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Joseph Pangalila (KADIN) - Munas SCI 2022

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Blue Economy in Shrimp Aquaculture –

Towards Ecology and Sustainability


23 AUGUST 2022
Sustainability and decarbonization are becoming priorities in
government and private sector decision-making worldwide

Governments have COVID-19 is Investor focus on ESG Climate-related risk

been mobilizing around accelerating the is growing increasingly
decarbonization, adoption of ambitious and is increasingly used as a considered when
with >100 nations committing to decarbonization plans, tool to evaluate performance assessing the quality
(expected to increase post
zero carbon by 2050, and the
with a high appeal for green of projects or
US democratic ticket proposing COVID-19); pension funds are
a $2T plan
stimulus; the EU is pledging committing to carbon neutral investments,
€100B+ for sustainable growth portfolios by 2050 with credit rating agencies
incorporating it in their

Source: International Institute for Sustainable Development: SDG Knowledge Hub, Ipsos Mori, April 17th-19th 2020, N=28039, PV Magazine April 2020, Euroactive April 2020, EU observer April 2020, Green Stimulus Index as assessed by Vivid
Economics, official government sources and press coverage of official announcements, Global Sustainable Investment Review 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, Forbes, Financial Times, Procensus investor survey, S&P, Moodys
McKinsey’s sustainability growth platform

Sustainability is no longer optional for corporates

Significant Bolder Increasing Shifting customer Talent moving First movers

near-term environmental investor expectations to sustainable capturing value
value-at-stake regulation requirements companies

$3-5 trillion 30-50% 2-5x 15-30% 80% 50%

in sustainability corporate profits at Multiple uplift price premium for of millennials want to faster growth in
investment themes stake from external possible for sustainably produced work for a company sustainable brands,
by 2030 across engagement, e.g. with companies with strong products and services strong on ESG e.g., Unilever’s
various industries carbon pricing sustainability focus across B2C and B2B Sustainable Living
sectors Brands versus the
rest of the portfolio

Source: CDP Climate Change Report 2019, McKinsey analysis

Blue Economy in Shrimp Aquaculture

Government of Indonesia has committed to implement Blue

economy in Marine and Land based Fisheries

Anticipate future needs of sustainable products

Helping decarbonized the world

Creating impact to local communities

Source: Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Republic of Indonesia

Integrated Sustainable Shrimp Farm

Implement IoT system Apps that integrates water and feed monitoring,
biosecurity, whether station, fences and comprehensive management tools

Reduce fossil Energy with Sustainable Clean Energy used ( Solar PV / Wind) Implement Blue
Economy in Shrimp
Aquaculture will not
Alternative input with less carbon footprint only provide
sustainable growth for
Investors but also
Advance water quality management creating impact to
better environment
and improved
livelihood of local
Mangrove reforestation to help protect the coastal ecosystem, natural carbon
sink and promoting biodiversity people

Collaborate with traditional local shrimp farmers

Key messages

Sustainability topic has grown massively during the pandemic, as signalled by government’s and private
sector’s priorities, strong recent growth of sustainable investing, proven benefits for corporates to adopt
these practices

Sustainability will no longer optional for corporates, with companies that have embraced Blue Economy
initiatives enjoying benefits such as higher growth while creating positive impact to environment and local

Governments, companies, investors, and donors/philanthropists can do more to achieve green and
improve livelihood of local people through taking actions to establish a conducive environment and directing
required funding

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