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Thailand International

Mathematical Olympiad 2015

泰國國際數學競賽 2015
Secondary 1 Past Paper Booklet
中學一年級 試題集
Instructions to Contestants:

1. 本卷包括 試題 乙份,試題紙不可取走。
Each contestant should have ONE Question-Answer Book which CANNOT be taken
2. 本卷共 5 個範疇,每範疇有 5 題,共 25 題,每題 4 分,總分 100 分,答錯不扣分。
There are 5 exam areas and 5 questions in each exam area. There are a total of 25
questions in this Question-Answer Book. Each carries 4 marks. Total score is 100
marks. No points are deducted for incorrect answers.
3. 請將答案寫在 答題紙 上。
All answers should be written on ANSWER SHEET.
4. 比賽期間,不得使用計算工具。
NO calculators can be used during the contest.
5. 本卷中所有圖形不一定依比例繪成。
All figures in the paper are not necessarily drawn to scale.
6. 比賽完畢時,本試題會被收回。
This Question-Answer Book will be collected at the end of the contest.

DO NOT turn over this Question-Answer Book without approval of the examiner.
Otherwise, contestant may be DISQUALIFIED.
泰國國際數學競賽 2015 中學一年級 試題集
Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad 2015 Secondary 1 Past Paper Booklet

填空題(第 1 至 25 題)(每題 4 分,答錯及空題不扣分)

Open-Ended Questions (1st ~25th) (4 points for correct answer, no penalty point for wrong answer)

Logical Thinking

1. Amy bought flowers from a market. It is known that a rose, a lily and a tulip cost $16, $8 and $1
respectively. She used $300 to buy 30 flowers and bought at least 1 for each type. How many roses did
she buy?
艾美到市場買花。已知每朵玫瑰、每朵百合和每朵鬱金香的售價分別為 16 元、8 元和 1 元。她用
了 300 元買了 30 朵花,而且每種花都最少買一朵。她一共買了多少朵玫瑰?

2. According to the pattern shown below, what is the next number?


3. Find the integral part of .

求 的整數部分。

4. There are six teams named A, B, C, D, E and F, participating a tournament. In 5 days, each team will play
one game in each day. They play with another team once in the tournament. So there are 3 tournaments
every day. Given that:
1) Team A wins Team B on the first day.
2) Team C is defeated by Team D on the second day.
3) Team E wins Team A on the third day.
4) Team B wins Team C on the fourth day.
Which team does Team A play with on the fifth day?
有 A、B、C、D、E、F 六個籃球隊參加循環賽,賽程總共五天,每隊每天出賽一次,五天裡各與
1) 第一天 A 隊贏了 B 隊
2) 第二天 C 隊輸給了 D 隊
3) 第三天 E 隊贏了 A 隊
4) 第四天 B 隊贏了 C 隊
請問,A 隊在第五天與哪一隊比賽?

Write down the answer in the simplest form. If the calculation result is a fraction, please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction,
decimal figure is also accepted. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.
泰國國際數學競賽 2015 中學一年級 試題集
Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad 2015 Secondary 1 Past Paper Booklet

5. There are 7 people arguing which day of week is today. Their statements are quoted as below:
A: Yesterday was Wednesday.
B: Tomorrow will be Tuesday.
C: Tomorrow will be Wednesday.
D: The day after tomorrow will be Tuesday.
E: Today is Tuesday.
F: Today is neither Monday, Tuesday nor Sunday.
G: Today is not Saturday.
Given that among them only one statement is correct, which day of week is today?


6. Given a is a real number and , find the sum of all possible value of a.
已知 a 是一個實數且 ,求 a 的所有可能值之和。

7. Find the value of .

求 的值。

8. Convert into recurring decimals.

把 轉化為循環小數。

9. Given a is a positive integer and , how many possible values for a?

已知 a 是一個正整數且 ,a 有多少個可能值?

10. Find the value of .

Write down the answer in the simplest form. If the calculation result is a fraction, please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction,
decimal figure is also accepted. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.
泰國國際數學競賽 2015 中學一年級 試題集
Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad 2015 Secondary 1 Past Paper Booklet

求 的值。

Number Theory

11. If n is a positive integer and are all prime numbers, find the value of n.
若 n 為正整數且 皆為質數,求 n 的值。

12. Find the remainder when is divided by 8.

求 除以 8 所得的餘數。

13. Given x and y are natural numbers and . When y attains minimum, find the value of x.

已知 皆為自然數且 。求 x 的值使 y 的數值為最小。

14. How many simplest fractions whose denominator is 2015 are there?
請問有多少個分母為 2015 的最簡真分數?

15. Given that positive integers x and y ( ) satisfy equations and . Find the
value of .
已知正整數 x,y ( ) 滿足算式 及 ,求 的值。

Write down the answer in the simplest form. If the calculation result is a fraction, please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction,
decimal figure is also accepted. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.
泰國國際數學競賽 2015 中學一年級 試題集
Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad 2015 Secondary 1 Past Paper Booklet


16. Combine 2015 equilateral triangles with sides 1 unit to form a quadrilateral. Find the maximum perimeter
of that quadrilateral.
把 2015 個邊長為 1 的等邊三角形拼合成一個四邊形,求該四邊形周界的最大值。

17. Shown in the graph, ABCDEFGH is a cube. If the distance between of A and F is , find the volume
of the cube.
如圖所示,ABCDEFGH 為一立方體。若 A 點與 F 點之間的距離為 。求立方體的體積。

Question 17
第 17 題
18. In the diagram, ABCD is a square of side length 20 units. If , find the length of
圖中 ABCD 是一個邊長為 20 單位的正方形。若 ,求 AG 的長度。

Question 18
第 18 題

19. A circle is inscribed in a square and the circle also inscribes another small square. If the side length of the
larger square is 4cm, find the area of the smaller square in cm2.
已知一個正方形內接一個圓形,而這個圓形亦內接另一個小正方形。若大正方形的邊長為 4 厘米,

20. It is known the two sides adjacent to the right angle of a right-angled triangle are in the ratio of . If
the length of the hypotenuse is 10cm, find the area of the triangle in cm 2.
已知某直角三角形的兩條直角邊的長度比為 。若斜邊為 10 厘米,求三角形的面積(以平方厘
Write down the answer in the simplest form. If the calculation result is a fraction, please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction,
decimal figure is also accepted. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.
泰國國際數學競賽 2015 中學一年級 試題集
Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad 2015 Secondary 1 Past Paper Booklet


21. A collection of integers chosen from 1 to 2015 has the property that none of its members are 10 times of
another. What is the maximum number of members such a collection can have?
由 1 到 2015 當中抽取一組整數,使得當中沒有任何一個數字是另外一個的 10 倍。問該組最多可

22. Basketball team has 15 members. How many different ways are there to send 10 teammates to participate
in a competition in which one of them is the captain?
籃球隊有 15 人,從中選取 10 人參加比賽,其中一名為隊長,問一共有多少種方法?

23. Given are all positive integers, how many solutions are there to the inequality
已知 皆為正整數,問不等式 有多少個解組?

24. Five students, A, B, C, D and E, are passing a ball, initially A holds the ball. Given A passes the ball to D
at 5th pass, how many possible ways of passing the ball are there?
A、B、C、D 和 E 5 個同學互相傳球,開始時球在 A 同學手中。已知第 5 次傳球時, A 同學傳球
給 D 同學,問有多少個可能的傳球路徑?

25. Choosing from numbers 0,2,4,6 and 8 as digits, how many positive integers less than 10000 can be
formed? (Each number cannot be used more than once)
從數字 0、2、4、6 和 8 當中選取數字作為數位, 可以組成多少個少於 10000 的正整數?

~ 全卷完 ~
~ End of Paper ~

Write down the answer in the simplest form. If the calculation result is a fraction, please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction,
decimal figure is also accepted. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.
泰國國際數學競賽 2015 中學一年級 試題集
Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad 2015 Secondary 1 Past Paper Booklet

Logical Thinking

1. Amy bought flowers from a market. It is known that a rose, a lily and a tulip cost $16, $8 and $1
respectively. She used $300 to buy 30 flowers and bought at least 1 for each type. How many roses did
she buy?
艾美到市場買花。已知每朵玫瑰、每朵百合和每朵鬱金香的售價分別為 16 元、8 元和 1 元。她用
了 300 元買了 30 朵花,而且每種花都最少買一朵。她一共買了多少朵玫瑰?

Let the number of roses, lilies and tulips are x, y and z respectively.

We have equations .

By elimination, we have .

As y should be integer, we have should be multiple of 7.

So possible values of x are .

Since z and y should be positive integers, 。

The number of roses, lilies and tulips are 11, 15 and 4 respectively
設玫瑰的數目為 x,百合的數量為 y 及鬱金香的數量為 z。



由於 y 必須是整數,故此 一定是 7 的倍數。

可得 的可能值為 。

考慮 z 及 y 皆為正整數,所以 。故此每種花的購買數目只可以是「11 朵玫瑰,15 朵百合及 4


Write down the answer in the simplest form. If the calculation result is a fraction, please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction,
decimal figure is also accepted. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.
泰國國際數學競賽 2015 中學一年級 試題集
Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad 2015 Secondary 1 Past Paper Booklet

2. According to the pattern shown below, what is the next number?


From the fourth term, each term is the sum of 3 previous terms.

3. Find the integral part of .

求 的整數部分。


Write down the answer in the simplest form. If the calculation result is a fraction, please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction,
decimal figure is also accepted. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.
泰國國際數學競賽 2015 中學一年級 試題集
Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad 2015 Secondary 1 Past Paper Booklet

The integral part of is 1.

的整數部份是 1。

4. There are six teams named A, B, C, D, E and F, participating a tournament. In 5 days, each team will play
one game in each day. They play with another team once in the tournament. Given that:
1) Team A wins Team B on the first day.
2) Team C is defeated by Team D on the second day.
3) Team E wins Team A on the third day.
4) Team B wins Team C on the third day.
Which team does Team A play with on the fifth day?
有 A、B、C、D、E、F 六個籃球隊參加循環賽,賽程總共五天,每隊每天出賽一次,五天裡各與
1) 第一天 A 隊贏了 B 隊
2) 第二天 C 隊輸給了 D 隊
3) 第三天 E 隊贏了 A 隊
4) 第四天 B 隊贏了 C 隊
請問,A 隊在第五天與哪一隊比賽?

解:Team C / C 隊
Team A played with Team B and Team E on the first day and the third day respectively.
Among Teams C, D and F, as Team C can play with Team A on neither second day nor fourth day, Team
C should play with Team A on the fifth day.
A 隊分別與 B 隊及 E 隊於第一天和第三天對賽。
在 C 隊、D 隊及 F 隊之中,由於 C 隊不能在第二天或第四天與 A 隊對賽,故 C 隊只能在第五天與
A 隊對賽。

5. There are 7 people arguing which day of week is today. Their statements are quoted as below:
A: Yesterday was Wednesday.
B: Tomorrow will be Tuesday.
C: Tomorrow will be Wednesday.
D: The day after tomorrow will be Tuesday.
E: Today is Tuesday.
F: Today is neither Monday, Tuesday nor Sunday.
G: Today is not Saturday.
Given that among them only one statement is correct, which day of week is today?
Write down the answer in the simplest form. If the calculation result is a fraction, please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction,
decimal figure is also accepted. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.
泰國國際數學競賽 2015 中學一年級 試題集
Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad 2015 Secondary 1 Past Paper Booklet


解:Saturday / 星期六
Converting their statements, we will have the following table:
Among them only Saturday satisfies the condition that “only one statement is correct”.


6. Given a is a real number and , find the sum of all possible value of a.
已知 a 是一個實數且 ,求 a 的所有可能值之和。


Write down the answer in the simplest form. If the calculation result is a fraction, please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction,
decimal figure is also accepted. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.
泰國國際數學競賽 2015 中學一年級 試題集
Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad 2015 Secondary 1 Past Paper Booklet

(rejected / 捨去)

The sum of all possible value is .

所有可能值之和為 。

7. Find the value of .

求 的值。


8. Convert into recurring decimals.

把 轉化為循環小數。


9. Given a is a positive integer and , how many possible values of a?

已知 a 是一個正整數且 ,a 有多少個可能值?

Write down the answer in the simplest form. If the calculation result is a fraction, please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction,
decimal figure is also accepted. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.
泰國國際數學競賽 2015 中學一年級 試題集
Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad 2015 Secondary 1 Past Paper Booklet


Possible values of a: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, 6 in total.

a 的可能值: 1、2、3、4、5 及 6,共 6 個。

10. Find the value of .

求 的值。


Number Theory

11. If n is a positive integer and are all prime numbers, find the value of n.
若 n 為正整數且 皆為質數,求 n 的值。

Since one of and should be 2, we have .
The prime numbers are , and .
考慮到 及 之間必有一個數字為 2,可得 。
由此可得三個質數為 、 及 。

Write down the answer in the simplest form. If the calculation result is a fraction, please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction,
decimal figure is also accepted. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.
泰國國際數學競賽 2015 中學一年級 試題集
Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad 2015 Secondary 1 Past Paper Booklet

12. Find the remainder when is divided by 8.

求 除以 8 所得的餘數。

The remainder of is 7.
The remainder of is 1.
So we conclude that the pattern of the remainder of will be .
Since 2015 is an odd number, the remainder will be 7.
2015 除以 8 的餘數為 7。
除以 8 的餘數為 1。
由此可得 除以 8 的餘數的周期為 。
由於 2015 為單數,所以餘數為 7。

Write down the answer in the simplest form. If the calculation result is a fraction, please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction,
decimal figure is also accepted. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.
泰國國際數學競賽 2015 中學一年級 試題集
Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad 2015 Secondary 1 Past Paper Booklet

13. Given x and y are natural numbers and . When y attains minimum, find the value of x.

已知 皆為自然數且 。求 x 的值使 y 的數值為最小。


14. How many simplest fractions whose denominator is 2015 are there?
請問有多少個分母為 2015 的最簡真分數?


Consider , so among the numerators 1–2015 there are can be simplified by 5, can

be simplified by 13 and can be simplified by 31.

So the answer is

考慮 ,所以分子為 1 至 2015 中有 可被 5 約簡、有 可被 13 約簡、有 可被

Write down the answer in the simplest form. If the calculation result is a fraction, please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction,
decimal figure is also accepted. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.
泰國國際數學競賽 2015 中學一年級 試題集
Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad 2015 Secondary 1 Past Paper Booklet

31 約簡。因此答案為
15. Given that positive integers x and y ( ) satisfy equations and . Find the
value of .
已知正整數 x,y ( ) 滿足算式 及 ,求 的值。


Only and satisfy the two equations, so .

只有 及 滿足上述算式,所以 。

Write down the answer in the simplest form. If the calculation result is a fraction, please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction,
decimal figure is also accepted. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.
泰國國際數學競賽 2015 中學一年級 試題集
Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad 2015 Secondary 1 Past Paper Booklet


16. Combine 2015 equilateral triangles with sides 1 unit to form a quadrilateral. Find the maximum perimeter
of that quadrilateral.
把 2015 個邊長為 1 的等邊三角形拼合成一個四邊形,求該四邊形周界的最大值。

The perimeter of quadrilateral attains maximum if all the equilateral triangles are arranged in a row.
The maximum value of perimeter is .
所以四邊形周界最大值為 。

17. Shown in the graph, ABCDEFGH is a cube. If the distance between of A and F is , find the volume
of the cube.
如圖所示,ABCDEFGH 為一立方體。若 A 點與 F 點之間的距離為 。求立方體的體積。

Question 17
第 17 題

Let the side length of the cube be x.

By Pythagoras Theorem we have

So and the volume is 64.
設正方體邊長為 x

Write down the answer in the simplest form. If the calculation result is a fraction, please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction,
decimal figure is also accepted. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.
泰國國際數學競賽 2015 中學一年級 試題集
Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad 2015 Secondary 1 Past Paper Booklet

所以 ,體積等於 64。

18. In the diagram, ABCD is a square of side length 20 units. If , find the length of
圖中 ABCD 是一個邊長為 20 單位的正方形。若 ,求 AG 的長度。

Question 18
第 18 題

Add straight lines one the graph, as shown in the figure below.

Consider the area of the square we have .

By . Pythagoras Theorem we have .




Write down the answer in the simplest form. If the calculation result is a fraction, please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction,
decimal figure is also accepted. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.
泰國國際數學競賽 2015 中學一年級 試題集
Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad 2015 Secondary 1 Past Paper Booklet

19. A circle is inscribed in a square and the circle also inscribes another small square. If the side length of the
larger square is 4cm, find the area of the smaller square.
已知一個正方形內接一個圓形,而這個圓形亦內接另一個小正方形。若大正方形的邊長為 4 厘米,

The area of smaller square is half of the bigger square.
So the area of smaller square is cm2.
小正方形的面積 厘米。

20. It is known the two sides adjacent to the right angle of a right-angled triangle are in the ratio of . If
the length of the hypotenuse is 10cm, find the area of the triangle in cm .2

已知某直角三角形的兩條直角邊的長度比為 。若斜邊為 10 厘米,求三角形的面積 (以平方厘

米表示答案) 。

Let the length of the shorter side adjacent to the right angle of the triangle be x, so that of the longer side
will be 7x.

By Pythagoras Theorem, we have .

The area of the triangle is equal to .

設較短的直角邊的邊長為 x,可得較長直角邊的邊長為 7x。

由畢氏定理可得 。

由此三角形面積為 。

Write down the answer in the simplest form. If the calculation result is a fraction, please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction,
decimal figure is also accepted. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.
泰國國際數學競賽 2015 中學一年級 試題集
Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad 2015 Secondary 1 Past Paper Booklet


21. A collection of integers chosen from 1 to 2015 has the property that none of its members are 10 times of
another. What is the maximum number of members such a collection can have?
由 1 到 2015 當中抽取一組整數,使得當中沒有任何一個數字是另外一個的 10 倍。問該組最多可

Following the question the answer can be found by counting numbers in the form of (n is an even
number and k is not multiple of 10).
按題意即為找出由 1 至 2015 內以 形式﹝n 為偶數,k 為不是 10 的倍數的整數﹞的數字。

22. Basketball team has 15 members. How many different ways are there to send 10 teammates to participate
in a competition in which one of them is the captain?
籃球隊有 15 人,從中選取 10 人參加比賽,其中一名為隊長,問一共有多少種方法?

There are methods of choosing teammates and for each combination there are 10 choices for
captain. So the answer is .
一共有 個選拔隊員的組合,對於每個組合都有 10 個選擇隊長的情況。所以答案為

23. Given are all positive integers, how many solutions are there to the inequality
已知 皆為正整數,問不等式 有多少個解組?

Inequality is equivalent to the equation where is also a
positive integer. So the number of solutions is .
不等式 等價於等式 且 是正整數。所以解組數目為

Write down the answer in the simplest form. If the calculation result is a fraction, please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction,
decimal figure is also accepted. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.
泰國國際數學競賽 2015 中學一年級 試題集
Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad 2015 Secondary 1 Past Paper Booklet

24. Five students, A, B, C, D and E, are passing a ball, initially A holds the ball. Given A passes the ball to D
at 5th pass, how many possible ways of passing the ball are there?
A、B、C、D 和 E 5 個同學互相傳球,開始時球在 A 同學手中。已知第 5 次傳球時, A 同學傳球
給 D 同學,問有多少個可能的傳球路徑?

The number of possible routes of passing is shown as the table below.

Start After 1st Pass After 2nd Pass After 3rd Pass After 4th Pass After 5th Pass
開始 第一次傳球 第二次傳球 第三次傳球 第四次傳球 第五次傳球
A A 4 A 12 A 52
B 1 B 3 B 13 B 51
A 1 C 1 C 3 C 13 C 51 D 52
D 1 D 3 D 13 D 51
E 1 E 3 E 13 E 51

25. Choosing from numbers 0,2,4,6 and 8 as digits, how many positive integers less than 10000 can be
formed? (Each number cannot be used more than once)
從數字 0、2、4、6 和 8 當中選取數字作為數位, 可以組成多少個少於 10000 的正整數?

4-digit number:
3-digit number:
2-digit number:
1-digit number:
There are 164 numbers in total.
一共有 個四位數、 個三位數、 個兩位數及 4 個一位數。
合共 164 個數字。

~ 全卷完 ~
~ End of Paper ~

Write down the answer in the simplest form. If the calculation result is a fraction, please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction,
decimal figure is also accepted. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.
泰國國際數學競賽 2015 中學一年級 試題集
Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad 2015 Secondary 1 Past Paper Booklet

泰國國際數學競賽 2015

中學一年級 答案
Secondary 1 Answer Key
Question No Answer Question No Answer Question No Answer
題號 答案 題號 答案 題號 答案

1 11 11 9 21 1,832

2 125 12 7 22 30,030

3 1 13 3 23 126

Team C /
4 14 1,440 24 52
Saturday /
5 15 25 25 164

6 16 4,031

7 4,290 17 64

8 18

9 6 19 8

10 20 7

Write down the answer in the simplest form. If the calculation result is a fraction, please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction,
decimal figure is also accepted. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.

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