Elex 2L Prelim Exam
Elex 2L Prelim Exam
Elex 2L Prelim Exam
1 | P r e l i m E x a m i n a ti o n
9. Which of the following is a true statement?
a. An NPN transistor can control power to a load in its collector circuit
b. A PNP transistor can be used as a switching device
c. An NPN transistor can be used to control current from zero to some predetermined level
d. All of the above
10. A transistor can be used as a solid-state variable current control?
a. Sometimes
b. Yes
c. No
d. It has no function
11. The voltage gain of a two-stage cascaded voltage amplifier is:
a. Equal to the gain of the first stage plus the gain of the second stage.
b. Equal to the gain of the first stage times the gain of the second stage.
c. Equal to the input voltage divided by the output voltage.
d. Equal to the output divided by the input voltage of the second stage.
12. Adding an external load to the output of a two-stage RC coupled amplifier:
a. Increases the output signal
b. Increases the output impedance
c. Decreases the load of the first stage
Prelim Examination
d. Decrease the voltage gain
MEC 321L
2 13. Adding an emitter bypass capacitor:
a. Increases the frequency response
Name: ________________________________________________________________ Score:_________________
b. Increases the voltage gain
c. Increases the emitter current
d. All of the above
14. An electrolytic capacitor used for coupling between stages:
a. Must be connected with proper polarity
b. Must have low reactance at the operating frequencies
c. Must have low dc leakage current
d. All of the above
15. The frequency response of a typical RC coupled amplifier
a. Is relatively flat over a range of audio frequency
b. Has a peaked response over a range of audio frequencies
c. Is relatively poor at the upper audio frequencies
d. Is relatively poor at the lower audio frequencies
2 | P r e l i m E x a m i n a ti o n
II. Essay:
2. Explain the basic function of cascaded amplifier and why is it being used? 10 pts
Prelim Examination
MEC 321L
Name: ________________________________________________________________ Score:_________________
3 | P r e l i m E x a m i n a ti o n