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Pure and Simple Origami by Marc Kirschembaum

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The document discusses the Pureland style of origami and provides instructions for folding several origami models using only single valley and mountain folds.

The Pureland style aims to make origami more accessible by using only mountain or valley folds one at a time, as opposed to combinations of folds, resulting in pieces with an understated elegance.

Many of the origami pieces rely on very specific landmarks from folding that require accuracy, and some use hidden folds where layers must be folded that are not visible on the surface.

Pure and Simple


Marc Kirschenbaum

Fit to Print Publishing, Inc.

New York, NY
Pure and Simple Origami
Copyright ©2020
Fit To Print Publishing, Inc.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may

be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise,
without the permission of the copyright holder.
The diagrams in this book were produced with Macromedia’s
Freehand, and image processing was done with Adobe
Photoshop. The Backtalk family of typefaces was used for
the body text and the cover and headers use Helvetica.
Ellen Cohen assisted with the cover design and provided
valuable artistic assistance. Special thanks to Sara Adams
for providing some of the papers used.
In the 1970’s British origami historian and
theoretician John Smith outlined a more
stringent approach to the art of folding paper
that he termed Pureland. The building blocks
of origami are the valley fold and the mountain
fold, which are often combined into more
complex sequences that are executed
simultaneously. Smith aimed to make origami
more accessible by devising models that only
use mountain folds and valley folds one at a
time, as opposed to combinations of folds. This
collection of origami pieces follows the Pureland
style, along with the additional constraint of
requiring that they can be folded comfortably
from six-inch (or fifteen-centimeter) squares.
Following the Pureland guidelines is not just
for ease of folding, as resulting works often
have an understated elegance. Many complex
origami pieces try to conceal their humble
paper origins, sometimes to the point of tricking
you into thinking they are as real as the subject
they are portraying. Pureland origami
embraces the look of being folded, much like
traditional paper folds do.
Interestingly, most traditional origami does not
qualify as being Pureland and often contain
folds that would place them at an intermediate
difficulty level. There has been an effort to
develop Pureland equivalent sequences for
these more advanced folds, often resulting in
a convoluted progression. These works were
designed to be Pureland from the outset for
less labored folding processes.
Some small challenges will be found while
folding these pieces. Many of them rely on very
specific landmarks (found through folding) that
demand accuracy when forming. A few models
will employ hidden folds, where you will be
called on to fold a layer that is not at the surface.
Even with these complexities, this compilation
is regarded as being at a simple level by modern
origami standards. So, the contents are
arranged by alphabetical order. If you are
looking for an easier piece to start with, the
ones with fewer steps will fit the bill. The ones
with longer sequences can be rendered easier
by simply taking a break between a stretch of
steps. Following the Pureland philosophy does
result in some novel combinations of folds, so
have fun making these origami models for
& Materials
Picking the perfect paper for your origami project
can range from fun to frustrating. There are
many origami designs with well over a hundred
steps that demand specialty papers that can
handle their stressful folding sequences.
Fortunately, all these simpler pieces can be made
from almost any paper made for origami. While
it might be tempting to just use copy paper (or
any scrap paper lying around), often such
materials are too thick to handle more than a
few layers of folds.
One of the better varieties to consider is kami,
which is the Japanese word for paper. It is often
just simply sold as origami paper, being extremely
common. It can be found on most online stores,
hobby shops, and of course origami stores (such
as The Source, which is part of OrigamiUSA). The
standard size is six inches (or fifteen centimeters)
which is suitable for these projects. You could
also consider the larger ten-inch size (or twenty-
five-centimeter variety).
Most kami papers sport a decorative side (either
plain or patterned) with the other side being plain
white. A few of the models showcase both sides
of the paper, so you should consider the duo or
double-sided variety of kami. Of course, stay clear
from the papers that are simply the same color
on both sides.
Other papers sold for origami purposes are not
as easy to work with. Foil backed papers do look
nice and shiny when they are pristine, but they
will pick up any extraneous creases as you fold.
Some sequences call for changing a valley fold
to a mountain fold, and foil papers a notoriously
inflexible at that task. Washi papers are typically
very durable, but do not often hold a crease well
without special treatment. One solution is to use
glue while folding, with PVA adhesives being
More adventurous folders might consider custom
paper preparations. This can be as simple as
using a favorite giftwrap and cutting it down to
size. If you are considering getting a paper cutter,
rotary style is more accurate and far safer than
the guillotine kind. A popular European wrapping
paper variety is known as kraft paper, which is
the German word for strong. Most origami shops
will sell it precut into squares. Unfortunately, like
most wrapping paper, it is plain on the other
side. Some origami artists will paint their papers
with watered down acrylic paints.
A less messy approach is to glue a lightweight
sheet onto the other side. A perfect adhesive for
this application is methylcellulose, often
abbreviated as MC. MC comes in a powder form
that needs to be mixed into cold water. About
two teaspoons per 1.5 cups of water is a good
ratio. After about thirty minutes of periodic stirring
the MC will reach a syrupy consistency. It can
be brushed on your paper (any cheap paintbrush
is fine) after which you can place your thinner
paper atop. You can then brush more MC for a
better bond. The drying process can be accelerated
with a table fan. Many of the models showcased
here were prepared with this technique. Have
fun experimenting with different materials.
Valley Fold is indicated by a dashed line:

It is typically accompanied with an open-headed


When you see this line style with this arrow, you
need to fold forward in the direction of the arrow.
Here is an example:

1. Valley fold in half. 2. Completed Valley Fold.

Although it is indicated to fold the top edge to the
bottom edge, it typically physically easier to fold
in the direction away from your body. So, when
folding you will often rotate your model to what is
comfortable and then return to the orientation
indicated in the diagrams.

Also note in these examples (and for all of the

illustrations throughout) you need to look at both the
current step and the subsequent step. The current
step informs you on what you are supposed to do.
The next step will show you the results of what you
need to do, and makes following the directions much
Mountain fold is indicated by a dashed line
with dots:

It is typically accompanied with a closed-headed


When you see this line style with this arrow, you need
to fold behind in the direction of the arrow. Here is
an example:

1. Mountain fold in half. 2. Completed Mountain

To accomplish this, you will often turn your model
over and form a valley fold. You would then turn
your model back over. So in a sense the mountain
fold is a shorthand approach to avoid having many
diagrams show your model being flipped over a
number of times.
Precrease is indicated by a dashed (valley fold) line:

It is typically accompanied with a double-headed

arrow (one side open and the other closed):

Once completed, it is indicated by a thin solid line

that does not extend to the edge of the paper:
Here is an example:

1. Precrease in half. 2. Completed Precrease.

To accomplish this, you first form a valley fold (in the

direction of the open arrowhead) and then open out
the paper (in the direction of the closed arrowhead).
Precrease with a Mountain Fold is indicated by a
mountain fold line:

It is typically accompanied with a double-headed

arrow (one side open and the other half open):

Once completed, it is indicated by a thin solid line

that does not extend to the edge of the paper:
Here is an example:

1. Precrease in half 2. Completed Precrease.

with a mountain

To accomplish this, you first form a mountain fold

(in the direction of the half open arrowhead) and
then open out the paper (in the direction of the open
Pleat Fold is indicated by a mountain fold line followed
by a valley fold line. An arrow indicates the direction
of the pleat. Here is an example:

1. Pleat fold upwards. 2. Completed Pleat Fold.

To accomplish this, you first form the mountain fold

and pull that folded edge into position. Flattening this
will create the pleat (creating a zigzag formation).
Hidden/Imaginary lines are indicated by a thin
dotted line:

1. Valley fold to the 2. Completed fold.

hidden edge.
Dots are sometimes used to call attention to a
specific landmark:

1. Valley fold the 2. Completed fold.

dotted corner to the
dotted crease.
Open dots are sometimes used to indicate
angle bisectors.

1. Valley fold along 2. Completed fold.

the indicated angle
Turn over is indicated by a looped arrow:
Rotate is indicated by a circle with arrows along it:
1.Precrease along the 2.Valley fold in half.

3.Valley fold the top layer up. 4.Valley fold the corner to
the dotted intersection.

5.Unfold everything but the 6.Turn over.
last fold.

7.Valley fold the sides 8.Precrease the top layer

inward. at each side.

9.Valley fold along the
indicated angle

10.Precrease partway to
the dotted intersection.
11.Valley fold to the dotted intersection.

12.Mountain fold the edge behind.

13.Mountain fold the corners. There are
no reference points for these folds.

14.Valley fold to the center.

15.Valley fold the sides. 16.Turn over.

17.Valley fold so the

edges lie straight.
Allow the flaps from
behind to swing

18.Valley fold the corners. 19.Valley fold to the
imaginary dotted

20.Turn over. 21.Completed Angel.

1.Precrease in half along 2.Valley fold the top corner
the diagonals. to the center.

3.Valley fold the bottom 4.Valley fold the corner

corner up to the top edge. down to the bottom edge.

5.Precrease the 6.Valley fold the corner
triangular flap in half. to the last crease.

7.Valley fold up along the 8.Open out the two flaps.

existing crease.

9.Valley fold the sides to 10.Valley fold the flaps
the center. outwards, keeping the
side edges straight.

11.Turn over. 12.Valley fold towards the

indicated crease.
13.Valley fold to the top edge. 14.Open out the flap.

15.Repeat steps 12-14

in mirror image.


16.Turn over. 17.Valley fold the corner
down to the intersection
of folds.

18.Valley fold the tip of the

flap behind. Valley fold
the lower edge up.

19.Mountain fold the top 20.Mountain fold the edges
corners behind. of the tail behind.
Mountain fold the
corners of the wings

21.Completed Bumblebee.

1.Precrease the sides with 2.Valley fold the bottom
mountain folds. edge to the center.

3.Valley fold the corners down.

4.Valley fold the bottom edge to lie along the center.

5.Starting from the dotted corner valley fold down.

The resulting side edge should lie straight.

6.Repeat steps 4-5 in mirror image.

7.Valley fold the dotted edge to the dotted corner.

8.Valley fold the sides to
the center.

9.Mountain fold the corner inside

starting from the hidden dotted
10.Mountain fold the sides 11.Mountain fold the
inside to taste. Parts of corners inside to taste.
the folds are hidden.

12.Completed Butterfly.

Calla Lily
1.Valley fold along the 2.Valley fold along the
diagonal. angle bisector.

3.Mountain fold the back

layer to match the front.
Calla Lily
4.Mountain fold the 5.Valley fold all of the
bottom triangle. layers along the angle

Calla Lily
6.Valley fold the long flap
along the angle bisector.
The fold is hidden under
the top layer.

7.Valley fold along the

angle bisector.
Calla Lily
8.Valley fold the tip. There 9.Turn over.
are no reference points
for this fold.

Calla Lily
10.Tuck the long flap inside. 11.Completed Calla Lily.
Rotate the model slightly.

Calla Lily
1.Precrease along the 2.Valley fold to the center.

3.Precrease the flap in 4.Valley fold the corner

half. to the crease.
5.Valley fold along the 6.Swing the flap over.
existing crease.

7.Mountain fold starting 8.Valley fold to the center,

from the left corner. allowing the flap from
behind to swing forward.

9.Repeat steps 7-8 at 10.Precrease along the

the top. hidden edges with
mountain folds.

11.Valley fold the corners 12.Valley fold the corners

to the dotted to the outer edges.
intersections of creases.
13.Precrease with
mountain folds.

14.Valley fold the side


15.Valley fold so the dotted
sections meet.

16.Valley fold the other

side over.
17.Precrease the top 18.Valley fold so the dotted
flap. sections meet.

19.Valley fold the sides inwards along
angle trisectors.

20.Precrease the top flap along the

indicated sections.
21.Valley fold the corner to the edge.

22.Valley fold under the right flap.

23.Mountain fold the 24.Tuck the flap into the
sides so they intersect pocket.
with the imaginary
continuation of edges
of the flap at the left.

25.Open out the side 26.Valley fold the corners to
pleats. the dotted intersection of
27.Turn over. 28.Valley fold the corners
to the creases.

29.Mountain fold the 30.Mountain fold the
sides. sides.

31.Valley fold the four corners inwards.

32.Valley fold the sides inwards at

about 1/4 the width. Parts of the
folds are hidden.
33.Turn over.

34.Mountain fold the

edge behind.
35.Raise the flaps up into a 3-D formation while
inserting the right flap further into the left section.

36.Mountain fold the sides at 90 degree angles.

37.Completed Car.

1.Precrease the diagonals 2.Valley fold the corners to
with mountain folds. the center.

3.Turn over. 4.Valley fold the sides to the

center, allowing the flaps
from behind to swing
Dachshund forward.
5.Mountain fold. 6.Valley fold the edge up,
allowing the flap from
behind to swing
7.Precrease with a 8.Form a pleat by
mountain fold. bringing the last crease
towards the dotted

9.Pleat the top section 10.Turn over.
into thirds.

11.Valley fold the tip in. 12.Mountain fold in half.

13.Rotate the model and 14.Completed Dachshund.
spread it apart slightly
so it stands.

1.Precrease the diagonals 2.Precrease along the angle
with a valley fold and a bisector, only creasing by
mountain fold. the edge.

3.Precrease between the 4.Valley fold along the center.

dotted sections.
5.Valley fold up, dividing the 6.Valley fold along the
indicated section in half. angle bisector.

7.Valley fold along the 8.Valley fold the flap over.

angle bisector.


9.Repeat steps 6-8 in mirror


10.Mountain fold using the

dotted intersection.

11.Turn over. 12.Mountain fold the rear

13.Swing the front flap down.

14.Valley fold between the 15.Valley fold the edge
dotted intersections. outwards.


16.Repeat steps 14-15 17.Valley fold a little bit

in mirror image. of the tip of the flap.

19.Valley fold a little bit of
the tip of the flap.

18.Valley fold the flap down.

20.Valley fold the flap up.

21.Mountain fold one of 22.Valley fold in half.
the flaps around.

23.Valley fold the body

section over. Part of
the fold is hidden
under the layers of
the head.

24.Swing the flap up. 25.Valley fold along the
angle bisection.

26.Valley fold along the 27.Swing the flap back

angle bisection. down.

28.Valley fold along the 29.Spread open the
angle bisection. pleats partway.


30.Repeat steps 24-29

behind. Rotate the
model slightly.

31.Completed Dragon.

1.Valley fold the top edge 2.Lightly precrease the
down to the bottom. left side.

3.Lightly precrease along 4.Open out.

the angle bisector.

Crease A

Crease B
5.Valley fold so that crease A lies
along crease B.

6.Valley fold along the

indicated angle bisector.

7.Mountain fold along the indicated angle bisector.
Part of the fold is hidden.

8.Mountain fold the edge in along the indicated angle

trisector (a suggested reference point)
9.Valley fold the edge in to match the top layer.

10.Mountain fold the corner behind. There

are no reference points for this fold.
11.Mountain fold the edge 12.Rotate the model slightly.
behind. There are no
reference points for this

13.Completed Elephant.
1.Make a slightly offset 2.Valley fold such that the
valley fold. indicated corners meet.

Edge B Edge A

3.Valley fold the top layer along

its angle bisector. Edge A will
meet edge B.
4.Valley fold the flap over 5.Turn over and rotate
so it meets the cluster slightly.
of edges.

6.Completed Fish.
1.Precrease in half with 2.Valley fold to the center
a mountain folds. crease.

3.Turn over. 4.Valley fold to the center,

allowing the flaps from
behind to swing
5.Valley fold the top flaps 6.Turn over.
to the center.

7.Valley fold to the bottom 8.Turn over.

9.Valley fold the edges 10.Starting from the center,
outwards. valley fold the flap over.


11.Valley fold the flap 12.Repeat steps 10-11

over along the center. in mirror image.

13.Valley fold up to the 14.Turn over.
folded edges.

15.Valley fold the top flap 16.Valley fold the sides in.
up, starting from where
the edges intersect.
17.Mountain fold a little 18.Completed Frog.
bit of the tip in.

1.Precrease along the 2.Pinch the top edge in half
diagonal with a mountain with a mountain fold.

3.Valley fold the corner 4.Valley fold down.

towards the dotted crease.
5.Valley fold down. 6.Valley fold up.

7.Valley fold the top 8.Valley fold the corner

corners to the center. over.

9.Turn over from top to bottom.

10.Precrease the top layers along the

angle bisectors.
11.Precrease the corners along the
dotted angle bisectors.

12.Valley fold along the dotted angle

bisectors. The previous two creases
will overlap.
13.Valley fold the top layers along the
existing angle bisectors. Part of the
folds are hidden.

14.Turn over from top to bottom.

15.Precrease the flap.

16.Open out the top flap at

each side.

17.Valley fold along the existing

18.Precrease along the dotted

angle bisectors.

19.Valley fold though the dotted

20.Precrease towards the hidden

21.Valley fold along the indicated 1/3rd

22.Valley fold towards the existing


23.Valley fold along the angle

24.Mountain fold the sides so they wrap

around the thick layers underneath.

25.Pull out the trapped 26.Valley fold the corners
corner to the surface. along the existing

27.Mountain fold the corners, 28.Valley fold the corner

tucking their tips into the over from where it
pockets behind. intersects the edges.

29.Mountain fold the 30.Mountain fold the tip in.
edges inside.

31.Round the corners with mountain

folds and push in the sides by the

32.Completed Guitar.

1.Valley fold the bottom 2.Precrease in half.
edge up to the top.

3.Valley fold to the center. 4.Turn over.

5.Valley fold the sides to the 6.Turn over.
center, allowing the flaps
from behind to swing

7.Valley fold the tips of the 8.Valley fold the corners

flaps into the top pocket. under the center flap.
9.Turn over. 10.Completed Heart.

1.Valley fold along the 2.Precrease through all
diagonal. layers along the angle

3.Lightly valley fold towards 4.Lightly valley fold up to

the dotted intersection. the dotted intersection.

5.Valley fold down to the 6.Unfold the pleat,
dotted intersection. leaving the last fold in.

7.Valley fold along the

existing crease.
8.Valley fold up so the 9.Valley fold the corner
edge lies straight. down.

10.Turn over. 11.Valley fold towards the
imaginary line
allowing the flap from
behind to flip forward.

12.Valley fold down starting 13.Turn over.
approximately from 1/3rd
the hight of the flap.

14.Completed Horse.
1.Precrease in half along 2.Valley fold the corner to
the diagonals. the center.

3.Valley fold to the top edge.

4.Pull the flap around to the surface.

5.Valley fold the edges in.

6.Valley fold the edges outwards.

7.Swing the sides outwards, leaving
the last set of folds in place.

8.Valley fold the flap up.

9.Pull the corner around to the surface.

10.Turn over.

11.Valley fold to the nearest crease

and unfold.
12.Valley fold to the last crease.

13.Valley fold the top layer down.

14.Mountain fold the lower edges behind.

15.Turn over.

16.Mountain fold the lower edges behind.

17.Valley fold the sides in, making
sure the top edges align.

18.Turn over.

19.Valley fold the corner up.

20.Swing the top section up.

21.Valley fold down, allowing 22.Swing the top flap down.
the flap from behind to
swing forward.

23.Turn over. 24.Valley fold the sides

inwards so the corners hit
Ladybug the center flap.
25.Pull the layers around to 26.Valley fold the top edge
the surface. down, allowing the flap
from behind to swing

27.Turn over. 28.Precrease in half.

29.Pleat the flap down. 30.Valley fold the sides to
the center.

31.Valley fold the corner up. 32.Turn over.

33.Mountain fold the 34.Mountain fold along the
corners behind. Do not center slightly.
flatten, as these corners
will act as a stand..

35.Completed Ladybug.
1.Precrease along the 2.Precrease by folding
diagonals. the sides to the center.

3.Mountain fold the top

corner and valley fold
the bottom corner,
noting the dotted

4.Valley fold the sides to 5.Valley fold the top edge
the center. down.

6.Mountain fold behind in 7.Valley fold the sides

half. inwards, matching the
hidden edges behind.
8.Unfold the flap from 9.Valley fold towards the
behind. center crease.

10.Valley fold the corner a

little bit past the edge.

11.Turn over. 12.Valley fold the sides

13.Valley fold the corners 14.Valley fold the corners
down. up.

15.Turn over. 16.Completed Owl.

1.Precrease the diagonals 2.Valley fold the sides to
with valley folds and the center.
mountain folds.

3.Valley fold the corner. 4.Open out the sides.

5.Valley fold the side over. 6.Valley fold over, aligning
with the center crease

7.Valley fold the corner over. 8.Swing the flap over.

9.Valley fold the opposite
side over.

10.Mountain fold the

corner inside.

11.Precrease through the 12.Precrease starting from
intersection of edges. the dotted corner.

13.Precrease towards the 14.Precrease towards the
dotted intersection. last crease.

15.Valley fold the corner up. 16.Valley fold along the
angle bisector.

17.Open out the top flap. 18.Valley fold along the
angle bisector.

19.Mountain fold along 20.Valley fold towards the
the angle bisector. dotted intersection.

21.Valley fold the top layer 22.Valley fold the other
over. side over.

23.Open out the top flap.

24.Swing the top layer up. 25.Mountain fold the tiny


26.Replace the folds of 27.Valley fold the flap up,

steps 20-22. so the edges hit the
dotted intersections.

28.Valley fold along the 29.Valley fold the other side
existing crease. over, tucking the corners
into the pockets of the
other flap.

30.Completed Pencil.

1.Precrease along the 2.Valley fold the sides to
diagonals with mountain the center.
and valley folds.

3.Valley fold the corner up. 4.Open out the sides.

5.Precrease towards the 6.Valley fold towards the
dotted intersections of dotted intersections of
creases. creases.

7.Valley fold along the 8.Valley fold up, aligning with

existing crease. the top of the hidden flap.
9.Turn over. 10.Valley fold to the center.

11.Turn over. 12.Valley fold to the

center, allowing the
folds to pass under
the bottom flap.

13.Turn over. 14.Valley fold the sides
to the center, allowing
the flaps from behind
to swing forward.
Parts of the folds are

15.Valley fold the flap 16.Valley fold the edge up.
over so its bottom
edge lies straight.

17.Valley fold to the 18.Valley fold to the
center. center. Part of the fold
is hidden.

19.Valley fold the flap down. 20.Valley fold to the center.


21.Valley fold the flap over. 22.Repeat steps 15-21 in

mirror image.

23.Valley fold the tip of 24.Valley fold down.
the flap in.

25.Precrease the top 26.Valley fold to the
layers in half. crease.

27.Turn over. 28.Valley fold the corners
to the center, allowing
the flaps to overlap

29.Mountain fold the flap 30.Valley fold to the edge.
behind allowing the
top corner to flip

Edge A

31.Valley fold in half. 32.Rotate so edge A lies


33.Valley fold the bottom 34.Open out the wings and
section over, allowing it tail.
to nestle between the
cluster of tail flaps.

35.Completed Plane.

1.Precrease along the 2.Valley fold the sides to
diagonal. the center.

3.Valley fold in half. 4.Precrease in half.

5.Valley fold up to the 6.Pleat the flap over.
last crease. There are no reference
points for this fold.

7.Mountain fold the edge

inside so it lies straight.

8.Valley fold the rear 9.Valley fold down to
edge inside to match create a tail. There are
the front. no reference points for
this fold.

10.Mountain fold so the 11.Mountain fold the flap,
flap lies along the top passing its tip through
of the body. to lie on the surface.

12.Mountain fold the flap again.

13.Completed Ram.

1.Pinch the top edge in 2.Valley fold the corner to
half. the crease.

3.Turn over. 4.Valley fold to the

intersection of edges.
5.Open out all of the folds. 6.Valley fold up to meet
the crease, and then

7.Valley fold up to meet the 8.Turn over.

last crease.
9.Valley fold over, to lie 10.Valley fold over, so that
along the horizontal the right edge almost
crease. meets the other sail.

11.Completed Sailboat.

Santa Claus
1.Precrease the diagonals 2.Valley fold the sides to
with mountain folds. the center.

3.Valley fold the corner 4.Open out the sides.

Santa Claus
5.Valley fold the side over. 6.Valley fold over, aligning
with the center crease

7.Valley fold the corner 8.Open out the pleat.


Santa Claus

9.Repeat steps 5-8 in 10.Mountain fold the lower

mirror image. section behind.

11.Precrease the top layer in half.

Santa Claus
12.Valley fold to the last crease.

13.Precrease with a mountain fold using

the folded edge as a guide.
Santa Claus
14.Starting from the bottom corner,
precreases the side edge with a
mountain fold.

15.Lightly valley fold the top edge down.

Santa Claus
16.Valley fold so the dotted intersection
hits the dotted crease.

17.Swing the edge back up.

Santa Claus
18.Mountain fold the side edges.

19.Mountain fold along the folded edge

allowing the triangular flap to swing up.

Santa Claus
20.Turn over.

21.Mountain fold along the folded edge

allowing the bottom part of the flap
to swing up.

Santa Claus
22.Mountain fold the sides.

23.Valley fold so the dotted edge hits

the dotted center crease.

Santa Claus
24.Valley fold the other side over at
the same angle. The flaps will
overlap slightly.

25.Open out the top edge.

Santa Claus
26.Precrease along the 27.Starting from the dotted
angle bisector. intersection, valley fold
the flap up. Look at the
final step for approximate
Santa Claus

28.Mountain fold the edge 29.Repeat steps 25-28 in

inside. mirror image.

Santa Claus
30.Mountain fold the 31.Turn over.

Santa Claus
32.Completed Santa Claus.

Santa Claus
1.Precrease along the 2.Valley fold to the center.

3.Mountain fold the corners 4.Open out the top flap.

behind to the center.
5.Valley fold to the crease. 6.Valley fold the sides to the
center, allowing the flaps
from behind to swing

7.Turn over. 8.Valley fold the edges to the
center, allowing the flaps
from behind to swing


9.Open out the top flap. 10.Repeat steps 8-9 in

mirror image.

11.Turn over. 12.Valley fold the sides

to the folded edges.

13.Swing the flap over, 14.Lightly valley fold the
allowing the small flap flap over.
from behind to open out.


15.Repeat steps 12-14 16.Valley fold the corner

in mirror image. down so it hits the
dotted edge.

17.Open the flap back up. 18.Valley fold to the
dotted crease.

19.Turn over. 20.Valley fold the sides,
aligning with the hidden
edges below. The
corners will not quite
Shirt reach the center.
21.Valley fold the sides 22.Mountain fold along
to the center. Parts of the existing crease.
the fold are hidden.

23.Valley fold the bottom 24.Turn over.
edge to tuck under the
top flaps, allowing the
flap from behind to
swing forward.

25.Precrease the sides in 26.Valley fold the flap up.

27.Mountain fold the sides 28.Tuck the tip of the flap

along the angle bisectors. under.
You can temporarily
swing down the flap.
29.Valley fold the sides in. 30.Valley fold to the creases.

31.Valley fold the sides 32.Tuck the corners of

outwards. the flaps under the
center flap.

33.Turn over.

34.Completed Shirt.

1.Precrease along the 2.Valley fold to the center.
diagonals with a valley
fold and a mountain fold.

3.Valley fold down to the 4.Valley fold the corner

edge. to the edge.
5.Unfold the bottom pleat. 6.Turn over.

7.Valley fold the sides 8.Unfold the corner from

inwards. behind.

9.Valley fold towards the 10.Valley fold the corner
dotted intersection of up along the 1/3rd
creases. division.

11.Turn over. 12.Valley fold the edges

to the center.
14.Valley fold down, aligning
with the dotted hidden

13.Valley fold the flap up.

15.Valley fold down.

16.Valley fold the small 17.Valley fold up so the
corners down. dotted corners hit the
top edge.

18.Turn over. 19.Pull the trapped flap
out to the surface.

20.Starting from the dotted 21.Turn over.
corners, valley fold the
sides up.

22.Valley fold the inner 23.Valley fold the side
layers along the angle edges inwards as far
bisectors. as possible.

24.Valley fold the model 25.Mountain fold the flap
in half. allowing its edge to
get tucked under the
leg flap..

26.Valley fold the flap over. 27.Mountain fold the
There are no reference corner. Rotate the
points for this fold. model so it stands.

28.Completed Skunk.
Smiley Face
1.Precrease the edge in 2.Valley fold the corner
half. to the pinch mark.

3.Turn over. 4.Valley fold so the corner

hits the intersection.
Smiley Face
5.Unfold the pleat. 6.Precrease with a
mountain fold.

7.Precrease along the 8.Valley fold the corners

diagonals. to the creases.
Smiley Face
9.Valley fold the corners 10.Swing the sides outwards.

11.Valley fold in half. 12.Valley fold both layers to

the dotted intersection.
Smiley Face
13.Valley fold the sides, 14.Swing the flaps down.
allowing them to overlap.

15.Turn over. 16.Valley fold so the

corner hits the dotted
crease. Try to avoid
creasing the middle

Smiley Face

17.Note how the flap lies 18.Repeat steps 16-17

straight. Open out the in mirror image.

19.Turn over. 20.Valley fold the corners

back up.

Smiley Face
21.Valley fold the sides so 22.Valley fold the edges.
the dotted parts meet.

23.Valley fold the flaps so

the dotted areas hit the
outer dotted edges.
Smiley Face
24.Mountain fold the
colored corners

25.Valley fold along the

indicated angle

Smiley Face
26.Valley fold the sides 27.Mountain fold a little
inwards. bit of the tips inside.

28.Precrease the top 29.Valley fold to the last

single layer in half. crease.

Smiley Face
30.Valley fold along the 31.Pinch the edge along
existing crease. the angle bisector.

32.Valley fold starting 33.Valley fold the flap

from the dotted down partway.

Smiley Face
34.Turn over. 35.Valley fold the corners
inwards using the
dotted intersections
as starting points.

36.Turn over.

Smiley Face
37.Completed Smiley Face.

Smiley Face
1.Precrease the sides in 2.Precrease along the
half. diagonals.

3.Valley fold the corners 4.Precrease the top

to the center. layer.
5.Mountain fold the corners 6.Valley fold the top layer
behind. They will meet at starting from the dotted
the center. intersection.

7.Valley fold the remaining 8.Bring the four corners

corners outwards to match. back to the center.
9.Valley fold outwards 10.Valley fold the opposite
towards the creases. edges towards the

11.Valley fold the flaps 12.Turn over.

outwards along the
exiting creases.
13.Valley fold the flap up 14.Valley fold the edge
at the 1/3rd mark. up so the dotted edge
hits the dotted corner.

15.Valley fold the opposite 16.Valley fold the corner

edge to match. in partway.



17.Repeat steps 13-16
on the remaining
three flaps. Turn over.

18.Completed Sunflower.
Teddy Bear
1.Precrease along the 2.Valley fold to the center.
diagonals with mountain

3.Mountain fold the 4.Open out the side flaps.

bottom corner behind.
Teddy Bear
5.Turn over. 6.Valley fold the sides to
the center.

7.Turn over. 8.Valley fold the sides to the

center, allowing the flaps
from behind to swing
Teddy Bear
9.Valley fold the top 10.Open out the sides,
layers to the center. leaving the last folds
in place.

11.Turn over. 12.Valley fold the corner

Teddy Bear
13.Mountain fold the 14.Unfold the sides from
corner around the behind.
hidden thick edge.

15.Valley fold along the 16.Turn over.

angle bisectors.
Teddy Bear
17.Reform the pleats at each 18.Valley fold the corners
side from steps 6-8. down.

19.Precrease the top

section in half.

Teddy Bear
20.Valley fold to the last 21.Valley fold up to the
crease. edge.

Teddy Bear
22.Open out the top, leaving 23.Valley fold the sides to
the last fold in place. the center.

Teddy Bear
24.Valley fold to the outer 25.Valley fold along the
edges. angle bisectors.

Teddy Bear
26.Valley fold the flaps up 27.Turn over.
along the angle

Teddy Bear
28.Swing over one flap. 29.Form a valley fold
between the dotted

Teddy Bear
30.Mountain fold the layer 31.Swing over one flap.
behind to match the edge
on the top layer.

Teddy Bear
32.Mountain fold the bottom 33.Turn over.
corner, aligning with the
colored triangles.

Teddy Bear
34.Valley fold the thick flap 35.Valley fold the top
in half. It does not need layer.
to lie flat as it will act as
a stand.

Teddy Bear
36.Valley fold the top flap 37.Valley fold noting the
so its corners hit the dotted intersections.
edges of the flaps.

Teddy Bear
38.Valley fold so the colored 39.Mountain fold the edge,
tip lies in the middle of starting from the
the flap. indicated halfway point.

Teddy Bear
40.Mountain fold the other 41.Mountain fold the top
side to match. The layers section behind.
will overlap behind.

Teddy Bear
42.Precrease through all layers at each
side. Turn over.

43.Using the existing creases, mountain

fold the middle hidden layers.
Teddy Bear
44.Mountain fold along the existing creases.

45.Valley fold the corners inwards.

Teddy Bear
46.Turn over.

47.Precrease the side flaps, noting the

dotted intersections.
Teddy Bear
48.Valley fold along the angle bisectors.

49.Valley fold towards the creases from step

47, noting the indicated angle bisectors.
Teddy Bear
50.Valley fold the sides in along the folds from step 47.

51.Turn over. 52.Valley fold the side over.

Teddy Bear
53.Valley fold the flap back 54.Tuck the resulting pleat
out so its edge hits the under the center section.
dotted intersection.

Teddy Bear

55.Repeat steps 52-54 56.Mountain fold the

in mirror image. bottom edge, aligning
with the colored

Teddy Bear
57.Fold the hidden flaps out 58.Mountain fold the tips
partway. Look at the next of the flaps in partway.
step for approximate

Teddy Bear
59.Valley fold the tips of 60.Pull the bottom flap
the top flaps. back a bit so the
model can stand.

Teddy Bear
61.Completed Teddy Bear.

Teddy Bear
1.Precrease along the 2.Valley fold the side to
diagonal with a mountain the center.

3.Valley fold the corner up. 4.Open out the side flap.
5.Precrease to the 6.Mountain fold along the
dotted corner. exiting crease.

7.Mountain fold in half. 8.Valley fold so the top

corners meet.

9.Valley fold the corner down.

10.Valley fold the bottom edges up.

11.Valley fold the corners down.

12.Valley fold in half.

13.Valley fold the top layer 14.Turn over.

15.Completed Tree.
1.Precrease the diagonal 2.Valley fold the sides to
with a mountain fold. the center.

3.Pinch the center along the 4.Valley fold to the dotted

angle bisector. Turn over. intersection of creases.
5.Turn over. 6.Valley fold the corners
outwards as far as

7.Turn over. 8.Raise the top flap.

9.Valley fold the indicated 10.Turn over.
section in half.

11.Valley fold the flaps 12.Swing down the back

outwards as far as flap. Turn over.
13.Valley fold the sides 14.Valley fold the top flap
inwards from corner down from corner to
to corner. corner.

15.Valley fold the flap back 16.Turn over.
up again, aligning with
the side flaps.

17.Mountain fold, 18.Turn over.
aligning with the
dotted corners.

19.Valley fold the flap 20.Valley fold a little bit of
down, aligning with the the tip in.
dotted corners.

21.Valley fold in half. 22.Valley fold the head over
and rotate the model.

23.Completed T-rex.

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