0-50V 3A Variable Power Supply
0-50V 3A Variable Power Supply
0-50V 3A Variable Power Supply
This regulator is 0-50V variable power supply circuit. Which you can
adjust output voltage in a wide range between 0V to 50V, and a current
at least 3A. Also, the important is the overload protection. Since it will
immediately cut off when a load short circuit.
The output is a voltage regulation circuit. Because they use LM723 ICs to
provide the best performance. Thus, it is suitable for a power supply
circuit in the various experiments.
Now, we have this project that covers almost all applications.
Technical information
How it works
See circuit diagram of this project below.
First of all, the AC-voltage from the transformer-T1 flows through diode
D1-D4 to the rectifier to DC voltage.
And there are IC1 is used to control a voltage at OUT point by adjusting
VR1 can adjust voltage between 0-50 volts.
Two resistors R1 and R2 limit the overload current. They work together
with two transistors TR1, TR2.
When the current exceeded, TR1 and TR2 will work. Then, there is an
output voltage at lead E of TR2 through LED1 into 2 pins of IC1. LED1
is an alarm display.
We need to use normal load current that under lower than 3A.
After that, press the switch-SW1 to reset the system to restart working
circuit again.
How to builds
How to make a PCB. It is easy and fast. I use laser printer it on 300dpi.
Parts lists
Ceramic capacitors
Mylar Capacitors
Electrolytic capacitor
When the load uses too much current. The 2SC5200 is also too heat.
Thus, we must mount the large size heatsink to save 2SC5200. We can
install the 2SC5200 transistor to the heatsink as Fig.
There are
2SC5200, BD140, BF423 and BF422. You may mistake them.
First, you should 3A up transformer for full output current. Then, you can
choose the voltage of transformer list:
● If you want to use output voltage are 0-50VDC. You use 42V
transformer. But sometime we cannot find this transformer. We may
use 2 transformers connect together in series.
If connecting is the wrong polarity, the output voltage will be low. As Fig,
the output is 5VAC only.
It means that you connect the transformer wrong. Must return a new
polarity wire. We will read voltage about 43V.
After that, use a voltmeter to measure the voltage at the output. Hold it!
Next, supply the AC main to the transformer. While we read voltage the
output 0-50V, begin to adjust the VR1.
The repairing
If this project is not working. Please check and check it again. Often,
caused by putting the wrong device position and soldering. Make sure
that all the various solder points.
● ZD1—If you put it reverse polarity. The circuit may do not works.
First, check the voltage at pin 11. Now it is high voltage. You may remove
R11, R12. Then, measure a voltage at the output. It should be low
voltage or zero.
But, it is still a high voltage. It may be Q4 not correct, its lead is switched.
Next, if it works. Check R4, R23, R22, R21, R20, and VR1. They may be
an error.
Mr balasaheb desai: You can use 15V 0 15V transformer, you not use CT
or 0 terminal. I think you will have the maximum output voltage of about
40V. Yes, you can use 20K pot. But, you should add 20K resistor in
parallel with this 20K pot. See in the picture below, the total resistance is
10K the same in the circuit.
I think it can use for 0-70V variable power supply. Because 2SC5200 can
use max the voltage at 230V in a datasheet. But I am not sure in real
using. Please test it with being careful.
And you need use voltage of the transformer is 55V AC input. When the
rectifier convert is about 76V.