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Framework para Redteam

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Financial Stability


FSI Insights
on policy implementation
No 21

Varying shades of red:

how red team testing
frameworks can enhance
the cyber resilience of
financial institutions
by Raymond Kleijmeer, Jermy Prenio and Jeffery Yong

November 2019

JEL classification: G18, M15

Keywords: cyber risk, cyber resilience, red teaming
FSI Insights are written by members of the Financial Stability Institute (FSI) of the Bank for International
Settlements (BIS), often in collaboration with staff from supervisory agencies and central banks. The papers
aim to contribute to international discussions on a range of contemporary regulatory and supervisory
policy issues and implementation challenges faced by financial sector authorities. The views expressed in
them are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the BIS or the Basel-based
Authorised by the Chairman of the FSI, Fernando Restoy.

This publication is available on the BIS website ( To contact the BIS Media and Public
Relations team, please email You can sign up for email alerts at

© Bank for International Settlements 2019. All rights reserved. Brief excerpts may be reproduced or
translated provided the source is stated.

ISSN 2522-2481 (print)

ISBN 978-92-9259-306-3 (print)
ISSN 2552-249X (online)
ISBN 978-92-9259-305-6 (online)
Executive summary ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1

Section 1 – Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................. 3

Section 2 – Red team testing building blocks ....................................................................................................................... 5

Section 3 – Red team testing frameworks in different jurisdictions ............................................................................. 8

Section 4 – Benefits and challenges of red team testing ................................................................................................ 12

Section 5 – Cross-border issues of red team testing ........................................................................................................ 14

Section 6 – Conclusions ................................................................................................................................................................ 15

References .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 17

Varying shades of red: how red team testing frameworks can enhance the cyber resilience of financial institutions iii
Varying shades of red: how red team testing frameworks can
enhance the cyber resilience of financial institutions 1

Executive summary

The cyber resilience 2 of financial institutions is one of the most critical concerns among financial
sector authorities. As financial institutions become more digitalised and the sophistication of threat
actors increases, financial institutions are becoming more exposed to cyber threats. Senior policymakers
have warned that such threats could disrupt financial services and undermine security and confidence.
From a supervisory perspective, consideration should be given to the potential of failure of a financial
institution due to cyber weaknesses. Moreover, the possible contagion from such an event across the
financial sector could give rise to systemic implications, and thus threaten financial stability.
Financial institutions and authorities are taking steps to strengthen the cyber resilience of
firms. Financial institutions can use existing standards as a basis for strengthening their cyber resilience
capabilities, and a range of testing activities to validate those capabilities. While each type of test has its
intended objective, there is recognition of the importance of threat intelligence-led simulation of real-life
cyber attacks through red team tests. Red team tests are useful to identify potential weaknesses in financial
institutions’ cyber protection, detection and response capabilities in order to establish an effective
remediation plan.
This paper aims to facilitate deeper understanding by financial sector authorities on
different existing approaches that authorities have pursued in establishing red team testing
frameworks. The paper is based on information provided by eight financial authorities and selected
private sector players. It describes key components of a red team testing framework, compares existing
frameworks, outlines the benefits and challenges of such frameworks, and highlights potential cross-
border issues relating to red team testing.
In general, a red team test can be divided into four phases: reconnaissance; getting into
the institution; getting through its systems; and getting out with the captured “flags” as defined in
the scenarios. Red teams can use either a methodology with a clear sequence of events in a cyber attack
life cycle, or one that focuses on techniques from the different tactics deployed by threat actors and jumps
from one point in the attack life cycle to another depending on the situation. In terms of scope, a red team
test typically covers the entire financial institution involving different teams, potentially including external
threat intelligence 3 and test providers. 4 The test is conducted without the knowledge of those responsible
for protecting the institutions from cyber attacks.
Most of the surveyed jurisdictions have established red team testing frameworks with a
number of common elements. The frameworks generally involve the following steps: defining the scope

Jermy Prenio ( and Jeffery Yong (, Bank for International Settlements; Raymond
Kleijmeer (, the Netherlands Bank. The authors are grateful to contacts at the financial authorities covered
in this paper and to Juan Carlos Crisanto, Matthew Hayduk, Rastko Vrbaski and David Whyte for helpful comments. Bettina
Müller and Giada Tossi provided valuable administrative support with the paper.
The Financial Stability Board Cyber Lexicon defines cyber resilience as the ability of an organisation to continue to carry out its
mission by anticipating and adapting to cyber threats and other relevant changes in the environment and by withstanding,
containing and rapidly recovering from cyber incidents.
Threat intelligence refers to information on cyber threats facing an industry or a specific institution (eg specific threat actors
likely to target the institution and the likely tactics, techniques and procedures that they will utilise). In the red team testing
context, such information may be provided by external private sector parties.
These are private sector institutions whose service consists in providing the red teams with which to conduct red team tests.

Varying shades of red: how red team testing frameworks can enhance the cyber resilience of financial institutions 1
and risk management controls for the test; procuring threat intelligence and red team providers; gathering
threat intelligence; conducting the actual test; analysing the test outcomes; putting in place a remediation
plan; and sharing the lessons learned with stakeholders.The frameworks apply typically to large or critical
financial institutions, but authorities may have discretion to include other financial institutions. The
frameworks, however, differ in terms of whether threat intelligence and red team test providers must be
external to the financial institution, accredited and formally assessed.
An effective red team test is characterised by both firms and authorities being open about
the results, learning from the weaknesses exposed and taking appropriate remedial actions. Unlike
other risk assessment exercises, a successful red team test is not determined by whether a firm “passes”
or “fails” the test. To truly benefit from red team testing, focusing on implementation of remediation
measures after the test provides more value than just focusing on the test outcomes as evidence of
weaknesses in the institution’s cyber practices.
In the red team testing frameworks covered, financial authorities have different levels of
involvement in the tests. In some cases, authorities are more involved and typically manage the conduct
of the tests (ie oversee and guide the process of the test from start to finish, but do not take over
responsibility of the test from the institution being tested). In other cases, authorities are less involved and
instead focus their cyber resources on supervisory activities such as assessing the adequacy of financial
institutions’ cyber resilience, including ensuring that remediation measures identified during the red team
tests are implemented in practice.
Sound technical and business expertise on the part of those involved in red team tests
within firms, external threat intelligence and test providers as well as authorities is particularly
important to ensure high-quality tests. Some authorities require external providers to be accredited or
qualified so as to define a baseline of requirements for testers. In certain jurisdictions, the authorities do
not require formal accreditation or qualification for several reasons, particularly scarcity of technical
experts. Such flexibility is warranted to allow expertise to be cultivated while enabling firms to carry out
the tests.
Establishing proper controls is also necessary to ensure the quality of the tests and to
mitigate the risks. To help achieve high-quality tests, the existing red team testing frameworks describe
expectations on procedural arrangements that should be put in place for the tests. These include
expectations in terms of the scoping of the test, the selection of threat intelligence and red team providers,
the formation of different teams and outlining their responsibilities. These procedural arrangements help
in establishing a trusted environment among the different parties involved in the red team testing. In
addition, these arrangements also enhance proper controls to mitigate risks associated with red team tests
(eg risks to production systems and to sensitive information).
From a cross-border perspective, certain authorities may be prepared to recognise red
team testing conducted under another jurisdiction’s framework if certain conditions are met.
Moreover, coordinated cross-border red team testing by financial institutions may be necessary to avoid
jurisdictional blindspots and minimise unnecessary duplication of efforts by firms and authorities. This is
especially useful for financial institutions with centrally managed infrastructures operating in jurisdictions
with compatible frameworks. However, technical, operational and legal challenges surrounding such
exercises are not easy to overcome currently.
Going forward, financial authorites may wish to clarify how red team tests fit within their
strategy to improve the cyber resilience of financial institutions. Given that red team testing
approaches are still evolving, it is important that authorities continue to assess the effectiveness of their
frameworks and use the lessons learned from each test to improve the overall cyber resilience of the
financial sector.

2 Varying shades of red: how red team testing frameworks can enhance the cyber resilience of financial institutions
Section 1 – Introduction

1. In recent years, financial institutions have faced an evolving cyber threat landscape from a
wide range of threat actors. Financial institutions have always been attractive targets of cyber attacks
because of the substantial financial assets they hold. Sophisticated cyber attacks, which used to be almost
exclusively the domain of nation states, are now commonly executed by sophisticated criminal groups that
may or may not have ties with nation states. These developments prompted the G20 Finance Ministers
and central bank Governors to warn in 2017 that these attacks “could disrupt financial services crucial to
both national and international financial systems, undermine security and confidence and endanger
financial stability”. 5 This highlights the importance for financial institutions of having a strong security
foundation in place. For financial authorities to fulfil their mandate of contributing to financial stability,
this implies an evolvement of approaches used to assess institutions’ cyber resilience posture.
2. International standards have prompted authorities and institutions to take measures to
improve financial institutions’ cyber resilience posture. The publication of the CPMI-IOSCO guidance
on cyber resilience for financial market infrastructures (FMIs) in June 2016 was the first internationally
agreed guidance on cyber resilience for the financial industry and has been pivotal in providing a coherent
approach to improving cyber resilience in financial institutions. The guidance called for FMIs to establish
a comprehensive cyber resilience framework that includes a testing programme to validate its
effectiveness. Such a testing programme could employ various testing methodologies and practices.
Authorities and financial institutions alike recognise the importance of testing the overall cyber resilience
posture of a financial institution by simulating tactics, techniques and procedures of sophisticated cyber
attackers gathered from threat intelligence. 6
3. Enhancing cyber resilience and validating its effectiveness through testing requires
consideration of various interlinked factors. What follows is a description of the interrelationships
between cyber resilience, testing, red team testing, and facilitating conditions.
• Implementing a cyber resilience framework. Cyber resilience is defined as “the ability of an
organisation to continue to carry out its mission by anticipating and adapting to cyber threats
and other relevant changes in the environment and by withstanding, containing and rapidly
recovering from cyber incidents”. 7 There are existing standards that financial institutions can use
to put in place stronger fundamental security measures. Examples are the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards for information security, the Control Objectives
for Information and Related Technology (COBIT) Framework and the National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework.
• Testing. Cyber resilience testing activities include vulnerability assessments, scenario-based tests
(such as tabletop exercises to evaluate a firm’s disaster recovery and business continuity
capabilities), penetration tests and red team tests. Each type of test has its own intended
objective. Authorities in certain jurisdictions have established requirements and/or formulated
expectations on financial institutions’ testing activities. The requirements typically apply to certain
financial institutions based on, for example, their size, systemic importance, cyber maturity level,
or the level of risk and complexity of their services or systems.

G20 (2017).
See eg Crisanto and Prenio (2017).
FSB (2018).

Varying shades of red: how red team testing frameworks can enhance the cyber resilience of financial institutions 3
• Red team testing. Red team testing is one of the testing activities that can be used to validate
cyber resilience in practice. It is defined as “a controlled attempt to compromise the cyber
resilience of an entity by simulating the tactics, techniques and procedures of real-life threat
actors. It is based on targeted threat intelligence and focuses on an entity’s people, processes
and technology, with minimal foreknowledge and impact on operations”. 8 Red team testing
mostly focuses on protection, detection and response measures. The outcomes of these tests
could inform scenarios for testing activities that cover the response and recovery dimensions
(eg disaster recovery and business continuity testing). In recent years, a number of jurisdictions
have established frameworks for red team testing, partly prompted by the G7’s (2018)
fundamental elements for ethical red teaming or threat-led penetration testing.
• Fostering facilitating conditions. A number of facilitating conditions need to be in place for red
team testing to be effective and for successful implementation of remediation measures. These
facilitating conditions include board and senior management buy-in, a supportive culture and
the availability of appropriate resources. These conditions will not only facilitate the conduct of a
red team test but will also contribute to successful implementation of remediation measures
identified during the test.
4. This paper focuses on red team testing frameworks in jurisdictions that are known to have
such frameworks in place. As stated above, there is a range of testing activities to validate an institution’s
cyber resilience capabilities, each with its own intended objective. At the same time, there is recognition
of the importance of threat intelligence-led simulation of real-life cyber attacks through red team tests. A
number of authorities therefore may be contemplating establishing red team testing frameworks for their
financial institutions. The paper aims to help those authorities by providing useful information about
differences in existing red team testing frameworks, and the benefits derived and challenges faced by
authorities in jurisdictions that have already implemented their respective frameworks. In particular, the
paper covers the red team testing frameworks for financial institutions in the European Union 9 (including
the implementation of the EU framework in the Netherlands); Hong Kong SAR; Saudi Arabia; Singapore;
and the United Kingdom. 10 Authorities from these jurisdictions responded to a questionnaire, which was
supplemented by interviews. A small number of private sector experts on red team testing were also
interviewed to ascertain their perspectives on the issue. The insights gained from the completed
questionnaire and interviews form the basis of this paper. The structure of the paper is as follows: Section
2 explains red team testing and its building blocks; Section 3 provides an overview of the commonalities
and differences of the red team testing frameworks in the jurisdictions covered; Section 4 discusses the
benefits and challenges of red team testing; Section 5 outlines the potential cross-border issues of red
team testing; and Section 6 concludes.

G7 (2018).
The TIBER-EU framework was published in 2018, and a number of jurisdictions have started implementing the framework on a
voluntary basis; see Section 3 for details.
While currently without red team testing frameworks, Argentina and Mexico were included with a view to understanding the
cyber resilience testing requirements or expectations in a sample of jurisdictions in Latin America. Moreover, while the EU red
team testing framework has been implemented in other EU jurisdictions, only the EU-wide framework and its implementation
in the Netherlands are included. The former in order to provide an overview of the overarching framework applicable in the
European Union, and the latter in order to provide an example of implementation at the national level. It should be noted that
the EU framework has been adapted from the Netherlands framework, which was established earlier.

4 Varying shades of red: how red team testing frameworks can enhance the cyber resilience of financial institutions
Section 2 – Red team testing building blocks

5. The term “red team” has a long history in a military context, where it is used to refer to “a
way to think outside the box and to be able to anticipate and model adversarial behaviour”. 11 More
concretely, the UK Ministry of Defence (2013) defines a red team as “a team that is formed with the
objective of subjecting an organisation’s plans, programmes, ideas and assumptions to rigorous analysis
and challenge. Red teaming is the work performed by the red team in identifying and assessing, inter alia,
assumptions, alternative options, vulnerabilities, limitations and risks for that organisation”. Red teaming,
therefore, can help an end user to critically evaluate its plans, programmes or projects, thereby leading to
improved decision-making.
6. In a cyber context, red team testing subjects an institution’s cyber infrastructure to a
simulated and realistic adversarial attack to test its resilience. Large, global financial institutions have
already started to put in place red team testing measures regardless of whether it is mandated by
authorities in their jurisdictions. At the same time, as mentioned above, authorities in several jurisdictions
have already established red team testing requirements for financial institutions.
7. There is an opportunity to clarify what constitutes a red team test because of the different
terminologies used. See, for example, Section 3 for the different names of red team testing frameworks
in different jurisdictions. The G7 also refers to red team testing as “threat-led penetration testing”. 12 In
practice, red team tests are quite different from penetration testing. Penetration testing is a test on an
institution’s information systems and involves the institution’s defensive team from the start. The focus is
on identifying vulnerabilities of the system being tested in order to improve protection against cyber
attacks. NIST defines penetration testing as “a test methodology in which assessors, using all available
documentation (eg system design, source code, manuals) and working under specific constraints, attempt
to circumvent the security features of an information system”. 13 In contrast, as mentioned above, red team
tests attempt to compromise an institution’s cyber resilience, without the foreknowledge of the
institution’s defensive team, by simulating real-life threat actors based on information from targeted threat
intelligence. This means that an institution’s people, processes and technology are potential channels of
attack under a red team test, and the focus is on understanding and improving how an institution protects,
detects and responds to real-life attacks rather than on identifying system vulnerabilities. Table 1 provides
an overview of the main differences of the two types of testing.

Brangetto et al (2015).
This term is also adopted in FSB (2018).
This definition is also adopted in FSB (2018).

Varying shades of red: how red team testing frameworks can enhance the cyber resilience of financial institutions 5
Main differences between red team testing and penetration testing
An overview of key characteristics Table 1

Characteristic Red team testing Penetration testing

To test resilience against realistic attacks in order to
Gain insight into system
Objective identify potential weaknesses in an institution’s protection,
detection and response capabilities
Objective-based, open-scoped, designed to demonstrate
Limited-scope technical
Scope critical impact to a business or organisation. Targets
people, process and technology

Attack surface Everything is “on”; scoped by white team* Scoped by blue team

Defensive team informed and

Defensive informed Defensive team not informed beforehand
included in scoping of activities

Post-exploitation Extensive focus on critical assets and functions Very limited

Tested controls Focus on protection, detection and response Focus on protection

Focus on realistic simulation; testing includes technical, Focus on efficiency; testing

Test methods
human and physical factors includes mostly technical factors

Mapping, scanning and

Test techniques Tactics, techniques and procedures (TTP)

Typically limited interaction with

Testing live systems Live production systems
live production systems

Duration Months Weeks

* See paragraph 8 for definitions of “white team” and “blue team”.

Source: Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority (2019); Association of Banks in Singapore (2018).

8. There are three teams within or outside a financial institution that are involved in red team
testing, each with different roles. These include the white team, the red team and the blue team. The
white team plans and manages the test; the red team comprises the threat actors; and the blue team
defends the institution from the red team attacks. These teams are organised for purposes of red team
testing and are not necessarily standing organisational units within the institution. Moreover, the red team
function of the test could be outsourced to an external party, or a combination of internal and external
resources could be used. Figure 1 provides more details of the different teams and their respective roles.

6 Varying shades of red: how red team testing frameworks can enhance the cyber resilience of financial institutions
Figure 1: The various teams involved in a red team test

•The team responsible for overall planning and management of the test.
•The team is kept as small as possible due to the confidential nature of
the test.
• The only people within the institution that are aware that the test is
taking place.
White team • The team should have sufficient business and operational knowledge
and the right level of authority to make critical decisions during the
test, if required.
•Throughout the process, if external test providers are used, the white
team will maintain close communication with them.

•The team that simulates the tactics, techniques and procedures of real-
life threat actors based on targeted threat intelligence.
•The team targets the institution’s people, processes and technology.
•Sound expertise of the red team is important to mimic real-life threat
Red team •However, such expertise could also lead to the red team being biased,
a behaviour that the white team should be cautious of. For example,
the red team might focus on demonstrating what it is good at, rather
than trying to resemble real-life threat actors.

•The team whose prevention, detection and response capabilities are

being tested without its foreknowledge. As the attack surface for the
red team test is the institution as a whole, the entire organisation is
expected to act as the blue team in defending against the simulated
Blue team •However, the important function of detecting and responding to the
different stages of a cyber attack is performed by the institution’s cyber
defence team.

9. Effective procedural arrangements will need to be put in place to define the respective
responsibilities of the different teams involved as well as the rules of engagement. This includes
establishing risk management guidelines and processes to address issues arising from the red team test
as well as governance of the test within the institution being tested. Well defined procedural arrangements
help in establishing a trusted environment among the different teams involved in the red team testing. A
trusted environment, in turn, fosters more open sharing of the lessons learned from the test, which is one
of its key objectives.
10. A red team typically follows an execution methodology in performing the simulated
attack. In general, the actual testing is further divided into phases: reconnaissance; getting into the
institution; getting through its systems; and getting out with the captured “flags” that have been defined
in the scenarios. Red teams can use either a methodology that defines a clear sequence of events in the
cyber attack life cycle, 14 or one that focuses on techniques from the different tactics deployed by threat
actors and can jump from one point in the attack life cycle to another depending on the situation. 15 In

See eg Lockheed Martin (2015).
See eg MITRE (2017).

Varying shades of red: how red team testing frameworks can enhance the cyber resilience of financial institutions 7
the red team testing frameworks covered in this paper, only one explicitly requires a specific execution
11. Board and senior management buy-in is important to effectively conduct red team tests.
Board and senior management involvement sets the tone for the tests and how the test outcomes will be
treated, addressed and used by the institution’s management and staff. Hence, the board and senior
management determines how supportive the institution’s culture is of red team testing. Buy-in from board
and senior management is also important to secure adequate resources to carry out the tests as well as to
address deficiencies identified during the tests. Board and senior management buy-in also involves
support for the neccesary controls and measures to be put in place to mitigate and respond to the risks
of the red team tests (eg risks to production systems and to sensitive information). Some red team testing
frameworks covered in this paper require active involvement by the board – for example, in the white team
and more importantly in the remediation after a test.
12. A culture that is supportive of red team testing contributes to its effectiveness. In particular,
a firm-wide culture that is more open to opportunities for learning would be more conducive to red team
tests and could contribute more to improving the cyber resilience of the firm. For example, the board and
senior management should regard weaknesses discovered by the red team as lessons that need to be
learned and addressed rather than mistakes. Otherwise, a culture that focuses more on “mistakes” or
“errors” would prevent realisation of the full benefits of red team testing and could leave the institution in
a more vulnerable state. For red team tests that are required by authorities, the same openness to learning
by authorities would be beneficial as well. To truly benefit from red team testing, focusing on
implementation of remediation measures after the test provides more value than just focusing on the test
outcomes as evidence of weaknesses in the institution’s cyber practices.
13. Appropriate resources, in the form of professional skills and qualifications, are an
important factor in the successful execution of a red team test. Within a financial institution,
appropriate skills are needed to manage the whole test (white team) and defend against the simulated
attacks (blue team). If the red team is comprised of external test providers, they will also need to be
technically competent and qualified. In cases where red team tests are required by authorities, the
authorities also need to have appropriate skills to properly oversee the tests, interpret the results and
prescribe appropriate remediation plans. Existing red team testing frameworks put particular emphasis on
the skills of red team testers. In general, red team testers are expected to:
• possess a minimum level of expertise – measured, for example, by certification criteria established
by industry bodies;
• gain qualification through vetted industry examination processes; and
• be guided by a strict code of conduct.

Section 3 – Red team testing frameworks in different jurisdictions

14. Several jurisdictions have put in place red team testing frameworks. The European Union
has its Threat Intelligence-Based Ethical Red Teaming framework (TIBER-EU), which is based on the
previously developed framework in the Netherlands (TIBER-NL) and the CBEST framework in the United
Kingdom. 16 Hong Kong has Intelligence-led Cyber Attack Simulation Testing (iCAST), Saudi Arabia has
Financial Entities Ethical Red-Teaming (FEER) and Singapore has Adversarial Attack Simulation Exercises
(AASE). CBEST has been in place for a few years now, while FEER is the newest, having been introduced in

It should be noted that while TIBER-EU provides the red teaming framework for the European Union, implementation is left to
the relevant national or European authorities. So far, apart from the Netherlands, TIBER-EU has been adopted in Belgium,
Denmark, Germany, Ireland and Sweden, and by the ECB for purposes of financial market infrastructure oversight.

8 Varying shades of red: how red team testing frameworks can enhance the cyber resilience of financial institutions
May 2019. The existence of official red team testing frameworks does not preclude financial institutions in
these jurisdictions from conducting their own red team tests. Such tests are not subject to the
requirements of the relevant framework. For example, in the United Kingdom, a commercial version of the
CBEST framework called Simulated Targeted Attack and Response (STAR) can be used by financial
institutions without the involvement of authorities.
15. In most cases, financial authorities took the lead in developing the frameworks. However,
in Singapore, the Monetary Authority of Singapore partnered with the Association of Banks in Singapore
to co-develop the AASE industry guidance. In the Netherlands, the development of the TIBER-NL was a
joint partnership between the public and private sectors. Table 2 provides some key information about
these frameworks.

Key information on red team testing frameworks Table 2

Jurisdiction Framework Year Institutions covered Threat intelligence and

launched red team test providers
External Accreditation Separate
parties? required? teams?
European Threat 2018 At the discretion of relevant Yes No Yes
Union Intelligence- national or European
Based Ethical authorities
Red Teaming
Hong Kong Intelligence- 2016 Banks that aim to attain Not No Not
SAR led Cyber “intermediate” or “advanced” necessarily necessarily
Attack maturity level are required;
Simulation banks with “high” or
Testing “medium” inherent risk are
(iCAST) expected
Netherlands TIBER-NL 2016 Institutions that are part of Yes No Yes
the core financial
infrastructure, plus larger
insurance and pension fund
Saudi Financial 2019 All regulated financial Yes Yes No
Arabia Entities institutions are encouraged
Ethical Red- but, as a minimum, domestic
Teaming systemically important
(FEER) institutions are required
Singapore Adversarial 2018 All financial institutions are Not No, but Not
Attack encouraged but larger ones necessarily encouraged necessarily
Simulation are expected
United CBEST 2014 Critical financial institutions Yes Yes Yes
Kingdom are expected; non-critical
ones may opt in
Source: Published frameworks of the different jurisdictions and interviews with authorities.

16. The red team testing frameworks have a number of common elements. All the frameworks
involve the following steps in the testing phases: (i) defining the scope and controls; (ii) procuring test
providers; (iii) gathering threat intelligence; (iv) conducting the test; (v) analysing the outcome and
establishing a remediation plan, where necessary; and (vi) sharing the lessons learned more broadly (see

Varying shades of red: how red team testing frameworks can enhance the cyber resilience of financial institutions 9
Figure 2). In a way, this is not surprising since these are basically the same fundamental elements for
threat-led penetration testing endorsed by the G7. The G7 fundamental elements, in turn, have been
informed by the TIBER and CBEST frameworks, and together they have served as a kind of blueprint for
red team testing frameworks for financial institutions around the world.
Figure 2: Common steps in red team testing frameworks

Define scope and establish risk

1 management controls for the test

2 Procure threat intelligence and red

team providers

3 Gather threat intelligence

4 Conduct actual red team test

Analyse the outcome of the test and

put in place a remediation plan

Share lessons learned with other

stakeholders in the financial system

17. The frameworks apply typically to large or critical financial institutions. TIBER-NL and CBEST
apply to critical financial institutions or those that are considered part of the core financial infrastructure
in their respective jurisdictions. Large financial institutions are expected to undergo the AASE to
complement their cyber resilience testing. iCAST, on the other hand, applies to financial institutions that
are assessed to have “high” or “medium” inherent risk or those that aim to attain “intermediate” or
“advanced” cyber resilience maturity levels. In some cases, financial institutions that are not covered in the
frameworks are encouraged to, or can voluntarily undergo, a red team test. This is the case with FEER,
which applies to domestic systemically important institutions at a minimum.
18. Generally, the covered frameworks involve the same parties in the red team tests, although
the level of involvement of the respective authorities differs. A red team test generally involves the
authority, the financial institution undertaking the test, and the threat intelligence and red team
providers. 17 Some authorities are more involved than others in the tests. In such cases, authorities typically
undertake a test management role (ie oversee and guide the process of the test from start to finish, but
do not take over responsibility of the test from the institution being tested). FEER, for example, provides
that the Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority’s “green team” plays this role, while with TIBER-EU each
authority has its TIBER Cyber Team (TCT). Red team tests, however, are quite resource-intensive. So, in
other frameworks (eg AASE), authorities are less involved in conducting the tests but instead focus their

See Section 2 for role of different parties involved in the test.

10 Varying shades of red: how red team testing frameworks can enhance the cyber resilience of financial institutions
cyber resources on supervision activities. This includes assessing the adequacy of financial institutions’
cyber resilience, including ensuring that remediation measures identified during the red team tests are
implemented in practice. In terms of threat intelligence and red team providers, some frameworks provide
that these be separate teams (regardless of whether from the same or separate companies). This addresses
potential aforementioned red team biases. In addition to the parties mentioned above, in some
jurisdictions there is also active involvement by the national security agencies. These agencies validate
and/or contribute threat intelligence that informs the scenarios of the red team tests.
19. All the frameworks covered have required controls that aim to ensure the quality of the
tests and to mitigate the risks. To help achieve high-quality tests, all frameworks describe expectations
on procedural arrangements that should be put in place for the red team tests. These include expectations
in terms of the scoping of the test, the selection of threat intelligence and red team providers, the
formation of different teams and outlining their responsibilities. The procedural arrangements also
enhance proper controls to mitigate risks associated with red team tests (eg risks to production systems
and to sensitive information).
20. Most frameworks also put emphasis on the qualification of the threat intelligence and red
team providers as a means of ensuring the quality of the tests. This explains the requirement in most
frameworks for these providers to have accreditation or certification. Having the required accreditation is
seen as indication that the provider has the requisite skills and competencies to either provide threat
intelligence or conduct the test. In other cases, such as the TIBER-EU framework, the procurement of these
providers is actively guided by authorities. 18 Financial institutions are also expected to conduct due
diligence before procuring the services of external providers. Authorities interviewed also cite the
important role of their own teams that coordinate and oversee the tests, as well as of the financial
institutions’ white teams, in ensuring the quality of the tests. Moreover, TIBER-EU requires that the firm,
the threat intelligence and red team providers, and the lead authority furnish attestations confirming that
the test has been conducted in accordance with the core requirements of the framework. However, there
is recognition that whatever controls or structure are put in place, the quality of the tests will lack absolute
consistency given that each test is different and could pose different challenges.
21. In general, threat intelligence and red team providers are required to be accredited and
external to the institution being tested. For example, CBEST and FEER both require that threat
intelligence and red team providers be accredited external parties. TIBER-EU (and consequently TIBER-NL
and other EU jurisdictions and authorities adopting the framework) require these providers to be external
to the financial institution being tested, but they need not be accredited. Accreditation is recognised as
defining a baseline measure of the skill or qualification of the providers, but in itself does not guarantee
the quality of the tests. AASE, meanwhile, takes a similar approach to accreditation. It encourages
accreditation, but threat intelligence and red team providers do not have to be external parties. This
approach recognises the limited pool of cyber skills in the jurisdiction, thus allowing flexibility for financial
institutions to use their own resources as threat intelligence and red team providers. iCAST had a similar
approach to AASE, but in June 2018 the accreditation requirement was relaxed. 19 Threat intelligence and
red team providers no longer need to have accreditation as long as their expertise and experience are
carefully assessed. The results of such assessments should also be properly documented.
22. After a test has been executed, a review of the test is a formal part of the frameworks, and
this review may include the assessment of the performance of threat intelligence and red team
providers. CBEST includes assessment of capabilities of the threat intelligence and red team providers as
an explicit step and part of the reporting or documentation of the test. The TIBER-EU and TIBER-NL
frameworks mention a “purple teaming” during which the red and the blue teams replay jointly the
different phases of the test, and a “360° feedback” in which all the parties involved in the test provide

For this purpose, the ECB published the TIBER-EU Procurement Guidelines in August 2018.
HKMA (2018).

Varying shades of red: how red team testing frameworks can enhance the cyber resilience of financial institutions 11
feedback on each other in order to facilitate the learning process as well as identify potential ways to
improve future tests. A similar approach is followed by other frameworks such as FEER. However, some
frameworks do not have explicit requirements for the authority to assess the capabilities of the threat
intelligence and red team providers.

Section 4 – Benefits and challenges of red team testing

23. Identification of potential weaknesses in financial institutions’ cyber protection, detection

and response capabilities is the main benefit of red team testing. Red team tests are able to identify
gaps and blind spots in financial institutions’ cyber resilience practices. For example, one authority shared
that red team testing is effective in identifying issues that are not picked up in cyber resilience maturity
assessments. Red team tests can therefore flag any unresolved weaknesses and drive better understanding
of a financial institution’s level of resilience against current threats.
24. Remediation plan to address identified weaknesses is required by all covered authorities.
Depending on the authorities involved in the tests, the responsibility to monitor implementation of the
remediation plan could fall on supervisors (if financial stability authorities are involved) or the remediation
plan is in itself seen as the ultimate output and is used to support supervisory activities. For example, in
frameworks that involve supervisory authorities, the remediation plan can be used in determining the risk
profile of financial institutions. In either case, while indicative deadlines may be set for the full
implementation of the remediation plan, the timeline generally varies depending on the remediation
measures or activities required. One authority mentioned that if significant weaknesses are identified
during the test, the test would be paused in order to address such weaknesses.
25. Strengthening a financial institution’s cyber resilience posture is another benefit of red
team testing cited by the authorities covered. The main goal of red team testing is of course to enhance
financial institutions’ preparedness to address identified potential cyber threats through remediation
plans. But the benefits of red team testing go beyond this. Testing should lead financial institutions to
better organise threat intelligence and to develop realistic test scenarios that can be used for tabletop
cyber exercises. It also fosters cooperation among different units within an institution, promotes strong
security awareness and culture, and raises board and management accountability over cyber risk
management. Red team testing therefore enables financial institutions to achieve an appropriate level of
maturity in their cyber security controls and, hence, a stronger cyber resilience posture.
26. Lessons learned from red team tests could potentially help enhance cyber resilience for the
broader financial sector, but implementing this in practice is a challenge. All of the red team testing
frameworks covered provide for the sharing of key themes from individual tests, either among institutions
that are required to undertake the test or with the broader financial sector community. These would
include key findings, common threats and weaknesses, and common issues identified during the tests.
This information is typically anonymised and aggregated, and disseminated through an established
engagement channel. The information is useful in improving future tests and, more importantly, in
enhancing the cyber resilience of the broader financial sector. However, most financial institutions may
already find it challenging to fully address the issues they have identified, let alone issues identified in
other institutions. Moreover, most authorities may understandably choose to focus on implementation of
individual remediation plans instead of incorporating also lessons learned from other tests.
27. Other benefits mentioned are those relating to authorities themselves. Red team tests based
on an established framework provide a baseline measure for authorities to evaluate the design and
operational effectiveness of cybersecurity controls in financial institutions. Such tests therefore afford
authorities a comparative view across financial institutions within their remit. In addition, through
identification of common issues, weaknesses and capabilities, such tests provide a better understanding

12 Varying shades of red: how red team testing frameworks can enhance the cyber resilience of financial institutions
of a sector-wide cyber resilience. This information is helpful in developing a forward-looking strategy on
the part of authorities. Furthermore, as financial institutions realise the benefits of red team testing, they
become more willing to engage with authorities on cyber risk. This, in turn, supports authorities’ objective
of enhancing overall cyber resilience in the financial sector.
28. Getting participants to view red team tests with the right perspective is an important
challenge. Participants of a test could view it either as a “learn and improve” or “pass or fail” type of test.
Financial institutions with a culture supportive of red team tests typically take the former view since their
main goal is to identify and improve weaknesses in order to improve their cyber resilience. Authorities
with more experience overseeing red team tests also typically take the former view. However, there is a
risk that authorities (or even financial institutions) that may be new to red team tests may lean towards a
more supervisory compliance or “pass or fail” perspective. This would be counterproductive and would
reduce the effectiveness of red team testing as a tool to improve cyber resilience.
29. The different perspectives taken by authorities may be illustrated in the pattern of their
potential involvement throughout the different phases of the test. Theoretically, less experienced
authorities might tend to focus mostly on the actual test, perhaps because they devote more attention to
spotting weaknesses or, more benignly, they might be concerned that something will go wrong with the
institution’s live systems during the test. More experienced authorities might tend to be more actively
involved during the scoping and scenario design phases of the test, step back during the actual test when
the testers take the helm, and get actively involved again during the closing and remediation phases.
30. Most of the authorities covered highlighted challenges surrounding the limited supply of
cyber expertise. There may be limited cyber expertise within financial institutions, authorities, and threat
intelligence and red team providers. Lack of competencies and capabilities may be particularly acute in
smaller financial institutions. It could also lead to misalignment of expectations among the different parties
involved in the tests. Hong Kong addressed this problem by explicitly incorporating the Professional
Development Programme (PDP) in its Cybersecurity Fortification Initiative. The PDP involves a local
certification scheme and training programme for cyber security professionals, which was developed jointly
by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the Hong Kong Institute of Bankers and the Hong Kong Applied
Science and Technology Research Institute. It aims to increase the supply of qualified cyber security
professionals in Hong Kong.
31. However, a few authorities do not expect limited cyber expertise to be a long-term
problem. A few authorities take a more optimistic view. They view shortage of skills, or of threat
intelligence and red team providers in particular, as a short-term problem because they expect that a
number of companies will eventually move towards providing such services if these are required by rules
or regulations. They noted that this has been observed, for example, in the United Kingdom. In general,
the financial industry in the UK has been able to attract skilled cyber security professionals due to relatively
competitive compensation packages. The concern, though, is that this may be at the expense of other
industries (eg telecommunications, energy), which could just as well expose the financial industry to
vulnerabilities to the extent that there are interconnections. Another concern is that there could be
concentration of cyber expertise in larger economies at the expense of smaller economies.
32. Costs of conducting the tests also pose challenges. Conducting red team tests can be costly
to financial institutions. They may need to hire external threat intelligence and red team providers or
acquire expertise in-house. This is on top of making sure that they have the right expertise to manage the
tests and to defend against the simulated attack. The costs are particularly prohibitive for smaller financial
institutions that may be required in some jurisdictions to undertake the test. Costs could also be
challenging to authorities that also need to build expertise to oversee and manage the tests, to make
appropriate use of the outcome of the test and to implement the necessary remediation measures.
33. In a few jurisdictions, costs to authorities are partly offset by contributions from the private
sector. In the Netherlands, for example, participating financial institutions pay a third of the programme
costs related to managing the test while the remainder is covered by the central bank. This is also the

Varying shades of red: how red team testing frameworks can enhance the cyber resilience of financial institutions 13
approach taken in Belgium and Denmark, both of which have also adopted the TIBER-EU framework. This
approach addresses part of the cost-related challenges and at the same time facilitates literal buy-in and
commitment from financial institutions to the testing.
34. Other challenges revolve around the actual conduct of the tests. Practical challenges related
to the tests include achieving a consistent level of quality of intelligence and tests provided by different
external providers, establishing an environment that fosters trust among the different parties involved in
the tests, and protecting the confidentiality of data that may be exposed to external parties undertaking
the tests. Including third-party service providers (eg cloud service providers) in the scope of the tests is
also a challenge, although it is recognised that it would be valuable to do so as these providers make up
part of the potential attack surface. Moreover, it is recognised that there is a need to enhance integration
of human behaviour into the testing. As one authority observed from the tests it has conducted, there is
always an element of human compromise. This underscores the important role that human behaviour
plays in cyber risk, which needs to be effectively captured in the tests.

Section 5 – Cross-border issues of red team testing

35. Among the surveyed jurisdictions, although there is currently no formal arrangement for
recognition of red team testing conducted under another jurisdiction’s framework, authorities may
be willing to consider exempting firms from local requirements if they fulfil certain conditions. Most
authorities are willing to consider such red team testing provided the foreign requirements are deemed
equivalent to the local requirements. More specifically, the local authority will need to be satisfied that the
scope, coverage and conduct of the tests under the foreign framework are adequate given the financial
institution’s local operations and risk profile. This may involve checking the credentials of the test provider
or, alternatively, recognising the credential checking process in the foreign jurisdictions. Process-wise, a
financial institution can apply for exemption from the authority to conduct separate red team testing if it
satisfies the local requirements. While there are clearly operational efficiencies to be gained by firms if
authorities can establish formal mutual recognition arrangements for red team testing requirements, this
may be difficult to achieve in practice due to the different emphasis in the different frameworks to fully
reflect the local cyber ecosystem.
36. Given that cyber risk transcends jurisdictional borders, coordinated cross-border red team
testing by financial institutions with cross-border operations could be beneficial. An attack surface
covers an entire organisation regardless of geography, and attackers can attack any part of that surface.
Therefore, without looking at the cross-border dimension, it may not be possible to capture certain
potential real-life attack scenarios. A coordinated cross-border red team testing framework could facilitate
consistent testing of cross-border firms and minimise unnecessary duplication of efforts by both firms and
financial authorities. This is especially useful for financial institutions with centrally managed infrastructures
operating in jurisdictions with compatible frameworks. For example, the TIBER-EU framework is explicitly
designed to facilitate cross-border red team testing within EU jurisdictions, in order to avoid the need for
multiple testing by institutions in the region. Discussions are under way among financial regulatory
authorities in several advanced economies to coordinate cross-border red team testing. In practice, firms
by themselves may conduct cross-border red team testing even without formal arrangements in place
among the regulatory authorities. In such cases, it is desirable if those firms inform financial authorities in
the relevant jurisdictions beforehand.
37. Despite the benefits of cross-border red team testing, there are significant operational,
technical and legal challenges in conducting such activities in practice. Some are of the view that
operational and legal challenges may be harder to address than the technical challenges. Operational
challenges include putting in place arrangements that would establish trust among the authorities
involved, including having a secure platform for exchanging information. Effective coordination

14 Varying shades of red: how red team testing frameworks can enhance the cyber resilience of financial institutions
arrangements must also be put in place not only for the actual conduct of the test but also in order to
keep the international intelligence community informed. A cross-border test could generate international
intelligence traffic that could raise red flags in the community, so coordination arrangements must be put
in place to make clear which intelligence is test-related. Legal challenges, on the other hand, include
differences in legal regimes for cross-border sharing of information as well as data protection and
confidentiality. Technical challenges, meanwhile, include coming up with scenarios that would be
appropriate for the different participating jurisdictions and reconciling differences in regulatory
requirements or expectations for red team testing. Table 3 provides a non-exhaustive list of these

Challenges related to cross-border red team testing Table 3

Challenge Example
• Firms and authorities having sufficient time and resources to plan and conduct tests.
• Coordinating and achieving trust among the different authorities.
• Managing information (test-related intelligence) flows within the international
intelligence community.
• Having a secure platform and clear protocols to exchange information among
authorities in different jurisdictions.
• Designing scenarios that are relevant to the specificities of the cross-border firm and
the jurisdictions in which it operates.
• Agreeing on the objective of the activity among the different authorities, and
correspondingly the breadth and depth of the red team testing.
• Differing (and potentially conflicting) regulatory requirements on red team testing in
the different jurisdictions.
• Data protection and confidentiality requirements.
Legal • Legal impediments in exchanging sensitive firm-specific information across

38. Financial authorities can contribute to addressing some of the challenges in conducting
cross-border red team testing. For example, the authorities can coordinate the activity through early
preparation by establishing the objective of the red team testing, its parameters, applicable requirements
in each jurisdiction, and communication protocols including mutually agreeable mechanisms for sharing
information and engagement with firms. Cross-border coordination for red team tests would also need to
be respectful of differences in certain test elements between frameworks. One way to address this is to
follow the framework with the strictest requirement in conducting the cross-border test.

Section 6 – Conclusions

39. Most of the surveyed jurisdictions have red team testing frameworks in place, although
the objectives and implementation details may differ. The frameworks apply typically to large or critical
financial institutions, but authorities may have discretion to include other financial institutions. In a few
jurisdictions, the frameworks are mandatory for domestic systemically important financial institutions, and
banks deemed risky from a supervisory perspective. The frameworks also differ in terms of whether threat
intelligence and red team test providers must be external to the financial institution, accredited and
formally assessed.

Varying shades of red: how red team testing frameworks can enhance the cyber resilience of financial institutions 15
40. In general, all frameworks specify the following steps in the conduct of red team testing:
• Define the scope and establish risk management controls for the test.
• Procure threat intelligence and red team providers.
• Gather threat intelligence.
• Conduct the actual red team test.
• Analyse the outcome of the test and put in place a remediation plan, where necessary.
• Share the lessons learned with other players in the financial system.
41. International standards relating to the cyber resilience of financial institutions have raised
the bar in terms of defining the expectations on firms. Central to this is the use of red team testing as
one of the tests that firms can undertake to assess resilience against realistic cyber attacks and strengthen
their cyber resilience posture. Other benefits of red team testing for firms include having a methodology
to establish remediation plans to address identified weaknesses; being able to better organise and process
threat intelligence; fostering closer cooperation among different units; promoting stronger security
awareness and culture; and raising accountability of the board and management on cyber risk
management. For supervisors, red team testing provides for a mechanism to better understand financial
institutions’ cyber resilience posture, as well as to identify common weaknesses and strengths across the
42. Nevertheless, there are challenges that need to be overcome, and certain facilitating
conditions appear to be instrumental in supporting effective implementation of red team testing.
Such conditions include a conducive governance structure, an engaged board of directors, a supportive
risk culture and, critically, the availability of sound professional skills. A key challenge in many jurisdictions
relates to insufficient numbers of adequately qualified threat intelligence and red team providers.
Interestingly, explicit and formal assessment of threat intelligence and red team providers is not common
practice. In certain jurisdictions, an accreditation framework has been established to boost local capacities.
However, there is a view that shortage of cyber expertise is a short-term problem that will be tackled
through market forces and maturity over time. Another culture-related hurdle to overcome is getting firms
and authorities to view a red team test as a “learn and improve” rather than a “pass or fail” exercise. Other
challenges in connection with red team testing include the high cost to firms, trust among the involved
parties and data confidentiality.
43. To take red team testing to the next level, consideration could be given to addressing the
legal, operational and regulatory challenges in coordinating cross-border red team testing for
internationally active financial institutions. Extending red team testing beyond jurisdictional borders is
important to minimise potential cyber resilience blind spots given that cyber attackers could attack any
part of a financial institution’s attack surface. In addition, cross-border technological dependencies could
give rise to systemic implications should cyber attackers succeed in exploiting vulnerabilities that could
trigger such chain events.
44. Going forward, financial sector authorities may wish to clarify how red team tests fit within
their strategies to improve the cyber resilience of financial institutions. This will help provide
regulatory certainty to firms and prompt concrete actions to improve their cyber resilience postures.
Consideration should also be given to clarifying how red team tests fit within an institution’s cyber
resilience framework, which in turn should be coherently considered in its enterprise-wide risk
management framework. Given that red team testing approaches are still evolving, it is important that
authorities continue to assess the effectiveness of their frameworks and use the lessons learned from each
test to improve the overall cyber resilience of the financial sector. In the course of this journey, authorities
may need to enhance cooperation with other relevant authorities and parties in order to enable effective
implementation of the frameworks.

16 Varying shades of red: how red team testing frameworks can enhance the cyber resilience of financial institutions

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Varying shades of red: how red team testing frameworks can enhance the cyber resilience of financial institutions 17

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