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Music8 - q4 - Melcs - 4 5 & 6 RTP

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Learning Activity Sheet
Quarter 4 – MELCs 4, 5 & 6
Asian Musical Theater:
My Improvised Performance


Music 8
Activity Sheet No. 4,5 & 6
First Edition, 2021

Published in the Philippines

By the Department of Education
Region 6 – Western Visayas

Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of
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This Learning Activity Sheet is developed by DepEd Region 6 – Western Visayas.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this learning resource may be reproduced or

transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical without written permission
from the DepEd Regional Office 6 – Western Visayas.

Development Team of Learning Activity Sheet

Writer: Ma. Liza A. Bersabal Cristy H. Gahaton
Eunice B. Venancio Shiela Mae C. Pimentel
Content Editor: Selfa Mae Toledo Rosemarie B. Osan
Reviewers: Felicito A. Bocala
Dorislyn T. Bellosillo
Lay-out Artist: Genica B. Alaban Laurence U. Dadivas
Jessie B. Balgos
Schools Division Quality Assurance Team:
Reviewers: Ronie C. Reteracion
Shirley A. De Juan
Division Management Team:
Salvador O. Ochavo, Jr.
Jose Niro R. Nillasca
Segundina F. Dollete
Shirley A. De Juan
Ronie C. Reteracion
Regional Management Team:
Ramir B. Uytico
Pedro T. Escobarte, Jr.
Elena P. Gonzaga
Donald T. Genine
Celestino Dalumpines IV
Athea Landar

Printed in the Philippines ______________________

Department of Education – Region VI

Office Address: Duran Street, Iloilo City

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Introductory Message

Welcome to Grade 8 Music Activity Sheets!

The Learning Activity Sheet for Grade 8 Music is a product of the collaborative
efforts of the Schools Division of Capiz and DepEd Regional Office VI - Western Visayas
through the Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD). This is developed
to guide the learning facilitators (teachers, parents and responsible adults) in helping the
learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum.
The Learning Activity Sheet is self-directed instructional materials aimed to guide
the learners in accomplishing activities at their own pace and time using the
contextualized resources in the community. This will also assist the learners in acquiring
the lifelong learning skills, knowledge and attitudes for productivity and employment.

For learning facilitator:

The Learning Activity Sheet for Grade 8 Music will help you facilitate the
teaching-learning activities specified in each Most Essential Learning Competency
(MELC) with minimal or no face-to-face encounter between you and learner. This will be
made available to the learners with the references/links to ease the independent learning.

For the learner:

The Activity Sheet for Grade 8 Music is developed to help you continue learning
even if you are not in school. This learning material provides you with meaningful and
engaging activities for independent learning. Being an active learner, carefully read and
understand the instructions then perform the activities and answer the assessments. This
will be returned to your facilitator on the agreed schedule.

Name of Learner:



Asian Musical Theater: My Improvised Performance

I. Learning Competency with Code

● Improvises appropriate sound for performance of a chosen Asian traditional

musical form and theatrical form. (MU8TH-IVb-h-7)
● Performs selection/s from chosen Asian musical theater; and
● Evaluates music and music performances using guided rubrics applying
knowledge of musical elements and style. (MU8TH-IVc-h-8)

II. Background Information for Learners

Why some of us turn to music in times of crisis? Some of us have turned to music
during the coronavirus crisis. Being confined in our homes, some of us are missing normal
social support from friends and family and our freedom to control our day-to-day lives.
For some creating music provides a means to regain control.
Rhythm is all around us. We experience it in our daily lives. As the sun rises and
sets each day, we see patterns of recurring movements. This lesson will provide learners
foundation for improvisation and musical creativity. It takes a lot of patience and practice
to be consistent in performing a steady rhythm. The basic method by which you can learn
rhythm is by clapping or tapping a steady beat or a combination of notes and rest patterns
called rhythmic pattern.
One of the basic units of rhythm is called beat. A clear perception of the concept
of beat will enable us to understand fully time in music. Beats are regular recurring
physical pulses that divided time into units of equal length. In your experiences, you have
responded to it through clapping your hands, nodding your head, snapping your fingers,
or swaying your hips.
This rhythm as one of the elements of music is present in the music of all Asian
Musical Theatre performances such as: Peking Opera, Kabuki and Wayang Kulit.
Peking Opera in China is the most dominant form of Chinese Opera. Certain story
types are accompanied by specific types of music, which may include arias, percussion
patterns, and fixed tune melodies. Fixed –tune melodies are familiar melodies to which a
composer adds new words for a specific opera or story.

Kabuki Theatre in Japan music often looks to represent natural sounds, and the
sounds of life, through percussion, wind and stringed instruments. All of the rhythms are
‘ma’ based and silence is an important part of the songs.
Wayang Kulit in Indonesia uses gamelan orchestra as a vital accompaniment for
Wayang Kulit performance.

III. References:
● Music and Art of Asia; Teachers Module Grade 8, pages
● MAPEH-A Work text in Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health
● Enjoy Life with MUSIC and ARTS Textbook, pages 56-57
● Music & Arts of Asia Learner’s Module pages 144-164
IV. Pre-Assessment:

A. “Fix Me!”
Directions: Arrange the jumbled letters to form the correct answer using the clues
below. Write your answer on the space provided before each number or in
a separate sheet of paper.

___________1 P K I N G E P O E R A - It is the most dominant form of Chinese

opera story types. It is accompanied by specific types of music,
which may include arias, percussion patterns, and fixed tune
___________2. B T E A S- It is a regular recurring physical pulse that divided time
into units of equal length. In your experiences, you have responded to
it through clapping your hands, nodding your head, snapping your
fingers, or swaying your hips.
___________3. U I K A B K T R H A T R E -Theatre in Japan music often looks to
represent natural sounds, and the sounds of life, through percussion,
wind and stringed instruments.
___________4. Y A W G N A L I T U K - It uses gamelan orchestra as a vital
accompaniment during its performance.
___________5 R Y T M H I C P T T E R A N - It is a combination of notes and rest

V. Activity Proper (Individual Activity)


1. Choose only one (1) Asian traditional music form below and perform it with
any of your family members.
2. You are highly encouraged to use materials that can be found at home or in
your environment. Examples are woods, scraps of leather, bamboo, strips of
roofing materials, tin cans, spoon and fork, pebbles and bottles. There are
suggested materials to use provided on each Asian musical form. It does not
matter if it will not look exactly as the instrument what matters is the closeness
of the sound of the improvised one to its actual sound. Be creative and
resourceful as you can be.
3. Perform the rhythmic pattern/ accompaniment as seen in the given Asian
musical form.
4. Watch and follow the demonstration links provided on each Asian traditional
musical form you have selected.
5. After mastering the rhythmic pattern take a video of your performance and
upload it to Google drive link that your teacher will provide. You may also
send it via fb messenger or email account of your teacher whichever is


Reference: Music and Arts Textbook, Grade 8, page 157

See link:

Time signature: 2


Reference: Music and Arts Textbook, Grade 8, page 157

See link:

Time Signature: 4

C. “HIT the MO LI HUA” A traditional Chinese song with a beautifully gentle and
lyrical melody.

Reference: MAPEH III, A Work text in Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health, page 20
See link:

Time 4 signature:

Very Good Good Average Needs Points
Criteria (25 pts.) (21pts.) (19 pts.) Improvement
(15 pt.)
All of the Majority of the Some of the None of the
Following the instructions were instructions were instructions were instructions were
instructions followed. followed. followed. followed

The beat is The beat is secure The beat is The beat is

Rhythm secure and the and rhythms are somewhat erratic. usually erratic
rhythms are mostly accurate. Some rhythms are and rhythms are
accurate for the There are few accurate. Frequent seldom accurate
style of music. errors. or repeated duration detracting
errors. significantly.
Style / The performance The performance is The performance is The performance
Interpretation is very clear and generally clear and fairly executed with is not clear and
perfectly properly executed. some not well
executed. inconsistencies. executed.
Overall Performs with Performs with Performs with some Performs with
Performance great amount of adequate energy, energy, focus, little energy,
energy, focus, focus, intensity and intensity and focus, intensity
intensity and confidence confidence. and confidence.

Description points:
Highest Possible Score: 100 pts.
Equivalent Rating: Very Good: 80-100 pts. 95; Good:60-79 pts.= 85;
Average : 30-59 pts.=80; Needs Improvement: 20-29 pts.=75

VI. Reflection:
1. What have you learned about performing rhythm patterns using your
improvised instruments?

2. How would you describe the rhythm patterns of Kabuki to Peking Opera and
Wayang Kulit?

VI. Alternative Activity for Learner’s without internet connection.

Directions: Recall on what you have learned about the Music Notations, notes
and rests values.
A. Identify the notes and rests on the diagram. Write the name and value of each
note and rest on the box provided.











B. Read and analyze the “Sakura” music in 4 time signature. Give the value.
of each note and clap the rhythmic pattern.

Musical Piece credits to

VI. Alternative Activity for learners
without internet connection
Notes Rests Value
1. whole note, whole rest= 4 beats
2. half note, half rest= 2beats Pre – Assessment
3. quarter note. quarter rest= 1 beat 1. Peking Opera
4. eighth note, eighth rest= ½ beat 2. beat/s
5. sixteenth note, sixteenth rest= ¼ beat 3. Kabuki Theatre
4. Wayang Kulit
B. Answers of students may vary
5. rhythmic pattern
Answer Key:

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