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8000 Alternator 0115

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Exceeding Military Standards without the Cost

8000 Series
DC Alternators
Telecommunications Design Performance
Military APU • Available in voltages of 12 to 500 Vdc
• 32 pole high frequency design provides low
Hybrid Electric Propulsion
electrical ripple
Fast Battery Charger • Compact and lightweight
Hybrid Photovoltaic Solar • Direct engine mounting further enhances the
compact and lightweight design
Uninterruptible Power Systems • Conventional 3 phase stator lowers assembly cost
Hydroelectric • NdFeB Magnets for high efficiency
• Class 220 C magnetic wire for long service life
Wind Energy • Anodized type III process for aluminum parts
• Nickel plating for steel parts
Advantages • Stator is varnished
• High reliability and limited maintenance
• High degree of corrosion resistance
• No mechanical adjustments
• Very light weight
• High quality electrical output
• Stiff voltage regulation to current demand
• Up to 94% efficiency
• -40° to 70° C operational range Blower

Solid Rotor

3 Phase Stator

Yoke attaches to SAE 5

Bell Housing

Rotor Mount attaches to


32 Magnets

Terminal Plate

Polar Power

249 E. Gardena Blvd
Carson, CA 90248 USA
Tel: (310) 830 - 9153
Fax: (310) 830 - 9825
8000 Series
DC Alternators

Low Maintenance and High Reliability

1. Our unique alternator design with its large diameter and

32 poles allows you to run your engine at lower speed with
lighter weight, higher efficiency, and longer engine life.

2. Each Polar Power stator lamination stack is fully bond-

ed to create a stator without voids which prevents mois-
ture penetration, corrosion, and swelling. After the copper
winding is in place, the entire stator assembly is varnished
submersed in a class H coating then baked. This seals the
metal surfaces from corrosion and improves thermal perfor-
mance. This also increases resistance to salt fog. The coat-
ings also protect the stator windings from particle abrasion
and vibration.

3. The steel magnet ring is 100% Nickel plated. The mag-

nets are then bonded to the inside of the ring with high tem-
perature aerospace grade epoxy. The purpose of Nickel
plating the ring is to provide the surface with high degree
of corrosion resistance, thereby preventing corrosion from
starting in one area, migrating under the magnets, and cre-
ating a bond failure. The assembled magnet ring is then ep-
oxy coated to further seal the surfaces and provide a higher
degree of salt fog corrosion resistance.

4. The magnets are mounted on the inside of the ring, so

there are no centrifugal forces pulling against the epoxy

5. There are no electronic parts (diodes, etc.) or electrical

connections inside the alternator. There is nothing to short
or vibrate loose inside the alternator.

Model # Power Range Width Weight Rotor Weight Yoke

6. The alternator is almost impossible to damage electrical-
ly. The outputs can be shorted for minutes without damage. 8080 2-8 KW 2.8 in 13.5 lb 18 lb
7.15 cm 6.14 kg 8.19 kg
7. The alternator’s rotor is mated to the engine’s flywheel, 8220 8-22 KW 3.915 in 20 lb 26.5 lb
and this mated pair is dynamically balanced to improve the 9.95 cm 9.1 kg 12.05 kg
engine’s bearing life. 8340 15-34 KW 4.46 in 25.5 lb 33 lb
11.35 cm 11.59 kg 15 kg
8. Polar Power’s PMHH alternator should have an MTBF
* Maximum power is rated at 3200 RPM. Weights will vary with specific configuration
exceeding 100,000 hours, as there are no parts which rub,
and do not include controls and diodes. Fluid cooling adds 3.5 lb (1.6 kg).
wear, or overheat under normal operating conditions.

Polar Power

249 E. Gardena Blvd
Carson, CA 90248 USA
Tel: (310) 830 - 9153
Fax: (310) 830 - 9825
8000 Series
DC Alternators

Supra Controller Features Power Charts

To maintain a regulated voltage, the 8000 Series alternator 10
requires the voltage regulator to change the engine speed 9
in response to changing loads (current). The voltage regula-
tor provides thermal protection for the alternator; a sensor
on the yoke can alert the operator of a high temperature 7

condition. If no action is taken, the regulator automatically

Power Output (kW)


reduces the alternator’s output power so the alternator can 5

run cooler.

The voltage regulator, through a current transducer, moni- 3

tors the output current of the alternator. The voltage regula-
tor lowers the engine speed during an over current condi-
tion. This feature prevents the alternator from overheating 1

or stalling the engine. 0

1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600
Engine Speed (rev/min)
For long reliable life, the Diode Bridge is remote from the
alternator and mounted on a large heat sink to keep cool
and free of engine vibration. The Supra controller also 26

monitors the diode bridge for an over temperature condition. 24

The voltage regulator maintains the voltage drift to less than 22

1.5% during a change in ambient temperatures of 60° F 20

over 8 hours. 18
Power Output (kW)

Very High Quality Electrical Output 16

Low EMI emissions are designed into the system. There are
no brushes or slip rings. The 32-pole design reduces the
amplitude of the voltage and current waveforms.

Light Weight 6

Model 8000 series alternators incorporate an aluminum 850 1100 1350 1600 1850 2100 2350 2600 2850 3100 3350 3600

yoke. Additional reductions in weight can be attributed to Engine Speed (rev/min)

the 32 pole design, high-energy Neodymium-Iron-Boron

magnets, and the “pancake” design of the assembly. 40


Low Fuel Consumption 32

The PM alternator has an efficiency of between 85% to 94% 28

versus 45% to 70% typical of most other DC alternators.

Power Output (kW)


Low Acoustic Noise 20

Improving alternator efficiency reduces the horsepower
demand on the engine, which reduces engine noise. The 12

engine can also operate at slower speeds further reducing 8

noise. 4

850 1100 1350 1600 1850 2100 2350 2600 2850 3100 3350 3600
Engine Speed (rev/min)

Polar Power

249 E. Gardena Blvd
Carson, CA 90248 USA
Tel: (310) 830 - 9153
Fax: (310) 830 - 9825
8000 Series
DC Alternators
Product Comparison • Engine is driving other devices that take priority in
Polar’s 6200 verses 8000 series speed control
• Alternator is powering loads that require very fast
6200 Series Profile voltage regulation
• Available in one size covering the power range of 2 to • The load is less that 8 kW for all voltages except
14 kW for 28.
• Voltage and current regulation is independent of engine • The 28 Vdc load is less than 13 kW
• Fixed speed or variable speed operation When to select the 8000 series over the 6200
• Engine speed can be manually or automatically adjust- • Loads exceed 10 kW
ed over a 1,000 RPM range to meet load requirements • Engine speed can be controlled
Very fast voltage and current regulation • Small size and light weight are desired

8000 Series Profile Preferred applications for 6200

• Available three sizes covering the power ranges of 1 • Telecommunications
to 34 kW • Systems without batteries and sensitive loads
• Variable speed operation over a 500 RPM range is • APU’s
required to maintain voltage and current regulation • Cogeneration and CHP
• Higher efficiency Preferred applications for 8000
• Very compact and light weight • Telecommunications
• Lower cost • Hybrid Propulsion systems
When to select the 6200 series over the 8000 • Renewable hybrid power systems
• Engine is fixed speed • APU’s
• The engine needs to operate over a wide speed • Battery charging applications
range • Rapid electric vehicle charging
• Cogeneration and CHP

Model # Chart

Model # Cooling Type Nominal Voltage Speed Rotor Mount Style

808 0 = air cooled 12 A = 800 rpm 3 = 3 hole mount

822 1 = water cooled 24 B = 1200 rpm 6 = 6 hole mount

834 2 = water and air cooled 36 C = 1600 rpm 8 = 8 hole mount

48 D = 2000 rpm 1000 = 1” shaft mount

72 E = 2400 rpm 1125 = 1.125” shaft mount

96 F = 2800 rpm

120 G = 3200 rpm

144 H = 3600 rpm



Polar Power

249 E. Gardena Blvd
Carson, CA 90248 USA
Tel: (310) 830 - 9153
Fax: (310) 830 - 9825
8000 Series
DC Alternators

Rotor Configuration

Polar Power

249 E. Gardena Blvd
Carson, CA 90248 USA
Tel: (310) 830 - 9153
Fax: (310) 830 - 9825
8000 Series
DC Alternators
Limited Warranty
Polar Power Inc. (hereinafter “Polar”), hereby warrants No bills for service, labor or other expenses that have not
goods manufactured and sold by it to be free from defects been previously approved and authorized by Polar will be
in material and workmanship for 24 months after the date of allowed.
No goods or materials may be returned until authorized
The warranty is limited to repair or replacement at 249 E. in writing by Polar and, where the return of the material is
Gardena Blvd, Carson, CA 90248 or other point designated authorized, it shall be F.O.B. to whatever point Polar desig-
by Polar of such parts as they appear to Polar, upon in- nated within the U.S.A.
spection, to be defective in material or workmanship. This
warranty is extended to the first user only and no warranty is Repairs or alterations made to the goods without Polar writ-
made or authorized to be made assignable on resale by the ten concurrence or the operation of the goods in excess of
first end user. rated capacity will invalidate this warranty.

The above warranty includes a pass-through warranty from There is no implied warranty or condition of merchantability.
the engine and controller manufacturers for whatever period There is no other warranty or condition expressed or implied,
and warranty is in effect by the manufacturer at that time. statutory or otherwise, except such as is expressly set forth
The above warranty only extends to applications and instal- herein. Neither Polar nor manufacturers will be liable for any
lations which are approved by mutual agreement between general, consequential or incidental damages, including with-
Polar and the first end users. out limitation any damages for loss of use or loss of profits,
for any breach of warranty or condition or for negligence;
To obtain performance of any obligation under this warranty, Polar’s and manufacturer’s liability and the buyer’s exclusive
contact must be made with Polar in writing at 249 E. Garde- remedy being expressly limited to the repair or replacement
na Blvd, Carson, CA 90248. Submission of a claim does not of the goods sold by polar as provided herein.
obligate Polar to accept such claim in full or in part.

Polar Power

249 E. Gardena Blvd
Carson, CA 90248 USA
Tel: (310) 830 - 9153
Fax: (310) 830 - 9825

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