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XI Grade English Worksheet For Students

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Approved by Buyankhishig.

Бүлэг сэдэв: 11-U-1-1. WELCOME TO LEARNING
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ...... цаг
Lesson plan for 11th grade

Topic: Revision Агуулгын товч тайлбар

Length of the lesson: 40 min Activities for vocabulary, speaking
Aim: Revise the knowledge and skills and use of English and writing.

VOCABULARY: 1. Here is the same paragraph with end punctuation.

How many punctuation marks can you see? Write the punctuation mark after each sentence.

Do you like to sing? _______________

My mom and I sing in a choir that meets every Tuesday. _____________
Last week, we sang Christmas carols at a nursing home. _______ _______
The residents of the nursing home enjoyed our visit! ______________
It was fun! __________________
Would you like to join us next Tuesday? _________________

2. Write the words for the abbreviation.

SPEAKING: In pairs, discuss the following questions.

Your answer: Your partner’s answer:
1. How many languages are spoken in the world?
2. Which languages can you name?
3. Which languages are spoken in Mongolia?
4. Which foreign language are you learning? Why?

USE OF ENGLISH: Write the sentences into Mongolian.

1. It's getting darker earlier each evening. ____________________________
2. My sister's health is slowly improving. ____________________________
3. My hair is finally growing out. ____________________________
4. Your English is getting better and better. ____________________________

WRITING: Ask 5 classmates these questions and write the answers they gave.

1. How often do you practice English? …….(name) says that

2. Do you use English websites for your
learning? If yes, which websites do you use? ____________________________________________
3. Do you use phone applications for your ____________________________________________
English learning? If yes, which application?
4. What are the advantages of these ____________________________________________
websites and applications? ____________________________________________
Бүлэг сэдэв: 11-U-1-2. WELCOME TO LEARNING
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 2 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ...... цаг

Агуулгын товч тайлбар

Activities for vocabulary,
speaking and use of English
and writing.

VOCABULARY: Classify the words in the correct column.

textbooks, do grammar tests, e-dictionary, act out dialogues, do role plays, e-books, a
smart phone, a tablet, websites, podcast, multilingualism, cyber safety, blogs, a multi-
dictionary, flashcards, EarPods, a headphone, a laptop

Activities at English class Things we use at school Internet related words

……… …………… …………..

SPEAKING: Work in a small group. Introduce yourself to each other. Use the examples in the box.
Let me introduce myself. My name is Sara. I am from Ulaanbaatar, and I study at school#84. My
hometown is Ulaanbaatar too. The first language in my country is Mongolian. But many people speak
foreign languages as English, Russian, Korean and Japanese. I speak English moderately. But I can sing
in English very well.

Now the group members will fill in the chart with: Very well (VW), Good (G), Fair (F)
Criteria Student 1 Student 2 Student 3
Name: Name: Name:
Choosing the right vocabulary
Using grammar structures

USE OF ENGLISH: Put the sentences into appropriate columns.

Action at the time of speaking Gradual changes

… …
1. More and more people are using smart phones. 2. A number of online shopping sites are increasing.
3. I’m purchasing some English books online. 4. These days, she is writing her new story.
5. I’m proud of you! Your speaking is improving. 6. We are having a tea break at the moment.
7. By using the social networks, much is changing in our lives.

WRITING: Go back to the textbook, p-19, ex 22. Write a paragraph about one of the popular languages.
Words no less than 100. Use the ideas:

You can start like this: • name of the language

• number of people who speak the language
It is known by everyone that nowadays _______ is
• why this language is popular
one of the most popular languages in the world.
For that reason, it is extremely important for young
people to improve their skills and
Approved by Buyankhishig.Yo
Бүлэг сэдэв: 11-U-1-3. WELCOME TO LEARNING
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 3 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ...... цаг
Lesson plan for 11th grade

Topic: Revision Агуулгын товч тайлбар

Length of the lesson: 40 min Activities for use of English,
Aim: Revise the knowledge and skills reading and writing.

USE OF ENGLISH: 1. Complete each of the sentences below.

There are many possible answers.

‘Although’ is used to show a contrast. We use a subject and a verb after ‘although’. For example:
“We liked the hotel although it was very expensive.” (The fact that it was expensive is
emphasized.) “Although the hotel was very expensive, we liked it.” (The fact that we liked it is
Note the use of a comma after the introductory clause.

1. I got up early this morning although …. _______________________________________

I got up early this morning although it’s the weekend.
2. Although my English is good…. _______________________________________________
3. John didn’t pass the test although …. __________________________________________
4. Although my grandfather is very old …. ________________________________________
5. I finally fell asleep although …. _______________________________________________
6. Although my friend is very smart, …. __________________________________________
7. I spent three hours cleaning the house although …. _______________________________
8. Although the building looks new, …. __________________________________________

2. Learn the explanation and write the sentences in Mongolian.

We use so that for purpose especially when the purpose is negative or with can and could:
I hurried so that I wouldn´t be late. ___________________________________________
Leave early so that you won´t miss the train. ___________________________________
She is learning English so that she can study in Canada. _________________________
We moved to London so that we could see our friends more often. __________________

READING: Answer the questions according to the reading passage.

The English language and the internet

80 per cent of the world’s’ electronically stored information is in English. English is the lingua franca of the internet. Most
texts accessed through the internet are in English. Most of the major search engines are in English. Computers are English
orientated in that the vocabularies of computing – Netscape and Java – are in English. One-quarter of the world’s population
speak basic English.
It is the common language of nearly every internationally connected profession, including science, medicine, and air traffic
control. The dominant language of music today is English. To be able to speak English is a valued educational qualification.
In some countries which have other languages as their first language – Sweden, Holland, for example – English is the
required in the workplace. English has assisted and hastened the process of globalization. English is spoken in some form or
dialect by three times as many non-native speakers as native speakers. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign language
is a billion-dollar industry. Nearly one-third of the world’s population are studying or can communicate in English.
The reason for the dominance of the English language and the Internet is historical – the Internet began in the USA, which is
the leading user of it, and the USA is an English-speaking nation 400 million people are native English speakers. For 300 to
500 million, English is a second language in which they are fluent. About 750 million people speak English as a foreign
language. The largest English-speaking nation in the world, the United States, has only about 20 percent of the world’s
English speakers. In Asia, an estimated 350 million people speak English.
The future evolution of the language, scholars say, is more likely to belong to the broken-English speakers of far-off lands.
English is an aspirational language. These facts demonstrate the indisputable link between the English Language and the
internet. The English language and the internet are so intertwined that most of the thinking is that it is the language of the
digital age.

1. Translate these words and phrases into Mongolian. 2. Read the text and answer the questions.
Use a dictionary. a. How much percent of e-stored information in
a. orientate ____________________ English?
b. dominant language ____________ b. How many per cent of the world population are
c. “lingua franca” ________________ studying English?
d. valued educational qualification ______________ c. How many people do speak basic English in the
e. hasten _______________ world?
f. non-native _______________ d. What is the reason of the dominance of the English
g. fluent ________________ language?
h. dialect _______________ e. Which nation is the largest English-speaking
i. estimate _________________ community in the world?
j. far-off lands ______________ f. How many people do speak English as a foreign
k. aspirational _______________ language?
l. intertwined ________________ g. What do scholars say about the future of the

WRITING: 1a. Go back to the textbook, p-13, ex14. Study the structure of the essay.

Para 1. Introduction-State
what the essay is about or How to speak English fluently?
the main idea of the whole
essay. Nowadays, English is becoming a more widely spoken language all over the world. To
become a good English learner, especially a fluent speaker, continuous practice is very
important. I am giving you advice on how to practice regularly to develop English
Para 2. Body 1st paragraph
speaking skill.
Write one supporting idea
with examples.
First of all, English websites can help us well. If you like watching YouTube videos, you
can choose this site. Another useful source is online courses. You can find friend who
Para 3. Body 2nd have the same purpose and interests and practice your English speaking with them.
Include another supporting There are tons of videos on YouTube. It’s important to find the videos that you need.
idea with examples. You can search for short lessons in English and related short movies which are
suitable for your level. As above, the next way to improve your English is to sign up for
Para 4. Conclusion free online courses. But, you have to do your tasks regularly.
Restate ideas in the
introduction and summarize In conclusion, be a searcher so that you can be a good learner. The only thing you
what you have said. have to remember is to practice regularly. Do not skip a day!

1b. Now your turn.

You are writing a short article for a school magazine. The title is “Useful tips for language learning”. You
should give advice for students to learn a language and recommend some useful tools that help language
learning. Word no less than 120. Use the essay above is as an example.
Fill out the table, after you have finished.

Criteria Excellent Good Fair

Followed an essay structure

Used transition words between paragraphs
Used conjunctions to show examples
Used a good vocabulary
Бүлэг сэдэв: 11-U-1-4. WELCOME TO LEARNING
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 4 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ...... цаг

Агуулгын товч тайлбар

Activities for use of English,
reading and writing.

VOCABULARY: 1a. Match the abbreviations with their meaning.

1. ASAP- a. never mind

2. TGIF- b. see you
3. OMG- c. do it yourself
4. OMW- d. laughing out loudly
5. THX- e. no problem
6. BFN- f. thanks goodness it’s Friday
7. BTW- soon as
8. DIY- h. by for now
9. CU- i. oh my god
10. LOL- j. by the way
11. NP- k. on my way
12. NVM- l. thanks

1b. Write a short text message to your friend using the abbreviations.
Your message will be here.

SPEAKING: In groups of three, say whether you agree or disagree with the following statements:

1. Not everybody can learn a second language.

AGREE....... DISAGREE....... It is always a good idea
2. Girls are better second language learners than boys. to justify your opinions.
AGREE....... DISAGREE.......
3. Intelligent students do better at foreign languages than not so able students. Don’t just say ‘I agree’
AGREE....... DISAGREE....... but say ‘I agree because
4. Bilinguals are better at learning languages than monolinguals. I think that ... (explain
AGREE....... DISAGREE....... your reason).
5. Positive attitudes towards the speakers of the second language help learn better.
AGREE....... DISAGREE.......

Use the expressions in your speaking.

Stating an opinion Asking for an opinion Expressing agreement Expressing disagreement

In my opinion... What's your idea? I agree with you 100 I don't think so.
The way I see it... What are your thoughts percent. (strong) No way.
If you want my on all of this? I couldn't agree with you I'm afraid I disagree.
honest opinion.... How do you feel about more. (strong) I totally disagree.
According to Lisa... that? That's so true. (strong) I'd say the exact opposite.
As far as I'm What do you think? That's for sure. Not necessarily.
concerned... Do you agree? You're absolutely right. That's not always true.
If you ask me... Wouldn't you say? That's exactly how I feel. That's not always the case.
Exactly. No, I'm not so sure about that.
No doubt about it.
Now the group members will fill in the chart with: Very well (VW), Good (G), Fair (F)
Criteria Student 1 Student 2 Student 3
Name: Name: Name:
Choosing the right
Using grammar

USE OF ENGLISH: Choose so that or in order to in the blanks of the sentences.

1. I have started an English course …………… improve my English.

2. I'm studying very hard nowadays …………. I can pass my class.
3. I went to bed early ……………. wake up early.
4. We all put on our jackets ……………. keep warm.
5. Make sure your bags are tagged ………………. you can find them easily.
6. I had to take a cab ………………. I wouldn't be late for my appointment.
7. I took my digital camera with me ………………. I could take some photos during my trip.
8. I need to take out a loan from a finance company ……………. buy a new car.
9. Jason turned off the radio ……………... he could concentrate on his work.

READING: Read the survey report and choose the correct sentences.

Source: Wikipedia

1. Most American teenagers __________ 2. The New York Times has asked their opinion to _______.
a. believe the future will be better for our environment.
b. believe the future will be worse for our environment. a. children between seven and thirteen years old
c. are optimistic about our future. b. students between thirteen and fifteen years old
d. are pessimistic about our future. c. young Americans who are thirteen and over
d. Americans between thirteen and thirty-one years old
3. After asking American teenagers their opinion about the 4. According to the New York Times, US teenagers ______.
future, The New York times got... a. are a little worried about the future, but they are
a. no answer optimistic.
b. very few answers b. US teenagers have no worry about the future at all.
c. 100 answers c. say a lot will be different in the future in our
d. a lot of answers electronically connected world.
d. think physical contact will be more important in the
5. Jacob's vision of the future: 6. Helen's vision of the future:
a. Cars will fly. a. Phones will be useless.
b. We will have to speak more foreign languages to b. Cars will be different.
communicate with others. c. Computers will change.
c. We will eat more healthily. d. People will be smarter.
d. Our eating habits will change.
7. Josh's vision of the future: 8. Karen's vision of the future.
a. The world will be more stressful. a. Everybody will have robots.
b. We won't have schools anymore. b. The future may not be green.
c. We won't need keys anymore. c. Technology may transform humans into machines.
d. We will have smart houses. d. Technology will be environmentally friendly.

9. Katherine Schulten's opinion:

a. She thinks US teens are naive.
b. She thinks US teens are clairvoyant.
c. She thinks it is difficult to predict the future.
d. She thinks our future is certain.
e. She thinks US teenagers are optimistic.

WRITING: Write about your language learning experience. Words no less than 100.
Include these ideas.

✓ How many foreign languages do you know?

✓ What skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) are you good at?
✓ What language tools or applications do you use?
✓ What would you recommend for others?


Vocabulary abbreviations, words related to learning
Speaking agreement / disagreement
Use of English conjunctions of contrast, purpose
Reading for detailed information
Writing about learning, learning languages
Бүлэг сэдэв: 11-U-2-1. PEOPLE AND THEIR JOBS
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... I Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ...... цаг

Агуулгын товч тайлбар

Activities for use of English,
reading and writing.

VOCABULARY: How many words do you related to jobs and career?

Write from the word cloud at least 15 words and write them in Mongolian.

SPEAKING: In pairs, ask and answer the questions. Take note for your partner’s answers.
Here is your partner’s answer

a. Where do you want to go after leaving

high school? My partner ……..(name) says that
b. What is your ideal job? ___________________________
c. What skills are you good at? Use ex- ___________________________
7a, p-28. ___________________________
d. Which job is suitable for you and why? ___________________________

USE OF ENGLISH: 1. Complete each sentence with -to infinitive or gerund. Go to the internet for more

1. Finally, he managed to work efficiently by … (reduce) socializing time.
2. Juridical decision was delightful … (get) him a prize.
3. The project manager offered him … (raise) salary.
4. Congratulations on … (make) such a good presentation.
5. Besides … (have) a good job, my ambition is to meet someone nice to share my life with.
6. It’s good … (realize) that you are relaxed and calm.
7. Why didn’t you write your essay? You have promised … (write) it in time!
8. We are proud of her… (enter) the prestigious university.
9. My grandparents enjoy … (have) new hobbies in the country.
10. Knowledge always is worth … (share).
2. Choose the correct answer from the explanation.
1. The future perfect tense refers to a ___________action in the future.
a. completed b. continuous
2. The future perfect tense is formed with __________
a. will+have+verb (pp2) b. will + have/has + verb (pp2)
READING AND WRITING: Look at the job advertisements and do the exercises to practice your reading
1a. Match the adverts with the job descriptions and write a–d next to the number 1–4.
1……. advert A a. Delivering newspapers.
2……. advert B b. Looking after children.
3……. advert C c. Working in a shop.
4……. advert D d. Working in a small restaurant.
1b. Circle the best job advert for these questions.
1. In which job do you have to work after school?
advert A advert B advert C advert D
2. In which job do you have to start work before 8 a.m.?
advert A advert B advert C advert D
3. In which job do you only need to work on Saturdays?
advert A advert B advert C advert D
4. In which job do you need a bicycle?
advert A advert B advert C advert D
5. In which job do you need to speak a foreign language?
advert A advert B advert C advert D
6. In which job do you only work during the summer holidays?
advert A advert B advert C advert D
7. In which job do you have to work for 2 hours every day after school?
advert A advert B advert C advert D
8. In which job do you need to work from Tuesday to Saturday?
advert A advert B advert C advert D
1c. Circle True or False for these sentences.
1. In advert A, the babysitter can get more than £40 a week. T F
2. In advert D, you don't need to work in the evenings. T F
3. In advert B, the paper round should take about half an hour. T F
4. In advert C, you have to work five days a week. T F
5. In advert D, you should call Bella in the morning. T F
6. In advert B, you should contact the newspaper delivery boy for more information. T F
7. In advert D, you need to work full-time. T F
8. In advert C, you need to contact the museum by telephone. T F
Бүлэг сэдэв: 11-U-2-2. PEOPLE AND THEIR JOBS
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 2 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ...... цаг

Агуулгын товч тайлбар

Activities for use of English

USE OF ENGLISH: 1. Complete each sentence with -to infinitive or gerund.

1. They are learning_________ (sing).

2. I don't mind__________ (come) early.
3. I hope__________ (pass) the exam.
4. We promised not ________ (be) late.
5. We discussed_________ (go) on holiday together.
6. He kept __________ (work), although he felt ill.
7. He managed __________ (open) the door without the key.
8. The teachers prepared the students __________ (take) the test.
9. I dislike ___________ (wait) for buses.
10. He admitted _____________ (cheat) on the test.
11. We've finished ___________(prepare) for the meeting

2. Fill out the table with Future Perfect forms.

Infinitive form of Statement Negative form Question form
to ask …will have asked ...will not have asked Will you have asked…?
to take
to speak
to see
to be
to have

3. Write the sentences in Mongolian.

1. We will have cleaned our home when our parents come home in the evening.
2. I will have completed the task if the teacher checks it in 10 minutes.
3. If you come to visit me at 5pm tomorrow I will have already gone out.
4. They will have not gone to school yet.
5. How many countries will you have travelled in 10 years’ time?
6. Will we have translated the story by the time the teacher arrives?
4. Decide which statement expresses a “wish” or a “regret”.
1. I wish I could fly. --------------------------------------
2. They hadn’t come earlier. They could help him to manage to escape. --------------------
3. When I was travelling in the US, I couldn’t visit New York. I could have been there. -------------------
4. Next year I’ll leave school. I want to be a doctor. ----------------------------
Бүлэг сэдэв: 11-U-2-3. PEOPLE AND THEIR JOBS
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 3 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ...... цаг

Агуулгын товч тайлбар

Activities for vocabulary,
speaking reading and

VOCABULARY: 1. Write 5-8 names of jobs and occupations in the correct column.

-ist -er/-or -ian/-on others

an archeologist a janitor, a lawyer a magician an astronaut

2. Write appropriate names of jobs after the descriptions.

a. Working with machines and tools _______________
b. Building and fixing things ____________________
c. Studying science and doing many experiments ____________
d. Working with computers ________________
e. Leading projects and people ____________________
f. Working with water systems or pipes____________________
g. Selling land for development _______________
h. Organizing and sells holidays and flights for others _________________
i. Developing solutions to technical problems. They sometimes design, build, or maintain engines, machines,
structures, or public works ___________________
j. Making things from wood including houses and furniture __________

SPEAKING: In pairs, ask and answer the questions. Write your partner’s answer in the blanks.

1. What kind of job do you want to have?

2. Why do you want this kind of job?
3. How much salary can you get from this job?
_________________________________________________________ How well did you work in
4. Do you think this kind of job is easy to do? Why? / Why not?
_________________________________________________________ Your answers:
5. Do you know anyone with this kind of job? If ‘yes’, who? ……………………………………
_________________________________________________________ ……………………………………
6. Is this kind of job dangerous? Why? / Why not? ……………………………………
_________________________________________________________ Your partner’s answers:
7. What do you need to study to get this job? ……………………………………
_________________________________________________________ ……………………………………
8. Will it be easy to find this kind of job? Why? / Why not? …………………………………….
9. Do any of your classmates also want this kind of job? If ‘yes’, who?
10. If you can’t get this job, what other job are you interested in? __
READING AND WRITING: 1. Read the passage and answer the questions. Choose the correct answers.

Lifelong Learning
When you graduate from high school or university, is learning finished? The answer is no.
In many countries, people continue learning all their lives. Why is lifelong learning important?
How can it help you?
Lifelong learning can be useful in many ways. People who want to change careers
often return to study at a university. Some professions require employees to keep
learning new ways to do things. For example, doctors and nurses must always learn
about new illnesses and treatments. They must also practice the skills they have
and keep learning new ones.
Lifelong learning can help people stay healthy and independent. Many older people
also feel that lifelong learning helps them stay close to young people. Lots of older
people are now learning how to use computers.
“I want to remain active . . . for my own health,” said Mr. Salinas, a 91-year-old man taking computer classes. “I
see my computer learning as . . . part of an active life and something that I can share . . . with my family.”

1. What does lifelong learning mean? 2. What does the article say about nurses?
a. You stop learning after high school. a. They use the same information for many years.
b. You learn about life when you are a child. b. They must learn new things all the time.
c. You continue learning for your whole life. c. They did not use technology in the past.
d. You learn how to live for a very long time. d. They need to work independently.

3. Lifelong learning can help people _____. 4. Which of the following might Mr. Salinas say?
a. be smarter than other people a. “Going to computer class makes me feel tired.”
b. live to be very old b. “I don’t like going to computer class because I don’t
c. stop being lazy understand.”
d. be healthy and independent c. “Now, I can send emails to my grandchildren.”
d. “Computers are for kids! I like books and
5. This article was most likely written for ______ .
a. school children
b. working adults
c. computer teachers
d. doctors

2. Think of you parents’ and grandparents’ jobs and occupations they did or have done. Do the jobs require
to learn some new skills for their lifetime? If yes, what they are? If no, why?
Write no less than 100 words to answer these questions.
Бүлэг сэдэв: 11-U-2-4.PEOPLE AND THEIR JOBS
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 4 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ...... цаг

Агуулгын товч тайлбар

Activities for use of English

USE OF ENGLISH: 1. Choose the correct answer.

1. Which verb is followed by a gerund?
a. choose b. finish c. promise d. learn
2. Which verb is followed by a gerund?
a. dare b. decide c. pretend d. consider
3. Which verb is followed by a gerund?
a. hope b. discuss c. want d. would like
4. Which verb is followed by a gerund?
a. be worth b. expect c. offer d. plan
5. Which verb is followed by a gerund?
a. attempt b. agree c. recommend d. can't afford
6. Which verb is followed by infinitive?
a. finish b. like c. can’t stand d. would like

2. Complete the sentences using the future perfect.

1. By this time tomorrow, I ________ (finish) the project.
2. By 8 o'clock, the kids ___________ (fall) asleep.
3. By tomorrow morning, he ____________ (sleep) wonderfully.
4. By what year will she __________(receive) her promotion?
5. How far _______ we _________ (run) by then.
6. You __________ (finish/not) this works by the end of the workday.
3. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.


1. I wish I ______ (be) the manager of this company.

2. Peter wishes he ______ (not buy) that car.It breaks down so often and causes him trouble.
3. Asley's mother wishes she ______ (do) well in the final exams next week.
4. Larry wishes he ______ (be) on a spa holiday relaxing rather than working in the office now.
5. Mary feels homesick. She wishes she ______ (be) in her home with her parents now.
6. I wish you ______ (bring) me a glass of water.I am very thirsty.
7. Karen wishes her father ______ (not go) to Russia on business. She misses him.
8. It was a very hot and sunny.I wish I ______ (take) my sunglasses and sunlotion with me.
9. You look overweight.I wish you ______ (attend) a gym this summer.
10. My father wishes he ______ (not forget) to take the camera with him. The view was wonderful.
Vocabulary jobs related words
Speaking asking and answering future jobs
Use of English inf and gerunds; future perfect, wish / regrets
Reading about job adverts
Writing jobs and occupations
Бүлэг сэдэв: 11-U-3-1. LIFE STORIES
Сурагчийн овог нэр: .....................................
I Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ...... цаг

Агуулгын товч тайлбар

Activities for vocabulary, use
of English, reading and

VOCABULARY: 1a. Match the words with their synonyms.

1b. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

exceptional donates underprivileged devastated

motivates pioneers

1. Asian Foundation ________books to school libraries.

2. The words of History teacher always ________ me when I need inspiration from someone else.

3. The scientists of the international company have been _________ in cleaning up used water in the country.
4. A bomb __________ the city and killed hundreds of people working in the area.
5. His practical knowledge of anatomy and his skill as an artist qualified him in an ________ manner for such a
6. Children's charities offer emotional and financial support to _________ or at-risk children through mentoring

USE OF ENGLISH: 1. Study the grammar explanations and write the adverbials and examples in Mongolian.

Present perfect with time adverbials

We often use the present perfect with adverbials which include the present: so far until now up to now
recently lately all my / her / his life.

• Have you ever seen a ghost?

Where have you been up to now?
A: Have you finished your homework yet?
B: No, so far, I've only done my history.
• “I haven’t seen her recently.”
• “Have you seen any good movies lately?”
• I have lived here all my life.

2. Each of the sentence has an error. Find the error and write the correct sentence.

1. Scientists recently discovered a new form of life. ………………………………………………………….

2. Did you wait Helen up to now? ………………………………………………………………………………
3. We didn’t buy any anime books lately. ……………………………………………………………………..
4. Hi, Ben! Where were you up to now? ……………………………………………………………………….
5. Do you know Mr. Evans? Yes, I know him all my life. He is my neighbor! ………………………………
6. What have you done lately? I made five handicrafts so far. ………………………………………………

3. Write the sentences in Mongolian.

1. I wish I ate more vegetables. (I don’t eat more vegetables.) …………………………………………..

2. He wishes he had a new house. (He does not have a new house.) …………………………………..
3. They wish it was August. (It isn’t August.) ……………………………………………………………….
4. They wish they hadn’t lost the photo. It was a good one. (They lost the photo.) …………………….
5. I wish I hadn’t done it. (I did it.) ……………………………………………………………………………
6. I wish it were the summer holidays (but it isn’t – I’m still at school). ………………………………….

READING AND WRITING: 1a. Check these words and their synonyms. Use a dictionary.
hang around-waste time harshness- savagery
turn over a life- give up
kill time- fill in time cubicle- booth

1b. Read the text and answer the following questions using complete sentences.

Two weeks ago, Suarez did not go to school. He went to a nearby shopping center to meet up with his group of undesirable
friends. They hung around the quiet shopping center, talking with one another. Then, one of Suarez's friends suggested that
they walk around the shops to kill time. In one of the shops, Suarez saw a comic book that he really liked. However, his pocket
money was not enough to pay for the book, so he secretly slipped the book into his bag. Surprisingly, when the boys left the
store, the security alarm did not sound.

Suarez was very relieved and happy that he had managed to pull off the act so successfully. He then went to the toilet as he
was having a stomach pain. In the cubicle, he took out his cigarettes and lit up one of them. This caused the sound of an alarm
to pierce the air. Suarez did not even understand that he was the cause of the noise until there was a banging on his toilet
cubicle. The security guard demanded that Suarez come out of the cubicle at once. Suarez obeyed.

That day, the guard at the shopping centre called up Suarez's parents down. He retold the smoke detector event to them, and
Suarez was fined for smoking in the toilet. Also, when Suarez was caught, the guard did a routine check on Suarez's bag and
discovered the stolen book. That got him into more trouble. His parents managed to convince the guard not to report it to the
police. From then on, Suarez understood the extreme harshness of his actions and has been trying to turn over a new leaf ever

1.What was the reason for Suarez's change?

2.Why did Suarez's teachers call his parents? 1. _____________________________________________
3.From paragraph one, name the two ways in which Suarez 2. _____________________________________________
had changed at home. 3. _____________________________________________
4.From paragraph two, what did Suarez do instead of going 4. _____________________________________________
to school? 5. _____________________________________________
5.Which word in paragraph two slows that Suarez's friends 6. _____________________________________________
were of poor character. 7. _____________________________________________
6.What does 'the act' in paragraph three refer to? 8. _____________________________________________
7.Explain clearly what 'this' in paragraph three refers to. 9. _____________________________________________
8.Why was Suarez in 'more trouble' (paragraph four)?
9.How did the incident affect Suarez?

2. Write about the person you admire. Use a text about Renchin Byamba, p-44, ex7a.
Include in your writing the following.
✓ Birthday
✓ Birthplace
✓ Family
✓ Childhood
✓ Education
✓ Work
✓ The reason why you admire him/her.
Бүлэг сэдэв: 11-U-3-2. LIFE STORIES
Сурагчийн овог нэр: .....................................
2 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ...... цаг

Агуулгын товч тайлбар

Activities for vocabulary, use
of English.

VOCABULARY: 1. Match the words or phrases with their definitions.

1. made fun of a.every day

2. drop out of b. brutal or aggressive
3. severely injured c. in the end
4. kick out d. to be removed from
5. on a daily basis e. tease
6. drug abuse f. out of control
7. eventually g. badly hurt
8. violent h. to leave something before you finish it
9. out of hand i. wrong use of drugs
2. Label the words from ex 1.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

USE OF ENGLISH: 1. Choose the correct time adverbials to complete the sentences.

1. A: Do you know where Adam is? B: Yes, I've ___ seen him. He's in the kitchen.
a. yet b. so far c. just
2. Jackie sent off more than 20 job applications last month, but ___ she hasn't had any replies.
a. so far b. yet c. never
3. A: Have you finished reading that book? B: Finished? I haven't started it ___!
a. yet b. just c. ever
4. He promised to write to me once a week but ___ I've only received a postcard.
a. just b. until now c. ever
5. A: Liz is looking very healthy these days. B: Yes, she's ___ started yoga classes.
a. until now b. so far c. recently
6. A: Have you ___ been in a helicopter? B: Yes. Once was enough!
a. ever b. never c. so far
7. A: Can I have a cup of tea? B: I've ___ come home. You make it!
a. so far b. only just c. yet
8. ___ I've been to six countries in Europe and next week I'll see three more!
a. Up to now b. Only just c. Yet

2. Write the sentences in Mongolian.

1. I will have written articles on different topics before you come.

2. The lyricist will have written a song for the film.
3. Will you have gone to the concert of before I come?
4. I will not have attended the program because of my busy schedule.
5. Shannon will have gardened by then.
6. By the time you arrive, we will not have finished the meal and the speeches.
7. Where will the guests have gathered by the time we arrive?
8. He will have completed his project by Saturday.
Бүлэг сэдэв: 11-U-3-3. LIFE STORIES
Сурагчийн овог нэр: .....................................
3 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ...... цаг

Агуулгын товч тайлбар

Activities for vocabulary,
use of English, reading
and writing.

USE OF ENGLISH: Study the grammar. Then write the sentences in Mongolian.

I Wish/ If Only
If only means I wish. We use I wish… and If only… when we regret something or when we would like something to be
different than the way it is. If only is usually stronger than I wish.
Wish sentences:
• I wish I could fly. = If only I could fly.
• I wish they would stop fighting. = If only they would stop fighting.
After I wish and If only we can say were/weren’t instead of was/wasn’t.

1. I wish I hadn't taken your advice. (But I did) ……………………………………………………………

2. I wish she could have come. (But she didn't) ……………………………………………………………
3. If only I had more money! (But I haven't) ……………………………………………………………….
4. If only I was going on holiday with you! ………………………………………………………………..
5. If only you were here. (But you’re not) …………………………………………………………………
READING AND WRITING: 1a. Match the words with their synonyms.
1. researchers a. success plan of reaching goals
2. engage in b. manner
3. strategy c. roadway
4. behaviour d. people who work to find information
5. pathway e. start/work
1b. Read again and circle True or False.
A new study says today's teenagers are growing up more slowly than previous generations. Research from San Diego State
University looked at data on teenage behaviour from the past 40 years, between 1976 and 2016. It looked at surveys on 8
million teens from seven different countries. Researchers said that compared to teenagers from the 70s, 80s and 90s, today's
teens, "are taking longer to engage in both the pleasures and the responsibilities of adulthood". Professor Jean Twenge said:
"The whole developmental pathway has slowed down." She said today's 18-year-olds are living more like 15-year-olds used to
live. She said teenagers are taking far fewer risks than they did before.

The researchers said today's teenagers are taking longer to do things their parents and grandparents did. They are older when
they go on their first date, less likely to have a part-time job, and are less likely to drive. Professor Twenge said this is a "slow
life strategy". Researchers also found that more teenagers are spending longer living with their parents instead of renting their
own room or apartment. One of the reasons for these behaviours is how much time teenagers spend online. The Internet is
keeping teens on social media, looking at videos or playing games instead of living in the "real world". Another reason was
parents who try and do too much for their children and protect them too much.
1. Researchers looked at data on people up to the age of 40. T F
2. Researchers looked at data on 8 million teens. T F
3. Researchers compared today's teens with teens from the 1970s. T F
4. Today's 18-year-olds are similar to 15-year-olds in the past. T F
5. The researchers said teenagers are no longer dating. T F
6. A professor said today's teenagers have a 'slow-life strategy'. T F
7. Spending time online makes teenagers more responsible. T F
8. Protective parents make teenagers more responsible. T F
1c. Answer the questions according to the article.
1. Did you like reading this article? Why/not?
2. What do you think of when you hear the word 'age'?
3. What do you think about what you read?
4. Did you or do you enjoy being a teenager?
5. What is the worst thing about being a teenager?
6. What is the best age for a first date?
7. Should teenagers live with their parents?
8. What problems are there with teenagers always being online?
Бүлэг сэдэв: 11-U-3-4. LIFE STORIES
Сурагчийн овог нэр: .....................................
4 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ...... цаг

Агуулгын товч тайлбар

Activities for vocabulary, use
of English.

VOCABULARY: Choose the correct answer.

1. By saying ‘My bad’, the host means that 2. ‘If my memory serves me right’ means
a. he is a bad person. a. ‘If I remember correctly’.
b. he agrees that he made a mistake. b ‘I have no doubt’.
c. physically, he does not feel well. c. ‘I’m curious’.
3. I opened the box ___________ 4. This will be your favorite wish book __________
a. out of curiosity. a. blockbuster
b. my full attention. b. without a doubt.
c. devastated. c. achieve so much
5. You won't risk losing it to sue me, he said and 6. Don't ____________it and never make joke about it in front
reached for her severely ___________ of others.
a. injured arm. a. joke
b. ill b. have a fun
c. pain c. make fun of

SPEAKING: Go back to the textbook, p-50, ex-19. In groups, discuss the following questions.

1. What is happiness?
2. What have you done recently to live happier?
3. Did you greet anyone before you came to the class today?
4. Have you made any new friends lately?
5. When was the last time you did something good for others?

USE OF ENGLISH: 1. Fill in the following blanks with the Future Perfect Tense of the verbs given in
1. The picture ________ by the time we reach the hall. (start)
2. ________ your studies by 2009? (finish)
3. The farmers ________ not ________ the harvest before September. (reap)
4. I ________ exercise before the sun rises. (take)
5. He ________ his lesson by next week.(finish)
6. Hari ________ this job till lunch tomorrow. (finish)
7. I ________ meals by the time you come back. (take)
8. The farmers ________ their fields before the sun sets. (plough)
9. We ________ on our journey before the day dawns. (start)
10. The bank ________when we reach there. (open)

2. Rewrite the sentences using wish or if only to express past regrets.

1. I never listened to my son. Now I feel bad. I wish I had listened to my son.
2. I got injured during the London Olympics. I couldn’t get a gold medal.
3. I met a drug addict yesterday. I didn’t help him.
4. My mother didn’t go to college. Now she regrets it in the back of her mind.
5. My father wanted to be a physicist. He became an engineer instead.
6. Tuvshinbayar wanted to be a herder. He wanted to keep his nomadic heritage.
Vocabulary words related to life stories
Speaking discussing questions
Use of English present perfect, wish / regrets, if only
Reading stories
Writing about a person you admire
Бүлэг сэдэв: 11-U-4-1: BUIDINGS AND DESIGN
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... I Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ...... цаг

Агуулгын товч
тайлбар: Activities for
vocabulary, use of
English, reading and

VOCABULARY: Label the words with the pictures.

1. entrance 2. suspension bridge 3. arch bridge 4. beam bridge 5. shade 6. elevator

a b c d e

SPEAKING: In pairs, study the information and ask and answer.

Example: How tall is Shangri-la It’s 91.5

Ulaanbaatar hotel? metres tall.

How well did you speak?

My partner: Excellent Good Fair

1. Used vocabulary

2. Used good structures

3. Talked clearly

USE OF ENGLISH: Study the grammar table and write a formula for the passives.


PRESENT (+) They build the elevator with (+) The elevator is built with (+) Example:
SIMPLE glass. glass. O+is+v(pp2)
(-) We don’t use a suspension (-) A suspension bridge isn’t
bridge for pedestrians. used for pedestrians. (-)
(?) Do we use it for crossing (?) Is it used for crossing
obstacles? obstacles? (?)
PAST (+) The Burja Khalifa was (+) (+)
SIMPLE completed in 2009. (-) It was not stretched for 200
(-) They did not stretch it for 200 metres long. (-)
metres long. (?) Who was the Pyramids
(?) Who built the Pyramids? built by? (?)

FUTURE (+) The construction company will The new museum will be built (+)
SIMPLE build the new museum. by the construction company.
(-) They won’t repair the broken (-) The broken part of the (-)
part of the bridge until Monday. bridge won’t be repaired until
Monday. (?)
(?) Will you carry all concrete? (?) All concrete will be carried
by you?


1a. Complete the paragraph: “The Taipei 101 building “on the right with the words on the left.

Standing at 508 meters tall, the Taipei 101 building is (1) ……. in Taipei, crowded adj.
Taiwan, and is one of the most famous (2) ……. s both in Asia and in the world. design n., v.
In 2004 (when it opened), and for several years after, it was the (3) …... earthquakes n.
building on our planet. It was the first building in the world more than half a elevator n.
kilometer in (4) …... Sometimes, on rainy days, the top of this (5) …… cannot extraordinary adj.
be seen as it rises high above the gray clouds. The Taipei 101 building (or height n.
simply, the 101 building’) mixes (6) ………. with traditional (7) ……… There are landmark n.
eight main sections, each with eight floors (eight is a lucky number in Chinese). located adj., n.
In total, there are 101 floors. The 101 building is very special because it is so modern adj.
tall, and because it must be very strong and very (8) ……. – there are many (9) safe adj. skyscraper n.
……… and strong windstorms called typhoons in Taiwan. For about US $15, in tallest adj.
the lower shopping mall, you can buy a ticket and take the fastest (10) ……. in The Taipei 101 Building
the world up to the 91st floor. Then, you can look down on one of the world’s
most (11) …….and exciting cities from the top of one of its most amazing and
(12) ……… buildings.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

1b. Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right.

1. earthquake A. the way something has been made

2. extraordinary B. a very tall building in a city
3. design C. a shaking of the earth’s surface that causes damage
4. height D. in or at a certain place
5. landmark E. how tall a person or thing is
6. located in F. very unusual; very good
7. skyscraper G. a very large, powerful storm in East Asia
8. typhoon H. a building that is easy to see and recognize
Бүлэг сэдэв: 11-U-4-2: BUIDINGS AND DESIGN
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 2 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ...... цаг

Агуулгын товч тайлбар

Activities for vocabulary, use
of English.

VOCABULARY: Label the materials:

sand, stone, lime, boulder, concrete, brick, gravel, rubble, soil, pebble, mud for the pictures.
Use a dictionary.


a c
a a

e f
a a

h i
a a




USE OF ENGLISH: Complete the sentences with the present, past or future simple passive of the verb in
1. How many newspapers ______ (print) in Britain every day?
2. Who ______ (write) the essay by next week?
3. German _______ (speak) in Germany, Austria, and part of Switzerland.
4. The royal wedding ______ (watch) by millions of people in 2011.
5. A lot of computers _______ (make) in Korea.
6. The Harry Potter films _______ (not direct) by Steven Spielberg.
7. How much paper _______ (recycle) in Mongolia in 5 years?
8. In the UK, alcohol _______ (not sell) to anyone under 18. It's against the law.
Бүлэг сэдэв: 11-U-4-3: BUIDINGS AND DESIGN
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 3 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ...... цаг

Агуулгын товч тайлбар

Activities for use of English,
reading and writing.

USE OF ENGLISH: Put the following sentences into future simple passive voice.

1. Will he pick up the kids tomorrow? - Will the kids be picked up tomorrow?
2. The birds will eat those cookies. ………………………………………………
3. My friends will visit him tomorrow. …………………………………………….
4. The coach will throw a party on the weekend. ………………………………
5. The next earthquake will destroy the city. ……………………………………


1. What is Dinara saying about her hometown? Use the verbs in the Present, Past, Future Simple Passive or
My city is very old, it 1. ……... (found) in 1005. Kazan 2. ………... (destroy) by wars and fires. After one of the fires
the icon tour Lady of Kazan 3. ………... (discover). Today it is a famous icon and it 4. ……... (respect) by many
Christians. During the Great Patriotic War Kazan 5. ………. (become) an important city where planes and tanks 6.
………… (produce). Today Kazan is the capital of Tatarstan. In 2005 we 7. ……… (celebrate) its birthday, one
millennium. The Kazan Kremlin was the centre of the celebration. The Kremlin 8. …………. (include) Muslim and
Christian monuments. The Qol Sharif mosque 9. ……….. (rebuild) in 1996, it's one of the largest mosques in
Russia. The magnificent The Quoll Sharif Mosque Blagoveshchensk Cathedral 10.………. (build) in the middle of
the sixteenth century. I am sure that my city will be better and more beautiful. In a few years' time, new
underground railways, and new roads 11. ……………. (build). New wonderful buildings 12………. (design) in the
future. I hope that our people 13 ………. (create) new theatres, museums, unique medical centres and big libraries.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

2. Write a short descriptive paragraph about a building in your city or country. Use the words and phrases
in the box to help you – as well as your own words and ideas. Words no less than 80.

Location: located in near next to in front of behind between

Height: tall skyscraper 87 meters 26 floors short
Age: new newly built old 80 years old ancient
Colour: red yellow blue gray grayish colorful
Other: amazing noisy crowded relaxing exciting spacious extraordinary special famous well-known modern
Бүлэг сэдэв: 11-U-4-4: BUIDINGS AND DESIGN
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 4 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ...... цаг

Агуулгын товч тайлбар

Activities for vocabulary,
speaking and use of

VOCABULARY: Label the pictures. Write the name of the part- in the top
half of the box and the material it is made from underneath.

SPEAKING: How would you describe your home? Draw your dream home and describe it.

USE OF ENGLISH: Rewrite the active sentences into the passive: present, past, or future simple passive.

1. The Chinese built The Great Wall of China thousands of years ago. _____________________________
2. She will finish the project by tomorrow. Don’t worry. __________________________________________
3. Will the company employ a new worker? ___________________________________________________
4. Millions of people will visit the museum. ___________________________________________________
5. I’m sorry. I made mistakes. _____________________________________________________________
6. They publish this magazine for construction every 3 months. ___________________________________


Vocabulary words related to building parts, materials
Speaking describing homes
Use of English simple passives
Reading about buildings
Writing about a famous building
Бүлэг сэдэв: 11-U-5-1. NATURAL DISASTERS
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... I Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ...... цаг

Агуулгын товч тайлбар

Activities for use of English,
reading and writing.

VOCABULARY: Fill in the sentences with the words from the box.
a flood, a wildfire, an earthquake, an avalanche, a drought, a hurricane

1. The ________ spread through the country and burnt some areas of forest.
2. If there is a lot of rain, ________ can happen.
3. It will take several hours to dig people out of the snow from the ________
4. An extremely violent ________ passed over the island, destroying the fruit-trees in the island’s
5. This city of Lima was destroyed by a great ________ on the 28th of October 1746.
6. High temperatures and ... have continued for more than three weeks.

USE OF ENGLISH: 1a. Study the similarities and differences of meaning the modals.
Modals for obligation
Modals Similarity Differences

Have to Have to is the same as I have to do my homework.

must. It implies that you (If I don't, will be in trouble.)
don't have a choice.
To be To be supposed It is something that you should do, or something that another
supposed to to means an obligation. person expects you to do.
Don't forget to use the verb be in front of supposed to.
I am supposed to do my homework.
(If I don't, my teacher will notice that I didn't do it.)
Must Must expresses -Expresses the speaker's feelings.
obligation You must come. You are obliged to come (I require that you
-Must I wear this tie? Am I obliged to wear this tie? (What do
you think?)
-Must is used for specific obligations: I must tell you

Similarity and differences for must and have to

Modals Similarity Differences

Have to Have to express -Have to expresses, above all, an impersonal idea: You have to
obligation or necessity come.
You are obliged to come. (There's a rule requiring you to come)
Do I have to wear this tie? Am I obliged to wear this tie?
(Is there a rule about ties?)
-Have to mainly expresses general obligations:
I have to brush my teeth twice a day.
Mustn’t Mustn’t expresses You mustn't drive.
prohibition You are prohibited to drive.
You are not allowed to drive.
Don’t have Don’t have to You don't have to drive.
to expresses the absence You are not obliged to drive.
of obligation or (But you can if you want to).

Usage for be allowed to

Be allowed Be allowed to He will soon be allowed to swim.

to express permission
To be not Be not allowed to The security agent: Hey, you. What are you doing here? You aren't
allowed to express prohibition. allowed to enter this building.

1b. Write the sentences in Mongolian and be sure to keep the meaning of the modals.
1. I must call the electrician and get that light fixed.
2. You mustn't worry about me. I'll be fine.
3. You have to have a licence to drive a car.
4. You don't have to have a licence to cycle on the roads.
5. You don’t have to eat that if you don’t like it.
6. My son is supposed to wash his face before going to bed.
7. You will be allowed to drive a car when you are eighteen.

READING AND WRITING: 1. Read the story and answer these questions.

It was early in the evening, and I was having dinner, when suddenly I heard a terrible noise and felt the floor
moving] It was earthquake] I got up from the table and left the house quickly. I was so frightened; I started shaking. At that
moment, I saw Chloe, my roommate, outside the building. I told her I was too scared to go back into the flat in case it started
shaking again.
Chloe and I decided to go straight to the park to find a safe place to sit. In fact, we spent the whole night there. It
was cold, but luckily for us the Red Cross gave us hot soup and blankets. We stayed in the pork for much of the next day
because there were still tremors from time to time.
When we were sure it was safe, we went back to the flat. We were worried because quite a few of the houses in
our area were badly damaged. When we entered the flat, we saw that the bedrooms windows were broken along with some
ornaments, but nothing more serious than that.
I was tired, but I wanted to stay awake because I was terrified. I thought there might be another earthquake. Chloe, on the
other hand, said she wanted to sleep for a week.
1. What was Clare doing when she felt the floor moving?
2. Who did she see outside of the building?
3. Where did they stay the night?
4. Who helped them there? How?
What happened last?
2. Go back to the textbook, p-83, ex-19. Copy the sentences and add punctuation.

What can I do?

I myself want to help stop global warming a better life clean air and better health you can get all at the same time
Five easy to understand actions for how you can do your part in stowing global warming and getting a better life
they are the most critical actions and they will lead to a balanced climate the required technology just start doing it
and share what you are doing with your friends
1 avoid fuel powered cars
2 eat organic food
3 buy from companies that are environmentally responsible
4 take part in environmental movements
5 tell your political leaders you want clean energy and a clean environment when all of us are moving in the
direction the climate and the future of our lives will be saved in surprisingly short time the transition doesn't need to
be something bad but can in many ways be a change to the better for each of us
Бүлэг сэдэв: 11-U-5-2. NATURAL DISASTERS
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 2 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ...... цаг

Агуулгын товч тайлбар

Activities for vocabulary and
use of English.

VOCABULARY: 1. Match the words with their definitions.

1. famine a. heavy snowfalls that take place late in autumn

2. black zud b. a very serious lack of food for a great number of people
3. stormy zud c. a thin crust of ice formed on the ground after snowfall
4. white zud d. a long snowless period in which cattle suffer from a lack of water
5. iron zud e. mixed snowfall and blizzards for a long period
2. Use a dictionary to help you complete the chart below. All of the words must begin with the letter of the
alphabet given. Some letters may have many different answers, while others may not have an answer.
Avalanche N
USE OF ENGLISH: 1. Complete these sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the present perfect
passive. Example: Our house has finally been renovated.
1. The old roof ......................................................................... (repair)
What have been done in the house
2. Some inner walls ................................................................. (move)
this month?
3. All the windows .................................................................. (replace)
4. All the inner doors .............................................................. (repaint)
5. A new exterior door ............................................................ (buy)
6. A new bathroom ................................................................. (build)
7. Central heating .................................................................... (install)
8. Exterior walls ...................................................................... (insulate)
9. New plumbing systems ....................................................... (use)
10. New floors ........................................................................... (lay)
2. Write the meaning of the modal verbs in each sentence.
1. My doctor said that I have to stop smoking or I'll risk serious problems. _________ (I have no choice)
2. I must stop smoking. It’s costing me too much money. __________
3. Guests must not make noise after 10 p.m. ____________
4. You don't have to come with me, honestly. I'll be fine! ___________
5. People are allowed to swim in this lake. ___________
6. She was supposed to cook dinner for her sick mother. It was her daily duty. ___________
Бүлэг сэдэв: 11-U-5-3. NATURAL DISASTERS
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 3 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ...... цаг

Агуулгын товч тайлбар

Activities for speaking, use
of English, reading and

SPEAKING: In a group of 4-6, discuss the following questions.

✓ How many types of natural disaster can you name?

Which is the worst?
How well did you work in the
discussion? ✓ What natural disasters are common in your
Your answers: ✓ Have you ever been through a natural disaster?
………………………………………………… Tell your group about your experience if it isn’t too
………………………………………………… traumatic.
………………………………………………… ✓ What is the best / worst natural disaster movie you
have seen?
………………………………………………… ✓ Think of three natural disasters. What can you do
………………………….. to stay safe during and after those natural

USE OF ENGLISH: 1. Go back to the textbook, p-78, ex- 12b. Complete the sentences with suitable modals
from 12a.
1. You are not ________ to drive across flood water.
2. You are ________ to collect an emergency kit that includes things like first aid supplies, a torch, a portable radio, important
documents, and medicines.
3. You ________ensure your family members know how so turn off the mains supply for water, power, and gas.
4. You ________ use local warning systems to get information and get informed advice from an expert.
5. You ________ turn on main supply for water, power, and gas because gas and water leaks can cause fires.
2. Choose the correct answers.
1 You ... smoke in this room.
A. must B. mustn’t C. can D. don't have to

2 We ... be quiet.
A. must B. mustn’t C. has to D. don't have to

3 I ... listen to the music I like. My parents like it too.

A. can B. must C. mustn’t D. don't have to

4 You ... put the rubbish into the bin.

A. must B. mustn't C. has to D. don't have to

5 I ... do my homework.
A. can B. mustn't C. have to D. don't have to

6 You ... make noise in this area.

A. can B. must C. mustn't D. don't have to

7 I ... watch TV late at night. My parents say I must go to bed early.

A. can't B. must C. don't have to D. can

8 You ... take photos in this museum.

A. must B. can C. mustn't D. don't have to

9 You ... speak on the mobile phone on an aeroplane.

A. can B. must C. mustn't D. don't have to
10 We ... eat sweets in the classrooms.
A. can B. must C. mustn't D. don't have to


Natural disasters
Scientists understand a lot about the environment - but they don’t understand everything! Every year, there are big
and small disasters in different parts of the world. Some of these happen very often, but some of them are a big
shock. How do these natural disasters affect humans?
Can we do anything about them?
Part 1. Hurricanes
What are they?
Tropical storms with strong winds. They start at sea and can travel a long distance. They have different names in
different places: ‘hurricanes’ in the Atlantic Ocean, ‘typhoons’ in the Pacific c Ocean, ‘tropical
cyclones in the Indian Ocean and around Australasia. Tornadoes, or whirlwinds, are similar, but begin over land.
Why do they happen? The water evaporates from the warm sea. This condenses in the atmosphere. More and
more hot, wet air rises. It becomes a strong wind.
Where do they happen? Over the warm parts of oceans. Tornadoes are common in parts of the U.S.A, Australia,
and Japan. How do they affect people? They can affect ships, blow down houses, cause floods and disrupt traffic.
What can people do? Scientists can usually track hurricanes, but they cannot stop them.
Part 2 b. Floods
What are they? The water in rivers, lakes or the ocean rises above its normal level and goes onto the land. Why do
they happen? If there is a lot of rain, or very strong winds, floods can happen. Where do they happen? Some rivers
in Bangladesh and India flood every year. People expect it, so there is no panic. When the floods go down, there
are lots of minerals in the soil. They can grow good plants. How do they affect people? When the floods are a
surprise, many people can drown. Every year, people lose their houses and their furniture. When floods happen
every year, some people are ready for them. But many people (and governments) do not prepare properly. What
can people do? Dams can reduce floods - but some dams can cause them! There are often ‘flood warnings’ on the
1. Match the words to the correct definition.
a. blow down (v) b. condense (v)
c. dam (n) d. disaster (n)
e. disrupt (v) f. drown (v)
g. evaporate (v) h. reduce (v)
i. shock (n) j. warning (n)

1. A statement telling people of a possible problem or danger.

2. A very bad event that causes lots of damage or kills a lot of people.
3. A wall built across a river to stop the water.
4. Something bad that happens unexpectedly and surprises you.
5. The process when a gas changes into a liquid.
6. The process when a liquid (e.g., water) changes into a gas.
7. To go under water and die.
8. To interrupt or prevent something from continuing.
9. To make something smaller or less in size.
10. When a strong wind makes something fall over.
2. Write an article about the earthquake in China using the information in the box.

Earthquake – China 2008

Date: 12105/2008
Time: 14:28
Location: China (Sichuan province)
Magnitude: 7.8
Number of victims: 69.000 people were killed (10.000 in Sichuan
province alone) - about 250,00 people were injured.
Help from: the army. Paramilitary People's Armed Police, the Red
Cross. Mercy Corps etc.
Бүлэг сэдэв: 11-U-5-4. NATURAL DISASTERS
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 4 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ...... цаг

Агуулгын товч тайлбар

Activities for vocabulary,
speaking, use of English,
reading and writing.

VOCABULARY: What natural disasters are? Choose the correct word to fill in
the gaps. There is one extra word that you do not need.
Earthquake, lightning, tornado, eruption, fog, drought, flood, blizzard, cloudy, thunder, hail, forecast, breeze, shade

1. It did not rain for a long time and the mined the harvest.
2. We heard the loud sound of _________ in the distance.
3. During the all the houses were covered by water.
4. We could not see anything because of the ___________.
5. It was very snowy last night; we had a real ___________.
6. A flash of light in the sky is called ___________.
7. You must stay away from the volcano during the ___________.
8. You should listen to the weather ___________ before you go camping.
9. We felt the gentle ___________ from the ocean on our faces.
10. ___________ consists of small balls of ice that fall from the sky.
11. You cannot see stars in the sky at night.
12. It is fresher to stay in the of the ________ trees on a hot day.
13. The ground was shaking terribly during the __________.

SPEAKING: Discuss the questions below with your partner.

Student A Student B
1. Have you ever felt an earthquake? If ‘yes’, when? 1. What are some examples of natural disasters?
Describe it.
2. What kind of disaster is most dangerous? Why?
2. Do you enjoy watching disaster movies? Why? /
Why not? 3. What kinds of things can cause an airplane to
3. What are some examples of man-made crash?
disasters? 4. What are some ways a fire can start?
4. Do you ever worry about airplane crashes when 5. What telephone number should you dial if there is
you fly? Why? / Why not? a fire in your building?
5. Do you know about anyone who has survived a 6. Do you know about anyone who has survived a
disaster? If ‘yes’, who?
disaster? If ‘yes’, who?
6. Do you think there are more or fewer disasters
now than before?
Fill in the chart with: Very well (VW), Good (G), Fair (F)
Criteria Student 1 Student 2
Name: Name:
Choosing the right vocabulary
Using grammar structures

USE OF ENGLISH: 1. Fill in the spaces with words to complete the passive form of each present perfect
simple sentence. The agent and preposition "by" are not required.
1) The cleaners have thrown away the papers I left on my desk. The papers I left on my desk ________________.
2) They have closed the zoo this week for health reasons. The zoo __________________ this week for health
3) I heard that they have used animals here for scientific experiments. I heard that animals ____________ here for
scientific experiments.
4) Somebody has stolen my new watch. My new watch ________________.
5) The police have not found the murderer yet. The murderer _____________ yet.
6) They still have not solved the case. The case still _____________.
7) Have you switched the computer on this morning? Has the computer _______________ this morning?
8) Have they done anything about the broken photocopier? Has ______________ about the broken photocopier?
9) People say they have seen her driving a new car. She ______________ driving a new car.
10) Nobody has arranged anything. Nothing ______________.

2. Choose the correct modal verb in each sentence.

1. My son is allowed / supposed to be at home every day at six o'clock except on Saturdays.
2. I'm allowed / supposed to help my little sister with her homework because I promised my mother.
3. You must not / don’t have to use this product without protection.
4. You must not / don’t have to go to the ceremony if you don't feel like it. It'll be very boring anyway.
5. You must not / don’t have to forget to take your medicine.
6. The students aren't allowed /supposed to run in the corridors.

READING AND WRITING: 1. Read the text an choose the correct word: tsunamis, dinosaurs, under water,
tsunami, high winds, disaster, shelter.

Natural disasters take many different forms and can happen without warning. Earthquakes, floods, volcanoes, drought,
typhoons, and hurricanes are all-natural disasters.

The earthquake of 26 December 2004 resulted in one of the worst natural disasters in living memory. It was a massive
____________ (1) quake and occurred in the Indian Ocean. This caused a huge tidal-wave a ________________ (2) to cross
the Indian Ocean. It destroyed coastlines, communities and brought death and destruction to many people. Thousands of
people were killed as the wave travelled miles across the ocean to distant beaches. Whole families were swept out to sea or
drowned as the sea invaded the land. The survivors need fresh water, food and _____________ (3) as well as medical help.
People from all over the world are giving lots of money so that towns and villages can be rebuilt.
What is the difference between a Hurricane and a Tornado? Hurricanes are extremely strong storms and often happen in the
Caribbean. They cause _______________ (4), huge waves, and heavy flooding and can be hundreds of miles across. In 1998,
Hurricane Gilbert produced 160 mile an hour wind. It killed 318 people and destroyed much of Jamaica. Tornadoes or ‘twisters’
are very strong spinning winds. They can move objects as big as a car and can blow buildings down. These
are very common in West Africa and certain areas of the USA.
Which is the most dangerous natural disaster?
All the disasters mentioned above are very dangerous and continue to kill thousands of people each year, but they are
nowhere near the most dangerous ___________ (5). to ever happen on earth. One type of event in earth’s history has
regularly killed millions of beings: asteroid impact. About once every million years the earth is hit by a piece of rock and ice from
space large enough to cause massive destruction (including earthquakes, volcanoes and _______________ (6) and
sometimes to kill entire species. 65 million years ago more than half the earth’s species were killed by such an impact including
all the _______________ (7).

2. Write a short story about a disaster survivor you have experienced, read, and heard. Include in your
story the following. Words no less than 80.

✓ What is it? Start like this:

✓ When and where it I have read about a survivor rescued from wildfire in a southern aimag of
happened? Mongolia……………………………………………………………………………
✓ What did the survivor do? …………………………………………………………………………………………
✓ How was the survivor …………………………………………………………………………………………
rescued? …………………………………………………………………………………………
✓ How did you feel? …………………………………………………………………………………………
✓ What lesson did you get …………………………………………………………………………………………
from the story? …………………………………………………………………………………………
Vocabulary words related to natural disasters
Speaking describing natural disasters
Use of English Present perfect passive, modals for obligations
Reading about natural disasters
Writing about a disaster survivor
Бүлэг сэдэв: 11-C-1,2,3-3 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ...... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... I
Агуулгын товч тайлбар
Activities for vocabulary,
speaking, use of English,
reading and writing.

VOCABULARY: Match the words and phrases with their definition.

1. lifestyle
2. the simple life
3. the high life
4. primary education
5. secondary education
6. higher education
7. university graduate
8. university degree
9. life-long learning
a. a way of living without all the possessions and worries of modern life
b. the final stage of compulsory education following the primary education
c. an academic title given by a college or university to a student who has completed a course of study
d. six or seven years of schooling starting at the age of 5 or 6
e. the type of life that you have, for example the type of job, house or activity you like
f. self-initiated education that is focused on personal development
g. a person who holds a university or college degree
h. a style of living that includes spending a lot of money on luxuries
i. tertiary, third stage, or post-secondary education

SPEAKING: Work in pairs. Think of the question: Have you got the skills you need for the 21st century?
Then, think of an object or gadget you use every day.
✓ How could it be improved?
✓ Can you think of three improvements?

When you are ready tell your idea to your partner.

The gadget I use every day is … This gadget could be improved in following three ways.
Firstly, …

Secondly, …

Thirdly, ….

Take notes of your partner’s idea.

My partner/friend _______________says that:

USE OF ENGLISH: Study the grammar explanation and write the sentences in Mongolian.
Equality and inequality (two things are equal or as + adjective + as is used to say that two things
not equal in some way) are equal in some way.
as + adjective + as •He is as tall as me.
not as + adjective + as •Jim’s car is as fast as mine.
•Jim’s car is not as fast as mine.
Modifying comparatives (to intensify meaning) •Bob is much richer than I am.
much / a lot / far / a little / a bit / slightly + •Mario’s is by far the best restaurant in town.
comparative / superlative adjective •I’m nearly the oldest in the class.
•My mother’s hair is slightly longer than mine.
repeating comparatives (to say that something •These exams are getting worse and worse
is changing) every year.
more and more •She gets more and more beautiful every time I
less and less see her.

1. This apple is much tastier than the other one.

2. This apple is far uglier than that one.
3. Eleni and Maria are a bit shorter than I.
4. The sky grew darker and darker, and we knew the storm would break soon.
5. Shirley is much more popular than Janet.
6. The material was as thin as ice.
7. The final wasn't so exciting as the semi-final.

1. Learn the words and phrases before the reading.
1. resource – n. a supply of something (such as money) that someone has and can use when it is needed.
2. worm – n. a long, thin animal that has a soft body with no legs or bones and that often lives in the ground.
3. accomplish – v. to succeed in doing (something)
4. willpower – n. the ability to control yourself: strong determination that allows you to do something difficult (such as to lose weight or quit
5. jump on the day – informal phrase: to start doing something before other people start, or before something happens, to win an advantage
for yourself.
6. metabolism – n. the chemical processes by which a plant or an animal uses food, water, etc., to grow and heal and to make energy.
7. meditate – v. to spend time in quiet thought for religious purposes or relaxation: to think about (something) carefully.
8. visualize – v. to form a mental picture of (someone or something)
9. journal – n. a book in which you write down your personal experiences and thoughts.

2. Read the article and choose the correct answer.


Having success and being able to meet one’s goals requires knowledge, a sense of direction, hard work and
resources. Some people might add to that list luck, connections and perhaps a strong belief in yourself. We
accomplish our goals one step at a time, doing a little each day. So, using your day effectively is important.
On many websites’ productivity experts share advice on how to achieve your career and life goals. Most of the
experts agree on one thing: Starting your day on the right foot is most important. Collected from these websites,
here are five ideas on how to start your day off right.
1. Get up an hour early.
People who get up early in the morning have a jump on the day. For starters, they’re awake! And some studies
show that our willpower and attention span are strongest in the morning. In fact, the morning may be the most
productive part of your day.
In American English, we like to say, “The early bird gets the worm.” Here, if you’re a bird, the worm is the reward.
So, this expression means that people who rise up early are more likely to succeed.
Inventor, philosopher, and writer Benjamin Franklin would probably agree. Americans like to use Franklin’s
memorable expressions. One of them is “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”
Of course, there are exceptions. People who are “night owls” do their best work and their best thinking at night.
2. Drink a glass of water with lemon juice.
Why? Health experts say that drinking a combination of lemon juice and water first thing in the morning jump-starts
the body’s metabolism. Not only does it jump start your body’s cells, but this kind of drink keeps them moving
throughout the day.
3. Don’t answer email or jump into social media as soon as you get up.
Your coffee or tea is ready. So, you decide to look at your email quickly or open up your Facebook account. Well,
don’t. This is a great way to forget about the day ahead. We’ve all done it. You see a Facebook post from a friend
you haven’t seen in a long time. He is angry about some issue and the heated discussion pulls you in. Before you
know it, an hour has passed, you hurry out the door so as not to be late for work or school. This is not the best way
to start your day.
4. Exercise!
Some people may disagree with this one. Exercising in the morning may not be for everyone. Some people like to
exercise after work or at night.
Physical fitness experts and trainers often suggest some form of exercise in the morning because the middle of the
day is a busy time for most people. By the day’s end, you may not have the time or energy to exercise. How many
times have you finished work and said to yourself, “I’m too tired to exercise! I’ll do it tomorrow.” Exercising in the
morning prevents that from happening.
5. Think about your day ... at night.
Meditate, visualize -- whatever you call it -- take time at the end of the day to think back on all the things that have
happened. Give thanks if you want. And spend a little time to think about tomorrow. Some people who talk about
“living in the present” may criticize this. But it may help you to prepare if you take a few minutes to think about what
you need to do the next day. If you did one thing, that means you are one step closer in reaching one of your goals.
Which of these tips do you agree with? Which ones do you disagree with? Do you have other tips or advice on
making the most of your day? Source: VOA

1. What does the report say about sleeping time? 2. What reason is provided for drinking a glass of water
a. People who get up early are more likely to with lemon?
succeed. a. It removes harmful substances from your
b. People who sleep for longer periods will be cells.
healthier. b. It is much healthier than coffee or tea.
c. People who stay up late at night are not as c. It works to prevent tiredness throughout the
productive. day.
d. The report says all these things about d. It helps to increase your metabolism.
getting up early.
3. Why does the report suggest you avoid social media in 4. What does the report say about exercising during
the morning? morning hours?
a. It may make you feel angry early in the day. a. It is not as effective as evening exercise.
b. It may pull you into arguments with friends. b. It prevents the excuse of being tired in the
c. It makes you dislike your friends. evening.
d. The report suggests all these things. c. It saves you time in the middle of your
d. It increases your metabolism if you do it
5. What does the report suggest you do at the end of your 3. Translate these sentences in Mongolian.
day? 1. The early bird gets the worm.
a. Live in the present moment as much as 2. Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy,
possible. and wise.
b. Meditate and visualize things that happened 3. Meditate, visualize -- whatever you call it -- take time at
that day. the end of the day to think back on all the things that have
c. Exercise for just a few moments before you happened.
sleep. 4. People who are “night owls” do their best work and their
d. Prepare a list of what you want to do the best thinking at night.
next day. 5. Some people who talk about “living in the present” may
criticize this.


Use the following chart write about your near and far future. Choose areas from the box.

Travel job family friends hobby partner possessions appearance qualification learning lifestyle the world





Vocabulary identity related words
Speaking expressing likes and dislikes
Use of English so /such
phrasal verbs related to clothes
Reading reading for detailed information
Writing completing sentences on own ideas

Дууссан : ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг

Өөрийн үнэлгээ:................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: 11-C-U-4,5-3
Сурагчийн овог нэр: .....................................
2 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ...... цаг

Агуулгын товч тайлбар

Activities for vocabulary,
speaking, reading, and

VOCABULARY: Write the definitions for the words.

a. urban _____________________________________________________________
b. rural_______________________________________________________________
c. migration____________________________________________________________
d. ageing______________________________________________________________
e. overpopulation________________________________________________________
f. industrialization________________________________________________________
g. pollution_____________________________________________________________
h. demography__________________________________________________________

SPEAKING: In pairs / groups, talk about population trends in your country.

Which are the biggest cities?

Are people moving into the cities?
Is it good?
What problems can be in big/ megacities?
What can be solution to them?

1a. Read and choose the best title.

a. Manchester city
b. The world greenest stadium
Introducing sustainability, it's good for the game, even better for the Earth. The technological innovation is growing
day by day. Manchester has become the most environmentally friendly city in the United Kingdom. It is planning to
introduce the first sports stadium in the world that is powered by renewable energy. The designs feature several
renewable systems from wind turbines to water recycling, and storage of enough solar energy to supply 4,000 homes.
It’s not just the sports fans who will benefit even ‘people across Manchester will be able to buy into the 100 percent
renewable energy produced’ says Pete Bradshaw, Social Responsibility Manager for Manchester City Football Club.
Here was built the most exciting eco arena on the planet.

1b. Read again and answer the questions.

1. Where is the environmentally friendly city situated?
2. What alternative resource is used in the stadium?
3. From what were the renewable systems designed?
4. How many homes will be supplied by solar energy?
5. Why does it called eco arena?

2a. Before reading write the words in Mongolian.

1. social division________________________________________________________
2. violence_____________________________________________________________
3. empower____________________________________________________________
4. rapidly______________________________________________________________
5. proceed_____________________________________________________________
6. industry_____________________________________________________________
7. demand_____________________________________________________________

2b. Read the article and choose the correct answer.


Over half the world's people now live-in cities. The latest "Global Report on Human Settlements" says the historic
change took place last year. The report came out this week from U.N. Habitat, a United Nations agency.

A century ago, less than five percent of all people lived in cities. By the middle of this century, it could be seventy
percent, or almost six and a half billion people.

Already three-fourths of people in developed countries live in cities. Now most urban population growth is in the
developing world and there has been problems due to overpopulation.

Urbanization can lead to social and economic progress, but also pressure on cities to provide housing and services.
The new report says almost two hundred thousand people move into cities and towns each day. It says worsening
inequalities, driven by social divisions and differences in wealth, could lead to violence unless cities plan better.

Another issue is urban sprawl. This is where cities expand into rural areas, sometimes at a much faster rate than
urban population growth.

Sprawl is common in the United States. Americans move a lot. In a recent study, Art Hall at the University of
Kansas found that people are moving away from the major cities to smaller cities. He sees a trend toward "de-
urbanization" across America.

But urban economies still provide possibilities that rural areas do not.

Sabina Deitrick at the University of Pittsburgh, in Pennsylvania, is an expert on cities. She notes that urbanization
brings social change that can empower women.

Sabina Deitrick: "Women entering the labor force is one big change and that always goes up with urbanization and
certainly will proceed in many, many countries where urbanization is increasing rapidly."

Sabina Deitrick has closely studied Pittsburgh from the loss of its main industry, steel, to its rebirth as a smaller city
with different industries. She says the reuse of existing land and spaces and the reinvention of urban life is
important if cities are to succeed.

Professor Deitrick notes that a city's ability to educate and train its people is important to jobs and new industries.
Even new industries based on old ideas.

Around the world, people leave rural farm jobs to go to the city. Yet now there is growing demand for farm products
grown close to the cities where they are used. Urban farming is taking hold in some of the world's biggest cities.
Sabina Deitrick says studies show that urban farming is one area where woman can earn more than men do.

Source: VOA
1. Choose the correct answer.
1. Less than 5% of people lived in cities one hundred years ago.
A. True. B. False. C. We don't know.
2. Most urban population growth takes place in developed countries.
A. True. B. False. C. We don't know.
3. Many people are moving from big cities to smaller ones.
A. True. B. False. C. We don't know.
4. Some people leave their farm jobs to move to the city.
A. True. B. False. C. We don't know.
5. Women can earn more money than men in urban farming.
A. True. B. False. C. We don't know.
2. Complete the sentences.
a. rebirth, reinvention: Prefix re- means _________________
b. de-urbanization: Prefix de- means ___________________
c. inequality: Prefix in- means ________________________
d. overpopulation: Prefix over- means __________________
3. What does “urban sprawl” means?
a. The rapid expansion of the geographic extent of cities and towns
b. Automobile use and of public transport

WRITING: Write three paragraphs describing and comparing urbanization in 1960 and today. Words no less
than 100. Use the template below.

Paragraph: 1 Fifty years ago…………….

1950 Many / The majority of / Most cities………….
Some / A few / Not many cities……………….
The highest populations were in ………………
Paragraph 2: Many / The majority of / Most cities…
Today Some / A few / Not many cities…
The largest populations are …………………
Paragraph 3: Compare. The main differences between 1950 and today are…
Firstly, ……………….
Secondly, ……………
……….. much / a lot / bigger than……….
………… is different from / similar to……….
The reason for this may be……….

Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 3


Vocabulary urbanization related words
Speaking expressing opinion in pair/ group
Reading reading for detailed information
Writing writing paragraphs for comparison

Дууссан : ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг

Өөрийн үнэлгээ:................................

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