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Formulation, Development and Evaluation of Herbal Antiaging Cream

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 5, July-August 2022 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Formulation, Development and

Evaluation of Herbal Antiaging Cream
Suchita Ghokhale1, Dr. Smita T1, Roshani Nimgire2, Kashi S Ojha2, Ujwala Namsale2, Anam Mulla2
Assistant Professor, 2B.Pharm Student,
Ideal College of Pharmacy and Research, Kalyan, Mumbai, India
Affiliated by University of Mumbai

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Suchita

In this study creams were formulated based on the anti-aging Ghokhale | Dr. Smita T | Roshani
properties of herbal extracts and its evaluation. Ocimum tenuiflorum Nimgire | Kashi S Ojha | Ujwala
used as an active ingredients and extract as a Antibacterial property Namsale | Anam Mulla "Formulation,
in these study cream are formulated by oil in water emulsion method. Development and Evaluation of Herbal
Antiaging Cream" Published in
The cream were formulated with Aloeveragel, stearic acid, honey,
International Journal
Glycerin, olive oil, rose oil. The Stability for cream was performed at of Trend in
accelerated condition i.e. 40°C ± 2°C. Scientific Research
If can be concluded that herbal creams without side effects having and Development
anti-bacterial property can be used as provision of a barrier to protect (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
6470, Volume-6 |
the skin and avoid aging of the skin. IJTSRD50672
Issue-5, August
2022, pp.1385-
1390, URL:

Copyright © 2022 by author (s) and

International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

The skin is the body's biggest organ, made of water, dermis makes up 90% of skin's thickness. This center
protein, fats and minerals. Your skin shields your layer of skin; 1) Has collagen and elastin,2) Grows
body from microbes and controls internal heat level. hair,3) Keeps you in contact,4) Produces sweat,5)
Nerves in the skin assist you with feeling sensations Supplies blood. The base layer of skin, or
like hot and cold. Your skin, alongside your hair, hypodermis, is the greasy layer. The hypodermis is
nails, oil organs and sweat organs, is important for the the1) Cushions muscles and bone,2) Has connective
integumentary (in-TEG-you-MEINT-a-ree) tissue,3) Helps the nerves and veins,4) Regulates
framework. "Integumentary" signifies a body's internal heat level.
external covering. Three layers of tissue make up the
Healthy and functioning skin barrier is very important
skin: Epidermis, the top layer, Dermis, the center
protection against dehumidification, penetration of
layer, Hypodermis, the base or greasy layer. Your
numerous microorganisms, allergens, irritants
epidermis is the top layer of the skin that you can see
(annoyances) reactive oxygen species and radiation.
and contact. Keratin, a protein inside skin cells,
The skin barrier could also be specifically adjusted to
makes up the skin cells and, alongside different
permit penetration. Due to that daily routine skin care
proteins, remains together to frame this layer. The
increase skin regeneration, elasticity, smoothness, and
epidermis: 1) Acts as a defensive barrier Makes new
thus temporarily change the skin condition.
skin, 2) Makes new skin,3) Protects your body. The

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD50672 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 5 | July-August 2022 Page 1385
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
At the time, there were no fancy fairness creams or
any cosmetic surgeries. The only thing they had was
the knowledge of nature, compiled in the Ayurveda.
With the science of Ayurveda, several herbs and floras
were used to make Ayurvedic cosmetics that really
Ayurvedic cosmetics not only beautified the skin but
acted as the shield against any kind of external affects
for the body.
Spices are plentiful in nutrients; they are against
maturing, reviving and restoring specialist. The spices
Fig no-1- SKIN ANATOMY [11] like carrot, and prosperous in engineered
sap compounds, acknowledge to have hostile to
Dermis has a three-layer structure consisting of the
oxidant properties. Aloe vera is home grown plant
papillary layer
species having a place with Liliaceae family that is
sub papillary layer c
tracked down solely in development, having no
Reticular layer.
normally present populaces, however firmly
These three layers of dermis provides strength and associated aloes in all actuality do have presence in
elasticity to the skin. northern Africa. Aloe vera contains amino acids like
Substances that composes the dermis are interstitial fundamental amino corrosive leucine, isoleucine,
components (extracellular matrix), which made of saponin glycosides that give purging activity,
fibrous tissues, and its productive cells. nutrients A, C, E, B, choline, B12 and folate and
provide inhibitor movement. Maturing is an
The extracellular matrix has main component are unavoidable interaction for every living creature.
Collagen fiber mainly type I collagen and type III Maturing peculiarities begins from the snapshot of
collagen. our introduction to the world and is especially
components are elastic fiber (elastin fiber), apparent on the skin in moderate years. Upheld
proteoglycan (hyaluronan chondroitin sulfate and upgraded lifetime expectancy, it is assessed that there
others) will be over 1.2 billion more established grown-ups
collagen provides 70% dry weight of dermis which (north of 60 years of age) overall in 2025. 1 Aging is
gives firmness to the skin elastic fiber are arranged in unquestionably somewhat ascribed to an age related
cross linked structure which provides 2% of elasticity expansion in shortcoming and safe senscence and
to the skin moisture content controlled by the maybe mitochondrial brokenness. 2 Maintenance of
Proteoglycan which form the gel and it help to the actual capacity in more seasoned grown-ups is
holding water for moisture to the skin dermis inside thusly a significant public and clinical need. In people
the dermis, sensory nerve endings sense feelings, the skin is the tissue generally extraordinarily
comfort ability and temperature. impacted. Skin is a defensive hindrance against the
outside climate. Its capacity is to control temperature,
Hair follicle present in dermis, secretory glands liquid equilibrium and to shield from unsafe
(sweat glands and sebaceous glands), (folliculuspili), organisms and UV radiation in daylight. Two sorts of
blood vessels controlling body temperature, providing skin maturing exist: age-subordinate/ordered
moisture to the skin and maintaining a resilient maturing and untimely maturing/photoageing.
condition. In dermis subcutaneous tissues is fatty Photoageing is brought about by extraneous factors
layer thickness of several mm located. Their thickness and incorporates signs like a rugged appearance,
is different for different body parts it absorbes the dim/light pigmentation and profound wrinkles.
schoks and act as cushioning for heat or the cold of Regular maturing is noticeable as wrinkling of the
outside air. Whereas adipose tissue fats plays the role skin. The skin is partitioned into three layers; the
of energy storage. [12-18] epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue. It
HERBAL COSMETICS additionally works with the trading of supplements
Herbal cosmetics also known as natural cosmetics or and side-effects and is taking an interest in quick
Ayurvedic cosmetics. With the beginning of the tissue expansion, recovery and fix. With maturing,
civilization, mankind had the magnetic dip towards collagen, elastin and hyaluronic corrosive levels
impressing others with their looks. declines, prompting a deficiency of solidarity and

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD50672 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 5 | July-August 2022 Page 1386
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
adaptability in the skin which brings about apparent additionally assumes an imperative part in photoaging
kinks related with the thickened epidermis, mottled of skin as it associated with recuperating wounds and
staining, laxity, bluntness and unpleasantness of the scar arrangement, appearance of scars prompts
skin The present day science and innovation gives wrinkles. So by utilizing angiotensin changing over
plastic medical procedure, laser restoration, and a lot catalyst (ACE) inhibitors which forestall the
more obtrusive strategies. (3) 1591 impacts when transformation of angiotensinogen (latent) to
contrasted with the obtrusive strategies which are vasoconstrictor (dynamic) we can diminish the impact
more agonizing and arduous. In the course of the last of angiotensin 2 a couple evoked skin maturing and
ten years, there has been an expansion in the wrinkles. Changes in the skin can be perceived as
utilization of natural concentrates in beauty care visual data and are related with the visual impression
products to lessen the maturing system. The of maturing. Variables of maturing in visual
concentrates of Aloe Vera, Amla, Turmeric, impressions from the perspective of magnificence are
Cucumber, Ginseng, Honey, Wheat, Liquorice, the downfall of skin surface, almost negligible
Arjuna, Jatamansi are broadly utilized in natural differences and kinks, a dull viewpoint, the decay of
restorative businesses because of their skin valuable versatility and flexibility, the deficiency of firm and
properties The extracellular network (ECM) is the graceful skin surface and the downfall of skin
furthest piece of the skin and is made out of capacities. Seen age for maturing skin appearance
fibroblasts and proteins including collagen and People will generally pass judgment on others' age by
elastin. After the age of 20, its side effects shows up actual appearance. Facial skin appearances could be a
as the collagen content per unit region begins compelling data hotspot for insight, like the states of
diminishing, there is 1% reduction in collagen content kinks, immovability, drooping, tone, brilliance and
per unit region of the skin consistently. The ECM surface 4). Seen age doesn't be guaranteed to relate to
gives an underlying supporting design which is chronological age. Seen age could be extraordinarily
fundamental for development and versatility of the not the same as chronological age, contingent upon
skin and assumes a significant part in the upkeep of life conditions, ways of life, dietary patterns and
physiological elements of the body. Degenaration of different variables. Particularly parts of the body like
the ECM has straightforwardly been connected to the face, which is typically apparent to other people,
skin maturing and is associated with an expansion in are handily perceived as indications of maturing. [1-10]
movement of specific chemicals associated with skin
ageing Reactive oxygen species (ROS) assume a
significant part in numerous phone component. Oil in water (o/w) Emulsion. (semisolid formulation)
Whenever UV radiation is consumed by the skin, it is formulated. Weigh all ingredients properly. The
prompts improved ROS age and enlistment of Tulsi powder was pass through 20# 40#sieve and
oxidative pressure. Oxidative harm might prompt collect those retained on 40#sieve, for more fine
lipid peroxide development, mitochondrial and DNA powder. The oily phase and aqueous phase were
harm, and protein and quality alteration which change added up to mixer and triturate it all by addition of
protein construction and capacity. Elevated degrees of Tulsi powder, olive oil and Rose oil for fragrance.
ROS lead to the enactment of hyaluronidase, With constant mixing, remaining distilled water was
collagenase and elastase, which can additionally add added and stirring was continuing until mixture was
to skin maturing. The chemical angiotensin 2 viscous and opaque.
Tulsi powder 2 gm 2gm 3gm 4gm 5gm Anti-bacterial
Aloe vera gel 18gm 18gm 18gm 20gm 20gm Anti-oxidant
Stearic acid 20gm 20gm 20gm 20gm 20gm Anti-oxidant
Honey 5gm 5gm 10gm 10gm 15gm Anti-oxidant
Glycerin 5gm 5gm 10gm 10gm 10gm Skin moisturizer
Olive oil 5ml 10ml 10ml 15ml 20ml Penetration enhancer
Rose oil 5ml 5ml 5ml 5ml 5ml Fragrance

In this test, the cream was observed for colour, odour, In this test, the cream was observed for homogeneity
texture, state. by touch the cream and by appearance.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD50672 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 5 | July-August 2022 Page 1387
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
3. PH- 3. PH;
The pH of the all the formulation cream was checked The pH of the cream was found to be in range of 5.6
with the help of pH meter. to 6.8 which is good for skin pH. All the formulations
of cream were shown pH nearer to skin required i.e.
pH of H5.
In this test, we are apply the some amount of cream
on skin of hand and the observed the cream. 4. AFTER FEEL;
Emolliency, slipperiness and amount of residue left The optimises cream has Emoliency, slipperiness and
after the application. amount of residue left after the application of fixed
amount of cream was found good.
In this test, we taken small amount of cream apply on 5. REMOVAL;
skin of hand. After some time wash the hand with tap The cream of H5 formulation applied on skin was
water and observe the removability of cream. easily removed by washing with tap water
In this test, we taken the two set of glass slide of The both formulation easily spred on skin
standard dimensions. the cream formulation place on
one slide and other slide is place on the top of the
Then a weight or certain load was placed on the upper
slide so that the cream between the two slides was
pressed uniformly to form a thin layer. Then the
weight was removed and excess of formulation
adhering to the slides was scrapped off. and then
observed the spread ability of cream.
The purpose of stability testing is to provide evidence
on how the quality of drug substance or drug product
varies with time under the influence, of variety of
environment factors such as temperature, humidity
and light and enables to recommended storage
condition and to predict the shelf life. Stability for
cream was performed at accelerated condition i.e.
40°C ± 2°C.
The appearance of cream is smooth and odourless. 7. STABILITY;
The color of formulation will be Pinkish, Brownish. The stability of formulation is stable at temperature
Given formulation is O/w emulsion. When 40°C ± 2°C.The shelf life of formulation is 6 month.
formulation is kept for long time it found that no Storage of cream in cool and dry place.
color change.
From above result it is conclude that on the given
extract of tulsi powder this component gives
multipurpose effet such as antiaging, anti-wrinkle,
whitening, sunscreen effect on adding herbal
component we can increase efficacy of cram and
dosenot give side effect. this study suggest that
component of cream of H5 formulation are more
Fig no-2 APPERANCE OF CREAM stable up to 6month and safe it may produce
2. HOMOGENIETY; synergistic action as this cream comprises of many
All formulation produced uniform distribution of natural substance.
extract in cream this was confirmed by visual CONCLUSION
appearance and by touch. The use of natural ingredients in cosmetics has been
increased to many folds in personal care system and

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
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