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SHS - RWS Q4 Module 4 Features of A Project Proposal

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Reading and

Quarter 4 – Module 4:
Features of a Project Proposal
Reading and Writing
Quarter 4 – Module 4: Features of a Project Proposal
First Edition, 2020

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Senior High School

Reading and
Quarter 4 – Module 4:
Features of a Project Proposal
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to
use this module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress
while allowing them to manage their own learning at home.
Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as
they do the tasks included in the module.

For the learner:

As a learner, you must learn to become responsible of your own
learning. Take time to read, understand, and perform the different
activities in the module.
As you go through the different activities of this module be
reminded of the following:
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on
any part of the module. Use a separate sheet of paper in
answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer Let Us Try before moving on to the other
3. Read the instructions carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking
your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are done.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this
module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always
bear in mind that you are not alone. We hope that through this
material, you will experience meaningful learning and gain deep
understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

Let Us Learn
Learning Competency:

Identify the unique features of and requirements in composing

texts that are useful across disciplines:
• Project Proposal (EN11/12RWS-IVdg-12.3)

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. identify the unique features of a project proposal paper; and

Let Us Try
Directions: Read the following questions carefully. Write the letter of the
correct answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following best describes a project proposal?

a. a request for financial assistance to implement a project
b. a concise and coherent summary of your proposed research
c. a job application in a company
d. a letter asking solicitation

2. Which of the following defines a project proposal?

a. It outlines the plan of the organization about the project.
b. It is the final document used to define an internal or external project.
c. It is a writing activity.
b . It is an individual achievement.

3. Which of the following is NOT an element of a project proposal?

a. formulation of project elements
b. converting the plan into a project document
c. avoiding sponsors and stakeholders
d. articulating the activities for the proposed project

4. Which of the following is a challenge in preparing a project proposal?

a. It is an essential marketing document that helps cultivate an initial
professional relationship between an organization and a donor.
b. It facilitates appropriate words for the conception of an idea.
c. It has a framework that establishes ideas formally to a clear
understanding of the project for the donor.
d . It has often tight deadlines, so proposals are usually rejected.

5. Which of the following is the main objective of a project proposal?
a. formulation of project elements
b. converting the plan into a project document
c. a great way to secure funding, win new clients, or convince
executives to allocate resources to projects.
d. estimating the budget

6. Which of the following is considered when writing a successful

project proposal?
a. It requires being on the same page with the clients and wearing
their shoes for a moment.
b. It needs more people to formulate a proposal.
c. It needs a year or two to prepare for the needed materials.
d. It needs writing conventions.

7. Which of the following is not a description of a project proposal?

a. It is a document that describes a proposed project and its purpose,
outcomes, and the steps that will be taken to complete the project
b. It is the formal agreement between two parties to complete a project, a
project proposal’s purpose is to communicate how a company, team,
or individual plan to approach a project.
c. It is a request for financial assistance to implement a project.
d. It requires being on the same page with the clients and wearing
their shoes for a moment

8. Which of the following is not important in project proposal preparation?

a. It describes services and outcomes from a potential service provider so
decision-makers can compare vendors and pick the best provider for
their needs.
b. It should be considered a sales document that persuades the decision-
maker or stakeholder that the prospective provider has the skills and
expertise needed to complete the project to their satisfaction.
c. It should also set expectations, detail budget and timeline, as well as
set expectations for what delivery would look like.
d. It is the formal agreement between two parties to complete a project, a
project proposal’s purpose is to communicate how a company, team,
or individual plan to approach a project.

9. Which of the following is considered the first step in project
proposal preparation?
a. writing
b. planning
c. asking
d. reviewing

10. Which of the following parts of a project proposal gives an overview of

the project?
a. project objectives/outcomes
b. project methodology
c. budgetary requirement
d. project background

11. Which of the following parts of a project proposal states explicitly what
the project aims to achieve?
a. project objectives/outcomes
b. project methodology
c. budgetary requirement
d. project background

12. Which of the following parts of a project proposal includes work

breakdown or staffing, task time estimates, and project deliverables?
a. project objectives/outcomes
b. project methodology
c. budgetary requirement
d. project background

13. Which of the following parts of a project proposal indicates the

financial requirement of the project?
a. project objectives/outcomes
b. project methodology
c. budgetary requirement
d. project background

14. Which of the following parts of project proposal indicates the plans
on how the project objectives will be achieved?
a. project objectives/outcomes
b. project methodology
c. budgetary requirement
d. project background

15. It indicates how the project team will be organized, what development
and collaboration tools will be used, and how the plan will be updated
along the way.
a. Project Approach Summary
b. Work Breakdown and Task Time Estimates
c. Project Deliverables
d. budgetary requirement

1 Project Proposal

Writing project proposals is expected of a senior high school student, like

you. Project Proposal is a written presentation of a project, program, or
innovation you plan to implement. Project proposals are submitted to an
appropriate agency or association for implementation or funding. For example,
you plan to implement literacy project for out-of-school youth in your barangay.
If you want this project to be approved for implementation or even funded by
the appropriate agency, you have to submit a project proposal.

Let Us Study
You cannot design an effective project proposal without careful planning
and research. In the planning stage the following questions are helpful: Why
are you proposing this project? How will you be doing it? When and where
will it be done? How much will it cost?

After answering those questions, you need to research for relevant

information from books or journals in the library or in the internet related to
your project.

Before we discuss further about project proposal, take time out to fill
in the blanks below by writing situations that you think would need a
project proposal.

Uses of Project Proposals




Characteristics of Proposals

§ Proposals are persuasive documents as these try to convince the

reader of the suitability of a particular course of action.
§ Proposals are generally written for an external audience though in
some cases they may be made for internal purposes, by one
department for another or from an individual to the management.
§ These may be solicited or unsolicited.
§ They vary in length from a couple of pages to several pages.
§ Proposals may be made by individuals or organizations for both
individuals and organizations.

Tips in Writing a Proposal

Scot Ober has compiled some of the points to be kept in mind while writing
a proposal. These are as follows:

ü Give ample, credible evidence for all statements.

ü Do not exaggerate
ü Provide examples, expert testimony and specific facts and figures to
support your statements.
ü Use simple, straightforward and direct language preferring simple
sentences and active voice.
ü Stress the benefits. Remember that you are asking for something,
usually a commitment of money; let the reader know what he or she
will get in return.

Guidelines in Writing the Proposal

The following section provides some guidelines in writing

the proposal:

1. Gathering data. One of the characteristics of an effective proposal
is being well-researched. A proposal needs concrete data to back
up its claims so it can become more credible. You can gather data
from primary and secondary sources, and apply the strategies that
you learned in writing a research paper in the previous lessons.
2. Organizing data. A proposal becomes more effective if the
information on it is clearly organized. You can use the parts of the
proposal to guide you in your organization, or use an outline to
structure your discussion more effectively.
3. Writing the proposal. Once you have gathered and organized the
data, draft your proposal by filling out the parts of the proposal
with the relevant data.
4. Revising the proposal. Make sure to review your proposal for
accuracy and organization before you send it out. A good proposal
will be comprehensive and will put your organization in the best

Defining the Project Proposal

Project proposals are documents that are written for problem solving,
service provision, event planning, or equipment selling. Generally, proposals
are used to convince the reader to do what the proposal suggests, such as
buying goods or services, funding a project, or implementing a program.
Proposals in the professional world are used for internal (within an
organization) and external (from one organization to another) purposes. They
are a way of generating income for companies seeking funds for projects.
Proposals are usually written in response to Requests for Proposal
(RFP), which funding agencies send out. Interested organizations send
proposals following the requirements stipulated in the RFP. Requesting
parties are thus able to compare different responses to a problem. Thus, it is
clear that a proposal provides a plan to satisfy a need.
A proposal stands out depending on its ability to clearly answer
questions about what is being proposed, and how the plan will be carried
out, when it will be implemented, and how much money will be needed or
spent. In other words, proposals are persuasive documents that need to do
the following: highlight reader benefits, prove your credibility in carrying out
the project, and allow the reader to respond easily.
Even in your lives as students, you have been adapted with writing
proposals, may be without even knowing it. Whenever you envision, plan and
complete a project for your class or clubs, you are thinking about fulfilling a
need for something. This process may include writing a paper or doing a
performance in front of an audience to get their approval. While proposal
writing may seem like a daunting task, they can be made easier by following

the guidelines in writing and familiarizing yourself with the parts of a project

Organizing the Project Proposal

Proposals are mainly characterized according to their length. An

informal proposal is about 2-4 pages long. A formal proposal, meanwhile,
has 5 or more pages. Irrespective of their purpose and audience, they have
typical parts. Let me show you two types of project proposal presentation
such as the following:

1. Introduction
This portion provides the background necessary for understanding
the project, which is done by discussing the following:
• Rationale - This recognizes the problem to be addressed and
shows the need to solve it.
• Objectives - These reveal what the project intends to achieve in
terms of results. It also gives the reader an idea of the intended
solution. Good objectives are SMART (specific, measurable,
attainable, results oriented and time-bound)
• Benefits - These show what the reader or target audience can
gain from the proposal, which may be improvements in
processes or systems, an increase in revenue, or a change in
behavior of the beneficiaries of the proposal.

2. Project description
This section gives definite information about the project itself. It
indicates how the project will address the identified problem
through the following parts:

• Methodology - This details the different activities the project

will take on, including the manpower (i.e. the people involved
and their duties) and resources to be utilized, and the
expected output.
• Schedule - This discusses the task duration and expected
start and end dates of each activity in the project.
• Budget - This presents an analysis of all the costs projected
in the project, which can be itemized or shown as a whole,
depending on the needs of the project.

Below are samples of project proposal templates:

Sample 1

I. Project Background
Explain what needs/problems you are trying to solve, and
why these needs/problems are worth solving. You may provide a
brief history behind the project.

II. Project Objectives

State explicitly what goals/outcomes of the project is aiming
to achieve.

III. Project Methodology

Indicate the plans on how the project objectives will be achieved.
You may start with a description of the overall approach then the
details of how anticipated problems will be managed.

A. The Project Approach Summary

Indicate how the project team will be organized, what
development and collaboration tools will be used, and how the plan
will be updated along the way.

B. Work Breakdown and Task Time Estimates

Make a list of tasks that will be performed for this project. You
may want to include a milestone chart in this section.

C. Project Deliverables
Make a list of project deliverables. These are the products,
information, reports, etc. that will be delivered to the client at the
end and throughout the duration of the project.

IV. Project Cost

Indicate the financial requirements of the project.

(Source: hhtp://

Sample 2

• Project Title: (PROJECT TITLE)
• Type of Project: (education-training/health-medical
mission/arts exhibit,etc.)
• Project Proponent/s: (Name of organization)
• Number of Benificiaries: (no. of households and individuals)

• Project Benificiaries: (Urban poor, women, youth, etc.)
• Location of Benificiaries: (address of benificiaries)
• Date of Implementation/ (start date/number of implementation days)
• Area of Project Implementation: (address where project was implemented)
• Budget Requirement: (overall amount of budget
• Budget Requested: (state amount requested)


• What prompted the project?

• Is there an existing concern or potential problem that you want to address?



What does the project hope to achieve? What are the strategies that must be
done to meet the objectives?


• What are the long term effects of the project? (economic, social, cultural,
institutional, environmental, technological, etc.)
• What are the specific measures to sustain the project?
• What are the linkages with other initiatives or reforms in the sector and
other development or governance concerns?


• What are the risks and factors that may hamper or hinder the successful
implementation of project activities and achievement of project outputs?
• What are the measures that would mitigate the adverse effects resulting from
such risks?


Office/Staff Responsibilities Contact Person Contact Details






May include any other information that will support the request for funding, such
• Brief enumeration of other stakeholders who pledged support to the project
• Other projects that are lined-up to complement the current initiative


• Profile/brochure of the organization

• Endorsement and recommendation letters
• Other documents to support the request

Let Us Practice

Below is a sample project proposal for the Department of Education’s

“Gulayan sa Paaralan” project. Study the proposal below and answer the
questions that follow:

I. Basic Information

Gulayan sa Paaralan Project (GPP)


Department of Education (DepEd)
Proposed Implementing National (In cooperation with other concerned
Government Agency government agencies)

To improve and increase vegetable

production and consumption by teaching
the learners the methods of sustainable
production of food which are applicable to
their homes and important for household
OBJECTIVES security. It also aims to establish schools
gardens to serve as main source of food to
sustain supplemental feeding. It also
showcases small-scale production models
in schools to be replicated in the household.

TARGET PHYSICAL OUTPUTS School Gardening, Gardening Tools, and

Data/Records on Health and Nutritional
Status of the Learners.


Requested from National Government PhP 391,000.00

LGU Counterpart 69,000.00
PhP 460,000.00

II. Project Rationale and Objectives

Most of the learners in many places in our country belong to poor families
and have greater possibility of dropping out in their basic education because of
hunger and malnutrition in school and besides, need to help their parents earn a
living. Furthermore, the health and nutrition of these learners are crucial factors
affecting their academic performance. Hence, our government must address this
immortal education issue once and for all.

For this reason, let us educate the learners the methods of sustainable food
production such as vegetable production and consumption, which are applicable to
their homes and important for household security. Furthermore, this will also teach
them the following:
• improving nutritional status,
• learning where food comes from,
• promoting beautification,
• watershed education,
• producing food,
• stimulating creativity,
• encouraging leadership and service, and
• changing family home food habits.

These livelihood skills that the learners will acquire from the school can also be
applied and replicated in their respective households. Thus, by making foods more
accessible to all schools, which will certainly improve the health and nutritional
status of the learners through this sustainable School Feeding Program, our
government can better ensure their success.

III. Project Description

One of the thrusts of the Department of Education [DepEd] is to strengthen

and intensify the implementation of the Gulayan sa Paaralan Project [GPP] in all
public elementary and secondary schools to serve as food basket and have a ready
source of vegetables for the schools’ supplementary feeding program. According to
the report of the Nutrition and Health Council, hunger and malnutrition are two
main problems that affect 19% or 3,268,000 families out of the 17,400,000
families/households in the country due to lack of food to eat or money to buy food.

Meanwhile, our government is now strengthening the implementation of

school-community food production under this program which shall be tied up with
other concerned agencies that seek to:

a. raise the level of public consciousness on the health and nutritional

dimensions as well as economic benefits of establishing school, households,
and community garden;

b. establish school gardens to serve as the food basket/main source to sustain
supplementary feeding;
c. intensify the product and consumption of vegetables and fruits;
d. showcase small-scale food production models in schools for the
households/community to replicate purposely to promote family and food
security; and
e. inculcate among the school learners the values of good health and nutrition,
industry, love of labor, and caring for others.

The GPP shall be implemented in all public elementary and secondary schools
with ample and limited areas within the municipality of Tagbina using the organic
gardening technologies like bio-intensive gardening. The said schools will be
provided with gardening tools and vegetable seedlings. In line with this program, a
GPP Task Force or Committee will be the one to conduct the advocacy, orientation,
and distribution of materials, monitoring, and evaluation. There must be a
seminar-workshop that will be conducted prior to the distribution of gardening
tools and vegetables seedling to ensure that every thing is in accordance with the
scope of this program and, above all, for effective implementation.

The school administrators/school heads of both elementary and secondary

public schools within the municipality of Tagbina, including their respective
teachers, School PTA (Parent-Teacher Association) Officers and Members, School
Governing Council Members, Barangay Council Members, or Sitio Officials, as part
of their moral obligation, must spearhead the implementation of this GPP program.
The source of funds of this program must come from the National Government
(85%) and Local Government (15%) as part of the Poverty and Hunger Alleviation
Program of the government.

Finally, it is expected that the school administrators involved in this program

must submit quarterly narrative reports to this program to the GPP Task Force and
to their respective school’s district or cluster nurses, which eventually will be
forwarded also to the Office of the DepEd-Secretary Attn: Health and Nutrition
Center, DepEd Complex, Pasig City.

IV. Proposed Budget

[From the LGU] OUTLAY
Gardening tools and PhP 10,000.00 PhP 460,000.00
vegetable seedlings in every
school, both elementary and
Source: (retrieved from February

Based on the information in the Project Proposal answer the following

1. What is the title of the project?
2. Give one objective of the project?
3. Who is/are the proponent/s of the proposal?

4. For whom is the proposal?
5. How much is the needed budget?
6. Where will the funds be taken?
7. What is/are the expected output/s of the project?

Let Us Practice More

Directions: Put a ü check mark if the statement is correct; X if otherwise.

Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Project proposals are submitted to an appropriate agency or

association for appreciation.
2. Proposals are entertainment documents as these try to convince the
reader of the suitability of a particular course of action.
3. Project proposals should not be more than 1 page.
4. Individuals are not allowed to submit a project proposal for project
5. Project proposals should use figurative and colourful language rather
than direct language to persuade the funding agency.
6. A brief history of the project is written in the project background or
7. The Project Objectives state the purpose of the project.
8. Project cost is very important in a project proposal.
9. A project proposal should address an existing concern or potential
10. A project proposal should be SMART.

Let Us Assess

Directions: Read the following questions carefully. Write the letter of the
correct answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following parts of project proposal includes work

breakdown or staffing, task time estimates, and project
a. project objectives/outcomes
b. project methodology
c. budgetary requirement
d. project background
2. Which of the following parts of project proposal indicates the financial
requirement of the project?
a. project objectives/outcomes
b. project methodology
c. budgetary requirement
d. project background
3. Which of the following parts of project proposal indicates the plans on
how the project objectives will be achieved?
a. project objectives/outcomes
b. project methodology
c. budgetary requirement
d. project background
4. It indicates how the project team will be organized, what development
and collaboration tools will be used, and how the plan will be updated
along the way.
a. Project Approach Summary
b. Work Breakdown and Task Time Estimates
c. Project Deliverables
d. budgetary requirement
5. Which of the following best describes a project proposal?
a. a request for financial assistance to implement a project
b. a concise and coherent summary of your proposed research
c. a job application in a company
d. a letter asking solicitation
6. Which of the following defines a project proposal?
a. It outlines the plan of the organization about the project.
b. It is the final document used to define an internal or
external project.
d. It is an individual achievement.
7. Which of the following is NOT an element of a project proposal?
a. formulation of project elements
b. converting the plan into a project document
c. avoiding sponsors and stakeholders
d. articulating the activities for the proposed project
8. Which of the following is a challenge in preparing a project proposal?
a. It is an essential marketing document that helps cultivate an initial
professional relationship between an organization and a donor.
b. It facilitates appropriate words for the conception of an idea.
c. It has a framework that establishes ideas formally to a
clear understanding of the project for the donor.
d. It has often tight deadlines, so proposals are usually rejected.
9. Which of the following is the main objective of a project proposal?
a. formulation of project elements
b. converting the plan into a project document
c. a great way to secure funding, win new clients, or convince
executives to allocate resources to projects.
d. d. estimating the budget
10. Which of the following is considered when writing a successful project
a. It requires being on the same page with the clients and wearing
their shoes for a moment.
b. It needs more people to formulate a proposal.

c. It needs a year or two to prepare for the needed materials.
d. It needs writing conventions.
11. Which of the following is not a description of a project proposal?
a. It is a document that describes a proposed project and its purpose,
outcomes and the steps that will be taken to complete the project
b. It is the formal agreement between two parties to complete a
project, a project proposal’s purpose is to communicate how a
company, team, or individual plan to approach a project.
c. It is a request for financial assistance to implement a project.
d. It requires being on the same page with the clients and wearing
their shoes for a moment.
12. Which of the following is not important in project proposal preparation?
a. To describe services and outcomes from a potential service provider
so decision-makers can compare vendors and pick the best
for their needs
b. It should be considered a sales document that persuades the
decision-maker or stakeholder that the prospective provider has
the skills and expertise needed to complete the project to their
c. It should also set expectations, detail budget and timeline, as well
as set expectations for what delivery would look like.
d. It is the formal agreement between two parties to complete a

project, a project proposal’s purpose is to communicate how a

company, team, or individual plan to approach a project.

13. Which of the following is considered the first step in project proposal
a. writing
b. planning
c. asking
d. reviewing
14. Which of the following parts of a project proposal gives an overview of
what the project is about?
a. project objectives/outcomes
b. project methodology
c. budgetary requirement
d. project background
15. Which of the following parts of a project proposal states explicitly what
the project aims to achieve?
a. project objectives/outcomes
b. project methodology
c. budgetary requirement
d. project background

Answer Key

.15 a .15 a
.14 b .14 d
.13 c .13 b
.12 b .12 d
.11 a .11 b
.10 d .10 a
.9 b .9 c
.8 d .8 d
.7 b .7 c
.6 a .6 a
.5 c .5 a
.4 d .4 a
.3 c .3 b
.2 a .2 c
.1 a .1 b
Let Us Try Let Us Assess


Marella Therese A. Tiongson and Maxine Rafaella C. Rodriguez. 2016.

Reading and Writing Skills, Rex Book Store p. 157

hhtp:// (retrieved from

February 2015)

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Davao City Division

Elpidio Quirino Ave., Poblacion District, Davao City, 8000 Davao del Sur

Telefax: (082) 224-3274, (082) 222-1672

E-mail Address:

Weekly Home Learning Plan
Quarter 4 Week 4
May 30 – June 03, 2022
Day & Learning Learning Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
Time Area Competency
Tuesday Reading  The learner  MODULE 4: FEATURES - Parents/Guardian will
1:00 – & identifies the OF A PROJECT claim the modules from
3:00 Writing unique PROPOSAL the school or the
PM Skills features of  Formative teacher will send the
and Assessment: Let Us file thru Facebook
requirements Try (pp. 1-4) Group Page.
 Written Works: Let - Facebook Group Page,
in composing
Us Practice (pp. 10- Facebook Messenger
texts that
13) and Let Us (GCs), Google
are useful
Practice More (p. 13) Classroom and Gmail
across  Performance Tasks: account will
disciplines: Let Us Asses (pp. 13- supplement available
(EN11/12RW 15) hard copy of the
S-IVhj-13) modules or
d. Project supplemental
Proposal discussion.

N.B.: The written activities categorized as Formative Assessment will be recorded but not
graded (its purpose is to assess your pre-knowledge & the level of your understanding about
the topic) while those written activities that were categorized as Written Works and
Performance Tasks will be checked and graded.

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher

Accomplished Outputs must be submitted on JUNE 03, 2022

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