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Design of A Wastewater Treatment Plant For Paint Factories-1

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Design of a Wastewater Treatment Plant

for Paint Factories

Ndagire Gloria Linda*, Mulenga Steven, Dr Kinobe Joel
Ndagire Gloria Linda is a Co-Founder, Public Relations Director and Computer Aided
Design Instructor at ZadeCAD Limited. She graduated with Bachelor of Science in Civil
and Environmental Engineering from Uganda Christian University in 2019.
Corresponding Author: Ndagire Gloria Linda


In order to improve the health and livelihood of the public, there is a need to treat wastewater from the different
sources which include municipal, agricultural and industrial areas. The main purpose of this project is to design a
treatment system that could treat wastewater from Chromatic Paints Factory to dischargeable standards. Sampling
was carried out at the factory, the quality of the wastewater was determined through conducting both in situ and
laboratory tests, flow measurements using a bucket method. The jar test was also carried out to determine the op-
timum alum dosage in the wastewater. The different results from the tests were discussed in relation to the quality
and the quantity of the wastewater generated. Therefore, the different objectives of the research and design project
were met. This report provides an engineered design of the proposed treatment system which comprises the mixing
unit, sedimentation tank, filtration unit. However, the company is advised to continuously monitor the quantity
and composition of their wastewater in order to develop better informed design parameters such as flow rate. It is
also recommended that a better sludge disposal method should be researched about.

1.0 INTRODUCTION (Fent, 1996). In addition to chemical treatment, an ap-

propriate biological technology is required. The biggest
The paper reports on a systematic process to investigate problem at hand is poor disposal of paint and paint
the quality and quantity of wastewater from Chromatic wastewater into the environment without treatment.
Paints Factory and design a system that treats it to dis- This is the genesis of all paint wastewater problems be-
charge standards. cause it introduces toxic waste into the environment.
The study was guided by the following specific objec- Worldwide, different countries have come up and set
tives. regulations for the paint manufacturing industries and
also minimum standards for effluent disposal into the
a) Determining the wastewater characteristics and environment. The paint industry is one of the most
the volume of wastewater generated. highly regulated industries in the world. So the produc-
b) Determining the optimum dosage of alum to be ers have been forced to adopt low solvent and solvent-
used. less technologies in the past 40 years and will continue
to do so in the near future (International, 2017).
c) Designing a treatment system for the wastewa-
ter from Chromatic Paints Company. Almost all the surface and groundwater in Kampala City
is polluted and the inhabitants of the city are highly ex-
Paint can also be referred to as a liquid solution com- posed to health risks associated with water pollution.
posed of different pigments and solvents which is ap- According to the Ministry of Health and KCCA, the re-
plied on different surfaces for decorative or protective cent outbreak of typhoid was partly due to polluted sur-
purposes (Talbert, 2008). After continuous revolution face and groundwater (KCCA, 2016).
and introduction of different raw materials especial-
ly the synthetic ones have posed a threat to the envi- In addition to the above, an Industrial Wastewater
ronment. Paint wastewater contains toxic compounds Management Guide for Uganda provides that every
and was considered as inhibiting bacterial development paint factory/industry facility should have a wastewa-
ter treatment plant for effluent discharge to treat all
Page 62 ISSN: 2790-5047 THE ENGINEER Vol.01, Issue 02, Jul. - Dec. 2022
the waste from the facility including that collected af-
ter washing and cleaning. pH adjustment, coagulation,
aeration, sedimentation and disinfection are some of
the processes that can be employed in paint wastewater
treatment (KCCA, 2016).

Uganda is a developing country. This implies that more

different infrastructure is yet to be set up or construct-
ed. With increased construction, the demand for archi-
tectural coatings (paints) is increasing and has opened
up new ventures of new paint manufacturing industries
to join the business. This has also created a battle of
paint in Uganda (Adengo, 2017).

1.1 Problem Statement

Chromatic Paints Factory lacked an efficient treatment Figure 1: Showing the underground pit
system for its wastewater. This led to poor disposal of
untreated wastewater into an underground pit (shown This study was aimed at finding a solution to this prob-
in Figure 1) and on land. According to Part 5(1) of the lem by designing a treatment system for the factory
National Environment Regulation for Discharge of Ef- through wastewater sampling, field and laboratory
fluent into water or onto land, every industry must have tests, analysis and design.
a treatment facility and a regulation of the amount of
waste generated to standards that are not harmful to 1.2 Justification
the environment (NEMA, 1999).
The paint factory does not have a proper effluent dis-
The current method used to manage the wastewater posal management facility for its wastewater. This
presents a big threat of leakages of wastewater into the method of using an underground pit is not sustainable
surrounding environments including water channels and efficient since in the long run it might affect the
and streams downhill which people depend. (Olayinka, soil productivity and its concentrations, hence affect-
2015). Approximately 35% of the population around ing the plant life (Jolly, et al., 2008). In addition to this,
the world depend on different groundwater sources some inorganic waste is not decomposed by anaerobic
which are mostly from shallow aquifers to meet their processes/digestion, these pits are also ineffective at re-
water needs (UNEP, 2002), and this exposes people to moving phosphorus and nitrogen compounds that have
the poisonous pollutants in this wastewater which in- the potential to cause algal blooms in waterways in case
cludes heavy metal, eutrophication especially in water there are leakages (Ground & America, 2008).
channels. Furthermore, some of the components of
these wastes contain chemical elements which are likely Despite the fact that there are regulatory bodies such as
to infiltrate and percolate into the subsurface environ- National Environment Management Authority (NEMA)
ment upon discharge, and these subsequently accumu- in charge of ensuring proper wastewater disposal, Chro-
late into the soil pores (Idzelis, et al., 2006). The compo- matic Paints company does not conform to these set
sition and quality of surface and groundwater has been regulations for effluent discharge.
declining due to the high increase in the industrializa- Therefore, treatment of this waste water using an ap-
tion and human activities (Kumar, et al., 2013). In ad- propriate design in place, effluent will be treated before
dition, as paint wastewater flows as runoff into storm it is discharged, thus reducing the potential risk of con-
drains, the organic solvents and inorganic compounds tamination of underground water and land, hence pro-
are slowly broken down in water, depriving aquatic or- tecting human and plant life.
ganisms of the oxygen they need to survive. The toxic
nature of chemicals in solvent-based paints may also 2.0 METHODOLOGY
cause tumours to form in animals such as fish.
This chapter outlines the research methodology that
was used to conduct the research and inform the design.
It consists of geographic scope and study methodology
applied to achieve the objectives of this research.

ISSN: 2790-5047 THE ENGINEER Vol.01, Issue 02, Jul. - Dec. 2022 Page 63
2.1 Geographical and time scope 2.2.2 Field/in situ tests
In order to assess the wastewater quality parameters,
Chromatic Paints Uganda Limited is located on Plot 5, in situ measurements were taken at 2 sampling points
Kasubi-Kawala, off Hoima Road in Kampala District. for the preliminary tests, which were carried out on
Time scope: September 2018 to April 2019
Before the wastewater goes into the underground pit,
2.2 Content scope it is first screened to reduce on the suspended solids.
Hence sampled the wastewater both before and after
Investigation of the quality, quantity of the wastewater screening.
from Chromatic Paints Limited. Laboratory and field
tests were carried out to determine the quality of the The first sampling point was at the outlet point of the
wastewater. The wastewater flow rate was also carried wastewater from the factory (before screening) and also
out to determine the quantity generated. The results the wastewater in the underground pit (after screen-
from these tests informed the design of the wastewater ing). This enabled the researcher to know the variations
treatment system. between wastewater parameters and those that needed
improvement. These measurements were carried out
2.2.1 Flow Rate measurements between 4:00 – 5:00 pm with the help of a technician.
The amount of wastewater produced was determined The parameters determined included temperature and
through measurement of wastewater flow at the fac- dissolved oxygen. The above parameters were measured
tory. Flow varies from one day of the week to another using a Mettler Toledo and a DO MRC.
month or season. Most of the wastewater was generat-
ed in the evening when there was cleaning of floors and At each sampling point, the measurement for each of
mixing tanks, leading to high volumes of wastewater the above parameters was conducted in triplicate.
during that time.

The flowrate was determined using a bucket method 2.2.3 Laboratory tests
(shown in Figure 2). The bucket method was chosen in The samples obtained from the field were analysed for
preference to others because it is suitable for small flows parameters such as colour, BOD5, COD, TSS, TKN, Total
and irregular channels and also due to the availability of Phosphorus, Alkalinity, Sulphate. These tests were car-
the equipment required to carry out its procedure. ried out to check whether the parameters of the waste-
water are in relation to the NEMA standards of the ef-
fluent to be discharged to the environment.

The jar test was carried out to determine the optimum

coagulant dosage for clarifying the wastewater. All the
laboratory tests were carried out at NWSC-Central Lab-


After carrying out field and laboratory tests, the follow-

ing results were obtained, represented and interpreted
as shown below.

Figure 2: Determining the flow rate using the bucket meth-


Page 64 ISSN: 2790-5047 THE ENGINEER Vol.01, Issue 02, Jul. - Dec. 2022
3.1 Wastewater quality characteristics
Table 1: Showing the preliminary results of the wastewater from the factory.

The researcher carried out preliminary tests to deter- before screening, and out of range after screening. This
mine the quality of the wastewater as shown in Table 1 is because after screening, the wastewater is stored in
and the parameters that needed to be improved. an underground pit which is always covered, hence lim-
ited oxygen supply (Metcalf & Eddy, 2003). Dissolved
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Oxygen is required in adequate amounts for survival of
Demand (COD), Colour, Total Phosphorus (TP), total aquatic life and prevention of offensive odours.
kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), Total Suspended Solids (TSS),
and Turbidity. All these were above the effluent dis- 3.2 Wastewater flow rates from Chromatic Paints
charge standards both before and after screening. Factory

The high levels of BOD and COD were as a result of the Below are the results obtained during both production
different organics used in the manufacture of the paint, days and days when cleaning activities took place (Sat-
for example, titanium dioxide, calcium carbonate, mag- urdays).
nesium silicate, cellulose (Gulin, et al., 2004). The colour
was as a result of the organic material that has dissolved Table 2: Showing the varying flow rates
into solution, which leads to high values of the turbidity
(Ibrahim & Gabr, 2014). Day Flow Rate (m3/day)
Monday (4th) 135
Alkalinity and Potential of Hydrogen (pH) were above
the discharge standards before screening, and within Wednesday (13th) 140
the range after screening (Gulen, et al., 2006). This is Friday (21st) 130
because before screening, the wastewater is still rich in Saturday (9th) 180
paint while after screening, some paint is taken off by
Saturday (16th) 190
the screen, hence the low pH.
Saturday (23rd) 185
Sulphate, lead, chromium were not detected. This is be- Average flow rate 160
cause these are water-based paints where water is used
as a solvent. These paints have less traces of heavy met- From Table 2, it is observed that during production
als. days the flowrate was within the range of 130-140 m3/
day while during Saturdays the flowrate was within the
Dissolved Oxygen (DO) was within the discharge range range of 180-190m3/day.
ISSN: 2790-5047 THE ENGINEER Vol.01, Issue 02, Jul. - Dec. 2022 Page 65
The peak flow rates were obtained during Saturdays of paint for example calcium carbonate, magnesium sil-
when cleaning activities take place. Therefore, for prop- icate and their reaction with alum. Since the pH did not
er design, calculated the average flow rate which was go above 7.8, that means it was still in the neutral range
160m3/day. This flow rate catered for both minimum and therefore we did not need to adjust it (Philip, 2016).
and peak flow rates.
The flowrate measurements kept varying from day to
day and time. This is because the factory works on a The results from the tests carried out informed the
batch process where wastewater only flows when activi- design. A prototype or laboratory scale design was set
ties like production, cleaning are being carried out. Days up and the wastewater was run through the system as
from Monday to Friday are normal working days where shown in Figure 4. The effluent from the system was
more production of paint is carried out than cleaning tested and results obtained to determine its efficiency.
activities. On such days, less is generated therefore lead- The design was important in achieving the last specific
ing to low values of flow rate. objective.

Saturday is a day of general cleaning of the drums,

flows, buckets. On this day more wastewater is gener-
ated, therefore leading to high/peak values of flow rate.

There was no constant flow rate, and therefore to en-

able proper design of the treatment system, calculated
the average flow rate from the values obtained. Hence,
Chromatic Paints Factory produces an average flow rate
of 160m3/day of wastewater.

3.3 Determining the optimum dosage

Figure 4: Design prototype of the treatment unit for the

paint factory

The wastewater had to flow from the mixing unit where

we had agitation of the wastewater and alum, then to
the sedimentation tank to enable settlement of the sus-
pended solids. Lastly, to the filtration unit where we
had adsorption of the contaminants by the Granular
Activated Carbon (GAC). The GAC was placed above the
sand because it has a large surface area onto which the
Figure 3: A graph of turbidity against dosage of Alum molecules can stick, and therefore enabling the adsorp-
tion process to take place (Summit, et al., 2015).
Figure 3 shows the average values of turbidity and dos-
age of alum. The jar test was carried out two times us- The purpose of the sand being placed below the GAC
ing the same dosages and the average of the results was was to trap other suspended solids that remained after
taken. sedimentation and also prevent breakthrough of flocs
(EPA, 1995). The gravel worked as the base layer to sup-
A graph of turbidity against the dosage was plotted and
port the filter media as recommended by (MWE, 2013).
appeared as above. From the graph, the optimum dos-
age is 300mg/L. This is the dosage which gives the least 4.1 Sampling of the prototype
In order to obtain the sample for effluent, the research-
The jar test was carried out to determine the optimum er used composite sampling method. The collected four
coagulant dosage for clarifying the wastewater. The op- individual samples (2 litres) at regular intervals after
timum dosage obtained was 300mg/L at a pH of 7.68. two hours during a 24-hour time span. Each individu-
The pH of the wastewater kept increasing per dosage al sample was combined with the others in proportion
between the range of 7.5-7.8. The pH kept increasing to the rate of flow when the sample was collected. The
because of the different salts used in the manufacture mixture resulting from the composite sample formed

Page 66 ISSN: 2790-5047 THE ENGINEER Vol.01, Issue 02, Jul. - Dec. 2022
a representative sample which was the water thereby causing a reduction in the turbidity thus further reduc-
analysed. tion in the BOD.

From the results of the influent and Comparing this design to other designs used in treatment of water-based
effluent, the researcher calculated paints, for example; combination of a chemical coagulation/flocculation
the percentage removal of the sys- step with an aerobic biological process by (Souabi, et al., 2006) which re-
tem in order to determine the effi- moves 92% of COD, 97% of colour and 44.5% of BOD. From this, the pro-
ciency of the system. posed system is more efficient than the one of (Souabi, et al., 2006) because
it has a higher percentage efficiency.
Table 3: Percentage removals for the
different parameters

Parameter % Removal
Colour 99.6
Turbidity 99.8
COD 98.6
BOD 91.4
TKN 99.2
TP 99.8
TSS 99.4

From all the calculations, the per-

centage removal for all the parame-
ters was above 90% as seen in Table Figure 5: Showing the samples of wastewater from the mixing, sedimentation
3 and within the discharge stan- and filtration units
dards, meaning that the system was
efficient in treating the wastewater
from Chromatic Paints Factory. From the laboratory scale design (prototype), developed the actual design
considerations and calculations of the treatment system as shown in Figure
There was improvement in the water 6.
quality attributed to the presence of
a sedimentation tank and filtration

The sedimentation tanks allow set-

tlement of solids, thereby reducing
BOD and TSS since it enhances the
removal of about 50-70% of TSS
and 25-40% of BOD (Metcalf &
Eddy, 2003). From this, we agree
with a study carried out by (Metcalf
& Eddy, 2003) since after sedimen-
tation the water was clearer hence
showing a reduction in colour, tur-
bidity and hence BOD as shown in
Figure 5. In addition, the reduction
in colour is attributed to the floc-
culation as result of the addition
of alum. The adsorption of the con-
taminants in the wastewater by the
activated carbon helps in maximum
removal of COD, TKN, colour, phos-
phorus (Peta, 2006). In addition to Figure 6: Cross sectional design, plan view of the treatment system
this, the filtering unit using activat-
ed carbon and sand also aided the
retention of the suspended solids in

ISSN: 2790-5047 THE ENGINEER Vol.01, Issue 02, Jul. - Dec. 2022 Page 67
5.0 CONCLUSION Gulin, K., Fatos, G. & Gulen, E., 2004. Treatability of
The objectives of the project were met within the pro- water based paints. Volume 13 ed. Freising.
posed time schedule. Releasing these loadings directly Ibrahim, M. & Gabr, M., 2014. Desalination and Water.
into the environment leads to a deterioration of land, Reduction of COD in water based paint wastewater us-
water quality in the receiving environment. ing three types of activated carbon.
The factory’s wastewater showed high levels of COD, Idzelis, R., Kristina, G. & Dainius, P., 2006. Investigation
BOD, TSS, colour, turbidity, TP and TKN. The system and evaluation of surface water pollution with heavy
was able to treat the wastewater up to a percentage metals and oil products in Kairiai Military Ground ter-
removal of above 90% for all of the parameters hence ritory. 183-190.
making the system efficient for treatment.
Kumar, D., Chadda, S. & Sharma, J., 2013. Syntheses,
Chromatic Paints Factory produces approximately an spectral characterization, and antimicrobial studies on
average flow rate of 160 m3/day, and this was used in the the coordination compounds of metal ions with schiff
designing the size of the sedimentation tank and other base containing both aliphatic and aromatic hydrazide
units. The optimum dosage of alum obtained from the moieties.
jar test was 300mg/l.
Metcalf & Eddy., 2003. Wastewater Engineering Treat-
ment and Resource Recovery. New York: McGraw- Hill
• It is also necessary to continuously monitor the MWE, 2013. The Republic of Uganda. Ministry of Wa-
quality of effluent from the treatment system in ter and Environment. Water supply design manual of
order to verify that its quality complies with the na- Uganda. second edition.
tional discharge standards.
NEMA, 1999. The National Environment. Standards for
• It is recommended that more research should be Discharge of Effluent into Water or on Land in Uganda.
carried out in order to get the best way to dispose
of the sludge to the environment. Olayinka, O., 2015. Preliminary assessment of effects of
paint industry effluents on local groundwater.
• It is recommended to carry out continuous mea-
surements for the flow rate so as to obtain records Peta, T., 2006. Efficiency of activated carbon filters in
of at least one year in order to develop an accurate COD reduction.
peak to average flow rate factor.
Souabi, S., Aboulhassan, M., Baudu, M. & Hazard, M.,
2006. Improvement of paint effluents coagulation using
REFERENCES natural and synthetic coagulant aids.
APHA, 2005. America Public Health Association. Water Summit, M., Phansiri, M. & Wanwinom, P., 2015.
and Wastewater examination. America. Characterization and Properties of Activated Carbon
Prepared from Tamarind Seeds by KOH Activation for
EPA. Environment Protection Agency,. 1995. Water Fe(III) Adsorption from Aqueous Solution. Thailand.
Treatment Manuals Filtration.
Gulen, E., Goksen, S. & Germirli, B., 2006. Coagula-
tion-Flocculation of Wastewaters from a Water-Based
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