Chain Slings Manual
Chain Slings Manual
Chain Slings Manual
For many years we have worked closely with all industries
to assist them in proper selection, use and maintenance of
chain slings. Thousands of companies have accepted our
recommendations, and as a result have enjoyed excellent
safety records in materials lifting operations.
2 Failure to read, understand and follow the instructions in this booklet
could result in serious physical injury and property damage.
It is essential that personnel be thoroughly trained in the
proper operation of lifting equipment and the handling
of loads. Extreme care is necessary to offset the hazards
of overloading by improper hitching, obstruction free
passage of the load, and using equipment or materials
for purposes other than those for which they have been
Thus, the objective of this Chain Sling User’s Manual is
to impart a knowledge of chain sling properties and the
proper use, care and maintenance of chain slings. It is
also intended to assist the chain user to evaluate loads
and to adopt lifting practices that will conform to safety
The material presented in this manual represents
interpretation of the law as it presently applies to chain
sling selection and use. Future developments will be
reported in advertising and trade literature to further assist
chain sling users in meeting OSHA requirements for lifting
and hoisting.
Table of Contents Page
Chapter 1. Principal Chain Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Chapter 2: Basic Safety Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Chapter 3. Evaluating the Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Chapter 4. Selecting the Proper Sling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Chapter 5. Rigging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Chapter 6. Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 27
Chapter 7. Inspection Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Chapter 8. Ways to Avoid Chain Failure . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Chapter 9. 25 Things to Consider When Creating a Lift Plan . . 34
Glossary of Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Industry Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
Custom Lifting Device and Distribution Centers . 60 3
Chapter 1
Principal Chain Requirements
Essential compliance with OSHA requirements can
be accomplished by adopting the following 24
recommendations, 20 of which are classified as “Do’s”
and 4 as “Don’ts”.
4 Failure to read, understand and follow the instructions in this booklet
could result in serious physical injury and property damage.
Working Load Limits - Grade 80 & 100 Alloy Chain
Single Leg Sling Double Leg Sling Triple and Quad Leg Sling
Table 1
7/32” (6mm) 2,100 3,600 3,000 2,100 5,500 4,400 3,200
9/32” (7mm) 3.500 6,100 4,900 3,500 9,100 7,400 5,200
3/8” (10mm) 7,100 12,300 10,000 7,100 18,400 15,100 10,600
1/2” (13mm) 12,000 20,800 17,000 12,000 31,200 25,500 18,000
5/8” (16mm) 18,100 31,300 25,600 18,100 47,000 38,400 27,100
3/4” 28,300 49,000 40,000 28,300 73,500 60,000 42,400
7/8” 34,200 59,200 48,400 34,200 88,900 72,500 51,300
1” 47,700 82,600 67,400 47,700 123,900 101,200 71,500
Grade 80
1 1/4” 72,300 125,200 102,200 72,300 187,800 153,400 108,400
1 1/2” * 100,000 173,200 141,400 100,000 259,800 212,100 150,000
1 3/4” * 131,250 227,300 185,600 131,250 341,000 278,400 196,900
2” * 175,000 303,100 247,500 175,000 454,600 371,200 262,500
7/32” (6mm) 3,200 5,500 4,500 3,200 8,300 6,800 4,800
9/32” 4,300 7,400 6,100 4,300 11,200 9,100 6,400
5/16” 5,700 9,900 8,100 5,700 14,800 12,100 8,500
3/8” 8,800 15,200 12,400 8,800 22,900 18,700 13,200
1/2” 15,000 26,000 21,200 15,000 39,000 31,800 22,500
5/8” 22,600 39,100 32,000 22,600 58,700 47,900 33,900
3/4” 35,300 61,100 49,900 35,300 91,700 74,900 53,000
Grade 100
7/8” 42,700 74,000 60,400 42,700 110,900 90,600 64,000
1” 59,700 103,400 84,400 59,700 155,100 126,600 89,550
1 1/4” 90,400 156,600 127,800 90,400 234,900 191,700 135,600
*Large diameter chain manufactured at our Jeanette facility. *These limits must not be exceeded. Manufacturers do not accept any liability for damages which may result
from chain used in excess of working load limits. When using hooks in a shortening (grab) or choker application, the Working Load Limit (WLL) of the sling must be reduced
by 20%. The V10 Grade Eye & Clevis Shortening Grab Hooks found in our catalog require no reduction in WLL.
5. Have a competent person, as designated by the
employer, inspect the sling and all components for
damage or defects each day prior to use.
6 Failure to read, understand and follow the instructions in this booklet
could result in serious physical injury and property damage.
Chapter 1
Principal Chain Requirements
9. Implement, complete, and maintain a record of the
most recent month in which each alloy steel chain
sling was thoroughly inspected and have such records
available for examination. 7
Chapter 1
Principal Chain Requirements
14. Remove alloy steel chain slings from service if the chain
size at any point in a link is less than that stated in Table 2
(Table of Wear), Page 11.
8 Failure to read, understand and follow the instructions in this booklet
could result in serious physical injury and property damage.
Chapter 1
Principal Chain Requirements
17. Remove from service all alloy steel chain slings with
cracked and/or deformation or degradation of components
and master links.
19. Untwist to assure that all legs of the sling are aligned
in the same plane. This will allow for a straight bearing to
bearing interlink surface contact for maximum safety and
efficiency. (100% bearing surface contact from link to link). 9
Chapter 1
Principal Chain Requirements
The Don’ts
1. Don’t use Proof Coil, BBB, High Test, Transport (P7) or any
other low carbon chain for lifting or hoisting.*
2. Don’t use mechanical coupling links or low carbon
repair links to repair broken lengths of chain on an alloy
chain sling.
3. Don’t use makeshift links or fasteners formed from bolts
or rods or other such attachments.
4. Don’t lift over people and don’t ride the load.
Environmental Conditions
In addition to the preceding recommendations, Peerless
does not recommend the use of alloy steel chain or chain
slings for use in acid or pickling solutions. The high tensile
strength of the heat treated alloy material in alloy steel
chains is susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement and acidic
1 26 0.887 22.53
1. Escape Plan.
2. Fall Radius.
3. Don’t place yourself between LOAD &
4. Don’t lift or move load over co-workers.
5. Anticipate possible problems – EVERY LIFT IS A
1. COG, Center of Gravity (Must Determine).
2. Determine the WEIGHT of the load.
3. Select the proper Rigging, Hitch, WLL and Angle.
4. ALWAYS Rig the load correctly & according to
5. Always lift the load level, stable, use tag line if
12 Failure to read, understand and follow the instructions in this booklet
could result in serious physical injury and property damage.
Chapter 3
Evaluating the Load
Before any lift shall be made, the chain sling user must
know as much about the load as possible to minimize
potential dangers to personnel, product and property. 13
Chapter 3
Evaluating the Load
The reach of the sling and the angle of the lift are related
to the distance between the points of attachment to the
14 Failure to read, understand and follow the instructions in this booklet
could result in serious physical injury and property damage.
Chapter 3
Evaluating the Load
A simple method for calculating the rated capacity of a
given sling connected to a load is to estimate the distance B
(Fig. 2) and then multiply the working limit of the sling at 90
degrees (value of a single chain x number of legs in sling)
— from Table 1 — by the ratio of distance B to the reach R.
(Check the sling identification tag for reach).
W.L.L. (at 90°) x number of legs x B = rated capacity of sling
For example: W.L.L. = 3,250 lbs.
No. of legs = 2, B = 8.5 ft. R = 10ft.
Fig. 2 15
Chapter 4
Selecting the Proper Sling
The four most common chain slings are:
1. Single — as the name implies, there is only one chain
leg to this type of sling. It consists of a master link, a
length of alloy chain, and a hook (there are three types
of hooks — sling hooks, grab hooks, and foundry hooks
— any of which can be selected depending on the
16 Failure to read, understand and follow the instructions in this booklet
could result in serious physical injury and property damage.
Chapter 4
Selecting the Proper Sling 17
Chapter 4
Selecting the Proper Sling
3. Triple – the three legged chain sling is often used to
improve stability of the load when lifting (load control).
18 Failure to read, understand and follow the instructions in this booklet
could result in serious physical injury and property damage.
Chapter 4
Selecting the Proper Sling
4. Quadruple – a four-legged chain sling has the same
rating as a triple since the load is seldom evenly
distributed on a quadruple sling. The fourth leg is
frequently needed to stabilize a load during the lifting
operation. 19
Chapter 4
Selecting the Proper Sling
Special Purpose Chain Slings
20 Failure to read, understand and follow the instructions in this booklet
could result in serious physical injury and property damage.
Chapter 4
Selecting the Proper Sling
3. Choker hitch –
extremely popular
because of the
clamping effect of
the chain. Its
choking action
improves the
reliability of
securement (20%
WLL reduction may
be required). 21
Chapter 4
Selecting the Proper Sling
There are many other chain
slings and assemblies to choose
from for specialized lifting
applications. Specials can
include adjustable singles,
doubles, triples and quadruples;
single and endless single basket
slings; and chain shorteners — all
designed to meet specific lifting
22 Failure to read, understand and follow the instructions in this booklet
could result in serious physical injury and property damage.
Chapter 5
It is not possible to cover adequately the subject of safety,
the effect of the center of gravity of a body in relation to
the lifting points or the distribution of forces in the sling
and body, in this small booklet.
Fig. 3
Fig. 3 — The center of gravity of the body is under the
crane hook; the angles of lift are equal and each chain leg
is carrying the same load. 23
Chapter 5
Consider the following: Risk Assessment, Load Control, Lift
Fig. 4
Fig. 4A
24 Failure to read, understand and follow the instructions in this booklet
could result in serious physical injury and property damage.
Chapter 5
Fig. 5 — The center of
gravity of the body is above
the points of attachment.
When lifted, the body
would rotate to bring the
center of gravity to the
lowest point. Whenever
possible, have points of
attachment above the center
of gravity of body. BAD 25
Chapter 5
When a load is lifted by a sling, the legs of the sling will
exert lifting forces W (fig. 9) on the load to raise it. The
legs will also exert forces P (horizontal components of
T, the loads on the chain legs). The P forces can crush or
deform the load if it cannot withstand these forces (Fig.
9A). When fragile loads are involved, a spreader beam is
26 Failure to read, understand and follow the instructions in this booklet
could result in serious physical injury and property damage.
Chapter 6
Inspection records will provide the necessary
documentation to meet OSHA requirements and will help
in the maintenance to keep chain slings in good condition
for material handling.
The responsibility for inspecting slings should be assigned
to experienced competent personnel. They should be
given the authority to remove damaged slings from
service for reconditioning or replacement. Slings removed
from service for reconditioning or replacement should be
returned to an authorized Peerless Repair Service Center
(Contact Peerless for a Repair Service Center in your area.)
Chapter 7
Inspection Procedures
Inspect for:
1. Wear 6. Drag Wear
2. Nicks & Gouges 7. ARC Burns
3. Stretch 8. Weld Splatter
4. Localized Bending 9. Inner Link Wear
5. Deformation/Degradation 10. Severe Corrosion/Pitting
28 Failure to read, understand and follow the instructions in this booklet
could result in serious physical injury and property damage.
Chapter 7
Inspection Procedures
The inspection should follow a formal written inspection
procedure to ensure complete examination: 29
Chapter 7
Inspection Procedures
4. Make a link-by-link inspection of the chain slings for:
a. Excessive wear. If the wear on any portion of any link
exceeds the allowable wear shown on Table 2, Page 11, -
remove from service.
b. Twisted, bent or cut links.
c. Cracks in the weld area or any portion of the link.
d. Nicks or gouges.
e. Stretched links.
f. Severe corrosion.
g. Any deformation or degradation of components.
5. Inspect the master and coupling links for wear or
6. If hooks have been opened
more than 5% of the
normal throat openings
(measured at the narrowest
point) or twisted more than
0 degrees from the plane of
unbent hook, sling shall be
removed from service.
7. Attach “Danger — Do Not Use” warning tag (available
from Peerless Industrial Group, part number 26.65) to
each sling removed from service. Record the removal of
the sling on sling inspection report form.
8. Any chain sling removed from service should be
tagged and returned to the central issuing department
with data covering the damage detected during
the inspection. The sling can then be returned to
an authorized Peerless Repair Service Center for the
appropriate repairs and proof testing.
30 Failure to read, understand and follow the instructions in this booklet
could result in serious physical injury and property damage.
Chapter 8
Ways to Avoid Chain Failure
Chain sling users can help avoid damage and possible
accidents by recognizing the following improper practices
and preventing their occurrence.
Chapter 8
Ways to Avoid Chain Failure
2. Improper angle of lift — small angles of lift result in
excessive loads being imposed on each leg of the sling.
The results on the sling are the same as for overloading.
3. Faulty hook-up —
a. Point loading of hooks.
Wedging or forcing the hook
point into the loads results in
the hook bending and failure.
Hooks should not face in
toward the load.
b. Slipping of unbalanced loads.
(See Chapter 4 — Rigging).
c. Lifting with twisted or knotted
chains can impose loads in
excess of rated capacity and
spin the load dangerously.
4. Impact loading –
jerking or snatching
loads (shock
loading) when
lifting can impose
loads on the chain
in excess of the
actual weight of the
object being lifted.
These dynamic
forces can break or
damage the sling.
32 Failure to read, understand and follow the instructions in this booklet
could result in serious physical injury and property damage.
Chapter 8
Ways to Avoid Chain Failure
BAD 33
Chapter 9
25 Things to Consider When
Creating a Lift Plan
1. Determine the weight and balance of all loads prior to a
lift to make sure that the lifting equipment can operate
within its capabilities.
2. Select only alloy chain slings and never exceed the
working load limits for the various sizes and types of
chain slings as established by OSHA.
3. Make sure the object being lifted is not lagged, clamped
or bolted to the floor.
4. Make sure the hoist or crane is directly over the load.
5. Never lift loads with one leg of a multi-leg sling until the
unused legs are made secure.
6. Use multi-leg slings as supplied by the manufacturer
rather than combinations of single chains.
7. Use slings of the proper reach. Never shorten a sling by
twisting, knotting or with nuts and bolts. Adjustable
slings are available for applications requiring slings of
varying reaches.
8. Never point-load a hook unless it is especially designed
and rated for such use.
9. Remove all loose pieces of material from the load before
it is moved.
34 Failure to read, understand and follow the instructions in this booklet
could result in serious physical injury and property damage.
Chapter 9
25 Things to Consider When
Creating a Lift Plan
10. When lifting long loads particularly in confined spaces,
attach a rope or “tag line” to one or both ends of the
load so that rotational movement may be controlled.
36 Failure to read, understand and follow the instructions in this booklet
could result in serious physical injury and property damage.
Glossary of Most Common Chain
Mechanically Coupled Chain Slings:
An engineered system of forged components that enable
the sling user or distributor to assemble standard or special
chain slings as required. All components are fully proof
tested and have the rated capacity or working load limit of
matching alloy steel chain. The chain sling user receives a
Test Certificate with each chain sling component.
Components, when used in Chain
conjunction with Peerless Load
Grade 80 & 100 chain and Carrying
Retaining Pin
assembled by an authorized Pins
Peerless Repair Service
Center meet ASTM and
OSHA proof testing and
certification requirements.
ALLOY STEEL CHAIN: The only chain
recommended for overhead lifting.
ANGLE OF LIFT: Measurement of angle between
horizontal surface of load and lift chain measured in
degrees should never be less than 30 degrees.
Sling Angle Factor: The sling angle factor is a ratio found
between the sides of the lift triangle. To find it, divide the
sling length by the height of the lift triangle. The height
is the distance between the bearing surface of the hook
and an imaginary line running from the bearing surface
of the attachment points. 37
Glossary of Most Common Chain
38 Failure to read, understand and follow the instructions in this booklet
could result in serious physical injury and property damage.
Glossary of Most Common Chain
Terms 39
Glossary of Most Common Chain
IMPACT: The sudden application of a load, multiplying the
stress on the chain very rapidly.
40 Failure to read, understand and follow the instructions in this booklet
could result in serious physical injury and property damage.
Glossary of Most Common Chain
PROOF TEST: The load in pounds which chain has
withstood in the condition and at the time it left the
factory. The test is conducted by applying the load in direct
tension to a straight length of chain with a uniform rate of
speed on a standard chain testing machine.
The distance
between the
upper and lower
bearing (load)
points of a
sling leg.
CHAIN SLINGS: Welded or Mechanical Assembly. A
signed Test Certificate is required to be issued by the Sling
Manufacturer for every alloy chain sling delivered to the
end user. The Mechanical Chain Sling Test Certificate attests
that all components used to assemble the sling have all
been previously proof tested to 200% of WLL by the Sling
Manufacturer. Welded Chain Sling Test Certificates verifies
that the sling has been fully proof tested as an assembly to
200% of WLL following the heat treating process. There is a
permanently affixed metal identification tag with a stamped
individual serial number corresponding to the identification
tag number on the Test Certificate. The tag is also stamped
with the slings rated working load limit, size of chain, reach,
number of legs or branches, grade, and Sling Manufacturers
name or logo. This information must also be supplied on the
Test Certificate. 41
Glossary of Most Common Chain
42 Failure to read, understand and follow the instructions in this booklet
could result in serious physical injury and property damage.
Glossary of Most Common Chain
Terms 43
Glossary of Most Common Chain
(Wire Dia.)
Twisted Link
Straight Link
Wire Dia.
44 Failure to read, understand and follow the instructions in this booklet
could result in serious physical injury and property damage.
Glossary of Most Common Chain
Terms 45
Glossary of Most Common Chain
Metric Conversion
Metric - English English - Metric
1 kg. = 2.204 lb. mass 1 lb. mass = 0.45 kg
46 Failure to read, understand and follow the instructions in this booklet
could result in serious physical injury and property damage.
Industry Standards
Peerless Industrial Group, Inc.
Peerless Alloy Chain
Industry Standards
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
developed standards that apply specifically for the use,
maintenance, inspection and application of alloy chain,
components and alloy chain slings.
OSHA 1910.84
Manufacturers Recommendations 47
Industry Standards
Peerless Custom Lifting and
Below-the-Hook Information
Industry Standards
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
developed standards that apply specifically to the devices
Peerless Industrial Group designs and manufacturers.
These standards serve as a guide to government
authorities, manufacturers, purchasers and operators
of below-the-hook lifting devices.
48 Failure to read, understand and follow the instructions in this booklet
could result in serious physical injury and property damage.
Industry Standards
Peerless Custom Lifting and
Below-the-Hook Information
Markings, Identification and
General Construction
The rated load of the lifting device is visibly marked on the
main structure of the device, as well as on a tag attached
to the lifter. If the below-the-hook lifting device consists of
individually detachable lifters, then each of the individual
lifters shall be marked and tagged with their individual
rated loads. 49
Industry Standards
Peerless Custom Lifting and
Below-the-Hook Information
Markings, Identification and General Construction
(Continued): All Peerless structural and mechanical lifting
devices are designed and manufactured by qualified
personnel. Peerless designs are in accordance with ASME
BTH-1 and take into consideration the stresses that result
from the application of the rated load along with the
weight of the actual lifter and are designed to ASME BTH-1
Design Category B. Service Class is determined by taking
into consideration the fatigue life criteria based on the
expected number of load cycles.
Design Category
Design category B shall be utilized when the size,
scale, and variation of loads applied to the lifter are not
always predictable or clearly defined, and where the
environmental and loading conditions vary or could be
Service Class
Service Class is determined by the specified fatigue life of
the lifter.
50 Failure to read, understand and follow the instructions in this booklet
could result in serious physical injury and property damage.
Industry Standards
Peerless Custom Lifting and
Below-the-Hook Information
Service Class Life
Desired Life (Years) 51
Industry Standards
Peerless Custom Lifting and
Below-the-Hook Information
Proof Test
Requirements and Recommendations
Requirements of the ASME standard are noted by the word
Operating Practices
Operation Practices for Lifting Devices: Below-the-hook
lifting devices shall only be operated by the following
qualified personnel:
52 Failure to read, understand and follow the instructions in this booklet
could result in serious physical injury and property damage.
Industry Standards
Peerless Custom Lifting and
Below-the-Hook Information
Operating Practices for Lifting Devices (Continued):
When rigging is utilized in conjunction with the lifter, the
operator shall ensure that it is not kinked and the multiple
part lines are not twisted around each other.
The operator shall ensure that the lifter is moved into place
over the load in such a way as to minimize swinging.
The operator shall ensure that the lifter and the load do not
come into contact with any obstruction.
The operator shall ensure that the lifter is not utilized for
side pulls or sliding the load unless explicitly authorized by
a qualified person.
54 Failure to read, understand and follow the instructions in this booklet
could result in serious physical injury and property damage.
Industry Standards
Peerless Custom Lifting and
Below-the-Hook Information
Initial Inspection: Prior to initial use, all new, altered,
modified, or repaired lifting devices shall be inspected by a
qualified person to ensure compliance with the provisions
of the ASME B30.20 standard.
• Structural deformation
• Cracks in welds or structural members
• Excessive wear
• Loose or missing parts, tags, safety guards, fasteners,
stops, and/or housings.
• Out of adjustment conditions that interfere with the
normal operation and functionality of all mechanisms
including automatic hold and release components.
• Contact Peerless Industrial Group for replacements of
missing identification tags and nameplates.
56 Failure to read, understand and follow the instructions in this booklet
could result in serious physical injury and property damage.
Industry Standards
Peerless Custom Lifting and
Below-the-Hook Information
Periodic Inspections (Continued):
• Normal use – annual inspection typically performed
• Heavy use – disassembly by a qualified individual should
be performed semi-annually in order to facilitate a
detailed inspection.
• Severe use - disassembly by a qualified individual should
be performed quarterly in order to facilitate a detailed
• Special or infrequent use – outlined as specified by a
qualified individual prior to and following each use.
• Any lifter that has been idle for a period of one year or
more shall undergo a periodic inspection prior to use.
Below-the-hook lifting devices shall undergo a thorough
inspection based upon the previously defined intervals of
every lift, frequent, and periodic. Any and all issues such as
the following (as listed below) shall be investigated and a
conclusion made as to if the extent of the issue and to if it
is severe enough in its nature to represent a hazard. Dated
inspection reports of the following critical items shall be
• All requirements outlined within the frequent inspection
• Missing or loose nuts, bolts, or fasteners.
• Fractured gears, pulleys, sheaves, sprockets, bearings,
chain and belts.
Industry Standards
Peerless Custom Lifting and
Below-the-Hook Information
Periodic Inspections (Continued):
Preventive Maintenance: A preventive maintenance
program shall be established and be based on
recommendations made by Peerless Industrial Group. It
can be determined to be appropriate as designated by
a qualified person to add to the maintenance program
following a review of the use of the below-the-hook lifter.
58 Failure to read, understand and follow the instructions in this booklet
could result in serious physical injury and property damage.
Industry Standards
Notes: 59
Corporate Custom Lifting Device Distribution Centers:
Headquarters: Manufacturing: Clackamas, OR
Winona, MN Mount Pleasant, PA Reno, NV
South Holland, IL Elizabethtown, PA
Dallas, TX
Necedah, WI