EuroIncon Master Ut Notes
EuroIncon Master Ut Notes
EuroIncon Master Ut Notes
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These notes are re-produced with the kind permission of TWI (The Welding Institute)
Practical Ultrasonic
Section Subject
Section Subject
Section Subject
Section Subject
Non destructive testing is the ability to examine a material (usually for discontinuities) without degrading it.
• Penetrant testing
• Magnetic particle inspection
• Eddy current testing
• Radiography
• Ultrasonic testing
In all the NDT methods, interpretation of results is critical. Much depends on the skill and experience of the
technician, although properly formulated test techniques and procedures will improve accuracy and consistency.
Penetrant testing locates surface breaking discontinuities by covering the item with a penetrating liquid, which is
drawn into the discontinuity by capillary action. After removal of the excess penetrant the indication is made
visible by application of a developer. Colour contrast or fluorescent systems may be used.
• Applicable to non-ferromagnetics
• Able to test large parts with a portable kit
• Batch testing
• Applicable to small parts with complex geometry
• Simple, cheap easy to interpret
• Sensitivity
Magnetic particle inspection is used to locate surface and slightly subsurface discontinuities in ferromagnetic
materials by introducing a magnetic flux into the material.
Eddy current inspection is based on inducing electrical currents in the material being inspected and observing the
interaction between those currents and the material. Eddy currents are generated by coils in the test probe and
monitored simultaneously by measuring the coils' electrical impedance. As it is an electromagnetic induction
process, direct electrical contact with the sample is not required; however, the material must be an electrical
Radiography monitors the varying transmission of ionising radiation through a material with the aid of photographic
film or fluorescent screens to detect changes in density and thickness. It will locate internal and surface breaking
Ultrasonic Testing measures the time for high frequency (0.5MHz - 50MHz) pulses of ultrasound to travel through
the inspection material. If a discontinuity is present, the ultrasound reflects back to the probe in a time other than
that appropriate to good material.
Before deciding on a particular NDT inspection method it is advantageous to have certain information.
• Reason for inspection. (To detect cracks, to sort between materials, to check assembly, etc.)
• Likely orientation of planar discontinuities, if they are the answer to (a).
• Type of material.
• Likely position of discontinuities.
• Geometry and thickness of object to be tested.
• Accessibility
• Product knowledge
• Previous failures
Length of the surface breaking discontinuity can be determined readily, but the depth dimensions can only be
assessed subjectively by observing the amount of 'bleed out'.
Length of discontinuity can be determined from the indication, but no assessment of discontinuity depth can be
Length of discontinuity can be determined. The depth of a discontinuity or material thinning can be determined by
amplitude measurement, phase measurement or both, but the techniques for critical sizing are somewhat subjective.
Ultrasonic Testing
Length and position of discontinuity can be determined. Depth measurements are more difficult but crack tip
diffraction or time of flight techniques can give good results.
Length and plan view position can be determined. Through thickness positioning requires additional angulated
exposures to be taken. The through thickness dimension of discontinuities cannot readily be determined.
In Medieval times craftsmen casting bells for churches were aware that a properly cast bell "rang true" when struck
and that a bell with flaws would give out "a false note". This principle was used by wheel-tappers inspecting rolling
stock on the railways. They struck wheels with a hammer and listened to the note given out. A loose tyre sounded
The origin of modern ultrasonic testing is the discovery of the Curie brothers in 1880 that quartz crystals cut in a
certain way produce an electric potential when subjected to pressure - the piezo-electric effect, from the Greek
piedzein, to press or strike.In 1881, Lippman theorized that the effect might work in reverse, and that quartz crystals
might change shape if an electric current was applied to them. He found this was so and experimented further.
Crystals of quartz vibrate when alternating currents are applied to them. Crystal microphones in a modern stereo
rely on this principle.
When the "Titanic" sank in 1912, the Admiralty tried to find a way of locating icebergs by sending out sound waves
and listening for an echo. They experimented further with sound to detect submarines during the First World War.
Between the wars, marine echo sounding was developed and in the Second world War ASDIC (Anti Submarine
Detection Investigation Committee) was extensively used in the Battle of the Atlantic against the U boats.
In 1929 a Russian physicist Sokolov experimented with techniques of passing vibrations through metals to find
flaws; this work was taken up by the Germans. In the 1930's the cathode ray tube was developed and miniaturised
in the Second World War to fit small airborne radar sets into aircraft. It made the ultrasonic testing set as we know
it possible. Around 1931 Mulhauser obtained a patent fir a system using two probes to detect flaws in solids and
following this Firestone (1940) and Simons (1945) developed pulsed ultrasonic testing using a pulse-echo
In the years after World War II, researchers in Japan began to experiment the use of ultrasound for medical
diagnostic purposes. Working largely in isolation from the rest of the world until the 1950s Japanese developed
techniques for the detection of gallstones, breast masses, and tumors. Japan was also the first country to apply
Doppler ultrasound, an application of ultrasound that detects internal moving objects such as blood coursing
through the heart for cardiovascular investigation.
The first flaw detector was made by D O Sproule in 1942 while he was working for the Scottish firm Kelvin &
Hughes. Similar work was done by Firestone in the USA and by German physicists. Sproule went on to develop the
shear wave probe.
At first, ultrasonic testing was restricted to testing aircraft, but in the 1950's UT was extensively used in the building
of power stations in Britain for examining thick steel components safely and cheaply. UT was found to have several
advantages over radiography in heavy industrial applications:
• It did not have the health hazard associated with radiography, and a UT technician could work next to
welders and other employees without endangering them or holding up work.
• It was efficient in detecting toe cracks in boilers - a major cause of explosions and lack of fusion in boiler
• UT found planar defects like laminations which were sometimes missed by radiography.
• A UT check on a thick component took no more time than a similar check on a thin component as opposed
to long exposure times in radiography.
With the construction of nuclear power stations, ultrasonic testing was developed further and was applied to
constructions and maintenance work in the oil industry as well as in the inspection of the huge commercial air fleets
built up since the end of the Second World War. Over the years, UT sets have been miniaturised with the
availability of transistors and display features improved and the process has automated and computerised.
The main use of ultrasonic inspection in the human and the animal world is for detecting objects and for measuring
distance. A pulse of ultrasound ( a squeak from a bat or a pulse from an ultrasonic source) hits an object and is
reflected back to its source like an echo. From the time it takes to travel to the object and back, the distance of the
object from the sound source can be calculated. That is how bats fly in the dark and how dolphins navigate through
water. It is also how warships detected and attacked submarines in the Second World War. Wearing a blindfold, you
can determine if you are in a very large hall or an ordinary room by clapping your hands sharply; a large hall will
give back a distinct echo, but an ordinary room will not. A bat's echo location is more precise: the bat gives out and
can sense short wavelengths of ultrasound and these give a sharper echo than we can detect.
In ultrasonic testing a sound pulse is sent into a solid object and an echo returns from any flaws in that object or
from the other side of the object. An echo is returned from a solid-air interface or any solid-non-solid interface in
the object being examined. We can send ultrasonic pulses into material by making a piezo electric crystal vibrate in
a probe. The pulses can travel in a compression, shear or transverse mode. This is the basis of ultrasonic testing.
But a method must be found of presenting information from the returning echoes for interpretation. It is for this
purpose that the UT set, or flaw detector as it is frequently called, contains a cathode ray tube.
In the majority of UT sets the information is presented on the screen in a display called the "A Scan". The bottom of
the CRT screen is a timebase made to represent a distance - say 100mm. An echo from the back wall comes up on
the screen as a signal, the amplitude of which represents the amount of sound returning to the probe. By seeing how
far the signal comes along the screen we can measure the thickness of the material we are examining.
If that material contains a flaw sound is reflected back from the flaw and appears on the screen as a signal in front
of the back wall echo as the sound reflected from the flaw has not had so far to travel as that from the back wall.
Ultrasonic signals
Anything that sends back sound energy to a probe to cause a signal on the screen is called a "reflector". By
measuring the distance from the edge of the CRT screen to the signal, we can calculate how far down in the
material the reflector lies.
Sound is made when something vibrates. You can twang a ruler on a table or flick a stretched elastic band to verify
this. The stretched surface of the rubber band or the ruler vibrates and sets up a series of vibrations, sound waves,
in the air. As the surface of the band or ruler pushes into the air, the air molecules are forced together and a region
of high-pressure forms: compression. As the surface moves back, the air molecules move apart, forming a low-
pressure area, or rarefaction. As the surface vibrates, alternate compressions are rarefactions are set up in the air
and travel out from the surface to form a sound wave. The air molecules don't move with the wave - they vibrate to
and from in time with the vibrating surface.
If we plot the displacement of the particle against time it will produce a sine wave as shown below.
Particle A
One cycle
The sound wave so produced travels through the air at a speed of 332 metres per second, at 0°C. We hear the sound
when it hits a membrane in our ear and cause it to vibrate.
Sound will travel through any medium that has molecules to move, but it travels faster in more elastic materials
because the vibrations are passed on more quickly. Sound travels faster in water or metal than it does in air as
liquids and solids are more elastic than air.
As sound is a series of vibrations, one way of measuring it is to count the number of vibrations per second - the
frequency. Frequency is measured in Hertz. One vibration in one second is one Hertz. Two vibrations in one
second is two Hertz. Ten vibrations in one second is 10 Hertz and 1000 vibrations in one second is 1000 Hertz or
one Kilohertz (kHz). One million vibrations in a second is one Megahertz (MHz).
The higher the frequency the higher the note sounds - the higher the pitch. If you twang the ruler or the rubber band
hard, the noise is louder, it has greater amplitude, but the note remains the same. If, however, you shorten the ruler
or tighten the rubber band, they vibrate more quickly and the note given out is higher. The frequency is greater. To
raise the pitch of their instrument, guitar players move their fingers down the frets, thus shortening the string and
making it vibrate more quickly.
We can only hear sounds between certain frequencies - more than 20 Hertz and less than 20,000 Hertz. If you were
able to move your arm up and down 20 times a second, it would sound like a very low hum. You cannot, so you
cannot hear the vibrations in the air caused by your moving arm. A dog whistle vibrating at 25,000 Hertz cannot be
heard by humans, but it can be heard by the sensitive ears of a dog.
It rarely occurs to us that there is a whole world of sound that we cannot hear. Some other animals can hear sounds
at higher frequencies - bats can hear sound at 100,000 Hertz - and some animals, like snakes, have worse hearing
than we have.
Sounds with frequencies above the upper range of human hearing is called ultrasound. Sound below about 16 Hertz
is called infrasound. Therefore the definition of ultrasound is sound with a frequency greater than 20 kilohertz.
However, there is an advantage for the lower frequencies. The lower the frequency, the more penetrating a sound
wave is - that is why foghorns give out very low notes and why the low throbbing notes from your neighbour's
stereo set come through the wall rather than the high notes.
A wave in the sea is a vibration of energy. As the wave passes a fixed point it produces a constant rise and fall of
energy. A complete vibration is a change in energy from maximum to minimum and back to maximum. The
distance over which one complete vibration of energy occurs is called a wavelength.
A wavelength is the distance between the highest points of energy. It varies with the speed of sound and with the
frequency. Wavelength is represented by the Greek letter lambda (λ). We can work out wavelength if we know the
speed and frequency of a sound wave. Wavelength is the velocity in metres per second divided by the frequency
If we want to know the wavelength of a 200 Hertz frequency sound wave Frequency
travelling through air we can apply this
formula, as we know that the speed of sound in air is 332 metres per second:
λ= = 1.66m
If we want to know the wavelength of a 2 Megahertz compression wave travelling through steel, we can again use
the formula, as we know the compressional speed of sound in steel, 5,920 metres per second:
λ= = 2.96mm
If we want to know the wavelength of a shear wave of 2 Megahertz in steel we can use the formula again, but this
time we use the shear speed of sound in steel which is 3,250 metres per second.
λ= = 1.625mm
So the wavelength of ultrasonic waves is important because the shorter the wavelength, the smaller the flaws that
can be discovered. Defects of a diameter of less than half a wavelength may not show on the CRT. On the other
hand, the shorter the wavelength the less the ultrasound will penetrate the test material. Beam shape is also affected
by wavelength. These factors will be discussed later.
Resolution is the ability of an equipment/combination probe to distinguish between two echoes from reflectors that
are close together. To have good resolution a probe must present two signals on a CRT screen from two separate
reflectors: if it has poor resolution the echoes from the two reflectors appear as one signal on the screen.
In the early days of ultrasonic testing we used the 100mm, 91mm and 85mm steps, at the radius end of the V1 block
to test resolving power. However, today this is regarded as much too crude a test and BS4331 pt.3 (now obsolete)
recommended that we should be able to recognise two discrete echoes less than two wavelengths apart. By discrete
echoes they mean split by more than 6dB, or to more than half the total height of the signals.
50% - 6dB
Accept Reject
The amplitude of an ultrasonic signal is defined as the maximum displacement of the molecules from their
equilibrium position. The energy of an ultrasonic wave is in turn expressed as the square of the amplitude.
The relative amplitude of ultrasonic signals is expressed using the decibel, a logarithmic unit of comparison. When
we compare the height of two signals on the CRT screen, we are in fact comparing the electric voltage that is being
sent to the Y plates, and electric voltage is proportional to the square of the current. To compare two signals we
must use a formula that takes account of this fact:
Difference in dbs = 20 x log10
For example, if we want to compare a signal of 40mm with one of 20mm on the CRT screen:
Difference in dbs = 20 log10
= 20 log10 2
Find the log10 of 2 in tables or a calculator
20 x 0.301 = 6.02 dB
So the answer is 6 decibels and this can be tested on a CRT screen. Obtain a signal from a backwall echo on a test
block and increase or decrease the gain until the signal touches the top of the screen. Take out 6 dBs with the gain
control and the signal should drop to 50% full screen height. If it does not, the vertical linearity of the UT set is out,
the signal height is not changing in accordance with energy from the probe.
Using the formula, we can discover that:
• 12 dB difference means that one signal is 4 times bigger than another
• 10 dB difference means that one signal is 3 times bigger than another
• 20 dB difference means that one signal is 10 times bigger than another
Remember that dBs are only a means of comparing signals. All UT sets are different, so a defect may be at FSH
with a gain control reading of, say 36dB on one set and be at FSH on another set with a gain control reading of only
28 dB on another set. The GAIN control allows us to set sensitivities and forms the basis of ultrasonic sizing
Sound waves propagate due to the vibrations or oscillatory motions of particles within a material. Within a freely
vibrating medium each particle is subject to both inertial and elastic forces. These forces cause particles to exhibit
oscillatory motions comparable to the free vibration of a system of masses and springs. The elastic restoring forces
in a material can be described as microscopic "spring" forces as shown below.
This theory agrees with both Hook's Law and Newton’s second law. Hook’s Law, which states that, "within the
elastic limit of any body, the ratio of the stress to the strain produced is constant and means therefore that the more
stress or force placed on an object, the more it will strain or deform. Newton's second law states that the force (F)
equals the mass times the acceleration
F = ma
The spring theory makes accurate predictions for the propagation of sound and the propagation of a sound wave
velocity is determined by a materials elastic properties and material density. The velocity of a longitudinal wave is
described by the following equation:
We cannot hear all sound. What we can hear is sound in a COMPRESSIONAL mode, where molecules vibrate
backwards and forwards in the same direction as the energy of propagation - rather like billiard balls in a line. A
COMPRESSIONAL wave of sound is also called a LONGITUDINAL wave: waves of this type consist of alternate
compressional and dilation in the direction of propagation. As each particle moves it pushes or pulls the adjacent
particle through elastic interconnection. Gases, liquids and solids have elasticity, so compressional waves can
travel in all of them.
Particle vibration
Compression wave
E(1- μ )
VL = ρ (1+ μ )(1- 2 μ )
Sound travels through air in the COMPRESSIONAL mode at 332 metres per second. It travels through water at
1480 metres per second, through perspex at 2730 metres per second, through steel at 5920 metres per second and
through aluminium at 6320 metres per second.
Note that sound can only travel through air and water in the COMPRESSIONAL mode. Sound can travel through
perspex, steel and aluminium in modes other than the compressional modes.
Sound can travel in solids in a SHEAR mode as well as in a compressional mode. In the SHEAR mode, molecules
vibrate up and down, across the direction of propagation, not to and from, and for this reason the SHEAR mode is
also called the TRANSVERSE mode, as particle vibration is transverse to the direction of sound energy.
In the SHEAR or TRANSVERSE mode, molecules of a solid move rather like beach balls floating on the surface of
the sea - they move up and down as a wave passes.
Particle vibration
Shear wave
This type of sound travel can only happen when the molecules through which it propagates are joined together - in a
solid. A solid has rigidity as well as elasticity. Air and water, like other gases and liquids, do not have rigidity.
SHEAR or TRANSVERSE waves cannot travel in gases of liquids for this reason.
E(1- μ ) G
Vs = 2 ρ (1+ μ )
The speed of sound in the SHEAR or TRANSVERSE mode is less than it is in the compression or longitudinal
mode. The SHEAR speed of sound in steel is 3250 metres per second and in aluminium 3130 metres per second.
Obviously there is no SHEAR or TRANSVERSE speed for air or water.
Air 332 NA
Water 1480 NA
Steel 5920 3250
Aluminium 6320 3130
Perspex 2730 1430
Copper 4700 2260
Brass 4430 2120
Applying these values for velocity to the formula used previously for wavelength it can be seen that for a given
frequency that the wavelength of the shear wave is less than that of the compression wave.
A third type of sound wave can travel along the surface of a solid: this is a RAYLEIGH or SURFACE wave.
Particle vibration
Surface wave
In the surface molecules vibrate in an elliptical motion, though only to a depth of one wavelength in the
carrier material. Surface waves are about 8% slower than shear waves and in steel, travel at about 3000 metres per
There are other modes of sound travel, in particular LAMB or PLATE waves. LAMB or PLATE waves propagate
in thin plate materials when the plate thickness is about the same as the wavelength. LAMB or PLATE waves travel
at velocities which vary with the plate thickness and the wavelength. Particle motion is elliptical, as with surface
Sound is created when something vibrates. It is a stress wave of mechanical energy. The piezo electric effect
changes mechanical energy into electrical energy. It is reversible, so electrical energy - a voltage - can be changed
into mechanical energy or sound, which is the reverse piezo electric effect. The first people to observe the piezo
electric effect were the Curie brothers who observed it in quartz crystals.
As we have said Jacques and Pierre Curie used quartz for their first experiments. Nowadays polarised ceramics are
used instead of quartz crystals.
- + + - - +
Piezo-electric effect
It was later discovered that by varying the thickness of crystals and by subjecting them to a voltage they could be
made to vibrate at different frequencies. Frequency depends on the thickness of the piezo-electric crystal, according
to a formula:
t = Crystal Thickness
V = Velocity of sound in crystal
f = Frequency
x x x
Found in granite as a natural crystal, compressional or shear waves can be produced according to the way quartz
crystals are cut. An "X" cut crystal is cut in a direction that directly crosses the axis joining two angles of the
crystal. A "Y" cut crystal is cut in a direction parallel to the axis joining two angles of the crystal.
Quartz is not much used now. Several types of crystal are produced, each with advantages and disadvantages, listed
• Resistant to wear
• Insoluble in water
• Resistant to ageing
• Easy to cut to give the required frequencies
• It needs a lot of electrical energy to produce a small amount of ultrasound, which means it is inefficient
• Quartz crystals are susceptible to mode change
• A high voltage is needed to give low frequency sound
For these reasons quartz has been largely superseded by other piezo electric materials.
All of which makes them unsuitable for industrial use, though lithium sulphate crystals are used for medical
ultrasonics for the examination of pregnant women and patients suffering from tumours. After research, polarised
crystals were found to be most suitable for industrial use. Polarised crystals are made by heating up powders to a
high-temperatures, pressing them into shape and allowing them to cool in very strong electrical fields. This affects
the atomic structure of the crystal lattice.
Crystals are made by baking barium titanate at 1,250°C and then cooling it in a 2 kilovolt per millimetre electrical
• Much less sensitive than lead zirconate titanate or PZT.
The best all-round crystal for industrial testing for its qualities.
With no major disadvantages lead zirconate titanate (PZT) is used in most probes.
A feature of probes utilising piezo-electric crystals is that they require mechanical coupling between themselves and
the solid under inspection. This is achieved either by immersing them in a tank filled with a fluid (usually water) or
directly by the use of a thin (less than one quarter of the wavelength) fluid layer between the two. When shear
waves are to be transmitted, the fluid is also generally selected to have a significant viscosity. The acoustic
impedance of the couplant layer should also have a value somewhere between that of the probe and the material
being tested.
Electromagnetic acoustic transducers (EMAT’s) rely upon a totally different physical principle. When a wire is
placed near the surface of an electrically conducting object and a current of the required ultrasonic frequency is
applied, eddy currents will be induced in a near surface region of the object.
EMAT probes are employed for the detection of flaws and the determination of material properties such as precise
velocity or attenuation measurement. They do not require the use of couplant and as such can operation without
contact at elevated temperatures and in remote locations.
EMAT probes are however inefficient and require strong magnetic fields and large currents to produce ultrasound
that is often weaker than that produced by piezoelectric transducers. Rare-earth materials such as Samarium-Cobalt
and Neodymium-Iron-Boron are often used to produce sufficiently strong magnetic fields, which may also be
generated by pulsed electromagnets.
A pulse of ultrasound from a piezo electric crystal has a length or width of several vibrations or wavelengths. When
you strike a bell it continues to ring for several seconds as the metal continues to vibrate. The vibrations get
steadily weaker and the sound dies away. If you put your hand on the bell you stop the vibrations and the sound
dies away more quickly - you dampen the sound.
A piezo electric crystal continues to vibrate after it is hit by an electrical charge. This affects sensitivity, as the
longer the pulse length, the worse the resolution. In most probes a slug of tungsten loaded araldite is placed behind
the crystal to cut down the ringing time and to shorten the pulse length. Pulse length, pulse duration and pulse
width are the same thing, but we must not confuse either with wavelength.
Pulse length (or width) is also sometimes called "wave train length". It is defined in a number of ways and even
British Standards disagree. We choose the one in EN 1330 part 4 which defines it as the leading and trailing edges
of a pulse measured at a defined level below the peak amplitude.
10% of Maximum
Ultrasonic pulse
Pulse length
A long pulse may be 15 wavelengths (cycles, vibrations) while a short pulse may be as low as two cycles. The
average pulse length is about five wavelengths. The longer the pulse length, the more penetrating the ultrasound, as
it contains more energy, but the worse the sensitivity and resolution; hence the need to compromise.
1 – 2 cycles
10 –12 cycles
5 cycles
Pulse lengths
The spread of sound waves from a piezo-electric crystal has been likened to the beam of a torch, an elongated cone.
Just as the intensity of light from a torch diminishes with distance, so sound pulses get weaker the further they
travel from the crystal. An acoustic sound wave has also previously been described as being a single sinusoidal
wave propagating through a material. These analogies do not however present a totally true picture. The sound
produced from an ultrasonic crystal does not originate from a single point but rather it is derived from many points
along the surface of the piezoelectric crystal. This results in a sound field with many waves interacting or interfering
with each other.
When waves interact they overlay each other and the amplitude of the sound pressure or particle displacement at
any point of interaction is the sum of the amplitudes of the two individual waves. When the waves are fully in
phase, the result is additive or constructive and the intensity is doubled. When completely out of phase the result
would be to cancel each other out. The interaction can vary between these two extremes and the wave produced will
equal the sum of the amplitudes at all points with peaks of intensity referred to as nodes. In an ultrasonic probe the
situation is further complicated as sound originates from not just two but many points on the crystal surface
In an ultrasonic probe one would probably expect sound intensity to be highest at the probe face and to fall away
gradually as distance from the probe increases. Due to these interactions near to the face of the probe however the
sound field is therefore very uneven in this region with peaks and troughs in sound intensity. This area of intensity
variation is known as the Near field or Fresnel zone. As one moves farther away from the probe these variations are
eliminated and the sound field behaviour becomes more uniform. This region of the sound beam is referred to as the
Far field, or Fraunhofer zone. In the far field the intensity behaves as expected and intensity reduces exponentially
with distance and the beam spreads out as a circular wave front.
A piezo electric crystal is made up of millions of molecules. Each of these vibrates when the crystal is hit by an
electric charge and they all send out shock waves. The shock waves jostle each other.
Exponential Decay
Variations in sound intensity
After a time the shock waves, or pulses, even out to form a continuous front. The area between the crystal and the
point where the wave front evens out is what we call the NEAR or FRESNEL ZONE. Inside the Near Zone signals
from a reflector bear no accurate relation to the size of the reflector, as the sound vibrations are going in all
directions. This affects the accuracy of flaw sizing of small reflectors inside the Near Zone.
Regions of a sound beam
The Near Zone of a crystal varies with the material being tested, but it can be worked out by a formula:
Near Zone =
D x f
D = Diameter
f = Frequency
λ = Wavelength
v = Velocity
For example, the Near Zone of a 5 MHz compression probe with a 10mm diameter crystal will be, in steel:
10 x 5,000,000
= 21.1 mm
4 x 5,920,000
The Near Zone of a 2.5 MHz probe with a 20mm diameter crystal will be:
20 x 2,500,000
= 42.2mm.
4 x 5,920,000
In fact we can deduce from the formula that:
In the FAR ZONE the sound pulses spread out as they move away from the crystal. The higher the frequency of the
crystal, the less they spread out. The ANGLE OF BEAM SPREAD can be found by using this formula:
Beam spread
Kλ Kv
Sine θ/2 =
D or
K = constant for the edge of the beam spread
D = diameter of crystal
v = velocity of sound in material
f = crystal frequency
Edge,K =1.22
20dB,K =1.08
6dB,K =0.56
K values
Beam axis
If we take the edge of the beam to be where sound energy is 10% (-20dB) of the energy at the beam centre, K is
If we take the extreme edge of the sound beam to work out beam spread angles, then K is 1.22.
A 10mm 5MHz probe will have a beam spread in steel calculated as follows:
Sine θ/2 = 1.08 or 1.22 x
5000 x 10
So the angle of beam spread is 14.7° if you take the edge of the beam to be where energy is 10% of the main energy
or 16.6° taking the extreme edge of the beam.
That is one of the reasons why low frequency probes have large diameter crystals.
EN 1330 defines attenuation as “ decrease of sound pressure when a wave travels through a material arising from
absorption and scattering”. The two components, absorption and scatter, are in turn defined as:
ABSORPTION occurs as the sound pulse hits the molecules of the test material and makes them vibrate. The
energy lost in vibrating the molecules turns to heat. The rate of absorption varies from one material to another and
even from one type of steel to another. It is very high in perspex, nylon and lead and is low in aluminium.
SCATTER occurs as sound energy is reflected from grains in the test material. The larger the grains, the more
scatter occurs. The 'grass' at the bottom of the CRT screen is caused by reflections from grain boundaries in the test
material. You see more grass from cast iron or brass than from small grained materials like refined steel or annealed
The longer the wavelength of a sound pulse, the less energy is scattered. Where the wavelength is smaller than the
grain size, a sound pulse is scattered very quickly. It is for this reason that a low frequency probe, with its longer
wavelength, has greater penetration in a given material than a high frequency probe.
The amount of energy reflected back depends on whether the reflector is bigger in area than the sound beam at that
distance. If the reflector is bigger in area than the sound beam, the signal on the screen varies according to the law
of Large Reflectors. If the reflector is smaller in area than the sound beam at that distance, it obeys the Law of
Small Reflectors.
Both of these laws only hold good beyond a distance of three times the length of the Near Zone.
A large reflector at 20mm, if it is beyond 3 near zones, gives a signal at 80% FSH. If the dB setting is not altered, a
large reflector in the same material at 40mm will give a signal 40% FSH. (Inverse Law).
Small reflectors outside 3 near zones obey the inverse square law.
A small reflector at 20mm, if it is beyond 3 near zones, gives a signal at 80% FSH. If the dB setting is not changed
a similar reflector in the same material at 40mm will give a signal 20% FSH. (Inverse Square Law).
20% FSH
Law of the small reflector
a. Place a compression probe on a piece of the test material and turn the backwall echo to FSH. (If the BWE
is within three near zones of the probe, use the first BWE outside the distance of three near zones).
b. Obtain an echo from twice the distance of the BWE used and increase the signal height until it is at FSH.
Note dB difference.
c. Subtract 6 dB, due to beam spread loss, from the difference and divide the remainder by the distance the
sound has travelled between the two echoes. This is twice the distance shown on the CRT, as the sound
has to travel to the backwall and back to trigger the probe.
d. The answer will give the dBs lost per millimetre in attenuation. This can give an assessment of plate
quality and of heat treatment.
Attenuation checks have to be made when dealing with Distance Amplitude Correction (DAC) and
Distance Gain Size (DGS) systems, but more of them later.
When a sound pulse arrives at an interface between the different materials at right angles some sound is reflected
back into the material from whence it came. The rest of the sound, however, is transmitted into the second material.
This is due to the difference in acoustic impedance of the two materials and is known as acoustic impedance
mismatch or sometimes interface behaviour.
We can calculate how much sound is transmitted and how much sound is reflected back by knowing the acoustic
impedance of both materials.
Acoustic impedance is represented by the letter Z and is the velocity of sound in the material multiplied by the
material's density:
where ρ (the Greek letter rho) is density and V is sound velocity, compressional or shear as the case may be.
Z = ρ ×V
Once you know the acoustic impedances of two materials, you can use a formula to work out how much sound will
be reflected back. The formula is:
⎡ Z1 − Z2 ⎤
⎢ ⎥ × 100 = % reflected
⎣ 1
Z + Z 2 ⎦
where Z1 is the acoustic impedance of the first material and Z2 is the acoustic impedance of the second material.
An example. To calculate the amount of energy reflected back at a steel-water interface, we must find out the
acoustic impedances of steel and water. They are:
⎛ 45.22 ⎞
⎜ ⎟ x 100
⎝ 48.18 ⎠
88% of the sound energy is reflected back at the interface. This of course means that 12% of the energy is
transmitted at the interface. Using the same formula, the figures for other media can be worked out. At a steel/oil
interface, 91% of sound energy is reflected back; at a glycerine/steel interface 90% of energy is reflected back.
These substances, water, oil and glycerine, are used as couplants in ultrasonics. Through them sound energy is
transmitted from the probe into the test materials. So in fact, only about 10% of the energy generated by the probe
crystal actually gets through the couplant into the test material.
When examining a piece of steel with a compression probe we pass at most about 10% of sound energy from the
crystal into the steel. Even if all that energy is reflected back from the back wall or a large flaw in the steel, only
10% of the returning energy will pass back through the interface into the probe. Consequently, at the most only 1%
of energy generated by a probe crystal will come back into a probe, a very small amount indeed. A rule of thumb
with UT is that whatever happens to sound going in one direction, happens also in the reverse direction.
Aluminium 17
Brass 36
Copper 41
Lead 27
Magnesium 93
Nickel 50
Steel 46.7
Glass 18
Polystyrene 29
Oil 13
Water 14
Air 0.0041
When sound waves pass obliquely (not at 90 degrees) between materials having different acoustic velocities the
direction of sound propagation is changed on passing through the interface and the sound wave is said to have been
Light and sound are both refracted when passing from one medium to another with different velocities and this
means that objects seen across an interface appear to be shifted relative to where they really are.
Snell's law states that the ratio between sound speed in two materials is the same as the ratio between the sine of the incident
and refracted angles (measured for the vertical angle). It equates the ratio of material velocities v1 and v2 to the ratio of the
sines of incident and refracted angles.
Snell’s Law
If we want to make a probe transmitting a shear wave at a certain angle, we have to transpose this formula:
Sin R x V1
Sin I =
For example, if we want a probe giving a 45° shear wave in steel we must calculated the angle at which we must cut the
perspex wedge - the incident angle. The compression speed of sound in perspex is 2730 metres per second, the shear speed
of sound in steel is 3250 metres per second and the refracted angle we need is 45°.
0.7071 x 2730
sin I =
sin I = 0.594
I = 36.44°.
However, with incident angles less than 27°, both compression and shear waves are generated in the steel. This
makes interpretation very confusing. To get a shear wave on its own, the angle of incidence must be more than
27.4°, called the FIRST CRITICAL ANGLE. This gives a shear wave of 33° (the lowest standard angle probe
manufactured is 35°.
C 20
Steel 48.3
24 C
Two soundS
If the incident angle is above 57.14° the shear wave is replaced by a surface wave. This angle is called the SECOND
27.4 C C
Steel 33
Steel S
Critical angles
The largest probe angle you can get from manufacturers without a special order is 80°. So shear waves on their own in steel
are only possible with incident angles between 27.4° and 57.14°, using a perspex wedge. This is of course worked out by the
probe manufacturers and it must be borne in mind that a probe which gives a refracted angle of 45° in steel will give a
different refracted angle in other materials.
Snells Law can be used for working out critical angles in non-ferrous metals. Indeed, if we are immersion scanning the
incident material is water, so a whole new set of angles needs to be worked out.
The FIRST CRITICAL ANGLE is the incident angle at which the compression wave in the test material is generated at 90°.
So using Snell's Law:
Sin I 2730
Sin 90 5960
Sin90 = 1
SinI =
I = 27.26
SinI = 0.458
The SECOND CRITICAL ANGLE is the incident angle at which a shear wave is generated in the material at 90°. Use
Snell's Law again:
Sin I 2730
Sin 90 3240
SinI =
When sound travels in a solid material, one form of wave energy can be transformed into another form. When a
longitudinal waves strikes an interface at an angle some of the energy can cause particle movement in the transverse
direction to start a shear (transverse) wave. This phenomenon is referred to as mode conversion and will occur
every time a wave encounters an interface between materials of different acoustic impedance and the incident angle
is not at 90 degrees to the interface. Mode conversion can therefore cause numerous spurious indications to arise
during an inspection which the inspector must eliminate.
In the USA a probe is usually called search unit and was at one time called a transducer. However, we generally
now understand a transducer to be the crystal. There are a number of probe designs and configurations. We shall
deal with those most commonly used in weld, aerospace and general ultrasonic testing.
Compression probes generate compression or longitudinal waves in test materials and are sometimes called normal
o degree probes. A typical compression probe comprises a crystal in a metal or plastic housing, with wires from a
connection bonded to it, which carry the electrical pulse from the flaw detector and cause the crystal to vibrate.
Behind the crystal is mounted damping material to restrict the vibration and in front is a plastic disc to prevent
crystal wear.
Compression wave
An angle probe is a piezo electric crystal mounted on a perspex wedge at an angle calculated to generate a shear
(transverse) wave in the test material.
a. The compressional speed of sound in perspex (2730 m/sec) is lower than the shear velocity of sound in
steel (3250m/sec) so refracted angles are greater than incident angles.
b. Perspex is very absorptive and attenuates unwanted echoes from the compressional wave as it hits the
perspex test material interface.
The piezo electric crystal generates a compressional wave which is transmitted into the perspex wedge. When the
compressional wave hits the bottom surface of the wedge most of the energy is reflected away from the interface
and back into the perspex. It is damp by tungsten powder in epoxy resin placed on the perspex wedge as damping.
Angle probe
If there is no couplant on the bottom surface of the perspex wedge, all the energy is reflected back into the probe. If
there is couplant and if the probe is placed on test material, sound energy passes into the test material and generates
a shear wave. Angle probes utilise compression probes mounted on a wedge of perspex. The wedge of such a probe
is cut to a particular angle to enable the beam to refract into the test material at a chosen angle.
Angle probes usually transmit a shear or sometimes a surface wave into test materials and are used largely in weld
testing, casting and forging inspection and in aerospace applications.
A single crystal probe transmits and receives ultrasound with one crystal: the crystal transmits the pulse and vibrates
when the pulse returns from a backwall echo or a flow. However, when a single crystal probe is used, a signal
appears on the screen at the beginning of the time base. It is caused by vibrations immediately adjacent to the
crystal and is called by several names: initial pulse, transmission signal, crystal strike or main bang.
For a single crystal probe the length of the initial pulse is the dead zone and any signal from a reflector at a shorter
distance than this will be concealed in the initial pulse. We deliberately delay off the initial pulse beyond the left of
the timebase, by mounting the transducers of a twin crystal probe onto plastic wedges. This and the focusing of the
crystals reduces the dead zone considerably and it is only where the transmission and receptive beams do not
overlap that we cannot assess flaws.
A twin or double crystal probe is designed to minimise the problem of dead zone. A twin crystal probe has two
crystals mounted on perspex shoes angled inwards slightly to focus at a set distance in the test material. Were the
crystals not angled, the pulse would be reflected straight back into the transmitting crystal.
• Good contact is difficult with curved surfaces
• It is difficult to size small defects accurately as the width of a double-crystal probe is usually greater than
that of a single-crystal probe
• The amplitude of a signal decreases the further a reflector is situated from the focal distance - a response
curve can be made out.
Immersion Probes are designed for use where the test part is immersed in water. They are typically used inside a
water tank or as part of a squirter or bubbler system in scanning applications. Immersion transducers usually have an
impedance matching layer that helps to get more sound energy into the water and in turn, into the component being
inspected. Immersion transducers can be purchased with in a flat, cylindrically focused or spherically focused lens.
A focused transducer can improve sensitivity and axial resolution by concentrating the sound energy to a smaller
Delay Line Probes as the name implies introduce a time delay between the generation of the sound wave and the
arrival of any reflected waves. This allows the crystal to complete its transmission function before it begins to
receive returning signals. Delay line transducers are recommended for applications that require a contact transducer
with good near surface resolution and are designed for use in applications such as high precision thickness gauging
of thin materials and delamination checks in composite materials. They are also useful in high-temperature
measurement applications since the delay line provides some insulation to the piezoelectric element from the heat.
High Frequency Broadband Probes with frequencies between 20 MHz and 150 MHz are commercially available
and can improve flaw resolution and thickness measurement capabilities dramatically.
Ultrasonic inspections are largely performed by the pulse echo technique in which a single probe is used to both
transmit and receive ultrasound. In addition to the fact that access is required from one surface only, further
advantages of this technique are that it gives an indication of the type of defect, its size and its exact location within
the item being tested.
The major disadvantage is that pulse echo inspection is reliant upon the defects having the correct orientation
relative to the beam in order to generate a returning signal to the probe and is not therefore considered fail safe. If
the sound pulse hits the flaw at an angle other than 90 much of the energy will be reflected away and not return to
the probe with the result that the flaw will not show up on the screen
Pulse Echo
Through transmission was used in the early days of ultrasonic testing and is still used in plate and bar production. A
probe one side of a component transmits an ultrasonic pulse to a receptor probe on the other side. The absence of a
pulse coming to the receiver indicates a defect.
No Defect
signal reduced
Through transmission
The advantages of through transmission are:
Tandem scanning is utilised mainly to locate defects lying perpendicular to the surface. It involves the use
of two or more angle probes of the same angle of incidence and facing in the same direction with one probe acting
as the transmitter and the others as receivers.
Tandem scanning
Contact scanning is defined by EN 1330 as scanning by means of an ultrasonic probe (or probes) in direct contact
with the object under examination (with or without couplant). Normal a thin film of couplant between the probe and
the test surface serves to both transmit ultrasound and to lubricate the surface and reduce wear on the probe face.
Ideally the acoustic impedance of the couplant should be between that of the probe (perspex) and the material under
In accordance with EN 130 gap scanning is a technique in which the probe is not in direct contact with the surface
of the specimen but is coupled to it through a column of liquid, not more than a few wavelengths thick.
Gap scanning
Immersion testing involves the test object being submerged in a liquid, usually water and the probe being scanned at
a fixed distance above the of the component. The water serves to provide constant coupling conditions and amounts
to a long fluid delay line. Although the probe itself must be a compression wave, shear waves can be produced
within the sample by angulation of the probe. This technique frequently employs high frequency probes (25-50
mHz) and focused probes for automated inspections and is suited to the inspection of complex components.
The use of wheel probes, squirter and bubbler systems are also considered to be immersion systems.
Water path
The flaw detector or UT set sends ultrasound energy into test materials and some of this returns to the set to be
presented as information on a CRT screen. This is to be an “A scan” display with the amplitude of signals displayed
as a function of time or distance. There are other ways of presenting the information.
This gives an end or cross-sectional view of the component being examined with the position of the probe displayed
on one axis and the distance from the surface to the signal on the other. The B scan is used in hospitals and on
aircraft components. It is often used with specimens immersed in water and with an automated scanning device.
The C scan gives a plan view of a defect. It is often used as an automated process to map out laminations in plate.
It gives the area of a defect, so it is good for plotting the extent of laminations in sheets.
The D scan gives a side view of the defect seen from a viewpoint normal to the B scan. It is usually automated, and
shows the length, depth and through thickness of a defect. The D scan should not be confused with the "Delta
The ultrasonic flaw detector, the UT set, sends a voltage down a co-axial cable, sometimes called "the
lead" to a probe. The piezo electric crystal in the probe is hit by the voltage and vibrates. The vibration creates an
ultrasonic pulse which enters the test material. The pulse travels through the material until it strikes a reflector and
is reflected back to the probe. It re-enters the probe, hits the crystal and vibrates it, causing it to generate a voltage.
The voltage causes a current which travels back to the flaw detector along the cable. The set displays the time the
pulse has taken through the test material and back and the strength of the pulse as a signal on the CRT screen.
This is basically how a UT set works. It transmits energy into material via a probe and measures the time
in microseconds that the sound pulse takes to return to the probe. The controls on the UT set are almost entirely
concerned with presenting a display on the CRT screen for the operator to interpret.
The cathode ray tube is a device for measuring very small periods of time. The CRT displays electrical pulses on a
screen in a linear time/distance relationship. That is, the longer the distance on the screen timebase, the longer the
time that has been measured.
A filament is heated in a vacuum tube. The heat causes the particles of the filament to vibrate and electrons start
boiling out of the surface a process known as thermionic emission.
A positive potential electric charge is in position further down the vacuum tube and the negatively charged electrons
from the filament are attracted towards it.
The electrons pass through a negatively charged focusing ring that pushes them towards the centre of the tube,
forcing them into a fine stream. This stream of electrons hits a phosphor covered screen at the end of the tube. The
electron bombardment forces the phosphor to give out light and a green dot appears on the screen.
The X and Y plates above, below and beside the electron stream carry potentials that move the electron stream from
side to side and up and down, moving the green dot on the screen.
The X plates control horizontal movement and the Y plates control vertical movement. By altering the potential of
the X and Y plates, the dot can be moved on the screen.
The PULSE GENERATOR in a UT set is a timer which gives out a number of electrical pulses every second. This
confused with probe frequency.
The PRF on most sets is about 1000 pulses per second, though this can be varied on most sets from 50 pulses per
second for thick specimens to 1250 pulses per second for thin specimens.
The pulse generator sends the pulse to the TIME BASE GENERATOR on the CRT and to the PULSE
The timebase generator sends the green dot moving across the CRT screen by putting a charge into the X plates in
the tube.
Simultaneously the pulse transmitter sends an electric voltage down the co-axial cable to the piezo electric crystal in
the probe. The crystal vibrates, transmitting the pulse of sound into the test material.
At the end of each pulse the green dot on the CRT screen flies back to the lefthand side of the screen to await the
next pulse.
If the test material is thick the dot must travel across the screen fairly slowly, as the pulse repetition rate is lowered.
Only one pulse must be in the test material at any one time or confusing echoes will result. For this reason the PRF
is lowered when thick specimens are examined.
The RANGE control varies the speed of the green dot across the screen. It is divided into COARSE RANGE that
allows large changes in range, say 10mm to 100mm to 500mm, and the FINE RANGE which allows small
adjustments in distances between these. For thick specimens the dot travels slowly and for thin specimens its speed
is increased. Adjusting the speed of the dot in relation to the time taken for the sound pulse to enter the test
specimen and to be reflected back to the probe is called "setting a time base".
If the speed of the dot across the screen is not even, as a result of equipment failure, we say the timebase is not
linear. Flaw detectors should be checked frequently to assess TIME BASE LINEARITY.
12.5 DELAY
The DELAY control makes the timebase generator wait for a while before sending the green dot moving across the
Twin crystal and angle probes have perspex blocks or wedges between the crystal and the test material. This need
not be shown on the CRT screen, so we adjust the delay to move it sideways off the display, so the passage of the
ultrasound through the perspex in the probe does not appear on the screen.
You can also use the DELAY control to wait until the sound has travelled part of the way through the test piece
itself before representation on the screen. For example, if you only want to look at the bottom 25mm of a 20mm
specimen, you can adjust the delay so that the green dot begins to travel across the screen at 175mm. On thickness
checks this can make for greater accuracy in readings for thick specimens.
If the sound pulse sent into the test material is reflected back at the proper angle, it returns to the probe and hits the
receiver crystal. The crystal sends a current back to the UT set. Of necessity this current is very small.
The current returning to the set goes to an AMPLIFIER which increases it and filters out irrelevant signals. The
returning current is alternating (AC) and this must be rectified before going to the CRT, so it is rectified in the
The rectified current now goes to the ATTENUATOR, a variable resistance which controls the current passed on to
the CRT. The greater the resistance, the smaller the current. This attenuator is controlled by the CALIBRATED
From the attenuator, the current goes to the Y plates in the CRT. When the current hits the Y plates, they pull the
electron stream upwards and the green dot jumps from the bottom of the screen to make a signal. The height of the
signal is increased or decreased by turning the gain up or down.
This control is a method of controlling the amplitude of a signal. It is also a means of comparing the height of one
signal with the height of another. So the UT set can tell us two things:
We can find the latter by comparing a signal from the reflector in the test piece with a signal from an artificial
reflector in a reference block.
When measuring high attenuating material there is often a corresponding high level of 'grass (USA-'hash') on the
timebase. It is possible to reduce this to an acceptable level by means of the REJECT/SUPPRESSION control and
providing the calibration is verified, accurate thickness measurements may be made. However, reject often makes
the vertical axis non-linear so must NOT be used if readings related to the decibel are made.
Gain is measured in DECIBEL (dB) - tenths of a unit called a bel. When we compare the height of two signals on
the CRT screen, we are in fact comparing the electric voltage that is being sent to the Y plates, and electric voltage
is proportional to the square of the current. To compare two signals we must use a formula that takes account of
this fact:
So we must check the probe before we can calibrate the time base to enable its use. There are also a number of
other performance-checks that should be carried out at specified intervals.
The point at which the centre of the beam leaves the probe and enters the test material is called the Probe Index or
EMISSION POINT. It should be marked on each side of the probe and checked regularly. As the probe surface
wears down, the probe index can change. Stand off measurements are taken from the probe index and it is used to
check the probe angle, another check that the UT technician must perform regularly, so it is the master reference
point or datum.
To find the probe index place the probe on a V1 block and obtain an echo from the 100mm radius and establish at more than
50% FSH using the gain control. Maximise the echo by moving the probe backwards and forwards. Mark a line on each
side of the probe directly above the slots which indicate the centre of the 100mm radius. This is the probe index, where the
axis of the beam leaves the perspex shoe.
For a 45° or 60° probe place it on the V1 block approximately adjacent to where the appropriate angle is inscribed, and
directed at the plastic insert. Obtain a signal on the screen from the plastic insert and maximise it. Find the position where
the probe index coincides with the angle indicated on the side of the V1 block and this will tell you the probe angle.
This procedure can be repeated for a 70° probe but reflecting the energy from the plastic insert radius is unreliable.
Therefore we suggest you use the 1.5mm hole as a target instead.
By range in angle probe testing we mean the distance a reflector is from the probe index.
It is possible on some flaw detectors to calibrate the time base to 100mm range, from the V1 block. However, this
involves delaying the signal by 100mm and not all equipment can do this on the appropriate scale expansion setting,
so we will confine ourselves to calibrating for 200mm full screen width.
Place the probe on the V1 block and obtain boundary echo from the 100mm radius. Establish this signal to more
than 50% FSH using the gain control. Further maximise the echo by moving the probe backwards and forwards.
Hold the probe stationary.
Wind in or out on the scale expansion/range control to establish a second boundary echo at 200mm range.
Place the signal from 100mm at 5 (half scale) on the time base and the one from 200mm at 10 (full scale), using the
delay and range controls. The time base is calibrated for 200mm. Longer ranges can be catered for in multiples of
However, the V1 block is bulky, not convenient for site work and it is not always possible to calibrate for 100mm,
so we tend to use the V2 block.
5 10
The V2 block is the most convenient calibration block to use with angle probes. It has two arcs, at 25mm and at
Place the probe on the block and point it at the 25mm arc. Adjust the DELAY and RANGE controls until you have
two signals on the screen, the first will represent 25mm and the second will represent 100mm. Maximise the
signals by sliding the probe forward and backward. Adjust RANGE and DELAY until the first echo comes a
quarter of the way across the screen at 2.5 and the second echo comes at the extreme edge of the screen on the right-
hand side at 10.
The timebase now represents 100mm. Check it by turning the probe round and pointing it at the 50mm arc. If
you have calibrated correctly, the signal when maximised will come up exactly in the middle of the screen at 5.
2.5 10
Point the probe at the 50mm arc on the V2 block and obtain three echoes on the screen. These represent 50mm,
125mm and 200mm. Maximise these signals by sliding the probe forward and backward. Adjust the RANGE and
DELAY until the first signal comes a quarter of the way across the screen at 2.5 and the third echo comes at the
extreme edge of the screen at 10.
2.5 10
Point the probe at the 25mm radius arc on a V2 block and adjust the set until you get four echoes. These represent
25mm, 100mm, 175mm and 250mm. Maximise these signals by sliding the probe forward and backward. Adjust
RANGE and DELAY until the first echo comes one tenth of the way across the screen at 1 and the fourth echo
comes at the extreme edge of screen at 10. Check on a V1 block. On the 100mm arc you should get one echo 4/10
across the screen and the other 8/10 across the screen.
1 4 7 10
You can calculate the location of a flaw by using trigonometric formulas as shown below. You need to know the angle of
the probe and the stand off measured from the centre of a weld.
Stand Off
A general rule of thumb used to calculate the depth of an indication from the range on the screen is
It is quicker and easier, however, to use a flaw location slide and a beam plot or even a piece of clear plastic film
with the probe angle drawn on it. Use the slide as follows:
Draw a cross section of the weld on the transparent outer envelope of the slide. Draw a mirror image of the weld
cross section immediately under it if the sound energy is going to bounce off the back wall, i.e. using full skip. Use
the printed datum line on the plastic envelope as the centre of the weld and measure all stand offs from it.
Maximise the echo from a defect and mark where the index point falls on the parent metal. Measure its distance
from the centre of the weld.
Note the defect on a sketch and note the stand off and range of the centre of the defect.
Move the datum line on the plastic envelope to the stand off distance. Look along the centre of the beam plot until
you come to the range shown on the screen. Make a mark on the envelope this represents the centre of the defect it
shows the defect's position in the weld body.
Stand off
Stand off
This method is used for sizing large reflectors. If the probe is moved until the signal amplitude from a reflector
drops to half its original screen height, then it can be said that the sound beam is half on and half off the reflector.
So by moving the probe until the signal from the end of a large reflector halves in height, we can thus estimate that
the edge of the reflector is immediately below the centre of the probe.
This method is called the 6dB drop method because the amplitude of the signal drops by half which corresponds to
6dB when the probe is moved to the edge of a large reflector.
Note: The peak of the reflector is normally taken as being the last peak on the screen before the probe goes off
the end of the reflector, not necessarily the maximum signal from the reflector.
Defect E
We can use a beam plot to find the edge of a defect by using the edge of the sound beam.
If we know the width of a beam at a certain distance from the crystal, we can mark the distance across a defect from
where the extreme edges of the beam touch each end of the defect and then subtract the beam width to get the defect
When the signal from the defect drops by 20 dB from its peak, we judge that the edge of the beam is just touching
the end of the defect. We can find the width of the sound beam at that range by consulting the beam plot that we
have made.
Note: The peak of the defect is normally taken as being the last peak on the screen before the probe goes off the end
of the defect, not necessarily the maximum signal from a defect.
Maximum signal
Find the hole at a depth of 13mm on an IOW block with a 0° probe and maximise the signal. Move the probe until
you get the highest signal you can from the hole, then turn the signal to FSH using gain. Mark the position of the
middle of the probe on the side of the block.
Move the probe to one side until the signal drops to 10% FSH (-20dB) and mark the centre of the probe on the side
of the block.
Move the probe to the other side of the hole until the signal drops to 10%FSH (-20dB) and mark the centre of the
probe on the block.
Use the distances between the marks on the block to plot the beam on a piece of graph paper. Measure 13mm depth
on the paper then mark the distances of the probe centre at -20dB from the beam centre at 100% FSH on either side.
Now find the 25mm hole and maximise the signal, turning it to 100% FSH. Move the probe to either side of the
hole marking the centre of the probe on the side of the block where the signal drops by 20dB.
Measure 25mm on the paper and use the distances on the block to plot the beam dimensions at 25mm..
Repeat using the 32mm hole. Join up the points marking the probe centre at 20dB to obtain a beam plot.
Note that we have only drawn the beam width in one plane, so the probe must be marked accordingly and used to
measure defects in this plane. We use knowledge of the beam spread to size defects, to find the edges and hence
their width, length and sometimes orientation.
An IOW reference block is convenient for constructing a beam plot. It has a number of 1.5mm side-drilled holes at
different depths and is used mainly for setting sensitivity. Use a 20dB beam edge for 45° and 60° probes, but use a
10dB for 70° probes. With the 70° probe a 20dB beam spread is so wide and difficult to construct as to be almost
We will start with a 60° probe. Find the hole which is 13mm below the top surface with the probe and maximise the
signal to FSH. Mark where the index point comes on the block with a pencil or crayon. Move the probe forward
until the signal drops to one tenth screen height (20dB drop). Make a second mark on the block where the index
point on the probe stands on the block.
Move the probe backwards until the signal maximises and then drops down to 1/10 screen height. Mark where the index
point now stands. Draw a vertical line on the block from the hole to the upper edge. Measure the distances of the three index
point marks from the top of the line and note them down.
Now find an echo from the 19mm deep hole and repeat the process, noting the distances and repeat the process a
third time using the 25mm hole.
Take the slide out of a beam plotting chart and draw three faint lines across it at depths of 13mm, 19mm and
Transfer the distances of the index points from the vertical lines to the relevant pencil lines on the chart. Joint the
marks up. The centre line represents the main energy of the beam and the other two marks represent the leading
and the trailing edges of the beam.
With a 45° probe, use the 19mm, 25mm and 32mm depth holes as the 13mm hole may be in the probe's near zone.
Use a 10dB drop with a 70° probe, instead of dropping the signal to 1/10 FSH for the leading and trailing edges, use
the 3/10 line on the screen.
Use the corner of the block as reference point from which to measure stand-offs.
On the cover of the beam plotting chart, use the corner of the block to represent the centre line.
Use the stand-off and the range to plot the defect along the trailing edge of your beam spread. Mark it on the slide
Now obtain a signal from the bottom hole of the six, maximise it and turn it up to FSH on your screen. Pull the
probe back until the signal drops to 1/10 FSH (3/10 for a 70° probe). Plot the bottom of the defect on your slide
cover using the leading edge of your beam plot.
Lay the transparent slide over the IOW block and the top and bottom of the drilled holes should coincide with the
marks on the slide. If they do not your beam plot is off or you are going wrong somewhere. In effect you have just
sized a defect by the 20dB drop method (10 dB drop for the 70° probe).
We must now consider the part of the beam which is in the near zone on an angle shear wave probe because with a
beam edge method of flaw sizing, we cannot assess small defects in the near zone.
However, the beam starts to travel in the plastic wedge and is then refracted and carries on in the material we are
testing. We are only concerned with the part of the beam near zone registering later than zero on the time base, e.g.
in the test material. This we call the modified near zone.
Here is an example:
A 5 mHz shear probe has a 10mm diameter crystal. The beam travels in perspex for 10mm. What is the modified
near zone?
D x f
NZ, if totally developed in steel =
4 xv
10 x 5 x 1,000,000
= mm = 38.46mm.
4 x 3250 x 1000
We must now subtract the perspex wedge part of the beam which is 10mm, multiplied by the ratio of the perspex
and steel velocities which is 10 x 2730/3250 = 8.4mm
A number of methods can be used to find the -20dB edge of a beam in the horizontal plane. Some use the ends of
the side drilled holes in the IOW block to determine the edge. However, we in SANDT prefer to use the 1.5mm
through drilled hole in the IIW calibration block.
a. Place the probe to pick up the 1.5mm hole at ½ skip and maximise the signal from the intersection of the
hole and the opposite face, see Fig.11.3.a. Mark on the straight edge adjacent to the near centre of the
probe, to indicate the beam centre.
b. Position a straight-edge either in front of or behind the probe to hold the probe in the fixed transverse
position. Scan the probe laterally - sideways - until the hole signal drops by 20dB. Mark on the straight
edge adjacent to the rear centre position of the probe. This registers half a beam at the ½ skip range.
c. Scan the probe laterally the other way, through the maximum signal position, until the hole signal again
drops by 20dB. Mark on the straight edge as before.
d. You now have three marks on the straight edge to indicate the beam width at that range. Transfer these to
the beam plotting chart as appropriate.
e. Repeat steps a to d but at full skip and 1½ skip for a 45° probe but only at full skip for a 60°. Note that
mode conversion reduces the 1½ skip signal on a 60° probe to too low a level to be reliable.
f. Join up the 3 points on either side of the centre-line to complete the beam. Only take the lines back to the
near zone because the edge is not reliable before that.
Setting a sensitivity level is essential to provide re-producible results from the same inspection carried out by
different operators using different probe set combinations and maybe working in different locations. They must all
see the same flaw giving the same signal height and therefore have the same data on which to base their
accept/reject decisions.
There are several systems for setting sensitivity. We have already met one of them, first back wall echo (BWE) to
full screen height for lamination checks. However, when checking plate adjacent to a weld, the second BWE
should be to full screen height.
When setting sensitivity we must be sure that a signal from a defect will be visible on the CRT screen and that we
will be able to distinguish the defect signal from background 'noise' or 'grass'. All UT sets differ slightly, so we
cannot say, "Set the sensitivity to x dB", as different probes and equipment will give entirely different signals from
the same reflector. It is to attain some uniformity that the different methods have evolved.
Different methods are used in different places. In SANDT the IOW block is used and it is the recommended
method for PCN examinations. On North Sea contracts the Distance Amplitude Correction Curve (DAC) method
or "ASME curves" is used. The DAC method is recommended in EN1714, and in Germany the Distance Gain Size
(DGS) system is usually applied, especially when evaluating small reflectors.
The purpose of sensitivity setting is to find a gain level sufficient to find a flaw and depends on the:
a. Probe used, in particular its frequency
b. Flaw detector
c. Properties of the test material
d. Ratio of 'noise' to back wall echo or flaw echo
We met the Institute of Welding block when studying beam profiles. The block contains 1.5mm side-drilled holes
at different depths and allows the holes to be detected from different angles with angle probes. To use it is simple
and straightforward:
Find a hole on the block that approximately coincides with the thickness of the material you are testing. Double the
thickness if you are examining at full skip, i.e. bouncing your sound beam off the back wall.
Obtain a signal from the hole and turn the GAIN control until the signal is at FSH.
Work out transfer correction.
You have now set sensitivity and can be assured that flaws having the equivalent reflectivity of 1.5mm side-drilled
holes will appear on the screen.
a. It is simple to use
b. It provides a uniform system of reference
c. A fairly large and visible echo is assured from small flaws
d. Side-drilled hole reflectors are independent of angle
EN 1714 and all US specifications recommend this method. A special reference block of the same material as the
test object is usually necessary, though the curves can be constructed from an IOW block.
The type of block recommended by EN 1714 and an ASME block are shown below
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
Note: Should the difference in height between the largest and the smallest echoes exceed the range of 20% to 80%
FSH the line shall be split and separate curves plotted at different gain settings. The difference in gain between the
two curves shall be noted
Examine the test material as instructed in the specifications, comparing the signals from discontinuities to the curves
on your screen. Any signal above the curve shows a reflector larger than the reference hole. Accept or reject
discontinuities as instructed in the specification you are working to.
a. A quick way of accepting or rejecting discontinuities without too much time consumed in sizing reflectors.
b. Some idea can be gained of the discontinuities size in relation to reference holes.
c. Uniformity provided by all technicians constructing their curves from the same test block.
a. Curves must be constructed for each probe in conjunction with each set.
b. Transfer correction must be worked out.
Blocks are drilled with flat-bottomed holes to precise diameters and set distances from the top of the block. These
diameters and distances are stamped on the side of the block.
When setting sensitivities the specification or technique will specify the block to be used and the amplitude of signal
to be obtained from the FBH.
Blocks are cut for use with 0° probes or angle probes in different materials and this method is mostly used in
a. Easy to use
b. Uniformity assured when different technicians use the same blocks
c. Blocks can be made from different materials
You may hear these blocks called HITT or ALCOA blocks, after the originators.
Work out the maximum range at which you will be examining test material. Place the probe on the material with
couplant applied. Turn up the gain until you have 2mm grass on the screen at the maximum range. You will now
have the assurance of knowing that any discontinuity larger than the grain size will show up on the screen.
Reference blocks usually have smooth machined surfaces while test objects frequently have rougher and more
uneven surfaces. Also the attenuation of sound in the reference block might be different to that in the test material.
Usually attenuation in the reference block is less than the test material but not always. This means that allowance
must be made for the differences in sound energy transfer between probe and test material and probe and reference
block. More energy can be passed into a reference block than into a rougher surfaced component.
Hence the artificial defects in reference block may give higher amplitude signals (anything up to 6dB or even more)
than signals from similarly sized discontinuities in the test materials. Allowances have to be made for this and
corrections made for different surfaces. This allowance is named transfer correction, transfer loss.
There are several methods of determining transfer correction, some requiring the construction of separate DAC
curves and some requiring calculation according to formulae.
Place the probe on the reference block and turn the back wall echo up to FSH. Note the gain settings. Now place
the probe on the test material and at a similar range bring the BWE to FSH. Again note the gain setting. The
difference between them is the transfer correction.
As you cannot get a back wall echo with angle probes from a plate or pipe wall, you have to use two probes with the
same angle.
Place the two probes opposite each other on the reference block with one probe transmitting and the other receiving,
so that the sound energy is bounced off the back wall and caught by the receiving probe (Pitch and Catch).
Place the two probes on a piece of test material of the same thickness as the reference block and repeat the process.
Note the difference between the two gain settings. This is the transfer correction needed.
Other methods of transfer correction are described in EN 1714 and in literature concerning the DGS system.
The DGS system relies on the laws of large and small reflectors in the Far Zone and was developed to relate the
amplitude of a signal to various sizes of "perfect disc reflectors", flat bottomed holes, so it does not actually size
flaws but relates them to an equivalent reflector. The relative heights of signals from different sizes of flat bottomed
holes at different distances were plotted as curves.
Reflector sizes are expressed in terms of the probe diameter and distances from the probe are expressed as multiples
of the near zone.
Now if you have a signal from a flaw at a certain depth, you can compare the signal size to what the signal of a back
wall echo should be at that depth and estimate the size of flat bottomed hole that would give such a signal at that
depth. The defect can then be sized according to a flat-bottomed hole equivalent. The attenuation factor for the test
material must be taken into consideration when using the DGS system.
EXAMPLE: You are using a 5MHz 10mm diameter compression probe on 100mm thick steel plate and you find a
defect at 60mm depth which gives a signal at FSH with a 30dB gain setting. What is its flat-bottomed hole
equivalent? First, work out the probe near zone. It is 21 mm, so the defect is at a distance of 3 near zones.
Now get a back wall echo and find what the dB reading is. Say it is 20dB when the BWE is at FSH. 100mm is 5
Near Zones. What will it be at 60mm, 3 near zones? Refer to the DGS curves. If the BWE is a FSH with 20dB at
100mm, by the law of large reflectors and according to the BWE line on the DGS curves a BWE at 60mm should
reach FSH at 16dB, 4dB less than at 100mm.
The signal height from the flaw is 30dB, 14dB more than the BWE. Look down the scale 14dB at 3 near zones from
the BWE and you find that the nearest line is 0.5 of the probe diameter. The probe diameter is 10mm so the nearest
equivalent flat-bottomed hole to the flaw had a diameter of 5mm.
By similar working, a sensitivity setting can be worked out for a flat-bottomed hole of a certain diameter at a given
range to a given screen height and the flaw detector gain set accordingly.
For angle probes, plastic slides have been manufactured by Krautkramer to fit over the CRT screen. The set is
calibrated and gain setting is made by bringing the back wall echo or the echo from the 1.5mm hole on the V2 block
up to marks on the slide. Flat bottomed hole equivalents for flaws can then be read straight off the slide. The DGS
system is widely used in Germany.
It has been mentioned elsewhere that frequency and wavelength have a major influence upon flaw detection. In fact
however the detection of a defect is influenced by many other factors. The amount of sound that reflects from a
defect is for example dependent acoustic impedance mismatch between the flaw and the surrounding material. A
gas filled defect such as a lack of fusion is generally a better reflector than a metallic inclusion because the
difference in acoustic impedance is greater between air and metal than between metal and another metal.
The nature of the surrounding material also greatly effects the detection of defects with coarse grain structure
reducing defect detectability. A measure of detectability of a flaw and the effect of the many factors involved is its
signal-to-noise ratio (S/N). The signal-to-noise ratio is a measure of how the signal from the defect compares to
other background reflections (categorised as "noise"). A signal to noise ratio of 3 to 1 is often required as a
minimum. The absolute noise level and the absolute strength of an echo from a "small" defect depends on a number
of factors:
General factors to consider with respect to signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) and therefore defect detection, are that they:
• Increase with increasing flaw size (scattering amplitude). The detectability of a defect is directly
proportional to its size.
• Increase with a more focused beam. In other words, flaw detectability is inversely proportional to the
transducer beam width.
• Increase with decreasing pulse width. In other words, flaw detectability is inversely proportional to the
duration of the pulse produced by an ultrasonic transducer. The shorter the pulse (often higher frequency),
the better the detection of the defect. Shorter pulses correspond to broader bandwidth frequency response.
See the figure below showing the waveform of a transducer and its corresponding frequency spectrum.
• Decrease in materials with high density and/or a high ultrasonic velocity. The signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) is
inversely proportional to material density and acoustic velocity.
• Generally increase with frequency.
This check may be carried out using a standard calibration block e.g. A2, and a compressional wave probe. The
linearity should be checked over a range at least equal to that which is to be used in subsequent testing.
1. Place the probe on the 25mm thickness of the A2 block and adjust the controls to display 10 backwall
2. Adjust the controls so that the first and last backwall echoes coincide with the scale marks at 1 and 10.
3. Increase the gain to bring successive backwall echoes to 80% full screen height. The leading edge of each
echo should line up with the appropriate graticule line.
4. Record any deviations at approximately half screen height. Deviations should be expressed as a percentage
of the range between the first and last echoes displayed (i.e. 225mm).
Tolerance: Unless otherwise specified by the testing standard, a tolerance of ± 2% is considered acceptable.
Frequency of checking: This check shall be carried out at least once per week.
This is a check on both the linearity of the amplifier within the set and the calibrated gain control. It can be carried
out on any calibration block containing a side drilled hole and should be done using the probe to be used in
subsequent testing. Reject/Suppression controls shall be switched off.
1. Position the probe on a calibration block to obtain a reflected signal from a small reflector e.g. 1.5mm hole
in the A2 block.
2. Adjust the gain to set this signal to 80% full screen height and note the gain setting (dB).
0 80% N/A
Frequency of checking. The check shall be carried out at least once per week.
The check for probe index applies only to shear wave proves, and is the first probe characteristic to be checked
on a shear wave probe. The probe index may be checked on the standard A2 calibration block.
Tolerance. Tolerance will depend on application but for plotting of defects it is recommended that probe index is
accurate to within ± 1mm.
Frequency of checking. When a probe is in continuous use, it is recommended that the check be carried out every
few hours; otherwise, a daily check is recommended.
With the probe still in position, a check on beam alignment can be performed. If the probe beam is
correctly aligned, the edge of the probe will be parallel to the edge of the block. If this is not the case, measure the
squint angle between the two edges.
Tolerance depends upon the accuracy of defect plotting required.
The check should be carried out once per week.
Beam angle can be checked on several calibration blocks e.g. A2 or A5. The beam angle check shall preferable be
made on a probe in conjunction with the flaw detector to be used in subsequent testing.
1. Place the probe in such a position as to receive a reflected signal from the selected transverse hole in the
calibration block (e.g. 19mm deep hole in the A5 block).
2. Maximise the signal from the hole and mark the index point of the probe on the block.
3. Measure the distance from the marked point on the block to the edge of the block. Knowing the position of
the drilled hole will allow the beam angle to be calculated (see below).
*Note. If only a rapid check is required, maximise the signal from the 50mm hole in the A2 block. The angle can
then be assessed by visual interpolation between the reference markings on the block.
Frequency of checking. When a probe is in continuous use, it is recommended that the check be carried out at least
every few hours; otherwise, a daily check is recommended.
The main objective of this check is to provide the operator with a simple method which will allow a deterioration in
sensitivity of the probe and flaw detector in combination to be identified.
1. Place the probe on the A2 calibration block and adjust its position to maximise the signal from the 1.5mm
diameter hole.
2. Adjust the gain control to set this signal to 20%FSH, and note the dB setting.
3. Increase the gain until the overall system noise (electronic noise and grain structure grass) at the same
range as the target hole reached 20%FSH, and note the new dB setting.
4. The first gain measurement noted provides a check on the sensitivity of the probe and flaw detector, and
the difference between the first and second measurements (dB) gives the signal-to-noise ratio.
Note 1. A demonstration of the sensitivity of probe and flaw detector on a calibration block does not guarantee that
the same size of reflector could be detected in the workpiece.
Note 2. If it is desired to check the sensitivity as a function of range, the use of the standard A5 block is
recommended for longer ranges.
Tolerance. Tolerance will depend on application. Any deterioration in the sensitivity value will indicate a problem
with the probe or flaw detector. A low signal-to-noise ratio would be typical of a coarse grained material.
Frequency of checking. Unless otherwise agreed, the check shall be carried out once per probe per day.
This check on the probe and flaw detector in combination, measures the effect on the displayed signal of probe
damping, amplifier bandwidth, built-in suppression and smoothing circuits. The standard A2 calibration block may
be used for this check.
1. Calibrate the time base in millimetres to a range that is to be used in subsequent testing.
2. Maximise the signal from the 1.5mm side drilled hole for shear wave probes or a backwall echo for
compression wave probes, and set its peak to 100% screen height.
3. Measure the width of the signal in millimetres at the 10% screen height position.
4. If desired, the measurement in millimetres can be converted into microseconds by dividing it by the
relevant sound velocity.
Tolerance. Tolerance will depend upon application. A long pulse duration will limit range resolution and indicate
the need for a resolution check*, and a short pulse duration may indicate the flaw detector has built-in suppression
that could prevent the observation of small signals.
Frequency on checking. Unless otherwise agreed, the check should be carried out daily.
This check determines the ability of an ultrasonic flaw detection system to give separate indication of
discontinuities situated close together and simultaneously within the sound beam.
1. Calibrate the time base to a range of 0-100mm for either the compression wave probe or the shear wave
2. Place the probe so that the axis of the beam impinges upon the 2mm step in the A7 calibration block for
shear wave probes, or the 3mm step for compression wave probes.
3. Adjust the position of the probe so that the echoes from the two targets are of the same height and
approximately half full graticule height.
4. The steps are said to be resolved when their echoes are clearly separated at half maximum echo height or
*Note. The 3mm step between the 9mm and 3mm drilled holes in the A6 calibration block may also be used when
checking compression probes.
Frequency of checking. The check shall be carried out monthly, or when too long a pulse duration is suspected.
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