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Vidhigya 2022 National Moot Court Competiton

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rd th
3 -5 November, 2022

Organized by
Moot Court Society
University Ins tute of Legal Studies, Chandigarh University
Important Dates

Particulars Date

Release of Moot Problem 25th of August 2022

Last date of Provisional registration 15th of October 2022

Last date of registration of teams and team details 23rd of October 2022

Last date for seeking clarification in the moot problem 25th of October 2022

Last date for submission of soft copy (.pdf) of the memorials 31st of October2022

Researcher's Test 3rd of November 2022

Preliminary Rounds and Quarter Final 4th of November 2022

Semifinal Round and Final Round 5th of November 2022

About Chandigarh University
Chandigarh University (CU) is a leading Indian Institution offering its students a unique
amalgamation of professional and academic excellence. The University has been accredited with the
prestigious A+ grade by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC). Chandigarh
University has become Youngest and the only private university in India to bag an A+ grade in the
first cycle of the accreditation process and has also become the only state private university of Punjab
to be accredited by NAAC. Also, ranked among Asia’s best and fastest-growing universities, CU has
coupled the experience of top industry leaders and renowned academicians to foster a global
approach. A wide spectrum of programs paired with flexibility, experiential learning and
interdisciplinary orientation emancipate our students to explore their interests and pursue dream
careers. At CU we are grooming students to be socially sensitive through intellectually challenging
and contemporary diverse culture.

I. Aim and Purpose

The Chandigarh University Vidhigya National Moot Court Competition, 2022 is being organized with
an intention to give a new experience of learning and development to the budding lawyers in the field
of law practice, research, writing and advocacy by granting them an exposure at the national level.
The aim is to provide the participants an opportunity to enhance their knowledge of the emerging
trends of Cyber Law along with honing communication skills which is one of the important attributes
of a good lawyer. The Competition shall not only enable the student to grow in the field but will also
be an endeavor to develop professionalism. The valuable feedback from the learned Academicians,
Professional Lawyers and Honorable Judges of Supreme Court and High Courts will provide
participants golden points to be used in the profession as an advocate as well as a judge. It further
aims to facilitate the participants to analyze Cyber Law in relation to the emerging laws in the era of

II. Venue
The University Institute of Legal Studies, Chandigarh University
Address: NH-05, Ludhiana Chandigarh State Highway, Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar, Punjab 140413.

III. Language
The competition shall be in the English language.

IV. Eligibility

V. Team Composition
a. Each team should consist of 3 members (2 speakers and 1 researcher). This number cannot be
modified under any circumstances.
b. The researcher shall be allowed to argue with prior permission of the court and Administrator
in case of illness of the designated speakers.
c. Each team will be provided a team code during orientation. Teams should not disclose the identity of
their institution; such disclosure shall invite penalties including disqualification. The decision for the
same shall be made at the discretion of the Chief Coordinator.
d. Member swapping is not allowed.

a. Online registrations are open from 25th August, 2022. The teams must get provisional registration by
sending an email at with Subject- REQUEST OF PROVISIONAL
REGISTRATION BY [Your Institution Name], In body kindly provide requisite details with contact
details also. Last Date for Provisional Registration is 15th of October 2022.
b. After receiving request for provisional registration team will get acknowledgment E-mail, requesting
payment of registration fee with link of final registration form. After Making Payment teams have to
send their payment details at ibid mail. After verification of payment teams will get final
acknowledgment of Registration.
c. Registration fee shall be INR 300/- (Three hundred rupees only).
Account Details:-
Name :University ins tute of legal studies
Bank name: HDFC bank Ld.
Account number :50100078636045
IFSC code : HDFC0000798
d. Participants will have to send Payment details with Registration Cum Approval Letter at

– The participants need to submit the Registration form cum Approval letter, as provided in the
rules, duly signed & sealed by your university / college / moot society.
- Upload both (I) & (ii) together as a single PDF
(i) The Registration form cum Approval letter (without seal & signature) as provided in the rules duly
filled along with
(ii) Scanned copy of authorization letter with sign and seal from your university / college / moot society.
An email communication from the official id (to be filled as notification email id during online
registration process) of the institution, from your university / college / moot society to complete the
registration process.

1. Signatories on the registration form should be any of the following: - Faculty- In-charge, Head of the
Department, Principle, Director, Registrar, Dean, Principal, Director, Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor.
2. Registration without the scanned copy of the approval letter / an email communication from the
college/institution/university or duly attested registration form will not be valid.
f. Soft copy of the registration and approval letter / an email communication as a single PDF to be sent to marked as UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF LEGAL STUDIES CHANDIGARH
30th August 2022. The provisional team code shall be allotted to the registered teams by Chandigarh
University soon after receiving of registration particulars.

n The Researchers’ Test shall be conducted on 3rd November 2022.

n Participation in the Researchers’ Test is mandatory for all teams and failure to participate may result in
disqualification, subject to the discretion of the OC.
n Only the Researcher, as designated under of the Rules of the Competition, shall write the test and such
Researcher shall not be allowed to address the Bench during the Oral Pleading Sessions.
n The duration of the Researchers’ Test shall be 1 hour and it shall be in the Multiple-Choice Question format
with 2 subjective questions.
n Researchers’ Test shall test the knowledge of the laws involved as well as the factual details of the Moot
Problem and the application of the relevant laws to the circumstances in the Moot Problem.
n No notes, bare acts, books or any other material, or electronic aid shall be permitted during the
Researchers’ Test.

The following requirements for memorials must be strictly followed. Non-conformities will be penalized:
a. Each team must prepare memorials for both parties to the dispute (Petitioners and Respondent);
b. Soft copy of the memorials in .pdf format must be e-mailed to: Late
submission will be penalized by two points for each memorial for every hour of delay after the due
date, subject to a maximum of 20 penalty points. Memorials will not be accepted beyond 1 day of
delay. Participants must submit four hard copies of each side (total eight copies) at the time of
registration at venue.
A. Once the memorials have been submitted, no revisions, supplements, or additions will be
B. The memorials have to be submitted on typed A4 size paper (printed on one side only) and they
must contain:
I. The table of contents
II. The index of authorities
III. The statement of jurisdiction
IV. The statement of facts (1 page only and argumentative statement of facts would attract
V. The statement of issues
VI. The summary of arguments (not more than 1 page)
VII. The arguments advanced (not more than 15 pages)
VIII. The prayer
a. The font size should be 12 (doubles space) and for footnotes it should be 10 (single space) and double
space between two-foot notes. Uniform font size should be used throughout the memorial.
b. Footnoting to conform to The Bluebook: A uniform system of citation (21st edition) and ILI Rules of
Footnoting. Non-Compliance will result in a penalty of 1 mark per page. Substantive/ speaking
footnotes are strictly prohibited.
c. The memorial must have a margin measuring one inch on all sides of each page.
d. The page numbering should be on the top right side of each page.
e. Covers must be placed on briefs as follows:

j. The cover page of the memorial must state the following;

1. The cause title;
2. Identify brief as Petitioners / Applicant / Respondents as is applicable;
3. Team Code (on the top right corner).
k. Identity of the institution shall not be revealed anywhere in the memorial. Violation of this provision
shall result in penalties including disqualification. The Administrator’s decision shall be final.
l. The teams may share a separate paper book (compendium), which will carry all the annexure and
case laws that have been referred to in the memorial. The paper book will have a white cover.

a. Each team will get a total of 30 minutes to present their case. This time will include rebuttal and sur-
rebuttal time.
b. Preliminary round will be held on 4th November, 2022. Quarter finals will also be held on 4th
November 2022;
c. The division of time is at the discretion of the team members, subject to a maximum of 15 minutes per
speaker. Division of time shall be informed to the court officer before arguments begin.
d. The oral arguments shall be confined to the issues presented in the memorials.
e. Passing of notes to the speakers by the researcher during the rounds is allowed. It is however to be
done discretely so as to not to disrupt the court proceedings.
f. The researcher shall sit with the speakers at the time of the orals.

a. Each team will get 45 minutes to present their case that will include rebuttal and sur-rebuttal time.
b. The division of time is at the discretion of the team, with a maximum of 25 minutes per speaker.
c. The oral arguments need not be confined to the issues presented in the memorials.
d. The researcher shall sit with the speakers at the time of the orals.
e. Semifinal rounds and Final round will be held on 5th November 2022.

Results of the preliminary rounds shall be announced after the completion of rounds of all the teams.
Similarly, the results of the Quarter-Final/Semi-Final Rounds shall be announced after completion of the
rounds of all qualified teams of respective rounds. The results of the Final Round shall be announced during
the Valedictory Ceremony.

Teams will not be allowed to observe the orals of any other teams. Scouting is strictly prohibited. Scouting by
any of the team members shall result in disqualification.

A. Orals
The parameters for judging the oral presentation on a scale of 0 – 100 points are:
a. Knowledge of facts;
b. Logic and reasoning;
c. Organization and clarity;
d. Persuasiveness;
e. Deference to the court;
f. Proper and articulate analysis of the issues arising out of facts;
g. Understanding of the legal principles directly applicable to the issues;
h. Ability to explain clearly the legal principles in general keeping to the time allotted;
i. Knowledge and use of legal sources and authorities and general principles of national law;
j. Ingenuity (ability to argue by analogy from related aspects of law).
B. Written Submissions (Memorials)
a. The memorials shall be marked on a scale of 1-100 points each.
b. Any revisions, supplements or additions to the memorials after submission shall attract severe
penalties subject to the discretion of the National Administrator.
c. Award of the points shall be based on the following parameters:
n Neatness, legibility, no typographical errors or format errors;

n Logical progression of ideas;

n Effective use of headings to outline arguments;

n Understanding essential legal issues presented;

n Focus on essential (not collateral) issues;

n Clear, concise and unambiguous writing style;

n Forceful and persuasive presentation;

n Integration of facts into legal argument;

n Understanding of strengths and weaknesses of case;

n Discussion of viable alternative arguments;

n Understanding and analysis of authority;

n Proper use of citations and citation form;

n Effective use of authority to support arguments;

n Ability to distinguish adverse cases.

d. Non- compliance of the rules mentioned in Clause VII above shall attract severe penalties.

1. Winning team – Rs. 31000/-

2. Runner up team – Rs. 21000/-
3. Best Memorial – Rs. 11000/-
4. Best Student Speaker – Rs. 11000/-
5. Best Researcher- Rs. 11000/-
In addition to the above awards, plaques and certificates are given to other categories of winners all
participants will be awarded participation certificates.

a. Student counsel may introduce her/himself to the court in the usual manner and may also state
her/his names. However, the team's college / institution affiliation may not be mentioned at any time
before the awards ceremony.
b. Further, all team members, coaches, advisors, and observers shall refrain from identifying a team’s
school at any time and in any manner, including, but not limited to, wearing any identifying items,
such as school clothing, ties, patches, or pins or carrying identifying material (such as a book with a
college logo, or college seal).
The decision of the Organizers in consultation with the judges shall be final and binding.

a. The copyright over the memorials submitted for participation in the competition is assigned by
participants and shall also vest completely and fully with University Institute of Legal Studies,
Chandigarh University, in lieu of waiver of competition registration fees. The participants shall certify
in writing the originality of materials contained therein and shall be responsible for any claim or
dispute arising out of the further use and exhibition of these materials.
b. Further use and exhibition of these materials, electronically or otherwise, shall be the exclusive right of
Chandigarh University and they shall not be responsible for any liability to any person for any loss
caused by errors or omissions in this collection of information, or for the accuracy, completeness, or
adequacy of the information contained in these materials.
c. Distribution of these materials on affiliated websites such as does not constitute consent
to any use of this material for commercial redistribution either via the Internet or using some other
form of hypertext distribution. Links to the collection or individual pages in it are welcome.
1. Kriti D/o Manjinder of Village Sardoolpur, P.S. Sardoolpur, District Patiala fell in love with one
Jitesh S/o Ravinder of Village Makboolpur, District Patiala, which was adjoining to the village
Sardoolpur. Both of them had studied together since their school time and were also classmates
while pursuing their graduation degree.
2. On 25.12.2021, Jitesh went to the home of Kriti in order to inform about a forthcoming college event
which he intended to participate in along with her. Finding Kriti alone at home, Jitesh took
advantage of the fact and committed rape upon her. Furthermore, Jitesh recorded the whole
grisly incidence with his personal mobile device.
3. Kriti warned Jitesh on 25.12.2021, 27.12.2021 and 30.12.2021 that she's going to inform and intimate
her parents about the gruesome incidence and would adopt legal way in order to restore her
dignity and modesty. On these repeated warnings, Jitesh got furious and started hurling life
threats to Kriti and also stated that he would publish the photographs and videos of the Act of
committing rape on social media platforms as well as pornographic websites.

4. Being apprehensive of the social and personal consequences which might accrue from
publication of the incidence on social media platforms and the pornographic websites, Kriti
became scared and Jitesh took advantage of the same. Between 01.01.2022 till 15.02.2022, Jitesh
repeatedly kept on threatening Kriti on the same ground and maintained physical intimacy
several times on the said pretext.
5. On 01.03.2022, Jitesh once again called Kriti to meet her at their common friend's place, to which
Kriti denied at the outset. On this, Jitesh got furious and created a fake profile on a popular social
media platform Fapbook with Kriti's name. By the evening of 01.03.2022, Jitesh added as many as
1000 people in the said account and published obscene, objectionable, salacious and lewd
photographs of Kriti on the said Fapbook profile of the incidence of 25.12.2021.
6. In the morning of 02.03.2022, Jitesh further published the videos of the incidence of on a 25.12.2021
pornographic website – In about a week's duration, the said photos posted
on Fapbook and the video published on went viral. Kriti got to know about
the publication of the said objectionable photographs and videos on 10.03.2022 and she suffered
severe mental trauma and agony.The parents of Kriti who were from orthodox and rudimentary
mindset couldn't tolerate such incidence. They announced social boycott of their daughter and
cut all social ties with her. The authorities of Shanti Niketan College, where Kriti was pursuing her
graduation degree were also concerned about the social image and reputation of the College
and therefore suspended Kriti from College on 15.03.2022.
7. With the help of some of her close friends, Kriti got registered an FIR against Jitesh on 20.03.2022
at P.S. Sardoolpur, District Patiala where she narrated the whole incidence. The FIR was lodged
against Jitesh under sections 376, 292, 465, 469, 509 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 read with Sections
66, 66(C), 67, 67(A) of the Information Technology Act, 2000.
8. Since Jitesh got to know about the registration of FIR against him, he has been absconding and
no arrest has yet been affected. In fact, Jitesh had also previously approached the respective High
Court of Punjab and Haryana seeking for anticipatory bail on 18.03.2022, which was denied.
9. In the meantime, Kriti became extremely conscious of the fact that mere filing of the FIR against
Jitesh would not restore her dignity back as the trial would take months to commence and
further years to conclude. She became apprehensive that the publication of her obscene and
objectionable photographs and videos on various platforms will continue to traumatize, haunt
her, and will dent her future perspectives in all domains of life.
10. On 02.04.2022, Kriti approached the Hon'ble Supreme Court with a Prayer that necessary
directions be issued to the concerned Social Media Platform and the Website to delete all the
obscene photographs and videos involving her and more importantly to recognize 'Right to be
forgotten' as an explicit Fundamental Right within the scope and ambit of Article 21 of the Indian
11. The Hon'ble Supreme Court admitted the petition and framed the following issues:
1. Whether Right to be Forgotten can be seen as an essential aspect in the modern-day tech
oriented and IT driven world and be granted the status of a Fundamental Right within the
scope and boundaries of Right to Life and Personal Liberty?
2. Whether the Social Media platform Fapbook and the Website be
directed to remove any objectionable content posted and available on the said platforms
involving or including Ms. Kriti?
3. Whether there is a need to sensitize the unprecedented escalation of insensitive behavior of
the social media and other web platforms from removal of objectionable content concerning
victims of cyber-crimes?
4. To what extent does Right to Privacy and Right to be Forgotten differ from each other and
whether Right to be forgotten could be included within the domain and scope of Right to
Privacy or not?
Head of the Department, B.A. LL.B., UILS

Executive Director UILS

Head of the Department, B. Com. LL.B., UILS

Director(Additional), UILS
Prof. (Dr.) O. P. Midha, Director (Additional), UILS

Head of the Department, LL.B. & LL.M., UILS

Head of the Department, B.B.A LL.B., UILS +91-9041531646

Head of the Department, B.A. LL.B., UILS

Head of the Department, B. Com. LL.B., UILS


Director (Additional), UILS


Head of the Department, LL.B. & LL.M., UILS

Head of the Department, B.B.A LL.B., UILS

For any queries kindly E-mail, us at:

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