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PE Chapter - 6

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Arpit Porwal .


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UNIT - 6 : Test & Measurement in

Along-with Important Questions
Unit Contents
6.1 Motor fitness test-50 m standing start, 600 m
Run/walk, sit & Reach, Partial curl up, Push ups
(Boys), modified push ups (Girls), standing Broad
Jump, Agility- 4 × 10m shuttle Run

6.2. Measurement of Cardio Vascular Fitness -

Harvard Step Test/Rockport Test
Computation of Fitness Index = Duration of the Exercise in Second
× 100/ 5.5 × Pulse count between 1 to 1.5 Min after Exercise
6.3. Rikli and Jones - Senior Citizen Fitness test

1. Chair stand test for lower body strength

2. Arm curl test for upper body strength
3. Chair sit & reach test for lower body flexibility.
4. Back scratch test for upper body flexibility.
5. Eight foot up & go test for agility.
6. Six minutes walk test for aerobic endurance.
6.1. Motor fitness test
1. 50 m standing start
2. 600 m Run/walk
3. Sit and Reach test
4. Partial Curl up
5. Push ups (Boys)
6. Modified Push ups (Girls)
7. Standing Broad Jumps
8. Agility - 4 × 10 m Shuttle Run
1. 50 m standing start :
Procedure: The test involves running a single
maximum sprint over 50 meters, with the time
recorded, start from a stationary standing position
(hands cannot touch the ground) with one
foot in front of the other. The front foot must be
behind the starting line. Once the subject is ready,
the starter give the instructions “set” then “go”
participant should be encouraged to not slow down
before crossing the finish line.
Scoring: Time take to cover 50 m distance
is expressed in seconds.
2. 600 m walk/Run :
Procedure: 600 m walk and Run can be organized
on track subject runs a distance of 600 m. The
subject takes a standing
start from the stating line. The subject may walk in

However, the objective is to cover the distance in

the shortest time when he crosses the finish line
he is informed of his time.
3. Shuttle Run :
Purpose: To measure speed and agility
Procedure: Two parallel lines are marked 10m apart
wooden blocks 2 × 4 inches are kept on one side
of marked line.
The student stands opposite to the line, where
wooden block are placed. On start the student runs
towards wooden blocks and pick one of them. Then
places the block on the line from
where he started. The student continues to run and
similarly lift other block and place at starting line.
Scoring: The score is each lap time for
completes trial. The better of two trials is
taken as final score.
4. Sit and Reach test
Procedure: This test involves sitting on the floor
with legs stretched out straight ahead.
Shoes should be removed.
The soles of the feet are placed flat against the
box. Both knees should be locked and pressed flat
to the floor.
The tester may assist by holding them down with
the palms facing downwards, and the hands on
top of each other or side by side.
The subject reaches forward along the measuring
line as for as possible. Ensure that the hands
remain at the same level not one reaching further
forward than the other.
After some practice reaches, the subject reaches
same level not one reaching further forward than
the other.
After some practice, the subject reaches out and
holds that position for at one two seconds while
the distance is recorded.
Scoring: The score is recorded to the nearest
centimeter or half inch as the distance
reached by the hand.
5. Partial Curl up:
Procedure: The starting position is lying on
the back with the knees flexed and feet 12
inches from the buttocks.
The feet cannot be held or rest against on
object. The arms are extended and are rested
on the thighs. The head is in a neutral
The subject curls up with a slow controlled
movement, until the students shoulders come
off the mat two inches, then back down again
one complete curl up is completed every
three seconds and are continued until
There is pause in the up or down position,
the curl - ups should be continuous with the
abdominal muscles engaged through out.
Scoring: Record the total number of curl-
ups, only, correctly performed curl ups
should be counted.
6. Push up:
7. Push up [Modified] :
7. Push up [Modified] :
8. Standing
Long Jump :
6.2 Measurement of cardio vascular fitness:
Harvard step test Rock prot test (one mile)

Cardio-vascular fitness is the ability of the heart

and lungs to supply oxygen-rich blood to the
working muscle tissues and the ability of the
muscles to use oxygen to produce energy for
(a) Harvard Step Test :
It is a cardiovascular fitness test. It is also called
aerobic fitness test. It used to measure the
cardiovascular fitness or aerobic fitness by checking
the recovery rate.
Harvard Step Test : The harvard step test is a test of
aerobic fitness, developed by Brouha et al. (1943).

Objective : The objective of this test to monitor the

development of the athlete’s cardiovascular system.

Required Resources :-
· Gym bench (45 cm high)
· Stopwatch
· Assistant
How to Conduct the test
This test requires the athlete to step up and down off a
45 cm high gym bench for 5 minutes at a rate 30

· The athlete warm up for 10 minutes

· The assistant gives the command “Go” and starts the
· The athlete steps up-up and down-down onto a
standard gym bench once every two seconds for five
minutes (150 steps)
· The assistant stops the test after 5 minutes.
· The assistant measures the athlete’s heart beat
rate (bpm) one minute after finishing the test pulse
· The assistant measures the athlete’s rate (bpm)
two minutes after finishing the test - Pulse-2
· The assistant measure the athlete's heart rate
(bpm) three minutes after finishing the test pulse 3.
Computation of Fitness Index =
Duration of the Exercise in Second × 100/ 5.5 ×
Pulse count between 1 to 1.5 Min after Exercise
(b) Rockport One Mile Test :

It is also known as Rockport Fitness Walking

Test. Its objective is to check or observe the
development of the individual’s VO2 Max i.e.,
maximum volume of oxygen.
Administration of Rockport Fitness Walking Test :
The Athlete is asked to start the mile long walk and
complete it as quickly as possible.
The Athlete has to bear in mind that She/he does not
start running or jogging in an effort to complete the
test. Once the athlete has completed walking the mile,
the time taken to do so is recorded in minutes and
hundreds of seconds and the heart rate is recorded as
beats per minute.
6.3 Rikli and Jones - Senior Citizen Test.

Rikli and Jones developed the senior citizen

fitness test in 2001. This test has proved to
be beneficial for senior citizens.
1. Back Scratch Test :
Purpose :- To assess the upper body (shoulder)
flexibility, which is important in performing various
jobs such as combing one’s hair, putting on
overhead garments and reaching for a seat belt

Equipment Required:- A ruler.

Procedure :-
This test is performed in standing position. Keep
one hand behind the head and back over the
shoulder and reach as far as possible down middle
of the back.
Palms should touch to body and the fingers should
be downwards. Then carry other arm behind back
palm facing outward and fingers upward and reach
up as far as possible trying to touch or overlap
the middle fingers of both hands.
Fingers should be aligned. Measure the
distance between the tips of the fingers. If the
finger tips touch then the score is zero.
If they do not touch measure the distance
between the fingertips (–ve score).
If they overlap measure by how much (+ive
2. Chair Stand Test :
Purpose : The main purpose of this test is to
measure the lower body strength, particularly legs
strength which is usually required for various tasks
such as climbing stairs, getting in and out of
vehicle, bathtub or chair.

Equipments Required : A chair with a straight

back and a seat of at least 44 cm and a
Instructions for Participants :-

1. The participant should sit in the middle of the

2. She/He should keep his hands on the opposite
shoulder crossed at the wrists.
3. The feet should be flat on the floor.
4. Her/His back should be erect.
5. Repeat sit up and down for 30 seconds.
Procedure :

Keep the chair against the wall. The participant sits

in the middle of the seat. His/her feet should be
shoulder width apart and flat on the floor. The
arms should be crossed at the wrists and held
close to the chest.
From the sitting position, the participant stands up
completely then back down at the start of the
signal. This is repeated for 30 seconds.
Count the total number of complete chair
stands. In case the participant has completed
a full stand from the sitting position when the
time is finished the final stand is counted in
the total.
3. 6 Minutes Walk Test :
It is used for aerobic fitness.
Purpose :
This test measures aerobic fitness of senior
Equipment required :
Measuring tap to mark out the track
distances, stopwatch, chairs positioned for
Procedure :
· The walking course is laid out in a 50 yard
(45.72m) rectangular area (dimensions 45 × 5
yards), with cones placed at regular intervals to
indicate distance walked.
· The aim of this test is to walk as quickly as
possible for six minutes to cover as much distance
as possible.
· Subjects are set their own pace (a preliminary
trials is useful to practice pacing), and are able to
stop for a rest if they desire.
4. Arm Curl test of Rikli & Jones :
It is used to Testing upper body strength of senior
Equipment :
5 lb Weight and 8 lb weight, stopwatch, a straight
back chair with no arms.
Women will curl a 5 lb. weight in this test and men
will curl a 8 lb weight for their test.
It is extremely important to the accuracy of the test
that we use the appropriate weight for men and
women in this test.
Procedure :
· Test assistant will tell to begin and will time for
30 seconds, using the stopwatch or a watch with a
second hand.
· Do as many curls as can in the allotted30-
second time period, moving in a controlled manner.
· Do a full curl, squeezing lower arm against
upper arm at the top of each curl and returning to
a straight arm each time. Keep upper arm still.
· Do not swing the weight.
· If started raising the weight again and are
over half way up when time is over, count
that curl.

Scoring :
The score is the total number of controlled
arm curls performed in 30 seconds.
5. Eight Foot up and Go Test :
This test is a coordination and agility test for
senior citizens.
Purpose :
To assess speed, agility and balance while moving.
These are important in performing various jobs
which require quick maneuvering, such as getting of
a bus in time and to answer the phone etc.
Equipments Required :
A chair with straight back (about 44 cm high) a
stopwatch, cone marker, measuring tape and an
area without any hindrances.
Procedure : Keep a chair next to the wall and the
marked, 8 feet in front of the chair. The participant
starts completely seated, hands resting on the
knees and feet flat on the ground.
On the command ‘Go’’ stopwatch is started and the
participant stands and walks (no running at all) as
quickly as possible to and around cone and
returns to the chair to sit down.
Time is noted as She/he sits down on the chair.
Two trials are given to the participant.
Chair sit and reach test
Daily Benefit : Lower body flexibility is important for
preventing lower back pain. It also plays a role in
balance, posture, in fall prevention, or walking.
Lower body flexibility is important for
maintaining an active, independent lifestyle.
Purpose :
This test measures lower body flexibility.
Equipment required : Ruler, straight back or
folding chair, (about 17 inches/ 44 cm high)
Procedure :
· The subject sit on the edge a chair (placed
against a wall for safety).
· One foot must remain flat on the floor. The
other leg is extended forward with the knee
straight, heel on the floor, and ankle bent at 90°.
· Place one hand on top of the other with tips of
the middle fingers even. Instruct the subject to
inhale, and then as they exhale, reach forward
toward the toes by bending at the hip.
· Keep the back straight and head up. Avoid
bouncing or quick movements, and never stretch to
the point of pain. Keep the knee straight, and hold
the reach for two seconds.
· The distance is measured between the tip of
the fingertips and the toes.
· If the fingertips touch the toes then the score is
zero. If they do not touch, measure the distance
between the fingers and the toes (a negative
score). If they overlap, measure by how much (a
positive score).
Q.1. Which of the following items of the
Barrow motor ability test measures explosive
strength/ power?

1. Medicine ball put

2. Standing broad jump
3. Zig-Zag run
4. Both 1 and 2.
Q.2. In the motor fitness test, the 600
metres run/walk measures ……….

1. Speed and agility

2. Power
3. Endurance.
4. All of the above
Q.3. In the Harvard Step Test, at what times
are the pulse rated counted for 30 seconds
each after the exercise is completed?

1. 1, 2 and 3 minutes.
2. 1, 3 and 5 minutes
3. 1, 1.5 and 2 minutes
4. None of the above
Q.4. Which of the following is a disadvantage
of the Harvard Step test for measuring
cardiovascular fitness?
1. It requires a minimum amount of
2. Taller or higher person will score better in
the test.
3. It is simple to conduct
4. All of the above
Q.5. In the Chair Sit and Reach Test for
Senior Citizens, the distance measured
is between the …….. and the ……………

1. Wrist, Toes
2. Fingers, heels
3. Tip of the finger tips, toes.
4. None of the above
Q.6. The Six Minute Walk Test for Senior
Citizens measures …………..

1. Overall physical fitness

2. Walking fitness
3. Lower body fitness
4. None of the above.
Q.7. The Back Stretch Test for upper body
flexibility is done in a ……. Position.

1. Standing.
2. Sitting of the floor
3. Sitting in a chair
4. Either 2 or 3
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