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Analysis of Shaft Voltage of Large Turbo

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Analysis of Shaft Voltage of Large Turbo-

generators for rotor defect detection purposes
Kévin DARQUES, Abdelmounaïm TOUNZI, Karim BEDDEK
Yvonnick Le MENACH EDF Lab
Univ. Lille, Arts et Metiers ParisTech, Centrale Lille, 7 Boulevard Gaspard Monje
HEI, EA 2697 L2EP, Laboratoire d’Electrotechnique et F-91120 Palaiseau, France
d’Electronique de Puissance
F-59000 Lille, France

Abstract—In the case of large turbo-generators, the analysis

of the shaft voltage could be interesting to diagnose some
defects such as eccentricities or field winding inter-turn short
circuits. To this aim, a first step consists in determining in an
accurate way the effect of these defects on the shaft voltage. In
this paper, a 4–pole high-power non-salient pole synchronous
generator is studied in a didactic way. The study is carried out
gradually, with the aim to determine the effect of the parallel
coupling of the armature windings.

Keywords—Fault diagnosis, finite element model, shaft

voltage, synchronous generator

Fig. 1. Circumferential magnetic flux
Monitoring of large turbo-alternators of power plants is
of great interest in order to ensure a reliable operation along B. Numerical model
with sustainability of the material [1]. Shaft voltage is
generally an undesirable quantity that is due to numerous With the aim to determine the impact of the stator
causes [2] such as slight inherent construction imperfections, winding, the shaft voltage of a large common turbo-
air gaps introduced by the implementation of the sectors of generators of 1300 MW high power plants is investigated.
steel sheets of the magnetic circuit or mechanical frictions.... This structure is a non-salient rotor machines with 4 poles.
Thus, it induces currents that can damage the bearings of Using FE approach, a 2D model of this machine is built
high-power machines. This voltage is also due to some up while taking a large air area around the machine in order
defects that occur during the operation of the machine such to allow the leakage flux to be established. Furthermore, to
as rotor short circuit or eccentricities and then, as it is mitigate any possible numerical error that can be introduced
generally measured in high-power machines, its analysis
by the quality of the mesh, the latter is carefully built in the
could be useful to detect some of these defects. However, to
be able to use it for reliable detection, it is first necessary to form of a regular mapped star mesh. Fig. 2 gives a view of
quantify the contribution of each defect to be detected to this the mesh of the 4-pole structure which is composed of 82
voltage. 000 prismatic elements. To take into account the static
eccentricity the stator elements are moved by the value of
This paper aims at analyzing shaft voltage of high power the eccentricity thickness towards the center of the machine
synchronous generators by considering the effect of the
stator slots and armature windings when classical defects
occur. An example of a 4-pole machine operating with a
static eccentricity is investigated.

A. Circumferential magnetic flux

Shaft voltage is defined as the potential difference that
appears between both ends of the rotor shaft. Several causes,
either of capacitive or magnetic origins, can generate it [3].
Furthermore, they may be internal to the machine or from
external sources.
In this paper, only magnetic asymmetries are concerned
leading to a resultant circumferential magnetic flux which Fig. 2. View of the mesh
induces an electric potential between the two ends of the To study and analyze in a didactic way the impact of each
shaft. Magnetic asymmetries can be generalized to any cause that could generate a shaft voltage, the interaction of
defect which results in an alteration of the magnetic flux the stator slots and windings with the considered defects is
distribution in the machine. In faulty operation, this can be studied hereafter. Fig. 3 shows the coupling of the armature
due to eccentricities or rotor short circuit. windings of the 4-pole machine studied.
Each phase is constituted of four windings connected in
parallel and two neutral points. R1 and Lf represent the

978-1-7281-1560-3/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

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resistance and leakage flux inductance respectively, Rc is the

phase load resistance and Rn is the resistance that connects
the neutral points.

Fig. 3. External circuit of the 4-pole turbo-generator

Using the numerical model, different calculations are

carried out at no load (RL =106 Ω), rated field current and
speed 1500 rpm and with a 20 % static eccentricity. This b
defect is obviously unrealistic but will allow understanding Fig. 4. Shaft voltage of 4-pole structure in the case of a static eccentricity
the physical phenomena. The calculations are achieved (a) and its spectral decomposition (b)
under magnetostatic hypothesis (no currents induced in the
damper bars) while taking into account the nonlinear
behavior of the magnetic material.
In order to highlight the impact of the stator winding
coupling on the shaft voltage when a defect occurs, three
cases are investigated, i) Smooth stator; ii) Phase windings
in series: This second case does not correspond to the real
machine configuration but it can lead to the study of the
only effect of the stator slots; iii) Phase windings in parallel.
This last case constitutes the real coupling and then can give
us the effect of the currents induced in the parallel windings. Fig. 5. Circulating currents in the stator windings of the 4-pole structure in
the case of static eccentricity
To emphasize the importance of these currents, the internal
first phase current, i.e. IU1U2 and IU1U3 (see Fig. 3) are
presented below.
In this paper, FEA of a 4-pole turbogenerator shows that
II. APPLICATIONS a static eccentricity generates an inherent shaft voltage at a
Fig. 4a and Fig. 4b show the time waveform of the shaft frequency of 50 Hz. The currents that are induced due to this
voltage, and its harmonic content respectively, of the studied defect mitigate the latter while adding a significant
component at 250 Hz. In the extended version, other defects
alternator with a static eccentricity in the 3 cases introduced
will be investigated such as dynamic eccentricity and an
above. interturn rotor short circuit..
For a smooth stator the shaft voltage has a quite
sinusoidal 50 Hz waveform with a significant magnitude
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on June 05,2020 at 21:41:14 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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