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The Zero Conditional: You Make

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The Zero Conditional

You make a zero conditional sentence with the two clauses which have the verb in present simple tense.

If + present simple , + present simple.

This conditional is used when the result will always happen. So, if water reaches 100 degrees,
it always boils. It's a fact…
The 'if' in this conditional can usually be replaced by 'when' without changing the meaning.

If I eat peanuts, I am sick. = I am sick, when I eat peanuts.

If -clause at the beginning

If people  don't eat . . . they die.  To refer to general truths of

If you go out in the sun . . . you will get a sunburn the real world , such as
If you heat ice, it melts. scientific facts.
Ice melts if you heat it.
When you heat ice, it melts
If I study, I will pass the exam. To give warnings and express
One If the sun shines, we will walk to the mall. predictions.
If he has a temperature, he will see the doctor.
If she earns a lot of money, she will fly to New York.

Write the number of the first to form conditionals type zero. Complete when necessary.

1. If you don´t drink enough water, if they ___ (be) scared. ___
2. People get fined if you become dehydrated ___
3. As soon as he drinks alcohol he they cry. ___
4. Snakes bite becomes aggressive. ___
5. If we listen to relaxing music, we inmediately calm down. ___
6. When babies are hungry, they ____(not pay) their taxes. ___

Complete the sentences to form the Zero conditional:

1. My teacher gets angry when ________________________.

2. Our little sister cries if ________________________.
3. When I don´t pay attention to the class ________________________.I
4. If you mix blue and yellow, ________________________.
5. People die if they
6. If we don´t do exercises and eat too much ________________________.
We behave badly. / I don´t pay attention to the class /she is punished. / we take her toys / don´t understand the themes / it makes
or you get green / it gives Green / do not take care of themselves / we can get sick or fat or we will get fat.
1. Soap dissolves if you ________ it in water. (leave)
2. If he rings the bell, the receptionist ________ (come)
3. If you don’t tell her the truth, she ________ angry with you! (be)
4. He ________ it if she explains him the situation. (understand)
5. Milk _________ off if you don’t keep it in a cool place. (go)
6. Ask the teacher if you _____________. (not understand)

Note: It´s also common to use this structures with: / unless / as long as / as soon as / in case / instead
PROMISES AND WARNINGS are the best uses of this conditionals.
- Do not attempt to recharge a battery unless the battery specifically is marked
- We are going to send you an answer as soon as posible.
- If you prefer, you can  manually edit your photos instead.
- Be sure to bring copies of your  health records with you, just in case of

The First Conditional

The first conditional has the present simple after 'if', then the future simple in the other clause:
If + present simple , + will + infinitive.
It's used to talk about things which might happen in the future. This describes possible things, which
could easily come true.

Yu can use the first conditional to express promises.

1. If it rains, I'll tell her your message. ___

2. If you study right now, you'll go to the party tonight. ___
3. She'll be late if the train is delayed. ___
4. She'll miss the bus I won't go to the park. ___
5. If I see her,
if she doesn't leave soon. ___
Conditional sentences /TYPE 1 (if + present simple / will +infinitive)
Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the correct forms.

1. If the wind ____________ (not /stop) we ____________ (not be) able to walk by the
2. Unless you ____________ ( work ) more , you ____________ ( not/ pass) your exam.
3. If people ____________ (go) on eating so much junk food , they ____________ (have )
serious health problems.
4. If it ____________ (be) on at the cinema , I ____________ (go) and see the new
Indiana Jones film!
5. You ____________ (get) a burn out if you ____________ (keep ) on working so hard!!!
6. I ____________ (let) you play video games if you ____________ (help) me with the housework first.
7. We ____________ (take) a taxi to the airport if we ____________ (not/ catch) the shuttle in time.
8. As long as you ____________ (be) motivated and ____________ (work) seriously , you ____________
( manage ) to get the job you want.
9. ____________ (they/ visit ) their grandparents if they ____________
(have )the time?
10. Polar bears ____________ ( disappear ) if governments ____________ ( not/ take )
measures to stop global warming.
11. And the same ____________ (happen) to elephants if poaching for ivory ____________
(not /be ) stopped.
12. I ____________ (give ) you my address if you ____________ (want ) to send me a postcard when
you ____________ (be ) on holidays.
13. My neighbour ____________ (surely have) an accident if he ____________ (keep on ) driving so
14. Unless we ____________ (run) , we ____________ ( not /catch) our bus!!
15. When we ____________ (travel )to New York , we ____________ (visit) all the main places of
interest there!!
16. If you ____________ (brush )your teeth three times a day , you ___________(not/ have ) cavities.
17. If the play ____________ (be) a success they ____________ (start ) a big tour in the whole
18. If my husband ____________ ( not/ mow) the lawn , I ____________ (have ) to do it myself!

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