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Microorganis - Workbook WPS Office

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Microorganisms- science workbook exercises

Class:8th Sub:Science

Work book exercise- science


I. Choose it:

1 . Dysentery

2 . Chicken pox


4. Wine

II Fill ups:

1. Microbes

2 . Microscope



III.true or false:

1. False

2. False

3. True

4. True

5. False

IV. Answer in a word or sentence:


2.Louis pasteur
3. Lacto bacilli

V. Answer in brief:

1.Microorganisms are found in soil,water and air around us and it also found in the bodies of plant and

2.Alcohol is commercially produced by a process called fermentation. During this process sugar is
converted into alcohol by the actions of yeast.

VI .Answer in detail:

1. When yeast is put in hot water along with sugar it shows the process of budding in which
carbondioxide is released which makes cake fluffy.

When yeast is mixed in dough for making bread,the yeast reproduces rapidly and gives out carbon
dioxide gas during respiration. The bubbles of carbon dioxide gas fill the dough and increase in its
volume.This makes the bread rise. The holes in the bread are due to the bubbles of carbon dioxide
given off during the baking process. This makes the bread light ,soft and spongy.

Science Workbook exercise

Worksheet -2( :17& 18)

I. Choose it;

1. Antibodies

2..Small pox

II. Fill ups:



3. Penicillin

4. Edward jenner
III True or False

1. True

2. True


IV. Answer in a word or sentence:

1. Sir Alexander flemming

2.An antibody is a protein produced by the body's immune system response to the disease carrying
microbes entering our body

3. Microorganisms decompose the harmful and smelly dead remains of plants & animals ,animal wastes
like faeces ,dung urine etc into harmless materials,they clean the environment

V. Answer in brief:

1. The medicines kill or stop the growth of disease causing Microorganisms is called antibiotics. The
antibiotics made from fungi & bacteria are penicillin,streptomycin, Erythromycin etc

2. A vaccine is a preparation that improves immunity to a particular disease. It is a biologically prepared

product which contains typical agents resembling a microorganism that causes diseases, made from
weakened or dead forms of the microbes, one of its surface proteins or its toxins. It helps in the
stimulation of the immune system and to identify the invaded microbes as the foreign agent and destroy
it so that the immune system can be recognized and to destroy any microorganism encountered later.

3.The nitrogen fixing bacteria ( Rhizobium) and blue green algae fix atmospheric nitrogen gas from the
atmosphere and convert it into compounds of nitrogen These organisms are called biological nitrogen

VI. Match it:

1. Antibiotic_-Erythromycin

2.Antibodies- defence against disease

3. Vaccine - polio drops

4. Blue green algae - Biological nitrogen fixers

VII. Answer in deatil:

1 Precautions to be taken while using antibiotics are:

* Antibiotics should be taken under the supervision of a well qualified doctor.

* Course (intake) of antibiotics should be completed as prescribed by the doctor.

* Antibiotics should be taken in the right amount and at the right time. A wrong dose of antibiotics
makes the drug ineffective. Also, excessive consumption of drugs may kill the useful bacteria present in
our body.

Worksheet -3(19& 20)

I.Choose it:

1. Fungus

2. Protozoan

3. Cholera

4. Typhoid

II. Fill ups:

1. Pathogen

2. Salmonella typhi

3. Morbilli virus

III. True or false:

1. True

2. False

3 .True

4. True
IV.Answer in a word or sentence

1. Vegetables, fruits,pickles,Milk

2..Common cold,cholera,chicken pox,Tuberculosis

3. Robert koch's

4. Mosquito, Housefly

V. Answer in brief:

1.House fly spread microorganisms such as Salmonella bacteria by just picking it up and placing it on
food. They transmit the disease directly. While laying the eggs on garbage, feces etc, they collect the
pathogen on their legs, mouth or small hairs of the body. The person gets infected by consuming
contaminated food.

2.The common cold is spread when you inhale virus particles from an infected person's sneeze, cough,
speech, or loose particles from when they wipe their nose. It also spread by touching a contaminated
surface that an infected person has touched.

3. *To reduce the risk of TB exposure

*Wash your hands after sneezing, coughing or holding your hands near your mouth or nose.

* To reduce the concentration of TB in the air and prevent spread

*The patient should be kept in complete isolation

*Get vaccinated for Tuberculosis. The vaccine - Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) - is more effective in
children and not very effective in adults

VI. Match the following

1. Malaria - Anopheles female mosquitoes

2. Dengue - Aedes female mosquitoes

3. Animal disease - Foot & mouth diseases

4. Plant disease - Citrus canker

VII. Answer in detail.

1.Communicable diseases are the diseases which passes from one individual to another individual. They
are generally caused by some bacteria, viruses or any other pathogens. For example, malaria, AIDS
etc. ...Mosquito act as a carrier of disease causing Microorganisms and spread disease from one
person to another.
2.prevention of diseases spread by mosquitoes:

1.Use mosquito nets over the beds to avoid bites.

2.Use mosquito repellents.

3.Cover your arms and legs

4. Insecticides should be sprayed in houses periodically to kill mosquitoes

5. Oil should be sprayed on the surface of water in dirty water drains to kill the larvae of mosquitoes.


I.Choose it:


2. Sugar

II.Fill ups:


2. Root nodules of leguminous plants

3. Nitrogen fixing bacteria/ Lightning

III. True or false:

1 True


3. True

4. False

IV. Answer in word or sentence

1.1)The spoiled food gives foul smell and bad taste.

2)Its colour may also change.

2.The substance which is used for long-term food preservation or long-term storage is called food
preservatives. Ex: Salt, Sugar, Alcohol and vinegar,
3. Sodium metabisulphate,sodium benzoate

4.Rhizobium bacteria live in the root nodules of leguminous plants.

V.Answer in brief:

1. The disease caused due to the presence of large number of micro-organism in the food,or due to the
presence of toxic substances in food formed by the action of micro-organism is called food poisoning

2.Pasteurisation is a process of heating milk to a temperature of 70oC for 15 to 30 seconds and then
suddenly chilled and stored.This kills any microorganisms present in the milk.

VI. Answer in detail:

1.The circulation of nitrogen between organisms and the atmosphere is called the nitrogen cycle. Some
microorganisms reside in the root nodules of leguminous plants and fix nitrogen from the air into the
soil, and increase soil fertility. Nitrogen is also fixed by lightning to a small extent.

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