such as glass, aluminum or
polyester. The mobile phase, in turn, consists of several mixtures of solvents and remains inside a
container or tank made of transparent and inert material, usually glass, remaining sealed, where the
chromatoplate is placed in a vertical position under a mobile phase saturated atmosphere.


The apparatus used for thin layer chromatography consists of: plate, tank or elution chamber,
stationary phase, mobile phase, TLC visualization reagent system. Plates are usually made of glass,
aluminum or plastic material. Sizes vary as follows: 20 cm x 20 cm; 10 cm x 20 cm; 10 cm x 10 cm;
5 cm x 10 cm.

Stationary phases (adsorbents)

Silica – It is the most widely used adsorbent in TLC. It is an amorphous and porous adsorbent. It is
also used in column chromatography; however, the silica used in TLC is thinner. Silica is prepared
by spontaneous polymerization and dehydration of silicic acid. The substances are adsorbed by silica
via hydrogen bonding and dipole-dipole interaction. A silica of satisfactory condition is one with 11
to 12% water by weight. A moisture level of 11 to 12% is achieved when the silica is in equilibrium
with air, at a relative humidity of 50% and a temperature of 20°C.

Commercial silicas have variable pore sizes, between 40 and 150 Angstroms. Particle sizes range
from 5 to 40 μm, averaging 10 to 15 μm, depending on the manufacturer.

By reducing the particle size, the silica performance is increased. Particle sizes from 5 to 6 µm are
used to prepare HPTLC (High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography). Pore sizes affect
selectivity and therefore can be used for migration rates and resolution of sample components.

The most common commercially available silica pore sizes are 40, 60, 80 and 100 Angstroms, with
60 Angstrom silica being the most versatile and widely used. Silica are used for the separation of
lipophilic compounds, such as aldehydes, ketones, phenols, fatty acids, amino acids, alkaloids,
terpenoids and steroids, using the adsorption mechanism.

Alumina – After silica, it is the most used adsorbent. The physical properties of alumina are similar
to those of silica in terms of particle size, average pore diameter and surface. Acid (pH 4.0 –4.5),
neutral (7.0 –8.0) and basic (9.0 –10.0) alumina are commercially available. Similarly to silica,
alumina separates sample components by polarity, through hydrogen bonds, Lewis acid-base
interactions or dipole-dipole interactions. The selectivity of alumina in adsorption TLC is similar to
silica gel, with alumina being a better adsorbent than silica for the separation of lipophilic acid
substances. Alumina with an acidic character strongly attracts basic substances, whereas alumina with
a basic character attracts more strongly acidic substances. Alumina retains aromatic substances more
strongly than silica gel. It has the inconvenience of promoting the catalysis of some reactions of labile
substances. It is used in the separation of fat-soluble vitamins, alkaloids, certain antibiotics and
polycyclic hydrocarbons.

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Kieselguhr – It is the thermally treated Diatomaceous Earth, with a granulation of 5 to 40 μm. Its
main constituent is SiO2. A variety of other inorganic compounds are also present. Pore sizes vary
greatly, its characteristics make it suitable for separating sugars, amino acids and other similar polar

Cellulose – Cellulose is a polysaccharide that is highly polymerized by glucose monomers. The

presence of large numbers of free hydroxyl groups allows hydrogen bonds with low molecular weight
liquids such as water and alcohols. Cellulose is therefore suitable for separating hydrophilic
substances such as carbohydrates and amino acids.

Polyamide – In contrast to cellulose, polyamide is a synthetic resin. Two types of polyamide are
used: polyamide 6 and polyamide 11. Polyamide 6 comes from aminopolycaprolactam, whereas
polyamide 11 is prepared from polyaminoundecanoic acid. Polyamides are used for the separation of
polar compounds that are able to interact with the amide group by hydrogen bonds due to their
molecular structure. Among them there are amino acids and derivatives, benzodiazepines, carboxylic
acids, cyclodextrins, fatty acids, flavonoids, preservatives and pesticides.

Magnesium silicate – ideal for the separation of sugars, anthraquinones, flavones, glycosides,
steroids, lipids, pesticide residues, vitamins, carbazoles, hydrocortisone acetate.

TLC visualization reagents and detection methods

After the development of chromatography and evaporation of the solvents, the stain development
method is used. This, in turn, can be physical or chemical. As a physical method, ultraviolet light
(lamps emitting radiation between 254 and 366 nm) is commonly used in the case of substances that
become fluorescent when excited by UV or visible light. Chemical methods comprise the use of
chromogenic reagents. There is an extensive list of TLC visualization reagents suitable for each group
of substances.


The final position of each spot is designated by the Rf (retention factor). After developing the
chromatoplate, the distance reached by each stain from the origin is measured. This distance is a
fraction of the total distance traveled by the solvent in the stationary phase.

Rf = (distance reached by the stain from the origin) / (distance traveled by the solvent from the origin) CHROMATOGRAPHY ON PAPER

It uses differential migration on the surface of a special quality filter paper (stationary phase) to
separate and identify the substances or components of the mixture. The mobile phase can be a pure
solvent or a mixture of solvents.

In chromatographic paper, the adsorbent is a paper layer of suitable texture and thickness.
Chromatographic separation occurs through the action of the liquid mobile phase similar to the
adsorption process in column chromatography. Due to the intrinsic water content of the paper, or
selective inhibition of the hydrophilic component of the liquid phase by the paper fibers, which can
be considered as stationary phase, a partition mechanism can significantly contribute to the

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The chromatogram is developed by the slow passage of the mobile phase over the paper layer.
Development can be upward, in the case of solvent carried upwards by capillary forces, or downward,
in the case where the solvent flow is aided by the force of gravity.

The simplest form of paper chromatography is ascending chromatography, which uses a strip of paper
of varying length and width, depending on the chromatographic chamber being used.

This method is very useful for separating very polar substances such as sugars and amino acids. It has
the inconvenience of being able to apply a small amount of substance at a time. One should try to
work in the closest possible conditions, of quality and quantity, between standard and sample, using
the same paper, mobile phase, temperature, etc.


It consists of a glass chromatographic chamber or tank, provided with ground edges and lid and with
adequate dimensions to contain the chromatographic paper, which can be adapted for ascending or
descending chromatography. It is important that vapors from the mobile phase are not allowed to

Use special filter paper for chromatography, cut along the fibers into strips of variable length and
width of minimum 2.5 cm. There are several types of chromatography paper with different purposes
for separating hydrophilic or hydrophobic, organic or inorganic, amphoteric or with many hydroxyl
substances, among others.

For descending chromatography, use a tank with a lid provided with a central orifice, closed by a
glass stopper or other inert material. At the upper part of the chamber, there is a suspended cuvette,
which contains a device for holding the paper (usually a glass rod or stick). On each side of the cuvette
there are glass guides, which support the paper so as not to touch the walls of the chromatographic
chamber. The width of the chromatographic paper cannot be greater than that of the suspended cuvette
and the height must be approximately equal to the height of the chromatographic chamber.

For ascending chromatography, there is a device in the upper part of the chamber that allows the
chromatographic paper to be supported and that can be lowered without opening the chromatographic
chamber. Handle the paper carefully and by the edges, and cut strips into sizes that can be placed in
the chambers. It is important to cut the strips following the grain of the paper, as the cellulose is
oriented to this direction, which will facilitate the passage of the mobile phase. The strip of paper
must not touch the walls of the chamber.

When adding the paper to the chamber (paper addition should not be delayed so that there is no loss
of saturation), make sure that the sample does not come into direct contact with the eluent, allowing
it to ascend or descend on the surface of the paper, only by capillarity.

When the method used is ascending chromatography, plot a thin line with a pencil 3 cm from the
lower edge of the paper; if the chromatography is descending, plot a line at a distance, such that it is
a few centimeters below the rod that holds the paper in the eluent cuvette. The finish line of the mobile
phase (or solvent front) should also be marked, usually at a distance of 10 cm from the starting point.

Apply the solutions in the form of circular spots (capillary tubes or micropipettes are used), containing
1 to 20 µg of the sample, with each spot having a width between 6 to 10 mm over the line plotted
with a pencil. Depending on the width of the paper, only an aliquot of the standard or sample can be
placed, centering this application on the starting line. In the case of placing more than one aliquot at
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the starting point, leave 2 cm of distance from the lateral edges and a range between the application
points of 3 cm. If each stain produced is larger than 6 to 10 mm, apply the sample in portions, allowing
the solvent to evaporate before applying the next portion.

The level of the mobile phase must be below the starting point of the substance, and there must always
be a good sealing in the chromatographic chamber so that the vapor in this phase is not lost. At the
end of the procedure, wait for the paper to dry and submit it to some development process.

2 - SAMPLE Ascending paper


Figure 1 – Different types of paper chromatography according to development methods.


FM: Mobile phase; PP Starting point; LC: Finish line; dr1 and dr2: distances covered by substances; dm: mobile phase
migration distance


In descending chromatography, the mobile phase has a downward flow and relies on the action of

Introduce a layer of eluent specified in the monograph into the chamber, cap and allow to stand for
24 hours. Apply the sample to the paper, placing it properly on the guides so that the upper end
remains inside the suspended cuvette and hold it with the glass rod. Close the chamber and allow to
stand for an hour and a half. Then, through the hole in the lid, introduce the eluent into the cuvette.
Develop the chromatogram up to the prescribed distance or time, protecting the paper from direct
light incidence. Remove the paper, mark the path of the mobile phase, dry and visualize as prescribed
in the monograph.


The upward flow of the mobile phase over the chromatographic paper is allowed by capillary action.

Place the container with the eluent at the bottom of the chromatographic chamber, close the chamber
and allow to stand for 24 hours. Apply the sample to the paper, introducing it into the chamber and
allow to stand for an hour and a half. Without opening the chamber, lower the paper so that its lower

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end is in contact with the eluent and develop the chromatogram up to the prescribed distance or time.
Remove the paper, mark the path of the eluent, dry and visualize as prescribed in the monograph. COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY

Preparative column chromatography is a separation method that plays an important role in the
purification of substances of research value, in pilot plant operation and in the production of
pharmaceuticals. It is a method that can be used, quickly and economically, to obtain substances with
high purity. In practice, standardized adsorbents are used, as they provide a high degree of method
reliability, direct analysis scale transfer and optimized processing. The types of column
chromatography can be: by adsorption (liquid-solid), by partition (liquid-liquid) or by ion exchange.


The apparatus used for procedures on chromatographic columns consists of a cylindrical

chromatographic tube, in a vertical position, made of glass (or other inert and transparent material
specified in the individual monograph), of variable length and diameter, in whose lower part there is
narrowness (reduced passage ) and a tap for regulating the flow of solvents used for elution. In some
columns, the lower part has, at the base, a porous glass disk, whose purpose is to prevent the exit of
the stationary phase (silica-gel). Columns have variable dimensions, however, in pharmaceutical
analysis, the most commonly used ranges are 10mm to 30mm in diameter and 3mm to 6mm in the
lower part, where the tap is attached. The tube length is usually from 150 mm to 400 mm. At the top
of the column there may be a spherical expansion, intended to contain a greater volume of solvent,
followed by a ground, cylindrical connection, which allows the fitting of a cylindrical plastic, glass,
stainless steel, aluminum cap or other material specified in the individual monograph. The vein in the
rod is substantially smaller than the diameter of the column and is at least 5 cm longer than the actual
length of the column. The stopper has a smaller diameter by approximately 1 mm in relation to the
inner diameter of the column.


Column adsorption Chromatography

Start the preparation of the column, if necessary, sealing the bottom, at the base of the tube, close to
the tap, with a piece of cotton or glass wool in order to prevent the passage of adsorbent material and
the entry of air (avoiding formation of bubbles). Then, uniformly fill the tube (according to the
specified height) with this adsorbent material (such as activated alumina or silica gel, diatomaceous
silica or calcined silica), previously suspended in the mobile phase (solvent system), removing the
excess of eluent. After sedimentation of the adsorbent material, apply the mixture of substances
previously dissolved in a small amount of solvent, at the top of the column, until it penetrates the
adsorbent material. A certain amount of solvent can be added to the top to help adsorb the substances
onto the adsorbent material, which is then allowed to settle by gravity or by applying positive air
pressure, with the mixture being adsorbed in a narrow horizontal band at the top of the column. The
movement rate of a given substance is determined or affected by several variables, including the low
or high adsorptiveness of the adsorbent material, the particle size and surface area (contact surface),
the nature and polarity of the solvent, the pressure applied and the temperature of the chromatographic

A flow chromatogram is widely used and is obtained by a process in which solvents travel through
the column until the substance is separated into an effluent solution, known as an eluate. The eluate
is controlled by collecting fractions as specified in the monograph and examining each fraction by an
appropriate method. The substance can be determined in the eluate by several methods: titration,
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colorimetry, spectrometry or be isolated (purified) upon evaporation of the solvent. The separation
performance can be gauged by thin layer chromatography (TLC) of each fraction collected throughout
the chromatographic run.

Partition Column Chromatography

In partition chromatography, the substances to be separated are partitioned into two immiscible
liquids, one of which, the stationary phase, is adsorbed onto a solid support, thus presenting a very
large surface area for the circulating solvent or mobile phase. The high number of serial liquid-liquid
contacts allows an effective separation, which does not occur through the usual liquid-liquid

The solid support is generally polar, while the stationary adsorbent phase is more polar than the
mobile phase. The most used solid support consists of chromatographic siliceous earth, whose particle
size is satisfactory for proper eluent flow. In reverse phase partition chromatography, the stationary
adsorbed phase is less polar than the mobile phase, and the solid adsorbent becomes nonpolar by
treatment with a silanizing agent (e.g. dichlorodimethylsilane; paraffins) to produce a
chromatographic silanized sand.

The sample to be chromatographed is usually inserted into a chromatographic system in two manners:
(a) a sample solution in a small volume of mobile phase at the top of the column; or (b) a sample
solution in a small volume of the stationary phase is mixed with the solid support and transferred to
the column, forming a transverse layer over the adsorbent material.

Development and elution are achieved through the “run” of the circulating solvent. The solvent
(mobile phase) is usually saturated with the solvent (stationary phase) before use. In the case of
conventional liquid-liquid partition chromatography, the partition degree of a given compound
between the two liquid phases is expressed by means of the partition or distribution coefficient.

In the case of substances that dissociate, the distribution can be controlled by modifying the pH, the
dielectric constant, the ionic strength, among other properties of the two phases. Selective elution of
the mixture components can be achieved by successfully changing the mobile phase to one that
provides a more favorable partition coefficient, or by changing the pH of the stationary phase in situ
with a stationary phase consisting of an acid solution. or an appropriate base in an organic solvent.

Unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph, assays and tests employing partition column
chromatography are carried out in accordance with the conventional methods described below.

Solid support – Use purified silica sand. For reverse phase partition chromatography, use
chromatographic silica sand.

Stationary phase – Use the solvent or solution specified in the individual monograph. If a mixture of
liquids in the stationary phase is used, mix before introducing the solid support.

Mobile phase – Use the solvent or solution specified in the individual monograph. Equilibrate with
water if the stationary phase is an aqueous solution; if the stationary phase is a polar organic solvent,
equilibrate with this solvent.

Preparation of a chromatographic column – The chromatographic tube measures approximately 22

mm in internal diameter and 200 mm to 300 mm in length, without a porous glass disc, to which a
distribution tube is attached, without a stopcock, measuring approximately 4 mm in inner diameter
and approximately 50 mm in length. Insert a thin glass wool buffer into the base of the tube. Add the
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specified amount of solid support in a beaker (cylinder) from 100 mL to 250 mL and mix until a
homogeneous paste is produced. Transfer the mixture to the chromatographic tube, cap, pressing
slightly, until a uniform mass is obtained. If the amount of solid support specified is more than 3 g,
transfer the mixture to the column in portions of approximately 2 g, capping each portion. If the assay
or test requires a multi-segment column, with a different stationary phase for each segment, cap after
each segment is added, and add each next segment directly to the previous one. If an analyte solution
is incorporated into the stationary phase, complete the quantitative transfer to the chromatographic
tube by washing the beaker used to prepare the test mixture with a mixture of approximately 1 g of
solid support and several drops of the solvent used for prepare the test solution. Insert a thin piece of
glass wool on top of the complete filling column. The mobile phase flows through a properly filled
column with moderate flow or, if reverse phase chromatography is used, slowly dropwise.

Transfer the mobile phase to the column space over the filled part, and allow to flow through the
column under gravity. Wet the tip of the chromatographic column with about 1 mL of the mobile
phase before each mobile phase composition change and after completing the elution. If the analyte
is introduced into the column as a mobile phase solution, allow to elute completely through the filled
column, then add the mobile phase in several smaller portions, allowing each to be completely
removed before adding the stored mobile phase.

Ion exchange column chromatography

Use ion exchange resin as stationary phase. Ion exchange consists of reversible exchange of ions
present in the solution with resin polymer ions (modified cellulose or silica gel support). The choice
of resin, strong or weak, anionic or cationic, will depend largely on the pH at which the ionic exchange
should take place and on the nature of the ions (anions or cations) to be exchanged. Strongly acidic
and strongly basic resins are suitable for most analytical applications. In practice, a large excess
(200% to 300%) of resin is used over the stoichiometrically calculated sample amount; resin capacity
ranges from 2 mM/g to 5 mM/g (dry weight).

Resin treatment and column preparation – Suspend the ion exchange resin in water and allow to stand
for 24 hours. Introduce into a suitable column and, in the case of anionic resin, convert into basic by
passing through the column, sodium hydroxide RS solution, at a rate of 3 mL/minute, until the eluate
provides a negative reaction for chloride ion. Then rinse with carbon dioxide-free water. In the case
of cationic resin, the conversion to the acid form is done by passing hydrochloric acid RS through the
column, followed by washing with carbon dioxide-free water until the eluate provides a neutral

An ion exchange column is developed similarly to that described for adsorption chromatography.
After the operation, the resin is regenerated by washing with sodium hydroxide RS (anion-exchange
columns) or hydrochloric acid RS (cation-exchange columns) and then with carbon dioxide-free
water until a neutral reaction is produced. HIGH PERFORMANCE LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY

High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is a separation method based on the distribution
of the components of a mixture into two immiscible phases, the liquid mobile phase and the solid
stationary phase, contained in a cylindrical column. Separations are achieved by partition, adsorption,
ion exchange, size exclusion or stereochemical interactions, depending on the type of stationary phase
used. HPLC has advantages over gas chromatography for the analysis of organic combinations.
Samples of non-volatile and thermolabile substances are preferably analyzed by HPLC. Most
pharmaceutical analyses are based on the partition separation method and must take place in a short

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analysis time. Several chemical and physicochemical factors influence the chromatographic
separation, which depend on the chemical nature of the substances to be separated, on the composition
and flow of the mobile phase and on the composition and surface area of the stationary phase.


The apparatus used consists of a reservoir containing the mobile phase, a pump for driving the mobile
phase through the chromatographic system, an injector to introduce the sample into the system, a
chromatographic column, a detector and a data capture device, such as software, integrator or
recorder. In addition to receiving and sending information to the detector, software is used to control
the entire chromatographic system, providing greater operability and analysis logistics.

Modern chromatographic systems consist of software-controlled mobile phase pressurizing pumps

that can be programmed to vary the ratio of mobile phase components, as required for solvent gradient
chromatography, or for isocratic mixing the mobile phase (mobile phases with fixed solvent ratio).
Operating pressures up to 5800 psi (approximately 400 bar) and flow rates up to 10 mL per minute
can be used. Higher pressures are conditioned to the evolution of the instrument.

After dissolving the sample in the mobile phase or in another suitable solvent, the solution is injected
into the chromatographic system, manually, using an appropriate syringe, or through an injector or
automatic sampler. This consists of a carousel or tray, capable of accommodating several vials
containing the samples. Some autosamplers can be programmed to inject different volumes of sample,
different amounts of injections, control the range between injections and other operational variables.

When working at high pressures, an injection valve is essential. This presents a calibrated system,
with a defined volume, called an injection ring or sampling loop, which will be filled with the solution
to be analyzed, which will later be transferred to the column.

For most pharmaceutical analyses, separation is achieved by partitioning the components, present in
the solution to be analyzed, between the mobile and stationary phases. Systems consisting of polar
stationary phases and nonpolar mobile phases are defined as normal phase chromatography, whereas
the opposite, polar mobile phases and nonpolar stationary phases, are called reverse phase
chromatography. The affinity of a substance for the stationary phase, and consequently the retention
time on the column, is controlled by the polarity of the mobile phase.

Stationary phases used in reverse phase chromatography typically consist of an organic molecule
chemically bonded to silica particles or other supports, such as porous graphite. The particle diameter
is typically 3 μm to 10 μm. The smaller the diameter of the particles and the film covering the support,
the faster and more efficient will be the transfer of substances between the stationary and mobile
phases. The polarity of the column depends on the functional groups present, the most common being
the non-polar groups octyl, octadecyl, phenyl, cyanopropyl and polar group, nitrile. The proportion
of silanol groups not linked to the functional group significantly influences the performance of
chromatographic separation and the shape of the eluted peak. Commercially, chromatographic
columns with different qualities of stationary phases are available, including those with a small
proportion of free silanol groups, called endcapped. Generally, reversed-phase silica columns have a
shelf life in the pH range of 2 to 8, however, columns containing porous graphite or polymeric
materials such as styrene-divinylbenzene are stable over a wider pH range. Less commonly, unalloyed
liquids can be used as a coating of the silica support and therefore must be immiscible with the mobile
phase. Columns commonly used for analytical separations have internal diameters from 1 mm to
5 mm. These can be heated, providing more efficient separations, but temperatures above 60°C are
rarely used, due to the potential for degradation of the stationary phase or the volatility of the mobile
phase. Unless specified in the analyte monograph, columns are used at room temperature.
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The most frequently used detectors in high performance liquid chromatography are
spectrophotometric (UV/Vis). Spectrophotometric detectors are used to detect substances with a
chromophore group. Such detectors consist of a flow cell located after the chromatographic column.
Ultraviolet radiation constantly passes through the flow cell and is received at the detector. With the
system in place, substances elute from the column, pass through the flow cell and absorb radiation,
resulting in measurable changes in the energy level. These detectors can present fixed, variable or
multiple wavelength. Fixed wavelength detectors operate on a single value, typically 254 nm, emitted
by a low-pressure mercury lamp. Those with variable wavelength contain a continuous source of
emission, such as a high pressure deuterium or xenon lamp, and a monochromator or an interference
filter, in order to generate monochromatic radiation of a wavelength selected by the operator, which
can, further, be programmed to change the wavelength during the development of the analysis.
Multiple wavelength detectors simultaneously measure absorbance at two or more wavelengths,
called diode array detectors (DAD). In these, ultraviolet or visible radiation is transmitted through the
flow cell, absorbed by the sample and then separated into their different wavelengths, which are
individually detected by the photodiode detector, recording absorbance data across the entire
spectrum range of the ultraviolet and visible and, additionally, the spectra of each peak recorded in
the chromatogram.

Refractive index detectors measure the difference between the refractive index of the pure mobile
phase and the mobile phase containing the substance to be analyzed. They are used to detect
substances that do not absorb in the ultraviolet or visible light, however, they are less sensitive than
spectrophotometric detectors. Refractive index detectors have the disadvantage of being sensitive to
small changes in mobile phase solvent composition, flow rate and temperature.

Fluorimetric detectors are used to detect compounds with a fluorophore group or which can be
converted to fluorescent derivatives, by chemical transformation or by adding fluorescent reagents to
specific functional groups. If a chemical reaction is required, it can be carried out at the time of sample
preparation or, alternatively, the reagent can be introduced into the mobile phase, with the reaction
taking place before detection.

Potentiometric, voltammetric, or electrochemical detectors are useful for quantifying substances that
can be oxidized or reduced in an electrode. These detectors are highly selective, sensitive and safe,
but require mobile phases free of oxygen and reducible metal ions. A continuous flow pump must be
used, ensuring that the pH, ionic strength, and temperature of the mobile phase remain constant.
Electrochemical detectors with specific carbon electrodes can be used, advantageously, to quantify
nanograms of easily oxidizable substances, such as phenols and catechols.

In mass spectrometry (MS) detection, the m/z ratio (mass/charge ratio) of the precursor ion of a
substance is measured. The precursor ion is generated from the substance protonation (positive
mode), from deprotonation (negative mode) or even from the formation of sodium, potassium,
formate, etc. adduct ions. The combination of mass spectrometry with liquid chromatography
provides good selectivity, since unresolved peaks can be isolated by monitoring a selected
mass/charge (m/z) ratio value. These mass spectrometers can have only one mass analyzer, such as a
single quadrupole, or sequential or tandem (MS/MS), such as a triple quadrupole, when two mass
analyzers are combined. In this case, it is possible to fragment the precursor ion in a collision cell
located before the second mass analyzer. Thus, the monitoring of the mass transitions (precursor ion
→ product ion), usually specific for each analyte, allows the analysis with high selectivity, since it is
possible to obtain a chromatogram for each mass transition. The most commonly used ionization
sources in the HPLC-MS coupling are the “electrospray ionization” (ESI) and the “atmospheric
pressure chemical ionization” (APCI) type.

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Conductivity detectors have application in ion exchange chromatography and measure the
conductivity of the mobile phase continuously, which is modified in the presence of analytes in the
flow cell.

Currently, modern data collection systems are available with the functions of receiving and storing
the signals coming from the detector and, subsequently, providing the management of this
information, generating chromatograms with the peak area and height data, sample identification,
methods, among others. Information can also be collected in simple data recording systems, such as
loggers, to ensure the integrity of the generated data.


Column length and internal diameter, stationary phase particle type and size, operating temperature,
mobile phase composition and flow rate and detection type are described in the individual

The composition of the mobile phase has a significant influence on the chromatographic performance
and on the separation of substances present in the solution to be analyzed. For accurate quantitative
analysis, high purity reagents or chromatographic purity organic solvents should be used. Water, of
adequate quality, must have low conductivity and low ultraviolet absorption. In partition
chromatography, the partition coefficient and hence the separation can be modified by adding another
solvent to the mobile phase. In ion-exchange chromatography, substance retention is affected by pH,
ionic strength, and other changes in the composition of the mobile phase. The method of continuously
modifying the composition of mobile phase solvents during the chromatographic run is called
gradient elution, and is applied to separate complex mixtures of substances with different retention
factors. However, detectors that are sensitive to changes in the composition of the mobile phase, such
as refractometers, have limited use with the gradient elution method.

The detector must have a wide linear range and the substances to be analyzed must be separated from
any interfering ones. The linear range for a substance is one in which the detector response is directly
proportional to its concentration.

HPLC systems are calibrated by comparing the peak responses obtained with the respective
concentrations of chemical reference standards (CRS). Reliable quantitative results are obtained
through calibration with an external standard, when injectors or autosamplers are preferably used.
This method involves direct comparison of the responses obtained with the separately analyzed peaks
of standard and sample solutions. In cases where external standardization is used, calculations can be
performed according to the formula:

Ca = Cp(Ra / Rp)


Ca = concentration of the sample solution.

Cp = concentration of the standard solution;
Ra = response (area or height) of the peak of the sample solution;
Rp = response (area or height) of the peak of the standard solution.

If the injection is performed by syringe, better quantitative results are obtained by means of internal
standard calibration, by adding a known amount of a non-interfering reference chemical to the
standard and sample solutions. The relation of responses obtained with the substance to be analyzed

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and with the internal standard is used as a response to express the quantitative result. In cases where
internal standardization is used, calculations can be performed according to the formula:

(𝑅𝑎 / 𝑅𝑎𝑖)
𝐶𝑎 = 𝐶𝑝
𝑅𝑝 / 𝑅𝑝𝑖)


Rai= response (area or height) of the peak of the sample solution internal standard;
Rpi= response (area or height) of the peak of the internal standard of the standard solution;

Due to normal variations among devices, solvents, reagents and methods, a system suitability test is
required to ensure that the described method is applied unrestrictedly. The main parameters of system
suitability are described in the Interpretation of chromatograms and in System suitability.


In Figure 1, a typical chromatographic separation of two substances is represented, being t1 and t2

the respective retention times. The terms h, h/2 and Wh/2 correspond to the height, the half height and
the width at half height, respectively, and W represents the peak width at the baseline, by the
triangulation method. The dead time signal, t0refers to a substance not retained in the chromatographic
Detector response

Figure 1 – Chromatographic separation of two substances.

Retention time (t), Retention factor (k) and Relative retention time

The retention time in chromatography is characteristic of the analyte, however it is not exclusive. The
comparison between the retention times of the peak obtained with the sample and the peak obtained
with the reference chemical can be used as an indication of the identity of the substance, but it is
insufficient to guarantee the complete characterization of the sample. Absolute retention time may
vary among devices and depending on the use of different solvents and reagents. In this sense,
comparisons are made in terms of the retention factor, k, calculated according to the expression:

𝑡 − 𝑡0

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t = retention time of analyte;
t0 = dead time.

The retention factor, k, is the ratio between the amount of substance with affinity for the stationary
phase and the amount with affinity for the mobile phase. The greater the affinity of the substance for
the stationary phase, the greater its retention.

The concept of relative retention time can also be applied. For that, a substance, of a mixture, must
be defined as the main one. This will have a relative retention time of 1. All other substances will
have their retention times related to the retention time of the main substance.

Number of theoretical plates (N)

The number of theoretical plates, N, is indicative of column performance. It can be expressed in

numbers of theoretical plates per column or number of theoretical plates per meter. For peaks with a
Gaussian shape, the number of theoretical plates per column is calculated using the expressions:

𝑡 𝑡
𝑁 = 16 × ( ) ² 𝑜𝑢 𝑁 = 5,54 × ( )²
𝑊 𝑊ℎ/2

The value of N depends on the substance to be analyzed and the analysis conditions such as mobile
phase, temperature and stationary phase.

Peak/Valley Ratio (p/v)

The peak/valley ratio can be used as a system suitability criterion in a related substance assay, when
separation between two peaks in the baseline is not sought. Figure 2 represents an incomplete
separation of two substances, where hp is the height of the smallest peak above the extrapolated
baseline, and hv is the height at the lowest point of the curve, which separates the minor and major
peaks above the extrapolated baseline.

p/v = hp/hv

Figure 2 – Determination of peak/valley ratio.

Resolution (R)
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The resolution, R, is the chromatographic parameter that indicates the degree of separation between
two substances in a mixture, and is calculated using the expressions:

2(𝑡2 − 𝑡1 ) (𝑡2 − 𝑡1 )
𝑅= 𝑜𝑢 𝑅 = 1,18
𝑊1 + 𝑊2 (𝑊1,ℎ/2 − 𝑊2,ℎ/2 )

t2 and t1 = retention times of the two substances in the mixture;
W1 and W2 = respective peak widths in the baseline, by the triangulation method;
W1,h/2 and W2,h/2 = respective peak widths at half height.

The area or height of the peak is usually proportional to the amount of substance eluted. The area
under the peak is generally used the most, however it may be less accurate if there are other interfering
peaks. For manual measurements, the graph must be obtained at a speed greater than usual,
minimizing errors in obtaining the width and width at half height of the peaks. For quantitative
analysis, substances must be completely separated from any interfering substances.

Tailing factor (T)

The tailing factor, T, which indicates the symmetry of the peak, has a value equal to 1 when the peak
is perfectly symmetric. This value increases as peak asymmetry becomes more pronounced. In some
cases, values lower than 1 may be observed. As peak asymmetry increases, integration and accuracy
become less reliable. The tailing factor is calculated using the expression:



W0.05 = peak width measured at 5% of the height;

f =width of the anterior portion of the peak at 5% of the height, according to Figure 3.

apex of the peak

front of the peak tailing of the peak

f 0,05 h

Figure 3 – Chromatogram representing peak asymmetry.


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System suitability testing is an integral part of liquid chromatography methods. They are applied to
verify if the resolution and reproducibility of the chromatographic system are adequate for the
analyses to be carried out. The main parameters required to check the suitability of the system are
described below.

The resolution, R, is a function of column performance, N, and is specified to ensure that substances
eluting in close proximity to each other exhibit satisfactory separation without mutual interference.

Replicates of standard solution injections are statistically processed to verify that the requirements
for analysis accuracy have been met. Unless specified in the individual monograph, data from five
replicate injections is used to calculate the relative standard deviation (RSD) if the specification is
equal to or less than 2.0%. If the specified relative standard deviation is greater than 2.0%, data from
six replicates should be used.

The tailing factor, T, which indicates peak symmetry, is equal to 1 for perfectly symmetric peaks and
greater than 1 for peaks that show asymmetry. In some cases, values lower than 1 may be observed.

These tests are performed after collecting the results of replicate injections of the standard solution
or another solution specified in the individual monograph. The specification of these chromatographic
parameters, in a monograph, does not prevent the modification of the analysis conditions.
Adjustments in working conditions, in order to reach the parameters of suitability of the system, may
be necessary. Unless specified in the individual monograph, system suitability parameters are
determined from data obtained with the peak of the substance of interest. System accuracy,
demonstrated through replicates of the standard solution, must be achieved prior to injections of
sample solutions. The suitability of the system must be verified during the entire chromatographic
analysis, by injection of standard solution at appropriate time ranges. When there is a significant
change in apparatus or reagent, system suitability tests should be performed prior to sample
injections. The analysis will not be valid unless the system suitability test requirements are met.



The analytical methods presented in this pharmacopoeia have been validated and, in most
applications, are fully acceptable in terms of specificity, accuracy, precision, linearity, working range,
robustness and, where appropriate, detection and quantification limits.

However, the methods must be checked in their state of validation, considering the formulations being
analyzed, as there may be circumstances in which changes may be necessary, aiming to adapt them
to specific needs. The acceptable limits for variations in some chromatographic parameters are
presented in Table 1.

In no case are changes in the detector wavelength, changes in the qualitative composition of the
mobile phase, increases in particle size or injection volume allowed.

Table 1 – Acceptable limits of variation for some chromatographic parameters.

Parameter Acceptable limits
Length of column ± 70%
Column diameter ± 25%
Particle size Can be reduced by up to 50%

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Flow ± 50%
Temperature ± 10°C; without exceeding 60°C
pH ± 0.2 units
Concentration of salt in a buffer ± 10%
±30% relative or ±2% absolute, minority component
Mobile phase composition (whichever is greater). In no case can it exceed 10%
Reduction is acceptable, as long as the limit of
Injection volume quantification and accuracy of the chromatographic
system are verified. ION CHROMATOGRAPHY

Ion chromatography refers to the method of separation and determination of ions using high
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). This method is based on a process of separation of
sample components into two phases: mobile phase and stationary phase. The separation process is the
result of specific interactions between species present in the sample in both phases. The interaction
mechanism with the stationary phase is the ion exchange, where the columns used are constituted by
a charged functional group, usually SO3-, COO-, NH3+, NR3+ bonded to a polymeric matrix such as
silica or copolymer of the polystyrene-divinylbenzene type. The mobile phase also contains ionic
species, thus occurring a competition among the distribution of species present in the sample between
the mobile phase and the stationary phase. For each ion, the exchange process is characterized by the
distribution equilibrium between the mobile phase and the stationary phase.

The exchangers used can be classified into strong, medium and weak, depending on the functional
group attached to the polymer matrix. Strong ion exchangers are those that completely ionize over a
wide pH range, such as the sulfonic and quaternary ammonium group. The degree of dissociation of
weak and medium ion exchangers is pH dependent and, therefore, the capacity of these exchangers
varies as a function of pH. The carboxylic acid and polyamine group can be mentioned as an example.

This method allows electrical conductivity to be used for the detection and quantitative determination
of ions in solution after separation. Generally, ion chromatography with an anion exchange column
and conductivity detector can be used for the determination of F-, Cl- , Br-, SO42-, PO43-, I- ions, among
others. Because electrical conductivity is a property common to all ionic species in solution, the
conductivity detector has the ability to monitor all ionic species. The problem that occurs in the use
of electrical conductivity to quantify the eluted ionic species can be caused by the high conductivity
of the ions present in the mobile phase, mainly due to the sodium ion, making it impossible to quantify
other ions. This problem is overcome with the use of an eluent suppressor, positioned after the
separation column, where the eluent ions are converted into species that contribute to low or zero
conductance. Carbonic acid, resulting from cation exchange, is poorly dissociated, having a low
conductivity (baseline conductivity signal is less significant). Thus, the sensitivity for the
determination of anions can be significantly increased, by a factor of 10 times or greater, when
suppressors are used.

An ion chromatography apparatus basically consists of the same system used for HPLC. This system
consists of a high propulsion pump, an injection valve with a suitable sampling loop, a separation
column (for anion separation an anion exchange column must be used), a post-column, if necessary,
for the conversion of eluent ions in species with lower conductivity and a conductivity detector.

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To operate the ion chromatograph, it is recommended to follow the manufacturer’s instructions. The
determinations are carried out by comparison with reference solutions containing known
concentrations of the analyte.

Mobile phase: prepare the mobile phase according to the specifications recommended by the
manufacturer of the anion exchange column used. It is recommended to use a mobile phase composed
of a mixture of carbonate and sodium bicarbonate (Na2CO3/NaHCO3), in the concentration range of
1.0 to 4 mmole/L, depending on the column used. Use the mobile phase flow recommended by the
equipment manufacturer and according to the ion exchange column used. During analyses using
conductivity detection, regenerate the chemical suppression column as recommended by the
manufacturer. It is recommended to use 0.005 mole/L H2SO4 and subsequent washing with purified

Calibration: prepare at least four reference solutions of the element to be determined, covering the
concentration range recommended by the equipment manufacturer for the analyte under analysis, and
separately inject each reference solution into the apparatus, using an appropriate sampling loop. The
use of a 20 μL to 100 μL sampling loop is recommended. Record chromatograms and integrate signals
in area or peak height. Then plot the calibration curve. Prepare the sample solution as indicated in the
monograph, adjusting its concentration so that it is within the concentration range of the reference
solutions. Inject the sample into the chromatograph, record the reading and repeat this sequence three
times, taking the average of the three readings. Determine the element concentration from the
calibration curve. If the simultaneous determination of several anions is carried out, reference
solutions containing all analytes can be made. GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY

Gas chromatography (GC) is a chromatographic separation method based on the difference in species
distribution of a mixture into two immiscible phases, in which the mobile phase is a carrier gas that
moves through the stationary phase contained in a column. GC is based on the adsorption, mass
distribution or size exclusion mechanism. It is applicable to substances and their derivatives that
volatilize at the temperatures used, and is used for identification, purity testing and quantitative

When a vaporized constituent is driven by the carrier gas into the column, it is partitioned into the
gaseous mobile phase and the stationary phase by a dynamic countercurrent distribution process,
showing a greater or lesser retention due to sorption and desorption phenomena on the stationary


The apparatus consists of a carrier gas source and a flow controller, an injection chamber, a
chromatographic column contained in an oven, a detector and a data acquisition system (or an
integrator or recorder). Carrier gas passes through the column with controlled flow and pressure and
goes directly to the detector.

Injector, column and detector are temperature controlled. Chromatography is carried out at constant
temperature or using a suitable temperature program. The substances to be chromatographed, both in
solution and gases, are injected, coming into contact with the carrier gas in the injection chamber.
Depending on the equipment configuration, the mixture to be analyzed must be injected directly into

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the column or must be vaporized in the injection chamber and mixed with the carrier gas before
entering the column.

Once in the column, the constituents of the mixture are separated according to their different linear
retention indices, which are dependent on the vapor pressure and the degree of interaction with the
stationary phase. The retention index, which defines the resolution, retention time and column
performance in relation to the components of the mixture, is also temperature-dependent. The use of
temperature programs for the oven where the column is located has an advantage in the separation
performance of compounds that behave differently in vapor pressure.

The compounds leave the column separately, passing through a detector, which provides a response
related to the amount of each compound present. The type of detector to be used depends on the nature
of the substances to be analyzed and is specified in each monograph. Detectors are heated to prevent
condensation of eluted compounds. Detector output is given as a function of retention time, generating
a chromatogram, which consists of a series of peaks on the time axis. Each peak represents a substance
from the vaporized mixture, although some peaks may overlap. The elution time is characteristic of
an individual substance and the instrument response, measured as peak area or peak height, is a
function of the amount present.


Direct injections of solutions is the usual mode of injection, unless otherwise indicated in the
monograph. Injection can be carried out directly at the head of the column using a syringe or an
injection valve, or in a vaporization chamber which can be equipped with a flow divider. The amount
of sample that can be injected into a capillary column without saturating it is lower compared to the
amount that can be injected into packed columns. Capillary columns, therefore, are often used with
injectors capable of dividing the sample into two fractions (split mode), a smaller one, which enters
the column, and a larger one, which is discarded. These injectors can be used without sample splitter
(splitless mode) for component analysis in smaller quantities or in traces.

Vapor phase injections can be carried out by a static or dynamic confined space (headspace) injection

Static (purge and trap) confined space injection system (headspace) includes a concentration device,
through which volatile substances from the solution are dragged to an adsorbent column, kept at low
temperature, where they are adsorbed. The trapped substances are then desorbed in the mobile phase
by rapid heating of the adsorbent column.

Dynamic confined space injection system (headspace) includes a thermostatically controlled sample
heating chamber in which closed flasks (vials) containing solid or liquid samples are placed for a
specified period of time so that volatile components of the samples reach equilibrium between the
non-gas phase and the vapor phase. Once equilibrium is established, a predetermined amount of the
vial confined space is injected into the chromatograph.

Stationary phases

Stationary phases are contained in columns, which can be:

• a fused silica capillary column whose wall is coated with the stationary phase;
• a column packed with inert particles impregnated with the stationary phase;
• a column packed with the solid stationary phase.

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Capillary columns, usually made of fused silica, have an internal diameter (Ø ) of 0.10 mm to 0.53
mm and a length of 5 m to 60 m. The liquid or stationary phase, which can be chemically bonded to
the inner surface, is a film from 0.1 μm to 5.0 μm in thickness, although non-polar stationary phases
can reach 5 μm in thickness.

The packed columns, made of glass or metal, have a length of 1 m to 3 m, with an internal diameter
(Ø ) of 2 mm to 4 mm. Stationary phases generally consist of porous polymers or solid supports
impregnated with the liquid phase reaching approximately 5% (w/w). High-capacity columns, with
the liquid phase reaching approximately 20% (w/w), are used for a wide range of substances and for
the determination of substances with low molecular weight, such as water. The required capacity
influences the choice of the solid support.

Supports for analysis of polar compounds in columns packed with a stationary phase of low polarity
and low capacity must be inert to avoid excessive peak elongation. The reactivity of support materials
can be reduced by silanization before filling with the liquid phase. Acid washed and calcined
diatomaceous earth is generally used. The materials are available in a variety of particle sizes, with
the most commonly used particles being 150 μm to 180 μm (80 mesh to 100 mesh) and 125 μm to
150 μm (100 mesh to 120 mesh).

Mobile phases

Carrier gas supply can be obtained from a high pressure cylinder or a high purity gas generator. In
both cases, the gas passes through a pressure reducing valve and the flow is metered to then enter the
injection chamber and column. Retention time and peak performance depend on carrier gas quality;
retention time is directly proportional to column length and resolution is proportional to the square
root of the column length. For packed columns, the average carrier gas flow is usually expressed in
milliliters per minute at atmospheric pressure and room temperature. Average flow is measured at the
detector outlet, either with a calibrated mechanical device or with a “bubbling” tube while the column
is at operating temperature. The linear velocity of the carrier gas through the packed column is
inversely proportional to the square root of the column inner diameter for a given flow volume. Flows
of 60 mL/minute in a 2 mm ID column and 15 mL/minute in a 1 mm ID column provide identical
linear velocities and therefore similar retention times. Unless specified in the monograph, the average
flow rate for packed columns is approximately 30 to 60 mL/minute. For capillary columns, linear
flow velocity is usually used instead of mean flow. This is determined from the column length and
retention time of a diluted methane sample using a flame ionization detector. Operating at high
temperatures, there is sufficient vapor pressure for a gradual loss of the liquid phase, a process called
bleeding, to occur.

Helium or nitrogen are generally used as carrier gases for packed columns, whereas nitrogen, helium
and hydrogen are used for capillary columns.


Flame ionization detectors are the most used, but depending on the purpose of the analysis, other
detectors can be used, including: thermal conductivity, electron capture, nitrogen-phosphorus, mass
spectrometry, Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometry, among others. For quantitative analyses,
detectors must have a wide linear dynamic range: the response must be directly proportional to the
amount of substance present in the detector over a wide range of concentrations. Flame ionization
detectors have a wide linear range and are sensitive to most compounds. The response of the detectors
depends on the structure and concentration of the substance and the average flow of combustion, air
and carrier gas. Unless otherwise specified in the monograph, flame ionization detectors operate with

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either helium or nitrogen as the carrier gas for packed columns, and with helium or hydrogen for
capillary columns.

Thermal conductivity detectors employ heated metal wire located in the carrier gas stream. When an
analyte enters the detector with the carrier gas, the difference in the thermal conductivity of the carrier
gas stream (sample gas and components), relative to a reference flow of the carrier gas without
analyte, is measured. In general, thermal conductivity detectors respond uniformly to volatile
substances regardless of their structure; however, they are considered less sensitive than the flame
ionization detector.

Alkaline flame ionization detectors, also called NP or nitrogen-phosphorus detector, contain a

thermionic source, with an alkali metal salt or glass element containing rubidium or another metal,
which results in efficient ionization of organic nitrogen and phosphorus-containing substances . It is
a selective detector that has a low response to hydrocarbons.

Electron capture detectors contain a radioactive source of ionizing radiation. They exhibit an
extremely high response to halogenated compounds and a nitro group, but low response to
hydrocarbons. Sensitivity increases with the number and atomic mass of halogen atoms.

Data processing devices

Data processing stations connected to the output of the detectors calculate the area and height of the
peaks, and present the complete chromatograms containing the parameters from the run and the peak
data. The chromatogram data can be stored and reprocessed by electronic integration or any other
type of calculation as required. These data processing stations are also used to program
chromatographic runs.


Packed columns and capillaries must be conditioned prior to use until the baseline is stable. This must
be accomplished by operating at a temperature above that specified by the method or by repeated
injections of the compound or mixture to be chromatographed. The column manufacturer usually
provides instructions for the proper column conditioning procedure. In case of thermally stable
methyl and phenyl substituted polysiloxanes, a special sequence increases performance and
inactivity: keep the column at 250°C for one hour, with helium gas flow, to remove oxygen and
solvent. For helium flow, heat to 340°C for four hours, then reduce heat to 250°C, and condition with
helium flow until baseline stability.

After the conditioning procedure, equilibrate the column, injector and detector to the temperatures
and gas flow specified in the monograph until a stable baseline is obtained. Prepare sample and
reference solution(s) as described. Solutions must be free of solid particles.

Many drugs are polar reactive molecules. In that case, conversion to less polar and more volatile
derivatives may be necessary by treating the reactive groups with appropriate reagents.

Assays require quantitative comparison of one chromatogram with another. The biggest source of
error is the irreproducibility of the amount of sample injected, especially when manual injections are
performed with the aid of a syringe. Variability effects can be minimized by adding an internal
standard, a non-interfering substance added at the same concentration in the sample and standard
solutions. The ratio of the analyte peak response to the internal standard peak response is compared
between the sample and standard chromatograms. When the internal standard is chemically similar
to the substance being analyzed, there is also a compensation for minor variations in column and
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detector characteristics. In some cases, the internal standard can be used during sample preparation,
prior to chromatographic analysis, to control other quantitative aspects of the assay. Automatic
injectors increase the reproducibility of sample injections and reduce the need to use internal

Confined space gas chromatography (headspace) is a particularly suitable method for the separation
and determination of volatile compounds present in solid and liquid samples. This method is based
on the analysis of a vapor phase in equilibrium with a solid or liquid phase.


The apparatus consists of a gas chromatograph to which a device for introducing the sample is fitted,
which can be connected to a programming module that automatically controls pressure and
temperature. If necessary, a solvent removal device can be fitted. The sample to be analyzed is
introduced into a flask equipped with a suitable shutter, which closes it, and with a valve system,
which allows the entry of a carrier gas. The vial is placed in a thermostatic chamber at a certain
temperature for the sample to be examined. The sample is left at this temperature long enough to
allow for the balance between the solid phase and the gas phase. The carrier gas is introduced into the
flask and, after a certain time, a valve is opened to allow the gas to expand into the chromatographic
column, dragging out the volatile components.

Instead of using a specially adapted chromatograph for introducing samples, hermetic syringes and a
conventional chromatograph can also be used. In this case, the equilibrium between the two phases
is conducted in a separate chamber and the vapor phase is transferred to the column, taking the
necessary precautions to avoid any modification of the equilibrium.


Adjust the apparatus working conditions in order to obtain a satisfactory response, using the reference

Direct calibration

Introduce, separately, in identical vials, the preparation to be examined and each of the reference
solutions, according to the conditions described in the monograph and avoiding contact between the
sample and the injection device. Hermetically close the flasks and place them in the thermostatic
chamber at the temperature and pressure described in the monograph. After reaching equilibrium,
proceed with the chromatographic analysis under the conditions described.

Standard addition

Add equal volumes of the solution to be examined to a series of identical vials. Add to all but one of
the vials increasing amounts of a reference solution of known concentration of the substance to be
examined. A series of preparations containing increasing amounts of a certain substance is then
obtained. Hermetically close the vials and place them in the thermostatic chamber at the temperature
and pressure described in the monograph. After reaching equilibrium, proceed with the
chromatographic analysis under the conditions described.

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Calculate the formula of the straight line by linear regression, using the method of least squares and,
from it, obtain the concentration of the substance under examination in the sample preparation,
indicated by the formula intercept.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.18-00

Polarography, an electrochemical analytical method, is based on measuring the electrical current
resulting from the electrolysis of electroactive substances (reducible or oxidizable) under certain
electrode potential and controlled conditions. In other words, the method involves recording the
increase in the current in a polarizable electrode, during the electrolysis of a substance dissolved in
the electrolytic medium, due to the increase in voltage applied to the system. The graph of this current
evolution in relation to voltage – the polarogram – provides qualitative and quantitative information
about electro-reducible or electro-oxidizable constituents of the sample.

Among the variants of the polarographic method, the simplest is the direct current method. It requires,
like potentiometry, the use of two electrodes, the reference (usually saturated calomel electrode, SCE)
and the indicator microelectrode (usually dropping mercury electrode, DME). In some cases, a third
auxiliary electrode is used. The SCE – with a high surface area – provides constant potential during
the test, while the DME – drops of mercury of reproducible dimensions flowing periodically from the
end of a capillary connected to the metal reservoir – assumes the potential supplied to it by the external
source. The polarographic apparatus comprises, in addition to the electrodes, the polarographic cell
(electrolysis tank), variable power supply, equipped with a voltmeter and microammeter
(galvanometer) and a graphic or digital recorder.

In simple terms, the method consists of dissolving the sample (the method is sensitive to
concentrations of electroactive species in the range of 10-2 to 10-4 M) in a supporting electrolyte,
responsible for maintaining a small residual current, but which is inert in the sample transformation
potential range (electrochemical potential window). Initially, without applying voltage to the source
(precision potentiostat), the voltage supplied to the microelectrode is null and there will be no
indication of current in the microammeter. The increasing voltage rise will cause small potential to
reach the electrodes. Under this voltage, which is still reduced, eventual impurities of the supporting
electrolyte and small oxygen concentrations may suffer a reduction in the DME (cathode, in this
case), reducing and causing the indication of a small current passage. The progressive increase in the
applied voltage will accentuate the reduction process and the almost proportional increase in current.
Finally, the necessary potential for the reduction of the analyte in the sample solution is reached,
which is reflected in a sharp rise in the current read in the microammeter (galvanometer) and recorded
in the polarogram. There is, however, a limit to the proportionality of the voltage-current rise. As the
current rises (and the reduction proceeds), there is a progressive decrease in the concentration of the
original electroactive species near the electrode surface. At a given moment - the speed of electrolysis
being constant - such concentration reaches an insufficient level to allow additional current elevation
and the latter becomes limited by the diffusion with which the electroactive species manages to
diffuse into the interior of the electrolyte solution to the surface of the DME. The plateau observed in
the polarogram appears (Figure 1), with the measured current – then called diffusion current – being
a parameter proportional to the concentration of electroactive species in the sample (quantitative
aspect of the polarography). Once a certain voltage level is exceeded, the current rises again. This
increase is caused by the reaction of the supporting electrolyte. Its presence, in high concentrations,
prevents the electroactive molecules in the sample from reaching the microelectrode by electrical
migration and, therefore, ensures that the limit current is effectively regulated only by diffusion.

When using a dropping mercury microelectrode, the surface of the electrode is constantly renewed (a
new drop is formed every three to five seconds), then there is a variation in the measured current
within a given range; the current is lower when the drop forms, reaching its maximum at the moment
of the drop. The phenomenon explains the “sawtooth” shape characteristic of the polarographic wave.

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Electric current (µA)

Potential (V vs. SCE)

Figure 1- Electroreducible species polarogram.


A typical polarogram (DME) is illustrated in Figure 1, characterized by 4 distinct phases. The A

segment is due to the capacitive current, ic, incorporated into the faradaic current, if, resulting from
the oxidation or reduction of impurities in the supporting electrolyte, or in the sample and small
concentrations of oxygen, when that is not completely removed from the solution. The set of these
currents is called the residual current, ir (ir = ic + if). In segment B of the polarogram, the faradaic
current, if, occurs due to the conversion of the substance under test. Electrodecomposition leads to
scarcity of this substance at the microelectrode, verifying the plateau (segment C) where the limit
current, il, appears. This comprises the sum of the residual and diffusion currents (i1= ir + id), in
which the diffusion current – proportional to the concentration of the electroactive species in the
sample – has its value determined by:

id = i l + ir

Two other undesirable currents – migration and convection – can incorporate the limiting current.
The first is suppressed by the use of an inert support electrolyte in the potential range used, in
concentrations at least 100 times greater than those of the electroactive species. The convection
current, in turn, is eliminated by not shaking the solution.

Finally, the D segment of the polarogram, in which there is a reversal of the voltage-current
proportionality, corresponds to the reduction of other electroactive species, when present, or, more
frequently, to the electrolysis of the support.

llkovic equation

Ilkovic equation establishes relations between variables included in the polarographic measurement
and the DME diffusion current:

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1 2 1
𝑖𝑑 = 708𝑛𝐷 𝐶𝑚 𝑡
2 3 6

𝑖𝑑 = diffusion current, in µA;
708 = constant dependent on several parameters, including the unit adopted for the variables,
dimension of the mercury drop and the instant measurement of 𝑖𝑑 ;
n = number of electrons necessary for the reduction or oxidation of an electroactive substance
molecule or ion;
D = diffusion coefficient, in cm 2/s;
C = concentration of electroactive substance, in millimoles/L;
m = mass of mercury flow, in mg/s;
t = drop lifetime, in s.

The constant 708 – encompassing the natural constant and the faraday value – is established for
operation at 25 °C and is applicable to sampled direct current polarography, in which, instead of the
continuous current record, only the current is read at the end of the life of the mercury drop, allowing
to obtain a linear polarogram. However, when using instruments equipped with a “sawtooth” damper
on the recorder, the average current of the pulses is considered. The diffusion current obtained
according to the Ilkovic equation becomes the average for the entire life of the mercury drop. In this
case the constant acquires the value 607.

The variables included in the Ilkovic equation must be controlled so that the diffusion current is
effectively proportional to the concentration of electroactive species in the analyzed sample. Some
ions and organic molecules in aqueous solution modify their diffusion coefficient at a rate of 1% to
2% for each degree Celsius increased, making it necessary for the polarographic cell to have its
temperature controlled with a tolerance of ± 0.5 ºC. The parameters m and t, related to the dimension
and speed of renewal of the mercury drop, depend on the capillary geometry, the diffusion current
being proportional to the square root of the height of the mercury column. Appropriate heights,
measuring from the end of the capillary to the level of mercury in the reservoir – are between 40 cm
and 80 cm. The internal diameter of the capillary in this case is 0.04 mm for lengths between 6 cm
and 15 cm. The exact height of the capillary is adjusted to allow a drop to be formed every three to
five seconds, with an open circuit and the capillary immersed in the electrolyte under test. Thus, if
during a particular test, all parameters – with the exception of the concentration of the electroactive
species – are kept constant, the Ilkovic equation can be written as

𝑖𝑑 = 𝐾𝐶

where K represents the set of variables held constant.

This direct relation between diffusion current and concentration is usually adopted by previously
determining the diffusion current of a reference standard solution of known concentration. Then,
under identical conditions, the diffusion current of the sample is determined and, finally, its

(𝑖𝑑 )𝑃 𝐶𝑃
(𝑖𝑑 )𝐴 𝐶𝐴

where P and A correspond, respectively, to standard and sample.

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Since most polarographs are equipped with automatic recorders, it is easier to graphically determine
diffusion currents by measuring the height of the polarographic wave (see Figure 1). The values
recorded, in cm, can be directly applied to the formula, without the need to convert them into units of
electrical current:


where AP and AA correspond to the heights of the polarographic waves of the standard and the sample,

Half-wave potential

Measurement of the height of the polarographic wave for the purposes of quantitative analysis must
be carried out by plotting straight lines close to the peaks of the oscillations of the residual current
and the limit current and joining, by means of a third straight line parallel to the axis of the abscissa,
the extensions of the first two. The vertical line is plotted passing through the inflection point of the
polarographic wave, corresponding to half the distance between the residual current and the limit
current (I = l / 2id). The projection of this line onto the ordinate axis provides the so-called half-wave
potential, a parameter used to characterize electroactive substances (qualitative aspect of
polarography). The half-wave potential, E1/2, is given in volts versus SCE (reference electrode), unless
otherwise specified, and its value as an identification parameter derives from its independence from
concentration and DME characteristics. However, this parameter varies depending on the
composition, pH and temperature of the electrolytic medium. It is noteworthy that for modern
equipment the measurement of the height of the polarographic wave can be done automatically using
specific programs for data acquisition and processing.

Oxygen removal

Oxygen is reduced in DME in two steps, first converting to hydrogen peroxide and then to water. The
fact that such reactions occur at potentials more negative than zero volts, versus SCE, and may thus
interfere with the polarographic wave of the sample, requires the elimination of the gas dissolved in
the solution prior to determination. The best method is to bubble oxygen-free nitrogen through the
solution for a period of 10 to 15 minutes immediately before the test, taking the precaution of
previously saturating the nitrogen (to avoid changes in the electrolyte solution due to evaporation) by
bubbling through small volume of electrolyte solution in a separate container.

It is important to keep the electrolytic tank still and vibration-free during the polarographic recording
in order to avoid the formation of convection currents. As a result, it is necessary to remove the
nitrogen tube from the solution during recording, and place the tube on the surface of the solution to
fill the upper part of the polarographic cell with nitrogen(N2(g)) thus preventing the entry of air in the
polarographic cell. Alkaline solutions can be deoxygenated by the addition of sodium bisulfite, as
long as it does not interact with constituents of the electrolyte solution.

Polarographic maxima

After the reduction of the electroactive species (cathodized DME), the polarographic wave often rises
sharply, often before falling, equally sharply, to the value of the limit current. The phenomenon is
called polarographic maxima and the corresponding current is called adsorption current (ia). It has
the inconvenience of making it difficult to measure the polarographic wave (diffusion current) and
its causes – still poorly understood – comprise the adsorption of electrolyte to the surface of the
mercury drop. The elimination of the polarographic maxima is, however, easily accomplished by
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adding diminutive amounts of certain surfactants (maxima suppressors) to the electrolytic medium.
For this purpose, the use of gelatin solution at 0.005% (w/v) and methyl red solution at 0.01% (w/v),
among others, stand out.


Mercury vapors are toxic. When handling metal, work in a ventilated area and avoid spills which, if
they occur, must be immediately and carefully collected.


Pulse polarography is a variant of the method, superior, due to its precision and sensitivity, to direct
current polarography in the assay and identification of a large number of substances at low
concentrations, including trace level elements, metabolites and, of course, drugs. Its sensitivity, about
10 times higher than that of DC polarography, allows for determinations in the order of 10-6 M.

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Direct current measurement

Potential for applied


Current measurement
Potential for applied

drop drop drop

Current measurement
Potential for applied

drop drop

Figure 2 – Measure of current over time in direct current polarography (A); in pulse polarography (B); and
in differential pulse polarography (C)

Instead of the linearly progressive application of potential and direct measure of the developed
current, pulse polarography comprises the application of increasing potential pulses to the DME,
coinciding with the final period of life of the mercury drops, each pulse presenting a potential slightly
higher than the previous one. The current, in turn, is sampled at the final instant of the duration of
the potential pulse, a period in which the capacitive current reaches practically zero and the residual
current is composed almost exclusively of the diffusion current.

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Signal amplitude (Δi/ΔE)

Potential per applied (volts)

Figure 3 Polarogram obtained in differential pulse polarography.

On the other hand, the pulse method does not cause an accelerated reduction in the diffusion layer
(concentration of electroactive species close to the electrode), allowing higher diffusion currents for
equivalent concentrations. Hence the increased sensitivity inherent in the method. Another favorable
aspect of pulse polarography is that it is easier to measure the limit current, free from oscillations,
unlike what occurs in direct current polarography.

In differential pulse polarography, small-amplitude, constant pulses are superimposed on a linearly

increasing voltage potential ramp. The current measurement is performed twice for each pulse –
immediately before the application of the pulse and, again, at its final moment – recording only the
difference between the two measured values (Figure 2). The graphic registration of this differential
measurement system provides a curve similar to the polarographic wave derivative, showing a
characteristic peak (Figure 3). The polarographic peak potential corresponds to E1/2 – ΔE/2 where ΔE
represents the height of the peak. Thanks to the nature of the polarogram, which has peaks rather than
traditional polarographic waves, differential pulse polarography provides higher resolution, to the
extent of allowing simultaneous determinations of electroactive species with close half-wave
potentials in concentrations in the order of 10-7 M.

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The pH value is defined as the measure of the hydrogen ion activity of a solution. The scale of the
hydrogen ion concentration of the solution is conventionally used. Water is an extremely weak
electrolyte, whose self-ionization produces hydronium ion (hydrated hydrogen) and hydroxide ion:

H2O + H2O ↔ H3O+ + OH-

Hydronium ion concentrations in aqueous solutions can vary within wide limits, which
experimentally range from 1 to 10-14 M, which is defined by the simplified relation:

pH = -log [H3O+] = log 1/[H3O+],

Thus, the pH scale is an inverted scale in relation to the hydronium ion concentrations, that is, the
lower the hydronium ion concentration, the higher the pH value.

The potentiometric determination of pH is made by measuring the potential difference between two
suitable electrodes immersed in the solution under examination. One of these electrodes is sensitive
to hydrogen ions and the other is the constant potential reference electrode.

The formula that expresses the potentiometric measure of a cell is:

pH = pHt = (E –Et)/ K,

E = potential measured when the cell contains the sample solution;
Et = potential measured when the cell contains the buffer solution;
pH = pH value in the sample solution;
pHt = pH value in the buffer solution;
K = change in potential per unit of change in pH – theoretically equivalent to 0.0591631 + 0.000198
(t–25), where t corresponds to the temperature at which it operates.

The pH value is expressed by the formula in relation to the pH of the standard solution (pH p) and
determined in a pH meter using a glass electrode.

The devices commercially used for the determination of pH are potentiometric instruments, equipped
with electronic current amplifiers with a glass-calomel cell, which are capable of reproducing values
corresponding to 0.02 pH units. The pH scale is calibrated not only in millivolts, but also in
corresponding pH units. Thus, there is no need to apply the formula above, which translates the
electrometric pH measurement. As measurements of hydrogen ionic activity are sensitive to
temperature variations, all pH meters are equipped with electronic temperature adjustment.

Buffer solutions for pH meter calibration

They are used for measuring the device, allowing linearity in the responses in relation to the observed
potential changes. The most important are: 0.05 M potassium tetraoxalate, 0.05 M equimolar
phosphate, 0.01 M sodium tetraborate, sodium carbonate and saturated calcium hydroxide at 25°C.

Buffer solutions are prepared as follows:

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Potassium tetraoxalate, 0.05 M – Reduce potassium tetraoxalate to fine powder and desiccate in a
silica desiccator. Dissolve exactly 12.71g of KH3(C2O4)∙2H2O in water. Adjust volume to 1000 mL
with water and homogenize.

Potassium Biphthalate, 0.05M – Reduce potassium biphthalate to fine powder and dry at 110°C to
constant weight. Dissolve exactly 10.21g of KHC8H4O4,previously desiccated at 100°C for one hour,
in water. Adjust volume to 1000 mL with water and homogenize.

Equimolar Phosphate, 0.05M – Reduce the Na2HPO4 and KH2PO4 to fine powder and dry at 110°C
to constant weight. Dissolve 3.55g of Na2HPO4 and 3,40g of KH2PO4 in water. Adjust volume to
1000 mL with water and homogenize.

Sodium tetraborate, 0.01M – Desiccate the sodium tetraborate in a desiccator containing an aqueous
solution of sodium bromide to constant weight. Dissolve 3.81g of Na2B4O7∙10H2O, in water Adjust
volume to 1000 mL with water and homogenize. Avoid carbon dioxide absorption.

Calcium hydroxide, saturated at 25°C – Reduce calcium hydroxide to fine powder and desiccate
with silica in desiccator to constant weight. Transfer 5 g to volumetric flask and add water up to
1000 mL. Shake well and keep at a temperature of (25 ± 2) ºC, for adequate saturation (approximately
0.02 M). Decant at 25°C before use. Protect to avoid carbon dioxide absorption.

Sodium carbonate – Desiccate the sodium carbonate in a desiccator with silica gel until constant
weight. Weigh exactly 2.10 g. Dry the flask in an oven at 300°C to 500 °C until constant weight.
Weigh 2.65g. Dissolve both samples in water. Transfer each solution to a 1000 mL volumetric flask,
adjust volume with water and homogenize.

Such solutions must be freshly prepared with carbon dioxide-free water and used within three months,
taking care to avoid the growth of fungi and bacteria. Preservatives are accepted as long as they do
not interfere with the potentiometric PH measurement.

The water used to prepare the solutions must be freshly distilled, heated to boiling for at least 15
minutes, cooled and kept in a container impermeable to carbon dioxide. Prepare the six standard
solutions individually and store them in suitable glass or polyethylene flasks. Observe the shelf life
of the solutions, as the pH changes over time.

Table 1 – Relation between temperatures and pH values of buffer solutions for pH meter calibration.
Potassium Potassium Sodium
Temperature Equimolar calcium Sodium
tetraoxalate Biphthalate tetraborate
(ºC) phosphate hydroxide at carbonate
0.05M 0.05M 0,01M
10 1.67 4.00 6.92 9.33 13.00 10.18
15 1.67 4.00 6.90 9.27 12.81 10.12
20 1.68 4.00 6.88 9.22 12.63 10.07
25 1.68 4.01 6.86 9.18 12.45 10.02
30 1.68 4.01 6.85 9.14 12.30 9.97
35 1.69 4.02 6.84 9.10 12.14 9.93
40 1.70 4.03 6.84 9.07 11.99 -


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pH meter gauge

Remove the beaker containing KCl solution in which the electrode is immersed when the meter is not
in use;

Wash the electrode with jets of distilled water and dry with filter paper;

Immerse the electrode in a reference buffer solution, checking the temperature at which it will operate;

Adjust the pH value to the tabulated value using the calibration value;

Wash the electrode with several portions of the second reference buffer solution, immerse the
electrode and check the pH value recorded. The pH value must not vary by more than 0.07 from the
tabulated value for the second standard solution. There are devices that have flasks coupled with
anionic detergents, used as washing solutions between each of the pH measurement operations. Water
also lends itself to this function;

If the measurements are not accurate, check for possible damage to the electrodes and replace them.

Determination of pH in the sample solution

After the convenient measurement, wash the electrode with water (or proper solutions) and with
several portions of the sample solution. For sample dilution, use carbon dioxide-free distilled water;

The first determination provides a variable value, requiring further readings. The values found later
should not vary by more than 0.05 pH unit on three serial readings;

For determinations that require high precision, the temperatures of the buffer and sample solutions,
of the electrodes and of the washing waters must not differ by more than 2°C from each other. Thus,
to reduce the effects of thermal or electrical hysteresis on the electrodes, the solutions must be at the
same temperature for minimum 30 minutes before starting the operation;

It is important that, after using the device, the electrode is kept in an appropriate solution, usually

Contamination of stock solutions must be avoided by adopting systematic procedures, such as the
immediate closing of the vials containing the solutions, in order to prevent accidental introduction of
pipettes or sticks, and the use of individual pipettes for each solution.


It is based on the use of test solutions or indicator papers, which have the property of changing color
as the pH changes. In this case, it is an approximate measure, indicating only a range of values, more
or less wide, depending on the indicator used. The determination is carried out by adding drops of the
indicator solution to the solution under examination or by moistening indicator papers with the
solution under examination and observing the change in color. The colors produced by indicators in
various pH ranges are listed in Indicators and test solutions (7.1)


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A solution is considered neutral when it does not change the color of the litmus blue and red papers,
or when the universal indicator paper takes on the colors of the neutral scale, or when 1 mL of the
same solution is colored green with a drop of bromothymol blue TS (pH 7.0).

It is considered acidic when the blue litmus paper is stained red or 1 mL is stained yellow by a drop
of phenol red TS (pH 1.0 to 6.6).

It is considered weakly acidic when the blue litmus paper is slightly stained red or 1 mL is stained
orange by a drop of methyl red TS (pH 4.0 to 6.6).

It is considered strongly acidic when the Congo red paper is stained blue or 1 mL is stained red by
the addition of a drop of methyl orange TS (pH 1.0 to 4.0).

It is considered alkaline when the red litmus paper is stained blue or 1 mL is stained blue by a drop
of bromothymol blue TS (pH 7.6 to 13.0).

It is considered weakly alkaline when the red litmus paper is stained blue or 1 mL is stained pink by
a drop of cresol red TS (pH 7.6 to 8.8).

It is considered strongly alkaline when stained blue by a drop of thymolphthalein TS (pH 9.3 to 10.5)
or red by a drop of phenolphthalein TS (pH 10.0 to 13.0).

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.20-00


Many substances are in the form of hydrate or contain adsorbed water, so it is important to determine
them by specific methods.

Depending on the nature of the substance, the individual monograph will specify one of the methods

The volumetric determination of water is based on the quantitative reaction of water with an
anhydrous solution of sulfur dioxide and iodine in the presence of a buffering solution, which reacts
with hydrogen ions, according to the following reaction:

I2 + SO2 + 3C5H5N + CH3OH + H2O → 2 (C5H5N+H)I- + (C5H5N+H)-OSO2OCH3

In the original volumetric solution, known as Karl Fischer Reagent, sulfur dioxide and iodine are
usually dissolved in pyridine and methyl alcohol, and other solvents and/or bases may be used, thus
requiring checking the stoichiometry and the absence of interferences. For this purpose, commercial
reagents can be used, considering the manufacturer’s recommendations.

There are two different methods based on the reaction with iodine: volumetric titration and
coulometric titration.

In the first method, iodine is dissolved in the reagent and the water content is determined by measuring
the amount of iodine consumed as a result of the reaction with water. The test sample can be titrated
directly with the reagent or the analysis can be performed using an indirect titration procedure. The
reaction stoichiometry is not accurate and the reproducibility of the determination depends on factors
such as the relative concentrations of the reagent components, the nature of the inert solvent used to
dissolve the test sample, and the method used in the determination. Therefore, it is necessary to
standardize the method beforehand to achieve adequate accuracy. The accuracy of the method
depends on the effectiveness of removing atmospheric moisture from the system.

In coulometric titration, iodine is produced by the electrolysis of a Karl Fischer reagent that contains
the iodide ion. The water content in a sample can be determined by measuring the amount of
electricity required to produce iodine during titration.

2I- → I2 + 2e-



Knowing that Karl Fischer reagent is highly hygroscopic, the apparatus must ensure an exclusion of
atmospheric moisture. The endpoint determination must be adequate. In the direct titration of a
colorless solution, the endpoint can be visually observed with a color change from deep yellow to
amber. The inverse is observed when carrying out a backtitration (indirect) of a test sample. However,
more commonly, the endpoint is determined by a voltametric method using an apparatus with a simple
electrical circuit that generates an applied potential of approximately 200 mV between a pair of
platinum electrodes submerged in the solution containing the sample that will be titrated. At the end

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of the assay, a slight excess of the reagent increases the current flow between 50 µA and 150 µA for
a period of 30 seconds to 30 minutes, depending on the solution being titrated. This period is shorter
for substances that dissolve in the reagent. In some automatic volumetric titrators, the abrupt change
in current or potential at the endpoint causes a valve to be closed by a solenoid that controls the burette
that delivers the volumetric solution. Commercially available apparatus generally comprise a closed
system, consisting of one or two automatic burettes and a hermetically closed titration vessel,
equipped with the required electrodes and a magnetic stirrer. The air in the system is kept dry with a
suitable desiccant, e.g. anhydrous calcium chloride or silica gel, and the titration flask can be purged
by means of a stream of dry nitrogen or dry air.


Karl Fisher reagent can be prepared by any of the methods listed below.

Note: Chloroform and methyl alcohol used for reagent preparation must have a water content
inferior to 0.1 mg/mL. Methoxyethanol and diethylene glycol monomethyl ether must have a water
content lower than 0.3 mg/mL.

Method a – Add 125 g of iodine to a solution containing 670 mL of methyl alcohol and 170 mL of
pyridine, and cool. Place 100 mL of pyridine in a 250 mL graduated cylinder and, keeping the
pyridine cold in an ice bath, introduce dry sulfur dioxide until reaching a volume of 200 mL. Slowly
add this solution to the cooled iodine mixture, shaking until the iodine dissolves. Transfer the solution
to the apparatus and allow the solution stand for 24 hours before standardizing. One mL of this fresh-
prepared solution is equivalent to approximately 5 mg of water. Protect the solution from light while
in use. To determine water in trace amounts (less than 1%), it is preferable to use a reagent with a
water equivalence factor not greater than 2.0, which will generate the consumption of a more
significant volume of the volumetric solution.

Method b – Dissolve 63 g of iodine in 100 mL of pyridine, with a water content of less than 1 mg/mL,
cool the solution in an ice bath and pass dry sulfur dioxide through this solution until the weight gain
reaches 32 g. Adjust to 500 mL with chloroform or methyl alcohol and allow to stand for minimum
24 hours before using.

Method c – Dissolve 102 g of imidazole, with a water content of less than 0.1%, in 350 mL of
methoxyethanol or diethylene glycol monomethyl ether, cool the solution in an ice bath and pass dry
sulfur dioxide through this solution until the increase in weight is 64 g, keeping the temperature
between 25°C and 30°C. Dissolve 50 g of iodine in this solution and allow to stand for at least 24
hours before using.

Method d - Pass sulfur dioxide through 150 mL of methoxyethanol until the weight gain is 32 g. To
this solution, previously cooled in an ice bath, add 250 mL of methoxyethanol or chloroform
containing 81 g of 2-methylaminopyridine, with a water content lower than 1 mg per mL. Dissolve
36 g of iodine in this solution and allow to stand for at least 24 hours before using.

Karl Fischer reagent prepared by any of these methods should be standardized within one hour of use
or daily if used continuously, as its activity for water determination varies with time. Store reagent
refrigerated, protected from light and moisture.

A commercially available stabilized solution of Karl Fisher reagent can be used. Commercially
available reagents which contain solvents or bases other than pyridine or alcohols rather than methyl
alcohol can also be used. These can be individual solutions or reactants formed in situ by combining
the components of the reactants present in two different solutions. The diluted reagent required in
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some monographs should be diluted according to manufacturer’s instructions. Methyl alcohol or other
suitable solvent such as diethylene glycol monomethyl ether can be used as diluent,

Reagent Standardization

Place a sufficient amount of methyl alcohol or other suitable solvent in the titration flask to cover the
electrodes and add sufficient amount of Reagent until the endpoint characteristic color is obtained, or
(100 ± 50) µA of direct current with an applied potential of approximately 200 mV.

Purified water, sodium tartrate dihydrate, a pharmacopoeial reference standard, or a commercial

standard with a certificate of analysis traceable to a pharmacopoeial standard may be used to
standardize the Reagent. The reagent equivalence factor, the volume to be used in the assay, the size
of the burette and the quantity of standard to be weighed are factors that must be considered when
choosing the standard and the quantity to be used. For purified water or water standards, quickly add
between 2mg and 250mg of water, accurately weighed, and titrate to endpoint. Calculate the water
equivalence factor, F, in mg of water per mL of reagent, using the formula:

F = P/V

P = weight, in mg, of the water contained in the aliquot of the standard used;
V = volume, in mL, of the Reagent used in the assay.

For sodium tartrate dihydrate (C4H4Na2O6.2H2O), quickly add between 20 mg and 125 mg accurately
weighed, and titrate to endpoint. The water equivalence factor, F, in mg of water per mL of reagent,
is calculated by the formula:

F = (36.04/230.08) P/V

36.04 = twice the molar mass of water;
230.08 = molar mass of sodium tartrate dihydrate;
P = weight, in mg, of sodium tartrate dihydrate;
V = volume, in mL, of the Reagent used in the assay.

Note: the solubility of sodium tartrate dihydrate in methyl alcohol is such that the use of additional
methyl alcohol may be required for further standard assays.

Sample preparation

If not otherwise specified in the individual monograph, use a weighed or accurately measured amount
of the sample under analysis with an estimated water content between 2mg and 250mg. The amount
of water depends on the water equivalence factor of the Reagent and the endpoint determination
method. In most cases, the minimum sample quantity (Pm), in mg, can be estimated using the formula:

Pm = FCV/Kf

F = Reagent water equivalence factor, in mg/mL;
C = volume used, in percentage of burette capacity;
V = volume of the burette, in mL;
Kf = limit or expected content of water in the sample, in percentage.
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C is generally between 30% and 100% for manual assay and between 10% and 100% for the
instrumental method for determination of endpoint.

Note: FCV product must be greater than or equal to 200 for the calculation, to ensure that the
minimum amount titrated is greater than or equal to 2 mg.

If the sample being analyzed is an aerosol with propellant, store in freezer for not less than two hours,
open the container and analyze 10.0 mL of the sample thoroughly mixed. To titrate the sample,
determine the endpoint at a temperature of 10°C or higher.

For the analysis of capsules, use a portion of the homogenized content of at least four units. If
necessary, pulverize the contents into fine powder.

If the sample under analysis is for tablets, use the powder of at least four tablets pulverized to fine
powder in an atmosphere with temperature and relative humidity values that do not affect the results.

In cases where the monograph specifies that the sample under analysis is hygroscopic, place a portion
of the solid, accurately weighed, in a titration cup, proceeding with the determination of water
immediately, to avoid absorption of atmospheric moisture.

If the sample consists of a defined amount of solid, such as a lyophilized product or powder in a flask,
use a dry syringe to inject an appropriate volume of methyl alcohol or other appropriate solvent,
accurately measured, into a tared container and shake until the sample dissolves. With the same
syringe, remove the solution from the container, transfer to a titration flask prepared as described in
Procedure and titrate immediately. Determine the consumption of reagent used in the titration of the
solvent volume used to prepare the sample and subtract this value from that obtained in the titration
of the sample under analysis. Dry the container and lid at 100°C for three hours, allow to cool in a
desiccator and weigh. Determine the weight of the analyzed sample from the difference in weight in
relation to the initial weight of the container.

When appropriate, water can be desorbed or released from the sample by heat in an external oven
connected to the beaker, to which it is transferred with the aid of a dry inert gas such as pure nitrogen.
Take care and correct any deviation due to carrier gas. Carefully select heating conditions to avoid
water formation as a result of dehydration due to decomposition of sample components, which may
invalidate the method.


If not otherwise specified in the individual monograph, transfer a sufficient amount of methyl alcohol
to the titration cup, ensuring that the volume is sufficient to cover the electrodes (approximately 30
to 40 mL), and titrate with the reagent up to the electrometric or visual endpoint to consume any
moisture that may be present (do not consider the volume consumed in the calculation). Quickly add
prepared sample as instructed in Sample Preparation, mix and titrate with Reagent up to electrometric
or visual endpoint. Calculate the water content of the sample, in percentage, using the formula:

(𝑉𝐹 × 100)
% á𝑔𝑢𝑎 =

V = volume, in mL, of the Reagent used in the titration;
F = Reagent water equivalence factor
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m = mass of the sample (mg).


In this titration, an excess of Reagent is added to the sample, a sufficient time is allowed for the
reaction to complete and the unused Reagent is titrated with a standard solution of water in a solvent
such as methyl alcohol. The backtitration procedure is generally applied and avoids the problems that
can arise in direct titration of substances in which the bonded water is slowly released.

Apparatus, reagent and sample preparation

Use the Direct Volumetric Method.

Preparation and standardization of the water solution

Prepare a water solution by diluting 2 mL of water with methyl alcohol or other suitable solvent to
1000 mL. Standardize this solution by titrating 25.0 mL with the Reagent, previously standardized as
described in Standardization of the reagent. Calculate the water content (Cwater), in mg per mL, of the
Water Solution, using the formula:

𝐶á𝑔𝑢𝑎 = 𝑉𝐹/25

V = volume of the Reagent consumed, in mL;
F = Reagent water equivalence factor, in mg/mL;


Transfer a quantity of methyl alcohol or other suitable solvent to the titration cup, ensuring that the
volume is sufficient to cover the electrodes (approximately 30 mL to 40 mL) and titrate with the
Reagent to the electrometric or visual endpoint. Quickly add the sample, homogenize and add an
accurately weighed excess of Reagent. Wait a sufficient time for the reaction to complete and titrate
the unused Reagent with the Standard Water Solution to the electrometric or visual endpoint.
Calculate water content (%water) of the sample using the formula:

𝐹 (𝑋 ′ − 𝑋𝑅)100
% á𝑔𝑢𝑎 =


F = Reagent water equivalence factor, in mg/mL;

X´ = volume, in mL, of the Reagent added after the introduction of the sample;
X = volume, in mL, of the standardized Water Solution necessary to neutralize the unused Reagent;
R = quotient, V/25 (mL of Reagent per mL of Water Solution), determined from the Standardization
of Water Solution for volumetric backtitration (indirect);
m = mass of the sample (mg).


For the coulometric determination of water, the Karl Fischer reaction is used. Iodine, however, is not
added in the form of a volumetric solution, but is obtained by anodic oxidation in a solution containing
iodide. The reaction cell usually consists of a large anode compartment and a small cathode
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compartment, separated from each other by a diaphragm. Other suitable types of reaction cells (e.g.
without diaphragm) can also be used. Each compartment has a platinum electrode that conducts
current through the cell. Iodine, which is produced at the anode electrode, immediately reacts with
the water in the compartment. When all the water is consumed, an excess of iodine is produced which
is normally detected electrometrically, which indicates the endpoint. Moisture is removed from the
system through pre-electrolysis. It is not necessary to change the solution in the cup after each
determination. A requirement of this method is that each component of the sample is compatible with
the other components and that no secondary reactions are produced. Samples are normally transferred
to the cup as a solution by injection through a septum. Gases can be introduced into the cell using a
suitable gas inlet tube. The accuracy of the method fundamentally depends on the degree of
elimination of atmospheric moisture in the system; therefore, the introduction of solids into the cell
may require precautions such as working in a dry inert gas atmosphere. System control can be
performed by measuring the baseline derivative, which does not exclude the need for a blank
correction when using sample introduction vehicle. This method is especially suitable for inert
chemical substances such as hydrocarbons, alcohols and ethers. Compared to Karl Fischer volumetric
assay, coulometric is a micromethod.

When appropriate, water can be desorbed or released from the sample by heat in an external oven
connected to the beaker, to which it is transferred with the aid of a dry inert gas such as pure nitrogen.
Take care and correct any deviation due to carrier gas. Carefully select heating conditions to avoid
water formation as a result of dehydration due to decomposition of sample components, which may
invalidate the method.


The use of any commercially available device that has an absolutely hermetic system, equipped with
the necessary electrodes and a magnetic stirrer, is allowed. The equipment microprocessor controls
the analytical procedure and displays the results.


Electrolyte solutions can be prepared by any of the following procedures, and commercial reagents
can also be used.

Note: Chloroform and methyl alcohol used for reagent preparation must have a water content
inferior to 0.1 mg/mL. Methoxyethanol and diethylene glycol monomethyl ether must have a water
content lower than 0.3 mg/mL.

Method a – ANOLYTE SOLUTION: Dissolve 102 g of imidazole in 900 mL of methyl alcohol, cool
the solution in an ice bath and pass dry sulfur dioxide through the solution kept at a temperature below
30 °C, until weight is 64 g. Dissolve 12 g of iodine by agitating, add an appropriate amount of water
to the solution until the liquid turns brown to yellow, and dilute to 1000 mL with methyl alcohol.
CATHOLYTE SOLUTION: dissolve 24 g of diethanolamine hydrochloride in 100 mL of methyl

Method b - ANOLYTE SOLUTION: Dissolve 40 g of 1,3-di(4-pyridyl)propane and 30 g of

diethanolamine in approximately 200 mL of methyl alcohol and pass dry sulfur dioxide through the
solution until the weight gain is 25 g. Add 50 mL of propylene carbonate and dissolve 6 g of iodine
in the solution. Add methyl alcohol to bring the volume to 500 mL and add an appropriate amount of
water until the liquid turns brown to yellow. CATHOLYTE SOLUTION: dissolve 30g of choline
hydrochloride in methyl alcohol and dilute to 100 mL with the same solvent.

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Method c - ANOLYTE SOLUTION: Dissolve 100 g of diethanolamine in 900 mL of methyl alcohol

or in a mixture of methyl alcohol and chloroform (3:1) and pass sulfur dioxide through the solution
until the weight increase of the solution is 64g. Dissolve 20 g of iodine in the solution and add an
appropriate amount of water until the liquid turns brown to yellow. CATHOLYTE SOLUTION:
Dissolve 25 g of lithium chloride in 1000 mL of a mixture of methyl alcohol and nitromethane (4:1).

Sample preparation

When the sample is a soluble solid, an appropriate amount, accurately weighed, can be dissolved in
anhydrous methyl alcohol or other suitable solvents. When the sample is an insoluble solid, an
appropriate amount can be extracted, accurately weighed, using a suitable anhydrous solvent and
injected into the anolyte solution. Alternatively, an evaporation method can be used in which water
is released and evaporates by heating the sample in a tube in a stream of dry inert gas. The gas soon
passes into the cell.

When the sample is to be used directly without being dissolved in a suitable anhydrous solvent, an
appropriate amount, accurately weighed, can be introduced directly into the anode compartment.

When the sample is a liquid miscible in anhydrous methyl alcohol or other suitable solvents, an
appropriate amount, accurately weighed, may be added to the anhydrous methyl alcohol or other
suitable solvents.

Using a dry device, inject or add directly into the anolyte an accurately measured amount of the
sample or sample preparation that contains between 0.5mg and 5mg of water, or the amount
recommended by the instrument manufacturer, mix and carry out the coulometric titration up to the
electrometric endpoint. Read the water content of the sample preparation directly from the instrument
screen and calculate the percentage present in the substance. Carry out a blank determination, if
necessary, and make the corresponding corrections. AZEOTROPIC DISTILLATION METHOD - TOLUENE

This method is based on distillation, with toluene steam, of the water contained in the sample of a
product under the established conditions.


Use a 500 mL round bottom glass flask, A, connecting through a connection, B, to a reflux condenser,
C, using ground glass joints (Figure 1).

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Figure 1– Apparatus for the determination

of water by azeotropic distillation.

The critical dimensions of the apparatus parts are as follows: the connecting tube, D, has an inner
diameter of 9 mm to 11 mm. The distillate collector has a length of 235 mm to 240 mm. The
condenser should be of the straight tube type, with an approximate length of 400 mm and an internal
diameter of not less than 8 mm. The receiving tube, E, has a capacity of 5 mL and its cylindrical part,
with a length of 146 mm to 156 mm, is graduated in 0.1 mL subdivisions, so that the reading error is
not greater than 0.05 mL for any volume indicated. The heat source is preferably a thermostatically
controlled electric heater or an oil bath. The top of the flask and the connecting tube may be insulated.

Clean the receiver tube and condenser with a suitable cleaning solution, rinse thoroughly with water
and dry. Prepare the toluene that will be used by shaking with a small amount of water, and distil
until water excess is removed.


Place in a dry flask an amount of the substance, accurately weighed, containing from 2 mL to 4 mL
of water. If the substance is of the semi-solid type, weigh on an oval metal plate with a size that passes
through the flaks neck. If there is a possibility of projections being produced when introducing the
substance, add a quantity of porous material (for example: washed and dry sand, capillary tubes,
porcelain). Place approximately 200 mL of toluene in the flask, connect the apparatus and fill the
receiving tube, E, with toluene poured through the upper opening of the condenser. Heat the flask
gently for 15 minutes and, as soon as the toluene has boiled, distill at a rate of approximately two
drops per second until most of the water has been washed away, then increase the distillation rate to
approximately four drops per second. When all the water appears to have been distilled, rinse the
inside of the condenser tube with toluene. Continue the distillation for another five minutes; remove
the heat source and allow the receiving tube to cool to room temperature and drag the water adhering
to the walls. After completing the separation of water and toluene, read the volume of water and
calculate the percentage present in the substance.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.20-00 DETERMINATION OF WATER BY SEMI-MICRO METHOD

The determination of water by the semi-micro method is carried out in a titration device with a
capacity of 60 mL, equipped with two platinum electrodes, an inlet tube for nitrogen, a stopper
adapted to the end of a burette and an air intake tube protected by a drying agent. The sample intake
is introduced through a side tube fitted with a ground stopper. During titration, agitation must be
ensured by the support of a mechanical stirrer or by bubbling dry nitrogen.

Completion of the reaction is determined by the amperage. A suitable circuit, consisting of a

potentiometer of approximately 2000 Ω, connected to a 1.5 V battery, allows applying a variable
potential difference. This is adjusted so that it conducts a weak initial current through the platinum
electrodes connected in series to a microammeter. The microammeter needle deviates after each
addition of reagent, immediately returning to its initial position. The end of the reaction is indicated
by a deviation that persists for minimum 30 seconds.

Use iodosulfuron RS after determining its equivalent in water. The solutions and reagents used must
be stored in an anhydrous condition and protected from atmospheric moisture during the assay or
upon any handling.

Iodosulfuron RS must be stored protected from light, preferably in a flask fitted with an automatic

Commercially available iodosulfuron RS solutions have (or may have) a composition that differs
from the iodosulfuron RS solution by replacing pyridine for several basic substances. The use of these
reagent solutions must be preceded by an evaluation that allows, in each case, to verify the
stoichiometry and the absence of incompatibility between the substance to be tested and the reagent.
Unless otherwise indicated, Method A must be used.

Method A. Introduce about 20 mL of anhydrous methyl alcohol or the solvent prescribed in the
monograph into the titration flask. Add iodosulfuron R solution to the reagent flask until the
amperometric changeover. Quickly introduce the assay intake, shake for one minute and titrate with
the iodosulfuron RS solution until new changeover.

Method B. Introduce in the titration flask about 10 ml of anhydrous methyl alcohol or of the solvent
prescribed in the monograph. Add iodosulfuron RS until the amperometric changeover. Quickly
introduce the substance sample intake and then a volume of iodosulfuron RS sufficient to obtain an
excess of approximately 1 mL. In this case, as well, the volume prescribed in the monograph can be
used. Allow to stand in a closed flask and protected from light for one minute or for the time
prescribed in the monograph, shaking occasionally. Titrate the excess of iodosulfuron RS with
anhydrous methyl alcohol or with another solvent prescribed in the monograph, adding a known
quantity of water close to 2.5 g/L, until returning to the initial weak current. GRAVIMETRIC METHOD

Procedure for chemical substances. Proceed as indicated in the individual monograph, preparing the
sample as determined in Loss on Desiccation (

Procedure for herbal drugs. Proceed as indicated in Methods of pharmacognosy (5.4), as indicated
in the individual monograph.

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The solubility of a pure substance in a given solvent, at a constant temperature, is a characteristic
parameter of the substance and can therefore serve for purposes of identification and assessment of
its degree of purity. The analysis of phase solubility is based on this principle. The procedure consists
of adding increasing portions of sample to constant volumes of solvent in which the analyzed
substance shows only a slight solubility, aiming to obtain a saturated solution of this substance. Once
the system equilibrium has been achieved - by prolonged agitation, under constant temperature - the
total content of solute in the supernatant solution is determined (usually by gravimetric method) and
the phase solubility diagram is plotted, plotting the solution composition in mg of solute per g of
solvent (ordinate), by system composition in mg of sample added per g of solvent (abscissa). Figure
1 illustrates such a diagram. Along segment AB, the entire solid dissolves and is found in solution
(slope corresponds to unity). At point B the sample saturates the solution and subsequent additions
do not increase its concentration. The slope of the line segment BC is therefore null and the
intersection of the extension of this line with the Y axis gives the value of the solubility of the
Solution composition (mg/g)

mg of sample per g of solvent

Figure 1 – Solubility diagram for phases of a sample consisting of a single substance.

If the sample consists of two substances (one of them impurity of the other, for example), the diagram
takes the form shown in Figure 2. Segment AB has a unit slope; point B indicates saturation of the
solution with respect to one of the sample components (generally the one that is present in greater
proportion); the BC segment indicates the solubilization of the second component and the CD
segment the saturation of the solution with the latter (zero slope).

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mg of solute per g of solution

mg of sample per g of sl solvent

Figure 2 – Solubility diagram for phases of a sample consisting of two substances.

The slope value of the BC segment – phase in which only the second component is dissolved –
corresponds to the proportion of this component in the sample. The subtraction of this unit value
provides the content of the first component in the sample, allowing the use of the formula (1-i).100
to obtain the content. The slope, i, is obtained by the formula (Y2-Y1) / (X2-X1), where Y1, Y2 and
X1, X2 correspond, respectively, to projections of points on the line segment BC on the ordinate
(composition of the solution) and the abscissa (composition of the system). The extrapolation of the
BC segment gives the solubility limit, S1, in mg of solute per g of solvent, of the first component,
whereas the extension of the line from the segment CD to the Y axis leads to the sum of the solubilities
of the two components, S1 + S2.

The occurrence of pronounced deviations at the points that form the straight segments of the diagram
indicates a lack of equilibrium in the system, although these can also be attributed to the existence of
a solid solution or to deviations from the theoretical behavior. If necessary, the slope i can be
calculated by graphical approximation or using the least squares statistical method.

A peculiarity of the phase solubility analysis is that it is not a method applicable to mixtures whose
components are present in the sample in proportion to their solubilities. In this particular case, both
components promote saturation at the same point, providing, as a result, a phase diagram equivalent
to that of pure substance.


The choice of solvent for phase solubility analysis is based on the solubility of the component present
in greater proportion in the sample and on the assay method adopted to determine the concentration
of the formed solution. As the gravimetric method is more common, the solvent should present
sufficient volatility to allow evaporation in a vacuum, but insufficient to hinder transfer and weighing

Solvents with a boiling point between 60 ºC and 150 ºC are recommended. In terms of solubility, it
is convenient that the solvent has the capacity to dissolve the sample in a proportion not lower than 4
mg/g or greater than 50 mg/g. Optimum solubility is in the range of 10 to 20 mg/g. Additional
recommendations include the solvent inertia towards the sample components (including the
possibility of formation of solvates or salts) and the use of solvents of known purity and concentration
(trace of impurities strongly affect the solubility), admitting, however, the use of mixtures.


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Comprises thermostatized water bath, appropriate vials and ampoules and analytical balance, with
accuracy of ± 10 µg.

The water bath is provided with a thermostat with a temperature control tolerance of not more than
0.1°C, especially in the range of 25°C to 30°C, which is usual for testing. The bath is equipped with
a horizontal rotating rod (25 rpm) provided with holding clamps for the ampoules. As an alternative,
a vibrator (100 to 120 vibrations/second) can be used, also equipped with ampoule holding clamps.

The ampoule - with a capacity of 15 mL - next to the so-called solubility flask, also used in the tests,
is illustrated in Figure 3. Containers of different specification are admissible as long as they are
hermetic and suitable for the method described.

Figure 3 – Ampoule used in phased solubility analysis.


System composition

Accurately weigh a minimum of seven rigorously clean 15 mL ampoules. Transfer accurately

weighed increasing amounts of sample into each ampoule so that the first contains only slightly less
than the soluble one in 5 mL of solvent and the last contains a slight excess of sample. After
transferring 5.0 mL of solvent to each ampoule, cool them in a mixture of dry ice and acetone and
seal them with an air/gas blowtorch, taking care to keep glass fragments resulting from the process.

Allow the ampoules to reach room temperature and weigh them, together with their respective glass
fragments. Calculate system composition, in mg/g, for each ampoule, using the formula: 1000(M2-
M1)/(M3-M2), where M2 corresponds to mass of the ampoule containing the sample; M 1 is the mass
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of the empty ampoule and M3 is the mass of the ampoule containing sample, solvent and any glass


The period necessary to establish equilibrium in the systems contained in the ampoules varies
according to nature of sample, method of agitation (rotation or vibration) and temperature. Experience
indicates an average period of 1 to 7 days for shaking by vibration and 7 to 14 days for the rotational
process. To confirm equilibrium promotion, heat the penultimate ampoule in the series to 40 ºC to
obtain supersaturation. Result is positive if the point corresponding to this ampoule is consistent with
the others in the phase diagram. However, a different result does not necessarily mean that
equilibrium has not been reached. There are substances that tend to remain in a supersaturated solution
and, if this is the case, a series of analyses, varying the waiting period, is required to ensure the
consistency of the points on the solubility curve.

Solution composition

Once equilibrium is reached, place the ampoules on an appropriate support so that they remain in a
vertical position, with the necks above water level in thermostatic bath. Wait for solids to decant in
the ampoules, open them and collect 2.0 mL of the supernatant from each ampoule using a pipette
fitted with a cotton swab or other material capable of acting as a filter. Remove filtering material from
the pipette and transfer the clear liquid to a solubility flask (Figure 3) tared and properly identified,
weighing each flask after operation. Cool vials in dry ice and acetone bath, then evaporate the solvent
under reduced pressure. Gradually increase evaporation temperature, taking care not to exceed the
limit compatible with sample stability and dry residue to constant weight. Calculate solution
composition in each vial, in mg/g, using the formula 1000 (P3 -P1)/(P2 -P3), where P3 corresponds to
the mass of the vial containing the evaporation residue; P1 is the mass of the empty solubility vial
(tare) and P2 is the mass of the vial containing the solution.

Plot a phase diagram based on the values obtained and determine sample percentage purity as a
function of the straight line slope.


While solutions obtained in the analytical process described contain essentially all the impurities
present in the sample in enhanced proportion compared to the original sample, leading – after solvent
evaporation – to the qualitative determination of impurities, the phase is suitable, due to its high
purity, for preparation of reference standards to other analytical tests.


Weigh appropriate amount of sample and suspend it in suitable solvent so that – reached equilibrium–
only dissolve 10% of the material. Close the flask and wait for equilibrium to be established at room
temperature (usually 24 hours is sufficient). Then collect the clear supernatant solution and evaporate,
at or near room temperature, to dryness. Since the solution contains impurities from the original
sample, material in which the proportion of impurities is enhanced is obtained by this procedure, with
the enrichment ratio being approximately equal to the ratio of sample mass by the mass of dissolved
solids in the volume of solvent used. Purify undissolved residue by washing and drying (reference

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.22-00



By the action of an electric field, charged particles dissolved or dispersed in an electrolyte solution
migrate towards the opposite polarity electrode. In gel electrophoresis, the displacement of particles
is slowed down by interactions with the matrix gel that constitutes the migration medium and behaves
like a molecular sieve.

Opposing interactions of electrical force and molecular sieving result in the rate of migration
differential according to particle size, shape, and charge. Due to their different physicochemical
properties, the different molecules contained in a mixture will migrate at different speeds during
electrophoresis, thus being separated into well-defined fractions. Electrophoretic separations can be
conducted in systems without a support phase (e.g. free solution separation in capillary
electrophoresis), and or in stabilized media such as thin-layer plates, films or gels.


This method is mainly used in the determination of mobilities, with experimental characteristics being
directly measurable and reproducible. It applies, above all, to substances of relatively high molar
mass, not very diffusible. Divisions are initially demarcated by a physical process such as
refractometry or conductimetry. After the application of a defined electric field, for a determined
time, new divisions are obtained and their respective positions are observed. Operating conditions
allow for the determination of divisions and constituents.


This method is only used for reduced samples. The nature of the support, such as paper, agarose gel,
cellulose acetate, starch, methacrylamide or mixed gel, introduces a number of additional factors that
modify mobility:

a) due to the twisting of the support channeling, the distance apparently covered is shorter than the
actual distance;

b) certain supports are not electrically neutral and, as the medium constitutes a stationary phase, it
can sometimes give rise to considerable electroosmotic current;

c) heating due to the Joule effect can produce a certain evaporation of the liquid from the support,
which leads, by capillarity, to a displacement of the solution from the extremities to the center; thus,
the ionic strength tends to increase progressively.

The migration speed depends on four main factors: particle mobility, electroosmotic current,
evaporation current and field intensity. For these reasons, it is necessary to proceed under well-
defined experimental conditions and to use, if possible, reference standards.


An electrophoresis device consists of:

– a generator of direct, controllable voltage and preferably stabilized current;

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– an electrophoresis tank. Usually rectangular, made of glass or rigid plastic material, with two
separate compartments, anodic and cathodic, which contain the conductive buffer solution. An
electrode, made of platinum or graphite, is immersed in each compartment; these are connected by a
circuit duly isolated from the power supply of the corresponding terminal to form, respectively, the
anode and cathode, connected by a circuit suitably isolated to the corresponding terminal of the
generator. The liquid level in both compartments is equal to avoid siphoning effect. The
electrophoresis tank must be equipped with a hermetic lid, allowing an atmosphere saturated with
moisture to be kept inside and thus attenuating solvent evaporation during migration. A safety device
is used that cuts the current when the lid is removed from the tank. If the measurement of electric
current exceeds 10 W, it is preferable to cool the support;

– a support device:

Strip electrophoresis. In electrophoresis, the strips on the support are pre-impregnated with the same
conductive solution and each end immersed in the electrode compartment. The strips are well
extended, fixed on an appropriate support to prevent diffusion of the conductive solution, such as a
horizontal frame, an inverted V support, or a uniform surface with contact points at suitable ranges.

Gel electrophoresis. In gel electrophoresis, the device consists of a glass plate, such as a simple
microscope slide, on which an adherent gel layer of uniform thickness is deposited on the entire
surface of the slide. The contact between the gel and the conductive solution varies depending on the
type of device used. Any moisture condensation or drying of the solid layer is avoided;

– a measuring device or detection means.

Procedure. Place the electrolyte solution in the electrode compartments. Place the support,
conveniently soaked with the electrolyte solution in the tank, according to the type of device used.
Plot the starting line and apply the test sample. Allow the current to pass for the indicated time; then
turn off the power, remove the tank support, dry and reveal.


In cylindrical tube polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the stationary phase consists of a gel prepared
from acrylamide and N,N'-methylenebisacrylamide. The gels are prepared in tubes, usually 7.5 cm in
length and 0.5 cm in internal diameter (cylindrical gel); a single sample is applied to each tube.

Apparatus. The apparatus consists of two containers intended to receive the buffer solutions and made
of suitable material, such as polymethyl methacrylate. They are arranged vertically one above the
other and are each equipped with a platinum electrode. These two electrodes are connected to a
current source, enabling operating with constant intensity and voltage. For cylindrical gels, the device
has, at the upper base of the reservoir, a number of elastomer joints located at equal distance from the

Procedure. In general, it is recommended to degas the solutions before polymerization and use the
gel immediately after preparation. Prepare the gel as indicated in the monograph. Place the gel
mixture in the appropriate glass tubes, closed at the lower end with a stopper, to an equal height in all
of them, at a distance of about 1 cm from the upper edge of the tube. Avoid the introduction of air
bubbles into the tubes. Cover the mixture with a layer of water to prevent contact with air and allow
to stand. Gel formation generally requires about 30 minutes and is complete when a clear boundary
between the gel and the aqueous layer appears. Eliminate the aqueous layer. Fill the lower reservoir
with the prescribed buffer solution and remove the stoppers from the tubes. Fit the tubes into the
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joints of the upper reservoir so that its lower part immerses in the buffer solution of the lower reservoir
and adjusts so that the bottom of the tubes is immersed in the buffer solution of the lower reservoir.
Gently fill the tubes with the solution from the lower reservoir. Prepare problem and standard
solutions containing the prescribed colorant. Carefully fill the tubes with the indicated buffer solution.
Apply the solutions, whose density has been increased, by adding sucrose, for example, to the gel
surface, using a different tube for each solution. Place the same buffer solution in the upper reservoir.
Connect the electrodes to the current source and proceed with electrophoresis, using current of
constant intensity or voltage and at the temperature prescribed in the monograph. Stop the current
when the colored indicator reaches the lower reservoir. Immediately remove the tubes and proceed
with the gel extrusion. Locate the position of the bands on the electrophoretograms according to the
indicated procedure.


Application field. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis is used for the qualitative characterization of
proteins contained in biological preparations, for purity controls and quantitative determinations.

Purpose. The analysis by gel electrophoresis is a process adapted to the identification and control of
the homogeneity of proteins contained in pharmaceutical preparations. It is routinely used to assess
the molar mass of protein subunits and determine the subunits that compose the purified proteins.
There is a wide variety of ready-to-use gels and reagents on the market instead of those described
below, provided that the results obtained are equivalent and that the validity conditions described in
Assay Validation can be met.

Characteristics of polyacrylamide gels. The sieving properties of polyacrylamide gels are related to
their particular structure, which is that of a three-dimensional network of fibers and pores resulting
from the formation of cross-links between the bifunctional bisacrylamide and adjacent
polyacrylamide chains. The polymerization is catalyzed by a free radical generator composed of
ammonia persulfate (APS) and N,N,N',N'-tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED). The smaller the
actual pore size of a gel the higher its concentration of acrylamide. As the gel acrylamide
concentration increases, the effective porosity decreases. The actual porosity of a gel is operationally
defined by its molecular sieving properties, that is, the resistance it opposes to the migration of
macromolecules. There are limits to the concentrations of acrylamide that can be used. At very high
concentrations gels break down more easily and become difficult to manipulate. When the pore size
of a gel decreases, the rate of migration of a protein in that gel decreases as well. By adjusting the
porosity of a gel by changing the acrylamide concentration, it is possible to optimize the method
resolution for a given protein product. Accordingly, the physical characteristics of a gel therefore
depend on its acrylamide and bisacrylamide content. In addition to the gel composition, the state of
the protein is another important factor for its electrophoretic mobility.

In the case of proteins, electrophoretic mobility depends on the pKa of the cleavable groups and the
size of the molecule. It is also affected by the nature, concentration and pH of the buffer, the
temperature, the intensity of the electric field and the nature of the support.


The method described as an example is applicable to the analysis of polypeptides with a molar mass
of between 14.000 and 100.000 daltons. It is possible to extend this range through different methods
(for example, using gradient gels or special buffer systems), but these are not part of this text.
Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under denaturing conditions using sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS-
PAGE) is the most widely used electrophoresis method to assess the pharmaceutical quality of protein
products and is primarily the focus of this text. In general, analytical protein electrophoresis is
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performed on a polyacrylamide gel under conditions that favor the dissociation of proteins into their
polypeptide subunits and that limit the aggregation phenomenon. Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), a
strong anionic detergent, is often used to dissociate proteins prior to application to the gel, in
combination with heat. Denatured polypeptides bind to SDS and acquire negative charges, being
characterized by a constant charge/mass ratio, regardless of the type of protein considered. Since the
amount of SDS bound is almost always proportional to the molar mass of the polypeptide and
independent of its sequence, SDS-polypeptide complexes migrate in polyacrylamide gels with
mobilities that are a function of the size of the polypeptide.

The electrophoretic mobility of the resulting detergent-polypeptide complexes always has the same
functional relation with molar mass. The migration of the SDS complexes is, as expected, towards
the anode at a higher velocity for the low molar mass complexes than for the high ones. It is, therefore,
possible to determine the molar mass of a protein from its relative mobility, after comparison with
standard solutions of known molar mass value with the observation of a single band constituting a
purity criterion. However, eventual modifications in the constitution of the polypeptide, for example,
an N- or an O-glycosylation, have a significant impact on the apparent molar mass of a protein since
SDS does not bind to a carbohydrate medium in a similar manner it does to a polypeptide. In fact,
SDS does not bind in the same manner to glycidic groupings or to peptide groupings, so that the
constancy of the charge/mass ratio is no longer verified. The apparent molar mass of proteins that
have undergone post-translational modifications does not really reflect the mass of the polypeptide

Reducing conditions

The association of polypeptide subunits and the three-dimensional structure of proteins are often
based on the existence of disulfide bridges. One of the objectives to be achieved in the SDS-PAGE
analysis under reducing conditions is to break this structure by reducing the disulfide bridges.
Complete denaturation and dissociation of proteins by treatment with 2-mercaptoethanol or with
dithiothreitol (DTT) causes a splitting of the polypeptide chain, followed by a complexation with
SDS. Under these conditions, the molar mass of the polypeptide subunits can be calculated by linear
regression with the aid of appropriate molar mass standards.

Non-reducing conditions

For certain analyses, complete dissociation of the protein into peptide subunits is not desirable. In the
absence of treatment by reducing agents such as 2-mercaptoethanol or DTT, the covalent disulfide
bonds remain intact and the oligomeric conformation of the protein is preserved. SDS-oligomer
complexes migrate more slowly than SDS-peptide subunits. Furthermore, unreduced proteins may
not be fully saturated in SDS and therefore do not bind to detergent in a constant mass ratio. This
circumstance makes the determination of the molar mass of these molecules by SDS-PAGE more
difficult than the analysis of fully denatured polypeptides, as, for comparison to be possible, it is
necessary that the standards and unknown proteins have similar configurations. However, obtaining
a single stained band on the gel remains a criterion for purity.


The most widespread electrophoretic method for the characterization of complex protein mixtures is
based on the use of a discontinuous buffer system that includes two continuous but distinct gels: a
separation or resolving gel (lower) and a stacking gel (upper) . These two gels have different porosity,
pH and ionic strength. In addition, different mobile ions are used in gels and electrode buffers. The
discontinuity of the buffer system leads to a large volume concentration of samples in the

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.22-00

concentrating gel and therefore an improvement in resolution. When the electric field is applied, a
negative voltage gradient builds up through the sample solution and carries proteins from the
concentration gel to the stacking gel. The glycinate ions contained in the electrode buffer follow the
proteins in the stacking gel. A mobile division zone quickly forms, the front of which made of the
highly mobile chloride ions and the back of the slower glycinate ions. A localized high voltage
gradient establishes itself between the ionic fronts of the head and tail and causes the SDS-protein
complexes to concentrate in a very narrow range that migrates between the chloride and glycinate

On a large scale, regardless of the volume of sample applied, the set of SDS-protein complexes
undergoes a condensation effect and penetrates the separation gel in the form of a narrow, well-
defined, high- protein density band. The large-pore stacking gel does not generally slow down the
migration of proteins, but mainly plays the role of an anti-convective medium. At the interface of the
stacking and separating gels, proteins are confronted with a sharp increase in the lag effect due to the
small pore diameter of the separating gel. When they penetrate the separation gel, this delay proceeds
due to the molecular slurry effect exerted by the matrix. The glycinate ions pass through the proteins
whose migration then proceeds in a medium of uniform pH consisting of a buffered tromethamine
solution (TRIS) and glycine. The molecular slurry effect leads to a separation of the SDS-polypeptide
complexes based on their respective molar mass.


Mold assembly

With a mild detergent, clean the two glass plates (e.g. 10 cm x 8cm size), the polytetrafluoroethylene
comb, the two spacers and the silicone rubber tube (e.g. 0.6 mm x 350 mm diameter), and rinse
thoroughly with water. Dry all elements with a paper towel or fabric. Lubricate spacers and tube with
non-silicone based lubricant. Place the spacers 2 mm from the edge along the two short sides and one
of the long sides of the glass plate. The latter will correspond to the bottom of the gel. Start installing
the tube on the glass plate using one of the spacers as a guide. When the end of the spacer is reached,
carefully bend the tube so that it follows the long side of the glass plate. Hold the tube in place with
one finger, bend it again to make it follow the second short side of the plate, using the spacer as a
guide. Place the second plate in place, aligning it perfectly over the first, and hold the set by hand
pressure. Place two tweezers on each of the short sides of the mold and then, with caution, four more
tweezers on the long side that will form the base of the mold. Check that the tube follows the edge of
the plates and has not shifted after placing the clamps. The mold is ready and the gel can be placed.

Preparation of gels

For the gels in discontinuous buffer system, it is recommended to place the separating gel first and
allow to polymerize before placing the concentration gel, since the content of acrylamide-
bisacrylamide in the two gels, the buffer and the pH are different.

Preparation of the separation gel. In an Erlenmeyer flask, prepare the appropriate volume of an
acrylamide solution of the desired concentration, using the values indicated in Table 1. Mix the
components in the order given. Before adding the ammonia persulfate solution and the
tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED) solution, filter, if necessary, by suction, using a cellulose
acetate membrane (pore diameter 0.45,μm); keep under suction, shaking the filter unit until no more
bubbles form in the solution. Add the appropriate amounts of APS and TEMED solution (Table 1),
shake and immediately introduce into the space separating the two glass plates of the mold. Leave
enough free height for the concentration gel (height of a comb tooth plus 1 cm). Using a tapered glass

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.22-00

pipette, carefully cover the solution with water-saturated isobutyl alcohol. Allow the gel to
polymerize in an upright position at room temperature.

Preparation of the stacking gel. When polymerization is complete (about 30 minutes), exhaust the
isobutyl alcohol and wash the gel surface several times with water to completely eliminate the
isobutyl alcohol and, if necessary, the unpolymerized acrylamide. Place a minimum amount of liquid
on the gel surface and, if necessary, absorb the residual water with the tip of a paper towel. In an
Erlenmeyer flask, prepare the appropriate volume of an acrylamide solution of desired concentration,
using the values indicated in Table 2. Mix the components in the order given.

Before adding the ammonia persulfate solution (APS) and the tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED)
solution, filter, if necessary, by suction, using a cellulose acetate membrane (pore diameter 0.45,μm);
keep under suction, shaking the filter unit until no more bubbles form in the solution. Add the
appropriate amounts of ammonia persulfate and TEMED solutions (Table 2), shake and immediately
add onto the separating gel. Immediately place a clean polytetrafluoroethylene comb in the
concentration gel solution, taking care to avoid the formation of air bubbles. Add the solution to the
concentration gel to completely fill the comb interstices. Allow the gel to polymerize in an upright
position at room temperature.

Table 1 – Preparation of the resolving gel.

Component volume in mL per gel
Solution components mold volume of:
5 mL 10 mL 15 mL 20 mL 25 mL 30 mL 40 mL 50 mL
6% Acrylamide
Water 2.6 5.3 7.9 10.6 13.2 15.9 21.2 16.5
Acrylamide solution (1) 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0
Tris 1,5 M pH 8.8 (2) 1.3 2.5 3.8 5.0 6.3 7.5 10.0 12.5
(SDS) 100 g/L of Dodecyl Sulfate of
Sodium 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.4 0.5
(APS) 100 g/L of Ammonia Persulfate(4) 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.4 0.5
(TEMED) Tetramethylethylenediamine(5) 0.004 0.008 0.012 0.016 0.02 0.024 0.032 0.04
8% acrylamide
Water 2.3 4.6 6.9 9.3 11.5 13.9 18.5 23.2
Acrylamide solution (1) 1.3 2.7 4.0 5.3 6.7 8.0 10.7 13.3
Tris 1,5 M pH 8.8 (2) 1.3 2.5 3.8 5.0 6.3 7.5 10.0 12.5
(SDS) 100 g/L of Dodecyl Sulfate of
Sodium 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.4 0.5
(APS) 100 g/L of Ammonia Persulfate(4) 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.4 0.5
(TEMED) Tetramethylethylenediamine(5) 0.003 0.006 0.009 0.002 0.005 0.008 0.024 0.03
10% Acrylamide
Water 1.9 4.0 5.9 7.9 9.9 11.9 15.9 19.8
Acrylamide solution (1) 1.7 3.3 5.0 6.7 8.3 10.0 13.3 16.7
Tris 1,5 M pH 8.8 (2) 1.3 2.5 3.8 5.0 6.3 7.5 10.0 12.5
(SDS) 100 g/L of Dodecyl Sulfate of
Sodium 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.4 0.5
(APS) 100 g/L of Ammonia Persulfate(4) 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.4 0.5

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Component volume in mL per gel

Solution components mold volume of:
5 mL 10 mL 15 mL 20 mL 25 mL 30 mL 40 mL 50 mL
(TEMED) Tetramethylethylenediamine(5) 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.002 0.016 0.02
12% Acrylamide
Water 1.6 3.3 4.9 6.6 8.2 9.9 13.2 16.5
Acrylamide solution (1) 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 16.0 20.0
Tris 1,5 M pH 8.8 (2) 1.3 2.5 3.8 5.0 6.3 7.5 10.0 12.5
(SDS) 100 g/L of Dodecyl Sulfate of
Sodium(3) 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.4 0.5
(APS) 100 g/L of Ammonia Persulfate(4) 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.4 0.5
(TEMED) Tetramethylethylenediamine(5) 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.016 0.02
14% Acrylamide
Water 1.4 2.7 3.9 5.3 6.6 8.0 10.6 13.8
Acrylamide solution (1) 2.3 4.6 7.0 9.3 11.6 13.9 18.6 23.2
Tris 1,5 M pH 8.8 (2) 1.2 2.5 3.6 5.0 6.3 7.5 10.0 12.5
(SDS) 100 g/L of Dodecyl Sulfate of
Sodium 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.4 0.5
(APS) 100 g/L of Ammonia Persulfate(4) 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.4 0.5
(TEMED) Tetramethylethylenediamine(5) 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.016 0.02
15% Acrylamide
Water 1.1 2.3 3.4 4.6 5.7 6.9 9.2 11.5
Acrylamide solution (1) 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 20.0 25.0
Tris 1,5 M pH 8.8 (2) 1.3 2.5 3.8 5.0 6.3 7.5 10.0 12.5
(SDS) 100 g/L of Dodecyl Sulfate of
Sodium 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.4 0.5
(APS) 100 g/L of Ammonia Persulfate(4) 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.4 0.5
(TEMED) Tetramethylethylenediamine(5) 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.016 0.02
(1) Acrylamide solution: acrylamide/bisacrylamide (29:1) at 30% (w/v) RS
(2) 1.5 M Tris pH 8.8: 1.5 M trihydrochloride buffer pH 8.8.
(3) SDS 100 g/L: 10% sodium dodecyl sulfate solution (w/v).
(4) PSA 100 g/L: 10% ammonium persulfate solution (w/v). Ammonium persulfate provides the free radicals that induce the polymerization of
acrylamide and bisacrylamide. The ammonia persulfate solution decomposes slowly and is renewed every week.
(5) TEMED: N,N,N',N'-tetramethylethylenediamine.

Table 2 – Preparation of the stacking gel.

Component volume in mL per gel
Solution components mold volume of:
1 mL 2 mL 3 mL 4 mL 5 mL 6 mL 8 mL 10 mL
Water 0.68 1.4 2.1 2.7 3.4 4.1 5.5 6.8
Acrylamide solution (1) 0.17 0.33 0.5 0.67 0.83 1.0 1.3 1.7
Tris M pH 6.8(2) 0.13 0.25 0.38 0.5 0.63 0.75 1.0 1.25
(SDS) 100 g/L of Dodecyl Sulfate of
0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.1
(APS) 100 g/L of Ammonia Persulfate(4) 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.1
(TEMED) Tetramethylethylenediamine(5) 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.008 0.01

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(1) Acrylamide solution: acrylamide/bisacrylamide (29:1) at 30% (w/v) RS

(2) 6.8 M Tris pH 8.8: 1.5 M trihydrochloride buffer pH 6.8.
(3) SDS 100 g/L: 10% sodium dodecyl sulfate solution (w/v).
(4) APS 100 g/L: 10% ammonium persulfate solution (w/v). Ammonium persulfate provides the free radicals that induce the polymerization of
acrylamide and bisacrylamide. The ammonia persulfate solution decomposes slowly and is renewed every week.
(5) TEMED: N,N,N',N'-tetramethylethylenediamine.

When polymerization is complete (about 30 minutes), carefully remove the comb. Wash the wells
immediately with water or SDS-PAGE electrophoresis buffer to remove any unpolymerized
acrylamide. If necessary, straighten the teeth from the stacking gel with a blunt tip hypodermic needle
attached to a syringe on one of the short sides of the plate, carefully remove the tube and place the
clamps back. Proceed in the same manner on the other short side and then at the base of the mold.
Introduce the gel into the electrophoresis device.

Insert the electrophoresis buffers into the upper and lower reservoirs. Eliminate any bubbles trapped
in the base of the gel between the glass plates. It is recommended to use a bent hypodermic needle
attached to a syringe for this purpose. Never establish electrical voltage on the gel without the
samples, as this can destroy the discontinuity of the buffer system. Before depositing the sample,
wash or fill the wells with caution with SDS-PAGE electrophoresis buffer. Prepare problem and
standard solutions using the recommended sample buffer and handle them as specified in the analyte
monograph. Apply the appropriate volume of the different solutions to the concentration gel wells.
Carry out electrophoresis under the conditions recommended by the device manufacturer. Certain
manufacturers of SDS-PAGE devices provide gels of various surfaces and thicknesses. To obtain an
optimal separation, it may be necessary to vary the electrophoresis duration and electrical parameters
as indicated by the manufacturer. Check that the staining front moves on the separating gel; if it
reaches the base of the gel, stop the electrophoresis. Remove the mold from the appliance and separate
the two glass plates. Remove the spacers, separate and discard the stacking gel and proceed
immediately to staining.


Coomassie blue staining is the most frequently used method for protein detection, with a detection
level of 1µg to 10µg of protein per band. Silver nitrate staining is the most sensitive method for
visualizing proteins in gels; it enables detection of bands with 10 ng to 100 ng of protein. All gel
staining steps are carried out at room temperature, with moderate agitation and orbital movement in
appropriate device. Gloves must be worn to avoid depositing fingerprints on the gel that would also
be stained.

Coomassie blue staining. Soak the gel for at least one hour in a large excess of Coomassie blue RS.
Discard the staining solution. Dip the gel in a large excess of bleach solution (consists of a mixture
of one volume of glacial acetic acid, four volumes of methyl alcohol and five volumes of water).
Renew the bleaching solution several times until the protein bands clearly appear on a light
background. The stronger the gel discoloration, the less protein will be detected by this method. It is
possible to accelerate the discoloration by incorporating a few grams of ion exchange resin or a
sponge into the bleaching solution.

Note: The acid-alcoholic solutions used in this method do not fully bind the gel proteins. There may
therefore be a loss of certain low molar mass proteins during the staining and bleaching operations
of thin gels. Permanent fixation can be achieved by placing the gel for one hour in a mixture of one
volume of trichloroacetic acid, four volumes of methyl alcohol and five volumes of water, before
dipping into the Coomassie Blue RS Solution.

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Staining with silver nitrate. Immerse the gel for one hour in a large volume of fixing solution (consists
of adding 0.27 mL of formaldehyde in 250 mL of methyl alcohol and diluting to 500 mL with water).
Discard and renew the fixation solution and allow to incubate for at least one hour, or overnight if
more practical. Discard the fixation solution and place the gel in an excess volume of water for one
hour, then soak for 15 minutes in 1% (v/v) glutaraldehyde solution. Wash the gel by placing it twice
in an excess volume of water for 15 minutes, then immerse it for 15 minutes, protected from light, in
fresh-prepared silver nitrate RS1. Wash the gel by placing it three times in an excess volume of water
for 15 minutes and then immerse it for about one minute in the development solution (consisting of
diluting 2.5 mL of 2% citric acid monohydrate (w/v) and 0.27 mL of formaldehyde in water and dilute
to 500 mL with water) until obtaining satisfactory color.

Suspend the development by immersion for 15 minutes in a 10% (v/v) acetic acid solution. Wash
with water.

Drying of stained SDS polyacrylamide gels

The treatment of gels is slightly different depending on the staining method used. In Coomassie
staining, the discoloration step is followed by immersion of the gel in a 10% (w/v) glycerol solution
for at least two hours (or overnight). In silver staining, the final wash is followed by immersion in a
2% (w/v) glycerol solution for five minutes. Soak two sheets of porous cellulose in water for five to
ten minutes. Place one of the sheets in a drying frame. Gently lift the gel and place on the cellulose
sheet. Eliminate any bubbles that may have been trapped and add a few milliliters of water along the
edges of the gel. Cover with the second sheet and remove any trapped air bubbles. Finish the drying
frame assembly. Place in the oven or allow to dry at room temperature.


The molecular mass of proteins is determined by comparing their mobility with the mobility of several
known protein molecular mass markers. For the standardization of gels, there are mixtures of proteins
of exactly known molecular masses that allow for obtaining a uniform coloration. Such blends are
available for different molecular weight ranges. Concentrated stock solutions of proteins of known
molecular weight are diluted in buffer for appropriate sampling and deposited on the same gel as the
protein sample to be examined. Immediately after electrophoresis, determine the exact position of the
marking dye (bromophenol blue) to identify the ion migration front. For this purpose, a small portion
of the gel edge can be cut, or a needle wet in Indian ink can be dipped into the gel, at the level of the
dye migration front. After staining the gel, determine the migration distance of each protein band
(markers and unknown bands) from the upper edge of the separating gel and divide each of these
migration distances by the distance traveled by the marking dye. The migration distances thus
obtained are called relative protein mobilities (in reference to the staining front) and are
conventionally represented by Rf. Plot a graph using the logarithms of the relative molecular mass
(Mr) of the protein standards versus the corresponding Rfs. The graphics obtained are slightly
sigmoid. The calculation of unknown molecular masses can be performed by linear regression, or by
interpolation from the log variation curve (Mr) as a function of the Rf, as long as the values obtained
for the unknown samples are located in the linear part of the graph.

Test validation

The test will only be valid if the proteins used as molecular mass markers are distributed over 80%
of the length of the gel and if, within the desired separation range (for example, the range that covers
the product and the dimer, or the product and the related impurities) there is for the protein bands
concerned a linear relation between the log of molecular mass and the Rf value. Supplementary
validation requirements regarding sample preparation may be specified in particular monographs.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.22-00


When a particular content of impurities is specified in a monograph, it is convenient to prepare a

standard solution corresponding to that content by diluting the problem solution. If, for example, this
limit is 5%, the standard solution is a 1:20 dilution of the problem solution. The electrophoretogram
obtained with the problem solution does not present any band due to impurities (besides the main
band) that is more intense than the main band of the electrophoretogram obtained with the standard
solution. As long as it operates under validated conditions, it is possible to quantify the impurities by
normalization in relation to the main band, using an integrating densitometer. In this case, the linearity
of the responses is verified. CAPILLARY ELECTROPHORESIS

Capillary electrophoresis (CE) is a physical analysis method based on the migration, inside a
capillary, of charged solutes, dissolved in an electrolyte solution, under the influence of an electric
current. Currently, CE comprises a family of electrokinetic separation methods that separate
substances based, above all, on the difference in electrophoretic mobility, partition between phases,
isoelectric point, molecular size, or even on the combination of one or more of these properties.


In CE, separation is governed by two factors. The first corresponds to the movement of solutes in the
capillary due to the electric field (E), also called electrophoretic velocity. The second occurs as a
function of the electrolyte flow due to the charged surface on the capillary wall, being called
electroosmotic flow. The electrophoretic mobility of a solute (μep) is related to specific characteristics
such as molecular size, shape and electrical charge, as well as the inherent properties of the electrolyte
in which migration occurs (electrolyte ionic strength, pH, viscosity and presence of additives). Under
the influence of voltage, charged solutes migrate through the electrolyte with a given velocity, Vep,
given in cm/s, and calculated by the formula:

𝑞 𝑉
𝑉𝑒𝑝 = 𝜇𝑒𝑝 ∙ 𝐸 = ( )( )
6𝜋𝜂𝑟 𝐿

𝜇𝑒𝑝 =electrophoretic mobility;
E = applied voltage;
q = effective charge of the solute;
η = electrolyte viscosity;
r = Stokes radius;
V = voltage applied to the system;
L = total capillary length.

When an electric field is applied across the capillary, an electrolyte flow is generated inside the
capillary. The migration of different solutes along the capillary towards the detector, regardless of the
presence of ionic charge, indicates that in addition to electrophoretic mobility, an additional force is
involved. Without this additional force, positively charged compounds would migrate through the
capillary while the anions would remain at a distance from the detector and the neutral solutes would
simply not migrate. The additional force that directs all solutes through the capillary is called
electroosmotic flow (EOF) and plays an important role in different types of CE.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.22-00

EOF originates from the ionization of the silanol groups in the inner wall of the capillary, which are
transformed into silanoate groups (Si-O-), at a pH above three. These negatively charged groups
attract the electrolyte cations, forming an inner layer on the capillary wall. The double layer formed
near the capillary surface is essentially static. The more diffuse layer, close to the double layer, is
mobile and, under the action of an electrical voltage, migrates towards the cathode, carrying the
hydration water together. Between the two layers there is a friction plane and the electrical imbalance
generated corresponds to the potential difference that crosses the two layers, called zeta potential (ζ).

The speed of the electroosmotic flow is dependent on the electroosmotic mobility (μeo) which, in
turn, is directly related to the charge density of the inner wall of the capillary and the characteristics
of the electrolyte. The velocity of the electroosmotic flow (Veo) can be calculated by the formula:

𝜀∙ζ 𝑉
𝑉𝑒𝑜 = 𝜇𝑒𝑜 ∙ 𝐸 = ( )( )
𝜂 𝐿

𝜀 = electrolyte dielectric constant;
ζ = capillary surface zeta potential;
η = electrolyte viscosity;
V = voltage applied to the system;
L = total capillary length.

The electrophoretic and electroosmotic mobilities of a solute can act in the same direction or in
opposite directions, depending on the charge (positive or negative) of the solute and the speed of the
solute (v), according to the formula below:

𝑉 = 𝑉𝑒𝑝 ± 𝑉𝑒𝑜

The sum or difference between the two speeds is used depending on whether the mobilities act in the
same direction or in opposite directions. In capillary electrophoresis, in its most usual form, anions
will migrate in the opposite direction to the electroosmotic flow and their velocities will be lower
than the velocity of the electroosmotic flow. Cations will migrate in the same direction as the
electroosmotic flow and their velocities will be higher than the velocity of the electroosmotic flow.
In this condition, in which there is a fast electroosmotic flow velocity in relation to the electrophoretic
velocity of solutes, cations and anions can be separated in the same electrophoretic run.

The time (t) required for the solute to migrate a distance (l) from the capillary injection terminal to
the capillary detection window (effective capillary length) is defined by the formula:

𝑙 𝑙(𝐿)
𝑡= =
𝑉𝑒𝑝 ± 𝑉𝑒𝑜 𝑉(𝑈𝑒𝑝 ± 𝑈𝑒𝑜 )

l = distance from the capillary injection terminal to the capillary detection window (effective capillary
Vep =electrophoretic speed;
Veo = speed of electroosmotic flow.

The reproducibility of solute migration speed is directly related to the maintenance of a constant value
of the electroosmotic flux between different electrophoretic runs. For some specific applications, it

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.22-00

may be necessary to reduce or even suppress the electroosmotic flow through changes in the capillary
wall or in the concentration, composition and/or pH of the electrolyte solution.

After introducing the sample into the capillary, each sample solute migrates along with the electrolyte
as an independent band, according to its intrinsic mobility. Under ideal conditions, the only factor
that can contribute to the widening of the band comes from the molecular diffusion of the solute along
the capillary (longitudinal diffusion). In this case, the band performance is expressed as the number
of theoretical plates (N) according to the formula:

(𝜇𝑒𝑝 ± 𝜇𝑒𝑜 ) ∙ (𝑉𝑙)


D = molecular diffusion coefficient of the solute in the electrolyte;

The remaining terms were covered earlier.

The separation between two bands can be achieved by modifying the electrophoretic mobility of the
solutes, by the electroosmotic flow and by increasing the performance of the bands of each solute
under analysis. The resolution can be calculated by the formula:

√𝑁(𝜇𝑒𝑝𝑏 − 𝜇𝑒𝑝𝑎 )
𝑅𝑠 =
4(𝜇𝑒𝑝 + 𝜇𝑒𝑜 )

μepa and μepb = electrophoretic mobilities of two solutes to be separated;
μeo= mobility of electroosmotic flow;
𝜇 −𝜇𝑒𝑝𝑎
μep= average electrophoretic mobility of solutes( 𝑒𝑝𝑏 2 )


Capillary electrophoresis apparatus is composed of:

- a high voltage source;

- two electrolyte reservoirs, kept at the same level, containing anodic and cathodic solutions;

- two electrodes (cathode and anode), immersed in the electrolyte reservoirs and connected to the
high voltage source;

- a fused silica capillary provided with a detection window for alignment to certain types of
detectors. The capillary ends are immersed in the reservoirs containing the electrolyte solutions. The
capillary must be filled with the electrolyte solution prescribed in the monograph;

- system for injection of the solute(s) sample by hydrodynamic or electrokinetic action. The choice
of the injection process and its automation are essential in quantitative analysis by capillary
electrophoresis. The introduction of the sample through the electrokinetic mode must take into
account the intrinsic electrophoretic mobility of each solute, allowing adequate discrimination of the
different components of the sample;

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- detector capable of monitoring the amount of solutes that pass through the capillary detection
segment in a specific time range. The most common detectors are based on absorption
spectrophotometry (UV and UV-VIS) or fluorimetry. Analyses can also be carried out using
electrochemical detectors or by coupling with mass spectrometry;

- temperature control system capable of keeping it constant inside the capillary. Changes in
temperature imply a lack of reproducibility in the separation of solutes;

- computerized system for recording and integrating electropherograms.

The monograph for each substance should detail the capillary type, electrolyte solutions,
preconditioning method, sample conditions and electrophoretic migration.

The electrolyte solution must be filtered (0.45µm filter) to remove particles and de-aerated to avoid
the formation of bubbles that could interfere with the detection system or break electrical contact in
the capillary during electrophoretic migration. Electrophoretic methods must establish a detailed
capillary washing procedure between each run to allow reproducible migration times of the solutes


In this method, solutes are separated in a capillary containing only electrolyte, without any
anticonvective medium. The separation mechanism is based on the differences presented by the
charge/mass ratio of the analyzed species that migrate as bands at different speeds. Solutes are
separated by the combination of intrinsic electrophoretic mobility and the magnitude of
electroosmotic flow in the capillary. Internally coated capillaries, with reduced electroosmotic flow,
can be used to increase the separation capacity of solutes that adsorb on the capillary surface.

The free solution method is suitable for the analysis of low molecular mass (PM < 2000) and high
molecular mass (2000 < PM < 100 000) solutes. Due to the high performance of the system, molecules
with minimal differences in their mass/charge ratio can be discriminated. The method also allows for
the separation of chiral solutes by adding chiral selectors to the separation electrolyte. Separation
optimization requires the evaluation of different instrumental and electrolyte solution-related


Voltage – the separation time is proportional to the applied voltage. However, an increase in the
voltage used can cause excessive heat production (Joule effect), causing an increase in temperature
and viscosity gradients in the electrolyte inside the capillary, which are responsible for widening the
band and reducing the resolution of the solutes under analysis;

Polarity – electrode polarity can be normal (inlet anode and outlet cathode). In this case the
electroosmotic flow moves towards the cathode. If the electrode polarity is reversed, the direction of
the electroosmotic flow is opposite to the exit and only charged solutes with electrophoretic mobility
greater than that of the electroosmotic flow migrate towards the exit;

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Temperature – the main effect of temperature is observed on the viscosity and electrical conductivity
of the electrolyte. Changes in these two electrolyte properties determine differences in migration

Capillary – the length and internal diameter influence analytical parameters such as total solute
migration time, separation performance and loading capacity. Under constant voltage, the increase in
the total and effective length of the capillary can reduce the electrical current, which, in turn,
determines the increase in the migration time of the analytes. Capillaries with a smaller internal
diameter have a better capacity to dissipate the heat generated by the electrical current (Joule effect),
allowing for an increase in the applied voltage and a reduction in the analysis time. The detection
limit of the method can also be influenced by the internal diameter, depending on the injected sample
volume and the detection system used. The performance of separations can also be increased by
reducing the internal diameter of the capillary.

Adsorption of sample components to the inner wall of the capillary can limit performance. For this
reason, strategies to avoid these interactions should be considered when developing a capillary
electrophoresis separation method. This is a critical factor, for example, in samples containing
proteins. One of these strategies (using extreme pH(s) and adsorption of positively charged
electrolytes) requires modifying the electrolyte composition to prevent adsorption of proteins.
Alternatively, it is possible to cover the inner wall of the capillary with a polymer through covalent
bonds, preventing the interaction of proteins with the surface of the negatively charged silica. For this
proposal, capillaries with the inner wall previously covered with polymers of neutral-hydrophilic,
cationic and anionic nature are commercially available.


Buffer nature and concentration – Electrolytes for capillary electrophoresis must have adequate
buffering capacity in the chosen pH range and low mobility, in order to minimize the generation of
electrical current. To decrease the distortion of the electrophoretic peak, matching the mobility of the
electrolyte ion with the mobility of the solute is required. The choice of sample solvent is important
to achieve solute uniformity, which allows for increased separation performance and improved
detection. Furthermore, an increase in the concentration of the electrolyte at a specific pH determines
a decrease in the electroosmotic flow and solute velocity.

Electrolyte pH – The pH of the electrolyte can affect separation by modifying the charge of solute or
other additives, as well as altering the electroosmotic flow. The change in the pH value of the
electrolyte above or below the isoelectric point of proteins and peptides influences the separation of
these solutes, by changing the net charge from negative to positive. In general, an increase in the
electrolyte pH causes an increase in the electroosmotic flow.

Organic solvents – Organic solvents, such as methyl alcohol, acetonitrile, among others, can be added
to the aqueous electrolyte to increase the solubility of the solute and/or other additives present in the
electrolyte, or even influence the degree of ionization of the solutes in the sample. The addition of
these solvents to the electrolyte usually causes a reduction in the electroosmotic flow.

Additives for chiral separations – Enantiomeric separations should be carried out by adding chiral
selectors to the running electrolyte. The most used chiral selectors are cyclodextrins. However, crown
ethers, polysaccharides and proteins can also be used for this purpose. Enantiomeric discrimination
is governed by different interactions between the chiral selector and each of the enantiomers of the
solute under analysis. Accordingly, the correct choice of the selector directly influences the
enantiomeric resolution obtained for chiral solutes. During the development of a method for
enantiomeric separation, it is recommended to test cyclodextrins of different cavity sizes, (a, b, g),
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cyclodextrins modified with neutral groups (methyl, ethyl, hydroxyalkyl, etc.), or with ionizable
groups (aminomethyl , carboxymethyl, sulfobutylether, etc.). The resolution of chiral separations is
also controlled by the concentration of the chiral selector, the composition and pH of the electrolyte,
and the analysis temperature. Organic additives such as methyl alcohol and urea can be used to modify


In micellar electrokinetic chromatography, separation occurs in an electrolytic solution that contains

a surfactant at a concentration above the critical micellar concentration (CMC). The solute molecules
are distributed between the electrolyte and the pseudo-stationary phase composed of micelles,
according to the solute partition coefficient. It is a method that can be used for the separation of
neutral and/or ionized solutes, maintaining the performance, speed and instrumental suitability of
capillary electrophoresis. The anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) is one of the most
used surfactants in MEKC, although others are also used, such as cationic surfactants
(cetyltrimethylammonium salts).

At neutral or alkaline pH, a strong electro-osmotic flow is generated, moving the separating
electrolyte ions towards the cathode. If SDS is used as a surfactant, the electrophoretic migration of
the anionic micelle will be in the opposite direction, towards the anode. As a result, the total micellar
migration speed is reduced compared to the flow of the electrolyte solution. In neutral solutes, since
the analyte can be distributed between the micelle and the electrolyte, and there is no electrophoretic
mobility, the rate of migration of the analyte will only depend on the partition coefficient between the
micelle and the electrolyte. In the electropherogram, the peaks corresponding to each neutral solute
are always located between the electroosmotic and micelle flow marker (the time between these two
peaks is called separation window). For ionized solutes, the migration speed depends on the partition
coefficient of the solute between micelle and electrolyte and on the electrophoretic mobility of the
solute in the absence of the micelle.

In MEKC, the mechanism of neutral and weakly ionized solutes is essentially chromatographic.
Therefore, solute migration and resolution can be represented in terms of the solute retention factor
(k), also called the mass distribution ratio (Dm), which is the ratio between the number of moles of
the solute within the micelle and in the mobile phase. For a neutral substance, k can be calculated
using the following formula:

𝑡𝑅 − 𝑡0 𝑉𝑆
𝑘= 𝑡 = 𝐾 ×
𝑡0 × (1 − 𝑡 𝑅 ) 𝑉𝑀

𝑡𝑅 = solute migration time;
𝑡0 = migration time of an unretained solute (determined by injection of an electroosmotic flow marker
that does not bind to the micelle, e.g. methyl alcohol);
𝑡𝑚𝑐 = micelle migration time (determined by the injection of a micelle marker, such as Sudan III,
which continuously migrates associated with the micelle throughout the electrophoretic migration);
K = solute partition coefficient;
𝑉𝑆 = micellar phase volume;
𝑉𝑀 = mobile phase volume;

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Likewise, the resolution between 2 adjacent peaks (Rs) is given by:

√𝑁 𝛼 − 1 𝑘𝑏 1 − (𝑡 0 )
𝑅𝑆 = × × ×
4 𝛼 𝑘𝑏 + 1 1 + 𝑘 ( 𝑡0 )
𝑎 𝑡

N = Number of theoretical plates of each solute;
𝛼 = selectivity;
ka and kb = retention factors for both solutes respectively (kb > ka).

Similarly, but not identically, the formulas provide values of k and Rs for charged solutes.


The development of methods by MEKC involves instrumental and electrolyte solution parameters:

Instrumental parameters

Voltage – the separation time is inversely proportional to the applied voltage. However, an increase
in voltage can cause excessive heat production, increasing the temperature and viscosity gradients of
the electrolyte in the capillary cross-section. This effect can have a relevant impact on electrolytes
with higher conductivity, such as those containing micellar systems. Systems that have lower heat
dissipation capacity determine band broadening and lower resolution between peaks.

Temperature – Changes in capillary temperature affect the solute partition coefficient between the
electrolyte and micelles, the critical micelle concentration, and the electrolyte viscosity. These
parameters directly influence the solute migration time during electrophoretic separation. The use of
an adequate refrigeration system increases the reproducibility of solute migration time.

Capillary – Capillary dimensions (length and internal diameter) contribute to analysis time and
performance of separations. Under constant voltage, the increase in the total and effective length of
the capillary can decrease the electrical current, which, in turn, determines the increase in the
migration time of the analytes. The internal diameter of the capillary controls the dissipation of heat
(in a given electrolyte and electrical current) and consequently the widening of the solute bands.

Electrolyte Solution Parameters

Nature of the surfactant and concentration – The nature of the surfactant, analogous to the stationary
phase in chromatography, affects the resolution, as it modifies the selectivity of the separation. The
log k of a neutral substance increases linearly with the concentration of the surfactant in the mobile
phase. Since the resolution in MEKC reaches a maximum when k has a value close to

√𝑡𝑚𝑐 /𝑡0

Modifications in the concentration of surfactant present in the mobile phase determine changes in the
resolution of the bands.

Electrolyte pH – pH does not change the partition coefficient of non-ionized solutes, but may
determine changes in electroosmotic flow in uncoated capillaries. A decrease in electrolyte pH

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reduces the electroosmotic flow, providing an increase in the resolution of neutral solutes and in the
analysis time.

Organic solvents – organic solvents (methyl alcohol, propanol, acetonitrile) can be added to the
electrolyte solution to improve the separation of hydrophobic solutes. In general, the addition of these
modifiers reduces migration time and separation selectivity. The percentage of added organic solvent
must take into account the critical micellar concentration of the surfactant, considering that excessive
values can affect or even inhibit the micelle formation process and, therefore, the absence of the
partition phenomenon. The dissociation of micelles in the presence of high percentages of modifier
does not necessarily mean better results in the separation. In certain situations, the hydrophobic
interaction between the surfactant monomer and neutral solutes form solvophobic complexes that can
be electrophoretically separated.

Modifiers for chiral separations – the separation of enantiomers in MEKC can be achieved through
the inclusion of chiral selectors to the micellar system, covalently linked to the surfactant or added to
the separation electrolyte. Micelles that have bonds with chiral discrimination properties include salts
of N-dodecanoyl-L -amino acids, bile salts, among others. Chiral resolution can also be achieved
through chiral selectors, such as cyclodextrins, added directly to electrolyte solutions containing non-
chiral surfactants.

Other Additives – Selectivity can be modified through various strategies, by adding chemicals to the
electrolyte. The addition of several types of cyclodextrins to the electrolyte can also be used to reduce
the interaction of hydrophobic solutes with the micelle, thus increasing the selectivity for this type of

The addition of substances capable of modifying the solute-micelle interactions by adsorption in the
latter has been used to increase the selectivity of separations in MEKC. These additives can be a
second surfactant (ionic or non-ionic) that originate a mixture of micelles or metallic cations that
dissolve the micelle forming coordination complexes with the solutes.


The areas under the peaks must be divided by the corresponding migration time to provide the correct
area in order to:

- compensate for the shift in migration time between runs, thus reducing response variation;

- compensate for the different responses of the sample components with different migration times.

When an internal standard is used, it must be verified that no solute peak to be analyzed overlaps with
the peak of the internal standard.


The content of the component (or components) under analysis must be calculated from the values
obtained. When prescribed, the percentage content of one or more components of the sample to be
analyzed is calculated by determining the corrected area(s) of the peak(s) as a percentage of the total
corrected areas of all peaks, excluding those resulting from solvents or added reagents
(standardization process). It is recommended to use an automatic integration system (integrator or
data acquisition and processing system).

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The suitability parameters of the system are used to verify the behavior of the method by capillary
electrophoresis. The choice of these parameters depends on the type of Capillary Electrophoresis
used. The factors are: retention factor (k) (only for micellar electrokinetic chromatography), apparent
number of theoretical plates (N), symmetry factor (As) and resolution (Rs). The formulas that allow
you to calculate the values of N and Rs through the electropherograms are given below.

Apparent number of theoretical plates

The apparent number of theoretical plates (N) can be calculated using the expression:

𝑁 = 5,54 × ( ) ²

𝑡𝑅 = migration time or distance from the baseline from the injection point to the perpendicular line
of the maximum point of the peak corresponding to the component;
𝑤ℎ = peak width at half height


The resolution (Rs) between peaks of similar heights of 2 components can be calculated using the

1,18 × (𝑡𝑅2 − 𝑡𝑅1 )

𝑅𝑆 =
𝑤ℎ1 + 𝑤ℎ2

𝑡𝑅2 > 𝑡𝑅1

tR1 andtR2 = migration times or baseline distances from the injection point to the perpendicular line
of the maximum point of two adjacent peaks
wh1 and wh2 = peak width at half height

Where appropriate, resolution can be calculated by measuring the valley height (Hv)between 2
partially resolved peaks in a standard preparation and the height of the smaller peak ( (Hp), calculating
the peak/valley ratio (p/v) :

𝑝 𝐻𝑝
𝑣 𝐻𝑣

Symmetry factor

The symmetry factor (As) of a peak can be calculated using the expression:
𝐴𝑆 =

w0.05 = peak width determined at 5% of height value;

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d = distance between the perpendicular line of the maximum peak and the tangent of the peak at 5%
of the height of the peak.

Tests for area repeatability (standard deviation of areas or the area/migration time ratio) and for
migration time repeatability (standard deviation of migration time) are introduced as suitability
parameters. The repeatability of the migration time provides a test for the adequacy of capillary
washing procedures. An alternative practice to avoid lack of repeatability of the migration time is to
use the migration time relative to an internal standard.

A test to check the signal-to-noise ratio of a standard preparation (or determination of the limit of
quantification) can also be useful for the determination of related substances.

Signal: noise ratio

The limits of detection and quantification correspond to the signal:noise ratio of 3 and 10,
respectively. The signal:noise ratio (S/N) is calculated using the expression:

𝑆 2𝐻
𝑁 ℎ

H = peak height corresponding to the specific component, in the electropherogram obtained with the
reference solution, measured from the peak maximum to the extrapolated baseline of the observed
signal over a distance equal to 20 times the width at half height of the peak;
h = baseline range in an electropherogram obtained after blank injection, observed at a distance equal
to 20 times the width at half height of the peak in the electropherogram obtained with the reference
solution, and if possible, located close to the retention time where this peak would be found.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.23-00



Enantiomers generally exhibit different pharmacological and toxicological properties as the main
molecular targets, such as proteins, nucleic acids and polysaccharides, are chiral. For example, the
methyl ether enantiomers of levorphanol, dextromethorphan and levomethorphan are used differently
in therapy. While dextromethorphan is indicated as an antitussive, levomethorphan is indicated as an

Due to the recognition of the importance of the clinical use of enantiomerically pure drugs in the
treatment of several diseases, pharmaceutical laboratories are constantly encouraged to make
resolved drugs available in industrial quantities.

To ensure the safety and efficiency of drugs available and under development, it is necessary to
resolve the enantiomers and examine each one for pharmacological and toxicological activities. After
identifying the most active enantiomer (eutomer), the enantiomeric excess of the eutomer from
synthesis to consumption must be evaluated to ensure the quality of the drug.


Separation, or resolution, of enantiomers by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) began

to be applied in the 1960s. In the seventies, with the advent of small particle columns for liquid
chromatography, the development of chiral stationary phases for the resolution of racemic drugs

HPLC is considered one of the most efficient methods for the separation, detection and quantification
of drugs. The use of adequate chiral stationary phase (CSP) becomes a powerful method for the
separation of enantiomers.

The chromatographic resolution of enantiomers can be achieved by several methods, however, the
use of some type of discriminator or chiral selector is always required. The indirect and direct methods
are the two manners to separate the enantiomers using liquid chromatography.

In the indirect method, enantiomers are converted to diastereoisomers by reaction with a chiral
substance. Diastereoisomers are substances that have different physicochemical properties and,
therefore, can be separated using a non-chiral stationary phase.

The indirect method was widely used in the past. However, it has limitations such as the need to
isolate the substance of interest and the related derivatization. These facts make it difficult to develop
the automated process for large numbers of samples. Furthermore, the enantiomeric purity of the
derivatizing agents is important to avoid false results. Another limitation is the different reaction rates
and/or constants for the enantiomers since the reaction transition states are diastereoisomeric, which
can result in a different proportion of the initial enantiomeric composition.

In the direct method, the mixture of enantiomers to be resolved is injected directly into the
chromatograph. For the separation of the enantiomers, a CSP, a chiral solvent, or a mobile phase
with a chiral additive can be used. Resolution occurs due to the formation of diastereoisomeric
complexes between the enantiomeric mixture and the chiral selector used for resolution. The use of
CSP is currently the most used method for resolution by HPLC.

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In the following tables (Tables 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) the main classes of stationary phases used for the
resolution of racemic mixtures and some examples of chiral selectors in each class are presented.
Consult the manufacturer for indication of the use of each selector.

Table 1 – Pirkle-type chiral stationary phases.

Chiral discriminator*
DNB- -amino-2,2-dimethyl-4-pentynyl dimethyl phosphonate
(Naphthyl) ethylamide

* Most Pirkle-type columns are available in both enantiomeric forms.

Table 2 – Protein-based chiral stationary phases.

Chiral discriminator
α1-acidic glycoprotein
Bovine serum albumin
Human serum albumin
Cellobiohydrolase I

Table 3 – Chiral stationary phases of cavity or inclusion type.

Chiral discriminator

Table 4 – Carbohydrate-type chiral stationary phases.

Chiral discriminator
Tris (dimethylphenylcarbamoyl)cellulose
Tris (4-methylbenzoate)cellulose
Tris (phenylcarbamoyl)cellulose
Cellulose triacetate
Cellulose tribenzoate
Cellulose tribenzyl ether
Cellulose Tricinnamate

Table 5 – Macrocyclic antibiotic chiral stationary phases

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Chiral discriminator

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.24-00


Water electrical conductivity is a measure of electrons flow, which is facilitated by the presence of
ions. Water molecules dissociate into ions as a function of pH and temperature, resulting in a certain
conductivity. Some gases, especially carbon dioxide, dissolve in water and interact to form ions that
affect water conductivity and pH. These ions and their resulting conductivity can be considered to be
intrinsic to water. Exposing the sample to the atmosphere can change the conductivity/resistivity due
to the loss or gain of dissolved gases.

Chloride and ammonium ions are some of the main impurities found in water and also influence its
conductivity. These external ions can significantly impact the chemical purity of water and
compromise its use in pharmaceutical applications.

The combined conductivities of dry intrinsic ions and external ions vary according to pH and are the
basis for the conductivity specifications described in Table 3 and used when running step 3 of the
test. Two preliminary steps are included in this test. If the test conditions and conductivity limits are
met in any of these preliminary steps (Steps 1 and 2), water meets the requirements of this test and
the application of Step 3 is not required. Only in case the sample does not meet the requirements of
Step 3, water is judged not to comply with the requirements of the conductivity test.


The conductivity of water must be measured using calibrated instruments with a resolution of
0.1 μЅ/cm. The thermometer should have 0.1°C divisions and cover the range of 23°C to 27°C.
Electrodes must be maintained as recommended by the device manufacturer.

The cell conductivity constant is a factor used as a multiplier for the conductivity meter scale values.

Cell constant: the value must be known in ±2%. Generally conductivity cells show constants of 0.1
cm-1, 1 cm-1 and 2 cm-1. Most devices show the defined cell constant. It is necessary to measure this
constant with the reference KCl solution described in Table 1. Verification is normally carried out
using only a reference solution; in this case, use the lowest conductivity reference solution. However,
it is recommended to periodically measure the conductivity of the other standards and observe the
agreement between the conductivity meter reading and the nominal value of each reference solution.

Calibration: as per manufacturer’s instructions. Since most multi-scale apparatus has a single
calibration point, calibration is required whenever you use a different scale. The reading obtained
must be within ±0.1 mS/cm of the nominal value of the reference solution.

To calibrate the conductivity meter, use the reference solutions described below.

Solution A (0.01 M): weigh exactly 0.7455 g of dry potassium chloride at 105 °C for two hours,
transfer to a 1000 mL volumetric flask, adjust volume with water and homogenize.

Solution B (0.005 M): pipet 50 mL of Solution A into a 100 mL volumetric flask, adjust with water
and homogenize.

Solution C (0.001 M): pipette 10 mL of Solution A into a 100 mL volumetric flask, adjust with water
and homogenize.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.24-00

Solution D (0.0005 M): pipet 5 mL of Solution A into a 100 mL volumetric flask, adjust with water
and homogenize.

Solution E (0.0001 M): pipet 5 mL of Solution A into a 500 mL volumetric flask, adjust with water
and homogenize.

Note 1: for the preparation of the solutions above, always use carbon dioxide-free water with a
conductivity inferior to 0.10 μ

Note 2: Do not use temperature compensation and keep reference solutions at 25 °C during reading.

Table 1 – Conductivity of potassium chloride solutions (25 ºC).

Solution Concentration (mole/L) Conductivity (μЅ/cm)
A 0.01 1412
B 0.005 717.5
C 0.001 146.9
D 0.0005 73.9
E 0.0001 14.9


The procedure described below is established for measurements of purified water and water for
injections. Alternatively, Step 1 can be performed (with appropriate modifications, in accordance
with item 1 of Step 1) using "in-line" type instrumentation that has been properly calibrated, whose
cell constants have been exactly determined, and whose temperature compensation functions have
been disabled. The suitability of such “in-line” instruments for quality control testing is also
dependent on their location in the water system. Obviously, the placement of the instrument needs to
reflect the quality of the water that will be used.

Step 1

1 Rinse the cell with at least three portions of the sample.

2 The determination must be carried out in an appropriate container or as an “in-line” determination.

The value obtained must be inferior to 1.3 μS/cm, at a temperature of (25.0 ± 0.1) ºC.

3 In Table 2, find the closest and lowest temperature value to the temperature at which the
conductivity was measured. The conductivity value corresponding to this temperature is the limit.
(Do not interpolate).

4 If the measured conductivity value is not greater than the corresponding value in Table 2, the water
meets the requirements for conductivity. However, if the measured value is greater than that in the
table, proceed with the determination according to Step 2.

Table 2 – Limit values for conductivity according to temperature (only for conductivity values without
temperature compensation).
Temperature (ºC) Conductivity (μЅ/cm)
0 0.6
5 0.8
10 0.9

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15 1.0
20 1.1
25 1.3
30 1.4
35 1.5
40 1.7
45 1.8
50 1.9
55 2.1
60 2.2
65 2.4
70 2.5
75 2.7
80 2.7
85 2.7
90 2.7
95 2.9
100 3.1

Step 2

1 Transfer a sufficient amount of water (100 mL or more) to an appropriate container and shake
the sample. Adjust to (25 ± 1) °C and shake the sample vigorously, periodically observing the
conductivity meter reading. When the change in conductivity due to absorption of atmospheric carbon
dioxide is lower than 0.1 μЅ/cm for five minutes, record the conductivity.

2 If the conductivity is not higher than 2.1 μЅ/cm, the water meets the requirements for the
conductivity test. If the conductivity is higher than 2.1 μЅ/cm, proceed as per Step 3.

Step 3

Carry out this test maximum five minutes after Step 2 with the same sample, keeping temperature at
(25 ± 1) °C. Add saturated potassium chloride solution (0.3 mL for 100 mL of sample) and determine
the pH with an accuracy of 0.1 unit in accordance with Determination of pH (5.2.19). Using Table 3,
determine the limit value for conductivity according to pH.

Table 3 – Conductivity limit values according to pH (only for samples kept in balanced
atmosphere and temperature).
pH Conductivity (μЅ/cm)
5.0 4.7
5.1 4.1
5.2 3.6
5.3 3.3
5.4 3.0
5.5 2.8
5.6 2.6
5.7 2.5
5.8 2.4

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pH Conductivity (μЅ/cm)
5.9 2.4
6.0 2.4
6.1 2.4
6.2 2.5
6.3 2.4
6.4 2.3
6.5 2.2
6.6 2.1
6.7 2.6
6.8 3.1
6.9 3.8
7.0 4.6

After determining the pH and establishing the limit according to Table 3, the water meets the test if
the conductivity measured in Step 2 is not greater than this limit. If the conductivity is higher or the
pH value is outside the range of 5 to 7, the water does not meet the test for conductivity.


For ultra-purified water, in general, conductivity meters or resistivity meters installed in water
purification device have a temperature compensation circuit for 25.0,°C and provide direct reading.
These devices must be periodically calibrated. The conductivity of ultrapurified water should be 0.055
µS/cm at 25.0°C (resistivity > 18.0 for a specific application.

Alternatively, if the apparatus does not provide a direct conductivity reading, proceed as follows:

1 Rinse the cell with at least three portions of the sample.

2 Simultaneously determine the temperature and conductivity of the water without automatic
temperature compensation. The determination must be carried out in an appropriate container or
as an “in-line” determination. The value obtained must be less than 0.055 μS/cm, at a temperature
of (25.0 ± 0.1) ºC.

3 In Table 4, find the closest and lowest temperature value to the temperature at which the
conductivity was measured. The conductivity value corresponding to this temperature is the limit.
(Do not interpolate).

4 If the measured conductivity value is not greater than the corresponding value in Table 4, the water
meets the requirements for conductivity.

Table 4 – Limit values for conductivity according to temperature (only for conductivity values
without temperature compensation).
Temperature (ºC) Conductivity (μЅ/cm)
0 0.012
5 0.017
10 0.023
15 0.031
20 0.042

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25 0.055
30 0.071
35 0.090
40 0.113
45 0.140
50 0.171
55 0.207
60 0.247
65 0,294
70 0.345
75 0.403
80 0.467
85 0.537
90 0.614
95 0.696
100 0.785

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.25-00



Use neutral, colorless and transparent glass tubes, with a flat bottom and 15 to 25 mm in internal
diameter, unless otherwise indicated in the monograph. Introduce, in separate tubes, the liquid under
examination and the reference suspension indicated in the monograph, preparing it during use, as
specified in Table 1. The liquid under examination and the reference suspension must reach, in the
tubes, a height of 40 mm. Five minutes after preparation of the reference suspension, compare the
contents of the tubes, observing them vertically, under diffused visible light and against a black
background. Light scattering must be such that the reference suspension I is easily distinguished from
water and reference suspension II.

A liquid is considered clear when, when examined under the conditions described above, its
transparency corresponds to that of the water or solvent used, or when its opalescence is not more
pronounced than that of the reference suspension I.

Opalescence standard

Dissolve 1 g of hydrazine sulfate in water, adjust volume to 100 mL with the same solvent and
homogenize. Allow to stand for four to six hours. Add 25 mL of this solution to a solution containing
2.5 g of methenamine in 25 mL of water. Mix well and allow to stand for 24 hours. This suspension
is stable for two months if kept in a glass container, with a surface free of defects. The suspension
must not adhere to the walls of the container and must be vigorously shaken in the original container
before use. To prepare the opalescence standard, dilute 15 mL of the suspension to 1000 mL with
water. The opalescence standard must be prepared at the time of use and can be kept for a maximum
of 24 hours.

Table 1– Preparation of the reference suspensions.

Reference suspension I II III IV
Opalescence standard (mL) 5 10 30 50
Water (mL) 95 90 70 50

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.26-00

Alcoholometry is the determination of the alcoholic grading or ethanol content of mixtures of water
and ethyl alcohol.

The volumetric alcoholic grading of a mixture of water and alcohol is expressed by the number of
volumes of ethyl alcohol at 20°C contained in 100 volumes of this mixture at the same temperature.
It is expressed in % (v/v).

The weighed alcoholic grading is expressed by the ratio between the mass of ethyl alcohol contained
in a mixture of water and ethyl alcohol and its total mass. It is expressed in % (w/w).

Ethyl alcohol contains minimum 95.1% (v/v), corresponding to 92.55% (w/w) and maximum 96.9%
(v/v), corresponding to 95.16% (w/w) of C2H6O at 20°C. Ethyl alcohol contains minimum 99.5%
(v/v), corresponding to 99.18% (w/w) of C2H6O at 20°C. These values can be seen in the
alcoholometric table (Appendix D).


The centesimal alcoholometer is intended to determine the alcoholic content of mixtures of water and
alcohol, indicating only the concentration of alcohol in volume and expressed by its measurement
unit, degree Gay-Lussac (ºG.L.).

Alcoholmeter determinations are accurate only for the mixture of water and alcohol at 20°C on which
the instrument was graduated. If the temperature during the test is lower or higher than 20°C, it is
necessary to correct the alcohol temperature to 20°C.

The determination of the alcohol degree of water mixtures in volume is carried out by the

For the determination of the alcohol degree of the mixtures of water and alcohol in mass, the relative
density method can be used or the graduation in the alcoholometric table can be verified after the
determination by the alcoholometer.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.27-00


Thermal analysis is a set of methods that enables to measure the physicochemical properties of a
substance according to the temperature. The most commonly used methods are those that measure
the changes in energy or mass of a substance.


Thermogravimetry is the thermal analysis method in which the mass variation of the sample is
determined as a function of temperature, or heating time, using a temperature-controlled program.


It basically consists of a thermobalance that is an association between the electric oven and a high
precision electronic balance, in which the substance is inserted into a sample holder under a specified
atmosphere and a temperature controlled program. The device enables to simultaneously heat and
measure the analyte mass. In certain cases, the device can be associated with a system that makes it
possible to detect and analyze volatile products.

Thermobalance calibration and/or gauging. Transfer an adequate amount of CRS calcium oxalate
monohydrate into the sample holder. The thermobalance will indicate its mass with great precision
and accuracy. Use a heating rate of 10°C/minute and heat the sample to 900°C. At the end of the
thermal process, record: i) the thermogravimetric curve (TG), marking the temperature on the abscissa
axis (increasing values from left to right) and the percentage mass of the sample on the ordinate axis
(increasing values from bottom to top ); ii) the derived thermogravimetric curve (DTG), first derived
from the TG curve, which enables to better define where the loss of mass began and ended. Determine,
on the graph, the distance between the initial and final levels of the mass-temperature curve, the
distance that represents the loss of sample mass in the given temperature range. The reported mass
losses of CRS calcium oxalate monohydrate are calculated stoichiometrically from the three stages
of mass losses due to serial releases of: a) H2O; b) CO; c) CO2. The verification of the temperature
scale can be carried out using the melted metal hook method (In, Pb, Zn, Al, Ag and Au) according
to the manufacturer’s instructions.


Use the same method as described for calibration and/or gauging by adding an adequate amount of
sample. The TG and DTG curves, illustrated in Figure 1, indicate a stage of sample mass loss. On
the DTG curve, the initial plateau is between points ab. The loss of mass starts at point b and ends at
point c. The final plateau is between the cd points. Range bc corresponds to the reaction range. To
calculate the sample mass loss on the TG curve, comparison with the DTG curve is used for greater
precision in locating points b and c. Plot the extensions of the initial and final levels of the TG curve
on the ordinate axis using points b and c. The measured distance corresponds to the loss of mass (Dm)
of the sample. The projections of points b and c on the abscissa axis correspond, respectively, to the
initial (Ti) and final (Tf) temperature of the mass loss. Record the result as a percentage of the w/w

Note 1: It is necessary to obtain a blank test curve (heating under the same experimental conditions
using the empty sample holder) before testing the sample for baseline subtraction.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.27-00

Note 2: in case of frequent use of the device, check and/or calibrate regularly. Otherwise, perform
these operations before each determination.

Note 3: As the atmosphere can affect the results, the flow and gas composition are recorded for each

Starting level
(constant mass) Final level
(constant mass)

dm/dt (mg/min)
Mass loss



Temperature (ºC)

Figure 1 – Example of thermogravimetric curve and its measurements.


The determination of mass variation for a substance at certain temperature ranges can be used to
assess thermal behavior; determination of moisture content and/or solvents; determination of boiling
and sublimation temperature; determination of thermal decomposition temperature and determination
of ash content.


Differential scanning calorimetry is a technique that enables to evaluate the energetic, physical and/or
chemical phenomena produced during the heating (or cooling) of a substance. This method enables
measuring the differential heat flow between the sample and a thermally inert reference material as a
function of temperature and/or heating time under a controlled temperature program. The sample and
reference material are kept at approximately the same temperature during the experiment. The
enthalpy variations can be determined; the changes in specific heat and temperature of endothermic
and exothermic events. According to the measurement method used, there are two modes: DSC with
power compensation and DSC with heat flow.


The power-compensated DSC consists of a calorimetric cell that contains two ovens, one for the
reference material and the other for the sample. The DSC with heat flow consists of a calorimetric
cell containing a single oven that has a calorimetric sensor for reference and sample. The apparatus
consists of a temperature-controlled programming device, one or more thermal detectors and a
recording system that can be associated with a data processing system. Determinations are carried out
under specified atmosphere.

Equipment calibration and/or gauging. Calibrate the instrument for the temperature and heat flow
axis using high purity indium metal or any other suitable certified material in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions. To adjust the linearity, a combination of two metals such as indium and
zinc is used to measure the temperature axis.

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Transfer a precisely known quantity of the sample to a suitable sample holder. Fix the initial and final
temperature of the test and the heating rate. Start heating. After the test, record the differential
scanning calorimetry curve, writing on the abscissa axis the temperature or time (increasing values
from left to right) and the heat flow on the ordinate axis, indicating the direction (endothermic or
exothermic) . In the DSC curve illustrated in Figure 2, the enthalpic variation between the points acd
is observed. The intersection point b, referring to the extension of the baseline with the tangent at the
point of greatest slope (inflection point) of the curve, corresponds to the onset temperature
(extrapolated start of the event, Tonset), used in melting events such as initial temperature of the change
of state. The end of the thermal event is marked by point c (Tpeak). However, for curve area calculation
purposes, the point d (Tfinal) is considered. The enthalpy variation (ΔH) of the phenomenon is
proportional to the area under the curve limited by the points acd, the proportionality factor being
determined from the determination of the melting enthalpy of a known standard substance (indium,
for example) under the same working conditions. Each thermoanalytical curve is recorded containing
the following data: indication of the last calibration, sample size and identity, type of sample holder,
reference material, atmosphere (flow rate and gas composition), heating rate and sensitivity of the
calorimetric cell.
Heat flow


Ti Tonset Tpeak Tf
Temperature (ºC)

Figure 2 – Example of a typical DSC curve and its measurements.


The evaluation of the differential heat flow referring to variations in thermal capacity and enthalpy
of the phase transitions of a substance as a function of temperature can be used to determine the
melting point and range; determination of sublimation, evaporation and solidification temperature;
determination of the glass transition temperature; polymorphism evaluation, phase diagram plotting,
purity determination (except for amorphous substances, unstable polymorphs in the experimental
temperature range, compounds that fuse with thermal decomposition and substances with purity lower
than 95%).

Determination of purity

The method is based on the fact that the presence of small amounts of impurities in a given material
lowers its melting point and widens its overall melting range. Figure 3 illustrates this behavior for
three hypothetical samples, one of which is standard and the other two contain small amounts of

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Heat flow


Temperature (ºC)

Figure 3 Example of DSC curves of a hypothetical sample with different purity levels.

Based on the van't Hoff equation (Equation 1), it is possible to determine the molar fraction of
impurities X2 (number of moles of impurities by the total number of moles of the sample), considering
that there is no solid phase formation during the melting.

(𝑇0 −𝑇𝑚 )∆
𝑋2 = (Equation 1)

where Tm represents the melting temperature of the sample; To is the melting point of pure substance
in Kelvin; R is the gas constant (8.3143 J.K-1. mole-1); ΔHf is the melting heat of the main component
expressed in J.mole-1.

When there is no solid phase formation, the concentration of impurity in the liquid phase, at a given
temperature during melting, is inversely proportional to the melted fraction at that temperature, and
the decrease in the melting point is directly proportional to the molar fraction of impurity. The graph
of the sample temperature (Ts) versus the inverse of the molten fraction (1/F), at the temperature Ts,
results in a straight line with a slope equal to the decrease in the melting point (To – Tm). The theoretical
melting point of the pure substance can be obtained by extrapolation when 1/F = 0.

𝑅𝑇02 𝑋2 (1/𝐹)
𝑇𝑆 = 𝑇0 − (Equation 2)

By substituting the experimental values obtained for To – Tm, ΔHf and To in equation 1, it is possible
to calculate the molar fraction of the impurities in the sample.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.28-00


Osmolality is a unit of concentration that refers to the number of osmotically active particles of solute
present in a kilogram of solvent and provides a measure of the contribution of various solutes present
in the solution to the osmotic pressure. An acceptable approximation of the osmolality in aqueous
solution is given by: εm = vmΦ, if the solute is not ionized, v= 1; however v is the total number of
ions always present or formed by the lysis solution of a solute molecule; m = solution molality,
which is the number of moles of solute per kilogram of solvent; Φ = molar osmotic coefficient which
is quantified from the interaction between oppositely charged ions in the solution. It is dependent on
the value of m. If the complexity of the solution increases, F becomes difficult to measure. The
osmolality unit is osmole per kilogram (osmole/kg), but the submultiple milliosmole per kilogram
(mosmole/kg) is normally used.

As described otherwise, osmolality is determined by measuring the decrease in congealing point.

There is a relation between osmolality and a decrease in the congealing point ΔT:

εm = ΔT / 1.86 x 1000 mosmole/kg


The apparatus – Osmometer – consists of: refrigerated container for the measurement; temperature
measurement system equipped with a thermosensor, with a device for measuring different potentials
that can be graduated to decrease the temperature or directly to osmolality; and a feature to
homogenize the solution must be included.


Prepare the reference solution as described in Table 1. Adjust device to zero using water. Calibrate
the apparatus using the reference solution: pipet 50 to 250 μL of the sample to be analyzed; transfer
to the measuring cell and start cooling system. Typically, a homogenizing device is programmed to
operate at a temperature below the expected cryoscopic temperature drop to prevent overcooling. A
device indicates when equilibrium is reached. Before each measurement, rinse the measuring cell
with the solution to be tested.

Table 1 – Information for preparing the reference solution for the Osmometer calibration.
Mass in g of sodium
Actual osmolality Ideal osmolality Molal osmotic Cryoscopic
chloride solution per
(mosmole/kg) (mosmole/kg) coefficient decrease (°C)
kg of water
3.087 100 105.67 0.9463 0.186
6.260 200 214.20 0.9337 0.372
9.463 300 323.83 0.9264 0.558
12.684 400 434,07 0.9215 0.744
15.916 500 544.66 0.9180 0.930
19.147 600 655.24 0.9157 1.116
22.380 700 765.86 0.9140 1.302

Carry out the same operation with the test sample. Directly read osmolality or calculate by measuring
congealing point decrease. The test is considered valid when the value found is between two values
on the calibration scale.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.29-01


Proceed as described in Determination of Mass Density and Relative Density (5.2.5). DETERMINATION OF MELTING TEMPERATURE

Proceed as described in Determination of temperature and melting range, Method III (5.2.2). DETERMINATION OF SOLIDIFICATION TEMPERATURE


Transfer 75 mL of 25% (w/v) potassium hydroxide solution in glycerol to a 1000 mL beaker and heat
to 150°C. Add 50 mL of treated sample as indicated in the specific monograph and continue heating
under agitation. The temperature must not exceed 150°C. Saponification is concluded when the
mixture is homogeneous, without traces of particulate matter. Transfer the mixture to another 1000
mL beaker containing 500 mL of nearly boiling water. Slowly add 50 mL of 25% sulfuric acid
solution (v/v) and heat, with shaking, until the defined separation of the clear phase (fatty acids).
Transfer the fatty phase to a small beaker, wash it with boiling water to free it from sulfuric acid and
keep it in a boiling water bath until the water decants, leaving the oil phase clear. Filter and collect
the fatty acid mixture while still hot in a dry beaker and dry at 150°C for 20 minutes. Transfer the hot
mixture to an appropriate flask and keep it in an ice bath until solidified.

To assess the purity degree of the fatty acids separated by the previous procedure, transfer, prior to
congealing, 3 mL of the desiccated fatty acid solution to a test tube and add 15 mL of ethyl alcohol.
Heat the solution to boil and add 15 mL of 6 M ammonium hydroxide. The resulting preparation must
be clear.


Proceed as described in Determination of congealing temperature (5.2.4). DETERMINATION OF REFRACTIVE INDEX

The refraction index 𝑛𝑡 of a referred medium to air is equal to the ratio between the sine of the angle
of incidence of a luminous ray in air and the sine of the angle of refraction of the ray refracted in the
considered medium. Unless otherwise indicated, the refractive index is determined at (20 ±0.5) °C
and at a wavelength of 589.3 nm, corresponding to that of sodium D-ray light. In this case, the symbol
representing the refraction index is 𝑛20.

Refractometers usually determine the limit angle. In some devices, the essential part is a prism of
known refractive index, in contact with the liquid under test.

To calibrate the device, use the reference liquids mentioned in Table 1. The refractive index value of
each reference liquid is indicated on its label.

Table 1 – Reference liquids in the determination of refractive index.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.29-01

Reference liquid Δn/Δt (temperature coefficient)

Trimethylpentane 0.00049
Toluene 0.00056
Methylnaphthalene 0.0048

If white light is used to determine the refractive index, the refractometer has a compensation system.
The device must provide accurate readings up to the third decimal place, at least, and have a device
that allows it to operate at the prescribed temperature: the thermometer allows reading to the nearest

Proceed as described in Determination of Optical Rotation (5.2.8). DETERMINATION OF WATER

Proceed as described in Volumetric Method (Karl Fischer Method) ( ACID VALUE

The acid value, AV, expresses, in milligrams, the amount of potassium hydroxide required to
neutralize the free fatty acids in 1 g of sample.

High acidity indices are suggestive of accentuated hydrolysis of the constituent esters of the fatty
matter. Degradation causes include chemical treatments that are part of industrial extraction and
purification processes, bacterial activity, catalytic action (heat, light), inadequate storage and the
presence of impurities, such as moisture, among others.


Weigh approximately 10.0 g or exactly the prescribed amount of test substance and place in a 250
mL Erlenmeyer flask. Add 50 mL of a mixture of 96% (v/v) ethyl alcohol and ethyl ether (1:1). Unless
otherwise indicated in the specific monograph, the solvent mixture must be previously neutralized
with 0.1 M potassium hydroxide, or 0.1 M sodium hydroxide, in the presence of 0.5 mL of
phenolphthalein TS. Heat the sample to 90°C if necessary to dissolve it. After complete solubilization
titrate with 0.1 M potassium hydroxide until a pale pink color persists for minimum 15 seconds. Carry
out the blank test and correct the volume of titrant consumed.

Calculate the IA according to the formula:

𝐼𝐴 =


n = volume (in mL) of 0.1 M potassium hydroxide used in the titration;


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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.29-01

The saponification value SV expresses, in milligrams, the amount of potassium hydroxide required to
neutralize the free acids and hydrolyze the esters present in 1 g of the sample.

The IS provides evidence of adulteration of the fatty matter with unsaponifiable substances (mineral
oil, for example). Unless indicated in the specific monograph, use the amount of sample indicated in
Table 1.

Table 1 – Sample quantity to determine saponification value.

SV Expected value Sample quantity (g)
3 – 10 12 – 15
10 – 40 8 – 12
40 – 60 5–8
60 – 100 3–5
100 – 200 2.5 – 3
200 – 300 1–2
300 – 400 0.5 – 1

Weigh the indicated sample quantity (m), place in a 250 mL volumetric flask and add 25.0 mL of 0.5
M ethanolic potassium hydroxide VS and some boiling stones. Adapt the vertical reflux condenser.
Heat in a water bath for 30 minutes, unless specifically indicated. Add 1 mL of phenolphthalein
solution TS and immediately titrate excess potassium hydroxide with 0.5 M hydrochloric acid
solution VS (n1, mL). Carry out blank assay under the same conditions and correct the titrant volume
(n2, mL).

Calculate the saponification value (SV), using the expression:

28,05(𝑛2 − 𝑛1 )
𝐼𝑆 =

The ester value, EV, expresses the amount of potassium hydroxide, in milligrams, necessary for the
saponification of esters present in 1 g of sample. The (EV) is calculated from the saponification value
(SV) and the acid value (AV), according to the formula:


Iodine value (IV ) expresses, in g, the amount of iodine susceptible to complexation in 100 g of
substance under the conditions described below. It is a quantitative measure of the degree of
unsaturation of fatty acids, esterified and free, in the sample. The Ii , value found in the determination,
is suggestive of the degree of purity of the tested material, as well as the presence of adulterants. If
the monograph does not indicate the method to be used, carry out Method A.


Unless indicated in the specific monograph, use the amount of sample indicated in Table 1.

Table 1 – Sample quantity to determine iodine value.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.29-01

Expected value Iv Sample quantity

Inferior to 20 1.0
20 – 60 0.5 – 0.25
60 – 100 0.25 – 0.15
Greater than 100 0.15 – 0.10

In a 250 mL container equipped with a ground stopper, dry or washed with glacial acetic acid,
introduce the sample (m, g) and dissolve it in 15 mL of chloroform, unless otherwise specified in the
respective monograph. Add 25.0 mL of iodine bromide solution. Cap the container and keep it
protected from light for 30 minutes, shaking frequently. After adding 10 mL of 10% potassium iodide
solution (w/v) and 100 mL of water, titrate with 0.1 M sodium thiosulfate VS, shaking vigorously
until the yellow color has almost faded. Add 5 mL of starch TS and proceed with the titration, adding
0.1 M sodium thiosulfate VS, dropwise, and shaking, until the color fades (n1, mL). Blank test must
be carried out under the same conditions and without the sample (n2, mL).

Calculate the iodine content by the expression:

1,269(𝑛2 − 𝑛1 )
𝐼𝑖 =

Unless indicated in the specific monograph, use the amount of sample indicated in Table 2.

Table 2 – Sample quantity to determine iodine value.

Mass (g) Mass (g)
Probable Iodine Iodine Chloride
corresponding to a 150 corresponding to a 100
Value Iv Solution (mL)
percent excess of ICl percent excess of ICl
<3 10 10 25
3 8.4613 10.5760 25
5 5.0770 6.3460 25
10 2.5384 3.1730 20
20 0.8461 1.5865 20
40 0.6346 0.7935 20
60 0.4321 0.5288 20
80 0.3173 0.3966 20
100 0.2538 0.3173 20
120 0.2115 0.2644 20
140 0.1813 0.2266 20
160 0.1587 0.1983 20
180 0.1410 0.1762 20
200 0,1269 0.1586 20

In a 250 mL container with a ground stopper, previously washed with glacial or dry acetic acid,
introduce the amount of sample (m, g) and dissolve it in 15 mL of a mixture of equal volumes of
cyclohexane and glacial acetic acid, unless stated otherwise. If necessary, pre-melt the sample
(melting point higher than 50°C). Slowly add the volume of iodine chloride solution indicated in
Table 2. Cover the container and shake, protected from light, for 30 minutes, unless otherwise
indicated. Add 10 mL of 10% potassium iodide solution (w/v) and 100 mL of water. Titrate with 0.1
M sodium thiosulfate VS, shaking vigorously until the yellow color almost fades. Add 5 mL of starch
TS and proceed with the titration, adding 0.1 M sodium thiosulfate VS, dropwise, and shaking, until

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.29-01

the color fades (n1, mL of 0.1 M sodium thiosulfate VS). Carry out a blank test under the same
conditions (n2 mL 0.1 M sodium thiosulfate VS). Calculate iodine value according to the following

1,269(𝑛2 − 𝑛1 )
𝐼𝑖 =

The peroxide value Vp expresses, in milliequivalents of active oxygen, the amount of peroxide in
1000 g of substance.

If the monograph does not indicate the method to be used, carry out Method A. The replacement of
Method A with Method B is always object of validation.


Weigh 5.00 g of the sample and transfer to a 250 mL Erlenmeyer with a ground stopper. Add 30 mL
of a mixture of glacial acetic acid and chloroform (3:2). Shake until the sample dissolves and add
0.5 mL of saturated potassium iodide solution. Shake for exactly one minute and add 30 mL of water.
Titrate with 0.01 M sodium thiosulfate VS, slowly, without ceasing vigorous agitation, until yellow
color has almost faded. Add 5 mL of starch TS. Continue the titration, shaking vigorously until the
color disappears (n1, mL of 0.01 M sodium thiosulfate VS). Carry out a blank test under the same
conditions n2 mL 0.01 M sodium thiosulfate VS). The blank assay consumes no more than 0.1 mL of
0.01 M sodium thiosulfate VS.

Calculate the peroxide value by the expression:

10(𝑛1 − 𝑛2 )
𝐼𝑝 =


Note: operate protected from light.

In an Erlenmeyer flask, with a ground stopper, introduce 50 mL of a mixture of glacial acetic acid
and trimethylpentane (3:2). Add the amount of sample to the Erlenmeyer flask as indicated in Table
1. Cork and shake until the sample dissolves. Add 0.5 mL of saturated potassium iodide solution,
cork again and let the solution stand for (60 ± 1) seconds. During this standing period, shake at least
three times and then add 30 mL of water. Titrate with 0.01 M sodium thiosulfate solution VS (v1, mL),
added slowly, with constant and energetic agitation, until almost total disappearance of the yellow
color characteristic of iodine presence. Add about 0.5 mL of starch TS and proceed with the titration,
without stopping shaking, especially when it is close to the equivalence point, to ensure the release
of iodine from the solvent. Add, drop by drop, the sodium thiosulfate solution until the blue color
starts to fade.

If the peroxide value is equal to or greater than 70, and if there is a delay in the color change of the
starch indicator for 15 to 30 seconds, shake vigorously until the yellow color disappears. This is due
to the tendency of trimethylpentane to supernate in the aqueous phase and the time required to obtain
an adequate mixture between the solvent and the aqueous titrant.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.29-01

For peroxide numbers less than 150, 0.01 M sodium thiosulfate VS is used. A small amount (0.5 to
1.0% (w/w)) of an appropriate emulsifier may be added to the mixture to delay phase separation and
shorten the time for iodine release (e.g. polysorbate 60). Perform a blank assay (v0, mL). If more than
0.1 mL of 0.01 M sodium thiosulfate VS is consumed, replace the reagents and repeat the titration.
The peroxide value is calculated by the formula below.

1000(𝑣1 − 𝑣0 )𝑐
𝐼𝑝 =

c = concentration of the sodium thiosulfate solution in moles per liter.

Table 1 – Sample quantity to determine peroxide value.

Value expected of Ip Sample quantity (g)
0 – 12 2.00 – 5.00
12 – 20 1.20 – 2.00
20 – 30 0.80 – 1.20
30 – 50 0.500 – 0.800

The hydroxyl value (VOH) expresses, in milligrams, the amount of potassium hydroxide necessary for
the neutralization of acid that combines, by acylation, with 1 g of the sample.


Introduce the sample, accurately weighed, according to the quantity indicated in Table 1, in a 150
mL acetylation flask, unless another volume is specified in the specific monograph. Add the indicated
volume of acetic anhydride solution (acetylation reagent) and fit the reflux condenser.

Table 1 – Sample quantity and volume of acetylation reagent.

IOH expected Sample quantity (g) Acetylating reagent volume (mL)
10 – 100 2.0 5.0
100 – 150 1.5 5.0
150 – 200 1.0 5.0
200 – 250 0.75 5.0
250 – 300 0.6 or 1.20 5.0 or 10
300 – 350 1.0 10.0
350 – 700 0.75 15.0
700 – 950 0.5 15.0

Heat in a water bath for one hour, taking care to maintain the level of the bath water approximately
2.5 cm above the level of the liquid contained in the flask. Remove the flask and allow to cool. Add
5 mL of water through the top end of the condenser. If the addition of water causes turbidity, add
pyridine until the turbidity disappears and record the volume added. Shake, heat the flask again in a
water bath for 10 minutes. Remove the flask and allow to cool. Wash the condenser and the sides of
the flask with 5 mL of alcohol, previously neutralized in the presence of phenolphthalein TS. Titrate

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.29-01

with an alcoholic solution of 0.5 M potassium hydroxide VS (n1, mL), in the presence of 0.2 mL of
phenolphthalein TS. Carry out a blank test under the same conditions (n2, mL).

Calculate the hydroxyl value using the expression:

28,05(𝑛2 − 𝑛1 )
𝐼𝑂𝐻 = + 𝐼𝐴


VA = acid value.


In a dry erlenmeyer flask fitted with a ground stopper, introduce the sample solution (m, g). Add
2.0 mL of propionic anhydride, stopper the flask and shake gently, until the sample dissolves. After
two hours of standing, unless otherwise indicated, remove the stopper from the Erlenmeyer flask and
transfer its contents to another 500 mL with a wide mouth, containing 25.0 mL of 0.9% (w/v) aniline
solution in cyclohexane and 30 mL of glacial acetic acid. Shake and, after standing for five minutes,
add 0.05 mL of methylrosanilinium chloride TS. Titrate with 0.1 M perchloric acid VS until turning
to emerald green (n1, mL). Carry out a blank test under the same conditions (n2, mL).

Calculate the hydroxyl value using the expression:

5,610(𝑛1 − 𝑛2 )
𝐼𝑂𝐻 = + 𝐼𝐴


AV = acid value.

Due to the possibility of water presence, determine the moisture content (y, %) in the sample
according to the specific method. The hydroxyl value is obtained by the formula:

VOH = (value obtained) − 31.1𝑦 DETERMINATION OF ACETYL VALUE

Acetyl value is the amount of alkali, in mg of potassium hydroxide, required to neutralize the acetic
acid released by the hydrolysis of 1 g of acetylation substance. It is used to establish the degree of
presence of free alcohols in fatty substances. It is calculated based on the difference between the
saponification values of the acetylated substance by the method described below and of the non-
acetylated substance.


Transfer 10 g of substance and 20 mL of acetic anhydride to a 200 mL Kjeldahl flask. Adapt the
reflux condenser. Place the flask on an asbestos mesh in the center of which an orifice of about 4 cm
in diameter has been cut and heat over a gas nozzle with a maximum height of 25 mm (preventing
the flame from reaching the base of the flask). Keep at regular boiling for two hours, cool and transfer
the contents of the flask to a 1000 mL beaker containing 600 mL of water. Add 0.2 g of pumice

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.29-01

powder and boil for 30 minutes. Cool and transfer the mixture to the separating funnel, discarding the
lower aqueous layer. Wash the acetylated substance with three or more 50 mL portions of hot
saturated sodium chloride solution, until the wash solution no longer provides an acidic reaction to
the litmus paper. Add 20 mL of hot water to the funnel and shake, removing the water phase as much
as possible. Transfer to porcelain capsule, add 1 g of powdered anhydrous sodium sulfate and filter
through pleated filter paper. Determine the saponification value of the original, non-acetylation
substance and of the acetylation substance by the procedure described and calculate the acetyl value
using the formula:

(𝑏 − 𝑎) ∙ 1335
1335 − 𝑎


a = original substance saponification value,

b = saponification value of acetylation substance. DETERMINATION OF UNSAPONIFIABLE SUBSTANCES

Unsaponifiable substances are those remaining from the saponification reaction, non-volatile at 100 –
105 °C and which were carried in the process of extracting the substance to be tested.

If the specific monograph does not indicate the procedure, use Method I. Use glass material with a
ground and degreased mouth.


Add from 2.0 to 2.5 g of the sample in a 250 mL flask. Add 25 mL of 0.5 M ethanolic potassium
hydroxide. Attach a reflux condenser to the flask and boil in a water bath for one hour, under shaking.
Transfer the contents of the flask to a separating funnel, using 50 mL of water and, while the liquid
is still warm, extract, by vigorous shaking, with three 50 mL portions of peroxide-free ether. Wash
the flask with the first ether aliquot. Mix the ethereal solutions in a separating funnel containing 20
mL of water. If the ethereal solutions contain suspended solids, filter into the separating funnel using
a fat-free filter paper. Wash filter with peroxide-free ether. Shake carefully and discard the aqueous
phase. Wash the organic fraction with two 20 mL portions of water and discard the aqueous phase.
Then add three 20 mL portions of 0.5 M potassium hydroxide and shake vigorously for each addition.
After each treatment, washing with 20 mL of water must be carried out. Finally, wash with serial
amounts of 20 mL of water, until the aqueous phase does not show an alkaline reaction in the presence
of phenolphthalein TS. Transfer the organic fraction to a previously tared flask, washing the
separating funnel with peroxide-free ether. Remove the ether and add 3 mL of acetone to the flask.
Eliminate the solvent completely at a constant temperature of maximum 80°C. Dissolve the contents
of the flask in 10 mL of ethyl alcohol 96% (v/v) freshly boiled and previously neutralized. Titrate
with 0.1 M ethanolic sodium hydroxide VS and phenolphthalein TS as indicator. If the volume of
titrant solution spent does not exceed 0.1 mL, the amount of heavy residues should be taken as
unsaponifiable matter. Calculate unsaponifiable matter as a percentage of the substance to be
examined. If the volume of titrant solution spent exceeds 0.1 mL, the amount of heavy residues should
not be taken as unsaponifiable matter and the test must be repeated.


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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.29-01

In a 250 mL flask, coupled to a reflux condensation system, introduce the prescribed amount of
sample (m, g). Add 50 mL of alcoholic 2 M potassium hydroxide solution and heat in a water bath
for one hour while shaking. After cooling to a temperature below 25°C, transfer the contents of the
flask to a separatory funnel. Add 100 mL of water. Add 100 mL of peroxide-free ether and shake
carefully. Repeat the operation two more times with 100 mL of ethyl ether. Mix the ethereal solutions
in a separating funnel containing 40 mL of water. Shake gently for a few minutes and let the phases
separate. Discard the aqueous phase. Wash the ether phase twice with 40 mL of water. Then wash
successively with 40 mL of 3% potassium hydroxide (w/v) and 40 mL of water. Repeat this operation
three times. Repeatedly wash the ethereal phase with 40 mL of water, until the aqueous phase does
not provide an alkaline reaction to the phenolphthalein TS. Transfer the ether phase to a previously
tared flask, washing the separating funnel with peroxide-free ether. Evaporate to dryness. Add 6 mL
of acetone to the residue. Carefully remove the solvent in a current of air. Dry at a temperature of
100 °C to 105°C, until mass is constant, allow to cool in a desiccator and weigh (a, g). The result is
calculated as a percentage w/w.

% 𝑑𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑎𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐á𝑣𝑒𝑖𝑠 =

Dissolve the residue in 20 mL of alcohol, previously neutralized in the presence of phenolphthalein

TS and titrate with an alcoholic solution of 0.1 M sodium hydroxide VS. If the volume of alcoholic
solution of 0.1 M sodium hydroxide VS used in the titration is higher than 0.2 mL, it indicates that
the separation of the two phases was incomplete and the residue obtained cannot be considered

Proceed as described in Thin-layer chromatography (

Stationary phase: octadecyl silanized silica gel (RP-18).

Sample solution. Unless indicated in a specific monograph, dissolve approximately 20 mg (one drop)
of the sample, accurately weighed, in 3 mL of methylene chloride.

Standard solution. Dissolve about 20mg (one drop) of corn oil, accurately weighed, in 3mL of
methylene chloride.

Procedure. Separately apply 1 μL of each solution to the plate. Develop twice to a distance of 0.5 cm
with ether. Then develop twice up to a distance of 8 cm with a mixture of methylene chloride, glacial
acetic acid and acetone (2:4:5). Allow the plate to air dry and nebulize with a 10% (w/v)
phosphomolybdic acid solution in alcohol. Heat the plate to 120°C for about three minutes. Examine
in daylight.

The chromatogram shows spots comparable to those reproduced in Figure 1.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.29-01

Figure 1 – Thin-layer chromatography to identify fixed oils.


1 Peanut Oil 2 Olive Oil 3 Sesame Oil 4 Corn Oil 5 Almond Oil 6 Soybean Oil 7 Sunflower Oil 8 Canola Oil 9 Canola
Oil (Erucic Acid Free) 10 Wheat Germ Oil


Add 10 mL of freshly distilled acetone, 0.3 mL of water, and 0.05 mL of 0.04% (w/v) bromophenol
blue alcoholic solution to a test tube. Neutralize, if necessary, with 0.01 M hydrochloric acid or 0.01
M sodium hydroxide. Add 10 mL of the sample, shake and allow to stand. Changeover is indicated
by the development of a yellow color in the top layer. Volume greater than 1.1 mL of 0.01 M
hydrochloric acid is not required. FOREIGN OILS IN VEGETABLE OILS BY THIN LAYER

Proceed as described in Thin-layer chromatography ( using plate (kieselguhr G).
Impregnate the plate, placing it in a closed chamber containing the necessary amount of ethyl ether
and liquid paraffin mixture (90:10) so that the liquid surface reaches about 5 mm of the adsorbent
layer. When the impregnation mixture has covered at least 12 cm of the layer, remove the plate from
the chamber and allow the solvent to evaporate for five minutes. Develop in the same direction as the

Preparation of fatty acid mixture. Heat, under reflux, for 45 minutes, 2 g of the sample with 30 mL
of 0.5 M alcoholic solution of potassium hydroxide. Add 50 mL of water and allow to cool. Transfer
to separation funnel. Shake three times with 50 mL of ethyl ether. Discard ethereal solutions. Acidify
the aqueous phase with hydrochloric acid and shake three times with 50 mL of ethyl ether. Combine
the ethereal solutions and wash three times with 10 mL of water. Discard wash water. Add anhydrous
sodium sulfate to the ethereal fraction and filter. Evaporate at a temperature below 50°C. Use the
residue to prepare the problem solution.

Fatty acids can also be obtained from the saponified solution resulting from the reaction to determine

Sample solution. Dissolve 40mg of the fatty acid mixture obtained from the sample in 4mL of

Standard solution. Dissolve 40mg of the fatty acid mixture, obtained from a mixture of corn oil and
canola oil (19:1), in 4mL of chloroform.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.29-01

Procedure. Separately apply 3 μL of each solution to the plate. Develop the chromatogram with a
mixture of glacial acetic acid and water (90:10) over a course of 8 cm. Dry the plate at 110°C for 10
minutes. Allow to cool. Place the plate, unless otherwise indicated, in a chromatographic chamber
saturated with iodine vapors. To do this, place iodine in a crystallizer, low, at the bottom of the tank.
After a while, brown or brownish-yellow spots appear. Remove the plate from the tank and wait a
few minutes. When the brown background color of the layer disappears, pulverize with starch TS;
blue stains then appear which, when dry, can turn brown and turn blue again after pulverizing with
water. The chromatogram obtained with the Sample Solution shows spots corresponding to the spots
of the chromatogram obtained with the Standard Solution: one with Rf close to 0.5 (oleic acid) and
another with Rf close to 0.65 (linoleic acid). In certain oils, a spot with Rf close to 0.75 (linolenic
acid) may appear. By comparison with the chromatogram obtained with the Standard solution, verify
the absence of the spot with Rf 0.25 (erucic acid) in the chromatogram obtained with the Sample

When there is no indication in the specific monograph, use Method A. The search for foreign oils is
carried out on the methyl esters of the fatty acids in the oil under analysis. Proceed as described in
Gas chromatography (


This method does not apply to oils containing fatty acid glycerides with epoxy, hydro epoxy,
cyclopropyl or cyclopropenyl groups, or to those containing a large amount of fatty acids with a
carbon chain lower than 8, or to those whose acid values are greater than 2 .0.

Sample solution. If the monograph indicates, dry the sample before starting the assay. Weigh 1.0 g of
the sample and transfer to a 25 mL Erlenmeyer with ground mouth. Couple a reflux condenser and a
device to pass nitrogen stream inside the flask. Add 10 mL of anhydrous methyl alcohol and 0.2 mL
of 6% (w/v) potassium hydroxide solution in methyl alcohol. Pass a stream of nitrogen with a flow
of about 50 mL/minute until the air is eliminated. Shake and heat to boiling. When the preparation is
clear (usually about 10 minutes later), heat it for another five minutes. Cool under running water and
transfer to a separating funnel. Rinse flask with 5 mL of heptane, add to the contents of the separating
funnel and shake. Add 10 mL of 20% sodium chloride solution (w/v) and shake vigorously. Allow
the phases to separate and transfer the organic phase to a flask containing anhydrous sodium sulfate.
Allow to stand and filter.

Standard solution (a). Prepare 0.50 g of a mixture of reference substances as prescribed in the specific
monograph. If the monograph does not indicate the standard solution, use one of those described in
Table 1. Dissolve in heptane, dilute to 50.0 mL with the same solvent and homogenize. Note: For
capillary column chromatography and Split ratio, it is recommended that the long chain component
of the mixture under analysis be added to the calibration mixture when quantitative analysis is
performed by calibration curve.

Standard solution (b). Transfer 1.0 mL of the standard solution (a) to a 10 mL volumetric flask, adjust
the volume with heptane and homogenize.

Standard solution (c). Prepare 0.50 g of a mixture of fatty acid methyl esters as indicated in the analyte
monograph. Dissolve in heptane, dilute to 50 mL with the same solvent in volumetric flask.
Commercial mixtures of fatty acid methyl esters can also be used.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.29-01

Chromatographic conditions


- material: fused silica, glass or quartz;

- size: 10 to 30 m in length and 0.2 to 0.8 mm in internal diameter;
- stationary phase: poly (cyanopropyl) methylphenylmethylsiloxane or macrogol 20 000 (film
thickness0.1 to 0.5 μm) or other suitable stationary phase;

Carrier gas: helium or hydrogen for chromatography;

Carrier gas flow: 1.3 mL/minute (for 0.32 mm internal diameter columns);

Split ratio: 1:100 or smaller, according to the internal diameter of the column in use (1:50 when the
diameter is 0.32 mm);

Detector: flame ionization; Temperature:

- column: 160 – 200 °C, according to stationary phase and length (200 °C for a 30 m long column,
internally coated with macrogol 20.000). If necessary or indicated in the analyte monograph, raise
the column temperature from 170 to 230°C with a heating ramp of 3°C per minute (column with
macrogol 20,000).
- injector: 250°C;
- detector: 250°C;

Injection volume; 1 μL;

Sensitivity: The height of the main peak in the chromatogram obtained with Standard Solution (a) is
50 to 70% of the recorder full scale.

Suitability of the system when mixtures of reference substances are used (Table 2).

Note. For capillary column chromatography and split ratio, it is recommended that the long chain
component of the mixture under analysis be added to the calibration mixture when quantitative
analysis is performed by calibration curve.

- resolution: at least 4 between the peaks of methyl caprylate and methyl caprate, calculated in the
chromatogram obtained with the Standard solution (a);
- signal/noise ratio: at least 5 for the peak referring to methyl caprate, observed in the chromatogram
obtained with the Standard solution (b);
- number of theoretical plates: minimum 15,000, calculated for the peak corresponding to methyl

Suitability of the system when mixtures of reference substances are used (Table 1 or Table 3).

Note. For capillary column chromatography and split ratio, it is recommended that the long chain
component of the mixture under analysis be added to the calibration mixture when quantitative
analysis is performed by calibration curve.

- resolution: at least 1.8 between the peaks of methyl oleate and methyl stearate, calculated in the
chromatogram obtained with the Standard solution (a);

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.29-01

- signal/noise ratio: at least 5 for the peak referring to methyl myristate, observed in the
chromatogram obtained with the Standard solution (b);
- number of theoretical plates: minimum 30 000, calculated for the peak corresponding to methyl

Chromatogram evaluation. Avoid analysis conditions that allow the emergence of 'masked peaks'
(presence of constituents with close retention times, such as linolenic and arachidonic acids, for

Qualitative analysis

Identify the peaks of the chromatogram obtained with the Standard solution (c) (under isothermal
operating conditions or with linear temperature programming).

When isothermal operating conditions are used, the peaks can be identified by comparison with the
chromatogram obtained with the Standard Solution (a) and information recorded in Table 1, Table
2, or Table 3:

a) measure reduced retention time (t’R) of each peak obtained with the Standard Solution (a). t’R is
the retention time measured in relation to the solvent peak and not in relation to the injection time.
Plot the line through the formula:

(t’R) Log = f (number of carbons in the equivalent chain)

b) the logarithms of the reduced retention times of unsaturated acids are points on the straight line,
with non-integer values of carbon atoms called the 'equivalent chain length'. The equivalent chain
length corresponds to the theoretical number of carbon atoms of saturated fatty acids that would have
the same t’R. For example, linoleic acid has t’R s a theoretically saturated fatty acid with 18.8 carbon
atoms. Identify the peaks of the chromatogram obtained with the test solution by calibration curve
and by the reduced retention time. Chain lengths are recorded in Table 4.

Quantitative Analysis

Quantification is generally performed using the normalization method, in which the sum of the areas
under the chromatogram peaks, with the exception of the solvent peak, is assumed to be equal to
100%. Preferably use an electronic integrator.

The percent content of each component is calculated by determining the area under the corresponding
peak versus the sum of the areas under all peaks. Do not consider peaks whose area is inferior to 0.05
percent of the total area.

In certain cases, when the fatty acid chain is inferior or equal to twelve carbon atoms, correction
factors can be indicated in the individual monographs to convert the area under the peaks to a
percentage w/w.

Table 1 – Mixture of substances for calibration.

Mixture of substances Composition (% w/w)
Methyl laurate 5
Methyl myristate 5
Methyl palmitate 10
Methyl stearate 20

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.29-01

Methyl arachidate 40
Methyl oleate 20

Table 2 – Mixture of substances for calibration.

Mixture of substances Composition (% w/w)
Methyl caproate 10
Methyl caprylate 10
Methyl caprate 20
Methyl laurate 20
Methyl myristate 40

Table 3 – Mixture of substances for calibration.

Mixture of substances Composition (% w/w)
Methyl myristate 5
Methyl palmitate 10
Methyl stearate 15
Methyl arachidate 20
Methyl oleate 20
Methyl Eicosanoate 10
Methyl behenate 10
Methyl lignocerate 10

Table 4 – Equivalent chain length (values calculated from calibration curve and analysis with macrogol 20 000
Fatty acid Equivalent chain length
Caproic acid 6.0
Caprylic acid 8.0
Capric acid 10.0
Lauric acid 12.0
Myristic acid 14.0
Palmitic acid 16.0
Palmitoleic acid 16.3
Margaric acid 17.0
Stearic acid 18.0
Oleic acid 18.3
Linoleic acid 18.8
Gamma-linolenic acid 19.0
Alpha-linolenic acid 19.2
Arachidic acid 0.0
Eicosanoic acid 20.2
Arachidonic acid 21.2
Behenic acid 22.0
Erucic acid 22.2
12-oxostearic acid 22.7
Ricinoleic acid 23.9
12-hydroxystearic acid 23.9
Methyl lignocerate 24.0

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.29-01

Fatty acid Equivalent chain length

Nervonic acid 24.2


This method does not apply to oils containing fatty acid glycerides with epoxy, hydro epoxy,
cyclopropyl or cyclopropenyl groups, or to those containing acid values greater than 2 .0.

Sample solution. Add 0.100 g of the sample to a 10 mL centrifuge tube with a ground stopper.
Dissolve with 1 mL of heptane and 1 mL of dimethylcarbonate. Shake vigorously, heating to a mild
heat (50 –60 ºC). Add 1 mL of 1.2% (w/v) sodium solution in anhydrous methyl alcohol to the still
hot solution. Shake vigorously for about five minutes. Add 3 mL of distilled water and shake
vigorously for about 30 seconds. Centrifuge for 15 minutes at 1500 g. Inject 1µL of the organic phase.

Standard solutions and evaluation of chromatograms. In the absence of specific indication in the
individual monograph, proceed as described in Method A.

Chromatographic conditions. Chromatographic separation can be carried out using:

– column of fused silica 30 m in length and 0.25 mm in internal diameter, covered withmacrogol 20
000 (film thickness: 0.25 μm);
– carrier gas: helium for chromatography, with a flow of 0.9 mL/minute;
– flame ionization detector;
– Split ratio 1:100

Use the temperature schedule shown in Table 1.

Table 1 – Temperature programming for chromatographic separation.

Time (minutes) Temperature (ºC)
Column 0 – 15 100
15 – 36 100 → 225
36 – 61 225
Injector 250
Detector 250


This method does not apply to oils containing fatty acid glycerides with epoxy, hydroperoxy,
aldehyde, ketone, cyclopropyl and cyclopropenyl groups, as well as oils with conjugated
polyunsaturated groups or with acetylenic groups due to the partial or total destruction of these

Sample solution. In a 25 mL conical flask, dissolve 0.10 g of the sample in 2 mL of a 2% (w/v) sodium
hydroxide solution in methyl alcohol. Fit the flask to the vertical reflux condenser and heat for 30
minutes. Through the condenser, add 2.0 mL of boron trifluoride-methanol solution and heat for 30
minutes. Through the condenser, add 4 mL of heptane and heat for five minutes. Cool the mixture
and add 10.0 mL of saturated sodium chloride solution. Shake for 15 seconds and add enough
saturated sodium chloride solution to bring the upper phase to the neck of the container vial. Remove
a 2 mL aliquot from the upper phase. Wash three times with 2 mL of water and dry with anhydrous
sodium sulfate.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.29-01

Standard solutions, chromatographic conditions and chromatograms evaluation. In the absence of

specific indication in the individual monograph, proceed as described in Method A. DETERMINATION OF STEROLS IN FIXED OILS


Prepare the unsaponifiable fraction. Separate the sterol fraction from the fixed oil by thin-layer
chromatography, using a silica-gel G plate (layer thickness between 0.3 mm and 0.5 mm).

Sample solution (a): In a 150 mL flask, add a volume of 0.2% (w/v) betulin solution in methylene
chloride, which corresponds to approximately 10% of the sterol content of the sample used for the
assay (for example, volume of 500 μL of betulin solution for virgin olive oil, and 1500 μL for other
vegetable oils). If the monograph requires to calculate the percentage content of each sterol in the
sterol fraction, the addition of betulin may be omitted. Evaporate to dryness in nitrogen stream. Add
5.00 g of the sample and 50 mL of 2M potassium hydroxide in ethyl alcohol. Couple the vertical
reflux condenser. Heat in water bath for one hour, under agitation. Cool to a temperature below 25°C
and transfer the contents of the flask to a separating funnel, using 100 mL of water. Carefully shake
three times with 100 mL of peroxide-free ethyl ether. Mix the ethereal solutions in a separating funnel
containing 40 mL of distilled water. Shake gently for a few minutes. Allow the phases to be separated
by decantation and discard the aqueous phase. Wash the organic phase several times with 40 mL of
water, until the aqueous phase does not show an alkaline reaction to phenolphthalein TS. Transfer the
organic fraction to a previously tared flask, washing the separating funnel with ethyl ether. Evaporate
the ether. Add 6 mL of acetone to the residue. Carefully remove the solvent with a stream of nitrogen.
Dry in oven at 100 – 105 °C until constant mass. Dissolve the residue with minimal volume of
methylene chloride.

Sample solution (b): Submit 5.00 g of canola oil to the same procedure described for Sample Solution
(a) from “Add 50 mL of 2 M potassium hydroxide in ethyl alcohol...”.

Sample solution (c): Submit 5.00 g of sunflower oil to the same procedure described for Sample
Solution (a) from “Add 50 mL of 2 M potassium hydroxide in ethyl alcohol...”.

Standard solution. Dissolve 25mg cholesterol and 10 mg betulin in 1mL methylene chloride. Use a
different plate for each problem solution.

Separately apply to the plate 20 μL of the Standard Solution in a band of 20 mm by 3 mm and 0.4 mL
of the problem solution (a), (b) or (c) in a band of 40 mm by 3 mm. Migrate over a distance of 18 cm
with the mobile phase, consisting of a mixture of ether and n-hexane (35:65). Dry the plates in a
stream of nitrogen. Develop with a 0.2% (w/v) dichlorofluorescein solution in ethyl alcohol. Examine
in a UV lamp at 254 nm.

The chromatogram obtained with the Standard Solution shows bands corresponding, respectively, to
cholesterol and betulin. The chromatograms obtained with the Sample solutions show Rf bands close
to those corresponding to the sterols. From each of the chromatograms, scrape the region of the plate
corresponding to the sterol bands, as well as an area located 2 – 3 mm above and below the visible
areas corresponding to the standard solution. Place these regions in three different 50 mL Erlenmeyer
flasks. Add 15 mL of hot methylene chloride to each and shake. Filter each solution separately on a
porous glass filter (40) or on a suitable filter paper. Wash each filter three times with 15 mL of
methylene chloride. Transfer the filtrate and washing liquids in a tared Erlenmeyer flask. Evaporate
to dryness in nitrogen stream, then weigh.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.29-01


Proceed as described in Gas chromatography ( The assay must be carried out in a place with
low moisture content and solutions prepared at the time of use.

Sample solution. To the sterols separated from the sample by thin layer chromatography, add 0.02
mL of fresh-prepared mixture of chlorotrimethylsilane, hexamethyldisilazane and anhydrous pyridine
(1:3:9) per milligram of residue. Shake carefully until the sterols are fully dissolved. Allow to stand
in a desiccator with phosphorus pentoxide for 30 minutes. Centrifuge if necessary and use the

Standard solution (a). To nine parts of the sterols separated from the canola oil by thin layer
chromatography, add one part of cholesterol. Add 0.02 mL of fresh-prepared mixture of
chlorotrimethylsilane, hexamethyldisilazane and anhydrous pyridine (1:3:9) per milligram of residue.
Shake carefully until the sterols are fully dissolved. Allow to stand in a desiccator with phosphorus
pentoxide for 30 minutes. Centrifuge if necessary and use the supernatant.

Standard solution (b). To the sterols separated from the sunflower by thin layer chromatography, add
0.02mL of freshly prepared mixture of chlorotrimethylsilane, hexamethyldisilazane and anhydrous
pyridine (1:3:9) per milligram of residue. Shake carefully until the sterols are fully dissolved. Allow
to stand in a desiccator with phosphorus pentoxide for 30 minutes. Centrifuge if necessary and use
the supernatant.

Chromatographic conditions

- column of fused silica 20 to 30 m in length and 0.25-0.32 mm in internal diameter, covered with
a film of poly[methyl(95) phenyl(5)] siloxane or poly[methyl(94) phenyl( 5) vinyl(l)] siloxane
(0.25 µm film thickness);
- carrier gas: hydrogen gas with a linear velocity from 30 to 50 cm/s or helium with a linear velocity
from 20 to 35 cm/s;
- Split ratio (1/50 or 1/100);
- temperatures: column: 260 °C; injector 280 °C; detector: 290°C
- Injection volume: 1 μL.

Results. The chromatogram obtained with the Standard solution (a) presents four main peaks,
corresponding, respectively, to cholesterol, brassicasterol, campesterol and β-sitosterol. The
chromatogram obtained with the Standard solution (b) presents four main peaks, corresponding,
respectively, to campesterol, stigmasterol, β-sitosterol and Δ7-stigmasterol. The relative retention
times of the different sterols in relation to β-sitosterol are shown in Table 1.

The peak corresponding to the internal standard (betulin) is sharply separated from the peaks
corresponding to the sterols to be quantified.

Table 1 – Relative retention times of sterols in relation to β-sitosterol obtained with two different columns.
Poly[methyl(95)phenyl(5) Poly[methyl(94)phenyl(5)vinil(1)
siloxane siloxane
Cholesterol 0.63 0.67
Brassicasterol 0.71 0.73
24-Methylenecholesterol 0.80 0.82
Campesterol 0.81 0.83

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.29-01

Campestanol 0.82 0.85

Stigmasterol 0.87 0.88
Δ7-Campesterol 0.92 0.93
Δ5.23-Stigmastadienol 0.95 0.95
Clerosterol 0.96 0.96
β-Sitosterol 1 1
Sitostanol 1.02 1.02
Δ -Avenasterol
1.03 1.03
Δ -Stigmastadienol
1.08 1.08
Δ7-Stigmasterol 1.12 1.12
A7-Avenasterol 1.16 1.16
Betulin 1.4 1.6

Examine the Sample solution chromatogram. Identify the peaks and calculate the percentage content
of each sterol in the sterol fraction using the formula:

× 100


A = area under the peak corresponding to the substance to be quantified;

S = sum of the areas under the peaks corresponding to the substances indicated in Table 1.

If there is a requirement in the monograph, calculate the content of each sterol in the sample, in
milligrams per 100 grams, using the expression:

𝐴 × 𝑚𝑠 × 100
𝐴𝑠 × 𝑚


A = area under the peak corresponding to the substance to be quantified;

As = area under the peak corresponding to betulin;
m = mass of the sample taken for the test, in g;
ms = mass, in milligrams, of added betulin

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.30-00


The determination of total organic carbon (TOC) is a sensitive and non-specific method of quantifying
the covalently bound carbon atoms in organic molecules present in a sample. The analysis is used to
identify water contamination by organic impurities and contribute to control purification and
distribution processes. Low levels of TOC suggest the absence of potentially hazardous organic
chemicals in the water used in drug manufacturing. The TOC content may be related to the occurrence
of endotoxins, microbial growth and the development of biofilms on the pipe walls of pharmaceutical
water distribution systems. The TOC content is independent of the oxidation state of the organic
matter and is not interfered with by other atoms linked to the chemical structure, such as nitrogen and
hydrogen. There are several suitable methods for analyzing TOC and determinations can take place
on-line or in laboratory.

The methods generally rely on the complete oxidation of organic molecules to carbon dioxide, which
is quantified as carbon. Normally, organic carbon is oxidized by combustion, applying heat,
ultraviolet emission, or oxidizing agents such as sodium persulfate. Quantification of carbon dioxide
is done by detecting the gas produced with infrared or by reading the solution conductivity.

The method covered in this chapter is only a suggestion and the user can adopt any one that is
appropriate and accessible for his specific purposes, as long as the quantification limit is adequate for
the expected reading range. The method uses a standard solution of easily oxidizable substance, such
as sucrose, for example, in such a concentration that the obtained instrumental response corresponds
to the established limit for the TOC. The method may also be carried out with an apparatus installed
on-line, which has been properly calibrated and which satisfies the system compliance test.

Table 1 shows the average expected values for the main types of water purification.

Table 1 – Typical TOC values in water.

Type of purification Expected TOC range (mg/L)
Potable water 0.5 to 7.0.
Distillation Around 0.10
Deionization 0.05 to 0.50.
Reverse osmosis 0.04 to 0.10
Reverse osmosis + deionization 0.01 to 0.05
Combined technologies 0.003 to 0.005
Combined technologies + UV Oxidation <0.002


It consists of an injector, a device to decompose the sample, a system to separate the formed carbon
dioxide, a detector and a recorder of the emitted electrical signal. The decomposition tube must be
capable of generating minimum 0.450mg/L of organic carbon for a sample of 1.071mg/L of sucrose.

The detection limit of the apparatus, specified by the manufacturer, is equal to or less than 0.050 mg
of carbon per liter (0.05 ppm). System compliance is periodically checked using a solution prepared
with a substance that is difficult to oxidize, such as 1.4-benzoquinone. The location of the apparatus
is chosen to ensure that the results obtained are representative of the water used. The reading must be
taken immediately after collecting the water sample.

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Use high purity water that meets the following specifications:

- Conductivity: maximum 0.1 μ–1 at 25 °C;

- Total organic carbon: maximum 0.10mg/L.

Depending on the type of apparatus used, heavy metal and copper contents can be critical. Observe
the manufacturer’s instructions.

Use COT water as blank; in the preparation of standard solutions; system suitability solution and
equipment cleaning. The preparation of the standard solution and the system compliance solution
must be concurrent with the sample.


Carefully wash the glass material using a process that eliminates organic matter. Place the material
immersed in a mixture of equal parts of a 30% diluted hydrogen peroxide solution and diluted nitric
acid. Rinse with TOC water.

If a micro syringe is used to inject the sample, it should be washed with a mixture of 5% sodium
hydroxide solution (w/v) and absolute ethyl alcohol (1:1), or in 25% hydrochloric acid. Rinse
thoroughly with TOC water.


Blank. Prepare blank solution, or any other solutions required to set the baseline, or proceed with
calibration, as per the manufacturer’s instructions. Use the appropriate blank to zero the device.

Standard solution. Dissolve sucrose mass, previously dried at a temperature of 105 °C for three hours,
in TOC water, in order to obtain a solution containing 1.19 mg of sucrose per liter of solution (0.50
mg of carbon per liter), to check the instrument.

Use a potassium acid phthalate solution in COT water, previously dried at 105°C for four hours, at
the concentration determined by the equipment manufacturer, for instrument calibration. Preserve the
solution by acidifying with concentrated phosphoric acid or concentrated sulfuric acid at pH < 2. To
determine organic and inorganic carbon, separately, also prepare a standard solution of sodium
bicarbonate (dried in a desiccator for not less than 18 hours) and decayed sodium carbonate (dried at
500 – 600 °C for 30 minutes) at 1:1 carbon content ratio in TOC water.

The concentration of the standard solution was calculated for purified water, whose TOC limit is
500 ppb. For other types of water, adjust accordingly.

System compliance solution. Dissolve 1,4-benzoquinone in TOC water to obtain a solution of 0.75mg
of 1,4-benzoquinone per liter (0.50mg of carbon per liter).

Sample. Collect the water sample in a clean, dry container with a lid, leaving a minimum of air. Take
care not to have any kind of contamination. Do not use plastic material. Carry out the analysis as soon
as possible to minimize the risk of deterioration or contamination of the sample.


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Proceed with the readings (L) of the COT water solutions (Ltoc), standard solution (LPa), system
compliance solution (LCS) and record. Calculate the efficiency of the system in percentage, using the

𝐿𝑐𝑠 − 𝐿𝑐𝑜𝑡
× 100
𝐿𝑝𝑎 − 𝐿𝑐𝑜𝑡

The system will be in compliance if the obtained value is between 85% and 115% of the theoretical


Use the analytical method recommended by the manufacturer of the equipment used. Inject an
adequate volume of the sample and read the total carbon.

Determine the sample reading (LAm). The sample complies with the test if LAm is not greater than
LPa – LToc.

LAm < LPa – LToc

For different calculations of the organic and inorganic carbon fractions, read the total organic carbon,
change the apparatus configuration to the inorganic carbon reading and calculate the organic carbon
by subtraction. Alternatively, one can measure organic carbon after removing the inorganic carbon
and subtracting the total carbon. Normally, for high purity waters the inorganic carbon fraction is

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X-ray diffraction by the powder method (DRXP) consists of measuring diffraction angles and
intensities characteristic of a polycrystalline material, randomly oriented, irradiated by a
monochromatic X-ray beam.

The DRXP method is non-destructive in nature (sample preparation is generally limited to milling to
reduce the particle size to around 5 µm). Investigations using DRXP can also be carried out under in
situ conditions on specimens exposed to non-environmental conditions, such as low or high
temperature and humidity.

Each crystalline phase of a given substance produces a characteristic X-ray diffraction pattern, which
is obtained from a crystalline powder, composed of crystallites or crystalline fragments of
characteristic size and randomly oriented. Essentially three types of information can be obtained with
a DRXP pattern: angular position of the diffraction lines (depending on the dimensions of the unit
cell and its geometric crystallographic arrangement); intensity of diffraction lines (depending mainly
on the type and arrangement of atoms, and the orientation of particles within the sample) and
diffraction line profiles (depending on the instrumental resolution, crystallite size and micro strain of
the sample).

DRXP tests that provide the angular positions and line intensities of the crystalline phases are used
for phase identification, determination of grades, estimate of crystallinity degree, micro deformation
and average crystallite size.


Every crystalline material has an organization of atoms that defines a unit cell. The unit cell is defined
by the dimensions𝑎, 𝑏 and 𝑐 and the angles between them,𝛼, 𝛽 e 𝛾 (Figure 1a). Interplanar spacing
for a set of parallel planes ℎ𝑘𝑙 is represented by 𝑑ℎ𝑘𝑙. Each set of crystal planes has a Bragg diffraction
angle, 𝜃ℎ𝑘𝑙, associated with it (for a specific wavelength 𝜆).

X-ray diffraction results from the interaction between X-rays and the electron clouds of atoms.
Depending on the atomic arrangement, scattered X-rays exhibit the phenomenon of constructive
interference, when the path difference between two diffracted X-ray waves is equal to an integer
number of wavelengths. This selective condition is described by the Bragg equation (Equation 1),
also called Bragg's Law represented in Figure 1b.

2𝑑ℎ𝑘𝑙 sen 𝜃ℎ𝑘𝑙 = 𝑛𝜆 (Equation 1)


𝜆 = X-ray wavelength characteristic of the tube anode;

𝜃ℎ𝑘𝑙 = angle between the incident ray and the lattice plane family;
n = wavelength order, usually set to one;
dhkl = distance among planes;
hkl = Miller indices.

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Figure 1a – Representation of the distances between

crystalline planes (a, b and c) dimensions of the unit cell..

Figure 1b – X-ray diffraction by a crystal according to

Bragg's law.

A powder sample is considered polycrystalline if, for any angle 𝜃ℎ𝑘𝑙 , there are always crystallites in
one orientation, allowing diffraction according to Bragg's law. For a given wavelength of X-rays, the
positions of the diffraction peaks (also referred to as 'lines', 'reflections' or 'Bragg reflections') are
characteristic of the crystal structure (d spacings). The main characteristics of the diffraction line
profiles are the 2𝜃position, height, area and shape of the peak (characterized, for example, by peak
width or asymmetry, analytical function, empirical representation). Figure 2 represents an example
of the type of powder X-ray diffraction patterns obtained for five different solid phases of the same

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Form D

Form C

Form B

Form A


Figure 2 - Examples of X-ray powder diffraction patterns collected for
five different solid phases of a substance.

In addition to the diffraction peaks, an X-ray diffraction experiment also generates a baseline, over
which the peaks overlap. Factors contributing to the baseline are air diffuse scattering, apparatus and
the presence of amorphous (Figure 2). The ratio of peak intensities to baseline can be increased by
minimizing the baseline and choosing longer exposure times.


X-ray diffraction experiments are usually performed using powder diffractometers. A powder
diffractometer generally consists of five main parts: an X-ray source; incident beam optics (set of slits
for collimation and beam focusing); sample port; diffracted beam optics (set of slits for collimation,
beam focusing and convenient filter for radiation) and a detector. Data collection and processing
systems are also required and comprise the X-ray diffraction measurement device. Currently, the
Bragg-Brentano configuration is the most commonly used.

A given instrument can provide either a horizontal or vertical 𝜃/2𝜃 geometry or a vertical geometry
𝜃/𝜃. For both geometries, the X-ray beam is incident at an angle 𝜃 with the surface plane of the
sample and the diffracted X-ray beam forms an angle 2𝜃 with the direction of the incident X-ray
beam (an angle𝜃 with the sample surface plane). The basic diffraction geometry is shown in Figure
3. The divergent radiation beam from the X-ray tube (the so-called 'primary beam') passes through
the parallel plate collimators, a divergence slit and illuminates the flat surface of the sample. All rays
diffracted by the crystallites properly oriented in the sample at an angle of 2𝜃 converge to a receiving
slit. A second set of parallel plate collimators and a scattering slit can be placed behind or before the
receiving slit. The axes of the focus of the X-ray source and the receiving slit are at equal distances
from the axis of the goniometer. X-ray quanta are counted by a radiation detector, usually a
scintillation counter, a gas-sealed proportional counter or a position-sensitive solid-state detector such
as an image plate or a CCD detector. The receiving slit and detector are coupled and move tangentially
to the focus circle. For 𝜃/2𝜃 sweeps the goniometer rotates the sample about the same axis as the
detector, but at half the rotation speed, in a 𝜃/2𝜃 motion. Thus, the sample surface remains tangential

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to the focus circle. The parallel plate collimator limits the axial divergence of the beam and therefore
partially controls the shape of the diffracted line profile.

A diffractometer can also be used in transmission mode. The advantage with this technology is the
effects reduction due to the preferential orientation. A capillary about 0.5 to 2 mm thick can also be
used for small amounts of sample.

Figure 3 – Geometrical arrangement of the Bragg-Brentano parafocusing geometry.


A – X-ray tube; B – Divergence slit; C - Sample; D – Anti-scatter slit; E – Receiving slit; F – Monochromator; G –
Detector receiving slit; H – Detector; J – Diffractometer circle; K – Focusing circle.


In the laboratory, X-rays are obtained by bombarding a metal anode with electrons emitted by the
thermoionic effect and accelerated in a strong electric field (using a high-voltage generator). Most of
the kinetic energy of the electrons is converted into heat, which limits the power of the X-ray tubes
and requires anode efficient cooling. A 20- to 30-fold increase in brightness can be obtained using
rotating anodes and through X-ray optics. Alternatively, X-ray photons can be produced in a large-
scale installation (synchrotron).

The spectrum emitted by an X-ray tube operating with sufficient voltage consists of a continuous
background of polychromatic radiation and additional characteristic radiation that depends on the
type of anode. Only this characteristic radiation is used in X-ray diffraction experiments. The main
radiation sources used for X-ray diffraction are vacuum tubes, using copper, molybdenum, iron,
cobalt or chromium as anodes; X-rays produced by copper (𝐶𝑢𝐾𝛼), molybdenum or cobalt are most
commonly used for organic substances (the use of cobalt anodes may be especially preferred to
separate different X-ray lines). The choice of radiation to be used depends on the absorption
characteristics of the sample and the potential fluorescence caused by atoms present in the sample.
The wavelengths used in diffraction generally correspond to the radiation 𝐾𝛼 from the anode.
Consequently, it is advantageous to make the X-ray beam 'monochromatic', eliminating all other
components of the emission spectrum. This can be achieved in part using𝐾𝛽 filters, i.e. metallic filters
selected as having an
absorption discontinuity between the wavelengths 𝐾𝛼 and 𝐾𝛽 emitted by the tube. The filter is usually
inserted between the X-ray tube and the sample. Another method often used to obtain a

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monochromatic X-ray beam is by means of a monochromator crystal. This crystal can be placed in
the incident beam, obtaining a pure monochromatization Kα1, or after the sample, obtaining Kα1,2 at
different angles, so that only one of them can be selected to focus on the detector.


Exposure of any part of the human body to X-rays can be harmful to health. Therefore, it is essential
that proper precautions are taken to protect the operator and anyone else in the vicinity of X-ray
equipment in use.


The pulverized sample is often pressed into a sample holder made of aluminum, glass or polymer. As
a rule, crystallites must be randomly oriented. The samples must be ground in an agate mortar to a
fine powder.

In general, the morphology of many crystalline particles tends to generate a sample that has some
degree of preferential orientation in the sample holder. This is particularly evident for needle or plate-
shaped crystals when reducing the size of the crystals produces smaller needles or plates. The
preferred orientation of the sample influences the intensities of various reflections. Thus, some are
more intense whereas others less, compared to what would be expected in a sample with completely
random crystallites. Various methods can be employed to minimize the randomness in crystallite
orientation (and therefore to minimize the preferred orientation), but particle size reduction is often
the best and simplest. In some cases, particle sizes of 10 µm will provide satisfactory results in phase
identification. However, reducing this particle size may be convenient if no phase changes or
amorphization of the material occur. Therefore, it is advisable to compare the diffraction pattern of
the unground sample with that corresponding to a sample of smaller particle size (ground sample).


The goniometer and optical system corresponding to the incident and diffracted X-ray beams have
many mechanical parts that need adjustment. The degree of alignment or misalignment directly
influences the quality of the results of a DRXP investigation. Therefore, the different components of
the diffractometer must be carefully adjusted (optical systems and mechanisms, etc.) to minimize
systematic errors, optimizing the intensities received by the detector. The pursuit of maximum
intensity and maximum resolution are always antagonistic when aligning a diffractometer.
Accordingly, the best equilibrium must be sought while performing the alignment procedure. Each
device has its own configuration and requires a specific alignment procedure.

The overall performance of the diffractometer should be periodically tested and monitored using
properly certified reference materials. Depending on the type of analysis, other well-defined reference
materials may also be employed, although the use of certified reference materials is preferred.


The identification, by XRPD, of the phases that constitute an unknown sample is based on a visual or
computer-aided comparison with the peaks of a reference chemical substance, well characterized or
calculated, from the crystal structure model or from certified databases. Ideally, these diffraction
patterns are obtained on well-characterized single-phase specimens. This approach makes it possible,
in most cases, to identify a crystalline substance through the spacings 𝑑 and their relative intensities.
The list of spacing 𝑑 and normalized intensities𝐼𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑚 , also called list (𝑑, 𝐼𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑚) extracted from the

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pattern, is the crystallographic fingerprint of the material and can be compared with the lists(𝑑, 𝐼𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑚)
of single-phase reference samples.

For most organic crystals, when 𝐶𝑢𝐾𝛼 radiation is used, it is useful to record the diffraction pattern
in a 2𝜃 range of 2°to not less than50°. The variation of the 2𝜃 diffraction angles between sample
and reference must be lower than 0,2°for the same crystal form, while the relative intensities between
sample and reference can vary considerably due to preferential orientation effects. By their very
nature, hydrates and solvates are recognized to have variations in unit cell dimensions, so changes
can occur in the peak positions of the DRXP standards measured for these materials. In these cases,
variation of 2𝜃 positions higher than0,2° are expected.

It is sometimes difficult or even impossible to identify phases in the following cases: amorphous or
non-crystallized substances; when the components to be identified are in low concentration; when the
phase is not present in certified databases or does not have a determined crystal structure; or when
the sample comprises many phases.


If the sample under investigation is a mixture of two or more known phases, of which no more than
one is amorphous, the percentage (by volume or mass) of each crystalline phase and the amorphous
phase can, in many cases, be determined. Quantitative phase analysis can be based on integrated
intensities, on the heights of several individual diffraction lines, or on the complete pattern. These
integrated intensities; heights or data from complete standards are compared with corresponding
values from reference materials. These reference materials must be single-phase or a known mixture
of phases. Difficulties encountered during quantitative analysis are due to sample preparation (the
accuracy and precision of the results require special homogeneity of all phases and an adequate
particle size distribution in each phase) and matrix effects. If crystal structures of all components are
known, the Rietveld method can be used to quantify them with acceptable precision. In favorable
cases, amounts of crystalline phases as small as 10% in solid matrices can be determined.

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Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is an analytical procedure that is based on the
magnetic properties of certain atomic nuclei. It is similar to other spectroscopic methods in which
energy is absorbed and emitted at a certain frequency, providing analytical information. NMR differs
from other methods as it creates discrete levels of energy between the transitions of the nucleus of
atoms in a molecule when subjected to a magnetic field.

Atomic nuclei, when magnetically charged, rotate about the nuclear axis, creating a magnetic dipole
moment (µ) along this axis. Those that exhibit this behavior are called isotopes. The angular
momentum of this nuclear spin is characterized by the nuclear spin quantum number (I). If the mass
number is odd, the value of I is ½ or an integer plus ½; otherwise, it has a value of zero or an integer.
When nuclei have a non-zero spin quantum number (I ≠ 0) and are subject to a static and uniform
external magnetic field of force (H0), they align with the respective field with (2I + 1) possible
orientations. However, for nuclei with I = ½, there will be two possible orientations, which
correspond to two different energy states. Thus, a nuclear resonance is the transition between these
spin states, caused by the absorption and emission of the corresponding amount of energy. In Table
1 spin quantum numbers of some nuclei are presented.

Table 1– Quantum numbers and spin state of some nuclei.

1 1 12 13 14 16 17 19 31
Element H H C C N O O F P
1 2 6 6 7 8 8 9 15
Spin quantum
½ 1 0 ½ 1 0 5/2 ½ ½
Spin state 2 3 0 2 3 0 6 2 2

In a static magnetic field, the nuclear magnetic axis undergoes a precession movement (Lamor
precession) around the axis of the external field. The precession angular velocity (ωo) is related to the
strength of the magnetic field through the formula ωo = γH0; where γ is the gyromagnetic constant
and is intrinsic to all nuclei of a given isotope. With the introduction of oscillating radiofrequency
energy, the absorption of radiation by the paramagnetic core takes place according to the formula:

ΔE = hυ = µH0/I

where h is Planck's constant, and

υ = ωo/2π = γHo/2π

Therefore, when frequency (υo) of external energy field (E = hυ) is the same as the precession
angular velocity, resonance occurs.

The difference in energy between the two levels corresponds to a specific electromagnetic radiation
within the range of radio frequencies used. This is a function of γ, which is a property of the nucleus,
and Ho which represents the strength of the external field. The resonant frequency of a nucleus rises
when the strength of the magnetic field increases.

The signal characteristics in the spectra that provide analytical information are: chemical shift,
multiplicity, peak width, coupling constant and relative intensity.

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NMR spectroscopy has a wide range of applications, such as structure elucidation; thermodynamic
studies; kinetics, mechanics and in quantitative analysis.


Currently, the most used spectrometer is the Fourier transform. The main components of an NMR
spectrometer are: magnet to provide a constant magnetic field (B0); temperature-controlled probe that
receives the sample; conducts the radio frequency pulse and detects the radiation emitted by the
sample; and electronic console (computer) for generating high energy radiofrequency pulses,
collecting and digitizing the induced free decay signal (FID – free induction decay).

The devices use a single pulse of radio frequency energy to simultaneously excite all the nuclei. The
excited nuclei return to the lowest energy level, generating an accumulation of FID signals at a given
time. The decay time and frequency form a Fourier transform, generating a graph of amplitude versus
frequency (spectrum). After the time in which the excited nuclei relax is possible, the pulse can be
repeated and thus the response obtained accumulates in the computer memory, promoting greater

Figure 1 shows the instrumental parts constituting a high-resolution pulse spectrometer (NMR).


Transmissor Amplifier Pulse Programmer

Fourier transformer Conversor

Probe Accumulation



Figure 1 – Representative high resolution spectrometer (NMR) scheme.

The basic configuration of a NMR spectrometer contains a superconducting (cryogenic) solenoid as

a magnetic field source, probe and electronic console. These devices can provide spectra of many
chemical nuclei, making it possible to obtain spectra in a short time of analysis and with small
amounts of sample.


Exposure to magnetic fields and radio waves can be harmful to health. Thus, it is essential that proper
precautions must be taken to protect the operator and anyone else in the vicinity of NMR equipment
in use.

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Peaks in an NMR spectrum are characterized by: frequency, multiplicity and relative intensity. The
analytical utility of the NMR method lies in the fact that the same nuclei, when found in different
molecular environments, show different resonance frequencies. The reason for this difference is that
the electromagnetic field experienced by a particular nucleus is composed of an external field
provided by the instrument and the field generated by the circulation of its electrons. The latter
opposes the external field and the coupling phenomenon. Thus, it is possible to accurately measure
the frequency difference between the resonant signals (peaks). The position of a signal in a NMR
spectrum is described by its separation from another resonant signal taken as a reference. This
separation is called chemical shift.

The chemical shift is directly proportional to the strength of the magnetic field (the frequency of the
radio frequency emitter). However, the ratio of chemical shift (in frequency units) to instrument
frequency is constant. This enables the definition of a dimensionless chemical shift parameter (δ) that
is independent of the instrument frequency:

δ = (υs – υr)/υp + δr

υs = frequency of the substance being analyzed;
υr = reference frequency;
υp = equipment frequency (in MHz);
δr = chemical shift from the reference.

The formula above is applicable to nearly all methods, with few exceptions. Tetramethylsilane (TMS)
is the chemical shift reference most used to obtain hydrogen and carbon spectra since it is chemically
inert, has a single signal at a higher field than most signals, and is volatile, enabling rapid sample
recovery. Using the formula, it is possible to use the chemical shift of any species known as the
chemical reference shift, for example, deuterated solvents that contain 1H residue. Some care is
necessary when TMS is not used as a solvent.

In NMR spectra, the strength of the magnetic field increases from left to right. Nuclei that resonate
under high magnetic field strengths (to the right) are better protected (higher electronic density) than
those that resonate under lower magnetic field strengths.

In Figure 2, the hydrogen NMR spectrum of benzoyl acetate is shown. This substance contains
hydrogens in methyl, methylene and aromatic groups. These groups are located in distinct molecular
environments, observed in the spectrum as three different hydrogen peaks referring to methyl (CH3),
methylene (CH 2), in addition to the peak corresponding to the resonance of aromatic hydrogens (H-
Ar) (a, b and c, respectively).

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Figure 2– NMR spectrum of 1H of benzoyl acetate.

Another information to be obtained in the NMR spectrum is the phenomenon of the spin-spin
interaction. Accordingly, the coupling between the nuclei, called spin-spin coupling (J), corresponds
to the separation (in Hertz) between the individual peaks of the signal (multiplet). When the
interaction of the nuclei occurs in a reciprocal manner, the coupling constants observed in the
multiplets are equal. In addition, J is independent of the magnetic field strength.

In a relatively simple first-order spin system, the number of individual peaks expected in a multiplet
and the relative peak intensities are predictable. The number of peaks is determined by 2n + 1 (only
when J is equal), where n is the number of nuclei in adjacent groups that share the same signal. For
hydrogen it is convenient (n + 1) peaks. In general, relative intensity of each peak is the multiplet
signal followed by the binomial expansion coefficient (a + b)n. These coefficients can be found using
Pascal's triangle, which produces the following relative areas for the related signals: doublet (1:1),
triplet (1:2:1), quartet (1:3:3:1), quintet (1:4:6:4:1), sextet (1:5:10:10:5:1), and heptet
(1:6:15:20:15:6:1). This ordered system, usually Dv referred to a first-order behavior, can be expected
when the ratio and J is higher than 10; Dv is the chemical shift difference between the nuclei and the
equivalent nuclei groups. Two examples of first-order coupled spectra are shown in Figure 3.

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Figure 3 – First order coupling example.

In Figure 4, a spectrum with triplet and quartet signals is presented. We can note that the methylene
hydrogens are split into a quartet (four peaks) and that the methyl group is split into a triplet (three

Figure 4 – NMR spectrum of 1H of ethyl iodide.

Relative intensity is another feature of the experiment that has wide analytical applications. The area
of a signal is directly proportional to the number of hydrogens present in a spectrum.

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As a result, it is possible to determine the relative ratio of different types of hydrogens, or other nuclei,
in a sample.

The NMR spectrum may contain signals unrelated to the sample due to the inhomogeneity of the
magnetic field. These signals, called high rotation sidebands, indicate that it is necessary to adjust the
compensation coils and are easily identifiable. The separation of the signals is equal to the frequency
of the rotation speed of the sample tube.


Sample preparation or incorrect instrumental settings and parameters can lead to decreased sensitivity
(low resolution), spectral artifacts, and erroneous data. The user must be familiar with NMR theory,
sample properties, and instrument operating principles. The instruction manuals provided by the
manufacturers must be strictly followed and frequent checks on the equipment calibration and
operation must be carried out.

The procedures described herein refer specifically to hydrogen (1H NMR) and fluorine (19F NMR)
NMR, and can be applied, with some modifications, to other nuclei. The NMR spectrum is obtained
from liquid or solid samples dissolved in an appropriate solvent.

Solvent selection – Appropriate solvents, in addition to having good dissolving properties, should not
present resonance peaks that interfere with those originated by the sample under analysis. The most
used solvents in hydrogen and carbon NMR are described in Table 2. Deuterated solvents also
provide their signals to heteronuclear systems, enabling field fixation. The isotopic purity of the
solvent should be as high as possible to avoid peaks of these impurities making it difficult to see any
signal from the sample. Deuterium (J = 1) does not resonate under 1H conditions, but can cause J

Table 2 – Chemical shift values of 1H (ppm) for some solvents commonly used in NMR.
Solvent Deuterated form Chemical Shift (Multiplicity)
Acetone Acetone-d6 2.05 – 5
Acetonitrile Acetonitrile-d3 1.93 – 5
Benzene Benzene-d6 7.15 (wide)
Carbon tetrachloride ---- ----
Chloroform Chloroform-d 7.25 – 1
Dimethylsulfoxide Dimethylsulfoxide-d6 2.49 – 5
Water Deuterium oxide 4.82 – 1
Methanol Metanol-d6 4.84 (1) hydroxyl
3.30 (5) methyl
Methylene chloride Methylene chloride-d2 5.32 – 3

In some solvents (D2O and CD3OD), rapid exchanges of deuterium with the hydrogen in the sample
can occur, eliminating the signal of a series of groups: -COOH, -OH and -NH2. The hydrogens of
alcohols and amines are not exchanged quickly, except in the presence of D2O and some other
solvents (CD3OD), and can be restored with small concentrations of acid or base.

For 19F NMR, most solvents used in 1H NMR can be used, the most common being CHCl 3, CCl4,
H2O, CS7, aqueous acids and bases, and dimethylacetamide. In general, any non-fluorinated solvent
can be used whenever spectroscopic calibration is to be performed. Obviously, there is no interference

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of protic functional groups with the solvent. However, protic and 19F functional groups in the sample
are J-coupled unless they are uncoupled.

Sample preparation – Solution is prepared in a suitable container and transferred to NMR analysis
tube. Volume required depends on the analysis tube size and the instrument geometry. The solution
level in the test tube should extend above the coils as it is inserted into the probe and rotated. Solute
concentration depends on the experiment objective and type of instrument. Detecting small amounts
of contaminants may require more concentrated solutions.

NMR sample tubes must strictly comply with the tolerance specifications for diameter, wall thickness
and curvature. The most commonly used tubes have an external diameter of 5mm and measure
between 15 and 20 cm. There are microtubes for analyzing small amounts of samples.

Procedure – The tube containing sample is introduced into a probe perpendicular to the magnetic
field. The probe contains an electronic circuit that includes a radio frequency emitter, and accessories
for rotating the tube containing the sample.

The instrument adjusts before each experiment. The rotation speed of the tube containing the sample
is adjusted in such a manner that the rotating sidebands do not interfere with the peaks of interest and
the vortex must not exceed the probe coils. To optimize the instrument performance, the magnetic
compressor gradients can be adjusted in the NMR spectrometers so that the oscillation phenomenon
does not occur.

The computer-aided operation of a NMR spectrometer enables to control the equipment; the
programming of the experiment; data collection and processing. Programming the experiment
involves recording the values of a large number of variables (peaks), including the width of the
spectrum that will be examined (expansion); the duration of the excitation pulse; the data acquisition
time and the waiting period between data acquisition of one sample and the next. The analysis time
for an accumulated is in the order of seconds. The number of accumulations to be acquired depends
on the concentration of the sample; the type of nucleus and the objective with the experiment. At the
end of the experiment, the FID is digitally stored in memory, appearing on the video monitor. This
FID can be processed mathematically to improve resolution or sensitivity and can be converted to
frequency range spectra using Fourier transform. The integration of the peaks results in a graph with
staggered lines. More accurate signals can be obtained when they are integrated separately.

Using NMR spectrometers, qualitative and quantitative data can be obtained. In quantitative
experiments, special precautions must be taken so that the signal areas are proportional to the number
of hydrogens. The waiting times between pulses must be sufficient to allow the total relaxation of all
excited nuclei. This considerably increases the analysis time and some resolution is lost. Qualitative
analysis is usually performed under non-quantitative conditions, with an experiment designed to
obtain a rapid analysis with maximum resolution and sensitivity.


Comparison of a spectrum described in the literature or that of a reference substance with that of a
sample under analysis can be used to confirm the identity of a compound and detect the presence of
impurities. The NMR spectra of simple structures can be adequately described using numerical values
for chemical shifts, coupling constants and the number of hydrogens corresponding to each signal
(the instruments include programs that generate simulated spectra of substances with this data) .
Experimental details such as solvent, sample concentration and chemical shift reference can also be
added to the spectra.

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For unknown samples, NMR analysis, usually accompanied by other analytical information, is a
powerful method for structural elucidation. Chemical shifts provide information about the chemical
environment of the nuclei. There are many publications with correlation tables and rules for analyzing
these chemical shifts. The multiplicity of signals provides important stereochemical information. The
mutual partition of signals from functional groups indicates their proximities. The magnitude of the
coupling constant J between residual hydrogens in substituted aromatic, olefinic or cycloalkyl
structures is used to identify the relative position of the substituents.

There are several special methods (double resonance; chemical exchange; use of shift reagents; two-
dimensional analysis; etc.) to simplify some of the more complex spectra; identify certain functional
groups and determine coupling correlations.

In the double resonance method, in a simple hydrogen system often referred to as the AX system,
each hydrogen appears as a doublet. If we introduce a fluent radiofrequency field at the frequency of
X, while the normal radiofrequency field that maintains the frequency responsible for the resonance
of A, the shift between A and X will be nullified (homonuclear shift). Accordingly, the A signal will
not be coupled, and it now appears as a singlet. Routine 13C spectra are obtained under proton
decoupling conditions that nullify all 13C-1H. heteronuclear couplings. As a result of this decoupling,
carbon signals appear as singlets unless other nuclei that are not uncoupled are present (e.g. 19F, 31P).

Functional groups containing interchangeable hydrogens bonded to heteroatoms such as -OH, -NH2
or -COOH can be identified by quickly exchanging the hydrogens with D2O. To determine the
presence and position of these groups it is necessary to test the substance in CDCl 3 or DMSO-d6
and then add a few drops of D2O to the sample tube, shake and analyze again. The resonance peaks
of these groups collapse in this second analysis and are replaced by singlet HDO between 4.7 and 5.0

This chemical exchange serves to exemplify the speed effect of the intermolecular and intramolecular
processes on NMR spectra. If a hydrogen can experience different environments as a result of this
process (tautomerism; rotation around an axis; exchange equilibria; ring inversion; etc.), the
appearance of the spectrum will be a function of the process speed. Slow processes (time scale in
NMR) provide more than one signal, whereas fast processes provide narrow signals, and other
intermediate processes large signals.

The computing programs in NMR devices contain a sequence of varied pulses with the repetitive
accumulation of transients described above. These experiments include two-dimensional
homonuclear or heteronuclear analyses, which determine the correlation of couplings and can
simplify the interpretation of more complex spectra.


If the instrument is correctly calibrated for quantitative analysis, the areas under the peaks are
proportional to the total number of hydrogens that generate them.

A1/A2 = N1/N2

If the peaks originate from functional groups of the same molecule, the formula can be simplified

A1/A2 = N1/n2

Where n1 and n2 are the number of hydrogens in the respective functional groups.

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If signals originate from different molecular species,

A1/A2 = n1m1/n2m2 = (n1W1/M1)/(n2W2/M2)

Where m1 and m2 are the number of moles; W 1 and W2 are the masses, and M 1 and M2 are the molar
masses of compounds 1 and 2 respectively.

The analysis of the formulas above makes it possible to verify that the quantitative analysis by NMR
can be performed in an absolute or relative manner. In the absolute method, an internal standard must
be added to the sample and the area under the resonance peak arising from the test substance must be
compared with the area under the resonance peak of the internal standard. If such substances are
exactly equivalent, the quantity of the substance can be calculated. A good internal standard must
have the following properties: present a reference resonance peak, preferably singlet, in a field
position distinct from all peaks in the sample; be soluble in the solvent used; no proton equivalent
weight (when the weight divided between the number of hydrogens that generate a reference peak is
low) and does not interact with the compound under analysis. The choice of internal standard will be
dictated by the spectrum of the sample.

The relative method can be used to determine the molar fraction of an impurity in a sample (or
components of a mixture) using the aforementioned formula.

Quantitative analyses and detection of impurity traces have improved with the development of
modern instruments.

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This chapter applies to active pharmaceutical ingredients, excipients and finished products. Every
substance or product is subject to the determination of residual solvents that may be present, using an
appropriate method.

Generally, tests for residual solvents are not mentioned in the individual monographs when the limits
to be applied are in accordance with those indicated below, as the solvents employed may vary from
one manufacturer to another.

The purpose of this chapter is to inform the acceptable amounts of residual solvents in
pharmaceuticals for patient safety. The chapter recommends the use of less toxic solvents and
describes levels considered toxicologically acceptable for some residual solvents.

For pharmacopoeial purposes, residual solvents in pharmaceuticals are defined as volatile organic
chemicals that are used or produced during the manufacture of active pharmaceutical ingredients or
excipients, or in the preparation of finished products. Residual solvents are not completely removed
during manufacturing process.

This chapter does not deal with solvents that are used as excipients or with solvates. However, the
solvent content in such products must be evaluated and justified.

Pharmaceutical products must not contain amounts of residual solvents higher than those allowing
for safety data. Avoid the use of solvents that cause unacceptable toxicity (Class 1, Table 3) in the
production of active pharmaceutical ingredients, excipients or finished products, unless their use can
be strongly justified by a risk-benefit assessment. The use of solvents associated with less severe
toxicity (Class 2, Table 4) should be limited to protect patients from potential adverse effects. In an
ideal situation, the least toxic solvents (Class 3, Table 5) should be used. In Appendix 1, the complete
list of solvents included in this chapter is presented. These tables and list are not mutually exclusive.


Active pharmaceutical ingredients, excipients and finished products must be analyzed to detect the
presence of residual solvents when it is known that purification or production processes may result in
the presence of such solvents.

It is necessary to carry out the tests for solvents that are used or produced in the purification or
manufacture of active pharmaceutical ingredients, excipients or finished products, even when the test
is not indicated in the individual monograph.

Although manufacturers may choose to test the finished product, a cumulative procedure can be used
to calculate the levels of residual solvents present in the finished product from the levels in the
ingredients used to produce the finished product. If the calculations result in a level equal to or lower
than that given in this general chapter, carrying out the residual solvent test on the finished product is
not required.

However, if the calculated level is above the recommended level, the finished product must be
analyzed to determine if the formulation process has reduced the corresponding solvent level to the
acceptable amount. A finished product must also be analyzed if any solvent is used during its

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Classification of residual solvents by risk assessment

The term permitted daily exposure (PDE) is defined as the maximum allowable intake of residual
solvents from pharmaceuticals.

Residual solvents that are evaluated in this chapter are listed in Appendix 1 according to their
chemical structure and common name. They were evaluated according to the risk they pose to human
health and placed in one of the three classes below:

Residual solvent class Assessment

Solvents that should be avoided:
• Substances known to be carcinogenic to humans.
Class 1
• Substances seriously suspected of being carcinogenic to humans.
• Substances that pose environmental hazards
Solvents that should be limited:
– Non-genotoxic carcinogenic substances in animals, or possible causative
Class 2
agents of other irreversible toxicities, such as neurotoxicity or teratogenicity.
– Solvents suspected of causing other significant but reversible toxic effects.
Solvents with low toxic potential:
– Low toxic potential solvents for humans; an exposure limit based on health
Class 3
risk is not required.
These solvents have a PDE of 50 mg or higher per day.

Options to describe the limits of Class 2 residual solvents

There are two options to set the limits of Class 2 residual solvents.

Option 1 – Concentration limits in ppm shown in Table 4 are used. These limits were calculated using
the formula below, assuming a product weight of 10 g, administered daily.

Concentration (ppm) = (1000 µg/mg x PDE)/dose

In this case, PDE is expressed in mg per day and the dose is expressed in g per day.

These limits are considered acceptable for all active pharmaceutical ingredients, excipients and
finished products. Therefore, this option can be applied if the daily dose is not known or has not been
defined. If all active pharmaceutical ingredients and excipients in a formulation comply with the
limits given in Option 1, these components can be used in any proportion. It is not necessary to
perform additional calculations as long as the daily dose does not exceed 10 g. Products that are
administered in doses higher than 10 g per day are listed in Option 2.

Option 2 - Each component of the finished product is not required to comply with the limits set in
Option 1. PDE, expressed in mg per day, as indicated in Table 4, with the maximum known daily
dose and the formula mentioned above, can be used to determine the concentration of residual solvent
allowed in a finished product.

Such limits are considered acceptable if it can be proved that the residual solvent has been reduced to
the minimum possible. Limits must be realistic regarding analytical accuracy, manufacturability, and

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reasonable variation in the manufacturing process. The limits must also meet current manufacturing

Option 2 can be applied by adding the amount of residual solvents present in each of the components
of the finished product. The sum of the amount of solvent per day must be lower than indicated by
the PDE.

Below is an example of the application of Option 1 and Option 2 for the concentration of acetonitrile
in a finished product. The permitted daily exposure for acetonitrile is 4.1 mg per day; therefore,
Option 1 limit is 410 ppm. Maximum administered daily weight of a finished product is 5.0 g, which
contains two excipients. The composition of the finished product and the calculated maximum
amount of residual acetonitrile are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 – Example of application of Options 1 and 2 for acetonitrile concentration in a finished product.
Quantity in formulation Acetonitrile content Daily Exposure
(g) (ppm) (mg)
API 0.3 800 0.24
Excipient 1 0.9 400 0.36
Excipient 2 3.8 800 3.04
Finished product 5.0 728 3.64

Excipient 1 complies with Option 1 limit, but API, Excipient 2 and finished product do not comply
with Option 1 limit. However, finished product complies with Option 2 limit of not more than 4.1
mg acetonitrile per day and therefore complies with acceptance criteria in this chapter.

Below is another example using acetonitrile as the residual solvent. Maximum administered daily
weight of a finished product is 5.0 g, which contains two excipients. Composition of finished product
and calculated maximum amount of residual acetonitrile are shown in Table 2.

Table 2 –Example of application of Options 1 and 2 for acetonitrile concentration in a finished product.
Quantity in formulation Acetonitrile content Daily Exposure
(g) (ppm) (mg)
Drug 0.3 800 0.24
Excipient 1 0.9 2000 1.80
Excipient 2 3.8 800 3.04
Pharmaceutical product 5.0 1016 5.08

In this example, finished product does not meet Option 1 or Option 2 limit according to this sum. The
manufacturer must analyze finished product to determine if the formulation process has reduced the
acetonitrile concentration.

If, during formulation, acetonitrile concentration has not been reduced to allowable limits, the
product does not meet the residual solvent limits as described in this chapter, and the pharmaceutical
manufacturer must take other measures to reduce the amount of acetonitrile in the pharmaceutical
product .

Analytical procedures

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Typically, residual solvents are determined using chromatographic methods such as gas
chromatography. The official methods for analyzing the content of residual solvents are described in
the item Identification, control and quantification of residual solvents in this chapter.

If Class 3 solvents are present, a non-specific method such as loss on desiccation can be used.

Report residual solvent levels

Finished product manufacturers need certain information about the content of residual solvents in
APIs or excipients to meet the criteria in this general chapter. The following statements are provided
as acceptable examples of the information that a manufacturer of APIs or excipients could provide to
a manufacturer of finished products. The manufacturer may choose one of the options below, as

• It is likely that only Class 3 solvents are present. The loss on desiccation is less than 0.5%.
• It is likely that only X, Y, ... Class 2 solvents are present. All are below the Option 1 limit (here
the manufacturer would mention Class 2 solvents, represented by X, Y, ...)
• It is likely that only X, Y, ... Class 2 and Class 3 solvents are present. Class 2 residual solvents are
below the Option 1 limit and Class 3 residual solvents are below 0.5%.

The phrase "is likely to be present", as used in the examples above, refers to the solvent used or
produced in the final manufacturing step and the solvents used or produced in the initial
manufacturing steps that are not uniformly removed by a validated process.

If Class 1 solvents are likely to be present, these should be identified and quantified. If Class 2 or 3
solvents are present in an amount that exceeds the Option 1 or 0.5% limits, respectively, these must
be identified and quantified.


Class 1 (solvents that should be avoided)

Class 1 residual solvents (Table 3) should not be used in the manufacture of APIs, excipients or
finished products due to unacceptable toxicity or their harmful environmental effects. However, if its
use in the manufacture of a drug with a significant therapeutic advantage is unavoidable, its levels
should be restricted, as shown in Table 3, unless otherwise indicated in the individual monograph.
The 1,1,1-trichloroethane solvent was included in Table 3 because it represents an environmental
hazard. The stated limit of 1500 ppm is based on review of safety data.

When Class 1 residual solvents are used or produced in the manufacture or purification of APIs,
excipients or finished products and they are not removed during the process, these must be identified
and quantified. The procedures described in item Identification, control and quantification of residual
solvents in this chapter must be applied whenever possible. If this is not possible, a validated
procedure must be used.

Table 3 – Class 1 residual solvents.

Solvent Concentration limit (ppm) Reason
Benzene 2 Carcinogenic
Toxic and poses risks to the
Carbon tetrachloride 4
1,2-Dichloroethane 5 Toxic

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Solvent Concentration limit (ppm) Reason

1,1-Dichloroethane 8 Toxic
1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1500 Poses risks to the environment

Class 2 (solvents that should be avoided)

Class 2 residual solvents (Table 4) should be limited in APIs, excipients and finished products due
to their inherent toxicity. EDP is supplied to an approximate 0.1 mg per day and concentrations to an
approximate 10 ppm. The values indicated do not reflect the necessary analytical precision of the
determination process. Accuracy should be determined as part of procedure validation.

If Class 2 residual solvents are present in an amount that exceeds the Option 1, these must be identified
and quantified. The procedures described in item Identification, control and quantification of residual
solvents in this chapter must be applied whenever possible. If this is not possible, a validated
procedure must be used.

Note: The following Class 2 residual solvents are not easily detected under the gas phase injection
conditions described in the item Identification, control and quantification of residual solvents in this
chapter: formamide, 2-ethoxyethanol, 2-methoxyethanol, ethylene glycol, N-methylpyrrolidone and
sulfolane. Other appropriate validated procedures for quantification of these residual solvents must
be employed.

Table 4 – Class 2 residual solvents.

Solvent EDP (mg/day) Concentration limit (ppm)
Acetonitrile 4.1 410
Cyclohexane 38.8 3880
Chlorobenzene 3.6 360
Chloroform 0.6 60
Methylene chloride 6.0 600
Cumene 0.7 70
1,2-Dichloroethane 18.7 1870
N,N-Dimethylacetamide 10.9 1090
N,N-Dimethylformamide 8.8 880
1,2-Dimethoxyethane 1.0 100
1,4-Dioxane 3.8 380
Ethylene glycol 6.2 620
2-Ethoxyethanol 1.6 160
Formamide 2.2 220
Hexane 2.9 290
Methanol 30.0 3000
Methylbutylketone 0.5 50
Methylcyclohexane 11.8 1180
Methylisobutylketone 45 4500
N-Methylpyrrolidone 5.3 530
2-Methoxyethanol 0.5 50
Nitromethane 0.5 50
Pyridine 2.0 200
Sulfolane 1.6 160

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Solvent EDP (mg/day) Concentration limit (ppm)

Tetrahydrofuran 7.2 720
Tetralin 1.0 100
Toluene 8.9 890
Trichlorethylene 0.8 80
Xylene* 21.7 2170
*Generally 60% m-xylene, 14% p-xylene, 9% o-xylene with 17% ethylbenzene.

Class 3 (solvents with low toxic potential)

Class 3 residual solvents (Table 5) are considered to be less toxic and pose a lower risk to human
health when compared to Class 1 and Class 2 residual solvents. Class 3 does not include solvents that
pose a risk to human health at levels normally accepted in pharmaceutical products. However, there
are no long-term carcinogenicity or toxicity studies for many of the Class 3 residual solvents.
Available data indicate that they are less toxic in acute or short-term toxicity studies and negative in
genotoxicity studies.

Residual solvent amounts of 50 mg per day or less (corresponding to 5000 ppm or 0.5% in Option 1)
would be considered acceptable without justification. Higher amounts may also be acceptable, where
authorized by the relevant regulatory authority, taking into account, among other things, process
capability and good manufacturing practices.

If the limit of a Class 3 solvent in an individual monograph is greater than 50 mg per day, such residual
solvent must be identified and quantified. The procedures described in item Identification, control
and quantification of residual solvents in this chapter must be applied whenever possible with the
required changes of the reference solutions. If this is not possible, another validated procedure must
be used.

Table 5 – Class 3 residual solvents.

(Limited by good manufacturing practices or other quality-based requirements in API, excipients
and finished products)
Butyl acetate Ethanol
Ethyl acetate Tert-butyl methyl ether
Isobutyl acetate Ethyl ether
Isopropyl acetate Ethyl formate
Methyl acetate Heptane
Propyl acetate 3-Methyl-1-butanol
Acetone Methyl ethyl ketone
Acetic Acid 2-Methyl-1-propanol
Formic acid Pentane
Anisole 1-Pentanol
1-Butanol 1-Propanol
2-Butanol 2-Propanol
Dimethylsulfoxide Triethylamine

Other residual solvents

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The residual solvents listed in Table 6 may also be of interest to manufacturers of APIs, excipients
or finished products. However, adequate toxicological data to support PDE have not yet been found.

Table 6 –Other residual solvents.

(For which adequate toxicological data have not been found)
Trichloroacetic acid Isopropyl ether
Trifluoroacetic acid Petroleum ether
1.1-Diethoxypropane Isoctane
1.1-Dimethoxymethane Methyl isopropyl ketone
2.2-Dimethoxypropane Methyltetrahydrofuran


Whenever possible, the analyte needs to be dissolved to release the residual solvent. In some cases,
it may be acceptable that some of the components of the formulation do not fully dissolve. In such
cases, it may be necessary to first reduce the pharmaceutical product to a fine powder to release any
residual solvent that may be present. This operation must be carried out as soon as possible to avoid
the loss of volatile solvents during the procedure.

Note: these procedures must be carried out with water free of organic substances to avoid the
presence of peaks that could significantly interfere with the chromatogram.

Class 1 and 2 residual solvents

The following procedures are useful to identify and quantify residual solvents when you do not have
information about which ones might be present in the material, when information about them is not
available. When information on the presence of specific residual solvents is available, it is only
necessary to perform Procedure C to quantify the residual solvents present. Figure 1 presents a flow
diagram for the application of residual solvent limit tests.

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Preparation of sample and

standard solutions


SR peaks in Yes Complies with the test,

SA ≤ SP? requires no further action.



SR peaks in Yes Complies with the test,

SA ≤ SP? requires no further action.


Calculate the amount of
SR found

Pharmaceutical No Does it comply No Record the amount of

product ? with limits for residual solvent found
option 1?


Does it comply Yes Complies with the test,

with limits for requires no further action.
option 2 for

SR-residual solvents
Doe not comply with the
test. SA-sample solution
SP-standard solution
EDP-permitted daily exposure

Figure 1 - Flowchart referring to the identification of residual solvents and the application of limit tests.

Water-soluble substances

Procedure A

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Class 1 stock standard solution: [Note: when transferring solutions, place the pipette tip just below
the liquid surface and mix]. Transfer 1.0 mL of the reference standard Class I residual solvent mixture
to a 100 mL volumetric flask to which approximately 9 mL of dimethylsulfoxide has been previously
added, adjust volume with water and homogenize. Transfer 1.0 mL of this solution to a 100 mL
volumetric flask, to which about 50 mL of water were previously added, adjust volume with water
and homogenize. Transfer 10.0 mL of this solution to a 100 mL volumetric flask, to which about 50
mL of water were previously added, complete the volume with water and homogenize.

Class 1 Standard Solution: transfer 1.0 mL of Class 1 Stock Standard Solution to a suitable gas phase
sampling flask containing 5.0 mL of water (place the pipette tip just below the liquid surface for
dispensing), cap and homogenize.

Class 2 stock standard solutions: transfer 1.0 mL of mixture A –Class 2 Residual Solvents reference
standard to a 100 mL volumetric flask, adjust volume with water and homogenize. This is Class 2
stock A Standard Solution. Transfer 1.0 mL of mixture B – Class 2 Residual Solvents reference
standard to a 100 mL volumetric flask, adjust volume with water and homogenize. This is Class 2
stock B Standard Solution.

Class 2 Standard Solution A: transfer 1.0 mL of Class 2 Stock A Standard Solution to a suitable gas
phase sampling flask containing 5.0 mL of water), cap and homogenize.

Class 2 Standard Solution B: transfer 5.0 mL of Class 2 Stock B Standard Solution to a suitable gas
phase sampling flask containing 1.0 mL of water, cap and homogenize.

Stock sample solution: transfer approximately 250 mg of the material under analysis, accurately
weighed, into a 25 mL volumetric flask, dissolve and adjust volume with water and homogenize.

Sample Solution: Transfer 5.0 mL of Stock Sample Solution to a suitable gas phase sampling flask,
add 1.0 mL of water, cap and homogenize.

Class 1 System Suitability Solution: Transfer 1.0 mL of Class 1 Reference Stock Solution to a suitable
gas phase sampling flask, add 5.0 mL of Stock Sample Solution, cap and homogenize.

Chromatographic system: gas chromatograph equipped with flame ionization detector and 0.32mm
× 30 m fused silica column, coated with a phase layer of 6% cyanopropyl phenyl – 94% 1.8 μm
dimethylpolysiloxane, or column of 0.53 mm × 30 m macrocapillary layer, coated with a phase layer
of 6% cyanopropyl phenyl – 94% dimethylpolysiloxane 3.0 μm. The carrier gas is nitrogen or helium
at a linear velocity of approximately 35 cm/s and a partition ratio of 1:5 [Note: the partition ratio can
be modified to optimize sensitivity]. Keep the column temperature at 40°C for 20 minutes; then raise
the temperature to 240°C at a heating rate of 10°C per minute and hold at 240°C for 20 minutes.
Maintain the injector and detector temperatures at 140°C and 250°C, respectively. Inject Class 1
Standard Solution, Class 1 System Suitability Solution, and Class 2 Standard Solution A into the
chromatograph and record the chromatogram as indicated in Procedure. The signal/noise ratio of
1,1,1-trichloroethane in the Class 1 Standard Solution is minimum 5; the signal/ noise ratio of each
peak in the Class 1 System Suitability Solution is minimum 3; and the resolution R between the peaks
of acetonitrile and methylene chloride in Class 2 Standard Solution A is minimum 1.0.

Procedure: [Note: It is recommended to increase the transfer line temperature between runs to
eliminate any potential condensation from the solvents.]. Inject, separately, into the chromatograph
(following the operating parameters for the gas phase injector, as described in Table 7) equal volumes
of the gas phase (1 mL) of Class 1 Standard Solution, Class 2 Standard Solution A, Class 2 standard
solution B and Sample Solution, record the chromatograms and measure the main peak responses. If
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the response of any peak other than the 1,1,1-trichloroethane peak in the Sample Solution is higher or
equal to the corresponding peak obtained with the Class 1 Standard Solution or with any peak
obtained with the Class 2 Standard Solutions ( A and B), or if the response of the 1,1,1-trichloroethane
peak is higher or equal to 150 times the corresponding peak response of 1,1,1-trichloroethane obtained
with the Class 1 standard solution, follow as Procedure B to verify peak identity; if no peak is
detected, within the criteria specified above, the sample meets the requirements of this assay.

Table 7 – Operating parameters for the gas phase injector.

Operating parameters for the gas phase
1 2 3
Equilibrium temperature (*) 80 105 80
Equilibrium time (minutes) 60 45 45
Transfer line temperature (*) (if applicable) 85 110 105
Syringe temperature (*) (if applicable) 80-90 105-115 80-90
Pressurization time (s) (if applicable) ≥ 60% ≥ 60% ≥ 60%
Injection volume (mL)* 1 1 1
Carrier gas: nitrogen or helium at suitable pressure
* Or follow the instrument manufacturer’s recommendations, as long as the method criteria are met.
It is allowed to inject a smaller amount than specified, as long as adequate sensitivity is

Procedure B

Class 1 stock standard solution, Class 1 standard solution, Class 2 stock standard solution, Class 2
standard solution A, Class 2 standard solution B, Stock sample solution, Sample solution and Class
1 system suitability solution: prepare as indicated in Procedure A.

Chromatographic system: gas chromatograph equipped with a flame ionization detector and a
0.32 mm × 30 m fused silica column, coated with a 0.25 μm layer of polyethylene glycol
(approximate molecular weight 15 000), or a column 0.53 mm × 30 m macrocapillary, coated with a
0.25 μm polyethylene glycol phase layer (approximate molecular weight 15 000). The carrier gas is
nitrogen or helium at a linear velocity of approximately 35 cm/s and a partition ratio of 1:5 [Note: the
partition ratio can be modified to optimize sensitivity]. Keep the column temperature at 50°C for 20
minutes; then raise the temperature to 165°C at a heating rate of 6°C per minute and hold at 165°C
for 20 minutes. Maintain the injector and detector temperatures at 140°C and 250°C, respectively.
Inject Class 1 Standard Solution, and Class 1 System Suitability Solution into the chromatograph and
record the chromatogram as instructed in Procedure. The benzene signal/noise ratio , in Class 1
Standard Solution, is minimum 5; the signal/noise ratio of each peak in the Class 1 System Suitability
Solution is minimum 3; and the resolution R between the acetonitrile and cis-dichloroethene peaks in
Class 2 Standard Solution A is minimum 1.0.

Procedure: [Note: It is recommended to increase the transfer line temperature between runs to
eliminate any potential condensation from the solvents.]. Inject, separately, into the chromatograph
(following the operating parameters for the gas phase injector, as described in Table 7) equal volumes
of the gas phase (1,0 mL) of Class 1 Standard Solution, Class 2 Standard Solution A, Class 2 standard
solution B and Sample Solution, record the chromatograms and measure the main peak responses. If
responses of the peaks obtained with the Sample Solution, identified in Procedure A, are equal or
higher than the corresponding peaks obtained with the Class 1 Standard Solution or with either of the
two Class 2 Standard Solutions (A and B), proceed according to Procedure C to quantify analytes; if
no peak is detected, within the criteria specified above, the sample meets the assay requirements

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Procedure C

Class 1 stock standard solution, Class 1 standard solution, Class 2 stock A standard solution, Class
2 standard solution A, Stock sample solution, Sample solution and Class 1 system suitability solution:
prepare as indicated in Procedure A .

Stock Standard Solution: [Note: Prepare, separately, a Stock Standard Solution for each identified
and confirmed peak as per Procedures A and B. For Class 1 solvents other than 1,1,1-
trichloroethane, prepare the first dilution as described for the first dilution of Class 1 Stock Standard
Solution, Procedure A]. Transfer an accurately measured volume of each reference standard
corresponding to each residual solvent peak identified and confirmed after performing Procedures A
and B to a suitable flask and dilute quantitatively with water to obtain a solution with a final
concentration of 1/20 of the value given in Table 3 or Table 4 (under Concentration Limit).

Standard Solution: Transfer 1.0 mL of the Stock Standard Solution to a suitable gas phase sampling
flask, add 5.0 mL of water, cap and homogenize.

Sample Solution with a known amount added: [Note: separately prepare a Sample Solution with the
addition of a known amount of the analyte from each identified and verified peak as per Procedures
A and B]. Transfer 5.0 mL of Stock Sample Solution to an appropriate vial, add 1.0 mL of Stock
Standard Solution, cap and homogenize.

Chromatographic System: [Note: If it is confirmed that the chromatographic analysis results for
Procedure A are inferior to those observed for Procedure B, the Chromatographic System for
Procedure B may be replaced]. Use a gas chromatograph equipped with a flame ionization detector
and a 0.32 mm × 30 m fused silica column, covered with a 6% cyanopropyl phenyl-94% 1.8 μm
dimethylpolysiloxane phase layer, or a macrocapillary column 0.53 mm × 30 m, overlaid with a phase
layer of 6% cyanopropyl phenyl-94% dimethylpolysiloxane of 3.0 μm. The carrier gas is nitrogen or
helium at a linear velocity of approximately 35 cm/s and a partition ratio of 1:5 [Note: the partition
ratio can be modified to optimize sensitivity]. Keep the column temperature at 40°C for 20 minutes;
then raise the temperature to 240°C at a heating rate of 10°C per minute and keep at 240°C for 20
minutes. Maintain the injector and detector temperatures at 140°C and 250°C, respectively. Inject
Class 1 Standard Solution, Class 1 System Suitability Solution, and Class 2 Standard Solution A into
the chromatograph and record the chromatogram as indicated in Procedure. The signal/noise ratio of
1,1,1-trichloroethane in the Class 1 Standard Solution is minimum 5; the signal/ noise ratio of each
peak in the Class 1 System Suitability Solution is minimum 3; and the resolution R between the peaks
of acetonitrile and methylene chloride, in Class 2 Standard Solution A, is minimum 1.0.

Procedure: [Note: It is recommended to increase the transfer line temperature between runs to
eliminate any potential condensation from the solvents.]. Inject, separately, into chromatograph
(following the operating parameters for the gas phase injector described in Table 7), equal volumes
of the gas phase (1.0 mL) of each standard, Sample Solution and Sample Solution with a known
amount added, record the chromatograms and measure the main peak responses. Calculate the
amount, in ppm, of each residual solvent found in the material under analysis, using the formula:

5 (C /W )[rU /(rST − rU)]


C = concentration, in µg per mL, of the reference standard corresponding to the Stock standard

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W = weight, in g, of the material under analysis, weighed to prepare the Stock Sample Solution;
rU and rST = peak responses of each residual solvent obtained from the Sample Solution and the
Sample Solution with a known added amount, respectively.

Water-insoluble substances

Procedure A

Note: dimethylsulfoxide can be used as an alternative solvent to replace dimethylformamide.

Class 1 stock standard solution: transfer 1.0 mL of the reference standard Class I residual solvent
mixture to a 100 mL volumetric flask to which approximately 80 mL of dimethylformamide has been
previously added, adjust volume with the same solvent and homogenize. Transfer 1.0 mL of this
solution to a 100 mL volumetric flask, to which approximately 80 mL of dimethylformamide has
been previously added, complete the volume with the same solvent and homogenize (reserve a portion
of this solution to prepare the Class 1 System Suitability Solution). Transfer 1.0 mL of this solution
to a 10-mL volumetric flask, adjust volume with dimethylformamide and homogenize.

Class 1 Standard Solution: transfer 1.0 mL of Class 1 Reference Stock Solution to a suitable gas phase
sampling vial, add 5.0 mL of water, cap and homogenize.

Class 2 stock standard solutions: transfer 1.0 mL of Mixture A – Class 2 Residual solvents reference
standard to a 100 mL volumetric flask, to which approximately 80 mL of dimethylformamide has
been previously added, adjust volume with the same solvent and homogenize. This is Class 2 stock
A Standard Solution. Transfer 0,5 mL of Mixture B – Class 2 Residual Solvents reference standard
to a 10 mL volumetric flask, adjust volume with dimethylformamide and homogenize. This is Class
2 stock B Standard Solution.

Class 2 Standard Solution A: Transfer 1.0 mL of Class 2 Stock A Standard Solution to a suitable gas
phase sampling vial, add 5.0 mL of water, cap and homogenize.

Class 2 Standard Solution B: transfer 1.0 mL of Class 2 Stock B Standard Solution to a suitable gas
phase sampling vial, add 5.0 mL of water, cap and homogenize.

Stock sample solution: transfer approximately 500 g of the material under analysis, accurately
weighed, into a 10 mL volumetric flask, dissolve and adjust volume with dimethylformamide and

Sample Solution: Transfer 1.0 mL of the Stock Sample Solution to a suitable gas phase sampling vial,
add 5.0 mL of water, cap and homogenize.

Class 1 System Suitability Solution: homogenize 5 mL of the Stock Sample Solution with 0.5 mL of
the reserved Intermediate dilution of the Class 1 Stock Standard Solution. Transfer 1.0 mL of this
solution to a suitable gas phase sampling vial containing 5.0 mL of water, cap and homogenize.

Chromatographic system: gas chromatograph equipped with a flame ionization detector and a
0.53mm × 30m macrocapillary column, covered with a 6% cyanopropyl phenyl- 94%
dimethylpolysiloxane phase layer of 3.0μm. The carrier gas is helium at a linear velocity of
approximately 35 cm/s and a partition ratio of 1:3 [Note: the partition ratio can be modified to
optimize sensitivity]. Keep the column temperature at 40°C for 20 minutes; then raise the temperature
to 240°C at a heating rate of 10°C per minute and keep at 240°C for 20 minutes. Maintain the injector
and detector temperatures at 140°C and 250°C, respectively. Inject Class 1 Standard Solution, Class
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.33-00

1 System Suitability Solution, and Class 2 Standard Solution A into the chromatograph and record the
chromatogram as indicated in Procedure. The signal/noise ratio of 1,1,1-trichloroethane in Class 1
Standard Solution is minimum 5; the signal/ noise ratio of each peak in Class 1 System Suitability
Solution is minimum 3; and resolution R between acetonitrile and methylene chloride, in Class 2
Standard Solution A, is minimum 1.0.

Procedure: [Note: It is recommended to raise the transfer line temperature between runs to eliminate
any potential condensation of solvents.] Inject separately into the chromatograph (use the operating
parameters for the gas phase injector described in column 3 of Table 7, with a vial pressure of 10
psi), equal volumes of gas phase (1.0,mL) of Class 1 Standard Solution, Class 2 Standard Solution
A, Class 2 Standard Solution B, and Sample Solution, record the chromatograms and measure the
main peak responses. If the response of any peak other than the 1,1,1-trichloroethane peak in the
Sample Solution is superior or equal to the corresponding peak obtained with the Class 1 Standard
Solution or with any peak obtained with the Class 2 Standard Solutions ( A and B), or if the response
of the 1,1,1-trichloroethane peak is higher than or equal to 150 times the corresponding peak response
of 1,1,1-trichloroethane obtained with the Class 1 standard solution, follow as per Procedure B to
verify peak identity; if no peak is detected, within the criteria specified above, the sample meets the
requirements of this assay.

Procedure B

Class 1 Stock Standard Solution, Class 1 Standard Solution, Class 1 System Suitability Solution, Class
2 Stock Standard Solutions, Class 2 Standard Solution A, Class 2 Standard Solution B, Stock Sample
Solution and Sample Solution: prepare as described in Procedure A.

Chromatographic system: proceed as described in Procedure B for Water Soluble Materials with a
1:3 partition ratio. Note: The partition ratio can be modified to optimize sensitivity.

Procedure: [Note: It is recommended to increase transfer line temperature between runs to eliminate
any potential condensation from solvents]. Inject, separately, into chromatograph (use the operating
parameters for the gas phase injector described in column 3 of Table 7 with a vial pressure of 10 psi),
equal volumes of the gas phase (approximately 1.0 mL) of Class 1 standard solution, Class 2
Standard Solution A, Class 2 Standard Solution B, and Sample Solution, record the chromatograms
and measure the main peak responses. If responses of the peaks obtained with the Sample Solution,
identified in Procedure A, are equal to or higher than the corresponding peaks obtained with the Class
1 Standard Solution or with either of the two Class 2 Standard Solutions (A and B), proceed according
to Procedure C to quantify analytes; if no peak is detected, within the criteria specified above, the
sample meets the assay requirements.

Procedure C

Class 1 Stock Standard Solution, Class 1 Standard Solution, Class 1 System Suitability Solution, Class
2 Stock A Standard Solution, and Class 2 Standard Solution A: Proceed as described in Procedure A.

Stock Standard Solution: [Note: separately prepare a Stock Standard Solution for each identified and
verified peak as per Procedures A and B. For Class 1 solvents other than 1,1,1-trichloroethane,
prepare the first dilution as described for the first dilution of Class 1 Stock Standard Solution in
Procedure A.] Transfer an accurately measured volume of each individual reference standard
corresponding to each residual solvent peak identified and verified in Procedures A and B into a
suitable container and dilute quantitatively with water to obtain a solution with a final concentration
of 1/20 of the value specified in Table 3 or Table 4 (Concentration Limit).

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Standard Solution: Transfer 1.0 mL of the Stock Standard Solution to a suitable gas phase sampling
flask, containing 5.0 mL of water, cap and homogenize.

Stock sample solution: proceed as described in Procedure A.

Sample Solution: Transfer 1.0 mL of the Stock Sample Solution to a suitable gas phase sampling vial,
containing 5.0 ml of water, cap and homogenize.

Sample Solution with a known amount added: [Note: separately prepare a Sample Solution with the
addition of a known amount to each peak identified and verified as per Procedures A and B]. Transfer
1.0 mL of the Stock Sample Solution to a suitable gas phase sampling flask, add 1 mL of Standard
solution and 4.0 mL of water, cap and homogenize.

Chromatographic system: proceed as described in Procedure C for Water Soluble Materials.

Procedure: [Note: It is recommended to increase transfer line temperature between runs to eliminate
any potential condensation from solvents. Inject, separately, into chromatograph (use the operating
parameters for the gas phase injector described in column 3 of Table 7 with a vial pressure of 10 psi),
equal volumes of the gas phase (approximately 1.0 mL) of Standard Solution, Sample Solution and
Sample Solution with a known amount added, record the chromatograms and measure the main peak
responses. Calculate the amount, in ppm, of each residual solvent found in the material under analysis,
using the formula:

10 (C /W )[rU /(rST − rU)]


C = concentration, in µg per mL, of the reference standard corresponding to Stock standard solution;
W = weight, in g, of the material under analysis to prepare Stock Sample Solution;
rU and rST =peak responses of each residual solvent obtained from Sample Solution and Sample
Solution with a known added amount, respectively.

Class 3 residual solvents

If Class 3 solvents are present, level of residual solvents can be determined according to the Loss on
Desiccation method when the analyte monograph includes a loss on desiccation procedure that
specifies an upper limit of maximum 0. 5% (according to Option 1 in this general chapter), or can be
carried out by solvent specific determination. If analyte monograph does not include a loss on
desiccation procedure or if Class 3 solvent limit in the individual monograph is higher than 50mg per
day (which corresponds to 5000ppm or 0.5% - Option 1), the individual residual solvent of Class 3
or solvents present in the test substance must be identified and quantified, applying the procedures
described above, with the necessary modifications in the standard solutions, whenever possible. If
this is not the case, an appropriate validated procedure must be employed.


Dissolvent Other terms Structure Class
Butyl acetate Acetic acid butyl ester CH3COO(CH2)3CH3 Class 3
Ethyl acetate Acetic acid ethyl ester CH3COOCH2CH3 Class 3
Isobutyl acetate Acetic acid isobutyl ester CH3COOCH2CH(CH3)2 Class 3
Isopropyl acetate Acetic acid isopropyl ester CH3COOCH(CH3)2 Class 3

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Dissolvent Other terms Structure Class

Methyl acetate Acetic acid methyl ester CH3COOCH3 Class 3
Propyl acetate Acetic acid propyl ester CH3COOCH2CH2CH3 Class 3
Acetone 2-Propanone CH3CO CH3 Class 3
Acetonitrile CH3CN Class 2
Acetic Acid Ethanolic acid CH3COOH Class 3
Formic acid HCOOH Class 3
Anisole Methoxybenzene Class 3
Benzene Benzene Class 1

1-Butanol Butan-1-ol n-butyl alcohol CH3 (CH2)30H Class 3

2-Butanol Sec-butyl alcohol Butan-2-ol CH3CH2CH(OH)CH3 Class 3
Cyclohexane Hexamethylene Class 2

Chlorobenzene Class 2

Chloroform Trichloromethane CHCl3 Class 2

Methylene chloride Dichloromethane CH2Cl2 Class 2
Cumene Isopropylbenzene Class 2
(1 -Methylethyl)benzene

1,2-Dichloroethane Sim-Dichloroethane CH2C1CH2C1 Class 1

Ethylene dichloride
Ethylene chloride
1,1-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethylene H2C=CC12 Class 1
Vinylidene chloride
1,2-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethylene C1HC=CHC1 Class 2
Acetylene dichloride
N,N- DMA CH3CON(CH3)2 Class 2
N,N- DMF HCON(CH3)2 Class 2
Dimethylsulfoxide Methylsulfinylmethane (CH3)2SO Class 3
Methyl sulfoxide
1,2-Dimethoxyethane Ethylene glycol dimethyl ether H3COCH2CH2OCH3 Class 2
1,4-Dioxane p-dioxane Class 2
[1,4] Dioxane

Ethanol Ethyl alcohol CH3CH2OH Class 3

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Dissolvent Other terms Structure Class

Tert-butyl methylether 2-Methoxy-2-methylpropane (CH3)3COCH3 Class 3
Ethylether Diethylether CH3CH2OCH2CH3 Class 3
Ethylene glycol 1,2-Dihydroxyethane HOCH2CH2OH Class 2
2-Ethoxyethanol Methanamide CH3CH2OCH2CH2OH Class 2
Formamide Methanamide HCONH2 Class 2
Ethyl formate formic acid ethyl ester HCOOCH2CH3 Class 3
Heptane n-Heptane CH3 (CH2)5CH3 Class 3
Hexane n-Hexane CH3 (CH2)4CH3 Class 2
Methanol methyl alcohol CH3OH Class 2
3-Methyl-1-butanol Isoamyl alcohol (CH3)2CHCH2CH2OH Class 3
Isopentyl alcohol
Methylbutylketone 2-Hexanone CH3(CH2)3COCH3 Class 2
Methylcyclohexane Cyclohexylmethane Class 2

Methyl ethyl ketone 2-Butanone CH3CH2COCH3 Class 3

Methyl isobutyl ketone 4-Methylpentan-2-one CH3COCH2CH(CH3)2 Class 2
N-Methylpyrrolidone 4-Methyl-2-pentanone Class 2
2-Methyl-1-propanol Isobutyl alcohol (CH3)2CHCH2OH Class 3
2-Methoxyethanol Methyl cellosolve CH3OCH2CH2OH Class 2
Nitromethane CH3NO2 Class 2
Pentane n-Pentane CH3(CH2)3CH3 Class 3
1-Pentanol Amylalcohol CH3(CH2)3CH20H Class 3
Pyridine Class 2

1-Propanol Propan-1-one CH3CH2CH2OH Class 3

Propyl alcohol
2-Propanol Propan-2-ol (CH3)2CHOH Class 3
Isopropyl alcohol
Sulfolane 1,1-tetrahydrothiophene dioxide Class 2

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.2.33-00

Dissolvent Other terms Structure Class

Carbon tetrachloride Tetrachloromethane CC14 Class 1
Tetrahydrofuran tetramethyleneoxide Class 2
Tetralin 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydronaphthalene Class 2

Toluene Methylbenzene Class 2

1,1.1-Trichloroethane Methylchloroform CH3CC13 Class 1

Trichlorethylene 1,1,2-Trichloroethane HC1C=CC12 Class 2
Triethylamine N,N-diethylethanamine N(CH2CH3)3 Class 3
Xylene* Dimethylbenzene Class 2

*Generally 60% m-xylene, 14% p-xylene, 9% o-xylene with 17% ethylbenzene.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.1-00



Classic methods for identification of functions or certain chemical groups present in drugs consist of
reactions that result in precipate formation, colored product, gas release, discoloration of the used
reagent or any other easily noticeable phenomenon. Employ one of the methods described below for
each ion, group, or function.


1) Heat sample with an equal amount of oxalic acid; Acid vapors are released with a characteristic
odor of acetic acid.

2) Heat sample with sulfuric acid RS and ethyl alcohol; ethyl acetate is released, with a characteristic

3) Treat neutral sample solution with ferric chloride RS; a dark red coloration is produced which
disappears when mineral acids are added.

4) Dissolve sample in water, add five drops of lanthanum nitrate RS, two drops of 0.1 M iodine and
one drop of concentrated ammonia solution. Carefully heat to boiling. After a few minutes, a blue
precipitate forms or an intense blue color appears.


Place sample in a test tube and add three drops of phosphoric acid RS. Close the tube with a lid
crossed by another smaller test tube filled with water and on the outside of which a drop of lanthanum
nitrate RS has been deposited. Heat in water bath for five minutes (certain acetylation substances
hydrolyze with difficulty; in this case, the mixture must be heated slowly up to boiling over direct
flame). Transfer the lanthanum nitrate RS drop to a porcelain dish and homogenize with a drop of
iodine RS. Place a drop of 2 M ammonium hydroxide on the edge of the mixture. In the contact zone
of the two liquids, a blue color slowly appears and persists for a short time.


Dissolve a few milligrams of the sample in 5 mL of water, add hydrochloric acid RS until solution
becomes acidic, add 1 mL of potassium iodobismuthate solution; an orange or red-orange precipitate
is immediately formed.

Aluminum, ion

1) Transfer to sample, 6 M ammonium hydroxide; a white gelatinous precipitate is formed, insoluble

in excess of the same reagent.

2) Transfer to sample sodium hydroxide M or sodium sulfide RS; a white gelatinous precipitate is
formed, soluble in excess of the same reagent.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.1-00

3) Transfer 5 M ammonium hydroxide to sample solution until turbidity is formed. Then add three
to four drops of the freshly prepared solution of 0.05% quinalizarin in 1% sodium hydroxide (w/v).
Heat to boiling, cool and acidify with excess 5 M acetic acid; a reddish-violet color is produced.

Primary aromatic amine

Acidify sample solution with 2 M hydrochloric acid and add four drops of sodium nitrite RS. After
one to two minutes, add 1 mL of 2-naphthol RS; an intense orange or red color arises, generally
forming a precipitate.

Ammonia and volatile aliphatic amine

Dissolve the sample in a test tube, add magnesium oxide and heat if necessary; alkaline vapors are
gradually released, which darkens the silver-manganese paper placed in the upper part of the tube.

Ammonium, ion

Transfer excess M sodium hydroxide cold to sample; ammonia is released, with a characteristic odor,
which changes litmus paper red color to blue. Decomposition is accelerated by heating.

Antimony(III), ion

1) Treat sample solution, strongly acidified with hydrochloric acid (maximum 2 M), with hydrogen
sulfide RS; an orange precipitate of antimony sulfide forms, insoluble in 6 M ammonium hydroxide,
but soluble in ammonium sulfide RS, 2 M sodium hydroxide and concentrated hydrochloric acid.

2) Dissolve sample in potassium sodium tartrate RS; after cooling, add, dropwise, sodium sulfide
RS1; a red-orange precipitate is formed soluble in 2 M sodium hydroxide.


1) To a sample ammoniacal solution, transfer sodium sulfide RS and acidify with dilute hydrochloric
acid; a yellow precipitate forms, insoluble in hydrochloric acid, but soluble in alkaline solutions.

2) Heat 5 mL of sample solution, strongly acidified with hydrochloric acid, in water bath with an
equal volume of sodium hypophosphite RS; a brown to black precipitate is formed. In As(V), the
reduction is slower; addition of potassium iodide RS will exert a catalytic effect.

Barbiturate without nitrogen substitute

To a sample methanolic solution, transfer a few drops of a solution containing 10% (w/v) cobalt(II)
nitrate and 10% (w/v) calcium chloride, homogenize and add, while shaking, a few drops of 2M
sodium hydroxide; a blue-violet precipitate is formed.

Barium ion

1) Treat sample solution with M sulfuric acid; a white precipitate is formed, insoluble in hydrochloric
and nitric acids.

2) Place sample in the flame reducing zone; it takes on a yellowish-green color, which appears blue
when viewed through green glass.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.1-00


1) Treat neutral sample solution with ferric chloride RS; a dark yellow precipitate is formed, soluble
in ethyl ether.

2) Acidify moderately concentrated sample solution with M sulfuric acid; a precipitate of benzoic
acid is formed, freely soluble in ethyl ether.


1) Treat sample with mineral acid; effervescence is produced with the release of colorless gas which,
when reacted with calcium hydroxide RS, immediately forms a white precipitate.

2) To a cold sample solution transfer phenolphthalein TS; the solution remains unchanged or is only
slightly colored.

Bismuth, ion

Dissolve sample in a slight excess of nitric or hydrochloric acid and dilute with water; a white
precipitate is formed which, treated with hydrogen sulfide, turns brown. The resulting compound is
soluble in a hot mixture of equal parts of nitric acid and water, but insoluble in ammonium sulfide


Treat sample with 3 M hydrochloric acid; sulfur dioxide is released, recognized for its characteristic
pungent odor and for darkening filter paper moistened with mercury(I) nitrate RS.


1) To a sample solution acidified with hydrochloric acid, transfer a few drops of 0.1% iodine solution
(w/v) and 2% polyvinyl alcohol solution (w/v); an intense green color is produced. The reaction is
altered by oxidizing or reducing agents.

2) Treat sample with sulfuric acid, add methyl alcohol and ignite the mixture; it burns with green
edges flame.


1) Transfer chlorine water RS to the sample solution acidified with sulfuric acid RS; bromine is
released, which gives a brown color to the solution; by shaking with chloroform, solvent becomes red
to reddish-brown in color whereas aqueous layer remains colorless.

2) Treat sample solution with nitric acid RS and silver nitrate RS; a slightly yellowish white caseous
precipitate is formed, insoluble in nitric acid and slightly soluble in 6 M ammonium hydroxide.

Calcium, ion

1) Moisten sample with hydrochloric acid and take it to the flame reducing area; a transient red-
orange color appears.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.1-00

2) Dissolve the sample, add two drops of methyl red TS, neutralize with 6 M ammonium hydroxide,
add 3 M hydrochloric acid, drop by drop, until solution becomes acidic and pour ammonium oxalate
RS; a white precipitate of calcium oxalate is formed, insoluble in 6 M acetic acid, but soluble in
hydrochloric acid RS.


1) Treat the sample with mineral acid; effervescence is produced with the release of colorless gas
which, when reacted with calcium hydroxide RS, immediately forms a white precipitate.

2) To a cold solution of the soluble sample, transfer phenolphthalein TS; red color is formed.

Lead, ion

1) Treat sample solution with M sulfuric acid; a white precipitate forms, insoluble in 3 M
hydrochloric acid or 2 M nitric acid, but soluble in heated M sodium hydroxide, 10% (w/v)
ammonium acetate and in an excess of M sulfuric acid.

2) Treat sample solution, free of mineral acids, with potassium chromate RS; a yellow precipitate is
formed, insoluble in 6 M acetic acid, but soluble in hot M sodium hydroxide and nitric acid.


Treat the sample solution with ferrous sulfate RS, sodium hydroxide RS and ferric chloride RS, heat
to boiling and acidify with hydrochloric acid; a blue color or precipitate is formed. If the amount of
cyanide present is small, a blue-greenish colloidal solution is formed.


To 15 mL of pyridine, transfer a few milligrams of the sample dissolved or suspended in 1 mL of

water, shake, transfer 5 mL of acetic anhydride to the mixture, shake again; a light red color appears.


1) Treat sample solution with silver nitrate RS in nitric acid RS medium; no precipitate is formed.
Pour sulfurous acid or fresh sodium nitrite RS solution into this mixture; a white precipitate forms,
insoluble in nitric acid RS, but soluble in 6 M ammonium hydroxide.

2) Expose sample to ignition; chloride is formed, identified by appropriate tests.

3) In a fume hood, treat the dry sample with sulfuric acid; crackles occur with greenish-yellow gas
being released. For this test, use a small amount of chlorate, and extreme care must be taken when
carrying it out, as the gas formed decomposes explosively above 45°C.


1) With silver nitrate RS, chloride solutions produce a white lumpy precipitate, which is insoluble in
nitric acid but soluble in a slight excess of 6 M ammonium hydroxide.

2) When analyzing amine hydrochlorides, including alkaloids, which do not respond to the above
test, one drop of diluted nitric acid and 0.5 mL of silver nitrate RS in 2 mL of the solution under
analysis containing approximately 2 mg of chloride ion. A white, lumpy precipitate should form.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.1-00

Immediately centrifuge the mixture and decant the supernatant layer. Wash precipitate with three
1 mL portions of nitric acid solution (1 in 100) and discard supernatants. Transfer a few drops of
ammonia RS to the precipitate. The precipitate will quickly dissolve.

3) When a monograph specifies that the solid substance responds to the tests for chlorides,
homogenize the sample with the same quantity of manganese dioxide, moisten with sulfuric

acid and moderately heat the mixture. If chlorine is produced, it is recognized by the production of a
blue color on paper moistened with iodized starch.

Copper (II), ion

1) Treat sample solution with potassium ferrocyanide RS; a reddish-brown precipitate is formed,
insoluble in dilute acids but soluble in ammonium hydroxide.

2) Treat sample solution with hydrochloric acid and metallic iron filings; a red metallic copper film
is deposited.

3) Treat sample solution with 6 M ammonium hydroxide excess; a bluish precipitate is formed first
and then a strongly bluish solution.


Transfer to sample a 7% (w/v) hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution in methyl alcohol and 10%
(w/v) potassium hydroxide solution in ethyl alcohol, heat to boiling, cool, acidify with hydrochloric
acid RS and add ferric chloride TS solution; a bluish-red or red color is produced.


Treat sample with ammonium sulfide RS; a black precipitate is formed, which dissolves in 3 M
hydrochloric acid, with the release of hydrogen sulphide gas, characterized by lead acetate paper.

Ferric, ion

1) Treat acidic sample solution with potassium ferrocyanide RS; a dark blue precipitate is formed,
which does not dissolve by addition of hydrochloric acid RS, but is decomposed by 2 M sodium

2) Treat sample with ammonium thiocyanate RS; it produces an intense red color that does not
disappear with the addition of dilute mineral acids, but can be extracted with ethyl ether, passing the
red color to the ether layer.

Ferrous, Ion

1) Treat sample solution with potassium ferricyanide RS; a dark blue precipitate is formed, insoluble
in 3 M hydrochloric acid, but decomposed by M sodium hydroxide.

2) Treat sample solution with M sodium hydroxide; a greenish-white precipitate is formed, which
rapidly turns green and then, when shaken, brown.

Phosphate (or orthophosphate)

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.1-00

1) Treat sample neutral solution with silver nitrate RS; a yellow precipitate is formed, soluble in 2 M
nitric acid or 6 M ammonium hydroxide.

2) Treat sample nitric solution with ammonium molybdate RS; a yellow precipitate is formed, soluble
in 6 M ammonium hydroxide; the reaction is accelerated by heat.


1) Heat sample solution, acidified with sulfuric acid RS, with cupric sulfate RS; a red precipitate is

2) Treat sample solution with mercuric chloride RS; a white precipitate is formed, which turns gray
in the presence of hypophosphite excess.


1) Treat sample solution with chlorine water RS, drop by drop; iodine is released, which changes the
color of the solution from yellow to red; shaking this solution with chloroform makes it violet in

2) Treat acidified sample solution with nitric acid RS, with silver nitrate RS; a yellow caseous
precipitate is formed, insoluble in nitric acid RS and 6 M ammonium hydroxide.


Treat sample solution, acidified with sulfuric acid RS, with potassium permanganate RS and heat the
mixture; acetaldehyde is released, identified by the characteristic odor.

Lithium, ion

1) Treat sample solution moderately concentrated and made alkaline by sodium hydroxide RS with
sodium carbonate RS; a white precipitate is formed on heating, soluble in ammonium chloride RS.

2) Moisten sample with hydrochloric acid and heat in the flame reducing zone; this acquires an
intense red color.

Magnesium, ion

1) Treat sample solution with sodium hydroxide RS; a white precipitate is formed, which dissolves
with the addition of ammonium chloride RS.

2) Treat sample solution, in the presence of ammonium chloride RS, with ammonium carbonate RS;
no precipitate is formed, but when dibasic sodium phosphate heptahydrate RS is added, a white
crystalline precipitate is formed, insoluble in 6 M ammonium hydroxide.


1) Treat sample solution with hydrogen sulfide RS; a black precipitate is formed, insoluble in
ammonium sulfide RS and in boiling 2 M nitric acid.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.1-00

2) Apply sample solution, without nitric acid excess, on a shiny copper slide; a deposit is formed
which, when polished, becomes shiny and silvery.

Mercury (II), ion

1) Treat sample solution with M sodium hydroxide; a yellow precipitate is formed.

2) Treat sample neutral solution with potassium iodide RS; a scarlet precipitate is formed, very
soluble in excess of reagent.

Mercury (I), ion

1) Treat sample with M sodium hydroxide; decomposition occurs, generating black color.

2) Treat sample solution with hydrochloric acid RS; a white precipitate is formed, which darkens
when treated with 6 M ammonium hydroxide.

3) Treat sample solution with potassium iodide RS; a yellow precipitate is formed which, over time,
may turn green.


1) In a fume hood, heat sample with sulfuric acid and metallic copper; brown red vapors are released.

2) Treat sample solution with an equal volume of sulfuric acid, cool the mixture and add 0.5 mL of
0.5 M ferrous sulfate solution; a brown to purple color is produced on the interface.


1) In a fume hood, treat sample with diluted mineral acids or 5 M acetic acid; brown vapors are

2) Treat iodized starch paper with sample solution; the indicator turns blue.

3) Transfer acidified potassium permanganate RS solution to sample; the color fades.


1) Treat neutral or alkaline solution of the sample with calcium chloride RS; a white precipitate is
formed, insoluble in 6 M acetic acid but soluble in hydrochloric acid.

2) Treat hot acidified sample solution with potassium permanganate RS; the color fades.


1) Treat sample solution, acidified by sulfuric acid RS, with 3% hydrogen peroxide (w/v) RS; the
color fades when cold.

2) Treat sample solution, acidified by sulfuric acid RS, with oxalic acid RS in a heated solution; the
color fades.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.1-00

Treat sample solution, slightly acidified by sulfuric acid RS, with potassium dichromate RS; an
intense blue color appears. Shaking the mixture with an equal volume of ethyl ether and letting the
liquids separate, the blue color passes into the ether layer.

Potassium, ion

1) Treat sample alkaline solution with 1% sodium tetraphenylborate (w/v); a white precipitate is

2) Treat sample solution with acetic acid RS and 1 mL of sodium cobaltinitrite RS; a yellow or
orange-yellow precipitate is formed immediately, in the absence of ammonium ions.

3) Place sample solution, acidified with hydrochloric acid RS, in the flame reducing zone; it acquires
a violet color; the presence of a small amount of sodium masks the color.

4) Treat sample solution with perchloric acid RS; a white crystalline precipitate is formed.

Silver, ion

1) Treat sample solution with hydrochloric acid; a white caseous precipitate is formed, insoluble in
nitric acid RS, but freely soluble in 6 M ammonium hydroxide.

2) Treat sample solution with 6 M ammonium hydroxide and a small amount of formaldehyde
solution; by heating, a metallic silver mirror is deposited on the surface of the container.


1) Treat the diluted sample solution with ferric chloride RS; violet color is produced.

2) Treat moderately concentrated sample solution with mineral acid; a white crystalline precipitate
of salicylic acid is formed, which melts at 156 to 160°C.

Sodium, ion

1) Place the sample solution, acidified, with hydrochloric acid RS, in the flame reducing zone; it
acquires an intense yellow color.

2) Treat the sample solution with hydrochloric or nitric acid and then with uranyl acetate and zinc
RS; a yellow-gold crystalline precipitate is formed after shaking for a few minutes.

3) Prepare a sample solution containing 0.1 g in 2 mL of water, add 2 mL of 15% potassium

carbonate solution and heat to boiling. No precipitate is formed. Add 4 ml of potassium
pyroantimoniate RS solution and heat to boiling point. Allow to cool in ice bath and, if necessary, rub
the inside of the tube with a glass rod. A dense precipitate is formed.


1) Treat neutral sample solution with ferric chloride RS; a light brown precipitate is formed.

2) Treat sample neutral solution with silver nitrate RS; a white precipitate is formed, freely soluble
in 6 M ammonium hydroxide.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.1-00


1) Treat sample solution with barium chloride RS; a white precipitate is formed, insoluble in
hydrochloric acid RS and nitric acid RS.

2) Treat sample solution with lead acetate RS; a white precipitate is formed, soluble in ammonium
acetate RS, but insoluble in hydrochloric or nitric acid RS.

3) Treat sample solution with hydrochloric acid RS; no precipitate is formed (distinction from


1) Treat sample with 3 M hydrochloric acid; sulfur dioxide is released, recognized for its
characteristic pungent odor and for darkening filter paper moistened with mercury(I) nitrate RS.

2) Acidify sample solution with hydrochloric acid RS, heat with a few drops of potassium
permanganate RS and add drops of barium chloride RS; a white precipitate is formed.


1) Dissolve a few milligrams of the sample in water, acidified with acetic acid RS, add one drop of
ferrous sulfate solution at 1% (w/v) and one drop of hydrogen peroxide at 3% (w/v); it produces a
fleeting yellow color. Add 2 M sodium hydroxide drop by drop; an intense blue color is produced.

2) Acidify sample solution with M sulfuric acid, add a few drops of resorcinol 2% (w/v) and sulfuric
acid, carefully, so as to form two layers; heating in water bath for a few minutes, a red ring appears
on the interface.


Treat sample solution with ferric chloride RS; it produces a red color, which does not disappear with
the addition of moderately concentrated mineral acids and can be extracted with ethyl ether, passing
the red color to the ether layer.


1) Treat sample solution with hydrochloric acid; a white precipitate is formed, which soon turns
yellow, and sulfur dioxide is released, recognized by the odor.

2) Treat sample acetic solution with ferric chloride RS; it produces a dark violet color that quickly


Treat sample with two drops of concentrated solution of concentrated hydrogen peroxide solution and
five drops of 2 M hydrochloric acid, and heat to dryness in water bath; a yellowish-red residue is
obtained which, treated with 2 M ammonium hydroxide, changes to red-violet.

Zinc, ion

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.1-00

1) Treat sample solution with potassium ferrocyanide RS; a white precipitate is formed, insoluble in
3 M hydrochloric acid

2) Treat neutral or alkaline solution of the sample with ammonium sulfide RS; a white precipitate is

3) Treat sample solution with 2 M sodium hydroxide solution, dropwise; a white, flaky precipitate is
formed, soluble in excess of sodium hydroxide RS. IDENTIFICATION OF STEROIDS BY THIN LAYER


Prepare chromatoplate using Kieselguhr G as support. Introduce chromatoplate into the tank
containing the impregnation solvent and allow to develop until the solvent reaches the chromatoplate
top. Remove chromatoplate from the tank and allow solvent to evaporate. Prepare 0.25% (w/v)
sample solution and 0.25% (w/v) standard solution using, as solvent, a mixture of nine volumes of
chloroform and one volume of methyl alcohol. If not specified in the monograph, apply to
chromatoplate 2 μL of sample solution, 2 μL of standard solution and 2 μL of the 1:1 mixture of
sample and standard solutions. Develop the chromatogram with the mobile phase specified in the
monograph, letting it rise in the same direction as the impregnation solvent. Remove chromatoplate
from the tank, allow mobile phase to evaporate, heat chromatoplate at 120°C for 15 minutes and
nebulize with a 10% (v/v) sulfuric acid solution in 96% ethyl alcohol. Heat at 120°C for another 10
minutes, allow to cool and examine under normal visible and ultraviolet light (366nm). The main spot
of the chromatogram obtained with the sample solution will correspond to the main spot obtained in
the chromatogram of the standard solution. The main stain resulting from the application of the
mixture of sample and standard solutions will appear as single and compact.

Impregnation solvents:
I - Mixture of formamide and acetone (1:9).
II - Mixture of 1,2-propanediol and acetone (1:9).
III - Mixture of liquid paraffin and petroleum ether with a boiling range of 40°C to 60°C (1:9).

Mobile phases:
A – Chloroform.
B – Mixture of toluene and chloroform (3:1). C – Toluene
D – Mixture of cyclohexane and toluene (4:1).
E – Mixture of cyclohexane and petroleum ether with a boiling range of 40°C to 60°C (1:1).
F – Mixture of glacial acetic acid and water (2:3).
G – Mixture of hexane and dioxane (8:2). THIN LAYER CHROMATOGRAPHY RESEARCH FOR FOREIGN



Proceed as described in Thin Layer Chromatography (, using silica gel G as support. Prepare
three solutions using, as a solvent, a mixture of chloroform and methyl alcohol (9:1) in the following
concentrations: Solution (1): 1.5% (w/v) sample solution; Solution (2): Chemical Reference
Substance (CRS) solution corresponding to 1.5% (w/v) and Solution (3): Prednisolone CRS solution

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.1-00

and 0.03% (w/v) cortisone acetate CRS solution. Apply 1 μL of each newly prepared solution to the
chromatoplate separately. Develop the chromatogram using, as a mobile phase, a mixture of
methylene chloride, ethyl ether, methyl alcohol, water (77:15:8:1.2). Conduct chromatogram.
Remove the plate and allow to air dry, heat at 105ºC for 10 minutes and nebulize with alkaline
tetrazolium blue RS solution. Examine under visible light. The main spot of the chromatogram
obtained with Solution (1) corresponds, in position, color and intensity, to the main spot of the
chromatogram obtained with Solution (2). Any secondary spot obtained with Solution (1) is not more
intense than the corresponding spot in the chromatogram obtained with Solution (3).


Chromatograph using silica gel G as support and, as mobile phase, a mixture of 1,2-dichloroethane,
methyl alcohol and water (95:5:0.2). Apply on the chromatoplate, separately, 1 μL of each of the
three solutions in a mixture of chloroform and methyl alcohol (9:1), as in Procedure I, except for
Solution 3, in which CRS deoxycortone acetate is added. STUDY OF SUBSTANCES RELATED TO SULFONAMIDES BY THIN



Proceed as described in Thin Layer Chromatography (, using silica gel H as support. Prepare
two solutions using a mixture of ethyl alcohol and 13.5 M ammonium hydroxide (9:1) as a solvent:
Solution (1): 0.005% (w/v) sample solution and Solution (2): 0.005% (w/v) sulfanilamide CRS
solution. Apply 10 μL of each prepared solution to chromatoplate separately. Develop chromatogram
using a mixture of butyl alcohol and M ammonium hydroxide (15:3). Remove the plate and allow to
air dry, heat at 105ºC for 10 minutes and nebulize with a 0.1% (w/v) solution of 4-
dimethylaminobenzaldehyde in ethyl alcohol, containing 1% hydrochloric acid (v/v). Examine under
visible light. Any secondary stain obtained in the chromatogram with Solution 1, different from the
main spot, is not more intense than that obtained in the chromatogram with Solution 2.


Proceed as described in Thin Layer Chromatography (, using silica gel H as support. Apply
on chromatoplate, separately, 10μL of each of the following solutions prepared in a mixture of ethyl
alcohol and 13.5 M ammonium hydroxide (9:1): Solution (1): 0.25% (w/v) sample solution and
Solution (2): 0.00125% (w/v) sulfanilamide CRS solution. Develop the chromatogram using a
mixture of chloroform, methyl alcohol and dimethylformamide (20:2:1) as the mobile phase. Remove
plate and allow to air dry. Reveal as prescribed in Procedure I: any secondary spot obtained with
Solution 1, other than the main spot, is not more intense than that obtained in the chromatogram with

Proceed as described in Thin-layer chromatography ( Use Kieselguhr G as support.
Impregnate the dry chromatoplate, placing it in a chamber containing a mixture of 2-phenoxyethanol,
macrogol 300 and acetone (10:5:85). Allow mobile phase to rise not less than 17 cm. Remove
chromatoplate from the chamber and use immediately. Apply 2µL of each of the following solutions
to chromatoplate separately: Solution (1): 0.2% sample solution in chloroform and Solution (2):

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.1-00

corresponding reference chemical solution, operating under nitrogen atmosphere and reduced light.
Develop the chromatogram using, as mobile phase, a mixture of diethylamine and petroleum ether
with a boiling range 40 –60 ºC saturated with 2-phenoxyethanol (2:100). Remove plate from the
chamber and allow to air dry. Examine under ultraviolet light with maximum intensity at 366 nm:
fluorescence is observed, produced in a few minutes. Then nebulize chromatoplate with 10% (v/v)
sulfuric acid solution in ethyl alcohol. The main stain in the chromatogram, obtained with Solution 1,
corresponds in position, color and fluorescence intensity to that obtained in the chromatogram with
Solution 2 and has the same stability for a period of minimum 20 minutes after nebulization. STUDY OF IMPURITIES RELATED TO PHENOTHIAZINES BY THIN


Proceed as described in Thin Layer Chromatography (, using silica-gel GF254 as support,
operating in a nitrogen atmosphere and protected from light. Prepare solutions, using a mixture of
methyl alcohol and diethylamine (95:5) with solvent: Solution (1): 2.0% sample solution (w/v) and
Solution (2): 0.01% sample solution (w/v). Apply separately to chromatoplate 10 μL of each fresh-
prepared solution. Develop chromatogram using the mobile phase specified in the monograph up to
12 cm above application point. Remove plate and allow to air dry. Examine under ultraviolet light (
254 nm). Discard any stain over the baseline. Any secondary stain obtained in the chromatogram with
Solution (1), except the main spot, is not more intense than the stain obtained with Solution (2), unless
monograph establishes differently.

Mobile phases:
A – Mixture of cyclohexane, acetone and diethylamine (80:10:10).
B – Mixture of hexane, acetone and diethylamine (85:10:5).
C – Mixture of butyl alcohol and M ammonium hydroxide (15:3).

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.2-01


Sample preparation: transfer the amount of sample specified in the monograph, or indicated in Table
1, or calculated, to a Nessler tube (50mL capacity and 22 mm internal diameter), adding a volume of
30 to 40 mL of distilled water. If sample solution is used, transfer volume of the solution specified in
the monograph, or calculated, to the Nessler tube and adjust volume to 30 to 40 mL with distilled
water. Neutralize, if necessary, with nitric acid RS. An amount of sample that allows the use of a
volume higher than 0.2 mL of standard hydrochloric acid must be used.

Fixing the volume of standard solution at 1 mL, m (sample mass in g) can be calculated using the


where l is chloride limit in ppm in the raw material.

Standard preparation: Transfer the volume of standard hydrochloric acid (0.01 M HCl VS), indicated
in the monograph, in Table 1, or calculated, and a volume of 30 to 40 mL of distilled water, to a
Nessler tube.

Procedure: Transfer 1 mL of nitric acid RS to the Nessler tubes containing standard preparation and
sample preparation. If, after acidification, preparation is not perfectly clear, filter through a chloride-
free filter paper, transfer filtrate and 1 mL of 0.1 M silver nitrate to Nessler tube. Adjust volume to
50 mL with distilled water and homogenize. Allow to stand for five minutes protected from light.
Turbidity of sample preparation must not be greater than that of standard preparation.

Table 1 – Chloride impurity limits and corresponding quantities of raw material to carry out the test
considering constant use of 1.0 mL of standard solution containing 3.546 x 10 g of chloride.
Sample quantity Chloride limit Sample quantity Chloride limit
(g) (ppm) (g) (ppm)
0.10 3546 (= 0.355%) 3.8 93
0.15 2364 (=0.236%) 4.0 88
0.20 1773 (=0.180%) 4.2 84
0.25 1418 (= 0.l42%) 4.4 80
0.30 1182 (=0.120%) 4.6 77
0.35 1013 (=0.100%) 4.8 74
0.40 886 5.0 71
0.45 788 5.2 68
0.50 709 5.4 65
0.55 645 5.6 63
0.60 591 5.8 61
0.65 545 6.0 59
0.70 506 6.2 57
0.75 473 6.4 55
0.80 443 6.6 53

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.2-01

Sample quantity Chloride limit Sample quantity Chloride limit

(g) (ppm) (g) (ppm)
0.85 417 6.8 52
0.90 394 7.0 50
0.95 373 7.2 49
1.00 354 7.4 48
1.2 295 7.6 46
1.4 253 7.8 45
1.6 221 8.0 44
1.8 197 8.2 43
2.0 177 8.4 42
2.2 161 8.6 41
2.4 148 8.8 40
2.6 136 9.0 39
2.8 126 9.2 38
3.0 118 9.4 37
3.2 111 9.6 37
3.4 104 9.8 36
3.6 98 10.0 35

The amount of chloride (3.546 x 10-4 g) in standard preparation being fixed, if chloride limit in a
given substance is, for example, 354 ppm, 1.0 g of the substance should be used to obtain up to the
same standard turbidity; if limit is 71 ppm of chloride, 5.0 g of sample should be used, and so on.

Alternatively, proceed as described in Ion Chromatography (, using a chromatograph

equipped with an anion exchange column and conductivity detector with chemical suppression. LIMIT TEST FOR SULFATES

Sample preparation: transfer sample amount specified in the monograph, or indicated in Table 2, or
calculated, to a Nessler tube (50mL capacity and 22 mm internal diameter), adding a volume of 30 to
40 mL of distilled water. If sample solution is used, transfer volume of the solution specified in the
monograph, or calculated, to the Nessler tube and adjust volume to 30 to 40 mL with distilled water.
If necessary, neutralize with hydrochloric acid RS. Eventually, acetic acid can be used. If preparation
is not perfectly clear, filter through a sulfate-free filter paper and transfer filtrate to a Nessler tube. A
sample amount allowing the use of a volume higher than 0.2 mL of standard sulfuric acid solution
must be employed. Fixing standard solution volume at 2.5 mL, m (sample mass in g) can be calculated
using the formula:


where l is sulfate limit in ppm in the raw material.

Standard preparation: Transfer the volume of standard sulfuric acid (0,005 M H2SO4 VS), indicated
in the monograph, in Table 2, or calculated, and a volume of 30 to 40 mL of distilled water, to a
Nessler tube.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.2-01

Procedure: Transfer 1 mL of 3 M hydrochloric acid and 3 mL of barium chloride RS to the Nessler

tubes containing standard and sample preparation. Adjust volume to 50 mL with distilled water.
Homogenize. Allow to stand for 10 minutes. Turbidity of sample preparation must not be greater than
that of standard preparation.

Table 2 – – Sulfate impurity limits and corresponding quantities of raw material to carry out the test
considering the constant use of 2.5 mL of standard solution containing 1.2008 x 10 -3 g of sulfate.
Sample quantity Sulfate limit Sample quantity Sulfate limit
(g) (ppm) (g) (ppm)
0.50 2401 (=0.240%) 4.6 261
0.55 2183 (=0.220%) 4.8 250
0.60 2001 (=0.200%) 5.0 240
0.65 1847 (=0.185%) 5.2 231
0.70 1715 (=0.171%) 5.4 222
0.75 1601 (=0.160%) 5.6 214
0.80 1501 (=0.150%) 5.8 207
0.85 1412 (=0.141%) 6.0 200
0.90 1334 (=0.133%) 6.2 194
0.95 1264 (=0.126%) 6.4 187
1.00 1200 (=0.120%) 6.6 182
1.2 1001 (=0.100%) 6.8 177
1.4 858 7.0 171
1.6 750 7.2 166
1.8 667 7.4 162
2.0 600 7.6 158
2.2 546 7.8 154
2.4 500 8.0 151
2.6 462 8.2 146
2.8 429 8.4 143
3.0 400 8.6 139
3.2 375 8.8 136
3.4 353 9.0 133
3.6 333 9.2 130
3.8 316 9.4 127
4.0 300 9.6 125
4.2 286 9.8 122
4.4 273 10.0 120

Sulfate amount being fixed (1.2008 x 10-3 g), if sulfate limit in a given substance is, for example, 500
ppm, 2.4 g of sample should be used to obtain up to the same standard turbidity; if limit is 151 ppm
of sulfate, 8 g of sample should be used, and so on.

Alternatively, proceed as described in Ion Chromatography (, using a chromatograph

equipped with an anion exchange column and conductivity detector with chemical suppression. LIMIT TEST FOR HEAVY METALS

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.2-01

Determination of heavy metals can be carried out by two methods: limit test by formation of solid
sulfide particles or determination by atomic spectrometry.

Limit test consists of the formation of solid particles of heavy metal sulfides, in suspension, and
subsequent visual comparison of the color intensity in sample and standard preparations in a Nessler
tube. The test is semi-quantitative and makes it possible to infer whether sample passes the test or
not, representing the sum of the concentration of contaminating elements in the sample.

Atomic spectrometry method enables to quantify each contaminating element in the sample and
differentiated limits are established for each element according to its toxicity, pharmaceutical
preparation and route of administration. Elements such as As, Cd, Pb and Hg, due to their high
toxicity, have lower limits than the others. Due to the greater bioavailability of elements eventually
present in substances used in the manufacture of parenteral products, the specified limits are lower
than those related to oral use.


Special Reagents

Lead Nitrate Stock Solution: Accurately dissolve 159.8 mg of lead nitrate in 100mL of water and
1mL of nitric acid. Dilute with water to 1000 mL and homogenize. Prepare and store this solution in
glass containers free from soluble lead salts.

Standard lead solution (10 ppm Pb): dilute 10 mL of lead nitrate stock solution to 100 mL with water.
Each milliliter of this fresh-prepared solution contains the equivalent of 10 µg of lead (10 ppm Pb).

Acetate buffer pH 3.5: dissolve 25.0 g of ammonium acetate in 25 mL of water and 38 mL of 6 M

hydrochloric acid. If necessary, adjust pH to 3.5 with 6 M ammonium hydroxide or 6 M hydrochloric
acid. Dilute with water to 100 mL and homogenize.

Preparation of thioacetamide reagent: see thioacetamide RS. Heat in water bath for 20 seconds, cool
and use immediately.


Sample preparation: transfer to a suitable tube sample solution prepared as specified in the
monograph and dilute to 25 mL with water, or dissolve and dilute with water to 25 mL the sample
amount, in g, specified in the monograph or calculated according to the formula:

2 / (1000l)

l = limit of heavy metals in sample in percentage (w/w).

Adjust pH between 3.0 and 4.0 with M acetic acid or 6 M ammonium hydroxide using narrow range
indicator paper as external indicator. Dilute with water to 40 mL and homogenize.

Standard preparation: transfer 2 mL of standard lead solution (10 ppm Pb) to a suitable tube and
dilute to 25 mL with water. Adjust pH between 3.0 and 4.0 with M acetic acid or 6 M ammonium
hydroxide using narrow range indicator paper as external indicator. Dilute with water to 40 mL and

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.2-01

Control preparation: transfer to a third tube volume of sample solution prepared as described in the
monograph or in sample preparation and 2 mL of standard lead solution (10 ppm Pb). Adjust pH
between 3.0 and 4.0 with M acetic acid or 6 M ammonium hydroxide using narrow range indicator
paper as external indicator. Dilute with water to 40 mL and homogenize.

Procedure: for each preparation, transfer 2 mL of acetate buffer pH 3.5 and 1.2 mL of thioacetamide
RS. Dilute with water to 50 mL, homogenize and allow to stand for two minutes. After two minutes,
a shade ranging from yellow to black will be produced. Observe preparations from top to bottom,
along the tube vertical axis, on a white background. The color produced in the sample preparation
must not be more intense than in the standard preparation. Test is only valid if intensity of the color
produced in the control preparation is equal to or greater than that of the standard preparation.


Sample preparation: transfer to a suitable tube the sample solution prepared as specified in the
monograph and dilute to 25 mL with organic solvent (dioxane or acetone, containing not less than
15% v/v of water), or dissolve and dilute with the same solvent for 25 mL the sample amount, in g,
specified in the monograph or calculated according to the formula:

2 / (1000l)

l = limit of heavy metals in sample in percentage (w/w).

Adjust pH between 3.0 and 4.0 with M acetic acid or 6 M ammonium hydroxide using narrow range
indicator paper as external indicator. Dilute with water to 40 mL and homogenize.

Standard preparation: transfer 2 mL of standard lead solution (10 ppm Pb) to a suitable tube and
dilute to 25 mL with the same solvent used to dissolve sample. Adjust pH between 3.0 and 4.0 with
M acetic acid or 6 M ammonium hydroxide using narrow range indicator paper as external indicator.
Dilute with the same solvent used to dissolve sample to approximately 40 mL and homogenize.

Control preparation: transfer to a third tube volume of sample solution prepared as described in the
monograph or in sample preparation and 2 mL of standard lead solution (10 ppm Pb). Adjust pH
between 3.0 and 4.0 with M acetic acid or 6 M ammonium hydroxide using narrow range indicator
paper as external indicator. Dilute with the same solvent used to dissolve sample to approximately
40 mL and homogenize.

Procedure: for each preparation, transfer 2 mL of acetate buffer pH 3.5 and 1.2 mL of thioacetamide.
Dilute with water to 50 mL, homogenize and allow to stand for two minutes. After two minutes, a
color ranging from yellow to black will be produced. Observe preparations from top to bottom, along
the tube vertical axis, on a white background. The color produced in the sample preparation must not
be more intense than in the standard preparation. The test is only valid if intensity of the color
produced in the control preparation is equal to or greater than that of the standard preparation.


Sample preparation: use sample amount, in g, specified in the monograph or calculated according to
the formula:

2 / (1000l)

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.2-01

l = limit of heavy metals in sample in percentage (w/w).

Transfer sample to a suitable crucible, with enough sulfuric acid to moisten the substance, and
carefully incinerate at low temperature. Transfer 2 mL of nitric acid and five drops of sulfuric acid to
the carbonized mass. Heat, carefully, until no more white vapors are released. Incinerate in muffle
furnace at 500 –600 ºC until carbon is completely combusted.

Cool at room temperature, add 4 mL of 6 M hydrochloric acid, cover, digest in water bath for 15
minutes, uncover and slowly evaporate in water bath until dry. Moisten residue with a drop of
hydrochloric acid, 10 mL of hot water and digest in water bath for two minutes. Make litmus paper
alkaline with 6 M ammonium hydroxide added dropwise. Dilute with water to 25 mL and adjust pH
between 3.0 and 4,0 with M acetic acid, using narrow range indicator paper as external indicator.
Filter if necessary, wash crucible and filter with 10 mL of water and combine filtrate and washing
water in a suitable tube for color comparison. Dilute with water to 40 mL and homogenize.

Standard preparation: transfer 2 mL of standard lead solution (10 ppm Pb) to a suitable tube and
dilute to 25 mL with the same solvent used to dissolve sample. Adjust pH between 3.0 and 4.0 with
M acetic acid or 6 M ammonium hydroxide using narrow range indicator paper as external indicator.
Dilute with the same solvent used to dissolve sample to approximately 40 mL and homogenize.

Control preparation: transfer to a third tube volume of sample solution prepared as described in the
monograph or in sample preparation and 2 mL of standard lead solution (10 ppm Pb). Adjust pH
between 3.0 and 4.0 with M acetic acid or 6 M ammonium hydroxide using narrow range indicator
paper as external indicator. Dilute with the same solvent used to dissolve sample to approximately
40 mL and homogenize.

Procedure: for each preparation, transfer 2 mL of acetate buffer pH 3.5 and 1.2 mL of thioacetamide.
Dilute with water to 50 mL, homogenize and allow to stand for two minutes. After two minutes, a
color ranging from yellow to black will be produced. Observe preparations from top to bottom, along
the tube vertical axis, on a white background. The color produced in the sample preparation must not
be more intense than that in the standard preparation. The test is only valid if intensity of the color
produced in the control preparation is equal to or greater than that of the standard preparation.


Sample preparation: accurately weigh sample amount specified in the monograph or calculated
according to the formula:

2 / (1000l)

l = limit of heavy metals in sample in percentage (w/w).

Transfer to a 100 mL borosilicate glass digestion tube with about 10 mL nitric acid. Proceed with the
digestion on a heating plate or block digester at a temperature of 120°C, for three hours. It is
recommended to heat the system slowly to avoid sample projection. If acid evaporates, add another
5 mL aliquot. If a clear preparation is not obtained, add, after cooling, 2 mL of 30% hydrogen
peroxide (w/w) and heat at 140 °C for another hour. Cool and dilute cautiously with a small volume
of water. Transfer, with washing, to a 50 mL Nessler tube, without exceeding 25 mL.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.2-01

Standard preparation: transfer 2 mL of standard lead solution (10 ppm Pb) to a suitable tube and
dilute to 25 mL with water. Adjust pH between 3.0 and 4.0 with M acetic acid or 6 M ammonium
hydroxide using narrow range indicator paper as external indicator. Dilute with water to 40 mL and

Control preparation: transfer to a third tube volume of sample solution prepared as described in the
monograph or in sample preparation and add 2 mL of standard lead solution (10 ppm Pb). Adjust pH
between 3.0 and 4.0 with M acetic acid or 6 M ammonium hydroxide using narrow range indicator
paper as external indicator. Dilute with water to 40 mL and homogenize.

Procedure: for each preparation, transfer 2 mL of acetate buffer pH 3.5 and 1.2 mL of thioacetamide.
Dilute with water to 50 mL, homogenize and allow to stand for two minutes. After two minutes, a
color ranging from yellow to black will be produced. Observe preparations from top to bottom, along
the tube vertical axis, on a white background. The color produced in the sample preparation must not
be more intense than in the standard preparation. The test is only valid if intensity of the color
produced in the control preparation is equal to or greater than that of the standard preparation.


Sample preparation: in cases where the previous sample preparation methods are not efficient,
proceed as described in Wet decomposition in closed system or Method of microwave-assisted
combustion in pressurized system described in Atomic spectrometry method.

Standard preparation: transfer 2 mL of standard lead solution (10 ppm Pb) to a suitable tube and
dilute to 25 mL with water. Adjust pH between 3.0 and 4.0 with M acetic acid or 6 M ammonium
hydroxide using narrow range indicator paper as external indicator. Dilute with water to 40 mL and

Control preparation: transfer to a third tube volume of sample solution prepared as described in the
monograph or in sample preparation and 2 mL of standard lead solution (10 ppm Pb). Adjust pH
between 3.0 and 4.0 with M acetic acid or 6 M ammonium hydroxide using narrow range indicator
paper as external indicator. Dilute with water to 40 mL and homogenize.

Procedure: for each preparation, transfer 2 mL of acetate buffer pH 3.5 and 1.2 mL of thioacetamide.
Dilute with water to 50 mL, homogenize and allow to stand for two minutes. After two minutes, a
color ranging from yellow to black will be produced. Observe preparations from top to bottom, along
the tube vertical axis, on a white background. The color produced in the sample preparation must not
be more intense than that in the standard preparation. The test is only valid if intensity of the color
produced in the control preparation is equal to or greater than that of the standard preparation.


Use atomic spectrometry methods to determine As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ir, Mn, Mo, Ni, Os, Pb, Pd, Pt,
Rh, Ru and V, according to Atomic spectrometry (5.2.13). However, different sample preparation
procedures can be applied, as shown in Figure 1.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.2-01

Is the substance No Is the substance soluble No

Sample decomposition
soluble in water? in other solvents?


Yes Are solvents compatible with No

determination method(s)?


Carry out the determination by atomic spectrometry

Figure 1 – Sample preparation procedures for atomic spectrometry method.

In water-soluble substances, there is no need to decompose the sample beforehand, it can be analyzed
directly after dissolution. If it is not soluble in water and presents solubility in another solvent, the
substance can be analyzed directly after dissolution if there is no incompatibility between solvent and
the atomic spectrometry method used. When none of the above conditions are met, it is recommended
to decompose the sample beforehand. In these cases, two procedures are recommended:

Wet decomposition in closed system

Accurately weigh the amount of sample between 0.1 and 0.5 g of sample and add nitric acid as
recommended by the manufacturer and proceed with digestion in closed system with conventional
heating or microwave at temperature of 180 °C or higher. In systems that use conventional heating
and microwaves, when there is no specification in the monograph, it is recommended to digest for
240 minutes and 20 minutes, respectively.

Method of microwave-assisted combustion in pressurized system

Proceed as described in Combustion methods (

In principle, the two decomposition procedures described can be used interchangeably. However, the
use of wet decomposition is recommended due to its higher simplicity and sample processing
capacity. Other reagents such as hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, hydrogen peroxide and hydrofluoric
acid (cannot be used in quartz flasks) can also be used in the digestion step, depending on the need.
Decomposition by microwave-assisted combustion is recommended in cases where wet digestion is
not efficient for organic samples.

The maximum allowed limits for each element are described in Table 1.

Table 1 – Permitted limits of metal and non-metal impurities.

Oral use Parenteral use
Maximum limit (μg g-1) Maximum limit (μg g-1)
Arsenic (As) 1.5 0.15
Cadmium (Cd) 0.5 0.05
Lead (Pb) 1.0 0.1
Mercury (Hg) 1.5 0.15
Chromium (Cr) 25 2.5
Copper (Cu) 250 25

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.2-01

Oral use Parenteral use

Maximum limit (μg g-1) Maximum limit (μg g-1)
Manganese (Mn) 250 25
Molybdenum (Mo) 25 2.5
Nickel (Ni) 25 2.5
Palladium (Pd) 10 1.0
Platinum (Pt) 10 1.0
Vanadium (V) 25 2.5
Iridium (Ir) The concentration sum must not The concentration sum must not
Osmium (Os) exceed 10 exceed 10

Standard iron solution (100 ppm Fe): weigh 0.8634 g of ferric ammonium sulfate dodecahydrated,
transfer to a 1000 mL volumetric flask and dissolve in distilled water. Add 5 mL of sulfuric acid RS
and adjust volume with distilled water.

Iron Standard Solution (10 ppm Fe): dilute 10 mL of Iron Standard Solution (100 ppm Fe) with
distilled water and adjust to 100 mL.

Iron Standard Solution (2 ppm Fe): dilute 2 mL of Iron Standard Solution (100 ppm Fe) with distilled
water and adjust to 100 mL.


Sample preparation: weigh the sample amount specified in the monograph, or in Table 1, or
calculated, dissolve in a suitable solvent, transfer to a Nessler tube (capacity of 50 mL and 22 mm
internal diameter). Add distilled water, or the solvent indicated in the monograph, in an amount
sufficient for 40 mL. Add 2 mL of 20% citric acid (w/v).

Fixing the volume of Iron standard solution (100 ppm Fe) in 1 mL, the value of m (sample mass in g)
can be calculated using the formula:


where l is the iron limit in ppm in the raw material.

Standard preparation: use 10 mL of Iron Standard Solution (10 ppm Fe) or 1 mL of Iron Standard
Solution (100 ppm Fe), according to Table 1, or calculated volume, and add distilled water, or the
solvent indicated in the monograph , in sufficient quantity for 40 mL. Add 2 mL of 20% citric acid

Procedure: at the same time, add two drops of thioglycolic acid to the tubes containing the sample
and standard preparations. Homogenize, make alkaline with ammonium hydroxide, adjust to 50 mL
with distilled water and homogenize. Allow to stand for five minutes. The pink color produced in the
sample preparation should not be more intense than in the standard preparation.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.2-01


Sample preparation: weigh sample quantity specified in the monograph, or calculated, dissolve in
suitable solvent, or use volume of sample solution as specified in the monograph. Transfer 2 mL of 2
M hydrochloric acid and 0.5 mL of bromine water RS. After five minutes, remove bromine excess by
air current in a fume hood (CAUTION!) TOXIC REAGENT) and transfer to a Nessler tube (50 mL
capacity and 22 mm internal diameter).

Standard preparation: submit the volume of Iron Standard Solution (2 ppm or 10 ppm Fe) indicated
in the monograph, or the calculated volume, as described in the sample preparation.

Procedure: at the same time, add to the tubes containing the sample and standard preparations, 3 mL
of potassium thiocyanate M, complete the volume to 50 mL, homogenize and allow to stand for five
minutes. The color produced in the sample preparation must not be more intense than in the standard


Sample preparation: transfer to a Nessler tube (50 mL capacity and 22mm internal diameter) the
amount of sample specified in the monograph, or calculated, or the volume of sample solution
indicated in the monograph. Dilute to 40 mL with distilled water. Add 2 mL of M hydrochloric acid
and homogenize.

Standard preparation: transfer the volume of Iron Standard Solution (10 ppm Fe) indicated in the
monograph, or calculated volume, to a Nessler tube and proceed as described in the sample

Procedure: transfer 50mg of ammonium peroxydisulfate crystals to the tubes containing sample and
standard preparations. Add 3 mL of ammonium thiocyanate RS, adjust to 50 mL with distilled water
and homogenize. The color produced in the sample preparation must not be more intense than in the
standard preparation.

Table 1 – Limits of iron impurity and corresponding amount of raw material to carry out the test considering
the constant use of 1.0 mL of the iron standard 100 ppm solution, which contains 10 g of iron, in the standard
Sample quantity Iron limit Sample quantity Iron limit
(g) (ppm) (g) (ppm)
0.100 1000 0.4 250
0.105 950 0.5 200
0.111 900 0.667 150
0.116 850 1 100
0.125 800 1.111 90
0.133 750 1.250 80
0.143 700 1.429 70
0.154 650 1.667 60
0.167 600 2 50
0.182 550 2.5 40
0.200 500 3.333 30
0.222 450 5 20
0.250 400 10 10

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.2-01

Sample quantity Iron limit Sample quantity Iron limit

(g) (ppm) (g) (ppm)
0.285 350 20 5
0.333 300

The amount of iron (10-4 g of Fe) in the Standard Preparation being fixed, if the limit of iron in a
given substance is, for example, 1000 ppm, 0.1 deg of sample should be used to obtain the same
coloration of the standard preparation; if the limit is 200 ppm iron, 0.5 g of sample should be used,
and so on.


Alternatively, for iron determination, proceed with the preparation of the sample solution as described
in Limit test for heavy metals ( and carry out the determination by one of the Atomic
spectrometry methods (5.2.13). LIMIT TEST FOR ARSENIC


The method is based on the reaction between arsine (AsH3) released and silver diethyldithiocarbamate
that form a red complex; radiation absorption can be measured in a spectrophotometer or colorimeter.
Two methods can be used, differing only in sample and standard preparation. Method I is generally
used for inorganic substances, whereas Method II is used for organic substances.

The system used – Figure 1 – comprises: (a) arsine generator; (b) and (d) together; (c) ground unit;
(e) absorption tube. Another adapted system that has the essential characteristics of the presented one
can, eventually, be used.

Figure 1 – Arsenic determination system using the spectrophotometric method.

Arsenic standard stock solution: dry arsenic trioxide for one hour at 105 °C. Accurately weigh 132mg
and dissolve in 5mL of sodium hydroxide solution (1:5) in a 1000mL volumetric flask. Neutralize

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.2-01

with M sulfuric acid and then add another 10 mL of M sulfuric acid. Adjust volume with freshly
boiled and cooled water.

Arsenic standard solution: transfer 1 mL (or 0.5; or 0.25; or 0.1 mL) of the arsenic standard stock
solution to a 100 mL (or 50, or 25, or 10 volumetric flask) mL, as required by the laboratory) –
Preserve the environment. Add 1 mL of M sulfuric acid and complete the volume with freshly boiled
water and, subsequently, cooled. Homogenize. Store the solution in a glass container and use within
three days. Each mL of the solution obtained contains 1 µg of arsenic.


Sample preparation: transfer to the arsine generator flask the amount of substance indicated in the
monograph, or the calculated amount. Fixing the volume of the standard arsenic solution at 3 mL, m
(mass in g of the sample) can be calculated using the formula:


where l is the limit of arsenic in ppm in the raw material.

Dissolve with distilled water, adjusting the volume to 35 mL. Transfer 20 mL of sulfuric acid M, 2
mL of potassium iodide RS, 0.5 mL of strongly acidic stannous chloride RS and 1 mL of isopropyl
alcohol. Homogenize. Allow to stand for 30 minutes at room temperature. In unit (c) of the device
described, place two pieces of cotton soaked in a saturated solution of lead acetate, leaving a space
of 2mm between them. Solution excess must be eliminated by squeezing the cotton pieces and drying
them under reduced pressure at room temperature. The joints (b) and (d) must be lubricated with
petroleum jelly and joined as in Figure 1.

Standard preparation: transfer 3 mL of Arsenic Standard Solution to the arsine generator vial. Dilute
with distilled water to 35 mL. Proceed in the same manner as described for sample preparation.

Procedure: Transfer 3 mL of silver diethyldithiocarbamate RS to the absorption unit (e) of the

generator flasks containing the sample and standard preparations. Transfer 3 g of granulated zinc to
the mixture in each arsine generator vial. Immediately join units (c) and (e) to the generator flask.
Place in water bath at (25 ± 3) °C for 45 minutes. At 10-minute ranges, shake slowly. After this
period, transfer the contents of the absorption unit to a 1 cm cell. Compare the red color produced in
sample and standard preparations. The color produced in the sample preparation must not be more
intense than in the standard preparation. If necessary, determine the absorption in a spectrophotometer
or colorimeter at a wavelength between 535 and 540 nm using silver diethyldithiocarbamate RS as
blank for zero adjustment.


This method additionally employs hydrogen peroxide in sample digestion. With certain substances it
can cause a violent reaction. Therefore, it is important to proceed carefully at all stages. Caution must
also be taken in the presence of halogenated compounds, especially when heating the sample with
sulfuric acid and subsequently adding 26% hydrogen peroxide (v/v). Heating should be gentler
preventing it from reaching the boiling temperature of the mixture and charring to prevent arsenic

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.2-01

Sample preparation: transfer to the generator flask the quantity of sample specified in the monograph,
or calculated. Fixing the volume of the standard arsenic solution at 3 mL, m (mass in g of the sample)
can be calculated using the formula:


where l is the limit of arsenic in ppm in the raw material.

Add 5 mL of sulfuric acid and glass beads. If necessary, use a larger amount of acid to completely
moisten the substance, taking care that the volume does not exceed 10 mL. Proceed with the digestion
in fume hood, preferably using a hotplate with a temperature not exceeding 120°C for the time
necessary to start the digestion. Once sample decomposition begins, add dropwise and carefully
concentrated hydrogen peroxide. Wait for the reaction to slow down and then heat between addition
of each drop. If there is foam excess, stop heating. As soon as the reaction intensity decreases, heat it
carefully with flask shaking to promote homogeneous heating. It is necessary to maintain the
oxidizing conditions throughout digestion. To do this, add small amounts of concentrated hydrogen
peroxide whenever the mixture turns brown or darkens. Once the organic matter is destroyed,
gradually increase the heating temperature allowing the sulfur trioxide vapors to be released and the
solution to become colorless or slightly beige. Cool, carefully add 10 mL of distilled water, evaporate
until the sulfur trioxide is again released and cool. If necessary, repeat the operation, removing traces
of hydrogen peroxide. Cool and add 10 mL of distilled water. Wash the flask and dilute with distilled
water, bringing the volume to 35 mL. Proceed as in the sample preparation of Method I starting with
“Transfer 20 mL of sulfuric acid M...”.

Standard preparation: transfer 3 mL of Arsenic Standard Solution and 2 mL of sulfuric acid to an

arsine generator flask. Homogenize. Add the same volume of concentrated hydrogen peroxide used
for sample preparation. Then, heat the solution obtained until vapors are formed. Cool and carefully
add 10 mL of distilled water. Repeat the heating procedure with another 10 mL and, after that, cool
again and dilute with distilled water to 35 mL. Proceed as for sample preparation.

Procedure: proceed as described in Method I.

Note: antimony interferes with the reaction, as it forms stibine (SbH 3) providing a falsely positive
result in color development with silver diethyldithiocarbamate RS. In these cases, the preparations
at wavelengths of 535 and 540 nm should be compared, in which the interference of the stibine is


Proceed with sample preparation as described in item Wet decomposition in a closed system – Limit
test for heavy metals ( and determine by Atomic absorption spectrometry with hydride
generation ( Proceed according to manufacturer specifications using a wavelength of
193.7 nm and monochromator resolution of (0.5 ±0.1) nm.



Proceed with sample preparation as described in item Wet decomposition in a closed system – Limit
test for Heavy Metals ( and determine by Inductively coupled plasma optical emission
spectrometry ( Proceed according to manufacturer’s specifications. It is recommended to
use the wavelength of 188.979 to 189.042 nm.
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.2-01 LIMIT TEST FOR AMMONIA

Ammonia Standard solution (2.5 ppm NH 3): transfer 1 mL of the 0.00741% (w/v) ammonium
chloride solution to a 10 mL volumetric flask. Adjust volume with distilled water.

Ammonia standard solution (1 ppm NH 3 ): dilute 40 mL of ammonia standard solution (2.5 ppm NH
3) to 100 mL with distilled water.

Sample preparation: dissolve the indicated amount of the test substance in 12 mL of distilled water,
make alkaline, if necessary, with 2 M sodium hydroxide. Transfer to a 15 mL volumetric flask, add
0.3 mL of alkaline potassium tetraiodomercurate (II) solution and adjust volume with distilled water.
Homogenize and allow to stand for five minutes. Transfer to a Nessler tube with a capacity of 50 mL
and an internal diameter of 22 mm.

Standard preparation: transfer 10 mL of ammonia standard solution (1 ppm NH 3), or the calculated
volume, to a 15 mL volumetric flask, add 4.0 mL of distilled water, 0.3 mL of alkaline
tetraiodomercurate solution ( II) potassium and adjust volume with distilled water. Homogenize and
allow to stand for five minutes. Transfer to a Nessler tube.

Procedure: compare the color produced in the preparations. The yellow color produced in the sample
preparation must not be more intense than in the standard preparation. LIMIT TEST FOR CALCIUM

Calcium standard solution alcoholic (100 ppm Ca): accurately weigh 2.5 g of calcium carbonate and
transfer to a 1000 mL volumetric flask with 12 mL of acetic acid. Dissolve and complete the volume
with distilled water. Immediately before use, transfer 10 mL of this solution to a 100 mL volumetric
flask and complete the volume with ethyl alcohol.

Calcium Standard solution (10 ppm Ca): accurately weigh 0.624 g of calcium carbonate and transfer
to a 250 mL volumetric flask with 3 mL of acetic acid. Dissolve and complete the volume with
distilled water. Immediately before use, transfer 10 mL of this solution to a 1000 mL volumetric flask
and complete the volume with water.

Sample preparation: transfer 1 mL of ammonium oxalate RS to a Nessler tube (50 mL capacity and
22 mm internal diameter) containing 0.2 mL of the calcium standard solution alcoholic(100 ppm Ca).
Wait one minute, add a mixture of 1 mL of diluted acetic acid and 15 mL of the sample solution
prepared as described in the monograph.

Standard preparation: transfer to a Nessler tube the same amounts of ammonium oxalate RS and the
standard calcium solution alcoholic (100 ppm Ca) as per sample preparation. Wait one minute, add a
mixture of 10 mL of the calcium standard solution (10 ppm Ca), 1 mL of diluted acetic acid and 5
mL of distilled water.

Procedure: homogenize the preparations in Nessler tubes. After 15 minutes, the turbidity of the
sample preparation should not be more intense than that of the standard preparation.

Alternatively, proceed with the sample preparation as indicated in the monograph and carry out the
determination of calcium by Flame atomic absorption spectrometry ( using an aracetylene
type flame, wavelength of 422.7 42nm and resolution of the monochromator of (0.7 ± 0.1) nm; or

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.2-01

Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry ( using the wavelength of

Sample preparation: transfer 0.1 g of sodium tetraborate to 10 mL of the sample solution prepared as
specified in the monograph. Adjust pH between 8.8 and 9.2 with hydrochloric acid RS or sodium
hydroxide RS.

Standard preparation: Transfer 0.1 g of sodium tetraborate to a mixture of 1 mL of magnesium

standard solution (10 ppm Mg) and 9 mL of distilled water. Proceed as for sample preparation.

Procedure: Transfer the sample preparation to a separating funnel and extract twice, shaking for one
minute each time, with 5 mL of a 0.1% (w/v) solution of hydroxyquinoline in chloroform. Discard
the organic phases and transfer 0.4 mL of butylamine and 0.1 mL of triethanolamine to the aqueous
phase. Adjust pH between 10.5 to 11.5 if necessary. Add 4 mL of 0.1% (w/v) hydroxyquinoline
solution in chloroform and shake for one minute. Use the lower phase for comparison. Proceed in the
same manner with the standard preparation. The color produced in the sample preparation must not
be more intense than in the standard preparation.

Alternatively, proceed to the determination of magnesium by Flame atomic absorption spectrometry

( using air-acetylene type flame, wavelength of 285.2 nm and monochromator resolution
of (1.2± 0.1) nm; or Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry ( using a

To 200 mL of distilled water, transfer 0.1 g of hydroxylamine hydrochloride, 10 mL of ammonium
chloride buffer pH 10, 1 mL of 0.1 M zinc sulfate solution and about 15 mg of eriochrome black T.
Heat to approximately 40°C. Titrate with 0.01 M disodium EDTA VS until the violet color changes
to blue. Transfer to this solution the recommended amount of the sample dissolved in 100 mL of
distilled water or prepared as described in the monograph. If the color of the solution changes to
violet, titrate with 0.01 M disodium EDTA VS until turning blue. The volume of 0.01 M disodium
EDTA solution VS used in the second titration must not exceed the volume established in the

Aluminum standard solution (200 ppm Al): treat a portion of metallic aluminum with 6 M
hydrochloric acid at 80°C for a few minutes. Weigh 100 mg of the treated portion and dissolve in a
mixture of 10 mL hydrochloric acid and 2 mL nitric acid at 80°C for approximately 30 minutes. Keep
under heating until volume is reduced to about 4 ml. Cool to room temperature and add 4 mL of
distilled water. Allow to evaporate until the volume is 2 mL. Cool and transfer the solution accurately,
using distilled water, to a 100 mL volumetric flask. Adjust volume with distilled water and
homogenize. Pipette 20 ml of this solution and transfer to another 100 mL volumetric flask. Adjust
volume with distilled water and homogenize.

Aluminum Standard Solution (10 ppm Al): transfer, immediately before use, 5 mL of Aluminum
Standard Solution (200 ppm Al) to a 100 mL volumetric flask; adjust volume with distilled water and

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.2-01

Aluminum Standard Solution (2 ppm Al): transfer, immediately before use, 1 mL of Aluminum
Standard Solution (200 ppm Al) to a 100 mL volumetric flask; adjust volume with distilled water and

Nitric acid diluent solution: transfer 40 mL of nitric acid to a 1000 mL volumetric flask; adjust
volume with distilled water and homogenize.


Sample preparation: use the specified amount of the sample, or calculated, prepared as specified in
the monograph.

Standard Preparation: Use the specified or calculated volume of Aluminum Standard Solution (10
ppm or 2 ppm).

Procedure: transfer the sample and standard preparations to separating funnels and extract with three
portions (20, 20 and 10 mL) of the 0.5% (w/v) hydroxyquinoline solution in chloroform. Add the
chloroform extracts and dilute to 50 mL with chloroform. Carry out a blank preparation using the
same solvent. Measure the fluorescence intensity (5.2.15) of the sample preparation (I1), the standard
preparation (I2) and the blank preparation (I3) using an excitation wavelength of 392 nm and
monochromator set at 518 nm. The fluorescence of the sample preparation (I1), deducted from the
blank preparation (I3) must not be greater than that of the standard preparation (I2), deducted from
the blank preparation (I3).


Sample preparation: transfer the quantity of the sample specified in the monograph, or calculated,
and 50 mL of distilled water to a 100 mL plastic volumetric flask and submit to an ultrasonic bath for
30 minutes. Add 4 mL of nitric acid; adjust volume with distilled water and homogenize.

Standard preparations: prepare solutions containing 0.01, 0.02 and 0.04 ppm of aluminum,
immediately before use, by diluting the Aluminum Standard Solution (1 ppm Al) with Nitric Acid
Diluent Solution in a 100 mL volumetric flask.

Procedure: determine the absorbances of the standard preparations and the sample preparation by
Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry ( equipped with a hollow aluminum
cathode lamp. Adjust the wavelength to 309.3 nm using a monochromator resolution of
(0.7 ±0.1) nm. Use the Nitric Acid Diluent Solution as a blank and proceed with the calibration as
described in ( Method I (Direct Calibration). Determine the Al concentration in the sample
preparation in ppm. Calculate the amount of Al in the sample in ppm by multiplying the concentration
of the sample preparation in ppm by 100/P where P is the mass in g of the substance used in the
sample preparation.


Proceed as described in Method II and carry out the determination by Optical Emission Spectrometry
with Inductively Coupled Plasma ( Proceed according to manufacturer’s specifications. It
is recommended to use the wavelength of 396.153 nm. LIMIT TEST FOR PHOSPHATES

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.2-01

Phosphate standard solution (5 ppm): dissolve 0.716 g of monobasic potassium phosphate in distilled
water and adjust to 1000 mL. Transfer 10 mL of this solution to a 1000-mL volumetric flask and
adjust the volume with distilled water.

Sample preparation: transfer the specified, calculated amount of sample or the volume of sample
solution prepared as described in the monograph to a 100 mL volumetric flask and adjust volume
with the appropriate solvent. Transfer this solution, 4 mL of sulfomolybdic reagent, 0.1 mL of
stannous chloride RS to a beaker and homogenize.

Standard preparation: Transfer 2 mL of Phosphate Standard Solution (5 ppm) to a 100 mL

volumetric flask and adjust volume with the appropriate solvent. Continue as described in sample

Procedure: wait 10 minutes, transfer 20 mL of the contents of the sample and standard preparations
to Nessler tubes (capacity of 50 mL and 22 mL of internal diameter) and compare the color of the
preparations. The color produced in the sample preparation must not be more intense than in the
standard preparation.

Alternatively, proceed as described in Ion Chromatography ( using a chromatograph

equipped with an ion exchange column for anion separation and conductivity detector with chemical
suppression. LIMIT TEST FOR LEAD

Lead Diluted Standard Solution (1 ppm Pb): dilute the accurately measured volume of Lead Standard
Solution (10 ppm Pb) prepared as described in Limit Test for Heavy Metals ( with nine
volumes of nitric acid to 1 % (v/v).

Note: Store all reagent solutions in borosilicate glass containers. Rinse the entire glassware with a
20% (v/v) nitric acid solution and then with distilled water.

Sample preparation: in the absence of specification in the monograph, prepare the sample solution
as follows. Proceed in a fume hood, as some substances can react violently when digested with
hydrogen peroxide. Transfer 1.0 g of the sample to a suitable flask, add 5 mL of sulfuric acid, some
glass beads and heat in a hotplate, in a hood, until the fumes evolve. Other suitable means of heating
can be used. If necessary, add excess sulfuric acid to completely wet the sample not exceeding a total
of 10 mL. Carefully add dropwise concentrated hydrogen peroxide, heating between additions,
allowing the reaction to take place. Add the first drops slowly and very slowly, mixing carefully to
prevent rapid reaction and stopping heating if excessive foaming occurs. Shake the solution in the
vial to allow the sample adhering to the walls to react. Add hydrogen peroxide whenever the mixture
turns brown or darkens. Continue digestion until sulfur trioxide vapors are released abundantly so
that the reaction is complete and the solution becomes colorless. Cool, cautiously, with the addition
of 10 mL of distilled water, evaporate again until the sulfur trioxide is fully released and cool. Repeat
this procedure with 10 mL of distilled water to remove any traces of hydrogen peroxide. Carefully
dilute with 10 mL of distilled water and cool.

Note: if, before heating, the sample reacts very quickly and starts to smoke with 5 mL of sulfuric acid,
use 10 mL of cold 50% sulfuric acid (v/v) and add a few drops of peroxide hydrogen before heating.

Standard Preparation: Use the specified or calculated volume of Lead diluted standard solution (1
ppm Pb). Subject to the same treatment as the sample preparation.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.2-01

Procedure: Transfer the Sample Preparation and Standard Preparation to a separating funnel using
10 mL of distilled water. Add 6 mL of ammonium citrate RS and 2 mL of hydroxylamine
hydrochloride RS1 (for the determination of lead in iron salts use 10 mL of ammonium citrate RS).
Add two drops of 0.1% phenol red (w/v) in ethyl alcohol, make alkaline with ammonium hydroxide
until red color and homogenize. Cool the solution, if necessary, and add 2 mL of potassium cyanide
RS. Immediately extract with 5 mL portions of the dithizone extraction solution and collect each
extract into another separating funnel until the dithizone solution maintains its green color. Shake the
combined dithizone solutions for 30 seconds with 20 mL of 1% nitric acid (v/v) and discard the
organic phase. Transfer 5 mL of dithizone standard solution and 4 mL of cyanide ammonia RS to the
acid solution and shake for 30 seconds. The violet color produced in the organic phase of sample
preparation must not be more intense than in the standard preparation.

Alternatively, prepare the sample as described in Limit Test for Heavy Metals ( and determine
lead by one of the Atomic Spectrometry methods (5.2.13). LIMIT TEST FOR N,N-DIMETHYLANILINE


Proceed as described in Gas chromatography ( Use a gas chromatograph equipped with a
flame ionization detector; column of fused silica 25 m long and 0.32 mm internal diameter, covered
with a 0.52 µm thick cross-linked polymethylphenylsiloxane film, maintained at a temperature of
150°C for five minutes, then increase the temperature in the ratio of 20°C per minute to 275°C and
keep at this temperature for three minutes. The injector temperature should be 220 °C and the detector
300 °C. Use helium as carrier gas with a flow split ratio of 1:20, column head pressure of 50 kPa and
flow divider of 20 mL per minute. The flow divider jacket consists of a column approximately 1 cm
in length, filled with diatomaceous earth for gas chromatography impregnated with 10%

Internal standard solution: dissolve 50mg of N,N-diethylaniline in 4 mL of 0.1 M hydrochloric acid

and dilute to 50 mL with water. Dilute 1 mL of the solution to 100 mL with water.

Standard solution: dissolve 50.0mg of N,N-dimethylamine in 4 mL of 0.1 M hydrochloric acid and

dilute to 50.0 mL with water. Dilute 1.0 mL of the solution to 100.0 mL with water. Dilute 1.0 mL of
the solution to 30.0 mL with water. Add 1.0 mL of Internal Standard Solution and 1.0 mL of 10.5 M
Sodium Hydroxide. Add 2.0 mL of trimethylpentane. Shake for two minutes and wait for phase
separation. Use the clear supernatant solution.

Sample Solution: Transfer approximately 0.50 g of accurately weighed sample to a centrifuge tube
and add 30 mL of water. Add 1.0 mL of Internal Standard Solution and adjust the solution
temperature between 26 and 28 °C. Add 1.0 mL of 10.5 M sodium hydroxide and shake until complete
dissolution. Add 2.0 mL of trimethylpentane. Shake for two minutes and wait for phase separation.
Use the clear supernatant solution.

Procedure: Separately inject equal volumes (approximately 1 µL) of Standard Solution and Sample
Solution into the chromatograph, record the chromatograms and main peak responses. Retention
times should be approximately 3.6 minutes for N,N-dimethylaniline and 5.0 minutes for N,N-
diethylaniline. The ratio between the peak responses of dimethylaniline and diethylaniline, obtained
from the Sample solution, must not be greater than that obtained from the Standard solution (0.002%).

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Proceed as described in Gas chromatography ( Use gas chromatograph equipped with a
flame ionization detector, a 2 m long and 2 mm internal diameter glass column, packed with a
silanized diatom support for gas chromatography impregnated with 3% polymethylphenylsiloxane,
kept at a temperature of 120°C and the temperature of the injector and detector at 150°C. Use nitrogen
as carrier gas (30 mL/minute flow).

Internal standard solution: dissolve an accurately weighed amount of naphthalene in cyclohexane to

obtain a solution of approximately 0.05mg/mL.

Standard solution: transfer approximately 50.0 mg of N,N-dimethylamine, accurately weighed, into

a 50.0 mL volumetric flask, add 25.0 mL of M hydrochloric acid, shake until dissolved, dilute with
water to volume and homogenize. Dilute 5.0 mL of the solution to 250.0 mL with water and
homogenize. Transfer 1.0 mL of the resulting solution to a centrifuge tube, add 5.0 mL of M sodium
hydroxide and 1.0 mL of the Internal standard solution, shake vigorously for one minute and
centrifuge. Use the clear supernatant solution.

Sample Solution: Transfer approximately 1.0 g of accurately weighed sample to a centrifuge tube and
add 5 mL of M sodium hydroxide until complete dissolution. Add 1.0 mL of the Internal standard
solution, shake vigorously for one minute and centrifuge. Use the clear supernatant solution.

Procedure: Separately inject equal volumes (approximately 1 µL) of Standard Solution and Sample
Solution into the chromatograph, record the chromatograms and main peak responses. The ratio
between the peak responses of dimethylaniline and naphthalene, obtained from the Sample solution,
must not be greater than that obtained from the Standard solution (0.002%).

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This type of titration is very useful in the analysis of drugs that contain a primary aromatic amino
group, such as sulfonamides and local anesthetics derived from aminobenzoic acid. Titration is
carried out with a volumetric solution of sodium nitrite, in an acidic medium, providing the diazonium
salt of the primary aromatic amine.

Two methods of quantification are used.

In Method I, iodine starch solution or iodine starch paper is used as indicator. Excess nitrous acid
converts iodide to iodine, which in contact with starch results in the characteristic blue color.

In Method II, the titration endpoint is determined potentiometrically. In this method, platinum-
calomel or platinum-platinum electrodes with adequate potential difference and sensitivity are used.
After use, the electrodes should be immersed for a few seconds in nitric acid RS to which 1mg/mL
of ferric chloride was added and then wash with distilled water.


Procedure – Accurately weigh approximately 500mg of the sulfonamide or the amount specified in
the monograph for other primary aromatic amines and transfer to a 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask. Add,
while shaking, 100 mL of hydrochloric acid RS to dissolve the sample. Then add about 30 mL of
water and cool in ice bath to approximately 15 ºC. Titrate, under constant agitation, with a 0.1 M
sodium nitrite solution VS previously standardized with CRS sulfanilamide. The titration endpoint is
reached when a drop of the Erlenmeyer solution immediately turns blue with a iodine starch solution
TS on a spot plate or on moist iodine starch TS paper. To check the titration completion, repeat the
spot test two minutes after the last addition. This one should remain positive.

The weight, in mg, of the sample corresponding to each mL of 0.1 M sodium nitrite VS is described
in the monograph of each drug.


Procedure – Accurately weigh approximately 500mg of the sulfonamide, or the equivalent in mass
of the active ingredient for pharmaceutical specialties, or the amount specified in the monograph for
other primary aromatic amines. In injectables or other liquid forms, an amount equivalent to 500 mg
of active ingredient or the amount specified in the monograph must be used. Transfer to an
Erlenmeyer flask and add 20 mL of hydrochloric acid RS and 50 mL of water. Shake until dissolved.
Cool to approximately 15°C maintaining this temperature over the course of the titration. Add suitable
catalyst when specified. Titrate, slowly and under constant agitation, with a 0.1 M sodium nitrite
solution VS previously standardized with CRS sulfanilamide.

The weight, in mg, of the sample corresponding to each mL of 0.1 M sodium nitrite VS is described
in the monograph of each drug.

Note: The tip of the burette must remain just above the surface of the solution to avoid oxidation of
the sodium nitrite. Shake carefully, avoiding the formation of a vortex of air below the surface. When

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the titration is approximately 1 mL from the calculated endpoint, add 0.1 mL volumes at ranges of

The Kjeldahl method described in the form of macro and semi-micro method is intended for the
determination of nitrogen in relatively labile substances such as amides and amines. It comprises two
phases: (1) catalytic digestion of the organic substance in sulfuric acid with the ensuing quantitative
conversion of nitrogen into ammonium sulfate; (2) distillation of the digest made alkaline and
volumetric titration of the ammonia released in the process. MACRODETERMINATION (METHOD I)

Accurately transfer approximately 1 g of sample, 10 g of potassium sulfate, 0.5 g of cupric sulfate
and 20 mL of sulfuric acid into a 500 mL Kjeldahl flask. Lean the flask about 45° and heat, slowly,
keeping the temperature below the boiling point while foam is produced. Increase the temperature
until the acid boils and continue heating for 30 minutes until the mixture is clear and becomes light
green. Cool, add 150 mL of water, homogenize and cool again. Carefully add 100 mL of the 40%
(w/v) sodium hydroxide solution, allowing the alkali to drain through the flask wall and form an
independent phase under the acidic solution. Add small amount of granulated zinc; immediately,
connect the flask to the isolation bulb previously fixed to the condenser, and immerse the collecting
tube in 100 mL of 5% boric acid solution (w/v) in a 500 mL erlenmeyer flask. Homogenize the
mixture in the flask by gently shaking and distill until approximately 80% of the volume contained
in the flask is collected in the Erlenmeyer flask. Add about three drops of mixture of methyl red with
methyl blue TS to the erlenmeyer flask and titrate with 0.25 M VS sulfuric acid. Carry out blank test
and make the necessary corrections. Each mL of 0.25 M sulfuric acid VS is equivalent to 7.003 mg
of nitrogen. For samples with low nitrogen content, use 0.05 M sulfuric acid VS. In this case, each mL
is equivalent to 1.401 mg of nitrogen.

In the presence of nitrates or nitrites, accurately transfer the weighed amount of the sample containing
about 150mg of nitrogen, 25 mL of sulfuric acid containing 1g of dissolved salicylic acid to a 500
mL Kjeldahl flask. Homogenize and wait for about 30 minutes shaking frequently. Add 5 g of sodium
thiosulfate, homogenize and then add 0.5 g of cupric sulfate. Proceed as indicated in the previous
procedure starting from “Lean the flask approximately 45°...”.

When the nitrogen content in the sample exceeds 10%, add, prior to digest, 0.5 to 1.0 g of benzoic
acid to facilitate the decomposition of the substance. Semi-microdetermination (METHOD II)

Accurately weigh the amount of substance corresponding to 2 – 3 mg of nitrogen and transfer to a

Kjeldahl flask compatible with the device, together with 1 g of potassium sulfate and 0.1 g of cupric
sulfate. If necessary, wash off solids adhering to the neck with a fine jet of water. Add 7 mL of sulfuric
acid and then 1 mL of 30% hydrogen peroxide (v/v) so that the liquids flow down the wall of the
flask. Heat the flask and keep digesting until the carbonization residues disappear and the light blue
preparation is perfectly clear. Carefully add 70 mL of water and cool. Connect the flask to the
distillation apparatus and, through the funnel, transfer 30 mL of 40% sodium hydroxide solution (w/v)
allowing the alkali to flow through the flask wall and form an independent phase under the acidic
solution. Rinse the funnel with water and immediately start the distillation. Collect the distillate in a
250 mL Erlenmeyer flask containing 15 mL of 5% (w/v) boric acid solution, amount of water
sufficient to immerse the collection tube and three drops of a methyl red with methyl blue TS mixture.

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Distill until the volume of distillate reaches 80 to 100 mL; remove the collecting flask, wash the walls
with a small amount of water and titrate with 0.005 M sulfuric acid VS. Carry out blank test and make
the necessary corrections. Each mL of 0.005 M sulfuric acid VS is equivalent to 0.1401 mg of

Combustion methods consist in the decomposition of organic substances in the presence of oxygen,
through the oxidation of organic matter for the subsequent identification or assay step. These methods
can be applied in two manners: atmospheric pressure flask combustion method and pressurized
microwave-assisted combustion method.



It comprises a conical flask made of resistant refractory borosilicate glass, with an internal volume of
500 mL and a ground glass cap. For determination of fluoride, a quartz flask is used. The base of the
ground cap that accompanies the flask has a glass extension on which a platinum wire is fixed with
an end composed of a platinum support where the sample is introduced (Figure 1).

Solid samples

Weigh the amount specified in the monograph onto a piece of filter paper of appropriate shape and
dimensions, fold and hold to the platinum mesh, leaving part of the edge free. Place the specified
absorber solution inside the flask and bubble oxygen into this solution to saturate the interior of the
flask. Ignite the end of the paper (see Note 1) and, without delay, place the cap on the flask, holding
it firmly in place to prevent its displacement due to the pressure exerted by the combustion gases.
Invert the flask to ensure liquid seal at the cap, taking care to prevent incompletely burnt material
from falling into the liquid. Once combustion is complete, shake the flask until the gases formed in
the process disappear. After 15 to 30 minutes, place a small amount of water on the rim of the flask
and remove the cap, allowing this water to flow into the flask, washing the neck walls. Wash stopper,
neck, wire and platinum mesh with water and transfer washing water to the absorbent solution. The
solution obtained by this procedure is called sample solution. To prepare the blank, proceed likewise,
omitting the sample (Note 2).

Liquid samples

Pack a small amount of absorbent cotton in a piece of filter paper and weigh, in this device, the
specified amount of the sample, which is absorbed into the cotton. After fixing the cotton wrapped in
the filter paper to the platinum mesh, proceed with combustion as described for solid samples.

Determination of chlorine and bromine

Burn the specified amount of the substance under examination, using as an absorbent solution 20 mL
of water plus 1 mL of concentrated hydrogen peroxide and 3 mL of 0.1 M sodium hydroxide. After
absorption, add two drops of bromophenol blue and sufficient amount of 0.1 M nitric acid to turn the
indicator from blue to yellow, incorporating 0.5 mL of excess. If the test substance contains sulfur,
add a few drops of 0.005 M barium nitrate. Add 100 mL of ethyl alcohol, using the addition to wash
the inner walls of the flask, and then 15 drops of diphenylcarbazone TS. Titrate with 0.005 M mercury

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(II) nitrate VS until permanent pink color. Each mL of 0.005 M mercury (II) nitrate VS is equivalent
to 0.3550 mg of chlorine or to 0.79904 mg of bromine.

Alternatively, proceed as described in Ion Chromatography (, using a chromatograph

equipped with an anion exchange column and conductivity detector with chemical suppression.

Determination of iodine

Burn the specified amount of the substance under examination as described, using as an absorbent
liquid 10 mL of water plus 2 mL of M sodium hydroxide. After absorption, add 1 mL of 4 M hydrazine
hydrate solution in water, cap the flask again and shake until the solution is pale. Then proceed as
described in Determination of Chlorine and Bromine from “Once the absorption is completed...”.
Each mL of 0.005 M mercury (II) nitrate VS is equivalent to 1.269 mg of iodine.

Alternatively, proceed as described in Ion Chromatography ( using a chromatograph

equipped with an ion exchange column for anion separation and conductivity detector with chemical

Determination of fluorine

Burn the specified amount of the substance under examination as described, using 15 mL of water as
an absorbing solution. Once the operation is completed, wash the stopper, platinum wire, platinum
mesh and flask sides (Note 3) with 40 mL of water. Add 0.6 mL of alizarin TS and then add dropwise
0.1 M sodium hydroxide until the color changes from pink to yellow. Add 5 mL of acetate buffer
solution – hydrochloric acid pH 3.5 and titrate with 0.005 M thorium nitrate VS until yellow color
changes to pinkish yellow. Each mL of 0.005 M thorium nitrate VS is equivalent to 0.380 mg of
fluorine. If a difficulty arises when identifying the changeover, carry out a preliminary test with a
standardized inorganic fluorine solution.

Alternatively, proceed as described in Ion Chromatography ( using a chromatograph

equipped with an ion exchange column for anion separation and conductivity detector with chemical

Determination of sulfur

Burn the specified amount of the substance under examination as described, using 12.5 mL of
hydrogen peroxide RS as absorbing solution. Once the absorption is complete, add 40 mL of water,
using it to wash the stopper, platinum wire and mesh and the flask sides. Boil the solution for 10
minutes, cool, add 2 mL of acetic acid RS and 20 mL of ethyl alcohol. Titrate with 0.01 M barium
nitrate VS, using two drops of thorin TS and two drops of methylthioninium chloride TS as indicator
until the yellow color changes to pink. Each mL of 0.01 M barium nitrate VS is equivalent to 0.3206
g of sulfur.

Alternatively, proceed as described in Ion Chromatography (, using a chromatograph

equipped with an anion exchange column and conductivity detector with chemical suppression.


1. It is recommended that the analyst wear safety glasses and adequate protection to prevent vial
splinters from reaching her/him in the event of an accident. Currently, there are commercially systems
that avoid manual ignition, using infrared radiation or electric current, reducing the risks to the
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2. Ensure that combustion vials are clean and free from traces of organic solvents.

3. Substances containing fluorine provide low contents if combustion is carried out in borosilicate
glass vials. Satisfactory results are obtained in boron-free soda-glass flasks, but the ideal
performance implies the use of quartz flasks.

sample wrapped in
filter paper

platinum mesh

absorbent solution

ground stopper

Figure 1 – Oxygen flask for the determination of sulfur and halogens.



It comprises a quartz flask with an internal volume of 80 mL and an operating pressure of 80 atm.
The lid that comes with the flask is made of fluorinated polymer, which has an orifice to release gases
in case of wet decomposition, which is used to pressurize the system with oxygen. A quartz sample
holder is inserted inside the decomposition flask.

Solid samples

Weigh the specified amount of substance and press into tablet form (approximately 1.2 cm in
diameter). Place the sample on the quartz support containing a piece of filter paper (approximately
10mg) moistened with 6M ammonium nitrate. Place the specified absorbent solution inside the flask
and insert the holder containing the sample and paper into the flask. Close the system properly, as per
manufacturer’s specifications, and pressurize with 20 atm of oxygen. Insert the decomposition flasks
into the microwave oven rotor and, without delay, place the rotor in the oven cavity, immediately
starting irradiation. Once the ignition is started, using maximum power, the irradiation can be
continued for another five minutes, so that the reflux of the absorbent solution takes place, allowing
the complete absorption of the analytes in the solution. After cooling (20 minutes), the decomposition
flask can be opened and the solution transferred to an appropriate container with the aid of water and
measured to a known volume, for the subsequent identification or determination of the analytes of
interest. The solution obtained by this procedure is called sample solution. To prepare the blank,
proceed in the same manner, omitting the sample.

Determination of chlorine and bromine

Proceed as described in “Determination of Chlorine and Bromine” in the Atmospheric Pressure Flask
Combustion Method.

Determination of iodine

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Proceed as described in “Determination of iodine” in the Atmospheric Pressure Flask Combustion


Determination of fluorine

Proceed as described in “Determination of fluorine” in the Atmospheric Pressure Flask Combustion


Determination of sulfur

Proceed as described in “Determination of sulfur” in the Atmospheric Pressure Flask Combustion


Complexometry is the volumetric analytical method that comprises the titration of metallic ions (A)
with a complexing agent (B). The reaction involved is of the following type:

An+ + Bm- = ABn-m

Many complexants known as chelators are capable of forming cyclic structures through the
simultaneous coordination of several groups with the metallic ion. Edetic acid
(ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, EDTA) is the typical example. This acid is the most used
complexing agent. EDTA forms 1:1 complexes with many metals with an oxidation state greater than
+1 and these complexes are highly soluble in water.

The stability of EDTA complexes is pH dependent for different metals. Therefore, ideal pH conditions
must be established for the complexation analysis for each metal.

In complexometrics, changeover can be determined visually or instrumentally. Complexing

indicators are used that exhibit profound color changes upon coordination with the metal. Typical
examples are: xylenol orange, chalcone and eriochrome black
T. The complexometric indicator acts in a competitive manner with the titrant agent, so it must be
effectively displaced close to the equivalence point.



Accurately weigh the amount of the substance indicated in the monograph, add 50 mL of water and
acidify, if necessary, with a minimum amount of hydrochloric acid M, unless the monograph indicates
another type of solvent. Add 25 mL of 0.1 M disodium edetate VS and 10 mL of the mixture, in equal
volumes, of 2 M ammonium acetate with 2 M acetic acid. Heat the solution to boiling and keep for
two minutes. Cool down. Add 50 mL of ethyl alcohol and 3 mL of fresh- prepared solution of 0.025%
(w/v) dithizone in ethyl alcohol. Titrate excess disodium edetate with 0.1 M zinc sulfate VS until the
color changes from blue-green to violet-pink. Each mL of 0.1 M disodium edetate VS is equivalent
to 2.698 mg of aluminum.


Accurately weigh the amount of the substance indicated in the monograph and dissolve in a minimum
amount of 2 M nitric acid. Add 50 mL of water and concentrated ammonia solution, drop by drop
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while shaking, until the preparation becomes turbid. Add 0.5 mL of nitric acid and heat at 70 °C until
the turbidity of the preparation disappears. Add a few drops of xylenol orange TS. Titrate slowly with
0.05 M disodium edetate VS until color changes from pink-violet to yellow. Each mL of 0.05 M
disodium edetate VS is equivalent to 10.45 mg of bismuth.


Accurately weigh the amount of the substance indicated in the monograph, dissolve in a few milliliters
of water and acidify, if required, with a minimum amount of 2 M hydrochloric acid. Dilute to 100 mL
with water. Titrate with 0.05 M disodium edetate VS to approximately 2 mL before predicted
equivalence point. Add 4 mL of 10 M sodium hydroxide and drops of chalcone TS. Continue titration
until the color changes from pink to deep blue. Each mL of 0.05 M disodium edetate VS is equivalent
to 2.004 mg of calcium.


Accurately weigh the amount of the substance indicated in the monograph and dissolve in 5 to 10 mL
of water, or in a minimum amount of 5 M acetic acid. Dilute to 50 mL with water. Add drops of
xylenol orange TS and enough methenamine (about 5 g) for the solution to turn violet. Titrate with
0.05 M disodium edetate VS, or 0.1 M VS as indicated in the monograph until color changes from
violet to yellow. Each mL of 0.05 M SV disodium edetate is equivalent to 10.36 mg of lead. Each mL
of 0.1 M disodium edetate VS is equivalent to 20.72 mg of lead.


Accurately weigh the amount of the substance indicated in the monograph and dissolve in 5 to 10 mL
of water, or in a minimum amount of 2 M hydrochloric acid. Dilute to 50 mL with water. Add 10 mL
of ammonium chloride buffer pH 10.0, and a few drops of eriochrome black T TS. Titrate with 0.05
M disodium edetate VS, or 0.1 M VS as indicated in the monograph until color changes from violet
to blue. Each mL of 0.05 M disodium edetate VS is equivalent to 1.215 mg of magnesium. Each mL
of 0.1 M disodium edetate VS is equivalent to 2.431 mg of magnesium.


Accurately weigh the amount of the substance indicated in the monograph and dissolve in 5 to 10 mL
of water, or in a minimum amount of 5 M acetic acid. Dilute to 50 mL with water. Add drops of
xylenol orange TS and enough methenamine (about 5 g) for the solution to turn violet. Titrate with
0.05 M disodium edetate VS, or 0.1 M VS as indicated in the monograph until color changes from
violet to yellow. Each ml of 0.05 M disodium edetate VS is equivalent to 3.268 mg of zinc. Each mL
of 0.1 M disodium edetate VS is equivalent to 6.536 mg of zinc. TITRATION IN NON-AQUEOUS MEDIUM

Drugs that are weak bases or acids cannot be quantified in an aqueous medium, but can be in a non-
aqueous medium. Titration in a non-aqueous medium is based on the Brönsted-Lowry acid/basic
concept, in which the acid is a substance that donates protons whereas the base is the one that receives
protons. Potentially acidic substances are acidic only in the presence of a base to which they can
donate protons and vice versa.

The solvent therefore plays a very important role in determining the acid/base character of a
substance, as the strength of the acid or base depends on the solvent ability to receive or donate
protons. Water should be the solvent of choice due to its easy availability. However, the strongest
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acid that can exist in an aqueous medium is the hydronium ion (H 3O+) whereas the strongest base is
the hydroxide ion (OH-), this is known as the solvent leveling effect. For assay of very weak acids or
bases, the titrant must be a very strong base or acid, respectively, for the acid-base reaction to take
place; however, due to water leveling effect, it is not possible to titrate such substances in an aqueous

Using weakly protophilic solvents such as acetic acid, titration of very weak bases is possible as the
acetonium ion (CH3COOH2+) is a much stronger acid than the hydronium ion. Acids stronger than
hydronium ion cannot be differentiated in aqueous media, but they can in acetic acid showing that the
decreasing order of strength of acids is perchloric, hydrobromic, sulfuric, hydrochloric and nitric.
Similarly, titration of weak acids is possible using basic solvents such as n-butylamine. Amidite (CH
3CH2CH2CH2NH ) is a much stronger base than hydroxide.

The solvents used for titration in a non-aqueous medium must meet certain requirements: (1) not react
with the substance or the titrant; (2) dissolve the substance, allowing at least the preparation of a 0.01
M solution; (3) dissolve the titration product and, if precipitation is unavoidable, the precipitate must
be compact and crystalline; (4) easily enable the visualization of the endpoint, whether it is measured
with the use of indicators or potentiometers; (5) be inexpensive and easy to purify.

For the titration of substances of a basic character (amines, nitrogenous heterocyclics, quaternary
ammonium compounds, alkaline salts of organic and inorganic acids and some amine salts) solvents
of a relatively neutral or acidic nature are used, with glacial acetic acid being the most used. Acetic
anhydride is reserved for very weak bases such as amides. The mixture of dioxane with acetic acid
can occasionally be used to reduce the dielectric constant and consequently lower the ionization
potential of acids favoring the neutralization reaction. As a titrant, a solution of perchloric acid in
acetic acid is generally used. Other useful titrants are perchloric acid in dioxane; p-toluenesulfonic
acid (tosic acid) and fluorosulfonic acid are commonly used with aprotic solvents such as chloroform.

For assay of salts of halogenated acids (hydrochloride, hydrobromide and hydroiodide), mercury
acetate must be added; it does not dissolve in acetic acid solution. Halide ion is too weak a base to
quantitatively react with perchloric acid in acetic acid. This ion can be quantitatively replaced by the
acetate ion being removed as a mercuric complex that does not dissociate. Acetate, which is a
relatively strong base in acetic acid, can be accurately titrated with perchloric acid.

For the titration of substances that behave like acids (acid halides, acid anhydrides, carboxylic acids,
amino acids, enols, imides, phenols, pyrroles and sulphates) solvents of a basic or aprotic nature are
used. For assay of substances with intermediate acidity, the use of dimethylformamide is common.
Whereas for assay of weak acids, stronger bases such as morpholine, ethylenediamine and n-
butylamine are used. Properly selected basic solvents can enable the selective determination of acid
mixtures. Two classes of titrants can be used for the determination of acidic substances: the alkali
metal alkoxides and the quaternary alkylammonium hydroxides. Sodium methoxide is the most used
alkoxide in a mixture of methyl alcohol and toluene or methyl alcohol and benzene. Lithium
methoxide in methyl alcohol and benzene is used for compounds that form a gelatinous precipitate in
titrations with sodium methoxide. The most used among hydroxides is tetrabutylammonium. With
quaternary ammonium hydroxides such as tetrabutylammonium hydroxides and
trimethylhexadecylammonium hydroxides (in a mixture of benzene and methyl alcohol or isopropyl
alcohol) there is the advantage that the salt of the titrated acid is, in general, soluble in the titration

It is important to protect solvents for the titration of acidic substances from excessive exposure to the
atmosphere due to CO2 interference. Therefore, an inert atmosphere or special apparatus can be used

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.3-00

during the titration. To determine the absorption of CO 2 proceed to the titration of the blank which
should not consume more than 0.01 mL of 0.1 M sodium methoxide VS per milliliter of solvent.

The assay endpoint can be determined potentiometrically or visually by color change. Generally the
choice of method is based on the pKa of the analytes in water. For bases with a pKa of the order of
4, detection is, in general, through indicators; for those whose pKa is between 1 and 4, detection is
potentiometric. In this case, the glass/calomel electrode is useful. In acetic acid, such an electrode
works as theoretically expected. For calomel electrode as reference, it is recommended to replace the
aqueous potassium chloride salt bridge with 0.1 M lithium perchlorate in glacial acetic acid for acid
solvent titration or with potassium chloride in methyl alcohol for basic solvent titration. The
determination of the endpoint in the quantification of acids whose pKa in water is around 7 can be
done with the use of an indicator. For acids with pKa between 7 and 11, potentiometric determination
is recommended, although in certain cases indicators such as azoic violet or o-nitroaniline are used
with less precision.

With the use of organic solvents, the high coefficient of cubic expansion of most of these in relation
to that of water must be considered. This is due to the possibility of variation in the titrant content in
a non-aqueous medium depending on the temperature. The titrant volume must be corrected,
multiplying it by the correction factor below:

[1 + coefficient of cubic solvent expansion (t0 –t)]

t0= titrant standardization temperature,
t= titrant utilization temperature.

The most used systems for titration in non-aqueous medium are listed in Table 1.

Table 1 - Systems for titration in non-aqueous medium.

Type of Solvent Solventa Indicator Electrodes
Acid (for titration of Mercury/
Glacial acetic acid Alphazurine 2 G
bases or their salts) Mercury acetate
Formic acid Glass/calomel
Propionic acid p-Naphtholbenzein Glass/Silver/Silver Chloride
Acetic anhydride Malachite green
Sulfonyl chloride Quinaldine red
Relatively neutral
(for differential Ethyl acetate p-Naphtholbenzein
Silver chloride
titration of bases)
Acetonitrile Methyl red Glass/calomel
Chlorobenzene Methyl orange
n-Butylamine p-Hydroxyzobenzene Antimony/calomel
Basic (for titration of
Dimethylformamide o-Nitroaniline Antimony/glass
Ethylenediamine Thymolphthalein Platinum/calomel

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Morpholine Azoic violet Glass/calomel

Bromothymol blue
Relatively neutral (for Acetonitrile Antimony/calomel
Thymol blue
differential titration of Tert-butyl alcohol Glass/calomel
acids) 2-Butanone Glass/platinum
Azoic violet
a) relatively neutral solvents of low dielectric constant, such as benzene, chloroform, or dioxane, can be used in
conjunction with any acidic or basic solvent to increase the sensitivity of titration changeover.
b) in the titrant.

Titration of basic substances

Accurately weigh the amount of the substance indicated in the monograph and dissolve it in a
specified amount of solvent, or mixture of suitable solvents. In titration of salts of halogenated
acids,10 mL of mercury acetate RS should be added. Use the appropriate indicator or, in
potentiometric determination, use a suitable electrode titrating with 0.1 M perchloric acid VS in acetic
acid. To prepare the blank, proceed in the same manner, omitting the sample. If t0 is different from t
correct the volume by:

[1 + 0.0011(t0 – t)]

t0 = temperature at which the titrant was standardized;
t = temperature at which the titration was carried out.

Titration of acidic substances


Accurately weigh the amount of the substance indicated in the monograph and dissolve it in the
solvent, or mixture of suitable solvents. Use the recommended indicator or, if applicable, use the
appropriate electrode for potentiometric determination. Titrate with 0.1 M sodium methoxide VS
previously standardized with benzoic acid. Avoid carbon dioxide absorption. Carry out titration on
the blank preparation. Make the necessary corrections.


Accurately weigh the amount of the substance indicated in the monograph and dissolve it in the
solvent, or mixture of suitable solvents. Titrate with 0.1 M tetrabutylammonium hydroxide VS using
burette equipped with carbon dioxide absorber. Potentiometrically determine the endpoint. Carry out
titration on the blank preparation. Make the necessary corrections. DETERMINATION OF METOXYL

The method is intended for the determination of methoxyl groups in organic substances by reaction
with concentrated hydriodic acid. The methyl iodide formed is distilled off under a continuous stream
of nitrogen or carbon dioxide, washed and absorbed in a bromine/acetic solution. Methyl iodide is
converted to iodine and then titrated with sodium thiosulfate.


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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.3-00

The device (Figure 1) used in the determination of methoxyl consists of a round-bottomed flask with
a capacity of 50 mL to which a capillary side-arm with 1 mm of internal diameter is sealed for the
inflow of inert carrier gas - nitrogen or carbon dioxide. A vertical condenser 24 cm in height and
12 mm in external diameter is connected by ground joints to the flask, on the top of which a curved
tube is affixed, whose capillary end with 3mm in diameter is immersed in a scrubbing vial. The outlet
of the scrubber consists of a tube of about 10mm in diameter that ends in a removable tube of 6mm
in diameter immersed in the absorbent liquid.

Dimensions are in millimeters

A - Decomposition flask F - Glass cap

B - Tube for gas inlet G - Ball joint
C - Ground joint H - Gas pipeline
D - Air condenser J - Absorption tube
E - Gas scrubber K - Tube for gas outlet

Figure 1 – Apparatus used in the determination of methoxyl.


Washer preparation: suspend 1 g of red phosphorus in 100 mL of water.

Absorbent liquid: weigh 15 g of potassium acetate and dissolve in 150 mL of a mixture of glacial
acetic acid and acetic anhydride (9:1). Add 5 g of bromine to 145 mL of this solution. Prepare
immediately before use.

Add enough washer preparation to cover half of the gas scrubber. Transfer 20 mL of the absorbent
liquid to the absorption tube. Transfer to the flask the sample quantity corresponding to 6.5 mg of
methoxyl or the quantity indicated in the monograph, together with glass beads and 6 mL of hydriodic
acid. Moisten the ground joint with hydriodic acid and connect to the air condenser. Connect the two
parts of the device by the ball joint using silicone grease for sealing. Adjust the gas inflow through
tube B so as to form two bubbles per second in the gas scrubber E. Gradually heat the flask for 20 -
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.3-00

30 minutes to 150 ºC and keep heating at this temperature for 60 minutes. After cooling the flask to
room temperature under gas flow, pour the preparation contained in the absorption tube into an
Erlenmeyer flask with a capacity of 500 mL with a ground cap containing 10 mL of the aqueous
solution of sodium acetate trihydrate (1:5). Wash the tube walls with water, transfer the wash water
to the Erlenmeyer flask and dilute to 200 mL with water. Add formic acid dropwise while shaking
until the reddish color of bromine disappears, then 1 mL of formic acid. Add 3 g of potassium iodide
and 15 mL of M sulfuric acid; cap, shake gently and allow to stand for five minutes.

Titrate the released iodine with 0.1 M sodium thiosulfate VS, using starch TS as indicator. Carry out
titration on the blank preparation proceeding as described, omitting the sample and correcting if
necessary. Each mL of 0.1 M Na 2S2O3 VS is equivalent to 0.5172 mg of methoxyl (CH3O). DETERMINATION OF SULFUR DIOXIDE

The method comprises the removal of SO 2 released by heating the substance in an acidified aqueous
medium by a stream of carbon dioxide, followed by absorption of SO 2 in a hydrogen peroxide
solution. The sulfuric acid formed in the process is titrated with standardized sodium hydroxide.


The apparatus (Figure 1) used in the determination of sulfur dioxide consists of a three-neck round-
bottom flask with a capacity of 1000 to 1500 mL. A device designed for the inflow of carbon dioxide
is attached to one of the flask side outlets. A 100 mL capacity addition funnel and vertical reflux
condenser, both fitted with ground joints, are coupled to another side outlet and to the central outlet,
respectively. At the upper end of the condenser, the absorption tube D is connected.


Transfer approximately 300 mL of water to the flask, fix the flask to the device and promote a slow
and uniform inflow of carbon dioxide for 15 minutes. Transfer 20 mL of 3% (w/v) hydrogen peroxide
RS, previously neutralized with 0.1 M sodium hydroxide, to the absorption tube using bromophenol
blue TS as indicator. Without interrupting the inflow of gas, momentarily remove the funnel and
accurately transfer to the flask about 50 g of sample and 200 mL of water. Add, dropwise, 50 mL of
6 M hydrochloric acid through the funnel and reflux for 45 minutes. Exactly transfer, by washing with
water, the liquid contained in the absorption tube to a 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask and titrate with 0.1
M sodium hydroxide VS using bromophenol blue TS as indicator. Carry out titration on the blank
preparation proceeding as described, omitting the sample and correcting if necessary. Each mL of 0.1
M sodium hydroxide VS is equivalent to 3.203 mg of sulfur dioxide.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.3-00

Figure 1 – Apparatus used in the determination of sulfur dioxide. DETERMINATION OF ALCOHOL DISTILLATION METHOD

This method is to be used for the determination of alcohol, in a solution containing alcohol, unless
another method is specified in the monograph. It is suitable for analysis of most fluid extracts and


1 - A distilling flask with a capacity of two to four times the volume of the liquid to be heated must
be used.
2 - During all manipulations, take care to minimize the loss of alcohol through evaporation. 3 – To
avoid the occurrence of violent boiling, add fragments of insoluble and porous material, such as
silicon carbonate or glass beads.
4 - Liquids that form too much foam during the distillation must be previously treated with
phosphoric, sulfuric or tannic acid, up to a strong acid reaction or with a slight excess of calcium
chloride solution, or with a small amount of paraffin or silicone oil, before starting the distillation.
5 - The speed of distillation must be such as to allow the production of clear distillates. Turbid
distillates should be clarified by shaking with talcum powder or calcium carbonate, precipitated and
filtered. Adjust the temperature of the filtrate and determine the alcohol content by density.


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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.3-00

Liquids with less than 30% alcohol – Transfer to a suitable distillation apparatus, accurately, a sample
volume of minimum 35 mL of the liquid in which the alcohol content is being determined, record the
temperature at which the volume was measured. Add an equal amount of water, distil and collect a
volume of distillate that is about 2 mL smaller than the initial sample volume. Adjust the temperature
of the distillate to that at which the sample was measured and add enough water to obtain the initial
volume of the sample and homogenize. The distillate should be clear or, at most, slightly turbid.
Determine the density of the liquid at 20°C. With the result, evaluate the percentage, in volume, of
C2H5 OH contained in the examined liquid, using the Table of Alcohol.


Liquids with more than 30% alcohol – Proceed as indicated in the previous method, with the
following modification: dilute the sample with twice the volume of water and collect a volume of
distillate approximately 2 mL less than twice the initial volume of the sample. Adjust the temperature
of the distillate to that at which the sample was measured and complete with water at a volume equal
to twice the initial volume of the sample. Homogenize and determine density at 20°C. The proportion
of C2H5OH, by volume, in this distillate, evaluated by density, is equal to half that of the liquid

Special treatments

Volatile Acids and Bases – Liquids containing volatile bases should be treated with dilute sulfuric
acid RS until a slightly acidic reaction. If volatile acids are present, sodium hydroxide RS should be
added to the preparation until slightly alkaline reaction.

Glycerol – Liquids containing glycerol must be added in such a volume of water that the residue, after
distillation, contains minimum 50% of water.

Iodine – Solutions containing free iodine should be treated prior to distillation with pulverized zinc
or bleached with a sufficient amount of 10% (w/v) sodium thiosulfate solution followed by the
addition of a few drops of sodium hydroxide RS.

Other volatile substances – Elixirs, tinctures and similar preparations that contain significant
proportions of volatile substances, in addition to alcohol and water, such as: volatile oils, chloroform,
ether, camphor etc., must undergo, before distillation, one of the following treatments .

1) Liquids with less than 50% alcohol – Weigh accurately 35 mL of the sample, and homogenize
with an equal volume of water, in a separating funnel, saturating this mixture with sodium chloride.
Extract the volatile components by shaking with a 25 mL portion of hexane. Transfer the lower layer
to a second separating funnel and repeat the extraction with two more portions of hexane. Collect the
hexane portions and treat with 3 portions of 10 mL saturated sodium chloride solution. Collect the
saline solutions and distil, collecting a volume of distillate corresponding to twice the initial volume
of the sample.

2) Liquids with more than 50% alcohol – Measure a sample and dilute with water so that it contains
approximately 25% alcohol and its final volume is approximately 35 mL. Then proceed as indicated
for liquids with less than 50% alcohol, proceeding from “...saturating this mixture with sodium

When preparing collodion for distillation, use water instead of the saturated sodium chloride solution
indicated above. If treatment with hexane was not used in the sample and the distillate obtained is
turbid (due to the presence of volatile oils present in small proportions), it can be clearer and suitable
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.3-00

for density determination, by shaking with about 1/5 of its volume of hexane or by filtration through
a thin layer of talcum powder. GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY METHOD

Proceed according to the General Specifications for Gas Chromatography ( Use efficient
apparatus for the quantitative determination of alcohol.

Standard solution

For liquids containing more than 10% alcohol, prepare two standard solutions of alcohol in water so
that the concentrations are respectively about 5% below (Standard solution 1) and about 5% above
(Standard solution 2) of the expected alcohol concentration in the sample under analysis. Determine
the density of each of the standard solutions at 20 ºC (5.2.5) and obtain the exact concentration of
C2H5 OH from the Table of Alcohol. For liquids containing less than 10% alcohol, accurately prepare
two standard alcohol solutions so that the concentrations are respectively about 1% lower and about
1% higher than the expected concentration, diluting with water. Determine the densities of the
solutions in the same procedure as above.


Under typical conditions, the instrument contains a 2 m x 4 mm column loaded with 20% macrogol
(polyethylene glycol) 400 on calcined chromatographic silica. The column is kept at a temperature of
100°C; the injector is equipped with a filter for solids and is kept at 160°C; as a conductor, inert gas
such as helium is used, flowing at a flow rate of about 60 mL per minute.


Proceed with the sample and each of the standard solutions as follows: transfer 25 mL to a suitable
ground-stopper container, add 1.0 mL of the internal standard (acetone, unless otherwise specified in
the monograph) for each 6% alcohol estimated in the sample and homogenize. Add water only if
necessary to make the solution. Inject the appropriate amount of the solution into the apparatus.
Calculate the ratio between the area under the alcohol peak and the area under the peak of the internal
standard in the chromatograms. Calculate the percentage of alcohol in the sample using the formula

𝑃1 (𝑌 − 𝑍) + 𝑃2 (𝑍 − 𝑋)
(𝑌 − 𝑍)

P1 = percentage of alcohol in standard solution 1,
P2 = percentage of alcohol in standard solution 2,
X = ratio between the area under the alcohol peak and the area under the peak of the internal standard
of Standard solution 1,
X = ratio between the area under the alcohol peak and the area under the peak of the internal standard
of Standard solution 2,
Z = ratio between the area under the alcohol peak and the area under the peak of the internal standard
of Sample solution.

If the value obtained is outside the range of the values included by the standard solutions, repeat the
procedure using those that provide a range that includes the sample value.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.3-00 AMINO ACID ANALYSIS

Amino acid analysis is carried out through two steps: hydrolysis of peptide bonds and evaluation of
each amino acid in the resulting hydrolyzate.

Method for hydrolysis of isolated proteins and peptides

Accurately weigh the amount of sample containing 4 to 10 mg of protein and transfer to a 20 x 150
mm test tube with screw cap and polytetrafluoroethylene disc previously washed with 0.2 M sodium
hydroxide, rinsed and dried in oven. If the sample is solid, add 5 mL of hydrochloric acid and 5 mL
of water. If the sample is liquid, add hydrochloric acid so that the final concentration of hydrochloric
acid is 6 M. Remove oxygen from the tube by nitrogen flow for two to three minutes and then close
the tube with a disc and screw cap. Place the tube in a vertical position in an oven regulated between
108 ºC and 112 ºC, keeping it for 22 hours. Time elapsed, remove the tube from the oven and, while
still standing, cool it in running water or ice bath. Transfer the mixture to a 10-mL volumetric flask,
quantitatively, adjust the volume with distilled water. If there is any residue or precipitate, remove it
by centrifugation and filtration on a sintered glass plate or a 0.45 mm porosity filter membrane.
Accurately measure 5.0 mL of the solution, transfer to a round-bottomed flask and remove the solvent
under reduced pressure at a maximum of 50 ºC. Transfer 10 mL of distilled water to the flask residue
and re-evaporate. This operation must be repeated twice more, or until the residue does not present
an odor of hydrochloric acid. Dissolve the dry film formed by the hydrolyzate in an appropriate
volume of pH 2.2 citrate buffer (0.20 M in Na +). The resulting amino acid solution must then be kept
in a glass flask, capped and refrigerated until the analysis is performed.

Method for hydrolysis of low-protein samples containing carbohydrates and/or lipids

Accurately weigh the amount of sample containing 10mg of protein and transfer to a 150 mL round-
bottomed flask and ground mouth. Add 40 mL of 6 M hydrochloric acid and some glass beads to the
medium. Connect a reflux condenser and start heating the flask using heating mantle. Keep the
suspension under constant and gentle boiling for 24 hours. Cool to room temperature and
quantitatively transfer the contents to a 50 mL volumetric flask, completing the volume with distilled
water, proceeding from “...If there is any residue or precipitate...” of the procedure described in
Method for hydrolysis of isolated proteins and peptides.

Amino acid mixtures in solution (serums) or in pharmaceutical preparations

Properly dilute the solution with pH 2.2 citrate buffer (0.20 M in Na+) and then analyze it. If it is in
powder or tablet form, dissolve the sample in 0.1 M hydrochloric acid. Transfer the material to a
volumetric flask and complete the volume with the same buffer as above. Filter the preparation and
keep refrigerated (4°C) until analyzed.

Hydrolysis method with oxidation of cystine and methionine

Due to losses during the acid hydrolysis of proteins, sulfur amino acids are preferably analyzed by
means of their respective oxidized derivatives. Oxidation is promoted by performic acid, which
converts cystine and cysteine into cysteic acid and methionine into methionine/sulfone, both resistant
to hydrolysis conditions.

Prepare performic acid by adding 1 mL of hydrogen peroxide 30 volumes to 9 mL of formic acid.

Homogenize the solution, allowing to stand for one hour at room temperature. Cool the formed
performic acid in ice bath.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.3-00

Accurately weigh the sample quantity containing 10mg of protein and transfer to a 25 mL round
bottom flask and add 2 mL of performic acid in ice bath. If the sample is soluble, keep the mixture in
an ice bath for four hours and, if the sample is insoluble, for 16 hours. Add 0.5 mL of 40%
hydrobromic acid to remove excess performic acid. Couple the flask to a rotary evaporator and
remove the residual bromine by means of reduced pressure, passing the vapors through M sodium
hydroxide solution. Proceed with the hydrolysis as described above.

Separation and quantitative analysis of isolated amino acids

The separation of amino acids into hydrolysates is usually performed by ion exchange
chromatography using sulfonated polystyrene resins in amino acid analyzers. In these devices, after
separation, the eluted amino acids from the chromatographic columns form blue/violet colored
substances by reaction with ninhydrin and the quantitative determination is made
spectrophotometrically. When using autoanalyzers of amino acids, the specifications of the respective
manufacturers must be followed. IODOMETRIC TEST OF ANTIBIOTICS

This antibiotic iodometric assay is intended for the assay of penicillin antibiotic drugs and their
elaborated pharmaceuticals, for which iodometric titration is particularly suitable.

Standard solution: accurately weigh the quantity of the chemical reference substance (CRS),
previously dried, specified in the individual monograph, and dissolve using the solvent described in
Table 1 or as described in the monograph. Quantitatively dilute with the same solvent to obtain a
solution with known final concentration, specified in Table 1 or as described in the monograph.
Transfer 2.0 mL of this solution to a 250 mL erlenmeyer with lid.

Sample solution: if not specified in the individual monograph, accurately weigh the sample quantity
and dissolve using the solvent described in Table 1. Quantitatively dilute with the same solvent to
obtain a solution with known final concentration, specified in Table 1. Transfer 2.0 mL of this
solution to a 250 mL erlenmeyer with lid.

Table 1 – Solvents and final concentrations.

Antibiotic Solvent* Final concentration
amoxicillin trihydrate Water 2.00 mg/mL
ampicillin Water 2.50 mg/mL
ampicillin sodium Solution 1 2.50 mg/mL
ampicillin trihydrate Water 2.50 mg/mL
Benzathine benzylpenicillin Solution 1 4000 U/mL
Benzylpenicillin potassium Solution 1 4000 U/mL
Procaine benzylpenicillin Solution 1 4000 U/mL
benzylpenicillin sodium Solution 1 4000 U/mL
cloxacillin sodium Water 2.50 mg/mL
cyclacillin Water 2.00 mg/mL
dicloxacillin sodium Solution 1 2.50 mg/mL
Phenoxymethylpenicillin potassium Solution 1 2.50 mg/mL
pheneticillin potassium Solution 1 2.50 mg/mL
Methicillin sodium Solution 1 2.50 mg/mL
Nafcillin sodium Solution 1 2.50 mg/mL
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.3-00

Antibiotic Solvent* Final concentration

Oxacillin sodium Solution 1 2.50 mg/mL

*If not specified, Solution 1 is the one defined in the section Solutions in Microbiological Assay of Antibiotics
(, except that sterilization is not required.


Inactivation and titration: to each erlenmeyer containing, respectively, 2.0 mL of the Standard
Solution and the Sample Solution, add 2 mL of 1.0 M sodium hydroxide, homogenize with circular
movements and allow to stand for 15 minutes. Add 2 mL of 1.2 M hydrochloric acid, 20.0 mL of
0.005 M iodine VS, cap immediately and allow to stand for 15 minutes. Titrate with 0.01 M sodium
thiosulfate VS. Close to the titration endpoint, add three drops of starch TS and proceed with titration
until the blue color disappears.

Blank assay: Transfer 20.0 mL of 0.005 M iodine VS to each erlenmeyer flask containing 2.0 mL of
Standard solution. If the Standard Solution contains amoxicillin or ampicillin, immediately add 0.1
mL of 1.2 M hydrochloric acid. Titrate with 0.01 M sodium thiosulfate VS. Close to the titration
endpoint, add three drops of starch TS and proceed with titration until the blue color disappears.
Proceed similarly for an Erlenmeyer flask containing 2.0 mL of Sample Preparation.

Calculations: if not specified in the individual monograph, calculate potency, in µg or units per mg
of the sample (active pharmaceutical ingredient or dosage form) using formula 1 and formula 2, or
only formula 3, described below.

Calculate the equivalence factor (F), in micrograms or Unit, for each milliliter of 0.01 M sodium
thiosulfate VS consumed by the standard preparation according to formula 1:

2(𝐶𝑝 × 𝑃𝑝 )
𝐹= (Formula 1)
𝑉𝑏𝑝 − 𝑉𝑝


Cp = concentration, in mg/mL, of the reference chemical substance in the Standard Solution;

Pp = potency, in µg/mg or Units/mg, of the chemical reference substance;
Vbp = volume of titrant, in mL, consumed in Standard Blank Assay;
Vp = volume of titrant, in mL, consumed in Standard inactivation and titration.

Calculate the potency, in µg or Units per mg of the sample (active pharmaceutical ingredient or
pharmaceutical preparation) according to formula 2:

𝐹(𝑉𝑏𝑎 × 𝑉𝑎 )
(Formula 2)


Ca = concentration, in mg/mL or Units/mL, of the drug in the Sample Solution;

Vba = volume of titrant, in mL, consumed in Sample Blank Assay;
Va = volume of titrant, in mL, consumed in Sample inactivation and titration.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.3.3-00

Calculate the potency, in µg or Units per mg of the sample (active pharmaceutical ingredient or
pharmaceutical form) according to Formula 3:

(𝑉𝑏𝑎 − 𝑉𝑎 ) × 𝑃𝑝 × 𝐶𝑝
𝑃= (Formula 3)
(𝑉𝑏𝑝 − 𝑉𝑝 ) × 𝐶𝑎


Pp = sample potency (μg/mg);

Vba = volume of titrant, in mL, consumed in Sample Blank Assay;
Va = volume of titrant, in mL, consumed in Sample inactivation and titration.
Vbp = volume of titrant, in mL, consumed in Standard Blank Assay;
Vp = volume of titrant, in mL, consumed in standard inactivation and titration.
Pp = potency, in µg/mg or Units/mg, of the chemical reference substance;
Cp = concentration, in mg/mL, of the chemical reference substance in the Standard Solution;
Ca = concentration, in mg/mL or Units/mL, of the drug in the Sample Solution;

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.4.1-00



Due to the characteristics of herbal drugs, in particular the lack of homogeneity, special procedures
are required in relation to the tests to be carried out. The sampling procedures take into account three
aspects: number of packages that contain the drug; degree of drug division and amount of drug


Examine the integrity of the packaging containers and the nature of the drug contained therein. If
external examination of the packages and labels indicates that the batch is homogeneous, take
individual samples from a number of randomly selected packages, as indicated in Table 1. If the
batch is not homogeneous, it should be divided into sub batches as uniformly as possible. Carry out
sampling with each fraction as a batch.

Table 1 – Number of packages to be sampled.

Total number of packages Number of packages to be sampled
1 to 3 All of them
4 to 10 3
11 to 20 5
21 to 50 6
51 to 80 8
81 to 100 10
Over 100 10%


Carry out sampling of the top, middle and bottom of each package from top to bottom and bottom to
top (vertical direction) and laterally (horizontal direction).

Fragments smaller than 1 cm: remove the sample with the aid of a sampler (tube fitted with a closing
device at the base). Collect samples of at least 250 g for batches of up to 100 kg of drug. For batches
larger than 100 kg, take 250 g samples for every 100 kg of drug and obtain a final 250 g sample by

Fragments larger than 1 cm: remove samples manually. Homogenize the samples taken from each
open package, taking care not to increase the degree of fragmentation or significantly modify the
moisture content during handling.

For drug quantities up to 100 kg, the sample must consist of at least 500 g. If there is more than 100
kg of drug, proceed with sampling followed by selection by quartering, generating a 500 g sample at
the end of the process.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.4.1-00

In both cases, drugs with dimensions less than or more than 1 cm, it is permitted to sample quantities
lower than those specified above provided that the total amount of available drug is less than 10 kg.
However, the final sample should not be inferior to 125 g.

In case of large bales or packages, samples must be collected from more than 10 cm from the edges,
as the surface moisture content is different in relation to the inner layers.


Combine and homogenize the samples taken from each open package, taking care not to increase the
degree of fragmentation or significantly modify the moisture content during handling.

Evenly distribute the sample in the shape of a square, divide it into four equal parts and discard the
portions into two opposite squares on one of the diagonals. Add the remaining two portions and repeat
the process, until the indicated amount is obtained. If there is a marked difference in fragment
dimensions, perform manual separation and record the approximate percentages of components with
different degrees of division found in the sample. SENSORY EXAMINATION AND MICROSCOPIC INSPECTION OF

The identity, purity and quality of a plant material must be established through detailed visual,
macroscopic and microscopic examination. Whenever possible, the plant material should be
compared with reference raw material, or derived from a perfectly identified sample according to
pharmacopoeias. Samples that are not similar in color, consistency and odor should be discarded as
they do not meet the minimum requirements specified in the monographs. Macroscopic identification
of drugs, when whole, is based on the shape, size, color, surface, texture, fracture, and appearance of
the fracture surface. As these identification characteristics are subjective, and similar adulterants
exist, microscopic and physicochemical analyses of the sample are necessary. Microscopic inspection
is essential when the material is scratched or powdered.


Length, width and thickness measurements must coincide with those quoted in the monographs. Small
fruits and seeds require a sample of ten units and further calculation of the mean and standard


Examine the sample before any treatment, in daylight or under a lamp with a wavelength similar to
that of daylight. The color of the sample must be compared to the reference material.

Surface, texture and fracture

Examine the untreated sample. When necessary, use a magnifying glass from five to ten times. When
indicated in the monograph, moisten with water or a specified reagent to observe fracture surface
characteristics. Touch the material to check whether it is soft or hard, bending and breaking the
material to obtain information on the fragility and appearance of the fracture, whether fibrous,
smooth, rough, grainy, among others.


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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.4.1-00

Before checking the odor of the material, make sure there is no risk to health. Place a small sample
in the palm of your hand or in a glass container and inhale slowly and repeatedly. If the odor is
indistinct, press some of the material between your fingers and inhale again. When the monograph
indicates a toxic risk, place some crushed material in hot water. Determine the intensity of the odor
and classify it according to characteristics: none, weak, distinct or strong; and then in relation to the
sensation caused by the odor: aromatic, fruity, musty or rancid. When possible, it is important to
compare the odor with a defined substance, such as peppermint, which should have an odor similar
to menthol and cloves, similar to eugenol.


Test the taste only when required in the monograph.


Hydration or softening of the material

Plant organs or their parts are normally dry, and to be sectioned and observed under an optical
microscope, it is convenient to first soften them by treatment with hot water or a hydration solution.
The time required for softening each plant organ or its parts varies according to its texture. In fresh
organs, only those with firmer consistency need such treatment.

Hydration method for dry materials

Place the sample in a suitable container: a) on a heating plate, or metallic mesh with water, in an
amount of 20 to 30 times the volume of the sample, gently heating until boiling, keeping for five
minutes and if softening is not enough, add detergent and boil for another five minutes; or b) in a
hydration solution, prepared with five parts of water, four parts of ethyl alcohol, one part of glycerol
and five drops of commercial detergent for each 200 mL of solution, in an oven at 60 ºC, for a variable
period, according to the material texture. Flowers and leaves tend to hydrate in a few minutes, while
hard materials such as husks and seeds require a variable amount of time in heated water as in a);
according to the degree of lignification, or hours or days in the hydration solution b). In direct
hydration in water a), carefully observe the time, as excessive softening may occur, preventing
observation under an optical microscope. In both methods, periodically check the material
consistency. For future analyses, determine the time each herbal drug needs to acquire the consistency
that allows for sectioning.

Obtaining histological sections

Once hydrated and softened, proceed with the preparation of the sections of the vegetable organs or
their parts. They must be performed transversally to the axis of the organ, or as established in the
individual monographs. In these, longitudinal or tangential cuts (barks, roots, etc.) or paradermal
sections are requested to observe the epidermis of foliaceous organs (leaves, sepals and petals).
Freehand sections are made with the aid of cutting slides. Very small or very thin structures require
the sample to be firmed or embedded in suitable material. Better quality sections can be obtained
using microtomes. Select the thinnest slices to observe under the microscope at 10 times.

Coloring and preparation of slides

Submerge sections in 50% sodium hypochlorite solution to eliminate cell content. Allow to act until
the sections are transparent (maximum 10 to 15 minutes). Wash the sections with distilled water to
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.4.1-00

eliminate sodium hypochlorite until neutral pH. Place sections in 0.05% Toluidine Blue solution for
10 seconds. Wash with distilled water, then with 0.5% acetic acid solution, and again with distilled
water. Place between slide and cover slip with two to three drops of a mixture of glycerin-distilled
water (1:1) and observe under an optical microscope at 10 and 40 times. The cellulosic walls will be
dyed purple pink. The lignified walls and walls with tannins will be dyed a bright greenish-blue color
and the color obtained may not remain stable.


This method is mainly used for the analysis of leaves, herbaceous stems and bark. The crystals remain
intact. Starch grains lose their characteristic structure.
Place a portion of the plant material in a 30 mL beaker. Add 10 mL of 5% sodium hydroxide solution
and boil for five minutes. Cool and transfer to a centrifuge tube. Centrifuge for two minutes, discard
supernatant solution and wash with distilled water. Place a portion of the centrifuge on a slide with
two or three drops of a mixture of glycerin-water (1:1). Insert the coverslip and press. Observe under
an optical microscope, with 10x and 40x magnification.

Powder drug observation

Weigh 1 to 2mg of the drug and place a small portion, with a fine, soft brush, on a slide. Add two or
three drops of 5% lactic acid solution (diaphanizing), and if necessary, before placing the coverslip,
add one or two drops of water or a mixture of glycerol and ethyl alcohol (1:1), mixing well with the
brush. Insert the coverslip. Observe under an optical microscope, with 10x and 40x magnification.

Determination of stomata value

The stomata value is used in the analysis of laminar structures, such as leaves, lamina leaves and
bracts, counting the number of stomata in a given area of the epidermis. For this count, prepare
portions of about 0.5 cm by 0.5 cm of the leaf slide, submerged in a mixture of 10 mL of chloral
hydrate and water (5:2), in a beaker, boiling for 10 to 15 minutes, until the material is transparent.
Carry out the operation in a fume hood. Place a piece of the prepared leaf on a slide, with the abaxial
epidermis facing up. For very thick leaves, section each portion close to the abaxial epidermis,
ensuring that this face is placed correctly on the slide, with the epidermal layer facing the coverslip.
Add 2-3 drops of the mixture of chloral hydrate and water (5:2) and cover with a coverslip. Observe
under an optical microscope, with 10x magnification. Count the epidermal cells and stomata that
appear in the area. The value is calculated according to the formula 100S/(E+S), where S is the
number of stomata in a determined area of the leaf surface whereas E is the number of epidermal
cells, including trichomes existing in the same microscopic field observed. For each sample, carry
out and calculate the average of minimum ten determinations.

Histochemical reactions

Reactions can be carried out with fresh or dry sectioned material, material cut in a microtome or with
the powder of the herbal drug. The material is placed properly distributed on a slide, adding one or
two drops of the reagent. Place coverslip and observe under an optical microscope, with 10x and 40x


Add one or two drops of iodine solution RS diluted (1:5) in water. Starch grains turn blue or blue-
violet in color.

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Calcium carbonate concretions (cystolites) and calcium oxalate crystals

Add one or two drops of 2 M hydrochloric acid or 6% (w/v) acetic acid. The presence of calcium
carbonate is indicated by effervescence. Calcium oxalate crystals take longer to dissolve, do not
release bubbles and are insoluble in 6% acetic acid.


Add one drop of 5% potassium hydroxide (w/v). Cells containing 1,8-dihydroxyanthraquinones stain


Add one drop of 20% 1-naphthol solution in methyl alcohol, followed by one drop of sulfuric acid.
Inulin spheral crystals stain red or reddish-brown and dissolve.


Add one drop of phloroglucin RS, quickly heat the slide and add one drop of 25% (w/v) hydrochloric
acid. The lignin stains red.

Lipids (including cutin, waxes and suberin)

Add one or two drops of Sudan III RS or Sudan IV RS reagent, allowing to be in contact for 10
minutes, wash with 70% ethyl alcohol (v/v). Lipids, cutin and suberin stain from reddish-orange to
red in a short time.

Pectins and mucilages

Submerge the dry sample in a thionine solution, allowing to stand for 15 minutes, washing in 20%
ethyl alcohol (v/v). Mucilages appear as spherical globules with a reddish-violet color, while
cellulose, pectin and lignified partitions are colored blue or blue-violet. Mucilage also appears as
dilated and transparent spherical fragments on a black background, adding a drop of India ink to a
dry sample.


Carry out this procedure only with fresh material. Add 0.5% (w/v) ninhydrin in absolute ethyl alcohol,
and keep at 37°C for 24 hours. Wash in absolute ethyl alcohol followed by distilled water, add
bleached fuchsin RS and allow to be in contact for 10 to 30 minutes. Wash in water and add 2%
sodium bisulfite (w/v), leave in contact for one to two minutes. Wash under running water for 10 to
20 minutes. The proteins stain purple red.


Add a drop of sulfuric acid. A yellow color sequence occurs, followed by a red color, and finally a
violet or blue-greenish color.


Add 5% ferric chloride (w/v) and a small amount of sodium carbonate, leave in contact for two to
three minutes, wash with distilled water. The tannins turn dark blue-greenish.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.4.1-00 DETERMINATION OF FOREIGN MATTER

Foreign matter is any material that does not appear in the definition of the drug described in the
corresponding monograph. Drugs must be free of fungi, insects and other contaminations of animal
origin. Unless otherwise stated, the percentage of foreign elements must not exceed 2% (w/w).

Matter foreign to the drug is classified into three types: a) parts of the organism or organisms from
which the drug is derived, except those included in the definition and description of the drug, above
the tolerance limit specified in the monograph; b) any organisms, portions or products of organisms
not specified in the definition and description of the drug, in its respective monograph; and c) mineral
impurities or other dirt not inherent to the drug. During storage, products must be kept in clean areas
to avoid contamination. Take special precautions to prevent the proliferation of fungi, as some of
them can produce toxins.

If not otherwise specified in the corresponding monograph, obtain by quartering the following sample
- roots, rhizomes, barks, whole plant and aerial parts: 500 g
- leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds: 250 g
- fragmented herbal drugs of 0.5 g or smaller: 50 g
- powders 25 g.

Spread the sample in a thin layer on a flat surface. Manually separate material foreign to the drug,
initially with the naked eye and then with the aid of a magnifying glass (five to ten times). Weigh the
separated material and determine the percentage of foreign matter based on the weight of the sample

For the determination of water in herbal drugs, three methods are used: gravimetric method
(desiccation); azeotropic method (distillation with toluene) ( and volumetric method (Karl
Fischer) ( The first, technically simpler and faster, is not applicable when the drug contains
volatile substances. The azeotropic method is indicated for herbal drugs containing volatile oil. The
other methods require special devices and comprise more complex techniques.

Sample preparation

Reduce the sample by cutting; granulation or fragmentation of the drugs not pulverized or crushed,
to limit the dimension of their components to approximately 3 mm thick. Seeds and fruits, even
smaller than 3 mm, must be broken. Avoid high speed mills to prepare the sample and take necessary
precautions not to modify the moisture content of the sample.

Gravimetric method

Accurately weigh between 1 to 10 g, or specified in the monograph, of a previously prepared sample,

transfer to an accurately weighed weighing bottle, previously dried under the same conditions to be
adopted for the sample, for 30 minutes. Dry the sample between 100 ºC and 105 ºC for five hours,
until constant weight, that is, until the difference between two serial weighings corresponds to a
maximum of 0.25% of the sample. Calculate the percentage of water in relation to air-drying drug.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.4.1-00 DETERMINATION OF ASH

Total ash includes physiological ash and non-physiological ash. DETERMINATION OF TOTAL ASH


Accurately weigh approximately 3 g of the pulverized sample, or the amount specified in the
monograph, and transfer to a previously tared porcelain crucible. Distribute the sample evenly in the
crucible and incinerate, gradually increasing the temperature to a maximum of (600 ± 50) ºC, until
all the carbon is eliminated. A temperature gradient (30 minutes at 200 °C, 60 minutes at 400 °C and
90 minutes at 600 °C) can be used. At the end of the test, wait for cooling in a desiccator and weigh.
In cases where the carbon cannot be completely eliminated, cool the crucible and moisten the residue
with about 2 mL of water or saturated ammonium nitrate solution. Evaporate to dryness in water bath
and then place on a hot plate and incinerate until the difference between two serial weighing is not
more than 1.0 mg. Calculate the percentage of ash in relation to the dry drug. DETERMINATION OF SULFATED ASHES


Heat a porcelain crucible at red heat for 10 minutes, wait for it to cool in a desiccator and weigh.
Accurately weigh about 1.0 g of the drug in the previously tared crucible and moisten the drug with
concentrated sulfuric acid. Carbonize; and moisten again with concentrated sulfuric acid and
incinerate with gradual heating up to 800°C. Wait for cooling, weigh again, and incinerate for another
15 minutes. Repeat this procedure until the difference between two serial weighing is, at most, 1.0

Acid-insoluble ash constitutes the residue obtained from the boiling of total ash or ashes sulfated with
dilute hydrochloric acid, after filtering, washing and incineration. The method is intended for the
determination of silica and silicic drug constituents.


Heat the ash obtained to boiling, as indicated in total ash, with 25 mL of 2 M hydrochloric acid for
five minutes in a crucible covered by a watch glass. Wash the watch glass with 5 mL of hot water,
adding the washing water to the crucible. Collect the acid-insoluble material on a filter paper with
known ash content, rinsing with hot water until the filtrate is neutral. Transfer the filter paper
containing the residue to the original crucible, dry on a plate and incinerate at approximately 500ºC
until the difference between two serial weighing is, at most, 1.0mg. Calculate the percentage of
insoluble ash in relation to the dry drug. DETERMINATION OF VOLATILE OILS

The content of volatile oils in herbal drugs is determined by the process of hydrodistillation or steam
distillation, in devices described below.

Apparatus 1 (Figure 1), made of resistant glass, of appropriate quality, comprises:

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Figure 1 – Apparatus for determination of volatile oil content in herbal drugs by the
hydrodistillation process

1) 500 mL to 1000 mL round bottom flask, short neck, fitted with a 24/40 female joint;
2) condenser, adaptable to the flask by means of a 24/40 male ground joint, built in a single piece of
glass, comprising the parts described below, with the respective measurements:
2.1) vertical tube (AC) 240mm in length and 13-15mm in internal diameter;
2.2) bent tube, with segments (CD) and (DE) measuring 150 mm in length each and internal diameter
of 10 mm;
2.3) Ball condenser, Allihn type (FG), 150mm in length and 15mm in internal diameter on the bulbs
and 8-10mm in the narrowing;
2.4) stopper (14/20 ground joint) (K’) containing an orifice of about 1 mm in diameter, which seals
a side outlet (K) provided with a 14/20 female ground joint at the end;
2.5) tube (GH) 30-40 mm in length and 7-8 mm in internal diameter, forming the parts (HK) angle
(GHK) of 35º;
2.6) pear-shaped widening (J) of 3 mL capacity;
2.7) tube (JL) fitted with a graduated scale of 100-110 mm; 1 mL capacity and subdivided into
0.01 mL;
2.8) bulb-shaped widening (L) of approximately 2 mL capacity;
2.9) three-way valve;
2.10) connecting tube (BM) 7-8mm in diameter, fitted with a safety tube. Insertion point (B) is
20mm above the highest part of the graduated scale;
3) appropriate heating device allowing precise regulation;
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4) vertical support with a horizontal ring covered with insulating material.

Use a perfectly clean and dry apparatus. Assemble the system in a place protected from drafts. Check
the graduated scale and, if necessary, establish a correction factor for each device. Proceed with the
assay, as established in the individual monograph and according to the drug nature.


Introduce the volume of liquid indicated in the corresponding monograph and porous porcelain
fragments or glass beads into the flask. Adapt the condenser to the flask. Introduce the water through
the tube (N) until reaching the level (B). Remove the ground stopper (K’) and introduce the prescribed
amount of xylene using a pipette, through the opening (K), supporting the pipette tip on the bottom
of the lateral outlet (K). Place the K’ cap ensuring that the K and K’ orifices match each other. Heat
the liquid inside the flask until boiling begins and distil at a rate of 2 to 3 mL per minute, or as
indicated in the corresponding monograph.

To determine the speed of distillation, drain the water using a three-way valve, until the meniscus is
in the inferior reference line a (Figure 2). Close the valve and time the necessary time until the liquid
reaches the superior mark b. Open the valve and continue the extraction for 30 minutes, modifying
the heat to regulate the distillation speed. Turn off the heating, allow to cool for at least 10 minutes
and read the xylene volume in the graduated tube.

reference trace

3 mL

reference trace

Figure 2 – Indication for determining the speed of distillation.

Introduce the amount of drug prescribed in the monograph into the flask and distil as described above,
for the time and speed indicated in the monograph. After the operation, wait for 10 minutes to cool
and read the volume of volatile oil collected in the graduated tube. Subtract the xylene volume
determined previously from the reading. The difference represents the amount of volatile oil
contained in the sample. Calculate the result in milliliters of volatile oil per 100 g of the drug.

When the determination of volatile oil is for analytical purposes, obtaining a mixture of volatile oil
and xylene, free of water, is carried out as described below: remove the K' cap and transfer 1.1 mL
of a solution of sodium fluorescein at 0 .1% and 0.5 mL of water. Reduce the volume of the essential
oil and xylene mixture inside tube L using the three-way valve. Allow to stand for five minutes and
slowly remove the mixture up to the level of valve M. Open the valve anticlockwise so that water
flows out of the BM connection tube. Thoroughly wash the tube with acetone, introduced through
tube N. Turn the valve anticlockwise so that it is possible to collect the mixture of xylene and volatile
oil in an appropriate container.

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Apparatus 2 (Figure 3), made of resistant glass, of appropriate quality, comprises:

0.1 mL 0.1 mL

Figure 3 – Apparatus for determination of volatile oil content in

herbal drugs by the hydrodistillation process, for oils denser and less
dense than water.

Weigh enough of the drug to obtain 0.5 to 2 mL of volatile oil into an appropriate round-bottomed
flask and add water to half of the container. Connect the condenser. Bring to a boil keeping a gentle
boiling for two hours, or as specified in the monograph.
Allow to stand for 10 minutes at room temperature, open the apparatus valve and slowly drain the
water until the surface of the oil layer reaches the zero line on the graduated tube. Allow to stand at
room temperature for about an hour and then measure the volume (mL) of the oil obtained. DETERMINATION OF FIXED OILS

The determination of fixed oils is based on their solvent extraction. After the solvent evaporation
process, the residue obtained, which is determined by weighing, represents the amount of fixed oils
present in the sample.

Procedure for samples with a high content of water-soluble substances (carbohydrates, urea, lactic
acid, among others): pre-treatment of the sample may be necessary in order to avoid interference in
the determination of fatty matters. Transfer the sample quantity to a funnel containing filter paper,
wash with water and dry the residue in an oven at 105ºC for two hours.

Use the Soxhlet device ( Figure 4), previously cleaned and dry, assembled in a place free from air
currents. The apparatus, made of resistant glass, of appropriate quality, comprises a round-bottomed
flask (A), with 500 mL to 1000 mL capacity, connected to the Soxhlet extractor (B) and reflux
condenser (C).

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.4.1-00

Figure 4 – Soxhlet device.


Accurately weigh about 10 g of previously desiccated drug as described in Determination of water in

herbal drugs, Gravimetric method, and transfer to a Soxhlet extractor device (B), covering it with
degreased cotton. Weigh the clean and dry flask (A), containing fragments of porcelain or glass beads.
Assemble the system over water bath, ensuring complete sealing in the ground flask joint, in a fume
hood. Transfer petroleum ether to the extractor, in sufficient quantity to carry out three siphon
separations and fit the reflux condenser (C). Proceed with the extraction, under sufficient heating to
keep the solvent at moderate boiling, for four hours. Allow to cool, transfer the cartridge contents to
a porcelain mortar and add an equivalent amount of washed and dry sand. Pulverize the drug and
transfer, inside the cartridge, to the extractor. Restart extraction under the same conditions for another
two hours. Disconnect the flask from the apparatus and evaporate the solvent, preferably under a
stream of carbon dioxide. Transfer the flask to an oven at 105 ºC, cool and weigh. Repeat the
operation until weight is constant. Calculate the percentage of fixed oils in the drug based on the
heavy drug mass and the obtained oil mass. DETERMINATION OF FOAMING VALUE

Accurately weigh 1 g of the plant material reduced to fine powder and transfer to an Erlenmeyer flask
containing 50 mL of boiling water. Boil for 30 minutes. Cool, filter into a 100 mL volumetric flask
and complete the volume through the filter to 100 mL. Distribute the filtrate obtained in 10 test tubes
with lids (16 mm in diameter by 16 cm in height), in successive series of 1, 2, 3, up to 10 mL.
Complete the volume of liquid in each tube to 10 mL with water. Cap the tubes and shake with vertical
movements for 15 seconds at two runs per second. Allow to stand for 15 minutes and measure the
height of the foam. If the foam height of all tubes is less than 1 cm, the foaming value is lower than
100. If, in any of the tubes, the measured foam height is 1 cm, the dilution of the plant material in
such tube (A) is the observed rate. If this tube is the first or second in the series, it is necessary to
make an intermediate dilution, using the same method described above, to obtain a more accurate
result. If the foam height is greater than 1 cm in all tubes, the foaming value is higher than 1000. In
this case, the determination must be carried out with a new series of decoction dilutions to obtain an
accurate result. The foaming value is calculated according to the 1000/A formula, where A is the

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.4.1-00

volume, in milliliters, of the decoction used to prepare the dilution in the tube where the foam was

This method determines the amount of active constituents extracted with solvents from a given
amount of plant material, and is used in the absence of a suitable chemical or biological test.


Accurately weigh approximately 4.0 g of the powdered and dry herbal drug and transfer to a 250-mL,
polished-necked erlenmeyer flask, previously weighed. Macerate, with 100 mL of solvent specified
in the individual monograph of the herbal drug, for 6 hours, shaking frequently, and allow to stand
for 18 hours. Quickly filter and transfer 25 mL of the filtrate to a pre-weighed crystallizer and
evaporate to dryness in water bath. Dry the flask in an oven at 105°C until constant weight. Calculate
the percentage of extracted materials in mg/g of dry plant material.


Accurately weigh approximately 4.0 g of the powdered and dry herbal drug and transfer to a 250-mL,
polished-necked erlenmeyer flask, previously weighed. Add 100 mL of solvent specified in the test
to the herbal drug and weigh to obtain the total weight, including the vial. Cap, shake and allow to
stand for an hour. Attach a reflux condenser and heat gently for one hour, cool and weigh. Correct
the original weight with the solvent used. Shake and filter quickly on a dry filter. Transfer 25 mL of
the filtrate to a pre-weighed crystallizer and evaporate to dryness in water bath. Dry the flask in an
oven at 105°C until constant weight. Calculate the percentage of extracted materials in mg/g of dry
plant material.


Accurately weigh about 2 g of the herbal drug and transfer to a Soxhlet extraction cartridge,
previously weighed and dried. Introduce 0.2 g of sodium hydroxide and sufficient absolute ethyl
alcohol into the extractor flask. Extract for five hours, remove the cartridge with the residue and dry
it in an oven at 105 ºC until constant weight. Calculate the percentage of extracted materials in mg/g

The bitterness value of a substance, a liquid or an extract is the inverse of the limit dilution that still
has a bitter taste. It is determined by comparing it with quinine hydrochloride whose bitterness value
is set at 200 000.

Determination of correction factor

Each experimenter must rinse their mouth with fresh water before testing. To correct individual
differences in the determination of bitterness among the experimenters it is necessary to determine
the correction factor for each member. It is recommended that the group of experimenters consists of
minimum six people.

Stock solution

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.4.1-00

Weigh 0.1 g of quinine hydrochloride, dissolve in drinking water and dilute to 100 mL with the same
solvent. Transfer 1 mL to a 100 mL volumetric flask and adjust the volume with the same solvent

Reference solutions

Prepare a series of dilutions by adding 3.6 mL of the Stock Solution to the first tube and gradually
increasing the volume by 0.2 mL in each subsequent tube up to a total of 5.8 mL. Complete the
volume of each tube to 10.0 mL with drinking water.
Determine the highest dilution that still has a bitter taste. Place 10 mL of the weaker solution in the
mouth and pass it back and forth under the tongue for 30 seconds. If no clear bitter taste is found,
discard the solution and wait a minute. Rinse mouth with drinking water. After 10 minutes, test the
subsequent solution in ascending order of concentration. Calculate the correction factor (k) for each
experimenter using the following expression:

n = volume in milliliters of the highest dilution of the stock solution in which a clear bitter taste was

Note: experimenters unable to feel a distinct bitter taste in the reference solution prepared with 5.8
mL of the stock solution should be excluded from the group.

Sample preparation

If necessary, reduce the sample to powder (710 µm). Weigh 1.0 g of the sample and add 100 mL of
boiling drinking water. Heat in water bath for 30 minutes, shaking continuously. Allow to cool and
compensate the volume of evaporated water with drinking water. Shake vigorously and filter on filter
paper, discarding the first 2 mL of the filtrate. The filtrate is called C-1 and has a dilution factor of
For liquid samples, take 1 mL and dilute with an appropriate solvent to 100 mL, naming it C-1.

Determination of bitterness value

Sample solutions:
10.0 mL of C-1 is diluted with water to 100 mL: C-2 FD 1000
10.0 mL of C-2 is diluted with water to 100 mL: C-3 FD 10 000
20.0 mL of C-3 is diluted with water to 100 mL: C-3A FD 50 000
10.0 mL of C-3 is diluted with water to 100 mL: C-4 FD 100 000

Starting with the C-4 dilution, each experimenter determines the dilution at which they experience
the clear bitter taste. This solution is called D. The dilution factor of this solution D is equal to Y.

Starting with solution D, prepare the dilution sequence according to Table 1.

Table 1 – Sequence of dilution of solution D for determination of bitterness value.

Solution D (mL) 1.2 1.5 2.0 3.0 6.0 8.0
Drinking water (mL) 8.8 8.5 8.0 7.0 4.0 2.0

Determine the volume in milliliters of solution D which, when diluted to 10 mL, still has a clear bitter
taste (X).

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Calculate the Bitter Value for each experimenter according to the formula:

𝐼𝐴 = ( )
𝑋 × 0,1

The Bitter Value of the sample is the average value of experimenters. DETERMINATION OF SWELLING INDEX

The swelling index is the measure of the volume occupied by the swelling of 1 g of the drug, by the
addition of water or another swelling agent, under defined conditions.

Carry out the test simultaneously in triplicate. Accurately weigh approximately 1 g of the pulverized
herbal drug and transfer to a 25-mL ground-mouth cylinder. The length of the graduated part should
be approximately 125 mm and the inner diameter, close to 16 mm, with subdivisions of 0.2 mL
marked from 0 to 25 mL, ascending. Add 25 mL of water, or other defined agent, and shake every 10
minutes for one hour. Let the mixture stand for three hours at room temperature. Measure the volume,
in milliliters, occupied by plant material plus mucilage or any other adhered material subtracted from
the initial drug volume. Calculate the average value obtained from the individual determinations
carried out and relate it to 1 g of plant material.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.4.2-00




Extracts are produced by an appropriate process employing ethyl alcohol or other suitable extracting
liquid. Different batches of a specific herbal drug can be combined prior to extraction. The drug can
also be subject to preliminary treatments such as enzyme inactivation, grinding or degreasing.
Additionally, unwanted substances (e.g. toxic or insoluble) can be removed after the extraction

Herbal drugs, solvents and other materials used for the preparation of extracts must be of adequate
quality and must comply with pharmacopoeial requirements and good manufacturing practices.
Solvents recovered from the extract concentration or drying process can be reused as long as the
recovery processes are controlled and monitored to ensure that the solvent meets specifications prior
to reuse or mixing with other materials. The water used for the production of extracts must comply
with the requirements of purified water monograph.

Where applicable, extractive solutions can be concentrated to the desired consistency using suitable
methods, generally under reduced pressure and at a temperature at which the possibility of
degradation of the constituents is reduced.

Volatile oils that have been separated during processing can be incorporated into the extracts at an
appropriate stage of the production process.

Suitable excipients can be added at different stages of the production process to enhance technological
properties (e.g. as part of the drying process, or to improve homogeneity or maintenance of extract

Extraction with a certain solvent leads to obtaining typical constituents from the drying of the
extracting liquid. During the production of standardized and quantified extracts, purification
procedures can be applied to increase the proportion of certain constituents. Such extracts are named


Extracts are identified using suitable methods.


In the extracts production process, tests to verify microbiological quality (, heavy metals
(, mycotoxins (5.4.4), and pesticide residues (5.4.3) may be necessary, as per specific
regulation. Whenever a test for heavy metals is performed on the herbal drug, the same limits for
heavy metals indicated in the herbal drugs monographs apply to the extracts, unless otherwise
indicated in the individual extract monograph, or unless under justified and authorized reason.


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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.4.2-00

Extracts must be analyzed using recommended methods.


The label must indicate:

- name of drug;
- the form of the extract (e.g., liquid, tincture, soft, dry, or oleoresin);
- whether the extract is standardized, quantified or others;
- for standardized extracts, the definition of the content of the constituents responsible for the
therapeutic activity;
- for quantified extracts, the specified range of marker content;
- where applicable, whether the extract is purified;
- ratio between the amount of drug and the amount of liquid extract (extractive solution) (genuine
RDE) expressed as mass/mass ratio for soft extracts, oleoresins and dry extracts, and both in
mass/mass and mass/volume for preparations of liquid extracts;
- solvent or solvents used in the extraction;
- name and quantity of any excipients present in the extract, including stabilizers and preservatives;
- for quantified extracts and other extracts, the ratio between the amount of drug and the amount of
liquid extract (extractive solution) (genuine RDE) expressed as mass/mass ratio for soft extracts,
oleoresins and dry extracts, and both in mass/mass and mass/volume for liquid extract preparations;
- when applicable, the percentage of dry residue;
- storage conditions.


Liquid extractive preparations consist of diversified products, obtained by liquid extraction, described
by their extraction solvents, production methods and drug-solvent ratio or drug-extract ratio. They
include products obtained using ethyl alcohol, water, glycerol, propylene glycol and fixed oils as
extraction solvents. Fluid extracts and tinctures belong to this category. FLUID EXTRACT

Fluid extracts are prepared using ethyl alcohol, hydroethyl mixtures in appropriate proportions, or
water. When necessary, other substances may be added (e.g. glycerol or ammonia solution) to aid in
the extraction or dissolution of a soft or dry extract of the herbal drug (which must be produced using
the same extraction solvent that would be used to prepare the fluid extract by direct extraction) either
in water or ethyl alcohol at the required concentration.

Fluid extracts can be adjusted, if necessary, to meet solvent content requirements. Fluid extracts can
be filtered if necessary.

A light sediment can form when standing.


Most are prepared by one of the four general processes described below and designated by the letters
A, B, C and D.

The maceration time and percolation rate vary according to the drug, aiming to fully extract the drug-
specific markers. Percolate flow rate is determined by the expressions percolate slowly (up to 1 mL

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.4.2-00

per minute); percolate quickly (3 to 5 mL per minute) and percolate at moderate speed (1 to 3 mL per
minute), in reference to the extraction of 1000 g of drug.

An extract, which, over time, deposits some sediment, can be filtered or decanted, as long as the
resulting liquid complies with pharmacopoeial specifications.

The following general production processes are:

Process A

This process is used in the preparation of fluid extracts by percolation, in which the extracting liquid
is ethyl alcohol or a hydroethyl mixture.

Procedure: uniformly moisten 1000 g of the pulverized drug, with a sufficient quantity of the
indicated extracting liquid, and allow to macerate in a suitable container until the herbal drug swells.
Then transfer to a percolator. Strongly compress the drug and pour an additional and sufficient amount
of extracting liquid over it until an excess of supernatant liquid remains. When the liquid starts to
drip, close the lower outlet of the percolator, cap and allow to soak for the time prescribed in the
monograph. Percolate at the specified speed, adding more extractant liquid until the drug is depleted.
Separately collect the first 850 mL of percolate, if not otherwise specified in the monograph. Continue
the percolation until the drug is depleted and concentrate this remaining percolate until a syrup
consistency, with a maximum temperature of 60 ºC. Add this concentrated extract to the previously
separated percolate and, if necessary, add a sufficient amount of extracting liquid used to obtain 1000
mL of fluid extract.

This process can be replaced by Process C.

Process B

Use this process in the preparation of fluid extracts in whose extraction, in addition to ethyl alcohol
or hydroethyl mixture, determined amounts of other components are used, such as acids, bases or
polyols (glycerol, ethylene glycol etc.), used successively in two extracting liquids. Extracting liquid
I contains a hydroethyl mixture and other components in the proportion required for the amount of
drug used and extracting liquid II, a hydroethyl mixture, in the indicated proportion, used to complete
the depletion of the drug.

Procedure: Uniformly moisten 1000 g of the pulverized drug with a sufficient amount of Extracting
Liquid I (this operation requires 600 mL to 800 mL of Extracting Liquid). Allow the drug, moistened,
to stand for about 15 minutes. Then transfer to a percolator, compress the drug strongly, and add the
remainder of the Extracting Liquid I. When the liquid starts to drip, close the outlet of the percolator,
cap and allow to soak for the time prescribed in the monograph. Percolate at the indicated flow rate
and, when the level of the extracting liquid I reaches the drug surface, continue the percolation with
the extracting liquid II until the drug is depleted. Separately collect the first 850 mL of percolate.
Continue the percolation until the drug is depleted and concentrate the remaining percolate until a
syrup consistency, with temperature not exceeding 60 ºC. Add this concentrated extract to the
previously separated percolate and add, if necessary, a sufficient quantity of extracting liquid II, to
obtain 1000 mL of fluid extract or adjust the volume according to the assay.

The process can be replaced by Process C, with the proper adjustment in the extraction liquid.

Process C

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.4.2-00

This process is that of fractional percolation, especially in substitution for processes A or B and
indicated for drugs that contain volatile or thermolabile constituents and/or when there is no adequate
apparatus for concentration and distillation. When using Process C instead of Process B, use
extracting liquid I throughout the percolation course.

Procedure: divide 1000 g of the drug previously pulverized into three portions of 500 g, 300 g and
200 g respectively. Evenly moisten the first portion with a sufficient amount of the extracting liquid.
Transfer the moisten powder to a suitable percolator, the capacity of which should not greatly exceed
the volume of drug in the percolator. Add extracting liquid until the drug is completely covered and
macerate for the time prescribed in the monograph. Then proceed with the percolation, separately
collecting the first 200 mL (F1) and then separately collect five serial fractions of 300 mL of
percolate, numbering them in the order in which they are obtained (F2-F6).
Moisten the second portion of the drug with a sufficient amount of F2 percolate; percolate, proceeding
as with the first portion of the drug, using the remaining portions of the percolate (F3-F6), obtained
in the first operation, as the extracting liquid, and using them in the order in which they were collected.
Collect and separate the first 300 mL of the new percolate (F7) and collect five more fractions of
200 mL each, numbering them in the order in which they are obtained (F8-F12).
Moisten the third portion of the drug with a sufficient amount of F8 percolate and proceed with the
percolation as in the previous operation, using as extracting liquid the 200 mL fractions of percolate
from the second portion (F9-F12), in the order in which they were collected. If there is no assay,
collect and separate 500 mL of percolate (F13). Homogenize the three percolates (F1, F7 and F13)
separated from the three portions of the drug, to obtain 1000 mL of fluid extract.

When necessary to carry out an assay for the fluid extract prepared by Process C, collect and separate
only 420 mL of percolate from the third portion instead of the 500 mL previously determined (F13).
Homogenize the three separate percolates (F1, F7 and F13) obtained from the three portions of the
drug and carry out an assay for a fraction of the mixture. If the content is higher than recommended,
adjust using the extracting liquid. If the content is lower than recommended, deplete the extracting
liquid from the percolator and repeat the extraction starting with the most concentrated percolate (F1,
F7 and F13) and then with the remaining percolates.

Process D

This process is used to prepare fluid extracts in which the extracting liquid is boiling water, adding
ethyl alcohol to the concentrated percolate as a preservative.

Procedure: weigh 1000 g of the coarsely pulverized drug and add about 3000 mL of boiling water,
homogenize thoroughly and allow to macerate in a suitable container for two hours. Transfer to a
percolator and elute at the specified speed, adding, little by little, boiling water until complete
depletion of the drug. Evaporate the percolates, in water bath or in a vacuum distiller, to the
determined volume. Wait for cooling, transfer the ethyl alcohol and allow the mixture to stand in a
closed container for 24 hours. Decant the clear liquid, filter the remaining, mixing them and wash the
filter residue with a sufficient amount of extracting liquid to obtain 1000 mL.


Determination of mass density and relative density (5.2.5). Where applicable, the fluid extract
must comply with prescribed limits.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.4.2-00

Determination of alcohol ( For ethylic fluid extracts, the determination of the ethyl alcohol
content must be carried out. Where applicable, the ethyl alcohol must comply with prescribed limits.
Methyl alcohol and isopropyl alcohol ( Maximum 0.05% (v/v) for ethylic fluid extracts,
unless otherwise prescribed or justified and authorized.

Dry residue ( Where applicable, the fluid extract must comply with prescribed limits.


Protect from light LABELING

Labels must contain, in addition to the requirements listed above, the percentage of ethyl alcohol
content (v/v), when applicable. TINCTURES

Tinctures are usually prepared by maceration or percolation, using ethyl alcohol at an appropriate
concentration to extract the herbal drug, or by dissolving a soft or dry extract of the herbal drug (which
have been produced using the same extraction solvent that would be used to prepare the tincture by
direct extraction) in ethyl alcohol in the required concentration.

Tinctures can be adjusted to meet solvent content requirements. Tinctures can be filtered if necessary
and light sediment can form when standing. Production of tinctures by maceration

Process in which, unless otherwise indicated, the herbal drug is comminuted to an appropriate
granulometry, mixed with the defined extraction solvent and allowed to stand in a closed container
for an appropriate period of time, shaking when necessary. The frame is separated from the extractive
solution and, if necessary, pressed. In this case, the liquid is added to the extractive solution and the
volume/mass of the final product is adjusted. Production of tinctures by percolation

Process in which, unless otherwise indicated, the herbal drug is comminuted to an appropriate
granulometry and mixed with a portion of the defined extraction solvent and left to swell for an
appropriate period of time. The mixture is transferred to a percolator and the extraction solvent is
added until the herbal drug is completely covered with a layer of extraction solvent. The percolate is
allowed to flow slowly, collected at the base of the percolator, while more extraction solvent is slowly
added to the top of the percolator, ensuring that the herbal drug is constantly covered with extraction
solvent, until all the solvent has been added. Percolation continues until the percolation is recovered.
If the frame is pressed, the two liquids are combined.


Determination of mass density and relative density (5.2.5). Where applicable, the tincture must
comply with prescribed limits.

Determination of alcohol ( The content must comply with the limits defined in the individual

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.4.2-00

Methyl alcohol and isopropyl alcohol ( Maximum 0.05% (v/v) unless otherwise defined
or justified and authorized.

Dry residue ( Where applicable, the tincture must comply with prescribed limits.


Protect from light


Labels must contain, in addition to the requirements listed above, the percentage of ethyl alcohol
content (v/v). SOFT EXTRACTS


Dry residue ( Where applicable, the soft extract must comply with prescribed limits.
Solvents. Solvent residues must be controlled unless defined or justified and authorized.


In hermetic container, protected from light. OLEORESIN

The requirements below apply to oleoresins produced by extraction and non-natural oleoresins.


Determination of water (5.2.20) Where applicable, oleoresin must comply with prescribed limits.

Solvents. Solvent residues must be controlled unless defined or justified and authorized.


In hermetic container, protected from light. DRY EXTRACT


Loss by desiccation ( Where applicable, dry extract must comply with prescribed limits.

Determination of water (5.2.20) When the desiccation loss test is not applicable, the dry extract
must comply with the defined limits.

Solvents. Solvent residues must be controlled unless defined or justified and authorized.


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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.4.2-00


Distill the extract as described in Determination of ethyl alcohol ( Examine the distillate by
Gas Chromatography (, using chromatograph equipped with a flame ionization detector, a
2 m long, 2 mm internal diameter glass chromatographic column, packed with ethylvinylbenzene /
divinylbenzene copolymer, particles of 125 μm to 150 μm, and nitrogen for chromatography as carrier
gas, with a flow rate of 30 mL/minute.

Keep the column temperature at 130°C, the injector temperature at 200°C and the detector
temperature at 220°C.

Internal standard solution: 2.5% (v/v) 1-propanol solution in water.

Sample solution: add 2 mL of the internal standard solution to a determined volume of distillate.
Dilute to 50 mL with water or 90% ethyl alcohol (v/v), adjusting the ethyl alcohol content to 10%

Standard solution: prepare 50 mL of solution containing 2 mL of Internal standard solution, 10%

ethyl alcohol (v/v), 0.05% isopropyl alcohol (v/v) and 0.05% anhydrous methyl alcohol (v /v).

Procedure: Inject, separately, 1 μL of the Standard Solution and the Sample Solution, record the
chromatograms and measure the peak areas. Calculate the contents of methyl alcohol and isopropyl
alcohol in relation to the sample subject to distillation from the responses obtained with the Standard
solution and the Sample solution. DETERMINATION OF DRY RESIDUE OF EXTRACTS

In a crystallizer, about 50 mm in diameter and 30 mm in height, quickly and accurately weigh 2 g or
measure 2.0 mL of extract. Evaporate to dryness in water bath and dry in an oven between 100 °C
and 105 °C for three hours. Wait for cooling in a desiccator in the presence of concentrated
phosphorus pentoxide or concentrated anhydrous silica gel and weigh. Express the result in

In a crystallizer, of about 50 mm in diameter and 30 mm in height, weigh 0,5 g of dry and pulverized
extract. Dry in an oven between 100°C and 105°C for three hours. Wait for cooling in a desiccator in
the presence of concentrated diphosphorus pentoxide, or concentrated anhydrous silica gel and weigh.
Express the result in % w/w.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.4.3-01


For the purposes of Pharmacopoeia, a pesticide is any substance or mixture of substances intended to
prevent; eliminate or control any pest; unwanted species of plants or animals that cause harm or
interfere in any other manner with the production, preparation, storage, transport or sale of herbal
drugs. The definition also comprises substances used as growth regulators, hormones, defoliants and
desiccants, as well as any other substance applied to crops before or after harvesting/cropping to
prevent deterioration during storage and transport. Agrochemical residues must be controlled in
herbal drugs and their derivatives.


Unless indicated in the specific monograph, the herbal drug to be examined must minimally comply
with the limits indicated in Table 1. The limit to be applied to pesticides not established in Table 1
and whose presence is suspected for any reason must comply with the limits referenced in Brazilian
legislation. Limits that are not listed in Table 1 or indicated in Brazilian legislation must be calculated
according to the following formulas.

LARDV = (IDAxM)/ (DDDDVx100)


LARDV = Acceptable Limit of Pesticide Residues in mg/kg of the herbal drug;

IDA = Acceptable Daily Intake of pesticides in mg/kg of body weight, according to current legislation;
M = body weight in kg (taking 60 kg as a convention);
DDD = DDD = Daily Drug Dose in kg;
A factor of 100 corresponds to the participation of drug intake in the daily diet (1%). For special
cases, this factor can be changed according to the population dietary habits that are properly

The maximum limits for pesticide residues in plant derivatives are calculated by the following


If RDE >10 LARD= (IDAxM) / (DDDDx100)


LARDV = Acceptable Limit of Pesticide Residues in mg/kg of the herbal drug shown in Table 1, in
the current legislation or calculated according to the formula above;
LARD = Acceptable pesticide residue limit in mg/kg of the vegetable derivative preparation.
RDE = Drug Extract Ratio.

The analyses may be totally or partially waived by the competent authority according to manners of
obtaining the raw material that indicate the absence of risk in relation to the presence of pesticide

Table 1 – Acceptable limit of pesticide residues in mg/kg of the herbal drug.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.4.3-01

Substance Limit (mg/kg)

Acephate 0.1
Alachlor 0.05
Aldrin and dieldrin (sum of) 0.05
Azinphos - ethyl 0.1
Azinphos - methyl 1
Bromophos - ethyl 0.05
Bromophos - methyl 0.05
Bromopropylate 3
Chlordan (sum of cis-, trans - and oxychlordan) 0.05
Chlorfenvinphos 0.5
Chlorpyriphos-ethyl 0.2
Chlorpyriphos-methyl 0.1
Chlorthal - dimethyl 0.01
Cyfluthrin (sum of) 0.1
λ-Cyalothrin 1
Cypermethrin and isomers (sum of) 1
DDT (sum of o,p′-DDE, p,p′-DDE, o,p′-DDT, p,p′-DDT, o,p′-TDE and p,p′-TDE) 1
Deltamethrin 0.5
Diazinone 0.5
Dichlofuanide 0.1
Dichlorvos 1
Dicofol 0.5
Dimethoate and omethoate (sum of) 0.1
Dithiocarbamates (expressed as CS2) 2
Endosulfan (sum of isomers and endosulfan sulfate) 3
Endrin 0.05
Ethion 2
Etrinfos 0.05
Phenchlorphos/ Phenchlorphos-oxone (sum of Phenchlorphos and Phenchlorphos-
oxone) 0.1
Fenitrothion 0.5
Fenpropathrin 0.03
Fensulfothione (sum of fensulfothione, fensulfothione-oxone, fensulfothione-oxone and
fensulfothione-sulfone) 0.05
Phenthione (sum of phenthione, phenthione-oxone, phenthione-oxone-sulfoxide,
phenthione-oxone-sulfoxide, phenthion-sulfone and phenthione-sulfoxide) 0.05
Fenvalerate 1.5
Flucitrinate 0.05
τ-Fluvalinate 0.05
Phonophos 0.05
Heptachlor (sum of heptachlor, cis – heptachlorepoxide and trans – heptachlorepoxide) 0.05
Hexachlorobenzene 0.1
Hexachlorocyclohexane (sum of α-, β-, δ- and ε isomers) 0.3
Lindan (γ – hexachlorocyclohexane) 0.6
Malathion and Malaoxon (sum of) 1

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.4.3-01

Substance Limit (mg/kg)

Mecarban 0.05
Metacryphos 0.05
Methamidophos 0.05
Methadione 0.2
Methoxychlor 0.05
Mirex 0.01
Monocrotophos 0.1
Parathion - ethyl and Paraoxon - ethyl (sum of) 0.5
Parathion - methyl and Paraoxon - methyl (sum of) 0.2
Pendimethalin 0.5
Pentachloroanisole 0.01
Permethrin and isomers (sum of) 1
Phosalone 0.1
Phosmete 0.05
Piperonyl butoxide 3
Pyrimiphos – ethyl 0.05
Pyrimphos - methyl (sum of pyrimiphos - methyl and N - disethyl pyrimiphos - methyl) 4
Procymidone 0.1
Profenophos 0.1
Prothiophos 0.05
Pyrethrum (sum of cinerin I, cinerin II, jasmolin I, jasmolin II, pyrethrin I and pyrethrin
II) 3
22B 0.05

Quintozene (sum of quintazene, pentachloroaniline and pentachlorophenyl methyl

sulfide) 1
S-421 0.02
Tecnazene 0.05
Tetradiphone 0.3
24B 0.4 25B


It must be performed in compliance with the criteria established in Sampling (

Qualitative and quantitative analysis of pesticide residues

The analytical procedures used must be validated in compliance with the SANCO document in its
most updated version "Guidance Document on analytical quality control and validation procedures
for pesticide residues in food and feed" and meet at least the following criteria.

The chosen extraction method must be suitable for the mixture of pesticides to be investigated and
not cause interference.

Possible matrix interferences, for example, interferences of sulfur compounds in brassicaceae and
alliaceous, in the determination of dithiocarbamates such as CS2 should be considered. Reference
solutions and sample solutions must be within the linearity range of the detector.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.4.3-01

Detection and quantification limits must be determined for each combination of pesticides and
matrices to be analyzed.

Recovery should be between 70 and 110%.

The repeatability and reproducibility of the method must not be inferior to that indicated in Table 2.

Table 2 – Repeatability and reproducibility.

Repeatability Reproducibility
Pesticide concentration (mg/kg)
(±mg/kg) (±mg/kg)
0.01 0.005 0.01
0.1 0.025 0.05
1 0.125 0.25

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.4.4-00


Aflatoxins are very toxic and must be handled with extreme care. Aflatoxins are photosensitive, carry
out the assays, protecting standard solutions and samples from the incidence of light.


Proceed as described in Thin-layer chromatography ( The determination of aflatoxin by the

Thin Layer Chromatography method allows for detecting the possible presence of aflatoxins in
Herbal drugs and derivatives, whenever no other specific method is recommended in the monograph.
Stationary phase: silica gel (0.25 mm).

Mobile phase: chloroform and acetone (9:1).

TLC visualization reagent solution: examine under ultraviolet light at 360-365 nm; 30% (v/v) sulfuric
acid solution.

Phosphate buffer solution pH 7.4: weigh 1.0 g of potassium chloride, 1.0 g of monobasic potassium
phosphate, 5.8 g of dibasic sodium phosphate anhydrous and 40.0 g of sodium chloride and transfer
to a 5 L volumetric flask. Add approximately 4.5 L of water and dissolve. Adjust the pH to 7.4 with
hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxide. Adjust volume with water, homogenize and check pH again.

Aflatoxin Stock Solution: Dissolve the contents of the aflatoxin standard in a mixture of benzene and
acetonitrile (98:2). Dilute quantitatively and in steps with the same solvent until obtaining solutions
with a concentration of 8 µg/mL to 10 µg/mL of each aflatoxin. Shake the solution vigorously for one
minute. Determine the absorbance of each solution at 350 nm in an appropriate spectrophotometer,
using a mixture of benzene and acetonitrile (98:02) as blank. Calculate the concentration of the
respective aflatoxin, in mg/mL, using the following formula:

1000 × A × M

M = molecular mass;
ɛ = molar absorptivity in the indicated solvent of the corresponding aflatoxin; and
A = solution absorbance

These values are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 – Correlation of molar absorptivity, molar mass and type of aflatoxin.

Aflatoxin M (molecular mass) ε = (molar absorptivity)
B1 312 19 800
B2 314 20 900
G1 328 17 100
G2 330 18 200

Standard solution: transfer aliquots of each of the previously prepared aflatoxin stock solutions to 3
mL vials with caps. Add sufficient amounts of benzene and acetonitrile (98:02) to obtain solutions
with 1 µg/ml of B1, 0.5 µg/ml of B2, 1 µg/ml of G1 and 0.5 µg/ml of G2.

Sample preparation

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.4.4-00

Column: Immunoaffinity chromatographic column (IAC) with monoclonal antibodies specific for

Extraction solvent: dissolve 5 g of sodium chloride in 200 mL of methyl alcohol and water (70:30)

Procedure: accurately weigh 25 g of sample, previously ground and sieved with sieve nr 20, transfer
to a 500 mL Erlenmeyer flask. Add enough extraction solvent to soak the entire sample. Shake in a
mechanical shaker for one hour or in a blender at high speed for five minutes. Filter and collect the
filtrate in a 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask. Transfer accurately measured 80 mL of the extract to a 250 mL
Erlenmeyer flask, add 160 mL of pH 7.4 phosphate buffer solution. Shake and filter through a
membrane filter with a porosity between 0.8 –1.6 µm. Apply 120 mL of the filtrate (equivalent to 5 g
of sample) on the immunoaffinity chromatographic column, maintaining a flow rate of one to two
drops per second, taking care that the column does not dry out. Wash the column with 20 mL of buffer
solution and dry by passing air through the column with the aid of a syringe. Discard the washing
liquid. Slowly elute the aflatoxins adsorbed on the column, by gravity, with 2 mL of methyl alcohol.
Collect the entire eluate in a 25 mL flask with a small container at the bottom, accurately pre-weighed.
Dry using rotary evaporator at 60°C. Weigh to obtain the mass of the residue. Dissolve the residue in
100 µL of a mixture of benzene and acetonitrile (98:02).

Fortified solution with standard solution: homogenize 10 µL of Sample solution with 4 µL of

Standard solution.

Aflatoxin analysis

Procedure: apply, separately, 10 µL of the Sample Solution, 2 µL, 4 µL and 6 µL of the Standard
Solution and 10 µL of the Solution fortified with standard solution. Allow to dry and develop the
chromatograms until the solvent front runs approximately 11 cm. Remove the plate and air dry,
protected from light. Examine under ultraviolet light (360 nm). Aflatoxins B1 and B2 appear as blue
stains and G1 and G2 as green stains. Rf values are approximately: 0.4 for G2, 0.5 for G1, 0.6 for B2
and 0.7 for B1, respectively. To confirm, pulverize the plate with the TLC visualization reagent
solution. Allow to dry in the dark and observe under 360 nm ultraviolet light: the four aflatoxins are
seen as yellow stains. Calculate the concentration of each aflatoxin, in µg/kg, in the portion of the
sample taken, using the formula:

P × C × V
𝑆 × 𝑚

P = volume, in µL, of the Standard solution;

C = aflatoxin concentration in the Standard Solution (G1 and B1 1 µg/mL and G2 and B2 0.5 µg/mL);
V = volume, in µL, of the final residue solution;
S = volume of Sample solution; and
m = weight of residue in g.

Acceptance criteria

Absence of stains in test solution applications in areas where stains of the Standard Solution are
observed. If any stains are observed in the Sample Solution, check the correspondence with any
fluorescent stains in the Standard Solution to identify this aflatoxin. The intensity of the aflatoxin
stain, if present in the Sample Solution, when compared to the intensity of the corresponding aflatoxin
stain in the standard solutions, will provide the approximate concentration of the aflatoxins in the
Sample Solution. The maximum accepted limits are lower than 5 µg/kg for aflatoxin B1 and lower

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.4.4-00

than 20 µg/kg for the sum of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2, except when other values are
recommended in specific monograph.


Determination of aflatoxins by High Performance Liquid Chromatography ( with

fluorescence detection, recommended for herbal drugs and derivatives of ginseng, ginger, cat's claw
and senna fruit, with the exception that for other matrices the method should be tested, eventually
adapted and validated.

Aflatoxin Primary Stock Solution: Dissolve aflatoxin B1 in a mixture of acetonitrile and toluene (2:98)
to obtain a solution at 10 µg/mL. To determine the exact concentration of aflatoxin B1 in the stock
solution, record the absorption curve between 330-370 nm in a quartz cell. Calculate the concentration
of B1 aflatoxin, in µg/mL, using the following formula:

A × M × 100
ɛ × l

A = absorbance determined at the maximum of the absorption curve;
M = molar mass of aflatoxin B1 (312 g/mol);
ɛ = molar absorptivity of aflatoxin B1 in the mixture of acetonitrile and toluene (1930 m2/mole); and
l = length of the optical path in the cell (1 cm).

Aflatoxin B1 secondary stock solution: prepare secondary solution containing 100 ng/mL of aflatoxin
B1 by diluting the primary stock solution with a mixture of acetonitrile and toluene (2:98). Wrap the
solution flask in aluminum foil and wait for the contents to reach room temperature. If the solution is
to be stored for a long period (e.g. one month), weigh the flask and record the mass before each use
of the solution.

Standard Aflatoxin Solutions: Transfer the volumes of secondary aflatoxin stock solution indicated
in Table 2 to volumetric flasks. Apply nitrogen gas to these solutions, at room temperature, until
solvent evaporation. In each flask, add 75 mL of methyl alcohol, wait for complete solubilization and
adjust to 250 mL with water and homogenize.

Table 2 – Aflatoxin B1 solutions for preparing analytical curve

Secondary stock solution volume Final concentration of AFB1 in
Standard solution
(µL) standard solution (µL/mL)
1 125 0.05
2 250 0.1
3 500 0.2
4 750 0.3
5 1000 0.4

Analytical curve: prepare the analytical curve using standard solutions of aflatoxin B1, from one to
five, in a concentration range of 1 µg/kg to 8 µg/kg of aflatoxin B1 in the herbal drug. Check if the
curve has adequate linearity. If the aflatoxin B1 content in the sample to be examined is outside the
range of the analytical curve, the test solution must be diluted until the aflatoxin content is adequate
for the established calibration curve.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.4.4-00

Column: 250 mm in length and 4.6 mm in internal diameter, packed with silica chemically bonded to
octadecylsilane group (5 µm)

Mobile phase A: mixture of acetonitrile, methyl alcohol and water (2:3:6) for post-column derivation
with photochemical reactor or pyridinium bromide.

Mobile Phase B: add 0.12 g of potassium bromide and 350 mL of diluted nitric acid per liter of Mobile
Phase A for post-column derivation with electrochemically derived bromide.

Mobile Phase Flow: 1.0 mL/minute.

Detection: fluorescence detector (excitation filter at 360nm and emission filter at 420nm). If using
detector with adjustable wavelengths, use 365 nm for excitation and 435 nm for emission.

Post-column derivation with pyridinium bromide-perbromide (PBPB): use pulseless pump; T with
dead volume equal to zero; Teflon reaction tube (PTFE) of 0.45 m length and internal diameter = 0.5
mm; Mobile phase A; Post-derivation reagent: dissolve 50 mg of PBPB in 1000 mL of water (protect
from light and use within four days) and flow of derivation reagent: 0.4 mL/minute.

Post-column shunt with photochemical reactor (PHRED): use a low pressure mercury bulb reactor
(minimum 8 W) at 254 nm; polished backplate; reaction coil with PTFE tube tightly braided around
UV bulb, length 25 cm and diameter 0.25 mm, nominal dead volume 1.25 mL; two-minute exposure
time; and Mobile Phase A.

Post-column derivation with electrochemically generated bromine (KOBRA): use KOBRA-cell:

electrochemical cell that generates a reactive form of bromine for aflatoxin derivation, resulting in
increased fluorescence; direct current source in series with KOBRA-cell, with constant current of
about 100 µA; PTFE reaction tube of 0.12 cm length and 0.25 mm inside diameter; and Mobile Phase

Immunoaffinity Column (IAC): use an immunoaffinity column containing antibodies against aflatoxin
B1, with a capacity of not less than 100 ng of aflatoxin B1 and with not less than 80% recovery for a
solution of 5 ng of aflatoxin B1 in one mixture of methyl alcohol and water (12.5:87.5) is applied.
Condition IAC at room temperature.

Procedure: weigh 5 g of dried and pulverized plant material, transfer and add 100 mL of water and
methyl alcohol mixture (30:70) and extract by sonication for 30 minutes. Filter on pleated filter paper.
Exactly transfer 10 mL of the clear filtrate to a 150 mL Erlenmeyer flask and add 70 mL of water.
Pass 40 mL through the immunoaffinity column (IAC) at a flow rate of 3 mL/minute (do not exceed
5 mL/minute). Wash the column with two 10 mL volumes of water at a flow rate not to exceed 5
mL/minute. Dry the IAC using a light vacuum for 5 to 10 seconds or air using a syringe for 10
seconds. Apply 0.5 mL of methyl alcohol to the top of the column and allow to elute by gravity into
a 5 mL volumetric flask. After one minute, apply another 0.5 mL of methyl alcohol. After one minute,
apply a third portion of methyl alcohol. Collect most of the applied solvent by blasting compressed
air across the top of the column or using light vacuum. Dilute with water to 5 mL and shake. If the
solution is clear, it can be used directly. Otherwise, filter in a filter unit before analysis. Use a
disposable filter unit (e.g. polytetrafluoroethylene filter with 0.45 µm pores) that does not cause
aflatoxin loss by retention.

Injection volume: 500 µL.

Elution order: aflatoxin G2, G1, B2 and B1.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.4.4-00

Calculation: Determine the formula of the analytical curve (y = ax + b) with the aflatoxin B1
concentration (ng/mL) on the x-axis and the sign (S) on the y-axis. The concentration of aflatoxin B1
in the test solution is equal to 𝐶 𝑎 .

Calculate the content of aflatoxin B1 in the herbal drug, in ng/g, using the following expression:

𝑉1 × 𝑉2 × 𝐶
𝑚 × 𝑉𝑖


m = mass of herbal drug, in g;

V1 = volume of solvent used in extraction, in ml;
Vi =aliquot used in the IAC, in mL;
V2 = final volume of solution after IAC elution and dilution, in mL; and
C = concentration of aflatoxin B1 in the test solution in ng/mL.

The presence of aflatoxin B1 can be confirmed by recording the chromatogram without post-column
derivation, which results in a large reduction (greater than 10-fold) in the response due to aflatoxin

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.4.5-00


Proceed according to the Limit Test for Heavy Metals (

When not determined in the monograph, the maximum total value of heavy metals of 20 ppm must
be observed, not exceeding the limits specified in Table 1.

Table 1 – Limit for heavy metals.

Metals Limit
cadmium 1.0 ppm
lead 5.0 ppm
mercury 0.1 ppm
arsenic 5.0 ppm

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.1-00




Heparin is determined in the form of a complex to antithrombin III (AT) via inhibition of the activity
of Factor Xa of coagulation. An excess of AT is maintained in the reaction mixture to ensure a
constant concentration of the heparin-AT complex. Factor Xa is neutralized by the heparin-AT
complex and residual Factor Xa hydrolyzes a specific peptide chromogenic substrate releasing a
chromophore. The amount of chromophore is inversely proportional to the activity of heparin.

Factor Xa chromogenic substrate: Factor Xa specific chromogenic substrate such as: N-α-benzoyl-
L-isoleucyl-L-glutamyl-glycyl-L-arginine-4-nitro-anilide hydrochloride. Reconstitute according to
manufacturer’s instructions.

Dilution buffer: 0.605% (w/v) tromethamine solution. If necessary, adjust to pH 8.4 with hydrochloric

Sample solution: dilute the sample with the Dilution Buffer to obtain a solution that supposedly
contains 0.1 IU of heparin per milliliter.

Standard solution: dilute the standard heparin solution with the Dilution Buffer to obtain a solution
containing 0.1 IU of heparin per milliliter. The conditions described apply to microplates. If the test
is carried out in tubes, adjust the volumes in order to maintain the proportions in the mixture. Shortly
before testing, place all solutions at 37°C in water bath. Distribute 20µL of normal human plasma
and 20µL of antithrombin III RS into a series of wells. Add a series of volumes (20 μL, 60 μL, 100 μL
and 140 μL) of the Sample Solution or Standard Solution to the wells and complete the volume of
each well with 200 μL using the Dilution Buffer (0.02 –0.08 IU of heparin per milliliter in the final
reactive mixture).


Transfer 40µL from each well to a second series of wells, add 20µL of the bovine Factor Xa solution
and incubate at 37°C for 30 seconds. Add 40µL of Chromogenic Substrate for Factor Xa solution at
1mmole/L and incubate at 37°C for three minutes. Stop the reaction by lowering the pH with an
appropriate reagent such as a 20% (v/v) glacial acetic acid solution and measuring the absorbance at
405 nm (5.2.14). The reaction time is generally on the order of three minutes to 15 minutes, but certain
variations are tolerated if they allow to improve the linearity of the dose-response curve.


Transfer 40µL from each well to a second series of wells, add 20µL of the bovine Factor Xa solution
and incubate at 37°C for 30 seconds. Add 40 μL of the Chromogenic Substrate for Factor Xa solution
at 2 mmole/L, incubate at 37 °C and determine the substrate cleavage rate by continuously reading
the absorbance variation at 405 nm (5.2.14), thus enabling calculate the initial rate of substrate
cleavage. This velocity must be proportional to the residual concentration of Factor Xa. Check the
validity of the test and calculate the activity of the sample through the statistical procedures applicable
to biological tests (8).

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.1-00 DETERMINATION OF THE HUMAN VON WILLEBRAND FACTOR

The potency of the human Von Willebrand Factor is determined by comparing, under mandatory
conditions given, its activity in collagen or as a ristocetin cofactor with the same activity, and
calibrated using an international reference standard, in international units, when applicable. The
International Unit is the activity of a declared amount of the international reference standard for Von
Willebrand Factor existing in Factor VIII concentrate of human blood coagulation. The equivalence
in international units from the international reference standard is indicated by the World Health
Organization (WHO).


Collagen binding is determined by enzyme immunoassay method in collagen-coated microplates. The

method is based on the specific binding of Von Willebrand Factor to collagen fibers and the
subsequent binding of an anti-Von Willebrand Factor polyclonal antibody conjugated to an enzyme.
After the addition of a chromogenic substrate, a spectrophotometrically quantifiable product is
formed. Under appropriate conditions, there is a linear relation between collagen, Von Willebrand
Factor and the indicated absorbance.


Collagen: use native equine or human collagen fibrils type I or III. To facilitate handling, collagen
solutions can be used.

Collagen diluent: weigh 50 g of glucose and dissolve in water. Adjust the pH to between 2.7 and 2.9
with M hydrochloric acid and dilute to 1000 mL with water.

Chloride-phosphate buffer: Chloride-phosphate buffer: weigh 8g of sodium chloride, 1.05g of dibasic

sodium phosphate dihydrate, 0.2g of monobasic sodium phosphate dihydrate and 0.2 g of potassium
chloride and dissolve in water. If necessary, adjust pH to 7.2 with M sodium hydroxide or M
hydrochloric acid. Dilute to 1000 mL with water.

Buffered Wash Solution: 0.1% (w/v) polysorbate 20 solution in Phosphate Chloride Buffer.

Neutralizing reagent: prepare Chloride-phosphate buffer containing 0.1% (w/v) polysorbate 20 and
1.0% (w/v) bovine albumin.

Dilution buffer: prepare Chloride-phosphate buffer containing 0.1% (w/v) polysorbate 20 and 5.0%
(w/v) bovine albumin.

Conjugation: rabbit serum of human anti-Von Willebrand Factor conjugated to horseradish

peroxidase, a histochemical marker, prepared as per the manufacturer’s instructions.

Substrate solution: dissolve, immediately before use, one o-phenylenediamine hydrochloride tablet
and one carbamide peroxide tablet in 20 mL of water, or use an adequate volume of hydrogen
peroxide. Protect from light .

Microplates: they must have a flat bottom, polystyrene plates with optimized surface properties for
immunoenzymatic assay and high binding capacity protein.

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Sample solution: reconstitute the preparation to be analyzed as indicated on the label. Dilute with
Dilution Buffer to prepare a solution containing about 1 IU/mL of Von Willebrand Factor. Prepare
two independent runs with minimum three dilutions using the Dilution Buffer.

Standard solutions: reconstitute the standard solution as indicated by the manufacturer. Dilute with
Dilution Buffer to prepare a solution containing about 1 IU/mL of Von Willebrand Factor. Prepare
two independent runs with minimum three dilutions using the Dilution Buffer.

Dilute with Collagen Diluent, at room temperature, to obtain a solution containing 30 to 75 mg/mL
of collagen. Gently homogenize to produce a uniform suspension of collagen fibers and then pipet
0.1 mL and transfer to each well of the microplate. Cover plate with plastic wrap and incubate at 37°C
overnight. Empty collagen-coated plate wells by inverting and draining on a paper towel. Add 0.25
mL of Buffered Wash Solution. Empty plate wells by inversion and drain on a paper towel, repeating
this operation three times. Add 0.25 mL of Neutralizing Reagent to each well, cover the plate with
plastic film and incubate at 37°C for one hour. Plate wells should be emptied by inversion and
draining on a paper towel. Add 0.25 mL of Buffered Wash Solution. Empty plate wells by inversion
and drain on a paper towel. Repeat this operation three times.

Add 0.1 mL of each of the Sample or Reference Solutions to the wells. Add 0.1 mL of Dilution Buffer
to a series of wells to obtain the negative control. Cover plate with plastic wrap and incubate at 37°C
for two hours. Plate wells should be emptied by inversion and draining on a paper towel. Add 0.25
mL of Buffered Wash Solution. Empty plate wells by inversion and drain on a paper towel, repeating
this operation three times.

Prepare an appropriate dilution of Phosphate Chloride Conjugation Buffer containing 0.5% (w/v)
bovine albumin and add 0.1 mL to each well. Cover plate with plastic film and incubate at 37°C for
two hours. Empty plate wells by inversion and drain on a paper towel. Add 0.25 mL of Buffered Wash
Solution. Empty plate wells by inversion and drain on a paper towel. Repeat this operation three times.

Add 0.1 mL of Substrate Solution to each well and incubate at room temperature for 20 minutes in
the dark. Add 0.1 mL of M hydrochloric acid to each well. Measure the absorbance at 492 nm (5.2.14).
Use the absorbance values to estimate the potency of the preparation to be analyzed using the
statistical procedures applicable to biological tests. The assay is valid if the absorbances measured
for the negative controls are greater than 0.05. DETERMINATION OF HUMAN BLOOD COAGULATION FACTOR

The determination of Factor II of human coagulation is performed after specific activation in Factor
IIa. Factor IIa is calculated by comparing its activity on a specific chromogenic peptide substrate with
the same activity as the international standard or a standard preparation calibrated in International
Units (IU). The International Unit of Factor II corresponds to the activity of a given quantity of the
international standard, which is constituted by a lyophilized concentrate of Factor II of blood
coagulation. The correspondence between the International Unit and the International Standard is
indicated by the World Health Organization.

The chromogenic determination method includes two successive steps: activation of Factor II by the
action of snake venom and the enzymatic cleavage of a chromogenic substrate by Factor IIa, which

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.1-00

releases a spectrophotometrically quantifiable chromophore. Under appropriate assay conditions,

there is a linear relation between Factor IIa activity and chromogenic substrate cleavage.


Factor II specific activator from viper venom (Ecarina): protein obtained from the venom of the Echis
carinatus viper, specifically activates Factor II. Reconstitute the preparation following the
manufacturer’s instructions. Once reconstituted, store at 4°C and for not more than one month.

Chromogenic substrate for Factor IIa: Factor IIa specific chromogenic substrate such as: HD-
phenylalanyl-L-pipecolyl-L-arginine-4-nitroanilide hydrochloride, 4-toluenesulfonyl-glycyl-prolyl-
Larginine-4-nitroanilide, HD-cyclohexylglycyl -α-aminobutyryl-L-arginine-4-nitroanilide, D-
cyclohexylglycyl-L-alanylarginine-4-nitroanilide-diacetate. Reconstitute following the
manufacturer’s instructions.

Dilution buffer: solution containing 0.606% (w/v) of tromethamine, 1.753% (w/v) sodium chloride,
0.279% (w/v) edetic acid and 0.1% bovine or human albumin (p/v). Adjust pH to 8.4 with
hydrochloric acid.


Sample solution: dilute the sample in the Dilution Buffer to obtain a solution containing 0.015 IU of
Factor II per milliliter. Prepare at least three more dilutions of this solution in Dilution Buffer.

Standard solution: dilute the sample in the Dilution Buffer to obtain a solution containing 0.015 IU
of Factor II per milliliter. Prepare at least three more dilutions of this solution in the Dilution Buffer.
Place the solutions contained in the microplates in water bath at 37°C, immediately before the assay.
If the test is carried out in tubes, adjust the volumes to maintain the proportions in the mixture.
Introduce 25 μL of the different dilutions of Sample Solution and Standard Solution into a series of
wells of the microplate kept at 37 °C. Transfer 125µL of Dilution Buffer and 25µL of Factor II
Specific Activator from viper venom into each well and incubate for exactly two minutes. Transfer
25µL of Chromogenic Substrate for Factor IIa to each well.

Read the absorbance change rate at 405 nm (5.2.14 and continue for three minutes to obtain the
average rate of absorbance change. If a continuous reading is not possible, determine the absorbance
at 405 nm at appropriate standardized consecutive ranges, e.g. every 40 seconds. Plot the linear graph
of the absorption values versus time and calculate the average rate of change in absorbance. From the
individual values found for each standard and sample dilution, calculate the sample activity and check
the validity of the assay using the usual statistical methods. DETERMINATION OF HUMAN BLOOD COAGULATION FACTOR

Sample activity is determined by comparing the amount of sample required to reduce the clotting
time of a test mixture that contains substances, in addition to Factor IX, necessary for blood clotting;
with the amount of a standard solution, evaluated in international units, required to obtain the same

The International Unit of Factor II corresponds to the activity of a given quantity of the international
standard, constituted by a lyophilized concentrate of Factor IX of blood coagulation. The equivalence

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.1-00

in international units from the International Reference Standard is indicated by the World Health

Reconstitute the sample and standard solution respectively according to the label directions and use
immediately. When applicable, determine the amount of heparin present and neutralize it by adding
protamine sulfate (10μg of protamine sulfate neutralizes 1.0 IU of heparin). Dilute the sample and
standard solution with pH 7.3 imidazole buffer to obtain solutions with 0.5 to 2.0 IU per milliliter.
With a mixture of 3.8% (w/v) sodium citrate and pH 7.3 (1:5) imidazole buffer, prepare a dilution
series comprising 1/10, 1/20, 1/40 and 1/80. These dilutions must be accurately prepared and are used

For example, use incubation tubes kept in water bath at 37°C. Introduce 0.1 ml of plasma substrate
and 0.1 ml of each of the standard and sample dilutions into each tube. Transfer to each tube 0.1 mL
of an appropriate dilution of cephalin RS or platelet substitute and 0.1 mL of a suspension of 0.5 g of
light kaolin in 100 mL of 0.9% sodium chloride (w/v) and allow to stand for about 10 minutes, tilting
the tubes regularly. Add 0.1 mL of 0.74% (w/v) calcium chloride solution to each tube. With the aid
of a chronometer, determine the clotting time, that is, the time range between the moment of addition
of calcium chloride and the first indication of the formation of fibrin that is observed visually or with
appropriate devices. Calculate the activity using the statistical procedure applicable to biological

To ensure that there is no significant contamination of the plasma substrate by Factor IX, perform a
blank assay using, in place of the sample, a corresponding volume of a mixture of 3.8% (w/v) sodium
citrate and imidazole buffer of pH 7.3 (1:5). The test is only valid if the clotting time determined in
the blank test is between 100 and 200 seconds. DETERMINATION OF HUMAN BLOOD COAGULATION FACTOR

The determination of Factor VII of coagulation is carried out by determining its biological activity as
a cofactor in the activation of Factor X by Factor VIIa/Tissue Factor in the presence of calcium ions
and phospholipids. The activity of a Factor VII preparation is calculated by comparing the respective
amounts of that preparation and the international standard or a standard solution determined in
international units that are necessary to obtain a rate of formation of Factor Xa in a reaction medium
containing the different substances that intervene in the activation of the X Factor.

The International Unit of Factor VII corresponds to the activity of a given quantity of the international
standard, which is currently constituted by a lyophilized plasma. The correspondence between the
International Unit and the International Standard is indicated by the World Health Organization.

The chromogenic determination method comprises two successive steps: the activation of Factor X,
under the action of Factor VIIa, in a reactive mixture containing Tissue Factor/phospholipid and
calcium ion and the enzymatic lysis of a chromogenic substrate by Factor Xa that releases a
chromophore quantifiable by spectrophotometry. Under proper assay conditions, there is a linear
relation between the rate of formation of Factor Xa and the concentration of Factor VII. The following
diagram summarizes the principle of determination:

Step 1
Tissue Factor + Ca+2
a) Factor VI Factor VIIa

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.1-00

Factor VIIa + Ca+2

+ Tissue Factor/phospholipid
b) Factor X Factor Xa

Step 2
Factor Xa
a) Chromogenic substrate Peptide + chromophore

Both steps use commercially available reagents from different suppliers. Although the composition
of these reagents may vary slightly, their essential characteristics are described in the following


The reactive mixture of coagulation factors contains, in particular, purified proteins of human or
bovine origin, specifically Factor X, thromboplastin and Tissue Factor/phospholipid and a Factor VII
activator. These proteins are partially purified and do not contain impurities capable of interfering
with the activation of Factor VII or Factor X. Factor X is present in such quantity that its final
concentration, outside the activation step, is 10 –350 nmole/L, preferably 14 – 70 nmole/L. The
thromboplastin used can be of natural origin (ox or rabbit brain) or synthetic. The thromboplastin
used for the determination of Quick's time is diluted 5 to 50 times in a buffer solution so that the final
concentration of Ca2+ is 15-25 nmole/L. The final stage of Factor Xa formation is carried out in a
solution containing human albumin or bovine albumin at a concentration in which there is no loss in
adsorption and, conveniently, buffered at a pH between 7.3 and 8.0. Factor VII is the only Factor that
limits the formation of Factor Xa in the final incubation mixture and none of the reactive constituents
in the mixture have the power to induce the formation of Factor Xa on their own.

The second step consists of quantifying the Factor Xa formed in the previous step, in a chromogenic
substrate specific for Factor Xa. This substrate is usually a short peptide derived from 3 to 5 amino
acids linked to a chromophore group. The sectioning of this group and the peptide substrate promotes
a shift of the chromophoric activity to a wavelength that allows its quantification by
spectrophotometry. The substrate is usually dissolved in water and used at a final concentration of
0.2 – 2 nmole/L. It may also comprise appropriate inhibitors preventing the further formation of
Factor Xa (iodide addition).


Separately, reconstitute the contents of one ampoule of the standard solution and the sample by adding
the required amount of water, and once reconstituted, use them within one hour at most. Add to the
reconstituted preparations the amounts of pre-diluent necessary to obtain solutions of 0.5 –2.0 IU of
Factor VII per milliliter.

Prepare the following dilutions of standard solution and sample with an isotonic buffer solution
without chelating agent, containing 1.0% (w/v) human or bovine albumin, and preferably buffered to
pH 7.3 –8.0. Make from each of the two preparations at least three separate, independent dilutions,
preferably in duplicate. The concentrations of these Factor VII dilutions are adjusted so that the final
concentration is less than 0.005 IU/mL.

Also prepare a control solution containing all the constituent kit of the reactive mixture except for
Factor VII.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.1-00

All dilutions are prepared in plastic tubes and used in no more than one hour.

Step 1. To each of the dilutions, obtained from the standard and sample solution, add an appropriate
volume of pre-heated coagulation reagent (or a mixture of its separate constituents), homogenize and
incubate at 37°C in plastic tubes or wells of a microplate. The concentration of the different
constituents during the formation of Factor Xa is as specified in reagents. Allow the Factor X
activation reaction to develop for an appropriate time; the end of the reaction takes place, preferably,
before the Factor Xa concentration has reached its maximum level, so that the dose-response curve
presents a satisfactory linearity. The reaction time is also chosen so that the linearity condition of the
Factor Xa production curve as a function of time is satisfactory. It is usually on the order of two to
five minutes, but certain variations are permitted to improve the linearity of the dose-response curve.

Step 2. Stop the activation reaction by adding a reactive mixture containing the chromogenic
substrate. The substrate lysis rate, which is proportional to the Factor Xa concentration, is determined
with the aid of a spectrophotometer by varying the absorbance at an appropriate wavelength. The
absorbance can be determined continuously, which makes it possible to calculate the initial rate of
substrate lysis, either by stopping the hydrolysis reaction after an appropriate time, lowering the pH
with an appropriate reagent such as 50% acetic acid ( w/v) or by a solution of M sodium citrate at pH
3.0. Adjust the hydrolysis time so that the linearity condition for chromophore formation as a function
of time is satisfactory. It is usually on the order of 3 to 15 minutes, but certain variations are permitted
to improve the linearity of the dose-response curve. Check the validity of the titration and calculate
the activity of the sample preparation through the statistical procedures applicable to biological tests

The determination of Factor X in human blood coagulation is carried out after specific activation in
Factor Xa, which is calculated by comparing its activity in cleaving a specific peptide chromogenic
substrate with the same activity as the International Standard or a standard solution measured in
International Units.

The International Unit of Factor X corresponds to the activity of a given quantity of the international
standard, which is constituted by a lyophilized concentrate of Factor X of blood coagulation. The
correspondence between the International Unit and the International Standard is indicated by the
World Health Organization.

The chromogenic determination method includes two steps: activation of Factor X by the action of
snake venom and the enzymatic cleavage of a chromogenic substrate by Factor Xa, which releases a
spectrophotometrically quantifiable chromophore. Under appropriate assay conditions, there is a
linear relation between Factor Xa activity and the substrate cleavage.


Specific X-Factor activator from the Russel's viper venom (RVV): a protein obtained from the venom
of the Russel's viper (Vipera russelli) that specifically activates the X-Factor.

Reconstitute the preparation following the manufacturer’s instructions. Once reconstituted, store at
4°C and use within one month.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.1-00

Chromogenic substrate for Factor Xa: Factor Xa specific chromogenic substrate such as: N-α-
benzyloxycarbonyl-D-arginyl-L-glycyl-L-arginine-4-nitroanilide, Nbenzoyl-L-isoleucyl-Lglutamyl-
hydrochloride glycyl-L-arginine-4-nitroanilide, methanesulfonyl-D-leucyl-glycyl-L-arginine-4-
nitroanilide, methoxycarbonyl acetate-D-cyclohexylalanyl-glycyl-L-arginine-4-nitroanilide.
Reconstitute following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Dilution buffer: solution containing 0.37% (w/v) tromethamine, 1.8% (w/v) sodium chloride, 0.21%
(w/v) imidazole, 0.002% hexadimethrine bromide (w/v) and bovine albumin, or 0.1% human albumin
(w/v). If necessary, adjust to pH 8.4 with hydrochloric acid.


Sample solution: dilute the sample in the Dilution Buffer to obtain a solution containing 0.18 IU of
Factor X per milliliter. Prepare at least three more dilutions of this solution in the Dilution Buffer.

Standard solution: dilute the standard preparation in the Dilution Buffer to obtain a solution
containing 0.18 IU of Factor X per milliliter. Prepare at least three more dilutions of this solution in
the Dilution Buffer. Shortly before testing, place all solutions at 37°C in water bath.

The conditions described apply to the microtitration plates. If the test is carried out in tubes, adjust
the volumes to maintain the proportions in the mixtures.

Introduce 12.5 μL of the different dilutions of Sample Solution and Standard Solution into a series of
wells of the microplate kept at 37 °C. Add 25µL of RVV to each well. Incubate for exactly 90 seconds.
Add to each well 150 µL of Chromogenic Substrate for Factor Xa, diluted six times in Dilution
Buffer. Read the absorbance change rate at 405 nm (5.2.14) and continue for three minutes to obtain
the average rate of absorbance change. If a continuous reading is not possible, determine the
absorbance at 405 nm at standardized consecutive ranges, e.g. every 40 seconds. Plot the linear graph
of the absorbance values versus time and calculate the average rate of change in absorbance. From
the individual values found for each standard and sample dilution, calculate the sample activity and
check the validity of the assay using the usual statistical methods. DETERMINATION OF FACTOR VIII OF LYOPHILLED HUMAN

It is carried out by determining the biological activity of Factor VIII as a cofactor in the activation of
Factor X by Factor IX activated (IXa) in the presence of calcium ions and phospholipids. The activity
of a Factor VIII preparation is calculated by comparing the respective amounts of that preparation
and the International Standard; or a standard solution measured in international units that are
necessary to obtain a certain formation rate of Factor Xa in a reaction medium containing the different
substances that participate in the activation of Factor X.

The International Unit of Factor VIII corresponds to the activity of a given quantity of the
International Standard, which is constituted by a lyophilized concentrate of Factor VIII of human
blood coagulation. The equivalence of the International Standard with International Units is
established by the World Health Organization (WHO). Human blood coagulation Factor VIII
concentrate is measured in international units against the International Standard. The colorimetric
measurement method consists of two successive steps: the activation of Factor X under the action of
Factor VIII in a reactive mixture of coagulation factors composed of purified substances and the
enzymatic cleavage of a chromogenic substrate by Factor Xa that releases a quantifiable chromophore
by spectrophotometry. Under proper dosing conditions, there is a linear relation between the

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.1-00

formation rate of Factor Xa and the concentration of Factor VIII. The following diagram summarizes
the determination principle:

Step 1
Factor VIII activated
Factor X Factor Xa
Factor IXa, phospholipid, Ca2+

Step 2
Factor Xa
chromogenic substrate peptide + chromophore

Both steps use commercially available reagents. Although the composition of these reagents may vary
slightly, their essential characteristics are described in the following specifications. Deviations from
such specifications may be permitted provided it is demonstrated, using the International Standard,
that the results obtained do not differ significantly. Commercial packaging is used according to
manufacturer’s instructions; it is important to ensure that the packaging chosen is suitable.

The kits used must be properly validated, and in this case, the verification of Factor Xa generation
time may be used to determine the time required to reach 50% of Factor Xa maximum formation.


The reactive mixture of coagulation factors corresponds to purified proteins of human or bovine
origin, specifically, Factor X, Factor IXa and a Factor VIII activator, usually thrombin. These proteins
are partially purified, preferably minimum 50%, and do not contain impurities capable of interfering
with the activation of Factor VIII or Factor X. Thrombin may be present in the form of its precursor,
prothrombin, as long as its activation in reactive mixture is fast enough to allow complete and nearly
instantaneous activation of Factor VIII in the assay. The reactive mixture must contain phospholipids
that can be of natural origin (for example: brain, bovine spinal cord and soy extract) or obtained
artificially, consisting of about 15 to 31% of phosphatidylserine. The final concentration of
phospholipids during the Factor Xa formation step is approximately 10 to 35 µmole/L. The reactive
mixture also contains calcium ions in such quantity that its final concentration is 5 to 15 mmole/L.
The final stage of Factor Xa formation is carried out in a solution that must contain minimum 1
mg/mL of conveniently buffered human or bovine albumin (pH 7.3 to 8.0). The different constituents
of the reactive medium are usually brought together in two separate preparations, which alone should
not induce the formation of Factor Xa. After reconstitution, these two preparations can be combined
provided that no amounts of Factor Xa are formed in the absence of Factor VIII. Factor VIII is the
only factor that limits the formation of Factor Xa in the final incubation mixture. The second step
consists of quantifying the Factor Xa formed in the previous step in a chromogenic substrate specific
for Factor Xa. This substrate is usually a short peptide derived from 3 to 5 amino acids bonded to a
chromophore group. The sectioning of this group and the peptide substrate promotes a shift of the
chromophoric activity to a wavelength that allows its quantification by spectrophotometry. The
substrate, usually dissolved in water and used in a final concentration of 0.2 to 2 mmole/L, must
contain the appropriate inhibitors to prevent the additional formation of Factor Xa and suppress all
thrombin activity, which enables to improve the assay selectivity in the presence of Factor Xa.


The entire content of an ampoule of the Standard Solution and the Sample Solution must be
reconstituted by adding the amount of water and use immediately. Add amounts of pre-diluent
necessary to obtain solutions between 0.5 to 2.0 IU/mL. The pre-diluent consists of plasma from a
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.1-00

donor with severe hemophilia A, or from an artificially prepared reagent, providing results equivalent
to those obtained with hemophilic plasma and with the same standard and sample preparations. Pre-
diluted solutions must present good stability beyond the time required for determination of at least 30
minutes at 20°C and be used within 15 minutes. Make the following dilutions of the standard and
sample preparation using an isotonic buffer solution without a chelating agent, and containing 1.0%
human or bovine albumin; the solution may contain, for example, tromethamine or imidazole and is
preferably buffered (pH 7.3 to 8.0). Prepare at least three additional independent dilutions, preferably
in duplicate. The solutions must be prepared in such a manner that the final Factor VIII concentration,
apart from the Factor Xa formation stage, is less than 0.03 UI/mL and preferably than 0.01 UI/mL.
Prepare a standard containing all the constituent kit of the reactive mixture except for Factor VIII.
Prepare dilutions in plastic tubes and use immediately.

Step 1. To each of the dilutions, obtained from the standard and sample solution preparation, add an
appropriate volume of pre-heated coagulation reagent (or a mixture of its separate constituents),
homogenize and incubate at 37°C in plastic tubes or wells of a microplate. Allow the Factor X
activation reaction to develop for an appropriate time; the end of the reaction takes place, preferably,
before the Factor X concentration has reached its maximum level, so that the dose-response curve
presents a satisfactory linearity. The reaction time is also chosen so that the linearity condition of the
Factor Xa production curve as a function of time is satisfactory. It is usually on the order of two to
five minutes, but certain variations are permitted to improve the linearity of the dose-response curve.

Step 2. Interrupt the activation reaction by adding a reactive mixture containing the chromogenic
substrate. The substrate lysis rate, which is proportional to the Factor Xa concentration, is determined
by a spectrophotometer by varying the absorbance at an appropriate wavelength. The absorbance can
be determined continuously, which makes it possible to calculate the initial rate of substrate lysis,
either by interrupting the hydrolysis reaction after an appropriate time, lowering the pH with an
appropriate reagent such as acetic acid (50% v/v of C2H4O2) or by a M citrate buffer at pH 3.0. Adjust
the hydrolysis time so that the linearity condition for chromophore formation as a function of time is
satisfactory. It is usually on the order of 3 to 15 minutes, but certain variations are permitted to
improve the linearity of the dose-response curve. Check the validity of the test and calculate the
activity of the sample through statistical procedures applicable to biological tests. DETERMINATION OF ACTIVATED COAGULATION FACTORS

If the sample contains heparin, determine the existing amount and neutralize it with the addition of
protamine sulfate (10μg of protamine sulfate neutralizes 1 IU of heparin). With tris-sodium chloride
buffer pH 7.5, prepare 1/10 and 1/100 dilutions. Place a series of polystyrene tubes in a 37°C water
bath. Introduce 0.1 mL of platelet-poor plasma and 0.1 mL of an appropriate dilution of cephalin RS
or a phospholipid preparation that acts as a platelet substitute into each tube. Allow to stand for 60
seconds and add 0.1 mL of one of the dilutions to each tube and 0.1 mL of the buffer solution to the
blank test tube.

Immediately transfer 0.1 mL of a 0.37% (w/v) calcium chloride solution to each tube, previously
heated to 37°C, and determine the time range between the addition of the calcium chloride solution.
calcium and clot formation, this determination is carried out within 30 minutes following the first
dilution. The assay is only valid if the blank clotting time is 200 to 350 seconds. DETERMINATION OF ANTI-A AND ANTI-B HEMAGGLUTININS


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Prepare a serial duplicate dilution of the preparation to be examined in 0.9% (w/v) sodium chloride
solution. For each dilution of a series, add a volume equal to 5.0% (v/v) of the group A1 red cell
suspension. Red blood cells must be previously washed three times in a sodium chloride solution. For
each dilution of the other series, add an equal volume of 5.0% (v/v) of the group B red cell suspension.
The red cells must be previously washed three times in a 0.9% (w/v) sodium chloride solution ).
Incubate the dilution series at 37°C for 30 minutes and then wash three times with 0.9% sodium
chloride (w/v). Leave the red cells in contact with the polyvalent human antiglobulin reagent for 30
minutes. Without centrifuging, examine each suspension for agglutination under a microscope. NUCLEIC ACID AMPLIFICATION METHODS


Nucleic acid amplification methods were established based on two different principles:

a) amplification of a target nucleic acid sequence using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), ligase
chain reaction (LCR), or isothermal amplification of a ribonucleic acid (RNA) sequence;

b) amplification of a hybridization signal for deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) using the branched DNA
method (bDNA), for example. In this case, signal amplification takes place without subjecting the
nucleic acid to repetitive amplification cycles.

Generally speaking, the PCR method is described as the reference method. Alternative methods can
be used, provided they meet the quality requirements and are properly validated.


Establish the requirements for sample preparation, amplification of DNA sequences, and specific
detection of the PCR reaction product. PCR enables detection and amplification of defined DNA and
RNA sequences (after their reverse transcription into complementary DNA – cDNA).


PCR is the fundament of a method that enables the specific in vitro amplification of DNA or RNA
segments. After denaturation of the double strand of DNA into single strands of DNA, two synthetic
oligonucleotide primers, of opposite polarity, hybridize with their respective complementary
sequences in the DNA to be amplified. In this case, the activity of the primers makes it possible to
complete the single strand of DNA, giving rise to short, biquaternary sequences that surround the
DNA fragment to be amplified; thus serving as a starting point for DNA synthesis. It should be noted
that this process is carried out through the action of a thermostable DNA polymerase.

DNA amplification takes place in cycles consisting of:

- heat denaturation of nucleic acid (target sequence to be amplified) into two monoquaternary
- specific hybridization of the primers with the sequence to be amplified, under suitable reaction
- elongation, through the action of DNA polymerase, of the primers linked to each of the two single
strands, at a suitable temperature (favorable to the process of DNA synthesis).

Repeated cycles of heat denaturation, primer hybridization and DNA synthesis give rise to an
exponential amplification of the DNA fragment then delimited by the primers. The specific product

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of the PCR reaction, known as an amplicon, can be detected using a variety of methods of appropriate
specificity and sensitivity. The Multiplex PCR assay uses several pairs of primers, intended for
simultaneous amplification for different targets of a reaction.


Due to PCR great sensitivity, samples must be protected from the incidence of light and any external
contamination. The sampling, conservation and transport of the material to be analyzed must be
carried out under conditions capable of minimizing the risks of degradation of the sequence to be
amplified. In tagged RNA sequences, special precautions must be taken since RNA is very sensitive
to degradation by ribonucleases, as well as to some additives (anticoagulants and preservatives) that
may interfere with the assays.


Contaminant Prevention

The risk of contamination requires the existence of restricted areas, depending on the nature of the
materials and technology used. Points to consider include: personnel flow, work flow, material
handling, ventilation systems, and decontamination procedures.

It is advisable to subdivide the system into areas, such as:

- primary preparation area (place where materials not contained in the matrix are exclusively
manipulated, for example, primers and buffers);
- pre-PCR area (where reagents, samples and controls are handled);
- amplification area (where the amplified material is manipulated in a closed system);
- post-PCR detection area (only area where amplification products are manipulated in an open

Sample preparation

Sample preparation consists of extracting or releasing the target sequence to be amplified from the
material to be examined. The method used for this purpose must be effective, reproducible and
compatible with the amplification under the selected reaction conditions. A variety of
physicochemical methods for extraction and/or enrichment can be used.

Potential additives in the material under analysis may interfere with the PCR method. The procedures
described in the Internal Control item must be used to verify the absence of inhibition factors in the
material to be examined.

As for the RNA models, precautions must be taken so that there is an absence of ribonuclease-like


Amplification of a target sequence by PCR method requires, minimum, a pair of primers, the four
types of triphosphate deoxynucleotides (dNTPs), magnesium ions (MgCl2), and a thermostable DNA
polymerase for DNA synthesis.

Amplification of the target sequence by PCR is conducted under defined cyclic conditions:
temperature profile for DNA double-stranded denaturation; annealing and extension of primers and
incubation times at selected temperatures within a range.
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The following parameters should be considered:

- the length and base composition of the primer and target sequence;
- the type of DNA polymerase, the composition of the buffer and the reaction volume used in the
- the type of thermal cycler used and the rate of thermal conductivity between the apparatus, reaction
tube and reaction medium.

Amplification takes place in cycles consisting of:

- denaturation of the nucleic acid target sequence by heating the two single strands; reaction is
heated between 92 and 96°C;
- specific annealing of the primers to the target sequence that will be synthesized, under suitable
reaction conditions. The temperature is normally 55°C, depending on the homology of the primers
to the target sequence to be amplified, the composition of the primers and the amount of cytosine
and guanine bases;
- extension of the primers that are linked to the single strands, through the action of thermostable
DNA polymerase, at a temperature suitable for DNA synthesis. Typically at 72°C;
- after the end of the cycle, it is cooled to 4°C and preserved.


The generated amplified sequence can be identified: by its size, sequence, chemical modification or
a combination of these parameters. Detection and characterization by size can be performed by gel
electrophoresis (using agarose gel plates, or polyacrylamide gel plates, or by capillary
electrophoresis), or by column chromatography (for example, HPLC - High performance liquid
chromatography)). Detection and characterization by sequence composition can be carried out by
specific hybridization with probes complementary to the target sequence or by fragmentation of the
amplified material by means of a restriction enzyme at specific sites of the sequence to be amplified.
Characterization through chemical modification can be performed by incorporating a fluorophore in
the labeled sequences and subsequent excitation and detection of fluorescein. Labeled probes that
enable subsequent radioisotopic or immunoenzymatic detection can also be used.


An assay result is only valid if the positive control(s) is(are) unequivocally positive and the negative
control(s) is(are) unequivocally negative. Due to the PCR method high sensitivity and the inherent
risks of contamination, it is necessary to confirm positive results by performing the assay in duplicate
or, when possible, with a new aliquot of the sample. The sample is considered positive if at least one
of the repeated tests is positive.


Validation of the PCR Assay System

The validation program must include the devices and the PCR method used. As references
recommendations from the ICH (The International Conference on Harmonization of Technical
Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use) should be used: Q2B, Analytical
Method Validation, or equivalent alternative reference.

It is essential to carry out this validation using official biological reference standards, properly
calibrated using International Standards for the target sequences used in the assay.

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Validation must include the determination of the positive response threshold, that is, the minimum
number of labeled sequences per volume unit that can be detected in not less than 95% of the assays.
This value depends on several interrelated factors, such as: the volume of the sample submitted to
extraction and the efficiency of the extraction method; the transcription of tagged RNA into
complementary DNA; the amplification procedure and the detection system. To define the detection
limit of the system used, it is necessary to consider the positive response threshold for each sequence
to be amplified and the assay operating characteristics with the respective maximum and minimum
limits of the positive response.

Reagents quality control

All crucial reagents used in the methodology put into practice must be subject to control before their
routine use. Acceptance/rejection must be based on pre-defined quality criteria. Primers are one of
the essential components of the PCR method, thus requiring particular attention to their design; purity
and validation of their use in the assay. Each new batch of initiators should be checked for specificity;
amplification efficiency and absence of inhibitory impurities. Primers can be modified (for example,
by conjugation with a fluorophore, or an antigen) so as to allow the use of a specific method of
detection of the target sequence to be amplified; provided that those modifications do not inhibit the
precision and effectiveness of amplification of the target sequence.


External controls

To detect any contamination and ensure adequate sensitivity, the following external controls should
be included in all PCR assays:
- a positive control with a defined number of copies of the target sequence, that number being
specifically determined for each assay system and expressed as a multiple of the positive response
threshold of the system in question;
- a negative control consisting of a matrix sample that was shown to be free of target sequences.

Internal control

The internal control is formed by defined nucleotide sequences containing the primer binding sites.
Internal control must be amplified with defined effectiveness and products must be clearly
discernible. This internal control must belong to the same type of nucleic acid (DNA/RNA) as the
sample. The internal control is preferably added to the sample prior to nucleic acid isolation and
therefore acts as a global control (extraction, reverse transcription, amplification and detection).

External quality assessment

For each laboratory and each operator, participation in external quality assessment programs is an
important aspect of quality assurance in PCR. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE VALIDATION OF NUCLEIC

Most nucleic acid amplification methods are quantitative analytical assays designed to detect their
presence. There are some quantitative tests traded or developed internally by the laboratories
themselves. To detect HCV RNA contamination in plasma mixtures, qualitative assays are suitable,

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and may even be considered as limit assays for the control of impurities. These recommendations
describe the methods for validating nucleic acid amplification methods applicable only to qualitative
assays designed to detect HCV RNA in plasma mixtures. Therefore, the two validation parameters
considered to be the most important are specificity and detection limit. Robustness is also evaluated.
However, this document can also be used as a basis for general validation of amplification methods.

This document defines the analytical method as the set of operations performed after nucleic acid
extraction, followed by detection of amplified products. It should be noted that in cases of use of
commercial kits, as part of the complete analytical procedure, the documented validation
considerations already carried out by the manufacturer can replace the validation by the operator.
However, performance of the traded kit related to its intended use has to be demonstrated by the user
(e.g. detection limit, robustness and cross contamination).


Specificity is the ability to unambiguously assess nucleic acid in the presence of components of
unexpected presence. The specificity of analytical nucleic acid amplification procedures is dependent
on the choice of primers, the choice of probe (for analysis of the final product) and the strictness of
test conditions (for both the amplification and detection steps).

In the design of primers and probes, one of the aspects to be considered is their specificity in detecting
HCV RNA; for this fact it is convenient to compare the target sequences with the sequences published
in databases. For HCV, primers and probes are usually chosen from the areas of the 5' non-coding
region (5'NCR) of the HCV genome, composed of 341 nucleotides, which are the most conserved
among the different HCV isolates.

The amplified product must be unambiguously identified by the use of methods such as: amplification
with stranded primers, restriction enzyme analysis, sequencing, or hybridization with a specific probe.

To validate the specificity of the analytical method, it is convenient to test minimum 100 plasma
mixtures negative for HCV RNA, and all results obtained are negative. The World Health
Organization (WHO) has suitable samples of non-reactive plasma.

The method capability to detect all HCV genotypes will depend on the choice of primers, probes and
operating parameters. This capability should be demonstrated through the use of a collection of
characterized reference preparations.

It has been suggested that the distribution pattern of HCV genotypes in Brazil is similar to that found
in many European countries, with the prevalence of types 1 and 3. There is an epidemiological
behavior typical of an exponential spread in recent years, probably as a result of blood transfusions.
In this context, genotypes 1 and 3 must be detected at appropriate levels.


The detection limit of an individual method is the smallest amount of nucleic acid that can be detected,
but not necessarily quantified, with an exact value in the sample.

The amplification process used to detect HCV RNA in plasma mixtures generally provides qualitative
results. The number of possible results is limited to two answers: positive or negative. Although
determination of the detection limit is recommended, for practical reasons, the positive response
threshold for nucleic acid amplification methods is determined. The positive response threshold is the
minimum number of target sequences per unit volume that can be detected in 95% of assays. This
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positive response threshold is influenced by the distribution of viral genomes in the individual
samples tested and by factors such as enzyme efficacy, which can lead to differences of 95% in the
positive response thresholds obtained in the individual analysis.

To determine the positive response threshold, it is essential to perform the method on different days
with a series of dilutions of a working reagent or Hepatitis C virus (biological reference standard),
calibrated against the International Standard for HCV 96/ 790 WHO to evaluate among the various
assays. A minimum of three separate dilution series are tested with a sufficient number of replicates
of each dilution to obtain a total number of 24 results per dilution, thus allowing for statistical analysis
of the results.

For example, in a laboratory, three series of dilutions are tested with eight replicates for each dilution
on different days; four dilution series with six replications for each dilution on different days, or six
dilution series with four replications for each dilution on different days.

For the number of dilutions used to remain the same, it is essential to carry out a preliminary test
(such as, for example, logarithmic dilutions in the sample of the plasma mixture to obtain a
preliminary positive response threshold value, i.e., the highest dilution in which a positive sign

The distribution of dilutions can then be performed based on this pre-calculated preliminary value
(using, for example, a 0.5 log dilution factor), or less than a mixture of negative plasma as the dilution
matrix. The RNA content of HCV that can be detected is 95% in the assays and can be calculated
using an appropriate statistical method. These results, also, serve to demonstrate the internal variation
of the assay and the variation in several days of the analytical method.


The robustness of an analytical method is the measure of its ability to remain unchanged when subject
to small but deliberate variations in operating parameters and provides an indication of the method
feasibility under normal conditions of use. Robustness assessment is one of the aspects to be
considered during the development phase. It enables establish the method feasibility under deliberate
variations in operating parameters. In nucleic acid amplification methods, small variations in
operating parameters may be of special importance. However, robustness can be demonstrated during
method development, when small variations in the concentration of reagents are tested (for example:
MgCl2, primers or dNTPs). To demonstrate robustness during validation, at least twenty plasma
mixtures (randomly chosen) negative for HCV RNA should be examined to which a final typical
concentration corresponding to the positive response threshold is added, previously, determined. All
results obtained are positive.

Problems with robustness can arise in methods that use, in their initial phase, ultracentrifugation prior
to the extraction of viral RNA. Therefore, to test the robustness of these methods. At least twenty
plasma mixtures containing varying concentrations of HCV RNA but free of HCV-specific antibodies
are tested. All results obtained are positive.

It is convenient to demonstrate the absence of cross-contamination by accurately detecting a set of

minimum twenty samples, alternating samples of negative plasma mixtures and negative plasma
mixtures to which a high concentration of HCV has been added (at least 102 times 95 % of positive
response threshold, or at least 104 IU/mL.


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Biological assay methods, such as the nucleic acid amplification method, may present specific
problems that interfere with the validation and interpretation of results.

Procedures must be described precisely in the form of standard operating procedures (SOPs), which
must cover:
- sampling (type of containers, etc.);
- preparation of mini-mixtures (if applicable);
- storage conditions prior to analysis;
- exact description of the operating conditions (including precautions that must be taken to avoid
cross-contamination or destruction of the viral RNA) as well as the standard reagents and
preparations used;
- Detailed formulas for calculating results, including statistical evaluation. The use of appropriate
control (e.g., appropriate dilution of hepatitis C virus, biological reference standard; or plasma to
which a calibrated HCV sample has been added against the HCV International Standard 96/790
from WHO) it can be considered a satisfactory stable means of controlling the system and ensuring
and maintaining the method feasibility in each use.

Technical qualification: for each critical element of the apparatus used, an appropriate installation
and operational qualification program is created. After any modification of critical equipment (for
example, thermal cyclers) it is essential to reconfirm the method acceptability, proceeding in parallel
with the examination of eight samples of a plasma mixture to which was added a triple concentration
of HCV RNA of that corresponding to the previously determined positive response threshold; all
results obtained are positive.

Operator qualification: an appropriate qualification program is developed for the set of operators
involved in the test. For this purpose, each operator should examine at least eight samples of a plasma
mixture to which a triple HCV RNA concentration corresponding to the previously determined
positive response threshold has been added. This test (eight samples) is repeated twice on different
days for a total of twenty-four analysis carried out on three different days. All results obtained are

The prekallikrein activation transforms prekallikrein into kallikrein and can be titrated because it has
the ability to cleave a chromophore from a synthetic peptide substrate, determining the reaction rate
by spectrophotometry. The prekallikrein activation concentration is calculated by comparison with
the standard preparation whose activity is expressed in international units. The International Unit
corresponds to the activity of a certain quantity of International Standard consisting of lyophilized
pre-kallikrein activator. The correspondence between the International Unit and the International
Standard is indicated by the World Health Organization.


Buffer A
Tromethamine 6.055 g
Sodium chloride 1.170 g
Hexadimethrin Bromide 50 mg
Sodium Azide 0.100 g
Dissolve the reagents in water, adjust pH to 8.0 with 2 M hydrochloric acid and adjust to 1000 mL
with water.

Buffer B
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Tromethamine 6.055 g
Sodium chloride 8.770 g
Dissolve the reagents in water, adjust pH to 8.0 with 2 M hydrochloric acid and adjust to 1000 mL
with water.


Blood or plasma used in the preparation of prekallikrein should be collected and handled only in
plastic or silicone glass materials in order to avoid activation of prekallikrein resulting from clotting.
Homogenize nine volumes of human blood with one volume of anticoagulant solution (ACD, CPD
or a 38 g/L sodium citrate solution) added with 1 mg per milliliter of hexadimethrine bromide. Shake
and centrifuge at 3600 g for five minutes. Separate plasma and centrifuge at 6000 g for 20 minutes
to separate platelets. Separate the platelet-poor plasma and dialyze against 10 volumes of Buffer A
for 20 hours. After dialysis, deposit the plasma on a chromatography column containing twice its
volume of agarose-DEAE for ion exchange chromatography previously equilibrated with Buffer A.
Carry out elution with Buffer A (flow rate 20 mL/cm2/hour). Collect the eluate in fractions and record
the absorbance at 280 nm (5.2.14). Join the fractions containing the first protein peak so as to obtain
a volume approximately 1.2 times that of platelet-poor plasma.

To verify that the substrate does not have active kallikrein, homogenize a volume with 20 volumes
of chromogenic substrate solution that will be used in the assay, previously heated at 37°C, and keep
the mixture at 37°C for two minutes. Substrate is suitable if absorbance does not increase by more
than 0.001 per minute. Add 7 g per liter of sodium chloride to the substrate solution and filter through
a membrane (0.45 μm). Freeze the filtrate after partitioning it into aliquots and store at -25°C; it is
also possible to lyophilize the filtrate before storage. Carry out the operations between
chromatography and congealing the aliquots on the same day.


Preferably, titration is carried out on an automated enzyme analyzer at 37°C. Adjust volumes,
substrate concentration and incubation times so that the reaction rate is linear to not less than 35 IU
per milliliter. If necessary, the standards, samples and prekallikrein substrate can be diluted with
Buffer B.

Incubate standards or diluted samples with prekallikrein substrate for 10 minutes; the volume of
standard or sample before dilution does not exceed 1/10 of the total volume of the mixture to be
incubated to avoid errors resulting from differences in ionic strength or pH. Incubate the mixture or
a portion of the mixture with an equal or higher volume of a solution of a known specific chromogenic
substrate for kallikrein (e.g. N-benzoyl-L-prolyl-L-phenylalanyl-L-arginine acetate 4-nitroanilide or
D-propyl-L-phenylalanyl-L-arginine 4-nitroanilide dihydrochloride) and dissolved in Buffer B.
Record the change in absorbance per minute (ΔA/minute) for 2 to 10 minutes at the appropriate
wavelength for the substrate used. For each standard or sample mix, prepare a blank by replacing the
prekallikrein substrate with Buffer B. Correct the change in absorbance per minute by subtracting the
value obtained with the corresponding blank. Plot a calibration curve from the values of the change
in absorbance per minute obtained with the standard and its respective concentrations and determine
the prekallikrein activation content of the sample. DETERMINATION OF HUMAN ANTITHROMBIN III

The antithrombin III content of the sample is determined by comparing its capacity to inactivate
thrombin in the presence of an excess of heparin with the capacity of a standard preparation of human
antithrombin III concentrate with concentration in international units. Varying amounts of sample are
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added to a thrombin and residual thrombin activity is determined with an appropriate chromogenic

The International Unit corresponds to the activity of a specified amount of the International Standard
for human antithrombin III concentrate. The equivalence of the International Unit with the
International Standard is indicated by the World Health Organization.


For the sample and the standard, prepare with Tris-EDTA ASB buffer pH 8.4 containing 15 IU of
heparin per milliliter, two independent series of three or four dilutions between 1/75 and 1/200 starting
from 1 IU /mL. Heat at 37 °C for one to two minutes 200 μL of each dilution. Add to each dilution
200 μL of a bovine thrombin solution containing 2 IU/mL in Tris-EDTA ASB buffer pH 8.4.
Homogenize and keep at 37°C for exactly one minute. Add 500µL of an appropriate chromogenic
substrate (e.g. D-phenylalanyl-L-pipecolyl-L-arginine-4-nitroanilide; dissolve the substrate in water
to obtain a solution containing 4 mmole/L and dilute with Tris-EDTA buffer ASB pH 8.4 without
albumin to a concentration appropriate for the titration assay). Immediately determine absorbance at
405 nm (5.2.14) for at least 30 seconds. Calculate the change in absorbance (ΔA/minute). An endpoint
titration can also be used by interrupting the reaction with acetic acid and determining the absorbance
at 405 nm. The change in absorbance (ΔA/minute) is inversely proportional to the activity of human
antithrombin III. Check the validity of the test and calculate the activity of the sample through the
statistical procedures applicable to biological tests. DETERMINATION OF ANTICOMPLEMENTARY ACTIVITY OF

The determination of the anti-complementary activity (AAC) of the immunoglobulin is carried out
by incubating a sample of immunoglobulin (10 mg) with a certain amount of guinea pig complement
(20 CH 50). The titration of the remaining complement follows: the anti-complement activity is
expressed by the proportion of complement consumed, taking the standard complement as 100%.

The hemolytic unit of complementary activity (CH50) is the amount of complement that, under the
stipulated reaction conditions, causes the lysis of 2.5 x 108 of a total number of 5 x 108 properly
sensitized red cells


Magnesium and calcium stock solution. Weigh 1.103 g of calcium chloride and 5.083 g of magnesium
chloride, dissolve in water and adjust to 25 mL with the same solvent.

Barbital buffer stock solution. Weigh 207.5 g of sodium chloride and 25.48 g of sodium barbital,
dissolve in 4000 mL of water and adjust pH to 7.3 with M hydrochloric acid. Add 12.5 mL of
Magnesium and calcium stock solution and adjust to 5000 mL with water. Filter through membrane
(0.22 μm) and store at 4 °C in a glass container.

Gelatin solution. Weigh 12.5 g of gelatin, dissolve in about 800 mL of water and heat to boiling in
water bath. Cool to 20°C and adjust to 10 liters with water. Filter through membrane (0.22 μm) and
store at 4 °C. Only use the solution if it is clear without fractioning.

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Citrated solution. Weigh 8 g of sodium citrate, 4.2 g of sodium chloride and 20.5 g of glucose and
dissolve in 750 mL of water. Adjust pH to 6.1 with 10% (w/v) citric acid solution and adjust to 1000
mL with water.

Barbital gelatin buffer. Add four volumes of Gelatin Solution to one volume of Barbital Buffer Stock
Solution and homogenize. If necessary, adjust the pH to 7.3 with M hydrochloric acid or M sodium
hydroxide and store at 4°C. Prepare a new solution daily.

Stabilized sheep blood. Collect one volume of sheep blood in one volume of Citrated Solution and
homogenize. Store blood stabilized at 4°C for not less than seven days and not more than 28 days.
Sheep blood or stabilized sheep erythrocytes are commercially available from a variety of suppliers.

Hemolysin. Sheep anti-erythrocyte serum, prepared in rabbits. Such sera are commercially available
from a variety of suppliers.

Guinea pig complement. Homogenize the sera obtained from at least 10 guinea pigs. Separate serum
from clotted blood by centrifugation at a temperature of about 4°C. Store the serum, in small portions,
at a temperature below -70 °C.


Standardization of the 5.0% sheep red blood cell solution.

Separate sheep red blood cells by centrifugation of an appropriate volume of stabilized sheep blood;
wash the cells at least three times with Gelatin Barbital Buffer and prepare a 5.0% (v/v) suspension
in the same buffer. Determine cell concentration by the following method: add 0.2 mL of the
suspension to 2.8 mL of water and centrifuge the lysate for five minutes at 1000 g. Cellular
concentration is adequate if the supernatant absorbance (5.2.14), determined at 541 nm, is 0.62 ±0.01.
Correct the cell concentration by adding Gelatin-Barbital Buffer, according to the formula:

𝑉𝑖 × 𝐴
𝑉𝑓 =

Vf = final volume;
Vi = initial volume;
A = absorbance determined at 541 nm for the original suspension.

Once the cell concentration is adjusted, the suspension contains about 1 x 109 cells per milliliter.

Hemolysin Titration

Prepare hemolysin dilutions according to Table 1.

Table 1 – Hemolysin dilutions.

Dilution of hemolysin to be Barbital gelatin buffer Hemolysin
prepared Volume (mL) Dilution (1/...) Volume (mL)
7.5 0.65 not diluted 0.1
10 0.90 not diluted 0.1
75 1.80 7.5 0.2
100 1.80 10 0.2

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Dilution of hemolysin to be Barbital gelatin buffer Hemolysin

prepared Volume (mL) Dilution (1/...) Volume (mL)
150 1.00 75 1.0
200 1.00 100 1.0
300 1.00 150 1.0
400 1.00 200 1.0
600 1.00 300 1.0
800 1.00 400 1.0
1200 1.00 600 1.0
1600 1.00 800 1.0
2400 1.00 1200 1.0
3200(*) 1.00 1600 1.0
4800(*) 1.00 2400 1.0

(*) discard 1.0 mL of the mixture.

Transfer 1 mL of the 5.0% sheep red blood cell suspension to each tube of the hemolysin dilution
series from the 1/75 dilution and homogenize. Incubate at 37°C for 30 minutes. Transfer 0.2 mL of
each incubated hemolysin dilution mixture to new tubes and add 1.1 mL of Barbital Gelatin Buffer
and 0.2 mL of a guinea pig complement dilution (e.g. 1/150). Carry out these manipulations in

Prepare three control tubes of non-hemolyzed cells, transferring 1.4 mL of Barbital Gelatin Buffer
and 0.1 mL of 5.0% sheep red blood cell suspension into each one.

Prepare three control tubes of fully hemolyzed cells by transferring 1.4 mL of water and 0.1 mL of
the 5.0% sheep erythrocyte suspension to each tube.

Incubate all tubes at 37°C for 60 minutes and centrifuge at 1000 g for five minutes. Determine the
absorbance (5.2.14) of the supernatants at 541 nm and calculate the percentage of hemolysis occurring
in each tube using the formula:

𝐴𝑎 − 𝐴1
× 100
𝐴𝑏 − 𝐴1


Aa = absorbance of tubes containing the hemolysin dilution,

Ab = average absorbance of the three tubes with total hemolysis,
A1 = average absorbance of the three control tubes without hemolysis.

Plot a graph containing the hemolysis percentages on the ordinate axis and the inverses of hemolysin
dilutions on the abscissa axis. Determine the optimal hemolysin dilution from the graph by choosing
a dilution such that an increase in the hemolysin amount does not produce a meaningful change in the
hemolysis degree. This dilution is considered to contain 1 minimal hemolytic unit (1 MHU) in 1.0
mL. For the preparation of sensitized sheep red blood cells, the hemolysin dilution corresponding to
the optimal hemolysis contains 2 MHU per milliliter.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.1-00

Hemolysin titration is only valid if the degree of total hemolysis is between 50% and 70%. If the
percentage of total hemolysis cannot be determined from the dilution used, repeat the titration using
a more or less diluted complement solution.

Optimum preparation of sensitized sheep red blood cells (hemolytic system). Prepare an appropriate
amount of diluted hemolysin containing 2 UHM per milliliter and an equal volume of 5.0%
standardized sheep erythrocyte suspension. Add hemolysin dilution to the standardized cell
suspension and homogenize. Incubate at 37°C for 15 minutes, store at 2°C to 8°C and use within six

Complement titration

Prepare an appropriate dilution of complement (e.g. 1:250) using Gelatin-Barbital Buffer and carry
out the titration, in duplicate, according to the information recorded in Table 2.

To each tube, add 0.2 mL of sensitized sheep erythrocytes, homogenize thoroughly and incubate all
tubes at 37°C for 60 minutes. Cool tubes in ice water and centrifuge at 1000 g for five minutes.
Determine the absorbance of the supernatants at 541 nm and calculate the percentage of hemolysis
(Y), using the formula:

𝐴𝑐 − 𝐴1
× 100
𝐴𝑏 − 𝐴1


Ac = absorbance of tubes 1 to 12;

Ab = average absorbance of tubes with 100% hemolysis;
A1 = average absorbance of the tubes with 0% of hemolysis,

Table 2 – Complement dilutions.

Complement volume diluted in Gelatin-barbital buffer volume
Tube number
milliliters (e.g. 1:250) in milliliters
1 0.1 1.2
2 0.2 1.1
3 0.3 1.0
4 0.4 0.9
5 0.5 0.8
6 0.6 0.7
7 0.7 0.6
8 0.8 0.5
9 0.9 0.4
10 1.0 0.3
11 1.1 0.2
12 1.2 0.1
3 tubes with 0% hemolysis - 1.3
3 control tubes with 100%
- 1.3 mL of water

Plot a graph by entering the values in abscissa, and the corresponding volume in milliliters of diluted
complement in ordinates.
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.1-00

From the points, plot the ideal line and determine the ordinate of the hemolytic activity at 50% of the
complement at the point where Y/(1–Y) = 1.0. Calculate the activity in terms of hemolytic units (CH
50 /mL) according to the formula:


Cd = inverse value of the complement dilution,
Ca = volume in milliliters of diluted complement that produces 50% hemolysis,
5 = Scale factor to account for the number of erythrocytes.

The test is only valid if, between 15 and 85% of hemolysis, the curve obtained is a straight line whose
slope is between 0.15 and 0.40, preferably between 0.18 and 0.30.

Determination of anti-complementary activity

Dilute the titrated guinea pig complement with Gelatin-Barbital Buffer to obtain 100 CH50/mL. If
necessary, adjust the sample to pH 7.0. For an immunoglobulin containing 50 mg/mL, prepare the
incubation mixtures (Table 3).

Table 3 – Incubation mixtures.

Preparation Sample Control complement
Immunoglobulin (50 mg/mL) 0.2 mL -
Barbital gelatin buffer 0.6 mL 0.8 mL
Complement 0.2 mL 0.2 mL

Carry out the determination on the sample and prepare the AAC negative and positive control from a
human immunoglobulin international standard, according to the instructions provided on the label for
the standard preparation. If the sample does not contain 50mg/mL of immunoglobulin, adjust the
volumes of the preparation and the Gelatin Barbital Buffer; for example, pipette 0.33 mL of a
preparation containing 30 mg/mL of immunoglobulin and add 0.47 mL of Gelatin-Barbital Buffer to
obtain the same total volume of 0.8 mL. Close tubes and incubate at 37°C for 60 minutes. Add 0.2
mL of each incubation mixture to 9.8 mL of Gelatin Barbital Buffer to dilute the complement. In each
tube, carry out complement titrations as described above to determine residual anti-complementary
activity (Table 2). Calculate the anti-complementary activity of the sample, by reference to the
complement control considered as 100%, according to the formula:

× 100

a = average complementary activity (CH50/mL) of controls,
b =complementary activity (CH50/mL) of the sample.

The test is only valid if:

– the anti-complementary activities found for the AAC Negative Control and AAC Positive Control
fall within the limits indicated on the label accompanying the standard preparation;
– complementary activity of the complement control (a) is from 80 to 120 CH 50 /mL.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.1-00 DETERMINATION OF TOTAL PROTEIN


Proteins in solution absorb ultraviolet light at a wavelength of 280 nm, due to the presence in their
structure of aromatic amino acids (especially tyrosine and tryptophan), a property that can be used
for protein assay. The use of a buffer as compensation liquid can remedy the interference produced
in case the buffer used to dissolve the protein has high absorbance, which could compromise the
results. At low concentrations, the protein adsorbed onto the curve can cause a significant decrease
in the protein content of the solution. It is possible to prevent this phenomenon by preparing high-
grade samples or using a non-ionic detergent during preparation.

Sample solution. Dissolve an appropriate amount of the sample in the chosen buffer to obtain a
solution whose protein concentration is between 0.2mg/mL and 2mg/mL.

Standard solution. Prepare a solution of the appropriate reference substance corresponding to the
protein to be dosed, in the same buffer as used for the sample solution, so as to obtain the same

Procedure. Keep the sample solution, standard solution and compensation liquid at the same
temperature throughout the test. Determine the absorbance (5.2.14) of the sample solution and the
standard solution at 280 nm in quartz cuvettes, using the specific buffer as the compensation liquid.
For the accuracy of the results, the response is linear over the range of protein concentrations to be

Light diffusing. Light diffusing through the sample can affect the accuracy of protein assay. If the
proteins in solution form particles whose size is of the same magnitude as the wavelength of the
measuring beam (250 –300 nm), the diffusion of the light beam translates into an increase in the
apparent absorbance of the sample. To calculate the contribution of this diffusion effect on the
absorbance read at 280 nm, determine the absorbance of the sample solution at various wavelengths
(320 nm, 325 nm, 330 nm, 335 nm, 340 nm, 345 nm and 350 nm). Plot a graph of the absorbance log
read as a function of the log of the respective wavelength and determine, by linear regression analysis,
the calibration curve that best fits the different points inserted on the graph.

Determine by extrapolation the absorbance log at 280 nm. The absorbance due to the diffusion effect
is the antilog of this value. Correct the observed values by subtracting the total absorbance at 280 nm
from the absorbance due to the diffusion effect to obtain the absorbance value from the protein in
solution. It is possible to carry out a filtration using a 0.2 μ filter that does not absorb the proteins, or
a clarification by centrifugation, to reduce the effects of light scattering in a solution.

Calculations Use corrected values for calculations. Calculate the protein content of the sample
solution (Cu), using the expression:

𝐶𝑢 = 𝐶𝑠 ( )

CS = protein content of the standard solution;
Au = corrected absorbance value of the sample solution;
AS = corrected absorbance value of the standard solution;

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.1-00


This method was conceived based on the property that proteins have to reduce phosphomolybdenum
tungsten acids contained in the phosphomolybdenum and tungsten reagent; this reaction is
chromogenic and translates into the existence of an absorption peak at 750 nm.

Phosphomolybdenum and tungsten reagent react primarily with protein tyrosine residues. Color
production reaches a maximum after 20 – 30 minutes of incubation at room temperature; then
progressive discoloration takes place. Since the method is sensitive to interfering substances, a
treatment that produces precipitation of the proteins in the sample can be used. Most interfering
substances reduce the intensity of the color obtained, but some detergents increase it slightly. A strong
salt concentration can form a precipitate. Since the intensity of the color obtained may vary depending
on the protein species considered, the protein to be dosed and the standard protein are the same. If
necessary, separate interfering substances from sample protein, proceed as follows on interfering
substances before preparing the sample solution. It is possible to minimize the effect of interfering
substances by dilution, as long as the protein content to be determined remains high enough to allow
for an accurate determination.

Use distilled water for the preparation of all buffers and reagents used in this method.

Sample solution. Dissolve an appropriate amount of the sample in the specified buffer to obtain a
concentration within the range covered by the calibration curve. The pH of a solution prepared with
an appropriate buffer is between 10.0 and 10.5.

Standard solutions. Dissolve the reference substance corresponding to the protein to be dosed in the
specified buffer. Take samples of this solution and adjust with the same buffer to obtain at least five
standard solutions of different concentrations between 5μg/mL and 100μg/mL and evenly distributed
over the chosen range.

Blank solutions. Use the same buffer that was used to prepare the Sample Solution and Standard

Copper Sulfate Reagent. Weigh 100 mg of copper sulphate and 0.2 g of sodium tartrate, dissolve in
distilled water and adjust to 50 mL with the same diluent. Weigh 10 g of anhydrous sodium carbonate,
dissolve in distilled water and adjust to 50 mL with the same diluent. Slowly pour the sodium
carbonate solution into the copper sulphate solution, always mixing. This solution is used within 24
hours of its preparation.

Copper alkaline reagent. Prepare a mixture of one volume of Copper Sulfate Reagent, two volumes
of 5.0% (w/v) sodium lauryl sulfate with one volume of 3.2% (w/v) sodium hydroxide. Store this
mixture at room temperature. The mixture is used within two weeks upon preparation.

Diluted phosphomolybdenum and tungsten reagent. Homogenize 5 mL of phosphomolybdenum and

tungsten reagent with 55 mL of distilled water. Store the reagent at room temperature in an amber
glass flask.

Procedure. To 1 mL of each Standard Solution, Sample Solution and Blank Solution add 1 mL of
Alkaline Copper Reagent and homogenize. Allow to stand for 10 minutes. Add 0.5 mL of diluted
Tungsten and Phosphomolybdenum Reagent, homogenize and allow to stand at room temperature for
30 minutes.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.1-00

Determine the absorbance (5.2.14) of the solutions at 750 nm, using the blank solution for zero

Calculations The relation between absorbance and protein content is not linear; however, if the
concentration range covered by the calibration curve is sufficiently narrow, the curve obtained will
be substantially linear. Plot the absorbance of standard solutions against the protein content of these
solutions and determine the calibration curve by linear regression analysis. From the calibration curve
and the absorbance of the sample solution, determine the protein content of the sample solution.

Interfering substances. In this method, sodium deoxycholate and trichloroacetic acid are added to the
sample to precipitate the proteins and separate them from interfering substances, before dosing. This
method can also be used to concentrate proteins contained in a very dilute solution. To 1 mL of a
sample solution add 0.1 mL of 0.15% sodium deoxycholate (w/v). Homogenize with a vortex shaker
and allow to stand at room temperature for 10 minutes. Add 0.1 mL of 72% (w/v) trichloroacetic acid.
Homogenize with a vortex mixer and centrifuge at 3000 g for 30 minutes. Discard the liquid
supernatant and discard the residual liquid with a pipette. Dissolve the clot in 1 mL of Alkaline Copper


This method was based on the property that proteins have to shift from 470 nm to 595 nm the
maximum absorption of acid blue 90 when they bind to the dye. The acid blue 90 dye has a marked
affinity for arginine and lysine residues in the protein which can cause variations in the response to
the assay of different proteins. The protein used as the reference substance must therefore be the same
as the protein to be dosed. There are relatively few interfering substances, but it is preferable to avoid
detergents and analytes in the sample to be dosed. Highly alkaline samples can interfere with the acid

Use distilled water for the preparation of all buffers and reagents to be used in this method.

Sample solution. Weigh an appropriate amount of sample and dissolve in the indicated buffer to obtain
a concentration within the range covered by the calibration curve.

Standard solutions. Weigh the reference substance corresponding to the protein to be dosed and
dissolve in the indicated buffer. Take samples from this solution and adjust volume with the same
buffer to obtain at least five standard solutions with protein concentrations between 0.1 mg/mL and
1 mg/mL and uniformly distributed over the chosen range.

Blank solutions. Use the same buffer used to prepare the sample and standard solutions.

Acid Blue 90 reagent. Weigh 0.10 g of acid blue 90 and dissolve in 50 mL of ethyl alcohol. Add 100
mL of phosphoric acid, adjust to 1000 mL with distilled water and homogenize. Filter the solution
and store it at room temperature in an amber glass flask. A slow precipitation of the dye occurs during
storage. The precipitate is filtered before using the reagent.

Procedure. To 0.100 mL of each Standard Solution, Sample Solution and Blank Solution add 5 mL
of Acid Blue 90 reagent. Homogenize the mixture by rotation, avoiding the formation of foam that
can create reproducibility problems. Determine the absorbance (5.2.14) of the Standard Solutions and
the Sample Solution at 595 nm using the Blank Solution for zero adjustment. The use of quartz (silica)
cuvettes is avoided since the dye binds to this material.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.1-00

Calculations The relation between absorbance and protein content is not linear. However, if the
concentration range covered by the calibration curve is sufficiently narrow, the curve obtained will
be substantially linear. Plot the absorbance of Standard solutions according to the protein content of
these solutions and determine the calibration curve by linear regression analysis. From the calibration
curve and the absorbance of the Sample solution, determine the protein content of the Sample solution.


This method, also known as the bicinchoninic acid (BCA) method, was developed based on the
property that proteins have to reduce cupric ion (Cu2+) to cuprous ion (Cu+). The bicinchoninic acid
reagent serves to detect cuprous ions. There are few interfering substances. If there are interfering
substances, it is possible to minimize their effects by dilution, as long as the protein content to be
dosed remains high enough to allow for an accurate determination. The protein precipitation method
described in Method 2 can be used to eliminate interfering substances. The intensity of the color
obtained by the reaction with the reagent may vary from one type of protein to another and, therefore,
the protein to be dosed and the reference protein are the same.

Use distilled water to prepare buffers and reagents to be used in this method.

Sample solution. Weigh an appropriate amount of the sample and dissolve in the indicated buffer so
as to obtain a concentration within the concentration range of the Standard Solutions.

Standard solutions. Weigh the reference substance corresponding to the protein to be dosed and
dissolve in the indicated buffer. Take samples from this solution and adjust to volume with the same
buffer to obtain minimum five standard solutions with concentrations between 10 μg/mL and
1200 μg/mL and evenly distributed over the chosen range.

Blank solutions. Use the same buffer that was used to prepare the Sample Solution and Standard

BCA Reagent. Weigh 10 g of disodium bicinchoninate, 20 g of sodium carbonate monohydrate, 1.6

g of sodium tartrate, 4 g of sodium hydroxide and 9.5 g of sodium bicarbonate and dissolve in distilled
water. If necessary, adjust pH to 11.25 with sodium hydroxide or sodium bicarbonate solution. Adjust
to 1000 mL with distilled water and homogenize.

Copper-BCA reagent. Homogenize 1 mL of 4% copper sulfate (w/v) with 50 mL of BCA Reagent.

Procedure. Homogenize 0.1 mL of each Standard Solution, Sample Solution and Blank Solution with
2 mL of Copper-BCA Reagent. Incubate solutions at 37°C for 30 minutes. Allow to cool to room
temperature Within exactly 60 minutes following the incubation period, determine the absorbance
(5.2.14)) at 562 nm of the Standard Solutions and the Sample Solution in quartz cuvettes using the
Blank Solution for zero adjustment. When the temperature of the solutions returns to room
temperature, the color intensity continues to progressively increase.

Calculations The relation between absorbance and protein content is not linear. However, if the
concentration range covered by the calibration curve is sufficiently narrow, the curve obtained will
be substantially linear. Plot the absorbance of the standard solutions against the protein content of
these solutions and determine the calibration curve by linear regression analysis. From the calibration
curve and the absorbance of the sample solution determine the protein content of the sample solution.


This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.1-00

This method is also known as the biuret method, based on the property that proteins have to interact
with the cupric ion (Cu2+), in an alkaline medium, providing a reaction product that presents
absorbance at 545 nm. The use of this method makes it possible to obtain a minimum deviation
between equivalent IgG and albumin samples. On the contrary, simultaneous addition of sodium
hydroxide and biuret reagent (as a mixture), insufficient homogenization after addition of sodium
hydroxide or a very long time lag between addition of sodium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide
reagent. biuret leads to obtaining a higher response with IgG samples than with albumin samples.
Treatment with trichloroacetic acid used to reduce interferences can also make it possible to quantify
the protein when its concentration in the sample is inferior to 0.5 mg/mL.

Use distilled water to prepare buffers and reagents to be used in this method.

Sample solution. Weigh an appropriate amount of the sample and dissolve in 0.9% (w/v) sodium
chloride solution so as to obtain a concentration within the concentration range of standard solutions.

Standard solutions. Weigh the reference substance corresponding to the protein to be measured and
dissolve in 0.9% sodium chloride solution (w/v). Take samples of this solution and complete with
0.9% sodium chloride solution (w/v) to obtain at least three standard solutions with concentrations
between 0.5 mg/mL and 10 mg/mL and, uniformly, distributed into the chosen range.

Blank solutions. Use 0.9% sodium chloride solution (w/v).

Biuret reagent. Weigh 3.46 g of copper sulfate and dissolve in 10 mL of hot distilled water. Allow to
cool (solution A). Weigh 34.6 g of sodium citrate and 20 g of anhydrous sodium carbonate and
dissolve in 80 mL of hot distilled water and allow to cool (solution B). Homogenize solutions A and
B and adjust to 200 mL with distilled water. This reagent is used within 6 months upon preparation;
not used if turbidity or precipitate is produced.

Procedure. To one volume of Sample Solution add an equal volume of 6% sodium hydroxide solution
(w/v) and homogenize. Immediately add 0.4 volume (calculated in relation to the sample solution) of
Biuret reagent and homogenize quickly. Keep the samples for at least 15 minutes at a temperature
between 15 °C and 25 °C. Within 90 minutes of reagent addition, determine the absorbance (5.2.14),
at a maximum of 545 nm, of the Standard Solutions and the Sample Solution, using the Blank Solution
as compensation liquid. If turbidity or precipitates appear in the solutions, they are not used for
calculating the protein content.

Calculations The relation between absorbance and protein content is substantially linear over the
range of concentrations indicated for Standard solutions. Plot the absorbance of Standard solutions
according to the protein content of these solutions and determine the calibration curve by linear
regression analysis. Calculate the correlation coefficient for the calibration curve. The system satisfies
if it obtains a straight line whose correlation coefficient is not less than 0.99. From the calibration
curve and the absorbance of the Sample solution, determine the protein content of the Sample solution.

Interfering substances. It is possible to limit the effect of interfering substances by precipitating, as

indicated below, the sample protein: add 0.1 volume of 50% (w/v) trichloroacetic acid solution to one
volume of Sample solution, discard the supernatant and dissolve the precipitate in a small volume of
0.5 M sodium hydroxide. Use the solution obtained to prepare the sample solution.


This fluorimetric method was designed based on a derivation of the protein by o-phthalaldehyde
which reacts with the protein primary amines, that is, the N-terminal amino acid and the α-amine
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.1-00

function of the lysine residues. Assay sensitivity can be improved by pre-hydrolysis of the protein,
prior to adding o-phthalaldehyde. Hydrolysis frees the α-amine function from the constituent amino
acids of the protein and which enables it to react with the phthalaldehyde reagent. This method is
applicable to small amounts of protein.

The primary amines contained in, for example, tromethamine buffers and amino acid buffers react
with phthalaldehyde and are therefore to be avoided or eliminated. Ammonia in high

concentration also reacts with phthalaldehyde. The fluorescence resulting from the amine
phthalaldehyde reaction may be unstable. Using automated processes to standardize the method can
improve its accuracy and feasibility.

Use distilled water for the preparation of all buffers and reagents to be used in this method.

Sample solution. Weigh an appropriate amount of the sample and dissolve in 0.9% (w/v) sodium
chloride solution to obtain a concentration within the concentration range of Standard Solutions.
Adjust the pH of the solution to 8 –10.5 before adding the Phthalaldehyde Reagent.

Standard solutions. Weigh the reference substance corresponding to the protein to be measured and
dissolve in 0.9% sodium chloride solution (w/v). Take samples of the solution and complete the
volume with a 0.9% (w/v) sodium chloride solution to obtain at least five standard solutions with
concentrations between 10 μg/mL and 200 μg/mL and uniformly distributed over the chosen range.
Adjust pH of solutions to 8-10.5 before adding Phthalaldehyde Reagent.

Blank solutions. Use 0.9% sodium chloride solution (w/v).

Borate buffer. Weigh 61.83 g of boric acid, dissolve in distilled water and adjust pH to 10.4 with
potassium hydroxide solution. Adjust to 1000 mL with distilled water and homogenize.

Phtalaldehyde stock solution. Weigh 1.20 g of phthalaldehyde and dissolve in 1.5 mL of methyl
alcohol, add 100 mL of Borate buffer and homogenize. Add 0.6 mL of 30% (w/v) Macrogol 23 lauric
ether solution and homogenize. Store the solution at room temperature and use within three weeks of

Phtalaldehyde Reagent. To 5 mL of Phtalaldehyde Stock Solution add 15 μL of 2-mercaptoethanol.

Prepare the reagent at least 30 minutes before use and within 24 hours upon preparation.

Method. Homogenize 10 μL of the Sample Solution and each of the Standard Solutions with 0.1 mL
of Phtalaldehyde Reagent and allow to stand at room temperature for 15 minutes. Add 3 mL of 0.5
M sodium hydroxide and homogenize. Determine the fluorescence intensity (5.2.15) of the Standard
Solution and Sample Solution samples at the excitation wavelength of 340 nm and the emission
wavelength of 440 nm to 455 nm. Determine the fluorescence intensity of a sample once as irradiation
causes a decrease in fluorescence intensity.

Calculations The relation between fluorescence intensity and protein content is linear. Plot the
fluorescence intensities obtained with the Standard Solutions according to the protein content of these
solutions and determine the calibration curve by linear regression analysis. From the calibration curve
and the fluorescence intensity of the Sample Solution, determine the protein content of the Sample

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.1-00

This method was developed based on the quantification of proteins by nitrogen assay. The presence
of other nitrogenous substances in the sample may affect the result of the protein assay. The
techniques used to measure nitrogen lead to the destruction of the sample during the analysis, but are
not limited to the determination of proteins in an aqueous medium.

Method A. Proceed as indicated for the measurement of nitrogen after mineralization by sulfuric acid
( or use instruments available on the market adapted to the nitrogen assay by the Kjeldahl

Method B. There are devices on the market adapted for the nitrogen assay. Most of them use pyrolysis
(combustion of the sample in the presence of oxygen at temperatures close to 1000°C), which causes
the formation of nitrogen monoxide (NO) and other oxides to form NO x from the nitrogen existing
in the sample. Certain instruments convert these nitrogen oxides into nitrogen gas which is quantified
by thermal conductimetry. Others mix nitrogen monoxide (NO) with ozone (O 3) to produce nitrogen
dioxide in the excited state (NO 2) which emits light radiation when it decreases and is quantified by
chemiluminescence. A reference product, relatively pure, and similar in composition to the protein to
be dosed is used to optimize the injection and pyrolysis parameters and to assess the analysis

Calculations The protein content is calculated by dividing the nitrogen content of the sample by the
(known) nitrogen content of the protein which can be determined either from the chemical structure
of the protein or by comparison with an appropriate reference substance. DETERMINATION OF ANTI-D HUMAN IMMUNOGLOBULIN

The activity of anti-D human immunoglobulin is evaluated by comparing the amount required to
produce the agglutination of D-positive erythrocytes and that of a standard solution, measured in
international units, necessary to produce the same effect. The International Unit corresponds to the
activity of a certain quantity of the international reference preparation. Correspondence between
international units and the international standard solution is indicated by the World Health

Use a mixture of D-positive erythrocytes, less than seven days old and stored under appropriate
conditions, obtained from at least four donors from the OR1R1group. To an appropriate volume of
erythrocytes, previously washed three times with 0.9% (w/v) sodium chloride solution, add an equal
volume of bromelain RS, allow to stand at 37°C for 10 minutes. Centrifuge, discard the supernatant
liquid and wash the erythrocytes three times with 0.9% sodium chloride solution (w/v). Suspend 20
volumes of erythrocytes in a mixture of 15 volumes of inert serum, 20 volumes of 30% (w/v) bovine
albumin solution, and 45 volumes of 0.9% (w/v) sodium chloride solution. Place the suspension in
ice water under continuous shaking.

With a calibrated automatic dilution device prepare sample and standard solution dilutions in a 0.5%
(w/v) bovine albumin and 0.9% (w/v) sodium chloride solution.

Use an appropriate device for continuous automatic analysis; keep the temperature in the kits at 15°C
with the exception of the incubation spirals. Aspirate the erythrocyte suspension at a flow rate of 0.1
mL per minute and a 0.3% (w/v) methylcellulose 450 solution at a flow rate of 0.05 mL per minute
into the device inlet kits.

Introduce the sample and standard solution dilutions at a rate of 0.1 mL per minute for two minutes
and then the diluent at a rate of 0.1 mL per minute for four minutes before introducing the next
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.1-00

dilution. Introduce air at a rate of 0.6 mL per minute. Incubate at 37°C for 18 minutes and then
disperse the spirals by introducing, at a rate of 1.6 mL per minute, a 0.9% (w/v) sodium chloride
solution containing an appropriate wetting agent (e.g. polysorbate 20 at a final concentration of 0.2
g/L) to avoid changing the continuity of the bubbles. Allow the agglutinates to settle and decant twice,
the first time at 0.4 mL per minute and the second time at 0.6 mL per minute. Lyse the residue of
unagglutinated erythrocytes using a solution of 10 to 0.5% (w/v) of octoxynol, 0.02% (w/v) potassium
ferricyanide, 0% sodium bicarbonate .1% (w/v) and potassium cyanide at 0.005% (w/v), with a flow
rate of 2.5 mL per minute. A 10-minute delay coil is introduced to allow for the hemoglobin

Carry out continuous registration (5.2.14) of the hemolysate absorbance at a wavelength from 540 to
550 nm.

Determine antibody concentrations for which there is a linear relationship between concentration and
change in absorbance (ΔA). Based on the results, plot a calibration curve and use the linear portion
of the curve to determine sample activity. Calculate sample activity in international units per milliliter
using the formula:


a = activity of the reference preparation in international units per milliliter at a dilution of 1 in D;
d = sample dilution factor that corresponds to a given value of ΔA;
D = dilution factor of the standard solution corresponding to the same ΔA value. DETERMINATION OF IMMUNOGLOBULIN Fc FUNCTION


Stabilized human blood. Carry out a phlebotomy to collect group O human blood in an ACD-type
conservative anticoagulant solution. Store stabilized human blood at 4°C for not more than three

Phosphate buffered saline solution pH 7.2. Weigh 1.022 g of anhydrous sodium phosphate dibasic,
0.336 g of monobasic sodium phosphate and 8.766 g of sodium chloride, dissolve in 800 mL of water
and adjust to 1000 mL with the same diluent.

Magnesium and calcium stock solution. Weigh 1.103 g of calcium chloride and 5.083 g of magnesium
chloride, dissolve in water and adjust to 25 mL with the same diluent.

Barbital buffer stock solution. Weigh 207.5 g of sodium chloride and 25.48 g of sodium barbital,
dissolve in 4000 mL of water and adjust to pH 7.3 with M hydrochloric acid. Add 12.5 mL of the
Magnesium and calcium stock solution and adjust to 5000 mL with water. Filter through membrane
(0.22 μm) and store at 4 °C in a glass container.

Albumin-barbital buffer. Weigh 0.150 g of bovine albumin, dissolve in 20 mL of Barbital Buffer

Stock Solution and adjust to 100 mL with water.

Tannic acid solution. Weigh 10mg of tannic acid and dissolve in 100 mL of pH 7.2 Phosphate
Buffered Saline Solution. Prepare immediately before use.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.1-00

Guinea pig complement. Homogenize the sera obtained from at least 10 guinea pigs. Separate serum
from clotted blood by centrifugation at a temperature of approximately 4°C.

Store the serum, in small portions, at a temperature below -70 °C. Immediately before starting
hemolysis by the action of complement, dilute to 125 –200 CH50 per milliliter with Barbital Albumin
Buffer and, during the assay, keep the diluted solution in ice bath.

Rubella antigen. Rubella antigen suitable for hemagglutination inhibition titrations. Titration > 256
HA units.


Tannic acid treatment of human erythrocytes. Separate erythrocytes by centrifugation of an

appropriate volume of stabilized human blood. Wash erythrocytes at least three times with Phosphate
Buffered Saline Solution at pH 7.2 and then suspend at 2% (v/v) in Phosphate Buffered Saline
Solution at pH 7.2. Use 0.1 mL of Tannic Acid Solution and complete 7.5 mL with Phosphate buffered
saline solution of pH 7.2 (final concentration 1.3mg/L); homogenize one volume of the fresh-
prepared dilution with 1 volume of the red cell suspension and incubate at 37°C for 10 minutes.
Collect the tannic acid-treated erythrocytes by centrifugation (400 –800 g, for 10 minutes), discard
the supernatant and wash the erythrocytes once with Phosphate buffered saline solution, pH 7.2.
Suspend 1.0% (v/v) tannic acid-treated erythrocytes in phosphate buffered saline solution, pH 7.2.

Addition of antigens to erythrocytes. In an appropriate volume (vs) of tannic acid-treated erythrocytes,

add 0.2 mL of rubella antigen per 1.0 mL of erythrocytes and incubate at 37°C for 30 minutes. Collect
erythrocytes by centrifugation (400-800 g for 10 minutes) and discard the supernatant, leaving a
volume of 200 µL. Add a volume of Barbital Albumin Buffer equal to the volume of the discarded
supernatant, shake until erythrocytes are suspended, collect them as described above and repeat the
wash. Complete the remaining volume obtained from 0.2 mL to three-quarters of vs, thus obtaining
the initial volume (vi ).

Homogenize 900 μL of Barbital Albumin Buffer with 100 μL of vi,which is thus reduced to the
residual volume, and determine the initial absorbance at 541 nm (A). Dilute v r by a factor equal to A
using Barbital Albumin Buffer. This gives the final adjusted volume vf =vr x A of sensitized human
erythrocytes and a value for A of 1.0 ± 0.1 in the case of a 1/10 dilution. Antibody binding to
erythrocytes with tannic acid and covered with antigen. Prepare, in duplicate, and successively, the
following solutions using for each solution, separately, a semi-micro cuvette (for example, disposable
plates) or a test tube for each solution:

(1) Sample solutions. If necessary, adjust the sample to pH 7 by adding, for example, M sodium
hydroxide. Use sample volumes containing, respectively, 30 mg and 40mg of immunoglobulin and
complete 900 µL with Barbital Albumin Buffer.

(2) Standard solution. Prepare the solution as described for Sample Solution from a human
immunoglobulin reference standard.

(3) Complement Evidence. 900µL of Barbital Albumin Buffer. Add 100µL of sensitized human
erythrocytes to each cuvette/test tube and homogenize carefully. Allow to stand for 15 minutes, add
1000 μL of Barbital Albumin Buffer, collect the erythrocytes by centrifugation (1000 g for 10
minutes) from the cuvette/test tube and remove 1900 μL of the supernatant. Replace this volume with
1900 μL of Barbital Albumin Buffer and repeat the washing procedure leaving a final volume of
200 μL. Samples can be stored in closed cuvettes/test tubes at 4°C for 24 hours.

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Complement activation hemolysis. To determine hemolysis, add 600 μL of Barbital Albumin Buffer
heated to 37 C to the sample, carefully suspend the erythrocytes by pipetting them repeatedly (at least
five times) and place the cuvette in the sample holder of a spectrophotometer with thermostat. After
two minutes, add 200 μL of Guinea Pig Complement diluted to 125 – 200 CH 50/mL, carefully
homogenize the mixture, pipetting the mixture twice and immediately after the second pipetting start
recording the absorbance at 541 nm as a function of time, using Barbital-albumin buffer as
compensation liquid. Stop recording if the absorbance versus time curve clearly exceeds the inflection

Assay. Determine the slope (S) of the hemolysis curve at the approximate point of inflection by
segmenting the curve in the region of greatest slope by appropriate time ranges (for example, Δt =
one minute) and calculating S, expressed in ΔA per minute between the points of adjacent
intersection. The highest value of S corresponds to (Sexp). Also determine the absorbance at the
beginning of the curve (As) by extrapolating the curve, which is almost always linear and parallel to
the time axis in the first minutes of the registration. Correct S exp according to the formula:

𝑆′ =

For each preparation, calculate the arithmetic mean of the S’ values. Calculate the function index Fc
(IFc ) from the formula:

𝑆 ′ − 𝑆′
𝑆′𝑠 − 𝑆′𝑐

S’ = arithmetic mean of the slope corrected for the sample;
S s’= arithmetic mean of the slope corrected for the standard;
S s= arithmetic mean of the slope corrected for the complement evidence;

Calculate the index of the function F c for the sample. The value is not inferior to that indicated by
the standard manufacturer. HUMAN LEUKOCYTE ANTIGENS (HLA)

The HLA complex comprises a group of genes located on the short arm of chromosome 6 and grouped
into three sub-regions: HLA class I (A, B and C), HLA class II (DR, DQ and DP) and HLA class III,
where only HLA class I and II genes determine tissue compatibility. This genetic complex comprises
the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) of human beings. In the HLA system, sets of
codominant genes that express themselves as glycoprotein molecules on the surface of cells are
observed. These molecules are known as "Human Leukocyte Antigens". Thus, it can be understood
that we have HLA genes, which produce HLA antigens. These are classified into several Loci (A, B,
C, DR, DQ, DP), each with several alleles.

Table 1 - HLA system.

A1 B5 Cw1 DR1 DQ1
A2 B7 Cw2 DR103 DQ2
A203 B703 Cw3 DR2 DQ3

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A210 B8 Cw4 DR3 DQ4
A3 B12 Cw5 DR4 DQ5(1)
A9 B13 Cw6 DR5 DQ6(1)
A10 B14 Cw7 DR6 DQ7(3)
A11 B15 Cw8 DR7 DQ8(3)
A19 B16 Cw9(w3) DR8 DQ9(3)
A23(9) B17 Cw10(w3) DR9
A24(9) B18 Cw12 DR10
A2403 B21 Cw13 DR11(5)
A25(10) B22 Cw14 DR12(5)
A26(10) B27 Cw15 DR13(6)
A28 B35 Cw16 DR14(6)
A29(19) B37 Cw17 DR1403
A30(19) B38(16) DR1404
A31(19) B39(16) DR15(2)
A32(19) B3901 DR16(2)
A33(19) B3902 DR17(3)
A34(10) B40 DR18(3)
A36 B40(05) DR51
A43 B41 DR52
A66(10) B42 DR53
A68(28) B44(12)
A69(28) B45(12)
A74(19) B46

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The serological classification of the HLA system can be determined using the complement-dependent
microlymphocytotoxicity assay, also known as the Terasaki and McClelland method modified by
Bodmer, which is the most commonly used method. In this test, specific mono or polyclonal sera
against HLA system antigens present in lymphocytes are used. Viable cells are extracted from
peripheral blood, lymph nodes, spleen and others.

With this serological assay it is possible to measure cell mortality through complement activation
(rabbit) in the presence of specific antigen-antibody combinations. The antigen-antibody complement
reaction is measured by viewing the test under a microscope at 100 to 150 times magnification, with
phase contrast illumination and a vital stain, using diluted eosin Y, propidium iodide or trypan blue
in 1% aqueous solution (w/v). Dead cells (which have the antigen detected by the specific antiserum)
will absorb the contrast and show an appropriate color change. Negative cells (those that do not have
the antigen detected by the specific antiserum) remain viable and exclude the contrast.

In these tests, plates with a 72-well "V" bottom and with specific anti-HLA human serum of murine
origin or ready-to-use HLA classification trays, also known as Terasaki plates, are used, provided
they are regulated by the competent authority. In this type of ready-to-use plate, the operationally
monospecific and polyspecific or multispecific antisera for HLA antigens are already fixed. Positive
and negative controls must always be used.

Ready-to-use plates or trays are typically prepared with 1 μL of antisera in each well, 0.1% sodium
azide as preservative and phenol red as pH indicator, and are coated with 4 μL to 5 μL of mineral oil
to avoid dryness and prolong the time of use.

Sample preparation (lymphocyte suspension) using the density gradient separation method: collect
10 mL of whole blood in a vacuum test tube with heparinized solution, ACD or sodium citrate as
anticoagulant. Gently homogenize by inversion a few times and centrifuge the blood for 10 minutes
at 700 to 900 g to obtain a buffy coat.

Note: centrifugation can be replaced by the use of 2 mL of a 5% dextran solution, which must be
added to the whole blood sample, using an anticoagulant. Allow the mixture to stand for 15 minutes
at a temperature of 37 ºC. The use of this solution allows the sedimentation of red blood cells.

Carefully remove the buffy coat, using a Pasteur pipette, the volume of which should be 2 mL, transfer
to a clean 17 x 100 mm test tube containing 5 mL of phosphate-buffered saline solution (PBS) and

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homogenize. Distribute 4 mL of gradient solution of polysucrose and meglumine sodium diatrizoate,

which should be at a temperature between 20 °C to 22 °C, in a clean 17 x 100 mm test tube. Carefully
add the buffy coat suspension onto the gradient solution of polysucrose and meglumine sodium
diatrizoate, by flowing through the walls of the tube, which should be in an inclined position, without
mixing the layers. Centrifuge for 20 minutes at 700 g. After centrifugation, mononuclear cells can be
seen as a narrow band at the interface between the plasma/diluent and the gradient solution. Aspirate
the entire mononuclear cell layer and transfer to a 17 x 100mm test tube. Dilute with 4 mL of PBS.
Centrifuge for 10 minutes at 600 g. Remove supernatant, carefully resuspend cell aggregate, add 4
mL of PBS and centrifuge for 10 minutes at 600 g. Remove the supernatant and resuspend the cell
aggregate in 1 ml of cell culture medium developed by Moore et al (RPMI-1640 medium with buffer
for HEPES) with 20% of PBS. Examine the cell suspension on a cell counter. Assess purity and
perform a cell count. Adjust cell concentration to 2-3 x 106 cells/mL.

Viability test: add one drop of 0.4% trypan blue dye in aqueous solution and one drop of cell
suspension or 19 drops of 0.4% trypan blue dye in PBS and one drop of cell suspension in a clean
test tube and then mix well. Incubate the mixture at room temperature for 15 minutes. Examine cell
viability on a cell counter. Viable cells have intact cell membranes and appear smooth; are able to
exclude trypan blue and consequently will not be stained. Non-viable cells do not have intact cell
membranes and do not appear smooth; are unable to exclude trypan blue and consequently will be
stained. If there are non-viable cells, the sample should not be used.

Separation of B and T cells

Use one of the methods described below.

Method I. Nylon Wool Column Separation

B and T lymphocytes are easily separated using the nylon wool column method. B cells and
macrophages have the attribute of adhering to nylon wool, whereas T cells do not.

Method II. Separation through magnetic particles

Using magnetic particles, it is possible to separate T lymphocytes from B lymphocytes. The immunomagnetic
spheres are made up of superparamagnetic particles with monoclonal antibodies anti-CD2 for T lymphocytes
and anti-CD19 for B lymphocytes, coupled to their respective surfaces. The spheres can be collected using a
magnetic field, which after removal does not leave any residual magnetism in the spheres.


Use one of the methods described below.

Method I. Microlymphocytotoxicity test – Contrast exclusion

Prepare a lymphocyte suspension with a minimum viability of 80%, without excessive contamination
by non-lymphoid cells. Using ready-to-use HLA grading trays, thaw and allow trays to reach room
temperature. Using blank plates, add 1 µL of the corresponding antiserum to each properly labeled
well. Add 1 µL of lymphocyte suspension to be tested (approximately 3000 lymphocytes), using a 50
µL automatic pipettor, to the top of each test well, taking care not to touch the antisera. Homogenize
and examine each well to ensure homogeneity of the lymphocyte suspension with the antiserum.
Incubate trays at 22°C ± 3°C for 30 minutes. Add 5 µL of rabbit complement to the test wells using
a 250 µL automatic pipettor, taking care not to touch the pipette tip in the antisera/lymphocyte
mixture. Incubate trays at 22°C ± 3°C for 60 minutes. Add 2 µL of 5% eosin solution in pre-filtered

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aqueous solution to each test well and incubate at 22°C ± 3°C for three to five minutes. Take care not
to touch the pipette tip in the antiserum/lymphocyte mixture. Add 5 µL of 12-37% neutralized
formalin with a pH of 7.0 ± 0.2 filtered to each test well. Take care not to touch the pipette tip in the
antiserum/lymphocyte mixture. Read the test under a microscope at 100 to 150 times magnification
under phase contrast illumination.

Method II. Microlymphocytotoxicity test – Fluorescence

Prepare a lymphocyte suspension with a minimum viability of 80%, without excessive contamination
by non-lymphoid cells. Using ready-to-use HLA grading trays, thaw and allow trays to reach room
temperature. Using blank plates, add 1 µL of the corresponding antiserum to each properly labeled
well. Add 1 µL of lymphocyte suspension to be tested (approximately 3000 lymphocytes), using a 50
µL automatic pipettor, to the top of each test well, taking care not to touch the antisera.

Homogenize and examine each well to ensure homogeneity of the lymphocyte suspension with the
antiserum. Incubate trays at 22°C ± 3°C for 30 minutes for HLA Class I (A, B and C) and 45 minutes
for HLA Class II (DR and DQ). Add 5 µL of rabbit complement to the test wells using a 250 µL
automatic pipettor, taking care not to touch the pipette tip in the antisera/lymphocyte mixture.
Incubate trays at 22°C ± 3°C for 50 minutes for HLA Class I (A, B and C) and 60 minutes for HLA
Class II (DR and DQ). Add 5 µL of 1% propidium iodide in aqueous solution to each of the test wells,
taking care not to touch the pipette tip in the antisera/lymphocyte mixture. Cover the plates to avoid
dehydration and allow to stand for 15 minutes for the lymphocytes to sediment. Read the test under
a microscope at 100 to 150 times magnification under phase contrast illumination. Fluorescence-
labeled viable cells are shown in green and non-viable cells are shown in red. The test can also be
read using direct fluorescence microscopy, where viable cells will be fluorescent.

Results: non-viable cells (those that have the antigen) absorb propidium iodide, appear enlarged and
darkened and demonstrate clear nuclear details. Viable cells (those that do not have the antigen)
exclude propidium iodide and appear slightly brighter and smaller compared to non-viable cells. After
correction for the percentage of non-viable cells in negative control cells, the test is classified
according to Table 2.

Table 2 – Classification of cell viability assay.

Non-viable cells (%) Interpretation
0-10 Negative
11-20 Equivocally negative
21-50 Slightly positive
51-80 Positive
81-100 Strongly positive
0 Illegible

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The pyrogen test is based on measuring the increase in body temperature in rabbits, after intravenous
injection of the sterile solution under analysis. For products well tolerated by animals, use a dose that
does not exceed 10 mL/kg, injected in a time not exceeding 10 minutes. For products that require
preliminary preparation or special administration conditions, follow the recommendations established
in the monograph.

General conditions

Use rabbits of same sex, healthy adults, preferably of the same breed, weighing not less than 1.5 kg.
After selection, keep the animals in individual cages in a room with uniform temperature between 20
and 23 ºC, free from disturbances that may stress them. The selected temperature can vary up to ±
3 °C.

Carry out conditioning to determine the temperature of the animals, minimum once, up to seven days
before starting the test. The animals must be conditioned according to the same test procedure only
without product inoculation. Animals that present a temperature rise equal to or greater than 0.5 ºC,
in relation to the initial temperature, should not be used in the test.

When carrying out the test, use only animals with a temperature equal to or lower than 39.8 ºC and
that do not present, from one to the other, a variation greater than 1.0 ºC.

Temperature record

Use clinical thermometer calibrated with an accuracy of ±0.1 °C or any other calibrated temperature
recording device of equal sensitivity. Introduce the thermometer into the animal's rectum at a depth
of approximately 6 centimeters. If a recording device is used, which must remain in the rectum during
the test period, contain the rabbits so that they are in a natural standing posture. When using a clinical
thermometer, allow the necessary time (previously determined) to elapse to reach the maximum
temperature, before proceeding with the reading.


Sterile and non-pyrogenic syringes, needles and glassware. Diluents and extracting or washing
solutions must also be sterile and non-pyrogenic.


Perform the test in an area specially designed for testing, under controlled environmental conditions,
free from disturbances that may stress the rabbits. In the preceding two hours and during the test,
withhold food supply. Access to water is allowed but may be restricted during testing.

Not more than 40 minutes before injecting the dose of the product to be tested, record the temperature
of each animal through two readings taken with a 30 minute-range. The average of the two readings
will be taken as the control temperature required to assess any individual temperature rise subsequent
to sample injection.

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Prepare the product to be tested as specified in the monograph and heat at (37 ± 2) °C. For the pyrogen
test of materials for hospital use, wash, with sterile saline solution, the surfaces of the material that
come into contact with the product, injection site or the patient's internal tissue. Carry out the
procedures ensuring that the solution is not contaminated.

Inject through the marginal ear vein of three rabbits not less than 0.5 mL or more than 10 mL of the
solution per kg of body weight or the amount indicated in the monograph. The injection should not
last longer than 10 minutes, unless a different time is specified in the monograph. Record each
animal's temperature at 30-minute ranges for three hours after injection.


Do not consider the decreases in temperature shown by the animals during the test. The temperature
rise is verified by the difference between the highest temperature presented by the rabbit during the
test and its control temperature.

If none of the three rabbits present an individual increase in temperature equal to or greater than
0.5 ºC, in relation to their respective control temperatures, the product complies with the requirements
of the pyrogen test.

If any rabbit shows an increase in temperature equal to or greater than 0.5°C, repeat the test using
another five animals.

The product under examination meets the requirements for the absence of pyrogens if at most three
of the eight rabbits show individual increases in temperature equal to or greater than 0.5 ºC, and if
the sum of the individual increases of all rabbits does not exceed 3.3 ºC . BACTERIAL ENDOTOXINS

The bacterial endotoxin test is used to detect or quantify gram negative bacterial endotoxins present
in specimens for which the test is recommended. The aqueous extract of circulating amoebocytes
from Limulus polyphemus or Tachypleus tridentatus prepared and characterized as LAL reagent is

There are two methods with different sensitivity for this test:

1. GEL-CLOT METHOD: based on clot or gel formation (semi-quantitative method)

2. Quantitative PHOTOMETRIC METHODS including:

- Turbidimetric method (based on the development of turbidity after breaking down an endogenous
substrate); and

- Chromogenic method (based on color development after breakdown of a chromogenic synthetic

peptide complex).

Any of these procedures can be performed, unless otherwise indicated in the monograph.

In the gel-clot method, the determination of the reaction endpoint is carried out from dilutions of the
substance under test in direct comparison with parallel dilutions of the standard endotoxin. Levels of
endotoxins are expressed in defined endotoxin units (EU). Note: 1 EU is equal to 1 IU (international

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LAL reagent (Limulus Amebocyte Lysate sp.) is prepared for turbidimetric or colorimetric readings
and these procedures can be used if they meet the methods requirements. For its calibration, it is
necessary to plot a standard curve, obtaining its linear regression, which determines, by interpolation,
the endotoxin concentration of the substance under test.

The procedure includes incubation of standard endotoxin to obtain a calibration curve and control
solutions with LAL reagent, for a predetermined time and spectrophotometric reading at the
appropriate wavelength.

In the turbidimetric method procedure, the reading is taken immediately after the final incubation
period whereas for the colorimetric procedure, the enzymatic reaction is interrupted at the end of the
time predetermined by the reagent addition, before the readings. For kinetic turbidimetric and
colorimetric procedures the absorbance values measured during the reaction period and velocity
values are determined for those readings.


All glassware must be depyrogenized in an oven under a validated process. Use a minimum time and
temperature of 250 ºC for 30 minutes. If using plastic disposables, such as tips and pipettes, only use
the certificates that indicate they are free of endotoxins so as not to interfere with the test.


The reference endotoxin standard has a defined potency of 10 000 EU (endotoxin units) per flask.
Reconstitute the vial with 5 mL of LAL reagent grade water (pyrogen-free) and vortex agitate
intermittently for 30 minutes. Use this concentrated solution (stored in a refrigerator for not more
than 14 days) to make serial dilutions. Shake vigorously before use for at least three minutes and
proceed with serial dilutions, shaking at least 30 seconds before the next dilutions. After use, discard
dilutions due to activity loss by adsorption. For the preparation of the endotoxin standard, follow the
supplier's guidelines, certified in the endotoxin report.

Test Preparation

Use LAL reagent with confirmed stated sensitivity. The validity of test results for bacterial endotoxins
requires demonstration that the samples, wash solutions or extracts under test do not inhibit or
potentiate the reaction, nor do they interfere with the test. Validation is performed by means of the
inhibition or potentiation test described for each of the methods indicated. Appropriate negative
controls are included. The validation must be repeated if there is a change in the LAL reagent origin,
the production method or the formulation of the substance under test.

Sample solution: prepare the sample solution by diluting in LAL reagent grade water. If necessary,
adjust the pH of the sample solution so that the LAL reagent mixture with sample has a pH between
6 and 8. The pH can be adjusted using a suitable buffer recommended by the supplier. Acids and
bases can be prepared with LAL reagent grade water and validated to be free of endotoxins and
interfering factors.


The maximum valid dilution is the maximum allowable dilution of the sample under analysis where
the endotoxin limit can be determined. It applies for injections or solutions for parenteral

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administration in reconstituted or diluted form for administration, amount of drug by weight, if the
volume of the dosage form is variable.

The formula for calculating the MVD is as follows:

𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑑𝑒 𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑥𝑖𝑛𝑎

λ = labeled sensitivity of the LAL reagent.

Note: formula used when the drug endotoxin limit specified in the monograph is in volume (EU/mL).

When the endotoxin limit of the drug specified in the monograph is in weight (EU/mg) or in active
drug unit (EU/units), the MVD is calculated by the following formula:

𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑑𝑒 𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑥𝑖𝑛𝑎 × 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑎çã𝑜 𝑑𝑎 𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎 𝑛𝑎 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑢çã𝑜


λ = labeled sensitivity of the LAL reagent.

The MVD obtained is the limiting dilution factor for the test to be validated.


The formula for setting endotoxin limit for parenteral drugs is:

𝐿𝐸 =

EL = endotoxin limit;
K = human limit dose of endotoxin per kilogram of body weight;
M = maximum dose of product per kg of weight in a period of one hour.

The endotoxin limit is specified in the parenteral drugs individual monographs in EU/mL, EU/mg or
EU/unit of biological activity.


The gel-clot method allows the detection and quantification of endotoxins based on the gelation
reaction of the LAL reagent. Labeled LAL sensitivity is the concentration of endotoxin required to
cause a gelation of the LAL reagent.

To ensure the accuracy and validity of the assay, tests are required to confirm labeled LAL sensitivity
as well as tests to check interfering factors, as described in sample preparation for the test.

Test for confirmation of LAL sensitivity

Confirm the declared LAL sensitivity using not less than one vial of LAL reagent and prepare a series
of endotoxin dilutions using the reference standard endotoxin (RSE) or the control standard endotoxin
(CSE), with geometric ratio equal to 2 to obtain the concentrations of 0.25 λ, 0.5 λ, λ and 2 λs, where
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λ is LAL declared sensitivity in EU/mL. Carry out the test with all four standard endotoxin
concentrations in quadruplicate and include negative controls. The geometric mean of the endpoint
concentration, calculated and interpreted below, must be greater than or equal to 0.5 λ and lower than
or equal to 2 λ. Confirmation of LAL sensitivity must be performed for each new LAL batch.

Results and interpretation. The gelling endpoint is the last test in the descending series of standard
endotoxin concentration that formed gel. Calculate the logarithmic geometric mean of the gelation
endpoints and the mean antilog by the formula:

geometric mean of the endpoint concentration = 𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑜𝑔 ( )

Ee = sum of endpoint concentrations log of the dilution series used;
f = number of replicates.

The LAL reagent sensitivity in EU/mL is calculated by the formula above and must be not less than
0.5 λ and not more than 2 λ.

Interference tests in the gel-clot method (Inhibition / Potentiation)

Carry out the test on sample aliquots in which there is no detectable endotoxin and on dilutions that
do not exceed MVD (maximum valid dilution). Perform the test, as in the test procedure, on the
sample without added endotoxin (solution A) and on the sample with added endotoxin (solution B),
at concentrations of ¼ λ, ½ λ, 1 λ and 2 λ, in quadruplicates, and also testing in parallel the same
concentrations of endotoxin in water (solution C) and negative control in LAL reagent grade water
(solution D) in duplicate.

Calculate the geometric mean endotoxin concentration of the sample gelling endpoint as described in
the test procedure above (test for confirmation of LAL sensitivity).

The test is valid for the sample under analysis if the geometric mean of this concentration is greater
than or equal to 0.5 λ and less than or equal to 2 λ. If the result obtained in the samples in which
endotoxin was added is out of the specified limit, the endotoxin inhibition or potentiation test must
be repeated after neutralization, inactivation or removal of interfering substances or after dilution of
the sample by a factor that does not exceed the MVD. Repeat the test at a higher dilution not exceeding
the MDV or use a higher LAL sensitivity so that interference can be eliminated in the analyzed
sample. Interferences can be eliminated by suitable treatment such as filtration, neutralization,
dialysis or heating.


This test is used when the monograph contains endotoxin limit requirements.

Procedure. Carry out the tests in duplicate with solutions A, B, C and D as follows. Prepare diluted
sample solution without adding endotoxin (solution A); with addition of endotoxin (product positive
control) at 2 λ (solution B); LAL reagent grade water with endotoxin added at 2 λ (solution C) and
LAL reagent grade water without added endotoxin (solution D – negative control). Dilution of
solution A and B must not exceed MVD.

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Interpretation The test will only be valid if the replicas of positive controls from solutions B and C
form a gel and the replicas of negative controls from solutions A and D do not form a gel. Contrary
results will not be valid and must be repeated.

Gel-clot test assay

Homogenize one volume (e.g. 100 μL) of LAL with an equal volume of the above solutions, sample,
standards and negative control of the test in 10 x 75 mm test tubes, in duplicate. Incubate the tubes
for one hour at (37 ± 1) °C, avoiding vibrations. After this period, remove the tubes one by one,
turning 180 degrees and checking the integrity of the gel; if the gel remains firm after inverting the
tubes, consider the result as positive, and if there is no gel formation or it is not firm, consider it as

The test will only be valid if the following conditions are met:
- If both replicas of the negative control (D) show negative reactions;
- If both replicas of the positive control of the product (B) show positive reactions;
- If the geometric mean of solution C is within the range of 0.5 λ to 2 λ.

To calculate the endotoxin concentration of solution A, calculate the endpoint concentration of each
replicate in the dilution series by multiplying each endpoint dilution factor by the labeled sensitivity
of the LAL reagent (λ). The endotoxin concentration in the test solution is the geometric mean of the
concentration of the replicas limit.

If the test is carried out on the diluted sample, determine the endotoxin concentration in the original
solution by multiplying the result by the sample dilution factor. If none of the test sample dilutions
are positive, express the endotoxin concentration result as lower than the LAL sensitivity (λ) or lower
than the LAL sensitivity multiplied by the lowest sample dilution factor. If all sample dilutions show
positive reactions, the endotoxin concentration is expressed as equal to or greater than λ multiplied
by the highest sample dilution factor.

The sample meets the test requirements if the endotoxin concentration is lower than the individual
limit specified in the monograph.


Quantitative photometric methods include:

A. Turbidimetric kinetic method: (based on the development of turbidity after breaking down an
endogenous substrate); and
B. Chromogenic kinetic method: (based on color development after breakdown of a chromogenic
synthetic peptide complex).
C. Chromogenic limit method (endpoint).
D. Turbidimetric limit method (endpoint).


This method is based on measuring turbidity increase and, depending on the principle employed, it
can be classified into two types:
A. Turbidimetric limit: based on the relation between the endotoxin concentration and the reaction
turbidity (absorbance or transmission).
B. Kinetic turbidimetric: method based on the reaction time (onset time) necessary for the reaction
mixture to reach a predetermined absorbance or on the turbidity development rate.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.2-01

The test is performed at a recommended incubation temperature of (37 ± 1) °C.


This method is based on the measurement of a chromophore released by a chromogenic peptide by

the reaction of the endotoxin with the lysate and, depending on the principle employed, it can be
classified into two types:
A. Chromogenic limit test: based on the relationship between the endotoxin concentration and the
amount of chromophore released at the end of an incubation period.
B. Kinetic chromogenic test: method based on the reaction time (onset time) necessary for the
reaction mixture to reach a predetermined absorbance or on the coloring development rate.

The test is performed at a recommended incubation temperature of (37 ± 1) °C.

Blank preparation:

To ensure the accuracy and validity of turbidimetric and chromogenic tests, preparatory tests are
performed to ensure that the criteria for the standard curve are satisfactory and that the sample under
test does not interfere with the test. Method validation is required when any change in experimental
conditions is made and may interfere with the test.

Standard curve criteria

Prepare a standard curve using three endotoxin concentrations, using a prepared endotoxin standard
solution, and perform the test at least in triplicate of each concentration, as recommended by the LAL
supplier (volume ratio, incubation time, temperature and pH, etc.)

If a range greater than 2 logs is desired, a standard concentration should be added to increase the
range of the standard curve. The absolute value of linear correlation R must be greater than or equal
to 0.980 for the endotoxin concentration range indicated by the LAL supplier.


Prepare diluted sample solutions without exceeding the MDV (maximum valid dilution) without
endotoxin (solution A) and with added endotoxin (solution B) at a concentration equal to or close to
the midpoint of the standard curve. Prepare a series of positive control with endotoxin solutions
(seduction C) with three different concentrations and also the negative control with pyrogenic water
(solution D) and carry out the tests by adding LAL reagent, at least, in duplicate (follow the guidelines
of the reagent used with respect to sample and reagent volume, incubation time, etc.), the lowest point
of the curve is considered λ.

Calculate the mean recovery of endotoxin added to the sample by subtracting the endotoxin
concentration mean in the test solution (solution A), if any, from the mean of the solution whose
endotoxin was added (solution B).

The test solution is considered to be interference-free if the level of endotoxin concentration added to
the test solution (solution B) is in the range of 50% to 200% recovery, after subtraction of any
endotoxin detected in the solution without endotoxin addition.

When endotoxin recovery is within the specification range, interference factors should be removed
as described in the gel-clot method section.
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Follow the procedures described above in the items: Test preparation and Testing for interference

Calculations for Photometric Methods

Calculate the endotoxin concentration for each replicate of solution A using the standard curve
generated by the positive control series solution C.

The test is only valid if the three following requirements are met:
- The result obtained from solution D (negative control) does not exceed the limit of the blank value
required in the description of the lysate used;
- The result obtained with the positive control series, solution C, is in accordance with the validation
requirements defined in the standard curve criteria;
- The endotoxin recovery, calculated from the endotoxin found in solution B after subtracting the
endotoxin concentration found in solution A, is within the range of 50 to 200%.

Interpretation of results in photometric tests

The sample solution to be examined will comply with the test if the endotoxin concentration mean
found in the replicates (solution A), after correction for dilution and concentration, is lower than the
endotoxin limit of the product tested.


Amoebocyte lysate

The amoebocyte lysate is a lyophilizate obtained from the amoebocyte lysate of a horseshoe-shaped
crustacean (Limulus polyphemus or Tachypleus tridentatus). This reagent refers only to the product
manufactured in accordance with the regulations of competent authority. The lysate also reacts with
some B-Glucans in addition to endotoxins. Lysate preparations that do not react with B-Glucans are
also available; they are prepared either by removing or inhibiting factor G, which reacts with glucans.
These preparations can be used for endotoxin testing in the presence of glucans.

Reagent Reconstitution

Dissolve the amoebocyte lysate (LAL) in reagent grade water for BET (bacterial endotoxin test) or
buffer, without agitation, and store in refrigerator or freezer according to supplier's recommendation.

Bacterial endotoxin test water

Test water is water for injections or water produced by other procedures that demonstrate no reaction
with the lysate used at the reagent detection limit. TOXICITY
The toxicity test detects unexpected and unacceptable biological reactivity of drugs and medications.
This in vivo test is recommended for evaluating the safety of biological products and biotechnology

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.2-01


Choice of animals.

Use healthy mice, of either sex, of known strain, not previously used in biological tests. Keep them
under uniform diet, unrestricted water and at constant room temperature of (21 ± 3) ºC. On the test
day, select mice weighing between 17 g and 22 g.

Sample preparation

The sample must be prepared as specified in the respective monograph and administered immediately.


Use sterile syringes, needles and glassware. Administer, in five mice, the volume of the sample
preparation indicated in the monograph, by one of the routes described below.

Intravenous – Inject the dose into the tail vein, maintaining a constant rate of 0.1 mL per second or
as indicated in the monograph.

Intraperitoneal – Inject the dose into the peritoneal cavity.

Subcutaneous – Inject the dose in the cervical or abdominal region.

Oral – Administer the dose through a tube or other suitable device.


Keep the animals under observation for 48 hours upon administration or for the time indicated in the
monograph. The sample meets the test if all animals survive and not more than one shows abnormal
symptoms within the established time range. If one or two animals die, or more than one show
abnormal symptoms or unexpected toxicity, repeat the test using another five or fifteen mice,
weighing between 19 g and 21 g. The sample meets the test requirements if the number of dead mice
does not exceed 10% of the total animals tested, including the original test, and no animals in the
second group show symptoms indicative of abnormal toxicity.


Choice of animals.

Use not less than five mice weighing between 17 g and 22 g and minimum two healthy guinea pigs
weighing between 250 g and 350 g.


Weigh the animals and record in a proper form before injecting the sample. Unless otherwise specified
in the monograph, intraperitoneally inject each animal with the equivalent of one human dose of the
preparation, not exceeding 1.0 mL for mice and 5.0 mL for guinea pigs. The human dosage is defined
on the label of the preparation under test or on the accompanying package insert.


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For a period of at least seven days, observe the animals for signs of illness, weight loss, abnormalities
or death. If, during the observation period, all animals survive, do not show responses that are not
specific or expected for the product, and do not undergo weight loss, the preparation complies with
the test. Otherwise, the test must be repeated for species for which the requirements have not been
met. The preparation meets the test if all animals in the second group meet the criteria specified for
the initial test.

If, after the second test, the preparation does not meet the requirements, but no deaths are observed
in a percentage equal to or greater than 50% of the total number of animals tested, a second retest can
be performed in the species in which requirements were not complied with. Use twice as many
animals as the initial test. If the animals meet the specified criteria for the initial test, the preparation

Reference standard preparation

As a standard preparation, use epinephrine bitartrate. This preparation must be kept in opaque,
hermetic vials and dried on silica gel for 18 hours before use.

Reference standard solution

Dissolve 91 mg of epinephrine bitartrate (equivalent to 50 mg of epinephrine base C9H13NO3) in

fresh 0.4% (w/v) sodium bisulfite solution. Dilute with water to 50 mL and homogenize. The final
solution will contain 1.0 mg of epinephrine (free base) per milliliter. Store, under refrigeration, in an
amber hermetic vial. Use for a maximum of six months. Discard the solution when it shows any sign
of deterioration, such as a change in color.

Standard dilution

Dilute the epinephrine standard reference solution in saline solution so that the administration of a
dose between 0.1 mL and 0.5 mL produces an increase of 20mm to 70mm of mercury in blood


Select rats, weighing between 275 g and 325 g, and anesthetize with an anesthetic that allows the
maintenance of constant blood pressure (free of effect on blood pressure). Immobilize the animal and
keep it warm to prevent loss of body heat. Surgically carry out tracheal intubation, if necessary, and
expose the femoral or jugular vein, preparing it for intravenous injections. Administer 200 units of
heparin per 100 g of body weight. Surgically expose the carotid and cannular artery, connecting it to
the manometer set for continuous recording of blood pressure.

Inject, intravenously, 0.1% (w/v) atropine sulfate solution at the rate of 1 mL per kilogram of body
weight. Consider the muscarinic receptor sufficiently blocked only if subsequent injections of the
recent 0.001% (w/v) acetylcholine chloride solution at a dose of 1 ml per kilogram of weight do not
produce a transient drop in blood pressure. If this mechanism is not sufficiently paralyzed, inject a
0.5 mL dose of atropine sulfate solution until complete paralysis.


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Select dose of standard dilution that produces an increase between 2.7 kPa and 9.3 kPa (20mm to
70mm mercury) in blood pressure. Inject the dosage at constant ranges of minimum five minutes to
allow the blood pressure to return to baseline. After each injection, immediately administer 0.2 mL
of saline solution to wash the cannula. Ensure response reproducibility by repeating the dose two or
more times. Administer a new dose of the standard dilution so as to obtain hypertensive responses
approximately 20% greater than the mean of the lower dose responses. Consider the animal apt for
the test if (1) the responses to the first selected dose are reproducible between 2.7 kPa and 9.3 kPa
(20mm to 70mm of mercury) and (2) significantly lower in relation to the response of higher dose.

Keeping the established time range constant, inject a series of five doses in which the selected dosage
of the standard dilution and the dosage of the same volume of the substance under test, diluted
conveniently, are alternated. After each of the five injections, measure the change in blood pressure.

Calculate the difference between each sample response and the response mean of the immediately
prior and subsequent standard dilution doses. The sample meets the test requirements if the average
of these differences means that the responses obtained with the sample solution are not higher than
those with the standard dilution. Results must match the pressor activity limit specified for that test
in the corresponding monograph. HISTAMINE
Euthanize a guinea pig weighing between 250 g and 350 g, fasting for approximately 24 hours. Resect
approximately 10 cm of the ileum distal portion. Wash internally with nutrient solution. Select a
portion about two or three centimeters long and tie two thin threads at the ends. Make a small incision
in the central portion of the tissue. Transfer to an isolated organ bath, with a capacity of 10 mL to
20 mL, at a controlled temperature between 34 ºC and 36 ºC under an air stream or a mixture of 95%
oxygen and 5.0% CO2 . Attach one of the threads to the bottom of the tank and tie the other to the
lever designed to record muscle contractions in the kymograph or other suitable recording system.
Adjust the lever for recording ileum contractions with an amplification degree of the order of 20
times. Wash the preparation with the solution and allow to stand for 10 minutes.

Add known volumes – 0.2 mL to 0.5 mL of histamine reference standard solution (1 g/mL) – to obtain
an optimal response (higher dose). Wash the ileum three times with nutrient solution. Add successive
additions at regular ranges of approximately two minutes. Add new doses of histamine reference
standard solution – obtained by diluting the original solution to keep the dose volumes always the
same – establishing the dose responsible for the response whose intensity is half the highest dose
(lower dose).

Proceed with the test by adding sequences of three doses: lower reference standard dose, solution
dose of the substance under test and higher reference standard dose. Adjust the sample dilution so
that, in the event of ileum contraction, it is lower than that produced by the higher reference standard
dose. Establish the contraction reproducibility by serial repetitions of dose sequences.

Calculate the activity of the substance under test in terms of its equivalent in micrograms per milliliter
of histamine (free base), based on the dilutions made. The value found must not exceed the limit
established in the monograph.

If no contraction occurs in the above-mentioned test due to the effect of the sample tested, prepare a
new sample solution, adding the amount of histamine corresponding to the maximum limit specified
in the monograph and observe if the contraction produced is proportional to the amount of histamine
added. Consider the test valid if this response is proportional and the reproducibility of the

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contractions induced by the dose sequence is confirmed: lower reference standard dose, test substance
solution dose and higher reference standard dose. Otherwise, test for vasodepressor substances.

Nutrient solution (prepare at the time of use)

Solution A 50 mL
Atropine sulfate 0.5 mg
Sodium bicarbonate 1.0 g
Anhydrous dextrose (for parenteral use) 0.5 g
Sufficient water for injections for 1000 mL

Solution A
Sodium chloride 160.0 g
Potassium chloride 4.0 g
Anhydrous calcium chloride 2.0 g
Anhydrous magnesium chloride 1.0 g
Sodium Phosphate Dibasic 0.05 g
Sufficient water for injections for 1000 mL VASODEPRESSOR SUBSTANCES

Preparation of the reference standard. use histamine dihydrochloride, storing in an opaque and
hermetic flask, dried on silica gel for two hours, before use.

Reference standard solution. Dissolve, in sterile water for injection, a sufficient and accurately
weighed amount of histamine dihydrochloride to obtain a solution containing the equivalent of 1
mg/mL of histamine (free base). Store under refrigeration in an amber glass container with a ground
lid, protected from light, for one month. On the test day, prepare a reference standard solution
containing the equivalent of 1 μg/mL of histamine (free base), in saline solution.

Sample solution. Proceed as described in the specific monograph.


Carry out the test using a cat weighing not less than 2 kg (weigh adult and healthy cat) (if a female
cat, not pregnant) and anesthetize with chloralose or barbiturate injection that allows for the
maintenance of uniform blood pressure. Immobilize the animal and protect it to prevent loss of body
heat, perform rectal temperature monitoring to maintain physiological limits.

Dissect the femoral or jugular vein, preparing it by inserting a cannula filled with heparin (1000
units/mL of saline solution) for administration of reference standard and sample solutions.

Surgically expose the carotid artery, dissecting it completely from surrounding structures, including
the vagus nerve. Insert a cannula connecting it directly to a mercury manometer or other suitable
device for continuous recording of blood pressure.

Assess the cat's sensitivity to histamine, injecting at uniform ranges of not less than five minutes,
doses corresponding to 0.05 μg (dose A); 0.10 µg (dose B) and 0.15 µg (dose C) of histamine (free
base) per kilogram of body weight. After each administration, immediately wash the cannula by
injecting approximately 0.5 mL of saline solution to remove residual activity. Repeat administration
of dosage B three times to observe response uniformity to the same dose. The animal is considered

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apt for the test if the responses to the three dosage levels are clearly differentiated and the responses
to the B dose sequence are approximately similar, corresponding to blood pressure drops of not less
than 2.7 kPa (20 mm of mercury).

Inject two series of four doses, each series consisting of two injections of the dose specified in the
sample monograph, alternated with dose B, always at a uniform range of minimum five minutes.

Measure the change in blood pressure after each injection. Upon analyzing the results, the sample is
considered to meet the test requirements if the mean of its depressor responses is lower than that of
dose B.

Finish the test by administering standard dose C to check that the response remains higher than dose
B: if this does not occur, the test is not valid.

The animal can be used as long as it remains stable and responds adequately to administration of the
reference standard solution.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02


Microbial contamination of a product can lead to changes in its physical and chemical properties
besides posing a risk of infection and toxi-infection for the user. Thus, pharmaceutical products for
oral and topical use (capsules, tablets, suspensions, creams, patches, etc.) that are not required to be
sterile must be subject to microbial contamination control.

The quality assurance and manufacturing control provided in best practices must ensure that the
product meets the specified requirements, that is, it meets, in addition to other parameters, the
acceptable limits for microorganisms.

To carry out the test, microbial limits, the most likely type of contamination in different categories of
products and the route of administration must be considered.

Testing nature and frequency varies depending on the raw material and the finished product. Certain
categories must be routinely tested for total microbial contamination, such as: those of vegetable,
mineral and/or animal origin, as well as those with a high water content (aqueous oral solutions,
creams, etc.). For other categories such as synthetic raw materials, tablets, powders, capsules, non-
aqueous liquid products, ointments and suppositories, the test frequency can be established based on
historical data from both environmental and equipment microbiological monitoring tests. Other
criteria to be considered would be microbial load of raw material, manufacturing process, product
formulation and the results of water activity determination, when applicable. Low water activity
results (less than or equal to 0.75 measured at 25°C), as well as low or high pH, absence of nutrients
and addition of preservatives contribute to prevent microbial contamination. These parameters must
be considered when establishing a minimum frequency for carrying out microbiological tests. GENERAL CONDITIONS

For microbiological tests on non-sterile products, aseptic methods must be used for sampling and
testing. The test should preferably be performed in a laminar flow hood and, when possible, use
membrane filtration method.

If the sample has antimicrobial activity, it must be conveniently removed or neutralized.

The efficacy and absence of toxicity of the inactivating agent for the considered microorganisms must
be demonstrated. If using surface-active substances in sample preparation, the absence of toxicity for
microorganisms and compatibility with the inactivating agent must also be demonstrated, as described
in Mesophilic microorganisms total count (


The solutions and culture media described are considered satisfactory to perform the prescribed
microbial contamination limit tests. However, other media can be used that have similar nutrient and
selective properties for the microbial species studied.

pH 7.0 Sodium chloride-peptone buffer solution

Monobasic potassium phosphate 3.6 g
Disodium phosphate dihydrate 7.2 g

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Sodium chloride 4.3 g

Peptone (meat or casein) 1.0 g
Purified water 1000 mL
Sterilize in autoclave using validated cycle.

pH 7.2 Phosphate Buffer Solution – Stock Solution

Monobasic potassium phosphate 34.0 g
4% Sodium hydroxide Add approximately 175 mL
Purified water 1000 mL

Dissolve monobasic potassium phosphate in 500 mL of water, adjust pH to 7.2 ± 0.2 with 4% sodium
hydroxide. Adjust the volume with water, sterilize and store under refrigeration. When using, dilute
the stock solution with water in a proportion of 1 to 800 (v/v) and sterilize.

Washing fluid
Peptic digest meat peptone 1.0 g
Polysorbate 80 1.0 g (if necessary)
Water 1000 mL

Weigh the reagents and dissolve in distilled water under constant agitation. Heat if necessary. Adjust
pH so that it is 7.1 ±0.2. Sterilize in autoclave using validated cycle.

Universal diluent
Monobasic potassium phosphate 3.6 g
Disodium phosphate dihydrate 7.2 g
Sodium chloride 4.3 g
Meat or Casein Peptone 1.0 g
egg yolk lecithin 3.0 g
L-histidine 1.0 g
Polysorbate 80 30.0 g
Purified water 1000 mL

Weigh the reagents and dissolve in distilled water under constant agitation. Heat if necessary. Adjust
pH so that it is 6.8 ±0.2. Sterilize in autoclave using validated cycle.

DEY-ENGLEY neutralizing broth

Enzymatic hydrolyzed casein 5.0 g
Bromocresol purple 20.0 mg
Yeast extract 2.50 g
Sodium thiosulfate 6.00 g
Sodium thioglycolate 1.0 g
Sodium bisulfite 2.50 g
Polysorbate 80 5.00 g
Dextrose 10.0 g
Lecithin 7.0 g
Water 1000 mL

Weigh the reagents and dissolve in distilled water under constant agitation. Heat if necessary. Adjust
pH so that it is 7.6 ±0.2. Sterilize in autoclave using validated cycle.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

Soybean-casein digest broth

Peptone from pancreatic casein 17.0 g
Soybean flour obtained by papain digestion 3.0 g
Sodium chloride 5.0 g
Dibasic potassium phosphate 2.5 g
Glucose monohydrate 2.5 g
Purified water 1000 mL
pH 7.3 ± 0.2. Sterilize in autoclave using validated cycle.

Soybean-casein digest agar

Peptone from pancreatic casein 15.0 g
Soybean flour obtained by papain digestion 5.0 g
Sodium chloride 5.0 g
Agar 15.0 g
Purified water 1000 mL
pH 7.3 ± 0.2. Sterilize in autoclave using validated cycle.

Neutral violet red glucose agar

Yeast extract 3.0 g
Peptone from pancreatic casein 7.0 g
Bile salts 1.5 g
Sodium chloride 5.0 g
Glucose monohydrate 10.0 g
Agar 15.0 g
Neutral red 30.0 mg
Crystal violet 2.0 mg
Purified water 1000 mL
pH 7.4 ± 0.2. Heat to boiling point and do not sterilize in autoclave.

Mossel Enterobacteria enrichment broth

Pancreatic gelatin hydrolysate 10.0 g
Glucose monohydrate 5.0 g
dehydrated bovine bile 20.0 g
Monobasic potassium phosphate 2.0 g
Disodium phosphate dihydrate 8.0 g
Brilliant green 15.0 mg
Purified water 1000 mL
pH 7.2 ± 0.2. Incubate at 100°C for 30 minutes. Cool immediately.

MacConkey Broth
Pancreatic gelatin hydrolysate 20.0 g
Lactose monohydrate 10.0 g
dehydrated bovine bile 5.0 g
Bromocresol purple 10.0 mg
Purified water 1000 mL
pH 7.3 ± 0.2. Sterilize in autoclave using validated cycle.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

MacConkey Agar
Pancreatic gelatin hydrolysate 17.0 g
Peptone (meat or casein) 3.0 g
Lactose monohydrate 10.0 g
Sodium chloride 5.0 g
dehydrated bovine bile 1.5 g
Neutral red 30.0 mg
Crystal violet 1.0 mg
Agar 13.5 g
Purified water 1000 mL
pH 7.1 ± 0.2. Boil for one minute under constant agitation. Sterilize in autoclave using validated

Xylose lysine deoxycholate agar

Xylose 3.5 g
L-Lysine 5.0 g
Lactose monohydrate 7.5 g
Sucrose 7.5 g
Sodium chloride 5.0 g
Yeast extract 3.0 g
Phenol red 80.0 mg
Agar 13.5 g
Sodium deoxycholate 2.5 g
Ferric ammonium citrate 0.8 g
Sodium thiosulfate 6.8 g
Purified water 1000 mL
Adjust so that after heating pH is 7.4 ± 0.2. Heat to boiling point and do not sterilize in autoclave.

Salmonella Rappaport Vassiliadis enrichment broth

Soybean peptone 4.5 g
Magnesium chloride hexahydrate 29.0 g
Sodium chloride 8.0 g
Dibasic potassium phosphate 0.4 g
Monobasic potassium phosphate 0.6 g
Malachite green 36.0 mg
Purified water 1000 mL
pH 5.2 ± 0.2. Sterilize in autoclave at a temperature not exceeding 115°C.

Cetrimide agar
Pancreatic gelatin hydrolysate 20.0 g
Magnesium chloride 1.4 g
Dipotassium sulfate 10.0 g
Cetrimide 0.3 g
Agar 13.6 g
Purified water 1000 mL
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

Glycerol 10.0 mL
Boil for one minute under constant agitation. Adjust pH to 7.2 ±0.2. Sterilize in autoclave using
validated cycle.

Mannitol salt agar

Pancreatic casein hydrolysate 5.0 g
Animal tissue peptone 5.0 g
Meat extract 1.0 g
D-mannitol 10.0 g
Sodium chloride 75.0 g
Agar 15.0 g
Phenol red 25.0 mg
Purified water 1000 mL
Boil for one minute under constant agitation. Adjust pH to 7.4 ±0.2. Sterilize in autoclave using
validated cycle.

Potato dextrose agar

Potato infusion 200.0 g
Dextrose 20.0 g
Agar 15.0 g
Purified water 1000 mL

Disperse 39 g in 1000 mL of water. pH 5.6 ± 0.2. Sterilize in autoclave using validated cycle. If pH
3.5 is desired, add approximately 14 mL of sterile 10% (w/v) tartaric acid solution to medium cooled
at 45°C to 50°C.

Sabouraud dextrose agar 4%

Dextrose 40.0 g
Peptones 10.0 g
Agar 15.0 g
Purified water 1000 mL
pH 5.6 ± 0.2. Sterilize in autoclave using validated cycle.

Sabouraud dextrose broth

Dextrose 20.0 g
Peptones 10.0 g
Purified water 1000 mL
pH 5.6 ± 0.2. Sterilize in autoclave using validated cycle.

Nickerson Candida selective agar

Yeast extract 1.0 g
Soy flour peptone 2.0 g
Glycine 10.0 g
Glucose 10.0 g
Bismuth-sulfite indicator 2.0 g
Agar 15.0 g
Purified water 1000 mL
Dissolve 40 g in 1000 mL of water. pH 6.5 ± 0.2. Sterilize under flowing steam.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

Enriched Clostridium medium

Meat extract 10.0 g
Peptone 10.0 g
Yeast extract 3.0 g
Soluble starch 1.0 g
Glucose monohydrate 5.0 g
Cysteine Hydrochloride 0.5 g
Sodium chloride 5.0 g
Sodium acetate 3.0 g
Agar 0.5 g
Purified water 1000 mL
Allow the agar to swell and dissolve by heating to boiling under constant agitation. Adjust pH to
6.8 ±0.2. Sterilize in autoclave using validated cycle.

Columbia Agar
Pancreatic casein hydrolysate 10.0 g
Peptic digestion meat peptone 5.0 g
Heart pancreatic digest 3.0 g
Yeast extract 5.0 g
Maize starch 1.0 g
Sodium chloride 5.0 g
Agar, according to gelling power 10.0 g – 15.0 g
Purified water 1000 mL
Allow the agar to swell and dissolve by heating to boiling under constant agitation. Adjust pH to
7.3 ±0.2 if necessary. Sterilize in autoclave using validated cycle. Cool to 45°C to 50°C and add, if
necessary, gentamicin sulfate corresponding to 20mg of gentamicin base, pour into Petri dishes. MESOPHILIC MICROORGANISMS TOTAL COUNT

This test enables determining the total number of mesophilic bacteria and fungi in non-sterile products
and raw materials and is applied to determine if the product meets the pharmacopoeial
microbiological requirements, according to Table 1 – Microbial limits for non-sterile products
( .5). When used for this purpose, the indications given must be followed, including the number
of samples taken and results interpretation. The test is not applied to products that contain viable
microorganisms as an active ingredient.

This test consists of counting the population of microorganisms that show visible growth, within five
days, on Soybean-casein digest agar at (32.5 ± 2.5) ºC and within seven days, on Sabouraud-dextrose
agar ( 22.5 ± 2.5) °C.

Alternative microbiological methods, including automated ones, can be used as long as their
equivalence with the pharmacopoeial method has been properly validated.


Water-soluble products: transfer 10 g or 10 mL of the sample mixture to 90 mL of Sodium Chloride-

Peptone Buffer Solution pH 7.0, Phosphate Buffer Solution pH 7.2, Soybean-casein digest broth or
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

other suitable diluent. If necessary, adjust the pH to 6.0 ± 8.0 with 0.1 M HCl or 0.1 M NaOH solution.
Prepare serial decimal dilutions with the same diluent.

Water-insoluble non-lipid products: prepare a suspension of 10 g or 10 mL of the sample mixture in

Sodium Chloride-Peptone pH 7.0 Buffer Solution, Soybean-casein digest broth or other suitable
diluent. In general, the ratio of diluent to sample is 10:1, but product characteristics may request a
change in this ratio. A surfactant such as polysorbate 80, at a concentration of 1 g/L, can be added to
facilitate diffusion. If necessary, adjust pH to 6.0 to 8.0. Prepare serial decimal dilutions with the
same diluent.

Lipidic-based products:

Membrane filtration method: dissolve 1 g or 1 mL of the sample mixture in 100 mL of membrane

filtration sterilized isopropyl myristate (its aqueous extract must have a pH of not less than 6.5) and
heated at 40 °C to 45°C. Sterile polysorbate 80 or another non-inhibitory surfactant agent can be used.

Plate counting method: Transfer 10 g or 10 mL of the sample mixture to a flask containing not more
than of 5 g of sterile polysorbate 20 or 80 or other non-inhibitory surfactant. Heat, if necessary, at a
temperature between 40°C and 45°C.

Carefully homogenize keeping the temperature from 40°C to 45°C. Add suitable diluent from those
presented in General Conditions ( – Solutions and culture media, previously heated, in the
amount necessary to obtain a 1:10 dilution of the initial product.

Homogenize carefully, maintaining a maximum temperature of 40°C to 45°C for the time necessary
to form an emulsion; in any case, not more than 30 minutes. Adjust pH between 6.5 to 7.5 if necessary.
Prepare serial decimal dilutions with the same diluent added to polysorbate 20 or 80.

Insoluble creams and ointments in isopropyl myristate

Transfer 10 g of the sample mixture to make a 1:10 dilution in Soybean-casein digest broth containing
0.1 sodium tetradecyl sulfate, heated at 40°C to 45°C. Homogenize until homogeneous mixture.

Homogenize carefully, maintaining temperature for the time necessary to form an emulsion; in any
case, not more than 30 minutes. If necessary, adjust pH to 6.5 to 7.5. Prepare serial decimal dilutions
with the same diluent added to 0.1% sodium tetradecyl sulfate.

Aerosols: cool not less than 10 containers of the product in a mixture of alcohol and dry ice for one
hour. Open the containers and place them at room temperature for the propellant to be eliminated.
Remove 10 g or 10 mL from the containers and transfer the product to filtration apparatus or to a
flask containing a pH 7.2 phosphate buffer solution or other suitable diluent to obtain a 1:10 dilution.
If necessary, adjust pH to 6.0 to 8.0. Prepare serial decimal dilutions with the same diluent.

Empty capsules: Transfer 10 g of empty capsules to 90 mL of pH 7.2 Phosphate Buffer Solution

heated at 40°C to 45°C and homogenize for not more than 30 minutes. Adjust volume to 100 mL with
water (5:10 dilution). If necessary, adjust pH to 6.0 to 8.0. Prepare serial decimal dilutions with the
same diluent.

Gelatin: transfer 10 g of the sample mixture to a vial containing sterile water heated at 40°C to 45°C
and allow to stand for one hour (1:10 dilution). Then transfer the flask to water bath at 45°C, shaking

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

vigorously at frequent ranges. If necessary, adjust pH to 6.0 to 8.0. Prepare serial decimal dilutions
in sterile water.

Transdermal device: with sterile tongs, remove the protective film from 10 transdermal devices and
place them, adhesive side up, on sterile plates and cover the adhesive side with sterile gauze. Transfer
the 10 devices to a minimum of 500 mL of pH 7.0 Sodium Chloride-Peptone Buffer Solution
containing an appropriate inactivating agent such as polysorbate 80 or soy lecithin. Homogenize
vigorously for not more than 30 minutes.


Cotton and gauze: transfer three 3.3 g portions from the most internal parts of the samples to pH 7.0
Sodium chloride-peptone buffer solution containing an appropriate inactivating agent. Prepare serial
decimal dilutions with the same diluent.

Other correlates: transfer 10 units whose shape and size allow for fragmentation or total immersion
in not more than 1000 mL of pH 7.0 sodium chloride-peptone buffer solution or other suitable diluent.
Allow to be in contact between 10 and 30 minutes. Prepare serial decimal dilutions with the same
diluent. For those that cannot be fragmented or immersed, aseptically introduce 100 mL of pH 7.0
Sodium Chloride-Peptone Buffer Solution in the container. Homogenize. Use 0.45 μm membrane
filtration method.

The preparation method depends on the physical characteristics of the product to be tested. If none of
the procedures described are satisfactory, develop a suitable procedure. Some products may require
more heat in sample preparation, but sample preparation should not exceed 48°C.


Sample quantity

Unless otherwise indicated, use a sample mixture containing 10 g or 10 mL of the product to be

examined. Use 10 units for aerosol - liquid or solid form and for transdermal devices.

The quantity to be tested may be reduced in the case of active substances that are formulated under
the following conditions: the quantity per unit dose (example: tablet, capsule) is less than or equal to
1 mg. In this case, the quantity of sample to be tested must not be less than the quantity present in 10
unit doses.

For products where the batch size is extremely small (i.e., less than 1000 mL or 1000g), the quantity
to be tested must be 1.0% of the batch or less when justified or authorized.

For products where the total number of units in the lot is less than 200, use two units or one unit if
the batch is less than or equal to 100 units.

When sampling products in process, collect three samples from the beginning, four from the middle
and three from the end of the process. Carry out the test on the mixture of these samples.


The determination can be carried out by the Membrane Filtration, Plate Count or Multiple Tube
Method (NMP). The latter is reserved for bacterial determinations that cannot be carried out by one
of the other methods and when the product is expected to have a low bacterial density.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

The choice of method is determined by factors such as the product nature and the expected number
of microorganisms, with chosen method being properly validated.


Use filtration apparatus that allows for the transfer of the membrane to the culture media. Cellulose
nitrate membranes, for example, can be used for aqueous, oily or weak alcoholic solutions, and
cellulose acetate membranes, for strong alcoholic membranes. Prepare the sample using the most
suitable method previously determined.

Transfer 10 mL, or the amount of dilution representing 1 g or 1 mL of the sample to be tested, to two
membranes and filter immediately. If necessary, dilute the sample to obtain a colony count between
10 and 100 CFU. Wash membranes at least three times with approximately 100 mL of the appropriate
wash fluid. Transfer one of the membranes to the surface of a plate containing Soybean-casein digest
agar, incubate at (32.5 ± 2.5) °C for three to five days to determine the number of total aerobic
microorganisms. Transfer the other membrane to the surface of a plate containing Sabouraud-
dextrose Agar and incubate at (22.5 ± 2.5) °C for five to seven days for the determination of molds
and yeasts.

Calculate the number of UFC per gram or milliliter of product.

When analyzing transdermal devices and medical products, separately filter 10% of the preparation
volume, according to the product suitability procedure, and proceed with washing and incubation as
described above.


Depth method - Add 1 mL of the sample prepared as described in Sample preparation, to a Petri dish
and pour, separately, 15 mL to 20 mL of Soybean-casein digest agar and Sabouraud-dextrose agar
kept at 45 °C to 50°C. Use two plates for each medium and dilution. Incubate plates containing
Soybean-casein digest agar at (32.5±2.5) °C for three to five days and plates containing Sabouraud
dextrose Agar at (22.5±2.5) °C for five to seven days for determination of the number of total aerobic
microorganisms and molds and yeasts, respectively. Only plates with a number of colonies lower than
250 (bacteria) and 50 (molds and yeasts) per plate should be considered for results recording. Use the
arithmetic mean of the plates of each medium and calculate the number of CFU per gram or mL of
the product.

Surface method - Add 15 mL to 20 mL of Soybean-casein digest agar and Sabouraud-dextrose agar

separately to Petri dishes and allow to solidify. Dry the plates. Add to the culture medium surface 0.1
mL of the sample prepared as described in Preparation of Samples. Incubate plates containing
Soybean-casein digest agar at (32.5±2.5) °C for 3 to 5 days and plates containing Sabouraud dextrose
agar at (22.5±2.5) °C for 5 to 7 days for determination of the number of total aerobic microorganisms
and molds and yeasts, respectively. Use the arithmetic mean of the plates of each medium and
calculate the number of CFU per gram or mL of the product.

Calculation example:
Dilution Colonies per plates CFU/g or mL
1:100 293 2.93 x 104
1:100 100 1.00 x 104
1:1000 41 4.10 x 104

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1:1000 12 1.20 x 104

(2,93 + 1,00 + 4,10 + 1,20)

𝑀é𝑑𝑖𝑎 = × 104 = 2,30 × 104

If the number of colonies on the plates of all dilutions is less than 20, record the count corresponding
to the lowest dilution and express it as CFU/g or mL. If plates from all dilutions show no colonies,
record the count as less than once the corresponding lowest dilution. For example, if no growth is
detected at the 1:100 dilution, express the count as less than 100 CFU/g or mL.


Prepare the sample according to product suitability procedures. Prepare 1:10; 1:100; 1:1000 dilutions.
Transfer 1 mL of each dilution to three tubes with 9 mL of Soybean-casein digest broth. Incubate all
tubes at (32.5 ± 2.5) °C for three to five days. Record the number of positive tubes and the number of
negative tubes.

If the sample nature makes reading difficult, a suspension for example, perform a subculture for the
same broth or for Soybean-casein digest agar for two days at the same temperature.

Determine the most probable number of viable microorganism per gram or milliliter of the product
according to information on Table 1.

Table 1 –Value of Most Probable Number of Microorganisms – MPN.

Number of positive tubes
MPN per g or mL Confidence limit of
Number of g or mL of product per tube
of product 95%
10 (0.1) 10-2 (0.01) 10-3 (0.001)
0 0 0 <3 0.0 – 9.4
0 0 1 3 0.1 – 9.5
0 1 0 3 0.1 – 10
0 1 1 6.1 1.2 – 17
0 2 0 6.2 1.2 – 17
0 3 0 9.4 3.5 – 35
1 0 0 3.6 0.2 – 17
1 0 1 7.2 1.2 – 17
1 0 2 11 04 – 35
1 1 0 7.4 1.3 – 20
1 1 1 11 04 – 35
1 2 0 11 04 – 35
1 2 1 15 05 – 38
1 3 0 16 05 – 38
2 0 0 9.2 1.5 – 35
2 0 1 14 04 – 35
2 0 2 20 05 – 38
2 1 0 15 04 – 38
2 1 1 20 05 – 38
2 1 2 27 09 – 94
2 2 0 21 05 – 40

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Number of positive tubes

MPN per g or mL Confidence limit of
Number of g or mL of product per tube
of product 95%
10 (0.1) 10-2 (0.01) 10-3 (0.001)
2 2 1 28 09 – 94
2 2 2 35 09 – 94
2 3 0 29 09 – 94
2 3 1 36 09 – 94
3 0 0 23 05 – 94
3 0 1 38 09 – 104
3 0 2 64 16 – 181
3 1 0 43 09 – 181
3 1 1 75 17 – 199
3 1 2 120 30 – 360
3 1 3 160 30 – 380
3 2 0 93 18 – 360
3 2 1 150 30 – 380
3 2 2 210 30 – 400
3 2 3 290 90 – 990
3 3 0 240 40 – 990
3 3 1 460 90 – 1980
3 3 2 1100 200 – 4000

This method enables verifying the presence or absence of specific microorganisms in selective media.
Experimental procedures must include pre-enrichment steps to ensure the recovery of
microorganisms, if present in the product. The result must meet the pharmacopoeial microbiological
requirements, according to Table 1 - Microbial limits for non-sterile products (

Alternative microbiological methods, including automated ones, can be used as long as their
equivalence with the pharmacopoeial method has been properly validated.


Bile-tolerant gram-negative bacteria

Sample preparation and pre-incubation: prepare the sample using a 1:10 dilution of minimum 1 g or
1 mL of the product to be tested, as described in Mesophilic microorganisms total count ( ,
using Soybean-casein digest broth (Dilution A) as diluent. Homogenize and incubate at (22.5 ±
2.5) °C for two hours and not more than five hours (time required to reactivate the bacteria, but not
enough to stimulate the microorganism to multiply).

Absence test: homogenize Dilution A and transfer a volume corresponding to 1 g or 1 mL of the

product to the Mossel Enterobacteria enrichment broth (Aeromonas and Pseudomonas can also grow
on this medium, as well as other types of bacteria). Incubate at (32.5 ± 2.5) °C for 24 to 48 hours.
Prepare subculture on plates containing Glucose Neutral Red Violet Agar. Incubate at (32.5 ± 2.5) °C
for 18 to 24 hours. The product meets the test if there is no colony growth.

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Quantitative test (selection and subculture): dilute the appropriate amount of Dilution A into the
Mossel Enterobacteria enrichment broth to obtain 0.1 dilutions; 0.01 and 0.001 g (or 0.1; 0.01 and
0.001 mL) of the product to be tested. Incubate at (32.5 ± 2.5) °C for 24 to 48 hours. For each positive
tube, subculture on Glucose Neutral Red Violet Agar. Incubate at (32.5
2.5 ) °C for 18 to 24 hours.

Interpretation: Growth of well-developed colonies of Gram-negative bacteria, usually red or reddish,

indicates contamination (positive result). Record the positive and negative results. Determine the
most probable number of bacteria per gram or milliliter of product according to Table 1.

Table 1 – Interpretation of quantitative test results for bile tolerant gram-negative bacteria.
Results for product quantity of Probable number of bacteria per gram or
0.1 g or 0.1 mL 0.01 g or 0.01 mL 0.001 g or 0.001 mL milliliter of product
+ + + Over 103
+ + - Less than 103 and more than 102
+ - - Less than 102 and more than 10
- - - less than 10 g

Escherichia coli

Sample preparation and pre-incubation: prepare the sample using a 1:10 dilution of not less than 1 g
of the product to be tested, as described in Mesophilic microorganisms total count (

Use 10 mL of the dilution for 90 mL of enrichment broth (Soybean-casein digest broth) or an amount
corresponding to 1 g or 1 mL. Homogenize and incubate at (32.5 ± 2.5) °C for 18 to 24 hours.

Selection and subculture: homogenize and transfer 1 mL of the enriched sample to 100 mL of
MacConkey Broth. Incubate at (43 ± 1) °C for 24 to 48 hours. Carry out subculture on MacConkey
Agar plate and incubate at (32.5 ± 2.5) °C for 18 to 72 hours.

Interpretation: The growth of red colonies, usually non-mucous, with characteristic

micromorphology of Gram-negative bacillus, indicates probable presence of E. coli that must be
confirmed by microbial identification tests. The product meets the test if no growth of such colonies
is observed or if the microbial tests are negative.


Sample preparation and pre-incubation: prepare the sample using a 1:10 dilution of not less than 10 g
or 10 mL of the product to be tested, as described in Mesophilic microorganisms total count
( Homogenize and incubate at (32.5 ± 2.5) °C for 18 to 24 hours.

Selection and subculture: homogenize and transfer 0.1 mL of the content to 10 mL of Salmonella
Rappaport Vassiliadis enrichment broth. Incubate at (32.5 ± 2.5) °C for 18 to 24 hours. Carry out
subculture on a plate containing Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar and incubate at (32.5±2.5) °C for
18 to 48 hours.

Interpretation: The growth of well-developed red colonies with or without a black center indicates
probable presence of Salmonella which must be confirmed by microbial identification tests. The
product meets the test if no growth of such colonies is observed or if the microbial tests are negative.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Sample preparation and pre-incubation: Prepare the sample using a 1:10 dilution of not less than 1
g of the product to be examined, as described in Mesophilic microorganisms total count (
Use 10 mL of the dilution for 90 mL of Soybean-casein digest broth or an amount corresponding to
1 g or 1 mL. Homogenize and incubate at (32.5 ± 2.5) °C for 18 to 24 hours.

When testing the transdermal device, filter 50 mL of Soybean-casein digest broth through sterile
membrane and transfer the membrane to 100 mL Soybean-casein digest broth. Incubate at (32.5 ±
2.5) °C for 18 to 24 hours.

Selection and subculture: homogenize and transfer a loop to a plate containing Cetrimide Agar.
Incubate at (32,5 ± 2,5) °C for 18 to 72 hours. Colony growth indicates probable presence of
Pseudomonas aeruginosa which must be confirmed by microbial identification tests. The product
meets the test if no growth of such colonies is observed or if the identification tests are negative.

Staphylococcus aureus

Sample preparation and pre-incubation: Prepare the sample using a 1:10 dilution of not less than 1
g of the product to be examined, as described in Mesophilic microorganisms total count (
Use 10 mL of the dilution for 90 mL of enrichment broth (Soybean-casein digest broth) or an amount
corresponding to 1 g or 1 mL. Homogenize and incubate at (32.5 ± 2.5) °C for 18 to 24 hours.

When testing the transdermal device, filter 50 mL of enrichment broth through sterile membrane and
transfer the membrane to 100 mL of Soybean-casein digest broth. Incubate at (32.5 ± 2.5) °C for 18
to 24 hours.

Selection and subculture: homogenize and transfer a loop to a plate containing Mannitol Salt Agar.
Incubate at (32,5 ± 2,5) °C for 18 to 72 hours.

Interpretation: the growth of yellow or white colonies surrounded by a yellow zone indicates probable
presence of S. aureus which must be confirmed by microbial identification tests.

The product meets the test if no growth of such colonies is observed or if the identification tests are


Sample preparation and pre-incubation: Prepare the sample as described in Mesophilic

microorganisms total count ( Use two equal fractions corresponding to at least 1 g or mL
of the product to be examined. Heat one portion at 80°C for 10 minutes and cool immediately.
Inoculate 10 mL of each mixed fraction mixed in two flasks containing 100 mL of Enriched
Clostridium medium. Incubate in anaerobiosis at (32.5±2.5) °C for 48 hours.

Selection and subculture: transfer a loop of each flask to the plate containing Agar Columbia.
Incubate in anaerobiosis at (32.5±2.5) °C for 48 hours.

Interpretation: The growth of catalase negative colonies, with Gram-positive bacillus

micromorphology (with or without endospores) indicates probable presence of Clostridium. The
product meets the test if no anaerobic microorganism growth is observed or if the catalase test is

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

Candida albicans

Sample preparation and pre-incubation: prepare the sample using a 1:10 dilution of not less than 1 g
or mL of the product to be tested, as described in Mesophilic microorganisms total count (
Use 10 mL of the dilution to 90 mL of Sabouraud-dextrose Broth. Incubate at (32.5 ± 2.5) °C for
three to five days.

Selection and subculture: transfer a loop to a plate containing Sabouraud-dextrose Agar or Candida
Selective Agar according to Nickerson. Incubate at (32.5 ± 2.5) °C for 24 to 48 hours.

Interpretation: Growth of white colonies on Sabouraud-dextrose Agar or brown/black colonies on

Candida selective Agar according to Nickerson indicates probable presence of C. albicans which
should be confirmed by microbial identification tests. The product meets the test if there is no colony

For the suitability of pharmacopoeial methods to non-sterile products, the elimination of any
antimicrobial property must be demonstrated before checking the existence of microbial
contamination in the products.

The suitability test protocol should adapt the microbial limit test, sample preparation, type of culture
medium and buffer solutions, number and type of membrane wash solution as well as incubation
conditions. This protocol requires the use of microorganisms for microbial recovery testing.

During the adaptation, demonstrate that the choice of method for qualitative and/or quantitative
estimate of viable microorganisms is sensitive, accurate and reliable and that it is capable of
eliminating any interference or inhibition during the recovery of viable microorganisms.

Revalidate the suitability method if the test conditions are modified and/or changes occur in the
product that could affect it.

For indication purposes, the microorganisms available on the ATCC were listed. The same
microorganisms can also be obtained from other sources: CIP, NBRC, NCIMB, NCPF, NCTC,
NCYC, IMI and IP. The correspondence between the microorganisms and the addresses of the entities
that provide them is indicated in Microorganisms used in tests and assays (


Maintenance and preparation of test microorganisms

The lyophilized cultures must be rehydrated according to instructions from suppliers and maintained
by transfers to fresh culture media or by freezing or cooling process for period of storage that
maintains the culture original characteristics.

Use standardized suspensions of microorganisms as established below. Use maintenance method so

that the inoculum does not exceed five passages of the original culture. Perform subcultures of each
microorganism (bacterium and fungus) separately as described in Table 1.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

Table 1 – Preparation and use of microorganisms.

Culture media for suitability of count
Culture media for enrichment
method in product presence
Culture media for
Microorganism Total count of
maintenance Total count of Total count of Total count of
mold and yeast aerobic bacteria mold and yeast
Staphylococcus Soybean-casein Soybean-casein - Soybean-casein -
Aureus digest agar or digest agar and digest agar/MPN
(ATCC 6538) Soybean-casein Soybean-casein Soybean-casein
digest broth digest broth digest broth ≤ 100
32.5 ± 2.5) ºC, 18- ≤ 100 CFU (32.5 ± 2.5) °C, ≤ 3
24 hours days
(32.5 ± 2.5) °C,
≤ 3 days
Pseudomonas Soybean-casein Soybean-casein - Soybean-casein -
aeruginosa digest agar or digest agar and digest agar/MPN
(ATCC 9027) Soybean-casein Soybean-casein Soybean-casein
digest broth digest broth digest broth ≤ 100
(32.5 ± 2.5) ºC, 18- ≤ 100 CFU (32.5 ± 2.5) °C, ≤ 3
24 hours days
(32.5 ± 2.5) °C,
≤ 3 days
Bacillus subtilis Soybean-casein Soybean-casein - Soybean-casein -
(ATCC 6633) digest agar or digest agar and digest agar/MPN
Soybean-casein Soybean-casein Soybean-casein
digest broth digest broth digest broth ≤ 100
(32.5 ± 2.5) ºC, 18- ≤ 100 CFU (32.5 ± 2.5) °C, ≤ 3
24 hours days
(32.5 ± 2.5) °C,
≤3 days
Candida Sabourauddextrose Soybean-casein Sabouraud Casein-soy agar Sabouraud
albicans Agar or Sabouraud digest agar dextrose agar dextrose agar
(ATCC 10231) Broth
22.5 ± 2.5) °C, 2-3 ≤100 CFU ≤ 100 CFU ≤ 100 CFU ≤ 100 CFU
(32.5 ± 2.5) °C, (22.5 ± 2.5) °C, (32.5 ± 2.5) °C, ≤ 5 (22.5 ± 2.5) °C,
≤ 5 days ≤ 5 days days ≤ 5 days
MPN: not
Aspergillus Sabouraud dextrose Soybean-casein Sabouraud Soybean casein Sabouraud
brasiliensis agar or Potato digest agar dextrose agar digest agar dextrose agar
(ATCC 16404) dextrose agar
≤ 100 CFU ≤ 100 CFU ≤100 CFU ≤ 100 CFU
(22.5 ± 2.5) °C 5-7 (32.5 ± 2.5) °C, (22.5 ± 2.5) °C, (32.5 ± 2.5) °C, ≤ 5 (22.5 ± 2.5) °C,
days or until ≤ 5 days ≤ 5 days days ≤ 5 days
evident sporulation MPN: not
Use a sodium chloride-peptone buffer solution pH – 7.0 or phosphate buffer solution pH 7.2 to prepare the suspensions. When preparing the solution
of A. brasiliensis spores, add to the buffer solution 0.05% of polysorbate 80. Use the suspensions within two hours or within 24 hours if maintained at
temperature of 2-8 °C. Longer times may be used, provided that validated.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

Nutritional capacity of culture media

For the media indicated on Table 3, inoculate a small amount of microorganism, below 100 CFU.
Use a plate or tube for each microorganism.

Test each lot of culture medium for its nutritional capacity as described below: Liquid culture
medium: inoculate less than 100 CFU of the test microorganism in the culture medium indicated.
Incubate at adequate temperature and observe the visible growth, comparing with a (blank) control
of the same culture medium.

Solid culture medium: inoculate each plate that has the culture medium indicated with less than 100
CFU of the test microorganism. Incubate at adequate temperature and compare the growth achieved,
which must not be below 50% in relation to the standardized inoculum.

Negative control: to check the sterility of culture media, put them in incubation for no less than 72
hours in adequate temperature. There must not be growth of microorganisms.

Inoculation of test microorganisms in the sample

Add to the sample diluted and to the control (diluent without sample), as described on Preparation of
sample, in Total count of the amount of mesophilic microorganisms (, a sufficient amount
of microorganism to obtain a concentration of no more than 100 CFU/mL. The inoculum suspension
volume must not exceed 1.0% of the volume of the product diluted.

The capacity of the culture medium to detect microorganisms at the presence and absence of the
sample must be demonstrated.

To demonstrate the microorganism recovery in the product, use the lowest dilution factor possible. If
the recovery is not adequate, an alternative method, such as neutralization, dilution or filtration, must
be executed.

A) Neutralization/removal of antimicrobial activity

The number of microorganisms recovered in the diluted sample is comparable with the number of
microorganisms in control.

If the growth is inhibited (reduction lower than 50%), modifications must be made to the counting
procedure to ensure the validity of results. The modifications include:
• Increase the volume of the diluent or culture medium, keeping the product amount constant.
• Incorporate a specific neutralizing agent or an universal neutralizing agent.
• Associate both procedures above.
• Conduct membrane filtration.

If the modifications in the neutralization method are ineffective, it is possible to explain that the
failure is due to the product’s antimicrobial activity, which does not allow the development of the
control microorganism tested.

B) Neutralizing agents

Neutralizing agents for inhibition of the antimicrobial activity must be added to the diluent selected
or to the culture medium, preferably before the sterilization (Table 2). Demonstrate its efficacy and

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

absence of toxicity to the test microorganism by using diluent with neutralizer and product and
conducting a blank with diluent and neutralizer, respectively.

Table 2 – Preservative and neutralizing agents.

Preservatives Neutralizing agent/neutralization method
Alcohol Dilution
Aldehydes Dilution, Thiosulfate, Glycine
Bisbiguanides Lecithin
Mercury chloride and other mercurial components Thioglycolate*; Sodium thiosulfate
Chlorhexamide Polysorbates and Lecithin
Quaternary ammonium compounds Lecithin, Polysorbate 80
Phenolic compounds Dilution and Polysorbate 80
EDTA Mg++ and Ca++ ions
Glutaraldehyde Glycine and Sodium bisulfite
Halogens Thiosulfate
Sodium hypochlorite Sodium thiosulfate
Organic acids and their esters Dilution and Polysorbate 80
Parabens Polysorbate 80 and Lecithin
Sorbates Dilution
Beta-lactam antibiotic Beta-lactamase
Chloramphenicol Chloramphenicol acetyltransferase
Sulfonamide P-aminobenzoic acid
Trimethoprim Thymidine
* Thioglycolate may be toxic to certain microorganisms, especially spores and staphylococci; thiosulfate may be toxic to staphylococci. Use Dey-
Engley Neutralizing Broth or Universal Neutralizer.
If the neutralization is not adequate, it is possible to admit that the failure in recovering the inoculated microorganism is attributed to the product’s
antimicrobial activity. This information is used to indicate that the product is not susceptible to contamination by the microorganisms tested, but it may
not inhibit others not included in the list, which are not representative and may be used as a replacement to the ones established.

Recovery of microorganisms in the product

Conduct the tests separately for each test microorganism listed on Table 3. Use the sample as
prepared on Inoculation of test microorganisms in the sample.

A) Membrane filtration

Use a filtrating membrane with 0.45 μm of pore diameter and proven retention effectiveness.
Cellulose nitrate membranes, for example, can be used for aqueous, oily or weakly alcoholic
solutions, and cellulose acetate membranes, for strongly alcoholic membranes. Use one membrane
for each test microorganism.

From the sample prepared, as described in Inoculation of test microorganisms in the sample, transfer
10 mL to a membrane filtration equipment and filter immediately. Wash the membrane with an
appropriate volume of washing liquid.

For determination of the aerobic microorganism count and for the count of molds and yeasts, transfer
the membranes to Soybean-casein digest agar and Sabouraud dextrose agar, respectively. Incubate
in the conditions described on Table 3 and count the colonies.

B) Plate count

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

Depth method: use plates with 9 cm of diameter. Add 1 mL of the sample prepared as described on
Inoculation of test microorganisms in the sample and add 15 mL to 20 mL of Soybean-casein digest
agar or Sabouraud dextrose agar kept at 45 °C to 50 °C. For each microorganism tested, use two
plates for each medium and each dilution. Incubate in the conditions described on Table 1. Use the
arithmetic mean of the plates with each culture medium and calculate the number of CFU.

Surface method: for each 9-cm Petri dish, add 15 mL to 20 mL of Soybean casein agar or Sabouraud
dextrose agar and let it solidify. Dry the plates. Add to the culture medium surface 0.1 mL of the
sample prepared as described in inoculation of the microorganism in the sample. For each
microorganism tested, use two dishes. Count and calculate the CFU number.

C) Most Probable Number

From the sample prepared as described in Inoculation of test microorganisms in the sample (1:10),
prepare dilutions 1:100 and 1:1000. Transfer 1 mL of each dilution to three tubes with 9 mL of
Soybean Casein Broth each. If necessary, add inactivating agent.

Incubate all tubes at (32.5 ± 2.5) °C for no more than five days. Write down the number of positive
tubes. If the sample nature makes reading difficult, execute a subculture to other tubes with the same
culture medium or for Soybean-casein digest agar for two days at the same temperature. Determine
the most probable number of microorganism per gram or milliliter of the product according to
information on Table 3.

Results and interpretation

When the membrane filtration method and the plate count method are employed, the number of
colonies obtained must be no less than 50% (factor 2) of the initial inoculum for each microorganism
in the absence of product, and the number of colonies obtained in the diluent must be no less than
50% (factor 2) of the standard inoculum. When the MPN method is employed, the value calculated
is in the confidence interval of 95% of the results obtained.


General conditions

Neutralize the sample conveniently if it has antimicrobial activity. If a surfactant agent is used for the
sample preparation, demonstrate absence of toxicity for the microorganisms and its compatibility
with the inactivating agent, as described in Neutralization/removal of antimicrobial activity from item
Total count of the amount of mesophilic microorganisms from this general method.

Microorganisms isolated from the environment or other species can be included in challenge tests,
especially if they represent contaminants that may be introduced during the product manufacturing
or during the product use.

Maintenance and preparation of test microorganisms

The lyophilized cultures must be rehydrated according to instructions from suppliers and maintained
by transfers to fresh media or by freezing or cooling process for duly qualified storage periods.

Use standardized suspensions of the test strains as established below. Employ maintenance technique
so that the inoculum does not exceed five passages of the original cultivation. Cultivate each
microorganism (bacterium and fungus) separately.
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Use the Sodium chloride-peptone buffer solution pH 7.0 or the Phosphate buffer solution pH 7.2 to
prepare the suspensions of microorganisms. When preparing the solution of A. brasiliensis spores, add
to the buffer solution 0.05% of polysorbate 80. Use the suspensions within two hours or within 24 hours if
maintained at temperature of 2 °C to 8 °C.


A) Aerobic microorganisms:

Staphylococcus aureus – ATCC 6538 P

Pseudomonas aeruginosa – ATCC 9027
Escherichia coli – ATCC 8739
Salmonella enterica ssp serotype typhimurium – ATCC 14028
Candida albicans – ATCC 10231

Perform subcultures separately in tubes with culture medium Soybean-casein broth or Soybean-
casein digest agar at (32.5 ± 2.5) °C for 18 to 24 hours. Cultivate Candida albicans in Sabouraud
dextrose agar at (22.5 ± 2.5) °C for two to three days. Use Sodium chloride-peptone buffer solution
pH 7.0 or Phosphate buffer solution pH 7.2 to prepare the suspensions. Use them within two hours
or within 24 hours if stored at 2 °C to 8 °C.

B) Anaerobic microorganism:

Clostridium sporogenes – ATCC 11437

Cultivate the strain Clostridium sporogenes under anaerobic conditions in Reinforced Clostridial
medium at (32.5 ± 2.5) °C for 24 to 48 hours. As an alternative method, perform dilutions of a
suspension of vegetative cells from Clostridium sporogenes. This suspensions of spores can be used
as inoculum if maintained at 2 °C to 8 °C for an adequate period..

Nutritional and selective capacity of culture media

For the culture media indicated on Table 3, inoculate a small amount of test microorganism, (no more
than 100 CFU). Use a Petri dish or a tube for each microorganism. Each lot of culture medium
sterilized must be tested for its capacity to promote growth of microorganisms, as described below.

Liquid culture medium: inoculate less than 100 CFU of the test microorganism in the culture medium
indicated. Incubate at adequate temperature and observe the visible growth, comparing with a (blank)
control of the same culture medium.

Solid culture medium: inoculate each plate that has the culture medium indicated with less than 100
CFU of the test microorganism. Incubate at temperature. The growth obtained must have the standard
characteristics of the microorganisms in the medium used.

Negative control

To check the assay conditions, conduct a test on the sterility of culture media. There must not be
growth of microorganisms.

Table 3 – Promotion of growth, inhibitory properties and indicative of culture medium.

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Culture medium Property Test microorganism

Bile-tolerant gram-negative
Mossel Enterobacteria enrichment Promotion of growth Escherichia coli Pseudomonas
broth aeruginosa
Inhibitory Staphylococcus aureus
Neutral violet red glucose agar Presumptive growth E. coli
P. aeruginosa
Escherichia coli
MacConkey Broth Inhibitory Promotion of E. coli
growth S. aureus
MacConkey Agar Presumptive growth E. coli
Rappaport Vassiliadis Salmonella Promotion of growth Salmonella enterica ssp serotype
enrichment broth typhimurium or S. enterica ssp
serotype abony S. aureus
Xylose lysine deoxycholate agar Presumptive growth S. enterica ssp serotype
typhimurium or S. enterica ssp
serotype abony
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Cetrimide agar Inhibitory Presumptive growth P. aeruginosa
E. coli
Staphylococcus aureus
Mannitol salt agar Inhibitory Presumptive growth S. aureus
E. coli
Reinforced Clostridial medium Promotion of growth Clostridium sporogenes
Columbia Agar Promotion of growth C. sporogenes
Candida albicans
Sabouraud dextrose broth Promotion of growth Candida albicans
Sabouraud dextrose agar Presumptive growth C. albicans
Nickerson Agar Presumptive growth C. albicans

Recovery of microorganisms in the product

For each product to be analyzed, conduct the test as described on Procedure, in Study of pathogenic
microorganisms (

When homogenizing, add each strain described in the growth promotion. Inoculate the
microorganisms individually in inoculums with no more than 100 CFU. The test must be conducted
in the smallest period of time.

The microorganisms must be detected by the reactions indicated in the corresponding paragraph,
described on Procedure, in Study of pathogenic microorganisms (
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If the product has antimicrobial activity and it is necessary to modify the methodology, proceed as
stated in Neutralization/removal of antimicrobial activity from this chapter, using Soybean casein
broth as diluent. MICROBIAL LIMITS

The microbial contamination of a non-sterile product (specialty and pharmaceutical ingredient) may
lead not only to its deterioration, with the associated physical and chemical changes, but also to the
risk of infection and poisoning to the user. Consequently, oral and topic pharmaceutical products
(capsules, tablets, suspensions, creams, etc.), which are not sterile, must be submitted to microbial
contamination controls.

Quality assurance and production controls must be such that the microorganisms capable of
proliferating and contaminating the product are within the limits specified. The microbial limits must
be adequate to several product categories that reflect the most likely type of contamination introduced
during the manufacturing, as well as the route of administration, the end consumer (neonates,
children, seniors, debilitated people), use of immunosuppressive agents, corticosteroids and other
factors. When assessing the results from microbiological tests, the number and types of
microorganisms present must be considered in the context of use of the product proposed.

The microbiological test of non-sterile products and pharmaceutical ingredients is conducted

according to the methodology described in Microbiological assays for non-sterile products (
and the acceptance limits are described on Table 1.

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Table 1 – Microbial limits for non-sterile products.

Total aerobic Total fungi
Route of administration bacteria count count CFU/g Study of pathogensb, c
CFU/g or mLa or mLa
1 Finished products of synthetic or biological natured
Aqueous for oral use 102 101 Absence of Escherichia coli in 1 g or mL.
Not aqueous for oral use 103 102 Absence of Escherichia coli in 1 g or mL.
For rectal use 10 102 -
For topical use (oral, nasal,
Absence of Staphylococcus aureus and
gingival, cutaneous, auricular 102 101
Pseudomonas aeruginosa in 1 g or mL.
Absence of Staphylococcus aureus,
For inhalation 102 101 Pseudomonas aeruginosa and bile-tolerant
Gram-negative bacterium in 1 g or mL.
Absence of Staphylococcus aureus,
For vaginal use 102 101 Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida
albicans in 1 g or mL.
Transdermal device (limit per Absence of Staphylococcus aureus and
102 101
unit) Pseudomonas aeruginosa/device.
2 Products of vegetable origind
2.1 Finished product
Absence of Escherichia coli and
For oral use, with active
Staphylococcus aureus in 1 g or mL.
ingredient that was submitted
104 102 Absence of Salmonella in 10 g or 10 mL.
to pre-treatment that reduces
Maximum limit of 102 bile-tolerant Gram-
the microbial burden.
negative bacteriume in 1 g or mL.
For oral use that will be Absence of Escherichia coli in 1 g or mL.
submitted to hot extraction Absence of Salmonella in 10 g or mL.
107 104
process (infusions or Maximum limit of 104 bile-tolerant Gram-
decoctions, for example) negative bacteriume in 1 g or mL.
For oral use, with active Absence of Escherichia coli in 1 g or mL.
ingredient that was not Absence of Salmonella in 10 g or mL.
105 103
submitted to pre-treatment that Maximum limit of 103 bile-tolerant Gram-
reduces the microbial burden. negative bacteriume in 1 g or mL.
Absence of Staphylococcus aureus,
For topical use (oral, nasal, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Clostridium in
gingival, cutaneous, auricular 102 101 1 g or mL. Maximum limit of 102 bile-
mucosa) tolerant Gram-negative bacteriume in 1 g
or mL.
Absence of Staphylococcus aureus,
For vaginal use 102 101 Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida
albicans in 1 g or mL.
Absence of Staphylococcus aureus,
For inhalation use 102 101 Pseudomonas aeruginosa and bile-tolerant
Gram-negative bacteriume in 1 g or mL.
2.2 Vegetable pharmaceutical ingredients
Herbal drug (scratched or Absence of Escherichia coli in 1 g or mL.
ground) that will be submitted Absence of Salmonella in 10 g or mL.
107 104
to pre-treatment that reduces Maximum limit of 103 bile-tolerant Gram-
the microbial burden. negative bacteriume in 1 g.
Herbal drug (scratched or Absence of Escherichia coli in 1 g. Absence
ground) that will not be of Salmonella in 10 g or mL.
105 103
submitted to pre-treatment that Maximum limit of 103 bile-tolerant Gram-
reduces the microbial burden. negative bacteriume in 1 g or mL.
Dry extract, fluid extract and Absence of Escherichia coli in 1 g or mL.
104 102
tincture Absence of Salmonella in 10 g or mL.

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Total aerobic Total fungi

Route of administration bacteria count count CFU/g Study of pathogensb, c
CFU/g or mLa or mLa
3 Products of animal or mineral origind
Absence of Escherichia coli and
Staphylococcus aureus in 1 g or mL.
For oral use 104 102 Absence of Salmonella in 10 g or 10 mL.
Maximum limit of 102 bile-tolerant Gram-
negative bacteriume in 1 g or mL.
Absence of Staphylococcus aureus and
For topical use 102 101
Pseudomonas aeruginosa in 1 g or mL.
4 Substances for pharmaceutical use
Absence of Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas
Raw materialf, galenic base 103 102 aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus in 1 g
or mL.
(a) A result that is twice the specification value is acceptable due to the higher variability of execution of tests for determination of bioburden.
However, when these values are found frequently, it is necessary to review the production process. Thus:
- 101 CFU: maximum acceptable value = 20
- 102 CFU: maximum acceptable value = 200
- 103 CFU: maximum acceptable value = 2000 and so forth.
(b) Results from bacteria and fungi counts within the acceptable limits do not exclude the need for studying pathogens.
(c) In addition to the microorganisms listed on the Table, the significance of other microorganisms recovered must be assessed taking into account:
- the product use: consider the route of administration to be used;
- the product nature: is the product susceptible to microbial growth?
- the user: consider the risk to neonates, babies and debilitated people.
(d) For products that fit more than one situation, the more restrictive limits will prevail.
(e) Other enterobacteria.
(f) For raw materials, the frequency of execution of tests for counting and identifying pathogens must be determined considering their susceptibility
to microbial contamination. Results from low water activity (equal to or below 0.75 measured at 25 °C), as well as high or low pH, reduce this

Based on historical data from microbiological monitoring tests, low microbial burden of the raw
material, aqueous composition, manufacturing process, formulation, the frequency of the test for
determining the microbial limit can be changed for the pharmaceutical dosage forms if they present
water activity (Aa) below 0.75 measured at 25 °C. For the correlates, consider as microbial limit the
ones expressed according to the route of application. MICROBIOLOGIAL ASSAYS FOR STERILE PRODUCTS STERILITY TEST

The sterility tests apply to pharmaceutical ingredients, medicines and health care products that,
according to the Pharmacopoeia, must be sterile, being adequate to reveal the presence of bacteria
and fungi. However, a satisfactory result indicates that a contaminant microorganism was not found
only on the sample examined.

Extending this result to what remains of the lot requires the security that all units from the same lot
have been prepared in order to ensure a high probability that the entire lot would be approved on the
test. Obviously, this depend on the precautions taken during the operational manufacturing processes,
according to Good Manufacturing Practices.


For conducting the sterility test, it is important that the people are adequately trained and qualified.

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The tests must be conducted under aseptic conditions using, for example, a Class II type A biosafety
cabinet, which must be installed in a clean area, with classification compatible with the environmental
control requires necessary for conducting the sterility test. For sterility tests on oncogenic drugs,
mutagenic drugs, antibiotics, hormones, steroids and others, the tests must be conducted in the class
II type B2 biosafety cabinet, which has an exhaust system external to the laboratory environment.

Tests must not be conducted under direct exposure to ultraviolet light or in areas under treatment with
aerosols. The conditions must be adequate in order to avoid accidental sample contamination during
the test, and also not affect the detection of possible contaminants. Environmental controls of the
work areas must be executed regularly (air and surface control, particle counts, determination of speed
and direction of air flow, among others).


The culture media used for sterility tests are Fluid thioglycolate medium and Soybean casein broth.
The first is used primarily for culture of anaerobic bacteria, although it may also detect the growth of
aerobic bacteria. The second is adequate for culture of yeasts, fungi and aerobic bacteria. The media
used must meet the requirements from Tests for promotion of growth of culture media. Prepare the
culture media as described below. Dehydrated formulations can also be used, and it is necessary to
demonstrate that, after reconstitution according to the manufacturer’s indications, the requirements
from Tests for promotion of growth of culture media are met. The culture media must be sterilized by
a validated process.

Fluid thioglycolate medium

L-cystine 0.5 g
Sodium chloride 2.5 g
Dextrose 5.5 g
Granulated agar (humidity not superior to 15%) 0.75 g
Yeast extract (soluble in water) 5.0 g
Casein obtained by pancreatic digestion 15.0 g
Sodium thioglycolate (or thioglycolic acid) 0.5 g (0.3 mL)
0.1% (w/v) resazurin sodium freshly prepared 1.0 mL
Purified water 1000 mL
pH of medium after sterilization 7.1 ± 0.2

Mix L-cystine, sodium chloride, dextrose, yeast extract and casein from pancreatic digestion with
1000 mL of purified water and heat until complete dissolution. Dissolve the sodium thioglycolate or
thioglycolic acid in this solution and adjust the pH with sodium hydroxide M so that, after the
sterilization, the solution pH is 7.1 ± 0.2. If there is need for filtration, heat the solution again, without
letting it reach ebullition, and filter, still warm, in a paper filter. Add the resazurin sodium solution,
homogenize and distribute in adequate vials. The medium must present a pink color on its surface
that does not exceed one third of the height of its liquid mass. In case of obtaining a medium with
pink color in more than one third of its liquid mass, restore the medium by a single heating in water
bath or in flowing vapor.

Sterilize employing a validated process. If it is not used immediately, store at temperature between 2
°C and 25 °C according to guidance from the manufacturer. Do not use the medium for a storage
period superior to the one it was validated for. The Fluid thioglycolate medium must be incubated at
(32.5 ± 2.5) °C under aerobic conditions.

Alternative fluid thioglycolate medium

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Proceed as described for Fluid thioglycolate medium without adding agar and resazurin sodium. The
pH after sterilization is 7.1 ± 0.2. The Alternative fluid thioglycolate medium must be incubated at
(32.5 ± 2.5) °C under anaerobic conditions.

Soybean casein broth

Casein from pancreatic digestion 17.0 g
Soybean flour from papain digestion 3.0 g
Sodium chloride 5.0 g
Dibasic potassium phosphate 2.5 g
Dextrose 2.5 g
Purified water 1000 mL
pH of medium after sterilization 7.3 ± 0.2

Dissolve all components in purified water, heating slowly. Cool down at room temperature and adjust
the pH with sodium hydroxide M so that, after sterilization, the solution pH is 7.3 ± 0.2. If necessary,
filter for medium clarification. Distribute in adequate vials and sterilize employing a validated
process. If it is not used immediately, store at temperature between (22.5 ± 2.5) °C or according to
guidance from the manufacturer. Do not use the medium for a storage period superior to the one it
was validated for. The Soybean casein broth must be incubated at (22.5 ± 2.5) °C under aerobic

Media for penicillins and cephalosporins

In cases when the culture media are used for the sterility test of penicillins and cephalosporins through
the direct inoculation method, the preparation of Fluid thioglycolate medium and of Soybean casein
broth must be modified as described below. Transfer, aseptically, to sterilized vials with each medium
a sufficient amount of β-lactamase to inactivate the antibiotic present in the sample. A representative
number of vials having medium with β-lactamase without sample must be incubated during the test
period (negative control). Positive controls must also be included to check if all the penicillin or
cephalosporin was inactivated. Proceed to the validation test for bacteriostasis and fungistasis, using
Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538) as test microorganism. The observation of typical microbial
growth is a confirmation that the concentration of β-lactamase used is adequate.


Usually, it is necessary to make adjustments to obtain a specific density of viable microbial cells (no
more than 100 CFU) in the culture medium. To establish a volume that has the recommended density
of cells, serial dilutions must be made from a stock suspension, proceeding to count in plates to
determine the microbial density obtained with each dilution.

If the procedure is properly standardized, it is possible to reproduce the results with the same
microbial strain.

It is recommendable to use subcultures of microorganism up to no more than five transfers, from the
original culture.

Note: the culture media used in the standardization of inoculum are the ones described in the chapter
Total count of the amount of mesophilic microorganisms ( for each microorganism.


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Using a cultivation loop, transfer the growth of the specific microorganism to a test tube with agar
slant indicated for its growth. Seed the culture over the surface of agar slant, in order to obtain an
uniform growth film. Incubate in optimal conditions for growth of the test microorganism.

As a suggestion of dilutions for the inoculum, after the period of incubation wash the microorganism
growth with 1 mL of 0.9% (w/v) sterile sodium chloride solution or 0.1% (w/v) or sterile peptone
water and transfer to a flask with 99 mL of 0.9% (w/v) sterile sodium chloride solution or 0.1% (w/v)
sterile peptone water – (stock suspension). Homogenize the suspension manually or in a vortex-type
tube shaker.

Prepare serial dilutions (1:100, 1:10000 and 1:1000000) from the stock suspension using 0.9% (w/v)
sterile sodium chloride solution or 0.1% (w/v) or sterile peptone water as diluent. Incorporate 1 mL
of each dilution in a solid medium that is adequate for the microorganism, previously molten and
cooled down at approximately 45 °C. Homogenize and incubate.

Proceed to counting the number of colonies that have developed in the solid medium and select, from
the results, the dilution to be used to obtain no more than of 100 CFU per culture medium vial.

Repeat the procedure for each microorganism used.

For preparing the fungal suspension, the 0.9% (w/v) sterile sodium chloride solution can be replaced
with sterile purified water.


The culture media used must comply with the tests described below, conducted before or in parallel
with the Sample sterility test.


To confirm the sterility, a sample that is representative of each lot of the medium must be incubated
in the conditions specified for 14 days. For a lot of up to 100 units, it is suggested that 3% to 5% of
the samples are submitted to the assay. For a bigger batch, 10 plates or tubes taken randomly must be
tested. There must not be microbial growth.

The existence of microbial growth renders the lot of medium useless for the sterility test.

Promotion of growth

Each lot of culture medium sterilized must be tested for its capacity to promote growth of
microorganisms. Inoculate, separately, in duplicate, tubes of each medium with a volume of inoculum
containing no more than 100 CFU of each microbial strain listed on Table 1 and incubate according
to the conditions specified for each medium. The test for promotion of growth is considered valid if
there is evidence of microbial growth, viewed by turbidity and/or by microscopic methods, after three
days of incubation of media inoculated with bacteria and after five days of incubation of media
inoculated with fungi.

Table 1 – Microorganisms indicated for use in tests for promotion of growth and validation.
Medium Microorganism Strain
Fluid thioglycolate Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538, NCTC 10788, NCIMB 9518, CIP 4.83, NBRC
medium 13276

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Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 9027, NCIMB 8626, CIP 82.118, NBRC 13275
Clostridium sporogenes ATCC 19404, NCTC 532, CIP 79.3 or ATCC 11437,
NCIMB 14239, CIP 100651, NBRC 14293
Alternative thioglycolate Clostridium sporogenes ATCC 19404, NCTC 532, CIP 79.3 or ATCC 11437,
NCIMB 14239, CIP 100651, NBRC 14293
Soybean casein broth Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633, NCIMB 8054, CIP 52.62, NBRC 3134
Candida albicans ATCC 10231, NCPF 3179, IP 48.72, NBRC 1594
Aspergillus brasiliensis ATCC 16404, IMI 149007, IP 1431.83, NBRC 9455

Bacteroides vulgatus (ATCC 8482, NCTC 11154) can be used alternatively to Clostridium
sporogenes, when it is not necessary to use a sporulated microorganism.

An alternative to Staphylococcus aureus is the Bacillus subtilis (ATCC 6633, CIP 52.62, NBRC 3134,
NCIMB 8054, NCTC 10400).

An alternative microorganism to Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the Kocuria rhizophila (ATCC 9341,

CIP 53.65, NCTC 8340).


If the media prepared are stored in non-hermetically closed vials, they can be used for one month,
provided that they are tested for promotion of growth within 15 days from the time of use and that
they meet the requisite for the color indicator.

If the media are stored in hermetically closed vials, they can be used for one year, provided that they
are tested for promotion of growth within three months from the time of use and that they meet the
requisite for the color indicator.


Fluid I
Peptone from meat 1.0 g
Purified water 1000 mL
pH after sterilization 7.1 ± 0.2

Dissolve the peptone from meat in purified water, filter or centrifuge for medium clarification, if
necessary, and adjust the pH to 7.1 ± 0.2. Distribute in adequate vials and sterilize employing a
validated process.

Preparation for penicillins or cephalosporins. For conducting the assay on sterility of penicillins or
cephalosporins through the membrane filtration method, add, aseptically, to the sterilized Fluid I a
sufficient amount of β-lactamase to inactivate any residual antibiotic activity in the membrane after
filtering the sample.

Fluid II
For every liter of Fluid I, add 1 mL of polysorbate 80 before the sterilization. Adjust the pH to 7.1 ±
0.2. Distribute in adequate vials and sterilize employing a validated process. Use this fluid for
products that have lecithin or oil and for healthcare products.

Fluid III

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Peptone from meat 5.0 g

Meat extract 3.0 g
Polysorbate 80 10.0 g
Purified water q.s.p. 1000 mL
pH after sterilization 6.9 ± 0.2

Homogenize all components and heat, slowly, until dissolution. Filter, if necessary, and adjust the pH
to obtain, after the sterilization, the value of 6.9 ± 0.2. Distribute in adequate vials and sterilize
employing a validated process.


Before establishing a procedure for the test on sterility of pharmaceutical ingredients, medicines or
healthcare products, it is necessary to ensure that any bacteriostatic or fungistatic activity inherent to
the product has no adverse influence over the test reliability, demonstrating that the procedure
employed is adequate for the product being examined.

The test of validation for bacteriostasis and fungistasis must be conducted when the sterility test is
executed for the first time for a product and whenever there are modifications in the product
formulation and/or in the experimental conditions of the test. The validation must be done before the
test on sterility of the product being examined.


To conduct the validation test, proceed as described in Procedures for the sterility test, employing
exactly the same methods, except for the following modifications.

Note: for both methods described below, use the microorganisms previously specified (Table 1).
Conduct tests on Promotion of growth as positive control. Incubate all vials with the media for no
more than five days.

Membrane filtration method. After transferring content from the vial(s) to be tested (as specified on
Table 3) for the filtration device, add no more than 100 CFU of the test microorganism to the last aliquot
of the sterile filter used for membrane washing.

Direct inoculation method. After transferring the content from the vial(s) to be tested (as specified on
Table 3) to vials with the culture media, add no more than 100 CFU of the test microorganisms to
the media.


If the growth of microorganisms obtained after incubation is visibly comparable with the one obtained
on positive control (vial without addition of sample), the sample does not present antimicrobial
activity under the test conditions or such activity was satisfactorily eliminated. The sterility test can
then be conducted without the need for modifications.

If the growth of microorganisms is not obtained in the presence of sample, or if it is not visibly
comparable with the one obtained on positive controls, the sample presents antimicrobial activity that
was not satisfactorily eliminated under the test conditions. In this case, modifications must be made
in the test conditions to eliminate the antimicrobial activity, such as dilution, use of neutralizing
substances, increase in the number of washes on the membrane filtration method, or a combination

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

of them. The validation test must be repeated to check if the antimicrobial activity was eliminated by
the modification proposed.


The sterility test can be conducted using the membrane filtration or direct inoculation methods
according to the nature of the product, except when one of the methods is specified in the individual
monograph. In both cases, appropriate negative controls must be included.

Before proceeding to the test, make the asepsis of the external surface of vials and ampoules, dipping
them into an adequate antiseptic solution, or employing other procedures for external disinfection of
vessels, such as, for example, hydrogen peroxide vapors. In case of articles which packages do not
resist this treatment, make the asepsis of samples with a fabric that does not release particles, soaked
in antiseptic solution.


If not specified in the individual monograph, test the number of units of the sample as listed on Table
2. If the sample units present content in sufficient amount (Table 3), the content from each unit can
be divided into two equal portions for each type of culture medium used. If the sample units do not
present content in sufficient amount for each medium, separate double the number of units specified
on Table 2 for conducting the test.

Table 2 – Minimum number of units to be tested due to the lot size.

Number of units from the lot Minimum number of units to be testeda,b
Parenteral preparations
Up to 100 10% or 4 units (whichever is highest)
Above 100 to 500 10 units
Above 500 2% or 20 units (whichever is lowest)
Parenteral with large volume 2% or 10 units (whichever is lowest)
Solid antibiotics
Vials with capacity < 5 g 20 units
Vials with capacity ≥ 5 g 6 units
Ophthalmic and other non-injectable preparations
Up to 200 5% or 2 units (whichever is highest)
Above 200 10 units
Product presented in single-dose package apply the same recommended for parenteral preparations
Healthcare products
Up to 100 10% or 4 units (whichever is highest)
Above 100 to 500 10 units
Above 500 2% or 20 units (whichever is lowest)
Bulk solid products
Up to 4 each unit
Above 4 to 50 20% or 4 units (whichever is highest)
Above 50 2% or 10 units (whichever is highest)
Surgical medical devices
Catgut and other sutures 2% or 5 packages (whichever is highest) up to a maximum of
20 packages
Up to 100 10% or 4 units (whichever is highest)
Above 100 to 500 10 units
Above 500 2% or 20 units (whichever is highest)

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

sampling specified considering that the content of a vessel is sufficient to inoculate both culture media.
for raw materials, the satisfactory sampling can be based on the square root of the total number of vessels in the lot.

Table 3 – Minimum amounts to be used for each culture medium.

Minimum volume to be inoculated in each medium
Amount per vessel
Liquids (non-antibiotic)
less than 1 mL the entire content
from 1 to 40 mL half the content, but no less than 1 mL
above 40 mL up to 100 mL 20 mL
above 100 mL 10% of the product content, but no less than 20 mL
Antibiotics (liquids) 1 mL
Other preparations soluble in water or in solvent like total content, but no less than 0.2 g
isopropyl myristate
Insoluble creams and pomades to be suspended and total content, but no less than 0.2 g
emulsified, total content, but no less than 0.2 g
less than 0.05 g the entire content
above 0.05 g up to 0.3 g half the content, but no less than 0.05 g
above 0.3 g up to 5 g 0.15 g
above 5 g 0.5 g
Healthcare products
surgical sutures three parts of the thread (30 cm of length each)
surgical medical tape/gauze/cotton in multiple package 0.1 g per package
sutures and other materials in individual packages the entire material
other medical correlates the entire material cut in pieces, or disassembled


Use filtering membranes with nominal porosity of no more than 0.45 μm which efficiency in retaining
microorganisms has been established. Cellulose nitrate filters, for example, are used for aqueous, oily
and weakly alcoholic solutions, and cellulose acetate membranes, for strongly alcoholic membranes,
for example. Specially adapted filters can be requested for certain products, such as antibiotics.

For extremely aggressive oncologic products – replace the cellulose ester membrane with
polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) or polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE).

The procedures described below apply to membranes with diameter of approximately 50 mm. If filters
with different diameters are used, the volumes of dilutions and washes must be adjusted according to
the diameter of the membrane used. The filtration device and the membrane are sterilized by an
adequate process. The device has such a setup that the solution to be examined can be introduced and
filtered under aseptic conditions. The filtration device must also allow the aseptic removal of the
membrane for its transfer to the culture medium, or be adequate for proceeding with the incubation
after adding the culture medium to the own device. The type of fluid used in membrane washing
depends on the product nature, being specified in the individual monograph, whenever it is the case.

Negative controls or blanks must be included for the fluids and solvents used, for which no microbial
growth must be observed. It is also necessary to verify if the fluids used do not present antimicrobial
activity in the test conditions.

Liquids miscible in aqueous vehicles: transfer a small amount of sterile diluent, such as Fluid I, to the
membrane and filter. The diluent must have neutralizing or inactivating substances, such as in the

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

case of antibiotics. Transfer to the membrane the contents from the vessels to be tested or the
appropriate dilution (previously defined in the Validation test for bacteriostasis and fungistasis) in
amounts not inferior to the ones recommended on Tables 2 and 3 and filter immediately. If the
product presents antimicrobial activity, wash the membrane no less than three times, filtering, each
time, the volume of sterile diluent established on Validation test for bacteriostasis and fungistasis.
The amount of washing fluid used must not be superior to five portions of 200 mL, even if during the
validation test it has been demonstrated that such washing cycle does not completely eliminate the
antimicrobial activity. Transfer the entire membrane or cut, aseptically, in two equal parts, to the
media selected, being one half to each. Use the same volumes of medium used in the validation test.
Incubate the media for no less than 14 days.

Oils and oily solutions: use, for each culture medium, the amount of sample specified on Tables 2
and 3. Oils and oily solutions with low viscosity can be filtered without dilution through the dry
membrane. Viscous oils must be diluted in adequate sterile solvent, such as, for example, isopropyl
myristate, provided that it is demonstrated they don’t have antimicrobial activity in the test conditions.
Let the oil penetrate in the membrane, filter using vacuum gradually. Wash the membrane with no
less than three portions of Fluid III. Carry on as described in Liquids miscible in aqueous vehicles.

Pomades and creams: use, for each culture medium, the amount of sample specified on Tables 2 and
3. Pomades with oily base and emulsion of the water in oil type can be diluted to 1.0% in adequate
solvent (isopropyl myristate or another) as describe din the previous item, heating, if necessary, at 40
°C (in exceptional cases, heat up to no more than 44 °C). Filter, as quickly as possible, and carry on
as described in Oils and oily solutions. In case of using isopropyl myristate as diluent, provided that
demonstrated it has no antimicrobial activity in the test conditions, it must be sterilized before use,
by membrane filtration, and its aqueous extract must present pH not below 6.5.

Soluble solids (non-antibiotics): use, for each culture medium, the amount of sample specified on
Tables 2 and 3. Dissolve the product in adequate fluid, such as Fluid I, and carry on as described in
Liquids miscible in aqueous vehicles.

Solids for injectable preparations (non-antibiotics):reconstitute the product as described on the label
and proceed as described for Liquids miscible in aqueous vehicles or Oils and oily solutions, depending
on the case. If necessary, excess diluent can be used to help in the product reconstitution and filtration.

Solid antibiotics for injectable preparations: for packages with less than 5 g, take aseptically, from
each one of the 20 vials recommended, approximately 0.3 g of sample, dissolve in 200 mL of Fluid I
and homogenize. Alternatively, reconstitute the product as described on the label, transfer the
equivalent, in liquid, to 0.3 g of sample and dilute to 200 mL with Fluid I. For packages with 5 g or
more, transfer aseptically, from every six vessels, 1 g of sample to an adequate vial, dissolve in
200 mL of Fluid I and homogenize.

Alternatively, reconstitute the six vials of product as recommended by the manufacturer, transfer an
amount of liquid equivalent to 1 g of sample to an adequate vial, dilute to 200 mL with Fluid I and
homogenize. Carry on as described in Liquids miscible in aqueous vehicles.

Sterile aerosols: for pressurized liquid products, freeze the content in a mixture of ethyl alcohol and
dry ice at no less than -20 °C, for approximately one hour. If possible, before opening the package,
let the propellent escape and transfer the content aseptically to an adequate sterile vial. Add 100 mL
of Fluid II and softly homogenize. Carry on as described in Liquids miscible in aqueous vehicles or
Oils and oily solutions, according to the case.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

Syringes already filled, with or without a coupled needle: expel the content from each syringe over
the membrane(s) or in separate vials and then filter. Carry on as described in Liquids miscible in
aqueous vehicles.

Sterile devices: Pass aseptically one volume of Fluid II not inferior to 10% of the volume of each unit
from the total of devices to be tested as established on Tables 2 and 3. Collect the fluid in an adequate
sterile vessel and proceed as indicated for liquids miscible in aqueous vehicles or aqueous solutions
of oils and oily solutions, according to the case. In the case of sterile empty syringes, extract the sterile
diluent from the vessel with the sterile needle, if coupled, or through a sterile needle coupled to
proceed with the assay, and expel the content in a sterile vessel. Proceed as indicated previously.


Transfer, directly and aseptically, to the culture media the amount of product specified on Tables 2
and 3, in such a way that the product volume is not higher than 10% of the culture medium volume,
unless specified differently in the individual monograph or in this section. If the sample presents
antimicrobial activity, conduct the test after neutralizing the activity with an adequate neutralizing
substance or by dilution in sufficient amount of culture medium. When it is necessary to use large
volumes of the product, it is possible to work with concentrated culture medium, prepared taking into
account the dilution subsequent to the product addition. If the vessels can handled it, the concentrated
medium can be added directly to the sample.

Non-oily liquids: transfer the indicated volume of each sample according to Table 3 to tubes
containing fluid thioglycolate medium and soybean casein broth, using a sterile pipette or sterile
syringe and needle. Homogenize the liquid with the medium, without aerating excessively. Incubate
in the conditions specified for each medium for 14 days.

Oily liquids: use a culture medium with appropriate emulsifying agent in a concentration shown to
be adequate in the validation, for example, 1.0 (w/v) polysorbate 80.

Pomades and creams: prepare a sample dilution at 10% using an adequate emulsifying agent added
to a sterile diluent such as Fluid I. Transfer the diluted sample to culture media without emulsifier.
Incubate the inoculated media for no less than 14 days. Observe the media throughout the incubation
period. Homogenize, softly, the culture medium vials with oil, every day, throughout the incubation
period. The vials with Liquid thioglycolate medium or another similar medium must be agitated in
order to not affect the anaerobiosis conditions.

Solids: transfer the amount of sample specified on Tables 2 and 3 or prepare a solution or suspension
of the product adding a volume not superior to 20 mL of sterile diluent to the vessel. Transfer the
material obtained to 200 mL of Fluid thioglycolate medium. Likewise, transfer the same amount of
material to 200 mL of Soybean casein broth and homogenize. Carry on as described for Non-oily

Catgut and other surgical sutures: For each medium, use the amount of sample specified on Tables
2 and 3. Open the package aseptically and take three portions of threat for each culture medium. Such
portions must be taken from the beginning, the middle and the end and have 30 cm of length. Cover
each part of the thread with sufficient volume of the media (20 mL to 150 mL).

Purified cotton, gauze, bandage and related material: take from each package of cotton, gauze in roll
or in bandage to be analyzed, with sterile instruments, two portions of 0.1 g to 0.5 g from the
innermost parts of the sample. For materials in individual package, such as gauze pad, take two
individual portions of 0.25 g to 0,5 g, or two total units, in case of small units (e.g.: bandages smaller
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

than 25 mm to 75 mm). Transfer one portion to a tube with 40 mL of Fluid thioglycolate medium and
the other to tubes with 40 mL of Soybean casein broth. Carry on as described for Liquids.

Parenteral devices: For devices in shapes and dimensions that allow their immersion in volume of
medium that does not exceed 1000 mL, make their immersion using the amounts specified on Tables
2 and 3 and proceed as described in Liquids. For very large devices, make the immersion of parts that
come into contact with the patient in a sufficient volume of medium for immersion of all parts. For
catheters which internal and external lumens must be sterile, pass the medium inside the lumen or fill
the lumen with the medium and promote the immersion of the entire device.


During the period of incubation and until its end, examine the media for macroscopic evidence of
microbial growth. If the sample being examined causes turbidity of culture media, preventing the
observation of microbial growth, transfer adequate portions from each vial (no less than 1 mL) to new
vials of the same media 14 days after the beginning of incubation. Incubate the original vials and the
new vials by an additional period of no less than four days. If, at the end of the incubation period,
there is no evidence of microbial growth, the sample being examined complies with the requirement
of sterility. If there is evidence of microorganism growth, the sample does not comply with the
requirement of sterility, unless there is evident fault during the test execution, such as, for example,
contamination not related to the product being analyzed.

The sterility test may be considered invalid if one or more of the following conditions are met.

a) the data on microbiological monitoring of the area where the test was conducted demonstrate fault;
b) a review of the analytical procedures employed during the test reveals fault; c) microbial growth
is observed in negative controls; d) after identification of microorganism(s) isolated from the test, the
growth of such species can be attributed, undoubtfully, to faults related to the material used and/or
techniques employed in the execution of the sterility test.

If considered invalid, the sterility test must be repeated with the same number of units from the initial
test. If, after the test repetition, no microbial growth is observed, the sample complies with the
requirement of sterility. If microbial growth is observed after the test repetition, the sample being
examined does not comply with the requirement of sterility.

Conventional microbiological/biochemical techniques are usually satisfactory for identification of

microorganisms recovered in a sterility test. In the case of considering only that, after determining
the identity of microorganisms isolated in the test, the growth of such species can be undoubtfully
attributed to faults concerning the material and/or technique used in the procedure from the sterility
assay, it may be necessary to employ more sensitive techniques to demonstrate that the
microorganism isolated in the product is identical to the one isolated in materials or in the
environment. While the routine microbiological/biochemical identification techniques may
demonstrate that two isolates are not identical, these methods may not be sufficiently sensitive or
reliable to provide unequivocal evidence that two isolates come from a single source. Molecular
methods can be employed to determine if two microorganisms belong to the same clone and have an
origin in common.



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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

When employing the membrane filtration technique, use, whenever possible, the entire content of the
vessel, but no less than the amount indicated on Tables 2 and 3, diluting, when necessary, to
approximately 100 mL with an adequate sterile solution, such as Fluid I.

When employing the direct inoculation technique, use the amounts indicated on Tables 2 and 3,
unless authorized and justified otherwise. The tests for bacteria and fungi are conducted with the same
unit of sample being examined. When the volume or amount in a single vessel is insufficient for
conducting the test, the contents from two or more vessels are used to inoculate the different media.


Due to the fast radioactive decay, it is not feasible to delay the release of some pharmaceutical
products because of the sterility test.

In such cases, the results from sterility tests provide only confirmatory retrospective evidence for
guarantee of sterility and, therefore, depend on the initial methods established in the manufacturing
and in the validation/certification procedures. MICROBIOLOGICAL ASSAY OF ANTIBIOTICS

The potency or activity of a product with antibiotic is determined by comparing the dose that inhibits
the growth of a susceptible microorganism in relation to the dose of a standard substance or biological
preparation of reference of the antibiotic that produces similar inhibition.


International Unit is the specific activity included in an amount (mass) of International Biological
/Standard or International Biological Reference Preparation. The equivalent amount of units for
international use is established, whenever necessary, by the World Health Organization.

International Chemical Reference Substances do not present defined biological activity units. When
biological assays are necessary, the potency of these products is in terms of mass equivalent to the
one from the pure substance.

The number of units, or the equivalent mass of the pure substance, in micrograms, contained in 1 mg
of antibiotic substance is indicated in the monograph from each of the products registered in the

For microbiological assays registered in the Pharmacopoeia, Standard Preparations (Primary

Standards) are the International Standards and Reference Preparations established by the World
Health Organization and by the European Pharmacopoeia or the Brazilian Standards and Reference
Preparations. Other adequate preparations, of current international use, in which the potency has been
determined in relation to the standard preparations from the World Health Organization, have
identical legal value.

It is recommended that (secondary) work standards are prepared and used; however, it is mandatory
that the potency has been determined by an adequate number of comparative assays in relation to a
primary or pharmacopoeial standard, validated by appropriate statistical analysis, and that the data
and results are archived and made available to the relevant inspection for a period that is identical to
the one of the validity of tested products.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

For assay on lots of antibiotic substances or which there are national Standard Preparations,
referenced by international organizations, it is mandatory to use these preparations.


Solution 1 (potassium phosphate buffer 1.0%, sterile, pH 6.0) – Dissolve 2.0 g of dibasic
potassium phosphate and 8 g of monobasic potassium phosphate in 800 mL of purified water. If
necessary, adjust the pH to 5.9 – 6.1 with 6 M phosphoric acid or 10 M or potassium hydroxide,
complete the volume to 1000 mL with water and homogenize. Sterilize the solution for 20 minutes in
autoclave at 121 °C.

Solution 2 (potassium phosphate buffer 0.1 M, sterile, pH 8.0) – Dissolve 16.73 g of dibasic
potassium phosphate and 0.523 g of monobasic potassium phosphate in 800 mL of purified water. If
necessary, adjust the pH to 7.9 – 8.1 with 6 M phosphoric acid or 10 M potassium hydroxide, complete
the volume to 1000 mL with water and homogenize. Sterilize the solution for 20 minutes in autoclave
at 121 °C.

Solution 3 (potassium phosphate buffer 0.1 M, sterile, pH 4.5) – Dissolve 13.6 g of monobasic
potassium phosphate in 800 mL of purified water. If necessary, adjust the pH to 4.4 – 4.5 with 6 M
phosphoric acid or 10 M potassium hydroxide, complete the volume to 1000 mL with water and
homogenize. Sterilize the solution for 20 minutes in autoclave at 121 °C.

Solution 4 (potassium phosphate buffer 10%, sterile, pH 6.0) – Dissolve 20.0 g of dibasic
potassium phosphate and 80.0 g of monobasic potassium phosphate in 800 mL of purified water. If
necessary, adjust the pH to 5.9 – 6.1 with 6 M phosphoric acid or 10 M potassium hydroxide, complete
the volume to 1000 mL with water and homogenize. Sterilize the solution for 20 minutes in autoclave at 121

Solution 5 (potassium phosphate buffer 0.2 M, sterile, pH 10.5) – Dissolve 35.0 g of dibasic
potassium phosphate and add 2.0 g of potassium hydroxide 10 M in 800 mL of purified water. If
necessary, adjust the pH to 10.4 – 10.6 with 6 M phosphoric acid or 10 M potassium hydroxide,
complete the volume to 1000 mL with water and homogenize. Sterilize the solution for 20 minutes in
autoclave at 121 °C.

Solution 6 (0.1 M methanolic hydrochloric acid) – Dilute 10.0 mL of hydrochloric acid 1.0 M in
sufficient methyl alcohol to make 1000 mL.

Solution 7 (isopropyl alcohol solution 80%) – Dilute 800 mL of isopropyl alcohol in sufficient
purified water to make 1000 mL.

Solution 8 (potassium phosphate buffer 0.1 M, sterile, pH 7.0) – Dissolve 13.6 g of dibasic
potassium phosphate and 4.0 g of monobasic potassium monobasic in 800 mL of purified water. If
necessary, adjust the pH to 6.8 – 7.2 with 6 M phosphoric acid or 10 M potassium hydroxide, complete
the volume to 1000 mL with water and homogenize. Sterilize the solution for 20 minutes in autoclave
at 121 °C.


Dehydrated culture media, commercially available, which have the same composition as the medium
produced with the ingredients individually indicated for obtaining them when reconstituted with
purified water, according to specifications from the manufacturer, can be used.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

Culture medium n. 1 – Dissolve 6.0 g of dry peptone, 4.0 g of casein from pancreatic digestion,3.0 g
of yeast extract, 1.0 g of dextrose and 15.0 g of agar in sufficient purified water to make 1000 mL.
The pH after sterilization must be 6.6.

Culture medium n. 2 – Dissolve 6.0 g of dry peptone, 3.0 g of yeast extract, 1.5 g of meat extract
and 15.0 g of agar in sufficient purified water to make 1000 mL. The pH after sterilization must be

Culture medium n. 3 – Dissolve 5.0 g of dry peptone, 1.5 g of yeast extract, 1.5 g of meat extract,
2.5 g of sodium chloride, 1.0 g of dextrose, 3.68 g of dibasic potassium phosphate and 1.32 g of
monobasic potassium phosphate, in sufficient purified water to make 1000 mL. The pH after
sterilization must be 7.0.

Culture medium n. 4 – Dissolve 6.0 g of dry peptone, 3.0 g of yeast extract, 1.5 g of meat extract,
1.0 g of D-glucose and 15.0 g of agar in sufficient purified water to make 1000 mL. The pH after
sterilization must be 6.6.

Culture medium n. 5 – Use culture medium n. 2, but the pH after sterilization must be 7.8.

Culture medium n. 6 – Dissolve 40.0 g of dextrose and 10.0 g of dry peptone in sufficient purified
water to make 1000 mL. The pH after sterilization must be 5.6.

Culture medium n. 7 – Use culture medium n. 1, sterilized and cooled down at 50 °C. Prepare
aqueous solution with 10 mg of neomycin per mL and sterilize by membrane filtration on membrane
with porosity of 0.22 μm. Add, aseptically, a sterile solution of neomycin sulfate, to obtain final
concentration with potency of 100 μg of neomycin per mL of medium.

Culture medium n. 8 – Use culture medium n. 2, but the pH after sterilization must be adjusted to
5.8 to 6.0.

Culture medium n. 9 – Dissolve 17.0 g of casein from pancreatic digestion, 3.0 g of soybean from
papain digestion, 5.0 g of sodium chloride, 2.5 g of dibasic potassium phosphate, 2.5 g of dextrose
and 20.0 g of agar in sufficient purified water to make 1000 mL. The pH after sterilization must be

Culture medium n. 10 – Use culture medium n. 9, but adding, instead of 20.0 g, 12.0 g of agar and
10.0 mL of polysorbate 80 (the latter added after heating the medium to dissolve agar, immediately
diluting with water to make 1000 mL). The pH after sterilization must be 7.3.

Culture medium n. 11 – Use culture medium n. 1, but the pH after sterilization must be adjusted to

Culture medium n. 12 – Prepare like culture medium n. 1, but adding 300 mg of manganese sulfate
monohydrate (MnSO4.H2O) for every 1000 mL of medium.

Culture medium n. 13 – Dissolve 10.0 g of dry peptone and 20.0 g of dextrose in sufficient purified
water to make 1000 mL. The pH after sterilization must be 5.6.

Culture medium n. 14 – Dissolve 10.0 g of glycerol, 10.6 g of dry peptone, 10.6 g of meat extract
and 3.0 g of sodium chloride in sufficient purified water to make 1000 mL. The pH after sterilization
must be 7.0.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

Culture medium n. 15 – Prepare like culture medium n. 14, but adding 17.0 mg of agar for every
1000 mL of medium.

Culture medium n. 16 – Dissolve 15.0 g of casein from pancreatic digestion, 5.0 g of soybean from
papain digestion, 5 g of sodium chloride and 15.0 g of agar in sufficient purified water to make
1000 mL. The pH after sterilization must be 7.3.

Culture medium n. 17 – Dissolve 17.0 g of casein from pancreatic digestion, 3.0 g of soybean
peptone, 2,5 g of dextrose, 5.0 g of sodium chloride and 2.5 g of dibasic potassium phosphate in
sufficient purified water to make 1000 mL. The pH after sterilization must be 7.3.

Culture medium n. 18 – Use culture medium n. 11, but, after heating the solution to dissolve the
ingredients, add 20.0 mL of polysorbate 80. The pH after sterilization must be 8.0.

Culture medium n. 19 – Dissolve 9.4 g of dry peptone, 4.7 g of yeast extract, 2.4 g of meat extract,
15.0 g of sodium chloride, 10.0 g of dextrose and 23.5 g of agar in sufficient purified water to make
1000 mL. The pH after sterilization must be 6.1.

Culture medium n. 20 – Dissolve 40.0 g of dextrose, 10.0 g of dry peptone, 15.0 g of agar and 0.05
g of chloramphenicol (in potency) in sufficient purified water to make 1000 mL. The pH after
sterilization must be 5.6.

Culture medium n. 21 – Use culture medium n. 20, sterilized and cooled down at 50 °C. Add,
aseptically, 2.0 mL of sterile cycloheximide solution for every 100 mL of melted agar. Prepare a
solution with 10,0 mg of cycloheximide per mL, in purified water, and sterilize by membrane
filtration in membrane with porosity of 0.22 μm.

Culture medium n. 22 – Dissolve 15.0 g of dry peptone, 5.0 g of soybean flour from papain
digestion, 4.0 g of sodium chloride, 0.2 g of sodium sulfite, 0.7 g of L-cystine, 5.5 g of dextrose and
15.0 g of agar in sufficient purified water to make 1000 mL. The pH after sterilization must be 7.0.


Recommended microorganisms

• Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538p)

• Micrococcus yunnanensis (ATCC 7468)
• Kocuria rhizophila (ATCC 9341)
• Staphylococcus epidermidis (ATCC 12228)
• Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ATCC 9763)
• Bordetella bronchiseptica (ATCC 4617)
• Bacillus cereus var. mycoides (ATCC 11778)
• Bacillus subtilis (ATCC 6633)
• Klebsiella pneumoniae (ATCC 10031)
• Escherichia coli (ATCC 10536)
• Enterococcus hirae (ATCC 10541)
• Micrococcus luteus (ATCC 10240)
• Microsporum gypseum (ATCC 14683)
• Saccharomyces kudriavzevii (ATCC 2601)
• Micrococcus luteus (ATCC 14452)
• Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 25619)
• Mycobacterium smegmatis (ATCC 607)
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

For indication purposes, the microorganisms available on the ATCC were listed. The same
microorganisms can also be obtained from other sources: CIP, NBRC, NCIMB, NCPF, NCTC,
NCYC, IMI and IP. The matching between the microorganisms and the addresses from entities that
provide them is indicated in Microorganisms used in tests and assays (

Procedure 1 – Staphylococcus aureus, Micrococcus luteus, Kocuria rhizophila, Staphylococcus

epidermidis, Bordetella bronchiseptica, Bacillus subtilis, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli
and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Preparation of suspension: transfer the microorganism from a stock culture to tubes with 10 mL of
slant culture medium n. 1. Incubate the tube at 32 °C to 35 °C, for 24 hours. After the incubation,
wash the microorganism growth with 50 mL of the sterile physiological solution.

Standardization of the suspension: dilute the suspension prepared, with sterile physiological solution,
to obtain the transmittance of 25% at the wavelength of 580 nm, using an adequate spectrophotometer
and test tubes with 13 mm of diameter as absorption vat. Determine the amount of suspension to be
added to each 100 mL of agar or nutrient broth to produce clear and defined inhibition zones or a
satisfactory dose/response relationship in the turbidimetric method. The suspensions of
microorganisms submitted to procedure 1 can be stocked at temperature of 4 °C, respectively, for the
following periods: one week, two weeks, two weeks, two weeks, two weeks, six months, one week,
two weeks, and two weeks.

Micrococcus luteus ATCC 14452. Execute as indicated on Procedure 1. However, employ on the tube
with slant medium and on the Roux bottle the culture medium n. 7, incubating the vial for 48 hours.
The suspension can be stocked for two weeks, at temperature not superior to 4 °C.

Procedure 2 – Bacillus subtillis.

Execute as indicated on Procedure 1. However, in the preparation of the suspension, use culture
medium n. 12, which incubation time is of five days. In the standardization of suspension, proceed to
thermal shock and standardize the suspension as follows: centrifuge and decant the supernatant liquid.
Resuspend the sediment with 50 mL to 70 mL of sterile physiological solution and heat the
suspension for 30 minutes at 70 °C. Execute tests in plates, to ensure the viability of spores, and
determine the amount that must be added to every 100 mL of medium, to obtain adequate inhibition
zones. The suspension can be stocked for six months, at temperature not superior to 4 °C.

Procedure 3 – Bacillus cereus.

Execute as indicated on Procedure 1. However, incubate the tube with the microorganism for one
week. In the standardization of suspension, proceed to thermal shock and standardize the suspension
as follows: heat the suspension for 30 minutes, at 80 °C. Wash the suspension of spores three times
with 20 mL to 25 mL of sterile water. Resuspend the microorganisms in 50 mL to 70 mL of sterile
water and promote a new thermal shock for 30 minutes at 70 °C. Execute tests in plates, to ensure the
viability of spores, and determine the amount that must be added to every 100 mL of agar, to obtain
adequate inhibition zones. The suspension can be stocked for six months, at temperature not superior
to 4 °C.

Procedure 4 – Microsporum gypseum.

Incubate the microorganism for six to eight weeks, at 25 °C, in three-liter Erlenmeyer flasks with
200 mL of culture medium n. 6. Check the growth by sporulation. When the sporulation is 80% or
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

more, collect the conidia from the mycelium layer with a sterile spatula or another adequate
instrument. The conidia will be on the upper part of the floating layer. Keep the conidia in 50 mL of
physiological solution. Determine, experimentally, the amount of conidia for the assay. The
suspension can be stocked for two months, at temperature not superior to 4 °C.

Procedure 5 – Enterococcus hirae.

Transfer the microorganism from a stock culture to medium n. 33 and incubate, for 16 to 18 hours, at
37 °C. Determine, experimentally, the amount of microorganisms for the assay. Keep this culture
under refrigeration for no more than 24 hours.

Procedure 6 – Saccharomyces cerevisiae. (ATCC 9763).

Keep the microorganism in tubes with 10 mL of slant culture medium n. 19. Incubate the tubes at 32
°C to 35 °C, for 24 hours. Inoculate 100 mL of nutrient broth — culture medium n. 13 — and incubate,
for 16 to 18 hours, at 37 °C. Standardize the suspension as described in the Procedure
1. The suspension can be stocked for four weeks, at temperature not superior to 4 °C.

Procedure 7 – Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ATCC 9763) and Saccharomyces kudriavzevii (ATCC


Follow what is indicated on Procedure 1. However, incubate the slant tube with the culture medium
n. 19, at 30 °C, the latter for a period of 48 hours. The suspension can be stocked for four weeks, at
temperature not superior to 4 °C.

Procedure 8 – Mycobacterium smegmatis.

Keep the microorganisms in tubes with slant medium with 10 mL of culture medium n. 16 and re-
plate every week. Incubate the tube at 37 °C, for 48 hours. Using 3 mL of sterile physiological
solution, transfer the cultures that grew on agar slant to a 500 mL Erlenmeyer flask, with 100 mL of
culture medium n. 14 and 50 g of glass beads. Homogenize the culture by rotation speed of 130 cycles
per minute, in a radius of 3.5 cm and at temperature of 27 °C, for a period of five days. Determine
the amount of suspension to be added to every 100 mL of agar through assay on plates. The suspension
can be stocked for two weeks at temperature not superior to 4 °C.

* the microorganisms can be used in conditions that ensure no more than five passages of the culture
of origin.


Employ for desiccation of standards the procedures indicated below, and recommended according to
the information described on Table 2 in and

Method 1: transfer a sufficient amount of standard for a tared weighing bottle with a ground cap.
Weigh the bottle and put it in an oven under reduced pressure, tilting the cap over the bottle mouth to
ensure it remains open during the desiccation. Desiccate at 60 °C, under pressure of 0.67 kPa or less,
for three hours. With the process concluded, introduce dry air into the oven, submitting it to a
desiccating agent such as sulfuric acid or silica gel. Put the cap back on and put the weighing bottle
in a desiccator with a desiccating agent such as phosphorus pentoxide or silica gel. Let it cool down
at room temperature and weigh, calculating the percentage of loss of mass from the standard.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

Method 2: proceed according to Method 1. However, use a tared weighing bottle with a cap with
capillary tube with 0.20 mm to 0.25 mm of internal diameter, and desiccate without removing the

Method 3: proceed according to Method 1. However, desiccate the sample at 110 °C, under pressure
of 0.67 kPa or less, for three hours.

Method 4: proceed according to Method 1. However, desiccate the sample at 40 °C, under pressure
of 0.67 kPa or less, for two hours.

Method 5: proceed according to Method 1. However, desiccate the sample at 100 °C, under pressure
of 0.67 kPa or less, for four hours.

Method 6: proceed according to Method 1. However, desiccate the sample at 40 °C, under pressure
of 0.67 kPa or less, for three hours.

Method 7: proceed according to Method 1. However, desiccate the sample at 25 °C, under pressure
of 0.67 kPa or less, for three hours.

Method 8: the antibiotic substance is not submitted to desiccation.


Every material must be adequate to the intended use and be thoroughly cleaned, after each use, to
remove any vestige of antibiotic. The material must remain covered while it is not being used. All
glassware used in contact with the microorganism must be sterilized in oven, at temperature between
200 °C and 220 °C for two hours. When diluting the standard solution and sample, use volumetric
flasks, pipettes or carefully calibrated equipment items. AGAR-DIFFUSION MICROBIOLOGICAL ASSAY


For each antibiotic listed on Table 1, check the culture medium (according to the list of culture
media), the amount of medium to be used in the base layer and in the inoculated layer, and the assay
microorganism. The volume of inoculum to be added to every 100 mL of culture medium must be
determined experimentally.

However, as an initial reference, the amount of inoculum to be added per 100 mL of medium is

Prepare the base layer through addition of the appropriate number of molten agar on the Petri dishes,
which must be especially selected, have flat bottom, have dimensions of 20 x 100 mm and cap in
appropriate material. Distribute the agar evenly on the plates, which must be placed on a leveled
surface so that the middle layer has even depth. Put the cap from each plate beside it; if a non-porous
cap is used, leave it slightly opened to avoid buildup of condensed humidity from the hot agar layer.

After the agar hardening, cover the plates. To prepare the inoculated layer – surface, add the volume
of inoculum determined for the appropriate amount of culture medium that has been melted and
cooled down between 46 °C and 48 °C. Shake the flask, by rotation, to obtain an homogeneous
suspension, and add the indicated amount of medium inoculated on each Petri dish, with the non-
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

inoculated base layer. Spread the layer evenly, cover the plates and allow it to harden over a flat

After the medium hardening, put six stainless steel cylinders, with external diameter of (8 ± 0.1) mm,
internal diameter of (6 ± 0.1) mm and length of (10 ± 0,1) mm, over the inoculated agar surface, so
that they form a 60° angle with each other and a radius of 2.8 cm. Cylinders made of glass, porcelain
or aluminum and sterilized in the conditions already described can also be used. Instead of cylinders,
wells with 5 mm to 8 mm of diameter can be perforated, in the middle, with sterile perforator. Paper
discs, made with paper of appropriate quality or stainless-steel molds, can also be used. When paper
discs are used, they must be sterile. It is recommendable for obtaining satisfactory results that the
halos formed by the diffusion of drug in the medium have no less than 14 mm of diameter and a
maximum diameter so that there is no overlap between them.

Preparation of the standard working solution, sample and standard curve

The preparation of samples of antibiotics is indicated on the respective monograph. The

concentrations of antibiotic used on the assay must be in geometric progression; for example, by the
preparation of series of dilution in the 2:1 ratio, or another determined experimentally, provided that
the linear relation between the logarithm of the antibiotic concentration and the diameter of the zone
of inhibition is proven;

The Table 2 indicates, for each antibiotic, the preparation of the standard working solution and the
standard curve, including:
a) conditions of desiccation, as described on item Desiccation of antibiotic substances (;
b) initial solvent for dissolution of antibiotic, if necessary, and up to what concentration it is used;
c) solution for dilution until the working concentration, as described in Solutions;
d) concentration of the working solution, expressed in weight or International Units per mL of
e) validity period of the standard working solution under refrigeration;
f) solution used for dilution of the working solution, due to the preparation of the standard curve,
according to Solutions;
g) concentration ranges suggested, in weight or International Units per mL, within which the
adequate concentrations for the standard curve can be found.

Procedure for parallel lines design (3 x 3 or 2 x 2): use, on the assay, no less than six Petri dishes.
Arrange the standard and sample solutions, on each plate, with three concentrations for 3 x 3 assay
(low, medium and high) or two concentrations for 2 x 2 assay (low and high). The solutions must be
distributed in such a way that the solutions from the standard preparation and sample are alternated
in the inoculated layer (high and low concentration) to avoid overlapping of zones of inhibition.

Procedure for 5 x 1 design: for the standard curve, use a total of 12 plates, three for each of the
standard solutions (P1, P2, P4, P5), except for the medium concentration of the curve (P3), which is
included in all plates. In each set of three plates, use three cylinders for the medium concentration
(P3) and alternate three cylinders for low concentration (P1) and so forth with the other solutions from
the standard. This way, 36 zones of inhibition are obtained for the concentration (P3) and nine zones
of inhibition are obtained for each of the other four concentrations of the curve. For each sample, use
three plates, where three cylinders will be placed for the medium concentration of standard (P 3) and
three with the sample solution prepared on the same concentration of the standard (A3).

Apply 0.2 mL of the solutions in the cylinders or stainless-steel molds through pipette or another
calibrated instrument, if not specified in the individual monograph. When the well system is used, the
volume of liquid applied must be sufficient to fill them completely.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

After executing the adequate procedures for the design selected, incubate the plates at the indicated
temperature, which variation shall not exceed ± 0.5 °C, for a period of 16 to 18 hours. Then, measure
the diameter of the zones of inhibition, using an adequate device for measuring, such as the caliper,
or an optical projector with precision of 0.1 mm or less.

For some microorganisms, the procedure can be improved if the plates prepared remain at room
temperature for a period of 30 minutes to two hours before the incubation, a period when there is
diffusion of antibiotic to the medium

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

Table 1 – Agar-diffusion microbiological assay.

Volume (mL) of
Culture medium medium applied on the Volume of Temperature of
Antibiotic Microorganism layers inoculum incubation
mL/100 mL (°C)
Base Surface Base Surface
Amoxicillin Kocuria rhizophila (ATCC 9341) 11 11 21 4 0.5 32 to 35
Ampicillin Kocuria rhizophila (ATCC 9341) 11 11 21 4 0.5 32 to 35
Micrococcus luteus resistant to neomycin
Amphomycin 2 1 21 4 0.5 36 to 38
(ATCC 14452)
Amphotericin B Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ATCC 9763) ̶ 19 ̶ 8 1.0 29 to 31
Bacitracin Micrococcus yunnanensis (ATCC 7468) 2 1 21 4 0.3 32 to 35
Bacitracin Micrococcus luteus (ATCC 10240) 2 1 21 4 0.3 32 to 35
Benzylpenicillin Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538p) 2 1 21 4 1.0 32 to 35
Bleomycin Mycobacterium smegmatis (ATCC 607) 15 15 10 6 1.0 32 to 35
Kanamycin Bacillus subtilis (ATCC 6633) 5 5 21 4 (1) 36 to 38
Carbenicillin Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 25619) 9 10 21 4 (1) 36 to 38
Cefacetrile Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538p) 2 1 21 4 0.5 32 to 35
Cefadroxil Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538p) 2 1 21 4 0.05 36 to 38
Cefalexin Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538p) 2 1 21 4 0.05 32 to 35
Cephaloglycin Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538p) 2 1 21 4 0.2 32 to 35
Cephaloridine Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538p) 2 1 21 4 0.1 32 to 35
Cephalothin Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538p) 2 1 21 4 0.1 32 to 35
Cefapirin Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538p) 2 1 21 4 0.08 32 to 35
Cefazolin Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538p) 2 1 21 4 0.05 32 to 35
Cefoxitin Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538p) 2 1 21 5 0.1 32 to 35
Cefradine Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538p) 2 1 21 4 0.05 32 to 35
Cyclacillin Kocuria rhizophila (ATCC 9341) 11 11 21 4 0.5 36 to 38
Cycloserine Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538p) 2 1 10 4 0.04 29 to 31
Clindamycin Kocuria rhizophila (ATCC 9341) 11 11 21 4 1.5 36 to 38
Chloramphenicol Kocuria rhizophila (ATCC 9341) 1 1 21 4 2.0 32 to 35

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

Table 1 (conclusion)
Volume (mL of medium Volume of Temperature of
Culture medium
Antibiotic Microorganism applied on the layers) Inoculum incubation
Base Surface Base Surface mL/100 mL (°C)
Cloxacillin Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538p) 2 1 21 4 0.1 32 to 35
Colistin Bordetella bronchiseptica (ATCC 4617) 9 10 21 4 0.1 36 to 38
Dactinomycin Bacillus subtilis (ATCC 6633) 5 5 10 4 (1) 36 to 38
Dicloxacillin Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538p) 2 1 21 4 0.1 32 to 35
Dihydrostreptomycin Bacillus subtilis (ATCC 6633) 5 5 21 4 (1) 36 to 38
Erythromycin Kocuria rhizophila (ATCC 9341) 11 11 21 4 1.5 32 to 35
Streptomycin Bacillus subtilis (ATCC 6633) 5 5 21 4 (1) 36 to 38
Phenethicillin Kocuria rhizophila (ATCC 9341) 11 11 21 4 0.5 32 to 35
Phenoxymethylpenicillin Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538p) 2 1 21 4 1.0 32 to 35
Gentamicin Staphylococcus epidermidis (ATCC 12228) 11 11 21 4 0.03 36 to 38
Griseofulvin Microsporum gypseum (ATCC 14683) 20 21 6 4 (1) 29 to 31 for 48 hours
Mitomycin Bacillus subtilis (ATCC 6633) 8 8 10 4 0.5 36 to 38
Neomycin Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538p) 11 11 21 4 1.0 32 to 35
Neomycin Staphylococcus epidermidis (ATCC 12228) 11 11 21 4 1.0 36 to 38
Nystatin Saccharomyces kudriavzevii (ATCC 2601) ̶ 19 ̶ 8 1.0 29 to 31
Novobiocin Staphylococcus epidermidis (ATCC 12228) 2 1 21 4 4.0 34 to 36
Ofloxacin Kocuria rhizophila (ATCC 9341) 1 11 20 5 0.5 30 to 35
Oxacillin Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538p) 2 1 21 4 0.3 32 to 35
Paromomycin Staphylococcus epidermidis (ATCC 12228) 11 11 21 4 2.0 36 to 38
Polymyxin B Bordetella bronchiseptica (ATCC 4617) 9 10 21 4 0.1 36 to 38
Rifampicin Bacillus subtilis (ATCC 6633) 2 2 21 4 0.1 29 to 31
Rifampicin Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538p) 2 2 21 4 0.1 36 to 38
Sisomicin Staphylococcus epidermidis (ATCC 12228) 11 11 21 4 0.03 36 to 38
Tetracycline Staphylococcus epidermidis (ATCC 12228) 1 1 20 5 2.0 33 to 37
Vancomycin Bacillus subtilis (ATCC 6633) 8 8 10 4 (1) 36 to 38

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

(1) Determine the amount of inoculum, on the assay, through diffusion on plates.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

Table 2 – Preparation of the standard working solution and standard curve.

a. Condition of c. Solution for d. Concentration of e. Validity period of f. Solution for
Antibiotic desiccation b. Initial solvent dilution working solution the solution under dilution
( ( (/mL) refrigeration (
Amoxicillin 8 - Sterile water 1 mg 7 days 2 0.05 to 0.2 µg7
Ampicillin 8 - Sterile water 0.1 mg 7 days 2 0.05 to 0.2 µg7
Amphomycin8 1 - 2 0.1 mg 14 days 2 5 to 20 µg
Use on the same
Amphotericin B 1 - Dimethylsulfoxide 1 mg1 5 0.5 to 2 µg7
Use on the same
Bacitracin 1 - HCl 0.01 M 100 IU 1 1 to 4 IU
Benzylpenicillin 8 - 1 1000 IU 4 days 1 0.2 to 2 IU
Bleomycin 7 - 8 2 IU 14 days 8 0.01 to 0.2 IU
Kanamycin B 8 - 2 1 mg 30 days 2 0.5 to 2 µg
Carbenicillin 8 - 1 1 mg 14 days 1 10 to 40 µg
Cefacetrile 8 - 1 1 mg 7 days 1 5 to 20 µg
Use on the same
Cefadroxil 8 - 1 1 mg 1 10 to 40 µg
Cefalexin 8 - 1 1 mg 7 days 1 10 to 40 µg
Cephaloridine 1 - 1 1 mg 5 days 1 0.5 to 2 µg
Cephaloglycin 8 - Sterile water 100 µg 7 days 3 5 to 20 µg
Cephalothin 1 - 1 1 mg 5 days 1 0.5 to 2 µg
Cefapirin 8 - 1 1 mg 3 days 1 0.5 to 2 µg
10,000 μg per mL
Cefazolin 8 1 1 mg 5 days 1 0.5 to 2 µg
in the solution 4
Use on the same
Cefoxitin 8 - 1 1 mg 1 10 to 40 µg
Cyclacillin 8 - Sterile water 1 mg 1 day 2 0.5 to 2 µg7
Cefradine 8 - 1 1 mg 5 days 1 5 to 20 µg
Cycloserine 1 - Sterile water 1 mg 30 days 1 20 to 80 µg

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Clindamycin 8 - Sterile water 1 mg 30 days 2 0.5 to 2 µg

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

Table 2 (conclusion)
a. Condition of d. Concentration e. Validity period of f. Solution for g. Concentration
c. Solution for
Antibiotic desiccation b. Initial solvent of working the solution under dilution range
dilution (
( solution (/mL) refrigeration ( (/mL)
10,000 µg per mL
Chloramphenicol 8 1 1 mg 30 days 1 20 to 80 µg
in ethyl alcohol
Cloxacillin 8 ̶ 1 1 mg 7 days 1 2 to 8 µg
10,000 µg per mL
Colistin 1 4 1 mg 14 days 4 0.5 to 2 µg
in ethyl alcohol
10,000 µg per mL
Dactinomycin 1 2 1 mg 90 days 2 0.5 to 2 µg
in methyl alcohol
Dicloxacillin 8 ̶ 1 1 mg 7 days 1 2.5 to 10 µg
Dihydrostreptomycin 5 ̶ 2 1 mg 30 days 2 0.5 to 2 µg
10,000 µg per mL
Erytrhomycin5 1 2 1 mg 14 days 2 0.5 to 2 µg
in methyl alcohol
Streptomycin 1 ̶ 2 1 mg 30 days 2 0.5 to 2 µg
Phenethicillin 8 ̶ Sterile water 1000 IU 7 days 2 0.05 to 0.2 IU
8 ̶ 1 100 IU 4 days 1 0.2 to 2 IU
Gentamicin 3 ̶ 2 1 mg 30 days 2 0.5 to 2 µg
Griseofulvin 8 ̶ 1 mg4 90 days 2 2 to 10 µg
Mitomycin 8 ̶ 1 1 mg 14 days 1 0.5 to 2 µg
5 to 20 µg
Neomycin 1 ̶ 2 1 mg 14 days 2
(S. aureus)
0.5 to 2 μg
Neomycin 1 ̶ 2 1 mg 14 days 2
(S. epidermidis)
Nystatin 4 ̶ 1000 IU2 Use on the same day 4 10 to 40 IU7
Novobiocin 5 10,000 µg per mL 2 1 mg 5 days 4 0.2 to 1 µg
in ethyl alcohol

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

a. Condition of d. Concentration e. Validity period of f. Solution for g. Concentration

c. Solution for
Antibiotic desiccation b. Initial solvent of working the solution under dilution range
dilution (
( solution (/mL) refrigeration ( (/mL)
Oxacillin 8 ̶ 1 1 mg 3 days 1 2 to 10 µg
Paromomycin 1 ̶ 2 1 mg 21 days 2 0.5 to 2 µg
Polymyxin B 1 Sterile water3 4 10,000 IU 14 days 4 200 to 800 IU
Rifampicin 8 ̶ Methyl alcohol 1 mg 1 day 1 2 to 10 µg
Sisomicin6 8 ̶ 2 1 mg 14 days 2 0.05 to 0.2 µg
Vancomycin 1 ̶ Sterile water 1 mg 7 days 2 5 to 20 µg
1 Dilute aliquots of the working solution with dimethylsulfoxide, to obtain a concentration between 10 and 40 mg per mL according to the standard curve points.
2 Dilute aliquots of the working solution with dimethylformamide, to obtain concentrations between 10 and 40 units per mL according to the standard curve points.
3 3 Add 2 mL of sterile water for every 5 mg of standard.
4 Dilute aliquots of the working solution with dimethylformamide, to obtain concentrations between 40 and 200 mg per mL according to the standard curve points.
5 When using erythromycin under the form of estolate, hydrolyze the working solution in water bath at 60 °C, for two hours.
6 Sisomicin is hygroscopic, use precautions during the weighing. The working standard must remain at 20 °C, in nitrogen atmosphere.
7 Prepare concomitantly the standard and sample solutions. The sample dilutions must have the same amount of dimethylformamide than the standard dilutions.
8 The standard working solution must remain for one night at room temperature for complete dissolution.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02 TURBIDIMETRIC MICROBIOLOGICAL ASSAY


Preparation of the working solution, sample and standard curve

The preparation of samples of antibiotics is indicated on the respective monograph.

On the Table 2, presented below, there is an indication, for each antibiotic, of the preparation of the
standard working solution and the standard curve, including:
a) conditions of desiccation, as described on item Desiccation of antibiotic substances (;
b) initial solvent for dissolution of antibiotic, if necessary, and up to what concentration it is used;
c) solution for dilution of antibiotic until the working concentration, according to Solutions;
d) concentration of working solution, expressed in weight or International Units per mL of solution;
e) validity period of the standard working solution under refrigeration;
f) solution used for dilution of the working solution, for the preparation of the standard curve,
according to Solutions;
g) concentration range, in weight or International Units per mL, within which the adequate
concentrations for the standard curve can be found.

Use for each antibiotic the microorganism and nutritive broth listed on Table 1. Determine
experimentally the volume of inoculum to be added to 100 mL of broth from the amount suggested
as initial reference. The inoculated medium must be prepared and used immediately.

Procedure for parallel lines design (3 x 3 or 2 x 2): distribute, in identical tubes, an equal volume of
each of the standard and sample solutions. Add to each tube an equal volume of inoculated nutrient
broth, for example, 1 mL of solution with antibiotic and 9 mL of medium (0.1 mL of solution for
gramicidin and tyrothricin). No less than eighteen tubes are used for parallel lines 3 x 3 assay and
twelve tubes for parallel lines 2 x 2 assay. The number of replicas per concentration in each assay
must be sufficient to ensure the statistical precision specified on the monograph, but no less than three
tubes must be executed for each concentration of standard and sample. It may be necessary to conduct
the assay with a higher number of doses of standard and sample, or repeat it and match the results to
obtain the precision required. The doses used must be in geometric progression.

Procedure for 5 x 1 curve design: for the 5 x 1 design, prepare dilutions that represent five
concentrations of the standard (P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5) and one concentration of sample (A3). The
sample solution must correspond to the same dilution of standard that corresponds to the average
concentration of the curve (P3). Use no less than three tubes for every concentration of the standard
and sample. This way, no less than18 tubes are necessary on the assay.

After executing the adequate procedures for the design selected, inoculate the culture medium
recommended with a known amount of suspension of the antibiotic-sensitive microorganism, so that,
after incubation of approximately four hours, the bacterial turbidity in the medium is easy to measure
and maintains correlation between the dose and the response of the substance being analyzed.

The Table 1 describes the antibiotics to be analyzed by the turbidimetric method with description of
the microorganism, culture medium, volume of standardized inoculum suggested as initial reference,
and temperature of incubation for each case.

Incubate in water bath for three to four hours, taking the precaution of ensuring adequate and constant
temperature for all tubes. The adequate time must be checked by observation of growth in the tube
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

with the average concentration (P3) used on the assay. After the incubation period, interrupt the
multiplication of microorganisms by adding 0.5 mL of formaldehyde solution 12%, to each tube.

Determine the absorbance for each tube in spectrophotometer, on the wavelength of 530 nm.
Standardize the device in absorbance through the blank with the same amount of nutrient broth and
formaldehyde, 12%.

In routine assays, when the system linearity is proven by an adequate number of experiments
employing the three-point assay (3 x 3), the two-point assay (2 x 2) can be used. The 5 x 1 design,
adopted by other pharmacopoeias of current international use, will also be accepted. However, in case
of controversy or litigation, the three-point assay must be applied.

Calculation of potency

From the results, calculate the potency of the sample and its confidence limits, through standard
statistical method described on Statistical procedures applicable to biological assays – indirect
quantitative assays.

Confidence interval (CI)

The precision of an assay is verified by the confidence interval, which ensures that the true potency
is within the limits specified. In the absence of CI from the product monograph, it is recommendable
to have upper and lower confidence limits of 5.0% or less, in relation to the potency calculated, with
limit values of up to 10% being accepted.

Table 1 – Turbidimetric microbiological assay.

Volume of Temperature of
Antibiotic Microorganism inoculum incubation
mL/100 mL (°C)
Staphylococcus aureus
Amikacin 3 0.1 37
(ATCC 6538p)
Staphylococcus aureus
Kanamycin 3 0.2 37
(ATCC 6538p)
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Candicidin 13 0.2 28
(ATCC 9763)
Klebsiella pneumoniae
Capreomycin 3 0.05 37
(ATCC 10031)
Staphylococcus aureus
Cycloserine 3 0.4 37
(ATCC 6538p)
Escherichia coli (ATCC
Chloramphenicol 3 0.7 37
Staphylococcus aureus
Chlortetracycline 3 0.1 36
(ATCC 6538p)
Staphylococcus aureus
Demeclocycline 3 0.1 37
(ATCC 6538p)
Klebsiella pneumoniae
Dihydrostreptomycin 3 0.1 37
(ATCC 10031)
Staphylococcus aureus
Doxycycline 3 0.1 37
(ATCC 6538p)
Spectinomycin Escherichia coli 3 0.1 37

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

Volume of Temperature of
Antibiotic Microorganism inoculum incubation
mL/100 mL (°C)
(ATCC 10536)
Klebsiella pneumoniae
Streptomycin 3 0.1 37
(ATCC 10031)
Enterococcus hirae
Gramicidin 3 1.0 37
(ATCC 10541)
Staphylococcus aureus
Lincomycin 3 0.1 37
(ATCC 6538p)
Staphylococcus aureus
Minocycline 3 0.2 37
(ATCC 6538p)
Staphylococcus aureus
Oxytetracycline 3 0.1 37
(ATCC 6538p)
Staphylococcus aureus
Rolitetracycline 3 0.1 37
(ATCC 6538p)
Staphylococcus aureus
Tetracycline 3 0.1 37
(ATCC 6538p)
Enterococcus hirae
Tyrothricin 3 1.0 37
(ATCC 10541)
Staphylococcus aureus
Tobramycin 3 0.15 37
(ATCC 6538p)

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

Table 2 – Preparation of the standard solution and standard curve – Turbidimetric method.
a. Condition of c. Solution for d. Concentration e. Validity period of f. Solution for
Antibiotic desiccation b. Initial solvent dilution of working the solution under dilution
( ( solution (/mL) refrigeration (
Amikacin 8 - Sterile water 1 mg 14 days Sterile water 6 to 14 µg
Kanamycin 8 - Sterile water 1 mg 30 days Sterile water 6 to 14 µg
Dimethyl Use on the same
Candimycin1 6 - 1 mg Sterile water 0.02 to 0.14 µg3
sulfoxide day
Capreomycin 5 - Sterile water 1 mg 7 days Sterile water 60 to 180 µg
Cycloserine 1 - Sterile water 1 mg 30 days Sterile water 20 to 80 µg
10,000 µg per mL in 1
Chloramphenicol 8 1 mg 30 days 1 1 to 4 µg
ethyl alcohol
Chlortetracycline 8 - HCl 0.01 M 1 mg 4 days Sterile water 0.03 to 0.09 µg
Demeclocycline 1 - HCl 0.1 M 1 mg 4 days Sterile water 0.06 to 0.14 µg
Dihydrostreptomycin 5 - Sterile water 1 mg 30 days Sterile water 20 to 60 µg
Doxycycline 8 - HCl 0.1 M 1 mg 5 days Sterile water 0.06 to 0.14 µg
Spectinomycin 8 - Sterile water 1 mg 30 days Sterile water 20 to 60 µg
Streptomycin 1 - Sterile water 1 mg 30 days Sterile water 20 to 60 µg
Ethyl alcohol
Gramicidin 1 - 1 mg 30 days Ethyl alcohol 95% 0.02 to 0.08 µg
Lincomycin 8 - Sterile water 1 mg 30 days Sterile water 0.3 to 0.8 µg
Minocycline 8 - HCl 0.1 M 1 mg 2 days Sterile water 0.06 to 0.12 µg
Oxytetracycline 8 - HCl 0.1 M 1 mg 4 days Sterile water 0.16 to 0.32 µg
Rolitetracycline 1 - Sterile water 1 mg 1 day Sterile water 0.16 to 0.32 µg
Tetracycline 8 - HCl 0.1 M 1 mg 1 day Sterile water 0.16 to 0.32 µg
Ethyl alcohol
Tyrothricin2 1 - 1 mg 30 days Ethyl alcohol 95% 0.02 to 0.08 µg
Tobramycin 8 - Sterile water 1 mg 14 days Sterile water 1 to 4 µg
In the candicydin assay, use sterile equipment in all steps.
For the tyrothricin assay, use the standard working solution and the dose-response curve of gramicidin.
Prepare, simultaneously, the standard and sample solutions.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02 ANTIMICROBIAL EFFECTIVENESS TEST

The antimicrobial effectiveness test ensures the effectiveness of antimicrobial preservatives added to
pharmaceutical products. Antimicrobial preservatives are substances added to non-sterile
pharmaceutical dosage forms with the purpose of protecting them from any microbial growth. For
sterile pharmaceutical dosage forms, stored in multiple dose packages, antimicrobial preservatives
are added to inhibit the growth of contaminant microorganisms during the repeated use of individual

The amount of preservative used in a formulation must be the minimum necessary for protecting the
product without harming the patient or the consumer.

The antimicrobial effectiveness, whether inherent to the product or due to the addition of
preservatives, needs to be demonstrated for topical multiple-dose products, oral products, ophthalmic
products, otologic products, nasal products, fluids for dialysis, irrigation, etc.

The test and the criteria established apply to the product how it is found in the market.


- Candida albicans ATCC 10231

- Aspergillus brasiliensis ATCC 16404
- Escherichia coli ATCC 8739
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 9027
- Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538

The microorganisms used in the test must have no more than five passages counted from the original
ATCC culture. A passage is defined as the transfer of a stablished culture to a sterile culture medium.

In case of cultures maintained by freezing techniques, each cycle of freezing, thawing and reactivation
is considered a passage. Lyophilized cultures received from ATCC must be reconstituted according
to instructions provided with the material.

Recover the material in a liquid or solid culture medium. The conditions for culture preparation are
registered on Table 1.

Table 1 – Conditions for reconstitution of strains.

Inoculum Incubation time
Temperature of
Microorganism Culture medium incubation for microbial
time recovery
Soybean-Casein Digest
Escherichia coli 18 – 24
Broth/Soybean-Casein (32.5 ± 2.5) °C 3 to 5 days
ATCC 8739 hours
Digest Agar
Soybean-Casein Digest
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 18 – 24
Broth/Soybean-Casein (32.5 ± 2.5) °C 3 to 5 days
ATCC 9027 hours
Digest Agar
Soybean-Casein Digest
Staphylococcus aureus 18 – 24
Broth/Soybean-Casein (32.5 ± 2.5) °C 3 to 5 days
ATCC 6538 hours
Digest Agar
Sabouraud Dextrose
Candida albicans 44 – 52
Broth/Sabouraud Dextrose (22.5 ± 2.5) °C 3 to 5 days
ATCC 10231 hours
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

Inoculum Incubation time

Temperature of
Microorganism Culture medium incubation for microbial
time recovery
Sabouraud Dextrose
Aspergillus brasiliensis
Broth/Sabouraud Dextrose (22.5 ± 2.5) °C 6 – 10 days 3 to 7 days
ATCC 16404

If the microorganism is recovered in liquid culture medium, after incubation, centrifuge and discard
the supernatant. Suspend the sediment with a dilution 1/20 of the sterile maintenance culture medium
and add an equal volume of sterile glycerol solution 20% v/v in water.

If the microorganism is recovered in a solid culture medium, transfer the surface growth to the sterile
liquid maintenance culture medium, added with sterile 10% glycerol. The test and the criteria
established apply to the product how it is found in the market.

In both cases, dispense small aliquots of the suspension in sterile cryogenic tubes, appropriate for
freezing microorganisms.

Store the cryogenic tubes in liquid nitrogen or ultra-freezer (no more than -50 °C). This stock culture
can be used to inoculate a series of working culture.


All culture media used in the test must be tested for their capacity of growth.


From the stock culture, inoculate the surface of the solid culture medium specified on Table 1.

To collect the growth of bacteria and yeasts, use sterile saline solution. Collect the suspension
obtained in an appropriate sterile tube or vial and add a sufficient amount of sterile saline solution to
obtain a concentration of 1 x 108 CFU/mL.

To collect the growth of A. niger, use sterile saline solution with 0.05% of polysorbate 80. Collect the
suspension obtained in an appropriate sterile tube or vial and add a sufficient amount of sterile saline
solution to obtain a concentration of 1 x 108 CFU/mL.

Alternatively, the stock culture can be inoculated in liquid medium (Table 1), incubated and then
centrifuged. Discard the supernatant and suspend the sediment with sufficient amount of sterile saline
solution to obtain a concentration of 1 x 108 CFU/mL.

Refrigerate the suspensions if you do not use them in a period of two hours.

Determine the number of CFU/mL of each suspension by turbidimetry or counting on plate, checking
the conditions of time and temperature of incubation and the incubation time for microbial recovery
described on Table 1, with the purpose of confirming the count in initial CFU. These values will be
used to calibrate the size of inoculum to be used in the contaminations of the product being tested.

The suspension of bacteria and yeasts must be used in 24 hours. The suspension of molds can be used
in up to seven days if maintained under refrigeration.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

When the type of package allows the introduction of suspension of microorganisms and when its
content is sufficient to execute all steps, conduct the test in five original packages of the product to
be tested. Otherwise, transfer the content from one or more original packages to a vial with cap,
previously sterilized and of adequate size to contain the necessary amount of sample for executing all
steps of the test.

Inoculate each original package or vial with sterile cap with each one of the microorganisms required.

The concentration of the inoculum used must be sufficient to obtain a final concentration on the
product between 1 x 105 and 1 x 106 CFU/g or mL – applicable to the categories 1, 2 and 3 (see Table
2 – column “Type of Product”).

For category 4, the concentration of inoculum must be sufficient to obtain a final concentration on
the product between 1 x 103 and 1 x 104 CFU/g or mL.

The volume of inoculum to be introduced must be between 0.5% and 1.0% in relation to the total
volume (liquid sample) or weight (solid or semisolid sample) of the product.

Incubate the inoculated samples in oven with temperature between (22.5 ± 2.5) °C.

Sample each package or vial with inoculated sample in intervals of 7, 14 and 28 days.

Determine by the plating method the number of Colony-Forming Unit (CFU) of each sample, in the
initial time and in each time interval specified.

A neutralizing agent specific for the preservative(s) present in the product formulation, determined
in the validation study, must be incorporated to the counting plates or in the dilution of the sample
prepared for plating.

Calculate the concentration of each microorganism (CFU/mL) present in the sample, compare with
the counting at the initial time, and express the change in terms of logarithmic reductions.


For the purpose with the test, the products have been separated in four categories according to Table
2, which lists the criteria established for antimicrobial effectiveness.

Table 2 – Product categories and criteria for antimicrobial effectiveness.

Type of product Microorganism 7th day 14th day 28th day
Category 1 - Bacteria There must be a There must be a The count must
Injectables, other reduction of, at reduction of 3 logs not increase in
parenteral products, least, 1 log of the of the number of relation to the 14th
including emulsions, number of CFU CFU initially day
otologic products, initially inoculated inoculated
sterile nasal products,
Molds and yeasts There must not be There must not be There must not be
ophthalmic products,
an increase in the an increase in the an increase in the
made of aqueous base
number of CFU number of CFU number of CFU
or vehicle
initially inoculated initially inoculated initially

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

Type of product Microorganism 7th day 14th day 28th day

Category 2 – Bacteria ---- There must be a There must not be
Products of topical use, reduction of 2 logs an increase of
made of aqueous base of the number of count in relation
or vehicle, non-sterile CFU initially to the 14th day
nasal products and inoculated
emulsions, including
Molds and yeasts ---- There must not be There must not be
the ones applied to
an increase in the an increase in the
mucous membranes
number of CFU number of CFU
initially inoculated initially
Category 3 – Bacteria ---- There must be a The count must
Oral products, made of reduction of 1 log of not increase in
aqueous base or the number of CFU relation to the 14th
vehicle, except for anti- initially inoculated day
Molds and yeasts ---- There must not be There must not be
an increase in the an increase in the
number of CFU number of CFU
initially inoculated initially
Category 4 – Bacteria ---- There must not be There must not be
Anti-acids made of an increase in the an increase in the
aqueous base number of CFU number of CFU
initially inoculated initially
Molds and yeasts ---- There must not be There must not be
an increase in the an increase in the
number of CFU number of CFU
initially inoculated initially

Note: the “non-increase” in the number of CFU inoculated is defined as no more than 0.5 log10 of
units bigger than the value previously obtained. MICROORGANISMS USED IN TESTS AND ASSAYS

The microorganisms listed on Table 1 are indicated for assays and tests outlined in the

Main suppliers of microorganism cultures:

ATCC American Type Culture Collection

CIP Collection de l’Institut Pasteur

IMI United Kingdom National Culture Collection (UKNCC) Email:
NCIMB Naonal Collecon of Industrial Bacteria
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

NCIMB National Collection of Industrial Bacteria

NBRC NITE Biological Resource Center

NCPF National Collection of Pathogenic Fungi

NCTC National Collection of Type Cultures

NCYC National Collection of Yeast Cultures

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

Table 1 – Microorganisms used in tests and assays.

Molds and yeasts
Aspergillus brasiliensis 16404 - 9455 - - 2275 - 149007 1431.83
Candida albicans 10231 - 1594 - - 3179 1363 - 48.72
Microsporrum gypseum 14683 - - - - - - - -
Saccharomyces kudriavzevii 2601 - - - - - - - -
Saccharomyces cerevisiae 9763 1432.83 - - 10716 - 87 - -
Bacillus atrophaens 9372 - - - - - - - -
Bacillus cereus var. mycoides 11778 64.52 - - 10230 - - - -
Bacillus pumilis 27142 77.25 - 10692 10327 - - - -
Bacilus subtilis 6633 52.62 3134 8054 10400 - - - -
Bacteroides vulgatus 8482 103717 - - 11154 - - - -
Bordetella bronchiseptica 4617 53.157 - - 8347 - - - -
Clostridium sporogenes 19404 79.3 - 532 532 - - - -
Clostridium sporogenes 11437 - - - - - - - -
Enterococcus hirae 10541 - - - - - - - -
Escherichia coli 8739 53.126 3972 8545 12923 - - - -
Escherichia coli 10536 54.127 - 8879 10418 - - - -
Geobacillus stearothermophilus 7953 - - - - - - - -
Klebsiella pneumoniae 10031 53.153 - 9111 7427 - - - -
Kocuria rhizophila 9341 53.65 - - 8340 - - - -
Micrococcus yunnanensis 7468 - - - - - - - -
Micrococcus luteus 10240 53.160 8166 7743 - - - -
Micrococcus luteus resistant to neomycin 14452 - - 10418 - - - - -
Mycobacterium smegmatis 607 - - - - - - - -
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 9027 82.118 13275 8626 - - - - -
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 25619 - - - - - - - -
Salmonella enterica enteric subspecies - 80.39 100797 - 6017 - - - -
Staphylococcus aureus 6538p 53.156 - 8625 7447 - - - -
Staphylococcus aureus 6538 4.83 13276 9518 10788 - - - -
Staphylococcus epidermidis 12228 68.21 - 8853 - - - - -

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02 MICROBIOLOGICAL ASSAYS ON WATER FOR


Sampling is an important step in the water quality assessment, since the sample taken for analysis
must precisely reflect the performance of the production and distribution system and the quality of
the water used. An inadequate sampling may lead to an incorrect assessment, generating unnecessary
interventions in the purification system, or compromising the accuracy of the water quality status
through an imprecise result.

Considering the peculiarities of each system, the water samples must be taken from the place of their
generation to the points of use, since the results obtained in the generation may not reflect the quality
of water in the points of use.

The collection of samples in the points of use must be conducted employing practices identical to the
ones used routinely in the use of water at that point, mimicking the system operation (valve purge,
use of hoses, sanitization of the point, etc.).

The initial sampling plan is usually developed for a program of validation of the system of production
of water for pharmaceutical use, in order to characterize its capacity of purification, distribution and
supply of water. The sampling plan has short duration (for example, two to four weeks) and
determines a high frequency of collection of samples, to generate a significant volume of data that
offers an initial assessment of the system performance, to guide the decisions about the use of the
water produced.

The initial sampling plan is reassessed when the system is placed in operation, usually to look for a
reduction in the amount of data being generated without compromising the capacity to identify
abnormal operations/events, especially during the initial phase of the water system life cycle. In the
absence of such deviations of quality during the initial sampling period, the frequency of sampling
can be reduced to ensure that, in a slightly longer period (for example, for no less than another two to
four weeks), there are no adverse quality trends. During this period of time for validation of the second
sampling plan, the use of water in routine may be considered a risk. After concluding the assessment,
if successful, the monitoring may eventually be reduced again for the sampling plan to be adopted as

Periodically, it is necessary to review the system operation and monitoring to assess the seasonal
variability of the water source, the effectiveness of sanitization, and the routine maintenance events.
This review must be conducted during the entire life cycle of the water production system, usually
every year, to make evident the trend of quality deviations from long-term data.

The sampling plan adopted in the routine must also be reassessed periodically, based on data
available, to reassess the frequency and adequate sampling sites. This step offers an opportunity to
improve the data assessment and reduce the work loads based on what the data indicate about the
process and quality control. The sampling plan adopted as routine must have a rational base for the
frequency and sampling sites established, in order to justify how the resulting data will be used to
characterize the general system operation and for clearing water for use.

The samples must be collected in sterile borosilicate glass vessels or in sterile plastic bags adequate
for microbiological use. The volume of sample must be sufficient to conduct all analysis necessary.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

The amount of sample added to the vessels must allow homogenization before conducting the assays,
being suggested a space of no less than 2.5 cm above the water surface (headspace).

Disinfectant agents, such as chlorine or other halogenated compounds, when present in water
samples, must be neutralized before conducting tests, to ensure adequate recovery of microorganisms
that are possibly present. A neutralizing agent commonly used is the sodium thiosulfate solution
(0.1 mL of a solution 3% neutralizes above 5 mg/L of residual chlorine in a 120 mL sample).


The tests must be conducted in the sample up to two hours after the collection and, if it is not possible
to conduct the test within this interval, the sample must be kept at refrigeration temperature in the
range of 2 °C to 8 °C for no more than 12 hours, to maintain the microbiological characteristics until
the analysis. In situations when not even this is possible (such as when laboratories hired out of the
site are used), the assay of these refrigerated samples must be conducted within 24 hours after the


Soybean-casein digest agar

Peptone from pancreatic casein 15.0 g
Soybean flour obtained by papain digestion 5.0 g
Sodium chloride 5.0 g
Agar 15.0 g
Purified water q.s.p. 1000 mL
pH 7.3 ± 0.2. Sterilize in autoclave using validated cycle.

Endo C agar
Peptic hydrolysate from animal tissue 10.0 g
Lactose 10.0 g
Dibasic potassium phosphate 3.5 g
Sodium sulfite 2.5 g
Basic fuchsine 0.5 g
Agar 15.0 g
Purified water q.s.p. 1000 mL
pH 7.4 + 0.2. Sterilize in autoclave using validated cycle.

Eosin methylene blue agar

Pancreatic gelatin hydrolysate 10.0 g
Lactose 5.0 g
Sucrose 5.0 g
Dibasic potassium phosphate 2.0 g
Agar 13.5 g
Eosin Y 0.4 g
Methylene blue 0.065 g
Purified water q.s.p. 1000 mL
pH 7.2 + 0.2. Sterilize in autoclave using validated cycle.

M-Pa-C Agar
L-lysine 5.0 g
Sodium chloride 5.0 g

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

Yeast extract 2.0 g

Xylose 1.25 g
Sucrose 1.25 g
Lactose 1.25 g
Phenol red 0.08 g
Ammonium iron citrate III 0.8 g
Magnesium sulfate 1.5 g
Agar 12.0 g
Sodium thiosulfate 5.0 g
Kanamycin 8.0 mg
Nalidixic acid 37.0 mg
Sterile purified water q.s.p. 1000 mL
pH 7.1 ± 0.2. Do not autoclave. Boil the medium for one minute. Determine the validity period of the
medium prepared.

MacConkey Agar
Pancreatic gelatin hydrolysate 17.0 g
Pancreatic casein hydrolysate 1.5 g
Peptic hydrolysate from animal tissue 1.5 g
Lactose 10.0 g
Bile salts 1.5 g
Sodium chloride 5.0 g
Neutral red 0.03 g
Crystal violet 0.001 g
Agar 13.5 g
Purified water q.s.p. 1000 mL
pH 7.1 + 0.2. Sterilize in autoclave using validated cycle.

m-HPC Agar
Peptone 20.0 g
Gelatin 25.0 g
Glycerol 10.0 mL
Agar 15.0 g
Purified water q.s.p. 1000 mL
Homogenize the reagents, except glycerol. Adjust the pH to 7.1 ± 0.2, heat to dissolve and transfer
the glycerol. Sterilize in autoclave using validated cycle.

Plate count agar (PCA)

Peptone from casein 5.0 g
Yeast extract 2.5 g
Glucose 1.0 g
Agar 15.0 g
Purified water q.s.p. 1000 mL
pH 7.0 ± 0.1. Sterilize in autoclave using validated cycle.

R2A agar
Peptone (casein or animal tissue) 0.5 g
Casamino Acid 0.5 g
Yeast Extract 0.5 g

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

Sodium Pyruvate 0.3 g

Glucose 0.5 g
Magnesium Sulfate, heptahydrate 0.05 g
Soluble starch 0.5 g
Dipotassium Hydrogen Phosphate 0.3 g
Agar 15.0 g
Purified water q.s.p. 1000 mL
pH 7.2 ± 0.1. Sterilize in autoclave using validated cycle.

EC or EC-MUG broth
Tryptose or trypticase 20.0 g
Lactose 5.0 g
Mixture of bile salts 1.5 g
Dipotassium hydrogen phosphate 4.0 g
Potassium dihydrogen phosphate 1.5 g
Sodium chloride 5.0 g
4-methyl-umbelliferyl-β-D-glucoronide (MUG) 0.05 g
Purified water q.s.p. 1000 mL
pH 6.9 ± 0.2. Before the sterilization, dispense in tubes that do not presence in high UV light
wavelengths (366 nm). The Durham tube is not necessary. Sterilize in autoclave using validated cycle.

Brilliant green bile lactose broth

Peptone 10.0 g
Lactose 10.0 g
Oxgall 20.0 g
Brilliant green 0.0133 g
Purified water q.s.p. 1000 mL
pH 7.2 + 0.2. Before the sterilization, place an inverted Durham tube in each test tube to detect the
production of gas. Sterilize in autoclave using validated cycle.

Lauryl tryptose broth

Tryptose 20.0 g
Lactose 5.0 g
K2HPO4 2.75 g
KH2PO4 2.75 g
NaCl 5.0 g
Sodium lauryl sulfate 0.1 g
Purified water q.s.p. 1000 mL
pH 6.8 + 0.2. Before the sterilization, place an inverted Durham tube in each test tube to detect the
production of gas. Sterilize in autoclave using validated cycle. COUNT OF TOTAL NUMBER OF HETEROTROPHIC BACTERIA

The methods presented are optional and may or may not be ideal for recovery of microorganisms,
including the undesirable ones. The selection must be made through experiments, determining which
are the adequate methods for monitoring its process, and also for the recovery of specific
microorganisms that can be found in water purification systems and may be undesirable for the
products to be handled.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

There are two categories of culture media for count of the total number of heterotrophic bacteria: the
ones with high concentration of nutrients, such as the plate count agar (PCA), soybean-casein digest
agar, and m-HPC agar, being adequate for general isolation and count of heterotrophic or copiotrophic
bacteria, and the ones with low concentration of nutrients, such as R2A agar, which is indicated for
recovery of oligotrophic bacteria.

The temperature and the incubation time are critical aspects for microbiological tests of water, due to
the types of microorganisms found in the water systems. Incubations at low temperatures (for
example, 20 °C to 25 °C or 25 °C to 30 °C) for longer periods, no less than four days, may lead to
higher recoveries of microorganisms than classic temperatures. Media with low amount of nutrients
require longer incubation periods (no less than five days), because such media promote a slower
growth. Even the ones with high concentration of nutrients may sometimes result in high microbial
recovery for long periods of incubation and lower temperatures.

The decision about the type of culture medium and the incubation temperature to test a water
purification system must be based on comparative cultivation studies using a native microbiome from
the water purification system being analyzed.


Plate depth method: add 1 mL of the sample to a Petri dish and pour 15 mL to 20 mL of culture
medium maintained at 45 °C to 50 °C, according to Table 1. Conduct the test at least on duplicate.

Membrane filtration method: use filtration equipment that allows transferring the membrane to
culture media. Use a sterile membrane with 47 mm of diameter and 0.45 µm of porosity, washing the
membrane, after the sample filtration, with three portions of 20 mL to 30 mL of sterile purified water.
The volume to be filtered may vary according to the sample, obeying a maximum volume that
provides 20 CFU to 200 CFU per membrane.

Table 1 – Conditions for count of total number of heterotrophic bacteria.

Types of water
Method Water for injection and
Potable water Purified water
ultrapure water
Plate depth or Membrane Plate depth or Membrane
Type of method Membrane filtration
filtration filtration
Suggested size of
1.0 mL/100 mLb 1.0 mL/100 mLb 200.0 mL
Mediumc R2A agar, PCA R2A agar, PCA R2A agar, PCA
R2A agar: 4-7 days R2A agar: 4-7 days R2A agar: 4-7 days
(or longer) (or longer) (or longer)
Incubation period
PCA: 48-72 hours PCA: 48-72 hours PCA: 48-72 hours
(or longer) (or longer) (or longer)
R2A agar: 20-25 °C R2A agar: 20-25 °C R2A agar: 20-25 °C
Temperature of
or 30-35 °C or 30-35 °C or 30-35 °C
PCA: 30-35 °C PCA: 30-35 °C PCA: 30-35 °C
The sample size must be adequate for the expected microbial count of water to obtain statistically valid colony counts.
1.0 mL for plate depth and 100.0 mL for membrane filtration.
To optimize the recovery, an alternative medium may be more adequate (m-HPC, Soybean-casein digest agar).

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02 RESEARCH ON TOTAL AND FECAL COLIFORMS

The coliform group consists of several bacteria belonging to the Enterobacteriaceae family. The
historical definition of this group was based on the method used for detection: fermentation of lactose
in detriment of the systematic bacteriology principles. Consequently, when the fermentation
technique is used, this group is defined as facultative anaerobic, Gram-negative rods, that do not form
spores, and fermenters of lactose with formation of gas and acid when incubated for 48 hours as 35
°C. The standard test for the coliform group may be conducted by the following methods:
fermentation in multiple tubes, membrane filtration, or chromogenic.
For all types of water for pharmaceutical use, regardless of the method used, total and fecal coliforms
must be absent.


Method of fermentation in multiple tubes

Presumptive phase – Use Lauryl tryptose broth. If the medium is refrigerated after the sterilization,
leave it at room temperature before use. Discard the tubes that present growth or bubbles. Prepare the
Lauryl tryptose broth at such a concentration that, by adding 100 mL, 20 mL or 10 mL of the sample
to the medium, the concentration of ingredients from the formula will not be reduced, as described
on Table 2. Make sure that the inverted Durham tubes are free of bubbles.

Table 2 – Preparation of the Lauryl tryptose broth.

Sample Amount of medium/tube Volume of medium + sample Lauryl tryptose broth
(mL) (mL) (mL) required (g/L)
1 10 or more 11 or more 35.6
10 10 20 71.2
10 20 30 53.4
20 10 30 106.8
100 50 150 106.8
100 35 135 137.1
100 20 120 213.6

Shake the sample vigorously. Use five portions of 20 mL, 10 portions of 10 mL or a single sample of
100 mL. Mix the portions of sample in the medium slightly stirring. Incubate at (35 ± 0.5) °C. After
(24 ± 2) hours, shake each tube slightly and observe for presence of growth or formation of gas; if no
gas is evident, re-incubate the tubes and reexamine at the end of (48 ± 3) hours. Register the presence
or absence of growth and gas. Turbidity or production of gas in the tubes within (48 ±3) hours
comprises a positive presumptive reaction. In this case, carry on with the confirmatory phase.

Confirmatory phase – Use Brilliant green bile lactose broth. Make sure that the inverted Durham
tubes are free of bubbles. Slightly shake the positive Lauryl tryptose broth fermentation tubes and
inoculate one or more loops of culture in Brilliant green bile lactose broth. Incubate the Brilliant green
bile lactose broth tubes at (35 ± 0.5) °C. The growth and formation of any amount of gas within (48 ±
3) hours comprises a positive confirmatory phase, indicating the presence of total coliforms.

To estimate the density of coliforms, calculate the Most Probable Number (MPN) from the number
of positive tubes of Brilliant green bile lactose broth (Tables 3 and 4).

Table 3 – MPN index and confidence limits of 95% for all combinations of positive and negative results when
five portions of 20 mL of sample are used.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

Number of tubes with positive Confidence limit of 95% (exact)

result MPN index/100 mL
(20 mL of sample each) Low High
0 < 1.1 - 3.5
1 1.1 0.051 5.4
2 2.6 0.40 8.4
3 4.6 1.0 13
4 8.0 2.1 23
5 8.0 3.4 -

Table 4 – MPN index and confidence limits of 95% for all combinations of positive and negative results when
10 portions of 10 mL of sample are used.
Number of tubes with positive Confidence limit of 95% (exact)
result MPN index/100 mL
(10 mL of sample each) Low High
0 < 1.1 - 3.4
1 1.1 0.051 5.9
2 2.2 0.37 8.2
3 3.6 0.91 9.7
4 5.1 1.6 13
5 6.9 2.5 15
6 9.2 3.3 19
7 12 4.8 24
8 16 5.8 34
9 23 8.1 53
10 >23 13 -

Complete phase: – Slightly shake the positive Brilliant green bile lactose broth fermentation tubes
and inoculate one or more loops of culture in EC or EC-MUG broth. Alternatively, the inoculation in
EC or EC-MUG broth may be done from the culture in Lauryl tryptose broth simultaneously to the
inoculation in Brilliant green bile lactose broth in the confirmatory phase. Incubate the tubes of EC
or EC-MUG at temperature of (44 ± 0.2) °C for (24 ± 2) hours.
The observation of growth and the production of gas in the EC or EC-MUG tubes indicate the
presence of fecal coliforms or E. coli, respectively. In parallel, positive cultures from Brilliant green
bile lactose broth with negative results on EC or EC-MUG broths indicate the presence of non-fecal

Confirmatory tests using selective and differential media and biochemical tests for identification of
species may be conducted when necessary.

Membrane filtration method: use filtration equipment that allows transferring the membrane to
culture media. Use a sterile membrane with 47 mm of diameter and 0.45 µm of porosity, washing the
membrane, after the sample filtration, with three portions of 20 mL to 30 mL of sterile purified water.
The volume to be filtered may vary according to the sample, obeying a maximum volume that
provides 20 CFU to 200 CFU per membrane. For research of coliforms, the membrane must be
incubated in specific medium (for example, MacConkey, endo C, eosin methylene blue, etc.), at the
temperatures established for studies on total and fecal coliforms for 24 hours.

Chromogenic method: culture media that have in their formulation specific enzyme substrates allow
significant improvements in the recovery of microorganisms and in their identification.
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.5.3-02

In case of research of total coliforms and E. coli, there are alternative methods correlated to the
traditional membrane filtration and multiple tube methods. There are tests based on using a specific
substrate, which allow the simultaneous research on fecal coliforms and E. coli in a shorter period of
time. For example, tests based on the activity of β-galactosidase over the ONPG (O-nitrophenyl-β-
D-galactopyranoside) substrate and of β-D-glucuronidase over the MUG (4-methylumbelliferyl-β-D-
glucoronide) substrate. The test is based on the addition of 100 mL of sample to the substrates and
incubation at 35 °C to 37 °C for 24 hours. The activity of total coliforms over the ONPG substrate
produces a yellow coloration, indicating their presence. The presence of E. coli can be confirmed by
fluorescence under UV light, due to their activity over the MUG substrate. RESEARCH ON Pseudomonas aeruginosa

The research on Pseudomonas aeruginosa in water for pharmaceutical use can be conducted by the
membrane filtration method. For all types of water for pharmaceutical use, P. aeruginosa must be


Membrane filtration method: filter 200 mL of sample through sterile filtration membrane. Put each
membrane on the M-Pa-C agar plate so that there is no room between the membrane and the agar
surface. Invert the plates and incubate at (41.5 ± 0.5) °C for 72 hours. Typically, the P. aeruginosa
colonies have 0.8 mm to 2.2 mm of diameter and are apparently flat, with clear edge and brownish to
dark green core. Count typical colonies, preferably from the filter with 20 to 80 colonies. Confirm the
presence of P. aeruginosa through adequate biochemical tests. Other methods and culture media can
be used, provided that duly validated.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.6-00


The immunochemical methods are based on selective, reversible and non-covalent binding between
antigens and antibodies. These methods are used to detect or dose antigens and antibodies. The
detection or assay of the antigen-antibody complex can be made by several techniques. The requisites
from this method apply to the immunochemical methods used, in the case of labeled or unlabeled

The results from immunochemical methods depend on the conditions of the experience, the nature
and the quality of the reagents used. It is essential to measure the components of an immunological
assay and use international preparations of reference for immunoassay whenever available. The
reagents necessary to many of the immunochemical methods are available in the market in the form
of kits that include reagents (especially the antigen or antibody) and the materials targeted at in vitro
assessment of a certain substance, as well as the necessary instructions for their correct use. The kits
must be used according to instructions from the manufacturer, and it is important to make sure they
are adequate to the sample analysis, especially concerning selectiveness and sensitivity. The
requisites related to kits for immunoassay are provided by the World Health Organization.


The techniques that use labeled substances must use appropriate labels, such as enzymes and
radioisotopes. When the label is a radioisotope, we call the technique radioimmunoassay. All
techniques conducted with radioactive substances must be in compliance with the national and
international legislation for protection against the risk from radiations.


Immunoprecipitation methods. The immunoprecipitation methods include flocculation and

precipitation reactions. When a solution from an antigen is mixed with the corresponding antibodies,
in adequate conditions, the reagents form flocculant or precipitating aggregates. The ratio between
the amounts of reagents corresponding to the shortest flocculation time, or to the most accentuated
precipitation, is called optimum ratio. It is usually obtained in presence of equivalent amounts of
antigen and antibody. The immunoprecipitation can be assessed visually or through measuring the
light dispersion.

Turbidimetric immunochemical methods. An increase in the method sensitivity can be obtained by

using particles coated of antibodies or antigens (for example, latex). In the flocculation methods,
usually successive dilutions of one of the reagents are used, while in the immunodiffusion (ID)
method the dilution is obtained by diffusion in a gel. Concentration gradients from one or two reagents
are obtained, in order to create on the gel zones where the proportions of reagents favor the
precipitation. While the flocculation methods are conducted on test tubes, the immunodiffusion
methods can be conducted using different supports, such as beakers, plates, slides, tubs or chambers.
It is called single immunoprecipitation when the antigen reacts only with its corresponding antibody;
it is called complex when several reagents that are serologically related are used; and multiple when
several reagents not serologically related are used. In the single diffusion method, a concentration
gradient is established only for one of the reagents diffused from an external source inside the gel that
has the reagent corresponding to a relatively low concentration.

Single radial immunodiffusion (SRID). It is a single quantitative immunodiffusion technique. When

the equilibration between internal and external reagents is established, the area of the circular

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.6-00

precipitation zone, originated from the external reagent, is directly proportional to the concentration
of antigen applied and inversely proportional to the concentration of antibodies in gel.

Double diffusion methods. The concentration gradients are established for two reagents. Both the
antigen and the antibody diffuse from separate places in a gel that is initially neutral under the
immunological standpoint. The double immunodiffusion methods are used to compare, qualitatively,
several antigens in relation to an appropriate antibody, or vice-versa. The comparison is based on the
presence or absence of interaction between the precipitation standards. It is possible to distinguish
reactions of identity, non-identity or partial identity between antigens and antibodies.

Immunoelectrophoresis methods. Immunoelectrophoresis (IE) is a qualitative technique of two

associated methods: gel electrophoresis, followed by immunodiffusion.

Crossed immunoelectrophoresis. The crossed immunoelectrophoresis is a modification of the

immunoelectrophoresis (IE), adapted to the qualitative and quantitative analysis. Initially, a classic
electrophoresis is conducted. A strip of gel that contains the fractions to be analyzed, separated by
electrophoresis, is then cut out and transferred to another plate. This new plate is subjected to a second
electrophoresis perpendicularly to the previous strip, with the use of a gel that has a relatively low
content of antibodies corresponding to the antigen. For a given concentration of antibodies and gel
thickness, the ratio between the area of each precipitation peak and the amount of corresponding
antigen is linear.

Electroimmunology method or rocket immunoelectrophoresis. The electroimmunoassay, many times

referred to as rocket immunoelectrophoresis, is a quick method to dose antigens which charge is
different from the antibody and vice-versa. The electrophoresis of the antigen to be dosed is conducted
in a gel that must have a concentration relatively lower than the one from the corresponding antibody.
The substance to be analyzed and the dilutions of the antigen used for calibration must be placed on
different wells of the gel. During the electrophoresis, fusiform precipitation zones are formed and
migrate from the wells. When the antigen is no longer in excess, the precipitation line becomes
stationary. For a given concentration of antibodies, the ratio between the distance traveled by the
precipitation line and the amount of antigen applied is linear.

Contra-immunoelectrophoresis. It is a quick quantitative method that allows establishing gradients

of concentration of external antigens and antibodies, in an electric field depending on their different
charges. The standard and sample dilutions must be organized on a row of wells in the gel. A known
amount of corresponding reagent is placed on an opposite row of wells. The titer of the substance to
be dosed may be considered the highest dilution where a precipitation line is observed. There are
variants of crossed immunoelectrophoresis and immunoelectrodosage. Other techniques associate the
separation of antigen with the molecular size and serological properties. The visualization and
characterization of immunoprecipitation lines can be conducted by selective, or non-selective,
coloring, by fluorescence, enzyme labeling, isotope labeling, or other appropriate techniques.
Selective coloring is normally used for characterizing non-protein substances on the precipitates.

In translucent gels, such as agar or agarose, the precipitation line becomes clearly visible in the gel,
provided that the concentration of each of the reagents is adequate.


A quantitative immunochemical method will only be valid if:

a) the antigen or antibody does not discriminate, significantly, the substance being analyzed from
the standard. In case of a labeled reagent, the corresponding reagent must not distinguish,
significantly, the labeled substance from the non-labeled substance;
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.6-00

b) the method is not influenced by the assay matrix, that is, all components of the sample being
analyzed, or its excipients, that may vary from one sample to the other. They may include high
concentrations of other proteins, salts, preservatives in high concentrations, or have a proteolytic
contamination activity;
c) the limit of quantification is lower than the criteria for acceptance indicated in the individual
d) the accuracy of assay is such that the variation of results corresponds to the requirements
established in the individual monograph;
e) absence of systematic errors when conducting the assay.

Parameters for validation of method

For these criteria to be checked, the validation includes the following elements:
a) the assay must be conducted at least in triplicate;
b) the assay must include no less than three different dilutions of standard and three different
dilutions of sample with supposed activity similar to the one from the standard preparation;
c) the samples must be distributed randomly;
d) if the sample is present in serum, or if it is mixed with other constituents, the standard must be
prepared in the same way;
e) the assay must include a measure of non-specific bond of the labeled reagent;
f) for radioimmunoassays with shift: the maximum bond (zero shift) must be determined and the
dilutions must cover the full range of responses to the closest values from the non-specific bond to
the maximum bond, preferably both for the sample and for the standard.


For analysis of results, the response curves from sample and standard can be analyzed by the statistical
procedures applicable to biological assays. The significant non-parallelism indicates that the antigen
or antibody distinguishes the sample from standard and implies in invalidation of result. On
immunoassays with shift, the values from non-specific bond and maximum shift at a high
concentration of sample or standard must not be significantly different. The differences may reflect
effects due to the matrix, whether by inhibition of bond or degradation of label.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.7.1-00




The determination of tensile strength of surgical sutures must be made in an environment with
constant humidity and temperature. The relative air humidity must be between 60% and 80% and the
temperature, between 20 °C and 25 °C.


When determining the tensile strength of surgical sutures, the equipment must have an electric motor
that applies to the suture being analyzed a constant load rate per time unit.


Specifications: the clamps must be of roll type with flat surfaces for fastening the sutures. The roll
diameter must be of 1.8 cm to 1.9 cm and the flat surfaces must have no less than 2.5 cm of length.
The distance between clamps must be 1.25 cm. The load carriage friction must allow the recording
pen to slide up to 2.5% of the registration capacity when there is no sample. The plan inclination
speed must be adjusted so that 20 seconds are necessary from the beginning of the test for the
maximum slope of 30 degrees to be achieved.


Determine the tensile strength of surgical sutures with the same preliminary precautions required for
the diameter determination test. Adjust the weight of the carriage so that, at the moment the rupture
occurs, the position of the recording pen is between 20% and 80% of the registration capacity.

Direct traction: insert the suture in the equipment by fastening one of the ends and passing the free
end through the other clamp. Apply on it a tension equivalent to 25% of the minimum strength
required for the suture being tested and tighten the clamp. Adjust the recording pen on the point zero
of the chart and turn the equipment on; record the reading and assess the strength. Discard the
determination when the suture ruptures, near the clamps.

Traction on knot: determine the tensile strength over surgical knot by making on the suture being
tested a surgeon’s knot (Figure 1) over a segment of a flexible rubber tube with 5 cm of length,
6.5 mm of internal diameter, and 8.1 mm of external diameter. Place the suture on the equipment so
that the knot is positioned equidistantly from the clamps. Adjust the recording pen on the point zero
of the chart and turn the equipment on; record the reading and assess the strength. Discard the
determination when the suture ruptures, near the clamps.

Execution of surgeon’s knot

To make a surgeon’s knot, proceed as follows:

a) hold the ends of the surgical suture, one in each hand;
b) place the tip on the left hand over the tip on the right hand, forming a circle;
c) introduce the overlapped end in the loop;
d) repeat the operation;
e) fasten on the flexible rubber tube;

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.7.1-00

f) put the right side end over the left side end, forming a second loop;
g) close the knot.

Figure 1 – Surgeon’s knot.

Results: The results must comply with what is described on the respective monographs.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.7.2-00


The determination of diameter of surgical sutures must be made in an environment with constant
humidity and temperature. The relative air humidity must be between 60% and 80% and the
temperature, between 20 °C and 25 °C. The weights for pre-tension to determine the diameter of
multifilament threads are registered on Table 1.


The gauge used to determine the diameter of sutures is of “dead weight” type, mechanical or
electronic, and is equipped with a direct, digital or printed reading output dial. The scale resolution is
of no less than 0.002 mm and the presser foot must have approximately (12.70 ± 0.02) mm of
diameter. The presser foot and the moving parts connected to it must have total load of (210 ± 3) g to
the sample. For sutures of surgical number 9-0 and smaller, remove the additional weight from the
presser so that the total weight on the sample does not exceed 60 g. The presser foot and the equipment
base must present parallelism and flatness of 0.005 mm.

Table 1 – Weights for pre-tension to determine the diameter of multifilament threads.

Number according to metric
Surgical number Absorbable sutures Non-absorbable sutures
0.01 12-0 - -
0.1 11-0 - -
0.2 10-0 12.5 12
0.3 9-0 25 27
0.4 8-0 35 38
0.5 7-0 70 69
0.7 6-0 125 125
1.0 5-0 340 250
1.5 4-0 475 375
2 3-0 885 600
3 2-0 1340 900
3.5 0 1950 1350
4 1 2540 1700
5 2 3175 2200
6 3 and 4 3645 3050
7 5 - 3850
8 6 - 4550
9 7 - 5650


The diameter of surgical sutures of natural origin, packaged without preservative liquid, is determined
after they remain for no less than four hours in atmosphere with temperature and humidity previously
specified. The sutures packaged with preservative liquid are submitted to test immediately after they
are removed from the liquid, without prior drying.

Multifilament sutures

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.7.2-00

To determine the diameter of multifilament surgical sutures, the measurements must be made keeping
them tensioned with the help of a roller system fastened to a table, according to Figure 1, and
proceeding as detailed below:
a) fasten one of the suture ends through a fastening clamp;
b) on the other free end, put a weight with a mass according to Table 1. Note: It is necessary to be
careful to not twist the suture;
c) position the suture on the gauge so that it passes through the center of the circular base and, with
the help of a lever, lower the moving rod foot slowly until the entire load is applied;
d) measure the suture diameter on three points, approximately at 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 of its total length;
e) in case of braided sutures with diameters larger than the surgical number 3-0, make two
perpendicular measurements in each point.


Thread Thread fastening

Guide roller
Device table base


Figure 1 – Model of table suggested for measuring the diameter of multifilament sutures.

Monofilament sutures

To determine the diameter of monofilament sutures, it is necessary to proceed as follows:

a) make the measurements on sutures in the dry form or with fluid, immediately after they are
removed from the package, without prior drying;
b) position the suture on the gauge, between the fixed base and the moving lock base;
c) lower the lever slowly so that the entire load is on the suture;
d) measure the suture diameter on three points, approximately at 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 of its total length.

Result: The average of the measurements made in the sutures must be between the limits established
on the respective monographs. Individual values must be comprised between the averages of limits
for surgical numbers, immediately inferior and posterior to the one analyzed.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.7.3-00


The purpose of this assay is to assess the fastening of threads for sutures in atraumatic needles.


Use an universal traction machine equipped with electric motor that applies a constant load rate per
time unit. The load cell used must be compatible with the necessary traction force for checking.


Fasten the needle to one of the equipment clamps so that the threaded part is free and aligned with
the direction where the force will be applied by the moving clamp. Measure the strength required to
unthread the suture from the needle.

Results: they must be assessed considering Table 1.

Note: the assessment of resistance to threading must consider simultaneously the individual limits
for threads and the limits for the average of five threads from the lot analyzed. If one of the individual
limit results, and no more than one, does not meet the minimum limits for individual values, repeat
the assay with another ten threads. The assay requisite will be met if none of the 10 samples is below
the limits described.

Table 1 – Limits of resistance to needle threading in relation to the surgical number.

Number according to metric system Minimum resistance limits
Absorbable Non- Average Individual
Natural Synthetic absorbable kgf N kgf N
11-0 - 0.1 0.1 0.007 0.07 0.005 0.05
10-0 - 0.2 0.2 0.014 0.14 0.010 0.10
9-0 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.021 0.21 0.015 0.15
8-0 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.05 0.49 0.025 0.25
7-0 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.08 0.78 0.045 0.44
6-0 1 0.7 0.7 0.17 1.67 0.08 0.78
5-0 1.5 1.0 1.0 0.23 226 0.11 1.08
4-0 2 1.5 1.5 0.45 4.41 0.23 2.26
3-0 3 2 2 0.68 6.67 0.34 3.33
2-0 3.5 3 3 1.10 10.79 0.45 4.41
0 4 3.5 3.5 1.50 14.71 0.45 4.41
1 5 4.0 4.0 1.80 17.65 0.60 5.88
2 6 5 5 1.80 17.65 0.70 6.86
3 7 6 6 2.00 19.61 0.90 8.83
4 8 6 6 2.00 19.61 0.90 8.83
≥5 - ≥7 ≥7 2.00 21.57 1.10 10.79

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.7.4-00


To conduct tests on Determination of absorption, remove the cotton from its original package and
store it previously, for no less than four hours, in a place with relative air humidity of (65 ± 2)% and
temperature of (21 ± 1.1) °C.


Use a basket that weighs no more than 3 g, made of copper wire with approximately 0.4 mm of
diameter, in the shape of a cylinder with approximately 5 cm of diameter and 8 cm of depth, with
spaces of approximately 2 cm between wires. Transfer portions of hydrophile cotton with, exactly,
approximately (1 ± 0.05) g, from five different parts of the package, through pulls, not cuts of the
sample. Place the matched portions in the basket and weigh. Hold the basket by its side approximately
12 mm from the water surface at (25 ± 1) °C and let it drop in the water. Determine, preferably by
using a timer, the time in seconds required for complete submersion.

Remove the basket from the wire, let it drain for 10 seconds in the same horizontal position, then
place it immediately in a vessel tared and covered, and weigh. Calculate the mass of water absorbed
from the mass of the test basket and the mass of hydrophile cotton.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.7.5-00


To conduct tests on Determination of fiber length, remove the cotton from its original package and
store it previously, for no less than four hours, in a place with relative air humidity of (65 ± 2)% and
temperature of (21 ± 1.1) °C.

This procedure applies to the Suter-Webb cotton fiber duplex sorter device. With changes in the
procedure, it may be applied to two Baer sorters arranged sequentially, or to a Johannsen or another
similar device.


The sorter consists of two banks with combs rigidly assembled side by side over a common base.
Each bank of combs consists of no less than 12 individual combs spaced 3.2 mm apart, one behind
the other, and fitted so that, as they are approached during the fractioning process and no longer
necessary, they can be released to fall below the work plan. Each comb has a single series of teeth
precisely aligned and very sharp, with 12 mm of length, comprised of needles with 0.38 mm of
diameter. The teeth are spaced 62 mm to 25 mm apart in an extension of approximately 50 mm.

The accessories consists of fiber sorter forceps, fiber depressing grid, flat fiber depressor plate, and
velvet-covered plates. The sorter forceps consists of two brass pieces, with approximately 75 mm of
length, hinged on one side and slightly curved on the other, thus presenting a beak shape to catch the
fibers that are out and near the comb surfaces. Usually, one of the catcher ends has padding in leather
or another fibrous material. The catcher end has approximately 19 mm of width.

The fiber depressing grid consists of series of metal rods spaced 3.2 mm apart, so that the fibers can
be placed between the combs to press the fibers down between the teeth. The flat fiber depressing
plate consists of a polished metal plate, with approximately 25 mm by 50 mm, with a round knob or
handle on the upper surface through which the plate can be smoothed over the fibers as they are placed
on the surface of the velvet-covered plates. The velvet-covered plates, on which the fibers can be
placed in order, are aluminum plates with approximately 100 mm by 225 mm and 2.4 mm of
thickness, covered on both sides by high-quality velvet, preferably black.


After unrolling the cotton, prepare a representative sample by taking, from a package with 225 g to
450 g, 32 samples (each one with approximately 75 mg) well distributed along the lap, being 16 taken
from one longitudinal half and the rest, from the other half.

Avoid the lap ends and carefully make sure that the portions are taken considering the lap thickness.
To avoid the selection of only long fibers or short fibers, remove all fibers from each sample and do
not let them pass through your fingers.

Weigh eight samples from packages with no more than 112.5 g and weigh 16 samples from packages
weighing 112.5 g to 225 g, all of them well distributed.

Mix the samples in pairs, randomly, and match each pair by pulling and rolling softly on the fingers.
Then, divide each matched pair lengthwise in two approximately equal parts and use one part in the
further mixture (the other part can be discarded or reserved for any other tests or controls).

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.7.5-00

Repeat the process described on the previous paragraph with the successive halves of the series
bifurcated until it results in only one sample. Arrange the final sample fibers softly in parallel position,
pulling and rolling them on the fingers. Retain all fibers, including, as much as possible, the ones
tangled and the masses of braided fibers, discarding only unripe seed fragments with fibers and non-
fibrous foreign material, such as petioles, leaves and fragments of integuments.

From the final sample described on the previous paragraph, separate lengthwise a sample with (75 ±
2) mg, weighed accurately. Retain the residue for any necessary test.


Using the fiber depressing grid, carefully insert the weighed sample in a comb bank from the cotton
sorter, so that it extends through the combs in approximately straight angles.

With the sorter forceps, hold, by the free ends, a small portion of fibers that extends through the teeth
from the comb closest to the operator; softly take it from the combs and transfer it to the tips of teeth
from the second banks, laying the fibers parallel with each other, linearly and in approximately
straight angles in relation to the teeth sides, releasing as close as possible to the front comb side.

Using the depressing grid, carefully press down the fibers transferred on the comb teeth. Continue the
operation until all fibers are transferred to the second comb bank. During this fiber transfer, let the
combs from the first bank fall successively when and while all protruding fibers are removed.

Turn the equipment 180° and transfer the cotton fibers back to the first comb bank as described

The ends of the fibers must be carefully smoothed during both transfers, being arranged as close as
possible to the front surface of the proximal comb. Such smoothing may involve removing isolate
fibers from both sides, frontal and distal, of the comb banks and depositing them again in the main
bundle of the combs.

Turn the equipment 180º again. Let successive combs fall, if necessary, to expose the ends of the
longer fibers. It may be necessary to deposit again some loose fibers. Using the forceps, remove the
few more protruding fibers. Thus, continue removing successively the remaining protruding fibers
back to the front side of the proximal comb. Let this comb fall and repeat the series of operations in
the same way until all fibers have been removed. To not disturb the sample seriously and, therefore,
vitiate the fractioning in groups, pull several times (eight to ten) between each pair of combs.

Place the pulls over the velvet-covered plates parallel with each other, as straight as possible, with
the ends as clearly defined as possible, and with the distal parts arranged in a straight line, pressing
them down gently with the flat fiber depressor plate before releasing the pull from the forceps. Use
no less than 50 and no more than 100 pulls to fraction the sample.

Group all fibers that have length of 12.5 mm or more and weigh the group until tenths of milligram.
Likewise, group all fibers that have length of 6.25 mm or less and weigh the same manner. Finally,
group the remaining fibers, of intermediate lengths, and weigh. The sum of the three weights must
not be more than 3 mg different from the initial sample weight. Divide the mass of each one of the
two first groups by the sample mass to obtain the percentage in weight of fiber on the two length

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.8.1-00



Detector tubes are sealed cylindric tubes comprised of an inert clear material, built in order to enable
the passage of gas. They have reagents adsorbed in inert substrates appropriate to view the substance
to be detected and may have preliminary layers and/or adsorbent filters to eliminate the impurities
that interfere with the substance to be detected. Such layers have a single reagent for detecting a
certain impurity or several reagents to detect several substances (single-layer or multi-layer tube).

The assay is conducted passing the necessary volume of gas to be analyzed through the indicator tube.
The extension of the colored layer or the intensity of color change in a graded scale allows assessing
the presence of impurities.

The user must ensure the adequacy of detector tubes for the intended use and they must be used
according to the procedure below or to instructions from the manufacturer.

The gas supply must be connected to adequate pressure regulator and needle valve. Connect a flexible
tube to a T for adjusting the flow of gas to be analyzed and for the tube purge, in order to obtain
adequate flow (Figure 1). Couple the indicator tube to the dosing pump and connect the other end to
the T. Operate the pump so that an adequate volume of the gas to be analyzed passes through the tube.
Read the value corresponding to the extension of the colored layer or intensity of color in the graded
scale. If the result is negative, the indicator tube may be checked through a calibration gas with the
adequate impurity.

Figure 1 – Assembly for gas detector tubes.


1 Gas supply; 2 Pressure regulator valve; 3 Needle valve; 4 T-shaped part; 5 Indicator tube; 6 Dosing pump; and 7 Outlet
to atmosphere.

Carbon monoxide: the carbon monoxide detector tube must indicate the minimum concentration of 5
micromol/mol (ppm), with the relative standard deviation of results of no more than 15.0%.

Carbon dioxide: the carbon dioxide detector tube must indicate the minimum concentration of 100
micromol/mol (ppm), with the relative standard deviation of results of no more than 15.0%.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.8.1-00

Sulfur dioxide: the sulfur dioxide detector tube must indicate the minimum concentration of 0.5
micromol/mol (ppm), with the relative standard deviation of results of no more than 15.0%.

Nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide: the nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide detector tube
must indicate the minimum concentration of 0.5 micromol/mol (ppm), with the relative standard
deviation of results of no more than 15.0%. DETERMINATION OF GASES BY NON-DISPERSIVE INFRARED

Gases absorb light in one ore more specific wavelengths and this property is broadly used to determine
their concentrations. The analytical technique that uses the infrared analyzer may be used to determine
impurities, such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, among others.

The analyzer is comprised of two identical generators of infrared beams: one beam crosses a cell with
the sample and the other crosses a cell with the reference gas. The infrared radiation emitted by a
source is converted to intermittent light through a rotary switch (chopper) and enters the detector
chamber after going through one of the measurement cells. Part of the radiation is absorbed by the
impurity that may exist in the sample cell, producing a difference in the intensity on the two beams
that enter the detector chambers. This difference produces an electric current that is proportional to
the amount of impurity that exists in the sample.

Whenever the equipment is turned on, it must be adjusted as described in the specific monograph for

The paramagnetic signal identifies the oxygen in the sample. The principle of the method is based on
the high paramagnetic sensitivity of the oxygen molecule, which has a strong interaction in the
magnetic field, which signal is measured electronically, amplified and converted to a value
transmitted in the oxygen concentration reader.

The equipment must be calibrated periodically. The equipment reading range is from 0 to 100.0%
v/v, with resolution of 0.1%, linearity of ± 0.1% and precision of 0.1%.

For calibrating the equipment, adjust the zero passing standard certified nitrogen gas with minimum
purity of 99.99% v/v through the device until a constant reading is achieved; configure to the scale of
100% passing the calibration gas (standard certified oxygen with minimum purity of 99.99% v/v)
with the same flow used when conducting the calibration from zero until constant reading is achieved.

Procedure: pass the gas to be analyzed through the analyzer with the same flow used at calibration
until constant reading is achieved. Register the sample gas concentration read on the instrument. The
result must be in percentage of volume of oxygen. DETERMINATION OF GASES BY ULTRAVIOLET

The analytical technique that uses the ultraviolet fluorescence analyzer can be used to determine
impurities, such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, total of sulfur compounds, among others.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.8.1-00

The device is comprised of an ultraviolet radiation generator system, with specific wavelength to
determine each gas impurity, formed by an ultraviolet lamp, a collimator and a selective filter, a
reaction chamber, where the gas being assayed circulates, and a system for detection of the radiation
emitted in the specific wavelength, comprised of a selective filter, a photomultiplier tube and an
amplifier. The light beam is periodically interrupted by a rotary switch (chopper) spinning at high

Whenever the equipment is turned on, it must be calibrated as described in the specific monograph

The analyzer operates through the principle that nitric oxide (NO) and ozone (O3) react producing a
characteristic luminescence, with intensity linearly proportional to the concentration of NO. The
chemical luminescence reaction is described below:

NO + O3 → NO2 + O2 + hν

For the chemiluminescence reaction to happen, the nitrogenated species must be in the form of NO.
The sample stream is divided into two streams, one going through a converter of NOx into NO and
the other not passing through the converter. The stream that passes through the converter will have a
higher NO concentration than the real one, and the stream that does not go through the converter will
have the actual NO concentration. The difference between both will reveal the concentration of NO2.

Principle of operation: the sample enters the equipment, crosses the capillary and goes to a valve that
divides the sample flow into two streams, one for the reaction chamber and the other for the converter
of NO2 into NO. A flow meter indicates the flow of sample that goes to the chamber. Dry air enters
on the other hole, passes through a flow controller, and goes to the ozone generator that produces the
necessary ozone for the chemiluminescence reaction. Right at the outlet of the reaction chamber, the
PMT (photomultiplier tube) detects the luminescence generated. The concentrations of NO and NOx
are determined and the difference between these concentrations is the concentration of NO2.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.8.2-00



This equipment has a detection cell that consists of a thin phosphorus pentoxide film between two
spiraled platinum wires that work as electrodes. Water vapor on the gas to be examined is absorbed
by the diphosphorus pentoxide, which is turned into phosphoric acid, an electric conductor. A direct
voltage applied to the electrodes produces water electrolysis and regeneration of diphosphorus
pentoxide. The value obtained from the electric current, which is proportional to the concentration of
water vapor in the gas examined, is determined. The system is self-calibrated provided that the
Faraday’s law is complied with.

Procedure: collect a sample of the gas to be examined and wait for its stabilization at room
temperature. Purge the cell continuously until a constant value is obtained. Measure the concentration
of water vapor in the gas examined, making sure that the temperature is constant in the system for

Proceed as described in Determination of gases using detector tubes ( The water vapor
detector tube must indicate the minimum concentration of 67 micromol/mol (ppm), with the relative
standard deviation of results of no more than 20%.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition MG5.8.3-00


Proceed as described in Determination of gases using detector tubes ( The water vapor
detector tube must indicate the minimum concentration of 0,1 micromol/mol (ppm), with the relative
standard deviation of results of no more than 30%.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RC6.1-00




Type I glass. Neutral glass of borosilicate, non-alkaline type, with high thermal, mechanic and
hydrolytic resistance, with alkalinity of up to 1.0 mL of H2SO4 0.01 M (assay in crushed glass vial).
Targeted at containing medicines; for intravascular application and parenteral use.

Type II glass. Alkali glass of the sodic / calcic type, with high hydrolytic resistance, resulting from
appropriate treatment of the internal surface of type III glass, so that its alkalinity is no more than
0.7 mL of H2SO4 0.01 M for vials with up to 100 mL and 0.2 mL of H2SO4 0.01 M for capacity over
100 mL (assay in whole glass vial). Targeted at containing solutions of parenteral use; neutral and
acid solutions that don’t have their pH changed.

Type III glass. Alkali glass of sodic / calcic type, with medium hydrolytic resistance, but with good
mechanical resistance, without any surface treatment, with maximum alkalinity of 8.5 mL of 0.01 M
H2SO4 (assay in crushed glass vial). Targeted at containing solutions of oral and topical use; it can
be used for parenteral solutions, when approved by stability assays.

NP (non-parenteral) type glass. Alkali glass of the sodic / calcic type, with low hydrolytic resistance
and high alkalinity, of no more than 15 mL of H2SO4 0,01 M (assay in crushed glass vial). Indicated
for containing non-parenteral products, that is, of oral and topical use.


Test that quantifies the intensity of the chemical reaction between water and the alkali elements in
the glass, especially sodium and potassium. This resistance determines the classification of the glass


• Autoclave with temperature control of (121 ± 1.0) °C, equipped with thermometer, manometer,
safety valve and shelf for supporting no less than 12 vials.
• Ball mill with hardened steel stricture and polished steel spheres or mortar in tempered steel with
the specifications on Figure 1.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RC6.1-00

Figure 1 – Mortar and pestle for glass powdering.

• Oven for drying with temperature of 140 °C;

• Precision balance with two decimal places;
• Kit of sieves in stainless steel, n. 20, n. 40 and n. 50, with diameter of 20.3 cm (8”), including pan
and lid;
• Magnet;
• Beaker or aluminum foil;
• 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask;
• Desiccator;
• Burette and micro-burette for titration;
• 100 mL graded cylinder;
• Bi-distilled or deionized water, with maximum conductivity of 0.15 μS/cm (or 6.67 MΩ/cm) at 25
• Methyl red solution (24 mg in 100 mL of water);
• Acetone PA;
• H2SO4 solution 0.01 M;
• HCl solution 0.01 M.


Wash no less than six vials, selected randomly, with bi-distilled or deionized water, and dry them in
a clean and dry air current.

If necessary, cut the vials and transfer and crush 30 g to 40 g of glass using the ball mill or mortar.
Pass the crushed glass through a sieve n. 20 and transfer the portion retained in the sieve to the ball
mill or mortar again. Repeat the operations of grinding and passing the fragments through the sieve
until no less than 2/3 of the material has gone through sieve n. 20. Combine all portions of crushed
glass that went through sieve n. 20 and pass through a sieve n. 40. Grind the portion retained on the
sieve and repeat the operation.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RC6.1-00

Combine the portions of crushed glass that went through sieve n. 40 and transfer to the assembled set
of sieves n. 40 and n. 50. Shake horizontally for five minutes. Collect 12.0 g of crushed glass that
went through the n. 40 sieve, but did not go through the n. 50 sieve, and store it in a desiccator until
being used in the test.

Spread the sample of crushed glass over a piece of satin paper and pass the magnet, to remove possible
iron fragments that may have been introduced during the crushing procedure.

Transfer the sample to a 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask and wash the glass particles with six portions of
30 mL of acetone PA, agitating for approximately 30 seconds in each procedure, and carefully decant
the acetone. After washing, the sample must be free from glass powder blocks and the grain surface
must be practically free from adherence of fine particles. Dry the material for 20 minutes at 140 °C.

The sample must be tested up to 48 hours after drying and, in this case, it must be maintained in a

Weigh 10.0 g of crushed glass, transfer to a 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask, prepared in advance with bi-
distilled or deionized water in bath at 90 °C for no less than 24 hours or at 121 °C for one hour, and
add 50 mL of bi-distilled or deionized water.

As blank, use a 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask, prepared in advance in bi-distilled or deionized water in
bath at 90 °C for no less than 24 hours or at 121 °C for one hour, and add 50 mL of bi-distilled or
deionized water.

Close the Erlenmeyer flasks with an inverted beaker or aluminum foil, washed in advance with bi-
distilled or deionized water.

Put them in autoclave and submit them to the following treatment:

• increase the autoclave temperature after closing the exhaust valve, between 19 to 23 minutes, until
achieving (121 ± 1) °C;
• maintain at temperature of (121 ± 1) °C for 30 minutes;
• discharge the pressure in a period of 38 to 46 minutes, until achieving atmospheric pressure.

Take the vials and cool them immediately in running water. After cooling, decant the water from the
Erlenmeyer flask and wash the crushed glass with four portions of 15 mL of bi-distilled or deionized
water. Add five drops of methyl red solution and titrate, immediately, with sulfuric acid 0.01 M. If
the expected volume of solution to be used in titration is inferior to 10 mL, use a micro-burette.
Register the volume of sulfuric acid used in titration and correct the value in relation to the volume
of blank.

The maximum alkalinity value for the type I glass vial is of 1.0 mL of H2SO4 0.01 M for 10 g of
crushed glass.
The maximum alkalinity value for the type III glass vial is of 8.5 mL of 0.01 M H2SO4 for 10 g of
crushed glass.
The maximum alkalinity value for the NP type glass vial is of 15 mL of H2SO4 0.01 M for 10 g of
crushed glass.


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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RC6.1-00

Wash vials, selected randomly, with bi-distilled or deionized water, and dry them in a clean and dry
air current. Add a volume of bi-distilled or deionized water corresponding to 90% of the total capacity
of the vial, determined as described in Total volumetric capacity (6.1.3).

Close the vials with aluminum foil washed in advance with bi-distilled or deionized water and put
them in autoclave. Submit them to the following treatment:
• heat the autoclave at 100 °C, with the exhaust valve opened, for 10 minutes;
• increase the autoclave temperature after closing the exhaust valve, by 1 °C/minute, until reaching
(121 ± 1) °C;
• maintain the temperature of (121 ± 1) °C for 60 minutes;
• lower the temperature by 0.5 °C/minute, until reaching 100 °C, discharging the pressure until
achieving atmospheric pressure;
• open the autoclave only after reaching the temperature of 95 °C;
• transfer the vials to a water bath at 80 °C. Add cold water, taking care to avoid contamination of
the extraction solution, and the cooling time must not exceed 30 minutes.

After cooling, combine the extraction solution from each of the vials. Measure the volume as
registered on Table 1 and transfer to a 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask.

As blank, use a 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask and add the same volume of bi-distilled or deionized water.

Table 1 – Volume of extraction solution according to the total

volumetric capacity of the container.
Volumetric capacity of the flask
Volume of extraction solution (mL)
≤3 25.0
From 3 to 30 50.0
From 30 to 100 100.0
≥100 100.0

Transfer five drops of methyl red solution for each 25 mL of extraction solution and titrate,
immediately, with hydrochloric acid 0.01 M, using a micro-burette. Register the volume of
hydrochloric acid 0.01 M used in titration and correct the value in relation to the volume of blank.

The maximum alkalinity value must not exceed the values indicated on Table 2.

Table 2 – Maximum alkalinity according to the glass type and the volumetric capacity of the vial.
Volumetric capacity of the Maximum volume of HCl 0.01 M (mL) for 100 mL of extraction solution
flask (mL) Types I and II Type III
≤1 2.0 20.0
From 1 to 2 1.8 17.6
From 2 to 5 1.3 13.2
From 5 to 10 1.0 10.2
From 10 to 20 0.80 8.1
From 20 to 50 0.60 6.1
From 50 to 100 0.50 4.8
From 100 to 200 0.40 3.8
From 200 to 500 0.30 2.9
> 500 0.20 2.2

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RC6.1-00



Rinse three or more vials, selected randomly, with bi-distilled or deionized water twice and dry them
in a clean and dry air current. Add a volume of bi-distilled or deionized water corresponding to 90%
of the total capacity of the vial, determined as described in Total volumetric capacity (6.1.3). Close
the flasks with an inverted beaker or aluminum foil, washed in advance with bi-distilled or deionized

Put them in autoclave and submit them to the following treatment:

• increase the autoclave temperature after closing the exhaust valve, between 19 to 23 minutes, until
achieving (121 ± 1) °C;
• maintain at temperature of (121 ± 1) °C for 60 minutes;
• discharge the pressure in a period of 38 to 46 minutes, until achieving atmospheric pressure.

Combine the volume of extraction solution from several vials in a graded cylinder and transfer
100.0 mL to a 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask. Add five drops of methyl red solution and immediately
titrate with sulfuric acid 0.01 M. Complete the titration within 60 minutes after opening the autoclave.
Register the volume of sulfuric acid used in titration and correct the value in relation to the volume
of blank (100 mL of bi-distilled or deionized water at the same temperature and with the same amount
of indicator).

The maximum alkalinity value for the type II glass vial is of 0.7 mL of H2SO4 0.01 M for vials with
up to 100 mL of volumetric capacity.
The maximum alkalinity value for the type II glass vial is of 0.2 mL of H2SO4 0.01 M for vials with
more than 100 mL of volumetric capacity.


• Autoclave with temperature control of (121 ± 1.0) °C, equipped with thermometer, manometer,
safety valve and shelf for supporting no less than 12 vials;
• oven for drying with temperature of 140 °C;
• beaker or aluminum foil;
• 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask;
• 100 mL graded cylinder;
• bi-distilled or deionized water, with maximum conductivity of 0.15 μS/cm (or 6.67 MΩ/cm) at 25


Wash vials, selected randomly, with bi-distilled or deionized water and dry them in a clean and dry
air current. Add a volume of bi-distilled or deionized water corresponding to 90% of the total capacity
of the vial, determined as described in Total volumetric capacity (6.1.3).

Close the vials with aluminum foil washed in advance with bi-distilled or deionized water and put
them in autoclave. Submit them to the following treatment:
• heat the autoclave at 100 °C, with the exhaust valve opened, for 10 minutes;

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RC6.1-00

• increase the autoclave temperature after closing the exhaust valve, by 1 °C/minute, until reaching
(121 ± 1) °C;
• maintain at temperature of (121 ± 1) °C for 60 minutes;
• lower the temperature by 0.5 °C/minute, until reaching 100 °C, discharging the pressure until
achieving atmospheric pressure;
• open the autoclave only after reaching the temperature of 95 °C;
• transfer the vials to a water bath at 80 °C. Add cold water, carefully, to avoid contamination of the
extraction solution, and the cooling time must not exceed 30 minutes.

After cooling, combine the extraction solution from each of the flasks to obtain 35 mL and transfer
to a 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask.

Proceed as described for Limit test for arsenic ( No more than 1 μg/g.


Assay to determine the volume of liquid product the vial can contain, when full, until the upper
termination surface.


• Balance with minimum resolution of 0.1 g;

• thermometer from 0 °C to 100 °C, with resolution of 0.5 °C;
• bi-distilled water.


Select six units randomly. Tare the balance with the dry and empty vial. Fill the vial with bi-distilled
water until the termination sealing surface (vial closing region, also named neck, finish or finishing),
keeping the external surface completely dry; for ampoules, the filling must be conducted until the
height of point A (Figure 1).

Figure 1 – Filling of volume of ampoules (up to point A).

Determine the water temperature during the execution of the assay and make sure that the water
temperature does not vary more than 1 °C. Weigh the full vial and determine the mass of water
contained in it.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RC6.1-00

Calculate the volume of the vial dividing the mass of water by its density, at the assay temperature,
using the data listed on Table 1 for distilled water.

Table 1 – Density of distilled water due to temperature.

Temperature (°C) Water density (g/mL) Temperature (°C) Water density (g/mL)
10 0.99970 23 0.99754
11 0.99961 24 0.99730
12 0.99950 25 0.99704
13 0.99938 26 0.99678
14 0.99924 27 0.99651
15 0.99910 28 0.99623
16 0.99894 29 0.99594
17 0.99877 30 0.99565
18 0.99860 31 0.99534
19 0.99841 32 0.99503
20 0.99820 33 0.99470
21 0.99799 34 0.99437
22 0.99777 35 0.99403


The results expressed in mL, with one decimal place, must comply with the specifications indicated.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RC6.2-00


The intended goal with this section is to establish rules for plastic materials and components used to
contain medicines and correlates. The rules and tests for functional properties of containers and their
components are provided in Plastic containers – Performance tests (6.2.3).

Plastic items are identified and characterized by infrared spectroscopy and differential scanning
calorimetry. This section describes the procedures from tests and rules for identification and
characterization of different types of plastic. The level of verification is based on direct or indirect
contact with the medicine, and the risk is based on the route of administration.

Plastics may contain residues from the polymerization process, plasticizers, stabilizers, antioxidants,
pigments and lubricants. Factors such as the composition of plastic, processing and procedures for
cleaning, surface treatment, means of contact, colorants, adhesives, absorption and permeability of
preservatives, as well as storage conditions, may also affect the suitability of a plastic for a specific
use. Tests on extractable substances are planned to characterize the components extracted and identify
possible migrants. The degree or extension of tests to extract substances from a component depends
on the purpose of use and the level of risk of impacting negatively the product efficacy. This chapter
describes the tests on specific extractable substances for resins of polyethylene, polypropylene,
poly(ethylene terephthalate) and poly(ethyelene terephthalate glycol). All other plastics must be
tested as described on Physicochemical tests from Test methods ( The Buffer capacity test
must be tested for containers targeted at containing a liquid product.

Plastic components used for high risk products, such as the ones targeted at inhalation, parenteral and
ophthalmic preparations, are tested using the Biological Assays from Test methods (

Plastic containers targeted at containing parenteral products must meet the requirements from
Biological assays and from Physicochemical tests. Rules are also provided for polyethylene
containers used to contain dry oral pharmaceutical dosage forms, not targeted at constitution in


High-density polyethylene and low-density polyethylene are long chain polymers, synthesized under
controlled heat and pressure conditions, with the help of catalysts and from no less than 85.0% of
ethylene and a total of 95.0% of olefins. Both high-density and low-density polyethylene have a
specific infrared absorption spectrum and have characteristic thermal properties. High-density
polyethylene has density between 0.941 and 0.965 g/cm3. Low-density polyethylene has density
between 0.850 and 0.940 g/cm3. Other properties that may affect the suitability of polyethylene
include elasticity modulus, flow index, resistance to breaking under environmental tension, and level
of crystallinity after molding.

The rules and assays described in this section characterize containers and components, made from
low- or high-density polyethylene from homopolymeric or copolymeric resins.

All polyethylene components are subject to infrared spectroscopy and differential scanning
calorimetry tests. When stability studies are conducted to determine the validity date of a special
pharmaceutical preparation in a suitable polyethylene container, any other polyethylene container that

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RC6.2-00

complies with these requisites may be equally used to contain the pharmaceutical preparation in
question, provided that the adequate stability programs are extended to include the alternative
container to ensure that the identity, strength, quality and purity of the pharmaceutical preparation are
maintained throughout the validity period.


High-density polyethylene

Infrared spectroscopy. Use the attenuated total reflection accessory, as described on the item Mid-
infrared (5.2.14). The corrected sample spectrum must present bands with higher absorption only on
the same wavelengths as the reference standard spectrum.

Differential scanning calorimetry. Proceed as described in Thermal analysis from Test methods
( The sample thermogram must be similar with the one from the reference standard,
determined in a similar manner, and the endothermal (thawing) temperature on the sample
thermogram must not differ by more than 6.0 °C from reference standards.

Heavy metals and non-volatile residue. Prepare extracts from the sample as described on
Physicochemical tests, in Test methods (, with area sample equivalent to 60 cm2, without
considering the thickness, for every 20.0 mL of Extraction medium.

Heavy Metals. The containers must meet the requirements for Heavy metals on Physicochemical
tests, in Test methods (

Non-volatile residue. Proceed as described in Non-volatile residue on Physicochemical tests in Test

methods (, and the Blank must be the same solvent used in each of the test conditions. The
difference between the amounts obtained of Sample and blank preparation must not exceed 12.0 mg
when water maintained at 70 °C is used as Extraction medium; not exceed 75.0 mg when alcohol
maintained at 70 °C is used as Extraction medium; and not exceed 100.0 mg when hexane maintained
at 50 °C is used as Extraction medium.

Substances used in contact with oral liquids. Proceed as described in the Buffer capacity from
Physicochemical tests, Test methods (

Low-density polyethylene

Infrared spectroscopy. Use the attenuated total reflection accessory, as described on the item Mid-
infrared (5.2.14). The corrected sample spectrum must present bands with higher absorption only on
the same wavelengths as the reference standard spectrum.

Differential scanning calorimetry. Proceed as described on Thermal analysis, in Test methods

( The sample thermogram must be similar with the one from the reference standard,
determined in a similar manner, and the endothermal (thawing) temperature on the sample
thermogram must not differ by more than 8.0 °C from reference standards.

Heavy metals and non-volatile residue. Prepare extracts from the sample as described on Sample
preparation in Physicochemical tests from Test methods, with area sample equivalent to 60 cm2,
without considering thickness, for every 20.0 mL of Extraction medium.

Heavy metals. The containers must meet the requirements for Heavy metals from Physicochemical
tests, in Test methods (
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RC6.2-00

Non-volatile residue. Proceed as described in Non-volatile residue on Physicochemical tests in Test

methods (, and the Blank must be the same solvent used in each of the test conditions. The
difference between the amounts obtained of Sample and blank preparation must not exceed 12.0 mg
when water maintained at 70 °C is used as Extraction medium; not exceed 75.0 mg when alcohol
maintained at 70 °C is used as Extraction medium; and not exceed 350.0 mg when hexane maintained
at 50 °C is used as Extraction medium.

Substances used in contact with oral liquids. Proceed as described in the Buffer capacity from
Physicochemical tests, in Test methods ( POLYPROPYLENE CONTAINERS

Polypropylene polymers are long chain polymers, synthesized with the help of catalysts under
controlled heat and pressure conditions. Factors such as the composition of plastic, processing and
procedures for cleaning, means of contact, colorants, adhesives, adsorption, permeability of
preservatives, and storage conditions, may also affect the suitability of a plastic for a specific use.
The suitability of a characteristic polypropylene must be established through adequate tests.

Polypropylene has a distinctive infrared spectrum and characteristic thermal properties. It has density
of 0.880 g/cm3 to 0.913 g/cm3. The permeability properties of molded polypropylene containers may
be altered when re-powdered polymer is incorporated, depending on its ratio in the final product.
Other properties that may affect the suitability of polypropylene used in containers for packaging
medicines include permeability to oxygen and humidity, elasticity modulus, flow index, resistance to
breaking under environmental tension, and level of crystallinity after molding.

The rules and assays provided characterize containers in polypropylene, made from homopolymers
or copolymers, which are adequate for containing dry solid and liquid pharmaceutical dosage forms.
Considering that adequate stability studies have been conducted to determine the validity date of a
specific pharmaceutical preparation in a suitable polypropylene container, any other polypropylene
container that complies with these requisites may be equally used to contain the same pharmaceutical
preparation, provided that the adequate stability programs are extended to include the alternative
container, to ensure that the identity, strength, quality and purity of the pharmaceutical preparation
are maintained throughout the validity period.


Infrared spectroscopy. Use the attenuated total reflection accessory, as described on the item
Infrared absorption spectrophotometry (5.2.14). The corrected spectrum of the sample must present
bands with higher absorption only in the same wavelengths of the spectrum of the respective reference
standard (polypropylene homopolymer or copolymer) determined in a similar manner.

Differential scanning calorimetry. Proceed as described in Thermal analysis from Test methods
( The endothermal (thawing) temperature on the thermogram must not differ by more than
6.0 °C from the reference standards for homopolymers. The endothermal temperature obtained from
the polypropylene copolymer sample thermogram must not differ by more than 12.0 °C from the
standards of this substance.

Heavy metals and non-volatile residue. Prepare extracts from samples as described on Sample
preparation, from Physicochemical tests, in Test methods (, with a portion of 60 cm2, without
considering the thickness, for every 20.0 mL of Extraction medium.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RC6.2-00

Heavy metals. The containers must meet the requirements for Heavy metals from Physicochemical
tests, in Test methods (

Non-volatile residue. Proceed as described in Non-volatile residue on Physicochemical tests in Test

methods (, and the Blank must be the same solvent used in each of the test conditions. The
difference between the amounts obtained of Sample and blank preparation must not exceed 10.0 mg
when water maintained at 70 °C is used as Extraction medium; not exceed 60.0 mg when alcohol
maintained at 70 °C is used as Extraction medium; and not exceed 225.0 mg when hexane maintained
at 50 °C is used as Extraction medium. The containers must meet the requirements for Non-volatile
residue for all extraction media.

Note: hexane and alcohol are flammable. When evaporating these solvents, use an air current with
water bath; when drying the residue, use explosion-proof oven.

Substances used in contact with oral liquids. Proceed as described in the Buffer capacity from
Physicochemical tests, in Test methods ( POLY(ETHYLENE TEREPHTHALATE) AND POLY(ETHYLENE

Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) resins are crystalline long chain polymers prepared by condensing
ethylene glycol with dimethyl terephthalate or terephthalic acid. PET copolymer resins are prepared
in a similar manner, except that they may also have a small amount of isophthalic acid (lower than
3% of mol of resin) or 1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol (lower than 5% of mol of resin). Polymerization
is conducted under controlled heat and vacuum conditions; with the help of catalysts and stabilizers.

PET copolymer resins have physical and spectral properties similar to PET and, for practical
purposes, are handled as PET. Assays and specifications provided in this section to characterize PET
resins and containers also apply to copolymer residues and to containers made from them.

Usually, PET and its copolymer resins present a high level of order in their molecular structure. As a
result, they present a characteristic thermal behavior dependent on the composition, including a glass
transition temperature of approximately 76 °C and a melting temperature of approximately 250 °C.
These resins have a particular infrared absorption spectrum that allows their differentiation from other
plastic materials, such as polycarbonate; polystyrene; polyethylene; poly(ethylene terephthalate
glycol) (PETG) resins. PET and its copolymer resins have density between 1.3 and 1.4 g/cm3 and
minimum intrinsic viscosity of 0.7 dL/g, which corresponds to an average molecular mass of
approximately 23,000 Da.

PETG resins are polymers with high molecular mass prepared by condensing ethylene glycol with
dimethyl terephthalate, or terephthalic acid, and with 15 to 34% of molar 1,4-hexanedimethanol.
PETG resins are clear, amorphous polymers with glass transition temperature of approximately 81
°C and without a crystalline melting point, as determined by the differential scanning calorimetry.
PETG resins have a particular infrared absorption spectrum that allows distinguishing it among other
plastic materials, including PET. PETG resins have density of approximately 1.27 g/cm3 and
minimum intrinsic viscosity of 0.65 dL/g, which corresponds to an average molecular mass of
approximately 16,000 Da.

PET and PETG resins do not have any plasticizer, processing support or antioxidants. When colorants
are used in manufacturing PET and PETG containers, they must not migrate to the liquid.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RC6.2-00

The rules and assays provided in this section characterize polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and
polyethylene terephthalate glycol (PETG) containers that are used to contain liquid oral
pharmaceutical dosage forms. Considering that adequate stability studies have been conducted to
determine the validity date of a particular liquid pharmaceutical preparation in a container that
complies with the requisites for PET or PETG containers, any other container from these substances
that complies with these requisites may be equally used to contain the same pharmaceutical
preparation, provided that the adequate stability programs are extended to include the alternative
container, to ensure that the identity, strength, quality and purity of the pharmaceutical preparation
are maintained throughout the validity period. The suitability of a specific PET or PETG container to
be used for dispensing a specific liquid oral pharmaceutical preparation must be established through
adequate tests.


Infrared spectroscopy. Use attenuated total reflection accessory, proceed as described in Ultraviolet,
visible and infrared spectrometry (5.2.14). The corrected sample spectrum presents bands with higher
absorption only on the same wavelengths as the spectrum from reference standards, determined in a
similar manner.

Differential scanning calorimetry. Proceed as described on the item Thermal analysis in Test
methods. For polyethylene terephthalate, the sample thermogram must be similar to the one from the
reference standard, determined in a similar manner; the sample melting point (Tm) must not differ
from the reference standards by more than 9 °C and from the glass transition temperature by more
than 4 °C. For polyethylene terephthalate glycol, the sample thermogram must be similar to the one
from the reference standard, determined in a similar manner; the glass transition temperature (Tg)
from the sample must not differ by more than 6 °C from the reference standards.

Extraction of colorants. Select three containers for the assay. Cut a relatively flat part from the side
wall of a container and trim it to the necessary dimension to adjust the sample to the
spectrophotometer support. Perform a scan (5.2.14) to obtain the visible spectrum of 350-700 nm
from the side wall. With approximation of 2 nm, determine the maximum absorbance wavelength.
Fill the two remaining containers with 50% ethyl alcohol for PET containers and 25% ethyl alcohol
for PETG containers. Prepare the containers with impermeable seals, such as an aluminum foil, and
close with the lids. Fill with the corresponding solvent from a glass container of the same capacity as
the containers being tested, prepare it with a impermeable seal, such as an aluminum foil, and close
with a lid. Incubate the containers being tested and the glass container at 49 °C for 10 days. Remove
the containers and wait until they reach room temperature. Concomitantly, determine the absorbances
(5.2.14) of the solutions being tested in cells with 5 cm on the maximum absorbance wavelength,
using the corresponding solvent from the glass container as blank. For both solutions being tested,
the absorbance values obtained must be lower than 0.01.

Heavy metals; Total terephthaloyl and ethylene glycol.

Extraction media.
Purified water
Ethyl alcohol 50%. Dilute 125 mL of ethyl alcohol in water for 238 mL of solution and homogenize.
Ethyl alcohol 25%. Dilute 125 mL of Ethyl alcohol 50% in water for 250 mL of solution and

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RC6.2-00

General procedure. Use an extraction medium of Ethyl alcohol 50% for PET containers and Ethyl
alcohol 25% for PETG. For each extraction medium, fill a sufficient number of test containers with
90% of their nominal capacity to obtain no less than 30 mL. Fill a corresponding number of glass
containers with Purified water, the same amount of containers with Ethyl alcohol 50%, or Ethyl
alcohol 25% and the same number of glass containers with n-Heptane to be used as blank of
extraction media. Put impermeable seals, such as aluminum foil, on the containers and cover them.
Incubate the test containers and the glass containers at 49 °C for 10 days. Remove the test containers
with the samples and the blanks from the extraction medium and store them at room temperature. Do
not transfer samples of extraction medium to alternative storage containers.

Heavy metals. Pipette 20 mL of Purified water extracted from the test containers, filtered as
necessary, put in one or two 50 mL tubes for comparing the color, and store the remaining Purified
water to use in the Ethylene glycol test. Adjust the pH of the extract between 3.0 and 4.0 with acetic
acid M or ammonium hydroxide 6 M using a narrow range pH indicator paper. Dilute with water to
approximately 35 mL and homogenize. Pipette 2 mL of the Standard lead solution (10 ppm Pb)
(, prepared on the day of use; transfer to a second color comparison tube and add 20 mL of
Purified water. Adjust the pH between 3.0 and 4.0 with acetic acid M or ammonium hydroxide 6 M
using a narrow range pH indicator paper. Dilute with water to approximately 35 mL and homogenize.
Add to each tube 1.2 mL of thioacetamide RS and 2 mL of Buffer acetate pH 3.5 (, dilute with
water to 50 mL of solution and homogenize. Any color produced within 10 minutes in the tube with
Purified water extracted from test containers must not be more intense than the one from the tube
with the Standard lead solution (10 ppm Pb), both viewed on a white surface (limit 1 ppm).

Total terephthaloyl. Determine the absorbance of extract of Ethyl alcohol 50% or Ethyl alcohol 25%
in a cell with 1 cm, on the maximum absorbance wavelength at approximately 244 nm (5.2.14), using
as blank the one corresponding to the extraction medium. The extract absorbance must not exceed
0.150, which corresponds to no more than 1 ppm of the total terephthaloyl from the medium.
Determine the absorbance of extract of n-Heptane in a cell with 1 cm, on the maximum absorbance
wavelength at approximately 240 nm (5.2.14), using as blank the n-Heptane extraction medium. The
extract absorbance must not exceed 0.150, which corresponds to no more than 1 ppm of terephthaloyl
from the medium.

Ethylene glycol.
Periodic acid solution. Dissolve 125 mg of periodic acid in 10 mL of water.
Diluted sulfuric acid. For 50 mL of water, add slowly and in constant agitation 50 mL of sulfuric acid
and wait until it reaches room temperature.
Sodium bisulfite solution. Dissolve 0.1 g of sodium bisulfite in 10 mL of water. Use this solution in
up to seven days.
Disodium chromotropate solution. Dissolve 100 mg of disodium chromotropate in 100 mL of sulfuric
acid. Protect the solution from light and use it in up to seven days.
Standard solution. Dissolve an amount, accurately weighed, of ethylene glycol in water and dilute,
quantitatively, step by step if necessary, to obtain a solution with concentration of approximately
1.0 μg/mL.
Sample solution. Use the extract in Purified water.

Procedure. Transfer 1 mL of the Standard solution to a 10 mL volumetric flask. Transfer 1 mL of

the Sample solution to a second 10 mL volumetric flask. Transfer 1 mL of the extraction medium in
Purified water to a third 10 mL volumetric flask. For each of the three flasks, transfer 100 μL of the
Periodic acid solution, shake to homogenize and allow to stand for 60 minutes. Transfer to each flask
1 mL of the Sodium bisulfite solution and homogenize. Transfer 100 μL of the Disodium
chromotropate solution to each flask and homogenize. All solutions must be analyzed up to one hour

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RC6.2-00

after the addition of Disodium chromotropate solution. Add, carefully, 6 mL of sulfuric acid to each
flask, homogenize and wait for the solutions to reach room temperature.
Note: the dilution of sulfuric acid produces considerable heat and may cause ebullition of solution.
Make this addition carefully. Sulfur dioxide gas will be released. Using an exhaust chamber is
Dilute each solution with sulfuric acid diluted until completing the volume and homogenize.
Concomitantly, determine the absorbances (5.2.14) of the solutions from the Standard solution and
the Sample solution in cells with 1 cm, in the maximum absorbance wavelength at approximately
575 nm, using as blank the solution taken from the extraction medium in Purified water. The
absorbance of the solution obtained from the Sample solution is not superior to the one of the solution
obtained from the Standard solution, corresponding to no more than 1 ppm of ethylene glycol.


Multiple internal reflection

Equipment. Use an infrared spectrophotometer capable of correcting to the white spectrum and
equipped with an attenuated total reflection and an internal reflection KRS-5 plate. The KRS-5 crystal
with 2 mm of thickness, and incidence angle of 45°, provides a sufficient number of reflections.

Sample preparation. Cut two flat portions representing the average thickness of the container wall,
and trim them as necessary, to obtain adequate segments to assemble in the multiple internal reflection
accessory; To avoid scratching the surface, clean the samples with dry paper or, if necessary, with a
soft cloth moistened with methyl alcohol and wait until drying. Firmly couple the samples on both
sides of the KRS-5 internal reflection plate, ensuring the adequate surface of contact. Before placing
the samples on the plate, compress them obtaining thin even films to be exposed at temperatures of
approximately 177 °C, under high pressure (15,000 psi or more).

Procedure. Put the coupled parts of the sample in the multiple internal reflection accessory and place
the set in the infrared spectrophotometer light beam. Adjust the position of the sample and the
equipment mirrors to allow maximum transmission of light by the non-attenuated reference beam.
Complete the adjustments of the accessory and attenuate the reference beam, to allow total deflection
scale during the sample scanning. Determine the infrared spectrum from 3500 cm-1 to 600 cm-1 for
polyethylene and polypropylene and from 4000 cm-1 to 400 cm-1 for PET and PETG.

Thermal analysis

Procedure. Cut a section with an approximate weight of 12 mg and place it in the compartment for
the sample. The close contact between the compartment and the thermoelement is essential for the
reproducibility of results. Determine the thermogram under nitrogen, using the heating and cooling
conditions as specified for the type of resin and use an equipment capable of making the

For polyethylene. Determine the thermogram under nitrogen at temperatures between 40 °C and 200
°C, at a heating rate between 2 °C and 10 °C per minute, followed by cooling to 40 °C, at a rate
between 2 °C and 10 °C per minute.

For polypropylene. Determine the thermogram under nitrogen at temperatures that range between
room temperature and 30 °C above the melting point. Maintain the temperature for 10 minutes, then
cool down to 50 °C below the maximum crystallization temperature at a rate of 10 °C to 20 °C per

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For poly(ethylene terephthalate). Heat the sample from room temperature to 280 °C at a heating
rate of approximately 20 °C per minute. Maintain the sample at 280 °C for one minute. Cool the
sample quickly down to room temperature and reheat it to 280 °C at a heating rate of approximately
5 °C per minute.

For poly(ethylene terephthalate) glycol. Heat the sample from room temperature to 120 °C at a
heating rate of approximately 20 °C per minute. Maintain the sample at 120 °C for one minute. Cool
the sample quickly down to room temperature and reheat it to 120 °C at a heating rate of
approximately 10 °C per minute.

Biological assays

The biological assays in vitro are conducted according to the procedures established in Biological
reactivity tests in vitro (6.2.5). The components that comply with requisites from tests in vitro do not
need to be submitted to additional tests. No designation of class of plastic is assigned to these
materials. The materials that do not comply with requisites from tests in vitro are not adequate for use
as medicine containers.

If the class designation is necessary for plastics and other polymers that comply with the requisites
included in Biological reactivity tests in vitro (6.2.5), conduct the adequate test in vivo specified for
Classification of plastics in Biological reactivity tests in vivo (6.2.6).

Physicochemical tests

The following tests, targeted at determining the physical and chemical properties of plastics and their
extracts, are based on the extraction of plastic material, being essential that the designated amount of
plastic is used. Additionally, the surface area specified must be available for extraction at the
temperature determined.

Test parameters:

Extraction medium. Unless directed otherwise in a specific test to be followed, use Purified water
as extraction medium, maintaining the temperature at 70 °C during the extraction for the Sample

Blank. Use Purified water where the blank is specified on the following tests.

Equipment. Use water bath and Extraction containers, as described in Biological reactivity tests in
vivo (6.2.6). Proceed as described on Equipment preparation in Biological reactivity tests in vivo
(6.2.6). The containers and equipment do not need to be sterile.

Sample preparation. From a homogeneous sample of plastic, use one aliquot for every 20 mL of
extraction medium, equivalent to 120 cm2 of the total surface area (combining both sides), and
subdivided into strips of, approximately, 3 mm of width and close to 5 cm of length. Transfer the
subdivided sample to a 250 mL type I glass graded cylinder, with cap, and add approximately 150 mL
of Purified water. Shake for approximately 30 seconds, empty it, discard the liquid and repeat a
second wash.

Extraction for sample preparation. Transfer the ready Sample preparation to an adequate
extraction vial and add the requested amount of extraction medium. Extract for 24 hours by heating
in water bath at the temperature specified for the extraction medium. Cool to temperatures not below

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20 °C. Pipette 20 mL of the extract prepared to an adequate container. Use this part on the test for
Buffer capacity. Immediately decant the residual extract in an adequate clean container and close it.

Non-volatile residue. Transfer, in adequate aliquots, 50 mL of Extract from sample preparation to

an adequate tared crucible (preferably a fused silica crucible that has been cleaned with acid) and
evaporate the volatile part in a vapor bath. Evaporate, in a similar manner, 50 mL of Blank in another crucible.
If an oily residue is expected, examine the crucible repeatedly during the evaporation and drying process and
reduce the amount of heat, if oil tends to slide down the crucible wall. Dry at 105 °C for one hour. The
difference between the amounts obtained of Extract for sample preparation and Blank must not be superior to
15 mg.

Residue by incineration (5.2.10). It is not necessary to perform this test when the result from the
Non-volatile residue test does not exceed 5 mg. Proceed with obtaining residues, from the Extract for
sample preparation and Blank described in the test for Non-volatile residue above, using, if necessary,
more sulfuric acid for the same amount in each crucible. The difference between the amounts obtained
of ignition residue from the Extract for sample preparation and Blank must not be superior to 5 mg.

Heavy metals. Pipette 20 mL of the Extract from sample preparation, filtered, if necessary, to one
of the two 50 mL tubes for color comparison. Adjust the pH between 3.0 and 4.0 with acetic acid M
or ammonium hydroxide 6 M using a narrow range pH indicator paper. Dilute with water to
approximately 35 mL and homogenize.

Pipette 2 mL of Standard lead solution (10 ppm Pb) (, transfer to the second tube for color
comparison and add 20 mL of Blank. Adjust the pH between 3.0 and 4.0 with acetic acid M or
ammonium hydroxide 6 M using a narrow range pH indicator paper. Dilute with water to
approximately 35 mL and homogenize. Add to each tube 1.2 mL of thioacetamide RS and 2 mL of
Buffer acetate pH 3.5 (, dilute with water to 50 mL of solution and homogenize. Any color
produced within 10 minutes in the preparation that has the Extract from sample preparation extracted
from test containers must not be more intense than in the Standard preparation, both viewed on a
white surface (1 ppm in the extract).

Buffer capacity. Titrate, potentiometrically, the 20 mL aliquots, collected in advance, from the
Extract from Sample preparation to a pH 7.0, using 0.010 M hydrochloric acid or 0.010 M sodium
hydroxide, as necessary. Treat, in a similar manner, a 20 mL aliquot of Blank. If the same titrant is
necessary for both titrated, the difference between the two volumes must not be superior to 10 mL;
and if acid is necessary either for the Extract from sample preparation or for the Blank, and the alkali
for the other, the total of the two volumes requested must not be superior to 10 mL.


Elastomer caps are made in materials obtained from polymerization, polyaddition or
polycondensation of organic substances. The polymers obtained are usually vulcanized. The cap
formulations have natural or synthetic elastomers, and inorganic and organic additives, to help or
control the vulcanization, offer physical and chemical properties, coloring, or stabilize the cap

For caps formulated with natural or synthetic elastomer substances, used for long-term storage. It is
not applicable to caps made of silicone elastomer, but it applies to silicone-treated caps, such as
dimethicone, and caps coated with other lubricant materials, such as materials chemically bonded or
mechanically bonded to the cap.

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The following comments refer only to laminated caps or caps coated with materials targeted at
providing or working as a barrier to the elastomer base, such as poly(tetrafluorethylene) (PTFE) or
varnished coatings. It is not permitted to use a material with the purpose of transforming a cap that is
not within the specific requirements for compliance. However, all physicochemical tests apply to the
base formula of such caps, as well as to the laminated or coated caps. The functionality tests must be
conducted using laminated or coated elastomer caps. The biological assays apply to coated or
laminated materials, as well as to the base formula. The biological assays may be conducted in
laminated or coated caps or materials and in non-laminated and non-coated caps, and the results must
be reported separately. The base formula, used in physicochemical or biological assays, must comply
with the specifications from a cap with coating barrier that must be similar to the cap coating in
configuration and size.

The tests from this section are limited to elastomer caps from Types I and II, with the Type I caps
being used for aqueous preparations and the Type II caps usually being targeted at non-aqueous
preparations. If a cap does not comply with all requirements from the Type I test, but complies with
requirements for the Type II test, the cap receives the final classification of Type II.

This section proposes an initial triage to identify elastomer caps that can be adequate for use with
injectable preparations, based on their biological compatibilities, the physicochemical properties of
their aqueous extracts, and their functionalities. All elastomer caps adequate for use in injectable
preparations comply both with the Type I and Type II test limits. However, this specification does
not have the purpose of being a single criterion of assessment for selection of such caps.

Among the requisites for assessing caps that are beyond the scope of this section, there is the
establishment of identification tests and specifications for the cap, the cap checking, physicochemical
compatibility of the product, identification and determination of safety of filterable caps found in the
product package, checking of the product package functionality under real storage conditions, and
conditions for use.

The cap user must obtain from the supplier a guarantee that the cap composition does not vary and
that it is the same one used in the compatibility test. When the supplier informs the end user about
changes in the composition, the compatibility test must be repeated, totally or partially, depending on
the nature of changes.


The elastomer caps are translucent or opaque, and do not have characteristic coloring, depending on
the additives used. They are homogeneous and practically free from luminous and accidental
materials, such as fibers, foreign particles, and rubber residues.


The caps are made from a broad variety of elastomeric materials and optional polymeric coatings.
Therefore, this section does not specify identification tests involving all possible presentations of
caps. The cap supplier and the finished product manufacturer are responsible for checking the cap
formulation and any coated or laminated materials used, according to the adequate identification tests.
Examples of some analytical tests that can be used include specific density, ash analysis,
determination of sulfur content, chromatography in thin layer of extract, ultraviolet absorption
spectrophotometry of the extract, or absorption spectrophotometry.


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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RC6.2-00

The elastomer caps must be in compliance with the biological, physicochemical and functional
requirements. Since the elastomer caps are processed by the supplier before the distribution to the end
user, the supplier must demonstrate the compliance of the caps exposed with the processing or
sterilization steps. Likewise, if the elastomer caps received by the end user are processed, or sterilized,
subsequently, the end user is responsible for proving the continued compliance of the subsequent caps
to the processing or sterilization conditions. This is important if the caps are exposed to processes or
conditions that may have significant impact on the biological, physicochemical or functional
characteristics of the cap, such as gamma radiation.

For caps that are usually lubricated with silicone before use, it is permitted to conduct the
physicochemical test in non-lubricated caps to avoid potential interference from method and/or
difficulties in interpreting the test results. For caps provided with other non-occlusive lubricants, all
tests must be conducted using the coated cap.

For coated caps, or laminated with coatings targeted at granting a barrier function, such as PTFE, or
varnished coatings, physicochemical tests will be applied to the elastomer with non-coated base, as
well as to coated caps. The non-coated cap submitted to physicochemical tests must be similar to the
coated cap in size and configuration. The end users of coated caps are also responsible for proving
the compliance of these caps with the physicochemical specifications, processed or treated in a way
that simulates the conditions normally employed by the end user before use.

In all cases, it is adequate to document the conditions for cap processing, pre-treatment, sterilization
or lubrication when the results are reported.

The Table 1 summarizes the requirements from cap tests and responsibilities from the supplier and
the end user.

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Table 1 – Requirements from cap tests and responsibilities from the supplier.
Types of caps (as supplied or used) Physicochemical tests Functionality tests Biological assays
Caps with or without silicone coating The tests must be conducted The tests must be conducted The tests must be conducted
The use of silicone is optional The use of silicone is optional The use of silicone is optional
Responsibility: Responsibility: Responsibility:
supplier and end user supplier and end user supplier and end user

Caps with lubricant coatings The tests must be conducted in The tests must be conducted in The tests must be conducted in
(non-occlusive materials, not silicone) coated caps coated caps coated caps
Responsibility: Responsibility: Responsibility:
supplier and end user supplier and end user supplier and end user

Caps with occlusive coatings The tests must be conducted in The tests must be conducted in The tests must be conducted in
coated caps coated caps coated caps
Responsibility: Responsibility: OR:
supplier and end user supplier and end user The tests must be conducted in non-
AND: coated caps (base formula) and
The tests must be conducted in non- laminated/coated material (report
coated caps (base formula) the results separately)
Responsibility: Responsibility:
supplier supplier and end user.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RC6.2-00

Biological assays

Two test stages are indicated. The first stage is conducting the test in vitro. The materials that do not
comply with requirements from the test in vitro are submitted to the second stage of tests in vivo, as
described in Biological reactivity tests in vivo (6.2.6). Materials that meet the requirements for tests
in vitro do not need to be submitted to test in vivo. Type I and Type II caps must be in compliance
with the biological reactivity tests in vitro and in vivo.

Physicochemical tests / Development of preparation S.

Put entire caps, not cut out, corresponding to a surface area of (100 ± 10) cm2 in an adequate glass
container. Cover the caps with 200 mL of purified water or water for injection. If it is not possible to
obtain a cap with the surface area prescribed using caps not cut, select a number of caps that will get
close to 100 cm2, and adjust the volume of water used to the equivalent of 2 mL for every 1 cm2 of
actual surface area of the cap used. Boil for 5 minutes and rinse five times with purified water or cold
water for injection.

Put the washed caps in a Type I glass vial with broad neck, add the same amount of purified water or
water for injection initially added to the caps and weigh. Cover the vial mouth with a Type I glass
beaker. Sterilize in an autoclave, so that the temperature of (121 ± 2) °C is reached within 20 to 30
minutes, and maintain this temperature for 30 minutes. Let it cool until reaching room temperature
for a period of approximately 30 minutes. Add purified water or water for injection to return to the
original mass. Shake, immediately decant and collect the liquid. This liquid must be stirred before
being used in each of the tests.

Blank preparation: The blank preparation must be conducted in a similar manner, using 200 mL of
purified water, or water for injection, omitting the caps.

Appearance of preparation (turbidity and coloring)

Determination of turbidity. The determination of turbidity can be made through visual comparison
(Procedure A) or instrumentally, using an adequate turbidimeter (Procedure B). The instrumental
assessment of turbidity provides a test that does not depend on the visual acuity of the analysts.

Hydrazine sulfate solution. 1.0 g of hydrazine sulfate in water and dilute with water to 100.0 mL.
Allow to stand for four to six hours.

Hexamethylenetetramine solution. Dissolve 2.5 g of hexamethylenetetramine in 25.0 mL of water

in a 100 mL glass vial, with stopper.

Opalescence stock suspension. Transfer 25.0 mL of the hydrazine sulfate solution to the
hexamethylenetetramine solution in the vial, mix and allow to stand for 24 hours. This suspension is
stable for two months, if stored in a glass container free from surface defects. The suspension must
not adhere to the glass and must be mixed before use.

Opalescence standard preparation. Prepare a suspension by diluting 15.0 mL of opalescence stock

suspension with water to 1000.0 mL. The opalescence standard preparation is stable for,
approximately, 24 hours after the preparation.

Reference suspensions. Prepare according to Table 2. Mix and shake before use. Stable suspensions
of formazin that may be used to prepare stable standards are commercially available and can be used
after comparison with standards prepared as described.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RC6.2-00

Table 2 – Preparation of the reference suspensions.

Reference Reference Reference Reference
Suspension A Suspension B Suspension C Suspension D
Opalescence standard 5.0 mL 10.0 mL 30.0 mL 50.0 mL
Water 95.0 mL 90.0 mL 70.0 mL 50.0 mL
Nephelometric turbidity unit 3 NTU 6 NTU 18 NTU 30 NTU

Procedure A. Visual comparison – Use identical test tubes, in colorless glass; clear and neutral; with
a flat base and an internal diameter of 15 mm to 25 mm. Fill a tube with 40 mm of length with the
Preparation S, a tube of the same length with water, and four other tubes of the same length with the
Reference Suspensions A, B, C and D. Compare the preparations in diffuse daylight five minutes
after the preparation of the Reference suspensions, viewing, vertically, against a black background.
The light conditions must be such that the Reference suspension A can be readily distinguished from
water and that the Reference suspension B can be readily distinguished from the Reference suspension
A. Limit. The Preparation S must not be more opalescent than Reference suspension B for Type I
caps, and no more opalescent than the Reference suspension C for Type II caps. The Preparation S
is considered clear if the clarity is the same as the water when examined as described above, or if its
opalescence is not more pronounced than the one from Reference suspension A (refer to Table 3).

Procedure B. Instrumental comparison: measure the turbidity of the Reference suspensions on an

adequate calibrated turbidimeter. The blank must be tested and the results, corrected to the blank. The
Reference suspensions A, B, C and D represent 3, 6, 18 and 30 Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU),
respectively. Measure the turbidity of Preparation S using the calibrated turbidimeter. Limit. The
turbidity of Preparation S must not be higher than the one for the Reference suspension B (6 NTU)
for Type I caps, and it is not higher than the one from the Reference suspension C (18 NTU) for Type
II caps (Table 3).

Table 3 – Method for comparison of turbidity developed in the preparations.

Opalescence requirements Procedure A (visual) Procedure B (instrumental)
No more opalescent than
Type I caps No more than 6 NTU
Suspension B
No more opalescent than
Type II caps No more than 18 NTU
Suspension C

Determination of color

Standard color. Prepare a dilution of 3.0 mL of Matching Fluid O with 97.0 mL of diluted
hydrochloric acid.

Procedure. Use identical tubes, in neutral, colorless, clear glass, with flat bottom and internal
diameter of 15 to 25 mm. Put in a tube the Preparation S, forming a liquid column of 40 mm of length
and, in a second tube, the Color standard forming the same liquid column. Compare the liquids in
diffuse daylight, viewing, vertically, against a white backdrop.

Limit. The Preparation S must not be more intensely colored than the Color Standard.

Acidity or alkalinity

Bromothymol blue solution. Dissolve 50 mg of bromothymol blue in a mixture with 4 mL of 0.02 M

sodium hydroxide and 20 mL of alcohol. Dilute with water to 100 mL.
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Procedure. Add 0.1 of the bromothymol blue solution to 20 mL of Preparation S. If the preparation
turns yellow, titrate with 0.01 M sodium hydroxide until the blue endpoint is reached. If the
preparation turns blue, titrate with hydrochloric acid 0.01 M until the yellow endpoint is reached. If
the preparation turns green, it is neutral and the titration is not necessary.

Correction of blank. Test 20 mL of blank in a similar manner. Correct the results obtained for
Preparation S through subtraction or addition of the volume of titrant required for the blank, as

Limit. No more than 0.3 mL of 0.01 M sodium hydroxide produces a blue color, or no more than
0.8 mL of 0.01 M hydrochloric acid produces a yellow color, or the titration is not necessary.


Procedure. Conduct this test in the time period of five hours after developing the Preparation S. Filter
the Preparation S through a filter with pore of 0.45 μm, discarding the first mL of the filtrate. Measure the
absorbance of the filtrate in wavelengths between 220 and 360 nm on a well with 1 cm using the blank in a
matching cell in a reference beam. If the filtrate dilution is necessary before measuring the absorbance, correct
the results from the test for dilution.

Limit. The absorbances in all these wavelengths must not exceed 0.2 for Type I caps or 4.0 for Type
II caps.

Reducing substances

Procedure. Conduct this test in the time period of four hours after developing the Preparation S.
Transfer to 20.0 mL of Preparation S 1 mL of diluted sulfuric acid and 20.0 mL of potassium permanganate
0.002 M. Boil for three minutes. Cool down, add 1 g of potassium iodide and titrate, immediately, with sodium
thiosulfate 0.01 M, using 25.0 mL of starch solution TS as indicator. Titrate using 20.0 mL of blank and notice
the difference in the volume of sodium thiosulfate 0.01 M necessary.

Limit. The difference between the titration volumes must not be higher than 3.0 mL for Type I caps
and must not be higher than 7.0 mL for Type II caps.

Heavy metals

Procedure. Proceed as guided for Method 1 in Heavy Metals. Use 10.0 mL of Preparation S in the
problem preparation.

Limit. 2 ppm of heavy metals such as lead.

Extractable Zinc.

Sample solution. Prepare a Sample solution through dilution of 10.0 mL of Preparation S to 100 mL
with hydrochloric acid 0.1 M. Prepare the test blank in a similar manner, using the blank for
Preparation S.

Zinc standard solution. Prepare a solution (10 ppm of Zn) dissolving zinc sulfate in hydrochloric
acid 0.1 M.

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Reference solutions. Prepare no less than three Reference solutions through dilution of the Standard
zinc solution with hydrochloric acid 0.1 M. The concentrations of zinc in these Reference solutions
are the extension of the limit expected from the Sample solution.

Procedure. Use an atomic absorption spectrometer, adequate and equipped with an adequate source
of electromagnetic radiation and air acetylene flame. An alternative procedure, such as an analysis by
mass spectrometry or optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma, appropriately
validated, may be used.

Assess each one of the Reference solutions in wavelength for Zinc selected in 213.9 nm, no less than
three times. Register the stable readings. Rinse the equipment with the blank solution every time, to
ensure that the reading returns to the initial blank value. Prepare a calibration curve from the average
of readings obtained for each Reference solution. Register the absorbance of the Sample solution.
Determine the concentration of zinc in ppm of the Sample solution using the calibration curve.

Limit. The Preparation S contains no more than 5 ppm of extractable zinc.


Alkaline potassium tetraiodomercurate (II) solution. Prepare a solution of 100 mL with 11 g of

potassium iodide and 15 g of mercury iodide in water. Immediately before use, mix a volume of this
solution with equal volume of a solution at 250 g/L of sodium hydroxide.

Sample solution. Dilute 5 mL of Preparation S in 14 mL of water. Make it alkaline, if necessary, by

adding sodium hydroxide 1 M, and dilute in water to 15 mL. Add 0.3 mL of the alkaline potassium
tetraiodomercurate (II) solution and close the container.

Ammonium standard solution. Prepare an ammonium chloride solution in water (1 ppm of NH4).
Mix 10 mL of the solution of 1 ppm of ammonium chloride with 5 mL of water and 0.3 mL of alkaline
potassium tetraidomercurate (II) solution. Close the container.

Limit. After five minutes, any yellow color in the Sample solution must not be darker than in the
Standard ammonium solution (no more than 2 ppm of NH4 on Preparation S).

Volatile sulfides

Procedure. Put the caps, cut if necessary, with a total surface area of (20 ± 2) cm2 in a 100 mL vial,
and add 50 mL of a citric acid solution at 20 g/L. In the same manner and at the same time, prepare a
control solution in a separate 100 mL vial through dissolution of 0.154 mg of sodium sulfide in 50 mL
of a citric acid solution at 20 g/L. Put a piece of lead acetate paper on the mouth of each vial, and
hold the paper in position, placing an inverted weighing bottle over it. Heat the vials in autoclave at
(121 ± 2) °C for 30 minutes.
Limit. Any black coloring in the paper produced by Preparation S is not more intense than the one
produced by the control solution.


The samples treated as described for obtaining the Preparation S and air dried must be used for the
tests on functionality, penetrability, fragmentation and auto-sealing capacity. The functionality tests
are conducted on caps targeted at being penetrated by a hypodermic needle. The auto-sealing capacity

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test is necessary only for caps targeted at multiple-dose containers. The needle specified for each test
is a lubricated hypodermic needle with long bevel (bevel angle 12 ± 2°) 1. 0F


Procedure. Fill 10 vials adequate to the nominal volume with water, adjust the caps to be examined,
and close the vials with the respective caps. Using a new hypodermic needle, as already described,
perforate the cap with the needle perpendicular to the surface.

Limit. The force for perforating each cap must not be greater than 10 N (1 kgf), determined with
precision of ± 0.25 N (25 gf).


Caps for liquid preparations. Fill 12 clean vials with water until 4 mL less than the nominal capacity.
Adjust the caps to be examined, close with a lid and allow to stand for 16 hours.

Caps for dry preparations. Adjust the caps to be examined in 12 clean vials and close each one with
a lid.

Procedure. Using a hypodermic needle as previously described, adjusted to a clean needle, inject
inside each vial 1 mL of water, while removing 1 mL of air. Repeat this procedure four times for each
cap, perforate each time at a different place. Use a new needle for each cap, checking if its tip is not
blunt during the test. Filter the total volume of the liquid in all vials through a simple filter with
nominal pore size not larger than 0.5 μm. Count the rubber fragments on the filter surface that are
visible to the naked eye.

Limit. There are no more than five visible fragments. This limit is based on the assumption that
fragments with diameter superior to 50 μm are visible to the naked eye. In case of doubt or
controversy, the particles are examined microscopically to check their natures and sizes.

Auto-sealing capacity

Procedure. Fill 10 adequate vials with water up to the nominal volume. Adjust the caps to be
examined and cover. Using a new hypodermic needle like before for each cap, perforate each cap 10
times, every time at a different place. Immerse the 10 vials in a methylene blue solution 0.1% (1 g/L)
and reduce the external pressure by 27 kPa for 10 minutes. Restore atmospheric pressure and let the
vials immersed for 30 minutes. Rinse the external part of the vials.

Limit. None of the vials must have any trace of blue solution.


This section proposes standards for the functional properties of plastic containers and their
components used to package medicines. The following tests are established to determine the
permeability to humidity and transmission of light from the plastic containers applicable to each type
of packaging. A container targeted at providing protection from light, or presented as a container
resistant to light, must meet the requirement from the Light transmission test (, where the
protection or resistance is due to specific properties of the material the container is made of, including
any coating applied to it. A clear and colorless, or translucent, container, manufactured as resistant
Refers to ISO 7864, sterile hypodermic needles for single use with external diameter of 0.8 mm (21 gauge).

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RC6.2-00

to light by inclusion of an opaque compound, is free from the requirements of item Light transmission
tests ( The way it is used in this chapter, the term “container” refers to the full system
encompassing the container itself, the container when used, the closure in the case of multiple-unit
containers, and caps and blister in the cases of single-dose containers. MULTIPLE-UNIT CONTAINERS FOR CAPSULES AND TABLETS

Desiccant. Pour an amount of anhydrous calcium chloride (1) with 4 mesh to 8 mesh in a shallow
container, being careful to exclude any fine powder, dry at 110 °C for one hour, and cool down in a

Procedure. Select 12 containers of uniform sizes and type, clean the closing surfaces with a fiber-
free cloth, close and open each container 30 times. Cover tightly and uniformly every time the
container is closed. Close the containers with a threaded cap with a torque movement that is within
the range specified on Table 1. Transfer desiccants to 10 containers, designated as test containers,
fill each one to 13 mm of the closure if the volume is 20 mL or higher, or fill each one to two thirds
of the capacity if the container volume is below 20 mL. If the internal part of the container has more
than 63 mm of depth, an inert funnel or spacer must be placed on the bottom to minimize the total
weight of the container and the desiccant; the layer of desiccant in such container must not be inferior
to 5 cm in depth. Close each one immediately after adding the desiccant, applying the torque
designated on Table 1 in the case of containers with screw cap. For each of the two remaining
containers, designated as controls, transfer a sufficient number of glass beads to achieve an
approximately equal weight to the one of test containers and close applying the torque designated on
Table 1 in the case of containers with screw cap. Register the weight of the containers, individually,
thus prepared to the approximation of 0.1 mg if the volume of the container is below 20 mL, or to the
approximation in closer mg if the container volume is 20 to 200 mL, or to approximation in
centigrams (10 mg) if the volume is 200 mL or higher. Store at relative humidity of (75 ± 3)% and at
temperature of (23 ± 2) °C. A saturated system of 35 g of sodium chloride for every 100 mL of water
placed on the bottom of the desiccator maintains the specified humidity, or other methods can be used
to maintain such conditions. After (336 ± 1) hours (14 days), register the weight of containers
individually, in the same manner. Completely fill five empty containers of the same size and type as
the test containers with water or a non-compressible, free-flow solid, such as properly accommodated
glass beads, to the level indicated by the closure surface. Transfer the content from each container to
a graded cylinder and determine the average volume of the container in mL. Calculate the humidity
permeability rate, in mg per day, per L, through the formula:

(1000/14𝑉)[(𝑇𝐹 − 𝑇𝐼) − (𝐶𝐹 − 𝐶𝐼)]

V is the volume in mL of the container,
(𝑇𝐹 − 𝑇𝐼) is the difference in mg between the final and initial weights of each test container;
(𝐶𝐹 − 𝐶𝐼) is the difference in mg between the final and initial average weights from the two controls.

For containers used in medicines dispensed with prescription, the containers thus tested are of the
sealed type, if no more than one of the 10 test containers exceeds 100 mg per day per L in humidity
permeability, and none exceeds 200 mg per day per L. For containers used for used for medicines
dispensed with prescription, the containers are tightly closed if no more than one of the 10 test
containers exceeds 2000 mg per day per L in humidity permeability and none exceeds 3000 mg per
day per L.

Table 1 – Torque applicable to the container with screw cap.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RC6.2-00

Tightening range suggested with torque

Closure diametera
applied manuallyb
(inches / pounds)
8 5
10 6
13 8
15 5-9
18 7-10
20 8-12
22 9-14
24 10-18
28 12-21
30 13-23
33 15-25
38 17-26
43 17-27
48 19-30
53 21-36
58 23-40
63 25-43
66 26-45
70 28-50
83 32-65
86 40-65
89 40-70
100 45-70
110 45-70
120 55-95
132 60-95
a the torque designated for the next biggest closure diameter must be applied to test containers that have an intermediate closure diameter in relation to
the diameters listed.
b use an adequate equipment for measuring the torque. MULTIPLE-UNIT CONTAINERS FOR CAPSULES AND TABLETS

(without closure)
Polyethylene container. Close the containers, with impenetrable seals obtained by hot sealing with
a polyethylene-laminated aluminum foil or another adequate sealing. Test the containers as described
above. The high-density polyethylene containers tested comply with the requisites if the permeability
to humidity exceeds 10 mg per day per L, at maximum, in 1 of the 10 test containers and does not
exceed 25 mg per day per L in none of them. The low-density polyethylene containers thus tested
comply with the requisites if the permeability to humidity exceeds 20 mg per day per L, at maximum,
in 1 of the 10 test containers and does not exceed 30 mg per day per L in none of them.

Polypropylene containers. Close the containers, with impenetrable seals obtained by hot sealing
with a polyethylene-laminated aluminum foil or another adequate closure. Test the containers as
described above. The containers comply with the requisites if the permeability to humidity exceeds

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15 mg per day per L, at maximum, in 1 of the 10 test containers and does not exceed 25 mg per day

To allow a substantiated assessment in relation to the suitability of the packaging for a specific type
of product, the following procedures and classification schemes are presented to assess the
characteristics of permeability to humidity from single-unit and unit-dose containers. Since the
equipment and operator performances can affect the penetration of humidity in a closed or formed
container, the humidity penetration characteristics of the packaging system used must be determined.

Desiccant. Dry the appropriate desiccant pellets at 110 °C for one hour before use. Use pellets with
approximate weight of 400 mg each one and with diameter of approximately 8 mm. If necessary, due
to the limited dimension of the unit-dose container, pellets weighing less than 400 mg each and with
diameter smaller than 8 mm can be used.


Method I. Seal no less than 10 unit-dose containers with one pellet each, and seal another 10 empty
unit-dose containers for control, using glove fingers or a padded tweezer to handle the sealed
containers. Number the containers and register the weights, individually, with the closest
approximation in mg. Weigh the controls as one unit and divide the total weight by the number of
controls to obtain the average. Store all containers at relative humidity of (75 ± 3)% and at
temperature of (23 ± 2) °C. A saturated system of 35 g of sodium chloride for every 100 mL of water
placed on the bottom of a desiccator maintains the specified humidity, or other methods can be used
to maintain such conditions. After an interval of 24 hours, and in each of their multiples, remove the
containers from the chamber and let them equilibrate for 15 to 60 minutes in the weighing area.
Register again the weight of the containers individually and the matched controls in the same manner.
If no indicator pellet turns pink during the procedures, or if the pellet weight increase exceeds 10%,
finish the test and consider only the first determinations as valid. Return the containers to the humidity
chamber. Calculate the humidity penetration rate in my per day from each container using the

(1/𝑁)[(𝑊𝐹 − 𝑊𝐼) − (𝐶𝐹 − 𝐶𝐼)]

N is the number of days expired in the test period (starting after the initial 24 hours of the equilibration
(𝑊𝐹 − 𝑊𝐼) is the difference in mg between the final and initial weights of each test container;
(𝐶𝐹 − 𝐶𝐼) is the difference in mg between the final and initial average weights of the controls, with
the data calculated in relation to two significant figures. When the penetration measured is lower than
5 mg per day, and when it is observed that the controls reach equilibration in a period of seven days,
the individual penetration can be determined more precisely, using the test container from the 7th day
and the control container as WI and CI, respectively, in the calculations. In this case, an adequate test
interval for Class A must not be inferior to 28 days from the equilibration period of the 7th day (a total
of 35 days).

Method II. Use this procedure for packages, such as punch-out cards, that incorporate a number of
blisters or unit-dose containers sealed separately. Seal a sufficient number of packages, no less than
4, and a total of no less than 10 unit-dose containers or blisters filled with one pellet in each unit to

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be tested. Seal a corresponding number of empty packages, each one containing the same number of
unit-dose containers or blisters like the ones used in test packages, as controls. Store all containers at
relative humidity of (75 ± 3)% and at temperature of (23 ± 2) °C. A saturated system of 35 g of sodium
chloride for every 100 mL of water placed on the bottom of the desiccator maintains the humidity
required, or other methods can be used to maintain such conditions. After 24 hours and at each
subsequent 24 hours, remove the packages from the chamber and let them equilibrate at room
temperature for approximately 45 minutes. Register the weights of individual packages and return
them to the chamber. Weigh the control packages as one unit and divide as one unit and divide the
total weight by the number of control packages to obtain the average weight of empty packages. If
any indicator pellet turns pink during the procedure, or if the average pellet weigh exceeds 10% in
any of the packages, finish the test and consider only the first determinations as valid. Calculate the
average humidity penetration rate, in mg per day, for each unit-dose container or blister, in each
package according to the formula:

(1/𝑁𝑋)[(𝑊𝐹– 𝑊𝐼) − ( 𝐶𝐹– 𝐶𝐼)]

N is the number of days elapsed in the test period (starting after the initial 24 hours of the equilibration
X is the number of units sealed separately per package;
(WF – WI) is the difference in mg between the final and initial weights of each test package;
(CF – CI) is the difference in mg between the final and initial average weights of control packages, and
these rates are calculated up to two significant figures.

Limits. Individual unit-dose containers, as tested on Method I, are classified as Class A if no more
than 1 of the 10 containers tested exceeds 0.5 mg per day in humidity penetration rate and none
exceeds 1 mg per day; they are classified as Class B if no more than 1 of the 10 containers tested
exceeds 5 mg per day and none exceeds 10 mg per day; they are classified as Class C if no more than
1 of the 10 containers tested exceeds 20 mg per day and none exceeds 40 mg per day; and they are
classified as Class D if the containers tested do not meet any of these requisites for humidity
penetration rate.

The packages, as they are tested on Method II, are classified as Class A if no package tested exceeds
0.5 mg per day of average humidity penetration rate per blister; they are classified as Class B if no
package tested exceeds 5 mg per day of average humidity penetration rate per blister; they are
classified as Class C if no package tested exceeds 20 mg per day of average humidity penetration rate
per blister; and they are classified as Class D if no package tested meets the aforementioned requisites
for average humidity penetration rate per blister.

With the use of desiccant described on Method I and Method II, after every 24 hours, the test
containers and controls are weighed; the adequate test intervals for final weighing, WF and CF, must
be: 24 hours for Class D; 48 hours for Class C; 7 days for Class B; and no less than 28 days for Class

The standards and tests presented in this section are used to measured functional and performance
characteristics of plastic containers used to package aqueous products through measuring the loss of
weight of liquid water as a percentage of its content. This test can also be used to demonstrate a
functional and performance comparison. Throughout the procedure, determine the weights from
individual container closure systems (container, internal sealing if used, and closure), both as tare

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RC6.2-00

weights and fill weights, at an approximation of 0.1 mg if the maximum capacity is lower than 200
mL; an approximation in mg if the maximum capacity is between 200 and 1000 mL; or an
approximation in centigrams (10 mg) if the maximum capacity is 1000 mL or higher.

Procedures for tests in commercialized closed containers (cap liner if applicable, internal sealing
and cap). Select 10 containers of uniform type and size and clean the sealing surfaces with a fiber-
free cloth. Assemble each container with the cap liner, if applicable, and closure system. Number
each closure system and register the tared weight.

Remove the closures and, with the help of a pipette, fill the containers to maximum capacity with
water. Assemble the container with the seals and apply the closures. If threaded caps are used, apply
the torque specified on Table 1 in Multiple-unit containers for capsules and tablets ( and store
the closed containers at temperature of (25 ± 2) °C and relative humidity of (50 ± 2)%. After (168 ±
1) hours (seven days), register the weight of containers individually. Return the containers to the
storage place for another (168 ± 1) hours. After the second period of (168 ± 1) hours elapses, remove
the containers, register the weights of each container system, individually, and calculate the water
vapor penetration rate, in percentage of water weight loss, for each container through the formula:

(𝑊7 − 𝑊14) 365 × 100/(𝑊7 − 𝑊𝑇)7 = Percentage per year

𝑊7 is the weight in mg of the container at seven days;
𝑊14 is the weight in mg of the container at 14 days;
𝑊𝑇 is the tare weight in g;
7 is the test time in days, after seven days of the equilibration period. The containers thus tested
comply with the requisites and are considered tightly sealed containers if the percentage of water
weight loss exceeds 2.5% per year, at maximum, in 1 of the 10 containers tested and does not exceed
5.0% per year in none of them.

The unit-dose containers for liquids comply with the requisites for a tightly sealed container if the
average weight in water weight loss is inferior or equal to 2.5% (w/w) per year and 5% at the end of
two years.

Procedure for tests on multiple-dose containers in conditions of use. Select 10 containers of

uniform type and sizes. If internal sealing is used, open the containers carefully and remove the
internal seals from each one. Assemble each container with the cap liner, if applicable, and its closure
system. Number each container closure system and register the tare weight. Open and close the
containers 30 times, being careful to not lose liquid during this procedure. Close the containers with
screw cap within the torque range presented on Table 1 in Multiple-unit containers for capsules and
tablets ( and store the sealed containers at temperature of (25 ± 2) °C and relative humidity of
(50 ± 2)%. After (168 ± 1) hours (seven days), register the weight of containers individually. Return to the
storage place for another (168 ± 1) hours. After the second period of (168 ± 1) hours, remove the containers,
register the weights of each container system, individually, and calculate the water vapor penetration rate, in
percentage of water weight loss, for each container through the formula:

(𝑊7 − 𝑊14) 365 × 100/(𝑊7 − 𝑊𝑇)7 = Percentage per year

𝑊7 is the weight in mg of the container at seven days;
𝑊14 is the weight in mg of the container at 14 days;
𝑊𝑇 is the tare weight in g;

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RC6.2-00

The containers thus tested comply with the requisites and are considered tightly sealed containers if
the percentage of water weight loss exceeds 2.5% per year, at maximum, in 1 of the 10 containers
tested and does not exceed 5.0% in none of them. LIGHT TRANSMISSION TEST

Equipment. Use a spectrophotometer with adequate sensitivity and precision, adapted to measure
the amount of light transmitted by plastic materials, used as pharmaceutical containers. Additionally,
the spectrophotometer must measure and register the diffuse transmitted light, as well as parallel rays.

Procedure. Select sections to represent the average thickness of the container wall. Cut circular
sections from two or more areas of the container and trim if necessary to provide segments of
convenient sizes to be inserted in the spectrophotometer. Cut, wash and dry each sample, being careful
to avoid scratches in the surface. If the sample is too small to cover the opening on the sample support,
cover the uncovered portion of the opening with an opaque paper or adhesive tape, making the sample
length larger than the opening in the spectrophotometer. Immediately before assembling the sample
support, clean the sample with a cloth suitable for cleaning lenses. Assemble the sample with the help
of viscous wax, or through other convenient media, being careful to not leave fingerprints or other
marks on the surfaces the light must go through. Put the section in the spectrophotometer with its
cylindrical axis parallel to the opening plan and approximately centralized in relation to the opening.
When placed adequately, the light beam is normal at the section surface and the losses by reflection
are minimal. Measure, continuously, the section transmittance with reference to air in the wavelength
of interest, with a registration equipment or in intervals of approximately 20 nm with a manual
equipment, in the wave amplitude between 290 and 450 nm.

Limit. The light transmission observed must not exceed the limits included on Table 1 for containers
targeted at parenteral use.

Table 1 – Limits for plastics classes I-VI.

Maximum percentage of light transmission in any wavelength between
Nominal size (mL) 290 and 450 nm
Heat-sealed containers Hermetically sealed containers
1 50 25
2 45 20
5 40 15
10 35 13
20 30 12
50 15 10

Any container, with a size intermediate to the ones listed on Table 1, presents transmission not greater
than the next biggest size listed on the table. For containers larger than 50 mL, the limits for 50 mL
apply. The light transmission observed for plastic containers for products targeted at oral or topical
administration must not exceed 10% in any wavelength on the range between 290 nm and 450 nm.

In this section there are guidelines about procedures for assessment of biocompatibility of plastic
containers for medicines, elastomer caps and correlates. Biocompatibility refers to the trend of these
products to remain biologically inert when in contact with the body. In combination with chemical

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RC6.2-00

assays, the biological processes can be used to detect and identify the inherent or acquired toxicity of
correlates, before or during their manufacturing and processing.

The procedures used to assess the biocompatibility of a correlate or its constituents were classified in
a panel of biological effects or toxicity procedures, such as cytotoxicity, sensitivity, irritation or
intracutaneous reactiveness, acute systemic toxicity, sub-chronic toxicity (sub-acute toxicity),
genotoxicity, implantation, hemocompatibility, chronic toxicity (extends by 10% the life expectancy
of the test animal, or to more than 90 days), carcinogenicity, reproductivity or development toxicity,
and biodegradation.

Pyrogenicity, in a special toxicity area, is assessed by the Bacterial endotoxins ( test and the
Pyrogens ( test. Currently, there are no chapters detailing about sensitivity, sub-chronic
toxicity, genotoxicity, chronic toxicity, carcinogenicity, hemotoxicity, reproductive toxicity, or
requisites for biodegradation test. PLASTIC CONTAINERS AND ELASTOMER CAPS

Plastic containers can be made of polymers that, by extraction, do not present toxicity or do not
change the stability of the packaged product. The requisites for the biocompatibility test of containers
for medicines are related to plastic containers. Plastic, or other polymeric portions of these products,
are tested according to the procedures established in Biological reactivity tests in vitro (6.2.5), and
the ones that do not comply with requirements from these tests are not adequate for a medicine
container. The materials that comply with in vitro requisites are qualified as biocompatible materials,
without the need for other tests, and can be used to manufacture a medicine container. If a class
designation (classes I-VI) is requested for plastics or other polymers, the adequate test procedures are
conducted as presented on Biological reactivity tests in vivo (6.2.6) and Class designation.

The biocompatibility of an elastomeric material is assessed in two phases, as described on Procedures

from Biological assay in Elastomer caps (6.2.2).

Contrary to plastics or other polymers, an elastomeric material that does not meet the requirements
from the first phase of the test in vitro can be considered a biocompatible material if it is approved on
the second phase – in vivo, which consists on the systemic injection test and the intracutaneous test
in Biological reactivity tests in vitro (6.2.5). No distinction of class or type is made between the
elastomeric materials that meet the requisites from the first phase of test and the ones that meet the
second phase, qualifying as biocompatible materials. Elastomeric materials are not classified on
The biocompatibility of plastic, other polymers and elastomeric parts of these products is tested
according to the procedures described in Biological reactivity tests in vitro (6.2.5). If a class
designation is also necessary for a plastic or another polymer, the adequate test procedures described
in Biological reactivity tests in vivo (6.2.6) are conducted. TESTS IN VITRO, TESTS IN VIVO AND CLASS DESIGNATION FOR

The requisites for tests in vitro and in vivo are developed to determine the biological reactivity of
mammal cell cultures and the biological response from animals to elastomeric materials, plastics and
other polymers, when in direct or indirect contact with the patient. The biological reactivity of these

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RC6.2-00

materials may depend both on their surface characteristics and their extractable chemical components.
The test procedures can be conducted with the material, or an extract of the material being tested,
except if indicated otherwise.

Preparation of extracts

Usually, the assessment of compatibility of an entire correlate is not realistic, and using representative
portions, or extracts from selected materials, may be a practical alternative for conducting the assays.
When portions or extracts are used, it is important to consider that the raw material may suffer
chemical changes during the manufacturing, processing and sterilization of a correlate. Assays in
vitro of a raw material may serve as an important triage process, but the final assessment of
biocompatibility of the correlate must be conducted with parts of the product, finished and sterilized.

The extractions can be made in several temperatures (121, 70, 50 or 37 °C), in several time intervals
(1, 24 or 72 hours) and in different extraction media. The selection of extraction medium for tests in
vitro includes sodium chloride solution injectable 0.9%, or culture medium for tissues with or without
serum. When medium with serum is used, the extraction temperature cannot exceed 37 °C. When
selecting the extraction conditions, select the temperature, solvent and time variables the best
conditions of use of the product. The performance from several tests in different conditions can be
used to simulate variations of the conditions “in use”. A biocompatibility assessment is conducted
with the product, finished and sterilized, although a careful selection of the extraction conditions
allows to simulate the raw material production and test conditions.

Test in vitro

When tests in vitro are conducted, the sample is biocompatible if the cell cultures do not present
reactivity greater than mild (grade 2), as described on the Biological reactivity tests in vitro (6.2.5).

Test in vivo and class designation

According to the definition of injection and implantation described in Biological reactivity tests in
vivo (6.2.6), plastics and other polymers are classified in classes I to VI. To obtain designation of
plastics, or other polymers, extracts from the test substance are produced according to the procedures described
in different media. To assess the biocompatibility, the extracts are inoculated, systemically and
intracutaneously, in mice and rabbits. According to the requisites for injection, a plastic or other polymer can
be initially classified as I, II, III, or V. If, in addition to the injection test, the implantation test is conducted
with the same material, the plastic or polymer can be classified as class IV or VI. BIOCOMPATIBILITY OF CORRELATES

In addition to assessing the correlates for sterility, tests in vitro and in vivo, the correlates are assessed
for sensitivity, sub-chronic toxicity, genotoxicity, hemocompatibility, chronic toxicity,
carcinogenicity, reproductive or development toxicity, and biodegradation.

In international guidelines, there is an indication that the extension of tests executed for a correlate
depends on the following factors: product similarity and exclusivity in relation to products previously
commercialized, as considered on the Decision flowchart; extension and duration of contact between
the product and the patient, as described in Categorization of correlates, and the composition of the
product material, as considered in the sections Decision flowchart, Tests in vivo and Class


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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RC6.2-00

The guidance for comparing a correlated with products commercialized previously is provided by the
Biocompatibility decision flowchart (Figure 1).


Does the
correlate come No
into direct or
indirect contact
with the body?


Is the existing
material the same Yes Is the Yes Is the sterilization
one as a Is the chemical Yes Is the form of contact Yes Yes
manufacturin composition the with the body similar? method similar?
correlate? g process the same?
same? No No

No No

No Acceptable Yes
justification or
assay data?

Does it have
Is the material any toxic
Is the correlate No Yes substance, No
material a polymer? a metal,
metallic alloy such as Pb,
or ceramic Ni, Cd, Zn,
alloy? etc.?

Yes Yes
Consult on the specific
toxicologic profile of
the correlate for No Acceptable Yes
adequate assays. justification or
assay data?

Are the The biocompatibility

biocompatibility requisites are
requisites complied complied with.


Toxic material

Figure 1 – Biocompatibility flowchart adapted from the FDA Blue Book Memorandum # G95-1.

The goal with the flowchart is to determine whether the data available on previously commercialized
correlates are sufficient to ensure the safety of the correlate in question. As indicated on the flowchart,
the material composition and manufacturing techniques of a product are compared with correlates
already commercialized that come into direct contact with the body. Additionally, there is a
requirement on the flowchart for an assessment of the toxicity of an exclusive material that has not
been previously used in correlate products. The answers to the questions made on the flowchart lead
to the conclusion that the data available are sufficient, or that additional tests are necessary to ensure
the product safety. The guidance about the identification of appropriate procedures for additional tests
is provided in the Test selection matrix.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RC6.2-00


To facilitate the identification of adequate test procedures, the correlates are divided and subdivided,
as registered on Table 1, according to the nature and extension of their contact with the body. The
main categories of correlates are surface, extracorporeal communication and implantable. Then, these
classifications are subcategorized with examples of correlates belonging to each of the subcategories
(Table 1).

Table 1 – Classification and examples of correlates.

Category of Subcategory of Nature or extension of Examples
correlate correlate contact
Surface Skin Correlates that only come Electrodes, external prostheses, fixation
into contact with the intact tapes, compression bandages, and
surface of the skin. monitors of different types.
Mucosa Correlates that Contact lenses, urinary catheters,
communicate with intact intravaginal and intra-intestinal devices
mucous membranes. (stomach tubes, sigmoidoscopes,
colonoscopes, gastroscopes),
endotracheal tubes, bronchoescopes,
dental prostheses, orthodontic and
intrauterine devices. Dressings, healing
devices, and occlusive bandages for ulcer,
burn and granulated tissue.
Compromised or Correlates that come into
Breached contact with compromises
Surfaces or breached body surfaces.
Blood Vessel, Correlates that come into Solution administration set, blood transfer
Indirect contact with blood vessel and administration, extensors.
in one point and serve as
channel for entrance to the
vascular system.
Extracorporeal Communication Correlates and materials Laparoscopes, arthroscopes, draining
communication with Tissue, Bone that communicate with systems, dental cement, dental filling
or Dentin tissue, bone or Dentin/pulp material, and skin staples.
Blood circulation Correlates that come into Intravascular catheters, temporary
contact with blood pacemaker electrodes, oxygenators,
circulation. extracorporeal oxygenator tube and
accessories, dialyzers, dialysis tube and
accessories, hemoadsorbents and
Implantable Tissue or Bone Correlates that come into Examples of cast with orthopedic pins,
items contact especially with plates, replacement joints, bone
bone, tissue or tissue fluid. prostheses, cements and intraosseous
devices. Examples of the latter are
pacemakers, medicine administration
devices, neuromuscular sensors and
stimulators, replacement tendons, breast
implants, artificial larynx, sub-periosteal
implants, and ligation clips.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RC6.2-00

Category of Subcategory of Nature or extension of Examples

correlate correlate contact
Blood Correlates in contact Pacemaker electrodes, artificial
especially with blood. arteriovenous fistula, heart valves, valve
graft, catheters for internal medicine
administration, and ventricular assistance


In the matrix there is guidance for identification of adequate procedure for biological assays for the
three categories of correlates: Tests for surface devices (Table 1 in Guide for selection of plastic and
other polymers (, Tests for extracorporeal communication devices (Table 2 in Guide for
selection of plastic and other polymers (, and Tests for implantable devices (Table 3 in Guide
for selection of plastic and other polymers ( Each category of correlates is subcategorized
and subdivided according to the duration of contact between the device and the body. The duration
of contact is defined as limited (less than 24 hours); prolonged (24 hours to 30 days), or permanent
(more than 30 days). The biological effects included in the matrix are: cytotoxicity, sensitivity,
intracutaneous irritation or reactivity, systemic toxicity, sub-chronic toxicity, genotoxicity,
implantation, hemocompatibility, chronic toxicity, carcinogenicity, reproductive or development
toxicity, and biodegradation. In the matrix, for each subcategory there is a board associated to the test
requisites and, usually, the number of tests increases as the duration of the contact between the device
and the body is extended and according to the proximity of contact between the device and the
circulatory system. In the subcategories, the option of conducting additional tests must be considered
on a case-by-case basis. Specific situations, such as the use of permanent implantable devices or with
extracorporeal communication in pregnant women, must be considered by the manufacturer, who will
decide about including the reproduction or development test. Guidance about identifying eventual
additional procedures for test is provided in the matrix of each subcategory of correlates. GUIDE FOR SELECTING PLASTIC AND OTHER POLYMERS

Class designation for correlate

In Figure 1 there is guidance for selecting the appropriate class designation of the plastic or other
polymer for a correlate and each subcategory of Surface devices, and on Figure 2, for Communication
devices. The class designations can be found on Biological reactivity tests in vivo (6.2.6).

Surface Device

Broken or
Skin Surfaces of Compromised
Mucosas Surfaces

Limited* Prolonged Permanent Limited Prolonged Permanent Limited Prolonged Permanent

Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class


Figure 1 – Class Requisites of plastics and other polymers for surface devices.
* Categorization based on the duration of contact. Limited: less than 24 hours; prolonged: 24 hours to 30 days; permanent: more than 30 days.
† Designation of Class of Plastics.

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Indirect Blood Communication Blood

Vessel with Tissue,
Bone and Circulation
Limited Duration
Limited* Prolonged Permanent Limited Prolonged Permanent Prolonged Permanent

Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class


Figure 2 – Class Requisites of plastics and other polymers for extracorporeal communication devices.
* Categorization based on the duration of contact. Limited: less than 24 hours; prolonged: 24 hours to 30 days; permanent: more than 30 days.
† Designation of Class of Plastics.

The class number indicated increases according the duration of contact between the device and the
body (risk). In the category of Implantable devices, the exclusive use of class VI is mandatory. The
designation of plastic classes is based on the test selection matrixes illustrated on Tables 1, 2 and 3.

The assignment of class of a plastic or another polymer to a subcategory is not targeted at restricting
the use of superior categories of plastics or other polymers. Although the designation assigned defines
the lower numerical class of plastic or other polymer that can be used in the corresponding correlate,
the use of a numerically higher plastic class is optional. When a correlate belongs to more than one
category, the plastic or other polymers must meet the requirements from the higher numerical class.

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Table 1 – Test selection matrix for surface and devices.*

Categories of correlates Biological effect b

Intracutaneous irritation

Sub-chronic (sub-acute)
Duration of contact a

development toxicity
Systemic toxicity

Chronic toxicity

Reproductive or

or reactivity



Contact with the body

Skin A X X X - - - - - - - - -
B X X X - - - - - - - - -
C X X X - - - - - - - - -
Mucosa A X X X - - - - - - - - -
Surface devices B X X X O O - O - - - - -
C X X X O X X O - O - - -
Compromised or A X X X O - - - - - - - -
breached surfaces
B X X X O O - O - - - - -
C X X X O X X O - O - - -
a Key A: limited (less than 24 hours); B: prolonged (24 hours to 30 days); C: permanent (more than 30 days).
b Key X: ISO assessment tests for consideration; O: additional tests that may be applied.
* Adapted from FDA’s Blue Book Memorandum #G95-1 (Table 1. Initial Assessment tests for Consideration and Table 2. Complementary Assessment Tests for Consideration).

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Table 2 – Test Selection Matrix for Extracorporeal Communication Devices.*

Categories of correlates Biological effect b

Intracutaneous irritation

Sub-chronic (sub-acute)
Duration of contact a

development toxicity
Systemic toxicity

Chronic toxicity

Reproductive or

or reactivity



Contact with the body

Blood vessel, A X X X X - - - X - - - -
B X X X X O - - X - - - -
C X X O X X X O X X X - -
Extracorporeal Communication A X X X O - - - - - - - -
communication with tissue, bone or
device dentin B X X O O O X X - - - - -
C X X O O O X X - X X - -
Blood circulation A X X X X - O - X - - - -
B X X X X O X O X - - - -
C X X X X X X O X X X - -
a Key A: limited (less than 24 hours); B: prolonged (24 hours to 30 days); C: permanent (more than 30 days).
b Key X: ISO assessment tests for consideration; O: additional tests that may be applied.
* Adapted from FDA’s Blue Book Memorandum #G95-1 (Table 1. Initial Assessment tests for Consideration and Table 2. Complementary Assessment Tests for Consideration).

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Table 3 – Test Selection Matrix for Implantable Devices.*

Categories of correlates Biological effect b

Intracutaneous irritation

Sub-chronic (sub-acute)
Duration of contact a

development toxicity
Systemic toxicity

Chronic toxicity

Reproductive or

or reactivity



Contact with the body

Tissue or bone A X X X O - - - - - - - -
B X X O O O X X - - - - -
Implantable devices C X X O O O X X - X X - -
Blood A X X X X - - X X - - - -
B X X X X O X X X - - - -
C X X X X X X X X X X - -
a Key A: limited (less than 24 hours); B: prolonged (24 hours to 30 days); C: permanent (more than 30 days).
b Key X: ISO assessment tests for consideration; O: additional tests that may be applied.
* Adapted from FDA’s Blue Book Memorandum #G95-1 (Table 1. Initial Assessment tests for Consideration and Table 2. Complementary Assessment Tests for Consideration).
1 Document from ISO 10993-1:1997 titled Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices – Part 1: Evaluation and Testing .
* Adapted from FDA’s Blue Book Memorandum #G95-1 (“Use of International Standard ISO-10993.” Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices - Part 1: Evaluation and Testing.’” )

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The following tests are developed to determine the biological reactivity of mammal cell cultures, after
the contact with elastomeric plastics and other polymeric materials, which come into direct or indirect
contact with the patient, or after contact with specific extracts elaborated from the materials being
tested. It is essential that the tests are conducted on the surface area specified. When the sample
surface cannot be determined, use 0.1 g of elastomer or 0.2 g of plastic, or another material, for
every mL of extraction fluid.

Three assays are described: Agar diffusion test, Direct contact test and Elution test. The decision on
what type or the number of assays to be conducted to assess the potential of biological response from
a specific sample or an extract depends on the material, the end product, and its intentions of use.
Other factors that may also affect the suitability of the sample for a specific use are: polymer
composition; procedures for processing and cleaning; means of contact; colorants; adhesives;
absorption, adsorption and permeability of preservatives; and storage conditions. Such factors must
be assessed by specific appropriate additional assays, before determining that a product produced
through a specific material is adequate for its intention of use.

Preparation of cell culture. In a minimum essential medium supplemented with seeding density
serum of approximately 105 cells per mL, prepare multiple cultures of fibroblastic cells L-929 (ATCC
cell line CCL 1, NCTC clone 929). Incubate the cultures at (37 ± 1) °C in a humidified incubator,
with atmosphere of (5 ± 1)% carbon dioxide, for no less than 24 hours until obtaining the single layer,
with confluence superior to 80%. Examine the cultures prepared with a microscope to ensure an
uniform level of nearly confluent monolayers.

Extraction solvents. Injectable sodium chloride solution (refer to the corresponding monograph).
Alternative, free media or supplemented with serum for mammal cell culture can be used. The serum
supplementation is used when the extraction is performed at 37 °C, for 24 hours.


Autoclave. Use an autoclave capable of maintaining the temperature of (121 ± 2) °C and capable of
cooling the assay containers down around 20 °C.

Oven. Preferably use a model with mechanic convection, capable of maintaining the operating
temperatures in the range of 50 °C to 70 °C ± 2 °C.

Incubator. Use an incubator capable of maintaining the temperature of (37 ± 1) °C and a humid
atmosphere with (5 ± 1)% carbon dioxide in the air.

Extraction containers. Use only Type I glass containers, such as culture test tube with screw cap, or
equivalent. The screw cap must have appropriate elastomeric coating. The exposed surface of this
coating must be completely protected with an inert solid disc of 50-75 μm of thickness.

Preparation of equipment. Completely clean all glassware with chromic acid cleaning solution and,
if necessary, with warm nitric acid, followed by prolonged rinsing with sterile water for injection.
Sterilize and dry the containers and equipment used for extraction, transfer or administration of the
assay material, through adequate process. If ethylene oxide is used as a sterilizing agent, wait no less
than 48 hours until complete degassing.


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Preparation of sample for extract. Prepare as described in the Procedure from Biological reactivity
tests in vivo (6.2.6).

Preparation of extracts. Prepare as described in the Procedure from Biological reactivity tests in vivo
(6.2.6), using an injectable sodium chloride solution (0.9% NaCl) or serum-free medium for mammal
cell culture as described in Extraction solvents. If the extraction is made at 37 °C for 24 hours in
incubator, use cell culture media supplemented with serum. In no case must the extraction conditions
cause physical changes, such as fusion or melting of portions of material, except a slight adherence.


This test was developed for elastomeric materials of different models. The agar layer works as a
support to protect the cells from mechanical damages, allowing the diffusion of leachable chemical
products from polymeric samples. The extracts from materials to be tested are applied to a piece of
filter paper.

Sample preparation. Use extracts prepared as described or portions of samples with flat surfaces not
inferior to 100 mm2.

Preparation of positive control. Proceed as described in Preparation of sample.

Preparation of negative control. Proceed as described in Preparation of sample.

Procedure. Use 7 mL of the cell suspension prepared as described in the Preparation of cell culture
and prepare the layers on plates with 60 mm of diameter. After the incubation is done, aspirate the
culture medium from the layers and replace it with medium supplemented with serum with amounts
of up to 2% of agar. The quality of agar must be adequate to sustain the cell growth. The agar layer
must be sufficiently thin to allow the diffusion of leachable chemical products. Put the flat surfaces
of the sample, negative control and positive control, or their extracts, in contact with the solidified
surface of agar, in duplicate. Do not use more than three samples in each plate prepared. Incubate all
cultures at (37 ± 1) °C for no less than 24 hours, in an adequate incubator. Examine, visually or with
a microscope, each culture around the sample; negative control and positive control, using adequate
coloring agent, if necessary.

Interpretation of results. The biological reactivity, that is, the cell malformation and degeneration,
is described and classified on a scale from 0 to 4 (Table 1). Measure the responses of cell cultures
from the sample, negative control and positive control. The cell culture assay system is adequate if
the responses observed are classified as 0 (no reactivity) for negative control and no less than 3
(moderate) for positive control. The sample complies with the test requisites if the response is not
superior to the classification 2 (mildly reactive). Repeat the procedure if the system suitability is not

Table 1 – Classification of reactivity for Agar diffusion test and Direct contact test.
Classification Reactivity Description of reactivity zone
0 None No zone detectable around or under the sample.
1 Slight Some malformed or degenerated cells under the sample.
2 Mild Zone limited to the area under the sample.
3 Moderate Zone extends from 0.5 to 1.0 cm beyond the sample.
4 Strong Zone extends more than 1.0 cm beyond the sample.

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This test is defined for materials in different formats. The procedure allows simultaneous extractions
and test on leachable chemical products from the sample in a medium supplemented with serum. The
procedure is not appropriate for materials with very high or very low density, because it may cause
mechanical damages to the cells.

Sample preparation. Use a portion of sample with flat surface not inferior to 100 mm2.

Preparation of positive control. Proceed as described in Preparation of sample.

Preparation of negative control. Proceed as described in Preparation of sample.

Procedure. Use 2 mL of the cell suspension prepared as described in Preparation of cell culture and
prepare the layers on plates with 35 mm of diameter. After the incubation, aspirate the culture medium
and replace it with 0.8 mL of fresh culture medium. Put a single sample, negative control and positive
control in each of the culture medium duplicates. Incubate all cultures at (37 ± 1) °C for no less than
24 hours in an adequate incubator. Examine, visually or with a microscope, each culture around the
sample, negative control and positive control, using adequate coloring agent, if necessary.

Interpretation of results. Proceed according to the interpretation of results from the Agar diffusion
test. The sample complies with the test requisites if the sample response is not superior to the
classification 2 (mildly reactive). Repeat the procedure if the system suitability is not confirmed.


This assay is defined for assessment of extracts from polymeric materials. The procedure allows
extracting samples by varied time intervals and in physiological and non-physiological temperatures.
It is appropriate for high-density materials and dose-response assessments.

Sample preparation. Prepare as described in Preparation of extracts, using injectable sodium

chloride solution (0.9% NaCl) or serum-free medium for mammal cell culture according to Extraction
solvents. If the sample size cannot be readily measured, a mass with no less than 0.1 g of elastomeric
material or 0.2 g of plastic or polymeric material per mL of extraction medium can be used.
Alternatively, to simulate conditions that are closer to the physiological ones, use for extraction a
mammal cell culture medium, supplemented with serum. Prepare the extracts through heating at (37 ±
1) °C for 24 hours, in an appropriate incubator. Higher temperatures may cause denaturation of serum

Preparation of positive control. Proceed as described in Preparation of sample.

Preparation of negative control. Proceed as described in Preparation of sample.

Procedure. Use 2 mL of the cell suspension prepared as described in the Preparation of cell culture
and prepare the monolayers on plates with 35 mm of diameter. After the incubation, aspirate the
medium from the layers and replace it with extract from the sample, negative control and positive
control. Extracts from media, supplemented or not with serum, are tested in duplicate, without dilution
(100%). The extract of injectable sodium chloride solution is diluted with cells from the culture
medium supplemented with serum and tested, in duplicate, at a concentration of 25%. Incubate all
cultures at (37 ± 1) °C for 48 hours, in an adequate incubator. Examine with a microscope each culture
after 48 hours, using adequate coloration, if necessary.

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Interpretation of results. Proceed according to the interpretation of results from the Agar diffusion
test, but using Table 2. The sample complies with the test requisites if the sample response is not
superior to the classification 2 (mildly reactive). Repeat the procedure if the system suitability is not
confirmed. For dose-response assessments, repeat the procedure using quantitative dilutions of the
sample extract.

Table 2 – Classification of reactivity for elution test.

Classification Reactivity Conditions of cultures
0 None Discrete intracytoplasmic granules; no cell lysis.
1 Slight Up to 20% of the cells are round, vaguely united, with no
intracytoplasmic granules; lysed cells are occasionally present.
2 Mild Up to 50% of the cells are round and have no intracytoplasmic
granules; no extensive cell lysis and empty areas between cells.
3 Moderate Up to 70% of the layers have rounded or lysed cells.
4 Strong Nearly integral destruction of the cell layers.


The following tests are developed to determine the biological response from animals to elastomeric
materials, plastics and other polymeric materials, which come into direct or indirect contact with the
patient, or the response to the inoculation of specific extracts elaborated from the materials being
tested. It is essential to make a specific surface area for extraction available. When the sample surface
area cannot be determined, use 0.1 g of elastomer or 0.2 g of plastic, or another material, for every mL
of extraction fluid.

Three assays are described to classify plastics and other polymers, which are applicable to materials
and correlates, based on in vivo biological reactivity assays. The Systemic injection test and the
Intracutaneous test are used for elastomeric materials, especially for materials where the adequate
Biological reactivity test in vitro (6.2.5) indicated significant biological reactivity. The Implant test
is used to check the suitability of plastics and other polymers, used in manufacturing containers and
accessories; in parenteral preparations, in correlates, implants and other systems.

The following definitions are applied in this chapter: sample is the material being tested, or the extract
prepared from a certain material. The blank consists of the same amount of the medium that is used
for the sample extraction, being treated the same way than the medium that has the sample analyzed.
The negative control is a sample that does not present any reaction in the assay conditions.

Classification of plastics. Six classes of plastic are defined (Table 1), based on the responses for a
series of assays in vivo where the extracts, materials and routes of administration are specified. These
tests are directly related to the end use of plastic articles. In preparations where plastics are susceptible
to coming into contact with the vehicles, the selection of extraction solution is representative. The
classification registered on Table 1 summarizes the tests to be conducted in containers for injection
and in medical devices, if there is need for classification.

Table 1 – Classification of plastics and tests to be conducted.

Classes of plastics a Tests to be conducted
I II III IV V VI Test material Animal Dose Procedures b
x x x x x x Mouse 50 mL/kg A (IV)

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Classes of plastics a Tests to be conducted

I II III IV V VI Test material Animal Dose Procedures b
x x x x x x Extract of sample in Rabbit 0.2 mL/ animal B
injectable sodium in each of the 10
chloride solution sites
x x x x x Extract of sample of Mouse 50 mL/kg A (IV)
x x x x x alcohol solution 1:20 Rabbit 0.2 mL/ animal B
in injectable sodium in each of the
chloride solution sites
x x x Extract of sample in Mouse 10 g/kg A (IP)
x x polyethylene glycol Rabbit 0.2 mL/ animal B
400 in each of the 10
x x x x Extract of sample in Mouse 50 mL/kg A (IP)
x x x vegetable oil Rabbit 0.2 mL/ animal B
in each of the 10
x x Sample implant strips Rabbit 4 strips/animal C
a Tests required for each class indicated with an “x” on the appropriate column.
b Key: A (IP) Systemic Injection Test (intraperitoneal); A (IV) Systemic Injection Test (intravenous); B Intracutaneous Test (intracutaneous);
c Implantation Test (intramuscular implantation).

With exception of the Implantation test, the procedures are based on the use of extracts that, due to
the thermal resistance of the material, are prepared in one of the three standard temperatures: 50, 70
and 121 °C. For this reason, the class designation of a plastic must be followed by an indication of
the extraction temperature (for example: IV-121 °C is the designation of class IV, from a plastic
extracted at 121 °C; I-50 °C is the designation of class I, from a plastic extracted at 50 °C). Plastics
can be classified on classes I to VI, based on the response criteria registered on Table 1.

This classification does not apply to plastics that are used as containers for topical or oral products,
or that may be used as an integral part of a medicine formulation. The information registered on Table
1 does not apply to natural elastomers, which are only tested through injectable sodium chloride
solution and vegetable oils.

The Systemic injection test and the Intracutaneous test are developed to determine, respectively, the
systemic and local biological responses; in animals exposed to plastics and other polymers, by
inoculation of single dose of specific extracts of the sample. The Implantation test is developed to
assess the reaction of live tissue to plastic and other polymers, through implanting the own sample in
animal tissue. The adequate preparation and placement of the samples in asepsis conditions are
important for conducting the Implantation test.

These tests are developed for application in materials in the conditions they are used. If the material
must be exposed to any cleaning or sterilization process before its end use, the tests must be conducted
in a sample submitted to such processes.

Extraction media

Injectable sodium chloride solution. Refer to the corresponding monograph.

Alcohol solution 1:20 in injectable sodium chloride solution.

Macrogol. Refer to the corresponding monograph.

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Vegetable oil. Use sesame oil, cottonseed oil, or other appropriate vegetable oils (refer to the
monograph). If possible, obtain freshly refined oils. Use three animals duly prepared and inoculated
intracutaneously in each animal one dose of 0.2 mL of oil, in each of the 10 sites, and observe the
animals for 24, 48 and 72 hours after the inoculation. Classify the observations from each site,
according to the numeric scale indicated on Table 2. At any point of observation, the average response
on the three rabbits (30 inoculation sites) must not be superior to 0.5 for erythema, must be inferior
to 1.0 for edema, and in no site there can be a tissue reaction larger than 10 mm of total diameter. The
oil residue in the inoculation site must not be interpreted as edema. When softly pressed, the tissue
edema turns whitish.

Water for injection. Refer to the corresponding monograph.

Table 2 – Assessment of skin reactions.

Erythema and formation of ulcers Score
No erythema 0
Mild erythema (barely perceptible) 1
Well defined erythema 2
Moderate to severe erythema 3
Severe erythema (beet red) to mild formation of ulcer (deep wounds) 4

Formation of edema Score

No edema 0
Very mild edema (barely perceptible) 1
Mild edema (edges with well-defined area by precise magnification) 2
Moderate edema (raised approximately 1 mm) 3
Severe edema (raised more than 1 mm and beyond the exposure area) 4
* Excludes non-inflammatory (mechanical) edema from the blank or extraction fluid.


Autoclave. Use an autoclave capable of maintaining the temperature of (121 ± 2) °C and capable of
cooling the assay containers down around 20 °C.

Oven. Preferably use a model with mechanic convection, capable of maintaining the operating
temperatures in the range of 50 °C to 70 °C ± 2 °C.

Extraction containers. Use only Type I glass containers, such as culture test tube with screw cap, or
equivalent. The screw cap must have appropriate elastomeric coating. The exposed surface of this
coating must be completely protected with an inert solid disc of 50-75 μm of thickness.

Preparation of equipment. Completely clean all glassware with chromic acid cleaning solution and,
if necessary, with warm nitric acid, followed by prolonged rinsing with water. Before using in the
subdivision of sample, clean cutting equipment items with an adequate method, such as successive
cleanups with acetone and methylene chloride. Clean all other equipment items through complete
washing with adequate detergent and prolonged rinsing with water. Sterilize and dry the containers
and equipment used for extraction, transfer or administration of the assay material, through adequate
process. If ethylene oxide is used as a sterilizing agent, allow an adequate time until complete

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RC6.2-00


Sample preparation. The Systemic injection test and the Intracutaneous test can be conducted with
the same extract or with different extracts. Select and subdivide the sample in parts with the size
indicated on Table 3. Remove the particulate material from each subdivided sample, or negative
control, putting the sample in a 100 mL type I glass graded cylinder, clean and with lid, and add
approximately 70 mL of water for injection. Shake for about 30 seconds and drain the water, repeat
this step and dry the parts prepared for extraction with oil in an oven up to 50 °C. Do not clean the
sample with dry or damp cloth or wash and rinse with organic solvent, surfactant, etc.

Table 3 – Surface area of the sample to be used.

Amount of sample for every 20 mL of
Form of material Thickness Subdivided in 1
extraction medium
Strips with
Equivalent to 120 cm2 of the total
Film or slide < 0.5 mm approximately 5 ×
surface area (both sides combined)
0.3 cm
Equivalent to 60 cm2 of the total
0.5 to 1 mm
surface area (both sides combined)
Length (in cm) = 120 cm2/ (sum of Parts with
Tube < 0.5 mm (wall) circumferences of internal and external approximately 5 ×
diameter) 0.3 cm
Length (in cm) = 60 cm2/ (sum of
0.5 to 1 mm (wall) circumferences of internal and external
Equivalent to 60 cm2 of the total
Strips, tube and Pieces with up to 5
> 1 mm surface area (all exposed surfaces
molded items × 0.3 cm
Equivalent to 25 cm2 of the total
With no
Elastomers > 1 mm surface area (all exposed surfaces

Preparation of extracts. Put a sample, duly prepared, to be tested in an extraction container and
transfer 20 mL of the adequate medium. Repeat these instructions for each extraction medium
necessary for the test. Also prepare a blank of 20 mL of each medium for parallel injections and
comparisons. Extract by heating, in an autoclave at 121 °C, for 60 minutes, and in case of an oven at
70 °C, for 24 hours, or at 50 °C for 72 hours. Allow sufficient time for the liquid in the container to
achieve the extraction temperature. In no moment must the extraction conditions cause physical
changes, such as fusion or melting of sample parts, to not result in a reduction of the surface available.
A slight adherence of the parts can be tolerated. Always transfer, individually, the clean parts to the
extraction medium. If the culture tubes are used for extracting vegetable oil with autoclave, properly
seal the thread caps with pressure-sensitive adhesive tape. Cool down to room temperature, but not
inferior to 20 °C, shake, vigorously, for several minutes, and immediately decant each extract
aseptically, in a sterile and dry container. Store the extracts at a temperature between 20 °C and 30
°C and do not use for tests after 24 hours.


This test is developed to assess the systemic responses to extracts from materials tested through
inoculation in mice.

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Test animal. Use healthy albino mice, not used before, weighing between 17 and 23 g. For each test
group, use only mice from the same origin. Water and foods with known composition, commonly
used in laboratory animals, are freely permitted.

Procedure. Before taking the inoculation dose, shake vigorously each extract to ensure the even
distribution of the matter extracted. Visible particles must not be administered intravenously. In a test
group, inoculate in each of the five mice the sample or blank, as described on Table 4, diluting each
g of the extract of sample prepared with polyethylene glycol 400 and the corresponding blank, with
4.1 volumes of injectable sodium chloride solution, to obtain a solution with concentration of
approximately 200 mg of Macrogol per mL.

Table 4 – Procedure for inoculation – Systemic Injection Test.

Speed of
Dose Route of
Extract or blank inoculation, µL
per kg administration*
per second
Alcohol solution 1:20 in injectable sodium chloride solution 50 mL IV 100
Polyethylene glycol 400 10 g IP -
Medicine vehicle (when applicable) 50 mL IV 100
50 mL IP ̶
Vegetable oil 50 mL IP ̶
* IV = intravenous (aqueous sample and blank); IP = intraperitoneal (oily sample and blank).

Observe the animals on the following times: immediately after inoculation, after four hours, and, at
minimum, after 24, 48 and 72 hours. If during the observation period none of the animals treated with
the extract of sample presents biological reactivity significantly higher than the ones treated with
blank, the sample complies with the requisites from this test. If two or more mice die or present
abnormal behavior, such as convulsions or prostration, or if there is loss of body weight superior to 2
g in three or more mice, the sample does not comply with the requisites from the test. If an animal
treated with the sample displays only slight signs of biological reactivity, and if only one animal
presents severe symptoms of biological reactivity or dies, repeat the test using groups of 10 mice. In
the repetition test, during the observation period, none of 10 animals treated with the sample must
present any significant biological reactivity more than the ones treated with blank.


This test was developed to assess local responses to the extracts from materials tested, after
intracutaneous inoculation in rabbits.

Test animal. Select healthy albino rabbits, which hair can be tied close to the skin, which must be
thin and free from irritation or trauma. When handling animals during the observation periods, avoid
touching the inoculation sites, except for differentiating an edema and a residue of oil. Rabbits
previously used in independent tests, such as the pyrogen test (, and which have rested during
the period expected can be used for this test, provided they have a clear, blemish-free skin.

Procedure. Before taking the inoculation dose, shake vigorously each extract, to ensure the even
distribution of the matter extracted. On the test day, carefully tie the hair on the animal’s back, on
both sides of the spine, over a sufficiently large test area. Avoid irritation and trauma. Remove loose
hair by vacuum. If necessary, before the inoculation, slightly clean the skin with diluted alcohol and
let it dry. More than one extract from a certain material can be used per rabbit, if it is determined that
the results will not be affected. For every sample, use two animals and inoculate intracutaneously,

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using one side of the animal for the sample and the other for blank, as described on Table 5. Dilute
every g of the extract of sample prepared with polyethylene glycol 400 and the corresponding blank
with 7.4 volumes of injectable sodium chloride solution to obtain a solution with concentration of
approximately 120 mg of polyethylene glycol per mL.

Table 5 – Intracutaneous test.

Extract or blank Number of sites (per animal) Dose, µL per site
Sample 5 200
Blank 5 200

Examine the inoculation sites to make evident any tissue reaction, such as erythema, edema and
necrosis. If necessary, slightly clean the skin with diluted alcohol to facilitate the reading of
inoculation sites. Observe all animals 24, 48 and 72 hours after the inoculation. Classify the
observations in a numeric scale for the extract sample and for the blank, using Table 2. If necessary,
tie the hair again during the observation period. The average score of erythema and edema for the
sample and blank sites is determined for each rabbit and each score interval after 24, 48 and 72 hours
of inoculation. After the score related to 72 hours, all scores from erythema, plus the ones from edema,
are totaled, separately, for each sample and blank. Divide each total by 12 (2 animals × 3 score periods
× 2 score categories) to determine the total average for each sample versus each corresponding blank.
The test requisites are complied with if the difference between the average score of the sample and
the blank is inferior or equal to 1.0. If in any observation period the average for the sample reaction
is questionable for being higher than the average for the blank reaction, repeat the test using three
additional rabbits. The test requisites are complied with if the difference between the average score
of the sample and the blank is equal or inferior to 1.0.


The implant test is developed to assess plastic materials and other polymers when they come into
direct contact with live tissue. The adequate preparation of the implant strips and their implantation
must be conducted under asepsis conditions. Prepare for implanting 8 strips of sample and 4 strips of
standard. Each strip must measure no less than 10 × 1 mm. The strip edges must be as soft as possible,
to avoid additional mechanical traumas in the implantation. The strips of minimum size specified are
implanted through a hypodermic needle (15 to 19 gauge) with intravenous tip and sterile trocar. Use
one or another pre-sterilized needle where the sterile plastic strips are inserted aseptically, or insert
each clean strip in a needle which cannula and central orifice are protected with an adequate cap, and
then submitted to the appropriate sterilization procedure.

Test animal. Select healthy adult rabbits with minimum weight of 2.5 kg, with sufficiently large
paravertebral muscles to allow the implantation of test strips. Do not use any muscle tissue in addition
to the one located in the paravertebral area. The animals must be anesthetized with an anesthetic agent
that is commonly used for a sufficient level of depth to prevent muscle movements, such as spasms.

Procedure. Conduct the test in a clean area. On the test day or up to 20 hours previously, tie the
animals’ hair on both sides of the spine. Remove loose hair with vacuum. Before the inoculation,
slightly clean the skin with diluted alcohol and dry it. Implant four strips of sample in paravertebral
muscles, spaced approximately 2.5 cm apart, in one side of the spine of each of the two rabbits, 2.5 cm
to 5.0 cm away from the medial line and parallel to the spine. Likewise, implant two strips of standard
on the opposite muscle of each animal. Insert a sterile catheter in the needle to hold the implant strip
on the tissue with the needle removal. After implanting one strip, if there is excessive bleeding, put
another piece in duplicate on another site. Keep the animals for a minimum period of 120 hours and
euthanize them at the end of the observation period with an overdose of anesthetic agent or other

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adequate agents. Allow sufficient time to elapse to cut the tissue without bleeding. Examine
macroscopically the tissue area around the central part of every implant strip. Use magnifying glasses
and an additional source of light. Observe if there are hemorrhages, necroses, discolorations and
infections in the site of implantation of sample and control and register the observations. If there is
encapsulation, measure and register the capsule width, rounding to the closest 0.1 mm, from the
periphery of the space occupied by the control implant or sample to the periphery of the capsule.
Score the encapsulation, according to Table 6. Calculate the differences between the average score
for the sample and control sites. The test requisites are complied with if the difference is not superior
to 1, or if the difference for more than one of the four implant sites does not exceed 1 in any of the

Table 6 – Assessment of encapsulation in the Implant test.

Width of capsule Score
None 0
up to 0.5 mm 1
0.6-1.0 mm 2
1.1-2.0 mm 3
Superior to 2.0 mm 4

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.1-01



Indicators are colorants used to indicate the endpoint of a volumetric analysis or to assess the pH of
non-colored solutions. The indicators more frequently used are listed on Table 1, in increasing order
from the lower limit of their pH transition range. Then, the indicators and test solutions (TS) used in
different pharmacopoeia procedures are described.

Table 1 – Most frequently used indicators.

Indicator Transition range Change of color
Malachite green 0.0 to 2.0 Yellow to green
Cresol red 0.2 to 1.8 Red to yellow
M-cresol purple 0.5 to 2.5 Red to yellow
Tropaeolin OO 1.0 to 2.8 Red to yellow
Thymol blue 1.2 to 2.8 Red to yellow
Naphthol yellow 2.0 to 3.2 Colorless to yellow
Dimethyl yellow 2.8 to 4.6 Red to yellow
Bromophenol blue 2.8 to 4.6 Yellow to violet-blue
Methyl orange 2.9 to 4.0 Red to yellow
Congo Red 3.0 to 5.0 Blue to red
Bromocresol green 3.6 to 5.2 Yellow to blue
Methyl red 4.2 to 6.3 Red to yellow
Resazurin 5.0 to 7.0 Pink to violet
Litmus 5.0 to 8.0 Red to blue
Bromocresol purple 5.2 to 6.8 Yellow to violet-blue
Bromothymol blue 6.0 to 7.6 Yellow to blue
Phenol red 6.8 to 8.4 Yellow to red
Cresol red 7.2 to 8.8 Yellow to red
M-cresol purple 7.5 to 9.2 Yellow to violet
Thymol blue 8.0 to 9.6 Yellow to blue
Phenolphthalein 8.3 to 10.0 Colorless to intense violet
Nile Blue A 9.0 to 13.0 Blue to red
Thymolphthalein 9.3 to 10.5 Colorless to blue
Alizarin yellow GG 10.0 to 12.0 Pale yellow to brown
Tropaeolin O 11.0 to 12.7 Yellow to orange
Titan yellow 12.0 to 13.0 Yellow to red

Methyl orange (CI 13025)

CAS – [547-58-0].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C14H14N3NaO3S – 327.34.
Description – Orange-yellow crystalline powder.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in water and practically insoluble in ethyl alcohol.

Methyl orange TS

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Preparation – Dissolve 0.1 g in 100 mL of 20% (v/v) ethyl alcohol.

pH range – 2.9 – 4.0.
Change of color – Provides red color in moderately acidic medium and yellow color in weakly acidic
and alkaline medium.
Sensitivity test – The mixture of 0.1 mL of test solution with 100 mL of carbon dioxide-free water
presents a yellow color. No more than 0.1 mL of hydrochloric acid 0.1 M is necessary to determine
the change of color to red.

Methyl orange, solution

Preparation – Dissolve 20 mg of methyl orange and 0.1 g of bromocresol green in 1 mL of 0.2 M
sodium hydroxide and complete the volume to 100 mL using water.
pH range – 3.0 – 4.0.
Change of color – Provides orange color in moderately acidic solutions and olive green color in
weakly acidic and alkaline solutions.

Xylenol orange
CAS – [3618-43-7].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C31H28N2Na4O13S – 760.59.
Description – Red-brown crystalline powder.
Solubility – Soluble in water and ethyl alcohol.

Xylenol orange TS
Preparation – Dissolve 0.1 g of xylenol orange in 100 mL of ethyl alcohol.
Change of color – Presents pale yellow color in acidic medium. Reacting with certain metals (such
as lead and zinc), forms a complex of intense red color. In presence of excess disodium edetate,
acquires a yellow color.

CAS – [130-22-3].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C14H7NaO7S.H2O – 360.27.
Description – Orange-yellow powder.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and in ethyl alcohol.

Alizarin TS
Preparation – Dissolve 0.1 g of alizarin in 100 mL of water.

Alizarin yellow GG (CI 14025)

CAS – [584-42-9].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C13H8N3NaO5 – 309.21.
Description – Yellow powder.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in cold water and soluble in hot water.

Alizarin yellow GG TS
Preparation – Dissolve 0.1 g of alizarin yellow GG in 100 mL of water.
pH range – 10.0 – 12.0.
Change of color – Provides pale yellow color in weakly alkaline solutions and brown color in strongly
alkaline solutions.

Dimethyl yellow (CI 11020)

CAS – [60-11-7].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C14H15N3 – 225.30.
Description – Yellow crystals.
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Solubility – Insoluble in water, soluble in ethyl alcohol, benzene, chloroform, ethyl ether, and diluted
mineral acids.

Dimethyl yellow TS
Preparation – Dissolve 0.2 g of dimethyl yellow in 100 mL of 90% (v/v) ethyl alcohol.
pH range – 2.8 – 4.6.
Change of color – Provides red color in moderately acidic solutions and yellow color in weakly acidic
and alkaline solutions.
Homogeneity test – Prepare 0.01% (w/v) dimethyl yellow solution in methylene chloride and apply
0.01 mL of this solution on silica-gel G TLC plate. Use methylene chloride as eluent. The
chromatogram must present a single stain.
Sensitivity test – Prepare a solution with 2 g of ammonium chloride in 25 mL of carbon dioxide-free
water. This solution, added with 0.1 mL of dimethyl yellow TS, must present a yellow color. The
color turns red by adding no more than 0.1 mL of hydrochloric acid 0.1 M.

Metanil yellow (CI 13065)

CAS – [587-98-4].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C18H14N3NaO3S – 375.38.
Description – Brownish-yellow powder.
Solubility – Soluble in water and in ethyl alcohol.

Metanil yellow TS
Preparation – Dissolve 0.1 g of metanil yellow in 100 mL of methyl alcohol.
Change of color – In titrations developed in non-aqueous medium, it changes the color from yellow
(basic medium) to crimson (acidic medium).
Sensitivity test – Dissolve 0.1 mL of metanil yellow TS in 50 mL of glacial acetic acid. This solution
must present a pink-red color. Add 0,05 mL of perchloric acid 0.1 M. The color must change to violet.

Naphthol yellow (CI 10315)

CAS – [887-79-6].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C10H5N2NaO5 – 256.15.
Description – Orange-yellow powder or crystals.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol.
pH range – 2.0 – 3.2.
Change of color – Provides colorless solution in strongly acidic medium and yellow color in less
acidic solutions.

Titan yellow (CI 19540)

CAS – [1829-00-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C28H19N5Na2O6S4 – 695.71.
Description – Yellow-brown powder.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and in ethyl alcohol.

Titan yellow TS
Preparation – Dissolve 0.05 g of titan yellow in water and complete the volume to 100 mL using the
same solvent.
pH range – 12.0 – 13.0.
Change of color – In acidic and moderately alkaline solutions, it provides yellow color. In strongly
alkaline solutions, it presents red color.
Sensitivity test – Prepare a mixture with 10 mL of water, 0.2 mL of standard magnesium solution (10
ppm Mg) and 10 mL of sodium hydroxide M. Add 0.1 mL of titan yellow TS. Prepare the blank test

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in a similar manner, but omitting the magnesium standard. Compare the two solutions. An intense
rose color develops in comparison with the blank test.

Titan yellow, paper

Preparation – Impregnate a common filter paper with titan yellow solution TS. Air-dry it at room

Starch (Soluble starch)

CAS – [9005-84-9].
Molecular formula – (C6H10O5)x.
Description – White or nearly white powder.

Starch TS
Specification – 2% (w/v) soluble starch solution in hot water. The solution may present slight
Sensitivity test – Mix 1 mL of starch TS, 20 mL of water, approximately 50 mg of potassium iodide
and 0.05 mL of iodine 0.01 M. A blue color develops.

Iodized starch TS
Preparation – Weigh 0.5 g of starch, add 50 mL to 60 mL of water and dissolve by heating. Dissolve
0.5 g of potassium iodide in the solution and complete the volume to 100 mL with water. Protect from
light . Use within 24 hours after the preparation.

Iodide-free starch TS
Preparation – Crush 1 g of soluble starch with 5 mL of water and add, with constant agitation, water
in sufficient ebullition to complete 100 mL.
Stability – Prepare immediately before use.

Iodized starch, paper

Preparation – Impregnate filter paper with freshly prepared starch TS, added with 0.5 g of potassium

Bromophenol blue
CAS – [115-39-9].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C19H10Br4O5S – 669.96.
Description – Light orange-yellow powder.
Solubility – Very slightly soluble in water, slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol, and freely soluble in
alkaline hydroxide solutions.

Bromophenol blue TS
Preparation – Dissolve, heating slowly, 0.2 g of bromophenol blue in 3 mL of 0.1 M sodium
hydroxide and 10 mL of ethyl alcohol. Let it cool down and complete the volume to 100 mL with
ethyl alcohol.
pH range – 2.8 – 4.6.
Change of color – Provides yellow color in moderately acidic solutions and violet-blue color in
weakly acidic and alkaline solutions.

Bromothymol blue
CAS – [76-59-5].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C27H28Br2O5S – 624.38.
Description – Brown or light red powder.

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Solubility – Practically insoluble in water, soluble in ethyl alcohol and diluted alkali hydroxide

Bromothymol blue TS
Preparation – Heat 1 g of bromothymol blue with 3.2 mL of 0.05 M sodium hydroxide and 5 mL of
ethyl alcohol. After dissolution, complete the volume to 250 mL with ethyl alcohol.
pH range – 6.0 – 7.0.
Change of color – Provides yellow color in weakly acidic solutions and blue color in weakly alkaline
solutions. In neutral medium, provides green color.
Sensitivity test – The mixture of 0.3 mL of bromothymol blue TS with 100 mL of carbon dioxide-free
water presents a yellow color. The color changes to blue with the addition of no more than 0.1 mL of
sodium hydroxide solution 0.02 M.

Hydroxynaphthol blue
CAS – [63451-35-4].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C20H11N2Na3O11S3 – 620.46.

Hydroxynaphthol blue TS
Preparation – Dissolve 0.1 g in ethyl alcohol and complete the volume to 100 mL with the same
Change of color – On the pH range between 12.0 and 13.0, its solution has a red-pink color in
presence of calcium ions. With excess disodium edetate, it presents intense blue color.

Oracet blue B
CAS – [12769-16-3].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C21H16N2O2 – 328.37.
Specification – It is a mixture of 1-methylamino-4-anilino-anthraquinone with 1-amino-4-anilino-

Oracet blue B TS
Preparation – Dissolve 0.5 g of oracet blue B in glacial acetic acid and complete the volume to
100 mL using the same solvent.
Change of color – When used in titrations in non-aqueous medium, it changes from blue color (basic
medium) to purple (neutral medium) and to pink (acidic medium).

Thymol blue
CAS – [76-61-9].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C27H30O5S – 466.60.
Description – Brownish-green or greenish-blue crystalline powder.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in water, soluble in ethyl alcohol and in diluted alkali hydroxide

Thymol blue TS
Preparation – Heat 0,1 g of thymol blue with 4.3 mL of 0.05% (w/v) sodium hydroxide and 5 mL of
90% (v/v) ethyl alcohol. After dissolution, complete the volume to 250 mL with 20% (v/v) ethyl
pH range – 1.2 – 2.8 and 8.0 – 9.6.
Change of color – Presents red color in strongly acidic solutions (pH range: 1.2 – 2.8), yellow color
in weakly acidic and alkaline solutions, and blue color in more alkaline solutions (pH range: 8.0 –

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Sensitivity test – The mixture of 0.1 mL of thymol blue TS, 100 mL of carbon dioxide-free water and
0.2 mL of 0.02 M sodium hydroxide presents a blue color. The color changes to yellow by adding no
more than 0.1 mL of hydrochloric acid 0.2 M.

Trypan blue
CAS – [72-57-1]
Formula and molecular mass – C34H24N6Na4O14S4 – 960.81

Nile blue A (CI 51180)

CAS – [3625-57-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C40H40N6O6S – 732.86
Description – Green crystalline powder with bronze luster.
Solubility – – Moderately soluble in ethyl alcohol, in glacial acetic acid and in pyridine.

Nile blue A TS
Preparation – Dissolve 1 g in glacial acetic acid and complete the volume to 100 mL using the same
pH range – 9.0 – 13.0.
Change of color – Provides blue color to strongly alkaline solutions and red color to weakly alkaline
Sensitivity test – The mixture of 0.25 mL of Nile blue A TS in 50 mL of glacial acetic acid presents
blue color. The color turns greenish-blue by adding no more than 0.1 mL of perchloric acid 0.1 M to
glacial acetic acid.
Identification test – The solution at 0.0005% (w/v) in 50% (v/v) ethyl alcohol presents maximum
absorption (5.2.14) in 640 nm.

CAS – [2538-85-4].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C20H13N2NaO5S – 416.38.
Description – Dark black powder with violet nuances.
Solubility – Very soluble in water and freely soluble in ethyl alcohol and acetone.

Calcon TS
Preparation – Dissolve 0.1 g of calcon in 100 mL of methyl alcohol.
Change of color – Provides purple-red color with calcium ions in alkaline medium. In presence of
excess disodium edetate, the solution acquires a blue color.

Calcon, compound mixture

Preparation – Mix one part of calcon with 99 parts of sodium sulfate.
Sensitivity test – Dissolve 0.2 g of the compound calcon mixture in 5 mL of water. Mix 1 mL of
colorant solution, 50 mL of water, 10 mL of sodium hydroxide M and 1 mL of 1% (w/v) magnesium
sulfate. The solution formed is blue, turning violet with the addition of 0.1 mL of 0.15% (w/v) calcium
chloride. The addition of 0.1 mL of disodium edetate 0.01 M provides an intense blue color.

Methylrosanilinium chloride (CI 42555)

CAS – [548-62-9].
Synonym – Crystal violet.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C25H30CIN3 – 407.99.
Description – Dark green powder or crystals.
Solubility – Soluble in water and in ethyl alcohol.

Methylrosanilinium chloride TS
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Preparation – Dissolve 0.5 g of methylrosanilinium chloride in 100 mL of glacial acetic acid. Change
of color – In titrations in non-aqueous medium, the color changes from violet (less acidic medium) to
greenish-blue to yellow-blue (more acidic medium).
Sensitivity test – The mixture of 0.1 mL of methylrosanilinium chloride TS with 50 mL of glacial
acetic acid shows a blueish-purple color. The addition of 0.1 mL perchloric acid 0.1 M in acetic acid
changes the color to green.

Ferric chloride
CAS – [10025-77-1].
Synonym – Iron chloride.
Molecular formula and molar mass – FeCl3.6H2O – 270.30.
Description – Orange-yellow crystallized, deliquescent mass.
Solubility – Very soluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol and ethyl ether. Salt and its solutions,
exposed to light, suffer partial reduction.

Ferric chloride TS (approximately 0.4 M)

Specification – Dissolve 10.5 g of ferric chloride in water and complete the volume to 100 mL using
the same solvent.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

BRP colorant
Preparation – Dissolve 0.1 g of bromothymol blue, 0.02 g of methyl red, and 0.2 g of
phenolphthalein in ethyl alcohol. Complete the volume to 100 mL with the same solvent. Filter.

CAS – [140-22-7].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C13H14N4O – 242.28.
Description – White or nearly white crystalline powder, gradually turns pink with exposure to air.
Solubility – Very slightly soluble in water, soluble in acetone, in ethyl alcohol and in glacial acetic

Diphenylcarbazide TS
Preparation – Dissolve 1 g of diphenylcarbazide in 100 mL of hot ethyl alcohol. Store sheltered from

CAS – [538-62-5].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C13H12N4O – 240.27.
Description – Crystals or yellow-orange crystalline powder.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water and freely soluble in ethyl alcohol.

Diphenylcarbazone TS
Preparation – Dissolve 0.1 g in 100 mL of ethyl alcohol. Store sheltered from light.

Eosin Y (CI 45380)

CAS – [17372-87-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C20H6Br4Na2O5 – 691.86.
Description – Brown powder.
Solubility – Soluble in water.

Eosin Y TS
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Preparation – Dissolve 1 g of eosin Y in 100 mL of water.

Change of color – The addition of 20 mL of 40% (w/v) sodium hydroxide over 10 mL of eosin Y TS
forms a red precipitate.

Tetrabromophenolphthalein, ethyl ester

CAS – [1176-74-5].
Synonyms – Bromophenolphthalein magenta E., Ethyl ester from 2-[(3,5-dibromo-4-
hydroxyphenyl)(3,5-dibromo-4-oxo-2,5-cyclohexadien-1-ylidene)methyl]-benzoic acid
Molecular formula and molar mass – C22H14Br4O4 – 661.97.

Tetrabromophenolphthalein, ethyl ester TS

Preparation – Dissolve 0.1 of tetrabromophenolphthalein ethyl ester in 90 mL of glacial acetic acid
and complete the volume to 100 mL with the same solvent. Prepare immediately before use.

CAS – [77-09-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C20H14O4 – 318.33.
Description – Crystalline or amorphous powder, white or slightly yellow. Odorless.
Solubility – Insoluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol.

Phenolphthalein TS
Preparation – Dissolve 0.1 g in 100 mL of 80% (v/v) ethyl alcohol.
pH range – 8.3 – 10.0.
Change of color – Provides colorless solutions in acidic and weakly alkaline medium. Presents
intense violet color in stronger alkaline solutions.
Sensitivity test – The mixture of 0.1 mL of phenolphthalein TS with 1000 mL of carbon dioxide-free
water is colorless. No more than 0.2 mL of 0.02 M sodium hydroxide is necessary for the pink color
to appear.

Phenolphthalein, paper
Preparation – Immerse common filter paper strips in phenolphthalein TS for a few minutes and air-
dry at room temperature.

CAS – [14634-91-4].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C36H24FeN6O4S – 692.53

Ferroin TS
Preparation – Dissolve 0.7 g of ferrous sulfate heptahydrate and 1.49 g of 1,10-phenanthroline in
70 mL of water and complete the volume to 100 mL with the same solvent.
Sensitivity test – Add to 50 mL of M sulfuric acid 0.15 mL of osmium tetroxide RS and 0.1 mL of
ferroin TS. After adding 0.1 mL of ceric ammonium sulfate 0.1 M VS, the color changes from orange-
red to pale green.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

CAS – [74-39-5].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C12H9N3O4 – 259.22
Description – Red-brown powder.

Magneson TS
Preparation – Dissolve 0,2 g of magneson in 100 mL of toluene.
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Change of color – In titrations in non-aqueous medium, it changes from orange (acidic medium) to
blue (basic medium), going through the pink color.

Magneson, reagent
Preparation – Dissolve 0.1 g of magneson in 100 mL of 1% (w/v) sodium hydroxide.

CAS – [6948-88-5].
Synonym – Phenylbis(4-hydroxynaphthyl)methanol.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C27H20O3 – 392.45.
Description – Red-brown powder.
Solubility – Insoluble in water, soluble in benzene, in ethyl ether and in glacial acetic acid.

1-Naphtholbenzein TS
Preparation – Dissolve 0.2 g of 1-naphtholbenzein in 100 mL of glacial acetic acid.
Change of color – When used in titrations in non-aqueous medium, it changes from blue or blueish-
green color (basic medium) to orange (neutral medium) and to dark green (acidic medium).
Sensitivity test – Add 0.25 mL of solution of 1-naphtholbenzein TS to 50 mL of glacial acetic acid.
No more than 0.05 mL of perchloric acid 0.1 M in glacial acetic acid is necessary to change the color
from brown-yellow to green.

CAS – [596-01-0].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C28H18O4 – 418.45.
Description – Colorless powder when pure, usually is greyish-red.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol.

1-Naphtholphthalein TS
Preparation – Dissolve 0.5 g in 100 mL of ethyl alcohol.
Change of color – Provides colorless or pale red solution in acidic and neutral media and blue color
in moderately alkaline solutions.

Eriochrome black T (CI 14645)

CAS – [1787-61-7].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C20H12N3NaO7S – 461.38.
Description – Dark brown powder.
Solubility – Soluble in water and in ethyl alcohol.

Eriochrome black T TS
Preparation – Dissolve 0.5 g of eriochrome black T and 4.5 g of hydroxylamine hydrochloride in
methyl alcohol and complete the volume to 100 mL using the same solvent. Prepare immediately
before use.
Change of color – In a medium comprised of hydrochloric acid it produces a brown-violet precipitate;
in medium comprised of sulfuric acid, it forms a dark blue precipitate that, when diluted, turns brown.
In aqueous sodium hydroxide solution, it presents a violet color.

Ammonium oxalate
CAS – [6009-70-7].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C2H8N2O4.H2O – 142.11.
Description – Colorless clear crystals or white crystalline powder. Odorless.
Solubility – Soluble in water.

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Ammonium oxalate TS
Specification – Contains 4% (w/v) of ammonium oxalate in water.

Bromocresol purple
CAS – [115-40-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C21H16Br2O5S – 540.22.
Description – Pink crystalline powder.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water, soluble in ethyl alcohol and diluted alkali hydroxide

Bromocresol purple TS
Preparation – Heat 0.1 g of bromocresol purple with 5 mL of 90% (v/v) ethyl alcohol until
dissolution. Add 3.7 mL of 0.05 M sodium hydroxide and complete the volume to 250 mL with 20%
(v/v) ethyl alcohol.
pH range – 5.2 – 6.8.
Change of color – Provides yellow color in weakly acidic solutions and violet-blue color in alkaline,
neutral and acidic solutions that are very close to neutrality.
Sensitivity test – Mix 0.2 mL of bromocresol purple TS with 100 mL of carbon dioxide-free water.
Add 0.05 mL of 0.02 M sodium hydroxide. This solution has a violet-blue color. To change the color
to yellow, no more than 0.2 mL of hydrochloric acid 0.02 M is necessary.

Bromocresol purple, reagent

Solution A – Dissolve 38 g of monobasic sodium phosphate and 2 g of sodium phosphate dibasic in
water and complete the volume to 1000 mL with the same solvent. Adjust the pH to 5.3.
Solution B – Dissolve 0.4 g of bromocresol purple in 30 mL of water, add 6.3 mL of 0.1 M sodium
hydroxide and complete the volume to 500 mL with water.
Preparation – Mix equal volumes of Solution A, Solution B and chloroform.
Shake for five minutes, let it decant and discard the chloroform layer.

M-cresol purple
CAS – [2303-01-7].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C21H16O5S – 380.41.
Description – Olive green crystalline powder.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in water, soluble in ethyl alcohol, glacial acetic acid and methyl alcohol.

M-cresol purple TS
Preparation – Dissolve 0.1 g of m-cresol purple in 100 mL of 0.001 M sodium hydroxide.
pH range – 0.5 – 2.5 and 7.5 – 9.2.
Change of color – Presents red color in strongly acidic solutions (pH range between 0.5 and 2,5);
yellow color in less acidic and neutral solutions; and violet color in moderately alkaline solutions (pH
range between 7.5 and 9.2).

CAS – [550-82-3].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C12H7NO4 – 229.19.
Description – Small dark red crystals with greenish luster.
Solubility – Insoluble in water and ethyl ether, slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol and soluble in diluted
alkali hydroxide solutions.

Resazurin TS
Preparation – Dissolve 0.1 g of resazurin in 100 mL of 0.02 M sodium hydroxide.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.1-01

Prepare immediately before use.

pH range – 5.0 – 7.0.
Change of color – Provides pink color in weakly acidic solutions and violet color in weakly alkaline

CAS – [108-46-3].
Synonym – Resorcine.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H6O2 – 110.11.
Description – Colorless or pale yellow crystalline powder or crystals; when exposed to light and air,
acquires a pink color.
Solubility – Soluble in water and ethyl alcohol.

Resorcinol TS
Preparation – Dissolve 0.2 g of resorcinol in 100 mL of benzene. Let it decant.

CAS – [125-20-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C28H30O4 – 430.54.
Description – White or light yellow powder.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water, soluble in ethyl alcohol and in alkali hydroxide solutions.

Thymolphthalein TS
Preparation – Dissolve 0.1 g of thymolphthalein in 100 mL of ethyl alcohol.
pH range – 9.3 – 10.5.
Change of color – It is colorless in acidic and weakly alkaline medium.
It provides a blue color in more intense alkaline solutions.
Sensitivity test – The mixture of 0.05 mL of thymolphthalein TS with 100 mL of carbon dioxide-free
water is colorless. No more than 0.05 mL of 0.1 M sodium hydroxide is necessary to change the color
to blue.

Ammonium thiocyanate
CAS – [1762-95-4].
Molecular formula and molar mass – NH4SCN – 76.12.
Description – Colorless and deliquescent crystals.
Solubility – Very soluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol.

Ammonium thiocyanate TS
Preparation – Dissolve 7.6 g of ammonium thiocyanate in 100 mL of water.

CAS – [1393-92-6].
Specification – It is comprised of indigo blue pigment prepared from several species of
Rocella, Lecanosa or other lichens. The pigment has a characteristic odor.

Litmus TS
Preparation – Boil under reflux, for one hour, 25 g of litmus, finely powdered, with 100 mL of 90%
(v/v) ethyl alcohol. Discard the ethyl alcohol and repeat the operation twice, using in each extraction
75 mL of 90% (v/v) ethyl alcohol.
Add 250 mL of water to the litmus extracted. Filter.
pH range – 5.0 – 8.0.
Change of color – Provides red color in acidic medium and blue in alkaline medium.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.1-01

Blue litmus, paper

Preparation – Boil 10 parts of litmus, finely powdered, with 100 parts of ethyl alcohol, under reflux,
for one hour. Decant and discard the ethyl alcohol. Add a mixture of 45 parts of ethyl alcohol with
15 parts of water to the residue. Let it macerating for two days. Decant the supernatant and impregnate
common filter paper strips with the extract. Dry at room temperature.
Sensitivity test – Immerse a strip of blue litmus paper strip, measuring 10 mm x 60 mm, in 100 mL of
mixture with 10 mL of hydrochloric acid 0.02 M and 90 mL of water. Shake. The paper acquires a
red color after 45 seconds.

Red litmus, paper

Preparation – Add hydrochloric acid 2 M to the extract obtained in the process of preparing blue
paper, drop by drop, until the solution presents a red color. Impregnate filter paper strips with this
solution and let them dry at room temperature.
Sensitivity test – Immerse red litmus paper strip in 100 mL of 0.002 M sodium hydroxide. Shake. The
paper acquires a blue color after 45 seconds.

Tropaeolin O (CI 14270)

CAS – [547-57-9].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C12H9N2NaO5S – 316.27.
Description – Brown powder.
Solubility – Soluble in water and ethyl alcohol.

Tropaeolin O TS
Preparation – Dissolve 25 mg of tropaeolin in 50 mL of methyl alcohol and complete the volume to
100 mL with water.
pH range – 11.0 – 12.7.
Change of color – Provides yellow color solutions in moderately alkaline medium and orange color
in strongly alkaline solutions.
Homogeneity test – Apply 10 µL of tropaeolin O TS in a cellulose G TLC plate. Develop the
chromatogram with the mixture of n-propyl alcohol, ethyl acetate and water (5:1:4).
The chromatogram must show a single stain with Rf of, approximately, 0.9.

Tropaeolin OO (CI 13080)

CAS – [554-73-4].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C18H14N3NaO3S – 375.38.
Description – Yellow or orange-yellow powder.
Solubility – Soluble in water.
pH range – 1.0 – 2.8.
Change of color – Provides red color in strongly acidic solutions and yellow color in less acidic

Bromocresol green
CAS – [76-60-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C21H14Br4O5S – 698.02.
Description – Brownish-white powder.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in water, soluble in ethyl alcohol and diluted alkali hydroxide solutions.

Bromocresol green TS
Preparation – Heat 0.1 g of bromocresol green with 2.9 mL of 0.05 M sodium hydroxide and 5 mL
of 90% (v/v) ethyl alcohol. After dissolution, complete the volume to 250 mL with 20% (v/v) ethyl
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.1-01

pH range – 3.6 – 5.2.

Change of color – Provides yellow color in moderately acidic solutions and blue color in weakly
acidic and alkaline solutions.
Sensitivity test – The mixture of 0.2 mL of bromocresol green TS with 100 mL of carbon dioxide-
free water presents a blue color. No more than 0.2 mL of hydrochloric acid 0.02 M is necessary to
change the color to yellow.

Malachite green, oxalate

CAS – [2437-29-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C48H52N4O4.2HC2O4 –927.02.
Description – Green crystalline solid.
Solubility – Very soluble in water.

Malachite green TS
Preparation – Dissolve 1 g of malachite green oxalate in 100 mL of glacial acetic acid.
pH range – 0.0-2.0.
Change of color – Provides yellow color in acidic solutions and green color in less acidic and alkaline

Methyl green (CI 42590)

CAS – [14855-76-6].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C27H35BrClN3 – 516.95.
Description – Green powder. Usually, it is presented in the form of salt with ZnCl2.
Solubility – Soluble in water.

Methyl green TS
Preparation – Dissolve 0.1 g of methyl green in 100 mL of water.
Change of color – In sulfuric acid solution, it presents a yellow color. By dilution, it returns to the
green color.

Cresol red
CAS – [1733-12-6].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C21H18O5S – 382.44.
Description – Red-brown crystalline powder.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in water, soluble in ethyl alcohol and diluted alkali hydroxide solutions.

Cresol red TS
Preparation – Heat 50 g of cresol red with 2.65 mL of 0.05 M sodium hydroxide and 5 mL of ethyl
alcohol 90%. After dissolution, complete the volume to 250 mL with 20% ethyl alcohol. pH range –
0.2 – 1.8 and 7.2 – 8.8.
Change of color – Provides red color in strongly acidic solutions (pH range between 0.2 and 1.8),
yellow color in less acidic and neutral solutions, and presents red color in moderately alkaline
solutions (pH range between 7.2 and 8.8).
Sensitivity test – The mixture of 0.1 mL of cresol red TS with 1000 mL of carbon dioxide-free water,
added with 0.15 mL of 0.02 M sodium hydroxide, presents a purple red color. The color changes to
yellow by adding no more than 0.15 mL of hydrochloric acid 0.02 M.

Congo Red (CI 22120)

CAS – [573-58-0].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C32H22N6Na2O6S2 – 696.66.
Description – Brownish-red powder.

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Solubility – Soluble in water.

Congo Red TS
Preparation – Dissolve 0,25 mg of Congo red in 50 mL of 90% (v/v) ethyl alcohol and complete the
volume to 250 mL with water.
pH range – 3.0 – 5.0.
Change of color – Presents blue color in moderately acidic solutions and red color in weakly acidic
and alkaline solutions.
Sensitivity test – The mixture of 0.2 mL of Congo red TS, 100 mL of carbon dioxide-free water and
0.3 mL of hydrochloric acid 0.1 M has a blue color. No more than = 0.3 mL of 0.1 M sodium
hydroxide is necessary to change the color to pink.

Congo Red, paper

Preparation – Immerse common filter paper strips in Congo red TS and let them dry at room

Phenol red
CAS – [143-74-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C19H14O5S – 354.38.
Description – Light red or dark red crystalline powder.
Solubility – Very slightly soluble in water and slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol.

Phenol red TS
Preparation – Heat 0.1 g of phenol red with 1.42 mL of 0.2 M sodium hydroxide and 5 mL of 90%
(v/v) ethyl alcohol. After dissolution, complete the volume to 250 mL with 20% (v/v) ethyl alcohol.
pH range – 6.8-8.4.
Change of pH – Provides yellow color in neutral medium and red color in weakly alkaline solution.
Sensitivity test – The mixture of 0.1 mL of phenol red TS with 100 mL of carbon dioxide-free water
presents a yellow color. No more than 0.1 mL of 0.02 M sodium hydroxide is necessary to change the
color to red-violet.

Methyl red (CI 13020)

CAS – [493-52-7].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C15H15N3O2 – 269.30.
Description – Violet crystals or dark red powder.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol.

Methyl red TS
Preparation – Heat 0.1 g of methyl red with 1.85 mL of 0.2 M sodium hydroxide and 5 mL of 90%
(v/v) ethyl alcohol. After dissolution, complete the volume to 250 mL with 50% (v/v) ethyl alcohol.
pH range – 3.0 – 4.4.
Change of color – Provides red color in weakly acidic solutions and yellow color in very weakly
acidic and alkaline solutions.
Sensitivity test – The mixture of 0.1 mL of methyl red TS, 100 mL of carbon dioxide-free water and
0.05 mL of hydrochloric acid 0.02 M presents a red color. No more than 0.1 mL of 0.02 M sodium
hydroxide is necessary to change the color to yellow.

Quinaldine red
CAS – [117-92-0].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C21H23IN2 – 430.33.
Description – Dark blue powder.
Solubility – Moderately soluble in water and freely soluble in ethyl alcohol.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.1-01

Quinaldine red TS
Preparation – Dissolve 0.1 g of quinaldine red in 100 mL of methyl alcohol.
Change of color – There is a change of color from crimson to nearly colorless.
Used in titrations of bases with perchloric acid.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01


Reagents are substances used as such or as constituents of solutions, when conducting pharmacopoeia

CAS – [105-57-7].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H14O2 – 118.18.
Description – Colorless, clear and volatile liquid.
Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): approximately 0.824.
Refractive index (20 °C): approximately 1.382. Boiling temperature: approximately 103 °C.
Miscibility – Miscible with water and ethyl alcohol.

CAS – [75-07-0].
Synonym – Ethanal.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C2H4O – 44.05.
Description – Colorless and clear liquid.
Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): approximately 0.788.
Refractive index (20°C): approximately 1.332. Boiling temperature: approximately 21 °C.
Miscibility – Miscible with water and ethyl alcohol.
Safety – Flammable.

CAS – [103-84-4].
Synonym – N-Phenylacetamide.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C8H9NO – 135.17.
Description – White crystalline, odorless powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: 114 °C to 116 °C.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in water, freely soluble in chloroform and ethyl alcohol, soluble in water
in ebullition, ethyl ether and glycerin.
Conservation – In closed containers.

Ammonium acetate
CAS – [631-61-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C2H7NO2 – 77.08.
Specification – Contains no less than 98.0% (w/w).
Description – Colorless crystals, very deliquescent, with faint acetic odor.
Solubility – Very soluble in water and in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from humidity.

Ammonium acetate RS
Specification – Contains 15% (w/v) of ammonium acetate in water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Stability – Prepare immediately before use.

Bornyl acetate
CAS – [5655-61-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C12H20O2 – 196.29.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Description – Colorless crystals or colorless liquid.

Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 28 °C.
Solubility – Very slightly soluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol.

Butyl acetate
CAS – [123-86-4].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H12O2 – 116.16.
Description – Colorless, flammable liquid, with sweet fruit odor.
Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): approximately 0.88.
Refractive index (20 °C): approximately 1.395. Boiling range: 125 °C to 126 °C.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in water; miscible with ethyl alcohol and ethyl ether.
Conservation – In closed containers.

Cellulose acetate
CAS – [9004-35-7].
Specification – Partially acetylated cellulose, with varied degrees of acetylation.
Description – Amorphous white solid.
Category – Adsorbent in thin layer chromatography.

Lead acetate, trihydrate

CAS – [6080-56-4].
Synonym – Lead (II) acetate trihydrate.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C4H6PbO4.3H20 – 379.33.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w).
Description – Colorless clear crystals or crystalline white powder, with faint acetic odor. Efflorescent.
Physical characteristics – Melting temperature: 75 °C (quick heating); completely decomposes at
200 °C.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Safety – Toxic. Pollutant.

Lead acetate, paper

Preparation – Impregnate an adequate paper (usually sized 6 mm x 80 mm) with lead acetate solution
RS. Dry the reagent paper at 100 °C, avoiding contact with metal.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light and humidity.

Lead acetate RS (approximately 0.25 M)

Specification – Contains 9.5 g of lead acetate in 100 mL of carbon dioxide-free water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Toxic. Pollutant.

Lead acetate, saturated solution

Specification – Contains, approximately, 35 g of lead acetate in 50 mL of carbon dioxide-free water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Toxic. Pollutant.

Chlorhexidine acetate
CAS – [56-95-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C26H38Cl2N10O4 – 625.56.
Description – White to pale beige crystals or powder; odorless.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: 154 °C to 155 °C.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Storage – Protect from light.
Safety – Irritant.
Therapeutic class – Antimicrobial.

0.1% (w/v) chlorhexidine acetate

Specification – Contains 0.1 g of chlorhexidine acetate in 100 mL of water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Toxic.
Therapeutic class – Antimicrobial.

Copper acetate
CAS – [142-71-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C4H6CuO4.H2O – 199.65.
Description – Bluish-green powder or crystals.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water in ebullition, soluble in water and ethyl alcohol, slightly soluble
in glycerol.

Cortisone acetate
CAS – [50-04-4].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C23H30O6 – 402.49.
Specification – Contains no less than 96.0% (w/w) in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – Colorless faintly yellowed crystals or white or nearly white crystalline powder.
Odorless; initially insipid, then bitter.
Physical characteristics – Melting temperature: approximately 240 °C.
Specific optical rotation: +209 to +219 (determine in solution 1.0% [w/v] in dioxane).
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.
Therapeutic class – Corticosteroid.

Cortisone acetate, injectable

Description – Consists of a suspension in adequate aqueous medium, with pH between 5.0 and 7.0.
Specification – Contains no less than 90.0% (w/w).
Conservation – In single-dose ampoules.

Desoxycortone acetate
CAS – [56-47-3].
Synonym – Desoxycorticosterone acetate.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C23H32O4 – 372.51.
Specification – Contains no less than 96.0% (w/w), calculated over the desiccated substance.
Description – Colorless crystals or white crystalline powder. Odorless.
Physical characteristics – Melting range: 157 °C to 161 °C.
Specific optical rotation: +171 to +179 (determine in solution 1.0% [w/v] in dioxane).
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.
Therapeutic class – Corticosteroid.

Ethyl acetate
CAS – [141-78-6].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C4H8O2 – 88.11.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.9% (w/v).
Description – Clear, colorless, volatile liquid, with characteristic odor.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Physical characteristics – Density: approximately 0.90.

Boiling temperature: approximately 77 °C. Refractive index (20 °C): 1.371 to 1.373.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from heat.
Safety – Flammable.

Phenylmercury acetate
CAS – [62-38-4].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C8H8HgO2 – 336.74.
Specification – Contains no less than 98.0% (w/w).
Description – Small crystals or white or bright beige crystalline powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: 149 °C to 153 °C.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.
Safety – Toxic. Pollutant.

Indophenol acetate RS
Synonym – 2,6-dichlorophenol-indophenol sodium in acetate buffer.
Preparation – Dilute 12 mL of the standard solution of 2,6-dichlorophenol-indophenol sodium in
100 mL of water. Add to this solution 100 mL of acetate buffer pH 7.0.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers. Stability – Use in within two weeks. Storage – Keep
under refrigeration.

Magnesium acetate
CAS – [16674-78-5].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C4H6MgO4.4H2O – 214.45.
Description – Colorless and deliquescent crystals.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Menthyl acetate
CAS – [2623-23-6].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C12H22O2 – 198.31.
Description – Colorless liquid.
Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): approximately 0.92. Refractive index (20 °C):
approximately 1.447. Boiling temperature: approximately 228 °C.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in water; miscible with ethyl alcohol.

Mercury acetate
CAS – [1600-27-7].
Synonym – Mercuric acetate.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C4H6HgO4 – 318.68.
Description – Crystals or white or nearly white crystalline powder, with faint acetic odor. Physical
characteristic – Melting range: 178 °C to 180 °C (under heating results in decomposition).
Conservation – In tightly closed containers
Storage – Protect from light.
Safety – Toxic.

Mercury acetate RS

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Preparation – Dissolve 6 g of mercury acetate in glacial acetic acid and complete the volume to
100 mL with the same solvent.
Conservation – In closed containers.
Storage – Protect from direct sunlight.

Methyl acetate
CAS – [79-20-9].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C3H6O2 – 74.08.
Description – Colorless and clear liquid.
Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): approximately 0.933. Refractive index (20 °C):
approximately 1.361. Boiling range: 56 °C to 58 °C.
Solubility – Soluble in water; miscible with ethyl alcohol.

Potassium acetate
CAS – [127-08-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C2H3KO2 – 98.14.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w) in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – Colorless crystals or white crystalline powder, odorless or with faint acetic odor.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: 292 °C.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Potassium acetate RS
Specification – Contains 10 g of potassium acetate in 100 mL of water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Prednisolone acetate
CAS – [52-21-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C23H30O6 – 402.49.
Specification – Contains no less than 96.0% (w/w) calculated in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – White or nearly white crystalline powder. Odorless. Bitter.
Physical characteristics – Melting temperature: approximately 247 °C.
Specific optical rotation: +112 to +119 (determine in solution 1.0% [w/v] in dioxane).
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Therapeutic class – Corticosteroid.

Sodium acetate
CAS – [6131-90-4].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C2H3NaO2.3H2O – 136.08 (if anhydrous – 82.03).
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w).
Description – Colorless crystals or white crystalline powder, odorless or with faint acetic odor.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Sodium acetate RS (approximately 0.02 M)

Specification – Contains 0.272% (w/v) of sodium acetate trihydrate in water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Uranyl acetate
CAS – [6159-44-0].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C4H6O6U.2H2O – 424.15.
Description – Yellow crystalline powder, with faint acetic odor.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Safety – Radioactive substance.

Uranyl and zinc acetate RS

Preparation – Dissolve 10 g of uranyl acetate in 50 mL of hot water and 5 mL of 30% (w/v) acetic
acid. Dissolve 30 g of zinc acetate in 30 mL of hot water and 3 mL of 30% (w/v) acetic acid. Mix the
previous preparations. Allow to cool. Filter.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.
Safety – Radioactive substance.

Zinc acetate
CAS – [5970-45-6].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C4H6O4Zn.2H2O – 219.50.
Specification – Contains no less than 98.0% (w/w).
Description – Colorless or white crystals, or crystalline scales or granules, with faint acetic odor and
astringent metallic flavor. Efflorescent.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: 237 °C.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Irritant.

CAS – [123-54-6].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C5H8O2 – 100.12.
Description – Clear, colorless or yellow liquid, with aromatic odor.
Physical characteristics – Boiling temperature: approximately 139 °C.
Density: approximately 0.97. Refractive index (20 °C): 1.4505 to 1.4525.
Miscibility – Miscible with acetone and ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Irritant. Flammable.

CAS – [67-64-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C3H6O – 58.08
Specification – Contains no less than 98.0% (w/v).
Description – Clear, colorless, volatile liquid, with characteristic odor.
Physical characteristics – Density: 0.790 to 0.793. Refractive index (20 °C): 1.358 to 1.360.
Boiling temperature: approximately 56 °C.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Safety – Flammable. Irritant and toxic.

Dehydrated acetone
Specification – Acetone, dehydrated in anhydrous sodium sulfate.
Conservation – Prepare immediately before use.

Buffered acetone RS
Preparation – Dissolve 8.15 g of sodium acetate trihydrate and 42 g of sodium chloride in water, add
68 mL of hydrochloric acid 0.1 M and 150 mL of acetone.
Complete the volume to 500 mL with water.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

CAS – [75-05-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C2H3N – 41.05.
Description – Clear and colorless liquid. Odor similar to ether.
Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): approximately 0.78. Refractive Index (20 °C):
approximately 1.344.
Miscibility – Miscible with water, acetone and methyl alcohol.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Safety – Toxic. Flammable.

Acetic acid M
Specification – Contains 6% (w/v) of glacial acetic acid in water.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Additional information – Confirm the titer before using.

6 M acetic acid
Specification – Contains 34.8% (w/v) of glacial acetic acid in water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from heat.
Safety – Corrosive. Flammable.

Diluted acetic acid

Specification – Contains 12% (w/v) of glacial acetic acid in water.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.

Acetic acid RS
Specification – Contains 30% (w/v) of glacial acetic acid in water.
Corresponds to acetic acid 5 M.
Description – Clear, colorless liquid, with irritant odor.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.

Glacial acetic acid

CAS – [64-19-7].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C2H4O2 – 60.05.
Specification – Contains no less than 98.0% (w/w).
Description – Clear, colorless, volatile liquid, with characteristic irritant odor.
Crystallizable at low temperatures.
Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): approximately 1.05.
Boiling temperature: approximately 118 °C.
Freezing temperature: approximately 14 °C.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Safety – Corrosive. Flammable. Protect eyes, skin and mucous membranes.

7-aminodesacetoxycephalosporanic acid
CAS – [22252-43-3].
Synonym – 7-ADCA.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C8H10N2O3S – 214.24

Ascorbic acid
CAS – [50-81-7].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H8O6 – 176.12.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w).
Description – Colorless crystals or white crystalline powder. Odorless.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Physical characteristics – Solution at 5% (w/v) presents pH from 2.2 to 2.5.

Melting temperature: approximately 190 °C, with decomposition.
Specific optical rotation: between +20.5 and +21.5°, determine in 1% (w/v) aqueous solution.
Conservation – In tightly closed, non-metallic containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

Barbituric acid
CAS – [67-52-7].
Synonym – 1H,3H,5H-Pyrimidine-2,4,6-trione.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C4H4N2O3 – 128.09.
Description – White or nearly white powder.
Solubility – Moderately soluble in water, freely soluble in water in ebullition and in diluted acids.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 253 °C.

Benzoic acid
CAS – [65-85-0].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C7H6O2 – 122.12.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w).
Description – Colorless crystals or white crystalline powder, with characteristic odor.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 122 °C.
Solubility – Moderately soluble in water, soluble in water in ebullition and freely soluble in ethyl
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Boric acid
CAS – [10043-35-3].
Molecular formula and molar mass – H3BO3 – 61.83.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.5% (w/w).
Description – Colorless bright crystals or white fine crystalline powder, unctuous to touch, with
weakly acid and bitter flavor.
Solubility – Soluble in water and in ethyl alcohol, freely soluble in water in ebullition.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Boric acid, saturated solution

Preparation – Dissolve 5 g in 100 mL of water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Hydrobromic acid
CAS – [10035-10-6].
Molecular formula and molar mass – HBr – 80.91.
Specification – Contains 48.0% (w/v).
Description – Colorless or faint yellow liquid, with strong and irritant odor.
Turns dark slowly by exposure to air and light.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from air and light.
Safety – Irritant. Corrosive.

Caffeic acid
CAS – [331-39-5].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C9H8O4 – 180.16.
Description – White or nearly white crystals.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 225 °C, with decomposition.
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Solubility – Freely soluble in hot water and ethyl alcohol, moderately soluble in cold water.

Calconcarboxylic acid
CAS – [3737-95-9].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C21H14N2O7S – 438.41.
Description – Black-brown powder.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in water, very slightly soluble in acetone and in ethyl alcohol, moderately
soluble in diluted sodium hydroxide solutions.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Cyclobutane-1,1-dicarboxylic acid
CAS – [5445-51-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H10O4 – 146.14.
Description – White crystals.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 160 °C.
Conservation – In closed containers.

1,2-cyclohexylene-dinitrilo-tetracetic acid
CAS – [125572-95-4].
Synonyms – 1,2-cyclohexylene-diamino-tetracetic acid, CDTA.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C14H22N2O8.H2O – 364.35. Description – White powder.
Conservation – Tightly closed containers, protected from heat.
Safety – Irritant.

Cinnamic acid
CAS – [140-10-3].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C9H8O – 132.16.
Description – Colorless crystals.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: 133 °C.
Solubility – Very slightly soluble in water and freely soluble in ethyl alcohol.

Monohydrate citric acid

CAS – [5949-29-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H8O7.H2O – 210.14.
Description – Colorless crystals or granules, or white crystalline or nearly white powder.
Solubility – Very soluble in water and freely soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Hydrochloric acid
CAS – [7647-01-0].
Synonyms – Hydrogen chloride and concentrated hydrochloric acid.
Molecular formula and molar mass – HCl – 36.46.
Specification – Contains no less than 35.0% (w/w) comprised of gaseous HCl solution in water.
Description – Clear, colorless liquid, fuming, with irritant odor.
Physical characteristics – Density: approximately 1.18.
Conservation – In hermetic containers, of material inert to the reagent.
Storage – Protect from heat (maintain at temperatures below 20 °C).
Safety – Corrosive. Avoid external contact, eye and skin, inhalation and ingestion.

Brominated hydrochloric acid RS

Preparation – Add 1 mL of bromine RS to 100 mL of hydrochloric acid.
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Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Diluted hydrochloric acid

Specification – Use hydrochloric acid RS.

Hydrochloric acid M
Specification – Contains 10.3% (w/v) of hydrochloric acid in water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Stability – Protect from heat.
Safety – Corrosive.
Additional information – Confirm the titer before using.

Hydrochloric acid RS
Specification – Contains 27.4% (w/v) of concentrated hydrochloric acid in water.
Physical characteristics – Density: approximately 1.05.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Stability – Protect from heat.
Safety – Corrosive.

0.01 M methanolic hydrochloric acid

Preparation – Transfer 0.85 mL of hydrochloric acid to a 1000 mL volumetric flask and complete
the volume with methyl alcohol.

Tin hydrochloric acid RS

Preparation – Mix 1 mL of tin (II) chloride RS1 with 100 mL of hydrochloric acid.

Chlorogenic acid
CAS – [327-97-9].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C16H18O9 – 354.31.
Description – White or nearly white crystalline powder or needles.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 208 °C.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water in ebullition, in acetone and in ethyl alcohol.

Chloroplatinic acid
CAS – [18497-13-7].
Synonyms – Platinic chloride, platinum chloride, chloroplatinic (IV) acid.
Molecular formula and molar mass – H2PtCl6.6H2O – 517.90
Specification – Contains no less than 37.0% (w/w) platinum.
Description – Brownish-yellow crystalline mass, very deliquescent.
Physical characteristics – Density: 2.431. Melting temperature: 60 °C.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.
Safety – Toxic.

Chromic acid
Use chromium trioxide (CrO3).

3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid
CAS – [99-34-3].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C7H4N2O6 – 212.12
Description – Practically colorless crystals.
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Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 206 °C.

Edetic acid
CAS – [60-00-4].
Synonyms – Ethylenediaminotetraacetic acid, EDTA.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C10H16N2O8 – 292.24
Specification – Contains no less than 98.0% (w/w).
Description – Colorless crystals.
Physical characteristic – Decomposes around 220 °C, can decarboxylate at 150 °C.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Phenoldisulfonic acid RS
CAS – [96-77-5].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H6O7S2 – 254.24.
Description – Clear to light brown liquid.
Preparation – Dissolve 2.5 g of phenol in 15 mL of sulfuric acid.
Add 7.5 mL of fuming sulfuric acid. Heat at 100 °C for two hours.
Transfer the fluid product to an adequate container. To use, liquefy in water bath.
Conservation – Glass container with ground cap.
Safety – Irritant. Corrosive.

Phenoxyacetic acid
CAS – [122-59-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C8H8O3 – 152.15.
Description – Nearly white crystals.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 98 °C.
Solubility – Moderately soluble in water and freely soluble in ethyl alcohol and glacial acetic acid.

Hydrofluoric acid
CAS – [7664-39-3].
Molecular formula and molar mass – HF – 20.01.
Specification – Contains no less than 40% (w/w) of HF.
Description – Colorless and clear liquid.
Conservation – In tightly closed polyethylene containers.

Formic acid
CAS – [64-18-6].
Synonym – Methanoic acid.
Molecular formula and molar mass – CH2O2 – 46.03.
Specification – The anhydrous form contains no less than 98.0% (w/w).
Description – Colorless, very caustic liquid, with pungent odor.
Physical characteristics – Boiling temperature: 100.5 °C.
Density: approximately 1.22. Refractive index (20 °C): 1.3714 Solidifies at 70 °C.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Caustic.

Phosphomolybdic acid
CAS – [51429-74-4].
Synonym – Molybdatophosphoric acid.
Molecular formula – Approximately 12MoO3.H3PO4.xH2O.
Description – Faint yellow crystals.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
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Phosphomolybdic acid RS
Preparation – Dissolve 4 g of phosphomolybdic acid in 40 mL water while heating.
Add 60 mL of sulfuric acid after cooling.

Phosphoric acid
CAS – [7664-38-2].
Synonym – Orthophosphoric acid.
Molecular formula and molar mass – H3PO4 – 97.99.
Specification – Contains no less than 85.0% (w/w).
Description – Clear, colorless, odorless liquid. Hygroscopic. Syrupy consistence.
Physical characteristic – Density (20 °C): approximately 1.7.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Safety – Corrosive. Avoid contact with skin and mucous membranes.

Phosphoric acid RS
Preparation – Mix an amount corresponding to 15 g of concentrated phosphoric acid with water until
getting to 100 mL.
Physical characteristic – Density: approximately 1.15.

Phosphotungstic acid RS
Preparation – Heat under reflux for three hours the mixture of 10 g of sodium tungstate with 8 mL
of phosphoric acid and 75 mL of water. Let it cool down and dilute to 100 mL with water.

Phthalic acid
CAS – [88-99-3].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C8H6O4 – 166.13.
Description – White or nearly white crystalline powder.
Solubility – Soluble in hot water and in ethyl alcohol.

Gallic acid
CAS – [5995-86-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C7H6O5.H2O – 188.14.
Description – Long needles or colorless or light yellow crystalline powder.
Physical characteristics – Loses crystallization water at temperature of 120 °C and fuses at
approximately 206 °C, with decomposition.
Solubility – Soluble in water, freely soluble in hot water, in ethyl alcohol and in glycerol.

p-hydroxybenzoic acid
CAS – [99-96-7].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C7H6O3 – 138.12.
Description – Colorless crystals.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: 213 °C to 214 °C.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Hypophosphorous acid
CAS – [6303-21-5].
Synonym – Diluted hypophosphorous acid.
Molecular formula and molar mass – H3PO2 – 66.00.
Specification – Contains no less than 48% (w/v) of H3PO2.
Description – Colorless or slightly yellow liquid.
Miscibility – Miscible with water and ethyl alcohol.
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Hydriodic acid
CAS – [10034-85-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – HI – 127.91.
Description – Aqueous solution of hydriodic acid. When freshly prepared, it is colorless, but with
exposure to air and light it presents a yellow to brown color.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light and from contact with air. Maintain at a temperature below 30 °C.

Lactic acid
CAS – [50-21-5].
Synonym – 2-hydroxypropionic acid.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C3H6O3 – 90.08.
Specification – Mixture of 2-hydroxypropionic acid and its condensation products.
The equilibration between lactic acid and polylactic acid depends on concentration and temperature.
Lactic acid is usually a racemate ((RS)-lactic acid)c.
Description – Colorless or slightly yellow viscous liquid.
Miscibility – Miscible with water and ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In closed containers.

Metaphosphoric acid
CAS – [10343-62-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – (HPO3)n, monomer – 79.98.
Specification – Contains a certain ratio of sodium metaphosphate.
Description – Colorless solid or vitreous mass. Hygroscopic.
In aqueous solution, slowly turns into phosphoric acid (H3PO4).
Physical characteristic – Volatilizes under intense heating.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.

Metaphosphoric acetic acid RS

Specification – Contains 3 g of metaphosphoric acid and 8 mL of glacial acetic acid in water,
completing the volume to 100 mL.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Stability – Limited to two days.
Storage – Keep under refrigeration.

Methanesulfonic acid
CAS – [75-75-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – CH4O3S – 96.11.
Description – Clear and colorless liquid (solidifies at 20 °C).
Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): approximately 1.48.
Refractive index: approximately 1.430. Melting temperature: 20 °C.
Solubility – Miscible with water; slightly soluble in toluene and practically insoluble in hexane.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Irritant.

Methoxyphenylacetic acid
CAS – [7021-09-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C9H10O3 – 166.18
Synonym – (RS)-2-Methoxy-2-phenylacetic acid.
Description – White and crystalline powder, or white or nearly white crystals.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 70 °C.
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Solubility – Slightly soluble in water, very soluble in ethyl alcohol.

Nitric acid
CAS – [7697-37-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – HNO3 – 63.01.
Specification – Contains no less than 63.0% (w/w).
Description – Clear, practically colorless solution, with characteristic odor.
Physical characteristic – Density (20 °C): 1.384 to 1.416.
Conservation – In hermetic containers, protected from light. Safety – Corrosive.

Fuming nitric acid

Specification – Contains no less than 95.0% (w/w).
Description – Clear, slightly yellow liquid, fuming on air.

Nitric acid RS
Specification – Contains approximately 12.5% (w/v) of nitric acid.
Physical characteristic – Density: approximately 1.5.

4-nitrobenzoic acid
CAS – [62-23-7].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C7H5NO4 – 167.12.
Description – Yellow crystals.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 240 °C.

Oxalic acid
CAS – [6153-56-6].
Synonym – Ethanedioic acid.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C2H2O4.2H2O – 126.06.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w).
Description – Colorless crystals or white crystalline powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 101 °C.
Safety – Poison!

Oxalic acid RS
Specification – 6.3% (w/v) solution of oxalic acid in water.

p-toluene sulfonic acid

CAS – [6192-52-5].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C7H8O3S.H2O – 190.22.
Specification – Contains no less than 87.0% (w/w) of p-toluene sulfonic acid.
Description – Crystalline powder or white crystals.

Perchloric acid
CAS – [7601-90-3].
Molecular formula and molar mass – HClO4 – 100.46.
Specification – Contains no less than 70.0% (w/w) and no more than 72.0% of perchloric acid.
Description – Clear, colorless, volatile liquid, with pungent odor. Hygroscopic.
Physical characteristic – Density: approximately 1.7.
Conservation – Decomposes spontaneously, may explode especially in contact with oxidizable
Safety – Irritant. Corrosive.

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Perchloric acid M
Specification – Contains 8.5 mL of perchloric acid in water, completing the volume to 100 mL.
Stability – Prepare immediately before use.

Perchloric acid RS
Use perchloric acid M.

Performic acid
CAS – [107-32-4].
Synonym – Peroxyformic acid.
Molecular formula and molar mass – CH2O3 – 62.02.
Preparation – Mix 1 mL of hydrogen peroxide at 30.0% (v/v), or 9.0% (w/w), with 90 mL of formic
Conservation – Prepare immediately before use.
Storage – Protect from heat.
Safety – Irritant. It may explode in contact with metals, their oxides, reducing substances, or in

Periodic acid
CAS – [10450-60-9].
Molecular formula and molar mass – H5IO6 – 227.93.
Description – White to colorless crystals.
Physical characteristics – Melting temperature: 122 °C.
Decomposes between 130 °C and 140 °C, forming I2O5, H2O and O2.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol.

Picric acid
CAS – [88-89-1].
Synonym – 2,4,6-Trinitrophenol.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H3N3O7 – 229.10.
Specification – Yellow crystals or plates wetted with water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers, mixed with an equal mass of water.
Storage – At room temperature.
Safety – Explodes when heated quickly or submitted to shock.
For safe transportation, 10% to 20% of water are usually added.

Picric acid RS
Preparation – Add 0.25 mL of sodium hydroxide 10 M to 100 mL of saturated picric acid solution in

Picric acid RS1

Preparation – Dissolve the equivalent to 1 g of picric acid in 100 mL of hot water.
Cool down and filter, if necessary.

Rosmarinic acid
CAS – [20283-92-5].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C18H16O8 – 360.32.
Description – Orange-red powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: 170 °C to 174 °C.

Salicylic acid
CAS – [69-72-7].
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Synonym – 2-hydroxybenzoic acid.

Molecular formula and molar mass – C7H6O3 – 138.12.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w) in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – White crystalline powder or colorless crystalline needles. Odorless.
Sweet acid and irritant flavor.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: 156-160 °C.
Solubility – Sligthly soluble in water, freely soluble in ethyl alcohol, moderetely soluble in methylene
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Selenious acid
CAS – [7783-00-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – H2SeO3 – 128.97.
Specification – Contains no less than 93.0% (w/w) of selenious acid.
Description – White or colorless crystals. Efflorescent to dry air and hygroscopic to humid air.
Solubility – Soluble in water and in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Sulfamic acid
CAS – [5329-14-6].
Synonym – Amidosulfonic acid.
Molecular formula and molar mass – H3NO3S – 97.09.
Specification – White crystals or crystalline powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 205 °C, with decomposition.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water, moderately soluble in acetone, in ethyl alcohol and in methyl
Conservation – In tightly closed amber glass containers.
Safety – Moderately irritating to skin and mucous membranes.

Sulfanilic acid
CAS – [6101-32-2].
Synonym – 4-aminobenzenesulfonic acid.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H7NO3S.H2O – 191.20; anhydrous – 173.19.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w).
Description – Colorless crystals or white powder.
Physical characteristic – The monohydrate acid decomposes without melting at approximately
288 °C.
Solubility – Moderately soluble in water, practically insoluble in ethyl alcohol.

Diazotized sulfanilic acid RS

Preparation – Dissolve, carefully, 0.2 g of sulfanilic acid in 20 mL of hydrochloric acid M, cool down
in an ice bath and add, drop by drop, with constant stirring, 2.2 mL of 4% (w/v) sodium nitrite
solution. Leave in an ice bath for 10 minutes and add 1 mL of 5% (w/v) sulfamic acid solution.

Sulfanilic acid RS
Preparation – Dissolve 0.5 g of sulfanilic acid finely powdered in water. Add 6 mL of 6 M
hydrochloric acid. Complete the volume to 100 mL with water.

Sulfuric acid
CAS – [7664-93-9].
Molecular formula and molar mass – H2SO4 – 98.07.
Specification – Contains no less than 95.0% (w/w).
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Description – Colorless, caustic liquid, of oily consistency, very hygroscopic.

Physical characteristic – Density: 1.834 to 1.839.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Irritant. Corrosive.

Diluted sulfuric acid RS

Use sulfuric acid RS.

Nitrogen-free sulfuric acid

Specification – Conduct this test: add to 5 mL of water, carefully, 45 mL of sulfuric acid, wait until
cooling down to 40 °C and add 8 mg of diphenylbenzidine. The resulting solution presents slightly
rose or pale blue color.

0.1 M methanolic sulfuric acid

Preparation – Dilute 5.4 mL of sulfuric acid with 20 mL of methyl alcohol.
Complete the volume to 1000 mL with the same solvent.
Additional information – Prepare 24 hours before use.

Sulfuric acid/Methyl alcohol RS

Preparation – Add, slowly, 10 mL of sulfuric acid to 90 mL of methyl alcohol.
Additional information – Keep the system cooled.

Methanolic sulfuric acid RS

Preparation – Carefully add. to 30 mL of methyl alcohol cooled in ice bath, sulfuric acid in small
amounts, under agitation. Cool down to room temperature and complete the volume to 100 mL with
sulfuric acid. Homogenize.

Sulfuric acid, ethanolic solution

Preparation – Add, carefully and constantly cooling, 20 mL of sulfuric acid to 60 mL of ethyl
alcohol. Continue cooling down and dilute to 100 mL with ethyl alcohol. Prepare immediately before

Sulfuric acid RS
Specification – Contains 10% (w/v) of sulfuric acid in water.
Preparation – Carefully add 57 mL of sulfuric acid to 100 mL of water, cool down and complete the
volume to 1000 mL with water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Sulfurous acid
CAS – [7782-99-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – H2SO3 – 82.07.
Specification – Contains 5.0 to 6.0% (w/w) of pure sulfur dioxide.
Prepare according to the consumption.
Description – Acid, clear, colorless liquid, with suffocating odor of sulfur dioxide.
On air, oxidizes gradually to sulfuric acid.
Conservation – In almost full containers, tightly closed, in a cool place.

Tartaric acid
CAS – [87-69-4].
Synonym – L-(+)-tartaric acid.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C4H6O6 – 150.09.
Description – White crystalline crystals or powders.
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Physical characteristics – Melting range: 168 °C to 170 °C. Density (20 °C): 1.756.
Solubility – Very soluble in water and freely soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Thioglycolic acid
CAS – [68-11-1].
Synonym – Mercaptoacetic acid.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C2H4O2S – 92.11.
Specification – Contains no less than 79.0% (w/w).
Description – Colorless or nearly colorless liquid, with strong unpleasant odor.
Physical characteristic – Density: approximately 1.33.
Miscibility – Miscible with water and ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – Protect from air.
Safety – May cause severe burns to the skin.
Additional information – Its decomposition releases hydrogen sulfide.

p-toluenesulfonic acid
CAS – [6192-52-5].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C7H8O3S.H2O – 190.21.
Specification – Contains no less than 87.0% of p-toluenesulfonic acid (C7H8O3S).
Description – White or nearly white crystalline powder or crystals.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol.

Trichloroacetic acid
CAS – [76-03-9].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C2HCl3O2 – 163.39.
Specification – Contains no less than 98.0% (w/w).
Description – Colorless crystals or crystalline mass, deliquescent, with characteristic faintly pungent,
irritant odor.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: 55 °C to 61 °C.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Storage – Protect from heat and humidity.
Safety – Very corrosive acid.

Trichloroacetic-chloramine-T acid RS
Solution A – 3% (w/v) chloramine-T.
Solution B – 25% (v/v) trichloroacetic acid in absolute ethyl alcohol.
Preparation – Mix 10 mL of Solution A with 40 mL of Solution B.

Trifluoroacetic acid
CAS – [76-05-1].
Synonym – TFA.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C2HF3O2 – 114.02.
Description – Clear, volatile liquid, with characteristic irritant odor.
Physical characteristics – Boiling temperature: 72.4 °C. Density: 1.535.
Miscibility – Miscible with acetone, benzene, ethyl alcohol, ethyl ether, hexane and carbon
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Corrosive. Flammable. Protect eyes, skin and mucous membranes.

CAS – [79-06-1].
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Synonym – 2-Propenamide.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C3H5NO – 71.08.
Specification – Appropriate quality for electrophoresis.
Description – White or nearly white crystalline powder, or colorless or white scales.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 84 °C.
Solubility – Very soluble in water and methyl alcohol, freely soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Highly toxic and irritant. Causes paralysis of the central nervous system. It may be absorbed
by intact skin.

30% (w/v) acrylamide/bisacrylamide (29:1) RS

Preparation – Prepare a solution with 290 g of acrylamide and 10 g of methylenebisacrylamide in
1000 mL of hot water. Filter.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

CAS – [9002-18-0].
Synonyms – Agar-agar, gum agar.
Specification – Polysaccharide extracted from Gelidium cartilagineum (L) Gaillon (Gelidiaceae),
Gracilaria confervoides (L) Greville (Sphaerococcaceae) and similar red algae (Rhodophyceae).
Description – Fine, colorless or slightly yellowed dry, hydrophilic powder.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.

Agarose, gel
CAS – [9012-36-6].
Specification – Linear, neutral polysaccharide, component of agar.
Description – White or nearly white powder.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in cold water and very slightly soluble in hot water.
Use – Electrophoresis.

DEAE agarose for ion exchange chromatography

Specification – Reticulated agarose with diethylaminoethyl groups. Presents as beads.

Bromine water RS
Preparation – Mix 3 mL of bromine with 100 mL of water until saturation. Shake before use. After
decanting, use the clear supernatant solution.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Storage – Preserve with excess bromine and protected from light.
Safety – Toxic.

Chlorine water RS
Specification – Saturated chlorine solution in water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light and from air. Keep in a cold, dark place.

Carbon dioxide-free water

Specification – Water maintained in ebullition for five minutes or more and protected from
atmosphere, during cooling down and conservation.
Conservation – Protect from air (from absorption of CO2).

Ammonia-free water

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Preparation – Transfer 0.1 mL of 96% (w/w) sulfuric acid to 100 mL of water and distill using an
equipment with ammonia-free walls.

Nitrate-free water
Preparation – Transfer 5 mg of potassium permanganate and 5 mg of barium hydroxide to 100 mL
of water and distill using an equipment with nitrate-free walls.

Particle-free water
Specification – Water obtained by membrane filtration with 0.22 μm of pore size.

Bovine albumin
CAS – [9048-46-8].
Synonym – Bovine serum albumin.
Description – White or light yellowed-brown powder.
Specification – Contains no less than 96% of proteins.
Water ( – Determine in 0.8 g of the sample. No more than 30%.
Storage – At temperatures between 2 °C and 8 °C.

Human albumin
Synonym – Human serum albumin.
Specification – Contains no less than 96% of albumin.

Human Albumin, reagent solution

Preparation – Dilute the human albumin solution with 15% to 25% (w/v) in 0.9% (w/v) sodium
chloride solution until a concentration of 0.1% (w/v) in proteins. Adjust the pH to 3.5-4.5 with glacial
acetic acid.

Butyl alcohol
CAS – [71-36-3].
Synonyms – 1-butanol, n-butanol, n-butyl alcohol.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C4H10O – 74.12.
Description – Clear, colorless, retractive liquid, with characteristic odor.
Physical characteristics – Boiling range: 117 °C to 118 °C. Density (20 °C): 0.810. Refractive index
(20 °C): 1.3993
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Irritant. Flammable.

Ethyl alcohol
CAS – [64-17-5].
Synonym – Ethanol.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C2H6O – 46.07.
Specification – Contains no less than 96.0% (v/v).
Description – Clear, colorless, volatile liquid, with characteristic odor.
Physical characteristics – Boiling temperature: approximately 78 °C. Density: 0.803 to 0.808.
Miscibility – Miscible with water and with methylene chloride.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from heat.
Safety – Toxic. Flammable.

Absolute ethyl alcohol

CAS – [64-17-5].
Synonym – Anhydrous alcohol.
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Molecular formula and molar mass – C2H6O – 46.07.

Specification – Contains no less than 99.5% (v/v).
Description – Clear, colorless, volatile liquid, with characteristic odor. Hygroscopic.
Physical characteristics – Boiling temperature: 78-79 °C.
Density: 0.791 to 0.794. Refractive index: (20 °C): 1.361.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Storage – Protect from heat and humidity. Safety – Toxic. Flammable.

Glycerinated ethyl alcohol

Preparation – Mix 20 mL of glycerin and 80 mL of 70% (v/v) ethyl alcohol.

Isoamyl alcohol
CAS – [123-51-3].
Synonym – 3-Methyl-1-butanol.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C5H12O – 88.15.
Description – Colorless liquid.
Physical characteristic – Boiling temperature: approximately 130 °C.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in water; miscible with ethyl alcohol.

Isobutyl alcohol
CAS – [78-83-1].
Synonyms – 2-Methylpropanol, 2-methyl-1-propanol, isobutanol.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C4H10O – 74.12.
Description – Colorless and clear liquid.
Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): approximately 0.80. Refractive index (15 °C): 1.397 to
1.399. Boiling temperature: approximately 107 °C.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Flammable.

Isopropyl alcohol
CAS – [67-63-0].
Synonyms – Isopropanol, 2-propanol.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C3H8O – 60.10.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0%.
Description – Colorless liquid, with characteristic odor.
Physical characteristics – Boiling temperature: approximately 82 °C.
Density: approximately 0.785. Refractive index (20 °C): 1.376 to 1.378.
Miscibility – Miscible with water and ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Flammable.

Methyl alcohol
CAS – [67-56-1].
Synonym – Methanol.
Molecular formula and molar mass – CH4O – 32.04.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.5% (w/v).
Description – Clear, colorless, flammable liquid, with characteristic odor.
Physical characteristics – Boiling temperature: 64 °C to 65 °C.
Density: 0.791 to 0.793. Refractive index (20 °C): 1.328 to 1.330.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Safety – Toxic. Flammable.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

n-amyl alcohol
CAS – [71-41-0].
Synonyms – 1-Pentanol, pentyl alcohol.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C5H12O – 88.15.
Description – Colorless liquid.
Physical characteristics – Refractive index (20 °C): approximately 1.41.
Boiling temperature: approximately 137 °C. Melting temperature: approximately -79 °C.
Solubility – Moderately soluble in water; miscible with ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Irritant.

n-propyl alcohol
CAS – [71-23-8].
Synonyms – 1-Propanol, propanol.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C3H8O – 60.10.
Description – Clear, colorless liquid, with faint alcoholic odor.
Physical characteristics – Boiling temperature: approximately 97 °C
Density (20 °C): 0.802 to 0.806.
Miscibility – Miscible with water and ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Flammable.

Polyvinyl alcohol
CAS – [9002-89-5].
Molecular formula – (C2H4O)n.
Description – White powder.
Solubility – Soluble in water and insoluble in organic solvents.

Tert-amyl alcohol
CAS – [75-85-4].
Synonym – 2-Methyl-2-butanol.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C5H12O – 88.15.
Description – Clear and colorless liquid. Volatile.
Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): approximately 0.81.
Melting temperature: approximately -8 °C. Boiling temperature: 102 °C.
Miscibility – Easily miscible with water. Miscible with ethyl alcohol and in glycerol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.
Safety – Flammable.

Tert-butyl alcohol
CAS – [75-65-0].
Synonym – 2-Methyl-2-propanol.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C4H10O – 74.12.
Description – Colorless and clear liquid, or crystalline mass with camphorated odor.
Physical characteristics – Density (25 °C): 0.778 to 0.782.
Melting temperature: 25.7 °C. Boiling temperature: 82.5 °C to 83.5 °C.
Solubility – Soluble in water; miscible with ethyl alcohol and with ethyl ether.

Aluminum, metallic
CAS – [7429-90-5].
Element and atomic mass – Al – 26.98.
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Description – White or nearly white to blueish, malleable, flexible metal.

Available on bar, powder, strips or threads.

CAS – [569-58-4].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C22H23N3O9 – 473.44.
Description – Red-brown crystals.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water.

Use amaranth red.

Iodized starch RS
Use iodized starch TS.

Iodized starch RS1

Preparation – Dissolve 0.75 g of potassium iodide in 100 mL of water. Heat until ebullition and add,
stirring constantly, a solution with 0.5 g of soluble starch in 35 mL of water. Leave in ebullition for
two minutes and cool down.

Iodide-free starch RS
Use iodide-free starch TS.

Soluble starch
Synonyms – Amylodextrin, amylogen. Description – Fine, odorless, insipid white powder.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from humidity.

Starch RS
Use starch TS.

Description – Extracted from mature caryopsis of Zea mays L., Triticum aestivum L. or Oryza sativa
L. (fam. Graminiae). Fine, odorless, insipid white powder that produces slight crepitation when compressed.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from humidity.
Additional information – The labeling must indicate the botanical origin.

CAS – [83-07-8].
Synonym – Aminopyrazolone.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C11H13N3O – 203.24
Description – Crystals or light yellow crystalline powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 109 °C.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

CAS – [96-20-8].

Synonym – 2-Amino-1-butanol.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C4H11NO – 89.14.
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Description – Oily liquid.

Physical characteristic – Boiling temperature: approximately 180 °C.
Solubility – Miscible with water; soluble in alcohols.

CAS – [123-82-0].
Synonyms – 2-Heptanamine; 2-heptylamine; 1-methylhexanamine.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C7H17N – 115.22.
Description – Volatile liquid.
Physical characteristic – Boiling temperature: approximately 143 °C.
Miscibility – Slightly miscible with water, easily miscible with chloroform, ethyl alcohol and ethyl

CAS – [123-30-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H7NO – 109.13.
Description – White crystalline powder or slightly colored due to exposure to air and light.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 186 °C, with decomposition.
Solubility –Moderately soluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

CAS – [504-29-0].
Synonyms – α-Aminopyridine, 2-pyridinamine.
Description – Large crystals or leaflets.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 58 °C.

Ammonia RS
Description – Contains 37.5 mL of concentrated ammonia solution in 100 mL of aqueous solution.
Specification – Contains no less than 10% (w/v) of ammonium hydroxide (approximately 6 M).

Ammonia 6 M
Use ammonia RS

Ammonia 10 M
Preparation – Dilute 56 mL of ammonia to 100 mL with water.

Ammonia, concentrated solution

Synonym – Ammonium hydroxide.
Molecular formula and molar mass – NH3 – 17.03.
Specification – Contains no less than 28.0% (w/w) and no more than 30.0% (w/w).
Description – Clear, colorless liquid, with characteristic and asphyxiating odor.
Conservation – In hermetic containers, not completely full.
Storage – Protect from air and light.
Safety – Caustic.

CAS – [4180-23-8].
Synonym – trans-Anethol.
Description – White or nearly white crystalline mass at temperature between 20 °C and 21 °C, liquid
at temperature above 23 °C.
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Physical characteristics – Refractive index (25 °C): approximately 1.56. Boiling temperature:
approximately 230 °C.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water, freely soluble in ethyl alcohol and soluble in ethyl acetate
and petroleum ether.

Acetic anhydride
CAS – [108-24-7].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C4H6O3 – 102.09.
Specification – Contains no less than 97.0% (w/w).
Description – Mobile, colorless liquid, intense and irritant acetic odor.
Physical characteristics – Density: approximately 1.075. Boiling range: 136 °C to 142 °C.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Safety – Easily combustible. Strong irritant.

Pyridine-acetic anhydride RS
Synonym – Pyridine-acetic anhydride mix RS.
Description – Carefully mix, under refrigeration, 25 g (or 23 mL) of acetic anhydride in 50 mL of
anhydrous pyridine.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Storage – Protect from air and light.
Stability – Prepare immediately before use. Safety – Toxic.

Phthalic anhydride
CAS – [85-44-9].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C8H4O3 – 148.12.
Description – White or nearly white flakes.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: 130 °C to 132 °C.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In closed containers.

Propionic anhydride
CAS – [123-62-6].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H10O3 – 130.14.
Description – Colorless liquid with pungent odor.
Physical characteristics – Density: 1.01. Boiling temperature: approximately 167 °C.
Solubility – Soluble in ethyl alcohol.

CAS – [62-53-3].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H7N – 93.13.
Description – Colorless or slightly yellow liquid.
Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): 1.02. Boiling temperature: 183 °C to 186 °C.
Conservation – Protected from light.

CAS – [123-11-5].
Synonyms – Anisic aldehyde and p-methoxybenzaldehyde.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C8H8O2 – 136.15.
Description – Oily, colorless and yellow liquid, with aromatic odor.
Physical characteristics – Density: approximately 1.12.
Boiling temperature: approximately 248 °C.

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Solubility – Slightly soluble in water; miscible with ethyl alcohol.

Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

Anisaldehyde, solution
Preparation – Mix, on the following order: Mix 0.5 mL of anisaldehyde, 10 mL of glacial acetic acid,
85 mL of methyl alcohol and 5 mL of sulfuric acid.

Anisaldehyde RS
Preparation – Add to 10 mL of anisaldehyde 90 mL of ethyl alcohol, mix, add 10 mL of sulfuric acid
and homogenize.

Anisaldehyde RS1
Preparation – Mix 25 mL of glacial acetic acid with 25 mL of ethyl alcohol, add 0.5 mL of
anisaldehyde and 1 mL of sulfuric acid.

Antithrombin III
CAS – [90170-80-2].
Specification – Antithrombin III is purified from human plasma by chromatography in gum agar-
heparin and must have specific activity of no less than 6 IU/mg.

Antithrombin III RS
Preparation – Reconstitute the antithrombin III according to specifications from the manufacturer
and dilute with sodium trichloride buffer of pH 7.5, to obtain a solution at 1 IU/mL.

CAS – [9087-70-1].
Description – Nearly white powder.
Solubility – Soluble in water and in isotonic solutions, practically insoluble in organic solvents.

CAS –[5794-13-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C4H8N2O3.H2O – 150.13.
Description – Colorless, odorless crystals.
Physical characteristics – Isomer L: Melting temperature: 234-235 °C.
Isomer D: Melting temperature: 215 °C.
Solubility - Slightly soluble in water, practically insoluble in ethyl alcohol and in methylene chloride.

Sodium Azide
CAS – [26628-22-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – NaN3 – 65.01.
Description – White or nearly white crystalline powder or crystals.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol.

Acid blue 83
CAS – [6104-59-2].
Synonym – Brilliant blue.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C45H44N3NaO7S2 – 825.97.
Description – Brown powder.
Solubility – Insoluble in cold water, slightly soluble in water in ebullition and in ethyl alcohol, soluble
in sulfuric acid and in glacial acetic acid, soluble in diluted alkali metal hydroxide solutions.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Acid blue 90
CAS – [6104-58-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C47H48N3NaO7S2 – 854.04.
Description – Dark brown powder, with violet reflexes and particles with metallic reflexes.
Solubility – Soluble in water and in ethyl alcohol.

Astra blue
CAS – [82864-57-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C47H52CuN14O6S3 – 1068.75.

Coomassie Blue RS
Preparation – Prepare a 0.125% (w/v) acetic blue 83 solution in a mixture of glacial acetic acid,
methyl alcohol and water (1:4:5) and filter.

Disulfin blue (CI 42045)

CAS – [129-17-9].
Synonym – Acid blue I.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C27H31N2NaO6S2 – 566.66.
Description – Violet powder. In diluted solutions, presents blue color.
After addition of concentrated hydrochloric acid, there is change of color to yellow.
Solubility – Soluble in water.

Tetrazolium blue
CAS – [1871-22-3].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C40H32N8O2Cl2 – 727.65.
Description – Yellow crystals.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 245 °C, with decomposition.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in water, freely soluble in chloroform, ethyl alcohol and methyl alcohol,
insoluble in acetone and ethyl ether.

Canada Balsam
CAS – [8007-47-4].
Description – Yellow or greenish oily liquid, extracted from Abies balsames L., Pinaceae.
With pleasant odor of pine. If exposed to air, solidifies gradually into a non-crystalline mass.
Physical characteristics – Density: 0.987 to 0.994. Refractive index: 1.53.
Miscibility – Miscible with water, benzene, chloroform and xylene.
Additional information – Used to mount slides for microscope.

CAS – [1415-73-2].
Synonym – Aloin.
Description – Yellow needles or yellow to dark yellow crystalline powder.
Turns dark with exposure to air and light.
Solubility – Moderately soluble in water and in ethyl alcohol, soluble in acetone, in ammonia and in
alkali hydroxide solutions.

CAS – [57-44-3].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C8H12N2O3 – 184.20.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w) calculated in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – Colorless crystals or white crystalline powder, odorless, with faintly bitter flavor.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 190 °C.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Solubility – Slightly soluble in water, soluble in water in ebullition and in ethyl alcohol.

Sodium barbital
CAS – [144-02-5].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C8H11N2NaO3 – 206.18
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w) in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – Colorless crystals or white crystallized powder, odorless, with bitter flavor and weakly
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Barium RSA – 1 mg/mL

Specification – Contains 1.775 g of barium chloride in 1000 mL of aqueous solution.
Conservation – In tightly closed, inert containers (like polyethylene).

CAS – [71-43-2].
Synonym – Benzol.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H6 – 78.11.
Description – Clear, colorless, refractive, volatile liquid, with characteristic odor.
Physical characteristics – Boiling range: 79 °C to 81 °C. Density: 0.878 to 0.880.
Refractive index: 1.5016.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water; miscible with ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from heat.
Safety – Highly flammable. Carcinogenic.
Additional information – Use toluene whenever possible.

CAS – [98-10-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H5SO2NH2 – 157.19.
Description – White or pale beige crystals.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: 150 °C to 153 °C.

CAS – [134-81-6].
Synonym – Diphenylethanedione.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C14H10O2 – 210.23.
Description – Yellow crystalline powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 95 °C.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol, ethyl acetate and toluene.

Benzyl benzoate
CAS – [120-51-4].
Description – Oily, clear and colorless liquid. By cooling, forms colorless crystals. Physical
characteristics – Freezing temperature: approximately 17 °C.
Boiling temperature: approximately 324 °C.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water and glycerol; miscible with ethyl alcohol, ethyl ether and

Cholesteryl benzoate
CAS – [604-32-0].
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Molecular formula and molar mass – C34H50O2 – 490.77.

Description – White solid.
Solubility – Insoluble in water.

Methyl benzoate
CAS – [93-58-3].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C8H8O2 – 136.15.
Description – Colorless liquid.
Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): 1.088.
Boiling temperature: approximately 200 °C.

CAS – [119-61-9].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C13H10O – 182.22.
Description – White crystalline powder.
Characteristics – Melting temperature: approximately 48 °C.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water, freely soluble in ethyl alcohol.

CAS – [119-53-9].
Synonym – 2-Hydroxy-1,2-diphenylethanone.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C14H12O2 – 212.25.
Description – Slightly yellow crystals.
Solubility – Very slightly soluble in water, freely soluble in acetone, soluble in heated ethyl alcohol.

Sodium bicarbonate
CAS – [144-55-8].
Synonym – Sodium acid carbonate, sodium hydrogen-carbonate.
Molecular formula and molar mass – NaHCO3 – 84.01.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w) and no more than 101.0% (w/w) in relation to the
desiccated substance.
Description – White crystalline, odorless powder, of salty flavor and weakly alkaline. By heating,
turns into sodium carbonate.
Solubility – Soluble in water, practically insoluble in ethyl alcohol.

Disodium bicinchoninate
CAS – [979-88-4].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C20H10N2Na2O4 – 388.29.

Potassium biphthalate
CAS – [877-24-7].
Synonyms – Acid potassium phthalate, potassium hydrogen phthalate, potassium diphthalate.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C8H5KO4 – 204.22.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.9% (w/w) and no more than 100.3% (w/w) in relation to the
substance desiccated at 120 °C for two hours.
Description – Colorless crystals or white crystalline powder.
Solubility – Soluble in water and moderately soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Potassium biphthalate 0.05 M

Preparation – Dissolve 10.21 g in water and complete the volume to 1000 mL with the same solvent.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Potassium bisulfate
CAS –[7646-93-7].
Synonyms – Potassium hydrogen sulfate; acid potassium sulfate.
Molecular formula and molar mass – KHSO4 – 136.16.
Specification – Contains no less than 98.0% (w/w) in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – Colorless crystals or white mass. Hygroscopic.
Physical characteristics – Aqueous solution with strongly acidic character. Melting temperature: 197
Solubility – Freely soluble in water, resulting in a very acidic solution.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Sodium bisulfate
CAS – [7681-38-1].
Synonyms – Acid sodium sulfate, sodium hydrogen sulfate, sodium pyrosulfate.
Molecular formula and molar mass – NaHSO4 – 120.06.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 315 °C.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water, very soluble in water in ebullition. Decomposes in ethyl alcohol,
forming sodium sulfate and free sulfuric acid.

Sodium bisulfite
CAS – [7631-90-5].
Synonyms – Sodium hydrogen sulfite, acid sodium sulfite.
Molecular formula and molar mass – NaHSO3 – 104.06.
Description – White or nearly white crystalline powder. The exposure to air may cause loss of sulfur
dioxide and the substance is gradually oxidized to sulfate.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and moderately soluble in ethyl alcohol.

Sodium bitartrate
CAS – [6131-98-2].
Synonym – Acid sodium tartrate.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C4H5NaO6.H2O – 190.08.
Description – White crystals or crystalline powder.
Solubility – Soluble in water.

Sodium bitartrate RS
Preparation – Dissolve 1 g of sodium bitartrate in water and complete the volume to 10 mL.
Prepare immediately before use.

CAS – [108-19-0].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C2H5N3O2 – 103.08.
Description – White or nearly white crystals. Hygroscopic.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: 188 °C to 190 °C, with decomposition.
Solubility – Soluble in water, moderately soluble in ethyl alcohol, very slightly soluble in ethyl ether.
Conservation – In closed container.

Biuret, reagent
Preparation – Dissolve 1.5 g of pentahydrate copper sulfate and 6 g of sodium tartrate and potassium
in 500 mL of water. Add 300 mL of carbonate-free sodium hydroxide solution to 10% (w/v),
complete the volume to 1000 mL with the same solution and mix.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

CAS – [476-70-0].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C19H21NO4 – 327.38.
Description – White or nearly white crystalline powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 163 °C.
Solubility – Very slightly soluble in water, soluble in ethyl alcohol and in diluted acid solutions.
Conservation – In closed containers.

CAS – [507-70-0].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C10H18O – 154.25. Description – Colorless crystals, sublimate
quickly. Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 208 °C.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water, freely soluble in ethyl alcohol and in petroleum ether.

Potassium bromate
CAS – [7758-01-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – KBrO3 – 167.00.
Description – White or nearly white crystals or granular powder.
Solubility – Soluble in water and slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol.

CAS – [37189-34-7].
Specification – Concentrate of proteolytic enzymes derived from Ananas comosus Merr.
Description – Yellow powder.

Bromelain RS
Preparation – Dissolve 1 g of bromelain in 100 mL of a mixture comprised of phosphate buffer pH
5.5 and 0.9% (w/v) sodium chloride solution (1:9).

Dimidium bromide
CAS – [518-67-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C20H18BrN3 – 380.29.
Description – Dark red crystal.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in water at 20 °C, moderately soluble in water at 60 °C and in ethyl

Dimidium bromide - sulfan blue RS

Preparation – Dissolve, separately, 0.5 g of dimidium bromide and 0.25 g of sulfan blue in 30 mL of
a hot mixture of ethyl alcohol and water (1:9) (v/v) and shake. Mix the two solutions and complete
the volume to 250 mL with the same mixture of solvents. Mix 20 mL of this solution with 20 mL of
a sulfuric acid solution 14 % (v/v), previously diluted with approximately 250 mL of water, and
complete the volume to 500 mL with water.
Conservation – In closed containers.
Storage – Protect from exposure to light.

Hexadimethrin bromide
CAS – [28728-55-4].
Molecular formula – (C13H30Br2N2)n.
Description – White or nearly white powder. Hygroscopic. Amorphous polymer.
Solubility – Soluble in water.
Conservation – In closed containers.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Iodine bromide
CAS – [7789-33-5].
Molecular formula and molar mass – IBr – 206.80.
Description – Dark brown or dark blue crystals.
Physical characteristics – Boiling temperature: approximately 116 °C.
Melting temperature: approximately 40 °C.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water, in ethyl alcohol and in glacial acetic acid.
Conservation – In closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

Iodine bromide RS
Preparation – Dissolve 13.2 g of iodine in glacial acetic acid and complete the volume to 1000 mL
with the same solvent. Determine the content of iodine in 20 mL of this solution, by titrating with
sodium thiosulfate 0.1 M VS. Add to the remaining iodine solution (980 mL) an amount of bromine
equivalent to the iodine determined.
Conservation – In tightly closed glass containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

Potassium bromide
CAS – [7758-02-3].
Molecular formula and molar mass – KBr – 119.00.
Specification – Contains no less than 98.0% (w/w) in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – Colorless crystals or white crystalline powder, with markedly salty flavor.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and in glycerol, slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Tetrabutylammonium bromide
CAS – [1643-19-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C16H36BrN – 322.38.
Description – White crystalline powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: between 103 °C and 105 °C.

Tetraheptylammonium bromide
CAS – [4368-51-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C28H60BrN – 490.70.
Description – White, scaly powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: between 89 °C and 91 °C.

Mercuric bromide
CAS – [7789-47-1].
Synonym – Mercury(II) bromide.
Molecular formula and molar mass – Br2Hg – 360.40.
Specification – White crystals or crystalline powder, sensitive to light.
Physical characteristics – Melting temperature: approximately 237 °C.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.
Safety – Poison!

CAS – [7726-95-6].
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Molecular formula and molar mass – Br2 – 159.81.

Description – Brown-red liquid, irritant, suffocating and fuming.
Physical characteristic – Density (20 °C): approximately 3.1.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In hermetic containers or ampoules.
Safety – Toxic.

Bromine 0.2 M in glacial acetic acid

Preparation – Add 15 g of potassium bromide and 5.5 mL of bromine to glacial acetic acid and
complete the volume to 1000 mL. Shake and allow to stand for 24 hours. Titrate before use.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Storage – Protect from heat.
Safety – Toxic.

Bromine RS
Preparation – Dissolve 30 g of bromine and 30 g of potassium bromide in water and complete the
volume to 100 mL with the same solvent.

Sodium butanesulfonate
CAS – [2386-54-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C4H9NaO3S – 160.16.
Description – White or nearly white crystalline powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: higher than 300 °C.
Solubility – Soluble in water.

Butyl hydroxyanisole
CAS – [25013-16-5].
Synonym – BHA.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C11H16O2 – 180.245.
Specification – Mixture of two isomers: 2-tert-butyl-4- hydroxyanisole and 3-tert-butyl-4-
Description – Solid, of waxy aspect.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: from 48 °C to 55 °C.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water and soluble in petroleum ether.
Conservation – In closed containers.

CAS – [109-73-9].
Synonym – n-Butylamine.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C4H11N – 73.14.
Description – Colorless liquid, with ammoniacal odor.
Physical characteristic – Boiling temperature: approximately 78 °C.
Miscibility – Miscible with water and ethyl alcohol.
Additional information – Distill and use within 30 days.

CAS – [94-26-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C11H14O3 – 194.23.
Description – White crystalline powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: from 68 °C to 69 °C.
Solubility – Very slightly soluble in water and freely soluble in acetone, ethyl ether and chloroform.
Conservation – In closed containers.
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CAS – [50-14-6].
Synonym – Ergocalciferol, vitamin D2.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C28H44O – 396.66.
Specification – 1 g corresponds, in anti-rickets activity, to 40,000,000 IU.
Description – Colorless crystals or white crystalline powder.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water, freely soluble in ethyl alcohol, soluble in greasy oils.
Conservation – In hermetic containers, under inert gas.
Storage – Protect from heat and light.

Calcium RSA – 400 µg/mL

Specification – Contains 1.001 g of calcium carbonate in 25 mL of hydrochloric acid M. Boil.
Complete the volume to 1000 mL with water.
Conservation – In tightly closed, inert containers (like polyethylene).

CAS – [79-92-5].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C10H16 – 136.24.

CAS – [76-22-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C10H16O – 152.24.

Light kaolin
CAS – [1332-58-7].
Specification – Natural, hydrated, purified aluminum silicate. It contains an appropriate dispersing
Description – White power, little dense, free from gritty particles, unctuous to tact.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water and in inorganic acids.
Coarse particles – Add 5 g of the sample to a cylinder with stopper (with 160 mm of length and
35 mm of internal diameter) and add 60 mL of 1% (w/v) sodium pyrophosphate solution. Shake
vigorously and allow to stand for five minutes. Using a pipette, take 50 mL of the supernatant liquid,
from a position approximately 5 cm below the preparation surface. Add to the remaining liquid 50
mL of water, shake, allow to stand for five minutes and take 50 mL of the liquid the same way as
previously described. Repeat the process until taking a total of 400 mL. Transfer the suspension to a
porcelain capsule, evaporate until dry in water bath, and desiccate at temperature between 100 °C and
105 °C until constant weight. The residue mass is not superior to 25 mg (0.5%).
Fine particles – Disperse 5 g of the sample in 250 mL of water, shake vigorously for 2 minutes, and
transfer immediately to a glass cylinder (with 50 mm of internal diameter). Using a pipette, transfer
20 mL of liquid to a watch glass. Evaporate until dry in water bath, and desiccate at temperature
between 100 °C and 105 °C until constant weight (m1). Allow the remaining suspension to stand at
20 °C for four hours. Take 20 mL of the liquid, from a position approximately 5 cm below the
preparation surface, avoiding to disperse the sediment. Transfer to a watch glass, evaporate until dry
in water bath, and desiccate at temperature between 100 °C and 105 °C until constant weight (m2).
The value of m2 is not inferior to 70% of the value of m1.

Ammonium carbonate
CAS – [506-87-6].
Molecular formula and molar mass – (NH4)2CO3 – 96.09.
Specification – Mixture in variable proportions of ammonium bicarbonate (NH4HCO3 – 79.06) and
ammonium carbamate (H2NCOONH4 – 78.07).
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It contains no less than 30.0% of NH3 (MM – 17.03) (w/w).

Description – White crystalline, translucent masses, with strong ammoniacal flavor.
Solubility – Soluble in water. Decomposes in water in ebullition.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light and from heat.

Ammonium carbonate RS
Specification – Contains 15.8 g of ammonium carbonate in 100 mL of aqueous solution.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light and from heat.

Calcium carbonate
CAS – [471-34-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – CaCO3 – 100.09.
Specification – Contains no less than 98.5% (w/w) in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – Odorless, insipid white powder.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Strontium carbonate
CAS – [1633-05-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – SrCO3 – 147.63.
Description – Odorless, insipid white powder.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Lithium carbonate
CAS – [554-13-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – Li2CO3 – 73.89.
Specification – Contains no less than 98.5% in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – White, light, odorless powder.
Solubility – Sparingly soluble in water and very slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Potassium carbonate
CAS – [584-08-7].
Molecular formula and molar mass – K2CO3 – 138.20.
Description – Granular powder or white or nearly white granules. Hygroscopic.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: 891 °C.
Solubility – Moderately soluble in water and practically insoluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Potassium carbonate sesquihydrate

CAS – [6381-79-9].
Molecular formula and molar mass – K2CO3.1½H2O – 165.23.
Description – Small granular crystals.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Irritant. Caustic.

Sodium carbonate
CAS – [497-19-8].
Formula and molecular mass – Na2CO3 – 105.99.
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Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w) in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – White, hygroscopic powder.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Storage – Protect from humidity.

Sodium carbonate decahydrate

CAS – [6132-02-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – Na2CO3.10H2O – 286.14.
Specification – Contains no less than 36.7% (w/w).
Description – Clear, colorless, efflorescent crystals or crystalline white powder; odorless, of alkaline
and salty flavor.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and practically insoluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Sodium carbonate monohydrate

CAS – [5968-11-6].
Molecular formula and molar mass – Na2CO3.H2O – 124.00.
Specification – Contains no less than 83.0% (w/w).
Description – Colorless crystals or crystalline white powder, odorless, with alkaline and salty flavor.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and practically insoluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Additional information – When sodium carbonate is prescribed for mixture in powder, use

Sodium carbonate RS
Specification – Contains 10.6 g of sodium carbonate in 100 mL of aqueous solution.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

CAS – [2244-16-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C10H14O – 150.22.
Description – Colorless liquid.
Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): approximately 0.965. Refractive index (20 °C):
approximately 1.500. Boiling temperature: approximately 230 °C. Rotation power (20 °C):
approximately +61°.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water; miscible with ethyl alcohol.

CAS – [154-23-4].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C15H14O6.xH2O – 290.27 (for the anhydrous substance)
Physical characteristics – Melting range: 93 °C to 96 °C, or 175 °C to 177 °C when in anhydrous

Specification – Consists of esters of glycerophosphoric acid with long-chain fatty acids, with the
phosphate group being esterified with ethanolamine.
Description – Amorphous yellow substance, of characteristic odor and flavor.
Category – Local hemostatic and laboratory reagent in hepatic function tests.

Cephalin RS

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Preparation – Add 20 mL of acetone to an amount of 0.5 to 1 g of ox brain powder, allow to stand

for two hours. Centrifuge for two minutes and decant the supernatant liquid. Dry the residue under
reduced pressure. Add 20 mL of chloroform to the dry material. Allow to stand for two hours, with
occasional agitation. After eliminating the solid material, by filtration or centrifugation, evaporate the
chloroform under reduced pressure. Put the residue in suspension in 5 to 10 mL of 0.9% (w/v) sodium
chloride solution. The solvents used to prepare this reagent have an appropriate antioxidant, such as
0.002% (w/v) butyl hydroxyanisole.
Conservation – Use within three months, after freezing or lyophilization.

Chromatographic cellulose
CAS – [9004-34-6].
Synonym – Cellulose for chromatography.
Description – Fine, homogeneous white powder. The average particle size is no less than 30 μm.
Category – Support to chromatography.

Lead RSA – 100 µg/mL

Specification – Contains 0.16 g of lead(II) nitrate in 5 mL of nitric acid.
Complete the volume to 1000 mL with water.
Conservation – In tightly closed, inert containers (like polyethylene).

Potassium cyanide
CAS – [151-50-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – KCN – 65.12.
Specification – Contains no less than 96.0% (w/w) in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – Crystalline powder, masses or white granules; deliquescent.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: 634 °C.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Storage – Protect from light.
Stability – Decomposes gradually by exposure to air, carbon dioxide and humidity.
Safety – Poison!

Potassium cyanide RS
Preparation – Dissolve 50 g of potassium cyanide in distilled water and complete the volume to
100 mL. Remove lead from this solution by extraction with successive portions of the dithizone
extractor solution. Extract the remaining dithizone in the cyanide solution stirring with chloroform.
Dilute the cyanide solution with enough distilled water so that every 100 mL has 10 g of potassium
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Safety – Poison!

Ammonia cyanide RS
Preparation – Dissolve 2 g of potassium cyanide in 15 mL of ammonium hydroxide and dilute to
100 mL with distilled water.

Ethyl cyanoacetate
CAS – [105-56-6].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C5H7NO2 – 113.12.
Description – Colorless or pale yellow liquid.
Physical characteristics – Density (25 °C): 1.056.
Boiling range: 205 °C to 209 °C, with decomposition.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in water; miscible with ethyl alcohol and ethyl ether.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
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CAS – [110-82-7].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H12 – 84.16.
Description – Clear, colorless, volatile liquid, with characteristic odor (similar to gasoline). Physical
characteristics – Boiling temperature: approximately 80 °C
Density: approximately 0.78. Refractive index (20 °C): 1.426 to 1.427.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water; miscible with organic solvents.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Flammable.

Benzyl cinnamate
CAS – [103-41-3].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C16H14O2 – 238.29.
Description – Colorless or yellowed crystals.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 39 °C.

Methyl cinnamate
CAS – [103-26-4].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C10H10O2 – 162.19.
Description – Colorless crystals.
Physical characteristics – Melting range: 34 °C to 36 °C.
Boiling temperature: approximately 260 °C. Refractive index (20 °C): approximately 1.56.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol.

CAS – [118-10-5].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C19H22N2O – 294.40.
Description – White or nearly white crystalline powder.
Physical characteristics – Specific rotation power (20 °C): +225° to +230°, determined on a 5% (w/v)
solution in ethyl alcohol. Melting temperature: approximately 263 °C.
Conservation – In closed containers.
Storage – Protect from exposure to light.

CAS – [470-82-6].
Synonym – Eucalyptol.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C10H18O – 154.25.
Description – Colorless liquid.
Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): 0.922 to 0.927. Refractive index (20 °C): 1.456 to 1.459.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water; miscible with ethyl alcohol.

CAS – [5392-40-5].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C10H16O – 152.24.
Description – Light yellow liquid.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water; miscible with ethyl alcohol and glycerol.

Ammonium citrate RS
Preparation – Dissolve 40 g of citric acid in 90 mL of distilled water. Add two or three drops of 0.1%
(w/v) phenol red in ethyl alcohol. Carefully add ammonium hydroxide until the solution acquires a

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red color. Remove any lead present by extraction with portions of 20 mL of dithizone extractor
solution until the orange-green color in the dithizone solution is maintained.

Alkaline cupric citrate RS

Preparation – Under heating, dissolve 173 g of sodium citrate and 177 g of sodium carbonate
monohydrate in 700 mL of water. Filter if necessary to obtain a clear solution. On a separate vial,
dissolve 17.3 g of cupric sulfate pentahydrate in 100 mL of water. Add (slowly and under constant
agitation) to this solution the first solution prepared. Complete the volume to 1000 mL with water.

Cupric citrate RS
Preparation – Dissolve 25 g of cupric sulfate pentahydrate, 50 g of citric acid monohydrate, and
144 g of sodium carbonate in water and dilute to 1000 mL with the same solvent.

Sodium citrate
CAS – [6132-04-3].
Synonym – Trisodium citrate.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H5Na3O7.2H2O – 294.10.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w) in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – Crystals or crystalline white powder, odorless, with salty flavor, refreshing.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and practically insoluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

CAS – [106-23-0].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C10H18O – 154.25.
Description – Colorless or light yellow liquid.
Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): 0.848 to 0.856. Refractive index (20 °C): approximately
Solubility – Very slightly soluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol.

CAS – [106-22-9].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C10H20O – 156.27.
Description – Colorless and clear liquid.
Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): 0.857.
Refractive index (20 °C): 1.456. Boiling range: 220 °C to 222 °C.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water; miscible with ethyl alcohol.

Chloramine T
CAS – [7080-50-4].
Synonyms – N-chloro-p-toluene sulfonamide sodium salt trihydrate.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C7H7ClNNaO2S.3H2O – 281.69.
Description – Efflorescent white or slightly yellow crystals or crystalline powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: 167 °C to 170 °C.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water, soluble in ethyl alcohol with decomposition, insoluble in
benzene, chloroform and ethyl ether.
Conservation – In perfectly closed containers, protected from light, in a refrigerator.

Potassium chlorate
CAS – [3811-04-9].
Molecular formula and molar mass – KClO3 – 122.55.
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Description – White or nearly white crystals, granules or powder.

Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: 368 °C.
Solubility – Soluble in water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Avoid contact with organic materials or other oxidizable substances.

Cobalt chloride
CAS – [7791-13-1].
Synonym – Cobalt(II) chloride.
Molecular formula and molar mass – CoCl2.6H2O – 237.93.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w).
Description – Crystalline powder or red-violet crystals.
Solubility – Very soluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Cobalt chloride RS
Specification – Contains 6.5 g of cobalt chloride, added with 70 mL of hydrochloric acid RS and
sufficient water to complete 100 mL.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Acetyl chloride
CAS – [75-36-5].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C2H3CIO – 78.50.
Description – Clear and colorless liquid. Flammable. Decomposes in contact with water and with
ethyl alcohol.
Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): approximately 1.10. Boiling temperature: 52 °C.
Miscibility – Miscible with ethylene chloride, ethyl ether and glacial acetic acid.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Irritant to the eyes.

Acetyl chloride 2% in antimony chloride RS

Solution A – 110 g of antimony chloride in 400 mL of 1,2-dichloromethane. Add 2 g of anhydrous

aluminum oxide, mix and filter in sintered glass filter to a 500 mL volumetric flask. Dilute to 500 mL
with 1,2-dichloromethane and mix. The absorbance of the resulting solution measured at 500 nm in
a 2-cm cell is not more than 0.07 using 1,2-dichloromethane as blank.
Solution B – in a hood, mix 100 mL of distilled, colorless, acetyl chloride and 400 mL of 1,2-
dichloromethane and store in refrigeration.
Preparation – Mix 90 mL of Solution A with 10 mL of Solution B. Store in amber, polished-necked
vials and use within seven days. Discard if color appears.

Aluminum chloride hexahydrate

CAS – [7784-13-6].
Molecular formula and molar mass – AlCl3.6H2O – 241.43.
Description – White or slightly yellow, deliquescent powder or colorless crystals.
Solubility – Very soluble in water, freely soluble in ethyl alcohol, soluble in glycerol.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.

Aluminum chloride RS
Preparation – Dissolve two parts of aluminum chloride hexahydrate in water sufficient for three
parts. Treat the solution with activated charcoal, filter and, if necessary, adjust the pH to 1.5 with 1%
(w/v) sodium hydroxide.
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Ammonium chloride
CAS – [12125-02-9].
Molecular formula and molar mass – NH4Cl – 53.49.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.5% (w/w) in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – Colorless crystals or crystalline white powder, odorless, with salty flavor. Hygroscopic.
Physical characteristic – Sublimates without melting at 338 °C.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water.
Conservation – In hermetic containers. Storage – Protect from humidity.

Ammonium chloride RS
Specification – Contains 10.7 g in 100 mL of aqueous solution (approximately 2 M).
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Ammonium chloride - ammonium hydroxide RS

Preparation – Mix equal volumes of ammonium hydroxide and water and saturate with ammonium

Barium chloride
CAS – [10326-27-9].
Molecular formula and molar mass – BaCl2.2H2O – 244.27.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w).
Description – Colorless crystals or white crystalline powder.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Toxic.

Barium chloride RS
Specification – Contains 10 g in 100 mL of aqueous solution.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Benzalkonium chloride
CAS – [8001-54-5].
Molecular formula and molar mass – [C6H5CH2 N(CH3 )2R]+ Cl- – 360.00 (average)
Chemical composition – Mixture of alkyldimethylbenzylammonium chlorides, where R represents
alkyl, from n-C8H17 and superior homologs: n-C12H25, n-C14H29, n-C16H33, in higher proportion.
Specification – Contains no less than 95.0% in relation to the desiccated substance. Content of alkyl
homologs present, in relation to the total calculated over dried basis: n-C12H25: no less than 40.0%
(w/w); n-C14H29: no less than 10.0% (w/w); sum of the two homologs: no less than 70.0% (w/w).
Description – Amorphous powder or gelatinous white or yellow-white mass, of aromatic odor and
bitter flavor.
Solubility – Very soluble in water and in ethyl alcohol. In aqueous solution, it forms foam under
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light and from air.
Category – Disinfectant. Detergent. Preservative.

Benzethonium chloride
CAS – [121-54-0].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C27H42ClNO2.H2O – 466.10.
Description – Colorless crystals or fine, white or nearly white powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 163 °C.
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Solubility – Soluble in water and ethyl alcohol.

Conservation – In closed containers.
Storage – Protect from exposure to light.

Benzyl chloride
CAS – [100-44-7].
Synonym – Chloromethyl benzene.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C7H7Cl – 126.58.
Description – Colorless liquid.
Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): 1.100.
Boiling temperature: 179 °C. Melting range: -48 °C to -43 °C.
Solubility – Insoluble in water; miscible with ethyl alcohol, chloroform and ethyl ether.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Storage – Protect from heat.

Calcium chloride
CAS – [10043-52-4].
Molecular formula and molar mass – CaCl2 –110.98.
Specification – Contains no less than 98.0% (w/w) in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – Dry, white granules. Deliquescent.
Solubility – Very soluble in water, freely soluble in ethyl alcohol and in methyl alcohol.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Storage – Protect from humidity.
Category – Desiccant.

Calcium chloride dihydrate

CAS – [10035-04-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – CaCl2.2H2O – 147.01.
Specification – Contains no less than 96.0% (w/w).
Description – White crystalline powder or granules, odorless, of salty flavor and strongly bitter.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from humidity.

Calcium chloride RS
Specification – Contains 7.35 g of calcium chloride in 100 mL of aqueous solution (approximately
0.5 M).
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Cesium chloride
CAS – [7647-17-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – CsCl – 168.36.
Description – White or nearly white powder.
Solubility – Very soluble in water, freely soluble in methyl alcohol and practically insoluble in

Tin(II) chloride RS
Preparation – Heat 20 g of tin with 85 mL of hydrochloric acid until no more hydrogen is released.

Magnesium chloride

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CAS – [7791-18-6].
Molecular formula and molar mass – MgCl2 6H2O – 203.30.
Specification – Contains no less than 98.0% (w/w).
Description – Colorless crystals, with bitter flavor. Hygroscopic.
Solubility – Very soluble in water and freely soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from humidity.

Mercury(II) chloride
CAS – [7487-94-7].
Synonym – Mercuric chloride.
Molecular formula and molar mass – HgCl2 – 271.50.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w) in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – Colorless crystals or white or nearly white crystalline powder, or crystallized mass;
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: 277 °C (volatilizes at temperature of approximately
300 °C).
Solubility – Soluble in water and in glycerol, freely soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.
Safety – Irritant. Caustic. Toxic. Pollutant.
Additional information – Antidote: dimercaprol.

Methylene chloride
CAS – [75-09-2].
Synonym – Dichloromethane.
Molecular formula and molar mass – CH2Cl2 – 84.93.
Description – Clear, colorless, volatile liquid, with odor similar to chloroform.
Physical characteristics – Boiling temperature: approximately 40 °C.
Density: approximately 1.32. Refractive index (20 °C): 1.424.
Solubility – Moderately soluble in water; miscible with ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.
Safety – Irritant. Toxic.

Methylene chloride saturated with ammonia

Preparation – Mix 100 mL of methylene chloride with 30 mL of concentrated ammonia solution in
separation funnel. Let the phases separate and use the bottom layer.

Methylthionine chloride
CAS – [7220-79-3].
Synonyms – Methylthionine chloride trihydrate, methylene blue.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C16H18ClN3S.3H2O – 373.90.
Description – Dark green or bronze crystalline powder. It may be found in different hydrate forms.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and in ethyl alcohol.

Methylthionine chloride RS
Synonym – Methylene blue RS.
Preparation – Dissolve 23 mg of methylthionine chloride in sufficient amount of water to prepare
100 mL.

Methylthionine chloride RS1

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Synonym – Methylene blue RS1.

Preparation – Dissolve 125 mg of methylthionine chloride in 100 mL of ethyl alcohol and dilute in
ethyl alcohol to prepare 250 mL.

Nickel(II) chloride
CAS – [7791-20-0]
Molecular formula and molar mass – NiCl2.6H2O – 237.68.
Description – Green crystalline powder. Hygroscopic.

Nitrobenzoyl chloride
CAS – [122-04-3].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C7H4ClNO3 – 185.57.
Description – Yellow crystals, with pungent odor.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 73 °C.

Gold chloride
CAS – [16961-25-4].
Molecular formula and molar mass – HAuCl4.3H2O – 393.82.
Description – Red-yellow to golden yellow monoclinic crystals. Very hygroscopic and deliquescent.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

Gold chloride RS
Preparation – Dissolve 1 g of gold chloride in 35 mL of water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

Palladium chloride
CAS – [7647-10-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – PdCl2 – 177.32.
Specification – Contains no less than 59.0% (w/w) of palladium.
Description – Red-brown crystalline powder.
Physical characteristic – At high temperatures, decomposes to palladium and chlorine.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Toxic.

Potassium chloride
CAS – [7447-40-7].
Molecular formula and molar mass – KCl – 74.55.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w) in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – Colorless crystals or white crystalline powder, with saline, faintly bitter flavor.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Potassium chloride, saturated solution

Specification – Contains 17 g in 50 mL of aqueous solution.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Sodium chloride
CAS – [7647-14-5].
Molecular formula and molar mass – NaCl – 58.44.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w) in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – Colorless crystals or crystalline white powder, odorless, with saline flavor.
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Solubility – Freely soluble in water and practically insoluble in ethyl alcohol.

Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Additional information – Additive-free salt.

Sodium chloride 0.9% (w/v)

Synonyms – Sodium chloride approximately 0.15 M, isotonic sodium chloride solution, physiological
solution, saline solution.
Description – Contains 9 g of sodium chloride in 1000 mL of aqueous solution.
Conservation – In closed containers.

Tin chloride
CAS – [10025-69-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – SnCl2.2H2O – 225.64.
Specification – Contains no less than 97.0% (w/w).
Description – Colorless or almost colorless crystals.
Solubility – Very soluble in water, freely soluble in ethyl alcohol, in glacial acetic acid, and in diluted
and concentrated hydrochloric acid.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from air and heat.

Tin chloride RS
Specification – Contains 10% (w/v) of tin chloride in hydrochloric acid.
Conservation – Prepare immediately before use.
Storage – Protect from light.

Tin chloride RS1

Synonym – Tin(II) chloride RS.
Preparation – Heat 20 g of tin with 85 mL of hydrochloric acid until no more hydrogen is released.

Ferric chloride
CAS – [10025-77-1].
Synonym – Iron chloride hexahydrate.
Molecular formula and molar mass – FeCl3.6H2O – 270.30.
Specification – Contains 99.0% (w/w) in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – Orange-yellow or brown crystallized mass. Deliquescent.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 37 °C.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

Ferric chloride RS (approximately 0.4 M)

Use ferric chloride TS.

Acid ferric chloride RS

Preparation – Dissolve 15 mg of ferric chloride hexahydrate in 20 mL of mixture of glacial acetic
acid and sulfuric acid (1:1).

Methanolic ferric chloride

Preparation – Dissolve 1 g of ferric chloride in 100 mL of methyl alcohol.

Mercuric chloride RS (approximately 0.2 M)

Specification – Contains 5.4 g of mercury(II) chloride in 100 mL of aqueous solution.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Safety – Toxic. Pollutant.

Platinic chloride RS
Synonym – Platinum chloride RS.
Preparation – Dissolve 2.6 g of chloroplatinic acid in water and complete the volume to 20 mL.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

Benzoyl hydrochloride
CAS – [98-88-4].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C7H5ClO – 140.57.
Description – Colorless liquid. Decomposes in water and in ethyl alcohol.
Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): approximately 1.21. Boiling temperature: approximately
197 °C.

(2-chloroethyl)dietylamine hydrochloride
CAS – [869-24-9].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H14ClN.HCl – 172.10.
Description – White crystalline powder.
Solubility – Very soluble in water and in methyl alcohol, freely soluble in methylene chloride,
practically insoluble in n-hexane.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 211 °C.

Dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine hydrochloride
CAS – [536-46-9].
Synonym – N,N-dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C8H12N2.2HCl – 209.12.
Description – White or nearly white crystalline powder. Hygroscopic.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

O-phenylenediamine hydrochloride
CAS – [615-28-1].
Synonym – 1,2-benzenediamine dihydrochloride.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H8N2.2HCl – 181.06.
Description – White or slightly pink powder.

P-phenylenediamine hydrochloride
CAS – [624-18-0].
Synonym – 1,4-benzenediamine dihydrochloride.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H8N2.2HCl – 181.14.
Description – White crystalline powder, becomes reddish by exposure to air.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water, slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol and in ethyl ether.

Phenylhydrazine hydrochloride
CAS – [59-88-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H8N2.HCl – 144.60.
Description – White or nearly white crystalline powder, becomes brown by exposure to air.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 245 °C, with decomposition.
Solubility – Soluble in water and in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protected from light.
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Phenylhydrazine hydrochloride RS
Preparation – Dissolve 0.9 g of phenylhydrazine hydrochloride in 50 mL of water. Decolor with
activated charcoal and filter. Collect the filtrate in a 250 mL volumetric flask, add 30 mL of
hydrochloric acid and complete the volume with water.

Hydrastine hydrochloride
CAS – [5936-28-7].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C21H22ClNO6 – 419.86.
Description – White or nearly white powder. Hygroscopic.
Physical characteristic – Rotation power (17 °C): approximately +127°. Melting temperature:
approximately 116 °C.
Solubility – Very soluble in water and in ethyl alcohol.

Hydroxylamine hydrochloride
CAS – [5470-11-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – NH4ClO – 69.49.
Specification – Contains no less than 96.0% (w/w).
Description – Colorless crystals or white crystalline powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 151 °C.
Solubility – Very soluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from humidity.

Hydroxylamine hydrochloride RS
Preparation – Dissolve 5 g in 5 mL of hot water. Complete the volume to 100 mL with ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Flammable.

Hydroxylamine hydrochloride RS1

Preparation – Dissolve 20 g of hydroxylamine hydrochloride in distilled water to obtain,
approximately, 65 mL. Transfer to separation funnel. Add five drops of thymol blue TS and add
ammonium hydroxide until the solution acquires a yellow color. Add 10 mL of 4% (w/v) aqueous
sodium diethyldithiocarbamate solution, shake and allow to stand for five minutes. Extract this
solution with successive portions of 10 mL to 15 mL of chloroform until a portion of 5 mL of the
chloroform extract does not acquire a yellow color when stirred with 12.5% (w/v) copper sulfate. Add
hydrochloric acid 3 M until obtaining a pink color (if necessary, add one or two drops of thymol blue
TS) and dilute to 100 mL with distilled water.

Chlorine RS
Specification – Saturated chlorine solution in water.
Conservation – In completely full and tightly closed containers.
Storage – In a cool place, protected from light and air.
Stability – Prepare the solution immediately before use.
Additional information – The solution tends to deteriorate even if protected from light and air.

CAS – [539-03-7].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C8H8ClNO – 169.61.
Description – Crystalline powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 178 °C.
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Solubility – Practically insoluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol.

CAS – [108-90-7].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H5Cl – 112.56.
Description – Colorless, refringent liquid, with characteristic odor.
Physical characteristics – Boiling temperature: approximately 132 °C.
Density: approximately 1.11. Refractive index (20 °C): 1.5251.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Toxic. Flammable.

CAS – [97-00-7].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H3ClN2O4 – 202.55.
Description – Pale yellow crystals or crystalline powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 51 °C.

Synonym – Trichloromethane.
Molecular formula and molar mass – CHCl3 – 119.37.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.9% (w/w).
Description – Mobile, colorless liquid, with sweet odor.
Physical characteristics – Density: approximately 1.48.
Boiling temperature: approximately 62 °C.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Toxic.

Alcohol-free chloroform
Preparation – Prepare immediately before use. Shake, carefully, 20 mL of chloroform with 20 mL of
water for three minutes. Remove the organic phase carefully and wash with two portions of 20 mL of
water. Filter chloroform in dry paper. Add 5 g of anhydrous sodium sulfate, shake for five minute
and allow to stand for two hours. Decant or filter.

CAS – [58-94-6].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C7H6ClN3O4S2 – 295.73.
Description – White or nearly white, odorless crystalline powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 340 °C, with decomposition.
Solubility – Very slightly soluble in water, moderately soluble in acetone, slightly soluble in ethyl
alcohol. Soluble in diluted alkali hydroxide solutions.

Sodium cobaltnitrite
CAS – [13600-98-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – Na3CoN6O12 – 403.93.
Description – Orange-yellow crystalline powder.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers

Sodium cobaltnitrite RS
Specification – Contains 10 g of sodium cobaltnitrite in 100 mL of water.
Conservation – Prepare immediately before use.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

CAS – [7440-50-8].
Element and atomic mass – Cu – 63.546.
Description – Slide, thread, powder or fragment, of reddish color and metallic luster.
Conservation – In non-metallic containers.

Copper RSA – 1 mg/mL

Specification – Contains 1 g of copper dissolved in the lowest volume possible of 50% (v/v) nitric
acid. Complete the volume to 1000 mL with 1% (v/v) nitric acid.
Conservation – In tightly closed, inert containers (like polyethylene).

CAS – [95-48-7].
Synonym – 2-Methylphenol.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C7H8O – 108.14.
Description – Colorless to brown-yellow liquid of solid, which acquires color by light and in the
presence of oxygen, of phenolic odor. Deliquescent.
Physical characteristics – Melting temperature: approximately 30 °C.
Boiling temperature: approximately 191 °C.
Density: approximately 1.03. Refractive index (20 °C): 1.540 – 1.550.
Solubility – Moderately soluble in water and soluble in alkali hydroxide solutions; miscible with ethyl
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Storage – Protect from light, humidity and oxygen. Safety – Irritant. Caustic. Toxic.
Category – Disinfectant.

Potassium chromate
CAS – [7789-00-6].
Molecular formula and molar mass – K2CrO4 – 194.19.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w) in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – Crystals or yellow crystalline powder.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Oxidizing agent. Pollutant.

Potassium chromate RS
Specification – Contains 10% (w/v) of potassium chromate in water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Oxidizing agent. Pollutant.

Disodium chromotropate
CAS – [5808-22-0].
Synonym – Chromotropic acid dihydrate disodium salt.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C10H6Na2O8S2.2H2O – 400.28.
Description – Yellow-white powder.
Solubility – Soluble in water and practically insoluble in ethyl alcohol.

Sodium deoxycholate
CAS – [302-95-4].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C24H39NaO4 – 414.56.
Description – White or nearly white crystalline powder.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

CAS – [9004-54-0]
Description – Powder.
Solubility – Soluble in water.

Dextran 5%
Preparation – Weigh 5 g of dextran and transfer to a 100 mL volumetric flask. Add distilled water in
sufficient amount for 100 mL. If possible, maintain the sterile solution using a sterilizing filtration
system with 0.22 µm pore filters.

Use glucose.

0.1% (w/v) dextrose

Use 0.1% (w/v) glucose in pyridine.

Chlorhexidine diacetate
Use chlorhexidine acetate.

CAS – [479-27-6].
Synonym – 1,8-Naphthalenediamine.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C10H10N2 – 158.20.
Description – Sublimable crystals.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: 63 °C to 67 °C.

Meglumine sodium diatrizoate

CAS – [8064-12-8]
Molecular formula – C11H9I3N2O4.C11H9I3N2O4.C7H17NO5.Na

CAS – [5355-16-8].
Synonym – 5-[(3,4-Dimethoxyphenyl)methyl]-2,4- pyrimidinediamine.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C13H16N4O2 – 260.30.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 233 °C.

CAS – [537-45-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H2Br2ClNO – 299.35.
Description – Yellow crystalline powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: between 82 °C and 84 °C.
Solubility – Insoluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol and in diluted alkali hydroxide solutions.
Conservation – In closed containers.

CAS – [111-92-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C8H19N – 129.25.
Description – Colorless liquid.
Physical characteristics – Boiling temperature: approximately 159 °C.
Refractive index (20 °C): approximately 1.417.
Solubility – Soluble in water and in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Ethylene dichloride
CAS – [107-06-2].
Synonym – 1,2-Dichloroethane.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C2H4Cl2 – 98.96.
Description – Colorless and clear liquid, with odor similar to chloroform.
Physical characteristics – Boiling temperature: approximately 83 °C.
Density (20 °C): approximately 1.25. Refractive index (20 °C): 1.444.
Solubility – slightly soluble in water and freely soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Irritant. Toxic. Flammable.

N-(1-naphthyl)ethylenediamine dihydrochloride
CAS – [1465-25-4].
Synonyms – N-1-naphthalenyl-1,2- ethanediamine dihydrochloride.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C12H14N2.2HCl – 259.18.
Description – White or yellow-white powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: 188 °C to 190 °C.
Solubility – Soluble in water and slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol.

N-(1-naphthyl)ethylenediamine dihydrochloride RS
Synonym – Bratton-Marshall reagent.
Preparation – Dissolve 0.1 g of N-(1-naphthyl)ethylenediamine dihydrochloride in 100 mL of water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

CAS – [101-38-2].
Synonyms – Gibbs reagent, 2,6-diclhoro-4- (chloroimino)-2,5-cyclohexadien-1-one.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H2Cl3NO – 210.45.
Description – Orange or yellow crystalline powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 66 °C.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water, soluble in ethyl alcohol and in diluted alkaline solutions.

1-(2,6-Dichlorophenyl)-1,3-dihydro-2H-indol-2-one (Impurity A of diclofenac)

CAS – [15362-40-0].

Synonym – 1-(2,6-dichlorophenyl)indolin-2-one.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C14H9Cl2NO – 278.14.
Description – White crystalline powder.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from exposure to light.

2,6-Dichloroindophenol sodium
CAS – [620-45-1].
Synonym – 2,6-dichlorophenol-indophenol sodium.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C12H6Cl2NNaO2 – 290.08.
Description – Dark green powder. The aqueous solution presents a dark blue color and turns pink
when acidified.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Potassium dichromate
CAS – [7778-50-9].
Molecular formula and molar mass – K2Cr2O7 – 294.18.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.8% (w/w) in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – Orange-red crystals. Odorless.
Solubility – Soluble in water and practically insoluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Caustic. Oxidizing agent. Pollutant.

Potassium dichromate RS
Specification – Contains 5% (w/v) of potassium dichromate in water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Caustic. Oxidizing agent. Pollutant.

CAS – [109-89-7].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C4H11N – 73.14.
Description – Clear, colorless, volatile liquid, with ammoniacal odor, strongly alkaline.
Physical characteristics – Boiling range: 55 °C to 58 °C. Refractive index (20 °C): 1.386.
Density (20 °C): approximately 0.707.
Miscibility – Miscible with water and ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Irritant. Flammable.

CAS – [9015-73-0].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C12H28N2O – 216.37.
Description – Powder.
Solubility – Soluble in water.

Silver diethyldithiocarbamate
CAS – [1470-61-7].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C5H10AgNS2 – 256.13.
Description – Light yellow to greyish-yellow powder.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water and soluble in pyridine.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Silver diethyldithiocarbamate RS
Specification – Contains 0.5% (w/v) of silver diethyldithiocarbamate in pyridine.
Stability – Prepare immediately before use.
Safety – Toxic.

Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate
CAS – [20624-25-3].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C5H10NNaS2.3H2O – 225.30.
Description – White, nearly white or colorless crystals.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol.

CAS – [100-36-7].
Synonym – N,N-Diethyl-1,2-diaminoethane.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H16N2 – 116.21.

Description – Liquid with slightly oily appearance, colorless or slightly yellow, with strong
ammoniacal odor, irritant to the eyes, skin and mucous membranes.
Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): 0.827. Boiling range: 145 °C to 147 °C.
Water ( – Determine in 0.5 g. No more than 1.0%.

Diethyl phthalate
CAS – [84-66-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C12H14O4 – 222.24.
Description – Colorless and practically odorless oily liquid.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w).
Physical characteristics – Density: 1.118. Boiling temperature: 295 °C.
Miscibility – Miscible with water, ethyl alcohol, ethyl ether and other organic solvents. Conservation
– In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Irritant.

CAS – [122-39-4].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C12H11N – 169.23.
Description – White or nearly white crystals.
Physical characteristics – Melting temperature: approximately 55 °C. Boiling temperature: 302 °C.
Loses color in presence of light.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol. Forms salt in solution with strong
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

Diphenylamine RS
Preparation – Dissolve 1 g of diphenylamine in 100 mL of sulfuric acid.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from exposure to light.

CAS – [531-91-9].
Synonym – N,N’-Diphenylbenzidine.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C24H20N2 – 336.44.
Description – White or slightly gray crystalline powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 248 °C.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water, slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In closed containers.
Storage – Protect from exposure to light.

Aminoethanol diphenylborate
CAS – [524-95-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C14H16BNO – 225.10.
Description – White or yellow crystalline powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 193 °C.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol.

Aminoethanol diphenylborate RS
Preparation – Dissolve 1 g of aminoethanol diphenylborate in methyl alcohol and complete the
volume to 100 mL with the same solvent.
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

CAS – [140-22-7].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C13H14N4O – 242.28.
Description – White crystalline powder; becomes pink by exposure to air.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: 168 °C to 171 °C.
Solubility – Very slightly soluble in water, soluble in acetone, in ethyl alcohol, and in glacial acetic
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Storage – Protect from light and from air.

Diphenylcarbazide RS
Specification – Contains 1% (w/v) of diphenylcarbazide in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.
Safety – Flammable.

CAS – [538-62-5].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C13H12N4O – 240.27.
Description – Crystals with red-orange color.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 157 °C, with decomposition.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water and freely soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Diphenylcarbazone-bromophenol blue RS
Preparation – In a 25 mL volumetric flask, dissolve 12 mg of diphenylcarbazone and 12.5 mg of
bromophenol blue in 15 mL of ethyl alcohol. Complete the volume with ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – Keep the solution in an amber glass container at temperature between 4 °C and 8 °C.

Mercuric diphenylcarbazone RS
Solution A – Dissolve 0.1 g of diphenylcarbazone in ethyl alcohol and complete the volume to 50 mL
with the same solvent.
Solution B – Dissolve 1 g of mercury(II) chloride in ethyl alcohol and complete the volume to 50 mL
with the same solvent.
Preparation – Mix equal volumes of Solutions A and B at the moment of using.

CAS – [4013-94-9]
Molecular formula and molar mass – C8H20N2 – 144.26.
Description – Colorless or yellow liquid. Corrosive, flammable and hygroscopic.
Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): approximately 0.798. Refractive index (20 °C):
approximately 1.429. Boiling temperature: approximately 170 °C.

CAS – [127-19-5].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C4H9NO – 87.12.
Description – Colorless and clear liquid.
Physical characteristics – Boiling temperature: approximately 165 °C.
Refractive index (20 °C): approximately 1.437. Density (20 °C): approximately 0.94.
Miscibility – Miscible with water and with most organic solvents.
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Conservation – In closed containers.

CAS – [100-10-7].
Synonyms – 4-Dimethylaminobenzaldehyde and Ehrlich’s Reagent.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C9H11NO – 149.19.
Description – White to slightly yellow crystalline powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 74 °C.
Solubility – Soluble in ethyl alcohol and in diluted acid solutions.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

p-Dimethylaminobenzaldehyde RS
Preparation – Dissolve, without heating, 0.2 g of p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde in a mixture of
4.5 mL of water and 5.5 mL of hydrochloric acid. Prepare immediately before use.

p-Dimethylaminobenzaldehyde RS1
Preparation – Dissolve 0.2 g of p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde in 20 mL of ethyl alcohol and add
0.5 mL of hydrochloric acid. Shake the solution with activated charcoal and filter. The solution color
is less intense than of a freshly prepared iodine solution at 0.0001 M. Use immediately after

p-Dimethylaminobenzaldehyde RS2
Synonym – Wasicky Reagent.
Preparation – Dissolve 0.5 g of p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde in 8.5 mL of sulfuric acid and
carefully add 8.5 mL of water.

CAS – [6203-18-5].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C11H13NO – 175.23.
Description – Orange or orange-brown crystals or powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 138 °C.
Solubility – Soluble in ethyl alcohol, acetone and benzene.

CAS – [87-62-7].
Synonym – 2,6-Xylidine.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C8H11N – 121.18.
Description – Colorless liquid.
Physical characteristic – Density (20 °C): approximately 0.98.

CAS – [121-69-7].
Synonym – N,N-Dimethylbenzenamine.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C8H11N – 121.18.
Description – Clear, practically colorless oily liquid, turns dark during the storage.
Physical characteristic – Distillation range: 192 °C to 194 °C.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water, freely soluble in ethyl alcohol and ethyl ether.

CAS – [75-64-9].
Synonym – tert-Butylamine.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Molecular formula and molar mass – C4H11N – 73.14.

Description – Colorless liquid.
Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): approximately 0.694.
Refractive index (20 °C): approximately 1.378. Boiling temperature: approximately 46 °C.

CAS – [95-87-4].
Synonym – p-Xylenol.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C8H10O – 122.17.
Description – White or nearly white crystals.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 74.5 °C.

CAS – [68-12-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C3H7NO – 73.10.
Description – Clear, colorless liquid, with odor similar to amines.
Physical characteristics – Boiling temperature: approximately 153 °C.
Density: approximately 0.95. Refractive index (20 °C): 1.424. 1.428.
Miscibility – Miscible with water and ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Irritant. Toxic.

CAS – [67-68-5].
Synonym – DMSO.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C2H6OS – 78.13.
Description – Colorless and odorless liquid. Hygroscopic.
Physical characteristics – Boiling temperature: approximately 189 °C.
Density: approximately 1.10. Refractive index (20 °C): 1.424. 1.479.
Miscibility – Miscible with water and ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from humidity and exposure to light.
Safety – Irritant.

CAS – [99-65-0].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H4N2O4 – 168.11.
Description – Yellow crystals.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 89 °C.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water and slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

1,3-Dinitrobenzene RS
Specification – Contains 1% (w/v) of 1,3-dinitrobenzene in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – Tightly closed container.

CAS – [123-91-1].
Synonyms – 1,4-Dioxane, ethylene dioxide, dioxane.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C4H8O2 – 88.11.
Description – Clear, colorless liquid, with odor similar to ethyl ether.
Physical characteristics – Boiling temperature: approximately 101 °C.
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Density: approximately 1.03. Refractive index (20 °C): 1.421 to 1.424.

Miscibility – Miscible with water and with most organic solvents.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Irritant. Toxic. Flammable.

Sulfur dioxide
CAS – [7446-09-5].
Synonym – Sulfur anhydride.
Molecular formula and molar mass – SO2 – 64.06.
Specification – Contains no less than 97.0% (v/v).
Description – Colorless gas, with characteristic, suffocating odor.
Conservation – In pressurized cylinders.
Safety – Irritant. Toxic.

Manganese dioxide
CAS – [1313-13-9].
Molecular formula and molar mass – MnO2 – 86.94.
Description – Black or dark brown fine powder.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from heat.
Safety – Energetic oxidizing agent.

Dipropylene glycol
CAS – [25365-71-8].
Synonym – 1,1’-Oxide-2-propanol.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H14O3 – 134.18.
Description – Colorless, practically odorless liquid.
Physical characteristics – Density: approximately 1.02. Boiling temperature: approximately 230 °C.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – In properly ventilated places.

Carbon disulfide
CAS – [75-15-0].
Molecular formula and molar mass – CS2 – 76.14.
Description – Colorless or yellow liquid.
Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): approximately 1.26. Boiling range: 46 °C to 47 °C.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water and miscible with ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Poisonous! Flammable.

CAS – [496-74-2].
Synonyms – 1,2-Dimercapto-4-methylbenzene; toluene-3,4-dithiol.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C7H8S2 – 156.27.
Description – White or nearly white crystals.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: 31 °C.
Solubility – Soluble in methyl alcohol and in alkali hydroxide solutions.

Dithiol RS
Specification – Contains 0.5 g of dithiol in 100 mL of ethyl alcohol.
Stability – Prepare immediately before use.
Safety – Flammable.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

CAS – [3483-12-3].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C4H10O2S2 – 154.24.
Description – White crystals.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water, in acetone and in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

CAS – [60-10-6].
Synonym – Diphenylthiocarbazone.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C13H12N4S – 256.33.
Specification – Contains no less than 98.0% (w/w).
Description – Dark brown crystalline powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: 168 °C, with decomposition.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from exposure to light.

Dithizone RS
Specification – Contains 0.05% (w/v) of dithizone in carbon tetrachloride.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Storage – Protect from heat.
Safety – Poison!

Dithizone, concentrated solution

Preparation – Dissolve 35 mg of dithizone in 80 mL of chloroform. Transfer to a 500 mL volumetric
flask and complete the volume with chloroform.
Conservation – In closed amber containers.
Storage – Protect from exposure to light and keep at temperature of 4 °C to 8 °C.
Stability – This solution is stable for five months.

Dithizone, diluted solution

Preparation – Dilute the concentrated dithizone solution in chloroform (1:7).

Dithizone, extractor solution

Preparation – Dissolve 30 mg of dithizone in 1000 mL of chloroform and add 5 mL of ethyl alcohol.
Before use, shake an adequate volume of extractor dithizone solution with half its volume of nitric
acid 1% (v/v) discarding the acid phase.
Storage – In refrigerator.

Disodium edetate
CAS – [6381-92-6].
Synonyms – EDTA disodium; Disodium salt, dihydrate, of (ethylenedinitrilo)acetic acid
Molecular formula and molar mass – C10H14N2Na2O8.2H2O – 372.24.
Specification – Contains no less than 97.0% (w/w) in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – White crystalline powder, of faint saline flavor.
Solubility – Soluble in water and practically insoluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Category – Chelating agent.

Disodium edetate, solution 0.05 M

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Specification – Contains 1.861 g, added with 10 mL of sodium hydroxide M, and dilute in water to
100 mL.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

CAS – [518-82-1]
Molecular formula and molar mass – C15H10O5 – 270.25
Description – Orange-red needles.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water, soluble in ethyl alcohol and in alkali hydroxide solutions.

CAS – [7704-34-9]
Element and atomic mass – S – 32.1
Description – Fine grayish yellow or greenish yellow powder.

CAS – [11072-93-8]
Specification – Mixturt of saponins obtained from Aesculus hippocastanum L. seeds.
Description – Amorphous, fine, nearly white, red or yellow powder.

Metallic tin
CAS – [7440-31-5]
Element and atomic mass – Sn – 118.71
Specification – Purity of no less than 99.5%.
Description – Gray granules.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 231.9 °C.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from exposure to light and from heat.
Safety – Irritant.

Methyl stearate
CAS – [112-61-8]
Molecular formula and molar mass – C19H38O2 – 298.50
Description – White crystals or white or pale yellow crystalline mass.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 38 °C.
Solubility – Soluble in ethyl alcohol and petroleum ether.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Tetrabromophenolphthalein, ethyl ester

CAS – [1176-74-5]
Synonym – Bromophenolphthalein magenta E.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C22H14Br4O4 – 661.96

Erythromycin estolate
CAS – [3521-62-8]
Molecular formula and molar mass – C52H97NO18S – 1056.43.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: 135 °C to 138 °C.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water, freely soluble in ethyl alcohol, soluble in acetone. It is
practically insoluble in diluted hydrochloric acid.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Storage – Protect from light and heat.
Therapeutic class – Antibacterial.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Strontium RSA – 1 mg/mL

Specification – Contains 1.685 g of strontium carbonate in 10 mL of 50% (v/v) hydrochloric acid.
Complete the volume to 1000 mL with water.
Conservation – In tightly closed, inert containers (like polyethylene).

Petroleum ether
CAS – [8032-32-4].
Synonym – Benzine.
Description – Clear, colorless, volatile liquid, with characteristic odor. Non-fluorescent.
Physical characteristics – Boiling range: 40 °C to 60 °C. Density: 0.630 to 0.656.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water; miscible with ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from heat.
Safety – Flammable.

Ethyl ether
CAS – [60-29-7].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C4H10O – 74.12
Specification – Contains no less than 96.0% (v/v).
Description – Clear, colorless, very volatile liquid, with characteristic pungent odor.
Hygroscopic. Physical characteristics – Boiling temperature: approximately 35 °C. Density:
approximately 0.715. Refractive index (20 °C): 1.355.
Miscibility – Miscible with water and ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light and from heat (do not exceed the temperature of 15 °C).
Category – Anesthetic.
Safety – Flammable. Risk of explosion.

Isopropyl ether
CAS – [108-20-3].
Synonym – Diisopropyl ether.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H14O – 102.18.
Description – Colorless and clear liquid.
Physical characteristics – Boiling range: 67 °C to 69 °C. Density (20 °C): 0.723 to 0.728.
Solubility – Very slightly soluble in water; miscible with ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.
Safety – Flammable.

Tert-butyl methyl ether

CAS – [1634-04-4].
Synonym – MTBE.
Molecular formula and molar mass – (CH3)3COCH3 – 88.15.
Description: Colorless volatile liquid.
Miscibility: Miscible with water.
Safety – Flammable.

Ethylene glycol
CAS – [107-21-1].
Synonym – 1,2-Ethanediol.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C2H6O2 – 62.07.
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Description – Colorless, viscous liquid.

Physical characteristics – Boiling temperature: approximately 196 °C. Density (20 °C): 1.113 to
Miscibility – Miscible with water and ethyl alcohol.

CAS – [120-47-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C9H10O3 – 166.18.
Description – Small and colorless crystals or white powder.
Physical characteristics – Melting temperature: 116 °C. Boiling range: 297 °C to 298 °C, with
Solubility – Slightly soluble in water, freely soluble in acetone, ethyl alcohol and ethyl ether.
Conservation – In closed containers.
Category – Preservative.

CAS – [97-53-0].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C10H12O2 – 164.20.
Description – Colorless or slightly yellow oily liquid. Gets dark and becomes more viscous with the
exposure to light and contact with air.
Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): approximately 1.07. Boiling temperature: approximately
250 °C.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water; miscible with ethyl alcohol, fatty oils and essential oils.

Fast green (CI 42053)

CAS – [2353-45-9].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C37H34N2Na2O10S3 – 808.86.
Description – Dark green powder or granule, with metallic luster.
Solubility – Soluble in water and moderately soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In closed containers.

Blood coagulation factor Xa, bovine

Specification – Enzyme that enables the conversion of prothrombin into thrombin. The semi-purified
substance is obtained from liquid bovine plasma and is prepared by activation of the Factor X
zymogen through an appropriate agent, such as Russel viper venom.
Storage – The lyophilized preparation must be stored at a temperature of -20 °C. The frozen
preparation must be stored at a temperature lower than -20 °C.

Bovine factor Xa, solution

Preparation – Reconstitute, according to instructions from the manufacturer, and dilute with
tromethamine - sodium chloride buffer of pH 7.4.
Absorbance (5.2.14) – Any modification to the absorbance of the solution at 405 nm, using the
tromethamine - sodium chloride buffer with pH 7.4 as blank, is not superior to 0.15-0.20 per minute.

CAS – [5144-89-8].
Synonym – Orthophenanthroline.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C12H8N2.H2O – 198.23.
Description – White crystalline powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: 100 °C to 104 °C.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in water, soluble in acetone and in ethyl alcohol.
Category – Indicator for redox systems; reagent for colorimetry.
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CAS – [150-30-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C9H11NO2 – 165.19.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0%.
Description – Monoclinic crystals.
Physical characteristic – Sublimates in vacuum.

CAS – [108-95-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H6O – 94.11.
Specification – Contains no less than 98.0% (w/w).
Description – Crystalline mass or colorless, faintly pink or yellow crystals, with characteristic odor.
Physical characteristics – Melting temperature: approximately 43 °C. Boiling temperature:
approximately 180 °C.
Solubility – Soluble in water, very soluble in ethyl alcohol, in glycerol and in methylene chloride.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Storage – Protect from light and from heat.
Labeling – It must indicate the name and amount of stabilizer.
Category – Disinfectant.
Safety – Caustic. Toxic.

CAS – [77-09-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C20H14O4 – 318.33.
Specification – Contains no less than 97.0% (w/w) in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – Crystalline or amorphous powder, white or slightly yellow. Odorless.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 258 °C.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Category – Acid-base indicator.

Phenolphthalein 0.1% (w/v)

Specification – Contains 0.1% (v/v) of phenolphthalein in ethyl alcohol 80% (v/v).
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Flammable.
Additional information – For preparation of indicator paper.

CAS – [122-99-6].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C8H10O2 – 138.17.
Description – Colorless, slightly viscous liquid, with faint aromatic odor and ardent flavor.
Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): approximately 1.11. Boiling temperature: approximately
245 °C. Refractive index (20 °C): 1.534.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in water, freely soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Category – Preservative.

Potassium ferricyanide
CAS – [13746-66-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – K3Fe(CN)6 – 329.25.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Specification – Contains no less than 99.9% (w/w) in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – Red crystals.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water. Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

Potassium ferricyanide RS
Specification – Contains 5% (w/v) of potassium ferricyanide in water.
Conservation – Prepare immediately before use.
Storage – Protect from light.

Ammoniacal potassium ferricyanide

Preparation – Dissolve 2 g of potassium ferricyanide in 75 mL of water. Add 25 ml of ammonium
hydroxide and homogenize.

Potassium ferricyanide
CAS – [14459-95-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – K4Fe(CN)6.3H2O – 422.39.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w) in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – Clear crystals or yellow crystalline powder. Efflorescent. Becomes anhydrous at 100
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and practically insoluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Potassium ferricyanide RS
Specification – Contains 5.3% (w/v) of potassium ferricyanide in water (approximately 0.125
Conservation – Prepare immediately before use.

CAS – [9001-32-5].
Refer to the Lyophilized human fibrinogen monograph.

Phloroglucin RS
Preparation – Dissolve 1 g of phloroglucinol in ethyl alcohol and dilute to 100 mL with the same
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

CAS – [6099-90-7].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H6O3.2H2O – 162.14.
Description – White or light yellow crystals or crystalline powder.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol and ethyl ether.

Simulated gastric fluid

Preparation – Dissolve 2 g of sodium chloride and 3.2 g of purified pepsin in 7 mL of hydrochloric
acid and complete the volume to 1000 mL with water. It presents pH of approximately 1.2.

Simulated gastric fluid (without enzyme)

Preparation – Dissolve 2 g of sodium chloride in 100 mL of water. Add 7 mL of hydrochloric acid
and dilute to 1000 mL with water. Adjust the pH to 1.2 ± 0.1 with hydrochloric acid or sodium
hydroxide 10 M.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Simulated intestinal fluid with pancreatin, pH 6.8

Preparation – dissolve 0.68 g of monobasic potassium phosphate in 25 mL of water, mix and add
7.7 mL of 0.2 M sodium hydroxide and 50 mL of water. Add 1 g of pancreatin, mix and adjust the
pH to 6.8 ± 0.1 with 0.2 M sodium hydroxide or with 0.2 M hydrochloric acid.

Simulated intestinal fluid (without enzyme) pH 6.8

Preparation – Mix 250 mL of 0.2 M monobasic potassium phosphate solution and 112 mL of 0.2 M
sodium hydroxide solution and dilute to 1000 mL with water. Adjust pH to 6.8 ± 0.1 with 0.2 M
sodium hydroxide.

Simulated intestinal fluid without pancreatin, pH 7.5

Preparation – Dissolve 6.8 g of phosphate potassium monobasic in 900 mL of water, add 77 mL of
0.2 M sodium hydroxide and adjust the pH to 7.5 ± 0.1 with 0.2 M sodium hydroxide. Adjust volume
to 1000 mL with water and homogenize.

Ammonium fluoride
CAS – [12125-01-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – NH4F – 37.04.
Description – Colorless crystals.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 100 °C.
Conservation – Protect from light, heat and humidity.
Safety – Irritant.

Calcium fluoride
CAS – [7789-75-5].
Molecular formula and molar mass – CaF2 – 78.07.
Description – White crystals or powder.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Sodium fluoride
CAS – [7681-49-4].
Molecular formula and molar mass – NaF – 41.99.
Description – Colorless crystals or white or nearly white powder.
Physical characteristics – Density: 2.78. Melting temperature: 993 °C.
Solubility – Soluble in water and practically insoluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Poisonous!

Sodium fluoride RS
Preparation – Dry approximately 0.5 g of sodium fluoride at temperature of 200 °C for four hours.
Weigh, accurately, about 0.222 g of dry material, dissolve in water and complete the volume to
100 mL with the same solvent. Pipette 10 mL of this solution, transfer to a 1000 mL volumetric flask
and complete the volume with water. Each mL of this solution is equivalent to 10 μg of fluorine.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Formaldehyde, solution
Synonyms – Formol, formalin.
Molecular formula and molar mass – CH2O – 30.03.
Specification – Contains no less than 34.0% (w/v) and no more than 37.0% (w/v).
Description – Colorless, clear liquid. Produces irritant vapors.
Physical characteristics – Density: approximately 1.08. Refractive index (20 °C): 1.374.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Storage – Protect from light, from air and from temperatures below 9 °C.
Stability – It may contain methyl alcohol as stabilizer.
Safety – Irritant. Toxic.
Category – Disinfectant.

CAS – [75-12-7].
Molecular formula and molar mass – CH3NO – 45.04.
Description – Clear, colorless, viscous liquid, with faint ammoniacal odor.
Physical characteristics – Boiling temperature: approximately 210 °C. Density (20 °C):
approximately 1.13. Refractive index (20 °C): 1.447.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Storage – Protect from humidity.
Safety – Irritant.

Ammonium formate
CAS – [540-69-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – CH5NO2 – 63.06.
Description – Deliquescent granules and crystals.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: between 119 °C and 121 °C.
Solubility – Very soluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Alkaline phosphatase, solution

Solution A – Dissolve 3.1 g of boric acid in 500 mL of water. Add 21 mL of sodium hydroxide M and
10 mL of magnesium chloride 0.1 M. Dilute and complete the volume with water to 1000 mL.
Preparation – Dissolve 95 mg of alkaline phosphatase enzyme in Solution A. Dilute to 50 mL with
the same solvent.

Ammonium phosphate dibasic

CAS – [7783-28-0].
Molecular formula and molar mass – (NH4)2HPO4 – 132.06.
Description – White or nearly white granules or crystals. Hygroscopic.
Physical characteristic – Presents pH of approximately 8.0 in aqueous solution 20% (w/v).
Solubility – Very soluble in water and practically insoluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Ammonium phosphate monobasic

CAS – [7722-76-1].
Synonym – Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate.
Molecular formula and molar mass – (NH4)H2PO4 – 115.03.
Description – White crystals or crystalline powder.
Physical characteristic – The pH of the solution at 0.2 M is approximately 4.0.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water, slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol, insoluble in acetone.

Codeine phosphate
CAS – [41444-62-6].
Synonym – Codeine phosphate hemihydrate.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C18H21NO3.H3PO4.1/2H2O – 406.37.
Description – White or nearly white crystalline powder, or small colorless crystals.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water. Slightly or very slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Potassium phosphate
CAS – [7778-53-2].
Synonym – Potassium phosphate tribasic.
Molecular formula and molar mass – K3PO4 – 212.27.
Description – White crystals or crystalline, deliquescent powder.
Solubility – Soluble in water and insoluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Monobasic potassium phosphate

CAS – [7778-77-0].
Synonyms – Potassium biphosphate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, acid potassium phosphate,
monopotassium phosphate, Sorensen’s potassium phosphate.
Molecular formula and molar mass – KH2PO4 – 136.08.
Specification – Contains no less than 98.0% in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – Colorless crystals or white crystalline powder.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Dibasic potassium phosphate

CAS – [7758-11-4].
Synonym – Potassium monoacid phosphate.
Molecular formula and molar mass – K2HPO4 – 174.17.
Description – Colorless crystals or white or nearly white powder. Very hygroscopic.
Solubility – Very soluble in water, very slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Sodium phosphate dibasic

CAS – [7558-79-4].
Molecular formula and molar mass – Na2HPO4 – 141.96.
Description – White hygroscopic powder.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from humidity.

Sodium phosphate dibasic dihydrate

CAS – [10028-24-7].
Molecular formula and molar mass – Na2HPO4.2H2O – 177.99.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.5% (w/w) in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – Colorless crystals.
Solubility – Soluble in water and practically insoluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from heat and humidity.

Sodium phosphate dibasic dodecahydrate

CAS – [10039-32-4].
Molecular formula and molar mass – Na2HPO4.12H2O – 358.14.
Specification – Contains no less than 98.5% (w/w) in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – Colorless, clear, odorless crystals or granules, with saline flavor, weakly alkaline.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from heat.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Sodium phosphate dibasic dodecahydrate RS

Specification – Contains 9 g in 100 mL of aqueous solution.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Sodium phosphate dibasic heptahydrate

CAS – [7782-85-6].
Molecular formula and molar mass – Na2HPO4.7H2O – 268.06.
Description – Colorless or white granular powder or crystal. It is stable on air. The aqueous solution
is alkaline.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Sodium phosphate dibasic heptahydrate RS

Specification – Contains 12 g of sodium phosphate dibasic heptahydrate in 100 mL of water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Monobasic sodium phosphate

CAS – [7558-80-7].
Synonym – Sodium dihydrogen orthophosphate.
Molecular formula and molar mass – NaH2PO4 – 119.98.
Description – White or nearly white powder. Hygroscopic.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.

Sodium phosphate monobasic monohydrate

CAS – [10049-21-5].
Molecular formula and molar mass – NaH2PO4.H2O – 137.99.
Description – White or nearly white, slightly deliquescent crystals or granules.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and practically insoluble in ethyl alcohol. The aqueous solution
is acid.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Sodium phosphate monobasic dihydrate

CAS – [13472-35-0].
Formula and molecule mass – NaH2PO4.2H2O – 156.01.
Description – Colorless crystals or white or nearly white powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: 60 °C.
Solubility – Very soluble in water and very slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In closed containers.

Sodium phosphate tribasic dodecahydrate

CAS – [10101-89-0].
Synonyms – Sodium phosphate tribasic, trisodium phosphate. Molecular formula and molar mass –
Na3PO4.12H2O – 380.12. Description – Colorless or white crystals. Efflorescent.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: 75 °C, by quick heating.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers. Storage – Protect from heat.

Tetrabutylammonium phosphate
CAS – [5574-97-0].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C16H38NO4P – 339.46.
Description – White or nearly white powder. Hygroscopic.
Solubility – Soluble in water.
Conservation – In closed containers.
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Tributyl phosphate
CAS – [126-73-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C12H27O4P – 266.32.
Description – Colorless or slightly yellow, odorless liquid.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in water.

Equimolar phosphate 0.05 M

Specification – Contains 3.53 g of sodium phosphate dibasic and 3.39 g of monobasic potassium
phosphate in 1000 mL of aqueous solution.
Conservation – In closed containers.

Bromocresol purple - phosphate RS

Solution A – Dissolve 38 g of monobasic sodium phosphate and 2 g of sodium phosphate dibasic in
water and dilute to 1000 mL with the same solvent. Adjust the pH, if necessary, to 5.3 ± 0.1 using
sodium hydroxide 5 M or phosphoric acid.
Solution B – Dissolve 400 g of bromocresol purple in 30 mL of water, add 6.3 mL of 0.1 M sodium
hydroxide and dilute with water to 500 mL.
Preparation – On the day of use, mix the Solutions A and B and chloroform (1:1:1) in a separation
funnel. Shake and discard the organic phase. Repeat the extraction with equal portions of chloroform
until the organic layer is colorless. Use the aqueous phase.

Red phosphorus
CAS – [7723-14-0].
Description – Dark red powder.
Solubility – Insoluble in water and in diluted acids.
Safety – Flammable.

CAS – [57-48-7].
Synonyms – β-D-Fructose, levulose.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H12O6 – 180.16.
Specification – Contains no less than 98.0% (w/w) in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – White, odorless crystalline powder, with strong sweet flavor.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature with decomposition: approximately 103 °C.
Solubility – Very soluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

0.1% (w/v) fructose

Specification – Contains 0.1 g of fructose in 100 mL of solution prepared with pyridine.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Toxic.

CAS – [643-79-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C8H6O2 – 134.13.
Description – Yellow crystalline powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 55 °C.
Conservation – In closed containers.
Storage – Protect from exposure to light and from contact with air.

Dibutyl phthalate
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

CAS – [84-74-2].
Synonyms – Phthalic acid dibutyl ester, di-n-butyl phthalate and phthalate dibutyl.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C16H22O4 – 278.35.
Description – Colorless or slightly colored clear, oily liquid.
Physical characteristics – Boiling temperature: 340 °C. Density: 1.043 to 1.048.
Solubility – Very slightly soluble in water, very soluble in acetone, ethyl alcohol and ethyl ether.

CAS – [253-52-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C8H6N2 – 130.15
Description – Pale yellow crystals.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: between 90 °C and 91 °C.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and soluble in absolute ethyl alcohol, in ethyl acetate and in
methyl alcohol.

Basic fuchsine (CI 42510)

CAS – [632-99-5].
Synonyms – Magenta I, rosaniline hydrochloride.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C20H20ClN3 – 337.85.
Description – Lustrous metallic green crystals.
Physical characteristic – Decomposes at temperatures above 200 °C.
Solubility – Soluble in water and in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.
Category / Therapeutic class – Colorant. Antifungal.

Bleached fuchsine RS
Synonym – Schiff’s Reagent.
Preparation – Dissolve 1 g of basic fuchsine in 600 mL of water, add 100 mL of 10% (w/v) sodium
sulfite. Cool down externally with ice, under agitation. Slowly add 10 mL of hydrochloric acid, dilute
with water to 1000 mL and filter. If the solution gets dark, shake with 0.2 to 0.3 g of activated charcoal
until bleaching and filter immediately. If the pink color still remains, add 2 to 3 mL of hydrochloric
acid and shake.
Conservation – Allow to stand for one hour before use, keep protected from light.

CAS – [59-23-4].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H12O6 – 180.16.
Description – White crystalline powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: 167 °C.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

0.1% (w/v) galactose in pyridine

Specification – Contains 0.1 g of galactose in 100 mL of solution prepared with pyridine.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from heat.
Safety – Toxic.

CAS – [9000-70-8].

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Specification – It is the mixture of water-soluble proteins obtained by extracting material with

Description – Clear, brilliant, colorless or slightly yellow powder, granules, scales or sheets.
Hygroscopic, with characteristic odor and mild flavor.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from heat and humidity.

Glycerol gelatin
Preparation – Dissolve 1 g of gelatin in 100 mL of water heated at temperature not superior to 30 °C.
Add 1 mL of 2% (w/v) sodium salicylate and 15 mL of glycerol; shake and filter the heated mixture
in glass wool.

Gelatin RS
Preparation – Dissolve 2.5 g of gelatin in 100 mL of hot water. Use after cooling down to room

CAS – [56-81-5].
Synonym – Glycerin.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C3H8O3 – 92.09.
Specification – Contains no less than 97.0% (w/w).
Description – Clear, colorless, odorless, hygroscopic, viscous liquid, with sweet flavor.
Physical characteristics – Density: 1.255 to 1.263. Refractive index (20 °C): 1.470 to 1.474.
Solubility – Miscible with water and with ethyl alcohol; slightly soluble in acetone and practically
insoluble in fatty oils and essential oils.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Storage – Protect from oxidizing agent.

CAS – [56-40-6].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C2H5NO2 – 75.07.
Description – White and odorless crystalline powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: 232 °C to 236 °C, with decomposition.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water, slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol and very slightly soluble in ethyl

CAS – [50-99-7].
Synonym – Dextrose.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6 H12O6 – 180.16.
Description – White, odorless crystalline powder, with sweet flavor.
Physical characteristic – Specific rotation power (20 °C): + 52.5° to + 53.0° (dissolve 10 g of glucose
in 100 mL of water and add 0.2 mL of ammonia).
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and moderately soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

0.1% (w/v) glucose in pyridine

Specification – Contains 0.1 g of glucose in 100 mL of solution prepared with pyridine.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from heat.
Safety – Toxic.

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CAS – [1149-16-2].
Synonym – Glyoxal di(2-hydroxyanil).
Molecular formula and molar mass – C14H12N2O2 – 240.26.
Description – White or nearly white crystals.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 200 °C. Solubility – Soluble in hot
ethyl alcohol.

CAS – [111-30-8].
Molecular mass formula – C5H8O2 – 100.12.
Description – Oily liquid.
Physical characteristics – Refractive index (25 °C): approximately 1.434. Boiling temperature:
approximately 188 °C.
Miscibility – Miscible with water.

CAS – [95-05-1].
Synonym – 2-methoxyphenol, methylcatechol.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C7H8O2 – 124.14.
Description – White or slightly yellow crystals, or colorless or slightly yellow liquid. Hygroscopic.
Physical characteristics – Melting temperature: approximately 28 °C. Boiling temperature:
approximately 205 °C.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in water, very soluble in methylene chloride and freely soluble in ethyl
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

CAS – [73-40-5].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C5H5N5O – 151.13.
Description – White or nearly white amorphous powder.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water, slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol. Dissolves in diluted alkali
hydroxide solutions.

Heparin sodium
CAS – [9041-08-1].
Description – Consists of mixing active ingredients, with the property of extending the blood
coagulation time. Usually obtained from the intestinal mucosa, lungs or another adequate tissue from
domestic mammals used for human consumption.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Labeling – The label must include the organ and species of origin. The potency must be indicated in
Therapeutic class – Anticoagulant.

Specification – Usually contains a mixture of hydrocarbons – fraction of petroleum – with
predominance of n-heptane.
Description – Clear, colorless, volatile, highly flammable liquid, with characteristic odor. Physical
characteristics – Boiling range: 95 °C to 99 °C. Density: approximately 0.69. Solubility – Practically

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insoluble in water and miscible with absolute ethyl alcohol. Miscible with ethyl ether, chloroform,
benzene and with the majority of volatile and non-volatile oils.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Storage – Protect from heat. Keep away from flame/spark.
Safety – Irritant to the respiratory tract. Flammable.

CAS – [142-82-5].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C7H16 – 100.21.
Specification – Main component of heptane.
Description – Clear and flammable liquid.
Physical characteristics – Boiling temperature: 98.4 °C. Density: 0.684. Refractive index (20 °C):
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water; miscible with absolute ethyl alcohol.

Sodium heptanesulfonate
CAS – [22767-50-6].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C7H15NaO3S – 202.25.
Description – White or nearly white crystalline mass.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and soluble in methyl alcohol.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.

Specification – Usually contains a mixture of C6H14 isomers, predominantly n-hexane and
methylcyclopentane (C6H12).
Description – Clear, colorless, volatile, highly flammable liquid, with characteristic odor.
Physical characteristics – Boiling range: 67 °C to 70 °C. Density: 0.66.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Storage – Protect from heat. Keep away from flame/spark.
Safety – Irritant to the respiratory tract. Flammable.

CAS – [110-54-3].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H14 – 86.18.
Specification – Main component of petroleum ether and hexane.
Description – Clear, volatile liquid, with odor similar to petroleum.
Physical characteristics – Boiling temperature: 69 °C. Density: 0.66. Refractive index (20 °C): 1.375.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water; miscible with absolute ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Storage – Protect from heat. Keep away from flame/spark.
Safety – Flammable.

1- Sodium hexanesulfonate
CAS – [2832-45-3].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H13NaO3S – 188.22.
Description – White or nearly white powder.

CAS – [111-26-2].
Synonym – Hexanamine.
Formula and molar mass – C6H15N – 101.19.
Description – Colorless liquid.
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Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): approximately 0.766. Refractive index (20 °C):
approximately 1.418. Boiling temperature: 127 °C to 131 °C.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol.

Chloral hydrate
CAS – [302-17-0].
Synonym – Hydrated chloral.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C2H3Cl3O2 – 165.40.
Specification – Contains no less than 98.5% (w/w).
Description – Clear, colorless crystals, with characteristic pungent odor and slightly bitter, caustic
taste. Deliquescent.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: 57 °C.
Solubility – Very soluble in water and freely soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light and from heat. Safety – Irritant to the skin.
Therapeutic class – Sedative, hypnotic.

Hydrazine, hydrate
CAS – [7803-57-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – N2H4.H2O – 50.06.
Description – Colorless and clear liquid.
Miscibility – Miscible with water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Ammonium hydroxide
Use ammonia, concentrated solution.

Barium hydroxide
CAS – [12230-71-6].
Molecular formula and molar mass – Ba(OH)2.8H2O – 315.46.
Description – Colorless crystals.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: 78 °C.
Solubility – Soluble in water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Calcium hydroxide
CAS – [1305-62-0].
Molecular formula and molar mass – Ca(OH)2 – 74.09.
Specification – Contains no less than 93.0% (w/w).
Description – White, soft, odorless granules or powder.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from carbon dioxide.

Calcium hydroxide, saturated solution

Use calcium hydroxide RS.

Calcium hydroxide RS
Specification – Contains 0.15 g of calcium hydroxide in 100 mL of preparation with carbon dioxide-
free water (saturated solution).
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

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Stability – Prepare immediately before use.

Storage – Protect from carbon dioxide. Category – Astringent.

Lithium hydroxide
CAS – [1310-66-3].
Molecular formula and molar mass – LiOH.H2O – 41.96.
Description – White or nearly white granular powder.
Solubility – Soluble in water, forming a strongly alkaline solution. Moderately soluble in ethyl
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Corrosive.

Potassium hydroxide
CAS – [1310-58-3].
Molecular formula and molar mass – KOH – 56.11.
Specification – Contains no less than 85.0% (w/w), calculated as KOH, and no more than 3.5% of
Description – White, hard, dry mass, with crystalline, odorless and very hygroscopic structure.
Absorbs carbon dioxide. Liquefies on air. Presented in form of pellets, cylinders or scales.
Solubility – Very soluble in water and freely soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In hermetic , inert containers.
Storage – Protect from humidity and from carbon dioxide. Safety – Very caustic.

Ethanolic potassium hydroxide RS (approximately 0.5 M)

Preparation – Dissolve 34.04 g of potassium hydroxide in 20 mL of water; complete the volume to
1000 mL with (aldehyde-free) ethyl alcohol. Allow to stand to decant for 24 hours in hermetic
containers. Use the clear supernatant.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

2 M ethanolic potassium hydroxide

Preparation – Dissolve 6.6 g of potassium hydroxide in 5 mL of water, cool down and complete the
volume to 50 mL with ethyl alcohol. Allow to stand to decant for 24 hours and use the clear

Sodium hydroxide
CAS – [1310-73-2].
Synonym – Caustic soda.
Molecular formula and molar mass – NaOH – 40.00.
Specification – Contains no less than 95.0% (w/w) total alkali, calculated as NaOH, and no more than
3.0% (w/w) Na2CO3.
Description – White hard mass, with crystalline structure, in the form of flakes, pellets and sticks.
Deliquescent and absorbs carbon dioxide.
Solubility – Very soluble in water and freely soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Storage – Protect from humidity and from carbon dioxide.
Safety – Caustic, corrosive.

Sodium hydroxide RS
Specification – Contains 8% (w/v) of sodium hydroxide in water.
Conservation – Refer to sodium hydroxide M.

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Sodium hydroxide M
Specification – Contains 40 g of sodium hydroxide in 1000 mL of preparation with carbon dioxide-
free water.
Conservation – In alkali-resistant glass or polyethylene containers.
Storage – Protect from humidity and from carbon dioxide.

Sodium hydroxide, concentrated solution RS (approximately 10 M)

Specification – Contains 20 g of sodium hydroxide in 50 mL of preparation with water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from carbon dioxide.
Safety – Caustic.

Tetrabutylammonium hydroxide
CAS – [2052-49-5].
Molecular formula and molar mass – (C4H9)4NOH – 259.48.
Description – White or nearly white crystals.
Solubility – Soluble in water.

Tetramethylammonium hydroxide
CAS – [75-59-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C4H13NO – 91.15.
Description – It is a stronger base than ammonia and quickly absorbs carbon dioxide from air. A
preparation in aqueous medium at 25% (w/v) is clear and colorless.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: 63 °C.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Tetramethylammonium hydroxide RS
Specification – Contains no less than 10% (w/w) tetramethylammonium hydroxide.
Description – Colorless or light yellow clear liquid.
Miscibility – Miscible with water and ethyl alcohol.
Preparation – To 1.000 g, add 50 mL of water and titrate with sulfuric acid 0.05 M VS, using 0.1 mL
of methyl red TS as indicator. Each mL of sulfuric acid 0.05 M VS is equivalent to 9.12 mg of

CAS – [22818-40-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C8H9NO3 – 167.16.
Description – Brilliant leaflets.
Physical characteristic – Decomposition range: between 220 °C and 247 °C.
Solubility – Moderately soluble in water, in ethyl alcohol, ethyl ether and acetone. Soluble in alkaline
and acid minerals.

Hydroxylamine in ethyl alcohol

Preparation – Dissolve 3.5 g of hydroxylamine hydrochloride in 95 mL of 60% (v/v) ethyl alcohol,
add 0.5 mL of a methyl orange solution at 2 g/L in 60% (v/v) ethyl alcohol and sufficient amount of
potassium hydroxide 0.5 M in ethyl alcohol 60% for producing a yellow color. Dilute to 100 mL with
60% (v/v) ethyl alcohol.

CAS – [67-47-0].
Synonym – 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H6O3 – 126.11.
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Description – Needle-shaped crystals.

Solubility – Freely soluble in water, acetone and alcohol, soluble in ethyl ether.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 32 °C

CAS – [148-24-3].
Synonym – 8-hydroxyquinoline.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C9H7NO – 145.16.
Description – White or slightly yellow crystalline powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 75 °C.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in water, freely soluble in acetone, in ethyl alcohol and in diluted mineral
acid solutions.

Butylated hydroxytoluene
CAS – [128-37-0].
Synonym – BHT.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C15H24O – 220.36.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w).
Description – White or yellow-white crystalline powder.
Physical characteristics – Freezing temperature: no less than 69.2 °C. Boiling temperature: 265 °C.
Density: 1.048.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water, very soluble in acetone, freely soluble in ethyl alcohol and
in vegetable oils.
Safety – May cause contact dermatitis.

CAS – [482-36-0].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C21H20O12 – 464.38.
Description – Pale yellow needles.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 240 °C, with decomposition.
Solubility – Soluble in methyl alcohol.

Sodium hypochlorite
CAS – [7681-52-9].
Molecular formula and molar mass – NaClO – 74.44.
Description – White crystals. It is usually obtained in the pentahydrate form, and its anhydrous form
is explosive.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: 18 °C (pentahydrate form).
Solubility – Very soluble in water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers. Safety – Irritant.

Sodium hypochlorite RS
Refer to the Diluted sodium hypochlorite solution monograph.

Sodium hypophosphite
CAS – [10039-56-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – NaH2PO2.H2O – 105.99.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w) in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – White granulated or crystalline powder or colorless, odorless crystals, with saline
flavor. Hygroscopic.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Storage – Protect from heat.

Sodium hypophosphite RS
Specification – Contains 5 g of sodium hypophosphite in 10 mL of water, added to 50 mL with
hydrochloric acid. Separate eventual crystals formed. The solution must be clear and colorless.

CAS – [288-32-4].
Synonym – Glyoxaline.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C3H4N2 – 68.08.
Description – White crystalline powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: 90 °C to 91 °C.
Solubility – Soluble in water and in ethyl alcohol.

CAS – [494-19-9].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C14H13N – 195.27.
Description – Pale yellow crystalline powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 106 °C.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water and freely soluble in acetone.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

CAS – [58-63-9].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C10H12N4O5 – 268.23.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: 222 °C to 226 °C.

Potassium iodate
CAS – [7758-05-6].
Molecular formula and molar mass – KIO3 – 214.00.
Description – White, odorless crystals or crystalline powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 560 °C, with partial decomposition.
Solubility – Soluble in water, insoluble in ethyl alcohol.
Category – Oxidizing agent.

Mercury(II) iodide
CAS – [7774-29-0].
Synonyms – Mercury diiodide, red mercury iodide.
Molecular formula and molar mass – HgI2 – 454.39.
Description – Scarlet red, crystalline, dense, odorless, and nearly insipid powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: 259 °C.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in water, moderately soluble in acetone and in ethyl alcohol, soluble in
excess potassium iodide solution.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.
Safety – Poison!

Potassium iodide
CAS – [7681-11-0].
Molecular formula and molar mass – KI – 166.00.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w) in relation to the desiccated substance.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Description – Colorless crystals or white crystalline powder, odorless, with salty and bitter flavor.
Faintly deliquescent.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: 680 °C.
Solubility – Very soluble in water, freely soluble in glycerol, soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light and humidity.

Approximately M potassium iodide

Use potassium iodide RS.

Potassium iodide RS
Specification – Contains 16.5% (w/v) of potassium iodide in water.
Conservation – In opaque, tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

Alkaline mercuric potassium iodide RS

Synonyms – Nessler’s reagent, alkaline potassium tetraiodomercurate(II) solution, mercury potassium
chloride iodide.
Preparation – Dissolve 5 g of potassium iodide in 5 mL of water and gradually add 10 mL of the
25% (w/v) mercury(II) chloride solution, controlling the addition so that the precipitate formed in the
beginning is not completely dissolved. Allow to cool. Then, add 50% (w/v) potassium hydroxide
solution, dilute with water until completing the volume to 100 mL and add 0.5 mL of 25% (w/v)
mercury(II) chloride solution. Let it decant and use the supernatant.

Alkaline mercuric potassium iodide RS1

Synonym – Alkaline potassium tetraiodomercurate RS.
Preparation – Dissolve in water 11 g of potassium iodide and 15 g of mercury(II) iodide and complete
the volume to 100 mL with the same solvent. Immediately before use, mix the previous solution with
equal volume of 25% (w/v) sodium hydroxide.

Potassium mercury iodide RS

Synonym – Mayer’s reagent.
Solution A – Dissolve 13.5 g of mercury(II) chloride in 600 mL of water.
Solution B – Dissolve 50 g of potassium iodide in 100 mL of water.
Preparation – Mix the Solutions A and B and complete the volume to 1000 mL with water.

Propidium iodide
CAS – [25535-16-4]
Formula and molecular mass – C27H34I2N4 – 668.39
Safety – Carcinogenic
Preparation – Weigh 0.1 mg of reagent and add 10 mL of bi-distilled. Mix well.

Sodium iodide
CAS – [7681-82-5].
Molecular formula and molar mass – NaI – 149.89.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w) in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – White crystalline powder or colorless, hygroscopic, odorless crystals.
Solubility – Very soluble in water and freely soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.

Sodium iodide in acetic acid

Specification – Contains 20% (w/v) of sodium iodide in glacial acetic acid.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Storage – Protect from light.

Tetrabutylammonium iodide
CAS – [311-28-4].
Synonym – Tetra-n-butylammonium iodide.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C16H36IN – 369.37.
Description – White or faintly colored crystalline powder or crystals.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol.

Indigo carmine
CAS – [860-22-0].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C16H8N2Na2O8S2 – 466,36.
Description – Blue granules with copper luster, or blue or violet-blue powder.
Solubility – Moderately soluble in water, practically soluble in ethyl alcohol. Precipitates in aqueous
sodium chloride solutions.

Indigo carmine RS
Preparation – In a mixture of 10 mL hydrochloric acid and 990 mL of 20% (w/v) sulfuric acid, add
0.2 g of indigo carmine.

CAS – [7553-56-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – I2 – 253.80.
Description – Blue-black or violet-gray scales, plates or small crystals; metallic luster, of irritant odor.
Physical characteristics – Slowly sublimates at room temperature; when heated, releases violet
vapors. Melting temperature: 113.6 °C
Solubility – Very slightly soluble in water, soluble in ethyl alcohol and slightly soluble in glycerol.
Conservation – In hermetic glass containers.
Safety – Corrosive vapors.

Iodine RS
Synonyms – Aqueous iodine solution – iodized, lugol reactive.
Specification – Contains 1 g of iodine and 2 g of potassium iodide in 100 mL of aqueous preparation.
Preparation – Dissolve 1 g of iodine in 100 mL of water, add 2 g of potassium iodide, shake, allow
to stand for a few hours, and filter through glass wool.
Conservation – In tightly closed amber glass containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

Iodine 0.05 M
Preparation – Dissolve 20 g of potassium iodide in the minimum amount of water, add 13 g of iodine,
then add water to complete the volume to 1000 mL.

0.5% (w/v) iodine in chloroform

Specification – Contains 0.5% (w/v) of iodine in chloroform.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.
Safety – Toxic.

1% (w/v) iodine in ethyl alcohol

Synonyms – Iodine alcoholic solution, iodine ethanolic solution.
Specification – Contains 1% (w/v) of iodine in ethyl alcohol.
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Conservation – In tightly closed glass containers.

Storage – Protect from light.
Safety – Flammable.

Potassium iodobismuthate
Use aqueous-acetic potassium iodobismuthate.

Aqueous-acetic potassium iodobismuthate

Preparation – Mix 58 mL of water, 1.21 g of bismuth subnitrate, 14 mL of glacial acetic acid and
28 mL of 40% (w/v) potassium iodide solution.

Diluted potassium iodobismuthate RS

Preparation – Dissolve 100 g of tartaric acid in 500 mL of water. Separately, dissolve 100 g of
tartaric acid in 400 mL of water and add 8.5 g of bismuth subnitrate. Shake for one hour, add 200 mL
of 40% (w/v) potassium iodide solution and shake well. Allow to stand for 24 hours and filter. Mix
the first solution with 50 mL of the second solution.

Potassium iodide and bismuth subnitrate RS

Synonym – Dragendorff’s reagent.
Preparation – Mix equal volumes of 40% (w/v) aqueous potassium iodide solution prepared by
dissolving 0.85 g of bismuth subnitrate in a mixture of 10 mL of glacial acetic acid and 40 mL of
water. Dilute 1 volume of this mixture with 2 volumes of glacial acetic acid and 10 volumes of water
immediately before use.
Storage – Protect from light.

Potassium iodobismuthate RS
Preparation – Dissolve 16.6 g of tartaric acid in 67 mL of water and add 1.41 g of bismuth subnitrate.
Shake for one hour, add 33 mL of 40% (w/v) aqueous potassium iodide solution. Shake for one more
hour. Allow to stand for 24 hours. Filter.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

Potassium iodobismuthate RS1

Preparation – Dissolve 10 g of tartaric acid in 40 mL of water and add 0.85 g of bismuth subnitrate.
Shake for one hour. Add 20 mL of 40% (w/v) aqueous potassium iodide solution and homogenize.
Allow to stand for 24 hours and filter.

Potassium iodobismuthate RS2

Preparation – Suspend 1.7 g of bismuth subnitrate and 20 g of tartaric acid in 40 mL of water. Add
to the suspension 40 mL of 40% (w/v) aqueous potassium iodide solution. Shake for one hour and
filter. Protect the solution from exposure to light. Immediately before use, mix 5 mL of the previous
solution with 15 mL of water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from exposure to light.

Iodosulfuron RS
Preparation – Use a round flask with 3 L to 4 L, with three tubes, one stirrer, one thermometer and
one drying tube. The flask must be dry and closed during the preparation. Mix 700 mL of pyridine
with 700 mL of methoxyethanol; add, stirring, 220 g of iodine, finely powdered and dried in advance,
under phosphorus pentoxide. The agitation must be maintained until complete dissolution
(approximately 30 minutes). Cool down at -10 °C and, stirring, quickly introduce 190 g of liquid
sulfur dioxide. The temperature must not exceed 30 °C. Cool down.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Assay – Determine the titer in the moment of use, always working protected from light. Introduce in
an Erlenmeyer flask approximately 20 mL of methyl alcohol and proceed to the Water determination
by the semi-micro method (, with the sample, until the titration endpoint. Introduce in the
Erlenmeyer flask an accurately weighed amount of water and perform a new titration. Calculate the
equivalent in water of the sample, in mg/mL. Each mL of iodosulfuron RS is equivalent to no less
than 3.5 mg of water.
Conservation – In a dry container.

Irganox 1010
CAS – [6683-19-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C73H108O12 – 1177.66.
Description – White to slightly yellow powder. Odorless, insipid.
Physical characteristics – Melting range: 110 °C to 125 °C. Crystallizes in two forms: alpha form,
melting range 120 °C to 125 °C; and beta form, melting range 110 °C to 115 °C. The melting range
varies according to the proportion of crystalline forms in the mixture; this proportion does not
influence the product efficiency.
Category – Stabilizer for organic substances, such as polyethylene and polypropylene, protecting
them from thermo-oxidative degradation.

Irganox 1076
CAS – [2082-79-3].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C35H62O3 – 530.88.
Description – White to slightly yellow powder. Odorless, stable to light.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: 49 °C to 54 °C
Category – Antioxidant for organic substrates, such as polyethylene and polypropylene, protecting
them from thermo-oxidative degradation.

Irganox PS 800
CAS – [123-28-4].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C30H58O4S – 514.85.
Description – White crystals.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: 38 °C to 40 °C
Category – Stabilizer of polyolefins, especially high-density polyethylene and polypropylene.

CAS – [540-84-1].
Synonym – 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C8H18 – 114.23.
Description – Colorless liquid.
Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): 0.691 to 0.696. Refractive index (20 °C): 1.391 to 1.393.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In closed containers.
Safety – Flammable.

Fluorescein isothiocyanate
CAS – [27072-45-3].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C21H11NO5S – 389.38. Specification – Mixture of isomers: 5-
isothiocyanate and 6-isothiocyanate. Description – Orange solid, decomposes with heating.

CAS – [5989-81-1].
Synonym – Lactose monohydrate.
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Molecular formula and molar mass – C12H22O11.H2O – 360.31.

Description – White crystalline powder or granules. Odorless, with faint sweet flavor.
Physical characteristics – Specific optical rotation (20 °C): +52.2° to + 52.8° (determine in
anhydrous lactose solution at 0.1 g/mL). Melting temperature: 202 °C
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Additional information – Adsorbs foreign odors.

0.1% (w/v) lactose in pyridine

Specification – Contains 0.1% (w/v) in pyridine.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Toxic

Methyl laurate
CAS – [111-82-0].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C13H26O2 – 214.35.
Specification – Contains no less than 98.0% (w/v).
Description – Colorless or yellow liquid.
Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): approximately 0.870. Refractive index (20 °C):
approximately 1.431. Melting temperature: approximately 5 °C.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Sodium lauryl sulfate

CAS – [151-21-3].
Synonyms – Sodium dodecyl sulfate, dodecyl sulfate sodium.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C12H25NaO4S – 288.38.
Specification – Mixture of no less than 85.0% (w/w) sodium alkyl sulfates, comprised mainly of
sodium lauryl sulfate [CH3(CH2)10.H2SO4.Na]. The total content of sodium chloride and sodium
sulfate is no more than 8.0% (w/w).
Description – White or light yellow powder, scales or crystals, with faint characteristic odor.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and partially soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Sodium lauryl sulfate RS

Description – Contains 1 g of sodium lauryl sulfate in 100 mL of water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Specification – Mixture of diglycerides, especially of stearic, palmitic and oleic acids, bonded to the
phosphoric acid from choline. Variable structure and composition according to the source.
Description – Fatty yellow-brown mass, with faint characteristic odor.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Labeling – Specify origin.

Nickel-aluminum alloy
Description – Gray fine powder.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water, soluble in mineral acids with formation of salt.

CAS – [78-70-6].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C10H18O – 154.25.
Description – Liquid. Mixture of two stereoisomers (licareol and coriandrol).
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Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): approximately 0.860. Boiling temperature: approximately
200 °C. Refractive index (20 °C): approximately 1.462.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water.

CAS – [7439-93-2].
Element and atomic mass – Li – 6.94.
Solubility – Reacts violently with water. Soluble in methyl alcohol, forming lithium methoxide.
Practically insoluble in petroleum ether.

Lithium RSA – 2 mg/mL

Specification – Contains 1.064 g of lithium carbonate in 5 mL of hydrochloric acid. Complete the
volume to 100 mL with water.
Conservation – In tightly closed, inert containers (like polyethylene).

Macrogol 300
CAS – [25322-68-3].
Synonyms – PEG 300, polyethylene glycol 300.
Molecular formula and molar mass – H(OCH2CH2)nOH – Molar mass not inferior to 95.0% of the
nominal value labeled. Presents the average number of 6 or 7 oxyethylene groups (n = 6 or 7).
Specification – Mixture of products from the polycondensation of ethylene oxide and water.
Description – Colorless or nearly colorless, clear, viscous liquid, with faint and characteristic odor.
Physical characteristics – Density: approximately 1.125. Refractive index (20 °C): approximately
1.465. Viscosity: approximately 80 cP.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Labeling – It must state the average molar mass. Storage – Protect from humidity.

Macrogol 1000
CAS – [25322-68-3].
Synonyms – PEG 1000, polyethylene glycol 1000.
Molecular formula and molar mass – H(OCH2CH2)nOH – Molar mass not inferior to 95.0% of the
nominal value labeled.
Description – White or nearly white solid with waxy appearance. Hygroscopic.
Physical characteristics – Density: approximately 1.080. Freezing range: between 35 °C and 40 °C.
Solubility – Very soluble in water, freely soluble in ethyl alcohol and in methylene chloride.
Practically insoluble in fatty oils and in mineral oils.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Labeling – It must state the average molar mass. Storage – Protect from humidity.

Magnesium RSA – 1 mg/mL

Specification – Contains 9 g of magnesium chloride in 500 mL of aqueous solution.
Standardization – Add to 25 mL of this solution 25 mL of water, 10 mL of ammonium chloride buffer
pH 10.7 and 0.1 g of eriochrome black T indicator. Titrate with 0.05 M disodium edetate VS. Each
mL of 0.05 M disodium edetate VS is equivalent to 0.001215 g of Mg. For use, dilute at concentration
of 1 mg/mL of magnesium.
Conservation – In tightly closed, inert containers (like polyethylene).

CAS – [74-39-5].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C12H9N3O4 – 259.22.
Description – Red-brown powder.
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Category – Indicator for magnesium and molybdenum.

CAS – [108-78-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C3H6N6 – 126.12.
Description – White or nearly white amorphous powder.
Solubility – Very slightly soluble in water and in ethyl alcohol.

2- Mercaptoethanol
CAS – [60-24-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C2H6OS – 78.14.
Description – Clear and colorless liquid.
Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): approximately 1.116. Boiling temperature: approximately
157 °C.
Miscibility – Miscible with water.

CAS – [6112-76-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C5H4N4S.H2O – 170.20.
Description – Yellow crystalline powder.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water and slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol. Soluble in alkali
hydroxide solutions.
Storage – Protect from light.

CAS – [7439-97-6].
Element and atomic mass – Hg – 200.59.
Specification – Liquid, mobile, dense, silvery metal, of mirrored surface.
Physical characteristics – Density (°C): approximately 13.5. Boiling temperature: approximately 357
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Poison! Volatile at room temperature.

Mercury RSA – 1 mg/mL

Specification – Contains 1.080 g of mercuric oxide dissolved in the lowest volume possible of 2 M
hydrochloric acid. Complete the volume to 1000 mL with water.
Conservation – In tightly closed, inert containers (like polyethylene).

Sodium metabisulfite
CAS – [7681-57-4].
Synonyms – Sodium disulfite, sodium pyrosulfite.
Molecular formula and molar mass – Na2S2O5 – 190.10.
Specification – Contains no less than 95% (w/w). Contains an amount of sodium metabisulfite
equivalent to no less than 65.0% and no more than 67.4% of sulfur dioxide (SO2).
Description – Colorless crystals or white or cream-white crystalline powder, with sulfurous odor and
acid and saline flavor.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed, full containers.
Storage – Protect from excessive heat, air and humidity.
Stability – Slowly oxidizes at sulfate, by exposure to air and to humidity, with disintegration of

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CAS – [100-97-0].
Synonym – Hexamethylenetetramine.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H12N4 – 140.19.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w), after desiccation on atmosphere of phosphorus
pentoxide for four hours.
Description – Colorless crystalline powder.
Physical characteristics – Sublimates without melting and with partial decomposition at
approximately 263 °C. The pH of the 0.2 M solution is 8.4.
Solubility – Very soluble in water. Conservation – In tightly closed containers. Therapeutic class –
Urinary antiseptic.

Methylcellulose 450
CAS – [9004-67-5].
Specification – Partially O-methylated cellulose with viscosity of 450 mPa/second. Description –
White, yellow-white or grey-white granule or powder. Hygroscopic. Solubility – Practically insoluble
in hot water, in acetone, absolute ethyl alcohol and toluene.

CAS – [101-61-1].
Synonym – Tetramethyldiaminediphenylmethane.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C17H22N2 – 254.38.
Description – White or bluish-white crystals or leaflets.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: 90 °C to 91 °C.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water, slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol and soluble in mineral
Conservation – In closed containers.

CAS – [110-26-9].
Synonyms – N,N’-methylenebisacrylamide, methylenebispropenamide.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C7H10N2O2 – 154.17.
Description – White or nearly white fine powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: above 300 °C, with decomposition.

CAS – [78-93-3].
Synonyms – Ethylmethylketone, 2-butanone.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C4H8O – 72.11.
Description – Clear and colorless liquid. Characteristic odor of acetone.
Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): approximately 0.81. Boiling temperature: 79.6 °C.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Safety – Toxic. Flammable.

CAS – [108-10-1].
Synonym – 4-Methyl-2-pentanone, isopropylacetone.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H12O – 100.16.
Description – Colorless liquid, with ketonic and camphor odor.
Physical characteristics – Boiling temperature: approximately 115 °C

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CAS – [99-76-3].
Synonym – 4-hydroxybenzoic acid methyl ester.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C8H8O3 – 152.15.
Description – White crystals, slightly soluble in water, freely soluble in acetone, in ethyl alcohol and
in ethyl ether.
Solubility – Very slightly soluble in water and freely soluble in ethyl alcohol and in methyl alcohol.
Category – Preservative.

CAS – [108-11-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H14O – 102.18.
Description – Colorless, clear and volatile liquid.
Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): approximately 0.802. Refractive index (20 °C):
approximately 1.411. Boiling temperature: approximately 132 °C.

CAS – [565-61-7].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H12O – 100.16.
Description – Colorless and flammable liquid.
Physical characteristics – Boiling temperature: approximately 118 °C. Density (20 °C):
approximately 0.815. Refractive index (20 °C): approximately 1.400.
Conservation – In closed containers.

CAS – [2396-60-3].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C13H12N2O – 212.25.
Description – Orange blades.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water, soluble in ethyl alcohol, in petroleum ether and in other
organic solvents.
Thin layer chromatography ( – Apply, on a silica gel G plate, a solution with 5 mg of
methoxyazobenzene in benzene and develop a chromatogram with the same solvent. A single stain
appears, with Rf of approximately 0.6.

Methoxyazobenzene RS
Specification – Solution at 0.2% (w/v) in a mixture of one volume of benzene with four volumes of
petroleum ether.

Potassium methoxide
CAS – [865-33-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – CH3OK – 70.13.
Stability – Extemporaneous preparation.

Sodium methoxide
CAS – [124-41-4].
Molecular formula and molar mass – CH3ONa – 54.02.
Description – White fine powder. Reacts violently with water with formation of heat. Sensitive to air.
May be presented in the form of: CH3ONa.2CH3OH, white powder. In solution, it can be prepared in
Solubility – Soluble in ethyl alcohol and in methyl alcohol.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Storage – Protect from humidity.
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CAS – [109-86-4].
Synonyms – 2-Methoxyethanol, ethylene glycol monomethyl ether.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C3H8O2 – 76.10.
Description – Colorless and clear liquid.
Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): approximately 0.9663. Refractive index (20 °C):
approximately 1.4028. Boiling temperature: approximately 125 °C.
Miscibility – Miscible with water, acetone and ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Poisonous! Use in places with proper ventilation.

Methyl myristate
CAS – [124-10-7].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C15H30O2 – 242.40.
Specification – Contains no less than 98.0% (w/v).
Description – Colorless or faintly yellow liquid.
Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): approximately 0.868. Refractive index (20 °C):
approximately 1.437. Melting temperature: approximately 20 °C.
Miscibility – Miscible with ethyl alcohol and petroleum ether.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Mixture of eriochrome black T

Preparation – Mix 0.2 parts of eriochrome black T with 100 parts of sodium chloride.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Category – Indicator for calcium and magnesium.

Reducer mixture
Preparation – Powder the substances, added on the following order, to obtain a homogeneous
mixture: 20 mg of potassium bromide, 0.5 g of hydrazine sulfate and 5 g of sodium chloride.

Sulfochromic mixture
Preparation – Dissolve 50 g of potassium dichromate in approximately 50 mL of water and add
1000 mL of sulfuric acid.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Ammonium molybdate
CAS – [12054-85-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – (NH4)6Mo7O24.4H2O – 1235.92.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w).
Description – Colorless to slightly yellow or blue-green, brilliant crystals.
Solubility – Soluble in water and practically insoluble in ethyl alcohol.
Physical characteristics – Loses water and ammonia by heating.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Ammonium molybdate RS
Specification – Contains 10 g of ammonium molybdate in 100 mL of aqueous solution.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Ammonium molybdate RS1

Preparation – Dissolve 6.5 g of finely ground molybdic acid in a mixture of 14 mL of water with
14.5 mL of ammonium hydroxide. Cool down the solution and add it, slowly and stirring, to a cooled
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mixture of 32 mL of nitric acid with 40 mL of water. Allow to stand for 48 hours and filter in a
crucible with sintered bottom of fine porosity. This solution deteriorates under storage and is
inadequate for use if, after adding 2 mL of sodium phosphate dibasic dodecahydrate RS in 5 mL of
solution, an abundant yellow precipitate does not form immediately or after slight heating. If there is
formation of precipitate during the storage, employ only the clear supernatant solution.
Storage – Protect from light.

Ammonium molybdate, acid solution

Preparation – Dilute 25 mL of 7% (w/v) ammonium molybdate to 200 mL with water. Slowly add
25 mL of 3.75 M sulfuric acid and homogenize.

1% (w/v) ammonium molybdate in M sulfuric acid

Preparation – Weigh 1 g of ammonium molybdate and dissolve with 50 mL of M sulfuric acid
solution. Complete the volume to 100 mL with the same solvent.

Sodium molybdate
CAS – [10102-40-6].
Molecular formula and molar mass – Na2MoO4.2H2O – 241.95.
Description – Colorless crystals or white or nearly white crystalline powder.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water.

Molybdovanadate RS
Synonyms – Molybdovanadate reagent, vanadate-molybdate reagent.
Preparation – Using finely powdered substances, prepare a suspension of 4 g ammonium molybdate
and 0.1 g of ammonium vanadate in 70 mL of water. Add 20 mL of nitric acid. Complete the volume
to 100 mL with water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

CAS – [110-91-8].
Synonyms – Tetrahydro-2H-1,4-oxazine, diethylene oximide.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C4H9NO – 87.12.
Description – Colorless liquid. Hygroscopic.
Physical characteristic – Boiling temperature: approximately 128 °C.
Miscibility – Miscible with water and ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.

CAS – [6472-38-4].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C15H10O7.2H2O – 338.27.

CAS – [91-20-3].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C10H8 – 128.17.
Description – White or nearly white crystals.
Physical characteristics – Melting temperature: approximately 80 °C. Boiling range: between 217 °C
and 219 °C.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water, soluble in ethyl alcohol and freely soluble in benzene and
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

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CAS – [132-86-5].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C10H8O2 – 160.17.
Description – Crystalline, usually brown-violet powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 125 °C.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and in ethyl alcohol.

CAS – [582-17-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C10H8O2 – 160.17.
Description – Yellow to nearly white crystalline solid or powder.
Physical characteristics – Melting range: 187 °C to 191 °C.
Solubility – Soluble in water and in ethyl alcohol.

Naphthalenediol, reagent
Preparation – Dissolve 20 mg of 1,3-naphthalenediol in 10 mL of ethyl alcohol with 0.2 mL of
sulfuric acid.

CAS – [134-32-7].
Synonym – α-Naphthylamine.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C10H9N – 143.19.
Description – Colorless crystals or white crystalline powder. Becomes red by exposure to air and
light. Unpleasant odor.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: 49 °C to 51 °C.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in water and freely soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light and from air.
Safety – Harmful vapor and powder.

CAS – [90-15-3].
Synonyms – Alpha-naphthol, α-naphthol.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C10H8O – 144.17.
Description – Colorless, white or nearly white crystals, or white or nearly white crystalline powder.
Turns dark with exposure to light.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 95 °C.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in water and freely soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

1-Naphthol RS
Specification – Contains 20% (w/v) of 1-naphthol in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Stability – Prepare immediately before use. Storage – Protect from light.

CAS – [135-19-3].
Synonyms – Beta-naphthol, b-naphthol.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C10H8O – 144.17
Description – White to slightly pink crystalline powder, of faint phenolic odor.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 122 °C
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Solubility – Very slightly soluble in water and very soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

2-Naphthol RS
Synonyms – Beta-naphthol RS, b-naphthol RS.
Specification – Contains 1 g of 2-naphthol in 100 mL of 1% (w/v) sodium hydroxide.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Stability – Prepare immediately before use.
Storage – Protect from light.

2-Naphthol RS1
Synonyms – Beta-naphthol RS1, b-naphthol RS1.
Preparation – Dissolve 5 g of freshly recrystallized 2-naphthol in 40 mL of sodium hydroxide 2
M and complete the volume to 100 mL with water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Stability – Prepare immediately before use.
Storage – Protect from light.

CAS – [10236-47-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C27H32O14 – 580.54.
Description – White or nearly white crystalline powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 171 °C.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in water, soluble in methyl alcohol and in dimethylformamide.

Amido black 10B

CAS – [1064-48-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C22H14N6Na2O9S2 – 616.50.
Description – Dark brown to black powder.
Solubility – Moderately soluble in water, soluble in ethyl alcohol.

Amido black 10B RS

Specification – 0.5% (w/v) amido black 10B solution in a mixture of acetic acid with methyl alcohol

CAS – [485-47-2].
Synonym – Indantrione hydrate.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C9H4O3.H2O – 178.14
Specification – Contains no less than 96.0% (w/w).
Description – White to faintly pale yellow crystalline powder.
Solubility – Soluble in water and in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

Ninhydrin acetic ethanol RS

Preparation – Dissolve 1 g of ninhydrin in 50 mL of ethyl alcohol and add 10 mL of glacial acetic

Ninhydrin RS
Synonym – Indantrione hydrate RS.
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Specification – Contains 0.2% (w/v) in a mixture of butyl alcohol and 2 M acetic acid (95:5).
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.
Safety – Flammable.

Ceric ammonium nitrate

CAS – [16774-21-3].
Molecular formula and molar mass – (NH4)2[Ce(NO3)6] – 548.22.
Description – Orange-yellow crystalline powder or clear orange crystals.
Solubility – Soluble in water.

Aluminum nitrate, nonahydrate

CAS – [7784-27-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – Al(NO3)3.9H2O – 375.14
Description – Deliquescent crystals.
Solubility – Very soluble in water and ethyl alcohol, very slightly soluble in acetone.
Conservation – In hermetically closed containers

Ammonium nitrate
CAS – [6484-52-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – NH4NO3 – 80.04.
Description – Colorless, deliquescent crystals or white powder, with salty flavor.
Physical characteristics – Melting temperature: approximately 155 °C, decomposes around 210 °C
in water and nitrogen oxides.
Solubility – Very soluble in water, freely soluble in methyl alcohol and soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Ammonium nitrate RS
Specification – Contains 5 g of ammonium nitrate in 100 mL of aqueous solution.

Ammonium nitrate, saturated solution

Specification – Contains 20.1 g of ammonium nitrate in 10 mL of water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Barium nitrate
CAS – [10022-31-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – BaN2O6 – 261.34.
Description – Crystals or crystalline powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 590 °C.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water, very slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol and in acetone.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers. Safety – Poison!

Cadmium nitrate
CAS – [10022-68-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – Cd(NO3)2.4H2O – 308.48.
Description – Colorless crystals. Hygroscopic.
Solubility – Very soluble in water and soluble in acetone and in ethyl alcohol.

Lead nitrate
CAS – [10099-74-8].
Synonym – Lead(II) nitrate.
Molecular formula and molar mass – Pb(NO3)2 – 331.21.
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Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w).

Description – Colorless, translucent crystals or white crystalline powder.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Poison!

Cobalt(II) nitrate
CAS – [10026-22-9].
Synonym – Cobaltous nitrate.
Molecular formula and molar mass – CoN2O6.6H2O – 291.03.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w).
Description – Small, red, hygroscopic crystals.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 55 °C.
Solubility – Soluble in water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from heat.

Cobalt(II) nitrate RS
Description – Contains 1.0% (w/v) cobalt(II) nitrate in methyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Flammable. Toxic.

Lanthanum nitrate
CAS – [10277-43-7].
Molecular formula and molar mass – LaN3O9.6H2O – 433.01.
Description – Colorless, deliquescent crystals.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Lanthanum nitrate RS
Specification – Contains 5% (w/v) of lanthanum nitrate in water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Magnesium nitrate
CAS – [13446-18-9].
Molecular formula and molar mass – Mg(NO3)2.6H2O – 256.40.
Description – Colorless and deliquescent crystals.
Solubility – Very soluble in water and freely soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Mercury(I) nitrate
CAS – [14836-60-3].
Synonym – Mercurous nitrate.
Molecular formula and molar mass – Hg2N2O6.2H2O – 561.22.
Description – Colorless crystals, usually with faint odor of nitric acid.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 70 °C, with decomposition.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.
Safety – Poison!

Mercury(I) nitrate RS
Synonym – Mercurous nitrate RS.
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Specification – Contains 15 g of mercury(I) nitrate in a mixture with 90 mL of water and 10 mL of

10% (v/v) nitric acid.
Conservation – In closed amber glass containers.
Stability – Add a small pellet of metallic mercury.
Storage – Protect from light.

Mercury(II) nitrate
CAS – [7783-34-8].
Synonym – Mercuric nitrate.
Molecular formula and molar mass – HgN2O6.H2O – 342.61.
Description – Colorless or faintly colored crystals. Hygroscopic.
Solubility – Soluble in water in presence of a small amount of nitric acid.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Storage – Protect from light and humidity. Safety – Poison!

Potassium nitrate
CAS – [7757-79-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – KNO3 – 101.10.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.5% (w/w).
Description – Colorless and clear crystals or white, crystalline or granular powder.
Solubility – Very soluble in water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Silver nitrate
CAS – [7761-88-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – AgNO3 – 169.87.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w).
Description – Colorless clear crystals, or white crystalline powder. Odorless.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: 212 °C.
Solubility – Very soluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In closed non-metallic containers.
Storage – Protect from light.
Safety – Caustic. Poison!

0.1 M silver nitrate

Specification – Contains 17 g of silver nitrate in 1000 mL of aqueous solution.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

Silver nitrate RS
Specification – Contains 4.25% (w/v) of silver nitrate in water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

Silver nitrate RS1

Synonym – Silver nitrate reagent.
Preparation – Mix 3 mL of concentrated ammonia solution and 40 mL of M sodium hydroxide, add,
drop by drop and stirring, 8 mL of 20% (w/v) silver nitrate solution. Dilute to 200 mL with water.

Sodium nitrate
CAS – [7631-99-4].
Molecular formula and molar mass – NaNO3 – 84.99.
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Description – Colorless and clear crystals, or white or nearly white granule or powder. Deliquescent.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: 308 °C.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Sodium nitrate RS
Specification – Contains 10 g of sodium nitrate in 100 mL of aqueous solution.
Stability – Prepare immediately before use.

Thorium nitrate
CAS – [13470-07-0].
Molecular formula and molar mass – ThN4O12.4H2O – 552.12.
Description – White crystals or crystalline, slightly deliquescent powder.
Solubility – Very soluble in water and ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from humidity.

Zirconyl nitrate
CAS – [14985-18-3].
Synonym – Zirconium nitrate.
Molecular formula – ZrO(NO3)2.xH2O.
Description – White or nearly white powder or crystals.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Zirconyl nitrate RS
Preparation – Dissolve 0.1 g of zirconyl nitrate in a mixture of 60 mL of hydrochloric acid with
40 mL of water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Phenylmercuric nitrate
CAS – [55-68-5].
Synonyms – Basic phenylmercury nitrate and phenylmercury nitrate.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H5HgNO3 – 339.70.
Specification – Consists of a mixture of nitrate and phenylmercury ion hydroxide (C6H5Hg+).
Contains no less than 87.9% (w/w) phenylmercuric ion and no less than 62.75% (w/w) mercury (Hg)
Description – White crystalline powder or white lustrous scales. Odorless.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: between 175 °C and 190 °C, with decomposition.
Solubility – Very soluble in water and in ethyl alcohol, slightly soluble in hot water. Soluble in
glycerol and fatty oils.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

CAS – [146-22-5].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C15H11N3O3 – 281.27.
Description – Yellow crystalline powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: 226 °C to 230 °C.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water and slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In closed containers.
Storage – Protect from exposure to light.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Sodium nitrite
CAS – [7632-00-0].
Molecular formula and molar mass – NaNO2 – 69.00.
Specification – Contains no less than 97.0% (w/w).
Description – White or slightly yellow granulated powder or colorless crystals. Hygroscopic.
Physical characteristics – Melting temperature: 271 °C. Decomposes above 320 °C.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Stability – Oxidizes on air very slowly, forming nitrate.

Sodium nitrite RS
Specification – Contains 10 g of sodium nitrite in 100 mL of aqueous solution.
Conservation – Prepare immediately before use.

CAS – [100-01-6].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H6N2O2 – 138.13.
Description – Light crystalline powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: from 146 °C to 148 °C.
Solubility – Insoluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol and ethyl ether. It forms a salt soluble in
aqueous solution with strong mineral acid.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

p-Nitroaniline and sodium nitrite RS

Solution A – Dissolve 0.3 g of p-nitroaniline in 100 mL of 10 M hydrochloric acid. Solution B –
Dissolve 2.5 g of sodium nitrite in 50 mL of water.
Preparation – Mix 90 mL of Solution A with 10 mL of Solution B at the moment of use.

CAS – [552-89-6].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C7H5NO3 – 151.12.
Description – Yellow crystals, with odor similar to almond oil.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 42 °C.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in water and freely soluble in ethyl alcohol.

CAS – [98-95-3].
Synonym – Nitrobenzol.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H5NO2 – 123.11.
Description – Colorless to pale yellow liquid, with odor similar to almond oil.
Physical characteristics – Boiling temperature: approximately 211 °C. Density: approximately 1.20.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water; miscible with ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Poison!

CAS – [75-52-5].
Molecular formula and molar mass – CH3NO2 – 61.04.
Description – Colorless oily liquid, with characteristic odor.
Physical characteristic – Boiling temperature: approximately 102 °C.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in water; miscible with ethyl alcohol.
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Sodium nitroprusside
CAS – [13755-38-9].
Synonyms – Disodium pentacyanonitrosylferrate(III) dihydrate, nitroprusside sodium, sodium
Molecular formula and molar mass – Na2[Fe(CN)5(NO)].2H2O – 297.95.
Description – Dark red, clear powder or crystals.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol.

Sodium nitroprusside and piperazine RS

Specification – Contains 0.1 g of sodium nitroprusside and 0.25 g of piperazine in 5 mL of water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Sodium 1-octanesulfonate
CAS – [5324-84-5].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C8H17NaO3S – 216.27.
Specification – Contains no less than 98.0% of C8H17NaO3S.
Description – White or nearly white flakes or crystalline powders.

Sodium octyl sulfate

CAS – [142-31-4].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C8H17NaO4S – 232.27.
Description – White or nearly white flakes or crystalline powder.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and soluble in methyl alcohol.

Octoxynol 10
CAS – [9002-93-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – (C2H4O)10C14H22O – 646.86.
Description – Light yellow clear, viscous liquid.
Solubility – Miscible with water, acetone and ethyl alcohol; soluble in toluene.
Conservation – In tightly closed container.

Olive oil
CAS – [8001-25-0].
Specification – Fixed oil obtained from the ripe fruit of Olea europaea L. – Oleaceae.
Descripton – Pale yellow or green-yellow oil.
Physical characteristic – Density: 0.910 to 0.915.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in ethyl alcohol; miscible with chloroform, ethyl ether and
petroleum ether.

Ammonium oxalate
CAS – [6009-70-7].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C2H8N2O4.H2O – 142.11.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w).
Description – Colorless clear crystals or white crystalline powder. Odorless.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: 212 °C.
Solubility – Soluble in water. Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Caustic. Corrosive. Poison!

Ammonium oxalate RS
Use ammonium oxalate TS.

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Potassium oxalate
CAS – [6487-48-5].
Molecular formula and molar mass – K2C2O4.H2O – 184.23; if anhydrous – 166.21.
Description – Colorless, odorless crystals, efflorescent to hot and dry air.
Physical characteristic – Loses water at approximately 160 °C
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Storage – Protect from humidity.
Safety – Poison!

Sodium oxalate
CAS – [62-76-0].
Molecular formula and molar mass – Na2C2O4 – 134.00.
Description – White or nearly white crystalline powder.
Solubility – Soluble in water and practically insoluble in ethyl alcohol.

Malachite green oxalate

CAS – [633-03-4].
Synonym – Brilliant green.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C27H34N2O4S – 428.64.
Description – Golden yellow brilliant crystals.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Aluminum oxide
CAS – [1344-28-1].
Synonym – Alumina.
Molecular formula and molar mass – Al2O3 – 101.96.
Description – White fine granulated powder.
Physical characteristic – The pH (5.2.19) of the suspension at 10.0% (w/v) is between 9.0 and 10.0.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.

Holmium oxide
CAS – [12055-62-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – Ho2O3 – 377.86.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.9% (w/w).
Description – Yellow powder.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Magnesium oxide
CAS – [1309-48-4].
Synonym – Light or heavy magnesium oxide.
Molecular formula and molar mass – MgO – 40.30.
Specification – Contains no less than 95.0% (w/w).
Description – White, odorless, fine amorphous powder, with faint alkaline flavor.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from contact with air and with humidity.

Silver oxide
CAS – [20667-12-3].
Molecular formula and molar mass – Ag2O – 231.74.
Description – Dark gray powder.

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Solubility – Practically insoluble in water and in ethyl alcohol, freely soluble in diluted nitric acid and
in ammonium hydroxide.
Conservation – In closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

Mercuric oxide
CAS – [21908-53-2].
Synonyms – Yellow mercury oxide, mercury(II) oxide.
Molecular formula and molar mass – HgO – 216.59.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.5% (w/w).
Description – Dense, odorless orange-yellow powder.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water and in ethyl alcohol.
Storage – Protect from light.
Safety – Poison!

Palladium RSA – 1 mg/mL

Specification – Contains 1.67 g of palladium chloride in 200 mL of 50% (v/v) hydrochloric acid. Heat
until complete dissolution. Cool down and complete the volume to 1000 mL with water.
Conservation – In tightly closed, inert containers (like polyethylene).

Methyl palmitate
CAS – [112-39-0].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C17H34O2 – 270.46.
Description – White or yellow crystalline mass.
Physical characteristics – Density (30 °C): approximately 0.86. Melting temperature: approximately
30 °C.
Solubility – Soluble in ethyl alcohol and in petroleum ether.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Silver manganese paper

Preparation – Add to a mixture of equal volumes of 0.1 M silver nitrate and 1.5% (w/v) manganese
sulfate, drop by drop, 0.1 M sodium hydroxide until a persistent precipitate is formed. Filter. Immerse
filter paper strips in the solution for 15 minutes. Dry at room temperature, protected from light and
from acid or alkaline vapors. Silver manganese paper must be colorless.
Sensitivity assay – In a cylinder of approximately 40 mL, introduce 1 mL of 1% (w/v) ammonium
chloride. Add 9 mL of water and 1 g of magnesium oxide. Close the container immediately with a
polyethylene cap, under which silver manganese paper is placed. Shake the solution, being careful to
not let magnesium particles come into contact with the paper. Keep the cylinder at 50 °C to 60 °C for
one hour. A gray color appears on the reagent paper.

Liquid paraffin
Specification – Purified mixture of liquid saturated hydrocarbons obtained from petroleum.
Description – Colorless and clear oily liquid.
Physical characteristics – Density: 0.827 to 0.890. Viscosity: 110 mPa to 230 mPa.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water and slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol; miscible with hydrocarbons.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

Sodium 1-pentanesulfonate monohydrate

CAS – [207605-40-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C5H11NaO3S.H2O – 192.21.
Description – White or nearly white crystalline solid.
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Solubility – Soluble in water.

Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Phosphorus pentoxide
CAS – [1314-56-3].
Synonym – Phosphoric anhydride.
Molecular formula and molar mass – P2O5 – 141.94.
Description – White, amorphous, very deliquescent powder.
Physical characteristics – Melting temperature: 340 °C. Sublimation temperature: 360 °C.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Storage – Protect from humidity.
Safety – Irritant. Corrosive to skin, mucous membrane and eyes.

Vanadium pentoxide
CAS – [1314-62-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – V2O5 – 181.88.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.5% (w/w).
Description – Yellow to orange-yellow fine powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: 690 °C.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in water and soluble in strong mineral acids and alkali hydroxide
solutions with formation of salts.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Purified pepsin
Specification – Derived from porcine gastric mucosa, with activity of 800 to 2500 units/mg of protein.
Description – White or yellow, amorphous or crystalline powder. Hygroscopic.
Solubility – Soluble in water, practically insoluble in ethyl alcohol. The solution in water may turn
slightly opalescent with a small amount of acid.
Conservation – In closed container.
Storage – Protected from light and at temperature between 2 °C and 8 °C.
Labeling – It must express the pepsin activity.

Specification – Mixture of products of polypeptide nature coming from animal proteins (meat,
casein). The origin determines the physical characteristics, composition and production process.
Description – Light yellow to brown powder. Characteristic odor and flavors. Minimum content in
nitrogen: 12.0% (w/w) of casein and 14.2% (w/w) of meat.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from humidity.
Labeling – It must express the origin and content in nitrogen.

Sodium perchlorate
CAS – [7791-07-3].
Synonym – Perchloric acid monohydrate sodium salt.
Molecular formula and molar mass – NaClO4.H2O – 140.45.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w).
Description – Colorless, deliquescent crystals.
Solubility – Very soluble in water, soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Potassium periodate
CAS – [7790-21-8].
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Synonym – Potassium metaperiodate.

Molecular formula and molar mass – KIO4 – 229.99.
Description – White crystalline powder or colorless crystals.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: 582 °C.
Safety – Highly irritant to skin, eyes and mucous membranes.

Ferric potassium periodate RS

Preparation – Dissolve 1 g of potassium periodate in 5 mL of freshly prepared 12% (w/v) potassium
hydroxide solution. Add 20 ml of water and 1.5 mL of ferric chloride RS. Complete the volume to
50 mL with freshly prepared 12% (w/v) potassium hydroxide solution.

Sodium periodate
CAS – [7790-28-5].
Synonym – Sodium metaperiodate.
Molecular formula and molar mass – NaIO4 – 213.89.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w) of sodium periodate.
Description – White tetragonal crystals.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 300 °C, with decomposition.
Solubility – Soluble in water, acetic acid, nitric acid and sulfuric acid.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – In ventilated places.
Safety – Strong oxidizing agent.

Potassium permanganate
CAS – [7722-64-7].
Molecular formula and molar mass – KMnO4 – 158.03.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w) in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – Dark violet crystals, with metallic luster, odorless, of sweet astringent flavor.
Solubility – Soluble in cold water and freely soluble in water in ebullition.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.
Safety – The substance and its solutions present risk of explosion when in contact with oxidizable
Category – Energetic oxidizing agent.

Potassium permanganate RS (approximately 0.2 M)

Specification – Contains 3% (w/v) of potassium permanganate in water.
Stability – Prepare immediately before use.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.
Safety – Irritant. Caustic.

Carbamide peroxide
CAS – [124-43-6].
Synonym – Urea hydrogen peroxide.
Molecular formula and molar mass – CH6N2O3 – 94.07.
Description – White crystals or crystalline powder. Decomposes at contact with air in urea, oxygen
and water.
Solubility – Soluble in water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers. Category – Oxidizing agent.

Concentrated hydrogen peroxide

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

CAS – [7722-84-1].
Synonym – Perhydrol.
Molecular formula and molar mass – H2O2 – 34.01.
Specification – Contains no less than 29.0% (w/w) of hydrogen peroxide. Corresponds to,
approximately, 100 parts in volume. May contain stabilizer.
Description – Clear, irritant liquid, with faint odor.
Physical characteristic – Density: 1.11.
Conservation – In partially full containers that have a relief closing system.
Storage – Protect from light and from heat.
Safety – Strong oxidizing agent.

Hydrogen peroxide, 30 volumes, RS

Molecular formula and molar mass – H2O2 – 34.01.
Specification – Contains no less than 9.7% (w/v) and no more than 10.7% (w/v) hydrogen peroxide,
corresponding to approximately 30 parts in volume. May contain stabilizer.
Description – Dilute the concentrated hydrogen peroxide.
Conservation – In closed containers.
Stability – Avoid long storage periods.
Storage – Protect from light and from heat.

3% (w/v) hydrogen peroxide

Molecular formula and molar mass – H2O2 – 34.01.
Specification – Contains no less than 2.5% (w/v) and no more than 3.5% (w/v) hydrogen peroxide,
corresponding to approximately 10 parts in volume. May contain stabilizer.
Description – Clear, colorless liquid.
Conservation – In closed containers. Avoid long storage periods.
Storage – Protect from light and from heat.

Methanolic hydrogen peroxide

Preparation – On the day of use, dilute 2 mL of concentrated hydrogen peroxide to 100 mL with
methyl alcohol and store in a refrigerator. Immediately before use, dilute 2 mL of this solution to 100
mL with methyl alcohol.

Sodium peroxide
CAS – [1313-60-6].
Molecular formula and molar mass – Na2O2 – 77.98.
Description – Yellow-white granular powder.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water, forming sodium hydroxide and hydrogen peroxide, which
decomposes into oxygen gas and water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers, protected from organic and oxidizable substances.

Ammonium persulfate
CAS – [7727-54-0].
Synonym –Ammonium peroxydisulfate.
Molecular formula and molar mass – H8N2O8S2 – 228.19.
Specification – Contains no less than 95.0% (w/w).
Description – White crystals or granulated powder. Odorless. Stable for months when pure and dry;
decomposes in presence of humidity.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Storage – Protect from humidity, heat and organic material.
Additional information – Strongly oxidizing agent.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Potassium persulfate
CAS – [7727-21-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – K2S2O8 – 270.32.
Description – Colorless crystals or white or nearly white crystalline powder.
Solubility – Moderately soluble in water, practically insoluble in ethyl alcohol. In aqueous solution,
decomposes at room temperature, and the increase in temperature leads to higher decomposition
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – In a ventilated place.

Sodium persulfate
CAS – [7775-27-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – Na2O8S2 – 238.09.
Description – White crystalline powder. Slowly decomposes with humidity and by heat.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Storage – Protect from humidity and heat. Safety – Irritant.

Alkaline sodium picrate RS

Preparation – Mix 20 mL of 1% (w/v) picric acid with 10 mL of 5% (w/v) sodium hydroxide and
complete the volume to 100 mL with water.
Stability – Use within two days.

CAS – [110-85-0].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C4H10N2 – 86.14.
Description – White or nearly white lumps or flakes. Ammoniacal odor.
Solubility – Soluble in water and in ethyl alcohol, insoluble in ethyl ether.

CAS – [110-86-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C5H5N – 79.10.
Description – Colorless liquid, with characteristic and unpleasant odor.
Physical characteristics – Boiling range: 115 °C to 116 °C.
Density (25 °C): approximately 0.980. Refractive index (20 °C): 1.5092.
Miscibility – Miscible with water and ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from humidity.
Safety – Flammable. Toxic.

Pyridine anhydrous
Specification – Contains no more than 0.01% (w/w) water.
Preparation – Dry the pyridine with anhydrous sodium carbonate. Filter and distill.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from humidity.
Safety – Flammable. Toxic.

Potassium pyroantimonate RS
Preparation – Dissolve 2 g of potassium pyroantimonate in 85 mL of hot water. Cool it down quickly
and add 50 mL of the potassium hydroxide solution 5% (w/v) potassium hydroxide solution and 1
mL of the 8.5% (w/v) sodium hydroxide solution. Allow to stand for 24 hours, filter and dilute with
water to 150 mL.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Sodium pyrophosphate
CAS – [13472-36-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – Na4P2O7.10H2O – 446.05.
Description – Colorless, slightly efflorescent crystals.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: 79.5 °C.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

CAS – [87-66-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H6O3 – 126.11.
Description – White or nearly white crystals. Becomes brown by exposure to air and light.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 131 °C.
Solubility – Very soluble in water and in ethyl alcohol. Aqueous solutions become brown by exposure
to air.
Conservation – In closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

CAS – [9003-05-8].
Synonym – Acrylamide polymer.
Molecular formula and molar mass – (C3H5NO)n; monomer – 71.08.
Specification – Polymer in several forms, soluble and insoluble in water, obtained by heating with
several polymerization catalysts.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Highly toxic and irritant. Causes paralysis of the central nervous system. It may be absorbed
by intact skin.

CAS – [26873-85-8]
Molecular formula – (C12H22O11.C3H5ClO)n
Description – White or nearly white powder.

Polysucrose and meglumine sodium diatrizoate

Preparation – Dilute 36 mL of polysucrose (9% aqueous solution) in 100 mL of distilled water, add
10 mL of meglumine sodium diatrizoate (50% aqueous solution). Check the density (1.077 g/cm3)
and sterilize by moist heat at 121 °C for 15 minutes.

Polysorbate 20
Refer to the Polysorbate 20 monograph.

Polysorbate 80
Specification – Mixture of sorbitol oleates and their copolymerized anhydrides with, approximately,
20 M ethylene oxide for every mol of sorbitol and anhydride.
Description – Yellow or dark yellow clear liquid. Oily. Faint characteristic odor.
Physical characteristics – Density: approximately 1.08. Viscosity: approximately 400 cP.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Category – Surfactant.

Potassium RSA – 600 μg/mL

Specification – Contains 1.144 g of potassium chloride in 1000 mL of aqueous solution.
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Conservation – In tightly closed, inert containers (like polyethylene).

CAS – [50-24-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C21H28O5 – 360.45.
Specification – Contains no less than 97.0% (w/w) in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – White or nearly white crystalline powder. Hygroscopic. Presented in anhydrous form
or containing one or half a molecule of hydration water.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: 240 °C to 241 °C, with decomposition.
Solubility – Very slightly soluble in water, soluble in ethyl alcohol and in methyl alcohol, moderately
soluble in acetone, and slightly soluble in methylene chloride.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Therapeutic class – Corticoid.

CAS – [53-03-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C21H26O5 – 358.43.
Specification – Contains no less than 97.0% (w/w) in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – White or nearly white crystalline powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 233 °C, with decomposition.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water and slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol and in methylene
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Therapeutic class – Corticoid.

Brilliant black BN
CAS – [2519-30-4].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C28H17N5Na4O14S4 – 867.69.
Description – Fine crystals, violet blue or grey-black powder. Redox indicator. Oxidized form: violet
blue. Reduced form: brown-yellow.
Physical characteristic – Specific absorptivity A (1%, 1 cm) is higher than 0.390 at 570 nm.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Propylene glycol
CAS – [57-55-6].
Synonym – 1,2-Propanediol.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C3H8O2– 76.10.
Description – Colorless, viscous, hygroscopic liquid.
Physical characteristics – Density (25 °C): 1.035 to 1.037. Boiling range: 187 °C to 189 °C.
Miscibility – Miscible with water and ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from humidity.

CAS – [94-13-3].
Synonym – 4-hydroxybenzoic acid propyl ester.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C10H12O3 – 180.20.
Description – White crystals.
Solubility – Very slightly soluble in water, freely soluble in ethyl alcohol and in ethyl ether.
Category – Preservative.

Phthalein purple
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CAS – [2411-89-4].
Synonym – Metal phthalein.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C32H32N2O12 – 636.61.
Description – Light yellow to brown powder. It may be found in the form of sodium salt: light yellow
to pink powder.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol. In the form of sodium salt, it
is soluble in water and practically insoluble in ethyl alcohol.
Sensitivity assay – Dissolve 10 mg of phthalein purple in 1 mL of concentrated ammonia solution and
dilute to 100 mL with water. Add to 5 mL of the solution 95 mL of water, 4 mL of concentrated
ammonia solution, 50 mL of ethyl alcohol and 0.1 mL 0.1 M barium chloride VS. The solution
presents a violet blue color. Add 0.15 mL of 0.1 M disodium edetate VS. The solution must become

Quinalizarin (CI 58500)

CAS – [81-61-8].
Synonym – Mordant violet 26.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C14H8O6 – 272.21.
Description – Dark red powder.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

CAS – [56-54-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C20H24N2O2 – 324.42.
Description – White or nearly white crystals.
Physical characteristics – Specific rotation power (20 °C): approximately +260°, determined on a
1% (w/v) quinidine solution in ethyl alcohol. Melting temperature: approximately 172 °C.
Solubility – Very slightly soluble in water, moderately soluble in ethyl alcohol and slightly soluble in
methyl alcohol.
Conservation – In closed containers.
Storage – Protect from exposure to light

CAS – [106-34-3].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C12H10O4 – 218.21.
Description – Lustrous crystals or dark green crystalline powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: 170 °C, may sublimate and decompose partially.
Solubility –Moderately soluble in cold water, soluble in hot water, ammonia and ethyl ether.
Conservation – In closed containers.

CAS – [130-95-0].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C20H24N2O2 – 324.42.
Description – White or nearly white micro-crystalline powder.
Physical characteristics – Specific rotation power (20 °C): approximately -167°, determined on a 1%
(w/v) quinine solution in ethyl alcohol. Melting temperature: approximately 175 °C. Solubility – Very
slightly soluble in water, slightly soluble in water in ebullition and very soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

CAS – [155-58-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C21H24O9 – 420.41.
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Description – Yellow-gray crystalline powder.

Solubility – Soluble in ethyl alcohol and in methyl alcohol.

Aluminon reagent
Solution A – Dissolve 250 g of ammonium acetate in 500 mL of purified water. Add 40 mL of glacial
acetic acid; 0.5 g of aluminon dissolved in 50 mL of purified water; 1 g of benzoic acid dissolved in
150 mL of isopropyl alcohol; and 225 mL of isopropyl alcohol. Complete the volume to 1000 mL
with purified water.
Solution B – Dissolve 5 g of gelatin in 125 mL of hot purified water and mix with 250 mL of cold
purified water. Filter and complete the volume to 500 mL with purified water.
Preparation – Mix by stirring the Solutions A and B. The mixture must be completely clear when
cold. Store in a polyethylene container, protected from light.

Coloring reagent
Preparation – Mix 50 mL of glacial acetic acid and 50 mL of sulfuric acid. Allow to stand for two
hours before use. Store in a refrigerator for no more than 24 hours.

Modified Ehrlich’s reagent

Preparation – Dissolve 0.1 g of p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde in 1 mL of hydrochloric acid and
dilute with ethyl alcohol to 100 mL.

Folin-Denis reagent
Preparation – Add to 75 mL of water 10 g of sodium tungstate, 2 g of phosphomolybdic acid and
5 mL of phosphoric acid. Keep the mixture in reflux for two hours, cool down and complete the
volume to 100 mL with water. The solution presents a green color.

Hantzsch reagent
Preparation – Dissolve 150 g of ammonium acetate in 500 mL of distilled water with 3 mL of acetic
acid and 2 mL of acetylacetone. Complete the volume to 1000 mL.
Conservation – In a closed amber glass container.

Jones reagent
Preparation – Add to 40 mL of water 5.3 g of chromium trioxide and 24 mL of a mixture of water
and sulfuric acid (1:1).

Marquis reagent
Preparation – Mix 4 mL of formaldehyde solution with 100 mL of sulfuric acid.

Xanthydrol reagent
Preparation – Dissolve 0.125 g of xanthydrol in 100 mL of glacial acetic acid. Add 1 mL of
hydrochloric acid before use.

Phosphomolybdotungstic reagent
Preparation – Dissolve 100 g of sodium tungstate and 25 g of sodium molybdate in 700 mL of water.
Add 100 mL of hydrochloric acid and 50 mL of phosphoric acid. Heat the mixture under reflux in
glass apparatuses, for 10 hours. Add 150 g of lithium sulfate, 50 mL of water and a few drops of
bromine. Boil to remove the excess bromine (for approximately 15 minutes), let it cool down and
dilute to 1000 mL with water. Filter. The reagent presents a yellow color. If the solution presents a
green color, it must not be used, and must be regenerated with the addition of a few drops of bromine
to the reagent in ebullition. Then, boil the reagent to eliminate the excess bromine.
Storage – Keep at temperature between 2 °C and 8 °C.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Iodoplatinate reagent
Preparation – Mix equal volumes of 0.3% (w/v) chloroplatinic acid and 6% (w/v) potassium iodide.

Methoxyphenylacetic reagent
Preparation – Dissolve 2.7 g of methoxyphenylacetic acid in 6 mL of tetramethylammonium
hydroxide solution and add 20 mL of absolute ethyl alcohol.
Storage – In a polyethylene container.

Sulfomolybdic reagent
Preparation – Dissolve, by heating, 2.5 g of ammonium molybdate in 20 mL of water. Dilute 28 mL
of sulfuric acid in 50 mL of water and cool down. Mix the two solutions and complete the volume to
100 mL with water.

Ammonium reineckate
CAS – [13573-16-5].
Synonym – Ammonium tetrathiocyanatodiamminechromate.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C4H10CrN7S4.H2O – 354.45.
Description – Dark red crystals or crystalline red powder.
Solubility – Moderately soluble in chilled water, soluble in hot water and ethyl alcohol. Slowly
decomposes in solution.

Ammonium reineckate RS
Preparation – Constantly shake approximately 0.5 g of ammonium reineckate in 20 mL of water for
one hour and filter.
Stability – Use within two days.

CAS – [550-82-3].
Synonym – Diazoresorcinal.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C12H7NO4 – 229.19.
Description – Crystals or dark red crystalline powder.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

CAS – [108-46-3].
Synonym – Resorcine.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H6O2 – 110.11.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w).
Description – Crystals, or colorless or pale yellow crystalline powder. When exposed to light and air,
acquires a pink color.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: 109 °C to 111 °C.
Solubility – Soluble in water and ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light and from air.

CAS – [1404-55-3].
Synonym – Ristocetin A.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C94H108N8O44 – 2053.91.
Description – White solid. Also found as ristocetin sulfate.

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Rhodamine B
CAS – [81-88-9].
Synonyms – Tetraethylrhodamine, Basic violet 10.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C28H31ClN2O3 – 479.02.
Description – Green crystals or red powder.
Solubility – Very soluble in water and in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from exposure to light and from heat.
Safety – Irritant.

CAS – [153-18-4].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C27H30O16 – 610.52.
Description – Pale yellow needle-shaped crystals. Turns dark at presence of light.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 210 °C, with decomposition.
Solubility – Very slightly soluble in water and soluble in pyridine.
Conservation – In closed containers.
Storage – Protect from exposure to light.

CAS – [57-50-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C12H22O11 – 342.30.
Specification – It is obtained from Saccharum officinarum Linné (Gramineae family), Beta vulgares
Linné (Chenopodiaceae family) and other sources.
Description – White or colorless crystals; crystalline powder or crystalline mass or white blocks.
Odorless. Sweet flavor. Stable on air. Finely divided, it is hygroscopic and absorbs up to 1% of
humidity. Contains no additives.
Physical characteristic – Decomposition: between 160 °C and 186 °C.
Solubility – Very soluble in water, slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol and practically insoluble in
absolute ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

0.1% (w/v) sucrose in pyridine

Specification – Contains 0.1 g of sucrose in 100 mL of solution with pyridine.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Toxic.

Safranine O
CAS – [477-73-6].
Description – Dark red powder. It consists of a mixture of 3,7-diamino-2,8-dimethyl-5-
phenylphenazinium (C20H19ClN4 – 350.85) chloride and 3,7-diamino-2,8-dimethyl-5,o-
tolylphenazinium (C21H21ClN4 – 364.88) chloride. Redox indicator. Oxidized form: acid medium,
violet blue color; alkaline medium, brown color. Reduced form: colorless both in acidic and in
alkaline medium.
Physical characteristic – In the ultraviolet absorption spectrum (5.2.14), there is a maximum between
530 nm and 533 nm.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Sodium salicylate
CAS – [54-21-7].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C7H5NaO3 – 160.10.
Description – Small colorless crystals; or white crystalline powder; or bright flakes.
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Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: 440 °C.

Solubility – Freely soluble in water and moderately soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

CAS – [481-06-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C15H18O3 – 246.31.
Description – Colorless crystals. If exposed to light, may acquire a yellow color.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: 174 °C to 176 °C.
Solubility – Very slightly soluble in water, freely soluble in hot ethyl alcohol and moderately soluble
in ethyl alcohol.

CAS – [8047-15-2].
Description – Light yellow powder.
Solubility – Soluble in water and, under agitation, forms foam.
Conservation – In closed containers.

Silica, desiccated
CAS – [7631-86-9].
Molecular formula and molar mass – SiO2 – 60.08.
Specification – Colloidal, polymerized, previously dehydrated silicic acid; contains cobalt chloride
as indicator.
Description – Vitreous, amorphous granules, of variable granulometry, with granules impregnated
with adsorption capacity indicator of blue to pink color.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Storage – Protect from humidity.
Category – Desiccant.

Silica-gel “G”
CAS – [112926-00-8].
Synonym – Silica gel “G”.
Specification – Contains, approximately, 13.0% (w/w) calcium sulfate hemihydrate.
Description – White fine powder with variable granulometry between 10 μm and 40 μm,
Physical characteristic – The pH (5.2.19) of the 10% (w/v) suspension in carbon dioxide-free water,
obtained by stirring during 15 minutes is of, approximately, 7.0.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Category – Support to chromatography.

Silica-gel “GF254”
Synonym – Silica gel “GF254”.
Specification – Contains, approximately, 13.0% (w/w) of calcium sulfate hemihydrate and
approximately 1.5% (w/w) of maximum fluorescence intensity indicator at 254 nm.
Description – White fine powder with variable granulometry between 10 μm and 40 μm,
Physical characteristic – As described for silica-gel “G”.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Category – Support to chromatography.

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Silica-gel “H”
Synonym – Silica gel “H”.
Description – White fine powder, with variable granulometry between 10 μm and 40 μm,
Physical characteristic – As described for silica-gel “G”.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Category – Support to chromatography.

Silica-gel “HF254”
Synonym – Silica gel “HF254”.
Specification – Contains, approximately, 1.5% (w/v) of maximum fluorescence intensity indicator at
254 nm.
Description – White fine powder with variable granulometry between 10 μm and 40 μm,
Physical characteristic – As described for silica-gel “G”.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Category – Support to chromatography.

Kieselguhr silica
Description – White or light yellow powder.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water, diluted acid solutions and organic solvents.

Kieselguhr silica “G”

Specification – Kieselghur silica treated with hydrochloric acid and calcinated, where approximately
15% (w/w) calcium sulfate hemihydrate is added.
Description – Grey-white fine powder. With average particle size from 10 μm to 40 μm.

Sodium RSA – 200 μg/mL

Specification – Contains 0.5084 g of sodium chloride in 1000 mL of aqueous solution.
Conservation – In tightly closed, inert containers (like polyethylene).

Tin chloride and ninhydrin solution

Preparation – Dissolve 0.2 g of ninhydrin in 4 mL of hot water. Add 5 mL of 0.16% (w/v) tin chloride
and allow to stand for 30 minutes. Filter and store in refrigerator. At the moment of use, dilute 2.5 mL
with 5 mL of water and 45 mL of isopropyl alcohol.

Jeffrey’s solution
Preparation – Mix equal parts of 10% (w/v) nitric acid and 10% (w/v) chromic acid.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Karl-Fischer solution
Synonym – Sulfur iodine reagent.
Specification – Comprised of two solutions.
Solution 1: add to a water-free mixture of 70 mL of methyl alcohol with 35 mL of pyridine, under
refrigeration and with absence of humidity, dry sulfur dioxide until obtaining a weight increase of 9
g. Homogenize.
Solution 2: contains 12.6 g of iodine in 100 mL of solution with methyl alcohol.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Stability – Decomposes continuously.
Storage – Protect from humidity and from light. Keep under refrigeration.
Safety – Toxic. Flammable.
Additional information – For determination of water content.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Chromic acid cleaning solution

Preparation – Add to 100 mL of sulfuric acid, gradually and with constant stirring, 3 g of potassium
dichromate. Shake until salt dissolution, let it cool down to 40 °C and store in a glass container.

Calcium standard solution, ethanolic (100 ppm Ca)

Preparation – Dissolve 2.5 g of calcium carbonate, desiccated in advance, in 12 mL of 5 M acetic
acid and dilute with water to 1000 mL. Dilute 1 volume of this solution in 10 volumes of ethyl alcohol,
immediately before use.

Acetaldehyde standard solution (100 ppm C2H4O)

Preparation – Dissolve 1 g of acetaldehyde in isopropyl alcohol and complete the volume to 100 mL
with the same solvent.
Dilute 1 volume of this solution in 100 volumes of isopropyl alcohol, immediately before use.
Stability – Extemporaneous preparation.

Ammonium standard solution (1 ppm NH4)

Preparation – Dissolve 0.4444 g of ammonium nitrate in 1000 mL of distilled water, corresponding
to 100 mg/mL of ammonium.
Dilute 1 volume of this solution in 100 volumes of distilled water, immediately before use.

Barium standard solution (10 ppm Ba)

Specification – Contains 1.779 g of BaCl2.2H2O in 1000 mL of aqueous solution. Dilute 1 volume of
this solution in 100 volumes of water, immediately before use.
Conservation – In tightly closed and inert containers (like polyethylene).

Barium standard solution (0.1% Ba)

Preparation: Dissolve 0.178 g of barium chloride dihydrate in water and complete the volume to
100 mL with the same solvent.

Cadmium standard solution (0.1% Cd)

Preparation – Dissolve an amount of cadmium nitrate with 0.1 g of cadmium in minimum amount of
mixture of water with hydrochloric acid (1:1) and dilute to 100 mL with 1% (v/v) hydrochloric acid.

Cadmium standard solution (5 ppm Cd)

Specification – Contains 0.229 g of cadmium sulfate in 100 mL of aqueous solution; corresponds to
1000 μg/mL of cadmium.
Dilute 1 volume of this solution in 200 volumes of water, immediately before use.
Conservation – In tightly closed and inert containers (like polyethylene).

Calcium standard solution (10 ppm Ca)

Preparation – Dissolve 0.624 g of calcium carbonate, desiccated in advance, in distilled water with
3 mL of 5 M acetic acid. Dilute to 250 mL with water. Dilute 1 volume of this solution in 100 volumes
of distilled water, immediately before use.

Lead standard solution (0.1% Pb)

Preparation – Dissolve 0.4 g of lead(II) nitrate in water and dilute to 250 mL with the same solvent.

Copper standard solution (10 ppm Cu)

Preparation – Dissolve 392.9 mg of cupric sulfate pentahydrate in 100 mL of water. Dilute 1 mL of
this solution with water to 100 mL immediately before use.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Chloride standard solution (8 ppm Cl)

Specification – Contains 1.318 g of sodium chloride in 1000 mL of aqueous solution. Dilute 1 volume
of this solution in 100 volumes of water, immediately before use.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Chloride standard solution (5 ppm Cl)

Specification – Contains 0.824 g of sodium chloride in 1000 mL of aqueous solution. Dilute 1 volume
of this solution in 100 volumes of water, immediately before use.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Dithizone standard solution

Preparation – Dissolve 10 mg of dithizone in chloroform and complete the volume to 1000 mL with
Conservation – Store in a lead-free container, with glass lid and adequately packaged to protect from
Storage – In refrigerator.

Tin standard solution (5 ppm Sn)

Specification – Contains 1.225 g of tin acetate hemihydrate in 25 mL of hydrochloric acid in water at
1000 mL. Dilute 1 volume of this solution in 100 volumes of 2.5% (w/v) hydrochloric acid,
immediately before use.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Magnesium standard solution (10 ppm Mg)

Preparation – Dissolve 1.010 g of magnesium sulfate heptahydrate in water and complete the volume
to 100 mL with the same solvent. Dilute 10 mL of the solution to 1000 mL with water.

Nitrate standard solution (100 ppm NO3)

Preparation – Dissolve 163.1 g of potassium nitrate in 100 mL of water. Dilute 10 mL of this solution
with water to 100 mL immediately before use.

Nitrate standard solution (2 ppm NO3)

Preparation – Dissolve 1.2903 g of ammonium nitrate in 1000 mL of water. Corresponds to
1000 mg/mL of nitrate. Dilute 1 volume of this solution in 500 volumes of water, immediately before

Silver standard solution (5 ppm Ag)

Preparation – Dissolve 79 g of silver nitrate in 100 mL of water. Dilute 1 mL of this solution with
water to 100 mL immediately before use.

Selenium standard solution (100 ppm Se)

Preparation – Dissolve 0.1 g of selenium in nitric acid, evaporate until dry, dissolve the residue in
2 mL of water and evaporate until dry. Repeat the procedure three times. Dissolve the residue with 2
M hydrochloric acid and complete the volume to 1000 mL with the same solvent.

Sodium standard solution (200 ppm Na)

Preparation – Dissolve 0.509 g of sodium chloride in 100 mL of water. Dilute 1 volume of this
solution in 10 volumes of water, immediately before use.

Sulfate standard solution (10 ppm SO4)

Preparation – Dissolve 0.182 g of potassium sulfate in 100 mL of water. Dilute 1 mL of this solution
in 100 mL of water immediately before use.
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Zinc standard solution (100 ppm Zn)

Preparation – Dissolve 0.440 g of zinc sulfate in water with 1 mL of 5 M acetic acid and dilute to
100 mL with water. Immediately before use, dilute 1 volume to 10 volumes with water.

Zinc standard solution (10 ppm Zn)

Preparation – Dilute 1 volume of the zinc standard solution (100 ppm Zn) to 10 volumes with water
immediately before use.

Brown standard solution

Preparation – Make a solution comprised of 30 mL of Ferric chloride base solution (5.2.12), 30 mL
of Cobalt(II) chloride base solution (5.2.12), 24 mL of Cupric sulfate base solution (5.2.12) and
16 mL of 1% (w/v) hydrochloric acid.

Reducer solution
Preparation – Dissolve 5 g of sodium tetrahydroborate in 500 mL of 1% (w/v) sodium hydroxide.

Bismuth subnitrate
CAS – [1304-85-4].
Synonym – Bismuth oxynitrate.
Molecular formula and molar mass – Bi5O(OH)9(NO3)4 – 1461.98.
Specification – It is a basic salt that contains, at minimum, the equivalent to 79.0% of bismuth trioxide
(Bi2O3) (w/w).
Description – White, dense, hygroscopic, odorless and insipid powder. Presents alkaline reaction with
litmus paper.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.
Therapeutic class – Antacid.

Platelet substitute
Preparo – Add to an amount between 0.5 g and 1 g of phospholipids 20 mL of acetone and frequently
shake the mixture for two hours. Centrifuge for two minutes and eliminate the supernatant liquid. Dry
the residue with the help of a water suction pump, add 20 mL of chloroform and shake for two hours.
Filter under reduced pressure and suspend the residue obtained in 5 mL to 10 mL of 0.9% (w/v)
sodium chloride solution.
Determination of Factor IX activity – Prepare a dilution in 0.9% (w/v) sodium chloride solution, in
such a way that the difference between the coagulation times from successive dilutions of the
reference preparation is approximately 10 seconds.
Conservation – Diluted suspensions can be used for six weeks after the preparation, if preserved at -
30 °C.

Plasma substrate
Preparation – Separate the plasma from human or bovine blood collected at 1/9 of its volume from
3.8% (w/v) sodium citrate solution, or at 2/7 of its volume from a solution with 2% (w/v) sodium acid
citrate and 2.5% (w/v) glucose. On the first case, the substrate is prepared on the day blood is
collected; on the latter case, plasma substrate can be prepared within two days after the collection.
Conservation – In plastic tubes, in small amounts, at a temperature of no more than
-20 °C.

Plasma substrate 1

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Preparation – Use hydrophobic equipment made of appropriate plastic material or silicone glass for
collecting and handling blood. From an adequate number (no less than five) of sheep, alive or during
the slaughter, collect an appropriate volume of blood from each animal (a volume of 285 mL of blood
collected over 15 mL of anticoagulant solution is considered appropriate) The collection is made
through a needle adapted to a cannula with sufficient length to reach the bottom of the collecting
container. Reject the first milliliters and collect only blood that flows freely. Mix the blood with a
sufficient amount of anticoagulant solution with 8.7 g of sodium citrate and 4 mg of aprotinin in
100 mL of water, to obtain a final ratio of 19 volumes of blood to 1 volume of anticoagulant solution.
During and immediately after the collection, make a rotation movement with the container to mix
without forming foam. As soon as the collection is finished, close the flask and let it cool down to
10 °C – 15 °C. After cooling, gather the content from all flasks, except from the ones that present
evident signs of hemolysis or coagulation, and keep the blood collected at 10 °C to 15 °C. As soon as
possible and within four hours after the collection, centrifuge the blood collected at 1000 g – 2000 g
at 10 °C to 15 °C, for 30 minutes. Separate the supernatant liquid and centrifuge it at 5000 g, for 30
minutes. If necessary, perform a faster centrifugation, at 20,000 g, for example, for 30 minutes, to
clarify the plasma (do not use filtration processes). Separate the supernatant liquids and immediately
mix, carefully, and distribute the plasma substrate to small containers, which must be closed at the
end of the procedure, in sufficient amounts that allow complete heparin titration (for example, 10 mL
to 30 mL). Immediately freeze, quickly, at a temperature below -70 °C (for example, immersing the
containers in liquid nitrogen) and keep at a temperature below -30 °C. The plasma prepared in these
conditions can be used as plasma substrate in heparin titration if a coagulation time that is appropriate
to the detection method used is obtained in the titration conditions and if reproducible dose-response
/ log curves with major slope are obtained. At the moment of use, thaw a certain amount of plasma
substrate in water bath at 37 °C, slowly mixing until complete liquefaction. Once liquefied, the
plasma must be maintained at 10 °C to 20 °C and used immediately. The thawed plasma substrate
can be slightly centrifuged, if necessary (do not use filtration processes).

Plasma substrate 2
Preparation – Prepare from human blood that has Factor IX content below 1% of the normal content.
Collect blood at 1/9 of its volume from a 3.8% (w/v) sodium citrate solution. Conservation – In plastic
tubes, in small amounts, at a temperature of no more than
-30 °C.

Factor V deficient plasma substrate

Specification – Use preferably a congenitally deficient plasma or plasma prepared as described next:
separate plasma from human blood that has been collected at 1:10 of its volume from a 1.34% (w/v)
sodium oxalate solution. Incubate at 37 °C for 24 to 36 hours. Plasma presents a coagulation time
between 70 and 100 seconds. If the coagulation time is inferior to 70 seconds, incubate the plasma
again for 12 to 24 hours.
Conservation: in small amounts, at a temperature of no more than-20 °C.

Sudan III
CAS – [85-86-9].
Molecular formula and molar mass– C22H16N4O – 352.40.
Description – Brown-red powder.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Sudan III RS
Preparation – Dissolve 0.5 g of Sudan III in 100 mL of 80% (v/v) ethyl alcohol, heated at 60 °C, cool
down and filter.

Sudan IV
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

CAS – [85-83-6].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C24H20N4O – 380.45.
Description – Brown or red-brown powder.
Physical characteristics – Melting range: 181 °C to 188 °C. Decomposes completely at 260 °C.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water, soluble in paraffin and phenol, slightly soluble in acetone
and in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Sudan IV RS
Preparation – Dissolve 2 g of Sudan IV in 100 mL of 92% (v/v) ethyl alcohol, heated at 60 °C, cool
down and add 5 mL of glycerin.

Ammonium sulfamate
CAS – [7773-06-0].
Molecular formula and molar mass – NH4SO3NH2 – 114.13.
Description – White crystalline powder or colorless crystals.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 131 °C.
Solubility – Very soluble in water and slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In perfectly closed containers.

CAS – [63-74-1].
Synonym – 4-Aminobenzenesulfonamide.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H8N2O2S – 172.20.
Description – Crystals or fine white or yellow-white powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 165 °C.
Solubility – Soluble in glycerol and practically insoluble in chloroform and in ethyl ether.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Therapeutic class – Antibacterial.

Ceric sulfate
CAS – [13590-82-4].
Synonym – Cerium disulfate.
Molecular formula and molar mass – Ce(SO4)2 – 332.23.
Description – Orange-yellow crystal or powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 350 °C.
Conservation – Protect from light, heat and humidity.
Safety – Toxic and oxidizing agent.

Ceric ammonium sulfate

CAS – [10378-47-9].
Molecular formula and molar mass – (NH4)4Ce(SO4)4.2H2O – 632.53.
Description – Orange-yellow crystals.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 130 °C.
Solubility – Soluble in water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Category – Standard for de-redox titration.

Cupric sulfate, pentahydrate

CAS – [7758-99-8].
Synonym – Copper sulfate pentahydrate.
Molecular formula and molar mass – CuSO4.5H2O – 249.68.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Specification – Contains no less than 98.5% (w/w) in relation to the substance desiccated at 250 °C.
Description – Blue crystals, powder or granules. Slowly effloresces in contact with air.
Physical characteristic – Heated at 250 °C until constant weight, loses 33.0% to 36.5% of its weight.
Solubility – Very soluble in water and slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from air.
Safety – Irritant.

Cupric sulfate RS
Specification – Contains 12.5 g of cupric sulfate pentahydrate in 100 mL of aqueous solution.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Cupric ammonium sulfate RS

Synonym – Copper ammonium sulfate RS and Schweizer’s reagent.
Preparation – Dissolve 10 g of cupric sulfate in 100 mL of water, add a sufficient amount of sodium
hydroxide solution (1:5) to precipitate copper hydroxide. Filter and collect the precipitate. Wash with
cold water. Dissolve the precipitate, which must be kept moist during the process, in the smallest
amount of ammonia RS necessary to form the solution.

Potassium aluminum sulfate dodecahydrate

CAS – [7784-24-9].
Synonym – Potassium alum.
Molecular formula and molar mass – AlK(SO4)2.12H2O – 474.38.
Description – Colorless, clear granular powder or mass.
Solubility – Very soluble in water in ebullition, soluble in glycerin, practically insoluble in ethyl
Conservation – In tightly closed containers

Ammonium sulfate
CAS – [7783-20-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – (NH4)2SO4 – 132.13.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w).
Description – Colorless, odorless crystals.
Physical characteristic – Decomposes at temperatures above 280 °C.
Solubility – Very soluble in water, practically insoluble in acetone and in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Barium sulfate
CAS – [7727-43-7].
Molecular formula and molar mass – BaSO4 – 233.39.
Specification – Contains no less than 97.5% (w/w).
Description – White, fine, dense powder. Odorless and insipid.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water, in organic solvents and in acids and alkali hydroxide
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Therapeutic class – Radiology contrast for gastrointestinal tract.

Cadmium sulfate
CAS – [7790-84-3].
Molecular formula and molar mass – 3CdSO4.8H2O – 769.52.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w).
Description – Colorless, odorless crystalline powder.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Calcium sulfate hemihydrate

CAS – [10034-76-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – CaSO4.1/2H2O – 145.14.
Specification – Contains no less than 98.0% (w/w) in relation to the desiccated substance. Contains
approximately 7.0% of water.
Description – White fine powder.
Solubility – Very slightly soluble in water, practically insoluble in ethyl alcohol. When mixed with
half its mass in water, it is quickly solidified into a porous hard mass.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Calcium sulfate RS
Preparation – Shake 5 g of calcium sulfate hemihydrate with 100 mL of water, for one hour. Filter
before use.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

N,N-dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine sulfate
CAS – [536-47-0].
Synonym – N,N-dimethyl-1,4-benzenediamine sulfate.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C8H12N2.H2SO4 – 234.28.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: 200 °C to 205 °C, with decomposition.
Storage – Protect from light.
Safety – Toxic.

Dimethyl sulfate
CAS – [77-78-1].
Synonyms – Dimethyl sulfate, DMS.
Molecular formula and molar mass – (CH3)2SO4 – 126.13.
Description – Colorless liquid.
Physical characteristics – Boiling temperature: approximately 188 °C, with decomposition.
Refractive index (20 °C): 1.3874.
Miscibility – Miscible with water (with hydrolysis) and with ethyl ether and acetone.
Conservation – In closed containers.
Safety – Corrosive. Poisonous!

Hydrazine sulfate
CAS – [10034-93-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – H6N2O4S – 130.12.
Description – Colorless crystals.
Solubility – Moderately soluble in cold water, soluble in hot water (50 °C) and freely soluble in water
in ebullition. Practically insoluble in ethyl alcohol.

Lithium sulfate
CAS – [10102-25-7].
Molecular formula and molar mass – Li2SO4.H2O – 127.95.
Description – Colorless crystals.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and practically insoluble in ethyl alcohol.

Magnesium sulfate, heptahydrate

CAS – [10034-99-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – MgSO4.7H2O – 246.46.
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Description – White crystalline powder or colorless brilliant crystals, of saline flavor, soluble in
water, very soluble in water in ebullition, practically insoluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Manganese sulfate
CAS – [10101-68-5].
Molecular formula and molar mass – MnSO4.4H2O – 223.05.
Specification – Contains no less than 98.0% (w/w) of MnSO4, in relation to the substance desiccated
at temperature between 450 °C and 500 °C
Description – Pink crystals or crystalline powder. Odorless. Effloresces slowly.
Physical characteristic – Loses water at approximately 450 °C.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water, very soluble in water in ebullition and practically insoluble in
ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Additional information – The commercial product is usually a mixture of manganese sulfate
tetrahydrate and pentahydrate.

4-methylaminophenol sulfate
CAS – [55-55-0].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C14H20N2O6S – 344.38.
Description – Colorless crystals.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 260 °C, with decomposition.
Solubility – Very soluble in water and slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

4-methylaminophenol sulfate RS
Preparation – Dissolve 0.35 g of 4-methylaminophenol sulfate in 50 mL of water. Add 20 g of
sodium bisulfite and homogenize. Dilute to 100 mL with water.

Potassium sulfate
CAS – [7778-80-5].
Molecular formula and molar mass – K2SO4 – 174.25.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w) in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – Colorless crystals or white crystalline powder, with bitter flavor.
Physical characteristics – Aqueous solution with neutral character. Melting temperature: 1067 °C.
Conservation – In closed containers.

Protamine sulfate
CAS – [9009-65-8].
Specification – Consists of mixture of simple proteins, obtained from sperm and testicles of adequate
species of fish. It has the property of neutralizing heparin.
Description – White or faintly colored, fine, crystalline or amorphous powder.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers, under refrigeration.
Storage – Protect from heat.

Sodium sulfate
CAS – [7757-82-6].
Molecular formula and molar mass – Na2SO4 – 142.04.
Specification – Prepared from Na2SO4.10H2O by heating at, approximately, 100 °C. Contains no less
than 99.0% (w/w) in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – White, odorless, fine powder, of salty and faintly bitter flavor. Hygroscopic.
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Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 800 °C.

Solubility – Freely soluble in water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from humidity.

Sodium sulfate decahydrate

CAS – [7727-73-3].
Synonym – Glauber’s salt.
Molecular formula and molar mass – Na2SO4.10H2O – 322.19.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w) of Na2SO4, in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – Clear, colorless crystals or white crystalline powder; efflorescent, odorless, of faintly
bitter flavor.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: 32.5 °C. Dissolves in its own crystallization water, at
temperature of approximately 33 °C.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water, practically insoluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers
Storage – Protect from heat.

Tetrabutylammonium sulfate
CAS – [32503-27-8].
Synonyms – N,N,N-tributyl-1-butanaminium sulfate, tetrabutylammonium hydrogen sulfate
Molecular formula and molar mass – C16H36N.HSO4 – 339.54.
Description – White crystalline powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: 169 °C to 173 °C.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and in methyl alcohol.

Zinc sulfate, heptahydrate

CAS – [7446-20-0].
Molecular formula and molar mass – ZnSO4.7H2O – 287.54.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w) of ZnSO4.7H2O, or no less than 55.6% (w/w) of
Description – White crystalline powder or colorless clear crystals. Odorless, with astringent flavor.
Physical characteristic – At temperature of 280 °C, becomes anhydrous.
Solubility – Very soluble in water and practically insoluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed non-metallic containers.
Storage – Protect from humidity.

0.1 M zinc sulfate

Description – Contains 28.75 g of zinc sulfate heptahydrate in 1000 mL of aqueous solution.
Conservation – In tightly closed non-metallic containers.

Ferric sulfate
CAS – [10028-22-5].
Synonym – Ferric persulfate.
Molecular formula and molar mass – Fe2(SO4)3.xH2O.
Specification – The commercial product usually contains approximately 20% (w/w) of water.
Description – White to yellow powder, very hygroscopic; decomposes in presence of air.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in water and in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light and from air.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Ferric ammonium sulfate

CAS – [7783-83-7].
Molecular formula and molar mass – FeNH4(SO4)2.12H2O – 482.18.
Description – Colorless to pale violet clear crystals. Odorless. Efflorescent.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 37 °C.
Solubility – Very soluble in water and practically insoluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Acid ferric ammonium sulfate RS

Preparation – Dissolve 20 g of ferric ammonium sulfate in 70 mL of water, add 10 mL of 0.05 M
sulfuric acid and complete the volume to 100 mL with water.

Ferric ammonium sulfate RS

Specification – Contains 10% (w/v) of ferric ammonium sulfate in water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Ferric ammonium sulfate RS1

Preparation – Dissolve 30 g of ferric ammonium sulfate in 40 mL of nitric acid and complete the
volume to 100 mL with water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

Ferric ammonium sulfate RS2

Preparation – Dissolve 0.2 g of ferric ammonium sulfate in 50 mL of water, add 5 mL of nitric acid
and complete the volume to 100 mL with water.

Ferric sulfate - potassium ferricyanide RS

Preparation – Mix equal volumes of the 0.5% (w/v) ferric sulfate solution in sulfuric acid 0.5
M and of the 0.2% (w/v) potassium ferricyanide solution.
Stability – Prepare immediately before use.

Acidified ferrous sulfate RS

Preparation – Dissolve 0.45 g of ferrous sulfate heptahydrate in 50 mL of 0.1 M hydrochloric acid
and complete the volume to 100 mL with carbon dioxide-free water.

Ferrous ammonium sulfate

CAS – [7783-85-9].
Molecular formula and molar mass – Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2.6H2O – 392.14.
Description – Crystalline powder or pale blue-green crystals. Oxidizes slowly to air, becoming
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 100 °C, with decomposition.
Solubility – Soluble in water, practically insoluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light and from air.

Ferrous sulfate, heptahydrate

CAS – [7782-63-0].
Synonym – Iron sulfate, heptahydrate.
Molecular formula and molar mass – FeSO4.7H2O – 278.01.
Specification – Contains no less than 98.0% (w/w) of FeSO4.7H2O.
Description – Green-blue crystals, or granules, or green crystalline powder. Odorless. Efflorescent.
Oxidizes by humidity and luminosity to basic iron(III) sulfate in brown color.
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Physical characteristic – From temperature of 65 °C, becomes monohydrate.

Solubility – Freely soluble in water, very soluble in water in ebullition and practically insoluble in
ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from air and from humidity.
Additional – Do not use when it has brown color.

Ferrous sulfate RS
Specification – Contains 8% (w/v) of ferrous sulfate heptahydrate in cold, recently boiled water.
Prepare immediately before use.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light, from air and from heat.

Ammonium sulfide RS
Preparation – Saturate 60 mL of ammonia RS with hydrogen sulfide and add 40 mL of ammonia RS.
Prepare immediately before use.
Conservation – In a small, full and tightly closed container.
Storage – Protect from light and from heat.
Stability – In case of abundant sulfur precipitation, discard the solution.

Hydrogen sulfide
CAS – [7783-06-4].
Synonym – Hydrosulfuric acid.
Molecular formula and molar mass – H2S – 34.08.
Specification – Produced by treatment f ferrous sulfide (or other sulfides) with diluted sulfuric acid
or hydrochloric acid.
Description – Colorless gas with characteristic odor and sweet flavor; denser than air.
Physical characteristics – Vapor density: 1.19. Ignition temperature: 260 °C.
Safety – Flammable. Toxic. Poison!

Hydrogen sulfide RS
Specification – The aqueous solution saturated at 20 °C contains approximately 0.4 to 0.5% (w/v).
Prepared by the passage of hydrogen sulfide in cold water.
Physical characteristic – the pH (5.2.19) of the freshly prepared aqueous solution is 4.5.
Stability – Prepare immediately before use.
Safety – Flammable. Toxic. Poison!

Sodium sulfide
CAS – [1313-84-4].
Molecular formula and molar mass – Na2S.9H2O – 240,18.
Description – Colorless deliquescent crystals, which turn yellow by exposure to air or by action from
light. Odor similar to hydrogen sulfide.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 50 °C.
Conservation – Tightly closed container, in a cold place.
Storage – Protect from air, light and heat.

Sodium sulfide RS
Specification – Contains 10% (w/v) of sodium sulfide in water.
Stability – Prepare immediately before use.

Sodium sulfide RS1

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Preparation – Dissolve, by heating, 12 g of sodium sulfide in 45 mL of a mixture of water with 85%

(v/v) glycerol (10:29). Cool down and dilute to a 100 mL volumetric flask with the same solvent. The
solution must be colorless. Prepare immediately before use.

Sodium sulfite
CAS – [7757-83-7].
Molecular formula and molar mass – Na2SO3 – 126.04.
Description – White or nearly white odorless powder.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and very slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

CAS – [1401-55-4].
Synonym – Tannic acid.
Specification – Obtained from the bark of different plants, consisting especially of a mixture of
polyphenolic substances.
Description – Yellow to brown powder. Faintly characteristic odor and astringent flavor. Solubility –
Very soluble in water, freely soluble in ethyl alcohol and soluble in acetone. Conservation – In tightly
closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.
Labelling – The labeling must indicate the botanical source.

Adrenaline acid tartrate

CAS – [51-42-3].
Synonym – Epinephrine bitartrate.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C13H19NO9 – 333.29.
Specification – Contains no less than 97.0% (w/w) in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – Crystals, or white or light gray crystalline powder. Odorless.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 150 °C, with decomposition.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Storage – Protect from air and light.
Stability – Turns dark slowly by exposure to air and light.
Therapeutic class – Adrenergic.

Alkaline cupric tartrate RS

Synonym – Fehling’s solution.
Solution A – Dissolve 34.6 mg of cupric sulfate pentahydrate in 500 mL of water.
Solution B – Dissolve 173 g of potassium sodium tartrate and 50 g of sodium hydroxide in 400 mL
of water and heat until ebullition. Cool down and complete the volume to 500 mL with carbon
dioxide-free water.
Preparation – Mix equal volumes of Solutions A and B immediately before use.

Antimony potassium tartrate

CAS – [28300-74-5].
Synonym – Antimony potassium salt.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C8H4K2O12Sb2.3H2O – 667.85.
Description – Colorless crystals or white powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: 332 °C to 335 °C.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Toxic.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Sodium tartrate
CAS – [6106-24-7].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C4H4O6Na2.2H2O – 230.08.
Specification – Contains 84.34% of C4H4O6Na2 and 15.66% of water. Heated at 150 °C, loses a
minimum of 15.6% and a maximum of 15.7% of its weight.
Description – White or nearly white crystals.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and practically insoluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Potassium sodium tartrate

CAS – [6381-59-5].
Synonyms – Rochelle salt or Seignette salt, tartaric acid potassium sodium salt.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C4H4KNaO6.4H2O – 282.22; anhydrous – 210.16.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w) of C4H4KNaO, in relation to the desiccated
Description – Colorless crystals or crystalline white powder, odorless, with salty flavor. Efflorescent
on hot air.
Solubility – Very soluble in water and practically insoluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Storage – Protect from heat.

Potassium sodium tartrate RS

Specification – Contains 20% (w/v) of potassium sodium tartrate.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Ferrous tartrate RS
Preparation – Dissolve 1 g of ferrous sulfate heptahydrate, 2 g of potassium sodium tartrate and 0.1 g
of sodium bisulfite in water. Complete the volume to 100 mL with water. Prepare immediately before

Sodium tetraborate
CAS – [1303-96-4].
Synonyms – Sodium borate, di-sodium tetraborate, borax.
Molecular formula and molar mass– Na2B4O7.10H2O – 381.37.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w).
Description – Colorless crystals or white crystalline powder, odorless, with caustic flavor.
Efflorescent. Solubility – Soluble in water, very soluble in water in ebullition and freely soluble in
glycerol. Conservation – In tightly closed containers; effloresces on dry air.
Storage – Protect from air.

Carbon tetrachloride
CAS – [56-23-5].
Molecular formula and molar mass – CCl4 – 153.82.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w).
Description – Clear, colorless, dense liquid, with characteristic odor.
Physical characteristics – Boiling range: 76 °C to 77 °C. Density: 1.588 to 1.590. Refractive index
(20 °C): 1.4607.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water; miscible in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Storage – Protect from light and from heat.
Safety – Poison (in liquid and gaseous forms)!
Additional information – It is not flammable, but releases phosgene (toxic) in presence of flame.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

CAS – [629-59-4].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C14H30 – 198.39.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.5% (w/w).
Description – Clear and colorless liquid.
Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): approximately 0.76. Refractive index (20 °C):
approximately 1.429. Melting temperature: approximately -5 °C. Boiling temperature: approximately
252 °C.
Conservation – In closed containers.

Sodium tetraphenylborate
CAS – [143-66-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – NaB(C6H5)4 – 342.22.
Description – White or nearly white powder or crystals.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and in acetone.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Sodium borohydride
CAS – [16940-66-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – NaBH4 – 37.83.
Description – Colorless and hygroscopic crystals.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water, soluble in absolute ethyl alcohol.
Storage – In tightly closed containers.

3,3’-Diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride
CAS – [7411-49-6].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C12H18Cl4N4– 360.12.
Description – White or yellow, occasionally purple crystals.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 280 °C, with decomposition.
Solubility – Soluble in water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers, under refrigeration.
Safety – Irritant.

3,3’-Diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride RS
Specification – Contains 1 g of 3,3’-diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride in 200 mL of water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers, under refrigeration.
Safety – Irritant.

CAS – [109-99-9].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C4H8O – 72.11.
Specification – The product is added with stabilizers (p-cresol, hydroquinone) in the ratio of 0.05%
to 0.1% (w/v), to avoid excessive formation of peroxides.
Description – Colorless liquid. Intense odor similar to ethyl ether.
Physical characteristics – Boiling temperature: 65 °C to 66 °C. Density (20 °C): approximately
0.889. Refractive index (20 °C): 1.4070.
Miscibility – Miscible with water and ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In small, tightly closed and full containers.

Storage – Protect from contact with light.

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Safety – Irritant to skin, eyes and mucous membranes.

CAS – [107-45-9].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C8H19N – 129.25.
Description – Colorless and clear liquid.
Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): approximately 0.805. Refractive index (20 °C):
approximately 1.424. Boiling temperature: approximately 140 °C.

CAS – [110-18-9].
Synonyms – N,N,N’,N’-Tetramethylethylenediamine, TEMED.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H16N2 –116.21.
Specification – Appropriate quality for electrophoresis.
Description – Colorless liquid.
Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): approximately 1.418. Boiling temperature: approximately
121 °C.
Miscibility – Miscible with water, with ethyl alcohol and with ethyl ether.

Potassium tetraoxalate
CAS – [6100-20-5].
Molecular formula and molar mass– C4H3KO8.2H2O – 254.19.
Description – White crystalline powder or colorless or white crystals.
Solubility – Moderately soluble in water and soluble in water in ebullition, slightly soluble in ethyl
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Osmium tetroxide
CAS – [20816-12-0].
Molecular formula and molar mass – OsO4 – 254.20.
Description – Yellow crystalline mass, or light yellow needles, hygroscopic, sensitive to light.
Solubility – Soluble in water, ethyl alcohol and ethyl ether.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Safety – Poisonous vapors!

Osmium tetroxide RS
Specification – Contains 0.25% (w/v) of osmium tetroxide in 0.05 M sulfuric acid.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

CAS – [54-64-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C9H9HgNaO2S – 404.81.
Description – Light yellow crystalline powder.
Solubility – Very soluble in water and freely soluble in ethyl alcohol.

CAS – [50-89-5].
Synonym – 1-(2-Deoxy-β-D-ribofuranosyl)-5-methyluracil.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C10H14N2O5 – 242.23.
Description – Needle-shaped crystals or white powder.
Solubility – Soluble in water, in hot ethyl alcohol and in glacial acetic acid.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

CAS – [65-71-4].
Synonym – 5-Methyl-2,4-(1H,3H)-pyrimidinedione.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C5H6N2O2 – 126.12.
Description – Small needle-shaped crystals or plates.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in cold water, soluble in hot water. Dissolves in diluted alkali hydroxide

CAS – [89-83-8].
Synonym – 5-Methyl-2-(1-methylethyl)phenol.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C10H14O – 150.22.
Description – Colorless crystals, with aromatic odor.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 50 °C.
Solubility – Very slightly soluble in water, very soluble in ethyl alcohol, freely soluble in essential
oils and in fatty oils, moderately soluble in glycerol. Dissolves in alkali hydroxide solutions.

CAS – [62-55-5].
Molecular formula and molar mass– C2H5NS –75.13.
Description – White or nearly white crystalline powder or crystals. Faint odor of mercaptan.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: 113 °C to 114 °C.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Thioacetamide RS
Preparation – Mix 0.2 mL of the 4% (w/v) thioacetamide solution with 1 mL of the following
mixture: 1.5 mL of M sodium hydroxide, 0.5 mL of water and 2 mL of 85% (w/v) glycerol. Heat in
a water bath for 20 seconds.
Stability – Prepare immediately before use.

Ammonium thiocyanate
CAS – [1762-95-4].
Synonym – Ammonium rhodanide.
Molecular formula and molar mass – NH4SCN – 76.12.
Description – Colorless and deliquescent crystals.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 149 °C.
Solubility – Very soluble in water and soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Storage – Protect from humidity.

Ammonium thiocyanate RS
Specification – Contains 8% (w/v) of ammonium thiocyanate in water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Mercury thiocyanate
CAS – [592-85-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – Hg(SCN)2 – 316.76.
Description – White or nearly white crystalline powder.
Solubility – Very soluble in water, slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol, soluble in sodium chloride
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Storage – Protect from light.

Mercury thiocyanate RS
Preparation – Dissolve 0.3 g of mercury thiocyanate in ethyl alcohol. Complete the volume to 100
mL with the same solvent.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Stability – Limited to one week.

Potassium thiocyanate
CAS – [333-20-0].
Synonym – Potassium rhodanide.
Molecular formula and molar mass – KSCN – 97.18.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w).
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 173 °C.
Solubility – Very soluble in water and in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – May cause skin rashes.

Sodium thioglycolate
CAS – [367-51-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C2H3NaO2S – 114.09.
Specification – Contains no less than 95.0% (w/w).
Description – White, hygroscopic crystalline powder, with characteristic faint odor. Oxidizes in
contact with air.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water and in methyl alcohol, slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Storage – Protect from light and from air.

Thionine (CI 52000)

CAS – [135-59-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C12H10ClN3S – 263.75.
Description – Dark green needles, with luster.
Solubility – Freely soluble in hot water.

Thionine RS
Preparation – Add 1 g of thionine to 2.5 g of phenol and complete the volume to 100 mL with water.
Conservation – In closed containers.

Thionine RS1
Preparation: prepare a 0.2% thionine acetate solution in 25% (v/v) ethyl alcohol by immersing the
dry sample in the solution. After 15 minutes, wash the excess reagent with 25% (v/v) ethyl alcohol.

Sodium thiosulfate
CAS – [10102-17-7].
Synonym – Sodium hyposulfite R.
Molecular formula and molar mass – Na2S2O3.5H2O – 248.17.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% (w/w) in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – Colorless crystals, or white crystalline powder, easily efflorescent, with faintly bitter
Physical characteristics – Melting temperature: approximately 48 °C. Dissolves in its own
crystallization water, at temperature of approximately 49 °C.
Solubility – Very soluble in water, practically insoluble in ethyl alcohol.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

0.1 M sodium thiosulfate

Preparation – Dissolve 2.5 g of sodium thiosulfate and 0.02 g of sodium carbonate in carbon dioxide-
free water and complete the volume to 100 mL with the same solvent.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

CAS – [62-56-6].
Molecular formula and molar mass – CH4N2S – 76.12.
Description – White or nearly white crystalline powder or crystals.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: from 176 °C to 178 °C.
Solubility – Soluble in water and in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In closed containers.

CAS – [60-18-4].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C9H11NO3 – 181.19.
Description – Colorless, white or nearly white crystals, or white or nearly white crystalline powder.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in water, practically insoluble in acetone and in ethyl alcohol, soluble in
diluted hydrochloric acid and alkali hydroxide solutions.

CAS – [104-87-0].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C8H8O – 120.15.
Description – Colorless or yellow clear liquid.
Physical characteristic – Refractive index (20 °C): between 1.544 and 1.546.

CAS – [108-88-3].
Synonym – Methylbenzene, toluol.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C7H8 – 92.14.
Description – Colorless liquid with characteristic odor.
Physical characteristics – Boiling temperature: 110 °C to 111 °C. Density: approximately 0.87.
Refractive index (20 °C): 1.4967.
Solubility – Very slightly soluble in water; miscible with ethyl alcohol.
Safety – Toxic. Flammable.

CAS – [106-49-0].
Synonym – 4-Methylaniline.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C7H9N – 107.16.
Description – White or slightly yellow flakes or crystals.
Physical characteristics – Melting temperature: approximately 44 °C. Density (20 °C): 1.046.
Solubility – Freely soluble in ethyl alcohol, methyl alcohol, acetone and in diluted acids, and slightly
soluble in water.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

CAS – [3688-92-4].
Synonym – Thoron.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C16H11AsN2Na2O10S2–576.30.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.2-01

Description – Red powder.

Solubility – Soluble in water.

Thorin RS
Preparation – Dissolve 0.2% (w/v) thorin in water.
Conservation – In closed container.
Storage – Protect from light.
Stability – Use within one week after the preparation.

CAS – [5704-04-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H13NO5 – 179.17.
Specification – Appropriate quality for electrophoresis.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 183 °C.

CAS – [71-55-6].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C2H3Cl3 – 133.40.
Description – Non-flammable liquid.
Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): approximately 1.34. Boiling temperature: approximately
74 °C.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water, soluble in acetone and in methyl alcohol.

CAS – [79-01-6].
Synonym – Trichloroethene.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C2HCl3 – 131.39.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.5% (w/w).
Description – Colorless liquid, characteristic odor.
Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): approximately 1.46. Refractive index (20 °C):
approximately 1.477. Boiling temperature: approximately 87 °C.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water, soluble in acetone and in methyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Toxic.

CAS – [102-71-6].
Synonym – 2,2’,2”-nitrilotriethanol.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H15NO3 – 149.19.
Description – Colorless, viscous, very hygroscopic liquids, turns brown by exposure to air.
Physical characteristic – Density: approximately 1.13.
Miscibility – Miscible with water, acetone, ethyl alcohol and methyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers protected from light.

CAS – [121-44-8].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C6H15N – 101.19.
Description – Colorless liquid, with strongly ammoniacal odor.
Physical characteristics – Density: approximately 0.727. Boiling range: 89 °C to 90 °C.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Irritant. Flammable.

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CAS – [76-84-6].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C19H16O – 260.34.
Description – Colorless crystals or white or nearly white powder.
Solubility – Practically insoluble in water and freely soluble in ethyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers

Boron trifluoride
CAS – [7637-07-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – BF3 – 67.81.
Description – Colorless gas, with pungent, suffocating odor.

Boron trifluoride, methanolic solution

Specification – Commercial solution with approximately 14% (w/v) boron trifluoride in methyl

Trinitrophenol RS
Use picric acid RS1.

Arsenic trioxide
CAS – [1327-53-3].
Synonym – Arsenous acid.
Molecular formula and molar mass – As2O3 – 197.84.
Description – White or clear crystalline powder or amorphous mass.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in water and soluble in water in ebullition.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Safety – Poison!

Chromium trioxide.
CAS – [1333-82-0].
Synonym – Chromic anhydride.
Molecular formula and molar mass – CrO3 – 99.99.
Description – Red-brown scales or granulated powder or crystals, deliquescent.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 197 °C.
Solubility – Very soluble in water.
Conservation – In hermetic glass containers.
Storage – Avoid proximity to flammable items.
Safety – Energetic oxidizing agent. Irritant.

Bovine thrombin
CAS – [9002-04-4].
Specification – Biological preparation obtained from bovine plasma, with an enzyme that converts
fibrinogen into fibrin.
Description – Yellow-white powder.
Conservation – In closed containers.
Storage – At temperatures below 0 °C.

Human thrombin
CAS – [9002-04-4].
Specification – Biological preparation obtained from human plasma, by appropriate fractioning
Description – Cream-colored amorphous powder.
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Conservation – In tightly closed containers, under refrigeration, specifying the preparation date and
Storage – Protect from light, humidity and from oxygen.
Category – Enzyme. Local hemostatic.

CAS – [9035-58-9].
Synonym – Factor III (blood coagulation).
Specification – Biological preparation of animal origin, obtained by extraction of certain organs:
brain, lung.
Description – Yellow powder or suspension, with characteristic odor.
Physical characteristic – In the presence of appropriate calcium ion concentrations, it presents
thrombokinase activity in blood coagulation.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Labeling – Specify in the composition: ions and antimicrobial agents, their concentrations, as well as
origin, date of preparation and activity.
Storage – Protect from heat and humidity. Keep under refrigeration.
Category – Preparation with enzymatic activity. Local hemostatic.

Thromboplastin, reagent
Preparation – Shake 1.5 g of ox brain powder dried with acetone, with 60 mL of water at 50 °C, for
10 to 15 minutes. Centrifuge at 1500 rpm for two minutes and decant the supernatant liquid.
Conservation – The extract,stored at temperature below 0 °C, maintains the activity for several days.
Cresol may be added, in the amount of 3 g/L, as antimicrobial agent.

CAS – [77-86-1].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C4H11NO3 – 121.14.
Synonym –Trometamol, tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane.
Specification – Contains no less than 99.0% in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – White or nearly white crystalline powder or crystals.
Physical characteristics – Melting range: 168 °C to 172 °C. The pH (5.2.19) of the 0.1 M
tromethamine solution is 10.4.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water, moderately soluble in ethyl alcohol and very slightly soluble in
ethyl acetate.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Sodium tungstate
CAS – [10213-10-2].
Molecular formula and molar mass – Na2WO4.2H2O – 329.85.
Description – Colorless crystals or white or nearly white crystalline powder.
Solubility – Freely soluble in water, forming a clear solution, and practically insoluble in ethyl

CAS – [57-13-6].
Synonym – Carbamide.
Molecular formula and molar mass – (NH2)2CO – 60.06.
Description – White crystals or powder, strong odor.
Physical characteristic – Melting temperature: approximately 132.7 °C.
Solubility – Very soluble in water, soluble in ethyl alcohol and practically insoluble in methylene
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Conservation – In tightly closed containers in ventilated places.

Safety – May cause damaged if aspired or inhaled.

Ammonium vanadate
CAS – [7803-55-6].
Molecular formula and molar mass – NH4VO3 – 116.98.
Description – White or light yellow crystalline powder.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in water.

CAS – [121-33-5]
Molecular formula and molar mass – C8H8O3 – 152.15.
Description – Needle-shaped crystals, or white or yellow crystalline powder.
Physical characteristic – Melting range: between 81 °C and 84 °C.
Solubility – Slightly soluble in water, freely soluble in ethyl alcohol and methyl alcohol.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Vanillin RS
Preparation – Dissolve 1 g of vanillin in ethyl alcohol and complete the volume to 100 mL with the
same solvent. Carefully add 2 mL of sulfuric acid and homogenize. Use the solution within 48 hours.

Sulfuric vanillin RS
Preparation – Dissolve 1 g of vanillin in 100 mL of methyl alcohol. Add 4 mL of hydrochloric acid
and 5 mL of sulfuric acid.

Warfarin sodium
CAS – [129-06-6].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C19H15NaO4 – 330.31.
Specification – Contains no less than 97.0% (w/w) in relation to the desiccated substance.
Description – Crystalline or amorphous powder, with faintly bitter flavor.
Solubility – Very soluble in water and in ethyl alcohol, soluble in acetone, very soluble in methylene
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.
Therapeutic class – Anticoagulant.

Bromocresol green RS
Solution A – Dissolve 0.2 g of bromocresol green in 30 mL of water and 6.5 mL of 0.1 M sodium
Solution B – Dissolve 38 g of monobasic sodium phosphate and 2 g of sodium phosphate dibasic in
water and complete the volume to 1000 mL with the same solvent.
Preparation – Dilute the Solution A to 500 mL using Solution B as diluent and homogenize. If
necessary, adjust the pH to 4.6 ± 0.1 with 0.1 M hydrochloric acid.

Amaranth red (CI 16185)

CAS – [915-67-3].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C20H11N2Na3O10S3 – 604.46.
Solubility – Fine powder, freely soluble in water, practically insoluble in ethyl alcohol, acetone, ethyl
ether and chloroform.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Phenol red RS
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Solution A – Dissolve 33 mg of phenol red in 1.5 mL 2 M sodium hydroxide and dilute to 100 mL
with water.
Solution B – Dissolve 25 g of ammonium sulfate in 235 mL of water. Add 105 mL of 2 M sodium
hydroxide and 135 mL of 2 M acetic acid.
Preparation – Add 25 mL of Solution A to Solution B. If necessary, adjust pH to 4.7.
Conservation – In small containers resistant to alkalis.

CAS – [3681-93-4].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C21H20O10 – 432.38.
Description – Yellow powder.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from exposure to light.

CAS – [90-46-0].
Molecular formula and molar mass – C13H10O2 – 198.22.
Specification – Contains no less than 90.0% (w/w) of xanthydrol.
Description – White or light yellow powder.
Solubility – Very soluble in water, soluble in ethyl alcohol and glacial acetic acid.
Storage – Protect from light.

CAS – [1330-20-7].
Synonym – Xylol.
Molecular formula and molar mass – C8H10 – 106.17.
Specification – Mixture of isomers: o-xylene, p-xylene and m-xylene, with predominance of m-
Description – Clear and colorless liquid.
Physical characteristics – Density (20 °C): approximately 0.867. Refractive index (20 °C):
approximately 1.497. Boiling temperature: approximately 138 °C.
Conservation – In hermetic containers.
Safety – Toxic. Flammable.

Zinc, activated
Preparation – Cover an amount of granulated zinc with chloroplatinic acid solution at 50 mg/mL.
Allow to stand for 10 minutes. After washing, drain and dry immediately.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Zinc, granulated
CAS – [7440-66-6].
Element and atomic mass – Zn – 65.38.
Description – Blue-white lustrous metal. Stable on dry air. Converts into basic carbonate when
exposed to humidity.
Physical characteristics – Becomes malleable between 100 °C and 150 °C. Burns in presence of air,
presenting a blue-green flame.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from humidity.
Safety – Toxic.

Zinc RSA – 5 mg/mL

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Specification – Contains 2.5 g of granulated zinc in 20 mL of 5 M hydrochloric acid. Complete the

volume to 500 mL with water.
Conservation – In tightly closed, inert containers (like polyethylene).

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.3-01


Volumetric solutions (VS) are accompanied with a method of standardization, although there may be
other methods that lead to the same degree of accuracy.

The values obtained in standardization are valid for all pharmacopoeia uses.

The reagents employed must have a chemically pure degree and, when necessary, be submitted to
desiccation. Volumetric solutions are standardized and used at temperatures of approximately 25 °C.
When there are significant variations in temperature, the volumetric solution must have its titration
confirmed at the same temperature or be measured with a correction factor.

M hydrochloric acid VS
Specification – Contains 85 mL of hydrochloric acid in 1000 mL of aqueous solution.
Standardization – Weigh, accurately, about 1.5 g of anhydrous sodium carbonate. Add 100 mL of
water and two drops of methyl red TS. Add acid slowly, from the burette, until a faint pink color.
Heat the solution until boiling, cool down and continue the titration. Repeat this sequence of
operations until heating no longer affects the pink color. Calculate the molarity. Each 52.99 mg of
sodium carbonate is equivalent to 1 mL of M hydrochloric acid.
Conservation – Hermetic containers.
Storage – Protect from heat.

0.05 M oxalic acid VS

Specification – Contains 6.45 g of oxalic acid in 1000 mL of aqueous solution.
Standardization – Transfer 15 mL of the sample to a 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask. Add 100 mL of water
and 7 mL of sulfuric acid. Heat at approximately 70 °C and titrate with freshly standardized 0.02 M
potassium permanganate VS, slowly adding the titrant, constantly stirring, until a pale pink color
appears and persists for 15 seconds. The temperature at the end of titration must not be inferior to
60 °C.
Conservation – Tightly closed glass containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

0.1 M perchloric acid VS

Specification – Contains 10 g of perchloric acid in 1000 mL of solution with acetic acid.
Standardization – Dissolve, by stirring, 8.5 mL of perchloric acid in 200 mL to 300 mL of glacial
acetic acid. Add 20 mL of acetic anhydride, dilute the mixture to 1000 mL with glacial acetic acid
and allow to stand for 24 hours. Determine the content of water, which must be between 0.02% and
0.5%. Weigh, accurately, about 700 mg of potassium biphthalate previously powdered and desiccated
at 120 °C for two hours and dissolve it in 50 mL of glacial acetic acid in an Erlenmeyer flask with
250 mL of capacity. Add two drops of methylrosanilinium chloride TS and titrate with the perchloric
acid solution until the violet color turns to emerald green. Each 20.422 mg of potassium biphthalate
is equivalent to 1 mL of 0.1 M perchloric acid.

M sulfuric acid VS
Specification – Contains 98.07 g of sulfuric acid in 1000 mL of aqueous solution.
Preparation – Add 800 mL of water to a 1000 mL volumetric flask and carefully add, on the center
of the liquid layer, 54 mL of sulfuric acid. Homogenize, cool down to room temperature, complete
the volume with water and homogenize.
Standardization – Weigh, accurately, about 3 g of anhydrous sodium carbonate. Add 100 mL of water
and two drops of methyl red TS. Add acid slowly, from the burette, until getting a faint pink color.

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Heat the solution until boiling, cool down and continue the titration. Repeat this sequence of
operations until heating no longer affects the pink color. Calculate the molarity. Each 105.98 mg of
anhydrous sodium carbonate is equivalent to 1 mL of M sulfuric acid.

0.1 M potassium bromate VS

Specification – Contains 16.704 g of potassium bromate in 1000 mL of aqueous solution.
Standardization – Measure, accurately, about 40 mL of the 1.67% (w/v) potassium bromate solution.
Add 3 g of potassium iodide and 3 mL of hydrochloric acid RS. Wait five minutes and titrate the
released iodine with 0.1 M sodium thiosulfate VS, using 3 mL of starch TS as indicator. Prepare a
blank. Correct and calculate the molarity. Each mL of potassium bromate is equivalent to 6 mL of
0.1 M sodium thiosulfate VS.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

0.05 M bromine VS
Preparation – Dissolve 3 g of potassium bromate and 15 g of potassium bromide in water and
complete the volume to 1000 mL with the same solvent. Homogenize.
Standardization – Transfer 25 mL of the bromine solution to a 500 mL Erlenmeyer flask with stopper
and add 120 mL of water. Add 5 mL of hydrochloric acid, put the stopper and softly shake. Add 5 mL
of potassium iodide RS, put the stopper again, shake and allow to stand for five minutes protected
from light. Titrate the released iodine with 0.1 M sodium thiosulfate VS, adding 3 mL of starch TS
near the endpoint. Calculate the molarity. Each mL of 0.05 M bromine VS is equivalent to 1 mL of
0.1 M sodium thiosulfate VS.
Conservation – Tightly closed amber glass containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

0.1 M barium chloride VS

Preparation – Dissolve 24.4 g of barium chloride in water and complete the volume to 1000 mL with
the same solvent. Homogenize.
Standardization – Add to 10 mL of the barium chloride solution 60 mL of water, 3 mL of
concentrated ammonia solution and 1 mg of phthalein purple. Titrate with 0.1 M disodium edetate
VS. When the solution is discolored, add 50 mL of ethyl alcohol and continue the titration until the
violet blue color disappears.

0.004 M benzethonium chloride VS

Preparation – After desiccating in oven at temperature between 100 °C and 105 °C, until constant
mass, dissolve 1.792 g of benzethonium chloride in water and complete the volume to 1000 mL with
the same solvent.
Standardization – Dissolve 0.350 g of benzethonium chloride, after dried in oven at temperature
between 100 °C and 105 °C until constant mass, in 30 mL of acetic acid and add 6 mL of mercury
acetate solution RS. Titrate with 0.1 M perchloric acid VS in presence of 0.05 mL of
methylrosanilinium chloride TS. Conduct a blank test. Each mL of 0.1 M perchloric acid VS is
equivalent to 44.81 mg of benzethonium chloride.

Dichlorophenol-indophenol VS
Preparation – Dissolve 50 mg of 2,6-dichlorophenol-indophenol sodium in 50 mL of water with
42 mg of sodium bicarbonate. Shake vigorously. After dissolution, complete the volume to 200 mL
with water and homogenize. Filter.
Standardization – Weigh, accurately, about 50 mg of ascorbic acid, dissolve with metaphosphoric
acetic acid RS and complete the volume to 50 mL with the same solvent. Transfer to a 50 mL flask,
immediately, 2 mL of the ascorbic acid solution and add 5 mL of metaphosphoric acetic acid RS.
Titrate quickly with the dichlorophenol-indophenol solution until the pink color persists for, at least,
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.3-01

five seconds. Perform a blank titration, titrating 7 mL of metaphosphoric acetic acid RS, added with
an amount of water equal to the amount of dichlorophenol-indophenol solution used in the ascorbic
acid titration. Express the concentration of the volumetric solution in terms of equivalent in mg of
ascorbic acid.
Conservation – Tightly closed amber glass containers.
Stability – Use within three days and standardize immediately before use.

0.05 M disodium edetate VS

Specification – Contains 18.6 g of disodium edetate dihydrate in 1000 mL of aqueous solution.
Standardization – Weigh, accurately, about 200 g of calcium carbonate. Transfer to a 400 mL beaker
and add 10 mL of water. Shake and cover the beaker with watch glass. Add 2 mL of diluted
hydrochloric acid and shake until dissolving the calcium carbonate. Wash the beaker walls and the
watch glass with water until approximately 100 mL. Continue stirring, magnetically. Add 30 mL of
the disodium edetate solution from the 50 mL burette. Add 15 mL of sodium hydroxide RS and
300 mg of hydroxynaphthol blue indicator. Continue titrating the disodium edetate solution until a
blue color. Calculate the molarity.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

0.1 M disodium edetate VS

Preparation – Dissolve 37.5 g of disodium edetate in 500 mL of water, add 100 mL of M sodium
hydroxide and complete the volume to 1000 mL with water.
Standardization – Dissolve 0.12 g of zinc in powder (with purity grade 99.9%) in 10 mL of M
hydrochloric acid. Add 0.1 mL of bromine water RS. Eliminate excess bromine by boiling the
solution. Add 8.5% (w/v) sodium hydroxide solution until weakly acid or neutral reaction, and
proceed as described in Complexometric titrations ( for Zinc. Each mL of 0.1 M disodium
edetate VS is equivalent to 6.536 g of zinc.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

M potassium hydroxide VS
Preparation – Dissolve 60 g of potassium hydroxide in water and complete the volume to 1000 mL
with the same solvent. Add saturated barium hydroxide solution, freshly prepared, until precipitate is
no longer formed. Shake and allow to stand for approximately 12 hours. Decant the clear liquid, or
filter, and transfer to inert material containers (like polyethylene). Standardization – Use the same
procedure adopted for M sodium hydroxide VS. Conservation – In tightly closed, inert containers
(like polyethylene).
Safety – Caustic.

0.5 M ethanolic potassium hydroxide VS

Synonym – 0.5 M alcoholic potassium hydroxide VS.
Preparation – Dissolve 3 g of potassium hydroxide in 5 mL of water and complete the volume to
100 mL with ethyl alcohol. Allow the solution to stand for approximately 24 hours. Decant the clear
liquid and transfer to inert material containers protected from light.
Standardization – Titrate 20 mL of the potassium hydroxide solution with 0.5 M hydrochloric acid
VS using 0.5 mL of phenolphthalein TS as indicator. Each mL of 0.5 M hydrochloric acid VS is
equivalent to 28.060 mg of potassium hydroxide.

M sodium hydroxide VS
Preparation – Prepare a 50% (w/v) sodium hydroxide solution with carbon dioxide-free water. Cool
to room temperature and allow to settle. Take 82 mL of supernatant and dilute with water, completing
the volume to 1000 mL with the same solvent.

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Standardization – Weigh, accurately, about 5 g of desiccated potassium biphthalate and dissolve in

75 mL of carbon dioxide-free water. Add two drops of phenolphthalein TS and titrate with the sodium
hydroxide solution until forming a permanent pink color. Each mL of M sodium hydroxide VS is
equivalent to 204.220 mg of potassium biphthalate.
Conservation – Tightly closed, inert containers (like polyethylene). Stoppers with tube containing the
mix of sodium hydroxide and calcium oxide.
Storage – Protect from exposure to carbon dioxide.
Safety – Caustic.
Additional information – Check the titer frequently.

0.1 M ethanolic sodium hydroxide VS

Preparation – Prepare a 50% (w/v) sodium hydroxide solution in carbon dioxide-free water. Cool
down to room temperature and allow to settle. Transfer 2 mL of the supernatant to a 250 mL
volumetric flask and complete the volume with ethyl alcohol.
Standardization – Weigh, accurately, about 0.2 g of benzoic acid and dissolve in a mixture of 10 mL
ethyl alcohol with 2 mL of water. Add two drops of phenolphthalein TS and titrate with the ethanolic
sodium hydroxide solution until forming a permanent pink color. Each mL of 0.1 M sodium hydroxide
VS is equivalent to 12.212 mg of benzoic acid.
Conservation – In tightly closed, inert containers (like polyethylene).
Storage – Protect from exposure to carbon dioxide.
Safety – Caustic.

0.1 M tetrabutylammonium hydroxide VS

Preparation – Dissolve 40 g of tetrabutylammonium iodide in 900 mL of methyl alcohol, in an
Erlenmeyer flask with ground stopper. Put in an ice bath, add 20 g of powdered silver oxide, put the
stopper on the flask and shake vigorously for 60 minutes. Take a few mL and centrifuge Check for
the presence of iodide in the supernatant liquid. If the test results positive, add another 2 g of silver
oxide and allow to stand for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Filter in a porous plate filter, wash the
Erlenmeyer flask and the funnel with three portions of 50 mL of toluene and join the washing toluene
to the filtrate. Complete the volume to 1000 mL with the mixture of three volumes of toluene and one
volume of methyl alcohol. Flush the solution, for 10 minutes, with carbon dioxide-free nitrogen. Store
in a container protected from carbon dioxide and humidity. Use within 60 days. Determine the
molarity on the day of use, dissolving approximately 400 mg of benzoic acid accurately weighed, in
80 mL of dimethylformamide. Add to this solution three drops of 1% (w/v) thymol blue solution in
dimethylformamide and titrate with tetrabutylammonium hydroxide solution until obtaining a blue
color. Protect the solution from contact with air during the titration. Use a burette with a carbon
dioxide absorption tube. Conduct a blank test. Each mL of tetrabutylammonium hydroxide is
equivalent to 12.212 mg of benzoic acid.

Indigo carmine VS
Preparation – Crush 4 g of indigo carmine with successive portions of water until dissolution,
without exceeding 900 mL. Transfer to a 1000 mL volumetric flask, add 2 mL of sulfuric acid and
complete the volume with water. Homogenize.
Standardization – Add to 10 mL of standard nitrate solution (100 ppm NO3) 10 mL of water, 0.05 mL
of indigo carmine VS and, carefully, 30 mL of sulfuric acid. Titrate immediately with indigo carmine
VS until turning into a stable blue color. The total volume, in mL, of indigo carmine VS required is
equivalent to 1 mg of NO3.

0.02 M potassium iodate VS

Specification – Contains 4.28 g of potassium iodate in 1000 mL of aqueous solution.
Standardization – Dilute 50 mL of the potassium iodate solution to 100 mL with water. Add to 25 mL

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.3-01

of this solution 2 g of potassium iodide and 10 mL of M sulfuric acid. Titrate with 0.1 M sodium
thiosulfate VS using starch TS, added near the endpoint, as indicator. Each mL of 0.1 M sodium
thiosulfate VS is equivalent to 3.566 mg of KIO3.

0.1 M potassium iodate VS

Preparation – Weigh, accurately, about 21.4 g of potassium iodate desiccated in advance at 110 °C,
until constant weight, dissolve in water and complete the volume to 1000 mL with the same solvent..
The standardization is not necessary, because this reagent is primary standard.

0.005 M iodine VS
Preparation – Dissolve approximately 1.3 g of iodine in 10 mL of potassium iodide at 36% (w/v).
Add three drops of hydrochloric acid and complete the volume to 1000 mL with water.
Standardization – Add to 25 mL of iodine solution 1 mL of M hydrochloric acid and titrate with 0.01
M sodium thiosulfate VS until pale yellow color. Add three drops of starch TS and continue with the
titration until the blue color disappears. Calculate the molarity.
Conservation – Tightly closed glass containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

0.05 M iodine VS
Preparation – Dissolve 13 g of iodine in 100 mL of 20% (w/v) potassium iodide solution. Add three
drops of hydrochloric acid and dilute to 1000 mL with water.
Standardization – Dissolve, accurately, about 0.15 g of arsenic trioxide in 20 mL of M sodium
hydroxide. Heat if necessary. Add 40 mL of water, two drops of methyl orange and hydrochloric acid
until the color turns pink. Add 50 mL of 4% (w/v) sodium carbonate, 3 mL of starch TS and titrate
with 0.05 M iodine VS until permanent blue color. Each mL of 0.05 M iodine VS is equivalent to
4.946 mg of arsenic trioxide.
Conservation – In tightly closed glass container protected from light.

0.1 M iodine VS
Preparation – Dissolve approximately 13 g of iodine in 100 mL of potassium iodide at 36% (w/v).
Add three drops of hydrochloric acid and complete the volume to 1000 mL with water.
Standardization – Weigh, accurately, about 150 g of arsenic trioxide. Dissolve in 20 mL of M, sodium
hydroxide heating if necessary. Add 40 mL of water, two drops of methyl orange S1 and hydrochloric
acid diluted until the color turns pink. Add 50 mL of 4% (w/v) sodium carbonate and 3 mL of starch
TS. Titrate with the iodine solution, from the burette, until permanent blue color. Calculate the
molarity. Each 4.946 mg of arsenic trioxide is equivalent to 1 mL of 0.1 M iodine. Conservation –
Tightly closed glass containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

0.1 M lithium methoxide VS

Preparation – Dissolve carefully, in a 1000 mL volumetric flask, 0.694 g of lithium in 150 mL of
methyl alcohol and complete the volume with toluene.
Standardization – Always standardize before use. Add to 10 mL of dimethylformamide 0.05 mL of
0.3% (w/v) thymol blue in methyl alcohol and titrate with 0.1 M lithium methoxide VS until the color
turns blue. Immediately, add 0.2 g of benzoic acid, shake and titrate with 0.1 M lithium methoxide
until the color turns blue. Avoid atmospheric carbon dioxide absorption. The volume of titrant spent
on the second titration represents the amount of lithium methoxide required. Each mL of 0.1 M lithium
methoxide VS is equivalent to 12.212 mg of benzoic acid.

0.1 M sodium methoxide VS

Specification – Contains 5.402 g in 1000 mL of solution with toluene.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.3-01

Preparation – Cool in ice bath 150 mL of methyl alcohol, in a 1000 mL volumetric flask. Add, in
small portions, approximately 2.5 g of recently fragmented metallic sodium. After the metal
dissolution, add toluene until 1000 mL and homogenize. Keep this solution in a container protected
from carbon dioxide.
Standardization – Weigh, accurately, about 400 mg of benzoic acid, dissolve in 80 mL of
dimethylformamide, add three drops of 1% (w/v) thymol blue solution in dimethylformamide and
titrate with the sodium methoxide solution until a blue color appears. Each 12.212 mg of benzoic acid
is equivalent to 1 mL of 0.1 M sodium methoxide.

0.01 M ceric ammonium nitrate VS

Preparation – Add to 100 mL of 0.1 M ceric ammonium nitrate VS, carefully, by cooling, 30 mL of
sulfuric acid and dilute to 1000 mL with water.

0.1 M ceric ammonium nitrate VS

Preparation – Shake the solution with 56 mL of sulfuric acid and 54.82 g of ceric ammonium nitrate
for two minutes, and carefully add five successive portions of 100 mL of water, stirring after each
addition. Dilute the clear solution to 1000 mL with water. Standardize 10 days after the preparation.
Standardization – Add to 25 mL of ceric ammonium nitrate solution 2 g of potassium iodide and
150 mL of water. Titrate immediately with 0.1 M sodium thiosulfate SV, using starch TS as indicator.
Each mL of 0.1 M sodium thiosulfate VS is equivalent to 54.822 mg of ceric ammonium nitrate.
Storage – Protect from light.

0.01 M barium nitrate VS

Specification – Contains 2.614 g of barium nitrate in 1000 mL of water.
Standardization – Add 10 mL of 0.01 M sulfuric acid solution to a vial and dilute with water. Add
two drops of 0.2% (w/v) thorin and two drops of 0.02% (w/v) methylthionine chloride and titrate
slowly with barium nitrate solution until the color changes from yellow to pink. Calculate the

0.1 M lead nitrate VS

Preparation – Transfer, accurately, about 8.28 g of lead nitrate to a 250 mL volumetric flask, dilute
in water and complete the volume with the same solvent. Homogenize.
Standardization – Transfer 5 mL of 0.1 M lead nitrate to a 125 mL Erlenmeyer flask, add 50 mL of
water and, under magnetic stirring, add five drops of 0.1% (w/v) xylenol orange and 5 g of
methenamine, until the color turns violet. Titrate with 0.05 M disodium edetate VS until the yellow
color. Each mL of 0.05 M disodium edetate VS is equivalent to 16.560 g of lead nitrate.

0.1 M mercury(II) nitrate VS

Synonym – 0.1 M mercuric nitrate VS.
Preparation – Dissolve, accurately, about 35 g of mercury(II) nitrate in 5 mL of nitric acid and
500 mL of water. Complete the volume to 1000 mL with water.
Standardization – Add to 20 mL of the mercury nitrate solution 2 mL of nitric acid RS and 2 mL of
ferric ammonium sulfate RS. Cool to a temperature below 20 °C and titrate with 0.1 M ammonium
thiocyanate VS until a permanent brown color appears. Calculate the molarity.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

0.1 M silver nitrate VS

Preparation – Dissolve, accurately, about 17.5 g of silver nitrate in water and complete the volume
to 1000 mL with the same solvent.
Standardization – Weigh, accurately, about 100 mg of desiccated sodium chloride, transfer to a
150 mL beaker and dissolve in 5 mL of water. Add 5 mL of acetic acid RS, 50 mL of methyl alcohol
and three drops of eosin Y TS. Shake, preferably with a magnetic stirrer, and titrate with the silver
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.3-01

nitrate solution. Calculate the molarity. Each mL of 0.1 M silver nitrate VS is equivalent to 5.844 mg
of sodium chloride.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Storage – Protect from light.

0.005 M thorium nitrate VS

Specification – Contains 2.401 g of thorium nitrate in 1000 mL of aqueous solution.
Standardization – Transfer, accurately, about 0.05 g of sodium fluoride, desiccated in advance, to a
250 mL volumetric flask and complete the volume with water. Add to 20 mL of this solution 0.6 mL
of alizarin TS and titrate with 0.1 M sodium hydroxide VS until the color changes from pink to yellow.
Add 5 mL of acetate buffer pH 3.0 and titrate with 0.005 M thorium nitrate solution until the color
changes from yellow to yellow-pink. Each 0.8398 mg of sodium fluoride is equivalent to 1 mL of
0.005 M thorium nitrate VS.

0.1 M sodium nitrite VS

Specification – Contains 6.9 g of sodium nitrite in 1000 mL of aqueous solution.
Standardization – Weigh, accurately, about 500 mg of sulfanilamide desiccated in advance for three
hours at 105 °C. Transfer to a beaker. Add 20 mL of hydrochloric acid and 50 mL of water. Shake
until dissolving and cool down to 15 °C. Keeping the temperature around 15 °C, titrate slowly with
sodium nitrite solution, using iodized starch TS as external indicator, until turning. Each 17.220 mg
of sulfanilamide is equivalent to 1 mL of 0.1 M sodium nitrite.

0.02 M potassium permanganate VS

Specification – Contains 3.161 g of potassium permanganate in 1000 mL of aqueous solution.
Preparation – Dissolve approximately 3.2 g of potassium permanganate in 1000 mL of water and
heat until boiling for 15 minutes. Allow to stand in an amber vial with glass stopper, protected from
light, for two days and filter in a sintered glass funnel.
Standardization – Dissolve, accurately, about 0.2 g of sodium oxalate, desiccated in advance at
110 °C until constant weight, in 250 mL of water. Add 7 mL of sulfuric acid, heat at approximately
70 °C, and slowly titrate with the potassium permanganate solution, with constant stirring, until a pale
pink color that persists for 15 seconds. The temperature at the end of titration must not be inferior to
60 °C. Each mL of 0.02 M potassium permanganate VS is equivalent to 6.700 mg of sodium oxalate.
Conservation – Tightly closed amber glass containers, with glass stopper.
Storage – Protect from light.
Additional information – Check the titer frequently.

0.05 M ceric sulfate VS

Specification – Contains 16.61 g of ceric sulfate or 20.2 g of ceric sulfate tetrahydrate
[Ce(SO4)2.4H2O] in 1000 mL of water.
Standardization – Weigh, accurately, about 0.2 g of sodium oxalate, desiccated in advance, and
dissolve in 75 mL of water. Add, stirring, 2 mL of sulfuric acid mixed in advance with 5 mL of water.
Homogenize. Add 10 mL of hydrochloric acid and heat for another 75 minutes. Titrate with 0.05 M
ceric sulfate until permanent light yellow color. Each 6.700 mg of sodium oxalate is equivalent to
1 mL of 0.05 M ceric sulfate VS.

0.1 M ceric ammonium sulfate VS

Preparation – Dissolve 65 g of ceric ammonium sulfate in a mixture of 30 mL of sulfuric acid with
500 mL of water. Cool and complete the volume with water to 1000 mL.
Standardization – Dissolve 80 g of arsenic trioxide in 15 mL of 0.2 M sodium hydroxide, heating if
necessary. Add 50 mL of M sulfuric acid, 0.15 mL of 0.25% (w/v) osmium tetroxide and 0.1 mL of
ferroin TS. Titrate with 0.1 M ceric ammonium sulfate until the color changes. Each mL of 0.1 M
ceric ammonium sulfate is equivalent to 4.496 mg of arsenic trioxide.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.3-01

0.1 M zinc sulfate VS

Specification – Contains 16.144 g of zinc sulfate heptahydrate in 1000 mL of aqueous solution.
Preparation – Dissolve 28.8 g of zinc sulfate in water and complete the volume to 1000 mL with the
same solvent. Pipette 20 mL of the 0.05 M disodium edetate solution and transfer to a 250 mL
Erlenmeyer flask. Add, in this order, 20 mL of acetic acid-ammonium acetate buffer solution, 100 mL
of ethyl alcohol and 2 mL of dithizone RS. Titrate with the zinc sulfate solution until a light pink
color appears. Calculate the molarity.

0.02 M sodium tetraphenylborate VS

Preparation – Dissolve 6.845 g of sodium tetraphenylborate in 1000 mL of aqueous solution.
Standardization – Pipette two portions of 75 mL of the sodium tetraphenylborate solution and transfer
to two beakers. Add to each one of them 1 mL of acetic acid RS, 25 mL of water and, slowly and
stirring, 25 mL of 5% (w/v) potassium biphthalate. Allow to stand for two hours. Filter one of the
mixtures in a sintered glass filtering crucible (porosity 100 µm to 160 µm) and wash the precipitate
with cold water. Transfer the precipitate with 50 mL of water and shake intermittently for 30 minutes.
Filter and use the filtrate as saturated potassium tetraphenylborate solution in the following
standardization procedure. Filter the mixture in a sintered glass filtering crucible, tared, and wash
with three portions of 5 mL of the saturated potassium tetraphenylborate solution. Dry the precipitate
at 105 °C for one hour. Each g of potassium tetraphenylborate is equivalent to 955.1 mg of sodium
tetraphenylborate. From the weight of the sodium tetraphenylborate obtained, calculate the molarity
of the solution.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Stability – Use fresh solutions.

0.1 M ammonium thiocyanate VS

Preparation – Dissolve approximately 8 g of ammonium thiocyanate in water and complete the
volume to 1000 mL with the same solvent.
Standardization – Mix, accurately, about 30 mL of 0.1 M silver nitrate VS with 50 mL of water, 2 mL
of nitric acid RS and 2 mL of ferric ammonium sulfate RS. Titrate with the ammonium thiocyanate
solution until a red-brown color appears. Each mL of 0.1 M silver nitrate is equivalent to 7.612 mg
of ammonium thiocyanate.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

0.01 M sodium thiosulfate VS

Preparation – Dissolve, accurately, about 2.5 g of sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate and 20 mg of
sodium carbonate in water, recently boiled and cooled. Transfer the solution quantitatively to a 100
mL volumetric flask, complete the volume with the same water and homogenize.
Standardization – Weigh, accurately, about 21 g of potassium dichromate, powdered and desiccated,
and dissolve in 10 mL of water. Transfer to a 50 mL volumetric flask, add 0.3 g of potassium iodide,
0.2 g of sodium bicarbonate and 0.5 mL of hydrochloric acid. Put a stopper, shake and allow to stand,
for 10 minutes, in the dark. Titrate the iodine released with the sodium thiosulfate solution until a
yellow-green color. Add 3 mL of starch TS and continue with the titration until the blue color
disappears. Calculate the molarity of the solution.

0.1 M sodium thiosulfate VS

Preparation – Dissolve approximately 25 g of sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate and 200 mg of sodium
carbonate in water, recently boiled and cooled. Complete the volume to 1000 mL with the same
Standardization – Weigh, accurately, about 210 g of potassium dichromate, powdered and
desiccated, and dissolve in 100 mL of water. Transfer to a 500 mL volumetric flask and add 3 g of
potassium iodide, 2 g of sodium bicarbonate and 5 mL of hydrochloric acid PA. Shake and allow to
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.3-01

stand for 10 minutes in the dark. Titrate the iodine released with the sodium thiosulfate solution until
having a yellow-green color. Add 3 mL of starch TS and continue with the titration until the blue
color disappears. Calculate the molarity. Each ml of 0.1 M sodium thiosulfate VS is equivalent to
4.903 mg of potassium dichromate.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.
Additional information – Check the titer frequently.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.4-00

Certain pharmacopoeia assays require the adjustment or maintenance of pH. For such, they use
solutions named buffers, capable of withstanding variations in the activity of hydrogen ions. The
components used for preparing buffer solutions are described on the item Reagents. Components of
crystalline nature must be desiccated in advance in an oven between 110 °C and 120 °C, for one hour.
For the preparation of buffer solutions, use carbon dioxide-free water. They must be stored in
hermetic and appropriate containers. Consider the stability in the preparation of amounts for
consumption. The solutions are listed in increasing order of pH values. Other buffers with particular
characteristics are described on the texts from the respective assays.

Acetate buffer pH 3.0

Preparation – Dissolve 12 g of sodium acetate in water, add 6 mL of glacial acetic acid, complete the
volume to 100 mL with water and homogenize. Adjust pH to 3.0, if necessary.

Acetate buffer pH 3.5

Preparation – Dissolve 25 g of ammonium acetate in 35 mL of water, add 38 mL of 7 M hydrochloric
acid, adjust the pH to 3.5 with hydrochloric acid RS or 6 M ammonium hydroxide, complete the
volume to 100 mL with water and homogenize.

Acetate buffer pH 4.0

Preparation – Transfer 900 mL of water to a 1000 mL volumetric flask, add 2.86 mL of glacial acetic
acid and 1 mL of 50% (w/v) sodium hydroxide, complete the volume with water and homogenize. If
necessary, adjust the pH to 4.0 with glacial acetic acid or 50% (w/v) sodium hydroxide.

Acetate buffer pH 4.4

Preparation – Dissolve 136 g of sodium acetate and 77 g of ammonium acetate in water and complete
the volume to 1000 mL with the same solvent. Add 250 mL of glacial acetic acid and homogenize.

0.05 M acetate buffer pH 4.5

Preparation – Transfer 2.99 g of sodium acetate trihydrate and 1.66 mL of glacial acetic acid to a
1000 mL volumetric flask. Dissolve in water and complete the volume with the same solvent.
Homogenize. Adjust pH to 4.5, if necessary.

0.05 M acetate buffer pH 5.3

Preparation – Transfer 5.61 g of sodium acetate trihydrate and 4.4 mL of 2 M acetic acid to a
1000 mL volumetric flask. Dissolve in water and complete the volume with the same solvent.
Homogenize. Adjust the pH to 5.3, if necessary, with 0.1 M acetic acid or 0.1 M sodium hydroxide.

Sodium acetate buffer pH 4.5

Preparation – Dilute 2.8 mL of glacial acetic acid in sufficient water to prepare 1000 mL. Adjust the
pH to 4.5 ± 0.05 with 50% (w/v) sodium hydroxide.

0.1 M sodium acetate buffer pH 5.0

Preparation – Transfer 13.61 g of sodium acetate trihydrate to a 1000 mL volumetric flask, dissolve
in sufficient amount of water and complete the volume with the same solvent. Homogenize. Adjust
pH to 5.0 with 0.1 M acetic acid.

Hydrochloric acid buffer pH 2.0

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.4-00

Preparation – Mix 50 mL of 0.2 M potassium chloride aqueous solution with 13 mL of 0.2 M

hydrochloric acid aqueous solution. Complete the volume to 200 mL with water and adjust pH to 2.0,
if necessary.

Biphthalate buffer pH 4.4

Preparation – Dissolve 2.042 g of potassium biphthalate in 50 mL of water, add 7.5 mL of 0.2 M
sodium hydroxide and dilute to 200 mL of water. Adjust pH to 4.4, if necessary.

Phosphate-citrate buffer pH 5.0

Solution A – Dissolve 0.8 g of sodium phosphate dibasic heptahydrate in 500 mL of water.
Solution B – Dissolve 3.5 g of monohydrate citric acid in 500 mL of water.
Preparation – Mix, by stirring, the Solutions A and B until obtaining pH of 5.0 Distribute in containers
with 50 mL each. Autoclave at 121 °C, pressure of 1 atm, for 20 minutes. Store at 4 °C.

Phosphate buffer pH 2.2

Preparation – Dissolve 1.38 g of monobasic sodium phosphate in 800 mL of water. Adjust pH with
phosphoric acid and dilute to 1000 mL with water. Homogenize.

Phosphate buffer pH 5.5

Solution A – Dissolve 13.61 g of monobasic sodium phosphate in water and complete the volume to
1000 mL with the same solvent.
Solution B – Dissolve 35.81 g of sodium phosphate dibasic dodecahydrate in water and complete the
volume to 1000 mL with the same solvent.
Preparation – Mix 96.4 mL of Solution A with 3.6 mL of Solution B. Adjust pH to 2.2, if necessary.

Phosphate buffer pH 5.8

Preparation – In a 200 mL volumetric flask, add 3.6 mL of 0.2 M sodium hydroxide to 50 mL of 0.2
M monobasic potassium phosphate and complete the volume with water. Homogenize. Adjust pH to
5.8, if necessary.

Phosphate buffer pH 6.0

Preparation – Mix 50 mL of 0.2 M monobasic potassium phosphate and 5.7 mL of 0.2 M sodium
hydroxide. Complete the volume to 200 mL with water. Homogenize. Adjust pH to 6.0, if necessary.

Acetate buffer pH 6.0

Preparation – Dissolve 100 g of ammonium acetate in 300 mL of water, add 4,1 mL of glacial acetic
acid, if necessary adjust pH to 6.0, using 10 M ammonium hydroxide or 5 M glacial acetic acid and
complete the volume to 500 mL with water. Homogenize.

Citro-phosphate buffer pH 6.0

Synonym – Sodium phosphate buffer pH 6.0.
Preparation – Mix 36.8 mL of 2.1% (w/v) citric acid with 63.2 mL of 7.15% (w/v) sodium phosphate
dibasic. Adjust pH to 6.0, if necessary.

Phosphate buffer pH 6.5

Preparation – Dissolve 2.75 g of sodium phosphate dibasic dihydrate and 4.5 g of sodium chloride
in 500 mL of water. Homogenize. Adjust pH to 6.5 with phosphate buffer pH 8.5.

Phosphate buffer pH 6.8

Preparation – Mix 50 mL of 0.2 M monobasic potassium phosphate solution and 22.4 mL of 0.2 M
sodium hydroxide. Complete the volume to 200 mL with water. Homogenize. Adjust pH to 6.8, if
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.4-00

Sodium lauryl sulfate-phosphate buffer pH 6.8.

Preparation – Mix 19 parts of 0.1 M hydrochloric acid with 17 parts of sodium lauryl sulfate-
phosphate buffer pH 11.0. If necessary, adjust the pH to 6.8 with 20% (v/v) phosphoric acid or 40%
(w/v) sodium hydroxide.

M tris-hydrochloride buffer pH 6.8

Preparation – Dissolve 60.6 g of tromethamine in 400 mL of water. Adjust pH to 6.8 with
hydrochloric acid and complete the volume to 500 mL with water. Homogenize. Adjust pH to 6.8, if

0.025 M phosphate buffer pH 6.86

Preparation – Dissolve 3.53 g of sodium phosphate dibasic and 3.39 g of monobasic potassium
phosphate in water and complete the volume to 1000 mL with the same solvent. Homogenize. Adjust
pH to 6.86, if necessary.

Acetate buffer pH 7.0

Preparation – Dissolve 2.73 g of sodium acetate in, approximately, 70 mL of water. Adjust pH to 7.0
with 0.5 M acetic acid. Complete the volume to 100 mL with water. Homogenize. Adjust pH to 7.0,
if necessary.
Conservation – In tightly closed containers.

Citro-phosphate buffer pH 7.0

Synonym – Sodium phosphate buffer pH 7.0.
Preparation – Mix 82.4 mL of 7.15% (w/v) sodium phosphate dibasic dodecahydrate with 17.6 mL
of 2.1% (w/v) citric acid. Adjust pH to 7.0, if necessary.

Phosphate buffer pH 7.0

Solution A – M sodium hydroxide.
Solution B – Dissolve 13.6 g of monobasic potassium phosphate in water and complete the volume
to 100 mL with the same solvent.
Preparation – Mix 29.5 mL of Solution A with 50 mL of Solution B. Adjust pH to 7.0 ± 0.1 using
Solutions A and B and complete the volume to 100 mL with water. Homogenize.

M/I5 phosphate buffer pH 7.0

Preparation – Dissolve 0.908 g of monobasic sodium phosphate in water, dilute to 100 mL with the
same solvent and homogenize. Separately, dissolve 2.38 g of sodium phosphate dibasic in water,
dilute to 100 mL with the same solvent and homogenize. Mix 38.9 mL of the monobasic potassium
phosphate solution with 61.1 mL sodium phosphate dibasic solution. Adjust pH to 7.0, if necessary.

Phosphate buffer pH 7.1

Preparation – Transfer 1 g of monobasic potassium phosphate and 1.8 g of sodium phosphate dibasic
to a 1000 mL volumetric flask, add 900 mL in water and adjust pH to 7.1 ± 0.1 with phosphoric acid
or 10 M sodium hydroxide. Complete the volume with the same solvent and homogenize.

Phosphate-albumin buffer pH 7.2

Preparation – Dissolve 4.26 g of sodium phosphate dibasic, 7.6 g of sodium chloride and 10 g of
bovine albumin in water. Complete the volume to 1000 mL and homogenize. Adjust pH to 7.2 with
2 M sodium hydroxide or with phosphoric acid.

Phosphate buffer pH 7.2

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.4-00

Preparation – Mix 250 mL of 0.2 M monobasic potassium phosphate and 175 mL of 0.2 M sodium
hydroxide. Complete the volume to 1000 mL. Homogenize. Adjust pH to 7.1, if necessary.

Phosphate buffer pH 7.3

Preparation – Dissolve 20.8 g of sodium phosphate dibasic heptahydrate and 3.08 g of sodium
phosphate monobasic monohydrate in 900 mL of water, adjust pH to 7.3 ± 0.1 with phosphoric acid
RS or sodium hydroxide RS and dilute to 1000 mL with the same solvent. Homogenize.

Barbital buffer pH 7.4

Preparation – Mix 50 mL of a solution with 1.94% (w/v) sodium acetate and 2.95% (w/v) of sodium
barbital in water with 50.5 mL of 0.1 M hydrochloric acid. Add 20 mL of 8.5% (w/v) sodium chloride
solution and complete the volume to 250 mL with water. Homogenize.

Potassium phosphate buffer pH 7.4 with 2% (v/v) polysorbate 80

Preparation – Dissolve 27.22 g of monobasic sodium phosphate in 1000 mL of water. Transfer
250 mL from the previous solution to a 1000 mL volumetric flask, add 195.5 mL of 0.2 M sodium
hydroxide and 450 mL of water. Adjust pH to 7.4 with phosphoric acid or sodium hydroxide and
complete the volume with water. Polysorbate 80 must be added later, due to the difficulty of
dissolving it. Homogenize.

Imidazole buffer pH 7.4

Preparation – Dissolve 3.4 g of imidazole and 5.84 mL of sodium chloride in water. Add 18.6 mL of
M hydrochloric acid and complete the volume to 1000 mL with water. If necessary, adjust pH to 7.4 ±

Tromethamine-sodium chloride buffer pH 7.4

Preparation – Dissolve 6.08 g of tromethamine and 8.77 mL of sodium chloride in 500 mL of distilled
water. Add 10 g of bovine albumin. Adjust pH to 7.4 with hydrochloric acid and complete the volume
to 1000 mL with water. Homogenize.

Tris-sodium chloride buffer pH 7.5

Preparation – Dissolve 7.27 g of tromethamine and 5.27 g of sodium chloride in 950 mL of water.
Adjust pH to 7.5 with 2 M hydrochloric acid and complete with water at 1000 mL. Homogenize.

Borate buffer pH 8.0

Preparation – Mix 0.619 g of boric acid and 0.746 g of potassium chloride in 50 mL of water. Add
3.97 mL of 0.2 M sodium hydroxide and dilute to 200 mL with water. Homogenize. Adjust pH to 8.0,
if necessary.

Barbital buffer pH 8.4

Preparation – Dissolve 8.25 g of sodium barbital in water and complete the volume to 1000 mL with
the same solvent. Homogenize. Adjust pH to 8.4, if necessary.

Tris-EDTA ASB buffer pH 8.4

Preparation – Dissolve 6.1 of tromethamine, 2.8 g of sodium iodide, 10.2 g of sodium chloride and
10 g of bovine albumin in water, adjust pH with M hydrochloric acid and complete to 1000 mL with
water. Homogenize.

Tromethamine-EDTA buffer pH 8.4

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.4-00

Preparation – Dissolve 5.12 g of sodium chloride, 3.03 g of tromethamine and 1.40 g of sodium
iodide in 250 mL of water. Adjust pH to 8.4 with hydrochloric acid and complete the volume to
500 mL with water. Homogenize.

Ammonium acetate buffer pH 8.5

Preparation – Dissolve 50 g of ammonium acetate in 1000 mL of 20% (v/v) ethyl alcohol. Adjust pH
to 8.5 with 6 M ammonium hydroxide.

Phosphate buffer pH 8.5

Preparation – Dissolve 3.5 g of dibasic potassium phosphate and 4.5 g of sodium chloride in 500 mL
of water. Adjust pH to 8.5 with a mixture of water and phosphoric acid (1:1).

Barbital buffer pH 8.6

Preparation – Mix 129 mL of 0.1 M hydrochloric acid with sufficient volume of 0.1 M sodium
barbital to complete 1000 mL. Adjust pH to 8.6, if necessary.

Phosphate buffer pH 8.6

Preparation – Mix 2.3 volumes of 0.2 M sodium hydroxide with 2.5 volumes of 0.2 M monobasic
potassium phosphate and 2 volumes of methyl alcohol. Cool and mix with water to obtain 10 volumes
of solution. Adjust pH, if necessary, to 8.60 ± 0.05 with sodium hydroxide.

1.5 M tris-hydrochloride buffer pH 8.8

Preparation – Dissolve 90.8 g of tromethamine in 400 mL of water. Adjust pH to 8.8 with
hydrochloric acid and dilute to 500 mL with water.

Borate buffer pH 9.0

Preparation – Dissolve 12.37 g of boric acid and 14.91 g of potassium chloride in water and complete
the volume to 1000 mL with the same solvent. Transfer 50 mL from the solution obtained to a 200 mL
volumetric flask, add 20 mL of 0.2 M sodium hydroxide and 120 mL of water. Homogenize. Adjust
pH to 9.0 with sodium hydroxide RS or hydrochloric acid RS, complete the volume with water and

0.05 M tris buffer pH 9.0

Preparation – Transfer 6.05 g of tromethamine to a 1000 mL volumetric flask. Dissolve in water and
complete the volume with the same solvent. Homogenize. Adjust pH to 9.0 ± 0.05 using phosphoric
acid. Dissolve 10 g of sodium lauryl sulfate in approximately 600 mL of buffer. Mix the solution
obtained with the remaining buffer.

Borate buffer pH 9.6

Preparation – Transfer 3.093 g of boric acid and 3.728 g of potassium chloride to a 1000 mL
volumetric flask, add 250 mL of water and shake until dissolution. Add 182 mL of 0.2 M sodium
hydroxide and complete the volume with water. Homogenize. Adjust pH to 9.6, if necessary.

Carbonate-sodium bicarbonate buffer pH 9.6

Preparation – Dissolve 0,75 g of sodium carbonate and 1.5 g of sodium bicarbonate in 500 mL of
water. Distribute in containers with 50 mL each. Autoclave at 121 °C, pressure of 1 atm, for 20
minutes. Store at 4 °C.

Ammonium chloride buffer pH 10.0

Preparation – Dissolve 5.4 g of ammonium chloride in 70 mL of 5 M ammonium hydroxide and
complete the volume to 100 mL with water.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition RG7.4-00

Ammonium chloride buffer pH 10.7

Preparation – Dissolve 67.5 g of ammonium chloride in water, add 570 mL of concentrated ammonia
solution and dilute to 1000 mL with water. Homogenize. Adjust pH to 10.7, if necessary.

Sodium lauryl sulfate-phosphate buffer pH 11.0

Preparation – Dissolve in water 16.35 g of monobasic sodium phosphate, 7.05 g of sodium hydroxide
and 3 g of sodium lauryl sulfate and dilute with water to 1000 mL. Homogenize. Adjust pH to 11.0,
if necessary.

Acetic acid-ammonium acetate buffer

Preparation – Dissolve 77.1 g of ammonium acetate in water, add 57 mL of glacial acetic acid and
complete the volume to 1000 mL with water. Homogenize. Adjust pH between 4.5 and 4.6 if

Concentrated buffer for DSS-EGPA samples.

Preparation – Dissolve 1.89 g of tromethamine, 5 g of sodium lauryl sulfate and 50 mg de of
bromophenol blue in water. Add 25 mL of glycerin and complete the volume to 100 mL with water.
Homogenize. Adjust pH to 6.8 with hydrochloric acid and complete the volume to 125 mL with water.

Concentrated buffer for DSS-EGPA samples in reducer conditions

Preparation – Dissolve 3.78 g of tromethamine, 10 g of sodium lauryl sulfate, 100 mg de of
bromophenol blue and 50 mL of glycerin in 200 mL water. Add 25 mL of 2-mercaptoethanol.
Homogenize. Adjust pH to 6.8 with hydrochloric acid and complete the volume to 250 mL with water.
As an alternative, dithiothreitol can be used instead of 2-mercaptoethanol as reducer agent. In this
case, proceed as described: dissolve 3.78 g of tromethamine, 10 g of sodium lauryl sulfate, 100 mg
de of bromophenol blue and 50 mL of glycerin in 200 mL water. Homogenize. Adjust pH to 6.8 with
hydrochloric acid and complete the volume to 250 mL with water. Immediately before use, add
dithiothreitol, to obtain a final concentration of 0.1 M.

DSS-EGPA electrophoresis buffer

Preparation – Dissolve 151.4 g of tromethamine, 721 g of glycine and 50 g of sodium lauryl sulfite
in water and complete the volume to 5000 mL with the same solvent. Homogenize. Dilute this
solution 10 times with water, immediately before use. The pH of the diluted solution must be between
8.1 and 8.8.

Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)

Preparation – Dissolve, by stirring, 24 g of sodium chloride, 0.6 g of potassium chloride, 4.3 g of
sodium phosphate dibasic dodecahydrate and 0.6 g of monobasic potassium phosphate in 4 L of
water. Autoclave at 121 °C, pressure of 1 atm, for 20 minutes. Store at 4 °C.

Cupric sulfate buffer

Solution A – Dissolve 15.22 g of sodium phosphate dibasic in sufficient amount of water. Add 9.75 g
of monohydrate citric acid and dilute to 1000 mL with water. Homogenize. Adjust pH to 5.2 with the
help of sodium hydroxide or citric acid.
Solution B – Dissolve 0.313 g of cupric sulfate pentahydrate in water and dilute to 100 mL with the
same solvent. Homogenize.
Preparation – At the moment of use, mix 15 mL of Solution B with 985 mL of Solution A.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.1-00


This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.1-00




Sterility is the absence of viable microorganisms. Since the sterility of any item isolated from a
population submitted to the sterilization process cannot be assured or demonstrated to having been
obtained, the sterility of a lot is defined in probabilistic terms through an adequately validated
production process.

The invalidation of microorganisms by physical or chemical means follow an exponential law;

therefore, there is a statistic probability that microorganisms may survive the sterilization process.
For a determined process, the survival probability is determined by the number, type and resistance
of microorganisms present and by the environment during the sterilization. The sterility assurance
level from a sterilization process translates the safety with which the process in question sterilizes a
set of items, being expressed as the probability of a non-sterile item in that population. The sterility
assurance level of 10−6, for example, indicates the probability of no more than one viable
microorganism in 1 × 106 sterilized items from the final product. The sterility assurance level from a
process for a certain product is established through appropriate validation studies and it is usually
accepted that injectable products or critical sterile devices submitted to terminal sterilization achieve
a microbial survivor probability of 10–6. With heat-stable products, the frequent approach is to exceed
the critical time necessary to achieve the microbial survivor probability of 10–6 (overkill). However,
for thermosensitive products, the overkill approach cannot be employed and the development of the
sterilization cycle depends on knowledge of the product’s microbial burden.

The D value, decimal reduction time, is the time in minutes necessary for reducing the microbial
population by 90%, or 1 log cycle, at a specific condition, that is, to a surviving fraction of 1/10.
Therefore, where the D value of a biological indicator preparation from, for example, Geobacillus
stearothermophilus spores is 1.5 minutes under the total process parameters, that is, at 121 °C, if
treated for 12 minutes under the same conditions, it is possible to state that the lethality input is 8 D.
Applying this input to product sterilization depends on the initial microbial burden. Assuming that
the product’s microbial burden presents resistance to the sterilization process equal to the biological
indicator resistance and that the product’s initial burden is 102 microorganisms, the lethality input of
2 D would reduce the microbial burden to 1 (theoretically 100) and, consequently, additional 6 D
would result in a microbial survivor probability calculated as 10 -6. Under the same conditions, a
lethality input of 12 D can be employed as a typical approach to obtain overkill. Usually, the microbial
burden survival probability in the material, which sterilization validation process is being executed,
is not the same as the biological indicator. For valid use, therefore, it is essential that the biological
indicator resistance is higher than the bioburden of the material to be sterilized, being necessary to
assume the worst case scenario during the validation. The D value of the biological indicator to be
used must be determined or verified for each validation program, and also in case such program is

The determination of survivor curves, or fractional cycle approach, can be used to determine the D
value of the biological indicator selected for the specific sterilization process. This approach can also
be used to assess the product bioburden resistance. Fractional cycles are used to assess the reduction
in microbial count or achieve negative fraction. These numbers can be used both to determine the
process lethality under production conditions and to establish appropriate sterilization cycles. An
adequate biological indicator, such as the Geobacillus stearothermophilus preparation, must also be
used during routine sterilization. Any microbial burden method used for sterility assurance requires
adequate surveillance of the item’s microbial resistance to detect any changes.
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With a method of sterilization, the purpose is to remove, or destroy, all forms of life, animal or
vegetable, macroscopic or microscopic, saprophytic or not, from the product considered, without
assuring the inactivation of cell toxins and enzymes. The procedure selected to achieve the sterility
assurance level depends on knowledge of the nature of the material to be sterilized; the sterilization
process to be employed; and changes that may occur in the material, due to sterilization. The
knowledge on the type, amount and source of contaminants in the products, before sterilization, and
the employment of methods to minimize such contamination and prevent it after processing contribute
to ensure a successful sterilization.

This chapter reports concepts and principles involved in quality assurance and control for products
that must meet the sterility requirement and includes descriptions of the sterilization methods and
instructions for an aseptic process.


Heat is the simplest, most economic and safer sterilizing agent available. However, the sensitivity of
different microorganisms to action from heat is highly varied, with the spored forms being the most
resistant. The efficiency in the inactivation of microorganisms depends on temperature, exposure time
and presence of water, because lower exposure times and temperatures are required in presence of
water. Sterilization by moist heat causes coagulation of cell proteins from microorganisms, while
sterilization by dry heat occurs due to oxidizing processes, which need high temperature and long
exposure time.

Moist heat

The sterilization process employing saturated vapor under pressure is executed in a chamber called
autoclave. The basic operation principle is replacing air in the chamber with saturated vapor. To
displace air more efficiently in the chamber and inside the products, the sterilization cycle may
include air and vapor evacuation steps. For this sterilization method, the reference condition for
sterilization of aqueous preparations is of heating at no less than 121 °C for at least 15 minutes.
Different time and temperature combinations may be used, provided that validated and that they
demonstrate the effectiveness of the process selected, offering adequate and reproducible lethality
level when operated, as routine, within the tolerances established. Procedures and precautions are
applied to achieve a sterility safety level of 10−6 or better. Time and temperature combinations must
be established based on factors such as nature of the material and its thermolability, penetrability of
vapor in the product to be sterilized, and other parameters defined in the validation process. When a
sterilization temperature different from 121 °C is used, the concept of F0 must be used. F0 in a
particular temperature different from 121 °C is the time in minutes necessary to provide lethality
equivalent to the one provided at 121 °C for a certain time. F0 is a measure of sterilizing effectiveness,
that is, the number of minutes of thermal sterilization by steam at a given temperature supplied to a
container or product unit, at a given Z value.

To assure the sterilization process efficiency, the burden must be distributed in the chamber to allow
contact of vapor with regions of most difficult access. For materials sterilized by moist heat, it is
acceptable that a microbial survivor probability of 10-6 is achieved. For heat-stable products, the
necessary time to achieve the previous condition may be exceeded, resulting in overkill, which does

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not apply to products that may undergo change due to excessive exposure to heat. In this situation,
the development of the sterilization cycle depends, especially, on knowing the microbial burden in
the product, which must be determined in a substantial amount of product batches, before sterilization.
The D value of the adequate biological indicator used, such as Geobacillus stearothermophilus, must
be assessed in the validation program or if there is any change to this program.

Dry heat

Thermal sterilization by dry heat is carried out in an oven with homogeneous heat distribution, which
can be achieved by forced air circulation. Items such as glassware, metals, powders, petrolatum, fats,
waxes, oily solutions and suspensions and special fabrics can be sterilized. This process is applied
especially to materials sensitive to sterilization by moist heat. For this sterilization method, the
reference condition is a minimum temperature of 160 °C for, at least, two hours. Different time and
temperature combinations may be used, provided that validated and that they demonstrate the
effectiveness of the process selected, offering adequate and reproducible lethality level when operated
as routine within the tolerances established.

A sterility assurance level of 10-12 is considered acceptable for heat-stable products. An example of
biological indicator to validate and monitor the sterilization by dry heat is the Bacillus atrophaeus
spore preparation.

The process employing dry heat can also be used for sterilization and depyrogenation as integral part
of the aseptic filling process, which requires very high temperatures due to the lower time of exposure
to heat. In continuous processes, it is usually necessary to have a cooling stage previous to the
packaging process. Due to the lower material dwell time, the validation program must include
parameters such as uniformity of temperature and dwell time.

Dry heat at temperatures higher than 220 °C can be used to sterilize and depyrogenate glassware. In
this case, a challenge with bacterial endotoxin must be part of the validation program, demonstrating
a reduction of no less than three log cycles of heat-resistant endotoxin, that is, test materials inoculated
with at least 1000 units of bacterial endotoxin. The test, with Limulus lysate, can be used to
demonstrate that the endotoxin was inactivated to no more than 1/1000 of the original amount, and
the remaining endotoxin is measured to ensure the reduction of 3 log cycles.


Ionizing radiations are high energy emissions, in the form of electromagnetic waves or particles that,
when colliding with atoms from the irradiated material, change their electric charge by electron
displacement, turning the irradiated atoms into positive or negative ions. When these radiations cross
the cells, they create free hydrogen, hydroxyl radicals and some peroxides, which in turn may cause
different intracellular injuries. The main sources of radiation are: alpha; beta; gamma rays and X rays.
The two types of ionizing radiation employed are radioisotope decay (gamma radiation) and radiation
by electron beam. The products are exposed to ionizing radiation in the form of gamma radiation
from an adequate source of radioisotopes (cobalt 60, for example) or a beam of electrons energized
through an electron accelerator.

In addition to the possibility of processing at low temperatures, which allows the sterilization of heat-
sensitive products, the sterilization by ionizing radiation has advantages such as low chemical
reactivity and the fact that there are few parameters to be controlled, being mandatory to control the
radiation dose absorbed. The dose of radiation established for sterilization must assure the materials
to be sterilized are not compromised. For gamma radiation, the process validation includes
establishing the compatibility of the material, establishing the product loading model and mapping
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the dose in the sterilization container, identifying zones for maximum and minimum radiation doses,
defining the exposure time, and proving the application of the sterilization dose required. For
irradiation by electron beams, voltage, current, conveyor speed and the electron beam scanning
dimension must also be controlled. For this sterilization process, the absorbed reference dose is 25
kGy, but in some situations there is the need for selecting a higher or lower dose. The dose selected
must offer an adequate and reproducible level of lethality when the process is operated as routine
within the tolerances established. Procedures and precautions must be applied to achieve a sterility
safety level of 10−6 or better.

To validate the effectiveness of this sterilization, especially when lower doses are used, it is necessary
to determine the resistance to radiation of the product’s microbial burden. Specific product loading
patterns and the distribution of minimum and maximum doses absorbed must be established. The
doses absorbed are usually measured through specific dosimeters, such as standardized plastic support
that shows the color intensity proportional to the amount of radiation absorbed. The fractional cycle
approach provides the data used to determine the D10 value of the biological indicator, an information
applied to extrapolate the amount of radiation absorbed, to establish an adequate microbial survivor
probability. Currently, the dose is based on the resistance to radiation of the natural heterogeneous
microbial burden in the product to be sterilized. The validation procedures can be used the exposure
of the inoculated product, using resistant organisms, such as Bacillus pumilus, or exposure of samples
of the finished product from the production line to the sublethal process dose.

The procedure for selecting the radiation dose, based on the assessment of the resistance of
microorganisms that are constituents of the microbial burden of the product to be sterilized, allows a
more representative determination of its resistance when working with different susceptibilities to
radiation. This procedure requires enumerating the microbial population in a representative sampling
of different product batches. With knowledge on the microbial burden, the radiation dose is
established based on a table available on literature. Another method that allows establishing the
radiation dose is based on employing radiation dose increases until obtaining, at maximum, a positive
sample in 100 units irradiated. This information provides the base for extrapolating this dose and
obtaining the radiation dose. Periodic assessments must be made to ensure that the values established
remain effective (reference: ISO 11137-1: 2006 – Sterilization of health care products – Radiation –
Part 1: Requirements for development, validation and routine control of a sterilization process for
medical devices).

The effectiveness of the sterilization cycle must be assessed, periodically, by determining the
product’s microbial burden, or by employing the biological indicator and using calibrated dosimeters.


The filtration is employed for sterilization of heat-sensitive solutions through physical removal of
contaminant microorganisms. The filtering material cannot shed fibers or extractable materials that
are undesirable for the filtered solution, which restricts the nature of the filtering element to glass,
metal, synthesized polymers and polymeric membranes.

A filter assembly consists of a porous matrix inserted in an impermeable housing. The effectiveness
of a filtering medium or substrate depends on the material pore size, the adsorption of microorganisms
on or in the filter matrix, and the sieving or exclusion mechanism. The effect of exclusion by size is
a function of the pore opening (diameter), and the adsorption depends on the composition, thickness
of the filtering element and fluid being filtered.

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The pore size of filtering membranes is estimated by a nominal value that reflects the filter membrane
capacity of retaining microorganisms represented by specific strains. The filtration for sterilization
purposes is usually conducted with graduation membranes of nominal pore size of 0.2 mm or smaller.
Such sterilizing filtration membranes, classified as 0.22 mm or 0.2 mm, depending on the
manufacturer, are capable of retaining 100% of a culture with 107 microorganisms of Brevundimonas
diminuta (ATCC 19146), per cm2 of filtering membrane surface, under minimum pressure of 30 psi
(2.0 bar).

The user is responsible for selecting the filter due to the nature of the material to be filtered, which
meets the needs from the sterilization process, and must also determine whether the parameters
employed in the production will influence the effectiveness of microbial retention. Since the filtration
process effectiveness is also influenced by the bioburden of the solution to be filtered, it is important
to determine the microbial quality of the solutions before the filtration, as well as establish parameters
such as pressure, flow rate and characteristics of the filtering unit.

The log reduction value can also be used to assess the retention capacity of the filtering membrane.
For example, a 0.2 mm filter, which can retain 107 microorganisms from a specific strain, will have
a minimum log reduction value of 7, under the conditions stated.

Commercially available filtering membranes include cellulose acetate, cellulose nitrate,

fluorocarbonate, acrylic polymers, polyester, polycarbonate, polyvinyl chloride, vinyl, nylon, polytef,
and also metallic membranes. Membrane filters, for being polymeric films, offer many advantages
and some disadvantages when compared to depth filters such as porcelain or sintered material. Since
a considerable part of the membrane surface is a void or open space, the correct filter assembly and
sterilization offer the advantage of a high flow rate. A disadvantage is that, since the membrane is
fragile, it is necessary to ensure there is no rupture during the assembly, sterilization or use.

The filtration system must be tested before and after the filtration process to ensure its integrity is
maintained during the filtration process. Typical use tests include bubble point test, diffusive airflow
test, pressure hold test, and progressive flow test. The bubble point test consists of a non-destructive
test, and derives its name from viewing bubbles after applying a certain pressure on the filter. For
example, after filtration of approximately two liters of sterile distilled water, constant nitrogen
pressure is applied for five minutes for 0.2 mm cellulose ester membranes. For each type of filter
there is a limit pressure value to be supported, without presenting the formation of bubbles, indicating
the resistance of the filtering material. The tests must be correlated to the retention of microorganisms.
Additional tests conducted by the filter manufacturer, such as the microbial challenge test, are not
usually repeated by the user.


Gas sterilization can be the method selected for materials that do not resist high temperatures, such
as in the processing by dry heat or moist heat. The active agent generally employed in gas sterilization
is ethylene oxide. Among the disadvantages of this sterilizing agent, there are its mutagenic
properties, the possibility of toxic residues in the materials treated and its highly flammable nature,
except when in certain mixtures with inert gases. The sterilization process is usually conducted in a
pressurized chamber with design similar to autoclave, but with specific characteristics, such as system
for degassing after sterilization and minimization of exposure from operators to gas.

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The qualification program for the process of sterilization with ethylene oxide is broader than for other
sterilization processes, since humidity, vacuum/positive pressure and concentration of ethylene oxide,
as well as temperature, must be controlled. It is important to determine and demonstrate that all critical
process parameters are adequate inside the sterilization chamber throughout the cycle. Since the
sterilization parameters applied to the products to be processed are critical, it is recommendable to
precondition the load to minimize the time of exposure to the temperature required.

The validation program is usually conducted by employing the inoculated product, or simulate
inoculated product, with appropriate preparations, such as Bacillus atrophaeus spores. Biological
indicators are usually employed to establish the final microbial survivor probability, using the
fractional cycle concept, to design a cycle of sterilization with ethylene oxide, and they must be used
in product, or simulated product, loads with full chamber.

The biological indicator must be employed in routine cycle monitoring, and also in the planning of
the cycle of sterilization by ethylene oxide. Another important aspect of the sterilization process
planning is the definition of the type of packaging of the material to be processed and its distribution
in the sterilization chamber, due to the limited capacity of diffusion of ethylene oxide in the innermost
areas of the product.


The control of residues in products sterilized by ethylene gas is necessary to ensure minimum risk for
the patient when using the product. Residual levels of ethylene oxide (EO), ethylene chlorohydrin
(ECH) and ethylene glycol (EG) must be followed to minimize the exposure by professionals and

The maximum residues admissible for EO and ECH are presented. Local effects, such as irritation,
are considered as incorporated to the tolerable contact limit (TCL). No limit is defined for EG,
because the risk assessment available indicates that the admissible levels calculated are higher than
the residual levels that can be found in the products.

The protection against systemic effects was considered on the limits described. The residual level of
EO is considered at the moment of product release.

To establish the maximum daily doses of EO and ECH, the products must be classified according to
the duration of contact with the patient:

Limited exposure

Products with one-time, multiple or repeated use or cumulative contact of up to 24 hours;

Prolonged exposure

Products with one-time, multiple or repeated use or cumulative contact of long duration – from 24
hours to 30 days;

Permanent contact

Products with one-time, multiple or repeated use or cumulative contact of long duration – above 30

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“Multiple use” means the repeated use of the same type of product, such as, for example, dialysis

If a product is classified in more than one duration category, the stricter considerations from test
and/or assessment must be enforced. For multiple exposures, the classification must take into account
the potential cumulative effect, considering the time period when these exposures occur.

The limits for permanent contact and prolonged exposure products are expressed as maximum
average daily doses. If there are data available, one must consider the proportional reduction of limits
if multiple products are used at once, or the proportional increase of limits when the product is used
only in part of the exposure period.

For permanent contact products, the average daily dose of EO is no more than 0.1 mg. The maximum
dose of EO is 4 mg on the first 24 hours; 60 mg on the first 30 days; and 2.5 g through the lifetime.
The average daily dose of ECH is no more than 0.4 mg. The maximum dose of ECH is 9 mg on the
first 24 hours; 60 mg on the first 30 days; and 10 g through the lifetime.

For prolonged exposure products, the average daily dose of EO is no more than 2 mg. The maximum
dose of EO is 4 mg on the first 24 hours and 60 mg on the first 30 days. The average daily dose of
ECH is no more than 2 mg/day. The maximum dose of ECH is 9 mg on the first 24 hours and 60 mg
on the first 30 days.

For limited exposure products, the average daily dose of EO is no more than 4 mg, and the average
daily dose of ECH is no more than 9 mg.

The tolerable contact limit (TCL) is established to prevent localized irritation due to the release of
EO or ECH by the product, being expressed in micrograms per square centimeter (μg/cm2) for EO
and in milligrams per square centimeter (mg/cm2) for ECH, where the square centimeter unit
represents the surface area of the product interface with the patient.

For implants and contact products, the TCL of EO is no more than 10 µg/cm2 or negligible irritation.
The TCL of ECH is no more than 5 mg/cm2 or negligible irritation.

The norm ISO 10993-7 describes the acceptable limits for special situations, such as intraocular
lenses; blood cell separators, used in blood collection; blood oxygenators and separators; products
used in cardiopulmonary bypass procedures; blood purification devices, extracorporeal devices and
gauze bandages.

The procedure for determining the compliance with limits consists of extracting the residue from
samples, determining the product contact surface, analyzing and interpreting data.

A validated extraction and measurement method must be used to determine the residual levels of EO
and ECH in the product. Many analytical methods have been investigated and the broad variety of
materials and formats of sterile products may eventually present issues in determining residues.
Therefore, any analytical method must be validated before use.

When residues are within the requirements for the products tested by exhaustive extraction, there is
no need to test the product by extraction of simulated use, provided that the results are below the
limits specified. When exhaustive extraction is used, attention must be given to the limits for the first
24 hours and for the first 30 days. Small products must be extracted in an adequate container. When
a product is too large to be entirely extracted, it may be necessary to extract many representative
portions of the product components to ensure the reliability of derived data.
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Many factors influence the initial levels of residues and their dissipation rate, and precautions must
be taken, such as the moment of taking the sample from the sterilized load; transportation to the
laboratory; effects of laboratory conditions on the aeration rate, as well as the safety of the analyst
and the operator. The samples must remain with the product load until the day of analysis, or until
the test samples are taken and frozen immediately. The samples must be sealed, shipped in dry ice
and stored by freezing until their analysis. The test samples can also be taken directly from the product
load in the desired aeration range and immediately placed in a confined space (headspace) vial, sealed
and sent to the laboratory for analysis. Alternatively, the samples can be extracted and the extraction
fluid, sent for analysis. If the extraction fluid is water, the shipment must be made so that the liquid
is maintained at low temperatures (<10 °C) until it arrives to the laboratory. The test must be
conducted to measure the hydrolysis of EO into EG.

The samples must be placed in a fume hood, removed from the package, prepared according to the
instructions of use from the product, and the extractions must be started soon after removal from the
package or conclusion of the pre-use preparations.

A sample blank must be tested to check for the presence of interferences. The blank must be prepared
by using a non-sterilized sample submitted to the same procedure applied to test samples. The
chromatographic conditions must be modified to separate the interference peak from the analyte peak,
or an alternative analytical procedure may be used when the retention times are conflicting or

The nature and size of the product sample will be considered to establish the ideal volume of fluid for
extraction, and the sample/extraction fluid ratios must not compromise the detection sensitivity. To
maximize the analytical sensitivity, a minimum amount of extraction fluid must be used, and products
with highly absorbing materials may require increased sample/extraction fluid ratios.
Two methods for basic extraction are used for determining EO residues: simulated use extraction and
exhaustive extraction. The method selected must be adequate to the product use and examples can be
seen on the norm ISO 10993-7.

Temperatures and extraction times must be determined based on the nature of patient exposure and
duration of contact with the product. The norm ISO 10993-12 is a reference for extraction

For certain products, the simulated use extraction may result in relatively large elution volumes, and
may considerably increase the limit of detection for the residual material, compromising the
determination of compliance. In very large products, the extraction of representative portions can be
used to ensure data reliability.

Simulated use aqueous extraction is the method of reference, because it is the only method that
produces results directly comparable with the limits specified.

Water, normally used for recovery of EO and ECH residues in simulated use extractions, is employed
for elution of EO residues from the sample, not to dissolve the sample. In the case of packaging use
simulation, the product must be filled to eliminate air bubbles, at 37 °C, for products in total or partial
contact with the body during the use (body temperature) and at 25 °C for products with no immediate
contact with the body during their use (room temperature). If the test is not executed immediately,
the extract must be taken from the sample and sealed in a poly-tetrafluoroethylene coated vial. The
standard solution or extract vial headspace must be inferior to 10% of the total volume. The extract
can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. It is necessary to use caution when employing water,

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since EO can be converted to EG and/or ECH during the extraction period, as well as during the
extract storage.

The amounts of EO or ECH extracted through normal product use simulation are not necessarily equal
to the total residual content of the product.

Exhaustive extraction methods are targeted at recovering the entire residual content of product, being
an acceptable alternative in certain situations.

A variety of extraction fluids can be used for exhaustive recovery of residual EO, and its selection
depends on the composition of the product material and its components.

The norm ISO 10993-7 is a detailed guide on assessment of residues from sterilization by EO and
indicates how to convert the concentration of residue observed in extracts for the amount administered
to a patient, in milligrams.

If sufficient experimental data on the kinetic of residue diffusion are available, it may be possible to
group products for tests based on similarity of materials, manufacturing processes and use.

Dissipation curves may be used to estimate the post-sterilization time required for the products or
families of similar products, to reach the limits of residues, especially for EO. The products must be
released according to the post-sterilization times and conditions, pre-determined and defined by
experimental dissipation curves, so that the target levels of EO residues for the product are assured.
Concerns with product aeration must be considered by gathering sterilization load data collected from
the quarantine storage or aeration in different times of the year, if the aeration temperatures are

The product re-sterilization and the presence of other products sterilized with EO in adjacent areas
must also be considered when obtaining experimental data to generate such dissipation curves.

When dissipation curve data are not available, the product can be released if the data are obtained
from tests conducted according to the procedures and the limits described for EO and, if applicable,
for ECH are met.

The product is compliant when it complies with the limits described for EO and, if applicable, for

The products manufactured and sterilized in controlled conditions may be cleared considering data
from at least three sterilization batches at different times.


The validation must demonstrate in a documented manner that the sterilization process established
will consistently provide products that achieve the sterility assurance level required. The products
sterilized according to the validated process must meet the pre-determined specifications and the
quality characteristics related to functionality and safety.

Once the process is validated, it must be revalidated periodically, and after changes in product,
equipment and process that may compromise the sterility assurance level specified.

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The main validation elements are: installation qualification; operation qualification; and performance


The execution of the plan for installation qualification must offer documented evidence that the
equipment and all auxiliary items were provided, installed and operate according to specifications. It
must be demonstrated that the sterilization equipment, its components, auxiliary items and supplies,
such as vapor, water and air, have been correctly designed, installed and calibrated.

In order to meet the parameters and limits recommended for sterilization, it is necessary to use
appropriate instrumentation to monitor and control critical parameters such as temperature, time,
humidity, concentration of sterilizing gas, or radiation absorbed. These instruments must be assessed
in the installation qualification.

The installation qualification comprises the following elements: equipment, installation and function.

Concerning equipment and installation, the specifications of the sterilizer; auxiliary items and
services; operating procedures; the location of the facility and the documentation must be defined in
advance and verified in the installation qualification, ensuring its compliance. To ensure the function,
it is necessary to verify that the equipment and operating safety systems work according to their
specifications; that the operation cycles are as defined; and that there is no evidence of leakage of
utilities or in the sterilizer, when applicable.

In the documented procedures for installation qualification, it must be specified how each
qualification element is planned, executed and reviewed. The documentation that provides support to
the installation qualification includes description of physical and operational characteristics of the
equipment; its components and services. Designs and process and instrumentation diagrams must be
verified against the setup proposed and updated, when necessary. Safety systems applicable must be
assessed to ensure the performance, quality and safety of equipment and operators.

The installation qualification is necessary for new equipment or when the existing sterilizer is
replaced or relocated. The qualification must be redone at defined time intervals, and at least partially
when there are changes that may change the sterilization process effectiveness, such as replacement
or overhaul of equipment, or parts, modifications in process supplies, and change to radioactive


In the operational qualification, it is necessary to demonstrate that the equipment installed is capable
of conducting the sterilization process specified within the intervals defined. The interval of
parameters and the limits of operation must be established in the process definition. Before the
operational qualification, the calibration status for the entire instrumentation used to monitor, control,
indicate and register must be confirmed.

For autoclaves and other sterilizers that employ thermal process, studies on heat distribution in
different positions must be conducted considering the chamber size and the load. It is necessary to
confirm that the chamber (empty and full) operates within the critical parameters in all its main
locations. The number and position of thermocouples are determined by the load type and
configuration; equipment size; type of instrument; and cycle employed. An acceptable temperature
range in the empty chamber is ± 1 °C when the chamber temperature is 121 °C. For ethylene oxide
sterilizers, relative humidity, concentration of gas and temperature must be monitored by sensors
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distributed in adequate positions. Applicable safety systems must be tested. Control software must be
validated and challenged in fault conditions. The penetration and distribution of ionizing radiation on
the load must be performed and monitored by dosimeters. The operation for qualification of sterilizing
filters is conducted through filter integrity test, differential pressure measurements, and flow rate.
Since fluids sterilized by filtering membranes can be exposed to the environment during the following
processing, the environmental control and the qualification and/or validation of the aseptic handling
area must be an integral part of the process of sterilization by filtration.


In the performance qualification it is necessary to demonstrate that the sterilization process is capable
of repeatedly reaching the sterility assurance level pre-determined for defined product loads; that the
apparatus works consistently according to pre-determined criteria; and that the product meets the
specified safety, quality and performance requirements.

The performance qualification comprises physical and microbiological assessments that demonstrate
the effectiveness and reproducibility of the sterilization process, maintaining the product
characteristics specified.

In physical studies, it is necessary to consider: criteria such as test load representative of the process;
package identical to the product; pre-conditioning; temperature profile and temperature on the point
of reference; response from chemical indicators; package integrity; documentation; among others.
The load for sterilization must be established and documented, taking into account parameters such
as configuration, distribution, orientation, density, dimension, composition of material, use and type
of pallets. The product or material with similar characteristics to the product (simulated product) used
for qualification must have a package identical to the product and represent, as a minimum, the worst
case of production routine load, that is, the most difficult configuration to sterilize. Criteria for
reutilization of load must be defined, and it must be equilibrated with the environmental conditions
or aerated before reuse. With the data generated, it is necessary to demonstrate the compliance with
physical and chemical parameters applicable. The relation between the conditions of monitoring
positions during the qualification and the routine must be established.

In the physical performance qualification, it is necessary to demonstrate the process reproducibility

with a minimum of three consecutive cycles to verify if all acceptance criteria are met.

In microbiological qualification, it is necessary to follow specific requirements for each sterilizing

agent. Different methods can be used in the validation of the sterilization process and include three
categories: process based on inactivation of the natural microbial burden (bioburden); combined
process based on the inactivation of reference microorganism and knowledge of the microbial burden
(bioburden and biological indicator); and process based on the inactivation of reference
microorganism (overkill). It is indicated that the microbial challenge must be executed in the
minimum process parameters and must achieve the sterility assurance levels for all load
combinations, and may use the worst case of product representing the families. For each type of load
to be sterilized, the process reproducibility must be demonstrated by employing at least three
consecutive cycles. The biological indicators used must be positioned in and/on the product at a
defined location.

The performance qualification must be repeated when significant changes are proposed, such as
changes in product design and package, load configuration or density, and sterilization equipment or
process. The effects of these changes in the stages of validation of the sterilization process must be

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The documented review of the validation data generated in the installation, operation and performance
qualifications must be conducted to confirm the acceptability of the sterilization process and define
the process specification, including parameters and tolerance.

The final stage of the validation program requires the documentation of support data developed in the
execution of this program.

The biological indicator is defined as a preparation characterized by a specific microorganism that
provides defined and stable resistance to a certain sterilization process. Spore-forming bacteria are
microorganisms recognized as appropriate for use as biological indicators, since, except for ionizing
radiation, these microorganisms are significantly more resistant to sterilization processes than
microorganisms from the natural microbial burden of the product.

A biological indicator can be used in the performance qualification for the sterilization equipment
and in the development and establishment of the sterilization process for a specific product. Biological
indicators are used in processes for obtaining the sterile product in its final container and in
sterilization of equipment, materials and components of the package, employed in the aseptic process.
Biological indicators can also be used to monitor sterilization cycles in periodic revalidations and to
assess the capacity of the process used in decontamination of isolators or clean rooms.


There are at least three types of biological indicators, and each type incorporates a microbial species
with known resistance to the sterilization process.

One type of biological indicator includes spores that are added to a support or carrier (disc or strip
in filter paper, glass, plastic or another material) packaged in order to maintain the integrity and
viability of the material inoculated. Carriers and primary packaging must not have any type of
chemical, physical or microbiological contamination that may compromise the performance and
stability of the biological indicator and cannot undergo change due to the sterilization process
submitted. Carriers and primary packaging must withstand transport and handling until the moment
of use and must avoid loss of the original inoculum during the transportation, handling and storage
until the expiration of the validity period.

Another type of biological indicator consists of a spore suspension inoculated in representative units
of the product to be sterilized. When it is not possible to employ the actual product, it is possible to
inoculate a simulated product, which differs from the actual product in some characteristics, but
behaves in a similar manner when submitted to test or sterilization conditions. A spore suspension
with known D value must be used for inoculation of the actual or simulated product, ensuring that the
simulated product does not compromise the resistance of the biological indicator when used. The
physical design of the (actual or simulated) product to be inoculated may affect the resistance of the
microbial suspension inoculated. In case of liquid products, it is recommendable to determine the D
value and the Z value of the biological indicator in the liquid product specified. The population, D
value, Z value where applicable and microorganism destruction time must be determined. Z value is
the temperature rise, in degrees, necessary to reduce the D value by 90% or to produce a reduction of
a log cycle in the thermal resistance curve.

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The third type is the self-contained indicator, presented in such a way that the primary packaging
targeted at incubation after sterilization has the growth medium required for the microorganism
recovery In this case, the system comprised of the biological indicator and the microorganism growth
medium must be resistant to the sterilization process and must allow the penetration of sterilizing
agent. The D value, microorganism destruction time and survivor time must be determined for the
system, not only for the paper strip or disk that contains the microorganisms. After sterilization, the
contact of strips or disks with microorganisms and the culture medium is permitted.

The self-contained biological indicator may consist of a spore suspension in a culture medium with
pH indicator that allows view the presence or absence of growth after the incubation. The self-
contained system resistance depends on the penetration of the sterilizing agent in the package, which
must be controlled by the manufacturer through the design and composition of the material that
comprises the package, ampoule or container. The self-contained indicator in the form of ampoule
may be incubated directly after exposure to the sterilization process, in the conditions specified. The
absence or presence of microbial growth is determined visually, from the change of color of an
indicator incorporated to the medium, by the turbidity resulting from the development of the
microorganism, or also by microscopic examination of the inoculated medium. The self-contained
biological indicator must withstand the transport and handling during the use without any ruptures or
loss of the original inoculum. During or after the sterilization process, the material of which the self-
contained system is comprised must not retain or release any substance that may inhibit the growth
of surviving microorganisms. The growth promoting capacity of the culture medium after exposure
to the sterilization process must be proven.


All operations involved in the preparation of biological indicators must be monitored through a
documented quality system that allows traceability of all materials and components incorporated to
the microbial suspension, the inoculated carrier or the biological indicator. The preparation of stock
spore suspensions of the microorganisms selected as biological indicators requires the development
of appropriate procedures, including cultivation, harvesting, purification and maintenance. The stock
suspensions must predominantly have dormant (non-germinative) spores maintained in non-nutritive
liquid. The final product provided by manufacturers (microbial suspension, inoculated carrier or
biological indicator) must not contain a microorganism different from the test microorganism in
sufficient number that may affect the product. To minimize the presence of microorganisms different
from the test microorganism, the system must be validated, monitored and registered.


The selection of the biological indicator requires knowledge of its resistance to the specific
sterilization process to ensure that the biological indicator system provides a higher challenge than
the product microbial burden system.

The efficient use of biological indicator for development of the cycle, process and validation, or for
monitoring the routine sterilization process, requires knowledge on the material to be sterilized,
including its components and packaging material. Only biological indicators recognized and specified
on monographs must be used in the development or validation of a sterilization process, to ensure
that the biological indicator selected offers a greater challenge to the sterilization process than the
microbial burden in the product.

In case of using biological indicators with different characteristics from the ones commercially
available, it is possible to cultivate microorganisms described in scientific literature to prepare
biological indicators. The user must be capable of determining the D and Z values for in-house
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indicators. When a non-commercial biological indicator is used, the population, purity and validity
must be confirmed to ensure the legitimacy of the tests to be performed using this indicator.

When the sterilization process definition is based on the product microbial burden, it must be
quantified and the resistances of the biological indicator and the microbial burden must be compared.
The sterilization process must result in a minimum sterility assurance level of 10-6.

The overkill method may be employed in the development of the sterilization process and, in this
case, specific considerations related to the supposed resistance used in establishing the process
lethality requirements must be made. In general, overkill processes are developed with the assumption
that the microbial burden is equal to 106 highly resistant microorganisms. A 12 D process is defined
as the process that provides sufficient lethality for reduction of 12 log cycles, equivalent to 12 times
the D value for microorganisms with resistance above the average resistance from microorganisms
present in the product microbial burden. By assuming a microbial burden of 106, an overkill process
will result in a probability of non-sterility inferior to 10-6. The use of the overkill process and its
validation may minimize or avoid the need for quantification and identification of the product
microbial burden.

For the moist heat process, spores from appropriate strains of Geobacillus stearothermophilus are
commercially available as biological indicators. Other spore-forming microorganisms resistant to
moist heat, such as Clostridium sporogenes, Bacillus atrophaeus and Bacillus coagulans, can also be
used in the development and validation of a process of sterilization by moist heat.

For validation of the process of sterilization via dry heat, Bacillus atrophaeus spores can be employed.
During the validation, studies can be conducted for assessment of depyrogenation instead of microbial
inactivation, since the bacterial endotoxin inactivation rate is much slower than the inactivation of
Bacillus atrophaeus spores. In practice, a reduction of at least three log cycles of the endotoxin level
results in a non-sterility probability lower than 10-6.

To monitor sterilization processes employing ionizing radiation, Bacillus pumilus spores have been
used, despite this not being an usual practice. The method for establishing the radiation dose, more
employed, does not use biological indicators. Some microorganisms in the microbial burden of the
material to be sterilized may present higher resistance to the process of sterilization by radiation in
comparison with Bacillus pumilus spores.

For the process of ethylene oxide sterilization, spores from subspecies of Bacillus atrophaeus var.
niger are used, when 100% ethylene oxygen or different mixtures of gases are used.

Table 1 – Examples of characteristics of commercially available biological indicator systems.

D value range Limits for adequate resistance
for selection of (dependent on D value in minutes)
D value
Sterilization process biological
indicator Survival time Kill time
Dry heata 1.9 Min. 1.0 Min. 4.0 10.0
(160 °C) Max. 3.0 Max. 14.0 32.0
Ethylene oxideb 3.5 Min. 2.5 Min. 10.0 25.0
(600 mg/L, 54 °C, 60% RH) Max. 5.8 Max. 27.0 68.0
Moist heatc 1.9 Min. 1.5 Min. 4.5 13.5
(121 °C) Max. 3.0 Max. 14.0 32.0

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for 1.0 x 106 to 5.0 x 106 spores / carrier
for 1.0 x 106 to 5.0 x 107 spores / carrier
for 1.0 x 105 to 5.0 x 106 spores / carrier


The manufacturer’s responsibilities are: determining and providing the performance characteristics
of the lot of biological indicator through certificate of analysis that confirms the validity of the
performance declared on the product package; definition of the sterilization process for which the
biological indicator is recommended; characterization of each type of biological indicator, using
standardized conditions and adequate equipment; D value and the method through which this value
was defined; microbial count; stability of resistance until the validity indicated on the label; storage
conditions, including temperature and relative humidity; guidance about the culture medium to be
employed; and the conditions for recovery of microorganisms after exposure to the sterilization
process and disposal.


When a biological indicator is commercially acquired, its suitability for use in a sterilization process
must have been established in studies, unless there are data available to confirm the employment of
the indicator in a specific process. The user must establish, in their institution, the acceptance criteria
for the lots of biological indicator. When a biological indicator is acquired, it must be accompanied
with a certificate issued for each lot. If the biological indicator is employed in a different manner than
the one indicated by the manufacturer, the user must proceed to the registration of conditions of use,
verifications and performance of the biological indicator.

After receiving a lot of biological indicator, the user must quantify the burden of spores per unit and
proceed to the verification of morphology and purity of microorganisms, confirming, as a minimum,
the genus of the microorganism. Information related to D value, to storage conditions, to validity
period and to stability of the biological indicator must be followed and registered. The user may
consider the need to audit the D value before accepting the lot of biological indicator. For long-term
storage, it is important to verify the D value and the stability of count. In case of spore suspension
storage for a period superior to 12 months, under documented conditions, the confirmation of count
and proof of resistance of the spores must be conducted, unless the performance from a previous
culture has been validated after a long storage period. The results from resistance assays and spore
count must be within the acceptance range established during the approval of the spore suspension


The user may decide to cultivate microorganisms for development of biological indicators to be
employed in the development or validation of a sterilization process. If the user becomes a producer,
the biological indicator performance requirements must be met. If a biological indicator system is
employed for the development of a new sterilization process or validation of an existing process, the
same performance criteria for commercial products must be met.


The spore suspension identification records must be maintained by commercial or non-commercial

producers and must include information on the source of the initial microorganism culture;
identification; traceability of the spore mother culture; frequency of subculture; culture medium used

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for sporulation; changes occurred in the preparation of medium; observations about contamination of
suspension; data before and after the thermal shock; records of use of spore suspension and resistance
to sterilization (particularly D values and Z values, where applicable).


Regardless of the sterilization process to be employed, the initial production of microorganisms, their
resistance to the sterilizing process, and the product inoculation place may influence the biological
indicator inactivation rate. During the validation process, the biological indicator must be inoculated
in several product locations, ensuring the challenge both of the package and of the product stored in
it, to ensure a sterility assurance level of 10-6 for the product and for the package.

It may be necessary to determine, through laboratory studies, if the product components are more
difficult to sterilize than, for example, a solution or medicine included in it. The product performance
qualification phase must identify the most important parameters from the process for inactivation of
microorganisms in the locations most difficult to sterilize. The biological indicator survival is
consequence of the resistance and size of the microbial population. Therefore, not always a biological
indicator with population of 106 is necessary for confirming a sterility assurance level of 10 -6. The
appropriate use of biological indicators is to confirm that the parameters established in the sterilization
process ensure the sterility assurance level desired. In the sterilization by moist heat, the employment
of biological indicator confirms the lethality determined by physical parameters. Biological indicators
with relevant D value and populations substantially lower than 106 are adequate to validate many
sterilization and decontamination processes. It is important that the users are qualified to justify,
scientifically, the selection of a biological indicator.

Although the terminal sterilization of a packaged product is the procedure that ensures minimum risks
of microbial contamination in the production of a lot, there are classes of products that cannot be
sterilized on their final packaging and that must be prepared employing an aseptic process. This
process is designed to prevent the contamination of sterile components by viable microorganisms or
even in the intermediate phase of production, when a component must be provided free from
microorganisms. A product defined as processed aseptically consists of components that were
sterilized by one of the sterilization processes, such as, for example, filtration, if it is a liquid. In the
case of packaging material made of glass, dry heat can be employed; when it is a polymeric packaging
material, such as lids, autoclave or ethylene oxide can be used.

In the aseptic process, the environment where the ingredients are handled and the aseptic filling step
are considered critical points. The requirement for a properly validated project that maintains the
necessary conditions for the aseptic process encompass an environment free from viable
microorganisms, where the air quality is ensured by suitable equipment, by personnel trained and
equipped according to the environment requirements and by operation to be performed. The desired
environment may be obtained through the air filtration technology that provides supply of air with
the microbial quality required. The plant planning must provide an airflow cascade system with higher
positive pressure, of the most critical (aseptic) areas for those of intermediate requirement
(preparation areas), and, finally, the ones with lower requirement of control; and must also allow
frequent air exchange, in addition to the employment of unidirectional airflow in the immediate
surroundings of the product or components exposed and the control of temperature and humidity
(when applicable). The installations must include primary (near the product) and secondary (where
the aseptic process is conducted) isolation systems through physical barriers. Surfaces such as walls
and ceiling must be smooth, allowing frequent sanitization. Changing rooms must have adequate

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space for the personnel and storage of sterile clothing. The personnel training concerning apparel
must include the correct use of clothing, such as overalls, gloves and other items that provide body
surface coverage. The entire sanitization process must be documented. The certification and
validation of the process and aseptic installations are conducted through confirmation of efficiency
of the filtration systems; by the environment microbiological monitoring procedures; and by
simulation of the product aseptic filling, employing a sterile culture medium. The monitoring of the
aseptic installation must include the periodical examination of environmental filter, the routine
monitoring of particulate and viable material, and simulated filling with sterile culture medium.


This section includes some aspects related to the aseptic processing of products with the
establishment, maintenance and control of the microbiological quality of clean rooms and zones. It
includes the classification of these controlled environments based on particle count limits; on the
microbiological assessment program for controlled environments; in personnel training; in critical
factors on the design and implementation of a microbiological assessment program; in the
development of a sampling plan; in the establishment of microbiological levels for alert and action;
in methods and equipment used for microbiological sampling; in culture media and diluents used; in
the identification of microbiological isolates; and in the operational assessment through culture
medium packaging (media fill).

Media fill is a test for simulating aseptic operations in which the product is replaced by a culture
medium and serves to ensure that the processes used are capable of leading to sterile products.

There are alternative methods to assess and control the microbiological status of clean rooms and
zones, with a variety of apparatuses and methods for microbiological sampling. The inadequate
application of sampling and microbiological analysis may cause significant variability and potential
for inadvertent contamination. A considerable number of sterile products is manufactured by aseptic
processing, which depends on the exclusion of microorganisms from the processing line and,
therefore, on the prevention of entry of microorganisms in open containers during the packaging, and
the packaging and microbial burden of the product and the manufacturing environment are important
factors related to the sterility assurance level of these products.


Clean room is the room where the concentration of particles in suspension on air is controlled; it is
built and used in such a manner as to minimize the introduction, generation and retention of particles
within the room, in which other relevant parameters such as temperature, humidity and pressure are
controlled as necessary.

The classification of air cleanliness in clean rooms and zones, through analysis of concentration of
particles suspended on air, is ruled by the norm ABNT NBR ISO 14644-1 – Clean rooms and
associated controlled environments – Part 1: classification of air cleanliness. This document applies
to particles suspended on air inside a controlled environment, but does not intend to characterize the
viable or non-viable nature of particles.

The enforcement of this norm has been used by manufacturers of clean rooms and zones to guide the
construction, preparation and maintenance of these facilities. However, it does not provide a relation
between the number of non-viable particles and the concentration of viable microorganisms.

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The pharmaceutical industry is concerned with the count of viable particles and, in the case of
injectable products, there is the additional concern with the count of total particles. The justification
that the smallest the number of particles present in a clean room, the less probable the presence of
microorganisms carried by air, is acceptable and directive in the design, construction and operation
of clean rooms and zones.

The Table 1 describes the air cleanliness classes according to the norm ABNT NBR ISO 14644-1,
which is based on limits of particles with sizes from 0.1 to 5 μm. The Table 2 presents a list of
different systems for classification of clean rooms.

It is acceptable that, if a smaller number of particles is present in the clean room or controlled
environment, the microbial count under operational conditions will be lower, provided there are no
changes in the airflow, temperature and humidity. Clean rooms are maintained under an operational
control status based on dynamic (operational) data.

Table 1 – Classes of air cleanliness for particles in suspension, selected for clean rooms and zones.
Maximum limits of concentration (particles/m3 of air) for particles equal to or
Classification number
larger than the sizes considered
(N) 0.1 µm 0.2 µm 0.3 µm 0.5 µm 1 µm 5 µm
ISO Class 1 10 2
ISO Class 2 100 24 10 4
ISO Class 3 1 000 237 102 35 8
ISO Class 4 10 000 2 370 1 020 352 83
ISO Class 5 100 000 23 700 10 200 3 520 832 29
ISO Class 6 1 000 000 237 000 102 000 35 200 8 320 293
ISO Class 7 352 000 83 200 2 930
ISO Class 8 3 520 000 832 000 29 300
ISO Class 9 35 200 000 8 320 000 293 000

Table 2 – Comparison between different air cleanliness classification systems.

WHO and EEC (GMP) United States (usual) ISO
Class A Class 100 ISO 5
Class B Class 100 ISO 5
Class C Class 10.000 ISO 7
Class D Class 100,000 ISO 8


The monitoring of total particles in suspension on the air in clean rooms and zones does not provide
information about the microbiological content of the environment. The basic limitation of particle
counters is that they usually measure particles with 0.5 μm or larger, and microorganisms carried on
air are not cells that flow freely, are not alone, and are frequently associated with particles from 10 to
20 μm. Particle counts, as well as microbial counts in clean rooms and zones, vary with the activities
conducted during the sampling and their location. The environment monitoring for non-viable
particles and microorganisms is important because both are necessary to meet the requirements
related to particulate material and sterility established for the products.

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Microbiological monitoring programs for clean rooms and zones must assess the effectiveness of
cleaning and disinfecting practices that may have impact on the microbial burden of the environment.

Usually, the microbiological monitoring does not identify and quantify all microbial contaminants in
the environments; however, the routine monitoring must provide sufficient information to ensure that
the environment is operating within the adequate control status.

The environmental microbiological monitoring and the data analysis conducted by qualified
personnel allow the control status to be maintained in clean rooms and zones. The environment must
be sampled during regular operations to allow significant data to be collected, and the microbial
sampling must occur when the materials are in the area, the processing activities are ongoing, and all
employees are working in the location.

The microbiological monitoring of clean rooms and zones must include the quantification of the
microbial content in the environment air; the compressed air that enters the critical area; surfaces;
devices; containers; floors; walls; and personnel clothing. The goal intended with the program is to
obtain representative estimates of the microbial burden of the environment, and once compiled and
analyzed any trends must be assessed by trained personnel. It is important to review environmental
results based on the frequency specified, as well as review results for prolonged periods to determined
whether there are trends. Trends can be viewed through statistic control boards, which include alert
levels and action. The microbiological control of controlled environments can also be evaluated based
on trend data. Periodic reports or summaries must be issued to alert the person responsible for the

When the microbiological level specified for a controlled environment is exceeded, there must be
documentation review and investigation. The investigation must include the review on the area
maintenance documentation; the disinfection documentation; inherent physical or operational
parameters, such as changes in environment temperature and relative humidity; and the training phase
of the personnel involved. After the investigation, the actions adopted may include reinforced
personnel training to emphasize the microbiological control of the environment; additional sampling
in higher frequency; additional disinfection; additional product testing; the identification of microbial
contaminant and its possible source; and reevaluation and revalidation of current standardized
operating procedures, if necessary. Based on the review of the investigation and on test results, the
meaning of the exceeded microbiological level and the acceptability of operations or products
processed under such condition can be defined. Every investigation and justification of actions must
be documented and become part of the quality management system.

Clean room and zone are defined by certification according to the applicable rule, and the parameters
assessed include integrity of filters, pressure and speed differentials, patterns and changes of air. An
example of method for conducting the particle challenge test for the system consists of increasing the
concentration of particles in the environment through smoke around the critical work areas and view
the air displacements. The presence of vortices and turbulent zones can be viewed and the airflow
pattern can be fine-tuned to eliminate or minimize undesirable effects. This evaluation is made under
simulated production conditions, but with equipment and employees in the location.

The appropriate test and optimization of the physical characteristics of the clean room or controlled
environment are essential before concluding the microbiological monitoring program validation. The
assurance that the environment is operating properly and according to its specifications will give more
assurance that the microbial burden of the environment will be appropriate for aseptic processing.
These tests must be repeated during the routine certification of the clean room or zone and whenever
changes considered significant are made in the operation, such as changes in the flow of people,
processing, operation, material flow, air manipulation system or equipment layout.
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Due to the strong correlation between human involvement and intervention and the potential risk for
product contamination in aseptic packaging, production systems where people are removed from
critical zones have been implemented, employing, therefore, advanced aseptic processing strategies,
with reduced requirements of environmental monitoring of viable and non-viable particles.

Here are some definitions of systems used to reduce the aseptic process contamination rate.

Barriers: device that restricts contact between operator and aseptic field. Barriers cannot be sterilized
and do not always have transfer systems that allow the passage of materials in and out of the system
without exposure to the surrounding environment. There are different types of barriers, from plastic
curtains in critical zones to hard barriers in devices, which may incorporate elements such as glove
support and transfer port.

Blow/Fill/Seal: this system combines the container assembly with the product packaging and sealing
in a single equipment. From the microbiological standpoint, the sequence of forming the container,
filling the sterile product and forming and applying the seal is obtained aseptically, in a seamless
operation with minimum exposure to the environment. These systems have existed for many years
and the contamination rates are lower than 0.1%.

Isolators: technology used for a dual purpose, to protect the product from contamination by the
environment and by people during filling and closure and to protect people from toxic or harmful
products during the production. This technology is based on the principle of placing materials
sterilized previously, such as containers, products and lids, in a sterile environment, and they remain
sterile throughout the operation, since people or non-sterile components are not inside the isolator.
The isolator barrier is an absolute barrier that does not allow exchanges between protected and non-
protected environments. Isolators may be physically sealed against the entry of external contaminants
or may be effectively sealed by the continuous application of overpressure. The material is handled
by employees wearing globes or half-size or full-size suits. The air coming into the isolator goes
through a HEPA or ULPA filter and the air exhaust usually goes through a HEPA filter. Vapors from
hydrogen peroxide or peracetic acid are usually employed for sterilization of surfaces or internal
environment. The sterilization inside the isolators and the entire content is usually validated for a
sterility assurance level 10-6.

The introduction of equipment, components and materials can be done in several ways, such as the
use of double-door autoclave, continuous introduction of components through a conveyor belt that
goes through a sterilization tunnel, or using a docking system. It is necessary to monitor the integrity,
calibration and maintenance of the isolator.

The requirements for controlled environments adjacent to these new technologies employed on
aseptic processing depend on the type of technology used.

Blow/Fill/Seal equipment items that limit the contact between operator and product can be installed
in a controlled environment, especially if an intervention by the operator is possible during the

Barrier systems require some form of controlled environment. Due to different types and applications,
the requirements for the adjacent environment may vary. The design and operation strategies for the
environment where these systems circulate must be developed by producers using a logical and

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rational criterion and the system capacity to provide sterile products must be validated according to
pre-established criteria.

In isolators, air enters through integral filters of HEPA quality or better, and their interior is typically
sterilized with a sterility assurance level of 10-6. Therefore, isolators that have sterile air do not
exchange air with the surrounding environment and are free from human operators. However, when
the isolator is in a controlled environment, the potential for contaminated product is reduced in case
of leak in gloves or suits.

The extension and scope of environmental microbiological monitoring depend on the system used.
Producers must balance the frequency of environmental sampling that requires human intervention
with the benefits accumulated by the monitoring results. Since barriers are designed to reduce human
intervention, remote sampling systems must be used to replace intervention by people. In general,
once the validation has established the barrier efficacy, the sampling frequency to monitor the
microbiological status of the aseptic processing area can be reduced when compared to the frequency
of a classic aseptic process system.

Isolator systems require lower frequency of microbiological monitoring. The continuous monitoring
of total particles may offer assurance that the air filtration system inside the isolator is operating
adequately. Traditional methods for quantitative microbiological sampling of air may not be sufficient
to test the environment inside the isolator. Experiences with isolators indicated that, under normal
operation conditions, leak or pinhole in gloves represent the highest potential for microbiological
contamination, which requires frequent glove integrity tests and monitoring of their surfaces. The
infrequent monitoring of surfaces inside the isolator must be assessed and may be beneficial.

Products processed aseptically require close attention to details, rigorous discipline and the strict
supervision from people, to maintain the appropriate level of environmental quality to ensure the
product sterility.

Training all employees who work in clean rooms and zones is critical. This training is also important
for people responsible for the microbiological monitoring program, since the work area may be
inadvertently contaminated during the microbiological sampling, due to the use of inadequate
techniques. In highly automated operations, the monitoring can be performed by people who have
more direct contact with critical zones inside the processing area. The employee monitoring must be
conducted before and after work in the processing area.

The facility management must ensure that all personnel involved in operations in clean rooms and
zones knows the relevant microbiological principles, including basic principles on aseptic processing
and the relation between manufacturing procedures and manipulation with potential sources of
product contamination. They must also have knowledge on basic principles of microbiology;
microbial physiology; cleaning, disinfection and sterilization; selection and preparation of culture
media, according to the involvement of employees in the process. The personnel involved in microbial
identification requires specialized training on applicable laboratory methods. Additional training on
managing the environmental data collected must be provided. Knowledge and understanding of
standard operating procedures applicable are critical, especially the ones related to corrective
measures that are taken when the environmental conditions require. Understanding the policies for
compliance with regulatory requirements and the responsibility from each individual, related to Good
Manufacturing Practices, must be an integral part of the training program, in addition to training on
how to conduct investigations and analyze data.

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The control of microbial contamination associated to people is one of the most important elements
from the environmental control program. The contamination may occur from the dissemination of
microorganisms by individuals, particularly those with active infections and, therefore, only healthy
individuals must be authorized to access controlled environments. Good personal hygiene and careful
attention to details of the aseptic gowning procedures are important items. Appropriately gowned
employees must be careful to maintain the integrity of their gloves and suits throughout the period
they are in controlled environments.

Since the environmental monitoring program is not capable of detecting all aseptic processing events
that could compromise the microbiological quality of the environment, periodical studies on culture
medium packaging or process simulation are necessary to ensure that the appropriate operating
controls and training are effectively maintained.


The manufacturer is responsible for developing, starting, implementing and documenting and
environmental microbial monitoring program that is capable of detecting an adverse event in the
microbiological conditions in time to allow significant and effective corrective actions. It is
imperative that the program is tailor-made for the specific conditions and installations.

A culture medium of general microbiological growth, such as soybean-casein medium, should be

adequate in most cases. This medium can be supplemented with additives to overcome or minimize
effects from disinfecting agents or antibiotics, if used or processed in these environments. The
detection and quantification of yeasts and molds must be considered. Media such as Sabouraud and
modified Sabouraud are usually accepted. Other media validated to promote fungal growth can be
used, such as Soybean-casein digest agar. In general, the analysis of mandatory anaerobic
microorganisms is not performed as routine, unless conditions or investigations require so. The
capacity of the culture media selected to detect and quantify anaerobic or microaerophilic
microorganisms must be assessed.

The sterilization processes used to prepare the culture media for the environmental program must be
validated and examined for sterility and promotion of growth. The media must be capable of
maintaining growth when inoculating with less than 100 CFU. The selection of incubation time and
temperature is made once the appropriate media have been selected. Typically, incubation
temperatures within the ranges of (22.5 ± 2.5) °C and (32.5 ± 2.5) °C have been used with incubation
times of 72 hours and 48 hours, respectively.
The environmental control program must include identification and evaluation of locations for
sampling and validating the environment microbiological sampling methods.


During the initial phase of activities, as well as in the preparation of a clean room, or another
controlled environment, specific sites for sampling air or surfaces must be determined. It is necessary
to consider the proximity of the product, whether air and surfaces in the room are in contact with it
or with internal surfaces from the container closure systems.

The sampling frequency will depend on the criticality of the sites specified and the treatment
subsequent to the aseptic process.

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As manual interventions during the operation and the potential for personal contact with the product
increase, the importance of the environmental monitoring program also increases. It is most critical
for products processed aseptically than for those submitted to terminal sterilization. When the
terminal sterilization cycle is not based on the overkill concept, the microbial burden program before
the sterilization is critical. The sampling plans must be dynamic with monitoring frequencies and sites
adjusted based on the trend performance. It is appropriate to increase or reduce the sampling based
on this performance.


The principles and concepts of statistic process controls are useful to establish alert and action levels,
as well as mechanisms for controlling trends.

The alert level in environmental microbiological monitoring reveals a contamination level

significantly superior to regular operation conditions. Exceeding the alert level must not necessarily
require corrective action, but it must generate a documented monitoring investigation, which may
include modifications in the sampling plan.

The indication of action in environmental microbiological monitoring, when exceeded, requires

immediate monitoring and, if necessary, corrective action.

Alert levels are usually based on historical information obtained from process routine operations in a
specific controlled environment.

In a new facility, these levels are usually based on the previous experience from similar facilities and
processes and in data obtained throughout several weeks. These levels are usually reexamined for
suitability to a frequency established. Environmental quality deterioration trends require attention to
determine the cause and implement a corrective action plan, to bring the conditions back to expected
levels. An investigation must be implemented and the assessment of potential impact on the product
must be made.


Viable microorganisms from air may influence the microbiological quality of the products
manufactured in clean rooms and zones. The quantification of these microorganisms may be
influenced by instruments and procedures used on the assays. Employing alternative equipment or
methods must be preceded by verification on the equivalence of results. There are different ways of
monitoring different types of equipment available to quantify viable microorganisms, including
deposit, impaction and centrifugal samplers. The user is responsible for the selection and suitability
of the method to be used.

The method using deposit plates is still the one most broadly disseminated thanks to its simplicity
and low cost and provides qualitative information about the environment of exposure for prolonged
times, but the exposure of open Petri dishes containing agar medium is not for quantitative assessment
of the microbial contamination levels of critical environments.

One of the main limitations of mechanical air samplers is the size of the air sample being tested,
because the level of microorganisms in the air of a controlled environment is usually reduced and a
large volume of air must be tested for the result to be accurate and precise, which many times is not
practical. To demonstrate that the microbial counts in the environment are not increasing after
sampling, it can be extended to determine if the sampling time is a limiting factor to obtain a
representative sample. There are equipment items capable of sampling high air volume rates, but it is
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necessary to consider the airflow rupture in critical areas or the creation of turbulence that may
increase the probability of contamination.

Centrifugal samplers demonstrate selectiveness for larger particles and, therefore, using this
equipment may result in higher counts of particles in air. When using these samplers, it is necessary
to consider their effect in the airflow linearity in the controlled zone where it is positioned for
sampling. The use of remote probes requires determining whether the extra tube used has no adverse
effect in the count of viable particles, because such effect must be eliminated, or a correction factor
must be used for the results obtained.



Sampling surfaces from equipment, areas and employees is a component from the microbiological
control program for controlled environments. To minimize the disruption of critical operations, the
sampling is usually performed at the end of the operations. The sampling can be performed using
contact plates or swab.

The monitoring is usually performed in areas that come into contact with the product and in adjacent
areas. Plates of contact with nutrient agar are used to sample flat surfaces and incubated in adequate
temperature for quantification of viable particles. Specific agar may be used to quantify fungi, spores,
etc. The swab is used in irregular surfaces, especially on equipment. The swab is placed in an adequate
diluent and the microbial count is estimated by plating an appropriate aliquot in specific nutrient agar.
The area to be sampled using swab is defined using a sterile template of appropriate size, usually
between 24 cm2 and 30 cm2. The result is given per contact plate or per swab.



The culture media and diluents used for sampling and quantification of microorganisms in clean
rooms and zones depend on the procedures and equipment used. Soybean-casein digest agar is the
solid medium usually employed, but there are different media and diluents available for different
purposes. Alternative media must be validated to the purpose used. When disinfectants or antibiotics
are used in the controlled area, it is necessary to consider employing media with appropriate
inactivating agents.


The environmental control program includes an appropriate level of identification of the flora
obtained in sampling. Knowledge of the regular flora of clean rooms and zones is important to define
the area monitoring, the effectiveness of cleaning and disinfection procedures, and the microbial
disinfection methods. The information obtained using the identification program may be useful in the
investigation of contamination sources, especially when the action limits are exceeded. The
identification of isolated microorganisms from critical areas is important.



Clean rooms and zones are monitored by an appropriate environmental monitoring program. To
ensure minimum microbial burden, additional information in the evaluation of the environment
biological status can be obtained through culture medium aseptic fill test (media fill). The media fill
test is employed to assess the aseptic processing using sterile culture medium instead of the product.
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Satisfactory media fill results demonstrate the line suitability for manufacturing the product.
However, other factors are important, such as construction of areas, environmental monitoring and
training of personnel.

When an aseptic process is developed and installed, it is necessary to qualify the microbiological
status of the process, executing no less than three consecutive media fills. Issues in the media fill
program development to be considered include procedures for filling the medium; selection of
medium; packaging volume; time and temperature of incubation; inspection of packaged units;
interpretation of results and possible corrective actions required.

Once the media fill is conducted to simulate the aseptic processing of a product, it is important that it
is conducted in normal production conditions. This includes maximum number of people and use of
all steps and materials used in the normal production process. While conducting the media fill, known
pre-documented interventions must be planned during the normal production runs, such as change of
filling nozzles, fastening components, etc. Alternatively, to add a safety margin, a combination of
possible conditions can be used and examples include frequent downtimes, unexpected repairs,
change of filters, etc.

The qualification of an aseptic process must be performed for all products and for each line. Provided
that the container geometry (such as size and opening) and the line speed are variable factors, the
appropriate combination of these factors, preferably on the extremes, must be used in the
qualification. A reasonable analysis of the products used must be documented.

It is recommended that the media fill is conducted to cover all production shifts for
line/product/combination of containers for initial qualification and periodic revalidations. The media
fill program must simulate production practices in prolonged times and may be executed at the end
of the production shift.

Rich culture media, such as soybean-casein broth, may be used. After aseptic processing of the culture
medium, they must be incubated at (22.5 ± 2.5) °C or (32.5 ± 2.5) °C, for no less than 14 days. If two
temperatures are used for incubation of culture medium samples, they must be incubated at least seven
days in each one of them. After incubation, the samples must be inspected for growth. Isolates must
be identified for genus and, when possible, for species, to allow the investigation of sources of

Critical points when conducting the media fill are number of containers to qualify the aseptic process;
number of units filled for the media fill; interpretation of results; and implementation of corrective
actions. Usually, three media fill runs are employed for initial qualification, or in the beginning of an
area to demonstrate consistency in the aseptic packaging line. The minimum number to demonstrate
the contamination rate of no more than 0.1%, acceptance criterion for a media fill run, is of no less
than 3000 units. Pilot plans that prepare small batches can use a smaller number of units.

Since employees are a critical source of contamination in clean rooms, visual documentation may be
useful to check the correlation of production activities with contamination events.


A quality assurance program that describes in details the steps and documentation required for
releasing the cargo or batch must be established. The release of sterilized products will depend on the
type of release, which may be conventional or parametric.

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Parametric release is defined as the release of cargo or batches of products subject to terminal
sterilization, through compliance with critical parameters of the sterilization process, without the need
to perform a sterility test. The parametric release is a possibility when the sterilization process is very
well known, the important process control points are defined, predictable and measurable, and the
sterilization cycle lethality has been validated with adequate biological indicator or, in the case of
sterilization by ionizing radiation, the execution of appropriate microbiological and dosimetry tests.
The use of parametric release for sterilization processes requires prior approval from the regulatory
agency, which must assess the scientific justification for the sterilization process employed and the
documented validation data.

It is important to consider the sterility test limitations in the assessment of products submitted to
terminal sterilization, which has compromised sensitivity and is statistically limited due to the low
probability of presence of contaminated units. Therefore, once the sterilization process is completely
validated and operating consistently, the physical sterilization data, combined with other methods,
such as biological indicators, thermochemical indicators and physicochemical indicators, may
provide more accurate information than the sterility test for releasing products submitted to terminal

Four sterilization processes can be qualified for parametric release: moist heat, dry heat, ethylene
oxide and ionizing radiation. Products submitted to terminal sterilization represent the lowest risk
category among sterile pharmaceutical products. Contrary to sterile products obtained by aseptic
production in controlled environments, products submitted to terminal sterilization present a
measurable sterility assurance level.

Sterile products obtained by terminal sterilization must meet a sterility assurance level of 10-6, that is,
no more than one contaminated unit in one million units produced. The appropriate application of
methods used for development of terminal process requires vast scientific knowledge of the
sterilization method selected, in three categories, for use with a specific product:
a) process based on microbial burden (bioburden);
b) combined process: biological indicator and bioburden;
c) overkill process.
The process based on bioburden requires vast knowledge of the product microbial burden. It must be
observed that different procedures for establishing the dose in the process of sterilization by radiation
use the knowledge on the product microbial burden and its resistance to radiation. This method also
requires a sterility assurance level of at least 10-6. The method based on determination of bioburden
needs the development of critical process control points concerning the product microbial burden.
Risk analysis procedures, such as Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP), are useful
to establish manufacturing control conditions and appropriate parameters of control in process.

For products that allow microbial burden survival, more controlled production environments and
more precise process controls are necessary. This process is more indicated for clean products, with
reduced level of microbial burden and low frequency of spore-forming microorganisms. This process
may also be useful for products that may suffer changes when submitted to more drastic sterilization

The combined process that uses biological indicator and bioburden is usually employed for products
that may lose attributes when using overkill process and when a sterilization process that demonstrates
the inactivation of high numbers of microorganisms from biological indicators, recognized as more
resistant to the sterilization process, is desired. This process requires knowledge of the product
microbial burden and data related to its resistance to the sterilization process. The relative resistance
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of the biological indicator selected must be established by inoculation of microbial spores in the
product. Usually, biological indicators with 106 spores and D value higher than one minute are
employed. Fractional cycles are used to determine the relative resistance (D value) between the
product inoculated with microorganisms from the biological indicator and those frequently found on
the microbial burden. This process is usually employed for development of cycles for sterilization of
parenteral products using terminal sterilization and sterilization of correlates by ethylene oxide.

The overkill process is used when the product to be sterilized is not harmfully influenced by the
sterilizing agent or sterilization process conditions. When employing this process, it is important to
know the product microbial burden and the prevalence of spore-forming microorganisms. In this case,
data on microbial burden do not need to be thorough like for the other two processes (bioburden and
biological indicator/bioburden). Usually, biological indicators are resistant to the process. Overkill is
demonstrated by the log reduction of spores from the biological indicator, calibrated in a process that
allows obtaining minimum F0 of 12 minutes.


The parametric release requires the sterilization process selected to be developed and constantly
validated, for inactivation of the microbial burden and for achieving a sterility assurance level of 10 -
. The validation of most sterilization processes includes the validation of physical parameters and
the microbiological effectiveness through the use of biological indicators to demonstrate a reasonable
correlation between the lethality obtained through physical measurements (F0) and the biological
lethality determined with the use of biological indicators.

Once the efficacy of the terminal sterilization process defined due to the bioburden is associated to
the number and resistance of microorganisms in the product, one of the components of parametric
release is the active microbiological control program to monitor the count and resistance of the
product microbial burden. The control of microbial burden and its enumeration is not a crucial factor
when the overkill method is employed, because, in general, the overkill method does not require
extensive assessment of the microbial burden throughout the process and requires less control in
production environment process.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.2-00





Symbol Definition
a1...z1 doses of assayed preparations (samples) A...Z.
a statistic significance of a result or estimated measure of the degree where this result is
b0 intersection of responses (y) over log doses (x) in the regression line.
b, b1 estimated slope of the response regression line (y) in relation to the dose logarithm (x).
bl number of blocks (animals) in a crossover trial.
c’ constant used in the assessment of confidence limits (Table 15).
d number of levels of doses for each preparation in a balanced assay.
f number of differences in paired responses between standard and samples, on assays
conducted by 5 x 1 design.
gl degrees of freedom.
h number of preparations in an assay, including the standard preparation.
h’ number of samples tested.
k number of different treatments in an assay k = dh.
k’ number of potency logs in assays conducted by the 5 x 1 design, for the same sample.
n number of replicas for each treatment.
n’ number of individual potency estimates.
n’’ degrees of freedom used to estimate the s2M variance on the 5 x 1 assay
p probability
p1p2p3 lowest, average and highest doses of the standard preparation P; in assays with only two
levels of doses, p2 represents the highest dose.
r Pearson correlation coefficient
s2 estimate of variance provided by the average square of error in the variance analysis. Also
used as an index letter; for example, s2 represents the M log potency variance.
s estimate of standard variation, that is, the square root of s2.
t Student statistic (Table 3).
t’ Dunnett statistic (Table 12).
v variance for heterogeneity between assays.
w weighting coefficient.
x log dose – also used with index to indicate a particular preparation.
𝑥̅ average of log doses.
y individual response or transformed individual response.
y’ calculated response to replace a missing value.
𝑦̅𝑃 … 𝑦̅𝑍 average of responses for standard and sample preparations.
A...Z samples tested.
A1A2A3 sum of responses for the lowest, average and highest doses of sample A. For an assay with
two levels of doses, A2 represents the response to the highest dose. Similarly for other
samples tested.

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Symbol Definition
B1...B2n sum of responses for each subject (1 to 2n) in double crossover trial.
B’ incomplete total of responses in row or block that has a missing value.
C statistics used in the calculation of confidence limits (Formula 14).
C1...Cn sum of responses in each column (1 to n) in Latin square design.
C’ incomplete sum of responses in a Latin square design column with a missing value.
CV coefficient of variation.
X2 statistics constant from Table 18.
X2M statistics constant to test the homogeneity of individual log potency estimates.
E sum of squares for regression (Table 10).
F ratio of two estimates of independent variances (Tables 4 and 5).
FI, FII sum of responses on phase I or phase II in a crossover trial.
F1...Fn sum of responses in each one of the row 1 to n in Latin square design or in each block from
a randomized block design.
G1, G2, G3 statistics used in the outlier values test.
G’ incomplete total of responses in an assay with exclusion of missing value.
I interval between adjacent log doses, in the parallel straight assay.
K correction term used in the analysis of variance K = (∑y)2/N.
L Confidence interval in logarithms.
LC confidence interval in logarithms for semi-weighted average.
LP...LZ linear contrasts for standard and sample preparations.
M estimative of log potency or log potency ratio used with an index letter in a multiplex assay,
to denote a particular preparation (M = log R).
Mi, Ms confidence limits of the log potency estimate.
M average of several independent estimates from M.
M’ estimate of log potency from sample A or log potency ratio before correcting by the
supposed potency (M’ = log R’).
M’s, M’i upper and lower limits of the log potency estimate, before correcting with the supposed
N total number of responses from assay.
NP, NA total number of responses for preparations P and A.
P standard preparation.
P sum of responses for standard preparation.
P1, P2, P3 sum of responses for lowest, average and highest doses of standard preparation P. For
assays on only two levels of dosage, P2 represents the responses for the highest dose.
Q sum of squares for linearity in the same direction (Table 10).
QM sum of squares due to a source of variation divided by the respective degree of freedom.
QP...QZ quadratic contrast for standard and sample preparations (Table 9).
R estimated potency of the sample.
Ri, Rs upper and lower confidence limits of the estimated potency.
R’ estimated ratio of potencies before the correction by the assumed potency.
R+ specific constant to test atypical values (Table 2).
SA assumed potency for sample A, when the doses are prepared.
SQ sum of squares due to a source of variation.
T’ incomplete total of responses to a treatment excluding the missing value.
V = 1/W variance of the individual log potency.

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Symbol Definition
X differences in paired responses between sample and standard, divided by the regression
coefficient (b1), in the 5 x 1 design.
W statistical weighting used in the combination of several independent estimates of log
W’ semi-weighting of each log potency in a series of assays.
χ2 chi-square statistics (Table 18).

Note: Tables 1 to 20 are available on section 8.9 STATISTICAL TABLES. Tables 21 to 47 are
available on section 8.10 EXAMPLES OF STATISTICAL TESTS.


Procedures designed to assess the potency of active ingredients contained in raw materials and
pharmacopoeial preparations, using biological reagents such as microorganisms, animals, fluids and
isolated organs from animals. The characteristic of biological reagents is their variability While
physicochemical reagents may be defined and standardized to provide identical results in all
laboratories, it is impossible to completely define the biological reagents, despite efforts from
international entities in this sense. This variability inherent to biological reagents makes it mandatory
to: 1) employ adequate reference standards to obtain relative potencies, and 2) employ statistical
methods for experimental designs and analysis of results.


The design of an assay includes: a) selection of the set of standard doses (P) and samples from the
unknown (A) that will be tested; b) specification of experimental units (animals, microorganisms,
antisera, blood, etc.); c) rules by which the doses will be distributed to the experimental units; d)
specifications on measures or other registrations that must be carried out in each experimental unit.
The best experimental design is the one that produces the information desired with the most
efficiency. Due to practical difficulties, it may be impossible to achieve this goal. Therefore, for each
assay different experimental designs can be used, according to the availability of personnel, reagents
and time. All designs that provide valid assays with adequate precision as result are scientifically
acceptable. Additionally, they must include a system that ensures random distribution of experimental
units for the different doses used.


The distribution must be made randomly using a device employed in games of chance or a random
number table. It is worth highlighting that this procedure does not eliminate all biases. For example,
due to chance, animals with more weight may be targeted to a certain dose, and this difference in
weights will bias the results. Therefore, a balance must be created, that is, animals must be classified
by weight range and those with the same weight must be distributed randomly for all doses and
preparations (standard and sample).


It is the mathematical procedure applied to experimental results with the goal of estimating the sample
potency and assessing the validity and precision of the assay. The analysis methods are related to the
experimental designs used.

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Express the results from the biological evaluation as an estimate of the assumed potency for a sample
(R), which will be the expression of the true relative potency of the sample in relation to the standard
(ρ). The latter is impossible to be calculated accurately due to the variability of biological reagents.
Such estimate of the assumed potency (R) must be followed by the lower and upper confidence limits
(Ri, Rs), or interval that encompasses the true relative potency of the sample (ρ). The monographs
establish specifications for the acceptable amplitude of these intervals in relation to the estimated
potency. These specifications take into account the difficulty of the methods and the practical need
to estimate the true potency with certain precision. To achieve the confidence limits specified, it
sometimes is necessary to conduct more than one assay. To obtained an estimate of potency with
reduced confidence interval, the results from these independent assays must be combined statistically.

The probability, which measures the degree of confidence that the potency is out of the upper and
lower confidence limits, is given by the statistical significance (α) of a result or estimated measure of
the degree in which such result is “true”. The level of significance most used in biological assays is
5% (α = 0.05) or 1% (α = 0.01). In cases not explicitly specified, it will be understood that the level
of significance used in the calculation of limits is α = 0.05.

The calculation procedures are planned for assay in single sample. If several samples are tested
simultaneously, employ the modifications described in this volume.

All responses obtained without strictly complying with the protocol pre-established must be
eliminated. When apparently atypical values are observed after the responses are registered, the
decision to maintain or eliminate them must be based on statistical criteria, like the ones described

Criterion based on variation inside a single group of supposedly equivalent responses

In average, for relatively few identical responses inside the group, valid observations will be
disregarded in 2% or 4% of the tests. Starting with the supposedly atypical value, indicate responses
in order of magnitude from 𝑦1 to 𝑦𝑛, where n represents the number of observations in the group or
replicas of the same treatment. Calculate:

G1 = (𝑦2 − 𝑦1)/(𝑦𝑛 − 𝑦1), when n = 3 to 7

G2 = (𝑦3 − 𝑦1)/(𝑦𝑛−1 − 𝑦1), when n = 8 to 13 or
G3 = (𝑦3 − 𝑦1)/(𝑦𝑛−2 − 𝑦1), when n = 14 to 24

If G1, G2 or G3 exceeds the critical value registered on Table 1 for the corresponding value of n, there
is a statistical base for elimination of the suspicious value.

Criterion that includes the amplitude of a series K = 2 or more groups of equal size

The groups may receive different treatments, but all n responses inside each group result from the
same treatment. In this test, the variation of values for each treatment, obtained by the difference
between the highest and the lowest values, is studied. The value obtained with greater difference must
be divided by the sum of all differences and must not exceed the listed value of (R+) on Table 2 for
k = number of doses and n = number of replicas. If the value calculated exceeds the value listed, the

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suspicious column must be investigating to detect the discrepant value. If k is lower than or equal to
10, use the values presented on Table 2; if it is higher, multiply R+ by (k + 2) and interpolate, if
necessary, between the values presented on Table 2a.

If R+ exceeds the listed or interpolated value, the group with highest interval is suspicious (α = 0.05)
and the observation of its data will allow identifying the value that is then considered atypical. The
procedure can be repeated with the other intervals if there an atypical value is suspected in a second

The doses from each preparation (sample and standard) necessary to produce pre-determined
responses in each experimental unit from two equivalent groups of animals or other biological
reagents are measured directly. A typical example is the biological assays of a fingerprint. Prepare
the standard and sample solutions so that they have approximately the same potency, taking into
account the declared activity of the sample or the activity estimated in previous tests (𝑆𝐴). Transform
each result (effective dose) into logarithms (x) and calculate the average values of the logarithms from
effective doses for the standard (𝑥̅𝑃) and the sample (𝑥𝐴). Calculate the relative potency of the sample
(R’), before adjusting by the assumed potency, such as the M’ antilog, where:

𝑀′ = 𝑋̅𝑃 − 𝑋̅𝐴 (1)

Calculate the variance of M’ as the sum of variances from the two averages, from the equation

1 1
𝑆𝑀′ = 𝑆𝑥2 ( + ) (2)


[∑𝑃 𝑥𝑃2 − (∑𝑃 𝑥𝑃 )2 / 𝑁𝑃 ] + [∑𝐴 𝑥𝐴2 − (∑𝐴 𝑥𝐴 )2 / 𝑁𝐴 ]

𝑆𝑥2 = (3)
𝑁𝑃 + 𝑁𝐴 − 2

NP and NA are numbers of animals treated as standard and sample; ∑𝑃 𝑒 ∑𝐴 representam sum of
results calculated for the two preparations. Calculate the confidence limits as:

= 𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑜𝑔 (𝑀′ ± 𝑡𝑆𝑀′ ) (4)

Obtain the appropriate value of t on Table 3, according to the degrees of freedom (gl) provided by
the equation denominator (3).

Calculate the relative potency of the sample and the confidence limits, taking into account the
assumed potency of the sample (SA) used to prepare the dilutions:

𝑅 = 𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑜𝑔 𝑀 (5)


𝑀 = 𝑀′ + log 𝑆𝐴 (6)

with confidence limits

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= 𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑜𝑔 (𝑀′ ± 𝑡𝑆𝑀′ ) (7)

In this assay, SM equals SM′.

For the assay to be valid, the variance of xP must be the same as xA, only differing by sampling errors.
To test, calculate the variances and divided the highest by the lowest. This way, a relation of variances
(F) is obtained.

Calculate the variance of xP as follows:

∑𝑃 𝑥𝑃2 − (∑𝑃 𝑥𝑃 )2 /𝑁𝑃

𝑆𝑋2𝑃 = (8)
𝑁𝑃 − 1

Calculate in an analog manner 𝑆𝑋2𝑃 (8a)

The distribution of ratio of variances (F) is available on Tables 4 and 5, but for this test the values on
Table 4 correspond to the significance levels α = 0.05 and the ones on Table 5 to α = 0.01. The F
value of the assay must not exceed the value on the table, corresponding to the degrees of freedom of
the numerator and denominator with which F was obtained. The degrees of freedom are the ones of
the denominators from variances of equations (8) and (8a).



In general, it is not possible to directly measure the effective dose. For this reason, the potency is
determined indirectly, comparing the responses produced in quantitative scale, such as weight, for
example, by known doses of standard with the ones produced by one or more doses of sample.

In a restricted interval of doses, the responses or their convenient transformation (logarithm, probit,
etc.) present a linear relation with the logarithm from corresponding doses. Use two or more levels of
doses of standard or, preferably, of standard and sample to determine the position and straight line
slope. Proceed the same way in each assay, because, depending on the sensitivity of the biological
reagents used, both the position and the straight line slope may vary.

Each treatment consists of a fixed dose of standard (p1, p2, p3, etc.) or of sample (a1, a2, a3, etc.) and
is administered to a certain number (n) of experimental units (animals, organs, cultures, tubes, etc.).
Register n responses, that is, one for each experimental unit. For the methods presented in this chapter
to be valid, the following conditions must be met:
1) the experimental units corresponding to each treatment must be selected randomly;
2) for each treatment, the responses or their transformations used in the calculation (y) constitute a
sample of normal distribution;
3) the standard deviation of the response or its transformation is independent from the response
level, that is, it is equal for all treatments, only differing by sampling errors;
4) the response, or its transformation used in calculations (y), has linear relation with the logarithm
from dose (x) in the interval of doses used;
5) the straight line corresponding to one or more samples must be parallel to the one from the

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From preliminary studies on the assay method, it is possible to suppose that the conditions 2 and 3
are met. With the results from each assay, it is possible to test the conditions 4 and 5. The condition
4 (linearity) can only be verified in assays that apply at least three dilutions from each preparation.
When an assay is conducted with only two dilutions, it is presumed that the system linearity was
established in advance. The condition 5 (parallelism) must be tested in each assay. Less than two
dilutions from each preparation must never be used in it.

If any of the conditions from 1 to 5 is not met, the calculation methods described in this chapter cannot
be applied and it is necessary to conduct studies to establish the conditions recommended.

It is convenient that the sample is tested with doses which responses are approximately equal to the
ones obtained with the corresponding doses of the standard. This increases the precision of the result.
Name the assumed potency for the sample SA.


When the corresponding validity tests are conducted and the results are satisfactory, it is possible to
express the relative potency of each sample in relation to the standard with a potency ratio or convert
into appropriate units for each sample, for example, international units, national units, weight units,
etc. The confidence limits can also be calculated from the set of data obtained in the assay.

To simplify the calculations from the statistical analysis presented in this chapter, it is necessary to
impose the following limits to the assay design:
a) test each preparation, standard and sample with the same number of dilutions. Formulas are
presented for pharmacopoeial assays, using two and three levels of doses for each preparation, as well
as the 5 x 1 design;
b) keep constant in each assay the ratio of consecutive doses for all treatments and
c) obtain the same number of responses for each treatment. If any response is missing, it may be
estimated by methods suitable to each design presented in this chapter; if there is loss of a treatment,
follow the specification on the section Partially balanced assays.



When experimental units are, in their totality, reasonably homogeneous and there is no indication that
the variability of response may be smaller in certain subgroups, proceed to the distribution of
experimental units for different treatments randomly.

If there is the possibility that some subgroups, such as layers, positions on shelves or experiment days,
are more homogeneous than the totality of units, the accuracy of the assay may be increased by
introducing one or more restrictions to the experimental design.

Randomized blocks

It allows to segregate a source of variation, such as the sensitivity of different animal litters or the
variation between Petri dishes in the microbiological assay by diffusion. This planning makes each
treatment be applied once in each block (litter, plate, etc.) and can only be executed when the block
is sufficiently large to accommodate all treatments.


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Use this planning when the experiment can be adjusted in blocks. However, it is only possible to
apply two treatments per block. For example, a block can be an animal that can be tested in two
different occasions. The goal is to increase the precision, eliminating the influence from the variation
of animals, at the same time the effects from any difference between the overall response levels, in
the two steps of the assay, are balanced. Denominate as double crossover the assay with two doses of
standard and sample and as triple crossover the one with three doses of each preparation. Proceed to
the assay in two phases according to the period of time defined in the method. Distribute the animals
in four or six groups and make a treatment in each group on the first phase. On the second phase, the
animals that received a preparation will receive another; the animals that received lower doses will
receive higher doses in this step. Follow the scheme on Table 6.

Latin square

Adequate when the response can be affected by two sources of variation, and each one may have
different k levels. For example, the experiment is conducted in k different day and by k testers, or an
antibiotic assay by diffusion on plate is conducted, where the treatments can be applied on a k × k
scheme, where each treatment occurs only once in each row and each column. Use only when the
number of columns, rows and treatments are equal.

The responses are registered in the form of a square named Latin. There are many possibilities of
Latin squares found in specialized literature. From one square other squares can be made, alternating
randomly rows and/or columns. On Table 7 there is an example of Latin square with two doses of
standard and of sample.

For any design, the distribution of experimental units in the blocks must be done randomly by
procedure, with the units being maintained as seamlessly as possible before and during the


When conducting this analysis, the goal is to study the validity of the assay and calculate the residual
error. Except for the calculation of residual error, the analysis of data from an assay is identical for
random, randomized blocks and Latin square designs. The formulas for analysis of each type of assay
are described below. Please refer to the glossary of symbols. The formulas are appropriated for the
case where a single sample (A) is compared against the reference standard (P), and also for the case
of multiple assays where h-1 samples are included (A...Z). The formulas for crossover assays do not
fit the general scheme and will be presented separately.

If necessary, transform the responses (y) to meet the validity conditions described. Sum all y values
for each treatment and for each preparation, as seen on Tables 8 and 9. From these data, obtain the
linear contrasts related to the dose-response line slopes.

When three doses of each preparation are tested, quadratic contrasts that represent the line curvatures
are also obtained. See the formulas on Tables 8 and 9.

The total variation of responses resulting from different treatments can be as displayed on Table 10.
The sums of squares are obtained from values on Tables 8 or 9. K represents the square of the sum
of all responses obtained on the assay divided by their total number:

𝐾 = {(∑ 𝑦)²/𝑁}

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Calculate the residual error from the assay by subtracting the controlled variations in the design from
the total variation in responses (Table 11). In this table, Σy2 represents the sum of squares from all
responses registered in the assay. It is worth highlighting that the sum of squares, reduced,
corresponding to the item Treatments is equal to the sum of reduced square sums (Table 10) and that,
for Latin square, the number of responses replicated (n) is equal to the number of rows, columns or
treatments (k).


To test the significance of the sources of variation listed on Table 10, each reduced sum of square
obtained on the table must be divided by the corresponding degree of freedom to obtain the average
square. The average square of residual error (s2) is a similar quotient, obtained from the appropriated
row on Table 11.

To obtain the ratio known as F, divide the average square from each source of variation to be tested
by the variance (s2). Calculate the significance of each source and compare with the values listed
(Tables 4 and 5) to the significance level of 5% (α = 0.05) and 1% (α = 0.01). The F values are
obtained in the column corresponding to the number of degrees of freedom associated to the average
square of the source tested (𝑔𝑙1) and on the table row corresponding to the number of degrees of
freedom associated with s2 (𝑔𝑙2). If the F value calculated is higher than the value listed, the source
of variation tested is considered “significant” for the level of probability used.

Consider the assays “statistically valid” if the tests present the following results:

Parallel line design

1) Significant regression, that is, F calculated is higher than the one listed at the significance level
of 1% (α = 0.01). It indicates that the dose-response row is satisfactory;
2) Non-significant quadratic terms, that is, the F values calculated must be smaller than the ones
listed at the significance level of 5% (α = 0.05). It is equivalent to meeting the linearity condition of
the relation between the transformation of the response used and the log dose;
3) Non-significant parallelism, that is, the F calculated must be lower than the value listed at the
significance level of 5% (α = 0.05) indicating that the straight lines from the sample and standard are
parallels. If several samples are being tested simultaneously, and a significant deviation of parallelism
is obtained, this may occur due to the use of a preparation that provided a dose-response row with a
different slope in relation to the other samples. In this case, use the value of t’ for each A...Z
preparation, using the equation

𝑡′ = (9)

Each t’ calculated must be compared with the value from Table 12, where 𝑔𝑙1 = h -1 and 𝑔𝑙2 equals
the number of degrees of freedom associated with s2. If a “significant” value of t for a sample is found,
all data related to this preparation must be eliminated from the assay and the analysis must be repeated
from the beginning.

In assays with very large residual error, a “significant” F ratio for the term Preparations may indicate
that the assumed potency that was the base for preparation of dilutions was not correct. This is not a
condition for invalidity. When this conclusion is reached, the potency estimated on the assay can be
used as assumed potency in future assays.

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On parallelism and quadratic assays, very low F values, lower than 1, may occur randomly. If this
occurs repeatedly, it may be an indication that the assumed conditions were not met, which must be
investigated more deeply.

5 x 1 design

The validity is established when:

1) Significant regression, that is, F calculated must be higher than the value listed for the
significance level α = 0.01. It indicates that the dose-response row is satisfactory;
2) Non-significant deviation from linearity. The relation between both variables (log dose and
zone of inhibition) must be linear. The F value calculated must be smaller than the one listed for
significance level α = 0.05. Another calculation to be made is the Pearson correlation coefficient (r),
which must be higher than 0.98;
3) Coefficient of variation (CV) lower than 5% is appropriate. The variability of response in the
calibration curve must be constant.

In the case of crossover assays, with a special calculation scheme, the formulas to be used are
available on Tables 13 and 14.

There are three terms of interactions due to replicas within each group: Phases X Preparations, Phases
X Regression, and Phases X Parallelism.

Like in designs discussed previously, each reduced sum of squares must be divided by the
corresponding number of degrees of freedom to obtain the average squares.

In the case of double crossover design, two average squares are obtained corresponding to errors I
and II, named s2I and s2II. Divide the average square of each source of variation by the appropriate s2
to obtain the F ratio.

For the sources Parallelism, Phases X Preparations, Phases X Regression, s2I is used. For the other
sources, s2II is used.

Calculate the significance of the source using the Tables 4 and 5. If F calculated is higher than the
value listed, for the degrees of freedom of the source tested (𝑔𝑙1) and the corresponding s2 (𝑔𝑙2), the
source of variation is considered “significant” for the significance level used (α = 0.05 or α = 0.01).

For the assay to be valid, the regression must be significant and the parallelism and three interactions
must not be significant. In the crossover assay, the parallelism test is not very sensitive, because it
depends on the variation between blocks (animals).

With the statistical validity of the assays done with any design being established, calculate the potency
and the confidence limits by the methods described below.


Calculations for parallel line design (3 x 3 or 2 x 2)

Calculate first the average response for each preparation (𝑦̅𝑃 , 𝑦̅𝐴 , … 𝑦̅𝑍 )

y̅P = (10)

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and, in an analog manner, for other preparations.

Naming I the interval in log of the concentrations, for each preparation, the common slope (b) is
obtained on assays with two doses, from the equation

LP + LA + ⋯ LZ
b= (11)

For assays with three doses of each preparation, the denominator Inh must be replaced with 2 Inh.

The log potency ratio from sample A (M′A), before correcting by the value of SA, is

y̅A − y̅P
M′A = (12)

The potency calculated is the estimate of the true potency from each sample. The confidence limits
(with 5% of probability to exclude the true potency or α = 0.05) can be calculated as the antilog of
the formula

M′AS ts√C 1 1 (y̅P − y̅A )2

= M′A ± √ + + (13)
M′Ai b NP NA E − s2t 2


C= (14)
(E − s2 t 2 )

Obtain E from Table 10. s2 is the residual error from Table 11 divided by its degrees of freedom and
t is available on Table 3 according to the degrees of freedom from s2.

For balanced assays of two to three doses per preparation, the formula for the limits from equation 13
can be simplified:

= M′A ± √(C − 1)(𝐶𝑀′𝐴2 + 𝑐 ′ 𝐼 2 ) (15)

where c’ is the coefficient obtained on Table 15 and C is the measure of significance of regression.
In an assay with a well defined slope, the C value will be very close to the unit.

Calculation for 5 x 1 design

Procedure for building the dose-response curve In the turbidimetric method, measure the turbidity
on tubes with liquid medium.

In the agar diffusion method, measure the zones of inhibition for each concentration of standard (P1,
P2, P3, P4, and P5) in the four sets of plates. The average of 36 readings of intermediate concentration
of standard (P3) is used to correct the averages from each one of the other concentrations of standard
P1, P2, P4, P5.

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The correction is made as follows: measure the 36 readings of P3 in all plates and calculate the
average. Measure the nine readings of P3 in the set of plates (3) for the other concentrations (P1, P2,
P4 and P5) and calculate the average. Calculate the difference between the total average and the
average on the three plates of each concentration, which must be added to the measures of the other


average value of P3 on the 36 readings: 18.2 mm

average value of P3 on plates with P1: 18.0 mm
value of P1 on the first reading of the nine plates: 17.3 mm
value corrected on the first point P1: (18.2 – 18.0) + 17.3 = 17.5 mm
value of P1 on the second reading of the nine plates: 16.9 mm
value corrected on the second point P1: (18.2 – 18.0) + 16.9 = 17.1 mm

Build the table with the responses corrected for the respective concentrations (P1 to P5) according to
Table 19 and conduct the analysis of variance. With the validity of results confirmed, calculate the
differences in paired responses between sample and standard on the central point of the curve by the

(𝑦𝐴 − 𝑦𝑃 )
X= (16)

where 𝑦𝐴 is one of the responses from the sample among the f repetitions, 𝑦𝑃 is the paired response
from the standard, and b1 is the regression coefficient given by Table 20.

The log potency ratio is

M′A = ∑ 𝑋/𝑓 (17)

where f is the number of differences in the paired responses between the sample and the respective

When a number of assays from the same sample is obtained through the same curve, calculate the
coefficient of variation (CV) for the results from samples.

desvio padrão (s)

𝐶𝑉 = × 100 (18)
média (y̅) de cada amostra

∑ 𝑦2 −(∑ 𝑦)2 /𝑁
where s = √ and y is the response from 1 to N for the same sample. (18a)

The variance is calculated over the f values of X for the total of samples tested as

∑ 𝑋 2 − ∑(𝑇𝑥 2 /𝑓)
𝑆𝑀 = (19)

where Tx = ΣX for a single sample and 𝑛′′ = ∑ 𝑓 − ℎ′ 𝑒 ℎ′ is the number of samples tested.

The logarithm of the confidence interval from each sample is

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𝐿= (20)

where s is the standard deviation for the total of differences X, t is available on Table 3 with the
degrees of freedom from 𝑆𝑀 and 𝑘′ is the number of differences paired by sample tested.

The confidence limits (with 5% of probability to exclude the true potency) can be calculated with the
antilog of the formula

= M′A ± 1/2L (21)

Obtain the potency ratio (RA) and the confidence limits (Rs, Ri) taking the antilogs of the values
obtained from formulas 12 and 15 (parallel line design 3 x 3 or 2 x 2) and 17 and 21 (5 x 1 design),
after adding log SA to both:

M′A = M′A + log SA (22)

R A = antilog MA (23)

M′𝐴𝑠 = M′𝐴𝑠 + log SA (24)

M′𝐴𝑖 = M′𝐴𝑖 + log SA (25)

R𝐴𝑠 = 𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑜𝑔 M𝐴𝑠 R𝐴𝑖 = 𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑜𝑔 M𝐴𝑖

Missing values

In balanced assays, the same number of observations is required for each concentration. If any
response is missing due to a cause not related to the treatments applied, such as death of an animal or
rupture of a test tube, the statistical analysis becomes much more complex. The equilibration may be
reestablished in two manners:

1) reduce the number of observations in larger groups until the number of responses is the same for
each treatment. If the design is completely random, the average from each larger group can be
subtracted, as many times as necessary, or one or more responses from each larger group can be
eliminated, by selecting them randomly. For randomized blocks assay, maintain only the full blocks;

2) alternatively, a group, casually smaller, may be recomposed to the original size, when the number
of missing responses is not higher than one in any treatment or 5% in the total from the assay. In this
case, calculate the missing value replacement. A degree of freedom is lost in the variance from error
s2 for each value replaced:

a) if the design is completely random, replace the missing value with the average of the remaining
responses from the incomplete group;

b) if the design is of randomized blocks, replace the missing value by applying the formula

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𝑛𝐵 ′ + 𝑘𝑇 ′ − 𝐺′
𝑦 = (26)
(𝑛 − 1)(𝑘 − 2)

where B’ is the incomplete total of responses in the block that has the missing value, T’ is the
incomplete total of responses in the treatment that has the missing value, G’ is the total sum of
responses obtained on the assay. As defined previously, n is the number of blocks and k is the number
of treatments or doses;

c) if the assay is based on Latin square design, the missing value (y’) is obtained by the equation

𝑘(𝐵 ′ + 𝐶 ′ + 𝑇 ′ ) − 2𝐺′
𝑦′ = (27)
(𝑘 − 1)(𝑘 − 2)

where B´ and C´ are the sums of responses on rows and columns, respectively, that have the missing
value. In this case, k = n.

If more than one value is missing, replace, temporarily, with the average from the respective
treatment, all empty places, except one. Substitute this place with the value y’, calculated by equation
27. Substitute one by one the values that had been placed, temporarily, with the average until
obtaining a stable set of values for all missing responses.

If the number of values replaced is small in relation to the total number of observations in the assay
(lower than 5%), the resulting approximation of replacements described and the reduction in the
degrees of freedom, equivalent to the number of values replaced, is usually satisfactory. However,
the analysis must be interpreted carefully, especially if there is predominance of missing values in a
particular treatment or block. The same is valid for the case of missing values in crossover plannings.

Partially balanced assays

If the assumed potency of samples (used to calculate the assay doses) is very different from the actual
potency, it is possible that the larger dose provides maximum response or that the smaller dose
provides very low or null response. These responses will be out of the linear zone from the log dose-
response curve and the validity tests will indicate the curvature and/or “significant” deviation from

In this case, the responses to the larger or smaller dose from the sample can be disregarded, calculating
a relative potency value from remaining data. This potency can be taken as the supposed potency to
select doses of sample for another assay, with the goal of obtaining responses similar to standard and,
thus, increase the precision of the result. The equation employed to calculate the potency is:

𝑦̅𝐴 − 𝑦̅𝑃 1
𝑀′𝐴 = ± (28)
𝑏 2

This formula is similar to formula 12, but half of the log dose interval is subtracted when the responses
from the lower dose are omitted and the same interval is added when the larger dose is disregarded.

The average responses 𝑦̅A and 𝑦̅P are obtained from the same formulas in totally balanced assays
(formula 10), but a modification must be introduced in the calculation of slope (b) according to the
assay design.

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For multiple assays, which would necessarily have two doses of each preparation, the linear contrasts
(LP ... LZ) must be formed excluding LA (since the responses for 1 or 2 were eliminated, it is not possible
to form a contrast LA). Calculate the slope from the average of values from L divided by In:

𝐿𝑃 + ⋯ + 𝐿𝑍
𝑏= (29)
𝐼𝑛(ℎ − 1)

For simple assays with one sample:

𝑏= (30)

For multiple assays with three doses from each preparation, obtain LA and the other contrasts from
Table 9. The equation for the slope is:

2(𝐿𝑃 + ⋯ + 𝐿𝑍 ) + 𝐿𝐴
𝑏= (31)
𝐼𝑛(4ℎ − 3)

If there is a single sample, the equation is reduced to:

2𝐿𝑃 + 𝐿𝐴
𝑏= (32)

In the particular case of heparin bioassay, the interval between the dose that allows coagulation and
the one that inhibits it is so small that the dose-response curve cannot be determined explicitly. To
interpolate the log dose corresponding to 50% of coagulation, both for the standard and for the sample,
moving averages are used.

Calculation of potency

Transform in a logarithm the volumes of standard preparation used in five or six tubes that comprise
the series, so that two or three tubes present coagulation degrees equal to or lower than 0.5 and two
or three tubes have degrees equal to or higher than 0.5.
Build a table correlating the tubes numerated, consecutively, with the degree of coagulation observed.

Denominate x the logarithms of the volumes used and y the corresponding degrees of coagulation.
Calculate the paired averages xi and yi from tubes 1, 2 and 3; from tubes 2, 3 and 4; and from tubes 3,
4 and 5, and when the series is comprised of six tubes, from tubes 4, 5 and 6, respectively. If for one
of these pairs of averages the average degree of coagulation yi is exactly 0.50, the corresponding xi is
the median of the log volume of standard preparation xp. If this does not occur, interpolate xp from the
paired values of yi, xi and yi+1, xi+1 that occur, immediately below and above the degree 0.50, as:

𝑥p = 𝑥i + (𝑦i − 0.5)(𝑥i+1 − 𝑥i)/(𝑦i − 𝑦i+1) (33)

From paired data obtained on the sample tubes, calculate in the same manner the median of the log
volume xA. The log potency of the sample is:

𝑀𝐴 = 𝑥𝑃 + 𝑥𝐴 + log 𝑆𝐴 (34)

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where SA is the assumed potency of the sample made in the preparation of the corresponding solution
from the sample tubes.

Repeat the assay, independently, and calculate the average from two or more M values to obtain M ̅.
If the second determination of M is different from the first one more than 0.05, continue conducting
assays until the logarithm of the confidence interval, calculated according to the end of section
Combination of potency estimates, does not exceed 0.20.
The potency of heparin sodium is:
R = antilog M


In some assays, it is not possible or convenient to measure the effect in each experimental unit (for
example, animal) in a quantitative scale. In this case, all-or-nothing effects can be measured, such as
death or occurrence of a pre-established symptom. The proportion of experimental units that present
the symptom comprises the result. These assays are called quantal. This chapter will present an
approximate calculation. If there are computing facilities, it is possible to resort to the exact
theoretical calculation. It is necessary to register, for each dose, the percentage of animals with
positive effect. For example: percentage of mice in convulsion. Transform the percentages in probits,
using Table 16. Each probit will be considered the value of the transformed response (y). The
following method is used when there are no responses equivalent to zero or 100 percentages. In this
case, employ full statistical methods of maximum probability (logit or probit). For each y value, it is
necessary to obtain a weighting coefficient (w) value on Table 17.

The formulas of sums of squares for the validity test are the same used in quantitative indirect assays
(Table 10), taking n = 1, except for the term error (s2), which has degrees of freedom equal to infinite,
and is calculated as:

𝑆2 = (35)

where k = number of treatments, n = number of animals used in each treatment.

Calculate the potency and the confidence limits using the formulas 12 and 25. This approximate
method is useful when the assay is designed so that the responses in percentages corresponding to the
lower and higher doses are evenly spaced around 50%. If one of the doses tested provides zero or
100% responses, they can be disregarded. In this case, obtain the estimated potency by the methods
described on section Partially balanced assays.


When n’ independent assays are conducted for each sample, the results can be combined to obtain an
estimated potency with reduced confidence interval that meets the limits established in each
monograph. There are several methods to combine repeated assays.

Adopt simplifications, taking into account two aspects:

a) correct estimates of log potency (M’) with the assumed potency (SA) before making the
combinations (M = M’ + log SA);
b) the estimates must be independent, that is, obtained in separate assays.

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Assume that results from n assays were analyzed to provide n’ M values with confidence limits (in
logarithms) associated to each M value, obtained according to equations 13 to 15 and 22 to 25. For
each assay, obtain the log confidence interval (L), subtracting the lower from the upper limit. Also
calculate a weight (W) for each M value from equation 36, where t is the same value employed in the
calculation of the confidence interval:

4𝑡 2
𝑊= 2 (36)
For each assay, calculate the product WM and divide its sum by the sum of all weights, to obtain the
logarithm of the weighted average potency (M), according to equation 37:

̅ = ∑ WM / ∑ W
M (37)
n′ n′

̅ = ∑ WM / ∑ W
𝑛′ 𝑛′

The standard error of the average potency (sM̅ ) is the square root of the converse from total weight:

̅ = √1/ ∑ 𝑊 (38)

̅ = √1/ ∑ 𝑊 (38)

Calculate the approximate confidence limits (α = 0.05), from the antilog of values obtained through
formula 39:

̅ ± tsM
M ̅ (39)

The t value on Table 3 is obtained, with degrees of freedom equivalent to the sum of the degrees of
freedom from the variance of error from individual assays.

This approximate method of combination gives satisfactory results when:

a) C is lower than 1.1 for each one of the n’ assays;
b) the individual estimates of potency comprise a homogeneous set according to the homogeneity
test conducted, applying the statistics χ2. It is calculated by squaring the difference between each M
value in relation to the weighted average (M ̅ ), multiplying this square by the corresponding weight
(W) and adding the values for all assays:

XM ̅ )2
= ∑ W(M − M (40)

XM ̅ )2
= ∑ W(M − M

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If the XM value calculated is lower than the corresponding one on Table 18 for (n’ – 1) degrees of
freedom, it is considered that there are no elements to suspect on the heterogeneity of potencies. In
this case, the average potency and the calculated limits are correct.

If the XM value is higher than the one on Table 18, it is considered that the potencies are
heterogeneous, that is, that the dispersion of individual M values is higher than expected, according
to the respective confidence limits. In this case, do not apply the formulas 37 and 39, investigate the
origin of this heterogeneity and, if considered adequate, calculate M̅ using semi-weights W’:

W ′ = 1/(V + v) (41)


V = 1/W = (42)
4t 2

and v is the variance of heterogeneity between assays and calculated by the equation:

∑ M 2 − (∑ M)2 /n′ ∑ V
V= − (43)
n′ − 1 n′

When V varies in such a way that the v calculated is a negative number, it is possible to calculate an
approximate v, omitting the term after the minus sign on equation 43.

̅ ), substitute on equation 37 the W and ΣW values with the

To calculate the semi-weighted average (M
respective W’ and ΣW’ values:

̅ = ∑ (W ′ M)/ ∑ W′
M (44)
n′ n′

M = ∑(W ′ M)/ ∑ W′
n′ n′

̅ ) near the center of a confidence interval of approximate size

It is possible to consider this value (M
L , which is the square root of:

𝐿′2𝑐 = 4𝑡 2 / ∑ 𝑊′ (45)

where t, from Table 3, has degrees of freedom equal to the sum of degrees of freedom from the
variance of error from n’ individual assays.

In the special case of heparin assay, all logarithms of potency (M) have the same weight and the
confidence interval from log estimated potency M̅ is determined as follows:

Calculation of error variance with n’ – 1 degrees of freedom:

S 2 = {∑ M2 − (∑ M)2 /n′} /𝑛′ − 1 (46)

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.2-00

Determine the confidence limit as logarithms (L):

L = 2st/√n′ (47)


𝑠 = √𝑠 2, t (Table 3) with n’ – 1 degrees of freedom, n = number of individual estimates of potency.

Calculate the confidence limits:

Ms = M̅ + 1/2 L (48)

Mi = M̅ − 1/2 L (49)

Rs = antilog Ms (50)

Ri = antilog Mi (51)

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.2-00

Table 1 – Table G for atypical values.
n 3 4 5 6 7
G1 0.976 0.846 0.729 0.644 0.586
n 8 9 10 11 12 13
G2 0.780 0.725 0.678 0.678 0.605 0.578
n 14 15 16 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
G3 0.602 0.579 0.559 0.559 0.527 0.514 0.502 0.491 0.481 0.472 0.464

Table 2 – Test for groups with atypical values.

Critical R+ value for interval of n observations each, at the significance level α = 0.05
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 0.962 0.862 0.803 0.764 0.736 0.717 0.702 0.691 0.682
3 0.813 0,667 0.601 0.563 0.539 0.521 0.507 0.498 0.489
4 0.681 0.538 0.479 0.446 0.425 0.410 0.398 0.389 0.382
5 0.581 0.451 0.398 0.369 0.351 0.338 0.328 0.320 0.314
6 0.508 0.389 0.342 0.316 0.300 0.288 0.280 0.273 0.267
7 0.451 0.342 0.300 0.278 0.263 0.253 0.245 0.239 0.234
8 0.407 0.305 0.267 0.248 0.234 0.225 0.218 0.213 0.208
9 0.369 0.276 0.241 0.224 0.211 0.203 0.197 0.192 0.188
10 0.339 0.253 0.220 0.204 0.193 0.185 0.179 0.174 0.172

Table 2a – Test for groups with atypical values.

Critical R+ value (k + 2) for interval of n observations each, at the significance level
k α = 0.05
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
10 4.06 3.04 2.65 2.44 2.30 2.21 2.14 2.09 2.05
12 4.06 3.03 2.63 2.42 2.29 2.20 2.13 2.07 2.04
15 4.06 3.02 2.62 2.41 2.28 2.18 2.12 2.06 2.02
20 4.13 3.03 2.62 2.41 2.28 2.18 2.11 2.05 2.01
50 4.26 3.11 2.67 2.44 2.29 2.19 2.11 2.06 2.01

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.2-00

Table 3 – Student’s t-distribution.

0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 .05 .02 .01 .001
1 0.158 0.325 0.510 0.727 1.000 1.376 1.963 3.078 6.314 12.706 31.821 63.657 636.619
2 0.142 0.289 0.445 0.617 0.816 1.061 1.386 1.886 2.920 4.303 6.965 9.925 31.598
3 0.137 0.277 0.424 0.584 0.765 0.978 1.250 1.638 2.353 3.182 4.541 5.541 12.924
4 0.134 0.271 0.414 0.569 0.741 0.941 1.190 1.533 2.132 2.776 3.747 4.604 8.610
5 0.132 0.267 0.408 0.559 0.727 0.920 1.156 1.476 2.015 2.571 3.365 4.032 6.869
6 0.131 0.265 0.404 0.553 0.718 0.906 1.134 1.440 1.943 2.447 3.143 3.707 5.959
7 0.130 0.263 0.402 0.549 0.711 0.896 1.119 1.415 1.895 2.365 2.365 3.499 5.408
8 0.130 0.262 0.399 0.546 0.706 0.889 1.108 1.397 1.860 2.896 2.896 3.355 5.041
9 0.129 0.261 0.398 0.543 0.703 0.883 1.100 1.383 1.833 2.821 2.821 3.250 4.781
10 0.129 0.260 0.397 0.542 0.700 0.879 1.093 1.372 1.812 2.764 2.764 3.169 4.587
11 0.129 0.260 0.396 0.540 0.697 0.876 1.088 1.363 1.796 2.718 2.718 3.106 4.437
12 0.128 0.259 0.395 0.539 0.695 0.873 1.083 1.356 1.782 2.681 2.681 3.055 4.318
13 0.128 0.259 0.394 0.538 0.694 0.870 1.079 1.350 1.771 2.650 2.650 3.012 4.221
14 0.128 0.258 0.393 0.537 0.692 0.868 1.076 1.345 1.761 2.624 2.624 2.977 4.140
15 0.128 0.258 0.393 0.536 0.691 0.866 1.074 1.341 1.753 2.602 2.602 2.947 4.073
16 0.128 0.258 0.392 0.535 0.690 0.865 1.071 1.337 1.746 2.583 2.583 2.921 4.015
17 0.128 0.257 0.392 0.534 0.689 0.863 1.069 1.333 1.740 2.567 2.567 2.898 3.965
18 0.127 0.257 0.392 0.534 0.688 0.862 1.067 1.330 1.734 2.552 2.552 2.878 3.922
19 0.127 0.257 0.391 0.533 0.688 0.861 1.066 1.328 1.729 2.539 2.539 2.861 3.883
20 0.127 0.257 0.391 0.533 0.687 0.860 1.064 1.325 1.725 2.528 2.528 2.845 3.850
21 0.127 0.257 0.391 0.532 0.686 0.859 1.063 1.323 1.721 2.518 2.518 2.831 3.819
22 0.127 0.256 0.390 0.532 0.686 0.858 1.061 1.321 1.717 2.508 2.508 2.819 3.792
23 0.127 0.256 0.390 0.532 0.685 0.858 1.060 1.319 1.714 2.500 2.500 2.807 3.767
24 0.127 0.256 0.390 0.531 0.685 0.857 1.059 1.318 1.711 2.492 2.492 2.797 3.745
25 0.127 0.256 0.390 0.531 0.684 0.856 1.058 1.316 1.708 2.485 2.485 2.787 3.726
26 0.127 0.256 0.390 0.531 0.684 0.856 1.058 1.315 1.706 2.479 2.479 2.779 3.707
27 0.127 0.256 0.389 0.531 0.684 0.855 1.057 1.314 1.703 2.473 2.473 2.771 2.690
28 0.127 0.256 0.389 0.530 0.683 0.855 1.056 1.311 1.699 2.462 2.462 2.756 3.674
29 0.127 0.256 0.389 0.530 0.683 0.854 1.055 1.310 1.697 2.457 2.457 2.750 3.659
30 0.127 0.255 0.389 0.530 0.683 0.854 1.055 1.310 1.697 2.457 2.457 2.750 3.646
40 0.126 0.254 0.388 0.529 0.681 0.851 1.050 1.303 1.684 2.423 2.423 2.704 3.551
60 0.126 0.254 0.387 0.527 0.679 0.848 1.046 1.296 1.671 2.390 2.390 2.660 3.460
120 0.126 0.253 0.386 0.526 0.677 0.845 1.041 1.289 1.658 2.358 2.358 2.617 3.373
∞ 0.126 0.256 0.385 0.524 0.674 0.842 1.036 1.282 1.645 2.326 2.326 2.576 3.291
gl = degrees of freedom; α = significance level

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.2-00

Table 4 – Fisher F distribution for α = 0.05.

gl2 Numerator
gl1 Denominator
1 2 3 4 5 6 8 12 24 ∞
1 161.40 199.50 215.70 224.60 230.20 234.00 238.90 243.90 249.00 254.30
2 18.51 19.00 19.16 19.25 19.30 19.33 19.37 19.41 19.45 19.50
3 10.13 9.55 9.28 9.12 9.01 8.94 8.84 8.74 8.64 8.53
4 7.71 6.94 6.59 6.39 6.26 6.16 6.04 5.91 5.77 5.63
5 6.61 5.79 5.41 5.19 5.05 4.95 4.82 4.68 4.53 4.36
6 5.99 5.14 4.76 4.53 4.39 4.28 4.15 4.00 3.84 3.67
7 5.59 4.74 4.35 4.12 3.97 3.87 3.73 3.57 3.41 3.23
8 5.32 4.46 4.07 3.84 3.69 3.58 3.44 3.28 3.12 2.93
9 5.12 4.26 3.86 3.63 3.48 3.37 3.23 3.07 2.90 2.71
10 4.96 4.10 3.71 3.48 3.33 3.22 3.07 2.91 2.74 2.54
11 4.84 3.98 3.59 3.36 3.20 3.09 2.95 2.79 2.61 2.40
12 4.75 3.88 3.49 3.26 3.11 3.00 2.85 2.69 2.50 2.30
13 4.67 3.80 3.41 3.18 3.02 2.92 2.77 2.60 2.42 2.21
14 4.60 3.74 3.34 3.11 2.96 2.85 2.70 2.53 2.35 2.13
15 4.54 3.68 3.29 3.06 2.90 2.79 2.64 2.48 2.29 2.07
16 4.49 3.63 3.24 3.01 2.85 2.74 2.59 2.42 2.24 2.01
17 4.45 3.59 3.20 2.96 2.81 2.70 2.55 2.38 2.19 1.96
18 4.41 3.55 3.16 2.93 2.77 2.66 2.51 2.34 2.15 1.92
19 4.38 3.52 3.13 2.90 2.74 2.63 2.48 2.31 2.11 1.88
20 4.35 3.49 3.10 2.87 2.71 2.60 2.45 2.28 2.08 1.84
21 4.32 3.47 3.07 2.84 2.68 2.57 2.42 2.25 2.05 1.81
22 4.30 3.44 3.05 2.82 2.66 2.55 2.40 2.23 2.03 1.78
23 4.28 3.42 3.03 2.80 2.64 2.53 2.38 2.20 2.00 1.76
24 4.26 3.40 3.01 2.78 2.62 2.51 2.36 2.18 1.98 1.73
25 4.24 3.38 2.99 2.76 2.60 2.49 2.34 2.16 1.96 1.71
26 4.22 3.37 2.98 2.74 2.59 2.47 2.32 2.15 1.95 1.69
27 4.21 3.35 2.96 2.73 2.57 2.46 2.30 2.13 1.93 1.67
28 4.20 3.34 2.95 2.71 2.56 2.44 2.29 2.12 1.91 1.65
29 4.18 3.33 2.93 2.70 2.54 2.43 2.28 2.10 1.90 1.64
30 4.17 3.32 2.92 2.69 2.53 2.42 2.27 2.09 1.89 1.62
40 4.08 3.23 2.84 2.61 2.45 2.34 2.18 2.00 1.79 1.51
60 4.00 3.15 2.76 2.52 2.37 2.25 2.10 1.92 1.70 1.39
120 3.92 3.07 2.68 2.45 2.29 2.17 2.02 1.83 1.61 1.25
∞ 3.84 2.99 2.60 2.37 2.21 2.10 1.94 1.75 1.52 1.00

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.2-00

Table 5 – Fisher F distribution for α = 0.01.

gl2 Numerator
gl1 Denominator
1 2 3 4 5 6 8 12 24 ∞
1 4052 4999 5403 5625 5764 5859 5982 6106 6234 6366
2 95.50 99.00 99.17 99.25 99.30 99.33 99.37 99.42 99.46 99.50
3 34.12 30.82 29.46 28.71 28.24 27.91 27.49 27.05 26.60 26.12
4 21.20 18.00 16.69 15.98 15.52 15.21 14.80 14.37 13.93 13.46
5 16.26 13.27 12.06 11.39 10.97 10.67 10.29 9.89 9.47 9.02
6 13.74 10.92 9.78 9.15 8.75 8.47 8.10 7.72 7.31 6.88
7 12.25 9.55 8.45 7.85 7.46 7.19 6.84 6.47 6.07 5.65
8 11.26 8.65 7.59 7.01 6.63 6.37 6.03 5.67 5.28 4.86
9 10.56 8.02 6.99 6.42 6.06 5.80 5.47 5.11 4.73 4.31
10 10.04 7.56 6.55 5.99 5.64 5.39 5.06 4.71 4.33 3.91
11 9.65 7.20 6.22 5.67 5.32 5.07 7.74 4.40 4.02 3.60
12 9.33 6.93 5.95 5.41 5.06 4.82 4.50 4.16 3.78 3.36
13 9.07 6.70 5.74 5.20 4.86 4.62 4.30 3.96 3.59 3.16
14 8.86 6.51 5.56 5.03 4.69 4.46 4.14 3.80 3.43 3.00
15 8.68 6.36 5.42 4.89 4.56 4.32 4.00 3.67 3.29 2.87
16 8.53 6.23 5.29 4.77 4.44 4.20 3.89 3.55 3.18 2.75
17 8.40 6.11 5.18 4.67 4.34 4.10 3.79 3.45 3.08 2.65
18 8.28 6.01 5.09 4.58 4.25 4.01 3.71 3.37 3.00 2.58
19 8.18 5.93 5.01 4.50 4.17 3.94 3.63 3.30 2.92 2.49
20 8.10 5.85 4.94 4.43 4.10 3.87 3.56 3.23 2.86 2.42
21 8.02 5.78 4.87 4.37 4.04 3.81 3.51 3.17 2.80 2.36
22 7.94 5.72 4.82 4.31 3.99 3.76 3.45 3.12 2.75 2.31
23 7.88 5.66 4.76 4.26 3.94 3.71 3.41 3.07 2.70 2.26
24 7.82 5.61 4.72 4.22 3.90 3.67 3.36 3.03 2.66 2.21
25 7.77 5.57 4.68 4.18 3.86 3.63 3.32 2.99 2.62 2.17
26 7.72 5.53 4.64 4.14 3.82 3.59 3.29 2.96 2.58 2.13
27 7.68 5.49 4.60 4.11 3.78 3.56 3.26 2.93 2.56 2.10
28 7.64 5.45 4.57 4.07 3.75 3.53 2.23 2.90 2.52 2.06
29 7.60 5.42 4.54 4.04 3.73 3.50 3.20 2.87 2.49 2.03
30 7.56 5.39 4.51 4.02 3.70 3.47 3.17 2.84 2.47 2.01
40 7.31 5.18 4.31 3.83 3.51 3.29 2.99 2.66 2.29 1.80
60 7.08 4.98 4.13 3.65 3.34 3.12 2.82 2.50 2.12 1.60
120 6.85 4.79 3.95 3.48 3.17 2.96 2.66 2.34 1.95 1.38
∞ 6.64 4.60 3.78 3.32 3.02 2.80 2.51 2.18 1.79 1.00

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.2-00

Table 6 – Order of doses in crossover assays.

Double Crossover Triple Crossover
Phase I Phase II Phase I Phase II
1 ρ1 a2 ρ1 a3
2 ρ2 a1 ρ2 a2
3 a1 ρ1 ρ3 a1
4 a2 ρ1 a1 ρ3
5 - - a2 ρ2
6 - - a3 ρ1

Tale 7 – Example of order of doses on Latin square.

a2 ρ1 a1 ρ2
ρ2 a1 ρ1 a2
a1 a2 ρ2 ρ1
ρ1 ρ2 a2 a1

Table 8 – Formulas for assays with two doses of each preparation.

Standard (P) 1st Sample (A) Sample h -1 (Z)
Lower dose (sum of responses) P1 A1 Z1
Higher dose (sum of responses) P2 A2 Z2
By preparation (sum of responses) P1 + P2= P A1 + A2 = A Z1 + Z2 = Z
Linear contrast P2 ̶ P1 = LP A2 ̶ A1 = LA Z2 ̶ Z1 = LZ

Table 9 – Formulas for assay with three doses of each preparation.

Standard (P) 1st Sample (A) Sample h -1 (Z)
Lower dose (sum of responses) P1 A1 Z1
Medium dose (sum of responses) P2 A2 Z2
Higher dose (sum of responses) P3 A3 Z3
By preparation (sum of responses) P1+ P2 + P3 = P A1 + A2 + A3 = A Z1 + Z2 + Z3= Z
Linear contrast P3 ̶ P1 = LP A3 ̶ A1 = LA Z3 ̶ Z1 = LZ
Quadratic contrast P1 ̶ 2P2 + P3 = QP A1 ̶ 2A2 + A3 = QA Z1 ̶ 2Z2 + Z3 = QZ

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.2-00

Table 10 – Validity tests (variance analysis).

Degrees of Reduced sum of squares
Source of variation
freedom (gl) Two-dose assay Three-dose assay

P 2 + A2 + ⋯ Z2 P2 + A2 + ⋯ Z2
Preparations h-1 −K −K
2𝑛 3𝑛

(LP + LA + ⋯ LZ )2 (LP + LA + ⋯ LZ )2
Regression 1 =E =E
2𝑛ℎ 2𝑛ℎ

L²P + L²A + ⋯ L²Z L²P + L²A + ⋯ L²Z

Parallelism h-1 −E
2𝑛 2𝑛

(Q 𝑃 + 𝑄A + ⋯ Q Z )2
Quadratic 1 -- =Q

(Q²𝑃 + 𝑄²A + ⋯ Q²Z )2

Difference of Quadratics h-1 -- −Q

Table 11 – Estimate of residual error.

Degrees of Reduced sum of squares
Source of
variation Random design Randomized blocks Latin square

P2 ₁ + P2 ₂ + ⋯ Z2 d P2 ₁ + P2 ₂ + ⋯ Z2 d P2 ₁ + P2 ₂ + ⋯ Z2 d
Treatments k–1 −𝐾 −𝐾 −𝐾
𝑛 𝑛 𝑛

F2₁ + F2₂ + ⋯ F2n F2₁ + F2₂ + ⋯ F2n

Blocks (rows) n–1 -- −K −K
𝑘 𝑘

Blocks 𝐶 2 ₁ + C2 ₂ + ⋯ 𝐶 2 n
n–1 -- -- −K
(columns) 𝑘
Residual error * * *

TOTAL N–1 ∑ y2 − K ∑ y2 − K ∑ y2 − K

* Obtained by subtracting, from the total reduced sum of squares, all other reduced sums of squares calculated for the corresponding design.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.2-00

Table 12 – t’ table for two-tailed comparison between (h-1) samples and one standard for a coefficient of
gl1 = (h-1) = number of samples (excluding standard)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
5 2.57 3.03 3.29 3.48 3.62 3.73 3.82 3.90 3.97
6 2.45 2.86 3.10 3.26 3.39 3.49 3.57 3.64 3.71
7 2.36 2.75 2.97 3.12 3.24 3.33 3.41 3.47 3.53
8 2.31 2.67 2.88 3.02 3.13 3.22 3.29 3.35 3.41
9 2.26 2.61 2.81 2.95 3.05 3.14 3.20 3.26 3.32
10 2.23 2.57 2.76 2.89 2.99 3.07 3.14 3.19 3.24
11 2.20 2.53 2.72 2.84 2.94 3.02 3.08 3.14 3.19
12 2.18 2.50 2.68 2.81 2.90 2.98 3.04 3.09 3.14
13 2.16 2.48 2.65 2.78 2.87 2.94 3.00 3.06 3.10
14 2.14 2.46 2.63 2.75 2.84 2.91 2.97 3.02 3.07
15 2.13 2.44 2.61 2.73 2.82 2.89 2.95 3.00 3.04
16 2.12 2.42 2.59 2.71 2.80 2.87 2.92 2.97 3.02
17 2.11 2.41 2.58 2.69 2.78 2.85 2.90 2.95 3.00
18 2.10 2.40 2.56 2.68 2.76 2.83 2.89 2.94 2.98
19 2.09 2.39 2.55 2.66 2.75 2.81 2.87 2.92 2.96
20 2.09 2.38 2.54 2.65 2.73 2.80 2.86 2.90 2.95
24 2.06 2.35 2.51 2.61 2.70 2.76 2.81 2.86 2.90
30 2.04 2.32 2.47 2.58 2.66 2.72 2.77 2.82 2.86
40 2.02 2.29 2.44 2.54 2.62 2.68 2.73 2.77 2.81
60 2.00 2.27 2.41 2.51 2.58 2.64 2.69 2.73 2.77
120 1.98 2.24 2.38 2.47 2.55 2.60 2.65 2.69 2.73
∞ 1.96 2.21 2.35 2.44 2.51 2.57 2.61 2.65 2.69

Table 13 – Totals and contrasts in assay with double crossover design.

Standard (P) Sample (A) Total
Lower dose (sum of responses) P1I A1I -
Higher dose (sum of responses) P2I A2 -
Total PI AI PI + AI = FI
Lower dose (sum of responses) P1II A1II -
Higher dose (sum of responses) P2II A2II -
By preparation (sum of responses) P A ∑y
Linear contrast
TOTAL P2 + P1 = LP A2 + A1 = LA LP + LA = ∑ L

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.2-00

Table 14 – Tests of validity in double crossover assay.

Degrees of
Source of variation Reduced sum of squares
freedom (gl)

L²P + L²A
Parallelism 1 −E

P²I + P²II + A²I + A²II

Phases X Preparations 1 𝑛
– K – (Phases – Preparations)

L²I + L²II
Phases X Regression 1 −E
Blocks – Parallelism –
Error I Difference
(Phases X Preparations) – (Phases X Regression)
B²I + B²2 + ⋯ + B²2𝑛
Blocks (animals) bl ̶ 1 −𝐾

𝑃2 + 𝐴2
Preparations 1 −K

(LP + LA )2
Regression 1 =E

F²I + F²II
Phases 1 −K


Phases X Parallelism 1 𝑛
– E-Parallelism – (Phases X Regression)
Total – Blocks – Preparations – Regression –
Error II Difference
Phases – (Phases X Parallelism)

TOTAL N–1 ∑ y2 − K
K = (∑y)2/N
N = total number of responses
n = total number of replicas per dose including the two phases; bl = number of blocks (animals)
B = sum of the two responses for each block (animal)

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.2-00

Table 15 – Constant used in the formula for the confidence limits

Dose of each Number of samples tested
preparation (d) (h – 1)
2 1 1
2 3/2
3 2
4 5/2
5 3
3 1 8/3
2 4
3 16/3
4 20/3
5 8

Table 16 – Probits corresponding to percentage.

% 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 - 2.67 2.95 3.12 3.25 3.36 3.45 3.52 3.59 3.66
10 3.72 3.77 3.82 3.87 3.92 3.96 4.01 4.05 4.08 4.12
20 4.16 4.19 4.23 4.26 4.29 4.33 4.36 4.39 4.42 4.45
30 4.48 4.50 4.53 4.56 4.59 4.61 4.64 4.67 4.69 4.72
40 4.75 4.77 4.80 4.82 4.85 4.87 4.90 4.92 4.95 4.97
50 5.00 5.03 5.05 5.08 5.10 5.13 5.15 5.18 5.20 5.23
60 5.25 5.28 5.31 5.33 5.36 5.39 5.41 5.44 5.47 5.50
70 5.52 5.55 5.58 5.61 5.64 5.67 5.71 5.74 5.77 5.81
80 5.84 5.88 5.92 5.95 5.99 6.04 6.08 6.13 6.18 6.23
90 6.28 6.34 6.41 6.48 6.55 6.64 6.75 6.88 7.05 7.33
% 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
97 6.88 6.90 6.91 6.93 6.94 6.96 6.98 7.00 7.01 7.03
98 7.05 7.07 7.10 7.12 7.14 7.17 7.20 7.23 7.26 7.29
99 7.33 7.37 7.41 7.46 7.51 7.58 7.65 7.75 7.88 8.09

Table 17 – Coefficients of weight for probits (w).

Probits 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
1 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.005 0.006 0.008 0.011
2 0.015 0.019 0.025 0.031 0.040 0.050 0.062 0.076 0.092 0.110
3 0.131 0.154 0.180 0.208 0.238 0.269 0.302 0.336 0.370 0.405
4 0.439 0.471 0.503 0.532 0.558 0.581 0.601 0.616 0.627 0.634
5 0.637 0.634 0.627 0.616 0.601 0.581 0.558 0.532 0.503 0.471
6 0.439 0.405 0.370 0.336 0.302 0.269 0.238 0.208 0.180 0.154
7 0.131 0.110 0.092 0.076 0.062 0.050 0.040 0.031 0.025 0.019
8 0.015 0.011 0.008 0.006 0.005 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.001

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.2-00

Table 18 – Values of χ2 (α = 0.05).

gl χ2 gl χ2
1 3.84 9 16.92
2 5.99 10 18.31
3 7.81 11 19.67
4 9.49 12 21.03
5 11.07 13 22.36
6 12.59 14 23.69
7 14.07 15 25.00
8 15.51 20 31.41
25 37.65

Table 19 – Matrix of responses in the antibiotic assay by 5 x 1 design, after correction.

Standard Sample
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 A B C
y11 y21 y31 y41 y51 A31 B31 ...
y12 y22 y32 y42 y52 A32 B32 ...
y13 y23 y33 y43 y53 A33 B33 ...
y14 y24 y34 y44 y54 A34 B34 ...
Responses y15 y25 y35 y45 y55 A35 B35 ...
y16 y26 y36 y46 y56 A36 B36 ...
y17 y27 y37 y47 y57 A37 B37 ...
y18 y28 y38 y48 y58 A38 B38 ...
y19 y29 y39 y49 y59 A39 B39 ...
Total y1· y2· y3· y4· y5· A3· B3·
ynz: n is the concentration (P1 to P5) and z is the response (1 to 9)
Anz: n is the median concentration (P3) and z is the response (1 to 9)

Table 20 – Table of Analysis of variance for the simple linear regression model – 5 x 1 design.
Y = b0 + b1X ∑(x − x̅)(y − y̅)
∑(x − x̅)(y − y̅) 𝑟=
𝑏1 = (x − x̅)2 (y − y̅)2
∑(x − x̅)2 (N − 1)√ N − 1 √ N − 1
b0 = y̅ − b1 x̅

Source of
gl Sum of squares Average square F calculated
Regression 1 SQreg = b1Σxy + b0Σy – (Σy)2/N QMreg = SQreg QMreg/QMres

Residual error N–2 SQres = Σy2 – b1Σxy – b0Σy --

Linear deviation 3 SQdev = SSres – SQep QMdev/QMep
Pure error (ep) N–5 SQep = Σy2 – (Σyi)2/k’ --
Total N–1 SQreg + SQres --

(Σyi)2 = (y11 + y12 + y13 + ... + y19)2 + ... + (y51 + y52 + y53 + ... + y59)2

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.2-00

(x − x̅)2
√ = Sxx = standard deviation from variable (x)

(y − y̅)2
√ = Syy = standard deviation from variable response (y)



Example 1: direct assay with a sample.

Direct fingerprint assay by the guinea pig cardiac arrest method The standard solution was used in
the concentration of 0.0658 IU/mL. An equivalent dilution of sample was prepared from the assumed
potency of SA = 1.3 IU/100 mg.
The guinea pigs were perfused randomly with standard or sample solution. The precise volume
necessary to produce cardiac arrest in each animal was registered.

The responses are listed on Table 19.

Calculation of the estimated potency and confidence limits.

From equation 1:
M’ = 1.3974 – 1.4089 = – 0.0115

From equation 6:
M = – 0.0115 + log 1.3 = 0.1024

From equation 5:
R = antilog 0.1024 = 1.2660

From equation 3:
1 19,56412 14,08902
𝑆²𝑥 = [(1,44042 + ⋯ + 1,33042 − ) + (1,53172 + ⋯ + 1,40722 − )]
22 14 10
𝑆²𝑥 = [27,3829 − 27,3396 + 19,8879 − 19,8500]
𝑆²𝑥 = 0,003691

From equation 2:
1 1
𝑆²𝑀 = 0,003691 ( + ) = 0,000632
14 10
𝑆𝑀 = √0,000632 = 0,0251

For α = 0.05 with 22 gl, t = 2.07 (Table 3)

From equation 7:
= 𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑜𝑔 [0,1024 ± (2,07 × 0,0251)]
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.2-00

𝑅𝑠 = 𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑜𝑔 [0,1024 ± (2,07 × 0,0251)] = 1,43

𝑅𝑖 = 𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑜𝑔 [0,1024 ± (2,07 × 0,0251)] = 1,12

The average estimate of the potency from the fingerprint sample is 1.27 IU/100 mg.
The confidence limits (p=0.05) for the true potency are 1.12 IU/100 mg and 1.43 IU/100 mg.

Table 21 – Example 1: Effective doses to produce cardiac arrest.

Standard P Sample A
Lethal dose Log lethal dose Lethal dose Log lethal dose
mL/kg Xp mL/kg XA
27.57 1.4404 34.02 1.5317
25.97 1.4145 21.90 1.3404
27.74 1.4431 28.33 1.4523
30.94 1.4905 24.87 1.3957
28.31 1.4519 27.56 1.4403
27.29 1.4360 24.73 1.3932
22.13 1.3450 21.67 1.3359
23.63 1.3735 21.30 1.3284
21.39 1.3302 29.10 1.4639
22.13 1.3450 25.54 1.4072
20.97 1.3216
29.23 1.4658
23.78 1.3762
21.40 1.3304
∑x 19.5641 14.0890
X 1.3974 1.4089
∑x2 27.3829 19.8879
S2 0.003331 0.004211
N 14 10


Example 2: assay with three doses, design completely random.

Human chorionic gonadotropin assay by the method of increased weight of seminal vesicles

The doses used from standard were: p1 = 1.0 IU/mL, p2 = 2.0 IU/mL and p3 IU/mL. Equivalent doses
of the sample were prepared from the assumed potency SA = 3000 IU/mg. The rats were injected
subcutaneously with 0.20 mL of the respective solution, for three consecutive days, in a total of
0.6 mL/rat.

The weights of the seminal vesicles are listed on Table 22.

Table 22 – Example 2: weights of seminal vesicles (mg).

P1 P2 P3 a1 a2 a3
8.5 12.5 14.8 10.5 16.8 16.7
10.4 13.1 14.1 10.5 14.3 16.9

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.2-00

P1 P2 P3 a1 a2 a3
11.4 8.3 14.9 9.1 14.9 18.8
11.6 13.1 13.8 9.9 12.3 16.7
10.2 9.0 14.6 10.5 15.4 12.7
9.1 14.4 15.2 8.4 14.9 16.2
9.5 11.7 12.3 10.1 12.8 17.3
7.7 11.72* 15.5 10.1 10.0 12.8
* missing value replaced by the average from the treatment.

Table 23 – Example 2: totals and contrasts.

Standard P Sample A
Lower dose P1 = 78.40 A1 = 79.10
Medium dose P2 = 93.82 A2 = 111.10
Higher dose P3 = 115.20 A3 = 128.10
Preparation P = 287.42 A = 318.60
Linear contrast LP = 36.80 LA = 49.00
Quadratic contrast QP = 5.96 QA = 15.60
Results obtained with formulas from Table 9.

Table 24 – Example 2: analysis of variance.

Sum of Average
Source of variation gl F A
squares square
Preparations 1 20.26 20.26
Regression 1 230.05 230.05 79.05 <0.01
Parallelism 1 4.65 4.65 1.60 >0.05
Quadratic 1 0.97 0.97 0.33 >0.05
Difference of squares 1 4.84 4.84 1.66 >0.05
Treatments 5 260.11 52.15
Error 41* 119.18 s =2.91
TOTAL 47 379.95
* Removed one degree of freedom because one missing value was substituted.
The sums of squares were obtained by employing the formulas from Tables 9, 10 and 11.

N = 48
K = (∑y)2/N = 7 651.25
∑y2 = 8 031.21

287,422 + 318,62
Preparações = − 7651,25 = 20,26
(36,8 + 49,0)2
Regressão = = 230,05 = E
36,82 + 49,02
Paralelismo = − 230,05 = 4,65

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.2-00

[5,96 + (−15,6)]2
Quadrático = = 0,97 = Q
5,962 + (−15,6)2
Diferença de quadráticos = − 0,97 = 4,84
78,402 + 93,832 + ⋯ 128,102
Tratamentos = − 7651,25 = 160,77
Total = 8 031.21 – 7 651.25 = 379.95
Error = 379.95 – 260.77 = 119.18

Validity of assay:

The assay meets the validity conditions:

a) significant regression, F calculated 79.05 is higher than the critical value from Table 5 for α =
0.05, gl1 = 1 and gl2 = 41;
b) non-significant deviation from parallelism, F calculated 1.60 is lower than the critical value from
Table 4 for α = 0.05, gl1 = 1 and gl2 = 41 and
c) non-significant deviation from linearity, F = 0.33 and 1.66.

Calculation of the estimated potency and confidence limits: Use formulas 10 to 15.

I = log 2.0 = 0.3010

t = 2.02 with 41 gl from Table 3

36,8 + 49,0
b= = 8,90
2 × 0,301 × 8 × 2
y𝐴 = = 13,27
y𝑃 = = 11,97
13,27 − 11,97
= = 0,1460
SA = 3 000 log SA = 3.4771

M = 0.1460 + 3.4771 = 3.6231

R = anti log 3.6231 = 4 198.56 IU/mg

C= = 1,05
230,05 − 2,91(2,02)2

C’ = 8/3, from Table 15

= 1,05 × 0,146 ± √(1,05 − 1)[1,05(0,146)2 + 8/3(0,3010)2

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.2-00

𝑀′𝑠 = 0,2679
𝑀′𝑖 = 0,0381

Logarithm of confidence limits from potency

𝑀′𝑠 = 0,2679 + 3,4771 = 3,7449
𝑀′𝑖 = 0,0381 + 3,4771 = 3,5151

Confidence limits from potency

Rs = anti log 3.7445 = 5552.64 IU/mg = anti log 3.5151 = 3274.16 IU/mg

Example 3: assay with three doses, randomized blocks design.

Antibiotic assay using Petri dishes

The doses used from standard were: p1 = 0.25 IU/mL, p2 = 0.50 IU/mL and p3 = 1.00 IU/mL.

Equivalent doses of the sample were prepared based on the assumed potency SA = 1 650 IU/mg. The
diameters of the zones of inhibition are available on Table 25.

Table 25 – Example 3: diameter of zones of inhibition.

Standard P Sample A
Plates (Blocks) Total Block
p1 p2 p3 a1 a2 a3
1 17.0 20.4 24.0 17.4 20.7 24.4 123.9
2 14.9 19.7 22.7 14.9 19.3 22.2 113.7
3 15.0 18.6 22.0 15.0 18.0 22.3 110.9
4 14.6 18.3 22.4 14.8 19.0 22.2 111.3
5 14.7 18.0 22.3 14.4 17.8 22.6 109.8
6 14.4 19.1 23.3 14.5 19.3 23.0 113.6
7 14.9 19.0 22.5 15.0 19.4 22.4 113.2

Table 26 – Example 3: totals and contrasts.

Standard P Sample A

Lower dose P1 = 105.5 A1 = 106.0

Medium dose P2 = 133.1 A2 = 133.5
Higher dose P3 = 159.2 A3 = 159.1
Preparation P = 397.8 A = 398.6
Linear contrast LP = 53.7 LA = 53.1
Quadratic contrast QP = -1.5 QA = -1.9

Results obtained with formulas from Table 9

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.2-00

Table 27 – Example 3: analysis of variance.

Sum of Average
Source of variation gl F A
squares square
Preparations 1 0.0150 0.0150 0.09 >0.05
Regression 1 407.3657 407.3657 2396 <0.01
Parallelism 1 0.0129 0.0129 0.080 >0.05
Quadratic 1 0.1376 0.1376 0.81 >0.05
Difference of squares 1 0.0019 0.0019 0.01 >0.05
Treatments 5 407.53 3020.25
Plates 6 22.18 3.70 21.8 <0.01
Error 30 4.99 s = 0.17
The sums of squares were obtained by employing the formulas from Tables 9, 10 and 11.

N = 42
K = (Σ y)2 /N = 15101.26

Σ y2 = 15 535.96

397,82 + 398,62
Preparações = − 15101,2610 = 0,0152
(53,7 + 53,1)2
Regressão = = 407,3657 = E
53,72 + 53,12
Paralelismo = − 407,3657 = 0,0129
[−1,5 + (−1,9)]2
Quadrático = = 0,1376 = Q
−1,52 + (−1,9)2
Diferença de quadráticos = − 0,1376 = 0,0019
105,52 + 133,12 + ⋯ 159,12
Tratamentos = − 15101,261 = 407,53
123,92 + 113,72 + ⋯ 113,22
Blocos(Placas) = − 15101,261 = 22,18
Total = 15 535.96 – 15 101.261 = 434.7
Error = 434.7 – 22.18 – 407.53 = 4.99

Validity of assay

The assay meets the validity conditions:

a) significant regression, F calculated 2390 is higher than the critical value from Table 5 for α =
0.01, gl1 = 1 and gl2 = 30;

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.2-00

b) non-significant deviation from parallelism, F calculated 0.08 is lower than the critical value from
Table 4 for α= 0.05, gl1 = 1 and gl2 = 30, and
c) non-significant deviation from linearity, F calculated = 0.81 and 0.01.

Calculation of the estimated potency and confidence limits

Use formulas 10 to 15.

I = log 1,00-log 0.50 = 0.301 t =

t = 2.04 with 30 gl from Table 3.

53,7 + 53,1
b= = 12,67
28 × 0,301
y̅𝐴 = = 18,98
y̅𝑃 = = 18,94
18,92 − 18,94
M′ = = 0,003157
SA = 1650 IU/mg

M = M’+ log 1650 = 0.003157 + 3.217480 = 3.2206

R = anti log 3.2206 = 1662

C= = 1,0017
[407,3657 – 0,17(2,04)2 ]

C’ = 8/3, from Table 15

𝑀′𝑠 = 0,0235

𝑀′𝑖 = −0,0171

Logarithm of confidence limits from potency

Ms = 0.0235 + 3.2175 = 3.2410
Mi = -0.0 171 + 3.2175 = 3.2004

Confidence limits from potency

Rs = anti log 3.2410 = 1742 IU/mg
Ri = anti log 3.2004 = 1586 IU/mg

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.2-00

Example 4: assay with two doses, Latin square design.

Assay of oxytocin – method of contraction of female rat’s isolated uterus: The administered doses of
standard were: p1 = 0.2 mL and p2 = 0.25 mL of solution wit 0.02 IU/mL. Equivalent doses of the
sample were prepared based on the assumed potency of 10 IU/mL diluted 1:500.

Table 28 – Example 4: order of addition of doses.

1 2 3 4
1 p1 p2 a1 a2
2 p2 p1 a2 a1
3 a1 a2 p1 p2
4 a2 a1 p2 p1

Table 29 – Example 4: records of contractions in mm.

Rows Total Rows
1 2 3 4
1 38 43 35 40 F1 = 156
2 38 30 44 38 F2 = 150
3 39 45 37 40 F3 = 161
4 45 38 45 37 F4 = 165
Total Column C1 = 160 C2 = 156 C3 = 161 C4 = 155
Total of doses P1 = 142 P2 = 166 A1 = 150 A2 = 174

Table 30 – Example 4: totals and contrasts.

Standard P Sample A
Lower dose P1 = 142 A1 = 150
Higher dose P2 = 166 A2 = 174
Preparation P = 308 A = 324
Linear contrast LP = 24 LA = 24

Table 31 – Example 4: analysis of variance

Source of gl Sum of squares Average square F A
Preparation 1 16.0 16.0 1.65 > 0.05
Regression 1 144.0 144.0 14.89 < 0.01
Parallelism 1 0.0 0.0 0.00 > 0.05
Treatment 3 160.0
Rows 3 31.5 10.5 1.08 > 0.05
Columns 3 6.5 2.2 0.23 > 0.05
Error 6 58.0 s = 9.67
Total 15 256.0
The sums of squares were obtained by employing the formulas from Tables 8, 10 and 11.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.2-00

N = 16
K = (Σ y)2 /N = 6322/16 = 24 964

3082 + 3242
Preparações = − 124964,0 = 16,0
(24 + 24)2
Regressão = = 144,0 = E
242 + 242
Paralelismo = − 144,0 = 0
1422 + 1662 + 1502 + 1742
Tratamentos = − 24964 = 160
1522 + 1502 + 1612 + 1552
Filas = − 24964 = 31,5
1602 + 1562 + 1612 + 1552
Colunas = − 24964 = 6,5
Total = 25220 – 24964 = 256.0

Error = 256.0 – 160.0 – 31.5 – 6.5 = 58.0

The analysis did not present significant differences (p > 0.05) between rows and between columns.

Validity of assay

The assay meets the validity conditions:

a) significant regression, F calculated 14.9 is higher than the critical value from Table 5 for α = 0.01,
gl1 = 1 and gl2 = 6;

Calculation of the estimated potency and confidence limits: Use formulas 10 to 15.

I = log 0.25 – log 0.20 = 0.0969

t = 2.45 with 6 gl from Table 3

24 + 24
b= = 61,91
0,0969 × 4 × 2

y̅𝐴 = = 61,91
y̅𝑃 = = 38,5

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.2-00

40,5 − 38,5
M′ = = 0,0323

SA = 10 log SA = 1

M = 0.0323 + 1 = 1.0323

R = anti log 1.0323 = 10.8 IU/mL = Estimated potency

C= = 1,67
144,0 − 9,67 × 2,452

c’ = 1, from Table 15

= 1,67 × 0,0323 ± √(1,67 − 1,0)[1,67(0,0323)2 + 1(0,09691)2 ]

𝑀′𝑠 = 0,1402

𝑀′𝑖 = 0,0324

Logarithm of confidence limits from potency

Ms = 0.1402 + 1 = 1.1402
Mi = 0.0324+ 1 = 0.9676

Confidence limits from potency

Rs = anti log 1.1402 = 13.81 IU/mL
Ri = anti log 0.9676 = 9.78 IU/mL

Example 5: double crossover assay.

Assay of insulin in mice. The doses used from standard were p1 = 60 mIU/mL and p2 = 120 mIU/mL.
Equivalent doses of the sample were prepared, a1 = 60 mIU/mL and 2 = 120 mIU/mL from the assumed
potency SA = 27.4 IU/mL. The mice were injected with 0.1 mL of the respective solution for each
10 g of average weight, according to Table 6.

The responses are listed on Table 30.

Table 32 – Example 5: concentration of blood glucose (mg/100 mL), forty minutes after the injection.
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
p1 a2 total p1 a2 total p1 a2 total p1 a2 Total
37.1 16.6 53.7 32.4 32.4 80.8 36.8 17.0 53.8 30.9 52.1 83.0
35.2 40.1 75.3 35.2 35.2 103.0 53.2 24.9 78.1 27.8 59.4 87.2
43.1 33.9 77.0 35.3 35.3 108.4 71.2 58.2 129.4 35.4 39.1 74.5
41.3. 16.2 57.5 32.9 32.9 78.1 37.1 24.8 61.9 49.8 79.0 128.8
54.2 33.2 87.4 31.9 31.9 65.0 45.9 22.7 68.6 28.2 37.3 65.5
41.4 13.1 54.4 51.2 51.2 113.6 82.2 42.7 124.9 49.9 51.1 101.0
48.6 32.7 81.3 38.2 38.2 114.4 64.8 33.9 98.7 28.3 59.5 87.8

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.2-00

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

p1 a2 total p1 a2 total p1 a2 total p1 a2 Total
57.8 50.4 108.2 39.7 39.7 89.8 49.1 37.6 86.7 39.6 55.8 95.4
71.1 47.3 118.4 37.0 37.0 110.8 44.1 10.4 54.5 32.2 40.6 72.8
60.8 26.1 86.9 38.9 38.9 103.5 64.7 34.7 99.4 55.1 68.2 123.3
78.2 50.9 129.1 42.6 42.6 97.2 88.0 61.6 149.6 40.6 61.4 102.0
76.1 54.4 130.5 30.4 30.4 80.0 90.1 60.3 150.4 43.5 52.8 96.3

Table 33 – Example 5: totals and contrasts.

Standard P Sample A Total
Lower dose P11 = 644.9 A11 = 727.2
Higher dose P21 = 445.7 A21 = 461.3
TOTAL P1 = 1090.6 A1 = 1188.5 F1 = 2279.1
Lower dose P1II = 656.3 A1II = 704.9
Higher dose P2II = 428.8 A2II = 414.9
TOTAL P11 = 1085.1 A11 = 1119.8 F11 = 2204.9
Linear Contrast Preparation P = 2175.7 A = 2308.3 ∑y = 4484.0
PHASE I LP1 = -199.2 LA1 = -256.9 L1 = -465.1
PHASE II LP11 = -227.5 LA11 = -290.0 L11 = -517.5
TOTAL LP = -426.7 LA = -555.9 ∑L = -982.6
Results obtained with formulas from Table 13

Table 34 – Example 5: analysis of variance.

Source of variation gl Sum of squares Average square F A
Parallelism 1 173.88 173.88 0.53 > 0.05
Phases × Preparations 1 41.61 41.61 0.13 > 0.05
Phases × Regressions 1 28.60 28.60 0.09 > 0.05
Error I 44 14 545.64 330.58
Blocks 47 14 789.73 314.67
Preparations 1 183.15 183.15 3.01 > 0.05
Regression 1 10 057.32 10 057.32 165.52 < 0.01
Phases 1 57.35 57.35 0.94 > 0.05
Phases × Parallelism 1 0.19 0.19 0.00 > 0.05
Error II 44 2 673.39 60.76
TOTAL 95 27 761.13
The sums of squares were obtained by employing the formulas from Tables 13 and 14.

N = 96
n = 24
bl = 48
K = (∑y)2/N = 4 484.02/96 = 209 440.17
∑y2 = 237 201.30

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.2-00

Total = 237 201.30 – 209.440.17 = 27 761

Blocks = − 209440,17 = 14789,73

2175,72 + 2308,32
Preparation = − 209440,17 = 183,15

2279,12 + 2204,92
Phase = − 209440,17 = 57,35

[(−426,7) + (−555,9)]2
Regression = = 10057,32 = E

(−426,7)2 + (−555,9)2
Paralelism = = 10057,32 = 173,88

(−465,1)2 + (−517,5)2
Phase × Regression = − 10057,32 = 28,60

1090,62 + 1085,12 + 1188,52 + 1119,82

Phase × Paralelism = − 209440,17 – 57,35 – 183,15 = 41,61
Error I = 14 789.73 – 173.88 – 41.61 – 28.60 = 14 545.64

Erro II = 27 761.13 – 14 789.73 – 183.15 – 10 057.32 – 57.35 – 0.19 = 2 673.39

Validity of assay:
The assay meets the validity conditions:
a) significant regression, F calculated 165.52 is higher than the critical value from Table 5, for α =
0.01, gl1 = 1 and gl2 = 44;
b) non-significant parallelism, F calculated 0.53 is lower than the critical value from Table 4, for α
= 0.05, gl1 = 1 and gl2 = 44.
c) None of the three interactions was significant – the F values calculated: 0.13, 0.09 and 0.00 were
lower than the critical value from Table 4 for α = 0.05, gl1 = 1 and gl2 = 44.

Calculation of the estimated potency and confidence limits:

Use formulas 10 to 15.

I = log 120 – log 60 = 2.0792 – 1,77820.301

t = 2.01 with 44 gl from Table 3

(−426,7) + (−555,9)
b= = −68,01
24 × 2 × 0,301
y̅𝑃 = = 45,33
2 × 24
y̅𝐴 = = 48,09

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.2-00

48,09 − 45,33
M′ = = −0,0406
− 68,01

SA = 27.4 log SA = 1.4377

M = -0.0406 + 1.4377 = 1.3791

Estimated potency: R = antilog 1.3971 = 24.95 IU/mL

C= = 1,025
[10057,32 − 60,76(2,01)2 ]

c’ = 1, from Table 15

= 1,025(−0,0406) ± √(1,025 − 1)[1,025(0,0406)2 + 1(0,301)2

𝑀′𝑠 = 0,0064

𝑀′𝑖 = −0,0064

Logarithm of confidence limits:

Ms = 0.0064+1.4377 = 1.4441
Mi = -0.0896+ 1.4377 = 1.3481

Confidence limits from potency:

Rs = anti log 1.4441 = 27.80 IU/mL
Ri = anti log 1.3481 = 22.29 IU/mL

Example 6: moving averages.

Assay of heparin by the method of inhibition of coagulation of citrated sheep plasma: The doses used
of standard, in mL, were: p1 = 0.78; p2 = 0.76; p3 = 0.74; p4 = 0.72; p5 = 0.70; and p6 = 0.68. Equivalent
doses (a) of the sample were prepared from the assumed potency SA = 140.6 IU/mg. The assay was
developed as described in the heparin assessment method in this volume. Three assays were
conducted. As an example of calculation of M, only the assay number 1 will be developed.

The degrees of coagulation are available on Table 35.

Table 35 – Example 6: degrees of coagulation = y.

Standard P Sample A
p (mL) y A (mL) Y
1 0.78 0.00 0.78 0.00
2 0.76 0.00 0.76 0.25
3 0.74 0.50 0.74 0.75
4 0.72 0.75 0.72 1.00
5 0.70 1.00 0.70 1.00
6 0.69 1.00 0.68 1.00

Calculation of the estimated potency and confidence limits: Use formulas 27, 28 and 40 to 45.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.2-00

xiP = 0.8691
xiP = 0.8572
x(i + 1) = 0.8691
y(i + 1) = 0.750
0,8572 − 0,8691
xP = 0,8691 + (0,4171 – 0,5) = 0,8661
0,417 − 0,750
xiA = 0.8807
yiA = 0.333
x(i + 1)A = 0.8691
y(i + 1)A = 0.667
8691 − 0,8807
X A = 0,8807 + (0,333 – 0,5) = 0,8749
0,333 − 0,667
SA = 140.6 IU/mg
M1 = 0.8661 – 0.8749 + log 140.6 = 2.1392

Assuming that the other two assays conducted with the same sample provided the estimates:
M2 = 2.1995 and M3 = 2.1805, calculate 𝑀̅
̅ = (2.1392 + 2.1995 + 2.1805)/3 = 2.1731
̅ = 149.0 IU/mg = (2.1392+2.1995+2.1805)/3 = 2.1731 = antilog M = 149.0 IU/mg
R = anti log 𝑀

Calculate the variance of error:

s2 = {14.1686 – 42.4999/3}/2
s2 = 0.001
𝑠 = √0,001 = 0,0316
n’ = 3
t = 4.3 (Table 3 gl =2)

Calculate the confidence interval:

2 × 0,0316 × 4,3
𝐿= = 0,1569
L/2 = 0.0784
Ms = 2.1731 + 0.0784 = 2.2515
Mi = 2.1731 – 0.0784 = 2.0947
Rs = 178.4
Ri = 124.4

Table 36 – Example 6: paired averages.

Standard P Sample A
Log dose Averages log Averages log dose Averages log Averages
Tube (mL × 10) dose degree of (mL × 10) dose degree of
xP xiP coagulation xA xiA coagulation
YiP yiA
1 0.8921 - - 0.8921 - -
2 0.8808 0.8807 0.167 0.8808 0.8807 0.333
3 0.8692 0.8491 0.417 0.8692 0.8691 0,667
4 0.8572 0.8572 0.750 0.8573 0.8572 0.917
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Standard P Sample A
Log dose Averages log Averages log dose Averages log Averages
Tube (mL × 10) dose degree of (mL × 10) dose degree of
xP xiP coagulation xA xiA coagulation
YiP yiA
5 0.8450 0.8450 0.917 0.8451 0.8450 1.000
6 - - - 0.8325 - -

Example 7: microbiological assay with five doses of standard and one dose of sample (5 x 1).

Assay of antibiotic using Petri dishes – Microbiological dosage of Benzathine benzylpenicillin

powder for injectable. The doses of standard used were: 0.15 IU/mL; 0.30 IU/mL; 0.60 IU/mL;
1.20 IU/mL; 2.40 IU/mL. Equivalent doses of the sample were prepared based on the assumed
potency. SA of 600,000 IU/vial.

Table 37 – Example 7: readings of zones of inhibition.

P1 P3 P2 P3 P4 P3 P5 P3
13.87 19.88 16.24 19.54 23.47 19.21 27.41 19.32
12.95 20.60 16.35 19.85 23.04 18.97 27.62 19.61
13.08 20.43 16.88 19.86 23.19 19.39 26.67 19.72
12.86 19.85 15.34 18.49 23.04 19.68 27.50 19.65
Diameter of zones
13.24 20.07 15.98 19.06 22.65 19.14 27.41 19.27
of inhibition
13.08 20.06 15.50 19.20 23.01 19.65 26.53 20.04
12.88 19.75 16.26 19.96 23.99 19.81 27.30 19.25
13.39 20.30 16.70 19.70 23.85 19.72 27.49 19.53
13.31 20.30 16.70 19.95 23.82 19.55 27.27 19.90
Average 13.184 20.138 16.217 19.512 23.340 19.458 27.244 19.588
Average of P3 (36 readings): 19.674

Table 38 – Example 7: readings of zones of inhibition after correction.

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
x1 = – 0.82391 x2 = – 0.52288 x3 = – 0.22185 x4 = 0.079181 x5 = 0.380211
13.406 16.402 19.674 23.686 27.496
12.486 16.512 19.674 23.256 27.706
12.616 17.042 19.674 23.406 26.756
Diameter of zones 12.396 15.502 19.674 23.256 27.586
of inhibition 12.776 16.142 19.674 22.866 27.496
12.616 15.662 19.674 23.226 26.616
12.416 16.422 19.674 24.206 27.386
12.926 16.862 19.674 24.066 27.576
12.846 16.862 19.674 24.036 27.356
(∑yi)2 13106.59 21729.12 31352.37 44945.7 60503.21
x = concentration of antibiotic in logarithm

N = 45
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∑ x = − 9,983205

∑ y = 896,936

∑ y 2 = 19.076,73

∑(∑yi2 )/9 = 19.070,78

∑ xy = − 100,374

∑(x − x̅)(y − y̅) = 98,61069

∑(x − x̅)² = 8,155715

∑(y − y̅)² = 1.199,081

∑(x − 𝑥̅ )²
√ = 0,4305

∑(y − 𝑦̅)²
√ = 5,2203
b0 = 22.61426
b1 = 12.09086

Table 39 – Example 7: analysis of variance.

b1 = 12.09 b0 = 22.61 r = 0.997
Source of variation gl Sum of squares Average square F calc.
Regression 1 1,192.3 1192.3 5691.5
Residual error 43 6.80 0.2 ---
Deviation of linearity 3 0.85 0.3 3
Pure error 40 5.95 0.1 ---
Total 44 1,199.1 ---
Average of P3 (36 readings): 19.674

Table 40 – Example 7: reading of samples.

A1 P3 A2 P3 A3 P3
19.66 19.78 19.57 18.73 18.69 18.57
19.49 19.45 18.91 19.12 19.04 18.89
19.94 19.50 19.02 19.70 19.28 19.12
19.38 19.68 19.41 19.55 19.38 19.14
19.88 19.90 19.32 19.38 19.22 19.40
19.88 19.91 19.55 19.74 19.22 19.10
19.74 19.45 19.41 19.33 20.03 19.45
19.15 19.04 19.47 19.68 19.33 19.45
19.45 19.32 19.48 19.46 19.45 19.45

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A1 P3 A2 P3 A3 P3
Σyi2 = Σyi2 = Σyi2 =
Σyi2 =30,986.56 Σyi2 =30,324.74 Σyi2 = 30,516.6
31,176.96 30,150.85 29,780.40

Table 41 – Example 7: differences in paired responses or X = (yA – yP)/b1 (formula 16)

X1 X2 X3 X4
- 0.0099256 0.0694789 0.0099256 - 0.0198511
0.0033085 - 0.0173697 0.0124069 - 0.0256410
0.0363937 - 0.0562448 0.0132341 0.03300852
- 0.0248139 0.0115798 0.0198511 - 0.0281224
- 0.0016543 - 0.0049628 - 0.0148883 0.0066170
- 0.0024814 - 0.0157155 0.0099256 0.0016543
0.0239868 0.0066170 0.0479735 - 0.0281224
0.0090984 - 0.0173697 - 0099256 0.0645161
0.0107527 0.0016543 0.0000000 - 0.0264682
Tx = 0.044665 Tx = – 0.04549 Tx = 0.088503 Tx = – 0.02233
Tx2/9 = 0.000222 Tx2/9 = 0.00023 Tx2/9 = 0.00087 Tx2/9 = 0.0000554

∑ X2 = 0.024058
∑ (Tx2/9) = 0.001377
t = 2.042
k’ = 9
n = 32
0,024058 − 0,001377
𝑆𝑀 = = 0,00071 (fórmula 19)
s = 0.02662
½ L = 0.01812 (formula 20)

Table 42 – Example 7: log potency ratio and confidence limits for samples A 1, A2, A3 and A4.
A1 A2 A3 A4
Logarithm of
potency ratio 0.004963 - 0.00505 0.009833 - 0.00248
M’AS and M’AI 0.02308 - 0.1316 0.01307 0.01564 0.01564 0.02795 0.01564 - 0.02060

Calculation of estimated potency and confidence limits for sample A1: Using formulas 17 and 20 to
M’ (A1) = ∑ X1/9 = 0.004963
M = M’ + log 600,000 = 5.78311
R = anti log 5.78311 = 606,895.97 IU/vial
M’as (A1) + ½ L = 0.004963 + 0.01812 = 0.02308
M’Ai (A1) – ½L = 0.004963 – 0.01812 = -0.01316

Logarithm of confidence limits from potency:

MAs (A1) = 0.02308 + log 600,000 = 5.80123
MAi (A1) = -0.01316 + log 600,000 = 5.76499

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Confidence limits from potency:

Rs = antilog 5.80123 = 632,746.9 IU/vial
Ri = antilog 5.76499 = 582,091.5 IU/vial

Table 43 – Example 7: coefficient of Variation (formula 18).

A1 A2 A3 A4
Standard deviation (s) 0.269 0.232 0.356 0.229
Average 19.62 19.35 19.24 19.26
Coefficient of variation (CV) 1.37 1.20 1.85 1.19

Regression Equation

Figure 1 – Example 7: Regression curve chart


Example 8: Dichotomous assay of two doses, simplified probits method.

Assay of insulin by the method of convulsion in mice: The doses used from standard were p1 = 18
mIU/mouse and p2 = 30 mIU/mouse. Equivalent doses of the sample (a1 = 18 mIU/mouse and a2 =
mIU/mouse) were prepared based on the assumed potency SA = 40 IU/ mL.

The mice, divided randomly into four groups, were submitted to subcutaneous injection with
0.25 mL/mouse of the respective solution.

Table 44 – Example 8: Responses (% of mice in convulsion).

Standard P Sample A
p1 p2 a1 a2
Number of mice injected (n) 30 28 28 24
Number of mice in convulsion 9 17 11 18
Percentage of responses (%) 30.0 60.7 39.3 75.0

(P + A)2 20,152
K= = = 101,5056
k 4
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9,752 + 10,42
Preparations = − 101,5056 = 0,1056
(0,79 + 0,94)2
Regression = = 0,7482 = E
0,792 + 0,942
Paralelism = − 0,748 = 0,0056
𝑘 4
𝑠2 = = 0,0616
∑ 𝑤𝑛 30(0,576) + 28(0,619) + 28(0,619) + 24(0,540)

Validity of assay. The assay meets the validity conditions:

a) significant regression, F calculated 12.15 is higher than the critical value from Table 5, for p =
0.01, gl1 = 1 and gl2 = infinite; and
b) non-significant deviation from parallelism, F calculated 0.09 is lower than the critical value from
Table 4, for p = 0.05; gl1 = 1 and gl2 = infinite.

Table 45 – Example 8: Transformation in probits, totals and contrasts.

Standard P Sample A
p1 p2 a1 a2
Probit (Table 16) P1 = 4.48 P2 = 5.27 A1 = 4.73 A2 5.67
Weight w (Table 17) 0.576 0.619 0.540 0.540
Preparation P = 9.75 A = 10.4 ∑y = 20.15
Linear contrast LP = 0.79 LA = 0.94 ∑L = 1.73
Results obtained with formulas from Table 8.

Table 46 – Example 8: Analysis of variance.

Source of variation gl Sum of squares Average square F p
Preparation 1 0.1056 0.1056 1.71 > 0.05
Regression 1 0.7482 0.7482 12.15 < 0.01
Parallelism 1 0.0056 0.0056 0.09 > 0.05
Error Infinite s = 0.0616
The sums of squares were obtained by employing the formulas from Table 10, taking n = 1.

Calculation of the estimated potency and confidence limits: Use formulas 10 to 15.
I = log 30 – log 18 = 1.4771 – 1.2553 = 0.2219
t = 1.96 with gl = infinite and p = 0.05 (from Table 3)

0,79 + 0,94
b= = 3,9318

y̅𝑃 = = 4,87

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y̅𝐴 = = 5,20
5,20 − 4,87
M′ = = 0,0839

SA = 40.0 log SA = 1.6021

M = 0.0839 + 1.6021 = 1.6860

RA = anti log 1.6860 = 48.53 IU/ mL = Estimated potency

C= = 1,4625
[0,7482 − 0,0616(1,96)2

c’ = 1 (from Table 15)

= 1,4625 × 0,0839 ± √0,4625[1,425(0,0839)2 + (0,2219)2 ]

= 0,1227 ± 0,1658
𝑀′𝑠 = 0,2885
𝑀′𝑖 = −0,0431

Logarithm of confidence limits:

Ms = 0.2885 + 1.6021 = 1.8906
Mi = 0.0431 + 1.6021 = 1.5590

Confidence limits from potency:

Rs = 77.73 IU/mL
Ri = 36.22 IU/mL
Using the complete method of analysis of probits, an estimated potency of 48.48 was obtained with
limits of 35.9 and 75.92 IU/mL.


Example 9: Combination of estimates of potency.

Combination of assays of corticotropin by the method of depletion of adrenal ascorbic acid in

hypophysectomized female rats: three independent assays on the same sample were conducted
according to the procedure described on Combination of Estimates of Potency (8.2.8). The results
from the assays are available on Table 47.

Table 47 – Example 9: Data for combination of potencies.

Assay 1 Assay 2 Assay 3
M 1.24797 1.25164 1.42193
L 0.29097 0.90082 0.11555
t2 4.1209 4.1209 4.2025
gl 34 33 27

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Calculation of weighted average potency:

Σ 𝑀𝑊 2058,6174
𝑀 = = 13966
Σ𝑊 1474,0148

R = anti log 1.3966 = 24.9

Test of homogeneity of log estimates of potency:

Χ²M = ΣW(M-M)2 = 5.5

Χ²gl = 2p = 0.05 (Table 18) = 5.9

Since X2 calculated is lower than the critical value, there are no elements to suspect of heterogeneity.

Calculation of confidence limits:

 = √1/ΣW = √1/1474,0198 = 0,0260

̅ ± 1,98 × 0,0260

Ms = 1.4226
Mi = 1.3700
Rs = 26.5
Ri = 23.5

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.3-00



Specific activity (or specific radioactivity)

Radioactivity of the radionuclide related to the unit mass of the element or compound. It is commonly
referred to the activity of 1 g of the substance specified on the monograph:

N × 0,693
S= desintegrations/s/g
W ou M × T1/2


S = specific radioactivity;
N = Avogadro’s number;
W = atomic mass;
M = molecular mass.


Stable isotope of the radionuclide in question, added to the radioactive preparation in the chemical
form identical to the one where the radionuclide is present.

Non-radioactive components for labeling

Preparation or set of reagents that must be reconstituted or combined with a radionuclide for the
synthesis of the final radiopharmaceutical, before administration to the patient. They may come in
the form of lyophilized reagents or other substances and are most commonly known as labeling kits.

Radioactive concentration

The radioactive concentration of the solution is the radioactivity of the radionuclide contained in the
unit volume and usually referred to as activity per milliliter. As it occurs with all specifications
involving radionuclides, it is necessary to state the date and, in the case of radionuclides with short
half-life, the time when the radioactive concentration was determined.

Radioactive decay

The nuclei from radioactive elements (radionuclides) suffer loss of particles and/or energy according
to their own characteristics. These characteristics include the speed of decay and the type of emission.
The emission of particles by the nuclei determines the modification of their mass number. When the
particle emitted has positive or negative charge, the nucleus suffers a change in the atomic number
and, consequently, in the number of electrons in the electron cloud of the atom corresponding to it,
determining a change in the chemical properties of the atom. The radioactivity decays in exponential
ratio, which is characteristic for each radionuclide. The activity at any time can be calculated by the

𝐴 = 𝐴0 𝑒 −𝜆𝑡
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A = activity on t time;
A0 = initial time;
λ = decay constant – also named disintegration constant or transformation constant, that is, the
fraction of radioactive atoms that suffer transformation in the time unit, provided this time is short
when compared to the physical half-life;
t = time elapsed;
e = base from Napierian logarithms.


Transformation in which the nucleus emits one or more particles.


System that incorporates a parent radionuclide that, by decay, produces a daughter radionuclide that
can be removed by elution or by any other method to be used as an integral part of a


Nuclides from a same chemical element which nuclei have the same atomic number and different
atomic mass.

Starting material

All constituents that are used in the preparation of radiopharmaceuticals.

Effective half-life

The time it takes for a radionuclide in an organism to halve its activity as a combined result of
biological elimination and radioactive decay. The effective half-life is important for calculating the
optimal dose of the radiopharmaceutical to be administered and for monitoring the quantity of
radiation exposure. It can be calculated from the formula:

𝑇1/2𝑝 × 𝑇1/2𝑏
𝑇1/2𝑒 =
𝑇1/2𝑝 + 𝑇1/2𝑏

T1/2e = time of effective half-life of the radiopharmaceutical;
T1/2p = time of physical half-life of the radionuclide;
T1/2b = time of effective half-life of the radiopharmaceutical;

Physical half-life

Time necessary for half a population of atoms from a radionuclide to decay to another nuclear form.
The half-life is related to the decay constant (λ) by the equation:

𝑇1/2 =

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Particle difficult to detect, with negligible mass, but with energy emitted simultaneously to the
emission of beta particle. The sum of energies from the beta particle and the neutrino corresponds to
a value quantified for each beta disintegration process.


Species of atoms characterized by the constitution of their nuclei, particularly by their number of
protons and electrons, and also by their nuclear energy state.

Precursors or raw material for synthesis

Usually, these precursors are not produced in large scale. Some precursors are synthesized by the
radiopharmaceuticals production laboratory, others are supplied by specialized producer laboratories.
Tests for identity, chemical purity and assay must be conducted through validated procedures. When
batches of precursors are accepting using the certificates of analysis, adequate evidence must be
established to demonstrate the reliability of the supplier and at least one identity test must be
conducted. It is recommended to test precursor materials before their use in the radiopharmaceutical
production routine, to ensure that, under specified production conditions, the precursor allows the
preparation of the radiopharmaceutical in the amount and quality specified.

Expiry date

Limit date specified by the manufacturer for the use of a radiopharmaceutical, before and after the
reconstitution and/or radioactive labeling of the product, taking into account chemical, radiochemical
and radionuclidic degradation products, maintaining the established conditions of storage and

Chemical purity

Percentage ratio of the molecule mass from the compound of interest in its chemical state indicated,
in relation to the total mass of the preparation. The relevant chemical impurities and corresponding
limits are listed in the individual monographs.

Radionuclidic purity

It is the ratio, expressed in percentage, of the radioactivity of the radionuclide in relation to the total
radioactivity of the radiopharmaceutical. The relevant radionuclidic impurities are listed, with their
limits, in the individual monographs.

Radiochemical purity

Percentage ratio of radioactivity of the radionuclide of interest in its chemical state indicated, in
relation to the total radioactivity of the radiopharmaceutical preparation. The relevant radiochemical
impurities are listed, with their limits, in the individual monographs.

Specific radioactivity

Expresses the radioactivity of a radionuclide per unit of mass of the element or chemical product of
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Total radioactivity

Expresses the radioactivity of the nuclide expressed by unit (vial, capsule, ampoule, generator, etc.).


Radioactive isotopes or radionuclides. They are unstable isotopes that suffer radioactive decay and
turn into a new element. These are atoms that disintegrate by emission of corpuscular (particle) or
electromagnetic radiation. Every radioisotope is characterized by its half-life time (T1/2), expressed
in time units (seconds, minutes, hours, days and years) and by the nature and energy of its radiation.
The energy can be expressed in electron volts (eV), kilo-electron volts (keV) or mega-electron volts


Radiopharmaceuticals are pharmaceutical preparations with diagnostic or therapeutic purpose that,

when ready to use, contain one or more radionuclides. Radiopharmaceuticals also include the non-
radioactive components for labeling and radionuclides, including the components extracted from
generators of radionuclides.

The production of radiopharmaceuticals must meet the requirements from Good Manufacturing
Practices (GMP) for Radiopharmaceuticals, and also comply with pharmacopoeial specifications.
Radiopharmaceuticals have their production, supply, storage, use and disposal regulated by the
current national legislation.

The radiopharmaceutical has the radionuclide in one of the following forms: as an atomic or
molecular element, an ion, or included or bonded to organic molecules, by chelation process or by
covalent bond.

The forms of obtaining radionuclides used in the production of radiopharmaceuticals are by

bombarding neutrons in nuclear reactors, bombarding with charged particles in particle accelerators,
nuclear fission of heavy nuclides after bombarding with neutrons or with particles, and radionuclide
generator systems that involve the physical or chemical separation of a daughter radionuclide with a
shorter half-life than the parent radionuclide.


The radiopharmaceuticals must be maintained in sealed containers and in a sufficiently protected

place to avoid irradiation from personnel by primary or secondary emissions, according to national
and international regulations on handling of radioactive substances.


The preparations of radiopharmaceuticals tend to be less stable than their corresponding inactive
materials, their decomposition occurs by radiolysis and, therefore, they must be used within a short
period. The effects of primary radiation include the disintegration of the radioactive atom and the
decomposition of molecules when the fraction of energy from particle emitted or from gamma ray is
absorbed by these molecules.

The stability of radiopharmaceuticals depends on many factors, including the energy and nature of
the radiation, the specific activity and the storage time. The effects of primary radiation may induce
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secondary effects due to the formation of excited species, which may degrade other molecules, such
as the ones from solvents or preservatives, for example.

The susceptibility to oxidation and reduction of a small amount of chemical species present must also
be considered. The initial exclusion of all traces of oxidation and reduction agents is occasionally not
enough, because such agents may be continuously produced due to effects of radiation. During
storage, containers and solution may turn dark due to the radioactivity emitted. Such factor does not
necessarily indicate deterioration of the preparation.


Injectable radiopharmaceutical preparations are usually stored in multi-dose containers.

Antimicrobial preservatives may suffer decomposition due to the influence of radiation, which
restricts their use for some injectable radiopharmaceuticals. Therefore, the requirement that injectable
preparations have an adequate antimicrobial preservative, in adequate concentration, does not
necessarily apply to radiopharmaceutical preparations.

Injectable radiopharmaceutical preparations with a shelf life period larger than one day and that do
not have an antimicrobial preservative must be provided in single-dose vials. However, if the
preparation is provided in a multi-dose container, it must be used within 24 hours after the first dose
is taken, aseptically.

Injectable radiopharmaceutical preparations in which the shelf life period is larger than one day and
that have antimicrobial preservative can be provided in multi-dose containers. After the first dose is
taken, aseptically, the container must be stored at temperature from 2 °C to 8 °C and the contents,
used within seven days.


If dilution is necessary, it is preferable to use vehicles with the same composition as the ones present
in the preparation. In case of injectable radiopharmaceuticals, sterile solutions and materials, free
from particles and traces of organic matter, must be used.

The amount of radioactive material present in the preparation is frequently very small to be measured
by the chemical or physical methods available.

Considering the formula:

1,16 × 1020 𝐵𝑞 𝑔−1

s𝑚𝑎𝑥 =
𝑊 × 𝑇1/2

Smax = maximum specific activity,
W = atomic mass,
T1/2 = half-life time in hours.

It is verified that, for example, for the sodium pertechnetate (99mTc) solution with radioactive
concentration of 37 MBq (1 mCi) per mL, the concentration of pertechnetate can be as low as 3 x 10-
g/mL. The behavior of such small masses in very diluted solutions may require the addition of an
inert carrier to limit the adsorption to the surface of the container, as well as facilitate the chemical
reactions for preparation of radiopharmaceuticals.

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Sterility (

Injectable radiopharmaceuticals must be prepared according to Good Manufacturing Practices, in

order to ensure sterility, meeting the criteria from the Sterility test. Due to the radioactive
characteristics of preparations, it is not technically feasible to wait the incubation time of the assay
for using the product. Thus, the results from sterility tests provide only confirmatory retrospective
evidence for guarantee of sterility and, therefore, its quality is related to controls performed during
the manufacturing and in the validation and certification procedures. In the case of
radiopharmaceuticals prepared in small batches and for which the execution of sterility test presents
a high level of radiological risk, the amount of sample required in the sterility test must be considered.
If the radiopharmaceutical preparation is sterilized by filtration or processed aseptically, the process
validation is necessary.

Bacterial endotoxins (

When specified, an individual monograph for a radiopharmaceutical preparation requires compliance
with the test for bacterial endotoxins. When conducting the test, the necessary precautions must be
taken to limit the irradiation from personnel who conducts the test.

The limit of bacterial endotoxins is indicated in the monographs on radiopharmaceuticals. The test
validation is necessary to exclude any interference due to the nature of the radiopharmaceutical.
Radioactivity levels must be standardized, since some types of radiation and radionuclides, especially
high levels of activity, may interfere with the test. The pH of some radiopharmaceutical preparations
must be adjusted to pH 6.5 – 7.5 to promote optimal results.

When the nature of the radiopharmaceutical preparation results in an interference by inhibition or

potentiation and it is not possible to eliminate the interfering factor, the compliance with the test for
bacterial endotoxins must be specified. In some cases, it is difficult to conclude the test before clearing
the batch for use, when the half-life of the radionuclide in the preparation is short. The test is then
comprised of a production quality control.


Property that certain nuclides have to emit radiation by spontaneous transformations of their nuclides.
In general, the term “radioactivity” is used to describe the phenomenon of radioactive decay and to
express the physical amount (activity) of this phenomenon. The activity of a preparation is the number
of nuclear transformations per time unit that occur in the preparation. These transformations can
involve the emission of charged particles, capture of electrons or isomeric transition. The charged
particles emitted by the nucleus can be alpha particles (helium nuclei, with mass number 4) or beta
particles (negative or positive charge electrons, respectively -1β – negatron or +1β – positron). The
emission of beta particles is accompanied by the emission of neutrino.

The emission of charged particles can be accompanied of gamma rays, which are also emitted in the
isomeric transition process. This emission of gamma rays can be partially replaced with the ejection
of electrons, known as internal conversion electrons. This phenomenon, just like the electron capture
process, causes secondary emission of X-rays, due to the reorganization of electrons in the atom. This
secondary emission also causes the ejection of low-energy electrons known as Auger electrons. X-
rays, eventually accompanied of gamma rays, are emitted in the electron capture process. +1β
particles are annihilated in contact with another electron (-1e) present in the matter, and this process

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is followed by the emission of two gamma photons, each one with energy of 511 keV, usually emitted
180° from each other and which is named annihilation radiation.

The penetrating power of each radiation varies considerably according to its nature and energy. Alpha
particles are completely absorbed by thicknesses of solids or liquids that vary from a few to dozens
of micrometers; beta particles are completely absorbed in the thickness of some millimeters to several
centimeters. Gamma rays are not completely absorbed, but only attenuated, and a ten-fold reduction
may require, for example, a few centimeters of lead. The denser the absorbent, the lower is the reach
of alpha and beta particles and the higher the attenuation of gamma rays is.

Radioactivity measurement

The absolute measurement of a sample radioactivity can be made if the decay scheme of the nuclide
is known, but, in practice, many corrections are required to obtain accurate results. For this reason, it
is common to take measurements using a primary standard source.

Primary standards may not exist for radionuclides with short half-life, such as, for example, positron
emitters. The measurement instruments are calibrated using appropriate standards for particle emitter

The Geiger-Müller counter can be used to measure beta and beta-gamma emitters. Scintillation
counters, semiconductors or ionization chambers can be used to measure gamma rays. Low-energy
beta emitters need a liquid scintillation counter.

In this case, the sample is dissolved in the solution of one or more (generally two) fluorescent organic
substances (primary and secondary scintillators), which convert part of the disintegration energy into
light photons, which are detected and converted into electric impulses in the photomultiplier. When
the liquid scintillation counter is used, comparative measurements must be corrected due to the effects
from light interference. Direct measurements must be taken in conditions that ensure that the
geometric conditions are constant (identical volumes of containers and solutions).

Whatever the equipment used, it is essential to work in extremely well defined geometric conditions,
so that the radioactive source is always on the same position in the device and, consequently, its
distance from the measurement device is constant and remains the same, while the sample is
substituted with the standard.

All reactivity measurements must be corrected by subtraction of the background radiation activity,
due to the radioactivity of the medium and the spurious signals generated in the device itself. In
certain devices, where the count is performed in high levels of activity, the correction may be
necessary because of losses by coincidence, due to the resolution time of the detector and the
electronic equipment associated.

For the counting system with fixed dead time (τ), after each count the correction is given by the

1 − N0τ

N = actual counting rate per second;
N0 = counting rate measured per second;

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τ = dead time in seconds.

In certain devices, the correction is made automatically. Corrections of coincidence loss must be made
before the corrections for background radiation. In the determinations of radioactivity, there are
statistical variations because they are related to the probability of nuclear disintegration. A sufficient
number of counts must be made to compensate for variations in the number of disintegrations per
time unit. At least 10,000 counts are necessary to obtain a standard deviation of no more than 1%.

The activity decays in exponential ratio, which is characteristic to each radionuclide. Its determination
is only true in the reference time specified. The activity in other times can be calculated from
exponential equation or by decay table, or also be obtained graphically from the curve established for
each radionuclide. All determinations of activity must be accompanied by statement of date and, if
necessary, the time when the measurements were made. The measure of activity from sample in
solution is calculated in relation to its original volume and expressed by unit of volume – radioactive

Radioactivity units

In the International System (SI), the radioactivity is expressed in becquerel (Bq), which means one
transformation per second. The historical unit of activity is curie (Ci), equivalent to 3.7 x 1010 Bq.

The conversion factors between becquerel and curie and their submultiples are indicated on Table 1.

Table 1 – Radioactivity units used in radiopharmacy and the conversions between SI units and historical units.
Number of atoms transformed per
SI unit: becquerel (Bq) Historical unit: curie (Ci)
1 1 Bq 27 picocurie (pCi)
1000 1 kilobecquerel (Kbq) 27 nanocurie (nCi)
1 x 106 1 megabecquerel (MBq) 27 microcurie (µCi)
1 x 109 1 gigabecquerel (GBq) 27 millicurie (mCi)
37 37 Bq 1 (nCi)
37,000 37 KBq 1 (µCi)
3.7 x 107 37 MBq 1 (mCi)
3.7 x 1010 37 GBq 1 Ci

Identification of radionuclides

The radionuclide is usually identified by the physical half-life, by the nature and energy of its
radiation (or radiations), or by both.

Determination of half-life

The half-life is measured with the help of detection devices such as ionization chamber, Geiger-
Müller counter, scintillation counter, or semiconductor detector. The amount of activity, considering
the experimental conditions, must be sufficiently high to allow detection during several presumable
half-lives, but not too high, to avoid the phenomenon of coincidence loss due to, for example, the
equipment dead time.

The radioactive source is prepared in order to avoid losses during its handling. Liquid samples must
be contained in sealed vials or tubes. Solid products must be protected by a layer of cellulose acetate
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adhesive sheet, or another material which mass per unit of area is negligible to avoid the attenuation
of significant amount of radiation in study. The same source is measured in identical geometric
conditions and at intervals that usually correspond to half of the half-life and by the time
corresponding to approximately three half-lives. The correct equipment operation is verified through
the use of a permanent source and the count variations are corrected, if necessary, as described in

To make the radioactivity measurement, a curve is traced by launching the time on the abscissa axis
and the logarithm of the number of counts per time unit, or the electric current, according to the type
of equipment used, in the ordinate axis. The half-life calculated from this curve must meet the
specification described in the respective monograph.

Determination of nature and energy of radiation

The nature and energy of the radiation emitted can be determined by several procedures that include
outlining the attenuation curve and using spectrometry. The attenuation curve is generally used for
determining the energy from beta radiation, and spectrometry is mainly used for determining the
energy from gamma radiation.

The attenuation curve is developed for pure beta emitters or for beta-gamma emitters when there is
no availability of gamma ray spectrometer. This method for determination of maximum energy from
beta radiation provides only approximate values.

The source, assembled conveniently to provide constant geometric conditions, is placed in front of
the thin window of the Geiger-Müller counter and protected as described on Determination of half-

The source count is then measured. No less than six aluminum absorbers, with increasing mass per
area unit, are placed between the source and the counter, until the counter rate is not affected by the
addition of more absorbers. The absorbers are inserted in such a way that the geometric conditions
are maintained constant.

A curve is built by putting in abscissas the mass per unit of area from the absorber expressed in mg
cm-2 and, in ordinates, the logarithm of the number of counts per time unit for each of the absorbers
used. An identical curve is developed using the standard. The mass attenuation coefficient is
calculated in relation to the median, practically straight, part of the curves.

The mass attenuation coefficient, expressed in cm2 mg-1, depends on the energy from beta emission
and on the chemical and physical properties of the absorber. This allows the identification of beta
emission and the coefficient is calculated, from curves built as described previously, by the

µm = = (𝑙𝑜𝑔𝐴2 − 𝑙𝑜𝑔𝐴2 )
𝑚2 − 𝑚1

m1 = mass per area unit from the lighter absorber;
m2 = mass per area unit of the heavier absorber (measure m1 and m2 within the straight part of the
A1 = count rate for mass per area unit m1;
A2 = count rate for mass per area unit m2.

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The attenuation coefficient thus calculated must not differ by more than 10% from the coefficient
obtained in identical conditions with the standard from the same radionuclide.

Gamma spectrometry is used to identify radionuclides by the energy and intensity of X or gamma
rays. It is based on the property that certain substances (scintillators) have of emitting light when they
interact with electromagnetic radiation. The number of photons produced is proportional to the energy
absorbed by the scintillator. The light is turned into electric impulses of amplitude approximately
proportional to the energy dissipated by gamma photons.

With the analysis of output pulses by percentage, the spectrum of energy from the source is obtained,
with the help of pulse analyzer. In the gamma ray scintillation spectra, there is one or more
characteristic peaks corresponding to the energies from gamma radiation in the source. These peaks
are accompanied by others, more or less large, due to secondary effects from the radiation in the
scintillator or the material around it. The shape of the spectrum varies according to the equipment
used, and it is necessary to calibrate it with the help of standard of the radionuclide in question.

The gamma ray spectrum from the radionuclide that emits the rays is from the own radionuclide, and
is characterized by the number of gamma rays with individualized energy produced by
transformation. This property can be used to identify which radionuclides are present in the source
and the amounts of each of them. It also allows to assess the degree of impurities present, by detection
of peaks foreign to the ones expected.

The preferred detector for the gamma ray spectrometry is a germanium semiconductor detector
activated with lithium. Sodium iodide scintillation detectors activated with thallium, although they
present lower resolution, can also be used. The output from each of these detectors occurs in the form
of electric pulses, which amplitude is proportional to the energy from gamma rays detected. After the
amplification, these pulses are analyzed in multichannel analyzer, which provides the gamma ray
spectrum from the source. The relation between gamma energy and the channel number can be easily
established using gamma ray sources with known energy. The detection system must be calibrated,
because the detector efficiency is a function of the gamma radiation energy, the source shape, and the
distance from source to detector. The detection efficiency can be measured with the help of the
calibrated source of the radionuclide in question or, for a more generic work, an efficiency curve
versus gamma radiation can be built from a series of calibrated sources of several radionuclides.

Using a low-resolution detector may bring some difficulty to identify impurities, because the peaks
on the spectrum may not be well resolved. In this case, it is recommendable to determine the half-life
by repeated measurements of sample.

If radioactive impurity with different half-life is present in a source, it is easily detectable by the
identification of characteristic peaks, which amplitudes decrease in different rates from the ones of
the radionuclide expected. The determination of half-life from interfering peaks by repeated sample
measurements will help identify the impurity. It is possible to establish the radioactivity decay rate
using gamma spectrometry, provided that the peaks decrease in amplitude due to the half-life.

Information about the physical characteristics of radionuclides of relevance in the production of

radiopharmaceuticals are provided on Table 2.


To establish the radionuclidic purity of the preparation, the radioactivity and the identity of each
radionuclide present must be known. The most commonly used method to examine the radionuclidic
purity is the gamma spectrometry. It is not an entirely precise method because alpha-emitter and beta-
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emitter impurities are usually not detectable, and when sodium iodide detectors are used the peaks
due to impurities are frequently hidden by the spectrum of the main radionuclide.

This monograph establishes the overall requirements for radionuclidic purity (for example, the
spectrum of gamma rays must not be significantly different from the one of the standard source) and
may establish limits for specific radionuclidic impurities (for example, molybdenum-99 in
technetium-99). These requirements are necessary, although they are not sufficient by themselves to
ensure that the radionuclidic purity of the preparation is adequate for human use. The manufacturer
must analyze its products, especially preparations of radionuclides with short half-life, for the
presence of impurities with long half-life, after a convenient period of decay. This way, information
can be obtained about the suitability of manufacturing processes and the control procedures.

Due to differences in the half-lives from different radionuclides present in the pharmaceutical
preparation, the radionuclidic purity changes with time. The specification of radionuclidic purity must
be ensured throughout the validity period. Sometimes, it is difficult to conduct this test before clearing
a batch produced for use, when the half-life of the radionuclide in the preparation is short. In this
case, the test is comprised of a production quality control.


The determination of radiochemical purity requires the separation of different chemical substances
that have the radionuclide and the estimated percentage of radioactivity associated to the chemical
substance stated.

Analytical methods of separation can be used in the determination of radiochemical purity, such as
chromatographic methods (paper, thin layer, molecular exclusion, gas chromatography or high-
performance liquid chromatography), electrophoresis and extraction by solvents.

In chromatography, the volume of sample to be used depends on the technique employed. It is

preferable to not dilute the preparation in analysis, but it is important to use such an amount of
radioactivity that coincidence losses of count do not occur while measuring the radioactivity.

Considering the very small masses of the radioactive material applied to chromatograms, the use of
carriers is sometimes necessary and they can be added when prescribed by the monograph.

After developing the paper or thin layer chromatography, the support is dried and the positions of the
radioactive areas are detected or by autoradiography or by measuring the radioactivity along the
chromatogram, with the help of counters duly collimated, or by cutting the strips and counting each

The positions of stains or areas allow chemical identification by comparison with solutions of the
same chemical (non-radioactive) substances, viewed by color reaction or examination under
ultraviolet light. Viewing by the direct color reaction from the radioactive sample is not always
possible or desirable, since the revelation may cause diffusion of the radioactive substance beyond
the stains or areas identified.

Radioactivity measurements can be taken by integration, using an automatic equipment or digital

counter. The proportions of areas below peaks provide the relations of radioactive concentrations
from chemical substances. When the strips are cut into portions, the ratios of amounts of radioactivity
quantities measured provide the proportions of concentrations of radioactive chemical species.

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Since the radiochemical purity can change over time, especially due to decomposition by radiation,
the test result must indicate that the product presents values specified throughout the validity period
of the radiopharmaceutical.


The specific activity is calculated by relating the radioactive concentration (radioactivity per volume
unit) with the concentration of the chemical substance being analyzed, after verification that the
radioactivity is only due to the radionuclide (radionuclidic purity) and the chemical species
(radiochemical purity) in question.

The specific activity changes over time, and must be expressed having as reference the date and, if
necessary, the time. The specification must be ensured throughout the validity period of the

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.3-00

Table 2 – Information about the physical characteristics of radionuclides of relevance in the production of radiopharmaceuticals.
Energy Probability of Energy from photon Photons emitted
Radionuclide Physical half-life Type of decay Converted
(MeV) transition (%) (MeV) (%)
Transitions (%)
Cesium-137 30.1 y β+ 0.512 94.6 Via 2.6 min 137mBa 85.1 9.5
1.174 5.4 0.662 8 (Ba K X-ray)
Carbon-11 1223.1 s β+ 0.960 99.76 0.511 Coming from
Carbon-14 5730 y Β- 0.158 100 - -
Chromium-51 27.7 d c.e. 100 0.320 9.83
0.005-0.006 ~22 (V K X-ray)
Cobalt-57 270 d c.e. 100 0.114 9.4
0.122 85.2
0.136 11.1
0.570 0.02
0.692 0.16
others low intensity
0.006-0.007 ~55% (Fe K X-ray)
Cobalt-58 70.8 d β+ 0.475 15.0 0.511 P+
c.e. 85 0.811 99.4
0.864 0.7
1.675 0.5
0.006-0.007 ~26 (Fe K X-ray)
Cobalt-60 5.27 y β- 0.318 99.9 1.173 99.86 0.02
1491 0.1 1.333 99.98 0.01
others <0.01
Dysprosium-165 2.32 h β+, γ 0.205 0.1 0.046 2.5
0.290 1.6 0.047 4.6
1.190 14.6 0.053 1.8
1.285 83.4 0.094 3.5
0.279 0.5
0.361 0.8
0.545 0.16
Erbium-169 9.4 d β+, γ 0.341 45 0.008 0.15

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Table 2 (continued)
Energy from
Energy Probability of transition Photons emitted Internally Converted
Radionuclide Physical half-life Type of decay photon
(MeV) (%) (%) Transitions (%)
0.350 55
Fluorine-18 111 min β+, K 0.649 97 0.511 Coming from
Gallium-67 78.3 h c.e. 100 0.091 3.6 0.3
0.185 23.5 0.4
0.209 2.6 0.02
0.300 16.7 0.06
0.394 4.4 0.01
0.494 0.1
0.704 0.02
0.795 0.06
0.888 0.17
0.008-0.010 43 (Zn X-ray)
via 9.2 µs 67mZn
0.093 37.6 32.4
0.008-0.010 13 (Zn X-ray)
Holmium-166 27.3 h β+, γ 0.191 0.2 0.007 7.6
0.394 1 0.048 2.8
1.773 48 0.049 5.0
1854 51 0.055 2.0
0.080 6.2
1.379 0.9
1.581 0.18
Indium-111 2.81 d c.e. 100 0.172 89.6 10.4
0.247 94 6
Indium-113 m 99.5 min t.i. 100 0.392 64.9 35.1
0.024-0.028 24 (in K X-ray)
Iodine-123 13.2 h c.e. 100 0.159 83.0 16.3
0.347 0.10
0.440 0.35
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Table 2 (continued)
Energy from
Energy Probability of transition Photons emitted Internally Converted
Radionuclide Physical half-life Type of decay photon
(MeV) (%) (%) Transitions (%)
0.506 0.26
0.529 1.05
0.539 0.27
0.027-0.032 ~86 (Te K X-ray)
Iodine-124 4.1 d β+, γ, K 1.53 0.511 and Coming from
2.13 0.605 66
0.644 12
0.730 14
1.320 1.0
1.510 4.2
1.695 14
2.09 2.0
2.26 1.5
Iodine-125 60.0 d c.e. 100 0.035 7 93
0.027-0.032 138 (Te K X-ray)
Iodine-131 8.06 d β- 0.247 1.8 0.080 2.4 3.8
0.304 0.6 0.284 5.9 0.3
0.334 7.2 0.364 81.9 1.7
0.606 89.7 0.637 7.2
0.806 0.7 0.723 1.8
1.3% of 131I decay via 12d
(Xenon-131m) t.i. (percentage related to the 0.164 2 98
disintegration of 131mXe)
Iron-59 44.6 d β- 0.084 0.1 0.143 0.8
0.132 1.1 0.192 2.8
0.274 45.8 0.335 0.3
0.467 52.7 0.383 0.02
1.566 0.3 1.099 55.8
1.292 43.8

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Table 2 (continued)
Energy from
Energy Probability of transition Photons emitted Internally Converted
Radionuclide Physical half-life Type of decay photon
(MeV) (%) (%) Transitions (%)
1.482 0.06
Krypton-81m 13 s γ - - 0.193 82
Lutetium-177 6.71 d β-, γ 0.175 12.3 0.071 0.16
0.384 9.0 0.113 6.3
0.497 78.7 0.208 11.0
0.250 0.2
Molybdenum-99 66.2 h β- 0.454 18.3 0.041 1.2 4.8
0.866 1.4 0.141 5.4 0.7
1.232 80 0.181 6.6 1.0
others 0.3 0.366 1.4
0.412 0.02
0.529 0.05
0.621 0.02
0.740 13.6
0.778 4.7
0.823 0.13
0.961 0.1

via 6,02h 99mTc in ~0 93.9

0.002 83.9 10
0.141 0.03 0.8
Nitrogen-13 10 min β+ 1.19 0.511 Coming from
Oxygen-15 2.04 s β+ 1.723 0.511 Coming from
Phosphorus-32 14.3 d β+ 1.709 100
Rhenium-186 88.9 h β-,
γ, K 0.939 22 0.123 0.7
1.076 71 0.137 9.5
0.631 1.9
0.768 0.8

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Table 2 (continued)
Energy from
Energy Probability of transition Photons emitted Internally Converted
Radionuclide Physical half-life Type of decay photon
(MeV) (%) (%) Transitions (%)
Rhenium-188 18 h β-, γ 1.964 25.3 0.155 14.9
2.119 71.4 0.477 1.0
0.633 1.2
0.635 0.14
0.673 0.11
0.829 0.41
0.931 0.56
1.13 0.7
1.306 0.01
Rubidium-81 4.7 h β+, γ, K 0.33 0.253
0.58 0.450
daughter 81mKr 1.05 1.10
Samarium-153 47 h β-, γ 0.26 0.1 0.0058 11.8
0.632 34.1 0.0409 17.2
0.702 44.1 0.0415 31.2
0.81 21 0.0470 12.2
0.0696 5.1
0.103 28.3
0.422 0.2
Selenium-75 118.5 d c.e. 100 0.066 1.1
0.097 2.9
0.121 15.7
0.136 54
0.199 1.5
0.265 56.9
0.280 18.5
0.401 11.7
others <0.05 each ~50 (as K
0.010-0.012 X-ray)

via 16.4 ms 75mAs

0.024 0.03 5.5
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Table 2 (continued)
Energy from
Energy Probability of transition Photons emitted Internally Converted
Radionuclide Physical half-life Type of decay photon
(MeV) (%) (%) Transitions (%)
0.280 5.4
0.304 1.2 0.1
0.010-0.012 ~2.6
(as K X-ray)
Strontium-89 50.5 d β-, (γ) 0.582 0.01 0.909 0.01
1.491 99.98
Technetium-99m 6.02 h t.i. 100 0.002 ~0 99.1
0.141 88.5 10.6
0.143 0.03 0.87
daughter 99Tc

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Table 2 (conclusion)
Physical half- Energy Probability of Energy from photon Photons emitted Internally Converted
Radionuclide Type of decay
life (MeV) transition (%) (MeV) (%) Transitions (%)
Thallium-201 73.5 h c.e. 100 0.031 0.29 10.1
0.032 0.25 9.6
0.135 2.9 8.9
0.166 0.13 0.2
0.167 8.81 16
Aluminum-113 115 d c.e. 100 0.255 21 0.1
0.024-0.028 73 (in K X-ray)
daughter 131mIn
Tritium ( H) 12.35 to 1.393 β- 0.0186 100
Tungsten-188 69.5 d β- 0.3 0.227
188m 188
+ Re
Xenon-131m 11.9 d t.i. 100 0.164 2 98
0.029-0.035 ~52 (Xe K X-ray)
Xenon-133 5.25 d β- 0.266 0.9 0.080 0.4 0.5
0.346 99.1 0.081 36.6 63.3
0.160 0.05
0.030-0.036 ~46 (Cs K X-ray)
Xenon-133m 2.26 d t.i. 100 0.233 8 92
0.029-0.035 ~59 (Xe K X-ray)
daughter 133Xe
Ytterbium-169 32.0 d c.e. 100 0.021 0.21 12.3
0.063 45.16 50.4
0.094 0.78 12.3
0.110 3.82 56.2
0.117 0.04
0.118 1.90 3, 2
0.131 11.42 13.5
0.177 17.31 17.7
0.198 26.16 25.7
0.240 0.12
0.261 1.74
0.308 11.04 0.7

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.3-00

Yttrium-90 64.5 h β- 2.281 100 - -

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.4-01





This chapter addresses scientific and technical aspects related to assays of Pharmaceutical
Equivalence, Dissolution, Bioavailability and Bioequivalence applicable to medicines, with emphasis
to immediate-release solid pharmaceutical dosage forms (IRSPDF) of oral use and suspensions, in
the context of exchangeability between medicines. Biological medicines (vaccines, sera, blood
derivatives, etc.), biotechnological medicines, radiopharmaceuticals and phytotherapy medicines
require other considerations and, therefore, are not addressed.

The Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (Anvisa) is responsible for the minutes of registration and
post-registration of medicines. The technical and scientific aspects presented in this chapter are in
line with the criteria adopted internationally and with the technical regulation in force in Brazil about
the related topics.

Generic medicines were implemented in Brazil in 1999, and in 2003 a specific technical regulation
was published for registration of similar/alternative medicines, as well as another regulation for
adjustment of registration of similar medicines that were already being sold in Brazil.
Similar/alternative medicines that were available in the market had been registered in compliance
with norms that allowed their sanitary registration through the concept of similarity to a previously
registered medicine, without the need to present, for the registration, results from in vitro or in vivo
tests related to proof of efficacy and safety. The new regulations for similar medicines published in
2003 were targeted at establishing isonomy of criteria for registration and renovation of registration
of non-innovative medicines (generic and similar), based on the precepts of quality assurance,
efficacy and safety.

Pharmaceutical Equivalence and Bioequivalence are criteria applicable to generic and similar
medicines. Bioequivalence may also be necessary for innovative medicines when changes or
adjustments are made to the formulation during the clinical development for extrapolation of efficacy
and safety data. There are also cases where Bioequivalence may replace phase II and III clinical trials
for registration of medicines with new concentrations, under new pharmaceutical dosage forms and
new associations.

For registration of a generic or similar medicine, the pharmaceutical industry must request to the
Brazilian Health medicine Agency (Anvisa) the indication of the reference medicine for conducting
the necessary assays for developing the formulation, the pharmaceutical preparation and the
manufacturing process, establishing the conditions for stability tests and specifications of the
medicine, to prove its Pharmaceutical Equivalence (in vitro) and Bioequivalence (in vivo) with the
reference medicine, a mandatory condition to prove the Therapeutic Equivalence between the
candidate to generic or similar and the reference medicine (usually, the innovative medicine which
bioavailability is known and the clinical efficacy and safety were proven for the sanitary registration).

The Therapeutic Equivalence between the generic medicine and the reference medicine, or between
the similar medicine and the reference medicine, allows the exchangeability in the moment the
pharmacist sells the medicine. When the medicines are considered Therapeutic Equivalents, it is

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.4-01

assumed that both will present the same efficacy and safety when being administered to the body, and
also have the same potential to cause adverse effects.


The Pharmaceutical Equivalence corresponds to the evidence that two medicines are equivalent in
relation to results from tests in vitro. By definition, Pharmaceutical Equivalents are medicines that
have the same drug, that is, the same salt or ester from the same therapeutically active molecule, the
same pharmaceutical preparation and route of administration, and are identical in relation to potency
or concentration.

They must be formulated to meet the same updated specifications from the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia
and, in their absence, specifications from other codes authorized by the current legislation, or also
other applicable quality standards, related to identity, content, purity, potency, uniformity of content,
disintegration and dissolution time, as the case may be. However, they may differ in characteristics
such as aspect, excipients, mechanism of release, package, validity period and, within certain limits,

Pharmaceutical Equivalence studies are targeted at assessing the quality of medicines through
comparative analysis between the test medicine and the reference medicine, and must necessarily be
conducted by laboratories authorized by Anvisa. Additionally, the studies must be conducted in
samples within their validity period, using Chemical Reference Substances from the Brazilian
Pharmacopoeia, made official through Resolution of the Collegiate Board of Anvisa or originated
from other pharmacopoeias. If such substances do not exist, the use of Characterized Chemical
Substances is admitted according to the current legislation.

The analytical methods employed for quality assessment of medicines have considerable importance
in the Pharmaceutical Equivalence study. The analytical methods described in the individual
monograph on the medicine present in the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia must be used, and if such
monograph does not exist in this compendium, the use of methods included in other pharmacopoeias
authorized by the current legislation is permitted. When there are no monographs for the product in
official pharmacopoeias, the study must be conducted using validated analytical methods,
complemented with assays described in general methods from the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia. The
compendial analytical methods or those transferred by the study sponsor must have their suitability
demonstrated through validation in accordance with the current regulations that establish criteria for
the validation of analytical methods.

The Pharmaceutical Equivalence tests must be conducted simultaneously in the medicine candidate
to generic or similar and in the reference medicine. It is worth highlighting that the medicine being
tested must not be developed and formulated to be superior to the reference medicine, but to present
the same characteristics related to drug release and to quality already established for the reference
medicine. The demonstration of Pharmaceutical Equivalence between the two medicines is an
indication that the candidate to generic, or similar, may present the same efficacy and safety as the
reference medicine.



Bioavailability (BA) is defined as the speed and extension of absorption of a drug, from a
pharmaceutical preparation that becomes available to make the pharmacological effect intended.

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Depending on the goal and design employed in the study, the Absolute Bioavailability (ABA) of a
medicine or the Relative Bioavailability (RBA) between medicines is determined.

The ABA applies to innovative medicines that are developed as pharmaceutical dosage forms for
administration via extravascular routes. In general, it corresponds to a crossover assay, conducted in
healthy volunteers, comprised of two periods separated by a time interval named washout.

In the first period, the volunteers are distributed randomly in two groups (A and B). Volunteers from
group A receive the medicine being tested by extravascular route, while the same dose of the medicine
is administered, if possible, to volunteers from group B by intravascular route. The collections of
biological fluid are made according to procedures established in advance and, after the washout
interval, the second period starts, repeating the procedures with the same volunteers, but inverting the
groups. The drug concentrations in the samples are quantified employing a validated bioanalytical
method, which allows building the curves of concentrations versus time to make the calculations of
pharmacokinetic parameters in relation to the bioavailability.

When determined for a pharmaceutical preparation administered orally, for example, the ABA
corresponds to the systemic fraction calculated in relation to the dose administrated by intravascular
route, which bioavailability is, by definition, equal to 100%. If it is possible to administer the same
dose of medicine by oral and intravascular routes and the ABA calculated equals 80%, this means
that the oral dose application is not complete, because there was a loss of 20% that may be related to
characteristics of the drug, the individual or the formulation.

The bioavailability is calculated using the following pharmacokinetic parameters:

a) area under the curve of drug concentration in the biological fluid versus time (ASC0-t), which
expresses the amount of drug absorbed, that is, the extension of absorption;
b) maximum concentration achieved after the dose administration (Cmax), which is related to the
speed of the absorption process and occurs on the time named Tmax (Figure 1).

Concentration (ng/Ml)



Time (h)

Figure 1 – Representation of curve of drug concentration on plasma with time after administering one dose of
medicine by extravascular route. Ct Drug concentration in the final collection point; Kel. Elimination speed
constant, ASC t-inf Area under the curve estimated from time t to infinite.

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In the case of a generic medicine or a similar medicine, the development of the formulation must be
targeted at obtaining a pharmaceutical equivalent that, in vivo, does not present significant differences
in relation to the bioavailability of the reference medicine, which is assessed by employing a RBA
study adequately planned and an acceptance criterion applicable.

The Bioequivalence (BE) corresponds to a particular case of RBA and involves acceptance criterion
and statistical analysis that allow to conclude on the comparison of bioavailability between two
medicines with risk established in advance. Two medicines are considered bioequivalent and,
therefore, exchangeable when the Confidence Intervals (CI) of 90% calculated for the ratios of
geometric averages ASC0-t (T) / ASC0-t (R) and Cmax (T) / Cmax (R) are between 80% and 125%,
considering T the medicine being tested and R the reference medicine, a criterion adopted
internationally for acceptance of bioequivalence.


In general, the main factors that may change the bioavailability of medicines are related to the
individual (age, gender, body weight, associated pathophysiological factors) and to characteristics of
the medicine (drug, formulation and manufacturing process). In case of factors related to the
individual, their influence must be as minimized as possible, which occurs when the bioavailability
assay planning is properly executed, through defined inclusion and exclusion criteria, selection of a
representative group of volunteers in relation to the population for the study, and the employment of
an adequate experimental design.

Among the factors related to the medicine, there are: chemical nature of the drug; solubility; particle
size; polymorphism; type and amount of excipients; mixing and drying time; granulation and
compression technique; instability of drug. In this sense, it is considered mandatory to conduct studies
on pre-formulation and increase of scale to obtain a stable formulation, to be administered through a
pharmaceutical preparation and a route that are adequate to the therapeutic goal. Thus, the
professional involved in the pharmacotechnical development must have vast knowledge on the
physicochemical, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic characteristics of the drug, also selecting
the most adequate pharmacotechnical adjuvants (excipients), as well as appropriate unit operations
for manufacturing.

Among the pharmaceutical dosage forms most commonly used in therapeutics, the solid forms of oral
use are those most subject to variability of bioavailability results due to characteristics of drug,
formulation, processes employed in manufacturing, and route of administration. In these cases, after
the administration, the drug dissolution process is essential for it to be in solution and be absorbed,
and may be a limiting factor for absorption. Likewise, suspensions of oral or intramuscular use may
generate challenges, since there is the drug dissolution process that suffers the influence of the factors


The dissolution profile can be defined as an in vitro assay that allows building the curve of percentage
of drug dissolved in relation to time, being proposed from conditions established in the dissolution
test described on the medicine monograph included in the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia or, in its absence,
in other compendia authorized by the current legislation. If the dissolution method does not exist in
the pharmacopoeia, the company requesting the registration must develop an analytical method
adequate to the product.

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The assessment of the dissolution profile is applicable in cases of development of formulations,

exemption of bioequivalence study for other dosages (possible when the bioequivalence study is
conducted with another dosage and the dissolution profiles for the dosages considered are similar to
the bio-batch profile), exemption of bioequivalence study by application of the Biopharmaceutical
Classification System (classification of drugs according to solubility and permeability
characteristics), and changes post-registration.

In case of medicines that will be submitted to the bioequivalence study, the assessment of comparative
dissolution profile in relation to the reference medicine allows knowing the behavior of formulations.
Similar dissolution profiles are an indicator that the test medicine may be bioequivalent to the
reference medicine.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.5-01




This chapter considers as water for pharmaceutical use the various types of water used in the synthesis
of drugs, in the formulation and production of drugs, in testing laboratories, diagnostics and other
applications related to the health area, including as a main component in the cleaning of utensils,
equipment and systems.

Water has a peculiar chemical structure, with one dipole moment and great facility to form hydrogen
bonds. These properties make water an excellent medium to dissolve, absorb, adsorb or suspend
different compounds, and also to carry contaminants and undesirable substances, which may change
the purity and efficacy of a pharmaceutical product.

Due to its characteristics, the processes of purification, storage and distribution must ensure that the
pharmacopoeia specifications are met, maintained and controlled adequately.

The water quality requisites will depend on the purpose and use, and the selection of the purification
system is targeted at achieving the purity grade established. The user is responsible for selecting the
type of water adequate to their goals, as well as for the necessary controls and verifications, at
intervals that ensure the quality desired is maintained. They must ensure that the system presents
adequate performance and capacity to provide water with the quality level established to meet the
parameters specified in individual monographs.

This chapter does not exhaust the theme and does not intend to replace the legislation, guidelines or
existing official monographs on water for pharmaceutical purposes. The purpose is to present
subsidies that provide users with a better understanding on fundamental points related to the quality
of water in the moment of obtaining it and during its distribution and use.

Controlling water contamination is crucial, since water has a high capacity to aggregate compounds
and also be contaminated again after purification. Water contaminants are represented by two major
groups: chemical and microbiological.

Chemical contaminants

Organic and inorganic contaminants have different origins from the feed source; extraction of
materials with which water comes into contact; absorption of gases from the atmosphere; pollutant
residues; or residues from products used in equipment cleaning and sanitization, among many others.
This includes bacterial endotoxins, resulting from Gram-negative water microorganisms, critical
contaminants that must be removed adequately.

These contaminants can be assessed, especially, by the total organic carbon – TOC (5.2.30) and
conductivity (5.2.24) assays. The conductivity, measured in microsiemens/cm, is recommended to
assess water with a large amount of ions and its reciprocal, resistivity, is measured in
when there is low concentration of dissolved ions.

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Most organic compounds can be removed by reverse osmosis. However, those with low molecular
mass demand additional techniques, such as ion exchange resin, electrodeionization, activated
charcoal, or oxidation by ultraviolet or ozone, to be removed.

The limits established for parameters of organic and inorganic chemical contaminants are targeted at
protecting the health and preventing critical chemical compounds from interfering with the water
system pre-treatment phase, considering that they may be difficult to remove on a later step.

Microbiological contaminants

They are represented mainly by bacteria and present a major challenge to water quality. They come
from the own microbiota of the water source and from some purification devices. They may also
appear due to inadequate cleaning and sanitization procedures, that allow the formation of biofilms
and, consequently, install a continued cycle of growth from organic compounds that, ultimately, are
nutrients for the microorganisms.

Bacteria may affect the water quality by deactivating reagents or changing substrates by enzyme
action, increasing the content in TOC, changing the base line (background noise) in spectral analysis,
and produce pyrogens, such as endotoxins.

The bacterial count is reported in colony-forming units per milliliter (CFU/mL) and, in general,
increases with water storage time. The most frequent contaminants are Gram-negative rods,
especially from the genera Alcaligenes, Pseudomonas, Escherichia, Flavobacterium, Klebsiella,
Enterobacter, Aeromonas and Acinectobacter.

The microbiological standard is specified, in parallel to chemical contaminants, and consists of the
absence of total and thermotolerant coliforms (pathogenic microorganisms of fecal origin), as well as
enteroviruses, cysts and oocysts from protozoans, such as Giardia sp and Cryptosporidium sp in a
100 mL sample.

To comply with these limits, treatment stations use disinfection processes with chemical substances
that have chlorine or other oxidants, employed for decades and considered relatively safe for humans.
However, these oxidants may react with the organic material of natural origin and generate secondary
products from disinfection, such as trihalomethanes, chloramines, or also leave residues from the own
disinfectants. Such undesirable products require special attention from legislators and users.

Chloramines, in particular, may irreversibly damage a dechlorination equipment that is part of a

purification system, and also present risk of formation and release of ammonia.

In addition to these two essential groups of contaminants, there are the particulates, comprised of
silica, residues from pipes or colloids and that, in addition to being a risk to the quality of purified
water, may cause clogging and severely harm the purification process, for reducing its performance,
or even cause irreversible damages to equipment. They can be detected by filtration combined with
gravimetry or microscopy. In general, it is not necessary to identify the type of particle, only remove

This chapter addresses some concerns about the main purification systems usually employed in the
production of water for pharmaceutical use, their main applications, monitoring and maintenance. It
also encompasses the purity parameters established for the types of water that are not addressed in
the current legislation.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.5-01


Basically, there are three types of water for pharmaceutical use: purified water (PW), water for
injection (WFI), and ultrapure water (UPW), which monographs are included in this Pharmacopoeia.
Official international compendia specify, in addition to them, other types of water, such as: contained
in vials, sterile or bacteriostatic, for irrigation or inhalation. However, all of them have purity
characteristics similar to the fundamental types already mentioned.

In addition to them, there is potable water, which is widely used and has direct application in
pharmaceutical facilities, especially in general cleaning procedures. Thus, the four types of water
below are considered, in relation to their main characteristics and suggestions of application. The
specific monographs, when available, detail the purity parameters established for each type.

Potable water

As a fundamental guideline, the starting point for any process of purification of water for
pharmaceutical purposes is potable water. It is obtained by treatment of water taken from springs,
through adequate processes to meet specifications from the Brazilian legislation related to physical,
chemical, microbiological and radioactive parameters, for a certain standard of potability and,
therefore, has no specific monograph in this compendium.

Potable water is usually employed in the initial steps of cleaning procedures and as a source for
obtaining water of the highest purity grade. It may also be used in the thermal climate control of some
apparatuses and in the synthesis of intermediate ingredients.

The strict control and the maintenance of compliance with water potability parameters are
fundamental, critical and of responsibility from the user of the purification system that will be fed.
The control must be periodical to ensure that the purification system used is adequate for the
conditions of the feed source and that there was no change in the quality of the water provided.
However, most applications require additional potable water treatments, whether through distillation,
deionization, ion exchange, reverse osmosis, isolated or coupled, or another adequate process to
produce purified water, free from interference of contaminants that may affect the quality of the
medicines produced.

Purified water (PW)

Purified water is produced from potable water and must meet the specifications established on the
respective monograph. It does not have any other substance added. It is obtained by a combination of
purification systems in a logical sequence, such as: multiple distillation; ion exchange; reverse
osmosis; electrodeionization; ultrafiltration; or another process capable of meeting, with the desired
efficiency, the limits specified for different contaminants.

It is employed as excipient in the production of non-parenteral pharmaceutical dosage forms and in

compounding formulations, provided there is no recommendation of higher purity in its use or that it
does not need to be pyrogen-free. It can also be used in washing material, preparation of reagent
solutions, culture media, buffers, different dilutions, general microbiology, clinical analyses, Elisa or
radioimmunoassay techniques, different applications in most laboratories, especially in less
demanding qualitative or quantitative analysis (determinations in percentage). It is used in assays and
determinations that indicate the use of water, unless specified otherwise concerning the level of purity
required, such as, for example, some instrumental analytical methods and analysis that require

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.5-01

apyrogenic water or higher chemical purity. It may be employed in high-performance liquid

chromatography, when confirmed that its use does not affect the accuracy or precision of results.

Depending on the application, it may be sterilized, without necessarily achieving the limit of bacterial
endotoxins established for Water for injection.

It needs monitoring on the count of total viable aerobic organisms, in production and storage, since it
has no added growth inhibitor. As a minimum, it is characterized by a conductivity of no more than
1.3 µS/cm at 25.0 °C (resistivity > 1.0 MW-cm) and TOC ≤ 0.50 mg/L and total bacterial count ≤
100 CFU/mL, unless specified otherwise. The entire system for obtaining, storing and distributing
must be duly validated and monitored for conductivity and microbial count parameters.

Even if a maximum microbial count of 100 CFU/mL is specified in the monograph, each facility must
establish its alert or action limit, if the specific characteristics of use are more restrictive.

Ultrapure water (UPW)

Ultrapure water has low ion concentration, low microbial burden, and low TOC level. This type of
water is required in more demanding applications, especially in test laboratories, for dilution of the
reference substances, in quality control, and in the final cleaning of equipment and utensils used in
processes that come into direct contact with the sample that requires water with this level of purity.
It is ideal for analysis methods that require minimum interference and maximum precision and
accuracy. The use of ultrapure water in quantitative analysis of low analyte contents is essential for
obtaining precise analytical results. Other examples of application of ultrapure water are: analysis of
residues, such as traces of mineral elements, endotoxins, preparations of calibrators, controls,
chemical reference substance, atomic absorption spectrometry in general, ICP/IOS, ICP/MS, mass
spectrometry, enzyme procedures, gas chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography
(determination of residues in ppm or ppb), methods in molecular biology and with cell culture, etc. It
must be used at the moment it is produced, or in the same day of collection.

The laboratory must use the same type of water required for final reading of analysis in the preparation
of samples, when obtaining the standard curve, controls, preparation of solutions, blanks, final
material washing, and in all glassware that will come into direct contact with the sample, whenever

Ultrapure water is characterized by a maximum conductivity of not more than 0.055 µS/cm at 25.0
°C (resistivity > 18.0 MW-cm), TOC ≤ 0.50 mg/L, endotoxins < 0.25 EU/mL (when high biological
quality is required) and total bacterial count ≤ 10 CFU/100 mL.

Water for injection (WFI)

Water for injection is used as excipient in the preparation of parenteral pharmaceutical products of
small and large volume, in the manufacturing of active ingredients of parenteral use, sterile products,
other products that require control of endotoxins and are not submitted to a later step of removal. It
is also used in cleaning and preparation of processes, equipment and components that come into
contact with drugs and sterile medicines during their production.

The purification process of first choice is distillation, in an equipment with internal walls made of
appropriate metal, such as AISI 316L stainless steel, neutral glass or quartz. Alternatively, WFI can
be obtained by a process equivalent to distillation or higher for removal of chemical contaminants
and microorganisms, provided that validated and monitored for the parameters established. The feed

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.5-01

water must be, as a minimum, potable and, in general, will need to be pre-treated to feed the
equipment. The process is thus specified due to the robustness such equipment presents concerning
operation and performance.

Water for injection must comply with the physicochemical tests established for purified water, as well
as with tests on total bacterial count ≤ 10 CFU/100 mL and bacterial endotoxins, which value must
be lower than 0.25 EU/mL.

Some quality parameters and suggestions for applications are registered on Table 1, for each type of
water for pharmaceutical use.

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Table 1 – Types of water for pharmaceutical use and quality parameters.

Type of water Characteristics Critical parameters suggested Examples of application
Potable water Obtained from springs or from the public Has specific legislation. General cleaning and treatment system feed
distribution network. source.
Purified water Variable levels of organic and bacterial Maximum conductivity of 1.3 μS/cm at Production of medicines and cosmetics in general,
contamination. Requires care to avoid 25.0 °C (resistivity > 1.0 MΩ-cm); pharmaceutical dosage forms, washing material,
chemical and microbiological TOC ≤ 0.50 mg/L; preparation of reagent solutions, culture media,
contamination. Count of total number of heterotrophic buffers, different dilutions, general microbiology,
May be obtained by reverse osmosis or bacteria: maximum 100 CFU/mL; clinical analysis, Elisa techniques,
by a combination of techniques of Absence of Pseudomonas sp and coliforms. radioimmunoassay, different applications in most
purification from potable water. laboratories, especially in less demanding
qualitative or quantitative analysis (in %). In
HPLC (in %).
Water for injection Purified water treated by distillation or Meets the chemical requirements from As vehicle or solvent for injectables,
similar process. purified water and requires control of manufacturing of active ingredients of parenteral
endotoxins. Count of total number of use, final washing of equipment, tubes and
heterotrophic bacteria: maximum 10 containers used in parenteral preparations. Use as
CFU/100 mL. Endotoxins < 0.25 EU/mL. diluent of parenteral preparations.
Absence of Pseudomonas sp and coliforms.
Ultrapure water For analysis that require minimum Maximum conductivity of 0.1 μS/cm at Dosage of mineral or organic residues,
interference and maximum precision and 25.0 °C (resistivity > 18.0 MΩ-cm); endotoxins, preparations of calibrators, controls,
accuracy. Low ion concentration, low TOC ≤ 0.50 mg/L; Count of total number CRS, atomic absorption spectrometry, ICP/IOS,
microbial burden, and low total organic of heterotrophic bacteria: maximum 10 ICP/MS, mass spectrometry, enzyme procedures,
carbon level. CFU/100 mL. gas chromatography, HPLC (ppm or ppb),
Purified water treated by complementary Endotoxins: < 0.25 EU/mL (when high molecular biology and cell culture, etc.
process. biological quality is required) Eventually in pharmaceutical preparations that
Absence of Pseudomonas sp and coliforms. require high-purity water.

TOC = Total organic carbon;

CFU = Colony-forming units; viable microbiological population.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.5-01


Designs, installations and operations of systems for production of purified water (PW), ultrapure
water (UPW) and water for injection (WFI) have similar components, controls and procedures. The
difference is in the presence of the parameter bacterial endotoxins on water for injection and in their
methods of preparation, specifically in the final stage. These similarities of quality parameters allow
to establish a common base for the design of systems targeted at obtaining PW, UPW or WFI, being
differential critical points the degree of control from the system and the final stages of purification
necessary for removing bacteria, bacterial endotoxins and reducing conductivity.

The processes for obtaining employ sequential unit operations – the purification stages – that are
targeted at removing certain contaminants and protecting the subsequent purification stages. Notice
that the final unit operation for obtaining water for injection is limited to distillation or another
equivalent process or higher, in the removal of chemical contaminants, as well as microorganisms
and their components. The distillation technique is renowned for its long history of reliability and can
be validated for production of water for injection. However, other technologies or combination of
technologies may be equally effective and validated for this purpose. Ultrafiltration placed in a
sequence after other chemical contaminant purification technologies may be adequate for the
production of water for injection, if it demonstrates the same effectiveness and reliability of
distillation in the validation.

For producing water for injection, there are new and promising applications that can be validated
thanks to the development of new materials for technologies such as reverse osmosis and
ultrafiltration, that allow operating and sanitizing at a higher temperature, allowing a more effective
microbial reduction.

The project for installing a water purification system must take into account the quality of the supply
water and the desired water at the end, the necessary flow, the distance between production system
and points of use, the layout of tubes and connections, the material employed, technical assistance
and maintenance facilities, and the adequate instruments for monitoring.

The purification technologies are targeted at removing contaminants in different stages of the
purification sequence. The main technologies presented below are in a logical sequential order, but
the selection of which ones will be used and the order they are applied will depend on the quality of
the potable water of admission and the type of water one aims at obtaining.


Also known as depth filtration or initial filtration, it is targeted at removing particulate contaminants
in the size range from 5 to 10 μm, essentially to protect subsequent technologies, using sand filters or
combination of filters.

Adsorption by vegetable activated charcoal

This technology employs the adsorption capacity of vegetable activated charcoal in contact with
organic compounds or contaminants, such as chloramines. Additionally, it removes oxidizing agents
by chemical reduction, especially free chlorine, which affects other membrane-based technologies,
such as reverse osmosis or ultrafiltration.

The removal of sanitizing agents favors bacterial growth and formation of biofilm, which implies the
need for sanitization of the activated charcoal, with direct vapor or hot water, for example, and for
control of particles and microbial count of its effluent.
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.5-01

Treatment with chemical additives

The use of chemical additives refers to the ones targeted at adjusting the pH or removing carbonates
and ammonia, for protection of other technologies, such as reverse osmosis.

As chemical additives, ozone, commonly used in the control of microorganisms, and metabisulfite,
applied as reducer agent for free chlorine, may be used as substitutes to vegetable activated charcoal.

Chemical additives are necessarily removed in some later stage of purification and cannot leave
residue in the final water.

Treatment with softeners

In cases where the feed water is “hard”, it is necessary to use softeners. This technology employs
regenerable ion exchange resins, which capture calcium and magnesium ions and release sodium ions
in water. Softening is used in the protection of technologies sensitive to incrustation, such as reverse

It is necessary to control the microbial count, with frequent regeneration, recirculation or other forms
of reduction of microbial count, to avoid the formation of biofilm.

Deionization and continuous electrodeionization

Deionization and continuous electrodeionization are effective technologies for removal of dissolved
inorganic salts. Deionization systems, also known as conventional deionization, produce purified
water for routine use, through specific ion exchange resins for cations or for anions. They are organic
polymers, generally sulfonated, in the form of small particles. Cationic resins capture ions releasing
the ion H+ in water, and anionic resins release OH-. They are regenerable with acids and bases,
respectively. This process alone does produce high purity water, due to leak of small fragments of
resin, facility of microbial growth, and low removal of organics.

Continuous electrodeionization systems combine cationic and anionic resins with semipermeable
membranes and the application of an electric field, promoting the continuous removal of ions, that is,
without the need to stop for regeneration. In both cases, it is necessary to have control over the
generation of particles resulting from successive regenerations, as well as microorganisms. This can
be done by controlling regenerations, in the case of deionization, using water recirculation and
applying UV radiation for control of microorganisms in the outlet, which effectiveness must be

Reverse osmosis

Reverse osmosis is a purification technology based on semipermeable membranes and with special
properties for removal of ions, microorganisms and bacterial endotoxins. It removes 90% to 99% of
most contaminants. However, different factors, such as pH, differential pressure along the membrane,
temperature, type of polymer of the membrane, and the construction of the reverse osmosis cartridge
may significantly affect this separation.

Reverse osmosis membranes must be duly control for the formation of incrustations coming from
calcium salts, magnesium salts and other salts, and of biofilm, a critical source of microbial
contamination and endotoxins. For this reason, it is mandatory to install a pre-treatment system before
reverse osmosis that removes particles and oxidizing agents and, in parallel, the system sanitization
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.5-01

must be conducted periodically. This practice helps increase the work life of membranes and reduces
the frequency of their regeneration.

There are double pass reverse osmosis systems, where water purified by the first step feeds the second
step, increasing and complementing the purification.


Ultrafiltration is frequently used in systems of water for pharmaceutical use for removal of
endotoxins. The ultrafiltration is conducted using a special membrane with the property of retaining
molecules according to their molecular mass and stereochemistry. The range used for particle
separation is named Molecular Weight Cutoff, characterized by the size of molecular mass. Filters in
the range of 10.000 Da, which retain molecules with molecular mass of 10,000 Da or higher are used
in the removal of endotoxins.

This technology can be used in a final or intermediate step of the purification system, provided that
validated, and, like reverse osmosis, requires pre-treatment, adequate control of the operating
conditions, and adequate cleaning and sanitization procedures, to maintain the water quality as

Filtration with electrostatic charge

This type of filtration employs positive charges on the surface of membranes and is targeted at
reducing the levels of endotoxins that have negative electric nature. It presents marginal capacity for
removal of microorganisms, but its greater efficiency is due to the removal of endotoxins. It has an
important limitation: when the charges are completely neutralized, by saturation due to the capture of
endotoxins, the removal is paralyzed. For this reason, filters with electrostatic charge are extremely
difficult to validate, due to this unpredictability concerning the moment they effectively no longer
retain such contaminants.

Microfiltration – removal of microorganisms

This technology uses microporous membranes, with pore size specification of 0.2 or 0.22 μm. They
must be validated for retention, through a bacteriological test, which determines the value of the log
reduction of microorganisms on the membranes. The model used employs a suspension of
Brevundimonas diminuta at 107 CFU/cm2 of filtering area and tests the sterility of the filtrate. Even
if the membrane is specified as 0.2 or 0.22 μm of pore diameter, it will not necessarily be sterilizing
if it does not produce a sterile filtrate through this test, that is, a log reduction value equal to 7. If the
log reduction obtained is not around seven, the membrane can be used to reduce the microbial count,
but must not used to sterilized.

Microfiltration is applied to the filtration of gases or ventilation of storage tanks, to avoid the
contamination of water stored in them. In such cases, hydrophobic membranes are used, for the filter
to operate without condensed water buildup, from air humidity.

Ultraviolet radiation (UV)

UV radiation is used in water purification systems in two wavelengths: 185 nm and 254 nm, which
promote two effects:
• 185 nm and 254 nm – Oxidation of organic compounds and consequent reduction of their
concentration, to achieve the limits from PW, UPW and WFI;

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.5-01

• 254 nm – Germicide action at different points of the purification sequence, to reduce microbial

For the oxidation of organics, the water must be on the final stage of purification, and this removal
will be more effective the lower the contaminant load is. It is necessary to monitor the intensity of the
lamp and consider the depth/thickness of the bed and the water flow at the radiation site.


In industrial facilities, there may be simple, multiple effect and vapor compression distiller, which
are generally used for large volume production systems. Feed water for such equipment requires
controls different from the ones used in reverse osmosis. In this case, the concentration of silicates is
critical, like in any vapor generation system. Another important aspect is the possibility of carrying
volatile compounds in the condensate. This is specially important when it comes to organic impurities,
such as trihalomethanes and gases dissolved in water, such as carbon dioxide and ammonia. Thus,
the control of inlet potable water is essential, as mentioned about feed water for purification systems.



The distribution system design must take into account the constant recirculation of purified water and
water for injection and the maintenance of temperature of the water stored in the tank. If necessary,
it must have a heat exchanger to provide colder water to the points of use.

Tubes, valves, instruments and other devices must have sanitary construction and finishing, so that
they do not contribute for microbial contamination and are sanitized.

Microbiological retention filters must not be used on the outlet or in the return from distribution
systems, because they are deposits of retained microorganisms and, therefore, a critical source for the
formation of endotoxins. The points of use must be designed in order to avoid dead volumes and
allow water to completely recirculate in them when they are closed.


There are different methods for sanitization of production, storage and distribution systems. The
system construction material must be resistant to the agents employed and the temperature used in
the process is critical. It is common to use temperatures of 80 °C or 65 °C, with continuous water
circulation. However, to prevent the formation of biofilms, a combination of heat and chemical agents
is usually employed in sanitization. The sanitization procedure must be duly validated.

Oxidizing agents, such as halogenated compounds, hydrogen peroxide, ozone or a combination of

them, are usually employed as chemical agents. The frequency of sanitization is determined by the
history of results from monitoring and trend curves, so that the system works without exceeding the
alert limit.


The storage conditions must be adequate to the water quality. Ultrapure water must not be stored for
a period larger than 24 hours. The fundamental guideline for storage of purified water, ultrapure water
or water for injection is to weight that, the higher the water purification grade, the faster it tends to
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.5-01

Thus, water must be maintained in constant recirculation, through its distribution system, whenever
applicable. The first portions of water produced by a purification system that has been inactive for
more than four hours must be discarded proportionally to the dead volume of the container. Such
variables must be validated for the specific conditions of each system, and the parameters to be
considered in the validation must also be established.

The reservoir used for its maintenance must be appropriate to the purposes it is targeted at, being
comprised of inert, clean material and not be a source of contamination to the content. The
construction material must present appropriate characteristics and rugosity to prevent the adherence
of residues, formation of biofilm and corrosion by sanitizing agents. Electropolished 316L stainless
steel, with rugosity below 0.5 microRA, is the most frequent choice to meet these requirements. The
reservoir must be protected from improper sources of light and heat, and the geometry must allow its
total drainage from the bottom, without dead volumes.

Adequate procedures must be adopted to avoid contamination by particulates, organics or

microorganisms. They must have an “exhaust”/ventilation filter to prevent contamination of the tank
volume by admission of contaminated air/humidity and avoid recontamination by this route.

In particular, but not exclusively, reservoirs of water for injection must be sleeved to maintain the
circulating water at temperature higher than 80 °C, which significantly restricts the bacterial growth.


The fundamental purpose of validation is to ensure the reliability of a water purification system,
involving acquisition, storage, distribution and quality at the point of use. Validation includes the
project qualification (PQ); facility qualification (FQ); operation qualification (OQ); and performance
qualification (PQ).
The validation plan for a water system involves the following phases:
a) knowing the feed source quality standard;
b) establishing the purified water quality standard;
c) defining the purification technologies and their sequence, from inlet water quality;
d) selecting the construction materials for the production, storage, distribution and monitoring
systems of the points of use;
e) developing protocols for qualification of design, installation, operation and performance;
f) establishing critical parameters, alert and action levels, and periodicity of sanitization and
g) establishing a maintenance plan for validation, which will include mechanisms for control of
changes to the water systems and will provide subsidies for a preventive maintenance program.

The qualification protocols must be approved before their execution.


The process employed in the production of water for pharmaceutical use must be validated and,
systematically, the parameters established in the legislation and in the specific monographs for each
type of water must be verified.

Water quality monitoring must encompass all critical and representative points of the system,
according to the planning established, in a consistent and continuous manner. Water quality
monitoring must be conducted through physicochemical and microbiological analysis.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.5-01

Thus, it is necessary to establish operating and sanitization procedures, an encompassing monitoring

program, with preventive maintenance, and a change control system, which determines judiciously
whether the system will need to be revalidated after any modification. Seasonal issues that may affect
the quality of the water from the supply source must be consider in the development of the plan. The
frequency of sample collection is defined in the system validation, as well as the necessary assays to
ensure the maintenance of water quality required. Any change to the original plan must be reassessed.

Equipment and apparatuses used in verifications must be capable of providing the reading in the range
required for the purity established. The equipment used must be duly calibrated. The verifications
made must be registered in an adequate form, which includes, as a minimum, the parameter(s)
measured, measurement date, value obtained, acceptance range, and person responsible for the
reading. The personnel who executes this task must know the sampling plan and the methods used,
as well as the alert and action limits established. If the user outsources this control, they must ensure
that the outsourced party meets the requirements and procedures defined.

The data obtained are compared with typical specifications and with alert and action limits. They are
established by the user, based on validation data, history of the purification and distribution system,
and quality requirements for a certain application.

The use must define the alert and action limits, to avoid obtaining a product with quality specification
inferior to the one required for a given application. The alert limit indicates that a deviation in quality
may happen and not necessarily requires a corrective measure. It may be established based on a
statistical analysis of the history of trends, using two standard deviations, for example, or
approximately 70% of the action limit, or 50% of the count of number of viable units, whichever is
lowest. The action limit indicates that the quality deviation exceeded the tolerable parameters and
requires activity interruption for correction. Non-compliant results require extraordinary intervention
at the site, in addition to regular operations, to restore the system so that the quality standard expected
is maintained.


The physicochemical monitoring follows, especially, the conductivity and total organic carbon, which
can also be monitored in line. These assays cover a large number of inorganic contaminants. If the
sample is not analyzed after the collection, it must be maintained and stored in conditions that
guarantee its integrity and preservation for an adequate period. Depending on the application required,
the critical parameters to be monitored may vary.


The importance of controlling water for pharmaceutical use is in ensuring its quality in order to
comply with the parameters determined in each monograph and avoid contamination carrying to the
products. Thus, it requires strict microbiological quality control, since, due to its intrinsic
characteristics and the processes involved in its production, it is highly susceptible to microbial

The target of microbiological control are pathogenic bacteria, with the need for identifying or
selecting certain species of microorganisms that may be harmful to processes and products, such as,
for example, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Burkholderia cepacia, Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp.
Tests intended for microbiological monitoring of water for pharmaceutical use are described on
Microbiological assays on water for pharmaceutical use (

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.6-00



According to the WHO definition, pharmacopeial reference standards (PRef) are products of
recognized uniformity, intended for use in tests where one or more of their properties will be
compared with those of the substance under examination. They have a degree of purity suitable for
their intended use.

The PRef is established and distributed by pharmacopeial authorities, whose value attributed to one
or more of its properties is accepted without the need for comparison with another standard, intended
for use in specific tests described in pharmacopoeial monographs. They include chemical reference
substances, biological products, plant extracts and powders, radiopharmaceuticals, among others. The
most commonly used related expression is: Pharmacopoeial Chemical Reference Substance.



The Chemical Reference Substances from the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia (CRS–BP) are
pharmacopoeial reference standards, which production is under coordination by the Thematic
Technical Committee on Chemical Reference Substance (CTT CRS) from the Brazilian
Pharmacopoeia, in line with guidelines from the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia Commission.

The CRS-BF are established and monitored according to principles from the WHO, with
collaboration from public and private laboratories, through interlaboratory studies that use an
analytical protocol developed and validated in advance, originating a product with high quality, which
value attributed to one or more of its physical and/or chemical properties does not need comparison
with another CRS.

Analytical methods frequently use sophisticated equipment to facilitate the precision and agility of
the procedure used, based on relative measures, that need reference standards for obtaining results.

The CRS-BF are developed to help in the conduction of assays described in monographs from the
BF. Their purity grade may vary according to the assay it is targeted at. The stated value is specific
to the assay described on the BF.

The CRS-BF must be stored and handled adequately in order to obtain reliable results when used.
They must be stored in the original vials, closed and at temperature and humidity conditions according
to specifications included in the label and/or certificate of analysis.

The amounts provided in each vial of CRS-BF are adequate for a certain number of analysis, in order
to avoid issues with excessive exposure of material. However, the amounts and their value are
targeted at stimulating the direct use of CRS-BF, without the need to establish derivate standards.

When drying the material before use is indicated, this procedure will never be conducted in its original
package, but by transferring part of the material to another container. After use, the desiccated
material must not be returned to the original vial, avoiding possible contaminations.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.6-00

The validity of a certain batch must be monitored by the user through the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia
website, which will inform the batch in force, the removal of batches in use and the availability of
new batches. This website also offers information for acquisition of pharmacopoeial reference

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.7-00



Coloring agent is any organic or inorganic compound, natural or synthetic, which, regardless of
having pharmacological activity or not, is added to medicines, foods, cosmetics or correlates with the
single purpose of coloring them or changing their original color.

Two types of coloring agents are used:

• dyes/colorants;
• pigments.

The basic difference between pigments and dyes is in the particle size and solubility in the medium
it is inserted. Pigments, in general, have larger particle size and are insoluble in water, while dyes are
water-soluble molecules. It is possible to state that dyes are employed in solutions, and pigments, in
suspensions. Additionally, pigments have higher chemical and thermal stability than dyes.

The solubility of the dye can be determined by the presence of certain chemical groups in the structure
of the compound, which may cause differentiations between pigments and dyes.

The dyes used are mostly of synthetic origin and can be, in general, classified in one of the seven
chemical groups described below:
• Indigoid Group;
• Xanthine Group;
• Azo Group;
• Nitro Group;
• Triphenylmethane Group;
• Quinolone Group;
• Anthraquinone Group.

Dyes can also be divided into azoic dyes (which have -N=N- groups) and non-azoic dyes (belonging
to a wide range of chemical classes). Most dyes of more frequent use are of the non-azoic type, with
erythrosine, indigo / carmine and quinoline yellow being the three most widely known.

Concerning pigments, two types are used: iron oxide (black, red and yellow), and titanium dioxide,
which is white and also used in tablet coating, to prevent the photodegradation of components from
the formulation that are sensitive to light, or also to obtain opaque capsule shells.

Dyes can be classified, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), into:
• dyes designated as Food, Drug and Cosmetics (FD&C) can be employed in foods, medicines and
cosmetic products;
• dyes designated as Drugs and Cosmetics (D&C) are authorized for use in medicines and cosmetics;
• D&C dyes of external use have their employment restricted to medicines and cosmetics applied

Coloring agents included on the table below (Table 1) or a mixture of these agents can be added to
medicines targeted at application via oral, rectal, vaginal or cutaneous route in cases and in amounts
compatible with good pharmaceutical manufacturing practices.

The coloring agents employed must meet the requirements described in the respective monographs.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.7-00

This table also identifies dyes for use in correlates such as: contact lenses, general surgery sutures,
sutures for ophthalmic surgery, intraocular lenses (for haptic coloring), bone cement, and gelatinous
contact lenses (to identify left or right size).

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.7-00

Table 1 – List of dyes permitted.

Name in Color Reference
Color Dye CAS Synonym Description (IUPAC) European Uses, restrictions and requirements
English Index 21 CFR
Used on foods (including nutritional
disodium (5E)-6-oxo-
supplements), cosmetics and medicines in
Sunset yellow 6 FD&C 5-[(4-sulfonatophenyl)
Yellow 2783-94-0 15985 741.706 E110 general. Use not permitted in the eye area, in
yellow INS 110 yellow #6 hydrazinylidene]naphthalene-2-
medical devices, and in injectable
pharmaceutical dosage forms.
Used on foods, cosmetics and medicines in
sunset yellow 6 FD&C aluminum 6-oxido-5-
yellow, aluminum yellow #6 (4- sulfonatophenyl)
Yellow 15790-07-5 15985:1 741.706 E110 Use not permitted in the eye area, in medical
aluminum lake aluminum diazenylnaphthalene-
devices, and in injectable pharmaceutical
lake INS 110 lake 2-sulfonate
dosage forms.
Used on cosmetics and medicines in general.
Use not permitted in the eye area, in medical
D&C devices, and in injectable pharmaceutical
quinoline yellow #10; 74.1710 dosage forms.
Yellow 8004-92-0 yellow 10 1,3-indandione disulfonic acid 47005 E104
yellow quinolone 74.3710 It can be used for coloring contact lenses in
disodium salt
yellow amounts that do not exceed the reasonably
necessary minimum to achieve the coloring
effect intended.
yellow #10
Used on cosmetics and medicines in general.
quinoline aluminum aluminum;
yellow 10 Use not permitted in the eye area, in medical
yellow, lake; 2-(2-quinolyl)- 74.1710
Yellow 68814-04-0 aluminum 47005:1 E104 devices, and in injectable pharmaceutical
aluminum quinoline 1,3-indandione disulfonic acid 74.3710
lake dosage forms.
lake yellow disodium salt
Used in contact lenses.
Used on cosmetics and medicines of topical
D&C 3’,6’-dihydroxyspiro application.
Fluorescein fluorescein;
Yellow 2321-07-5 yellow #7; [2-benzofuran-3,9’-xanthene]- 45350:1 741707 N/C Use not permitted in the eye area, in medical
yellow yellow 7
fluorescein 1-o ne devices, and in injectable pharmaceutical
dosage forms.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.7-00

Name in Color Reference
Color Dye CAS Synonym Description (IUPAC) European Uses, restrictions and requirements
English Index 21 CFR
Curcumin (1E,6E)-1,7-bis
Yellow curcumin 458-37-7 yellow; (4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl) 75300 73615 E100 Used on foods.
turmeric hepta-1,6-diene-3,5- dione
Used in medicines administered orally (not
iron oxides obtained by
exceeding the daily dose of 5 mg of Fe) and
synthesis, including they
yellow iron yellow iron yellow iron topical use.
Yellow 51274-00-1 hydrated forms or combinations 77492 731.200 E172
oxide oxide oxide Not permitted in the eye area, in medical
of more than one of these
devices, and in injectable pharmaceutical
dosage forms.
vitamin B2 2,3,4, 5- tetrahydroxypentyl]
Yellow riboflavin 83-88-5 riboflavin N/C 73.450 E101 Used on foods.
lactoflavin benzo[G]pteridine-
Used on foods, cosmetics and medicines of
trisodium (4E)-5-oxo- internal and external use.
1-(4- sulfonatophenyl)- Not permitted in medical devices and in
yellow; FD&C
Yellow tartrazine 1934-21-0 4-[(4-sulfonatophenyl) 1910 741.705 E102 injectable pharmaceutical dosage forms.
yellow 5 yellow #5
hydrazinylidene] pyrazole-3- Products for human use by oral, nasal, rectal
INS 102
carboxylate or vaginal route, or for use in the eye area,
must specifically state the dye on the label.
tartrazine 4-[[3-carboxy-5-oxo- Used on foods, cosmetics and medicines of
yellow 1-(4- sulfophenyl)-4H- internal and external use.
tartrazine, aluminum pyrazol-4-YL]diazenyl] Not permitted in medical devices and in
yellow #5
Yellow aluminum 12225-21-7 lake; yellow 5 benzenesulfonate; 19140:1 741.705 E102 injectable pharmaceutical dosage forms.
lake aluminum 4-[[3-carboxy-5-oxo- Products for human use by oral, nasal, rectal
lake 1-(4-sulfophenyl)- or vaginal route, or for use in the eye area,
INS 103 4H-pyrazol-4-YL]diazenyl] must specifically state the dye on the label.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.7-00

Name in Color Reference
Color Dye CAS Synonym Description (IUPAC) European Uses, restrictions and requirements
English Index 21 CFR
disodium 2-[[4-[ethyl-
Used on foods (including nutritional
supplements), cosmetics and medicines in
blue n. 1 FD&C blue phenyl]- [4-[ethyl-[(3-
Blue Brilliant blue 3844-45-9 42090 741.101 E133 general, including the eye area.
INS 133 #1 sulfonatophenyl)methyl]azaniu
Use not permitted in medical devices and in
mylidene] cyclohexa-2,5-dien-
injectable pharmaceutical dosage forms.
[(3- Used on foods (including nutritional
brilliant blue n. 1 FD&C blue
sulfophenyl)methyl]amino]phe supplements), cosmetics and medicines in
blue, aluminum #1
Blue 68921-42-6 nyl]-(2-sulfophenyl) 42090:2 741.101 E133 general, including the eye area.
aluminum lake aluminum
methylidene] cyclohexa-2,5- Use not permitted in medical devices and in
lake INS 133 lake
dien-1-ylidene]azaniumyl] injectable pharmaceutical dosage forms.
methyl] benzenesulfonate
Used on foods, cosmetics and medicines
administered by oral route.
blue n. 2;
disodium (2E)-3-oxo-2- It may be used for coloring nylon and surgical
indigotin FD&C blue (3-oxo-5-sulfonato- 73015/ 74.1102 sutures in general surgery, bone cements,
Blue 860-22-0 indigo E132
blue #2 1H-indol-2-ylidene)- 75781 74.3102 subject to the following restrictions: the
1H-indole-5-sulfonate amount of color additive must not exceed 1%
INS 132
in weight of the suture thread; not be absorbed
by surrounding tissues.
Used on foods, cosmetics and medicines
indigotin blue n. 2 FD&C blue aluminum (2E)-3-oxo-2-
administered by oral route.
blue, aluminum #2 (3-oxo-5-sulfo-1H-indol-
Blue 16521-38-3 73015 741.102 E132 It may be used for coloring bone cement,
aluminum lake aluminum 2-ylidene)-1H-indole-
provided it does not exceed 0.1% in weight of
lake INS 132 lake 5-sulfonic acid
bone cement.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.7-00

Name in Color Reference
Color Dye CAS Synonym Description (IUPAC) European Uses, restrictions and requirements
English Index 21 CFR
ethanaminium, Used on foods and in radiographic study of
N-[4-[[4- structures from the lymphatic system
(diethylamino)phenyl](5- (lymphangiography study).
patent blue, patent V blue; hydroxy-2,4- It may cause skin sensitivity, rash, pruritus,
Blue 3536-49-0 acid blue 3 42051 E131
calcium salt acid blue 3; disulfophenyl)methylene]- nausea, decrease blood pressure, cause
2,5-cyclohexadien-1-ylidene]- tremors and respiratory issues.
N-ethyl-, inner salt, calcium salt Not permitted for children.
(2:1) Prohibited in the USA, Norway and Australia.
acid blue 1;
food blue 3;
ethanaminium, N-[4-[[4-
Permitted exclusively in products that do not
(diethylamino)phenyl] (2,4-
carmine blue; come into contact with mucous membranes in
patent blue, disulfophenyl) methylene]-2,5-
Blue 129-17-9 patent blue acid blue 1 42045 E131 regular or predictable conditions of use.
sodium salt cyclohexadien-1- ylidene]-N-
VS Not permitted for children.
ethyl-, inner salt, sodium salt
Prohibited in the USA, Norway and Australia.
methylthioni methylene inium 3,7-bis(dimethylamino) Used in medicines, including bacteriological
Blue 61-73-4 52015
ne chloride blue chloride; phenothiazin-5-ium chloride dye, indicated in contrast.
basic blue 9
Used on medicines
calcium calcium calcium Use not permitted in the eye area, in medical
White 471-34-1 calcium carbonate 77220 731.070 N/C
carbonate carbonate carbonate devices, and in injectable pharmaceutical
dosage forms.
Used on medicines for external (including the
eye area) and internal use (excluding the eye
titanium titanium titanium
White 13463-67-7 dioxotitanium 77891 731.575 E171 area).
dioxide dioxide dioxide
Use not permitted in medical devices and in
injectable pharmaceutical dosage forms.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.7-00

Name in Color Reference
Color Dye CAS Synonym Description (IUPAC) European Uses, restrictions and requirements
English Index 21 CFR
Used on medicines for external (including the
eye area) and internal use (excluding the eye
Z,18E)- 4,8,13,17-tetramethyli
Orange annatto 1393-63-1 orange n. 4 annatto 75120 731.030 E160B area).
Use not permitted in medical devices and in
nonaenedioic acid
injectable pharmaceutical dosage forms.
Used on medicines for external (including the
eye area) and internal use (excluding the eye
Beta beta- ,17E)- 3,7,12,16-tetramethyl-
Orange 7235-40-7 orange food 5 40800 731.095 E160E area).
carotene carotene 18-(2,6,6-trimethylcyclohexen-
Use not permitted in medical devices and in
injectable pharmaceutical dosage forms.
15,17-nonaenyl] cyclohexene
Used on medicines for external (including the
14E,16E)- 2,6,11,15-
all-trans- eye area) and internal use (excluding the eye
beta-apo- tetramethyl-17-(2,6,6-
Orange 1107-26-2 INS 160E beta-apo-8'- 40820 N/C E160E area).
8'carotenal trimethylcyclohexen-1-yl)
carotenal Use not permitted in medical devices and in
injectable pharmaceutical dosage forms.
Used in cosmetics (in lipsticks no more than
5% per weight of final product) and medicines
sodium 4-[(2E)-2-
of external and topical use (not exceeding the
Persian D&C (2-oxonaphthalen-1-
Orange solar orange 633-96-5 15510 741.255 N/C daily dose of 5 mg), dentifrices and
orange orange # 5 ylidene)hydrazinyl]
Not permitted in medical devices and in
injectable pharmaceutical dosage forms.
Used in medicines of topical use and oral
natural brown Not permitted for children.
Brown caramel 8028-89-5 caramel NA - - E150A
10 Use not permitted in the eye area, in medical
devices, and in injectable pharmaceutical
dosage forms.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.7-00

Name in Color Reference
Color Dye CAS Synonym Description (IUPAC) European Uses, restrictions and requirements
English Index 21 CFR
Used in medicines of topical use and
iron oxides obtained by
administered orally (not exceeding the daily
synthesis, including they
black iron black iron black iron dose of 5 mg of Fe).
Black 12227-89-3 hydrated forms or combinations 77499 731.200 E172
oxide oxide oxide Use not permitted in the eye area, in medical
of more than one of these
devices, and in injectable pharmaceutical
dosage forms.
chlorophyll mixture of chlorophylls A and
Green chlorophyll 1406-65-1 chlorophyll 75810 N/C E 140(1) Used on medicines and cosmetics.
INS 140I B
magnesium; 3-[18-
chlorophylli chlorophylli
Green 15611-43-5 INS 140II 12,17-tetramethyl-20-(2-oxido- 75810 N/C E140(II) Used on medicines and cosmetics.
n ns
yl]propanoate; hydron
Used on cosmetics and medicines (including
the eye area).
It may be used for coloring nylon 66 and 6
disodium 5-methyl-2-[[4-(4- from surgical sutures in general surgery,
Brilliant D&C green methyl-2- sulfonatoanilino)- subject to the following restrictions: the
Green 4403-90-1 Alizarin green 61570 741.205 N/C
green #5 9,10-dioxoanthracen-1- amount of color additive must not exceed
yl]amino] benzenesulfonate 0.6% in weight of the suture thread; not be
absorbed by surrounding tissues.
Use not permitted in injectable pharmaceutical
dosage forms.
ethyl-[4-[ [4-[ethyl-
Used on foods and medicines of external use
FD&C (including the eye area).
Green fast green 2353-45-9 food green 3 (4-hydroxy-2- 42053 741.203 N/C
green # 3 Use not permitted in surgical sutures and in
injectable pharmaceutical dosage forms.
sulfophenyl)methyl] azanium

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.7-00

Name in Color Reference
Color Dye CAS Synonym Description (IUPAC) European Uses, restrictions and requirements
English Index 21 CFR
Used on cosmetics and medicines of external
use (including the eye area).
Used in simple, synthetic and absorbable
surgical sutures.
Use not permitted in injectable pharmaceutical
dosage forms.
Soluble Anthraquinon D&C green 74.1206 Used in contact lenses; polyethylene
Green 128-80-3 methylanilino)anthracene-9,10- 61565 N/C
green e green #6 74.3206 terephthalate surgical sutures, including
sutures for ophthalmic use; polyglycolic acid
surgical sutures with diameters lower than the
diameter USP 8-0, including sutures for
ophthalmic use; poly sutures (co-trimethylene
glycolic acid carbonate) in general sutures,
and intraocular lenses for support haptics.
Used on cosmetics and medicines of external
use. No more than 0.01% of the weight of the
Solvent Pyranine D&C green Trisodium 8-hydroxypyrene- final product.
Green 6358-69-6 59040 741.208 N/C
green green #8 1,3,6-trisulfonate Use not permitted in the eye area, in medical
devices, and injectable pharmaceutical dosage
It may cause asthma, eczema, hyperactivity,
allergic reactions and/or intolerance, rashes,
trisodium (4Z)-3-oxo-4- especially in asthmatic individuals or with
D&C red 2;
Bordeaux S [(4-sulfonatonaphthalen-1- intolerance to aspirin.
Red amaranth 915-67-3 acid red 27, 16185 N/C E123
INS 123 yl)hydrazinylidene] Not permitted for children.
naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate Prohibited in Norway, United States, Russia
and Austria. Very restricted use (foods) in
France and Italy.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.7-00

Name in Color Reference
Color Dye CAS Synonym Description (IUPAC) European Uses, restrictions and requirements
English Index 21 CFR
It may cause asthma, eczema, hyperactivity,
allergic reactions and/or intolerance, rashes,
pigment red
especially in asthmatic individuals or with
193; aluminum; trisodium (4Z)-3-
amaranth, Bordeaux S intolerance to aspirin.
acid red 27 oxo-4-[(4- sulfonatonaphthalen-
Red aluminum 12227-62-2 aluminum 16185:1 N/C E123 Not permitted for children.
aluminum 1-yl)hydrazinylidene]
lake lake Prohibited in Norway, United States, Russia
lake; FD naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate
and Austria. Very restricted use (foods) in
and C red
France and Italy.
no. 2
Used on foods.
It may cause eczema, allergic reactions and/or
intolerance, rashes, especially in individuals
disodium (3Z)-4-oxo-3-[(4-
with intolerance to aspirin.
Red azorubine 3567-69-9 carmoisine carmoisine 14720 N/C E122 Not permitted for children.
Prohibited in Japan, Norway, Sweden and the
United States.
Used on foods.
It may cause eczema, allergic reactions and/or
intolerance, rashes, especially in individuals
azorubine, carmoisine, carmoisine disodium salt of
with intolerance to aspirin.
Red aluminum 84041-67-8 aluminum aluminum 2-(4’-sulfo-1’-naphthyl-azo)- 14720 N/C E122
Not permitted for children.
lake lake lake 1-naphthol-4-sulfonic acid
Prohibited in Japan, Norway, Sweden and the
United States.
Used on foods (including nutritional
supplements), cosmetics and medicines of oral
red n. 3; FD&C red disodium 2-(2,4,5,7-tetraiodo-
Red erythrosine 16423-68-0 sodium #3 3-oxido-6-oxoxanthen-9-yl) 45430 741.303 E127
Use not permitted in the eye area, in medical
erythrosine. erythrosine benzoate
devices, and in injectable pharmaceutical
INS 127
dosage forms.

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Name in Color Reference
Color Dye CAS Synonym Description (IUPAC) European Uses, restrictions and requirements
English Index 21 CFR
dialuminum; 1’,3’,6’,8’-
aluminum Used on foods (including nutritional
lake, red n. 3 FD&C red supplements), cosmetics and medicines of oral
erythrosine, benzofuran-1,9'-xanthene]-
aluminum #3 administration.
Red aluminum 12227-78-0 2',7'-diolate; 1’,3’,6‘,8’- 45430 741.303 E127
lake; sodium aluminum Use not permitted in the eye area, in medical
lake tetraiodo-3- oxospyro[2-
erythrosine lake devices, and in injectable pharmaceutical
benzofuran-1,9’- xanthene]-
aluminum dosage forms.
lake INS 127
iron oxides obtained by Used in medicines administered orally or of
synthesis, including they topical use (not exceeding the daily dose of 5
red iron red iron
Red 1309-37-1 red iron oxide hydrated forms or combinations 77491 731.200 E172 mg of Fe). Not permitted in the eye area, in
oxide oxide
of more than one of these medical devices, and in injectable
oxides pharmaceutical dosage forms.
Used on cosmetics and medicines of external
calcium (4Z)-3-oxo-4-[(1-
red pigment D&C red # sulfonatonaphthalen-2-yl) 74.1334
Red 74336-37-1 red 34 15880 N/C Not permitted in the eye area, in medical
63 34 hydrazinylidene]naphthalene-2- 74.2334
devices, and in injectable pharmaceutical
dosage forms.
Used on foods, cosmetics and medicines of
disodium (3E)-3-[(2,4-
external use.
ponceau red FD&C red # dimethyl-5-sulfonatophenyl) 74.1304
Red 4548-53-2 red 4 14700 N/C Not permitted in the eye area, in medical
SX 4 hydrazinylidene]-4- 74.2304
devices, and in injectable pharmaceutical
dosage forms.
disodium 2’,4’,5’,7’-
Used on cosmetics and medicines in general.
red phloxine D&C red tetrabromo-4,5,6,7- tetrachlor- 74.1327
Red red 27 13473-26-2 45410:2 N/C Not permitted in the eye area, in medical
O #27 O-3-oxospiro [2-benzofuran- 74.2327
devices and in pharmaceutical dosage forms.
D&C red
#30; Used on cosmetics and medicines in general.
methyl-3-oxo-1-benzothiophen- 74.1330
Red red 30 2379-74-0 red 30 indanthren 73360 N/C Not permitted in the eye area, in medical
2-ylidene)-4-methyl-1- 74.2330
brilliant devices and in pharmaceutical dosage forms.
pink R
Red red 33 3567-66-6 Hispanic red D&C red disodium (3E)- 17200 74.1333 N/C Used in cosmetics (in lipsticks no more than

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Name in Color Reference
Color Dye CAS Synonym Description (IUPAC) European Uses, restrictions and requirements
English Index 21 CFR
#33 5-amino-4-oxo-3- 74.2333 3% per weight of final product) and medicines
(phenylhydrazinylidene) of external and topical use (not exceeding the
naphthalene-2,7-disulfonate daily dose of 0.75 mg), dentifrices and
Not permitted in medical devices and in
injectable pharmaceutical dosage forms.
disodium (5E)-5-[(2-methoxy- Used on foods (including nutritional
FD&C red n. 74.340
FD&C red 5-methyl-4-sulfonatophenyl) supplements), cosmetics and medicines in
Red red 40 25956-17-6 40; Allura red 16035 74.1340 E129
#40 hydrazinylidene]-6- general. Not permitted in medical devices and
AC INS 129 74.2340
oxonaphthalene-2-sulfonate in injectable pharmaceutical dosage forms.
red 40 aluminum lake or calcium and
aluminum FD&C red aluminum lake, in substrate of Used on foods (including nutritional
red 40, 74.340
lake; Allura #40 disodium salt of 6-hydroxy-5- supplements), cosmetics and medicines in
Red aluminum 68583-95-9 16035:1 74.1340 E129
red AC aluminum (2-methoxy-5-methyl-4- general. Not permitted in medical devices and
lake 74.2340
aluminum lake sulfophenyl) azo-2- in injectable pharmaceutical dosage forms.
lake naphthalenesulfonic acid
Used on cosmetics and medicines in general.
In medicines, the combination of D&C RED #
red 7 calcium D&C red #7 calcium (4Z)-4-[(4-methyl-2-
6 and D&C RED # 7 must not be larger than 5
red 7, lake; lithol calcium sulfonatophenyl) 74.1307
Red 09/04/5281 15850:1 N/C mg/daily dose of medicine.
calcium lake rubine red lake; D&C hydrazinylidene]-3- 74.2307
Not permitted in the eye area, in medical
calcium lake red #7 oxonaphthalene-2-carboxylate
devices, and in injectable pharmaceutical
dosage forms.
hydroxy-5- [(2S,3R,4S,5S,6R)-
beet red; 3,4,5-trihydroxy-6-
Beet red, beet powder Used on foods.
Red 7659-95-2 betanin (hydroxymethyl)oxan-2-yl]oxy- N/C N/C E162
betanin beetroot red Not permitted for children.
INS 162 2,3-dihydroindol-1-yl] ethenyl]-
dicarboxylic acid
cochineal 3,5,6,8-tetrahydroxy-1-methyl-
cochineal carmine; Carmine 9,10-dioxo-7-[3,4,5-trihydroxy-
Red 1260-17-9 75470 731.100 E120 Used on medicines in general.
red carmine; cochineal 6-(hydroxymethyl)-oxan-2-
natural red 4 yl]anthracene-2- carboxylic

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Name in Color Reference
Color Dye CAS Synonym Description (IUPAC) European Uses, restrictions and requirements
English Index 21 CFR
INS 120 acid)
Used on cosmetics and medicines in general.
D&C red # 74.1321 Not permitted in the eye area, in medical
Red Eosin red 62342-51-2 red 21 dihydroxyspiro [2-benzofuran- 45380:2 N/C
21 74.2321 devices and in injectable pharmaceutical
dosage forms.
Used on cosmetics and medicines in general.
disodium 2-(2,4,5,7-
pure eosin D&C red # 74.1322 Not permitted in the eye area, in medical
Red 95917-83-2 red 22 tetrabromo-3-oxido-6- 45380 N/C
red 22 74.2322 devices, and in injectable pharmaceutical
dosage forms.
Used in cosmetics and medicines of internal
and external use, except mouthwashes and
dentifrices. Provided that the amounts do not
exceed 1.7 mg/daily dose of the drug for
(1Z)-1-[(2-chloro-4- continuous use in less than 1 year.
Permanent D&C red # 74.1336
Red 70632-40-5 red 36 nitrophenyl)hydrazinylidene] 12085 N/C For medicines of continuous use for more than
red 36 74.2336
naphthalen-2-one 1 year, the amounts must not exceed 1.0
mg/daily dose of the medicine prescribed.
Not permitted in the eye area, in medical
devices, and in injectable pharmaceutical
dosage forms.
Used on medicines and foods.
It may cause eczema, allergic reactions and/or
trisodium (8Z)-7-oxo-8-[(4-
ponceau 4R; intolerance, rashes, especially in individuals
ponceau red sulfonatonaphthalen-1-yl)
Red 2611-82-7 red 2 ponceau 4R 16255 N/C E124 with intolerance to aspirin.
4R hydrazinylidene]naphthalene-
INS 124 Not permitted for children.
Prohibited in Norway and in the United

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.7-00

Name in Color Reference
Color Dye CAS Synonym Description (IUPAC) European Uses, restrictions and requirements
English Index 21 CFR
Used on medicines and foods.
ponceau 4R aluminum lake or calcium and It may cause eczema, allergic reactions and/or
ponceau red
aluminum ponceau 4R aluminum lake, in substrate of intolerance, rashes, especially in individuals
Red 15876-47-8 lake; red 2 aluminum trisodium salt of 1-(4’-sulfo-1’- 16255 N/C E124 with intolerance to aspirin.
aluminum lake naphthyl-azo)-2-naphthol-6,8- Not permitted for children.
lake disulfonic acid Prohibited in Norway and in the United
Used on cosmetics and medicines in general.
In medicines, the combination of D&C RED #
disodium (4E)-4-[(4-methyl-2-
6 and D&C RED # 7 must not be larger than 5
D&C red # sulfonatophenyl) 74.1306
Red Ruby red 5858-81-1 red 6 15850 N/C mg / daily dose of medicine.
6 hydrazinylidene]-3- 74.2306
Not permitted in the eye area, in surgical
sutures and in injectable pharmaceutical
dosage forms.
74.1317 Used on cosmetics, medicines of external use
D&C red # 74.2317 and contact lenses.
Red Scarlet red 85-86-9 red 17 phenyldiazenylphenyl)hydrazin 26100 N/C
17 74.3317 Not permitted for injectable pharmaceutical
ylidene] naphthalen-2-one
74.3230 dosage forms. Used in contact lenses.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.7-00

Name in Color Reference
Color Dye CAS Synonym Description (IUPAC) European Uses, restrictions and requirements
English Index 21 CFR
Used on cosmetics, medicines of external use.
Used in absorbable synthetic sutures for use in
general and ophthalmic surgery; Haptic media
from polymethyl metacrylate intraocular
Not permitted in the eye area and in injectable
pharmaceutical dosage forms.
Used for synthetic surgical sutures of
copolymers with 90% glycolide and 10% L-
lactide in general and ophthalmic surgeries;
1-hydroxy-4-(4- 74.1602 synthetic polydioxanone surgical suture in
Alizarin D&C violet
Violet 81-48-1 violet 2 methylanilino)anthracene-9,10- 60725 74.2602 N/C general and ophthalmic surgeries; synthetic
violet #2
dione 74.3602 absorbable sutures of polyglecaprone 25 (Ɛ-
caprolactone/glycolide polymers) in general
surgeries; poly(Ɛ-caprolactone) absorbable
surgical sutures in general surgeries;
tripolymer absorbable sutures in glycolide
carbonate / dioxanone / trimethyl-ethylene in
general surgeries; surgical glycolide
homopolymer sutures in general surgeries;
intraocular lenses for support haptics; and
absorbable meniscus implants made of
poly(L-lactic) acid.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.8-00




The intended goal with this chapter is to present basic and necessary information for interpretation of
monographs on the main gases and mixtures used in Health Services, gases that comprise the mixtures
used in clinical tests, and gases used in the preservation of biological material.

This chapter encompasses gases classified by ANVISA as medicines and other gases used in Health
Services and in clinical laboratories.

Gases used in Health Services may be stored compressed under pressure; liquefied under high
pressure (saturated vapor pressure); liquefied at low pressure (cryogenic gases); or produced in the
site of consumption.

Medicinal gases are comprised of active substances or a mixture of active substances and gas

The mixtures may consist of two or more substances or an active substance diluted in an excipient
gas. The percentage formula (v/v) is obtained from standard temperature and pressure (STP)
conditions. The density or compressibility factor for each gas under standard conditions (21 °C, 1
atm) are obtained from scientific data.

The monographs described the methods for analysis and the reference standards for quality assurance
of the product manufactured, and include details on physical state, molecular mass, CAS (Chemical
Abstracts Service) registration number, DCB (Brazilian Common Denomination) of minimum purity,
impurities and physical and organoleptic characteristics for each gas, storage and labeling.

Note – Medical compressed air or oxygen 93% v/v coming from compression systems or oxygen
concentrator systems, when produced in situ in Health Service centers, must follow the analysis
methods specified in their respective monographs.


Medicinal gases described in this chapter represent the main gases available in the market.

Medical oxygen (O2)

In medical practice, the use of oxygen is aimed at keeping the patient respiration in condition of
saturation in arterial blood equal or superior to 90% v/v. In situations when oxygen is administered
diluted in another gas, its minimum concentration in the mixture must be 21% v/v. Medical oxygen
is usually especially in intensive care and in anesthetic procedures, as ventilatory support for patients
with respiratory failure of different clinical origins. In acute respiratory emergency situations, it
allows the cardiopulmonary reanimation of patients. In residential use, it is employed in oxygen
therapy, in case of pulmonary diseases. Oxygen is also used in hyperbaric therapy and as vehicle in
the administration of medicines by nebulization or inhalation.

Medical nitrous oxide (N2O)

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.8-00

Nitrous oxide is used in medicine and in odontology as an analgesic gas and, when associated to other
anesthetic agents in anesthesia procedures, as an anesthetic of regular potency. It must not be
administered at high concentrations (above 79% v/v) to patients, due to the risk of hypoxia. Nitrous
oxide, in mixtures with different concentrations, is always diluted with medical oxygen. The main
applications of medical nitrous oxide are in inhalation anesthesia procedures, always along with other
volatile anesthetics, in odontology procedures as a mild analgesic, and as an assistant in the control
of stress level in patients.

Medical carbon dioxide (CO2)

Carbon dioxide is used in the medical area especially in endoscopic surgeries, where it works as an
insufflator, such as in exploratory laparoscopy, for example. In situations where the gas is mixed with
oxygen and nitrogen, an atmosphere close to physiological is produced, applied in the creation of
anaerobic and aerobic atmospheres, for microorganism cultures. Mixtures of carbon dioxide with
nitrogen, or with nitrogen and oxygen, or pure carbon dioxide gas are used for calibration of blood
analysis and pulmonary diffusion devices.

Medical air (synthetic and compressed)

Medical air (synthetic and compressed) is used as a source of fresh air in inhalation anesthetic
procedures and as ventilatory support to patients with respiratory failure of different origins and
clinical situations, associated or not to oxygen. It may be used for nebulization of patients, as a vehicle
for medicines in bronchial asthmatic episodes. In hyperbaric therapy, it is used as large chamber
filling gas, to create environments where patients are submitted to above-atmospheric pressures. It is
also used as gas for moving different types of pneumatic devices in Health Services.

Medical nitrogen (N2)

Medical nitrogen has application in the medical practice in gaseous state and in cryogenic liquid state.
In gaseous state, it is used as impulsion agent for pneumatic devices in orthopedic, neurological and
other surgeries. As a cryogenic liquid, it is used in processes for freezing blood derivatives, cells and
embryos, bone marrow and in the preservation of organs. It can also be used in surgical techniques
named cryosurgeries, for example, in surgical treatment of infectious dermatoses.

Mixture of compressed gas v/v with 50% N2O + 50% O2

With this mixture, the main goal is to reduce the stress level of the patient and, consequently, increase
the tolerance to pain. The mixture of compressed gas v/v 50% N2O + 50% O2 is used in analgesia
procedures, such as: orthopedic trauma; burns; esthetic and pediatric treatments. This mixture must
not be used in equipment and mixers for analgesia procedures, such as pure medical nitrous oxide or
pure medical oxygen.


Medical nitrogen (N2)

The fractional distillation process is started with the capture of atmospheric air in large volumes,
passing through two filters in air gas plants, named ASU – Air Separation Unit. The first filter, named
pre-filter, retains larger particles, while the second filter, of the pocket type, retains smaller particles.

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After being filtered, the atmospheric air is suctioned by the main compressor. This air, after
compression, is sent to the purification system, where contaminants, such as CO2, H2O, THC (Total
Hydrocarbon Content), are eliminated. After purification, the compressed air goes through the heat
exchanger, which is comprised of two stages, where it is cooled to low temperatures and sent to the
high-pressure distillation column. In the distillation column, the air is cooled at low temperatures,
allowing the separation of nitrogen in form of gas that goes up through separation trays and, when
reaching the top of the column, one part is recycled and the other enters the condenser. In it, on its
turn, one part returns to the reflux column, the other part is sent to the fixed liquid nitrogen cryogenic

Medical oxygen (O2)

For obtaining oxygen, a remaining part of the nitrogen distillation is used. Oxygen is transferred from
the high pressure column to the low pressure column, causing a new liquefaction. The liquid oxygen
obtained in the lower extremity of the low-pressure column, is sent to the fixed liquid oxygen
cryogenic tank. Basically, there are no residues in the separation process, even if one of the gases is
released to the atmosphere and will automatically reintegrate the air composition. Note: If the
atmospheric air distillation process continues, the next product to be obtained is argon.

Medical compressed air

Through liquefaction of atmospheric air. After being filtered, the atmospheric air is suctioned by
the main air compressor. The compressed air is sent to the purification system, where contaminants,
such as CO2, H2O, THC (Total Hydrocarbon Content), for example, are eliminated. After purification,
compressed air goes through the main heat exchanger, where it is cooled down to low temperatures.
Atmospheric air in cryogenic form is sent to suction by compressor. This air obtained after the
compressor outlet is used for packaging in medical compressed air cylinders.

Through compressors. Atmospheric air can be compressed through pumps and compressors. The
compressed atmospheric air is obtained from compressors where the atmospheric air is suctioned and
compressed. The suction points must be out of contaminated places, such as combustion sources,
vehicle exhaust pipes, hospital garbage, or environments with outlet discharge of air conditioning
ducts and other discharge points. It is necessary to invest in compressors, filters, dryers and other
equipment that will provide adequate quality to use.

Medical synthetic air

The process of manufacturing synthetic air for medicinal use is comprised of a binary mixture of
medical-grade oxygen and nitrogen. Oxygen is introduced in the cylinders and, then, nitrogen is
added. The introduction of nitrogen and then oxygen does not change or modify the final composition,
and its final concentration must be in compliance with the monograph on this compendium.

Medical nitrous oxide (N2O)

The manufacturing of medical nitrous oxide, also known as dinitrogen oxide, dinitrogen monoxide
or as laughing gas, occurs from the thermal decomposition of ammonium nitrate. Ammonium nitrate
is transported in two ways: in solid scales packaged in
natural fiber bags, or transported already in liquid form at temperature of 80 °C, in specific trucks.
Solid scales or the product in liquid form are transferred to reactors where the thermal decomposition

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.8-00

is held, occurring around 250 °C and, consequently, nitrous oxide and water are separated from the
other components, according to Equation 1.

NH4NO3 → N2O + 2 H2O + Components (Equation 1)

Nitrous oxide is purified with potassium permanganate, sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide. Purified
nitrous oxide is stored in fixed tanks from where they are transferred to tanker trucks, or then used
for packaging in cylinders, both targeted at final application.

Medical carbon dioxide (CO2)

The process for obtaining medical carbon dioxide, also known as carbon anhydride or carbonic gas,
can be executed from fermentation in sugar-alcohol industries, of from the combustion of materials,
or even as a byproduct of different chemical processes. According to the process for obtaining medical
carbon dioxide, there are different types of impurities, for example high content of hydrocarbons in a
combustion process and high content of nitrogen oxides in a fermentation process. The purification
of carbon dioxide for medicinal use is carried out during the acquisition process.

Mixture of compressed gas v/v of 50% N2O + 50% O2

It is a compressed, homogenized gas mixture, packaged under high pressure. The process for
manufacturing the binary mixture for medicinal use is carried out by adding medical oxygen to
medical nitrous oxide. Medical nitrous oxide is initially introduced into the cylinder, followed by the
addition of medical oxygen. Introducing medical oxygen and then medical nitrous oxide does not
change or modify the final composition, but the final pressure of the mixture will be reduced due to
the critical pressure of nitrous oxide.

Oxygen 93% v/v (O2)

Oxygen 93% v/v for hospital use can be obtained by an oxygen concentrator system (OCS). In this
system, the oxygen concentrator is installed in the Health Service facilities and allows oxygen
concentration by submitting atmospheric air to a molecular sieve under low pressure. The process
retains nitrogen from air, which will be discarded, and allows oxygen, at the nominal concentration
of 93% v/v, to cross the adsorbent bed (molecular sieve) as a product. For use in Health Services, it
is mandatory to monitor the concentration of oxygen (through oxygen analyzers) during the


For medicinal gases, there are several recommendations for appropriate handling, in order to ensure
safety in product use. There are specific recommendations that vary according to the type of
packaging and type of medicinal gas.

Cylinders for medicinal gases, for being a narrow and heavy cylindrical container, must always be
used in vertical position, duly fastened or over supports on their base. An exception is permitted to
cylinders targeted for transportation, which have lower dimensions and weights.

Medicinal gases packaged in cylinders are usually maintained under high pressure, requiring
additional care when opening the valve or connecting accessories. Medicinal gas may also be in liquid
form, usually in vacuum insulated cryogenic tanks. In this case, such gases may be at a cryogenic

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temperature below -185 °C. Gases packaged in this liquid form may burn skin and other body organs
when in direct contact.

Depending on the type of gas, they may be highly combustible, asphyxiating or toxic. It is
recommended that the environment for using medicinal gases has good natural ventilation or a good
ambient air renovation system.

All safety recommendations, concerning the adequate handling of medicinal gases, must be verified
in the Chemical Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), in safety labels and in the hazard symbols made
available by the manufacturers in compliance with requisites from Associação Brasileira de Normas
Técnicas – ABNT NBR 14725 – Chemical Products – information about health, safety and


Monographs on medicinal gases from the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia require the standards used for
analytical determinations to be certified reference materials (CRM), with stated metrological
traceability. These CRM are produced by metrology institutes from several countries or
organizations, Brazilian or from other countries, acknowledged as certified reference material
producers. In the absence of such CRM, other reference materials (RM) produced according to norms
and guides internationally known, such as ISO 17034 – General requirements for the competence of
reference material producers, can be used.


Medicinal gases are, for the most part, stored in cylinders under pressure or in cryogenic tanks.

Packaging or filling

Operation that allows storing medicinal gases in cylinders and medical cryogenic liquids in mobile
cryogenic tanks.

Cylinders for gases

They are usually made of metallic material, such as, for example, carbon steel or aluminum, without
seams or splices, and equipped with valves on top. Such valves may have connections with
differentiated threads for each type gas, to prevent the undue application of gas. The threads in these
connections have different diameters and steps, are internal or external, to the left or to the right to
minimize the possibility of connecting gases incompatible with the application.

Cylinders for gases have different sizes and support different levels of pressure, which determine the
capacity of storing gas in the compressed form. Usually, pure gas is stored in cylinders in a range
between 125 and 200 bar; however, this may vary in narrower or wider ranges for some specific
applications. In cylinders for gases, there may be medicinal gases in compressed form, under high
pressure, or in liquefied form, where the product is packaged as liquid and consumed in gaseous form.

The construction of cylinders follows the international norms DOT 3AA, DOT 3A and the Brazilian
norms ABNT EB 1199, ABNT EB 926 and others, offering safety to people who handle them
according to the correct safety procedures.

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Knowledge about the information stamped on the cylinder dome is also important, as registered on
Figure 1.

Handling cylinders with missing or incomplete information is extremely dangerous. In these

circumstances, the most indicated is to refer to the Chemical MSDS or to companies specialized in
the gas area to check the specific conditions for using the container.

Figure 1 – Information included on cylinder and valve.


(1) Valve; (1a) Valve handwheel; (1b) CGA connection; (1c) Safety device; (2) Cylinder cap; (3) Neck; (4) Cylinder
manufacturing specification; (5) Serial number; (6) Manufacturer’s DOT registration number; (7) Hydraulic capacity; (8)
Cylinder tare; (9) Manufacturer’s symbol; (10) Date of latest hydrostatic pressure test; (11) Certifier entity code; (12)
Manufacturing process; (13) Maximum service pressure

The valve is the least robust part of the set. For this reason, when the cylinder is not in use, it is
recommended to keep it with the cap or another protection device for protecting the valve in case the
cylinder falls or there are other unexpected events. On Figure 2 there is an example of a cylinder
valve used for medicinal gases.





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Figure 2 – Cylinder valve.

Cryogenic tanks

Cryogenic tanks store medicinal gases in liquid form at extremely low temperatures. These tanks are
comprised of two chambers, one inside the other, usually in carbon steel or stainless steel. These
chambers are insulated from each other by vacuum and specific coatings, to preserve the product
under cryogenic temperature. The goal of storing medicinal gas in liquid form is to increase its
autonomy, since the use for human treatments is always under gaseous form.

In some situations, medicinal gas is used in liquid for, such as, for example, for dripping nitrogen for
dermatological treatments or for storing liquid nitrogen for maintaining long-preservation biological

Cryogenic tanks can be of the fixed or stationary type. Fixed cryogenic tanks are installed in health
service centers and replenished with medicinal gases by tanker trucks. The replenishment of mobile
cryogenic tanks, with medicinal gases in liquid form, is not made in the Health Service center, because
they are replaced after consumption.

Safety device

Medicinal gases stored in the forms described earlier must be in equipment with safety devices that
allow relieving the gas pressure, if there is an increase above expected, thus avoiding serious
accidents. The relief or rupture pressure of these devices is calculated due to characteristics of the gas
and cylinder in question. Basically, there are four types of safety devices:

Fusible plug. Contains an alloy with low melting point that, in case of cylinder heating, allows the
passage of gas.

Rupture disc. It is a metallic disc calculated to break at a certain pressure and allow total depletion
of the cylinder or tank.

Rupture disc + fusible plug. Combination of the two previous devices;

Spring cage. Allows pressure relief and closes automatically when the cylinder or tank pressure


Medicinal gases, packaged in cylinders or mobile cryogenic tanks, are transported in trucks that
ensure good ventilation, to prevent gas confinements due to safety issues, in vertical position and
properly fastened, since the gas containers, in case of fall, may cause severe accidents.

Liquefied medicinal gases are transported in tanker trucks, which are comprised of two chambers,
one inside the other, insulated by vacuum and other coatings that ensure the maintenance of
temperature at cryogenic levels. With medicinal gases transported in this manner, the fixed cryogenic
tanks installed in heath service centers are supplied.

The transportation of medicinal gases must comply with rules on transportation of hazardous
chemical products, according to resolutions from ANTT – National Road Transportation Agency,
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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.8-00

since medicinal gases are also classified as hazardous chemical products and the delivery vehicles
must be appropriate and have the due safety identifications. Therefore, medicinal gases can only be
transported in duly suitable vehicles.

Some precautions that must be taken in the transportation of gas cylinders are listed below:
• when handling cylinders, hands and gloves must be maintained free from oil or grease;
• protect cylinders against shock. Do not let them fall and suffer impacts;
• always transport cylinders with the valve protection device;
• never use them as rolls or supports, even empty;
• do not lift or transport cylinders with steel cables adapted to the valve and/or cap;
• check, beforehand, if all valves are completely closed and if there are no leaks;
• disconnect from the cylinders all devices (regulators, hoses) before their transportation;
• all cylinders must be adequately fastened to the vehicles, always in vertical position.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition IG8.9-00




This chapter addresses topics related to determining the equilibrium solubility of active
pharmaceutical ingredient (API) by the method of orbital shaking in flasks (shake flask method). The
API solubility is one of the parameters used to determine its class according to the Biopharmaceutical
Classification System (BCS). With the information, the goal is to contribute for conducting assays
necessary for submitting the registration of a medicine considering the biowaiver, that is, the
possibility of waiving a pharmaceutical company from conducting an in vivo study on bioequivalence
or relative bioavailability. Information about the API solubility in dissolution media in the
physiological pH range contribute to the execution of assessment of risks inherent to the decision to
biowaiver using the BCS as criterion.

It is also worth highlighting that the technical and scientific aspects presented in this chapter are in
line with the ones adopted internationally, as well as with the technical regulation in force in Brazil
concerning the themes addressed. In this context, it is important to stress that the actions for
registration and post-registration of medicines are the responsibility of the relevant sanitary authority.


Biowaiver consists on waiving or replacing studies on relative bioavailability/bioequivalence with

tests in vitro related to solubility and permeability of the API and to its dissolution from the
immediate-release solid pharmaceutical form of oral use, in conditions established in advance
according to the BCS.


The BCS was proposed by Amidon et al in 1995 and consists of four classes according to
characteristics of solubility and permeability of the API (Box 1).

Box 1 – Biopharmaceutical classification system according to

Amidon et al, 1995.
Class Solubility Permeability
I High High
II Low High
III High Low
IV Low Low

An API is considered highly soluble when its higher dose administered orally as an immediate-release
pharmaceutical dosage form (maximum dose per administration described in the package insert) is

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completely dissolved in up to 250 mL of each of the buffer solutions used within the physiological
pH range (1.2 to 6.8), at (37 ± 1) °C. Active pharmaceutical ingredients of high permeability are those
which extension of absorption in humans is equal or superior to 85%.


The equilibrium solubility of an API is a type of dynamic balance that occurs when the API in solid
state is in equilibrium with its solution. It may be obtained by determining the concentration of API
in a saturated solution, after a certain time and by stirring.


In the context of biowaiver, according to the BCS, the method of orbital agitation in vial (shake flask
method) is established for determining the API solubility.

Shake flask method

In the method of orbital agitation in vial, better known as “shake flask”, the equilibrium solubility is
assessed through addition of excess of API to have its solubility determined in buffered aqueous
solutions with pH between 1.2 and 6.8. The API must be added to the aqueous solution and submitted
to agitation at controlled speed and temperatures. After achieving the equilibrium state of the
saturated solution, the equilibrium solubility can be determined. To confirm the equilibrium was
achieved between phases, the solubility must be constant in determinations made at consecutive
times. During the experiments, do not take aliquots of buffer solution that, when added, exceed 10%
of the total volume of the solution, because there may be dilution after the volume taken is
replenished. This procedure is necessary for maintaining the system hydrodynamics and the amount
of API above the saturation point.

For solubility studies, some rules must be followed: high purity of solvents; temperature maintained
at 37 °C throughout the experiment; the saturation must be achieved; and the method for
quantification of analyte in the saturated solution must be validated. Immediately after collecting the
aliquot of medium containing the analyte, the filtration is necessary, making sure that the API is not
adsorbed by the filtration system components.

For active pharmaceutical ingredients known to have high solubility (classes I and III from BCS), it
may be necessary to have a large amount of API to observe the formation of undissolved solid. In
these cases, to avoid using a large amount of API, it is acceptable to demonstrate that the maximum
dose of API per administration described in the package insert dissolves in up to 250 mL of the three
buffer solutions in the physiological pH range established.

Experimental part

Equipment: shaker with orbital movement, by bearings and eccentric shaft, with temperature control
adjusted to 37.0 °C and variation of no more than 1.0 °C.

Buffer solutions: for determining the equilibrium solubility, it is necessary to use: 0.1 M HCl solution
or simulated enzyme-free gastric fluid pH 1.2; 0.05 M acetate buffer solution pH 4.5 and phosphate
buffer solution pH 6.8 or simulated enzyme-free intestinal fluid pH 6.8 described on Reagents (14).
If the buffer solutions described are not adequate due to

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physical or chemical nature, other buffer solutions may be used maintaining the pH values specified,
provided that technically justified.


Definition of amount of API and time for the experiment (preliminary assay)

From the API solubility data available on literature, weigh an excess of no less than 10% in mass and
transfer to an Erlenmeyer flask containing the adequate volume of buffer solutions pH 1.2; 4.5 and
6.8. Check for the presence of undissolved solid.

In case of absence of solubility data in literature, weigh a sufficient amount to check for the presence
of undissolved solid. Homogenize and measure the pH value and, if there is a change in relation to
the pH value of the buffer solution without the API, use a solution which buffer capacity maintains
the pH value specified for the medium. Cover the Erlenmeyer flask and adapt it to the orbital shaker.

Adjust the temperature to (37.0 ± 1.0) °C and the agitation speed to between 50 and 150 rpm. The
agitation speed must be established according to the volume of medium, in order to favor the balance
between phases, but avoiding the formation of vortex. When taking aliquots and replenishing the
solution, prevent the sum of volumes replenished from exceeding 10% from the total medium. After
this procedure, filter the aliquot and quantify the API.

Determine the amount of API dissolved with time and plot a chart, which will present an ascending
line followed by a plateau, which will indicate the equilibrium between the API dissolved and the
saturated solution. The determination of solubility must be made in time and with the amount of API
used to reach the plateau defined in this assay. Measure the pH value of buffer solutions after defining
the time to achieve equilibrium.

Composition of system and determination of solubility

Weigh, accurately, at minimum in triplicate, for each pH condition to be assessed, an amount of API
no less than 10% above the mass determined during the preliminary assay and transfer to an
Erlenmeyer flask with an adequate volume of buffer solutions at pH 1.2; 4.5 and 6.8. Homogenize
and measure the pH value. Take an aliquot and quantify the API. Adapt the Erlenmeyer flasks to the
orbital shaker, adjust the temperature to (37.0 ± 1.0) °C and the agitation speed. Collect an aliquot of
the supernatant solution at the previously determined time, in which the balance was established.
Filter and quantify the API through a method previously validated and indicative of stability. Record
the pH of the solution at the end of the experiment. There must not be a variation superior to 0.1 unit
between the pH measured in the beginning and at the end of the test. The medium pH must not be
adjusted during the procedure, since it may displace the dissociation equilibrium, changing the


Determine the solubility in mg/mL. Calculate the relative standard deviation (RSD) between the
solubility results obtained. The RSD results must be of no more than 5% between replicates of each
assay condition.

For classification of API concerning solubility, according to the BCS, it is necessary to calculate the
ratio between the maximum dose API by single administration described on the package insert
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(em mg) and its solubility (in mg/mL). With results below or equal to 250 mL, the API is classified
as having high solubility. Results higher than 250 mL indicate that the API has low solubility.


The analytical method must be validated for quantification of API in the three mediums used. For
such, it is necessary to observe the suitability of results from the following validation parameters:
linearity, precision, accuracy, limit of quantification and selectivity. It is also necessary to confirm
that the method proposed is capable of quantifying the API regardless of possible degradation
products originated during the experiments.

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The use of microbiological assays is very important in the quality control for products and
pharmaceutical ingredients, since microbial contamination may cause changes to their physical and
chemical properties and affect the product quality and the consumer safety.

Despite being efficient, simple and having low cost, traditional microbiological assays present some
limitations, such as delayed result, low selectivity of culture medium, and variability of biological
response from microorganisms.

In the attempt to overcome the deficiencies presented in traditional tests, alternative microbiological
assays have been developed. These tests may provide an improvement in the quality of tests, higher
sensitivity and faster results, allowing corrective actions to be taken early.

There are major advantages with the application of these tests, but it is necessary to have adequate
understanding of their potential for application and a prior and judicious validation duly documented.

In alternative tests, there are specific principles and knowledge requiring adequate qualification from
the professionals who will apply them. When selecting the test, it is necessary to consider its
applicability and the compatibility with the product to be analyzed.

This chapter has the purpose of presenting the main alternative microbiological assays, their
applications and general criteria for validation. The intention is not to recommend the assay to be
used nor to present an exhaustive list, but to help in the selection and validation process.

The alternative microbiological tests may be grouped into quantitative, qualitative and identification.
Quantitative tests are those used when there is the goal of determining the amount of microorganisms
in a sample. With qualitative tests, the presence or absence of microorganisms is presented. On the
other hand, identification tests are used with the goal of characterizing the microorganism present.

Methods based on growth

The alternative microbiological methods based on growth technologies are different from
conventional methods since they use biochemical or physiological parameters or artifacts from them
for detection of microbial growth. One of the advantages of these methods in comparison with
traditional methods is the ability to process simultaneously a large number of samples and obtain
results in a lower time. Examples of alternative microbiological method based on growth

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Electrochemical methods Microorganisms that multiply in a specific culture medium produce highly
charged ionic metabolites, from weakly charged organic nutrients, leading to modification of
electrical properties of these media. Such changes in impedance (measured by conductance or
capacitance) are monitored with electrodes in contact with the culture medium. The measurable
endpoint is the necessary time to detect a change in the initial impedance, being inversely proportional
to the size of the inoculum. For molds and yeasts, which produce only small changes in electric
impedance, making an indirect conductance measurement is common, using a potassium hydroxide
reservoir. The direct capacitance measurement can also be made. The automated detection with
generation of electronic data and mapping of impedance variation reflects the microorganism growth
curve, allowing to reduce the test duration to 48 hours.

Bioluminescence. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is present in all living cells and its detection is an
indicator of the presence of viable microorganisms. The test consists of extracting ATP from
microbial cells, followed by the quantitative or qualitative test using the enzyme system
luciferin/luciferase, and measuring the light generated by a luminometer, or a camera with coupled
charging device The relative light (measured in relative light units – RLU) is directly proportional to
the amount of ATP present in the atmosphere and depends on factors such as sensitivity of reagents
and number of microorganisms present. In the case of a reduced number of microorganisms in the
sample, that is, less than 102 – 103, there may be the need for a system pre-incubation step. It may
also be necessary to enhance the sample preparation steps to reduce the presence of non-microbial
ATP, employing, for example, a sample pre-treatment with enzymes apyrase or somase. The ideal
extraction of ATP must be fast and active, in order to avoid its degradation, thus ensuring efficient
parameters of sensitivity and reproducibility. Since the reaction that generates bioluminescence is of
enzymatic nature, it is subjected to interferences from products that may inhibit or reduce the
enzymatic activity, and must be investigated during the process validation.

Detection of production or consumption of gas. The multiplication and metabolism of

microorganisms in specific culture media produce metabolites or eliminate specific nutrients. In this
sense, changes in gas compositions, such as production of CO2 or consumption of O2, may be
monitored and detected through colorimetric detection, fluorimetric detection, pressure transducers
or other types of detection. These systems are referred to as non-invasive microbial detection systems
and can accommodate a large number of samples.

Use of chromogenic substrates. Chromogenic substrates are frequently used to detect the presence
of specific enzymes in the identification of microorganisms, employing manual or automated
methods. Liquid or solid culture media with chromogenic substrates are used to reveal specific
enzyme activities for detection and differentiation of microorganisms. In these particular media,
substrates defined are introduced in the formulation and hydrolyzed by the specific cell enzyme of a
determined bacterium or fungus during growth. These substrates are selected according to the enzyme
activity and are related to the presence of colored indicators. These products allow better
differentiation of colonies in mixed cultures, being easy to use and interpret. Additionally, the
response time is lower, because the growth and identification of the microorganism are simultaneous.
However, the validation of culture media must be made carefully to guarantee a combination of
selectivity, specificity and robustness. The signal quality is based not only on the judicious selection
of enzymes to be assessed, because they may be present in different genera, but also in the
physicochemical characteristics of the medium, such as pH.

Methods based on direct viability measurement

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Methods based on direct viability measurement are fast and independent from microbial proliferation.
They are based on the use of colorants for biochemical components of microbial cells or fluorescence
obtained by enzyme cleavage of fluorogenic substrates in microorganisms with functional cell walls.

Solid phase cytometry. In solid phase cytometry, a fluorophore viability indicator is used, retained
in the cytoplasm of microorganisms with intact membrane. The conjugated non-fluorescent substrate
requires intracellular enzyme activity to be cleaved and release the fluorescent portion. An automatic
laser reader allows reading fluorescent cells and appropriate software programs allow the
differentiation between viable cells and fluorescent particles. The differentiation between viable and
non-viable cells is based on the presence or absence of esterase activity and in the intact cell
membrane. This technique uses membrane filtration to separate possible microbial contaminants from
filtrable samples and subsequent labeling of cells retained with the viability substrate. This is
hydrolyzed by non-specific esterase enzymes in the cytoplasm of metabolically active
microorganisms, releasing free fluorophore. Before labeling, a counterstain can be added to minimize
the background fluorescence, and a pre-incubation step may be necessary for activation of spores or
recovery of stressed or fastidious microorganisms. The filtering membrane is scanned by a laser
system from the cytometer and the fluorescent light is detected by photomultiplier cells.

Flow cytometry. The flow cytometry allows to detect microorganisms suspended in a liquid medium.
The labeling and detection mechanisms are similar to the solid phase cytometry, but the sample does
not need to be filtered. The microorganisms labeled by the non-fluorescent viability indicator can be
detected in suspension, when passing through a flow cytometer. The sample labeled is injected in a
quartz flow cell and passes through an excitatory laser beam for detection of microorganisms. The
flow cytometry also provides quick results, but is less sensitive than the solid phase cytometry. To
improve the performance, a prior step of incubation in culture medium can be conducted, which
would make the method based on growth.

Direct epifluorescence. In this method, as well as in solid phase cytometry, the samples are filtered
and stained with a fluorescent viability indicator, such as the acridine orange stain or 4’,6-diamidino-
2-phenylindole (DAPI). The microorganisms are detected by epifluorescence microscopy.
Epifluorescence allows the fast detection of microorganisms and its sensitivity depends on the filtered
volume and number of fields examined. Systems with image analysis increase the method usefulness.
The direct epifluorescent filter technique is applicable to liquid products and fluids with low viscosity,
and can also be applicable to particulate products diluted in advance. A modification of this method
employs sampling using adhesive sheet to collect surface cells, staining on the sheet and subsequent
direct observation in epifluorescence microscope.

Methods based on the analysis of cell components

They encompass methods on which the expression of some cell components provides the indirect
measure of microbial presence. There is a high degree of specificity and they allow quick results. A
high number of cells may be necessary.


Immunologic. With immunologic methods, microorganisms are detected and quantified through
antigen-antibody interaction. They are useful for the identification of specific microorganisms or
unique cell determinants. The antigen-antibody interaction may be related to phenomena

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of agglutination or endpoint visualization by colorimetry or fluorometry. There is great sensitivity

and specificity.

The ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) test is a labeling technique to indicate the
presence or absence of an antibody or antigen. In this technique, there is at least one antibody with
specificity for an antigen in particular. The sample with the antigen is immobilized in a solid support
(usually a polystyrene microtitration plate). After the antigen immobilization, the antibody connected
to an enzyme is added and forms a complex with the antigen. Then, an enzyme substrate is added,
producing a visible signal, usually by change of color, that indicates the presence of antigen in the

The immunologic methods depend on the unique expression of specific identifiers. Therefore, they
do not indicate necessarily the presence of microorganisms. Immunoassays are simple, cheap and can
be used for qualitative and quantitative analysis.

Fatty acid profile. The cellular fatty acid profile is unique and stable, with a high level of
homogeneity and reproducibility within a taxonomic group. The differentiation and identification of
a wide variety of microorganisms can be made through the amount and types of fatty acids extracted
from the microbial sample. Fatty acids from the ramified chain are common in many Gram-positive
bacterial, while Gram-negative bacteria are predominantly comprised of linear chain fatty acids. The
isolate is cultivated in a standard culture medium, and the use of cultures with 22 to 26 hours is
important, to ensure that the cells are in the exponential growth phase. Fatty acids are extracted by
saponification process, followed by methylation to convert them in the respective methyl ester
(FAME – Fatty Acid Methyl Ester), which is extracted from the aqueous phase by the use of organic
solvent, and the resulting extract is analyzed by high-resolution gas chromatography. The profile of
fatty acid methyl esters extracted from a sample is compared with known isolates in a database. This
technique requires a high level of standardization, including culture media, incubation temperature
and operation conditions.

Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy applied to

microbiology had a remarkable impulse in the past few years, considering the quickness and
simplicity of application of the technique. The infrared region can be comprised of three zones (NIR,
MIR and FIR) according to the wavelength. With the technique, the interaction between infrared
radiation and matter is studied.

When matter absorbs radiation in the infrared region, there are changes in the vibrational level of
chemical bonds. The wavelengths in which these transitions occur are characteristic to each functional
group. Thus, it is possible to elaborate tables that allow the identification of molecules in samples
which composition is unknown, with the construction of specific databases that allow the
identification of microorganisms. The microorganism researched must be isolated in a cultivation
medium, collected, analyzed in Fourier-transform infrared spectrometer and the spectrum obtained
must be compared with a database for identification.

Mass spectrometry. The mass spectrometry allows the determination and identification of chemical
structures through mass assessment and ionic charge. It is a technique that can be used in the analysis
of biomolecules and large organic molecules, such as DNA, proteins, peptides, sugars and polymers.

The MALDI-TOF (matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization – time of flight) is a matrix-assisted

laser desorption and ionization technique that irradiates crystallized biological samples associated to
chemical compounds. The ionized and accelerated molecules are launched in a tube under vacuum
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and without electric field, to measure their time of flight, proportional to the molecule’s molar mass,
to the detector. The MALDI-TOF technique is used for fast identification of microorganisms that are
treated as complex chemical entities. The microbial culture is placed on a plate well and covered with
solvent matrix. The plate is exposed to laser, causing desorption of ionized cell components, which
travel the tube toward the mass detector. The detection time differs for each molecule and the full
analysis of each microbial cell provides a mass spectrum from the macromolecules. The detector
signal is captured as a single fingerprint for each microorganism. The spectrum obtained is compared
in a database.

SELDI-TOF is a variation of MALDI-TOF where the culture sample is placed directly on a

chemically modified surface. In the mass spectrometry technique the microbial isolates require
culture before the analysis.

Biochemical assays based on physiological reactions. The microorganisms may be characterized

by biochemical reactions with certain chemical substances or by the use of specific sources of carbon.
The identification of the microorganism can be made by comparing the profile of biochemical
reactions with a database. The analysis can be conducted manually or employing specific equipment.

Preliminary differentiation tests, such as Gram staining, allow deciding for the adequate use of the
series of biochemical and/or enzymatic reactions. Usually, microbial suspensions are tested using
biochemical test kits. These assays require pure colonies with up to 3 days of cultivation. The system
is easy to operate, but the result interpretation may be subjective. The result can be quick, depending
on the system used and on the microorganism investigated.


Amplification of nucleic acids. The techniques that employ the amplification of nucleic acids may
allow the identification of microorganisms from the exponential increase of a specific fragment of
nucleic acid. Several methods can be employed in the analysis of fragments: size, specific sequence,
reamplification with a second pair of primer, or specific detection by hybridization with fluorescent
probe. The method selection must consider the purpose of the analysis. The use of DNA as marker
may detect non-viable microorganisms that also have DNA, while mRNA is quickly degraded in non-
viable microorganisms, being considered a good marker for viability.

Fingerprints. This technique characterizes and identifies microorganisms in subspecies level, using
fragments of restriction of nucleic acids from bacterial and fungal genomes. From a pure and lysed
culture, the DNA is extracted and fragmented by restriction enzymes. DNA fragments are separated
by size through electrophoresis, viewed and compared with standards obtained from known species.
Ribotyping is a typical example of this technique. There are also methods based on PCR fingerprint
with primers that bond to different sites of the microbial genome, creating amplified fragments with
a characteristic size distribution. For employing this technique, it is necessary to use pure colonies.


The main goal intended with this item is to provide general guidelines for validation of alternative
microbiological methods, to demonstrate the non-inferiority between this and the traditional method.

Before the formal validation, a critical assessment of the alternative method one wants to validate
must be made. Some aspects must be verified, such as the compatibility of the alternative method

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with the product and its suitability to routine. Additionally, it is necessary to assess the production
process to identify possible sources of microbial contamination and their microbiological profile. This
assessment must take into account, for example, microorganisms isolated from raw materials, control
in process or in the process development, environmental monitoring, as well as microorganisms of
slow growth and contaminant microorganisms common to the product, reported in literature. This
assessment will be important to determine the most adequate samples and identify the types and
number of microorganisms associated to the process, which must be addressed in the validation of
the new method. Regardless of the new method to be validated, the equipment, when used, including
computer hardware and software, must be qualified/validated according to Good Practices. Some
alternative methods depend on the use of database. The extension of coverage by this database must
be described in the goal intended with the validation. According to the nature of the microbiological
assay, the validation parameters follow Table 1.

Table 1 – Parameters for validation by microbiological test type.

Parameters Quantitative tests Qualitative tests Identification tests
Specificity Yes Yes Yes
Limit of detection Yes Yes No
Accuracy Yes No Yes
Precision Yes No Yes
Limit of quantification Yes No No
Linearity Yes No No
Interval Yes No No
Robustness Yes Yes Yes

Considering the intrinsic characteristics of microorganisms, the number of colony-forming units

(CFU) follows the Poisson distribution and, in this case, the Poisson statistical techniques are
adequate for quantitative tests. If the normal distribution is used, the prior transformation of raw data
is frequently necessary through adoption of a logarithm conversion or square root of the count +1.
The latter requires special attention when there is zero result. After the transformation, it is necessary
to apply a data normality assessment test.

The spectrum of microorganisms selected for validation of the alternative method and for
demonstration of non-inferiority in relation to the traditional method must be carefully justified. The
microorganisms described in general methods, specifically on items Microbiological assays for non-
sterile products (, Table 1, or Microbiological assays for sterile products (, Table 1,
are a reference to be followed. Additionally, it is recommended to use microbial isolates that are
recurrent to the sample tested.

In the validation of the non-inferiority method, the non-inferiority in relation to the traditional method
must be proven. With this attribute, the purpose is to demonstrate that the alternative method is not
less sensitive and is as effective as the traditional method, considering a tolerance margin established
in advance, named non-inferiority margin.

The non-inferiority of an alternative method (A) in relation to the traditional method (T) is established
from the construction of bilateral, CI 95%, or unilateral, IC 97.5%, confidence intervals, where the
upper limit for the difference T – A is smaller than the margin (M).

The null (H0) and alternative (H1) hypotheses, related to non-inferiority studies, are, respectively:

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H0: T – A ≥ M (the alternative method is inferior to the traditional method).

H1: T – A < M (the alternative method is not inferior to the traditional method).
Rejecting the null hypothesis above represents that the alternative method (A) is not inferior to the
traditional method (T).

In the demonstration of non-inferiority, the same types of products and the same microbial
suspensions used in the assessment of alternative method must be submitted to the traditional method.
However, it is necessary to pay attention to tests which sample contamination profile is zero. In these
cases, the demonstration of non-inferiority with the use of contaminated samples is more appropriate.
For qualitative tests, the demonstration of non-inferiority must be made for the parameter Limit of
Detection. For quantitative tests, the demonstration must be made for Limit of Detection, Limit of
Quantification, Accuracy and Precision. In the case of identification tests, the demonstration of non-
inferiority must be made for the parameters of Accuracy and Precision.



The specificity, in the context of non-selective microbiological methods, represents the method’s
capacity to promote a positive response for the different microorganisms one expects to be present in
a sample. When it comes to selective microbiological methods, the demonstration of specificity also
involves obtaining negative results for the microorganisms that are not of interest for the method. In
both cases, when it comes to methods which interpretation of result through direct reading of
microbial growth is not obtained, it is also necessary to demonstrate that components from the matrix,
contaminants or foreign materials are not capable of promoting false positive or false negative results.
For this parameter, it is important to test the highest possible number of microorganisms.

Limit of detection

The limit of detection is the lowest number of microorganisms in a sample that can be detected under
the experimental conditions established. It refers to the number of microorganisms present in the
original sample before any dilution or incubation.

The alternative method and the traditional method must be assessed using an inoculum with a low
concentration of microorganisms. The concentration of this inoculum must be adjusted along the
study so that at least 50% of the results obtained by the traditional method are positive. A minimum
number of five replicates must be used for each concentration selected.

The non-inferiority with the traditional method must be demonstrated through statistical comparison
of the number of positive and negative results obtained between the two methods. The Chi-squared
test can be used for this purpose. The limit of detection achieved must be compatible with the purpose
proposed for the method, such as, for example, there must be significant confidence for a method
proposed for sterility analysis to be capable of detecting 1 CFU in the sample to be tested.

Limit of quantification

The limit of quantification is the lowest number of microorganisms that can be determined with
precision and accuracy under the experimental conditions established. This parameter must be
determined with, at least, five concentrations within the work range for each microorganism and in

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five replicates for each concentration. Alternatively, results from linearity and accuracy can be used
and, in this case, the limit of quantification corresponds to the lowest concentration found in the


Accuracy represents the proximity of results obtained experimentally in relation to the results
expected for microbial dilution used or the ones obtained by the traditional method. Generally, it is
expressed as the percentage of recovery of microorganisms. The accuracy can be demonstrated by
employing microbial suspension with concentration in the upper limit of the work interval defined
for the method. From this suspension, serial dilutions must be prepared covering the entire work
range, which must be overlapped with the one from the traditional method. The original suspension
and its dilutions must comprise the different microbial concentrations. This parameter must be
determined with, at least, five concentrations within the work range for each microorganism and in
five replicates for each concentration. The percentage of recovery of the alternative method must be
located on (100 ± 30)%.

To demonstrate the non-inferiority, in the two methods, it is not necessary to obtain statistically equal
degrees of recovery. The verification that the results obtained with the alternative method meet the
acceptance criterion is sufficient most of the time. However, the results obtained with the alternative
method can be compared with results with the traditional method to determine which one is more
accurate. For this, the data normality must be verified through a statistical test for this purpose. Once
the data normality is found, the Snedecor F-test can be executed to verify the equality of variances.
If they are equal, the comparison of recovery averages can be made by Student’s t-test or by Analysis
of Variance (ANOVA).


Precision is the degree of concordance between individual test results when the procedure is applied
repeatedly in homogeneous suspensions of microorganisms including the work range. It is usually
expressed as the standard deviation or relative standard deviation (coefficient of variation) of the
results obtained. This parameter can be demonstrated by employing microbial suspension with a
defined concentration and, from it, serial dilutions must be prepared.

The precision must be determined with, at least, two concentrations, one located in the limit of
quantification and the other, in the limit of specification of the product for each microorganism and
in 10 replicates for each concentration. For assessment of intermediate precision, the experiment must
be repeated in a different work day.

For identification tests, the precision must be determined with 10 replicates in different work days.

In general, values lower than 30% for the coefficient of variation demonstrate an acceptable precision
for the methods. However, the non-inferiority between the alternative method and the traditional
method must be demonstrated through an appropriate statistical test.


Linearity is the method’s capacity to produce results that are proportional to the concentration of
microorganisms present in the sample within a certain interval.

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This parameter must be determined with, at least, five microbial concentrations for each
microorganism and in five replicates for each concentration.

It is necessary to be aware of limitations from existing methods, both for the alternative method and
for the traditional method, so that the concentrations used do not produce overlapped results.
Therefore, adjustments to the number of concentrations can be made if the work limit is restricted.

The linearity assessment can be conducted by calculating the square of the correlation coefficient, r2,
from a linear regression analysis of the data generated. Despite the fact that the correlation coefficient
does not provide an estimate of linearity, it is commonly applied to give an idea of relation. The
alternative method must not have a r2 value lower than 0.95.


The interval is the range between the lowest and the highest concentration of microorganisms that
have been determined with precision, accuracy and linearity following instructions in the method.
The interval is determined from precision, accuracy and linearity studies.


The robustness is the degree of reproducibility of results obtained in the test by analysis of the same
sample with variations of the normal test conditions, such as instruments, reagent lots and
laboratories. It enables establish the method feasibility under deliberate variations in operating

The selection of the alternative microbiological method requires knowledge about its scientific base
and must consider the purpose of the test and its compatibility with the product to be analyzed.
Guidelines/suggestions for applications of the methods available are listed on Table 2.

Table 2 – Main applications of alternative microbiological methods.

Methods Technology Applications
Growth Electrochemistry Microbiological assay of antibiotics;
antimicrobial efficacy test.
Detection of consumption or Sterility test.
production of gas
Bioluminescence Microbial count in raw materials, water and
products; environment monitoring; sterility
test; antimicrobial efficacy test.
Use of chromogenic substrates Microbial identification
Viability Solid phase cytometry Microbial count in raw materials, water and
products; environment monitoring; sterility
Flow cytometry Microbial count in raw materials, water and

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Methods Technology Applications

Direct epifluorescence Microbial count in raw materials, water and
products; environment monitoring.
Phenotypical Immunologic Analysis of bacterial endotoxins; microbial
Fatty acid profile Microbial identification.
Fourier-transform infrared Microbial identification
spectroscopy (FTIR)
Mass spectrometry Microbial identification
Biochemical assays based on Microbial identification
physiological reactions
Genotypic Amplification of nucleic acids Microbial identification.
Fingerprints Microbial identification.

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Table A.1 is recommended by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry – IUPAC,
2016. The atomic masses are based on the mass of 12C = 12.

Table A.1 – Chemical elements – names, symbols and atomic masses.

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition ANA-00

Table A.2 – Chemical elements ordered by atomic number.

Atomic Density at 20 Melting point Boiling point Year of
Name Symbol Atomic mass (A) Discoverer(s)
number (Z) °C (°C) (°C) discovery
1 Hydrogen H 1.00794 g/mol 0.084 g/L -259.1 °C -252.9 °C 1766 Cavendish
2 Helium He 4.002602 g/mol 0.17 g/L -272.2 °C -268.9 °C 1895 Ramsay and Cleve
3 Lithium Li 6.941 g/mol 0.53 g/cm3 180.5 °C 1317 °C 1817 Arfvedson
4 Beryllium Be 9.012182 g/mol 1.85 g/cm3 1278 °C 2970 °C 1797 Vauquelin
5 Boron B 10.811 g/mol 2.46 g/cm3 2300 °C 2550 °C 1808 Davy and Gay-Lussac
6 Carbon C 12.011 g/mol 3.51 g/cm3 3550 °C 4827 °C Pre-history Unknown
7 Nitrogen / (Azote) N 14.00674 g/mol 1.17 g/L 209.9 °C 195.8 °C 1772 Rutherford
8 Oxygen O 15.9994 g/mol 1.33 g/L 218.4 °C 182.9 °C 1774 Priestley and Scheele
9 Fluorine F 18.9984032 g/mol 1.58 g/L 219.6 °C 188.1 °C 1886 Moissan
10 Neon Ne 20.1797 g/mol 0.84 g/L 248.7 °C 246.1 °C 1898 Ramsay and Travers
11 Sodium Na 22.989768 g/mol 0.97 g/cm3 97.8 °C 892 °C 1807 Davy
12 Magnesium Mg 24.305 g/mol 1.74 g/cm3 648.8 °C 1107 °C 1755 Black
13 Aluminum Al 26.981539 g/mol 2.70 g/cm3 660.5 °C 2467 °C 1825 Oersted
14 Silicon Si 28.0855 g/mol 2.33 g/cm3 1410 °C 2355 °C 1824 Berzelius
15 Phosphorus P 30.973762 g/mol 1.82 g/cm3 44 (P4) °C 280 (P4) °C 1669 Brandt
16 Sulfur S 32.066 g/mol 2.06 g/cm3 113 °C 444.7 °C Pre-history Unknown
17 Chlorine Cl 35.4527 g/mol 2.95 g/L 34.6 °C 101 °C 1774 Scheele
18 Argon Ar 39.948 g/mol 1.66 g/L 189.4 °C 185.9 °C 1894 Ramsay and Rayleigh
19 Potassium K 39.0983 g/mol 0.86 g/cm3 63.7 °C 774 °C 1807 Davy
20 Calcium Ca 40.078 g/mol 1.54 g/cm3 839 °C 1487 °C 1808 Davy
21 Scandium Sc 44.95591 g/mol 2.99 g/cm3 1539 °C 2832 °C 1879 Nilson
22 Titanium Ti 47.88 g/mol 4.51 g/cm3 1660 °C 3260 °C 1791 Gregor and Klaproth
23 Vanadium V 50.9415 g/mol 6.09 g/cm3 1890 °C 3380 °C 1801 Del Rio
24 Chromium Cr 51.9961 g/mol 7.14 g/cm3 1857 °C 2482 °C 1797 Vauquelin
25 Manganese Mn 54.93805 g/mol 7.44 g/cm3 1244 °C 2097 °C 1774 Gahn
26 Iron Fe 55.847 g/mol 7.87 g/cm3 1535 °C 2750 °C Pre-history Unknown
27 Cobalt Co 58.9332 g/mol 8.89 g/cm3 1495 °C 2870 °C 1735 Brandt
28 Nickel Ni 58.69 g/mol 8.91 g/cm3 1453 °C 2732 °C 1751 Cronstedt
29 Copper Cu 63.546 g/mol 8.92 g/cm3 1083.5 °C 2595 °C Pre-history Unknown
30 Zinc Zn 65.39 g/mol 7.14 g/cm3 419.6 °C 907 °C Pre-history Unknown
31 Gallium Ga 69.723 g/mol 5.91 g/cm3 29.8 °C 2403 °C 1875 Lecoq de Boisbaudran
32 Germanium Ge 72.61 g/mol 5.32 g/cm3 937.4 °C 2830 °C 1886 Winkler

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Table A.2 (continued)

Atomic Density at 20 Melting point Boiling point Year of
Name Symbol Atomic mass (A) Discoverer(s)
number (Z) °C (°C) (°C) discovery
33 Arsenic As 74.92159 g/mol 5.72 g/cm3 613 °C 613 °C 1250 Albertus Magnus
34 Selenium Se 78.96 g/mol 4.82 g/cm3 217 °C 685 °C 1817 Berzelius
35 Bromine Br 79.904 g/mol 3.14 g/cm3 -7,3 °C 58.8 °C 1826 Balard
36 Krypton Kr 83.8 g/mol 3.48 g/L 156.6 °C 152.3 °C 1898 Ramsay and Travers
37 Rubidium Rb 85.4678 g/mol 1.53 g/cm3 39 °C 688 °C 1861 Bunsen and Kirchhoff
38 Strontium Sr 87.62 g/mol 2.63 g/cm3 769 °C 1384 °C 1790 Crawford
39 Yttrium Y 88.90585 g/mol 4.47 g/cm3 1523 °C 3337 °C 1794 Gadolin
40 Zirconium Zr 91.224 g/mol 6.51 g/cm3 1852 °C 4377 °C 1789 Klaproth
41 Niobium Nb 92.90638 g/mol 8.58 g/cm3 2468 °C 4927 °C 1801 Hatchet
42 Molybdenum Mo 95.94 g/mol 10.28 g/cm3 2617 °C 5560 °C 1778 Scheele
43 Technetium Tc 98.9063 g/mol 11.49 g/cm3 2172 °C 5030 °C 1937 Perrier and Segrè
44 Ruthenium Ru 101.07 g/mol 12.45 g/cm3 2310 °C 3900 °C 1844 Claus
45 Rhodium Rh 102.9055 g/mol 12.41 g/cm3 1966 °C 3727 °C 1803 Wollaston
46 Palladium Pd 106.42 g/mol 12.02 g/cm3 1552 °C 3140 °C 1803 Wollaston
47 Silver Ag 107.8682 g/mol 10.49 g/cm3 961.9 °C 2212 °C Pre-history Unknown
48 Cadmium Cd 112.411 g/mol 8.64 g/cm3 321 °C 765 °C 1817 Stromeyer and Hermann
49 Indium In 114.82 g/mol 7.31 g/cm3 156.2 °C 2080 °C 1863 Reich and Richter
50 Tin Sn 118.71 g/mol 7.29 g/cm3 232 °C 2270 °C Pre-history Unknown
51 Antimony Sb 121.75 g/mol 6.69 g/cm3 630.7 °C 1750 °C Pre-history Unknown
52 Tellurium Te 127.6 g/mol 6.25 g/cm3 449.6 °C 990 °C 1782 Von Reichenstein
53 Iodine I 128.90447 g/mol 4.94 g/cm3 113.5 °C 184.4 °C 1811 Courtois
54 Xenon Xe 131.29 g/mol 4.49 g/L 111.9 °C 107 °C 1898 Ramsay and Travers
55 Cesium Cs 132.90543 g/mol 1.90 g/cm3 28.4 °C 690 °C 1860 Kirchhoff and Bunsen
56 Barium Ba 137.327 g/mol 3.65 g/cm3 725 °C 1640 °C 1808 Davy
57 Lanthanum La 138.9055 g/mol 6.16 g/cm3 920 °C 3454 °C 1839 Mosander
58 Cerium Ce 140.115 g/mol 6.77 g/cm3 798 °C 3257 °C 1803 Von Hisinger and Berzelius
59 Praseodymium Pr 140.90765 g/mol 6.48 g/cm3 931 °C 3212 °C 1895 Von Welsbach
60 Neodymium Nd 144.24 g/mol 7.00 g/cm3 1010 °C 3127 °C 1895 Von Welsbach
61 Promethium Pm 146.9151 g/mol 7.22 g/cm3 1080 °C 2730 °C 1945 Marinsky and Glendenin
62 Samarium Sm 150.36 g/mol 7.54 g/cm3 1072 °C 1778 °C 1879 Lecoq de Boisbaudran
63 Europium Eu 151.965 g/mol 5.25 g/cm3 822 °C 1597 °C 1901 Demarçay
64 Gadolinium Gd 157.25 g/mol 7.89 g/cm3 1311 °C 3233 °C 1880 De Marignac

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Table A.2 (continued)

Atomic Density at 20 Melting point Boiling point Year of
Name Symbol Atomic mass (A) Discoverer(s)
number (Z) °C (°C) (°C) discovery
65 Terbium Tb 158.92534 g/mol 8.25 g/cm3 1360 °C 3041 °C 1843 Mosander
66 Dysprosium Dy 162.5 g/mol 8.56 g/cm3 1409 °C 2335 °C 1886 Lecoq de Boisbaudran
67 Holmium Ho 164.93032 g/mol 8.78 g/cm3 1470 °C 2720 °C 1878 Soret
68 Erbium Er 167.26 g/mol 9.05 g/cm3 1522 °C 2510 °C 1842 Mosander
69 Thulium Tm 168.93421 g/mol 9.32 g/cm3 1545 °C 1727 °C 1879 Cleve
70 Ytterbium Yb 173.04 g/mol 6.97 g/cm3 824 °C 1193 °C 1878 De Marignac
71 Lutetium Lu 174.967 g/mol 9.84 g/cm3 1656 °C 3315 °C 1907 Urbain
72 Hafnium Hf 178.49 g/mol 13.31 g/cm3 2150 °C 5400 °C 1923 Coster and von Hevesy
73 Tantalum Ta 180.9479 g/mol 16.68 g/cm3 2996 °C 5425 °C 1802 Ekeberg
74 Tungsten W 183.85 g/mol 19.26 g/cm3 3407 °C 5927 °C 1783 Gebrüder de Elhu
75 Rhenium Re 186.207 g/mol 21.03 g/cm3 3180 °C 5627 °C 1925 Noddack, Tacke and Berg
76 Osmium Os 190.2 g/mol 22.61 g/cm3 3045 °C 5027 °C 1803 Tenant
77 Iridium Ir 192.22 g/mol 22.65 g/cm3 2410 °C 4130 °C 1803 Tenant et al
78 Platinum Pt 195.08 g/mol 21.45 g/cm3 1772 °C 3827 °C 1557 Scaliger
79 Gold Au 196.96654 g/mol 19.32 g/cm3 1064.4 °C 2940 °C Pre-history Unknown
80 Mercury Hg 200.59 g/mol 13.55 g/cm3 -38.9 °C 356.6 °C Pre-history Unknown
81 Thallium Tl 204.3833 g/mol 11.85 g/cm3 303.6 °C 1457 °C 1861 Crookes
82 Lead Pb 207.2 g/mol 11.34 g/cm3 327.5 °C 1740 °C Pre-history Unknown
83 Bismuth Bi 208.98037 g/mol 9.80 g/cm3 271.4 °C 1560 °C 1540 Agricola
84 Polonium Po 208.9824 g/mol 9.20 g/cm3 254 °C 962 °C 1898 Marie and Pierre Curie
85 Astatine At 209.9871 g/mol 302 °C 337 °C 1940 Corson and MacKenzie
86 Radon Rn 222.0176 g/mol 9.23 g/L 71 °C 61.8 °C 1900 Dorn
87 Francium Fr 223.0197 g/mol 27 °C 677 °C 1939 Perey
88 Radium Ra 226.0254 g/mol 5.50 g/cm3 700 °C 1140 °C 1898 Marie and Pierre Curie
89 Actinium Ac 227.0278 g/mol 10.07 g/cm3 1047 °C 3197 °C 1899 Debierne
90 Thorium Th 232.0381 g/mol 11.72 g/cm3 1750 °C 4787 °C 1829 Berzelius
91 Protactinium Pa 231.0359 g/mol 15.37 g/cm3 1554 °C 4030 °C 1917 Soddy, Cranston and Hahn
92 Uranium U 238.0289 g/mol 18.97 g/cm3 1132.4 °C 3818 °C 1789 Klaproth
93 Neptunium Np 237.0482 g/mol 20.48 g/cm3 640 °C 3902 °C 1940 McMillan and Abelson
94 Plutonium Pu 244.0642 g/mol 19.74 g/cm3 641 °C 3327 °C 1940 Seaborg
95 Americium Am 243.0614 g/mol 13.67 g/cm3 994 °C 2607 °C 1944 Seaborg
96 Curium Cm 247.0703 g/mol 13.51 g/cm3 1340 °C 3110 °C 1944 Seaborg

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Table A.2 (conclusion)

Atomic Density at 20 Melting point Boiling point Year of
Name Symbol Atomic mass (A) Discoverer(s)
number (Z) °C (°C) (°C) discovery
97 Berkelium Bk 247.0703 g/mol 13.25 g/cm3 986 °C 1949 Seaborg
98 Californium Cf 251.0796 g/mol 15.1 g/cm3 900 °C 1950 Seaborg
99 Einsteinium Es 252.0829 g/mol 860 °C 1952 Seaborg
100 Fermium Fm 257.0951 g/mol 1527 °C 1952 Seaborg
101 Mendelevium Md 258.0986 g/mol 1955 Seaborg
102 Nobelium No 259.1009 g/mol 1958 Seaborg
103 Lawrencium Lr 260.1053 g/mol 1961 Ghiorso
104 Rutherfordium Rf 261.1087 g/mol 1964/69 Flerov and Ghiorso
105 Dubnium Db 262.1138 g/mol 1967/70 Flerov and Ghiorso
106 Seaborgium Sg 263.1182 g/mol 1974 Oganessian
107 Bohrium Bh 262.1229 g/mol 1976 Oganessian
108 Hassium Hs 265 g/mol 1984 Institute for
Heavy Ion
109 Meitnerium Mt 266 g/mol 1982 Institute for
Heavy Ion
110 Darmstadtium DS 269 g/mol 1994 Institute for
Heavy Ion
111 Roentgenium Rg 272 g/mol 1994 Institute for
Heavy Ion
112 Unumbium Uub 277 g/mol 1996 Institute for
Heavy Ion
113 Ununtrium Uut
114 Ununquadium Uuq
115 Ununpentium Uup
116 Ununhexium Uuh
117 Ununseptium Uus
118 Ununoctium Uuo

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Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition ANB-00



The international system has seven base units, used as a reference in all measurements and listed on
Table B.1

Table B.1 – The seven base units from the SI.

Quantity Unit Symbol Definition of unit
Length Meter m The meter is the distance traveled by light in the
l, h, r, x vacuum during a time interval of 1/299792458 of the
second. Thus, the speed of light in vacuum, c0, is
precisely equal to 299792458 m/s.
Mass kilogram kg It is equal the mass of the international prototype of
M kilogram, m (K), which is exactly equal to 1 kg.
Time second s The second is the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods
T of radiation, corresponding to the transition between
the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the
cesium133 atom and refers to the cesium atom at rest,
at a temperature of 0 K.
Electric current ampere A The ampere is the intensity of a constant electric
I, i current that, maintained in two parallel, straight
conductors, of infinite length, negligible circular
cross-section and positioned 1 meter apart, in
vacuum, would produce between those conductors a
force equal to 2 x 10-7 newton per meter of length.
Thermodynamic kelvin K Kelvin, a thermodynamic temperature unit, is the
Temperature fraction 1/273.16 of the thermodynamic temperature
T of the triple point of water. Thus, the temperature of
the triple point of water, Tptw, is exactly equal to
273.16 K.
Amount of substance mol mol 1. The mole is the amount of matter from a system
N that has as many elementary entities as there are
atoms in 0.012 kilogram of carbon 12.
2. When mole is used, the elementary entities must
be specified; they can be atoms, molecules, ions,
electrons, as well as other particles or specified
groupings of these particles.
Thus, the molar mass of carbon 12, M(12C), is
exactly equal to 12 g/mol. It refers to free atoms of
carbon 12, at rest and at their fundamental state.
Luminous intensity candela cd Candela is the luminous intensity in a given
Iv direction of a source that emits monochromatic
radiation with frequency 540 x 1012 hertz and which
radiant intensity in this direction is 1/683 watt per
Thus, the spectral luminous efficacy, K, of the
monochromatic radiation of frequency 540 x 1012
Hz is exactly equal to 683 lm/W.

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All other quantities are described as derived quantities and measured as derived units. Table B.2 lists
some of these derived quantities.

Table B.2 – Some derived quantities.

Derived quantities Representation Derived unit Symbol
area A square meter m2
volume v cubic meter m3
speed ν meter per second m/s
acceleration a meter per second squared m/s2
wave number σ, ν reciprocal meter m-1
specific mass ρ kilogram per cubic meter kg/m3
surface density ρA kilogram per square meter kg/m2
specific volume ν cubic meter per kilogram m3/kg
current density j ampere per square meter A/m2
magnetic field H ampere per meter A/m
concentration c mole per cubic meter mol/m3
mass density ρ, γ kilogram per cubic meter kg/m3
luminance Lv candela per square meter cd/c
refractive index n um 1
relative permeability µr um 1

Notice that the refractive index and the relative permeability are examples of dimensionless
quantities, for which the SI unit is the number 1 (one), although this unit is not written.

Some derived units receive a special name, which is simply a compact form of expression of
combination of base units that are frequently used. For example, joule, with the symbol J, is by
definition equal to m2 kg s-2. There currently are 22 special names for units approved for used on the
SI, and they are listed on Table B.3.

Table B.3 – Derived units with special name on SI.

Name of derived Expression in terms of
Derived quantities Unit symbol
unit other units
plane angle radian rad m/m = 1
solid angle steradian sr m2/m2 = 1
frequency Hertz Hz s-1
force newton N m kg s-2
pressure, stress pascal Pa N/m2 = m-1 kg s-2
energy, work, quantity of heat Joule J N m = m2 kg s-2
potency, radiant flux Watt W J/s = m2 kg s-3
electric charge, quantity of electricity coulomb C sA
electric potential difference Volt V W/A = m2 kg s-3 A-1
capacitance Farad F C/V = m-2 kg-1 s4 A2
electric resistance Ohm Ω V/A = m2 kg s-3 A-2
electric conductance siemens S A/V = m-2 kg-1 s3 A2
magnetic induction flux weber Wb V s = m2 kg s-2 A-1
magnetic induction Tesla T Wb/m2 = kg s-2 A-1

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Name of derived Expression in terms of

Derived quantities Unit symbol
unit other units
inductance Henry H Wb/A = m2 kg s-2 A-2
Celsius temperature degree Celsius °C K
luminous flux lumen lm cd sr = cd
illuminance Lux lx lm/m2 = m-2 cd
activity of a radionuclide becquerel Bq s-1
absorbed dose, specific energy (imparted), Gray Gy J/kg = m2 s-2
dose equivalent, ambient dose equivalent sievert Sv J/kg = m2 s-2
catalytic activity Katal kat s-1 mol

Although hertz and becquerel are equal to the inverse second, hertz is used only for cyclic phenomena,
and becquerel is used for stochastic processes in radioactive decay.

The Celsius temperature unit is degree Celsius, °C, which is equal in magnitude to kelvin, K, the
thermodynamic temperature unit. The Celsius temperature quantity t is related to the thermodynamic
temperature T by the equation t/oC = T/K – 273.15.

Sievert is also used for the quantities: directional dose equivalent and individual dose equivalent.

The final four special names of units on Table B.3 were adopted specifically to protect measurements
related to human health.

For each quantity, there is only one SI unit (although it may be frequently expressed in different
manners, by the use of special names). However, the same SI unit can be used to express values from
several different quantities (for example, the SI unit for the J/K ratio can be used to express both the
thermal capacity and the entropy values) Therefore, it is important to not use the unit alone to specify
the quantity. This applies both to scientific texts and to measurement instruments (that is, the output
reading of an instrument must indicate the quantity measured and the unit).

Dimensionless quantities, also known as dimension one quantities, are usually defined as the ratio
between two quantities of the same nature (for example, the refractive index is the ratio between two
speeds, and relative permeability is the ratio between the permeability of a dielectric medium and the
permeability of vacuum). Therefore, the unit of a dimensionless quantity is the ratio between two
identical units of the SI, and therefore it is always equal to (1). However, when expressing the values
of dimensionless quantities, the unit 1 (one) is not written.


A set of prefixes has been adopted for use with the SI units, in order to express the values of quantities
that are much higher or much lower than the SI unit used without a prefix. The SI prefixes are listed
on Table B.4. They can be used with any base unit and with derived units with special names.

Table B.4 – Multiples and submultiples from the SI – Prefixes and symbols.
Quantity Unit Symbol Relation with SI
Time Minute min 1 min = 60 s
Hour h 1 h = 3600 s
Day d 1 d = 86400 s

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Volume Liter L 1 L = 1 dm3

Mass Ton t 1 t = 1000 kg
Energy Electron volt eV 1 eV ~ 1.602 x 10-19 J
Pressure Bar bar 1 bar = 100 kPa = 750.064 mm Hg = 0.987 atm
millimeter of mercury mm Hg 1 mm Hg = 133.322 Pa = 10-3 bar = 10-3 atm
760 mm Hg = 1 atm = 1.013 bar = 101.324 kPa
Length Angstrom1 Å 1 Å = 10-10 m
nautical mile M 1 M = 1852 m
Force Dyne dyn 1 dyn = 10-5 N
Energy Erg erg 1 erg = 10-7 J

When prefixes are used, the prefix name and the unit name are combined to form a single word and,
similarly, the prefix symbol and the unit symbol are written without spaces, to form a single symbol
that can be raised to any power. For example, it is possible to write: kilometer, km; microvolt, μV;
femtosecond, fs; 50 V/cm = 50 V(10-2 m)-1 = 5000 V/m.

When the base units and the derived units are used without any prefix, the resulting set of units is
considered coherent. The use of a set of coherent units has technical advantages. However, the use of
prefixes is convenient because it avoids the need to employ 10n factors to express values of vary large
or very small quantities. For example, the length of a chemical bond is more conveniently expressed
in nanometers, nm, than in meters, m, and the distance between London and Paris is more
conveniently expressed in kilometers, km, than in meters, m.

Kilogram, kg, is an exception because, although it is a base unit, its name already includes a prefix,
for historical reasons. Multiples and submultiples of kilogram are written by combining prefix with
gram: it is written milligram, mg, not microkilogram, μkg.


SI is the only system of units acknowledged universally, so it has a distinct advantage when an
international dialogue is established. Other units, that is, the non-SI units, are usually defined in terms
of SI units. Using SI also simplifies teaching science. For all these reasons, employing SI units is
recommended in all fields of science and technology.

Although some non-SI units are still widely used, others, such as minute, time and day, as time units,
will always be used, because they are deeply ingrained in our culture. Others are used for historical
reasons, to meet the needs from groups with special interests, or because there isn’t a convenient SI

Scientists must have the freedom to use non-SI units if they consider them more adequate to their
purpose. However, when non-SI units are used, the factor of conversion to SI must always be
included. Some non-SI units are listed on Table B.5, with their factor of conversion to SI.

Table B.5 – Some non-SI units.

Quantity Unit Symbol Relation with SI
Time Minute min 1 min = 60 s
Hour h 1 h = 3600 s
Day d 1 d = 86400 s
Volume Liter L 1 L = 1 dm3

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Mass Ton t 1 t = 1000 kg

Energy Electron volt eV 1 eV ~ 1.602 x 10-19 J
Pressure Bar bar 1 bar = 100 kPa = 750.064 mm Hg = 0.987 atm
millimeter of mercury mm Hg 1 mm Hg = 133.322 Pa = 10-3 bar = 10-3 atm
760 mm Hg = 1 atm = 1.013 bar = 101.324 kPa
Length Angstrom1 Å 1 Å = 10-10 m
nautical mile M 1 M = 1852 m
Force Dyne dyn 1 dyn = 10-5 N
Energy Erg erg 1 erg = 10-7 J
The Houaiss Dictionary of Portuguese Language admits this word spelled without the symbol over the letter “a”.

The unit symbols start with an upper-case letter when the unit is named after a person (for example,
ampere, A; kelvin, K; hertz, Hz; coulomb, C). In the other cases, they always start with a lower-case
letter (for example, meter, m; second, s; mole, mol). The symbol for liter is an exception: the upper-
case letter is used to avoid confusion between the lower-case letter l and the number 1 (one). The
symbol for nautical mile is presented here as M; however, there is no general agreement around any
symbol for nautical mile.

Table B.6 lists other examples of units outside the SI and still being used, but which must be avoided.
When mentioned in a document, it is worth indicating their equivalence to a SI unit.

Table B.6 – Other examples of units outside the SI.

Name Symbol Value in SI unit Description
curie Ci 1 Ci = 3.7 x 1010 Bq Expresses the radionuclide activity.
roentgen R 1 R = 2.58 x 10-4 C/kg Expresses the exposure to X or γ
rad Rad or rd 1 rad = 1 cGy = 10-2 Gy Expresses the absorbed dose of
ionizing radiations.
rem rem 1 rem = 1 cSv = 10-2 Sv Expresses the dose equivalent in
radiation protection.
torr Torr 1 torr = (101 325/760) Pa Expresses pressure. Currently not
normal atmosphere atm 1 atm = 760 mm Expresses standard atmospheric
Hg = 1.013 bar = 101.324 kPa pressure. Currently not used.
calorie cal 1 cal = 4.18 J Expresses the amount of heat
(energy) necessary to increase from
14.5 °C to 15.5 °C the temperature
of 1 gram of water. Currently, it is
established that 1 Cal = 1000 cal = 1

The unit symbols are printed in roman (upright) font, regardless of the font used in the rest of the text.
They are mathematical entities, not abbreviations. They are never followed by a dot (except at the
end of a sentence) or an “s” to form the plural. It is mandatory to use the correct form for the unit
symbols, as illustrated by examples presented in the full publication by the SI. Sometimes, the unit
symbols may have more than one letter. They are written in lower-case letters, except the first letter
when they are named after a person, which is then written in upper-case. However, when a unit’s
name is written in full, it must start with a lower-case letter (except in the beginning of a sentence),
to differentiate the unit’s name from the person’s name.

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When writing the value of a quantity, as the product of a numeric value and a unit, both number and
unit must be treated by the ordinary algebra rules. For example, the equation T = 293 K can be also
written as T/K = 293. This procedure is described as the use of calculation of quantities, or algebra of
quantities. Sometimes, this notation is useful to identify the
header of table columns, or the denomination of chart axes, so that entries on the table or the
identification of points over the axes are simple numbers.

In the formation of products or quotient of units, the normal algebra rules apply. In the formation of
products of units, it is necessary to leave a space between the units (alternatively, it is possible to raise
a multiplication dot on half the row’s height).

In the formation of numbers, the decimal separator can be a dot or a comma, according to the
appropriate circumstances. For documents in English, the dot is usual, but in Brazil and form many
Continental Europe languages and in other countries, the comma is more commonly used.

When the number has many digits, it is usual to group them in blocks of three, before and after the
dot, to facilitate reading. This is not essential, but done frequently, and in general it is very useful.
When this is done, the three-digit groups must be separated by only one narrow space; a dot or a
comma must not be used between them. The uncertainty of the numeric value of a quantity may be
conveniently expressed, making evident the uncertainty of the last significant digits, between
parentheses, after the number. Example: 123 456.789 0

For additional information, please refer to the website of BIPM or the full
Publication of the SI, 8th edition, available on the website

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition ANC-00



Solvents for chromatography and their characteristics are listed on Table C.1.

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition ANC-00

Table C.1 – Solvents for chromatography and their properties.

Molecular Refractive Vapor
Polarity Boiling point Dielectric Dipole
Solvent Formula mass index pressure
index (°C) constant moment
(g/mol) nD20 (mbar 20 °C)
n-heptane - C7H16 100.21 1.388 98.4 48
n–hexane 0.0 C6H14 86.18 1.375 68.9 160 1.9 0
Cyclohexane 0.0 C6H12 84.16 1.427 80.7 104 2.0 0
Isooctane 0.4 C8H18 114.23 1.392 99.2 1.9
Carbon tetrachloride 1.7 CCl4 153.82 1.460 76.5 120 2.2 0
Toluene 2.3 C6H5CH3 92.14 1.496 110.6 29 2.4 0.36
Chloroform 4.4 CHCl3 119.38 1.446 61.7 210 4.8 1.01
Dichloroethane 3.7 ClCH2CH2Cl 98.96 1.445 83.5 87 10.6
Methylene chloride 3.4 CH2Cl2 84.93 1.424 40.0 453 9.1 1.60
1-Butanol 3.9 CH3(CH2)3OH 74.12 1.399 117.2 17.8 1.66
Acetonitrile 6.2 CH3CN 41.05 1.344 81.6 37.5 3.92
2-Propanol 4.3 CH3CH(OH)CH3 60.11 1.378 82.4 43 18.3 1.66
Ethyl acetate 4.3 CH3COOC2H5 88.12 1.372 77.1 97 6.0 1.78
Acetone 5.4 CH3COCH3 58.08 1.359 56.2 233 20.7 2.88
Ethanol 5.2 C2H5OH 46.07 1.361 78.5 59 24.3 1.70
1,4-Dioxane 4.8 C4H8O2 88.11 1.422 101.0 41 2.2
Tetrahydrofuran 4.2 C4H8O 72.11 1.405 67.0 200 7.4 1.63
Methanol 6.6 CH3OH 32.04 1.329 65.0 128 32.6 1.70
Water 9.0 H2O 18.01 1.333 100.0 23 80.2 1.85

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition AND-00


Table D.1 – Alcoholometric table (20 °C).

% v/v % w/w ρ20 (kg/m3) d (g/cm3)
0.0 0.0 998.20 0.999997
0.1 0.08 998.05 0.999846
0.2 0.16 997.90 0.999696
0.3 0.24 997.75 0.999546
0.4 0.32 997.59 0.999386
0.5 0.40 997.44 0.999235
0.6 0.47 997.29 0.999085
0.7 0.55 997.14 0.998935
0.8 0.63 996.99 0.998785
0.9 0.71 996.85 0.998644

1.0 0.79 996.70 0.998494

1.1 0.87 996.55 0.998344
1.2 0.95 996.40 0.998194
1.3 1.03 996.25 0.998043
1.4 1.11 996.11 0.997903
1.5 1.19 995.96 0.997753
1.6 1.27 995.81 0.997602
1.7 1.35 995.67 0.997462
1.8 1.43 995.52 0.997312
1.9 1.51 995.38 0.997172

2.0 1.59 995.23 0.997021

2.1 1.67 995.09 0.996881
2.2 1.75 994.94 0.996731
2.3 1.82 994.80 0.996591
2.4 1.90 994.66 0.996450
2.5 1.98 994.51 0.996300
2.6 2.06 994.37 0.996160
2.7 2.14 994.23 0.996020
2.8 2.22 994.09 0.995879
2.9 2.30 993.95 0.995739

3.0 2.38 993.81 0.995599

3.1 2.46 993.66 0.995449
3.2 2.54 993.52 0.995308
3.3 2.62 993.38 0.995168
3.4 2.70 993.24 0.995028
3.5 2.78 993.11 0.994898
3.6 2.86 992.97 0.994757
3.7 2.94 992.83 0.994617
3.8 3.02 992.69 0.994477
3.9 3.10 992.55 0.994337

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition AND-00

% v/v % w/w ρ20 (kg/m3) d (g/cm3)

4.0 3.18 992.41 0.994196

4.1 3.26 992.28 0.994066
4.2 3.34 992.14 0.993926
4.3 3.42 992.00 0.993786
4.4 3.50 991.87 0.993655
4.5 3.58 991.73 0.993515
4.6 3.66 991.59 0.993375
4.7 3.74 991.46 0.993245
4.8 3.82 991.32 0.993104
4.9 3.90 991.19 0.992974

5.0 3.98 991.06 0.992844

5.1 4.06 990.92 0.992704
5.2 4.14 990.79 0.992573
5.3 4.22 990.65 0.992433
5.4 4.30 990.52 0.992303
5.5 4.38 990.39 0.992173
5.6 4.46 990.26 0.992042
5.7 4.54 990.12 0.991902
5.8 4.62 989.99 0.991772
5.9 4.70 989.86 0.991642

6.0 4.78 989.73 0.991512

6.1 4.87 989.60 0.991381
6.2 4.95 989.47 0.991251
6.3 5.03 989.34 0.991121
6.4 5.11 989.21 0.990991
6.5 5.19 989.08 0.990860
6.6 5.27 988.95 0.990730
6.7 5.35 988.82 0.990600
6.8 5.43 988.69 0.990470
6.9 5.51 988.56 0.990339

7.0 5.59 988.43 0.990209

7.1 5.67 988.30 0.990079
7.2 5.75 988.18 0.989959
7.3 5.83 988.05 0.989828
7.4 5.91 987.92 0.989698
7.5 5.99 987.79 0.989568
7.6 6.07 987.67 0.989448
7.7 6.15 987.54 0.989318
7.8 6.23 987.42 0.989197
7.9 6.32 987.29 0.989067

8.0 6.40 987.16 0.988937

8.1 6.48 987.04 0.988817
8.2 6.56 986.91 0.988686
8.3 6.64 986.79 0.988566
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition AND-00

% v/v % w/w ρ20 (kg/m3) d (g/cm3)

8.4 6.72 986.66 0.988436
8.5 6.80 986.54 0.988316
8.6 6.88 986.42 0.988196
8.7 6.96 986.29 0.988065
8.8 7.04 986.17 0.987945
8.9 7.12 986.05 0.987825

9.0 7.20 985.92 0.987695

9.1 7.29 985.80 0.987574
9.2 7.37 985.68 0.987454
9.3 7.45 985.56 0.987334
9.4 7.53 985.44 0.987214
9.5 7.61 985.31 0.987084
9.6 7.69 985.19 0.986963
9.7 7.77 985.07 0.986843
9.8 7.85 984.95 0.986723
9.9 7.93 984.83 0.986603

10.0 8.01 984.71 0.986482

10.1 8.10 984.59 0.986362
10.2 8.18 984.47 0.986242
10.3 8.26 984.35 0.986122
10.4 8.34 984.23 0.986002
10.5 8.42 984.11 0.985881
10.6 8.50 983.99 0.985761
10.7 8.58 983.88 0.985651
10.8 8.66 983.76 0.985531
10.9 8.75 983.64 0.985411

11.0 8.83 983.52 0.985290

11.1 8.91 983.40 0.985170
11.2 8.99 983.29 0.985060
11.3 9.07 983.17 0.984940
11.4 9.15 983.05 0.984819
11.5 9.23 982.94 0.984709
11.6 9.32 982.82 0.984589
11.7 9.40 982.70 0.984469
11.8 9.48 982.59 0.984359
11.9 9.56 982.47 0.984238

12.0 9.64 982.35 0.984118

12.1 9.72 982.24 0.984008
12.2 9.80 982.12 0.983888
12.3 9.89 982.01 0.983778
12.4 9.97 981.89 0.983657
12.5 10.05 981.78 0.983547
12.6 10.13 981.67 0.983437
12.7 10.21 981.55 0.983317
12.8 10.29 981.44 0.983207
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition AND-00

% v/v % w/w ρ20 (kg/m3) d (g/cm3)

12.9 10.37 981.32 0.983086

13.0 10.46 981.21 0.982976

13.1 10.54 981.10 0.982866
13.2 10.62 980.98 0.982746
13.3 10.70 980.87 0.982636
13.4 10.78 980.76 0.982525
13.5 10.87 980.64 0.982405
13.6 10.95 980.53 0.982295
13.7 11.03 980.42 0.982185
13.8 11.11 980.31 0.982075
13.9 11.19 980.19 0.981954

14.0 11.27 980.08 0.981844

14.1 11.36 979.97 0.981734
14.2 11.44 979.86 0.981624
14.3 11.52 979.75 0.981514
14.4 11.60 979.64 0.981403
14.5 11.68 979.52 0.981283
14.6 11.77 979.41 0.981173
14.7 11.85 979.30 0.981063
14.8 11.93 979.19 0.980953
14.9 12.01 979.08 0.980842

15.0 12.09 978.97 0.980732

15.1 12.17 978.86 0.980622
15.2 12.26 978.75 0.980512
15.3 12.34 978.64 0.980402
15.4 12.42 978.53 0.980291
15.5 12.50 978.42 0.980181
15.6 12.59 978.31 0.980071
15.7 12.67 978.20 0.979961
15.8 12.75 978.09 0.979851
15.9 12.83 977.98 0.979740

16.0 12.91 977.87 0.979630

16.1 13.00 977.76 0.979520
16.2 13.08 977.65 0.979410
16.3 13.16 977.55 0.979310
16.4 13.24 977.44 0.979199
16.5 13.32 977.33 0.979089
16.6 13.41 977.22 0.978979
16.7 13.49 977.11 0.978869
16.8 13.57 977.00 0.978759
16.9 13.65 976.89 0.978648

17.0 13.74 976.79 0.978548

17.1 13.82 976.68 0.978438
17.2 13.90 976.57 0.978328
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition AND-00

% v/v % w/w ρ20 (kg/m3) d (g/cm3)

17.3 13.98 976.46 0.978218
17.4 14.07 976.35 0.978107
17.5 14.15 976.25 0.978007
17.6 14.23 976.14 0.977897
17.7 14.31 976.03 0.977787
17.8 14.40 975.92 0.977677
17.9 14.48 975.81 0.977566

18.0 14.56 975.71 0.977466

18.1 14.64 975.60 0.977356
18.2 14.73 975.49 0.977246
18.3 14.81 975.38 0.977136
18.4 14.89 975.28 0.977036
18.5 14.97 975.17 0.976925
18.6 15.06 975.06 0.976815
18.7 15.14 974.95 0.976705
18.8 15.22 974.85 0.976605
18.9 15.30 974.74 0.976495

19.0 15.39 974.63 0.976384

19.1 15.47 974.52 0.976274
19.2 15.55 974.42 0.976174
19.3 15.63 974.31 0.976064
19.4 15.72 974.20 0.975954
19.5 15.80 974.09 0.975843
19.6 15.88 973.99 0.975743
19.7 15.97 973.88 0.975633
19.8 16.05 973.77 0.975523
19.9 16.13 973.66 0.975413

20.0 16.21 973.56 0.975312

20.1 16.30 973.45 0.975202
20.2 16.38 973.34 0.975092
20.3 16.46 973.24 0.974992
20.4 16.55 973.13 0.974882
20.5 16.63 973.02 0.974771
20.6 16.71 972.91 0.974661
20.7 16.79 972.80 0.974551
20.8 16.88 972.70 0.974451
20.9 16.96 972.59 0.974341

21.0 17.04 972.48 0.974230

21.1 17.13 972.37 0.974120
21.2 17.21 972.26 0.974010
21.3 17.29 972.16 0.973910
21.4 17.38 972.05 0.973800
21.5 17.46 971.94 0.973689
21.6 17.54 971.83 0.973579
21.7 17.63 971.73 0.973479
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition AND-00

% v/v % w/w ρ20 (kg/m3) d (g/cm3)

21.8 17.71 971.62 0.973369
21.9 17.79 971.51 0.973259

22.0 17.87 971.40 0.973149

22.1 17.96 971.29 0.973038
22.2 18.04 971.18 0.972928
22.3 18.12 971.08 0.972828
22.4 18.21 970.97 0.972718
22.5 18.29 970.86 0.972608
22.6 18.37 970.75 0.972497
22.7 18.46 970.64 0.972387
22.8 18.54 970.53 0.972277
22.9 18.62 970.42 0.972167

23.0 18.71 970.31 0.972057

23.1 18.79 970.20 0.971946
23.2 18.87 970.09 0.971836
23.3 18.96 969.98 0.971726
23.4 19.04 969.87 0.971616
23.5 19.13 969.76 0.971506
23.6 19.21 969.65 0.971395
23.7 19.29 969.54 0.971285
23.8 19.38 969.43 0.971175
23.9 19.46 969.32 0.971065

24.0 19.54 969.21 0.970955

24.1 19.63 969.10 0.970844
24.2 19.71 968.99 0.970734
24.3 19.79 968.88 0.970624
24.4 19.88 968.77 0.970514
24.5 19.96 968.66 0.970404
24.6 20.05 968.55 0.970293
24.7 20.13 968.43 0.970173
24.8 20.21 968.32 0.970063
24.9 20.30 968.21 0.969953

25.0 20.38 968.10 0.969843

25.1 20.47 967.99 0.969732
25.2 20.55 967.87 0.969612
25.3 20.63 967.76 0.969502
25.4 20.72 967.65 0.969392
25.5 20.80 967.53 0.969272
25.6 20.89 967.42 0.969161
25.7 20.97 967.31 0.969051
25.8 21.05 967.19 0.968931
25.9 21.14 967.08 0.968821

26.0 21.22 966.97 0.968711

26.1 21.31 966.85 0.968590
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition AND-00

% v/v % w/w ρ20 (kg/m3) d (g/cm3)

26.2 21.39 966.74 0.968480
26.3 21.47 966.62 0.968360
26.4 21.56 966.51 0.968250
26.5 21.64 966.39 0.968130
26.6 21.73 966.28 0.968019
26.7 21.81 966.16 0.967899
26.8 21.90 966.05 0.967789
26.9 21.98 965.93 0.967669

27.0 22.06 965.81 0.967548

27.1 22.15 965.70 0.967438
27.2 22.23 965.58 0.967318
27.3 22.32 965.46 0.967198
27.4 22.40 965.35 0.967088
27.5 22.49 965.23 0.966967
27.6 22.57 965.11 0.966847
27.7 22.65 964.99 0.966727
27.8 22.74 964.88 0.966617
27.9 22.82 964.76 0.966497

28.0 22.91 964.64 0.966376

28.1 22.99 964.52 0.966256
28.2 23.08 964.40 0.966136
28.3 23.16 964.28 0.966016
28.4 23.25 964.16 0.965895
28.5 23.33 964.04 0.965775
28.6 23.42 963.92 0.965655
28.7 23.50 963.80 0.965535
28.8 23.59 963.68 0.965415
28.9 23.67 963.56 0.965294

29.0 23.76 963.44 0.965174

29.1 23.84 963.32 0.965054
29.2 23.93 963.20 0.964934
29.3 24.01 963.07 0.964804
29.4 24.10 962.95 0.964683
29.5 24.18 962.83 0.964563
29.6 24.27 962.71 0.964443
29.7 24.35 962.58 0.964313
29.8 24.44 962.46 0.964192
29.9 24.52 962.33 0.964062

30.0 24.61 962.21 0.963942

30.1 24.69 962.09 0.963822
30.2 24.78 961.96 0.963692
30.3 24.86 961.84 0.963571
30.4 24.95 961.71 0.963441
30.5 25.03 961.59 0.963321
30.6 25.12 961.46 0.963191
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition AND-00

% v/v % w/w ρ20 (kg/m3) d (g/cm3)

30.7 25.20 961.33 0.963060
30.8 25.29 961.21 0.962940
30.9 25.38 961.08 0.962810

31.0 25.46 960.95 0.962680

31.1 25.55 960.82 0.962549
31.2 25.63 960.70 0.962429
31.3 25.72 960.57 0.962299
31.4 25.80 960.44 0.962169
31.5 25.89 960.31 0.962039
31.6 25.97 960.18 0.961908
31.7 26.06 960.05 0.961778
31.8 26.15 959.92 0.961648
31.9 26.23 959.79 0.961518

32.0 26.32 959.66 0.961387

32.1 26.40 959.53 0.961257
32.2 26.49 959.40 0.961127
32.3 26.57 959.27 0.960997
32.4 26.66 959.14 0.960866
32.5 26.75 959.01 0.960736
32.6 26.83 958.87 0.960596
32.7 26.92 958.74 0.960466
32.8 27.00 958.61 0.960335
32.9 27.09 958.47 0.960195

33.0 27.18 958.34 0.960065

33.1 27.26 958.20 0.959925
33.2 27.35 958.07 0.959795
33.3 27.44 957.94 0.959664
33.4 27.52 957.80 0.959524
33.5 27.61 957.66 0.959384
33.6 27.69 957.53 0.959254
33.7 27.78 957.39 0.959113
33.8 27.87 957.26 0.958983
33.9 27.95 957.12 0.958843

34.0 28.04 956.98 0.958703

34.1 28.13 956.84 0.958562
34.2 28.21 956.70 0.958422
34.3 28.30 956.57 0.958292
34.4 28.39 956.43 0.958152
34.5 28.47 956.29 0.958011
34.6 28.56 956.15 0.957871
34.7 28.65 956.01 0.957731
34.8 28.73 955.87 0.957591
34.9 28.82 955.73 0.957450

35.0 28.91 955.59 0.957310

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition AND-00

% v/v % w/w ρ20 (kg/m3) d (g/cm3)

35.1 28.99 955.45 0.957170
35.2 29.08 955.30 0.957020
35.3 29.17 955.16 0.956879
35.4 29.26 955.02 0.956739
35.5 29.34 954.88 0.956599
35.6 29.43 954.73 0.956449
35.7 29.52 954.59 0.956308
35.8 29.60 954.44 0.956158
35.9 29.69 954.30 0.956018

36.0 29.78 954.15 0.955867

36.1 29.87 954.01 0.955727
36.2 29.95 953.86 0.955577
36.3 30.04 953.72 0.955437
36.4 30.13 953.57 0.955286
36.5 30.22 953.42 0.955136
36.6 30.30 953.28 0.954996
36.7 30.39 953.13 0.954846
36.8 30.48 952.98 0.954695
36.9 30.56 952.83 0.954545

37.0 30.65 952.69 0.954405

37.1 30.74 952.54 0.954255
37.2 30.83 952.39 0.954104
37.3 30.92 952.24 0.953954
37.4 31.00 952.09 0.953804
37.5 31.09 951.94 0.953653
37.6 31.18 951.79 0.953503
37.7 31.27 951.63 0.953343
37.8 31.35 951.48 0.953193
37.9 31.44 951.33 0.953042

38.0 31.53 951.18 0.952892

38.1 31.62 951.02 0.952732
38.2 31.71 950.87 0.952582
38.3 31.79 950.72 0.952431
38.4 31.88 950.56 0.952271
38.5 31.97 950.41 0.952121
38.6 32.06 950.25 0.951960
38.7 32.15 950.10 0.951810
38.8 32.24 949.94 0.951650
38.9 32.32 949.79 0.951500

39.0 32.41 949.63 0.951339

39.1 32.50 949.47 0.951179
39.2 32.59 949.32 0.951029
39.3 32.68 949.16 0.950868
39.4 32.77 949.00 0.950708
39.5 32.86 948.84 0.950548
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition AND-00

% v/v % w/w ρ20 (kg/m3) d (g/cm3)

39.6 32.94 948.68 0.950388
39.7 33.03 948.52 0.950227
39.8 33.12 948.37 0.950077
39.9 33.21 948.21 0.949917

40.0 33.30 948.05 0.949756

40.1 33.39 947.88 0.949586
40.2 33.48 947.72 0.949426
40.3 33.57 947.56 0.949266
40.4 33.66 947.40 0.949105
40.5 33.74 947.24 0.948945
40.6 33.83 947.08 0.948785
40.7 33.92 946.91 0.948614
40.8 34.01 946.75 0.948454
40.9 34.10 946.58 0.948284

41.0 34.19 946.42 0.948124

41.1 34.28 946.26 0.947963
41.2 34.37 946.09 0.947793
41.3. 34.46 945.93 0.947633
41.4 34.55 945.76 0.947462
41.5 34.64 945.59 0.947292
41.6 34.73 945.43 0.947132
41.7 34.82 945.26 0.946961
41.8 34.91 945.09 0.946791
41.9 35.00 944.93 0.946631

42.0 35.09 944.76 0.946461

42.1 35.18 944.59 0.946290
42.2 35.27 944.42 0.946120
42.3 35.36 944.25 0.945950
42.4 35.45 944.08 0.945779
42.5 35.54 943.91 0.945609
42.6 35.63 943.74 0.945439
42.7 35.72 943.57 0.945268
42.8 35.81 943.40 0.945098
42.9 35.90 943.23 0.944928

43.0 35.99 943.06 0.944758

43.1 36.08 942.88 0.944577
43.2 36.17 942.71 0.944407
43.3 36.26 942.54 0.944237
43.4 36.35 942.37 0.944066
43.5 36.44 942.19 0.943886
43.6 36.53 942.02 0.943716
43.7 36.62 941.84 0.943535
43.8 36.71 941.67 0.943365
43.9 36.80 941.49 0.943185

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition AND-00

% v/v % w/w ρ20 (kg/m3) d (g/cm3)

44.0 36.89 941.32 0.943014
44.1 36.98 941.14 0.942834
44.2 37.07 940.97 0.942664
44.3 37.16 940.79 0.942483
44.4 37.25 940.61 0.942303
44.5 37.35 940.43 0.942123
44.6 37.44 940.26 0.941952
44.7 37.53 940.08 0.941772
44.8 37.62 939.90 0.941592
44.9 37.71 939.72 0.941411

45.0 37.80 939.54 0.941231

45.1 37.89 939.36 0.941051
45.2 37.98 939.18 0.940871
45.3 38.08 939.00 0.940690
45.4 38.17 938.82 0.940510
45.5 38.26 938.64 0.940330
45.6 38.35 938.46 0.940149
45.7 38.44 938.28 0.939969
45.8 38.53 938.10 0.939789
45.9 38.62 937.91 0.939598

46.0 38.72 937.73 0.939418

46.1 38.81 937.55 0.939238
46.2 38.90 937.36 0.939047
46.3 38.99 937.18 0.938867
46.4 39.08 937.00 0.938687
46.5 39.18 936.81 0.938496
46.6 39.27 936.63 0.938316
46.7 39.36 936.44 0.938126
46.8 39.45 936.26 0.937945
46.9 39.54 936.07 0.937755

47.0 39.64 935.88 0.937565

47.1 39.73 935.70 0.937384
47.2 39.82 935.51 0.937194
47.3 39.91 935.32 0.937004
47.4 40.00 935.14 0.936823
47.5 40.10 934.95 0.936633
47.6 40.19 934.76 0.936443
47.7 40.28 934.57 0.936252
47.8 40.37 934.38 0.936062
47.9 40.47 934.19 0.935872

48.0 40.56 934.00 0.935681

48.1 40.65 933.81 0.935491
48.2 40.75 933.62 0.935301
48.3 40.84 933.43 0.935110
48.4 40.93 933.24 0.934920
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition AND-00

% v/v % w/w ρ20 (kg/m3) d (g/cm3)

48.5 41.02 933.05 0.934729
48.6 41.12 932.86 0.934539
48.7 41.21 932.67 0.934349
48.8 41.30 932.47 0.934148
48.9 41.40 932.28 0.933958

49.0 41.49 932.09 0.933768

49.1 41.58 931.90 0.933577
49.2 41.68 931.70 0.933377
49.3 41.77 931.51 0.933187
49.4 41.86 931.32 0.932996
49.5 41.96 931.13 0.932806
49.6 42.05 930.92 0.932596
49.7 42.14 930.73 0.932405
49.8 42.24 930.53 0.932205
49.9 42.33 930.34 0.932015

50.0 42.43 930.14 0.931814

50.1 42.52 929.95 0.931624
50.2 42.61 929.75 0.931424
50.3 42.71 929.55 0.931223
50.4 42.80 929.35 0.931023
50.5 42.90 929.16 0.930832
50.6 42.99 928.96 0.930632
50.7 43.08 928.76 0.930432
50.8 43.18 928.56 0.930231
50.9 43.27 928.36 0.930031

51.0 43.37 928.16 0.929831

51.1 43.46 927.96 0.929630
51.2 43.56 927.77 0.929440
51.3 43.65 927.57 0.929240
51.4 43.74 927.36 0.929029
51.5 43.84 927.16 0.928829
51.6 43.93 926.96 0.928629
51.7 44.03 926.76 0.928428
51.8 44.12 926.56 0.928228
51.9 44.22 926.36 0.928027

52.0 44.31 926.16 0.927827

52.1 44.41 925.95 0.927617
52.2 44.50 925.75 0.927416
52.3 44.60 925.55 0.927216
52.4 44.69 925.35 0.927016
52.5 44.79 925.14 0.926805
52.6 44.88 924.94 0.926605
52.7 44.98 924.73 0.926395
52.8 45.07 924.53 0.926194
52.9 45.17 924.32 0.925984
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition AND-00

% v/v % w/w ρ20 (kg/m3) d (g/cm3)

53.0 45.26 924.12 0.925783

53.1 45.36 923.91 0.925573
53.2 45.46 923.71 0.925373
53.3 45.55 923.50 0.925162
53.4 45.65 923.30 0.924962
53.5 45.74 923.09 0.924752
53.6 45.84 922.88 0.924541
53.7 45.93 922.68 0.924341
53.8 46.03 922.47 0.924130
53.9 46.13 922.26 0.923920

54.0 46.22 922.06 0.923720

54.1 46.32 921.85 0.923509
54.2 46.41 921.64 0.923299
54.3 46.51 921.43 0.923089
54.4 46.61 921.22 0.922878
54.5 46.70 921.01 0.922668
54.6 46.80 920.80 0.922457
54.7 46.90 920.59 0.922247
54.8 46.99 920.38 0.922037
54.9 47.09 920.17 0.921826

55.0 47.18 919.96 0.921616

55.1 47.28 919.75 0.921406
55.2 47.38 919.54 0.921195
55.3 47.47 919.33 0.920985
55.4 47.57 919.12 0.920774
55.5 47.67 918.91 0.920564
55.6 47.77 918.69 0.920344
55.7 47.86 918.48 0.920133
55.8 47.96 918.27 0.919923
55.9 48.06 918.06 0.919713

56.0 48.15 917.84 0.919492

56.1 48.25 917.63 0.919282
56.2 48.35 917.42 0.919071
56.3 48.45 917.22 0.918871
56.4 48.54 916.99 0.918641
56.5 48.64 916.77 0.918420
56.6 48.74 916.56 0.918210
56.7 48.84 916.35 0.917999
56.8 48.94 916.13 0.917779
56.9 49.03 915.91 0.917559

57.0 49.13 915.70 0.917348

57.1 49.23 915.48 0.917128
57.2 49.32 915.27 0.916917
57.3 49.42 915.05 0.916697
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition AND-00

% v/v % w/w ρ20 (kg/m3) d (g/cm3)

57.4 49.52 914.83 0.916477
57.5 49.62 914.62 0.916266
57.6 49.72 914.40 0.916046
57.7 49.81 914.18 0.915826
57.8 49.91 913.97 0.915615
57.9 50.01 913.75 0.915395

58.0 50.11 913.53 0.915174

58.1 50.21 913.31 0.914954
58.2 50.31 913.09 0.914734
58.3 50.40 912.87 0.914513
58.4 50.50 912.65 0.914293
58.5 50.60 912.43 0.914072
58.6 50.70 912.22 0.913862
58.7 50.80 912.00 0.913642
58.8 50.90 911.78 0.913421
58.9 51.00 911.55 0.913191

59.0. 51.10 911.33 0.912970

59.1 51.19 911.11 0.912750
59.2 51.29 910.89 0.912530
59.3 51.39 910.67 0.912309
59.4 51.49 910.45 0.912089
59.5 51.59 910.23 0.911868
59.6 51.69 910.01 0.911648
59.7 51.79 909.78 0.911418
59.8 51.89 909.56 0.911197
59.9 51.99 909.34 0.910977

60.0 52.09 909.11 0.910746

60.1 52.19 908.89 0.910526
60.2 52.29 908.67 0.910306
60.3 52.39 908.44 0.910075
60.4 52.49 908.22 0.909855
60.5 52.59 908.00 0.909634
60.6 52.69 907.77 0.909404
60.7 52.79 907.55 0.909184
60.8 52.89 907.32 0.908953
60.9 52.99 907.10 0.908733

61.0 53.09 906.87 0.908502

61.1 53.19 906.64 0.908272
61.2 53.29 906.42 0.908052
61.3 53.39 906.19 0.907821
61.4 53.49 905.97 0.907601
61.5 53.59 905.74 0.907370
61.6 53.69 905.51 0.907140
61.7 53.79 905.29 0.906920
61.8 53.89 905.06 0.906689
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition AND-00

% v/v % w/w ρ20 (kg/m3) d (g/cm3)

61.9 53.99 904.83 0.906459

62.0 54.09 904.60 0.906228

62.1 54.19 904.37 0.905998
62.2 54.30 904.15 0.905777
62.3 54.40 903.92 0.905547
62.4 54.50 903.69 0.905317
62.5 54.60 903.46 0.905086
62.6 54.70 903.23 0.904856
62.7 54.80 903.00 0.904625
62.8 54.90 902.77 0.904395
62.9 55.00 902.54 0.904165

63.0 55.11 902.31 0.903934

63.1 55.21 902.08 0.903704
63.2 55.31 901.85 0.903473
63.3 55.41 901.62 0.903243
63.4 55.51 901.39 0.903013
63.5 55.61 901.15 0.902772
63.6 55.72 900.92 0.902542
63.7 55.82 900.69 0.902311
63.8 55.92 900.46 0.902081
63.9 56.02 900.23 0.901850

64.0 56.12 899.99 0.901610

64.1 56.23 899.76 0.901380
64.2 56.33 899.53 0.901149
64.3 56.43 899.29 0.900909
64.4 56.53 899.06 0.900678
64.5 56.64 898.83 0.900448
64.6 56.74 898.59 0.900207
64.7 56.84 898.36 0.899977
64.8 56.94 898.12 0.899737
64.9 57.05 897.89 0.899506

65.0 57.15 897.65 0.899266

65.1 57.25 897.42 0.899035
65.2 57.36 897.18 0.898795
65.3 57.46 896.94 0.898554
65.4 57.56 896.71 0.898324
65.5 57.67 896.47 0.898084
65.6 57.77 896.23 0.897843
65.7 57.87 896.00 0.897613
65.8 57.98 895.76 0.897372
65.9 58.08 895.52 0.897132

66.0 58.18 895.28 0.896892

66.1 58.29 895.05 0.896661
66.2 58.39 894.81 0.896421
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition AND-00

% v/v % w/w ρ20 (kg/m3) d (g/cm3)

66.3 58.49 894.57 0.896180
66.4 58.60 894.33 0.895940
66.5 58.70 894.09 0.895699
66.6 58.81 893.85 0.895459
66.7 58.91 893.61 0.895218
66.8 59.01 893.37 0.894978
66.9 59.12 893.13 0.894738

67.0 59.22 892.89 0.894497

67.1 59.33 892.65 0.894257
67.2 59.43 892.41 0.894016
67.3 59.54 892.17 0.893776
67.4 59.64 891.93 0.893535
67.5 59.74 891.69 0.893295
67.6 59.85 891.45 0.893055
67.7 59.95 891.20 0.892804
67.8 60.06 890.96 0.892564
67.9 60.16 890.72 0.892323

68.0 60.27 890.48 0.892083

68.1 60.37 890.23 0.891832
68.2 60.48 889.99 0.891592
68.3 60.58 889.75 0.891352
68.4 60.69 889.50 0.891101
68.5 60.80 889.26 0.890861
68.6 60.90 889.01 0.890610
68.7 61.01 888.77 0.890370
68.8 61.11 888.52 0.890119
68.9 61.22 888.28 0.889879

69.0 61.32 888.03 0.889628

69.1 61.43 887.79 0.889388
69.2 61.54 887.54 0.889138
69.3 61.64 887.29 0.888887
69.4 61.75 887.05 0.888647
69.5 61.85 886.80 0.888396
69.6 61.96 886.55 0.888146
69.7 62.07 886.31 0.887905
69.8 62.17 886.06 0.887655
69.9 62.28 885.81 0.887404

70.0 62.39 885.56 0.887154

70.1 62.49 885.31 0.886904
70.2 62.60 885.06 0.886653
70.3 62.71 884.82 0.886413
70.4 62.81 884.57 0.886162
70.5 62.92 884.32 0.885912
70.6 63.03 884.07 0.885661
70.7 63.13 883.82 0.885411
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition AND-00

% v/v % w/w ρ20 (kg/m3) d (g/cm3)

70.8 63.24 883.57 0.885160
70.9 63.35 883.32 0.884910

71.0 63.46 883.06 0.884650

71.1 63.56 882.81 0.884399
71.2 63.67 882.56 0.884149
71.3 63.78 882.31 0.883898
71.4 63.89 882.06 0.883648
71.5 63.99 881.81 0.883397
71.6 64.10 881.55 0.883137
71.7 64.21 881.30 0.882886
71.8 64.32 881.05 0.882636
71.9 64.43 880.79 0.882375

72.0 64.53 880.54 0.882125

72.1 64.64 880.29 0.881875
72.2 64.75 880.03 0.881614
72.3 64.86 879.78 0.881364
72.4 64.97 879.52 0.881103
72.5 65.08 879.27 0.880853
72.6 65.19 879.01 0.880592
72.7 65.29 878.75 0.880332
72.8 65.40 878.50 0.880081
72.9 65.51 878.24 0.879821

73.0 65.62 877.99 0.879570

73.1 65.73 877.73 0.879310
73.2 65.84 877.47 0.879049
73.3 65.95 877.21 0.878789
73.4 66.06 876.96 0.878539
73.5 66.17 876.70 0.878278
73.6 66.28 876.44 0.878018
73.7 66.39 876.18 0.877757
73.8 66.50 875.92 0.877497
73.9 66.61 875.66 0.877236

74.0 66.72 875.40 0.876976

74.1 66.83 875.14 0.876715
74.2 66.94 874.88 0.876455
74.3 67.05 874.62 0.876194
74.4 67.16 874.36 0.875934
74.5 67.27 874.10 0.875673
74.6 67.38 873.84 0.875413
74.7 67.49 873.58 0.875152
74.8 67.60 873.32 0.874892
74.9 67.71 873.06 0.874632

75.0 67.82 872.79 0.874361

75.1 67.93 872.53 0.874101
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition AND-00

% v/v % w/w ρ20 (kg/m3) d (g/cm3)

75.2 68.04 872.27 0.873840
75.3 68.15 872.00 0.873570
75.4 68.26 871.74 0.873309
75.5 68.38 871.48 0.873049
75.6 68.49 871.21 0.872778
75.7 68.60 870.95 0.872518
75.8 68.71 870.68 0.872247
75.9 68.82 870.42 0.871987

76.0 68.93 870.15 0.871716

76.1 69.04 869.89 0.871456
76.2 69.16 869.62 0.871185
76.3 69.27 869.35 0.870915
76.4 69.38 869.09 0.870654
76.5 69.49 868.82 0.870384
76.6 69.61 868.55 0.870113
76.7 69.72 868.28 0.869843
76.8 69.83 868.02 0.869582
76.9 69.94 867.75 0.869312

77.0 70.06 867.48 0.869041

77.1 70.17 867.21 0.868771
77.2 70.28 866.94 0.868500
77.3 70.39 866.67 0.868230
77.4 70.51 866.40 0.867960
77.5 70.62 866.13 0.867689
77.6 70.73 865.86 0.867419
77.7 70.85 865.59 0.867148
77.8 70.96 865.32 0.866878
77.9 71.07 865.05 0.866607

78.0 71.19 864.78 0.866337

78.1 71.30 864.50 0.866056
78.2 71.41 864.23 0.865786
78.3 71.53 863.96 0.865515
78.4 71.64 863.69 0.865245
78.5 71.76 863.41 0.864964
78.6 71.87 863.14 0.864694
78.7 71.98 862.86 0.864413
78.8 72.10 862.59 0.864143
78.9 72.21 862.31 0.863862

79.0 72.33 862.04 0.863592

79.1 72.44 861.76 0.863311
79.2 72.56 861.49 0.863041
79.3 72.67 861.21 0.862760
79.4 72.79 860.94 0.862490
79.5 72.90 860.66 0.862209
79.6 73.02 860.38 0.861929
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition AND-00

% v/v % w/w ρ20 (kg/m3) d (g/cm3)

79.7 73.13 860.10 0.861648
79.8 73.25 859.83 0.861378
79.9 73.36 859.55 0.861097

80.0 73.48 859.27 0.860817

80.1 73.60 858.99 0.860536
80.2 73.71 858.71 0.860256
80.3 73.83 858.43 0.859975
80.4 73.94 858.15 0.859695
80.5 74.06 857.87 0.859414
80.6 74.18 857.59 0.859134
80.7 74.29 857.31 0.858853
80.8 74.41 857.03 0.858573
80.9 74.53 856.75 0.858292

81.0 74.64 856.46 0.858002

81.1 74.76 856.18 0.857721
81.2 74.88 855.90 0.857441
81.3 74.99 855.62 0.857160
81.4 75.11 855.33 0.856870
81.5 75.23 855.05 0.856589
81.6 75.34 854.76 0.856299
81.7 75.46 854.48 0.856018
81.8 75.58 854.19 0.855728
81.9 75.70 853.91 0.855447

82.0 75.82 853.62 0.855157

82.1 75.93 853.34 0.854876
82.2 76.05 853.05 0.854585
82.3 76.17 852.76 0.854295
82.4 76.29 852.48 0.854014
82.5 76.41 852.19 0.853724
82.6 76.52 851.90 0.853433
82.7 76.64 851.61 0.853143
82.8 76.76 851.32 0.852852
82.9 76.88 851.03 0.852562

83.0 77.00 850.74 0.852271

83.1 77.12 850.45 0.851981
83.2 77.24 850.16 0.851690
83.3 77.36 849.87 0.851400
83.4 77.48 849.58 0.851109
83.5 77.60 849.29 0.850819
83.6 77.72 848.99 0.850518
83.7 77.84 848.70 0.850228
83.8 77.96 848.41 0.849937
83.9 78.08 848.11 0.849637

84.0 78.20 847.82 0.849346

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition AND-00

% v/v % w/w ρ20 (kg/m3) d (g/cm3)

84.1 78.32 847.53 0.849056
84.2 78.44 847.23 0.848755
84.3 78.56 846.93 0.848454
84.4 78.68 846.64 0.848164
84.5 78.80 846.34 0.847863
84.6 78.92 846.05 0.847573
84.7 79.04 845.75 0.847272
84.8 79.16 845.45 0.846972
84.9 79.28 845.15 0.846671

85.0 79.40 844.85 0.846371

85.1 79.53 844.55 0.846070
85.2 79.65 844.25 0.845770
85.3 79.77 843.95 0.845469
85.4 79.89 843.65 0.845169
85.5 80.01 843.35 0.844868
85.6 80.14 843.05 0.844567
85.7 80.26 842.75 0.844267
85.8 80.38 842.44 0.843956
85.9 80.50 842.14 0.843656

86.0 80.63 841.84 0.843355

86.1 80.75 841.53 0.843045
86.2. 80.87 841.23 0.842744
86.3 81.00 840.92 0.842434
86.4 81.12 840.62 0.842133
86.5 81.24 840.31 0.841823
86.6 81.37 840.00 0.841512
86.7 81.49 839.70 0.841211
86.8 81.61 839.39 0.840901
86.9 81.74 839.08 0.840590

87.0 81.86 838.77 0.840280

87.1 81.99 838.46 0.839969
87.2 82.11 838.15 0.839659
87.3 82.24 837.84 0.839348
87.4 82.36 837.52 0.839028
87.5 82.49 837.21 0.838717
87.6 82.61 836.90 0.838406
87.7 82.74 836.59 0.838096
87.8 82.86 836.27 0.837775
87.9 82.99 835.96 0.837465

88.0 83.11 835.64 0.837144

88.1 83.24 835.32 0.836824
88.2 83.37 835.01 0.836513
88.3 83.49 834.69 0.836192
88.4 83.62 834.37 0.835872
88.5 83.74 834.05 0.835551
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition AND-00

% v/v % w/w ρ20 (kg/m3) d (g/cm3)

88.6 83.87 833.73 0.835231
88.7 84.00 833.41 0.834910
88.8 84.13 833.09 0.834590
88.9 84.25 832.77 0.834269

89.0 84.38 832.45 0.833948

89.1 84.51 832.12 0.833618
89.2 84.64 831.80 0.833297
89.3 84.76 831.48 0.832977
89.4 84.89 831.15 0.832646
89.5 85.02 830.82 0.832315
89.6 85.15 830.50 0.831995
89.7 85.28 830.17 0.831664
89.8 85.41 829.84 0.831334
89.9 85.54 829.51 0.831003

90.0 85.66 829.18 0.830673

90.1 85.79 828.85 0.830342
90.2 85.92 828.52 0.830011
90.3 86.05 828.19 0.829681
90.4 86.18 827.85 0.829340
90.5 86.31 827.52 0.829010
90.6 86.44 827.18 0.828669
90.7 86.57 826.85 0.828338
90.8 86.71 826.51 0.827998
90.9 86.84 826.17 0.827657

91.0 86.97 825.83 0.827316

91.1 87.10 825.49 0.826976
91.2 87.23 825.15 0.826635
91.3 87.36 824.81 0.826295
91.4 87.49 824.47 0.825954
91.5 87.63 824.13 0.825613
91.6 87.76 823.78 0.825263
91.7 87.90 823.44 0.824922
91.8 88.02 823.09 0.824572
91.9 88.16 822.74 0.824221

92.0 88.29 822.39 0.823870

92.1 88.42 822.04 0.823520
92.2 88.56 821.69 0.823169
92.3 88.69 821.34 0.822818
92.4 88.83 820.99 0.822468
92.5 88.96 820.63 0.822107
92.6 89.10 820.28 0.821757
92.7 89.23 819.92 0.821396
92.8 89.37 819.57 0.821045
92.9 89.50 819.21 0.820685

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition AND-00

% v/v % w/w ρ20 (kg/m3) d (g/cm3)

93.0 89.64 818.85 0.820324
93.1 89.77 818.49 0.819963
93.2 89.91 818.12 0.819593
93.3 90.05 817.76 0.819232
93.4 90.18 817.40 0.818871
93.5 90.32 817.03 0.818501
93.6 90.46 816.66 0.818130
93.7 90.59 816.30 0.817769
93.8 90.73 815.93 0.817399
93.9 90.87 815.55 0.817018

94.0 91.01 815.18 0.816647

94.1 91.15 814.81 0.816277
94.2 91.29 814.43 0.815896
94.3 91.43 814.06 0.815525
94.4 91.56 813.68 0.815145
94.5 91.70 813.30 0.814764
94.6 91.84 812.92 0.814383
94.7 91.98 812.54 0.814003
94.8 92.13 812.15 0.813612
94.9 92.27 811.77 0.813231

95.0 92.41 811.38 0.812840

95.1 92.55 810.99 0.812450
95.2 92.69 810.60 0.812059
95.3 92.83 810.21 0.811668
95.4 92.98 809.82 0.811278
95.5 93.12 809.42 0.810877
95.6 93.26 809.02 0.810476
95.7 93.41 808.63 0.810086
95.8 93.55 808.23 0.809685
95.9 93.69 807.82 0.809274

96.0 93.84 807.42 0.808873

96.1 93.98 807.01 0.808463
96.2 94.13 806.61 0.808062
96.3 94.27 806.20 0.807651
96.4 94.42 805.78 0.807230
96.5 94.57 805.37 0.806820
96.6 94.71 804.96 0.806409
96.7 94.86 804.54 0.805988
96.8 95.01 804.12 0.805567
96.9 95.16 803.70 0.805147

97.0 95.31 803.27 0.804716

97.1 95.45 802.85 0.804295
97.2 95.60 802.42 0.803864
97.3 95.75 801.99 0.803434
97.4 95.90 801.55 0.802993
This translation does not replace the portuguese version.
Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition AND-00

% v/v % w/w ρ20 (kg/m3) d (g/cm3)

97.5 96.05 801.12 0.802562
97.6 96.21 800.68 0.802121
97.7 96.36 800.24 0.801680
97.8 96.51 799.80 0.801240
97.9 96.66 799.35 0.800789

98.0 96.81 798.90 0.800338

98.1 96.97 798.45 0.799887
98.2 97.12 798.00 0.799436
98.3 97.28 797.54 0.798976
98.4 97.43 797.08 0.798515
98.5 97.59 796.62 0.798054
98.6 97.74 796.15 0.797583
98.7 97.90 795.68 0.797112
98.8 98.06 795.21 0.796641
98.9 98.22 794.73 0.796161

99.0 98.38 794.25 0.795680

99.1 98.53 793.77 0.795199
99.2 98.69 793.28 0.794708
99.3 98.86 792.79 0.794217
99.4 99.02 792.30 0.793726
99.5 99.18 791.80 0.793225
99.6 99.34 791.29 0.792714
99.7 99.50 790.79 0.792213
99.8 99.67 790.28 0.791703
99.9 99.83 789.76 0.791182
100.0 100.00 789.24 0.790661

This translation does not replace the portuguese version.

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