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Unit 5

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Subject : Applied Thermodynamics (ATD)


1. What is compounding? Explain any one method with sketch in detail.

2. With the help of h-s diagram explain reheat factor.
3. The velocity of steam exiting the nozzle of impulse stage of turbine is 400 m/s. The blades operate close to the
maximum blading efficiency. The nozzle angle is 20 0. Considering equitriangular blades and neglecting blade
friction calculate for steam flow of 0.6 kg/s, the diagram power and diagram efficiency.
4. What is fundamental difference between the operation of impulse & reaction turbine. Explain the same with
5. Steam with absolute velocity of 300 m/s is supplied through a nozzle to a single stage impulse turbine. The
nozzle angle is 25o. The mean diameter of blade rotor is 100cm & it has a speed of 2000 r.p.m. find suitable
blade angles for zero axial thrust. If blade velocity coefficient is 0.9 & the steam flow rate is 10 kg/s, calculate
the power developed.
6. Explain the term reheat factor. Why its magnitude is always greater than unity.
7. Draw a combined velocity triangle for a single stage impulse turbine &obtain expression for work done per
stage, blade efficiency & axial thrust.
8. The main diameter of the blades of an impulse turbine with a single, wheel is 105cm & the speed is 3000rpm.
The nozzle angle is 180, the ratio of blade is 0.42 & the ratio of the relative velocity outlet from the blade to that
at inlet is 0.84. The steam flow rate is 8kg/sec. draw velocity diagram for the blades & calculate.
I) Tangential thrust
II) Power developed by blade
III) Blade efficiency

9. Define the following

I) Speed ratio
II) Blade velocity coefficient
III) Diagram efficiency
IV) Stage efficiency
10. The blade speed of a single ring impulse is 250m/s & nozzle angle is 20 0. The heat drop in nozzle is 550 kJ/kg &
nozzle efficiency is 0.85. The blade discharge angle is 30 0& machine develops 30 kW when consuming 360 kg
of steam per hour. Draw velocity diagram & calculate:
i) axial thrust on blading
ii) heat equivalent per kg of steam due to friction of blading
2 cos 2 α
11. Prove that maximum blade efficiency of a 50% single stage reaction turbine is given by ηb= when α
1+ cos 2 α
is nozzle angle or outlet angle of fixed blade.
12. The following data relate to a single stage impulse turbine.
Steam velocity=600m/s
Blade speed =250m/s
Nozzle angle=200
Blade outlet angle=250
Neglect the effect of friction, & calculate the work developed by the turbine for the steam flow rate of 20 kg/s.
also calculates the axial thrust on the bearings.

13. A velocity compounded impulse turbine has two rows of moving blades with a fixed row of guide blades. The
steam leaves the nozzle at 900m/s in a direction at 18 0 to the plane of rotation. The blade speed is 150m/s &
blade outlet angles are 240, 260, &300 for the first moving, first fixed & second moving respectively. The friction
factor is 0.9 for all rows. The steam supply is 4500 kg/hr.
14. Following is the data pertaining to a single row impulse turbines:
Mean diameter of blade4 ring=2m; speed 3000 rpm; nozzle angle=18 0;ratio of blade velocity to steam
velocity=0.5; blade friction factor =0.9; blade angle at exit =30 more than at inlet; steam supply=30,000kg/h.
Draw velocity diagram for the moving blade & estimate
i) power developed
ii) diagram efficiency &
iii) steam consumption kg/kwh.
16) Show that blade efficiency of single stage impulse turbine
ηb=2(1+KB)(ρcosα1-ρ2) & further prove that ηb(max)=cos2α1.
17) In a De-Laval turbine steam issues from the nozzle with a velocity of 1200m/sec. the nozzle angle is 20 0, the
mean blade velocity is 400m/sec & the inlet & outlet angles of blades are equal. The mass of steam flowing
through the turbine per hour is 1000kg.
i) Blade angles
ii) Relative velocity of steam entering the blades
iii) Tangential force on the blades &
iv) Power developed.
18) State the advantages & disadvantages of reheating if steam.
19) Explain “bleeding of steam turbines”.

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