1. What is the mass in grams and weight in dynes and in gram-force of 12 oz of salt?
Local gravity is 9.65 m/s2. (1 lbm = 16 oz)
3. The mass of a given airplane at sea level (g = 32.1 fps 2) is 10 short tons. Find its
mass in (a) lbm, (b) slugs, (c) kgm, and (d) gravitational weight in lbf when it is
travelling at a 50,000 ft elevation. The acceleration of gravity g decreases by 3.33 x
10-6 fps2 for each foot of elevation.
Answer: (a) 20,000.00 lbm, (b) 621.62 slugs, (c) 9,071.94 kgm, and (d) 19,850.50 lbf.
4. A lunar excursion module (LEM) weights 1500 kg f on earth where g = 9.75 m/s 2.
What will be its weight on the surface of the moon where gm = 1.70 m/s2. On the
surface of the moon, what will be the force in kgf what will be the force in (a) kg f and
(b) in newtons required to accelerate the module at 10 m/s 2.
5. The mass of a fluid system is 0.311 slug, its density is 30 lb m /ft and g is 31.90 fps2.
3 3
Find (a) the specific volume in ft /lb m , (b) the specific weight in lb f /ft , and (c) the
total volume in ft 3.
3 3
Answer: (a) 0.03 ft /lb m , (b) 29,74lb f /ft , and (c) 0.33 ft 3.
6. A cylindrical drum (2-ft diameter, 3-ft height) is filled with a fluid whose density is
40 lb m /ft . Calculate (a) the total volume of fluid in ft 3, (b) its total mass in pounds
and slugs, (c) its specific volume in ft 3 /lb m , and (d) its specific weight in lb f /ft 3. Note
that the local gravity is 31.90 fps2.
Answer: (a) 9.42 ft 3, (b) 377.00 lb m and 11.72 slugs, (c) 0.03 ft /lb m , and
(d) 39.66lb f /ft .
7. A vacuum gauge mounted on a condenser reads 0.66 mHg (meter of mercury). What
is the absolute pressure in the condenser in kPa when the atmospheric pressure is
101.3 kPa?
8. Convert the following readings of pressure to kPa absolute, assuming that the
barometer reads 760 mmHg: (a) 90 cmHg gage, (b) 40 cmHg vacuum, (c) 100 psig,
(d) 8 inHg and (e) 76 inHg gage.
Answers: (a) 221.32 kPa, (b) 48.00 kPa, (c) 790.80 kPa, (d) 74.23 kPa, and
(e) 358.70 kPa.