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Module 1 - Version3

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Government Property


Quarter 1 – Module 1

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

What This Module is About

This module is all about the lessons on planning and writing a two-three
paragraph composition using some outline/other graphic organizers and based
on the prepared outline.

What I Need to Know

This module will help you learn not only to plan a two-three paragraph
compositions but to write as well. You will also learn to revise writing for clarity
with correct spelling, appropriate punctuation mark and transition words.

How to Learn from this Module

To achieve the objectives cited above, you are to do the following:
• Take your time reading the lessons carefully.
• Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and exercises diligently.
• Answer all the given tests and exercises.

What I Know
A. Write the letter of the misspelled word in each group.
Then write the word, spelling it correctly.
1. (a) niece (b) ratios (c) happyness
2. (a) intercede (b) foriegn (c ) innumerable
3. (a) embarass (b) sieze (c ) engagement
4. (a) offered ( b) critize (c) atheletics
5. (a) conceit (b) branches (c ) niether
6. (a) accidentally (b) thinness (c) payed
7. (a) peaceful ( b) immediately (c) mistep
8. (a) journies (b) rained (c) proceed
9. (a) caring ( b ) decieve ( c) studying
10. (a) anonymous ( b) likeness ( c) dayly

B. Write the correct word in the blank.

11. The news said _________ going to rain tomorrow
a. its b. it’s c. it
12. He always carries __________ of his family.
a. picture b. pictures c. picture’s
13. Where did you leave __________ bike?
a. youre b. your c. you
14. _________ leaving in five minutes.
a. were b. we’re c.wer’e
15. I __________ see anything were I was sitting.
a. couldn’t b. couldnt’ c. couldn’t

C. Underline the correct transition word in the following sentences:

16. (Because, Before) it was raining, I didn't walk my dog this evening.
17. I love chocolate, (although, so) I eat chocolate candy whenever I can.
18. The test was really hard. (Therefore, Then), only five students passed it.
19. First, you have to answer the questions (next, so) you hand in your paper.
20. Ben needs to go to bed early. (Although, Otherwise), he will be late for school.
21. You will see a big tree; (further on, however) you will see a
fork in the road.
22. He really loves reading. (Despite, In fact), he reads almost all the time.
23. That would not be smart. (Despite, In other words), that would be idiotic.
24. (Over, Among) the trees of the forest, the deer ran gracefully.
25. You are always late. (On the other hand, Like), you can be trusted.

Planning a Two-Three Paragraph
Composition Using an Outline/Other
1 Graphic Organizers

What’s In

In Grade Four, you have learned that an outline presents the main or major idea
and supporting details of a selection in an organized form.

Task 1. Make an outline of the text in the box below:

Arayat Park
Mt. Arayat is a beautiful park and nursey at the foot of the
mountatin in Pampanga. It has huge natural falls which flows into a
big swimming pool. There are three other swimmiing pools with
picnic huts around them. The water is as cool as the breeze around.
Many trees and green plants surround the place. There is a nursery
too, where young trees are planted to replace trees that were once cut
down. This park is one splendid place where one can relax and feel

I. Main Topic: _____________________________________
a. Supporting detail: ________________________________
b. Supporting detail: _______________________________
II. Main Topic: ______________________________________
a. Supporting detail: ________________________________
b. Supporting detail: ________________________________

What I Need to Know

Objective: Plan a two-three Paragraph Composition Using an

Outline/Other Graphic Organizers.

What’s New

An outline is a good way to organize your thoughts if you are planning to

write a composition. It is a skeletal presentation of the parts of your composition
which will help you stay on course once you start writing. An outline can have
main topics, subtopics, and details depending on how long your composition will
be. Every outline should have a title.

There are two kinds of outlines:

a. Topic outline – consists of short phrases
b. Sentence outline – done in full sentences:

Remember the following when making an outline:

1. Identify the main topic that you are going to write about
2. List down subtopics that you want to discuss in your composition
3. List down key points and details that will support your subtopics
4. Figure out the best flow or order of information using the topics and key points
that you have listed.
5. Make your outline using the format.

Study the sample topic outline below:

I. Cats and the feline family
A. Common things cats have
1. Short, rounded heads
2. Long face whiskers
B. Deadly weapons cats have
1. Sharp teeth for grabbing and biting
2. Powerful claws that can be pulled back
Now, we will also learn to plan a two-three paragraph composition using other graphic
Graphic Organizers are aids that show visual explanations of concepts and relationships
among ideas presented in texts. You will be able to grasp and recall information fast, thus, you
will understand the text better.

Task 2. Using the graphic organizer below, write a two-paragraph summary of the story “Mariang

Characters Beginning



( Pupils answer may vary)

What Is It
Directions: Read the outline. Study the two-three paragraph composition using the
outline below.

I. Sedimentary rocks - made of sediments cemented together

A. Classic or fragmented sedimentary

- rock fragments carried by wind, water and glacier

B. Chemical sedimentary
- deposits of minerals dissolved in water

C. Organic sedimentary
- shells, skeletons and other parts of plants and animals

D. Cementing materials
- calcium carbonate, silica, mud, clay and iron oxide

Now, let us try to make a two to three-paragraph composition using the outline.

( Sample answer )
Sedimentary rocks are made of sediments cemented together. There are four kinds of
sedimentary rocks. Classic or fragmented sedimentary, Chemical sedimentary, Organic
sedimentary and Cementing materials.

Classic or fragmented sedimentary are rock fragments carried by wind, water and
glacier. Chemical sedimentary are deposits of minerals dissolved in water. Organic
sedimentary are shells, skeletons and other parts of plants and animals while Cementing
materials are calcium carbonate, silica, mud, clay and iron oxide.

What’s More
Task 3. Using the ideas in the graphic organizer below, write a
two- three paragraph composition.

Air pollution is caused by many factors

Cause Factory gas emissions Cause
Exhaust gases from  No regular checks Natural events
vehicles  Location of factories  Forest fires
 Lack of control
 Unmindful
• Lack of government  Volcanic eruptions
control  Pollen dispersal

Air pollution

What I Have Learned

An outline is a good way to organize your thoughts if you are
planning to write a composition.
Graphic organizers are aids that show visual explanations
of concepts and relationships among ideas presented in texts.

Task 4. This time, write 2- 3 paragraph based on the topic outline

that follows:
I. The Early Craft
A. Hollowed out logs
B. Bundles of reeds
C. Rafts made of animal’s skin
D. Egyptian boats of wooden planks
II. First Invention by Chinese
A. Rudder
B. Bulkheads
C. Junks
(Pupils’ answer may vary)

What I Can Do

Task 5. Form a two-paragraph composition using the following outline.

“Taking Care of Our Bodies”

I. The human body needs both rest and exercise.

A. Needs nourishment
B. A healthy looking body doesn’t just happen
C. A good deal of care is given to it

II. The body needs food, as the machine needs fuel as oil
A. Requires an adequate amount of basic nutrients
B. Protein, Fats, Carbohydrates and Minerals
(Pupils answer may vary)


2 Writing Two- Three Paragraph Composition

Based on the Prepared Outline

What’s In

In the previous lesson you have learned to plan a two-three paragraph composition
using an outline. Now you will learn to write two-three paragraph based on the prepared

Task 1. Using the ideas in the graphic organizer below, write a short paragraph.

Observe 1-meter distancing

Ways to
COVID-19 Wash your hand or use hand sanitizer

Always wear facemask

Stay at home

(Pupils’ answer may vary)

What I Need to Know
Objective: Write two-three paragraph composition based on the
prepared outline

What’s New

Here are some things to remember in making an outline:

1. Select the main details of the paragraph and make them the main points. Label
them with Roman numerals I, II, and so on.
2. A main point must have at least two important supporting details. Make
them sure as sub points. Label them as A, B, and so on.
3. Write the title of the outline at the top of the page.
4. Arrange numbers and letters of headings in the following order:
Roman numerals for main points, capital letters for sub points
5. Do not use a single subheading. There must be at least two.
6. Do not end headings with periods or other punctuations.
Read the following paragraph. Study the sentence outline that follows

For our ancestors, every event had a special song. There were songs of adoration for worship
of their gods; songs of happiness for births and weddings; songs of warmth and serenity to lull babies
to sleep; and song of sorrow. We could have lost traces of this tradition were it not for the people we
call minority groups. Our tribal brothers and sisters have continued to live according to the traditions
and culture of our ancestors. They have preserved our heritage for us.

I. The songs of our ancestors are part of our heritage

A. For our ancestors, there was a special song for every event
B. The minority groups have continued to sing songs of our ancestors and have
preserved our heritage for us.

What Is It

Task 2
Below is a prepared sentence outline. You can write a two-three paragraph
composition based on it by putting the major idea and supporting details together in each

Athlete’s Foot
I. Athlete’s foot is a skin disease which can easily be recognized
A. There are blisters disease which can easily be recognized.
B. The skin between the toes begins to flake.
C. There is fierce itching between toes.
II. The disease can be treated.
A. One must keep the skin of his feet dry.
B. One’s feet and toes should be washed with soapy water.

( Pupils answer may vary )

What’s More
Task 3. Based on the following outline, write a three-paragraph composition about
mother’s different names. Do this on your paper.

Mother’s Different Names

I. Mother’s names when the Americans came.
A. New Names like Mama and Mommy
B. Other variations like Ma, Mom, Mamu, and Mamang
C. Modern names like simply Mother or Muder after German word
II. Names that represents mother’s loving care
A. Started as Ina
B. Babies mispronouncing Ina, producing sounds like Nana, Nay,
and Inay
C. Mothers’ quick response despite their mispronounce names.
III. How friendly mothers are called
A. As Mommy or Dada
B. No name equals the exact sense of being a mother
C. Mothers representing the best virtue.

(Pupil’s answer may vary)

What I Have Learned

 Outlining is arranging notes so that important ideas stand out.

Outline can be used in writing a paragraph by using the topic sentences and supporting details

Task 4. Write a two-paragraph composition based on this outline

How Boats and Ships Came to Be 9
I. The Early Craft
A. Hollowed-out legs
B. Bundles of reeds
C. Rafts made of animal skins
D. Egyptian boats of wooden planks
II. First Invention by Chinese
A. Rudder
B. Bulkheads
C. Junks
What I Can Do

Task 5. Write a paragraph based on this outline.


I. Pepper - one of the earliest spices known to mankind.

A. So expensive that a pound of it was considered an appropriate gift for
a royalty to give or to receive
B. Made as payment of taxes
C. Considered rich property

II. Pepper - a tropical vine

A. Begins to bear fruit in four years
B. Produces heavily in fourteen years
C. Unripe berries produce black pepper
D. Ripe ones produce white pepper

(Pupils’ answer may vary)


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