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1125-003-07Y Cap 7 Mantenimiento Grua QY70V 532

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Chapter 7 Maintenance


7.1 Lubrication
7.1.1 Hydraulic Oil
The hydraulic oil tank is filled up with hydraulic oil before delivering the crane and its brand is

CAUTION: This product is fully hydraulic driven. The quality, viscosity and
cleanness of hydraulic oil are the most key factors for the crane. Ignorance to change
hydraulic oil will cause various faults and shorten the service life of the crane greatly.
Our company will not take any responsibilities for the consequences caused by not
complying with the requests stipulated in this manual during oil change and filtering. Interval Table of the Hydraulic Oil Filtering or Changing

Delivery Every 6 months Filter or

Every 200 hours Filter or
date change oil change
oil Steps for Changing Hydraulic Oil

1) First change hydraulic oil in the hydraulic oil tank. Drain out the hydraulic oil, and then
remove master oil return pipe. Clean the oil tank and filter carefully. First clean them using the
chemical cleaning agent of the solid particle with a pollution grade of less than 18/15. After
airing, wash them with the new hydraulic oil whose solid particle pollution grade is less than
18/15 and then add the new hydraulic oil after draining out the washing oil.
2) Start the engine and run at slow speed to let the oil pump start to control each mechanism.
Use the new hydraulic oil to drain out the original oil in every circuit of the system. The original
oil is not permitted to return to the oil tank. Do not stop the engine until the new oil flows out
of the master oil return pipe. When changing oil, do supply new oil continuously into hydraulic
oil tank to prevent the oil pump inhaling air.
Connect master oil return pipe and oil tank, take each component in initial working state and
add hydraulic oil to required level.

a. Filter or change the hydraulic oil immediately once it is polluted seriously.
b. Choose proper hydraulic oil according to the ambient temperature.
c. The hydraulic oil of different brands cannot be mixed.
d. Service time of hydraulic oil is not more than 24 months, and it cannot be used any
more after 24 months even if it has been filtered.


meter Hydraulic Oil Temperature

Observe the temperature of hydraulic oil from the scale in the liquid temperature meter, and the
highest working temperature of hydraulic oil is 80°C. Hydraulic Oil Volume
The oil level can be checked in crane’s traveling condition. The oil temperature and level can
be checked from the scale in the liquid temperature meter.
The scale of 0°C is the lowest oil level line. So when oil level is below this line, add hydraulic
oil in time. Feature and Brand Table of Hydraulic Oil
The following table lists the features and brands of hydraulic oil according to different ambient
temperatures (regions and seasons). Read it carefully before choosing the hydraulic oil.
Items Ambient Ambient Ambient Ambient
temperature temperature temperature temperature
above between-20 ~ above below
40°C 40°C -30°C -30°C
GB11118.1-94 GB11118.1-94 GB11118.1-94 SH 0358-95
Species Avigation
hydraulic oil
Viscosity class 68 32 22 10
Flash point (split) more
180 160 140 92
than ℃
Kinematic viscosity (50℃)no
61.2-74.8 28.8-35.2 19.8-24.2
(40°C) , mm²/s less than 10
When the kinematic
viscosity is 1500 mm²/s,
-18 -30 -50
the temperature is less
than ℃
Viscosity index more
95 130 130
Pouring point less
-9 -33 -45
than ℃
7.1.2 Gear Oil

Use the gear oil brand recommended in this manual. The product is full with SY1172-80 90#
industrial gear oil before delivery. Its performance and parameters are as follows:
Kinematic viscosity (100℃) Flash point
mm²/s (split), ℃
The organic acid fat, phosphoric acid
fat, the silicic acid fat, the fluorin oil, the
13.5~<24.0 More than 165
silicon oil, polyphenylene oxide + the
addictive Interval Table of Oil Change

Delivery Every 200 hours Change oil Every 12 months Change oil

a. Once the gear oil is polluted seriously, change it even if it has not reached the oil
change intervals.
b. Often check oil level and add oil in time when it is lower than the required value.
c. Hydraulic oil of different brands cannot be mixed.
d. Use the recommended gear oil according to ambient temperature. The reducer
mechanism will be damaged due to unqualified or improper viscosity gear oil. Parts Needed Oil Change/
1) Winch reducer

Add oil after removing this


Screw off the plug during

filling oil to check whether
the oil level reaches the
fringe of the plug. Drain out the oil after
screwing off the oil drain
Explanation: the gear oil volume is about 3 liters. plug.
2) Slewing reducer

Add oil after removing the plug of inspection hole.

il level.

Drain out the oil

after removing this

Explanation: The volume of gear oil is about 4.5 liters.

7.1.3 Lubricating Grease
Use the grease recommended in this manual. This product uses ZL-2 and ZG-3 lubricating
Injecting method: grease or inject with oil gun.

Parameter Drop Work Moisture

Type Appearance Point Wimble (%)
(ºC) Degree No more


(1/10mm) than

ZL-2 Smooth inunctum with the

lubricating color from light yellow to 175 265~295 ——
grease brown
ZG-3 Equal inunctum with the
lubricating color from light yellow to 90 220~250 2.5
grease dark brown

7.1.4 Lubricating Points

Ser. Description of lubricating Lubricating Lubricating Lubricating

No. point interval method grease type

Upper pulley block on main Every 10 Inject with oil ZL-2

boom (shaft) days gun lubricating grease

Each sliding block in main Every 10 Grease, inject ZL-2

boom head & boom tail days with oil gun lubricating grease

Lower pulley block on main Every 10 Inject with oil ZL-2

boom (shaft) days gun lubricating grease
friction surface of Every 10 ZL-2
4 Grease
telescoping boom days lubricating grease

Upper hinged-point shaft on Every one Inject with oil ZL-2

derricking cylinder month gun lubricating grease

Pulley block (shaft) of main Every 10 Inject with oil ZG-3

and auxiliary hook days gun lubricating grease
Transmission shaft of oil Inject with oil ZL-2
7 Every day
pump gun lubricating grease

Lower hinged-point shaft on Every one Inject with oil ZL-2

derricking cylinder month gun lubricating grease
9 Outrigger telescoping pulley Every 10 Grease, inject ZL-2
days with oil gun lubricating grease


Sliding surface of outrigger Every 10 ZL-2

10 Grease
beam days lubricating grease
Every 10 Grease, inject ZL-2
11 Slewing ring, gear
days with oil gun lubricating grease
Main and auxiliary winch Every 6 90# industrial
12 Pour directly
reducer months gear oil
Grease, inject ZL-2
13 Boom main shaft Every day
with oil gun lubricating grease
Every 6 with oil gun 90# industrial
14 Slewing reducer Pour directly
months gear oil
Every 10 ZG-3
15 Wire rope Grease
days lubricating grease

Every 10 Inject with oil ZL-2

16 Pulley block (shaft) on jib
days gun lubricating grease

1 ● Lubricating graph
2 16 15 14 13
4 12
9 2



3 10

4 5 6 7 8 9

a.Clean the oil cup and the surface waiting for greasing before oil filling.
b.Fill the lubricating grease to the sliding surfaces which are not listed in the above
c. The lubricating grease of different brands cannot be mixed.
d. When inject grease to the bush, shaft and bearing, do not stop injecting until the
original grease flows out.
e. If the piston rod of derricking cylinder is partly exposed when the boom is secured
on the boom bracket, grease the exposed section every month.
7.1.5 Engine Oil
Refer to Operating Manual for Engine.

CAUTION: Choose suitable fuel according to ambient temperature viscosity,

otherwise the engine will be frozen in low temperature. And the fuel must be topped
up; otherwise solidification of air moisture will make the oil tank freeze and rust so
as to cause difficult engine starting.

7.2 Regular Checks and Maintenance

7.2.1 Regular Checks
In order to ensure safe and high-efficient lifting work, all the mechanisms of crane shall be kept
in good technical state.
Inspected items are listed in the following table. Once the abnormity is found, repair it
immediately. The following parts must be checked before the crane working.
1) Outrigger 2) Slewing, derricking, telescoping and hoisting mechanisms
3) Brake system in each mechanism 4) Clutch (chassis)
5) Operating system of crane 6) Safety device
Type Inspected Items Type Inspected Items
Control lever and switch Derricking cylinder
1. Operating state. 1. Check hinged-point pin for
The PTO wear and damage;
1. Check it for tight fit and 2. Check lock bolt in fulcrum
leaks. Derricking
Driving pin for tight fit;
2. Check it for abnormal mechanism
equipment 3. Check it for leaks;
noise and heating. 4. Check it for vibration and
Transmission shaft noise;
1. Check flange and joint 5. Check the cylinder retracts
for tight fit; spontaneously during

Type Inspected Items Type Inspected Items

2. Check it for vibration, lifting.
scrape and wear. 6. Check hose for aging,
Hydraulic oil tank Balance valve
1. Check it for tight fit and 1. Check it for leaks;
damage; 2. Check pipe joints for tight
2. Check it for crack and fit.
3. Check oil volume,
pollution degree, and
Hydraulic pump The boom
1. Check it for tight fit and 1. Check it for crack, bend
damage; and damage;
2. Check it for abnormal 2. Check lock bolts of boom
noise, vibration and bottom section’s hinged-
heating; point for tight fit;
3. Check it for leaks; 3. Check sliding surface for
4. Check if oil pipeline scrape;
inhales the air. 4. Check hinged-point pin
5. Check if output pressure liner for wear and damage;
is normal. 5. Check the lubricating state
6. Check pipe joints for of sliding surface;
tight fit and leaks. 6. Check boom bracket for
deformation and crack.
Slewing table Telescopic cylinder
1. Check it for cracks and for Telescoping 1. Check if it works
distortion. mechanism normally(check it for pulse,
Reducer and slewing ring noise and sequence);
1. Check oil volume and 2. Check it for leaks;
pollution degree; 3. Check if balance valve
2. Check case for crack, works normally;
Slewing deformation and leaks; 4. Check pipe joints for tight
mechanism 3. Check it for abnormal fit;
noise and vibration; 5. Check hose for aging,
4. Check mounting parts for distortion and damage.
tight fit; The jib
5. Check if working 1. If the jib bends, cracks and
pressure of hydraulic distorts.
motor is normal. 2. The lubricating states of
6. Check pipe joints for connecting pin and pin
tight fit and leaks. liner.
Boom top single pulley Wire rope
Telescoping 1. Check it for bend, crack 1. Diameter;
mechanism and deformation; Hoisting 2. Broken wire;
2. Check the lubricating mechanism 3. Kink;
state of connecting pin 4. Deformation;
and pin liner.

Type Inspected Items Type Inspected Items

Wire rope 5. Rust condition;
1. Diameter; 6. The position of bail and
2. Broken wire; wedge;
3. Kink; 7. Joint state of wire rope and
4. Deformation; bail;
5. Rust condition; 8. Check bail’s shaft pin and
6. Lubricating state; pin liner for wear and
7. Tension state. crack;
9. Check if wire rope reeves
correctly over the pulley
Hydraulic motor Wire rope guiding support
1. Check it for tight fit and 1. Check the distance
crack; between wire rope guiding
2. Check it for leaks; support and hook.
3. Check the housing for 2. Check it for damage and
deformation and crack; deformation.
4. Check it for noise and
5. Check pipe joints for
tight fit and leaks.
Reducer Control valve
1. Check it for tight fit; 1. Check whether it works
2. Check it for noise; normally;
3. Check the reduction box 2. Check it for leaks;
for crack and 3. Check the bolts for tight fit.
deformation; Solenoid valve
4. Check bearing for wear; 1. Set pressure.
Hoisting 5. Check lubricating state;
mechanism 6. Check it for leaks.
Balance valve Main cylinder
1. Check it for leaks. 1. Check if it works
Parts in
2. Check pipe joints for normally;
tight fit and leaks; system 2. Check it for leaks.

Drum Pipeline
1. Check it for crack; 1. Check joints for tight fit;
2. Check if the wire rope on 2. Check it for leaks;
the drum winds out of 3. Check pipe clamp for tight
order. fit and crack;
Hook and pulley 4. Check hose for aging,
1. Check if hook rotates deformation and damage.
2. Check it for The control lever and the pedal
deformation; Crane’s
1. Check if they work
3. Check it sways flexibly; properly.
2. Check they for clearance.


Type Inspected Items Type Inspected Items

4. Check pin spindle of Working lamps
guide wire for bend; 1. Check if they can light up;
5. Check pulley slewing 2. Check it for damage;
state(check it for 3. Check whether they are
abnormal noise); mounted correctly.
6. Check pulley for crack
and wear;
7. Check pulley bracket and
cover for bend and
8. Check it is lubricated
Boom top lamp The vertical cylinder
1. Check if it can light up. 1. Check if it retracts
2. Check if it is mounted naturally during lifting;
correctly. 2. Check if it retracts
Wiper naturally during traveling;
1. Check if it works 3. Check it for leaks;
normally; 4. Check bidirectional
2. Check brush for wear and hydraulic lock works
damage. normally;
Cab lamp 5. Check pipe joints for tight
1. Check if it can light up. fit;
6. Check it for noise and
Crane’s vibration;.
operation Outrigger box, outrigger beam
system Operator’s cab and telescoping cylinder
1. Check bolts and nuts for 1. Check them for
tight fit. Outrigger deformation and damage;
2. Check whether windows 2. Check fixing pin on
and door work properly. outrigger beam for
The starting switch damage;
1. Check if it works 3. Check bracket for
normally; deformation and crack;
2. Check if it is mounted 4. Check there is noise and
correctly and tightly; vibration;
3. Check if signal lamp 5. Check the joints of oil pipe
works normally. and hose are fitted tightly;
6. Check for leaks.
Control valve
Load moment limiter 1. Check it works normally;
Safety 1. Check if it works 2. Check pipe joints for tight
equipment normally; fit;
2. Check the precision. 3. Check bolts for tight fit;
4. Check it for leaks.


Type Inspected Items Type Inspected Items

Hoisting limiter Level gauge
1. Check if it works 1. Check the appearance of
normally; level gauge for scrape and
2. Check whether the sling deformation;
of the weight damages. 2. Check whether it is
3. Check whether it is mounted correctly and
mounted correctly and tightly;
tightly; 3. Check the condition of air
4. Whether the contact bubble.
switch works normally.
Lowering limiter Chassis frame
1. Check whether it works 1. Check it for deformation,
normally; bend and crack.
2. Check whether the
solenoid valve and
switch work normally.
Boom angle indicator
1. Check if it works Others Accessories
normally. 1. Check them for damage and
2. Check the precision if they are lost.
The fifth outrigger
overpressure device
1. Check whether if it
works normally.
2. Check the precision
The items to be checked for
Chassis chassis please refer to the
Operating Manual of Chassis.
7.2.2 Checks and Maintenance in Running-in Period
● Do the following checks and maintenance after the crane has worked for 200 hours.
1) Check the gear meshing state of hoisting and slewing mechanism in box body. Change the
grease and clean the box body.
2) Drain out the hydraulic oil, clean the hydraulic oil tank and change the filter cartridge. Filter
or change the hydraulic oil.
3) Wipe off the dust and grease in the complete vehicle. Check whether oil leakage, water
leakage, air leakage and electricity leakage occur in every assembly. If leakages occur, rectify
and remedy.
4) Rectify and tighten the connecting bolts.
5) Adjust and rectify the safety devices.
Check the wearing condition of crane’s sliding block half a year. If necessary, rectify or change
According to the seasons and the air temperature, change the lubricating oil in engine, transfer

of gearbox, steering gear, reducer of hoisting mechanism and slewing mechanism according to
requirements. Dismantle and clean the cooling system. Rectify the proportion of carburetor and
battery’s electrolyte.
7.3 Rectify, Clean and Change the Parts
7.3.1 Change the Wire Rope

CAUTION: The wire rope will wear gradually, and it will be very dangerous, if neglect
its wearing condition and continue using it. Take-down Criteria
1) There is 10% broken wire rope in one strand (wire core excluded).
2) The diameter is reduced by more than 7% of its nominal diameter.
3) The wire rope is reverse bent or knot.
4) The wire rope is seriously deformed; Wire core is revealed, birdcage deformed and in

CAUTION: The wire ropes must be taken down before they reach the above stage.
5) The wire rope is strained and damaged when it comes out from the pulley.
6) The wire rope is damaged by heavy objects.
7) The wire rope is damaged by electric welding or gas welding.
8) The wire rope is short-circuit damaged.
9) The wire rope is heat damaged.

CAUTION: The wire ropes can be taken down before they reach the above stage
according to the wearing conditions. Change the Hoisting Wire Rope
1) Changing the operating conditions
(1) Lay the crane on the solid and flat ground.
(2) Telescope in the boom completely.
2) Changing steps
(1) Lower the main hook on the ground.


CAUTION: Operate carefully to avoid wire rope disordering on the drum.

(2) Take down the bail from the 5th boom section or main hook.

Tool: Wrench.
Keep the parts orderly and do not lose them.
(3) Take down the wire rope from the bail.

Tool: Steel stick, hand hammer, and wrench.

Keep the parts orderly and do not lose them.
(4) Lower the hook, and pull out the wire rope from the drum.
Pull out the wire rope by hand at the same time.

CAUTION: When change the wire rope on main winch, the lowering limiter will cut
off the lowering motion of the hook when there are 3 turns are left. At this time, press

the repair switch until the wire rope is totally released.

(5) Take down the wire rope from the drum.

Tool: Steel stick and hand hammer.

Keep the chock carefully.
(6) Reeve the new wire rope into the pulley on the top of the fifth boom section.
Tool: Iron wire or ethylene plastic belt.

CAUTION: The wire rope’s end should be tightened with iron wire or ethylene
plastic belt.

(7) Fix the one end of the wire rope on the main drum.

Tool: Hand hammer.

a. Mount the chock correctly.
b. The end of wire should not come out from the outside circle of the drum.

(8) Reel up the wire rope.


Tool: Iron wire or ethylene plastic belt.

a. Do not let wire rope disorder on the drum.
b. The wire rope’s end should be tightened with iron wire or ethylene plastic belt.

(9) Reeve the wire rope into the fifth boom section pulley and hook pulley according to the
corresponding wire rope falls.

Pay attention to the reeving sequence and do not reeve the wire rope incorrectly.
(10) Mount the bail and wire clamp on the wire rope.

Tool: Wrench and handle hammer.

CAUTION: Set the wire rope’s end on the side of the bail with bevel.
(11) Mount the bail on boom top section or hook according to wire rope falls.


Tool: Wrench.
(12) Raise the boom to a large elevation angle and extend it, then lower the hook until the wire
rope on the drum is released to last three turns.

CAUTION: Do not lower the hook excessively otherwise the wire rope will be
damaged or an accident will occur.
(13) When lift a load which is 30% of the max. permitted lifting capacity of single rope, wind
the wire rope on the drum.
Weight of the load: W=0.3NP.

Wire rope falls:N

Max. permitted lifting

capacity of single rope

a. Never exceed the rated total lifting capacity.
b. Max. permitted lifting capacity of single hoisting rope is 6000kg.
(14) Unload the load from the main hook.
7.3.2 Change the Hook
The hook should be discarded when one of the following instances happens (welding of hook’s


disfigurement is not permitted):

1) There’s crack and crevasse on the surface of the hook.
2) The hook’s split degree should not exceed 10% of original dimension.
3) The abrasion of the dangerous sectional plane reaches 10% of original dimension.
4) The wear extent of the sectional plane in point where wire rope suspended exceeds 10% of
original height.
5) The torsion of hook exceeds 10°.
6) There is plastic deformation in dangerous broken surface such as the tail of hook, the
screwing part and hook web.
7.3.3 Change the Oil Return Filter (the Filter Cartridge)
Oil return filter is installed on the oil tank of the hydraulic system in order to filter such
contamination as the metal grain of the wearing hydraulic elements in the oil and the rubber of
the seal element to keep clean oil flow into the tank.
WY-type filter has a perpetual alnico which can filter the iron grain bigger than 1um in the oil
and also filter partly the magnetism and none-magnetism mixture. Thus it can greatly improve
the working reliability and the service life of the hydraulic system.
The texture of the filter cartridge is chemical non-woven fabric with the advantage of the high
filter precision, the big oil-through capacity, the low original pressure loss, great pollution
tolerance capacity and so on. And its filter precision is calibrated by the absolute filter precision.
Its filter ratio and filter efficiency meet ISO international standards.
No oil return pipe needs to be dismantled when replacing filter cartridge, just do it by opening
the top cover of filter.
The hydraulic oil flows into the tank from the inside of the filter cartridge and thus the
contamination filtered will not drop into the tank again because of replacing the filter cartridge.
Replacing interval of filter cartridge is as follows:

Every 6 months

The delivery date Replace the filter cartridge

Caution: Hydraulic pump must stop working when replacing the filter element.
The operating steps are as follows:
1) Remove the top cover by wrench.


Hydraulic oil tank

2) Take out the spring and the perpetual alnico



(3) Take out and change the filter cartridge.

4) Mount the spring and the perpetual alnico assembly.



5) Mount the top cover by wrench.

7.3.4 Rectify Telescoping Wire Rope for the Main Boom

If the boom top section or the 4th boom section can not be retracted entirely after the boom
being retracted, it may be resulted from the boom telescoping wire rope being not correctly
rectified. Therefore, wire rope should be rectified in accordance with following methods: Rectify Retracting Wire Rope for the 5th Boom Section
1) Open the cover of the boom top section’s head to reveal nut at the head of retracting wire
2) Screw off the locking nut, and then screw down the adjusting nut until the extending wire
rope is just tightened.


Boom top

Locking nut Adjusting nut

Tool used: socket wrench. Rectify Retracting Wire Rope for the 4th Boom Section
1) Extend the 3rd, 4th and 5th boom sections a little to reveal head of retracting wire rope in the
two sides in front of the 4th boom section.
2) Unscrew the locking nut and then screw down the adjusting nut (the nut is symmetric) until
the extending wire rope is just tightened.

The 4th boom section

Adjusting nut

Locking nut


a. Place the crane on the solid and flat ground.

b. The extending wire rope can not be rectified.
c. Do not screw down the adjusting nut excessively otherwise the wire rope will be in
over-tight state. Screw down the locking nut again after adjustment.

7.3.5 Rectify Telescoping Wire Rope for Outrigger Beam

Adjusting nut for extending

Locking nut for extending

Locking nut for retracting Adjusting nut for retracting Rectify the Extending Wire Rope


If the distance between outriggers can not reach the entire-extending state (7.6m) after
horizontal cylinder of the outrigger beam being fully extended, which may be resulted from
that extending wire rope of outrigger beam hasn’t been properly rectified. Rectify the wire rope
according to the following steps:
1) Make the crane in driving-state (with the outriggers retracted).
2) Unscrew the locking nut and then screw down the adjusting nut until the extending wire
rope is just tightened.
Tool used: wrench.

CAUTION: Do not screw down the adjusting nut excessively otherwise the wire rope
will be in over-tight state. Screw down the locking nut again after adjustment. Rectify the Retracting Wire Rope
If the 2nd outrigger beam can not be retracted fully after the horizontal cylinder of outrigger
beam being fully retracted, which may be resulted from that retracting wire rope of outrigger
beam hasn’t been properly rectified.
Rectify the wire rope according to the following steps:
1) Make the crane’s outriggers fully extended on solid and flat ground.
2) Unscrew the locking nut and then screw down the adjusting nut until the retracting wire rope
is just tightened.
Tool used: wrench.

CAUTION: Do not screw down the adjusting nut excessively otherwise the wire rope
will be in over-tight state. Screw down the locking nut again after adjustment.

1) Do not rotate the wire rope when the nut is being screwed down.
2) The wire rope will wear gradually, and it will be very dangerous, if neglect its
wearing condition and continue using it. According to safety rules for vehicles, such
as crane, etc,, the following items are stipulated:
1) There is 10% broken wire rope in one strand (wire core excluded).
2) The diameter is reduced by more than 7% of its nominal diameter.
3) The wire rope is reverse bent or knot.
4) The wire rope is seriously deformed; Wire core is revealed, birdcage deformed and in

CAUTION: The wire ropes must be taken down before they reach the above stage.


5) The wire rope is strained and damaged when it comes out from the pulley.
6) The wire rope is damaged by heavy objects.
7) The wire rope is damaged by electric welding or gas welding.
8) The wire rope is short-circuit damaged.
9) The wire rope is heat damaged.

CAUTION: The wire ropes can be taken down before they reach the above stage
according to the wearing conditions.


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