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CGL Mains 2022 Mock

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September 18, 2022 ENGLISH MADHYAM

SSC CGL 2022

Module-I of Section-II of Paper-I (English Language And Comprehension): Vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, synonyms, antonyms and their correct

 Spot the Error,

 Fill in the Blanks,
 Synonyms/ Homonyms,
 Antonyms,
 Spellings/ Detecting mis-spelt words,
 Idioms & Phrases,
 One word substitution,
 Improvement of Sentences,
 Active/ Passive Voice of Verbs,
 Conversion into Direct/ Indirect narration,
 Shuffling of Sentence parts,
 Shuffling of Sentences in a passage,
 Cloze Passage,
 Comprehension Passage.

Note :- To test comprehension, three or more paragraphs will be given and

questions based on those will be asked. At least one paragraph should be a
simple one based on a book or a story and the other two paragraphs should
be on current affairs, based on a report or an editorial.

English Madhyam 1
September 18, 2022 ENGLISH MADHYAM

CGL Mains Mock - 1

Direction: (Q1 – Q4) Read the passage carefully and answer the questions below

It is a matter of great concern that laws are being used to rake up religious controversies to give
a fig-leaf of legitimacy to a communal onslaught on the country’s secular character. Obviously
emboldened by the Supreme Court verdict handing over a disputed site in Ayodhya to Hindu
claimants, determined and malicious efforts are being made by communal elements to capture
sites in Varanasi and Mathura where the Gyanvapi mosque and Shahi Idgah Masjid are located.
The idea that key places of worship among Muslims have been built after demolishing Hindu
temples is beginning to take hold among sections of Indian society, with the active
encouragement of politically affiliated religious groups. It was to prevent such attempts to
change the character of places of worship in the name of correcting perceived historical wrongs
that Parliament enacted the Places of Worship (Special Provisions) Act, 1991. It sought to freeze
the status of places of worship as on August 15, 1947, so that existing suits and proceedings
abate and new claims are not entertained. Yet, in flagrant violation of the law, courts are
repeatedly allowing proceedings to be initiated. In Gyanvapi, not only has a civil judge
entertained a suit but has also ordered a commission to videograph the mosque to ascertain its
religious character. The Supreme Court has not been strong enough. Instead of putting an
immediate halt to such proceedings aimed at creating a groundswell of opinion in favour of
converting such sites into temples, it has only ordered some elementary measures to protect
Muslim worshippers and their place of worship.

Anyone familiar with the history of the Ayodhya dispute, which led to the Babri Masjid’s
demolition, riots and bombings, will understand that all such attempts to change the character
of places of worship have a motive of using religion for political ends and marginalising
minorities. Yet, even the Supreme Court feels some inexplicable need to let procedural aspects
of civil law to be gone through in such litigation. It has transferred the Gyanvapi suit to the
District Judge and asked for priority to be given to the petition to reject the plaint — which will
involve the question whether the suit is barred by the Places of Worship Act. As long as even
one application is pending somewhere, revanchist groups will continue the relentless onslaught
on minority places of worship. In Mathura, the District Court has overturned a lower court’s
order and ruled that the Act will not bar a suit aimed at removing a Masjid in the name of the
site being the birthplace of Lord Krishna. The political atmosphere is conducive for such efforts,
whose proponents will expect state backing. It is up to the courts to act early and act decisively
to uphold the spirit of the Places of Worship Act and preserve communal peace.

1. What was the motive of enacting the places of worship Act, 1991?
A. To change the character of places of worship
B. To take hold among sections of Indian society about the key places of worship
C. to ascertain the religious character as well as backing the revanchist groups
D. To abate the existing suits and proceeding as well as not to entertain any new claims.

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2. Why speaker stated that the Supreme Court has not been strong enough?
A. Because It has transferred the Gyanvapi suit to the District Judge rather than itself.
B. Because it has only ordered some elementary measures to protect Muslim
worshippers and their place of worship Instead of putting an immediate halt to such
C. Because Supreme Court subjugates to current regime in order to adjudicate the
matter in favor of dominant group.
D. Both A & B
3. Which of the following statement is/are not correct with respect to editorial?
(i) Courts are flagrantly violating the Places of Worship (Special Provisions) Act,
1991 by repeatedly allowing proceedings to be initiated.
(ii) District judge ordered to revoke the Places of Worship Act in order to initiate a
(iii) Attempts to change the character of places of worship have a motive of using
religion for political ends and marginalising minorities.
A. Only (i), (ii)
B. Only (ii)
C. (i), (ii), (iii)
D. Only (iii)
4. In order to maintain communal peace, what should courts do on its part?
A. Courts must act decisively to end the legal onslaught to change nature of places of
B. Court must act early and hand over the disputed site to Hindu claimants
C. Supreme court should reprimand lower courts for flagrant violation of law by
entertaining a suit to change the places of worship
D. Court should protect Muslim worshippers and their place of worship by taking strict
action against revanchist groups
Direction: (Q5 – Q8) Read the passage carefully and answer the questions below

Working in hazardous sites such as quarries, where explosives and heavy machinery are
deployed, is fraught with risks. But human casualties in accidents caused at such sites due to
greed-induced exploitation, violation of safety and operational norms, and collusion with
regulators, involve an element of culpability. The death of three workers at the privately owned
Venkateshwara Stone Crusher Unit, at Adaimithippaankulam in Tamil Nadu’s Tirunelveli district,
bears tragic testimony to this. Here, a falling boulder trapped six workers and their heavy
vehicles under debris in a 300-feet deep stone quarry on Saturday night. The management,
according to the State Director of Mining and Geology, was served a closure notice last month
and instructed to suspend operations, after violations. Yet, the operations went on illegally until
the fateful night, which brought officials, politicians and rescuers to the site. Perhaps, a random

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inspection in the interregnum could have prevented the loss of lives. The preliminary inquiry
suggests the crusher unit, which has facilities for the manufacture of M-Sand and blue metal,
had compromised safety along the vehicle path. The breach in the mandated 10 feet distance
between the upper vehicle path and the immediate lower path is believed to have caused the
falling boulder to plunge deeper into the quarry, aggravating the tragedy.

The Revenue Secretary has announced a comprehensive safety audit exercise in all stone
quarries. Given that a political nexus, quarry operations and the grant of licences are
inseparable, such crackdowns have rarely been effective. The plundering of natural resources
including in the ecologically sensitive Western Ghats due to excessive blasting and mining has
been well documented by committees, either appointed by the government or by the courts.
For instance, former IAS officer U. Sagayam, as the Madras High Court-appointed Legal
Commissioner, had estimated ₹16,000 crore loss to the exchequer due to illegal granite mining
in the Madurai region alone. There has been a mushrooming of unlicensed quarries too. Just
last year the High Court had ordered the closure of 64 unlicensed stone quarries in Tiruppur
district, based on the findings of an advocate-commissioner. The revenue loss aside, it is
impossible to fix a cost to the resultant irretrievable damage to the environment and risk
exposure to humans. The big sharks have been targeted mostly when a ruling party has an axe
to grind. There is now a spurt in the quarrying volume in the Tirunelveli-Kanniyakumari region
to meet the huge demand from Kerala, where an estimated 80% of quarried materials is
transported. It calls for the enforcement of restrictions on such inter-State transport of
minerals. Immediate responses to tragedies usually have a short life. Only a genuine
administrative will to sustain the enforcement of rules in quarries is of real consequence.

5. What can be inferred from the first paragraph of the passage?

A. Landslide is the major reason behind the death of three workers at the privately
owned Venkateshwara Stone Crusher Unit.
B. A random inspection in the interregnum is not conducted by the authorities
C. Venkateshwara Stone Crusher Unit is surrounded by Western Ghats so falling of
boulder from the top is quite usual.
D. Human casualties in accidents caused at quarries could have been avoided thorough
rigorous crackdown on unlicensed unit.
6. How the environmental and human costs can be averted occurring in quarries?
A. Through Strict enforcement of rules
B. By granting of licences to unlisted quarries in the region
C. By conducting a comprehensive safety audit exercise in all stone quarries
D. By taking stringent legal action against big sharks
7. Which of the following statement is/are not correct with respect to editorial?

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(i) The privately owned Venkateshwara Stone Crusher Unit continued the operation
even after receiving the closure notice.
(ii) The big sharks greased the former IAS officer U. Sagayam’s palm in order to
illegally quarrying of minerals from the ecologically sensitive Western Ghats.
(iii) Immediate responses by the administration to tragedies are usually ephemeral
A. (i), (ii)
B. (ii), (iii)
C. Only (ii)
D. (i), (iii)
8. What was the reason behind the tragedy at crusher unit as per the preliminary inquiry?
A. A political nexus with the big sharks is the reason behind.
B. Venkateshwara Stone Crusher Unit had Collusion with regulators.
C. The operations went on illegally after the closure notice
D. Safety protocol had been undermined along the vehicle path.
Direction: (Q9 – Q13) Read the passage carefully and answer the questions below

ONCE a farmer and his wife lived in a village with their small son. They loved him very much.
“We must have a pet,” the farmer said to his wife one day. “When our son grows up, he will
need a companion. This pet will be our son’s companion.” His wife liked the idea. One evening,
the farmer brought with him a tiny mongoose. “It’s a baby mongoose,” said his wife, “but will
soon be fully grown. He will be a friend to our son.”

Both the baby and the mongoose grew. In five or six months the mongoose had grown to its full
size — a lovely animal with two shining black eyes and a bushy tail. The farmer’s son was still a
baby in the cradle, sleeping and crying alternately.

One day, the farmer’s wife wanted to go to the market. She fed the baby and rocked him to
sleep in his little cradle. Picking up the basket, she said to her husband, “I’m off to the bazar.
The baby is sleeping. Keep an eye on him. Frankly, I don’t like to leave the child alone with the

“You needn’t be afraid,” said the farmer. “The mongoose is a friendly animal. It’s as sweet as
our baby and they are the best of friends, you know.”

The wife went away, and the farmer, having nothing to do in the house, decided to go out and
take a look at his fields not far away. He ran into some friends on the way back and didn’t
return for quite some time.

The farmer’s wife finished her shopping and came back home with a basketful of groceries. She
saw the mongoose sitting outside as if waiting for her. On seeing her he ran to welcome her, as

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was customary. The farmer’s wife took one look at the mongoose and screamed. “Blood!” she
cried. The face and paws of the mongoose were smeared with blood.

“You wicked animal! You have killed my baby,” she screamed hysterically. She was blind with
rage and with all her strength brought down the heavy basket full of groceries on the blood-
smeared mongoose and ran inside to the child’s cradle.

The baby was fast asleep. But on the floor lay a black snake torn and bleeding. In a flash she
realised what had happened. She ran out looking for the mongoose.

“Oh! You saved my child! You killed the snake! What have I done?” she cried touching the
mongoose, who lay dead and still, unaware of her sobbing. The farmer’s wife, who had acted
hastily and rashly, stared long at the dead mongoose. Then she heard the baby crying. Wiping
her tears, she went in to feed him.

9. Why did the farmer bring a baby mongoose into the house?
A. To assist Farmer’s wife in going to the market
B. To leave the child alone with the mongoose
C. Because the farmer having nothing to do in the house
D. To give a companion to his baby.
E. None of the above
10. Why didn’t the farmer’s wife want to leave the baby alone with the mongoose?
A. Because after all it was an animal.
B. Because mongoose is a tiny mongoose and not be fully grown
C. Because The farmer’s son was still a baby in the cradle, sleeping and crying alternately
D. Because The baby is sleeping
E. None of the above
11. What was the farmer’s comment on his wife’s fears?
A. The mongoose was loved him very much
B. The mongoose was a friendly animal and it was as sweet as their own baby.
C. Our son grows up and he will need a companion
D. The mongoose was a lovely animal with two shining black eyes and a bushy tail
E. None of the above
12. Why did the farmer’s wife strike the mongoose with her basket?
A. Because basket was full of groceries and so heavy
B. Because mongoose stared at the farmer’s wife continuously.
C. She thought that he had killed her baby.
D. she heard the baby crying and thought that all because of wild mongoose
E. None of the above
13. How does farmer’s wife show her repentance?

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A. By Wiping her tears and going in to feed the dead mongoose

B. By crying and saying what she had done and staring continuously at the dead animal.
C. By sitting outside the home as if waiting for her.
D. Bothe A and B
E. None of the above
Direction: (14-18) In the following passage some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks
with the help of the alternatives given. Select the most appropriate option for each number.

The Prime Minister’s Package for Return and Rehabilitation of Kashmir migrants not only
offered jobs to Pandit youths but also ________14________ an initial financial assistance of Rs.
7.5 lakh per family, which was later increased to Rs.20-Rs. 25 lakh — in three instalments for
those who settled in the Valley. It is not a mere coincidence that a turn for the worse coincided
with the Centre’s new push to alter Kashmir’s relations with India, starting with the termination
of Jammu and Kashmir’s statehood and special constitutional status in 2019. On December 31,
2020, a Hindu goldsmith was killed; a series of targeted killings of members of the minorities,
including Kashmiri Pandits, started from October 6, 2021 when Makhan Lal Bindroo who ran
the famous Bindroo Medicate was killed in his shop in Srinagar. Guest workers in the Valley
from other parts of the country have also been ________15________. Policies implemented by
the Centre regarding land and government jobs are perceived in Jammu and Kashmir as
disadvantageous to locals, increasing the sense of ________16________ that is being exploited
by separatists and Pakistan-backed terrorists. The Centre must take measures to ensure the
security of Hindus, and migrant workers in the Valley, at any cost as an immediate response. It
must also think afresh its Kashmir policy and create space for political dialogue. It seems the
________17________ of Article 370 was not the end of the problem but the beginning of fresh
challenges in Kashmir, which need careful handling rather than just ________18__________

14. A. Subordinate B. Acerbic C. Doled out D. Irrevocable

15. A. Marshaled B. Felled C. Palpable D. Mitigated

16. A. Tantamount B. Replete C. Alienation D. Hermetic

17. A. Mercenary B. Impetuous C. Dilution D. Clandestine

18. A. Capitalism B. Muscular C. Vindicate D. Labyrinth

Directions (19–20): In the following questions, four words are given in each question, out
of which only one word is rightly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word.

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19. A. Reminiscence
B. Renounciation
C. Recollecttion
D. Relaxasion
20. A. Scenary
B. Granery
C. Visionary
D. Luminery
Directions (21 -22): In the following questions, the passage/sentence is split into four
parts and named A, B, C and D. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read
the sentence/passage and find out which of the four combinations is correct. Then find
the correct answer.
21. P. In doing so, it has become one of a minuscule number of educational institutions in the
country that have tried to create inclusive, safe public spaces for gender and sexual
Q. The university plans to eventually set up a gender-neutral hostel — its vice-chancellor
told this newspaper that more changes, applicable to student bodies, faculty members,
support staff and academic curriculum and reading material, are on the cards.
R. In 2018, the Tata Institute of Social Sciences had established a gender-neutral space in its
girls’ hostel and Ashoka University inaugurated gender-neutral washrooms.
S. On Saturday, NALSAR University of Law in Hyderabad announced that a floor in one of its
hostels will be a gender-neutral space for students who self-identify as LGBTQI+.
T. NALSAR, however, plans to go further.


22. P. Nearly a decade and a half since its inception, the Indian Premier League (IPL) has struck
deep roots and acquired nimble feet.
Q. Irrespective of the external challenges, the tournament’s organisers have always
conducted the IPL.
R. Cut to the present, the 15th edition will commence at Mumbai’s Wankhede Stadium on
Saturday with defending champion, Chennai Super Kings, (CSK) taking on last year’s runner-
up, Kolkata Knight Riders.
S. Even as India remains the base, at varying points South Africa and the United Arab
Emirates have chipped in as hosts.
T. General elections in 2009, 2014 and 2019, and the pandemic lasting over two years, have
never stymied the league.
Directions (23-25): In the following questions, a sentence has been given in Active/Passive
Voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same
sentence in Passive/Active Voice.

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23. The loan will be sanctioned by the bank.

A. The bank sanctioned the loan.
B. The bank is going to sanction the loan.
C. The bank would sanction the loan.
D. The bank will sanction the loan.
24. He teaches us grammar.
A. Grammar was taught to us by him.
B. We are taught grammar by him.
C. Grammar will be taught to us by him.
D. We were taught grammar by him.
25. We have decided to open a new branch
A. To open a new branch was decided by us.
B. To be opened a new branch has been decided.
C. It has been decided to open a new branch.
D. It may be decided to open a new branch by us.
Directions (26–28): In the following questions, a sentence has been given in
Direct/Indirect Speech. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best
expresses the same sentence in Indirect/Direct Speech.
26. He said, “Ankur, why are you sounding so depressed today?”
A. He asked Ankur why did he sound so depressed that day.
B. He asked Ankur why he was sounding so depressed that day.
C. He told Ankur why he sounded so depressed today.
D. He asked Ankur that why was he sounding so depressed that day
27. Rajesh said, “Manju, do you want to buy a house in Bhopal ?”
A. Rajesh told Manju if she wanted to buy a house in Bhopal.
B. Rajesh asked that did she want to buy a house in Bhopal.
C. Rajesh asked Manju if she wants to buy a house in Bhopal.
D. Rajesh asked Manju if she wanted to buy a house in Bhopal.
28. Mother said, “Gaurav, you will be eligible for voting when you are 18.”
A. Mother told Gaurav he would be eligible for voting when he was 18.
B. Mother told Gaurav that he could vote only after 18.
C. Mother told Gaurav you will be eligible for voting when you are 18.
D. Mother told Gaurav that he would be eligible for voting when he would be 18.
Directions (29-31): In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one
which can be substituted for the given words/sentence.
29. Examination of the dead bodies
A. Autopsy
B. Pandemonium
C. Bisque

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D. Prerogative
30. A trade that is prohibited by low or prevailing social standards
A. Vampire
B. Antedate
C. Illicit
D. Perversion
31. A person who withdraws from the world to live in seclusion and often in solitude
A. Pilot
B. Introspection
C. Ballet
D. Recluse
Directions (32 – 34): Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the
32. Play a second fiddle
A. Be treated as less important than someone or something.
B. To behave comically or playfully, often to amuse others.
C. One is not very bright or intelligent.
D. Something (often deceptive or hurtful) that both parties involved in a situation could do.
33. On tenterhooks
A. Relating to or controlled by the nerves in the body
B. To describe something in a particular way
C. In a state of suspense or agitation because of uncertainty about a future event.
D. To go out and enjoy yourself by drinking alcohol, dancing, laughing with friends, etc
34. Queer fish
A. To have a lot of influence only over a small area
B. A strange person
C. Someone who is uncomfortable in a specific situation
D. Like one thing in some ways and like another thing in other ways
Directions (35-36): choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word.
A. Tenuous
B. Blame
C. Abnegate
D. Infer
A. Monolithic
B. Idyllic
C. Chasm

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D. Exciting
Direction: (37-38): In the following question, out of the four alternatives, choose the word
which best expresses the meaning of the given word.
A. Dismay
B. Perfidy
C. Vitiate
D. Vapid
A. Injunction
B. Forsake
C. Chastise
D. Deceive
Directions (39 – 40): In the following questions, some part of the sentence is underlined.
Which of the options given below the sentence should replace the part underlined to
make the sentence grammatically correct. If the sentence is correct as it is given then
choose option E ‘No Correction required’ as the answer.
39. Despite of having required ability, he could not succeed.
A. Despite of being
B. Despite having
C. Despite having of
D. In spite of being
E. No correction required.
40. Although he has received many awards, I could not find his performance satisfactorily.
A. Performing satisfactorily
B. Performing satisfaction
C. Satisfactorily performance
D. Performance satisfactory
E. No correction required
Directions (Q40– Q45): Find out the error, if any –
41. Try to ask him (A) / why does he repeat (B)/the same mistake each time. (C) / No Error.(D)
42. My uncle disposed off (A) / his old house (B) /in the country. (C) / No Error. (D)
43. Many a student (A) / have joined the National Service Scheme (B) / to serve the local
community. (C) /No Error. (D)
44. If you would have arranged these red flowers (A) / in a vase together with some white ones
(B) / they would have looked pretty. (C) / No Error. (D)
45. Thousands of buildings had either collapsed (A) / or damaged (B) / in the earthquake. (C) /
No Error. (D)

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1. D 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. D 10. A 11. B 12. C
13. B 14. C 15. B 16. C 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. C 21. D 22. C 23. D 24. B
25. C 26. B 27. D 28. D 29. A 30. C 31. D 32. A 33. C 34. B 35. B 36. D
37. A 38. D 39. B 40. D 41. B 42. A 43. B 44.A 45. B
1. (D) Parliament enacted the Places of Worship (Special Provisions) Act, 1991. It sought to
freeze the status of places of worship as on August 15, 1947, so that existing suits and
proceedings abate and new claims are not entertained.

2. (B) Because Instead of putting an immediate halt to such proceedings aimed at creating
a groundswell of opinion in favour of converting such sites into temples, it has only
ordered some elementary measures to protect Muslim worshippers and their place of

3. (B) only (ii) is incorrect

4. (A) Option is more appropriate.

5. (B) Perhaps, a random inspection in the interregnum could have prevented the loss of
From the above line it can be inferred that ‘A random inspection in the interregnum is
not conducted by the authorities’
6. (A) Strict enforcement of rules in quarries alone can prevent environmental and human
7. (C) Grease someone’s palm (phrase) – to bribe someone रिशवत दे ना
8. (D) The preliminary inquiry suggests the crusher unit, which has facilities for the
manufacture of M-Sand and blue metal, had compromised safety along the vehicle path
14. Dole out (phrasal verb) – allocate, allot, apportion, assign, distribute बाांटना
15. Fell (verb) – kill, gun down, Knock down. माि गििाना
16. Alienation (noun) – isolation, detachment, estrangement, distance, separation, अलिाव
की भावना
17. Dilution (noun) – The action of making something weaker in force, content, or value.
कम किना
18. Muscular (adjective) – vigorous, robust, strong, powerful, dynamic ज़ोिदाि
21. On Saturday, NALSAR University of Law in Hyderabad announced that a floor in one of
its hostels will be a gender-neutral space for students who self-identify as LGBTQI+. In
doing so, it has become one of a minuscule number of educational institutions in the

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country that have tried to create inclusive, safe public spaces for gender and sexual
minorities. In 2018, the Tata Institute of Social Sciences had established a gender-
neutral space in its girls’ hostel and Ashoka University inaugurated gender-neutral
washrooms. NALSAR, however, plans to go further. The university plans to eventually
set up a gender-neutral hostel — its vice-chancellor told this newspaper that more
changes, applicable to student bodies, faculty members, support staff and academic
curriculum and reading material, are on the cards.
22. Nearly a decade and a half since its inception, the Indian Premier League (IPL) has struck
deep roots and acquired nimble feet. General elections in 2009, 2014 and 2019, and the
pandemic lasting over two years, have never stymied the league. Irrespective of the
external challenges, the tournament’s organisers have always conducted the IPL. Even
as India remains the base, at varying points South Africa and the United Arab Emirates
have chipped in as hosts. Cut to the present, the 15th edition will commence at
Mumbai’s Wankhede Stadium on Saturday with defending champion, Chennai Super
Kings, (CSK) taking on last year’s runner-up, Kolkata Knight Riders.
29. Autopsy – Examination of the dead bodies शव- ऺ
Pandemonium – A wild and noisy disorder -
Bisque – A rich, creamy soup typically made with shellfish
Prerogative – Absolute rights वशष
30. Vampire – A corpse that rises nightly from its grave to drink the blood of the living

Illicit – A trade that is prohibited by low or prevailing social standards व
Antedate – To be of an earlier date than
Perversion – Change to something abnormal or unnatural व
31. Recluse – A person who withdraws from the world to live in seclusion and often in
solitude वस
Pilot – One who flies an aero plane
Introspection – Examination of self-thought or feeling व
Ballet – An artistic dance form performed to music using precise and highly formalized
set steps
39. despite of having’ ‘despite having' ह ‘Despite' of
ह ह ह स स Noun Gerund (V+ing) ह ह
40. 'performance satisfactorily’ ‘performance satisfactory' ह
"satisfactorily’ Adverb ह Noun ‘performance' वशष ह स ह

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स Noun वशष Adjective ह satisfactorily Adjective

'satisfactory' ह, 'satisfactory' ह 'performance' वशष .
41. (B) ‘does he repeat' 'he repeats' ह
व Statement ( थ ) ह, Question Part (B) श स ह 'ask’
Object ह औ Object श arrangement
'Subject + Verb' (Clause) ह ह ,

(i) Why does he come late? [Question]
(ii) I don't know why he comes late. [Statement]

42. (A) “off “ 'of' ह 'dispose’ Preposition 'of'

ह ह औ 'dispose of “ थ ह ह व , , व थ ';
स -
She disposed of her ornaments to pay her debts.
43. (B) 'have' ‘has' ह Many a/an + Singular Noun'
Singular Verb ह ह,

(i) Many a man was killed in an accident.
(ii) Many an elephant has been seen in this forest.
44. (A) 'would have’ 'had' ह past unreal situation
व व Conditional Clause व If + Subject+ had + V3 Had +
Subject + V3 ह ह थ Clause - Subject + would/might/could + have +
स:- If he had performed well, he would have got the first prize.
45. (B) 'damaged' ह 'been' ह व Subject
‘Thousands of buldings' (Verbs) 'collapse' थ "damage'
ह व ह ह 'collapse' ( , ह ) Intransitive Verb ह
'damage' ( स , ऺ ) Transitive Verb ह ह
Thousands of buildings had either collapsed or been damaged.

English Madhyam 14
September 18, 2022 ENGLISH MADHYAM

Explanation of other important words

Sr.NO Words Meanings
Q 35 Tenuous adjective Flimsy; extremely thin
Abnegate verb To deny oneself things; to reject; to व
Infer verb To conclude; to deduce

Q 36 Monolithic adjective Massive, solid, uniform and unyielding

Idyllic adjective Charming in a rustic way; naturally peaceful स व

Chasm noun A deep, gaping hole; a gorge ,

Q 37 Perfidy noun Treachery ह

Vitiate verb To make impure; to pollute

Vapid adjective Without liveliness; dull; spiritless स

Q 38 Injunction noun A command or order, especially a court श

Forsake verb To abandon; to renounce; to relinquish

Chastise verb To inflict punishment on; to discipline

English Madhyam 15
September 18, 2022 ENGLISH MADHYAM

English Madhyam 16

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