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P.E. Q3 W2

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Monreal, Masbate


P.E. 9
Quarter 3 – Week 2
Festival Dances
Name: _______________________________
Section: __________________
Date: ___________________

I. What I Need to Know

Fitness plays a very crucial role in our existence as human beings. It is a
sustaining base of our physicality that allows us to overcome challenges of
our daily living. It is with fitness that our eagerness to do things that we
can do physically arise, which eventually leads us in making our own lives,
including that of others, better and more productive. We tend to challenge
ourselves to go beyond what we are already capable of doing and strive
further to influence others with what we think is better. Coupled with our
desire to better ourselves is our urge to share it with our fellowmen.
This module introduces you to the value of festival dancing in the
enhancement of your fitness. You will be provided with activities in this
festival dancing which will in turn lead to a greater awareness of the right
foods to eat, proper ways to manage your weight and of course opportunities
to maximize the enhancement of your fitness through festival dancing. It is
expected thereafter that such practices will be used by you to influence the
lifestyle and fitness practices of your immediate community.

The module is divided into 3 lessons, namely:

• Lesson 1: Festival Dances
• Lesson 2: Religious Festival Dance/ Non-Religious Festival Dance
a. Basic Movements

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Undertakes physical activity and physical fitness assessment (PE9PF-IIIbh-
2. Executes the skills involved in the dance (PE0PF-IIb-h-4)
3. Involves oneself in community service through dance activities the
community (PE9PF-IIIg- h-41)
II. What I Know

Warm-Up (5 minutes)

Directions: This time you will be re-introduced to the basic warm-up

exercises that you have already learned during your PE class in Grade 7.
Try to recall and do them with your class so that before performing any
physical activity in the succeeding lessons, do the warm-up exercises first
to condition your body and prevent injuries from happening.

• Inhale/ Exhale
• March
• Jump
• kick
• Rotation (head, shoulders, arms, hips, thigh, feet)
• Inhale/ exhale

After performing the given exercises, use the following rating

scale to assess your performance:
I - I can perform the exercises by myself.
O - I can perform the exercises with other’s help.
W - I will just wait for my next PE class.
So, which of the three reflects your performance a while ago?

Part II. HR Log

Directions: Below is an HR log, a template that allows you to self-

assess and report your heart rate before and after you perform a physical
activity, the time you spent, and your Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) of
the physical activities you do in a daily basis. Reflect on the physical
activities you did before going to school today or even in your PE class and
fill in the needed data in the given template. Do this in your activity

Date time started time ended signature

Lesson 3
Basic Movements of Festival Dance

Locomotor Movements
These are movements that allow you to move from one point in space
to another. It is canned from two words, “locos” which means place and
“motor” which means movement. They include the following:

Preparatory movement:

Step - This is the basis of all locomotor movements. It prepares you to

move in any direction you wish to go. It is defined as transfer of weight
from one foot to the other. Try one! Stand with your weight equally
distributed to both of your feet. Now, let your right foot carry it all. You got
it! That is what you call a step.

Walk - Series of steps executed by both of your feet alternately in any

direction. In executing a walk, observe that there is this moment when
both feet are in contact with the ground while one foot supports the
weight and transfers it to the other.

Run - Series of walks executed quickly in any direction wherein only one-
foot stays on the ground while the other is off the ground.

Jump - This movement is simply described by having both feet lose its
contact with the ground. There five ways to do it:

Take off from one foot and land on the same;

Take off from one foot and land on the other;
Take off from one foot and land on both feet;
Take off from both feet and land on one foot;
and Take off from both feet and land on both.

Non-Locomotor movements
These are movements that are performed in one point in space without
transferring to another point. They do not allow you to move from one place
to the other. These movements include:

Flexion - It is the act of decreasing the angle of a joint. Another term

for flexion is to bend. If you bend a joint, like your elbow or knee, you
are performing flexion.

Extension - This is the opposite of flexion. You are extending if you

are increasing the angle of a joint. Stretching is another word for

Contraction - A muscle movement done when it shortens, narrows,

and tightens using enough energy in the execution.

Release - A muscle movement opposite to contraction done when it let

goes or let loses of being held into a shortening movement.
Collapse - To deliberately drop the exertion of energy into a body
Recover - The opposite of collapse. This is to regain the energy exerted
into a body segment.

Rotation - To rotate is to move a body segment allowing it to complete

a circle with its motion. It is not only limited to circumduction which is
done in ball and socket joints. Rotation can also be done in wrists, waist,
knees, and ankles.
Twist - To move a body segment from an axis halfway front or back or
quarter to the right or left as in the twisting of the neck allowing the head to
face right or left and the like.

Pivot - To change the position of the feet or any body part that carries
the body’s weight allowing the body to face in a less than 360 degrees

Turn - To move in a turning movement with a base of support, usually a

pointed foot, the other raised, while equilibrium is maintained until the
completion of the turn.

Basic 4 Time Folk Dance STEP

Close Step Step R sideward (1), Close
Step L to R
Bleking Step R. in place (1), Heel
Place L in front (2)
Touch Step Step R sideward (1), Point L
in Front of
R (2)
Walk Step R forward (1), Step L
forward (2)
Change Step Step R (1), Close Step L to
R (and), Step R in Place (2)
Cross Change Step Cross R over L (1), step
L sideward (and), step
R in place (2)
Hop Step Step R sideward (1), Hop R
in place (2)
Mincing Point L in place (and),
Step R in place (1), Point
L in place (and), Step R
in place (ct. 2)
Cross Step Step R across L (1), Step L
sideward L
Heel-toe, change step Heel place R sideward (1),
point L close to R (2),
change step with the R
(Maybe repeated with L)

III. What I Can Do

Activity 1: Just answer ME!

• What is Festival Dance?
• What is Religious Festival Dance
• What is Secular Festival Dance?
• What are the benefits of dancing for every individual?
• What is the PMHR of a 16-year-old student?
Activity 2: Match It Up!
In this activity, your prior knowledge about festival dances will be
assessed. The result of this activity can be used in designing the next parts
of your lesson.
You will need:
Activity Notebook

B. Objectives:
Share knowledge about festival dances.

Directions: Below is a matching type of activity which assesses your prior

knowledge on the festival we have in the country and their place of origin. In
column A are the festivals and in B are the places of origin. In your activity
notebook, write the letter of the origin of the festival in each number.
1. Bambanti Festival a. Bacolod City
2. Bangus Festival b. Baguio City
3. Ati-Atihan c. Zambales
4. Sinulog Festival d. Cebu City
5. Mango Festival (Dinamulag Festival e. Dagupan, City
6. Dinagyang Festival f. Davao City
7. Panagbenga Festival g. Iloilo City
8. Pattarradday Festival h. Isabela
9. Masskara Festival i. Kalibo, Aklan
_10. T’nalak Festival j. Santiago City, Isabela
k. South Cotabato
Fill up the correct information missing about Non-Religious Festival Dance

Name of Place of Industry Month

Festival Origin Celebrated
Bangus Dagupa Milkfish April to May
Festival n, Industry
Bambanti Isabela 1. January
Mammangui City of Ilagan 2. _ May
Mango 3. Mango April
Festival Industry
Panagbenga 4. Flower February
Festival Industry
Ibon Ebon 5. Migratory February
Festival Birds Egg
Masskara Bacolod City Mask (Sugar October
T’nalak Koron Colorful January
adal, Abaca
Ammun Nueva Gathering of May
gan Vizcaya Tribal
Festival Industries
Binatbatan Vigan, Ilocos Weaving May
Festival Sur Industry

Activity 3: Just FILL me Up

Fill up the correct information missing about Religious Festival Dance

Name of Place of Religious Month

Festival Origin Figure of
Honoured Celebra
Sinulog 1. Sto. Niňo January
Dinagy Iloilo City Sto. Niňo January
Ati-atihan 2. Sto. Niňo January
Peňafrancia Bicol Virgin Mary Septemb
Higantes 3. Saint Novembe
Festival Clement r
Longganisa 4. Saint Paul January
Kinabayo 5. James The July
Festival Great
Pintados de Pintados Sto. Niňo March
Passi City, Iloilo
Pattarradday Santiago Seňor San May
City Tiago
Sangyaw Tacloban Sto. Niňo July
Festival City
Activity 6: Proud Netizens!

• Write an essay about your famous Festival Dance on your community,

minimum of 5 sentences each essay, describe the history of your chosen
Festival Dance; it can be Religious or Secular Festival Dance.

IV. Assessment
Directions: Read the statements carefully. Choose the letter of the best
answer then write it on your answer sheet.

1. Origin of Sinulog Festival. a. Cebu City

2. Origin of Ati-Atihan Festival. b. Flowers
3. Industry promotes by Bambanti c. Kalibo, Aklan
4. Industry promotes by d. Weaving
Binatbatan Festival.
5. Industry promotes by e. walk
Panagbenga Festival.
6. Basis of all locomotor f. run
7. Series of steps executed by both g. step
feet alternately.
8. Step pattern of close step. h. Step R (sw 1), Point L in front of
R (2)
9. Step pattern of bleking. i. step R in place (1), heel Place in L
in front (2)
10. Step pattern of touch step. j. step R (sw 1), point L in front of
R (2)
k. scarecrow

V. Answer Key

Activity 1
Answers may vary.

Activity 2 Assessment
1. H 1. A
2. E 2. C
3. I 3. D
4. D 4. K
5. C 5. B
6. G 6. G
7. B 7. E
8. J 8. H
9. A 9. I
10. K 10. J

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