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IELTS Practice

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Sample Task Descriptions:

1. Prevention is better than cure. Do you agree or disagree that out of the country’s health
budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health
education and preventive measures?

The nation is allocating a particular portion of its budget to the healthcare industry at a
particular period. Some people think that rather than treatments, a sizable percentage
of the cash ought to go into health promotion and preventative initiatives. This essay
will examine how prevention is preferable to potential treatments.

People will be better equipped to choose healthy lifestyles thanks to health education,
which will obviate the need for future medical emergencies and treatments. A healthy
lifestyle will have a good snowball impact on future generations of people. If these
programs are implemented properly, they may become ingrained in people's minds and
behaviors, requiring just gentle reminders instead of substantial education in the future.
Japanese people, for example, continue to follow their healthy diet and suffer fewer
nutritional illnesses despite the rising popularity of fast food and cases of obesity.

Furthermore, preventive measures are easier and less expensive to do compared to

expensive treatments later on. With the proper implementation and guidance of these
health programs for the citizens, they will benefit not only the health sector but also the
economic sector of the country. A study shows that Denmark focused their health
programs on educating and enriching their citizens' healthy lifestyles, resulting in fewer
physical, mental, and behavioral illnesses among their people. Lastly, the government is
investing effectively in their citizens' health, which is beneficial to the country’s future.

One may conclude that the government must focus the majority of their health budget
on education and preventive measures to be able to lead their people to a healthy
lifestyle. Subsequently, these programs will save them a large proportion of the budget
later on.

2. Do you agree or disagree that the effects of increased global tourism are to be more likely
harmful than beneficial?

A – beneficial
Tourism boost economy and create jobs – beneficial to the people
Tourism if managed properly can regulate resources rather than being exploited by big
companies – beneficial to the environment
3. Modern high technology is transforming the way we work and is of benefit to all of society.
Do you agree or disagree?
4. Do you agree or disagree that using animals to test safety of cosmetic or drugs used for
medical reason is never acceptable.
5. Education is required as vital to the future of any society in today’s world. Governments
throughout the world should make education compulsory for all children between ages 5
and 15. Do you agree or disagree?
6. Instead of teaching a broad range of subjects, schools should just focus on those necessary
for a given profession. Which do you prefer?
7. Popular events like the football world cup and other international sporting occasions are
essential in easing international tensions and releasing patriotic emotions in a safe way. Do
you agree or disagree?
8. Without capital punishment (death penalty), our lives are less secure and crimes of violence
increase. Capital punishment is essential to control violence in society. Do you agree or
9. Do you agree or disagree that it is almost impossible for women to have a successful career
as well as having the fill responsibility of raising a family.
10. Some people feel that the responsibility for providing education should be borne only by the
government and that private education should be banned. Do you agree or disagree?
11. Creative artists should always be given the freedom to express their own ideas (in words,
pictures, music, film) in whichever way they wish. There should be no government
restrictions on what they do. Do you agree or disagree?
12. The position of women has changed markedly in the last twenty years. Do you agree or
disagree that many of the problems young people now experience, such as juvenile
delinquency, arise from the fact that many married women now work and are not at home
to care for their children.
13. Many countries have now banned smoking in public places. Some people feel that
government should ban smoking entirely. Do you agree or disagree?
14. Attendance is regularly checked in many colleges and universities. But some state
universities do not consider attendance as important arguing that passing the course is
more important. Which do you think is better?
15. Government is spending money on improving roads and highways. However, NGO's purpose
that government should improve public transportation such as buses, trains and subways
instead of concreting roads. Which do you prefer more?
16. Some prefer travelling with companions. Others prefer to travel alone. Which do you think is
17. Space travel is one of the priorities of advanced countries realizing the significance of the
exploration. However, third world countries prefer to address the basic needs of their people
rather than engaging in space discoveries. Which is the more important priority? Give your
reasons to support your answer.
18. Children are encouraged to play during their first five years and attend school only when
they turn six years old. Recently, kids, as young as three years old, already go to school to
make good use of their time. Do you agree or disagree with this trend? Give reasons to
support your answers.
19. The world is consuming natural resources faster that they can be renewed. Therefore it is
important that products are made to last. Government should discourage people from
constantly buying more up to date and fashionable products. Do you agree or disagree?
20. Forests are lungs of the earth. Destruction of the world's forests amount to death of the
world we currently know. Do you agree or disagree?
21. Coins and paper money will soon be replace by credit and bank cards. Do you agree or
disagree that eventually we will have a cashless society which will be safer and more
convenient for everyone?
22. Going overseas for university study is an exciting prospect for many people. But while it
may offer some advantages, it is probably better to stay home because of the difficulties a
student inevitably encounters living and studying in a different culture. To what extent do
you agree or disagree with this statement and give your opinion?  
23. In order to learn a language well, it is also needed to know the country’s culture and
lifestyle. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement and give your
24. The government is responsible in giving free education both in the primary and secondary
levels. However, parents feel that it is better to send their children to private schools even if
public school education is for free because of the quality of education in private schools. To
what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement and give your opinion?
25. Public libraries should not be maintained anymore since we already have computer
technology. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement and give your
26. Shortage in housing causes severe social consequences. The government should act on this
alone. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your opinion. 
27. Training for work is far more important that providing a broad-based education. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
28. People prefer to live in urban areas. But many others prefer staying in rural lands saying
that life there is peaceful. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
29. People find hand-made products creative. But, people still buy machine-made products
because of their durability. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
30. Asking for the advice of others is a common thing to do. However, deciding on your own is
better because it leaves you no one to blame for the decision you made.  To what extent do
you agree or disagree?
31. Failure is a proof that the desire is not strong enough. To what extent do you agree or
32. The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace. Nuclear power provides cheap and
clean energy. The benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
33. Fatherhood ought to be emphasized as much as motherhood. The idea that women are
solely responsible for whether or not to have babies leads on to the idea that they are also
responsible for bringing the children up. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

34. Governments need to control the environment rather than controlling the industry, as
companies already control resources very efficiently. To what extent do you agree or
35. Almost three-quarters of the population of the developed world live in towns and cities,
whereas around two-thirds of the developing world lives in rural areas. The developed world
should lead by example and not insist that aid to third world is used to develop rural areas.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
36. More and more students are choosing to study at colleges and universities in foreign
countries. Do the benefits of studying abroad outweigh the drawbacks?
37. Directors and managers of organizations are often older people. Some people say that it is
better for younger people to be leaders. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
38. In some countries, more and more adults are continuing to live with their parents for years
after they completed their education and even when they found a job. Do the advantages
outweigh the disadvantages?
39. Companies do major sporting events to promote their products. Some people believe that it
has a negative effect to sports in general. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 

Sporting event draws a lot of attention across the globe. Hence, a lot of major
companies take advantage of these events to promote their products therefore some
people believe that this brings negative effect to sports. This essay will discuss why I
agree that over commercializing a sporting event harms the sports in general.

Companies advertise false claims about their product that links to sports this will lead to
people believing that in order to perform better in a particular sport, they must take a
specific product.—

In addition, the focus of the sporting event divert to the products they advertise rather
than the real essence of the sports occasion which are sportsmanship, camaraderie,
teamwork and healthy lifestyle. --

Admittedly, these sporting event may help one’s company to boost its sales and later
help the economy. However, people tend to believe those false advertisement they see
especially when the companies go overboard in order to highlight their products.

Based on the information given, there are negative effects that companies provide
when they promote their products on a major sporting events. They tend to inculcate
false advertisement about their product and the sport that many people may believe on
its claims. Lastly, these promotions may draw the attention of the public away from the
true essence of the sporting event.


Sample Task Descriptions:

1. Some people think that personal happiness is directly related to economic success. Others
argue that happiness depends on completely different factors. Discuss both views and give
your opinion. 
2. Advertisements put pressure on children to buy objects like food and toys. Parents are
blaming advertisements for the change in behaviour among children but the advertisers say
that they provide useful information. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 
3. Should the government continue to fund various kinds of artist like musicians, painters and
poets or not anymore? Discuss both views and give your opinion. 
4. Some people say that health care and education should be the responsibility of the
government but others think that it is the responsibility of the individuals themselves.
Discuss both views and give your opinion. 
5. Governments should not be expected to take sole responsibility for reducing the number of
road accidents; individual should also share this responsibility. Discuss both views and give
your opinion?

The responsibility for decreasing road accidents lies solely with the government, as other
people believe, while others include individuals. This essay will discuss why I believe that
both the government and its citizens play equal roles in reducing motor vehicular accidents.

Government has the responsibility to implement road rules and regulation. Moreover, they
also responsible in instilling fines and punishment for those who violated these rules. --

On the other hand, individuals have the responsibility to follow the rules and regulation.
Nevertheless, individuals also must partake in looking out for other people if they or they
are not following traffic rules and regulations. --

From my own perspective, both sectors namely the government and the people, plays key
role in successful reduction of road traffic accidents. If one of them do not practice their
part in implementing and following traffic rules and regulation, the system will not be as
effective as it meant to be.

Based on the information given, there are specific roles and responsibility that an individual
and their government partake. Implementation of the traffic rules and responsibility lies to
the government while the initiative to follow it goes to each individual. Hence, the effectivity
of the system depends on both sectors.

6. The government prescribes six years of study for elementary education. Some private
schools require seven years saying this gives the students more training and the competitive
edge. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
7. Some say that knowledge from experience is better than knowledge gained from books.
Some say it is the other way around. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
8. Eating at restaurants is convenient for many people. But some prefer eating at home
because it is much cheaper. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
9. Attending classes offer a number of advantages. Still, many others want a tutor so they are
given more attention.  Discuss both views and give your opinion.
10. People enjoy their income by spending for themselves. Others say that it is better to save
money for future use. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
11. Working by day is favourable to many. However, some choose to work by night because of
the night differential pay. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
12. Most people like to do what they already do well. Others prefer to try new things and take
risks. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
13. True-to-life stories are popular because of their realistic orientation. Yet, fiction stories
continue to be patronized even if people know they are make-believe. Discuss both views
and give your opinion.
14. Family should be the most influential institution. Today, peers have replaced the family in
performing this function. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
15. Studying on your own allows you to concentrate more. Group study is becoming popular
nowadays because friends get to help one another and spend more time together. Discuss
both views and give your opinion.
16. Tourism is becoming increasingly important as a source of revenue to many countries but it
is disadvantages should not be overlooked. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
17. Settling into a new culture can be extremely difficult. Although some culture shock is
inevitable, there are a number of ways to make living overseas much easier. Discuss both
views and give your opinion.
18. Owning a car is very convenient. Nowadays, it has become a burden due to increase of oil
price. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


Sample Task Descriptions:

1. In the future, natural resources such as coal and oil will be used up. How can we save our
resources? What alternative forms of energy are available? 
2. People today move to new cities or new countries more than ever before. What challenges
do they experience? What strategies are there to meet these challenges? 

The challenges in immigrating to another place or country are the cultural differences
and building your core group or family.

Furthermore, one of the strategies to overcome these challenges is to be open and

immerse in new culture and tradition without losing their own identity. -- In addition, to
find one’s pack among the strangers and in order for them to survive these
adjustments, they should join or attend programs that is within their interest. Hence,
they can meet new people that shares their interest and at the same time, gain new
friends and peers that can help though these challenges.

3. University lecturers are now able to put their lectures on the internet for students to read
and so the importance of attending face to face lectures has been reduced. Do you believe
the use of internet in formal education is a good idea? What future effects will internet have
on academic study? 
4. The world is experiencing a dramatic increase in population. This is causing problems not
only for poor, undeveloped countries, but also for industrialized and developing nations.
Describe some of the problems that overpopulation causes, and suggest at least one
possible solution. 
5. The percentage of overweight children in western society has increased by almost 20% in
the last ten years. Discuss the possible causes and effects of this disturbing trend and offer
a solution. 
6. Many old buildings are protected by law because they are part of a nation's history.
However, some people think old buildings should be knocked down to make way for new
ones because people need houses and offices. How important is it to maintain old buildings?
Should history stand in the way of progress? 
7. What are the factors that contribute to job satisfaction? How realistic is job satisfaction? 
8. Today, there is insufficient respect to the elderly by the younger individuals. What do you
think are the reasons? What are its effects to the society? 
9. New employees lack the basic interpersonal skills such as teamwork. Give reasons and
10. Despite more access to education, there are still adults who cannot read and write. What
are the disadvantages without this skill? What can the government do to solve this
11. In this modern world. People can go to the bank and have business without face to face
interaction anymore. What are the effects of this to the individuals and to the society? What
is your opinion? 
12. Most countries offer two education systems from which parents can select the form of
schooling which most suits their own child. Compare and contrast state-run and private-
owned schools in your own country.
13. People in all modern societies use drugs, but today's youth are experimenting with both
legal and illegal drugs, and at an increasingly young age. Some sociologists claim that
parents and other members of society often set a bad example. Discuss the causes and
some effects of widespread drug use by young people in modern day society. Make any
recommendations you feel are necessary to help fight youth drug abuse. 
14. Because of the pressure of new subjects such as business studies, many schools have
dropped sports or physical education (PE) from the curriculum. How important are sports or
PE in a young person's education? Should PE or sports be taken out of the curriculum?
15. One of the most serious problems that cities now face is crime. Why are crime rates
increasing in cities? What are the most effective measures to tackle crime in urban areas?
16. Discuss the importance of preserving the culture and tradition to the present generation.
17. Technology has changed the way people lived. What are the benefits of technology to
humanity? Compare and contrast technology now and before. 

Government is spending money on improving roads and highways. However,

NGO's purpose that government should improve public transportation such
as buses, trains and subways instead of concreting roads. Which do you
prefer more?
The government allot national budget on roads and highways improvement while non-
government organizations believe that it should be allocated on improving public
transportation. This essay will discuss that money should be spent in improving roads and
highways to promote better transportation

Highways and roads are the blood line of one’s nation. It is the system that makes the nation’s
economy alive therefore, maintaining and improving it will help a country and its citizen thrive
simultaneously. For example, the road of first a world country compared to a developing
country delivers more product then serves citizen effectively. However, if it is full of sink hole
and a like, it will take one’s trip slower and ineffective.

In addition, road improvement will benefit majority of the citizen. Not only the people who are
taking public transports, but also the one who are using their private vehicles. More citizen will
enjoy its benefit and succeed in its own industry. Working class that takes public utility vehicles
will equally benefit a working class that uses their own cars.

Lastly, this development will last for the long run. With proper maintenance and management,
this project may serve future generations to come. Take the sophisticated road that early
civilizations made that are still present today, it still serves its people in taking goods and
products from one place to another.

One may conclude that the path that the public takes are a key factor in improving the nations
transportation system. It is the core in transportation system, It will benefit the majority and
will last for a long period of time.

The government spends a national budget on improving roads and highways, but non-
governmental organizations believe that it should be spent on improving public transportation.
This essay will discuss whether money should be spent on improving roads and highways to
promote better transportation.

The backbone of any country is its network of roads and highways. The system is what drives
the country's economy forward. Therefore, preserving and enhancing it will contribute to the
prosperity of both a nation and its people. For instance, first-world countries' highways are
more efficient at serving their residents and delivering more goods than those of poorer
nations. The trip will be slower and less efficient if it is littered with sinkholes and the like.
Additionally, the vast majority of people will profit from improved roads. Not only the people
who are taking public transport, but also those who are using their private vehicles. More
citizens will enjoy its benefits and succeed in their own industry. A working class that takes
public utility vehicles will equally benefit a working class that uses their own cars.

Lastly, this development will last for the long run. With proper maintenance and management,
this project may serve future generations to come. Take the sophisticated roads that early
civilizations built that are still present today. They still serve their people in taking goods and
products from one place to another.

One may conclude that the path that the public takes is a key factor in improving the nation's
transportation system. It is the core of the transportation system, It will benefit the majority
and will last for a long period of time.
The pie charts depicts the mean percentages of sodium, saturated fats and added sugars in
common meals eaten in United States of America. Meals are differentiated into four categories
namely breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.

Sodium is consumed nearly half of its percentages during dinner. Almost a third of it is taken in
lunchtime. Moreover, both breakfast and snacks has equal amount of sodium intake by 14%.

Subsequently, dinner also takes most of the saturated fat than any other meals by 37%. Lunch
and Snacks consumes this specific fats more than a fifth of its percentage, 26% and 21%
consecutively. During breakfast is when a person intake least saturated fat among any other

Lastly, added sugar are taken mostly during snacks by an average of 42%. It is consumed a little
more than the fifth during dinner by 23% while consumes least during lunch and breakfast with
an average of 19% and 16% consecutively.

Overall, both sodium and saturated fats were consumed by the people living in USA greatly
during dinner and least during breakfast. Whereas, added sugar is taken highly during snacks
and also least during breakfast.
The pie charts depict the mean percentages of sodium, saturated fats and added sugars in
common meals eaten in the United States of America. Meals are differentiated into four
categories, namely breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.

Sodium is consumed in nearly half its proportion at dinner.Almost a third of it is taken at

lunchtime. Moreover, both breakfast and snacks have an equal amount of sodium intake of 14%.
Subsequently, dinner also takes most of the saturated fat, with any other meal by 37%. Lunch
and snacks consume this specific fat more than a fifth of its percentage, at 26% and 21%
consecutively. Breakfast contains the least amount of saturated fat of any meal.

Lastly, added sugar is consumed mostly during snacks, by an average of 42%. It is consumed
slightly more than the fifth at dinner (23%), while it is consumed the least at lunch and breakfast
(19% and 16%, respectively).

Overall, both sodium and saturated fats were consumed by the people living in the USA most
greatly during dinner and least greatly during breakfast. Whereas added sugar is consumed in
large quantities during snacks and in small quantities during breakfast.

Education is one of the basic right of every individual. Other people believe that university
students may choose the subjects they prefer while other thinks that they should only be
allowed to take subjects that can be useful in the future. This essay will discuss why I believe
that students should have a curriculum that will guide them on what to take in college.

Students have their freedom to choose what they plan to do with their life academically. If they
desire to take up a course that sparks their interest then there should not be a limit on what
the students want in college in order for them to strive on what they ought to be. Letting an
individual choose their subjects will retain their passion and interest to continue the course
ones took. For instance, almost all of the college students graduated because they maintain the
passion with the course they have and inspired themselves to finish their academe.

In contrast, for some people, these students must take necessary subjects that will equip them
to handle situations in the future one of which are science and technology that is said to be
useful in this modern age. They believe that there are part of these subjects that are applicable
in every course that is offered to the students at the university. For example, there are parts of
science and technology learnings in hotel, restaurant and management course offered at the
University of the Philippines.

From my own perspective, although students have every right to take the subject they have
interest on, they only have limited knowledge on what subjects they will be needing in the
future. Therefore, I believe that university students can have their desired courses and subjects
in addition to the basic necessary subjects such as related to science and technology that they
will need in the future endeavors.

Based on the information given, combination of the subject that will be useful in the future and
those that interests the students must be taken part of their curriculum at their university. This
will both retain their interest and equip them for the future after their academe.

Education is one of the basic rights of every individual. Other people believe that university
students may choose the subjects they prefer, while others think that they should only be allowed
to take subjects that can be useful in the future. This essay will discuss why I believe that
students should have a curriculum that will guide them on what to take in college.

Students have the freedom to choose what they plan to do with their lives academically. If they
desire to take up a course that sparks their interest, then there should not be a limit on what the
students want in college in order for them to strive for what they ought to be. Letting an
individual choose their subjects will retain their passion and interest to continue the course ones
took. For instance, almost all of the college students graduated because they maintained a
passion for the courses they were taking and inspired themselves to finish their education.

In contrast, for some people, these students must take necessary subjects that will equip them to
handle situations in the future, one of which is science and technology, which are said to be
useful in this modern age. They believe that there are parts of these subjects that are applicable to
every course that is offered to the students at the university. For example, there are parts of
science and technology learning in hotel, restaurant, and management courses offered at the
University of the Philippines.

From my perspective, while students have every right to take the subjects they want, they only
have a limited understanding of what subjects they will need in the future. Therefore, I believe
that university students can have their desired courses and subjects in addition to the basic
necessary subjects such as related to science and technology that they will need in the future

Based on the information given, a combination of the subjects that will be useful in the future
and those that interest the students must be taken as part of their curriculum at their university.
This will both retain their interest and equip them for the future after their academy.
The tables depict the number of sales of Fairtrade-labelled coffee and bananas in five european
countries. The data is presented in millions of euros and in between the year 1999 and 2004.
The sales of the Fairtrade-labelled coffee is notable increased among five countries. People in
the UK were fond of these coffee that makes a sale from 1.5 to 20 millions of euros which an
increase of 20 folds. Next is Switzerland which had a sale of 3 million euros and doubled to 6
million after 5 years. Only a fraction of millions of euros gained for this coffee in the country of
Denmark, Belgium and Sweden.

In contrast, banana have some development and fall in sales among 5 countries. It is popular
for locals in Switzerland with an increase of more than double its sales in 1999 compared to
2004. Banana sales also multiply by almost five and a half times in UK and Belgium respectively.
Making the former from 1 to 5.5 millions of euros while the latter from 0.6 to 4 millions of
euros respectively. Alternately, sales decrease in Sweden and Denmark with 1.8 to 1 and 2 to
0.9 millions of euros correspondingly.

Overall, coffee boost its sales among five countries especially for UK locals over the last 5 years.
However, banana sales only significantly increase in three countries especially in Switzerland
and slightly fall its sales in Sweden and Denmark.

The tables depict the number of sales of Fairtrade-labelled coffee and bananas in five european
countries. The data is presented in millions of euros and in between the year 1999 and 2004.

The sales of the Fairtrade-labelled coffee is notable increased among five countries. People in
the UK were fond of these coffee that makes a sale from 1.5 to 20 millions of euros which an
increase of 20 folds. Next is Switzerland, which had a sale of 3 million euros and doubled to 6
million after five years. Only a fraction of a million euros was gained for this coffee in the
countries of Denmark, Belgium, and Sweden.

Bananas, on the other hand, have seen some growth and a drop in sales across five countries. It
is popular with locals in Switzerland, with more than double its sales in 1999 compared to 2004.
Banana sales also multiply by almost five and a half times in the UK and Belgium, respectively.
Increasing the former from 1 to 5.5 million euros and the latter from 0.6 to 4 million euros.
Alternately, sales decreased in Sweden and Denmark by 1.8 to 1 and 2 to 0.9 million euros,

Overall, coffee boosted its sales among five countries, especially for UK locals, over the last 5
years. However, banana sales only significantly increased three countries especially in
Switzerland and slightly fell in Sweden and Denmark.
The environmental problems are major foreseeable crisis that one’s nation will eventually face.
Thus, some people believe that the current main environmental problem is due to the
extinction of particular species of plants and animals, while others say that there are beyond
environmental problem that is more vital. This essay will discuss why I believe that everything is
intertwined and equally important factors in the current environmental issues.

The loss of particular species of plants and animals can lead to disruption of the so called “circle
of life” as some people say. Their extinction will ripple its negative effects on the environment
because the biodiversity of the ecosystem depends on it. Therefore, it will cause major
environmental shift and problem. For instance, the falling number of bees in a particular place
in Europe causes a massive pest and issues in their agriculture. Little did they know that they
important creature in the pollination of their crops.

On the other hand, other important environmental issues such as deforestation, pollution
which leads to global warming are the major cause of the environmental problem according to
other people. These actions of humans brought major shifts and changes in earth’s atmosphere
that causes extreme weather changes. One of its example is the increase of carbon as a by-
product of human industrialization, hence puts a massive hole into the Ozone layer of the
Earth’s atmosphere.

Admittedly, both side have their own points and reasons however, in my own perspective, both
extinction of species and human interventions are equal contributing factors in the world’s
environmental problems. Moreover, both are included in the earth’s ecosystem that influence
each other.
Based on the information given, loss of particular species and plants as well as more
environmental problems are the major cause of environmental disasters that is happening
nowadays. Subsequently, both are equally vital in solving the matter.

Environmental problems are a major foreseeable crisis that a nation will eventually face. Thus,
some people believe that the current main environmental problem is due to the extinction of
particular species of plants and animals, while others say that there are other environmental
problems that are more vital. This essay will discuss why I believe that everything is intertwined
and equally important factors in the current environmental issues.

The loss of particular species of plants and animals can lead to disruption of the "circle of life",
as some people say. Their extinction will have ripple effects on the environment because the
biodiversity of the ecosystem depends on them. Therefore, it will cause major environmental
shifts and problems. For instance, the falling number of bees in a particular place in Europe
causes a massive pest and issues in their agriculture. Little did they know that they were
important creatures in the pollination of their crops.

On the other hand, other important environmental issues such as deforestation and pollution,
which lead to global warming, are the major causes of the environmental problem, according to
other people. These actions of humans have caused major shifts and changes in the earth’s
atmosphere that brings extreme weather changes. One of its examples is the increase of carbon as
a by-product of human industrialization, which puts a massive hole into the ozone layer of the
Earth’s atmosphere.

Admittedly, both sides have their own points and reasons. However, from my own perspective,
both the extinction of species and human interventions are equal contributing factors in the
world’s environmental problems. Moreover, both are included in the earth’s ecosystem and
influence each other.

Based on the information given, the loss of particular species and plants as well as more
environmental problems are the major causes of the environmental disasters that are happening
nowadays. Subsequently, both are equally vital in solving the matter.
The chart below depicts the country’s export values presented in billions of dollars from five
different categories during the year 2015 and 2016. Whereas, the table shows the average
changes in exports of each categories of the same year.

Export earnings for two consecutive years have notably minimal movement in all categories.
Petroleum products is around 60 billion dollars for two years followed by engineered goods
which rose from 57 billion dollars up to its same value. Subsequently, textile has the least
export among product categories while agricultural products remains the same. The former
stays in a little over 30 billion and the latter later leveled from 25 billion in the previous year.
Alternatively, gem and jewelry industry drops its exports by a billion.

Meanwhile, the movement are similar to the previous chart. Petroleum products and
engineered goods slightly improved by 3% and 8%, respectively. Whereas, Agricultural products
value only rose below 1 %. Alternately, Textiles drastically increased over 15% in contrast to
gems and jewelry which drops a little over 5%.

Overall, both data shows that petroleum products and later on, engineered goods are constant
contributor in export earning of the country while, Agricultural products and textile were the
least. Nonetheless, textile shows great percentage change in values while, gems and jewelry
performs oppositely.

The chart below depicts the country’s export values presented in billions of dollars from five
different categories during the years 2015 and 2016. whereas the table shows the average
changes in each category's exports for the same year. 

Export earnings for two consecutive years have notably had minimal movement in all categories.
Petroleum products were around 60 billion dollars for two years, followed by engineered goods,
which rose from 57 billion dollars to the same value. Subsequently, textiles have the least export
among product categories while agricultural products remain the same. The former stayed at a
little over 30 billion and the latter later leveled off from 25 billion in the previous year.
Alternatively, the gem and jewelry industry dropped its exports by a billion.

Meanwhile, the following table of product categories reflected the data from the previous chart.
Petroleum products and engineered goods slightly improved by 3% and 8%, respectively.
whereas agricultural products' value only rose by a fraction. Alternately, textiles drastically
increased by over 15%, in contrast to gems and jewelry, which dropped a little over 5%.

Overall, both data shows that petroleum products and, later on, engineered goods are constant
contributors to the export earnings of the country, while agricultural products and textiles were
the least. Nonetheless, textiles show a great percentage change in values, while gems and jewelry
perform oppositely.
Subjects in schools will equip students in facing the world outside the classroom. Some may say
that History is the most important subject in schools while, others state that Science and
Technology is most valuable. This essay will discuss that I believe that science and technology
are above history as the most important subject in schools.

Studying history will help an individual to understand what trends are happening and will
unfold in the future. Most of the current situations today had a similar story from other’s
history. Take economic inflation that is a current issue nowadays as an example, it has already
occurred in different era previously whenever there are major changes in economy among the
superior countries such as, USA, UK and China.

On the other hand, Science and technology is a timely and relevant subject as a modernized
everything in an individual’s life. It will explain, study and test every phenomena that is
happening everywhere. As science literally means to study, it is a better aid in research that will
benefit humanity. For instance, research methods under science and technology help
everyone’s problems to be solved systematically and effectively.

Admittedly, History as a school subject is beneficial in understanding human behavior.

However, Science and technology will equip the students better in problem solving. Students
will be more competitive in the modern world if they are better in science and technology
subject rather than in history.

Overall, all of the subjects are necessary to teach among the students to learn since it is
applicable on one’s life. Subsequently, Science and Technology offers more application in our
modernized world because this will help in solving one’s and future problem.
Subjects in schools will equip students to face the world outside the classroom. Some may say
that history is the most important subject in schools, while others may state that science and
technology are the most valuable. This essay will discuss why I believe that science and
technology are above history as the most important subjects in schools.

Studying history will help an individual to understand what trends are happening and what will
unfold in the future. Most of the current situations today have a similar story from other times in
history. Take economic inflation, which is a current issue nowadays, as an example. It has
already occurred in different previous eras whenever there have been major changes in the
economies of the superior countries, such as the USA, UK, and China.

On the other hand, science and technology are timely and relevant subjects as they modernize
everything in an individual’s life. It will explain, study, and test every phenomenon that is
happening everywhere. As science literally means to study, it is a better aid in research that will
benefit humanity. For instance, research methods in science and technology help everyone’s
problems be solved systematically and effectively.

Admittedly, history as a school subject is beneficial in understanding human behavior. Science

and technology, on the other hand, will better prepare students for problem solving. Students will
be more competitive in the modern world if they are better in science and technology subjects
than in history.

Overall, all of the subjects are necessary to teach among the students since they are applicable in
one’s life. Subsequently, science and technology offer more applications in our modernized
world because this will help in solving one’s and future problems.
The bar chart depicts the top ten countries in production and consumption of electricity during
the year 2014. The data is presented by billion kWh.

China lead in production of electricity among the included countries by producing 5,000 billion
kWh followed by the US with a thousand of billion kHw short. Subsequently, the succeeding
countries on the list produces less than 1,000 billion kHw except Russia. Japan, India and
Canada generated more than 600 billion kHw while France, Brazil and Germany only produced
above 500 billion kHw. Lastly, around 490 billion kHw were produced by Korea.

Moreover, China also lead in consumption of electricity at around 5,000 billion kHw, a thousand
and a half more than the US. Like in electricity production of the same year, the rest of the
countries on the list consumes less than 1,000 billion kHw except Russia. Japan, India and
Germany comes next in order while the rest of the countries on the chart follows. The former
countries used 500-950 billion kHw of electricity, while the latter consumed below 500 billion

Overall, China and the US have a significant lead in production and consumption of electricity
during the year 2014. While Korea is the least producer and consumer of electricity among the
ten countries on the list.

The bar chart depicts the top ten countries in production and consumption of electricity during
the year 2014. The data is presented in billions of kWh.

China leads in production of electricity among the included countries by producing 5,000 billion
kWh, followed by the US with a thousand billion kWh less. Consequently, the succeeding
countries on the list produced less than 1,000 billion kHw, except Russia. Japan, India, and
Canada generated more than 600 billion kHw, while France, Brazil, and Germany only produced
above 500 billion kHw. Lastly, around 490 billion kHw were produced by Korea.

Moreover, China also leads in electricity consumption, at around 5,000 billion kHw, a thousand
and a half more than the US. Like in electricity production in the same year, the rest of the
countries on the list consumed less than 1,000 billion kHw except Russia. Japan, India, and
Germany come next in order, while the rest of the countries on the chart follow. The former
countries used 500–950 billion kHw of electricity, while the latter consumed less than 500
billion kHw.

Overall, China and the US have had a significant lead in production and consumption of
electricity during the year 2014. Korea is the lowest producer and consumer of electricity among
the ten countries on the list.
The chart depicts the percentage of participation in certain leisure activities by children in
Australia. The data is divided by five kinds of selected activities.

There are some major differences and similarities shared between ages 5 – 14 years old boys
and girls in Australia. All of them shared a same interest in watching TV or videos during their
leisure time. Moreover, four out of five young boys enjoys playing computer and other
electronic devices. Alternately, they least likely to have fun with skateboarding, rollerblading,
arts and craft. The former is greater by one fold than the latter activities.

On the other hand, more than half of these young girls equally prefer bike riding and playing
with computer and gadgets. Subsequently, 55% of them enjoys arts and craft during their free
time. Lastly, 3 out of 10 only prefer skateboarding and rollerblading as their selected leisure

Based on the information given, both young boys and girls in Australia prefer watching TV and
videos. Meanwhile, these 5 to 14-year-olds least enjoyed skateboarding and doing arts and
craft for girls and boys respectively.
The chart depicts the percentage of children participating in certain leisure activities in Australia.
The data is divided by five kinds of selected activities.

There are some major differences and similarities shared between 5–14-year-old boys and girls
in Australia. All of them shared the same interest in watching TV or videos during their leisure
time. Moreover, four out of five young boys enjoy playing on computers and other electronic
devices. Alternately, they are least likely to have fun with skateboarding, rollerblading, and arts
and crafts. The latter is down by one fold compared to the former activities.

On the other hand, more than half of these young girls equally prefer bike riding and playing
with computers and gadgets. Subsequently, 55% of them enjoy arts and crafts during their free
time. Lastly, 3 out of 10 only prefer skateboarding and rollerblading as their selected leisure

Based on the information given, both young boys and girls in Australia prefer watching TV and
videos. Meanwhile, these 5 to 14-year-olds least enjoyed skateboarding and doing arts and crafts
for girls and boys, respectively.

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